#shadow extraction
kaizen128 · 1 year
"Life is an endless quest, where you must level up constantly; sometimes alone, sometimes with company. Therefore, I'd like to wish luck to all my readers on their remaining journey." _Solo leveling author ♥
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spade-snax · 2 years
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Vanittlebug, the vanilla extract bugsnak I made in celebration in Tumblr's new vanilla extract polls obsession - if people like them I may make up more stuff for them, but currently my brain isn't exactly in Bugsnax Mode so I have 0 ideas on what their catching method and stuff would be
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psychictimestone · 8 months
Infrequent Sonic ('06) facts - Soleanna and its cuisine.
In Soleanna New City you can come across an NPC who will discuss the cuisine of Soleanna. What he reccomends is based on the Hedgehog's campaign and the time in the Campaign. Each foodstuff relates to their hedgehog and their tastes.
Sonic: The Frite sandwhich
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Sonic's is the frite sandwhich; it is described as a local junk food favouite, it is made of fish, vegetables and lemon juice inside a bun and is then deep fried. Similar to Sonic's beloved chili dogs they are a fast and easy meal that are easy to enjoy on the run.
Shadow: The Soleannan Crab
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Similar to Sonic, Shadow is offered advice on seafood, however. Shadow's is the more refined Soleannan crab. Described as being world-famous due to its juicy meat and intense flavour - turning down a Soleannan crab is said to be akin to turning down a date with Elise herself.
Silver: Soleanna's fruits
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Unlike Sonic and Shadow, Silver is instead offered advice on the fruits of Soleanna - perhaps alluding to his love of apples. Of all the fruits, the Soleannan apples are world-famous, decribed as being crispy yet bursting with sweet, flavourful fruit. They are even used in all kinds of Soleannan cooking as a 'hidden flavouring'.
End of the game: Desert
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Fitting for the end game, if you visit him again with any hedgehog once you have finished their campaign, the man will tell you about tasty Soleannan deserts including their sorbets made with fresh fruits.
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bonicexehog · 1 month
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amy amy and amy
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derangedrhythms · 1 year
But this night of mine can’t be killed by any sun.
Alejandra Pizarnik, Extracting the Stone of Madness: Poems 1962-1972: The Shadow Texts; from ‘The Green Table’, tr. Yvette Siegert
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mime-the · 6 months
Hello guys, gals, and nonbinary pals!
It’s time for me to share my CRK AU, which was oh so nicely encouraged to be done by a few little peeps. [You know who you are…]
Ahem, here we go!
The Mirrored Destinies AU is basically a swap between the 5 ancients and their respective beasts. Shadow Milk swaps roles with Pure Vanilla, and so on! This influences everyone’s personalities to be tweaked for obvious reasons, and for silly new dynamics.
Deceit & Truth
Pure Vanilla Cookie is now the Beast of Deceit. This brings along a name change, and he becomes Vanilla Extract Cookie!
- Vanilla Extract follows an “ignorance is bliss” philosophy. This means that he conceals the truth and twists it to be more “appealing”. He covers up whatever bad deeds his friends do and passes the harder ones as good deeds that were “probably deserved”. This lack of concrete knowledge allows him to manipulate cookies in his favor, as they don’t have the information to allow them to break out of his lies.
- He uses his magic to apply pressure and fog up other cookies’ minds, giving him an opening to sow his own truth. He may not be a complete puppeteer like canonical Shadow Milk, but he still uses others to do his dirty work by whispering sweet lies to them.
- He’s more calm, but still relatively snarky and keen to stand his ground if someone tries to go against him. Vanilla Extract also has a superiority complex, perceiving himself as the master of knowledge and believes that he knows what’s “right” for everyone.
- Vanilla Extract’s greatest ally is this AU’s White Lily Cookie, as the virtue of silence tends to go hand in hand with keeping the truth hidden.
Here’s what the old man looks like:
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In turn, Shadow Milk Cookie is now the holder of the light of truth! This too carries along a name change, making him Skim Milk Cookie.
- Skim Milk is the embodiment of the phrase “curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.” He always seeks out the truth of a situation, even if it may result in upsetting knowledge. He also frequently gives constructive criticism to other cookies, in attempts to make them aware of their faults and where they can get better. This is usually prefaced with a “Can I be honest with you?”
- Like the canonical Pure Vanilla, he is adept in healing magic. Unlike him though, Skim Milk is more willing to use force when necessary. Of course, if a situation can be resolved without escalation he will take it, and frequently tries to deescalate if he sees things getting antsy. He also uses the knowledge he has to write poems, songs, and other such creative things in order to bring awareness to issues or progress of things that people should support.
- He’s pretty high-energy, and is almost always moving or thinking. This means he has a tendency for tapping his hands on items. Personality-wise, it means he is actually relatively optimistic! He always believes things will be better, and that every issue can be worked out in the end. He does also have some sass to him though, but he does his best to keep it at a minimum.
Here’s how the dork looks like:
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Their Dynamic
The relationship between them sparked when Vanilla Extract Cookie wriggled out of the silver tree, fully solidifying the connection between the two, even after resealing. They share a mutual hate for each other, as Skim Milk despises how his counterpart keeps waving away the truth in favor of lies, and Vanilla Extract despises how many questions the poet constantly asks him. Vanilla Extract tries to get him to use his writing capabilities to sow in distrust and discord between other cookies whenever the two interact, but Skim Milk always fights back. In return, he constantly tries to interrogate the beast for information about the past and his own life, which pisses him off frequently as he insists that the information doesn’t concern the hero. It’s a constant tug of war between the two…
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call-1-555-mystico · 26 days
no one:
frances humber:
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vephyrus · 6 months
Shadow Clone possibilities (rating on probability)
1. Tech. This is the most popular theory, considering Tech’s death included no body proof. In episode 7, after the Shadow Clone was crushed by the boulders, he walked away limping on his right leg; the same leg that Tech fractured after being crushed by 150kg. The Shadow Clone has those familiar grunts (unlike the regs) when pushing heavy objects. The accent of the mysterious clone is different than the regs; yet it sounds as if the Empire tried covering it up, layering it with another accent. Above all, the Shadow Clone disobeys orders from Wolffe. And what were Tech’s last words? “When have we ever followed orders.” In my opinion, this is the most probable.
2. Commander Cody. This is the next most probable choice. In season 2, Cody goes awol, after he starts waking up and questioning his choices with the Empire. After Admiral Rampart (who is a cruel official who I doubt would ever just let a clone walk free) informed Crosshair of Cody’s disappearance, I wouldn’t be surprised if the Admiral knew more. Not to mention, we need to see what finally breaks Rex. Based off of Rex’s PTSD flare-ups in Rebels, including him crying out Cody’s name, I wouldn’t be surprised if we see Cody for the last time in The Bad Batch season 3.
3. Dogma. This theory honestly caught me off guard because I didn’t expect it whatsoever. Dogma was a clone in the Clone Wars who blindly followed orders given by the sith disguised as a jedi, General Krell. Dogma always held to a dogmatic loyalty, hence his name. I think that the main reason people theorize Dogma as the Shadow Clone, is that they want to see him disobey orders, and have that character development. In a way, this will highlight how the Empire stripped away everything that made him Dogma. But in the long run with the episodes we have, I find this theory unlikely.
4. Crosshair clone. To me, this theory is the most improbable. But I can understand where fans are coming from, especially with the scenes where the Shadow Clone is beating the living daylight out of Crosshair; as a symbolism of him against himself. Talking among fellow fans, I see what the Empire would benefit from cloning Crosshair; getting inside information on the Bad Batch and Omega’s whereabouts. So in this theory, Shadow Clone would be our Crosshair. The Crosshair that is currently with the Bad Batch would be a clone. But again, unfortunately I find this one to be the least likely.
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thegreatcrowdragon · 7 months
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Pure Vanilla when an infant that looks suspiciously like both him and Shadow Milk falls out of the sky
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That scene towards the end of the S3 trailer
The one where Shadow is running to save Sonic from disappearing
What if by that scene, the main conflict is changed? Nine is no longer actively trying to get ahold of Sonic, to drain the paradox prism energy from him. Just like Shadow and his focus on saving Green Hill over the Shatterverse before, he concedes that *nothing* will exist if they can't fix the paradox prism (assuming that the crew comes to the conclusion that they need to fix the paradox prism to have a chance at fixing the rapid breakdown of the shatterverse).
What if after episodes of fighting Nine and avoiding having his prism energy taken from him, Sonic gives himself over willingly. Nine has just realized how far he took things, how tunnel visioned he became on a goal with the sacrifice of things (and a person) he cared about. What if he feels guilty, resolved to help fix the universe they live in before anything else, and Sonic *asks* him to drain the energy this time?
And no matter what Shadow or Nine or anyone else says, no matter how uncertain doing so would make Sonic's fate uncertain and put it at stake, they can't refute the argument. Doing this could kill him (just like back on Ghost Hill, when Sonic asked for Nine to give him energy to match that of the prismatic titan), but is there any other way to save the shatterverse?
I'm not sure what the answer is myself, but perhaps they hope so. They're running out of time, and if they can't fix it, all of them will die. So, they all form a plan.
What if Nine feels this guilt as he drains the prism energy from Sonic? What if he feels more awful (and a little jealous) when it's up to Shadow to ultimately save him (because Shadow's the only other one who can move quite as fast)?
What if Shadow runs and runs, desperate too to make sure that Sonic won't die? What if he's frustrated at Nine and Sonic (because why did it have to come to this?), but also frustrated at himself (because maybe if he could have been there with Sonic, or maybe if he was the one searching the shatterspaces before, maybe he could have stopped all this before it went too far, maybe he could have kept Sonic safe from this fate)?
What if Shadow enters that shatterspace with Sonic in his arms, hoping so badly he'll pull through, trying not to think about what'll happen if he doesn't?
And what if Nine is the next to enter the shatterspace, arriving before anyone else? What if Nine watches Shadow hold Sonic's barely existing form and feels a pang of jealousy, and a waterfall of guilt. What will he do if Sonic doesn't pull through?
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jazmine-here · 5 months
Vanilla Girl
Stay vanilla. Stay sweet. There's nothing wrong with being a daisy.
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Don’t ever try to “flex” for others by forcing your feet into a pair of glass slippers that aren't made for you. If you are uncomfortable with crafting a piece of work for a fandom, popularity, friends, or your audience, then stay true to yourself. Don’t put on the “cool girl” mask or attempt to maintain it if you have. Popularity may not always be guaranteed, but your relationship with your audience will have longevity, purity, and beauty. Be yourself. Trust yourself.
Hello! My name is Jazmine!
I am a reemerging writer who tinkers with art. I was dubbed "Jazzy-B-Real" in my youth and "Otherwise_Uncolonized" in my young adulthood.
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My experimental youtube page was "Constellations of Neverland" at one point. I've been offline since 2020. In 2024, I saw people online celebrating my middle school and high school art while wishing me well due to my disappearance. I'm happy to say that I am well after a rough post-Covid era and a lot of growing up. During Covid's reign, I had purged the internet of what I viewed to be carbon footprints, yet people have kept the light alive in some dust clouds.
I am eternally grateful to you all for retaining such light. As the blooming adult I am now, I've learned to view everything with balance—including the broken person I was—and there are lovely works that I dearly miss as a result. Those works are the "darlings" from my young life.
All in all, I'm in the heat of writing original work.
Writing, Poetry & Artwork
I'll be posting my original stories, prose poetry, and standard poetry on my FictionPress.com with the occasional preview slapped on Tumblr. The account already has a small library. Much of what I write will also grace a website I'm building, so please stay tuned for it and the original novels I have in store. New artwork and fandom tributes will hit Tumblr, Twitter/X, and my personal website. Doing commissions for writing prompts and art pieces will also become a part of my activities with my audience.
My AO3 account for old 2014-2017 fandom storyboards like "My Dearest Cousin," "Indentured (Union of the Crowns)," "Carry Me Anew," and "The King" is back up as well.
༺Please read and review with your pretty thoughts! Thank you so much to those who have saved some of my fandom pieces:
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kaizen128 · 1 year
"From now on I'll probably continue to question whether I should remain here on Earth but if I had to name one reason why I should stay, it would be because the people I love are still here as well as the people who love me now and loved me before I think that's more than enough for me to remain here So I'll stay and search for other reasons why I should continue to stay" -Sung Jin Woo
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swrepisodebracket · 3 months
Star Wars Rebels Episode Bracket: Round 1B
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ship-my-pants · 2 years
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lesbians4armand · 2 years
okay now i have polls i can finally ask this.
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derangedrhythms · 1 year
I mourn myself; this is my right.
Alejandra Pizarnik, Extracting the Stone of Madness: Poems 1962-1972: The Shadow Texts; from ‘Memories of the Little House of Song’, tr: Yvette Siegert
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