#second time in two weeks that I fell and just stayed where I was cause I hurt to badly.
anyon-else · 6 months
spiked w/ kaeya alberich, zhongli, xaio – main masterlist
warnings (please read!) | gn!reader, angst, hurt/comfort, non-consensual drug use, implied attempted sexual assault (barely, but i wanted to add it just in case)
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kaeya was not one for quiet nights.
he much preferred the white noise and chatter of the tavern to his own lodgings. even after he began seeing you, spending nights with you at his side on a barstool remained his favorite activity. he loved to watch your easy confidence as you chatted with jean or charles, or even diluc for that matter. he just enjoyed listening to your lovely voice over the background conversation of the other patrons.
but there were some nights when kaeya wished he had elected to stay home.
there was a new bartender working tonight. kaeya had seen him a few times, and charles didn't seem particularly bothered by him despite the subpar drinks he made, but kaeya couldn't help his inherent distrust of any newcomer. it always took him a bit of time to get used to an unfamiliar face settling in mondstadt as a permanent resident, and from what kaeya had heard, this one had made his intention to stay in the city for the foreseeable future very clear.
the night, while young, was already wearing him thin. he'd just gotten back from a days-long commission that jean had requested he take on personally. it had been a grueling week, and the only thing he wanted to do when he returned was take you to the angel's share for a few drinks, then take you to bed.
you never elected to drink very much when you accompanied kaeya to the tavern. you'd usually nurse a glass or two of wine, and oftentimes you'd leave without finishing a third.
tonight, you had barely started sipping your second glass when you began looking fairly ill. at the moment, you were slumped against kaeya's shoulder, struggling to keep your eyes open or form a coherent sentence.
"darling?" kaeya asked when your strength seemingly left you. you went limp, and had you not already been leaning on his shoulder, you probably would have fallen off of the barestool. kaeya caught you with an arm around your waist and another holding your shoulder. you muttered something unintelligible and groaned when kaeya shifted so he could look at you. he lifted your face, and gave your cheek a light tap when your eyes began to flutter shut. "can you open your eyes, love?"
"'m tired," you mumbled. kaeya furrowed his brow; he was certain you'd only had one drink since you'd arrived.
he caught charles' concerned gaze from across the bar, but before either of them could speak, the newcomer was stepping forward nervously.
"i can take them to the back," he said to kaeya, eyeing you briefly, "there's a couch."
kaeya raised a brow at the suggestion. from the corner of his eye, he saw charles wince.
"i'll take them," kaeya corrected firmly, scrutinizing the man further when he saw disappointment flicker across his expression.
"r-right. of course. it's just back–"
"i know where it is," kaeya snapped, abruptly standing from his chair and sliding his arms under your pliant body. concern was thrumming through him, and he immediately forgot about the bartender shuffling behind him when you shifted and let out another string of mutters.
"talk to me, love," he muttered as you peeled your eyes open, "how are you feeling?"
"bad," you grumbled. kaeya hummed, pursing his lips and walking as steadily as he could manage.
"was it something you ate?"
"dunno," you said, already fading again. kaeya cursed when your eyes fell shut and you went limp, head resting against his chest and arm hanging uselessly to your side.
kaeya laid you on the couch in the back room that charles had set up for employees. you didn't stir as his arms left you, though he saw your brow furrow when he let you go. he elected to take one of your hands in his as he thought through the events of the night to try and pin down the cause of your mysterious illness.
it was then he realized that the new bartender had followed him all the way down the hall and was waiting nervously in the doorway. he shifted uncomfortably under kaeya's sharp gaze.
"what are you still doing here?"
"i...i apologize, i just wanted to make sure everything was alright–"
"while your concern is very touching," kaeya sneered, suspicion growing each time the man's eyes left his and strayed to where you were laying behind him. kaeya shifted so that your face wasn't in the man's view, "i can handle things."
kaeya saw a touch of annoyance cross the man's features, and the alarm bells already ringing in his head became more frantic.
"unless," kaeya rumbled as he stood, reluctantly dropping your hand so that he could approach the man, "you know something about this."
"oh! uh...no, i'm not sure what happened. i just noticed that they looked rather sick."
kaeya hummed, scrutinizing the man for a moment longer before nodding his head towards the door behind him.
"you can go, then," he said with finality.
"right," the man nodded, eyes wide as he took in kaeya intimidating aura, "o-of course."
kaeya didn't watch the newcomer scurry away. instead, he turned back to where you were beginning to rouse again. he heard a string of words escape you, only catching his own name every few seconds until he was kneeling next to you, one hand reaching to find your own as the other cupped your cheek.
"kaeya," you huffed, breathing sporadic and so panicked that it made kaeya's chest ache, "what's happ'ning?"
"i don't know, darling," kaeya told you truthfully. you groaned, bringing a hand to shield your eyes from the light in the room and turning on your side, pressing your face into the pillows. "i'm sorry. we'll get you feeling better soon, alright?"
"that wine," you mumbled, voice muffled by the pillow and barely audible over the distant chatter of the tavern, "it was...really strong."
that gave kaeya pause. he distinctly remembered the new bartender pouring your wine, then turning towards the opposite counter where kaeya couldn't see what he was doing.
he couldn't imagine that anyone would...
"charles!" he shouted as soon as he puts the pieces together, rage clouding his mind as he thought back to the suspicious behavior, the attempts to stay in the room with you, and kaeya's own gut feeling that something was off about the newcomer.
the only thing that kept him from going back to the bar and wringing the man's neck was your hand holding his. he couldn't leave you alone now—not with that criminal still roaming god-knows-where.
"don' leave," you muttered, making a desperate attempt to sit up and grab onto kaeya's arm. he shook his head, placing careful hands on your shoulders and guiding you onto your back. you were looking up at him with bloodshot eyes, and the fear in them made his chest ache.
"i'm not," he shook his head, taking your hand in both of his and giving it a reassuring squeeze, "don't worry, love. i'm not leaving."
kaeya's chest tightened when your breath hitched, a silent sob rocking your chest. you were terrified—that much was strikingly clear. your eyes were scrunched shut, and if your pained expression was anything to go by, you had a raging headache brought on by whatever it was that you had drank.
kaeya couldn't watch for much longer before he was lifting you up and replacing you on the couch, then setting you down with your head on his lap. you pressed closer to him, head resting on his thigh and fingers gripping his jacket.
"what happened?"
kaeya stiffened at diluc's familiar voice. he looked down at you and focused on the rise and fall of your chest to keep himself from getting too upset over his brother's untimely arrival.
"that new bartender," kaeya grumbled, "he made their drink tonight. i think they mixed it with something."
there was a silence, and kaeya finally chanced a glance at diluc. he was watching you with a furrowed brow, hands clenched into fists and jaw grinding back and forth in the only show of anger that kaeya could see.
"is the drink still at the bar?"
"it should be."
"i'll take it to timeus on my way to the knight's headquarters."
kaeya looked up in surprise, but diluc looked away, very intentionally avoiding his eyes.
"i'll take the bartender to jean. i trust she can keep him in check in a far more legal manner than i would."
diluc breathed in deeply, closing his eyes for a moment. when he opened them again, he looked far more intense than before, and he looked at kaeya with a seriousness that was rarely shared between the two.
"it's my responsibility to know who is being hired at my establishments. i apologize for being so negligent."
kaeya blinked, opening his mouth to reassure him that the only one at fault was the scum who did this, but diluc held a hand up to stop him.
"just make sure they're taken care of," diluc said, glancing down at you once more with a furrowed brow that almost made him look worried, "i'll handle the rest."
kaeya gave a single nod, knowing that any gratitude could go unsaid. he also knew that this sudden show of kindness was less for him and more for you—diluc had always been fond of you, claiming that you made kaeya more pleasant to be around.
while the comment had irked him when it was made, he couldn't exactly disagree.
"'m sorry," you groaned when diluc was gone, sniffling and trying desperately to keep your tears at bay. kaeya's expression twisted, his hand stilling where it had been rubbing soothing circles on your arm.
"sorry?" he repeated, "love, what could you possible have to be sorry for?"
"for inconveniencing diliuc," you huffed, "and making you worry."
kaeya sighed, shaking his head at the guilty look on your face and cupping your face in his hands.
"we just want to make sure you're okay," he whispered, lifting your hand and pressing his lips to your fingers, "none of this is your fault, my love."
you grumbled something that sounded like a disagreement, but let the argument go when your headache returned.
"am i gonna be okay?" you croaked, eyes filling with panic as you thought about the possibilities of what could've been put in your drink. sure, you'd heard about people's drinks getting tampered with before, but it could've been something more deadly. maybe this was a murder attempt to get at kaeya. maybe you had unintentionally made someone so angry that they'd hired this bartender to kill you. maybe–
"you're going to be just fine," kaeya assured you, hands cupping your face so that you were forced to look at him, "it's nothing to worry about. i've seen this happen a few times. you'll just wake up with a nasty headache, but i'll take care of you, yeah?"
"yeah," you agreed, feeling any energy you'd been using to panic seep from you as you sank into kaeya's arms.
as kaeya carried you home later that night, he thought about all of the things that he could do to make that bartender's life a living hell. the ideas he came up with brought him some satisfaction, and he found that he was more excited than he had been in a long time to get to work the next day.
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zhongli had been alive for many, many years. enough years that he had seen the cruelties that others were capable of. he understood that preventative measures were necessary to keep oneself safe, but he was also painfully aware that those protections were not always enough. those with bad intentions usually found a way around any safeguards no matter how carefully they were designed.
in you, he saw a very careful person. you were well aware of the dangers of the world—though perhaps not to the extent of someone who had fought in wars and survived to tell the tales. you were, however, cautious enough that he knew you were a very capable person.
but despite his experience, this was a first.
you weren't one to drink yourself into a state of incapacitation, so zhongli couldn't deny his growing concern as you stumbled towards him, eyes lidded and legs shaky. you stumbled towards him, struggling to keep yourself from falling with each step. he met you before you could fall, accepting your outstretched arms and pulling you into his chest.
the first thing he noticed upon catching you was that you were shaking. he tried to move away so that he could look at you, but your grip was firm. you were holding him so tightly, like you were afraid of letting him go and facing whatever had frightened you so much.
"y/n?" he asked softly, resting a hand on the small of your back just under your shirt and rubbing soothing circles over your skin. he felt some of the tension loosen from your shoulders and hugged you closer, "darling, what happened?"
the answer appeared behind him before you could even attempt to answer. he felt a tap on shoulder, impatient and insistent. zhongli turned carefully, making sure to keep you steady as he faced the interruption with equal levels of impatience.
"ah, this is a bit awkward," the man chuckled, attention not on zhongli, but rather on you huddled in his arms. zhongli's eyes narrowed on the stranger, and he pulled you tighter against his chest, keeping your face pressed into his clothes to keep it out of the man's sight.
"do tell me what you find so awkward about the situation," zhongli said darkly, "or better yet, tell me why you're even speaking to me in the first place."
the man gulped, finally looking up and meeting zhongli's glare. it must have been the first time he really registered the person holding you, because his eyes widened a fraction and he began spitting out excuse after excuse, each sounding more desperate than the last.
"y'see, my friend has had a few too many drinks tonight. i apologize that they stumbled into you like that–"
"your friend," zhongli huffed, an irritated laugh bubbling in his throat, "ah, well, it's a good thing you've come to their rescue, then."
the man, who zhongli now knew was denser than stone, grinned at this and began reaching towards you eagerly.
"may i ask you what their name is?"
this made him pause.
"well...i don't think they'd appreciate me giving that information out to a stranger-"
"oh, of course," zhongli nodded, "how noble of you."
"right," the man gave him an odd look, but continued reaching towards you, "if you could just–"
if there was one thing that zhongli appreciate about his human form, it was its agility.
he swept you to the side, keeping one arm firmly around your waist while the other grabbed hold of the man's wrist. he only got a glimpse of the stranger's wide, terrified eyes before he twisted the his arm just shy of breaking. the man let out quick, panicked huffs as he looked between zhongli's hard expression and the hand gripping his wrist.
"a-alright, i get it," the man gulped, making a feeble attempt to pull away, "i'll go–ow, i'm sorry! i didn't know–"
"didn't know what?" zhongli asked venomously, false smiles and politeness wiped from his expression. his harsh tone made the man visibly shudder, "that it's not acceptable to try to kidnap people? what made you so ignorant that you couldn't comprehend that that is a crime?"
"i wasn't...listen, i'm sorry, okay? i won't do it again, just let me go. please."
zhongli was very close to breaking the man's wrist, eyes nearly glowing as they narrowed on the man's terrified eyes. however, he paused when you shifted, coughing weakly into his chest.
"zhongli," you croaked, "i think he did something to my drink."
zhongli's fingers tightened around the man's wrist, earning a terrified squeak from him as he tried to pull back in one last, desperate attempt to get away.
"well?" he asked the terrified man sharply, "did you?"
"o-of course i didn't! i just...i didn't know you were together, alright? i just saw that they looked ill, and thought i'd help–"
"your help is neither wanted nor needed," zhongli said with a sharp smile that made the man's face go white. zhongli knew he could be more than menacing at the right times, "xiao."
the adeptus appeared at his side immediately, making the already nervous man jump in fear. the man watched with wide-eyes as xiao approached zhongli. xiao payed no mind to the man trembling in zhongli's grip. he did, however, take note of your barely-conscious body slumped against zhongli. you were staring blankly at something behind xiao, and the adeptus tried to keep himself calm for your sake.
"please watch him until i return."
xiao gave a single nod, gripping the man's shirt and dragging him to a more secluded area of the market. zhongli wrapped his arm further around your waist, pulling you in close before he disappeared from the streets of the harbor.
baizhu did not looked particularly alarmed when zhongli appeared in the middle of the pharmacy, though his eyes widened just slightly when he spotted you in the ex-god's arms.
"come with me," baizhu ordered immediately, turning and moving further into the pharmacy. he entered a room with zhongli at his heels and pointed towards a long table, "put them there."
zhongli did as he was told, brow furrowed in clear concern as he brushed a hand over your cheek. you seemed to be conscious, but barely lucid as you leaned into zhongli's palm.
"what happened," baizhu asked, leaning over you and opening one of your eyes wider to look at your pupil.
"i believe they were given some kind of drug. i don't know what."
"that would explain these symptoms," baizhu murmured, placing a hand on your chest and closing his eyes. his palm began to glow a bright green, and zhongli watched as changsheng slid down the doctor's arm until she was resting on your stomach. after another moment, the glow dissipated.
"i can't tell the exact substance that was used, but it's nothing deadly. they'll just need to rest. it will be out of their system by tomorrow night at the latest."
zhongli nearly collapsed as relief rushed through him. he took your hand and pressed it to his lips carefully, closing his eyes so he could focus on calming his racing heart.
"if it's not too much trouble," zhongli began as baizhu stepped back from the table, allowing changsheng to take her place upon his shoulders again, "could you look after them for a moment? i've left someone waiting."
baizhu huffed, a smirk crossing his lips at the zhongli's sugarcoated words.
"please do. rest assured, they'll be looked after here," baizhu told him slyly, waving a hand towards the door, "and don't bother bringing me any more patients when you're finished. i'm afraid i'm stretched quite thin with just the one."
as zhongli disppeared towards he harbor, baizhu almost pitied the poor man who had put you in such a state. almost.
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xiao had never enjoyed human celebrations.
he knew that they were important to you, but he just didn't have the patience for them. they always dragged on for so long. sure, he was immortal, but he still appreciated concision.
and the crowds. just thinking about trying to shove his way through a mass of humans made his skin crawl. he'd watched you do it enough times that he knew he would be content to never experience it for himself.
so he was satisfied watching you from afar. he liked seeing you enjoy yourself, even if he wasn't necessarily keen on the types of events that you chose to dedicate your time to.
however, it was neither his place nor his desire to tell you how to spend your time. while he would've been more than happy to just lay with you under the stars, he knew how much you enjoyed spending time with your friends at these little soirees.
but humans were just so fragile. he knew you wouldn't blame him for wanting to keep a watchful eye out.
it was foggy, but that did little to impede his vision as he watched over you from the balcony of wangshu inn. tonight's event had gathered a fairly large crowd to the courtyard outside of the inn, but xiao was careful to make sure he didn't lose sight of you in the depths of the crowd.
in the back of his mind, he heard zhongli's scolding voice telling him that he shouldn't hover, but he waved it away. he was not hovering. he was simply...observing. there was nothing wrong with wanting to keep an eye on humans whose intentions and judgment he didn't trust. he probably would've been here whether you decided to attend or not, just looking out to make sure no one was hurt in the crowd or bothered by some drunkard.
the fact that you were here was simply a coincidence. he was just taking advantage of it to keep an eye on you.
the voice that intruded into his mind was panicked, begging for his attention and help. he felt the fear of the person calling him through the word alone. it sent a cold chill down his spine, and he perked up immediately, eyes still on you to make sure you hadn't somehow gotten hurt while he was momentarily distracted.
but you were fine. the call had come from somewhere a few miles from the inn where the abyss order tended to wander. very few knew to call his name in order to summon him, but this particular cry seemed far too desperate for him to ignore. he gave one last look to where you were standing at a food stall with your friends before he disappeared. it only took seconds of searching to find the source of the voice.
as he suspected, the woman was surrounded by monsters. one cryo mage, one hydro, and a handful of hilichurls were tormenting her for seemingly no reason other than their own amusement. rather than unleashing any deadly attacks, the mages released small bursts of elemental power and cackle at the frightened cry that the woman gave as she was hit with a blast of water or ice. the hilichurls seemed equally as amused, dancing around the woman in joy as they watched her grovel and beg that they leave her alone.
"xiao, help!"
she cried his name once more in the same second that he summoned his polearm, throwing it through the shield of the hydro mage with enough force that it shattered, then summoning it once again to destroy the shield of the other. with all of the monsters exposed to the wind, he flew forward and sent the point of his weapon across their throats, ending their lives quickly and painlessly. no need for any more senseless violence than that which had already occurred.
"t-thank you," the woman breathed as she watched the bodies of the monsters disappear, turning to dust as any remaining life drained from their bodies. once they were gone, xiao stepped forward to help the woman to her feet.
"how did you know to call for me?" he asked shortly, slightly annoyed that such a minor incident had called his attention away from the inn. the woman flinched, and he sighed, lowering his head, "i apologize. i just meant that not many people know to call for me anymore. i'm surprised."
"oh! well, i have a friend who told me about an adeptus who helps those in danger. they said to call for you if i ever found myself in a need of help."
xiao sighed. of course.
"this friend—what is their name?"
"it's y/n. they live near the inn, just a few miles from–"
"i know," xiao interrupted with another sigh, "and where do you live? is there somewhere you would like me to take you?"
"just the inn is fine. i'm meant to be meeting them, actually. for the party."
xiao nodded at this small relief—no more time wasted, then. he took hold of the woman's shoulder and teleported to the edge of the crowd gathered outside of the inn. she wobbled slightly at the unexpected travel, but he simply held her elbow as she righted herself while he scanned the crowd for any sign of you. without his high vantage point, it was difficult to make out anyone beyond the border of the crowd, and he scowled.
"will you be alright on your own?" he asked the woman as he let go of her elbow. she nodded.
"yes, thank you very much. i am in your debt."
"it's no trouble. think nothing of it," he told her before he vanished, leaving her to weave her way through the crowd in search of you. xiao returned to his perch on the balcony, scanning the crowd once again for your familiar form.
what would usually be a fairly easy search quickly become far longer than he'd expected. you were nowhere to be seen, and after a third, then a fourth, and finally a fifth scan of the crowd, he took in a deep, calming breath and tried to listen for a call of his name or a sign of your presence within the inn itself.
he reappeared on the outskirts of the crowd again before his panic could get the better of him, shoving past people until he spotted verr goldet behind the makeshift bar that had been put together before the party. she was pouring seemingly endless glasses of dandelion wine for the eager customers on the other side of the counter, meeting their demands with a patience that xiao envied.
she spotted him before he could speak, a small smile on her face as she continued to work on taking the orders of the partygoers.
"xiao," she greeted, "i'm surprised to see you. y/n told me that you'd be keeping your distance tonight."
"do you know where they are?"
verr paused, bottle of wine stilling in her hand as she glanced at him. her expression seemed to ask how he had possibly lost sight of you—she was, admittedly, one of the few people who felt comfortable telling him that you were perfectly safe without his constant vigilance.
"i haven't seen them, but they might've just gone to the bathroom. i'm sure they're fine."
right. of course. there were plenty of reasons why you wouldn't be in his direct line of sight. there was no real reason for him to get so worked up over momentarily losing track of you.
he glanced towards the main entrance of the inn. it was vacant of anyone but a few stragglers stumbling towards their rooms, spent from the excitement and the alcohol that had been flowing fairly freely as the night progressed. you were nowhere to be found.
"don't disturb the customers!" verr shouted after him as he strode towards the inn intently, his face a cloud of worry and frustration.
even though you usually pretended to be ignorant of it, xiao knew that you were more than aware of his tendency to hover. you would sometimes tease him about it, but you also understood how important it was that he knew you were safe. if you'd left, you would've signaled to him that you were going somewhere he couldn't see you.
if you'd gone willingly.
the thought had him moving faster towards the third floor where most of the rooms were located. he paused in front of the first one, wondering how much of a scolding he'd get from you, verr goldet, and zhongli if he barged into each room one-by-one until he found you.
it doesn't matter, he told himself as he lifted a foot to kick down the first door. it was just before he made contact with the flimsy wood that he heard something around the corner of the hall: the smallest sound of distress, and then a reprimand from a low voice to remain silent.
his weapon was in his hand before he even caught sight of the two figures illuminated only by the dim glow of the hall lamps. the man who had spoken was towering over a hunched figure in the corner of the room. he looked angry, and he held a limp arm in a tight grip as he tried to drag a barely-conscious human towards an open door.
xiao did not need to look down to know that it was you who was being dragged. he recognized you immediately, if not by your silhouette then by the familiar sound of your voice, so quiet that he likely wouldn't have picked it up had he been human. you let out a pained, terrified call of his name that made the man above you scoff, undeterred in his efforts to pull you to your feet.
in a single, precise blast of wind, the man was on the opposite end of the hall, clutching the back of his head where he'd hit it against the wall and groaning in pain.
xiao's weapon disappeared as he knelt at your side. he lifted your head onto his lap and held it firmly between his palms, studying your expression carefully. your eyes were lidded, and you looked like you were barely hanging onto consciousness. xiao felt anger swirl deep within him as he scanned you, searching for any sign of injury.
the skin that the man had been holding was irritated, circled with a red handprint that was already beginning to bruise. xiao picked it up gingerly and closed his eyes, willing breath into his lungs before it burst from him in an explosion of fury.
"xiao..." you breathed, eyes falling shut with the knowledge that xiao had come for you. the adeptus swallowed thickly, pressing a kiss to your wrist and laying it gently over your chest. he brushed your disheveled hair from your face and stiffened when he caught sight of the dark bruise on your cheek. you had gone limp in his arms, and he lifted you up at the same time that the vile man on the opposite end of the hall rose shakily to his feet.
"what the hell?" he grumbled, shooting xiao a scathing glare that the adeptus returned tenfold. the man blanched at the glare he was given, far more menacing than his own from the hundreds of years of practice that xiao had under his belt. "y-you attacked me. i could have you arrested for this!"
xiao didn't trust himself to speak. his fury was boundless, and he knew that if it was released, this man would be dead within seconds.
him, and most of the humans residing in the rooms surrounding them.
the man looked bewildered, both by xiao's silence and by the darkness radiating from him. he shifted as a thick aura of destructive intent pooled into the room—just a fraction of the rage that xiao felt—and attempted a hasty retreat for the stairwell.
morax, xiao called sharply as he moved to follow the man, i require your assistance.
zhongli appeared almost instantly in front of him, concerned expression from the rare use of his old name becoming grim at the sight of you limp in xiao's arms.
"what do you need?"
"please take them to bubu pharmacy."
zhongli didn't hesitate to reach forward as the adeptus carefully handed you to the ex-archon. xiao kept a hand on your cheek for a moment longer when you were secure in zhongli's arms, listening closely for the steady beat of your heart. when he was satisfied, he stepped back and nodded at zhongli.
the man disappeared immediately, and xiao felt something tighten in his chest at having you out of sight again. he trusted zhongli to take care of you in your vulnerable state, but not having you within arms reach after you'd been in danger was nearly enough for him to forget the man stumbling down the stairs, and instead go straight to bubu pharmacy.
he stood at the top of the stairs for a moment longer before he teleported to the bottom floor. verr goldet saw him instantly—though he knew that he wasn't being very subtle. the darkness that he felt boiling within him was probably consuming the space around him, which was likely for the best. it would help create a clear space for him to do what he pleased to the vermin that had finally reached the final set of stairs.
he vaguely heard verr calling for people to back away, herding them towards the bridge on the opposite side of the courtyard in anticipation of some kind of confrontation.
the man gave a shout of surprise when he spotted xiao at the bottom of the stairs, stumbling backwards and crawling up the stairs like a rat. xiao felt his mouth twitch, lip pulling back in a snarl, but he composed himself.
he took his time making his way towards the man, taking each step with deadly intent that he knew the cockroach could feel. his eyes were wide and filled with a delicious expression of fear that xiao reveled in. he generally didn't feel this sadistic need for blood, but this was different. this man—this...this animal—had hurt you. who knows how many others he'd hurt in the past.
you would be the last that he ever attempted to harm.
xiao covered the surrounding scene in thick shadows, sparing the onlookers from what was unfolding. he couldn't, however, mask the screams of a coward begging for mercy.
it took him little more than five minutes to take care of the mess he'd made of the stairway and contain the darkness that had pooled around him and the man. he was gone before the crowd could catch sight of him.
he was in front of bubu pharmacy in seconds, breathing as deeply as he could manage to keep his ever-festering rage in check.
"xiao," he heard zhongli say next to him, a hesitancy in his voice that xiao rarely heard. he looked up at the man and blinked, taking in the grave expression on his face.
"they'll be alright," zhongli said before xiao could even open his mouth, hands held neatly behind his back. there was a deep, unsettled frown on his face that was making xiao uneasy.
"but...they were drugged. baizhu is trying to determine the exact substance that was used, but he said that it will do no lasting physical harm."
xiao felt something in his chest tighten at the thought of you being in such a vulnerable position in the few minutes that he was gone. you must've been terrified...
"xiao," zhongli's voice broke him from his spiraling thoughts—thoughts that were quickly becoming self-incriminating. "do not blame yourself for this."
"i left," xiao said simply, staring through the door of the pharmacy despite zhongli's pointed gaze insisting that he meet his eyes.
"the only one at fault is the man who did this," zhongli continued, "who, i assume, is not longer a problem."
xiao gave a single nod, and he was sure that he heard a sigh of relief come from the ex-archon.
"good," the man said coldly, "that's one less thing to worry about."
xiao glanced up at his former master, wondering what he was still doing here. surely the situation was being handled by baizhu, and with his own presence, there was no need for him to take up any more of the man's time with a situation born from his own inadequate vigilance–
"you're going to give yourself a headache," zhongli tutted, gliding past xiao towards the doors of the pharmacy.
"wait," xiao called, halting zhongli where he stood.
"i–" he grit his teeth, willing the words to get through to zhongli, "i left."
zhongli watched xiao for a moment before he returned to the adeptus' side.
"why did you leave?"
"a woman was being attacked," he responded immediately, "a few miles from the inn. she called my name."
"and do you think y/n would have forgiven you if you'd ignored a woman in need to continue watching over them?"
xiao felt his throat dry at this. it was true—even without the added stipulation of the woman being your friend, you would've been distraught to learn that he'd ignored someone's plea for help to keep watch over you.
but the one time he'd lost sight of you was the one time you'd needed him most.
you hadn't even been able to call for him.
a sadistic part of him wished he'd kept the man alive, if only to make him suffer further, but he knew that would bring him nothing more than a brief, fleeting feeling of satisfaction. it wouldn't change what had happened, and it wouldn't leave you any less scarred by the event.
"come," zhongli said after xiao had been given sufficient time to stew in his own thoughts, "you should be with them when they wake."
when he finally fought past the guilt clouding his mind and entered the pharmacy, you were still unconscious. baizhu explained the effects of the drug to him quickly—in small doses, it caused drowsiness and fatigue. A higher dose could render someone unconscious—much like the state that you were in now. xiao knew anger was still radiating from him, but he couldn't find the energy to try and hide it. how dare someone do this to you. they had no right to even look at you.
a whisper of his name broke him from his thoughts, and he bent towards you with a gentle hand on your cheek.
"i'm here."
your smile made most of his anger drain away, and he did his best to return it. he knew he hadn't convinced you—you always seemed to see through his attempts to feigning emotions. you showed him mercy this time, likely too exhausted to do much more than keep your eyes open. xiao sat in the chair at your bedside and took your hand in his.
you closed your eyes again at his familiar touch, letting yourself drift off with the knowledge that you were safe.
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bohbee · 2 years
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Genshin x Pregnant reader.
Part 1.
Part 2
Part 3
(It will take a long time for the other parts to come out so bear with me PLEASE)
It will still be GN!
Characters: Venti, Diluc, Kaeya, Aether, Zhongli, Xiao, Childe.
Warnings: Pregnancy, throwing up, screaming, pain, fainting, water breaking, mentions of death (no dying), alcohol, tearing, unexpected second baby.
Notes: not proofread, okay some of these are WAY different than the others but I'm just gonna leave it like that.
PLEASE READ!!! You need to know this for the story!! VVV
Venti, Xiao, and Zhongli will have longer stories. Only because I really want to add the difficulty of their pregnancy.
In Ventis story, the reader is a demi-god, which causes the pregnancy to go softer than it would if they were a human. I also made it to where the pregnancy is affected by the archons power? Basically, the baby is like a tornado 💀.
In Xiaos, you were an old demi-god. After the war, you had placed down your role and settled down in Wangshu Inn. You and Xiao were close for a while and started dating for about 200 years, then you fell pregnant. You, being a demi-god, assisted your pregnancy, but his Karma SPED up the process. I have a belief that if a Yaksha had a kid during the war, it would take like a week cause the kid would be bred to immediately go to war? But now that everything is calm and you lengthen the process, it takes a little longer, and it's not a blood thirsty baby.
Zhonglis, in Zhongli, the reader, is an Adepti. Both you and Zhongli have been together for a LONG while. And, both of you consider Ganyu and Xiao to be your kids. When he took his "mortal" plane, the two of you forgot you could fall pregnant. So, the pregnancy was a scare.
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Aether (please read the notes!)
You hobbled out of your room in Wangshu Inn, Xiao, quickly following behind your wobbling body. You had decided to 'settle down' in Liyue. There would be many times when Aether couldn't stay with you during your pregnancy, so he had asked his dear friend to watch over you while he was gone. Xiao was hesitant, but once he saw your state, he agreed.
Your belly was round. You were 7 months in your pregnancy, and it caused all kinds of aches and pains. Aethers baby had PLENTY of room in your expanded belly. You walked close to the balcony, Xiao watching your every move. "Xiaoo, come on, Aether will be here within the hour. Please just take a break." You huffed out at your friend. This man wouldn't leave your side at all. He shook his head yet again. "I was given a duty, and if anything were to happen to either of you within that hour, I'd be responsible."
You grumbled at his response, your baby kicking your stomach in protest to his words. "Even the baby agrees," you huffed. Your irises moved to look at the gorgeous scenery in front of the inn, only to spot your beautiful blonde husband and floating companion. "Oh my archons!! AETHER!" You shouted, catching the males attention, you jumped up slightly, causing Xiao to scold you as he grabbed your arm.
Aether sped up his pace, and soon enough, he was in front of you, kneeling and hugging your stomach. Pressing small kisses everywhere he cold. "How have they been? I hope they aren't kicking you too much." His sweet voice said, Paimon nodded quickly. Despite him only being gone for a short while, tears still weld up in your eyes. "Oh no, they haven't been doi -" your voice was cut off by the anemo yaksha, who disapproved of your statement. "They're lying. The baby consistently kicks them." His voice was serious, but his face held ever so faint smile as he watched the two of you. You giggled at Paimon, who started to scold your stomach. "Rude baby! You need to take care of (y/n)!"
After Paimons wrath, she followed Xiao to give you your space, and finally, the two of you alone together. Well, technically, three.
"I've missed you, love," you said, catching the attention of aethers' golden irises. He smiled at your words, "I've missed you so much more." He grabbed your face, landing a soft, delicate kiss on your lips. The both of you sat down and caught up on things.
~Two months later~
You were walking back from the bathroom, Xiao and Aether had gone to Liyue Harbor to grab some last-minute things for your pregnancy. Before you could sit down, a large snap was felt in your stomach, causing you to gasp as fuild leaked down your legs. "AETHERR!" You yelled. There's no way he could've heard you, but you didn't know what to do, so you paced grabbing a bunch of stuff. In a quick flash, Aether stood in front of you, both of you panicking.
~Small skip~
It had been two months since you had given birth to your kid, Aether was an amazing parent. It's almost as if he was meant to be one. Currently, Paimon was your kids' favorite toy. Whenever she would fly over them, they would reach out, trying to grab her cute cape. And you are now waiting to tell your husband that you're expecting another kid.
(Bonus: Xiao is the 'godparent' of your child(ren), he always watches over them. When the two of you named your youngest after him, he teared up a little.)
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Childe (Tartaglia, Ajax)
Your hands shook as you held the paperwork that Baizhu had given you. Pregnant was written in bold letters. You sat the papers facing down on your table and rubbed your temples. You knew that Childe wanted a family, but neither of you wanted one now. Strong arms snaked around your abdomen, shocking you. "My love, what are you stressing about?" The freckled man asked as he placed soft kisses on your neck.
You stiffened at his touch, causing alarms to go off in his head. Never had you once done that before. He flipped you around and looked into your teary eyes for an answer. His hands rubbed up and down your arms reassuringly.
"I-" you stopped yourself, your eyes looking down. "I just wanna say, I am happy to do this with you, I just -" you sighed. "I need you to be there." More tears fell down your eyes. He was confused.
Were you trying to say he wasn't there in the relationship enough? He tried his best. He would do as much as he-.
His thoughts were interrupted by you shoving the papers in his arms. He looked down, and his thoughts immediately went towards death. But then his blue irises spotted it. His breath stayed in his chest as tears spilled from his eyes as well. "I'm gonna be a dad," he mumbled. He placed the papers down and tackled you into a hug. "IM GONNA BE A DAD!"
His dull eyes finally had light in them, this is what he had always wanted....
Your pregnancy was rough, even though you were only at four months. You were constantly sick. Always throwing up all of your food, and it made you weak. This terrified Childe, but you were trudging through it like a champ. Recently, you found out that you were expecting three kids, which caused the both of you to nearly faint. However, you were ready....
You walked into your living room with some celery sticks, Childe smiled at you. You were ready to pop any day now. You had pretty heavy contractions but nothing other than that. You wobbled over to sit, but you dropped your celery stick. When you bent over, you had thought you peed yourself, however... your water broke. Your eyes widened, and you stared at childe. "You pee yourself again?" He said jokingly. However, his deep smile went away. He surely misunderstood the situation. He stood up and grabbed your baby bag, rushing you out of the house.
Childe was the best father anyone could have asked for. All his experiences with his little siblings really worked well for the future. The two of you currently stood in the nursery room, watching all three of your kids sleep peacefully. Childe rubbed your shoulders. "Such a good parent, hm my love." he kissed your neck softly, complimenting you on your skills. "How about two more?" You blushed at his joke. However, his hands went to your waist as the kisses on your neck got sloppier. He wasn't joking...
(Bonus: Zhongli would visit once in a while. The kids all seemed to love him. He would hum old lullabies and tell old stories to help the kiddos sleep. When he found out you were pregnant again, he bonked Childe on the held and scolded him for hours.)
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You walked out of your room, your red-haired husband following you like a lost puppy. "Luc! I am okay, please. My love, I need you to worry about yourself as well." You turned your body to face your stubborn husband, your large belly softly pressing against his muscular abdomen. He huffed slightly, placing his large, warm hands on where your kid had laid. "I'm not just worrying about you, I'm also worrying about little Creya," you smiled warmly at the name, when Albedo told you guys that your baby was going to be a male. The two of you agreed to name it after his father Crepus and the oh so supportive Kaeya.
"I can't wait to tell Kaeya our babies name." You said as you kissed Diluc sweetly. "I was thinking we could tell him now? We already went to my father's grave and told him, mind as well tell the living one." A bittersweet smile formed on both of your lips. You jumped up and down, excitement flowing through your veins, "Oh dear! How should we tell him. My my this is so exciting." Your movements worried Diluc. However, he calmed down. "I have just the idea."
The two of you knocked on his door, the blue-haired male answered, his face holding a confused smile. "And what brings you here, awe, was it my nephew visiting? Hmmm??? I just know he's gonna be just like Uncle Kaeya." The younger brother smiled and ushered the two of you in.
"Well, it is about the baby." Your husband said calmly, handing him some dandelion wine. Kaeya nodded in anticipation. "Well, we found a name!...... actually we have for a while," you said, murmuring the last part. "Uh ow? And you didn't tell me?!" You reached out for Dilucs' hand, rubbing it reassuringly. "Brother..." He started. For some reason, Kaeya felt a bit of fear entering his chest.
"We decided to name him Creya Ragnvindr, after father and you." Dilucs voice cracked a little. Kaeya stood there in shock, a line of tears streaming down his face. In a sudden motion, he tackled his brother. It wasn't often the two of them got along. But that all changed when baby Creya came around.
~two weeks later~
"DILUCCC" Your agonizing shout could be heard. Your contractions were absolutely awful today. Your husband ran upstairs and into your room, and his eyes flickered to the wet floor. He rushed to your body, softly leading you downstairs. He had hired a midwife to deliver the baby, and he sent one of the maids to grab her. "Shhh, deep breaths, my love.... I know it hurts. I'm here. I'm here." He laid your body down on the makeshift bed that was downstairs. "Look at me, love, don't take your eyes off of me, dear."
His hands shook heavily, tears pouring from excitement and downright fear. He was scared that you were going to end up like his mother. However, you were strong, you had this down.
Diluc was a soft father. He would always spoil his sweet, red-haired baby. He would always bring him wherever he'd go unless, of course, it was somewhere unsafe. He was humming to Creya, his left hand slowly rocking him as his right continued to sort through papers.
(Bonus: Kaeya would practically try and steal your son. He'd be over all the time to take the "load" off of your guy's backs. However, he did it for himself. He was the world's proudest uncle.)
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Kaeya walked into the house perfectly on time for dinner. Ever since the two of you had found out that you were pregnant, he didn't stay even a second later at work. He walked up to you and wrapped his arms around your body, seemingly charging his social battery. "Mmm, it smells delicious, my snowflake. How's our baby doing?" You smiled and hugged him softly, "I've missed you. Our little baby has been kicking me all day." Kaeyas face frowned, he knelt down to your large belly. "My my, abuse isn't funny, kiddo." He scolded your kid through your stomach.
"Diluc came by today. He gave us Virgin Dandelion Wine? I tried it, and I think it tastes the same." You placed the food on the plates and poured the pregnancy safe wine. "Hm, I think my brother is finally getting around. Also, go sit down. I got this." He led your body to the dining table. "Hey! I got it Kae!" Your husband only smirked and shook his head, "Absolutely not."
He placed the food down and sat beside you, a heavy kick hit your stomach again, causing you to grip the table in pain. The cryo user frowned once again, freezing his hand ever so slightly and placing it on your stomach. You hissed at first but eased into the coolness. Your baby seemed to love it as well. "I told you to stop kicking!" He whispered-shouted. His free hand picked up your fork and placed the food in your mouth, assisting you throughout the whole night.
~Two months later~
A large gasp fell from your chest as you quickly grasped your husband's shirt, your body slightly going to the ground. He whipped his head towards you and grabbed your body, "Okay, okay, let's go." he lifted your body and carefully ran to the Mondstat nurse.
Once the two of you settled down, your closest friends Jean, Diluc, and Venti rushed in. They all had different gifts. They were soon ushered out by the nurse. Kaeya stood by your side, whispering sweet things as the baby tore your insides out.
Kaeya was an amazing father. However, he was a troublemaker. He would always get your kid to do things they weren't supposed to, and you have to admit it was funny. Your husband had started to take fewer shifts so he could be there with you while raising your family. Currently, the two of you snuck in your baby to go see Lisa at the KOF library. "Awe, deary! They're so adorable." The woman exclaimed, softly tickling their stomach.
(Bonus: You and Kaeya had invited Diluc over for dinner. The three of you shared stories, both Kaeya and Diluc, using their visions to assist you if you were ever in need. "Diluc, I have a question, brother." Kaeya stated, "Diluc hummed in response. "Would you like to be their 'God' father?" Diluc practically choked on his food and looked at Kaeya with wide eyes. "I-" he hesitated. "Are you sure?" His pupils were dilated. "Then it's settled! God father, LuLu!" You exclaimed.)
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Venti (Barbatos)
You woke up to Venti humming to your stomach quietly. "Hey Barb," you mumbled. His eyes shot up to face you, "Good morning, Blume!" His smile lit up the room, and his cold hands softly held your face as he peppered you with kisses. You groaned slightly, nausea hitting your body. You threw your legs off the bed, quickly getting up and rushing to the bathroom. Your head hovered over the toilet as you threw up, mostly dry heaving due to the lack of food in your system.
Venti was right behind you, his hands massaging your shoulders as he brought in a soft breeze to cool you down. He was always a happy go lucky person. However, he hated seeing you sick. "Barb pregnancy really sucks." You muttered. He frowned slightly, "I'm sorry, my Blume, if I knew -" You shut him up by hugging him "I am more than happy to go through this if it means we get to have a family."
He smiled and hugged you tighter, "Well then, let's get you some fresh air, we can go out to eat this morning!" He kissed your lips before swiftly moving down to your stomach, despite you not having a bump yet. Your symptoms were awful. That's what you get for having sex with an Archon, I guess.
The two of you made it to the restaurant. You ordered tea break pancakes and Mondstadt hashbrowns. Venti created a soft breeze, making sure the weather was completely perfect. As you ate the hash Browns, a small cramp shot through your stomach, your eyes widened, causing Venti
~Two months later~
It had only been such a short while since you fell pregnant, but at this point, you looked 7 months along. The whole pregnancy took a heavy toll on your body. You were constantly tired, aching, and most of all, emotional. Venti was supper happy. However, he was stressed out of his mind. It was really obvious that he had been scared to lose his lover. Whenever you would gasp, his heart would drop, thinking that your body finally gave out. He would always mutter an apology whenever you were in pain. It wasn't always like this, though. Sometimes, your baby would take a day off. Leaving you feeling completely rejuvenated, those days would mainly be spent going outside and having lots of fun with your husband.
~Five months along~
You gasped out, grabbing the table beside you. This gasp was different from all the other ones that have played in Barbs' ears. He quickly ran over to you. You opened your mouth to scream, but nothing came out. He started to panic, thinking that you were dying. However, when his foot stepped in a puddle, it all came crashing down. Venti helped you sit down before quickly running to the front door, yelling to get peoples attention. Pregnancy took nine months?! Why did your water break after five??
Doctors came rushing in, and the process began.
Hours had gone by, Venti was in the living room, tears streaming down his face as your agonizing screams could he heard from the bedroom. Diluc and Jean had ran as soon as they heard the noise, the two of them were the only ones to know of his true identity of course. They tried their best to comfort him, it was difficult seeing the never down bard lose his composure.
The screaming stopped, Barbatos's eyes widening, heart stopping. However, once the babies cries were heard, his heart pounded into his chest. He ran into the bedroom only to find you weakly holding onto your baby. He walked towards you, kissing your forehead. "I'm so sorry, Blume... how are you feeling?" He asked, his full attention on you. You smiled warmly. "It was worth it, bar-venti," you corrected yourself. "Look at them," your husband looked down at your child. They had your haircolor, with slightly glowing ends. His bright smile came back again, heavy winds swirling outside. "Love, might wanna calm down a bit." You giggled, causing him to get into touch with reality again. "It might just be impossible to do so."
Barbatos was a fun father. He would always bring your baby out on adventures and would sing and dance with them. He wanted another baby but would absolutely not put you through that again. However, when you told him you'd be completely fine with it, you guys tried for another. It was a success, luckily this kid was a LOT calmer than your first.
(Bonus: Jean smiled heavily as she held the tiny little human in her arms. She would always come over and assist the two of you whenever she wasn't slammed with her job. She truly loved both of your kids as if they were her own)
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His yellow eyes looked into yours in fear "(y/n)...." He whispered, his hands trembling as his eyes started to water. "I can't -" a sob broke through his chest, and your heart broke a little. Neither of you wanted a kid, but here you are, pregnant. "I can't lose you too!" He finally shouted. Tears were streaming down his face, sobs breaking out. You had never, ever seen him like this. It was frightening. "I- xiao, I'm sorry." Shameful tears left your eyes, your hand grabbing his softly. "Adepti can have kids, Yanfei and Ganyu are here, you know!" His breathing slowed, pure terror still in his eyes. "I have karma... I am a soul shattering yaksha! I'm not meant to have a child!" He shouted again, his hand gripped yours tightly. He wasn't intending on scaring you, he was just frightened of losing you.
Your sorrowful eyes brought him to slight reality, "If there's a way we can reverse this, then let's do -" Your words were cut off by Xiao hugging you tightly. "No, I can already see your love for this unborn child. Let's talk to Cloud Retainer before we make any rash decisions." He mumbled softly, his hands clutched onto your back as if you were to perish at any time.
The two of you came back from the Cloud Retainer. She had informed the two of you that because of him being a yaksha and you being an old demi-god that the pregnancy would be very fast. She also confirmed that the karma would in fact take a heavy toll on your body, but if the two of you were careful, then you both would be fine.
~Four weeks later~
Fast was an understament. your body was aching at all times. A very large bump was apparent on your body. Xiao had been with you at ALL. Not once did he let you move on your own. You were like a fragile glass, but now you were holding precious cargo. Verr Goldet had hired a nurse to stay there at all times, a congratulations gift sort of. So whenever the karma got too much the nurse would always be there to help.
Currently, you were lying on the bed, trying to do breathing exercises. "Xiao," you mumbled. He swiftly walked over to you. "What's the matter?" He asked. Worry filled his veins. "Could you hold me?" You asked, your voice quiet. "Are you su-" you huffed, cutting him off. "I don't care about the extra karma yiu grumpy adeptus. Your pregnant partner needs you to hold them!" You shouted softly. Despite the 'hostility' your tone, He softly smiled and crawled on the bed, holding your body close.
His movements stopped when you burst into tears, "wha-" he tried to say but a crackled sob interrupted him "I'm sorry for yelling Xiao!" You sobbed into his chest. Boy boy were these pregnancy emotions gonna kill him.
~Two weeks later~
Everyone had assumed that you were going to pop soon, and new faces showed up at the Wangshu Inn to assist the poor nurse during the pregnancy. Cloud Retainer, Zhongli, Aether, and Ganyu had all shown up to help you. It was very overwhelming for Verr, but she understood.
You were talking to Zhongli while Aether and Ganyu forced your husband to leave the inn. When suddenly a large abnormally painful snap charged into your stomach, a blood curdling scream erupted from your throat. Zhongli immediately grabbed your body, preventing you from falling, and he yelled your husband's name. The nurse and retainer ran inside. Xiao teleporting in the room while the other two ran towards the inn as fast as they possibly could.
Cloud Retainer and Ganyu were the only ones in the room. The nurse was even kicked out. Zhongli and Aether comforted the horrified Xiao as your torturous screams echoed off the wall. "They're going to die," Xiao muttered quietly, tears flowing down. "Hey! Don't say that you have some faith in them!" Aethers floating companion said. "Hate to agree with bestie paimon, but they're going to be fine. They need your support more than anything right now, " Aether said. Their words did slightly calm him down, but your never-ending screams even worried Zhongli. Whom saw you like his own child.
An hour went by, the screaming came to an end, and the Cloud Retainer left the room. Xiaos heart paced heavily, "did they -" his voice got caught in his throat. "They are both fine and waiting for you, but pl -"
Xiao didn't even let her finish before he ran into the room. His eyes landed on your body, holding your kid peacefully. A sigh of relief left his throat "Archons you're beautiful. Both of you, " he mumbled, his body dipped on the bed and carefully held you. "Hold your baby, Xiao," you said weakly. His hesitant hands grabbed his kid, and he softly hummed. His eyes were filled with adoration. "It's not so bad now, is it Xiao." He shook his head softly. "No, not at all."
Xiaos parenting was odd. Both of you hadn't really known what to do, but you still did your best. The baby grew around many people, Verr being the one who spoiled them the most. "Go to your father!" Your baby stood up and wobbled over to Xiao, their first ever steps being taken.
(Bonus: Zhongli walked into the room after everyone else had left. You whispered a small hello to him, "Look, baby! It's grandpa." You muttered softly, Zhonglis eyes lit up at the title you had given him. And when he first held the baby, he declared in his head he would destroy anyone who walked in his grandkids path.)
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His hands rubbed your stomach. "Dear.... do you know what this means?" His honeycomb voice asked you, you shook your head slightly. "I-" you stopped, he grabbed your hand reassuringly. "I know it will be a hassle, but I want to try it if you're comfortable with that." You said, your eyes shifting to the floor. His ungloved hand grabbed your chin, moving your face to look at him.
"Sweetheart, I would wish nothing more. However, we do need to go see Cloud Retainer about this." You blushed heavily and nodded "Ah of course! Let me grab my stuff."
The two of you headed back from the mountain, "Wow," you mumbled. He unlocked the house and sat on the couch, pulling you on his lap. "I will be here every step of the way, my love." The process was going to practically ruin your body.
"Li, we need to tell Ganyu and Xi- uhm our adoptive son. We need as much help as we can get." You mumbled in his embrace, trying not to summon him just by mentioning his name. "I'll go get her, you call for him, is that okay with you?" You nodded, your Geo husband left the house, and you called for the anemo yaksha.
"Xiao!" You said carefully, the room filled with dark green, his body swarming through the room. "What happened?" He said alarmed, once he saw your calmness, he placed his pole arm down and sighed. "Hey, grump." You smiled, gaining a small scowl from him. You grabbed his arm and brought him to the office, sitting him in a chair. As if on cue, Ganyu bashfully walked through the front door, your husband following shortly after.
And now the four of you sat in the office, "So why did you call me here?" Xiao asked. The blue haired girl nodded nodded. "Did someone pass?" She said, slightly worried. "Quite the opposite matter of fact, my (y/n) would you do the honors."
You looked at him wide-eyed but then focused your attention on the two, now heavily confused shorties. "Zhongli and I are expecting a child..." You said slowly, Xiaos eyes widened in panic as Ganyus sparkled in admiration. "We talked to Cloud Retainer. The news isn't too amazing. She said that three months should go by and the baby will arrive..... (y/n) is an adepti, so it will hurt their body..." He continues on. Both Ganyu and Xiao now hold the same look. Worried with a twinge of curiosity for what is to come.
The conversation continued, and many questions were answered, but in the end, everyone stayed on the same note. Protect (y/n) and help them through the pregnancy. Xiao and Ganyu decided to move in for the time being, helping you while Zhongli was working."
~one month later~
It was awful. Your pregnancy was literally tearing your body apart. Not a day went by where the groans of agony didn't play through the old archons home. Currently, you lay on the floor, the coolness of the tile breaking your attention away from the kicks and punches that were going on in your stomach.
"Excuse me, (y/n)." Ganyu quietly said she was the sweetest always making sure you were okay. "Hmm?" You hummed at her softly, giving her a small but weak reassuring smile. "It's time to eat." She said softly, Xiao walked over, and the two of them helped you up. Your large belly moving in protest, caused you to grit your teeth in pain. Xiao grumbled something along the lines of the kid needing to behave.
The pregnancy made you crave Bamboo Shoot Soup and Cold Soba. However, you couldn't eat the soup due to the raw meat that was in the dish. So everyday you had Ganyus delicious Cold Soba. You sat in the chair at the dining table, slurping slightly at the dish, the two adepti staring down at you. "I swear to Morax, sit down." You grumbled at them. "Also eat some food!" They obeyed immediately, your parental instincts had already hit, and now you were scolding your two adoptive kids whenever they wouldn't rest.
Despite the long shifts The God of Contracts took, he would always spend more than enough time with you. As soon as he got home, he shuffled towards your delicate body. "My love, you're glowing." His deep voice said. He kissed your lips softly. His placed his hands on your stomach, and the moving immediately stopped in your womb. "Why do you get them to stop, but I can't!" You groaned, causing him to frown slightly. "Well, that just means you get to spend more time with me, my beloved"
The night went on, and Zhonglis hands softly send vibrations to your stomach. It was a small little quirk his abilities gave him. Your mind was finally at ease. As you slept the most peaceful sleep you've ever had.
~Three months in~
Everyone stood in the room, Xiao, Ganyu, Cloud Retainer, Shenhe, and most importantly, Zhongli. It was an overwhelming crowd, but your body needed as much assistance as it could get. The room was frigid, thanks to Ganyu and Shenhe, pregnancy caused your body to overheat and now that your due date was two days away, you were sweltering.
Everyone sat in different corners of the house. You wobbled around, your abnormally large abdomen making it hard to see. A large splash caught everyone's attention, a shrieking scream could be heard throughout all of Liyue, signaling that the birth had begun.
You were rushed in the nursery, everyone beside you, causing Ganyu to shout despite how out of character it was. Xiao and Shenhe backed up slightly and walked to a corner of the nursery, Shenhe slowly used her vision to cause the temperature to drop. Zhongli did everything he could for you. He held your soul gripping hands while you cried in pain.
The process was long and agonizing, but the soft coos of your baby had all been worth it. You finally smiled in relief until another spark of pain erupted through you. You threw your head back, it hurt so much, everyone's eyes shot towards your body. Xiao immediately running forward to you taking Zhonglis place as your husband helped your baby.
"There's another!" You yelled out, grabbing Xiao in pain, your body was sweating, and the pain coursing through your body became too much. With one last push your body gave out, fading you into a peaceful slumber.
~Outside POV~
Everyone stared at your limp body, Ganyu successfully pulled the child out and put her attention on them. Xiao panicked and checked for a pulse on your wrist, Zhongli right behind him, checking on your neck. Both of them sighed out in relief, causing the tense air to settle. "They most likely fainted from the pain. We're going to need to stay here for longer. Their body will he fragile." The retainer stated....
Zhongli was a devoted father. He immediately knew what to do, it's as if he had been a father his whole life. He would tell his two kids stories on his life, placing them in a restful sleep. He would always bring the babies with him whenever he would stroll around Liyue Harbor, the citizens would coo at the adorable sight. Currently, the four of you sat at the edge of the harbor and watched fireworks and lanters light up the sky. Your two babies looked up in awe, causing you to smile deeply. "Mortal life is truly worth it." Zhongli said while he stared lovingly at you. His lips captured yours softly. "My glowing beloved."
(Bonus: Xiao and Ganyu would visit ALL the time. Both of them would hang out with their younger siblings, teaching them things despite their young age. Ganyu would softly tell them about cautions and the beauty of life. Your oldest took after her very well. And Xiao would teach them about reality and recklessness. The youngest kid had kind of a rivalry going on with Xiao. It was very amusing to see.)
This is all so sorry for the mistakes and inconsistencies. There will probably be like 7 parts cause I am getting a bit burnt out >:p I hope all is well <3.
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priniya · 1 year
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synopsis. when minho comes back to kiss after the winter break he’s not only surprised to see kitty back, but also a girl she introduced as her new roommate, who at the same time was a girl minho used to be head over heels for.
notes. minho (xo kitty) x reader. i haven’t published anything, xo kitty became my epiphany (fr)
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all minho wanted after taking a sixteen hour flight from los angeles to seoul was just to take a nap as soon as he get to his dorm, well, meeting his roommates in the meantime, but sleep was all he wanted. definitely not to see kitty song covey, laying in one of the couches talking so rapidly about…
…whatever kitty could talk about. he focused himself on here for less than a second, and his gaze caught something so familiar, yet so unknown. then, when you parted your lips to answer a question asked by q, he connected all the possible dots. you were the girl he was put up in the same room with, when multiple schools were staying at the same hotel. minho seemed like a total douchebag, just like you’d assume a son of a famous actress would act, nevertheless, since the staff couldn’t really do anything particular to change the rooms, he was… a nice guy.
however, while bonding at the trip, you fell out of touch immediately after as you decided to not share each other’s contacts, so you could meet up in future life if your friendship and… quite more, was meant to be. it was his idea, you were eager to stay in touch as you grow on him in those four weeks.
your new roommate smiled at him, probably excited to see him. “i’m back!” she exclaimed melodically, grabbing your arm in between. “i think yuri pulled some strings, and this is my new roommate, she just transfered. we’ll be living in the boys building, we’re neighbours!” she added, too happy to notice the boy’s shock on his face.
“oh, my god.” he started, but covey quickly interrupted him with a roll of eyes and “i don’t care what you’re gonna say. im exhilarated to be back.” though minho was too focused on you to even listen to your american roommate.
“hi, minho.” you spoke so softly, you could see he almost died. without wasting any more time, q has suggested to let you guys talk alone as it was so obvious you two knew each other. he replied in low voice, clearly not believing his own eyes. “so good to see you again.” a smile rosed on your lips, when his arms were wrapped around your posture.
reuniting with him was unexpected as you never thought you’d see him again, and you believed the plan you set was a complete absurd. you tried reaching out, but he was a son of a star, how could you possibly achieve that? now, it just felt like a scene from a movie, where two lovers finds each other after a long time, although you weren’t really lovers – or were you?
that night you barely had any sleep, you sneaked out of your dorms, and he showed you around, while catching up on almost everything. it wasn’t a lie that something between you has stayed the same, the same butterflies in your stomach when your hands accidentaly touched, the same lovestruck looks, the same way you held hands, the only thing that wasn’t as it used to be was your ages and appearance.
you were standing at your doorstep, when he put his phone number into your phone. “thank you so much for tonight, minho.” you stood on your toes. “i think i missed you.” you whispered with a smug, before leaving a soft kiss on his blushed cheek. without letting him respond, you walked into the room.
minhoe: pls, don’t do me like that
minhoe: come back here and kiss me
a part of you really wanted to be true, but the other decided that you’d just make a fool out of yourself, so you just trail back to your room, slight regret appearing in the back of your head.
the next few weeks looked almost the same — the school were so hard you spent it on studying for most of your free time, which caused minho to think you were avoiding him, when in reality you were tutored by yuri and juliana. “minho’s been asking ‘bout you, quite a lot, you know?” han started.
“bugging our asses for half the lunch break.” juliana added, braiding your hair as the soft tunes of frank ocean played from her speaker. “told us you guys almost kissed…?” her eyebrow’s shot up, scanning your face in the mirror for any signs of embarrassment.
“i mean we did kiss a few years ago at the summer camp, but not now.” you shrugged, not hiding the blush that crept on your face. “don’t look so shocked! we were a camp couple, but he wanted to be sappy and said if the universe wants us together, it’ll let us meet each other again.”
“that’s romantic, isn’t it?” kitty rolled on the bed to face you and juliana. “i mean, you really gotta believe you’re soulmates if you risk something so valuable.” she sighed, smiling softly. “you two remind me of my sister and her boyfriend, lara and peter.”
you frowned, thinking about her words for a minute. was it so valuable or did he just want to have a moment of peace? did he even think about you during the few years you’ve been apart? well, you thought about him, but did he about you? it was your first time in a week that you’d see minho, and ever since the day one, he’s been somehow flirting with you, so you were quite nervous.
you never said you liked him out loud, not because you didn’t (maybe ‘cos first love is the one you’ll always remember), but because katherine would decide to use her matchamaking skills on you. you wanted it to come out naturally, just like back then. your relationship with minho was incredibly special to you, it was something no one could take away from you.
now, you were just trying to look decent. you were going out with him and dae, being asked out so suddenly you couldn’t refuse. you were quite sure that dae’s presence there was just to get you out of the room, and then disappear. you wore a white, flowery summer dress that yuri borrowed you a few days ago, your make up was light and the braids looked cute.
“should i be nervous?” you asked, fixing a few things on your face, before the clock has been the closest to the final minute. a knock on the door was heard from the beginning of hallway. “yeah, it shows you actually care.” yuri’s girlfriend smiled at you as you flattened the fabric of your dress.
minho was breathless, last time he’d seen you in a dress was back at camp, during the last day when you just wanted the boy to remember you as well as he could. “uh, hey.” he uttered, eyes you in shock. “you look, woah, gorgeous.”
just as you expected, dae, who showed up late, didn’t stay with you for longer than ten minutes, saying he needed to see kitty, with whom you were earlier, so it was just the two of you. minho offered you an airpod as you walked down the street to the park, his fingers wrapped around the handle. it was the first time you had been alone with him in weeks, as someone was always near, whether it was q and florian, dae and kitty, juliana and yuri or everyone separately.
“i wanted to find you sometimes, y’know?” you began, leaning onto his arms, when you finally sat down. “what? then why didn’t you? i really hoped you’d do it.” his head fell delicately on your, fingers intertwining themselves with yours.
“well, your mom’s a famous actress, i wouldn’t even be able to text you so… i just followed you on insta.” you shrugged softly, not wanting him to change his position. “and it was your idea to come up with something like this, losing you broke me in half, really. my parents even reached out to your mom.” his face lightened up with shock and confusion, nevertheless he let you continue.
“but her manager or whoever said that hundreds of people call just to say their daughters are your friends, so… i guess the call wasn’t forwarded?” minho groaned, annoyed. he’d give up everything to just have you by his side, when his mom and dad were splitting up.
“i am so sorry y/n.” a sigh left his lips. “i’ll regret that stupid decision till the end of my days, really.” he’d talk and talk, and talk if you didn’t do what you did.
when the soft tunes of lana del rey’s song was replaced by the starting notes of “there is a light that never goes out” by the smiths, you turned around to face him, and after putting your hands on his cheeks you kissed him. his lips moved so godly against yours, you almost melted into his touch. with that, your friendly hangout turned into a date — not that you didn’t think of it earlier, but now it was confirmed. it was a definite date.
when you came back, the living space was empty so… considering you had half an hour before curfew, you decided to snog a little more, while watching a movie. his arm around your waist, your head on his shoulder, a bowl of snacks resting on his thigh. beside that, you didn’t even think about kitty, and what her reaction might be if she came back. now it was just you, minho and your rosing relationship.
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hgfictionwriter · 5 months
Jessie Fleming x Reader
Summary: ADHD can be a lot to navigate, but Jessie embraces you, your ADHD and everything that comes with it.
A/N: Based on this request. This came a little too easily lol. Renews my empathy for my wife LOL. Bless her haha. And bless Jessie cause I bet she'd be just as thoughtful.
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You lifted your head as motion in your periphery caught your eye. You took out your earbuds when you saw Jessie giving a quick wave from the doorway.
"Don't forget - we have to leave for dinner in an hour," she reminded you patiently. "I'm not saying you have to get ready now, we just need to be out the door at 5:30."
You looked at the clock and then gave her a nod. "Thank you."
She knew you were hyperfocused on something and if you had to abruptly stop you'd be in a foul mood. You'd learned that it helped when you had a wind-down period, so to speak.
You mapped out the time, making a mental note of when to pack up when you thought better of it and set a timer on your phone instead.
Before you knew it, your alarm went off, pulling you out of your trance. You sighed inwardly - you were on a roll and you didn't want to lose momentum. And it's not like you didn't want to go to dinner - you loved Sinc and Janine, but it still took effort for you to compartmentalize and get a move on.
You emerged from the office and looked around the apartment you shared with Jessie. She was sitting on the couch reading, but was dressed for dinner and you noted she had her things neatly laid out by the front door. She gave you a small smile and a wave.
"How'd it go?"
"Good," you said, somewhat distracted as you were trying to determine what you needed to do and in what order. "Thank you." You stopped yourself and returned her smile, now giving her your attention. "How's your book?"
"It's good, baby," she said with a light laugh before gesturing with a nod. "Go on. Get ready."
Jessie knew you well. She recognized what you were trying to do, but also understood that you needed to get sorted and moving if you were going to stay on schedule. She didn't take offense.
"Thanks," you said with a look that was both grateful and a bit shy. "I'll ask you more about it in the car."
Opening your closet, you already knew what you wanted to wear tonight, but a heavy frown fell across your face as you realized the shirt you had in mind was still in the laundry. You swore it was clean.
You sighed as you examined your other options. You eventually narrowed it down to two, your eyes darting back and forth several times. Would that shirt go with the pants you picked? Where were you going again for dinner? What did Jessie wear? Was it cold out? Jessie was in a t-shirt. But she's always warm. It was warm earlier. But it was going to be night, so... You eventually just tossed the one shirt back, forcing yourself to make a decision.
You checked the time and rushed into the bathroom to finish getting ready. You were doing your hair when your mind wandered and you remembered that you told Jessie earlier that you'd update the grocery list. You mulled it over. What were you doing this week? That would affect the list. You went to check your calendar but when you opened your phone you saw an email notification from this store you wanted to get Jessie a gift from.
You were putting in your shipping information when a brief rush of alarm went through you as you heard Jessie getting up. You looked at the time. Oh shit. Wait - what were you supposed to be doing?
A flurry of activity ensued as you worked to finish getting ready. You had to backtrack a couple of times because you'd just left something laying out in your wake. On a second pass through, you had to make a point of stopping to pick it up and put it away.
Before you and Jess moved in together, your apartment could've been described as organized chaos. Clusters of items here and there, but you knew where things were. For the most part. Jessie, however, was very neat and orderly. And you loved her desperately, so you tried to be very mindful of how you tended to leave mess and clutter. It took a little extra effort on your part, but if it helped Jessie feel more at ease and didn't make her feel like she had to pick up after you, it was absolutely worth it.
You rushed up to Jessie who was casually putting on her shoes at the front door. You were slightly out of breath from your zig-zagging through the apartment and she smiled at you affectionately.
"Right on time," she said with a nod of approval, gesturing to her watch and giving you a wink.
You exhaled. "Chaos."
She laughed and held out your jacket for you, prompting you to weave your arms through.
"Thank you," you said and leaned in to give her a quick kiss.
"Anytime," she said as she grabbed her things. She paused as you started patting your pockets and looking around.
"Phone?" She asked knowingly. You looked to her with a frown of concern and nodded. She rolled her eyes with a soft laugh and reached over to the side table. Your phone was on the corner.
"Oh, there it is," you said brightly with a laugh of your own. She reached around and tucked the phone into your back pocket, giving you a smirk and kissed your cheek as she pulled back.
"Oh, one last thing," you said, holding up your index finger. "I need to write it down before I forget." You quickly grabbed the notebook and fancy pen Jessie bought you previously (stationery was a past fixation of yours) and jotted down something on your to-do list. You clicked the pen and put the notebook aside, turning to her.
"Ready to go?" She asked, a smile still lingering.
You gave her a cheesy 'OK' gesture with your hand and winked. "All set."
"And you call me a dork," she joked.
"You love me."
"I certainly do."
There were many ways you knew Jessie loved you, but the fact that Jessie - who herself was very put together - navigated and embraced your quirks with patience and affection, told you she loved and understood you. Sure, you frustrated her now and then, but chances are those were times you were even more frustrated with yourself. She always talked things out with you or tried her best to make things easier. You adored and appreciated her for it.
She was one of the very few people you let your walls down around. The flurry she'd just witnessed is something most people would never see. At work - and previously in school - your reviews always said you were diligent, organized, and composed. And you were - but it came at a cost. By the time you got home every day, you used up all of your mental faculties to stay on top of things at work or with acquaintances. Home was your reprieve; you could recharge, relax and just be yourself.
As Jessie drove you both downtown, you began flipping through songs. Short, fleeting bursts of music filled the car before cutting to the next piece. While your attention was fixed on the console screen, you felt Jessie's eyes on you. "Which song are you looking for?"
"I'll know it when I hear it," you answered, eyes still transfixed on the changing song titles.
Jessie sighed wearily, but you spied the burgeoning smirk on her lips when you glanced over.
At dinner, your knee bounced incessantly up and down as you listened to Sinc and Janine speak. You hardly realized what you were doing until Jessie reached out a hand and gently placed it on your leg. You held her hand and played with her ring instead.
At one point, Sinc was sharing a story and it sparked a thought far off in your mind. You intermittently sat forward and back, waiting to speak - trying very conscientiously to not cut her off by interjecting. When you got your opening, you literally sat on the edge of your seat and began talking, waving your hands animatedly as you did.
You ended up on a couple of tangents, pausing momentarily with a frown before speaking. "Where was I going with this? Right. You mentioned Vancouver, which made me think of real estate, which led me to appliances. So Jessie and I..."
Jessie just chuckled and idly rubbed small circles on your lower back.
At some point, Jessie herself told an uncharacteristically convoluted story. Janine and Sinc were frowning at her in confusion, but you followed her train of thought easily. You reiterated it for her.
"I'm with you.” You gave her a charming smile. She turned to her teammates with a small, satisfied grin.
"She always gets me."
After dinner, the four of you went to meet up with other teammates at a bar. You hung out for a couple of hours, but between the socialization and a long week of meetings and masking, you felt your social battery drain. You started disassociating as people talked and you were having trouble focusing.
Jessie came by, sitting next to you and leaning in to be heard over the din of the crowd.
"You about ready to leave? I'm just about at my limit," she said. You gave her a grateful look.
"Are you sure? We don’t have to leave on account of me,” you tried to assure her. She grasped your hand, lacing your fingers together.
“Babe. I’m ready to go, too. Another 10 minutes? Then say bye to everyone?” She asked.
You leaned your head on her shoulder. “Thank you. I’m sorry I can’t handle more.” You felt her turn her head towards you.
“Baby. There’s nothing to apologize for.”
You lifted your head up to look at her. You’d had this conversation before but you still got in your head about it all and it was hard to stop.
“I just want to be the best partner for you. But sometimes I just get overwhelmed. And then I can’t function or interact the way I want to. And I probably talked too much at dinner. And about god knows what. I hope I didn’t embarrass you-”
Jessie held up her hands, gently coaxing you to stop.
“Baby. Please.” She smiled affectionately at you. “You’re doing it again,” she said with a soft laugh. “You were great tonight. You always are. I could never be embarrassed by you. I’m always so proud to have you with me.”
She tucked your hair behind your ear and went on. “We’re both at our limit. So, let’s finish up here. Can we cuddle when we get home?" She asked.
"That sounds amazing.”
A/N: Okay, y'all. This next part has nothing to do with Jflem, I just have to share this personal anecdote that just happened. The timing is too perfect considering I was writing this ADHD fic.
*Wife calls me while I'm driving and it sounds like she's crying*
"Are you okay???"
"Are you okay?"
"Huh?" My concern immediately shifts to confusion.
"Do you have everything you need in order to be successful today?" She asks in a very measured way.
Realization hits me immediately. I turn to the passenger seat and instead of seeing my work bag, I only see a pair of shoes. Shoes that I made great mental note of that morning to bring with me to the office. But no sign of my work bag that I packed that morning, alongside the idle musing of, "Wow, it would be so bad if I forgot my laptop."
By now, my wife is cackling. She wasn't crying at all when she called, she was trying her hardest not to laugh.
I'm 25 minutes into a 30 minute drive.
"Can you make it work without your bag somehow?" My wife asks amongst her ongoing laughter.
"It has my laptop. My pass. My wallet. Everything. Guess I'm coming back home!"
We're killing ourselves laughing at this point.
"Okay, well, I'll see you soon. Don't get pulled over!"
ADHD struggles are real, folks lol.
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Happy Holidays!!!
Can I request a Hyun su smut? One where it's winter at the Green Homes, and since they can't tell what day it is, everyone decides that it's Christmas coming up. And since none of them can leave, y/n decides to get Hyun su a present. Herself.
Hope you and everyone else has a Merry Christmas if they celebrate! And a happy new year!!
Cha Hyun su x Fem ! Reader
(Merry Christmas 🎁)
Genre : Smut
Warning ⚠️: Vaginal sex , name calling
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It’s been a while since the apocalypse started as time went by , weeks maybe months you didn’t really know for sure but there was one thing the survivors of Green Home did know , it was around winter time
As there was small snake flakes that fell from the sky causing the two small children to become found of the small flakes that fell from the sky and since it was now winter and no one knew what time of day or year it was anymore , the remaining residents decided that it was soon to be Christmas as they had Hyun su search for any Christmas lights on any mission he had
After decorating the small slewing area , the small kitchen and the area that Hyun su was kept as you all made a small corner in the main entrance hallway for any presents they could find since you didn’t have wrapper you all used random shirts , towels , ballets or anything that wasn’t used to wrap up your gifts
You all agreed that Christmas would be in three more days as you didn’t know what to get Hyun su , You’ve been dating Hyun su for a while before the apocalypse had started , resulting in you both moving in to green home together as you enjoyed every moment of it
Letting out a annoyed groan as you used your hands to cover your face for a few seconds before letting them drop to your lap , you didn’t know what to get or find him , anything you did come across you thought was just a piece or crap or wasn’t good enough for Hyun su
After a few more minutes of thinking your lips slowly growing into a grin as one thing came to mind… you , you and Hyun Su haven’t had sex since the whole outbreak which made you annoyed every time you thought about it soon resulting in you not thinking about at all .. there was some occasions like when Eun yu would try to flirt with him in front of you like you weren’t there which pissed you off at times
The last time you actually could remember your insides being pounded by Hyun su is when you kept begging him for a baby causing him to blush every time the subject was brought up .. until one day he gave in
Days after the outbreak start causing both you and Hyun su to forget about having a baby together as you were more worried about protecting each other and staying alive
“Fuck it” reader says loud enough for only her to hear as she quickly stands to her feet heading down the hall towards the sleeping area as she grabs her book bag quickly heading out the room down the hall towards the room Hyun su was kept in
Opening the door to the room as you quickly close it behind you , you had enough time since he was doing a mission upstairs and he would be gone for a while
Unzipping the book bag as you let out a small sigh with a smile on your face, luckily you asked Ji-su to put in a small request for the things you need as Hyun su had to bring it down , taking out the dried rose peaks as you carefully drop a few over the floor before heading towards Hyun Su’s bed scattering the last bit of petals over the bed
After you finished putting down the rose petals , taking off your shoes as you start to slowly strip down to your panties as you took of your bra along with the rest of you clothes , slowly climb on the bed as you wait for Hyun su and that’s how you ended up here , on top of a naked Hyun su his Braden coke deep inside your gummy wall
Feeling Hyun su cock twitch inside your pussy as you knew he was close , you were a caught up in how good Hyun su felt inside you that you didn’t notice his eyes turn pitch black as he looks at you with a evil grin before braking his hands free within seconds grabbing a hold of your hips with both his hands as he held a tight grip
Eyes snapping open as you look down at Hyun su eyes becoming wide as he soon using his hands to slam your dripping pussy in his cock with force as you let out a loud moan of pleasure causing you to almost fall off your toes if it wasn’t for Hyun su’s strong hold
“ Do you really think she could make us feel this good mommy” Hyun su says in a deep tone as he lets out groans with every word eyes never leaving your naked body as they scan over you huge breast down to your dripping cunt that tighten around his coke with every thrust
“Hell, He still wants a baby with you.. why do you think we care for that whore when we have you” Hyun su says before letting out a loud groan as he felt his self close to cumming inside of you as Hyun su slams your body down causing a knot to form in the pit of your stomach back arching slightly as you keep your self on your toes Turing to keep up with Hyun su
After a few more bounces on Hyun su harden cock your feel the knot in your stomach finally snap as you let out a loud moan eyes rolling to the back of your head as you feel your juices leak over Hyun su lower stomach as it dropped down on his big heavy balls
Letting out a groan as he keeps a hold of your hips using his strength to turn you over now on your back as he continues to pound in your now sensitive pussy as you wrap your arms around his neck
Feeling as he thrust start to become more sloppy then before as you look in his black eyes , back arching off the bed from the violent thrust as you feel him also why pulling away causing your to wrap your legs around his hips pulling him closer as you keep Hyun su locked in place
“D-Don’t.. S-Stay” reader tried to moan out as you feel another knot forming in your stomach causing your breathe to be caught in your throat as you feel Hyun su cum deep inside your womb causing your toes to curl as you feel the knot snap in your stomach once again as you came over Hyun su once more
Waiting as you catch your breath before Hyun su slowly pulls his soaked cock out of your drops ling pussy as he lays beside you eyes now back to their original color as he runs his wrist since it was now a bruise from his hands being tied
“I love you..” a Hyun su says in a whisper as he turns to wrap his arm around you pulling your naked body close to his before falling asleep on your exposed boobs as you son fall asleep with him in your arms with a small smile on your face
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astrophileous · 1 year
Derek becomes a girl dad and he teaches little bug to talk to his baby sister in bug's growing belly before he goes to sleep!!
I'd like to thank you for coming forward with this concept 'cause I'm going feRAL just thinking about it 🙏 I imagine Little Bug is around 3 here??? I kid you not I even googled about how a 3-year-old talks for this one 😭
Love Bugs Masterlist / Criminal Minds Masterlist
You had woken up the moment you heard the sound of your bedroom door opening.
After dinner, you had promptly retired to your bedroom to rest your aching feet and stiff back. Your words of protest fell on deaf ears as Derek insisted on taking care of the mess in the kitchen and dining room, while your son was all too eager to lend a helping hand towards his father. They conspired to kick you out of the kitchen before you could even reach the sink, claiming that The Morgan Boys had everything under control and that your help was not needed. You had clutched your chest in a feigned hurt when your son pointed that out.
You knew you must have dozed off after getting settled on the bed, somewhere in the middle of reading the 400-something pages of a romance novel that JJ had demanded you to read. The familiar pitter patter of tiny feet that your ears had caught was followed by much heavier footsteps. There was no mistaking the presence of your husband and son within the four walls of your bedroom, especially with the sound of their loud whispers as the two conversed among themseleves as if they were the only two people who held the secret of the universe.
"Mommy is sleeping, Little Bug," you heard Derek say. It took nearly every willpower you had to keep your eyes completely shut.
"Mommy sleepy?"
"Yeah, buddy. Mommy can't say goodnight because she's sleeping," Derek explained. "Would you like to say goodnight to your baby sister instead?"
You heard your son gasp. "Baby sister?"
"Yes, Little Bug. C'mere."
You felt the bed dip underneath your fingers before a familiar warmth that you recognized as Derek's pressed against your right thigh. Not five seconds later, you felt another weight--much lighter this time--settled against the left side of your body.
"Careful, buddy. Be gentle, 'aight?" Derek warned. "Here, place your hands right here."
Mere moments later, you felt small hands roaming the expanse of your 18-week bump. Even with your eyes closed, you could still imagine the adorable curiosity in your son's eyes as he inspected your belly, along with the way his eyebrows would crease in the same manner as his father did whenever he was lost in deep thought. The urge to see your toddler's expression alone almost compelled you to open your eyes, but you were curious to see where this whole ordeal would eventually lead to, so you forced them to stay shut as you attempted to control your breathing.
"That's your baby sister in there, Little Bug," Derek said. You could nearly hear the smile in his voice.
"Sister?" Your son rubbed his palms around your bump. "Baby Bug?"
Something churned in your chest at the nickname that your son had just given for your unborn daughter.
"What do you wanna say to her, buddy?"
"Um, is it hot here? I hope it's not hot. You can't sleep when it's hot."
You bit your lip to stop yourself from laughing.
"Go on," Derek urged.
"I wait for you to get out. We play when you get out." You felt your son hugging your bump after that, before leaving a kiss on top of it through the clothes you were wearing. "I love you, Baby Bug. Sweet dreams."
You listened as your husband and son exited the room, leaving you once again alone in the solitude. When you opened your eyes, you realized that tears had begun to pool on your waterline, and they ran down your cheeks like a summer rain, orchestrated by the trainwreck that your hormons had become.
By the time Derek returned to your bedroom, you were a plight of shaking shoulders and ferocious sobs.
"Bug?" Derek's eyes and voice were laden with concern as he rushed over to your side. "Hey, hey. What's going on? Talk to me."
You collapsed into Derek's embrace, your tears forming a wet patch on his shoulder as you mumbled your answer incoherently to his shirt.
"What?" Derek pulled back just the tiniest bit to look at your face, his eyes still worried and his arms still caging you as he asked, "What did you say, Bug? I can't hear you."
"H-He--" sob, "--he called h-her--" sob, sob, "--B-Baby Bug..."
Derek frowned.
You proceeded to fall back into his arms.
"You're crying because our son called his sister Baby Bug?"
He felt you nod against his chest.
Derek smiled.
He had nothing to worry about.
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jvnluvr · 1 year
blue lock boys when you surprise them ! pt 1. ♡
ft. sae & kaiser x f!reader
(neo-egoist arc spoilers!! be warned)
author’s note: my last blue lock post got a lot of love and it made me more motivated, so thank you everyone! might do a part too where the roles are swapped, or with more characters. lmk by asking if you have any other requests. enjoy more bllk content, my lovely readers. <3
itoshi sae:
sae is gone a lot. you knew from the moment you got into a relationship with him that this would be the reality of your relationship. you loved him though, so even if you missed him tremendously, he would always come back home into your arms. there wasn’t much more you could ask for.
sae had gone to brazil for three games. it was a week stay, but it felt so insufferably long. maybe 3-4 days in, you were sick of being home after work not having anyone to go to or not having anything to do. so what did you do? obviously book a ticket to brazil yourself! to avoid suspicion, you told sae that you might not respond to his texts because you were going out with your friends and end up staying over at their place. (all your friends were busy that week.) but he didn’t catch anything!
you fell asleep on the flight, waking up to your landing. your heart was racing as you walked off into the airport. you’ve never really done something this grand before. surprising your boyfriend right before his game? god, you never expected to even set foot in another country for a while. all you could do was quickly rush to get a taxi, (you learned basic portuguese for this) and off you were to the stadium where his last game was being hosted.
quickly playing the driving, you ran inside. even if shidou was annoying, you thanked him for not revealing your plan to sae and helping you enter the stadium freely. “your boyfriend is a lucky one, yeah?” you could only nod in nervousness. why were you scared to see him? what if he just told you to go back home, what if he didn’t want any distractions, what if-? “c’mon he’s about to get on field, go!” shidou pushed you near the place his team was getting ready.
“hey [name]! sae didn’t tell us you were gonna�� be here.” one of his teammates grinned at you. you saw sae slowly turn around when he heard your name, an annoyed look plastered on his faces, thinking his teammates were tricking him for a stupid laugh. that was until he actually saw you, that his eyes widened.
“uh,, surprise sae?” he kind of just stood there for a second, not even being able to process the fact that you were physically standing in front of him. you only were able to feel dejected for a mere second, assuming he wasn’t happy to see you, that was until you were suddenly enveloped into a warm hug. and for a second, it felt as if you were the only two in the blazing stadium. “stupid, why are you here?” he whispered in your ear, not letting you go. despite his chosen words, his voice was filled with nothing but softness.
“cause i missed you, sae. you’re always gone, and even if i was prepared, it hurts not being with you.” you replied back. god no, you weren’t going to cry right before he went on the field. “don’t cry princess, i’m right here.” you were trying so hard to hold it in, but you couldn’t help it, he was with you, after what felt like an eternity. “thank you for surprising me, you’re the best thing i could ask for.” he kissed your forehead, still whispering so his teammates couldn’t hear the sweet nothings he reserved for you.
michael kaiser:
the ace of bastard münchen loved you very dearly. kaiser loved selectively, but the moment he laid eyes on you, he was smitten. truly, he tried to make as much time as humanly possible to spend with you but when blue lock joined the top teams, his brain had been haywire because of isagi. all he could think of was how to improve, how to crush him.
so naturally; with his brain occupied and all, he gradually started spending more and more time away from home to practice. sure, he still texted you sometimes and all, but you felt more lonely before than ever, since you were so used to kaiser being there to smother you in his love and adoration.
so when today finally came, the day where they would go up against barcha fc, it was him to finally prove he was a better player than isagi. he left super early that morning. he didn’t expect you to even try and leave the house because you studied from home, and he was going to be gone practically the whole day. to be honest, you really did want to go and surprise him at the game, but you couldn’t afford to skip class today. so you had to come up with something else grand to surprise kaiser.
so you went out after class, an hour before he was supposed to come home. you bought heart-shaped balloons, confetti, a cake, and any other decorations that you could drape onto the walls in your shared house. just before you were about to go back, you got a *ping!* from your phone.
ml michael: baby we won!!!! i’ll be home in a bit <3
you: congrats ! i’m waiting <3
you knew after that you had to rush home and get ready. gratefully your house wasn’t too far from the store. so you quickly unloaded everything from your car and put everything up in the living room, near the entrance of your house. “i hope he likes it, and isn’t too tired to just ignore everything..” you let out a slight sigh before continuing to finish up putting up the decorations.
you heard a loud engine outside and you would have been surprised if it was anyone besides kaiser. you quickly ran to shut off the lights before hiding behind the couch that faced the wall. the sound of the keys jingling as the door opened made your heart race as you held your hand over your mouth, not wanting him to even hear your breathing. “my dearest love, i’m home- huh? why are the lights off?” you couldn’t help but internally giggle at his insanely slow reaction time.
“[name], are we playing hide and seek or something? you know i’ll find you.” at that, you unintentionally rolled your eyes at his confidence. there’s no way he would expect you to be behind this couch, not to mention he hasn’t even turned the lights on- “found you.” you yelped as kaiser picked you up from behind, sitting you on his lap on the side of the couch.
“now, does my pretty girl wanna tell me why she was hiding behind the couch?” he kissed your cheek, and he swore he could see them turn red in the darkness. your entire plan? ruined. this really wasn’t the way you wanted to surprise him. “just wanted to surprise you, y‘know? you didn’t even turn on the lights silly.” kaiser gave you a confused look but nonetheless got up to turn them on. “surprise! and of course good job on winning your game today.” you smiled at him, but he just stared at you with the biggest heart in his eyes.
“you’re the cutest thing ever.” he lifted you up again and you wrapped your legs around him. “there’s a cake too, we should eat it.” you mentioned, totally forgetting that you set it out on the table. “i love you, liebe.” he couldn’t stop kissing you after that surprise.
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Don’t want to bother you again but omg, I need subby Spencer or literally fluff with Spencer our little BAU nerd 🥺
.⋆。Breaking Rules。⋆.
Spencer Reid x plus size reader
Spence is beyond pent up and you’re the only one who can help him
Warnings: smut, sub!Spencer, handjob, dom!reader, sex at work, having to stay quiet, season 2 spencer, begging, biting, d/s dynamic (spencer has rules he has to follow), praise, aftercare
WC: 924
Minors DNI
Library- @hannibals-favourite-meal-library
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His gaze burned into the back of your head as you worked on the pile of paperwork in front of you. You knew what he wanted and you would be lying if you said that you didn’t want it too but there was too much work to be done.
With Elle resigning and cases popping up at an increasingly exponential amount, you and the others on your team were saddled with mountains of paperwork, which unfortunately meant that you and your boyfriend haven’t had a lot of alone time together for the past few weeks.
He was quickly becoming extremely needy- humping your ass as you cooked dinner, trying to bury his head between your plump thighs as you did work in your shared home office, he even fell asleep with one of your tits in his mouth just last night. And now, he was even going so far as to break one of his rules (no sex in the office) in order to get some kind of relief.
You looked up from the case file that you had been staring at to look around the bullpen. Everyone was  buried so wholly in their work that they wouldn’t notice the absence of two of their team members. Sighing, you closed the folder in front of you and spun your chair around by only a few inches. Immediately, Spencer perked up like a little puppy waiting for a treat. With an almost imperceptible nod, you stood up and made your way to the ladies room.
Just as you slipped into the largest stall at the back of the restroom, the door swung open once more and in scrambled Spencer, red-faced and bent over as he tried to conceal the hard bulge between his legs. “Please ma'am, please I need it so bad.” He begged, pawing at your tight skirt.
You tutted. “You know the rules baby.” He whined in response, his big brown eyes, already hazy with submission, filling with tears. “But- that doesn't mean that I won’t take care of you.” 
Spencer’s knees buckled as you gently laid your palm against where he needed you most, and gave his aching cock a squeeze. “Ma’am.” He curled over on himself, burying his large nose in your hair as he pushed his thin hips into your hand. 
“You have to be quiet baby. Can you be a good boy and stay quiet for me?” With your other hand, you guided his face into the crook of your neck, muffling the soft groans that were already slipping from his lips as your touch became more firm. “Can you open your belt for me baby?” He nodded against your throat, his trembling hands fumbling with the buckle. It fell open suddenly, causing him to yelp softly as if the clink of the scratched metal scared him. Spencer’s pants sagged, exposing the top of his loose boxers which grew tighter by the second.
Your hand dove into the soft fabric, finally taking a hold of him. Spencer’s moan was as loud as a scream in your ear but it barely echoed through the small stall. He throbbed in your hand, his cock hard and angry. Precum dripped from the head onto your half-closed fist, making your palm glide along his length smoothly.
Your own arousal was almost too much, the wetness between your soft thighs growing to a level which you could not ignore but your boy needed you more than you needed relief. “You’ve been so good for me. Doing your work, following your rules. You’re such a good boy, my best boy.” He throbbed against your soft palm.
“M-ma’am.” He whimpered. You smiled against his silky hair and kissed his temple gently. Your grip tightened even further, making Spencer go boneless in your arms as he rooted against your neck. The collar of your shirt was suddenly pushed aside as he bit down on your shoulder, his eyes squeezed tightly in pleasure.
You winced at the dull ache of his bite but did not pull him off, knowing he needed it to muffle his noises and remain grounded. He bucked into you with uneven thrusts, he was chasing his end as quickly as he could, his brain too foggy to focus on anything else. “That’s it, cum for me baby. Make a mess all over my hand. So so good for me.”
The only warning you received was a particularly throaty groan against your shoulder before he exploded into your hand, his hot release gathering around your knuckles as he rode out his high. “Oh baby, that was a lot. You must have been really hurting.” He nodded pathetically, making you smile. With another kiss to his head, you released his softening cock and stepped back. “Let me clean you up baby and then you can go back to your desk.”
He stood perfectly still as you whipped away the evidence of your small romp, throwing the used tissue into the toilet after you cleaned up your hand. You pulled up his slacks and redid the belt for him, tucking his shirt neatly back into place once you were done. The flush on his cheeks had begun to fade as his lips met yours in a gentle peck filled with love. 
“Thank you.” He muttered against your lips before pulling away and walking out of the bathroom, albeit a lot more sluggish than when he walked in. 
You quickly cleaned between your thighs and followed after him, suddenly a lot more motivated to finish up your work.
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kangmoon27 · 1 year
TERRITORIAL | Jungkook oneshot
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Pairing: yandere Jungkook x Yandere Yn
Summary: you're just a high schooler who fell in love with a gangster like him. Is it wrong? Is it wrong to be territorial just to make sure you will be able to keep him all for yourself?.
You're just a high school girl who fell in love with a gangster. Is it wrong to fall in love? Maybe it's not but it's wrong to give your whole self to someone who isn't serious about you but even if that's the case you don't care, all you want is him.
You don't care if people will call you dump, stupid, crazy, you don't can't at all as long as he's all yours then you will be in peace.
It's already 6:00 pm, usually high school students should be home by now but you aren't. You're standing Infront of a abandoned building while you're playing with your skirt wait for the door to open.
Biting your lips while looking down on your feet when the door unlocked revealing one of your man's friend Mingyu. He couldn't help but to chuckles when he saw you. It's not a surprise anymore seeing you here since you're always here mostly everyday.
He then shouted while you're staring at him. "Kook drop that chick your high schooler is here!!" As soon as he said that you hear laughter coming from the inside of the abandoned building that they called their home.
Mingyu open the door for you. You walked him while playing with your fingers. And at last, you finally saw him after a long day. Here right there sitting on the couch looking so hot with his sleeveless shirt exposing his tattoos and his huge arm muscle.
But there a girl sitting on his lap. More like a hot woman. She's only waring a short, very very short denim short while topped with a red b'a that is only each to cover her cherries.
She's sitting so comfortable on your man's lap and you hate it, who wouldn't right. As soon as Jungkook saw you he just rolled his eyes and slowly pushed the chick while he dropped his cigarettes and step it on his black huge leather boots.
He stood up while he started making his way to the bedroom. You understood the assignment so you just followed him and went inside the seede bedroom while he looks at his friends and nod making his friends shock their hair, he then closed the door behind him and faced you.
Making his way towards you. Jungkook unbuttoned your shirt while looking like he's in hurry. "I-I, can you take it slow" you asked but looks like he didn't heard you cause as soon as your shirt is already laying on the ground he pushed you making you lay down on the bed while kissing your neck.
He unbuttoned his pants and pulled out his man. Giving it a several pump before he pulled yourself pa'tie down and inside his c'ck. A deep gulp left your mouth after feeling him filling you up.
Within a second he started thr'sting hard on you. Your nails is digging his back. Your moan is being held back because of the pleasure. It painful because he's not even letting you adjust but this is the pain that you wanted to have all your life time.
He held your hips, gripping it tightly as he move it up and down making you scream in pain. He's hitting your spot so hard that it could even leave you bleeding after. Soon you felt him getting bigger making you clench around him till he released his hot c'm all over you. He look at your puffy p'ssy and tap it will his tip before he completely moved away from you.
You look at him dressing himself up while you're still laying on the bed trying to catch your breath. "Are you guys going somewhere? Looks like you're in hurry." You asked.
He turn his head to your direction where he just chuckles and as soon as he finished wearing his clothes he knee down Infront of you and kiss your forehead.
"No darling, I'm not going anywhere but you are." His words leaving you confused.
"Me? No I can stay here for tonight.  My parents won't be home for the next two weeks remember? I already told you about it.
"Righttttt exactly. But you know what our age different is really really far and it won't work. You know who you are to me right. A beautiful toy that I always play with but you didn't really thought that I'll be your man or you will be my woman right. You saw that girl earlier? That's what I wanted, not a high schooler like you. So I guess that's it, you can now go."
You couldn't move, it's too painful, you're not the woman that he likes, he only played you and yours surly aware of that cause you could maybe there's a chance for both of you but you're wrong, so so wrong.
You don't wanna lose him, never in your life though of losing him but now it's happening. You dropped your knees on the ground while your eyes begging to filled with your tears, "k-kook please don't, you know that I love you right, it's okay if you wanted to touch them but please don't leave me, you know how much I love you please don't."
You don't care if kneeling for stupid unworthy person made you lost your dignity to yourself. You just don't care anymore all you want is to still be able to call him yours even if he'll fck someone else, even if he touches them as long as you knew he still belongs to you, you're already fine with it but it's not that easy because he doesn't want you anymore, not anymore, he got tired of having the taste of your b'dy everyday.
"Just wear your clothes and leave baby, okay" he open the door and left, he left you crying on the ground all alone.
It's already 3am but you're still crying, it's too painful for you cause even if you gave him all yourself he still couldn't choose you. He still couldn't love you back and you hate it. You hate it that you love him so much that you didn't care about anything anymore. Without having him, it could be the death of you. Your life with be over without him.
While you're crying on your bed you heard whispering coming from the hallway of your bedroom. Without thinking twice you open your bedroom room and saw him. It's Jungkook but here wearing a mask and a hat together with his friends.
He pushed you inside and closed the door. You're so confused about what's happening but at the same time you're so happy to see him here.
"W-what are you doing here kook?"
"I just suddenly missed you."
"But you said-"
"Forget what i said Yn, I missed you and I love you okay."
He slowly pulled your shirt up and unclipped your b'a. His warm mouth took your nipple and started s'cking it, having his warm mouth s'cking you while his finger is playing with your c'nt, you couldn't help but to mo'n.
Jungkook placed the t'p of his leaking c'ck against your entrance before pushing in slowly, you gasped at the feeling him fill you up as he got deeper and deeper until you sat nicely on his lap.
One hand still on your hips the other carded through your hair as tongues tangled together in sloppy k'sses.
A gasp left Jungkook's lips as he felt you raise your hips only to slam back down onto him A breathless "fcking good" leaving his lips.
Starting slow you started to gain momentum bouncing up and down on his throbbing c'ck. Pulling away from the kissing to sit up you moaned as your body jerked up and down tits bouncing with every thrust.
The sound of skin slapping against skin echoed with both of your labored breathes, you could feel the tip of Jungkook's cck hitting in all the right spots.
You let out a strangled mo'n as your walls clenched around his cck, Jungkook thr'sted up once more before keeping his cck buried inside  you.
Soon you fell asleep while laying on top of him, your head is laying on his chest.
You woke up the next day alone. Your parents is there when you walk out of your room while police is always surrounded your house. You're so confused about what's happening and that's when realization hits you.
He didn't come to your house last night cause he misses you. He came to your house to steal. How can you be so stupid. You head feels so heavy that. You run to you room and locked the door.
Your such a disgrace to your family.
There you are looking at him away who's currently outside your school while taking to a chick. You don't know why but even after what he did to you and to your family you just couldn't hate him.
But at least you're trying to keep your distance from him. You sigh and went inside the campus again and went to the library k'lls some time while he's still outside.
You're reading book and studying for the past 2 hours and after that you went out hoping he's already gone. You walked outside the campus and started walking to your favorite cafe that is just near by but before you can even get away from your school a beep coming from a motorcycle stopped you from walking.
A big bike stoped Infront of you. He removed his helmet and smiled at you. If you're not only thinking about your parents anymore, you will surely gonna knee down Infront of him right not but not this time.
Not after what he did to you.  You tried to walk passed at him but he's fast enough to grab your wrist and pulled you close to him.
"Let me go. I'm going home."
"Wow, since when did you learn to reject me love?."
"Maybe after what you did that night."
He then started laughing. You look at him in confused, tears begin to filled your eyes while he caresses your cheek and pulled you even more closer.
"Oh come on my love, I pretty sure it's nothing compared to your richness, everything we stoled is just a piece of trash for your rich ass right."
He continue laughing making you lose your patience. You pulled your hand and started walking away from him but seems like he didn't like it. He went down to his big bike and started pulling your hand.
"Put your helmet on now."
His tone of voice changers, it's more deep and it sounded like he's mad or something, at some point it actually kinda made you scared but there's no space for that in you right now.
"Why can't you just leave me alone!! You already said it right. You don't like me, I'm just a high schooler and you don't like me!! You like a chick right and I'm not like that!!"
"A high schooler? Well looks like I was wrong, you're deeper than that. You're being so territorial to me love. I know what you did to that girl. You ended her right? You k'lled her right. You're literally being so territorial over me and I get it, you wanted me to yours right" he pulled you up close as he whispered to your ears "you wanted to own me right, then I'm all yours now."
You gulped, how did he find out, no one should fine out cause it's a mistake, you only wanted to warm her to never steal your man, it was never your intention to end her!! You couldn't even admit it to yourself that you did that so how did he find out!!.
"S-stop with your jokes, it's not funny leave me alone!!."
You started walking about from him when you suddenly heard the voices saying "leave him alone he's all mineee all mine!!"
You heard you voice shouting those words. You turned around and saw him holding his phone while playing the video of you k'lling the girl who's sitting on his lap that night.
Running towards him, you tried your best to grab his phone but he's fast enough to hide it inside his jacket.
"Delete that!! I didn't meant to do it!! I just love you so much okay!! I love you is it wrong?!".
He hugged you tight while trying to make you calm down. "It's not wrong love. I know you did that cause you love me and I'm so amazed by you love. You're amazing."
"I-I'm just trying to protect my property" you said.
"I know my lady, and you just did the right thing." Jungkook kissed your forehead before pulling you in his embrace.
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homeofthelonelywriter · 5 months
Drawn to you | Pt. 6
(A/N) There we go. I'm so sorry about not posting last week. A lot came up and I didn't find the time to write anything. Also, I really enjoy writing human!Alastor, more so than I thought, so there's gonna be more of that.
Pairing: Alastor x bunny demon!Reader (no Y/N)
Warnings: murder...yep, sexism, nightmare, flashback
Synopsis: Will he finally remember you?
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
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When did he fall asleep? As his eyes widened, he spun around and came face to face with Charlie. She looked concerned, one of her hands raised as if she was about to touch him, but hesitated.
“Ah, princess. What can I do for you?”
The demon got to his feet and swiped his clawed hands over his coat as if to smooth out any wrinkles. Now that he was standing, Charlie had to look up at him, a motion that had always given Alastor a feeling of power, but right now, all he could think about was you.
“I’m sorry for waking you. I just wanted to check in on the two of you and offer to give you a break. You’ve been in this room for days now.”
It’s true. He has been here for days. Watching you sleep and heal. Watching you slowly get better. And if he’s honest, it’s the only reason he hasn’t marched up to Valentino and beat him to pulp. So no, he didn’t want the princess to take over. He wouldn’t be able to take accountability for what happens if he leaves the room without you.
“Thank you, Charlie. I appreciate the offer, but I’d rather stay here.”
Her face fell, concern washing over it again. She opened her mouth, about to object, but a quiet whimper stopped her.
Alastor whipped around as soon as he heard the sound leave your lips and rushed to your bedside. You were thrashing around, your face distorted in fear. You were having a nightmare. Charlie joined Alastor at your side, but he quickly shooed her away, reasoning that the more people you saw once you woke up, the more you’d panic. She hesitated, but after a few seconds nodded and left the room.
The radio demon turned all his attention to you now, still battling with the blanket on top of you. He gently grabbed your shoulders and pushed you against the mattress, trying to keep you from hurting him or yourself.
“It’s okay dear, I’m here.”
He continued to hold you down while whispering nonsense, trying to break past the panic of what you were experiencing at that moment and reach you. And it worked. You suddenly went limp, another whimper leaving your lips, but this time it was his name…but…not really his name.
He blinked once…twice…three, no four times, his eyes glazing over as memories came rushing back to him. New Orleans…the radio station…and suddenly he felt the humid heat against his skin, the sweat causing his glasses to slide down his nose and he pushed them back up again.
Earth - late 1910s
He stood before his workplace, the radio company where he took over the late airings. With his usual smile, he entered the well-air-conditioned building and made his way up to the offices, on a mission to find his favorite coworker.
He quickly spotted her, shoulders slumped as she read over a page. His cheerful smile lost most of its cheer, no longer reaching his eyes as he gazed upon her back. She deserved so much more than working for thankless, egotistical men who couldn’t appreciate her genius.
With quick steps, he closed the distance between himself and her and placed his hands over her eyes, his grin returning to it’s usual brightness.
“Guess who?”
The chuckle that escaped her lips made his heart beat faster, a soft blush covering his cheeks. It was the loveliest sound he’d ever heard and at the same he wished to keep that sound to himself, he wanted to broadcast it to the entire world.
“Oh, Samantha, is that you?”
His shoulders shook as a bubbly laugh escaped his lips. He rarely laughs, but with her, it felt natural. He leaned down slightly until he could whisper into her ear.
“Would you prefer it being Samantha?”
She shook her head and Alastor lowered his hands, as the woman spun around in her chair, smiling at him. And…it was you. He finally recognized you.
“Now, how is my favorite lady doing?”
Gently, he took a hold of your right hand, guiding it to his lips to press a quick kiss against your knuckles, while you rolled your eyes. You always did but he still insisted on the gesture. After all, it was one of the only places he could kiss. At least for now.
“Ah, you know, same old, same old. Got my work done within two hours, wrote down my concept for the day and it’s not even lunchtime, got yelled at by boss-man once again,-”
As soon as you mentioned your boss, his eyes hardened and he glared at the office door that hid the fat man. If he could only kill him…maybe he would. In that moment he wondered how it felt to kill someone.
“Someone ought to take care of that bastard.”
Your eyes widened at his comment you raised your hands to cover his mouth. But he just chuckled and lowered them slowly.
“You can’t just say stuff like that. You’ll get fired.”
Alastor turned back to you with his signature smile. How adorble you were, always looking out for him.
“If I were to get fired for protecting you, it would be worth it.”
He watched a light blush cover your cheeks. You lowered your head to hide it, but he still noticed. Of course he did, he noticed everything about you. That coy smile you were wearing right now. Your favorite perfume that he could always smell on you. How you always seemed to sit up straighter when he was near. And the excitment in your eyes when you see him.
Alastor chuckled again, before carefully ruffling through your hair, making sure not to destroy your hairdo too much. You started to complain, but before the first word could even slip past your lips, he had stopped and instead started to fix the mess he had made. Then he turned back to you.
“So, what’s on your agenda today?”
You reached for the pieces of paper on your desk and went through them, Alastor listening intently and taking notes in his head. He loved your ideas and often used them during his broadcast. Especially topics he knew you were passionate about.
“Congress is supposed to vote on the 19th amendment in a few days. I really hope it gets signed.”
Alastor nodded. He’d definitely have to mention that, especially after you turned to look at him with that sparkle in your eyes. He smiled, he loved that side of you. Excited and passionate. Something he rarely found in the women around him, something that drew him even closer to you.
His thoughts were interrupted when his name was called across the office space. He looked up and saw his boss waving him over. His eyes flickered to you and he saw the disappointment in them. And he understood it all too well, himself being annoyed that he had to leave you.
“Gotta run, will you tune in tonight?”
Knowing his boss didn’t like to be kept waiting, Alastor started to walk away while still facing you.
“I always do.”
Once again his heart fluttered at your words, a giant grin spreading across his lips before he turned and ran towards his boss who was already looking annoyed. As soon as Alastor was close enough, the other man started walking, keeping silent until they were out of the office.
“Well, is she your girl?”
Alastor looked at his boss, confusion plain on his face, but shook his head once the other man confirmed he was talking about you.
“Hm…in that case…maybe I’ll call her into my office then. You know, get to it. She’s a real cutie.”
Alastor would never admit it. He usually was more careful with his killings, but at the moment he saw red.
With a strained smile, he asked his boss if he’d like to go out for a smoke, his treat of course. Once the man agreed, Alastor led him out the back door, where no one ever was, and distracted him long enough for the radio host to grab a loose brick and whack him over the back of his head. It was enough to knock him out, but that wasn’t enough. If he could have, Alastor would have beaten the man to a pulp, but he couldn’t get any blood on his person, so he instead decided to use his belt to strangle him to death.
Once he was sure the man was dead, he got to his feet, breathing heavily while his lips slowly pulled into a wicked grin. Oh, how good that felt. He only wished he could’ve watched the panic in his eyes while he died.
Still, Alastor’s mind quickly returned to the task at hand. He had just killed someone in the alley behind where he worked. He’s not sure, but there was a possibility, that others saw them leaving together and then he’d be done for. His mind was racing as he thought of what to do. He had to stage the scene, that much was obvious, but how?
He quickly reached into his boss’s pants and pulled out his wallet, removing all the cash before dropping the empty wallet next to the body. Next, he removed the large, gold ring from the man’s little finger, as well as his pocket watch. The last touch was taking off the man’s belt and wrapping it around his neck in place of his own, just so that the police would think that it was used to murder him and not search for another one.
Once done, he stepped back, a proud smile on his lips as he pocketed the objects he had just taken. He could use those to remember this. His first kill. But surely not his last.
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Hazbin Hotel - Masterlist
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hlficlibrary · 10 months
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HL Fic Library 🌲 Stuck in a Cabin Fics
Remember to leave kudos and a comment on the fics you enjoyed to show your appreciation! You can find the library's other recs here.
🌲 Snow by Septic_Styles {M, 70k}
The snow was packed high, completely covering the doorway. Louis reached out to touch it but Harry pulled his arm back in.
"What are you doing?" he hissed.
"It's snow, Harry, not some creature from Mars." Louis rolled his eyes and pressed his index finger to it. It wasn't soft, it was firm and had an almost crunchy texture like the freezing temperature had turned it into ice as the night passed on. It had been sitting there for some time. "Yeah, just as I suspected," Louis said, closing the front door.
"We're fucked."
Louis is set to travel thirteen hours up the country to stay with his family at a holiday rental in Edinburgh for Christmas, but when he makes an overnight stop at his cabin in the woods in the Lake District, an unexpected, unlikely face - which Louis has spent all of his teenager and most of his adult years resenting - comes knocking, seeking for help.
Little did they know that the heaviest snowfall England had ever seen would snow the two foes in for a week...
🌲 To the Ends of the Earth by stylinsoncity / @aliensingucci {M, 68k}
During a yearlong hiatus, Louis visits Harry at his cabin in Idaho, where long-buried feelings ignite like the fire keeping them warm.
🌲Take on Me by @haztobegood {E, 60k}
Actor Harry Styles is preparing for his next leadi ng role as Antonius the Gladiator with the help of Louis Tomlinson, Hollywood’s top stunt coordinator. When the demands of Harry’s career get in the way of their training, the pair head to a secluded cabin to complete their training. Then, Louis begins to share senses with Harry. What is causing this mysterious connection and can Louis and Harry figure out how to stop it before they leave the cabin?
🌲 Warming Up to You by @youreyesonlarry {E, 56k}
“I feel you,” Harry nods along as he zips his bag open, carefully pulling out his fancy looking camera before pressing a button to turn it on. “I love taking pictures for a number of reasons, but I think the best part of the whole thing is that I’m able to go through my older pictures and have all these memories from those moments come back to me.”
He puts the camera against his eye and points at Louis, and before the shorter one can even react, he hears a ‘click’, and Harry’s smiling down at the screen of his camera.
“And I don't think I want to forget about the day I got stranded in a cabin with a pretty stranger,” he finishes off.
Prompt 111: Louis and Harry are strangers that somehow got stranded during a blizzard. They find themselves in an abandoned cabin and have to cuddle for warmth. Cuddling leads to much more.
🌲 Cabin Fever by @germericangirl {E, 46k}
“What the fuck is he doing here?“ He asked still looking at him, before he turned back to look at Niall for an answer.
Niall’s mouth fell open and he looked at him with wide eyes "He um changed his mind?“
Harry stared at Niall for a few seconds in silence, before grabbing a bag and walking towards a bedroom without looking at anyone else, slamming the door shut behind himself.
Liam flinched in front of Louis.
“Well I’m happy to see you too.“ Louis mumbled, some of the tension leaving his body. This wasn’t exactly how he thought their first meeting would go. It was quiet for a moment before Louis finally spoke up “Did you seriously not tell him I was coming?“
Or: One cabin, one bed, two ex-boyfriends. What could possibly go wrong?
🌲 Snow Job by @duchesskitty16 {E, 42k}
Harry is a world famous rock star who is closeted and never gives interviews. Louis is a failed novelist and reporter for a gossip magazine that has fallen on hard times. Louis is promised a promotion if he can get the ultimate get - an interview with Harry Styles. Louis finds out that Harry has a mountain cabin near where his friends Zayn and Niall live and heads up to try and meet him. In a twist of fate, Louis has an accident and Harry saves him. Will Louis get his story, or will the fact that he's falling in love change things? Will Harry forgive him when he finds out Louis is lying to him? Will Harry find the courage to come out of the closet and finally be happy?
🌲 too much, but it’s enough by @ohpleaselarry {E, 40k}
There are about a thousand things Louis wishes he could go back in time and fix. A thousand things, and nearly all of them include Harry.
There are the more simple things, like showing him more support, telling him it’s okay to be himself, gently reminding him that a condom in his pocket is rather obvious in skinny jeans, but if he could just choose one thing, just one to change, he’d probably just have told the lad he loves him.
Always has. And always will.
🌲 Something As Simple As This by frenchkiss {E, 34k}
Trapped in a cabin in the middle of nowhere after a blizzard derails Louis from getting home, he and the attractive stranger who owns the place have nothing to do but... well, each other. It would be a real shame if feelings got in the way, and even more of a shame if a secret about this stranger's identity turned both their lives upside down and inside out.
🌲 Etched in Salt (is a cathedral of the world) by @helloamhere {E, 24k}
Louis asks for very few things in life, and they are: to solve cases, to keep bad people from doing their bad things, to get good coffee, to go home to a spacious apartment with nobody else in it, and to manage his stupid telempathy powers with minimal interference. And now he's stuck in a tiny cabin in a snowstorm in the middle of god-awful-nowhere with Harry Styles. Because of course he is.
🌲 you’re the habit that i can’t break by @ohpleaselarry {NR, 24k}
The boys decide to have a belated band reunion, just the five of them. One week, one cabin in the mountains, five boys.
Harry and Louis haven’t spoken sober in a year.
🌲 An Aurora Grove Christmas by @dandelionfairies {T, 17k}
Harry gets lost on his way to St. Louis. The roads are horrid because of the snow and he ends up spinning into a ditch. Lucky for him, he finds a cabin nearby, as well as a cute blue-eyed man who immediately helps him. Unfortunately, his car is stuck for the night, but at least he has a place to stay with Louis. With the snow continuing to fall and another storm front coming through, will he ever make it out of Aurora Grove? Does he even want to?
🌲 The fic where Harry calls Louis an idiot for ten days straight because he is one. by @mercurial-madhouse {M, 16k}
They’ve found the perfect get away from their busy lives as nationally-famous footie player and well-respected restaurant critic, escaping to the isolation of a cabin in the woods where they can simply be Louis and Harry.
If only both were actually here.
A gift forgotten in London, the untameable force of the weather, and the scent of burnt snickerdoodle biscuits find Harry and Clifford pitifully alone and Louis... Where is Louis?
🌲 Darling, Just Hold My Hand by likelarry {E, 10k}
Louis and Harry decide to spend a week at a skii resort with their families during the Christmas holidays.
On Christmas night, Harry goes into labor but the family gets snowed in which forces him to give birth in the cabin in the middle of nowhere.
Luckily, his husband is a surgeon who can help.
🌲 heaps of blankets by gemma {E, 7k}
You know when you and the one you love go for a not-so-adventurous adventure? And you do everything that's crazy, everything you want and just enjoy each other's company? That's Harry's plan when he rents a cabin at a resort in the mountains for him and Louis.
🌲 Orchids by talasArchivesx / @talasarchive {M, 7k}
“Do you find me sensible yet?” Twenty-two letters and six words, yet it lingers on Louis’ mind like an old song playing from a worn cassette. Such a memory holds so much significance it visits Louis’ mind every unsuspecting moment.
The words are a dreamy reminder of such precious seconds of his life.
A story about losing against the drifting tide, and finally coming home; featuring a cabin, winter blizzard and “one bed”.
🌲 Let It Snow by @jaerie {E, 6k}
With a blizzard approaching, Louis planned to spend his birthday with a drink and a good book. In his self exile at his remote cabin, he never expected a poorly dressed stranger to show up shivering and covered in snow. He also didn’t expect to have one of his best birthdays on record.
🌲 wish i knew how to break this spell by eleadore {E, 6k}
Maybe it should be more of a surprise to open the door and find Harry wrapped up in about a dozen blankets, face pink from the cold and soft from sleep. It isn’t.
Harry, Louis, and a cabin. It's cold outside.
🌲 Strange Trails by bananazine {G, 4k}
After one of Harry Style's third-years lost their favourite hat on a class hike, Harry goes back the next day to retrieve it. To his demise, a downpour of rain strikes, forcing him to search for shelter. He runs without a stop towards the nearest clearing and his prayers get answered when he sees an old hunting cabin. With trepidation slowing his steps, he finally makes it towards the presumably vacant cabin. Though, to be polite, he knocks, only to be faced by the bluest eyes he has ever seen.
🌲 (not) driving home for christmas by BeautifulWisdom / @justanotherghostblr {T, 3k}
Spending the holidays alone at his cabin, driving through a snowstorm Harry hits an animal. He takes the large dog back to his cabin to see if he can keep it alive until the storm breaks and he can get to a vet. Colour him surprised and woefully unprepared when said dog turns into a very bloody and very naked man.
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calummss · 20 days
being in a relationship with cameron monaghan…
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start and development of relationship
i think you and cam would be the embodiment of childhood best friends to lovers
your families were super close friends and lived next to each other in the los angeles suburbs
they made play dates, made sure you attended the same kindergarten, school etc.
this meant you saw each other literally every second of every day but you didn’t mind
every other weekend your parents would get together in their backyards and have a barbecue which meant the two of you would stay up the whole night together
you would fall asleep together, waking up in his arms or with his head on your stomach
casual display of affection because ��you are just best friends and have been doing it since you were kids’
late night deep talks on the rooftop!!
trying your first cigarette together and breaking into fits of coughing and laughter as the hot smoke clashes with the cold night air
one time your parents asked you if you two were together and you denied it so fast lmao. like you were flustered!!
“imagine if we dated.” “imagine.”
when either one of you had trouble sleeping you would throw rocks at each other’s window to spend time together
you would always end up in the backyard, talking until you fell asleep
your parents found you like this most days
even they knew!!
“i know you better than i know myself”
you too were interested in the entertainment industry so sometimes you wouldn’t see each other for weeks
one day you get into a huge fight because the other went on a “date” and didn’t tell the other
“do they even know [small insignificant thing you mentioned once] …”
no one knew how to act until you kissed each other
the silence was so loud
“it’s always been you” / “i’ve always loved you” / “i have loved you all my life”
being each other’s firsts and lasts at the same time
he gifts you a necklace with his birthstone that matches the ring he bought himself (with your initial engraved)
being super excited when cameron gets cast in shameless!!
you got booked for your first tv show and started working on music
what the relationship would include
dedicating songs to cameron
forehead/cheek/temple/top of head kisses
making songs with cam!!
adopting pets together (bonus if its cats and dogs)
cameron appearing in your music videos
everyone being obsessed with you like they are with blake lively and ryan reynolds
cam’s hands are always on you!! around your waist, hand resting on your thigh, holding your hand, anything!! this man needs to feel you at all times
anytime there is a shameless cast reunion you’re automatically invited cause everyone loves you and you’re basically a part of the team
“there’s not a moment in my life where i haven’t loved you”
any award he wins he will always thank you first. it just comes naturally
i feel like he’s the type of boyfriend to save video edits of you
and then watches them when you’re away because he misses you…
so random but i have this tugging feeling that emma kenney and you would be super close. like when you catapulted to stardom during cam’s time on shameless, you were emma’s favourite singer and she’d always ask cam how you were and if you ever wanted to hang out with her
it was adorable!!
this + noel being the biggest y/n-nator (you sang at his wedding)
since we’re already talking about the shameless actors being your fans we cannot forget the nr.1 fan SHANOLA!!!
back to the things the relationship would include
late night beach trips
morning coffee runs with the dogs
cameron attending most of your concerts
bonus: fans film him jamming to your songs with your friends and family and they go super viral!!
cooking together, music blasting through the entire house as you dance together in your underwear
even in your thirties your parents still have weekly dinners. it brings back so many memories and a wave of nostalgia washes over you
just imagine how sexy cam would look in black linen pants and a white shirt (first few buttons undone) holding tongs as he stands by the grill with a beer in his hand inspo pic
cameron always cups your face, holds your face or places his hand on the back of your head when he kisses you!!
playing mario kart and cursing at each other (you did this as kids too)
occasionally late at night you have a couple of drinks and smokes, reminiscing about your childhoods
when cam hugs you he lifts you off the ground and does a little spin
leaning into each other when laughing
bonus: your/his wedding vows going something like this: “do you remember how our parents always used to joke that we'd get married one day? we’d get so defensive and embarrassed. they acted like they had us all figured out. now they’re in the front row having the last laugh […]” + imagine cameron singing an original song (something like perfect by ed sheeran)
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Pairing: Bruce Wayne x gn!reader
Tags: Angst, divorce, losing a child, graveyard, reference to child neglect, reference to canon typical violence, grief
Notes: so I’m very new to this fandom and haven’t actually read the comics yet but I’ve been reading a lot of fanfics and couldn’t get this out of my head. Also I tried to keep reader gender neutral but I did write and edit this in the middle of the night on my phone so please let me know if a rouge pronoun that isn’t ’you’ made its way in. Thanks for reading and please enjoy!
Word count: 1.9k
Summary: Falling in love with Bruce had been foolish. Marrying him was an act of down right insanity. You knew it would end one way or another but you had deluded yourself into believing your husband’s crusade couldn’t come at the expense of Jason’s life. Gotham needs Batman and Batman needs Robin. But why did Robin need to be the boys you had come to see as sons?
Or a one shot of the events leading up to your and Bruce’s divorce after Jason Todd’s death
Officially, you and Bruce had divorced only six months ago. Truly though, your relationship had ended nearly three years ago when Bruce came home without Jason. His Robin went off to do the one thing Batman wouldn’t, and the next thing you know your son is in the ground.
The grief was all consuming. You fell to your knees when Bruce told you. Alfred said the scream you let out would haunt him for the rest of his life but the memory of it was lost to you. Those early days after Jason’s death are blurry still. The only tangible feeling being the heavy hole Jason left behind in your chest.
You’re not sure where Bruce went after that. He grew so distant the only time you saw him was to discuss funeral arrangements. After the funeral you don’t really see your husband for the next month. When asked, Alfred informed you Bruce was staying in the cave believing you needed space. Alfred had clearly disapproved of that but Bruce was right. She did need space from him, from Batman.
It’s not a point of pride that you grew to hate him in the early months after. Thoughts of revealing his extra curricular activity plagued you. As much as Gotham needs Batman, Bruce needs Batman too. He needs to protect his city and build towards a future where his parents' deaths wouldn’t ever be repeated. But how could that future exist when Batman won’t even kill Joker? How could it exist without Jason?
The idea is tempting but you never act on it. Revealing Batman’s identity wouldn’t only endanger you but Alfred and Dick as well. You couldn’t stand losing them too. Dick decided to come back to Gotham for a while after the funeral, just to be there for you and Bruce. Bruce tried to send him back to Bludhaven but you had put your foot down. “We just buried one son and now you want to push another way,” you had yelled at him, his face as stony as ever. He acquiesced.
Dick and Alfred tried to get the two of you to talk to each other. Dick would often try to essentially parent trap you and Bruce in various rooms around the manor, inviting both to watch a movie or asking for help with something but not tell you that he’d asked you both. By the second week Alfred refused to bring Bruce’s food down to the cave, forcing him to eat with you. By the end of the month the two just threw out the cot in the cave and Bruce took a bed in a guest room. Their efforts made it seem like Bruce was imposing his absence on you, and maybe he was but there was no comfort to be found in his company, not anymore.
Their antics went on for another month after that until you sat them down and told them to stop. They had for a few days. When Alfred “mistakenly” served Bruce’s food upstairs one night, you cornered him afterwards to tell him you were considering leaving Bruce. “I cannot fault you but he’s the closest I have to a son and I’m afraid another upset would cause him to spiral more. It’s too much to ask but can you please stay until the grief isn’t so raw.”
That’s when you noticed Bruce had bruises and cuts in places he was normally careful to keep clear of thug’s fists and knives. Dick told you he was fighting so much harder; The criminals had started to whisper fears of the bat starting to kill soon. You didn’t think he would go that far, and Dick agreed but he could tell his father wasn’t far off.
So your marriage continued. You woke up alone, went about your day, had dinner with Bruce before he left for patrol, then went to bed. Galas and various other functions for Wayne Enterprises or Bruce's charity events were the only time you two truly acted like there wasn’t this vast distance between you. Most of the time it made your skin crawl to act like things were fine, but occasionally you could pretend - Jason wasn’t dead, he was just trying to find where the servers smoked to join them. Then someone would offer condolences and the facade would break.
It was around this time when you began to visit Jason’s grave. It had been too painful to see it before. The words ‘Jason Todd: Beloved son and brother’ etched in stone had followed you into nightmares for months. But you needed to get out of the house and Jason had spent too long without a visit from you. At first, they were short somewhat sporadic outings - tiptoeing in about once every other week to leave flowers, often leaving them next to a bouquet or two some else had already gifted. After a while, you warmed up to a quick hello and some highlights from the week before, then had graduated to speaking at the tombstone for hours about life after him every week. It was cathartic and maybe a little sad but those one sided conversations became the one place you could talk about the complexity of your family’s situation without having to sugar coat it or be reminded of how staying was helpful to Batman.
For two years this went on and Batman’s anger didn’t cool. Bruce still came home with black eyes, bleeding knuckles, and the occasional gunshot. The hate in your belly for him had dulled considerably to the point where you had begun to patch his wounds up again out of respect for the love you once had. You might be angry with him but you didn’t want him to get himself killed.
When the neighbor boy, Tim Drake, had knocked on your door, you couldn’t have guessed that he came to express his worry for Batman, for Bruce. You and Alfred listened as he waxed poetic about how Gotham needs Batman but Batman needs Robin. The hole in your chest that had since grown less noticeable ached because he was right and it made you want to spit. As Alfred excused himself to get the Robin uniform for the boy, you grasped his thin shoulders and looked into his face, colored in righteous determination.
“The last Robin was murdered, Tim.”
“I know Jason died, but -“
“Bruce will try to push you away. Don’t let him.”
Watching Tim run out the door in the red and green suit made your stomach turn. It wasn’t what you wanted but you had never had a say in that side of your husband's life. The two of you thought more with your heart than with your head when you decided to get married, but you weren’t so love drunk to think that the marriage wasn’t nearly guaranteed to fail. You even expected it to end because of his crusade. You just wished it didn’t come at the expense of your son.
It was foolish to think this new Robin wouldn't worm his way into your heart just as the two before did and maybe it was selfish but you couldn’t do it again. There was no way Bruce could just stop, but you didn’t need to stand by his side while he did it. It was a miracle that only Jason had died.
Despite your efforts to keep Tim at arms length, he was a sweet kid and it was impossible to ignore him. Plus you knew his parents weren’t paying nearly enough attention to him so he needed someone looking out for Tim and not just Robin.
Bruce had been better at keeping the boy out. He let Dick do most of Tim’s training and really only spoke to him about vigilante things. But the armor slowly but surely cracked. It didn’t escape you or Alfred when Bruce began to request foods that you knew Tim liked or when he had Alfred set up a guest room that was meant for Tim to use when needed. A year in and Bruce had long stopped coming home from patrol with careless injuries.
You knew it was coming. You anticipated everyday that Bruce would come home from patrol and tell you Tim had accepted the mantle. When it actually happened though, it still sent ice through your veins.
“Tim’s passed every test Dick and I have given him. I offered him Robin and he said yes.”
“I knew he would.”
“I don’t want him to be.”
“I know.” A moment passed and then you said “I don’t think I can do this anymore.”
“I know.”
The divorce was quick. Neither of you wanted anything from the other. Bruce offered alimony but you refused. You kept your job after getting married but you never touched your salary, leaving you with a nice nest egg to start your new life with. Alfred and Dick were sad but they understood. They knew you sacrificed a lot to stay with Bruce even before Jason died, but after you gave more than you had.
Tim didn't really know what your marriage looked like before but he took on its demise all the same. Your heart broke when Bruce told you Tim had tried to give Robin back in an attempt to make Bruce reconcile with you.
“Tim, if I had it my way none of you would be going out every night fighting thugs and criminal masterminds but you were right; Gotham needs Batman and Batman needs Robin. Unfortunately, it’s become too much for me but Bruce won’t stop. He can’t but he needs someone like you there to make him remember himself.”
Tim just nodded his head and went back to the manor.
Dick and Tim visited you at your small apartment in Gotham as often as they could. Though between Dicks commute from Bludhaven, Tim still being in school, and both of their budding vigilante careers, they didn’t have much time to visit. Occasionally, they’d stop by during patrol for a rest or some first aid. Mainly you kept in touch with phone calls and texts.
You never really saw Alfred anymore, unless it was when he opened the door for Tim after dropping him off at him from school or some outing. He does call occasionally, just to say hi and chat. It’s nice, not feeling completely cut off from your old life.
It was surprising how unchanged your relationship with Bruce was after you left. It probably shouldn’t have been - your marriage was one in name alone and had been for awhile. Still, realizing your conversations only revolved around if Dick or Tim needed anything made it clear just how true it was that divorced life with him wasn’t far off from your married one. He never did make an effort to really speak with you after things went to hell but then again neither did you.
When you finally signed the divorce papers, it felt like you could breathe for the first time in years. No more sticking around because you were afraid leaving would push him over the edge. But the hole in your chest still plagued you, and it most certainly would forever. The divorce wasn’t what was best. What would have been best would be Jason being alive and Batman not needing to put your kids in danger constantly. But Jason was and Batman did. So the divorce is better.
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enhaheeseung · 9 months
At your service l. Heeseung
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Pairing: live in maid heeseung x rich fem reader
Warning: age gap, smut, fluff, angst, dirty talk.
Note: I’m getting back to this story so something’s might not line up but overall I thinks it’s still pretty accurate
WC 2,676
heeseung decided to skip school and just spend the entire day with you planting the flowers that he had gifted the night prior.
He also woke up hours before you and realized that he felt something else in his heart other than guilt as he analyzed your peaceful sleeping figure. His heart skipped a beat when he looked over at your side of the bed and saw you sleeping soundly next to him. He felt like he could just stay like that forever. Having you next to him, spending the entire day with you, cooking with you, laughing with you, talking with you. Reading with you.
Something that he hated till he met you.
You have been on his mind all day, every day, since the day he laid his eyes on you. Sure, the pay was insane, but your beauty was even more insane.
And since the first day he got hired, everything has just been.
you you you
He Definitely owed Jay an apology after his little outburst in the grocery store. But he was just scared and confused about his feelings for you. His past girlfriends warped his image of women and relationships. Ever since he got his heart broken, he decided that if he couldn't find love, then no one could, so he played with girls by leading them on and ditching them later. However, you were the first one of those girls he actually had sex with, and he's pretty certain that after you, there would be no one else.
"Can I help now?" you asked for the third time after he ignored you the first two times.
"Nope, you just sit there and look pretty," heeseung said as he dug up the dirt to plant more of the seeds.
"But you said you wanted to plant them together," you pouted.
"yeah, planting them, not digging up the dirt!" he said in a high-pitched voice. “You’re too beautiful to get any dirt on you,” he winked, and even though it was cheesy, he still made you flustered.
You smile, sitting back and watching him dig a few more holes in the garden before grabbing the sunflower seeds.
"Now you can help." he handed you a packet once he was finished with the dirty part.
"how long till they bloom?" you squatted down and sprinkled them onto the ground, the little seeds falling into his neatly dug hole.
"umm, about three months, but we should see the blooms in a couple of weeks," he answered with his chin resting on his knee and a pout on his lips as he concentrated.
"Good, 'cause I'm impatient," you say, smoothing the dirt over the seeds.
"so, how is your book coming along?" he emptied the last packet while making small talk with you.
"it's… coming. I'm still stuck on the ending," you sighed.
"aww, I'm sure you'll figure it out soon." he dusted the dirt off his hands and helped you up off the ground. "So shall we water them now?"
You agreed, and he went to the back, grabbing the hose to water the freshly planted sunflowers.
"hee, where- don't," you spotted him walking towards you with the hose, a mischievous smile on his face, "don't! hee, I'm serious!" Your pleas fell on deaf ears, and seconds later, you screamed as the cold water drenched your body.
A hearty laugh erupted from his chest as he spayed you with more water, enjoying the sounds of your playful screams.
You ran towards him, trying to get the hose, but his grip was much stronger than yours, and he looked down at you, smiling evilly.
"Aww, poor little baby," he teased right when he was about to spray you again. You started to tickle his sides. His grip instantly loosened on the hose, and you were quick to snatch it away from him.
His eyes widened in shock, knowing that you were going to get pay back. "Y/n, wait!" he said while chuckling still. You aimed the hose at him, and his laughter soon died down, turning into nervous chuckles as he stared at you. "y/n! Wait!" he shrilled as you sprayed the water on him, and now it was your turn to laugh at him.
He tried to put his hands up and block the water, but it was no use. The stream was splashing everywhere. He soon charged over to you, fighting to get the hose from your hands, but you had a solid grip.
"y/n, stop!" he giggled while you both struggled for the hose. Eventually, through your battle of tug of war, the hose had turned upright, causing the water to fall on top of both your heads and from afar, it looked like a scene straight out of a movie.
Loud gasps came from both of you as the cold water ran down your shivering bodies.
"oops," you said and peeked up at him.
It took but a moment to notice just how close you had gotten to one another, and he was the first one to make a move.
He looked into your eyes, and you stared back. He wore a small smile on the corner of his lips as he gently took the hose from your hand, letting it fall on the grass and creating a puddle around yours and his feet.
He placed his hands around your waist, his cold, wet skin sticking to yours.
"I told you to stop," he grins before closing the distance between the two of you.
As soon as your lips collided with his, you couldn’t help but moan softly into the kiss cause his lips felt so perfect against yours.
You kissed for a few moments before you felt his erection poking against you, and he sighed onto your lips, his body yearning for more of you. "Should we take this to the pool?"
"yes, please," he picked you up in his arms with ease, walking to the front door and opening it with you still hugged around him.
He walked upstairs while you focused all your kisses on his neck, waiting for him to take you to your guy's destination.
"if you keep doing that, I might just have to fuck you on the stairs." He warns.
"I'm not stopping you." You bit his neck softly, placing wet kisses on the light pink marks that were starting to form on his skin.
He groaned, feeling himself grow harder by the second.
Once he reached the spot, he carefully set you down at the edge of the pool, removing his clothes, while you did the same before getting into the pool with him.
"I just can't seem to keep my hands off of you," it had only been a few seconds, but you were already wrapped up in his arms again, and you felt the same way you wanted to be glued to him at all times.
You brushed your fingers through his hair, locking your eyes with him. Those eight letters were just on the tip of your tongue, but before you could say them, he was wrapping your legs around his waist.
"ready?" he asked you with his tip, slightly brushing your entrance.
You nodded your head, and he wasted no time before slowly pushing his dick in you.
"ah fuck" he hissed, mouth hung wide open, your walls already clenching down on him from the intrusion. He wasn’t even two inches in, and it felt so good he was so desperate and needy for you.
He thrust in you inch by inch, the head of his cock brushing against your walls and opening you up so perfectly.
After being with him multiple times, you'd never get used to his size and how he was always able to make you feel so good and so full.
"so warm and wet, this is all for me, right? Tell me I'm the only one who can make you this wet." he licked a long stripe up your chest, his palms kneading your plush backside as he thrusts into you.
"Only you can make me wet. Only your cock can make me feel like this," you held him tighter for support as he fucked his cock into you faster and deeper.
"and this pussy is all mine. No one can have you but me." He says, letting his emotions get the best of him.
"no one but you, hee." He pressed his lips to yours. It wasn't even barely a kiss, just his lips resting on yours. But he just wanted you to be as close to him as possible.
"Yeah, only mine,” he smiled, feeling content now that the words came from your own mouth. “hold on to me tight" he used all of his strength to fuck you, his thigh muscles burning from all the energy he used to hold you up.
"hee!' you squeak, feeling him hit your spot with each stroke, your head lulled back from the intense feeling of your climax quickly approaching.
"look at me darling, I want you to look at me." he held you up higher, your thighs resting on his forearm as the water continued to splash from the fast jerking of his hips. "that's it."
You maintained eye contact with him as your expressions mirrored each other's lips, parted, hooded eyes, and a mix of loud, desperate moans.
He backed you up to the edge of the pool to gain more leverage to massage your clit with his fingers.
"close?" he asked, feeling you tighten on him every few seconds.
"so close," you mewl.
"me too, precious, me t-too." He whimpers.
"yes! Yes! fuck me, oh hee." you cried in ecstasy when he hit your sweet spot repeatedly
He gave you his absolute all, his fingers still rubbing on your clit, and the pace of his strokes never once faltering, not even when you came, and your walls clamped down on him impossibly tight.
A helpless moan of his name bounced off the walls as he brought you to your intense climax.
"fuck yes," He said in a drawn-out moan. "squeeze my cock, just like that," he grunted, giving your cunt a few more thrusts before he pulled out. His cock throbbed in desperate need of attention to reach his high.
You took notice of this and quickly grabbed his cock, guiding it between your legs and rubbing it through your folds, massaging his cock with your slick and swollen pussy lips.
His legs trembled as he emptied himself straight into the pool just a few seconds after you. “So good,” he pants out and brushes his lips against yours.
Choked moans left his lips as he reached his end. You caressed his sensitive length gently until he was completely satisfied. Once collecting himself a bit, he pinned you to the pool's edge, trapping you in his arms.
You grabbed his face, pulling him in for a long, passionate kiss.
You both pulled away, looking at each other with adoration in your eyes.
"We should come in here more often." He says while smiling, loving every last second of what had just taken place.
"Should we?" You ask, and he nods his head, kissing you once more.
He led you to a much less steep part of the pool, laying your back against his chest while he rested his chin on your shoulder and held you tightly in his muscular arms.
You leaned your head back on his shoulder, sighing in contentment when he placed gentle kisses on your neck.
"I could just stay here like this all day," he confessed.
"We don't have to move anytime soon." You placed your hand in his.
"good," you kissed the back of his hand, silence filling the air as you both enjoyed each other in the relaxing pool.
Later that night, you both showered and sat together on the couch watching TV, his hands preoccupied with your hair.
"I wanna take you out tomorrow," he talked over the TV.
Was he asking you on a date? You didn't want to assume things, but it sounded like a date.
You hadn't gone on a date in years, and you weren't sure if you were ready for that yet.
"I don't know. It's been so long since I've gone out with someone." You played with your thumbs nervously.
You didn't want to call it a date in case that wasn't what he had in mind. That would be so awkward.
"it'll be fun, trust me. You're always cooped up in here all by yourself." He says, not knowing just how rude it sounded to you.
"cooped up?" you took offense to his sudden choice of words. It’s the same type of thing all your “friends” would always say to you whenever they thought you needed to get out and live a little. The only reason they wanted you to hang out was to use you for money.
Before he could answer, you got up from his lap and went to the bedroom so you wouldn’t have to face him.
"y/n, I’m sorry. You know I didn't mean anything by it," he said softly and reached for your hand.
"Okay," you got up and went to your room to go to sleep cause you were in a bad mood, and it wasn’t entirely his fault, but still, you just needed a minute.
He quickly followed after you, sensing your off behavior.
"You're not even going to say goodnight to me?” he said while standing in your doorway when he got no response. He closed the door behind him, making his way to your bed and sitting down.
"hee, not now. I just want to sleep." You say, obviously annoyed you knew Heeseung wasn’t like your friends, but it still felt like shit hearing him say the same thing about you that they did.
While you stayed silent, he got into bed, cuddling up to you as close as possible.
"Darling, please don't be mad at me. It hasn’t even been five minutes yet, and I can't stand it," he whispered and cradled your small frame in his arms.
"I'm not mad," you told a white lie, not mad, just frustrated.
"then please don't ignore me. I know what I said came across as insensitive, but what I meant was I want to take you somewhere you can dress fancy, I want to spoil you, I want to show you a good time, I want to feed you, and at the end of the night, I want to bring you home and fuck you." He whispers in your ear.
You felt shivers run down your spine when he whispered the last words straight into your ear, and you couldn’t stay mad at him. He knew just what to say to make you feel better. He acknowledged his faults, and now he was making them right, and that’s all you ever wanted in a relationship of any kind.
You turned around and faced him. "I'm sorry for getting mad," you pouted and realized you kinda went a bit over the top for no reason.
“Don’t be. Just know I'd never say anything hurtful to you intentionally, and I promise I’ll be careful with my words, okay baby?."
He kissed your forehead, and a small smile graced your lips.
“Sorry, my precious.” Once again, you were seconds from saying those words, but it still felt way too soon, so you suppressed it for now.
“I forgive you,” you whisper shyly.
"Thank you, darling. Is it okay if I sleep with you tonight?" He asked.
"you can always sleep with me, hee, you don't have to ask." You tell him truthfully.
"Okay, good, now get some rest. Darling, 'cause tomorrow we're going to do it all." he turned off the night lamp before you even had time to protest, not to say you would anyway.
"goodnight, hee," you pecked his cheek.
“Goodnight, darling.” It looks like you were both in for quite the day tomorrow.
Thanks for reading likes comments and reblogs are always appreciated sorry for any typos or errors I hope you all have a good day/night ♥️
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bueckerrss · 8 months
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P.S. I still love you
pairing: chris x fem ! reader
-> warnings: cursing, angst. i think that’s it sorry in advance 😔. slightly short
dear y/n,
it’s been a year already can you believe that? it feels like we met just yesterday at a random party i was invited to and to think i was going to skip it because i had a meeting the next day, i remember how i accidentally bumped into you causing you to spill your drink on yourself god i felt so bad watching you try to dry it off i just kept apologizing and you said it was fine but that still didn’t stop me from feeling bad.
i remember that after that party we became great friends and how inseparable we were, remember that one time when we sat up on your roof drinking sodas (considering we were both underage and hated drinking) watching the sunset that’s the day i realized that i loved you and wanted to be with you forever.
remember that time we went to the park with cat (absolute insane name for a dog by the way) then somehow his leash came off making us chase him around the whole park but before we caught him you tripped causing me to fall on top of you making us laugh uncontrollably for about five minutes, that was one of my favorite moments together (out of so many of course)
do you remember when we tried giving cat a bath? that motherfucker couldn’t stay in the bathtub for more than two seconds especially since he was a very hyper dog, i remember when he first jumped out you tried running after him but accidentally slipped on the bar of soap making you fall into the water, bubbles in your hair drenched in dirty dog water and yet i still thought you were the most beautiful girl i ever saw.
remember on our two year anniversary i took you to france for a week? gosh i was so nervous the day i gave you the tickets since you “never liked me spending money on you” but at the end you absolutely loved the trip especially that special dinner we went to where i gave you the necklace you’ve been wanting for weeks, i’ll never forget the look on your face when you saw the necklace it made me feel like i fulfilled my purpose as your boyfriend.
one of the memories that brings a big smile to my face is when i remember the day nick and matt met you for the first time they were so excited because i would never shut up about you and how great you were so when they finally got to meet the reason for my happiness it was awesome, having you all getting along was amazing i loved how they accepted you with open arms, the thing i hated was how nick would always steal you from me but i forgave him when i found out you two had a lot in common more than you and me i got a little jealous but opposites attract or whatever they say.
i loved when we would go sit in your car watching the sunset or sunrise while talking about our future, i loved the way your nose would scrunch every time you laughed or smiled, i absolutely adored your voice and how your voice sounded like honey in the early morning when you would wake me up.
i loved how much you helped matt when he had any problems or questions about anything and how you never made him feel dumb for it, that’s one of the many things i loved about you how you helped others and never made them fell stupid for the questions they asked.
i loved the way you would talk to little kids, how caring you were for them and it always made me think of how an amazing mother you would’ve been.
you know matt and nick still talk about you, same with my mom and dad they all miss you even trev misses you he always sits or lays down in your spot on my bed, fuck we all miss you y/n especially me, we had a lot of plans together we had so many ideas for our future! i even bought a stupid ring that i was going to give to you on our fifth year anniversary which is tomorrow but sadly not everything goes according to plan.
but i know that you’re no longer in pain and in a better place, you probably won’t read this stupid letter but thank you for giving me the best years of my life and giving me amazing memories that i will cherish for as long as i live.
ta chérie.
P.S. I still love you.
with that the boy folded up the letter placing it in an envelope tears streaming down his face but what he didn’t know was that the love of his life was there watching him write that letter with tears running down her face as she smiled sadly at him, she never got to tell him everything she wanted or the fact that they had a baby on the way.
i cried a few times while writing this um it’s mostly based off of a movie i saw a few years ago that randomly hit me (movie: P.S. I Love You) also idk why but the songs i was listening to while writing this were depressing so that didn’t help at all but i hope you enjoyed this and pls don’t hate me 😔
tags: @sturnioloslurps @sturniolos-blog
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notelcol · 8 months
Something short and angsty to start the week☔️
Mildly edited, apologies for mistakes.
You were on a trip with the Wanderer to deliver some information to Tighnari at Nahida’s bequest. The man was a mystery to you, it was as if he had appeared out of no where. But having been a loyal devotee of Lesser Lord Kusanali, you did not doubt her when she told you he was trustworthy. The two of you walked in a comfortable silence. Occasionally he would glance towards you, but you were oblivious. The wildlife was much to distracting for you to notice anything else. As your gaze tracked a bird flying beyond the treetops, your steps were broken by a rock on the floor. Your body jerked forward, too fast to stop yourself. You closed your eyes as the ground sped closer, bracing for impact. But it never came. Instead, you fell into gentle arms. You could feel the Wanderer’s breath on your neck as he caught you from behind. The lingering arms around your waist felt familiar, you found yourself wishing his hold had lasted longer. Instead he abruptly jumped away and continued walking. You stood still for a moment, stuck in a trance, until you shook your head and ran to catch up with him.
You had nearly arrived at Gandharva Ville, when it started to rain. Lately the rain had been making you feel sad. You used to love it, but somewhere along to way it had started inducing an emptiness that you could not explain. The man beside you had noticed your downcast expression, his was not much different. You trudged along, trying to shake the feeling, until suddenly something was placed on your head. You looked up to see the rim of the Wanderer’s large hat acting as an umbrella. You shot him a smile.
“Thank you, but what about you?” You felt a little bad that he would be cold and wet due to helping you. To alleviate your worries he simply smirked and summoned a large ball of anemo to shelter his head. As you giggled in reply, he watched you fondly. Happy to see you smiling again, though his soul ached at the memories surfacing in his mind
You had noticed that the Wanderer had started walking nearer to your side. You found it strange that you did not mind his closeness, in fact you yearned to be even closer. You had never experienced such familiarity and comfort in a person you had just met before.
“Look out!” His shout snapped you out of your thoughts. You spun around to see an Eremites spear speeding your way. You ducked quickly dodging. Though you did not have time to spot the other Eremite in wait. You dodged one spear, just to run into a sword. A split second was all it took. One wrong turn.
As you fell to the ground you could hear the Wanderer screaming in rage. You felt a strong gust of wind then all the noise stopped. All you could hear was your shaking breath as he approached you. He placed your one of hand on your wound and firmly pressed it there letting you put pressure on it yourself. His hands found your face and held it softly.
“Only you could get stabbed twice.” He spoke as he moved his arms around you and lifted you up. Your head started to spin as you thought to the old scar next to your current wound.
“How could you possibly know about that?” The words barely managed to escape your weakened body. Your hand started to slip from your wound causing your blood to drip to the ground.
“Don’t worry about that. Just stay with me.” He thought the pain of being forgotten by his love would be the worst he would feel. But the idea of her dying and not knowing of the love they share, ripped open a new hole in his soul. You rasped, bringing his attention back to the current situation.
“I overheard…..a man used….Irminsul….” His gentle shushes tried to interrupt you. “World….forget him.” You looked to the Wanderer. “I knew you?” His face told you the answer you needed, and finally you relinquished your consciousness. He wiped a lone tear before breaking out into a run. Gandharva Ville was not far. Luckily Tighnari was a master healer, if anyone could help you it would be him.
Thank you for reading 🌷
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