#seamonkeys from rwby
pilot-boi · 3 months
Pilot AUs Masterlist
Ever wondered what the fuck all my AUs are about? Well wonder no longer!
This is a list of all of my AUs (so far), or at least all of the ones I could find. They all have summaries and most have links to where fics have been posted, or to the tag on Tumblr where all the posts are about it
I will keep updating this as more AUs happen, because I am sure more AUs will happen. Also, I can’t tag all of the AUs in this post, there are literally too many
(List under the cut)
The Original AU
Jaune gets kidnapped and beat the fuck up for information
Literally just whump the entire time
What’s on the tin
The kids but if they were in the place of BNHA characters
What’s on the tin
The kids but if they were in the place of FMAB characters
Tour Group
RNJR + Qrow get lost on their way to Mistral and basically just fuck around on vaction
Very bad fashion from Jaune
VERY cracky
Sun, Neptune, and Ilia end up coming along with the plot when RNJR don’t show up
The whole plot still happens, it’s just treated VERY much for comedy
If Roman was told to go to hell he simply wouldn’t
After the boy dies he goes to heaven because nobody was paying attention and he snuck through the door with all the other fucking million people who died the night of the Fall
Hangs out with Summer, Pyrrha, and sometimes Penny and they watch the plot through the clouds
Stranger Things
What’s on the tin
The kids but if they were in Stranger Things
Not a straight up character replacement, actual different plots because of the different personalities
Everyone gets to Mistral, fights at Haven, and they go no further
Buy a house and all live together while doing missions and being domestic
Jaune gets his ass kicked every other week
That’s it, that’s the plot
Army Birds
Have you ever wished Qrow Branwen could date Maes Hughes from FMAB?
Mistral AU offshoot
After the phone booth Maes is isekai’d into RWBY and is found by Qrow and Jaune
Qrow because ship, Jaune because holy shit gunshot wounds
It’s like Fairgame but if Clover wasn’t a fucking narc
Coffee Shop/College
Your classic coffee shop AU combined with a classic college AU
All the kiddos are sophomores/juniors at Beacon University
Shipping and shenanigans ensue
Seamonkeys are the coffee shop ship, but Jaune also works there
An AU based on a ship that HarmonyLight and I came up with between JNR+Marrow
Diverges about halfway through Volume 8 as it hadn’t finished when we came up with it
Whale dies, but who knows after that
They ride a boat to Vacuo
What it says on the tin
They’ve all got daemons but the plot is the same
Twice the characters, twice the pain
Percy Jackson
What it says on the tin
The kids but if they were in Percy Jackson
Not a straight up character replacement
Different characters take different places as necessary for the plot
Godly parents are all different
Pyrrha is really pining in this one y’all
Oof oof ouch angst she’s choking on roses for the boy
Very Firefly inspired space AU with JNPR as a crew of a ship
RWBY are crew of another ship
Political nonsense and spaceship fights galore
Platonic and romantic and all those in between
When you get hurt, your soulmate blooms flowers in the same place
Vibrancy and size of the flowers depends on the severity of the injury
Canon events are the same
Time Travel
Oscar gets sent back in time for fix-it purposes, but not as far as you’d think
Timeline diverges during the finale of V7, when ALPN end up in the vault during the Maiden nonsense
Some doomed timeline shit happens and literally EVERYONE dies before Oscar and Jaune’s eyes
Oscar unlocks his semblance (time travel whoopee) and Jaune boosts him so he can go back and F1X TH1S
AKA, Pyrrha lives because I miss her
Through the power of Arkos and Jaune being a soft boy who keeps giving his maybe girlfriend flowers, the girl lives and the world is saved
90% Beacon era with a VERY short epilogue
5+1 Style
Baby’s first RWBY fic courtesy of inspiration from the OG Jaune server
Arkos are both models and both idiots
Pining, fake dating, and lots of fluff ensue
ALMOST everyone except Weiss, Jaune, Pyrrha, and Ilia are 8-years-old or younger
Modern/realistic AU
Weiss owns a daycare center that watches all these kids, Arkos are her employees
90% fluff
10% the inevitable angst of some of the characters being orphans
Les Miserables
What it says on the tin
I wrote down like seven pages of notes without stopping to drink water
Sort of character replacement AU but with subtle things changed for to make sense
Major Character Death
Qrow Fucks Up
Least thought through honestly
Canon but if everything boiled down to being somehow because of Qrow’s bad luck
VERY cracky
What it says on the tin
Character replacement AU but with some MAJOR things changed for to make sense
Plot is the same, but how they get there might not always be
Flying Monkeys
Sun gets kidnapped by Salem for Grimm body part experiments and all he gets are wings and a boat load of trauma
Finally one not about Jaune
Oops looks like Sun got fuckin tortured for months all so I could make a dumb pun oops
The only one of these with a whole comic done about it
WAY more stuff in my head than necessary
Fallen Angel
Jaune and MOST of the baddies are kidnapped as children and experimented on by Salem as she tries to make them into angels and become a god
Less complicated than it sounds
User/Reader influenced
Modern AU of Remnant, timeline diverges after the gods leave
Magic is taken away and EVERYONE is made into part animal part humans
Nobody is bird though, and they’re more animal than Faunus
The gang literally fistfights “god”
Canon but if everyone had bird wings
Way more lore than necessary
The plot is the same, HarmonyLight and I just did a hell of worldbuilding
V9 AU where Jaune and the Curious Cat get into a relationship during his time trapped and it’s all downhill from there
CC is hella abusive, Jaune gets hella traumatized, it’s a bad time
Jaune’s shadow is sorta sentient
CC is a twinky tumblr sexyman catboy
Jaune gets possessed by CC instead of Neo, but he gets better
After the Fall Jaune starts being able to hear voices of dead people
Mostly can hear Huntsmen because they’re Auras are stronger
Mostly thinks he’s going crazy because Ren, Nora, and Ruby can’t hear the voices
Boy is stressed, and tired, and at the end of his rope
Werewolf AU I made because it was Spooky Season
Jaune gets mauled by a Beowolf as a child and will turn into one when he gets too emotional
He can’t control it though
Runs away after blowing up at Pyrrha and saves Cardin in wolf form at Forever Fall
The one where Jaune glows when he’s happy because he’s LITERALLY sunshine boy
Everyone has nature related powers that slowly awaken to show that the gods are coming back
Wrote most of it in 2021 to HarmonyLight and then forgot about it for two years
Started as the gang playing DND, turned into the gang LIVING in DND
Not in Feyrun, set in a DND-ified version of Remnant
Characters are not the classes/races you’d think
Way too much thought put into it
The Arcs are similar to the Mandalorians, but that’s where the Star Wars ends
Jaune adopts Oscar and eventually Nora
Fluff ensues
“Hey, Yang and Jaune look kind of alike” taken to the extreme
Jaune is abandoned by Raven and raised by the Arcs
Parent Trap realization/angst ensues
Twins have a psychic bond
Mirror Man
Jaune retreats WAY far into the RK persona
RK “kills” Jaune to protect everyone from “a horrible killer”
Very angst much ouch
Not actually DID, just mentally protecting himself from V8 trauma
Modern Magic
That’s it, that’s the AU
Inspired by all those modern witch AUs I used to read back in 2014 MCYT
Set in “real world” and they’re all in college
Man out of Time
Jaune is a timelord, but he isn’t the Doctor, I literally can’t stress this enough
His TARDIS crashed and he was adopted by the Arcs
Regenerates way too often for how long he’s been alive
Healing Rust
Yo that boy’s got hella trauma, let’s speak on that
Set after V9 and written as a MAJOR healing fic
Oneshots inspired by asks sent in
Obligatory royalty AU
Jaune and Weiss are the royals, Pyrrha is Jaune’s guard
Everyone is involved somehow
There’s angst in The Plot, but mostly it’s just Armoured Angel
Jaune’s Semblance manifests as a way to fuse the souls of two people, combing their bodies
Two people can fuse, but Jaune has to have fused with both of them first
LOTS of art of different character fusions
Angst and identity issues galore
Burning Knight
When Penny is killed, Jaune inherits the powers
“Woohoo, time to repress this”
Egg cracking is pushed off until RWBY fall into the Ever After
Jaune is a girl who feels like a guy, still uses he/him pronouns
Hare’s Breadth
Jaune dies on the tower during the Fall, Pyrrha survives
Blacksmith repairs him to prevent a paradox
Juniper is used to repair since his body was dissolved by Cinder
Angst and fluff and being confused about why the hell he’s alive and a jackalope-taur
Knights in Time
Jaune and Weiss are sent back to Volume 1 by the Blacksmith
Time travel fix-it ensues
Starts with White Knight, eventual Armored Angels
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neptunevasilias · 2 years
Why you should vote for Seamonkeys
(The poll in question)
First of all
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Second of all
They actually genuinely have one of the most interesting dynamics, or at least my favorite. I'll be talking about things from the books here
Sun has taken off without his team to go to another kingdom not once, but twice (the first time was when he left early to go to the Vytal festival)
The other members of the team, Sage and Scarlet, are rightfully angry at him after the second time and try to separate themselves from him, but Neptune does NOT. This is even remarked upon a few times by other narrating characters such as Velvet.
It’s implied he is angry, though, he’s just not saying it because he wants to be around Sun again
Between the fact that he hides his "nerdier" interests, the whole thing with not being able to dance, and most importantly the fact that he avoids his semblance and is even afraid of it, it is easy to say that he is someone who has troubles expressing himself, to say the least
Therefore, his refusal to be outwardly angry at Sun to "keep things normal" could be seen as part of his problem expressing himself
In the flashback near the start of the book about the glowing golden tree, Sun is shown wanting him and his cousin to be able to find a place to stay, and then he sees the tree and thinks that it would be the perfect place to make a home. The memory of that tree is what he thinks of to center himself every time he uses his semblance. Therefore, Sun deep down wants to be able to find a place to call home. The fact that he's always moving from place to place means the he, also, is avoiding his real self. They're twinning ^_^
Then there’s this
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This random, oddly cinematic shot that lasts like five seconds, that uses probably the most important bit of imagery in rwby(the sun and moon), which specifically has a romantic context in the show(bumbleby, ozpin and salem, and arkos). I wonder what that could mean.
Other things:
There's just like..... some kinda poetic things that happened in general. Like Sun leaving both times on a boat, which means Neptune wouldn't have been able to go with him even if he'd had the chance to.
Sun had black(/gray?) eyes in volumes 1-3, matching Blake, but from volume 4 onward he has blue eyes, which match Neptune. Neptune's goggles are yellow, matching Sun. And just like yellow and purple are opposites on a red/yellow/blue color wheel, yellow and blue are opposites on a red/green/blue color wheel.
Neptune's introduction includes Sun taking a long look at him from the legs up, after which he basically admits Neptune is good-looking (so he checked Neptune out)
Tbh, if Neptune was a girl it'd be pretty obvious the show was going in the direction of seamonkeys. It's that trope where the girl waits for the lead guy to stop chasing after the girl that isn't right for him and they get together at the end.
Look at how Neptune smiled when Sun said "it was never about that, brainiac"
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Please just consider what volumes 4 and 5 would have been like from Neptune's perspective. Please.
Lastly, there's just the fact that like half their bits in rwby chibi have to do with making fun of how gay they act, and/or neptune specifically(things like him liking musicals, using moisturizing cream, etc)
ALL OF THIS IS TO SAY that Seamonkeys DEFINITELY deserves to win this round. They have at LEAST as much going for them as the other ship in the poll(name omitted to keep this out of their tag), they'll almost definitely be in volume 10, and also they are my special guys. So vote for them if you love me.
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professorspork · 1 year
I’m Supermonaman from AO3 & I had a question about ships I think it’s clear that bumblebee is your favorite ship but what are 5 other ships you love if you don’t mind answering? Also what is your opinion/what do you think about the Sunnybees or Blake/Yang/Sun? It’s a guilty pleasure ship/crack ship I love that I think makes sense/works in my mind it’s similar to the Weiss/Blake/Yang in some ways.
I certainly do not mind answering! I thought about writing this out as a list of five and like, that sort of falsely put everything on the same level in a way that didn't reflect my feelings, so.
We must begin with Nuts and Dolts. Honestly this might be my All Time RWBY Ship in terms of like-- the scope! the themes! the longing! the intimacy the belonging the SCALE of it the TRAGEDY of it!! THEIR RELATIONSHIP IS THE SPINE OF THE WHOLE SERIES. But also like, while it's So Big it's also so terribly small, so dependent on the smallest and most innocent moments and touches. I haven't had the ambition to tackle them the way they deserve to be written about but oh my god, iconic sensational perfect I have no words they are SO IMPORTANT
I adore Renora, and while I've rarely sought it out I'm very intrigued by every permutation and side-leg of the Weiss/Pyrrha/Jaune polycule. No polycule will ever do it as hard as whatever the fuck STR had going on bless their unhinged souls and bless Qrow for mostly staying out of it; Seamonkeys are delightful though I rarely seek them out on their own. I am an Emerald/Ilia truther and I am certain that as soon as they meet in canon it's going to be OVER FOR ALL OF US, just you wait. Oh, and of course add full JNPR polycule and the Happy Huntresses group marriage to my list can you see I hate choosing and love togetherness
Which brings me to your final question! I don't ship any bees poly ship as much as I ship the two of them with each other, but you're very right about Sun and Weiss having very similar "beekeeper" energy. This is why my bee's schnees tag has always been "ot3: the parent trap" because my primary conception of their dynamic will always be 'weiss is on the outside looking in and trying to curate and help, and little does she know she's not nearly as subtle as she thinks she is and also they're noticing her right back.' I generally tend to think of Weiss as aromantic and more looking for Her People than she is looking for partners, which I think comes across pretty strongly in Newsbees AU-- a world in which Blake and Yang would JUMP at the chance to give Weiss her first kiss if only she'd ask them and meanwhile she's got a spray bottle on hand to make sure they don't. but who am i to turn down monochrome braintrust or freezerburn divorce?
as for sunnybees, I'm particularly partial to it in terms of like Blake's Beacon Daydreams when she just. lets herself have fun and be a person and experience desire in the theater of her own mind, even if she's not quite brave or secure enough to try and act on it in reality. I don't tend to think of Yang as someone who's attracted to dude-identified people, so that one is more of a "Blake has two hands" situation regardless of timing than it is a fully-balanced equilateral triangle (at least in my heart of hearts).
but also I'll give just about anything a try if I like the author or if the summary seems promising, so!
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qractus · 2 years
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Lately on Twitter I've been posting cursed RWBY drawings... here's Frurby Rose who originated from a discussion on discord.
Please don't repost my art without permission.
Follow me on Twitter if you like weird RWBY and well regular RWBY too 😅. In RWBY whiterose is my favorite ship but I love Bumblebee, Renora, Arkos, SeaMonkeys, and of course my cursed joke ship is Goodkeep 😁. I'm also into DC Harlivy is 🙌 ❤️🏳️‍🌈🥳 .... Stardew Valley is probably my most played game and currently Maru and Haley are tied for my favorite spouses. I'm pretty chill and just looking to make more friends.
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supportingfire · 2 years
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            the :D with :| trope is my bread and butter.
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erros429 · 2 years
After your zombie fic, do you have any more fics planned?
so glad you asked anon! i have several!!! i am currently swamped with work, so progress has been incredibly slow but i’ve been outlining a bunch of AUs lately.
i definitely want to expand on my fmab au, tho i’m still trying to figure out just how closely i want it to follow the anime. there’s gonna be a much more definitive plot compared to the fluffy one-shot i wrote, but i’m still shaky on those details.
then of course, i still have merciful (the frosen steel spin-off to my bumbleby boxing au, merciless). admittedly not making a lot of progress on that one lol
im working on a time travel au, and like the zombie fic it’s likely gonna have an equal amount of bumbleby and frosen steel! i’ve been playing around with a bunch of ideas, but time travel stories have so many irritating issues to them that i might just say fuck the plotholes and write whatever tf i want.
i’m currently in the middle of writing a long carmen sandiego au one-shot. i adored carmen and jules, and i really wanted to write a bumbleby fic of blake as carmen and yang as jules so……… anYway! i ended up shifting pretty far away from carmen sandiego’s plot in favor of adding some whiterose and seamonkeys in tandem with bumbleby. this one-shot is most likely going to be out before i even finish the zombie one whoops lol
i have this exciting whiterose rivals to lovers racing au with bumbleby solving a mystery at the same time. it all ties together, i swear. and as much as i want to write it right this moment, i’m still researching, you know, cars and shit.
i have two more shorter one-shots, but knowing me, they’re gonna spiral into longer fics lol. one is a whiterose-bumbleby fic (yet again) that’s sort of both an assassin au and a bodyguard au. kinda hard to explain lol. the other one-shot is a bumbleby soulmate au!! about time i wrote one of those.
i have a regency era fake engagement au in mind for bumbleby, inspired by bridgerton season 1 :) i have had this one in mind for a year now so i should prooobably get around to finishing that lol.
i have a ton more but they are very flimsy ideas that i refuse to think of more in-depth because i’m busy enough as it is lol. im lucky if i even end up writing the ones i’ve listed up here
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mouseonvenus-main · 4 years
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I finished Before the Dawn and this is the only important scene
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dishwashingrat · 5 years
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Blake said, “fuck ya’ll I ship Seamonkeys”.
This is her face while looking at Sun and Neptune’s antics. 
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northforwinter · 6 years
Sun: *to Neptune* I’ve noticed we have slowly begun to phase the “B” out of our bromance.
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Neptune : water is Satan's cum
Blake : that's what you call it? Well then I wonder what you call sex with sun
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papanorth · 7 years
God your seamonkeys is just MMM! *slams hand on table* I can't take it, it's amazing! It's so good! Will we ever see your seamonkeys beauty again?
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I’m watching a movie called Like the clouds, like the water....arranged marriage trope anyone?
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neptunevasilias · 3 years
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Did anyone say “seamonkeys iceberg”
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squipedmew · 4 years
what your favorite RWBY character says about you
Ruby - you have written a 20 page analysis about how she is NOT a bland protagonist and meticulously analyze every expression she makes as a sign of her inevitable breakdown.
Weiss - You were either on board since day 1, or joined the Weiss stans during volume 4. either way, you have a soft spot for tsunderes.
Blake - you ship bumblebee
Yang - you also ship bumblebee.
Jaune - either you love his character arc about overcoming Pyrrha’s death and becoming a competent support fighter to help his friends, or you ship him with every female that moves and think he’s a harem protag who gets all the ladies.
Ren - you took one look at the silent stoic but kind teammate and instantly said; “yeah, i want this one.” if you watch my hero acadamia, your favorite character is todoroki.
Nora - you have been frothing at the mouth for more Nora content since v4, and are super happy with how v8 is shaping up so far. if you watch my hero acadamia, your favorite character is mina
Pyrrha - you’re still not over it
Oscar - you either want nothing bad to happen to this kid, or everything bad to happen to this kid. either way, you have a strong parental instinct.
Penny - see the above, only you probably ship nuts and dolts.
Qrow - volume 7 is your favorite volume. You also probably ship fairgame
Ozpin - volume 6 is your favorite volume. You also probably ship ozglyn
Raven - volume 5 is your favorite volume. you probably ship raven x couples therapy
Taiyang - volume 4 is your favorite volume. you also like dads.
Ironwood - you either think he did nothing wrong, or everything wrong. either way, you still think he’s hot.
Winter - either you shipped snowbyrd back in v3, or you jumped on board the winter hype train in v7. either way, you still think she’s hot.
Whitley - you have at least 10 headcanons for how he acts. you also probably ship richfarmers.
Cinder - i dunno what to say here, there are only like 9 of you. sorry.
Emerald - you want a redemption arc SO BAD that if it happens you are going to burst a blood vessel. you probably ship emercury.
Mercury - see the above, but your favorite character from infinity train was probably simon.
Neo - you have been so satisfied with the last few volumes. all you want is to see your fave kick ass and take names, and that’s it. 
Hazel - you lost it at his v8 outfit.
Watts - you’re probably the one behind all the waluigi watts memes
Tyrian - you aren’t here for the plot, or his development - you just want to see this crazy bastard wax poetry and then stab someone. 
Salem - your favorite episode was v6 c3 and you want a big tiddy goth gf
Roman - I'm sorry.
Robyn - you heard christina vee was going to be playing a vigilante woman and you were like: “hot”
Clover - you have bought into the ‘staff of creation theory’ and when you’re inevitably disproven you will be so upset.
Sun - you ship blacksun.
Neptune - you either ship icebergs or seamonkeys.
Coco - you were either FURIOUS about the reveal that she’s a lesbian, or absolutely delighted.
Velvet - you lost it when her weapon was revealed. no hype from the show has ever matched the sheer amount of dopamine you got from that moment.
Yatsuhashi - you like the BFG type characters.
Fox - i have never met a fox stan once in my life but he looks cool so im gonna guess and say his stans also think so too
Ilia - you just want good things for her. And really, who doesn’t?
Adam - you are probably a redditor that thinks his character was assassinated, and by character, I mean the headcannon personality you came up for him in your head. You probably watch hero hei and adel aka.
Summer - you 100% believe she’s the Hound.
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pilot-boi · 3 years
What are your favorite ships for each of the main cast members?
The main cast members? So I guess that would be RWBY, ALPN, and then Penny, Emerald, Qrow, and Winter
I’ll do the baddies in a separate post if anyone cares, but I mostly don’t ship them with anyone. Except Watts and Tyrian, because it’s hilarious
This is gonna be a long one folks, so strap in
Well Ruby I ship with Penny. Or I guess... shipped. God my heart still hasn’t recovered form that finale, and I doubt it will soon. Their dynamic and growth together was just so goo, and I’m pretty confident that this isn’t the last we’re seeing of Penny, so fingers crossed y’all
I just realized that I DONT really ship Weiss with... well anyone really. I am a fan of freaking what’s it called. Ruby/Weiss/Penny? I can’t remember what it’s called, but it’s cute. But yeah I don’t really ship Weiss with anyone atm
Blake and Yang. This one’s a given, at least in my book. I’m not a die hard bees fan, you’re never going to see me ranting about them for hours, but their chemistry and bond is undeniable
Jaune. My sweet boy. Y’all already know that he’s my favorite, I’m not exactly subtle, I could talk about him for hours. And god, if Arkos didn’t get me like...
Like I know it’s not gonna happen, but you have to believe me when I say that I literally didn’t ship anything AT ALL until I watched RWBY and saw Jaune and Pyrrha. I shipped these two instantly, and V3 was pain. I can and will talk about them for hours, I would’ve died for them
So Arkos first, obviously, but if I’m only allowed to pick from living people, then I do also REALLY love Renorarc and Guard Dogs. I just want my boy to be happy for once.
Not the be basic again, but I do really like Renora. They’ve got it all, friends to lovers, childhood friends, shared trauma, tall stoic/short gremlin. Love them. And the freaking DEVELOPMENT they both had this volume, I was literally crying. And then once again, Renorarc is fire
Oscar my sweet green bean. He’s baby, your honor. I don’t know what it’s called, but him and Whitley is cute. But I don’t really ship Oscar very much. He’s VERY a kid, and it makes me slightly uncomfortable
As for Qrow, Winter, and Emerald, I don’t really know who I ship them with, if at all. Fair Game was cool, but really I just want Qrow to be happy for freaking once. Same goes for Winter. And I’m too busy being happy that Emerald is away from Cinder to think about shipping her with anyone
That... should be everyone. Oh and bonus Seamonkeys, because they’re my two special boys. You’re never gonna hear me shipping Sun and Neptune with anyone other than each other
So yeah! Hope that answers your question
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jamesbranwen · 4 years
Every time someone calls Ironqrow a rarepair I cry a little inside
It's still one of the top ten most written for rwby ships
And in ye olden times it was held up next to seamonkeys as rwby's big m/m ships
Also speaking from experience this ship has MANY lurkers, even to this day
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musings-from-mars · 4 years
Favourite MLM RWBY ships, and why?
Here’s five!
Martial Arcs because Jaune and Ren are such good boys who have been through so much and both deserve a cute bf
Seamonkeys because they’re always absolute dorks when they interact and they embody the “bro are we holding hands bro? Bro I think so? Bro...” type of energy. Polyam Team SSSN + Nolan can go here too
Tai x Qrow because I refuse to let the “Tai fcked his whole team” headcanon die and with Summer gone and Raven being Raven, Tai and Qrow were the most involved in raising Ruby and Yang. Therefore, sassy dads (tho techincally one’s an uncle).
Ren x Mercury because Mercury could benefit from some mindfulness and some soft hugs. Wholesome boy x Trash boy.
Fox x Yatsu because despite how they don’t interact enough in the books for my liking I still love them together and enjoy their dynamic
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