#seaosn 3
kitty-kedi · 1 year
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Season 3 Deleted Scenes
3x01 "World on a String"
Scene 1:
In the Ranger HQ bullpen. Cassie gives the sim card from the neighbor's trail cam to James, saying that the image is pixelated but they should still be able to get a partial plate from it. James says he'll "have digital put a rush on it" and walks away with the card.
Cassie sprints after him, asking if they can "jump the line" on this one, considering it's a missing ranger case. James dismisses this saying they jumped a lot of lines just getting everyone on the search throughout Texas and he's out of favors. Cassie asks for just one more favor to do a deeper background check on Sean.
James, exasperated, tells her that, with all due respect, Sean was a dead end. He knows this is a "hot button" for her but a bag of peanuts is not a clue just because she wants it to be. Cassie, irritated, tells him that, with all due respect, "following every possible lead when my partner and your top Ranger is missing is not a 'hot button', it's my job." She then snarkily suggests that she should follow her "paranoid leads" without using state resources. The scene ends on Cassie and James in an apprehensive stare-off
Scene 2:
Liam exits an elevator in a parking garage, bag of groceries in hand. He's on the phone with Ben, saying that tonight he's going to be taking it easy but he'll be happy to meet up tomorrow morning. Just after he hangs up, a white van careens in front of him and two men with bandana masks jump out and attack.
Liam backs up but they knock the phone from his hands, punch, him, and grab both of his arms to toss him in the back of the van. One of them yells at the driver to "Go, go, go, go" and the tires screech as they pull away.
3x08 "Cry Uncle"
We get a scrolling shot of the outside of the B&B, then a shot of Stella and August approaching up the driveway on foot. They both pause to look at the house in front of them. Stella, annoyed, asks if August is sure this is the place. He says that no, he probably screwed this one up too, and keeps walking up the driveway. Stella sighs and follows him after a moment. The light and airy music playing over this scene is in great contrast with their attitude.
We then cut to Ranger HQ, where Trey hands Cassie some paperwork regarding their current case in the conference room. James pops in to ask if Madison is guilty or innocent. Trey says she was hard to read and tells James that all they really got out of it was that Madison said Ziff "wasn't the man she thought he was". James asks for clarification: "wasn't" as in different or "wasn't" as in dead. Cassie says that's the million dollar question. James nods and tells them he got them access to Ziff's office and computers for them to check out and to let him know if they find anything. They nod and he leaves the room.
3x13 The Deserters
Scene 1:
We're in a Cooper flashback, right after Colin Ford!Cordell beat a bunch of guys at darts. Cooper drags a very smug Cordell away and towards the bar, saying he can't leave Cordell alone for two minutes. Cordell replies that those two minutes earned him $100, which Cooper doesn't seem too impressed by.
Cooper signals the bartender, telling him that their "friends" over by the dartboard want to send them home with a bottle of whiskey. He then raises his beer toward them and they raise theirs in return, which solidifies this story for the bartender. He selects one bottle of whiskey, which Cooper dismisses as "swill" and amends that their "friends" insisted on the best for the war heroes, which the bartender doesn't question, going to look for a better bottle.
Cordell asks Cooper where he learned that con and he replies that that was the only good thing he learned from his father "when the prick wasn't off with his Dallas family". The bartender returns with the whiskey and Cooper thanks him.
Scene 2:
We see Cordell stumble out of the brush, panting as he tries to follow Cooper's trail. He frantically checks the ground and starts to freak out a bit as it appears the trail has just gone cold. He turns and looks at the sky as birds caw and pass over. He gulps and continues cautiously forward.
Scene 3:
Trey is staring off into space at the Grey Flag compound, putting his hands up to fight when he gets clapped on the shoulder. It's Snyder, his new partner now that Lana has run away. Snyder apologizes for scaring him but Trey brushes it off, saying he's just excited to meet their leader tonight. Snyder understands that.
Snyder then tells Trey he has a question and he wants an honest answer. He wants to know if his previous partner, the man Trey let die to keep his cover, suffered in death. Trey gets pulled into a flashback as he answers. He says that he was too late to save the man (something we see isn't true in the flashback) but that dying by blood loss is one of the least painful ways to go. He explains the medical jargon behind it and reassures Snyder that his former partner didn't suffer too badly. Snyder appreciates the peace of mind from that. Before he walks away, he confirms that he and Trey are now partners.
3x17 It Writes Itself
Scene 1:
Cassie, Gerie, and Kelly are directed to poolside lounger chairs at the spa resort. As they bask in the luxury of their soft robes and the eucalyptus towels, Kelly gets an alert on her phone. One of her players just posted a video of himself doing a keg stand at his son's 10th birthday party. Cassie and Geri agree that that's not good, but it's also not her problem right now. Kelly is hesitant but they push, insisting that her assistant can handle things for a few days. Cassie hold her hand out for Kelly's phone and she eventually agrees. Cassie then confiscates Geri's phone too and they settle in to relax.
Scene 2:
Liam is reading by the fireplace at home when Stella enters the room. He asks her what she got up to yesterday and she tells him the truth: that she went to a party with Sadie. Before Liam can comment, she says that it was actually an eye opening experience.
Liam puts his book aside and asks her to elaborate. Stella comments on how lately she's just been floating around, not really being sure what she wants to do next. Liam that actually she hasn't been; they're running the horse rescue together, aren't they?
Stella says that of course she is, but she needs- or at least wants- some space. Liam seems put off by this and she rushes to assure him that it's nothing personal. She knows what she wants to do, she wants to help run the horse rescue, and she wants some space. Liam asks how she's going to get that space and she tells him that she wants to attend the local college in the fall. She goes on to say that they did accept her once before and it's not like she spent her gap year partying in Cabo. She then tells him that they've accepted her again for the coming fall semester. Liam is, of course, very happy for her and makes a joke about crappy dorms rooms in her future.
3x18 "It's a Nice Day for a Ranger Wedding"
DJ James is making a wedding speech for his parents. He thanks them for always making this family feel like a family but that this version, with them married, is the best possible version. They James family hugs, then Trey stands up and says he has a few words he wants to say too.
He thanks them for reminding all of them what real commitment looks like. After all, it wasn't too long ago that he wasn't sure if he was even going to stay in Austin, let alone thrive there. But they, and everyone int his room, are his home now. His family. Then they toast and everyone claps.
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somedayillbepeterpan · 2 months
On today's rewatch, I am stuck on this scene (i'm putting a breakdown because it's too good to just land on one frame):
Look at the difference between these two dorks trying to find each other
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He's looking for her at the edge of the room (see the curtain on the right side?). She's looking for him next to the entrance (like the way you subtly wait for the person you like while in a party-- near the entrance so you can see them first and compose yourself before letting them see you).
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This is actually the frame that I got stuck on. You can't easily see it on this gif (and I tried so hard to zoom it in but it made it so grainy) but looking closely, you can see this minuscule tug on his lip and the shine on his eyes when he spots Pen (can you be less obvious, sir???)
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And then these affectionate smiles come out?! Please, sir, ma'am, you're supposed to be just friends.
Another one of them Polin soulmate gaze
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Anthony: Where is everyone?
Benedict: Colin had a nervous collapse, Francesca is taking him to the doctor, Eloise went back to bed, Hyacinth is yelling at Gregory, and I’m in charge.
Anthony: …Fuck.
Benedict: I know, right?
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For reference about what i said about Enid's werewolf height the other day, this is how crazy her size is in wednesday's description in the novel and i hope SO MUCH they never change it cause it's both fun and funny as fuck
Example 1:
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Example 2:
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Example 3:
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And now the side by side with my favorite werewolves one of them having until now the title of biggest werewolf
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PLEASE NETFLIX THIS IS SO FUCKING FUNNY IT OPENS SO MANY POSSIBILITIES, KEEP IT, like, bring it into the show, also because the novelization as many others more likely than not was based on the show's early development and then still got approved in the end means that despite the weird ass golden retriver we got they were probably really going for a horror inducing werewolf in the finale, in the final side by side specifically if she was on all fours like in the show she would still be around Van Helsing's own height, this is insane, can my fellow werewolf nerds come talk about this we got a gold mine here on teenage show territory and i need more
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krysissy · 8 months
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They're gonna send me into comatose istg
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blaithnne · 10 months
“Man Hilda’s gonna end, how will the fandom stay alive with no content?” Be serious
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darth-memes · 7 months
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trashnotfound · 2 months
As excited a as I am for Bens season, im already missing my polin era. Just something about watching these 2s love story unfold over the 3 season will always have a special place for me🩵
Friends to lovers >>>>
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Does anyone have an actual link to Watching and Dreaming? All the stuff I'm finding on youtube is "full episode in the comments" but I don't trust those links not to be full of viruses
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chorus-cat · 1 year
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its-wabby-stuff · 1 year
Twitter Rise of the TMNT Q&A
Summary of my personal favorites:
A Krang ship (the first Krang on earth) crashed into the Crying Titan. Empeyreum is the Krangs fuel. It mutated the Yokai and gives them their power.
Future Mikey is in his 70s
The Foot Recruits transformed in the movie are still Krang soldiers/slaves. Additionally, Casey and Cassandra would’ve traveled the world disposing of remaining Krang and Foot clan members.
The mystic weapons the boys found in Draxum’s lair don’t come with powers they just helped the boys unlock what was already within them.
Leo still has his mystic powers in the movie opening
Leo would’ve gone with Casey through the portal, but his injuries would not have allowed him to survive.
Raph’s height in the future (had he been featured) would’ve been 6’6”. Leo is roughly 6’ and Donnie would’ve been a little taller. Mikey would grow taller but shrunk due to mystic overuse.
The turtles have been exposed to the world as hero’s post movie, so living in the shadows isn’t really an option anymore.
Two missing sisters were meant to be explored. One being Big Mamas henchman who would’ve been ridiculously serious, and the other was trapped in another dimension all this time.
Mikey is Raph’s fav and Leo is Donnie’s. But all the boys have a deep respect for Raph.
Big Mama is the most powerful person in the Hidden City.
Raph was a kitten for Halloween. Mikey was a Lion, Leo was a rock star and Donnie dressed as Oppenheimer.
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caramelpenguin · 9 months
Wille: What are you in the mood for? Simon: World domination Wille: Isn't that a bit ambitious? Simon: You're my world though Wille: Aww, that's.. Simon: Wille: Simon: Wille: WAIT— OH
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somedayillbepeterpan · 4 months
I'm pretty sure that this:
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Is in the same thought process as this:
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The tone and the eyes were the same 😢 the same embarrassment and the pain of feeling pitied and the despair of unrequited love (not knowing that he's going through the same thing).
I'm happy for her confidence in putting herself out there but the sacrifice of letting go of your first love after finally experiencing a kiss from him just breaks my heart. She was truly doing her best to move on.
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Anthony: You’re a cool brother, but you’re not pulling your weight around here-
Benedict: Oh, I’m glad to hear I’m cool.
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mrnotsosilent · 3 months
he is so huge
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