#secrets of polygamy
katruna · 6 months
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woppy-my-beloved · 2 years
Shoutout to @cries-in-latino for the amazing comission of me and my babes. I'm so in love with this! ❤️
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ghost-hawk · 1 year
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helluvapoison · 7 months
For All to See
Lucifer Morningstar x Reader x Lilith
Lilith has Lucifer and Lucifer has Lilith. Their eyes are well trained for snakes in the garden, they’re able to watch each other’s backs with ease. Everyone wants to know, just who the fuck are you to the King and Queen of Hell?
• Technically speaking, they don’t need you
• Your heart lurches at the constant reminders
• Everywhere you look there’s capable hands doing anything you could do, and doing it better
• The guards around the Morningstar estate are appreciated and skilled but merely for show, their wise (albeit chaotic) council of Princes have never led them astray and they have more willing servants than they know what to do with
• It’d be impossible to forget how agonizingly obvious it is that you’re not needed beside them. Occasionally it was a paralyzing thought. You were nothing without them but they could continue on just fine without you
• And Lilith, ethereal, graceful, benevolent Lilith, noticed this. Her own heart ached for you, she loved you!
• You tenderly brushed her hair when she hadn’t even rubbed the sleep from her eyes. Combined with her husband’s efforts, you would make her feel beautiful when her mind told her the opposite. You would be on your feet beside her all day, shooting little thumbs ups that restored her energy when she was nearly depleted. Your unfailing attendance from her concerts to afternoon tea brought a comforting sense of normalcy to the disorder of the realm she ruled
• Lucifer, who loved you no less than she, was furious at himself for not realizing on his own
• You were his alarm clock, gently coaxing him out of bed and making the day seem more inviting than it did when he opened his eyes. You snuck into his room when everyone else (Lilith aside) was banished, claiming only to drop off a tray of snacks but would sit with him for hours on end just so that he wouldn’t be alone. When the world was too big, his own thoughts too heavy, it was you that made him feel bigger and stronger
• And you thought of yourself as inconsequential!?
• Blasphomy.
• They would not let this stand another fucking second
• They covered all their bases, working from the inside out
• You were instructed to join them for a portrait. Lucifer picked your outfit while Lilith did your hair then they sandwiched you between them. It took several hours and you ached from standing still for so long but the painting looked absolutely marvelous. Lilith ordered it to be hung in the lobby
• “Not the bedroom?” You asked quietly, tilting your head up at her
• “As much as I’d love to, no. This needs to be seen by our guests! Besides, I have your darling face right there every morning.” She replied sweetly and kissed your cheek on her way out
• You were utterly floored when you saw a detailed third chair, right to Lucifer’s, in the throne room. Meetings were only held here once a month for the public to bring their qualms to the royals but they took a full day to bring to conclusion. Lucifer’s smile widened at your reaction
• “Do you like it?” He asked knowingly, “It’s for you.”
• “Me? I— yes! Yes, it’s lovely. I just don’t understand, I-I was alright standing.” You blink rapidly, your mind racing to catch up with his words
• “Don’t be silly, dove! These matters are a bore and take eternity. This was long overdue.” Lucifer takes your hand and presses a kiss to your knuckles, smiling at you apologetically
• Polygamy wasn’t something to clutch pearls over down here and you were never a dirty secret. Magazines, networks, media just happened to only feature the King and Queen of Hell (Later, Lucifer would always point out the blurry spec that was you behind them or to the side or cut off the page) So when you were yanked between them during their red carpet debut, you stared at the camera flashes like a deer in the headlights. Their grips on either of your hands kept you from floating too high
• While your view on the situation changed drastically, it wasn’t atonement enough for Lilith and Lucifer. They never wanted you to feel immaterial ever again
• “You’re not nothing to us,” Lucifer said, holding your left hand. He hid his face in the crook of your neck where you could feel him smiling against your skin
• “We would never abandon you,” Lilith whispered while slipping a matching golden band around your finger. She had you sitting in her lap, facing away from her. She held your hand up for you to see the new obvious, your next reminder of their devotion for you
• Suffocating on their love for you, you choked back a sob to not ruin the moment. Lilith wrapped her arms around you and Lucifer, bringing you both closer to her heart
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footballfanficwriter · 9 months
Spill the tea
Summary:where Jude is invested in girl drama
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"Hey girl, I've got hot tea for you"
"Yeah, spill it I'm listening"
I'm on a call with Ashley my Best friend who tells me everything, well we tell eachother everything, Ashley and I have been friends for the longest time, we grew up together and she was always there for me way before I even met Jude
"Ok so I just found out that Hannah is pregnant"
"But the plot thickens, remember the boyfriend she said she was dating?"
"Well turns out he's not the father"
"If it's not him then whose the father?"
Jude walks into the house from  training and he waves at me, I wave back at him
"It turns out that Hannah was having an Affair" Ashley says
"An Affair with who"
I see Jude turn his head towards me like my sentence has just peaked his interest and he walks to where I'm sat in the sofa and sits next to me watching me with interest
"The Gardner"
"The Gardner?"
Jude grabs my phone from my ear and puts the phone on speaker
"Whose having an affair with the Gardner?" He asks
"Hey Jude"
"Hey Ash, how are you?"
"I'm good, how are you"
"I'm good,so whose having an Affair with the Gardner"
"But wasn't she with that other boyfriend of hers that she was bragging about?" Jude asks
"Yeah she was, I guess she was cheating on him"
"But, he was such a good guy"
"I know right"
"But there's more tea to be spilled"
"What Is it"
"I swear there's always something happening in Alice's life" I say
"Alice decided that it was a good idea to get surgery, and because she didn't have the budget for it, she went to a makeshift surgeon, and it did not come out proper, it just looks weird honestly"
"Do you have a picture?"  I ask
"Yeah, hang on I'll send it just now"
Ash sends the picture and Jude and I look at it weirdly
"What has she done" he asks
"I'm speechless"
"I don't know whether to laugh or to cry" Jude says
"Why are her lips like that"
"Who ever did this to her needs to be arrested" Jude says
"Where is she now?" I ask
"At her house, she hasn't left eversince"
"Maybe we should check on her you know, see if she's doing fine" I say
"Yeah we should, we'll do it later"
"I'll make her something to try and make her feel better"
"Oh I just got am update on Hannah's situation"
"Turns out the Gardner is actually dating Haley, and he proposed to her"
"He proposed?" Jude asked
"So how are they going to work it out are they going to be one big polygamy Family"
"Even if the do that how is he going to afford to have a baby and have a wedding, knowing Haley she's definitely going to want a big extravagant wedding and she doesn't like sharing, so how is she going to share a husband with someone else?"
"What I don't get is how you're going to cheat on a person, then propose to the same person you cheated on, like do you know how much of a negative impact you have on a person"
"But Hannah is also in the wrong, she cheated on her boyfriend and went for Haley's then boyfriend and got pregnant by him, like that messed up, on top of that they are bestfriends" Jude says
"Ash you know I love you, but i could never be a sister wife with you, with anyone for a matter of fact"
"Don't worry, you're into footballers and I'm into NBA Stars totally different sport"
"Oh I forgot to tell you that Julia is moving" I say
"Julia is moving" They both ask
"Yeah she's moving back to France"
"Something about being caught with the boss"
"She was caught with the boss"
"Well they weren't really keeping their affair a secret, they held hands in the office and they'd flirt in front of people, it was just a matter of time"
"But the boss?"
"Isn't she Lesbian?" Jude asks
"She's Lesbian?" I ask
"Isn't she in a relationship?" Ash asks
"She's in a relationship?" Jude and I ask at the same time
"That's crazy you know"
"It's insane actually"
"But hey you know what these aren't our lives and who are we to judge and Comment on other people's lives"
"So we'll meet in 2 hours to go and check on Alice?"
"Yeah, see you then"
I hang the phone up and look at Jude
"Let me go get ready I wanna see her myself"
"Jude when we get there please try to compose yourself until we get back home"
"Until we get back home?, I'll compose myself until we get into the car and drive off"
"Fine but if you can't keep your side if the bargain, I'll be very upset"
"Ok fine"
2 hours later
There's a knock
I walk to the door to reveal Ash
"Hey babe"
"Hey, you ready to go ?"
"Yup, just waiting for Jude"
"Ok, so what did you make Alice"
"Soup, cause you know I figured that she wouldn't be able to eat a lot of things that are solid"
Jude walks down the stairs and greets Ash
Ash decides to ride in her own car on our way to Alice's house
When we arrive there I knock on the door and after a few seconds later the door opens revealing Alice
I turn to Jude and watch his eyes grow bigger, I then turn back to Alice
"Hey Alice we heard you weren't feeling well, so we thought we might check on you see how you're doing"
"Yeah, we heard what happened" Ash says
"Come in please"
"So how have you been" Jude asks
"Is it bad like really bad can you see I got my face done"
"No, it's not that bad, your lips just look more plumb" I say
I hear Jude clear his throat next to him
"I just can't stop looking in the mirror" she says crying
"Oh sweetie don't so that to yourself, I'm sure it will get better, don't bring yourself down like that" Ashley says
"Yeah Ashley is right I didn't even notice it until you brought it up" Jude says
"Yeah, he's right c'mon you must be hungry Y/n made soup for you I'll plate it up for you" Ash says taking the big bowl of soup from my hands and leading Alice to the Kitchen
"What are you doing" I ask him
"What, I thought we were telling her lies to make her feel better" he says
"Jude stop ok"
"But I haven't laughed ever since we got here, though it may be difficult not to I still haven't"
"Fine just stop with the side expressions and stuff"
"Oh c'mon you're going to stand there and pretend that all of this is not funny"
"Unlike you I know how to compose myself and keep my laughter in, and plus we're in her house how rude would it be if we just came in and laughed at her face"
He smiles a little almost like he's trying not to laugh
I sigh
"I give up on you"
We stay with Alice for 3 more hours until we announce that we have to go but Ash opts to stay with Alice until she's better and we promise to occasionally visit
As soon as we enter the car He laughs his ass off
"Let's not even talk about the lips did you see the eyebrows, she can't even lift her eyebrows"
"Wait until we get home"
"I'm not waiting until we get home I'm talking now"
"C'mon, it's not like she can hear me"
"Did you see the nose, it's like this" he says laughing and making the shape of her nose in the air
As much as I don't want to laugh at Alice Jude is not making it any easier not to so I just chuckle
"Her lips are like this, babe look" he says making his lips plump by squishing them together using his hands
I laugh at his comment and the rest if the way Jude and I are talking about Alice and all the things that could have forced her to do this to herself
The rest of the day is spent hanging out and Jude and i making dinner for ourselves then watching a movie then bed
As I'm changing into my Pajamas Jude speaks up
"On a serious note though, l love you just the way you are"
I raise my eyebrow wondering where all of this came from
"Ok, why are you being weird"
"I'm not I'm just saying if you ever decide to get plastic surgery or a face lift, whatever it is, Just know that I love your body just the way it is and I don't want you to be pressured or feel like it's your obligation to make yourself look younger or have more curves or to look a certain way when you're with me"
"Aww, Jude Babe thank you so much, and to make you feel better and to put you at ease, I wasn't even thinking about getting anything on my body done so, you have nothing to worry about, in fact Alice's case just pushed me futher away from the idea"
He breathes a sigh of relief and walks over to me towers over me where he kisses my forehead
"I love you and your body"
"I love you too"
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clockwayswrites · 2 years
Have a bit of a fic I'm totally not writing that is 110% @mokulule's fault. If I were writing it, it would include:
Accidental (?) sugar daddy Jason
Secret Identity shenanigans
The goons researching polygamy to be supportive of their Boss' lifestyle and new partner
Danny 100% knowing Jason and Red Hood are the same person
Jason being completely oblivious to this fact
Danny being a little shit
But I'm not writing it. Really.
Edit: master post of parts I totally didn't write
"So," Danny started. His tone was purposefully casual in a way that made Jason pay attention.
Jason was starting to understand that when Danny was too casual, he was up to something. This seemed doubly true when Danny was talking to Red Hood. It was fascinating, really, how Danny acted more mischievous around the crime boss than his supposed boyfriend.
They were currently taking a break in their sparing session to let some of the other goons take the mat and for them to have a breather. The way Danny was stretching out his muscles to stay warmed up was really, really distracting. Jason crossed his arms to avoid reaching out and touching the sliver of skin at Danny's hip where his shirt rode up. Jason swore that shirt had not been in Danny’s closet before.
He should know, he’d been replacing most of Danny’s heinous wardrobe for weeks now as Jason and what was basically a crop top had not been on the list.
"I've heard some of your crew talking." (It was cute when Danny tried to use lingo.)
Jason tilted his head to show that he was listening. It was the downside of the Red Hood helmet that it often seemed he wasn’t paying attention, so he had long since incorporated a few exaggerate head movements to telegraph his intent. It was nice, though, that at the moment hid his blatant staring.
Danny tilted his head back. "And the word from them is that Jason is yours."
Jason froze, mind scrambling about where this could be going.
Nothing could have prepared him with predatory smirk that Danny looked up at him with. Or the other's next words. "So what are your thoughts on sharing?"
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garpen · 1 month
Ykw... Just thinking about a timberkon secret wedding. Just- just to prove they were together first.
Literally anyone: *joking about how Tim and Kon are step siblings now*
Tim: *responds with pic of their wedding cert. Just that, no text no nothing*
Them: 😰 when did this?? Don't tell me you three pulled a jay and Roy on us?!?!
Kon: ew. No. We got married in Smallville with pa officiating, ma and Alfred as our witnesses, Cass was our flower girl, and yj were the collective bachelor party, they took us all out separately the week after.
Them: so- like a small wedding that we just weren't invited to?
Bernard: Were gonna get married again, renew our vows and stuff (we didn't really have vows at our first ceremony) with all of you obv. However! We all agreed it would be funny.
Tim: yeah... We knew after Clark and B got together the teasing would be relentless so we needed the upper hand-
Wait I love this. Tim and Kon really said uno reverse so they can be like "actually no it's weird YOU TWO got together. You're supposed to be parent-in-laws."
I like to think though it's not a legal marriage though?
Like I've thought about how marriage would work for TimBerKon since polygamy marriage is unlawful in all of north and south America. It is allowed in India, Malaysia, Singapore, and the Philippines but only for Muslims. I tried looking up where in the world you could get married with 2+ people and gay married but nothing was popping up. (If you guys know where that's possible pls let me know).
So I think they're stuck with doing more a ceremony only than getting to all be legally married to each other. I don't think they mind too much though, I feel like the ceremony done right would be more than enough for them.
I do think everyone would be sad if they didn't get an invite to the wedding though :( With Jason and Roy it was more understandable bc they never intended to get married that day. They just got drunk in Vegas and it happened. Roy and Jason have no memory of it and NOBODY was "invited" (nobody can figure out how Cass knew)
I don't plan on TimBerKon getting married anytime soon, so I'll have to workshop some ideas for them for now, but I defo like where your mind went lol
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yanderes-galore · 2 months
A concept of Aegon I Targaryen if you can please????
Sure. Includes his wives as I see them all together. I struggled on this more than I thought.... Would like feedback, I kinda wanted to make this more yandere but wasn't sure how?
Yandere! Aegon I Targaryen Concept
(The Conqueror - FT. Rhaenys + Visenya)
Pairing: Romantic - Some Sharing
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Targcest (Aegon/Rhaenys/Visenya), Polygamy, Manipulation, Possessive/Protective behavior, Violence, Blood, Murder, Isolation, Dubious relationship(s).
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Aegon is considered the very start of the Targaryen dynasty to most people.
He is the king who conquered and united the seven kingdoms.
He and his wives are feared for controlling dragons.
Aegon is the rider of Balerion, Rhaenys is the rider of Meraxes, and Visenya is the rider of Vhagar.
Aegon wanted peace above all else, so after his wars he did whatever it took to maintain order.
Visenya is his stern warrior queen, while Rhaenys is kind and caring for her people.
Aegon himself did his best to appease his people, even respecting religions of all sorts of areas to keep them on his side.
I imagine if Aegon was fond of another besides his two wives, his wives would know.
Rhaenys would be a bit more accepting if she learned of her king's obsession.
Visenya would take longer to accept such a thought, but if it makes Aegon happy, she'll get along with you.
While his wives support you and care for you to varying degrees, Aegon is the one obsessed with you primarily.
Perhaps you are a noble, or maybe even a servant.
Or, as Targaryens are, another sibling he decided to take as his own.
Regardless of who you are, if the king becomes fond of you, you're one of the most protected people in the realms.
Why? The man has three dragons under his belt.
As these were some of the first domesticated dragons, they are huge.
Aegon's even known for parading Balerion while visiting the smallfolk.
Despite being intimidating, Aegon is no doubt one who wishes to please.
He has charisma when speaking with his people.
Visenya enforces his laws while Rhaenys helps maintain peace between families through marriages.
Aegon doesn't care if others look down on his companionship with you.
The faith already looks down on him for marrying not only two wives... but his sisters.
So if he took you as his own, he cares little for rumors.
You almost never leave his side.
Aegon doesn't keep you at King's Landing or Dragonstone, if he travels to one or the other, you will accompany him on top of Balerion.
Rhaenys and Visenya care for you because they see how Aegon acts around you.
Like the dragon blood that runs through him, he's possessive.
He married Visenya out of duty, Rhaenys out of desire, but who knows why he wants you.
Married to him or not, he has darker motives with you.
Like a king should, he spoils you.
He dresses you in Targaryen garb and doesn't trust anyone but himself and his wives with you.
Sometimes he even gets Balerion used to your presence, the large black dragon staring down at you beside his rider.
Naturally, with all dragon riders, their dragons are attached to their rider's obsession.
Many tend to see you as Aegon's secret adoration, a pet he toys with when his wives are away on business.
In reality, his wives not only know how lovesick he is towards you, but support it.
Rhaenys suggests attire you should wear if Aegon ever decides to marry you.
Visenya warns you to behave for her king, giving you subtle threats in case you try to run.
Running is pointless.
You would never be able to get far on foot.
Even if you took a horse, you'd quickly have three dragons hunt down your smell for their riders.
If anyone tried to take you or harm you, Visenya is the one more likely to slaughter them for Aegon.
She'd feed her victims to Vhagar, or Balerion if her king wished.
While Aegon's main priority is peace, He knows bloodshed may be necessary.
In that case, he doesn't mind staining his blade in blood for you with Visenya.
Anything for you... as your king, he can give anything you want... as long as you don't leave him.
Aegon is careful to prevent such a thing, often showing you affection and showering you in gifts.
Contrast to the Fire and Blood he's caused, He's affectionate and caring in his touch.
His kisses are light, easing you into his adoration for you.
He loves his wives, but he also can't seem to part from you... his third desire.
You're already quite isolated during his obsession.
You are only ever allowed in King's Landing or Dragonstone.
During parties you must always be beside him and in sight.
No one else should think they have a chance with you.
In both King's Landing and Dragonstone you have a private chambers, well furnished with dragon decorations.
He wants his sons, Aenys and Maegor, to respect you as another parental figure in their life.
Aegon only seems to get worse when he hears of Rhaenys and Meraxes dying during one of his final wars.
He may even quickly spring a wedding onto you, making you officially his as some last ditch attempt to not lose you.
I imagine the death of Rhaenys affects him terribly.
Visenya almost pities you when she sees how Aegon clings to you.
He turns to you for mourning, kissing your skin and asking you to promise he'll never lose you.
It gets to the point he locks you away with him, hoping such a thing will prevent you from being harmed.
Physically, at least... mentally you feel very Isolated.
Even as his princes grow up, he encourages them to see you as family.
Who knows, perhaps even the princes are attached to you as a parental figure.
Towards the end of his life, Aegon never has you far from him.
Even in death you may still be affected by his obsession, Visenya now the one to encourage you to stay around.
Perhaps she's fond of you too... or maybe it's just for the two young princes now under her watch.
Aegon may be caring, charismatic, and kind with his beloved...
But like a true dragon, he's possessive and fierce when it comes to making you his...
Even after his death you'll always belong to the dragons.
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storiesbyjes2g · 4 months
Hey Jess! I had a question that I figured other people might want to know as well. I'm always amused at how your game matches sims up to marry or have children. I was wondering, what are your MCCC settings that make it happen so well? I have sims sitting in my 'manage households' and none of them have married or moved out with the 'in game' story progression. What's the secret sauce? 🤣
Howdy, partner! 🤭 It's funny you should ask me this because on my seven mile long list of video ideas I have is a short series about MCCC settings, and this is one subject I wanted to cover. But who knows when I'll get it together and actually record those videos lol. As you could imagine, the secret sauce has many ingredients, so I'll put the rest of this under the cut because it's a lot. Here we go!
Even though I said this is a multipart answer--and it is--I'm gonna split this up into two sections because marriages and pregnancies are two separate entities. Many of the settings are the same, and they both fall under the MC Pregnancy module, but they're still separate, and I think of them differently.
Marriage Sim Selection
The first thing you should consider is who you want marrying and if your sims should be included in the process. As you've seen, I like seeing the other sims' lives progress, even if it's messy AF LOL. I especially love this happening in the aDOLTing save because I'm technically not allowed to play with anyone else but Luca right now. BUT, I don't want every single sim there is to get married, leaving no single sims for my sims to date. That's what happened in Emmy's generation and why I added Ali into the world because there were exactly TWO eligible males in the entire world, and I knew one of them would definitely not work out. In the Marriage Sim Selection part of MC Pregnancy, you can specify who can and cannot get married. I'm not gonna through each setting, but here are a few that are important enough to note.
Allow homeless marriage: Unless you regularly add your own sims to the world, I would enable this. Otherwise you probably won't have any marriages happening. This is disabled by default. Yes, you run the risk of your unplayable sims marrying someone hideous, but it's better than them dying alone, right? Plus you can always make them over. Your sim doesn't know the difference anyway lol.
Bypass dorm residents: If you don't enable this, your university students will be eligible for marriages!
Bypass played households: IF you want to be the matchmaker for your sims (the playable ones), turn this on! If you're flexible and don't mind surprises, turn it off.
Bypass active sim romances: This one needs to be in red lol. TURN THIS ON! If your sim is dating an NPC, and you don't want that sim to suddenly turn up married (I'm giggling...you know why), you need this on. I think it's on by default though. The only "gotcha" with this setting is that the relationship has to be significant. Lovebirds status isn't strong enough to prevent a marriage. I usually get my sims into an official relationship as soon as possible to prevent this.
Other Marriage
In the Other Marriage section (MC Pregnancy), there are settings for renaming, moving, etc. after marriage. You should definitely check out the settings to tailor it to how you want your world to be, but I want to call out Use Traits for Marriage. This is a newer setting that I enabled as soon as it launched. It doesn't make sense for Don Lothario to get married in every single save. He has the noncommittal trait! Turning this on will take a sim's traits into consideration before determining if they are eligible for random marriages.
Spouse Sim Selection
In this section, you can do things like allow polygamy and inter-family marrying, specify what % of marriages should be same sex, allow teen marriages, etc. Here are just a few settings I want to call out.
Occupancy Preference: It took me some years to figure this out, but this is honestly the key to my entire setup. This determines which group of NPCs are candidates for marriages and pregnancies by where they live. The choices are homeless only, prefer home sims, living in homes only, and none. I have prefer home sims on. I like neighbors dropping by and seeing them walking around, so I tend to put my sims' friends and sims I like into homes. This setting says when it's time for random marriages and pregnancies to occur, sims living in homes get first dibs. If none of them are eligible, then everyone else will have a chance. I used to have this on none, and I was experiencing waaaaaay too many random marriages. Like, good on the homeless sims for having lives lol, but they were snatching up every single eligible sim and I was like this has to stop lol.
Use Same Age-Group: I've gone back and forth about enabling or disabling this one and finally decided to enable it. This will keep your fresh from high school babies from getting married to someone with one foot in the grave! Sims will only marry other sims in the same age group as them. Back in the day I felt sorry for the elders because they're always single when they die. But I also felt sorry for the baby they married lol. True, when they croak, the kid can find new love, but they've wasted so much time being married to the old sim. So with this on, elders aren't completely out of luck. They can just only marry each other.
Okay! Now that we know how to let sims get married, let's learn how to knock some up! 😂
I would check out the Offspring section of MC Pregnancy on your own just to get familiar with how you can shape your sims' families and even the children to a certain extent, but let's get to the important stuff.
Other Pregnancy
There's really good stuff in here like allow pregnancy aging, pregnancy duration, and random moods, but the only thing I want to call out is Use Traits for Pregnancy. This will take into account sims traits before they are marked as candidates. It won't prevent sims with the hates children trait from getting knocked up, but it will lower the percentage (which you can specify in another section, I think).
Partner Sim Selection
This is similar to marriage sim selection, and in here I also prefer home sims in the occupancy preferences. I also allow a veeeery tiny percentage for allow affairs. I like tea, what can I say? LOL Not everyone is faithful!
Pregnant Sim Selection
This is similar to spouse selection, and I do not allow homeless pregnancies for the same reasons I don't allow homeless marriages. I have all the same settings enabled from spouse selection, so revisit the above. Additionally, I use days until max age. This prevents a sim from getting pregnant X number of days from the end of whatever lifespan you specify is the oldest to be pregnant. I don't allow elder pregnancies, so this stops my adult sims from getting pregnancy X days from their elder birthday. My number is 10, but you pick whatever makes sense for your lifespans. I do this because I've had waaaaaaay too many sims get pregnant and have babies like the day before their elder birthday, and then they die before the kid is a teenager. I don't want orphans in my game! They make me sad. Besides, in real life, at a certain point women can't have children anymore, so I want my game to be the same.
Days to Run Checks: By default, MCCC will go through this process of marrying and knocking up sims 3 nights a week at midnight, but you can change that to whatever you like here. I thought 3 nights a week was WAY too often, so I only have it run once a week on Fridays.
Pregnancy Percentage: Just because the check runs every week doesn't mean I want someone getting pregnant every week. I'm not trying to create a baby boom. I cut the pregnancy percentage for young adults by half and adults by 75% (since IRL it's harder to get pregnant the older you get). I'm not afraid of a teen pregnancy story, so I do have teen pregnancies on and reduced their percentage by 85%. Even though I wouldn't mind telling that story, I don't want a teen pregnancy epidemic lol. I've had this enabled, but I've yet to have MCCC knock up a teen.
I think I skipped over Marriage Percentage but I use the same logic and similar percentages there too.
Valid Target Ages: HA! I see why I've never had a teen pregnancy lol. Even though I have it on, I never marked it as a valid target age. For whatever reason I only have YA selected. Not sure why. Probably for the best. If a teen pregnancy happens, I'd prefer it be my own sims.
I love a little risk and challenge and surprise in my game. This is why I love using lumpinou's mods. I not a micromanager and prefer some things be left to chance. I like being able to try for a baby and it maybe not work that time. I don't like how predictable the game is. So, if you're feeling froggy, here are a few more settings for ya!
MC Woohoo - Woohoo Pregnancy
Risky Woohoo Percent: I used to have YA on 3%, but lumpinou has intergrated her mod with MCCC more, so I don't have this enabled anymore here. (it's controlled by her mod now and I think it's at 5% now). 3% might sound low, but MAN I've had so many oopsie babies on that little 3% lol.
Try for Baby Percent: I lowered mine to 65% just to add some variety and give my sims something to work toward. (No, this is not what caused Luca and Sophia's problem LOL).
MCCC Settings - Relationship Settings
I'm highlighting this because, even though I placed it in the bonus section, I highly recommend you check this out. These are the settings that control if/when sims move in together or break up!
Auto-Relationship Settings
Breakup Settings: You can specify which sim will move out and who the children will live with. Couple relationship change percentage applies a modifier that will make a couple's relationship (dating, not married) increase or decrease over time. I increased mine to 20%. Same thing with spouse relationship change except I only did 10% there.
Move-in Settings: I allow homeless romance move in and kept the romance level to the default. (sweethearts) I also increased the romance move-in percent to 25%.
Bypass Played Household: It should go without saying, but just in case it's not clear, I always want my playable households bypassed because I want to maintain control over what happens to them. About this, I have other households that I don't actually play (in the Pierson save) that I have as playable just to preserve them and prevent anything from happening. So to be clear, unless a household is marked as played, they will be subjected to the random marriages, pregnancies, and relationships.
A few months ago, I FINALLY decided to mark Emmy and Ali as unplayed, hoping that Ali would find love again and that Emmy and Dwayne would move in together. Instead, Alessia got knocked up, and Dwayne put his foot down LOL. Sorry dude. Wish I could help! Well, I could just move her in, but it actually doesn't feel right for the story...but that's an entirely different conversation lol.
Anyhoo...I hope you found something in this novel that helps to spice up your game! Thanks for asking!
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2uhhyatko2 · 6 months
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YAYY MUMSCARIAN WEEK DAY 7 - recovery so basically you can imagine it both as grian bandaging some random, possibly caused by redstone, traumas and the lava accident in secret life, when mumbo was tasked to be his servant (I am getting flashbacks from a fic that im reading rn)
+a little bonus with one of the best poly memes and my headcanon on their wedding outfits ----- SO YEAH WASSUP THIS YEARS' WEEK HAS ACTUALLY HAPPENED AND I DREW A BUNCH OF STUFF AND STRESSED A LOT LOL
I'm waiting the next year's like my second birthday, I don't think I can leave this polyship hell any time soon. Like i came into fandom, saw grumbo - fell in love, saw scarian - fell in love, for some time headcanoned it all as polygamy, it kinda transferred to polyamory and only recently I like..I ACTUALLY GOT MUMSCAR, LIKE I UNDERSTOOD THEM, I STARTED VIBING SO HARD WITH THEM and I actually think that if I had to rank mumscarian pairings in top3 it would be like top1.00 mumscar, top 1.10 grumbo and then top1.15 scarian, but like they all are not even a full point apart OKAY BYE IMMA WATCH SOLAR ECLIPSE upd after like 3 minutes: fuck toronto's clouds
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katruna · 6 months
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nylpad · 1 month
Between Shadows and Secrets
A/N: I'm alive!
Warnings: Polygamy (That's it I think)
Hogwarts was always a place of mystery and magic, but for you, it had become a battleground of emotions. You had always been at odds with Mattheo Riddle and Theodore Nott, two of the most enigmatic and infuriating Slytherins. They were constantly challenging you, pushing your buttons, and making your life difficult. But beneath the surface, there was something more—something neither of you wanted to admit.
One evening, you found yourself in the library, trying to focus on your Potions essay. The quiet was shattered by the arrival of Mattheo and Theodore, their presence immediately setting you on edge.
"Well, well, if it isn't our favorite Ravenclaw," Mattheo drawled, leaning against the table with a smirk.
You glared at him. "What do you want, Riddle?"
Theodore chuckled, taking a seat across from you. "Relax, we're just here to study. Or are you afraid we'll outshine you?"
You rolled your eyes, but couldn't help the flutter in your chest. "As if."
Hours passed, and despite the tension, you found yourself engaging in a surprisingly civil conversation with them. Mattheo's sharp wit and Theodore's quiet intelligence were... intriguing. You hated to admit it, but you were starting to see them in a different light.
Days turned into weeks, and the three of you began to spend more time together, often under the guise of studying. The animosity slowly gave way to a strange camaraderie, and you found yourself looking forward to their company.
One night, as you were leaving the library, you overheard Mattheo and Theodore talking in hushed tones.
"Do you think she knows?" Mattheo asked, his voice uncharacteristically soft.
Theodore sighed. "I don't know. But we can't keep pretending. We need to tell her."
Curiosity piqued, you stepped out of the shadows. "Tell me what?"
They both turned, surprise and guilt written on their faces. Mattheo was the first to recover. "We... we have feelings for you. Both of us."
Your heart skipped a beat. "What?"
Theodore stepped forward, his eyes sincere. "It's true. We've been fighting it for so long, but we can't deny it anymore."
You looked between them, your mind racing. "But... you hate me."
Mattheo shook his head. "We never hated you. We were just afraid. Afraid of what we felt."
Tears welled up in your eyes as the truth sank in. "I... I don't know what to say."
Theodore took your hand, his touch gentle. "You don't have to say anything. Just know that we're here for you. Always."
As you stood there, caught between the two boys who had once been your enemies, you realized that maybe, just maybe, love could bloom in the most unexpected places.
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saintsenara · 6 months
Also would love to know what you think of Lily/&Sirius as well! I can totally see the slight resentment on his part you mentioned but i loveee the letter Harry finds in DH. AND tell me your thoughts on jilypad bc I just need to dig your brain
thank you very much for the ask, pal!
i know this was prompted by me saying - while discussing jily - that my preferred version of lily and sirius' relationship is one in which sirius resents lily for stealing the love of his life [and i don't mean lupin!] away from him. so i think it's worth clarifying what i mean by this:
because i certainly don't think that sirius' resentment towards lily would be overt - i don't think he'd ever be openly hostile towards her, i don't think he'd do anything to undermine james and lily's relationship, and i don't think he'd ever be anything other than sincerely delighted that james was so happy. he evidently values the relationship he has with lily - enough to have kept her letters somewhere he could retrieve after his sojourn in azkaban [the most plausible date of the letter harry finds in deathly hallows is august 1981, which means that we know sirius wasn't living at grimmauld place when it was written. this is something he's stored deliberately, rather than something he had just lying around.] - and i don't propose that he was pretending.
what i think, instead, is that sirius' canonical tendency towards suffering and abiding would make him actively want to cheerlead jily's relationship. he's someone who clearly believes that it's honourable to make sacrifices and that his own happiness is subordinate to the greater good. and while this is all very noble, it's also an enormous - and somewhat toxic - burden for someone like lily to bear.
i like the idea of sirius - much like his narrative mirror, snape - having an extraordinarily idealised view of lily which the real lily struggles to live up to [which provides an interesting watsonian explanation for why he only mentions her once in canon - the doylist reason is just that the series needs to obscure lily's centrality to the mystery for as long as it can, but it's much more fun to imagine that sirius actually knows nothing about the version of lily he didn't construct in his head]. i also like the idea of him struggling constantly with guilt over how he secretly would like to see james and lily split up, so that he could comfort james with tender forehead kisses [and much, much more...]
when it comes to lilypad as something non-platonic, then, my preferred version of the ship is one in which sirius and lily end up together after she survives voldemort's attack [and is, therefore, able to exonerate sirius by revealing that wormtail was the secret keeper] as an extraordinarily unhealthy way of dealing with the earth-shattering weight of their mutual grief. this doesn't mean that i think it would be an abusive or toxic relationship - nor that it couldn't last - but that it would be a... strange and quite melancholy one, haunted constantly by james' ghost.
which means, i suppose, that it's also my preferred version of jilypad. i don't like it as a triad when it's just written as really happy and flawless [well-functioning polygamy takes introspection, and none of these three strike me as possessing that ability...], but i do like it as a mess.
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Dangerous Secret
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pairing: Fanon!Alicent Hightower x Male OC
summary: Daegor Targaryen, brother to King Viserys Targaryen who stabbed him the back in the worst way possible.
Word count: 4,0K
Warnings: Fluff, Angst, cheating, infidelity, polygamy
Alicent could not help herself but feel nervous as she stood beside Daegor targaryen, her lover and true father of her children. Her children, Aegon, Daenya, Halaena, and the twins Aemond and Aenora and her youngest Daeron stood beside their mother in their best attire ready to welcome their uncle Daegor.
Alicent still remembered the first time she met him when she was sill newly wed and he had traveled for the wedding along with his lady wife who was pregnant at the time, a Dornish Princess Alicent did not bother remembering her name, she had died in childbirth along with the baby during their visit from Dorne. The marriage existed only to keep the peace in the realm.
Alicent went to comfort him seeing it as her duty considering that she was the new Queen of the realm. Daegor had locked himself in his chambers, he held no love for his wife, Alicent discovered that during their conversation but he mourned his unborn child who never got to see the world.
A friendship of sorts blossomed between the two as they got comfort from one another and Alicent used the excuse that being close to Viserys' family would make him love her more, to her father Otto Hightower which made him turn a blind eye on the two. Daegor decided to stay in the capital after that seeing as he had nothing back in Dorne.
Alicent's mind took her many years prior to this day. She was still a very young bride sitting in the library with a book in her lap as she waited for Viserys to finish his small council meeting along with her father.
"All alone, your grace" She looked up at Daegor who was leaning against a bookshelf with his arms crossed eyeing her with a smile. Alicent wanted to deny the beat her heart skipped when their eyes met. She was expecting him to hate her like Rhaenyra and Daemon did after she was forced to marry Viserys.
"Viserys is busy with the small council" Alicent shrugged. Unconsciously she closed the book in her lap and gave Daegor her full attention. Daegor left the doorway and walked over to her and sat down beside her on the bench.
"My brother is an idiot leaving such a pretty girl like you here all alone" Daegor was brave, Alicent admitted that. Anyone else would have rather eaten shit than say such things to the Queen in fear of the consequences. Alicent looked down at the book in her lap shyly and smiled feeling a little giddy at hearing a compliment for the first time in many moons.
"Thank you, your grace" She whispered. Alicent will never forget that day, she cried herself to sleep feeling all kinds of guilt after she had kissed Daegor in that library. Viserys was told that she felt ill and did not even bother checking in on her that night either.
The next morning she visited Daegor's room with the plan of telling him that the kiss they shared in the library was a mistake only to find him sat in front of his fireplace shirtless with only trousers on and a cup of wine in hand. She stumbled through her words as she tried looking anywhere but at him.
He was as smug as Daemon Targaryen, no surprise there since they were brothers. Daegor smirked the entire time she was speaking. He downed his wine and placed the cup on the table before he cornered her and kissed her again. He kissed her five times in a row and each time he asked "Does it still feel wrong?" He would whisper the words in her ear or against her lips. The third time he asked she gave him the answer he wanted "No". He made love to her for the first time then.
Alicent found out she was pregnant two moons later and it did not take her more than a second to know who the father was. She went running to Daegor in tears and shaking in fear. He held her in his arms and comforted her. He was terrified as well, he was scared for a different reason though, she was afraid of someone finding out about who the true father of the child was, Daegor Targaryen, while Daegor was scared that he would lose another child.
So he unconsciously built walls around himself and distanced himself from everyone, even Alicent and his brothers. Many of the smallfolk were shocked to see that Daegor and his dragon would be up in the skies almost every day. Viserys and Daemon noticed the change in their brother as well and Viserys came to the conclusion that Daegor was reacting like this as a defense mechanism after what happened to his wife.
Alicent however felt used and cornered Daegor to accuse him of leaving her after he got what he wanted and that was to dishonour his King brother. Daegor's walls broke at the sound of her sobs and he pulled her in for a hug whispering promises in her ear. Daegor did not plan to fall for the young girl in his arms, he indulged with her at first for comfort but then found himself falling for her.
For the rest of Alicent's pregnancy Daegor was by her side in secret using the tunnels and secret passageways he had discovered as a child alongside Daemon. Viserys rarely visited Alicent if it were not for his own pleasures. Daegor showed her love and care, he helped her bathe at the end of her pregnancy when her feet were swollen and it was uncomfortable for her to move. He stood outside her doors alongside Viserys when she gave birth using the excuse of wanting to support his brother and get some comfort from a birth going well instead of a disaster as it had done with his own wife.
The second Viserys placed Aegon in Daegor's arms he almost burst out crying. His surviving son whom no one would know was his. Daegor took it upon himself to teach the young boy how to walk and talk, the first word Aegon said was Kepa to Daegor much to Viserys' discomfort and that is when the talk of Daegor needing a betrothed and wife and children of his own arose in the council while Alicent was swollen with her and Daegor's second child.
"I wish not to marry brother, I know my luck in such matters" Daegor shook his head as he refused to acknowledge the words of the council members.
"I must insist brother, we have already chosen a worthy betrothed for you" Viserys' words made Daegor's blood run cold. He looked at Otto Hightower or more like Highcunt smirking at him.
"Who is this unlucky woman?" Daegor asked, crossing his arms in front of him as he leaned back in his chair.
"My youngest girl," Beesbury said proudly. Daegor has never met the poor soul. Beesbury let out a shriek that sounds like "Clara". A petite girl who looked just over thirteen walked in with her head bowed down adorning her house colours as a dress. She had light brown hair cascading down her back in natural waves. She looked up briefly as she curtsied showing blue eyes before looking down.
"She is but a child" Daegor argued pointing at the poor girl who was shaking as a leaf. She gulped and looked at her father as if expecting a scolding but he merely chuckled.
"I assure you, my prince, she is a woman grown and had her first bleeding merely a moon ago," Lord Beesbury said. He pushed his daughter in Daegor's direction making her stumble. Daegor was quick to steady the poor child.
"Apologies, my prince" She whispered lowly, voice still holding a childish pitch to it. Daegor felt bad for the poor child but he knew that if he did not marry her then her father would only throw her to another man who could do unspeakable things to her.
Daegor accepted with a heavy heart. That night Alicent went into labour and Daegor knew it was out of grief but he sneaked into her room to meet his newborn daughter, Daenya, and explained to Alicent that he merely agreed to shut Viserys up.
His wedding on poor Clara was in the tradition of old Valyria on Dragonstone with blood upon Daegor's insistence. Daegor refused the bedding ceremony and threatened a Lord who whined like a child would if you took their favorite toy from them. He faked the evidence much to Clara's relief and spent the night in Alicent's bed after sneaking in there.
In less than two years Alicent fell pregnant again and Otto was sent away as Hand. Viserys decided to make Daegor his Hand in Otto's stead seeing as he was the more obedient brother between Daemon and him. Daegor was more than willing to take the position as he was being threatened to be sent to Dragonstone by Otto Highcunt as he grew to call him.
As the years passed Daegor proved to be a worthy Hand and Viserys never once thought of changing him or bringing in Otto again. Alicent gave birth to four more children, first came Helaena who had Daegor wrapped around her finger just as much as Daenya did, followed by twins, Aemond and Aenora, and lastly Daeron.
Daegor grew worried as all his children claimed a dragon except Aemond whose egg did not hatch in his cradle. Aegon had Sunfyre, Daenya had Varos who was as blue as the morning sky and his flames were just as blue and rumored to be hotter than normal Dragon fire. Halaena had Dreamfyre, Aenora had Drakoth who was a green dragon with golden edges to his scales and Daeron had Tessarion.
Daegor filled the boy's time with sword fighting since he refused to torment the poor boy with lessons in the Dragonpit with his older brother and nephews who had taken the hobby of bullying him for not having a dragon. Daegor spoke with Rhaenyra who dismissed him saying they were children playing and in due time they would stop. Daegor took Aemond with him to visit Mirazaer his own she-dragon, she was dark purple with golden eyes and flames. Aemond loved seeing her and would usually ride along his "Uncle" on her with his arms wide open and laughter on his lips.
When Daegor was informed of the incident of Aemond's eye during one of the nights he was staying up for some extra work. He barged into the room just as Alicent drew a dagger at Rhaenyra. Aemond was being looked at by a maester and Daegor knew that Viserys did not punish Luke for what he did. He approached Alicent and wrapped one arm around her waist and pulled her away from his niece in one swift move making her shriek a little.
She looked up at him with tears streaming down her face as the dagger fell down on the ground. His own wife Clara sneaked into the room and over to Aegon to comfort the boy as he was slapped back to sobriety.
"I believe Luke should be punished but not as harshly as her grace suggests," Daegor said calmly letting go of Alicent who stumbled a little. She made her way over to her son and kneeled beside his chaise as the maester sewed his eye shut.
"What are you suggesting, uncle?" Rhaenyra pushed her son behind her back to protect him from her uncle.
"I am suggesting a brief exile for him to learn that hurting his own kin is a sin, Niece, I am suggesting that someone should teach your spoiled children some manners for taking a boy's eye out" Daegor answered angrily. He knew that his outburst was noticed by Daemon but refused to meet his eyes and smirking face.
"He stole Vaghar" Luke defended his actions. To everyone's surprise, Daegor burst out laughing making everyone freeze.
"Do you truly believe that a dragon as ancient as Vaghar could be stolen, boy? We do not control dragons and Vaghar chose her rider willingly" Daegor answered. He approached Baela and Rhaena who were huddled together in the corner.
"I am sure my dear niece will ride a dragon mightier than Vaghar if she had the patience and the bravery" Daegor touched Rhaena's chin softly. She smiled slightly and nodded her head.
"Now brother as king it is expected of you to be just and if you are not just with your own family how will the smallfolk accept a King who split his own family?" Daegor asked. Viserys looked down thinking deeply much to the horror of Rhaenyra, the spoiled princess.
Lucerys was sent to Lannisport the next morning amount his dragon with a satchel filled with his belongings, exiled for six whole years. Daegor felt pride fill him as he watched Vaghar with Aemond atop her flying proudly in the sky to spite the boy as he flew away.
Viserys grew sicker and sicker as time passed and Daegor had to take control of the kingdom and he spent more time away from King's Landing than in it in Viserys' stead. But through it all, he did not stop for a second from training his own sons and refused to send Daeron to Oldtown and insisted on teaching him, himself.
Daegor was told to take a second wife as the years passed and Clara still did not conceive any children. Alicent was hesitant before approaching Daegor and telling him that if he wished he could bed Clara and have children from her, have children who could call him Kepa unlike her own who called him Kepus instead. Aemond called him Kepa for a long time after he defended him and idolized him even at ten and six name days.
Daegor was reluctant, he already had six children, healthy and beautiful. He did not need more but when Clara herself came to him crying after being bullied by some ladies of the court he caved and bedded her. Their agreement was broken of not having any sexual relations. Alicent and Clara surprisingly grew a friendship of sorts when Clara began swelling with his child and she was by her side during her labors having no mother to comfort her, having died several years ago.
Clara birthed a beautiful girl whom Daegor named Shaera. She was a tiny girl at birth and seemed to inherit her mother's shortness and definitely her temper, her cries were heard by the entire Red Keep as she arrived with a head full of platinum blonde hair like her father and blue eyes like her mother.
Daegor was proud of her but he felt a little shy walking around with her in his arms since he was no young man and Aegon and Halaena, his own son and daughter were already married to each other and had twin children. Aegon chose to let go of his cups and focus on his sword skills as a relief with the help of Daegor and he brought the gentleman in his son out.
Still, the council was not happy with Shaera's birth, she was no son, and she was no heir. Daegor almost lunged at his own father-in-law when he said that Daegor and Clara should try for a son. Daegor informed him that Clara could die from childbirth but he only replied with "She was born to do this" which sparked Daegor's fury, Clara and him grew some kind of a friendship during their marriage.
Clara voiced her want of another child when Shaera reached her third moon of life and Daegor was shocked that she wanted another so soon and so fast. Shaera was rumored to have some magic in her blood because whoever looked at her fell in love with her, even Viserys asked to see her at least once a day.
By the time Rhaenyra arrived with her family to King's Landing for Luke's petition as soon as he got back from Lannisport against Veamond Valeryon, Clara was swollen with another child while Shaera was sat on her hip gurgling. Daegor took it upon himself to greet his niece and brother along with his family upon her arrival.
"Niece" Daegor nodded his head at the heir of the throne in front of him. She had a weak smile still not over him sending her precious boy away but shockingly Luke seemed much calmer and well-mannered.
"Brother" Daegor turned to Daemon. Daemon gave his famous smirk to Daegor before eyeing Shaera in her mother's arms.
"Finally a child from your blood brother" Daemon teased. Daegor turned to Shaera with a smile on his face. The little girl turned to her father with a grin and held her arms open for him squealing a "Kepa". Daegor took her from his heavily pregnant wife who looked to be struggling with all the weight already.
"Shaera" Daegor introduced. Daemon and Rhaenyra could not help but smile as the little girl grabbed a fist of her father's hair that reached just below his nape and tugged a little.
"Quit a grip on her I will tell you that, she will beat me in sword fighting by her tenth name day" Daegor joked easing his daughter's grip on his hair.
He sat on the Iron Throne during the petition being the Hand of the King. He was kind to both sides not wanting to separate the family even more when his brother the King walked in with the help of his cane. Daegor helped Viserys sit on the Iron Throne as Daemon retrieved the fallen crown from the floor and placed it upon the King's head. Daegor moved back to his wife's side.
Daegor was more than glad that they left Shaera with her handmaiden as Vaemond's head rolled on the floor. Daegor felt his heart drop for a second when Clara clutched his shoulder whimpering in pain thinking she was struck as well by accident only to find a pool of blood by her feet.
"Her labors" Rhaenyra gasped from the other side of the room. Daegor had to stand by Alicent and their children which Clara did not mind and she never questioned his devotion to the Queen and explained it as devotion to his own brother.
Daegor sat by Alicent during the feast Viserys threw in his new son's honor, Aelyx. Daegor was thankful for a son so now he could finally give Alicent his full attention, the woman he truly loved. He had spoken to Aemond beforehand to not start any fights no matter what happens.
Lucerys seemed on his best behaviour along with Jacaerys. Helaena and Aegon were too in love to notice anyone around them as they whispered among each other about their three healthy and beautiful children, Jaehaerys, Jaehaera, and Maelor. The dinner went smoothly and the boys were on their best behavior the entire night while Rhaenyra and Alicent reconciled with one another. Daegor and Alicent celebrated in her chambers that night.
Daegor felt his heart stop as he hid behind the walls in the secret passageway to a maid waking Alicent to the news of Viserys' death. Rhaenyra was Queen now and should be crowned soon. Daegor sprinted to his own chamber where Clara was sleeping still in their Marital bed with Shaera on her right sleeping deeply and Aelyx in his crib with his black dragon egg.
He felt hesitant to wake her up and tell her the news. She was horrified and immediately asked for black clothes wanting to be by her husband's side during the funeral. Clara rode with Daegor on dragonback leaving their small children along with Helaena's and Rhaenyra's youngest in the palace. Dragonstone seemed colder as Rhaenyra gave the command to her mount lighting her father on fire with teary eyes and the golden crown on her head.
Now a new question arose, who was the heir? Jacaerys, Lucerys and Joffrey were definitely not pure-blooded children. Rhaenyra wanted to leave the matter for later as her coronation was being prepared in Oldtown for the high Septon to anoint her. Daegor knew that there was nothing in the world that would stop Rhaenyra from putting her brunette son on the throne so he urged his family to Pentos not wanting to see a day where a brunette Targaryen sat on the Iron Throne. Alicent and her children joined them just after the coronation.
What they did not expect was for news to reach them soon that a plague spread around King's Landing allowing The Stranger to claim Jacaerys and Lucerys in their sleep. Daegor knew that left Joffrey to be heir, the poor young boy knew not of how to rule as Rhaenyra grew ill with grief and Daemon got infected as well.
Daegor traveled on Dragonback with all his children, Alicent and Clara followed in a boat neither wanting to ride a dragon. What Daegor did not plan was for the two women to bond on the way to the city and his shock was evident when they walked hand in hand with smiles on their faces.
Joffrey followed his brothers soon and Daegor grew with worry and isolated his children and lover along with his wife in one side of the palace. The maesters suggested covering his nose and mouth when visiting Rhaenyra and Daemon on their deathbeds along with Aegon and Viserys. Daegor had to turn away from his brother to hide his tears from him as he spoke with him, breathless and on the verge of death.
"How is Nyra?" Daemon asked. A series of coughs followed the question.
"She is alright and waiting for you to get better" Daegor answered. The maesters had suggested he kept his distance but all he wanted to do was pull his older brother in for a hug and reassure him that everything was alright and that he would get better.
"How is Dae?" Rhaenyra questioned when Daegor visited her. Their relationship was never the best but he grew sad and his eyes filled with tears at the sight of his dying niece, the girl he used to play with before he had to leave for Dorne and marry his first wife.
"As good as a horse awaiting you to recover" Daegor responded. Only three years into Rhaenyra's reign she passed away peacefully in her bed along with Daemon and their sons leaving Daegor as the heir.
Daegor waited for the plague to be under control and with a cure before traveling to Oldtown and getting anointed like his predecessors before him. By the second year of his reign, he took Alicent to Dragonstone and took her as a second wife. Clara was present at the wedding and the wedding night.
The children were not shocked to hear of the marriage, Daegor and Alicent were not very desecrate during their stay in Pentos and Clara fit in the picture perfectly. Alicent did not give Daegor any more children but Clara did being much younger than both, she gave him a pair of sons only two years apart, Daemon and Viserys.
The realm went into shock when Daegor announced Aegon as his heir being the eldest Prince was his excuse, no one knew Aegon's true parentage except Alicent and Daegor, and even Clara did not know of it. Aegon was a good swordsman and had the mind of a king after leaving his cups behind for Helaena and their children with Daegor's guidance, these children only craved a father's love and Daegor was there to give it to them.
Daenya was married to her younger brother Aemond while Aenora married Daeron to keep the Targaryen blood pure, Daegor saw no need for alliance marriages since the realm was at peace and no one rebelled.
Daegor Targaryen passed away in his sleep aged sixty and three in the arms of Alicent Hightower and Clara Beesbury. Aegon rose to the throne with the conqueror's crown on his head. Alicent found it the perfect time to tell him the truth of his parentage only for him to shock her and tell her that they all knew without needing to be told.
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