#scotland or bust
scotianostra · 18 hours
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On September 20th 1972 Paul McCartney was arrested for possession of marijuana at his farm in the Mull of Kintyre.
McCartney appeared at Campbeltown Sheriff Court in March 1973, where a £100 fine was imposed on him. He had pleaded guilty to knowingly cultivating five cannabis plants in a greenhouse on his 500-acre High Park Farm, a few miles from the town.
The former Beatle told waiting reporters that he was pleased with the outcome and that it could have been worse. “I was planning on writing a few songs in jail,” he conceded. “It would have been all right as long as I had a guitar.”
During the twenty-five minute hearing, his defence counsel said that he had “an immense interest in horticulture.” McCartney said later: “I have grown quite a few kinds of pot plants in the greenhouse. One gets quite a few gifts of all kinds from fans. These seeds arrived by post, so I planted them in five pots.” He added: “I feel that there should be legislation on the use of cannabis. Drink is a much worse drug to my mind than cannabis.”
The procurator fiscal told the court that the plants were found by police making a routine crime prevention visit to McCartney’s hilltop farm near Campbeltown. John McCluskey, QC, for McCartney, said: “The plants were growing absolutely openly. There was no attempt to conceal them and I feel this is a technical offence.”
Fining him £100, Sheriff D.J. McDairmaid said he took into account that cannabis seeds had been given to McCartney in a gift.
McCartney’s counsel, Mr. John McCluskey, said that as a result of the conviction McCartney would be refused admission to the United States, possibly for two or three years, which would have a serious effect on his business interests.
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foolishxprincipalitee · 4 months
This is a Good Omens 2 Easter egg I've yet to see anyone else point out.
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When Aziraphale is in Edinburgh investigating the record mystery, he borrows a cell phone from a Scottish man to call Crowley.
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The busted old phone has a Union Jack wallpaper.
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Once Crowley hangs up, Aziraphale miraculously repairs the phone to say thank you, as well as putting blessings upon Twitter and Grindr.
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The blessed phone also now has a Scottish flag wallpaper! 😇
I interpret this as a pretty clear statement from Neil Gaiman supporting Scottish independence.
Made a video about this for TikTok too.
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nikidontsurf · 7 months
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GEORGE HARRISON and PATTIE BOYD leave Kinfauns to go to the Walton and Esher Magistrates Court, March 18, 1969.
  She was at Kinfauns, their bungalow home in Esher, Surrey, playing genial hostess to a group of visitors from Scotland Yard’s drug squad. She recalled the events in her memoir Wonderful Tonight: ‘Suddenly I heard a lot of cars on the gravel in the drive – far too many for it to be just George. My first thought was that maybe Paul and Linda wanted to party after the wedding. Then the bell rang. I opened the door to find a policewoman and a dog standing outside. At that moment the back-doorbell rang and I thought, Oh, my God, this is so scary! I’m surrounded by police.
The man in charge introduced himself as Detective Sergeant Pilcher, from Scotland Yard, and handed me a piece of paper. I knew why he was there: he thought we had drugs, and he said he was going to search the house. In they came, about eight policemen through the front, another five or six through the back and there were more in the greenhouse. The policewoman said she would follow me while the others searched and didn’t let me out of her sight. I said, ‘Why are you doing this? We don’t have any drugs. I’m going to phone my husband.’ I rang George at Apple. ‘George, it’s your worst nightmare. Come home.’
The officers clearly thought the Harrisons would be at Paul’s wedding. The timing was not a coincidence. (...) Pilcher had already busted Mick Jagger, Brian Jones and Donovan, as well as Lennon and Yoko the previous year. National treasures or not, The Beatles were no longer protected from the law. - ‘And in the End: The Last Days of The Beatles’ Ken McNab
  I was with George in the office when that call came through. It was the end of a long day at Apple. Pattie rang and said, ‘They’re here – the law is here,’ and we knew what to do by then. We phoned Release’s lawyer, Martin Polden. We had a routine: he came round to Apple, and we all went down by limousine to Esher, where the police were well ensconced by then – and I stood bail for George and Pattie. They went off to the police station. We were all extremely indignant because it was the day of Paul’s wedding, a poor way to celebrate it. The police can be so nice.
George was calm about it. George is always calm – he sometimes gets a grump, but he’s always calm – and he was extremely calm that night, and very, very indignant. He went into the house and looked around at all these men and one woman, and said something like. ‘Birds have nests and animals have holes, but man has nowhere to lay his head.’ – ‘Oh, really, sir? Sorry to tell you we have to…’ and then into the police routine.
That’s how calm and how cross he was, because, as he said, he kept his dope in the box where dope went, and his joss sticks went in the joss stick box. He was a man who ran an orderly late-Sixties household, with beautiful things and some nice stuff to smoke.
 In my opinion he didn’t have to be busted because he was doing nobody any harm. I still believe what they did was an intrusion into personal life. - Derek Taylor in ‘The Beatles Anthology’
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ayeforscotland · 7 months
Germany has just passed their law on legalising cannabis. It's not a policy I'm particularly passionate about but it just seems like a no brainer. In the past few weeks in Scotland, there's been 'Police Bust Weed Farm' headlines that honestly just make me roll my eyes. A complete and utter waste of time, energy and resources.
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dragontape · 4 months
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hey everyone...!
i'm super broke, or "skint" as we'd say in scotland, so i'm taking commissions to help pay for the daily essentials like cat food and electricity... etc.. you know how it is!
as u can see above i'm offering these sketchy bust ups for £15, but if you have an idea in mind for a bigger/smaller piece i'm definitely open to taking those on too!
payment will be thru paypal after i've completed the piece! dm me here or on discord (also @dragontape) if you're interested :)
more examples of art under the cut vvv
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Could I request the 2012 tmnt mikey with a 'secret' s/o reader who is an assassin? She is really serious and scary, but she is so soft for Mikey and she is really skilled with a lot of weapons and even without weapons!
After a while of them dating Mikey tells splinter and his brothers and his brothers don't really believe him, but splinter wants to meet her anyway so Mikey convinces her to meet his family! And she is really respectful but also kinda snarky.
(This is completely optional, but maybe she is originally from Scotland)
Ooohh Yes. Yes. Yes. just, yes.
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You two would probably meet after he got seperated from his brothers while on patrol.
You'd probably start out as just friends for a little while,
Emphasis on little.
When you start dating he'll start sneaking out of the Lair to visit you at what you call your "safehouse".
With anyone else but your sweet sweet Michel,
You are a hardcore bitch.
Sarcasm and Snark,
You will take zero shit.
Ya know, that sterotypical angry Scot.
One time Mikey joined you on one of your information missions, and it went a bit like this...
"I have ways of making ya talk. Painful ones- Mikey, love, please don't touch anything, we don't know what it is, you could get hurt. Ahem- Like I was sayin'-"
His brothers obviously catch on after a bit,
I mean who wouldn't notice how much... quieter the Lair seemed?
Their first glimce of you is when you save Mikey out of nowhere during an encounter with the kraang,
You were in and out, saving you're boyfriend then leaving before they could do more than catch your eye.
They don't know who you are or why you saved their brother but they're definitly grateful.
Obviously Mikey knew it was you, so he called you to thank you when he got home.
His brothers were definitly snooping and overheard him call you "Babe"
Leo whipped his head around like, "ExCUsE mE?"
They didn't say anything, just kinda kept an eye on Mikey for a while.
Whenever Mikey visits you, it's like you just can't help but be all soft and sweet.
How could be anything else to your wonderful sunshine?
Eventually, Mikey will want you to meet his family,
And it's something he's super excited about, how could you say no?
So one day, he shows up at the Lair with you annoucing loudly to the entire household that you were his girlfriend.
Raph literally busted out laughing, asking you how much you were getting paid.
You just scowled, and in your thick accent said, "I ain't getting paid shit. My payment is the absolute fuckin joy of a person and living embodiment of sunshine you call your brother."
Raph still chuckling replied, "Alright, chill out Leperchaun. I get the point."
"Leperchauns are Irish you fuckin imp. I'm Scottish."
Before Raph could snark back, Leo interrupted to formally introduce himself.
You shook his hand with a smirk, while Mikey happily watched you interact with his family.
After you meet his brothers, he drags you towards the dojo to meet Splinter.
He excitedly introduces you as his girlfriend, and Splinter sends Mikey away to have a private conversation with you.
"So," he starts, smiling lowly, "You are the famous (Name) that Michelangelo tells me so much about?"
You blushed in an embarrassed way, "Mikey talks about me?"
Splinter nodded, "All the time. He thinks you are a very beautiful and funny girl. In his own words, the most beautiful girl he's ever seen."
Splinter chatted with you for a while, giving you full permission to visit whenever you please, even inviting you join the boys in training.
Mikey is so happy you get along well with his family, now he can spend time freely with the girl he loves and his beloved family!
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Instagram art.of.romac
(Scheduled post) While in Edinburgh, it gave me a chance to catch up with some people to start designing the bronze busts for my next art exhibition. It will be an expansion of my last one, keeping the theme of Scotland. This time, as well as new portrait paintings, it will include my sculptures of the people I paint, including 3 bronze busts. As the bronzes cost est. £15, 000 each to make, I will be limited to just 3 bronze sculptures, though there will also be others in clay. The 3 scottish actors chosen will be @gerardbutler @alancummingreally & @samheughan
I paint a second rough portrait, allowing me to work out structure & lighting and rough costs. The bronze busts will not be your traditional solid 3D versions but "fragmented masks," though the fragments will be sculpted hyper-realistic.
At the moment, the exhibition is ear marked towards the end of 2025, which is not a lot of time.
Posted 13 August 2024
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sgt-tombstone · 26 days
2 or 38 (or both at once!) for the kiss roulette writings! 💋
2. A kiss on the nose
38. A kiss while one party is carried
Here’s a bare-bones 5+1 idea: 5 times Johnny kissed Ghost on the nose and 1 time he couldn’t quite reach
1. The first time it happens, it’s supposed to be a joke. They’re in the mess hall, the entire 141 crowded around a table far too small for their hulking figures, and far too much money is being placed on a stupid bet. Ghost criticizes Soap’s sniper scores (“better work on your aim, sergeant”), Soap quickly defends (“Ah’ve impeccable aim, thank ye, LT”), and then pounds hit the table, which means that Soap has to prove himself. He stands up with a joking quip, leans down to press an exaggerated kiss to Ghost’s balaclava-clad nose, and marches off to the sniper range to defend his honor (he doesn’t notice Ghost’s blazing blush, nor does he beat any of Ghost’s personal records, so it’s a bust in nearly every regard)
2. The second time it happens, it’s full of uncertainty. Soap and Ghost are standing outside, just out of the light of the base flood lamps, their faces lit only by the glowing tip of their shared cigarette. Ghost is still in his hard-shell mask, droplets of blood staining the… plastic? resin? bone? Soap has never asked, and he’s not sure he wants to. The tension is thick, cloying and suffocating, and Soap takes a leap of faith. He plucks the burnt-down cigarette from between Ghost’s lips, brushes his lips against the tip of Ghost’s nose where it peeks out of the triangular cutout, and grinds the cigarette under the heel of his boot. It takes a moment for Ghost’s brain to reboot, and then Johnny finds himself pulled in for a real, proper kiss, both of them grinning so hard that they can barely manage it
3. The third time it happens, it’s full of worry. Their safe house is in the middle of the woods in the middle of nowhere in the middle of Russia and it’s fucking freezing. Ghost is bundled up as much as he can be, but he’d caught a bad chill the day before, and shivers wrack his body ceaselessly. Johnny builds the fire as best as he can, tending to it religiously, finding comfort in the knowledge that no one is actively hunting them. He strips his outer layers, those covered in snow and ice, and climbs into the cot with Ghost, wrapping them both in their emergency blanket, pressing as close as possible to fit. He wraps his arms around Ghost’s sleeping figure, trying to imbue as much warmth as he can, and he silently, softly, kisses Ghost’s chilled nose. Exfil is on its way, he knows, and they’ll both survive the night, but he’d rather them both be somewhere warm, or at least far more comfortable than this
4. The fourth time it happens, it’s a little bit sloppy. Ghost has his arm around Johnny, supporting some of his weight as they stumble out of the pub. Johnny had managed to drag the 141 out to grab a pint and watch the footie match between Scotland and… someone; none of them are really sober enough to remember who, only that Scotland had won by two goals and Soap had decided to celebrate with two more rounds of shots. Ghost has never been more aware of the gap between his short term and long term memory; he can actively feel each passing moment fall through the cracks, lost to time and drink and something akin to joy. Johnny’s still crowing about something, loud and proud and completely inintelligible, and then he surges up and presses a wet kiss to the tip of Ghost’s masked nose, grinning like a fool the whole time. When Ghost wakes up the next morning, his arms still curled around a fast-asleep Johnny, the only memory he has of the night before is the feeling of Johnny’s lips on his skin, and he’s completely okay with that
5. The fifth time it happens, it’s stark and sterile. The mission had gone badly, because they always did. The intel was fine, the target wasn’t unexpected, and there hadn’t been any outside interference, and yet… Ghost had taken a bullet to the arm, and then one to the gut, and blood had been everywhere, spilling too fast and too far, running in rivulets that Soap couldn’t stop. And now Ghost is unconscious. Wrapped in bandages, clad in a thin, stark white hospital gown, covered in a thin, stark white hospital blanket, and Johnny can’t help it. He doesn’t care that Gaz and Price are standing right there, heads bowed in a semi-private conversation of their own just two feet away. He perches on the edge of the hospital bed, Ghost’s limp hand clutched in between both of his own, and presses a gentle kiss to his nose before resting his forehead against Ghost’s. He’s not sure how long he stays like that, time measured only in the rhythmic beeping of the heart monitor, but then Ghost’s eyes are blinking open, the anesthetic wearing off slowly, and Soap can only smile a tear-filled, watery smile, steeped in relief
+1: The sixth time it happens, it’s a warm day. Johnny had joked that they were lucky; Scotland only has three days of summer per year, so the weather choosing to behave for their wedding day is nothing short of a blessing. It’s a simple affair, despite the entirety of the MacTavish clan showing up for the festivities, and before Johnny knows it, the vows have been said, the rings have been exchanged, and the symbolic kiss has been delivered upon waiting lips. And it’s over. He’s officially married to the love of his life, and he couldn’t be happier. He turns to the crowd, preparing to walk back down the aisle with his new husband in tow, but instead he feels his feet leave the ground as Simon sweeps him up and into his arms. He’s grinning like an idiot; they both are, but they don’f care how they look to everyone else. They only have eyes for each other. Johnny gazes adoringly up at his husband as Simon marches them down the aisle, headed back to the house to get refreshed before the reception. He lifts a hand, wrapping it around the back of Simon’s neck, and strains up to kiss him. But he can’t reach. Instead, his lips brush the divot of Simon’s bare chin, freshly smoothed and still smelling of aftershave, and Simon grins down at him.
“Better work on your aim, sergeant,” he quips, and Johnny can only laugh, giddy in the knowledge that he’s always had impeccable aim
prompt from this list!
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musclesandhammering · 11 months
On Narrative Bias
I keep saying it annoys me how Wanda has done so many evil ass things and is never held accountable for her actions, and it never fails that someone tries to respond with “but aren’t you a loki stan? He’s done evil shit too! So you have a double standard and are a misogynist!!!!” Yeah, no. The difference is that you can clearly tell who the writers have predetermined as a hero vs a villain. You can tell who they want you to root for. Loki’s actions are given narrative consequences as harsh as possible, while Wanda’s are narratively excused and softened and sympathised. Let me show you what I mean.
* Loki commits treasons, tries to kill his brother & attempts genocide -> Loki’s father rejects him while he attempts suicide
* Loki tries to conquer earth -> Loki is sentenced to life in prison
* Loki incapacitates the king and secretly takes the throne -> Loki is threatened with a hammer to the face, we’re reminded how awful he is by all the other characters for the rest of the movie & he would’ve faced more consequences if the apocalypse hadn’t interrupted
* Loki steals the tesseract from the vault -> Loki watches his brother be tortured & then has his neck snapped
Now compare that to…
* Wanda willingly signs up to work for a nazi organisation, tries to help an evil robot murder the avengers, intentionally sets the hulk loose on a town of innocent people, & helps destroy Sokovia for a lil while -> Wanda gets a fatherly pep talk from Clint & is immediately accepted as an Avenger
* Wanda accidentally murders a bunch of people while on a mission -> Wanda is put on temporary house arrest in a giant mansion with her boyfriend
* Wanda buries her boyfriend/teammate under like 10 floors of concrete, breaks out of house arrest, & goes against a government order -> the leader of the superhero team defends her, a grown ass woman, by saying “She’s just a kid!”, she’s detained in a government prison for like a week maybe (?) during which she’s shown as a sad helpless victim to encourage sympathy from viewers, & then she gets busted out by the ex-team leader & eventually gets to run off to Scotland with her boyfriend
* Wanda holds an entire town hostage & tortures them just to fulfil her own grief-fuelled fantasy -> one of the women Wanda attacked reassures her that she’s the actual victim in all this and that the people she tortured just have no idea what she’s sacrificed for them & she escapes to an isolated location to read a forbidden demon book and make herself more powerful without anyone interfering
* Wanda goes on a serial killing spree across the multiverse, kidnaps a child, holds her hostage, tortures her, & attempts to take her powers all so she can steal another Wanda’s children because she misses her children that were never actually real in the first place -> Wanda gets some badass power sequences and #girlboss one liners, is the one that destroys the demon book, essentially saving the multiverse from future corruption, & is allowed to die a hero’s death (which we all know isn’t permanent)
See the difference?
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"If my only purpose in life is to love a woman as great as you, I will be a very fulfilled man indeed."
Babe. BABE! You cannot drop that line and NOT expect me to burst into tears.
Readmore of Sarah's live takes on the newest Bridgerton season:
Bisexual Benedict Bridgerton supremecy. No seriously, BISEXUAL BENEDICT BRIDGERTON!!!!!!!!! I nearly screamed, y'all
Phillipa Featherington Finch is the most adorable woman on the planet, I will die on that hill, I love her, your honor.
Ngl, I really feel for Cressida. I was really hoping for a Lady Danbury/Cressida runaway parallel, but alas. Also WHAT was with the Mrs. Cowper BEEF with the Bridgertons, damn??? Also Also: what happened to the nature lord from pt1 of the season? Surely he wouldve shifted his attention back to Cressida right?? But no, poof. He gone
Colin needs more color in his wardrobe in the last few episodes, dangnabbit. Blacks and browns are all well and good, but he deserves to slay during his season, especially during the climax ball!!! Give him a colored shirt, a pattered vest, SOMETHING! Also: Show me more FOB Pirate Colin please and thank you
Alice, you go queen! Slide right into society and have them all chasing YOU to come to their brunches. Hell yeah. I just KNOW Danbury is setting the Mondritch's up to slide into her place as the rule breakers/trendsetters of society events
Pen's breasts are spilling out of every dress she wears. Im not saying that's a PROBLEM, I'm just saying as a fellow perfect breasted woman, I know from experience that her dresses are too small around the bust for her body. Theyre not custom made, they were ordered, then tailored to fit her - but wardrobe didn't account for the extra give around the chest, so the dresses are squeezing as tightly across as possible, it CANNOT be comfortable. Very common problem for us short curvatious women. Sexy as hell though, 11/10 very distracting
That settee sex scene?!? The mirror??? The strip tease?!?!? Please have mercy, I'm only human
Francesca and John are so FUCKING ADORABLE I cant help but squeal every time they're together. I too want to go off with a sweet adorable husband to go live in a gorgeous castle in Scotland
Eloise is so pretty, but I just gotta say it, I HATE her wardrobe. It looks neither comfortable, nor very pretty, nor very flattering. Are they purposefully trying to make her look youger to stave off her romance/season? It's the only explanation I can come up with for those atrocious bows at the necklines
Now FRANCESCA'S wardrobe does a PHENOMENAL job of both being very pretty and nailing her characterization compared to the women around her. I LOVE the accented, high necklines.
I loved the inky hands, cool detail to pull out
And just to loop back around once again, BISEXUAL BENEDICT BRIDGERTON!!!!
I audibly said "OH SHIT" when Pen turned away from the print shop to find Colin. 'Whoop, there it is'
Ben's affirmation to Eloise about love not being finite, and the implication that just because Pen and Colin love each other, it doesn't cheapen the relationship El has with each of them individually really got to me man. I cried.
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scotianostra · 1 year
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Poets Heads Edinburgh Park.
Jackie Kay
Jackie was born to a Scottish mother and Nigerian father in Edinburgh on 9th November 1961, and was adopted as a baby by Helen and John Kay, who had already adopted a boy, Maxwell. The family lived in Bishopbriggs, Glasgow, where John worked for the Communist Party of Great Britain, and Helen was the Scottish secretary of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament. Kay has drawn on her unconventional upbringing in her poetry, and described it with humour and great affection in her autobiographical account of the search for her birth parents, Red Dust Road, which she has called a ‘love letter’ to her adoptive parents.
The poem here is Life Mask,( for Julia Darling and as usual it is not my favourite of Jackie's I like poems I can relate to a wee bit, and the second one hits the mark. Check it out, George Square, now I can relate to that straight away, and the subject, also, if I live to be the age of her father, in the poem, I hope I am still able to attend protests rallies.
Life Mask.
When the senses come back in the morning, the nose is a mouth full of spring: the mouth is an earful of birdsong; the eyes are lips on the camomile lawn; the ear is an eye of calm blue sky.
When the broken heart begins to mind, the heart is a bird with a tender wing,  the tears are pear blossom blossoming, the shaken love grows green shining leaves,  the throat doesn’t close, it is opening
like a long necked swan in the morning,  like the sea and the river meeting,  like the huge heron’s soaring wings: I sat up with my pale face in my hands And all of a sudden it was spring.
My seventy-seven-year-old father put his reading glasses on to help my mother do the buttons on the back of her dress. ‘What a pair the two of us are!’ my mother said, ‘Me with my sore wrist, you with your bad eyes, your soft thumbs!’
And off they went, my two parents to march against the war in Iraq, him with his plastic hips. Her with her arthritis, to congregate at George Square, where the banners waved at each other like old friends, flapping, where they’d met for so many marches over their years, for peace on earth, for pity’s sake, for peace, for peace.
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moody-alcoholic · 4 months
Second to last Chapter :'(
Aw man I can't believe this is almost over. Here is the second to last sneak peak I will ever do for this fic.
Enjoy and as always; check out the fic so far HERE.
Most recent chapter: CHAPTER 14
“I’m going to get some air.” I said heading for the kitchen door, it led out to an overgrown back yard. It was dark and I couldn’t see the stars, too much light pollution. I heard the door open behind me I knew it was Ghost.
“Price send you out here to make sure I’m not going to fuck things up tomorrow?” I said, I was being spiteful, he moved next to me.
“I’m not here for Price.” He says. I don’t say anything.
“You have every right to be angry we all do.” I shook my head again it was all I could do to not snap at him.
“We’re letting him get away again.” I say defeated.
“Yeah, it happens more often then you think.” He replies sighing. “Believe it or not but countries don’t want to be at war with each other all the time.”
“So they make us do all the dirty work then throw us under the bus.” I say, he pats me on the shoulder.
“Welcome to the world of counter terrorism.” I look at him he looks tired.
“What happened last time?” I asked.
“Remember the terrorist attack in Verdansk?” He asks, I scoff.
“Which one?”
“6th April 2019, bombs at a stadium and airport.”
“Makarov?” I reply, Ghost nods.
“We got him handed him over to the Russians who threw him in prison. He got busted out last November.” He explains. November 22nd was when I got word John was dead. I remember I was pulled into the Commanders office and handed his letter. The official one and his personal one. I didn’t have time to mourn we were 2 months deep into a humanitarian aid trip. When I got to the house in Scotland for the first time alone, that’s when it hit me. Then 141 broke in. I smiled a little, I guess in the end that was a good thing. I looked at Ghost he was looking up at the sky. I had never wanted to know what happened in the tunnel. Now I needed to know, I needed it to be justified even just a little that disobeying Price was the right thing.
“What happened in the tunnel?” I ask taking in a deep breath of cold air. This was going to suck. Ghost looks at me then back up at the sky. He explains the mission, there was a virus on the trains, Makarov was planning on stopping the trains then blowing the tunnel. Ghost and Gaz took one tunnel and Price and Soap took the other. Price and John found the bomb and were working on disarming it when Makarov showed up.
I hope none of you are hardcore Gaz stans
“Price called for backup in good time, we were just pinned down, Konni were throwing everything at us. By the time we made it to Price and Johnny it was too late.” His voice sounded sad as he finished the story. It felt freezing all of a sudden.
“Gunshot wound to the head right?” I ask. He nods, I move a little closer to him. I want to grab his hand but I settle for being able to feel his arm brushing against mine.
“Do you still blame yourself?” I ask quieter. He takes a big breath in.
“Everyday.” He says.
“Do you trust Price?” I ask.
“With my life.” He says without hesitation then looks down at me. I look in his eyes they’re dark burrowing into me like he’s trying to guess what I’m going to say next. I close my eyes and take a deep breath in. I decided when we left for this mission I would get revenge. I thought I had nothing to lose joining 141 getting payback no matter the cost. Now everything felt wrong. Now I actually had something to lose.
“Terror never stops huh,” I say as I open my eyes, I remembering Price telling that long ago.
“If it did we’d be out of a job.” He says. I trust Price. I don’t trust Laswell, or the general. They haven’t been through this they don’t get their hands dirty. They didn’t lose a brother, a colleague, a friend. But I didn’t want to let Price down more importantly I don’t want to lose Simon. I nod.
“I’m going to go get some rest.” I say turning to head back in. He puts his hand on my shoulder to stop me. I feel him bend to whisper in my ear.
“You’ll get your revenge, we all will. You just have to trust the process.” I’m not sure what that means but I trust him. I nod and head up to bed ignoring Price and Gaz sat at the table sipping tea. I threw myself on a bed looking at the ceiling. I closed my eyes hoping sleep will find me quick.
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barbucomedie · 1 year
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Bronze Bust of Young Man from Rome dated between 100 BCE - 100 CE on display at the Burrell Collection in Glasgow, Scotland
Roman artists copied Greek sculptors, who used mathematical formulas to work out what they thought were people's perfect proporations. This has been wrongly use to promote racist ideas about the ideal proportions of faces.
Photographs taken by myself 2023
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a-roguish-gambit · 4 months
If Gambit participated in a cooking competition TV show, which would it be?
Ok realistically, with his luck if he ends up on a cooking show he probably ends up on mojo's programing where he's forced to like cook over radiation or fight and defeat the ingredients before he cooks them.
The cooking show he would most want to be on is diners, drive-ins, and dives. Cause he wants to hang out with guy fieri and try hole in the wall places.
For a competition he would sign up for, I feel like he signed up for hells kitchen but through horrible x men luck and a wacky turn of events in the BBC his application ends up on the table of the great British bake off, who are really excited to have an "ethnic French American" on the show as a special contestant. The x men have land ownership in Scotland with Muir island so. He technically counts for duel citizenship (right?). He agrees cause he can bake as well as he can cook but dude is too well traveled for that show. He is side eyeing every international dish and does not appreciate being treated like some kind of novelty. Someone comments on his speech pattern and how broken it is, he turns on them and recites Shakespeare at them word for word. In french. People ask him invasive questions about being a mutant which leads to him retorting in sassy remarks
"I hear you can get operations to get the color of your sclera changed...have you considered it?"
"Have you considered dying yours black?"
"what? No that's dangerous I could go blind!"
He gets on Mexican food week and curses so many people out. Shuts down the whole thing when he sees the examples and throws a fit and is just like "NAH we ain't doin dis. We ain't disrespectin Mexican cuisine like dis! Dat shit ain't a taco! It ain't even worthy of a taco bell menu! Let gambit show you sometin'" proceeds to hold the whole crew hostage to show them what actual Mexican food is like, force them try it so that they understand it, and gets kicked off the show subsiquently. His entire presence was then censored from that season and he has been banned from returning.
.....rogue was also banned from the great British bake off set. Because when she heard that contestants and crew members insulted him and his way of speaking she kind of lost it and flew over to have a very strong conversation with the producer of the show. It truly was just a conversation but he was kinda scared shitless of her busting into his office and refused to leave until she was finished telling him off for his shows bullshit.
....needless to say the great British bake off has been banned from charles' mansion.
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seat-safety-switch · 2 years
Dump trucks have a lot going for them. They’re trucks, for one thing, so they’re inherently practical, even when they’re the size of Scotland and have tires big enough to park another truck inside. There’s proletarian charm for days; remember how your uncle once told you that “blue collars make ‘em holler.” They have lots of little gadgets, like power-take-offs to lift the dump bed, and levers to tell it what to do. And of course, dump trucks are slow, which infuriates people into making risky passes, at which point you run them the fuck over.
Now, you may ask yourself: why are enormous construction vehicles that can’t reach the speed limit allowed to coexist with regular commuter traffic? And to that I say, that’s a very good question. That dump truck driver’s boss expects to make good on his investment, so he puts pressure on the local authorities to not apply restrictive road-use laws that would force his employees to take slower, but less dangerous routes while on the job. He may also do some shitbag union-busting, we don’t know for sure, but what we do know is that eventually that dump truck is sent to auction, at which point it can become my dump truck, free of its previous connotations of labour abuse.
Sure, you need a more advanced drivers’ license to operate a truck such as this, but let me let you in on a little secret. Plane tickets are real cheap right now, and you can fly to a country that doesn’t even have dump trucks, pass their dump truck exam with the help of twenty dollars cash, and trade in your new dump truck driver’s license for a legitimate one when you get back to this country. That’s where they get new brain surgeons from, after all: just costs too much to raise ‘em here, and they don’t do anything nearly as cool as driving a seven-ton industrial vehicle to work at an office.
And speaking of that office, that brings me to the only real problem I’ve had with the truck so far. Parking it is a pain in the ass. All the spots are way too small for my gargantuan steed. When the other idiots from your department want you to take them to Wendy’s because it’s your turn on the lunch rotation, it takes an hour just to get out of the spot and another hour to explain to the cops why you had to destroy half the drive-thru in order to pick up your order. At least you can easily get rid of the evidence.
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pvffinsdaisies · 3 months
Scotland Playlist
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Spotify playlist | 40 songs | 2h 32m
< all songs by Scottish artists highlighted in blue >
Loch Lomond, Runrig, the Tartan Army
Chelsea Dagger, the Fratellis
Whistle For The Choir, the Fratellis
Henrietta, the Fratellis
I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles), the Proclaimers
I’m on My Way, the Proclaimers
Chasing Cars, Snow Patrol
Run, Snow Patrol
The Last Time (feat. Gary Lightbody of Snow Patrol) (Taylor’s Version), Taylor Swift, Gary Lightbody
Heather On The Hill, Nathan Evans
Highland Girl, Nathan Evans
Espresso, Sabrina Carpenter
Heart and Soul, Twin Atlantic
Crashed The Wedding 2.0, Busted, All Time Low
Year 3000, Busted
Air Hostess, Busted
Obviously, McFly
Five Colours In Her Hair, McFly
Hold Me While You Wait, Lewis Capaldi
Before You Go, Lewis Capaldi
Someone You Loved, Lewis Capaldi
The Bothy Lads, Claire Hastings
Guise of Tough, Iona Fyfe
Take Her In Your Arms, Trail West
This Is The Life, Amy Macdonald
This Ain’t A Scene, It’s An Arms Race, Fall Out Boy
Thnks fr th Mmrs, Fall Out Boy
‘tis the damn season, Taylor Swift
Getaway Car, Taylor Swift
Crazier, Taylor Swift
dorothea, Taylor Swift
exile (feat. Bon Iver), Taylor Swift, Bon Iver
Eyes Open (Taylor’s Version), Taylor Swift
The Story Of Us (Taylor’s Version), Taylor Swift
Heaven Is A Place On Earth, Belinda Carlisle
My Heart Will Go On - Love Theme from “Titanic”, Céline Dion
Home, Nathan Evans, Saint PHNX
I Don’t Care, Fall Out Boy
Ignorance, Paramore
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