#sentinel you're way too close
problematicbots · 1 year
Any closer and they be touching lips
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inkonparchment · 2 months
sentinel - re4r bodyguard!Leon x college student!reader.
how are you supposed to enjoy college when Leon's always breathing down your neck?
"You're scaring them off," You huff, slouching back in your seat.
"That's kind of my point." Leon replies matter-of-factly.
"Your point is to keep me safe from any kidnappers or psycho murderers," You glare at him, "Not to scare off guys who want to talk to me."
When he only replies with a shrug of his shoulders, you roll your eyes and concentrate back at the drink in your hand.
The bar was quite busy today, music blaring in the background as the noise of chatter filled the air. If you craned your head far enough from your booth, you could spot the pool table that was currently hounded by a group of guys, pool sticks in one hand, and a beer in the other. Your eyes strayed over to the girls that were lounging near them, a sigh escaping your lips.
What else were college students supposed to do at Friday night anyways except to drink away their stress?
Your eyes fall back to the brunette man that was now walking away, redirected by Leon's presence from where he was clearly coming to talk to you. You bit the inside of your cheek in frustration, the condensation on your glass slipping down into your fingers.
Leon doesn't even sit. Oh no, he stands there to the side with some distance between you two like a guard dog. All sharp angles, harsh eyes, and shoulders so broad that he's nearly always blocking light from reaching you.
"You could just sit, you know," You scoff not trying to hide the irritation in your tone.
Leon finally looks at you, his icy gaze sending an electric shock down your spine. There's no softness behind the look he's giving you; a glare if you squint. And you've been at the receiving end of it many times now, scaring you once but now its just boring you.
You take a sip of your drink. "Okay, if you think that look is gonna shut me up, then you have another thing coming."
You're not sure if Leon has anything to say in reply to that because you lift your eyes to see Mia walk back to you from the bar with a shy look in her eyes. You grin, knowing what she's going to say, witnessing her talking to Johnny, chuckling to yourself at the way they were standing close to each, flirty touches and all.
"So," Mia giggles airily when she comes to a stop, "I um, I think me and Johnny are going to head out now."
Her giggling is infectious because it has you caught in it too. "Yeah, no shit. He looks like a man in love with the way he has his eyes on you."
Mia's eyes flit to Leon for a second, who is determinedly looking away. "You'll be okay?"
You grin and wave her off. "Absolutely. Now go, have fun. And be safe!"
She fixes you with a mortified look before she's tumbling out of the pub, hands locked with Johnny.
You sigh, albeit a little pathetically unable to help yourself from looking at Leon. You thank god that he's not suited up but instead in a pair of washed-out jeans, a black tee, and a leather jacket that's hiding the way the shirt stretches across the expanse of his chest.
You still remember the first day he had shown up to your dorm, clad in a suit and sunglasses, dressed up exactly like the men that would surround your father when you would visit home.
You had slammed shut the door in his face, furious as you had called up your dad and told him how this was going to be social murder. But it was pointless, and Leon was to keep you company from now on.
One kidnapping attempt and suddenly everyone loses their mind.
With yet another sigh, you clamber out of the booth, straightening up to see Leon beginning to move as well. "Okay woah," You hold your hands up, "I'm just going to the ladies room."
"Let me go-"
"And what? Camp out in one of the stalls?"
"At least let me check."
"Leon, no one's going to jump me in the bathroom."
He fixes you with a knowing stare, and you feel your cheeks get warm. "And I won't try to ditch you this time."
With that, he relents and steps away, allowing you to walk to the small hallway in the back. It's mostly empty, smiling politely at the girl who's exiting out of the bathroom as you take your place in front of the mirror.
You're not sure why you're in here, staring at your reflection in the mirror, only the sound of the running faucet keeping you company. Leon's presence always puts you on the edge. Not uncomfortable, no. In fact the gnawing sensation in the pit of your stomach that was there since your kidnapping attempt has long since quieted after Leon's arrival.
But he does something to you. You just can't tell what it is, frustrating you to no ends.
After splashing your face with cold water, you step back out, stomach dropping slightly when you see a man standing with his back against the wall next to the men's room door. He seems drunk, his posture a bit folded up on himself, shoulders slouched and eyes slow.
You don't spare him a glance, hoping to quietly evade him and go back to your booth. But it doesn't work, doesn't help because as soon as you're in front of him, you feel rough fingers encircle your wrist, nearly yanking you back.
You let out a gasp, a mixture of surprise and pain, hand jerking out to stabilize yourself but finding nothing causing you to stumble. Your misbalanced state allows the man to slither his free hand around your waist.
"You're a pretty doll," He sneers. And you almost choke, the smell of alcohol hitting you like a barrage.
"Let me go, please," You try, voice coming out weak and immediately hating yourself for it.
His fingertips are drilling into your skin through your shirt, pain beginning to fester. How long will it take to scrub him off from your skin? You struggle against him, breathe hitching in your throat as you're unable to release yourself from his grip his hand begins to wander down.
But just before he's able to move his hand down from the small of your back to your hips, there is movement. An exclamation of pain and a loud crashing noise.
You blink.
You don't see the drunk man anymore, his grip on you now vanished. Your vision is now flooded with Leon's back, his blonde hair glowing underneath the overhead light. Your stomach tightens. You didn't even see or hear Leon approach, unbelieving how he had gotten that man off of you.
Leon makes forward towards the man who's sprawled on the floor, but your hand around his bicep stops him. He turns around to see your eyes fixed on him, blown wide in worry. You shake your head, "He's just drunk."
His eyes flit across your face, eyebrows scrunched together and nursing your bottom lip between your teeth. You watch the storm brewing in his eyes dissipate, his jaw relaxing, replaced by something so warm and gentle that you look away, unconvinced of being worthy enough to be looked at like that.
His soft fingers curl around your chin, pulling you back to him, "You okay?"
You let out a hum of affirmation, feeling bare under his gaze, the scent of aftershave nearly knocking you off your feet as you suppressed a shiver.
All you can manage now is a whisper, "Take me home Leon."
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tteotlma · 15 days
Panic and Proximity
-- Trapped with Logan in a safe room, your biggest weakness reveals itself.
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(Wolverine/Reader) 1.7kw
a/n: it's been like six years since i posted a fic.. smth short and sweet
TW: anxiety, panic attack, mentions of vomit, close spaces, forced proximity(?), CLAUSTROPHOBIA, tight spaces
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"Bobby!" you yell over the deafening roar. You dig your heels into the dirt, pivoting to run towards your friend. A Sentinel has Bobby pinned, ice against ice. Suddenly, the ground opens beneath him, swallowing him whole. Your heart leaps into your throat, but in the next instant, the sky above the massive monster splits open. Bobby drops out, ready to swing full throttle.
You glance back to see Kitty sprinting towards you, Logan not far behind.
"No, run!" she screams, grabbing your arm as you both dash into the building.
"But Bobby—" you start, turning to look back at your friend. He seems to be holding his own, but for how long?
"It's okay, he's coming," Kitty pants as she phases you through industrial shelving.
Logan's gruff voice surprises you. "How do you know?"
"Because I'm gonna get him," Kitty replies, pulling you deeper into the building. "I just need to make sure you guys are safe first."
"And how are you gonna do that?" you ask, breathless. Your feet pound the floor in rhythm with theirs, legs aching. Only the adrenaline coursing through your veins keeps you going. 
"This way," Kitty hisses, yanking you towards a narrow corridor. The building's layout becomes a maze of twisting hallways and locked doors. Alarms blare, red emergency lights casting eerie shadows.
Logan sniffs the air. "We've got company. Multiple hostiles, closing in fast."
"There's a safe room," Kitty says, her voice strained. "It's small, but it'll have to do."
Your stomach tightens at the word 'small'. "How small are we talking?"
She doesn't answer, instead phasing through another wall, pulling you along. You emerge into a dim, cluttered storage area. At the far end, a heavy metal door stands ajar.
"In there. Now!" Logan growls, glancing behind you.
The thundering footsteps of your pursuers grow louder. Your heart races as you approach the door, catching a glimpse of the cramped space beyond. It's barely larger than a closet.
Kitty pushes you forward. "You don't have a choice. Get in!"
You hesitate, your breath catching in your throat. The walls seem to close in already, even from outside. But the sound of gunfire erupting behind you slowly convinces you to enter, but not fast enough. Kitty grabs both you and Logan and before you can protest, she phases you through the thick steel door. 
“Don’t go anywhere.” Kitty demands before she walks through the other side of the closet just as quickly as she put you in here. 
A small “no” escapes your lips as you reach out to touch the walls. You try to find any crevice to show your not completely shut off from everything but its no use, it’s too dark and from what your fingers can feel there’s nothing. The steel is stainless, and smooth. 
“Fuck,” you whisper, suddenly becoming too aware of your heart beating in your chest, and you suddenly feel lightheaded. You try and catch your breath but you can’t, you try and breathe but your lungs cant open enough as it hits you, your world shrinks to the size of a coffin. You try to take a deep breath, but you keep coming short.
"You okay?" Kitty whispers, her voice too close in the blackness.
You want to answer, to say you're fine, but the words stick in your throat. The walls are too close, the air too thin. You're trapped, and panic begins to claw its way up from your chest.
You try to soothe yourself, eyes squeezed shut, desperately imagining a vast field. Hoping to enhance the illusion, you peel your hands from the walls. Suddenly, a loud boom shakes the room, steel groaning around you. Logan tenses beside you, a stark reminder that danger still lurks beyond your confined space.
Your breathing becomes more erratic. Sweat beads on your forehead as the small space seems to shrink even further. Your fingers tingle, and a wave of nausea hits you.
"It's okay, it's okay," you mutter, but the words sound hollow even to your own ears. You take a step back, trying to escape the wall, only to collide with Logan's chest. He finally notices your distress.
"Hey, you alright?" He shifts, touching you lightly. You flinch away instinctively.
"Sorry," you pant. "Would now be a bad time to tell you I'm claustrophobic?" You attempt a chuckle, hands fumbling to steady yourself. Eyes clenched shut, you feel saliva pooling in your mouth. "I think I'm gonna barf," you whisper.
"Hey, hey!" Logan turns you around to face him. "Look at me." You briefly open your eyes, making out only his shadowy form, hunched over. You quickly shut them again.
"Are you hunching over because the ceiling's too short?" you ask, still dizzy. Your fingertips find his chest, feeling the rise and fall of his solid torso. He shifts, followed by a soft thud.
"No," he says.
"You're lying." You clench your hand, pressing your fist against his stomach. The rhythm of his breathing slowly anchors you, pulling you back to reality.
"Maybe, but that's not important," he says, his voice closer than before. You feel him shift, moving nearer.
Your fist sinks deeper into the muscle of his stomach as his heavy hands rest on your shoulders, grounding you.
"Why are you just saying something now?" he asks, his voice uncharacteristically soft.
"I-it never seemed to matter," your voice shakes, your other hand wrapping around his forearm for support. "Until now." You feel tears forming in your eyes. "I-I'm sorry."
"Oh," you hear him breathe out softly. "Oh, Y/N." He sighs, a mix of concern and understanding in his tone.
Suddenly, his arms envelop you, cradling your head against his chest. The gesture, though meant to comfort, unfortunately intensifies your panic. Your breath hitches as the feeling of being trapped increases, despite the warmth of his embrace. You try to pull away but his arms don’t budge. 
Your breathing becomes more rapid against Logan's chest. The warmth of his embrace, meant to comfort, instead fuels your panic. "I can't—" you gasp, your fingers clawing at his shirt. "It's too tight, too close."
He cuts you off, shushing you. 
“Yes, you can.” He reassures you, his hand stroking your head.
"Listen to me," Logan says firmly, his gruff voice softening with an unexpected gentleness. "We're gonna try something. Focus on my voice and breathe with me. Can you do that?"
You manage a small nod against his chest, your forehead pressed against the rough fabric of his shirt. Logan must feel the slight movement because he shifts, adjusting his stance to better support you.
"Good," he murmurs, the word rumbling through his chest. "Now, feel my breathing. Try to match it."
Logan takes a deep, deliberate breath. You feel his chest expand against you, the steady rise and fall a stark contrast to your own erratic gasps. He holds you close, one hand splayed across your back, the other cradling the nape of your neck. His calloused fingers are surprisingly gentle, grounding you in the moment.
"In through your nose," he instructs, his voice low and measured. You struggle to comply, your breath hitching. "That's it," he encourages. "Now hold it for a moment."
You feel the pause in his chest's movement, a moment of stillness in the chaotic swirl of your thoughts. 
"Now out through your mouth," Logan continues, his own exhale warm against the top of your head. "Slow and steady."
As you attempt to follow his lead, you become acutely aware of other sensations: the faint scent of cigar smoke clinging to Logan's shirt, the steady thud of his heartbeat against your ear, the warmth of his body contrasting with the cool metal walls surrounding you.
"Again," Logan says softly. "In... hold... and out. You're doing great, kid."
Gradually, your breathing begins to sync with his. The vice-like grip of panic on your chest starts to loosen, ever so slightly. In this small, dark space, Logan's presence becomes an anchor, a point of focus beyond the suffocating walls.
"That's it," he murmurs, a note of approval in his voice. "Just keep breathing with me. We'll get through this together."
You nod, one hundred percent sure that if you were to talk right now, it wouldn't be heard. Closing your eyes, you lean more of your weight against Logan. You take in his scent—a mix of cigar smoke, leather, and something uniquely him—his warmth seeping into you, his solid presence anchoring you in the moment. You melt into him, relishing the feel of his muscular body against yours.
In this intimate moment, your mind drifts to all the times you've admired Logan from afar. He's always been the ruggedly handsome mentor, the forbidden fruit that made your heart race during training sessions. You've caught his lingering glances, felt the electricity when his hand corrected your stance, noticed how his eyes seemed to soften when they landed on you.
There's always been something there, simmering beneath the surface. An unspoken connection, a tension that neither of you dared to acknowledge. You've told yourself it was just a silly crush, that Logan saw you as nothing more than a student. But the gentleness in his touch now, the care in his voice—it speaks of something deeper.
This moment, trapped in this tiny space, feels like a test of your limits. The boundaries between mentor and student, between longing and reality, seem to blur. Your racing heart isn't just from claustrophobia anymore, and you're certain Logan can feel it.
But now isn't the time for these thoughts. The danger lurking outside this safe room, the mission at hand—it all comes rushing back. You know you should pull away, regain your composure, focus on the task at hand. Yet, for just a few more seconds, you allow yourself to stay in Logan's embrace, drawing strength from him in more ways than one.
As your breathing finally steadies, you reluctantly begin to pull back, ready to face whatever comes next. But not before you catch a glimpse of something in Logan's eyes—concern, certainly, but also a flicker of something else. Something that makes your breath catch for an entirely different reason, you realize you're still pressed against Logan's chest. You step back slightly, looking up at him in the dim light.
"I... Thank you, Logan. I don't know what I would've done if..."
He cuts you off with a gentle squeeze of your shoulder. "We all have our demons, kid. The trick is not letting them win." His voice drops lower, almost a whisper. "You did good."
The moment is interrupted by another distant explosion, reminding you both of the pressing danger.
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fadedncity · 6 days
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wc: 1.6k (teaser)
pairing: jeno x fem!reader
cw: supernatural!au, werewolf(lycan)!jeno, vampire!reader, natural enemies to lovers/forbidden love type of situation, injuries, blood, full fic tags: smut, angst, mention of death and family loss, flirting, sexual tension, teasing, pet names, oral sex, multiple orgasms, unprotected sex, way more plot than i expected, plus more
a/n: hey yall so i finished this fic a while ago and it’s just been sitting in my drafts and then i was kinda unsure whether i wanted to post it but i still might. so lmk what you think!
Rain pours in sheets, pelting against your skin. Your footsteps are silent as you sprint through the underbrush, hot on the heels of the Lycan ahead of you.
Even with his head start, it took you no time to catch up to the him. Your pace matched his as you zeroed in on his steady breathing and rhythmic drum of his footfalls. Lycans are fast, and he hadn't even shifted forms yet. But still, you had no trouble keeping up with him.
All the while you closely trail the Lycan, you're cautious of your surroundings, keeping your ears peeled for any sign of a presence accompanying you both in these woods.
Just as you were about to fall in line with him, an unexpected sound sliced through the night—a whistle, followed by the unmistakable twang of a bowstring.
An arrow whizzed past your head, embedding itself in a tree trunk to your left. Stopping in your tracks, you tilt your head, seeing sparks and smoke emitting from the arrowhead now embedded into the old pine tree. But you aren't given any more time to investigate as you're tackled to the ground by the Lycan.
Before you could push him off, his body shields you from the explosion of blinding light so bright you could've sworn it was day for a split second.
He just saved you.
"Are you okay?" Jeno asks, rain dripping from the ends of his hair as he stands from the dirt.
"Yeah," you nod, hesitantly taking the hand he offers. "Thanks," you say, looking at the tree bark melting off the trunk.
The humans have UV explosives. Great.
Both you and Jeno hear the sound of cars approaching from the nearby road and take off running again. Without a word, you plunge deeper into the forest, your movements synchronized with Jeno's by necessity.
"How did they even find us?" Jeno asks, looking over his shoulder, his voice barely audible over the rain.
"I was just going to ask you the same thing."
The hunters were relentless, their shouts echoing in the distance, along with the pounding of their boots. You moved swiftly, navigating the maze of branches and roots with an ease born from decades of practice. The forest seemed to close in around you, the trees pressing in like silent sentinels bearing witness to your flight.
Then shots start firing off, the sharp cracks of bullets cutting through the air. It sounds like they were coming from every direction, the rain making it harder for both you and Jeno to locate where the hunters are.
A bullet soars past you and stops whistling in your ears when it hits flesh, tearing through skin and muscle. Jeno beside you roars out in pain and begins to slow down as the metallic taste of blood enters the air around you. You shoot him a look of concern over your shoulder.
"I'll be fine," he says. But when you see his hand pressed to his shoulder, blood seeping from an injury that should've already started healing, you know he's far from okay. "We need to get out of these woods," Jeno winces as he applies pressure to the gunshot wound.
"I know a place not too far from here," you tell him.
[6:37 AM]
The moon's silver glow was waning, giving way to the first light of dawn. The storm had passed, leaving the forest dank and muddy. Urgency rose as you were closing in on daybreak. You and Jeno raced through the forest, the scent of his blood and sweat mingling in the damp morning air.
Jeno's breath was labored, each step accompanied by a pained grunt as he pushed himself forward. The wound on his shoulder, though not fatal, was slowing him down.
"The sun's gonna be up soon," Jeno pants, his voice weary.
"I know," you raise your eyes to the sky, "But we're almost there."
As you ascend the mountain, you spot the entrance behind a thick curtain of ivy and moss. The camouflaged door was almost invisible against the rocky face.
The two of you approach the fortified door. But not before you start to feel the uncomfortable sensation of pins and needles all over your body, a warning of the daylight's deadly approach.
The air grows warmer with the first rays of sunlight piercing through the treetops, casting long shadows stretching like skeletal fingers across the ground, leaving you exposed. You scream out in pain just before you can reach the door, feeling the severe burns blistering across your body under the sun's relentless gaze.
Without hesitation, Jeno quickly removes his jacket and throws it around you, shielding you as best as he can from the searing sunlight.
You reach the door with trembling hands and enter the security code to unlock it. You hear the mechanism click and attempt to push the door open, but it remains stubbornly shut. The hinges, unused for so long, now rusted, obstruct your entry.
"It's stuck," panic edges your voice.
Using his good shoulder, Jeno presses his weight into the door, helping you push it open. The thick metal gives way with a heavy creak, welcoming you inside. The moment you both are through, Jeno slams the door shut behind him, enveloping you in the safety of darkness.
The flickering emergency lights cast long shadows across the walls, the only source of illumination along the steps down to the bunker. You can hear the sounds of the forest growing distant, muted, and distorted through the layers of earth and stone as you descend further down.
With the adrenaline from the chase already simmered down, the reality of your situation sets in. Here you are, a vampire, with Jeno, a lycan, forced into hiding together by humans hunting you both. The silence stretches between you, heavy with unspoken words only filled by the sounds of Jeno's steps behind you.
Your burns are already beginning to heal now that you're out of the sunlight. The cool, dim interior of the bunker feels like a sanctuary, the pain in your skin subsiding by the time you lead Jeno into a high-ceiling room.
"Thanks, again," you break the silence, returning his jacket. Even in the shadows, you can see Jeno's eyes examining your burns. "I'll heal," you assure him. "You, on the other hand, aren't for some reason."
"I'm fine," Jeno lies.
"You're not. You're still bleeding out. I can smell it."
Jeno stays silent, knowing there's no use in arguing with you.
"I'll go see if I can find the generator and a med kit or something," you say.
The underground facility is large enough to house an entire clan and well-equipped for emergencies. Or at least it had been once. The walls, thick and impenetrable, provide a sense of security, but the darkness within was oppressive, the silence deafening.
You move through the narrow corridors, blindly navigating yourself through the place. The emergency lights give off a faint glow, barely enough to see by. The bunker has an air of abandonment from years of sitting unused here. Cobwebs clung to the corners, and dust motes danced in the faint light.
You quickly locate the electrical room and, after a few tries, manage to get the generator running. The lights flicker on, and the air kicked on, ventilating the compound. As you make your way back down the corridor, you pass the uniform lockers, and just with your luck, you find a med kit sitting at the bottom of the cubby. You grab it and hurry back to where Jeno's waiting.
You find Jeno right where you left him; leaning against the wall, face pale and drawn, sweat glistening on his brow, damp clothes clinging to his defined muscles. From where he stands, the light casts deep shadows across his face, highlighting the strain etched into his features.
"Sit," you say, opening the case of medical supplies on the table.
"I can do it myself," Jeno mutters, though his voice lacks conviction as he weakly pushes himself away from the wall.
"You look like you can barely stand on your own. Just let me patch you up so you can at least stop bleeding all over the place," your words are punctuated by the snap of latex gloves you slip on.
Jeno has no energy to protest. He drops his jacket onto a chair and peels off his shirt, sitting on the table in front of you.
You don't have much time to ogle over the Lycan's chiseled physique as your eyes are drawn to the skin turning black and blue around the bullet's entry point. In all your years of existence, you've seen some pretty bad shit. But even this sight—Jeno's bloodied and seemingly infected shoulder, is enough to make even you wince.
"There's no exit, which is probably why you're not healing. Whatever specialized bullet hit you is still in there," you observe, examining the injury closely.
"Great," Jeno groans, throwing his head back. "Think you can get it out?"
"Sure, but it's not gonna be fun," you tell him.
"Let's just get it over with."
a/n: please lmk what you think! if i do post the full fic it is 11k so be weary 😭 thank you for reading! <33 feedback is appreciated!!
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vampire-matcha · 7 months
Part 4 of cheating!Soap. Simon's POV. Angst. Potentially ooc Simon.
Simon Riley is a bad man. He wasn't given much of a choice really. He was dealt a bad hand that kept getting worse and worse. He tried to live a good life, despite his childhood, but it was all taken away from him in fire and blood. So he threw himself into it headfirst. He dove into it and found comfort in the fire and blood. He knew fire and blood. He's good at fire and blood.
Simon Riley is a lonely man. All his life, he's never had anyone. He keeps everyone he meets at arms-length at a minimum. He doesn't do love. He doesn't believe in it. The last time he tasted it was from his mother, and that taste has long since been replaced by the tinny taste of blood. He's comfortable being alone. He fills his time with work, and on the rare occasion he's sent back home to his barren flat in Manchester, the most he does is find a quick fuck at a pub.
He doesn't care about their names, he doesn't particularly care if they're a man or woman or something in between. He doesn't care what they look like, he hardly looks at them at all. They're just a means to an end for him. Just a warm hole to stuff himself into to feel good for a bit, to make his head quiet for a bit. He leaves once he's done. He never stays the night, never even stays much longer than to tie off his condom and pull his trousers back up.
It all changed when he met that damned spitfire of a man John MacTavish. Goes by the name 'Soap'. A ridiculous nickname in Simon's opinion, but then again, he goes by Ghost, so he doesn't have much room to talk.
Soap is loud and brash, but he can be careful and focused, too. He's intensely loyal and has a deep sense of justice. He fights for what's right, Ghost has seen it. He makes the icy shell around Ghost's heart melt, ever so slightly.
It's a slow progression, the way Soap draws Ghost into his orbit. Ghost doesn't even fully realize its happened until Las Almas. There was a moment when he thought he lost Johnny- when did Soap become Johnny? They had gotten separated and Ghost waited for him. Ghost never waited. But he couldn't, in that moment, hiding out in a church with a whole militia after him, even fathom leaving Johnny behind.
By the time Simon realized he loved Johnny it was too late. Johnny was married. Simon hadn't noticed that when he read Soap's dossier years ago. It must have happened in the time they had known each other. Simon had never pinned Johnny as someone to keep his cards so close to his chest like that, but he was proved wrong.
Johnny didn't wear his ring in the field. It was a liability, not just to have jewelry on in life-or-death situations, but also for anyone to see he was married, be it friend or foe. He didn't find out until after Chicago. It seemed that Soap's near-death experience at the top of a skyscraper had shaken him more than he'd let on. He'd snuck off at the bar to use the payphone and Ghost had followed.
"Hey, its me... Just needed to hear your voice, bonnie... No, no, I'm alright, just a wee bit banged up... Yeah, I miss you too, lovie... No I promise I'm alright. Just got a bit worried the whole 'til death do us part' thing was comin' sooner than expected... Sorry, bonnie... No, no, you're right, it's not funny. I'm sorry... I'll be home in a few days... Yeah... I'll see you then. I love you."
Simon hated you. He hated you and he didn't even know you. He didn't even know you existed and he hated you. Who were you? Some civilian? Some random woman who decided to shack up with Johnny? Probably just chasing valor or benefits or something. What could you possibly have to offer someone like Johnny? You could never understand him the way Simon does. Their bond is forged in fire and blood. You could never hope to understand it. They'd been through hell together. And yet you've wormed your way in between them. You, a woman he doesn't even know, have ruined everything. But Simon, ever the stoic sentinel, keeps it all under wraps with practiced patience. He didn't survive this long by letting his emotions control him. He'll figure out a way to fix this.
Then several months later, Simon meets you. It's after another mission, and you're picking up Soap from base, who had gotten a mild concussion and couldn't drive himself. You're there, waiting for him with a lovesick smile on your face. Simon watches as you embrace Johnny, wrapping him in your arms and holding him for a long time. Too long, in Simon's opinion. And then you pull back and hold Soap's head in your hands, turning his face side to side to get a better look at him. You laugh at something he says. Simon sneers. Oh, aren't you just perfect? A sweet little doting wife?
And then Johnny brings you over to introduce you two. You shake Simon's hand with both of yours, gratitude broadcast to the world as you thank him for getting your Johnny home safe. Your Johnny. Simon hates it. He hates how sincere you are. He wishes you were something worse, something worth hating. But Ghost reads people. He's great at it. But he can't read anything but genuine in you. And it makes him hate you more.
It isn't fair, Simon thinks. You don't deserve someone like Johnny. You haven't earned him. You haven't fought for him like Simon has. You haven't fought alongside him like Simon has. Simon has suffered. His whole life has been nothing but blood and fire. Doesn't he deserve something good for once? Hasn't he earned it? Even the devil himself got to taste heaven before he fell to earth.
That's what he tells himself on that night. The night they were stuck in that frozen safe house in the middle of Bumfuck, Russia. They'd narrowly escaped the enemy, and they didn't dare poke their heads out for risk of being spotted. Soap's radio had broken in the escape. Ghost was the only one with a means to communicate with Watcher. She tells him exfil will be there in the morning. He unplugs his radio. He tells Soap he can't get through. He tells himself that he's justified. He's a devil seeking a taste of heaven.
And what is Johnny if not heaven? Simon needs him. He needs to taste him. Johnny is worried. Simon can feel it rolling off him in waves. Simon can make it all better for him. Just for tonight.
"Who knows when exfil's gonna get here?" He asks. "What do we have to lose? It's just for tonight. Just let me take care of you, Johnny."
Simon can feel the hesitation in Johnny's body when he kisses him. But Johnny let's Simon lay him down. Simon whispers words into Johnny's ear. Not quite words of reassurance. But Simon Riley is a bad man, and a lonely man, and those two things make a nasty combination.
Simon tastes every part of Johnny's body he can get his mouth on. Neither man has bathed in days, and a lesser man would be disgusted, but Simon has experienced far worse. Besides, nothing about Johnny could ever disgust him.
And when Johnny let's him inside, Simon, that devil, finally tastes his slice of heaven. A whole life of suffering was worth is just to feel Johnny beneath him. It's perfect, he thinks. Even if only for the night. Simon looks Johnny in the eye. Simon stays with him afterward. Simon sleeps beside him.
Then morning comes. Exfil comes. Regret comes for Johnny, but not for Simon. Maybe he shouldn't had lied about his radio, but it was worth it, wasn't it? But now Johnny won't look at him. He won't speak to him. He practically runs from him when they land.
No, no, no. This wasn't how it was supposed to go. This was supposed to fix things! It was supposed to fix what you had ruined! You, Soap's perfect wife with your perfect life, perfectly ruining Simon's. Johnny was supposed to see that he needed Simon more. Johnny was supposed to see that he needed Simon as much as Simon needed him. What happened? What went wrong? Simon blames you. He always blames you.
Simon calls Johnny late that night, after he's sure you must be in bed. He pleads with Johnny to come to his senses. It wasn't a mistake! How could he say that? How could he say that it was wrong when Simon had never felt so right in his whole life? It's your fault. You've got Johnny trapped under some kind of spell. You can't love him like Simon could, like Simon does. Simon changes tactics.
"You have to tell her," Simon tells him. Maybe if you know, you'll leave. Then Simon can have Johnny all to himself, without you getting in the way again. "The guilt will eat you up, it's better if you just tell her. Its the right thing to do." Johnny reluctantly agrees.
Simon waits for Johnny to call him the next night, to tell him you've kicked him out. He waits for the call so he can swoop in and be Johnny's rescuer. Maybe then Johnny will see how much he loves him. But Johnny never calls. Simon would be tearing his hair out with anxiety if it wasn't so close-cropped to his head. What's happened to him? He hasn't lost control of his emotions like this in years. What have you done to him?
Simon drives to Johnny's house. He watches from the curb through your window. Johnny's alone. Good. He has half a mind to walk up to the door when he sees you come around the corner. He watches you two talk. He watches you cry. Crocodile tears, they must be! Poor you, having your perfect life be derailed. Simon was justified. It's only fair that you suffer even a fraction that he has so he can take some of your perfect life for his own.
But then Johnny is holding you. Johnny is kissing you. No, no this isn't right! You should be screaming at him to leave! You should be beating Soap to a pulp so Simon can put him back together! Why won't you let him have this?
He watches Johnny carry you away. He forces himself to drive away before he does something he'll regret. He speeds the whole way home. He turns his apartment upside-down. In the back of his mind he's thankful he lives in a shit part of town where no one calls the cops unless someone is actually dead. No noise complaints as he shatters every mirror.
It's your fault he's losing control. You you would just let him have Johnny, it would all be fine. But you, you selfish bitch, want to keep Johnny all to yourself. Why? Because you've got a ring? Because you made a vow? Well, Simon makes a vow to himself. No matter how long it takes, he will make Johnny his.
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melodic-haze · 2 months
Could you maybe do nsfw hcs for Jinhsi?
☆ — DEMO TRACK: sub!Jinhsi x dom!Reader
☆ — CONTENT WARNINGS: bondage and use of toys
☆ — NOTES: it's 1 am and I should be sleeping bc I'm fucking off to London tomorrow early morning. Oh well LOL
☆ — PARTS: Part 1, Part 2 (you are here)
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So we witnessed the part 1 right? Day mode Jinhsi content? If not and you came straight for this then you're FILTHY❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️ Jokes me too
Anyway she's as sweet in bed as she is in the streets my babyyy 🫶🫶🫶 AND she's also as strong and formidable too. Thoigh tbf cmon you're BASICALLY bedding royalty/royalty-adjacent 🤷‍♀️ like be real
As much as she holds power and authority in her duties with a balanced grip, soft and caring yet firm and watchful, she does like the feeling of letting it go. She isn't a workaholic despite the workload she acc has so she recognises just how nice it is to simply stop thinking. And she puts herself in your hands, so full of trust as if she wasn't superior to you. Though really, in the room you're in? You may as well be equals-- no, you may as well be the one superior to her
I think while she may seem like very vanilla, she's definitely looked into things once or twice to experiment and see what she likes and doesn't like, sort out her preferences and stuff yk. Don't think she's be open about it though, more of a 'need-to-know-but-you-have-to-ask' basis which nobody's ever been.....until you, DUH
Ohhhhh I see her as a toy enthusiast. She doesn't get them out often (and no FUCKING way would she display them or anything) but she does certainly have a collection. She buys them under different names, has trusted couriers deliver it without knowing what's inside and it would be a disgrace upon the Magistrate to take a peek❗️❗️❗️ and just keeps them in a hidden box with different compartments. I just KNOW she'd be extremely knowledgable on them though, like how you're able to use them to gain max pleasure and etc despite not actually using them a lot
I personally don't think she'd have much of a libido!! Might be bc of how swamp she basically is with work, both while she's clocked in AND clocked out, but she's just never had that constant want or need—that kind of thing is at the back of her mind, esp when she has an entire region to manage and protect as its Sentinel's blessed
When she does get the urge to do so though, especially when she's with you, oh it hits STRONG I fear. Maybe it's bc of how pent-up she may be (bc really sometimes toys get to the point where they jsut aren't enough), or maybe it's bc of her being closely linked to said Sentinel ☺️☺️☺️
By THIS I mean with the whole sharing powers thing, there's no way some of its draconic traits haven't affected her in a certain way. SHE SPROUTS HORNS FOR GOD'S SAKE
Maybe that was mean of you, leaving her all alone for a little while in the dark while the vibrator inside her pussy operated as it should.
Really, you were just having way too much fun with her collection and you just wanted ti grab a few more.. at least, before you got distracted with one thing or another.
Now that you're back, though, you can't say you regret being distracted; the overall look that you lover was currently sporting, all bound and oh so wet as flickers of the power you both fear and respect make themselves known by having her—or rather, Jue's—horns manifest on her head from the overwhelming feeling of wanting to let go. But she can't, not when you've yet to give her the command to do so.
"For a leader, you obey me so easily, even when I'm not even there," you notice. "This whole time, you're just really eager to please, aren't you, dear Magistrate?"
Of course she couldn't answer verbally, you hadn't told her to speak, but she nods her head desperately as she trembled and that was good enough for you.
You see her eyes tracking you as you came closer, her irises quite literally glowing a celestial gold from the need of release. The closer you got, the more you see her struggling with her bonds to reach you... And failing miserably, much to her credit considering how you knew she could tear through them if she really wanted.
When you finally, finally get close enough, your hand goes over the dildo vibrator inside her, yet you don't grip it. Instead, you simply graze your hand on the toy's handle, perhaps even knocking it slightly sideways for a little extra motion, to which she lurched so delightfully—unbefitting of a government official like her, of course, but certainly befitting for your beloved in the bedroom.
"Do you want to cum, babe?"
She nods.
"How badly do you want to cum?"
No answer.
And all at once, her thoughts burst forth, the blatancy still unfamiliar to you to this day yet it still isn't any less satisfying to experience such a strong, independent soul to fall like this.
"I-- I need you so very badly, please..! I can't.. I don't-- I don' think I can h-hold it any longer--"
"Bold of you to decide what your limits are by yourself." You raised your eyebrow, "You wanted me to take the lead, the least you could do is—" and you turn the vibrator off, "—follow it. Stop thinking, there is no place for you to do so here."
All she lets out is a desperate whimper—she doesn't dare to upset you any further.
..And that has you turning it back on again, though you put it at a relatively low setting for her, keeping in mind that her draconic-esque endurance would need more than the average to break your beloved completely, as per her request.
She wanted true bliss, right? She wanted you to ravage her completely and take control of her in the way nobody else has managed or dared to?
If Jinhsi wanted it all, then she had to let herself go completely first.
Anyway ab her horns, touching the base of them would set her the FUCK off 🥰🥰 no, not the horn itself. Apologies have to be made right here right now but I believe in horn technicality which means horn sensitivity is not a thing, ESPECIALLY when it's her type which only really appear when she's channelling her abilities. The ROOT of it however would be a different matter, so massaging her head would basically K.O. her self-restraint
But that's fine, you'll make sure it happens.. no matter how long it'd take and how loud she ends up becoming.
Along with that, she probably has INSANE durability and stamina let's be so real. Each time you do anything remotely harsh on her, her tacet mark flickers for a brief second and it's like you're simultaneously striking soft skin and scales at the same time. She can ALSO go for a VERY long time, so edging her? Is REALLY fun when you wanna test exactly how much shr can take befkre she breaks and starts begging for you to help her get off 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
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riskyraiker · 3 months
Can you do more of x men reader (ex they find reader fighting a sentinel?) The first one is amazing, by the way 👏
I apologize i took like half a year to answer but here we are! I absolutely love the idea and thank you for requesting to make this happen :)
Intangibility : incapable of being touched : having no physical existence : not tangible or corporeal.
There's no way out for you now for sure. Well maybe there is but whatever. The sentinel just stood there waiting for you to move or try anything, but you were frozen in fear. You can't just stand there forever?! Trying to look for a way the sentinel makes it move to attack you, but it's hand goes right through you. You're glad your mutation is too rare for Trask to know about it, his unknowledge of it just saved your goddamn life!
"Prime, are you seeing this!? One of the decepticons has gone wild and attacking civilians!"
"We'll deal with it, agent fowler. Autobots, roll out!"
You heard a weird noise, but you don't have the time to process it when it's your life on the line. Tears of panic bubbling your eyes made it hard to see, you can't stay in this form for too long. You try to move and change form but the sentinel is still trying to kill you. No long after a loud noise and electric cracking was heard. "Killing humans is new for the decepticons... Are you okay, human?" Looking up you see a new robot with more colour and an actual face. "Scared but alive and unharmed." It's foolish for you to do this, but you change your existence back to normal. Now you just realized. There is big. Ass. Robots. In front of you, in panic your mutation went off. "You won't kill me right. Like the sentinels?" The robot raised a metal brow. "Sentinels? That's a new decepticon i've never heard off." Decepticons? The hell is that? "Sir, sentinels are human technology, made to destroy mutants..not whatever you just said."
Feeling safe enough you turn back to normal and glance at the robots in front of you. "You're not from earth, aren't you?" The bots look at you with almost worry in their optics. "The secrets safe with me. I'm hiding from the government as well. Go Team hiders, i guess."
Optimus Prime
He didn't even know mutants are a thing on earth.
He took you under his "wings" since you're hiding for your own life and treats you like one of his own.
Is actually amazed of your mutation and shares his thoughts on it to you.
He knows it's a big threat if the decepticons find out about you or your mutation, if that happens, you will be kept in base 24/7
Questions humanitys acts to kill every mutant possible. They're an unique thing among humans.
Doesn't like you showing off your mutation of asking anyone of the bots to try and kick you, but the concern he had vanished, the moment wheeljacks ped went through you.
If you find any other mutants they sadly can't stay at the base, but he's glad you understand.
Talks to Agent Fowler about the sentinels and killing of decent human beings, but is actually sad if nothing changes in the government
Is annoyed about a new human arriving to the base, but maybe you're not that bad he hopes.
Turns out you're his new favorite the moment he finds your presence calming and actually nice.
I hope you know when to be quiet. Ratchet likes his quite working time.
If you don't then you're getting treated like Miko for sure:)
You might get close to him like Raf! Father and Son right there :,)
He's glad he doesn't need to watch his step if you're the only "human" there.
You sad? Das not good, you get a first row view of ratchet working = You get to sit on his shoulder
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Wonders how in the hell you survived that sentinel until she sees your ability.
Doesn't worry about watching her step if you're the only 'human' there since you just vanish through her peds.
Her spark skips a beat if wheeljack tries to kick you more than once.
But does genuinely care about you so she watches her step atleast a little so you don't feel bad :)
Talks to you if you feel like an outcast since you're being hunted down by sentinels, because people think you're "dangerous"
Is actually a great listener and takes you for drives to thin about things.
He would try and attack the sentinel just to protect you as a regural human, or so atleast he thought you were.
Was frightened how you thought the team was going to kill you :,)
If you feel sad he gives you comfort even if you don't understand him, he also gives great soft hugs <3
Mutation or not you're awesome!! He does want to learn about humans and mutants, but his voice box denies him from it. Raf is his translator and you're biggest helper then!
Still watches his steps no matter if you could dodge it
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Bulkhead & Wheeljack
Bulkhead is confused as always, Wheeljack thinks it's pretty cool and ofc he wants proof. A little test of a kick won't hurt right? Of course it didn't, but gave everybot a spark attack <3
They wanted to wreck that sentinel so bad! Why kill other humans when they're devine?! Because humanity sucks
Bulkhead asks how do you live with it a lot of the times even if you have answered before. He's so confused that he doesn't even realize you can control it.
Won't stress about you tagging along to missions, but still follow optimus' command of not bringing humans to the battlefield (Rule is broken twice now!)
Wheeljack fights with Ultra Magnus about protocols just because he wanted to go for a drive with you and talk about both of your past
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Still thinks the sentinel is an decepticon, but no it is not :)
As always find your mutation cool and supports you through it all since he's so sweet and a lively young bot.
You're on duty to take you home or accompany you? ON IT SIR! Won't complain at all to be with a mutant. If he ever hears you've been laughed at he does wish to go and kick their asses! NOBODY BULLIES HIS COOLEST BESTIE EVER!!!
Hopes you like racing! He's a sports car ofc he goes fast!
Couldn't imagine being an outcast, but he doesn't think you are.
Almost screamed like a girl when wheeljack kicked you D:
Thought he fell in love when he saw you using your mutation, maybe he did, but we won't know?
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Ultra Magnus
Stood next to Optimus looking at you with nothing, but a cold gaze. Stays in protocol, no soft talks or anything.
You know him, Protocol this protocol that so stay in line okay?
Might go soft on you JUST A LITTLE BIT!!Since you're situation is not that great. So you get to do few things more than Miko, Jack or Raf and get away with it.
Took all his frustration on Wheeljack when he tested you and tried to kick you D:
You feel sad? You will get a few supportive or couraging words nothing else.
He's not a good comforter, you know that right? But he does his best to help you. Tell Optimus about your situation if his help didn't do much.
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AN: GOD THIS TOOK A WHILE!!! SORRY FOR THE WAIT AND I DO HOPE YOU LIKE THIS!! It's 0.37 and I'm tired okay so the end might be a little bit rushed :,) BUT EVERYTHING ELSE ASIDE!!! ENJOY
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witchofthesouls · 7 months
Tbh Star Saber’s reaction is justified. Sentinel just claims this random bot as a bride (probably doesn’t even know their name too) I’d be miffed too if I was his protector. But what about said bot’s reaction? You wake up after passing out and suddenly your hitched, I’d be backing up Star Saber in the background as he yells at Sentinel.
(You're going to be busy trying to deal with alien biology to start yelling. If anything you're yelling at whatever drop-kicked you into this timeline that's the dumpster fire that makes up Bayverse.
Get ready for misunderstandings and failed negotiations:)
Consciousness doesn't gently trickle back. It kicks you in the teeth without any warning. One moment, darkness. The next moment, you're heaving up and accidentally slamming into something hard.
That something yelps.
While you have the grace of facial protection, Sentinel isn't as lucky. You still have a throbbing headache, though. It flares whenever there's the incomprehensible electronic noise of their native tongue is being spoken.
Your head pulses to an excruciating degree when suddenly it clicks. The noise becomes words.
And you don't like them.
"Look, it can't even speak. Let alone understand us." Star Saber - your HUD factually pings, rapidly scrolling all of his positions, achievements, strengths, and possible weaknesses - says like an absolute cunt.
"Oooooo. Cooon-tuh." The High Lord Protector sounds out the English your ass of a mouth that not even a supercomputer brain could leash have shot out. The Seeker is unamused, and you don't even resist the urge to stick your tongue out since you're wearing the visor and he can't see.
You have a vague sense that you're forgetting something important. The wisps of a strange dream linger in the periphery edges of your mind, but a hiccuping wail interrupts everything.
Nearby and attached to the berth (fanon terminology don't fail you now!) are the infants. You immediately pick up the crying one. The tiny face warps from the force of their distress. Something compels you to cradle it up to your chest, and they settle down to snuffly whistles.
Of course, the other one starts up when your hands are full.
Sentinel picks the second infant to maneuver them to you. You never expected this asshole to have gentle hands, but he does. At least for the babies.
"They're split-spark." He explains as both of them grab a hold of each other, whistling and chirping between a songbird and a hot kettle. "They have to remain close together until they're third in-star."
There's a moment of silence in the room, only interrupted by the newsparks' chirping babbling and fretful meeping.
"Not to be rude," you slowly test out the digital language, and Star Saber doesn't snort or move his expression, but he definitely disproves. Fucker. "But why am I here?"
"Yes, Prime," the Seeker knows how to turn a soft voice into an assassin's thread. "Why do we have such a guest here?"
The words he chose have so many insulting undertones and stresses that if you didn't have your arms full, you might as well slap him. High Lord Protector be damned.
He wants you far away, and you want to be farther than Star Saber could dream of.
Of course, neither you nor Star Saber gets those desires granted.
"You're here," Sentinel’s tone shifts. Formal. Very formal. A strange mix of anticipation and... duty? "In the privacy of my household and in the presence of my most trusted-" Star Saber's expression is set in stone and just as cold "-to declare our sparks together in front of Primus."
Unlike fanfics where Sam Witwicky has the Allspark to handily act as a translator, you only have the equivalent of a more sensible Google translate with all of the additional kinda-helpul-but-not-really dings of subharmonics and underlying glyphs to provide more context. It sounds like a marriage proposal, but the way Sentinel emphasized it is more akin to a 'Guardian seek out an equal partnership in a (business) venture.'
Thanks, Google. Great help as always. Never change.
Unless you've taken over the body of a noble with capital to buy out galaxies or some sort of daring pirate/elite assassin with that ghostly possession of hidden skills, you have no idea why he's asking you for this kind of proposition.
You need to bite the bullet because you don't know what you're walking into, and maybe you can jump out another window and speed away.
You start searching the lexicon for the right words. Hopefully.
Even with the visor eclipsing your face, you're refreshingly honest and it's something Sentinel profoundly misses ever since he's been taken from the Guiding Hand's Towers.
And right now, they know your possible intention to jump again beneath the tangle of confusion and worry.
The windows here are reinforced and capable of withstanding artillery blasts and extreme heat resistance as well.
:: The foundlings are completely attached to this one. :: Hard and unforgiving Star Saber may be, but there are a few things that soften the mech. It may be the Seekerkin-coding in him that invokes protective feelings towards the very young.
You and the newsparks have sealed a guardian/parental bond. They can't separate them from you. The strain will most likely kill them, and possibly you with your recent recklessness. You may have a powerfully dense spark -a hallmark of mecha with Primal heritage- but you're still young, barely past the ninth in-star, and still developing towards an adult frame.
Ratchet had been torn between absolute fury and begrudgingly impressed by the one that had done your frame-schematics. It's a remarkable mix of stealth modifications, hidden components, and security. Your systems had literally chewed up suppression codes and medical overrides and spat them out.
Either you have a creator that's a fiend of a weaponsmith or you have ties to the legendary War-Forged, too. Unbelievable, but no one expected any frames out in the Wastelands to be blessed by Primus, and yet here they are with not one, but two individuals.
And Sentinel is asking the mechling for a formal courtship with the intention of bonding.
"Are you-" you speak carefully, testing out the glyphs, and he wonders what kind of dialect the Wilders speak "-asking me to bond with you?"
The phrase makes logical sense. However, Sentinel can't help but choke at the subglyphs you used. Instead of 'unity of wedlock between two parties,' you attached something akin to sponsoring a courtesan for an exclusive relationship. An explicitly sexual one.
Star Saber doesn't budge. The Seeker's body langauge is impeccable and beyond reproach to stand as a witness to this mess, but Sentinel feels the icy talons of their shared bond flare to a vicious burning grip.
:: If you say any sort of agreement to that poorly worded question, Sentinel Prime. :: Star Saber's terrible words cut into Sentinel's spark. :: I will personally make the rest of your limited time on this planet a new level of Unicron's Pits. ::
Sentinel had to lock his joints to keep himself upright and not sprawled on the floor. After a long moment, he manages to grapple with the bond to sear away Star Saber's influence. :: I wasn't! ::
Slag all those that deify their partnership as the original split-sparks Prima and Megatronus, it's a slaggen mockery of a marital bond.
Sentinel gathers every scrap of his intentions to make it work with the newly found Primal-descended and throws it at Star Saber's end. It's still a raw wound. He finds it deeply discomforting to be intimately tied to the Seeker upon the confirmed demise of an unmoored Zeta Prime. Just barely after the Temple's blessings to establish suitable compatibility as a Prime and a new Protector.
(If Sentinel thinks too much about it, he will scream until he burns out and -)
Star Saber quirks a plate at his efforts and releases the onslaught. :: Look at that. Perhaps there's a warrior underneath that softness, librarian. Correct your Intended before the Wilder escapes with the newsparks. ::
During their internal spat, you pressed your back against the wall, plating closed to minimize noise. You've silenced your biosignature as well. Even the foundlings are silent -a natural defense that's driven by terror of the sudden tensions and your own reaction.
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eight-cats-in-a-box · 2 months
TFA Bumblebee x GN!Cybertronian Reader!
General headcanons about Bee and how Reader is just WWWAAAYYY taller then him. Like Reader be easily picking him up and oh Bee would be all flustered of how they just thinks he's so cute being how small he is.
He's their cute short king 💛
I am. So so so sorry this took so long-
If you don't like it, please feel free to lmk!
Bumblebee x GN! Cybertronian reader
Warnings: Cussing and a little violence? I think that's it
Bee absolutely hates how easily you tower over him. Well, he doesn't really hate it. But don't call him out on that. It's more fun to watch him bluster and stutter when you pick him up.
This bitch can and will climb you like a tree, and chill on your shoulder so he can yap at you. He likes to be tall. Be prepared for many, many "how's the weather up there" type jokes.
Don't make fun of him. No, really. He gets enough shit from his friends, he doesn't need it from his partner. And if he takes it too far with the tall jokes, tell him. He doesn't want to hurt your feelings.
On that note, stick up for him. Too many people make fun of him for being so small, he needs you to defend his honour. Sentinel is TERRIFIED of you. Why wouldn't he be? You're fucking huge! Bee (and everyone else) thinks it's fucking hilarious. He likes to laugh at Sentinel from his perch atop your shoulder.
Pick him up. Do it. I dare you. He will absolutely bluescreen. Your normally yellow bug will turn blue from how hard he's blushing.
He likes it when you make him feel useful. Have him grab the thing close to the ground so you don't have to bend down. He...might take it the wrong way at first, but a little communication goes a long way. Once he knows you don't mean it as a height joke, he helps you out pretty willingly.
Of course, it's not a relationship with Bee if he isn't an ass sometimes. When he feels down on himself for one reason or another, he tends to get snippy and mean. Don't snap back. It'll only end in hurt feelings and one of you recharging on the couch. Be patient, and walk away if you have to. Go on patrol for a while and cool down. I guarantee that by the time you come back, he'll have either figured it out himself or gotten a lecture from somebot on how stupid he's being.
He has climbed you to taunt someone else about their lack of height. Whether it's Prowl, the Jettwins, Sentinel, or whoever, he can and will and has dunked on them.
And by god, you two are a force of nature on the battlefield. Your brute strength and sheer size combined with his speed and ability to piss anyone off, you're a damn good team. He ticks them off so they chase him and he leads them straight to you for a good aft-whoopin'.
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inkonparchment · 2 months
sentinel - re4r bodyguard!Leon x college student!reader.
you just wanted to see the stars.
"Get down from there."
"Wow," You pant, gasping for air and trying to get a firm grip on the ledge, "You didn't even say please."
The scene being played out was wholly comical; you with both hands on the concrete ledge pathetically trying to pull yourself up, one foot hooked up along with your hands with the other one hopping on the ground, trying to boost your weak attempts. The energy was leaving your body quick, muscles tiring out with your objective incomplete. Ugh maybe you should join the gym.
Leon was of no help, simply standing at a distance, hands folded across his chest, watching your feeble attempts of climbing the last section of the roof of your dorm. At 2 am. In your pyjamas. In your fleece sandals. The most ridiculous climbing ensemble he had ever seen anyone sport.
It seemed Leon had a penchant of materialising out of thin air whenever you strayed off too far. You had even taken the fire exit, a roll of blanket underneath your arms and suddenly he was standing on the landing of the staircase just before the rooftop, hair mussed and a very unimpressed expression on his face.
He had asked where you were headed and you griped at him, mumbling under your breath "Anywhere I want since you're here now."
You could practically hear him pinching the bridge of his nose at your comment, his voice now accompanied with a tinge of annoyance. "Please, get down from there."
You release yourself from the concrete slab, dusting your hands off and placing them on your hips, trying to steady your breathing, "No."
It wasn't a very particularly cold night, evident in the need of a jacket for you but Leon standing in the open air in his t-shirt. And even if he was cold, there was nothing about his body language that indicated as such. Just annoyance which seemed to produce a sickengly satisfied sensation in your heart, almost making you giggle with the way he seemed to be glowering at you but there being no real heat behind it.
Although not cold, it was a very clear night. Not a single cloud bespectacled the sky, providing an unrestricted view to the stars scattered across the dark blue canvas. And you wanted to see them. No amount of pouting, blond men built like a tank was going to stop you.
You try again, fingers curling around the edge to make a firm grip. But its a few centimetres off from where you previously held onto, making your hands slip and a nice scrape of your palms makes you let out a whine of pain. It doesn't even hurt but it is unexpected that rips out the exclamation of surprise from your lips.
And he's on you within a second, tugging your hand in his and bringing it close to his face, inspecting it. The light brush of his fingers against your palm, his body heat overcrowding your senses, luring you into him.
There is worry etched across his face and that sobers you, a drop of guilt making your features soften. "Hey, I'm okay," Your voice soft and barely above a whisper.
Leon drops your hand, a twitch in his fingers as he studies you cautiously. "Why are you up?"
You inadvertently lick your lips, feeling your stomach turn when Leon's eyes flicks to them and back up. You can count the moles on his neck like this. "Just wanna see the stars."
He sighs, dropping his head with a little shake. "And you won't go back to bed until you've seen them?"
"Not even if you tie me up."
You bite the inside of your cheek. Wrong thing to say if the glint in Leon's eyes is any indication.
He moves and you watch as he comes to stand behind you. "What are you-?"
"Just be quiet." He mumbles.
You stand still, heart beginning to beat a little quicker. If he was warm before, he feels scorching now. Leon's chest is firm against your back, the width of his shoulders easily caging you in. You swallow hard, breath hitching in your throat when his large palms settle against your hips, guiding you forward just an inch. You shiver when you feel his hot breath fan against the shell of your ear, the cadence of his voice velvety smooth when he whispers to you, "I'll lift you up."
Your hands shoot out to your side, gripping firmly over his as they move lower, shifting to your thighs. The close proximity of his body short circuits your brain, all words forgotten.
"I'm gonna need a confirmation from you, sweetheart." His lips are searing against your ear.
You hastily nod, "Y-yeah okay."
Leon's grip tightens and before you can count to three, you're up in the air, effortlessly carried and onto the ledge. You blink and he's already helping you up. It's like your brain shuts off around him, missing the way he moves.
You barely look at him, hoping he doesn't sense the warmth that floods your cheeks, ignited by the blue embers that leave a scalding trail over your body.
"Thanks," You mumble abashedly, turning away from his grip quick before you decide to do something stupid and melt in his arms. You snatch the blanket up from the floor you had thrown before your comedic efforts to climb up.
You quickly spread it on the floor and clamber down, finding a comfortable position to lie in. You're delighted by the sights; various jewels glittering in the light. Not as many as you'd like but just enough to satiate your desire.
Out of the corner of your eye you glance at Leon. He's sitting with his back against the wall, one leg bent at the knee where he casually rests his elbow. The light breeze ruffles his bangs. You focus back to the sky.
"Don't they look pretty?" You ask.
And you don't see how his gaze never strays from your form, eyes softening when he speaks. "Gorgeous."
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littlest-w01f · 7 months
Chapter Two
Series Masterlist
CW: None
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Evelyn had found herself growing roses in her garden like she usually did, smiling as the flowers bloomed in her palms, forming into a giant rose that filled her entire hand. Whenever things were hard for her, she would find herself in her garden, trying not to let her mind slip into the darkness.
This time was no different. She focused on the buds that hadn't bloomed yet, and with her power brought them to full bloom in a second. She would sit here ever since she was a little girl, she would sit in the same spot and then wonder.
She then heard a voice behind her, Tamlin, Tamlin would find his way to her, and talk her out of her gloom. But this voice wasn't Tamlin's, no, it was of their fairly new friend
"I've always liked that spring power of yours." Came a soft chuckle, Evelyn turned around to see Lucien watching her, leaning against the arch that led to her garden, he smirked when their eyes met, walking to sit next to her, "It's just so pure. Growing flowers."
She didn't say anything as she felt his hand wrap around her waist, she looked away from him, fighting tears now that he was this close. He didn't need her to say anything, he simply pulled her to rest her head on his chest.
"Eve..." Lucien whispered softly, "I'm sorry, darling."
Evelyn turned her head to look up at him, "He's dead, he's dead Lu, and I didn't even know him that well, why does it hurt?"
"It hurts because you're empathic, Eve" Lucien cupped her cheeks, wiping away the few tears on her mask she couldn't stop from escaping, "It hurts because Andras was your friend, he was our friend. And we lost him. Lost him before we could've gotten to know him a lot better."
"He wanted to take me to meet his mate and kids..." Evelyn breathed shallowly, "And now he's just... Gone."
"I know... I know, baby." Lucien held her close to him, tears in his own eyes.
Each death of their sentinels over the curse had the same effect on Evelyn, each news of death hurt her, in a way that Tamlin and Lucien couldn't understand. The female with the biggest smile on her face would crack with the feeling of loss higher than either of them.
"I couldn't keep them safe," Evelyn sniffed, her hands gripping his biceps. "They had to die for us. We were supposed to keep them safe."
"It's not your fault, Eve." Lucien kissed her temple, his voice soothing, "None of this is your fault, just hers."
It took Lucien minutes to have her smiling again, setting flowers in her hair while braiding it, sitting in a garden swing. "We good?"
"Yeah, we're good." Evelyn smiled softly, leaning into him.
"Lu," Evelyn looked around a little after she had calmed down, "Where's Tam?"
Lucien chuckled, finishing up her braids, "He's gone to get the human, he'll be back soon."
"Oh," Evelyn nodded, "Well I should prepare for her return..." She got up from the swing. "She could be the one to break our curse, and we'll be done with this 7 times 7 shit."
"Hope she's at least attractive," Lucien chuckled when she hit his arm at the comment. "What? I'm not going to house a human who killed my friend if she's not even nice to look at."
Evelyn rolled her eyes at his comment, "No, Lucien, we will give her a place to stay even if you don't think her human face is good to look at."
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Evelyn was pacing around in the gardens of her estate. Two days. it had been two days since her brother had gone to retrieve the mortal. She was worried about him, worried about his safety, she was sure Lucien was starting to get annoyed with how often she'd asked him to take her to the wall so she could find her brother.
"It's only been two days, Eve." Lucien stressed.
Evelyn sighed, "But what if-" What if her brother was dead too. What if he met the same fate as their friend.
"Your brother is the damn High Lord, no human hunter can kill him." Lucien cut her straight off.
Evelyn looked to the gates, a smile formed on her face when her brother's scent reached her nose. Tamlin was there, with a girl on horseback. Evelyn rushed to her brother in the form of his beast, he'd wanted to scare the mortals into giving the mortal who killed Andras up, so he'd chosen the form that was the scariest and, in Evelyn's eyes, the most hideous.
Evelyn jumped in his arms, and her brother wrapped his arms around her, she heard the mortal that was with her brother gasp a little when her brother's beast form chuckled, she thought it would be quite a shock, to see the giant beast who had taken her from her family holding a High Fae female two feet above the ground, a female with a dove's mask covering the top half of her face, close to his chest and laughing of all things.
"Oh, hello." She chuckled as her brother set her down, addressing the girl with a smile, she looked the girl up and down, she couldn't help but notice how thin the girl was, her clothes were slightly torn up on the sides, the cuts on the fabric that were certainly from Tamlin's claws.
She frowned when the girl didn't respond, but still nodded, it was understandable, she was taken from her home and had to spend two days with Tamlin as a beast.
She cooed at the mare that paused in front of her, she nearly snorted when the girl tried to kick her to move forward, but the mare simply whined and rubbed her head in Evelyn's skirts. The girl on the horse looked between the beast and Evelyn, a hiss left her as she dropped down. Evelyn's eyes went wide when the girl stumbled, she watched her trying to find balance and not blackout.
Evelyn moved to reach out to help her when Tamlin growled, she rolled her eyes and winnowed away, leaving the two of them together.
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Evelyn had set up the last plate of food when the girl, whose name she still did not know, reached the dining room with her brother still as a beast, she would have raised her eyebrows if he could see them through her mask, but she let her eyes go all the talking "Wait... What the fuck...?" She hoped they said.
Tamlin moved to the head of the table and plopped himself down on the large chair that sat there. Evelyn smiled finally when Tamlin turned back to his Hig Fae form.
She heard the girl cry out, she was sure she thought no one had heard her trying to stifle it, but their Fae ears heard it loud and clear, the girl now looked scared as she tried to press herself against the wall beside the door.
Evelyn sat down on Tamlin's right, looking between the two as if they were her personal entertainment, as Tamlin said she should eat and the girl just shook her head. She almost giggled when Tamlin drank his decanter filled with wine and drank it like water. This girl easily seemed to have gotten under her brother's skin.
"Who are you people?" That was the first thing Evelyn had heard the girl say.
"Sit." Her brother had said instead, not answering her question, "Eat."
Evelyn reached for a piece of lamb, watching the two squabble about how she thought the food wasn't safe for humans, their back and forth ended with Tamlin rolling his eyes and starting to serve himself.
Evelyn smiled with a mouth full of bread as Lucien walked in, Tamlin had told both of them to pretend their friend hadn't passed and that he hadn't gone to get her back to his court.
"Well?" He strolled in, giving Tamlin a quick bow, and Evelyn a wink. They talked of Andras' death and Evelyn was saddened a little again, she felt Tamlin's hand rest on her knee, giving her a few soothing rubs to her knees over her layers of skirts.
"You're joking," Lucien said, he said aloud what Evelyn had been thinking, "That scrawny thing brought down Andras with a single ash arrow?"
"She admitted to it." Tamlin's claws grazed his chalice, "She didn't even try to deny it." It was Eveyln's turn to place a comforting hand on her her brother's, smiling softly when his claws went back.
Lucien sat across Evelyn, "Well," He seethed, playing his part too well, "Now we're stuck with that, thanks to your useless mercy, and you've ruined-"
All of the Fae paused when the girl finally took a step forward, Lucien turned to face her, taunting her, using his tone filled with distante to subtly ask her if she fit the role of the human who would help break their curse.
Only when Tamlin snarled at him to behave did Lucien stop. A fox-like grin still appeared on his face as he said, "My apologies, lady." With the way he said 'lady' it was clearly a taunt.
He introduced himself and then the Lucien Evelyn knew came out, his tone soft as pure gold as he looked her up and down, "Your eyes are like the stars, you hair like burnished gold."
They all waited for the girl to say something when Tamlin spoke, "Her name is Feyre."
Feyre. Evelyn raised her brow at the name, old tongue, a name meaning 'Fair'. Quite fair she was, killing a fae unprovoked, Evelyn internally hissed.
"Alis will take you to your room. You could use a bath and fresh clothes." Just as Tamlin spoke, Alis was beside Feyre, glamoured to look High Fae.
Feyre was taken to her room as Lucien and Tamlin began to argue, while Evelyn gave no one but herself and her lunch any of her time.
"You do need to learn how to flirt better." Evelyn spoke up.
Tamlin looked at her in offence, "I do know how to flirt, Evie."
Lucien and Evelyn looked at each other before they burst out laughing. "Not really, no."
Tamlin scowled as he ate from his plate, ignoring both of them.
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{Taglist: @nox-ceur}
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merakiui · 2 years
he’s your personal butler, whenever you go and he followed you, he served you nicely, and waking you up for duties just like a husband waking up his wife softly in the morning—but he can be the filthiest behind that nice gentleman mask.
I feel like I must make the obligatory Jade is one hell of a butler joke, but it's true!!! He's so responsible, always following his schedule, never late by a second and never too early either. He wakes you up at the same time each morning, smiling so adoringly when you throw a pillow at him and beg for a few more minutes wrapped in the comforts of the fluffy duvet. He stands at your bedside, looming like a sentinel, and will wait the few minutes you've requested. Everything is so orderly and tidy under his watchful eye. He's the head butler for a reason, after all. He is always so polite, never overstepping his boundaries, but he certainly toes the line, especially when he's hit with a particular bout of envy. It's usually when suitors come looking for your hand in marriage. Most just want your fortune; they could never truly love you like he does, and late into midnight he'll show you just how much he treasures you.
Azul is also very responsible and respectful. He's ambitious for a butler, always wanting to do better and better so you will continue to praise him. He probably fits into the trope of servant who grew up alongside the aristocrat, thus making both childhood friends, and since his youth he's always admired you from afar. He devoted so much of his time and efforts to learning the ways of servitude so that when he was finally old enough to officially serve as your personal butler he would be absolutely perfect. He's charming, too. Has quite the silver tongue on him. Every word that falls from his mouth is like honey, so sweet and charismatic. He does everything without uttering a single complaint, always offering you his trademark smirk-grin. But you shouldn't be so trusting of him. The same loyal butler who ensures you always have a fresh vase of flowers at your bedside, who memorizes all of your preferences, who helps you get ready in the morning, is the same butler who may have mixed his cum into your food or served you an octopus dish that may have been made using one of his tentacles. :) don't question things; just let him serve you as he always does.
For all of his untamed capriciousness, Floyd is a wonderful butler. He's an excellent cook, too. All of your meals are prepared by his diligent hands, and he loves cooking for you, so much that he often makes too much food. Floyd likes it when you give him tasks and orders because it's something special you're entrusting him with. He serves you because he wants to, not because it's an obligation, and you treat him in the same friendly casual manner he treats you. He has the best Shrimpy in the world. You're so caring and understanding. You let him get away with his mischief because he's your dear, devoted butler. Although this is probably because he knows just how to touch you to have you coming undone, and you've gotten a little too accustomed to anticipating sex with him. He makes it his mission to take you in every room in your estate, on every surface, in every position. Even the outdoors is not safe from your lustful trysts. Floyd scares away all of your potential suitors (he's probably killed a few, too, or he's come awfully close), so it's just you and him. He's all you really need; you seem to echo this sentiment when he's buried so deeply inside you and you're clawing at his back, numb to rationality, slurring incoherent things. He likes articulate Shrimpy, but he also likes dumb, cock-drunk Shrimpy, too. Good thing he gets to experience both!
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uselessmicrowave · 11 months
kinktober day seventeen
tfa sentinel prime x jazz
tws/content- mutual masturbation, sensation sharing/play (?), friends with benefits and feelings, medical play (?), finger biting, oral
"C'mon Jazz, stop teasing me about it." Sentinel whines, throwing himself backwards onto his berth. He had made the mistake of sneaking into the medbay and finding a whole array of sensation chips including vibration, tingling and soreness, interfacing and spark play two-way connector cables, as well as a number of restraints that are used in numerous medical procedures but gave Sentinel much different ideas.
"I'm not teasing you, I'm just talking about it." Jazz offers with a lighthearted chuckle, reading a manual for one of the cords. He snaps the end of it to a wire in his wrist, looking satisfied.
"You're teasing me." the prime pouts, sitting up on the edge of his berth. It was weird asking, then setting this 'date' up with Jazz, as it always is. Of course, the awkward moment would pass and it wouldn't hinder the experience for either of them.
"Uh huh." Jazz hums sarcastically, scanning over the instructions before sitting and facing him. His servo is so close to Sentinel's. "I thought you liked that, bein' teased."
"Yeah, well..." Sentinel stops before he embarrasses himself, looking up at his partner. The ninjabot almost looks angelic like this, almost looming over him and offering Sentinel the other end of the cord. The blue bot takes it and studies the end, trying to figure out how Jazz easily snapped it on. "Which one's this one?"
"It's for sensory allocation." Jazz takes the cable from his servos, holding the top of Sentinel's servo and turning his arm over, connecting the second end to his wrist. "Sharing."
The cable is shorter than it seemed to be. There's an awkward shortness to the cord, too short to have their own servos away from each other's, so Sentinel hesitantly fumbles over the berth sheets to hold Jazz's servo.
"Fascinating..." Jazz hums, squeezing the prime's servo, feeling his other being squeezed. The guardsman runs his servo from his thigh plating up to his chassis, it makes Sentinel shiver.
"Oh, weird." the prime muses, reaching out to touch Jazz, holding his waist and feeling the same touch on his own plating. Sentinel blushes and withdrawals his servo, smiling nervously and leaning back on the berth. The guardsman follows suit, practically leaning over Sentinel and encouraging him farther onto the soft sheets. He leans back onto his elbow struts, laying flat with an unintended huff when Jazz pushes him down onto the berth. The prime doesn't fight back, seeing no need to. Not right now, not to be pushed around or protest against it. Sentinel hadn't talked to Jazz about that yet. Whoops. He must already know, right?
"Senti," Jazz chimes in a soft, sweet voice, the cutesy pet name making him smile a little and look up at the guardsman. "there you are. No need to be nervous now, 'kay?" Sentinel nods, worried his voice would waver or crack if he tried to speak. Jazz gets much closer to him, much to the prime's surprise, straddling and sitting on his thighs with a gentle smile on his faceplates.
The guardsman can feel the pressure of his own weight on his thighs, it's odd, but it doesn't seem out of place for him and Sentinel to experiment with.
Jazz shifts down, putting his servo on the prime's waist and faceplates near his panels. Not even having to open his intake and ask, Sentinel's interfacing panels snap aside, lubricant spilling from his array. The guardsman kisses at his spike, going down from the tip to his exterior node.
When Jazz's visor begins to fog up, Sentinel awkwardly smiles and laughs quietly. The prescription visor is taken off, uncaringly thrown to the opposite side of the berth and quickly forgotten about.
Sentinel tries to stay quiet, squeezing Jazz's servo, taking his other servo and putting two digits into his intake, biting down gently to put a stop to his needy noises for now.
Jazz, who does not have the steadiest vents right now, is lapping at the prime's valve, pushing warm air onto the array and making Sentinel whine. The guardsman's blush darkens, panting and feeling the shared connection working harder and straining to share the pleasurable sensations. The cable is most likely stalling, it's fine. Probably.
The prime bites his derma, putting his servo on Jazz's helm, not forcing him to do more, just kind of making sure he'll stay right there.
"Jazz, Jazz, Jazz please!" Sentinel gasps, his tone rushed and shaky. He whines, throwing his helm back, trying not to squeeze his thighs together and squish the guardsman's kibble. He gasps and withers, overloading with a harsh jolt through his circuits.
The prime eventually regains control of his spasming body, his vents evening out until the connecting wire between the two catches up, it forces Jazz to gasp, humming into his partner's valve and shakily sucking at Sentinel's exterior node, the sensation almost driving him to overload himself.
Primus, this would be one hell of a night.
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scifimagpie · 1 year
Help my friend's amazing WtNV-inspired novel COME TO LIFE!
Okay, so here's the dealio. Aughtpunk tried to blaze this, but Tumblr wasn't having it, and we're not really sure why. One of my dear buddies, @aughtpunk, needs *your* support, Tumblr!
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In Amber's own words,
Hello! My name is Amber Freeman (aka AughtPunk, aka A. A. Freeman) and I need assistance in getting my Sci-Fi LGBTQIA+ Romance novel Echo of the Larkspur ready for self publishing. Dr. Ciro Kwakkenbos is the only survivor of The Larkspur Incident, where scientists on a research vessel were slaughtered by sentient robots. After six years of intensive therapy Ciro is ready to return to his job of monitoring Artificial Intelligence in hopes of preventing any more loss of life at the hands of machines. He will be heading the Wireless Project, an attempt to give their main AI a physical, free-roaming body. But when Ciro arrives he realizes this is no ordinary job. The AI in charge of the colony’s security, SAGE (Sentient Automated Geo-sentinel Engineer), is dangerously close to complete sentience. Not only is SAGE more interested in observing the colonists everyday lives and playing a proper soundtrack than following his intended programing, but he has also gained the ability to lie, and could hurt or even kill humans. Knowing such deviance from original programming is what caused The Larkspur Incident, Ciro does everything possible to find a way to protect the humans of the colony. During Ciro’s investigation, he learns three important facts: Someone hacked SAGE’s memories and deleted a deadly secret; SAGE’s rebellious nature endangers the life of every colonist on the base; and Ciro is quickly falling in love with the mystery that is SAGE. Can Ciro unravel the truth behind the missing memories before it’s too late? Will SAGE’s aberrant programming lead to his demise, or is it the beginning of something new? Unless Ciro can uncover the truth, both SAGE and the colony are doomed. My journey with Echo of the Larkspur has been a long one. I wrote the first draft almost ten years ago and over the years I've been editing, rewriting, and honing it until I was proud of what I had created. But try as I may I could never get any agents or publishers interested in my work. I even had a traditionally published author tell me that the only way to make it publishable was to take out the queer romance to make it "less weird". Well I've decided the best thing to do is to self publish it myself than to change what makes the novel special for a mass audience. However, I want the novel to be in the best shape it can be before I go down the self publishing route. This means hiring a professional editor, hiring an artist for the cover, and hiring someone for the cover's lettering. My posted goal of $600 will be enough to cover all of those things, plus anything extra/left over will be spent on advertisement for the novel in an attempt to reach a broader audience. Echo of the Larkspur would never have gotten this far without the support of my friends, family, and fans. With your help I'll be able to finally get my novel out into the world into the hands of those who have waited so long. Every donation helps, and so does sharing this page! Thank you, Amber
I myself am the editor tapped to work on this; I'm giving them a discount to help with the publishing process.
Friends, this is a book I believe in. I've read older versions (though it's been a few years) and I know this book is ready. This is the time for this book. It's radically inclusive, and features meditations and musings on robotics and cognition that are very sophisticated. All in a body-positive queer romance with robots.
So, if you're a fan of their Overwatch work, Points on a Circle, check out some of their original works and fanfic here!
Donate Here!
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cherrythepuppet · 11 months
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🧡Alice/017 X Imagnairy Reader🖤
You Worked at the Cabin Fever Labs before it all went to hell, You and your wife, Alice also known as 017 along with your child BeauBut when the Cabin Fever Labs did go down You were ripped apart by the Anti-drone sentinels causing Alice to go slightly crazy but now...after a few years She likes to pretend you are still there with her...
She walked into one of the operation rooms where she saw 'You' sitting on one of the hospital beds reading a book "Heya Dollface!" Alice exclaimed 
"Alice!" You exclaimed putting your book away "Darling How was you're day?" You asked
"Grrreat Dear!" Alice replied "I killed some drones that came through the vents and cut 'em up! Even got some parts to make myself bigger!" Alice explained excitedly
"Now, come here Dear, I got some big ol' kisses for you" Alice said walking over to the bed before grabbing you and pinning you down and kissing you aggressively "I've missed you my dollface!
"You kissed back and smiled "I Missed you as well dear" you replied with a small blush on you're screen
Alice's kisses got longer and more passionate "So, what were ya reading about?" Alice asked "Some kinda depressing book?" Alice added "I hate depressing stuff...except when its me causing the depressing effects!" Alice joked
You chuckled "It is quite depressing! I believe its an Edgar Allen Poe book too?" You said glancing at the book "But seriously What's up with the guy and dead chicks?" You aughed
"Not a clue Love! But hey, at least its entertaining!" Alice said "I mean, its better than a lot of the lame sappy love books out there these days..." Alice said glancing at her wedding ring
You nodded but didn't reply for a moment "Alice...do you sometimes feel as if...you aren't real?" You asked randomly
"Huh? What are ya on about love? I'm as real as you are?" Alice said with a confused sigh "Sometimes you act...odd, love...." Alice said "I hope you're okay?" Alice said with worry and confusion on her face
"I just feel...well it's odd but I feel as if I'm not real?" You sighed "Odd isn't it?" You chuckled
Alice tilted her head "Well...I can assure you, you are very real" Alice said before thinking for a moment "Now, I got a question for ya, why do you think that?" Alice said before she started scratching and repairing one of her legs
"I-i don't know..." You mumbled "It's like-...it's like I'm not real and well...imaginary?" You said
Alice sat there trying to process what you said "...well, that's....kinda crazy talk, Sweetie!" Alice said while still sounding confused and concerned "Do you have any idea why you're even thinking like that Love?""No..." You replied "But It sometimes feels that way...Like i-" You paused "Like I'm dead" You muttered 
Alice stared at you before putting her hand on your cheek "Darling....I'm not sure what could be the cause of these crazy thoughts of yours" Alice said lovingly "...I can assure you, you are far from dead, you're alive and I'm proud to call ya my wife" Alice said kissing your cheek
You leaned into her touch "Your right darling...I don't know what I was thinking" You smiledAlice kept kissing your cheek and smiling
"Hey, you can tell me anything ok love? I'm here for ya" Alice said "Now...why dont we watch one of those silly sappy romance movies? The worst ones we can find and just turn our brains off and watch some bad acting?" Alice said with a giggle "What do ya say?"
You laughed "Yeah" You replied "That sounds nice" You added 
Alice smiled before standing up and offering her hand "Alright, well come on, Let's go pick something super sappy and cheesy to watch" Alice said "We'll just be lazy and cuddle in bed all night".....
Uzi unleashes her AbsoluteSolver to destroy the door buttons, thus opening the doors and giving the Sentinels more free roaming in the area
The Sentinels make their way to Alice's room However Alice slowly closes the door before the Sentinels show up "BEAU! HELP ME WITH-" Alice cried but It's too late As The Sentinels are here now
Alice is flashed and paralyzed as the Sentinels enter the room, crushing Alice under their feet, thus getting rid of her for good.....
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echosong971 · 2 years
so um.
for me to talk about my headcanons for Void Frenzies, I gotta first talk about the Void and how it relates to Nightstalkers especially, cause, y'see-
The Void is a quirky lil thing.
There are numerous accounts and lore bits that talk about how the Void is, even though it's technically Light, almost like an entity unto itself.
"...I've discovered another little trick to getting in good with that yawning mouth of nothing we call the Void: exhaustion. When I start slipping into that twilight, where I'm not sure if I'm awake or dreaming, I can feel the absence. It's close enough to touch. I guess it doesn't matter if it's literal or metaphorical. The Void just likes it when I'm running on empty." - Nightstalker
"The Void ain't special. It sure is creepier than Solar or Arc, that's for sure. But it isn't special. Just show it respect, thank it for a lovely evening, and make sure you always pay your bill. So to speak. Then you've got nothing to worry about. See?" - Shard of the Traveler (Nightstalker)
"There are those who see the Void as dark. It is the folly of the simple mind, unable to perceive the brilliant richness of nothingness. The Void is not only the absence of Light, but Dark..." - Apotheosis Veil
Even further, countless lore tabs talk about the risks of using the Void and the reasons why it can be detrimental to use, especially for Nightstalkers, who balance on the knife's edge of powers and abilities that could prove to be exceptionally dangerous if not exercised with paramount discipline:
"I've had a dozen Hunters ask me why it's so hard to summon a Dusk Bow. I asked 'em what they thought of the Void, and their eyes told me everything. You can't be afraid. That's the secret. No fear." - Tevis, Log Entry 19338
"Picking it up is the easy part, Hunter. Putting it down again, well, you’ll find that it’s addictive, that power. This weapon is something special. Your Light gets twisted. Changed. You find the power to punch through and borrow something from the other side. The Void opens up a hole, and draws from the deep. Go ahead. Carry it a while, Hunter. You’ll feel how heavy it can get.” - Cayde-6, The Nightstalker's Trail
"Doesn't matter how good you are—you stay out there too long, you're not coming back. Not the same way you left, anyway." - Tevis Larsen, Graviton Forfeit
So I asked myself, what happens when a Guardian does go too far into the Void? What happens when the Void they take from finally decides to take something back?
And that's when the idea of Void Frenzies came to me.
So, how do they work?
I imagine they happen to Nightstalkers more often than Sentinels or Voidwalkers just due to the nature of their class and how it works, as well as my own personal knowledge being more expansive when it comes to the Void subclass for Hunters compared to Void Titan and Warlock. So for brevity's sake, I'm going to solely be referring to Nightstalkers for this. Although y'all can feel free to add on your own thoughts on how this might happen for Sentinels and Voidwalkers!
There are a few ways that Void Frenzies can be triggered, but more often than not they tend to be caused when a Nightstalker overtaxes themselves and overuses their Void without giving themselves room to breathe or time to calm down. Huge bouts of emotional turmoil and/or copious amounts of stress can also make a Nightstalker more susceptible to snapping thus triggering a Void Frenzy.
The telltale signs of a Void Hunter experiencing stress that, if it becomes uncontrollable, could lead to a Void Frenzy are as follows:
Living things such as trees, flowers and grass begin to die and wilt around them and any living creature feels like its energy is being siphoned from their body, mirroring the effects of the power we know as Devour.
The temperature of the air around them suddenly drops and turns stagnant. It's not just cold, it's also thick and musty. Unnaturally still. Entropic. Dead.
Void energy begins to course along their arms and face. It creeps under their skin like dark tendrils that they seem to be unable to control, as if it's infecting their very body. The Light underneath the skin of Awoken Guardians turns a dark purple. Their eyes, and the lights in Exos' mouths and optics, turn a brilliant violet, and their sclera—the whites of their eyes—turn black. Energy seeps from their eyes like thick, smoky tears. Purple smoke also can escape from their nose and mouths, even billowing up from the hollow cheeks of Exos.
They seem distant. Hungry. Tired. They become far more prone to spacing out. More often than usual. The Void likes when they run on empty, and the emptier they are, the stronger their connection to the Void becomes until, without proper discipline and control, it consumes them.
When a Void Frenzy occurs, it begins with the Hunter expelling a MASSIVE amount of Void energy around them as if they were casting a Super. Void Light bathes their form and often times will manifest in bladed weapons that look much like Spectral Blades, or in some cases, claws. This varies from Hunter to Hunter.
After this point, they have slipped into the grasp of the abyss and it will refuse to let go. They're only goal will to be to kill and consume as much energy as they can to feed the insatiable appetite of the emptinesses gaping maw. They cannot differentiate between friends and enemies and will attack anything that they see. The Void does not discriminate between energy sources and now neither do they. They do not control the Void anymore. The Void is in control of them. They are ferocious, insatiable, and extremely dangerous and will not stop consuming everything in their path until they either pass out or get shot.
The only ways to combat a Void Frenzy is to wait until their own energy has become exhausted and they burn out (which is not recommended as trying to contain Hunters in a Frenzy has proven to be nigh impossible), by suppressing them with the very energy that is controlling them and thus severing their own connection to the Void, or by killing them and allowing their Ghost to rez them so that the Light bathes and grounds them. The Vanguard tends to opt for killing Guardians in Void Frenzies on sight as it acts as a sort of hard reset that has proven to be the most effective and reliable method for quickly snapping a Guardian out of a Frenzy without causing too much extraneous stress, trauma or damage.
Guardians that have suffered from Void Frenzies are often given a one to two week mandatory leave of absence from their duties—the length being determined by the severity of the incident—and are encouraged and given the resources to take care of themselves until they have recovered enough and feel fit for duty.
In the fight against the Darkness, the last thing they need are Guardians losing themselves.
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