#send me random aot questions
postwarlevi · 1 year
Random snk questions you say?? XD I do have a few!! Might be a little self-ship implied but, hehe let's have fun ~
Do you think Jean hums or sings to himself when he's doing the chores?
How does Connie act when he's being protective of his lover?
Sasha is a major foodie, but what are some food or cuisine do you think she dislikes?
– Rei <3 @levi-supreme
Hi Rei! Has this been in my inbox for months? Mmmm maybe hehe. (Im horrified to say theres older things still!)
Jean I have no doubt sings while he cleans because I've caught him he loves things like new wave rock from the 1980s, think like Highway to the Danger Zone, Tainted Love and Hungry Like the Wolf. He might...also...dance. When he thinks no one is looking.
Connie I think would be very hands on. Always having an arm around them, a hand on their back, placing himself between them and whatever the issue is. He gets much more aware of things with his lover around. Do not mess with them!
Oh maaan so I don't want to disrespect anyones culture or cuisine, but I think fancy things like French desserts and dishes perhaps wouldn't be for her. She doesn't need something like a Mille Feuille or Potatoes Dauphinoise, just give her chocolate cake and a baked potato! Like.. don't mess with her potato hehe.
Send me random AOT questions!
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blueeyedwriter · 7 months
Wedding Date - Levi Ackerman AU
Summary : Levi Ackerman needs a date to his cousin’s wedding…who knew you’d say yes and it was the best decision you could have made?
Notes : I finished AOT last night and I figured it was time to distract myself with posting my first lil AU Levi fic…let me known what you think and if you have any requests send them my way!! ❤️
Levi Ackerman was dreading his cousin’s wedding.
He was allowed a plus one, and it didn’t help that he absolutely had no idea who he was going to bring. Erwin offered, but Levi just felt weird bringing his boss as his wedding date.
“Why don’t you just ask some random girl? It’s not like it’s anything serious,” Hange, Levi’s coworker, suggested one day while at the office.
Levi worked for a company that ordered all the parts to build submarines for the Navy. It could be a boring job sometimes, but the pay was good, and there were opportunities for work at home. Levi also had an influential boss, and a good group of coworkers in his cohort.
He shrugged at Hange’s suggestion, “I would prefer to go with someone I know because it is that serious,” his eyes lit up, “do you want to join me?”
Hange held back their fit of laughter hearing that question, “As much as I love you, the idea of being dragged to a wedding with you hurts my soul.”
Levi rolled his eyes, “whatever, brat. Forget I asked.”
Hange suddenly had a sly look on their face, something Levi caught onto quickly. When they made that face, it was rarely good. It meant they had an idea that could be brilliant, or absolutely insane.
“What if…” they started, “you asked y/n?”
Levi’s brows furrowed at that suggestion. It wasn’t the worst idea, as you were one of their coworkers as well. You were quiet, and reserved, showing up to the office most days because you worked better in this atmosphere than at home. You were in the same cohort as Levi and Hange, but your communication was close to barely any. Levi didn’t mind, but he was always curious to get to know you more. Plus…you just happened to be one of the most naturally beautiful people he’s ever laid eyes on. But, romance wasn’t his thing, being professional and respectful was. So, he kept his distance as you did yours.
He shook his head after thinking, “she wouldn’t dare. She never even accepts our invitations to get drinks after work. What makes you think she’ll say yes to this?”
Hange snickered, “because, I’m always joining you for drinks as well, you idiot. It’s worth a shot!”
Levi groaned, but decided they were right. It was worth a shot. You wouldn’t hold it against him, hopefully, and the worst you could say is no.
“Fucking finally,” you groaned, logging out of your computer after one of the longest shifts you’ve ever had.
Work wasn’t hard, it was just precise and time consuming. And you really needed a drink after today’s shift.
Standing up and grabbing your things, you turned around to notice Levi Ackerman walking towards you. Your heart skipped a beat, because it was rare he was approaching you alone. It was normal during the work day because he mostly had questions or tasks for you to do. If it was once the day was done, it was always with Hange to see if you’d go out for drinks with them. But alone once the day was done? This never happened.
Levi was so handsome. With slick black hair, and the most gentle but mysterious eyes, you mostly kept your distance because you didn’t want to embarrass yourself in front of someone so beautiful.
“Hey,” he softly smiled once approaching you. You almost wanted to turn around and see if someone was behind you, because this felt like a weird joke.
“Hi, Levi,” you smiled back. Just keep smiling, you thought, it will mask your nerves!
“So, um, I have a weird question?” He nervously put his hand on the back of his head scratching it. What the fuck was going on?
“Shoot,” you continued to widely smile, but decided maybe to turn it into a soft one so you didn’t look insane.
“Um, okay,” he sat down at your desk, your eyes widened at the sight. Was Levi…also nervous?
“So,” he continued, “I have this wedding. It’s my cousin’s. You’d honestly probably get along with her well. But, that’s besides the point. She’s getting married, and I was offered a plus one. I really don’t want to go to this stupid wedding alone, and I dread the idea of taking someone I don’t know. But, I thought maybe…” he paused, because he knew he was going to sound both desperate and stupid, “you would want to go with me?”
You took a few seconds to process his question, confused because, “there’s no one else you can take?”
Levi was taken aback by that question, “ah, no? Erwin offered, but I think that’s just weird. I asked Hange, but they said no. So now-“
You sighed, “I’m your last resort,” interrupting him.
Levi stood back up quickly, “no! Absolutely not. Quite honestly, you would have been my first, but why would you even want to come, right?”
You laughed softly, “when is this wedding?”
Levi’s eyes lit up, “two weeks from this weekend. I’m sorry, I know it’s not a lot of time.”
You shook your head, gently placing your hand on his upper arm in comfort, “no, that’s alright. I can find a dress in time.”
You were insane for this. Why, why, why did you so easily agree to being his date to a wedding?
“So you’re saying…?”
“Yes,” it flowed out of your lips so easily, “I’d love to be your plus one.”
Levi was even more nervous heading to your place to pick you up for the wedding than he was fucking asking you to be his date. Ever since then, you’ve hesitantly agreed to get drinks with him and Hange three times, and you and Levi even ended up getting tea some mornings. A light friendship was blossoming, but deep down, Levi knew his feelings towards you weren’t just friendly.
He pulled up to your address, and slowly got out of his car. There was still plenty of time to arrive to the ceremony, but he wanted to see you as soon as he could. He knew he would need a few moments to recover after seeing you dolled up.
He shut the car door, walking up to your front door. One, deep breath. Two, deep breaths. Three…
Knock, knock, knock.
The hairs on your neck rose staring at yourself in your bedroom mirror, hearing the knocks from downstairs. He was here. Levi, your date to his cousin’s wedding, was here. You softy pinched yourself, in case you were dreaming.
You weren’t.
You stared at yourself for a little longer, building up confidence to go answer the door. You were wearing a silk and long emerald green gown, that hugged your body and went all the way down to the floor. You had on gold heels, but they were hidden from the dress skirt. You felt both bare and beautiful, not often dressing up for events like this.
You took a deep breath, turning on your heels and hurrying to the door. Levi was waiting long enough.
Is she ever going to answer this damn door? Levi thought to himself, any other possible thoughts being cut off by you finally opening the door slowly.
His jaw dropped taking the sight of you in. How could it not? He has never seen you outside of work clothes, and this dress? He almost started wondering what it would look like on his floor, and then some.
“Hi,” you spoke first, also taking a good glance up and down of Levi. He was wearing a light tan suit, with an emerald green tie to match your dress. The colors went perfectly together, and he was even more of a vision than you expected.
“You look, um,” Levi was flustered, and it made you blush, “you look incredible. I really like that color on you.”
“Thank you,” you smiled widely at his compliment, “that’s a wonderful suit. It was clearly made for you.”
Levi chuckled, offering his hand. You grabbed your purse and keys quickly, taking his hand and allowing him to lead you to his car. The butterflies in your stomach were erupting as he opened his car door for you, being much more of a gentleman than you expected.
Suddenly, this was feeling a lot more than just a favor to him. And little did you know, you both very much felt this way too.
Tears streamed down your face as you watched the ceremony in awe. And although Levi was there for his cousin, he simply couldn’t take his eyes off of you.
At the reception, you and the bride became quick friends. She asked you loads of questions (where did you and Levi meet? What’s your favorite drink? Once I’m back from the honeymoon, wanna grab some dinner? I’d love to stay connected after tonight!).
You were in your element. From the champagne to Levi’s entire family being so warm and welcoming, you almost forgot about your date sitting by the table waiting for you to come sit back down and keep him company again.
You had a few glasses of champagne, so your cheeks were flushed and pink but your confidence has never been higher. You wanted to dance with Levi, so badly.
He watched you float over to him, his stomach dropping to the floor. How did you manage to still make him so nervous?
You reached out your hand, “come on, Mr. Ackerman,” he grabbed it and you pulled him up, “come show me how to dance.”
Levi snickered, but let you drag him to the dance floor. He was ecstatic, watching you move your hips and arms and body to the music and allowing him to grab you and twirl you whenever he could. Eventually, a slow song started playing, and it wasn’t the alcohol making your cheeks bright red anymore.
Levi didn’t even ask, he pulled you close to his body and wrapped his arms around your waist as you wrapped your arms around his neck. How come it took you so long to understand how perfectly you two fit together?
There was some silence, until you asked the question that’s been on your mind ever since he asked, “why did you really ask me to be your plus one?”
Levi smiled softly, “well, let’s see…I’ve wanted to get to know you ever since you started working with me, but you always stayed away.”
You frowned, because he was right, “I’m sorry. I sometimes take separating work and personal life too seriously. It was never anything against you, or Hange, or everyone else.”
Levi shook his head, “it’s alright, brat,” he winked calling you that infamous nickname, “you just can’t blame me for wanting to be your friend. You somehow light up the entire room once you’ve walked inside.”
You chuckled, because even if Levi doesn’t want to admit it, he has a soft side and you have been lucky enough to see it for yourself.
“I was just surprised, is all. You could’ve asked anyone else,” you continued.
Suddenly, no one else was in the room anymore, it was just you two.
“Yeah, I could have,” Levi agreed, “and, I almost did. Hange suggesting I ask you was the best thing they could have done for me.”
You raised your eyebrow, trying to ignore your stomach about to explode from every single feeling you felt for Levi taking over, “why is that?”
Levi took a moment, but, it was now or never. He needed you to know how he felt for you. He didn’t want this to just end as you being wedding dates, and nothing else.
“Because, I’ve gotten to know you,” he put his lips closer to your ear, causing a shiver to slowly travel down your spine, “I’ve gotten to admire you from up close, instead of far away. I’ve gotten to hear you laugh, I’ve seen your smile, I just…you are incredible y/n.”
You closed your eyes, as he continued, your bodies still swaying to the soft and slow music, “I can’t pretend I don’t feel anything for you anymore that is not more than friendly. I want to hold you, I want to kiss your forehead, fuck, I want your dress to be on my bedroom floor once we leave this reception tonight.”
You gasped, not expecting the end of that confession, and moved your head so it was looking right up at his.
“Levi…” you whispered, but before you could even reply any more, his lips crashed onto yours.
Shock. Hunger. Admiration. You felt it all as you gripped Levi closer and quickly kissed him back. It occurred to you that you were both still in public, so you made a mental note to dial it down with the hunger as you kissed him back. Levi softy groaned, pulling away from you as the song slowly ended.
“Will you come home with me?” He whispered, smiling as you couldn’t contain the biggest smirk on your face from what just happened.
“Only if I get to be your wedding date for every next one you go to,” you whispered back, getting on your tip toes to plant one more kiss on his lips.
“Deal,” he effortlessly breathed out, spinning you around one more time before bringing you back close to his chest, exactly where you belonged all along.
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f4irycafe · 2 years
k cool calm but fwb!eren who when u smoke weed together with your friends he shotguns with you, exhaling the smoke into ur open mouth and ur inhale it xoxo
everyone knows ur fucking atp they're just waiting for yall to date tbh
why is everyone SO obsessed w eren and shotgunning the amount of req's i get abt this w him. but imma write it everytime. SEND UR HORNKEE EREN ASKS !!
₊˚*ೃ content: smoking (weed), making out, suggestive stuff, black!coded reader.
if you've been here for a while, hey, you probably know how i sectioned off the aot gangs living arrangements. but for the sake of clarity, eren, jean and armin bought a house together and live in it during college, just to set the scene yuh know.
anyways everyone's @ the house, even the marley kids, y'all just chilling, having your required monthly dinner at the boys house. began hanging out w them because you were friends with mikasa and sasha, who introduced you to everyone else. from the second you met eren there was instant attraction, and neither of y'all were good at hiding it. one thing let to the next, and now yall have been fucking on the low for the past few months.
everyones scattered between chair, couches, and the floor, as some random anime hums lowly in the background. everyone's got their shit out, bongs, pre-rolls, bowls, the whole deal. you, eren and connie are sitting on the couch, the boys on either side of you as connie passes the blunt to eren. his hand is draped not so subtly across your thighs as your legs sit on top of his, your back pressed against connies shoulder.
the second eren gives you his little devious ass look, you know he's about to do some bold outta pocket shit just cause he can. he squeezes your thigh as he takes a hit, holding it in his lungs as he maintains eye contact with you. he motions for you to move forward with his hand, taking the blunt outta his hands. you raise your eyebrow in question, only for his hand to raise to your neck, gently moving you closer to his lips. everything about it is so sensual...too sensual. when he opens his mouth you do the same, waiting for the inevitable flow of smoke to transfer into your waiting mouth. he's close, but he refuses to slot his lips against yours like he had done a few hours prior. you inhale, taking the smoke from his mouth deep into your lungs, before blowing it out in your face.
by the time you're done with your little spectacle, the room has gone silent and everyone is staring at you, completely unamused.
"y'all are fucking nasty. get a room, and get the fuck off of me." connie says as he pushed you into erens chest, your arms wrapping themselves around his torso to steady yourself. he laughs and wraps his arm around your shoulder, bringing you closer in.
elles ramblings: my husband. mine.
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youre-ackermine · 4 months
hello dearest, I hope you’re doing well 🩵
for the aot ask I’ve come with new questions:
15.a) if you could have prevented the death of a single character, which one would it be? (I already know the answer but still 🤣)
15.b) what is your favorite (top 3 if you can’t choose one) soundtrack?
15.c) do you prefer the anime or the manga?
much love to youuu 💓💓
Hi my dearest Dee ✨
I'm fine, even if I barely slept last night. I hope you're doing well too!
15 a- If you could have prevented the death of a single character, which one would it be?
As you already guessed, I would have saved Hange of course!
Like Erwin died when the answer to his lifelong quest was within his grasp, Hange sacrificed themself before they could explore the outside world, quench their thirst for knowledge, help make people's lives better with new discoveries... I'm fascinated by their intelligence & all those amazing qualities that make them one of the best written characters in SNK, personality-wise. They would have been such an asset in the post war SNK universe.
15 b- What is your favorite (top 3 if you can't choose one) soundtrack?
If it's about the instrumental OST only, those I listen to the most at the moment are:
For the songs with a vocalist, my all-time favourite are:
I can't listen to 'Bauklotze' without crying now obviously 💔
15 c- Do you prefer the anime or the manga?
To be perfectly honest, I read the whole manga only once. I often read a random chapter or a few panels online but I still have to read it again (& it's a pain in the ass because I have the Edition Colossale & every book is f*cking heavy lmao). Besides, the French translation is not very good imo, it missed most of the dialogues' subtleties / nuances :((
Still, the manga panels are amazing, Isayama has a real talent for drawing the facial expressions & making us understand what's going on or feel so many emotions without a single word.
But I love the anime, even if a few things missing or changed kinda rub me the wrong way! The animation is insane (Levi's action scenes are always flawless & omg it's part of why I love the short badass so much!). The music is amazing & epic. The VAs are phenomenal (I only watch the Japanese version with French or English subtitles). It's a f*cking great show!
Just a few words about the scene between Eren & Armin in the last episode. As much as I cannot accept Eren's actions, I still felt sorry & sad for him. But the scene with Armin in the manga was so pathetic it almost swept away my sympathy towards him. Thanks Mappa for fixing this scene, making it a real moment of emotion between soulmate friends, & giving Eren a bit of his humanity back.
So anime it is!
Thanks for taking the time to send these to me!
Sending much love back ❤️
Have a nice Sunday lovely Dee 😘
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missnobodymadness · 16 days
Oooooo for the red emoji oc asks! ❗️🥩🥀 for Evelyn? Always curious to know more about people’s AOT OCs! <3
Thank you so so much for sending some asks for my girl, it really means a lot to me to see some interest on her. ♥
Very excited to answer these so, here we go. :P
"❗️(exclamation point) - What was the scariest moment of your character’s life? Does it still affect them?"
Her scariest moment was the moment when she was separated from her parents during the first invasion and it did in fact affect her until her last breath.
During the evacuation she was trying to get aboard along with her parents, eventually they gave her priority despiste her not wanting them to, the moment she was finally aboard, a group of four man approached her parents and pulled them back, dragging them away from the boat and into the crown while she screamed for them and vice-versa, totally unable to do anything because they had closed the boat right there and they weren't allowing her to leave. (There is a full backstory to this event though, these men weren't just random men)
That moment changed her life forever, she eventually learned how to forgive herself but that experience haunted her for the rest of her life.
"🥩 (steak) - Does your oc have any coping mechanisms? Healthy or unhealthy?"
She has a few. Drinking is her most common coping mechanism, unfortunately. She also got into smoking after trying her first cigarette in Marley. Less common but also helpful for coping is hunting, Sasha was the one who introduced her to archery and later on she also learns how to hunt, unfortunately for her, this doesn't happen often due to very specific hunting locations, she doesn't have such opportunity very often.
Something that would certainly be a coping mechanism for her if she could do it everyday is killing titans, she is crazy for that adrenaline! Her most healthy coping mechanism is probably exercising but even so she pushes herself too hard, which is not too good for her health at all.
So yes...it's either self-destruction or murder, very healthy, for sure......... :'D
"🥀 (wilted flower) - How does your character deal with stressful situations? Is their fear response fight, flight, freeze or fawn?"
I believe it depends on what is the cause of the stress but usually her response is fight, she reacts very impulsively to her stress and anxieties, she is an impulsive person and doesn't think much before acting on her emotions, this of course is not a very healthy way to deal with stress and while she shows some accountability for that, she also admits to not being able to control her reactions properly, leading to bad outcomes sometimes, including life threatening situations, not only for her, but her peers (and this was the reason why Levi regreted picking her for his special squad :'D).
I hope I answered your questions well, thank you so much once again and I wish you an amazing day! ♥
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dyouevendraw · 3 months
About me
So, I thought I’d probably be best to just make a pinned post with some info so I’m not just a void who throws art a a wall. (I’m probably gonna edit as things change) But here we go:
My tiktok is dyoueven
My instagram is dyouevendraw
My name is D, sometimes people still call me Fay, I don’t mind that either
I’m 22 years old
I use they/them pronouns, I’m fine with he/him too. I’d call myself nonbinary or even agender, leaning towards the masc side. It’s a struggle
Additionally to that, I am ace and my romantic attraction is 🤷🏼. I like androgyny and femininity if that says anything lmao
I have a hypermobilty condition, thus, my physical health is very inconsistent. Sometimes I feel fine for weeks, sometimes I can barely move my arms. Luckily, I don’t dislocate easily, I mostly get joint pain, pinched nerves, random bruises and badly healing wounds. Additionally, I seem to have a mild variant of long covid, which is making my lungs weak, so sometimes physical activities winds me badly even though it’s not hard work.
I am autistic and only found out around 2 years ago, thus, school burned me out! I was bullied by my teachers and they ignored all the signs of a struggling student, so I developed bad social anxiety (added by other events with former friends and general genetics probably). I took a year off of art to focus on getting a better mindset, and I guess I’ve been back since this year.
I am a clumsy and unlucky person, that’s why I say I am like Xie Lian a lot (send me a Hua Cheng)
I like k-pop. Currently, I like BTS, TXT, SKZ, LE SSERAFIM, New Jeans, Red Velvet and SHINee.
Other artists I like are: Tatsuya Kitani, Eve, The Oral Cigarettes, Vaundy, King Gnu, Queen Bee and MCR (what a mix)
Fandoms I’m in include(I’m sure I’ll add more danmei when I’m done reading them):
TGCF (I have beef with it but I’m deeply in love)
SVSSS (still reading, on volume 2)
Sometimes I like Marvel. I only care about Spider-Man and Loki
(Always open to suggestions for more things, especially when they’re queer🤠👍🏻)
I write my own stories and am working on an AU that includes many fantastical being, though I am not entirely sure if that’s ever gonna see the light of day bc I don’t see anyone caring about my writing lol (it already has 137.000 words I’m not even joking it’s not funny, why am I writing this)
I’m sure I’ll post more of my OC’s when I find the time. My favorite is Harumi, he’s the main character in the fantastic beings AU, as a werewolf
I am so sorry my humor is super trauma based, bare with me it’s okay to laugh at my pain, it’s how I process, I swear
My favorite food is anything indian (especially aloo mutter, I bathe in that), pizza (only the one I make), and (red) thai curry.
That’s the only thing that sets me apart from Xie Lian, I eventually did learn how to cook and apparently people like my food!! (I add cinnamon and chili to everything, maybe that’s the key?)
I love building lego and organizing things by category (why I didn’t get diagnosed with asd is beyond me, I’ve always been like that)
I mostly draw on an Ipad with procreate, but I wanna get into watercolor and copics too, I just feel like I’m wasting the suff when things don’t turn out how I wanted them to be
I am horrible at texting and get anxious over it
I had another account here I was running for years, but I was in a pretty icky fandom and didn’t want to associate with the reputation that came with it, thus, I left. I am not the stupid, hurt and depressed teenager I was anymore, and that’s great!
I am german, though, I speak English so much I might as well be a native speaker
That’s it for now, you can always feel free to ask my questions, my (anonymous) asks, submissions and reblogs are always open, I just won’t answer if you’re rude🤠✌🏻
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cozage · 11 months
1,500 of you! Wow!!!
Shewwww! There sure are a lot of you now! Hi everyone!!
I'm not quite ready to do another event, BUT we are going to do 60 questions for 60ish hours. For the next 60 hours (so this will end on Thursday 13th at 11:59 pm) send me questions! You can send me other questions too, but I promise I will answer these! Questions are below the cut, red questions have already been asked!
(just a quick note...please do NOT send me requests. They are still closed. You can send me questions about my writings and fics, but don't ask me to write anything extra right now!)
Get to know me as a…
What’s your favorite color?
What’s your favorite food?
What’s your favorite drink?
What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?
What book are you reading right now?
What is your favorite book?
What is your favorite movie?
What is your favorite TV show?
Do you have any siblings?
Do you have any pets?
Do you have any scars?
Do you have any birthmarks?
Do you have any tattoos?
What video games do you like to play?
What’s your relationship status?
What are you listening to right now?
Do you believe in ghosts?
When you’re not writing, what do you like to do?
What’s something that gets on your nerves/something you hate?
What’s a show that reminds you of childhood?
How often do you write?
What app do you write on?
How do start your writing process? 
How do you edit your writing?
What fandoms have you written for in the past?
What do you write for now?
Who is your favorite person to write for?
What’s your favorite way/POV to write?
What challenges you as a writer?
How long does it take you to write a request?
(you can ask about these fandoms: OP, Demon Slayer, MHA, AOT, Naruto, HxH, The Hunger Games, Percy Jackson, Stranger Things, Legend of Zelda)
What was the first fandom you were a part of?
Top five anime?
What fandoms are you still actively a part of?
What is your favorite One Piece (or other fandom) Episode/Arc?
What’s your most/least favorite thing about One Piece(or other) fandom?
Current OTP (of One Piece or other fandom)?
What’s your favorite AU?
Headcanon you have for _____(character or fandom)?
What’s a fandom you’re in but have no ships from?
What's your unpopular anime opinion?
Random things:
A specific color that gives you the ick?
Coolest place you've been?
Favorite form of potato?
What animal do you look forward to seeing when you visit an aquarium?
On a plane, do you ask for apple or orange juice? 
Anything from your childhood you’ve held on to? 
Do you think you’re dehydrated? 
Rank the methods of death: freezing, burning, drowning
Your boba/tea order?
Favorite Disney princess movie?
What does your emotional support water bottle look like?
Do you wear jewelry?
Best memory you could think of?
How long is your hair?
Whats something that always makes you smile?
When was the last time you saw a wild animal and what was it?
What is your favorite scent?
Play any instruments? 
If you could time travel what decade would you go to first?
Does pineapple belong on pizza?
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thatlovelywitch · 7 months
introduction ✨
okay so those of yall who reblogged/liked my recent posts, whether they were on palestine or sumn fandom related i wanted to say and introduce myself ❤ this is my second acc, my first is @lostbbygorl which i havent updated in months and for some reason i cant access anymore (im trying my dudes ill figure it out and if u knew from there whaddup)
Hey, you can call me sunny 👍
im a proud bangladeshi/desi who studies and resides abroad and im currently a student. im an enfj and i my tumblr is pretty random but im consistent with my likes/dislikes mostly
i write poetry and stories, used to write fanfics for carmen sandiego and aot dont think or know if i shall return to that but yeah (if u know me from my first acc i was the writer of a discontinued series called "fate and hate" lol) and i reblog anything i find cool or relevant.
THIS BLOG IS A SAFE SPACE FOR ANYONE AND EVERYONE (unless ur gross and hateful and problematic like those pro israel clowns or like those grown dudes on here who look for minors ew)
you can like or reblog my posts and send them if u like ion mind at all, feel free to comment underneath them AND I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH: SEND ASKS SEND QUESTIONS IF U WANT TO U CAN DM ME JUST BE SENSIBLE AND LIKE NOT GROSS BUT REACH OUT IF U WANT TO ILY 😍😍😍😍💯💯💯💯💯🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
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AoT Characters in Online Schooling!
This was again crossposted on my wattpad from last year, but I'm trying to get requests so SOMEONE PLS REQUEST ME I PROMISE IM GOOD AT WRITING! ૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ♡
・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
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! In this scenario the AOT Vets are going to be teachers.
Eren - Eren is normally asleep during the lessons but whenever he is awake he attempts to participate, but in reality all he does is google the answers and put them into the message box. But hey, at least you're trying Eren!
Mikasa - She participates most of the time, though sometimes gets distracted when Eren sends her text messages. She gets all the assignments done and correct, and rarely ever googles anything.
Armin - Armin answers almost all of the questions and gets the assignments done - he also takes notes down for Eren like the wholesome friend he is.
Jean - Jean takes notes and does his assignments to the bare minimum, just so he can beat Eren. If the meetings are on teams he probably abuses the hands up and down feature, alongside spamming constant emojis in the calls.
Connie - Definitely class clown all the way, unmutes just to blurt out random sounds into the mic to disturb the lesson - such as fart noises or moans. (Never does this in Levi's lesson). Work wise? No. Probably no work gets done. If any, he got it all from Wikipedia and got done for plagiarism.
Sasha - She eats all the time, will sometimes forget to mute, which leads to everyone being able to hear her crunching sounds. It's very annoying. But to her credit, she hands in half complete assignments!
Reiner - He doesn't show up. The assignments get posted on the channels afterwards and he just hands them back in without doing any of the work.
Bertholdt - He takes notes for Reiner, asks some questions for Reiner (ones that he know he'd get confused on). Like the loyal boy he is! He gets generally good grades.
Annie - She doesn't talk but gets her work done. Probably asks questions in the side chat but the teachers ignore them so she has to research them herself.
Ymir - She shows up but just sleeps the whole time. Similar to Reiner, she just hands the assignments in incomplete.
Historia - She is the only one who puts on her camera, and takes notes for Ymir. Probably gets very good grades.
Erwin - This old man has literally no idea how technology works, and will literally go through a whole presentation without actually sharing it, and no, no one pointed it out to spare his pride. (Levi will eventually come into his office and tell him that his presentation isn't on) "Oh, I'm afraid I haven't been showing the PowerPoint."
Hange - They are literally the coolest teacher ever. They do kahoot lessons all the time and their presentations are so interesting that people actually interact with them. Hange is the cool teacher ALL THE WAY!
Miche - He does pretty boring lessons, but every Friday he does a kahoot lesson to try and test if they learnt anything. Also, you can definitely hear his breathing down the microphone and his mouth sounds.
Levi - He is surprisingly pretty laid back. Only does short presentations and just lets them talk the rest of the class - most were surprised by this. It could either be because he just doesn't care, or that he wants to make sure they all are getting to spend time with each other.
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・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
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postwarlevi · 2 years
Anyone want another hour or so of random AOT questions? I'll send them or you can send me, or both! Just let me know :)
Also yes I will work on another part of my masterlist later, at least that's the plan.
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levi-supreme · 1 year
Rei! Thank you for being inspiring! All the stories and events and ask games you do for us, and the fluffy Fridays and uh, that other one hehe. You do so much for your fellow AoT fans and I love you and your blog so much!
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Eliza 🥺🥺 thank you so much for this!! This was such a pleasant surprise <3
When I just started posting here, I used to lament a lot about the lack of interaction; be it on my writing, on the ask games I reblog, and during Self-ship Sunday which I used to do actively over here. I always asked myself: Why are people not interacting with me? Am I boring? Or am I posting in the wrong time zone? What can I do to make my followers and readers interact with me more? Am I doing enough? Am I not good enough? Should I quit? I used to have these questions in my head.
I came up with so many events partly to increase interaction over here. I think I've build my foundation well, and I'm thankful to have all of you with me; be it entertaining me when I do Rei's Ask Games, sending me asks whenever I reblog ask games, indulging me in my Reivi madness, or sending me random Levi thoughts and headcanons ^^
I really appreciate you all so much, and I'm glad that all my hard work really paid off. I honestly do feel that I have a lot of things going on over here such as my milestone events, prompt events, and even my own little events like Thirsty Thursday, Fluffy Friday, Rei's Ask Games, and even when I talk about self-shipping. And I seriously think no one out there has these many things ongoing on their blog LOL (haha). However!! I love doing all these, and I'll continue to do all these fun events for all of you! 💖
Doing all these events make me really happy, and I'm glad they make you happy too! I'll keep writing and doing all these events for everyone over here 🥰
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honeyxbee · 10 days
୨⎯ About blog + rules ⎯୧
♡ I’m Honey/Bee! She/her, 20s. 
♡ I write for AOT, Death Note, HXH, Haikyu, JJK, MHA, Tokyo Ghoul, and Tokyo Revengers. 
♡ Please do not steal, translate, claim my work as your own, or post it in other platforms. 
♡ This is a strictly 18+ blog. Minors DNI. 
♡ If I find out that you are a minor and you are following/interacting with this blog, you will immediately be blocked.
♡ I mostly post NSFW and dark content(which includes dub con, non con, toxic relationships/situations, yandere themes, etc). I include trigger warnings on every post, please read them. 
♡ The characters in my stories are fictional characters in fictional scenarios. I do not support/nor condone these type of relationships in real life. 
♡ All characters in my nsfw stories are aged up to 18+! 
♡ Please do not send unasked criticism. I write for fun, and it can be extremely discouraging. If you do not like something I post, it takes less time to just scroll or unfollow me. 
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♡ Askbox is always open! Feel free to send in thirsts, requests, questions, or random thoughts. 
♡ Answers to general questions will be deleted within 48 hours because I want to keep this blog focused on fanfiction and such.
♡ When making a request, please do not just send in a name or one word. Please give me a prompt or an idea of what you want. 
♡ Please do not spam the same request! Sending in the same one multiple times will not increase its chance of getting posted. But as long as the idea is different, feel free to send in multiple requests! 
♡ If you send in a request with multiple characters, please specify if it’s supposed to be poly or if they’re separate stories with the same theme. 
I will not write
♡ Self-harm/reader death
♡ Eating disorders/fat shaming 
♡ Scat/feet kink
♡ Male!reader
♡ Reader being cheated on (Character cheating with reader is okay, though)
♡ Abortion
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Heart dividers created by @cafekitsune
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besotted-eros · 2 months
hi! this a totally random question, but there used to be an author that you had bookmarked on ao3! for the life of me, i cannot remember who it was, but they had great fics that, combined with yours, just elevated my appreciation for fanfic in general. they had an erenxreader fic that tied closely to mythology, and it had a similar vibe to PFD, where one of the characters was seeking refuge, or something like that. and maybe they had a levi fic too, with eren in it too, about an art gallery and eren and reader were exes and levi bought a photo book that had readers nudes in it. anyway, i could be hallucinating. if you have any ideas, please let me know! lol
also not be a pick me, but by the time you released chapter 2 of pfd, i knew it was gonna be one the biggest fanfics in the aot fandom, and it is still growing every day. i re read it at least twice a year. thank you for your beautiful writing! 💕
The first one you're talking about is DEFINITELY One Day the Only Butterflies Left by OnWiings. My beloved Len, I don't know what their current tumblr is but those fics HIT. I highly recommend.
And I just checked and that art gallery fic is Untitled (Ash over Envy) by OnWiings too!! Please go send love.
Also thank you so much for those kind words. I love hearing from people who were here since the beginning. It's honestly one of the things I'm most proud of so to hear people love it too is so AAAAAAA.
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animeheadcanonsblog · 3 months
"Liking HP makes you a Transphobe" says the person and then uses Twitter/X even though it is now owned by a Transphobe. Hating JKR is understandable, but hating on people for simply liking Harry Potter is dumb. At this point a lot of artists/singers/authors/etc have done bad things and people still listen to their songs/watch their movies/ etc. Like for example listening to Ramstein, using Twitter/X. The problem is that you do not know if the product you by or the media you consume is made by a homophobic/transphobic or any other bad person. Liking HP doesn't make someone a transphobic/homophobic or racist person liking AOT or Hetalia doesn't make you a Nazi Supporting JKR and her opinion does. I don't care about JKR. She has no place in my life. The HP world and the Hogwarts that exist inside my headcanons is the gayest place on earth. For some people its hard to let go of Harry Potter...for me Harry Potter was one of the few good things that happened to me in my childhood. It was a way for me to escape the hell that was going on. I cannot let go of Harry Potter because its a safe space for my inner child. The same goes for other shows and medias of course. I have a hard time letting go of the few things that were good in my childhood. Because if I let those things go...there is nothing left, but for me to feel sorry for the child version of myself. To be honest all those hate that exist towards people that like HP makes me anxious. I do understand why people hate JKR (I hate her too) and do not want to support her. But hating on people just for liking HP is stupid. It makes me anxious and it only makes me overthink things. Its usually start with me questioning myself and ends with me hating myself even more than I already do. Even though none of this is true. I am not transphobic or homophobic or anything like that. They're all just people. As long as they are good people that's all that matters. (Honestly everything that has to do with genders or pronounces scares me because they're so many of them and I am usually so anxious when talking to people that I forget their names. People in general scare me because there are so many people that have nothing better to do than hate/bully/harass people on the internet.) If you truly care about the transgender people than maybe you should do stuff to truly support them like boycotting Universal Studios or Legos (because JKR is getting a lot of money from the lego stuff). By hating/bullying/harassing people on the internet for simply liking HP is a bad way to support transgender people. I am aware of the hate I might get for this, but the only hate I accept are from the Transgender people. The transgender people can shit however they please its their right to disagree and even argue with my opinion. But I refuse to listen to people that use twitter/X because they were programmed on sending death threats to people instead of having civil discussions. Thank you for coming to my random anxiety rant. Please stay respectful when you shit on me...(Also if I used a wrong term for something please correct me. English is not my first language and when I randomly have anxiety rant I rant first and think later)
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klm-zoflorr · 1 year
q.5 and 57 for the writing ask game? :-)
5. How many wips do you have?  What fandoms/pairings are they for?
Too many to count!! If i had to give a figure, I'd say like. Phhhhfffeeeew. Fifty? Probably less than a hundred? I have like five of them I'm working on right now, the rest are mostly vague ideas i wrote down a while back. But my brain just keeping coming with this stuff! That's frustrating, I don't have enough motivation to write before the next idea hits 😭
For the fandoms, there's some Star wars, AtLA obviously, surprisingly no attack on titan, some x men stuff, a lot of Lucifer stuff especially recently, some game of thrones, even some My hero Academia and Yandere Simulator (aaaand i just checked. There is in fact two-no wait three- fics for aot. Oops. ALSO DSMP and third life! How could I forget about that! Lmaoo. Also theres a random Jim Pickens fanfic i wrote a fair bit off already. Damn, i need to watch the episodes in question back). It's mostly gen stuff, but there's a few pairings here and there!
57. How conscious are you about including symbolism or foreshadowing in your fics?
Very conscious! Like, it's not at the forefront of my mind constantly and i don't just write for that (i'm not a technical writer if you will. I just want to tell story, skill helps with that), but I do so love putting in little elements of foreshadowing or future themes in my fics. It's so fun! It's like a puzzle piece that only you can see and that you hope will allow the reader to see what the puzzle is about eventually. It's like an easter egg chase. And then when they reread they can see all the clues they missed and go like "Mei, you are a GENIUS!". But like, I didn't take writing classes, I don't have that technical approach to a fic. I just write my ideas and if it sounds good i'll keep it. Some of those ideas might be about symbolism. Yknow.
Pick a question here and send it to me!
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yelenassecretlover · 3 years
Hello! Are you taking requests? Cause I want to read more about your aot medieval au, I love it \(-ㅂ-)/ ♥ ♥ ♥
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medieval au hcs [sfw] pt 3
anime: attack on titan
characters: ymir, historia, annie
a/n: yeah ofc here u go, sorry for the wait hehe <3
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A well known thief in the village. If you happen to cross her path its safe to say something on your person would end up missing
All this stopped the day she foolishly tried to steal from the king himself. He went into town disguised as a noble man to retrieve one of his daughters when he was pickpocketed by her. When discovered rather than sending her to the dungeons, impressed by her skill, she was given an apprenticeship, a chance to become a knight.
“Shit, If I knew pickpocketing the king would’ve gotten me such a sweet deal, I would’ve done it sooner”
Mean and cunning Knight, her skill sets will definitely be useful against the enemy. But she often worries her superior as her allegiance is often questionable
Often feels alienated in the apprenticeship. Most rookies come from well off families with loving parents and happy futures. She hates to admit it but it makes her insecure
Due to her own insecurities her tongue is sharp and it wards most people off… most, not everyone buys the tough girl act she's so desperate to sell
Sometimes random obscure items will go missing in the castle and coincidentally somehow Ymir will have a new pair of kicks the next day…….strange
Although her skills primarily lie in her tongue and quick thinking, goes without saying but she's in extremely in shape, you could shred cheese on her abs u-u
When alone in her room if you somehow were a fly on the wall you’d see her scribbling away at a journal she carefully hides. She writes letter’s to all kinds of people that she'd never send, its just for her own peace of mind
Although never given a proper education before being sworn into the apprenticeship, her handwriting is absolutely beautiful
Her more masculine appearance fools some of the younger knights in training not familiar with her, very popular with the young ladies
Take’s complete advantage of this and you’ll find her with a new girl every week. Jean and Connie are crying and throwing up about this
“Maybe if the ladies could stand your awful faces you’d have better luck” “Ymir you’re so mean :’( ”
Daughter of the town's wealthiest noble. Her fathers claim to fame? A blooming flower business. Thanks to Hange’s work in the kingdom it was discovered flowers besides their aesthetic appeal are essential in concocting powerful potions
Unlike her father, Historia couldn’t care less about some puny flowers. Ironic as she's often referred to as a flower herself with her immense beauty. Although a rose as her personality is more thorny than it is kind.
As much of a thorn as she can be, if you are in her good graces she’ll go above and beyond for you. Think festivals held in your name, when her father clearly warned her not to.
“My father? That old fool will be in a deep slumber on the night of the festivities don’t fret <3” “uhhh Historia……..”
Her new apprenticeship as a knight has made her one of the most desired women in the kingdom. Not only is she beautiful and wealthy, but the apprenticeship is a hard feat to earn and will bring countless amounts of honor to her family for generations
Her reasons for joining? Well….. those are less honorable…
“God, who's that hot knight? All I have to do is join to find out her name? Consider it done”
She was never the most athletic but hard work and a strong etiquette granted her a spot in the top ten. ( And maybe that cute smile of hers too….)
Her appearance leaves the impression that she's naive, but you will be quickly proven that the naive one is yourself if you fall for her charms
The apprenticeship can weigh heavy on a person. So much is at stake and honor is everything. She finds peace by often strolling the local village markets. Often runs into the princess while she's there. They spend the day together before Hisotira escorts her back to the castle
Had to get her gear custom made as the old uniform from the previous knight was too big. She got some custom engravings done on her armor, pretty rose detailings
Levi's favorite rookie knight (definitely on her way to being sworn into his team) might be because of her attitude or similarities in height……
All kingdoms must keep a vault of their every day records, as well as their more guarded secret knowledge such as hidden runes and magic. This is where Annie comes in as the castle's librarian.
Don’t let the title librarian fool you, her family has been expertly trained for generations in this business. She is not one to be taken lightly, especially with her knowledge and expertise in more than ten fighting forms
Rather than protecting the important masses of records from thieves. A lot of her time is helping all the young apprentice knights study for their exams.
“ How to ward off a ____? You’ll find that in aisle 10 row B. Now leave me alone”
Although guarding some of the most dangerous forms of magic, found in the books in her library, she is not tempted at all to read the books. Calls magic a fools game
“ Let’s see how good your little spell is against my foot in your mouth”
Her looks are often enough to ward away any bad behavior from the young knights (her stares deadly)
Extremely beautiful. Her attitude, however, makes anyone too scared to even dare approach her in that regard. Not that she wanted a cute girlfriend or anything like that, definitely not, totally not……..
Spends the more quiet days when the knights aren’t in testing season, reading romance books and manifesting. The only form of magic she can get behind
“I don't chase, I attract. What belongs to me will simply find me…”
Don’t worry though, she's not completely lonely. The rookie knights keep her company. Hitch is often found chatting away to her, but a response from Annie is not often found.
An unlikely duo can be found with her and Hange. Often seen together as Hange can’t remember where anything is in the library. Even though Hange’s been visiting this place for generations. Annie's fathers father created signs specific to Hange in an attempt to help, but Hange really prefers just following the leonharts around
No matter the hour you find yourself in, 4am or 3pm, Annie is always awake and ready to help. The Knights swear she never sleeps and she's some sort of mythical creature…. The truth is she can sleep with her eyes open so no one ever notices when shes asleep (kind of creepy ngl……)
Has no lovers but oh how she enjoys when one of the princesses often finds herself lost and needing Annies assistance in the library, then and only then is she happy to help
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