#seeing Nemona was very cool too :}
fluffs-n-stuffs · 9 months
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shima-draws · 2 years
OKAY I’ve been playing for a couple hours now and here are some thoughts
-I LOVE that they actually give you time to hang out with the starters and bond with them and see what their personalities are like before you get to pick one. That was really neat
-They were right! This game really do Open World RPG! I haven’t even gotten to the school yet I’ve been too busy running around the map for two hours
-Not sure how I feel about items in the field literally having a neon light showing where they are from a mile away. Kinda defeats the whole purpose of open world if the items are too easy to find. The novelty of “treasure hunting” is gone because of this
-I’m going to kick Arven’s ass if he even LOOKS at Miraidon the wrong way. “Oh this Pokemon is too hard for me to deal with so I’m abandoning it and shoving all of the responsibilities I had caring for it onto you” OH YEAH?? Alright asshole I’ll take it off your hands CLEARLY it was so difficult for you to take care of a living breathing creature that also happens the be the coolest looking motherfucker on this side of the continent. Your loss
-Ohhh the clipping is so bad! It’s so bad! If I rotate the camera too far in my own house I just get a black screen! Yikes 💖
-The concept of being in battle and still being able to see Pokemon doing their own thing in the background is REALLY neat? Like life just moves on around you while you’re duking it out with another trainer. I know we had a specific saying for this when I was in school for animation but I forget what it was exactly RIP anyway just the whole organic. Breathing life into the game kinda thing.
-APPARENTLY WE CAN’T GO INTO OTHER PEOPLE’S HOUSES ANYMORE???? Like that’s one of Pokemon’s staple features throughout ALL the generations, we’re allowed to barge into random people’s homes. At the very least the first town had all their doors locked so all the houses were off limits. I was VERY upset
-The graphics may be janky as all hell but the story is really intriguing so far!! I wanted to cry bc the scene of us rescuing Miraidon really gave me HTTYD vibes. This game is just HTTYD in disguise we are all Hiccup taming and training our Toothless
-Standing on the beach before battling Nemona just gave me a HUGE rush of nostalgia bc it had very very big PMD2 vibes
-The controls for Legends Arceus are ingrained in my brain so I keep pressing buttons and getting confused when they do something different. LMAO
-I’m sorry I don’t like that the Pokemon Centers are outside now;; it just feels Wrong. Like clearly this was some cool edgy thing they wanted to try but I in fact hate it :-/
-THE PLAYER CUSTOMIZATION THING IS SOOOO SICK. The fact we get to customize SO much and at the very beginning of the game is awesome. Props to Nintendo for this I’m really glad they included so many options and right at the start so we don’t have to actually UNLOCK customizing what we look like
-Nemona is just Ash Ketchum but Girl and I love her
-And, most importantly:
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tramon81 · 2 years
I've been thinking why the Arven Storyline is so good, and I think it's about pacing and delivery.
Pokémon SPOILERS AHEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also recalling this from memory so might be some inconsistencies but the spirit is there :) .
There's this mild mystery about this guy at the start, apparently he knows your Legendary Lizard and is responsible of it. He also seems that he'd rather not deal with said lizard, foreshadowing or a more classy term, setup. We also end up realising he is the son of the Professor with very little to go on of what this relationship is.
It is implied in NPC dialog that the Professor has been away from the public from a long time, but being the owner of the lizard that you own now he/she actually shows him/herself to you. He/She calls you by student ID, weird. And requests you sometime travel to Area Zero, the forbidden area, where he/she presumably has taken residence.
When you meet with Arven on the lunchroom he proposes that you embark on a quest for, ... Herbs? Herba Mystica that seem to have some weird healthy properties. It is known that he likes cooking but didn't think he was a healthy foods enthusiast, a healthy lifestyle guru. Anyway you consider it.
Later he gets into a fight with Nemona into who's path you should follow. He seems really aggro on keeping you to his mission. Weird.
First mission, after the fight, you find the Herb, ok seems more than just curative bogus, he cooks ya a sandwitch and Koraidon goes ahead and asks for yours. Arven seems apprehensive but you eventually give it to the bikemon and whoa! It got its powers back. So maybe Arven is helping his parent out? Or was this not planned? Wait "you can come out now"? What pokemon did he send and why was it kept a secret? Weird.
Now, for the first "delivery" on all these "setups" this guy's not just a crazy cook in search for the ultimate ingredients, the setup at the cafeteria has its answer in Mabosstiff, the pokemon he secretly sent out last scene. It is stricken with a weakening health condition and the reason his owner is gathering all these ingredients is to cure him before it's too late. This is great for two reasons: 1. We know there is a ghost dog Pokémon with a similar build to it's preevolution and it can evolve so the dog could indeed die and turn into that. Also we now have a reason why he's been so jumpy, he doesn't want you to help him, he needs you to help him. If you ignored him and went with Nemona or that wacky Hacker, He'd be all on his own, and may not make it.
After some more adventures, smth smth setup for weird futuristic/ancient form of Donphan he recognises. Mabosstiff... Is cured! The relief on his face and the tension of the story is relieved as the dog wears again its toothy grin. This sort of thing is actual good storytelling methinks. Simple but effective. What a great... Wait it's not over.
Apparently it is revealed that you must finally go to Area Zero, together with the other cast, it's exciting because there's been so much build up to it, mystery and weird new pokemon. However it is also revealed that, one of the strongest deliveries in the story, Arven has an absentee parent, which made him be on his own... With only Mabosstiff as his family. This is potent. Of course this makes you want to meet this prick, see what kind of character does such a thing, but more importantly, it gives weight to Mabosstiff's recovery, together you saved not a dog, but the only family left by his side.
After you completed all three routes, he shows you the way to area zero. Which you discover about the place and the Professor, fellow of science, too absorbed in it, made a time machine oh so that was the deal with that donphan, oh cool there's more where it came from. There's also some very cool banter with the three coprotags, specially love the one about parents, this stuff is more direct than even Sun and Moon sometimes.
The Professor is acting odd though. Arven is suspecting something's off but doesn't really like the implication. You get swarmed, paradox pokes at all flanks. Another Lizard. Arven also reveals that he was envious and blamed Mirai/Koraidon for his parent's absence as there seems some unknown trust finally building up between them at the end of the scene. You enter the lab and finally get to meet...
AI Sada/Turo. The professor died in an accident, standing in their place is an imperfect cold and robotic replica of the deadbeat progenitor. This "delivery" if you didn't have it spoiled just, hits way different that all others, the person who you probably hate by now, is long gone, no happy or cathartic reunion, no Arven giving a piece of his mind. If he wasn't by now, your friend is now officially an orphan. This copy seems to garner regret from its actions, its work is too dangerous and wants you to destroy it. The one thing that came over its family, its true passion, it is at least able to do away with it. However, you have to battle it as the defence system overrides its AI with this... well, it's pretty much the part of it you hate, obsessed, distant(literally lol it's like a good story above you up there). You beat it as your friends and Arven come to see the machine terastalize its insides or smth and it blocks your pokeballs and send the aggresive Legendary agaisnt you, completely unarmed you try to do something but your Sandwitch friend the MotoLizard achieves his battle mode. This makes things even, however you tetastalize him into even more of a dragon and oneshot him.
Last scene, AI is defeated, however for the machine to be over, "it" has to be over too. Arven pleads for it to stay, but it decides to go to its paradise, its life work and creation takes it to a different time in a final act both selfish and selfless sacrifice, In front of its son. Finally, "the climax".
You see, this all lead up to this, every setup and every delivery. Arven has finally faced the memory of his Father/Mother and it, in consecuence, has faced him. A bit of a somber note, but hey this is a treasure hunt, what about his treasure. I can't believe I'm saying this but this is one of the best implementations of "The friends we made along the way" trope I've seen. You see Arven has this factor of "afraid of ending all alone" that is implied a bit through the game, he is a bit abrasive but has a good heart. The last scene(Not the Ed Sheeran one) shows him on a understandable horrid mood when suddenly both Penny and Nemona suggest to go to eat, he is hard to get at first but this sense of now, connection to these people, propels him to join (Also Lizard nudge).
This is actually, even if way more contained, a bit on par with explorers of sky for best writing pokemon ever had. At least in my view on the matter what do you think?
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arvensimp · 2 years
*as if I’m ordering food at a drive thru* Can we get a fuckin uhhhhhhhhhh
Nsfw where Arven gets jealous of someone talking to y/n (fem or nb preferred!), so he does that whole passionate, steamy, borderline-rough “you’re mine” sex trope? 👉🏼👈🏼
You're lucky the jealous arven machine ain't broke lmaooo.
I was going to make this a pt 2 to green eyed tera type then I saw the nb/fem preferred. And... I was a little torn. I definitely am going to do a pt 2 to that drabble (someone else did already put that request in in my inbox as well!) I hope you don't mind if I give us a different person for Arven to get jealous about haha. I hope you don't mind if I do lean fem with this, too.
Different Kinda Jelly
Arven x fem!reader
Nsfw, vaginal sex, very slight dubcon themes (someone attempting a kiss and it becomes a cheek kiss), also some breeding kink? Sorry that's kinda where it ended up I hope you don't mind!!
So...you might be in a teensy bit of danger. Just a little bit. In a fun way!
But still danger.
It started with a request from La Primera to attend a tournament in Galar on her behalf. Basically you were supposed to represent rising talent and battling culture in Paldea, yadda yadda yadda. Super cool. Love it. Free trip to Galar!
You had a great time, honestly. You met some really great people and had a ton of fun battling and learning about new and different pokemon, even if there was often a language barrier.
The issue was because of a certain former top champion you met.
See, Leon was a charmer from the moment he greeted you in the lobby of the tournament's hotel with a gleaming smile and a delicious accent in broken Paldean. He'd told you how impressed he was with the videos he'd seen of your battles and how he looked forward to thoroughly thrashing you in front of everyone. He also offered to give you a tour of the area, as was apparently one of his duties as a native to the region.
Your agreement couldn't come fast enough, but the steadying hand on the small of your back as he spoke to you didn't hurt either.
The trouble got worse when you learned that apparently Leon was "pants with directions" and got the two of you lost several times the following day, leading to several public snafus with folks taking pictures of their beloved former champion and some mysterious foreigner at some of Galar's "hottest date destinations!"
The headlines were apparently terribly scandalous, but they were in a language you didn't particularly feel like translating.
However, Penny's a native Galarian and had no problem sharing with Nemona and Arven.
You spent 2 hours the following evening explaining the whole thing to Arven over the phone and how the whole thing was very clearly a misunderstanding, particularly on Leon's part. Nothing happened, and you were fully intending to beat the snot out of Leon in the competition the next day to make it up to Arven.
Then the next day came, and you met Leon on the pitch. You hadn't been able to see him before because of competition regulations or something, but when you met in the middle to shake hands, this man did a full bow and kissed your hand in front of the stadium and all the cameras.
Your face heated up, and you pulled your hand away as gracefully as you could while maintaining decorum for the public.
"Looking forward to our battle, love!" Boy, he got familiar with the pet names awfully fast.
"Looking forward to taking your charizard out of the sky!" You replied with a cheeky grin that hopefully came off as appropriately cocky for the crowds without causing scandal for your region.
In the end, your terastalized tinkaton was able to knock his lizard to the ground and pummel it, resulting in your victory.
You thought Leon might lose it for a moment, but it seemed like he'd only gotten better at dealing with defeat over time. When you met again in the center of the pitch, and you extended your hand, he took it...only to fully dip you for the crowds, causing them to gasp in surprise.
You yelped, and as he went in for a kiss for the cameras, you turned your face just in time, so that he planted one firmly on your cheek instead.
When he let you back to your feet, you both smiled and waved to the crowds before departing.
Backstage your phone had already blown up with texts from all of your friends, and you were already lamenting the roaming fees.
You called Arven first and he picked up before the first ring even finished.
"Are you kidding me?! Who does this guy think he is?"
"I'm about to go let him down. Officially, I guess? I didn't think this needed to happen. Something must have seriously been miscommunicated. I'm sorry you had to see that. Please please please believe me. I don't know what's going on in his head."
"Do you even understand how much this hurts me?"
"I don't. I couldn't, but I can imagine it, and I'm really sorry. I hope you saw how I was trying to avoid it all."
"...I guess..."
You heard a knock at the door to your locker room.
"Listen, Arven. I love you, and I'll be home soon, but I've got to go now. I'll call you back as soon as I can, okay?"
"'Kay. I love you, too."
You hung up and found Leon at the door waiting for you, leaning against the frame with arms crossed and a smile on his face.
"You really gave me a lashing out there, love. Good show!" He said as he made his way into the space.
"Uh....yeah..." You replied as you started to fiddle with the bottom of your jersey.
"So..." He spread out on the sofa like a purrloin.
"Leon...." You started. "What happened?" You asked in Galarian. "Outside?"
"On the pitch?" He gestured. "Just some fun! For the cameras! They love a love story, yeah? Those headlines were top news! It's great for the tournament, too. You're a bit shy though, yea? I'm sorry, love. I should've asked. Sorry." He at least had the decency to look properly sorry.
You frowned. "I...have a boyfriend. In Paldea."
Leon looked like he'd been smacked. "What?! Why didn't you say?"
You tilted your head to the side, trying to formulate a response, then typed one into a translation app on your phone which basically amounted to. "I didn't think it needed to be explained! You never asked?"
Leon at least had the decency to look sorry. He also pulled out a translation device when he realized his thoughts might be too complex for his simple Paldean. He apologized for not realizing that his actions could have been misconstrued the other day and then jumping the gun so publicly today. He genuinely seemed apologetic, so you accepted, on the condition that he also confirmed with Arven that you didn't do anything wrong.
So there in the locker room, you filmed former champion Leon apologizing to your boyfriend for attempting to kiss you on international television.
However, it seemed that all was not entirely forgiven. Galar's headlines forgot about you the moment you lost the tournament to some Kantonian named Red, but Arven?
Arven's a different story.
You're currently sitting on your bed, waiting for Arven to get back to your place, antsy with nerves. You know he's not actually mad because you know he knows you didn't do anything wrong.
But still. You feel bad to have been involved in him feeling bad. You love him.
That doesn't change the fact that you jump a bit when you hear the door open and Arven call your name.
"I-I'm upstairs!" You reply, your voice quivering.
He wastes no time making his way to the bedroom. You stand to give him a kiss, but he skillfully dodges you.
"Welcome back," He says with an even tone, but his eyes are dark.
"I really missed you..." You offer weakly.
"Oh, I know you did." He says, as he starts circling you, not unlike a veluza, almost predatory. "It seems you had a hard time being alone without me, didn't you?"
"Arven, you know I--"
Arven pulls you in close to him, gripping you by the waist and the back of the neck. "Would it have been better if I was there with you? Made sure to keep all those other guys away from my dearest treasure?"
"I know you're a capable person and all... But you're just so...sweet..." His thumb at your neck rubs circles into the skin there. "Trusting... Maybe I should've tagged along. Kept them all away from you. Showed them who you belonged to, yeah?"
"O-Oh..." You feel your knees buckle a bit, but Arven's grip keeps you upright and secure. He can tell the effect this is having on you though because he smirks and leans in close to whisper hotly in your ear.
"Strip and get on the bed for me, will you?"
You do as you're told, with Arven watching you carefully. Only once you're dutifully in place does he also strip and move to straddle you.
"See here's the thing." Arven tells you as he leans in close, kissing along your neck and jawline. "I know you're a good girl."
The praise makes you whimper without even thinking.
"See?" He laughs softly, darkly. "Like that. I imagine all those other folks out there can tell that about you, too. They want to swoop in and steal you away from me..."
"N-No, Arven..." You whimper pathetically in protest.
"You wanna be with me, don't you, my sweetest?" He asks between hot, biting kisses along your collarbone while one of his hands snakes up to squeeze at your breasts.
"O-of course! Only you!" You reply, hooking a leg over his hips to draw him in closer to you.
Arven moves up to take your mouth in a searing kiss as he grinds his hardness against you. When he eventually moves away to pepper more bites along your neck, he mumbles into your skin. "Maybe I could mark you up...leave you with little marks all along this pretty neck... Show the world that you're mine. Would you like that?"
Your reply comes only as a pathetic whine and nod while your fingers thread through his soft hair.
"I'll take that as a yes then..." Arven replies with a soft chuckle.
As he starts working on dotting your clavicle with hickies, one of his hands goes to unhook your leg from his hips, letting your knees splay open. His fingers deftly move to the growing wetness between your thighs.
"Hmm... Already soaked like this?" He tuts in faux mocking. "Such a needy thing... Guess I have no choice but to take care of you."
You wantonly grind against his fingers as his thumb works glorious circles around your clit, bringing you to a stunning completion in a matter of about a minute that has your thighs quaking while you chant his name like a mantra.
"That's right, sweet thing... You know who you belong to, don't you..." He murmurs, gathering wetness from your folds to lube up his cock. "You're mine." He says as he thrusts into you in one fluid motion that has you choking on an inhalation. It's a little rough, but nothing he knows you're not already comfortable with. It's the same with the pace he sets as he fucks into you.
You do your best to match his thrusts from below, but when he catches on to your movement he pauses. "Ah, ah, ah... Not this time." He says before hefting your knees over his shoulders. The new angle makes for a rougher fuck that hits the most delicious places inside of you.
"I wanna fuck you so hard you never even think of another man. You hear me?"
"Yeah?" His hips stutter a bit. "You like that?" You nod because you know if you open your mouth the only thing to come out would be stupid moans.
"Good. I'm gonna keep fucking you like this. Make sure all the world knows you're mine. F-fuck... Maybe if I knock you up, everyone else'll get the h-hint!"
That was new. Not something expected or discussed prior, but it did something to you, and Arven clearly noticed.
"Holy f-fuck, that got a rise out of you, didn't it? You got so much, nngh, tighter...Sh-shit.... I'm close. Just...." It only takes a few more thrusts before he cums hard and deep inside you. A moment later, he's let your legs go, and then he's collapsed onto the bed beside you.
"Uh... Sorry for the roughness." He pants. "And, uh, the other thing."
Still entirely blissed out, you look back at him. "Hm? It's okay... I dunno... Maybe I should go to other regions more often..."
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yams-here · 5 months
A list of scarvi characters and whether or not they use drugs (academy students)
On her own? Definitely not. She's definitely kind of a rule follower nerd that only opens an exception to her friends. And that also applies here. She wouldn't smoke a blunt on her own but if her besties asked her if she wanted to hotbox one of their rooms with them she'd say yes if only to make sure none of them fucking die. (Also she feels safer to do so if she's with people she trusts ofc)
Counting florian as a different character here because he gives me a very different vibe. He's a nerd just like Juliana, but that shaggy bowlcut tells me his mom still cuts his hair and I just know that he still thinks sniffing one of the crack cocaine is going to kill him on the spot. His friends tend to avoid calling him to smoke with them because they know it's going to turn into a lecture.
(I just added him here because I see him as a separate character, but from now on, when I refer to the crater crew I'm talking about Nemona, Arven, Penny and Juliana. :( sorry florian stans)
Definitely not. She is the student council president so she definitely snitches on the kids she finds smoking weed and she is too energetic to snort coke. But for her friends? The crater crew? They almost DIED together. They went to this life changing adventure whose whole integrity relies on them keeping their mouths fucking SHUT. She can definitely open an exception for them. Def likes to relax a little bit every now and then so she isn't against a hit or two
Weed? Yes. Smoke? Hell no. He grew up around too many machines turning off and on and getting broken and fixed to enjoy the feeling of smoke over a good ol edible. He def gets a little emotional when high (he's been getting a lil better with time) but the crater crew still invites him everytime because one, he's their friend. Two, this man is a GODSEND when they all get the munchies. And his edibles? To die for. He would probably enjoy weed in smaller doses, since they help his thoughts quiet down for a little when it gets too much, but he's way too scared of being addicted to do it frequently. He generally avoids having smoke sessions in his room because he's way too scared of mabosstiff sniffing anything that might be harmful to him after All That Happened.
The one that organizes all of the Crater crew's smoke sessions. Def has a baggie of meth hidden sonewhere in her room that Arven found by accident. Being cassiopeia gives you a lot of contacts like that so she def knows the dealers with the best stuff. Having her overprotective dad also incentivised her to do it even more, actually. Is way too good at rolling up a blunt for anyone to not be concerned when they first see it. Has a sylveon shaped bong in a box under her bed that she still hasn't had the courage to try. It's too cute.
He's still stuck in the 2010's era of memes, so he obviously makes a bunch of jokes involving drugs. Smoke weed everyday. THAT one transparent png of a blunt. You know the classics. But this man hasn't inhaled a puff of MJ in his LIFE. Doesn't know what a bong is. But do you think that stops him from saying he does? No. His friends all know he's joking, but the frequency of it has landed him in the principal's office more than once
Hates it. Hates the smell and the feel of smoke. But she learned how to because she's the captain of the fire division, so she needs to look cool. Can hold in a puff for 6 whole seconds but hates all of it. Def prefers cigarettes to look cool tho.
He's a rich kid, so he probably can afford good stuff, but he Doesn't know where to get the crack cocaine if you know what I mean. But he hates to admit it. "No no I totally know how acid feels like. I'm cool" he's not. But we all accept him anyways, not doing drugs is cool too, Ortega
NO. She tried it once with Penny and hated the feeling, so she just. Never did it again. She needs healthy habits to be able to keep her strong phisique, so she doesn't miss it very much. She can find other ways to relax, dw
"Definitely not" is what you think. But you're WRONG. You see the team star fits? You don't get all of that out of your brain and by your hand without at least a FEW tabs of acid. This man loves acting fancy but he pops one or two every now and then to help with the creative process, and I can't blame him. The results come out great so why not.
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rainbow-okapi · 2 years
Pokémon Scarlet/Violet headcannons w/MC who has Disabilities
Just me projecting, thought I’d share. Typed very hastily lol pls excuse the errors
Minor Game Spoilers | SFW
It’s is past my bedtime buuuuuuuut… Courtesy of the Arven Brainrot.
- Since Uva/Naranja Academy praises it’s diversity, I think to think they have decent accommodations for students
- There’s alternate routes around Mesagoza with accessible ramps and elevators. There’s no implied rules that students can’t ride a Pokémon up the main stairs of death to get to school either. (As someone with Cerebral Palsy, those stairs… they scare me. I would trip and die instantly if the embarrassment didn’t get me first)
- People don’t really ‘talk’ about the elevators and ramps tho so the faculty usually tell the students when they enroll
- Professors are mindful of students who need to keep snacks on them and will let most Pokémon sit with their trainers during classes for anxiety or other medical reasons
- Ya know the whole extra time on tests and all that. Extra time to get between classes for students with mobility issues.
- Ms. Dendra is a wonderful Battle Studies teacher and I liked to think she also does General PE classes on the side. You think she’s just gonna let children roam around without helping build up a bit of strength for all those hills and mountains they gotta climb??? No, she’s gonna make you run laps.
- She’ll hella nice about it tho. Just send her an email or talk to her before classes and she’ll hit you up with modified workouts so you can still participate with the class on your own preferred level.
- When Director Clavell showed up at the MC’s house at the start of the game and the mom was talking with him, I like to think he was making sure the student file was accurate
- Just so he had all the information to make sure the student would have all the support they needed during their time there at the academy since the MC was staying in the dorms
MOVING ON! Crater Squad GO
- I used to wear Ankle-Foot Orhtotics and had to use a walker for a bit soooo
- Nemona doesn’t even bat an eye at whatever aids you have
- Doesn’t outright ask questions but pays attention if you ever talk about it
- It helps open her world view
- If anything, if you customized them to feel more stylish/comfortable, she’d think it was hella neat! Would probably give you stickers and stuff to add to them
- She’ll probably gift you some of those cool compression sleeves like the one that she wears. Gets excited about what colors you might want and gets very happy if you wear the same color as hers.
- This girl looked at you and adopted you as her freshman rival in a heartbeat
- If anyone messes with you or starts rumors she is on. Their. Asses.
- Immediately reported to the nearest faculty member and will write a full report if the issue persists.
- She knows you can handle yourself though. Even if she worries, she tries not to hover. Will check in with you often tho
- If you have an odd gate (walking pattern) she might forget sometimes when she sees you and freak out that you’re limping from a Pokémon injury or something. A very brief second of panic.
- Catches herself wondering if a task might be too hard for you only to be proven wrong seconds later
- She’s just thinks you’re the coolest
- Doesn’t mind at all if you need to sit down for a bit after battling or on the treasure hunt
- She forgets that some people need breaks often and you asking for one reminds her to take a breather herself
- She has the stamina to battle for two whole hours but even then, she will not get between you and a snack
- Love love Loves how down to earth and practical you are about certain things but you still became a Champion despite everything. She won’t tell you, but the whole Pokémon League is impressed by you
- You’re a beacon of strength to her, even on your bad pain days if you get them
- Penny overlaps a bit with Nemona
- Doesn’t bat an eye but will passively look up information
- Prefers to ask you questions tho, sometimes in person, usually over txt
- I like that her room is so dim, if a bit cluttered
- If you chill there for a bit, you will always have at least one Veevee in your lap or next to you
- Penny thinks it’s the cutest and she has a photo of you in a complete pile of Veevee’s
- You fell asleep on her bed and they all just collectively decided to pile on top of you. It was very cozy.
- Penny probably has a weighted blanket or a plush she’ll let you use
- She might even put on some Lo-Fi music if you asked her to, or she’ll play heavy electronic music at a low volume
- She just likes your company, she doesn’t feel pressured around you and she hopes you feel comfortable around her as well
- Worries more vocally than Nemona, and will find herself saying “that seems like a bit much”
- *catches you doing the very thing out of spite*
- Always has a snack on her and will share. Only with you tho
Arven ooooh Arven Big Brother Arven:
- Even if he was defensive to you at first, he immediately had a ping of concern when he met you
- Got so worried when you went to take down titans, especially the Open Sky Titan
- Openly asks questions about your disability and DIGS into research about it in his own time
- He wants to know everything and anything he can help with
- You’re convinced that some of that nurturing caregiving he gave to Mabostiff bled over to how he is with you
- Got genuinely curious if the Herba Mystica actually helped you (Especially the Salty Herba Mystica in my case lol)
- He’s always racing to your side to check on you when you actually fight the titans
- Always checks in when walking anywhere
- If the group wants to travel someplace he’s always the first to turn to you and ask if you’re up for it
- Will totally carry you if you just asked. If he’s not wearing his big hiking bag, he will give a piggyback ride. Even in between classes.
- Always reaching out a hand to steady you. Will let you hold onto him for support down/up stairs or slopes
- Cuddles. He can hardly initiate them at first but will never complain if you happen to lean on his shoulder or flop into his lap.
- The off-time he does initiate the cuddles at first, it’s usually to make you stop pushing yourself so hard.
- Oh, look at that, you’re in his lap now… guess you can’t go training like your body is telling you Not To Do But You Decided To Anyway.
- Gets pretty comfortable with Cuddles with you quickly tho. Once he’s gotten off the ‘Oh, Affection for once in my life’ shock
- I imagine he likes to hold hands too.
- He gives you little hand massages if you get fatigue from throwing pokeballs or writing too many notes. He doesn’t realize he does it it sometimes, it just happens if he’s holding your hand at the time.
- Memorizes your favorite comfort foods to make when everything gets too much. Uses your favorite color bowls/plates and everything. It’s perfect.
- Mabostiff declares himself your personal heater. No one has the heart to tell him he’s not quite a lap dog anymore.
Misc. Group ideas:
- all of them subconsciously bracket around you. Arven and Penny are always glaring at anyone who gives you looks
- Nemona also likes to hold hands. She’s always looking for an excuse to pull you around.
- Arven has to tell her to slow down often
- Penny may or may not have gushed to Team Star about you and you are on all of their ‘protect at all costs’ list
- Even if you did wipe the floor with them
- If the group stops by a store but you want to sit outside and wait, Penny will always sit with you to keep you company. She and Arven send each other memes and she’ll show them to you.
- Nemona is the queen of ‘I saw this thing and it reminded me of you’
- Tbh, that happens so often with everyone tho
- If it’s raining and it makes your bones ache and your chronic pain worse, the group will be there at your dorm. They refuse. Absolutely refuse to let you suffer alone.
- You cannot stop them, they just all collectively bee-line straight to you eventually.
- *rain starts pouring down*
- Arven: huh, guess we’re having dinner at my place tonight…
- Group cuddles after dinner. Cuddles and a TV marathon with Pokémon. It’s bliss
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destiny-smasher · 2 months
JuliNemo Week - Day 4: Rest
The only thing I have to share for this event is an excerpt I've written from an unposted fic featuring Nemona and Scarlet Koito (PokeSpe manga) remixed into SV's game plot. I think it fits the theme well enough... Though my take on this ship is a little complicated... ^_^;;
Enjoy this excerpt/preview from Operation: Comet Punch!
-- (Author's note: the following scene is a flashback directly based on a scene from the book きみと雨上がりを ['After the Rain With You'] by Ayano Takeda, remixed for the purposes of this narrative.) --
The air was chilled by the falling rain, and Nemona's skin was clammy and damp. Her clothes were heavy, stuck to her skin—the added weight was making each step more difficult. Her waning strength was pitiable, and she was already out of breath after only a few minutes of wandering in the rainstorm, desperate to find her crestfallen friend... her crestfallen future Rival, she hoped.
The visage from earlier that afternoon of Scarlet's face when they'd lost to Larry... it was affixed to the back of Nemona's vision. Seeing Scarlet so shaken, so disappointed, so frustrated... That image was even heavier on Nemona than all of this Arcdamn rainfall. It had been the first time Nemona had seen Scarlet actually lose. And they'd been so pumped to get their fifth Gym Badge, too... Nemona, in truth, hadn't lost against any of the Gym Leaders in her rise to the top. She'd cared too much about looking cool to come to any of them unprepared. Maaybe-... Maybe this was her fault? Maybe she'd pushed Scarlet too quickly, made the Gym Challenge too pressing, rushed them to complete it... Nemona knew she could be a little reckless sometimes... Maybe her advice, her eagerness, was instilling a hasty nature in Scarlet?
And now, Scarlet wasn't answering Nemona's calls, wasn't texting back... even though they'd said they would after they'd fought Larry. It made Nemona's stomach sick—a real possibility with how cold she was in this rain. Stupid, stupid... forgetting an umbrella on a trip across Paldea. But Nemona didn't think ahead if it wasn't a Pokemon battle; she only focused on the present. And right that moment, the very pressing, suffocating present was screaming at her like a flustered Noibat: 'Your friend is hurting, your friend is in pain, they need you, they're alone and cold and damp and probably really down on themself!'
So Nemona kept pushing on, despite her pounding heart, despite her aching feet, her burning thighs, her trembling hands, and the steadily crushing weight of the rain against her being... Her Pawmi had rounded a corner, meeting up with her after scanning a few blocks in the time it took her to cover one. She could tell the little guy was getting impatient and a bit confused by her gasping and whimpering in this rainfall. His ears were flopped downward, letting the rain roll off, and the tuft of fur on his head was soaked flat against his skull.
He made a concerned chittering noise as Nemona trudged to him, wiping rain out of her eyebrows. Her ponytail slapped against her back when she rolled to a stop, its water weight stretching at the skin on her scalp.
“Y-...You-... Oh, Arc...” She gasped, needing to take a second to catch her breath. Sniffing and wiping rain off her upper lip, she asked him between huffs, “You... see them... anywhere...?”
Her Pawmi shook his head, flinching when a heavy water drop plopped right onto his head. He shivered, and Nemona sighed. Poor guy had run practically the whole length of the town by now, he'd done his part and then some.
“H-Here...” she croaked, her breath still short as she pulled out Pawmi's pokeball. “Take a break, I'm... I'm sure I'll find her, Bud...” She wiped at her mouth with a groan, uttering out, “Thanks... for looking...”
Pawmi gaped at her with some concern. He could tell this situation was really getting to her. She lamented than she'd spent time brushing and tending to his fur just a half hour prior, only to have that work ruined by this storm. The same could be said for her own hair... But just because something got messed up over and over didn't mean you gave up on ever cleaning it. It was why you had to be vigilant in tending to things.
With Pawmi back safe in his pokeball, Nemona assessed her situation. Maybe... Scarlet had just left? But... they'd agreed to meet up for the fireworks that evening. So they had to still be around, right? They wouldn't just... ditch Nemona, would they? They were becoming best friends so quickly and everything, or so Nemona had thought... For the first time since she'd met Scarlet, Nemona found herself questioning if she was getting ahead of herself, fated to drive yet another potential friend away... It was an eerie and familiar fear that gripped at her heart, but she was eager to cast the doubt aside.
Nemona shook the feeling off for the time being and pressed on, advancing to the last few blocks of the town she presumed were unexplored. After a couple minutes of rain-drenched drudgery, she saw irregular movement out of the corner of her eye, coming from an alleyway. The spindly legs of a familiar Spidops were gesturing at her, sending her childhood born fight-or-flight response off... But she suppressed her instincts, as she often did when bug Pokemon appeared unexpectedly. The Spidops' other two legs were weaving at... some kind of net? Or-...?
Oh! It was Scarlet! Their Spidops was tending to a makeshift 'tarp' between two wall of the alleyway Scarlet was sitting at the edge of – an attempt to protect them from the rain. Scarlet was pitched against the alleyway wall, barely visible from outside due to the setting sun. They looked... asleep? With a book in their lap.
“Leh-... Letty!” Nemona coughed out, using the appointed nickname she'd given her weeks-old friend. She hustled to the alleyway and cautiously scooted herself beneath the cover Spidops was providing, making sure to not let it detect any semblance of fear from her. It seemed to recognize her presence despite her soaked state and welcomed her beneath its webbing, a bit of rainwater trickling off and nearly splashing into her.
“Letty,” Nemona pressed again, her voice a bit lowered as she knelt above her no-doubt disappointed companion. “Hey...”
“Mmrgh...” Scarlet moaned, coming to fairly quick. Their sunken, dull eyes stared up at Nemona like piercing daggers, rusted over by their loss that afternoon. “Nemona? The hell're you doing here...?”
“H-Hah, I could... I could ask you that!” Nemona chuckled nervously, suddenly self aware of her wet clothes stuck to her body, and her soaked bangs clinging to the side of her face. She probably looked extremely un-cool... Good thing Scarlet was the only Academy student around to see her like this.
“Damnit,” Scarlet sighed, closing the book in their lap and pulling their Rotomphone out of their pocket. “Must've conked out,” they grumbled with a “Tch,” shaking their head. “Missed call from you. Sorry 'bout that. Didn't miss the fireworks, though, right? Nah, 'nother half hour... What, uh-...” Now Scarlet was looking confused, having noticed the messy state their new 'Bestie' was in. “Somethin' happen?”
Nemona's brows raised as she blinked dumbly. Scarlet... actually seemed less fazed than Nemona had anticipated. Part of her was actually a little disappointed—she couldn't be a shoulder to cry on if... no one was crying, after all. She realized in that moment how weird it was that she'd been looking forward to being a shoulder to cry on...
“Wh-... I, uh...” Nemona untied her ponytail, and the cascade of dripping jet blackness slid down her shoulders and back. She flicked her head a little, shoving it all behind her shoulders. That was something you were supposed to do in a situation like this, right? All wet, hair down... You showed that off a bit, tried to make it look, like, 'attractive', or whatever, instead of lame. Yeah? That was totally what her Big Sister would've advised she do...
Scarlet didn't seem impressed by the gesture too much, though.
“You look like crap,” they cited flatly, reaching for their pack. “Heh, I feel like it, too,” Nemona eked out, unsure if the remark was teasing or discouraging... Scarlet pulled out a small towel and chucked it over without another word.
“Gosh, thanks,” Nemona cooed, a nervous giggle spilling out.
Scarlet had made a kind gesture! For her! A smooth act of kindness! Ahhh~!
Nemona tried to contain herself as she dried her hair off. Before she could think of what to say, Scarlet explained what had happened—though it wasn't new info to Nemona.
“Oh, erh... Tried my luck against that doofy Gym Leader.” Scarlet snorted a laugh. “Larry? Man. Just a... guy. Love it. Tch. Anyway-... ” They ran a hand over their forehead, brushing some stray raindrop-laden bangs off their skin. “Got my ass handed to me, so...” Letty fluttered their lips in a disparaging sigh, gazing downward.
“A-Actually, I saw,” Nemona revealed, her voice muffled a bit by towel. Shaking the tips of her ponytail off, she specified, “Isn't he great?” She recalled how Larry was actually a member of the Elite Four, on top of a Gym Leader, but didn't want to spoil the surprise. “He's, um... He's tougher than he looks,” she added cheekily, eyes squinting with a smirk.“I've got a sparring match with him tomorrow, jeje. You rolled up right after I'd sealed the deal, and so, well... I just had to spectate!”
“Ugh, you watched that match? Seriously?” Scarlet's gaze drifted sideways, flat and dull as usual as they hugged their knees. “Total shit show. Can't believe I lost...”
Nemona didn't know how to process Scarlet's phrasing. Swear words were so not her thing, too 'unbecoming' or whatever, like Big Sis would say.
Holding a rain-dampened towel in her hands, Nemona awkwardly offered, “I'll, um... get this washed, and return it to you!”
Scarlet's lower lip propped out as they shook their head indifferently, reaching an arm out for it.
“Nah, 's fine.” They took the towel back and shoved into into a wrinkled up grocery bag inside their pack, tying it up tight. As they stuffed the tome they'd been reading into the bag, as well, they asked, “So... Why're you here? Anyway?”
“W-Well, I saw how badly you lost,” Nemona spat out, instantly regretting her phrasing. ('Thank Palkia, they don't seem to mind...') Nemona began fiddling with her largest, green bang, its wet texture slick against her fingertip. “You, erh, looked pretty down on yourself when your left, and... and then you didn't return my call? So, I, umm...-”
“Thought I was upset, or somethin'?” Scarlet said, brow raised. “Tch. As if. Sure, got lil' pissed off when it happened, but, like... Enh.” They shrugged, glancing away from Nemona's intent staring. It made Nemona self conscious that she was looking too hard... Scarlet went on, “Just needed to cool off. Gotta get used to losing at some point, yeah? A loss is still a win, long as ya learn somethin'.” They looked back at Nemona, crossing their legs and crossing their arms. “Now? I've got info on what team he uses. I'll come prepared next time.” The pair of them shared a knowing smirk for a fleeting moment.
Nemona's heart soared at their conclusion. And they'd arrived at it all on their own! Yes, yes! This was exactly the kind of mentality she'd been looking for in a prospective Rival!
Clasping her hands together abreast, Nemona nodded, bobbing up and down once on her toes.
“Totally~! You so get it! Aw, man, just-... Yes. I could-! I could help, y'know? I'm fighting him tomorrow! Haven't had a match with him in like a year or so, but I could analyze his strategy when we battle, and-... and I could so put together a list of ideas to counter him. We could meet up for dinner, maybe? Go over my findings? Put together a plan of attack and stuff!” She pumped her fists. “Augh, Arceus, I'll make sure you destroy him the next time you battle!” She shadowboxed a little in her anticipation. “Like, just, wipe the floor with him!”
By the time Nemona let her over-excited ass come back up for air, she noticed Scarlet was staring, slack-jawed a bit, eyes narrow as ever. She couldn't tell if Scarlet was... interested in this plan, or not...
'Shoot! I'm doing it again, huh...?'
“Tomorrow?” Scarlet replied after a silence that made Nemona feel queasy. “'Mona, we're hanging out today. Met up yesterday, too, for ice cream and stuff? I got... things to do, y'know? Besides the Gym Challenge. Gotta make cash to pay my way n' stuff. Tomorrow, meetin' up with Arven. Gotta help him hunt down the next Titan Pokemon.”
“O-Oh, sure.” Nemona tapped at her cheek, gazing sideways as she made a sheepish offer, desperate to come off as casual. “Tsh, yeah, y'know, I wouldn't mind lending a hand, if you think-” “Nah, we're good. Got it handled.” Oof. Had been worth a shot, anyway...
“Hah. That's my Rival-In-The-Making, for ya.” Nemona swiped a hook at thin air. “Takin' on giant, crazed Pokemon like it's... no big deal.”
“It's kinda not. You'd think it would be, but... Engh,” Scarlet shrugged, trailing off. “And, erh. Between all this Gym training crap, it's... kinda nice to just... spend some time in nature. And whatever.”
“Oh, for sure! Paldea's got so much to offer, doesn't it?” Nemona pumped her elbows down to her hips, trying to keep the mood up.
“It-...” Scarlet blinked off to the side, then back to Nemona. “I mean. 'S got a lotta... hiking trails, I guess... Not even well kept ones, to be honest. With how much money rolls through some o' these towns, you'd think they could at least keep the damn roads functional...” At Scarlet's blunt critique, Nemona felt herself shrink a little bit. She supposed it was easier to see the flaws when you hadn't grown up here. Scarlet kept ranting, “Big surprise, there, not like I couldn't find miles of hiking trails where I came from... Tons of open space, sure, but... nothing much to do in Paldea, huh?” Nemona was feeling dragged down by Scarlet's mood, here, and opted to keep maintaining the optimistic approach.
“Wh-?! Sure, there is! You can battle to your heart's content, for a start!”
“Rrrright. Pick fights with strangers just moping around in the middle of nowhere? I'll pass. Mainly, though, just need to keep finding as much treasure as I can. Don't really care where it comes from. But the stronger my team is, the easier it'll be to find more. So. Yeah.” Scarlet bobbed their head sideways and pinched some water drops from the little tuft of bangs they had.
“Of course!” Nemona encouraged. “So you can graduate some day—fulfill the Treasure Hunt and everything?”
“Uh... Sure.” Something about the way they'd said it made Nemona suspect something else was up. When it came to the Treasure Hunt, they'd get real cagey, though Nemona couldn't figure out what kind of secret they had to hide about it. She knew better than to pry—she'd hate it if Letty was prying into her personal life, after all...
Nemona tried to push things onward, this was giving her such a bad vibe... She felt like something was off but was too scared to draw attention to it. It stung a little, knowing that Scarlet, brand new to Paldea, was already making all these friends and stuff, going off on trips and whatever? Meanwhile, Nemona was so wrapped up with keeping up her grades, maintaining her reputation, handling Student Council business, and training up her multiple teams... She just didn't have, like... people? Individual, specific people, that she wanted to spend time with?
Why and how did Scarlet become this exception to the rule? She just needed to keep spending time with them, regardless. That was all that mattered, really. She wouldn't bother putting much thought into it until she needed to. The excitement, the buzz, that was all she could focus on for now.
“What about the day after tomorrow?” Nemona offered. “To meet up and dish Larry strats. I mean.”
Scarlet's eyes did a weird, uncertain thing, looking at Nemona as if some unspoken rule had been broken somehow. Then Letty shrugged, glancing out at the dissipating rainstorm, not making eye contact.
“Uh, look, Nemona, I'm not sure how long this trek with Arven's gonna take, so... Why don't I just... call you?” They finally looked back with a small smirk. “When I'm ready to rethink Operation: Kick Larry's Normal Ass?”
Nemona burst out a giddy giggle. She loved Scarlet's little 'operation: etc.' bit. Sounded like they'd picked it up from this Cassiopeia person—who Nemona was still way suspicious of... She wished she could insert herself into that mess, help bring Team Star down, and make sure Scarlet didn't get in over their head... But, then again, their loss to Larry besides, Letty was holding their own super well, here, all things considered. Which, naturally, was all the more promising regarding their prospects as a future Rival. “Sounds, uh, sounds good!” Nemona complied, ready to re-tie her hair into a ponytail. Pumping her fists with resolution, she assured, “I'll write up a detailed plan for us to go over when you're ready!”
“Cool,” Scarlet said with a simple nod. Nice! Yes! Nemona was so looking forward to it. People never wanted to dish detailed plans or strats with her...! UGH, this was just the best. Oh, yeah, and the fireworks were about to happen soon! That was a total bonding moment opportunity!
“Can't wait,” Nemona put out there, unable to contain herself. Fluffing out her still drying hair, she wondered, “So, uh... Any word on the fireworks show? You think it's still on?”
“Oh. Good question.” Scarlet checked their Rotomphone. Nemona was in suspense for a few moments. She desperately wanted to experience fireworks together with Letty. It was something special she'd never gotten to share with anyone outside of her family... Letty replied casually, “Huh. Yep, still on.”
“Nice!” Nemona cheered quietly. “It's gonna be awesome, just you wait.”
As Nemona bobbed on her toes with anticipation, Scarlet tucked their phone back away and gazed up at Nemona with a slightly amused, quizzical look.
“Gettin' hungry,” Scarlet said, rubbing their stomach a little as they shoved themselves up. Strapping their pack back on, they summoned their Spidops back into its ball. “Gonna go grab something. Uh... Wanna come with?”
“I'd love to,” Nemona belted out, having hoped they'd offer. “I know you're strapped for cash, so let me cover you!”
“Enh, but you did yesterday when we had lunch...” “It's so not a problem, seriously. 'Sides, you had a rough battle, you deserve a treat to cheer you up!”
Nemona knelt over and extended a hand down to Scarlet.
“Heh...” Scarlet smirked in this timid way at Nemona, a way that Nemona had only ever seen reserved for her. A softness, a vulnerability, was briefly revealed from beneath those rusted shields for irises. Their eye contact lasted just long enough to make them both flustered, until Scarlet at last replied, “Yeah, all right...” Scarlet reached up and gripped Nemona's arm bracer tightly, and Nemona pulled Scarlet up, beaming with giddy warmth. “C'mon, Letty. Let's go!” "Guh-...! Slow... Slow the hell down...!"
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roxannarambles · 9 months
teal mask fixit-fic on the fly part 1
(Current story so far: Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4)
"I knew I shouldn't have come on this trip," Penny mumbled in misery as the bus rumbled along the old, very rutted dirt road, fields of rice patties rushing by the windows, which seemed to stretch on as far as the eye could see.
"We're almost there. It's gonna be so worth it, Penny! Just think of all the cool new pokemon we'll get to see!" Nemona tried to reassure her, but she was patting her on the shoulder a little too enthusiastically. Penny screwed her eyes shut and grumbled,
Arven had been digging around in his bag, and pulled something from it. A really weird looking brown and lumpy root, it seemed.
"Normally I'd turn this into a tea for nausea, but I don't exactly have the equipment at the moment. Here, though! Try chewing on this for a bit."
He shoved the root in Penny's face and she recoiled.
"What? No! What even is that?"
"It's ginger! It's proven to help with motion sickenss."
"Eugh, no thanks."
"Penny, it'll help, I swear."
"I think I'd rather barf."
"Penny, c'mon, it's not that bad, it tastes good!"
You sighed, laughing a little to yourself as they squabbled. It had been a long trip.
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mochiponadventures · 5 months
Juliana was busy helping her mother in the garden when she heard someone approaching. It was Kieran. He carried a small box in his hands and gave Juliana a big smile.
"Hey Juli, i brought you some cookies made by my sis. Believe it or not, she fell in love with that home ed class at your school and is now full on trying out everything they learn there" This amused Juliana quite a lot, seeing as Carmine didn´t really looked like she would engage in such things at all...
"Thank you, i really appreciate it!" She got up from her position and walked over to Kieran, hugging him. "So i take that you two enjoy Naranja Academy so far?"
The boy nodded, still smiling.
"Yeah, it´s really nice here and the teachers are certainly different from those at Blueberry Academy" Less strict and way more more lenient, Kieran mused, chuckling. "Let me put these cookies inside the house before the sun melts them. It´s quite hot today. Do you want something to drink?" Juliana asked, taking the box from her friend, carrying it inside. "Yes please!" He replied, looking around the lot he was standing on. The garden really was beautiful and certainly ripe with all kinds of fruits and vegetables.
Just as he wanted to follow Juliana inside, he saw Ogerpon swiping the patio with a broom, looking all but not pleased. When his friend came back, he gently nudged the girl, pointing towards the sweeping pokemon. "What´s up with Ogi? She looks really angry, did something happen?"
At that, Juliana sighed, giving Keiran his drink.
"It´s a punishment, she did something very bad and is now living through the consequences of it. Right Ogi?" She turned towards the young Pokemon, raising a brow. There was only an indignified huff as answer as she continued to sweep the ground.
"What did she do?" Kieran asked.
"Well, she sneaked up in the attic, got her Iron Cudgel, which by the way she is forbidden from using outside of battles, and decided to hit Momo on top of his head with it..."
Ogi only rolled with her eyes.
"Don´t give me that eyeroll, young lady! We don´t hit in this house and you know that!"
"POOOOOOOOOOON PON!" Ogi replied dramatically, it was amazing how close it sounded to a child, whining. Kieran chuckled, shaking his head. "Poor Momo, i bet that must have hurt!"
"He cried for hours afterwards. I even had to take him to the Pokemon Center! And you know how he likes going there..." Momo had a severe phobia of hospital settings and thus, every visit to the Pokemon Center or it´s sick bay, made the little Pokemon flew into a giant panic attack. "Don´t even get me started when its time for his shots...you don´t wanna see him there..."
Kieran nodded at that, feeling sorry for the little Peach.
"You know, Ogi and Momo are pretty much like Carmine and me when it comes to sibling quabbles. She used to hit me too when i was too annoying for her taste. Of course never so bad that i had to go to the hospital, but still." The memories of these events were still fresh inside his head, albeit it had been years by now that they happened.
"Speaking of Momo, where is he? Terapagos wanted to go play with him as soon he heard me talking about going to visit you!"
"Oh i laid him down for a nap. The heat is making him kind of drowsy and i don´t want him to get a sunburn or heatstroke either. He is in my room." Keiran mused at that for a moment, it was really hot he had to admit. No wonder even Pokemon got bothered by it.
"That´s a shame, but of course his health goes first. I hope he feels better after that nap." He took a sip from his lemonade by now and relished at the taste. "This is really good. Perfect for a hot summer day!" Juliana nodded eagerly. "Yeah, my mom makes the best lemonade around here. Nemona, Arven and Penny can testify to that!" She laughed, pulling Kieran over to her, nuzzling his cheek.
"That said, I am done with gardening for now, why don´t you come inside and we can watch a couple movies? We have an air conditioner too, so it´s nice and cool inside." Before going inside though, she called over Ogi, allowing her a break as well.
"You can take a break as well, Ogi. Take a glass of the lemonade and go inside, okay? I don´t want you to get overheated either...you can continue later!"
Ogerpon was first relieved to finally being able to stop sweeping but got hit by the word "break", which meant that she had to continue later on, which did not sit right with her at all. Pouting she listened to Juliana and went inside with a huff, throwing the broom on the ground, probably to make a point.
"She still has a long way to go..." Juliana sighed, taking Kierans hand, pulling him inside. "Then again, i can´t really blame her. She never had someone to tell her what is right and what is wrong..."
"I think you´re doing a pretty good job as her trainer so far, so don´t worry about it!" They kissed each other and went inside together, hand in hand.
Inside the house there was a commotion going on already, Momo seemingly had woken from his slumber and was now darting through the house, visibly full of energy. From what Juliana could see, he had cookie crumbs around his cheeks which only could mean one thing...he must have gotten in the cookies Kieran had brought and Momo now effectively had a bona fide sugar rush.
"I think someone gourged themselves on your sisters cookies, Kieran..." Juliana chuckled, watching her youngest charge zooming around the house, giggling like crazy. Ogi followed him, visibly annoyed but also with cookie crumbs around her mouth.
"Now that Momo´s awake, i can let out Terapagos as well, that´s what he wanted anyway!" Kieran exclaimed, calling out his friend from inside his ball. "Alright Tera, go have fun with Momo!"
The young Pokemon did not wasted a minute and quickly got a hold of both Momo and Ogi.
"You think they let us watch our movies in peace?" Kieran asked, looking at Juliana with an amused look. "We can try, let´s go before there is yet another incident caused by this trio in the back"
And with that, both Juliana and Kieran sat down and enjoyed a couple hours together, with the joyful and livid background noises of playing Pokemon.
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medea10 · 5 months
Medea Played Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, The DLC’s (Part III)
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Just because the main story is over, doesn't mean you have to stop playing the game.
Once you get back from your adventure in Area Zero, Briar has quickly written a book about the ordeal.
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An apology for doing absolutely fuck-all when Terapagos was kicking all of our asses and for not controlling Kieran. Fuck no and fuck you.
Actually, you don't have to keep it for long. In Kitakami, go to the Crystal Pond, have Terapagos, and watch as things make no sense.
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That's right. A mist comes through and you meet with the professor. You have an in-depth chat about things and in the end, you exchange Briar's book for the Scarlet Book. Everything comes back around full-circle. Back at the school...
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Go to Amarys and she'll feed Koraidon/Miraidon a supplement that'll make him fly now.
No, she still doesn't call them by their actual name.
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Outside the school, you can meet Mr. Snacksworth. A man who has apparently met nearly every legendary (except Dialga and Palkia) and has crafted snacks for each one.
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Once you capture 200 pokemon for your Blueberry pokedex, go to Perrin for a special quest in Area Zero. However, after you complete the request Perrin only gives you a Park ball. You know, the balls you use at the National Park in Johto.
In the clubroom, you can spend those BP's on the item printer, throwing styles, or changing the music.
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Cute choices and all, but might I suggest some better songs?
*Mt. Pyre
*Route 27
*Route 44
*The three lakes in Sinnoh
*Lavender Town
Just to name a few.
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And of course, you can invite coaches to the club room. Invite two certain coaches at the same time and they might strike up a conversation and you might learn something. Here are some of the things I learned.
*Katy was the one who gave Kofu the Venonat wallet
*Grusha was a fan of Iono's back when she first started streaming
*Nemona knows Lacey from a party a few years prior and gave us confirmation by saying her father Clay's name
*Poppy is nine-years old
*Hassel knows Drayton and his granddad
*Clavell thinks Mr. Jacq-strap is a total slob
*Drayton is a total dick to Kieran long-after the incident
*A lot of the gym leaders are a bit resentful towards Geeta
Let's not forget the gifts and trades! After you battle the coaches, you get a gift. The first time, you might get cool stuff like phone cases, Drayden's black tracksuit, and...
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Clive's wig? I look so dead inside.
Invite everyone on the list at least 3 times and trade with all of them will allow you to invite the mystery person named Saffron. That person of course is Cyrano, the director of Blueberry Academy. Defeat him in battle and he'll trade you his Shiny Blitzle.
Let's return to Uva academy and help Team Star.
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I got major whiplash seeing Eri here.
Giacomo and Eri ask you for help in tutoring the other Team Star members and hide it from Penny too. It didn't go as planned, but there was a happy conclusion. Plus, you get some new outfits in the process.
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This leads to Atticus being grateful for the help that he makes his own garment knock-offs to be bidded on.
Many of these items you might recognize from past games like shoes from Aether, helmets from ORAS, and another reminder of Ball Guy's existence from Sword/Shield. Getting all the items are very costly with most auctions costing as much as 365,000 wing-wangs.
And now, let's get to the Mochi Mayhem.
First of all, you must get this mythical pecha berry from the mystery gift. Once you get it, go to Peachy's store in Kitakami. You notice a certain pink object move and then Arven calls asking to stop by your home. Next thing you know, the object is gone.
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Back home, Nemona and Penny joined Arven. There, you also get a letter from Kieran asking for you and your friends to come to Kitakami. He's using snail-mail due to not having a smart-Rotom phone. Before we leave, we learn something about Penny.
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Her father used the word "Adven-tour". So it's a good chance that her father is Peony. Which means her sister is Peonia. Which means her uncle is Chairman Rose. I have so many questions and this is the only time we hear about Penny's papa. Once we're in Kitakami, we're greeted with a familiar face.
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Kieran is a meek cinnamon roll again. I guess the answer all along was to have him battle with Nemona. Nemona beat the pants off this boy but also had him enjoy himself.
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Unfortunately, there is something wonky going on in Kitakami. Carmine has been acting weird. And...um, how do I go about this?
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She flaps like a chicken and says the word "Mochi" over and over.
With Carmine acting strangely, there's only one thing to do.
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I am...just wow.
After this idiocy, we step outside and it turns into a cliche horror film trope.
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Everyone in the town is slowly turning into these flapping, mochi-munchers.
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Even Kieran's grandparents get hit with this mochi-demic.
Also, not helping in my suspicions on these two being Jessie and James. I know that's not their names, but Gramps battles you with Arbok and Weezing.
Back at Peachy's, we find the mystery pokemon causing this trouble. But it winds up shooting mochi at us.
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Penny and Arven eat up. I avoided it. And Kieran got conked on the head with it. And before you can say, "Mochi, Mochi"...
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They were under the mochi spell.
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Before you know it, the entire place is surrounded by moch-ombies.
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It's just that Nemona is too hard to possess fully.
Once you beat Nemona, you have to fight Peacharunt and catch it.
And those are the DLC's.
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The Teal Mask was just okay. I think the only thing I really liked was just Ogerpon and the ability to catch some of my favorite pokemon.
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The Indigo Disk, I was actually surprised by. The fact that you couldn't play that one until you've finished Teal Mask and the main game in total meant some major stuff was going to go down. Plus, the battles are a lot harder than normal.
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Mochi Mayhem was cute. It reminded me of some of those events for legendaries like the ones in R/S/E or the Victini one in B/W. I'm glad that we got an event pokemon through mystery gift. Something I wish we could have had with Zarude back in gen 8 instead of that bullshit joining a newsletter or something stupid.
So...I suppose this is the end of Scarlet and Violet. Unless we get more mystery gift surprises, this is probably it. I am a little upset that there isn't a battle tower like in previous games. And more important, Pokemon Horizons is going to go off and do it's own thing, not attaching it to the game whatsoever. We'll see what happens at the end of February as Pokemon Day always arrives with huge news in the games department.
And that was Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
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nyaagolor · 1 year
Hello, this is a really cool blog you mods are running. I wanted to ask this question; do you have any headcanons involving the dog people of Paldea. Arven is 900% a dog person and already got a few headcanons revolving his Mabosstiff, but if possible, could you provide a couple headcanons involving the other dog people and their dog pokemon (which include Nemona - Lycanroc , Ryme - Houndstone, Tyme - Lycanrocs, Clavell -Houndoom, Giacomo - Mabosstiff, Mela - Arcanine & Houndoom, Ortega - Dachsbun, Eri - Lucario, etc.) Sorry for the long post and thanks if you answer!
Under the cut bc it got long
Slight disclaimer I didn't include Eri and Lucario bc that's a jackal-man idk how to mentally handle a Lucario acting like a dog. That's a person. Featherless biped
Nemona: - She caught Lycanroc as part of her new team. Lycanroc hits hard and fast and mostly acts as her hazard setter or revenge killer. Bitches love stealth rocks - Off the field, they often exercise together! Lycanroc LOVES to run. Nemona has a chronic illness and can't jog, but she does bike or ride a Cyclizar while Lycanroc runs alongside her. They love to race around Mesagoza together - They have the same personality
Ryme: - She is the biggest dog person in Paldea, she loved her puppy so much she rapped it back to life. No one is doing it like her really and truly. When she raps about love? She's talking about the dog - She hosts an adoption fair in Montenevera every year. It's a musical festival centered around getting strays adopted and it's had RESOUNDING success so far - Ryme's semi supernatural powers are actually related to her Houndstone-- she spent so much time along it and all the other soul draining ghost types that she built a resistance to their effects. Now she can (and does) play with entire packs of ghost puppies! And sneak them too many treats
Tyme: - All her pokemon are named after numerical prefixes (kilo, giga, nano, etc). Her Midnight and Midday Lycanroc are named Deca and Deci respectively - She spoils her puppies rotten just like her sister, always sneaking them table scraps and letting them run around in the schoolyard while she's teaching classes - Deca and Deci are bargaining chips to get kids to come to extra help. Who doesn't want to snuggle with two cute dogs while you go over math problems?
Clavell: - When he was a teenager, he used to work for the Pokemon Daycare. (I saw a whole hc where he was a delinquent and got sent to the daycare as part of detention and honestly? Canon in my heart). He found his Houndoom there as a Houndour-- it had been abandoned and adopting it taught Clavell a lot about nurturing others. It's what inspired him to eventually be a school director! - Clavell and his Houndoom are always locked in a constant battle, since Clavell likes to garden and Houndoom likes to dig. For the record, Houndoom is winning - Clavell no longer has his pompadour, seeing as Houndoom took matters into his own paws and lit the wig on fire
Giacomo: - He taught his Mabosstiff, Beethoven, to DJ. He's not good at it by virtue of being a dog but the gimmick is very funny - Beethoven has a tendency to nod its head back and forth, so during concerts, Giacomo will get him little earplugs, a hat, and some shades so he can jam with the crowd. Plus he likes the vibes of the raves - He's the vaccuum cleaner for all the crumbs or snacks Giacomo happens to leave lying about. It's a win-win
Mela: - All her puppies are from the academy itself. She just happens to bond well with those pokemon and uses them on her team despite them not technically belonging to her - The Pokemon world has an ultimate frisbee esque game that involves running with your partner pokemon-- Mela and the dogs are the academy champs. They're unbeatable - Don't tell anyone, but Mela really likes styling their fur
Ortega: - That dog is a purebred (purebread?) and definitely cost like 10k. This dog is worth more than most people's kidneys - Daschbun is a total brat and has very specific diet requests. He can, will, and does pick the carrots out of his food mix and spit them out. God forbid Ortega tries to give him dry food? Oh there is hell to pay - Both Ortega and Daschbun are drama queens. Daschbun is a lapdog and knows it and will sit there haughtily. They're having too much fun
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arogoldpika123 · 3 months
I watched Pokemon Horizons Finally
Here are jumbled thoughts! On the 1st twelve episodes
-Roy and Liko are fun, if very much 10 years old. They feel extremely young, and new to the whole pokemon trainer thing. But its fun! Like, the training episode was interesting, because it made me realize how we kind of took Ash's battle style for granted, as we see people who have never fought before learn how to think differently!
-Friede is a cool old man. I also like all of the crew's designs and pokemons, feels like a diverse cast of people from different regions. Also, Punk Nurse Joy.
-The ancient Pokemon plotline is honestly pretty cool!
-Nemona is just as battle hungry as usual, which is great
-The explorers are a fun bunch
-Fun fact: The guy with a Rhydon cameos in Nidothings livestream, which was a fun thing. Nidothings videos are a pretty fun bonus
-Dot is kind of just super rude so far, not too likable yet. I assume she'll warm up, but I'm not really feeling her too much yet.
-Gods, so much Leafage and Ember spam. In the aformentined training episode, I was practically begging to them to frigging use Tackle or something.
-Related, but even the Explorer main villian spammed Psycho Cut. Forgot his name. ....The battles aren't very interesting yet...
-Slow start, as still both main characters only have 1 mon, and Liko still hasn't figured out much about her career choices or whatever
All in all, pretty good! I liked it! 7/10
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Musharna Malice, as turnabout is fair play~ A dream of the worst possible circumstance, though not your own.
((cw: blood, near death/actively dying, violence, heavily implied necromancy, heavily implied body horror [very light]))
The place you are in is red. A bright, blaring red, and you're seeing through the eyes of someone in a desperate situation not unlike your own. A different professor, a different creature--feathered in nature. Something worthy of the name of 'Winged King', perhaps. The professor stands with confidence, as if taller than the world, and it's a little strange.
It's not until a hand, a shaky hand comes up, covered in what one can assume to be a girl's own blood--it comes up as your vision blurs, and slow but sure you realize you're on the ground, and turning only offers you a few sights.
To your left, a similarly winged creature--defeated in battle, though not dead yet as it tries to get up, though the horror on it's face is clear. It wasn't strong enough, it wasn't strong enough--
To your right--nothing. Which might seem...odd, but...
A vague memory flashes. You told them to run. All three of them, they hesitated, but each of them promised in their own way to get help. Nemona with confidence that you could do it. Arven with deep worry, uncertainty, but a promise that nothing bad would happen. Penny, arguably the most realistic--she made you promise you wouldn't get hurt. There's a very notable pause in that, like she meant to say something else.
And despite the promises, you're dying in a pool of your own blood, in your own failure.
You're dying. She's dying. You hear something shatter in the background, it sounds like a Poke Ball that's been destroyed of it's own accord, the scent of dead leaves and long dying grass hits your nose, and you feel yourself lifted off of the ground by strong vines before meeting the eyes of a terrified creature--Wo-Chien, if you recognize it. It's eyes look you over, in horror, as if trying to think of something, anything--
Grimly, it closes it's eye stalks. When it opens them, you can feel you don't have long left.
"...There is only one option. I will get us out of here, but...forgive me, for the pain you will endure."
You're too weak to fight, but her resolve steels--she doesn't want to die. Not here. Not like this. The creature speaks in a tone that may have once been human, or is a vague imitation of humanity, it's strangeness perhaps seeming offputting. But you don't get long to contemplate that.
The creature lifts you--her into itself, into the dead leaves that make up it's body, and for a brief moment, you feel ripping pain and darkness. Power surging through you, though wrong in nature. Rebirth, but it's wrong, it's all wrong--
Perhaps blessedly, you wake up shortly after the process begins.
[She lies still, staring at the ceiling. She slowly reaches up to wipe the tears from her eyes and sits up, burying herself into the worn sweatshirt Penny had given her and walking to the kitchenette. She makes a pot of coffee and grabs a piece of bread and some jelly, trying to push the thought of... whatever that was out of her mind. A faint purple accompanied by soft chimes pulls her from her thoughts and she leans against the cool glass of her pokemon. As usual, she isn't getting much sleep tonight]
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The Difference Between Crystal and Glass - A Nemona Fic
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[Read on Ao3!]
Rated G - No Archive Warnings (angst with no happy ending) Pokemon Scarlet/Violet No Relationships 2743 Words
Summary: Nemona presses her hands against the walls of her glass house in the hopes of attracting someone to someone to throw stones. Nemona would rather be weaker and have someone to fight against, but loves battling too much to be anything but extraordinary. Nemona catches sight of moving trucks and a kid her age, and for a moment, allows herself to hope.
Notes: In current SV speedruns, players lose to Nemona in every battle save for the first and last. Someone in a stream chat w/ me once asked offhand how Nemona would react if she knew we were losing on purpose. They quickly responded with "She'd get angry." Personally, I think it would happen more like this.
When Nemona thinks about herself, she finds herself caught; a glass wall between her and her peers that stretches on as far as everything does.
And it’s cold and it’s hard, and Nemona spends much of her time after becoming Champion rank- the youngest Champion rank in Paldea- with her hands up against that wall. She’ll press her face against the glass just to feel the heat of her cheeks melt into the cool pane, watch her breath obscure it, as if that’d somehow make it any less there.
She’ll tap her feet, find a glass floor beneath her. A ceiling really, the top of a stadium she’s climbed to find no one waiting. It is unbearably lonely, a pedestal made of crystal.
There is something about them , though, Nemona can see it from the get go. She wants to say it’s in their eyes, though she can’t quite meet them. It’s in the way they carry themselves; a dart in their steps and point in their direction. And for the first time in a while, Nemona thinks that this kid, her new little neighbour, might be able to scale the same heights she has. The very idea is enthralling, and once it was created it hooked on to her, wouldn’t let go. It gives her hope, of a sense.
She asks to be friends from the outset, not keen on the idea of reservations in any capacity. To her delight, they immediately agree.
Nemona squints downward, through the vivid bright reflections on the glass floor, slivers of rainbow caught in nothingness, caught on white. There, just there, tiny and near transparent, there they are.
Come and join me. I don’t want to be alone.
It’s not that much of an accomplishment to win a first battle with a type advantage, if you know what you’re doing. More, it’s the idea that they actually know what they’re doing, that’s what's exciting.
Are you like me? Did you study before you were old enough to have a Pokémon? Did you count down the days?
It could always be a fluke, it could be nothing, but somehow, Nemona doesn’t think so. It’s the eyes, always the eyes, she swears it.
It’s not just her, right? That odd lizard-like Pokémon, that second-year boy who always skips. They see it too, don’t they? They do.
She passes them a Tera Orb, feels the adrenaline course through her at the mere thought of using it. Her own use, their use, it hardly mattered either way. It would be so exciting to see them use it for the first time. A bit of pride perhaps, getting to teach them. There had to be some benefits to being a champion ranked trainer, something more than a clear cage. This was one of them.
Nemona’s only sent out her first Pokémon, still weak to her new friend's initial choice. That… Pokémon isn’t here now. They’ve caught something new, a Lechonk. Nemona feels that excitement rush through her again. Already they’re going to try new Pokémon against her! Already they’re experimenting! How wonderful!
Still… She’s miscalculated though, the Lechonk isn’t as strong as those first partners, and it falls in a single hit. Nemona feels a tug in her chest as it topples over, guilt and regret. It’s only a moment though, only the first Pokémon.
Her neighbour only shrugs when Nemona looks to them to send out their next Pokémon. They turn out their pockets, retrieving a handful of coins and offering them outstretched.
Somehow it’s already over, and Nemona has won. Again.
Nemona hesitates for a moment, but it’s proper rules to offer currency upon defeat, even if it was really more of a courtesy thing for low level battles. She only picks up a few small coins, unable to will herself to take any further.
She’d gotten over excited again, she hadn’t calculated their strength right. Granted, she wasn’t prepared for them to not bring their partner at all , but… that was exciting too, wasn’t it? A gamble on their part possibly, unsuccessful for now… but perhaps in the future, ah what then!
Forget being ripe yet, her friend had hardly sprouted. Patience was key, encouragement was paramount. No matter what, she’d support them through their journey however she could!
“I guess the hill wore you out a bit, huh?” Nemona muses aloud. “Still, even if I did take the win this time, your moves weren't bad! Not bad at all."
This time, she says, it’s a loss this time. You do not plant seeds with the intent to eat them the next day.
Nemona waits, and she waters.
They lost again. It’s another clean sweep from Nemona, a nothing sweep. It feels like nothing, she feels nothing , no satisfaction from the win. That little spark she felt fighting them the first match is entirely absent. A flick of warmth no longer, it feels much colder. She feels colder, cruel almost for trying to face them like this. But even if they’d lost, it was fun, right? The winner doesn’t matter as much as the experience!
That sort of excuse is hard to fall back on when it’s a single shot victory, and her neighbour turns out their pockets with a shrug.
It is selfish of her to get discouraged over this, naturally, so she smiles, grins. It’s her victory after all, how fun. Still, encouragement, still, there is so much potential.
This isn’t how winning a battle should feel. She doesn’t want this to happen again.
It does, though. And again. And again.
Every time she bumps into them, again it’s their loss.
To amend, every time Nemona fights them, she wins .
Because her friend, they are friends, is sparkling brilliantly everywhere else.
Student Council President is more than just another title to add to an ever growing stack, and she takes her work somewhat seriously. As seriously as Nemona takes anything, save for battling, her culmination.
More than rumours, it’s like the school itself is buzzing about them, the walls whisper and the floors groan, and it’s all the same sort of news.
They challenged Team Star and won. They kept tangling with giant beasts, tackling them down like it was nothing . Blazing fast through the gym challenges, a pace to rival even Nemona, they said.
So then why wouldn’t they rival her? Every time she bumped into them, the fight was over in a flash, Nemona picking up pocket change from an outstretched palm.
If Nemona was a vain girl, perhaps it’d be a point of pride. How excellent she was, while this new kid may outpace her, she still reigned strongest.
Far the opposite, Nemona feels herself unravel with each win. She is good, and well aware of it. She is not this good.
Easier to take as a sign than anything else, whenever they faced her, it was only with a small untrained Pokémon and a shrug.
It’s not lack of preparation, she’s given them that and more. A chance for a rematch, the time to restructure the team, the opportunity to go out as long as they wish, to find anything, anyone to bring up against her! Instead no, it’s a rushed out toss, a little thing almost confused to find itself battling at all.
Nemona doesn’t fault them for it, not ever. She can’t, couldn’t bring herself to scold them for a lack of sense in any match up. Like the very idea of battling, basic knowledge and sense, was something they explicitly wanted to avoid bringing against her.
It grates and it grates and grates, that potential she feels tucked away from her grasp.
Little by little, Nemona grows ever stronger despite herself. Too strong perhaps? Despite starting from flat again, it’s in her nature to reach for the heavens, up and upwards, past her little glass walls to an open sky.
But perhaps it’s otherwise. There is more to her neighbour than they are sharing, Nemona knows it.
She isn’t stupid. She is clueless and foolish, but aware of that in some respects. Not all, not in the moment, but hindsight is 20/20.
Ryme always battles in doubles, and she’s seen that shining ghost badge pinned onto their backpack straps. Yet somehow, every time she takes down a single Pokémon in those “rival” battles, they empty their pockets.
Once they’ve beaten Ms. Tulip and Nemona has claimed the most currency in any of her battles against them, they walk off without any proper goodbye, recalling their fainted Pokémon without much of a thought.
Dimly, Nemona begins to wonder if they were going easy on her.
Unable to shake the faint thought, she lingers around for their next battle.
Quietly, carefully, she hangs around the Glaseado arena, hiding in the crowds of people gathering to watch them battle it out.
The match, much like her own, is over in a flash. And yet so much unlike her own, because here, here , they decimate.
Practically a stranger in her eyes, commanding quickly, fiercely, and Grusha’s Pokémon fall one after another. Without even the need to Terastallize themselves, they send Grusha’s Altaria to the ground, crystal shattering against the snow.
They claim their prize somewhat silently, smile for a picture, and walk off with Grusha still talking to them.
They are going easy on Nemona.
Once the thought has registered fully, it’s a light show that explodes in her mind.
The prospect is so unbelievably exciting Nemona can’t stand it, shakes and jumps and tries to ignore the stares of passersby as they disperse from the arena.
She doesn’t know why they won’t meet her fully, but she can hardly find it in her to care! Such a person does exist, a rival for her, a friend they’ve said, someone like her.
She giggles and kicks her feet out as she walks at such an idea.
Really, someone like her…
Nemona runs breathlessly from the academy when she gets the message from Geeta. She’s been beaten out in record time.
Her heart pounds against her ribs as hard as her shoes pound against the worn dirt path up to the league. How many times has she walked up here the past year, bored and itching for a challenge? How many times as she challenged the gyms again, bothered Rika into a rematch just for fun, just for anything to do?
It doesn’t matter they’ve beaten her out, it doesn’t matter they were holding back before, just- please! Please, now, now is the time! This is it, right? That moment she’d been trying to capture? The feeling, the excitement she hadn’t felt in so long, a challenge, an equal!
She’s still trying to regain her breath when she asks them to be rivals once more, more than friends, partners in competition, in contrast.
She’s beginning to fear they’re the only person in the region to really challenge her, let alone someone around her age, someone her rank, someone like her, anyone like her, really and truly.
They say no.
Nemona laughs it off. 
It’s all been one big joke right? To them at least, because the gym challenge is fun! And for them it must’ve been easy, what a laugh. They’ve been joking with her since the beginning, haven’t they?
She asks again. Denial once more.
It’s not a very funny joke.
They had said they were friends, hadn’t they? That… that couldn’t have been a lie.
She’s not sure what she’s done wrong.
“Okay, wait. You will be my rival, won’t you?”
She feels herself drawn in, cradles her right arm- her weak arm- in her left, tries not to bite her nails.
They crack an odd sort of smile- smirk, and say yes, of course, don’t be silly.
Nemona brightens up, beckons them forward for their battle, yet still can’t help that rotting feeling that gnaws away at her stomach.
She’s almost scared that this will be another of the same. They’ll toss out some disoriented Scatterbug, freshly hatched, then toss a few coins towards her.
She doesn’t allow herself to think about it too much. This fight is different. It feels different. She will make it different.
And when they show up, Nemona feels like she’s starving. Like she’d been wasting away for an age, and finally, a buffet is spread out before her.
There is something about them, Nemona can see it as they circle each other in the town’s centre. She wants to say it’s in their eyes, though she still can't quite meet them. It’s in the way they carry themselves, a dart in their steps and point in their direction.
She opens with Lycanroc, and they counter.
In a single hit, Lycanroc falls.
And Goodra falls.
And Dudunsparce, Orthworm, Pawmot, fall, fall, fall.
It’s all going so fast as always, but this time it’s her Pokémon that dissolve in an instant. Thrilling, exciting, and terrifying the same.
She’s down to her last, by now she knows well enough she will not win. But there’s much more to this than that, so she takes out the final Pokéball, and her Tera Orb as well.
Nemona smiles wildly as she feels the impact on her arm, familiar in its ache, energetic in its drain.
Terastallizing takes its strain on the Pokémon, sure, but just as much on the trainer. Physical force like a typhoon, sending her ponytail slapping against her back. Nemona braces her arm with the other, she knows she’s hurting herself, but they’re just going to love this when they see it! Fighting out with amazing power; a beautiful spectacle. Who wins the battle doesn’t matter as much as them having fun, them both having fun, but Nemona already knows she’ll be happy either way. How can she not be, when someone’s finally fought her seriously. Right?
Her partner Pokémon, chosen right at the same time as theirs, from that first battle, the beginning of the end, shatters like crystal before her feet.
Without a second thought, they have swept her to the ground, her team to sand. Decimated, the team she spent so long trying to craft for them, it's all for them if they’d just take a chance and look at it-
It’s over.
The cheers go up from the crowd, and Nemona covers her eyes with her arm as she recalls her fallen friend.
She bites her tongue and doesn’t cry, because Champions are understanding, and this is her friend.
Her friend.
They are so much stronger than Nemona had ever thought, and the prospect is the most terrifying thing Nemona's ever seen. But fear is the same emotion as excitement when you peel away the curvature, and she lets the latter take precedence, for distrust of feeling anything else.
So she grins and she congratulates and she means it, every word she swears. It’s only what she’s not saying that lingers, those doubts.
And it’s when they walk away, when they look back at her after the battle is over. When congratulations are well and done, the crowd beginning to disperse as the night creeps in later. That is when she sees it.
She was wrong after all, silly girl. They hadn’t taken her seriously from the start.
When Nemona thinks about herself, she sees herself trapped; a glass wall between her and her peers that stretches on as far as everything does. And when she looks down through the glass flooring, she can see their reflection as they stand a million miles above her.
Less than a wall, more a cube Nemona can push her arms against and never come close to cracking.
Ah, what a shame. Neither by strength nor weakness would she find an equal after all.
Nemona squints upwards, through the vivid bright reflections in the glass ceiling, slivers of rainbow caught in nothingness, caught on white. There- just there- tiny and near transparent, there they are.
As always, they’re looking forward. As always, they don’t look back.
Nemona is certain that they’ll keep going, climbing and climbing walls that are invisible to heights she can’t see.
She presses her hand against the ceiling, against the cool crystal that forms her cage.
Ahhhh... I guess I wasn’t a very good rival to you after all. I’m sorry.
Half transparent and ethereal, they climb further and further until they’re outside of her vision, let alone her reach.
Nemona watches their silhouette rise higher and higher, and softly, gently, smiles.
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silvertsundere · 3 months
Silver Talks AniManga (31/03/24)
there's still 3 shows that haven't finished yet and next week the new season is gonna start already at least I will only be watching a fraction of what I was this season so that's gonna give me a lot more time to catch up on some stuff and play some things I've been putting off for a while (hopefully)
blue - finale/completed
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Gushing over Magical Girls Ep13 (Finale)
surprisingly the best looking showed out of the 3 ecchi ones I watched this season, despite being the lewdest by far but anyway it was alright. the only thing I knew about it going in was that it was about magical girls and lewd. turns out it's just the author's thinly veiled fetishes totally out in the open with a thin coat of magical girl on top to have an excuse to do stuff like MOTW there's not much else to say about it really, everything that happens including plot developments are just an excuse for more and lewder scenes. not sure about reading the manga anymore after having watched it but I'll probably watch a s2 if it ever gets one
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Mashle S2 Ep12 (Finale)
there's not much to say really. I had hope it'd be better than s1 and while it was due to the source material being better it still wasn't that much. was hoping for a lot more sakuga cause of one of the pvs they showed but there was barely any. even the best fight in the series which I had my hopes up for only had 1 cool moment and the rest was just the usual quality. which mind you, isn't bad at all, but still not as good as it could be. out of all the things that aired this season too I expected this to get another season announced since they can finish adapting the manga with just 2 more cours (3 at most) but they haven't yet. they announced an event in may so if there's a s3 announcement it'll be there but don't hold your breath I guess
tl;dr: everything I said about s1 applies here. you're better off reading the manga instead since the anime doesn't really get the vibes right
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Pokemon Horizons Ep45
this episode marked the end of the second arc and the first year of the anime (basically). next episode we start a more scarvi focused art with the main characters going to the school from the game and a ton of npcs showing up or making a return (rika and nemona 🙏)
but anyway this arc was just alright. it was all about searching and getting the six hero pokemon but there were more random eps about other stuff than that. we also have the explorers who are supposed to be the antagonists and they barely showed up despite them revealing the designs for a bunch of them. two of them are gonna be a part of the school art so maybe they'll have a bigger part in the story but I doubt it. they'll prob just be there to give the mcs a hard time and be comedic relief like team rocket.
anyway, considering how it's gone I don't have very high hopes for this next arc BUT I'm stoked to see rika and nemona, they're some of the best things to come out of those games by far
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Ruri Dragon Ch11
today marked the last chap of ruri on WSJ, going forward it'll be on jump+ and run biweekly, tho the next chap will be on the 21st so I guess it's taking a week off. kinda weird to make the transition on an incomplete part like, could've very easily done it on last week's chap it felt like a more natural stopping point, but oh well. obviously tho she's gonna join that committee thing and the other girl that doesn't like her is gonna be a part of it too and they'll make up and become friends too anyway it was nice having ruri back, it's still as good as before it left. it's a shame that it's going biweekly but hey, the author's health is more important
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grismavessel · 1 year
Late night thoughts with me✨✨
I have some personal headcanons about some Pokémon characters
I’d like to think Elesa is trans, because why can’t the star model be a trans lesbian. Let her be fabulous and proud!
N supposed to be very like somewhat dignified but I want him to be weird. Just a weird lad that needs to see the sun more often. Let him eat gum like he thinks it’s normal to swallow the foil with it. Let. Him. Be. Quirky.
I’m biased but Cilan? Dude’s supposed to be cilantro but he’s a fruit, no further questions (HE IS MY COMFORT DISASTER SUPPORTING CHARACTER)
What if Emmet was colorblind but Ingo wasn’t? Or vice versa? That’d be funny
Plumeria’s bi in my head and if I could I would write her like she’s that fun but mean aunt
Akari and Rei are twins because think about it. It could be the Pokémon version of dipper and Mabel. Kamado could be grunkle stan.
I haven’t researched much about Greta but for some reason I though Greta and Nemona were sisters/related. Because they both have dark hair with a single color going through it and are also very strong trainers and are super close? So in my head they’re sisters.
I think all Eevee trainers are like a stereotype in Pokémon like how dog/cat people are. “Oh you have lol Eevees? How’s your scratched up couch?”
I like how with the new gimmicks for the new games it all revolves around crystals/gems. Mega needed shiny stones, z-moves too, dynamax kind of? (Can’t remember if it was a shooting star or just a gem in the ground that you get to get a band) (not a big fan of sword/shield), and now it’s a tera orb and tera crystals. Watch the next game gets cards to do cool stuff with.
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