#scholarly fandom
patadave · 5 months
My Tumblr Fandom
I think I finally figured out my Tumblr fandom! I really love scholars and scholarship and spend a lot of time browsing Google Scholar. I especially love historians of all stripes and critical theorists. Also some superstars like Rachel Armstrong, Rosi Braidotti, and Tim Ingold. I'm not a scholar but read a lot of scholarship. So, when I find some scholarship that catches my eye I'll post it here. I'll try to tilt toward open source but I'm sure some restricted access works will make their way into the mix.
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foursaints · 4 months
Can we please hear your take on rosier twincest if youre into that i would inhale everything u write abt them
unfortunately i fundamentally don't see anything like that in the cards for the rosiers :(
to me, twincest is most thematically interesting when there's a push-pull between a pair's individual identities & their overriding Sameness (a great text for this is "Gothic Incest: Gender, Sexuality and Transgression" by Jenny Diplacidi (x) ) but the rosier twins' sameness is too complete for that conflict to exist. it wouldn't make sense because there is no tension; they are content to think of themselves as one person. you can't pine for yourself.
also like. i hesitate to make the rosiers overly transgressive. their codependence isn't exactly "normal", but their siblinghood is one of the most palatable things about them... it makes them easier to understand, which makes them easier for others to accept. their sibling bond is one of the few purely Good things in their lives, and i see it as redemptive for both of them..
essentially they are normal 100% of the time but the one person insane enough to get a tiny bit weird about it is bcj (💀). he met pandora, had the earth-shattering realization that There's Two Of Them, and then said absolutely nothing but a certain look came onto his face that caused reg to immediately go "YOU'RE FUCKING DISGUSTING" in the great hall.
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scionshtola · 8 months
i can’t believe there’s only 453 wolshtola fics on ao3
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shredsandpatches · 2 months
tfw you're an intensive class at manuscript camp and you see takes about richard ii that are based on the assumption that he is meant to be a Villain Protagonist
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its-not-a-pen · 1 year
Waiting for the 2nd Century Warlord Comic? Want to learn more about ancient china? Check out these fun sources! Three Kingdoms oversimplified. Exactly what it says on the tin.
Farce of the Three Kingdoms. A hilarious parody of the novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms that is only slightly more bonkers than the real thing (3/10 historical accuracy). For a more factual account, try reading Records of the Three Kingdoms...or just wikipedia-ing everyone.
War of the Three Kingdoms (2010). A fun TV show that deviates a lot from the novel but is more character-driven. has a lot of costume inaccuracies tho which drives me crazy >:((((
Romance of the Three Kingdoms(1994)TV show, considered a definitive classic. Editing's a bit choppy but at least none of the men have their hair down.
Total War: Three kingdoms. History told in the form of a stratagy-based video game.
Tang dynasty football. Not the same dynasty, but it's a nice showcase of costumes and instruments, also a surprisingly concise summary about ancient Chinese politics. (Bribes) What did Early Middle Chinese sound like? How does one recreate a non-phonetic language?
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fullsaw · 2 months
volk family business
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[original below]
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junelover505 · 22 days
I have stitches in my mouth; I yearn to be heard
existential dread, but it's not too bad! This is part of a series that's for mature audiences however, and the chapters will progressively get darker and darker.
So as always: Minors DNI!! And read with caution!! 
            A little something to set the mood :)
Between blacking out and coming to; transportation:
Juniper bears an indiscernable hollowness in her heart. The lonely soul found itself in emptiness as terrifying as it was familiar. 
Is the void a mirror or a window?
What constitutes your existence? 
Is it just your belief? Your perception of your own self? The very act of thought?
Cogito ergo sum. 
Juniper always believed that when a tree falls down and no one is around to hear it's echo, then it is mute.
Why think when you can be seen.
Juniper is always seen.
Where is June?
  CHAPTER 1: Cogitare; cogitare; the only thing you can do as it begins. 
"Je pense ,donc je suis."
"I am thinking, therefore i am."
June always thought it was just: "i think, therefore i am."
The memory was something she recalled from when the teacher brought up some other philosopher's interpretation of the sentence, and upon discussing the belief of a mistranslation, everyone turned to the only student fluent in french for confirmation.
It very well could have been; as the french present tense is rather vague ,and capable of being used in the absolute; whereas the English simple present is much more restricted, and not necessarily indicative of an active continuous action.
That class started with the teacher's attempt to establish a scenario of consistent doubting of all that you know.
--Passed down information, folklore stories, word of mouth anything without tangible scientific proof.--
Discarding all that had a chance of doubt, until all that you had left was certainty. 
--Anything that you simply couldn't prove yourself, all that you can't see or experience through your own perception.--
As long as it had even the most minute chance of being false; it is then factually not real, or wrong ;so that what is left is what we can know beyond the shadow of a doubt.A
And as all can be cause for doubt, it also includes your very own senses and your very self.
June moved on to daydreaming by that point of the class, because how can you have doubt in so much? What would even be left for you to doubt? you'll have nothing. might as well be nothing, as nothing will be left.
How can you even doubt all your senses simultaneously for that long, all that you've known and what's been ingrained in you. Something so fundamental is literally 70% of what built you, your perception, and how you process the world that you just simply decided was not real.
You cannot look at fire, put your hand in and feel the burning in your palm, then deny the fact that it simply is a flame before you ,crying deception while blisters form at your skin.
Well ,the strawberry Blonde understood such train of thought when she saw a moving tree that turned out to be a man from the woods, outside a rundown motel window.
She doubted her sense of sight ,when she saw the 'man' turn out to be a live mannequin as tall as if not taller then the highest branches, in a black suit and bright red tie.
She doubted her sense of smell ,when the scent of copper mingled in with that of pine trees after running to look for it. 
She doubted her sense of touch, when she stepped on a dying, beaten body in the woods.
She doubted her very judgement when she didn't try fighting harder when the killer grabbed at her like she was some type of stress plush and he was but a scared child.
Now, at this moment where time seemed to stand still and she lost all reference that she's long relied on; she doubted her very existence after blacking out without a second's notice; upon standing before that creature, the moment that blood covered man had let go of her and she failed to run away in time; leading June to find herself in endless darkness for a reason that she has yet to come to understand.
Empty black; an all consuming nothingness. A void. An abyss.
Did she die? Maybe a heart attack. 
Those hurt, her diet is good, she had no genetic heart issues from either side of her family.
Did she pass out? 
Shouldn't she then be unconscious? Unaware of even where she was and safe from knowing that such a void existed.
What was she supposed to do if she suddenly stopped existing? Was this it? 
Without her sense of perception; without that man covered in blood and soot, what other proof did she have of still being alive; of being real?
He was least lucky enough to ask her to confirm they saw the same thing when they faced the tall mannequin; she had no one to tell her if she herself could be seen.
She was alone; without the perception of herself or that of others to rely on.
Can she truly remain when she had no way of grounding herself with her self despite having no body an no way to impact what is around her corporally?
If there wasn't a world for her to interact with any longer, and be perceived in ;then she could only conclude that she was simply taken away from reality itself; akin to a grey hair plucked out from a scalp filled in black.
That is how she felt at least. One moment, she was awake and afraid, doubting all her senses and all that she'd known, facing a one in a million scenario that seemed to have come straight out of a block buster shelf, and like a snap everything went to an all consuming black.
She was no longer real. She could not have been.
She had just ceased to exist, she is now nothing. As nothing is all that is left and the only thing she could conceive.
So she was simply nothing? That's all it could be.
A conscious concept doomed to roam about in a forever nothingness with no one but the empty shell she's never bothered to know until now. Except there was no shell of flesh; just a dull obsidian.
Wasn't that who she was before?
An empty nothing, the lack of a person.
Was that all she'd ever been? How shed been seen? Just the silhouette of a a void, a nothingness cut out from the fabric of reality and ever moving in stopmotion-like gestures ;only craving to prove she was made of tangible matter upon her interactions with all that is in smooth sultry gestures; but pathetically failing each attempt and creating a show of pitiful submission to whatever creator willfully made her believe she was made in the image of meat to be ferociously consumed? 
Desperate and hungry in her own right, but never allowed satiation.
She could not feel the air entering her lungs no matter how hard she tried to breathe.
Over and over, she tried to take in a desperate breath but felt nothing fill the area she assumed her lungs should have been in.
Where were her organs supposed to be in? The rest of her.
There was no way to tell up from down ,the left from right ,the north from east, the front from the back.
Her lungs, her shoulders her feet her stomach, the ever growing source of her aching.
There was no use in trying to hug herself as she felt nothing.
She saw nothing and felt nothing, knew nothing and so she might as well be nothing.
She'd been stuck like this for so long.o
How long?
She never will she know a reality beyond this one, where a lack of existence will forever be her mirror as a nothing; a less then nought.
She was doomed. How much time had passed? It felt like hours ,days, ages without any stimuli other then her own physically unfelt terror and an all consuming famishment for a corplorality she'd lost, bordering onto manic obsession.
Ages of trying to create sound through cries and screams without a voice box to speak of, no throat to go sore ,and no ears to deafen let alone hear.
All encompassing carnal anguish and restless terror of a nothing, a horror that is not to be anatomically felt.
She had no heart, to feel its breakneck unrhythmic thundering in her ribcage, creating rapid thought clouding pulsations in her ear; no blood to feel its rapid pumping through her system; no vision to cloud over and blur and tunnel into everything and nothing at once.
She had no mind left to loose, but endless time to mourn the flesh she's once took for granted and had the audacity to despise in the past, thinking of it as a curse that will ruin her until she would have no consciousness left to realize it was gone ,when she's 6 feet under.
This was hell itself. 
Her hell was her very own all consuming emptiness she'd long felt within personified. Her filthy all blackened soul laid bare before her and she had eternity to make peace with such a fate.
Eternity; days ,weeks ,months. Time was not real and she had no way to count it, but her thoughts were so disgustingly clouded as she ruminated on her lack of existing.
Her new normal.
So much began to blur and mush together before separating back with only the sheer desperate carnal thirst her mind had for stimulation that made her take the time to rearrange her dusted memory closet.
And over whatever chunk of uncountable time had passed ,as her very mind felt like it was dissipating and fizzling out; she realized that her new curse of lucidity was the only thing she had left in this dark abyss, was slowly giving out on her as well.
She did have a mind, awareness, at least she had thought. And that might be all she would ever have.
What if that could just as easily be lost as her body and all else?
Wouldn't having a mind mean she was at least something within it's own right? She must at least exist in some form as her consciousness was concrete.
The very fact that she thought she simply ceased to exist was proof she did . And that despite feeling like time no longer existed beyond her vaguely guessed perceptions of its passing, it still technically should have still been passing.
You cannot doubt the active moving concept that you are as you'd need to exist to deny it.
Therefore she herself as an active, conscious concept , is simply incapable of denying her own existence, as the ladder act was paradoxically the antonym of the concept she was denying.
Therefore ,she had to be real, this new normal still had something of her old normal within it, there might be more to dig out.
Maybe her consciousness ,and therefore existence was just temporary? 
After all, you'd never know if you are simply dreaming, you just wake up.
So maybe there was a way out of this nightmare that was beyond accommodating to it, or trying to look for traces of her body through recreating the basic functions with no flesh to function ,or raking through her blurred and unreliable memories for concrete examples of her existence ?
 It would explain the eternal aspect of her reality and the rapid fizzling of the small traces left of her that were not linked to her corporal 
She didn't know how long shed been stuck in this abstract state but it was far longer then she could bother keeping track of all at once ,despite her mind's hunger for entertainment that was not its own self.
She was still real; right? She wasn't completely faded yet as she could still think. 
She had just concluded that she was.
But maybe she remembered wrong. 
This state felt timeless, but the proof of her existence was not a timeless final fact. 
It's only a certainty if she was actively thinking of it, reflecting upon it; doubting it; desperately holding onto her fastly fleeting identity as it slipped like sand through her fingers. 
God what she couldn't give to feel sand in her fingers ,under the nail bed that she would later scrub off with cooling water and lathered soap.
The more she tried to guesstimate her time spent in the abstract ; the worse it got, in the form of an ever heavy sense of despair, pushing her to stop halfway through trying to count passing mississippies before starting over again in some type of sick self inflicted torture.
It's s not like she had anything left but her consciousness in this dark and unfeeling , all encompassing void.
She just had to make sure she was real; that she wasn't fading. Focus on your existence, that you are in fact real.
It's the only thing she's yet to try, and she could at least feel it was slowing down the dissipation of the fastly fleeting "I" that she was.
She had to stick to the basics and keep her mind in one easy and discernable track.
"cogito ergo sum"
She was real. Real and not a nothing.
She was June.
"i think , there for i am"
She was june. And she was real. Even if she was stuck here for centuries more. At least she was real. She was; 
And she will keep telling herself and make sure it remained as such.
"I am thinking, therefore I am"
She was Juniper Eve Laine. And she was real. She still existed. She was actively existing. And by whatever cruel god that created her, she will keep existing if she has a hand in it.
"I am."
"I am."
"I. AM."
But did certainty equate the truth?
If she was so sure she existed, did that make it fact?
A gasp finally filled her lungs.
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pineappleciders · 2 years
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figofswords · 2 years
The Batman fandom has ruined the words replacement, coffee, cereal, green, pit and so many others lol. Every time I hear those words I just have a fight or flight response 😭
DONT even get me started. you should hear the sigh I make every time I see REPLACEMENT. like yes hate how are so many people so wrong
#whenever im writing Jason im always like. very carefully wording my away around having to use the word at all#bc it’s become such a fuckin Thing#like Guys that’s not How People Talk!!!!!!!!!#also ok last week I said I was gonna write out a short essay on some gripes I have about Jason characterization in the fandom#and like half of it has to do with ‘pit madness’ which. which. hrghfks#basically tldr about it. it’s some fucking bullshit that isn’t really like. canon supported#like ‘pit madness’ is a temporary thing immediately following immersion#and it’s THEORIZED that ra’s al ghul is bonkers evil bc of centuries of compounded use#but Jason went in ONE TIME and it wasn’t a full resurrection#and more importantly I THINK ITS A FUCKING COP OUT#oh here’s a deeply morally complex character who’s arc is defined by his tragedy and anger#what if uhhhh all of these complexities were caused by fuckin pit mind control or some shit and ACTUALLY he’s a good guy uwu#like WAY TO BE BORING I GUESS. GODDAMN#I don’t have evidence to support this but I suspect the whole concept came from morrison’s Jason arc#like as a way to explain why he’s completely off the rails there#but actually what you should do is ignore morrison’s arc bc morrison doesn’t know how to write Jason#ANYWAYS. Batman fandom is so annoying I’m gonna have to stop looking at it and just like#live in mt version of reality where I’m approaching comics from an increasingly scholarly angle#and read the good runs of the comics#and ignore whatever the fuck is going on with the Batman fans#asks#anonanonanonanah
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welcometogrouchland · 9 months
FINALLY watched Ready Or Not (2019) with the fam and FUCCCCKKKKKK FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT WHEN WOMEN ARE COVERED IN BLOOD AND FIGHTING FOR THEIR LIVES TOOTH AND NAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELL FUCKING YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#ramblings of a lunatic#it is. dare i say underrated? like I genuinely think it's so good but i feel like it's left out of discussions on modern slashers#yeah it's not THE MOST depthful piece it's not a jordan peele movie but it's still got it's moments (''FUCKING RICH PEOPLE!'')#idk maybe it's just bc it doesn't have one particular killer and that's what most slasher fandom revolves around far as i can tell#i can't say anything I'm boring I'm a big final girl stan#I've only seen one scream and went into it only knowing that my friends really liked the killers in that movie#and i was like yeah they're neat but mostly i came away screaming SIDNEY!!!!! FUCKING SIDNEY PRESCOTT LET'S GOOOOO!!!#(note i have only seen 1 scream movie. also i know there's a lot of complicated scholarly discussions to be had abt scream-#-and it's depictions of two close male killers as like. a deviant homosexuality thing and how that eclipses-#-the parts of scream that are arguably feminist. that's a whole other can of worms. i did really love Sydney tho)#i love grace too a-tier final girl. Samara Weaving is a scream queen in my heart she's so good in the role#my only complaint is i would've put a sort of. Up (2009) married life esque scene w/ Grace and Alex getting to know each other#but i get that that's a hard sell to put off and also in the context of the film grace and alex haven't known each other that long#which works directly against the biggest strength of the married life sequence#so honestly I'm not fussed#anyway yeah. fun time! even my mom enjoyed it despite the fact she normally doesn't like gore
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flannelepicurean · 2 years
Was discussing the "Daffy Duck meets the Joker" comics with my partner, who also loves comics and is A Scholar, and will wax philosophical about them with me.
We went on an absolute trip about it, the nature of the "comedy" they both represent, and the very real and stringent rules the 'Toons follow. (Like, literally, from a writing standpoint. E.g., the coyote is never harmed by the roadrunner directly, but always by a failure of his own making, because that's The Bit, and it's literally not a Wile E. Coyote cartoon if that rule gets broken.)
It's the Roger Rabbit principle of not being able to slip out of the handcuffs until the magic moment when it would be funny. And like... for all his malice and mischief and murderous glee, the Joker is not playing in the same chaotic sandbox.
Yes, he might be able to exploit some of the rules. He might be able to get one over on Daffy.
But Bugs Bunny would mop the floor with him.
Bugs is a fuckin' trickster god. Do not cite the deep magic to him. He was there when it was written, and he casually pulled down a chart from slightly off-screen to show the authors a diagram of how they shoulda taken that left turn at Albuquerque.
We nodded over this, and then mused that, OMG, Bugs and Harley would be SUCH an interesting team, though. And I got frothing at the mouth excited because she is bonkers bizzonkers, but SO SMART and has so much planning potential, "And she has a PhD, for fuck's sake! Seriously, he'd be like, 'What's up, Doc?' and she'd be like, 'OMG, FINALLY!!!' and straight cold clock Mista J. with that giant mallet and be like, 'I GOT ME A NEW MAN, NOW! SO LONG, SUCKERS!' And boom."
The possibilities terrify me in the most delightful way.
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ceruleanvermillion · 1 year
Fanfic authors, can you summarize your most common/repetitive/favourite tropes in all of the fics you have written in a single sentence?
Mine is "Scholar with issues contemplates fate"
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coffinsmasher · 10 months
All I want for Christmas is the Buffy the Vampire Slayer Lexicon
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spectral-honey · 1 year
being a fan of superheroes against my will and better judgement 😔
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fullsaw · 3 months
ok ok writes that down *writes that down* Now what are your opinions on you (And or you by proxy via your Oc's) interacting with the story and town of echo? and also who are your oc's what do they do? who are they?
Ooohhh an oc ask!!
My Echo-Adjacent furry Ocs exist in a story I've called Scholarly Scarlet that has similar vibes.
Nikoli Volk is a College Professor who, along with his sister Margot, is called back to his estranged fathers estate to claim a newly found part of his mothers will. They each recieve an envelope but are conflicted on whether to open them or simply throw them away.
Meanwhile, Nikoli's younger boyfriend Cory is challenged by a mysterious new stripper at the lounge he works for. He worked hard for his position and he won't let some lace wearing newbie steal his tips.
Finally, Margot Volk is happy for once. Her current boyfriend Charles is funny and she loves her job; but something in her dreams is wrong, and she won't stop until shes at peace.
General themes of queerness, trauma and family along with Echos brand of symbolic horror follow :]
If your looking for a particular link to Echo, Jakob, a side character and one of Nikolis Students, hails from the town; although Echos story holds little relevance in the grand scheme of things
Have a WIP of Cory for your troubles :]
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interiorlulus · 1 year
Ngl I was getting tired of seeing all this tumblr "intellectuals" sneer at fandom as if it was impossible to enjoy both high art and lowbrow creations. As if you couldn't be invested in analysing poetry and literature and art in a serious capacity AND indulge in shipping and fanfic and kinkmemes. So yeah, the whole "Siken talks fandom on twitter" meltdown is fascinating to witness.
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