#shallow friends are easier bc i don't have to talk to people all the time
h0n3yk1tt3n · 1 year
thoughts on the squip?
It's. Complicated.
Well the complicated part is what the fandom thinks of/does with the squip. Actual Canon squip in the show? ..also complicated bc Two River and Bway are vastly different ALMOST to the point of not even being the same character bdjdbddj OK ITS ALL COMPLICATED BUT FOR DIFFERENT REASONS, I'LL TRY NOT TO RAMBLE BUT I CANT MAKE PROMISES
Two River Squip
To me it's the best blend of intimidating "I wanna be that" and intimidating "I'm scared of that" where we can actually feel threatened by the "everything about you makes me wanna die" AND STILL get lulled into a false sense of security with "everything about you is going to be wonderful." It shifts between the two so well that you Think it's on your side Most of the time, but has questionable actions that you don't really know whether to trust or not. It goes from the encouraging "of course [she's talking about you], I've been activating your pheromones. Keep it up" to the almost menacing (albeit absurd) exchange of finding out about eminem. For anyone that needs a refresher, it goes as follows:
Jeremy: did you know this was going to happen?
Squip: of course not!
Jeremy: so it's a coincidence you told me to wear this shirt?
Squip: of course not.
Jeremy: what- did... did you kill eminem??
Squip: nooooot exactly. My quantum processor allows me to envision probable futures. While I did not know that today eminem would be impaled by that rogue hockey stick, I was aware of the probability of a... favorable outcome?
Jeremy: ...favorable for who?
Now this conversation doesn't change in the bway script (as far as I'm aware) but the tone of the scene changes significantly between productions for me because bway squip just. Doesn't come off as menacing to me, which leads intooo
Broadway Squip
I hate to say it because it just sounds like the same shallow shit from 2018 off-bway, but I just can't take the surfer dude voice seriously. And you can argue that you're not supposed to! This is kind of a comedic show first and dramatic show second. I mean it IS dramatic bc everything is dialed up to 11 but it's over-the-top dramatic and not oh-shit dramatic. Which is fine! It's a different take on the tone of the show! I just can't buy the intimidation of "everything about you makes me wanna die" or how fucking manipulative it REALLY is when the squip sounds stoned.
Headcanon Squip
I likes me a squip that feels much more cold and calculated. It'll Act Like it has your best interest in mind, but it doesn't care how it gets the results it wants. Doesn't care who gets hurt or Literally Dies to make all the pieces fall into place. Just reeeaaally lean into the emotionless computer tied solely to its programming aspect. Now ofc it'll Act Out emotions, but as a mimicking/manipulation tactic to get Jeremy to trust it more.
"A squip's sole purpose is to improve its user's life," it'll say, while electrocuting and psychologically tormenting you and arguing that, on a TECHNICALITY, your life is better because you have more friends and your dad wears pants now. Yes you hurt your best friend, yes you took advantage of a girl that really liked you, yes your friends got injured in a house fire, but it all worked out in the end didn't it? You win some, you come out of others with a little bit of PTSD.
Fanon Squips
Don't get me wrong, the shitposts are funny. Seeing all the squips riffing off of each other and showing their different personalities is great. Hell squip x squip ships are the ONLY ones ill accept. PEOPLE CAN SHITPOST ALL THEY WANT. I just think that the shitpost personalities put on the squips (particularly bway) make people forget that... this is the main antagonist of the show. And it's easier to forget that with bway I think, because this villain is made So Campy that you Forget To Take It's Actions Seriously.
This thing emotionally and physically abused Jeremy, and it's been boiled down SO MUCH into Haha Silly Sexy Computer that people forget (or flat out ignore) that THE SQUIP EXACERBATED DYWH.
Remember who the real villain is (Spoiler alert: not Chloe)
I've already gone on a whole tirade about how Chloe gets so much fucking hate for a goddamn teenager going through the hellish hierarchy of high school, AND I WILL REITERATE THAT IM NOT DEFENDING HER ACTIONS, but for fucks sake THE SQUIP PREVENTS JEREMY FROM MOVING. Can you think of how fucking terrifying that must've been? Not only is your girlfriend's drunk best friend trying to jump your bones, but the squip LITERALLY TAKES AWAY HIS ABILITY TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT. The squip MAKES HIM drink the alcohol. The squip MAKES HIM kiss Chloe. THE COMPUTER IN HIS HEAD THAT CAN CONTROL HIS BODY HAS RENDERED HIM POWERLESS. As soon as the squip shuts down, HE GETS THE FUCK OUT OF THERE BECAUSE ITS NOT CONTROLLING HIM ANYMORE, showing that he ABSOLUTELY could've escaped sooner IF NOT FOR THE SQUIP.
Let's tally up those sins real quick.
Chloe, getting mixed messages as to whether Jeremy actually wants this or not because he 1. Says he has to go, but doesn't leave 2. Calls her the hottest girl in school (which Chloe misreads and takes as a kissing invitation) 3. Says he isn't a drinker, but drinks from the bottle anyway 4. Kisses her (which SHE doesn't know to be the squip's doings and not Jeremy's) 5. Finally conveys "I don't want this" with enough body language for Chloe to get the idea, at which point her only concern is just making Jake THINK she slept with Jeremy rather than actually DOING IT: let's call this 2 sins, because she 1. should've stopped her advances after Jeremy said he has to go and 2. Shouldn't have kissed him unprompted. Everything beyond that was ambiguous because she didn't know that the squip was controlling Jeremy.
Squip, KNEW Chloe wanted to jump Jeremy's bones and didn't CARE if Jeremy didn't want it, TOOK AWAY his ability to escape, DIDN'T WARN him that Chloe was about to kiss him, MADE him drink the alcohol, MADE him kiss Chloe, and had NO SIGNS of letting Jeremy go UNTIL IT GOT TURNED OFF: that ALONE is 6, NOT COUNTING THE REST OF THE SHOW.
In conclusion, Two River squip comes off as a more menacing villain than Bway, fanon squips are funny but feel like they've been watered down to jokes or thirst traps, and Chloe isn't WORSE than the squip (she fucked up, she's not IRREDEEMABLE)
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c0rpseductor · 10 months
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im just doing all of these at once regardless of likes and i'm doing it here because i hate twitter's character limit. and i love the sound of my own voice. feel free to steal it from me if you like in fact please do
i listen to music when i write Sometimes. i try to keep it to stuff without lyrics or stuff with lyrics in a language i don't speak fluently enough for them to distract me. sometimes i do listen to music in english if i've heard the song so many times that i can kind of tune out the words but in general music with lyrics pulls the language bits in my brain in too many directions
i tell my close friends about plans for my fics and talk to them about it and sometimes let them beta sections of writing but in general i'm a no beta/loose beta kind of guy.
third person limited babyyyyyyyyyy
depends. i used to write more often in past tense but i switched to present recently and i feel like the immediacy of present makes it a lot easier for me especially where more figurative prose is concerned. i've been meaning to try past tense again just to see if it's really more difficult or if my decision to switch tenses is unrelated
pretty even mix. i start and abandon longfics like nobody's business
see above.
i guess if you count oc/canon or oc/oc stuff as rarepairs but. not really? shrug
i try really hard to write principal characters as close to canon as possible, but background characters i take more liberties with. in general i don't like discarding canon characterization bc it feels like, ok, why not just write an oc? after a certain point. like the point is that i enjoy the character as depicted yknow
i don't really think about this. if you put some cliches or tropes in front of me in a story i'd be able to identify them and say whether or not i like them but a lot of times it's contextual and i like the execution more than the trope itself. or vice versa. i like reincarnation romance conceptually but do not often like the way it's written
i fucking hate omegaverse. gender is a prison
obviously im an emetwol freak. emetwol is my otp. sickos voice
i dont have any notps really. i dont spend time thinking about specific ships i hate i just ignore them
nice dichotomy, now what lies outside it? i guess i like both fluff and smut but i don't know that i really care for fluff vs smut as a binary. my personal definition of "fluff" encompasses any particularly tender feel-good warm fuzzy kind of fiction and that doesn't preclude sexual intimacy in the slightest. conversely i love a good bit of tender feel-good warm fuzzy smut but do not really like "fluff" in the way i tend to see it used in fandom as specifically like sexless "wholesome" feel-good slice of life stuff a la coffee shop au. nothing wrong with that but i get a little bored of it unless it's a breather in a longer work with dramatic weight personally
i love angst. i think my personal hangup is that angst has to have a point and be about something. angst for the sake of angst inevitably feels kind of cheap and shallow to me. whenever i write angst it's like to process something specific so i tend to have a lesson in mind at the end of the work
in the shower or lying awake in bed at night the same as everyone else i assume
plantser. i always have an outline in mind but it's flexible. vague. mutable. gossamer
i title my chapters and i kick myself for starting the habit every time bc i'm dogshit at titles
i think most of my pet peeves are smut-related which says a lot about me. stop saying core to mean vagina. stop saying sex as a noun for genitals. i never want to see sac again. also i fucking despise orbs as a noun for eyes and i thought we'd abolished that like via geneva convention sometime in 2015 but people still use it.
scene transitions and communicating the passage of time. im still working on that
bold of my amateur ass to give advice but i think READ REAL BOOKS. is high on the list. not just fiction, either. read nonfiction, both bc it can be surprisingly engaging and poetically written and because it's good to learn facts about things. read wikipedia. recipe blogs. i dont care. read everything you possibly can that is not fanfiction. and when you are watching tv and movies pick apart every narrative you encounter to see how it works. you will be a better writer for it i promise
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prettyboykatsuki · 2 years
heyyyy mr ladies man can you give us some more flirting advice please my awkward ass is STRUGGLING
MR LADIES MAN PLEASE. i thought it was funny bc im bitchless is what i mean! but most of my advice is just like.
if ur woman adjacent or a woman or enby etc and ur flirting with another woman you want to avoid approachability and focus on being visible. like as a romantic partner and not a Friend. for most women you sort of default to being very... Bright to appear as non-threatening as possible.
but when you're flirting you want to avoid being uber friendly and be intentional with how you direct your attention. eye contact helps tho ik A Lot of people dislike it, but also keeping your tone of voice even, making sure you're very responsive and engaged to what she's saying.
there's a lot of social dynamics it can involve so it takes a bit of practice and a lot of observing. spitting game is mostly just knowing how and when to insert flattery so that it doesn't feel very forced.
don't lay it on too thick and don't be too familiar. just making your interest clear and showing some sense of authenticity is normally enough. being able to pull flirty one liners will take some more practice.
if it were me, i normally start w a compliment and gauge her reaction. its normally one of three. first being just a thank you which normally means im gonna duck out, second being a thank you + some kind of tidbit for me to keep talking to her (best case scenario) or third, a thank you + a compliment back. if she gives a compliment back she's normally just shy but it can go either way w that one so you'll have to decide for yourself.
in any case, if it's the second ill normally keep trying to talk to her. if i compliment her outfit and she tells me about it, i'll make a joke or two and see how she reacts. i am often accused of being flirtatious (something i actively avoid doing now lol) but i just have a propensity for teasing and im comfortable calling people cute without any sense of embarrassment or shame lmaoo
AFTER that it's just conversation. ask about her and what she's into. you have to be a little more forward and steer the conversation while letting her think she's guiding it. be engaged in what she's saying and listen carefully. throwing in a few carefully placed compliments will get easier over time. once she's comfortable and there's a lull in conversation - assert that you like talking to her and that you'd like to talk to her more (or offer to take her somewhere more secluded if you want to hook up 👍)
be confident is bad advice but it DOES take a lot of balls to put yourself out there. it helps if you can take rejection on the chin and duck out when you feel like she's not feeling you back etc.
it's a big and kinda messy process but all flirting is about intent, attention, and attraction. if one of those three things is out of order it will be a lot harder to do. it's a shallow interaction by nature if it's a stranger so be okay w that also.
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zombies-aliens · 11 months
It's kind of weird with a coworker. But he's a friendly dude from what I've seen I guess. Idk if I've mentioned him before but he's a guy who knows my name and I have zero clue what's his. Never even asked him. I know I could, but... no. If we talked and got along.. sure maybe I'd ask. It'd deff help me out to ask if I've talked with him a bit. But honestly I don't really see it happening. He just doesn't seem like one of those people I find myself talking and ending up as friends outside of work with. It just doesn't look like that's gonna happen anytime soon at least. But hey maybe who knows. And I say that bc I'm not one of those people who get along with everybody like I know I can't, and u know it is what it is bruh. Some people I'm not compatible with and that's fine, we both win if you think about it. But I do wonder why he says hi to me all the time when we see each other for the first time when we work the same days. Idk if guy wants to be friends or is just nice. Honestly maybe he's just being nice. Bc he never tried talking to me. If it stays like this that's cool with me. No win or loss scenario. Just nothingness. Which is fine with me too not everythings got to be something. I don't talk to guy. I just say hi back and try to be friendly about it. I notice he sort of looks at me and I can see from the corner of my eye. Like no question about it. And I just wonder why lol I think he's trying to get a read on me for whatever reason. But I could be wrong everything I say could be wrong this is all theory. It's somewhat interesting but I wanna be careful because everythings easier to get into than get out of. If the guy wanted to know something about me he can just ask, assuming he's gonna ask in a normal way not all crazy lol which like i said I think he's friendly so I think he will. So he can ask me whatever and I may or may not answer it lol.
Just yesterday last night a coworker I'm friends with asked me if I speed in my car, like asked me out of nowhere and nothing seemed off about the question or the way she asked, super casual and harmless about it. BUT THATS HOW I KNOW HER TO BE ON A PERSONAL LEVEL. IDK THAT OTHER GUY. IDK HIS INTENTIONS. I DONT KNOW HOW HE IS. I KNOW HIM ON A SHALLOW LEVEL. WE DO NOT TALK. ONLY SAYING HI. I DONT CARE TO KNOW HIM NOT TO SOUND RUDE BUT WHEN IDK WHAT A GUY IS LIKE LIKE BRO I JUST WANNA KNOW IF HES COOL OR NOT AND ATM IDK. JUST CUS HES COOL W OTHERS MEANS NOTHING TO ME. okay lemme calm down but just bc he's cool w others means nothing to me. Idk bruh I just don't know about him I hope it doesn't get weird for me or the guy.
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karomiiz · 2 years
why is it so hard talking to humans 🙃
#sometimes i do wish i didn't have like any best friends and only had shallow relationships#i'm not good at these types of things#people tire me out and request too much emotional attention that i can't really give me#and then there's the constant trying not to be rude and overstep boundaries and whatnot bc the more you know about a perosn#*person/the easier it is to upset them bc you know what makes them tick#you have to figure out ways to not upset people all. the. time. i hate it it's exhausting my introvert shell is coming back in#because people really are just so tiring right now#probably bc i am back home but gosh#are all people this exhausting?!#like as soon as you get super close to them why does it feel like such a chore to be around them#literally every person i am close to irl it's just so tiring like having to keep up with them talk to them and whatnot#shallow friends are easier bc i don't have to talk to people all the time#i don't have to take care of them or give them emotional attention#they take care of their own life i do the same#this is why i so firmly believe that romantic love is a waste afdasdfasdf#i do not think it's real alas bc all relationships whether familial platonic and romantic are hard work#and i work enough as it is i don't want to work more in a relationship that i have yet to find is worth putting up with all this work#i put up with family bc i still live under the roof but the minute i don't have to there dead in all aspects but physical to me#i put up with best friends bc we have baggage and shit that we haul together so i am essentially trapped#like jesus this is all so much work#are all relationships supposed to be this draining 24/7?#like why do people even have friends or relationships if that's the case humans sure do like pursuing these that have very little realistic#gain bc i mean honestly i see people as data and that's my worse habit i know but like#if you can't be pragmatically something worth keeping than i don't see that point of you being there#which is how i view my family as well i mean if i were to run an analysis and find that most of the things are negative than positive#than in my eyes i will associate with you but won't have any#thoughts about you like you've just diminished#anyway time to go soak in a bath and reset my brain
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funnywormz · 3 years
* ralsei!
YAYYYA ralsey my friend ralsei......... i don't talk abt ralsei much but i love him so get ready for an info dump lol
i'm going to structure the headcanons like a character profile thing bc i think that will be easier to read than just dumping them all in a paragraph. also pls bear in mind these are just my fav silly headcanons, it doesn't mean i necessarily think they're accurate to canon or that i dislike other ppl's headcanons (sorry if i'm overexplaining i thought i should add a lil disclaimer)
ANYWAYS!!!! ralsy headcanons time....... ..
pronouns: i think ralsei would be OK with any pronouns! maybe he would prefer he/they though
gender: personally i'm a big fan of nonbinary ralsei. he's kind of Boy Adjacent but i think for darkners in general, gender is less of a thing. he's just a little creature
age: i see ralsei as being around the same age as kris and susie, so like 15-18 somewhere. a personal little headcanon of mine is he's actually the youngest of the group, but everyone automatically assumes he's older bc he seems the most emotionally mature lol
sexuality: asexual and biromantic. i think it suits him :-)
Miscellaneous headcanons:
- ralsei is very brave i think. although he's gentle and friendly, he's not afraid to stand up to people and speak his mind. if his friends are in danger he will always do his best to protect them
- ralsei is an insecure person. i don't really mean that he dislikes himself, but i don't think he places much value on his own existence. i mean he's pretty much stated that he sees himself and other darkners as existing to please lightners. i think that he'd maybe struggle with doing nice things just for himself and thinking abt his own needs. it would be hard for him to learn to put himself first
- while i definitely don't think ralsei is secretly evil (and if he is i will be extremely mad and disappointed in toby tbh lol), i do think he's hiding things from everyone and that there's a lot of stuff we don't know abt him yet. i think he has good intentions, but only time will tell if he's leading kris and co. down the right path or not.
- ralsei, despite being kind and caring on a surface level, has a hard time dealing with complex emotions in other ppl (eg. his reaction to how kris behaves after the spamton neo). he tries his best but his responses can come off as unhelpful and shallow. it's not that he doesn't care, he just wants ppl to be happy, but he doesn't really understand that sometimes conflict and negative emotions are necessary.
- despite being a goat/goat adjacent, he has little paws with toe beans. this is canon i've decided
- he gets allergies in the spring/summer
- him and lancer end up being really close and kind of have a brotherly type of relationship
- he likes to watch random old soap operas
- he's crafty! he knows how to sew and knit and one of the aspects of his healing magic is that it heals rips/tears in clothes too, not just physical injuries
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sowearecleariamhere · 2 years
For the university asks: 4, 7, 16, and 38!
I’d ask more but I think that would quickly get overwhelming, so here!
Ooooh my first ask! 🥰
4. What do you study?
Currently finishing up my bachelor's in korean studies; I started bc I was studying Korean on my own for funsies, and since I did not know what I wanted to do yet I decided to just go for it :)
7. What is your dream job?
I've been unsure for a long time about what career to pursue, but last spring I finally admitted to myself that I want to go into psychology, I want to help people in their journey to better their life and their relationship with themselves, so aiming for talk therapist/psychologist
I kinda blocked myself from allowing myself to think about taking this path, because imposter syndrome etc, but it just feels like the right fit
16. What is your weird academic niche?
Hmm not sure if I have one or if they are necessarily weird per se, but there are:
Demographics of South Korea and the generation shift that will happen because there will be a lot of elderly people dying in a few decades combined with very, very low fertility rate - currently writing a paper about that topic
Connected to that - the national pension system and old age poverty in south korea
The premodern korean language - I just find it really beautiful and interesting, especially since I love the language so seeing its roots is fascinating. I'm taking a course this semester about that exact topic, where we read annals of the joseon dynasty which lasted over 500 years up until the 20th century. The articles are written by historians at court, who recorded pretty much everything and were with the king at all times, plus - no one but the historians were allowed to read these records so the contents could not be influenced by those in power, so these annals tell us what actually happened (there is one instance where a king fell from his horse and, embarrassed, said to make sure the historian wouldnt write about his mishap 🤭 there are articles about the first elephant in Korea, or social reforms in the 15th century to aid pregnant slaves and reduce their workload and raise maternity leave) really interesting stuff, and these texts can all be accessed for free (in korean tho) which is pretty amazing :) they are also unesco world heritage so that's cool
That's all I can think of rn, but it got longer than I thought 😅
38. Best tips for making friends at uni?
Honestly I think I'm not the best person to ask,
But my input would be:
Try to befriend people you see regularly, it's not only easier because you see them more often, but because of the mere exposure effect you find people see often more likable, so I'd say being aware of that can help :) so...
Join societies or clubs etc - more hobby-specific, or for getting to know people who identify the same/similarly, have a similar background to you, so depending on what you look for :)
If you're more of an introvert like me, it can still pay off to be a bit more proactive than you might normally be. Like starting conversations first(more often), helping each other out at the start when everyone has many questions, etc (very short list but you know 🤷‍♀️ lota possibilities). I like to tell myself and pretend that I am more of an extrovert than I am to trick myself into being more socially proactive, that tends to help me. But don't overdo it with that, so that you don't befriend people that are muuuuch more extroverted than you and maybe not a good fit, making you feel like you need to compromise your needs. (Of course it can work out fine, but kinda experienced that a bit)
Also just try to be yourself even if you don't know yet who that is. Experiment with who you could be if you want to even! If not know when? Just be true to yourself ^^
Oh and also, some go into uni expecting to find their best friends there, being friends with them for life. In my experience you will meet lots of people that you will get to know on a shallow level, that you might vibe with well, but no deeper friendship forms. But that's also okay. And you might also learn what your boundaries are in a way didn't expect, in friendships and with yourself and what is good for you. So even if it turns out you aren't a good fit, or only a shallow friendship works for you that's also amazing. Acquaintances like that are important too imo and you can still learn a lot from all of it :))
I seriously need to learn to condense what I want to say xD
But there you have it ^^
Hope that's not too overwhelming of an answer; I don't know if you started uni already, but maybe there's something in the last part that helps 💕🌸🌱
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Character ref for; Jack, Maddie and Jazz,
Art by @gally-hin / @gally-hin-phantom
Okay so first off; in terms of Actual redesign, I didn't change a whole lot. I'm actually very fond of Jack and Maddie's design's, my only real issue was with their proportions. Like...look as a lady person who is also thiCC I do not have a fucking wasp thin waist and I'm sure I'm not the only one, lmao. As for Jack? Godamnit he looked like a brick on toothpicks. Just Let him be a fucking Bara man! Anyway of course I asked Gally to do this one bc they're fucking great at drawing different body types
I also cannot and will not take credit for Jazz's outfit. I didn't have any issue with her canon clothes aside from them being a bit plain, so what she's wearing here was literally pulled straight off of her original concept art, which I will link here.
Anyway, getting to the Actual character lore now, let's start with
Maddie Fenton
-Full name is Madeline (I haven't decided on a maiden name yet)
-Born and raised on a farm in Arkansas, had a southern accent that she trained herself out of in college bc it was just one more reason for people not to take her seriously. Still sometimes uses "y'all" completely unironically bc old habits die hard.
-She has a really big family, and they're proud of her accomplishments but feel like she's wasting her talent studying ghosts, because really, up until the Fenton portal was up and running there wasn't even any solid proof they existed. Her sister Alicia is the one outlier there, and even if she doesn't understand, it she completely supports her.
-She majored in engineering and minored in psychology at Wisconsin EDU. Her, Jack and Vlad were all in the same engineering class, and that's where they met.
-Maddie is particularly interested in how ghosts think, analysing their behavior, their motives. Not only that, but they aren't just dead people with unfinished business, they've built an entire culture in the Ghost Zone that is completely seperate from humanity, and she wants to understand all of it.
-skilled marksman and 9th degree black belt, (which is. The highest fucking level there is holy shit? I looked it up after I saw it on her wiki page.)
Jack Fenton
-He's from Minnesota (Amity park is in Illinois and him and Maddie didn't move there until after they got married) 
-okay, "but why minnesota specifically" you ask? Because. I crave. Foot ball discourse. 
-minnesota vikings vs green bay packers guys do you UNDERSTAND WHERE IM GOING WITH THIS 
-The funny thing is that Jack only watches football casually while Vlad is a fucking die hard so when these two got together to see a game it was like....
-Jack: Here to chill and have a good time.
-Vlad: Primed and ready to start a fist fight at any given moment.
-I am never not going to be salty about how Canon Jack was portrayed like a complete moron 99% percent of the time. Like no...theres a difference between Actual Stupid and ADHD induced dumbass-ery.
-Am I saying Jack Fenton has ADHD? Yes. why? Because I also have ADHD and I have always vibed So Hard with his Character.
-Jack is loud and easily excited about things that interest him. He's impulsive and fidgety and yeah, a bit absent minded. He has a mouth that clearly runs so much faster than his head. His train of thought doesn't get derailed so much as it stops and takes several different detours on the way to it's final destination.
-and that's only the tip of the iceberg, really, I'd need an entire essay to get into this completely, but I just really relate.
-Jacks skill-set / interests regarding ghosts vary a bit from Maddie's, most notably in the sense that he doesn't believe that they're static entities already set in their ways, completely incapable of change.
-Jack majored in engineering and minored in Biology at Wisconsin EDU.
-Jack's work with tech is a bit hit or miss. He definitely HAS the engineering skills, but the intrest isn't always there and he's constantly jumping back and forth between different projects. He tends to focus on the concept work and schematics and leave most of the assembly to Maddie as a result. It's an arrangement that works well for them, and has drastically decreased the number of unintentional explosions in the lab.
-A lot of Jack's work tends to revolve around ghostly biology and Ectoplasm, figuring out how ghosts are made, what makes them tick, what the hell Ectoplasm Actually Is, how it's used as an energy source, ect.
-and yes, that does also mean he handles the dissections.
-See that facial scar? Yeah, that's not actually there at the start of the series rewrite but it's very important for plot reasons so I had to include it. Can't say much more on the subject because SPOILERs owo.
Jasmine Fenton
-Jazz is a 18 years old, and a senior at Casper high.
-Which means she prepping to go away to college and won't be around to keep an eye on Danny.
-Obviously that doesn't mean I'm just writing her out of the story, oh no. Know why? Because she's also gonna go to Wisconsin EDU. ya know who else is in Wisconsin? Fuckin' Vlad.
-Jazz is autistic, Although she passes for neurotypical in part due to symptoms being completely over looked in girls due to gender stereotyping and also the fact that she doesn't have any special interests that are considered " "too weird.""
- Her hyperfixation with psychology started at a young age in an effort to better understand people, and social/emotional cues and all that.
-Jazz is well liked at school but she's not popular or apart of any specific group or clique. She's very kind and compassionate to people, and just about everyone knows her, but you'd be hard pressed to find someone who actually Considered her a friend. Except maybe Spike.
-I'm gonna have to give spike his own Character ref at some point, but he's this scary looking goth kid that's been held back twice. He's actually super sweet, just really fuckin' quiet and anxious. Him and jazz kinda ended up gravitating towards each other. She might do most of the talking, but they look out for each other.
-its not like jazz doesn't try to socialize, but it's difficult and she's found it much easier and less stressful to just. Keep to herself and let her interactions with her peers stay shallow and superficial. Sure, it's lonely sometimes but it's better than constantly worrying about saying the wrong thing or making some other misstep.
-One of Jazz's other special interests is football, and it's not so much the players or the game as it is the strategy of it? Started out as one of those things you do to bond with your dad, and she ended up getting really into it.
-She absolutley winds up getting into stupidly intense discussions with Vlad about it, too, lmao.
-Her and Danny probably bonded over SBNation bc that shit has both sentient satellites and ridiculously complex football mechanics.
-She's completely oblivious to the fact, but Dash has a massive crush on her bc holy shit this girl understands football (hey bud your toxic masculinity is showing put that shit away)
-I mentioned that Danny was in Cheer for a bit in middle school so it makes sense that she'd also be pushed into doing some kind of extracurricular activity.....so.....she was in a martial arts class for a bit thanks to Maddie and has a good grasp on self defense.
I think that's everything? I feel like I'm leaving things out tho? Idk if I did I'll come back and add on to this later and also pls don't hesitate to ask questions bc it really helps me flesh things out better.
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thegetoufather · 3 years
Ah sorry I don't usually do this but I wanted to ask some advice. I'm 18 and no one has ever liked me. Of course guys have wanted to have sex y'know but not be with me. I'm in college now for two months and I still haven't met the one, or any potential for that matter. I'm so sad about it, I know it's dumb but I always expected I would have some whirlwind romance in high school like in the movies, even most of my friends are currently with or have been with someone. I try not to be too upset about it because people always say I'm so young and I have time, but I feel like there's something wrong with me? Media makes it seem that girls can get anyone so easy but it hasn't happened so I started to think I'm really unattractive but I felt like I was just average looking. Sometimes I feel like I'll be one of those people that just never experiences love in their life. Idk I always get upset about this at 3 am maybe its the anxiety talking
hi bby!! i hope you dont mind that this is late i just wanted to give some thought to my response!
under a read more because i wrote a lot lmao
first off, lemme just say, im 22 in your exact same position. im done with college (undergrad at least) and never met 'the one', and with the way grad school is going, i dont think i'll meet the one here either.
and you know what, it took me a long ass time to reconcile with this but, that's completely ok!!
its hard as hell to keep believing that when everything around us, whether it be social media or movies, promotes the idea that we should be boo'd up now but, one thing that i keep telling myself is that just because it hasn't happened now, doesn't mean it will happen never, ya know?
another thing is that, immediate attraction has always been conflated with romance, when it honestly isn't always the case! i think with everything around us we get tricked into thinking that if we are immediately attractive to others we are loved, which is far from the case. most immediate attraction is shallow and based off of looks, which does not bode well in terms of long lasting stuff either, ya know? to get personal, im never the person that guys go after immediately when out with my friends, ive even been passed over right in front of me once someone saw my other friend, and while that did sting, it reflects more poorly on him for being so open about being shallow.
im sure you are far from unattractive! everyone on this earth has something that makes people gravitate towards them, and even if you don’t believe it, you do. 
someone not liking us is a reflection of them, not a reflection of who we are.
and another thing — its ok to be sad about it! its not dumb at all, its ok to want a relationship and yearn for that companionship. i think when we get to that point we want things that are the real deal so our filters of what we want from people increase — and in a world where hookup culture kinda created people who lie for sex, we start seeing even less and less potential amongst the bullshit we are surrounded by.
if this essay beforehand seemed more like me being a psychiatrist than advice i am sorry, ill say some more direct things that helped me now but, im gonna start by saying this: theres absolutely nothing wrong with you. we are all deserving of love, and if you truly want a companion, you will find it someday, that much is true.
im not gonna say you need to love yourself before someone else can love you bc thats not true either because we deserve love even in our low moments,
but what i am gonna say is what helped me through the periods of being alone is learning more about me and what keeps me happy. learning how to i deserve to be treated and treating myself on my own to those things. once i started doing that, being alone became easier because i had a clearer picture of what i wanted and knew that im setting forth the example of how i will be treated — and instantly started attracting people who were better for me as friends and so on.
and i have my off days too! i dont love myself all the time either, and i light my dumb lil candles in hope of an irl jean/eren to swoop and kiss me silly to make the pain go away. but its important to remember that it isnt forever.
you’ll find what you’re looking for someday, and dont settle for anything less. i wish you good luck nonnie, i hope this helps <3.
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fairycosmos · 4 years
When i look in the mirror i don't see a pretty girl, i just see a young girl, and that's what people like and love, that i'm young. I can't help but think that when i, inevitably, get old, people aren't going to like me anymore, and what's more worrisome, i wont love me anymore bc i just come to believe that if im not beautiful(and that means young) im not worthy of people liking me or even loving me. And it's horrible, and i know its false, but i know that its true to some extent too.
:(( i think a lot of people can relate to that, especially other women. our worth is so often defined (in the eyes of others) by our youth and how conventionally beautiful we are perceived as. it’s a very empty way to view a person - to reduce them to such a natural and inconsequential part of their existence. overcoming the confidence issues and the complexes this sort of treatment gives us is often a life long task. it’s alright if it takes a lot of time and effort for you to grow into a level of self certainty that doesn’t depend on the opinions of those around you because you’ve been taught for so long that everything does. i think it’s important to begin with examining why you only feel you can love yourself if others like you - especially if they’re judging you in such a narrow way. you can see logically that their standards are baseless and nonsensical. and if they only value you for your looks, they’re not deserving of everything that you are anyway. there are so many people in this world who will like you for your heart, it’s not asking for too much or impossible to find. even if it seems like it is right now. i know it’s a LOT easier said than done, but i really believe that breaking out of this mind set and healing can happen even AS you’re processing hurt/anger/confusion + whatever else you need to feel. it’s alright to be upset. i dont blame you for the simple fact that it hurts. but just because you’re frustrated that ppl are so (for lack of a better phrase) brain washed by sexist ideals, doesn’t mean you can’t start questioning them and drawing strength from within rather from outside sources. there are a lot of women who talk about getting older as if it’s a very freeing thing. whether or not society is ‘happy’ about it, we grow and we defy everything that they expect us to be and at that point living is a radical act. but we go on anyway, we’re loved anyway, we enjoy the world anyway. because at that point we have learned enough about ourselves and about other people to know that there’s no wrong way to exist. because at that point, it just doesn’t fucking matter. you’re not going to feel the same way about your future as you do right now, once you’re actually living it, you know? the romanticisiation of youth is one of the worlds biggest lies. they just want us to keep chasing something we can never have. plus it’s a symptom of p*dophile culture, but thats a whole other conversation. in reality, we spend more time being middle aged than we ever spend being young - and even then we’re still learning new things, we’re still beautiful beings (beautiful by many definitions) - the world doesn’t end at 30. ultimately, growing up means finding more confidence in our words, actions and experiences rather than in superficial factors that are beyond our control. we’re able to do that because we can refer back to times when our character mattered more than our appearance. maybe right now, you’re just too young to see that like i am. perspective and hindsight will give you so much. and again, the world imposes this self hatred on us from birth, so of course it’s going to impact you. it may be a presence for a long time in the back of your head. but you don’t have to buy into it and you don’t have to view yourself through such a critical lens. if you catch yourself doing so, question where it’s coming from and whether or not it has any actual truth to it. can you trust the narrative enough to live your life by it? try to think about the people in your life, and what you treasure about them. i’m sure it goes way beyond how nice they are to look at or how old they are. anyone with common sense will treat you the same way. ‘worth’ really isn’t something that has to be earned, or something that you can lose with time. you were born with it, and you’ll die with it. but you don’t have to beg anyone else to understand that. if they don’t, it’s because their perception is fundamentally flawed and extremely shallow, so they’re the ones losing at the end of the day. it’s THEIR issue. and it’s not fair that you have to deal with it, not at all. but i really do believe in our own self growth showing us the solutions to our current worries. ppl are fucking mean and disgusting a lot of the time, but if they prove that they’re only around you cause you’re young or pretty, then that’s where you get to draw the line and distance yourself from that toxicity. which is a skill that takes some practice, setting your own boundaries, but very possible nonetheless. anyway so sorry this got long, i really hope you’re able to see that you’re so much more than your practicalities, and that as the years go by, you’ll realize it more and more. ALSO i got your other message and i’m 🥺🥺 literally blushing so much, you’re absolutely the sweetest. i’m honoured to be a comforting presence. i know how hard things are right now, but you’re really not alone. thank you so much for taking my words on board and for caring about my thoughts. take care of yourself and let me know if you ever need a friend ! ily 💖
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(1/#) Hi hon, I know I keep bothering you because I asked before, but I just want to ask someone, anyone. Does he like me? I'll start from the very beginning. We met two years(?) ago, he's a year older but we had the same class-Art. at first, I don't think we ever caught each other's eye. He was just someone, who i shared the same last name with. And at the time, he had this girl he was "seeing" & she's much waaay prettier and smarter. But then later on, my friend, close friend, had saw him.
(2/#) They never actually met, but she asked me who he was and I told him, and she said that he was cute. & then me and my other friends decided “Lets hook them up.” At the time, I ddin’t like him, I didn’t even know him. I didn’t know he had a girl at the time tho. But then, we started talking, like skype groupchats or a skype call once. & at first I was just like “Hey he’s pretty funny & cool.” But the more I began to talk to him, the more I ddin’t realize, that I was slowly falling too.I mean I kept avoiding it, especially after summer bc I felt guilty as hell. Like how did I allow myself to fall for him? But I brushed it aside, thinking it was just a silly crush at the time, and I began to try to get him to hook up with my friend. & we talked a lot in group chats and at school, we sort of talked whenever we saw each other in lunch or in the mornings at the hallways. I later even had him on snapchat. It wasn’t until, half a year later, I realized that I really liked him.Like a lot. & i mean, we talked over snap a few times (we have a streak too) & we talk sometimes at lunch. We always catch each other’s eyes tho. Like a lot in the hallways or during lunch. But I kept my feelings hidden, bc I love my best friend more. But her? She’s always talking to guys. As if she doesn’t like him but at the same time she does?? I don’t get it. I know that he’d go for my friend bc shes way prettier and smarter. But lemme tell you, last month, our grade had a presentation & in this presentation, his grade came to see ours. & like apparently out of me & my friends, he only came to see my presentation. He only came to me & we talked for a while, & he even teased me a lot, by taking my laptop & trying to read my poem while I tried to get it back from him. & then two weeks ago, I think I realized that I am too deep in liking him, bc for the first time, I saw him unexpectedley in the hallway& my heart began to race, like speed up and race. & it all felt new to me& I told u this before, but I asked for some guy’s snapchat that’s in his grade, & like he said he doesnt have it, but then he asked my if i was interested in the other guy. I said no obviously lol. But yesterday, I was walking with a guy friend, and every single time we passed in the hallway, he would playfully tease or shove him for fun. But I realized he sort of only does that when I am with that certain guy friend, & im srry for this longass story lol but I just want someone’s opinion.
Hi Anon! 
Because you wrote a lot (don’t feel bad, I appreciate the background and more information), I am going to write my answer out in points, just to make it easier.
1) This is something simple, but I don’t want you or anyone to feel like they are bothering me with questions - even if they are repeated. This is what I’m here for, so ask away!
2) Please don’t compare yourself to the other girl or your friend and say they are way prettier and smarter than you, so the guy will never choose you. If that’s the only reason people dated each other - well those are shallow people. It’s the personality that is important too, so please don’t put yourself down like that and compare yourself in that way to others. It’s not fair on yourself.
3) You can’t help who you fall for - feelings don’t work that way. We can’t just say whether or not we are going to like someone, so don’t feel guilty. If this is something you feel bad about because your friend may like this guy, then you should talk to her about it and see where she really stands with him. Get her thoughts about the situation. But again, this isn’t something you can’t control and you certainly cannot force yourself to not like someone. If it happens, then it’s natural. Feelings and emotions come and go as they please really. 
4) And this is the important one……whether or not I think he likes you. And quite frankly, I would say that he does have feelings for you. So I’ll break this down too. Taking time to see another person, especially someone you may like is huge. I mean when you are in a relationship, you always want to make sure you make time for your partner and always see them/talk to them. So the fact that he went to see your presentation only, makes me think that he really cares about what you are doing and will take time out of his schedule to see you. As well, the whole teasing bit. So story time: when I was in high school, there was a guy that liked me, and the only reason why I knew was because he always teased me. Like I’m talking pretending to push my binder over the desk, hold my chair in with his foot so I couldn’t pull it out and sit down, that sort of thing. The teasing never stopped - so if he is teasing you, that’s actually a good sign, oddly enough. Usually guys in and around the high school age group show they like someone by teasing them. That’s just what they do for whatever reason. So if he is teasing you like you’ve mentioned, I would take that as a good thing. 
Overall, it really does seem as though this guy is certainly interested and may possibly have feelings for you. And like I said - if you are worried about your friend, I would go talk to her about it first. That way you don’t have to feel guilty about where she stands if you two want to pursue a potential relationship. 
Hopefully this helps, and hopefully it wasn’t too much to read! Stop by again if you want clarifications or just to chat some more. I wish you luck anon!!
~ Sky :)
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