#saves money
dinosaurwithablog · 23 days
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I decided to make stuffed shells with my homemade ricotta cheese. I made a mixture of the ricotta cheese and parmesan reggiano, pecorino romano, asiago, mozzarella, and an egg, along with garlic, basil, oregano, salt, and pepper. I then stuffed the shells, placed them in a baking dish with my homemade marinara sauce, and baked it. It came out very, very well!! 😍😋 it was so good that I ate 5 stuffed shells. I'm very full. I'm, also, very happy 😊 😃 I love Italian food!!! ❤️ It's fun to make and even more fun to eat!! 😋😋😋
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release-the-hound · 4 months
Look at me. In the eyes. Lookatmeintheeyes. You're gonna train your dog to be comfortable in kennels. You're gonna teach them to tolerate strangers. You will do this for me. Because your dog will get sick. And it will go to the vet. And I will have to interact with your dog. And if it howls for twelve hours straight and tries to eat me whenever I touch it. Well I'll still be nice to it. But I would prefer if it was kennel trained at the very least.
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harrowfuckinghark · 9 months
hey gang, just so you know, half price on all hardcovers at Barnes and Noble 26 and 27th of December. Yes that includes special edition classics, that includes dnd books, that includes new hardcovers, that includes signed books, this includes cookbooks, and I’m pretty sure it includes kids picture books. Save money on books!
-with love, your local broke barnes and noble employee
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dandelion-network · 3 months
If you don't use your library's Libby and Hoopla collections, you run the risk of losing that access. Your library will see the low numbers and think "no one is using this service and we need to save money so let's get rid of it". I am saying this because at the library I work at, the collections team reduced the number of books you can check out each month for Hoopla. They reduced the amount by more than half - 25 to 10 - all because people weren't using it at the same capacity they were during lockdown.
Digital collections are expensive yes but when libraries are able to show the library board or city that their services are highly sought after and used in large numbers, that aids in arguing for increasing the budget - or at least keeping the budget where it's at.
Whatever your opinion on pirating is, you are doing not a single person favors by not using library resources just because you have a misunderstanding in how it actually works.
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"it's okay to live with your parents as an adult if you're disabled" "it's okay if it's a cultural thing" "it's okay if you're trying to save mon-" shh. listen. it is okay for any reason. you don't need to have a justification. if your parents are alright with it and you're alright with it you can just do it. peace and love on planet earth etc etc
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reasonsforhope · 6 months
By the way, I would literally bet money that we're going to successfully keep global warming below 2 degrees celsius.
Would I bet my whole savings on it? No, not yet. But the way the data is trending, in two or three years, I very well might.
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robintherobiner · 8 months
Love the idea of Gotham knowing there's different Robins and giving them titles (Flippy Robin, Happy Robin, WTF DID HE GET REBORN OR SOMETHING WAIT NEVERIND ITS ANOTHER DUDE LOL Robin, Girl Robin)
The batfam make bets on what Damian will be called. Angry Robin? Stabby Robin? SWORD Robin?
They're all wrong. They wake up after Damians first night of patrolling and theres a new hashtag trending on Twitter.
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casuallyhollering · 5 months
not watcher fans organizing a way to gift a bunch of subscriptions to their new streaming platform to fans who can't/won't pay for it.......full fucking offense, can y'all go buy an esim for someone in Gaza
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daughter-of-sapph0 · 1 year
capitalism is a failure of a system and need to be completely abolished
>store says they're hiring
>50 people apply
>30 don't hear back from them
>19 get told they "don't meet the qualifications"
>one single person gets hired
>store gives them way to much work for one person
>new employee says that they need to hire more people
>"what are you talking about? we have enough people working in your department"
>but no you actually don't. you have one single person working at a time. I only work mornings, every single morning. other guy only works afternoons, every single afternoon. what happens when one of us is sick?
>also, what if I'm busy with something else like stocking, and a customer needs my help? what then? you're asking me to work five people's jobs at once. so either pay me five times my salary or hire four other people
>"no. you're fired"
>go to that store later to buy something
>no one is working at the department I worked at
>end up waiting 40 minutes to buy something
>don't blame the cashier. he was pulled away to do something else. it's the bosses fault for not hiring more people
>as I leave there are "we're hiring" signs plastered all over the door
what a fucking load of massive bull shit
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violetdisasterzone · 11 months
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I found the artist on telegram 😭🫶 the way they're looking at their husbands... this style is so so perfect for sv, I can't wait to see the final editions! I don't speak Russian so I'm having kind of a hard time finding out where/when it will be published or if they accept international orders.. if anyone knows anything pls tell me 🙏
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inacatastrophicmind · 10 months
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Nashcon / JIBcon
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dinosaurwithablog · 2 months
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I made stuffed mushrooms!! I decided not to use a recipe. Instead, I just created a filling that sounded delicious to me. I only use recipes as guidelines anyway so I figured that I'd be adventurous today and wing it. It worked out very, very well!!! I mixed softened cream cheese with parmesan reggiano. Then I added chopped scallions, minced green peppers, 2 cloves of finely mince garlic, crispy bacon bits, fresh parsley, the chopped up stems of the mushrooms, pink Himalayan salt, and fresh ground pink peppercorns. I saved some of the bacon and the scallions to add at the end as a garnish. I baked them in a 400° oven for 18 minutes and voila.... stuffed mushrooms 🍄 😋 the filling was decadent. It was creamy and flavorful and had nice crispy bits for texture. The mushrooms were still firm, but soft enough to be juicy. They were delightful. Even Petey ate the mushrooms!! That was a very high compliment because she does not like mushrooms ordinarily. She devoured them. So did my roommate and I. I love to cook from my heart and just make the food instinctively. It seems to turn out better than when I measure the ingredients. I think that is because I make it the way I would most enjoy it when I do that. These would be perfect appetizers, but I made a whole bunch of them, and they were our dinner. Between the 3 of us, there was not a morsel left. They were tasty, healthy, and inexpensive to make. Home cooking is a joy, and it saves so much money, and you get to eat great food made just the way that you want it to be made. It doesn't get much better than that!! Now, I'm stuffed just like the mushrooms were. 😉🤣 In the words of Julia Child, bon appétit!!! And bon it was. 😊😍😋😋😋
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bixels · 5 months
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fuck it. hits you with the upa ray gun.
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lesbionia · 3 months
It costs a few hundred dollars or more for a full bag of makeup. Or you could skip it and bank the money. 
It takes about 30-60+ minutes to do a face of makeup in the morning. Or you could skip it and sleep in. 
It takes time and money to shave, and it has to be done on a regular basis. Or you could skip it, bank the money, and remove a task from your mental load. 
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llulabeee · 2 years
Supplementing my income by gradually stealing the chicken eggs from the farm I work at. Farming has perks and them perks is free food. No one has to know the chickens are back to max production yet
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cookinguptales · 1 year
You know... I had an experience about two months ago that I didn't talk about publicly, but I've been turning it over and over in my mind lately and I guess I'm finally able to put my unease into words.
So there's a podcast I'd been enjoying and right after I got caught up, they announced that they were planning on doing a live show. It's gonna be near me and on the day before my birthday and I thought -- hey, it's fate.
But... as many of you know, I'm disabled. For me, getting to a show like that has a lot of steps. One of those steps involved emailing the podcasters to ask about accessibility for the venue.
The response I got back was very quick and very brief. Essentially, it told me to contact the venue because they had no idea if it was accessible or not.
It was a bucket of cold water, and I had a hard time articulating at the time quite why it was so disheartening, but... I think I get it a little more now.
This is a podcast that has loudly spoken about inclusivity and diversity and all that jazz, but... I mean, it's easy to say that, isn't it? But just talking the talk without walking the walk isn't enough. That's like saying "sure, we will happily welcome you in our house -- if you can figure out how to unlock the door."
And friends, my lock-picking set is pretty good by this point. I've been scouting out locations for decades. I've had to research every goddamn classroom, field trip, and assigned bookstore that I've ever had in an academic setting. I've had to research every movie theater, theme park, and menu for every outing with friends or dates. I spend a long time painstakingly charting out accessible public transportation and potential places to sit down every time I leave the house.
Because when I was in college, my professors never made sure their lesson plans were accessible. (And I often had to argue with them to get the subpar accommodations I got.) Because my friends don't always know to get movie tickets for the accessible rows. Because my dates sometimes leave me on fucking read when I ask if we can go to a restaurant that doesn't keep its restrooms down a flight of stairs.
I had one professor who ever did research to see if I could do all the coursework she had planned, and who came up with alternate plans when she realized that I could not. Only one. It was a medical history and ethics class, and my professor sounded bewildered as she realized how difficult it is to plan your life when you're disabled.
This woman was straight-up one of the most thoughtful, philosophical, and ethical professors I've ever had, one who was incredibly devoted to diversity and inclusion -- and she'd never thought about it before, that the hospital archives she wanted us to visit were up a flight of stairs. That the medical museum full of disabled bodies she wanted us to visit only had a code-locked back entrance and an old freight elevator for their disabled guests who were still breathing.
And that's the crux of it, isn't it? It's easy to theoretically accept the existence of people who aren't like you. It's a lot harder to actively create a space in which they can exist by your side.
Because here's what I did before I contacted the podcasters. I googled the venue. I researched the neighborhood and contacted a friend who lives in the area to help me figure out if there were any accessible public transportation routes near there. (There aren't.) I planned for over an hour to figure out how close I could get before I had to shell out for an uber for the last leg of the trip.
Then I read through the venue's website. I looked through their main pages, through their FAQs to see if there was any mention of accessibility. No dice. I download their packet for clients and find out that, while the base building is accessible, the way that chairs/tables are set up for individual functions can make it inaccessible. So it's really up to who's hosting the show there.
So then and only then I contacted the podcasters. I asked if the floor plan was accessible. I asked if all the seats were accessible, or only some, and whether it was open seating or not. Would I need to show up early to get an accessible seat, or maybe make a reservation?
And... well, I got the one-sentence reply back that I described above. And that... god, it was really disheartening. I realized that they never even asked if their venues were accessible when they were booking the shows. I realized that they were unwilling to put in the work to learn the answers to questions that disabled attendees might have. I realized that they didn't care to find out if the building was accessible.
They didn't know and they didn't care. That, I think, is what took the wind out of my sails when they emailed me back. It's what made me decide that... yeah, I didn't really want to go through the trouble of finding an accessible route to the venue. I didn't want to have to pay an arm and a leg to hire a car to take me the last part of the journey. I didn't want to make myself frantic trying to figure out if I could do all that and still make the last train home.
If they didn't care, I guess I didn't either.
If they'd apologized and said that the only venue they could get was inaccessible, I actually would have understood. I know that small shows don't always get their pick of venues. I get it. I even would have understood if they'd been like "oh dang, I actually don't know -- but I'll find out."
But to be told that they didn't know and didn't intend to find out... oof. That one stung.
Because.... this is the thing. This is the thing. I may be good at it by now, but I'm so tired of picking locks. I'm tired of doing all the legwork because no one ever thinks to help me. I'm tired of feeling like an afterthought at best, or at worst utterly unwelcome.
If you truly want to be inclusive, you need to stop telling people that you're happy to have them -- if they can manage to unlock the door. You need to fucking open it yourself and welcome them in.
What brought all this back to me now, you may be asking? Well... I guess it's just what I was thinking to myself as I was tidying up my phone.
Today I'm deleting podcasts.
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