#scribbled ink!marcus
lulublack90 · 2 months
Prompt 26 - Sick Fic
@wolfstarmicrofic July 26, word count 752
Part seven of werewolf Sirius
Previous part First part
Sirius dropped Rorbey’s hands and cradled his own head in them as huge soul-wracking sobs burst from his body. Reggie, his baby brother Reggie, was alive. 
“Where is he, Rorbey? Can we get him out?” Remus addressed Rorbey, asking the questions Sirius couldn’t. The little elf wrung his hands. 
“Rorbey be feeling like a fool, Master Remus, sir. Rorbey should be knowing, sir, but Rorbey got his two Masters's magics confused. Rorbey should be punished, sir.” The elf shook his head as he snuffled sadly. Sirius looked up at him, his face tear-stained. 
“Where is he, Rorbey?” Though he felt he already knew. The little elf looked up at him nervously through his eyelashes. 
“Master Regulus is being in the same dungeon you was being in, Master Sirius,” The elf confessed. Regulus had been below Lestrange Castle the entire time, cold and alone. 
“Merlin’s ghostly balls,” Marcus exclaimed. Remus hit him with a silencing spell, and he immediately shut up. 
“Thank you for your input, Marcus, but we won’t be requiring further comments at the moment. Thank you. Now sit down and behave.” Remus growled. Marcus sat on the forest floor and watched the scene before him, silently. 
“Is he alright, Rorbey?” Sirius begged. Tears swam in Rorbey’s giant round eyes as he shook his head. 
“Master Regulus has a fever. Rorbey doesn’t think Master Regulus even knew Rorbey was being there.” 
“Remus,” Sirius’s voice cracked. 
“Tell me as much as you can, Rorbey,” Remus demanded.
Rorbey told Remus everything he could remember. It sounded as though Regulus was in a bad way. 
“He might have pneumonia amongst a myriad of other things.” Remus sighed, running his hand through his hair. "The sooner we get him out the better.” Remus deduced from the little Rorbey could tell him. “It sounds like he may have a fever. Rorbey, can you get him out?” Remus asked. Sirius could almost see the plan he was drawing up in his mind. 
“Rorbey can not, Master Remus, sir. Rorbey can take things to the young Master, but there is magic not letting Rorbey take wizards with him. Rorbey tried with Master Sirius, but Rorbey failed.”
“You didn’t fail, Rorbey. You’re a good house elf, and you’ve done far more than I can ever thank you for. But Rorbey,” Sirius continued. He’d gotten over his initial overwhelming feelings and was thinking straight again. “I need to ask you to help Regulus get better. Do what Remus says, he’ll help you.”
“Of course, Master Sirius, Anything for Master Regulus.” The elf nodded profusely. Remus gave him a list of potions to buy and how and when to administer them. 
“He’ll need broth once he’s conscious and plenty of fluids. He’ll take some time to recover, but from what you’ve described I think we’re just in time.”
“Use my personal account when you buy the potions,” Sirius told Rorbey, scribbling his permission on a scrap of parchment. 
Rorbey was gone for a few days, but when he finally returned it was with good news. Regulus was awake and alert and ravenous. He also had a message for Rorbey to give to Sirius, but Rorbey wouldn’t repeat it. 
“Rorbey, come on, it can’t be that bad,” Sirius urged. He didn’t want to order the elf, he’d never been one for that, but he needed to know. Rorbey shook his head. Marcus passed him a scroll of parchment and a self-inking quill. 
“Take this to him and get him to write it down,” Marcus told Rorbey. 
"Good thinking, Marcus," Sirius thanked the wolf. The little elf bowed and popped away. They didn’t have to wait long for his return. He handed Sirius the note written in an elegant script. Even as a prisoner, Regulus was never one for sloppy penmanship. 
‘Sirius, You absolute wanker, of course, it had to be you to figure out where I was. Hurry the fuck up and get me out of here. I must take my revenge on our dear cousin and her useless husband for what they have dared to do to me. Yours Regulus Arcturus Black  P.S. Thank you for sending Rorbey. Now get me out of here!!!’
Sirius chuckled as he folded the parchment and put it into his pocket. Regulus was pissed. He only swore when he was beyond frustrated. 
“Well, my sweet little brother seems to be completely back to full health thanks to you and Remus, Rorbey. So now the question is, how are we going to get him out?”
Next part
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Dragons rising Season 2 episode 2 : shattered dreams transcript
feel free to use this however you like, credit would be nice
also don‘t send this to tannerfishies in any way
@nyaskitten @cboffshore @jezynowachmura19 @geoxstxrs @frostsstuff @jalluzas-ferney
The episode begins at cloud kingdom. Suetonius is holding a speech to the monks who are at their scrolls, writing. Suetonius: dear writers of destiny, if i could please have your attention. (the monks all turn towards him) No, continue writing. It is your sole destiny. Just pay attention. Ever since our beloved Euphrasia revealed herself as the elemental master of wind, which i personally supported from the very beginning, we know that writing is not the only way for us to influence the world. We are able to- what was it again, marcus? Marcus: we can do things, master scribe, other than writing. Su: Ah, yes, what a brave idea. And the first thing we are going to do, is making this place more fun. So, let´s all think of fun things- let´s go! Cloud monk: I don´t know, Bagels? Su: uh, think bigger M: oh, oh: merlopian t-shirt day! Su: Mucoid hat mondays. Sounds good. Same monk as before: honestly, all that people want is bagels. Monk next to him: oh, could i borrow your pen? Mine has stopped working. Monk 1: can pens even stop working? (he tries scribbling on his scroll, with no text remaining) Huh? mine´s not working either! The monks start murmuring as they all realise the same thing is happening to them. Su: why did you stop working? We want you to work just as much as before, only now with more fun Monk 1: we´re trying, but our pens don´t work. M: that has never happened before! could it be the ink? Su: it´s not the ink. it is said that when the writers of destiny can no longer write, then something is coming that is so - so terrible, that even destiny can not stop it. (the entire island starts shaking and a group of beings start walking towards them, emerging from a cloud of smoke) Send Euphrasia! the cloud kingdom is in very big danger. We can only hope that this isn´t the end Intro Cut to the outside of the kingdom of imperium. Percival is standing on a boulder and speaking to a group of people wearing multicoloured imperium outfits. Percival: look at it. Isn´t it beautiful? and now that empress beatrix is gone, we can turn imperium into that which we have always dreamed of. We build it anew: public greenhouses, renewable energy, more than one flavor of tea. And additionally, we are going to open the city to all - from ninjago and everywhere. Then only the sky will be the limit (he starts trailing off as something flies overhead and crashes into the ground nearby) What was that? (he runs towards the crater, where he finds Euphrasia) Euphrasia: Help! Cut to the monastery, where the ninja are assembled in the courtyard Nya: So you dreamt of warriors in wolf masks? Lloyd: They were so scary, i couldn´t sleep for weeks afterwards. I thought it was just nightmares... Arin: but last evening, we fought against these wolf masks. And now we know that these visions are real.
L: visions of great dangers that are approaching - and they always end with something called the blood moon. That´s when i wake up screaming. Frohicky: drink some of this, master. It´s a recipe from my mother. delicious fly-swamp tea. It´s gonna calm your nerves. Wyldfyre: That smells Great! Sora: where are all these flys coming from? F: thats how you know it´s good. L: compared to the tea, my nightmares are only half as bad. F: see? it works wonders, as i said. S: even if those are visions, that doesn´t neccessarily means that what you see actually happens, right? We all take charge of our own destiny. A: last night our luck wasn´t as good. My shaky spinjitzu didn´t stand a chance against that new elemental master. N: don´t be so hard on youself, Arin. You were surprised. Next time, the rest of us is gonna be there. Kai: absolutely! Where there´s an elemental master of smoke, there is an elemental master of fire. L: you´re right, i don´t know what i´m so afraid of. Ninja never quit. except for maybe this tea. N: So this elemental master has brought the mallet he stole to lord ras. What does ras want to do with it? It´s definitely not gonna be good. S: i think i know a place where we might find some answers. Lloyd, Sora, Arin and Zane are walking in the crossroads. They arrive at the store of a green merlopian. L: i heard that Fedulian(?), the guy who owns the shop, isn´t always the most honest. Since you two know the people of the crossroads better than Zane and i, you´ll probably get more info out of him. S: that means that you, Arin, can´t give up as easily when we go and question him. A: why would i? S: because you are too nice and easily trust everything other people say. Didn´t you once believe Kreel, when she claimed to be a robot? A: I really didn´t think a human could dance like that. Fedulian(?): hm, the ninja. can i help you? A: what can you tell us about the ancient mallet that was stolen from your shop last night? Fe: hm, well sadly i have no idea, what you´re talking about. A: cool, thanks for your time. S: Fedulian, we know that a mallet was stolen from this store. Don´t you want your property back? We´re gonna help you, but we need to know what could be done with it. Fe: who knows? listen, people bring old things to me and i sell them. I can´t know every single item that is in this store. (picking up a book) What is this? a doorstop? a helmet? who knows? I would like to catch the thief who broke in here, but i have a buisness to attend to. S: let´s go (walking away with the others) He´s hiding something. A: are you sure? he seemed very trustworthy to me.
S: Arin, i love you, but you need to understand that not everybody is honest to us. could you pull us up to that roof? A: of course (he shoots his grappling hook and they all climb up) L: i need to get myself a grappling hook like that. They watch over the side of the roof as fedulian takes out a tablet and calls a hypnobrai Fe: Huncho(?), the ninja were just here. Huncho(?): ugh, gross S: gross is pretty harsh Fe: they asked about the mallet. i told them i had no idea. but see this as a warning, that the ninja might come to you next. A: huh, i really am bad at spotting liars. H: then it´s time for me to go on a little vacation. (she turns off the video and Fedulian walks off) S: i know that graffiti on the wall behind her. I´m the one who made it, when i was young and bored. Come on, let´s go. (the four arrive at the wall with the graffiti) A: there it is, your noodle graffiti. S: uh, that´s a cat. L: why does it have meatballs in its face? S: those are the eyes! Zane: scanning. No cat was identified in this picture. S: ok, we are not here to make fun of my old art. Hunch´s hideout must be nearby. L: let´s look for some sort of pattern, starting - (he is knocked over as a secret door in the wall behind him is opened outward by huncho) H: oh, hello ninja, nice to meet you. I´m just getting rid of this not at all valuable junk to make our city nicer. and the best part is that none of this stuff was stolen and they aren´t forbidden anywhere. You don´t really seem to believe me so - MAGIC ATTACK(she throws a teapot at them. It hits zane and falls to the ground). as you can see, this object isn´t as magical as i first thought. My bad. but hey - BUTTERFLYSWARM ATTACK(she releases a group of butterflies that fly away harmlessly) okay, those fluttered away, but what about a PSYHCO SPHERE EXPLOSION! yeah, ok i see the problem, it´s just a doorknob. Sorry, i´m still pretty new to this whole stolen artifacts business. L: are you done trying to use that to fight? H: did i ever really start? when i see an old artifact, i try to grab it as soon as i can.It´s not likely i´m actively trying to steal from people. am i in trouble? S: that depends on how well you can answer our questions. You gave fedulian a mallet. What is it good for? H: that thing? according to rumors, it is the mallet of the gong of shattering. L: Gong of shattering? H: it is a myth from the wyldness. it is said that if the gong is hit with this mallet, i releases its dark energy. A: can we believe her about that? I´m really not sure now.
H: would i lie to you? uh yes, absolutely, but i´m not lying right now. I´m only telling you what i´ve heard. allegedly, everybody has some good inside of them. but if you are wearing a weird wolf mask and then strike the gong with the hammer, it destroys that bit good inside you. L: wolf mask? H: weird, right? and when the good has been destroyed, not only do you become stronger, no, it is said to be possible to learn many evil things. S: what kind of evil things? H: fighting techniques, mystical powers, all those things that were held back by the good in you.If you believe in this kind of superstition. Cut back to the monastery. S: do you believe that story huncho told us? a gong that can destroy the good in you? L: it fits right in with my visions. (suddenly, someone knocks on the door of the monastery. frohicky rushes to open it) F: welcome to the monastery of spinjitzu. How can we- (the door opens to reveal Percival, carrying someone with their arm over his shoulder.) A: Percival? What are you doing here? (the door opens fully to show that he has euphrasia with him) S: Euphrasia! Euphrasia: ninja, we need your help. L: what happened? (the scene flashes back to the beginning, with Ras and his warriors emerging from the smoke) Su: could it be? please- not- NO- (the warriors attacks, knocking over scrolls) Jordana: So easy. and we didn´t even need to use the gong of shattering. Ras: the gong has to be used with thought behind it. Let´s go, Jordana, we are going to the archives. (Euphrasia lands in the middle of the square, using her powers to knock wolf warriors away) Euphrasia: maybe you idiots didn´t know, but the cloud kingdom is under the protection of the elemental master of wind. (she fights multiple wolf warriors, before being attacked by Cinder) Cinder: looks like your wind is nothing but a light breeze. (the two fight, which ends with him blasting euphrasia off the side of the island, where she slows her fall with her powers) E: the - ninja -need to help me (she then flies off) The scene switches to the destiny´s bounty, now flying towards the cloud kingdom as Euphrasia finishes her story. E: i wanted to fly to your monastery, but i couldn´t do it and percival found me. A: the cloud kingdom archive is full of scrolls and scientific studies. Why would Lord Ras want to look around there? L: he is looking for the blood moon. It´s gonna be the reason he is there right now. If my visions are correct, i know that the blood moon is important. And very very bad. (they arrive at cloud kingdom and park the bounty in a hidden spot by the side. Arin shoots his grappling hook up to help them all climb) i´m serious, i want a grappling hook like that.
A: i´d gladly trade it for an elemental power. L: be patient arin, every ninja has their own way.(they all sneak onto the kingdom, hiding behind pillars and walls) A: it´s very quiet around here. S: i think you mean creepy. L: be ready for anything. (they walk and see the monks and warriors) E: the writers of destiny! luckily they´re okay. (they see one of the warriors threaten on of the monks) A: maybe not that okay. (Zane starts scanning the scrolls the monks are holding and appear to be translating) Z: they are translating texts from an ancient language. But none i know. According to my data, this language is evil. S: how can a language be evil? Z: believe me, it is. (they hear muffled noises nearby and run towards the source, a cocoon, guarded by a warrior. Kai knocks out the warrior and opens the cocoon, revealing Suetonius inside) Su: thank you ninja. Euphrasia! you´re alive. E: yeah. what happened. Su: it was just terrible (a flashback starts, with him and marcus running after Ras and Jordana in the archives) This Archive is our most valuable possession. We will defend it against you with all our power. Ras: no, you will not. but i still need you - for now. That´s one of the reasons i put a curse on your scroll worms. (he says a spell and the worms start turning red) Su: you cursed them? (the worms start shooting silk at him and marcus and the flashback ends) Wyldfyre: creepy! but kind of fun creepy. L: do these scrolls have anything to do with the blood moon? Su: Ras wouldn´t dare. He can not! A: that sounds like a yes to me Su: the blood moon only rises every couple millenia in the wyldness. And when this special event happens, dark beings can be awakened using a secret ritual. They are called the forbidden five. S: that sounds pretty intimidating. Su: that´s because they are. The forbidden five were once elemental masters, thousands of years ago. They discovered evil forces, which no other elemental master could stop. They conquered their worlds and everybody who stood in their way, didn´t stand a chance. A: and there was nothing that could stop them? Su: it seemed impossible, but a mystical force came from the east and banished them from all the realms for all of eternity. Their discoveries, teachings and even their language were banned, hundreds of years ago. If Ras actually managed to unlock their secrets and then performed the ritual of the blood moon- L: -he could bring them back. WF: why the long faces? It´s super easy! We stop Ras, before he even knows that we´re here. S: it might already be too late for that (a group of wolf warriors walks towards them, ready for battle. Seeing their masks, Lloyd has another short vision of them, before returning to reality) L: NINJA GO!
the two sides fight, while Suetonius and Euphrasia go into hiding J: try what you want, Ninja, but you will never be as powerful as us. S: are you not watching? We´re kicking the wolf masks´ butts. There seems to be something wrong with your eyesight, whoever you are. J: WHAT!? I am Jordana! Your arch-enemy! you were afraid of our next encounter! S: huh? Oh, wait! are you the girl that was in my class in imperium? Why are you hanging out out here? J: you´re gonna find out fast enough. (Ras takes out the gong and mallet of shattering) L: He´s got the mallet and the gong! S: we´re about to learn if you can actually destroy the good in a person. (Ras strikes the gong repeatedly, causing the wolf masks to glow as their wearers throw their swords aside, while blue claws manifest on their arms) Ok, that certainly looks like it. L: that´s the sound from my visions! N: We are with you Lloyd. We´re all there. And we´re ready for it. (the two sides fight again) S: i can´t use my powers without technology! K: then just use spinjit- oh, right. sorry. (fighting continues) L: you were right, Sora. My visions don´t matter. We all make our own destiny. And now we end your occupation of the cloud kingdom, Ras. R: i doubt that is going to happen. CINDER! (Cinder attacks the ninja) K: i heard there is a new elemental master of smoke. I already beat up your predecessor. L: we know what you are doing here! You are trying to unlock the ancient secrets. But those were not forbidden without reason. R: trying? No, i have done it. I have begun unleashing the true power. pay attention and watch what happens to an elemental master who studied the lost teachings of the forbidden five. (Cinder puts on a wolf mask, which turns into a glowing red armor as ras strikes the gong. He begins flying in a tornado of red lightning, his eyes now glowing red as he fights the ninja) A: is that a new kind of spinjitzu? R: it is a dark and highly evolved form of your beloved fighting technique, which was long forbidden and forgotten. SHATTERSPIN L: i have never heard of that. WF: who cares? let´s fight! (the ninja fight him, getting defeated) K: come on, he can´t beat all of us. (he fights them, defeating them one by one, including zane who starts throwing sparks. Wyldfyre attacks him and is thrown back, her leg broken) K: Wyldfyre is badly injured. R: Cinder! Take care of them Z: the only logical move for us is retreat! L: but ninja never- N: Lloyd, there is no other way. If we want to defeat Ras, we need to get away from here and regroup. Come on, Come on (the ninja retreat to the bounty, pursued by the wolf masks. they get away) L: How can we stop Ras with this kind of power! N: We are gonna find a way, Lloyd. Master Wu has trained us well. L: he did, Nya. But he didn´t train us for this. Who can teach us how to stop shatterspin?
Ras, watching from the cloud kingdom: the cloud kingdom and all its dark secrets now finally belong to me. Our Journey to the blood moon continues. And the forbidden five shall rise again!
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onceuponfarfaraway · 2 years
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Year after year goes by. Kingdoms fall and cities rise, this book tells all. Read on to find what you desire and why all that has taken place.
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Around 1350 BC
Marcus is born in Greece, he was turned many years later into his adulthood.
Before 1300 BC
Caius is born in Greece, eventually is turned.
Around 1300 BC
Aro is born in Greece
Around 1280 BC 
Aro is turned into a vampire. He later finds Marcus, who joins him.
10 years after his transformation, Aro turns Didyme, his sister. Marcus and Didyme eventually fall in love.
Between 1200 - 1100 BC
Volturi Coven is founded in Greece by Aro and Marcus. Caius and his wife, Athenodora, eventually join some years later.
1100 BC
Charmion, or Chelsea, is turned into a vampire.
(Due to old age this section has become unreadable, perhaps finding someone who knows will help make what happened here to be clear.)
1000 BC
Vladimir, Stefan and the others form the Romanian Coven. They become the ruling coven of the vampire world.
100 BC
A Romanian member named Igor takes interest in Didyme. After being rejected by her, he kills her. Marcus and Aro, out for revenge, begin preparing for war.
400 – 500 AD
The Volturi face off against the Romanian coven; the Volturi emerge victorious and gain control, becoming the new ruling coven.
600 AD
The Egyptian coven and the Volturi go to war.
Around 800 AD
Jane and Alec are turned into vampires by Aro after almost being burned at stake by angry villagers, condemned of witchcraft. They then join the Volturi as the coven’s most prized members.
Afton is born and in his mid twenties turned into a vampire by an unknown nomad in scandinavia. 
Between 800 AD-1000 AD
(The page is torn and bent from being used so much, it will take some time before you will be able to understand what is being said.)
Around 1000 AD
Afton and Chelsea meet. Chelsea falls in love at first sight and brings Afton back home with her to join the Volturi.
Kate, Tanya and Irina are turned into vampires by Sasha in Slovakia, thus forming the Denali coven.
Sasha creates the immortal child, Vasilii; the child goes on a vampiric tantrum, massacring the village, which causes the Volturi to step in and kill both Sasha and Vasilii.
(Writing on the page is scribbled out, you don’t understand why but it looks important.)
Amun changes Demetri into a vampire.
Caius and Athenodora after years of fighting decide to take a break in their marriage. Athenodora leaves with 6 guards and goes north to Germany.
Taha Aki is the first Quileute shape-shifting werewolf and passes the ability on to his sons.
(The pages look as if it was viscously torn out. You wonder if it was around somewhere.)
1400 - 1410
Quileute werewolves kill their first vampire.
(An ink spill has covered up many words on this page. It is frustrating but you can't read a thing)
(The words on this page are written messily, almost as if a child has written it. You tried to read some of it but give up)
(Stains of blood has covered the page, you instantly flip to the next page)
(Pressed Dried Flowers from long ago are covering most of the page, you decide not to disturb them) 
Victoria is born in England.
(The writing is so small on the paper you accidentally skip over it)
(The page is written in riddles, you don’t quite understand what is being said)
Carlisle Cullen is born in London, England.
After years of being separated, Caius and Athenodora rejoin and decide to work out their marriage.
(Another page written in riddles, you skip over it)
Carlisle is turned into a vampire.
1680 - 1690s
After years of discussions and relearning each other, Athenodora comes back home permanently to Volterra to live with Caius.
Carmen and Eleazar are born.
(This page is littered with drops of tears. It is once again written in riddles but this time you feel invasive reading it. You skip this page)
1700 - 1720
Carlisle stays with the Volturi for a short time, gaining the title Stregoni benefici.
(It looks as if this page has been colored over by a child. There are three people drawn on the page; two girls and a boy)
(The elder girl on the previous page is drawn alone this time. You can’t help but wonder what it means)
James is born in northwestern Pennsylvania.
(This section is written in a language long ago. You don’t even attempt at reading it.)
James is turned by a male French vampire at age 25.
(A map and notes have been pasted over the writing on the page. You are frustrated that you can’t read what is on it.)
1820 - 1830
Benito creates the first army of newborn vampires and starts a war in Mexico. The Volturi manage to cover his tracks, but this leads to the creation of more newborn armies in the southern United States.
(Another drawing has appeared. It is once again child-like. This time it is of two males and a little girl. You recognize two from the previous drawing but are confused at the addition of the new male)
Jasper Hale is born in Houston, Texas, as Jasper Whitlock.
(The section on this page is blank. You can’t help but wonder why)
(You wonder why yet another page is written in riddles)
The American Civil War begins; Jasper joins the Confederate Army, eventually gaining the rank of Major.
Jasper is turned into a vampire by Maria; he later commands her Mexican coven army in the Southern vampire wars.
(The page is scribbled on viscously, you wonder why) 
(The section is blurry as if water has been spilt on it.)
(Rushed and messy words of riddles and warning litter the page. It seems to have no order but it seems important)
(The child-like drawings are back. It seems the elder girl from previous had joined once again with the others)
(Another blank section)
(You can’t read most of the text but you make out what looks like a warning scribbled across the paper. It reads “never go in coven territory”)
Esme Cullen is born in Columbus, Ohio as Esme Anne Platt.
Early 1900s
(The page is covered in dirt and fingerprints. You can’t make out what has been written.)
Alice Cullen is born in Biloxi, Mississippi as Mary Alice Brandon.
June 20 - Edward Cullen is born in Chicago, Illinois as Edward Anthony Masen Jr.
Carlisle Cullen and Esme Cullen first meet at a hospital after Esme breaks her leg, falling out of a tree, Esme is 16.
(The pages are torn out, you wonder why.)
(The pages in this section are torn out as well, it’s starting to get suspicious)
(There are multiple different maps and papers tucked into this page, you fumble to keep them in and shut the page quickly)
Emmett Cullen is born in Gatlinburg, Tennessee as Emmett McCarty.
Rosalie Hale is born in Rochester, New York as Rosalie Lillian Hale.
Esme, age 22, marries Charles Evenson, who is very abusive toward her in marriage. He later leaves to fight in World War I.
In September, the Spanish influenza epidemic kills Edward’s parents; he is later saved and turned into a vampire by Carlisle, thus forming the Olympic coven.
Alice, because of her clairvoyant abilities, is put in a mental asylum by her father.
Charles returns home to Esme after the war.
James begins to hunt Alice.
Alice is bit by another vampire in the asylum, becoming a vampire herself.
A pregnant Esme leaves her husband Charles and his abusiveness.
(There is a section written in old English, you wonder why)
Esme’s baby dies shortly after birth, and she tries to commit suicide as a result, by jumping off a cliff. However, she survives the attempt, and is brought into the care of a doctor, none other than Carlisle.
Carlisle and Esme fall in love; Carlisle transforms Esme into a vampire, and she joins the Olympic coven.
1927 - 1931
Edward leaves Carlisle and Esme, due to his resentment over Carlisle’s rule of not feasting on humans. However, he returns within a few years, regretful of his actions.
Rosalie is engaged to Royce King, the wealthiest bachelor in Rochester, New York.
In April, she is beaten and gang raped by Royce and his friends, who were all drunk. Left for dead, she is saved and turned into a vampire by Carlisle, and joins the Olympic coven.
(The pages are frozen and stuck together, it looks like you will need to lay the book out to defrost)
(The page is crumpled up from bad handling, you huff in annoyance)
Emmett Cullen and Rosalie Hale first meet as Emmett is being mauled by a bear. Reminded of her best friend’s child, Henry, Rosalie carries the bleeding Emmett all the way back to Carlisle, who transforms him into a vampire; Emmett subsequently joins the Olympic coven.
(Lots of different sticky notes cover the pages, there’s so much that some fall over the floor. Quickly, you shove them back in and close the page)
The Olympic coven moves to Forks, Washington.
A treaty is made between the Cullens and the local Quileute tribe.
Jasper leaves the Mexican coven.
(The pages are burnt and covered in oil. Disgusted you close the pages and go to wash your hands)
(A map is drawn over the pages, you are starting to see a pattern)
(A glass of fruit juice is spilled over the page. With sticky fingers you flip to the next page)
(Some fliers of WW2 fliers cover the pages, you wondered if it had something to do with what is on the pages)
(A riddle is scribbled over the pages, you are confused at what it means)
(A drawing is scribbled on the pages, there are 6 people in front of a castle; two girls and four boys. You recognize 4 of them from the previous drawing. You wonder why the number has increased so suddenly)
(Dust and dirt cover the page. You sneeze before shutting it)
Alice Cullen and Jasper Hale find each other in a diner in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Alice and Jasper join the Olympic coven.
(It looks like a map of a big manor. You wonder why it was glued to the pages)
Charlie Swan is born in Forks, Washington.
Camillus “Camilla” Marino is born in a house outside of the town of Castelluccio, Italy sometime during the spring.
After Camillus’ birth, her mother—Maria Marino—health grows weak and she is bedridden from her injuries.
On a stormy night, Camillus’ mother dies. 
Camillus a few days later digs up her mother's grave and reburries her on the hill underneath the cypress tree she often told Camillus about.
At the age of 5, physically looking 13, Camillus stops aging. 
Leah Clearwater and Sam Uley are born in La Push, Washington
Rachel and Rebecca Black are born
Bella Swan is born on September 13th, in Forks, Washington, to Renée and Charlie Swan.
In March, Renée leaves Charlie, and takes Bella to California.
Jacob Black is born on January 14th, in La Push, Washington.
Bree Tanner is born on March 11th, in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Embry Call is born
Paul Lahote is born
Seth Clearwater is born in La Push, Washington.
Renee and Bella move from Riverside, California to Phoenix, Arizona.
Mr. Tanner kills his wife and moves to Idaho with his daughter, Bree Tanner.
(These pages are once again covered in blood. You skip over them)
1996 - 2002
Bella stays with Charlie in Forks for one month every summer; during this time, she befriends Jacob, Rachel and Rebecca Black.
(A few beautiful postcards of Spain are attached to the papers. You can’t read what is underneath)
The Olympic coven returns to Forks, Washington after almost seventy years.
Rosalie, Emmett, and Jasper start at Forks High as sophomores, while Edward and Alice begin as Freshmen.
The presence of the Cullens causes Quileute Sam Uley to become a shape-shifting werewolf.
As more Quileutes begin to phase, Sam Uley creates the Uley pack.
(Some pages are ripped out. You wonder why you feel so emotional when you look at it. You continue on)
(A new drawing is on the paper. This time the number has gone up by one. Another girl has joined.)
January 17th- Bella Swan leaves Phoenix and arrives in Forks.
January 18th - Bella Swan and Edward Cullen first meet at Forks High School.
January 25th - Bella is saved by Edward in a near-fatal car crash.
March - The Cullens meet James’s coven: James catches Bella’s scent and begins the hunt; Laurent leaves for Denali, Alaska.
March 16th - The Cullens face off against James, which results in his death.
September 13th - Bella turns 18; during a birthday party celebration, she gets a paper cut, and is nearly killed by Jasper Hale.
September 16th - The Cullens leave Forks. The coven (minus Edward) relocate to Ithaca, New York, where Jasper becomes a philosophy student and Carlisle works at night.
January 17th - Bella gets two motorcycles and begins fixing them up with Jacob Black
February - Jacob becomes a shape-shifting werewolf.
Laurent returns to Forks on Victoria’s orders; he attempts to kill Bella, but is killed himself by the Uley pack.
March 19[1] - St. Marcus Day: Edward tried to reveal the existence of vampires in Volterra, Italy.
March - The Cullens return to Forks; Bella decides to become a vampire.
June 13th - Edward proposes to Bella.
June - Bella Swan graduated from Forks High School Washington State, USA
June 15th - The Cullens ally with the Uley pack to face off against the Seattle newborn army, resulting in the death of Victoria, Riley Biers, and her entire newborn coven, including Bree Tanner.
August 13th - Edward and Bella are married; during their honeymoon in Isle Esme, they conceive a daughter.
September - The Uley pack decide to kill Bella; Jacob defects and forms the Black pack, with him being the Alpha. Seth and Leah Clearwater are his first members.
September 11th - Renesmee Cullen is born, and Bella is turned into a vampire; Jacob imprints on the newborn Renesmee.
December 14th - Irina informs the Volturi of Renesmee, whom she believes is an immortal child.
(A section of the paper is torn out. It’s different than the other times, Someone is apparently wanting to hide something)
December 31 - The Cullens, along with their allies, confront the Volturi. (The ending has been ripped off)
The confrontation is dispelled, and results in Irina’s death. (The ending and a couple pages have been ripped off as well. You are left wondering why)
January 1st - Bella lowers her mental shield for the first time, allowing Edward to read her thoughts.
Mid-October - Camillus is dropped off at the Cullens by her grandmother. She learns that she is not human yet doesn’t know she is half-vampire
July 7th - A package arrives at Charlie’s door for the Cullens, Camillus opens it up and comes to the conclusion to reach out to her father. Alice, not seeing her decision but instead the aftermath with the Volturi coming to visit, fears for Camillus’ safety and sends her back home to Italy.
July 9th - Camillus arrives back home in Castelluccio, Italy
July 18th - Letter from Camillus arrives at piazza dei priori. A plan is formed between Aro,Marcus, Caius and Demetri. Demetri sets off in search of Camillus that following morning.
August 13th - Edward and Bella’s 4th wedding anniversary
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atlas-arc · 4 years
breaking point
A/n: look there is not an ounce of consistency in this entire thing but I don’t even care at this point. I just needed to get the thought down 😂
Author: @ezrasarm
There was something off when Marcus got home. He was quieter than usual, not as cheerful. When you asked he seemed to shrug it off as ‘nothing’ but you knew him well enough to know it wasn’t.
“Did something happen in class?”
“How about your exam? You were worried about it.”
”It was fine- it was great actually” he grumbled back.
”Me? Did I do something wrong?”
“No! Of course not! Can we just drop it?” He blurts out uncharacteristically before murmuring an apology. You tried for a good two seconds, you really did but then a thought struck you. It didn’t make any sense, he loved his job but-
“…work?” You ask and he hesitates.
Marcus didn’t like to admit it but sometimes he let other people’s opinions get the better of him. That’s why when a particularly difficult customer decided he’d take out his frustrations on the nearest person, Marcus was the one to take the brunt of his outburst. And on top of the slowly accumulating mountain of school stress and his parents constant stream of questions over when he was gonna get a real job, he cracked. It’s why when you hit the nail on the head, he tried to make an excuse to get away from you. He didn’t want you to see him break. But he had dried your tears more times than you could count at this point and it was your turn to return the favour.
“Woah, Marcus, hey!” You say catching his wrist when he’s half way into his coat and he freezes when he looks at you through watery eyes. “Slow down.” You plead, taking the opportunity to wrap your arms around him, one arm around his back while the other gently pulls his him closer to bury his face into your shoulder. He actually has the gall to try and sob an apology out. It makes your chest ache. “Don’t do that. You’ve done absolutely nothing wrong.” You scold him lightly, pressing a kiss to just about any part of him your lips can reach when he’s pulled this close to you. “Sometimes things just get a bit too much. It happens to the best of us.” You murmur into him after a while, your fingers toying through the unruly curls on the top of his head. “Even the invincible Marcus Pike.” You smile against the shell of his ear and manage to catch a broken scoff from him.
“I feel pretty far from invincible right now.”
“Maybe,” You shrug “But I know you’re gonna get right back up anyway.” You say, “And that sounds pretty damn invincible to me.” You feel his arms squeeze just a little tighter around your waist when breathes in a deep inhale before lifting his head to look at you.
“Thank you” he whispers, a weak smile on his face when you lean up to press a kiss to his forehead. “Hey that’s my move.” He he says, pulling away slightly in mock offense, a goofy grin starting to overpower the sorrow in his features.
“I thought it would help,” You shrug, knowing it always worked when he did it to you.
“Maybe you should try again just to be on the safe side.” He proposes, leaning his head down until you oblige. There he was again.
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ezrasarm · 4 years
Okay not to flip your thought but I’m gonna flip your thought 😂 Marcus snapping out of his flow when u call because you never call, you always text, or spam text if he’s taking too long.
Anyway that is thought. ~k
Marcus picks up the phone and gets totally flustered cause ‘oh! It’s you! I like you!’ *Heart eyes* *heart eyes* *heart eyes* then looking back to his work afterwards and realizing he’s completely lost his train of thought like
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keeper0fthestars · 4 years
keeper’s fic celebration!
I’ve never done a celebration post on this blog and this is my chance to recognize a list of authors who are very fab and cool. I want to celebrate YOU. Your creativity deserves to be celebrated. *inserts cupcakes and confetti!!!*
Thank you for being here and for being brave enough to share these pieces of yourselves with us, for creating these kick ass worlds and characters that we can escape into and take comfort in. This year was a little easier a whole lot more fun because of you.  I’m so thankful for all the intelligent, heartfelt, passionate, and goofy shit you guys contribute to my life.
To everyone who reads: thank you for welcoming new writers and for giving them a chance. thank you for getting excited when someone posts a new chapter or a brand new fic. your comments and feedback are worth more than their weight in gold.  I hope this will encourage you to check out their masterlists because all their content is god Tier. This isn’t even a complete list and i can’t believe how long it got :D but here are some of the friends whose presence in this community I have been grateful for this year:
Ezra (Prospect)
Waxing Gibbous by @chews-erotically Mångata by @agirllovespancakes Below the Wrecking Line by @holographic-carmen He is Home by @mourningbirds1 Godless Creation by @cinewhore Halloween Costumes (prompt) by @sin-djarin I follow Your Fire by @heatherbel A Walk On The Wild Side by @fleetwoodmactshirt  Storm Of The Sea by @ergotautology Fairy Dust by @di-kut Electric Feel by @artemiseamoon My Bright Eyed Boy by @justrunamok The Exact Colour by @opheliaelysia Sweet Tooth by @opheliaelysia
Din Djarin (The Mandalorian)
Picking Up Strays by @cornerficus His Beloved by @daviwrites Out of Love by @mcfreakin-bxtch To Be Loved And Lost  by  @starlight-starwrites Helix Catalyst Blueshift by @corvueros Sunlight by @comrade-kenobi Vencuyanir by @oloreaa  Space Oddity Series by @corrupt-fvcker Take me to Church (au) by @frannyzooey Sugar Petals by @goldafterglow Cutting Corners by @bobafctts The Light of Stars by @tiffdawg White Rose (au) by @aerynwrites Cat and Mouse by @b0n-chann Alleyways by @huliabitch The Beauty Of Curves by @tangledlove27 A few Quiet Moments by @mikeisthricedeceased In fields of White by @wille-zarr Heal your Wound, Heal Your Heart by @flightlessangelwings The Scent of Light by @tintinwrites Shelter from the Storm by @inglouriouslittlemousey
The Lovely Moons by @vercopaanir
continues under the cut:
Francisco Morales (Triple Frontier)
One Summer Night by @tiffdawg Love me Two Times by  @adikaofmandalore  Neighbor!Frankie Series by @softpedropascal Take What You Need by @yespolkadotkitty Undressing you by @fleetwoodmactshirt The Bad Date by @littleferal Defensive by @littleferal Oh My Love, My Darling by @phoenixhalliwell  Roommates AU by @ezrasarm Addicted to You by @ithinkhesgaybutwesavedmufasa Querencia series by @spookyold-saintjm Risk and Reward by @loversandantiheroes  The Boxed Set by @frannyzooey First Dates by @writefightandflightclub Forget Me Nots by @bbygrgu 
Marcus Pike (The Mentalist)
We will always have Paris by @fromthedeskoftheraven Neighbor AU by @din-damn-djarin Welcome Home by @mylifeliterally With Love Waiting Outside The Door by @alwaysbethewest Just Say yes  by @heatherbel The Kind of Love You’ve Been Dreaming of by @opheliaelysia Scribbled Ink by @chaotic-noceur A Warm Welcome Home pt. 1 pt. 2 by @thirstworldproblemss Gold Fish & Milk by @perropascal Glass Hearts by @girlwithanewplan And Then I’d Kiss You @agentpike
Javier Peña (Narcos)
Observation Hypothesis Experiment by @alwaysbethewest  San Valentín by @opheliaelysia In A Bind by @givemethatgold Crystal Clear by @murdermewithbooks  Look How Long This Love Can Hold Its Breath by @themangolorian  The Favor Series by @hdlynnslibrary Fun Times in Babylon by @qveenbvtch I Cling To Your Lips Like Gloss by @buckstaposition Partial to the Cavatina by @hansoulo Don’t Look And It Won’t Hurt by @mourningbirds1 Virtues Uncounted by @filthybookworm When I think About You by @alwaysbethewest Once by @millllenniawrites The Same Coin by @bestintheparsec
Jack Daniels (Kingsman)
Back of the Bronco by @mostly-megan Valley Nights (au) by @jura-moon No Better Love by @punkpascal Blushing My Love is a Dagger by @goldafterglow But I Got Wise by @pedropascallion   A Little Bit of Honey by @alwaysbethewest Manhattan Universe by @fromthedeskoftheraven Baby Come Back to Me by @miss-me-jack Need You Now by @hiscyarika Never Will Be by @murdermewithbooks Digging Up Bones by @songsformonkeys Fireplace by @scribbledghost 
Special Mention:
(my favourite untitled drabble) by @demigod-dragonrider-schoolidol  (obi wan kenobi)
Just For Tonight by @mylifeliterally (santiago garcia)
Insighting Flashback by @sarcasmisakindofmagic (poe)
dissimilato by @hansoulo (cassian andor)
Take the Bait by @bobafctts (din djarin x boba fett x reader)
In Plain Sight by @princessxkenobi (cassian andor)
Cold by @waatermelon-sugaar (poe dameron)
If It Please You by @lueurnotes (oberyn martell)
Breakfast by @corrupt-fvcker (paz viszla)
Team Building Exercise by @mylifeliterally (TF Boys)
Keeper of my Soul, Holder of my Heart by @maybege (paz viszla)
Moving Day by @mandoplease (frankie x santiago x reader)
Let it Snow by @ghostwiththemostbitch (poe dameron)
Best Clothes in Every Episode by @pedropascalito (javier peña)
Trivia Night by @unstoppableforcce (santiago garcia)
 Angst Fic Recs
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onceuponatale · 2 years
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Year after year go by. Kingdoms fall and cities rise, this book tells all. Read on to find what you want to hear and why all that has taken place.
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Around 1350 BC
Marcus is born in Greece, he was turned many years later into his adulthood.
Before 1300 BC
Caius is born in Greece, eventually is turned.
Around 1300 BC
Aro is born in Greece
Around 1280 BC 
Aro is turned into a vampire. He later finds Marcus, who joins him.
10 years after his transformation, Aro turns Didyme, his sister. Marcus and Didyme eventually fall in love.
Between 1200 - 1100 BC
Volturi Coven is founded in Greece by Aro and Marcus. Caius and his wife, Athenodora, eventually join some years later.
1100 BC
Charmion, or Chelsea, is turned into a vampire.
(Due to old age this section has become unreadable, perhaps finding someone who knows will help make what happened here to be clear.)
1000 BC
Vladimir, Stefan and the others form the Romanian Coven. They become the ruling coven of the vampire world.
100 BC
A Romanian member named Igor takes interest in Didyme. After being rejected by her, he kills her. Marcus and Aro, out for revenge, begin preparing for war.
400 – 500 AD
The Volturi face off against the Romanian coven; the Volturi emerge victorious and gain control, becoming the new ruling coven.
600 AD
The Egyptian coven and the Volturi go to war.
Around 800 AD
Jane and Alec are turned into vampires by Aro after almost being burned at stake by angry villagers, condemned of witchcraft. They then join the Volturi as the coven's most prized members.
Afton is born and in his mid twenties turned into a vampire by an unknown nomad in scandinavia. 
Between 800 AD-1000 AD
(The page is torn and bent from being used so much, it will take some time before you will be able to understand what is being said.)
Around 1000 AD
Afton and Chelsea meet. Chelsea falls in love at first sight and brings Afton back home with her to join the Volturi.
Kate, Tanya and Irina are turned into vampires by Sasha in Slovakia, thus forming the Denali coven.
Sasha creates the immortal child, Vasilii; the child goes on a vampiric tantrum, massacring the village, which causes the Volturi to step in and kill both Sasha and Vasilii.
(Writing on the page is scribbled out, you don’t understand why but it looks important.)
Amun changes Demetri into a vampire.
Caius and Athenodora after years of fighting decide to take a break in their marriage. Athenodora leaves with 6 guards and goes north to Germany.
Taha Aki is the first Quileute shape-shifting werewolf and passes the ability on to his sons.
(The pages look as if it was viscously torn out. You wonder if it was around somewhere.)
1400 - 1410
Quileute werewolves kill their first vampire.
(An ink spill has covered up many words on this page. Try again?)
(The words on this page are written messily, almost as if a child has written it. You tried to read some of it but give up)
(Stains of blood has covered the page, you instantly flip to the next page)
(Pressed Dried Flowers from long ago are covering most of the page, you decide not to disturb them) 
Victoria is born in England.
(The writing is so small on the paper you accidentally skip over it)
(The page is written in riddles, you don’t quite understand what is being said)
Carlisle Cullen is born in London, England.
After years of being separated, Caius and Athenodora rejoin and decide to work out their marriage.
(Another page written in riddles, you skip over it)
Carlisle is turned into a vampire.
1680 - 1690s
After years of discussions and relearning each other, Athenodora comes back home permanently to Volterra to live with Caius.
Carmen and Eleazar are born.
(This page is littered with drops of tears. It still is written in riddles but you feel invasive reading it. You skip this page)
1700 - 1720
Carlisle stays with the Volturi for a short time, gaining the title Stregoni benefici.
(It looks as if this page has been colored over by a child. There three people drawn on the page; two girls and a boy)
(The taller girl on the previous page is drawn alone this time. You can’t help but wonder what it means)
James is born in northwestern Pennsylvania.
(This section is written in a language long ago. You don’t even attempt to read it.)
James is turned by a male French vampire at age 25.
(A map and notes have been pasted over the writing on the page. You are frustrated that you can’t read what is on it.)
1820 - 1830
Benito creates the first army of newborn vampires and starts a war in Mexico. The Volturi manage to cover his tracks, but this leads to the creation of more newborn armies in the southern United States.
(Another drawing has appeared. It’s still child-like. This time it is of two males and a little girl. You recognize two from the pages previously but are confused at the new one)
Jasper Hale is born in Houston, Texas, as Jasper Whitlock.
(The section on this page is blank. You can’t help but wonder why)
(You wonder why yet another page is written in riddles)
The American Civil War begins; Jasper joins the Confederate Army, eventually gaining the rank of Major.
Jasper is turned into a vampire by Maria; he later commands her Mexican coven army in the Southern vampire wars.
(The page is scribbled on viscously, you wonder why) 
(The section is blurry as if water has been spilt on it.)
After years of wandering around, Drakon and Aurora find Ophelia again. Drakon explains their situation and Ophelia provides some information. Drakon wants to go back to grab Odysseus after hearing about him but Ophelia refuses. She says she will explain in due time when they meet up with Vasilios in 20 years.
Ophelia joins Drakon and Aurora on their search.
(Another blank section)
(You can’t read most of the text but you make out what looks like a warning scribbled across the paper. It reads “never go in coven territory”)
Esme Cullen is born in Columbus, Ohio as Esme Anne Platt.
Early 1900s
(The page is covered in dirt and fingerprints. You can’t make out what has been written.)
Alice Cullen is born in Biloxi, Mississippi as Mary Alice Brandon.
June 20 - Edward Cullen is born in Chicago, Illinois as Edward Anthony Masen Jr.
Carlisle Cullen and Esme Cullen first meet at a hospital after Esme breaks her leg, falling out of a tree, Esme is 16.
(The pages are torn out, you wonder why.)
(The pages in this section are torn out as well, it’s starting to get suspicious)
(There’s multiple different maps and papers tucked into this page, you don’t understand so you skip over it)
Emmett Cullen is born in Gatlinburg, Tennessee as Emmett McCarty.
Rosalie Hale is born in Rochester, New York as Rosalie Lillian Hale.
Esme, age 22, marries Charles Evenson, who is very abusive toward her in marriage. He later leaves to fight in World War I.
In September, the Spanish influenza epidemic kills Edward's parents; he is later saved and turned into a vampire by Carlisle, thus forming the Olympic coven.
Alice, because of her clairvoyant abilities, is put in a mental asylum by her father.
Charles returns home to Esme after the war.
James begins to hunt Alice.
Alice is bit by another vampire in the asylum, becoming a vampire herself.
A pregnant Esme leaves her husband Charles and his abusiveness.
(It’s written in old English, you wonder why)
Esme’s baby dies shortly after birth, and she tries to commit suicide as a result, by jumping off a cliff. However, she survives the attempt, and is brought into the care of a doctor, none other than Carlisle.
Carlisle and Esme fall in love; Carlisle transforms Esme into a vampire, and she joins the Olympic coven.
1927 - 1931
Edward leaves Carlisle and Esme, due to his resentment over Carlisle's rule of not feasting on humans. However, he returns within a few years, regretful of his actions.
Rosalie is engaged to Royce King, the wealthiest bachelor in Rochester, New York.
In April, she is beaten and gang raped by Royce and his friends, who were all drunk. Left for dead, she is saved and turned into a vampire by Carlisle, and joins the Olympic coven.
(The pages are frozen and stuck together, it looks like you will need to lay the book out to defrost)
(The page is crumpled up from bad handling, you huff in annoyance)
Emmett Cullen and Rosalie Hale first meet as Emmett is being mauled by a bear. Reminded of her best friend's child, Henry, Rosalie carries the bleeding Emmett all the way back to Carlisle, who transforms him into a vampire; Emmett subsequently joins the Olympic coven.
(Lots of different sticky notes cover the pages, there’s so much that some fall over the floor. Quickly, you shove them back in and close the page)
The Olympic coven move to Forks, Washington.
A treaty is made between the Cullens and the local Quileute tribe.
Jasper leaves the Mexican coven.
(The pages are burnt and covered in oil. Disgusted you close the pages and go to wash your hands)
(A map is drawn over the pages, you are starting to see a pattern)
One day while exploring a market in their new area, the twins come across Ophelia. The seer recognizes them from her muffed vision and introduces herself. The twins are caught off guard by Ophelia and don’t accept her offer to join the Evergreen Coven. 
(Some fliers of WW2 fliers cover the pages, you wondered if it had something to do with what is on the pages)
(A riddle is scribbled over the pages, you are confused at what it means)
(A drawing is scribbled on the pages, there are 6 people in front of a castle; two girls and four boys. You recognize 4 of them from the previous drawing. You wonder why the number has increased so suddenly)
With it being the height of the Cold War and the rest of the world occupied with the Soviet Union and America, the evergreen coven takes the opportunity to fix up their island.
Alice Cullen and Jasper Hale find each other in a diner in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Alice and Jasper join the Olympic coven.
(It looks like a map of a big manor. You wonder why it was glued to the o pages)
Charlie Swan is born in Forks, Washington.
Camillus “Camilla” Marino is born in a house outside of the town of Castelluccio, Italy sometime during the spring.
After Camillus’ birth, her mother—Maria Marino—health grows weak and she is bedridden from her injuries.
On a stormy night, Camillus’ mother dies. 
Camillus a few days later digs up her grave and reburries her on the hill underneath the cypress tree she often told Camillus about. 
At the age of 5, physically looking 13, Camillus stops aging. 
Leah Clearwater and Sam Uley are born in La Push, Washington
Rachel and Rebecca Black are born
Bella Swan is born on September 13th, in Forks, Washington, to Renée and Charlie Swan.
In March, Renée leaves Charlie, and takes Bella to California.
Jacob Black is born on January 14th, in La Push, Washington.
Bree Tanner is born on March 11th, in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Embry Call is born
Paul Lahote is born
Seth Clearwater is born in La Push, Washington.
Renee and Bella move from Riverside, California to Phoenix, Arizona.
Mr. Tanner kills his wife and moves to Idaho with his daughter, Bree Tanner.
(These pages are once again covered in blood. You skip over them)
1996 - 2002
Bella stays with Charlie in Forks for one month every summer; during this time, she befriends Jacob, Rachel and Rebecca Black.
(A few beautiful postcards of Spain are attached to the papers. You can’t read what is underneath)
The Olympic coven returns to Forks, Washington after almost seventy years.
Rosalie, Emmett, and Jasper start at Forks High as sophomores, while Edward and Alice begin as Freshmen.
The presence of the Cullens causes Quileute Sam Uley to become a shape-shifting werewolf.
As more Quileutes begin to phase, Sam Uley creates the Uley pack.
(Some pages are ripped out. You wonder why you feel so emotional when you look at it. You continue on)
(A new drawing is on the paper. This time the number has gone up by one. A girl has joined.)
January 17th- Bella Swan leaves Phoenix and arrives in Forks.
January 18th - Bella Swan and Edward Cullen first meet at Forks High School.
January 25th - Bella is saved by Edward in a near-fatal car crash.
March - The Cullens meet James's coven: James catches Bella's scent and begins the hunt; Laurent leaves for Denali, Alaska.
March 16th - The Cullens face off against James, which results in his death.
September 13th - Bella turns 18; during a birthday party celebration, she gets a paper cut, and is nearly killed by Jasper Hale.
September 16th - The Cullens leave Forks. The coven (minus Edward) relocate to Ithaca, New York, where Jasper becomes a philosophy student and Carlisle works at night.
January 17th - Bella gets two motorcycles and begins fixing them up with Jacob Black
February - Jacob becomes a shape-shifting werewolf.
Laurent returns to Forks on Victoria's orders; he attempts to kill Bella, but is killed himself by the Uley pack.
March 19[1] - St. Marcus Day: Edward tried to reveal the existence of vampires in Volterra, Italy.
March - The Cullens return to Forks; Bella decides to become a vampire.
June 13th - Edward proposes to Bella.
June - Bella Swan graduated from Forks High School Washington State, USA
June 15th - The Cullens ally with the Uley pack to face off against the Seattle newborn army, resulting in the death of Victoria, Riley Biers, and her entire newborn coven, including Bree Tanner.
August 13th - Edward and Bella are married; during their honeymoon in Isle Esme, they conceive a daughter.
September - The Uley pack decide to kill Bella; Jacob defects and forms the Black pack, with him being the Alpha. Seth and Leah Clearwater are his first members.
September 11th - Renesmee Cullen is born, and Bella is turned into a vampire; Jacob imprints on the newborn Renesmee.
December 14th - Irina informs the Volturi of Renesmee, whom she believes is an immortal child.
(A section of the paper is torn out. It’s different than the other times, Someone wanted to hide something)
December 31 - The Cullens, along with their allies, confront the Volturi. (The ending has been ripped off)
The confrontation is dispelled, and results in Irina's death. (The ending and a couple pages have been ripped off as well. You are left wondering why)
January 1st - Bella lowers her mental shield for the first time, allowing Edward to read her thoughts.
Mid-October - Camillus is dropped off at the Cullens by her grandmother. She learns that she is not human yet doesn’t know she is half-vampire
July 7th - A package arrives at Charlie’s door for the Cullens, Camillus opens it up and comes to the conclusion to reach out to her father. Alice, not seeing her decision but instead the aftermath with the Volturi coming to visit, fears for Camillus' safety and sends her back home to Italy.
July 9th - Camillus arrives back home in Castelluccio, Italy
August 13th - Edward and Bella’s 4th wedding anniversary
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Paralles | Chapter 10
Add yourself to my taglist! | Here’s my masterlist! | Parallels Masterlist
Characters: OC! Violet Grace Dawson, Luke Patterson, Julie Molina, Carrie Wilson, Bobby Wilson, Reggie Peters, Alex Mercer, Flynn nolastname, Willie nolastname, Nick Danforth-Evans, Dirty Candy 
Guideline: Sunset Universe is the universe in which Sunset Curve is famous and Violet is friends with Carrie, Julie and Flynn. Candy Universe is the universe in which Dirty Candy is more famous and Sunset Curve has broken up. 
Song(s) used: Boy Bye - Emma Bale
Warnings: I wrote this after watching Ginny and Georgia, so.... I added Marcus Baker as a character don’t @ me. Minor anxiety. 
Words:  4,231
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The second Violet woke up the day after her date with Luke, her phone started ringing. Glancing down at the screen, Carrie’s picture smiled back at her. Violet chuckled, not surprised that the girl was FaceTiming her at this moment and immediately picked up. 
Before Violet could even greet her best friend, the blonde girl attacked her with the important question. “How was it? Tell me everything!” 
Violet chuckled as she sat down on her bed with the phone angled in front of her. “It was so amazing! He took me to this fancy Italian restaurant called “Figurati Italia”, which I’m pretty sure means “Imagine Italy”.” She sounded dreamy and resembled a lovesick puppy. It scared Carrie a little as the girl droned on and on about how chivalrous and amazing Luke had been on the date. 
“He did say something about a blind date you guys had set us up on…” Violet continued after minutes of dream-talk about the date. “What’s that about?”
Carrie swallowed harshly. Being reminded of that mistake made the guilt well up in her stomach. “That was – uhm…” She searched her brain for the right words. “Violet – other Violet – was so in love with Luke and the boys knew Luke had a minor crush on Violet too, or at least they thought he did. So, we set them up on a date, before the whole Sunset Curve thing blew up. When they realized what we had done, Luke kinda laughed in her face and told her he’d never date her…” 
Violet’s jaw dropped. “What an asshole!” she snarled. “And you let me go out with him?!”
“I’m sorry, Vi! But this is different, this is – this is to get you back!” 
Violet chuckled, her second of anger switching out into worry. “And what if that’s not how we get me back?” 
“Then we’re just gonna have to find another way and in the meanwhile, get you used to this universe?” Carrie suggested. Her stomach felt weird in that moment, like a bad omen, a foreboding that something terrible was going to happen. 
The brunette girl nodded her head slowly, trying to wrap her mind around the idea of being here. Forever. She wasn’t the Violet that used to live here. She was nothing like her. Or at least, she didn’t think she was, judging from the stories she’d heard. People would notice, at some point that she wasn’t who they knew her to be. There had to be a way to mislead them. To learn to be the Violet they knew. 
“Do you know if Violet had some sort of diary? Just so I can get a sense of what she was like, how her brain worked and stuff?” 
Carrie pondered over it for a moment. “She did have this songbook she used to write her songs and thoughts into? I believe she hid it in her nightstand.” 
Violet immediately dove towards the white nightstand and opened the first drawer, finding a bright blue fake leather notebook with ‘VGD’ embossed in gold on the front. 
“I found it…” 
Curiosity rose within both girls. Carrie had never been allowed to look into that unless it was a song Violet was willing to share. Though she knew there was more in there than she was allowed to see. Violet’s biggest secrets, her deepest thoughts. They were all stored in there and now, the girls were granted a free pass into Violet’s mind. 
“What’s in it?” Carrie asked. 
“Songs, mostly,” Violet replied as she browsed through the notebook. She halted at a song titled ‘Homesick’ and as her eyes scanned the lyrics, she could feel every single feeling her parallel self was feeling in that moment. Her eyes halted at the date that was scribbled at the very top of the page. “Care… Around what time did you set her up with Luke on that blind date?” 
“Uhm…” Carrie hummed as she pondered about the question. “I’d say around March 2018 or something.” 
Violet’s heart dropped. “Huh…” 
“What?” Carrie asked. 
“I think Violet may have written a song about him,” she mumbled, but Carrie heard her, loud and clear. “It’s kinda heartbreaking…” Her fingers traced over the stains of run-out ink. Violet had been crying while writing this song. “Luke’s an asshole…”
“That’s no news,” Carrie scoffed. 
Violet stared at the paper while the gears in her brain started doing their work. “He needs to pay for what he did… He needs to pay for breaking that poor girl’s heart.” 
“And how are you gonna do that? He’s so self-absorbed and obsessed with his fame, he won’t even notice you’re trying to make him pay for what he did…” Carrie reasoned, but to no avail. Violet was already plotting the perfect scheme in her mind. 
“Vivi,” her mother walking into her room made her snap out of her train of thought. “Can you go to the store for me, please? I forgot the feta cheese for dinner tonight.” 
Violet rolled her eyes at her mother. “Of course, ma, I’ll go in a minute.” 
“Don’t call me ‘ma’,” her mother frowned. “And get outta bed, it’s past noon!” 
The girl managed a smile. “Sorry, mom. I’ll go in a minute.” 
Her mother shot her a smile before turning on her heel and leaving her daughter’s bedroom, letting Violet and Carrie to their conversation. 
“I hear there’s a super cute new bag boy in the store around the corner,” Carrie informed with a smirk. “Total cool guy. Guitarist and has a motorcycle.” 
“Huh,” Violet hummed as the gears in her brain started working yet again. “I do have a thing for guitarists, don’t I?” 
“That you do,” Carrie agreed. 
Violet chuckled before saying goodbye to Carrie and getting off her bed. After throwing on some fresh clothes and doing her makeup, Violet left the house for the store with the scheme unfolding in her brain. The new bag boy would be the perfect pawn in her plan. 
Though, when she entered the store and laid her eyes on the new bag boy, she didn’t expect him to be this gorgeous. His sharp jawline and high cheekbones, along with the perfect swoopy brown hair was enough for her heart to nearly burst out of her chest. 
“Fuck,” she muttered and made her way towards the cheese aisle. With her mind set on the pretty bag boy, she searched the shelves for the feta cheese and once she had found it, she reached for it. Being in such a rush, however, caused her to take the packet behind it with her, causing it to fall to the floor. “God dammit, stupid cheese,” she groaned to herself as she bend down to pick it up. 
A hand bumped with hers as she reached for it, and, when she looked up, she stared straight into Pretty Boy’s light brown eyes. Violet swore they stared right through her soul, baring every little piece of her. 
“What’s the cheese done to you?” he asked, chuckling as the two of them got up again, both holding the cheese. 
She regathered herself from the impact the boy had on her ovaries and flicked a strand of hair out of her face. “It did what I want you to do.” She confidently said, her lips slightly parting as it had always been one of the many tricks she had up her sleeve. 
Pretty Boy’s eyes skidded from the left to the right, trying to figure out what she meant. 
Smirking, Violet wrapped her hand tighter around the cheese and, as he was still holding it, pulled it closer towards her, pulling him along until his face was inches away from hers. “Fall for me,” she whispered before letting go and pushing past him. 
“You got plans tonight?” he shouted after her. 
Violet smirked and turned around, glad her plan was working. “Yep, I’ll be at Red and Blue tonight,” she told him, hoping he’d get the hint. Judging by the smirk that lifted his plump lips, Violet knew she was winning. 
“I’ll see you there then.” 
And the boy managed to keep his word. That night, when Violet was at Red and Blue with Julie, Flynn and Carrie, the Pretty Boy showed up too. Her breath hitched in her throat as she noticed him approach her. 
“You didn’t,” Carrie gasped in Violet’s ear. 
“I did.” She smiled at the boy. “Hey,” she greeted when he was close enough. 
“Fancy seeing you here,” he teased as he reached for her hand and kissed the back of it like a true gentleman. “I never got your name.” 
She went on her tiptoes and pressed her lips against his ear. “Violet Dawson,” she introduced herself over the loud music. 
“Marcus. Marcus Baker.”  The two of them smiled at one another, causing Violet’s world to stop spinning for just a moment. “Wanna dance closer to the DJ? The atmosphere’s always better there.” Violet bit down on her lower lip as she nodded her head in response. Marcus then led her through the sea of dancing people, holding on tight to her hand. 
As the two danced together to the music, Violet noticed Luke walking into the club with his bandmates closeby. His eyes skidded across the crowd and halted when they met Violet’s. He hadn’t even noticed who she was dancing with until he had approached them. 
“Hey,” he said, “Who’s this?” 
“Marcus,” Pretty Boy introduced himself with a smile as he reached his hand out for Luke to shake, which the rockstar completely ignored. “Okay…”
“You wanna get out of here?” Luke asked Violet, cocking his head towards the door. 
Violet’s eyebrows knitted together, “I’m actually having fun, Luke. I’d rather stay.” She looked up at Marcus, shooting him a quick, apologetic smile. “But you can go if you’re not having fun.” 
“Oh, uhm… No, I’m staying. You want something to drink?” he asked instead, and Violet could tell he was getting a little nervous. 
“Sure. You want something, Marcus?” 
Marcus hummed and grabbed Violet’s hand again before guiding her towards the bar, leaving Luke to trail behind them. 
“When were you gonna tell me you had a boyfriend?” Marcus asked, his lips pressed to her ear to make sure only she would hear. 
Violet chuckled. “Oh, he’s not my boyfriend. We went on like one date and I think he’s desperate for another, but I’m not really that interested.” 
“Ah,” said Marcus, nodding his head. “You need me to make sure he knows that?” 
Violet smirked. “No, I’ve got another idea for that.” She said and confidently made her way to the stage. Marcus watched as she walked, his lips turned up into a smirk. 
She grabbed the microphone on the stand and cleared her throat before nodding at the band, telling them to start playing the song. While the upbeat, bass-driven music chimed through the venue, the girl started swaying her hips before starting to sing with her eyes focused on Luke. 
“You thought I'd worry That I've made the wrong decision But I'm moving on way faster than I thought I think I've grown out Your destructive efforts Still you're holding on to all the things we loved”
A soft, yet distinctive guitar riff chimed in at the pre-chorus and when she looked up, she found Marcus next to her with a guitar in his hands and a smile on his face. 
“You want me to come back Like I want you anytime Now I'm here with somebody Now it's the sad boy you play out And again I'm falling Yet again that's no surprise Thought I left it behind”
Having Marcus there gave her the confidence to really go for it on the chorus. She started moving her hips to the music while singing the lyrics to Luke, who stood near the bar, watching her and Marcus like a hawk. 
“But I don't want this You think I want you back But I'm so over this Boy bye And I'm not homesick You think I want you back But I'm so over this For now?”
The music went back to its bass-driven core and while Violet focused on Luke at the back of the club, Marcus couldn’t keep his eyes off of Violet as she sang. From the moment they had met, he had found her interesting. She was this overly confident, attractive woman and it intrigued him. He wanted to know what she was compensating for. 
“Friends keep asking why we're not together So I guess you haven't told 'em what you did Oh You may be sorry It's not better late than never And I think this time I'm glad we called it quits”
As even Marcus grew more confident on the guitar, Violet made her way over to him and leaned on his shoulder. This action made him look up. Neither of them could hide the smile crawling to their lips as their eyes locked. 
“You want me to come back Like I want you anytime Now I'm here with somebody Now it's the sad boy you play out And again I'm falling Yet again that's no surprise Thought I left it behind”
She stepped away from Marcus again and for a few seconds, kept eye contact with him until she got lost in the music and let herself go during the chorus. 
“But I don't want this You think I want you back But I'm so over this Boy bye And I'm not homesick You think I want you back But I'm so over this For now?”
Her eyes landed on Luke again to see his reaction on her performance. She didn’t like what she saw though. He looked at her in the same way he had during their dinner. The literal embodiment of the heart eyes emoji. It frustrated her, but it didn’t distract her from the song. 
“But we gotta stop the playing round The playing round For Gods sake Oh we gotta quit the playing round It's more than we can take Oh we gotta stop this playing round The playing round For Gods sake Oh we gotta stop the playing round It's more than we can take”
“But I don't want this You think I want you back But I'm so over this Boy bye And I'm not homesick You think I want you back But I'm so over this For now?”
Marcus took Violet’s glance his way as a sign to really go at it on the guitar and show off a little. It did seem to impress her as she turned towards him, giving him that same smirk she did in the store. 
“But I’m so over this Boy bye And I'm not homesick You think I want you back But I'm so over this Boy bye Boy bye”
She let out a very last hum as the band stopped playing, Marcus included. The crowd then burst out into applause and even the guitar boy next to her clapped for her. Her cheeks heated up whilst she locked eyes with him. 
“I didn’t know you could sing,” Marcus said, placing the guitar back where he found it. 
Violet shrugged. “Didn’t know you played guitar.” That was a lie, Carrie did tell her that, but it was the right thing to say as it caused Marcus to bare his pearly white teeth that nearly caused Violet to get a heart attack. 
“That was hot,” Luke grunted in her ear when she and Marcus approached the bar for another drink.  
Violet furrowed her eyebrows. “You didn’t get the hint, did ya?” she asked and Luke tilted his head a little, the smirk vanishing from his face. “Leave me alone, Luke. Please?” 
“Wha– Violet?” Before he could say anything else, Marcus had already whisked her away to go and dance on the dancefloor with a drink in their hand. None of it made much sense to Luke, but he figured it was just the new way Violet operated. Maybe she didn’t want to be exclusive. Maybe he needed to try harder. 
And that’s what he was going to do. 
Try harder.  
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Violet was almost scared to turn up to practice the next day. Luke would probably hate her for rejecting him and it would make everything awkward and weird. It wasn’t going to end well and she knew that. 
When she arrived at the garage, she was proven right. Luke acted cold towards her as soon as she entered the studio and everyone could feel how the warm, comfortable bond they had, had turned ice cold. 
“No, Bobby!” Luke groaned for the nth time that rehearsal. “It’s a B chord, not a C chord! Are you ever gonna get it right?!” His voice was thundering through the garage and it startled each and every person in that room. 
Violet glanced over to Carrie, who furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. She hadn’t been informed about the conversation Violet and Luke had had the other day, but she could tell something had been off about the two since rehearsal started. 
“Luke, calm down!” Alex yelled at the lead guitarist. He did know what had happened between the two and he knew Luke was taking it out on everybody else instead of owning up to it like an adult. 
Luke scoffed, “No, Alex! This is exactly why we broke up in the first place! Because we don’t work!” His eyes flicked over to Violet, making her feel like there was a different layer to that sentence. They wouldn’t work either. 
“No, you’re just mad because you got rejected!” Alex fought back. At least someone mentioned the elephant in the room. The girls on the sofa gasped and all three of them immediately looked at Violet, who shrunk in her seat behind the piano. 
Luke clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth. “Rub it in, why don’t you?” he muttered before placing his guitar on its stand and gathering his stuff. 
As he started to make his way to the door, Violet got out from behind the piano and ran after him. “You can’t run out of rehearsal, Luke! Come on! Just because I didn’t wanna go on a date with you, doesn’t mean you have to quit the band!” 
“I do though,” he said and turned around. With a few large, but slow-paced steps, he stopped in front of the brunette girl that had broken his heart and hurt his fragile reputation. 
Sighing, Luke muttered,“Because I joined for you, you idiot.” 
Violet couldn't possibly say anything to that and let Luke walk away again. The feelings she had been feeling for him all this time finally got reciprocated. By a different version of Luke, that is, but still. It didn’t quite matter which Luke said it. She heard it coming from his mouth. The words she’d been wanting to hear for years. 
“I am so sorry, guys,” she breathed, hiding her face in her hands. “This is all my fault.” 
“It’s not your fault, Violet,” Reggie said, shrugging. “Luke’s just stubborn. He can’t take no for an answer.” 
It was supposed to make her feel better, but it didn’t quite. She had ruined any and all chances she had of returning to her own universe just because one version of that guy had hurt her years ago. 
“Can we end rehearsal early then?” Alex questioned, coming out from behind his drums. “I got a date with Willie tonight.” 
Violet smiled. At least that was a thing here. “Yeah, sure. It’s not like we’re gonna be able to perform at Chubbie’s anyway,” she said, shrugging. 
“We’ll get there, don’t worry,” Alex tried to soothe her and placed a hand on her shoulder as he passed her on his way to the door. 
“Yeah, we’ll be ready in time,” Reggie agreed as he, along with Julie and Flynn left the garage, leaving Violet with the Wilsons. 
Violet shook her head, trying to wrap it around what had just happened. “How can we be ready in time when the gig is this weekend?” she mumbled to herself when Carrie wrapped her arms around the girl. 
“I know how to get your mind off of everything,” she said, pressing her temple against Violet’s. “Girl’s night at my place.” 
Violet couldn’t help the smile reaching her cheeks. That did sound like a good plan. The best plan, even. It would keep her mind off Luke and the gig and the whole universe thing. It would calm her nerves and anxieties. 
Or at least, she thought it would until they arrived at the Wilson’s house. A group of girls stood at the front door, angry expressions on their faces and arms crossed in front of their chests. 
“Where have you guys been?” Kayla asked, grumpily. “We’ve been waiting here for over an hour!” 
Carrie squeezed her eyes shut. “Fuck, I forgot about rehearsal…” she muttered. 
“Rehearsal for what?” Violet questioned, unaware of any gigs that were happening for Dirty Candy. Though, judging from Kayla’s shocked face, there was a gig she should be aware of. 
“The gig this Saturday!” she sneered. “A mega-important gig at that!” 
Carrie and Violet glanced at each other, eyes widened in complete horror. The exact same day as the gig at Chubbie’s with the boys from Sunset Curve. As Kayla and the girls started yelling at Carrie and Violet, the latter completely zoned out. She couldn’t hear a word of what was said. All she could think about was how she might be stuck here for the rest of her life if she didn’t perform at Chubbie’s on Saturday with the boys. 
What if they didn’t show up after that humongous fight? What if that wouldn’t be the thing they had to do to get her back? 
The girl’s storming off snapped Violet out of her thoughts, yet she still found herself in some sort of state of shock. Nothing felt right anymore and everything kind of sucked. There was no way she was ever going to survive in this universe if stuff like this kept happening. 
“Vi?” she could hear Bobby’s voice in the far distance. “Are you okay?” 
She coughed, shaking herself back. “Yeah… Yeah. I’m okay,” she clearly lied but the Wilsons didn’t push further and instead took her inside where the girls watched some movies together. 
Within half an hour, Carrie had already fallen asleep and Violet couldn’t bear watching the rest of the movie. Her mind was restless and kept running back and forth over her options and every possible scenario that could happen. 
There was only one thing that could keep her mind off everything. So, she hoisted herself up from the couch and made her way to the music room where she took a seat at the piano. 
Her fingers grazed the keys, letting a soft melody fly out the instrument. A content sigh left her body as she let the music take her away. It felt nice to let everything out of her system. It seemed to be her one and only escape to her from this crazy world. 
“You okay, Vi?” Bobby’s voice shook her out of her thoughts, causing to stop playing the piano. “You seemed a little out of it earlier.” He moved over towards her and sat down next to her. Their shoulders touched and it caused a weird spark to send shivers down Violet’s back. Something she had never felt before. 
“Yeah… Everything’s just… a lot, you know?” Bobby tilted his head, urging her to elaborate. “The switching universes, Luke suddenly being into me, the pressure of being in Dirty Candy…. It’s just – a lot… I’m used to being on my own, writing music with my best friends, but now I’m suddenly supposed to be this whole other person…. It’s exhausting.” 
A single tear rolled down her cheek, which Bobby caught with his thumb just before it reached her lip. The two locked eyes and for a second, Violet found herself drowning in his eyes. She had never noticed how gorgeous they were until now. The dark brown, the slight twinkle that was in them. She had never seen him up close like this. Her eyes took that liberty to scan his entire face. From his eyes to his nose and cheeks to his lips. Before they could move back to his eyes, Bobby closed the gap between the two of them and kissed her, full on the lips. 
Violet was startled, at first, but quickly melted away under his touch, closing her eyes as he deepened the kiss. The kiss lasted longer than it should’ve, but Violet didn’t quite mind. Or at least not until her mind drifted back to Luke and she felt like she was kissing him instead of Bobby. 
This caused her to flinch back. 
“Sorry! I shouldn’t have…. I’m sorry,” she quickly muttered before getting up and running out. 
Though it was a mistake to Violet, Bobby didn’t quite see it like that. If it were up to him, this would’ve happened a lot earlier and could happen a lot more often. He had never admitted it to anyone, but he had been in love with Violet for years. Those feelings had never been reciprocated, so he didn’t act up on them either. Violet was just Violet. Until now.
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Everything Taglist: 
@bonobos-candy-bar-2 @calamitykaty​ @littlemissaddict​ @n0wornever​ @phantompogues​ @praetorofthelegion @sweetpeasturtleneck @wanniiieeee  @lesko_ @sunsetwilson 
JATP Taglist: 
@90ssunsetcurve @angryknightstatesmantrash @authentic-gillespie @bexxy @bookdealer5 @bright-molina @brooke0297 @bucksmaddie @buckybarnesishot310 @caitsymichelle13 @candycornmgg @catgirlpwr @charliesmountains @cordeliascrown @crybabyddl @echocharm17618 @fangirlangioma @flower-name @frickin-bats @gray_jato @hannahhistorian92 @happinessinthedarkesttimes @headheartbellarke @hemmingsness @iainttakingshitfromnobody @ifilwtmfc @jandthephantoms @jaskiers-sweetkiss @jatp-is-god @joynerxmercer @kaitieskidmore1 @kcd15 @kelpwithawhy @kinda-really-lost @kiss-themoongoodbye @knitsessed @lilostif16 @lookingthroughmirrors @magicalxdaydream @marinettepotterandplagg @musicianspiritsblog @mystic-writings @notasofti @pxperphxntom @rangerelik @rh-girlonfire @ruvaitkevicius @spencerreidwhore @stars-soph @stressyanddepressysimp @sunsetcurvej @talk-on-the-street @tefilovesreading @tenaciousperfectionunknown @teti-menchon0604 @the-hufflepuff-hunter  @thedarkqueenofavalon @cucumbers-and-olives @thequirkybookaholic @threeghostboys  @vicesvsvirtuesfanfic @whitetigerlover17 @boggie-brainrot @wiselight @gigglysokkamcu @nightfurya
Luke/Charlie Taglist: 
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Crossed out names are the users I was unable to tag. Please make sure everything in your settings is set so I am allowed to tag you or if you changed your url, please drop me a message/ask!
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chaotic-noceur · 3 years
pedro characters masterlist
all sfw and gender neutral reader! (do reach out if i messed up!)
gif credit to @nobie​
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— marcus pike —
to be human
Some days are easier than others. At your best, he watches you soar. At you worst… he holds you until you can find the strength to fight again.
scribbled ink: the beginning, the beginning of something, the beginning of us // [ ask box drabbles at @atlas-arc​ ]
Marcus works as a barista in a local coffee shop to pay for art school. If he happens to meet someone who becomes his special someone then that’s an added bonus. [complete]
take what’s broken, make it whole
Love. It’s messy and confusing. It’s painful yet thrilling. It’s also absolutely terrifying. But maybe what you need is someone to brave your fears with you. (please read post a/n)
— javier peña —
Yours and Javier’s adventures with your house plant son Stanley
if you know, you know. if you don’t, that’s okay
When you receive some upsetting news, Javier is there to be your rock.
if you love something, let it go
Javier is familiar with the concept of love, but it is not something he’ll allow himself to indulge in.
— jack ‘whiskey’ daniels —
but your lies were so sweet
In his time with Statesman, Jack has gone by many names. In your experience, they were all just aliases for the same liar.
— din djarin—
rubber duck (coder!Reader)
When all else fails, grab the nearest child and debug your code rubber duck style.
Just a bunch of headcanons/thoughts that @ezrasarm and I have
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mxndoscyarika · 3 years
Honeydew (Marcus Pike/Moreno x OC) | Chapter 7
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Summary: Erin He moves to DC after working for the FBI in Texas and runs into a hero in disguise; Marcus Moreno. Something about him is familiar, too familiar, yet different in a way that she can’t quite place. Although confused, she can’t deny her feelings for him; perhaps, after years of regret, she finally found the one.
Warnings: food/drink mention, mention of dead loved one (Marcus’s wife), brief nudity, kissing
Honeydew masterlist
Like my writing? Here’s my masterlist.
Author’s Note: Here’s the next chapter! I wanted to let them have a moment to just be together after everything that happened, and this was one (of many) of them. Enjoy!
“I just don’t understand why it’s not working. It doesn’t make sense.”
Sometimes she wondered why she had to be a supervisor that knew how to code. If she were non-technical, like many of her past managers, she could have simply told the developer to do some code reviews with his colleagues. Well, it wouldn't have been that simple either way, but at least she would get to go home.
Erin sighed and sat down by Brian’s desk. The empty coffee cups and notebook with scribbled ink was a familiar sight, though his desk did seem to be missing one crucial thing: a rubber duck. “Let’s just take a step back and go through the logic, ok? So we have that….”
She and the developer went through the specifications for the updates and the high-level implementations that needed to be done. It seemed like he managed to get most of the framework for the code set up; all that was left was, well, writing the code and making sure it was correct. However, the deadline for shipping the code was coming up in the following days, and he was still at the debugging stage.
Although it had been a while since she’d programmed anything in a work-related context, she thanked the CS gods that she still remembered enough to take on some of the debugging. Conveniently, Brian had prior commitments that night and needed to leave on time–as if an engineer’s shift was ever truly over. But while there were others who could help out, something told her that it would be faster if she did some of the debugging herself. After all, she’d just spent half an hour reasoning through the logic.
“Why don’t you finish up as much as you can, push your changes to the repo, and I’ll take a look later?” she suggested, scanning the code. At first glance it looked fine–as most code normally did–but there were obviously issues somewhere that caused all the tests to fail. “I have some other work to do, but if we can get everything ready within the next couple days I don’t think they will mind the update being slightly delayed.”
With that, Erin went back to making her rounds through the work area, picking up any stray folders and getting last-minute status updates from the others. The sky was already dark, any trace of the sun long gone. Normally she would be getting ready to leave soon, but there was more work to do ahead of the op she was leading.
Ignoring the vibrations of her phone, she made her way back to her office and set up her desk to keep working. One thing she’d learned over her years of experience as a supervisor was that an organized desk was crucial for concentration. If only other aspects of her life were as organized as her desk.
It had been days since she found out about Marcus’s secret identity, but she couldn’t help but still feel utterly stupid. She was stupid to think that she could move on. That she, for once, was enough.
The truth was that she was never enough. She wasn’t enough to bring Marcus back after his disappearance, and she wasn’t enough to make hiding his past life unbearable.
She would have been lying if she said she didn’t consider breaking things off. But at the same time, she couldn’t bring herself to do it. He said that he and Pike were the same, that everything they had was real. And if that was true, then maybe things would get better. They could try to make things work, and show up for each other. After all, wasn’t that what caused the mess anyways? Them not being there for each other at the most important moments?
Someone knocked on her door.
Erin didn’t look up from her work. “Come in.”
“Hi honey.”
This time she looked up, a small smile on her face. “What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be at home with Missy?”
Marcus chuckled softly. “I guess I should, but my mom convinced her to stay the night so that we could have some alone time,” he explained, sitting in the chair in front of her desk. Eyes twinkling, he lifted a paper bag. “I texted you asking what you wanted for dinner but you didn’t reply, so I got your favorite.”
Now she really was smiling. “You brought canh chua? I’m sorry I didn’t reply, I’ve been running around the department trying to get everything together.”
“It’s alright; I figured you were busy, so I wanted to make sure you at least had dinner,” he said, pulling out the container of soup along with some utensils and a couple to-go bowls. “I know you love the bạc hà, so I asked for extra. They’re in one of the small containers, so we can add them in ourselves.”
“You’re too good to me.” Erin pushed her laptop to the side so he had more room to organize the slew of containers. The tamarind-flavored soup was often a treat rather than a regular meal, one that she normally savored in the cozy atmosphere of the Vietnamese restaurant. Her heart melted a little as she realized that Marcus had to have driven across town to get it from the restaurant.
“You deserve only the best.”
Some containers were filled with jasmine rice, fragrant and pillowy. Others overflowed with toppings like aromatic cilantro, spicy Thai chilis, and crisp bean sprouts. And, as promised, there was an extra container with fresh slices of bạc hà, the spongy stem of the elephant ear plant.
Her mouth watered as she helped fill the bowls with rice and soup, letting the golden broth soak into the grains. The tomatoes and pineapple chunks were perfectly cooked and plump, brightening the salty, nearly fruity, broth.
When she pushed the bowl towards Marcus he shook his head. “You eat first, Rin. You’ve had a long day. How was work?”
“Tiring,” she scoffed lightly, adding a questionable amount of chili to her bowl. The soup was still pleasantly warm when she scooped some into her mouth, the salt giving way to the fruity sourness and inferno of chilis. She moaned in satisfaction, “This is exactly why you are my favorite person in the whole world. Thank you for bringing this, brown eyes.”
He smiled softly, adding a significantly smaller amount of chili to his bowl. “Of course, honey. Just like the old times, huh?”
At that, Erin sighed. Sometimes she forgot that her memories of Marcus Pike were really of Marcus Moreno, and it still hadn’t ceased to be jarring when that realization hit. “Yeah.”
Noticing her hesitation, Marcus looked at her apologetically. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that–”
“No, it’s okay,” she interrupted, waving him off. “I just...I missed this. Us in an office sharing food in the evening. I never thought I’d ever get to experience this again, but now you’re here.”
His eyes softened and he reached over to hold her hand in his. Stroking the back of her hand softly, he said, “I know. I missed this too.” He shifted in his seat. “And I know we can’t go back to what we were before, but I don’t want you to feel like you need to separate our memories. They’re ours, honeydew. Nothing can take that away.”
“I know,” she said, eyes burning. “I’m sorry I’m not as happy–”
“It’s alright,” he interjected gently. “It’s not your fault. None of this is your fault.”
And, if she would let him, he was going to spend the rest of his days showing her how much she meant to him. It was a mistake–a huge one–to hide from her for that long. If time was money, he’d cost her so much. Maybe he wouldn’t ever be able to give those years back to her, but he could make the most of their time in the present. Now he just hoped his paperwork would get approved at HQ.
“I’m just so tired,” she said quietly.
Of everything. Of being herself, and of feeling like the biggest fool in the world for not realizing the man she loved had been in her life eight years ago.
She’d long since stopped caring about what her colleagues thought, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t pride herself on her intelligence and knack for details. With everything, she wasn’t quite sure what hurt most: the blow to her pride, or the fact that Marcus had lied.
But deep down, a part of her was happy. He finally came back, and while the past was wrought with cracks, the future felt...secure. And if there was anything she knew about Marcus, it was that he wore his heart on his sleeve, and that he wanted to stay for the long run. She knew that, no matter what, he wanted to make things right.
“Why don’t we head home after this, then?” he suggested, lips quirked up in a small smile. “They can’t get too mad if the smartest woman in the bureau takes the night off.”
“Would you like to stay?” she asked, unlocking the door to her apartment. Marcus’s car was parked in the visitors’ parking area, and it was starting to get late. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
“I’d love to, if you’ll have me,” he answered, heat rushing up to his cheeks when her eyes met his. Even after all this time, he couldn’t get over the way she looked when she smiled at him like that. When she looked at him like he was everything she ever wanted.
They settled into the apartment as usual, with Erin checking on her plants and Marcus helping to plug in her laptop. Something about the way Erin moved around in the space was just...right. He’d seen her navigate government buildings and sites for operations, but at home, there was a different kind of confidence about her. It was a confidence that he knew only a select few were allowed to see.
Once they reached the bedroom, Marcus kissed her forehead and went into her bathroom. “Stay here, I’ll get a bath ready for you.”
Erin let out a huff of laughter at his eagerness, resigning to putting away her bag and changing into more comfortable clothes. As much as she loved a good suit, she also loved the warmth of sweatpants and the softness of silk. But seeing as she still needed to wash up for the night, she slipped on a silk nightgown, the hem stopping just above her knees.
Eventually, Marcus returned and led her into the bathroom, presenting her with a bathtub full of gardenia-scented bubbles and steaming water. He’d also found her electronic candles, placing them strategically so she could see in the dimmed lighting.
“It’s perfect, Marcus. Would you like to join me?” she asked, biting her lip in anticipation. The bathtub was just large enough for two people, and she wanted to know what it would feel like to be with him in her most vulnerable state. After all the secrets and waiting, she just wanted more .
He shook his head, trying to not let his mind linger too long on the way her nightgown hugged her chest like liquid gold. As much as he wanted to be with her, something told him that it wasn’t the right moment. “You’ve had to take care of yourself for so long, honey. Let me take care of you, ok?”
“But what about you?”
“Don’t worry about me.” Their lips melded together as their resolve grew strained. She tasted sweet and intoxicating, and it took all his strength to not give in. “You deserve to be treated like a queen. You’re my queen, and I want to make you feel good. Is that alright?”
She hummed softly and kissed him again. A low moan escaped her lips. “You really know how to make a woman conflicted, Marcus.”
“Sorry, it’s a bad habit.”
“I know you are. I’m just glad you’re here now,” she said. Pulling away, she stepped up next to the bathtub. Slipping the straps off her shoulders, she suggested, “If you’re not going to join me in here, why don’t you get comfortable and keep me company?”
The bath felt as amazing as it looked, the hot water melting away the tension in her muscles and the bubbles acting as a blanket to keep her modesty. Well, not that she hadn’t undressed in front of Marcus, but she wanted to keep some parts of her a surprise.
After some shy laughs, Marcus stayed by her side the entire time, sitting on the edge of the tub. It was just wide enough for him to sit comfortably, close enough that they could talk softly and he could help wash her hair. The golden glow of the candles and the warmth from the bath soothed their nerves until they were just two people in love.
Relaxed and back in her nightgown, Erin sat on her bed and checked her emails one more time. Thankfully, there weren’t any that she needed to reply to.
“Careful, hot tea incoming.”
She smiled up at Marcus, who was holding out a cup of steaming pu erh tea. Accepting it, she remarked, “I’m surprised you were able to find the tea leaves.”
“It helped that I remembered that you always have a designated cabinet.”
“I guess not that much has changed after all these years,” she said, sipping from the cup. As she did, she wondered if it was just herself that hadn’t changed.
“Dance with me?”
Her eyes widened in confusion when he broke the silence. “Hm?”
Marcus held out a hand, which she instinctively reached for. “Dance with me. Please?”
It didn’t take long for her to give in, setting the cup down on the nightstand. They swayed slowly in the bedroom, moonlight streaming in. Although there wasn’t any music, it was just what they needed. They just needed a moment in each other’s arms.
Erin’s head rested against his chest, the warmth from his body sinking into her. “I missed you so much,” she said softly.
“I missed you too.”
He missed her too.
But there was still something nagging at the back of her mind. Part of her didn’t want to disturb the peace, but she also wanted answers. Maybe it wasn’t the best time to ask him. Maybe it would undo everything. Before she could stop herself, she asked, “Can you tell me about your wife? Missy’s mom? Did she..?”
Marcus sighed softly, but not out of frustration. No, it was the kind that was borne of fondness. His arms tightened around her. “Yeah. We actually met not too long after I had my documents changed back. I didn’t want to tell her. I wanted a fresh start, but I still felt very much like Marcus Pike rather than Marcus Moreno. So, I told her about my past and we went from there.” A soft chuckle. “She was definitely shocked, but it was different because she never knew me as Pike, only Moreno.”
She wasn’t you, he wanted to say.
“I’m glad she knew,” she replied, snuggling closer to him. At least he told her, the mother of his child. It was...comforting to know that he hadn’t been all alone during those years. Eight years was a long time to keep a secret. “And what about now? Do you still feel like Marcus Pike?”
“Some days I feel more like Pike,” he admitted. “But with Missy and the Heroics, I feel like I’ve settled into being Marcus Moreno. It took a few years, but….Pike will always be a part of me. It wasn’t ever not me, just…a different side.”
“I see.” When his arms shifted, Erin clung to him tighter. “Don’t leave. Please.”
Marcus kissed her temple, his lips soft and warm. “Never again, honey. I’ll be here until you’re tired of me.”
< previous chapter | next chapter >
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lobster-tales · 3 years
Face the Noise
Arcane Rock Band AU
Chapter 15: The Bridge
Summary: Grayson pulls Caitlyn for a chat; a friend reappears.
This work is available here on AO3. Chapter 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14
“Come in.” The commandant’s muffled voice behind the door.
Grayson didn’t look up when she entered. A trail of red paper hearts led from a shoebox on her desk.
Caitlyn asked, “You wanted to see me?”
“I did.” Grayson caught her questioning gaze and indicated a pen. “I needed help addressing my grandson’s valentines.”
She blinked, unsure. “Commandant, with all due respect, I have classwork-”
“Not right now, you don’t.” Grayson pushed a sheet of paper with names. “Get to it; the little bastard has 3 different classrooms. You take this one.”
Caitlyn waited a moment before giving in. She no longer sat at attention, her movements weighed down by an invisible force. She meticulously began to write each name.
Grayson took quiet notice. After a moment, she asked, “How is training going?”
“... Marcus isn’t harassing you too much?”
Grayson folded a finished valentine, placing it in the shoebox. She lingered there, watching Caitlyn. “He said you’ve been doing very well; no more ‘behavioral issues’.”
Caitlyn paused. “Did he say I had behavioral issues?”
“During all the fighting last month. Against the teenagers, then the other recruits.”
So the recruits had reported that night at the bar, despite Viktor’s threat. Caitlyn had wondered when she’d be punished for it. Perhaps now was the moment. “... Ah.”
“But to be honest with you, I like the troublemakers. At least they give a shit.”
“Ma’am, I can assure you that I haven’t been getting into trouble, not since-”
“No, I know.” Her pen scribbled. “That’s what worries me.”
Everything fell into place. “My mother asked you to check in on me, didn’t she?”
“Yes.” Not an admittance, but a matter of fact. “Though I did want to pull you in for a chat anyway. Considering your recent… change.”
Caitlyn remained silent. She had been so good about keeping it all to herself, giving her friends excuses when they wanted to spend time with her. Her grief was buried now, under layers of apathy; she would not uncover it that easily.
Grayson asked, “Do you still spend time with Vanders’ daughters? Powder and… what’s the older one’s name?”
“I don’t,” Caitlyn said firmly.
“Ah.” Grayson paused in understanding. “I see.”
They addressed the cards in silence; though Caitlyn’s handwriting was cleaner, Grayson was much faster at the task.
“I ask because Vander called me a few weeks ago,” Grayson said. “Wanted to know how long he had to wait before filing a missing person’s report.”
Caitlyn’s hand seized up, causing the ink to blot on the cardstock.
“I told him standard procedure was at least 24 hours, unless the circumstances were dire,” Grayson continued. “Then he just thanked me and hung up.”
Caitlyn couldn’t help it; she wanted to know. “Did he ever file a report?”
“That’s the strange thing: he never did.” Grayson met her gaze, questions lingering behind her eyes. “Do you-”
“I don’t know anything,” she said with a bit more bite than intended.
Grayson was undaunted. “Forgive me, Kiramman. It’s my instinct to investigate. You understand, you’re also a detective.”
She certainly didn’t feel like one. Not anymore.
“But if you… think back, to the last time you saw them,” Grayson treaded carefully. “Did they say anything unusual? Did something happen?”
So that was it. Grayson was worried about Vander. She just wanted to make sure her friend was okay.
But Caitlyn couldn’t offer that information. She knew she didn’t owe Vi anything, especially after the way things ended. Yet, she still couldn’t betray Vi’s trust. Even now.
“I’m sorry, Commandant,” Caitlyn murmured. “I wish I could help.”
She wondered if Grayson saw through her. If she did, she didn’t show it. Instead, Grayson gave her a simple nod.
Another quiet moment. “You know, Kiramman,” Grayson said, clearing her throat. “This kind of thing… it happens. It’s unfortunate, but we get through it.” She finished her final card. “Keep your chin up.”
Caitlyn, unconvinced, muttered, “Thank you.”
                                                 ☆ ☆ ☆                                                          
Caitlyn saw the familiar shadow before she left the academy doors. Ekko stood in the parking lot, a puffy coat protecting him from the cold. His eyes were tired, hands in his pockets, and when she approached, he only offered her a curt nod.
“Ekko,” Caitlyn said, in greeting, but also questioning. “What are you doing here?”
He shrugged, as if nonchalance was an option. “You wanna go for a drive?”
Caitlyn considered him, trying to discern his intentions.
“I just want to talk,” he clarified.
She finally got to see the old car from the inside. Ekko had rigged up multiple speakers, though as she examined the chaotic wiring, Caitlyn thought it may have been Powder’s work. Fervent rap mingled with soulful punk, the car’s bass thrumming with each new tune.
“So,” Ekko said, clearing his throat. “How are things?”
“How’s cop school?”
“It’s fine.”
He nodded, his usual coolness interrupted by discomfort. “You uh… get tased yet? I heard you have to get tased to become a cop.”
“Ekko, what–what are we doing?” His grimace reflected her tone, but Caitlyn was past caring. She didn’t have time for this.
“Alright, alright,” he said, gathering his thoughts. “Well, let me start by saying–I’m sorry. I don’t know exactly what happened between you two-”
“Yeah,” Caitlyn scoffed. “Join the club.”
“But.” He tossed a glance her way. “I know… I didn’t mean for it to go down like that. I didn’t mean for any of it to play out the way it did, not just the stuff with you and Vi, but also…”
She flinched at the name, but closed her eyes and forced herself to relax. He was trying to make amends; she could respect that, even if she couldn’t quite forgive him yet. “It’s okay, Ekko. What you did was… well, to be quite frank, it was really stupid, but I know why you did it.”
“Yeah,” he said quietly. His gaze was trained on the road ahead. They seemed to have no destination, just passing through neighborhoods.
The silence eased them both, and eventually Caitlyn’s curiosity defeated her pride. “So how did it all… play out?”
His fingers flexed on the steering wheel. “Not… great.”
Caitlyn raised an eyebrow, prompting further.
Ekko sighed, his shoulders slouching in defeat. “You remember that night, the night of your prom thing-”
“Charity gala.”
“Whatever. Well, that night, when Powder and I were hanging out with Silco, we took some Shimmer and then things got… weird. He started saying all this law jargon and wanted us to sign some contract.”
“A contract?” Caitlyn asked, bewildered. “But that’s not legally binding if you’re under the influence, not to mention a minor.”
“I don’t know, okay? He, apparently, has a really good legal team.” Quieter now, under his breath. “Really. Good.”
A feeling of dread set in. “What did you sign?”
“I didn’t sign anything, but Powder did,” he said. “I don’t remember what it was. All I know is, that next morning, she was gone.”
“What do you mean ‘gone’?”
“She disappeared. Didn’t say goodbye, we don’t even know if she ran or if someone picked her up.”
Of course. The missing person’s report. But it was never filed, which meant “You found her, though?”
“We didn’t get a chance to look before someone dropped off an envelope for Vander. A court summons. When he went in, judge told him he was too late.” He grimaced. “Bastards gave him the wrong time.”
“That can’t be legal.”
“Who knows. Either way, he lost custody.”
Caitlyn’s jaw dropped. “Wh-what? You mean…”
“Yeah. Silco’s her legal guardian now.”
The Lanes passed by them, the houses melting into businesses. The engine revved as Ekko took the onramp.
Caitlyn couldn’t believe what she’d just heard. How could this man, this stranger just rip their family apart? “I’m- I’m so sorry, Ekko, that’s awful…”
“Yeah,” he repeated.
They didn’t speak for a long moment. Caitlyn tried to wrap her head around it, the unimaginable grief. She gathered her nerve to ask the question that was nagging her. “... How is Vi?”
“Not good. She won’t talk to me, or even Vander. She’s just angry and… quiet.”
“I see.” She knew where this was going; Ekko’s agenda was clear now. “That’s why you wanted to see me, isn’t it? You want me to talk to her.”
“... Yeah,” he admitted. “I mean, I wanted to apologize, too. It seemed like you two had a good thing going and if I hadn’t… well, she wouldn’t have broken things off.”
The grief returned, overwhelming her sympathy. “Did she how she ‘broke things off’?”
She had replayed the night so many times in her mind. “At 2 AM, on a Thursday,” Caitlyn muttered.
“Ouch. Text or call?”
“Well at least it wasn’t a text,” he said.
Despite the situation, Caitlyn laughed dryly. “I guess.”
They were long out of The Lanes now, in the surrounding plains. Farmland stretched, the occasional small canyon breaking the land. They turned into a wooded area, the trees bare limbs arching over the road.
They were far from civilization, but for some reason, Caitlyn wasn’t nervous with him. Ekko had a soothing presence, one that she wanted to trust.
He pulled off to the side. They both stepped out of the car, and Ekko led her to the underside of an abandoned bridge. Every inch of the structure was covered in graffiti.
Caitlyn searched the myriad of names and images, picturing the people who left their mark.
“You know what a tag is?” Ekko asked.
“Every graffiti artist goes by one. Something easy to recognize. Here’s mine,” he said, showing her a green, hourglass shape. “And here’s… Powder’s.”
Beside the first tag, the head of a pink, angry monkey. Caitlyn frowned. “What’s the monkey for?”
“It’s this toy she has; one of those wind up cymbal monkeys? She won it, that night she went to the carnival with Mylo and…” His voice trailed off.
Caitlyn winced. Another painful memory. How could one family be so haunted? “Does Vi have a tag?” she asked, hoping the subject change would help.
“Yeah.” He pointed to a black roman numeral. “She didn’t come out with us as often, though. Mostly it was me and Powder.”
Caitlyn searched his face. “Ekko, can I ask you something?”
“... Are you okay?”
His face was stone, though she picked out the pain behind his eyes. “I… I don’t know. Life goes on, I guess.”
They stared at the wall, reading the memories.
“You know,” Ekko said. “When we were hanging out with Silco and his… goons, Powder acted really strange. It was like the attention, the VIP treatment, was getting to her head. She was actually kind of a dick…” His brow furrowed, lost in thought. “One of those nights, she got really drunk and told Silco how people call her Jinx. Then he started calling her that.”
“What?” Caitlyn asked. “He called her Jinx? Did she get upset?”
“That’s the weird thing. She didn’t. In fact, I think she… liked it.” He shuddered. “I don’t know, I… In those last few nights, she just seemed like she was a different person.”
Caitlyn understood. “You felt like you lost her before she was even gone. That’s why it’s easier.”
“Not easier,” he muttered. “Just… different. I did this for… all of us, yes, but mostly for her. I wanted her to have a way out, to have the life that she deserved. I just didn’t think she’d leave us behind. Leave me behind.”
She saw him more clearly than she ever had. “You loved her.”
Ekko smirked wistfully, saying, “‘I had a crush, until she started talking to the gun.’”
“What’s that from?”
“One of my new songs.”
Surprised, Caitlyn asked, “You’re still writing songs?”
“Yeah. The Firelights may be gone, but I’m still here.”
“I see…” She watched him. “Do you still want to make it big?”
“I want to make music.” He faced her, squaring his shoulders. “My music, authentic, none of this fake shit. That’s all Silco offered; he wanted us stuffed in a category, but fuck that. I want the truth.”
Caitlyn admired his passion. “Good. We need more of it in this world.” She paused, glancing around. “Do you… have any leftover spraypaint?”
He chuckled. “Heh, do I. What color?”
“Got any purple? Blue?”
“Sure.” He watched as she dragged out the first line. “What are you drawing?”
“My tag.” Caitlyn took a few moments, finishing the final touches before stepping back.
Ekko surveyed her work with his arms crossed, nodding in approval. “Nice.”
“Thanks.” Caitlyn took a deep breath, steeling herself. “I’ll talk to her. To Vi. I don’t know if she’ll listen, but… I’ll do my best.”
He smiled, and Caitlyn was reminded how young he was. “Thank you,” he said softly, then, “You going to the ABC party? For Valentines Day?”
“The what?”
“ABC? Anything But Clothes?” He shifted. “Like a lingerie party?”
Caitlyn felt the blood rush to her cheeks, though she didn’t know why. “Oh.”
“Are you going?” he asked again. “It’s at the same place we played the house show.”
“I… guess I can.”
“Good. I’m playing a set there; Vi promised she’d at least stay through my show. You can talk to her afterwards.”
“... Okay.”
Ekko took a deep breath, pulling his puffy jacket tighter around him. “We should probably go.”
Caitlyn lingered for another moment, getting one last look at her graffiti tag. The blue lines beneath met the purple cloudy lines above, creating the shape of a cupcake.
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ficsilike-reblogged · 4 years
What’s in a Name?
A/N: This is quite possibly the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever written in my entire life. But it’s soft. Because Marcus Pike is soft and deserves all the love. Granted, I’ve only watched The Mentalist all the way through once, so...do with that what you will. 
Pairing: Marcus Pike x F!Reader (no y/n)
Rating: PG for mention of guns??? I just want to be on the safe side. Idiots in love. Falling in love with someone and not knowing their name. Cliche use of a Quote from Romeo + Juliet.
Word Count: 3.3k 
Summary: The five times Marcus Pike tries to learn your name and the one time he actually does.
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Pike was unlucky in love. He knew it. He had started to accept it when things fell apart with Lisbon. His friends and fellow agents, the assholes, actually took pity on him and said he’d find the right person eventually. He just didn’t anticipate having to meet her over and over again.
... that which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet... (Romeo + Juliet)
Sometimes, every once in a while, he actually hated his job. Sure, he got to go undercover, stop criminals, right some wrongs, and be called ‘agent’ on top of it. But, right now, listening to some sycophant rant and rave about the “superiority of Cubism over Dadaism,” he wanted to switch careers. There was supposed to be a sale of a stolen Cézanne happening at this gallery in Los Angeles and Pike had suspected the guy with the too-tight three piece suit and bad transatlantic accent was the ring-leader of the whole theft and re-sale. He just needed to not spork his eyes out until he saw money pass hands from the agent he’d sent in to pose as the buyer and the thief-turned-art-asshole. He thought it would only take an hour or two, busts like this usually did—but this guy loved the sound of his own voice so much that he had been going on a tangent about 20th century art movements for nearly four hours now and had somehow gathered a bit of an audience, too, debating with others, and the like. It was exhausting just listening to him.
“If you give me ten dollars, I’ll spill some red wine on his shirt and he’ll be forced to leave.”
Marcus looked to the left at the sudden voice and found a woman pretending to look at the piece in front of him, just like he had been doing. She was pretty, dressed in a high-end dress and sky-high, red-bottom heels, and looked every bit the part of an old money socialite. “Ten dollars?”
“I’d do it for free, but I need to receive some sort of incentive so I’m not just doing it out of spite. I heard that’s bad karma.” She hid her smirk behind the lip of her champagne flute.
“I’ve heard spite is a fantastic motivator.”
She hummed and squinted at the painting as if she cared. Maybe she did. “This is an awful piece of work. Truly, one of the worst I’ve ever seen.”
The man behind them continued to talk just as a waiter passed by with a platter full of red wine and she skillfully plucked one from him without missing a beat. She finished her champagne and handed Pike her empty flute. His eyebrows raised as she smiled at him.
“I’m Marcus.” He held out a hand for her to take. She shook it with a smile but didn’t give her name in return. She winked and walked away—right toward the mark.
And yes, she dumped red wine all over him.
There was a collective gasp and he watched the scene with a muted sort of fascination as she then managed to make the art thief smile with some joke she must have said and then he walked away to clean up. The crowd dispersed. The other agent was able to snag the thief and make the exchange and handcuffs were placed on his wrists all within a couple of minutes.  
Maybe he should have actually paid her the ten dollars. She really did just speed everything up.
But, when he looked around to find her, she was gone. 
The second time he met her was at an art auction in D.C. There was no sting. No operation. The Art Squad had recently helped the auction’s sponsor recover a priceless Van Gogh piece and they had insisted the entire Squad come to the black tie dinner and auction, foregoing the 1000-dollar-charge-per-plate the ticket usually cost. The food was good. The wine and champagne was obviously expensive and Pike was sure he’d see some of the art that was being auctioned off in his case files in the next few years. That was just the way of the world. He looked around at the displays and glanced at the sheets where people had written down their bids. Some people were being generous—most others were being cheap. 
He slowed to a stop in front of a small Dalí and then down at the auction sheet. It was currently up to only a few hundred dollars. He wouldn’t win, he was sure, but he could pretend to participate in this ridiculous auction.
“I didn’t take you for a Dalí fan.” Her voice was still smooth and he knew, instinctively, that she was smiling before he even turned to look at her. She was draped in sky blue silk and pearls, reminding him of Botticelli’s Birth of Venus.
“I think he’s iconic, to be sure.”
She sidled up to him and looked at the small painting. “Thinking about bidding? It looks like everyone else is besotted with that original Warhol.” She hooked a thumb over her shoulder to reference the crowd steadily growing on the other side of the ballroom.
But all he could focus on was the smell was her perfume. Expensive and floral, it seemed to fit her perfectly.
Manicured fingers handed him a Mont Blanc pen from the depths of her designer bag. “Best of luck, Agent Pike.”
As she walked away, he realized she knew his last name now—somehow—and he still didn’t know hers.
Pike tried to find her again in the mess of rich people, to ask her name and how she knew of his ‘agent’ status and last name. But all he managed to do was catch a glimpse of blue silk as she exited the venue.
“Do you know her?” A tired-looking man asked as he walked to Pike’s side. “She left a large donation and my boss will kill me if we don’t have a name to write in our next list of donors.”
“I…I don’t actually. Did she bid on anything? Maybe we could get her name that way.”
And for the next fifteen minutes or so, he filtered through the crowd, trying to ask inconspicuously about his Venus and if she had bid on anything. And, when he finally learned that she had bid on an Alphonse Mucha sketch. And he almost felt lucky. Almost!
Because, as he made his way over to where everyone was pointing, he saw only two scribbles on the sheet. Surely he could discern which one of the names was hers. 
One was Richard…
And the other one was just a scribble of blue ink, smudged beyond legibility.
(A few weeks later, he was delivered a package at his office. Inside was the Dalí he had bid on. On a slip of paper was a smudged smiley face and the word: Enjoy!)
The third time he met her was decidedly less glamorous. The Art Squad had been trailing a group of thieves across the East Coast when they finally caught up to them in Boston. Pike had hoped they’d be able to catch them in the act and be done with it.
Instead, what they found when they stormed into the art museum, was the thieves holding several hostages. And, of course with his luck, she was among them.
Her hands were behind her head and she was on her knees as one of the thieves pointed a gun to the back of her head. Boredom was, surprisingly, coloring her face but she smiled when she caught sight of Pike. “Hi, Marcus.”
“Hi,” he said in return, fighting a smile of his own.
The whole thing was over in just over an hour and the hostages were released and the thieves were carted off in the back of a police van.
And maybe now he’d finally learn her name.
He was the lead agent on the case so he had to answer a million and one questions from other agents, from outside law enforcement, from the press. And, belatedly, he watched his least favorite agent, Rhett Brown, approach his unnamed Venus. The agent was fine when given a gun and told to shoot—but how he’d managed to wind up on the Art Squad was a mystery. He’d lost or misfiled more paperwork than anyone else Pike had encountered put together.
Pike knew he needed to finish all of this nonsense—and really, he shouldn’t call it nonsense, this was important—if he wanted to even have a chance to get her name. But the local police asked a lot of questions (they were doing their job, he couldn’t blame them) and then the press conference dragged on (again, they were just doing their jobs). And by the time he finished, he jogged back to where the former hostages had been held as they were being questioned.
And, of course, she was gone.
Pike pulled Rhett aside and asked for his notes.
Rhett nodded and stuck his hand into his suit pocket and then froze. “Oh no.” He quickly patted down his other pockets and shouted at another agent, “have you seen my notepad, man?”
Pike was tired when he met her for the fourth time. 
The deposition had lasted longer than he anticipated, stretching long into the night. The case was a strange one, involving inheritances, forged wills, and a “disappeared” Jackson Pollock that “reappeared” across the country. The hotel was nice, however, and he slumped into a stool at the hotel’s upscale bar and ordered a pale ale.
It was set in front of him quickly and he drained half of it without much fanfare.
“I always thought you looked more like a whiskey kind of guy.” 
He nearly spat out his drink. 
She slid into the stool next to him and ordered a top shelf cognac. Her lips were painted a vibrant shade of red and left a mark against the glass as she took a sip of the amber liquid. “Long day?”
“You could say that. You?”
She nodded with a small smile. “What’re you doing in New York? More FBI business?”
“Something like that.” He took another drink of his beer and she watched him over the edge of her own glass. “How’d you know I was in the FBI?”
“We have friends in common. I know Charlie—you helped him get back his precious Van Gogh.”
“Ah, Charlie.” He nodded in understanding.
“Yes, he went on and on about the FBI agent who saved his marriage—imagine that, an entire marriage hanging on the edge of one painting.” Despite cognac being meant for sipping, she had already nearly drained her glass. “Imagine my surprise when it was you—the man from the gallery opening who basically gave me full permission to dump wine on a pompous asshole.” She watched him laugh as she took another sip of the dark amber liquid. “Charlie pointed you out when you came to the auction. The man can hardly remember his children’s names but he remembers yours.” She smiled and he could have sworn he’d never seen anyone so beautiful. “But I like the um…” she gestured at his chin and then placed her finger beneath her nose in a childish imitation of a mustache. “It’s a good look.”
He laughed—she was good at making him laugh. “I was undercover.”
“Oh?” It came out with another laugh. “Aren’t you mysterious?”
“I’m mysterious? You know my name and my job—and that I think Dalí is iconic. I know nothing about you.”
“What is there to know? I procure art for people who have too much money. I spend more time on planes or in hotels than I do in my little apartment in New Orleans. I like Humphrey Bogart movies and a good blanket.” She smiled before polishing off the last dredges of her drink. “See? Now you know more about me than I do about you. And it is all far less interesting.”
His heart had lodged itself higher and higher into his throat as each word passed her lips. “No…I-I think you’re really interesting and beautiful and I…I would love to know more.”
She was embarrassed, he could tell, but she still smiled. Her mouth opened to say something else and-
-a bellhop stepped to her side. “Your bags have been loaded into the car, ma’am.”
She turned and thanked him, pressing a few bills into his hand before she stood and grabbed her purse. She put a few more bills—far more than her drink could have possibly cost—onto the bar top and signaled to the bartender that she was paying for both their drinks before he could even think to stop her. “Thanks for the company.”
“Yeah. Of course.” He was in a bit of a daze as she leaned down to press a quick kiss to his cheek. The familiar scent of her expensive perfume touched his nose as she pulled back.
“I’ll see you around, Agent Pike. But really,” she once again mimed the mustache, “it’s a good look.”
He murmured his goodbye, head still pleasantly swimming, and watched her walk away.
It took him a full five minutes to realize he still didn’t know her name.
The fifth time he met her, he’d been stuck at O’Hare International Airport for five hours. Five hours in the worst airport known to mankind. His flight back to DC had been delayed and then delayed some more and then delayed some more. He’d only been in Chicago for a few days to help lead some training to the local arm of the Bureau. Nothing exciting. And now he was stuck waffling between two equally awful airport restaurants for dinner while he continued to wait.
“Hey stranger.”
He turned to see her walking toward him, a designer carryon being wheeled behind her scuffed sneakers. Her hair was up in a lop-sided bun and she had traded her dress for a pair of jeans and an oversized band t-shirt. And why was his mouth filling with saliva? She threw her arms around him in a hug that he quickly reciprocated, squeezing her around the middle as she laughed lightly in his ear. “It’s good to see you. I see you kept the facial hair.”
He laughed and scrubbed a hand over his patchy beard and mustache. “Yeah, I guess I did.” Pike cleared his throat, trying to not sound so smitten. “Where’re you heading now?”
“Home, thankfully. I’ve been go-go-go since I saw you last. It seems everyone wants to give works of art as presents this year. I’m kind of scared what Christmas is going to mean.”
He smiled, liking to know about her life, how she felt. “Been anywhere exciting?”
“Paris and Milan lose their charm after a while. But I finally got to go to Casablanca.” There was a near twinkle in her eye now. “I felt like I should’ve been running around in a trench and fedora, chain-smoking. God knows how many times I muttered ‘here’s lookin’ at you kid’ to myself like a loon.” She shook her head as she bit her lip. “Sorry. I ramble when I’m jetlagged.”
“It’s okay, really. I…I like it.”
She shoved at his shoulder with another laugh. “Careful. You’ll make me fall in love with you.”
“Would that be so bad?” The words tumbled out of his mouth before he could stop them—something he usually did when he let his stupid, romantic heart take the lead.
She tilted her head as she looked at him with an almost shy smile playing on her lips. “No. No, I don’t think that’d be bad at all.” They looked at each other, each fighting a smile and stupid fluttering of their hearts for the near-stranger in front of them. She broke the little daydream by clearing her throat and glancing away for a moment. “And you? Been anywhere exciting?”
“Just Chicago. Had to lead some training. My flight’s been delayed for a couple hours. Hopefully, I’ll be out of here before midnight.”
“Well, if you’re looking for a good place to eat in this hellscape, I’d recommend the restaurant near C26. I’ve yet to get food poisoning from them—and the food’s pretty good, too.”
“You want to join me?” He asked, something optimistic blooming in his chest.
But her smile fell. “I wish I could. But my flight starts boarding soon.”
As if on cue, there was an announcement over the intercom. “Hello passengers and welcome to Flight 306 to New Orleans. Right now, we will start boarding with our group one passengers and active duty military in uniform.” 
“That’s me,” she said with a sigh. “But it was good to see you, Marcus.” She reached out and squeezed his hand.
He squeezed her hand for a moment, keeping her still. “You know, I still don’t know your name.”
She paused and then laughed, a full-belly laugh that quickly had him laughing, too. “It’s-”
A passenger cart beeped as it zoomed by, carrying a few elderly women.
“Group one, you’re free to board. Group one,” the announcement seemed to echo in the terminal, overly loud on the old speakers.
He swore he saw her lips move. He did!
But then she was squeezing his fingers again and walking away.
The cherry blossoms were in bloom. Aside from the terrible crowds they brought and the overall mugginess that came with the season, it was one of the things he liked about living in DC. He was sitting on a bench and watching the wind blow through the trees, rustling the pink and white petals gently. His lunchbreak was ending soon and he’d have to get back to the office. The other agents had caught on about his “mysterious lady friend” when he’d finally arrived back from Chicago and had been ribbing him about it ever since. (“How did you not get her name already, Pike?!” A question for the ages.) He crumpled the wrapper from his sandwich and tossed it in the nearest bin, preparing to leave the park.
He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, just for a moment.
But when he opened them, she was standing in front of him like something out of his daydreams. She smiled at him before helping herself to the space beside him on the bench. “I was told you like this bench when the blossoms are in bloom.” She waggled her eyebrows. “Your fellow agents are very chatty, you know.”
“You came looking for me?”
“’Course. I was in town. The auction I need to attend isn’t until tonight and…yeah,” she trailed off, embarrassment coloring her tone as she looked away from him for a moment. “Yeah, I thought I’d see you.”
His smile was so big he was sure it was going to break his face. “I’m glad you did.” He reached out and curled his fingers around hers as they rested on the bench beside her legs.
Her smile was shy but she squeezed his fingers in return as she kept looking out over the cherry blossom trees. “It’s pretty here. I’d love to wake up and just see this.” She waved her free hand toward the blossoms.
“Well, it happens every year. You can come back.” Or you could stay, his traitorous, lovesick heart whispered. But no, he wouldn’t say that. No yet, at least. He could take this slow.
But then she kissed him, quick and soft—he nearly missed it. And she was quickly leaning back against the bench, trying to school her features into indifference.
“What is your name?” He asked, question bursting forward.
She guffawed and pulled her hand back with an exaggerated flourish, fighting another smile. “I told you at the airport!”
“There-there was a transport honking and-and an intercom and then you left-!”
She cupped his cheek in her hand and the words died in his throat. She smiled again, fighting a laugh, and whispered her name.
He whispered it back, rolling the letters across his tongue carefully, pressing it into his mind to keep and hold.
He liked her name.
Part Two
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travellvogue · 4 years
Friend of a Friend
Chapter 1- Reunited
The wheels of the black taxi crunched against the gravel as you pulled up to the players entrance, hauling your bags out of the boot and brushing a quick ‘thank you’ to the driving, completely aware that he was beyond disappointed for being assigned the teams photographer to drive to St George, rather than the infamous Harry Kane or Raheem Sterling. 
But here you were, bags of equipment thrown over your shoulders in a less than delicate fashion, Y/N Y/L/N, about to embark on the biggest adventure of your career so far. The building looked down on you, windows forming it’s eyes, a large gaping door for a mouth, ready to swallow you up and introduce you to a new side of the world. Pulling your case behind you, walking inside to be greeted by a few faces, it’s as though you’d been pushed into a washing machine, tumbling around whilst being passed a room key, lanyard and schedule, “you must stick to this” you’re strongly instructed. No problem there, you were here to take pictures, nothing more. 
Stood in the entrance of the dining room, plastic chairs neatly tucked under the oak wood tables as far as the eyes could see, a clatter of pots and pans coming from what you presume was the kitchen. A mutter of noise leaked through the floor to ceiling windows, raising your eyes to watch the huddle of men stood of perfectly neat astroturf, you wondered for a second if people would get on their hands and knees to trim the corners of the surface, the immaculate shaded lines about the be destroyed by the studs of several football boots in a matter of moments. 
You spotted him, stood in the sea of footballers, his pink boots catching under the sunlight making you smile. “Real men wear pink” you whisper to yourself, remembering the time you’d told him that over face time when he was giving you a ‘boots haul’ as he likes to call it. He didn’t know you were here, god you didn’t even tell him you got the job. You’d use the excuse that you were keeping it at a surprise, but truthfully you weren’t sure if you even wanted to be here, the thought of being surrounded by people that earnt your monthly wage in a matter of short breathes was intimidating for a young girl. Yet you can’t help but feel a comforting warmth flicker alight in the depth of your stomach, simply at the sight of him. 
The thought of going outside to wave quick ‘hello’ crossed your mind, but you decided to stay put, sitting down at the nearest table and pulling your laptop out. Connecting to the wifi that seemed to take an exhausting amount of time to connect, (despite the facilities being modern the network failed to keep up), making yourself familiar with your schedule, cringing at the seven thirty arranged awakening, at the top of the printed out page. The black ink pen that had been used to scribble your name at the top had been smudged under the pressure of someone's hand- a leftie, you presumed.  As you read it, your name comes alive. 
“Y/N!?” your name echoes through the reception room, the familiar voice bouncing off the walls, drowning your ears in the comfort of having someone neighbourly here with you. “What are you doing here?!” The floppy mound of brunette hair is the first sight that welcomes you, noting the lack of hair gel, maybe he’d taken your advice to wear it naturally more often, that’s how he looked best after all. Shining white teeth and piercing eyes following quickly, the beaming smile warming you from the inside-out. His beard had grown longer, you liked it. He lunges towards you, muscular arms enveloping around your smaller frame, lips pressed to the top of your head in a warming kiss, tingles running down your spine at the contact. 
“Mr Ben Chilwell” you beam playfully, arms wrapping around his body for a warm embrace. In the midst of bewilderment, you felt at ease, like you were home again, his arms providing you with such familiarity that the worries of starting a new job- which was quickly frankly your biggest move yet- fade away for a minute. You pull away reluctantly, his warmth carried away from you, 
He’d helped you find this job, texting you as soon as he heard that the England NT were looking for a new photographer. You remember the day clearly, sitting in his kitchen, cup of tea in front of you on the expensive marble counter, the brown liquid growing cold under the conversation. He showered you with compliments, dramatically convincing you that this would be such a great opportunity for you. “It’s what you’ve been waiting for!” he beams, tilting his head like a dog waiting for a treat. Silence. Your mind working through your options. “Fine” you breath out. 
“I got the job” you chuckle awkwardly, batting your jazz hands in the air, desperately trying not to let your unsettlement rise in your tone. He watches you, knowing you better then you knew yourself most of the time, eyes flicking up and down your body, fingers reaching out and strumming at the lanyard dangling down from your neck, tapping at the laminated picture of yourself. 
“I’m so proud of you” he winks, slinging his arm around your shoulder, squeezing you to his side. You darent tell him his clammy shirt was sticking to your bare arm, the sweat of a hard training session showing in droplets over his forehead. He might pull away if you told him, and truthfully, you weren’t willing to let go of the comfort of him just yet. “So… how have you been, my love?” he beams, it had been a while since the two of you had seen each other, with careers and busy schedules it was hard to find quality time to spend together. Now seemed to be the perfect time for that. “You look beautiful, by the way” he rubs his hand over your shoulder, poking your cheek with his free hand, giggling at the blush that had risen to your face, completely in awe of how- no matter how many times he has to remind you how gorgeous you are- you still grow shy from his compliments. “Missed your pretty smile” he whispers under his breath, low enough for the truth to not reach your ears, catching himself looking at you for too long, nearly enough to be deemed as creepy. Peeling his eyes away from your glowing appearance, listening to your story of the boring taxi driver on the way here, chuckling at the right points. A buzz of excitement ran through his veins, realizing he gets to hear your voice at any given point now you were here with him. 
His body led you along the hallway as the conversation flowed, briefly catching up on the latest friendship dramas and how training was going. Following his footprints on the plush carpet, a risky choice for the amount of studded football boots around. A large wooden door stood in front of the two of you, his arm relaxing from your body. Time to fend for yourself again. An A4 sheet of paper was lazily sellotaped to the wood, a map of the training grounds with a red dot pressed to your current location. ‘YOU ARE HERE’ it read, the vast metres of pitches backing onto the room. ‘The Rest Room’ the metal plaque above the print-out read. 
Did no one notice that the nickname makes it sound as though the room will host an array of toilets for the boys. 
You follow his lead, nervously trailing behind him as the noise of chattering men fills your ears. A few heads turning to face you, beaming smiles towards Ben and slightly more relaxed ones to you, a new face that the boys were yet to learn a name to. A thumbs up from Marcus as he passes the two of you, Jordan sending you a little wave, walking over to you before you could catch who he just ended his conversation with. Ben winks at you, patting Jordan on the back before walking off to the opposite side of the room, leaving you to fend for yourself. 
“Hi Y/N” he holds his hand out to signal for you to shake it, very formal. A smile works its way onto your face, grateful that he’d made the effort to read the name printed on your lanyard, feeling rather ridiculous wearing it, but at least it now stood with a purpose. The conversation was light and easy, Jadon catching your eye and tilting his head upwards in a silent greeting. Jordan talks you through the basics that you need to know for your first few days- breakfast at half eight, come dressed for the day, ‘training starts at staggered times depending on the day, you’ll be there taking pictures at different sessions depending on their importance’. It was easy to see why everyone saw him as such a father figure within the group.
“Y/N, my gorgeous girly!” Ben calls over, no shame in the endearing pet name, hand waving in the air to beckon you towards him. Excusing yourself from the company of ‘Hendo’- as he’d told you to call him- a nickname that instantly made you feel closer to him already. Walking over to your best friend, the glimmer in his eyes failing to hide his excitement, bouncing on the balls of his feet with every step closer you took. A second body emerging from behind the corner of the room, approaching the two men. 
“There’s someone I’d like you to meet”
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ezrasarm · 4 years
Okay I’ve had thought. So it’s finals season and art student marcus had a couple essays and projects, one exam and an art exhibition to set up. Sorta. It’s more his entire class but it’s a class of 30 or so and it’s kinda of intimidating. Anywho, because we’ve established that profs have A* planning skills, this showcase is the weekend right before exams officially start. You’ve been talking him out of his nerves and insecurity and helping him pick out pieces to display (1/?) -kay
And he’s been practicing his ‘tell me about this piece’ speeches on you and every time he does you fall a little bit more in love with him cuz is this man real *and yours* just. hOw. Anyway. Apparently you’ve upset whatever higher power organises the exam schedules cause you don’t exactly have time to actually go to his showcase between your exams. He’s all 🥺😔 when you tell him and you’re like ‘listen I’m gonna do my best to be there for it okay I just, can’t promise anything’ (2/?)
He’s a ~~little~~ lot hurt but he understands. He knows how much pressure you’re under to do well and he knows your classes haven’t been the easiest. He tells you all this but you’re still sorry and both a little 😔 for the rest of the day... the day comes and he’s out the door pretty much at the crack of dawn to go set everything up. You roll out of bed with him and lounge around of the couch while he gathers everything, send him off with a goodbye and good luck (3/?)
At this point, he’s kinda accepted that’s all he’ll see of you. So you can imagine his surprise when he’s saying goodbye to the last of the visitors at his booth and he hears your voice. “Do you think you have the energy to entertain one more guest?” Not your best line, you know. But you don’t think he actually heard what you said judging by the grin on his face. He hugs you so tight you actually stop breathing for a second. He’s all excited and ‘you’re here! You came! Hi!’ (4/?)
Once he gets over the initial shock and swoon of it all, he’s back to being a dork about his art. Zach rocks up to you guys after a while and Marcus is like ‘oh my god, no. I’m not explaining it all again.’ Cause he just *knows* that zach was the one who whooped you out of your burn out and got you to grind through studying. And zach’s all ‘relax. They haven’t shut up about it the entire day. I could tell you all about your own pieces at this point’ (5/?, I think??)
And then you’re all laughing and Marcus pulls you a little closer to him and he’s so grateful for this little family he’s found 🥺 la fin. (Idk what happened here. This was a 2 part ask in my head 😂 anyways. Hope you enjoyed my stream of random thoughts) -kay
He’s all 🥺😔
You’re breaking my heart here! I can’t stand the idea of him being sad, it just shatters me all over.
At this point, he’s kinda accepted that’s all he’ll see of you. So you can imagine his surprise when he’s saying goodbye to the last of the visitors at his booth and he hears your voice.
Ah! never mind its all okay, I love this! I have such a vivid image of the smile that would spread across his face. This cute lil’ bean, I love him!
He’s all excited and ‘you’re here! You came! Hi!’
OMG he’s got the same excitement as a lil’ puppy, I love it, and the hug!!! How dare you make me this soft!
And zach’s all ‘relax. They haven’t shut up about it the entire day. I could tell you all about your own pieces at this point’
I can’t explain to you how much I love this friendship, they’re all a little confused, they don't know how Zach got there but he’s there and he’s there to stay. The ultimate Marcus x you shipper since day one and I love the fact that reader was so excited and proud of Marcus’s art that she couldn’t stop talking about it even when you were meant to be on the study grind. The idea that Zach is usually the one to stir shit up when you're studying but this time you’re being so damn distracting that he has to baby you through the chapter and bait you with the promise of going to see Marcus if you finish it all soon. SO CUTE! I love this whole thing! 
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bush-viper-cutie · 4 years
“One Eyed Witch” || YEAR 3 – Ch.19 (HP au)
                              Chapter List
<-- Last Chapter                          Next Chapter -->
Day posted: 9/11/2020
Word count: 3, 010
Relationship: EVENTUAL severus X oc (slow burn)
Rating: E for everyone
Warnings: none
A/N: This is my first fan fic I’m writing mainly as a way to practice. This is a retelling of the hp books with an inserted character. Although most every character will be written about, this is mostly for the pro snape fandom. Please do not fear, although this is a severus x oc story, it is an incredibly slow burn as I do not intend for them to get together at all until after the final book events. Chapters will be posted twice a week.
This derivative work follows the events of the Harry Potter books by Jk Rowling and is intended as a fun way to practice my writing. Thank you for reading :D
~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~
It took a month, but Harry’s spirits seemed to finally have recovered fully from October’s horrible first game of the season. Heather noticed his mood change from quiet and constantly annoyed to loud and annoying but cheerful. The second Ravenclaw flattened Hufflepuff and Gryffindor was put back in the running, it confirmed for her how very simple Harry’s emotions were sometimes.
“Be quiet!” she hissed at him.
He rolled his eyes at her and leaned away from Ron and went back to stirring his potion.
She shook her head and glanced at Professor Snape who had been eyeing them from behind Neville. If it wasn’t for Neville’s inability to follow safety procedures, they’d have gotten yelled at and sent to detention already for all of Harry and Ron’s snickering.
“But could you imagine the look on Malfoy’s face when you flash a dementor away?” Ron looked over at a glaring Malfoy and back. “Make sure to flash them towards him.”
Harry held in a laugh and nodded. “There might not be any at my next match. Professor Dumbledore’s been keeping them away really well. The sky’s not even dark anymore.”
“Harry,” Heather hissed again. “Can you please focus on one class at a time? Your potion’s about to bubble over!” She took his stirring rod and dispersed the bubbles before they spilled over onto his dried cocoons and turned them to ash. “We still have two weeks before the holidays! And Professor Lupin still needs to feel better.”
Harry seemed to have calmed down and focused for the rest of class. The bells rang in the distance and it was time to turn in their potions. Heather packed her things and rushed to keep up with Harry and Ron who were attempting at bolting out the door to get as far away from Professor Snape as possible.
“Where’s Hermione?” Ron looked around.
Heather and Harry looked around too at all the exiting students and spotted her brown bushy hair already outside. She noticed them searching and waved at them from the corridor over everyone’s bobbing heads.
“How.” Ron frowned.
Heather narrowed her eyes at Hermione, feeling her suspicion growing. They were almost out the door when Draco called her from his seat.
“What’s he want?” Harry frowned.
She shrugged. “Probably Quidditch stuff… I’ll see you guys after lunch.”
They let her stay behind reluctantly and watched her make her way back down to the front of the class from outside the room before walking away.
She walked up to Draco who was leaning against his desk with Crabbe and Goyle right behind him, writing out stuff on long rolls of parchments.
“What were they laughing about, Potter? They kept looking over at me. Are they planning something?”
She almost laughed. “They’re not ‘planning’ anything. Harry’s just happy Hufflepuff’s not going to win the Quidditch Cup this year.”
Draco smirked and looked back at Crabbe and Goyle. “I didn’t know he’d be so excited for Slytherin’s victory.”
Crabbe and Goyle laughed and nodded.
“Focus.” Professor Snape’s voice made them jump and turn back to their rolls of parchment.
Heather looked back at him, absolutely astounded that he’d let students stay behind to finish what looked like extra assignments or to just hang out in Draco’s case.
“We’re playing Ravenclaw next, pretty sure. Flitwick still needs to decide on which team but they always think they have a chance against Slytherin’s for some reason. So I’m sure we’ll be playing them.”
Heather already guessed that by the way Marcus was making them practice the trickiest of plays that he normally saved for Ravenclaw. Her shoulders still ached from yesterday’s early morning practices.
Draco pushed himself onto the table and sat with his feet on a stool. “So, have you and your dumb brother found a way to get permission to go to Hogsmeade?”
Heather shook her head and smiled. “No. Why? Eager to see us there?”
His face turned pink and he scoffed. “As if.”
She heard a deep sigh and turned to see Professor Snape rubbing his temples at a botched potion he was holding up. He shook his head and set it back down among the other jars that had been turned in and sipped from his mug. She noticed four jars set aside and recognized one of them as her own, based on her crooked label. She smiled and turned away. Her potion had been grouped in with the other near perfect potions from class.
Now her sprit’s remained as high as Harry’s knowing that despite Professor Snape’s constant look of disgusts at her potions, she was at least on the same level as Draco and among the top in the class.
“Heather? Earth to Heather?” Hermione waved her hand in front of Heather’s face.
Heather blinked. “Hmm?”
“I SAID, what do you want from Hogsmeade? If I’m going to get you a present today I need to know and preferably before the line leaves.”
Mr. Filch was holding up the line, waiting for precisely twelve o’clock to let them go despite everyone being present and ready to leave a minute early.
She put a finger to her chin and thought. “I’d really like to start growing plants in my dorm. So maybe a nice pot? There are fallen leaves on the ground in the green houses that I’m sure Professor Sprout won’t miss.”
“Take one of the carnivorous ones with the long tongues and grow it next to Pansy.” Ron dodged Hermione’s hand.
“That’s a terrible idea Ron! Please tell me you won’t do that.”
Heather frowned and shook her head at Hermione and winked and nodded at Ron.
“Oh of course not!” She crossed her arms.
Harry sighed. “Line’s moving. See you guys.”
They waved Ron and Hermione goodbye and watched them leave down the stairs.
“Go on, move away!” Mr. Filch shooed them away after all the other students had left.
Heather kept her eyes on the falling snow outside for a few more seconds before pulling Harry into the eerily quiet castle. They were on their way to the library, per usual during Hogsmeade weekends, when they were pulled behind a corner by Fred and George.
“Follow us young nifflers – ”
“And let your days of treasure hunting be over.”
Fred and George smiled wide and motioned for them to follow. They followed them into a nearby classroom and sat at one of the desks while they secured the door closed.
“What’re you guys doing?” Heather looked at them wearily as they checked all around the classroom.
“We have something to give you.” Fred walked back to them as George finished inspecting the closet.
George joined them. “Early Christmas present from us, to the both of you.”
“To share.” Fred winked and took out something from inside his cloak pocket.
He twirled it in his hand and smacked it down on the desk. Heather recognized it at once and turned to watch Harry’s bewildered reaction.
“Spare parchment? Very old spare parchment?”
Heather smiled. Harry didn’t know what it was.
George looked at Heather and winked. “No Harry, it’s more than that. This is how we do it.”
“Do what?”
Fred smiled wickedly. “Everything.”
“See, Harry,” George stood straight and put a hand to his heart. “Back when we were young little first years, we got in trouble with Filch.”
“He sent us to his office where we noticed a drawer labeled ‘Confiscated and Highly Dangerous’ while he yelled at us about the Dungbomb we let off in the corridor.”
“What’s so dangerous about old parchment?”
Fred chuckled and hit George’s shoulder. “He still doesn’t get it.”
George crossed his arms. “He really doesn’t.”
Heather tilted her head at the map. “Wait… Filch knows it exists?”
Fred shrugged. “Not sure if he ever found out how to work it. Being a squib and all.”
“But he probably guessed at what it was, r’else why would he have confiscated it?”
“But what IS it?” Harry reached for it, but George swatted his hand away.
“Let us finish Harry!” George opened the parchment up.
Fred took out his wand and tapped it.
Together they said, “I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.”
The second their mouths closed at the last sound the ink on the map began to spread from the point of Fred’s wand. It spread like a spider’s web and fanned out in every direction until the words began to blossom and turn green.
‘Messrs. Mooney, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs
Purveyors of Aid to Magical Mischief-Makers
Are Proud to present
The Marauder’s Map’
Heather grinned, remembering how cool she thought it was. She looked over at Harry who looked beyond intrigued. George opened it further and suddenly every detail of Hogwarts was visible to them. They could see the castle, the grounds, the edge of the lake, and tiny ink blots moving around with tiny, scribbled names attached. There weren’t many in the castle, and even fewer out in the grounds.
“It’s a map… to all of Hogwarts?” Harry pointed at a dot labeled Professor Dumbledore, who was pacing back and forth in his office.
Heather pointed at Mrs. Norris, who was stalking around in the second-floor corridor. They spotted Peeves in the trophy room.
“Wait a second,” Harry gasped. “Are those – ?”
Fred grinned. “Secret passages.”
Heather frowned. “They lead to – ”
“Hogsmeade.” Fred and George chorused.
“Seven secret passages in all.” Fred tapped on four of them. “Filch knows about these. But these ones – ” He pointed out the three others. “We’re sure he has no clue ‘bout these.”
“This one’s caved in… And that one’s really dangerous. The Whomping Willow’s planted right over it so don’t even bother. This one though…” George grinned. “Right into Honeydukes’ cellar.”
Heather inspected the secret passageway they were talking about and noticed their little dot selves right next to it.
“The entrance is at that one-eyed humped witch statue outside the room here,” Fred pointed. “But something very important you have to remember.”
“You need to wipe it after you’re done.” George tapped the map with his wand.
“Mischief managed,” they both said and the map cleared.
“Money, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs. We owe ‘em everything.” Fred said solemnly.
“Alright well, we’ll see you in Hogsmeade.” George tapped Fred’s shoulder and they both left the room.
Harry reached for the map but Heather snatched it up fast. “Harry. Have you forgotten we’re not supposed to go? It’s not safe?”
Harry took it from her hands. “Except if we had gotten the signatures we’d be there already! So technically… it’s fine.”
Heather huffed angrily.
“Besides. We’ll be going from Hogwarts directly to Honeydukes. So we can’t run into Sirius Black. It’s the safest way, really.”
Heather narrowed her eyes at him. He had a point and she hated it. “You know what the Weasleys say about magical artifacts… Dangerous ones Harry.” She waited for him to look at her. “If it can think for itself, and you can’t see where it keeps it’s brain – ”
“Don’t trust it,” he finished. “But Fred and George are Weasleys and have been using this thing for years. It’s fine, alright?”
She sighed, giving in. “Fine… meet by the witch in five minutes. You can’t go out like that. You’ll catch a cold.”
They snuck out of the room and went their separate ways, meeting back at the witch in their Weasley green sweaters and old hand-me-down knitted black hats. They stood by the witch and while Harry looked around for anyone, Heather opened up the map and traced her finger along the passage. She looked at the old crone and back down at the map and a tiny speech bubble had taken over the label of her name.
“‘Dissendium’,” she said and the witch began to move.
The hump opened wide enough to fit them one at a time.
“Quickly go, go!” Harry pushed her in.
She stepped in and felt a decline. “Lumos… Careful on your way down – AH!” Harry had knocked her over and they both tumbled down the slope onto earthy ground. Heather stood and dusted off. She picked up her wand and map. “Mischief managed,” she tapped it.
“I’ll hold it,” Harry reached for it.
Heather pulled it behind her back. “You have the cloak. I should have the map.”
“No way. If Pansy or Malfoy find it, then it’s good as lost. If Ron or Neville do then it’s still safe.” He reached around her and tore it out of her hands.
She pushed him away and straightened her sweater. She’d bring this topic back up later. It wasn’t fair he got to keep both things, especially since they were supposed to share it and own it together.
“Let’s go.” He led the way down the passage.
The passage curved and bent, twisted left then right until finally, after almost an hour, Harry tripped over stone steps. Heather picked him up and made her way up the steps, feeling something level graze her head as she climbed. She put her hands up and pushed, feeling the flat ceiling come loose.
She shifted the loose stone tile and pushed it back, poking her head up into what looked like a cellar full of barrels, crates, and large sack bags. She looked around and saw they were alone.
“Clear,” she whispered and climbed out.
Harry moved the stone tile back and headed for the wood steps. They heard laughter and voices and a distant high-pitched bell with the sound of a shutting and opening door.
A door opened nearby, and they jumped apart and hid behind boxes. A man came down the stairs and headed for the opposite wall, searching deep inside one of the barrels. She looked over at Harry and he jerked his head up. They both climbed back on the stairs and headed up and out of the cellar through the open door.
They were standing behind the counter and quickly ducked down, creeping out from behind and straightening out as they reached the main floor of the shop with all the candy and other people. There were so many Hogwarts students picking out treats and sweets that no one paid them any attention at all.
There were tall, curved shelves of sugar treats in jars, baskets, boxes, and tubes. There were all variations of cream consistencies, from frosty drinks to chewy nougat. There were squares and circles and swirls of colorful candy. And in a jar to Heather’s left were blue sugary springs that bounced and hit the glass lid, trying their very best to escape – or jump into her mouth. She wasn’t sure.
“Can you imagine how crazy Dudley would go here?” Harry laughed.
“I’d rather not.” Heather nudged him towards the door.
Harry stepped away from the rows of dark chocolate frogs and stopped at a barrel of exploding toffees. Heather remembered a second year in the common room eating one when it exploded in her mouth and got all over her teeth. She was picking it from her teeth for a week.
“You don’t want those.” She pulled him and spotted Ron and Hermione in the very back just as she reached the door. “Oh look!”
They headed to the ‘Unusual Tastes’ section and stayed quiet behind Ron and Hermione as they looked at a tray of blood-flavored lollipops.
“No, I don’t think they’d like those,” Hermione shook her head.
“What about these?” Ron held up a box of Cockroach Clusters. “They might – ”
“No. Well maybe Harry – ”
“Definitely not Harry,” Harry spoke up quickly.
Ron and Hermione jumped and turned around.
“How’re you two here!” Hermione frowned and crossed her arms.
“You two apparated?” Ron’s jaw dropped.
“You can’t apparate from Hog – ”
“Hogwarts, yeah.” Ron rolled his eyes. “How’d you two get here?”
Heather shushed Harry before he opened his mouth. “Too many sixth years here.”
Harry nodded. “What’ve you got so far?”
Ron opened up his bag of Honeyduke sweets. “Just the usual. Every Flavor Beans – ”
“Not every flavor,” Heather murmured.
Ron rolled his eyes. “Some Fizzing Whizbees, levitating sherbet balls – Hermione’s Toothflossing Stringmints – black pepper imps, Ice Mice, exploding bonbons, and sugar quills – also Hermione’s.”
“Restock,” Harry gave him a thumbs up and turned. “What should I buy?”
“You brought your money?” Heather looked at Harry incredulously.
“You buy loads of books with yours and I don’t complain.” He pushed Ron away and together went to look at the Jelly Slugs in their tank.
Heather and Hermione looked at each other and sighed before joining them.
“Oh, don’t try those.” Ron took the Acid Pops from Harry and put them back. “Fred gave me one once and it burned a hole in my tongue. Mum gave him a walloping with her broom after that.” He shivered. “Maybe I will get the Cockroach Clusters for Fred this year. I can put ‘em in a peanut box.”
They spent another hour looking at sweets and tasting as many samples as they could. In the end Harry ended up buying a large bag of sweets that he had to split and stuff into several of his cloak pockets. Heather walked over to Hermione who was standing by the door.
“It’s a blizzard outside,” Hermione said as Heather approached. “You’re lucky. Otherwise it’d be very easy to spot you in here.”
Heather nodded. “You know there was no stopping Harry. I had to go with him.” She dropped her voice, “I know more spells than him,” she smiled.
Hermione sighed. “How did you get here?”
Heather looked over at Harry and Ron who were making their way over to them. “We’ll tell you soon. Just not in here.”
Harry gave Heather a chocolate frog leg – still kicking – and bit into the other leg. “Where should we go?”
Hermione looked around. “Well. If it’s really that secret, we should talk in the Three Broomsticks.”
Ron cheered. “Butterbeer!”
They opened the shop door and stepped out into the blizzard, squinting hard and headed for the tiny inn.
~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~
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pikemoreno · 4 years
I don’t know if you’re taking fic recs right now but I know you love Marcus and I just so happen to know about a wonderful coffee shop/college AU called Scribbled Ink by the ever so talented @chaotic_noceur that deserves all the love in the world 💕
^^^^ if anyone’s interested!!
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