#saw my reflection in the window and got super dizzy
anxiously-going · 1 year
Maybe I'm not actually real.
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sacredsorceress · 3 years
Milestone || Bucky Barnes
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pairing: bucky barnes x avenger!reader
summary: a journey through some of the biggest milestones in yours and bucky’s relationship from the day you first met to sharing a home of your own
a/n: in this we’re gonna pretend that bucky didn’t get dusted! also reader has powers similar to those of wanda’s. reblogs and replies are super appreciated!!
word count: 3.4k
warnings: none, fluff
masterlist || request || taglist
The First Time You Met
Running down the hallway of the airport, you watched as Peter was swept off of his feet and into the air by none other than Falcon, leaving the man you recognized as the Winter Soldier in your midst. Your shoes squeaking against the floor as you stopped short, you threw your arms into the air, stopping the man from moving.
Snapping his attention towards you, he furrowed his eyebrows and you could feel him fighting against your magic. Squeezing your eyes shut you tried your hardest to keep him contained but with only so much experience, he broke through it in a minute, coming for you straight after.
“Shit.” You cursed to yourself, watching as he strode over to you.
Clasping your hands together before pulling them apart, you created a baton of sorts in just enough time to hold it in front of yourself as Bucky cornered you into a wall. Pushing him back with the beam, you grunted, trying your hardest to keep the magic from dying out.
“You’re not very good at this.” He commented, attempting to pull the magical beam from your hands.
“I’m...” You grunted. “.... new.”
Using all of your force, you shoved him back. Taking the first opportunity you saw, you began shooting blasts of magic at him while he stumbled backwards. Attempting to dodge the blasts, he moved forward, putting his hands in the air.
“Look,” He said. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
Watching as he stumbled backwards, closer to a ledge, you halted the blasts, tilting your head sideways.
“Lucky me.”
As soon as the words fell from your mouth, you used the rest of your force, swinging your arms backwards and then pushing forward to shove him through the railing and over the edge, his eyes wide as he fell backwards. When he fell, he took the Falcon with him. 
Glancing up above, you saw Peter, shooting a web to hold the two men to the ground. Feeling the energy in your palms, you floated down to the floor they were held to, standing above them.
“Look guys, I would love to keep this up but I’ve only got one job here today and I’ve gotta impress Mr. Stark, so I’m really sorry-” You watched as the drone took Peter’s web and pulled him through the window cutting him short, Peter screaming as it did.
Turning back to the men, you pulled the hood of your cloak over your head.
“Don’t worry about the drone thing,” You said. “I know when to see myself out.”
Turning to make your way towards the exit of the airport, you heard Bucky call from behind you.
“Hey!” He shouted. “Who are you?”
Bucky didn’t know why he was asking. He could barely even remember facts about himself, never mind keep track of every super human person he came across, but there was something nagging in his mind, begging him to learn more.
Glancing over your shoulder, looking at the Winter Soldier one last time, you smirked.
And with that you left the airport.
First Touch
The hatch to the ship opening, you stumbled down the steps, gripping Nebula’s arm to keep your balance. As Steve took hold of Tony, Pepper rushing to his side, you looked up to find the familiar face of Rhodey making his way towards you.
“I chose the wrong day to go see who Dr. Strange was.” You chuckled somberly, trying to make light of the situation.
Grabbing your arm to steady you as you slowly walked down the steps, Rhodey shook his head.
“The fight wasn't much better back here.” He said. “At least we had oxygen though. You’re not looking so good, kid.”
Too afraid to have looked at your deteriorating reflection the past three weeks, you knew he was being too kind.
It had been nearly three weeks since Thanos snapped away a half of the universe’s population, leaving you, Tony and Nebula stranded in space. You had run out of fuel weeks ago and had nearly lost hope of ever returning home as the oxygen supply began dwindling until Captain Marvel had found your ship and brought you all safely back to the Avengers Compound.
Despite being back, three weeks in space had left you exhausted, starving and dehydrated- just to name a few.
Biting back the dizziness you felt, you sighed.
“I’m- I’m fine, Rhodes.” You said, beginning to feel lightheaded. “It’s nothing-”
Missing your footing on the step, you tripped, losing your balance from Rhodey, about to hit the ground until you felt an arm wrap around your torso and the cool touch of metal grasp your hand. Looking up, you were met with the familiar face of the man you had fought two years ago at the airport in Germany, his hair cut shorter since the last time you had seen him, but recognizable nonetheless.
“Bucky Barnes?” You asked, standing up straighter with his assistance.
“Y/n.” He replied, shooting you a gentle smile.
Although you had what many would consider super-human abilities with your magic, due to being discovered after the civil war between the Avengers that had effectively split up the group- you weren't used to being recognized. Hearing your name fall from his lips felt somewhat gratifying.
“You remember my name?” You asked in disbelief
“Hard to forget the name of the woman who kicked my ass.” Bucky chuckled, helping you walk towards the doors of the Compound. “Doesn't happen often.”
For the first time in weeks you allowed yourself to smile as you gazed up at the man holding you steady, making sure you didn’t fall. When his blue eyes met yours, you adverted your gaze, turning your attention towards Natasha who wheeled a wheelchair through the doors of the Compound and towards the two of you.
Moving his flesh hand to rest on your lower back, his vibranium one still in yours, he helped you slowly ease into the chair. When you sat back in the chair, resting your feet on the footrests, you looked up at the super soldier and smiled.
“Not looking for a rematch are you?” You asked, slipping your hand out of his and resting it on your abdomen. “‘Cause I think I’m gonna need a raincheck.”
Shoving his hands in his pockets, he laughed shaking his head.
“No, I think I’m done with fighting.” He said.
Feeling Natasha pulling back on the wheelchair, about to spin your chair around and towards the doors, you threw him one last smile.
“That makes two of us.”
Just when Bucky was about to turn around and walk away as Nat wheeled you through the doors, the chair stopped and he watched as you glanced over your shoulder.
“And Sarge?” You called.
“I like the new arm.”
For the first time in decades, Bucky felt heat rise to his cheeks as he watched you tiredly speak to Natasha until you left his line of sight.
First Kiss
It had taken you nearly a month to recover from your time in space since returning back to Earth. Although you understood that there wasn’t much to be done since Thanos had wiped out half of the universe, you still felt guilty taking up space in the Compound when all you would do was lay in bed, attached to an IV. 
The one thing that made your time on bedrest a little more bearable was none other than Bucky Barnes.
Throughout your stay in bed he had consistently visited you. Though at first he was a bit shy, you had proven to be someone he could trust- assuring him that he could never be a bother to you and that you genuinely enjoyed having his company- maybe a bit too much, but you would never tell him that.
Bucky himself was surprised that he had put himself so out there with you after living such a solitary life for nearly the past 80 years, but there was just something about you that drew him to you time and time again. He couldn’t pinpoint it- whether it was your kindness, humor or intelligence- he found both joy and peace in your presence- something he had almost forgotten what it felt like to be in.
So, despite the voice in the back of his head telling him that you didn’t want to see him, he had visited you while you got better in bed, taking care of you in the littlest of ways until he watched the dark circles under your eyes fade away and your ability to walk without his assistance return.
Finally feeling somewhat better, you had insisted to bucky that you were ready to train again and no matter how many times he tried to convince you that you weren’t, he could never say no once you squeezed his hand and pouted up at him.
He was regretting not saying no to you as he now stood across from you in the training room.
“Y/n, I really don’t think this is a good idea.” He said, watching you sway in your spot despite your feet being planted to the mat.
“C’mon Barnes,” You taunted, raising your hands. “You scared?”
Just as he was about to open his mouth again, you shot a blast of magic towards him, Bucky dodging it just as it whooshed past his head.
“I wasn’t even ready!” Bucky exclaimed.
Shrugging your shoulders you formed another beam made of magic, holding either ends of it with your hands as Bucky came towards you.
Trying to plant your feet to the ground, feeling another hit of dizziness wash over you, you pushed him back with the beam, but before you could do anything more, his leg swept under yours, making you lose your balance. 
Before you fell to the ground, however, the magic in your hands diminished as you gripped your hands into Bucky’s shirt bringing him down with you.
Flipping over before you fell, you landed on top of the super soldier, your hands planted firmly on his chest. With his hands above his head that was inches away from yours, you both stared at each other- you finally noticing just how much you liked the scruff that coated his jawline and him admiring the color of your eyes and how he swore he could lose himself in them if only he had the chance.
Opening your mouth, you felt the thumping of Bucky’s heart against your fingertips that were resting on his chest as he gazed up at you.
“Your heart is beating really fast.” You whispered, out of breath despite you barely having trained.
“Yeah, it does that when I see you.”
You could barely believe what you were hearing until you felt Bucky’s hands come up and cup your face, glancing down at your lips before back to your eyes, asking wordlessly for your approval. 
Unable to form a coherent sentence, you eagerly nodded back at him.
Before you could even process it, you felt Bucky’s lips meeting yours as he pulled you into a kiss, his hands moving from cupping your face to wrapping around your body, pulling you tight against him. All you could remember thinking was that despite his tough exterior, his lips were soft and you could lose yourself in the comfort of having his arms around you all day if he let you.
Pulling away first, a beaming smile spread across Bucky’s face as he rubbed circles against your back.
“If you wanted to kiss me so bad,” He teased. “You could’ve just asked.”
First “I Love You”
Sitting on the edge of the rooftop, your legs swinging in the air, you offered the bag of popcorn in your hand to your boyfriend who was sat beside you. Taking his eyes off of the view in front of him, he grabbed a fistful of the salty treat from the bag, popping it in his mouth.
“Did you have stuff like this back in the olden times?” You asked, laying your head on his shoulder.
“What?” He asked despite his mouth being full. “You mean fireworks? How old do you think I am?”
Laughing at how he mocked offense over your question, you sat up straight, pecking his cheek.
“One hundred doesn’t sound much better, babe.”
Rolling his eyes, knowing that you loved him anyway, he brushed off the remaining salt from his fingertips, wrapping his vibranium arm around your shoulders to pull you closer to him.
Just as he pressed a gentle kiss against your temple, he jumped in his spot as he heard the loud sound of the first firework shooting up into the air over the water before “popping” and bursting into an array of color.
“Look!” You exclaimed, pointing towards the display. “It’s starting!”
Although he took a quick glance at the firework display, his attention was purely focused on you. He couldn’t help but admire the way the colorful lights reflected on your skin or how you had a hint of an open smile on your face watching as the fireworks burst midair. No show could compare to looking at you.
He couldn't help but feel his heart race in his chest, breath caught in his throat as he admired your beauty- even when you were still in your suit from watching over the parade with him earlier that evening. He was convinced there wasn’t a single thing about you that he wasn’t completely enamored with and you only gave him more reasons to love you every single day.
Before he even realized what he was saying, admiring you in complete bliss and utter awe, the words slipped out of his mouth.
“I love you.”
He thought you wouldn’t be able to hear, the sound of another firework popping ringing in his ear, but when you turned towards him, your eyes wide and mouth agape, he knew you had.
“Did you just say that you love me?” You asked, fireworks continuing to burst behind you.
Not one to lie- especially not to you- he nodded his head.
A smile beginning to form on your face, you grabbed the strap on his jacket, pulling him closer to you.
“I love you too.”
Leaning in, you pressed your lips against his, the sound of the finale of the display ringing behind you as the fireworks burst one after another in air, every color imaginable washing over your joined figures sitting on the edge of the rooftop on that cool summer night, almost as if it were taking the feeling shared between the two of you and bringing it to life for the world to see.
First Home
“Okay!” You nodded, pointing to the corner of your living room. “That one can go over there. Thank you so much for your help, Steve.”
“I helped Buck move into his first apartment, Y/n.” Steve said wiping his hands on his pants. “I wouldn’t miss stuff like this for anything.”
Smiling at Steve’s comment, you felt Bucky’s vibranium hand land on your lower back, pulling you closer. Leaning into his touch, you wrapped your arm around him in return, staring up at your boyfriend.
“Yeah and the first time he was about a foot shorter and a hundred pounds lighter.” Bucky chuckled. “This is easy for him.”
Watching Natasha set down the last box on top of a pile of the others in the kitchen, you excused yourself from your boyfriend and his best friend, making your way into the other room.
When you had left the two of them’s earshot, Bucky watching as you left, Steve rested his hand on Bucky's shoulder, squeezing it gently.
“You know,” Steve said. “I’m happy for you, Buck. I think this is gonna be good for you.”
Bucky couldn’t help but smile at his friend’s comment- despite how cheesy it was- because he knew it was true.
When Bucky’s memory had finally been cleared, a part of him had always feared that even though he had been given a new chance at life, he would never have a normal one. Although he knew “normal” was a strong term for the life you two shared together given that he was a century old super soldier and you had magical abilities- you had given him a chance at a peaceful life full of love and contentment which was all he could ever dream of asking for. 
The idea of finding love and having a family was something that he worried was left eighty years in the past, but you proved to him that life didn’t end for him when he fell from that train- if anything it brought him the beginning he had always hoped for.
“Sure you won’t miss me too bad, pal?” Bucky asked.
Taking his hand back from Bucky’s shoulder, Steve laughed shoving his hand in his pockets.
“No, I think I’m used to it by now.” Steve chuckled. “It’s just like you to be able to find a woman with shared life experience even when half the world disappears.”
Shaking his head at his friend’s joke, he shoved him playfully.
“C’mon, ya’know this is different.” Bucky said. “I think this is the last one for me.”
Without missing a beat, Steve smiled.
“I know.”
Hearing the sound of you and Natasha’s footsteps stepping back into the room, Bucky kept his mouth shut, feeling your hand run over his shoulder as you stood beside him.
“Don’t forget about me now that you have your own place, okay Y/n?” Nat said crossing her arms.
“Don’t worry.” You told her. “I’ll come visit every day.”
“Well, not every day-” Bucky interjected.
“No. I meant what I said. Every day, Nat. You’ll wish you never said anything.”
Once the laughter that had erupted in the room settled, Steve and Nat said their goodbyes to you and your boyfriend, you both waving them off as you shut the door behind them. When the door was shut and you and Bucky were left in your new apartment alone together, you rushed over to your bag by the door, pulling a neatly wrapped gift out of it.
“What’s this?” Bucky asked as you handed him the present.
“Just a little housewarming gift.” You smiled.
Gazing at your smiling face, a smile finding its way onto his, he looked down at the present in his hands, carefully tearing the paper off of the gift to reveal a framed photo of the two of you.
A framed photo of the two of you fighting in an airport three years ago on the day you first met.
“So, Tony had put a camera in Peter’s suit back before we went and fought you guys.” You explained. “And I thought it had to be gone since Peter was... you know... but it turned out that Tony still had the footage so I was able to find some from that day at the airport and in it there was this quick little shot of us fighting and I just had to have it, Buck.”
Flipping the frame around at you, he raised his eyebrows.
“A photo of us fighting?”
“Yes!” You told him. “Do you like it?”
Despite the fact that it was a photo of the two of you fighting- a fight that he had gotten his ass kicked in no less- he loved it more than anything else you could have possibly given him because it was the day he met you. It was the day his life changed and he didn’t even know it in the moment.
Although your story was far from “normal” it was your story and that’s what mattered the most to him.
“I love it, doll.” He said, pulling you into his embrace. “This is a crazy story to tell our kids though, huh?”
“All of them are.” You laughed into his chest. “But I wouldn't have it any other way, Buck. I love you.”
Pressing a kiss to the top of your head, a photograph of the day your story first began in his hand, he smiled.
“I love you too.”
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vwrites123 · 3 years
I won’t let that happen to your heart.
Paring: Suna Rintaro x Reader.
Contents: fluff and angst.
Notes: there is mention of family dispute. Also, English is not my mother tongue. So, beware of mistakes.
Words: 840.
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How many times has this situation been repeated? It was a tranquil Thursday night. You have already heated dinner for your family. You were having a nice talk with your parents. How did that mutate into this? This shouting and screaming tournament. This insufferable sensation of uneasiness and discomfort. Why did it have to be like this? You remember the good old days when your family used to be that. A family. Now, it was only a group of people gather together because of shared blood and nothing more. First, your father left for the garden. He sat in his chair in the farthest part of the patio, not wanting to be bothered. After that, when your mother and brother kept arguing, you excused yourself to your bedroom. Your room was a reflection of your inner state. A complete and utter mess. There was chaos everywhere. You just sat on your bed with your dog, which had followed you upstairs in an attempt to run away from the yelling contests. You didn't notice your tears until your dog started licking your face, bringing a smile, though sad, to your face.
You went through the window and proceeded to lie on top of your roof. You could still hear your family arguing and more tears ran down your face. You were so immersed in your thoughts that you didn't realise someone had joined you.
"They're arguing again, aren't they?"
You sat up so fast upon hearing the voice, that you felt a bit dizzy.
"Rin-kun. Wh-what are you doing here?" You asked your neighbour. You have been living next to Suna Rintarō for as long as you could remember. Both of you have been friends since then. Most people didn't understand why you were friends. Suna was known as a quiet being, with a bored expression on his face most of the time (whenever he wasn't witnessing the twins fighting). You, on the other hand, were known for being expressive and, though not always, a bit loud. You were always helping the third years to stop the twins’ shenanigans, and although you weren't the team's manager, the boys saw you like it.
“I just got home from practice. Thought about visiting you since you weren’t at practice today and saw you up here.” Suna said as he sat next to you. “What’s the problem this time?” He asked while caressing your hair.
“I don’t really know.” You answered, pulling your knees to your chest and hugging them with your arms. “I just want it to end. I want to be happy again with them.” You continued, sniffing and tearing up again.
Suna wasn’t unaware of the issues at the neighbouring house. More often than not, he had listened to hours and hours of shouting coming from your house. It didn’t matter to him at all, until one day, he saw you where both of you were at that moment. It broke his heart to see his most precious friend like that. The sad eyes and the tears coming from them were things Rintaro didn’t want to see in his life. He wanted to see that spark in your eyes you always had when he made a super cool block at practice, or when he would send you videos of the twins arguing for some stupid reason, or when you and he would be trying to stifle your laughs when Kita-senpai was scolding the Osamu and Atsumu. Suna was determined to stop, or at least ease a bit, those negative feelings that appeared whenever this type of situation ensued.
“I have some chuupet left from our last movie night. Do you want some?” Your best friend asked. You just nodded, not trusting your voice just yet. “And we can watch “The Breakfast Club” if you want.” Suna offered. You gave him a small and weak smile, but still, Rin took a mental picture of that. Both of you got up and went directly to the middle blocker's room. As soon as you were comfortable and ready, Suna clicked the start bottom.
After half an hour of the movie in, you fell asleep. You were next to Suna, your head over his shoulder and his long arm under your neck, hugging you. And even though Rintaro and you had seen the movie millions of times (it was your favourite after all), he kept watching it.
“It’s unavoidable. It just happens.” Alison announced.
“What happens?” asked Claire.
“When you grow up, your heart dies.” Alison answered.
Suna looked at your sleeping form with adoration. “I won’t let that happen to your heart, (Y/n). I’ll take care of it and I won’t let it whither. You won’t be like your parents, you’ll be better. I promise.” He whispered. He turned off the computer, put it aside, and got comfortable next to you. You moved closer to you and hugged you with both arms now. He kissed your forehead and, after some minutes, he let himself fall asleep beside the girl he held dear the most.
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dustofbrokenheart · 4 years
The Lost Boys: Baileys Hot Chocolate
Dwayne x Female Reader
Word Count: 2,195
Warning: contains physical intimacy and mature language
Summary: It’s date night with Dwayne and you make sure to pack everything you may need, including some adult hot chocolate. 
You heard scratching at your bedroom window and immediately knew who it was. Speeding over and yanking up the old, heavy window, Dwayne swung into your room legs first.
“How many times do I have to remind you to use the front door?”
Your boyfriend smiled and pulled you in close, resting his forehead against yours. “It’s more fun this way, angel.”
You shook your head resignedly and gave him a peck on the lips. Once he decided something, he could be very stubborn. “Alright, Mr. Adrenaline. Have it your way. But you’re going to give my neighbors a heart attack one of these days.”
Dismissing your concerns, he merely asked, “Ready to go?”
You went back to the backpack sitting on your bed and added a few more things. The last thing you added was a smooth metal thermos full of hot chocolate in the side pouch. Zipping the pack shut, you grabbed a warm jacket and put it on.
You slid your arms through the backpack’s straps and told Dwayne you were ready.
He tested the straps to make sure they were tight enough and once he had adjusted them to his liking, he stepped back and nodded. “Ready.”
You closed the window and locked it before exiting through the front door, excited for date night. It was an especially beautiful winter night, the air crisp and cold. And the sky! It was nice and clear, perfect for what you two had planned.
Dwayne reached his bike first and placed a black and silver helmet carefully over your head which you pouted about. Despite being a daring man himself, Dwayne was all about caution when it came to you, especially when you rode with him.
He trusted his own driving; it was other reckless, people on the road that he didn’t and as a human you were much more fragile than him, or Laddie who was at least half vampire.
He stroked your chin with his thumbs as he clicked the clasp closed. “It’s unnegotiable if you want to ride,” he said quiet and sure.
You knew that he had the best intentions when it came to you, and that he was right, so you never pushed back too hard even though you were one of the only residents in Santa Carla who bothered to wear one. It would be nice to ride carefree, like the vampires, but the truth was that some things were different for you.
You draped yourself over Dwayne’s leather covered back and he started the bike, the engine sending vibrations through the seat and up your legs. The only warning you got was that he patted your thigh, then he was roaring down your street.
How the neighbors never raised a stink about the frequent rumbling of Dwayne’s bike during all hours of the night, you’d never known. Some vampire mischief might have been at play there.
Once the boardwalk was behind you, Dwayne eased up on the throttle to take a softer turn onto a wooded, dirt path. The ride was bumpier from then on out, since you were off-roading, so Dwayne kept the speed in check for the rest of the drive.
It was times like those that made you glad your boyfriend was a supernatural creature of the night. No regular human would’ve been able to drive in the dense foliage at night.
As it was, Dwayne was perfectly fine. After all, he was used to going much faster and attempting riskier moves when he drove with the other boys.
The engine petered out to a stop and he extended his long legs so he could walk the bike to a full stop. “This is it,” he softly said as you both stood up.
You spun in a circle, taking it in with awe. He brought you to a small clearing where the trees gave way to an enclosed patch of dry grass, an impressive sky overhead. Being far enough away from city limits, there were no lights to dilute how luminous the moon was or how bright the stars shone.
“I’m glad you like it. You’re the first one I thought of when I found it last week.”
You heard his voice but it was difficult to see him given that everything around was dark and shadowy to your eyes. Unzipping the backpack, the flashlight was what you took out first so you could see where you were walking. It wasn’t need for long because Dwayne thought ahead and had bonfire materials waiting so he could get a fire going.
He messed with some lighter fluid to get it to grow faster and when it was stable enough to provide light, you took a out a blanket to sit on. That way you wouldn’t have to sit directly on the grass. Dwayne took one end, you the other and you worked together to extend it. Once that was settled, you grabbed another blanket to cuddle with, as well as the thermos.
Dwayne was quick to join you and you gave up some of your blanket cloak so that you would both be covered. He wasn’t affected by cold temperatures like you were, but it allowed him to cuddle close, always a win in his view. Plus, the blanket was super soft to the touch.
Everything was peaceful and serene.
There were no loud noises or overwhelming smells out there. Nothing but the flickering glow of the flames, a gorgeous view, and two people content to hold each other in silent bliss.
Neither Dwayne nor you spoke for a long time, laying tangled together while stargazing. You were proud to say you were proficient enough to find basic constellations on your own without him having to point them out for you, although he still did so with more obscure ones. And when there were no more stars to identify, the full moon held you in thrall with its reflection.
But the spell finally broke when you shivered.
Dwayne lifted onto his elbows and petted your hair. “Cold?”
Not wanting to seem weak, you did not reply. He merely reached over to your forgotten thermos and pushed it into your hands. “Drink,” he insisted.
Well... you couldn’t say no to hot chocolate, especially when Dwayne was the one offering.
You popped the lid off and satisfyingly warm steam caressed your face. Taking a big sip, you passed it to Dwayne who took a swig. He stared at the thermos and then looked at you, like he was trying to figure something out. You were rewarded with a smile when he got it.
“You spiked it.”
“Yep,” you said emphasizing the ‘p’ with a pronounced pop. “I was in a Baileys hot chocolate mood. Besides, I don’t have to worry about driving.”
“I see. You trust me to get you back safe.”
You replied without hesitation. “Always.”
Dwayne’s dark, serious eyes locked onto you as he took another swig. Crawling over you, he eased your lips open and pushed some of the hot chocolate into your mouth.
Surprised, you moaned a little. His thumbs stroked down your neck and you couldn’t help but swallow.
He pulled back enough that lips no longer touched, but close enough that you still shared the same breath. You nodded once. Deliberate and slow. That was all the consent Dwayne needed and in the split second it took to blink, he had you splayed out on the blanket.
His lips moved intensely which contrasted nicely with the languid way he ground his hips against you. You started to heat up. Fast. Cold long forgotten. And the heat flared even higher when he started to nip at you with his fangs.
In reaction, you threaded your fingers through his hair and pulled, causing him to growl. He knew that his fangs were a turn-on; it was only fair that you went for his kinks, too, hair pulling being one of them.
You fought to keep your eyes open and when you managed, you saw his transformed face, like you suspected that you would. Ready for more he touched and nuzzled his way down your body until he reached your pants. He sat back on his knees and expertly ripped open the top button, and removed the pants and your underwear in one quick motion.
He moved so that your legs were hanging over his shoulders, you back coming off of the ground. He squeezed your thighs in his large hands and put his mouth on the most private part of you.
His blazing eyes stared you down the entire time and you were unable to break his gaze. The rhythmic sucking had your head falling back with a muted thunk. And when his tongue glided upwards, you couldn’t stop the moan that escaped.
Fangs grazed your tender flesh without ever digging in painfully or puncturing skin. It was common for Dwayne’s face to transform when he was sexually riled up, but always maintained incredible control when it came to biting. Not once in all the night you spent together did he ever make you bleed by accident. Not even a tiny nick.
A particularly sharp movement with his tongue left you dizzy in pure pleasure. Dwayne noticed your legs tightening around him and made it a point to hit that spot again. Over and over and over. To the point where you were clawing the blanket in attempt to keep yourself anchored.
It all began to be too much—his wicked mouth, his breath on your opening—and you felt yourself start to climb to its peak. When it hit your eyes snapped closed and it felt cosmic, to release like that with the whole universe seeming to loom above you and within you.
And then he sank his fangs into your flesh, at last. Being bitten was never without some pain, but when it happened on the cusp of an orgasm, the pleasure and pain mixed deliciously. He took his time drinking from you as you came back into yourself.
He eased off, gently laving at the open puncture marks. You both laid on your sides and faced each other. Your fingers ran down his stubbled cheek and he closed his eyes as he savored the touch. “You are so beautiful,” he said quietly.
His words made your heart throb, loudly enough that he probably heard it. You laid there in bliss until you realized a crucial detail that you missed earlier in the midst of all the pleasure.
“Wait,” you blurted, “Dwayne, what about you?!”
Panic flooded you and he had to stop you from getting up. “Don’t worry about it.”
“Don’t be ridiculous. Do you really think I’d leave you hanging?” you argued.
He looked down and in the dim light from the fire you noticed he’d open his pants to let his cock out at some point and the slightest sheen glistened on his crotch.
“Oh,” he repeated.
“I can’t believe I didn’t notice you needed, uh, assistance.”
“Seriously. Don’t worry about it. Take it as a compliment,” he suggested with a twinkle in his eye. “You’re so beautiful, all I needed was the visual.”
“Jesus, Dwayne,” you laughed hoping to hide the heat in your face. “Maybe we can plan something like this again though. That way I can return the favor.”
He remained silent but you knew him well enough to read his interest. Reaching into his pocket he removed the Soviet flag and set out cleaning you up. He took extra care cleaning the dried blood around his bite mark. When he was finished with you, he wiped himself down.
“You better wash that,” you said as he tossed it at the bike. “I mean it! And don’t tell the boys what’s on it, if they ask.”
“Honestly, they’ll figure it out on their own. Blood and sex are strong scents.”
“Just don’t confirm it for them, hmm? Especially not Laddie,” you pleaded, mortified, but knowing he was right.
In a valiant effort to distract you from the anxiety, he waved the thermos in front of your face. “The sugar in this is really good for you right now.”
You accepted it and Dwayne swaddled you in the cuddle blanket, leaving himself uncovered that time. His thoughtfulness was appreciated because the crisp air started to chill you again, more so because you weren’t wearing anything below the waist. The blanket helped though.
The comfortable silence from when you first arrived returned and the moon caught your attention. Soon, your eyes started to droop, heavy with tiredness. You tried your best to stay awake. If you fell asleep and Dwayne woke you up, you’d be cranky. It was better to just stay awake.
Dwayne nuzzled the back of your neck. “It’s okay, angel. Sleep.”
“But the ride home…”
“I can fly you home and come back for the bike later. Sleep.”
With his deep voice in your ear, you didn’t stand a chance, mind already halfway to unconsciousness. One of your last thoughts was that the night had been perfect. Absolutely perfect.
Then Dwayne pulled you in tight, littering you with small, innocent kisses, and you were lost.
My best attempt at a steamy fic featuring Dwayne in honor of Valentine’s Day.  I think Dwayne takes pride in caring for his s/o and gets off on it. And the flag made an appearance! Much love to you readers :) 
And yes, there is a bottle of Baileys in the film--check out the lower right. Whose is it? I have no clue 😂. 
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danielsharmanswife · 4 years
-A warm bath and a sandwich-
Ewan McGregor characters x reader
2nd month: Mark Renton x Fem! Reader. (Part 1)
Author's note: Hey, cuties!❤ How have you been? I hope you and your family are safe and sound. I just wanted to say that I'm quite happy about this chapter and I hope that you guys enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it!
As always, I want to remind you that English is not my first language, so I'm sorry if there are any grammar mistake.
Word count: 1,821
Warning: mention of drugs, swearing
Tag list: @rosionis @rebleforkicks @bluerose512 @space-no0dle @elizabeth-skywalker
Masterlist Letters Masterlist
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You didn't feel any dizziness, or a white light, you didn't even feel yourself levitating. For a moment, you thought you were still with Catcher, but when you opened your eyes, you confirmed that you were no longer there with him. 
You were in a totally white room that was so bright it burned your eyes. It seemed unreal, a science fiction room, the kind without doors or windows. The only thing in the room was a high white table made of the same material as the walls and the floor. On that table were two objects: an envelope and the Barbara Novak book.
You were very puzzled but you approached the table and took the envelope, opening it and taking out the note that was inside.
 It said:
Good morning, (y / n)! I see that you have passed the month easely ! But don't think that things will continue to be so simple... This month is going to be very interesting!  We have to congratulate you. We've been watching you and you seem to know how to handle yourself! We knew you were the one! It's time for me to give you a hint about what to expect this month. But first I'm going to tell you what you will have to get for us. This object is ... a disco sign! Good luck and don't be discouraged..
Choose life!
You read the note several times to remember every detail of it and when you looked up, you heard a click.
Instantly, you were in a bedroom with the same layout as your room from the previous month but the furniture was more modern, from the late 80s. The old wooden floor creaked with every step you took and the walls, which were quite neglected and full of cracks, echoed violently due to the music coming from upstairs. It was very annoying, so you decided to go investigate where it came from. 
You left the apartment, but not before taking the keys that were on the door and went up the stairs that led to the upper floor. The music was coming from the red door at the end of the landing. You approached the door and rang the bell, no one opened the door, you rang again, but nobody showed up. Since no one seemed to hear the bell, you started knocking on the door, louder and louder. 
You were very surprised that no one came to complain about the noise or peeked out from the knocks you were giving against the door. Either no one lived on the other floors or they didn't care about the noise at all. You looked at your wristwatch, it was two a.m. Yes, definitely no one lived there. 
Curiosity got the better of you and you tried to think of a way to open that door. You decided to kick it. In movies it always worked, right? It couldn't be that difficult. 
It was a big mistake.
You took four steps away and ran to it, when your foot hit the door, it opened wide, making you fall into the apartment. Turns out the door wasn't locked in any way. 
On the floor, you turned over to be on your back and saw that the inside door was completely bricked up with wooden boards that were nailed to the door but didn’t reach the wall. Whoever was in there, if they didn't want to be disturbed, they weren't doing anything right. 
You got up off the ground and dusted off your clothes. Good thing you were alone.
When you recovered from such humiliation, you continued your way through the house looking for the origin of the music. You crossed a corridor, letting yourself be guided by the rumbling of the walls that was getting louder, letting you know that you were getting closer. You ended up in front of a big gray, neglected door and opened it without a second thought.
When you opened the door, a strong smell of cigarettes and something stronger filled your nose, causing you to take a step back. The floor was littered with syringes, vomit puddles, and other gadgets that you couldn't describe. 
In the middle of the room, there was a young guy, with shaved hair and a yellow shirt that was slightly small, revealing his torso. The boy was unconscious, face down, he hadn’t noticed your presence yet.
You went to open the only window in the room, to ventilate and turned off the radio. 
Mission accomplished.
As soon as the young man stopped listening to the dreadful music, he began to move, lazily and turned around, letting you see that it was Mark Renton himself.
"Put the music back on." he simply said. 
"It bothered me." you replied.
Mark, not recognizing the voice that had spoken to him, turned to you, puzzled. 
"Who the hell are you?"
"My name is (y / n) and ... I live downstairs. Your music bothered me and as the door was open, I had no choice but to enter."
The boy got up, he seemed dizzy. He cursed himself for not having closed the door properly. Trudging out of his thoughts, Renton fixed his gaze on you. 
"That's illegal. You know that, love?" 
"Yeah and you’re the one who’s high as fuck in a house that I bet that isn’t even yours with the music blaring at 2 a.m."
Mark fell silent and spoke after a few seconds.
"I'm Mark, by the way, but my friends call me Renton."
"Nice to meet you, I guess." you said. 
"Same here." 
You stayed a while observing the mess on the ground. 
"Are you alone?"
"You mean if I'm single? Because in that case, yes, I am." 
"No." You giggled. "I'm asking if there's anyone else in this house. I'm saying that because this place stinks and it's cold. I think you should go down to my apartment and take a hot bath. I'll make you something to eat so you wipe off the effects of whatever you have in your body."
Mark, who was still somewhat disoriented, accepted, although it was a strange proposal since you didn’t know each other at all.
"I'm not going to do anything to you" you said, trying to reassure him. "I just want to help you." 
You took the key that was in your pants pocket, showing it to him.
As you walked down the stairs, Mark asked you:
"This building isn’t safe. How is it that a girl like you lives in a place like this? Only families with a single salary live here and young people like me who come to ... you know .." 
"I’ll only be here for a while. I usually travel a lot due to my job... I couldn't afford a better flat either." 
You came downstairs and opened the door to your apartment, inviting him inside.
"This house is very nice, it doesn't look like a rental one. Seeing how bad this building is.." he said. 
"Even if a building is 'bad', as you say, it doesn’t mean that you can’t live well." you led him to the living room. "Stay here. I'm going to go get some towels so you can take a hot bath. It'll do you good, you'll see. In the meantime, I'll fix something to eat. What would you want?"
"A sandwich would be nice.."
You nodded and headed to the bathroom. That meeting had been super strange and you didn't quite understand how you had ended up in that situation. Right now you were preparing a hot bath for Mark Renton, who was right now lying on your couch trying not to puke up. You would never have imagined that this would be your first meeting. 
After preparing the bath, you returned to the living room and saw that the boy had sat up. 
"Are you okay?" You asked him.
"It's just the side effects, I'll be fine in a few hours."
You just nodded. You didn't think this was the time to ask anything more.
"The bathtub is ready. I have left the towels right next to it. You can stay as long as you want. If you need anything, I'll be in the kitchen." 
Without saying anything else, you left the room.
While you were making two sandwiches with the few ingredients you had, Renton went into the bathroom and began to undress. He looked at the reflection of his naked body in the mirror, analyzing all the scars on his arms. Those drugs weren't doing him any good but he couldn't do anything about it. 
With a long sigh, he staggered over to the tub and crept in carefully. The water was warm, not too hot, not too cold, at a perfect temperature. Mark relaxed and allowed his eyes to close. It felt good there, because of your strange kindness. You had suddenly appeared, offering him help, just what he needed. Maybe that was going to be his new beginning, his way of being able to swim to the surface. It had been too weird to just walk away with her, but no one had treated him like this for too long and he couldn't resist.
A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. How long had it been?
"Mark? Is everything okay?" He heard your voice on the other side of the door "I just wanted to tell you that the sandwiches are ready. You can go out whenever you want. And I have brought you a somewhat baggy T-shirt and pants that you can use as pajamas. I’m going to leave them here at the door." 
"Thank you." He replied.
You smiled to yourself, put the clothes on the door, and went back to the kitchen. A short time later, you saw him walk in and told him to sit at the table. Renton, seeing the sandwich and the tea you made for him, practically lunged for it, like he hadn't eaten in years. You laughed a bit and sat across from him. 
After several seconds in silence, you decided to speak. 
"Mark .. Can I ask you a question?" The young man nodded as he admired the food in his hands "Why are you doing this to yourself?" He stopped looking at his plate to look at you. 
"You’re asking about the injections?" You nodded slightly "It's the life I've chosen. I couldn't fill the void that keeps me from sleeping at night and drugs are the only thing that keeps me aliv ... you know?" He went silent for a few seconds "But I want to change! I want to be totally clean and have a normal life." 
"If that's what you want .." you started to say "I can help you." 
The gaze of the boy in front of you lit up.
 "Would you do that?" 
"Of course!"
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thepaperpanda · 5 years
Scream And Shout || Alfie Solomons x Reader
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Summary: When reader tries to pull Alfie out of bad habits, he gets pretty mad.
Warnings: Angry Alfie
Words: 1619
Request by: @peakyheckingblinders
Authors: Cass & Rouge
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It could have been water in the glass but it wasn't. It wasn't and everyone knew it. Even at three in the afternoon that transparent liquid that was nothing else but vodka and that wasn't even the start of it. There was brandy in his morning orange juice, "just to give it a little kick". If Alfie was ever drinking coffee mid-morning there was whiskey in it too, cream liqueur if he could get it. By dinner time he was slumped in his chair, dribbling between the snores. It really was best to leave him that way, waking him meant him rambling on about the war, about how bad and "fucking shitty those bastards are", about how you were the best woman there in his life that ever was and ever will be.
His workers had already learned that Alfie Solomons wasn't an easy person to deal with; most of time he was moody, nasty, aggressive, impatient and no one could do anything about this.
That afternoon you had no other option then to step into his office, with few papers in your hands, looking at him sleeping onto his desk counter again.
Being the distiller was too much to handle for him sometimes apparently. You walked to his desk, placed documents on the counter and gently poked his shoulder. "Alfie?"
Alfie woke up pretty quickly, no matter what his mind was never all clouded by alcohol. Probably because of the years of "training" in this matter.
"What? What this fuckers fucked up this time?," Alfie muttered and improved himself in the chair to sit in it properly.
You sent him a brief, warm smile and pushed the papers to him on the counter, pointing at them. "You forgot to fill the agreements so I thought I'll remind you about them," you informed sweetly.
Alfie rolled his eyes highly annoyed, he gently rubbed bridge of his nose. Putting on his glasses, Alfie looked at the paper. "That's all nice and sweet, love, but I will do it may be tomorrow. I don't feel like doin' it now."
"But... It's important, our contractors have to get those agreements signed today...," You tried to explain, still smiling gently at him.
Yes, Alfie was a tough man to deal with, even though you were calling him your boyfriend, partner, lover.
Alfie looked at you with a soft frown. His hands were resting on his knees while one of them bounced.
He still wasn't used to you being around him, nagging, reminding him about stuff. It were just roughly three days since you two became an actual thing. He loved you in his own,weird way but so much attention toward him was starting to drive him crazy.
Alfie shook his head and signed the paper. "Fuckin’.... Here. Happy?"
You shifted in place, slowly raising your eyebrows and wrinkling your forehead. "Thank you, Alfie. You don't have to be rude," you told him taking papers in your hands, squeezing them tightly as if from them your life would depend.
He snorted shortly and pointed at you. "You’ve never ever seen me beein' really fuckin' rude before, woman. This is nothing. You done? Because I could use a drink."
"You drink too much, recently," you told him openly, you sounded worried.
Alfie got up from him seat and walked to one of the cupboards to grab a bottle. "Yea, and? It ain't your problem, really, love. Go look for something to do, okay?," He waved his hand at you and soon returned to his seat with bottle in hand.
Instead of doing what he said, you out papers down on his desk and walked to him, you pulled the bottle out of his hands. "Alfie, please," you asked him.
He smashed his fist against the table. "Are you fuckin' kiddin' me!?Give me that fuckin' bottle back and it ain't a fuckin' joke, Y/N!," Alfie roared at you, without really controlling the loudness of his voice.
You blinked but hugged bottle to your front and stepped away from the man. "No," you replied.
"I won't be fuckin' playing with you, woman!," He growled and grabbed the bottle."And never fuckin’ ever do this again,” Alfie warned you. "Now, go and do your fuckin' work, Y/N."
As soon as you felt how your chin trembled, you turned around quickly and rushed out of the room. You grabbed your coat from the hanger, put it on and left the bakery.
On your way back home you couldn't stop the tears from falling down your cheeks.
Meantime Alfie rolled his eyes, women always were too emotional for his liking. "She will be fine," he muttered to himself before opening the bottle.
The rest of the day went normally for Alfie. He sat in his office, dealt with some fuckers, drank. In the end, he dressed up and went home.
"Y/N! Imma home! Where are you?," Alfie asked as soon as he passed the threshold.
There was no response. No light was lit in the house, it was cold still, filled with darkness that peered out at Alfie from any corner.
"Y/N! What the hell is happening?," He muttered, turning on the lights and walking deeper into the house.
Mean time you were sitting on the wooden floor in your shared bedroom, leaning your back against wooden door that were locked from inside with the key you were hugging to your breasts. You couldn't calm down after his sudden outburst, and even though you loved him more than anything else on this world, you were shocked that he could have behaved so awfully towards you.
Alfie looked around the flat confused as hell, you never left the house alone. He checked every room for you until he got to the bedroom, the locked door didn't let him in. That was weird. "Y/N? Are you there, love?," Alfie asked, trying to push the door harder.
"Go away!," You said aloud, sniffing a little.
"Oh, so you are there. What's wrong?," He asked and again tried to push the door. "Why are you hiding there, little one?"
"Just go away!," You repeated weakly. "I don't want you to scream at me again! Go away! Go and spend another evening with your beloved bottle!"
"Come on, I came home to you. Ain't that a nice thing?,” He asked.
"No!" You pulled knees under your chin, a shiver ran along your spine as you did. You were trembling both in and out. You were being in despair. You took a deep breath to pull yourself together, you got up slowly after awhile and unlocked the door to let him in.
Alfie watched you opening the door, he honestly started to feel bad when he saw you fully. You didn't look good, you looked scared. Such a look he always saw on his enemies' faces, he never wanted to see it on your rosy cheeks. It simply didn't suite you at all. "Love...," Alfie said, slowly stepping inside the bedroom.
"Don't come any closer, Alfie," you warned him by raising your hand and pointing your index finger straight ath im. "Don't you come any closer."
Then you walked to the window and sat at the wide windowsill, peeking at the street throughout the curtain.
"Love, please," Alfie said softly walking closer to you. His hands gently rested on your shoulders. "I am sorry.”
You shivered and squeaked a little at his touch and even though it was a good feeling, yet it made you dizzy.
Alfie moved his hands away. "Y/N, please. I ain't gonna hurt you, love. You are too important for me."
"And yet you didn't have any objections before screaming at me."
"I was just angry, you know me. My temper is short, really short," Alfie explained looking at your reflection in the glass. "I am really sorry, love."
"I only wanted to help you. I wanted you to realize that you drink too much and care too less," you whispered barely moving your lips.
"I know, love," he let out a sigh. "I am really sorry, you are right and I am just an old fool."
You tilted head on the sides lightly, looking up at him.
He looked at you sadly. "I am really sorry, love. I might be rough, harsh, dangerous, I don’t doubt it, but there are things I would never do. Hurting you is one of them," Alfie explained.
You sighed and nodded at his words, you slowly got up and grabbed his rough palm in yours.
"I didn't mean to scare or hurt you. I would never let this happen," he said softly watching you. "I ain't used to love, it's still a new thing for me."
"Love being a new thing to such an old and experienced man like you? That's funny," you managed to smile at him bluntly as you teased his palm with your nail.
"I am experienced in many things, love. Murder, crime... And many other bad things," Alfie shrugged and looked at you. "And you are the best thing that has ever happened to me."
"Stop it or I'm going to believe it," you said as you nuzzled face to his chest.
"But it's fuckin' true," Alfie said before wrapping arms tightly around you. "I love you, Y/N. I would never hurt you."
"Prove it," you whispered and looked up at him.
Alfie smiled softly and pulled you into the kiss. It was slow and tender, your tongues danced together in a soft rhythm. After longer moment the pulled away, looking you in the eyes. "Is it a good proof, love?"
Blushing hardly you nodded your head. "It is. So, let's go to the kitchen. The supper still needs to be made."
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Pandies🐼: @imidarogerson @grossograsso @thewildgardensstuff @leven-and-ashley @la-verdura @bearded-steve-rogers @sebbystan-plantlover @atuckyismylife @krispyjellyfishzombie @personality-within @haseki-huricihan  @choppedgardenwhispers @vroobelek @lattimelka @chris-beamz @hidden-secrets69 @purepearls @volcanoxxx @kastrup-sofie @mikkal-akasaki @withoutashadowofhope @radbluebirdeagle @marvel-fan-site @smutloversblog @buquete @super-psycho-love69 @tanglesss @peter-sommer @baysidewest @vegemania @philip-stan @chodiusmmm @subwaystunnel @tykorclint @dagger-dragger @kurant @nothing-can-least-forever @oxfordkipem @deliciousbouquet90 @tuptuptup @hellenna80 @karina-marina9 @latimeriaaa @bratko @wurld89 @scott-evans @kiss-me-rouge @ovonel-espaniol @dancing-tacco @ratugadhi @white-tiger-shangrila  @axn69 @eternal-life-awaits @mrs-laura-harmon @artsy-inside @gleeeeees  @darkllaama @jatut @agawux @fuzzy-tigrrr @jrjohnsson2 @maaargoshaaa @dontgetmewrongman @einexx @nwmtagsb @anini71 @secretlygrantaire @kyloren-supreme-ben @infinity-stones-seeker @thehappyspider @wings4life @huxyluxy @dontbeafraidchild @misafiryanki @electronicpatrolcollective​ @thisismysecrethappyplace @aulika @hidden-secrets69 @a-happy-wolf​ @creative-seahorse​ @biologyforliving​
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solace-sun · 4 years
Not The Typical Way You Meet a Soulmate Chapter Four (Solangelo)
In an effort to distract himself from the crevasses of his own head, Will turned to the window in his apartment, to watch the time outside pass him by. In contrast to the bright weather that had occupied earlier, the clouds overhead now began to turn grey. He watched the sky with nervous anticipation, waiting to hear a knock on the door.
Curled up on his couch, peering out his window and into the darkening skies, Will couldn't seem to get comfortable. The ache of waiting in for time to pass had never come easy to Will, especially in the isolation of his lonely apartment. He picked at his cast, busying his hands with any task he could find. The weather outside and the darkening clouds felt like the only distraction to his own thoughts.
Will was currently awaiting the arrival of Nico, who agreed to help Will study for an exam when Will had voiced his growing distress over the test earlier that day.
But now couldn't seem to ease himself; not until he heard the long-awaited knock at the door.
He opened the door just as sheets of rain began to pour out of the clouds. Nico stood in the door frame, holding a jacket over his head, in an attempt to shield himself from the icy rain.
"Looks like I got here just in time," Nico noted with a smile.
"You'd better come in before you catch a cold from the rain," Will laughed, inviting Nico in. The cold feeling of isolation began to melt away.
As Nico stepped inside Will's apartment he noticed how Will Solace seemed to be written across each wall; every corner of the apartment seemed to reflect Will, from the way his space was neatly ordered and maintained, to the anatomy textbook that was left open on the counter.
"Nice place you got," Nico complimented.
"It's not too bad," Will responded, settling down at the counter.
Nico almost felt intimidated by the house. He took a moment to look around the room before taking a seat next to Will.
"So what do you need for this test? You got flashcards or something to study with?" Nico asked.
"Oh well, actually, this test is different than most tests. More, uh, physical, I guess? There are two parts, and I've already taken the written portion. The next part is focused for my internship and basically, if I pass, it means I get to actually help out in the clinic, not just shadow doctors," Will explained. Nico nodded along.
"So what do you need to do?"
"Basically just show the doctors I can adequately examine and check someone for injuries. Basically give a check-up."
"That's it? Dude, you're so set. I mean I'll still help, but I don't see why you're so worried."
"I'll feel better after I practice," Will said, "Wanna be my patient for the afternoon?"
"I will not accept any other doctor, actually," Nico confirmed. Will laughed as he reached into his bag, grabbing supplies and tools he'd need for Nico's mock check-up.
"Woah, they let you keep all that stuff?" Nico asked when he saw the bag of medical supplies ranging from stethoscopes to medical tape to a blood pressure test.
"No, actually, all this stuff used to be my dad's. He gave me all these old supplies when I was a kid, and I've held on to them ever since. He was a doctor," Will explained as he hung the stethoscope around his neck.
"Was?" Nico wondered aloud.
"He left when I was younger. But it's not a big deal, it was years ago, and I'd say my mom did a pretty good job raising me on her own."
"Oh, gotcha. I'd have to agree with that statement," Nico added, "You're like, everything a person could want in a son."
"How so?" Will wore a confused expression on his face.
"You hardly drink at parties, you go to school to be a god damned docotor, for fuck's sake. Model son is what you are," Nico explained, pointing a finger towards Will. Will felt a smile tug onto his face as he read Nico's temperature.
"You make me sound like I'm a saint or something. I'm human too," Will have an apprehensive explanation.
"And he's humble too!" Nico kidded, giving Will a playful smile.
"So what," Nico began as Will tested his blood pressure, securing the wrap around his arm, " You'll be like a real-life doctor after you pass this?"
"Oh, God no," Will laughed, "Still have plenty of classes and requirements to pass before that. The internship is just about gaining some experience while being monitored by someone else. Just another step towards the goal"
Will finished with the blood pressure and began to move to the next test.
"What made you want to be a doctor?" Nico asked.
"I guess I just want to feel like I'm doing something good. Saving lives seemed to be a good place to start with."
"Yeah, that's a good place to start." Nico agreed, "So like, you gonna look for a job around here when you graduate?"
"Graduation is still a ways away. I've got time, but I've always liked the idea of taking my education and going somewhere that doesn't have access to many doctors, I guess. Like inner city hospitals that lack good care. I'm not looking to work somewhere where things are easy because there's plenty of people to do my job for me. I guess I just want to work where I'm needed."
"You'd be so great at doing something like that. You're gonna make a great doctor some day."
"Thanks," Will smiled, "Okay, now I'm gonna listen to your heartbeat, I hope that's okay."
"Not a problem," Nico promised. Will brought the stethoscope to his ears and held the other end to Nico's chest. He could hear the hammering of his heart. The two stood motionless for a moment, with Will's hand on Nico's chest.
Something seemed off.
Unlike the usual, expected rhythm of 1-2-3-4, Will felt like he heard something closer to 12345678. Nico's heartbeat was fast and loud.
"Are you nervous about something, Nico?" Will asked, throwing a concerned glance to Nico.
"No?" Nico replied, "Why?"
"Your heart is beating super fast," Will said, leaning in to get a better listen to his heart. He glanced at his watch and tried to count the beats per minute.
"Huh," Nico thought aloud, "I feel fine," He shrugged.
Will thought for a moment, and his brows began to inch further down his forehead, "Then ... I guess don't worry about it... Shouldn't be a big deal."
He removed his hand from Nico's chest.
Will continued to poke and prod Nico.
Nico's memory couldn't help but to focus itself on his experiences from a few nights prior; the party with Will, the drunken, aimless wondering, the stolen looks Will took that Nico wasn't supposed to notice.
"Can I ask you a question?" Nico asked.
"Go for it," Will responded, preoccupied with scribbling Nico's results on a clipboard.
"Are you... Gay?" Nico prodded, letting the words fall uncertainty from his tongue like he was afraid he'd break Will's porcelain heart if he spoke too harshly.
"What? No," Will's eyes turned to panic for a moment, "Did someone tell you I was?"
Will's eyes could hardly maintain a focus.
"No, no, I just... y'know forget it. It doesn't matter."
Will was happy to drop the subject.
It wasn't in Will's character to lie. He didn't like lying. The pit of his stomach would shrink every time he did, but at the same time, whenever he thought of speaking his truth his head grew dizzy with fear. Neither option was ideal.
He knew that at some point, he'd have to face the truth. He couldn't construct himself a life of lies and expect to reside in it forever. But for right now, he could continue to hide in his home constructed of falsities. Just for a while longer.
Every lie he told, every fabrication of who he was only distanced himself, from his friends, his professors, his family. None of them knew the real him, because he was too afraid to tell them the truth. Parts of him remained hidden even to himself because he was too afraid to uncover his own truths. He was terrified of who he was.
Will shook the thoughts that cascaded through his head, refocusing himself back to Nico.
Will finished the rest of his test, and replaced his equipment in his bag. He groaned and fell onto his couch next to Nico.
"I still feel unprepared for the test. I want this so badly," He began.
"Dude, don't worry about it. You're gonna be fine. You're a good student, and it shows in your work. You're gonna do great," Nico comforted.
Will glanced at Nico, "I sure hope so."
He could hear the rain beating from outside. For a moment the two lounged, letting the rain batter the side of Will's apartment. He began to wonder when the storm would pass.
(Another thanks to my betas @embooks and @all-this-panic-still-no-disco !! They really help bring this fic to be the best it can be!!)
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pkmnclifford · 4 years
home. 2
(part 1)
summary: michael used to be a rockstar in his hometown. but somehow he blacked out, and now he’s in an unknown city. in this part, luke takes care of him and welcomes new friends.
word count: 2k
warnings: mentions of blood, bruises
taglist: @phantastic1daf​ @cliiffords​ @babyoria​ @twilightmomentswithyou​ @calumspeachy​ @lukeysdimples​ @cliffoconda​ (again, if you don’t want to be tagged just tell me!!)
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Flashing lights. Again and again. Blurry reflections in a mirror. A sky full of stars. And a loud, alarming sound, piercing through Michael’s ears.
He woke up, sweating and out of breath. A nightmare. Still lying on Luke’s red couch, Michael squinted his eyes, as the light coming from a television screen flickered in the room. Noticing the blanket on his couch suddenly moved, Luke, who had taken one of his kitchen chairs and had put it next to Michael to wait for him to wake up, jumped. He had decided to watch TV on mute to let his guest sleep, but apparently the screen alone woke Michael up.
“Hey” Luke said softly. Michael rubbed his eyes and saw Luke sitting there, next to him. He sat up, the memories of what happened (his injured hand and his panic attack, but most importantly, the fact he still wasn’t aware of where he actually was) coming back to him.
“Hi” Michael yawned. “For how long was I asleep?”
“You have been sleeping all day. It’s around 8pm now, I think.”
Michael noticed how Luke awkwardly looked at his own hands and touched his rings, the one golden ring on his middle finger shimmering as he turned it around, reflecting the white light of the TV screen.
“You had a nightmare, didn’t you? I heard you talk in your sleep.” Luke said, still not looking up.
Michael blushed, thinking about what kind of things he could’ve said in his sleep. His nightmare was still blurry in his mind, and he was unsure of what he actually had had a dream about.
“What did I say?” He asked shyly to Luke who was now absent-mindedly staring at the screen.
“Something about... Home and...” Luke hesitated. “You were... I don’t know, it sounded like someone was hurting you.”
Suddenly feeling the dryness in his mouth, Michael tried to swallow and, as he looked down, noticed his hand didn’t hurt that much anymore. They stayed silent for a while in Luke’s living room. Michael hated nightmares. He wanted to forget, but he couldn’t, even though it was all a blur, there was something he couldn’t put his finger on.
It was dark outside. Their eyes met, both wanting to say something, but not knowing what, or how. As Michael brought his hand to his eyes to get a closer look to his wounds, he was still wearing his striped sweater, and the blood stains had turned brown on his right sleeve.
“Maybe you’d like to change?” Luke said with a raspy voice, suddenly breaking the silence. “You can borrow one of my sweaters if you want, and I’ll wash yours.”
“That’s so nice of you...” Michael whispered, but Luke had already gone up to go get one of his sweaters from his closet, in the hallway. He came back and handed a light grey hoodie to Michael, who looked at him with a surprised expression. They stared at each other awkwardly, Michael waiting for Luke to leave the room so he could change, and Luke waiting for Michael to give him his dirty sweater.
“It’s probably...”
They stopped, interrupting each other. Michael felt his cheeks heat up.
“I’ll let you change and you’ll give me your sweater later, okay?” Luke said with a grin.
Michael nodded as Luke left the room and closed the door. He sighed, exhausted, even though he had been asleep all day, and took off his sweater. His gaze fell on his own reflection in the mirror which was standing against the wall in the corner of the room, and he immedialty noticed the bruises. Dark, big bruises all over his chest. Michael gasped, bringing his bandaged hand to the purple, black-ish skin, brushing his fingers against his sensitive skin. What had happened to him? To his body? He looked at his face in the mirror. He had bags under his green eyes, his tousled blonde hair falling on his forehead. Once again, confusion and panic started to make Michael feel dizzy, his vision went blurry from the tears starting to form in his already red eyes as he suddenly heard Luke’s voice from the kitchen.
“Are you alright in there? Do you need help?”
“I-I’m fine” Michael stuttered, holding his breath. He didn’t want Luke to see his bruises, he’d only ask more questions. “I’ll give you my sweater in a second.”
He grabbed Luke’s soft sweater, which smelled of fresh laundry, like a cherry blossom garden bathed in sunlight. Michael brought the fabric to his face and breathed in deeply ; the smell calmed him down. Before pulling the sweater over his head, something else caught his eye in the mirror. On his arm, he had his black armband tattoos, the ones he remembered. But in between them, there was something else. Another tattoo, one he didn’t remember getting. A weird black, spiky symbol joining both of his armbands on his elbow. Taking one step closer to the mirror, Michael noticed how his skin, close to the black edges, was red, as if the tattoo artist’s needle had just pierced through it. A fresh, new tattoo he knew nothing about.
“What the fuck... What the fuck!” Michael let out uncontrollably.
“Are you okay? Michael?”
Michael heard Luke rushing in, not minding his guest’s privacy. His vision was foggy due to his teary eyes. His breath was starting to get heavier, faster. He couldn’t take his eyes off of his arm. What did all of this mean?
“Oh my god! What happened to your chest! Are you in pain?” Luke gasped loudly as he saw Michael in the mirror. “You just got a tattoo? That looks nice. Super cool. The bruises aren’t that cool though.”
Michael turned around to face the blonde boy. Luke was unbelievable; hadn’t he understood Michael still didn’t have the answers to all of his questions? But the boy’s kindness stopped Michael from saying anything. He was thankful for Luke’s help and tried to stay calm. Without Luke, he would probably be wounded, alone and even more lost. But at that moment, he only felt embarrassed as Luke had only known him for less than 24 hours, and already seen him bare chest.
“It’s alright, I’m not in pain.” Michael lied. He could every single one of his heartbeats hurt in his chest. His heart was beating harder and harder. “And I don’t know where the tattoo is from.”
“Are you serious?” Luke chuckled. “I know people get drunk and get weird tattoos sometimes, but you can’t tell me you don’t remember getting such a big tattoo!! It looks like you got it yesterday or something. Were you drunk?”
“Believe me or not, I don’t remember anything. And I don’t drink. I don’t even know what it’s like, to get drunk. I want to answer your questions, Luke, but I... just can’t.” Michael said, turning his elbow to his face to look closely at the black symbol. “It burns though.”
Luke stared at Michael worringly, as the bruised boy quickly pulled on the grey hoodie over his head, to cover his bare skin and his ugly wounds. He picked up Michael’s stained sweater on the ground.
“Maybe you want to eat something? And you’ll try to tell me what...”
The sound of Luke’s doorbell ringing caught him off guard. A confused look on his face, he walked to the door, leaving Michael alone in his living room. Michael, who didn’t know where to put himself, was scared of who might be behind that door. Luke’s words came back to him, when he told him about his words in his sleep: “it sounded like someone was hurting you”. Maybe Michael wasn’t safe. He didn’t feel safe.
Stepping closer to the window and discreetly pushing the curtains aside, he heard Luke open the door and then, loud voices. Without knowing why, Michael felt like he didn’t want to be seen in here, at Luke’s place. People, whoever they’d be, would ask questions. He was starting to think about hiding under the couch, but it was too late, the living room door suddenly opened. Michael turned around and saw Luke coming in, followed by two boys ; one was holding a pile of flat carton boxes, laughing.
“Calum wanted to get pineapple on his pizza. Thank god, they also make normal pizzas so I ordered a...”
As they saw Michael standing there by the window, they all stopped and stared at each other silently. Michael was just awkwardly standing there, pulling on Luke’s soft hoodie’s sleeves, wishing he could bury himself underground. Apparently Luke had forgotten he had invited friends over. One of them had darker skin, black hair, and was wearing a cheetah-printed bucket hat, which made Michael doubt his fashion choices right away.The other boy, with what looked like black dyed hair, who was holding the pizzas, asked out of the blue:
“Why’s there someone in your living room, Luke?”
Michael jumped at his agressive tone. He wanted to leave. He knew he wasn’t welcome anymore. Luke had his own life, and he was indeed, a stranger in his house.
“Guys, this is Michael. I met him this morning, he had hurt his hand and had nowhere to go. He borrowed one of my hoodies, because his was dirty.” Luke said, getting closer to Michael and putting one arm around his shoulders to show him through his body language, that he could stay. “Michael, this is Ashton and Calum. We were supposed to eat pizzas at my place tonight but I had completely forgotten, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I was just... really worried about you.” He turned to his friends, who couldn’t look more surprised. “Please, be nice to him. Maybe Michael can eat with us? I’m sure he has loads of things to tell us.”
“I mean - why not?” Calum stuttered, confused, looking at Ashton for support.
“You know welcoming strangers in your house isn’t really safe, Luke” Ashton said on a concerned tone, he then turned to Michael. “I mean... Not to be rude mate, but we don’t know you. Where do you live?”
Caught off guard by his rude tone, Michael froze, immediatly turning to Luke’s blue eyes to look for his help.
“You... still don’t remember anything?” Luke asked, worringly, which made Michael’s eyes tear up again.
“I don’t” Michael whispered, sniffling as he felt he was definitely about to cry. “I’m sorry.”
Luke instantly pulled him in a hug, putting his arms around the boy’s waist. Surprised, Michael jumped, but he then responded by holding Luke tight. A hug was all he needed. Closing his eyes, a few tears rolled down his cheeks. He breathed in the smell of aftershave and almond shampoo in Luke’s blonde curls. They both stayed like this, Luke waiting for Michael’s heartbeat to slow down. If only they could stay like this forever, Michael thought.
Calum and Ashton, still standing there, were confused but started to understand Michael's situation wasn’t that simple. After a few seconds, Ashton sighed and put down the pizzas on the wooden table in front of Luke’s red couch. Michael opened his eyes, still holding onto Luke, his chin resting on the boy’s shoulder, and saw Ashton was now smiling at him, even though he looked hesistant. He sat down on the couch and softly said:
“So... you like pepperoni pizza, Michael?”
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Intention to Harm {Quentin Beck x Stark!Reader}
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This is the second part to Corrupted Heart, read the first part here!
{Author’s Note: I had a bit of trouble working out where I wanted this to go, I hope you all enjoy! If you liked it, make sure to like and reblog-- it means the world to me and it helps my blog! I read every comment, and I’d love to hear what you think! Send me an ask if you’d like to be added to the tag list, or just to say hi!}
Warnings: implied threats of violence, language, mentions of alcohol, mentions of kidnapping, fingering, sexual content, questionable consent
Tags: @cat1212 @httphiddlestan @aquahogcodes @jilldsumner @babycolaa @eleventhdoctorsangel @qtmeryr @plumsfrombucharest @queen-disera-the-fifth @chonisberonica @legendsaresooftenwarnings
The engine trembled, the only relief from the silence of the empty street. It was a far departure from Time Square, far from the ivory towers that made up your father’s kingdom-- you were down in the mud now, the dirty streets, the parts of New York you’d been taught to avoid. 
Quentin’s mind was spinning as he observed your palpable fear, saw you shivering in the cold night, your breath appearing in front of your lips in soft pants. “Get up on the hood,” he ordered, stepping forward and encouraging the movement with firm hands. 
The metal was hot to the touch, almost painfully so, but you followed the command without a word of dissent. You were worried his thin psyche would snap, he already seemed to be teetering on the edge of some psychotic break. 
His hands followed his eyes in a slow trail up your exposed thigh, his expression neutral, testing almost. “I thought, for just a second, that you were better than him,” his voice shook with untapped anger, “but the apple doesn’t fall far from the fucking tree!” He slapped the hood next to you, and grinned as you squeaked and jumped with fright. 
You were frozen in place, staring at him with wide eyes, withdrawn ever so slightly to keep him at a distance. “Please,” the word left your lips in a choked out whisper, “he’ll pay you whatever you want,” you offered, racking your brain to find something to tide over the psychopath in front of you. “Anything.”
His expression parted for an amused smile, his hand sliding further up your inner thigh and reaching the barrier of cloth. “No, he won’t,” he shook his head, pinching the soft fabric between his fingers. “Daddy’s money won’t solve everything, Y/N.” He sounded chiding, disapproving, but the smile stayed in place. “You’ll have to pay for this yourself.” His hand dropped to his belt, but his eyes stayed locked on you. 
Tony was shit-faced. 
Celebrating a successful mission with a toast... and then another... and then a third. They’d saved the world, again, so why not enjoy it for once? 
Steve on his left, and Barnes on his right, Tony stumbled up the steps to Stark Tower, groaning to himself as he blinked away a bout of dizziness. Even for him, this was excessive-- he vowed not to do shots with Bucky again-- the Super-Soldier took the booze without issue. 
The night security guard, Reynolds, waved them in and looked over the drooping billionaire with a halfhearted sigh. 
“Anything happen while we were gone?” Steve asked patiently, helping Tony over to the elevator. “Anyone come by?”
Reynolds thought for a minute. “A guy came by to pick up his stuff, but he must’ve used the back exit, he never came down,” he shrugged. “He had low security clearance, I don’t think it was anything special.” 
Tony grunted with acknowledgement, vaguely remembering something about a former employee coming by tonight, but incoherent enough to avoid forming a sentence explaining that. 
Steve gently eased Tony forward into the steel-walled elevator, turning to press the button and discovering something affixed to the wall. His brow furrowed, and he glanced over to Tony, before rolling his eyes and turning to Bucky. “You recognize this?”
Bucky shrugged. “Wasn’t here when we left. Maybe maintenance?” He offered, reaching out to give it a tug. It was attached with cheap adhesive, and was crudely made to look like a cellphone. He prodded at the device as the elevator zoomed upwards. “It would be a better question for him,” he inclined his head towards Stark, handing the thing back over to Steve. “Leave it on his desk?”
“Give it here,” Tony slurred, reaching out a hand, and snatching the device with unexpected speed. He stared and swayed, examining the ‘phone’ with arrogance. “It’s an EMP, and a crappy one by the looks of it,” he thrust it forward with confidence. “Probably made by that guy who came in earlier.” 
Steve and Bucky exchanged a glance. No-one was here, they had all been at the nightclub... so what was the objective of tampering with some elevator buttons? If someone was trying to steal something...
Tension grew thick as the elevator approached its destination, and Bucky slid out first, silently sweeping the room and snagging the handgun above the sink. It was there for emergencies, and if someone was in the Tower, that constituted as an emergency. 
Steve was more direct, turning to Tony, “hang tight for a minute, there might be someone in the apartments.” He instructed quietly, stepping out and nodding to Bucky, moving towards the long hallway of doors where most of the Avengers slept. 
Tony, however, wasn’t content with staying put and stumbled out of the elevator-- making an obscene amount of noise as he bumped into decor, and tried to follow the two sleuth. “Y/N!” He called, only a few steps behind Steve. “Y/N, are you up?”
Bucky whirled around and gave Tony a furious glare as whatever cover they had was blown. But... his rage was quickly sapped at the lack of response. It was still here, entirely silent. He could hear the soft hum of the air-conditioner, and nothing else. He gave Steve a worried glance, and drew further forward, glancing at each closed door until he neared yours-- which was open. 
Quinten watched you analyze the situation, no doubt wondering if you could outrun him or call for help, and carefully began to undo his belt. 
Your shoulders sagged with resignation, and you crossed your arms, looking off towards the curb as you heard the soft clink of his belt coming undone. To any passerbys, it would look like a typical couple fooling around in on the side of the road, maybe you’d get lucky and someone would call the cops. “Can we at least... go to the backseat?” 
His expression broke into a small grin, a soft laugh bubbling past his lips. “Feeling shy?” He inquired, making a show of looking around the abandoned street, and looking back to you when he was done. 
You didn’t rise to his jabs, hearing your blood rush to your ears. “Please?” You asked softly, lifting your eyes to meet his.
He weighed the choice, allowing you to agonize a moment more, before offering a hand. His expression was coldly apathetic. “It doesn’t matter to me,” he concluded, not allowing a crack of doubt to show through his mask. “After you.”
You swallowed, and accepted the offered hand, feeling the warmth of his hand in yours as he nudged you toward the backseat of your precious vehicle. Pretend its not real, you reasoned. Pretend like your back at home, in bed, and this is all just a dream. You opened the door, and watched the car flood with light, the backseat laid out before you, impeccably clean leather seats inviting debutantes and billionaires-- not the man who lingered behind you.
His free hand drifted to the small of your back, questioning your hesitation. 
You recoiled from his touch, drawing a soft breath through your nose, and carefully climbing into the back, on your hands and knees. Your heart was pounding with trepidation, and you watched your reflection in the glass of the window. 
Beck let his eyes drift over the barely decent shorts, and the slight stripe of skin revealed by your night-shirt, considering his next move. He placed his hands gingerly over your hips, testing the waters, and pulling you closer to him. 
You hated yourself for enjoying his authoritative grip, and restrained a shiver as his eyes raked over your pajamas. No. You were not enjoying this. No way in hell. You forced yourself to focus on one of the seams of the leather seats. 
His fingers curled over the elastic waistband of your shorts, quickly pulling them over your rear and exposing the flesh. He ignored your gasp, and began to carefully caress the soft skin with his hands, eyes exploring every depraved inch. “You got a boyfriend?” He asked, thumb swiping up your now exposed slit, examining the glisten on his fingers with an air of amusement. 
“What?” You asked, freezing when you felt the sharp movements of his digits. 
“Wondering just how long its been,” he justified, “considering just how wet you are.” He said this with a smugness, repeating the motion, his thumb pausing at the crest of the movement. “You’re into this?” He asked, glad that your fear had given way for mild annoyance and denial. 
“I’m not,” you snapped defensively, “obviously I’m not.” You struggled in his surprisingly tight grasp, trying to edge forward and away from him. 
He held you in place with one firm hand, continuing to apply feather-light touches on the exposed skin of your core. “You don’t have to admit it,” he began to carefully probe into your heat with two experimental fingers, thumb brushing gentle circles on the exposed skin of your hip. “Because you want to know what I think?” He asked, sinking his fingers to the first knuckle, slowly and deliberately. “I think that part of you is fucking thrilled.” He hissed softly in your ear, bobbing the fingers and watching the slight quiver of your shoulders. “Finally, someone’s giving you the attention and not him.” 
You bit down hard on your lip, willing yourself to silence any sound that came to your lips. You wouldn’t say a word, you vowed, fingernails digging into the expensive leather. 
“You’re the perfect little daughter, always poised and prepared to clean up his mistakes,” the words were venom, finely mixed to strike at the heart of the matter. “But I think you go back to your room and pray that someone will knock down your ivory tower. Tell me,” he edged the fingers deeper, feeling your warmth envelop the digits, “am I wrong?”
You whimpered lightly, eyes squeezed shut. You could almost taste the blood in your mouth from your harshly bitten lip, but you didn’t break. 
“You can pretend that you’re above this,” he pushed a little deeper, curling the ends of the fingers to elicit another soft gasp from those locked lips, “but you didn’t have to say yes.” His hand snaked around your hip and found that delicious bud of pleasure, focusing his efforts as he worked his fingers in unison. “Am I the hero you wanted?” 
You tried to fight the warm feeling growing between your legs, tried to find the words to deny his accusations. A bubble of shame built in your chest, as you found, instead, that you lacked the will to pull away from the gratifying touch. 
He increased his tempo, a smile turning up one corner of his mouth. “That’s what I thought,” he muttered, overflowing with arrogance. He continued these motions, occasionally nudging your thighs apart with his knee, indulging in each of the strangled moans that left your throat. He finished you off with a flourish, pulling his fingers free, and watching your arousal drip down your legs. 
Your elbows buckled, and you slumped forward on the seat, your cheek resting against the cool leather. You could feel a lingering buzz throughout your body, your limbs heavy, and your mind sluggish. 
Quentin reached down to retrieve his belt, tidying himself and cleaning your mess from his fingers. There. Now you wouldn’t run anymore. He closed the backseat door, and moved back to the driver’s seat, satisfied, and put the car in drive. He adjusted the rear-view mirror to keep an eye on you, and was satisfied to see you hadn’t twitched from your position. “Let’s go home,” he murmured softly, returning his eyes to the road.
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cottonblush · 5 years
I’ve been super busy lately with religious stuff that my parents have been forcing me to do and with packing for college, so I haven’t had much time to write, but I am working on switched! So as a thank you for being so patient, here’s a lil preview:)
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You think things are going normal until the Monday after when six black cats follow you on the way to school. It starts slowly, a tiny kitten pawing at your leg as you stop to tie your laces. The second one arrives as you say good morning to the sweet old lady who runs the flower shop. Soon enough, three, four, and five join you from out of an alley. And last but not least, the chubbiest cat you've ever seen drags its lethargic body out of its place atop a chair at a convenience store and follows you, green eyes inspecting you with interest. You try not to look at them, thinking that maybe if you pay them no attention, they'll all return to where they've come from. Things don't go as planned, because when you get to the front gates of the school, the guard has to chase them away with a broom.
"Looks like you've got your ducks in a row," Lia says as she catches up to you, bringing the pace of your stroll up to a brisk walk as the warning bell for the homeroom period sounds throughout the school. "Or should I say cats?"
"Oh god, you saw that?"
"Pretty sure everyone and their second cousin noticed you."
You don't hesitate to roll your eyes at Lia's comment and mockingly stick out your tongue as you enter class together. Lia goes to her assigned seat by the windows at the back while you slide into yours in the middle of the row closest to the door, a smile lighting up your face as you notice a strawberry milk carton sitting on your desk. Your deskmate, Chaewon, a.k.a the nicest person on the face of the earth, remarks that she had a feeling you would forget to eat breakfast once again (she was right) and decided to pick up something on the way to school. Offering a multitude of thanks, you slip your bag off your shoulder and hook it on its designated hanger that juts out from your sturdy desk. She elbows your side and points to the reminder scrawled out on the chalkboard in messy handwriting that says field trip approval forms are due the day after during homeroom, and asking if you're going or not. You excitedly voice that you are in fact going and that it would be great if she rooms with you and Lia.
Light chatter follows up until your homeroom teacher walks in and clears his throat, announcing that the period is beginning. You start off paying attention to him rattle on about upcoming events, but it's like all of a sudden, a dizzy spell washes over you. Your eyes are refusing to stay open, an invisible force pulling them down, and the room feels several degrees hotter even with the a/c blasting a cool breeze straight into your face. Chaewon notices and offers to take you to the nurse, but you assure her you can go on your own as it's probably just because of something bad you ate the night before. You slide out of your chair and quickly let the teacher know what's going on before heading out the door.
The hallways are empty, your footsteps echoing against the walls. Your eyes are trained on the floor and the hazy reflection of your figure on the waxed floors. The bright fluorescent lights aren't doing much to help the migraine that you've developed, and you're basically a stumbling mess, which is why you're not surprised that you completely failed to notice the other human being turning the corner just as you are. You and the other student collide with a surprising amount of force, falling back on your butts. You only get a few seconds to get a good look at them, realizing it's none other than Na Jaemin, the heartthrob of your grade, before you slump backward and everything goes dark.
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Chase Stein- Concussion
Request- Concussion
Fandom- Marvel's Runaways (TV)
Requested by KeilaMarie102 on Wattpad
Stars are Completed. Swirls are Requests
CW: Language
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At some point in the literal insanity that was fighting their parents and bring down the billion dollar cult, that they'd started, Chase's fistagons had gone on the fritz and he'd informed his friends that the parts he needed to fix them were in his dad's workshop.
They'd been smart: don't take the whole team, take the back roads so they couldn't be followed, wait until everyone is out of the house. You know, you're typical spy movie rundown. Apparently, Chase thought as he and Nico stepped into the workshop to see Tina Minoru and his own dad doing their best to look the part of the concerned parent™, they hadn't been careful enough.
There was some brief talk of going quietly and trying to get Gert and Chase to tell them where the hostel was...yada yada. Then came the fun part or the bad part, depending on how this all played out.
"Flip!" Nico yelled, holding the Staff of One between herself and her mom. The spell had it's desired effect, though. Nico watched as Tina was swept off her feet and tumbled backwards through the air. The effect didn't last long, though. Nico barely had time to take a breath before her mom was full on Naruto running at her, which might have been a little funny under different circumstances, and managed to land a kick that sent Nico reeling backwards into a metal table before she could think of a good counter spell.
Nico's vision went fuzzy for a moment, almost like a bad connection on a television, but when she could see clearly again, she saw her mom walking towards her.
"Go away!" Nico said with all of the strength she had left, aiming the Staff of One at Tina. Then, her mom was just, gone. Nico thought this might throw a wrench in things later on, but she couldn't think about that right now. She had bigger things to worry about at present.
Chase was in the heart of the workshop, presumably collecting the supplies he would need, leaning heavily against a work table. Victor was walking up behind him, Chase either too busy or too hurt to react.
"Ch'se-" Nico choked out, her mouth full of cotton. "Cha'e look out!" She got to her feet shakily and tried again, louder this time. She would never get to him in time.
"Chase!" She screamed again, catching his attention this time.
"Wha-oof" Chase turned around just in time to see his dad swinging his fist. Chase tried to dodge, but he thought he must have slipped. He was falling, then there was a sharp pain, then nothing.
"Walk away!" Nico yelled as she braced herself against the bench, desperate to get Victor away from Chase. Victor was about to swing again, but something seemed to come over him as he put the tank down and just walked away. Nico could barely breathe as she watched him walk out the doors of the workshop.
Once she was sure Victor was gone, Nico made her way over to Chase slowly, that kick her mom had landed had at least bruised a few ribs, worst case, they were broken.
Nico bit her cheek so hard she tasted blood. She saw the table first, dark red blood on the edge where it had made contact with Chase's head.
Then she saw Chase. He still wasn't moving, but the shallow rise and fall of his chest told Nico that he was breathing, which was better than not. Unlike her mom, Victor had managed to get several good hits in on Chase. His face was bloody and bruised and Nico could just see the cut on the back of his head from the table. It oozed blood in a sickening way.
Nico dropped to her knees and checked Chase over for any immediately life threatening injuries. Lifting up his shirt, she saw angry bruises that were already forming. So ditto on the bruised ribs.
"Chase" She called.
"Chase" She tried again, smacking Chase's cheek lightly.
Nothing again.
"Chase. Wake up! We need to get out of here!" Nico tried again with another, harder smack to Chase's cheek and trying to swallow down the panic rising in her chest.
"Mmm" Chase groaned.
Nico sighed in relief.
"Chase, I don't know how long we've got until the rest of out parents get here. C'mon, aren't you supposed to be a super jock or something?" Nico snarked, shaking Chase's arm.
"Gert would call that heteronormative bullshit." Chase mumbled, opening his eyes.
Nico tried to tamp down the relief she felt. Now was not the time to reflect on her feelings for her friends.
"Shut up." Nico rolled her eyes. "How's your head?"
"Hurts like a bitch." Chase huffed.
"Let me see." Nico said, gently pushing Chase's head to one side so she could get a good look at the cut on the back of his head.
"Agh!" Chase growled, pain pulsing through his head.
"Sorry, sorry!" Nico hissed. When she finally got a good look at the wound, Nico's stomach did flips. It was small, but jagged and bloody. There was so much blood.
"Head wounds bleed a lot." Chase offered calmly, seeming to read Nico's mind. "That's what coach Alphona always told us, anyway." Chase mumbled. "We need to put pressure on it to stop the bleeding. If I lose too much blood, I'll go into shock." He explained calmly.
Pressure. Pressure." Nico repeated the mantra, getting to her feet. Nico looked around and spotted a mostly clean oil rag. It was far from sterile, but it'd have to do.
"How are you so calm right now?" Nico asked, casting a look back at Chase and walking over to retrieve the rag and wipe off as much gunk as possible.
"With Victor Stein as a dad, freaking out only makes him hit harder." Chase answered, squeezing his eyes shut as another wave of pain rolled over him.
"Here." Nico offered, worrying at her lip again. She hadn't expected Chase to be so honest. She'd known Chase's dad wasn't great, had maybe been a little more perceptive than some of their other friends, but that was...woah.
Chase opened his eyes to see that she was holding an oil rag out to him. He took the rag and hissed quietly as he held it to his head.
"Can you stand?" Nico asked, wanting to get as far away from this topic as possible.
"Good enough for me." Nico shrugged, getting to her feet and putting out her hand to help Chase up.
Nico managed to pull Chase into a sitting position before he made her stop.
"Gonna puke" He warned, a nauseating pain shooting through his skull as the workshop spinning dangerously around him.
"Ew" Nico dropped Chase's hand and stepped back slightly.
"You good?" Nico asked after a moment.
"I'm not going to pass out if that's what you're asking." Chase huffed and tried to blink the spots out of his eyes, hoping that was true.
"I was actually asking if you were going to hurl all over me. We're super limited on fashionable options as runaways and I'd like to hold off looking like Little Orphan Annie as long as possible." Nico smirked.
"Relax, Minoru, I'll aim away from you're 'fit." Chase laughed, immediately regretting the sudden movement that made the world tilt on its axis again.
"You good?"
"Can you stand? I really don't want to be here whenever my mom gets back from wherever I sent her."
Chase looked confused.
"I told her to go away." Nico explained, gesturing to the Staff of One.
"Yeah. That's why we should be long gone before anyone gets back." Nico pushed, holding her hand out to Chase again.
Chase took Nico's hand and tried to help support his own weight, but really only succeeded in almost blacking out again. So, Nico was left to figure out how to pull up 220 pounds of dead weight. Chase had to admit he was impressed though, Nico made pretty quick work of hauling him up and onto his feet. Although, between the pain in his head and the newfound pain in his ribs, Chase nearly fell over as soon as she let go of him again.
"How you doing?" Nico asked Chase as she pulled him up.
"There were three of you earlier. Now there's just two."
"That's an improvement." Nico sighed, positioning herself under Chase's arm to support most of his weight
"Woah," Chase mumbled, swaying slightly. "These stars are bright."
That was definitely the opposite of an improvement. "What?" Nico asked, still trying to make sure Chase didn't keel over again. "Nevermind. You're definitely concussed." She decided, pushing his hand back up to his head where it had become lax.
"Mmm" Chase looked at Nico sleepily, not even seeming to register the pain of the rag on the cut.
"Woah, woah, woah, don't go to sleep!" Nico blanched. "That's really bad, or something." Why was she so useless in a medical crisis? "We're gonna walk to the car now. Just-" Nico looked Chase up and down, seeing how his breathing was shallow and his eyes drooped sleepily. "Just don't die in the next twenty minutes."
"Okie dokie." Chase sighed.
Once again, moving seemed to be a lot easier said than done for Chase. The concussion, Nico prayed that it was just a concussion, seemed to have completely knocked out Chase's sense of balance and she basically ended up carrying him to the jeep they'd 'borrowed' a few days ago.  By the time she got Chase stuffed into the backseat she'd become way too acquainted with parts of Chase she never wanted to think about again and he'd passed out again.
"Chase? Chase!" Nico smacked him on the cheek again.
"Unghh" Chase grunted.
"You can't go to sleep."
Chase moaned again, but seemed to be trying to keep his eyes open. Nico hurried around to the Driver's side and sat down in the seat, her ribs screaming as her body decided that now would be a great time to remember that it was injured. She sat for a moment, trying to breathe through the worst of the pain before pushing it to the back of her mind and starting the car. She looked into the backseat one last time to see Chase's eyes starting to slip shut again.
"Hey!" She reached back and poked his stomach. There was no give, seriously, was this kid actually a demigod? "You can't-"
Nico was cut off as Chase vomited onto the floormats.
Right, bruised ribs. Nico cringed and rolled down the window to help with the smell.
"You can't go to sleep." Nico explained, peeling out of the driveway. "If you go to sleep, you'll go into a coma and if you go into a coma, Gert will kill me, actually, she might just let Old Lace eat me."
"No sleeping. Got it." Chase groaned, trying to ignore the pain in his ribs and the nausea from the sudden movement. He adjusted the rag on the back of his head, trying not to worry over the fact that it already felt soaked with blood.
The rest of the ride was quiet besides Nico yelling for Chase to stay awake every few minutes and Chase assuring her that he wasn't falling asleep.
The hostel was dark when they got back, but that was normal, Nico told herself in an effort to convince herself everything was fine. Nothing was fine. Nothing had been fine in so long.
"Chase!" Nico said, a little louder than probably required.
"I'm up! I'm up!" Chase muttered weakly, sounding wholly unconvincing.
"We're here." Nico said turning on the overhead lights, but she didn't like what she saw. Chase was scary pale and the seat cushion under his head was brown with blood.
"I'm gonna go get help. Don't die until I get back." Nico opened the car door.
"As opposed to after you get back?" Chase huffed a laugh.
"Fuck off, Stein." Nico rolled her eyes.
Nico's ribs burned with every movement, all of her adrenaline having long since left her body. She felt as if she might pass out herself by the time she got to the door of the hostile. She opened it and saw lights on down the hallways.
"Kar-" Nico started, but cut off in a coughing fit. However, it seemed her girlfriend had super hearing and the next thing Nico knew, Karolina was standing next to her, a worry line between her eyebrows and asking her what happened.
"They were waiting for us. Maybe they knew we were coming. Maybe they got lucky. I'll be fine. Chase-"
"Chase? What about Chase?" Gert asked, materializing out of nowhere.
"Concussion, maybe a few bruised ribs. I couldn't get him inside by myself." Nico huffed, leaning into Carolina's arms.
"Molly! I need your help!"
"Did he Chase get what he-" Alex started, rubbing his eyes and putting on his glasses, but stuttered to a stop when he saw Nico. "Damn, what happened."
"PRIDE was waiting for them." Karolina answered helpfully, trying to lead Nico, who looked like she'd pass out any second, into their bedroom.
"Ugh! Our parents are such jerks!" Molly stamped her foot. "Where's Chase?"
"In-" huff "the car." huff. Was it getting harder to breathe? "I couldn't carry-" huff "him any further." It was definitely getting harder to breathe.
"Alright, you've had enough craziness for one night." Karolina decided, steering Nico into their room and onto the bed. "Let's get you comfortable."
Nico smiled dopily and let herself be situated on the bed.
Alex watched Karolina lead Nico into their bedroom and was about to go outside to try and help Gert and Molly with Chase, but it seemed they'd beaten him to it.
Even knowing Chase could be really hurt, a small part of Alex wished he had a camera to capture the moment happening in  front of him. Molly, in all her 5'3, 115 pound glory, had 6'2, 220 pound Chase Stein draped over her back like he weighed no more than her glittery pink backpack in a deadman's carry.
"Put him on the couch, Molly." Gert directed, leading Molly down the stairs and to the couch in what she assumed used to be the conservatory.
Alex fell in line behind Molly, seeing Chase in the light for the first time. Dude looked rough. Chase's face was a mess of blood and bruises and he had a pretty impressive black eye and his hands were bloody. Molly turned onto the tiled floor and that's when Alex caught sight of the cut on the back of Chase's head. He swallowed nervously.
Molly put chase on the couch facing toward the cushions so they could all get a good look at the cut on his head.
"Chase?" Gert asked softly.
"N't asl'ep" Chase mumbled.
"Good to know." Gert crossed her arms, trying to think. What were they supposed to do? They were kids, they didn't have access to medical care, not unless they wanted to be found by PRIDE.
"We need to get that bleeding under control." Alex observed.
"Thank you, Captain Obvious." Gert huffed.
"I'm just trying to help." Alex defended.
"Helping and making basic observations are not the same thing, Alex."
"Seriously, I just can't-"
"Hey!" Molly yelled.
St'p yellin'" Chase whined into the couch cushions.
"Sorry." Molly smiled ruefully.
"I was worried something like this might happen, so," Molly turned and walked away around the corner, her voice trailing off. When she returned, she had several Dollar Tree shopping bags in her hands. "I wanted us to be prepared." She finished, dumping the bags on the ground.
Gert and Alex looked on as roll after roll of gauze and medical tape fell out.
"When did you get to be so resourceful?" Gert asked, giving Molly a hug.
"When you find out all of the adult's you look up to are cold blooded killers, do you really  have a choice?"
"True dat." Chase slurred.
Gert rolled her eyes, but was glad he was still awake.
"Alright, I think I can handle tweedle dum by myself. You guys go get some rest."
"Don't gotta tell me twice." Alex sighed, winding his way back up the stairs.
"I'm gonna check on Nico first. Night Chase. Don't die tonight, alright." Molly said cheerily before bouncing up the stairs behind Alex.
"Only because you asked so nicely, Mols." Chase tried to turn over to face Molly, forgetting that moving in general was a bad idea. Bile pushed it's way up his esophagus.
"Alright, I guess I just have to stop the-" Gert looked at Chase's ashen skin and shaky hands. "Oh, oh shit, are you gonna hurl?"
Chase nodded, tears in his eyes either from pain or trying not to vomit on himself, Gert couldn't tell.
"Oh, okay. Umm..." Gert looked around and picked up a Dollar Tree bag Molly had left discarded on the ground. "Here!" She thrust it toward Chase, helping him turn over so he wouldn't be sick all over himself, the pain almost making him black out in the process.
Chase held the bag with trembling hands and spit up bile into it. Gert tried to comfort him by rubbing his back, but she was pretty sure it just came off as awkward.
"All done?"
"Yeah. Think so." Chase answered breathlessly.
"Good, because I don't think you're going to like this next part."
Chase looked up at Gert miserably. It was heartbreaking really, and also the answer to everyone who ever asked why Chase Stein always got what he wanted.
"I'll help."
Chase huffed an affirmation, bracing himself as Gert braced his shoulders.
"On three." Chase said.
"On three." Gert agreed. "One, two" She grunted as she pulled Chase into a sitting position.
"Oh, now everything is upside down." Chase whined, squeezing his eyes shut and grabbing Gert's hand for stability.
"It's better if you're not expecting it, when it comes to an injury, that's what Coach Alfona always said."
"I didn't know you knew Coach Alfona." Chase opened his eyes slightly.
"I was being fececious." Gert smirked. "It's good to know getting hit on the head didn't give you a sense of sarcasm, then you'd truly be everyone's dream guy." Gert laughed as she rifled around on the floor to find a few packs of gauze and opened them up.
"But I'm your dream guy, right?" Chase chuckled, feeling a little loopy.
"I think you have brain damage." Gert rolled her eyes, smirking.
"Mhmm." Chase hummed.
Gert sat down beside Chase and surveyed the cut, relieved that it had mostly stopped bleeding. She put a piece of gauze on the cut and instructed Chase to hold it while she went searching for more tools. Thankfully, Molly had come through again. Gert spied a small bottle of peroxide by Chase's foot. She leaned over to grab it, feeling Chase's eyes on her.
"I can feel you staring at my ass."
"Yea-I mean no I'm not." Chase said shakily.
"You so were." Gert picked up the bottle and sat back up.
"W's not" Chase laughed.
Gert looked around again to find some medical tape and tried to dress Chase's wound as best as she could with his head lolling all over the place like a ragdoll.
"All done. Now all I have to do is wake you up every three hours to make sure you don't have swelling of the brain and go into a coma." Gert explained, putting the used gauze and supplies into a, non-soiled, Dollar Tree bag.
There was no answer. Gert looked over to chide Chase for falling asleep again, but something was wrong.
Chase was now leaned back against the couch with his eyes closed and Gert could see that his hands were shaking.
"Chase?" Gert asked, poking him gently in the ribs.
"Hmm?" He hummed without opening his eyes. That was not the response someone with possible fractured ribs should give when poked in said fractured ribs.
"You good?"
Gert bit the inside of her cheek as she looked Chase over. He was still pale, but now he was sweating and shivering at the same time and- Gert paused to put two fingers to the inside of his wrist like WikiHow had shown her- his pulse was really fast, but barely there.
"Okay, so I think the gross, bleeding head wound just became the least of our problems."
"Wha's wr'ng?"
"I think you're going into shock."
"Tha's not g'd."
Gert laughed nervously. That was the understatement of the year. She tried to remember what she'd read about people going into shock. Step one: assess. Already done. Step two: get them lying flat. Gert gently pulled Chase's shoulders down to the couch cushions, trying to be careful of his head. Chase didn't show any signs of being more alert; he did whimper a little, which was better than nothing, Gert decided.
Step three: keep them warm. Gert looked around for a blanket, but she knew they were all up in the bedrooms. Making her choice, Gert sprinted up the stairs to her room, grabbed as many blankets as she could, and sprinted back down, hoping Chase hadn't started having seizures or something. Was that even possible? Gert didn't know and she definitely didn't want to find out.
Gert rounded the corner and was relieved to see that Chase hadn't died in the minute she'd been gone. However, he was still pale and shaky and just looked all together as bad as someone going into shock could.
"I need you to talk to me. Stay awake."
"What're we talkin 'bout?"
"I don't know, you're dad?" Gert shrugged, spreading blankets over Chase's form. It took her brain about a millisecond longer than it should have to realize what she'd said. "Oh shit, Chase I didn't mean- we don't-" Gert mentally kicked herself.
"S'okay. He w's th're tonight. Hurt me. Hurt me real good." Chase giggled and something about it made the hairs on Gert's arms stand up straight.
"Use'ta say he w's makin me'a man. But th's-th'ts not wh't a m'n sh'd be." Chase took a stuttering breath and opened his eyes, Gert watched with wide, tear filled eyes, feeling like she was glued to the spot.
"Usta think th'ts what parens' did. Hurt their kids to m'ke 'em better." Chase finished, tears rolling down his cheeks.
Gert quickly wiped her face of tears and finished placing what was probably the fourth blanket on top of Chase and sat down beside him.
"I, um, I didn't know." She sniffed, wiping at the tears that still refused to stop.
"Nev-never told an'one. Din't th'nk it mattered." Chase cried softly.
Before she realized what she was doing, Gert reached up and wiped a tear away that had been trailing it's way down Chase's cheek. She was relieved to see that he was starting to get just a little color back.
They were both quiet for a long time.
"How do you feel?" Gert asked, breaking the silence.
"Better. Not so wooh." Chase made a wave motion with his hand.
"Good. I think it's probably safe for you to go to sleep. I'll stay down here and set an alarm to wake you up every few hours to check that you're not, you know, dead."
"Tha's appreciated. Don' like bein' dead." Chase slurred sleepily.
"I'll take the other couch." Gert supplied. She watched as something unreadable crossed Chase's face, uncertainty? Whatever it was, he seemed to wave it away.
Gert stood up and let the blood rush back into her legs from where she'd been curled up on the ground. She grabbed a blanket and started to walk toward the couch opposite Chase when something stopped her. She looked back, it was Chase's hand on her wrist.
"Stay. Please."
"I am. I'm sleeping on the other couch. Do you not remember that conversation? memory loss is a common side effect of con-" She rambled, wondering if they should have gone to the hospital.
"No, I remember. Just, stay here. Right here. With me." That look crossed Chase's gaze again, uncertainty.
"Yeah?" Gert asked.
"This is a really small couch." Gert observed.
Chase just shrugged and moved as far over as possible, trying to move his head and torso as little as possible.
Gert watched Chase's pained expression as he moved, his face going alarmingly pale once again.
"I think I might have a better idea." Gert decided.
And that's how Molly and Old Lace ended up carrying Gert's mattress down into the conservatory.
Gert and Molly helped Chase get comfortable-- a relative term, really. Gert settled in beside Chase, who was already asleep, overly aware that it had been weeks since they'd been close like this. Her mind whirred with so many questions, but she pushed them all to the back of her mind. The adrenalin of the night and the heart-to-heart with Chase had sufficiently wiped her emotional battery. Whatever these feelings were, they were a problem for morning Gert, or, Gert thought as she fell asleep, slipping her hand into Chase's, maybe these feelings weren't problems at all.
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wintersxsoul · 6 years
Braiding time
Summary: Set years after the events of Matching Scars.
Pairing: Loki x Female!Reader
Word count: 1674
Warnings: Domestic fluff, fluff. F L U F F.
A/N: Thank you @madamefresa for giving me this great idea!! 
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After six years of being together and happily married, you thought maybe life would get boring, but it never did. You retired from the avengers a year after the wedding, since Odin’s attack nearly killed you and the physical aftermaths were showing in each mission. Tony, being the mama bear he was, pushed you to leave the team’s missions and just be an office agent, which you appreciated it. Loki still went on missions when magic was required, but it was mostly in and out missions, nothing too physical or dangerous. Thor came and went from home to Asgard, since he was the new king. Anne and Steve moved to Brooklyn and got married, adopted three cats and 2 dogs, since none of them wanted kids.
It was a lazy Sunday autumnal afternoon, you were reading a book in your too worn out pajama, Loki next to you drinking his tea, flipping through the pages of a book as well. You were wrapped in your fluffy blanket, the rain hitting softly the windows of your penthouse. Loki left his empty cup on the table and lay down on the sofa, resting his head on your lap, your fingers running through his hair instinctively and after a few minutes, book totally forgotten, you started braiding strands of raven hair.
“Love, I’m going to fall asleep if you keep doing that.” He said in a sweet, low voice. You leaned in and gave his lips a small peck, making him close his eyes and setting his book on his chest. You smiled and he brought his lips to yours again, to kiss you deeper. After all these years, your thirst for each other didn’t weaken a bit, it even increased.
Loki snapped his fingers and in a blink of an eye you appeared on your bed, his body on top of yours, his lips crushing on yours passionately.
“Daddy?” Loki’s head snapped, followed by you moving to the side of the bed, away from his body. Loki sat down at the edge of the bed nervously, looking at the door.
“Hello there, angel.” Your daughter was standing by the door, rubbing her eyes, recently awake. Suddenly, green light surrounded her and she appeared in Loki’s lap, hugging his neck. You stared at her in awe, looking at your husband in disbelief. He was teaching her magic, but you couldn’t imagine she knew that much already. He looked at you apologetically with a small smile, and you shook your head.
“Ophelia, love, what did Daddy tell you about using magic without help?” Loki said, and she looked at him and smirked. These two were gonna be the death of you one day. She was the vivid image of Loki. She had wavy black hair, green eyes and pale skin, his smirks and mischievousness, but your lips, nose and eyelashes. She was kind, sweet, loving and super intelligent, for being just three and a half years old. She started speaking when she was only two, being able to form almost perfect sentences.
“I’m sorry, Daddy.” Loki patted her head amorously and Ophelia crawled to you, sitting in your lap.
“Hey there, Lia. You slept well?” She nodded and stared at Loki.
“Daddy, can I show Mommy what I learned?” He nodded effusively and she smiled, closing her eyes, trying to focus. You looked at her in awe, while her pale ivory skin turned into a soft shade of blue, marks splattering all over her features, her big green eyes were now deep crimson, full of pride and love, just as yours and Loki’s. She looked as gorgeous as he did in his Jotün form.
“That was impressive, Lia!” You and Loki clapped your hands while she giggled. You started tickling her sides while Loki tickled her tummy, making her squirm and laugh hysterically.
She turned back to her human appearance and disappeared in a green cloud again.
“Lia! Don’t break the rules.” You heard her giggle, knowing she was hidden somewhere near. “I’m going to paint my nails and I was thinking on painting Daddy’s. It would be a shame if you missed that.” You stood up from the bed and went to the bathroom to take the black and dark green nail polish. Lia appeared on the bed, jumping and shouting.
“I wanna paint Daddy’s nails pleeeeease.” Loki laughed and your heart swelled at the sound, always making you fall more in love. You sat down on the bed, followed by Lia and Loki approaching the two of you. Everytime he looked at you, he felt the luckiest man on the universe, not knowing how he got to have everything he ever wished for and more. Lia was his biggest pride and he made sure to show and tell her every time, he didn’t want to make the same mistakes Odin made. Loki wanted Ophelia to be proud of who she was, who she would become and what her heritage was.
Ophelia approached Loki with the black nail polish in her small hands, sitting down in front of him and grabbing his hand. She looked at Loki’s hair and smiled.
“Daddy, can you braid my hair while I paint your nails?” She asked in the most sweet and innocent tone she could manage to use, knowing it would melt Loki and get him to make whatever she wanted to.
“Let’s do something better. You paint Mommy’s nails while I braid your hair, and then you can paint mine. Okay?” She nodded and sat in front of you, giggling joyfully. Loki sat behind her and started braiding her hair, while she painted your nails very delicately.
Ophelia was very curious, so of course she wanted to know where her name came from. One day, you explained her very shortly Hamlet, and she was so invested in it, she asked you to read the whole book. After finishing it, she asked you to read more similar things, so today you had to finish reading Romeo and Juliet.
“How often are men happy right before they die! They call it the lightness before death. Oh, how can I call this lightness? Oh, my love! My wife! Death has sucked the honey from your breath, but it has not yet ruined your beauty. You haven’t been conquered. There is still red in your lips and in your cheeks. Death has not yet turned them pale…” Loki’s eyes were fixed on you, full of love and adoration and when you looked at him, your eyes reflected the same feelings.
To say you were scared to tell him you were pregnant was an understatement. You knew he wanted to be a father, but he was scared he would commit the same atrocities as his father did, but you knew him too well, and Frigga too. She raised Loki to be good, caring, gentle, soft and loving, so he was raising your little girl as he was raised.
“Eyes, look out for the last time! Arms, make your last embrace! And lips, you are the doors of breath. Seal with a righteous kiss the deal I have made with death forever.” After finishing the book, she looked over her shoulder with a big grin.
“Daddy, I want you to teach me how to fake my own death!” You stared at Loki in awe, not believing what Lia just said. She was finishing applying her second coat on Loki’s nails and they looked amazing.
“Hey, flower, that’s not something you should do. See what happens to Romeo and Juliet? Lying is bad, right Loki?”
“Totally right, honey.” Loki patted Lia’s head, and made some daisies appear at the palm of her hands. She stared at them surprised, and smiled.
“Pass them to me one by one, so I can place them in your braids, sweetheart.” She nodded and did what she was told, her smile never fading.
After dinner, Lia wanted to watch a movie, so the three of you laid on the sofa.
“What movie do you wanna see today?” You asked your daughter, fearing her answer. You adored Disney, but you were tired of watching the same movies over and over again.
“I wanna see the vampires one!” Loki frowned, looking at you confused.
“O, we saw all the Hotel Transylvania movies last night, don’t you wanna pick another one?” She shook her head at Loki’s words, and ran to the movie’s shelf. You gasped when you saw what movie she meant.
“I wanna see Mommy’s favorite movie again, I loved it!” Loki just shrugged his shoulders and nodded, knowing that she would fall asleep sooner than later.
Indeed, after fifteen minutes in the movie, she was fast asleep, her head pressed to your chest and her legs on Loki’s lap. You held her in your arms and took her to bed, Loki behind you. You placed her in her bed and tucked her in, holding the little stuffed bat and snake Anne gave her on her last birthday.
Loki casted an illusion on her ceiling, showing her the Asgardian night sky, just as he did on your first date, all those years ago. He closed the door and sighed.
“She really is something special.” He said, the adoration he showed melted you in your place.
“Of course she is, have you ever met her father?” He smirked at your words, and placed his arm on your shoulders, pulling you closer to his body.
“Well, don’t even get me started with the mother.” You elbowed him jokingly and kissed him, feeling that electricity again running through your veins. He deepened the kiss, leaving you dizzy and gasping for air.
“I love you.” You said between gasps, and he leaned in again, his lips on yours one more time.
“Let me show you how much I love you.” He smirked mischievously, snapping his fingers, making you land on your bed. He had that feral look that made you weak on your knees.
“Forever.” You said before his lips devoured yours in a hungry kiss.
Tagging my main hoes.
@trashpandabarnes @sideeffectsofyou @madamefresa @lilypalmer1987@gravedollie666 @sarahivi @gummiwormsandonedirection @deamstellarus @zeilenkrieg @lokixme
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em0x0 · 6 years
You mess up, big time. Part 2
Jason Todd x Venom (kind of get Tim into it just for fun
Warning: messy plot, curse, violence.
“I didn’t come all this way for a coffee, Eddie.” Jason, who is clearly annoyed.
“Someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed. I bought you coffe so would you do me a favour and hack into Life Foundation?”
“What, you are still on that? What are you looking for anyway?”
“Hear me out, I got and interview with them and I really need something solid, so it would at least seem like I know what I am talking about and might push them to talk.”
“They are actually doing an interview with you? Do they not know what you have done?” Which mean all those corrupted company Eddie took down in the past.
“I guess not. Or they are playing ignorance.”
“Yea, big company do have a tendency of doing that.”
“So, can you do some hacking or not? Kind of need it by tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow, are you serious?”
“Yes, sorry is so last minute.”
“Fine... you own me big time! That coffee is shit by the way.” “Since big time reporter need his super secret document, I better get to work. I am going to send you the file tonight.”
“Yea, yea. I own you, thanks!”
Jason is not the greatest hacker if he have to be completely honest, he is more physical like making a bomb and using his gun right in the action. Not behind a computer screen.
Jason spended hours trying to hack into the system of Life Foundation, but still cant get into the research part. And he decided to ask for foreign aid, aka Tim.
“What do you want Jason?”
“Are you out on patrol today?”
“Great, can you help me hack into Life Foundation? The new research they are doing specifically.”
“You in San Fansico?”
“Yea, can you help??”
“Why are you doing this?” It’s actually quite surprising that Tim would ask anything, in their line of ‘work’ hacking into big company is like a daily chore, so that should not be anything but ordinary. Well apparently not Jason guess.
“It’s just a favour for a friend.”
“Don’t know what you are getting yourself into, but be careful.” “Okay. I got it. Jus.. they are doing all kind of experiment on human.”
“Well, that’s was quick. Whatever that is mind send me a copy of it?” Jason wonder if he should call earlier.
“Just did. I got to go Bruce is calling me.”
“Alright, thanks. Own you a coffee, Tim.”
While Eddie go and have an interview with Carlton Drake, Jason have a plan of his own as well. There is a researcher position open in the company, it does beg the question of why is ther a position open. But see how much Carlton love doing experiment on human, it will not surprise Jason that a unlucky researcher might end up being a lab rat for Carlton. In Jason opinion building a fake identity with extensive science background is much easier than hacking. Peter Rodd it is.
“Hi, Peter. I’m Dora Skirth the chief scientist for this project.” Dora leading Jason ‘Peter’ to a control panel infront of a glass cell with a round vault with some kind of goo in it have a rufous-ish colour.
“Keep an eye on this, and the monitor over there.”
Jason sit down infront of the cell and start monitoring the wave and movement as told by Dr.Skirth. Jason phone buzz.
“I mess up, they kick me out.” Text from Eddie. Jason is far from surprise, Eddie is very much like him could be over power by instinct and mess things up. Hot headed. Implosive.
“Well, I got a position in their lab. But cant move yet, probably have to wait till everyone is off.” Jason send a text back to Eddie.
Then Jason hear a familiar voice, it’s Tim. Jason lean over the panel and see, it is Tim, who currently is talking with Carlton Drake. Then it click, they are both Drake! They are related.
“Why did you hack into my system, cousin.” Oh they are cousin, that’s totally make sense Jason think. It’s very unusual that Tim would get caught like that, Carlton must be good at that.
“Just curious about your research.” Good going Tim, he really is not the best liar.
“You can just ask you know, cousin.” Then Carlton start leading Tim toward where Jason is.
“Let me show you.” “Open the door.” Carlton ordered which is for Jason, since his is siting at the control panel. Jason of course do as the man said, slightly panic because don’t know what Tim reaction would be when he saw him and what the man plan to do. After the door to the glass cell open, Carlton urge Tim to go in and show him the goo in the vault.
“We call them symboite, they can’t survive without a host on earth. So we are trying to find one for them.” Jason as this instant know exactly wha going to happen, start to think we he can do to get Tim out.
Tim didn’t realise Jason standing outside and behind the panel, probably too occupy by the fact that he might very soon be consumed by some sort of alien life form. Jason is wearing a lab coat but he did have a flash grenade on him in case he need a quick exit. He just really hope the impact is enough to break the glass, so he throw it like a baseball pitcher and the glass did break. Jason immediately jump across the panel and grap Tim, and start run. Jason did not realise at that moment Tim is not the only one he break out of the lab.
Security is already chasing them, and with guns. Jason really regret not having more than a flash grande on him. This is just not very great odds.
“Hum, so what’s the plan?” Tim ask when they turn a corner and loses the gruad for a bit.
“Do I look like someone that have a plan.”
Tim somehow can still roll his eye while they both running.
Then they heat a dead end, look like a back door but its lock. Then Jason without thinking just through himself to the door and the door break open like some miracle.
“You are stronger than I thought.”
“Well, I’m stronger than I thought.”
Lucky for Jason and Tim the Life Foundation is like a maze, so losing some security guard is easier then they thought. But unlucky for the security guard.  
“We lose them.” a guard rush back to the lab and report back to Carlton 
“How can you lose them we are on a fucking island. Where can they go? Keep looking, and bring back my creature.” Everyone in the lab is stunted by how furious Carlton is. It is rare to see the stoic and ascetic CEO so emotional.  
“Copy that.”
“Still can’t believe we make it out alive.” Tim sign after they cross the bridge and on the way back to down town.
“Really? I definitely had been in worst situation than that.”
“Always hated Carl but never thought he would actually try to kill me.”
“Hah, another sibling trying to kill you? He need to get in line.”
“Very funny Jason.”
Jason start to feel a bit nauseous and dizzy, which is not a good thing cause he is the one driving the car.
“Hey, hey! Watch it!” Tim yell, and grip the steering wheel and avoided the tree they nearly crashed into and stoped on the side walk.
“Sorry, feeling a bit under the weather.”
“Yea, its been a long day. How about let me drive you home.”
“I got a safe house in china town.”
“Seriously, how did you get safe house everywhere.”
“I am pretty sure you know how.”
Few more turn, they arrive and Jason is sweating like he just have a shower.
“Hey, you sure you are okay? You look terrible.”
“Probably caught something in the lab, but don’t worry I think it going to off soon.”
“Okay, just call me if you need anything.”
Jason can feel his phone buzzing but he is to tired to even look at who that might be. Dozing off on the way through his kitchen, and fell down on the floor.
When Jason wake up he his cover in chocolate powder.
“What the fuck?”
“What? Who’s there?” Looking around his apartment but no one seem to be there. That’s new, the joker never show up like that.
“Who... who is this again?” He can see a slight reflection of a rufous colour creature on the window. Jason instinctly run toward the window and open it. But there is nothing there.
“Toxin? Like chemical and stuff?”
{Oh, right symbiote...Jason feel like he got a parasite or something.}
“What!? You can hear my thoughts?”
“What do you eat though?”
“No, no brain and no organ.”
Jason walk to the kitchen and try to find something to eat, don’t know if it’s the influence of the symbiote or he is just genuinely hungry. Jason is so glad that he just stock up with microwave meal, he love to cook but these days he rarely have time for that. Jason grip one and go put it in the microwave. 
“Chocolate?” Jason pass the chocolate to the symbiote who had peek out of Jason’s shoulder into a little puppet like figure and quickly snitch the chocolate out of Jason’s hand and finished it without even chewing. “hey! watch it, you nearly bite my hand off.” 
Jason look into the cupboard to see if he still have anymore, but no luck. 
“I will go buy some after I finish that.” Jason gesturing toward his microwave meal. 
“okay, calm down. I will hurry.” Jason think his is short tempered enough, surprise to find ‘someone’ who is worst then him. 
Jason finish the meal even though it burned his mouth. 
“Hey, Jason. Did you have someone over?” The nice old lady the live next door asked him. 
“Oh, no. I am just on the phone. Sorry if I am too loud.” 
“No, no. Don't worry about it dear. I brake some chocolate chip cookie you want some?”
“I am on my way out, maybe next time. thanks.” When Jason about to turn around and wave the old lady goodbye, and the symbiote yelled. “I WANT SOME.” (Jason is so glad the symbiote is not actually yelling and only he can hear.) “Second thought, I would like some.” 
The old lady put some cookie in a paper bag and hand it to Jason. This make Jason miss the cookie Alfred made, which is one of the reason Jason initially decided not to have the cookie. Nostalgia never mean anything good to him. 
Jason walk to the fire escape stairs and start offering the cookie to the symbiote. 
note: There might or might not have a follow up. Sorry for all the grammatical error. 
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art by: ineedcats
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knockbeforeyouspeak · 7 years
tom hiddleston x reader some formats are inspired by this post.  prompt: 32. “I need to know if you’re okay or not.”
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I heard you've got an accident.
I did.
You're not telling me.
You're busy.
That doesn't matter.
Well now you know.
Your brother told me.
Tck. Of course he did. That boy.
You should've told me.
I don't want to distract you.
The fact that you're hiding away is what disctracts me the most.
Don't worry about me.
What happened?
Get on with the show first. How many minutes before you're on-stage?
Get on get on get oooooonn. Don't make the audiences wait!
I need to know if you’re okay or not.
We can talk afterwards, yeah? I want to sleep first.
Fine. Go get some rest.
You'll do great just like you've always done.
I don't know. You're all I think about right now.
I'm strong and tough and unbreakable. You should’ve known that.
I know you are.
I love you.
You didn't answer my call.
Can we just send messages? I can't exactly talk.
What happened?
An asshole decided to kiss me ... with the front of their car.
How bad?
In a nutshell? I look like a mummy, all covered in bandages.
I'll be home soon.
You don't have to. I am perfectly taken care of. The doctors here are super friendly and good-looking. You might want to be a little more careful :p
I'll be home soon.
Wait for me.
It's not necessary.
And at least laugh at my joke!
It is necessary.
And I did. You just didn’t see.
I’m somewhat convinced otherwise.
I love you.
You said that earlier.
It was yesterday.
... Really? I guess I lose track of the time. Is it still 2017 or has it been 2035?
Hang in there, okay?
I will.
At least laugh at my joke!
At least say you love me too.
"Alex? This is Tom."
"I know. I saved your contact, you know, my soon-to-be brother-in-law. Glad you're calling."
"How is her condition?"
"Uuh. Bad?"
"How bad?"
"Broken neck. Her vocal cords isn't in a good shape. Broken ribs. Cracked limbs. Doctor said it's a miracle she could make it."
"Her vocal cords. Is that why she can't talk?"
"Yeah. We've been communicating through texts and whatnot. It's difficult, you know, even for us."
“That means her hands survived?"
"A hand, for that matter. The good one. Yes, it did. She texted you, right?"
"She did."
"To be honest, I helped her most of the time. Did all the heavy lifting. Sorry I read all your replies."
"Nevermind. If anything, I should be grateful."
"Thank God I got your consent."
"But, Alex, she—or you—stopped texting."
"Ah, that's ... how should I phrase it?"
"Just say it."
"She ... deteriorates."
"What has gone wrong?"
"She slipped into comma."
"It's been two days."
"... Oh God."
"You're gonna see her? I mean you're busy and stuff, but it'd be nice to have you here."
"I take a flight tomorrow."
"You know the best thing about stargazing?"
He didn't see your mouth beneath the scarf you were wearing, but he could tell you were grinning. "What is it?"
"I get to spending the night with you."
Tom opened his mouth to reply, but he was no longer sitting with you on the grass of the hill. Instead, he was standing in front of a restaurant in a bustling downtown, wearing a suit. He looked back at you, waiting for you to catch up with him. You had this very habit of stopping every now and then to study an interesting sight you found on streets.
Then it all changed. He blinked at the sudden cacophony around him, the front of the shops, people walking past him without looking up from their phone. There were cars and taxis. There were buildings and click-clacks of shoes.
Ah. A highway. He was on the sidewalk, blending in among a cluster of people, waiting to cross the road along with other pedestrians.
There was a young woman sitting on the rear seat of a taxi five feet from him. Tom eyed her with no particular interest. He was solely looking for anything to focus his eyes on. But something about her immersed him deeper, it felt oddly familiar although he knew she was a complete stranger.
The light turned green. Her taxi moved as well as other cars, and all that sight would've been so normal if only a car on the other side of the road decided not to run their red light. But it did, and nothing could be done to prevent that from happening.
The car collided with the taxi. The city was flooded with glass shattering and metal screeching; it was oh so deafening; and Tom realized why she looked way too familiar for a stranger.
That woman was you.
Tom jerked upright. The movement was too abrupt that dizziness crashed into his head almost immediately. His eyes darted in panic, looking back and forth in search of the remnants of broken cars or you or anything, but he found none. It took him a few seconds to jump back into reality. There was no accident. Neither highway nor bustling streets. Only a long, massive silence.
His heart was thumping heavily. It wasn't new to be surprised by your own dream, but it had been long since the last time he dreamed. These recent  days, all he saw in his sleep was a solid black. No images, no flashbacks, no glimpses of anything. He thought he was finally able to get a proper rest. And he didn't think much about it.
Yet when he did dream, he dreamed of you.
He looked around to take in his surroundings. The only source of light came from the lamp on the night stand. Did the hotel room he was staying at always feel this small? This suffocating? It was as if the wall had been pushed forward, invading his space, as if it was shrinking he trapped inside.
He couldn't get back to sleep for the rest of the night.
"So, you're on your way here?"
"Actually, I should've been. My plane got delayed. Tough weather out there."
"She will kill me for doing this."
"Doing what?"
"For telling you what she went through, and for not forcing you to stay at where you are."
"I'll take care of it."
"So you have my back?"
"Of course, Alex."
"Great, because I kind of need that last bit in case she decided to strangle me when she learned of what I did."
"She should have told me in the first place, though."
"Yeah, I know. She was just ... so stupid sometimes. Terribly stupid. Hugely stupid. Ginormously stupid. Wow, that felt good."
"That one might cause her to strangle you."
"But you have my back."
"I do."
"Tom, how do you like your tea?"
He saw you standing by the counter, your back facing him. Your hair was pulled back into a messy bun. A few steps to the right was a french window leading to the backyard. The morning sun streamed through it, its rays reflected on the floor tiles, on the surface of the table, and on your side.
For a moment, he was blinded by the warm ambience of the kitchen that his response answered nothing. "Tea?"
You didn't turn around, still looking down at the counter. The faint tinkle of spoon grazing the inside of the glass filled the kitchen. "Tea, yes, tea. Or you'd rather have coffee?"
He was about to stride towards you when someone touched his hand. Blinking, he raised his gaze to a stewardess smiling politely at him.
"Excuse me, Sir," the stewardess didn't have to explain further as he noticed the lack of people's absence around him. Since when did he fall asleep? "We have arrived."
Tom returned the smile, thanked the stewardess and asked if he could get a few minutes to collect his stuff. The stewardess nodded and left him on his own.
When he stepped outside, the air was cold, damp, and windy enough to make him shuddered slightly. It was cloudy, the sun nowhere within sight. He brought himself down in slow steps. The ground was dark and Tom could smell petrichor lingered in the air. It had rained, but it already stopped. Perhaps only minutes ago.
Tom stoody by a puddle of water. He bent forward a bit, raised an eyebrow as he found his own face staring back at him. Suddenly feeling sick, he tapped his shoe into it, making a small splash in the process. The reflection faded instantly.
He rushed to the arrival.
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rustyandbuffblog · 4 years
Rusty And Buffs Adventures: Shopping Hazards. (Episode 1) Written By Sunny.
One evening, Rusty and Buff were in the store just browsing around. Buff groaned. "We've been walking for hours! Why are we even here?" "I just thought that it would be nice for us two guys to enjoy shopping." Rusty gasped. "Look, it's Wriggle-Windows News Story Books!" Rusty yelled with excitement as he ran to grab it off the shelf, then began reading it. Buff rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Stupid kid. Who likes to read those Wriggle-Windows News Stories anyhow? All you read about is good news. Nothing serious ever happens."
Then, he caught his eye on something shinning in the corner of the room: the Mega-Blaster. This weapon is so powerful that it could blow anything into a million of pieces with one shot. Buff picked up the Mega-Blaster and reads the label: "This is very dangerous. Do not point at anyone. In case of fire, call 911 immediately." Buff smirked evilly at the thought. He gazed at Rusty, who was still reading the book. Buff aimed for him. "My, that's great news! The flowers in Flower-Vile Field have already bloomed. I bet they're so beautiful!. I'll have to travel over there and take a look. Maybe I'll take a photo while I'm at it." Buff fired his weapon, but missed Rusty by a hair. Buff groaned. "Puppy Goldy has been adopted last week. Super! She is so cute." Rusty said.
Buff fired again, but missed and hit a dragon in the back and wounded it. The dragon glared at Buff and breathed fire at him. Buff ran away as the dragon flew after him. Rusty kept reading. "Enjoy the gorgeous sunset at the Leo Po's Island. All guest are welcome. Marvelous!" The dragon breathed fire one last time before flying away. Buff's fur was burnet. He shook it off and returned his focus on destroying Rusty.
He looked at the lamp that was hanging over Rusty's head and fired at it, but it never fell, even though it behaved as though it would. "Betty has some great haircut ideas. Ooooooh! I need a haircut. I believe I'll get one later." Rusty said as he continued to walk. Buff ran after him. The lamp finally fell, landing on top of Buff and flattening him like a pancake.
Rusty walked up to a young lady. Who needed help stacking cans. "Thank you. You're such a sweetie." She told him. Once the flattening and dizziness wore off, Buff saw that Rusty was distracted and thought this was his chance. He fired the weapon, but wound up stacking all the cans with one shot. Rusty saw them and said, "Oh? I guess that's all of them. Have a nice day." "You too! And, thanks again," the young lady said.
Rusty turned his attention back to the book. "Let's see... Aw! What adorable little children! They look so happy. I'm glad that they having a amazing day." "This time, I have you." Buff said. He shouted in anger as he fired again, but misses and hit the mirror. The shot reflected back and hit the weapon in his hand and blew it up in his face. "NNNNNNOOOOO!!!!" Buff screamed. Rusty paid for the book. "I love these positive vibes this book gives. It fills me with so much glee." He said. The cashier replied, "If you really like them, then you should come by again tomorrow. We've got a brand new stack ordered. It's being shipped as we speak." Rusty exclaimed. "I'll be here! Hey, Buff did you find anything you want? Hhhmmm? Nothing, huh? That's alright, you can look for it tomorrow. They're bound to have new items by then."
The End
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therake-1996-blog · 7 years
Pure Chap 15
Heeeeeeyyy I’m not dead! And SUPER sorry for the delay!!! Don’t hate me plz! :’(
Chapter 15
 I was sobbing, my hands in tight fists against the strange man’s chest, trapping the fabric of his jacket in them. His hands gently patted my back, and I felt his chin resting against the top of my head. “Mommy! Daddy!” I screamed, my voice muffled.
“I know,” He said, his voice impossibly deep and vibrating against my head.
“Why…? Why them?”
The man softly pulled me back so I could look at his face. His skin was ivory, with a strange golden undertone. Even as a four-year-old, I knew there was something different about this man. He was too beautiful, too perfect, to be human.
“Sometimes people like your mommy and daddy are too good for this world,” He told me, lightly combing his fingers through my hair. “But don’t worry. They might not be here with you anymore, but they’re always here,” He lightly poked the left side of my chest. “They will always be watching you and protecting you. Do you understand that?” Sniffling, I nodded. Those words, spoken so calmly and in such a lulling voice, calmed me somewhat. “And, along with your mommy and daddy, I will watch over you, as well.”
“You will?”
The man smiled, his steel grey eyes deep and sincere.
“I promise. I will never let anything hurt you.”
I didn’t know this man. Mommy had always told me about how dangerous strangers could be, but in that moment, I knew I could trust him with my life. I wanted to stay with him. I felt so incredibly safe. The way his perfect lips smiled reassuringly at me, the soft look in his narrow eyes, and most of all, the comforting, clean scent of fresh laundry, had stolen my heart. Even at that young age, I fell in love with him from the start.
I didn’t know that the warm, precious, breathtaking feeling in my chest was love. I thought it was just the relief of being saved. But now I know. It has always been him. Even when, the rare few times, boys from school would ask me to dances or to go out, I would say no. They could have been the nicest boys on the face of the planet, and mostly they were, and I thought something was wrong with me at the time, but now I know.
From the age of four, my heart belonged to Zyglavis.
It has always been him.
I slowly come back into consciousness lying in a large, impossibly comfortable bed, the sheets fresh and soft, and a delicate, pleasant aroma surrounding me. Moaning in disappointment at being awake, I stretch out, my muscles shuddering pleasantly.
Once I’ve done that, I look around to try and get my bearings, one of my hands moving to rub my eyes.
Oh, I know this room. This is Zyglavis’ room, isn’t it?
I frown a bit, looking around. This room is set up just like Zyglavis’, same furnishings, same reflecting pool, even the same books on the bookshelf to the left of me, but…something is different. The air is very sweet, and almost dizzying, but not uncomfortably so. Confusion runs through me as my eyes keep running over the same areas over and over again. I know I’m not at the mansion, but where am I?
A couple soft knocks sound on the door, and after a moment, it opens and Leon and Karno walk in.
“So, you’re alive,” Leon says as he saunters to stand in front of me, Karno trailing softly behind him.
“Ah…yes,” I mutter. My voice sounds crackly, and I try to clear my throat. “Is…is the dark king…?”
“He’s gone,” Karno assures me with a gentle smile.
“Oh, is he gone,” Leon smirks, crossing his arms, and looks down at me with a knowing glint in his eye. I frown. “Zyglavis did most of the damage to him. You should have seen him. I’ve never seen such an angry look on Minister Boring’s face before,”
“Leon,” Karno warns. He shrugs nonchalantly and approaches me, plopping down on the bed beside me.
“I’m telling you, I didn’t think he had it in him. He barely used his powers. It was like he was trying to rip the dark king in half, it really was a sight to see…And all over you,” Leon playfully pokes my nose, and I crack a small smile.
“Really?” I ask. He nods, a knowing smirk playing at his lips.
“Eden, we all love you, but that god…well,” He winks at me, and I feel my cheeks warm up.
“But Eden, you should know that…it’s against the law of the Heavens for any god to give more love to one human above the rest. It always has been,” Karno says, his voice gentle.
“Oh, if you aren’t the biggest party pooper,” Leon grumbles, shooting his vice-minister a look. “I really doubt that the king’s gonna mind it. Eden, you’re different than the other humans. Just remember that, okay?” I smile and nod.
Leon leans forward and kisses my forehead before ruffling my hair, and pulls himself to his feet. “Alright. Let’s get back to our old boring work.” He says as he passes Karno, who shakes his head a bit before smiling warmly at me.
The door closes with a quiet click.
I sigh a bit and stretch out my entire body again. It feels just as good as it did when I first woke up. Rubbing one of my eyes, I turn my head to the window and see a brilliant golden light streaming in from outside. My eyes widen. Is this…the Heavens?
I lightly toss the covers off of me and approach the window, pulling back the thin, wispy curtains to look outside. Down below, I can see a long pathway that leads to a gate of sorts, lined with incredibly beautiful plants, flowers and bushes alike, and pure white birds and bright yellow butterflies flit around happily in the air. Two small children run around with each other, the little girl with a pretty little flower crown on her head. I can also see Ichthys and Dui sitting at a table underneath a large tree, smiling as they watch the children.
I smile to myself as I turn and sit back down on the bed—my legs feel like Jell-O.
Everything really is okay now.
The door clicks open, and when I turn my head, I see Zyglavis, who turns his back to me and shuts the door quietly. He stands there for a moment in silence, then takes a slow, deep breath, and turns to me.
“What were you thinking?” He asks me, his voice purposely low. I bite my lip. He looks very angry. His eyes are dark, his mouth set in a straight line, and his hands balled into tight fists.
“Um,” I murmur. “He had Lorraine and David. I couldn’t just sit around and let them get hurt,”
“We were working on that,” As he speaks, Zyglavis approaches me.
“I know you were. But, I couldn’t just do nothing! I’m sorry, Zyglavis, I really am. I won’t do anything like this again,” I look off to the side, then smile sadly. “Then again, now that the dark king is gone, I guess there’s no need for you to be with me…” Zyglavis’ eyes flit to the ground for a moment, then look back at me.
“Alright. I suppose I can understand why you went to the underworld. But why would you willingly try to drink that potion?” Damn. I had been hoping he didn’t see that, but with my luck, it makes sense that he did. I lower my head, refusing to meet his gaze as I begin explaining.
“Well, he threatened Lorraine and David. And…and he threatened you, too,” I’m not looking at him, so I can’t see his expression, but after a moment, he says,
“Me?” In a confused tone. I nod.
“I’m so sorry,” I whisper. “But…you know what I said before, that I love you.” My words begin coming out raster than an auctioneer at a rap battle. “And I know the law. I know that gods can’t give any one human more love than the rest, but I can’t stop how I feel. Every time I look at you, I can’t help but think about how much I adore you. And the thing is, I didn’t care if my feelings are unrequited, I was still going to drink that potion because I thought I’d be protecting you if I did. I know now that that’s stupid, and I’m sorry. I’m sorry for…all of this.”        
“Eden.” Right after I finish speaking, Zyglavis says my name. I keep my head bowed, refusing to look up at him. “Are you going to look at me, or am I going to have to make you?”
“Make me?”
Reflexively, I look up at Zyglavis, who is somehow smiling both gently and mischievously down at me.
“I did not mention this to you before, but, all of us got a reward for successfully protecting you,” I take a deep breath, catching a whiff of the clean linen scent that always follows Zyglavis. “And when Leon and Karno were in here speaking to you, I happened to be discussing what I wanted for my reward with the king. And, do you know what I told him I want?” I slowly shake my head, and Zyglavis moves to sit down beside me, placing his large hand over top of mine. It seems so small and fragile under his. “I told him that what I want is not something that could be awarded to me so easily. What I want is not shiny, it’s not expensive, not even considered to be a heavenly item. What I want is not a material thing. I told him that, if you should have me, I want to keep being with you. Not as a god, but as a man.”
I inhale sharply, my eyes widening.
“You…want to stay with me?” I ask, my voice just a whisper. This was certainly not what I was expecting. I was expecting that once this was over I’d have to go back to my normal human life like I had never met the gods in the first place, that how I feel about Zyglavis is something that would never be real. But now he’s telling me this?
Zyglavis nods in response to my question.
“It stopped being just about protecting your soul a while ago. As I got to know you and understand you, I was able to see the entire package, mind, body, and soul. Every time I expected you to say or do one thing, you surprised me, and did the other thing. I watched you in school, trying hard and when you failed trying even harder instead of doing the easy thing and giving up. I watched you mediate between your friends and settle tense situations. I saw how much you love and cherish your aunt and uncle, both at home and in the under realm,” Zyglavis trails off for a moment, his eyes flickering to the side as if the memory of me trying to sacrifice myself pains him. “And I realized I wanted to stay by your side, but not as your guard. When I watched that spike slide through your leg, my entire body went cold. It felt like, even though I was right there, I was powerless to do anything to help you. It felt like I was a million miles away.”
Slowly, he turns those beautiful irises back to me and reaches a hand out to gently stroke my cheek. My heart rate rises significantly at his touch, my cheeks warming up as my lips part.
“Eden James,” He says, his voice low and seductive. “You have a god wrapped around your little finger. The king has approved my wish. What about you?”
Looking up into his clear eyes, feeling the sensation of his warm, gloved thumb stroking my cheek, and inhaling that crisp, refreshing scent, I don’t have to think twice. I don’t care what may happen down the road; whether the dark king comes back or we face a new enemy. All I know is I want Zyglavis. I love him. Against his hand, I nod, tears blurring my vision.
“I want you to stay with me, too,” I whisper. “I want to be with you. I love you.” This is the third time I told him I love him, and it still makes me as nervous as the first. At my barely breathed words, one side of Zyglavis’ mouth turns up into a small but sexy smirk.
“Good answer.”
He leans closer to me, and my body instinctively closes my eyes.
His lips touch me, my forehead, my eyelids, my nose, and both of my cheeks. “Eden,” My name, breathed softly, make me open my eyes a little. Zyglavis smiles sweetly at me. “You’re the most precious thing in the world to me. I love you.” In the next moment, his lips touch mine.
My entire body relaxes as his hands slowly slide around my waist, my breath leaving my nose in a small sigh and my head tilting. Zyglavis’ lips are soft and warm, gentle and unrushed as they slowly part above mine. I follow suit, a slight nervous tremble to my lips.
I’m nervous. Of course I am. I may be seventeen, but I kept to myself and haven’t done anything even remotely romantic with anyone.
So this is my first actual kiss—because before when we kissed we thought we wouldn’t see each other again, so I’m not counting that—and with a god.
Through our parted lips, our tongues touch, tentative and gentle. It sends a rush of euphoria through me, and my instincts lead me to want to throw my arms around him, but suddenly I fall back away from him, my mind blurring.
He catches me, looking panicked.
“Oh,” I gasp. I realize now that my lungs are burning, demanding I breathe. “I think…I forgot to breathe,”
“Forgot…?” Zyglavis blinks, surprised for a moment, then bursts out into full-blown laughter. My cheeks warm up, but even though I’m embarrassed I can’t bring myself to scold him for laughing at me. The sound is so warm, so happy, that all I can do—all I want to do—is listen to it.
“How do you forget to breathe?” He asks in short increments, his shoulders shaking.
“I-I was too focused on…you know,” I mumble, ducking my head and pushing back from him.
However, he doesn’t allow me to get far.
His arms lock around me and he pulls me to him, crushing me gently against his chest. “Well I suppose that’s something we’ll have to work on, then, hm?” He asks me, slowly running a hand through my hair. My eyes flutter with how nice it feels.   I start when I feel his lips graze on mine again, but before my brain can stop functioning, he pulls away a bit, smiling down serenely at me. I can’t help but stare.
“Oh, Zyglavis,” I gasp, suddenly remembering something. He cocks his head curiously.
“That shadow I saw everywhere…was that…?” He stares at me for a moment, then smiles.
“Yes. Controlling shadows doesn’t use much power,” He lifts his hand and his shadow slithers across the floor, rising to stand in front of us. I stare at it in awe. “When I wasn’t around, I put my shadow in my place. It was always with you…especially when I stepped down as your guardian.”
As he snaps his fingers and his shadow returns to its rightful place under him, I ask, “Why did you step down?” His eyes flicker to the side for a moment, his left eyebrow twitching, and he says,
“I allowed my feelings for you get in the way of what I needed to do. I felt that my attachment to you was putting you in more danger than you already were, that I couldn’t do my job efficiently when I was around you. So I left.”
“It killed me when you left,” I whisper. He turns his soft eyes down to me, lifting a hand to gently stroke my hair.
“I know it did. My shadow had always stayed close to your heart, making sure that evil didn’t try to invade it. I felt how sad you were, how much you loved me. It was hard not to come back to you when I realized that was how you felt.”
Then Zyglavis’ face hardens a bit.
“The dark king exploited my uncertainty of my feelings. It happened when he attacked you at the school. He saw right through me and used my confusion against me, and that put you in danger, and I apologize for that. But now…”
He strokes his thumbs across my cheeks. “There’s nothing in the way now. No dark kings, no laws, nothing. You’re mine now, and I am yours. Right?” My heart pounds hard against my ribcage, my cheeks burning like they’ve caught fire, and I smile.
“Right.” I breathe.
Zyglavis smiles brightly at me, brushing our foreheads together. “You will remember to breathe this time, yes?” “I’ll…try.” I whisper.
He kisses me again, this time pulling my body close to his, his hand sliding around to my back and his other holding my head. I loop my arms around his neck as I remind myself to breathe.
The most mundane of lives can be changed within one moment. I know that now. I’m living proof. I used to be a common seventeen-year-old high school senior with nothing all that special about her besides her severe clumsiness. A lot of things happened to me, good and bad, but I wouldn’t trade a single moment of it for anything in the world. I’ve made so many new and interesting friends, most notably, the god of Pisces, Ichthys, and the god of Gemini, Dui. I’ve seen the Heavens with my own eyes as well as Hell. I’ve met the kings of both worlds.
And I have Zyglavis, the god of Libra, the stern, severe god with an impossibly gentle nature, and fell in love with him. And he loves me.
Our kiss ends and he smiles lovingly down at me, wiping my tears from my cheeks.
Anything can happen now, and it doesn’t matter what. As long as I have Zyglavis standing by my side, there’s no way I can be afraid of anything.
Ever again.
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