#seahorse bitty
salparadiselost · 6 months
My goal as a fanfiction author is to take the silliest au and give you the most serious feelings.
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moons-of-dewclan · 5 months
3: I remember when Nettle was so smal.... small..... itty bitty..........
Fit in Lyre's paw........
-SD (Seahorse dad)
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we all miss him..
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s0ljpeg · 1 month
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He tiny little itty bitty but he would definitely rip my arm off (he loves seahorses btw)
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Bouncing off of 🌂’s deep see mer idea, deep sea gigantism!!! Imagine reader being small for a deep sea mer and then interacting with the platonic yans and being startlingly bigger despite being quite a bit younger
Or even sea monster/leviathan reader being hidden at the depths where they don’t really travel and accidentally stumbling upon a baby leviathan reader curled up in the hydrothermal vents napping, bigger than what they’re used to in terms of mers
Hell even a out of left field one; a super tiny reader, ie. leafy sea dragon/seahorse, clownfish, some species of jellyfish. The possibilities are endless
- spino
Ohoho! YES! Imagine the adult platonic yans seeing leviathan or colossal squid mer Reader, and just straight-up thinking they're the cutest baby they've seen... And now they've adopted them, so everyone else better back off! (And Reader is just looking at this weird, smaller mer, who keeps hugging them and giving them snacks and trying to lure them away-)
If Reader was an itty bitty mer, ooooo, the platonic yans would be scooping them up and putting Reader straight into their nest or guppy pouch (imagine if mer had pouches like seahorses, but where they hold babies who are really small). They'd be trying to feed their newest guppy, and just a few bites is enough to feed them for the next several hours. They'd be worried if their guppy isn't in their sight or pouch, because they're afraid anything could eat tiny Reader in one bite...
The platonic yans would all love Reader, no matter their size, but they'd be takinga dvantage of everything they can to have them as their kid. Who cares about birth parents or if they're the same species or even the same size, you're their kid now, so shush, and eat your food! They caught it just for you, and they made sure to pick the bones out!
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penname-artist · 1 month
Mermer ask things??
This year specifically, I wanna make some doodles featuring the idea of "every merperson is actually super itty bitty and lives in fancy home aquariums lovingly cared for by their owners/caregivers"
For this reason: anyone who has ideas on things for said aquarium design, or fish/sea creature types ideas for the Planes children, lemme know!
Dusty is still definitely adorable as a seahorse, as are other characters in their previous designs, BUT, I am open to any and all styles of fish etc to play around with. Would Dusty make a good Tetra???
So yeah basically, just send me some fishy asks LOL
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goodeapple · 3 months
soooooooo how do we feel about Aegon mixing with Aem and Ysilla? >>is this a yay or a nay?
imma go ahead and say YAY (but it all depends on the setting ofc) how about something modern?
“I think she’s what the kids call, thick as fuck.” aegon smirks, taking a swig from his lukewarm newcastle, eyes fixated on the hot piece of ass in front of him. 
ysilla spins in a circle, trying to settle the trio of unruly babies dancing between her legs. the twirl sends her long blue skirt dashing open at the slit, shapely calves peeking out which aemond trails up up up with his lone eye, ending his journey at just above her mid-thigh. smooth, buttery skin shines in the sunlight, a waist-length curtain of black hair swinging with her movements. an itty-bitty cream crop-top is wrapped tight around her tits, navel bared, a sterling silver seahorse charm dangling there, resting against the slight pudge of her lower belly. 
she looks, aegon tries to think of the right word. bottle rim against his lips, he let his eyes glaze over, tracing the spread of her hips, the slope of her back, the swell of her arse. the word springs to his mind, pulling at a moan he has to stunt with teeth in his tongue. juicy. 
he wants to take a bite out of her-  a nibble from her neck, a chomp from her thigh, a chew from her belly. ahe looks soft and warm and plush. fucking delicious, and somehow, even with a gut full of beer and chips, he feels ravenous. a spot that can only be filled with a good, long pull from his alluring niece. 
pervy fucking uncle- tick that box off the family reunion checklist. 
viserys 2 takes a tumble over an undone shoelace, sprawling face first on the grass. a whine comes from his lips, climbing in volume until it reaches a cacophonous cry. ysilla bends over in a blink, sweeping up her baby brother into a hug, murmuring sweet nothings against his bangs. the boy sniffles, burrowing his face into his sister’s neck. 
aemond sucks in a ragged breath at the vision of her pert arse in the air, trying to disguise it behind a too-late phony cough. aegon spares him a look- his brother’s eye trained steadily on their distant cousins drinking their fill from their father’s abundant open bar. 
aegon smirks. looks like liquor and avoiding their family isn’t the only thing he and his little brother have in common. their taste in women is immaculate. 
“what are you two troublemakers up to, hmm?” ice water down his jeans would be less effective than his big sister’s hand plopping down on his shoulder.
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mizz-sea-nymph · 1 year
Do you think Poseidon can get pregnant like seahorses?
I’ll break biology and do that to him I will impregnate him and his itty bitty waist if anyone puts me in a room with him, two go in, one comes out pregnant and the male one is the pregnant one, somehow! I will shove him down a flight of stairs, set him on fire, shoot him, stab him,drop him, shove him, bite out his spinal cord, then go for his nervous system, then I’ll haunt him like a sleep paralysis demon, I will rip out his dreams I will suck his soul out I will crush his hopes of being the one in charge I will give him a makeover I will dress him up malewife style I will make him cook me a sandwich I will scratch him up I will shove him in a oven and bake him then cannibalise him he will lay demonic child eggs I will him I will pink sparkle Barbie glitter dick hellokitty girlboss glitter bomb seashell I have a pen I have a apple PINEAPPLE PINEAPPLE PINEAPPLE cat face bubble guppy explosion him, I will do many things to that white male beta small waist canceled husband, getting him pregnant is the Atlantic marriage goals so duh ofc why not 🫲🏼😌
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Btw food reveal! I’m having breakfast at 3pm in the day 🦈✨
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rockybloo · 1 year
Is Bitterbats nose gonna be like the fruit bat for the smaller monster form? Also since Bitterbat mini monster form is called itty bitty bat do the other monstrums have nicknames for their other forms? something like minitaur for Redhot or pseudo siren for Halite?
Yep, all his monster forms get the update.
And Redhot is def called a Minitaur but Halite and Sourpuss's mini form names are still wip.
Probably Teahorse (tea cup being a term for small and a play on seahorse which is what Halite's monster form basically is) and ...Sourpuss is a hard one tbh.
Maybe Shortypuss or Scantypuss.
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murshili-ii · 1 year
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Father’s Day special: Under the Waves
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Our twentieth Spring Vignettes piece celebrates Father’s Day, which is on June 18th.
Before you read what the piece was intended to portray, share what it portrays to _you_. I’m just the artist; you’re the beholder.
Leave a comment.
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For those of you whose ichthyology is rusty, seahorses are known for a very unusual quirk of their reproductive biology: When mating, the female lays eggs into a specialized gestation-chamber in the male’s abdomen; and the male then carries the eggs to term inside his own body. When the eggs hatch, the male gives birth, and the itty bitty fully-formed seahorses are born into the water.
This makes seahorses a very rare example of male pregnancy in the animal kingdom, found only in seahorses and their close relatives. Why this reproductive strategy is advantageous for seahorses, and not for other fish, is debated by marine biologists.
Fatherhood, at large, is a relatively rare concept in nature; among mammals, paternal care is the exception, not the rule; but it is surprisingly common among fish. The reasons for this are debated.
Seahorses are found in coral reefs, kelp forests, and estuaries, where they can use their little prehensile tails to hold onto things. Coral reef seahorses include the yellow tigertail seahorse (Hippocampus comes), which is found in tropical coral reefs of the Indo-Pacific region. These are extremely biodiverse habitats, home to a great diversity of species.
Cnidarians are well-represented in this scene. The tiny colonial filter-feeders that build coral reefs over millennia are cnidarians; including those that form the foliate “lettuce leaf” coral in the near foreground, and the staghorn corals in the far foreground.
As for the undulated flaring fan-shaped corals in the mid-foreground, I’m afraid I may have accidentally made them up. I thought there was a coral that looked like this; but I can’t seem to find one. I may have been inspired by the flower Celosia argentea var. cristata, one cultivar of which is appropriately called “Coral Reef Celosia”. Due to its fasciation or “cresting”, this variant does have this undulated fanning shape, reminiscent of some elkhorn corals.
In the right foreground, we see several sea anemones, another cnidarian. These are probably magnificent sea anemones (Heteractis magnifica). Among the tentacles of one sea anemone, there are two pink skunk clownfish (Amphiprion perideraion). Like other anemonefish, they are symbiotic with sea anemones; living inside them for protection, without being stung, and in return cleaning the anemone of parasites, providing nitrogen, and even helping the anemone breathe and feed by moving water through it.
Anemonefish are protandrous hermaphrodites, spending the first period of their lives as males, and becoming females later in life. They live in groups consisting of a single female and a number of males, with only the largest male permitted to breed. If the female is lost, one of the largest males will become female to take her place, and the next-largest male will become the new breeding male.
A third cnidarian is found in the upper right background; several jellyfish, possibly Indonesian sea nettles (Chrysaora chinensis), about to be munched by a green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas). Young green sea turtles eat a great quantity of jellyfish and other prey, whereas older green sea turtles eat various algae and aquatic plants. Due to the inward-pointing spines in their throats, green sea turtles never fail to eat their prey; but unfortunately, this also prevents them from spitting out plastic bags, which also look exactly like jellyfish.
The large school of swallow-tailed fish swimming among the kelp consists of anthias, possibly princess anthias (Pseudanthias smithvanizi). In contrast to anemonefish, anthias are protogynous hermaphrodites, spending the first period of their lives as females, and becoming males later in life. Even when they school together in large numbers, they divide themselves into small groups (or “harems”) consisting of one dominant male, several subdominant males, and a number of females. If the dominant male is lost, the subdominant males and the largest females will compete to become the next dominant male.
Behind the kelp, there is a giant pacific octopus (Enteroctopus dofleini). They grow to be the largest octopuses, and possibly the most intelligent of all invertebrates. Female octopuses breed only once in their lives; after laying a clutch of eggs, they vigilantly guard them, clean them, and circulate water over them, not leaving them unattended even to eat; and around the time the eggs hatch, they usually die of starvation. It is extremely unusual for a solitary animal to be highly intelligent; almost all highly intelligent animals are social; but octopuses are the one curious exception. If they had the opportunity to learn from their parents, they would be unstoppable.
Finally, in the lower left foreground, there can be seen two purple sea urchins (most likely  Echinostrephus molaris). These are echinoderms, related to starfish, such as those seen in the frame. Echinoderms are notable for having bilateral symmetry as larvae, like fish and humans, but having radial symmetry as adults, like jellyfish and sea anemones. When they metamorphose, their left-hand side grows into their radially symmetrical adult body, and their right-hand side disappears.
The frame is formed out of starfish and kelp. Kelp may appear very plant-like, but it is actually a giant multicellular brown alga; not closely related to green algae or their land-dwelling plant relatives.
Parenthood certainly varies greatly from species to species. Life is unbelievably varied in every way imaginable.
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burnt-kloverfield · 2 years
What animals did you do reports on in elementary school? Are they still some of your favorite animals? Do you still rember fun facts about them?
Like, I did one on Alligators vs Crocodiles and don't rember a thing about it. I can't tell you the difference anymore.
I made a black rat out of an oatmeal can. I don't like rats. I was sick and stayed home when everyone presented the animals they had made.
Jellyfish. I don't remember anything about the presentation, but I adore watching jellyfish.
The blue fairy penguin! The smallest penguin! And they're blue! Itty bitty blue penguins! I thought I was sooo cool for doing my presentation on them. I think it was when March of the Penguins was big.
There's a pink colored dolphin found in the rivers of South America. They don't close both eyes when they sleep.
And like yeah they're cool and all, but they didn't stick with me. I love seahorses and capybaras most now as an adult. But I still get stuck watching jellyfish for as long as I can when I go to aquariums and zoos.
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atendersun-archived · 3 years
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He's not much a fan of the amount of people knowing the things he is ashamed of, but he's trying his best not to think about it as he moves onto waiting for a package he ordered earlier in the week to arrive.
"My Gobi is coming today. And in.. in a few more days, the little bitty pterodactyl and seahorse i bought for me will be be here too."
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zimms · 3 years
bitty's room?
Bitty’s Room: Tell me about your walls? Posters, no posters? Pictures? Blank? What’s the deal with your walls?
i love decorating my walls a lot!
on one of my walls, i have two scratch off maps and a couple of paintings, whilst on the other i have a collage of certificates, postcards, and tickets for various things! i also have a shark poster and a driftwood seahorse.
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outsidershrine · 7 years
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Teeny tiny baby seahorses! My local(ish) aquarium has a few breeding pairs and there's babies of different stages in tanks to see, except the ones that are too damn small
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penname-artist · 2 years
Since I posted my mermaid babies again I'm in a mermaid AU mood again and I have some loose ideas to throw at the wall until something sticks and I end up starting another project.
Dusty is just. So tiny. Such an itty bitty little thing, compared to everyone else. He is a seahorse mer, after all. Blade's a fucking orca type. They're not to scale of a real world orca and seahorse, but that doesn't mean he's not still twice his size and several times his body length. Regardless of the story, Dusty will forever be the tiny boi.
Though it would not fit in with the saltwater styles (So they'll have different ones if they're in it) Nick and Apollo I see very strongly as a koi and a betta fish mer. Could you imagine, an Apollo mermaid as small as a betta, flaring up to fight his own reflection? Or also Nick begging people for food from under the pond bridge, otherwise lazing around peacefully in his little pond.
Freshwater fish wise Blade would be a blue catfish. That just. Came to me. Ahem-
Debating a fic where Dusty - being tiny - gets caught up in a strong ocean current and slips out of the safe grasp of his weed stalk, tumbling away into the current. Perhaps a larger or stealthier mer has to save him? And when they do, they'd find the poor thing curled up tight clinging to them for dear life.
Back to betta Apollo: what if people could own little mermaid pets if they were that small? How would care for them differ? Would Apollo demand a miniature comb for his hair? Oh the possibilities for care would be endless.
For a type as big as Blade, would hunting and poaching be a problem? Would he constantly have to face the risk of being captured and/or killed? And what if he WAS caught? What if he did a Free Willy and ended up stuck at some theme park forced to do tricks for the public, and he has to find a way to escape? Would he even be willing to try to ask for help from a human?
The Little Koi Boi has a third part to it still being written up, but it makes me want to play more with the concept, that Blade and Nick are completely different species and don't even speak the same language. How would their story be altered? Would they learn to communicate purely by sign? And most importantly, how good is the sex? (Must think about the important things, yes)
What kinds of sicknesses would mermaid bois even get? Fish related ones, or human related ones, or both? Do they also have swim bladder problems that crop up? Imagine someone - c'mon. Nick. - overeats and then just fucking. Can't swim right.
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Merskeleton bitty information
Here is the information for our merskeleton (fish) bitties!
cut below for length
Blue tang (tale!sans mer bitty):
 though not exactly like the fish, this merskele loves to doze on rocks either above or below the surface!
 Keep him happy with any food you find tasty or let him experiment!
 does well alone or with companions, though his personality tends to clash with the more belligerent bitties of all types.
 Goldfish (tale!Papyrus mer bitty):
 Much more energetic, intelligent, and loving than his namesake!
 Loves cuddles and will happily swim in your pool with you, but keep him away from running filters! He’ll get stuck and very unhappy until he is removed from the machinery.
 Loves fresh fruit! He’ll eat most anything, but giving him fruit makes him happiest.
 Does best with friends, either other mer bitties or land dwellers!
  Hammer (fell!Sans mer bitty):
 Make sure his tank has a large structure or plant for him to sulk in.
 Tends to be grouchy but will enjoy cuddles despite this behavior.
 Big appetite and loves meat
 does best on his own, or with a calm and resolute companion
  Emperor (fell!Papyrus mer bitty):
 likes to collect things (try using tiny sculptures or other objects of beauty) and decorate his tank with his collection
 will be very tsundere; give him time alone with you and he’ll warm up
 Barely eats, but enjoys fish
 does best alone, but will also thrive as a leader in a community
  Parrot (swap!Sans mer bitty):
 will help other bitties, especially if they’re nervous around water.
 energetic, compassionate, and talkative
 likes crunchy things, and sugar
 does best with friends! lots of friends or just one, either way, he’s happy
 Garibaldi (swap!Papyrus mer bitty):
 will snooze in the sunny side of the tank or watch TV from a comfy spot
 calm, patient, and kind
 enjoys sweets and gooey things to eat (honey, gummies, smores etc)
 can do well alone or in a group, but doesn’t like confrontation
  Lion (fellswap!Sans mer bitty)
 wants to smash stuff! give him toothpick sailboats and popsicle stick galleons to destory
 tends toward mischief, but is a protective bitty once trust is earned
 enjoys meat and fish
 best on his own or with one other bitty. not a social butterfly.
 Wright (fellswap!Papyrus mer bitty)
 very large when having lived with a loving owner, so he may need to be moved to a tub or pond after a year or so.
 gentle, thoughtful, and calm
 prefers shrimp, or other small, easily chewable things.
 best on his own or with one other bitty. tends to be shy.
 Scorpion (swapfell!Sans mer bitty):
 likes action! Needs toys and lots of play.
 bright, bouncy, and impulsive
 he’ll try anything once, so let him feel out his favorite foods for himself
 does best with lots of friends! especially responsible and level headed ones.
  Indigo (swapfell!Papyrus mer bitty):
 likes to collect shiny things and either decorate his home or his body with them.
 fast talker, flirty, and a trickster
 likes pizza, if you let him have some. otherwise, shrimp and fish are a good idea
 does best alone or with people who won’t fall for his tricks
 Fisher (Horror!sans merbitty):
 These mers are meat eaters, and they prefer to hunt but in absence of live prey will eat raw meat. Your other bitties are safe since there isn’t any meat in a monster. House them in a tank with others, but make sure they know to give  him his space for a while and not to mess with his food. He may also try to take the meat from other carnivorous mers, but won’t waste the energy to fight for it. Feed everyone as usual and if he steals some, gently scold him and give another piece to the bitty he stole from.
He’ll be snarky and sarcastic, tending toward dark humor and morbid puns, but otherwise a fun personality to talk with. He should get along well with Hammers and Garibaldis and other jokester types, though he’ll rub the kinder ones the wrong way with how casually he talks about death and injury. They’ll likely have a tentative, tense friendship or tolerance.
 Gulper (horror!Papyrus merbitty):
 These gangly, long tailed mer bitties swallow their meals whole and enjoy resting afterward, so having a safe, secluded place in the tank for him is recommended. When not resting, he’ll be very energetic and playful, even, especially if he has a Fisher to bond with. they prefer whole fish, so sardines are a good idea for feeding, but only one or two. He may ask for more, but you’ll know he’s had enough when his tail turns from translucent to opaque. Otherwise, he’ll eat himself sick.
 He’ll lean into your attentions, and enjoy time being pet and loved on. He’ll get along with most any bitty, mer or otherwise, but is wary of more aggressive housemates. His body may be long and flexible, but it’s also delicate, so fights aren’t a good idea.
 Frills (horrorswap!Papyrus merbitty)
 Another carnivore, he likes smaller chunks of raw meat. As a shark-ish mer bitty, he’ll move around a lot, but after a few circles of his tank, chatting with other bitties as he goes, he’ll settle down and nap for a while. Don’t hand feed until he’s adjusted to your home, because his teeth are very very painful if they bite you.
 He’ll let you pet and love on him, but be respectful of his wishes. He most likely won’t want you anywhere near the opening in his skull. Just let him place your fingers at first when offering affection, and soon you’ll learn your individual Frills’ favorite places for pets and rubs.
 Leafy (horrorswap!Sans merbitty)
 One of the only seahorse type bitties, Leafies enjoy hiding in plant material inside the tank. They’re not big eaters, only needing one or two fresh shrimp or bits of fish a day, but they do need some special care thanks to their open ribcage. All Leafies are born with complete skeletons, but as they grow, pieces of their ribs break away naturally until they’re open as a Crinkle bitty would be. It makes them just as nervous, thus they always come with some rib shields in their starter kits.
 They’ll be more energetic if in the presence of a Frills, or another swap!papyrus type merbitty. Even alone, they’ll still enjoy play and very gentle petting. Be sure to pay him lots of attention and remind him you love him often.
 Tendril (Horrorfell!Papyrus merbitty)
 These bitties have long floating tentacles and tend to enjoy a darker tank than most bitties. He’ll need lots of room to spread out.
 He’s pretty even tempered, and will eat any sort of fish or shrimp you offer. Does best if he’s either alone, or with a very small number of other bitties.
 Scales (horrorfell!Sans merbitty)
 Nervous and leaning toward violence to defend himself, these bitties need solitude or the company of calm bitties to feel safe. He eats meat of any kind, though obviously, being aquatic, he prefers fish or crustaceans. (he looks adorable crunching on crab legs)
 He tends to stick close to a leader, whether the person in charge of the group of bitties he’s in or his owner, or more likely a Tendril or other Papyrus type.
Vision and Mirage - (dream and nightmare)
these lovely fishies like shellfish, and they will help with fears. Visions specialize in giving positive energy so you can face your fears, while Mirages help you understand where your fear comes from and remind you that bravery is not having no fear, but continuing in spite of it. They’ll happily swim with you in any pool, pond, or lake, but will be happy to come back home to their tank and the little hiding places they call their beds. Place these hiding places close together, though, since they will want to quickly be in contact with their brother on waking for any reason.
Dark Mirages:
 will turn from a black and white clownfish tail to a vampire squid body. There will be spines inside his tentacles and they will be incredibly painful if latched onto you. He will also cause an instant panic attack if touched skin to skin or with very thin gloves. He will try to damage your fingers by squeezing them, so keep your fingers together when handling him. It will take time, but Mirages are (marginally) easier to make Safe.
Pastel (ink sans) -
His colorful magic makes him stand out in the tank, and he tends to occasionally cough up ink balls when overexcited. Prefers lots of space and things to engage his mind in his tank. Prefers vegetables but will take anything. His bones are textured like a scrimshaw etching and he likes to color them with different dyes.
Bluebell (error sans)- 
merbitties similar to the Man-o-war jellyfish, they have to have antivenom in their starter kits in case of accidents. Their tendrils are beautiful, but painful to encounter, and it takes them quite a while to get used to their new owners. They’re generally quiet, and prefer to eat fish.
Fanmouth (underworld mer Sans)
 - will need careful cleaning of his mouth fans once a month
 - enjoys shrimp and small fish
 - only one fanmouth per tank, or fighting will happen.
 - heavy for his size
 - will happily lay on your chest for his out-tank time
 - won’t speak, but can emote well and learn sign
 Stickies (underworld mer Papyrus)
 - will stick to the side of a tank
 - filter feeder when without a host
 - will cuddle, but may attempt to latch onto your arm or chest.
 - if he does, let him do his business (it won’t hurt) and then put him back when he detaches himself. treat the abrasion with disinfectant and a bandage, and it should fade in a day or two. may itch a bit.
 Conesnail (underworld swap mer Papyrus)
 -venomous if mishandled, use caution and gentleness
 - feed on small fish or shrimp
 - can survive longer out of water thanks to his shell
 - does have a pelvis tucked up in his shell
 - will sign for things he wants if you don’t understand his gestures
 Ring (underworld swap mer Sans)
 - tank cleaner
 - feeds on the algae and debris in the tank naturally but needs supplemental bits of fish about twice a week
 - will use his broken ribs as spears to prevent someone from harming him; these spears are coated in neurotoxin.
 - if treated gently, is completely safe and actually enjoys cuddles from his owners
 -gets their type name from the little sticky magic ring on their bellies that lets them stay in place
Frogfish (undertomb sans)
·         Had tiny little fin-feet that he walks around on the tank floor with
·         Big bulky body
·         Larger than average for a mer, and heavier, too.
·         Uses suction to get his food in his mouth
 Ribbon (undertomb papyrus)
·         Long squiggly body, delicate
·         Curious and energetic
·         Likes a well decorated tank with many plants and caves he can hide in
·         Will try to sing to you, use earphones as needed
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yunsoh · 5 years
some people have already pointed that out but it's also really lucky that no sohma parents tried to kill off their child as soon as they gave birth... imagine how easily a freaked out mother could literally murder her child who turned into a tiny little hairless creature
right? especially thinking of how small some of them would have been, if we’re going by the theory that the zodiac spirits kind of show their age in tandem with the sohmas. momiji? itty bitty, can fit in your palm. yuki? even smaller, the size of your thumb. hatori??? he would have legit disappeared – baby seahorses are what, a couple centimeters long? 
and then…there’s haru. baby cows are like, 80 pounds or something? kid absolutely crushed his mom right after birth. rin would have been big too, but at least she wouldn’t have transformed into a literal 100 pound baby horse in her mom’s lap. 
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