#senior year sucks and fries my brain
tetsunabouquet · 5 months
Multifandom Headcanon: Prison world AU
A/N: Alright, one of my first ideas for a fanfic I ever had which is a prompt I still remember, was a prison AU that is eerily like the Bonnie and Damon prison world arc from TVD. I still feel like I prophesizied this arc. I never let that idea go and one of the webcomics I hope to create (if my new drawing tablet is of good enough quality to work with) is actually me working out this prompt with a set of fantasy characters that eventually will have their own multidimensional shennanigans alongside debauchery caused mayhem. This multifandom headcanon is basically which characters I can see would work well for my webcomic.
-Sasha Braus & Connie Springer from Attack On Titan/Slap On Titan: These two are made for an AU like this. Because my AU requires some serious crazy dumbfucks. Which is why their Slap On Titan counterparts would work even better. Especially Connie's stripper Chihuahua thing. -Lizzie Saltzman from TVDU: Out of all the TVD characters, Lizzie in the prison world is exactly the vibe of my webcomic: she treats the world like her playground and she's just vibing with being imprisoned. Also, I'll never forget her making out with Sebastian when Landon was in the trunk because that is so gonna be my webcomic. -Lily Chen from TSC: Lily's smart but her brain is fried enough that she ends up getting sucked down by idiocy all the same. I can see Lily having a similar rant to my sea sprite OC about a lack of interdimensional maintenance. Whilst Magnus would also seem like a great addition at first, there's something about the pain and tragedy of Magnus that I feel like he would not fair well in the prison dimension in the long run. -Jinx from Arcane: I can imagine Jinx to be counting down the days for Pyromania Day every year with everyone else running and hiding a month in advance because they know Jinx will just burn at least three towns to the ground for fun. -Kiyoshi Teppei from KNB: He is a lovable himbo that's also mentally tough and able to handle a lot. He can handle whatever shit gets thrown at him with grace. An necessary ingredient. -Diego and Lila from The Umbrella Academy: Speaking of lovable himbos that can handle a lot and prison that only triggers further memories of a certain lovable ship. These two would absolutely function well in this place. I'd put Klaus here too, but unfortuntely this world does not have ghosts as my version of the prison dimension has people aging until senior age but instead of dying in their sleep, people just fall into an eternal coma to also keep their souls imprisoned. -Nagisa 'Thugisa' from the Free! parody: This dude already was in prison and he would certainly function in this world too. Absolutely part of the crazy dumbfuck line-up. -Pike from ElfQuest: If there is one guy I would think of to hand out the drugs and booze in his own inn where everyone is staying for the night- Pike would be the number one character who comes to mind. There even was that one volume of when the tribe split and they got attacked by these mosquito-esque creatures that Pike's blood to a certain percentage is made out of alcohol with how often he eats those fucking dreamberries. Also Sasha would certainly be corrupted by Pike. Imagine Sasha with edibles… That is bound to go wrong! -Sokka from ATLA: From being a genius strategist to the comedic relief that managed to get away with tripping on LSD on a literal children's tv show, obviously he has to be part of this cast. And to those of you who don't know, there are two breeds of cacti particularly known for having similar chemical properties to LSD in their juice… My mom actually ones of of those which is how I got curious enough to investigate the cactus juice thing.
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Screaming. My VP and I are engaged in such a weird tension I don't know what to do. I literally made the rule that pres and VP couldn't date bc I've heard horror stories about prev exec teams, but this is almost worse?
For some backstory - I've known this guy since our 1st yr in college (we're both seniors now) and I joined a comp team (of which he's not the captain), we matched on Tinder then and nothing came of it bc we were just swiping (maybe? who's to say). I leave the team bc COVID hits and I'm busy with my other orgs. We don't discuss this again.
Fast forward a couple years, we both join this other org and in February because pres and VP. Previously mentioned rule is made, but we don't think about it bc I've been with my ex for a few months and he's been with his gf for a year. We are immediately thrown into the fire, end up becoming pretty close friends, and I discovered we work really well together! I don't remember the Tinder match until we get put into a Snapchat group together and I realized I already have his snap.
Bringing us to now, November. We both get broken up with at around the same time, both know it's coming but still sucks, and so we're ✨bonding✨ We're talking about how we're rebounding and handling, and I end up making several dating accounts after hearing of his escapades. I mention that I made a Hinge to him via text and he says "and a Tinder? I found you" and I... short circuit. Simply ignore. We continue talking about the potential/failed dates we're going on to each other like normal friends who just got broken up seperately with do. Except for how close he sits while we're chilling in my office. And how he only refers to me by my title. How he only uses my name if we're alone or in a setting where the titles can't be used.
We proceed to not talk about the Tinder thing for a while (I am looking for him, to no avail) until last night when he gets a bit tipsy before one of our org functions so I have to drive him around. On the... much longer than anticipated drive (fuck football traffic) we talk a lot about his prev relationship and some of the weird and shitty things his ex did. As we're taking, he asks "Rose, do you fuck?" which is an Incredibly Odd way to ask if I'm sexually active but really not the point of this story. He ends up bringing up our 1st yr Tinder match (aha! I'm not the only one who remembers), says he's expecting me to find him again, and mentions he's been looking for me on Bumble too. I drop him off around this time.
My brain at this point is so utterly fried. Is he flirting? Is he coping? Am I overthinking? I decide to Simply Not Think About It.
And then this morning we had a meeting with the rest of the team, and afterwords we went to get lunch (which was... yea just really weird. needed an axe for the tension). THEN I finally, finally find him on Tinder. His profile is like half good pictures, half Garfield. Don't ask. We engage in the classic "boy you look really familiar" convo.
I do not know where to go from here, other than just waiting until the new exec rolls in this February. I really wasn't planning on dating another straight engineering man, but I know we work really well together and he do be hot (as the kids say). It wouldn't be super long term since we'll both be graduating next year with our master's and neither of us want strong ties to keep us anywhere.
But also... might just be reading into stuff.
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arcticmaggie · 6 years
Movie Night
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Y/N (not so) secretly hates scary movies and Harry (not so) secretly loves Y/N.
Word Count: 4.2k
Warnings: None
Author’s Note: okay so this is a cute angsty but also fluffy one shot!! idk i was debating whether or not to post this one but whatever might as well make other ppl clench their heart over soft Harry. ALSO he’s like an american in this oof like i didn’t know how school works over in the uk so like aha america wooh. okay enjoy! pls feedback is amazing! IF THERE’S ERRORS I’M SORRY
“It’s my turn to pick! You made me suffer through Dear John last week.”
“How dare you disrespect Amanda Seyfried like that.”
It's a Friday night and Y/N finds herself back at Harry’s flat with a half empty pizza box on her lap and a grumpy expression on her face. Harry loves to tease her about her fondness over cheesy dramatic romances that carry elements that she will never come across in her own love life. She hates it. Especially because whenever they watch these movies, he never actually pays attention to it, choosing to play with her hair or hands instead. Which she actually wouldn't mind if it weren't for the fact that it was so distracting that she misses about half of the movie as well.
So she's grumpy and upset that Harry is sat beside her chewing on a pizza slice while searching through Netflix with disregard to how mean he was being (not really, she's just dramatic) as he keeps his free hand at her thigh, rubbing it softly and absentmindedly.
“It's not like my turn counted. You didn't even watch the movie,” she quips in, a frown still sketched on her face as she sees him completely skip over the romantic comedy genre.  
He replies with a full mouth, “then consider us even. Since you’ll be too scared to pay attention to this either.”
Her frown of upset turns into a frown of confusion as she wonders what he means. But she sees him click down once more and begins to scroll through the horror genre, ominous thumbnails flashing up, making her heart begin to thump a bit heavier than usual.
She hates scary movies. She hates being scared in general. Harry knows it as well because she's found herself, more often than not, calling him in the middle of the night to comfort her because there was a noise in the kitchen and she could have sworn she saw a shadow pass by her closed bedroom door.
She whips her head towards him and sees the slyest smirk settled on his lips and she wants to smack it right off. She won't let him win this round. She needs to show her dominance in this friendship (who is she kidding, she'll do and listen to anything he says).
“I don't know what you're talking about, I love scary movies.” A snort leaves Harry’s mouth at that. She gives a weak push against his shoulder at his response.
“So you’ll love me if I put on The Conjuring tonight?” he asks, both eyebrows raised as he readies his thumb on the play button. His smug face makes Y/N want to attack him and refuse to watch a film of terror, but she won't give in yet.
A wide and obviously exaggerated smile spreads on her lips and she nods curtly, “Yup.”
She really doesn't know why she went along and did this though because Harry presses down on the remote control and the movie begins to play and Y/N knows she's fucked for the rest of the week.
And she proves herself correct as the movie reaches the third act and she finds herself wrapped around Harry’s figure. She had thought she saw a hand reach for her at her end of the couch so she pushed the pizza box off her and onto the ground, quickly scooted on top of his lap, and tucked her legs inside the blanket wrapped around them. Her head isn't turned towards Harry but she just knows he's smirking in amusement behind her from her sudden, but not surprising, actions. So with the arm that’s wrapped around his back, she lifts her hand and flicks the back of his neck.
“Ouch! What the heck, Y/N?”
“Oh hush, you already know why I hate you right now.” Y/N quips back as her eyebrows furrow with irritation, only multiplying more when a jumpscare occurs on screen and her heart skips a massive beat. She can't endure it anymore, so she turns her head and tucks her face into his neck, Harry quickly reacting and extending his neck out a bit so she can get more space.
She grumbles against his skin, “Why are you so keen on scary movies? Do you not realize it's only going to make me bother you even more with calls in the middle of the night?”
He lets out a small exhale through his nose as he softly laughs at her grumpiness. “You never bother me,” he lets out quietly, provoking a warm blush to rise in his cheeks, thanking the heavens that the lights are turned off so that it's not noticeable.
He likes to think he isn't so obvious about his feelings towards her. Even though everyone in their friend group always comments about how exhausting it is to see how absolutely infatuated he is with her yet he doesn't do anything about it. But Y/N is pretty good at missing signals and this ditziness of hers gives him more passes than he's deserved.
Like how he's constantly using his free time from his job to text her, call her, or hang out with her. Or like how he always says yes to her when she asks for a ride to her campus for her afternoon lectures because her car’s A/C doesn't work but his does, even if it means being late coming back from lunch to work. Or like how he never approves of any of the guys she mentions she's found cute or has ever asked her out. Or how whenever she sleeps over (or vise versa), he rolls over in bed and pulls her into his arms, rubbing his nose against her cheek with a dopey grin until she wakes up with a wrinkled nose from the sensation, rasping out, “Good morning, my sweet girl.”
Or like in this present occasion, how he always chooses a horror movie to watch after he feels like she hasn't been affectionate enough with him in the past two weeks. Because he knows that she always ends up in his lap, quivering under his gentle hands combing through her hair, comforting her and protecting her from the scary monster on the telly.
He feels a tiny bit guilty using her fear as a method of affection but her shampoo always leaves such a sweet mango scent in her hair and he can't help but inhale and forget all about it. And it's not like she ever complains about being in his arms. Which makes him giddy thinking about it but he pushes his hopes down. She seems comfortable enough being just friends, he doesn't think she's ever going to want more (this thought leaves a small sting in his chest and he tightens his arms around her a bit more).
They stay like this for the rest of the movie, his hand running small circles on her back and her hand running her fingers through his curls. As the TV turns almost completely black as the end credits roll, the room gets darker and Y/N shivers a bit.
Harry wants to coo at her.
“It's just a movie, Y/N. You're safe here with me. Nothing will ever get past my hold on you.” She doesn't respond right away, breathing softly against his neck as she tries to calm herself down.
It doesn't really work though because although she does start to forget about what she saw on the TV beforehand, she starts thinking about what he just said. You're safe here with me, he told her, nothing will ever get past my hold on you. That seemed like a recurring event in their movie nights. He always chooses a movie that will insinuate contact. Like how the previous time he chose a movie, he chose My Sister’s Keeper, Y/N burying herself into his chest with sobs escaping her mouth throughout it all.
She gets an idea why he does so, but this idea brings her cheeks to a flaming color and she internally shakes her head in denial. It's been too long that she keeps this hope inside of Harry possibly feeling what she wants him to feel for her. Since her freshman year of college when she came crying to him about how she was too dumb to be enrolled and that she should just drop out and get a job instead of wasting money on something she won't accomplish. And he pulled her into his chest and let her ugly sob against him for what seemed like hours, letting her muster out all that she possibly could before he began to whisper soft declarations of the pride he holds in seeing her challenge herself, not giving in to what everyone has told her she is, raising a middle finger to those who doubted her willpower.
Ever since then, she's found a new place in her heart for him that no boy has ever proven to be a worthy contestant for, even though she's tried so hard to find someone to do so. Because while Harry’s always been a blunt and straightforward kind of guy, he's never confirmed that her hopes were true and she'd rather not go through the embarrassment of waiting for him to come around only to find him fall for another girl in the end. So she's tried moving on, but even Harry can clearly see with every guy she meets, none of them are of real interest to Y/N, because not a single one of them is Harry.
They can't compare to the way he makes her feel. The way he embraces her when she's sad. The way he makes himself the little spoon when it's him who's brooding. The way she stays up alone sometimes, contemplating what would happen if she called him and told him how she felt. And then crying with his contact popped up on her phone screen because she spent 10 minutes staring at it but lacked the courage to risk their friendship and press the call button. The way that he always tries to make her happy but she knows this is the one thing that he will never comply to.
So her idea of why Harry chooses these movies is dismissed from her brain.
But still… she is curious as to why.
So she musters up a few seconds of courage to clear her throat timidly and raise her lips away from his skin to talk clearly, whispering out, “Why do you always choose movies that end up with us touching each other?”
And, oh god, she squeezes her eyes shut tight and buries her head right back into the crook of his neck because that was not how she wanted to word her question. She can feel Harry go a bit frigid and she scolds herself on the inside.
“What… do you mean?” he asks into the open space of the living room, the tone of his voice letting Y/N know he was just as flustered with her query as she was.
She thinks about how to reword herself and not accidentally embarrass herself even further, quipping up again, “Like… with every movie you pick, you always end up having me in your arms. And it's often enough for you to know what movies will make me do this, and you pick them anyways… So why?”
Harry gulps quietly as he goes into panic. Suddenly, the fear of her not enjoying this physical contact they always hold invades his mind and he tries very hard to seem cool and collected as he asks back, “Do you want me to stop?”
She's quick to react, eyes widening and head retracting back to hold eye contact with him, one hand reaching over to rest at his jaw. “I don't mind at all! I--I like it. It's, um, it's nice and comforting. I just kind of want to know what goes through your head when you do so.”
She can see how stunned he is now, truly, and she almost wobbles her bottom lips in awe at how absolutely adorable he looks with this facial expression. But she can also tell that he's feeling a bit embarrassed, and although it does make her heart skip a beat from the insinuation of why he’s possibly feeling embarrassed, she really doesn't want him to be uncomfortable with her questioning. So she tucks her head back into him, not as close as last time, but enough to lay her head on his shoulder, and moves her hand away from his face, leaving it against his clothed chest, giving him time to think.
He stays silent after this, just for a little while. He's blushing up a storm and his heart is now pounding very heavily and he's sure that she can feel it (she can, and it makes hers start pounding as well). He doesn't know how to respond without revealing his true feelings. Because really, there's no other explanation other then oh yanno, Y/N, it's because I’ve been madly and deeply in love with you since senior year of high school when you ditched your movie date with Evan Davis, the star player of the football team, to attend our movie session because, as you said, no boy was going to keep you from me and my mom’s hot pockets.
So it takes him a while to come to the conclusion that fuck, he really doesn't have any other option but to say what he's been feeling for 3 years now. A long overdue confession, which he can blame on the both of them. Him because he's so scared of rejection and a broken friendship, but also her because seriously, how has she not seen the signs?
He hasn't even been laid since the day he realized he's in love with her! Y/N knows it, and she knows how many girls throw themselves at him whenever they decide to stroll through her campus on nice sunny days, so she must also know there's a reason on his behalf of why the only girl he's ever gotten close to is her.
God, this is going to end in heartbreak, he tells himself because here he is, about to confess his feelings to the girl of his dreams who has been constantly showing interest to every other boy but himself. It's a recipe for disaster.
But he still musters up the courage, he mentally pushes himself off the cliff and blurts out all in one breath, “I’mkindasortareallyinlovewithyouandhavingyouinmyarmscompensatesforwhatIcan’teverhavesothat’swhyIalwaystrytomakeyoufallintomyholdI’msorry.”
And Y/N catches it. She catches it all because his mouth is almost touching her ear and her Psych professor also talks in a super human speed so she's adapted to quick explanations. But she doesn't say anything. She's too in shock to react in any way possible but to exhale through her nose against his bare skin like as if she was holding her breath this entire time.
He's in love with her. He actually reciprocates her feelings. Oh my god, she repeats over and over in her head. Tightening the grip she has on his shirt, she tries to formulate a response. But Harry is quicker.
With the softest and quietest voice he has ever mustered, he lets out, “I’m sorry.”
Y/N tries to stop him but there's no words coming out of her mouth. After a few more seconds of silence, Harry continues.
“I’m--I’m so sorry. I--” he's struggling so hard to not get choked up on his words. She's in his arms, frozen from the confession, and he can't stop the ache in his heart already forming a permanent residence. He's at least grateful that she's still facing away from him so he's not feeling much humiliation as tears fill up in his eyes.
“I shouldn't have fallen in love. You’re just so beautiful and---and brave and tough to break and kind and gentle and so precious. I mean how… how could I have not have fallen for you, yanno? And I’m just---” his voice cracks at the word just and he stops himself to recollect his thoughts and swallow down the sob that's threatening to spill.
He inhales and exhales shakily as he squeezes his eyes shut to stop his crying because at this point, a few tears have actually escaped. “I’m sorry I ruined this for us. I was selfish and now you won't even say anything and it hurts but I understand. I’m sorry,” he finishes off with the sorry whispered into the dark room.
He's, yet again, met with silence. It only hurts him more. He figures he should take Y/N home, hoping she'll at least silently comply and let him drive her back, so she can process this new information and he can curl up in his bed sheets and release all this hurt that's physically piling up and aching in his chest.
So he slightly moves his body in his seat to signify that he wants to get up, and he expects Y/N to slip off of his lap to let him. But instead, he’s greeted with her face retracting from his neck and now boring her teary eyes into his as she's inches away from him, letting her weight sink him down to keep him in place.
His eyes widen in surprise, which only accentuate the glossiness of his own crying eyes.
It breaks Y/N’s heart.
She tried so hard to stop him in his heart warming and heart wrenching explanation but she physically couldn't use her vocal chords. So she sat there in silence, tearing up from the words he spoke. He thinks I don't love him back is all that runs through her brain throughout the entirety of his speech and the silence afterwards. And she hates it.
And she hates that he accepted her silence as rejection because him trying to move away from here clearly shows he doesn't believe in her loving him back and can't bare it. So she quickly responded to his shuffling with pulling away from his shoulder, visually showing him all her emotions, her heart breaking as she see his.
The hand that was fisting his shirt is released as she brings it up to cup his cheek, Harry automatically leaning into it. The way his eyes are glossed over and his eyebrows are pulled down in confusion and discontent, yet still he gives in to her comforting touch, makes her begin to tear up once more. And this time, a meek whimper comes out of her lips.
This relief in finally making a noise makes her begin to actually cry.
It scares Harry a bit with the burst in sobs, especially since she squeezes her eyes shut and drops her head forward to lean her forehead against his. The close proximity to her face makes him tense up, but because of how awful it was to see her crying up close over him. He feels like he did a disservice to her, not letting her live out a perfect friendship without him going and ruining it. And that's what makes him close his eyes and cry as well, leaving them both as crying messes clinging onto each other in the moonlit living room.
Y/N tries so hard to recollect herself because she realizes after a minute of crying with Harry, she still hasn't said a single word. She imagines that's why he's crying as well; he thinks she's crying over hurting his feelings.
So she tries to sniff in all of her snot (she doesn't doubt she looks completely disgusting right now), and lets her mouth fall agape. She doesn't know how to relay all her emotions and feelings out right away, so she starts off with gasping out, “I’m sorry.”
But once these two words leave her mouth, she can't seem to stop uttering them. Traces of I’m sorry’s are left as she leans her head back, letting the free hand, that isn't already cupping his check, run through the front of his hair soothingly.
She's able to calm her cries into soft hiccups and sees Harry do the same as well, except he doesn't seem too keen on opening his eyes and facing reality just yet.
Y/N hates it so much.
So she whispers out, “Look at me, Harry.”
He slowly flutters his eyes open, first looking down into their laps before slowly trailing his eyes up to bore into hers, sadness leaking out of his facial expression.
She stays silent as she examines his soft face, already feeling her chin wobble in exasperation to burst into tears again. But she holds herself back because for the first time in a while, it's Y/N whose taking care of Harry. Sweet sweet Harry who she's been so in love with for so many years. And who apparently has been in love with her as well, after all this time.
She runs her hand through his hair once more before breaking into a soft smile at his angelic state of heartbreak. Only Harry would be able to look so beautiful after crying his heart out.
“I’m really sorry, Harry,” she begins, holding up her front and shakes her head when he opens his mouth to begin talking as well.
“No, sh, let me speak,” she continues, “I am so so sorry for not noticing. For being too stupid to not clearly pick up the signs about your feelings for me. Because, Jesus, Harry, I always had an inkling that it was the truth but I was too stubborn to fully believe in it. To believe that you would--you would love me--like that.”
Y/N can feel herself lose her composure with every word she utters, examining her own naive and ignorant past self who refused to see the signs and possibly stalled a wonderful relationship.
A tear slips out from her right eye and Harry is quick to reach up and wipe it away. Y/N melts and quickly places her hand over his to keep his touch there before he could pull away. This time it's Y/N leaning into his touch and she feels her heart clench. She doesn't know how to continue without fully breaking down again so she turns her head to press her lips against his palm, giving herself time to think.
But the feeling of his skin against her lips is too much, too real of a moment, too much of a reality check that this night could have been avoided if she just admitted her feelings for him right from the start. If she wouldn't have wimped out and just made it clear that it was him that she wanted, him and no one else. She could have been in his arms kissing more than just his palm for over 3 years now, if she just upped and blurted it out.
So she doesn't wait any longer. She gives his palm one last peck before moving her head back into its original position and clearly iterates, “I’m so in love with you Harry. Since freshman year of college, I’ve wanted to be your girlfriend. I've wanted to know how your lips would feel like against mine for so long, and I’m sorry for not getting the courage to find out for myself. I’m sorry I waited this long to do this.”
And she leans in and kisses him.
Fireworks don't go off outside, an indie pop song doesn't begin to play in the background, no applause or cheers are heard from an audience. But Harry lets out a small noise of surprise before quickly responding with both his hands wrapping around her waist, pulling her in to get as much of her close to him like as if this were a dream and if he were to let go, he'd wake up and never experience it again. And that makes all the fireworks go off in Y/N’s stomach while the main chorus of Sweet Disposition plays in her head, her inner self screaming with joy.
They run out of air to breath, their crying session making them too exhausted to explode into fiery and passionate kisses. But even as they pull away to catch their breath, they're both gasping in relief, feeling a big grin to break out onto their faces right after, reiterating the word finally to themselves.
Y/N drops her head back down to touch foreheads, closing her eyes in peace and harmony. She's never felt so exhausted yet so ecstatic at the same time like this before. She finally has him. 5 years of friendship and they've finally reached their happy ending in their friends to lovers trope. If there were an actual person reading their love story, Y/N thinks, they must be so exasperated and worn out from their idiotic naivety.
Really, it was stupid to Y/N. It took them this long to finally be happy. She shakes her head at herself a bit and feels Harry open his mouth to break the silence.
“So me crying was all it took for you to finally come around?” Harry lets out, evoking a small giggle from Y/N’s mouth as she playfully rolls her eyes. Guess he realized it just as well.
“You know I’m a sucker for romantic dramas.”
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yerimoonlight · 4 years
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I’m so late to the game it’s borderline embarrassing, but I was tagged by @choerrykiss​ & @jazzbars​ to do music bingo! Thank you both💕
If anyone hasn’t been tagged, feel free to give this a go!
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princecharmingwinks · 4 years
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Sterek Fic Rec - February 2021. Ah the month of love! And what better way to spend the second month of the year than to read about our two adorable dorks. Enjoy another list of fanfiction recommendations!
It's A Love Story, Baby, Just Say Yes by fairytalesandfolklore (1/1 | 1,825 | Teen)
For a while, there's a whole lot of nothing, just the sound of water splashing against tile, the scent of Stiles's Old Spice body wash wafting in the summer air, and— Wait. Is that…is Stiles singing Taylor Swift? Derek tilts his head to the side, catching sight of what is unmistakably Stiles's silhouette framed in the open window, towel wrapped around his waist, using a hairbrush as a makeshift microphone and belting out what Derek is 99% sure is the song Love Story by Taylor Swift.
Derek Hale Is Not Romantic by ash_mcj (1/1 | 3,507 | Teen)
Derek Hale is not romantic. He’s not. Sure, he cares about Stiles...he guesses he has changed a little as a side effect of dating the guy. But he has not become, and will never become, one of those stupid romantic boyfriends.
[or: Derek (and his pack) realize that he has totally become a hopelessly romantic boyfriend]
(For~ Sterek Valentine Week 2021; Day 1: Hopeless Romantic)
I Know You by sparkandwolf (thatnerdemilyj) (1/1 | 1,733 | General)
“I thought I’d find you here,” Derek said, placing a gentle kiss on Stiles’ temple. He could barely feel Derek’s lips through the thick hair he had let grow during his senior year. He was never expecting to rid himself of his signature buzz cut, but it wasn’t exactly a priority when battling the danger they so often faced.
“Am I that obvious?” Stiles asked.
“To me,” Derek said simply, squeezing Stiles’ shoulder.
Shirt Thief by allourheroes (1/1 | 4,113 | General)
Derek's wardrobe has changed...which wouldn't be such a big deal if he wasn't wearing Stiles's shirt. What the hell?
In which Derek is a thief, witches are basically unimportant background characters, and Malia is the only one who understands what's up.
i got you on my mind by nicotinedaydream (1/1 | 1,263 | Teen)
"Are you Stiles?"
Stiles groans. He admits it is fairly immature, but fuck it. He hates his life right now. He wishes everyone would just go away.
"No. I'm not. I'm 'Leave Me Alone'," he gripes, pulling at his hair aggressively. He hears the person snort. He looks up, nostrils flaring. "Seriously, dude. Leave me the fuck alo—"
His brain just—stops. Warranted, it never does that. But this stranger is beyond-this-universe level of hot.
Dark black hair, light yet murky grey-green-brown-blue (what the fuck???) eyes, jawline that could give him a paper cut if he touched it, and bulging arm muscles under the tight-knitted maroon sweater the guy is wearing.
He coughs, swallows, tries to not make a fool of himself. "Actually, yes. I am Stiles. How may I service you—fuck! I mean, how may I be of service?" He face-palms. Epic. Fail.
Happy Birthday To Me by clottedcreamfudge (1/1 | 10,819 | Mature)
"Hi there, and welcome to Full Moon Jewellery. Thanks for browsing! I’m a designer based in California whose only dream in life is to get through art school without having to sell off my organs - which, by the way, is still on the table. You need a kidney? Let me know in your personalisation request, and I’m sure we can work something out. Guy’s gotta have that dollar to buy curly fries."
It's Laura's 30th birthday and Derek sucks at buying gifts. Then he stumbles across 'Full Moon Jewellery', an Etsy store run by an art student who has strange ideas about nutrition, and whose enthusiasm for his new commission is actually kind of adorable.
In which the whole pack wants Derek to get a life, and Derek just wants some peace.
(But not really)
If The World Was Ending by spaceprincessem (1/1 | 2,315 | General)
Derek swallowed the lump in his throat. “If the world was ending,” he started, eyes fluttering open to meet Stiles’ doe brown ones, “I would find you and tell you-”
He broke off, biting down on his tongue hard. He felt Stiles’ fingers trace over cheeks, thumb brushing softly against his bottom lip.
“And if the world wasn’t ending?” Stiles asked, voice barely above a whisper.
Give you that thing you can't even imagine by LunaCanisLupus_22 (1/1 | 10,999 | Explicit)
The omegas came out onto the stage next, and Derek did his best to smile and shake hands with enough polite distance as possible, to avoid giving the impressionable ones ideas.
Or the one where mateless Derek thinks no omega can affect him like they do other alphas and he's about to find out he's very, very wrong.
the other shoe by stilinskisparkles (1/1 | 4,633 | Teen)
They’re lounging on Derek’s bed one afternoon, Stiles halfheartedly trying to make headway on an essay, and Derek’s supposedly helping. Instead, Derek’s spent the last eight minutes mouthing lazily at Stiles’ shoulder, and Stiles is five seconds from giving up completely.
How Do You Solve a Problem Like Stiles? by LadyMerlin (1/1 | 1,955 | Teen)
The problem with Stiles is that he absolutely totally 100% thinks he's hilarious.
It's not so much a problem as it is... No, it's a problem.
Because he really isn't, except maybe when he snorts milk out of his nose, or when he mimics Coach Finstock perfectly, or when he goes to Deaton's to play in the puppy pens and ends up with the same grumpy Pomeranian chewing his hair each time. But that's entirely besides the point.
Nothing about the way Stiles is fellating that Popsicle is funny. Nothing.
princecharmingwinks special mentions (this fic has badass Stiles with magical glowing tattoos and is sooo well written. the feels!!!)
Beltane by DevilDoll (1/1 | 8,254 | Explicit)
"Watching Stiles heal someone has always been a little uncomfortable for Derek, like he's seeing something intimate and private that shouldn't have an audience. That's nothing compared to how it feels." This is an AU in which Stiles has magical healing powers.
It appears I was mostly in the fluffy mood this month (not a lot of smut - oh dear! I’ll have to include some more E rated next time hehe). Hope you enjoy this fics. Remember to leave kudos and comments. <3 
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justlistenuniverse · 4 years
Chad x Ryan Headcanon
So, I rewatched the High School Musical movies, and my brain won't shut up about Ryan and all the possibilities. I mean, the movies don't really show a lot of the characters outside of Troy and maybe Gabriella, but I have a lot of ideas.  Since I can't be bothered writing a fanfiction right now, these little plot points should do it. (There's a little Chad/Ryan in there and a lot of me ignoring canon) 
Sharpay and Ryan are really close, even though she keeps using him, and he knows it, but he hasn't had friends outside of his sister for a long time, and he kind of profits from her reign of terror, so he lets her do it. 
When she ditches him in the summer, Ryan starts realizing how lonely he really is. He loves his school, and his classmates are fine, but thanks to Sharpay's attitude and him tagging along, all he gets from them is a sneer and people calling him Sharpay's lapdog (which is really not fair, she has Boi) 
He spends a lot of the time he now has alone, walking around the Lava Springs grounds, maybe booking one of the rooms for a small dance rehearsal.
Then Gabriella invites her along to the game, and Ryan is suspicious, but he also doesn't have anything better to do, so he tags along and lets Taylor and Gabriella tell him all about the game. It's the first one this summer, but there's another one planned, and they are hoping Troy might make it to that one, even though Chad is their best player. 
He loves playing Baseball. He forgot how fun it was, ho he used to get so excited for practice, and his games before he decided that Theater would be a more realistic career choice for someone like him and dropped out of the team. Sharpay dragging him along and commanding all his time might have weighted into that decision, too. He tries hard not to think about him leaving Baseball behind, which also meant him leaving his friends behind (but he can't help some memories playing in his head as he watches the boys warming up on the pitch) 
Gabriella offering him up as a choreographer, shouldn't feel this good, but he's always loved dancing and coming up with choreographies for his favorite musical numbers. There could be worse things than training the Wildcats for the Star Dazzle Award. 
He hadn't been planning on playing, not really, but he does, and the game is the most fun he had in weeks. His muscles apparently remember his Baseball games just fine, and he feels a little bit of hope growing inside of him. Maybe he won't have to be alone all summer long. 
When his team loses the game, all that hope is gone. The past hours will probably be the only fun ones he'll have this summer. He won't be training the Wildcats, and he definitely won't make some friends now. But then Chad tells him he will at least try to dance, and everyone gets really excited about the prospect of taking part in the talent show, so Ryan allows the hope back in. 
They invite him for post-game fries, and hanging out with all of them makes him realize how starved he really is for social interactions after years of just Sharpay. Gabriella drags him along to her house, where they all watch a movie, but it all feels so unreal that Ryan is sure he'll wake up all alone tomorrow. 
Even when Chad and Gabriella and some of the others program their numbers into his phone, that feeling won't leave him. 
He does not wake up without friends, though
There are a couple of texts from Gabriella, and a picture of an article about Ryan and his Little League Team Chad dug up on the internet and might be freaking out about (Ryan did remember that article. It had praised him as a rising talent of the Baseball league. His mom still has it framed in her office). 
Ryan skips breakfast and instead goes and books his favorite rehearsal room after he steals/consults his new possible friend's working hours to find a convenient time for rehearsal.
He tries out a couple of ideas by himself and then finds Kelsi to ask about the Song she wrote. They make a surprisingly good team once she stops being afraid of him. 
Gabriella finds him on her lunch break, and the two of them talk over Sandwiches. Taylor eventually joins them. They find out all of them have the same favorite TV Show and make plans for a joined binging of season one at Gabriella's place since she owns the box set. 
Talking with them is so easy, some of the anxiety in Ryan calms down. He even waves at Chad and Zeke when they come in for their afternoon shift, and they smile and wave back. 
The anxiety gets even better when all of the Wildcats turn up for their first rehearsal, eager to learn the dance moves Ryan came up with 
There's a lot of laughter, something that rarely happened once Sharpay and him started rehearsing for school plays. Ryan loves it.
Chad is a surprisingly good dancer when he puts his mind into it. Jason is a hopeless case, but he's weirdly enthusiastic, and Ryan offers him extra training after work.  
He gets a text from Zeke the next morning, inviting him for breakfast in the kitchen. He gets cookies, and Martha shows him that she already memorized most of the chores, which is truly amazing. He relaxes enough around them to make sarcastic comments and tease Chad.
Rehearsing is a lot of fun with them. It's also chaotic and loud, but Ryan really doesn't mind. Even Jason gets into it after a while.
They keep inviting Ryan to hang out with them after work or when they are on break. Eventually, it becomes a common occurrence for him to come walk into the kitchen. Common enough that Mr. Fulton doesn't blink anymore whenever he tries to be awful to them but can't because Ryan will quietly glare at him (He wouldn't need too. Mr. Fulton likes him, but he's slightly scared of Sharpay and follows her every word)
Taylor and Martha join him for his yoga classes.
Gabriella, Taylor, and he have that binging night. The next day, Taylor needs a triple shot espresso to function, and Gabriella nearly falls asleep on the job. Ryan walks into a wall; he's so tired, but it was definitely worth it. 
His mom notices the difference in him. Sharpay doesn't. It stings. 
Chad asks him once why he doesn't play Baseball at school. "We could use someone like you on the team," Ryan tells him that he wants to concentrate on acting and dancing as much as possible. He doesn't tell him that he never really noticed how much he missed the sport. 
Chad nudges him and laughs. They keep throwing a Baseball back and forth. 
Ryan does get dragged into the second employee Baseball game as well as a couple of smaller ones. He's always playing against Chad because both are super competitive, and it makes for a good match. 
Chad and Zeke try t teach him Basketball, but he doesn't really get it. Jason offers him one on one lessons for his extra dance training.
It takes a while for Ryan to notice how happy he is now that he has so many people to talk too.
He also noticed how hurt everyone is because of Troy's behavior, Chad and Gabi most of all. He tries to apologize to them for his sister, but they wave him off. "You are not your sister, Ryan. You shouldn't be taking the blame on you." (He nearly tears up)
Then, Sharpay manages to exclude them from the talent show, and Ryan feels like his world is crumbling around him. Gabi texts him that she broke up with Troy. Chad calls him later that night, and they talk about how weird this summer is. "But honestly, I am glad we are friends now, Ry. You are kind of awesome." 
Hatching a plan to get back at Sharpay is easy once Kelsi comes rushing into the kitchen, telling them how Troy turned Sharpay down. Taylor immediately calls Gabriella, and the four of them come up with a plan. Ryan is an expert on everything Lava Springs and Sharpay, Chad and Gabriella know Troy better than anyone else, and Taylor is a fucking genius. The others love the plan. 
He finds himself driving Kelsi over to Gabriella's house for a song rehearsal, and he stays to watch her sing, She looks less perky than usual, more exhausted. But she still has that spirit that keeps pulling everyone in, and when she smiles at him, he knows she'll be okay again. He is happy about that. 
Ryan feels guilty about playing Sharpay like this, but he still has her voice in his head, degrading him in every way possible without telling him he sucks. Kelsi tells him it's gonna be okay. 
When the big evening ends with Troy and Gabi back together, and the award in Ryan's hand like the exaggerated apology it is, Ryan thinks he's dreaming. 
For a short moment, Ryan thinks the team will ditch him now that they got Troy back, but they don't. They introduce him to Troy like he's the second-best thing that ever happened to them, and Troy makes an effort to get to know him. There are no rehearsals anymore, but basketball games, lazy baseball practice, impromptu dance battles with Martha, and more text conversations than Ryan's phone has ever handled. 
Sharpay starts making amends, She comes knocking on his door, and they talk. She writes apologies to Troy and Gabriella and Kelsi and delivers them personally. She grumbles all the way through writing them, but she smiles when they accept. 
They invite her to hang out with them, too, and she fits the group well. There's a blush on her face when Zeke presents her with cinnamon buns, and she starts holding his hand. Ryan just smiles, glad his sister might admit her crush on the boy now. 
Work at Lava Springs becomes more relaxed for the Wildcats after Fulton calms down. They get treated like everyone else, and while he's still strict on their break times, he lets them have more fun now. 
The end-of-summer-party Sharpay organizes is a hit. She plans to make it a standing event for employees from now on, no matter who they are. 
Then their Senior Year starts. Everything is the same, but also kind of different. Ryan grew a lot over the summer, and his friends helped him be more self-confident in a less arrogant way. 
Sharpay mellowed out a bit, too. It's partly because of the Wildcats accepting her into their group, partly due to her affection for Ryan and also because of Zeke spending a lot of time with her. Ryan might have caught them in the Evan's private kitchen once, both of them giggling as Zeke showed her how to make the cookies she loved so much. He didn't tell anyone. 
But then, Sharpay starts to fall back into her old ways some weeks into the school year. She snaps at Ryan, ignores Zeke, flirts with Troy, and tries to make Theater all about her again. 
Ryan doesn't know what's happening, and neither does anyone else. Zeke is a sad puppy all the time, and Jason spends a lot of time trying to cheer him up. 
However, Ryan is still quite settled. He visits all of Chad's games, Basketball and Baseball, and cheers his friends on. He tells Martha to audition for the cheerleaders and is her biggest fan once she gets in. Martha, Taylor, and he still do Yoga together twice a week with an instructor Ryan pays. When his dance class takes part in a competition, he gets cheered on by his friends. He and Gabriella have a standing movie night once a month, with brownies and whatever TV Shows they love. He and Kelsi still work great together, writing and choreographing the graduation musical, and they love to hang out outside of the show, too. There's not one day he doesn't get hundreds of text messages. 
His favorite text convos are the late-night ones with Chad and Gabi. They eventually morph into late-night-dinner-visits. Sometimes, Troy or someone else will join them. The Diner staff has a booth for them, and they have usual orders. 
Sharpay gets a PA. Ryan doesn't like Tiara. She makes him feel like he's worthless all over again, and there's a cold aura around her despite her playing nice. Gabriella tells him to keep an eye on her if she keeps making him feel that way. Taylor says he's far from worthless. 
Chad tells him  about how scared he is once it becomes clear that Troy might not be as set on the U of A as everyone thought. They met when they were five, and they did everything together since. The only difference would be Baseball and Golf, and that's why the summer was so hard for Chad. He can't imagine himself without Troy by his side. He doesn't know who he is when he's not Troy Bolton's best friend. Ryan isn't sure what to say, but he holds Chad when he starts to cry, and he promises him to help him figure out who he is. 
Ryan is the third person Gabriella tells about the program at Stanford. Her mom and Taylor both think she's acting childish, and she needs someone else to help her make a decision. Ryan holds her hand and carefully tells her that h thinks she needs to talk to Troy. He also tells her not to worry about the show, because that's not a problem she should concern herself with right now. Her future is calling, with an incredible opportunity, and he doesn't want her to regret missing out on it. 
Sharpay finds out about the program and tells Troy about it before Gabriella can. Ryan gets so angry, he yells at her. He doesn't understand why she's trying to ruin everyone's Senior Year. She hisses at him to grow up and leaves the house. 
Gabriella invites all of her friends to her house and tells them she'll graduate early and leave. She clutches Troy's hand so tightly her knuckles turn white, but he lets her. And then she's the center of a huge group hug. Jason grabs Chad, and they drive off to get them drinks and snacks, turning the whole meeting into a little goodbye party. 
At one point, Ryan finds himself standing next to Zeke on the balcony. Zeke confesses that he had been planning on asking Sharpay to be his prom date, but she broke up with him before the first posters popped up. Ryan has seen a lot of heartbreak lately, and Zeke might just be the worst. He can't do anything but listen, though, and Zeke gives him a sad little smile when Ryan drops him off at his house. 
Sharpay tries to win him for whatever plan she has, but he refuses. He's busy with school and the show and sad about Gabriella leaving, and he won't betray his friends. 
Kelsi tells him she's gay one morning when they sit at the piano in one of the music rooms and figure out the words for a song. She only told her parents and Jason so far. Ryan offers to take her to prom as friends because he hadn't planned on going with a romantic date anyway. 
He wonders when he became the person people trusted in, but it feels good to have them trust him, and he knows he can tell them everything, too. 
Rehearsals are less fun now. They still want to do the show, and they work their asses off, but Gabriella was more critical for the group dynamic than anyone had realized. They miss her like crazy, and seeing Troy act like a heartbroken puppy gets frustrating. They also have to deal with a sad Zeke, who has to watch Sharpay throw herself at Troy at any possible time. It's not easy. 
Late-night-diner-visits are just Ryan and Chad now. They are both comfortable in the presence of each other, but Gabriella is missing even here. When she tells them she won't be coming for prom and the show, they all get even more depressed, even when Gabi says she will be back for the graduation celebration. 
Troy leaves to get Gabriella back. He doesn't tell anyone until he's left the state, only sending a group message when there's no way of getting him back. His dad calls Chad and then Troy, ranting about how he should have said something so he could've gotten his parent's car, which would've been much safer for a trip like that. Nobody is surprised at Troy's actions, though.  
Prom without Troy and Gabriella is a little weird, but still lots of fun. Ryan dances with Kelsi and Martha and Taylor, and even Chad. Sharpay doesn't show, which makes Ryan worry. When he comes home late at night, he finds her curled up in his bed, fast asleep. He slips under the blanket and pulls her close, falling asleep with his sister in his arms. 
Sharpay is already awake when he opens his eyes the next morning, sitting on the bed in an old pair of pink sweatpants and one of Zeke's shirts. She's always well dressed, and the fact that she isn't right now tells Ryan that this is serious. He waits for her to speak first. 
She tells him about the Julliard chatroom she's been frequenting nearly every day since the summer. How she chatted with lots of people on there, all of them having the same dream. How she started to panic once she read some of their resumes and realized that her own resume had a lot of leading roles but also that understudy part of the spring musical from a year ago. She doesn't have a plan B, Julliard was always her first choice, and she can't let that go. So she started to push them all away and focused on getting herself a more significant role in the show. Flirting with Troy had already been a habit, Zeke would have held her back. Ryan is her twin, but it's only one scholarship, and while neither of them needs it, this scholarship is tied to the last free spot at Julliard. She tells him how she had never felt so alone, and that she's missing hanging out with them. She even misses Gabriella, and she doesn't like Tiara. "Nobody is that nice all the time, Ryan! Even Gabriella had her bad moments when she was around me." 
Ryan hugs her tight and makes her Pancakes and smoothies. Then he texts Zeke. 
Zeke turns up on their doorstep twenty minutes later, still in his PJs. Sharpay all but jumps into his arms, crying into his shoulder as he holds her. Ryan leaves them be and retires to his room to text Chad and Gabriella, only coming out when it becomes clear that they have to leave for the show. 
He gets to drive Sharpay's car for the first time ever because his sister refuses to let Zeke's hand go. He accepted her apology, and while he told her he would need some time to fully forgive her, he did kiss her softly. The two of them look a bit ridiculous with Zeke in his PJs and Sharpay having changed into a hot pink tracksuit, but Ryan's happy for them. 
Gabriella texts him that her mom is driving her and Troy back to East High, and to please get her a ticket. He promises her he'll put her mom on the guestlist.
East High is pretty empty. It's a Saturday, and the show won't be starting until much later. The time before is for making sure everything is okay, going through the whole thing once, warming up their voices and muscles, and trying to get rid of any complications they might get. Sharpay apologizes to all of them and explains her behavior, which leads to Ms. Darbus telling her how she should have just said something, and Kelsi would have written her a different storyline, something more substantial. Chad tells her he'll make her life a living hell if she treats Ryan like that ever again, but then he hugs Sharpay, and she smiles and lets him. 
Ryan quietly admits that he send applications for Sharpay to some other schools where she can study acting. Sharpay kisses him on the cheek and says he should've told her. 
Troy texts Chad that he isn't sure if he'll make it in time, so Kelsi pulls Rocket aside to help him go over the Song again. 
Sharpay finds Tiara in her wardrobe, showing her real face. The conversation unsettles her much after the whole emotional morning, and it takes Ryan a little while to calm her down again. 
The show is chaotic but good. Ryan enjoys every single minute of it. To everyone's relief, Troy and Gabriella make it in time for their first Song, which allows Sharpay to kick Tiara of the show, and the rest of them to breathe easy. 
He never doubted Kelsi would receive the scholarship, but hearing that they decided to take him on, too, is surreal and incredible, and he doesn't think Sharpay hugged him so hard in years. 
They throw an After Party right there in the Auditorium. There are music and drinks, and their parents stay to mingle. His mom tells Ryan that she already got a two-room-flat in New York, and he asks Kelsi to be his roommate so she won't have to worry about housing. 
Chad is still a bit upset about Troy's choice, but he tells him he'll be okay as long as Troy keeps in contact with him, and Troy swears Chad'll be annoyed with him by the end of the first term. 
Gabriella has to go back to Standford the next day, but this time around, it's okay. Troy still mops about, but now that he choose a University that won't be all that far away from her he's better. 
The rest of the school year goes by in a rush of exams and presentations. Ryan spends a lot of time on the living room floor, surrounded by notes and Sharpay, maybe even Zeke. 
Graduation day is fantastic and awful at once. Ryan cries. Everyone cries. They take more pictures together than is probably healthy, and Ryan is already picking out frames for his favorite ones mentally. 
Most of them still have a few weeks before they'll have to leave, but Taylor has to leave early, and so do Ryan and Kelsi. Gabriella will be staying a bit longer since her Semester won't be starting until Troy's does. 
Ryan's last night is spent at the diner with Chad, Gabi, and Sharpay. Sharpay offers Chad to room with her since her parents had gotten her a flat near Campus, and she knows that Chad would just have stayed at the dorms for the first year. It's a surprise, but Chad accepts happily, and Ryan feels they will work well. 
All of their friends gather to see Kelsi and Ryan off. Ryan gets hugged so much he starts to believe he won't be able to stand up without a pair of arms around his body. Gabriella makes him promise to text her as often as possible, Sharpay cries and says she'll be visiting him a lot, and Chad hugs him tightly enough to bruise a rip. 
Ryan loves Julliard. It's competitive and loud, but it's also passionated and flashy. He's surrounded by people who are just as taken with the showbusiness as he is, and while it's a bit hard to make genuine friends, he manages. 
Kelsi gets a girlfriend, and the three of them have movie nights at their apartment. 
Sharpay does visit them quite a lot. She brings Chad with her once, and Ryan spends the whole weekend showing his friend the city. Chad absolutely loves New York, and Ryan invites him for an extended stay during their next break. 
It's in his second year at Julliard that Ryan finally accepts the fact that he is gay. He thought he might be bisexual, but after a couple of make-out sessions with cute guys and no attraction whatsoever for any girl in his classes, he nods and sighs. There are no tears or break-downs. Instead, Kelsi gets him his favorite Milkshake, and they celebrate. 
Telling his family is easy. His parents have never been judgemental about sexuality, and Sharpay just shrugs and tells him not to steal her boyfriend. Ryan laughs and tells her Zeke would never leave her on his own free will. When he calls Gabriella, she says she'll love him anyway, and Troy teases him about crushing on cute actors. (Turns out Troy himself has a crush on Jensen Ackles, which they bond over).  
He tells Chad in person when he visits him at Chad's Uni. Chad is silent for a while, and then he nods and admits that he thinks he is bisexual himself. They get drunk and have a long discussion about sexuality. 
Ryan visits all the games of Troy and Chad in New York. They always get him tickets, and he will cheer them on loudly. 
His third year is so stressful, he nearly misses one of Chad's games. He's landed a leading role in a Julliard production while choreographing a smaller show on the side and is swapped with course work. He barely has time to sleep and eat. Kelsi's the same, their apartment filling with dirty dishes and clothes. But he finds Taylor standing at their door an hour before the game starts, and she presents both of them with tickets. 
Despite constantly texting, they have a lot to talk about. Taylor and Chad broke up shortly into their first year of University, but they are still close to each other, and Ryan kind of admires them for it. She tells him all about her new boyfriend and gushes with Kelsi about a movie they had watched recently. 
The four decide to go out for Pizza after Chad finds them, freshly showered and grinning brightly from winning the game. He looks incredibly handsome and relaxed, and Ryan finds himself staring at him more than once. 
It takes one more visit for Chad and Ryan to finally kiss. It's January, and they are sitting on the roof of Ryan's apartment building. Wrapped in blankets, and with warm cocoa, watching the sky. Later, neither can tell if one of them started it or both leaned in at the same time, but it doesn't really matter. All that matters are their lips meeting softly, Ryan's hands in Chad's hair, and Chad's fingers searching for warm skin. It's slow and sweet, and it goes on forever. 
Long-distance is easier for them than they expected. They've been friends for nearly five years at this point, and they spent three of those apart. Now, they call and text more, and visits get a bit more frequent, but both are willing to work hard. Kelsi says it shows. 
Telling their friends and families isn't a big deal. Gabriella squeals so loudly, Ryan is sure he'll get tinnitus. Troy calls him to say he'll hurt him if he hurts Chad, but also to call him if Chad's an asshole. Sharpay hugs them both, and threatens Chad with detailed revenge plans should he hurt her brother. Their parents invite the pair for dinner. 
Graduating from Julliard feels as unreal as leaving High School, but Ryan has already secured his first job as a choreographer for a dance show, and he's happy. 
Sharpay moves to New York and brings Zeke with her, who landed a fancy bakery job and still dreams about opening his own one in the future. He starts a YouTube channel, and Sharpay gets cast for a Broadway production. 
The invitations for Troy's and Gabriella's wedding don't surprise anyone. Chad is Troy's best man, and Gabi asks Ryan to be the ring bearer. It's a beautiful wedding. Ryan cries. 
Chad moves to New York two years after graduating college, signing with the Knicks and asking Ryan to move in with him. They made it work so far, and while both their schedules are packed, they also make it work when living together. 
The ten-years-reunion of their class takes place in Lava Springs. They kept in contact with most of their friends from High School, so nothing is really a surprise. Some of the other people are surprised at seeing Chad and Ryan kiss, but Nobody says anything. 
Kelsi wins a Tony for her very first musical. She works with Ryan on another stage production, and both of them get an award. 
Chad stays with the knicks, and Ryan keeps cheering him one while wearing his High School Trikot. Tumblr loves them, and they get listed as one of the Top 15 Power-Couples, even though none of them are sure why. 
Zeke and Sharpay break up two more times before she proposes to him. He never opens a bakery, because his YouTube channel picks up so much he doesn't need too. They move into a place with a bigger kitchen. 
I have no idea what Troy does, but whatever it is, he's happy. 
Lava Springs somehow gets to be where their whole group meets up once a year for a weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Evans are glad to welcome them, and Mr. Fulton likes to tease them about the Star Dazzle Award. 
Chad proposes to Ryan a year after gay marriage becomes legal in all fifty states. 
Ryan loves it when Chad kisses his temple, while Chad practically melts whenever Ryan plays with his hair 
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normalg-irl · 5 years
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When People Ask Me What I’m Doing After Graduation This Is What I’ll Say | May 3, 2019
So, I don’t have a job lined up for after graduation. I’m also not volunteering with the JVC or Americorps like some of my friends who enjoy helping people. I don’t have an internship, and I’m not traveling anywhere. I actually have no idea what I want to do? Like as a career, but also … in life? So I’ve decided to construct an honest answer to provide to anyone who asks me what I’m doing after graduation. If you, too, do not have a “plan” for post-grad, you are welcome to join me in the glorious city of Hartford, Connecticut, where these 5 post-grad steps will be carried out.
Step 1: Watch Game of Thrones.
Never having seen Game of Thrones makes me feel almost as shitty as never having seen any of the Harry Potter movies (never mind never having read the books). This is the first time I’m admitting that. I usually just play along like,
“I would be in Gryffindor, no doubt. My favorite spell is Leviosa. JK Rowling is honestly a legend.”
I’m embarrassed to confess how uncultured I am. But, with GoT, it’s way too complicated. You can’t just skim the surface like,
“Winter is coming. Jon Snow is my favorite character. Yeah, I’m not bothered by the incest either.”
I’m going to take the first three weeks immediately after graduation to binge GoT and get caught up to speed for the sake of the culture. And also for my own mental health because I’ve been feeling excluded and anxious every time Khaleesi is brought up around me. She sounds like a legend, almost more so than JK Rowling.
Step 2: Exercise lightly.
After the three weeks of binging Game of Thrones I’ll probably try and get my body looking right. No one tells you that going to Punta Cana for spring break turns you into a drinking-machine-party-fiend. The all-inclusive trip destroys all tendencies of eating vegetables and run-walking on the treadmill. For the latter portion of senior year all I’ve known, and all I’ve wanted to know, are Miami Vices (pina coladas and strawberry daiquiris mixed for the ignorant lames), permanent sunburns and foggy conversations with the same people over and over again.
So, with that, health and fitness has plummeted drastically on the list of priorities. Before entering the “real world” I’ll need to burn off all the fried chicken I swallowed whole while floating around in the Punta Cana resort pool. Step 2 is necessary in order to bury that part of the identity and embrace a classier manifestation of self.
Step 3: My high school friends and I become so bored that we go get frozen yogurt and have a really awkward encounter with someone random from our past.
Step 3 can be weaseled in at any point in the post-grad plan. Preferably I will complete step 3 multiple times, almost on a weekly basis. I envision a lot of days playing out like this:
11:00AM: Wake up.
11:04AM: Enter an “Instagram k hole” (This is a term I just learned. It’s when you get so deep into Instagram it feels kind of like you did too much Ketamine, and you’re seriously f*cked up).
12:10PM: Mom is getting home, so I quickly stage a job application workshop in the kitchen.
12:30PM: Mom really wants me to try harder at applying for jobs, I tell her I will.
12:45PM - 4:20PM: *Insert step 1 or step 2 here, depending on what level you’ve reached of the plan.* So this block of time can be filled with either culture binging, or getting the body right.
4:20PM: By this time culture = binged, or body = right. Both great outcomes. Send a text in the group chat, everyone’s down to hang, obv. No one has a job.
7:30PM: Not sure how those three hours were spent. Potentially was sucked into another k hole, but this time mind was completely erased.
8:25PM: Group unites at the friend’s house who has the most chill parents.
8:30PM - 9:50PM: Vaping, light gossip, and brief but intense Instagram k holes are accompanied by a random TV show playing in the background like Catfish or anything on TLC.
10:00PM: One friend suggests getting frozen yogurt. It’s the best idea she’s had in years.
10:15PM: Arrive at Sweet Frog dizzy off the vape. The smell inside is extremely nauseating. Someone might pass out in Sweet Frog.
10:16PM: Everyone fills up their cups with a mixture of flavors. One friend just gets a ton of those little balls with juice inside of them. She’s a psychopath.
10:19PM: I enter a frozen yogurt k hole. Halfway through the fro-yo I realize I do not like fro-yo. But then all of a sudden my cup is empty.
10:23PM: The awkward encounter the entire group has been anticipating finally happens. The middle school basketball coach enters Sweet Frog with his new girlfriend. He has no idea how old we are. He can’t even make a guess. He is intoxicated in Sweet Frog. He kisses us on the cheeks. His girlfriend is really pretty.
10:41PM: I leave Sweet Frog feeling awkward and sick. But it was something I had to do. And it’s something you have to do. It’s only right.
Step 4:  Shock my parents’ friends when I say, “I have no idea what I want to do” in the Big Y parking lot.
After the Sweet Frog interactions, awkward encounters will be nothing but a thang. I expect them to spice up the depressing post-grad days, and will probably become a favored activity.
So when my Mom asks me to go to Big Y to get a watermelon (she likes to give me random tasks), I’ll be kind of excited to go.
When I see Mrs. Miller in the parking lot, I won’t pretend not to see her. She asks me what I’m up to, what my “plan” is, and when I tell her about binging GoT and going to Sweet Frog and working out every few days, her face grows concerned and I am hoping she talks about my excellent plan with the other moms. I just want to be talked about, honestly.
I help Mrs. Miller put her groceries in her minivan so she thinks I’m still a good person even if I have no ambition.
“Good luck, sweetie.”
She nods empathetically from her minivan window as I stand alone in my pajamas in the Big Y parking lot carrying a watermelon.
Step 5: Read a life-changing book at the town pool.
I haven’t read a book in years. Reflecting on my life, I may never have actually finished a full novel. What if I’m in a job interview and the interviewer asks me what my favorite book is? I need to have something truthful and profound to say. The Fault in Our Stars isn’t going to cut it. I could maybe swing saying that the Game of Thrones series is my favorite, because I’m pretty sure they were books before a TV show? But that feels like it’d be super transparent at this point.
I can’t go into an intellectual discussion with some alternative, experimental book all confident like, “Have you read The Girl with the Chastity Belt’s Lullaby? It’s my favorite.”
No, you need something absolutely classic like To Kill a Mockingbird or Don Quixote or Fifty Shades of Grey. I’ll probably pick up War and Peace and call it a day. Been meaning to read that one. And then off to the pool I go.
I see myself spending a super relaxing time by the pool with my book. There are no annoying kids splashing around the day I decide to go and conquer my book. It’ll be closed off for academics on their sabbaticals just like me who want to peacefully read and feed their brains.
As I flip around War and Peace, I see a ton of pages, and a ton of words I don’t know. I suck at reading. I don’t know how to read. I can read the words, but the whole time my mind is thinking about potential boyfriends and potential parties and potential conversations. All which might never happen.
War and Peace spirals me into an anxiety k hole, which I think is actually just an anxiety attack, and I storm out of the pool without even buying french fries from the snack bar.
That’s as far as I’m going to make it into step 5.  
And there we have it my friends. Graduating without a job isn’t that scary if you embrace my perfect five-step post-graduation plan. Because, believe me, once you do it all - once you’ve watched eight seasons of Game of Thrones, hit Sweet Frog a couple hundred times, toned a few muscles, run into lots of moms, and “read” War and Peace … you will be ready to hightail it back to NYC - and maybe even land a job.
Published by The Rival at Fordham University on May 3, 2019
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Veronica//Everybody Talks
Request: Can I request a Reader/Veronica with/using the song Everybody Talks - Neon Trees, maybe reader moves from new york or visits with Nick st. Clair and decides to stay in town?
happy valentines day gays! 
part 2 
“Well.” You clasp your hands together as you look out the window of Veronica’s bedroom. “Its no New York. But it’ll do.” 
You’re feeling awfully home sick, but your parents wanted you out of the house for a few weeks while they tried to secure as many clients as they could with the lavish house parties they’re throwing, so they sent you to Riverdale ‘so you could catch up with an old friend’, which translates to, the Lodges owe us a favour so they’re babysitting you until we want you back.
Its not really your parents you’re missing, you don’t particularly have the best relationship with either of them. They liked you when you were little and cute and they could parade you around their friends, but as soon as you had your own thoughts and opinions, they kind of just forgot about you. You’re missing New York. You like how busy it is, everybody doing their own thing, following their dreams, doing whatever the hell they want. You blend in there, but in Riverdale you stick out like sore thumb. And Veronica can tell you’re feeling uneasy. 
You and Veronica Lodge had been best friends from 5 years old. The Lodge’s did some business with your family, and while your dad’s talked and your mom’s got drunk, you and her played together. You would be princesses, mermaids, superheroes, anything. 
And you’re friendship grow stronger as the two of you grew up. She was the first person you came out too, both of you whispering about it while hiding under a duvet, too scared to speak any louder in case anyone was listening. 
So when her dad went to prison and she told you she was moving, the two of you were devastated. You gifted her a pair of diamond earrings as a going away present, and she gave you your first kiss, leaving the feeling of her lips engrained in your brain forever. When you’d asked her about it, she’d said it was heat of the moment, ‘i’m probably never going to see you again so i need to do something for you to remember me by’ type thing, and then she never brought it up again. 
“You’re going to love it here. I promise!” She says excitedly. “Oh, you’re sleeping in my room, I hope thats okay.” 
“Ye-yeah. Thats fine.” You stutter. The past few years she’s become even more gorgeous. Her hair is longer than it was the last time you saw her, and she’s actually wearing glasses sometimes, which is a lot more than when you knew her. She also seems so happy here, and you’re unsure how such a small town managed to keep someone with such a big personality. 
“Mom was going to make up the spare bedroom but I said it didn’t matter seeing as though we’ll probably be up all night anyway.” 
“Catching up.” She replies, a small giggle passing her lips as she brushes her hand over your arm. 
“Oh, yeah, right.” You shake your head, trying to get rid of the many, many gays thoughts that have littered your brain. 
“Come on. Dump your bags in there and then I’ll introduce you to everyone.” 
“Guys!” Veronica leads you into a small diner, the red neon sign lights the parking lot giving it an 80′s vibe and you can’t help but smile. At least there’s something similar to New York here, the bright neon signs. However they’re everywhere back home, just here in Riverdale though. But the way Veronica is smiling at you is enough to make you feel less home sick. “This is my best friend all the way from New York. We’ve been friends since we were five and she’s staying with us for a couple of weeks. So everyone, meet the one and only, Y/n y/l/n.” She introduces you to the group of teens sat in the red booth, all with kind smiles on your face, and you must admit, you don’t get this kind of hospitality in New York. 
“Hi.” You wave shyly.
“Wow. We finally get to meet the famous Y/n.” A girl with a high pony-tail teases causing Veronica to blush softly. “I’m Betty by the way. Betty Cooper. And this is my boyfriend, Jughead Jones.” She introduces herself and the boy beside her and you shake both their hands. 
“I’m Josie.” A girl walking past you says and you smile kindly at her. 
“Nice to meet you.” You reply and she nods before sitting at a booth a few away from you. 
“The boy she’s sat with is Kevin. They’re step siblings and the funniest people you will ever meet.” 
“That I am Veronica.” A boy interrupts. “And who is this.” They add, looking you up and down as he sits down in the booth, Betty and Jughead grumble angrily as they move so he can fit in. 
“This Reggie, is Y/n. My friend from New York.” 
“It is a pleasure to meet you.” He holds you hand, pressing a kiss to the back of it before winking at you and you chuckle uncomfortably. 
“You’re not her type Mantle.” Veronica rolls her eyes. “Now, I’m going to leave her here while I order food. Anybody want anything?” She asks and they all shake their head, pointing to the food in front of them. “Y/n. I’ll get your favourite. And Betty, look after he while I’m gone.” She says, glaring at Reggie as she does, before spinning on her heel and marching towards the counter. 
“Sit here.” A red-headed boys says and you slide into the booth beside him.
“Thanks.” You mumble. “I don’t think we were introduced.” 
“I’m Arch-” 
“So what is your type?” Reggie interrupts. 
“I’m more into girls.” You reply simply and his eyes widen. 
“Ohhh. Cool.” He shrugs before starting to annoy Jughead. You turn your attention back to the boy beside you and he smiles softly before continuing his previous sentence. 
“I’m Archie. Veronica’s boyfriend.” He introduces himself and your mouth goes dry. 
Boyfriend? She never told you about a boyfriend. Why didn’t she tell you about a boyfriend?
“Boyfriend?” You ask aloud, probably more surprised that you should have but whatever.
“Yeah.” He laughs. “Is that so surprising?” He asks. 
“No. I er. I just never heard of a boyfriend.” 
“Oh.” He sighs, looking at the table. 
“But thats got nothing to do with her though. She probably did mention you but I here the word boy and just tune out.” You say quickly and he lightens up a bit. 
“One burger and fries.” Veronica places the tray in front of you and your lips twitch into a smile, however it doesn’t quite each your eyes. Not like it usually does, not the way Veronica loves, and she can’t help the frown that comes to her lips. “Whats wrong? Did Reggie say something? What did you say Reggie?” 
“No, nothing.” You shake your head. “Do you want to sit beside Archie?” You ask. 
“Why?” She replies confused. 
“Because he’s your boyfriend.” 
“Oh right yeah. Sure.” She shrugs and you stand up, allowing her to sit in your seat before you sit down on the end. 
Why wouldn’t she tell you about her boyfriend? You guys were supposed to be best friends. She promised that when she moved that wouldn’t change. But maybe it has, things have changed since the last time you saw each other. You hair is a tad shorter, and you’ve changed your fashion a little, but nothing major. What the hell happened? 
You eat your fries in silence while they talk about the new school year and whats in store for them as being seniors. Half an hour passes and you’ve finished your food, as well as the majority of your drink and you can’t help but think if you disappeared right this second, nobody would notice. 
Hell, Reggie’s talked to you more than Veronica has, and even though you get that she has a new life here, with new friends and new memories, it still sucks that she’s moved on. 
“Have you seen that Y/n?” Archie asks and you blink rapidly, everyone at the table is staring at you expecting an answer to a question you didn’t hear. 
“Sicario? The film.” 
“Yes!” Veronica jumps in and Archie’s eyes widen, the two of them talking animatedly about the film. 
Did we hell see that. When that was at the cinema, you and Veronica went to go see some shitty teen romance movie that made the two of you cry. Why was she lying? The first time she’s shown interest you in 35 minutes and its all a lie. 
“I didn’t think those type of films were very you.” Archie says shocked and she shrugs.
“She’s full of surprises.” You sigh, stirring your drink around with your straw as you lean your head against your hand. 
“She really is.” He replies making her giggle softly before the two of them make-out. 
Why does this always happen? You fall in love with her years ago which ends in disappointment and heartbreak, for it to just happen again the next time you see her. Damn.
“Ronnie?” You whisper into the darkness. Everything seems darker in Riverdale, everything is quieter, and its keeping you awake. Its not the only thing thats keeping you up though, the fact that the girl you’ve wanted since you were 13 and just discovering your sexuality is lying next to you, her body so warm as she breathes slowly, is also making it difficult to sleep. Plus, why is she so different than to how she was. Its like nothing major has changed about her, its just subtle things, but when they’re added all together its like she’s someone completely new. And why didn’t she tell you about Archie? Or anything that has happened since she moved here, the rest of her friends told you more in an afternoon than she has in three years. 
”Yeah?” She replies, turning over. Her hair is a mess and her eyes full of sleep but you don’t think she’s ever looked more beautiful. Actually. Thats a lie. She’s always looked pretty to you. “Are you okay?” 
“Can’t sleep.” You reply and she sends you a sympathetic look.
“Its okay. Why don’t we play the alphabet game?” She suggests and your eyes widen as you remember the stupid game you made up when you were younger. Whenever either of you had trouble sleeping, wether it be due to nightmares, parents arguing or just that fact that you were to excited to sleep, you would pick a topic and work together to try and think of something relating to it for each letter of the alphabet. On one particularly boring afternoon, you even made a proper game out of it. Scribbling down loads of topics and placing them all in a shoe box. 
“I haven’t played that in years!” 
“Me neither. But...” She trails off as she dangles over the bed. You can hear her searching under the bed for a few seconds before she stops, movements halting as a smile breaks out onto her face. “Aha!” She cheers and pulls a shoe box from under the bed. “Lets hope its the right shoebox.” She wiggles her eyebrows and you groan, pulling a disgusted face making her giggle. “Yes!” She says triumphantly. “I knew I still had it.” She shows you the box and smile brightly. The multicolored paper that you scribbled on when you were 11, and kept adding to as you grew older and learned more things about the world, is in there. 
“Okay!” You bounce a little. “Let me pick. Let me pick!” Your hand dives into the box as you search for a bit of paper. Pulling a bright yellow piece out you read it aloud. “Flowers.” 
“Ooooo.” She muses, placing the lid back on the box before pushing it down the bed. The two of you lie down, facing each other, both of you giggling like children as you try and think of a flower that begins with the letter A. 
“Aster!” You start and she looks at you impressed. 
“Wow, your flower knowledge has improved since the last time I saw you. When we did this five years ago, you said ‘A flower’.” 
“Well, there’s a lot of things I know now that I didn’t back then.” You reply. You didn’t mean for it to sound so serious, but it does and it hangs in the air for a few seconds before her eyes brighten again, something she always does when she’s about to answer these. 
“Baby’s breath.” She says and you hum in approval. “I’m gonna have them mixed in my bouquet when I get married. Them and roses, the classiest flower obviously. And the wedding scheme is going to be royal blue and gold, with lots of activities for the guests to do.” 
“Yeah? And does Archie know all of this or are you just going to spring it on him the day he proposes?” You tease making her roll her eyes. 
“Who says I’m going to marry Archie.” She replies and you stare at her. The two of you make eye contact, your breath hitching at the intensity of her stare, and then you’re leaning in, closing the gap between the two of you. Your lips brush against hers softly, almost as if you’re testing the waters to see if she’ll pull away, but when she doesn’t, when her hand grabs your waist pulling you closer, and she closes the gap completely, her lips completely pressed against you, kissing you like you’re air and she can’t breath, you figure she isn’t going to pull away. 
Until...she does, and you’re left breathless. 
While she’s left more confused than ever. 
“I’m so sorry. I should not have done that.” She pulls away from you quickly, her eyes wide while yours are barely open, she’s definitely gotten better at kissing. Or maybe you have. No matter what, that was pure bliss- “That was such a mistake. Sorry. Lets just forget that happened.” She turns over, facing the wall and scooting as far away from you as she can. Your heart beats faster and your fingers trace your lips, you’re brain running at a thousand miles per hour as you try to remember everything. Everything leading up to the kiss to the kiss itself, while also trying to block out what happened after. But its no use, and your heart sinks when you hear her muttering to herself. “I have a boyfriend.” 
“Y/n?” A soft voice lulls you from your deep sleep and you shuffle a little, turning around to follow the voice. “Y/nnnnn.” They continue and your eyelids flutter open to reveal Veronica smiling at you. 
“Morning.” You mumble, stretching your muscles while you sit up. 
“Morning.” She replies. “Here, I got you a drink.” She hands you a mug and you take it from her gratefully, blowing the steam away. “Listen.” She starts, her voice changing from soft to serious and your eyes flicker up to meet hers. “I really want to hang out with you, but Archie’s had a disaster so I need to go help. But, fear not, because Cheryl Blossom may be the biggest bitch in Riverdale, but she throws the best parties and we are invited to one tonight! So pick out your sparkliest and shortest dress and be ready by 8. Okay?” She kisses you on the cheek before grabbing her purse. 
“Bye! Love you!” She calls over her shoulder and you sigh, taking a sip of your drink before looking around the room. 
The room screams Veronica, some of the old Veronica, and some of this new one that you aren’t entirely sure of. The pearls hanging on the jewelry holder, pictures stuck in the mirror of her vanity, that is more make up products than actual wood and glue, some of you and her back in New York, some of her family, some with friends, but most of them are her with Archie and you feel your heart drop to your stomach, you sigh and push the covers off you, throwing your legs over the side. Its barely 10am, meaning you have god knows how many hours to kill before she comes back. “Oh.” She comes back and you whip your head to look at her. “About last night, can we just forget anything ever happened?” 
“Sure.” You nod, forcing a smile. “My lips are sealed.” You add and she grins at you. 
“Great. Bye!”
“Yeah. Great.” 
“Y/n?” Veronica whispers. Your mom had turned the lights off in your room hours ago, but the both of you remain wide awake. She stares at the glow in the dark stars on your ceiling, trying to find constellations, while you stare at her face, finding constellations in the freckles that dust her cheeks, freckles that will soon disappear after she leaves and decides she doesn’t like anymore. 
“Yeah?” You whisper back, deciding to join in with the star gazing, thankful that she hasn’t looked at you yet.
”Do you know when you were a kid and you wanted to talk to everyone and anyone?” 
”No. I was an anxious child.” You reply making her giggle. 
”Fair enough.” She shrugs. “But you know what I mean though. Like everyone seemed so fascinating to talk to, and you just wanted to learn everything about them. You become friends with them within seconds no matter who they are.” 
“Yeah. I know what you’re talking about.” 
“I feel like that everyday with you.” She admits, both of you blushing but refusing to look at the other. 
“You think I’m a stranger?” 
“No.” She replies and you can practically hear her rolling her eyes. “I mean that if you were a stranger, I’d still want to be friends with you. No matter what.” She says, the words weighing heavy in the air as she says them but they make you feel light. At that age, nobody knows who they’re going to be in a month, a year, five, ten, but both of you knew you’d still be friends. 
Veronica and Y/n against the world. 
“Veronica?” You ask.
“I like girls.” 
“Oh.” She looks at you with a puzzled face and you sigh, knowing whats coming next. ‘i hope you’re not in love with me’ or ‘thats great, but just so you know, i’m straight’ and ‘get out’, are a few that come to mind. But she smiles at you, that smile only Veronica can do, grabs your hand and simply says, “I love you.” And you grin back at her, because she supports you and you still have your best friend and it doesn’t matter who you love. 
“I love you too.” You reply and then the moments gone, she starts talking about cute girls you go to school with, but your hands remain intertwined and thats the only thing you can really focus on. 
“Are you almost ready?” Veronica shouts from her bedroom and you roll your eyes at her patience. Studying your outfit one last time in the mirror, you re-apply your lipstick before smoothing out your dress and flicking your hair about until your happy with how you look. 
You’d decided on a classic black dress with a bold red lip and sparkly shoes, very New York chic, you finally felt like the old you. Sneaking out to parties with Veronica by your side and fake ID’s in your purse.
“Yes I’m ready. But what the hell happened to you, Miss ‘start getting ready at 4 and don’t get out at of the house until 10′. Living here has really changed you.” You tease but when she doesn’t say anything you stop putting your phone in your purse to look at her. She’s already staring at you, a look in her eyes that you can’t quite read, but her lips are parted slightly and the sight is enough to make you fee breathless, a blush creeping up your neck. 
“...wow.” She mumbles as she stares at you. “You look amazing.” She snaps herself out of whatever she was in and you smile bashfully at her. 
“You look even better.” You reply. 
“Not possible.” She rolls her eyes. 
“So, is Archie okay?” You ask and she pauses putting her shoes on.
“What? Oh yeah. Turns out he just missed me. He’s such a dork.” 
“You saw each other yesterday.” You laugh awkwardly. 
“I know.” She laughs. “Hey, are you okay?” She asks, noticing your frown. 
“Yeah fine.” You shrug, pushing the feeling that you’re being pushed out deep down. “You ready?”  
”Always.”  -----
‘Hey honey you could be my drug You could be my new prescription Too much could be an overdose All this trash talk make me itching’ 
You and Veronica are more shouting the lyrics than singing at each other. 
Veronica was not wrong, Cheryl was a bitch, pointing out three things she didn’t like about your outfit as soon as you walked through the front door, but boy did she throw a good party. The house was packed, people squeezed into each room and spilling out into the garden. The music was loud enough to be heard in Greendale and there was enough alcohol to last everyone at least a year. 
Unfortunately, Veronica had started on the drinking pretty much as soon as she walked in the front door and there was only one reason she would binge drink, she was conflicted about something. However, she refused to talk to you about anything other than another drink, dancing, or cute girls that you could hook up with. But the only cute girl you wanted to talk to was drunk, swaying and about to puke into a very expensive vase. 
“Come on Ronnie, we need to get you to a bathroom. You need to sit down.” You gently reach out to her but she continues to sway, swallowing whatever was trying to crawl back up her throat and you crinkle your nose in disgust.
“No.” She shoves your hands away, stumbling slightly. Your arms are around her instantly, keeping her up right but she pulls away from you, staring at you as if your a stranger. 
“Ronnie. You need a sit down and some water.” 
“No!” She shouts. “The only person that calls me Ronnie is Archie.” She adds and tears prick your eyes. 
“But Archie isn’t here. I am. So please, come with me.” You plead.
“No! God, you just can’t deal with the fact that I have friends other than you. You’ve been following me around for the past two days like a lost puppy and I’m sick of it. But I have a life outside of you and New York. I have friends, a family that supports me, and more importantly a boyfriend. And I don’t need you coming into my life and making everything all complicated. You-you should have just stayed in New York.” She shoves you out of the way, leaving you crying in the middle of the dance floor. 
People start talking as she pushes further and further into the party, and the songs thats just ended seems oddly fitting, everybody does talk, no matter if you’re in New York or Riverdale. Just before she completely disappears into the crowd you hear her shout one last thing that completely shatters your heart.
“Hey! Lets play the alphabet game!” 
“Oh hey Y/n.” Archie greets you as he walks through the front door, but you ignore him, pushing past him while wiping the tears from your face. 
“Where’s Ronnie?” He asks making you cry harder. 
“Somewhere where she doesn’t need me.” You reply before disappearing into the night, walking the unfamiliar streets back to a home you know longer felt wanted in. 
You never thought you’d live to see the day where Veronica didn’t want you in her life. But here you are, and now you’re not entirely sure what to do with yourself. Should you call your parents and ask if you can come home early with a promise that you’ll hide out in your room? Or should you go to a hotel for the remainder of the trip? 
You decide to stay at Ronnie’s Veronica’s for the night and then go to a hotel tomorrow. 
Riverdale sucks. 
Friendships suck.
Especially when you’re in love with your best friend. 
Everything sucks!
“Hey.” Veronica’s voice is quiet as she walks into her bedroom. You glance at her, her make-up is smudged, her hair messy and she’s carrying her heels, but she still looks cute. 
“Hey.” You reply, placing another dress in your suitcase. 
“Soooo. What are you doing?” She walks into her room cautiously and you roll your eyes. 
“Packing.” You shrug. “I rang my parents this morning about staying in a hotel and they wanted me back early so they can parade me around like when I was 2. I think one of the possible clients they’re talking to has a son around our age, so I think they’re planning on ‘setting’ us up.” 
“Yep.” You pop the p and she huffs. 
“Listen.” She starts, moving some of your clothes so she can sit down. “Before you go can we talk.” 
“There’s nothing to talk about Veronica. You said exactly what you thought of me yesterday. So I’m doing what you want, I’m going back to New York and you don’t have to worry about me confusing you and getting in the way of your new life. Which by the way isn’t as great as you think it is. Your friends seem lovely, but they know nothing about you, you know Cheryl forgot your name twice yesterday. Betty doesn’t know what you’re favourite food is, and as for your boyfriend, he seems lovely, but you are way out of his league. And you feel the need to lie to him so he likes you more. Veronica, I think you are the greatest person I have ever met, and I’ll always follow you wherever you go, because I’m your best friend and I love you, but if you’re over this friendship thats fine. Just don’t be an ass about it.” You rant, flopping down beside her. 
“Wow.” She mumbles and silence takes over the two of you. You’re waiting for her to say something, to do something, but she doesn’t. So you sigh before standing up and starting to pack again. A few minutes go by before she speaks up again. “I made a new category for the alphabet game.” 
“Yeah?” You reply while folding a pair of jeans. 
“Its things that remind me of you...and I er, I don’t need any help with this one.” She adds and you pause. 
“A. The Adorable way your nose crinkles when you see or hear something you don’t like. B. The fact that you love Bees and that you’ll do literally anything to help them. I watched you sprint across a road because you saw a bee lying by the curb and to this day I have no idea how you saw it from that far away, but you picked it up and put it on a flower so that it would be safe and I don’t think I’ve ever loved you more...also B, because of how Brave you are to be yourself. Even when you have a family like yours. C. How much you hate Cauliflower, and how when you were 7 you were convinced it was a snowy tree for fairies to live in, and how upset you get when your mom first showed you one because you thought she’d cut their house down. D. The fact that you love Dogs more than anybody I have ever met, and every time I see a cute dog in the street I always think of how happy you would be if you saw it. And how every time you see a dog you always send me a picture, no matter what time it is or what you’re doing. E.-”
“Ronni-Veronica.” You stop her. “I get the point. You don’t have to do all of them.” 
“Okay.” She nods. “But I can do all of them if you want.” 
“Its okay.” You smile. 
“Can I skip to L?” She asks and you quirk an eyebrow, but nod anyway. “Okay. L. The fact that I am so in Love with you and that I have been since I was 12, that I turn into an idiot whenever you’re around. I’m so sorry, I was just confused and I didn’t know what to do because I love you but I didn’t want to upset Archie, and I’m just sorry.” 
“Its okay.” You cup her cheek. “I love you too.” She lets out a breath before sending you a soft smile. “Why don’t you skip back a bit to K?” 
“Kiss me.” You whisper. 
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dianapana · 4 years
SasuHina Month 2020- Day 9
Prompt-Prolonged Embraces
The exam had been awful; the questions were formulated in such a way that they were confusing to begin with but the subjects they asked about were also very difficult and hard to cover in 50 words. They had over 30 questions and barely an hour and half to finish, much like her, everyone else walked out of the room with their head bowed looking at the ground and doing everything in their power not to catch someone’s eye in case that person thought to strike up a conversation about said exam. They were also all moving in slow motion and zombie-like. The teacher had been cruel, Hinata had attended all classes, did all the extra work and studied as much as she could. Last night as she was looking over everything one last time, she felt hopeful and sure of her knowledge. When Ino quizzed her, she made no errors. But she barely had time to think so she wrote the first thing to come to mind; she didn’t even have time to look over everything before handing in the exam. Thankfully this had been her last exam this semester, this year and this University experience. Ino finished her exams two days ago and she wanted to go out and celebrate, but Hinata wanted to go home and take a 10-hour nap, wake up eat and then go back to sleep.
“I got out. Not 1 word abt it.” Hinata texted Ino and the blonde replied almost immediately witch a bunch of sad emojis.
Her first stop before going to the apartment and cry a little to let out her frustration and make herself better, was a fast food restaurant, she needed food and fast; thus the location. There was only one person in front of her so she was able to order her sub pretty fast. She sat herself at one of the empty tabled to eat half of it in a hurry. The other half she packed and put in her bag; she’d keep that one for later to eat after waking up.
Ino was in the living room on the sofa applying some more lipstick when Hinata walked in. Ino looked at her with sympathy and gave her a big hug.
“I’m sorry it sucked.” The blonde said but didn’t address more the topic because she knew Hinata didn’t really want to talk about it “What are you gonna do? Do you want to come with me and Sakura to a party?”
Hinata only shook her head. “I’ll go party with you this weekend, now I just want to sleep and forget everything I learned” Ino laughed
“Ok babe, but if you change your mind just shoot me a text and I’ll let you know where I am” The blonde said as she checked her reflection one more time before picking up her fanny pack and putting it around her waist. “Whoever decided to bring these back into fashion was a genius. I have my phone, money and keys in there and I won’t have to worry about losing my clutch or whatever the whole time” Ino’s gratefulness to the fanny-pack-Gods has been something she expressed whenever she went out in the past year.
Hinata went to the fridge and put the remaining half of the sub before kissing Ino’s cheek and dragging herself up the stairs. Before sleeping she decided to take a bath and relax. The tub filled slowly with hot water and she even decided to use one of her citrus bath bombs and some lemon oils. Before stepping into the water, she went to fetch her phone and played some music in the background. The moment she was fully undressed and in the water her muscles started to relax. Her brain started to wander; how she wished Sasuke was there, he would be able to distract so easily. Her body was indeed starting to loosen up but her brain was still overthinking everything about the exam from her actual answers, to how she wrote, wondering if the teacher could even read her scribbles at all especially since she rushed so much. She wrote her name right…?
Shushing her thoughts, she started to wash her body and hair slowly but even as she was rinsing her hair for the second time her brain was still spinning in circles. The bath didn’t seem to help so she got out of it much faster than she wanted. Dressing in her most comfortable pj which were a pair of loose shorts and one of Sasuke’s t-shirts she went to bed after drying her hair for a while; it was still damp but she was too tired to care. She almost wanted to force herself to cry a little because she always felt better after crying but no tears came so she did the next best thing, closed her eyes and thought of Sasuke; of his soft hair under her fingertips, his beautiful eyes when he looked at her, his soft lips as they traced her neck. She fell asleep with Sasuke on her mind and her mind gripped onto that thought and continued it into her dream.
In her dream they were having a panic, they just finished eating and were laying down on the blanket looking at the sky, pointing at clouds and saying what they looked like. She was just pointing to a cat folding origami when Sasuke pulled her closer and started kissing her neck. He breathed her in and hugged her close.
“I missed you so much” Her brain was still half-asleep but she was certain that the voice was real, as were the arms that were holding her close. Hinata opened her eyes wide only to see Sasuke looking down at her; he was still in his uniform. The moment their eyes met she started crying and pulling him as close as she could; her arms were around his neck her legs around his waist; if she could she would live in his embrace.
“I missed you too” she said still crying. She hadn’t seen him in about 4 days, he had been really busy and couldn’t skype; but she hadn’t touched him in over 7 months. Sasuke was a solder in the army and had been deployed for almost 2 years now. He returned for a few weeks when he had been injured 7 months ago but that hadn’t been nearly enough time together.
“How long are you back for?” His deployment only ended in another 3 months as far as Hinata knew. “Oh my God are you hurt again?” She asked and pulled away from him softly and looked at him as he was lying on her bed, he seemed fine.
“I’m not hurt” He told her with a smile and ran his hand over her upper arm. “Things worked faster than then we thought and most of us were sent home. Only a couple people higher in rank had to stay till the end.”
Hinata looked at him for a second. “So…you’re home…for good?” Her voice was trembling.
“Yes. At least until the next deployment which shouldn’t be very soon” His smile was blinding. Her tears were pouring again. Sasuke was on his back on the bed and she crawled on top of him; almost instantly his arms curled around her. They stood there embracing for a really long time. Sasuke was really tired after his journey and Hinata just wanted to hold him close and make sure he was real.
“I’m going to take a shower and change ok?” He asked, his voice was lower and he sounded sleepy. Hinata got up from him and allowed him to go to the bathroom. While he was showering, she went downstairs to the kitchen, she was sure Sasuke was hungry and the only food they had was her half sub which was nearly not enough for both of them. So, she put some water and rice to cook and, in another pan, fried some chicken breasts. The chicken was done quite fast and the rice was still being cooked so she decided to make a sauce; she cut some tomatoes, onions, peppers and carrots and put them into a pan with some salt, garlic, tomatoes sauce and soy sauce. As she was stirring softly two strong arms came from behind and hugged her.
Neither of them said anything; it was common for Hinata to cook while Sasuke was embracing her softly, his head on her shoulder. The rice was cooked so she stopped that burner but the sauce needed a bit more time which was fine since the rice needed to cool off and steam for another 5-10 minutes to be fluffy. The veggie sauce was done too and she turned off the last burner and took a step back into Sasuke. He took one as well and loosened his embrace just enough so she had space to turn around and hug him back.
“Welcome back; I just realized I didn’t even say that” Hinata said as she ran her hands thought his hair, it was longer than last time he was home but just as soft.
“I’m home” He whispered into her neck and kissed the skin just above her collar bone. They didn’t mover for a couple minutes before Sasuke’s stomach started making sounds.
“I think you’re hungry” Hinata said amused. It was amazing how Sasuke made everything better in her world, the exam and her bad mood felt like they had happened ages ago. All she could remember, all that mattered were Sasuke’s hugs. Hinata filled two cups with water while Sasuke fixed 2 plates for them to eat.
“You finished your exams, today right?” Sasuke asked between chewing.
Hinata nodded “Yes, it’s finally over”
“We should celebrate this weekend, you finished University” Sasuke was 3 years older than her; but she was also almost 2 years older than most of her peers; instead of going to Uni right after high school Hinata had to stay back due to some family issues. Sasuke did more courses than normal people for 3 semesters so instead of 4 years he finished University in 2 after which he went directly into the army. Hinata’s dad was also in the army and that’s how they met; during the first event Sasuke attended. They started dating about 2 months after; Hinata was a senior in high school and Sasuke had just joined. (They were 19 and 22 at the time; now they are 25 and 28)
“Of course, we’re celebrating, you’re home” The house was Hinata’s and Sasuke’s but during the 4 years of University Ino rented their guestroom but the blonde packed most of her things and sent them back to her home with a moving truck. She was to leave Wednesday next week.
They ate and talked some more about Hinata’s future plans to teach middle-school English, about Sasuke’s deployment which went really well, besides a few injures, nothing major happened. After they finished eating Sasuke went to wash the dished. Just like he did when she was cooking Hinata hugged him from behind while he was working.
He was finally home; whenever he was gone Hinata always was a bit on the edge but with him close everything was as it should be. “I love you” she said and kissed his shoulder.
“I love you too” Sasuke said and turned around and in a few quick moves picked her up and put her on the counter. He walked between her legs and held her close and kissed her slow and steady. He had missed her so much, not only in a sexual way but in a physical and emotional way. He missed holding her while they slept, missed smelling her perfume everywhere around him, missed her voice and they way she held his hand whenever they were walking together even if it was in the supermarket. Her positivism and innocence also were things he craved. He missed everything that made her her.
He deepened the kiss and Hinata crossed her legs over his waist. He placed his hands under her butt and picked her up still not breaking the kiss. Sasuke knew the house well enough to navigate it while kissing her but Hinata broke the kiss when they reached the stairs and smiled at him.
“Let’s go to our room” She said still smiling beautifully at him. Every part of her body was touching his in their embrace and nothing had ever felt that perfect before.
“Yes, let’s go” He would sleep with her in his arms today; of course, after ravishing some of her innocence.
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nsheetee · 5 years
Can I make a request? Jaehyun x reader high school rivalry au. In which Jaehyun & reader are rivals in school when it comes to academics but one day they were informed they had to team up for a quiz bee against other schools. Some sort of enemies to lovers au I guess? 😅 THANK YOUUU!!
a/n: ugh I imagined Jaehyun in glasses throughout this entire thing and it killed me 😅 also, to include the academics and quiz bee part I wrote this based around debate team, that wasn’t exactly what you asked for but I hope it’s okay! 
(warning: mentions of doyoung, jungwoo, and sicheng  /swearing / y’all make out a bit in the end)
alright so let me tell you about your high school’s debate team
the team is as old as the school itself, but during doyoung’s sophomore year, he was given the title of president of the debate team 
(the first time a sophomore has been given the position, and he made sure everyone knew about it too dfbhjh)
every since then, the team has TAKEN OFF and made some amazing accomplishments 
doyoung crafted the team into what it is today
sicheng as head of research (and official tea-spiller of the team)
jungwoo as doyoung’s assistant (a.k.a. doyoung’s emotional support boy)
…and you and jaehyun, some of the best debaters doyoung has ever seen
your passion paired with jaehyun’s charisma and mixed in with both of your quick mouths was a sight to behold for judges
despite this, doyoung was very unwilling to let both of you stay on the team
because you fucking HATED each other
despite the amazing skill of teamwork you both possess on stage, the debate team meeting room was a nightmare
screaming matches every other day
snapped in half pencils
many, many, MANY disagreements
and how did it start? 
during freshman year, your first class in your first semester of school was math- your teacher seated you next to jaehyun :)
every morning at 8am you had to deal with his whining about being tired or how the material was “too easy” :)
and then when you got your first tests back, your grade was one (1) point lower than his :)
and jaehyun says :)
“oh man, that sucks. you should’ve taken up that tutoring offer I gave you”
and ever since then, you couldn’t stand his big head with his too-clear-to-be-natural skin and his smile that he sent you every time doyoung agreed with something he said instead of one fo your ideas
but you loved debate team, you were all such close friends (despite someone who liked the act up) and those big dumbos were your everything :’)
now, it was the beginning of doyoungs senior year
as the debate team teacher sponsor quietly cried at the thought of doyoung leaving, doyoung was more focused on who would take his spot next year
jungwoo and sicheng were both great candidates, but everyone knew that the only people who could even come close to filling doyoung’s shoes were you or jaehyun
and when doyoung told you both this after a debate team meeting, the tension between you two quickly escalated 
“now, I expect both of you to get along; at least respect each other. if one of you is the captain then you have to be able to listen to them and right now…. the last thing you do is listen to each other” doyoung explained
with that thought, you and jaehyun made your way out of school
“ya know if you could just listen to my ideas every once in a while maybe we wouldn’t be in this kind of mess” jaehyun pointed out as you walked down the empty halls
“I could say the same thing to you” you snapped back and he suddenly stopped walking
“… is this what doyoung is talking about? I think… we both love debate so much, that we just don’t know when to stop” jaehyun laughs and you feel slightly uncomfortable with this seemingly truthful side of jaehyun
he legit doesn't seem like he’s about to laugh at your face 
he just seems like he wants to stop arguing
he does, he’s actually really tired of arguing with your cute face everyday :(
you don’t know how far you can trust jaehyun, but you’ve spent years working by his side
there has to be some sort of connection between you two that allows both of you to work together so successfully
after you tell that to jaehyun, he slowly agrees
“how about this….” you start “after team meetings, we can go to the library and try to… not hate each other”
jaehyun scrunches his face
“the library? how about… the cafe two blocks down?”
you were about to snap at him about “what’s so wrong with the library? huh?” but you took a deep breath in and out
if you were going to stop fighting, change had to start somewhere
“okay, let’s go” 
so you and jaehyun hang out at this hole-in-the-wall cafe after debate team meetings for a few weeks
you didn’t necessarily make your meet ups known to the other team members but… 
you didn’t really want to have the whole team freak out over what could possibly be perceived as dates
cuz trust me
they TOTALLY looked like dates
jaehyun would buy your drink for you 
(until one day he confessed that you drink was hella expensive and you rolled your eyes and started buying his drink from then on)
in return, he would help you on all the math concepts you didn’t fully understand
(you had flashbacks to the first class you had with him when he offered to tutor you but you shook that off)
and when your your brain was completely fried, he would listen to you talk about anything and everything
or if on one particular day you weren’t in the mood to talk, he would fill up the cafe with his low laughter and stories of the stupid things he and his friends do
(when the baristas found out y’all weren’t dating they started making bets on when one of you would confess ewfheb)
your relationship with jaehyun changed from snappy and argumentative to something like a friendship
and this was obvious to the rest of the debate team members 
they were soooo relieved that y’all weren’t fighting everyday 
and that they could spend the meetings getting prepared for competitions rather than settling your arguments
but of course, sicheng was a little too curious about the sudden change in behavior from you two
and he followed you guys after a meeting one day
he watched from outside of the cafe where neither of you could see him
he was shooooook
you guys looked so,,.., weird when you don’t fight but it was even weirder to see you laughing at something jaehyun said and leaning into him as you looked at his papers
he was ssososososoos sure you were dating
(although sicheng was awesome at researching stuff, he seems to have forgotten to confirm his sources on this one…)
(because you were not dating at all)
sooooooo fast forward to the next weekend, there was a debate team competition a few cities away
the school allowed the team to travel and stay over night at a hotel in that city
so the team packed up their things and took the long bus ride and settled into their hotel rooms once they got there
you were flipping through the tv channels in your room when your phone vibrated
with a text from jaehyun
“come meet me in my room”
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) hehe
it was against the rules that your teacher sponsor set before you left for the trip
but you were sure the teacher was already passed out in their own room and that if you were quiet and careful, the other team members wouldn’t hear you walking out of your room and into jaehyun’s
jungwoo, doyoung, and sicheng already broke the rule that the teacher had set for them
they were chilling in doyoung’s room, finished take out on the floor between them and face masks on as they relaxed 
“I keep texting jaehyun to come join us, but he’s not picking up” jungwoo frowned and sicheng snorted at that
“what’s so funny?” jungwoo asked
“we’re on a trip away from home with our own hotel rooms and little to no supervision,..,.. don’t you think jaehyun and y/n would take this opportunity to mess around?”
the room suddenly went very quiet as jungwoo and doyoung stared at sicheng with wide eyes
“…what?” doyoung asked lowly
“oh come on…. you guys seriously can’t tell me you haven’t seen how much closer they’ve gotten-”
“that’s because I told them that one of them would have to be president next year and they need to get along” doyoung defended
“yeah, that’s why they were getting real cozy with each other in a cafe after one of our meetings” sicheng absentmindedly stated, looking at his reflection on his phone as he tapped around his face to settle the mask in
tea? spilled
sicheng’s job? completed
jaehyun and you? in trouble
back in jaehyun’s room, you quietly close the door behind you as you make your way in
jaehyun lays on his bed with only the light from the bedside lamp illuminating his face 
his pajamas have little clouds and sheep on them and you take a moment to tease him about it as you come closer
he grabs your hands and pulls you onto the bed next to him and you both settle down to watch tv
both of your hearts are pounding so loud you think the other can hear it and you squeeze your hand into a fist to keep yourself from physically freaking out
jaehyun was right there… right next to you
if you turned your head, he would be only a few inches away
“there’s nothing to watch?” you ask, trying to get your mind off of your thoughts
“nothing seems interesting… let’s do something else instead”
and that’s how you end up making out with Jaehyun :-)
your lips are moving against each others and your hands are gliding down to wherever you can touch
he rubs your sides and when you react with a small moan he pushes you down and the kiss turns from a “wanting” type of kiss to something slower
like jaehyun wants to savor this moment of your kiss pressed to his for the very first time (it wasn’t the greatest setting or situation for a first kiss but hey, y’all take what you can get)
you barely notice doyoung, jungwoo, and sicheng storming into the room, turning on all the lights and standing in front of the bed, hands on hips or crossed in front of their chest, their face masks still on and frowns settled underneath
you and jaehyun separate from each other in fright, awaiting to be yelled at by doyoung, but instead you break out into laughter at the appearance of the three of them standing in front of you
“when I told you guys to get along, this is NOT AT ALL what I meant”
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inkatheart-fandom · 4 years
Ranty Plot #001(B)
You can find Part 1 Here.
Modern AU where Geralt, Jaskier, and Yen are in a poly relationship. But what about the other characters? Well, prepare for Lambert’s piece of Modern AU.
Fandom: The Witcher
Ship: Lambert/Aiden
Tags: Emotional Constipation, Stubborn Boys, Friends to Lovers, Lambert is a Good Friend, Happy Ending, Some Homophobic Language (Aiden is an ass).
Geralt dropped out of High School his Jr. year. He was getting mediocre grades and had no desire to do much outside of school that he wasn't already doing. He was a simple man with simple pleasures. He liked working on the ranch and loved the horses and had 0 desire for higher education. Vesemir tried to encourage him to at least finish High School but it just wasn't gonna be. 
 Eskel graduated with a 3.9 GPA. He was on the water polo team and got a full-ride scholarship. However, he instead decided to go serve in the military after High School. Joined the Marines as a Linguist. Later became a part of MARSOC. He served for 8 years before he suffered a major injury. He was going to recover, but took the honorable medical discharge so he could return home.
LAMBERT. Lambert always struggled with school. As a kid he was never enrolled in school, so he missed out on Pre k-4th grade. He also had dyslexia, so by the time he did get enrolled he was way far behind and struggled hard. 
Vesemir spent a lot of time trying to get Lambert the help he needed. Eskel helped whenever/wherever he could before he went away.
But during Lambert's Sophomore year he met Aiden who was a year ahead of him. Lambert hadn't made many friends outside of his brothers, and most other kids thought he was too loud/aggressive/mean looking. He and Aiden though, there was something there. They got to be thick as thieves lightning fast, but Lambert was the only one happy about it.
Aiden also came from a fucked up home, but unlike Lambert he didn't get some guardian angel to come rescue him. So there was quite a bit of jealousy there on Aiden's part, and he made sure to put Lambert down about it whenever he could. 
Aiden and Lambert got into a lot of trouble together though. They were quick to jump into fights, started messing with drugs and alcohol, and by Aiden's Senior year he had been in and out of Juvie several times. But no amount of trying to convince Lambert was going to break his bond with his bestie. So all Vesemir and Geralt could do was watch and step in whenever they had the opportunity.
Shortly after Aiden turned 18, he ran away from home for good. He packed a bag and showed up on Vesemir's doorstep at 3am. He told Lambert to come with him, they were going to get the hell out of their shitty little podunk town and go make some names for themselves. 
Lambert was beyond temped, and in reality he just wanted to keep his friend from getting in trouble. But he knew that he couldn't just leave behind his life and family here and he begged Aiden to stay. They could work something out with Vesemir, hell Lambert offered to drop out of school and get a job so they could split rent on an apartment together.
Aiden called Lambert a coward, mocked him for being soft for being a surrogate kid to some creepy old man. He said that he and Lambert were closer than Lambert and his 'fake family.' When none of his cajoling worked, he finally left with a few more scathing remarks.
Geralt had heard it all though, ready to step in and stop Lambert from making the biggest mistake he would ever make. Instead he was there to comfort his brother after having lost his best and only friend. 
Lambert didn't hear from Aiden again for five years. He managed to barely graduate High School, but didn't go for anything beyond that. He was good at developing his own skills though.
He joined the police academy, figuring that if he could do anything he might as well try being a force for good. Unfortunately, due to problems with his temper and morally questionable choices at times, he never made it as a full fledged officer.
It was late one night when he got a call. The voice on the other end was familiar and alien all at the same time. Aiden was drunk and in pain. He'd been arrested several towns over, caught gambling. He was looking at some serious charges that involved him having some bad gambling debts, and didn't know what to do. 
Lambert ended up driving all night to go bail Aiden out, but this man wasn't very recognizable from his old friend. Drugs and alcohol had made him a shell, and he was involved with some pretty bad people that had him in a constant state of paranoia.
Unsure of what to do, he just sat with his old friend in a hotel room and listened to him for hours.
So Lambert made a deal with Aiden. If Aiden cleaned himself up, no more drugs or alcohol, Lambert would clear all his debts. He wasn't entirely sure how, but he had some ideas. It took some effort, but Aiden agreed in the end. 
Lambert had himself made into Aiden's temporary guardian (I forget the actual term, my brain's fried) so that Aiden couldn't discharge himself.
So over the next six months, while Aiden worked on getting clean, Lambert spent every waking moment working. Between working for Vesemir on the ranch, he used his Academy training and some help from Eskel's military knowledge, and started bounty hunting. 
 He was surprisingly good at it. Started making a name for himself. He scraped together the money needed to pay off Aiden's debts and some of the rehab. So when Aiden was finally cleared to leave, he was free from his old life.
Lambert wasn't sure what he was expecting. Aiden wasn't the type of person to shower someone with praise and affection or gratitude. He swore he would pay Lambert back somehow. Lambert didn't care about being paid back, he just didn't want to see Aiden fall back into old habits.
The next several years were a lot of push and pull. He and Aiden have a lot of ups and downs, but it didn't take long for Aiden to join him in bounty hunting. And they made a hell of a team together. 
 But of course, Aiden is always going to be Aiden. The debt that he thought Lambert held over him was always there, always sitting sour on the back of his tongue. So he saved what he could until one day he gave Lambert a check for the money Aiden thought he owed and said that he doesn't owe Lambert shit anymore.
Of course, two dumb boys being two dumb boys, it ends in one hell of a fight. A lot of things are said that can't be taken back and Lambert and Aiden walk away with deep wounds.
Lambert moves in with Eskel, goes back to working on the ranch, and Aiden disappears again.
Lambert finds Aiden trying to pack his shit and leave. He begs Aiden to stay, and Aiden falls back into his old habits of verbally lashing out. He starts digging that Lambert must be some kind of homo and wants to suck Aiden's dick like a chick. That Lambert really must be fucked in the head if he's that broken. 
 But Lambert has a nerve there, and Aiden knows it by now. Not only because he does have reluctant romantic and sexual attractions to his best friend but because Aiden starts taking stabs at Lambert's family. "Geralt's one of them too, shouldn't surprise me." It's at this point that Lambert kinda snaps.
Lambert socks Aiden right across the face and lays into him. Because maybe he is a fucking homo, and he's the stupidest motherfucker in the world for being in love with such a selfish prick. He never asked or expected Aiden to return any emotions, that's not how Aiden works, but fuck it all he's happy just being friends and not thinking about it. 
 So it's actually Lambert who ends up leaving. He goes off the grid for a few days, takes his bike and just fucks off into the ether for a while. By the time he gets back it's to an empty apartment. He argues with himself over what to do with the check, because he knows what Aiden is going to do. Everything they'd worked for will be gone.
In the end he cashes it and opens an account to store the money because he knows that, one day, Aiden is gonna need it. He never considers it his money, he's just holding onto it because Aiden is a danger to himself.
Another year or two passes. He gets not a single word from Aiden in all that time. For all he knows Aiden is dead in a shallow grave somewhere and it eats at him, but there's not shit all he can do about it. 
 Then one day he gets the call he's been dreading.
Aiden's in the hospital two states over. He was found during a bust of a local gang and was in bad shape. When they got ID on him, Lambert's name was the one that came up as the emergency contact. It was hard to say what would happen because Aiden was in bad shape. 
 So of course, Lambert withdraws all the money and a chunk of his own savings. He knows he's an idiot, thanks-you-Eskel. But his brother insists on joining him because Lambert shouldn't go in alone this time. And even he knows it.
Aiden's in rough shape. He'll live but it was damn close. But what he isn't expecting is the person there when he goes to see Aiden. He calls himself Aiden's partner, and it takes a while for Lambert to realize that the guy means a hunting partner. 
 Aiden had stayed straight. Instead of falling back on drugs and gambling he'd thrown himself into bounty hunting. He and his partner had gotten caught in an attempt at the gang boss and they'd grabbed Aiden. 
 Hurt that he'd been replaced, but also relieved to know that his friend hadn't gone back to his old habits, Lambert just uses the money to do what he can for Aiden's medical bills. Eskel is there with him the whole time but stays quiet for the most part, playing emotional support. 
 They're just about to leave when Aiden's partner asks why Lambert won't even go see Aiden. He's mad because Aiden won't shut up about Lambert, and is always comparing him to Lambert, and it's infuriating. So it's Eskel who nudges Lambert to at least go talk to his friend - which is the first time that's ever happened.
He's there when Aiden wakes up. They sit in silence for a long while and finally all Lambert asks is, "You want me to stay" and Aiden just says, "Yeah." And that's enough for Lambert, because that's the closest thing the other gets to verbal affection. 
 Aiden needs time to recover, and Lambert drags him back home with him and Eskel so the other can do just that. There's no more scathing remarks about Lambert's attraction, no more anger. It's a slow process to getting Aiden back on his feet, but the man doesn't immediately bolt so there's that at least.
Lambert doesn't prod or press. Aiden stays through his recovery, he joins Lambert on a few hunts, they go to the bar together. Aiden doesn't get anything more than two beers, he'll order them both and then tell the bartender to not give him any more no matter how much he asks. Lambert is proud and unreasonably happy about this.
Eskel's apartment is only two bedrooms, and after the first week of letting Aiden have his bed, Lambert complains about sleeping on the couch. Aiden doesn't say anything about Lambert sleeping in the bed with him. They keep to their respective sides, a total no-homo situation. Just two bros bunking together.
One month turns to two, then to three. Their friendship is calmer this time around. Aiden is...relaxed. Eskel's lease runs up and he talks about getting a bigger place. Instead, Lambert and Aiden decide to try again. They get another place together, two bedrooms. They use the second bedroom as an office.
Nine months in and hey, what's an adrenaline-fueled kiss between bro's. No-homo right?
Ten months, "The water bill is too high." "We don't pay for the water here." "...shut up and get in the shower with me dumbass."
And the rest is history.
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bellakitse · 5 years
you've been on my mind like a drug (heaven help a fool who falls in love)
Day 1 Fic prompt: Welcome to the Party @michaelguerinweek
They park down the road from the isolated ranch house that is practically vibrating with the thumping music playing inside. It makes Michael flinch as they make their way out of Max's car and up to the house.
“This was a mistake,” he says to his siblings, eyeing all the cars around the house with contempt. He recognizes more than a few of the flashier, newer cars that belong to the ‘A’ crowd. “Can’t we do something else for our birthdays?”
“No!” Isobel snaps at him, her eyes mean as she continues to walk ahead of them in pointy heels. “We went to that science expo like you wanted, and Max’s boring as hell poetry reading. I want to go to a party like the only normal one of us.”
“But it’s Valenti’s party,” Michael all but whines, looking at Max for support; knowing his brother dislikes the guy too. Max makes a face but doesn’t do much more than that, having accepted his fate of having to socialize with the meatheads of their school.
Isobel stops and turns to look at them. “It’s the best party of the school year,” she starts, giving them a warning look, her mouth tight. “So, you two will not embarrass me,” she points at Max. “Or start trouble,” she turns to him. “You don’t like Kyle, that’s fine. Drink his beer, eat his food, and go find someone to make out in a corner with, got it?”
Michael waits a moment to agree, letting her sweat it out before giving her a begrudging nod of agreement. In return, she rolls her eyes at him and turns around, sure that they’ll follow her.
Michael makes another pained face when they make it inside. He knows it’s not possible, but it looks like the whole school is there and not just the seniors class. The volume of the music is so loud that he can’t make out the lyrics through the noise. Isobel spots her clique and without so much as a wave back at them disappears through the crowd to join them.
“So much for being together for our birthday,” he shouts in Max’s ear and gets a chuckle from his brother. He points towards a table in the corner with red solo cups and starts to make his way to it, Max following behind him. He reaches for two, passing one to Max.
“We should have put a time limit to this before Isobel disappeared,” he says, taking a sip of stale beer. “There is only so much torture I’m willing to put myself through, even for her.”
Max takes a mouthful of his drink, making a face. “It’s what she wanted, Michael, don’t complain so much.”
“It’s just so vapid,” Michael argues. “These people aren’t our friends.”
“To be fair, we don’t make it easy to be friends in the first place when it’s always just the three of us,” Max points out, and Michael doesn’t bother answering, hating when Max has a point.
Okay, so he prefers it when it’s just the three of them, sue him. He’s never felt comfortable around people. He’s painfully aware that he’s not like his peers and not just because he’s from a different planet. Even if he were from earth, he’d still be different.
He’s a foster kid, in ratty clothes with a huge brain and no mouth filter, he might as well have a bullseye on his back. He gets ready to tell Max all of this when he sees a pathetic lovesick look cross his face. He sighs resigned and turns to look in the direction Max is staring at, knowing what he’s going to find and -yep, Liz Ortecho straight ahead with Maria Deluca and a bored-looking Alex Manes.
‘Well, maybe this party won’t be so horrible after all,’ he thinks as he stares hard at Alex. Biting down on a grin when the dark-haired boy turns and catches his eye, raising an eyebrow when Michael doesn’t break his gaze.
Michael nods in the direction of an open door that leads to the back of the house and waits for a response, letting out a  victorious smirk when Alex sends him a subtle nod after a moment of hesitation.
“I’m going to go take a piss,” he turns to Max, who continues to stare stupidly in the distance. “Are you going to be okay gawking at Liz Ortecho, or do you need a napkin to catch the drool?”
“I’m fine,” Max mumbles distracted, and Michael shakes his head, amused at how infatuated his geek brother is with the pretty Spanish girl.
“Okay buddy, you keep doing what you’re doing,” he says as he tracks Alex making his way out the back. He follows a couple of feet behind, letting people move around him. His focus is Alex’s snug black tee. He gets outside where it’s quieter and a whole lot emptier than the house, with just a kid or two lingering around. He spots Alex leaning against the side of the house at the far end of it, away from prying eyes.
“Alex Manes at a Kyle Valenti party will wonders never cease,” he says as he walks up to the boy, taking in the ‘I’m not okay’ MCR shirt that is tight across his chest. His slim waist where a black studded belt hangs low with skinny black jeans ripped at the knees to finish the outfit. The guy is such an emo cliché but so ridiculously hot, with his eyeliner and black nails.
“I can say the same for you, Guerin,” Alex raises an eyebrow at him, and Michael has to curl his hands to keep from reaching out to touch him. “Liz and Maria dragged me here.”
Michael lets out an amused huff. “Same, Isobel wouldn’t take no for an answer until Max, and I caved.”
Alex shares his amused expression. “Don’t be best friends with girls; they bend you to their will.”
Michael shrugs. “It’s turning out okay. Max is in there gazing at Liz lovingly, his favorite hobby.”
Alex nods in agreement. “And you, Guerin?” he asks, something indescribable in his tone. “Are you getting anything out of being at the ‘rager of the year’?”
Michael doesn’t say anything; instead he stares at Alex’s face, his lips. He feels his pulse spike as he watches Alex run his tongue over his bottom lip, his ears catching the way Alex takes a sharp breath, and he looks away from Alex’s mouth to find wide eyes staring back at him.
“You can’t look at me like that,” Alex whispers.
“Like what?” he asks quietly, taking a step and then another, closing the gap between them until his front brushes against Alex’s. “How do I look at you?”
“You know how,” Alex complains. “Don’t play dumb.”
“Tell me,” Michael demands, his face closer to Alex, his skin tingles with anticipation. “Tell me.”
“You look at me like you know what I taste like,” Alex shoots back, his words sparking something inside Michael, and he flashes back to a month ago when they found themselves in the stalls of the Roswell public library. Strong hands holding on to his hair, the floor hard under his knees and an addictive taste on his tongue as he sucked Alex down. He remembers the look of bliss on Alex’s face as he swallowed around him and the pride he felt that he put that look on Alex’s face.
“I do know what you taste like,” he whispers, hardening in his pants, letting Alex feel it as he presses him into the side of the house. He’s unable to keep his hands off Alex as the boy lets out a soft moan and puts them on his waist. “I think about it nonstop, the taste of you, the sounds you made. I’m obsessed, and all I want is to do it again, and again, and again.”
Alex lets out a low-pitched whine. His hands, twisting up Michael’s flannel shirt. “You can’t say things like that,” Alex answers, his body going against his protest as he pulls Michael even closer, rocking into him when Michael pushes a knee between his legs.
“Why not,” Michael challenges, giving him a feather-light kiss below his ear, his mouth against the shell of it as he asks again. “Why not, Alex?”
“We said it was a one-time thing,” Alex says breathlessly, as he tilts his head back to give Michael room to leave a trail of open mouth kisses.
“You said it was a one-time thing,” Michael says, pulling back, he tries for a casual attitude, but even he can hear the hurt in his voice. Alex hears it too, and he pulls back to look at Michael, snapping out of his haze.
“You agreed,” Alex argues, now completely focused.
“What was I supposed to do?” Michael asks, pulling away, the mood dead. “I blow you; you give me a handjob and before we even pull our pants up, you tell me that I shouldn’t worry. That it doesn’t mean anything and that you won’t be catching feelings!” he finishes, now louder, angrier. The words have been echoing in his head since Alex uttered them.
“I was giving you an out!” Alex shouts back, not backing down. “Everyone knows you date girls, and then one day you corner me in the library, kiss me and next thing I know; we have our hands on each other’s dicks. I thought you were experimenting and I’m the only out guy at school,” Alex continues, his voice small, his arms going around himself. He looks so unsure and shy, so unlike school Alex, who wears his ‘fuck you world’ as a part of his emo-punk aesthetics. “I didn’t need you to tell me it didn’t mean anything, so- “
“So you said it first,” Michael finishes for him, his anger gone and in its place, a tender affection that he’s never felt for anyone but his siblings and he’s filled with a need to pull Alex close and protect him from the world.
Not one for impulse control he does exactly that, he pulls a tense Alex close and holds him to his chest, his face tucked in his shoulder. He feels Alex slowly lose his tension, and soon the boy is hugging him back tightly. He holds him for a few minutes longer before pulling back to look at his face.
“Milkshakes and fries, tomorrow at the Crashdown,” he says, smiling when Alex gives him a confused look that clears to a surprised but hopeful expression.
“Are you asking me out, Guerin?” Alex asks, a small smile playing on his lips.
“Are you going to put me out of the misery you’ve had me for the last month and say yes, Manes?” he questions, his heart tripping all over itself when Alex nods at him, his eyes soft.
As he closes the space between their lips, he silently thanks Isobel for dragging him to this stupid party. Not that he’ll ever tell her verbally, no need for her smugness, he thinks. Which is the last thought he has because Alex does a twisty thing with his tongue and Michael stops thinking completely.
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soijustdidthat · 4 years
Tips from a recently graduated hs senior
talk to teachers. my gpa would be like a point higher if i did this
don’t take classes you’ll be bored in. It’s worse than the hard ones
When working on essays either pretend it’s essential research for ur favorite fictional character OR ur Alexander Hamilton in a writing contest with Aaron Burr
Not everyone likes coffee. That’s cool. Honestly hot chocolate warms u up and doesn’t give u a caffeine addiction
When u get home, change ur pants. School desks are nasty.
Bathrooms are great for small breaks from all the stimuli that schools overload on u, my fellow neurodivergents. Especially during the middle of lunch. No ones in there usually.
SCHOOL CLUBS! There’s a reason my social anxiety is more manageable and it’s clubs. Esp ones that kinda slowly increase how much u have to talk so it’s sorta like the boiling frog thing but like pleasant
Read the English books. Usually they’ll be classics and dropping references to them will garner respect from people who’ve also read them. Great conversation starters.
That test u failed won’t matter next year.
During finals, make a binder and stick important notes and reviews in there. Going through and just making the binder helps a lot.
Just because you don’t like typical study methods doesn’t mean you can’t study. Find what works for you.
Try studying in incrementally bigger intervals. Start with 5 minutes, then 10, then 20, then 30, etc. a lot of times you’ll get in a groove and won’t want to stop.
When writing essays where you choose the topic, pick something that makes you either rant or over explain. The edit your ramble.
Google books to find symbolism for essays.
Poetry. Know it. It will haunt u.
Friends help with homework - half the time when ur trying to explain what u don’t get u realize ur mistake
Sweatpants are your study friend. Wear them.
Nobody will notice if you wear the same thing twice.
Carry a blanket and no one will notice. My friends and I did this in EHAP sophomore year and legit it was a blast
Relax. I’m an IB Diploma grad so I’m still learning this, but u can’t work and do well if ur brain is fried.
Have some semblance of a sleep schedule. Let’s be real, it’s not gonna be great, but try to go to bed at the same time and wake up at the same time most days.
Weekends are for sleep.
Do homework Saturday afternoon and Sunday. Don’t bother on Friday unless u want it out of the way.
NAPS. They’re great.
Keep like five bucks on u. If you can drive, every once in awhile stop by a grocery store or gas station and get ur self a treat.
Look, PDA just looks gross.
Don’t shove people into lockers.
You probably won’t actually be shoved into a locker. I wasn’t, and I’m the definition of nerd.
These next ones are safety oriented:
My fellow girls, keep a panic button on u, as well as a pair of scissors whenever ur staying late. Better safe than sorry.
Learn several routes around the school in case of a shooting or other emergency.
Find different hiding spots and know the entrances and exits. This could potentially save your life.
Take the shooting drills seriously. We all know gun laws suck, and until people learn that no regulations means kids die, we gotta prepare.
Alright more serious stuff over
When it comes to big tests or really anything that stresses you out, print a safety blanket: a baby toy or blanket, a fidget, things that make u feel more comfortable.
I like to have my phone in my front pocket, but some tests don’t let you have it. Folding up a few notecards gives the same pressure on ur leg.
Also, if u bounce ur leg, do it on ur toes as best u can and try not to shake the desk, cause when ur desk shakes, the people around u shake
Use caution and trust ur gut
In most schools, people don’t offer drugs or alchohol and I’ve never been nor heard of someone being peer pressured into it
Vaping is bad for you kids. Just, bad.
Have hobbies outside of academics. Not just for college, but for you.
Do school like ur trying to make Amy Santiago proud
Thank you for coming to my ted talk. I hope everyone has a great summer and the school year starts somewhat normally. Although lbr who knows what August will look like at this point. Most of these can be used in online learning too (at least where I’m at)
Stay safe!
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yakumtsaki · 5 years
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Alright you guys, sorry for the delay, I’ve had to restart this post 20 fucking times because my changes weren’t being saved in the draft and then I kept getting the ‘upload failed’ error. In case you don’t remember wtf is going on you might wanna re-read the last update (I certainly had to) which is apparently from JUNE 2018. Jfc I suck so hard. Now this was gonna be really long but tumblr wouldn’t post it so I’m breaking it up in 3 parts, part 2 to be posted tomorrow. For those that don’t feel like reading back, general recap of the last couple updates:
Jojo cheated on Wyatt with Max Flexor and my solution to that marital crisis was to adopt our first dog ever, a puppy hilariously named Maxx.
The puppy grew up to be an asshole and is constantly beating up the cats, who have turned into giant pussies (no pun intended) and are losing every fight to him despite the fact they’re named after Mortal Kombat characters. They’re a fucking disgrace to Alegra’s/Victor’s/Ronroneo’s memory and I haven’t settled on a cat heir yet because they both suck.
Jojo is perma miserable, I don’t even remember how much money away from his 100k LTW, and still not a werewolf despite my pathologically persistent attempts to make him friends with the wolf.
Fucking useless Wyatt didn’t get promoted while Komei was alive providing us with his 100 townie friends, we spent 20 updates befriending every rando that crossed our lot to secure his promotion, and then finally on the day he was supposed to become Captain Hero, Wyatt got, of course, fired and is now on track to take longer to complete his literal career based LTW than Komei took to get 6 pets on the top of their careers.
Absolutely everyone hates noogie addict Shajar, she got a Kylo Ren makeover, and we still don’t know what her sexual orientation is thanks to her ridiculous fitness/fatness turn ons and cleanliness turn off.
Golden child/10 nice points freakshow Cyneswith grew up, rolled romance with the most disturbing turn-ons/offs possible (grey hair/mechanical & charisma turn off) and the 20 simultaneous lovers LTW.
Wulf grew up into a kid, got an Amadeus makeover, is officially a Wyatt clone and the only member of this family I don’t completely hate yet.
Now I’d like to begin the first Union post in more than a year by requesting you do me a solid and lower your expectations for this thing as far down as humanly possible. Like really try to recreate the Jules Verne classic “Journey to the Center of the Earth” with your expectations here, because my brain is so fucking fried that there’s a 20% chance I randomly start citing sources at some point during this post. This grad school crap has seriously been the worst trade deal in the history of trade deals, maybe ever. And speaking of bad trade deals, let’s get this update rolling with the man, the myth, the legend, the husband who managed to make Komei look like a dreamboat in comparison..
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..Wyatt fucking Union, née Monif. It’s been a long time, but I’m not gonna lie to you Wyatt, not nearly long enough. Looking good man, just one small question, where the fuck are your eyebrows?
-You àccidéntally deléted thém, imbécilé, et I cannôt exprèss my irritatiόn prόperly becausé I hàve non eyebrôws!
Did your selective French accent get thicker this past year or is it just me?
-It géts thickér whén je suis distrésséd, givé moi mon eyebrôws bàcc!!!
No can do, brother. Actually can do, but I think the Mona Lisa look is working for you, and more importantly I still hate you, so I’m just gonna hardcore ignore you for the rest of this post if that’s ok. Talk to me when you finally get promoted, aka never the way this shit is going.
It’s been lovely catching up.
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Jojό I mean Jojo, goddammit Wyatt, is spending most of his time building robots in the mausoleum (sweet hipster band name alert)..
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..giving financial advice in Shajar’s room (inb4 what’s the difference between the mausoleum and Shajar’s room)..
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..building evil snowmen alone in the middle of the night, like all mentally healthy middle aged men with 3 kids are wont to do..
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..and getting the piss harassed out of him by the cat ghosts in the bathroom (sweet hipster band name alert #2). How is this like the fourth time this happens in the exact same spot, will you just stop autonomously cleaning the bathroom after midnight? It’s obviously where the cats hang out, give it the fuck up already.
-I’m actively TRYING TO DIE you absolute moron, what does a guy have to do to get killed around here?
Yea can’t say that I blame you but not happening, you can commit suicide by Ghost Alegra after the kids fuck off to college, ok? I promise.
-Oh like you promised me being heir was a route worth pursuing??
Um obviously you too need to go back and re-read your own life story, because I spent the entirety of our “““cherished””” time together telling you heirship is a shitty gig at generation 2. And then to top it off you went and married Wyatt to ensure maximum shittiness, so there you go, fucking enjoy. God I am so sick of both of you losers and we’re only 5 pics in. Let’s check in with your spawn, I’m sure they can’t possibly be more annoying than their parents-
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-oh right, I forgot, this is the generation with 10/10/9 active points where the party never stops. Cyneswith are you somehow twerking to classical music?
-How else am I gonna attract all those hot senior citizens per my grey hair turn on and 20 lovers LTW?
Ok great yea I see how this is gonna go, you’re trying to entice people into voting you for heir based on how torturous playing this fucked up LTW is gonna be for me, well forget it, my readers are intellectuals and completely above such petty entertainment. (istg mofos, don’t even think about it, i already did Komei’s 5 pets career shit, i will burn this place to the ground if you saddle me with Cyneswith banging the elderly for 30 years)
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-No need to worry your stupid little head, I will beat Cyneswith for HEIR just like I beat her HAIR up daily! HAHA!
Shajar no offense but you’re a fucking war crime of a sim, nearly everyone who’s ever met you hates you including your parents, and the fact that you’re the alternative here is really not helping my situation in any way. Also how the fuck are you gonna be heir when the only thing you seem to be attracted to is giving noogies, you’re like one week away from college and I still don’t even know if you’re str8 or gay or bi or w/e the fuck you are. You have Jojo’s personality combined with..
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..yes exactly, DANIEL’S SOCIAL ABILITIES. I mean I was joking with the whole ‘Shajar’s the spawn of Satan’ thing, but this combo of traits was clearly drawn up in Hell’s boardroom.
ANYWAY. It’s a snowy Sunday morning, and anyone who has been a teen knows what that means:
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Time to go clubbing! Man I remember being like 15, waking up on a freezing Sunday morning and my mom making me a cup of hot chocolate before I drove off to the club. Those were the days.
-Uh, Shaj, when did you learn how to drive?
-Don’t be stupid, Cyneswith, people don’t need to ‘learn’ how to drive.
-They absolutely do, actually.
-Well what can I tell you, the dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.
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-Here we are, safe and sound! Celebratory noogie!
-How many times to I have to explain this to you, Apartment Life townies are not people.
Can’t argue with that logic. Let’s just go in and find out what Shajar’s sexual orientation is once and for all so I can spend the rest of this update aggressively promoting Wulf’s candidacy.
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Now I consider ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’ one of the dumbest sayings there is, but even I have to concede that this particular picture truly is worth a thousand words. Quick poll, what is more horrifying, Shajar’s literal Joker face or Cyneswith, whom I’ve never seen read a book ever, autonomously pulling one out in the middle of the dance floor, in what I can only assume is an attempt to attract old perverts with the schoolgirl routine?
And I know what some of you are thinking, you’re like ‘bro, you’re just reaching to make a bad joke bro, Cyneswith is just a sweet nice introvert and not like other girls, she doesn’t feel comfortable in the club’, well to that let me reply with another picture that is worth a thousand words:
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Yea that’s right, on the first minute of our first time out WE RUN INTO THAT ONE ELDER TOWNIE THAT HAS WRINKLE MAKE UP ON. GODDAMMIT CYNESWITH
Do you guys remember how Jojo was obsessed with Stephen Tinker as a teen? Are you seeing the connection here?? Those kids have literally inherited the worst possible traits from both their parents turned up to 11, it’s fucking unreal.  
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Right after I get over Wrinkle’s presence I turn around and what do I see, those 2, who have never had a non-noogie physical interaction, autonomously doing the family kiss thing. I didn’t even catch it on time because I was loling irl, we came out here so these assholes can find age-appropriate partners, and instead they’re kissing each other. Seems about right with this family, and clearly Striped Scarf’s dumb ass ships it.
-They look so much alike, it’s meant to be!
Yes, and they even share the same last name! Talk about written in the stars.
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Thankfully Abhijeet is here to save us from incest by perving on Cyneswith. GTFO ABHIJEET. Anyone like ‘bro townies just autonomously come to greet your sims on community lots regardless of age, stop calling them perverts’, see you in about 5 pics down.  
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I try to have Shajar chat up Striped Scarf and suffice it to say Shaj ~stole her heart~ and presumably put it on this stick to wave around.
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NO. CYNESWITH NO. I’m seriously having déjà vu of all the times I was like ‘NO. JOJO NO’, jfc.
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Shajar is unsurprisingly exhibiting no interest in socializing with anyone around her, instead she’s trying every activity this terribly lit place has to offer, and she looks demented while doing it:
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I’m feeling a primal urge to photoshop Darth Vader’s melted helmet on the bowling ball here, someone please remind me to do it for the heir vote photoshoot.
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That’s Denise Jacquet?! I can’t tell who anyone is for shit anymore. The default replacements are a scourge upon premade brands, I’m getting rid of them pronto. Speaking of scourges, where the hell is your sister?
-Who cares?
I wanna say ‘me’ but we both know that’s a lie.
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-So you see Cyneswith, just because something is technically ‘illegal’, doesn’t mean it’s morally wrong-
Yea yea fascinating stuff, now get out of the hot tub or I will fucking neuter you, I don’t know if a eunuch mod already exists for medieval games but I will make one if it doesn’t.
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Here, Cyneswith, drink some water, have a nice G-rated convo with your sister about violins and stop pissing me off. 
-First of all this is straight vodka.
-Secondly Shajar is talking about Mozart’s coprophilia.
-I sure am.
Amazing. Well, I guess it’s at times like these when you need to look inside your heart and truly ask yourself, what did you expect from Jojo’s children.
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-Ha, I went home and put on my most elderly-looking formal wear!
-I hate to see you go but I love to watch you leave Ab <3
CYNESWITH SHUT UP. I can’t believe you people are actually making me miss Gunther’s teenage whoring, at least he kept it age appropriate.
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-Is some random lady pressing her breasts against my head?
She most certainly is, Shajar, because it is now crystal clear that this bowling alley doubles as the site of annual perv townie convention and we walked right into it-
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-and it’s also clear we have serious issues and are enjoying ourselves. Shaj I legit don’t know what to tell you, this is the first time you get along with someone right away and it just had to be the adult with the bad haircut and the flasher’s trench coat???
-You’re damn right it did.
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Alright then, I’m officially going to nope out of this situation, safe in the knowledge you’re a noogiesexual and nothing will actually happen with this freak, so I’ll focus on Cyneswith instead who is much more of a loose canon. 
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Here Cyn, talk to this guy, who I’m 90% sure is the same guy your father rejected in favor of stalking Stephen Tinker when he was your age.
-Ohhhh, he’s dreamy!
Omg really?? Halleluj-
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-oh never mind, you were of course referring to adult ass Brandon Lillard. I do like that our townies have recurring roles each generation, we should make rejecting Blondie a rite of passage in this family. We should also officially gtfo because this is happening:
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-Um, now that I’m looking at you in harsher lighting, it’s gonna be a no from me dawg. 
Oh, thank the fucking lord.
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-Let’s celebrate the fact we didn’t get hopelessly obsessed with any adults here by doing the traditional Dance of Normality!
-We beat Dad’s genes, we beat Dad’s genes!
-We’re normal!
Yes, and we’re definitely showing it. Can we please leave now so I can make sure I’ve uninstalled Inteenminator and turn off free will? 
-Nop! Venue change!
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-Got-out-of-the-car celebratory noogie!
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-Made-it-to-the-door celebratory noogie!
Shajar you unironically have a noogie addiction, I’m not kidding in the slightest, you need to see a doctor.
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Great, great, not another teen in sight and to top it off Denise followed us here to ensure maximum elder presence. I feel comfortable officially declaring this day a complete waste of time.
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God, the vintage pink dress and the pink alcohol combo is some straight up current era Taylor Swift nonsense. That’s it, we’re outta here, back home where no one is lurking, waiting to strike at us-
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-The Lord is my shepherd.
-Nop, I’m over it. Goodbye heathens, it’s been nice, hope you don’t find your paradise. 
UGH SOPHIE, my beloved Westboro lunatic, the last gangsta generation 1 cat we had.. I can’t believe you’re gone and all I’m left with is stupid Goro and D’vorah who can’t even beat up the fucking dog. This is truly painful.
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Yes, pets, I agree, Kaylynn is completely to blame for Sophie dying of old age. The time has now come to decide on a cat heir-
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-and since Goro ran away like a little bitch after Sophie’s death despite the fact he didn’t even like her, he’s automatically disqualified and will be going off to live on Melody and Daniel’s farm once returned to us. Congratulations to D’vorah I guess, on being the least terrible of two terrible options. 
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On the topic of terrible heir options, Cyn has non-stop wants to go on dates and have her first kiss and all that crap, and since our Sunday morning clubbing was a bust we invite over the matchmaker.
-Hello there young Union, I see your house has been upgraded since I was last here.
Oh right we haven’t required your services since Daniel was a teen and we lived in a trailer, well we are flush with cash now!
-Hopefully your payment reflects that.
It will!! Just please give us someone good, I can’t deal with single teen Cyn for one more second.
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-Oh my, what a beautiful BLANK PIECE OF PAPER.
-What do I look like to you, a money thawing service?
Does such a service.. exist??
-It does not, so I have to go home and use a hairdryer on this!
Just come inside and we’ll give you non-frozen money!
-No, no, you’ll get what you paid for..
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-Have a magical time!
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Lakshmi this was so fucking evil that I almost want to age you down and see if you and Shajar hit it off. 
-As if, the whole neighborhood knows what you did to Komei.
Helped him achieve his insane 6-pets-career LTW?
-Turned him into a servant while your sim was lounging around all day!
Oh yea I did do that. But Wyatt was also a townie and he does literally nothing, Jojo is the servant now!
-Only because Wyatt is too fucking stupid to do things! Word has gotten out, no townie will ever marry in this family again unless they’re brain dead, so it’s Wyatts only for you from now on, sister!
Well this has been a complete fucking disaster. It was great seeing you again, Lakshmi, thanks for the dream date with the adult farting machine, 5k well-spent.
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Pretty sure it was you bro, and yes, how about we don’t do that again.
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Wyatt has brought over Amanda from work! (Aka Victoria’s only friend and subsequent lesbian lover, who is really pretty and is definitely getting married in at some point, preferably after the brown hair genes have been weakened so we can go back to being gingers.)  
-Wow Shajar, your grandmother, God rest her soul, mentioned you were her favorite and now I can see why! Loving the Kylo Ren look!
-Is someone being genuinely nice to me?! What is happening?
-Yes, please stop being nice to her, Amanda, we don’t want her getting used to it.
Jojo istg.
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-Cyneswith dear, tell Amanda all about how much money your grandmother left you so she can stop being nice to Shajar. 
-Soooo much money, Miss Amanda!
-Ah, what a polite child I’ve single-handedly raised.
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-Now, Cyneswith, you really need to get back on the dating scene so you have ample time to find the perfect spouse and continue our line, since you’re clearly the only one of my children that is remotely heir material. 
-Dad, Shajar and Wulf are right next to you.
-Oh they are? I’m wearing my special contact lenses that make those disappointments invisible to me, but even better, they need to hear this. Shajar is a noogiesexual and thus incapable of reproduction, and Wulf is not even a Union, I mean have you seen that kid? Wyatt reproduced by himself like the amoeba he is. Now, your grandmother-
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OH FUCK VICTORIA, deleting the default replacements gave you base game hair!!!!
-That’s the part you’re scared by, not my Beetlejuicesque entrance?
There’s literally nothing scarier than your ghost sporting this haircut for all eternity, I’m re-downloading that default immediately. 
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-Oh mom, so good to see you! Let me just hug my beloved child, Shijer-
-Shajar, dad.
-SHAJAR, let me hug Shajar, like I do all the time. 
-I’m glad to see you’re not picking favorites among your children like I did, the way I treated David-
-Daniel, mom.
-DANIEL, is the one thing I’ve truly been regretting in the afterlife. That and not skinning Marisa Bendett alive when I had the chance. 
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-Well, as you can see by Shajar’s totally normal and not at all shocked reaction to my hug, I am a wonderful, fair, and emotionally available father. 
(Bruh this freaked me out so much when it happened, I mean I KNOW it’s an animation glitch but I was convinced my sims had become sentient for a good while after)
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-Is your grandmother’s ghost still on the premises?
-When will this nightmare end, paying attention to you is the worst. 
-Ok she’s gone.
-FINALLY. Now it’s back to the crypt for you, and don’t you dare go complain to her urn!
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-Ah, Stephen, Stephen, my life is crap and I can’t even🎵
And with the knowledge you have composed a theme song for Stephen Tinker, part 1 of the Union comeback update is concluded. Will Shajar’s sexual orientation reveal itself? Will Cyneswith find true love? Will Jojo become a werewolf? Will Wulf continue to be the only dignified member of this family? Will D’vorah have kittens? Will Wyatt do literally anything worth mentioning? Tune in for parts 2 & 3 to find out, unfollow button on the upper right corner for those who need it. 
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Survey #267
“you can take my heart, you can take my breath - when you pry it from my cold, dead chest.”
When did you last talk to the last person you kissed? Last night. Do you think people have any misconceptions about you? Oh, I'm positively certain. What’s something you wish you could understand better? There are a great many things, but the first that came to mind are certain political/moral beliefs that I REALLY do want to understand, but I just don't. When was the last time you cried really, really hard? About a week back when I woke up shrieking and sobbing from a nightmare about Dad. Have you ever injected a drug? No. How many people have you liked in the past 5 months? I've been COnfuFSSeD!!!!!! Are you currently in a relationship? Nope. Probably for the better. Have you ever touched a dead body? Animals, yes. I may have at an open-casket wake, but idr. I was young. Ever played Grand Theft Auto? Nope, but oh man, good memories of those stupid games with my neighbor back when I was younger... He loved that game just to fuck around, and I liked watching. Then Jacob and Jason played it together at the apartment a lot, and those are warm memories, too. The last male you spoke to … is he attractive? That would be my 3-year-old nephew, so it'd be fucking weird to call him that. He's one handsome little boy, though. We all know he's gonna be a lady killer one day. If your ex called right now, would you answer? Yeah. Is there a dictionary on your bookshelf? I don't even have a bookshelf. Do you have any pet names for the person you love/like? Not anymore. Who was the last person you had a serious conversation with? What is your honest opinion of that person? Mom. I love her to death. Who was the first person you dated? What is your honest opinion of that person? Aaron was my puppy-dog love, and I have not the slightest clue what he's up to now, but I have faith he's kept that good head of his. Ever fallen in the shower? I've passed out while getting *out* of it. I've slipped a number of times too, but not truly fallen. Do you think that things will get better? For me, I genuinely don't know. Ever been to a bonfire party? Yes, by my cousins' friend's pool for a b-day party. It was cool. Their house was fuckin' wild. Movie theater inside and all. Is your dad bald? Just about. His head is just mostly shaved. Have you ever slept at a member of the opposite sex’s house? I mean yeah, all the time when we were together. Have you ever hooked up with someone to hurt someone else? Wow, no. I don't do "hook-ups" anyway. Do any of your relatives actually pinch your cheeks when they see you? No. Have you ever made a member of the opposite sex cry? Ugh, yeah. Do you know the last person you kissed's parents? Yes, I adore them. Do they like you? I think so. Name a couple things you can cook. ... Literally just scrambled eggs, if you mean something pretty much from scratch. Well, I could probably still do pasta if I read the box. Who was there to help you last time you were puking? My mom. I am absolutely terrified of vomiting, so she's kind enough to somehow manage to stand in there with me and talk to me. Are there any boxes of tissues in your room? What’s the design on it? No. Are you in high school? When are you done? No. I graduated in 2014. Are you embarrassed to say if you’re a virgin or not? More like confused and awkward, because I genuinely DON'T know for sure. Have you ever met someone you thought you’d be with forever? It was  "certainty" to me. That's partially why the breakup was so traumatizing. I MEAN IT when I say my brain couldn't even fathom the idea. It was "impossible." It simply couldn't happen. Then it did. ^Where are you two now? We haven't spoken in three years. Has your best friend ever been in love? Yes. What was the last magazine you bought? I've never been a magazine person. Will the last person you kissed get you anything for your next birthday? *shrugs* Do you think Family Guy is funny or just stupid? It can be both. Have you ever stayed with someone who treated you like shit just because you liked them so much? NO SIR-EE. You'd never see me stay with someone who treated me badly. Would you date someone all your friends and family hate? If I REALLY liked them, but if everyone hated that person, I would seriously consider why that is. Are you already looking forward to your wedding? Ha ha, not really, in most ways. Like, I hate getting all fancy and such. Have you ever spit on someone? No. Would you rather cuddle or make out? I MEAN, that depends on the mood??? Has your best friend ever been cheated on? No. Do you text with one hand or with both? Both. Are your parents left or right-handed? Right, to my knowledge? What was the last photo you took of? Something on FB I wanted to show to Sara. What topic always interests you and you will never tire of? C R Y P T I D Z Are you more or less tolerant than the average person? If you mean of varying beliefs, stuff like that, definitely more. If someone were to rate your life, what film certificate would it receive? PG-13 or R, idk. Actually, probably R for all they profanity lmaooo. Do you mind eating cold fries or are they disgusting? Ewww. What song makes you cry? What about it makes you cry? I physically cannot listen to "Stairway to Heaven" by Led Zeppelin because of Jason joking at prom that the music sucked and we could dance to something like that, then once he took me home, I played it from my iPod over his car speakers and we danced in the headlights of his truck and it all felt like a fairy-tale. I'm emotional just typing it and it makes my stomach hurt, so moving on. If you could remake a movie, which movie would it be? Silent Hill: Revelation. As a fanatic over the series, I enjoyed it decently, but, objectively, it sucked and was ALL over the place. How about if you could rewrite a book's ending, which one? Why? I don't think I'd change any. Maybe a clearer answer to The Handmaid's Tale, but it's still g. What colour hair does your sibling(s) have? Brown, except Misty and Katie. Theirs is black. What gemstone would you like on your wedding ring? A dragon's breath opal or rose gold would be gorgeous. What are you looking forward to in the near future? We're throwing my little sister a surprise graduation party at our older sis's house. Thanks to the quarantine, her senior graduation isn't *actually* happening, so. How is life going for you, anyway? Be honest. IT KINDA S U CKS!!!!!! What time did you get changed this morning? I haven't changed out of my pj's. I almost never do (besides obviously after a shower) because I have nowhere to go, like ever. Have you met somebody that you want to spend the rest of your life with? Yeah. Have you ever dressed up as a Disney character? Which one? Maybe as a kid? Have you ever played chess? If so, are you good at it? I’ve never played it. If I wanted to buy you a chocolate bar, what kind should I NOT get? Ew, Snickers. Of all your close friends, who have you known the longest? Sara. What was the last song you heard, that made you feel emotional? Hm. Maybe "Disguise" by Motionless In White. I wonder all the time if that's how Jason felt. Plus it's his favorite band, so that's a double whammy. When was the last time you took a selfie? Maybe about a month ago. As a child, did you ever have any scented gel pens or markers? Oh, I remember those! Yes. Name an alcoholic beverage that you dislike. Hell, most that I've tried. I hate strong stuff. Can you recall the last time you were on a dancefloor? When I was shooting someone's wedding last year. Do you own any color-changing mood jewellery? No, I have zero faith in those. What was the last thing you heated up in your microwave? Ummm pizza rolls, I think. What was the last flavor of ice cream you had? Moose tracks. Do you have an online game that you play often? I play World of Warcraft daily, and I enjoy the Dragons of Atlantis app a few times a day. I was into it when it was still a game on an actual website, and I more recently downloaded it on my phone. What’s your favorite cookie? Soft chocolate chip... yum. How long would you have to date someone for before moving in together? I think this depends very much on the relationship, BUT LIKE, definitely not TOO quickly because you need to test the endurance of the relationship. I'd at the very least give it a year and seriously consider how healthy the relationship is. Moving in with each other shouldn't be an impulsive "this is working great omg I love him/her let's do this!!!!". What's your favorite kind of sushi? N/A How much was the last bill that you paid? I've never paid a bill... wow, that's sad. What was the cause of the worst low point you've had in your life? A very abrupt, traumatic breakup. What are some of your favorite types of cheeses? Really just American. When did you last feel like your privacy was invaded? I'm not sure. Do your parents volunteer anywhere? No. Do you own more than 50 books? I have my Warriors books stocked somewhere. Probably in the attic. Do you have a bachelor's degree? Bitch I wish. How old were you when you became financially independent from your parents? I'm 24 and still aren't independent. Does your kitchen have an island? No. Have you ever bought or sold something on Facebook Marketplace? No. Do you know anyone famous enough to have their own Wikipedia page? No. What was the last appointment you had? With my psychiatrist over the phone because yeah quarantine. Why did you last feel like crying? I woke up from yet another nightmare. I'm so, so tired of them. They make me dread sleep. Do you keep your friends secrets/private information to yourself? If it truly is private, yes, and secrets, absolutely. What negative quality do your friends bring up the most? "I... don’t think I’d like to be friends with people who have a habit of bringing up 'negative' things about me." <<<< This. Do you often "jump" to conclusions? ONLY ALWAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What about the world do you wish you never found out? Christ, there's a lot. For some reason, the first thing that came to mind is the dogmeat trade in Korea. A girl in my first semester did a presentation on it, and just... wow. I never had the slightest clue it was a thing. Does the sight of blood make you feel sick? No. Does someone's background affect whether you'll be friends with them or not? Well, yeah. I'm not gonna be friends with a rapist or something. How about their religious background? Depends on if they push that shit on me or not, as well as things they believe. If someone admitted cheating in a past relationship of theirs, would you trust them? NNNNNNNNNOPE. Do you drink tea and/or coffee every day? There are so many tea/coffee questions in surveys... and no. I don't like either. Did you ever want to be a cook as a kid? No. Do you wish that magic was real? Well, it depends on what the magic is. Do you prefer fire or ice? Fire is cooler. Do you rap along with rap songs? No. When happy, do you become more talkative? WAY MORE. Bowling or sailing? Why? Never sailed before, but bowling is fun. Especially with the lights off but all the neon and signs lit up. Do you prefer sitting in the front or back of a car? THE FRONT!!!!!!!!! Sitting shotgun and being able to control the music is everyTHIIIIIIIIIIIING. How about in a train? On the bus? I don't really have a preference here. Do you care about politics? I should... Are you offended easily by non-politically correct language? No, honestly. Do you think the censors/fcc go a bit too far or are just right? Definitel too far. Have you ever taken a martial art? Which one(s)? No. Do you know anyone who is scared of you? No. I am so unintimidating. Do you like watermelon? Not really, no. Can you remember the month of your first kiss? April or May, p sure. What do you think is the most interesting thing about you? Uh. I dunno, man. Do you have a photo album? Mom has tons. What was your biggest fear as a child? Thunderstorms. I was fucking terrified. Can you remember all your past teachers' names? The majority. Do you find people taller than you intimidating? Generally tall men do, but not always. What's your favorite thing about your country? We have a lot of freedom. What's your least favourite thing about your country? We're greedy as fuck. What websites do you have bookmarked? I have a few on my personal laptop, which I don't have access to now so can't recall well. What TV show scared you as a kid? Courage the Cowardly Dog... though I watched it anyway lmao. What is one thing you regret having done or not done in your life? There's a lot. Let's not focus on it. Which parent do you identify with the most? I guess Mom. What embarrasses you the most in front of other people? laskdjflawe admitting I RP is almost ENTIRELY IMPOSSIBLE to others, especially in-person. If you had to choose one thing you were most passionate about, what would it be and why? Politics, 'cuz that's shit that seriously matters and affects the world. Who are you most envious of—real or fictional—and why? Probably an old friend who's an award-winning, quite successful photographer here in the state. She's shot fashion and model stuff professionally. She's absolutely gorgeous, does the coolest stuff... What’s the saddest song you’ve ever heard? Good Lord, I know so many. "UR A WOMAN NOW" by Otep is one, then there's "Terrible Things" by Mayday Parade, "Cancer" by My Chemical Romance... wow, I'm so surprised they're not just rushing to me. How about the sweetest song? Biiiiiih "Here For You" by Ozzy Osbourne laskdjfk;awe Do you know how to play dominoes? No. What food will you absolutely not, under any circumstances, eat? Exotic/endangered animal meat. What is one thing you’re embarrassed to admit you want to try? Uhhh I'm really not sure. Which famous person would you like to be BFFs with? Shane Dawson is MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Is there something you wish you had said sorry for but never did? Many things.
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katedoesfics · 5 years
Shadows of the Yiga | Chapter 14
Link and Mipha spent every moment they could together in the following days. On Thursday, he came home to find Aryll and Mipha in the kitchen, both with a carton of ice cream in front of them.
“I deserve this,” Aryll said, coming to her defense when her brother eyed her judgingly. “I survived my last final.”
“Oh, yeah.” He let himself drop into one of the chairs at the table. He grabbed Mipha’s ice cream and helped himself, ignoring her glare. “How was that?”
“A waste of time,” Aryll said. She sighed. “Guess I’m a senior now.”
“You’ll be fine,” Mipha said with a warm smile. Without turning to Link, she snatched her ice cream back, and grinned.
Link sighed, then turned his attention to his phone as Aryll continued.
“I was thinking,” she started. “We should take Mipha for a ride this weekend.”
Mipha hesitated and looked to Link for answers. “Ride? Ride what?”
“Horses, of course,” Aryll said.
“You can ride horses?”
“Well, I can. Link thinks he can ride, but he's not as good as me.”
Mipha grinned and crossed her arms. “You're full of surprises.”
Link didn’t look up from his phone, frowning down at his pathetic bank account. “I shovel shit all day. Is it really that unreasonable?”
“I guess I never pictured you as much of a horse person.”
“Ha,” Aryll barked, rolling her eyes. “You should see him dote on all the animals there. You'd think they were his kids.”
“I like the dogs,” Link muttered. “So what?”
“Mr. Tough Guy likes the fuzzy little animals,” Aryll teased, elbowing Mipha.
“I don't like the cuccos,” Link said firmly. “They're evil.”
“He thinks the cuccos are out to kill him.”
Mipha raised a brow. “I'm sorry. You took down the great evil Ganondorf with only a sword, and you're afraid of a bunch of little feathery cuccos?”
“They're evil and they want vengeance!”
“Vengeance?” Mipha shouted. “For what?”
“Link ran one over once,” Aryll continued to fill Mipha in.
Link ran a finger across his neck in a slicing motion.
Mipha batted her eyelashes playfully at him, getting up close. “Will you protect me from the cuccos, Mr. Hero?”
“No way,” Link said, shaking his head. “You're on your own with that.”
Aryll smirked at Mipha, then stood, returning her ice cream to the freezer.
“Where you going?” Link asked.
“To bed,” Aryll said with a yawn. “My brain is fried.” She stretched her arms over her head as she rounded the corner. “Time to sleep all summer!”
“Sounds like you’re kinda summer,” Mipha said with a grin. But when she turned back to Link, he had his head in his hands and was back to staring at his phone, his brows furrowed. Mipha frowned as she watched Link scroll and tap on his phone. “What’s wrong?”
Link sighed and turned off the screen before setting his phone on the table. “I need to win the lottery.” He rubbed his face tiredly with his palms.
Mipha hesitated. “That bad?”
Link stood and made his way to the fridge, grabbing himself a beer, though he cursed himself in the back of his mind for caving to the craving. He shrugged as he opened it. “I could always resort to selling my blood or something. Maybe a kidney. That’ll at least get Aryll through high school. She’s on her own for college, though.”
Mipha didn’t find him amusing, however. “What are you going to do?”
“Ignore my problems like I’ve been doing for the last five years.” He sat back down. “If I can stick it out another year, I can at least sell the house after.”
“Well,” Mipha started. “I’m not exactly digging my tiny apartment.”
Link’s brows furrowed. “You want to live here?”
Mipha shrugged. “I can pay half the mortgage, and I’ll even throw in sex.”
“A tempting offer,” Link started. “But I’m already getting sex.”
Mipha smiled. “Then I’ll withhold sex until you let me move in.”
Link frowned. “That’s unfair,” he said. He pulled his gaze away. “Besides. I’m not taking your money.”
Mipha shrugged. “What’s mine is yours.”
“That only applies in marriage.”
“I’ve seen plenty of marriages where that doesn’t apply.”
Link smiled. “Good thing I’m not a sucker.”
“Come on,” Mipha whined. “Stop being so stubborn. I’m not doing it for you, alright?”
Link’s lips twisted to the side. “Then, who’s it for?”
“For me,” she said simply. “We’ve been dating for two weeks. It’s time we take this to the next level.”
Link smiled. “Right,” he said. “But then I have to like, get a key made. And then you’ll be getting mail here.” He groaned. “I don’t want girly shit in my room.”
“You have it so hard, don’t you?” Mipha said dryly. She frowned and pushed herself away from the table, getting to her feet. “Fine. I won’t move in. I’ll stay in my shitty apartment and spend my nights window shopping on EHarmony.”
Link grinned, chasing after her as she moved to the door. He caught her wrist and pulled her into him, kissing her lightly.
“I’m kidding, alright?” he said.
Mipha’s gaze narrowed as she studied him. “I don’t think you are,” she said. “You don’t want me around.”
“I want you around. I’ve always wanted you around. For as long as I’ve known you, alright? Move in here.” He grinned. “And then I won’t have to take that job with Revali.”
Mipha smiled. “Well, we can’t have that.”
Aryll frowned down at the box. She had arranged everything perfectly, optimizing the space to allow her to pack as many items as possible. What she hadn’t considered, however, was the weight of the box, tightly packed with Mipha’s items. Her lips twisted to the side.
“Here’s another one for ya,” she said over her shoulder to her brother as he made his way back into the apartment.
“Will you stop it?” he hissed at her. He moved to the box and peered inside. “Aryll, you can’t possibly fill every box like that. They’ll break.”
Aryll tapped the box with the toe of her shoe. “These are sturdy boxes,” she said frankly. “They won’t break.”
Link sighed and rolled his eyes. He lifted the box and headed back outside to pack it in his car. Mipha whistled playfully as she passed.
“I knew it,” Link said. “You’re using me for my muscle.”
Aryll snorted from behind, a much smaller box in her arms. “I’m way stronger than you.”
“Then why are you making me carry all the heavy boxes?” Link sneered at her.
“Because I figured you’d want to impress Mipha or whatever stupid guys do.”
“He’s never tried to impress me,” Mipha said.
“You mean he didn’t win you over with his lazy work ethic and carefree attitude?” Aryll grinned.
“He was completely oblivious to every woman that ever looked at him,” Mipha said. “He was an absolute idiot.”
“He still is,” Aryll confirmed.
Link slammed the car door shut. “Alright, fine,” he snapped at them. “See if I help anymore.”
“What a baby,” Aryll said, rolling her eyes.
Mipha batted her eyelashes at him and kissed his cheek. “At least you were smart enough to finally kiss me.”
“Smartest thing I ever did,” he said with a smile.
Aryll stepped between them stubbornly to pack the box she held in her car. She straightened after and stretched her arms over her head. “Is that it?” she asked. “Are we done now?”
“Now we get to move it all back in,” Mipha said.
“Just don’t break up any time soon,” Aryll said. “I’m not doing this again.”
“You’re so lazy,” Link muttered.
“You would know,” she responded. “Besides. I’m allowed to be lazy. I deserve to be lazy. It’s summer break.”
“Get a job.”
Aryll frowned. “Can’t I just be lazy for one more summer?”
“Not if you want to go to college,” Link said as he got into the car.
Aryll sighed, but said nothing more as she slid into the passenger seat. She leaned over the car door, her arms dangling, as Mipha moved to get into her own car. “Don’t grow up,” Mipha said to a grin as she passed Aryll. “And whatever you do, don’t date heroes.”
“Are you really sure about this moving in thing?” Aryll said, returning her grin. “It’s not too late.”
“Someone’s gotta make you something besides peanut butter and banana sandwiches, since apparently you’re both incapable.”
“I learned from the best,” Aryll said, smirking over at her brother as she settled back into her seat.
“Maybe I’ll move in with Revali,” Link muttered to himself.
Aryll ignored him and flipped through the stations on the radio as they pulled out of the parking lot and onto the road. When she finally settled on a song, she sang along loudy, pausing only when her phone rang, and she quickly answered it.
“Hey… No, I’m out… Nah, just helping my stupid brother.” She grinned over at link, then immediately frowned at the voice in her ear. “Ew. Shut the fuck up… No, we’re busy. Mipha’s moving her shit in.” She grinned as she listened. “Sucks to be you.” And the frown returned. “I hate you so much… I thought you were grounded for life?” She snickered after a moment. “Yeah, totally. I wouldn’t know… Hey, I can say it, you can’t… Because when I say it, everyone feels sorry for me. When you say it, you’re just a huge bitch… I get away with shit. Obviously I’m going to use that to my advantage.” She rolled her eyes. “I take what I can get.” Her cheeks reddened. “He did? Seriously?” She listened intently. “Why would you do that?... Goddesses, Cremia. You’re -... Fine. Maybe. I’ll think about it… Bye.” She ended the call rather abruptly and fumed in her seat for a moment.
Link glanced at her quickly. “So, who was that?” He grinned.
Aryll rolled her eyes. “Cremia. She says hi.”
“Did she?”
“In so many words,” she muttered.
Link raised a brow. “What does that mean?”
“It means she’s a horny slut bag,” Aryll snapped.
“Okay,” Link said slowly. “I thought you guys were friends?”
Aryll sighed. “Yeah. For some reason, we are.”
“What did she do this time?”
“She keeps trying to set me up with this football guy.”
“He sounds out of your league.”
“Fuck you, man,” Aryll hissed. “I don’t like him anymore, anyway.”
Aryll crossed her arms and turned away, her cheeks warming. “Boys are stupid.”
“Atta girl,” Link said.
“That means you, too,” Aryll sneered at him.
“That’s alright,” he said with a shrug. “You’re stuck with me for another year, anyway.”
“What does she see in you?” Aryll said, mostly to herself. She shook her head.
“Mipha,” she said. She paused for a moment. “And every other girl in the world.”
“Where were all these girls in high school?”
Aryll snorted in disgust. “You had one lucky moment as a hero. Why does that make you the most popular guy in the world?”
“Are you jealous?”
“I’m jealous of everyone who has a normal family. Do you know what I have to deal with at school? All your dumb fangirls asking me for your number!”
“They do?”
“Ugh! You’re such a stupid guy!”
“You’re stupid.”
“Real mature. Thank Hylia I’ll have Mipha around from now on. I don’t think I can take another year of your shit.”
“My shit?” Link echoed. “Get through your senior year without getting expelled, and then we’ll talk about who has to deal with more shit.”
Aryll shrugged. “That was just my rebellious junior phase. I’m over that, now.”
“Who knew it was that easy?”
“Don’t worry,” she said. “I’ll get out of your hair the second I turn eighteen.”
Link frowned. “Really?”
“You have Mipha,” she said. “You won’t want me around.”
Link shrugged. “As long as you don’t go far.”
Aryll smiled. “Maybe. We’ll see.”
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