#severe moral damage lmao
alis0vvs · 6 months
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initially I just wanted some kind of cool pose. Then an idea appeared behind the pose. Then something happened that this it is. I know this is somehow very hm…. very much. for an icy interrogator, so let's chalk it up to the fact that the warp is messing around lol idk????
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soupbabe · 11 months
Hey! So recently I was thinking back to the cannibal! reader with stu, and I was wondering if you can do that with the Sinclair siblings (separate ofc) with an s/o that’s a cannibal
The Sinclair Brothers with a Cannibal! S/o
Tbh cannibal reader is one of my fav kinds of reader to write <3 Honestly, these aren't the most romantic headcanons around, they're silly at most 😅
Warning: mentions and talk of blood and guts I guess lmao, the title is enough warning
Bo Sinclair
- Okay yeah Bo isn't known for his moral compass but I know that you were able to freak him out
- Today was rough, he's been chasing and going after a victim that he was sure slipped through his fingertips So to make him feel better you made him some chilli, not quite telling him what was in it yet
- He'd air out his grievances with his failure and you reassure him that you caught them for him...just to tell him that you're eating them right now.
- His eyes go wide as he spits out his food, he's more mad that you didn't tell him what's in his food than the actual act
- After Bo's initial shock calms down, he'll pull you close and kiss your forehead, telling you that you did a good job hunting and am even better job at cooking <3
- though if we're being honest it still traumatized him just a lil bit. From now on, everytime you serve him something with meat, he's side eyeing it and poking it around to make sure it wasn't someone he thought Vincent nabbed first
Vincent Sinclair
- I do think that you and Vincent would argue time to time just because of how protective he can be around the bodies
- He can't afford a body part to go missing for his sculptures, his brothers can't count on their hands the amount of times Vincent has nagged them for damaging the victims so severely
- Ignore that he has canonically decapitated a guy with no issue shh
- So there's a new rule for the two of you: first come first serve. Whoever captures and kills first gets to keep it.
- Honestly it's like a fun little game between you two, something to bond over
- Though I'd imagine there are moments where Vincent is sweet on you and tries to harvest some meat for you, sew his victims back up, and use them like they're good as new <3
Lester Sinclair
- I think he surprises himself with how calm he is when he sees you eating out of the not-100%-roadkill pile when you first meet. He knows what you're eating isn't deer or squirrel
- Sure, it's not something he'd ever think he'd ever see, he's keeping a knife close as he gets closer and takes you in
- I can't explain it but it's not that Lester is accepting and no judgemental of your diet, it's more that he's learned over the years to just not question things and to roll with the punches
- He likes to keep his s/o satisfied, he wants to make sure you at least eat your food safely and healthily
- So he hatches a plan to lurk outside Ambrose, wait for those who get to escape the twins, only for them to get "accidentally" ran over.
- Lester is such a sweetheart and is willing to wait all night for escapes and maybe a hitchhiker if he's desperate. He's always making sure that you're gonna be fed and stocked up for the next week <3
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beautifulpersonpeach · 5 months
Yeah… the more news that comes out just confirms more of what I thought. This unnamed character who moves from HYBE to ADOR, and mere weeks later, HYBE gets a ‘tip-off’ and all the incriminating documents are in his work diaries where he narrates things MHJ has supposedly said, including that she believes that Bang establishing BTS or groups with the same cache as BTS, was him copying her…. Everything that’s found in his documents is almost clinically incendiary lmao. Like, weapons-grade rage bait. Partly because of how bizarre it is. And the sinker - they tie it to Min Heejin supposedly wanting more money. MHJ has meanwhile released another, stronger statement refuting the allegations about trying to stage a management takeover, or artists contract leaks etc.
Of course, the discourse about this is going to develop predictably, especially after the mention of BTS and other groups MHJ supposedly says copied her.
This has all the makings of one thing and only one thing, to me. It doesn’t change my opinion about Bang PD but it does make me revise my view on Min Heejin, she’s a bit more naive than I assumed her to be. I feel a bit sorry for her, because she’s been got. Again. It’s similar to the ig situation that also started with ‘a gift’ her ‘friend from SM’ gave her to congratulate her on launching ADOR - a gift that ended up being the most damning controversy that almost sunk the group. A controversy where the primary demand was for her to leave NewJeans and HYBE. Now, a ‘right-hand man’ transfers from HQ to her team and it’s his uncorroborated narrations that match what’s in the ‘tip-off’… the demands are the same.
I like MHJ, but I’ve always watched her with caution because in Korea, no woman makes it to the c-suite without making a shit tonne of enemies. Imagine it to be triple the amount a regular working class man makes on his way up the ladder, because that kind of status in Korea is something you’re either born into, or born close to. It’s rare for working class men to work their way up and even more rare for women. In fact, I’d say it’s an aberration.
I see all the flack MHJ gets for being a narcissistic bitch, wanting to constantly assert ownership of her ideas, wanting to be widely associated with her successful projects, etc. I see people irritated by her arrogance, but full disclosure, I like her for it. For several reasons, but one reason is that in her environment, the default is to let your male superiors take credit for your work. It happens in corporate environments all over the world, but in Korea it’s a mentality entrenched in the DNA. Pushing against that earns you enemies every time you speak, by default. But I suspect that’s how she worked her way up from being a graphic designer to having a seat on the board of directors at SM Entertainment before leaving when they wouldn’t give her more autonomy. So, in my eyes, she’s got spunk. But also, now I see she’s clumsy.
Oftentimes with corporate drama, there’s no point using moral language because it’s just business. You either pitched the best deal or you didn’t. You either fucked up or you didn’t. It’s cold numbers and rationality - business. But… there are some cases where it’s not really about the business, cases where it’s personal.
I don’t have meaningful insider information, I’m reading the press releases and ‘leaks’ along with everyone else, so I can’t be certain and that’s why I’m talking in this long-winded ramble without coming right out to say exactly what I think. What I’ll say though is that this is less about NewJeans and more about Min Heejin. And she’s the first person who should’ve understood that and taken necessary precautions.
Clearly, it doesn’t look like she has, and in that sense she has no one but herself to blame. She’s being stupid, in fact I’d say delusional in some ways, but I guess some things can’t be helped. NewJeans isn’t exactly fucked, but it’s clear that yet again, they are collateral damage. And it’s a shame.
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burinazar · 10 months
(This post is mostly a direct copy-paste with edits of my twitter thread about the same thing, so you don't need to bother reading it if you've seen that already. Contains spoilers for MiA season 2!)
ahhh. the abyss wiki has one of Irumyuui's occupations listed as this. (Ebil takes 1000hp mental damage and expires)
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Now i personally have been known to talk a lot more often about how "made a symbolic religious sacrifice" is what the Ganja and most directly Waz and Vue did to Belaf, but that's because i'm trying to point out something that isn't obvious. Meanwhile i don't usually point out that deification is also what they all did to Irumyuui because, well...duh! This one seems blindingly obvious in being the conclusion the narrative wants us to reach. Elevation, idolatry, cast in the role of savior and praised as a "queen"...for all intents and purposes just another form of dehumanization, if less physical and literal than the other that she suffered.
The sages, and Irumyuui. A prophet and a savior and a sacrifice -- "we sought to become something more than human" -- and, of course, one who was human until the end...
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But, to be more precise i think the Three Idiots themselves weren't actually able to find self-deceiving refuge in a view of Iru as a holy savior instead of an exploited child. When Vueko says 'people can get used to anything, even hell', I take it as referring to (among other things) how the rest of the Squad were able to rationalize and live with this. The non-sage Ganja seem a lot more likely to fall into that kind of thinking, from the bits we see -- the taking of the children seems to become a sort of ritual for them.
Vueko and Belaf were never able to think of her as a holy savior for a second, both of them literally tried to kill themselves because they were TOO aware their 'salvation' was not divine providence but the product of making a child (THEIR CHILD!) suffer. And I think Waz is uhh. very realistic about what they were doing. Also, I get the sense that HE didn't view himself as having a 'righteous' heavenly mandate -- while he feels moved by a higher power that 'gathered' them all, i don't at allthink that he would claim moral absolution on those grounds the way religiously or spiritually motivated characters doing bad things in fiction are sometimes seen to do. (Relatedly, I speculate he wouldn't really see it in terms of absolution or culpability at all -- I believe his sense of personal responsibility and free will may be very skewed by his prophet situation, but that's getting into the weeds of Waz speculation that i could write several posts on alone...)
No, I think all three of them understood more clearly than all their followers that Irumyuui was just a child thrust into the role of savior.
Meanwhile the rest of them, the ones we see kneel and pray at various junctures...them... there is a strong sense that the rest -- just as, i suspect, they believed in 'the nameless god' more than the sages actually did -- accepted everything that happened as divine providence. If they thought about Iru's personal suffering at all (and that's quite a big if) they may have regarded it as her preordained role, the reason she was sent to them...
...I really want to know what Pakkoyan thought about this. She's the most demonstrably 'faithful' out of the named characters -- in the anime she's notably the one who assigns a spiritual meaning (absolution and the forgiveness of sin) to the village. That seems pretty clear confirmation to me that she's inclined to buy into the mindset described above. BUT. She is also close to Vueko and must know how Vue was taking it. Does this strike her as contradictory? Does it disturb her that the person she loved was disgusted by what she and the rest of the Ganja saw as holy salvation?
...now that i wrote "she must know how Vue was taking it", i'm wondering if she actually did or not lmao. given that i often picture Pakko having an idealized view of Vueko (the continuity with Vueko's idealized view of Belaf and Belaf's of Wazukyan pleases me) she may not have realized how horribly Vue was doing lol.
Anyway I got a little lost at the end there in Pakkospeculation (listen it's the narrative's fault for barely characterizing her ok) but. Yeah. This is my general view on the in-story deification of Iru and how the sages versus everyone else may have felt on it
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sea-owl · 1 year
I just love that we all collectively agree (especially in your AUs) that Pen is the type of person that WILL commit a felony when she's bored lmao. Its probably half the reason why Colin can't leave her for more than half an hour cause he knows when he comes back Pen is halfway finish with her illegal activities (of course the other reason is that Colin goes batshit feral when Pen's more than 5 steps away from him.) I just love morally ambiguous Pen
It's always the quiet ones.
Penelope made a lot of interesting contacts during her time as Lady Whistledown. For example, there's Dr. Cullen, Mrs. Cullen, and their lover Inspector Swan. She also knows Gen of course, several paper boys, and publishers of high and low reputation. The hack drivers and servants she has interacted with in the past have found her friendly. She finds the friends she made through Gen, such as the courtesanas, to be such lovely people.
Colin finds out quickly in their marriage that he rather be his wife's accomplice so he can do damage control than have no idea what she got up to this time. It's partly why he was so invested in getting back to her when he left with his brothers to track down Eloise. He missed his wife, but he also knew damn well Penelope was getting up to something back home.
And he was right. Penelope needed a distraction back in London, so she started to gather all the tea she could find over several days. Then she and Kate (who is always down to get any English tea out of her house) did a miniature reenactment of the Boston Tea Party. In the early morning, when no one would see them, they threw it into the Thames. They proceeded to promenade later in the day to see everyone's reaction.
When Colin heard the story after he came back, he immediately knew what wife was up to when he was gone.
He doesn't know if he's madder at the act itself or that his wife wasted food.
Penelope rolls her eyes at him and says, "I got the good tea from Kate and Ms. Kazan."
"Is Ms. Kazan the pharmacist wife?" Colin asks after thinking for a moment.
"No, Ms. Kazan runs the black market apothecaries."
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fandomsnfluff · 1 year
mammon & levi tk hcs!!
LOL i actually meant to post this way sooner but my mood has been dropping severely these past couple days and truth be told i'm not back at 100% yet but HERE I FINALLY AM!! i just couldn't help myself from making headcanons about these two, they're probably my favorite brother duo besides the twins 😭
of course, as always, reblogs are appreciated!! c:
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i. think it's pretty safe to say we know who's most often the lee and who's most often the ler in this brother relationship LMAO
hint: the lee is levi and the ler is mammon xD
levi is probably mammon's favorite victim. there tends to be SOME kind of roadblock in the way that simultaneously stops mammon from going after one of his other brothers and takes the enjoyment away from tickling them instead. lucifer is...well, he's lucifer, he's terrifying, satan is also quite scary even if you're trying to get him to laugh, the way asmo reacts sometimes rubs mammon the wrong way, beel is way too easily distracted, and tickling belphie in his sleep usually doesn't work very well.
so that just leaves levi. but in all honesty, mammon isn't too mad about it. he finds his brother's reactions extremely humorous and absolutely adorable.
however, since levi tends to fight back both physically and with insults if not tired out enough, mammon decided that whenever he tickles levi, he has no choice but to completely pin his brother down and tickle him until he's crying and breathless and completely weakened. levi takes 5000 damage every time.
in general, though, it's not too difficult to get a rise out of levi at all. he's just so helplessly ticklish that he can't help but just lie there, shrieking with laughter and far too weak to fight back! and the fact that for some reason he's hypersensitive to mammon's touch doesn't help him in the slightest!
mammon merely wiggling his fingers at levi is enough to get him to react; he'll squirm and start giggling before mammon is remotely close enough to strike. mammon will hover over a sensitive spot, twirling his hands around and ever so gently wiggling his fingers against the air over a tickle zone to make his brother contort his body around and squeal and kick out in an attempt to get away! basic moral of the story is that ghost tickles are TORTURE to levi and they instantaneously make him go into panic mode.
"damn, you're still this sensitive, huh?" he teases as he kneads levi's sides, the otaku breathless with howling laughter as he attempts to curl in on himself.
"ooh, i know your feetsies are ticklish too!" he'll say in a goofy tone as he skitters his fingers along the undersides of levi's feet, making him cackle and kick out.
"oh, it'd be such a shame if i got you ... HERE!" he crows as he hovers over levi's stomach before squeezing against his pudge without warning, causing him to shriek with laughter.
"what about under the arms? oh yeah, he loves under the arms!" he'll chuckle as he digs into levi's pits, his laughter going silent as he rolls around helplessly on the ground.
so yeah, moral of the story, lots of teasing and lots of baby talk. and, as we see here, it works WONDERS on levi.
most of the time and after a lot of teasing, mammon will double over in his own laughter though, mainly because he'll end up hitting a bad spot and causing levi to give that hilariously adorable shrieking cackle.
mammon will utilize his secret weapon of verbal teasing as he rapid-fire tickles levi all over. he'll start by getting his sides, then switch to his stomach, then his underarms, then his neck, and even his inner thighs and parts of his knees! within a minute he'll complete the cycle and start all over again! he'll be rambling off like a boss giving instructions to new hires and other employees while his brother is busy screaming with laughter and attempting to weakly squirm away. it's just too damn funny.
levi also has some pudge around his abdomen, and mammon likes to teasingly squeeze it just to make him squeal with laughter. his baby bro makes the cutest giggles when his pudge is targeted!! so of course these miniature attacks tend to turn into large-scale ones where mammon gets at every weak point on his body!
honestly any time mammon finds himself hanging out with levi he has to tickle him in some way. teasing pokes to the sides while he's in the middle of a video game on a portable console? sneaky drags of the fingernails up the sides of his neck while he's watching a scary movie? random tickle attacks when they find themselves in a massive cuddle pile after an exhausting day? mammon is ready to give his brother tickles all day, every day. levi is not safe.
tickling levi until he cries kind of becomes a weekly occurrence in the house of lamentation. seriously levi screams so loud that it can be heard at every corner of the house. it might make asmo mess up a fingernail, cause lucifer to drop his pen on the ground, hell it might even wake belphie up on a good day.
mammon usually has to tickle levi when he's sitting up in his chair playing a video game, but every so often he'll threaten to get him before sneaking up on him which turns into this massive game of chase. and rip levi because mammon is canonically the fastest demon brother & apparently levi is not the fastest runner and is very out of shape so mammon will have his brother completely pinned in no time before merciless tickles are given to him all over.
levi is usually already laughing from the anticipation of getting tickles, but as soon as mammon gets him, he just. he just screams and gives the hell up. that's it. he'll probably lose his voice within a minute from how intense it is.
thankfully mammon only made levi laugh so hard he peed himself ONCE. JUST ONCE IN THEIR MULTI-THOUSAND YEARS OF LIVING. and as expected it was when they were basically kids and levi already kind had to go to the bathroom, and...yeah, you can probably work out the rest of the details yourself LMAO
but, despite mammon's multiple victories and levi's shyness preventing him from getting revenge just as easily...there have been times when the younger has gotten back at mammon! of course, levi's face is usually the complexion of a tomato when he even tries, but getting to hear his brother's laughter is enough of a reward for him. he KNOWS mammon can dish it out all he wants but can't take it for shit.
90% of the time levi won't seek revenge though, partly because he knows he'll get destroyed tenfold in return and partly because he's too shy to even try
he tends to take part when lucifer is tying up mammon as a punishment and "requests help" from his brothers, when it means just tickling mammon. because he didn't get his older brother in this position himself, he's much less awkward and in fact is more than happy to join the eldest in his sadistic quest.
there was also a point in time where levi had to wake up mammon very quickly, and the only way he could think of to do that was by rapidly tickling against the bottoms of his feet while yelling, "WAKE UP!" of course, poor mammon woke with a start, no idea what the hell was going on and quite a bit grumpy for a while after having been disturbed from his sleep with something like TICKLES, no less.
so yeah. basically, moral of the story is that these two are dorks and i love them and their tickle shenanigans give me a lot of happiness and joy. ruthless, teasy tickle monster mammon to adorable, blushy lee levi is fucking canon. i'm calling it now & there's nothing u can do about it >0>
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quietbluejay · 24 days
Fulgrim 7
okay Vespasian POV he's noticed the decline in the Legion's moral fibre since Fabius started doing surgery on everyone
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and he keeps getting stonewalled every time he tries to meet fulgrim so he just barged in and yeah we just got confirmation that Fulgrim was trying to get Solomon killed
huh Fulgrim shows him the painting, he's disgusted
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….huh i'm honestly deeply shocked that given how they were described pre-Laer, that a guy with as high a rank as Vespasian wouldn't have something welp RIP Vespasian so I guess at some point Fulgrim must have told everyone that Vespasian went to a farm upstate for them not to be suspicious about this...
time for fulgrim to give a speech he's splitting the party, some of them are gonna join up with Ferrus and the IH, the rest are going to Isstvan Vespasian's men so i guess everyone aside from them is now infected? oh back to the Iron Hands Santar and Ferrus are talking about how they left it was…awkward lol
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santar overstepped, again, and hastily apologizes i guess he's out of line, but he's right time for Fulgrim to attempt to Evil Shounen Talk no Jutsu Ferrus
oh Fulgrim didn't bring the spicy knife Marius POV, hey it's been a while Marius he's getting angry because the IH ship is ugly Fulgrim actually seems…himself? talking to Ferrus at least, as much as he had consistent characterization time to talk about the emperor
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really? that was really one of the saddest moments in your life??? really???????? anyways the worst was apparently when horus told him the emperor was turning into a god fulgrim starts yelling about joining horus ferrus starts losing his temper
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this kills the bluejay it's not just me right this dialogue is killing what should be a deeply serious scene
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like. wow. he's straight up ready to kill his bestie after 1 conversation, no hesitation so they're fighting at the forge this isn't actually too bad of a fight scene that's always been where McNeill is the best anyways it ends with Ferrus exploding the sword he made for Fulgrim, and Fulgrim running off with Forgebreaker while Ferrus is unconscious no wait he's conscious he's just too busy staring at the destruction oh nvm the scene didn't end there I guess the fight is still going on
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okay that was genuinely a bit moving it's a low bar but Fulgrim is definitely a better man than Ferrus oh huh Julius killed Santar Fulgrim: well that didn't go according to keikaku, let's leave so the EC did a lot of damage to the IH because they weren't expecting it, but Fulgrim called off the attack before they got all of them so the EC flagship is getting more and more chaotic (heh) meanwhile Ostian is like
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actually we haven't hit this yet he's still busy with his sculpture so i guess he's missed everything in the past several months. lmao. wait no he did go down and have this reaction and then immediately holed himself up in his rooms
he caught sight of Serena and she continues to not do well she was working with Fulgrim and he had a makeover he's got piercings and tattoos and a mohawk and wears revealing clothing now okay not the mohawk he might have white guy dreads though ostian: as soon as i have a chance i'm getting out of here oh Solomon's on Isstvan welp we knew this was coming ….are black library authors contractually obligated to sneak in a reference to "grim darkness" or some similar phrase in every horus heresy novel? or do they just choose to do this i mean if you've read Galaxy in Flames there isn't really anything new in Solomon's segment
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Fulgrim is just basically ohohohoing Fulgrim: I shall be as irritating to Horus as it is physically possible for me to be Fulgrim: and I am capable of being EXTREMELY IRRITATING
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Fulgrim: ew. make Perturabo do it instead
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i spy with my little eye continuity error new coke horus is too busy being creepy and evil to pay attention to continuity Fulgrim: okay make Mortarion do it
oh yes i love McNeill writing Horus being "superbly diplomatic" and "subtle" Horus loses his temper at Fulgrim after Fulgrim overdramatically calls this a betrayal
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yes. diplomacy horus: is it working fulgrim: yes 79% soon i will be free Fulgrim is also being uh, a little weird about Horus getting angry at him Fulgrim: ah my heart doki dokis when Horus starts yelling also whatever uncorrupted voice was inside him seems to no longer be speaking over to Solomon and Lucius and welp Lucius tricked him into killing other loyalists and now Lucius is going to kill him
he gets an overdramatic death scene moral of the story: hey maybe don't be an ass to people
we're back with the Iron Hands and Santar is mysteriously okay Ferrus is in an "anger-fuelled depression" so they tried to repair their ships fast and head back to Terra to warn everyone but unfortunately warp storms
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yeah im not surprised also 100 astropaths were sacrificed before they finally gave up finally they start getting messages and apparently war is raging everywhere
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okay explanation Santar has word from Dorn exciting Cistor (head astropath) is suspicious about the calming of the warp time to go to isstvan v ….given astropathic communication, how DO they communicate stuff like planet names given how many there are in the imperium Ferrus orders them to leave immediately
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ok okay ostian is DONE his sculpture
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makes me feel a tiny bit bad for all the stuff i've ever said about mcneills writing but like he's never gonna see it unless he lurks on tumblr i guess also I haven't been that mean except about the farting noises and leeches also like, man got paid money for this i paid money for this anyways ostian gets jumpscared by fulgrim
annnd Fulgrim is. not happy that Ostian hasn't been reading the room and made a statue of the Emperor
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also how many times have people wet themselves in this book like 3-4 times
Fulgrim tells him about the betrayal at Isstvan V for who knows what reason okay ostian time to die and that's it, rip ostian ah it's my dude lucius he's back he and eidolon as per usual don't get along
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except…it was up to him lmao oh boy over to Serena she's not doing well and she just momentarily came back to her senses and realizes "I KILLED SIX PEOPLE" im still wondering how she managed to attract them given how she's described as being extremely foul smelling she gets herself cleaned up as best she can and goes to see Ostian but, welp, he's dead
Serena: Ostiannnnnn…you loved me and then she impales herself on the same sword that's- wait how does that even work okay so i went over ostian's death and WHAT Fulgrim was facing him, Ostian was trapped between fugrim and the statue and somehow fulgrim stabbed him with the spicy knife FROM BEHIND THROUGH THE STATUE okay it's not the stupidest thing that's happened in this book but it's bizarre and then he left his precious sword there??? in the marble??? anyways serena and ostian are together in death
actually wait come to think of it, how is the spicy knife primarch-sized anyways
Isstvan V time we get this whole blurb on isstvan mythology Fulgrim is looking so good it makes everyone happy despite everyone being bored out of their skulls with this fortress gig there i summarized 5 pages oh boy time for the opera mcneill did we need to know becky's had a bikini wax NOOOOO THE POOR BIRDS
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where did they even get these songbirds from i want to know also how did they get them to sing i'm pretty sure in such circumstances birds aren't really...
julius, upon seeing becky: i thought fulgrim was the only hot person in existence but…i guess women are also attractive?! welp RIP tobias he's dead now
well that went from 0-100 real quick
rip Coraline julius: a crab claw lady is fine too birth of noise marines: part 2 - instrument edition
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McNeill I'm going to break into your house and chew on all your furniture
yeah im not going to summarize the opera any more it was extremely predictable except for the daemons showing up, that was new anyways iron hands now Balhaan and Diederich are internally squeeing over being in the presence of 3 primarchs
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some day i'm gonna have to do dramatic readings from this book again oh hey first time i've actually met corvus
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yeah i think you covered "swarthy" when you said "dark" "depth of wisdom that had humbled the greatest scholars of the imperium" the average intelligence level of humans must have dropped precipitously that's it that's the only conclusion i can come to
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this is because horus is one of the only primarchs with a sense of tactics
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huh someone actually used "dishonourable" correctly im shocked also at his most sympathetic here, Ferrus is really chafing at waiting
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lol i do wonder how many astropaths ferrus has crushed
next time: Isstvan V
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eff-plays · 5 months
Some asks for Hira 🫣🌽: How does this OC feel about acts of affection? What's their favourite act of affection, physical or emotional? 🍰: What's something your OC counts as unforgivable? 🎂: Has your OC have any contradictory interests or traits to the first preception people have of the? How do they surprise people? 🍪: What is something that's sentimental to you OC? 🍩: What's a crime your OC is most likely to commit? What's a crime they're most likely to get arrested for?
Ok now I gotta reblog the ask game these questions came from so it's not coming outta nowhere dfjdkjgdhkgjfhd
How does this OC feel about acts of affection? What's their favourite act of affection, physical or emotional?
I mean most people like a good act of affection, right? Honestly I don't think they're too picky as long as it's sincere. They do like a good cuddle, platonic or romantic. I imagine they cuddle Karlach more than they cuddle Astarion for most of the game lmao. And yes he gets upset about it 😔 Idk for some reason I think tieflings have a sort of unspoken camaraderie/familiarity with each other, so a lot of their gestures of affection involve tails and horns. So wrapping their tail around people, forehead-bonking, etc.
What's something your OC counts as unforgivable?
Ooh this is a tough one 🤔 I dunno if they'd consider much of anything as their job to "forgive" if that makes sense? They think more in terms of the amount of damage caused, and whether it'll happen again. Like if you put some random farmer who killed his wife's lover in a jealous rage and isn't sorry, but who has otherwise no history of violence and doesn't intend to kill again, and someone like the Dark Urge, who is perhaps repentant and doesn't want to kill again but might just because they're forced to and have like several massacres under their belt, Hira will have way more sympathy for Durge, but they will kill them without hesitation if forced to pick. They don't care much for ethics and morality and redemption and whatnot, but more like "how much more hurt and damage will you cause, and is it enough for me personally to intervene" and "if you hurt a lot of people before, what will you do to balance that out."
So in a sense they do concern themself with redemption? But from a practical standpoint, I guess.
But they're also not above just killing randos for annoying them. Like they make a calculation of "how much good am I removing from the world by wasting this bozo". Like guys like Aradin haven't wronged them personally but he keeps saying racist shit and being kind of a nuisance so if he gives them enough "reason" they'll be like oops he fell off a cliff idk lol.
Generally they will have little mercy spared for people who hurt children in particular, though. That's one of those things where they have basically no tolerance whatsoever. Especially from parents. They are not thrilled with Mayrina, let's just say.
Does your OC have any contradictory interests or traits to the first perception people have of them? How do they surprise people?
I think the fact that they're strictly monogamous and actually very devoted once in a relationship would probably surprise a lot of people. And the fact that they're not nearly as sexual as they pretend to be. A lot of their stereotypical bard-ness is basically there to foster the Faerûnian equivalent of parasocial relationships. If they pretend to be single, approachable, sexually available, they get more tips, that sorta deal.
Like when they tell Astarion they're ok with never having sex again if he doesn't want to, he doesn't believe them, he thinks it's a joke. So they have to eventually reiterate that no, genuinely, if you don't want to have sex ever, that's fine, I might not even miss it. They're like "We're both sexed up enough to last other people many lifetimes. If being with you means going without, it's a mindlessly easy trade."
On a different note, they once let out a scream of rage so intense it made Karlach go "hey uh ... what was that about" and they were like "haha dw about it<3"
What is something that's sentimental to you OC?
In terms of items, probably their violin and the coin with Tymora's holy symbol.
What's a crime your OC is most likely to commit? What's a crime they're most likely to get arrested for?
Most likely to commit? Theft. Most likely to get arrested for? Fraud.
Thanks for the ask!! 💖💖💖
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dynjay · 2 years
Hey, I read the tags on a post and was wondering... what artifacts make Lily and PV's dynamic toxic? If it's about the love potion/love letter there is no confirmation that was something either of them did... there are a lot of artifacts in the museum that are just like. General stuff from the magic school before it fell-- most of the artifacts related to Lily and PV and the ancients specifically are in the history section.
For those of you who don't really care about Cookie Run Kingdom, have a Read More bc this might be a little lengthy lol
(also, purelily shippers, you guys might wanna avoid reading this one)
So I wanna preface this with a few things:
1.) I haven't finished everything the game has to offer yet! I went through the Tower of Sweet Chaos' story, but I'm actually stuck on Raspberry Cookie in 11-27, so depending on what happens, my opinion could change and I could just look like a fool here lmao
2.) In those tags, current dynamic = Pure Vanilla and Dark Enchantress (who's also White Lily)'s dynamic I don't dislike the purelily ship or look down on anyone who does. I actually really fascinated by their history, haha. But personally, my heart's not set on shipping them in their current state because uhh... as far as I know, Dark Enchantress is currently trying to kill Pure Vanilla atm.
That said, lemme spill some of my thoughts on the relics here bc I've actually been wanting to talk about them since I discovered them:
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You're right in that there's no concrete evidence that these relics were theirs. No one knows for sure except the writers themselves. But on the flipside, there's also a concerning amount of detail that suggests it being a very real possibility that I haven't seen debunked yet.
One of the biggest concerns is how the Nameless Transcript is within this set of relics. It's titled as "Nameless", but it's strongly hinted that it's White Lily's, which makes you wonder if this set of relics is partially themed after her.
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The other relic within the set that's also worth noting is the Lost Portrait. It's not as big of a concern as the Nameless Transcript, but it does solidify that at least several items in this set are themed after White Lily, since this specific portrait was a pivotal item in her backstory.
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That aside, let's talk about the relics in question themselves, because those two have some interesting things going on as well.
Starting with Someone's Love Letter, this relic honestly feels like a direct parallel to Pure Vanilla's letter.
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Thematically, this makes sense; the set of relics this letter's in is clearly themed after Pure Vanilla while the Love Letter's relic set is hinted to be themed after White Lily, and romantically or not, these two really loved each other at one point in their lives, friends or otherwise. But the thing is, Pure Vanilla always had a strong sense of morals, so it's highly doubtful he wrote the love letter, themes aside.
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White Lily, on the other hand, was always shown to have good intentions, but highly questionable morals. She doesn't mind violating any rule she has to to get what she wants, as long as the end justifies the means (i.e sneaking into several forbidden areas of the academy, suggesting taking a piece of the 1st headmaster's soul, etc.).
But the idea of her making a love potion just to get Pure Vanilla's affection sounds way too sinister for White Lily, because despite all the damages she's caused, her intentions are still shown to be good-natured. Also, Devsis makes a conscious effort to make sure the relics match whatever subject they want to associate it with, and the love potion's aesthetic is vastly different from White Lily's design.
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But remember that White Lily is also Dark Enchantress. The Tower of Sweet Chaos' story showed that Dark Enchantress isn't just White Lily possessed, brainwashed, or anything like that. She IS Dark Enchantress. Once she was out of the oven, she made a conscious decision to be who she wanted to be, which means the side of her that's Dark Enchantress has always existed within her, even back when she was White Lily. And what does Dark Enchantress look like?
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Colors: Check Heart theme: Check (staff) Love theme: Check (Dark "Enchantress")
If this is all true, does it paint a real ugly picture regarding White Lily and Pure Vanilla's relationship? Yeah. Do I actually believe White Lily would actually do something like this though? Also yes. Depending on what the reason is and given her past actions, I don't think it'd be above her at this point.
I will say though; her motivations are usually well-intended, so it doesn't feel right to assume she'd do something like this out of pure whim. I don't know what that motivation is, but I'd like to believe that White Lily wouldn't do this anything like this without a good reason. My personal theory is that she either bought or made the potion herself, but not for sinister reasons.
Of course, I could be wrong about everything and those relics could really belong to some rando cookies lol. But when I say I can't bring myself to ship them much, this is kinda why :')
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marshvlovestv · 2 years
I finished game #190 (omg) several days ago but there was quite a bit of deliberating over rankings. The bottom three are still in a nebulous muddle of “idk, they all kind of sucked.” I’ve been in quite a mood lately and haven’t been enjoying video games as much as I usually do, so I found myself slogging through or giving up on quite a few of these, even the ones I genuinely enjoyed, but I tried to be fair in spite of that.
1. Children of Morta - Rogue-lites best genre. Fight me.
2. Inscryption - Not making my list of all-time-favorite games, but it fascinates me to no end nevertheless. And the Scrybes are genuinely some of my favorite video game characters ever.
3. Cloud Gardens - This was super addicting and I can’t for the life of me explain why. I’ve played these sorts of sandbox art games before and haven’t liked them, but the puzzle/scenario aspect of this game kept it moving in a way that made it hard to put down.
4. Everhood - The moral of this game is “Murder is okay because there’s an afterlife.” Which. Um. Good thing those battles are fun as heck, amiright?
5. Night Reverie - This is a game for children, and I am not a children. But it was cute. I liked it.
6. Catlateral Damage - Stupid fun! Our other two cats do not knock stuff over but our new kitten does; I think if I’d played this after we got her I might have liked it slightly less lmao
7. Sable - I think I was pretty unfair to this game because of the whole, you know. Off my meds, major depressive episode thing. I could definitely see myself in the mindset to explore the world more thoroughly, but I was not in that mindset at the time when it mattered.
8. Rain World - I’m not one for survival sandbox type games, but I think I actually would have liked this one more if it was this open-ended “Survive as long as you can while exploring as much as you can” type of deal. That’s not what it is, though. There’s an implicit story, which means there’s an implicit goal, and the game gives you little to no feedback about how close you are to reaching that goal. You just know that it’s there and it nags at you.
9. Lavender - There was one really bad puzzle early on (the chess one) that made me put the whole game down for a week. Once I came back to it it wasn’t so awful.
10. Lonely People Potion Shop - This one was pretty awful though. Not gonna lie.
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shinxeysartgallery · 5 months
so tell me about your other planet colbat 7. is it like copper 9 where people gotta be in space suits all the time? what are the natural resources like? why did people go there? is cyn gonna eat it lmao
It's an exoplanet very much like Copper-9. In my AU, JCJenson took over a lot of exo-planets, some also similar, and others not. mainly to spread their influence across the galaxy and mine elements from said planet. In Copper-9's case, it's probably mostly copper that's mined from it, as implied by its name. Cobalt-7's mostly getting cobalt mined from it. There's probably one exoplanet for each of the precious stones and metals, but my AU only focuses on two planets (being Copper-9 and Cobalt-7).
I don't think people had to be in spacesuits constantly on Copper-9 prior to the core collapse. The humans we see in Episode 1 and Episode 7 are in what appear to be something more akin to hazmat suits, rather than spacesuits.
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Understandable, considering all the blood and gore that they were seemingly exposed to on a daily basis in the labs. More evidence is seen in Episode 3. Uzi's, V's, and N's prom outfits were all canonically stolen from human corpses littered around the planet.
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Uzi's skeleton is even holding a popsicle! If the air was as toxic to humans prior to the core collapse as it was afterwards, why would these skeletons be wearing normal clothing (and the one eating a popsicle out in the open)? It's doubtful people would be wearing these underneath a spacesuit (and since these clothes weren't damaged/decomposed at all, why wouldn't they have been wearing a spacesuit?). I think the air only got toxic to humans after the core collapse.
So based on all that, I believe Cobalt-7's atmosphere is similar, making it habitable to human life. I think they were both similar to Earth's climate, having some warmer and some colder parts to it. Cobalt-7 has a ton of natural plant and animal life, very similar to what you'd find on Earth. In addition to mining for elements, JCJenson was also studying the Solver. I still maintain my theory that the Cabin Fever Labs were created to experiment on Drones in order to study the Solver, how it spread, and find ways to counteract, harness, or outright destroy the Solver. In my AU, labs were put on each of the exoplanets, and several Drones were sent along with - some to be experimented on in the labs, and the others to help mine. Much like Copper-9, Cobalt-7 also has its own labs where Drones were experimented on and the Solver was researched. There were no labs on Earth and they were spread out amongst the exoplanets in the instance that something escaped or the facility were to be compromised - they didn't want anything to happen to Earth (it's okay if something happens to another planet though! lol what are ethics and morals?). Oops, guess that didn't help them in the end. If the Copper-9 labs were compromised or the planet destroyed, for instance, the Cobalt-7 (and other planets') labs would be there as backup. Each of the labs were connected to one another, so the scientists in the Cobalt-7 labs know what happened to Copper-9 and to Earth. This also means there's a backup of the Cabin Fever Labs' data on their servers. This is part of why Cyn is sending Disassembly Drones to each of the exoplanets.
I haven't gotten that far in my AU to develop it further, but there's vague plans to have Uzi's group find out about the backup and head to Cobalt-7 to retrieve the data. Also, in canon, it seems like the series is gearing up for Copper-9 to explode or otherwise be completely destroyed in Episode 8, so there's vague plans to include a bit of that as a plot point and get my OCs on there off the planet, too.
But anyway, that's a bit off-topic. Back to my AU.
In order to hide what they were doing, JCJenson sold seats on spacecraft and gave away free trips in raffles in order to send normal people to the exoplanets, too. With them doing this, it seems just like they're trying to solve population issues by colonizing other planets; why would you think they're doing something more nefarious? From the outside, people wouldn't think much of it or be overly suspicious of what they were planning. The general public didn't know about the labs, and normal people getting sent there to live helped to camouflage their existence. A few Drones were sent with them to further cover their existence as well. "What? You think they're doing crazy experiments on the Drones they're sending to the exoplanets? Naw, look! Those two Drones that boarded that spacecraft are helping that lady with her coffee shop!" Everyone, human and Drone alike, appeared to be accounted for, living a normal average life on the planets, according to the outside perspective.
Then the gala massacre happened... Then Cyn sent the Disassembly Drones to destroy Earth... Then she sent them to destroy the exoplanets...
Since we know now that the Solver wants to destroy (and seemingly consume) the planets, we can infer that once Cyn has finished her job with Copper-9, Cobalt-7 is going to be one of her next targets.
However, Cyn is a bit behind schedule with taking over Cobalt-7. She hasn't obtained a proper host to collapse the core there yet, so the humans are still alive for the moment. In order to speed up the process, she sent one of her abominations to try taking over, but that hasn't gone well yet, so she sent out a team of a Disassembly Drones to assist. But because she's so far behind, they've gotten a bit suspicious and are starting to ask questions...
Aaaaand that's about as far as my development has gone as of now! But yeah, Cyn is planning on destroying (and likely consuming) Cobalt-7 eventually, too.
I should write out a full, proper timeline for my AU when I've got the time.
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catcze · 3 years
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❦⠀|⠀Mao Hua
❝ Did you come here for the tea? Or to ask for a favor? ❞
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Rarity !!⠀ 5 Star Weapon !!⠀ Catalyst (Basic attacks do physical damage) Vision !!⠀ Dendro Birthday !!⠀ October 27th Constellation !!⠀ Flos Bestiae Region !!⠀ Liyue Affiliation !!⠀ Adepti (to some degree), Baise Senlin Tea House Special Dish !!⠀ “Memories of Sanctuary” Additional Titles !!⠀ Miss Mao Hua, Beast of Blooms How to obtain !!⠀ Event Wish – Meadow of the Everlasting
⠀The sly owner of the Baise Senlin Tea House. Popular for carrying out ‘favors,’ few know of her as one of the adepti of Liyue.
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❦⠀|⠀Side Notes !! + UI-less version of Mao Hua <3
Mao Hua’s backstory can basically b summarized in the ‘I’m a healer but…” meme HAHAH
Also she sprang into existence bc I saw too many physical Scara memes and they made me laugh bc ‘haha omg phys catalyst that’s so funny… 👀👀”
For as nice and warm as she is, Mao Hua is a morally grey person, whose main motivation is herself and the persons she cares for. She doesn’t meddle much in the lives of humans, unless they come to her first and are willing to bear the cost of her assistance.
The ‘favors’ Mao Hua can carry out vary in nature. They can be simple, like finding a missing item or attaining information, ranging all the way to favors that require more discretion. Either way, the price will always be the same–– Mao Hua will be owed a favor, and no matter what she asks, it must be delivered. 
Also yes her basic attack animations consist of her grabbing her book / catalyst and physically beating the shit out of her opponent. And her plunge attack is her drop kicking her enemy lmao
She’s got several tattoos on her aside from the big pink one on her right arm !! Mostly flower themed, and also neon pink.
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^^ Mao Hua w/o the UI <3
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fuumiku · 2 years
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Wip. I do want to finish this, i really enjoy doing even digital art of Metal, digital which is usually painstaking for me to do, and I’ve got sooo many angst art pieces of him in the works lol
But this is vent art. And I’m thinking it can be a nice opportunity to give an update on myself? And have a talk about flowergore, machines, sketches and disability, because I’m in that kinda mood
I didn’t want to put a read more split on this post but it became too long to comfortably fit on my blog, so alas... Life doesn’t often go as planned, yeah?
Cw for the next paragraph, just skip if these make you uncomfortable, or if you want to go straight to the flowergore & metal convo: discussion of chronic illness & disability, with references to disordered eating. I’ve been diagnosed a bit less than a month ago with a chronic autoimmune disease that has been severely impacting my life for a long time without my knowledge: coeliac disease. Basically, my intestines see gluten as something to defend the body against, and that not only causes painful indigestions but also damages the intestines over time, so much so that the body starts having trouble digesting other things and getting nutrients from food. This has caused chronic pain, a miriad of ungodly symptoms like hair loss and skin rash, but honestly, more impacting? Chronic fatigue. I cannot express just how much psychological and emotional damage it has done to me, to have that decline of energy come in waves, but also steadily going down over years right up to now, where I spend most my days laying in bed, where sitting up in bed and booting up my computer is a “good day”, where I’m either sleepy, exhausted, bored out of my mind or frustrated that I can’t just be making the creative content I want to do. The self-esteem utter destruction, having to work through with myself that it’s okay to be idle and abandon all ambitions, to prioritize physical survival and keeping the will to live even as you stop eating to protect yourself from pain, struggle to keep up with your daily schedule and even thinking takes so much energy. My ipad, my accessibility tool that allows me to do something even as I can’t do anything irl, has become super old and dysfunctional. It gets overwhelmed easily and works slowly, closes randomly, corrupts art files and loads apps uncorrectly. Doing anything with it is either incredibly frustrating, time-consuming and difficult, or straight up impossible or a risk to lose work. I have a Metal Sonic artwork I’ve lost and redone twice, I’m currently taking a break from redoing it a third time. It’s been rough. But tbh, in another way, I relate to it? Massive brainfog energy, lmao. When I have to remind myself that machines are faillible too, I end up humanizing it and validate its struggles, even tho it isn’t alive and it just malfunctions because it is what it is. It has taught me patience and the ability to build back up work that I have lost. But hey, there ain’t no reason to add another layer of inaccessibility to my pile, and I ordered a replacement for it just today! I’ll be so much more productive and happy with material that works smoothly and allows for more. But anyways, back to flowergore.
Flowergore is vividly poetic, but I only realized why it has always appealed to me as a comfort/vent and cathartic aesthetic while drawing this: There’s an innate stillness and loss of control to flowergore. Pretty, but tragic. Illness stops being an evil, and becomes a simple product of life that does its thing regardless of the will of the soil it grows in. You have to tend to the plants, whether you trim them to get them under control or must care after them to coexist.  No matter if you find the flowers pretty or not, it doesn’t change anything. The flowers aren’t an innate good nor a moral wrong, they don’t even have an opinion about growing on you. They don’t care, they can’t, they’re just flowers. And yet there’s something so comforting about it, something that can be sad but that can just be peaceful, too. It’s about living through the effects, and dealing with the weeds as they come and go. Resigning yourself, or the process of getting there. It’s about acceptance, and compromise. I think flowergore has innate ties with disability and illness that can’t be denied, nor broken honestly, when you think about it. I also think it can represent/relate with dysmorphia a lot, bodily or otherwise. In my case, I have various skin and sensory issues that give me dysmorphia, and an otherwise “I hate my body and my body hates me” feeling.  The stillness of flowergore often resonates as fatigue, sadness or anguish. It personifies the illness in a way that you can better reflect on your relationship with it, and your relationship with your body & yourself, in a way that allows you to better vent about them. It’s very healing.
These sort of things are the kind of thing that sometimes, you kind of have to personify to distance it from your identity and properly cope with them, you know? Or it’ll just consume you. Even way before I developed my disease, or was regularly fatigued, I loved flowergore, and I think it’s just... A really nice way to frame things weighing you down, that you just kinda have to deal with and process through. Even vague or “normal”/”light” things, like fatigue or negative thoughts, feelings or insecurities.
And don’t get me STARTED on the metaphors and feelings of plants sprouting from an inorganic machine. It’s the classic “sprout growing from a crack in concrete” dystopia trope, except with a negative punchline hah. I’ve always loved to humanize the dehumanized: robots, antagonists and otherwise. I love having characters that feel like they’re on a high pedestral of innate difference and superiority away from others, but that makes them unreachable by default, deeply lonely and misunderstood for it, wether they’re truly an exceptional being or not. I love characters thinking that they’re above physical or emotional weakness getting a slap in the face and having to acknowledge their vulnerability and neglected/suppressed needs head on. I love the delusional, emotionally repressed with anger issues robot having a moment of clarity where he allows himself to be honest to himself for a bit, and resigns himself to the pain of his past and future, before returning to their regular schedule or self-destruction, or not. Ignoring is often the only option you can manage to choose when you don’t have the strenght to make a change or admit to something you didn’t want to about yourself, but ignoring is a lot harder when the proof grows ever bigger and more out of control everywhere on your body. It shouldn’t. It shouldn’t grow on you, impossible. But it does. So what are you going to do about it?
I think I finally get the appeal of hanahaki stuff too. I never understood before, but now I can see it in that same vein. Unreciprocated love causes flowers to sprout wildly, causing, at best, only body horror and/or wounds, when weeding them out or otherwise, and at worst proves to be fatal, most often by suffocating. Except that instead of illness or things like that, the thing you experience a lack of control over and feel some sort of detached destructive blame or resentment for is feelings. Feelings of love, like falling deeply in love, without your own consent, and the pain that being unloved brings. Your love, like a damaging parasitic disease.
Yeah, this isn’t gonna be my last flowergore content.
I didn’t end up talking about sketches, I don’t have the energy to and I don’t think it fits in with the rest anyway, but basically? It’s been an healing journey to allow simple, unclean sketches to be “enough”. To not be shameful, to represent progress and be pretty in their own right and a valid art format. And so, with all of this, I post my messiest sketch on social media to date. One of my very rare public wips. Freedom, baby. You get what you get, and that’s fine. Low standards art is part of my disability recovery arc ✨
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britishassistant · 3 years
So imagine that Reporter Yuu and Student Yuu have to meet up to drop off the heads to their respective worlds , V!riddle and s! Riddle are comparing which version of aduces is worse. V!leona is telling s!leona to drop out. V! Azul and s! Azul are comparing business models and leech twins. V!jamil is flexing his independence on s!jamil, whose planning to hex him to hell and back. V! Vi and S! Vil are being shady drama kings towards each other. V! Idia and S! Idia are swapping anime recommendations and ortho upgrades. And v! malleus and s! Malleus are having an argument over favorite gargoyle architect or something lmao
Thank you for the ask, dear anon!
Riddle is a little confused by the fact this supervillain in a half red and white mask insists on talking to him about Ace, Deuce, Trey and Cater, while simultaneously insisting that he has no relation to him.
All the same, he advises the supervillain to tell Dr. Rosehearts to try talking to his mother— it was hard for Riddle to do over the holidays, but he at least managed to get her to look at him and see him as himself rather than as her “project”, even if it was only for a moment.
It’ll still be hard from here, but Riddle knows it’s better than just blindly following his mother’s rules and letting her have her way.
Royal Flush is taken aback by the words from his younger self. Personally, he’s unsure if that will really change anything, or just make his life harder than it has to be, but if there’s a chance...
Leona isn’t sure whether to be offended or not when King tells him to either graduate or drop out of Night Raven College already. He’s leaning towards it on principle, because this adult version of him is just presuming to tell him what to do with his life.
King asks him if he has any better ideas for flipping the bird to Farena—after all, sitting around on his ass is the same as admitting his goody-two-shoes brother has already won by doing nothing, isn’t it? King has an entire evil lair and an army of minions at his fingertips, and his version of Farena is forced to deal with him disrupting the peaceful little realm he inherited, unable to bring King to heel or make him toe the line.
An evil kingdom of his very own that can’t be taken away from him.
Leona points out that King still has to babysit Cheka. King changes the subject.
Octo Dealer places his hands on Azul’s shoulders and offers his sincere commiserations for having to deal with the younger Leeches.
He then tries to make a contract with him to ‘make poor unfortunate Azul’s life easier’.
Azul smiles thinly and offers a counter-contract to take the adult Leeches off of Octo Dealer’s hands if he believes dealing with them is so difficult. Azul can personally think of several things he could achieve off the top of his head if he had adult versions of his friends under his control, and the competition would be interesting enough that he could play them off each other masterfully...
Octo Dealer has never felt so proud.
Snake Charmer is pretending that he’s conversing with the younger version of a hostage he’s taken while talking to Jamil, not that he thinks for a moment that his younger self actually buys the lie. But both of them know the importance of keeping up appearances in front of others, so neither address what both know.
Of course, Snake Charmer can’t resist taking advantage of this to subtly boast about all he’s accomplished, partly to challenge his younger self to aspire to the same heights, partly because he can’t resist showing off to someone who knows his true identity but cannot expose him. He has freedom, the power to do whatever he wants whenever he wants, followers who are lousy with loyalty, admirers throughout the city and nemeses who cannot touch him no matter how they wish to bring him down. But a mere babysitter to a spoiled heir wouldn’t know what that feels like, now would they?
Jamil grits his teeth behind his calm smile, and rolls his magic pen between his fingers.
He retorts almost innocently whether all those things are really accomplishments if they can only be achieved while hiding behind a mask and fake facial hair.
The way Snake Charmer’s eyes narrow at him as he smiles back lets Jamil know he’s won this round.
Vil admires the high quality of Poison Queen’s costume and persona, even if he personally scorns the ugliness of stooping to supervillainy to try and surpass a rival who’s little more than a glorified flasher with good publicity. He’d hoped his older self would have the dignity and beauty to be able surpass someone who plays around in bows and frills.
Consider the costume itself—if Poison Queen could use their skills in designing to market a line of clothes aimed both at consumers and costume departments, whoever his civilian identity is would have his prestige boosted to new heights the likes of that crass ‘White Neige’ could never hope to reach.
Why waste all this talent and effort on supervillainy instead?
Poison Queen scoffs at Vil’s moralizing, making a snide comment about the rasp that’s audible when the little prefect from Vil’s school breathes and talks. It catches them off-guard a lot when they hear it, so it’s a new development, one that’s been induced artificially rather than developed naturally. What, exactly, would Twst!Yuu have needed to be exposed to in order to develop an affliction like this? Some kind of airborne toxin perhaps? A potent one, to be sure, requiring extensive and perfectionist experience with poisons to be able to brew something that left that kind of damage. But what circumstances would have necessitated the creation of such a thing, hm?
Vil goes quiet after that. Poison Queen takes it as a sign of victory. It may be ugliness, but Vil of all people shouldn’t pretend that he’s free of it. Hypocrisy is the ugliest thing of all.
Idia has some questions for Charon about the few robots he caught sight of in the lair before escaping to go to Yuu’s apartment. Charon, who has never been to Yuu’s apartment in person, starts muttering that it’s typical that even an alternate version of himself has better luck than him.
Idia struggles with this idea for several minutes.
Eventually Charon grows impatient enough with his blue-screening that he orders Idia just to ask what he was going to ask. He softens a lot once Idia begins asking about how to reproduce some of the taste sensors and digestive systems of the giant robotic three-headed dogs so that Ortho can eat candy with him while they play games together.
They quickly descend into a jargon-filled back and forth as they debate about how to best merge the technology of the supervillain world with the magitech of Twisted Wonderland so that Ortho not only can eat candy, but convert the sweets into fuel to supplement his current power source.
Twst!Yuu is very confused at how two people can hold a conversation entirely through tablets while standing right in front of each other and looking at each other.
Tsunotaro and Malleus appear to get along at first, chatting quietly about the different gargoyle architecture available in each of their universes, and if the loneliness ever gets more bearable.
And then R!Yuu claps their hands and says everyone needs to get a move on back to their home dimensions as they’re burning daylight, and Tsunotaro nods, picks up Twst!Yuu, and tries to walk back through the portal to the supervillain universe with them safely tucked under one arm.
When R!Yuu grabs him and asks what does he think he’s doing, Tsunotaro just blinks owlishly. “That dimension isn’t suitable for this child to grow up safely in. Wouldn’t it be better to taken them home so we can look after them together?”
R!Yuu is reduced to sputtering at the insinuation, the other supervillains feeling supremely irritated at the display.
Malleus seizes onto Twst!Yuu’s arm. He refuses to just stand by and just let his older self take away his first friend. Tsunotaro asks menacingly if his younger self really thinks he’ll stand a chance against an adult fae’s power, if he can’t even protect one human.
From there it devolves into a standoff between the two powerhouses, the other NRC students preparing to draw their magic wands if it turns into a fight for the prefect, Reporter Yuu trying desperately to get Tsunotaro to just let the other version of themself go before the colliding magic and superpowers do something catastrophic to both portals.
It only calms down once Twst!Yuu pipes up that while they appreciate the offer, they want to go back to Night Raven College with their friends, pointing out that they’d be even less safe as the child of a supervillain in a world they have no idea how to navigate than they currently are as just a magicless student. Besides, they say, a thumb brushing over the bandages on their throat. They have a friend they need to go talk to. If they just left without doing that, they’d probably hate themselves for it for the rest of their lives. They can’t turn their back on him and leave him alone.
Between the two Yuus, Tsunotaro is convinced to reluctantly put them down and let them return to the other students. He’s sulking a lot though.
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anneangel · 2 years
Are wizards better than muggles?
First it is a clumsy to think so. Think of the supremacy of Pure-Blood. The idea that wizards are better than muggles (or better than any other magic creature) is no different from "pure-blood" thought, is only more widespread.
May no one say how it is morally wrong to think of a "wizard supremacy" within Harry Potter's wizard society is unsettling and scary.
That fans really think there is a "Wizard supremacy," that such wizard are superior to anything else, it's terrible (Who really thinks such a thought is right?)
• J.K Rowling even to have this "brilliant idea" to imply that the society in which its protagonist live is "supremacist" and not see "nothing wrong with that".
Replace the word muggle with any other: blacks, or homeless people,or people with psychiatric conditions, or disabled people, or rural population, sex professionals, among others. And you will see that what they talk about the muggles can potentially become prejudiced.
And this is wrong !!
But I will not appeal to your moral and ethical sense.
Are wizards better than muggles really?
This thought is unlikely and erroneous and I will show why in a logical way.
A friend of mine, a fan of this universe and believer that the wizards are better, told me several arguments to prove this theory, in his opinion. One of them caught my attention: "Muggles would not have a chance as magic interacts with electronic equipment. Just a wizard performs a simple magic and the muggle weapons and equipment would not work."
But why? This argument does not prove that they are better. And worse for the wizards: this argument shows that magic is not "magical and inexplicable".
The wizards have retrograde thoughts. They think, "Electronic equipment interacts badly with magic? So keep them away from us. We don't need them anyway, we have better things than the Muggles. We are better."
Meanwhile the Muggles are innovative, especially in the face of obstacles. They think, "Wait, there is something negatively interfering with our electromagnetic equipment. Let's find out what it is and how to prevent it from happening again."
What's more, if magic interferes with the electromagnetic field, it means that it is palpable to be studied (yes, by muggles). It would be enough to observe how it is interact with the electronic devices and why.
Then see: What seemed to be an argument that magic is better turned against the wizards themselves. And don't tell me that a muggle couldn't study magic because he can't see it. We have already studied several things we cannot see, simply by its interaction with the things we can.
(Example: The human eye is only able to discern a small portion of all existing electromagnetic radiation. But we still know that there is more than we can see, we study this and today we use a portion of them, such as infrared, ray -x, etc).
What seemed a strong point to the wizards, soon becomes a weak point. J.K. Rowling, in his arrogance of so much to suggest that wizards are superior, has actually created a heel of Achilles.
If Rowling had just said that the Muggle equipment does not work, without explaining, it would be a mystery the reason. But she gave us a way to study The magic ...
The interference of magic in Muggle electronic equipment is the key to decoding it. It is no longer intangible and inexplicable, it is no longer "magic." Lmao
You see, keeping this in mind, the first thing a muggle would learn is because it interacts and how to prevent it from happening. Because that's what we do. Look for the problem, find out because, make stop.
So the first thing researchers would learn is how to block the effect of magic. At first it may be rudimentary and flawed, but it does not underestimate such innovative minds.
With appropriate study and money, it would soon be something better applicable, which would mean a muggle could block magic with mastery.
This in itself would cancel the effect of magic completely. The damage of a wizard to a muggle through magic would be null.
But who said the Muggles would be content to just block the magical effect?
I do not doubt that they would soon find out how, instead of having it as harmful to be blocked, he would soon find out how to use it to our advantage.
Muggles cannot do magic. But they could learn to affect the existing magic around!
Have you ever wondered if, instead of magic affects the electronic equipment and it would stop working, the reverse occurred? Lmao
The implications are terrible for the wizards.
And, it can get worse. Much of our modern technology has been thought out, developed and improved better during war times. So you see, it is just when we are exploring our worst destructive potential where we show even better our genius mind.
Want to see how far the genius mind of a muggle goes? Point them an enemy and tell them, "Find out how we can be better than them and how we can destroy them in the fastest and most effective way."
That's because I didn't even get into the genetic issue. Wizards and muggles are of the same species, what changes between them is some gene, magic goes from parents to genetically children. Probably the "magical" gene is some mutation. Finally, studying genetics could also be promising for Muggles to better understand such "magic."
But I will not extend.
Wizards have a population numerically smaller than the muggle population. And I believe they well know that Muggles has a sadistic tendency to destroy the things they are afraid, they are not equal to them, or they do not understand. That must be why the Wizards remain hidden from the muggle world.
I wouldn't say to keep hiding, because this wizards are doing very well of it now, i dont need say it. The smart advice I would give is: Not underestimate the Muggles.
Honestly, I think they have so much dislike for Muggles precisely because they know how terrible, genius and competent muggles can be.
• Some things against my argument? Justify!!!
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itsjustthechems · 3 years
Musings on Danse's political/moral alignments
I saw a post mentioning how a lot of the Fo4 fandom associates Danse with current American conservatives. I disagree, and just want to ramble about my feelings on the subject.
Yes, he is a meathead asshole.
I totally understand taking Danse at face value and assigning him mentally to the "bigoted bootlicker" category. That's totally valid. Unless you travel with him extensively and pay close attention to his ambient dialogue, it's understandable to figure that's just how Bethesda wrote him.
Danse's backstory
To understand Danse's moral and political standings, we have to take a look at his origin story. As far as Danse is aware, he grew up alone in the Capital Wasteland. He was an orphan that scrounged for scrap metal and other junk, which he sold to get by. He had no known family, parental figures, or mentors of any sort. He had one friend, Cutler, who was around his age. The Brotherhood of Steel, much like the real U.S. military, preyed on people like this for recruitment missions. Teenagers of low socioeconomic status - hungry, lonely, desperate, unsure of their purpose. Of course Danse and Cutler would elect to join the Brotherhood, which promised them food, protection, somewhere to sleep at night, and above all else - camaraderie. During one of his affinity dialogues, Danse admits that joining the Brotherhood seemed like the only way to escape his situation.
The Brotherhood took advantage of Danse and other soldiers' naivety and lack of experience by instilling fear and hatred of the misunderstood (synths, ghouls, mutants) and using those negative feelings to shape their training. Dare to disagree with their belief system? At best, you would be disciplined. Verbally abused by the Elder and shunned by your friends and mentors. At worst, you'd be booted out - back to the Wasteland you had been taught to fear unconditionally. Back to starvation, radiation, poverty, and isolation.
After a year of service, Cutler disappeared on a mission. Danse searched for him for three weeks, finally tracing him to a super mutant hive. Cutler had been exposed to FEV and had become a super mutant. Danse killed him. He admits that he doesn't know if it was the right thing to do, but it was what he had been trained to do.
That was the first circumstance that really gave me a glimpse into the nuance of Danse's beliefs. Like...wait, he questions his oh-so-precious-and-infallible training?
Is he still a douche to almost all non-human NPCs? Yes. However, I don't think he knows how to be anything other than a condescending, militant, Brotherhood heavy. That kind of attitude is what got him promoted so quickly. It's what got him out of his bottom-of-the-pecking-order trainee position, where he had felt singled out by his superiors. He learned that bigotry and cold-heartedness were the only methods of survival and success in the Brotherhood.
His character arc
Danse is not meant to be a one-dimensional, blatantly bigoted character. If he was, I don't think Bethesda would have made him romance-able. In fact, that's why you can't romance him until after his character arc quest: Blind Betrayal.
Spoiler alert! On this quest, you find out that Danse is a synth. He had no idea, and has a subsequent identity crisis that leaves him suicidal. This is the breaking point in the struggle between his own innate morality and his Brotherhood training. His default stance is that he should be killed to uphold the Brotherhood's code — he even offers to do the deed himself to protect the Sole Survivor from disciplinary action (a true testament to the brutality of the Brotherhood — Danse would rather die than allow Sole, his best friend, to face Maxson's wrath). However, through charisma checks, you can remind him of his own humanity and convince him not to harm himself. This breakthrough leads him to recognize that synths are truly nothing to be afraid of.
After Blind Betrayal, he will agree with most dialogue options supporting synths. According to the wiki, any leftover dislikes regarding synth-related dialogue are glitches.
There are other moments in separate quests that reference his moral confusion — for example, he likes when you help Kent, who is a ghoul, but doesn't like if you flirt with Holly, also a ghoul (maybe that's just some jealousy, lmao).
He also dislikes when you give Virgil, a mutant scientist, the serum that will help him return to his human form. My personal headcanon is that seeing Virgil cure himself forces Danse to address the fact that he might have been able to save Cutler, but killed him instead, due to his Brotherhood brainwashing.
Evidence of Danse's fiscal/economic beliefs
Danse is a COMRADE. You heard me. This man's pussy pops for socialized medicine. When you walk through Milton General Hospital, he says: "Facilities like this were funded by privately owned corporations more interested in making a profit than helping mankind."
You heard me, this man hates capitalism. Behold:
"Vault-Tec built places like this to conduct unethical experiments on human beings. Just thinking about it makes me sick."
"It was corporations like this that put the last nail in the coffin for mankind. They exploited technology for their own gains, pocketing the cash and ignoring the damage they'd done."
"Private corporations like Vault-Tec ruined mankind. All that brainpower put to waste..."
"This is disgusting. I can't believe Mass Fusion dumped these barrels here. This is the perfect example of how environmentally irresponsible the ancient corporations behaved."
"This is exactly the reason that science never belonged in the private sector."
Ugh. Really gets me goin'.
He has several other comments that suggest he is generally anti-war, is very pro-education, shows appreciation for the arts, loves children and animals...several things that conservatives couldn't care less about. He reacts angrily to greed, assaulting or harassing any non-hostiles (including synths, ghouls, and mutants), turning your back on beggars, harming non-hostile animals, etc. In my opinion, he's a pretty stand-up guy once he completes his character arc.
Does he still love the taste of boots? Yeah, and he probably always will. :/
Bethesda did him so dirty by not finishing his character arc. The fact that he still gushes about the Brotherhood and acts as if he's still in their ranks after Blind Betrayal is pretty clear evidence that he's a generally unfinished character. I think he had the potential to become a more accepting, radicalized, philanthropic individual after recognizing the shortcomings of the Brotherhood's ideals.
But yeah. I love this handsome dumbass, and I personally consider him a comrade, not a conservative. Kudos if you read this far into my crazed ramblings!
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