#seto kaiba x anzu mazaki
anzu-kaiba · 1 year
Azure Week 2023 "Reunion" Fanmix
Possible songs; love 'em? Hate 'em? Let me know!
I've got 27 songs that fit this year's primary theme of "reunion" and/or our seven themes:
second chances
I tried to get songs from either Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters' original 2000-2004 run, or from the last year (2022-2023).
And because I suck at musical discovery, I had to ask AI (Claude.ai, Bing Chat, and GPT-4+plugins) to help me out. 😆 Of course, I listened (or already know) almost all of the below songs, and think they somehow either fit Seto Kaiba, Anzu Mazaki/Téa Gardner, or their relationship in line with this year's themes.
Do you agree? Disagree? Have other song suggestions for a Throwback Track or maybe something Instrumental or International? Got a wider variety of genres than I have here (which, to be fair, skews "pop")? Suggest 'em here! Want to make cover art for this album? PLEASE DO! 🤩
The below tracks are arranged alphabetically by artist, not anything else (e.g., album, year, theme, etc.)
Try Again - Aaliyah
Hello - Adele
The Story - Brandi Carlile
Bam Bam - Camila Cabello feat. Ed Sheeran
Beautiful - Christina Aguilera
The Scientist - Coldplay
Clocks - Coldplay
One More Time - Daft Punk
Best Part of Me - Ed Sheeran feat. Yebba ← Is this like Game of Thrones, where Ed Sheeran shows up even when you don't want him to? Oh well, I liked this song. 😝
Lost Without You - Freya Ridings
2 Sides of Me - Hinder
Scars - James Bay
I Won't Give Up - Jason Mraz
The Heart of Life - John Mayer
Somewhere Only We Know - Keane
Reunion - M83
Home - Michael Bublé
I Lived - OneRepublic
Hey Ya! - Outkast
Everything About It is a Love Song - Paul Simon
Back to You - Selena Gomez
When You're Gone - Shawn Mendes
Welcome to my Life - Simple Plan
It's Been Awhile - Staind
Beautiful Day - U2
A Thousand Miles - Vanessa Carlton
Reunion - The xx ← Okay, yes, it's the second song with that exact same title, but at least it exists! Bing wanted me to believe Taylor Swift released a track called "Reunion" on Red (Taylor's Version), and I thought I was going crazy when I couldn't find it! 😵‍💫
If folks like these songs, I'll put the music videos up on a playlist on YouTube, and put together shareable playlists of the available songs on Apple Music, Spotify, etc.
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rambird12 · 5 months
A revolutionshipping idea I just had that would take place after DOSD either 6 months or a year. The whole idea is that Kaiba did go to the afterlife and meet Atem but is stuck there he is not dead but alive just stuck in a Linbo state. Of course Mokaba wants him back, Atem decently wants him to back and live his life and not leave his brother alone. Here is where Anzu comes in she than sacrifices herself to take Kaiba's place in the afterlife! Yes it would mean she would join Atem permeanty in the afterlife so Kaiba could return (so will see him GX etc) even tho it is somewhat bittersweet since she would have to see goodbye to Yugi, Joey, Mai etc but she would get to join Atem.
There is still some stuff to work out but I thought I'd share.
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alpaca-clouds · 2 years
Fluffcember Day 18: Of Fircones and other Dangers
I absolutely forgot about putting up those next few Fluffcember One Shots. Sorry, had a busy few days.
Day 18 had the prompt The Smell of Pine.
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters
Shipping: Anzu/Seto
Genre: Fluff and Humor
Length: 1048 words
[Ao3 Link]
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Seto could not quite hide his disgruntledness. Even two days in their vacation he could not hide how much the idea disturbed him. It almost made Anzu laugh, really, because with all his wealth, all the things at his disposal, Seto Kaiba did not quite understand the concept of a vacation.
She took his hand and just pulled him along the forest path, that was beautifully glittering in the early afternoon sun. “Isn't it beautiful?” she asked, trying to start a conversation.
Seto gave a confused look, as he gazed into the conifer forest.
It was very pretty, really. Up here in Sweden the winters were long and cold and brought an amount of snow that they could only dream of in Domino City. It was a sunny day, though, so those little ice crystals in the thick cover of snow were glittering – at times even in multiple colors.
“I guess,” Seto finally admitted.
“Really, you should get out more,” she chided her husband. “It would give you new inspiration as well.”
“I do not need inspiration,” he muttered. He was pouting, this much was clear. Seto Kaiba tended to pout a lot, whenever she talked him into something. But if neither she nor Mokuba would talk him into things, he would not get out of his office at all. At times happiness had to simple be forced onto him.
The sound of the snow creaking underneath her winter boots was wonderful as well. She simply loved everything about the place. The view, the soundscape, the smells as well. It was a perfect way to spend the few days off she had gotten from the ballet.
Smirking she looked up at her husband. “There are certain kinds of inspiration you are not averse to,” she teased and got him to blush.
“That's… different.”
“How so?”
This got him to hesitate, stopping even in his stride. One thing that Anzu would not have believed if someone had told her just two years ago, was, that Seto Kaiba could be quite shy. Then again it should not be surprising. He was all big on presentation, on showing of his wealth and his skill at Duel Monsters, but he had never been particularly good when it came to interpersonal relationships. Mokuba being the one exception. It was not a big surprise, of course, given about what she now knew about his upbringing. It did mean, though, that at times she had to tease an honest response out of him.
“It's… with you,” he finally muttered.
“This is with me, too.”
He paused, then sighed, looking around, then looking at her. “Touché.” His breath condensed in front of his face and there was a flush on his ears that was quite unusual to see. Finally, he took her hand again and marched on. “I still don't get it, though.”
“What is there to get?”
“Do you find this… relaxing?”
“Yes,” she said.
He thought about this for a moment. “How so?”
It was a question she should've expected but didn't. “There are few people around,” she said. “There is no rustling and bustling. The view is really nice and so is the smell.”
“The smell?”
“The conifer trees,” she replied. “Don't you smell it?”
He sniffed and then nodded. “I guess I do.”
“It is a nice smell, isn't it?”
“It is not offensive.”
She smiled. “You see? And all in all… It is nice to get away from it all from time to time.”
Once more he paused, though he continued walking this time. “It is just… There is so much to do. In summer there will be…”
She pressed his hand. Of course, she knew what he was talking about. He was planning on another Battle City tournament – one that would hopefully not be upstaged by any more Egyptian weirdness. Just a normal tournament, that would bring loads of tourists to Domino City. There would be a carnival as well and all sorts of cultural events happening around the same time, giving people things to do if they were tired of watching duels.
Lately Seto had started to appreciate the arts a bit more. Together with Mokuba's help she had gotten him to just give those things a chance, instead of once again burying himself in more Duel Monsters or otherwise game related stuff. She had taken him along for movie nights, had taken him to the theatre and had – much to Ryuu's glee – gone to a rock concert with him as well.
Through all of it, Seto had mostly kept the same expression, but that was just the way things were. He was not very expressive. At least when it came to anything not Duel Monsters related.
Even right now she could feel him slowly relax, as he started to pay more attention to their surrounding instead of trying to tune everything out. She had decided for this place for a reason. It was away from tourist destinations, so there were not a lot of people around. It was just them – for three days at least, before she would've to return to New York.
After a while, he sighed. “I guess this is nice.”
She chuckled, pressing his hand once again. “I told you so.” Tucking at his hand she got him to bow down far enough that she could press a soft kiss onto his lips. “And tonight…” She did not get any further, as the next moment he twitched, turning around.
She frowned. She had heard something hitting the back of his head. Looking around the culprit was quickly found: A fir cone having fallen to the ground.
Rubbing the back of his head he looked at it. “The forest is attacking me.”
She hesitated, before laughing, as she realized that it was in fact a joke. “It is, apparently,” she admitted and bowed down to collect the cone. Once she got up, she handed it to him. “Maybe you should keep this.”
He raised one eyebrow. “Why would I?”
“As a reminder.”
“A reminder?”
“Of this vacation.”
“Ah.” His face relaxed visibly as he understood. And for a moment a soft smile showed on his face. He took the cone and put it in the pocket of his coat. “Yes, maybe I will keep it.”
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rosepr98 · 4 years
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Atem’s facial expressions in the manga are pure gold 😚👌🏻
He’s so cute tho
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deejadabbles · 4 years
Yu-gi-oh x Avatar:TLA
Been re-watching Avatar the past week and when I searched for it I legit couldn’t find, like, any Yugioh Duel Monster x Avatar The Last Airbender content??? I mean the search feature sucks here so maybe I’m just not seeing it, but, now I have a mighty need for this cross over, so I guess I’ll do it myself! (if anyone knows any other posts about this though please link me to them!)
So first off, Yugi is the Avatar
I don’t care if most think Yami is the main protag it just makes sense to me that Yugi is the Avatar
Much like Aang, Yugi is an airbender, but instead of being raised by a group of monks he was actually raised by his nomadic grandfather, who is also an airbender.
Yugi is basically what everyone thinks of when they think of the stereotypical airbender, he’s intelligent, prefers pacifism, would give a stranger the shirt off his back, fun loving and worldly due to his travels, etc.
On the other hand Grandpa, while kind and not prone to violence, isn’t exactly a “monkly” airbender. He’s way too familiar with gambling halls, tomb raiding, pirating, and pretty much every other seedy side of the different nations you can think of. 
While grandpa definitely toned down those..*ahem* less than virtuous adventures when he started raising Yugi, he did not shield Yugi from these things during their travels. Yugi's safety was always his priority, but he also knew it was important for Yugi to learn to take care of himself if he was going to travel the world.
Plus, I mean, when Yugi beat a pirate captain at pai sho at age 12, and won them an ancient water tribe artifact, grandpa knew his bright young airbender could handle his own.
Oh also, Yugi’s flying bison is a brown fluff-ball named Kuriboh. Kuriboh was the runt of his littler, much smaller than most male bison, but that didn’t stop Yugi from bonding with him almost immediately when they met near the air temple (in fact if probably helped them bond more), and the two are now inseparable <3
Grandpa took Yugi against the wishes of the council in charge of the Avatar. The council wanted to shelter Yugi and deprive him of a normal life (much like the monks wanted to with Aang), but grandpa basically said “F all of you” and took Yugi with him so he could have a fun, free life away from all that...at least for awhile.
When Yugi turned 16 the council tracked the boys down, finally told Yugi he’s the Avatar, and demanded he come with them to finish his airbending training and start learning the other elements.
Yugi was honestly, understandably, pretty devastated, his whole life was being stolen from him in the blink of an eye, but, he’s also heard tales of how important the Avatar is for the world and how people would suffer without the avatar, and he couldn’t handle the idea of letting the world down.
Yugi whet with the council, unknowing of that was about to come.
Okay so for Atem I have two possibilities for his role in this AU that I really like, so I’ll just list them both:
#1 is that Atem was the Avatar before Yugi, born as the son of Fire Lord Aknamkanon. 
He grew up in the lap of luxury, but never took it for granted thanks to his father, the most peaceful Fire Lord the nation had seen in a long time. 
His father dedicated his life to improving relations with the other nations and maintaining peace.
Atem’s uncle, Aknadin on the other hand, was an authoritarian jerk-wad, who thought Fire Lord Aknamkanon weak and unfit to rule the Fire Nation.
You can see where I’m going with this. Aknadin hatched a plan to assassinate both Aknamkanon and Atem, and put himself on the throne, using the death’s of the Fire Lord and Prince as cause for war.
What he did not count on though, was Atem being the Avatar. 
Atem didn’t even know he was the Avatar at this point, they were going to wait until he was 16 to tell him, like most Avatars. Atem had no idea he could bend other elements besides fire, let alone realize he had the power of the Avatar spirit. 
Even still, when Atem was attacked by his uncle’s assassins, and he was on the verge of dying, his Avatar sate kicked in.
Well, not quite. It began to kick in just before Atem was overpowered by the assassins, but not quick enough to save him. You know that whole thing about “if the avatar dies while in the avatar state, the avatar will cease to be”? Well, this was a strange In-Between.
The avatar cycle was not broken, since the avatar spirit wasn’t fully awoken, but now Atem’s soul, that incarnation of the avatar, is in a strange form of limbo.
 It was only 16 years later when the new avatar, Yugi, went into the avatar state for the first time, that his soul was finally brought out of limbo. Only now he and Yugi have a strange bond. Instead of residing somewhere deep inside Yugi’s soul like the other past avatars, Atem seems to be one with Yugi, able to commune with him like a constant companion, and even take over Yugi’s body in times of need.
In this version the new Fire Lord waited years to launch his war, gaining the trust of the other nation while slowly changing and manipulating the ideologies of his own people through propaganda and fear mongering.
Yugi fled the air temple when the firelord finally launched his attack on the air nomads in an effort to kill the new avatar, and during that tramtic ordeal is when Yugi went into the avatar state for the first time and awoke Atem’s soul. 
Now Atem’s main focus is helping train Yugi to save the world from Fire Lord Aknadin, who’s hell-bend on world domination.
If the whole “Atem dying in a half avatar state that affected his soul” plot doesn’t work for you, I also think we could just simplify things and say that Atem is a Fire Bender dedicated to helping the avatar defeat the tyrant Fire Lord.
In this version Atem would still be a Fire Nation Prince, whose father was dedicated to peace. Only in this version Atem’s father died unexpectedly, and Atem was deemed too young to take the throne, so they put Uncle Aknadin on the throne in Atem’s place.
Atem watched for years while his uncle slowly, meticulously dismantled all of his father’s hard work for peace and was powerless to stop him. All Atem could do was train, improve his firebending, and hope that he could challenge his tyrant uncle to an agni kai for the throne someday.
During that time Atem also found it hard to hold onto his own morals, as his home was every-changing under it’s new Fire Lord, becoming more and more authoritarian and xenophobic. He became a bit harsher during that time, but deep down still held on to his core belief in peace and mercy that his father taught him.
So, when he found out that Aknadin was making plans to wipe out the Air Nomads, and thus, the new Avatar, Atem had to take action.
He fled the Fire Nation to warn the Air Nomads, and he did manage that, but it wasn’t enough to save everyone. Yugi was still too young to fight an army, or the Fire Lord, he hadn’t even begun to learn waterbending let alone anything else. So, when the Fire Lord’s soldiers attacked the temples, the monks insisted Yugi and Atem flee together, live to fight another day, and become strong enough to fight the Warmongering Fire Lord.
No matter which version of Atem we go with everything else stays virtually the same. In the version where Atem is just the spirit of the previous avatar and Yugi’s guide, the Fire Nation still attacked the Air Temples, hoping to kill the new Avatar, he just waited longer to do this, accumulating support and maybe even some alliances with other nations.  But either way, Yugi escapes (after a LOT of arguing against leaving any one, let alone everyone, behind) so he could start his avatar training and defeat this new threat.
In this AU I believe most of the gang’s time would be spent trying to train Yugi in the next elements, but also avoiding capture by the Fire Nation, who’s put a big bounty on Yugi’s head. They also aren’t sure who to trust, as sides are often picked and alliances formed during wars and they have no real way to know what nation would aid them vs the Fire Nation. Unlike the original ATLA show, this is a new war unfolding before their eyes, not one that’s been known and ongoing for 100 years. 
Now on to the rest of the cast! Honda is a non-bender, but don’t underestimate him, in a world where he constantly has to avoid the Dai Li and thugs who can earthbend, he’s learned to take care of himself. 
Jonouchi is an earthbender, and Yugi actually met both him and Honda while traveling the world with grandpa (before learning he was the avatar). 
Jou and Honda were both street kids who joined the gangs in Ba Sing Se in order to survive. Their fellow thugs tried to mug Yugi, thinking him an helpless monk. Peace-loving Yugi didn’t attack them, of course, but used his airbending to dodge their attacks with ease and grace... and ended up humiliating them all when he blew them into a fountain. 
While Jou was initially against mugging Yugi (even when he was a thug he always went on about facing opponents who at least stand a chance against you, not picking on the weak) after that incident Jou basically made it his life’s mission to make Yugi’s life hell the whole time Yugi and Grandpa were in Ba Sing Se. He’d track Yugi down pretty much every day to harass him, trying to get Yugi to “fight him like a real man” and just generally being a bully. 
Yugi always refused to fight him, even the few times Jonouchi actually landed a hit on him with his earthbending. Grandpa intervened a couple times, but ultimately left it up to Yugi to handle.
Right before Yugi and Gramps made to move on to the next city though, Yugi came across a frantic and injured Honda. 
Turns out Jou spoke out against their gang stealing from a family that was already down on their luck and said thugs decided they had enough of Jou’s mouth and wanted to “teach him a lesson”. Honda tried to stop them and defend Jou, but was overpowered just by sheer numbers.
Yugi couldn’t stand by and let this happen, of course, and together he and Honda found where the thugs had taken Jou. Despite the fact that Yugi still refused to strike a damaging blow on anyone, his and Jou’s opposing bending styles actually worked pretty well together and they were all able to escape.
That was the turning point for both boys, but especially Jou and he finally realized that he mistreated Yugi and that Yugi was someone to be admired, not mocked. They unfortunately did not get a chance to make amends then, however, since Yugi and Grandpa were gone the next day. 
So about a year later, when Yugi returns to the city after escaping the raids on the Air Temples, Jou and Honda are eager to help him and insist on joining Yugi and Atem, “as the avatar’s bodyguards” if nothing else. And despite being against the idea of endangering them, Yugi had to admit he teared up at the mere thought of friends joining him on his journey.
Next, we of course have Anzu, a waterbender, and Mai, a firebender.
Anzi and Mai have a traveling act together. They combined their bending with intricate dances and make a marvel of it, sometimes doing synchronized performances that focus a lot on how their opposing elements can compliment and balance each other, other times they do solo numbers that are just as mesmerizing with Anzu’s captivating grace and Mai’s mesmerizing passion. They also wear full, intricate face paints (or sometimes even masks) while on stage to help keep them from going unnoticed when traveling.
Anzu also knows a bit of healing with her waterbending, and as they travel through towns/cities, Anzu often uses her time between shows helping heal those who can’t afford medicine. Mai sometimes goes on about how ppl will take advantage of Anzu is she isn’t careful, but secretly really admires Anzu’s kind heart.
Don’t ever underestimate these girls though, their bending isn’t just for performance, they can and will kick your ass with their bending and have held their own again a whole crew of highway men. You don’t travel the world without knowing how to defend yourself, especially if you’re women thugs think they can take advantage of.
The boys came across Anzu and Mai soon after leaving Ba Sing Se. The first glance they got at them was one of their shows and were impressed to say the least (Yugi was particularly captivated by the waterbender, like the big-hearted bi-disaster that he is).
What really impressed them though was that night, when Yugi was taking a walk through the town to clear his head. Once again he was seen as an easy target by his “weak” appearance (season 0 anyone?) and some thugs ambushed him. Before he even had the chance to defend himself though, two women came to his rescue, water-whipping and fire-blazing. It didn’t take much for Yugi to put two and two together and realize they were the dancers from the show, and, being thoroughly impressed by their bending skills, he begged Anzu to teach him waterbending.
Anzu was actually interested in the idea from the start, when they heard about the attacks on the Air Temples and the Fire Nation declaring war, she was outraged. Anzu is nothing if not compassionate and all that life being burn away gave her a slowly growing need to take action, and now the avatar himself was asking her to teach him!
Mai on the other hand, wanted nothing to do with Yugi and his “band of do-gooders” and insisted Anzu turn him down. Mai grew up in the Fire Nation during the rise of the tyrant Fire Lord Aknadin, she knows first hand how ruthless his soldiers can be, and sees it as loosing battle to resist them. In her mind, her and Anzu have a good life going for them, why change that to fight a war they aren’t going to win?
The girls argue about this for awhile, to the point that Anzu actually thinks about leaving Mai to go with Yugi without her, despite the idea of leaving Mai behind tearing her up inside.
Then the town they’re staying in is attacked by Fire Nation soldiers. Everyone, including Mai jumps into action to defend the towns people and together they’re able to fight them off. In the aftermath, having the war’s carnage brought right into her lap, Mai sees that the ruler of her homeland has to be stopped and agrees to join the gang too. 
I haven’t thought a ton about the other characters honestly, and I’m especially having trouble placing Ryou in all this, but here are some half developed/misc headcanon:
Seto is a firebender and the son of Fire Lord Aknadin, making him and Atem cousins. 
In the version where Atem is just a regular firebender and not the previous avatar, Seto and Atem grew up together. Atem tried his best to convince Seto to leave with him when he set out to warn the Air Nomads of the attack, but Seto refused, already being drawn in by Aknadin’s power-centric teachings. 
In the version where Atem is the previous avatar and shares a body with Yugi, Seto was only a few years old when his older cousin Atem was “mysteriously killed” and Seto grew up hearing stories from his father about how they could avenge the young prince and the previous fire lord.
In both versions Seto is similar to a Zuko character. He’s sent out by his father to capture the avatar, but eventually he comes to realize what a warmongering monster his father is and turns on the firelord, joining Yugi and the gang. He’s still an egotistical ass though and is basically constantly criticizing the whole gang the entire time he’s with them. The rivalry between him and Yugi/Atem is still there, because of all the times Yugi whipped him with his airbender while Seto was trying to capture him. Also, Seto honestly believes that he’d make a better avatar than Yugi and thanks to @readerinsertfanfiction now I can’t get the thought out of my head that Seto would try to science his way into becoming a second living avatar 😂
I really want to include Mana and Mahad in this AU as well (since they’re my fave side characters) and thought maybe they could also be firebenders who grew up with Atem and were his close friends. Then when the tyrant Fire Lord took over they started plotting behind the scenes and formed a rebellion within the fire nation. (for real could you imagine the version where Atem was killed by his uncle and now an older Mahad and Mana, who’ve been waging a rebellion in the name of their prince and best friend, meet Yugi and can talk to Atem again and how heart wrenching a scene like that would be??)
Another possibility I thought of for Mahad and Mana was that they’re spirits of deceased airbenders who have gained some power in the spirit world. They commune with Yugi and help guide him and even step in to save him a couple times. This idea play more on the whole “Dark Magician/Dark Magician Girl Duel Monsters” side of things. Heck maybe we could do both these ideas since DM and DMG are usually considered separate entities from Mahad and Mana.
Duke/Otogi, I could image being a character similar to Jet (a charmer/flirt, who’s cunning and vengeful, at least at first? Come on I know you can see it) and maybe even having a similar story of tricking the gang into helping him do something horrible in the name of fighting the Fire Nation, then redeeming himself later.
I’m still a little unsure of Ryou’s story in this AU, but, I think I have an idea brewing involving Ryou being a waterbender who’s been processed by an evil spirit. Said spirit is thriving/feeding on the carnage of the war and often takes over Ryou’s body in order to stoke the fires of said war. This could lead to some interesting stuff involving Ryou wanting to join Yugi and the gang, but the evil spirit always stabbing them in the back. The gang, especially Yugi, would see it as a personal responsibility to save Ryou from the evil spirit and Yugi tries to learn more about his spirit powers in order to help Ryou.
I have some more vague ideas floating around my head, but I think that’s it for now. Boy, these are the longest headcanon I’ve had in while lol. I’m really loving the idea of this AU and I’m even really tempted to write an actual series surrounding it. I’d love to hear your guy’s thoughts about any of this or whether all this is even appealing at all. Please feel free to invade my inbox if yall wanna talk about this AU! <3
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shifuto · 4 years
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vivinightingale · 4 years
Hanahaki disease and Star tears head canons Part 2 of 3
Hanahaki Disease: An illness born from one sided love, where the victim's throat will fill up with flowers. They will then begin to throw up, or cough up the petals. In serious cases the flowers themselves. There are only two ways to get rid of the said disease. If the person the victim loves loves them back (strong friendship isn't adequate enough) or through surgery. If neither work the victim will suffocate on the flowers resulting in death.
Star Tears: The Sparkly star-like tears, accompanied with twlinking sounds. It's a disease that is caused by unrequited love. The only cure for these glimmering tears is for the love to be returned;  however, if they are not then the light from the shining stars will blind the victim. 
Flowers mentioned: 
Tulip: Love and, Confidence 
Sunflower: Adoration, Loyalty 
Hydrangea: Emotion, Understanding 
Rose: love
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~Tristan Taylor Star Tears:
If Tristain had the disease:
When Tristan first met Serenity the boy thought he was a goner. Well that was until he met her best friend (y/n). 
He loved the way you shined brighter than the sun, when your eyes sparkled with excitement of your favorite subject. (And when you tell off Duke when you felt he was overstepping his boundaries).
The major problem was your eyes were already on someone. Anyone with eyes (Expect the poor boy in question) could see how infatuated you were with him. You were always around him, spoke about him often, and you were always there when Yami Bakura got out of hand.
It hurt Tristain to the point when he got home he cried at how hopeless he was, but that was when his troubles truly occurred. When he cried the sparkly bright tears fell down his face. He was shocked to say the least he didn't understand why such bright tears fell down his face. So he didn't waste time going to the doctors.
When he got there the nurse took notice and ushered him to the back slightly shaken up by his state. When she seated him in a room she rushed to the doctor, and explained the circumstances.
When the doctor came in and he saw the young man trying to wipe away the tears in vain he knew exactly what was going on.
“It's a rare but painful disease Mr. Taylor.” The doctor explained to him the disease and the effects it would have on his health. 
Tristan didn't want to ruin your friendship but he also didn't want to go blind, so he decided then to take a risk. He texted you and asked you to meet him at the park closest to his house.
When you got there the sun was nearly set, and the stars glowinging from Tristan's face were glowing brighter than ever. When you asked him what happened he didn't bother to look at you as he explained the disease to you.
“I know this is sudden (y/n) but i like you….as in more than a friend.” you gasped at the sudden confession, but that surprise suddenly turned to sorrow “Im sorry tristan….” The tears fell harder from his eyes but he shook his head and left without another word.
When the brunette lost his eyesight everyone worried for his well being but he played it off as if it didn't bother him, but in reality it pained him that he wasn't able to see your pretty face any longer.
If you had the disease:
You had been serenity’s best friend since you met her in elementary, you did everything with her so when she got her eye surgery you were there with her. That was the day you met her infamous big brother Joey, and his friends. More specifically Tristan.
You weren't sure what it was but something about him drew you to him, But you saw the way he looked serenity, and when Duke came into the picture you were certain that Tristan was in love with her.
So you decided to distance yourself from the man in hopes to drive these feelings away. However fate had something in store for you.
 As you were talking with the group of friends at Mr. Muto’s gameshop you noticed how Tristan was obviously flirting with the girl as she giggled away at her pick up lines. It hurt your heart to see such a display that you could feel the tears prick at your eyes. You excused yourself from the group and ran to the bathroom. As you cried you noticed the blinding stars in your tears.
You stayed in the bathroom for what feels like forever till Mai knocked on the door. “(y/n)? Dear, are you okay?” you didn't have time to respond till she came in and saw the mess you were on the ground.
She was at your side instantly wiping away the tears and stars. “Star tears huh?” you look at her questioningly. She sighs and tells you everything she knows of the said disease. “It's not a pretty disease as it seems.”
Hearing her made you cry harder as she held you tightly. She escorted you home without the others seeing you, and told you to keep in mind her words.
In the end you were against telling tristan your feelings so instead you stayed by ai side as you slowly lose your sight. When you fully lost it Mai was there for you every step of the way, and made sure you avoided Tristan and everyone’s questions. 
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~Tea Gardner/Anzu Mazaki Hanahaki Disease:
    If she had the disease:
You were introduced to the group by Duke Devlin (well it was more you were there when he faced Yugi and you were silently on the sidelines watching) Maybe it was the quiet cool stance, or the way your sharp eyes studied the duel between the two. Whatever it was she was extremely interested in you. So when you walked over to the group and introduced yourself to them she was smitten.
You began to hang with the group more and everything you did just made her heart flutter, the dazzling smile, the way you were always there for them, and so much more. Her heart just couldn't take, and neither could her lungs.
Slowly the flowers began to take over her lungs Roses, Tulips, Sunflowers, and Lychins fell from her lips as she coughed.
Due to this her work wouldn't allow her to go back until she got it fixed, so she had no choice but to go to the doctors. Unable to go on her own Mai took her to the doctors and sat with her until the end of the exam.
“Well It seems you have a very rare and deadly disease called hanahaki.”  Mai probed the doctor for answers as Tea stared into nothing. Deadly one sided love? Surgery?  This was all so much for her to handle.
At the end of the appointment Mai took her home “Look tea…. I know it isn't easy but if there's a chance that you don't have to go through surgery you should take it.” Tea nodded still lost in thought as she walked to her house.
It took her some time to gain her thoughts, but when she did she took Mai’s words to heart. So she texts you text to meet her by the pond garden at the park.
When you met her at the park and saw her coughing up the flowers you rushed to her side and comforted her the best you could.
“I'm sorry....” she coughed as you shook your head and patted her back. “But there is something I have to tell you (y/n).... I like you a lot.” The silence was too long for her to handle. She tried to stand up to leave out of embarrassment. Ut before she could leave you pull her in for a hug.
“I like you too.”
If you got disease: 
You were there when Duke challenged Yugi to dungeon dice monsters, you knew it was cruel  to challenge him to a game he has never played, but you were there anyways to watch. A girl around your age was on Yugi’s side cheering him on. She reminded you of one of your fairy cards. She is beautiful, yet dangerously determined. 
After the match between the two you introduced yourself to the gang (While apologizing on duke’s behalf). When she started talking to you you knew you were a goner. She was an angel in disguise, and you wanted her for your own.
It took you days, maybe even weeks to come up with a plan, and right when you were about to ask her you began coughing. The coughing was so excessive that the teacher had to send you to the nurse. On your way there was when the flowers started to tumble down which made you rush a little quicker to the nurse.
When you got there the teacher saw your condition and ushered you to lay down. She put a bucket to the side of your bed as she examined the rest of you.
“You have what the professionals call hanahaki.” she told you the disease and all the effects of it. “I cant send you back to class now so wait till the end of the day so you can head home immediately.” you nodded and rested the best you could.
As you were getting ready to leave at the end of the day Tea came through the door “I came to check on you since you haven't been in class. Is everything okay?”  
Knowing you had no other choice you told her how you felt and that if she didn't feel the same you understood.
Hearing you sudden confession tea let out a soft giggle as she hugged you “I feel the same way (y/n)
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~Duke Devlin/Ryuji Otogi Star tears Disease
If he had the disease:    
Duke liked to think of himself as a smooth talker, his silver tongue got many people in his fan club. However there was one thing his smooth talking couldn't get him, you.
From the moment he met you he tried everything in his book to get your attention. Compliments, sweet talking, v.i.p access to his gameshop, EVERYTHING. Yet still your eyes always linger on Kiba.
He didn't understand what you saw in a jerk like him,but you saw something and he simply couldn't compare, and it hurt him deeply. It hurt him so much that anytime he saw you and Seto interacting he could stop the tear that would spring to his eyes.
The tears got worse over time to the point where the stars started to appear and it was hard for him to keep his eyes open. 
As much as he tried to wipe them away they just came one after the other. It was one of his employees who had told him about the disease, and what caused it.
There wasnt anything he could do, you didnt want him you wanted that stupid Seto! And there wasn't any cure for the tears. He didn't want to go blind, but what other choice did he have?
Instead of staying away from the others he spent the rest of his days seeing with you. If he was going blind he wanted the last thing to be beautiful. 
When Dukes about his last moments before he became blind he talks about the angel who stole his heart.
If you had the disease:
Curse this man with his beautiful looks, and silver tongue! He had utterly infatuated since the moment you laid eyes on him. 
The more you hung out with him the more of him you wanted to see. So that's exactly what you did or at least tried to do.
You would purposely visit his shop just to be around him. He even welcomed you with open arms talking with you every time you walked through the door.
This of course did not help your yearning heart or the star that fell down your face.
  You knew Duke had a fanbase so he didn't have time with relationships, so you were content with watching from the sidelines. However you couldn't do so if you went blind.
You knew of this disease from the start, you witnessed your aunt going through the same thing when you were young so this alone terrified you, but you didn't want to be a burden to the said boy.
So you continued to stay by his side even when you became blind listening as he rose to success, and eventually left you behind.
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~Seto Kaiba hanahaki disease:
If he had the disease:
Seto never had time for relationships. With his little brother, running a company, trying to beat Yugi, and not really caring he had no time at all. Or so he originally thought.
You have known the brothers since they were first adopted, your father being an investor in Kaiba corp gained you access to play with the said boys. Most of your days were spent with Mokuba, but there were the rare times you got to play with Seto and those were the days you both cherished deeply.
However, somewhere along the way Seto felt more than friendship towards you, and it was more the family because the way he felt about mokuba was different then what he thought of you.
He never realized what the feeling was until flowers began to appear. It was a small cough at first, but eventually they began to escalate. Worried Mokuba called in the best doctors Kaiba Corp had.
He learned that the feeling he had for you was love, and he also felt like you didn't share the same feelings for him. 
So instead of beating around the bush he went straight to you. He surprised you when he just walked into your house a determined glare resting on his features. “(y/n)..i want to take you out somewhere. No mokuba, just me and you.” It didn't take you long to realize what he wanted so you smiled at him and agreed to the said date.
Seto Kaiba maybe a man with little time, but he is willing to make time for you.
~If you got the disease:
You have grown up around the Kaiba brothers, and cherished every moment with them, but you had particular fondness for the eldest.
Though the man can be seen as cold and cruel around you and Mokuba he showed a softer side that not many got to witness. This kindness is what you fall for him.
You knew the young CEO didn't have time for petty things like relationships so instead you were content with seeing all his dreams come to life from the sidelines. 
Fate however, had different plans for you. The flowers began to grow in your lungs. Roses, Tulips, and Hydrangeas. The pain that jolted through your body with each cough was almost enough to distract you from heartache...almost.
Feeling yourself grow weaker with everyday you finally went to the doctors hoping there was a way for it to end. 
Because of your stubborn ways your body was too weak to do surgery on to remove the flowers. your only hope for survival was to tell Seto how you felt, and he returned your feelings.
You were admitted to the hospital due to the doctors request, and once Seto heard of the news he rushed to the hospital you were staying at 
“What is the meaning of this (y/n)?!” 
When walked in you gave him a weak smile as you explained the disease, without thinking about it you even told him the cause of it. When it came out of your mouth you knew you messed up.
You tried to back track, but Seto had other plans as he pulled you closer to him, one his hand on you head the other on the small of your back successfully trapping you.
“Then don't worry about those flowers anymore, with me at your side nothing will harm you again.”
~Requests are open~
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I have another fluffy idea for you! :) Yugi is my favourite, so cute and sweet, and I'd love it if you could do some extra fluffy romantic headcanons about his adorable attempts at flirting... featuring Pharaoh-sama, the ultimate wingman! (whether he's a good wingman or not is up to you lol) -💙
I love you and I swear you come up with the sweetest ideas!
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Okay so, Yugi is actually such a sweetheart and a hopeless romantic, that it’s adorable as hell, so when he managed to score a date with you, he was already flying even higher than Cloud 9.
Of course, his other self had to remind him to wake up and actually THINK of something to do for the date and, of course GO to it, and not just dream.
It was all supposed to be casual, but Pharaoh kept saying how he should look his best, so instead of his usual attire, he chose to go with a black shirt and leather pants, but he couldn’t leave aside his precious accessories, because they were what defined his style.
So you decided to go to a cafe, and drink a nice hot beverage, while talking about games, movies, comics and whatever interested you.
Thing is, in his mind, the Pharaoh kept telling him to make a move, to say something cheesy, to kiss you, to be bold in some way, but...It somehow didn’t feel right for him to rush like that in the beginning of the date.
“Come on, partner, say something! Tell her how gorgeous she is, you know it’s true! Just look at her eyes, and damn, that smile! C’mon, you can do it!” he kept hearing inside his head, but he didn’t realise he was blushing, until you put your hand on his forehead, trying to determine whether or not he has a fever.“Wh-What are you doing, S/O?” Yugi asked in a timid voice, seeing your kind face worrying for him.“Oh, sorry, Yugi. Your face was all red and I thought you got sick because of the weather or something. Are you okay?” you ask in concern.“Ergh...W-Well...Uhmm... Roses are red, my face is too, that only happens when I’m around you.” he managed to say out loud with a cheesy smile, despite burning even hotter.“Awwwww, Yugi, you’re so adorable!” you cooed at how sweet he was being.
And this went on for quite a while, until he ran out of cute pick up lines he found on the internet, all of them incredibly adorable and cheesy.
“Guess what I’m wearing? The smile you gave me!”
“Even though there aren’t any stars out tonight, you’re still shining like one.”
"I didn’t really believe in love at first sight, until I saw you.“
“If I were a cat i’d spend all 9 lives with you.“
“Roses are red and violets are blue there’s nothing in the world more prettier than you.”
“Are you the sun? Because you’re so beautiful it’s blinding me.
“You’re so cute its distracting.”
“God must have stolen 2 stars when he made you, ‘cause your eyes shine so beautifully.”
And so on, and honestly it was so cute that you couldn’t help but gush at how sweet he was being.
When he walked you back home, you kissed him on the cheek and said your goodbyes, thanking him for the date...
Until he gasped and you heard a loud SMACK.
Yugi facepalmed really hard and looked ashamed.
“What is it, Yugi?” you ask, rushing to his side.“I...I was so nervous about what to say during the date that I kept searching pick up lines to impress you...But I completely forgot to take the flowers I got for you! I’m such an idiot!” he groaned in realisation, feeling as if he failed.“Well, that only means you’ll give them to me next time, right~?” you winked at him, waving him goodbye as you slyly went inside your home, leaving him with his jaw agape.“Y E S !!!” he fist pumped the air, as Pharaoh kept praising him for doing so well.
But the next time, he’d have to make sure he remembers the flowers and get chocolates as well, to compensate...After all...
Who doesn’t love sweets~?
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anzu-kaiba · 9 days
So, somehow it's already Azure Week 2024 again
Aside from kicking off the brainstorming for this year's overarching theme, "video games," I have unfortunately had little input on this year's fun prompts (due to having moved, started a new job, and dealing with very demanding toddler):
Tetris Effect (Tetris)
You Activated My Trap Card! (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
(Humans are Like) One-Winged Angels (Final Fantasy VII)
Your Princess is in Another Castle (Super Mario)
Fix-It Felix? (Wreck-It Ralph)
I Choose You! (Pokémon)
It’s Dangerous to Go Alone—Take This! (The Legend of Zelda)
Chaos Control (Sonic the Hedgehog)
It’s On Like Donkey Kong (Donkey Kong)
Sanctuary (Kingdom Hearts)
Having ten themes means you can mix and match any number of them throughout all seven days of the week to write fanfiction, create fanart—whatever floats your boat!
Not sure what some of the themes mean/refer to?
We're also looking for video game AND Azureshipping-inspired songs to go on our fanmix/soundtrack!
I'll do my best to put together a page on the Blue Eyes and Apricots fanlisting at the end of the week with any submissions, but in the meantime, join us on Discord!
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beyond-far-horizons · 4 years
Kaiba, Tron Legacy and my Azureshipping concept
Trying to get into the mood to continue writing this infernal Kaiba POV chapter and am re-listening to the Tron Legacy soundtrack by Daft Punk as it’s so Kaiba!
I forget how AWESOME it is by itself, but also as inspiration. I want this story to focus on Kaiba’s technology and innovative spirit and it is perfect for that. Outlands is one of my faves, from 3.30 onwards, also this remix of Rinzler and the whole Rinzler fight scene basically inspired the precursor concept to All’s Fair in Love and War back in 2018, although we are nowhere near the VR sections in the story yet!
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The basic idea for anyone still interested in that story and craving a bit of Azureshipping is that in my original concept Téa Gardner is commissioned to beta test a Tron style game-world after leaving dance school post DSOD. Kaiba is several years missing in this verse. She is put through increasing harrowing set-ups showcasing her determination and athleticism. The architect of this turns out to be a mysterious masked controller similar to the Rinzler fight who, yes you guessed it, is Kaiba but an even colder, detached version!
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Flirtatious borderline creepy interactions and philosophical discussions ensue as Téa and her masked adversary clash and he seeks to control her world. But our feisty heroine is having none of it, determined to find out who he is and escape back to the real world. 
Turns out Kaiba is locked in his own creation partly because of tech and because of his rage and wounded pride after being defeated again by Atem at the end of DSOD. This duel revealed the same info I used to start All’s Fair - namely that Atem was never able to act on his love for Téa because of his destiny but Kaiba grabs it as a last potential to defeat him with and decides to lure Téa into his game-world with the view of seducing her/making her suffer (he has issues) as a result. But his interactions with her and her valiance start to change his mind. 
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All’s Fair in Love and War has developed slightly differently with Kaiba more balanced and more focus on Téa and her new life but there is still a theme of this concept in there. 
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ajenomi-blog · 6 years
“Switch it off! Switch it off!” he begged desperately.
Another moan.
This time, he fell to the ground and curled into himself, clutching his stomach with both hands.
“Please!” he all but screamed.
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sakaruchibi · 7 years
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YGO X Undertale
haven’t drawn much undertale in a while
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deejadabbles · 5 years
It is too early for me to suddenly be sprung at (haha, get it? **winkwonk**) by the dirty alphabet. Since I’m here anyway, how about some head canons for the YuGiOh cast with a s/o that has no sense of direction. At all. Characters can be of your own choice.
Lmao it’s never too early to be sprung ;) glad you liked my dirty headcanons~
It’s been a long time since I did a request here on tumblr (and it was on other blogs) so I hope I’m not too rusty! Also, sorry it took a bit to get these out, the last three week I’ve not had a full day off from work. Anywho, I loved how unique your request was and I hope I did some of your faves! :D
Thinks it’s endearing. Like seriously he can’t help but to smile when you get lost or admit that you did. Little things like that make him appreciate normal things. May sound weird but considering how crazy his life is, a tiny, normal, cute flaw like that just makes him smile for some reason.
He doesn’t mind you being dependant on him in any way (he actually kind of loves it. shhh don’t tell him I told you that) and certainly doesn’t mind having to lead the way when you two are out and about or whatever. 
Let’s say you two get lost while walking around town, he’d just smile, take your hand, and start leading the way back home. He’s used to having to keep track of everything at all times so he’ll easily remember where you need to go.
If you ever acted self-conscious about it or beat yourself up about your lack of direction he’d brush his fingers across your cheek and say it doesn’t matter, he’ll be your compass whenever you need him. (Yeah, under that cool guy act, Atem is actually just a cheesy nerd okay) 
Is actually only, like, a smidgen better than you when it comes to directions. Surprising, considering he’s so intelligent and amazing at strategy, but that’s different and he gets lost quite often if it’s not someplace familiar. 
Both of you get lost all the time. A new mega mall opens up? Where the heck is that map with the ‘you are here’ dot!? What do you mean we ended up on the third floor on the opposite side we came in without realizing it!?
The only thing that makes Yugi better is that if he knows there’s a high chance of you two getting lost, he can pay careful attention to where you go and can retrace steps with little errors if needed. But, most of the time he gets lost in talking to you, or his own thoughts and that’s how he loses where he is.
He won’t tease or make fun of you for it, he’ll just say something like “It’s okay! We can find our way together! We’ll be back home in no time, just you wait! :D” and you two will work together to get back on track~
Endless teasing, but like, in a “look at my cute s/o, gettin’ lost all the time!” kind of way. He thinks it’s cute. He doesn’t mean anything hurtful by it, he just thinks how helpless you are is adorable and will poke fun at you with that silly grin on his face.
Plot twist: He’s worse than you when it comes to directions.
He’ll try to take the lead when you two get lost, saying something stupid like “Don’t cha worry, Jonouchi’s got you covered! We’ll be outta here in no time!” But then he just gets you MORE LOST. Like how? How does he even do that? 
Worst part is that the longer you’re lost, the more stubborn and in-denial he’ll get. Don’t tell him you’re more lost than before, he’ll just scoop you up in his arms and tell you to trust him while loudly denying everything. What a dang mess.
Similar to like Atem. She’ll find it endearing, but will be more playful with this knowledge.
Like, when you admit you don’t know where you are, she’ll roll her eyes in a playful way, link her arm with yours and say “Come on, I’ll get us where we need to go. Gosh, good thing you’re with me huh?” then wink and stick her tongue out at you before giggling.
She honestly doesn’t see it as a big deal, but can’t help but to like how it lets her take charge sometimes. She doesn’t get to take that role often (unless she’s wrangling Jonouchi and Honda) and likes to show that she can be depended on for more than just cheerleading. 
After an ordeal where you two got lost, she might take one more teasing remark about it, but then will boop you on the nose and say it just balances you two out, both of you have your strengths after all.  
Finds it annoying at first. He’ll roll his eyes at you, but unlike Anzu, it’s not in a playful way. He’d even make comments about how helpless you are without him.
Surprisingly though, that attitude doesn’t last long. After a while, he’ll start liking how he can show off by taking charge of these situations. He’ll still make comments about how you need him even for little things, but now it’s with this sly smirk that, depending on how you take his comments, can either be sexy or infuriating.
If you get pouty about how he acts or what he says, he’ll actually pat you on the head and say something that’s simultaneously comforting and annoyed like “Stop pouting, it’s only a big deal if you make it a big deal. That being said, I expect a ‘thank you’ when we get home, seeing as how I’m getting us out of this mess.”
 He’ll never admit it, not in a million years or on his death bed, but he likes your helpless moments. Sure it’s kind of annoying, but, well, he’s going to take a little pride in how he has to take care of you in those moments.
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Yu-Gi-Oh! Ships/Songs #3
Casteshipping - “Locked Out of Heaven“, Bruno Mars
Cavaliershipping - “Treat You Better“, Shawn Mendes
Peachshipping - “Thinking Out Loud“, Ed Sheeran
Burnshipping - “I See Fire“, Ed Sheeran
Flareshipping - “Like I’m Gonna Lose You”, Meghan Trainor
As usual, just ‘cause it’s on the list, doesn’t mean I ship it, or even like the song. If the music fits, they go on here. Comments, recommends, etc. are quite welcome. Thank-y you!
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dragongoddess13 · 7 years
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Azureshipping Mood Board
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Ygo ryou courting hcs? 🥺
Yes, please, thank you and definitely
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Look at this absolutely adorable fluffy baby.
He’s so sweet with everyone that’s nice to him, it’s impossible to think he’d be into occult stuff.
But he’s so invested in it, that it makes him look even more innocent and adorable.
Okay, first of all, he has a much stable sense of confidence, in a way that unlike Seto who has a booming confidence, but it only acts as a defense mechanism, Ryou’s confidence is more stable and linear.
If he likes you, he’s more likely to be able to say it much easier and direct.
I mean, he would make an effort and ask you out in a very sweet way.
Most likely, he’d take you out on a broad game pub date where the two of you would play lots of card and board games, including some duel monsters and it would be lots of fun and nothing competitive.
Nice music, some nice beverages and super fun games.
After that, you’d go walk around the city and chat about lots of stuff, including some of the occult stuff he’s into.
Bakura Ryou Gets Activated
He won’t stop talking about all the stuff he’s into, all the little things he bought online, all the cute collections he has and other things that fit his aesthetic that he’s still looking for.
If he gifts you something occult or game related, that’s his way of telling you at the beginning that he cares deeply about you and if you start being genuinely interested in these, things, he’d be over the moon with glee.
He is also interested in travelling, history and culture, so he’d love it if you’d like to join him in his trips of knowledge, learn new things together and discover the world step by step.
Whenever you tell him new trivia and interesting facts about whatever subject you’re interested in, his heart skips a few beats because OMG you’re like him and you want to know more and more about so many different things!
Ryou would like to take 1820472104 pics with and of you and loves making albums of you two together, each album with a different theme, so every time he looks through them, he gets reminded of how happy he felt every time he was around you, and still is, even now.
He’s a huge fan of hand-made things, so no matter how bad they are, as long as they were made by you, his heart is a literal rainbow of glee and he kisses and hugs you soooo much because he’s just that happy.
He’s just so happy to be able to spend time with you and just be himself with nobody to judge, because you would understand him, and let me tell you, Ryou Fluffy Bakura would love you endlessly.
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