#shattered glass epilogue
ja3yun · 4 months
The Doll House | Epilogue
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doll!sunghoon x doll!jake x fem!reader warnings: smut (mdni), threesome, unprotected sex, cream pie, eiffel tower, oral (m&f.rec), deep throating, doggy, soft dom!hoon/sub!jake, hoon&jae don't get it on but there is one kiss, cum plugging, nipple play, angst, mentions of heaven/hell, not a lot of jongseong (sorry jay lovers!) wc: 22k synopsis: you and jaeyun return to the house that started it all, however you didn't realise the impact that leaving would have on the demon you left behind, leaving you with a choice to make, and both involve visiting heeseung's room just one more time. heeseung | masterlist | a/n: hi! so if you haven't been keeping up with me or my blog then this epilogue will surprise you but with everyone wishing for just one more chapter i thought why not do an epilogue? i tried to give everyone an ending they deserved so i hope you all like it! likes, reblogs, feeback, comments are all appreciated as always! thank you so much for the love on tdh
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“Y/N, can you please tell Jaeyun that this is a communal space,” Mia exasperates, pointing over to the doll and the current tornado of clothes lying over the living room floor. 
There are clothes everywhere; tops on the sofa, trousers on the carpet, and his underwear messily splayed over the small dining table situated in the corner of the room, the very location Mia happens to be as she tries to eat her lunch.
Mia and Jaeyun have developed a love-hate relationship over the past three months. To be honest, this wasn’t the problem you thought you would have when you told Mia that you are soulfully attached to a doll that is possessed by your should-have-been guardian angel. That was already a massive hurdle to overcome but you thought that maybe they could become friends once they get to know one another properly.
Unfortunately, Jaeyun holds a grudge, her words from her last visit to the mansion still stinging his heart, and Mia has never been a fan of dolls or supernatural entities living amongst the living. 
“He is WHAT?” Mia exclaims with her jaw slack enough to catch flies.
You look at Jaeyun who is standing one foot behind you, still wary of telling her, “He’s alive. Surprise!” you smile awkwardly, jazz-handing your way out of explaining any further about the situation you have found yourself in.
Mia turns pale, stumbling backwards and collapsing onto the table behind you, her body desperately seeking support. You understand it's overwhelming; after all, you weren’t prepared to handle such news back then either. Granted, a mere 20 minutes later your mouth was being stuffed with his doll cock so there wasn’t that much time to process.
“Y/N, you need to get that freak of nature back to his creepy dollhouse,” she quivers, pointing accusingly at Jaeyun.
“It’s not a dollhouse, it’s a house that dolls live in,” Jaeyun clarifies, rolling his glass eyes in annoyance.
And from there, it has been bicker after bicker between them.
You haven't told Jaeyun about his true background and who he was meant to be, knowing the others withheld this information for a good reason. Staying with him has revealed his true personality to you - a fragile soul not yet ready to face the harsh realities of his tragic death and his actual purpose in life. It might be selfish to keep this from him, but he's happy as he is. Why shatter that peace?
Besides, you would hate for him to see his brothers differently. The love he has for them is so pure that you can't bear to ruin it.
"This is actually mine and Y/N's place. You're just crashing here because your boyfriend dumped you and kicked you out," he retorts, a smug smile playing on his lips.
"It'll be your place once you start paying rent. Ever thought of mannequin work? You'd love it - they stick a metal pole right up your a-"
"Enough, you two," you interject firmly, quelling the rising tension. Memories of the last altercation flood your mind—it was not a pretty sight when Mia attempted to break his arm and toss it out the window. "Baby doll, can you hurry up and pack? We promised Soonyeol we'd be there by 2pm at the latest," you say softly, offering him a small, reassuring smile.
Nodding, Jaeyun bounds over the clothes, finally picking what he wants to wear. The way he was packing, you would think that you were staying at the mansion for a week, not just an overnight trip.
You had planned this trip for Jaeyun because it was so evident how much he was missing them all. He was on the phone to them every night, particularly Sunghoon, and once he hung up the phone he would look dejected and eagerly anticipate the next time it was appropriate to phone. One time, he was on the phone so long that you went to bed when it started and woke up just as it ended.
Of course, it's natural for him to miss them; it's all he's ever known in this existence. Part of you feels a twinge of guilt for taking him away from his home, but you also recognise that it would have hurt you both even more if you were apart, especially considering Jongseong's previous warning about being unlinked to your guardian angel. Moreover, he wanted to come of his own accord, and you've made it abundantly clear that he's free to leave whenever he wishes.
As you watch him pack, a sense of warmth fills your heart. Despite the challenges and uncertainties, you're grateful for every moment you get to spend with him. And as you prepare for this trip, you can't help but feel a flicker of excitement at the thought of seeing him reunited with his loved ones.
You would also be lying if you said you weren't looking forward to seeing them again.
"Are you almost ready, baby doll?" you ask softly, unable to hide the loving smile tugging at your lips.
He scrambles to fit in some final pieces, doing a quick verbal checkover before clicking his fingers in realization. "Two minutes! I forgot my sunscreen," he says before darting up the hall to rummage through the bathroom cabinet.
"You're made of plastic!" Mia yells at him, clearly flabbergasted, then turns to you. "Is he serious?"
"Be kind, you know how he is. Plus, he's made from thermoplastic elastomer, not plastic. You know this," you reply with a gentle chuckle, understanding Jaeyun's quirks all too well.
Ever since you brought him home, Jaeyun has been determined to be as human as possible, eagerly picking up traits and characteristics to blend in seamlessly. You often find him engrossed in binge-watching sitcoms and movies, the TV becoming his best friend as he tries to grasp human behaviour. After all, the only human he had ever come into contact with before you was Soonyeol, and everything he learned about cities and people was through her and some old books.
Exploring outside with you has been an adventure, though he requires glasses and a bit of contour to give his complexion a more lifelike appearance. So far, your cautious outings to the shops or bustling hubs of people have kept you inconspicuous.
You made it clear to Jaeyun that the last thing you wanted was for him to feel trapped in your flat, understanding the toll it took on your mental health all those months ago. Thus, you both make a concerted effort to integrate him into society, ensuring he experiences the world beyond the confines of your home. 
Once he comes back and packs his unnecessary sunscreen and an extra-extra pair of socks, he is ready to go, the excitement on his face evident as you both say goodbye to Mia and head back to the house that started it all.
The crackle of gravel under your tyres fills the air, and suddenly, a wave of nostalgia washes over you. Is it odd to feel nostalgic for a place you were in just three months ago? Shouldn't that sentiment be reserved for moments like childhood memories of playing in a friend's backyard at age six?
Bringing the car to a stop, you gaze ahead and notice that the moss and bushes have been trimmed, giving the exterior a more manicured appearance. The daisy bush is still intact, if not more beautiful than the last time you set eyes on it. It's a subtle change, but it speaks volumes about the passage of time since you visited the place Jaeyun called home. 
You glance at Jaeyun and find the brightest smile lighting up his face, his left leg bouncing in eager anticipation. With a gentle touch, you tuck some of his hair behind his ear, pulling him from his trance of happiness. His leg stills as your touch renders him relaxed. "You ready, baby doll?"
He nods, clasping his large hand over yours, bringing your palm to his plump lips and kissing it gently. "Are you? I think that's the big question here," he replies, sensing your apprehension about returning to the mansion. It’s the downside to having a soulmate that feels your emotions with you, you can’t ever hide when you’re upset or nervous.
It's not that you don't want to see everyone; it's the simple thought of what if Jaeyun wants to stay here again? Being in the city with you could have been a nice holiday for him, but what if he decides he wants to go back to Soonyeol as soon as he sets eyes on her?
He doesn't have friends back in the city; he only has you. Sometimes, you wonder if that's enough for him. Soulmates or not, a person cannot survive solely on the love of one other person. He needs a network, and unfortunately, that network is here in this mansion.
You assure him with a grin and a nod, feeling the warmth of his affection as he presses his knuckles to your lips once again, sealing his love for you inside of it, reassuring you even only slightly. Together, you step out of the car and walk up to the grand front doors, the nervousness in your body different from when you arrived on your first day on shift.
Reaching out, you raise your hand to knock on the door, your heart beating just a little faster with each passing moment. This visit could change everything, and the uncertainty of what lies ahead fills you with a mixture of excitement and trepidation.
A minute of silence passes before the door swings open, revealing Soonyeol with her cheery grin and bright energy. She looks as beautiful as ever, her long hair and pretty sundress almost making you curse at yourself for wearing a pair of shorts and an old band t-shirt that has faded in its whiteness from frequent wear.
Jaeyun lets go of your hand and leaps forward, embracing her tightly. His excitement is palpable, and you can't help but smile at the sight of their reunion, even if a pang of insecurity tugs at your heart. You step back slightly, giving them space, watching the reunion with a mixture of emotions swirling inside you. 
There's happiness for Jaeyun, seeing him reunited with someone who clearly means so much to him. But there's also a twinge of uncertainty, a fear that perhaps this reunion will change things between you two.
You take a deep breath, pushing aside those thoughts for now. This moment isn't about you; it's about Jaeyun seeing his found family and getting the much-needed time with them. His happiness is the upmost importance.
"Soonyeol, it's been too long," Jaeyun says, his voice filled with genuine affection as he pulls back slightly from the embrace, still holding her at arm's length.
"It really has, Jaeyun. I've missed you," Soonyeol replies, her smile softening as she looks at him.
You step forward, offering a tentative smile. "Hi, Soonyeol. It's nice to see you again."
Rolling her eyes playfully, Soonyeol reaches for your arm and pulls you into a warm hug. "Come on, Y/N, we don't need to be awkward here! You're part of the family now," she says happily, her voice filled with genuine warmth as she embraces you like a lifelong friend.
There is no weight of angst towards you in her body. She is so kind and generous that you wonder how on earth she has such a hold on Heeseung, considering someone with a pure heart like her must be the easiest target of all. 
"Thank you, Soonyeol," you say softly, grateful for her kindness.
As you pull back from the hug, she waves off your appreciation and gestures towards the inside of the house. "We're all in the living room," she comments, not offering to show you the way. It's a subtle acknowledgement of your familiarity with the mansion; after all, if anyone knows this house as well as she does, it's you.
With a nod of understanding, you follow her lead and step inside, feeling a sense of comfort wash over you as you reenter the familiar surroundings of the mansion. It’s strange how easy it is to fall back into place as soon as you cross the threshold; you’re almost seconds away from grabbing the green feather duster again.
You roll your case across the mahogany floor as you walk towards the living room, marvelling at the once creepy, dark walls with a sense of fondness. You missed this place more than you will ever admit to anyone, the tranquillity of it all was missed on nights of sirens and drunken shouting just outside your flat.
Jaeyun doesn't seem to mind the hustle and bustle surrounding him. In fact, he's fascinated by it, curious as to why so many people are in such a rush to skip through life when there's so much of the world they're missing. Whether their noses are buried in their phones or they simply don't care to interact with one another, Jaeyun sees the beauty in every moment.
If there were an award for chatterboxes, Jaeyun would undoubtedly win it. From the moment you realised he could converse, you knew he had a lot to say. Every day, he fills the air with his thoughts and musings, and you couldn't love it more. You are aware that his past got swiped from his memory, but it's truly as if he's experiencing his first life.
Yet, you can't help but wish he could speak to more than just you and Mia when he's back home with you. The world is full of people he could connect with, and you want nothing more than for him to experience the joy of making new friends and sharing his boundless enthusiasm with others. A person as pure and joyful as him should be able to enrich people's lives the way he has yours.
Reaching the living room, Jaeyun takes your free hand and squeezes it, prompting you to turn to him.
"Hmm?" you ask, tilting your head as you catch his soft expression.
"I love you, you know that right? You know I'm not going anywhere if it's not with you," he says earnestly, his eyes sparkling with sincerity. His serious tone leaves no room for doubt; he means every word.
Jaeyun may exude the excitement of a puppy who loves being looked after, but he's also incredibly understanding of your own needs. He knows that sometimes you need verbal reassurance, especially now that you’re diving back into the complexities of life at the mansion. While it's easy to pretend to be just another normal couple back in the city, here you're acutely aware of the history that lingers in the halls and the events that transpired.
With a soft smile, you squeeze his hand back, feeling a rush of gratitude for his unwavering love and support. "I know, Jaeyun. And I love you too. More than you'll ever know," you reply, your voice filled with affection. 
Jaeyun leans in, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead before releasing your hand. "Let's go join the others, if they’re anything like me then they’re literally dying to see you.”
Walking into the room, you notice Jongseong entering through the back garden almost simultaneously with you and Jaeyun. His presence halts you all to a stop, and a warm smile spreads across your face, reaching your ears.
"Princess," Jongseong greets you, setting down the shears in his hand before striding briskly toward you. His arms open wide as he approaches, and before you know it, he's lifting you up and spinning you around, eliciting a delighted giggle from your lips.
"Hi, Jongseong," you greet him warmly, returning the hug with equal enthusiasm. There's a sense of joy and ease in his presence that never fails to lift your spirits. Throughout your time in the mansion, he was always your backbone to getting through it, living up to his guardian angel ways.
As Jongseong sets you back down, your curious gaze sweeps over his attire. "What's with the new look?" you ask quizzically, noting the departure from his usual casual clothes. He's sporting dark green overalls, stained with mud and grass, paired with a black slouch t-shirt underneath, and gardening gloves.
Jongseong spins around, giving you a full view of the outfit before bursting into laughter. Soonyeol tucks under his arm, hugging him from the side and running her hand over his broad chest.
You can’t help but wonder if Jongseong ever told her about your night on the altar, or the one in the kitchen, or the countless ones on her bed. But by the way she's acting, it seems she remains oblivious to it all. For now, you'll let her live in ignorance, choosing not to disrupt the peace.
“Jjongie suggested it,” Soonyeol explains, looking up at him with an adoring stare.
"Yeah, wouldn't want someone to prick a finger or anything on the thorns now, do we?" Jongseong's voice carries a playful tone as he makes jabs at your past experiences with the garden.
Since your departure, he's come to realise that there's so much more to life that Soonyeol could be enjoying. Heeseung may have provided her with all the material comforts and companions she desires, but Jongseong knows that true fulfilment goes beyond mere possessions and superficial fantasies. He saw it in you - someone with everything the big city life could offer, yet still yearning for more.
So, he's been spending more time with Soonyeol, teaching her to play instruments and nurturing her interest in gardening. And with Jaeyun no longer by her side like a clingy pup, her schedule has opened right up, leaving more time for Jongseong to show her the joys of a fuller, more enriched life.
Jaeyun absentmindedly rubs his thumb over your once-pricked finger, as if Jongseong mentioning it might cause you to feel the pain again. You can't help but smile at his gesture of concern. It's a small yet meaningful reminder of his caring nature, his instinct to comfort you even in the most subtle of ways.
“Jaeyun can help me actually, I have some rubble to take around to the bins if you could help me?” Jongseong suggests.
"Sure thing, Jongseong," Jaeyun replies eagerly, ever willing to lend a hand. "Lead the way."
With a nod from Jongseong, the two of them head off to tackle the task at hand, leaving you momentarily alone in the living room with Soonyeol. It's not that you don't get along with her - she's been more than welcoming to you in her home - but it's still strange to be left alone with her, unsure of what she knows about your relationship with the boys or what transpired while she was gone.
You grab Jaeyun’s suitcase and hold it next to yours, “I’ll go put these away and come through,” you smile politely, trying to avoid being in a one-on-one conversation with Soonyeol just in case you talk about how big Jongseong’s cock is and how you felt it jump when he picked you up.
"I can get one of the other boys to do that," she offers kindly, but you decline, shaking your head. "Well, Jaeyun's room is all set up if you want to set up camp there."
"Thanks, Soonyeol. I appreciate it," you reply, grateful for her understanding. With that, you make a hasty exit, eager to avoid any potentially awkward conversations for now.
On your way to the room, you make a tiny little detour. Should you, considering every time you linger in places you aren’t meant to be, you end up in peculiar situations? No. Did you, because each of those peculiar situations has made you feel alive and there’s no scaring you anymore? Of course.
Standing outside the library, you twist the creaking knob and push the door open slowly. The familiar smell of old books fills your nostrils, and a sense of nostalgia washes over you. It's been a while since you've been in here, and you can't help but feel drawn to the rows of dusty bookshelves, each one holding countless stories and secrets within its pages.
Sighing quietly, you step inside, letting the essence of the library envelop you. Despite the risks, there's something about this place that calls to you, beckoning you to explore its hidden treasures once more.
Perhaps it’s the literal phone to hell that brought you here first of all places in the house.
You glance over at the painting of the sheep, its head firmly back on its human shoulders but despite seeing it countless times and being fucked mercilessly on the other side of the door it shields, you can’t help but still feel some distress. It is so easy to forget about its existence when it isn’t staring back at you. 
You find yourself drawn to it, despite your better judgement. There's something about the way it seems to watch you, its eyes following your every move, that fills you with a sense of unease. You can't quite pinpoint which part of your body is drawn to coming back to it, but you hate it all the same.
“There’s still time to change your mind.”
That siren voice pierces your ears, instantly sending a shiver down your spine. Tension coils in your muscles as you recognise the voice, its allure tinged with an undercurrent of danger.
Turning slowly, you come face to face with the source of the voice, and your breath catches in your throat as you see Heeseung smirking before you. His lips glisten as he licks them, his eyes roaming all over your body with an intensity that makes you feel as though you might as well be naked.
His gaze pierces through you, leaving you feeling exposed and vulnerable. There's something about the way he looks at you, a hunger in his eyes that sends a jolt of adrenaline coursing through your veins.
You swallow hard, trying to regain your composure in the face of his intense scrutiny. Despite the unease that grips you, a part of you can't deny the pull of his magnetic presence, drawing you in despite knowing better. He just has something about him that you can’t shake from your soul, like he has some weird grip on you.
With a forced calmness, you meet his gaze head-on, determined not to let him see the fear that churns within you. "Hi, Heeseung," you reply evenly, keeping your tone steady despite the turmoil raging inside you.
"Hi, baby. You miss me?" he asks, his voice low and seductive as he snakes towards you with deliberate steps.
You fight the urge to succumb to his magnetic presence, to fall to your knees and let him use you as he pleases. Instead, you stand your ground, ignoring the way your spine quakes with each of his measured steps.
"You know you're tempting fate by coming back here," Heeseung says, his eyebrow raised knowingly.
His observation cuts through the air like a knife, striking a chord of truth deep within you. There's no denying the danger that lurks within the walls of this mansion, especially when it comes to Heeseung himself. The Prince of Hell was once ready to offer you everything you desired in exchange for Soonyeol's existence, and you were dangerously close to accepting.
That's the trouble with Heeseung—he always seems to know what you want, even when you try to convince yourself otherwise. Deep down, a part of you still yearns for the life he could offer you, the power and influence that come with being by his side. But you have Jaeyun now and you’re happier than ever to come home to someone who loves you more than the trees love to blow in the wind. 
"I came here because Jaeyun wanted to, not for you," you argue back, mustering all the confidence you can fake as you fix your posture.
"My sweet baby," Heeseung tuts, closing the distance between your bodies with a smoothness that makes your heart race. It's as if you're two steps away from embarking on a lovers' tango. He reaches out, holding your chin between his thumb and forefinger, forcing you to look him dead in the eyes. "Are you saying you didn't miss us?" he asks, his voice low and seductive, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes.
Of course, you missed them - all of them. But the way you missed Jongseong and Sunghoon is vastly different from the way you missed Heeseung. With Jongseong and Sunghoon, it's a deep, heartfelt longing, born out of adoration and connection. But with Heeseung, it's different - it's a craving, an addiction to the thrill of his touch and the excitement he brings to your life with a mere snap of his fingers.
You can never admit that to him, though. The truth would only complicate things further, and you've worked too hard to suppress the nightly urges to pray to him and have him sweep you away. So you keep your lips sealed and push away any thoughts connecting to the matter.
Your silence only fuels Heeseung more, the once gentle grip he had on your chin now tightening to lock you onto him. “I think about that day you snuck into my room. How you were whimpering like a dog in heat,” he ridicules, leaning dangerously close so his lips are ghosting over yours, “Do you remember? You were grinding yourself on my foot like a pathetic little bitch.”
The humiliation washes over you in waves, threatening to drown you in its wake. You can feel the heat rising to your cheeks, your body betraying you with its response to his words. Why are you getting wet over this? It's humiliating, degrading, and pride-destroying, yet you can't deny the visceral arousal coursing through your veins.
You're on the edge, teetering dangerously close to surrendering to the desire that simmers between you and Heeseung. Part of you wants to mewl out and ask him to do it again, to succumb to the intoxicating pull of his dominance. But another part of you - the part that still clings to the fragile threads of self-respect - fights against it, struggling to maintain some semblance of control in the face of his overwhelming presence.
Before you can say another word or do anything you will live to regret, you feel someone standing at the door.
“Heeseung, Soonyeol is asking for you,” Sunghoon’s deep voice rings out like a bell of relief.
Quickly regaining your composure, you take a step back, putting some distance between yourself and the lingering echoes of your encounter with Heeseung. Sunghoon's accidental interruption may have saved you from making a decision you would regret, and for that, you're grateful.
But while you're relieved, Heeseung is clearly disgruntled. An annoyed groan escapes his lips as he rolls his eyes, his frustration is evident in his demeanour. He knows how close you were to giving in, and if he had just a sliver more time with you, he might have ensnared you like a Venus flytrap.
With a curt nod, Heeseung heads towards the door, his footsteps echoing in the silence of the room. But before he leaves, he turns his head to look back at you, his eyes piercing and intense.
"My offer is still on the table, baby," he murmurs, his voice laced with a mixture of desire and determination. "Come find me."
His words hang in the air like a tantalising invitation, tempting you with the promise of fulfilling your deep-rooted desires.
Sunghoon clears his throat, his gentle smile a reassuring beacon in the midst of Heeseung's lingering presence. "Did you forget where the bedrooms are in your time away?" he quips, his tone light yet mindful of the heavy atmosphere.
You manage a small chuckle, grateful for the diversion. "No, just got a little sidetracked," you reply, appreciating Sunghoon's effort to ease the tension. You won’t go into detail about how you were seeking out the altar on some nostalgia tour.
Just as you're about to speak, Sunghoon smoothly takes hold of the two pieces of luggage and begins to stride towards Jaeyun's room.
"I see that snooping habit of yours is still alive and well," Sunghoon remarks, raising an eyebrow as he looks down at you, his tone playful.
You hum softly in acknowledgement, unable to deny the truth in his jest. Glancing around, you admire the porcelain dolls that line the hallway, their delicate features and intricate dresses catching your eye. They are so beautiful that you wonder how on earth anyone could be scared of them or find them haunting.
Sunghoon follows your gaze, his own eyes softening as he looks at the dolls you're fondly staring at. "They've missed you," he comments, his voice filled with a hint of nostalgia.
"I missed them too," you admit with a wistful smile, your fingers grazing the smooth surface of one of the dolls as you walk.
Sunghoon's playful demeanour turns gentle at your confession, a warmth in his eyes as he looks at you. "I'm sure they're glad to have you back," he replies, his voice carrying a note of sincerity, “I know I am.”
His admission brings your attention back to him, but his stare quickly averts, darting around the corridor as if looking for an escape from your piercing gaze.
Moments like this are subtle with Sunghoon, he isn’t quite ready to be vulnerable but you know under the demonic persona that harbours his entity, there is a kindness to him. In your time here, you didn’t see it often, typically during the post-orgasm bliss or when you needed a bit of reassurance, but in those times his vulnerability lasted just long enough to seep through.
You chuckle softly at Sunghoon's admission, the playful banter lifting the tension that had lingered. Lightly jabbing his shoulder, you tease, "Did you miss me that much?"
Sunghoon's chuckle is warm and genuine, a sound that fills the hallway with a sense of ease. He nods in response, his gaze still fixed ahead, as if he's unwilling to meet your eyes. "A lot, more than I thought I would, baby girl," he confesses, his voice barely above a whisper.
His words hang in the air, heavy with unspoken emotion. Despite his attempts to mask it, you can sense his words hold a strong susceptivity that he's not quite ready to fully embrace.
But you understand. Because you feel the same way.
“I missed you too, Sunghoon,” you murmur, your voice filled with the same quiet genuine feelings. Sometimes there is no need for loud, grand declaring gestures of fondness, sometimes it’s as simple as saying your feelings out loud.
Reaching Jaeyun’s room, Sunghoon halts, setting your suitcases down with care. "Here's where you get off, in every sense of the phrase," he quips with a playful smirk and a hint of mischief dancing in his eyes. 
Your cheeks flare with a crimson hue as embarrassment floods through you, a groan escaping your lips at his suggestive remark. Truth be told, nobody's fooling themselves about you and Jaeyun - your intimate escapades are hardly a secret. Mia's blunt commentary hasn't let you forget it either, threatening noise complaints with each ‘Fuck, Jaeyun, you look so pretty sucked into my pussy like that’.
Sunghoon's hand gently cups your cheek, his lips pressing tenderly against your forehead. His gesture catches you off guard, leaving you momentarily stunned. You're now with Jaeyun, and the sudden affection feels awkward, though undeniably stirring. You feel yourself at melting point as you succumb to his touch so easily.
You hadn’t spoken to Jaeyun about any of this, to be fair, you hadn’t imagined any of the dolls would care about you in this way now that Soonyeol was back, knowing their bond with her was much stronger than the one with you. You’ve silently asked Jaeyun not to go back to Soonyeol and that means in any form, which is probably why you feel so guilty because, in the past 20 minutes, you’ve wanted to jump on two out of three of his brothers’ bones.
Sunghoon's gaze meets yours, and he senses the rapid thumping of your heart, understanding instantly why you're so uneasy. With a gentle clearing of his throat, he withdraws from you.
"Sorry, force of habit," he confesses, his tone filled with remorse. Yet, it's a habit he shouldn't have slipped back into so effortlessly, yet it felt like breathing; as if touching you was his birthright.
You wave off his apology, understanding that his intentions were never malicious. Despite the awkwardness of the situation, you know Sunghoon's actions stemmed from familiarity rather than any ill intent towards you and Jaeyun’s relationship.
He shared you with the other doll for so long that these things can easily skip his mind.
Inhaling sharply, he nods, “Soonyeol wants us all around the table for dinner, something about lasagna she found in the freezer.”
After dinner, you find yourselves nestled comfortably in the living room, enveloped by the warmth of the crackling fire and the gentle hum of conversation. Soft melodies drift through the air, mingling with the laughter and chatter of the group. 
You observe with a sense of contentment as the dolls and Soonyeol engage in lively discussion, their interactions filled with genuine interest and respect. There's a certain harmony to their dynamic, a shared understanding that speaks volumes about their bond.
It occurs to you that this must have been the essence of their existence before you entered the picture - the simple joy of companionship, the comfort of having each other's company. And while your presence may have altered the dynamics in some ways, tonight, surrounded by their collective warmth, you can't help but appreciate the beauty of their unity.
You don’t regret having Jaeyun by your side but his hearty laughter at Jongseong’s terrible jokes or playful pouts towards Sunghoon as he gets teased only make you wonder if you made the right choice.
You can't help but notice the intimate scene unfolding between Soonyeol and Heeseung, their easy familiarity and tender gestures speaking volumes. As Soonyeol recounts her childhood mishap, Heeseung's touch becomes a silent reassurance, his hand tracing soothing patterns along her arm while offering gentle squeezes of support whenever she mentions moments of pain.
Their relationship is a puzzle to you - a blend of affection and care. Soonyeol's adoration for Heeseung is evident in the way her eyes light up when she's near him, reaching for his hand with a longing that mirrors your own gestures of comfort with Jaeyun. And Heeseung, in turn, showers her with gestures of kindness and devotion, his actions speaking volumes about the depth of his feelings.
Yet, he is still posing the offer to get rid of her for you to stay. No person in love would give their partner up so easily.
Jaeyun interrupts your thoughts as he starts up his Switch, the melody drawing your attention away from the complicated couple. He begins to show Jongseong the wonders of technology even though Jongseong has lived long enough to know what a gaming console is and what its purposes are. But as always, he lets Jaeyun yap away and acts clueless.
Glancing at the clock, you realise it's already 10pm, and the exhaustion from the day's long drive begins to weigh on you. Your social battery, already running low, signals that it's time for some much-needed rest.
"I'm going to head to bed," you announce softly, taking advantage of the momentary lull in the conversation.
Jaeyun's gaze shifts to you, his expression momentarily puzzled before softening with understanding as he notices your fatigue. It’s so refreshing to have a man care about you the way Jaeyun does, you almost don’t understand how at one point, a boy with his personality was just walking around and existing as a human. You understand why he was chosen to be an angel.
Puckering his lips playfully, Jaeyun leans in expectantly, silently requesting a goodnight kiss. Without hesitation, you lean in beside him, meeting his lips with tenderness. As your mouths meet, a gentle murmur escapes him, barely audible against your lips. "I'll come through in a bit," he suggests softly.
You shake your head, a small smile playing on your lips. "It's okay, baby. Spend some time with everyone," you murmur in return, nudging your nose against his affectionately. He gives you a questioning look, silently asking if you're sure, to which you simply nod in reassurance.
"Okay, I love you," he smiles warmly, his eyes reflecting the depth of his affection as he bids you goodnight.
"Love you too," you reply softly, your heart swelling as you reciprocate his affectionate words. With a lingering gaze, you reluctantly pull away from Jaeyun's embrace, a fond smile gracing your lips as you whisper your goodnight.
Turning to the rest of the group, you offer a warm farewell, exchanging nods and smiles before excusing yourself from the cosy gathering. As you make your way down the hallway to your bedroom, the soft glow of the dimmed lights casts a tranquil ambience, enveloping you in a sense of calm.
The gentle padding of your footsteps echoes through the hallway, accompanied by the occasional crackle of the fire in the living room. Each step brings you closer to the comfort of your own space, where you can finally unwind and recharge after the day's events.
You enter the room and head straight for your case, opening it to rummage around for the pyjamas you packed. Unlike your doll spouse, you packed only the essentials, that being Jaeyun’s oversized t-shirt and some underwear. You still don’t understand why he would bring a full set of plaid pyjamas when he always sleeps in his boxers anyway.
Your fingers pause in their search as you hear the soft knock on the already slightly ajar door. Swiftly turning around, panties in hand, you're met with the sight of Sunghoon standing there, holding a cup of water in his hands, his eyes lingering on the pink underwear you're holding.
"Those are my favourite," he remarks, tilting his head to nod at the delicate garment dangling from your finger, his tone laced with playful mischief.
You quickly shove the panties back into your case, laughing awkwardly to diffuse the moment. It's silly to feel bashful around Sunghoon - he's seen every pair you own, every part of you laid bare - he's even seen your period pants, and those are definitely not a pretty sight.
Sunghoon chuckles at your antics, choosing to ignore the urge to tease you about your now beetroot face. Holding the glass of water up to catch your sight he walks into your room. “Here, thought you could use some water. It’s been hot as hell at nighttime these days.”
You nod appreciatively, touched by his consideration, as he places the glass on your bedside table. As he turns back to you, you meet his gaze, silently exchanging stares. He’s grown a little softer since you last saw him. You don’t know if it’s just your imagination or the lighting, but his eyes look less cold and that black cloud that followed him around is a faded shade of grey.
Instead of leaving, he just stays put as if he wishes to speak to you about something but he doesn’t have the courage to. It’s ironic considering he’s a demon from the underworld and you’re just a girl, yet, he looks slightly scared of you. It’s such a juxtaposition to a few months ago that you wonder what transpired here after you left.
You decide to at least make some conversation to fill the silence, “How has it been here? I bet you’re all having a great time now that there is one less doll to fight for Soonyeol’s attention,” you jab teasingly, smiling softly.
He gives you a soft pity laugh, one that someone gives when the other couldn’t be more wrong in their assumptions. “It’s pretty much the same,” he shrugs, stepping closer to you, his demeanour shifting, anguish bubbling under the surface slightly. “She mushes over Heeseung and Jongseong, they go about their business.”
“And you?”
“I’m…here,” he breathes out, dejection laced within his tone.
Sunghoon settles onto the edge of your bed, clasping his hands together, and you can't help but feel a pang of concern for him. His internal struggle is evident, and you wonder if he's wrestling with something he's hesitant to share. Never once you’ve seen him look so human, his normal cold exterior could give you ice burn, so this is new territory for both of you.
With a soft sigh, Sunghoon finally starts to speak. It's clear he's grappling with whether to open up or keep his thoughts to himself. “You know, it never used to bother me, being the last choice or even just a choice for that matter. I got what I wanted, I was content with everything.”
Sunghoon's words hang in the air, heavy with a sense of resignation. You listen quietly, sensing the weight of his thoughts as he navigates the complexities of them. This has to be difficult for him considering demons aren’t known for heart-to-hearts, so you want to give him the respect he deserves and take in his thoughts.
"I didn’t care because I don’t think I’ve felt anything for a long time," he admits, his voice tinged with a hint of melancholy. "The past however many years down there, and the almost five years here, I just didn’t feel a thing. No happiness, no sadness, no fucking thing at all." 
His words sit heavily in your heart, and you can't help but feel a pang of sympathy for him rather. You can understand having a lot of emotions at once but if he hasn’t felt them in years, he might as well be laying down in a stampede of turmoil.
He chuckles darkly and shakes his head, grasping the heaviness of the situation as he says it out loud for the first time. “When I was working as a soldier under Dis, it was like I had to switch them off to survive. I couldn’t keep any humane aspect of me because it would kill me to know that I was doing all these cruel and monstrous things.”
His words paint a vivid picture of the internal battle he's waged for survival, forced to suppress his humanity in order to endure the atrocities he was compelled to commit, the experience surrendering him to his demon ways. It's a harrowing revelation, one that leaves you grappling with the enormity of his suffering. 
Sunghoon's words challenge your preconceived notions about demons, forcing you to reconsider your assumptions about their nature. While you once believed that demons took pride in their wrongdoings and found pleasure in the pain of others, Sunghoon's experience suggests otherwise. Perhaps some demons are simply products of their environment, forced to adapt to survive in a world that demands cruelty and brutality.
As you reflect on Sunghoon's past and his evident lack of joy in his actions, you begin to question whether he truly belongs in the same category as the demons you once feared. Maybe he wasn't a bad guy at all, just someone who was given the wrong end of the deal. While he may not have been saintly enough to earn a place in heaven, he also doesn't seem to fit the mould of a typical demon.
The realisation dawns on you that perhaps Sunghoon defies easy categorisation, existing in a grey area between good and evil. Surely, in the universe you inhabit, with its myriad mystical creatures - demons, angels, goblins, and humans alike - there must be an understanding that no one person is entirely pure or wholly evil.
"I turned up, did my job, rinse and repeat, you know? And killing people, well, that was one thing, but the torture of people who didn’t even deserve it, or the…" he swallows harshly, as if suppressing the disgust that bubbles from his guilt, struggling to admit anything else he partook in, "I did all that, with no bat of an eye for so fucking long."
His admission is raw and unfiltered, laying bare the depths of his remorse and the internal struggle he's faced. It's clear that he carries a heavy burden of guilt, grappling with his past life as a soldier.
For a moment, there's a palpable silence between you, the weight of his confession settling over the room like a thick fog. You find yourself at a loss for words, unsure of how to offer comfort or solace in the face of such profound suffering. This isn’t someone's cat dying, this is years of mental torture, and nothing you say can console that.
Grabbing his hand, you interlock your fingers with his. "You must have had something good inside of you to stand up against Dis though, to fight your way out of his legion," you offer softly, hoping to provide some semblance of comfort.
It may not be much, but you want Sunghoon to know that you see beyond his past, beyond the darkness that once consumed him. You want him to understand that whatever happened down there in the depths of hell, you won't judge him for it. His struggle and sacrifice to break free from that life, to reject the cruelty and injustice he was forced to perpetuate, speaks volumes about the strength of his character.
"Dis wants death to everything he didn’t create," he growls out, his tone dripping with contempt. "He was being greedy and started hurting fellow soldiers. It doesn’t take emotion to know that it was going to end in a be killed or die trying situation."
The memory of his fellow soldiers' bodies burning before him flashes vividly in his mind, and you can sense the torment in his voice as he relives those traumatic moments. He thinks about the countless times he was made to strike the match, being complicit in the horror that unfolded before his eyes, and the guilt weighs heavily on his conscience.
"That doesn’t make me a good person," he continues, his voice trembling with self-condemnation. "It makes me scum because I watched it for so long, turning a blind eye when I should have been doing anything at all to stop it."
His admission is gut-wrenching, laying bare the depths of his remorse and self-loathing. In that moment, you're overwhelmed by a profound sense of empathy for him, wanting nothing more than to offer comfort and support as he grapples with the demons of his past.
Sunghoon’s body trembles as all his emotions flood him, his entity unequipped to handle such a vast complexity. 
"Oh, Sunghoon," you murmur softly, your heart aching for him as you envelop him in a tight embrace, offering what comfort you can in this moment of vulnerability. You hold him close, rocking him gently as he grapples with the weight of his confession.
"I can't imagine how you're feeling," you continue, your voice filled with empathy and compassion. "No one ever will, and I wish I could take the pain away from everything that you're feeling."
Sunghoon nods in response, his gaze fixed on the ground as his eyes flicker between black and normal. You hold him tighter, silently offering your support and understanding as he processes the tumult of emotions swirling within him. At this moment, all you can do is be there for him, a source of solace amid his inner turmoil.
Pushing you away gently, Sunghoon finally looks at you, his gaze searching your eyes for understanding. When he sees the genuine sympathy reflected in your gaze, he relaxes slightly, a sense of relief washing over him.
"I think you brought my humanity back," he confesses, his thumb stroking your hand to comfort you as if you were the one who just had vivid flashbacks to the worst moments of your life and not him.
You tilt your head in confusion, your brows furrowing. His light laughter at your concerned expression eases the tension slightly, but you're still puzzled by his words. 
"It's not a bad thing, baby girl, don't worry," Sunghoon reassures you, his tone gentle as he seeks to alleviate any concerns you may have. But there's a determination in his eyes as he continues, a resolve to confront the turmoil within him head-on.
"Yes, I'm going to have to work through whatever the fuck trauma I have because there are so many negative feelings right now," he admits, his voice tinged with resignation. "But you, fuck, you made me experience all the good ones again."
His words catch you off guard, a surge of emotion welling up within you as you realise the impact you've had on him. Despite the darkness of his past and the challenges that lie ahead, there's a glimmer of hope in his words. “You have done something that Soonyeol couldn’t do, something I couldn’t even do for myself.” 
Reaching his hand up, he cradles your face just like earlier, this time rather than instinct, it’s purposeful, to ease you into his next bout of words. “When you were here, I knew I wanted you around all the time. At first, I thought it was just because I was bored and you were there.”
He sees your wince at his brutal honesty, and his eyes widen in realisation. "Oh god, baby girl, no, no no," he exclaims, his other hand reaching out now to cup both your cheeks as he shakes his head fervently. He rolls his eyes at his own passing comment, recognising that it's probably the last thing you want to hear.
"I don’t mean it like that," he clarifies quickly, his voice laced with urgency. "I mean, I stopped thinking like that after a few weeks in. I felt warmth for the first time in so long that I thought Dis had found me and I was being dragged back to hell with how warm it was."
You grasp his hands, gently pulling them away from your face as you listen intently to his words. You haven’t said much, but there's nothing to say right now. You can't interrupt him while he's pouring his heart out to you. Instead, you offer him your unwavering support, silently conveying your understanding and acceptance as he shares his innermost thoughts and feelings with you.
Once he sees that you’re no longer offended by his words, he continues, “When you left, I tried to turn it off, longing for you the way I did. I thought you would never come back so I tried to shut the pain out, but somehow it only made every feeling and memory I had suppressed come to the front of my mind, I missed you as soon as you drove off that day, and I miss you even more now that you’re sitting in front of me.”
“Sunghoon, you don’t have to miss me when I’m right here.”
“But you’ll never be mine. Jaeyun is your soulmate, how the fuck am I supposed to compete with that?” he asks softly, laughing away his anguish. He is trying to hide it but you can see this is as painful to him as reliving those memories. You didn’t realise the hold you had on him or how leaving would affect him.
In all honesty, you thought that with Soonyeol back, the other boys wouldn’t need you at all. Heeseung can say he wants you but that’s in no way the same way that Jaeyun wants you, the way Sunghoon clearly wants you. 
You had missed the acts of care he performed for you, the aftercare becoming more loving as the weeks passed, how he would spend the night in your bed and cuddle despite his inability to sleep. He did all of this for you because…
"Whatever love feels like, I think this is as close as I am capable of feeling," Sunghoon confesses, his voice heavy with emotion.
"I know, you have Jaeyun and we can’t share anymore, but I wanted to thank you for everything you’ve done for me," he interrupts gently, his words filled with gratitude.
"We could."
You hear a voice in the doorway, and as you turn to face it, you see Jaeyun standing awkwardly, his eyes shifting between you and Sunghoon.
Removing yourself from Sunghoon's embrace, you're acutely aware of the situation's delicate nature. Jaeyun must have been standing there for a while, silently witnessing his brother's confession to you.
Sunghoon's expression tightens, a mixture of surprise and apprehension crossing his features as he exchanges a hesitant glance with Jaeyun. It's clear that he hadn't anticipated Jaeyun's sudden appearance, and the tension in the room thickens with his presence.
For a moment, silence hangs heavy in the air, the weight of unspoken words lingering between the three of you. As you search for the right words to break the awkwardness, you can't help but feel a pang of guilt for the situation you find yourself in.
Jaeyun offers a small smile, his eyes softening with understanding. "We could share again, like before," he suggests gently.
Sunghoon shakes his head, his expression sombre. "Jaeyun, we can't. It's different now that you're both in a relationship," he explains, his voice tinged with regret. "Look, I didn't come in here to get in between you both. I just wanted you to know how I felt. I think maybe saying it out loud could help me process it all a little better," he confesses, his gaze shifting between you and Jaeyun.
"You love Y/N, I love her too," he begins, his voice calm yet resolute. "I think as her partner, I want her to experience love from every person she can receive it."
His words are met with a moment of contemplative silence, the weight of his proposition sinking in. Sunghoon's expression softens, a flicker of gratitude and relief crossing his features as he processes Jaeyun's unexpected response.
"Baby doll, relationships don’t work that way, I mean they can but not ours," you murmur softly, the words tumbling out as you try to make sense of the situation.
But Jaeyun's next question catches you off guard, causing you to pause and consider his words carefully. "You love him too, do you not?" he asks, his gaze steady as he waits for your response, no judgment in his tone.
Do you love Sunghoon?
There’s no denying there is something there between you both, but you never gave into it once you found out he was a demon, knowing that you already make bad enough choices with men nevermind falling for an evil entity - the men you’ve swiped on tinder are demonic enough.
But you know now that he isn’t evil. In no way is he a saint but who is? He’s been labelled evil yet as you stare at him, you see nothing but a bright soul staring back at you. You have feelings for him, those could be love if you open up your heart to him rather than closing it away.
You look into Sunghoon’s eyes and realise, there’s only one organ in your body that you should listen to, and it thumps so easily for Sunghoon.
"Yes," you reply softly, your voice barely above a whisper. "I love him."
The admission hangs in the air, the weight of it settling over the room like a gentle breeze. In that moment, you feel a sense of clarity and certainty wash over you. 
Despite the happiness within your chest at the words finally leaving your lips, you worry about Jaeyun’s reaction to your words. Yet, when you look at him, your pretty doll is smiling widely, walking over to you both. Jaeyun's smile is radiant, his eyes alight with genuine happiness as he approaches. There's a warmth in his expression that fills you with a sense of reassurance as if he's silently affirming his acceptance and support.
“Then let’s do it. Sunghoon, you’ll love it in the city, there is so much to do and see. There are so many things to take pictures of, and they have indoor ice rinks, can you believe it? You don’t even need to wait until the lake freezes over in the winter to skate!”
Jaeyun’s excitement fills the air, any tension from Sunghoon’s past revelations or his loving confession is now swept to the side due to your boyfriend’s happiness. He’s one in a million because what other man could hear their best friend and girlfriend confessing love to one another and be thrilled about the prospect of a throuple?
Sunghoon smiles but shakes his head, “I can’t come with you, Jaeyun. Heeseung would never let me go. Plus, Soonyeol already had a hard time when you left, I can’t do that to her.”
"You mean the same Soonyeol who doesn’t pay attention to you anymore?" you inquire, your words cutting through the tension with brutal honesty. It's a difficult question to ask, but one that needs to be addressed.
Sunghoon's expression tightens at your blunt assessment, a flicker of pain crossing his features before he composes himself.
"What would the old you do? Not this Sunghoon, the one just before I arrived here?" you press, your voice gentle yet insistent.
He ponders your question, his gaze falling to the ground as he delves deep into his thoughts. After a moment of silence, he speaks, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "I would have... done what I wanted."
"And what do you want?" Jaeyun prompts.
Sunghoon hesitates for a moment, his eyes searching yours for guidance. Then, with a sense of resolve, he confesses, "I want to come with you." His words hang in the air, a tangible declaration of his desires and aspirations. In that moment, you can feel the weight of his longing, his yearning for something more than the confines of his current existence. “It’s not that easy though.”
“Forget about all that, just follow your emotions for now," you say with a fond smile, urging Sunghoon to trust in his instincts. "What are they saying to you?"
“That I should kiss you.”
Your gaze flickers to Jaeyun, whose grin speaks volumes, his eyes filled with understanding. With a quick nod of agreement from your boyfriend, you return your attention to Sunghoon, who appears rigid and apprehensive, fearing he may have been too honest in his confession and jeopardised his chances.
Perhaps he should have expressed the deep-seated desire for freedom that has been gnawing at him. Heeseung had painted a picture of independence, free from rules and authority, a dream Sunghoon longed to pursue. But trapped within the confines of the mansion, he realises he's merely exchanged one form of captivity for another.
Was it as brutal as Dis? Not in any shape or form, but as long as Heeseung reigns over this mansion, Sunghoon might as well be back in the cell.
Sunghoon feels stifled, yearning for the freedom to chart his own course. In the months since you've been apart, he's come to understand that true freedom isn't just about evading control; it's about embracing the power to shape his own destiny. This isn’t the life he needs.
He needs a life with you.
Once you see his eyes soften, you know whatever turmoil is raging in his head is subsiding, giving you the opening to reach out and touch his face, providing any reassurance that you can. 
Looking into Sunghoon's eyes, you see a beautiful flicker of humanity, and you know that no matter what happens, you need to do everything in your power to help him leave the confines of this house.
Kissing your palm, Sunghoon closes his eyes and trails his lips up your arm, leaving a path of tender kisses. His touch is so gentle, so unlike his usual intensity, that your body melts under his love. You're acutely aware of how special this moment is, knowing that very few have ever experienced this side of him.
He shuffles closer to you on the bed, continuing his path along your shoulder and up your neck. He sucks softly and swiftly over your tender spot, eliciting a small whimper from you. It's been so long since Sunghoon touched you that his lips had become a distant memory. Yet for him, these kisses and caresses are second nature; he hasn’t stopped thinking about you or your preferences since you left.
Having spent so much time together, Sunghoon learned everything there is to know about you. He discovered your pleasure points, memorised your likes and dislikes, and committed them to memory. Even when he touched himself at night or shared fleeting moments with Soonyeol, it was you he thought about. His body instinctively moved to please you, even if it was another woman beneath him.
He wonders if that's why Soonyeol has become more distant. Perhaps she senses the difference, noticing how his movements lack the passion he reserves for his memories of you. Her body, as much as he might try to please her, is incomparable to yours in his mind.
Sunghoon's kisses grow more fervent, his hands roaming your body as if he's trying to memorize every curve and contour. You respond in kind, your fingers threading through his hair as you pull him closer. The connection between you is electric, a mixture of longing and hope that fuels your determination to free him.
"Let me have you," he whispers against your skin, his voice filled with vulnerability and desperation. "Even if it’s just for tonight."
You pull back slightly to look into his eyes, your heart aching at the raw emotion you see within him. “I’ll do everything I can to hold you forever, Hoonie,” you whisper tenderly, hoping your words convey the sincerity of your heart.
He closes the space between you, his mouth enveloping yours with such desire that it takes your breath away. His tongue wraps around yours as his hands grip your waist, pulling you onto his lap so you’re straddling him. The kiss is hot, making your whole body feel like it's on fire, your lips plumping with each lick and suck from Sunghoon. He loves the taste of you more than anything.
His hands slide under your shirt, fingertips grazing your skin and sending shivers down your spine. You arch into his touch, feeling the intensity of his desire matching your own. Every movement, every caress, is filled with a desperate need to hold onto this moment, to make it last as long as possible.
Sunghoon's lips leave yours to trail kisses down your neck, his breath warm and tantalising against your skin. You tilt your head back, giving him better access as he continues his path, his hands now exploring the curves of your hips and thighs.
Your fingers tug at his shirt, pulling it over his head and tossing it aside. You run your hands over his toned chest. He groans softly, the sound vibrating against your skin as he returns his mouth to yours in a searing kiss.
Jaeyun observes you both lose yourselves in each other, his hand subconsciously reaching for his clothed cock, palming himself for some relief. Although your back is facing him, the noises escaping your mouth are enough to tell him that you’re enjoying yourself. Every moan, every gasp, sends shivers down his spine and fuels his own arousal.
The sight of Sunghoon devouring you with his kisses, the way your bodies move together with such desperate passion, it’s all too much for Jaeyun to handle. He bites his lip, trying to suppress the groan building in his throat as his hand moves with more urgency.
Sunghoon's hands roam your body with a fervour that speaks of months of pent-up desire. He caresses your sides, his fingers digging into your flesh as if he's afraid you'll disappear if he lets go. His mouth travels from your lips to your neck, leaving a trail of wet, burning kisses that make you shiver.
You arch your back, pressing closer to Sunghoon, your breath hitching with each touch. Your hands find their way to his hair, tugging gently, eliciting a deep groan from him. The sound reverberates through your body, intensifying the pleasure coursing through you.
Jaeyun's eyes hood over, fixed on the way Sunghoon's hands knead your flesh, the way your body responds to every touch, every kiss. He can see the way Sunghoon's tongue glides along your collarbone, the way your skin flushes under his attention.
The room fills with the sounds of your shared desire, creating an intoxicating symphony that pushes Jaeyun closer to the edge. He can't tear his eyes away from you, can't stop the rhythm of his hand as he imagines being part of this heated exchange.
Sunghoon’s kisses grow more intense, his hands exploring the soft skin beneath your shirt. He cups your breasts, thumbs grazing your nipples over your bra, drawing a sharp gasp from you. You press into him, craving more, and he responds by capturing your lips in another searing kiss.
Jaeyun's breath catches in his throat as he watches, his own desire building to a fever pitch. He longs to join you, to feel your touch, to lose himself in the shared heat of your bodies. He wishes there was a way to indulge in your session and give you just as much pleasure as Sunghoon is.
Noticing his friend's act of arousal, Sunghoon’s eyes flicker to Jaeyun’s crotch where the hard outline of his dick strains against his trousers. Jaeyun’s hand moves faster, dipping below the waistband in a futile attempt to find relief. It’s not fair to leave him out, especially considering it’s with his consent that you and Sunghoon can divulge like this, offering to share you is an act of love. Sunghoon would be cruel to leave him out.
“Jaeyun, come here,” Sunghoon commands, his voice husky and filled with an unspoken promise.
Jaeyun hesitates for a moment, his eyes locking with yours when you turn around to look at him. You nod, a silent invitation that sends a thrill through him. Although Sunghoon is only kissing you, you looked so fucked out already that Jaeyun wonders if he could have the same effect.
Because you’ve only ever had sex with both of them separately, Jaeyun has never thought about how you are with Sunghoon. He has never been jealous, always willing to understand that what Sunghoon gives you is different from him, but seeing it in action is making him want to prove his worth.
Shifting slightly backwards on the bed, Sunghoon creates space for Jaeyun to join, his hold on your waist tightening. When you both situate yourself in the middle of the king-sized bed, Sunghoon bucks his hips up, drawing out a long moan from you. “I’m still in charge, got it?” he warns you playfully, biting at your bottom lip. He knows you take control of the situation with Jaeyun but there’s no way Sunghoon will let you do that now.
Quickly, you nod and peck his lips, “Anything you say, but go easy on him, yeah?” you ask, your eyes searching his for agreement. You love how rough Sunghoon is with you but Jaeyun doesn’t like to be degraded the way you do; it’s important that Jaeyun gets the reassurance he needs throughout the experience.
As Jaeyun climbs onto the bed, you reach out to him, your fingers brushing against his cheek before pulling him into a deep, lingering kiss. The sensation of having both men so close, so eager, sends waves of pleasure through you.
Sunghoon’s hands continue their exploration, his touch firm and possessive, while Jaeyun’s hands find your waist, pulling you closer with a gentler touch. The three of you move together in a rhythm that feels both natural and intoxicating.
Sunghoon leans in, his lips brushing against Jaeyun’s ear. “Let’s make her feel everything she deserves. Don't be selfish, understand?” he murmurs, his voice a sultry promise. You never thought you would be so turned on by the affection shared between them. Your pussy clenches around nothing as you feel Jaeyun whine into your mouth at Sunghoon’s close proximity.
With a firm slap on your thigh, Sunghoon signals for you to climb off his lap, only for Jaeyun to smile and pull you closer to him. While you’re busy kissing your boyfriend, Sunghoon’s fingers dance up your back, unclasping your bra to let your tits bounce freely. He presses his chest to your back and starts to grasp your boobs roughly, tweaking and pulling at your sensitive nipples.
He leans his chin on your shoulder and licks a long strip up your neck before nibbling at your ear. “I want you to ride his face, baby girl, you can do that for me, can’t you?”
You draw back from Jaeyun’s lips, eyes widening as you process his words. Sunghoon’s intense stare sends shivers down your spine, and you feel a rush of excitement mixed with a touch of nervousness. 
Normally you would say no because you don’t want to suffocate your partner, scared that you’ll get so lost in pleasure that you will trap them down there and cut off their oxygen, their last memories being succumbed to your pussy. But they don’t breathe so there is not a percentage of a chance that your apprehensions could come true.
Jaeyun’s ears perk up, curious to how you will react. You aren’t one to receive head from him, opting to focus on his pleasure rather than your own when it comes to oral; the noises he makes are enough for you most of the time, plus, it’s his cock that is the real star of the show after all.
Sunghoon’s hands wrap around your wrists, bringing them to a stretch. “Keep them there or else I’ll need to tie you up. You don’t want that, do you?” he murmurs against your skin, his hands snaking down your arms, ghosting over your armpit to make you shiver. 
Of course, you don’t want that because then you can’t touch them, you can’t run your fingers through Jaeyun’s hair or grip onto Sunghoon’s back when he drives into you. Touching them was almost as good as the sex itself.
With a nod, Sunghoon plants a peck on your shoulder as a thank you for your cooperation, although he is a little sad he couldn’t tie up your pretty body so he can use you as he pleases. Another time, maybe.
“Jaeyun, take off your clothes,” he instructs his best friend who eagerly bounces off the bed, shedding his clothes quicker than you’ve ever seen him before. His cock bounces to attention as it finally has the chance to breathe, its tip already pink with arousal.
Grabbing the hem of your t-shirt, Sunghoon whisks it off your body along with your bra, leaving your tits on full display for Jaeyun to gawk at, licking his lips as he smiles widely. “Take her bottoms off.” 
Jaeyun nods, his eyes dark with desire. Together, they begin to undress you, their hands working in unison to remove your clothes with a mixture of urgency and reverence. Each touch, each kiss, ignites your skin, making you feel worshipped and adored.
As your clothes fall away, Jaeyun’s hands move to your breasts, his fingers teasing your nipples while Sunghoon’s mouth patterns kisses into your shouldblade. You arch into their touch, your body trembling with anticipation, your glistening cunt dripping onto the sheets.
Jaeyun lays down, eagerly awaiting your heat atop of his face, tongue already sticking out in preparation. He looks so much like a puppy waiting for his treat that you can’t help but pout and smile fondly at him. You bring your aching arms down and manouvre yourself into position, hovering above him. 
“If you want to stop at any point, baby doll, you just tap my leg, yeah?” you smile down at him in gratitude, even if it wasn’t his idea. He hardly registers your words and nods absentmindedly, too busy staring at your folds and thinking about that first sweet taste.
The moment your thighs encase his head, he eagerly latches onto your core, his tongue delving into your folds with fervour. He grips your thighs as he gets to work, sucking and licking you like a man starved of his favourite meal.
Sunghoon’s hands remain on your breasts, squeezing and kneading, his fingers pinching your nipples each time you move your hips, trying to match some sort of rhythm. The dual sensations make you moan, your body is ignited with sensations from all over. Jaeyun’s tongue works expertly, exploring every inch of your heat, while Sunghoon’s touch heightens your pleasure.
Sunghoon’s lips find your neck again, leaving a trail of wet kisses. “Good girl,” he whispers, his voice dripping with approval. “Feel how much he loves pleasing you. You deserve all this attention, baby.”
Your hands grip the headboard for support as you move against Jaeyun’s mouth, his hands gripping your hips to guide your movements. The room fills with the sounds of your moans, Jaeyun’s eager licks, and Sunghoon’s whispered praises.
Sunghoon retracts from you, allowing Jaeyun to indulge in his own devices as he strips down, his cock springing into action, already leaking at the sight of you getting lost in pleasure. It’s strange to see you from this angle, usually viewing your contorted face through his lashes as he looks up at you.
Pumping his cock with his right hand, Jaeyun’s jaw slackens as he relieves himself, momentarily losing focus on you, much to Sunghoon’s disapproval. “Jaeyun, if I see you touch your cock one more time, I’m going to chop it off,” he says harshly, leaving no room for argument. “This is for Y/N, not your selfish needs.”
Jaeyun immediately halts his movements, his eyes wide with a mix of surprise and obedience. He quickly shifts his attention back to you, his hands returning to your thighs, gripping them firmly as he resumes his dedicated task of pleasuring you. His tongue works with renewed eagerness, each flick and nibble driving you closer to the edge.
Sunghoon's eyes darken with lust as he watches the scene before him. He steps closer, his cock inches from your face. The sight of his rigid length, combined with Jaeyun’s relentless tongue, sends a new wave of desire coursing through you. You can't help but lean forward, your lips parting as you take him into your mouth.
A low groan escapes Sunghoon's lips as you wrap your tongue around him, the salty taste of his pre-cum mixing with your saliva. He threads his fingers through your hair, guiding your movements as you take him deeper, your eyes fluttering shut in pleasure.
“That's it, baby,” Sunghoon murmurs, his voice a husky whisper. “Show me how much you want this.”
With Jaeyun’s mouth still working wonders between your legs and Sunghoon’s cock filling your mouth, you're completely overwhelmed by the sensations. Every nerve in your body feels alive, every touch magnified by the intensity of the moment.
Sunghoon’s grip tightens in your hair as he begins to thrust, his hips rocking in time with your movements. You moan around him, the vibration sending shivers down his spine. The room is filled with the sounds of pleasure: your muffled moans, Jaeyun’s eager slurps, and Sunghoon’s low, primal groans.
Jaeyun's tongue delves deeper, his pace quickening as he feels you nearing the edge again. He wants to push you over, to make you shatter with pleasure. You grind against his face, your body trembling with the effort to hold back.
"Are you close, baby?" Sunghoon's voice, strained with desire, cuts through the air, the sight of your cheeks hollowed and tears glistening in your eyes only intensifies his urgency.
Sunghoon hears two mewling responses, surprising him. Looking down at Jaeyun’s cock, he sees it jumping in need, ready to explode at any moment. He can’t reprimand him considering your pussy does the same to him, bringing him to the brink of busting a nut, although, never has it been free-handed.
With a swift motion, Sunghoon pulls you off his cock, wiping away the mess around your mouth before offering you his thumb to suck on. "Let it go, baby girl," he murmurs, his voice laced with need.
Despite Sunghoon stopping the abuse of your throat, Jaeyun redoubles his efforts, his tongue working tirelessly to bring you to the peak of pleasure. He can feel your body tensing, the telltale signs of your impending orgasm driving him to push harder. His nose rubs your clit as he works your hips to move faster, each time it hits, your whine out.
The sensations overwhelm you as you teeter on the brink, your body trembling with the effort to hold back. But Sunghoon's soft words and Jaeyun's skilled tongue prove to be too much, and with a final, desperate cry, you shatter into a million pieces, your release washing over you in a tidal wave of pleasure.
As waves of ecstasy ripple through your body, you cling onto Sunghoon’s waist, gripping so tight that your knuckles turn white. Your muscles contract involuntarily as you ride out the intense pleasure. Sunghoon's grip on your hair tightens as he watches you unravel,  satisfaction evident in his eyes. He leans down to capture your lips in a searing kiss, swallowing your moans of ecstasy as you come down from your high.
Jaeyun continues to lap at your sensitive folds, his tongue moving in slow, languid strokes as he savours the taste of your release. His own arousal pulses through him and as he unlatches his mouth, he groans out, coming undone on his stomach completely hands-free, his cock dancing of its own accord.
You feel some of his cum hit your ass, his load shooting high up his body, causing you to peel away from Sunghoon and turn your head to look. It’s a beautiful sight, the white painting his toned tummy as his dick pulses in the aftermath. 
Sunghoon watches with a smirk, his own arousal fighting against the erotic display before him. As you climb off, he reaches out to stroke Jaeyun's cheek, his touch gentle and affectionate. "Well done, Jaeyun," he murmurs, his voice filled with pride.
As Jaeyun's climax subsides, he sinks into the bed, his cock flushed with exertion. You reach out to him, running your fingers through his hair in a gesture of comfort and affection. The touches from both you and Sunghoon are more than he could ever ask for, the attention and affection he is receiving is beyond his wildest dreams. 
With a sheepish smile and flushed cheeks, Jaeyun turns to you, his voice slightly hoarse from his earlier moans. "Sorry about that," he mumbles, his eyes betraying his embarrassment. "I couldn't help myself."
Sunghoon chuckles, shaking his head. "How about you make it up to her and help me clean her up?" he suggests, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
Jaeyun gets up and wipes his tummy with some tissues from the box at the side of your bed before making his way over to you, peeling some more tissues to wipe you down. But Sunghoon stops him, shaking his head.
You watch with curiosity as they exchange silent words, a private conversation unfolding between them. As you lay back, anticipation tingles through your body, wondering what their next move will be.
Their synchronised actions take you by surprise as both boys wear smug smiles, their eyes alight with mischief as they slide down the bed, positioning themselves between your thighs with confident ease.
“What are yo- Oh fuck,” you moan out loudly, legs instinctively spreading wider.
Your breath catches in your throat as their tongues begin to trace hot stripes up the cum-covered folds of your pussy. Their mouths work in perfect harmony, their tongues intertwining in a tantalizing dance, as they meticulously clean you up. Each stroke of their tongues sends shivers of pleasure coursing through you, leaving you trembling and gasping for more, lost in the dizzying sensation of their dual ministrations. 
You arch your back, moaning in ecstasy as they skillfully coax another wave of arousal from deep within you. Their combined efforts leave you teetering on the edge of bliss, your senses overwhelmed by the intensity of their dual assault.
Sunghoon's nose brushes against Jaeyun's as they share a knowing smile, their shared goal evident in the way they work together to pleasure you. Their synchronised movements create a rhythm that mirrors the pounding of your heart, each flick of their tongues sending you soaring higher and higher towards the pinnacle of pleasure.
You don’t know how you got lucky enough to have two eager-to-please dolls swimming around in your cunt, but you need to thank whoever let you be born in this lifetime to experience it.
Unable to hold back any longer, you surrender to the overwhelming sensations coursing through your body, your second orgasm crashing over you. Your cries of rapture fill the room as you ride the pleasure, your body trembling in their grasp as they continue to worship you with their mouths.
So much for cleaning up.
Your chest is tight as you fight for breath, your climax so overwhelming it winded you. Sunghoon notices you struggle and pulls you up from the lying position. “Sit here for me, baby girl,” he whispers, kissing you long enough that some of your essence transfers from his lips to yours.
Reaching over, he picks up the water he brought in earlier, bringing it to your lips. “Drink some. We aren’t done with you yet.”
Your hands tremble slightly as you take the glass from him, grateful for the cool relief it offers. You take a few sips, letting the water soothe your parched throat as you try to steady your breathing. Jaeyun holds the cup with you as he sees you struggle, his touch is gentle as he supports you, his concern evident in the way he watches you with tender eyes.
Once you've had your fill, he sets the glass aside and pulls you into his arms, holding you close as he presses soft kisses to your forehead. "Are you okay, Y/N?" he murmurs, his voice filled with genuine concern.
You nod weakly, leaning into his embrace as you take comfort in his warmth. Despite the intensity of your climax, you feel safe and loved in his arms, just as you always do.
“Should we stop? Y/N looks pretty exhausted,” Jaeyun looks to his friend, seeking guidance from him. Jaeyun isn’t one to go rough so he isn’t used to you looking so dishevelled and out of it. 
You’re just glad he didn’t witness you at the merciless hands of Heeseung.
Sunghoon shakes his head, “She’s a tough girl,” he begins, stroking your cheek and you nuzzle into his touch. “Plus, she’s never satisfied until that pretty little cunt is being filled with cock, isn’t that right baby?”  
You feel a blush spread across your cheeks at Sunghoon's words, but you can't deny the truth in them. Despite your exhaustion, there's a part of you that still craves more, that yearns for the feeling of being completely filled and consumed by pleasure.
Nodding slightly, you meet Sunghoon's gaze with a mixture of desire and vulnerability. "Yes," you admit softly, your voice barely above a whisper. "I want you, Sunghoon. I want both of you."
Sunghoon's eyes darken with desire at your words, his hands sliding down to grasp your hips possessively. "Good girl," he murmurs, his voice low and husky. "We'll take care of you, baby. Just let us know if it's too much."
With a silent understanding of your needs and his concerns lightened slightly thanks to your words, Jaeyun moves to sit beside you, his eyes filled with longing as he watches Sunghoon's hands roam your body. You can feel the heat between the three of you, the anticipation building as you prepare for what's to come next.
“I want you on all fours for me, baby girl,” Sunghoon’s tone is back to his commanding self, taking charge of the situation once he knows you can handle more. 
Jaeyun pouts, looking at him in confusion, “I should get to go first, I’m her boyfriend after all.”
Scoffing, Sunghoon shakes his head definitely, “Not a chance in hell, Jaeyun. You’ve had her for three months, It’s my turn.”
Sunghoon's words hang heavy in the air, a clear declaration of his intent. Jaeyun's expression shifts from confusion to a mix of disappointment and frustration. He opens his mouth to argue, but Sunghoon cuts him off with a stern look.
"No, Jaeyun," Sunghoon says firmly, his tone brooking no argument. "I'm not asking for your permission. I'm telling you what's going to fucking happen." That dominating side of Sunghoon still rearing its head when faced with protest
Jaeyun's shoulders tense at the command, a ripple of frustration evident in his expression. Yet, beneath the surface, there's a hint of resignation, a recognition of Sunghoon's authority at this moment. With a heavy sigh, he acquiesces, albeit reluctantly.
You catch the glint of disappointment in Jaeyun's eyes and offer him a reassuring smile. "Your turn will come, baby doll. Just be patient with us," you say, your voice soft and comforting. "Be good for me and Sunghoon, yeah?"
There's a warmth in your tone that Jaeyun finds hard to resist. He nods in response, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips despite his lingering disappointment.
"Yeah, okay," he murmurs, his words murmuring behind his pout. "I'll be good."
Sunghoon nods in acknowledgement, his attention already focused on you. He gestures for you to move into position, his eyes burning with desire as he watches you comply. His stare exudes a desire that sends shivers up the back of your neck, eagerness running through your veins as you prepare to be filled with his cock. 
The familiar ache of longing surges within you as Sunghoon positions himself, the tip of his cock teasingly brushing against your entrance. The anticipation is almost unbearable, every nerve in your body tingling with anticipation as you await the blissful sensation of being joined with him.
With a slow, deliberate thrust, Sunghoon enters you, his length filling you completely as you gasp in pleasure. The feeling of him stretching you, filling you, ignites a fire within you, eliciting a high-pitched whine from your mouth. Your nails dig into the sheets as you arch your back, welcoming him deeper into your warmth.
Sunghoon's movements are controlled yet powerful, each thrust sending waves of pleasure rippling through your body. His hands grip your hips firmly, guiding your movements as he sets a rhythm that leaves you breathless.
Jaeyun watches with a mixture of longing and admiration, his own desire evident in the way he bites his lip, his gaze fixed on the intimate act before him. Though he may not be participating at this moment, the sight of you and Sunghoon together fills him with a sense of fulfilment and arousal.
He starts to pump his cock slowly, rubbing his thumb over the slit in his bell, pressing down hard as he watches you get railed by the tall doll.
You see Jaeyun struggling, knowing that he wants nothing more than to be inside of you, his hand only giving him some relief but not anything like what he wants. As Sunghoon piledrives into you, balls slapping against your skin and hands gripped tightly into your hips, you place your hand over his cock, replacing his as you kiss his tip, spilling some of your warm spit onto it.
“You’re being so patient, baby doll.” you gasp between thrusts as Sunghoon bucks his hips faster, the bed moving below you and the headboard hitting the wall. You stroke his cock, trying to match the pace that Sunghoon has set. 
Jaeyun leans into your touch, his body trembling with anticipation as he surrenders to the sensations washing over him.  You look so beautiful with your eyes rolling to the back of your head, lost in your own desires while still trying to fulfil his.
“Suck it, baby girl, give your precious puppy the attention he wants,” Sunghoon’s tone is laced with mocking, eluding to the fact that you will always cater to Jaeyun even when he has done nothing to deserve it.
You don’t need to be told twice before your mouth is stuffed with your boyfriend’s length. You slurp him up with ease, the familiar taste of his faux skin making your pussy clench around Sunghoon; the sensation causes his cock to graze your walls so deliciously that you can’t help but moan in pleasure around Jaeyun.
You are so overwhelmed by all the emotions you are experiencing that your body surrenders to them both, letting them have their way with you in any way they please.
For Sunghoon, he relentlessly fucks into you, feeling his entire cock in your stomach. And for Jaeyun, he is holding your head and thrusting into you in time with the other doll, both of their cocks penetrating you so deep you’re sure if this was a hentai, their cocks would be kissing at the midway point.
Jaeyun looks up at Sunghoon and sees how concentrated he looks, his features echoing the power and determination of each thrust. He wonders if Sunghoon is so focused on you that he is forgetting himself in this situation.
Reaching over, Jaeyun cradles Sunghoon’s cheek, dragging him out of his concentration to look at him with bewilderment. But that look doesn’t deter Jaeyun, instead, he brings him closer to him and presses his lips to the shocked raven-haired boy.
As their lips meet in a tender kiss, the room seems to hold its breath, the air thick with unspoken emotions. Sunghoon's initial shock gives way to a sense of warmth and acceptance, his body melting into Jaeyun's embrace as he returns the sweet kiss.
In that moment, all pretence falls away, leaving only the raw, unfiltered connection between them. It's a gesture of solidarity, a silent acknowledgment of the bond that binds them together, regardless of the circumstances.
As they break apart, their eyes meet, a silent understanding passing between them. Sunghoon's heart swells with gratitude for the newfound sense of closeness blossoming between them. He gets why you dote on Jaeyun so much more than he ever did.
However, with the moment happening above you, you’ve been left to fend for yourself, rocking yourself between impaling on Sunghoon’s cock and deepthroating Jaeyun. You don’t mind putting the work in, especially if it gives Sunghoon and Jaeyun a chance to at least start to understand that sharing you could also open the possibility of sharing one another.
You don’t know how their dynamic will blossom but that’s part of the fun of it all, it’s something you can all work through together once you figure out a way to get Heeseung’s blessing.
Sunghoon's gaze is filled with admiration as he watches you, his lips curling into a wicked smile at the sight of your desperate efforts to please them both. It's a heady rush, knowing that you're willing to go to such lengths for their pleasure, and he can't help but feel a surge of desire coursing through him.
As you continue to fuck onto him with determination, Sunghoon's hands roam over your body, his touch igniting sparks of pleasure wherever it lands. He revels in the feeling of your tight walls clenching around him, the sensation driving him wild with need.
“Flip over for me, baby girl.” Sunghoon commands, slapping your ass to motion you on your back.
Obliging, you pop off Jaeyun’s cock and roll over, legs spread widely in the air as you pirouette on Sunghoon, his shaft never leaving you. The newfound angle just makes it easier to thrust into you, helping you reach that pinnacle peak of pleasure once again.
Jaeyun watches him take you roughly, too roughly for his taste because he can see the bruises forming over your gorgeous body. Jaeyun's concern for your well-being is evident in his eyes, his brow furrowing with worry as he watches Sunghoon's rough handling. Despite his reservations, he trusts Sunghoon to know your limits better than anyone, but that doesn't stop him from feeling the need to intervene.
"Sunghoon, please," Jaeyun implores, his voice filled with genuine concern. "Just... take it easy on her."
Sunghoon's laughter fills the room, the sound mixing with the symphony of moans and gasps as he continues to pound into you with relentless force. “Jaeyun, listen to her, she fucking loves it.” He presses down on your stomach hard, feeling himself deep inside you, “Tell him how much you love it.”
“I love it, I love it so much,” you whimper out, body squirming as it becomes overrun with a sudden urge to release, your walls clamping down on Sunghoon. 
Jaeyun's expression softens as he watches the interplay between you and Sunghoon. Despite his lingering concerns, he knows that Sunghoon cares for you deeply, and he can see the mutual trust and understanding that exists between you.
Still, he can't shake the feeling that you could use some extra tenderness and care, especially with the intensity of Sunghoon's actions. With a determined expression, he moves closer to the two of you, his hands gentle as he traces soothing circles over your skin, massaging your skin softly as if to ease the tension and forming bruises on your skin.
It’s all too much, the juxtaposition between gentle and rough is sending your mind into a tizzy and before you know it, you’re coming undone over Sunghoon’s cock. “I’m cumming! I’m fucking cumming!” you exclaim through laboured breaths, gasping out.
“I know you are, baby girl, cum all over my cock like a good girl, show Jaeyun what a good pup looks like.”
Sunghoon's thrusts grow more urgent, his movements fueled by the primal need for release. His guttural moans fill the room, mingling with your own cries of pleasure as you both approach the pinnacle of your passion together.
With a final, desperate thrust, Sunghoon pulls out and releases his load onto your stomach, his essence painting you like a canvas as he marks his territory. There's a possessiveness in his actions, an unspoken claim over you that speaks volumes despite the supposed arrangement of sharing, but he wants Jaeyun to see you covered in his seed, how your body is glistening because of him.
You only add to his ego as you cry out, wishing he was filling you up instead. Your pussy craves cum, it needs to be stuffed and Sunghoon just denied you the simple pleasure. “Please,” you plead, not saying exactly what you want, but rather your actions speak as your fingers scoop some of the cum on your tummy and start to finger it into you.
Jaeyun can hardly tear his eyes away from the erotic scene before him, his own arousal reaching new heights as he watches you, desperate and hungry for more. 
“Come on, give her what she wants, Jaeyun,” Sunghoon begins, moving to the side to let Jaeyun take over, “Fill that pretty pussy up with your cum. Be a good boy.” 
A shiver runs over Jaeyun’s body and his cock leaks at Sunghoon’s words, a desperate whimper escaping his throat as he trembles in anticipation. He’s been watching Sunghoon manhandle you so long that he’s scared about hurting you, your cunt is too sensitive to take him.
Opening your eyes, you see Jaeyun holding his cock with contemplation clouding his eyes. You sit up on your elbows, using whatever energy you have left and tilt your head. “Go as hard or fast as you want, baby doll, I can take it,” you assure him, beckoning him closer for a kiss.
Your words ignite a fire within Jaeyun, his desire overcoming his hesitation as he moves closer to you, his cock throbbing with need. He leans in, capturing your lips in a hungry kiss, his hands trembling with anticipation as he positions himself between your legs.
With renewed confidence, Jaeyun guides his cock into your heat, his breath catching in his throat as he pushes inside. The sensation is overwhelming, his cock enveloped in the warmth and tightness of your slick walls, driving him to the brink of ecstasy.
You moan into his mouth, encouraging him to go harder, faster, as you eagerly welcome him into your depths. Jaeyun's movements become more assertive, his hips rocking against yours with increasing urgency as he strives to give you the pleasure you deserve.
Sunghoon watches with rapt attention, a satisfied smirk playing on his lips as he observes Jaeyun messily bucking his hips into you, still cautious, but going at a speed that is perfect for you both. 
He can see the pleasure written all over your face, your moans filling the room as Jaeyun drives you closer to the edge of ecstasy. Sunghoon's smirk widens as he takes in the scene before him, revelling in the shared pleasure between you and Jaeyun.
With each thrust, Jaeyun's cock plunges deeper into you, eliciting a chorus of gasps and moans from both of you. Sunghoon's own arousal surges at the sight, his cock twitching with anticipation as he watches you both lose yourselves in the heat of the moment.
For Sunghoon, there's a sense of satisfaction in seeing Jaeyun take control, knowing that he's capable of pleasuring you just as effectively as he can. He understands that Jaeyun likes to be coddled and you also like to coddle him, but in situations like these, your satisfaction is the utmost importance.
If Sunghoon can’t leave with you, he a least wants to make sure you’re being fucked right.
As Jaeyun continues to thrust into you, Sunghoon leans in closer, his voice a low growl of desire. "That's it, Jaeyun. Show her how good you can make her feel," he murmurs, his words fueling Jaeyun's passion even further.
Jaeyun continues to thrust into you with growing confidence and Sunghoon's attention shifts to your stomach, where his cum still glistens on your skin like a badge of ownership. With a hungry look in his eyes, he dips down, his tongue trailing along your abdomen as he licks up his own essence.
You let out a gasp of surprise at the sensation, the warmth of his tongue sending shivers down your spine. Sunghoon's movements are deliberate and sensual, his tongue dancing across your skin as he savours the taste of himself mingled with your arousal still lingering in his mouth.
Jaeyun's thrusts falter for a moment as he watches Sunghoon's intimate ministrations, a flush spreading across his cheeks at the sight. But the sight of you writhing beneath them, lost in pleasure, reignites his passion, and he resumes his rhythm with renewed vigour.
Meanwhile, Sunghoon laps up his cum from your stomach with increasing urgency, each lick more fervent than the last. His movements are messy, driven by the desire to taste every last drop of himself mingled with your sweat and arousal. He's lost in the moment, completely consumed by the act of claiming you in this intimate way.
As he finishes, your stomach now clean, Sunghoon looks up at you with a wicked gleam in his eyes, his desire burning brightly. "Open your mouth," he murmurs, his voice thick with lust.
Your mind is hazy, overwhelmed by the sensations and unable to fully process his command. Sensing your confusion, Sunghoon's hand slides down your body, his fingers finding your clit and massaging it with expert precision. Your jaw slackens, a moan escaping your lips as you involuntarily obey his command, your mouth opening in response to the pleasure.
Taking advantage of your open mouth, Sunghoon leans in and captures your lips in a searing kiss, his tongue plunging into your mouth to share the mingled tastes of his cum and your arousal. The kiss is deep and demanding, a testament to the intensity of his desire for you.
Jaeyun, not wanting to be left out, quickens his pace, his thrusts becoming more forceful as he chases his own release. He groans into your ear, the sound vibrating through your body and heightening your pleasure.
Sunghoon finally pulls back from the kiss, his lips lingering close to yours. "That's it, baby girl," he whispers, his voice a seductive growl. "Take everything we give you."
You nod weakly, your body trembling with anticipation and need. The combined sensations of Jaeyun's cock driving into you and Sunghoon's commanding presence are almost too much to bear. You feel yourself hurtling toward another climax, your body tightening in anticipation.
Sensing your nearing orgasm, Jaeyun adjusts his angle, hitting that perfect spot inside you with each thrust. Sunghoon, not wanting to miss a moment, resumes his attention on your clit, his fingers working in tandem with Jaeyun's movements.
"Cum for us, Y/N," Sunghoon demands, his voice a low growl. "Show us how much you love being filled."
Your body obeys, your orgasm crashing over you with an intensity that leaves you breathless. You cry out their names, your voice a mixture of pleasure and desperation as you surrender to the overwhelming sensations. Your walls tighten around Jaeyun, triggering his own release as he spills into you with a loud groan.
Sunghoon watches with satisfaction, a proud smirk on his lips as he sees you both reach your peak. "Good girl," he murmurs, his fingers still gently stroking your clit as you come down from your high. "That's exactly what we wanted."
As you tremble in the aftermath of your intense orgasm, Jaeyun's moans in ragged gasps, his release still coursing through him. He slowly pulls out, his cum beginning to seep out of you. Without missing a beat, he uses his fingers to gently push his seed back inside, wanting to ensure you remain filled with him, just like you want.
Sunghoon watches Jaeyun's actions with a pleased smile, appreciating his attentiveness. "Good job, Jaeyun," he praises, his voice low and approving. "Now, go grab the water again. Our girl needs to stay hydrated."
Jaeyun nods, quickly getting up to retrieve the glass of water from the bedside table. As he does, Sunghoon turns his full attention back to you, his touch becoming tender and caring. He gently strokes your hair and brushes a few strands away from your face, his eyes softening with concern.
"How are you feeling, baby girl?" Sunghoon asks, his tone gentle, a stark contrast to his earlier intensity.
You manage a weak smile, your body still buzzing from the dual sensations of pleasure and exertion. "I’m...good," you breathe out, leaning into his touch.
Sunghoon's lips curve into a warm smile. "Good girl," he murmurs, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "Just relax. We’ll take care of you." He has always been good at aftercare, even when he was shut off from his emotions, it’s just who he is. He might fuck you within an inch of your life, but he will make sure to revive you after.
Jaeyun returns with the water, handing the glass to Sunghoon who carefully brings it to your lips. "Drink up," he instructs softly, his eyes locked on yours to ensure you’re okay.
You take small sips, the cool liquid soothing your parched throat. Once you’ve had your fill, Sunghoon sets the glass aside and wraps an arm around your shoulders, holding you close as Jaeyun takes a seat beside you, his hand resting on your thigh in a comforting gesture.
"Thank you," you whisper, your voice filled with gratitude.
Jaeyun nods, his eyes filled with affection. "Just rest for now. We’ve got you."
You nod, allowing yourself to relax fully between them, feeling safe and cherished. The intensity of the moment has passed, leaving behind a comforting warmth that envelops all three of you. You close your eyes, a contented smile on your lips, knowing that no matter what, they will always be there to care for you.
As long as you can convince a certain Prince of Hell.
Feeling a comforting weight on your chest, you pry your eyes open to find Jaeyun's head nestled there, his legs entwined around your waist. No - Sunghoon’s legs wrapped around you. He lies beneath you, his shoulder supporting your head, his hand reaching around your neck to scratch Jaeyun's hair.
You can’t believe that this is your life right now, that you could truly be this happy every day for the rest of time. The warmth of their bodies, the thump of your heart echoing your happiness, and the tender connection between all three of you feels like a dream you never want to wake from. Every worry and stress melts away, replaced by a profound sense of contentment. In this moment, you know that this is where you belong, wrapped in the embrace of those you love most.
But as nice as this is, as easy as it is to get lost in their embrace, you know there's still one obstacle in your way to achieving this paradise forever.
If he doesn’t let Sunghoon go, there's no point in getting your hopes up. This bliss you've found yourself in can be ripped away in an instant if he says no. However, you believe you've got an offer he can’t refuse. 
Sunghoon notices you stirring and presses his lips atop your head, kissing your crown tenderly. “Good morning, baby girl,” he whispers with such softness that it almost blends with the morning air.
Jaeyun looks up with his big eyes and smiles, then kisses a heart pattern on your chest, a ritual he has performed countless times since becoming yours. It’s his unique way of saying good morning and expressing his affection.
You kiss Jaeyun first, your lips lingering as you savour the softness of his petal-like lips. In all your life, you don’t think you will ever tire of the way his plump mouth encloses yours, each kiss a reminder of the deep connection you share.
Turning your head slightly, you find Sunghoon's eyes already gazing at you with a mix of adoration and warmth. You lean in and kiss him next, your lips meeting his in a tender embrace. His kiss is different from Jaeyun’s - firmer, yet filled with the same depth of love. Sunghoon's hand moves to cradle your face, his thumb gently caressing your cheek as your mouths move in perfect harmony.
“Did you sleep well?” Jaeyun asks, gently rubbing your arm as you pull away from his best friend.
You nod, sitting up between them as you all shuffle to find comfortable positions. Sunghoon keeps his arm around your shoulders, pulling you into him. There's a flicker of hurt in Jaeyun’s eyes as he watches the love of his life being embraced by someone else, a reminder that while sex might be easy to share, morning cuddles and other gestures of affection are something he'll need time to get used to.
“Yeah, it was amazing,” you say, smiling between both of them, grateful for the peaceful slumber and the two men who left you blissfully exhausted.
Jaeyun smiles warmly, his fingers gently brushing through your hair. “You look so pretty right now,” he whispers, a daily ritual of his to compliment you in the morning, even when your hair is tousled and some mascara smudges remain from the night before.
Kissing your neck, Sunghoon nods in agreement, “Always.”
God, you could get used to this. But to get used to this, you have to have it.
“I’m going to see if Soonyeol wants to make breakfast,” you say, using it as an excuse to leave the bed, knowing you can’t let them catch onto your true intentions. “If you guys stay here, I’ll be back in a bit, yeah?”
“We can make yo-”
“No, no. I want to spend some time with her, you know. She’s important to you, and I haven’t spoken to her much,” you interject with a touch of urgency in your voice, masking the true purpose behind your words. It’s a blatant lie, but the underlying intention is genuine; you just won’t act on it at this moment.
Slipping from their grip, you adorn Jaeyun’s t-shirt and Sunghoon's boxers that were hastily discarded last night, tying your hair up, and focus on getting what you want, on what is best for everyone.
Standing apprehensively on the other side of the door, your fist hovers, refusing to knock. The heavy wooden door feels like a barrier not just to Heeseung but to the future you desperately want to secure. Your heart races, and you take a deep breath, trying to steady your nerves. You’re scared, you’ll admit that—no amount of time or mental preparation could make this any less nerve-wracking. Every possible outcome runs through your mind, amplifying your anxiety.
But for Sunghoon, for you and Jaeyun, you’ll suck it up like you always do. You straighten your shoulders and square your jaw, determination settling over your features. Yes, you know what Heeseung can do and what he will ask for, but you can’t let him see any signs of weakness within you.
The sound of your knuckles against the wood echoes in the hallway, and you feel the weight of each passing second. 
“What?” Heeseung's voice pierces through the door, clearly annoyed by the disturbance; you would be too if someone knocked on your door at 6 am, regardless of whether you slept.
Taking a deep breath, you steady your nerves, feeling the weight of your decision. Despite the turmoil in your mind, you nod to yourself, trying to convince the part of you that's crying out, saying this is a bad idea. But determination drives you forward, pushing aside doubts as you prepare to face whatever comes next.
The door creaks slightly as it opens, revealing Heeseung sitting up against the headboard, the sheets tangled around him as though he had a restless night's sleep. The dishevelled state of the room hints that he had company, yet Soonyeol is nowhere in sight; but when he stands up and his naked form reaches your eyes, you can picture everything that went on; or maybe it’s flashbacks to your own rendezvous with the prince. Either way, you feel a rush of heat pooling between your thighs, your pussy weeping instinctively to the raw allure of his present state.
No matter how much you convince yourself that Heeseung has no hold over you anymore, your body proves you to be a liar.
“My pretty girl. Have you come to take me up on the offer finally?” Heeseung's voice carries a hint of amusement as he stares you down, a wicked grin painting his features. Despite the casualness of his words, there's an intensity in his gaze that sends a thrill down your spine. Even as he reaches to grab his boxers, his eyes never leave yours, holding you captive in their dark depths. You're ashamed to admit that your eyes don’t even meet his as you gawk at his delicious length, your body betraying your desire with each passing moment.
Heeseung notices your lustful gaze, a smirk playing on his lips as he pumps his cock gently. “So you came for this? I suppose I should have known Jaeyun could never satisfy you,” he says, his voice dripping with smugness as he voices his thoughts. His hand squeezes just before the bell of his cock, emphasising his arousal. “How do you want to take it? On your back or on your knees?”
On your ba-
“No. I didn’t come here for that,” you interject firmly, clamping down on the lascivious thoughts swirling in your head. As easy as it would be to surrender to the temptation, you know in your heart that giving in to him is the last thing you should do, no matter how much your body craves it. You shake off the filth from the crevices of your brain, steeling yourself against the allure of his naked form. The primal urge to submit to him lingers, a constant battle against the rational part of your mind that screams for restraint.
You wonder if it’s a general Prince of Hell thing or a Beelzebub thing that every time you come within 5 feet of him, you’re ready to open every hole you have. The thought makes you shiver, a mix of desire and frustration coursing through your veins as you struggle to maintain control.
Heeseung laughs darkly, withdrawing his hand from his shaft and returning to his original task of putting on his boxers. You feel a twinge of disappointment as he packs away his 7-inch friend, but you’re also relieved that you can now concentrate on the matter you came here for.
“So what did you come here for?” he asks, his voice now void of the earlier taunts, as he walks around the end of his bed to stand a meter from you. His demeanour shifts, becoming more attentive and serious, knowing that this is probably worth his time.
“I have a counteroffer,” you proclaim, the tremble in your voice betraying the weight of your proposition.
Heeseung smirks, his eyebrows raising in surprise. “Oh? And what’s that, baby?”
“I want you to let Sunghoon leave with me and Jaeyun today,” you declare, the words hanging in the air as you wait for his response, your heart pounding in your chest.
Heeseung's smirk widens into a mocking laugh, disbelief evident in his expression. The sound echoes in the room, taunting you as if your request is nothing more than a joke. His amusement seems to fill the space, making the air feel heavier with each passing moment.
But you stand your ground, refusing to back down despite his dismissive reaction. Every fibre of your being is focused on this moment, on this plea that could change everything. Though uncertainty gnaws at you, you push it aside, determined to see this through. 
"I'm serious," you insist, your voice firm despite the ripple of anxiety that lingers beneath the surface. Your words twirl in the air, a silent challenge to his disbelief.
Heeseung's laughter fades, replaced by a cold, calculating gaze as he regards you. The intensity of his stare feels like a physical weight, bearing down on you as if searching for any hint of weakness. You meet his gaze head-on, refusing to falter under the pressure.
“I already gave you Jaeyun, baby. I hope you’re not taking my kindness for granted?” Heeseung's voice carries a note of warning, his words a reminder of the favour he believes he's already bestowed upon you.
You feel a chill run down your spine at his tone, a subtle threat lingering in the room. It's a stark reminder of the power he holds over you, a reminder that even in this moment of negotiation, you are still at his mercy.
Clearing your throat, you nod, meeting Heeseung's gaze with sincerity. “I don’t take it for granted,” you begin, your voice steady despite the nerves, “You know I appreciate it.” 
It can never hurt to suck up to a demon and agree with him when you need something from him.
Sucking his teeth, Heeseung hums in acknowledgement of your statement, clearly satisfied with your rebuttal. It's a small concession, but it feels like a victory nonetheless. You exhale slowly, feeling a sense of relief wash over you, but it only lasts a moment because his eyes are back to swirling that red ocean in his stare. He knows now that you didn’t come here empty-handed.
However, before he asks you the inevitable question, he wants to settle his curiosity. “Why Sunghoon when you could stay here and have all of us? You had so much fun here, didn’t you?”
You did, you had the most fun you’ve had your whole life, but that was also when you had no real life back in the city. Now you have Jaeyun with you, and things are different. You wake up happy and you suddenly love the life around you because Jaeyun has a way of painting everything golden even when the skies are grey.
“Because this isn’t about me, this is about Sunghoon,” you admit, sensing Heeseung's curiosity. He gestures for you to explain your thoughts, clearly amused by your confession. “I just think, respectfully to Soonyeol, that he just isn’t… thriving here.”
"You mean because Soonyeol isn't fucking him like a banshee?" Heeseung interjects, his tone laced with sarcasm as he cuts straight to the point.
You flinch at his blunt words, a mixture of shock and discomfort washing over you. Heeseung's crude remark hits a nerve, stirring a mix of emotions within you. 
Sure, that is part of the reasoning in some sense. Sunghoon enjoys having sex, that much is obvious considering he has fucked you in almost every available room in this place, against every nook and cranny he could find, and in every which position he could bend you. Yet, it’s more than that.
He needs to explore his newly found emotions in an environment that will help him express his innermost thoughts and feelings. In this mansion with the same people and the same routine, it can be damaging to some people, and clearly, it is to him. He’s also incredibly lonely, and in a house with three other bodies shouldn’t be the case.
Heeseung’s sigh draws your attention, prompting you to lift your eyes to meet his. “Tell me something, and please, for the love of Lucifer, engage that stupid little brain of yours for once,” he says with a sly grin, though mock disappointment flickers in his gaze. 
Despite his harshness, you feel yourself strangely pulled to him, a tinge of pleasure building within. You blame Jongseong and his punishments for awakening this new love for degradation. 
“Don’t you think it’s irresponsible to let a demon loose in the wild? He is evil and destructive, I mean, you heard how he defied Dis because he hated being told what to do. What if you suffer the same fate, baby?” He feigns concern, using his warped words to make you think differently about Sunghoon and just be trapped in this house with him. 
You’ve caught onto his game and you refuse to play.
“Sunghoon is dif-”
“Don’t say he is different, Y/N. Every red-horned prick is the same, trust me, I am one,” Heeseung scoffs, his tone filled with bitter amusement at your innocent viewpoint on the matter. “We are monstrous and manipulative, it’s our job, and as far as I know, Sunghoon was one of the best. Did he ever tell you about the time he skinned that poor woman alive? Right down to her bones, and all he was ordered to do was snap her neck.”
The words hang in the air, heavy with the weight of Heeseung's revelation. You feel a chill run down your spine at the gruesome image he paints, the reality of Sunghoon's past deeds hitting you like a punch to the gut. 
But you know that whoever that was, wasn’t the Sunghoon you saw last night. He did what he had to in order to survive hell’s grip. You know his past is never going to be pretty, and you understand that. Whatever he’s done, whoever he has hurt, it’s in the past, and he's seeking redemption. And if he can't find it from God, he can get it from you.
Crossing your arms, you shift your body language as you guard yourself from Heeseung’s foul plays. “If he is such a threat to humans and as you call it ‘evil and destructive’, why keep him around Soonyeol?”
Heeseung doesn’t expect you to throw such a question at him, his face falling. “Because I can kill him if I need to and he knows that,” he explains, eyes secretly warning you to not push him too far. “But you, precious little you, you wouldn’t hurt one of my flies, he could take advantage of that.” he feigns sincerity, holding a hand over his nonexistent heart.
He speaks about Sunghoon being a manipulator but you’re staring at the master. Heeseung is using condescending tones and sympathetic body language to get you to trust him, a classic Beelzebub manoeuvre.
Returning to your flat those months ago, the weight of your encounter with Heeseung heavy on your mind, you wasted no time delving into research about the demon. The mere mention of his true name sent chills down your spine, and you were determined to uncover the truth behind his dark reputation.
You learned that Beelzebub is a master manipulator, skilled in the art of gaslighting his victims. He preys on their vulnerabilities, convincing them that his offers are the only solution to their problems. With each twisted lie, he tightens his grip on their minds, rendering them helpless to resist his control.
Your knowledge might not be extensive, but you've gained insight into his tactics, leaving you feeling more prepared to confront him, even if you're relying heavily on feigned confidence. After spending two months in close quarters with him, you've gleaned enough to believe that if anyone can outmanoeuvre this Prince of Hell, it's you.
“You said you don’t break promises,” you assert, redirecting the conversation to the purpose of your visit.
“And what promise have I made to you, baby?” he questions, a smirk playing on his lips.
“None yet, but once I give you something, you have to keep your promise.”
His eyebrow arches in intrigue, his manner shifting as he leans forward, assessing you with renewed interest. “You’re going to have to offer more than just your pretty little pussy for me to grant you Sunghoon.”
Of course, you're aware that indulging his desires likely played a significant role in his decision to allow Jaeyun to accompany you home last time. You understand that it will take something substantial, something unique to you, to strike a deal with him. Sunghoon might not be Soonyeol’s top priority as of late but he still offers her something she needs and Heeseung isn’t going to let that up easily.
“My soul. Take it.”
A heavy silence settles in the air, thick with tension as you lay out your offer. Your gut churns with unease, a nagging sensation urging you to retract your proposition and flee from the impending consequences. Meanwhile, the voice of your beloved Jaeyun echoes in your mind, pleading with you to abandon the deal and escape this precarious situation with a quick "sike," finger-gunning your way out of harm's reach.
Yet, despite the turmoil raging within you, you remain resolute. You've made your decision, and you're determined to see it through, even if it means silencing Jaeyun's protests and disregarding the warnings of your own instincts. It may seem foolish to press forward, but your love for Sunghoon eclipses any doubts or fears.
For you, this is more than just a risky gamble—it's a chance to offer Sunghoon a lifeline, a path to the freedom and happiness he so desperately craves. And if you didn't seize this opportunity, if you didn't at least try to give him a shot at a better life by your side, how could you ever live with yourself?
Heeseung steps forward, his movements sleek and predatory. “You would give me your soul for a demon’s freedom? I know I fucked you good, but I didn’t know I fucked you dumb,” he taunts, his eyes gleaming with a sinister red hue as Beelzebub comes to the forefront.
A chill runs down your spine as he speaks, his mocking tone cutting through the air like a knife. You feel a knot of fear tighten in your chest, but before you can react, he flicks his finger with a casual gesture and the door behind you clicks shut, the sound echoing ominously in the silence of the room. Your heart skips a beat as panic floods your senses, realisation dawning that you're now trapped, alone with a demon whom you’ve just offered your soul.
You’ve had calmer Sundays, that’s for sure.
Your voice quivers slightly as you press forward, determination warring with the creeping sense of dread. "I'm serious. Tell me your terms. Ten years? Twenty? When will you claim it from me if I do this?" you ask, though the strength in your tone wavers as Heeseung looms closer, his presence suffocatingly familiar, much like yesterday.
A sharp, disbelieving laugh escapes Heeseung's lips, shaking his head in amusement. “Baby, you think you have it all figured out,” he mocks, stepping even closer, if that's even possible. Your instinct to create some distance is rendered powerless as you stay transfixed in place, his proximity overwhelming.
His chest presses against yours, the closeness sending a shiver down your spine as if you're seconds away from dancing a lover's tango. “I’ll tell you what will happen, and I’ll let you make the final call, since I’m in a good mood,” he adds, his voice dripping with a sinister charm.
You swallow hard, steeling yourself for whatever he's about to reveal, knowing that your fate - and Sunghoon's - hangs in the balance.
"Here's the deal," Heeseung begins, his tone laced with a predatory edge. "I'll grant Sunghoon his freedom, no strings attached to me or Soonyeol," he begins, his words initially sounding like a lifeline, but the following conditions twist your stomach into knots. "But you surrender yourself to me.”
Your breath catches in your throat as you struggle to process the weight of his demand. The tension in the air is palpable, suffocating you as you grapple with the impossible choice before you.
"Good news is, your soul stays in your body, but that body? Oh, Sweetheart, that belongs to me," Heeseung continues, his voice dripping with malevolent satisfaction.
"Don’t fucking interrupt me," he commands, his voice lowering to a menacing octave.
Mumbling a quick apology, you bite down on your lip, forcing yourself to remain silent, lest you incur his wrath further.
Heeseung's terms hang heavy in the air, the weight of his expectations pressing down on you like a suffocating blanket. "You do as I say. If I say jump, you ask how high. If I say to kill someone, you do it and thank me for the opportunity. I’m not being cruel, these are my terms for everyone."
That means Soonyeol too. It makes you wonder what on earth he has made her do while she has been under his control. Perhaps that two-month trip was more sadistic than you once thought.
The reality of the situation sinks in, and you realise that agreeing to his terms means surrendering not only your freedom but your very humanity. It's a choice that no amount of love for Sunghoon can make easy.
You draw in a shaky breath, steeling yourself for his response. "How long for?" you inquire, your voice barely above a whisper, knowing deep down that the answer may haunt you for eternity.
"Forever. Even after you die, you’re mine," Heeseung replies, his tone carrying a weight of finality that sends a chill down your spine.
The reality of the situation crashes over you like a tidal wave, threatening to pull you under. The prospect of being forever tethered to Heeseung, subject to his whims and desires for all eternity, fills you with a sense of dread and despair. And yet, despite the overwhelming fear and uncertainty, there's a perverse allure to his offer. The magnetic pull he has on you, the intoxicating blend of danger and desire, whispers seductively in the depths of your mind. It's a dark and twisted fascination, one that you can't seem to shake no matter how hard you try. 
Your heart pounds in your chest as you gather your courage and issue your counterproposal, determined to protect the ones you love from the potentially devastating consequences of your agreement. "If I say yes, you need to promise me that whatever you instruct me to do won’t hurt the people I love," you assert, your voice trembling slightly with the weight of your request.
The audacity of your bargaining with a Prince of Hell is not lost on you. It's a bold move, one born out of desperation and fueled by a newfound determination to safeguard those closest to your heart. You can't help but marvel at your own bravery, even as uncertainty gnaws at the edges of your resolve, considering the closest you’ve seen to a haggle is two ladies trying to buy a bronze teapot on Bargain Hunt, you’d say this was a little out of your comfort zone.
Heeseung considers your proposal, his gaze flickering as he weighs the implications of your condition. A slow, satisfied smile spreads across his face as he pieces your words together, “Oh… Oh, you’re good, baby,” he begins, a chuckle escaping his lips before he continues, “Asking me to not hurt your loved ones so then I can’t touch you or the two Bratz dolls. You are not as dumb as I pegged you to be earlier.”
His words send a shiver down your spine, a mixture of fear and perverse satisfaction swirling in the pit of your stomach. As he leans closer, his lips dangerously close to yours, “Fucking hell, you turn me on.” You can't help but feel a surge of adrenaline at his words and the realisation that you may have just outmanoeuvred a Prince of Hell. It's a dangerous game you're playing, but at this moment, it feels like the only option you have.
“So deal?”
Jaeyun’s voice floods your ears like a bad case of tinnitus, his shrieks bouncing inside your skull. But he is not here in your presence like last time, he can’t save you from Heeseung this time.
You walk back into the room to find Jaeyun and Sunghoon sitting on the edge of the bed, engrossed in a heated game on Jaeyun's Switch. Jaeyun's brow is furrowed in concentration, his thumbs moving rapidly across the buttons, while Sunghoon, surprisingly adept for a first-timer, wears a smug grin.
"How are you this good?" Jaeyun mutters, frustration seeping into his voice as Sunghoon wins yet another round.
Sunghoon chuckles, his pride evident. "Beginner's luck, I guess."
Watching them, you feel a warm sense of contentment. You think about what your life will be like with the two of them. There's a simplicity to the way they interact, a normalcy that almost makes you forget the supernatural forces that bind you all together.
Jaeyun, with his easy-going nature and inherent kindness, has always been your rock. His innocence is something you cherish deeply. On the other hand, Sunghoon, with his intensity and passion, brings out a side of you that's fierce and unapologetic. The thought of balancing these two very different but complementary forces fills you with a sense of adventure and anticipation.
Should you tell them that it was Heeseung you spoke with? Sunghoon would surely know you had to make some sacrifice to get Heeseung to agree. Jaeyun doesn't know about Heeseung's true identity or the lengths you went to ensure your collective happiness. The thought of deceiving them, even for their own good, weighs heavily on your conscience.
As you step into the room, they look up, pausing their game. "Where did you go?" Sunghoon asks, his eyes narrowing slightly with curiosity. You said you were going to make breakfast with Soonyeol, but you were away for a long time, too long for that matter.
"Just a walk," you replied, climbing into the bed between them. Their warmth enveloped you from both sides, a comforting presence amidst your swirling thoughts. You savored the feeling for a moment, then turned to Sunghoon. "Are you okay with car journeys?" you asked, trying to sound nonchalant, though your heart pounded in your chest.
"I think so," Sunghoon replied, a hint of confusion lacing his voice. "Why?"
"Because it's a long drive back to the city," you said, your voice steady despite the nervous energy bubbling inside you. What if he changed his mind and you’ve just sold your soul to Beelzebub?
Sunghoon's eyes widened as he processed your words. "You mean...?" he trailed off, disbelief and hope mingling in his expression.
You nodded, a grin spreading across your face. "Yes. You're coming with us."
Sunghoon's expression morphed into one of pure elation. "How did you...? Did you speak to Heeseung?" His question hung in the air, heavy with implications.
You forced a smile, praying your lie would be convincing. "Actually, I spoke to Soonyeol. But anyway, what matters is that you're coming with us." You deflected any more questions, shaking your head to signal you didn't want to delve into the details.
Sunghoon leaned in and kissed you softly, the affection in his touch making your heart swell. His lips were tender against yours, a stark contrast to the raw intensity you often shared. It amazed you how a demon could feel so deeply that he almost seemed human.
Jaeyun, not wanting to be left out, pouted and tossed his controller aside. He scrambled over, a wide smile on his face, and wrapped his arms around both of you. "My two favourite people!" he exclaimed, his voice brimming with joy as he squeezed you both tightly.
You revelled in the embrace, feeling Jaeyun's hug against your side and Sunghoon's steady warmth pressing into you. This moment, this tender connection, was everything you had fought for. 
As you lay there between them, you wondered how your life would change. The future seemed both daunting and exhilarating. You imagined the three of you navigating the complexities of your relationships, finding joy in the simple moments, and facing the inevitable challenges together. Could you balance the love and care they both needed? Would they understand the compromises you had to make to keep you all together?
Sunghoon pulled back slightly, his eyes searching for yours. "Are you sure you're okay? You really didn’t speak to Heeseung?" he asked, his voice soft and filled with concern. His worry is that you did something rash, something to put your life at risk.
You nodded, the sincerity in his gaze making your chest tighten with emotion because you know you're lying to him. “No I didn’t. I just asked Soonyeol to convince him."
Sunghoon's smile widened as he accepts your lie as the truth, and he kissed you again. Jaeyun, not to be outdone, leaned in and pressed his lips to your cheek. "I'm so glad we're all going back together," he murmured.
The three of you stayed entwined for a while, the silence filled with unspoken promises and the steady rhythm of your breathing. Eventually, Sunghoon and Jaeyun begin to get up to start packing, leaving you to your thoughts.
Your life was about to become a whirlwind of new experiences, challenges, and unknowns. Yet, despite the looming uncertainty, a thrill of excitement coursed through you. Your life was about to become a living hell, but as you watched the two boys move around the room, your heart swelled with a sense of anticipation. 
taglist: @nshmrarki @kgneptun @addictedtohobi @parksunghoonsgf @chaewonshoney @chiiiiiiiiis @lilyuwon @rayofsunshineeee @moon7jay @erehkinnie30 @brownsugarbaybee @minniejenseo @woninluv @jaysluvs @fakeuwus @capri-cuntz @ash024 @who-tf-soddhi @bambangan @vousty @heeseungspookie @alvojake @yorukoshii @haechonly @riftanswhore @emi-en @branchrkive @featjunranghae @thejjrl @nyxtwixx @sunghoonnsupremacy @nctislifue @itsnikitty @enhypenlovre
Maybe, just maybe, it was a hell worth living for.
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jeonsweetpea · 3 months
The Moon Knows Our Secrets (1)
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Exes to Lovers!AU | Hybrid!Jungkook x Hybrid!OC | Soulmate!AU
genre: angst, smut, exes to lovers, vampire/werewolf hybrid (emphasis on werewolf), soulmates, forced proximity
rating: explicit
description: He doesn’t remember loving you. How could he, when you’re the one who erased his memories? You run into him a year later at a wedding. The year after that he’s reported missing and you go off to find him. Then you wonder: did he ever forget you?
word count: 9.1k
warnings: blood, blood-drinking, one injury, flirting, TXT is mentioned and they’re horny brats but protective!JK swoops in, ANGST, mentions of compulsion, past deaths, JK smokes for like, one second, fire, resentment, but trust me, they will fall for each other all over again, two-shot 💖
smut warnings: OC goes into HEAT at the worst time, kissing, oral sex (female receiving), fingering, squirting, overstimulation, (more intense smut to come in part 2)
a/n: This is an epilogue for my series Moonstruck (inspired by TVD), but it can be read as a STAND-ALONE! You do not have to read Moonstruck (but it will be more satisfying if you have 😉). I love this couple and they deserve their (steamy) happy ending. They both embody the “right person, wrong place.”
Part 1 | Part 2 |
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“You’re going to forget the fact you ever loved me. I’m just the girl who had a crush on you and trained with you, nothing more. I want you to live your life freely. If we ever cross paths again, don’t approach me. When I’m ready, I’ll come to you and you can decide then if you’ll have me. You’ll remember then. I love you, Jungkook.”
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You first saw him again at a wedding.
When you arrive at the venue, your eyes scan the sea of strangers for him like an automated response. You clutch onto the chain of your purse, the tight squeeze in your chest never seeming to disappear. Once you’re sure of his absence, the tension in your shoulders fades.
Round tables are arranged around a central dance floor, so you sit at the closest one, joining in the crowd’s applause despite not knowing what’s happening. The happy couple is swaying to romantic jazz music played by the live band, their adoring smiles perfectly matched.
“What did I miss?”
Your old classmate chuckles when she notices your presence, using her fingers to count as she lists off her answers. “The ring bearer, flower girl, the da-da-da-da piano introduction, the vows, the kiss, the first dance—so pretty much everything. Surprised to see you here.”
So are you. It took you hours of hyping yourself up before deciding to attend. You never RSVP-ed properly, allocating all your time to getting ready instead. Not that you had anyone to impress, but it’s a wedding. Sweatpants weren’t going to cut it.
“Can everyone please have a seat? We’re going to hear the best man give his speech!” That authoritative voice belonged to Kim Namjoon, the headmaster of BTSU (Be The Supernatural University). His dimple smile emerges when he notices you and he waves excitedly, dropping the microphone in the process. 
You giggle. “See? I didn’t miss everything, Lia.”
She hands you a glass of champagne, then clinks the glass against your own. “Okay, Ms. Fashionably Late. At least you look hot.”
The guests take their seats while the couple sits at the head table near the dance floor. There’s a small stage next to them and on it is a microphone stand under a beautifully decorated archway. A blanket of silence washes over the crowd as anticipation rises, but the best man is nowhere to be found. Murmurs spread quickly as heads turn in confusion.
“I’m here, I’m here!”
You don’t have to look to know who that voice belonged to. The glass in your hand trembles, on the brink of shattering under your tightening grip. Your mouth parts open in shock, your heart rate beating so loudly that it rings in your ears, drowning out the noise of the crowd’s applause as the so-called best man gets on stage. 
Jeon Jungkook — your ex-boyfriend.
Could you even call him your ex? Your history was, in a word, complicated. Boyfriend and girlfriend weren’t labels you two were fortunate enough to share. Bound by trauma, forced into despair, crippled with pain — the “relationship” in question was toxic. 
“You’re going to forget the fact you ever loved me…”
A hybrid had many advantages — compulsion included. With one look, you ordered him to forget having loved you and then left. Traveling the world healed you and the thought of returning to your college campus never once crossed your mind until a year later.
Your old professor sent you a text — a wedding invitation to be specific. Though the gesture was sweet, you preferred staying blissfully ignorant. You almost deleted it. However, F.O.M.O was a crippling feeling, so you ultimately gave in. 
You were aware the chances of running into Jungkook were high, but that’s why you arrived late on purpose. You had let your guard down too easily, assuming he might’ve left early or not bother showing up at all. What a fool. 
The fairy lights strung across the venue illuminate him with a gorgeous golden glow as he steps onto the stage. You hold your breath as the world seems to slow down, taking in his features. 
His hair used to be longer and shaggier; you teased him for having a mop-head back then (lovingly). Now it’s half long, with shaved sides and a slight mullet. He wore a simple white shirt, layered with a classic black blazer and matching dress pants. Several square box chains surrounded his neck, complimenting his silver hoop earrings and lip ring (when did he get that?). His accessories sparkle under the lights, almost blinding, as if he were a living filter. 
Damn. He’s only gotten more gorgeous. 
Jungkook quickly adjusts the microphone stand to his height, then presents a bunny-tooth grin. “Hello everyone! Sorry, I’m late. I had forgotten my script.” He shakes the index cards in his hands gently, causing a ripple of laughter through the crowd. “It’s an honor being both Hoseok and Yoongi’s best man.”
Jung Hoseok was your old classmate, who used to be the alpha of the werewolf pack senior year. But then along came Jungkook, who stole the title from beneath him after challenging him to a duel. Funny how he is now his best man. 
Min Yoongi was the one who invited you, a research assistant at your university. If you had to describe him in a phrase, it’d be: “Actions speak louder than words.” You knew his intentions when he sent the invitation, so you had to come and support him the same way he’s done for you. 
Jungkook peers down at his script before placing a hand on the microphone. 
“I’ve known Yoongi and Hoseok for years now and their love is truly special. They’re often private with their affection, but we know how they would go out of their way for each other. My favorite part is whenever Hoseok compliments Yoongi, he’d—”
“AaarrghhH!!!” The obnoxious scream is from Yoongi himself, who had stood up and faced away from the crowd. People crack up at his hilarity, including Hoseok who is clapping his hands like a seal. 
“Yes. That. Exactly that,” Jungkook says, followed by a soft chuckle. “The two play off each other well. Hoseok brings joy to everyone and it’s infectious. I’ve never seen Yoongi happier than when he’s with Hoseok.”
Yoongi rubs the nape of his neck, a shy smile gracing his features as he sits back down. Hoseok places his head on his partner’s shoulders, sighing in content. Jungkook flips to the next index card and clears his throat.
“Yoongi and Hoseok are people I like from the bottom of my heart. They’re like family, and I’m so glad to be a part of their story. We were able to come to where we are right now because everybody was all together.” His lips tremble slightly as he holds the corners of the card with both hands, tears slowly welling up in his eyes. His head hangs low for a moment but then he looks up, forcing a smile on his face. “Sorry, I’m getting emotional.”
You almost shout it’s okay! but nothing comes out. Fortunately, a couple of folks blurt out comforting words that make him laugh as he quickly wipes his tears away. He rolls his shoulders back and blows a small raspberry with his lips to reset. 
“These two have both helped me through so much. When I almost lost my life. When I lost my friends. When I wanted to give up on myself,” His eyes scanned across the venue as if simulating eye contact with each guest. “And especially when I experienced the biggest absence of my life with…”
His words are cut short at the same time your breath hitches. It’s a split second, but you’re sure. You’re sure his gaze fell on you, his expression stiffening slightly while you let out a silent gasp. The world seems to be at a standstill until he crumples the cards in his hand and tosses them aside. He lets out a half-hearted laugh, gesturing to the large projector screen he prepared earlier. 
“Enough about me!” he exclaims. “I made a compilation of the couple’s best moments. Enjoy!”
You don’t pay attention to the video playing despite the roaring laughter from the crowd. Someone shouts something about the couple wearing colorful animal sheet masks, but your eyes are glued to Jungkook. He exits the stage, heading back to his group of friends at the table furthest from yours. They give him a pat on the back and he’s back to smiling as if nothing happened. 
Was it your imagination? Maybe he wasn’t looking at you. You finish your champagne in one gulp, slamming the glass down without meaning to. The sharp sting in your palm makes you realize your actions as you groan, the deep cut across your hand oozing blood. 
“[Y/N], are you okay? Oh my gosh, here.” Lia is quick to grab the cloth napkin, wrapping it around your hand and tying a knot. 
“Thanks, but I’m fine. I’ll heal anyway.”
“Still, how did this even happen? What’s got you so tense?”
You say nothing, but she follows your line of sight and purses her lips. “Are you looking at the wolves? Is it Jungkook?”
“No,” you say quickly. “I’m gonna go to the restroom and wash the blood off.”
Before she can interrogate you further, you make a break for it. It was difficult walking in your nude heels, each step feeling like you were sinking deeper into the grass. The fairy lights help you see in the dark as you pass by the greenery of the garden, the flowers being your favorite part. You’d stop to smell them but didn’t want the blood to stain their lovely petals. Your feet finally reach a cobblestone path and you see the restroom building up ahead. 
There’s a handwashing sink outside. Once you turn on the faucet, you unwrap the cloth around your hand and wash the excess blood away. The cut had partially healed already — another perk of hybrid blood — but it still felt nice.
You find yourself lost in thought as the cool water flows onto your hands. You tell yourself there’s no way Jungkook was looking at you. He doesn’t even know you. At least, not in the way he used to. 
“I’m just the girl who had a crush on you and trained with you, nothing more. I want you to live your life freely.”
Ah. Right. You’ve been reduced to a mere stranger now. The depressing reality makes you sigh as you turn off the water. 
That’s when you hear it. Footsteps. Heavy ones that grow louder from behind you. The hairs on your neck stand up as you turn around.
Jungkook is approaching you, his stride long and confident. Your brain must have been rewired to put him in slow motion because he’s like a model walking down a runway. You can’t believe your eyes and are torn between running away or staying put. He’s closer now. Your heart skips a beat, the anticipation crushing you. Stay put it is.
“If we ever cross paths again, don’t approach me.”
Yet here he is. Approaching you. Had the compulsion not worked on him? Did he remember you all this time? Well, your answer comes when he walks right by you without sparing a glance as he enters the men’s restroom. You blink a few times, stunned by what took place.
Well, that proves it; the compulsion was still effective. You look at the bloody napkin in your hand, clutching it tightly. 
“What, is he blind? He didn’t even ask if I was okay. This is a huge red flag, literally!” You wave the fabric around like a crazed woman, having half a mind to chuck it across the building. After sulking for a minute, you compose yourself and prepare to head back.
That’s when an unpleasant smell creeps its way into your nose. It’s harsh, like the smell of acetone and burnt wood, and you cough uncontrollably. The acrid fumes are suffocating as you wander around the restrooms for the smell. 
“It’s coming from the men’s side…” you mumble to yourself. 
“When I’m ready, I’ll come to you and you can decide then if you’ll have me.”
Ignore it. It’s not your business. Yet your feet are already stomping inside, where your ex jolts in alarm at your sudden presence. 
“Hey, just because you’re a hybrid doesn’t mean smoking is okay!” The cigarette dangles from his mouth when his lips part in a small “o” shape, seconds from falling. You swipe it from him, drop it on the ground, and crush it under your heel. His doe eyes are larger than before, but your actions render him speechless. “It’s a gross habit and causes bad breath. So… yeah. Don’t smoke. Even if you’re practically immortal it’s not good for you.”
You spin around and close your eyes, cringing at your meddlesome behavior. You should leave before things escalate. 
“Are you okay?” Your eyes flutter open. He must think you’re deranged! “Your hand… is that blood?”
You look down, noticing the cloth in your hand was no longer white, but a deep crimson that seemed to permeate nonstop. 
“Oh, this is nothing. It’ll heal soon.”
He circles and gets in front of you, holding out his hand. “May I take a look?”
Whatever compels you to give your hand to him is a mystery, but you do it. He removes the cloth first, then inspects your palm, concern etched in his features. Blood continues to ooze out of the gash, but all you can focus on is the warmth of his hand enveloping your cold one. It reminds you of holding a hot cup of coffee in the morning except in this case, your cortisol levels are spiking. 
“It’s not good for you, you know,” he says with a soft smile. He directs his gaze from his hand to your own. “Getting cuts on such pretty hands. Who did this to you?”
If you had a brain, you didn’t anymore. You feel it short-circuiting, the hints of protectiveness in his voice setting sirens off in your mind. “No one… I accidentally broke a glass.”
It comes out as a whisper, but he acknowledges your response with a gentle “hmm.”
“This won’t do. It’s not healing fast enough,” His eyes shift up to meet your own. “You’re practically dripping in my hand.”
How can he say such things to you with such a straight face? The double entendre is blatant, but calling him out for it would only expose your impure thoughts.
“Shall I clean you up?” You don’t miss how he says “you” and not “it.” His irises glow a ruby red, matching his blood-shot sclera. Protruding veins appear under his eyes as he opens his mouth wide enough to exhibit his sharp fangs. It’s a hauntingly beautiful sight.
“That’s okay, you don’t—you don’t have to.” 
“Maybe I want to. Besides… I was smoking to curb my cravings. You took that away, so I need something else to satisfy me.”
You gulp. “And you think my blood will do that?”
He flashes you a smirk. “I’d like to find out. If you’ll let me.”
He doesn’t remember. He doesn’t remember. He can’t remember. Right? 
You agree with a soft “okay” and Jungkook doesn’t hold back. He sticks his tongue out, licking up the blood that overflowed onto his thumb first before following the stream up to your palm. He presses his lips onto the gash and sucks, earning a small gasp from you. This catches his attention, and he stares at you. His pupils are dilated, the primal look in his gaze so enrapturing. 
The pit of your stomach is on fire as he continues feeding from the palm of your hand. His tongue comes out to play, swiping back and forth, leaving no spot untouched. It tickles, but you’re too tense to move a muscle. 
Then he moans. It’s low at first, but then he closes his eyes and does it again. This time it’s more guttural, and he presses harder against you like he was starved.
“Ow,” you say, wincing when his fangs pierce your skin. It coaxes more blood to come out, and he visibly shudders.
“Sorry, I—Fuck,” His breath is uneven as he pants, drunk on your taste. He furrowed his eyebrows like he was mad, fighting against his primal urges to devour you whole. “I’ll be more careful. Please let me finish, please.”
Oh my god. He’s begging you. It’s too adorable to resist. He opens his eyes when you don’t reply, and you quickly give him your consent. His technique, if you can even call it that, grows sloppy as he rushes to clean up the mess he made. It’s like he was embarrassed, which makes your heart grow fonder. 
Once he finishes, his lips come together and make a loud smooching sound. He kisses the spot once again, lovingly, and then pulls away. You’re shocked to see the cut is no longer there. 
“Delicious. Sweet, with a hint of spice.”
You’re flattered by the handsome blood sommelier but retract your hand, hiding it behind your back while clearing your throat. 
“Um… Thank you.” That sounded more lame out loud than in your head, but nothing else seemed appropriate. 
Jungkook rubs the excess blood from the corner of his lips with his thumb. “It was my pleasure.” He sucks it and then releases his thumb with a loud pop.
Discomfort washes over you with how quiet the restroom gets, but you don’t break the silence. Instead, you turn around and head for the exit. 
“You’re [Y/N], right?” Three steps. That’s how far you got. “We were in the same year together.”
You grab onto the chain of your purse again. “Yeah. We were.”
And you leave it at that. 
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You walk around to ease the buried feelings threatening to bubble up to the surface. Aside from the reception in the garden, the rest of the campus is quiet. Not a single light is on from the buildings you pass, your heels following the moonlight instead.
You pass the library, the gym, and the fine arts hall, but your steps halt at the girls’ dormitory. Memories flood your mind one by one: decorating your room, staying up late studying for exams, and the time when Jungkook slept over and—no. Shit. Don’t think about a love that’s lost. 
A weighted sigh comes as you sit on the steps, giving your feet a much-deserved break. You hug your knees, tuck your head down, and rest it in your folded arms as if you wanted to hide from the world. Why the hell did you think coming here would be easy?
His touch lingers in your mind as you replay the moment. The way he held your hand, the way he was concerned for your well-being, and the way he fed off your blood was far more intimate than you expected. Then he said your name.
It ignited a yearning you thought you had suppressed.
“I should leave…” you say out loud to no one in particular. 
“And miss the group picture?”
You lift your head slowly like you were caught red-handed committing a heinous crime. You’re greeted by pointed black dress shoes, black dress pants, a white shirt and black blazer, silver necklaces, and soft doe eyes that could melt anyone’s heart. 
His eyes light up, a tinge of rouge dancing across his cheeks as he slips his hands into his pockets. “So you do remember me.”
How could I ever forget? “Well yeah… we were in the same year together.”
He scrunches his nose, amused at your usage of his past words. “That’s it? We were sparring partners, we went on missions together, and I’m pretty sure you saved my life by turning me into a hybrid,” Your jaw falls to the ground while his lips curve into a playful grin. “Ring a bell?”
The logistics of your compulsion weren’t specific as to how much Jungkook would remember. Then again, you didn’t erase his memory of your existence, so it’s natural he would remember some basic things. 
“Wow, you have a good memory. Um… yeah, I guess that covers the extent of our relationship.”
He quirks his eyebrow, sounding far too happy for your liking as he says, “We… have a relationship?”
You put your hands out in a stop motion and shake them in a panic. “No! Not at all. I–I meant that’s all we are to each other. Nothing more, nothing less. Just old classmates.”
“I see. What a shame though. I feel like we would have… should have gotten to know each other more back then.”
His voice has a trace of longing, but you dismiss it for friendly conversation. “Really? I was too focused on my studies anyway. You wouldn’t have liked me.”
He nods. “Considering how you stomped out my cigarette? Yeah, probably not.”
You scoff, a playful glint in your eyes. “Excuse me for looking out for you.”
“Never asked you to, but I’ll admit, I enjoy the attention.” You both laugh and then he extends his hand out to you. “Come on. Let’s go take the group picture together.”
“Oh, it’s okay. I’m not fond of pictures. Yoongi and Hobi don’t even know I’m here, so it’s not like they’ll notice.”
“I’ll notice,” You stare at him, watching his smile fade and how serious his demeanor becomes. “Your absence is significant, especially to those who care about you. They’ll remember it for the rest of their lives.”
You are about to speak when he adds, “Besides, the formation is off and we need one more person to fill in the gap.”
With a roll of your eyes, you swat his hand away and stand. “Alright, I get it. Let’s go.”
He smiles, puts his hands back in his pockets, and leads the way back. You follow him to the garden where guests are lined up in neat, staggered rows. Most of them have their arms crossed, some tapping their feet anxiously, while the rest have their hands on their hips. Even the main couple in the front row are mouthing words you can’t hear, but the way Yoongi slaps a hand to his forehead makes you aware of his distress.
“Oh!” Hoseok shouts with a jump, pointing his finger in your direction. “They’re here!”
Everyone expresses their relief with a “thank goodness” or “about time” as you and Jungkook make your way over. 
“You found her!” Namjoon says, holding up his hand for a high-five. Jungkook walks by too fast to notice, so you high-five him to ease his embarrassment.
“Wow, is that [Y/N]? You look incredible.” The man next to Namjoon gives you two thumbs up and you smile at the compliment. 
“Jin…” You can’t help but hug him tight and he reciprocates. Kim Seokjin aka Jin was the head witch on campus and counselor. You’ve confided in him for years and seeing him again almost brings tears to your eyes.
“Alright, alright. That’s enough.” Yoongi pats Jin’s back, a signal to release his hold on you. You laugh and then embrace him next, earning an obnoxious groan, but the fond smile on his face shows his true emotions. “I’m so glad you’re here. Thank you for coming.”
“Of course. Thank you for inviting me.”
You stop hugging him to see Hoseok with his arms out already, his heart-shaped grin wide.
“Come here~,” You let out an “oof” sound from how tight he squeezes you. “We had no idea you were here! Jungkook convinced the cameraman to wait until he found you.”
You let him go and look over to Jungkook, who clears his throat as he looks off to the side. The apples of his cheeks are rosy, which you find endearing. 
“Here, stand in the front row next to me,” Hoseok says, gesturing to the spot between him and Jungkook. Jungkook takes a large step to the right, allowing enough space for you to squeeze in.
“Alright, now that we finally have everyone here…” the cameraman says out loud, throwing a harsh glare in your direction. You give him a sheepish grin in return. “Everyone needs to scoot over to my left please.”
The crowd obeys, but the cameraman’s displeased frown remains. “Now everyone needs to squeeze closer together.”
There’s some shuffling and you bump into Hoseok after Jungkook’s shoulder bumps into yours. 
“Sorry,” he whispers. You tell him it’s okay.
The cameraman crosses his arms. “Come on, you guys. Act like you like each other! Closer!”
Everyone scooches in again, but Jungkook’s hand brushes against yours. The touch is electrifying, and you forget how to breathe. You can’t process your emotions as the cameraman orders the guests on your side to turn their bodies inwards at an angle. Jungkook exhales and his hot breath fans the nape of your neck. You feel your palms start to sweat. 
“Three, two, one, smile!” You put on your most picture-perfect smile, the flash nearly blinding you. “One more! This time do a silly pose!”
You observe what others choose for their pose. Bunny ears are common, heart poses are also popular whether using arms or hands. Some stick their tongues out while others fake a dramatic gasp. You shift in your position when your heels betray you and you stumble backward.
As if on cue, a pair of arms catch you and you’re dipped like you’re in a dance class with Jungkook’s face peering down at you. His sweet cologne wafts into your nostrils, a nice blend of amber and rose. These moments only happen in movies — or so you think — yet he’s a fantasy that somehow becomes your reality. 
The camera shutters and captures your deer-in-the-headlights expression and Jungkook’s, who mirrors after you. It makes the cameraman let out a hearty laugh, and he’s not sure who the real married couple is.
“Are you okay?”
You nod and he helps you regain stability. Your hand touches your face, feeling the heat radiating off your cheek. The cameraman dismisses everyone and your friends jump at the opportunity to hound you with questions. 
Hoseok’s eager to go first. “Whatcha been up to, [Y/N]? It’s been so long since we’ve all been together.”
“Just traveling, not much,” you reply, forcing the muscles in your mouth to cooperate into a believable smile. 
“Hey, that’s her business. Don’t be nosy,” Namjoon interjects. Yoongi and Jin give each other a knowing look.
“You’re just saying that because she communicates with you the most,” Jin teases. 
“I mean, I was her mentor… can’t help it if I’m her favorite.” He pats his puffed-out chest twice, proud as he winks at you. You giggle and Yoongi joins in the conversation.
“Okay, if anyone’s her favorite, it’s actually me. But anyway,” he tilts his head towards the bar, “help yourself to a drink.”
“Ooh, I will. Do you have any recommendations?” you ask. 
“Do you want something strong? Fruity?”
“Get her what Jungkook got,” Namjoon says. Jungkook stands off to the side, his jaw clenches at his name being mentioned. “You like peach-flavored things, right?”
“Yeah. How’d you know?”
“Because he told me…” He notices the group shooting glares at him like daggers. It reminds you of when an idol spoils their next comeback by accident. “... Told me it was delicious and that anyone would like it. It goes down smoothly. Very yummy. Hah. Hahaha! Is that a saxophone?”
He leaves the group in a hurry with Jin chasing after him yelling, “No! Leave the sax alone! I’m not paying for damages!”
Awkward glances are exchanged between Hoseok and Yoongi, a silent two-player game of telepathy you weren’t a part of. You can’t compel Hoseok, but Yoongi’s human. One look and you’d know what he was thinking, but that’d be highly inappropriate to do that to the groom at his wedding. 
“I’ll order my own,” you tell the couple and they wave goodbye. Jungkook’s already retreated to his friends, much to your relief. 
Once you’re at the outdoor bar, your mood lifts upon seeing the bartender. She puts down the glass she was drying and rests her hands on the countertop.
“Well if it isn’t the original hybrid queen herself.”
The bartender is young, her oval face and sharp jawline giving her a cute, handsome aura. Her hair is short, about shoulder-length, and straight. Her eyes are large, emphasized by her dramatic makeup to draw you in until you’re lost in them. 
“Hi, Ryujin. Wow, I haven’t seen you in forever.” She had a white shirt underneath her black vest; you think it suits her tom-boyish charms well.
“Since vampire ability class, I know. What can I get you, beautiful?”
The smirk she sends you has your nerves sparking, and the palms of your hands sweaty. It was different when a girl complimented you. It felt more believable, flattering even. 
You shrug in response to maintain a calm demeanor. “Hmm… I don’t know. Maybe something fruity? Citrusy?”
She nods, grabbing a shaker and a bottle of liquor under the counter straight away. You watch as she juggles the two items in the air, covering your mouth at the thought of gravity ruining her trick. However, she caught them both with ease, moving at such a fast speed as she concocted your beverage. It’s an elegant performance, her movements fluid like it’s an art. She finishes by topping off your glass with an orange slice.
“Here you go,” She slides the glittery pink drink over, and you take a sip, allowing the fruity taste to coat your tongue. “Matches your dress.”
You smile at the thoughtful gesture. “It’s good. Tastes like peaches and grapefruit. What’s it called?”
“It’s something I came up with. I wouldn’t mind sharing the recipe with you after the event’s over.”
You don’t miss the flirty tone in her words and can only laugh. She was so refreshing and has always stuck up for you in the past when others called you stuck-up for being a hybrid. Who knew she would end up flirting with you at a wedding years later?
“So? What do you say?” she asks, her eyes brimming with hope. You take another drink and finish the whole thing despite your shaky hands. She gives you a fond smile. “If I’m being too forward, tell me.”
“No, I’m just nervous,” you blurt out, setting the glass down. “You’re really pretty.”
“Is that so?”
You’re about to respond when you feel your temperature rise. You clasp a hand to your forehead, which goes from warm to scalding in seconds. Sweat beads form around your temples as your breathing becomes harsher. You rest your elbow on the counter to keep yourself balanced, but your legs are burning too. It was like someone lit a torch from beneath you, cooking your flesh inside out. 
“Hey, what’s wrong? Are you okay?” Ryujin asks. You shake your head and your vision blurs, the lights behind her looking like a bokeh image. She hands a bottle of water to you, and you gulp it down, yet the fever persists and you feel worse. 
Ryujin sees your eyes widen in alarm as you peer down at your dress. She inspects it too, but doesn’t see anything abnormal. You rub your thighs together. 
“Fuck… I think I’m in heat,” you tell her. Your hand rummages through your purse and then you curse again, frustrated. “I’m out of suppressants!”
Ryujin snaps her fingers when a lightbulb goes off in her head. “Ask Lia.”
“Good idea.”
You blink to wet your eyes, regaining clarity of your surroundings before heading to Lia on the dance floor. She was all smiles with a guy until you bumped into her, your darn heels being the bane of your existence.
“Sorry,” you quickly say, “I need your help.”
She takes one look, excuses herself, and brings you to a quieter space. Her hand reaches into her clutch and pulls out a lace handkerchief, dabbing the sweat off your forehead. Her touch is gentle and she asks quietly, “Are you in heat?”
Lia and Ryujin were best friends. Your sole encounters with her were because of Ryujin by extension, but even back then, you knew she was sweet. Wolves often looked down upon her because of her doll-like, docile appearance. However, she had enough balls to find friends in other cliques and was, what people say, a girl’s girl. 
“Yes, I feel like I’m dying. Ryujin told me to ask if you have suppressants.”
“I don’t. Do you not track your cycle?”
“I’m a hybrid! It’s random for me!” 
She grimaces, the pity in her eyes inevitable. “I’m sorry, I forgot. But you need to get out of here. Do you know how many horny young wolves are here with zero self-restraint?”
You shift your weight and a pool of discharge releases in your panties, the sticky sensation making you cringe. Lia brings out a travel-sized perfume spray and spritzes your entire body. A wheeze is forced out of you from the potent floral scent, but at least it will cover your pheromones long enough for a distraction.
“Hey everyone! The fireworks are starting soon, let’s go to the front of the school and watch!” Hoseok has his hands cupped around his mouth to carry his voice through the venue, catching the attention of all guests. Lia holds both your hands, looking you dead in the eye with a straight face.
“There. Use this time to find suppressants or get out of here. The perfume won’t last very long.”
“Thanks, Lia, I will.” 
While the crowd heads towards the front, you rush back to the restroom building. You’re a panting mess once inside, but you go into a stall, shut it, and pull down your undergarment. The fabric is soaked in slick and has a hefty weight—you have no choice but to discard it.
Grabbing toilet paper, you clean yourself up as best as you can. Then you step out, wash your hands, and exit the building.
“Hey there.” You almost topple backward from the sudden intrusion. Three guys are in front of you, all wearing the same, smug grin. They’re young, probably younger than you, but one thing’s for sure—they’re werewolves. 
There’s a particular scent that emits from wolves. It’s earthy, like a pine tree, and you’d usually find it comforting but now? Fear crawls up your spine like a spider has latched onto you, its legs creeping up your back in a spot you can’t smack away.
The one in the middle had greeted you first. He has a youthful face, and sculpted cheekbones, which are easy on the eyes. Speaking of, that was his most striking feature. They are almost cat-like (ironically) with how wide and long they are. 
“Are you lost? Everyone’s watching the fireworks,” he says, his thumb hiked over his shoulder. You don’t respond. “Ah, I’m Yeonjun. This is Beomgyu and that’s Soobin.”
Soobin is the tallest. He shows off his dimple smile upon being introduced, which seems pure, but the way his irises shifted to goldenrod says otherwise. Beomgyu, on the other hand, had the most innocent baby face you’ve ever seen. However, you don’t miss the way he licks his lips while giving you a once-over.
“I’m [Y/N]...” You don’t know why you give them your name, but it slips out. Maybe you hoped playing along would lead them to spare you. 
“Oh!” Soobin says, his index finger pointing up at the discovery. “You’re the original hybrid the professors rave about!”
“Half-vampire, half-werewolf, right?” Beomgyu asks. Your double moon necklace glows as you form your fingers into a claw shape behind your back. A small flame ignites and you hold it there, waiting for the right opportunity. 
“Yeah. I guess,” you say. “Why don’t you boys go watch the fireworks? I’ll catch up.”
“Nonsense! As gentlemen, we should escort you. Unless… you’d rather do something else. Here. Now.” Yeonjun raises an eyebrow, but you scowl in response. 
“No thanks.”
Soobin takes a step forward. “Is there anything else we can help you with?”
Beomgyu takes two. “I’m sure the three of us can be of use to you.”
It’s not until Yeonjun approaches you that you cower, stepping backward until you’re stopped by the water fountains. “No need to be shy. No one’s around.”
Your blood is boiling, though you’re not sure if it’s from your heat or rage. What’s worse is you’re not mad at them; you’re mad at yourself. Their words spurred you on as arousal drips down your thighs, a sign of your body’s betrayal. You fear if this escalates, they’ll figure out you’re not wearing anything underneath. 
“Get. Back.” You reveal the burning flame in your palm, the heat emanating off of it close enough to Yeonjun’s face. He jumps back and places a hand on his chest.
“Whoa! She’s feisty. Or should I say… fiery.”
“Maybe we should head back. She can do magic. I thought hybrids don’t know magic,” Soobin whispers. Yeonjun laughs at the ridiculous suggestion, shoving his friend for his cowardice as Beomgyu inspects him for injuries. 
“Doesn’t matter. Look at her state now.” He points in your direction, seeing how you’re barely able to stand. Your breaths are quick, shallow and your heart is thumping around like it’s going to burst out of your rib cage. The fire in your hand diminishes to a mere flicker, and then it’s out. You try to bring it back with the flick of a wrist, but all that emits are tiny sparks. Shit. I haven’t been practicing long enough.
Your womanhood is craving something, anything to alleviate the agony. It’s screaming for release, and you hold your abdomen as a sudden cramp pains you horribly. Human females experience this type of thing monthly and you have to hand it to them. This type of pain requires endurance and fucking sucks. 
You fall onto all fours, clutching your heart which is seconds away from bursting. It’s beating so loud, you can’t even hear the vulgar things the youngins are saying as they rush over. Soobin grabs your right arm; Yeonjun has the other.
You thrash in their clutches, but they only mock you with their boisterous laughter as they force you to your feet.
“Hey, hey! We’re just trying to help,” Soobin says. 
“Unless you’d rather be on all fours,” Yeonjun teases. Beomgyu bends down to your eye level, a crooked smile on his dainty face, the true embodiment of a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
 “You’re pure temptation, you know that?” He leans close, his lips grazing the shell of your ear as he whispers, “Give up. Don’t put up a fight.”
“I don’t consent,” you say, a harsh bite in your words.
Soobin squeezes your arm, almost crushing it in his large hands. “Why? Is it because we’re young?”
“It’s clear you’re horny… we are too. Come on,” Beomgyu pleads. “We’ll take good care of you. Teach us what you like.”
“Yeah. And we’ll do the same.” Yeonjun holds your hand, inspecting it closely. “So soft. I bet your hand would feel so good around my—“
“Get your hands off her before I bite them off.”
Dizziness overwhelms you, so all you see is a blurry figure behind Beomgyu, and you shake your head to come to your senses. Once the man’s face comes into focus, relief washes over you, sending signals for your brain to let down your guard. The energy you so desperately clung to has depleted, so you close your eyes as your limbs turn into jelly.
Five seconds pass and the boys’ hold on you is gone. Someone else catches you before you faint, his scent familiar and comforting. 
“I got you,” he says as he lets you lean against his body. 
“Can you stand?” You don’t know but nod anyway. “Good. Get behind me. You don’t want to see this.”
His broad back shields you from the three wolves, so you don’t even see the damage he inflicted upon them. Yeonjun was thrown into a tree a hundred feet away, the impact so potent that it split in half. Soobin and Beomgyu were fortunate not to collide into anything after being catapulted… except for each other. 
Soobin lands on top of Beomgyu and the smaller boy groans, pushing him off in a huff. He stands first and helps Soobin after. 
“Hey, we didn’t do anything wrong!” Yeonjun shouts as he scrambles to his feet, flaring his nostrils. “You and I both know she’s a bitch in heat!” 
You cling onto Jungkook’s blazer, and he looks over his shoulder.
“Is he right?” You don’t know if he asks to be polite because even you can smell your essence leaking. You hide your face in his back, flustered, but he feels you nod.
He redirects his attention back to the wolves. “That doesn’t give you the right to touch her. I suggest you leave before I make it physically impossible.”
Soobin scoffs while Beomgyu rolls his eyes. Yeonjun’s fuse was already lit and Jungkook’s sure there’s smoke coming out of his ears. You hear him crack his knuckles, the silence that follows deafening as you hold your breath in anticipation.  
“It’s three against two. Well, three against one, really,” Soobin says, laughing like he’s already won. 
“All I see is three smooth-brained pups who are pissing me off.” Jungkook’s eyes shift to a fiery goldenrod, the corner of his lips twitching as he smirks. “You��re aware that [Y/N] isn’t the only hybrid… right?”
You don’t see it, but their faces pale in comparison to earlier. Beomgyu covers his mouth, Soobin’s eyes widen, and Yeonjun growls. 
“There were rumors about more than one hybrid existing, but I didn’t think they were true,” Beomgyu says in a hushed tone. 
“She turned him? Fuck, they’re bonded then,” Soobin says. Yeonjun waves him off in a dismissive manner. 
“I don’t give a fuck. She’s not marked. We can take them.”
Jungkook has his fists up and changes into a fighter stance, but he feels you press your forehead against his back. It’s a searing sensation that scorches him even through the two layers of fabric he had on. He turns around and holds you by the shoulders.
“Hey, stay with me,” he begs. Your head is lolling back and forth as if you were inebriated. 
“It’s so hot… I’m too hot… I hate this, I hate this. Please… I need to cool down,” you beg. Jungkook takes a peek at the time on his watch, then bites his lower lip.
“Okay,” he whispers. “When I count to three, I need you to hold your breath. Can you do that for me?”
You mumble something Jungkook believes is a “yes” based on the beginning /y/ sound. 
“Three… two…”— he looks up —“one!”
A firework shoots up into the night sky, painting it with an explosive rainbow of sparkles. You cover your sensitive ears, but make sure to hold your breath as Jungkook uses his enhanced speed to whisk you away. More fireworks go off, muffling your tracks and making the youngins work harder to find you. 
However, Jungkook’s skills are unmatched. He sprints to the side of the school where the mountains are, and they follow suit. At the last second, he pivots and heads to the secluded area on the opposite side, where the lake is. 
The last memory you had here was something you blocked out to spare your mental health. You had almost died. But now this place was going to save you, funny enough. If you think about it, the lake had more happy memories than bad. This was where Namjoon trained you before you trained Jungkook.
You can picture it now as if it was yesterday. He, a newly turned werewolf, scared of what’s to come in his new life, and you, the school prodigy who had a crush on him.
Jungkook jumps off the dock with you in his arms, the splash overshadowed by the firework’s detonation. The cool water refreshes your sweltering body as you close your eyes, submitting to it. For a moment you don’t care about anything. Not how your makeup is smeared, how your curls are undone, or how your dress is ruined.
You feel strong arms hold you close, and an overwhelming sense of longing hits you in the gut. God, you missed him so much. Even without his memories, he still cares for you. Hell, he went out of his way to protect you.
Just when your lungs are on the verge of giving out, you’re pulled up to the surface. Your eyes flutter open as you rub the water off your face. Jungkook coughs, then cups your face with both hands.
“Are you okay?”
You take in his appearance for what feels like an eternity. His brown eyes twinkle from the moonlight, so beautiful and full of worry. You find it amusing how his hair is stuck to his forehead, the strands partially obstructing his view. Your hand pushes it out of the way without thinking like muscle memory, causing his breath to hitch.
“Thanks to you.”
Fireworks are still going off in the distance, illuminating you two in the crystal-clear water. Jungkook slowly removes his hands from you.
“Good. I um… don’t hear them anymore. They must’ve left. And the water should keep your scent hidden for now.”
“That’s a relief.” Jungkook places the back of his hand against your forehead but retracts it quickly as if he touched a hot stove. 
“Ow, oh my god. You’re still burning up!”
How naive were you to think it’d be over? You’ve experienced this once before, but that was with your first ex, who was at your beck and call for sex whenever you needed it. You couldn’t ask that of Jungkook. Not after everything that’s happened.
“I’ll figure something out. You’ve done a lot for me already and your clothes are wet.”
“I don’t give a damn about my clothes. Tell me how I can help you.”
A red heart-shaped firework went off as you two stared at each other. Your gaze flickers from his eyes to his luscious lips and he doesn’t miss it. Maybe you don’t want him to.
“Why do you want to help me? We… We’re not that close.”
“Well… the thing is… I-I just…” He is so freakin’ cute. You might die from how endearing he is before your heat destroys you first. “Because.”
“Because it’s finally just you and me.”
His answer is simple. There shouldn’t be any underlying connotations and yet, it reminds you of a past conversation. 
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“We’re in this together. You and me. Okay?”
“Is it really you and me…”
“What do you mean?”
“Will it ever be? Just you and me?” 
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“Now tell me what you need. Use me.”
Your pussy is throbbing so much that it’s agonizing. You just need a quick release, then you’ll be sane enough to go home without collapsing. 
“This feels…” So right, you think. “Wrong.”
His hands sneak around your waist. “Then let’s misbehave.”
He hoists you up onto the edge of the dock without warning as if you weigh nothing, and a grunt leaves his lips. It’s far too sexy to ignore, and your mind craves to hear it again. Then he places his hands on either side of your thighs and pulls himself up halfway out of the water, his face now directly in front of yours. 
“Tell me what you need. How can I please you?”
Fuck. You bite your lower lip when you realize the dock isn’t that tall—he’s at the perfect height to carry out the desires you’ve been suppressing. “I need to come…”
A water droplet falls off his button nose when he chuckles. “How do you want to come?”
You stare at his lips, which are thin yet plump at the same time, his lower lip being the bigger half. You think back to earlier when he sucked your palm. 
 “I want you to eat me out…”
He moves fast, almost like he knew what you’d say. His grip on the dock loosens, and he plops back into the lake but grabs your ankles, pulling you forward until your bottom is perched on the very edge. He spreads your thighs and rests his head between them, looking up at you like you were worth the entire universe. 
“Why don’t you lift your dress for me, gorgeous?”
You’re unsure what’s louder — the fireworks or your heart rate. If he keeps speaking to you in that low dialect, you may come right now. Your fingers bunch up the fabric at the hem and you slowly pull it up, exposing your pussy to his feasting eyes. 
“Fuck, what a beautiful pussy.”
You take two fingers and glide it up your folds, coating it in your slick. Jungkook watches, unsure of what you are going to do next. You lean forward, cupping his face with your other hand with a naughty glint in your eyes.
“Open.” He obliges, and you stick your coated fingers in his mouth. A muffled groan comes out as he sucks your fingers, his tongue swirling around so nothing goes to waste. “Good boy.”
You remove your fingers and he’s practically drooling, his eyes a bit crazed from your addictive taste.
“Please let me pleasure you, please.”
You don’t answer and run a hand through his damp hair, stopping at the back to grip it tight as you guide his head closer to where you need him most. He peers up at you adoringly when you hold him an inch away.
“Please me then.”
He doesn’t hesitate. His tongue licks a stripe on your sopping cunt, earning a shudder from you. Your thighs squeeze his head like a reflex, which only spurs him on to press his mouth harder against you. He begins to lap up your juices like a dog and you throw your head back, moaning at how insanely good it felt. 
You tangle your fingers in his hair and pull him closer if possible, the tight hold giving him a tinge of pain that ignites his carnal desires. He slurps your pussy like it was his last meal on death row, slithering his arms underneath your knees and holding your thighs hostage. You don’t know which noise was most obscene—your moaning or Jungkook’s.
Sneaking your free hand down, you use your forefinger and middle finger to spread your pussy lips wider. Jungkook’s excited and sinks his tongue as deep as it would go. You’re impatient now, riding his face as he tongue-fucks you. 
“Fuck, you’re so good to me, yes—oh god…” You don’t have it in you to say anything more coherent except for broken moans. Jungkook pauses for a second, and you whine at the loss of contact. Then you’re being stretched out as his two fingers submerge into you, nearly knocking the breath out of you. 
You lean back on your forearms as he begins to piston them into you, your wetness making it easy—too easy even. They slip out when he speeds up, and he makes up for it by eating you out and sinking his fingers back in simultaneously. 
You’re shaking, unable to hold yourself up any longer. Your back rests on the wooden planks as Jungkook flicks your clit with his tongue, his fingers drilling into you at a brutal speed and brushing your sweet spot. 
You see the last of the fireworks show go off, a beautiful explosion of silver sparkles and stars, as your orgasm finally comes. You arch your back and scream, but Jungkook doesn’t slow down. He can feel how tight your walls are constricting around his fingers and knows you need a few more seconds of bliss to be fully satisfied. 
Overstimulation was always a gamble. If pushed too far, you’d be in pain. But most of the time you welcome it. One second you want the pleasure to stop building, but then you crave that ache of clenching so hard until your body gives out. 
Jungkook stops again. This time he pulls himself out of the water completely and hovers over your body. His fingers plunge into you again, his speed relentless, and you swear you’re seeing stars (or maybe that’s the fireworks who knows). Your eyes roll to the back of your head and you say his name like a mantra.
“Come for me, beautiful. I want you dripping in my hand again.”
Your eyes are wide when warm lips are pressed against your own. But you submit and savor it, having missed his touch. Combining that with the way he curls his fingers inside makes you squirt. Hard. 
Your entire body convulses and you can’t even scream because Jungkook is determined to swallow them. The limitation only makes you come harder than before. Then again, you’re not sure if this is a second orgasm or a drawn-out first one. 
The involuntary gushing is an indescribable sudden wave of pleasure. You feel so relieved from the release, pushed to tears at how good it felt. Jungkook pulls away a centimeter to let you breathe, and you submit to the foreign feeling.
Oh my god, he made me squirt. I didn’t even know that was possible. 
He pulls his soaked fingers out and resumes kissing you, moving his lips in rhythm to yours. It’s so natural, almost like he’s done this before. Well, he has, but it felt so right. So loving. So… intimate. 
You place a hand on his chest and give him a gentle push. He pulls back a little, a melancholy look passing his face. 
“Will you stay?”
You can’t. He’s not supposed to be tangled up with you again. You erased his love for you for a reason; it wasn’t the right time. Any decisions made till now were because of your heat and your brain was finally back in command. 
“I can’t.”
He caresses your cheek. “Why not?”
Because I’m not ready to love you the way you deserve. Because I love you so much that I’m afraid things will fall apart again. 
“Because we don’t know each other,” You push him off you and stand, trying not to slip. Jungkook’s hands were already in position to catch you if you did. “Not really.”
As you walk away, he says something so chilling that it crystalizes your blood into ice. “You’re running away again.” 
You refuse to turn around. “It’s my choice.”
“What about my choice and what I want? Do you not care?” He stands up and tightens his fists. “Are you leaving for good this time?”
This… time? He doesn’t remember. He can’t remember.
“Goodbye, Jungkook.”
He watches as your figure grows smaller in the distance. His head hangs low and he fights back tears. You’ve made it clear what you want. He had to let you go.
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A/N: I am currently writing part 2, don't worry! It's a long one, lol. This was also my first time writing in present tense. Loved it. I hope you enjoyed it too. Thank you for giving my writing a chance. 🥰
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trashogram · 2 months
He Chose You (End)
Lucifer/Reader: Lucifer chooses you to be the mother of his child. Rated Explicit.
(There will be a short epilogue after this, but we’ve basically reached the end! Thank you so much to everyone who read, liked, commented and reblogged this fic! I had so much fun writing it!!!)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 13.5 | Part 14 | End
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Light from below your feet rose, blinding you as the glassy exterior of Heaven’s floor dissolved into nothing. 
     The collective screaming, gasping, shouting made your ears ring. It was so loud that you had no choice but to drop the ax to muffle the sound with your hands. Lucifer called for you, but you could do nothing as your senses became overloaded with the sights, the sounds — the smell and taste of angel blood that you couldn’t describe, though it fizzled on your tongue and made your lips pucker. 
Falling reminded you of diving into the deep end of a pool as everything around you started to dull just as soon as it reached a fever pitch. 
      Adam’s corpse bled out, gold dripping into the firelight that swallowed you up. 
      Sera stood head and shoulders above the rest, shrunken pupils flashing upon you. 
      Thunder rumbled over your skin. 
Your sight returned, revealing a billow of darkened clouds above. Lightening rippled through them here and there, but you found yourself unable to do so much as shiver at the close proximity. Something was keeping you paralyzed, hands still clasped over your ears and legs still stuck flexing as they had when you decapitated Adam. 
     Eyes flitting about, the only things free from the forced stillness, you saw that the light that overtook you had expanded, surrounding you like a forcefield. 
   This wasn’t a fall. Not really. Whatever this was was yanking you down with a strength that rivaled gravity.
You can never come back!
              You can never come back!
                              You can never come back!
Sera’s voice was immediately overtaken by your name, shouted out from above you. 
Feathers thrown in disarray, raining on and all around you before you caught sight of Lucifer racing toward you. The frightening sound of a boom like the aftermath of a bomb dropping followed his propulsion, rattling your bones and shifting the energy that cocooned you. 
      He circled round and round the energy field that you could not escape, until he was right beside you. 
Lucifer slammed himself against the barrier between him and yourself. Determination set in his eyes that were now completely normal, totally focused on getting through to you. 
     You tried to communicate the fear you felt with your eyes. It was steadily consuming you as you remained frozen while color and light changed every few seconds. Everything outside of your comet’s tail was growing darker and harder to define. 
     When darkness swallowed up the Devil, you weren’t able to scream. 
“I got ya!” 
Lucifer’s voice broke through before you saw him, crashing into the barrier once again. The light shattered like glass, but you felt solid arms wrapped around your body. Familiar hands gripped you around the shoulders and back, beneath your frozen wings. 
      You gasped, inhaling greedily. 
The blond took your desperate bid to wrap your arms around his neck and press him as close to you as possible in stride. 
      It was a struggle to speak. “I couldn’t breathe!”
“I know! I know, I know, I remember it being like that.” Lucifer said, hand running through your hair. “But it's gonna be okay! The pain won’t last for too long after you hit the ground.” 
You looked at him with watery eyes, lungs burning. “Oh god, Lucifer. I’m so sorry!” 
You hugged him with renewed vigor, tears streaming upward. He clung onto you with equal if not more fervor. 
      “You’re sorry?” He asked. “What d’you… why?” 
When you pulled away, Lucifer was staring at you in concern. 
“I’m sorry you have to experience this again.” You said. “I didn’t even think about it. I-I-I just, I got so desperate and I just wanted out and I wanted to be with you! I didn’t think—”
The devil instantly shook his head, hand cupping your cheek. “No, no, no. It’s okay, don’t apologize. There’s no reason to—hah…” 
     Lucifer was also in tears, giving you a wobbly smile. “I’d fall every day until the end of time for you.” 
You fell into him then, sobbing in earnest as he kept up with you serenely. You were both careening down through the ether, free falling now that your body had been freed from whatever was initially binding you. And you didn’t have a single thought aside from staying with this perfectly wonderful being that had had the audacity to actually love you. 
“We’re headed right for the portal.” Lucifer told you eventually. “We’ll pass right through and into Hell.” 
     He kept his hold on you, but you couldn’t help noticing that Lucifer had maneuvered himself to be beneath your body in the order of your descent. 
“Will we hit the ground?” You asked, the image of making an impact on the hard ground coming unbidden. 
The image of Lucifer taking the brunt of the trauma set your heart racing. Your wings twitched. You willed them to start flapping as they had in Heaven but there was only the vaguest feeling of their roots flexing. 
    Fuck’s sake. 
         You felt panic bleeding back into your body again and you fruitlessly attempted to pull Lucifer ‘up’. The King started to speak, but the adrenaline was filling you up. 
    A sudden shift from black to red (and warmth, sensation, clouds!) and the sound barrier breaking silenced you.
Lucifer’s full set of wings extended before you, arching back to make a powerful sweep upward before he rolled the both of you right side up again. 
     You were back to clinging onto him, squeaking. You heard him chuckle in your ear at the same time you realized that that powerful force-field of light had disappeared. 
“Sorry sweetie.” Lucifer murmured. “I didn’t mean to scare you!” 
     He hovered in the air with you in his arms, patient as you worked up the courage to pull away and look around. 
     Hell’s sky was a deep, deep red. Clouds of a softer shade floated past, little pinpoints of light that might be stars pricked the sky, and a large black moon sat adjacent to the teeming mass of light that you and Lucifer had just fallen from. 
Below you, slices of angular, beaming light zigzagged in a mildly familiar shape. When your eyes adjusted, it clicked instantly that there was a pentagram poised a little ways from you, and under that…
  The pentagram was bright, but through it shone bright lights from the city underneath. Your eyes widened, taking in the chaotic, clashing architecture of the Pride Ring. It was harrowing and strange, the sounds of screaming and laughter somehow audible in spite of the distance. 
     Amidst the sensory overload you found yourself comparing it to Las Vegas. 
           Lucifer nuzzled your cheek, bringing you back to the present. Head lifting so that you are able to look at him fully, you couldn’t help but smile. 
“Helluva a welcome.” You teased, earning a grin from the blond. 
“Ah!” Lucifer startled when you tugged him bodily in your direction. Your wings fluttered quickly with the return of feeling in your muscles, and you glided back with the Devil in your arms.  
You spun him round, twirling in mid-air, until Lucifer laughed with you. The two of you danced together over the glowing pentagram as though it were a stage.
There was no need to further tire yourselves as Lucifer conjured up a shimmering portal into his castle. You could feel the exhaustion of all that had transpired weighing you down before you were led into what would soon become your new home. 
    The opulence and splendor of the Devil’s palace could not be understated. It was gargantuan. His personal restroom alone rose higher than high and would have been roomy enough for everyone that had lived on your floor in the Donner apartment. 
     However, the most you could offer after the day’s events was a drawn-out yawn and a mental note to be amazed at everything later. 
Lucifer half-led, half-dragged you toward one of the sinks in his private bath. He left you only long enough to grab a number of towels and washcloths that piled so high in his arms they obstructed his view. 
      You giggled softly at the sight of rags being rushed over on a pair of short legs, and feebly offered your help. 
Ooh. Not rags — these towels were pure silk. 
The blond positioned you to face him and began to clean you up, scanning your face for any cuts or bruises. You admired him drowsily, trying to do the same. He simply pecked your fingers when they wandered over his cheek, but otherwise stayed focused to tend to you. 
      Silk slid over your face, wiping away the stain of angelic blood from your chin and down the side of your throat. Lucifer passed the cloth over you with utmost care, all while you stared at him silently. 
     It was only when he became aware of your intense staring that you gave into the urge to kiss him again. 
The Devil seemed to have the same idea, mouth already parting for you. Your stomach flip-flopped at the telltale slip of his forked tongue against yours.                    You breathed him in, lips moving against his in between brief inhales, desperate not to part for even one second. 
     Lucifer whined into your mouth, hands rushing to dig into your hips and pull you in. He ran his hands over you, petting at every inch of your body, heavenly wardrobe catching on your hips, over your breasts, around your thighs. It drove you mad, wishing that the damn clothing was off and away. Memories of Lucifer buried inside you, smothering you into the mattress could not compare to the real thing just within reach. 
      You bent over to follow him, teeth clicking against each other as you continued to devour him and his noises. Another whine had you gripping the base of his skull, newly-formed claws digging through his hair. The flush that Lucifer inspired under your skin ran hot; so hot that the feeling of his cold hands against your bare skin shocked you. 
      Glazed-over crimson eyes met yours when you broke away from him abruptly, confused and yearning while you fought to calm yourself down. He too was flushed… in gold. Golden blood. 
“Lucifer…” You swallowed. “We need… we need to get Charlotte…” 
The King hummed, slow on the uptake. But soon his darkened gaze lit up with recognition. 
“Ch… Charlotte!” He exclaimed. “Right! We gotta get our baby!”
You snorted at the theatrics, fondness settling deep down inside your chest. 
     Lucifer let you squeeze his hand as tightly as you pleased while the flames licked over you both. You fought not to manhandle him again, wanting to be brave. At least the change from ornate, colossal palace to inside of the old Donner apartment fireplace was over in a flash. 
     The firebox had warped, growing in size until it was large enough for you and Lucifer to walk through. Briefly you wondered why you had never noticed such a thing happening during Lucifer’s countless visits, but perhaps it was a trick that humans didn’t pick up on. 
Or perhaps Lucifer was short enough that the large fireplace hadn’t had to change so much for him alone. 
     (You didn’t know how to feel about being at least a head taller than Lucifer now. It was another thing filed under ‘To Address Later’ in your mind.) 
Mr. And Mrs. Farrow were not waiting for you when you stepped into their home. They were nowhere to be found. 
But a baby’s cry was coming from further back in the apartment. 
     You dashed toward the noise, with Lucifer at your heels. It led you to the outlet where you’d been only once before, and you were happy for small miracles because so much of this unit was unfamiliar to you, courtesy of your desire to avoid the kooks that had initiated you into their bizarre dealings with the literal Prince of Darkness. 
When you arrived at the spare room, it was practically pitch black. Tea candles had been re-lit here and there, but they barely distinguished the silhouettes of two very frantic, knee-high toys-turned-sentient. 
     The little creatures moved like phantoms in the dark. One was steadily pushing the baby bassinet from side to side, attempting to soothe the crying child within. 
The other was levitating at the edge of the bassinet, staring worriedly at the baby, clearly agitated before it realized that someone had entered the room. 
     Your eyes had already adjusted to the dim little room — purposefully avoiding the cot that lay on the opposite side of Charlotte’s cradle. There was no possible way to prepare for seeing your own corpse, if it was still there. You had chosen to banish the possibility from your mind, and hadn’t dared to bring it up to Lucifer lest he grow agitated if the thought hadn’t already occurred to him. 
You focused on the present. On your child. And the goat butlers that your Love had spontaneously breathed life into. 
“You really are alive.” You said softly in awe. 
     The little goat that had been watching Charlotte from above seemed to recognize you. He floated back down, and allowed you to run your hand over his head as you stepped up to the bassinet, momentarily feeling the fuzz of his red fur. His brother followed, and they bowed, both for you and Lucifer as well as out of your way. 
     Had you been less single-minded in getting to your daughter, you might’ve laughed at the look of relief on their faces. Taking care of a newborn without thumbs couldn’t be easy. 
When you pulled back the little curtains of the pram, you felt as if the wind had been knocked out of you. 
     Your beautiful baby. Your little Charlotte — she was reaching up, crying to be taken out and held. 
Without a thought, you obliged her. 
“It’s alright. It’s alright now.” You whispered, fingers smoothing over her porcelain forehead. “Mama’s here. Mama’s got you.” 
It was stunning to be able to actually touch your child, caress her soft skin and feel her yellow hair on your fingertips. She was truly like a tiny doll, with two dollops of pale red on either side of her cherubic cheeks. 
     You pushed down the compulsion to cry. Everything has happened so fast that you hadn’t had time to recognize what you would be missing upon your death. If you hadn’t done what you did, you wouldn’t have gotten to hold Charlotte ever again. 
You could feel Lucifer’s presence just behind you before he was at your side, solid and comforting. Whatever regrets you may have entertained about leaving Heaven vanished then and there. 
     Charlotte’s cries were dying down, turning into minute whimpers and hiccups. Her eyes opened in the middle of your slow rocking back and forth, focusing on you. 
You beamed. “Hello baby.” 
    She gurgled, barely a blink before a wide, gummy smile of remembrance animated her formerly tear-stricken face. A laugh stuttered out of you, thick with emotion while Charlotte wiggled in her swaddling blanket. The spade of her tail poked out of the confines and tapped against your forearm with delight. 
Charlotte looked from you to Lucifer as he leaned in, having shuffled around so that he was able to embrace you, Charlotte nestled safe and snug between your bodies. She squealed with happiness, eliciting more laughter. 
“Let’s go home.”
Tag List: @crescent-z, @for-hearthand-home, @undertale-is-sansational, @loslox, @navierkalani, @yaimlight, @ivoryviness, @crystalplays28, @flowerempress, @wally-darling-hyperfixation, @altruisticradiodemon, @moonlight-readings, @halparkebitch, @charliecharlie65, @sockgoblin, @cocomollo, @caniseethefourthsword, @squeegeeclean, @crow-twink, @an-emovision, @marydragneell, @lafy-taffy, @fandom-imagines1, @loquacious-libra, @glowymxxn, @avadakadabra93, @froggybich, @hamthepan, @ukor02, @adaizel, @boogiemansbitch, @vinillies, @lbcreations-blog, @thesoundresoundsecho, @serenity-loves-red, @alientee, @aquaamythest96, @0strawberrysorbet0, @fluffy-koalala, @washeduphazbin, @rebecca-hvnstn, @velvette3, @kermitdafroggy, @wpdarlingpan, @apatcheworkofproblems, @cherry-cola-100, @pink-apples001, @al-of-the-stars, @backinthefkingbuildingagain, @martinys-world, @alastorssimp, @wobblesthewaffle, @shikiribee, @undertale-anomaly20, @asakura-fangirl-stuff, @ringsofpersonti @angelicwillows, @wingoodlilboymyway, @cimadreamer, @museofzealoushope, @oneiric-rotaerc, @call-me-nyxx, @darling-angel222, @elementwind91, @bloody-delusion-expert, @devilslittlebabyxx, @diffidentphantom, @shamblezzz, @ranposanedogawa, @minamilinaqueen, @1-helluva-hazbin, @naniiiii12, @lokis-imaginary-friend, @zoethespiritwolf, @sakuraluna2468, @qardasngan, @wow-im-gay, @saturnalone, @rexnn, @h3art-l3ss, @its-a-dam-blue-brick, @saturnhas82moons, @im-so-tired52, @klallx
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emberuby · 3 months
in your arms forever — chapter two. | p.js
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chapter one | series masterlist | chapter three.
pairing: park jongseong x fem reader
chapter summary: you fully accepted your love for jay, and you two lived in quiet bliss in the background of your family drama. your love did not falter even when your dear sister came to visit you and tell you what a danger you put yourself in by falling for him. little did karina know, the danger never lied with jay but instead with his corrupt staff. a horrible and dangerous revelation will make jay question your entire relationship.
warnings: somnophilia, oral (m and f receiving), unprotected sex, creampie, mentions of semi-public sex, vaginal sex, jay is insanely horny all the time, heavy breeding kink, dark content, brief depiction of sexual harassment, heavy angst, betrayal, some fluff in the beginning, toxic and possessive jay, violent content, blood, murder, blood covered sex, hard dom! jay, sub! reader, mentions of body weight.
taglist: @nshmrarki, @strxwbloody, @anittamaxwynnn, @heeheeyeoiizz01, @star4rin, @yohanabanana, @lilyuwon, @delvziion, @tinyteezer, @partiallyderived, @liebe-love, @honeybunnee, @tmtxtf
note: yes the title of this fic is based on a shower sex scene, what about it? anyway, i'm glad i was finally able to get this done. i will be taking a break until the third and last chapter to write a few wips i wanted to work on, but the third chapter and epilogue is already mostly mapped out. ~ feedback is greatly encouraged and always feel free to ask questions ^^
wc: 14k
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That night, you slept peacefully and dreamt of your future with Jay. While in reality, your future was nowhere near as certain, in your fantasy world, the two of you moved into a smaller estate outside the city, where it was quiet, natural and felt like home. 
You were looking out the window, and you saw two children running around in the yard playing tag. The taller one was a girl, who looked so much like Jay, and the shorter one, who looked like he had just barely begun walking, still resembled his father more than he did you. You found that amusing, just how strong Jay’s genes were that your children looked barely like you. You wouldn’t mind it though, considering you thought of him as one of the most beautiful creatures to ever grace your life. 
Just like that, your fantasy began to shift. You were transported to the dining table, a glass of pink champagne in your hand, but just as you were about to take a sip, your husband grabbed it out of your grasp and spilt the contents of it into the sink. His eyes darkened and he furrowed his brows. He threw the glass onto the ground and you heard the sound of it shattering erupt on the wooden floors. 
You winced as you felt a shard of glass slice you on the shoulder and you began bleeding out. Doubling over, you grasped your shoulder, letting out a sob of pain. Jay immediately bent down and cradled your head. “I’m so sorry, my love. Fuck. I’m so fucking sorry. Please, please let me make it okay. Please forgive me.” He was sobbing now, holding onto you so tightly you began to feel dizzy.
Your fantasy faded away as you slowly regained consciousness. At first, you were highly confused about what the wet feeling was on your inner thighs. You felt soft but strong hands gripping your flesh, spreading your legs open. The figure started gently lapping at your clit with his clit and it felt like bliss all over again. Your mouth flew open before your eyes could, and you gasped as you felt the pre-orgasm tingles running up your spine. 
Your pussy was sensitive from last night, so when your eyes fluttered open to see Jay leaning over your cunt and eyes boring into you, you whined pathetically, “B-Baby…Please, I-I’m really…really sensitive.”
Jay halted his movements but didn’t stand up, instead smirking at you and peppering a few kisses onto your inner thighs, “I know I should probably pace myself, but you’re so irresistible. I couldn’t help it, after I got a taste of your pussy last night it’s all I’ve been thinking of.”
Your face heated up at his crude words, and you put your palms over your face to hide your embarrassment, “Don’t say things like that, Jay.”
Jay chuckled and released one of his hands from your hips and intertwined his fingers with yours, “No need to be shy. I’m just being honest, and communication is everything in a marriage, right?”
A marriage. So that’s what you two are now. You were a real couple. It only made sense. You loved each other and you were wearing his ring. I mean, for fuck’s sake, he almost got you pregnant last night, so it didn’t make sense for you to deny it any longer. You were Park Jongseong’s wife now. 
“Yes, you are,” you heard Jay whisper. Your eyebrows raised in surprise, and he grinned at your adorable reaction, “I guess you didn’t mean to speak your thoughts out loud.” 
You shook your head, “I’m just trying to process all of this. It’s a lot.”
Jay hummed in response, rubbing his thumb over your hand. You felt comfortable just being like that until Jay abruptly tightened his grip on your thigh and plunged his tongue back into your sopping wet cunt. Your mouth flew open again and you arched your back off the mattress, your head becoming light and dizzy. Your whole body ached, especially your cunt
Mixed in with your moans of pleasure were sobs from how overwhelmed you were, “Baby…Jay, please…p-please slow down,” your hand reached down to grip at his hair, hoping to maybe control his movements. That didn’t work though, as Jay interpreted it as a sign to go even deeper. He inserted two fingers into your sopping hole and continued licking your clit, incredibly precise with his movements.  
The pleasure was getting to your head and you began fluttering your eyes closed. You felt a harsh sting to your left thigh as Jay spanked it, and you screeched.
“No, open your eyes,” he warned. He went deeper into your pussy with his fingers, and you became flustered at the wet noises your cunt was making every time he’d entered you.
You refused, closing your eyes even tighter, feeling your eyes well up with tears, “I-It’s t-too…,” you paused to breathe, “It’s too much!” You yelped when he curled his fingers inside you, hitting your sensitive spot.
You felt another harsh slap on your thigh, making you wince. He said in a threatening tone, “Open your eyes and watch yourself cum in my mouth. I’m not asking.”
You weakly opened your eyes and were allured by how dark and mesmerising his expression was. While you were struggling to compose yourself, Jay looked as if he was just doing his job, and he was a professional at it. It made you fantasise about what it would be like to suck his cock, and if he’d be so dishevelled as you were right now.
The feeling of his tongue and fingers inside you was becoming mind-breaking and you felt like you were going to ascend. 
Jay enjoyed the knowledge of his effect on your body. To be fair, you were incredibly sore from yesterday, your body adorned with purple love bites he left on you and your voice hoarse from the noises of pleasure. You were bound to be more reactive because of your exhaustion. With that being said, he loved how little effort it took him for you to be lying beneath him like this, withering like a leaf, glistening with sweat and glowing from the inside out. 
You felt the pressure begin to rise in your tummy, knowing that at any moment you would fall over the edge. 
“You’re so gorgeous,” Jay beamed.
“Baby, I’m go-going to…c-cum,” you cried out, much to Jay’s approval. He didn’t say anything, instead quickening the pace of his fingers and tongue. You could only see the top of his head now, as he was bent over and eating you out as a man stared. 
You saw specks of white as your climax washed over you, and your hands were clawing at the pillows lying underneath your head. The fat teardrops were streaming down your face and your jaw became unhinged as you cried out, “Fuck, Jay! B-Baby…Please d-don’t stop.”
He fingered you through your orgasm, helping you come down from it by gradually lowering his pace, “You’re so beautiful when you cum. I should keep you in my bed forever,” he was facing you now and his mouth was glistening with your arousal.  
Your chest rose and fell as you struggled to catch your breath, “We should be more productive in the mornings, Jay."
“How was that not productive? I mean, we have an heir to make,” his eyebrows quirked up and his lips curled in a mischievous smile. 
“I don’t know what school you went to, but eating me out isn’t going to get me pregnant.”
He was now lying beside you, his hand pulling up the covers to help warm you up, “Haven’t you heard? The semen is stored in the spit.”
“That is an absolutely batshit crazy thing to say at nine in the morning,” you threw a pillow at his face. He erupted in a fit of laughter and leaned down to pepper kisses on your cheeks, making you giggle and squirm. 
“It’s noon, my love. You were out of it for a while.”
Your eyes flew open in shock. That means you’ve been asleep for well over ten hours. Getting fucked by Jay has exhausted you enough to fix your broken sleeping schedule. You haven’t gotten a decent sleep ever since you moved in, and even before that you had frequent insomnia, so the fact that you were able to get a full night’s rest and then some was delighting you. “Well, how long have you been awake?” You asked. 
“Honestly, I couldn’t get much,” he laid his head in between your breasts. You were quite ticklish to the feeling of his hair brushing on your chest, but you didn’t say anything and just began running your fingers through it. 
“Why is that?”
“You told me you loved me, Y/N. Any man would go sleepless.”
You suppose you did, however, you didn’t expect him to be so affected by it. You brushed the hair from his forehead and asked, “Do you?”
“Do I what?”
“Do you love me back?”
“There must be nothing in that beautiful head of yours if you need to ask me that. I’ve been in love with you for a very long time,” he chuckled. He pressed a kiss to your breast and began squeezing it like it was some stress ball. You were amused at how nonchalant he was about it like it wasn’t turning you on all over again. 
“How long? I mean we barely met a month ago.”
Jay fell silent for a few moments. He suddenly felt a wave of guilt come over him as he realised how little you truly knew about him compared to how much he knew about you. He couldn’t tell you that he’s been practically stalking you for the past two years, but he already has been revealing things that his mother would have killed him for telling you. He decided to tell you the half-truth, “We met before.”
“Yeah, at events and stuff, but we’ve never talked before that.”
He shook his head, “I’m quite offended you forgot about our meet cute, my love. Three years ago, at the New Year’s Gala.” You raised your eyebrow, not recalling what he was talking about. He pressed another kiss on your skin and continued, “I found you crying outside of the venue. You told me you got into a fight with your boyfriend.”
It suddenly all flashed back. The dim lights of the hallway surrounding the gala venue, your ruined make-up, your crying so intense you could barely breathe. You may or may not have been a bit intoxicated. It wasn’t clear to you what exactly that fight with Sunghoon was about, but all you were certain of was that he was going to break up with you. 
You were so messed up that night that you buried the memories in the back of your mind, quickly dismissing them after Sunghoon apologised and took you back into his arms. 
Jay knew from your silence you were thinking about Sunghoon, and his annoyance and jealousy led him to flick your nipple, making you yelp.
“Ow! What was that for?” You responded by flicking him on the forehead, however, disappointed at his lack of reaction. 
“Nothing,” he mumbled, pressing his face back into your chest. You rolled your eyes. You couldn’t believe how he was acting like a baby as if it wasn’t he who mentioned your ex. 
“Wait so, is that when you started liking me? That’s like three years, and you didn’t say anything? Didn’t you have a girlfriend—,” You were stopped when you felt Jay’s finger pressed up against your lips.
“Shh, let’s not talk about that,” he whispered. You giggled at his action, even as he continued, “And she wasn’t my girlfriend. Just someone who refused to leave me alone.”
That made you happy for some reason. You didn’t think of yourself as jealous or possessive but you grinned with the new-found knowledge that he fell for you so quickly and couldn’t care less about the women following him around.
He placed one final kiss on your breast and stood up from the bed, stretching his arm out for you, “We should go take a shower.”
You looked at his hand with suspicion etched on your face, amusing Jay. “We should just go shower, right?”
Jay smirked at your insinuation, rubbing his hands over his face to try to hide his expression, “I just need to wash you up, I didn’t get the chance to yesterday since you were so out of it.”
“I can wash myself,” you said stubbornly. You had an inkling that Jay would pounce on you the moment he got you into the shower, given how many hours it took for him to be satisfied last night. The look in his eyes alone screamed insatiable. Your body however was too sensitive and you wanted to give your poor pussy a break from his abuse.
“Alright, then stand up,” he ordered. His menacing smirk was pissing you off, and you were determined to prove him wrong. You shakily climbed towards the edge of the bed, barely being able to balance yourself on your arms, unaware of how much Jay’s cock hardened at the sight of you crawling towards him with your naked and love-mark-covered body. 
You managed to stand up on wobbly legs, a pain shooting up your body at the awkward movements. You looked up towards Jay’s eyes, annoyed that his smirk was still there. “Now walk,” he added, and you felt yourself become wet at his stern and dominating tone.
You were nervous about your ability to do so but tried not to show it on your face. You took one step and you began to fall, too weak and shaky to make it any further. You didn’t hit the ground due to Jay grabbing you up by the waist. He picked you up in a princess style and you wrapped your arms around his shoulder, giving up your ambitions and accepting that you’d need his help.
“Fine, fine…We can shower together. Just shower though, you know I’m exhausted” you scolded him.
He smiled at you, placing a peck on your lips, “Just shower,” he agreed.
“You promise?” You looked up at him with your lovely and hypnotising eyes. 
He nodded back, “I promise, my love.”
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He lied. Obviously. You were an absolute fool for believing him. 
The steam of the hot water was fogging up the glass of the shower door, as well as making it hard for you to properly think. Jay had you bent over, palms and tits pressed up against the cold glass. Your whines and the sound of your skin slapping were loud as he pounded into your cunt from behind you, and you were dizzy at the feeling of his cock splitting you open and the water hitting your back. You could feel the tip almost hitting your cervix. He was pounding inside you with no mercy. 
“Doesn’t this remind you of yesterday? When I took you in the rain,” Jay boasted. You couldn’t bring yourself to respond, but you agreed. This was much better though, given the water was warm and you weren’t afraid of someone catching you in the act. 
He reached forward to begin playing with your clit, causing a whimper to erupt from your mouth, “J-Jay. Slow down, ‘m gonna c-cum…” 
“So quickly? We just started, my love, surely you can hold out for longer,” he chuckled, fastening his pace on your clit and gripping tighter at your hips.
You sobbed out in pleasure, shaking your head, indicating that you aren’t going to be able to hold it in and will cum at any moment, especially with the stimulation from your clit as well as the inside of your cunt.
You heard him tsk behind you, and he began slowing his movement, eventually coming to a halt. You whined, “No…please, Jay. Please, let me cum.”
He harshly spanked your ass, making you hiss, “Didn’t you just tell me to slow down? Have I fucked you so dumb you can’t even make up your mind?”
You felt tears streaming down your face at the sudden loss of friction and pleasure, your cunt clenching painfully on his still cock. You subconsciously started moving your hips up and down on his length, trying to relieve your needs yourself, before Jay grabbed you by your neck and pushed your back flush against his chest. 
You felt him strike you again on your hip, hissing at the soreness of your skin, “Fuck, you’re such a desperate whore. Would you even be able to live without my cock?”
He used one hand to grip your waist, halting your bouncing on his cock. You shook your head, knowing that he had now ruined you for any other person, and you couldn’t imagine a life without him anymore.
“Answer me,” he tightened his grip on your waist. You, however, were far too disoriented to reply to him, given his fingers wrapped around your throat, the feeling of his skin on your back, the steam and the hot water hitting your body and his cock still deep inside you. You incoherently babbled something back to him.
You wailed again as he bent you over once more and thrust his cock back inside you. Your insides felt like they were on fire. Your hands began to shake and your palms slipped down from the glass, so you reached behind you to grip Jay’s biceps. 
“Tell me, Y/N. Tell me how much you love my cock. Tell me you could never live without me.”
You nodded weakly, “Yes, b-baby. F-Fuck, I love y-your…your cock! You’re it f-for me.”
You couldn’t see him, but you were sure he was smirking to himself at your words. He placed a kiss on the back of your head as a thank-you. 
“You can cum now, my love.”
Your eyes rolled back and your legs started shaking as you felt yourself cum around his cock. Jay wrapped his arms around to help steady you and groaned at the feeling of your clenching cunt. He came a few moments afterwards, mind melting at the feeling of you milking him dry.
You were in bliss at the feeling of his warm cum spilling inside you, filling you to the brim. You wished you were facing him so could kiss him and thank him for making you feel so good. You loved him immensely and wished you could be like this for eternity. Forever in his arms, just like this. 
“Don’t let a single drop go to waste, okay?”
You weren’t sure how you were going to do that, given you already felt some of it spilling out of you, but you nodded nonetheless. 
The next few moments were a blur. Jay washed you up. It was quite a weird experience getting shampooed with a dick inside you, but your mind was far too hazy to care. 
You then remember sitting on the bathroom sink as Jay wrapped you around in a towel, drying your hair and skin, making sure to go slowly and softly to not overwhelm you. He picked you up and brought you back to your bedroom.
He grabbed a body moisturiser from the nightstand and began rubbing your body with it. He wanted to help relax your muscles, soothing away the soreness that resulted from yesterday’s activities. 
He messages the lotion onto your legs, trailing up to your abdomen, and then finally to your breasts. You began to notice he had a weird fixation on your tits. He was palming at them, taking a longer time than he did with the rest of your body. When you looked at his face, you felt amused at the look of seriousness on it, as if he were taking a final exam.
“Jay, I swear if you’re getting hard over this I will—”
“I’m not, I promise,” he grinned childishly, “They’re just so fun to play with, can you blame me?”
You lifted your foot and placed the sole of it on his crotch, feeling how it was getting hard and stiff. You murmured, “You lying bastard.” 
Technically speaking, he was an actual bastard, but Jay decided not to make that comment. He instead threw his head back to laugh, “Okay, okay, I lied. I swear I’ll leave you alone this time. Just let me massage you, so you won’t be so sore later.”
“Alright then, go ahead.”
You laid there as he kept massaging you. He was so gentle with you, completely in contrast with how he was earlier. It was as if he thought you’d break if he was pressed any harder. The way he held you was incredibly intimate, making you feel warm inside. He looked so beautiful. You didn’t feel any sort of discomfort at being bare and vulnerable in front of him, instead you felt completely safe.
You raised your hands to try to brush his hair away from his face, but he pushed it away, telling you, “Relax, my love. Please.”
You obliged, letting him have his way with you.
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It was the first time you and Jay sat together in the dining room. The space was devoid of any staff, as they left after serving your lunch. You were quiet, looking down worriedly at your food.
“Why aren’t you eating, my love? Do you not like it?” Jay voiced, reaching over to grab your hand.
You shook your head embarrassingly, “I just…I feel like the staff is ignoring me. When I walked here, none of them even looked at me.” You were aware that the servants generally didn’t acknowledge you much, but they never looked so flustered around you as they did today.
Jay threw his head and began laughing loudly, making you even more embarrassed, “I guess you weren’t quiet enough, but who can blame you? I’m amazing in bed.”
“Jay, I will throw this tomato at you,” You fumed, your eyebrows furrowing in a way that made Jay gush at how adorable you looked. He couldn’t stop laughing after you put your face into your palms and groaned. 
“Y/N, it’s fine. They’re probably surprised at your change of heart since you’ve been treating me like the plague for all of last month,” He had a point, but you still felt ashamed that the poor staff had to witness your blaring sex noises. 
Jay on the other hand wasn’t feeling nearly as sorry. Most of the staff staying late into the night were the guards, and he knew a few of them to share unsavoury glances towards you, especially your personal guard, Marco. They made it disgustingly obvious how much they would take you if you were to give them the chance. 
He smirked at the thought of them having to hear all your noises throughout the odd hours of the night, not being able to do anything about it. That should teach them to never look or breathe your way unless necessary. He placed a kiss on your knuckles and decided to change the subject to help distract you from your embarrassment, “What do you think about having your sister come over?”
Your eyes lit up. Gods, you missed Karina. It was killing you to not know how she was doing, “Yes! Please! Let’s have her over for dinner tonight, yeah? Oh Gods, I missed her so much,” you slapped your palms together and squealed. 
Although your mind was mostly preoccupied with Jay, you never forgot how you didn’t get to bid farewell to your sister because she was on a trip during the whole moving process. You were sure she was distressed with not knowing how you were or how to reach you.
“I’ll go call her then,” Jay smiled at you and left the room to go find his phone. Jay thought it’d be better to call her as soon as possible given how long the drive is from your former family home to his. He, however, wasn’t looking forward to the conversation.
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“Park Jongseong?! Oh, you have a lot of audacity calling me now. You steal my fucking sister in the middle of the night and now you’re calling me acting like nothing happened? Where is my sister?! I will kill you, motherfucker!” Karina was belting so loudly that Jay had to stretch his arm out to not burst his eardrums. 
He sighed and rolled his eyes, very much expecting this reaction from her. Karina was known for her protective nature when it came to her little sister and was high up on Jay’s list of the most terrifying women in the world. He was lucky he proposed to you while she was away, not even wanting to think of the tantrums he would have to deal with. He had a feeling she would have barricaded you to stop you from having to leave if she could.
“Nice to hear from you too, Karina,” he muttered sarcastically. 
That made her even more infuriated as she continued yelling, “You fucking prick! You’re lucky I’m not there because I’d rip your throat out with my bare hands if I could, you bitch! Do you think because your mommy has all the power in the world you can just go around acting like you own the place? Give my sister back you asshole!” 
“Karina, I suggest you calm down. I’m calling because your sister wants something from you. And just for your information, my mother was the one that arranged all this, blame her.”
He could hear Karina’s breathing relax. She answered with a shockingly soft tone, ignoring the last part of his words, “She needs something? Of course, I’ll be there. Tell her that.” 
Jay found it far too hilarious how quickly her demeanour changed. “She wants you to come over for dinner tonight. Is your schedule—,” he was cut off by her excited gasp.
“Of course! I’ll free up my schedule. I’ll be there. Give me the address,” she beamed.
He was amused at her sudden change in demeanour, chuckling to himself. 
“What the fuck are you laughing at? You cunt!”
He ignored her, “I’ll be away running errands tonight which should leave you two plenty of time to catch up.”
“Oh, so what? You’re too much of a coward to face me?”
She wasn’t necessarily wrong. He wasn’t interested in dealing with Karina’s drama today, but even if he were to stay for the dinner, she’d probably be pissed and ask him to leave so there was really no winning on his part. He sighed.
“I will let your sister know you’ll be coming.”
“Wait, why doesn’t she—”
He hung up. 
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You saw the car drive up to the entrance, and from the front, you saw your family’s chauffeur. Then came out Karina, who smiled so wide she shined like the sun. She came running towards you and you almost fell over when she tackled you, embracing you tightly. 
“Y/N! I missed you so much,” she began showering her eyes through your body, then tightly grabbing your shoulders, “Are you hurt? Did he hurt you? Tell me exactly what he did to—,” her voice was rushed and desperate.
In contrast, yours was calm and collected as you tried to ease her worries, “I’m okay. We’ll discuss everything once you’re inside.”
You could tell in Karina’s eyes she couldn’t quite believe your words. For all she knew, you were being held hostage, being threatened by Jay not to say anything. 
You hooked your arms around hers and walked her through the manor towards the dining room. It was beautifully decorated as per your request, wanting everything to be absolutely perfect for your sister. 
“Any preference for your drink?” you asked softly.
“White wine is fine,” she murmured, glaring at all the servants walking around the room. 
You both sat down, and Karina still had a heavy layer of suspicion etched on her face. She almost flinched when Sara came up behind her to pour the wine into her glass. You clapped your hands and declared, “My sister and I would like some privacy for the evening.” The servants scattered out of the room, and you noticed Karina’s shoulders deflate in relaxation. 
“I don’t want Jongseong’s spies to be listening in on our conversations,” she muttered, glaring at the silver platter of food in front of her.
You were quite amused at her attitude, although knowing she wasn’t exactly wrong. You knew your actions made it back to Jay through the watchful eyes and listening ears of the servants and guards, much to your frustration. “Tell me how you like the pasta, I asked Minseo to make you your favourite—”
Karina stabbed her food with a fork and groaned, “Y/N, I’m not here to talk about fucking pasta,” you flinched at her tone. Her eyes softened at the look on your face, “I’m sorry. I’ve just…This entire month I’ve been feeling insane. I cried every night because I was the reason why all of this happened to you,” her voice cracked at the last part.
Your eyes flew open, “Karina, what are you talking about? None of this is your fault.”
Karina’s eyes were welling up, “I never should’ve gotten involved with Heesung.”
You knew from the beginning that your sister’s relationship with such a dangerous man from the underground of Olympus would get the family into trouble, but you never wished for it. Karina being the heir to the family company made it especially more tricky.
Although your dad loved you both equally, you were only the spare in case something happened to Karina, so he never particularly cared about your entanglements, such as the fact that you were in a relationship with a low-class man. 
As far as you remember, your father had no idea about Karina’s relationship, but ever since the Parks began their siege, you don’t doubt your father has been made in the know and gone to great lengths to end it.
“What happened to him?” you asked.
“To say Dad was upset would be an understatement,” Karina chuckled through her tears. “He threatened to send his men after Heesung and his family if he ever went near me again, so we cut off contact. Haven’t heard from him for over a month.”
You pressed your palms on your forehead, appalled at the state of your family right now. Your father was not known to be a violent person but you could imagine with the state of the company and family right now, he goes to any lengths to protect them. Compared to what your father and sister were going through, the past month has been peace and bliss for you. 
“I’m going to get you out of here soon, Y/N, trust me.”
You looked down, too afraid to meet her pleading eyes, “I don’t wish to leave.”
Karina stopped all her movements and the look she sent your way sent a shiver down your spine, “What?”
“I’m fine here.”
Her eyes were bulging in shock at your calm tone, “What do you mean you’re fine? You were threatened to marry a man you didn’t even know. You were going to get engaged to Sunghoon, I mean what—”
“This is what I wanted to discuss with you, Karina,” you put your wine glass down. Karina furrowed her eyebrows, but with a slight bit of patience left in her body, she motioned for you to keep going, “My engagement to Jay is the least of your worries right now because I’m fine. I’m not hurt, I’m safe and Jay will protect me from—”
You heard the floor creak as Karina stood up from her chair, “Protect you?! From what, his own family? Y/N, what the fuck are you talking about?”
You sighed, wishing Karina could just understand where you were coming from, “I’m just trying to tell you that you don’t have to worry about me. Jay cares about me, he—”
“This is fucking insane. Is he making you say all this? Is it Stockholm syndrome?”
You began walking up towards her, “You don’t know him, Karina. I trust him completely.”
“Then he manipulated you! Him and his bitch of a mother. Y/N this isn’t right, he is a monster, he does not care about you because why else would he take you from us? Keeping you locked away in a fortress is not a sign that he cares about you, he wants to control you. They have complete control over Dad because you’re here. He thinks that if he steps out of line against the Parks, they will kill you!”
You never thought of it that way, assuming you didn’t have a particularly large part to play in the war between your and Jay’s families, however, you still felt the utmost trust towards Jay.
“Karina…please,” you put your hand on her cheek, brushing away her tears of frustration, “Jay would never let something like that happen to me. Please, believe me.”
Karina's eyes squinted as she looked like she was thinking. She fumed, “You’re in love with him, aren’t you?” The look on her face was terrifying, reminiscent of all the times she contemplated killing someone for hurting you. You stayed silent, not being able to look into her scowling eyes. She shook her head and sighed heavily, placing her face into her palms. “You stupid, stupid girl. How can you not understand that he’s not a good man?”
“He doesn’t have to be a good man for me to trust him,” you whispered. You knew you sounded insane, but you were honest. You knew from the gossip around high society that Jay was not a kind man, there often being rumours of him being just as violent as his mother, if not more. 
Maybe it wasn’t logical, but all the times he told you that he loved you, you believed him and knew in your heart he would never hurt someone he loved.
Karina sighed, sitting back in her chair and wrapping her arms around your torso. “They took you from me, Y/N. They made me think I was the reason you were suffering.”
“I understand Karina, but look at me now. I am safe.”
Karina wasn’t letting go of the suspicions she held for Jay but knew you were going to be stubborn. Generally speaking, you did look okay. In fact, you were glowing from within, utterly in love and happy. She remembered the dark circles that used to adorn your face back when you struggled with insomnia, that were beginning to fade. Not to mention how your body looked fuller and healthier compared to how sickly you looked before. 
Karina trusted you were doing well, but didn’t trust Jay to not betray you. She wasn’t sure what she was going to do about him but decided to leave it for now. 
“I’ll kill him if he lays a hand on you,” she lied. She was far too weak to hurt Jay and knew there was practically nothing she could do given the power of his family.
“Karina…,” you sighed, cradling her head.
“I love you, Y/N. I don’t want what happened to Mom to happen to you,” she began sobbing.
“Don’t you dare say that,” you tried to comfort her. 
After you managed to calm her down, you sat back in your chair and tried to continue your dinner normally, pretending like your lives were the same as they used to be. You asked her about her trip, and she asked you what books you’ve been reading. The sky became dark, and eventually, you and Karina called it a night. 
Standing at the entrance, you watched as Karina walked down the marble steps towards the car. Before she could step into it though, she quickly ran back up and embraced you once more. 
She desperately wanted to stay, spend every waking moment protecting you from the dangers of the world like she used to. 
“We’ll see each other again, Karina,” you whispered.
“Of course. I’ll just miss you so much.”
Once she finally left, you stood there in front of the doors to the manor, your hair blowing in the wind of the late evening. You were still trying to process everything Karina told you. As of now, the people you trusted the most were your sister and your husband, but what were you to do when they were on opposing sides?
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You were rubbing the serum into your face, staring intently at your reflection in the bathroom mirror. It had been about an hour since Karina left, and your mind was reeling at the events of the night, still conflicted inside you. 
You saw Jay’s figure walk into the bathroom, stalking slowly behind you. He pressed his chest against your back and leaned down to kiss your neck. He was trying to ignore the feeling his crotch pressed up against your ass. 
You were getting ready for bed, so you were only in your panties and an oversized shirt that you found in Jay’s closet, hoping he wouldn’t mind you taking his things. He wrapped his arms around your stomach and asked, “How did it go, my love?”
You knew you shouldn’t have lied, but you didn’t wish to worry Jay, and maybe a small part of you was trying to be more careful about the things you said around him ever since Karina reminded you just how untrustworthy he was, “It went really well,” you grinned into the mirror. 
“I’m glad,” he whispered. He sounded tired, and although that was true, he was also lying about his interest in your day. He couldn’t care less about how things went with Karina as long as you were okay. He understood he wasn’t being the best brother-in-law, but he didn’t invite her over because he wanted to feel closer to his family. All he cared about was your happiness, but didn’t concern himself with anyone that involved in it that wasn’t him.
“What’s that?” he nudged his chin towards the bottle of moisturiser you picked up.
You raised your eyebrows, “you’ve never used face moisturiser before?”
He shook his head, taking the bottle from your hand and inspecting it, “I kept wondering why Minseo bought these little bottles for you.”
You rolled your eyes, “you’re telling me you don’t do any skincare?”
“Nope, I just know you put that cream over your body after you shower.”
You threw your head back in frustration, “How on earth is your skin so clear then? That is so unfair,” you were utterly envious of just how perfect he was.
He chuckled into your shoulder, turning you around to face him, “Why don’t you put some on me?” 
You felt him grip your waist and pull you close, close enough to hear the sound of his breathing. You took a fingerful of the moisturiser and began rubbing it into his cheeks. His smile was loving and warm, mesmerised by your soft touch and your intense focus on his skin. 
His skin was so smooth, it almost made you want to cry. Fuck, he was truly the most gorgeous and flawless man in the world. How did you think you wouldn’t have fallen for him so deeply?
Once you were done, he did the same to you, gently rubbing the cream into your face and neck. You could tell he wasn’t used to doing this, his technique being very sloppy, unlike the one he had when he was rubbing your body that morning. 
You both stood there in silence as you stared at each other, and he could tell in your eyes how affected you were by the intimacy of it all. Your body was hot, your nipples were hardening at the pressure of his chest against them, and your panties were beginning to dampen. 
You gulped as he lowered his hands down to your hips and pulled you closer, your body now completely flush against his. It was impossible to ignore the feeling of his bulge pressed up against you.
“I want to make you feel good tonight,” you whispered in his ear, trailing your hands down his chest. 
He tightened his grip on your hips and said, “You always make me feel good.”
You shook your head, leaning down on your knees, looking up at him with your doe eyes that could’ve melted him into a puddle, “Not like that.”
His breathing became heavier as you unzipped his dress pants and pulled them down. Your back was arched and your eyes were focused solely on how large his bulge had already gotten. You followed by slowly trailing down his boxers. His cock sprung up, hard and already leaking with precum. Gods, he was so greedy for you that it was almost embarrassing how much you affected him. 
You wrapped your hand around his cock and began pumping it up and down as Jay groaned at the pleasure. It was slightly sloppy, much to your embarrassment. “I’m not very good at this,” you said sheepishly. Your eyes were shiny and your face heated up at the admission. Although you weren’t a virgin, you were not very skilled at blowjobs.
Fuck, you were like a nymph that was brought into this world to make Jay go completely mad. You looked so beautiful, and oddly innocent as you were pumping his erection while looking softly into his eyes. He wanted to ruin you. He wished he could keep you around him forever. Even with how inexperienced you seemed, he had to hold himself back from not cumming right then and there.
You finally wrapped your lips around his tip, worried at how much of his cock you could truly take. He sighed in relief as you began bobbing your head up and down, sucking him off as your life depended on it.
He was going to let you take control and be gentle with you because of how timid you seemed, but he couldn’t wait to imagine training your throat to take him properly. He wanted to take you like this over and over again, fucking your face and decorating it with his cum. That would be for another day, though, and he prided himself on his patience. 
You couldn’t manage to take his entire length, gagging at only the halfway point, so you used your hands to pump the base of his cock. He smirked knowing your mouth could barely handle his size yet. 
His groans were loud, his hands were running through your hair, trying to move it away from your face. He felt his orgasm nearing and told you as much. 
He tried to push you back, not wanting to spill himself inside your throat so as not to shock you, but you whined and shook your head. There were tears brimming in your eyes, but you held kept pumping his cock inside your mouth and in your hands, your face hot and your eyes sultry as you desperately wanted to taste him. You wanted every part of him inside you, including his seed, so you weren’t about to let him go.
Jay was shocked at your persistence and desperation. He finally spilled inside and you felt his cum coat your throat. It was warm, and you swallowed every last drop. 
Once you were satisfied you let go and bent over, palms on the floor. You were trying to catch your breath and relax, and felt Jay embrace you and began rubbing your back in an attempt to soothe you like he always does. “You were amazing.”
“I tried my best,” you managed to say in between coughs.
“You were incredible,” he reiterated. “I was just shocked that you swallowed, you seemed like you were really struggling,” he chuckled.
You rolled your eyes at how he was practically boasting about the size of his cock. You lightly slapped him on the shoulder and said, “I wasn’t about to let you cum all over my face and ruin my skincare.”
He grabbed your head and placed a kiss on your temple, “Another time, then,” you felt the smirk on his lips against your skin.
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For weeks following that, you and Jay were completely inseparable. You couldn’t imagine living a life without him, and he couldn’t handle the thought of you being out his sight for even one moment.
Jay stopped visiting his father at night, instead choosing to spend it with you, doing whatever it was that you wanted, taking you wherever you wished. 
You were physically tired almost every day due to your ever-so-active sex life. Jay took you anywhere that he felt like. 
One day, you two were playing pool and Jay couldn’t help but focus intently on the way you bent your body over the pool table. The game ended with your chest pressed up against the fabric of the table, your skirt lifted up to your waist, and Jay’s cock pounding away inside you.
He would frequently take you back to the gazebo where your love for him blossomed to what it was now, and he fucked you there in practically every position you could think, and each time you felt fearful and yet also enticed by the risk of someone catching you two.
When he took you to restaurants, it was not uncommon for him to slip a vibrator inside you and increase the setting every time the waiter came around to check on you, making you shake in nervousness and stutter in response.
Although it was rare, he would sometimes let you be on top. Just a few nights ago, you two were watching a film by the fireplace when an intimate scene came on and you couldn’t hold yourself back from getting on top of him and desperately riding his cock. Your moans were loud that evening, and you got so exhausted that Jay had to help you by gripping your hips and guiding you. It didn’t take long for him to flip you over though, and take control away from you, but you greatly enjoyed your brief moment on top of him.
It was an understatement to say you two were utterly insatiable for each other.
You were now getting ready for bed, your body wrapped in a bathrobe after your hot shower. Jay was in his office, you believe he was making a few business calls, but weren’t entirely sure. After doing your skincare, you went into your bedroom and began changing into your pyjamas.
Right as you were about to start buttoning up your silk sleeping shirt, your personal guard came into the room, making you gasp and grab a nearby pillow to cover your chest. The material of your clothes was thin and you weren’t partially comfortable with him seeing you like this. 
“Marco?! What are you doing here? Is everything alright?”
Marco nodded, not doing anything to soothe your worried reaction to him intruding on you. You were appalled at his lack of manners, because what man doesn’t knock before walking into a lady’s room? “Mr. Park just wanted to let you know he’ll be up here in about fifteen minutes.”
You nodded nervously, “Yes, of course. Thank you for letting me know. You can go now.”
He didn’t listen, instead, he slowly walked up to your shaking body and asked you, “May I?” pointing at your shirt. He gently took away the pillow from your hands, and even though you held onto it for dear life, his strength made it all too easy to leave you bare for him. 
You placed your arms over your chest, trying to cover it, but he placed his hands on them and tried to calm you, “Could I just button them up for you?.”
His grip on your arms was tight as he managed to spread them open. He began buttoning up your shirt slowly and making sure to brush his hands against your bare skin. Marco did not think very highly of you, although being mesmerised by your beautiful body. It was getting harder for him to ignore his desire to fuck you open in your marriage home. He used to wonder about what it would be like to be your paramour, given how little seemed to like Jay in the beginning. 
You were disgusted by his touch and sternly said, “Marco. Leave, right now.”
Right as he finished with the last button, he stepped back and your breathing intensified at the events that just transpired. You sent a glare at him, and began raising your voice, “Get the fuck out!”
Marco had no reaction on his face, no remorse for disrespecting you, and just as he was at the door to leave, he turned around and with the most frightening tone, said, “Mr. Park is a lucky man to have you as his bride.”
Once he left, you ran up to the door and shut it as hard as you could. You pressed your back against it and loudly sighed in relief now that he was gone. You immediately ripped off your clothes and threw them in the laundry bin, not wanting any bit of Marco touching your body. You thought you would have to burn it once you had the chance.
You turned off the lights and laid yourself in bed. Your breath was shaky and your mind was heavy. 
After a while, once your body managed to calm down and you began forcing yourself to try and sleep, you felt the door creak open again. You flinched.
“Jay?” you called out, wanting to make sure you weren’t in danger again.
“Yes, my love?” he replied. He sounded exhausted. 
You felt him lay beside you and you immediately turned around to wrap your arms around him tightly. You weren't sure how you were going to tell him about Marco, or whether you should tell him at all. You were now terrified of living in this house.
Jay felt your heavy breathing in the crook of his neck and knew you were thinking about something that worried you, “Is everything okay?”
You nodded weakly. “Yes. I’m okay,” you lied.
“You know you can tell me anything, right?”
“Of course, baby.”
That night, Jay felt a sense of dread as he felt you distancing yourself once more. He knew you weren’t telling him something. Although he understood it would take you longer than just a few months to fully trust him, he desperately wanted to know what it was that was hurting you. 
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Before Jay could step foot out of his office, Minseo came into the room rushed and ever so slightly dishevelled. She looked as if she saw something terrible transpire. 
“Mr. Park, a word alone please,” she said breathily, “It concerns Mrs. Park.”
Jay’s eyes flew open, “What? Is she alright? I saw her just half an hour ago, what happened?”
Minseo looked down, her face red in a mixture of fury and worry for you. “I witnessed something bad happen to her last night.” 
Jay furrowed his eyebrows. He knew it. He fucking knew it and he was appalled that you hadn't told him about it. He stepped closer to Minseo, “Tell me what happened, please. Don’t leave a detail out.” Who do I have to kill? He didn’t say the last part out loud, but Minseo knew already the dangers that came the way of the man who laid his hands on you.
“It was Marco,” Jay’s eyes darkened at her words, “I saw him enter her room while she was changing. She begged him to leave, of course, she was practically naked. He forcefully grabbed her and placed his hands on her chest. He left after she screamed at him one last time,” Minseo’s breathing was uneasy as she imagined the stress you might have been under. She could tell from Jay’s body that he felt murderous, but was holding himself back from losing his cool in front of her.
She couldn’t bring herself to look Jay in the eye when she continued, “I am so sorry, Mr. Park. I wish I could’ve gone in there and stopped him, but I was afraid of his strength. You hire such strong men to protect you I was afraid he would’ve used that strength against me. I know it was selfish, I beg you to forgive me. I am so sorry your wife had to get hurt under my watch,” her eyes were brimming with tears, and she didn’t calm down as Jay awkwardly patted her shoulder to calm her. 
“None of this is your fault. Please find Marco and bring him to me,” he said through his clenched teeth and reeling mind. 
“Right away,” she said but before she could leave he said one final thing.
“Stay close to Y/N. As of now, you’re the only one in this house I trust to be around her.”
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It had been a few hours since Jay suddenly left the manor, much to your surprise. You didn’t get the chance to ask where he went, and when you asked Minseo, she gave a vague answer about him wanting to visit his father once more.
You felt suspicious regarding her answer but decided to leave it alone. You thought you would have eaten dinner alone that night but Minseo decided to join you. Although it was odd, you did appreciate the company.
Minseo stayed close by to you the entire night, right as you went to bed. For hours you just laid on your mattress, awake and wondering what it was that had Jay missing for so long. A part of you was embarrassed by how dependent you had become on him that a single night away was causing you to act this way. Another part of you went back to the words shared by your sister the night she came for dinner. All about the dangers that come with entailing yourself in Jay’s life. 
You heard the whispered sound of running water in the bathroom across Jay’s bedroom and stood up to begin walking towards it. In the dim lighting of the hallway, you saw Jay’s silhouette bent over the sink and washing his hands.
“Baby? How did your visit go?” you asked timidly. He didn't say anything, and as you walked closer you began to feel confused at his white shirt that was no longer white. It was covered in massive pools of red and his skin. His hair was wet from the sweat and by Gods, he looked like an absolute mess. Your eyes widened and you placed your hands over your mouth in shock. “Jay?! What happened? Are you alright?” you said, reaching over to grip his bicep. 
He stared at your reflection in the mirror, and you felt a shiver run up your spine at his terrifyingly dark stare. He again stayed silent for a while, letting your shock wash over you. 
Then he began, “I had to hear it from Minseo of all people.”
Your hands were shaking ever so slightly, eyes trailing over his body and noticing he had no cuts or wounds, leading you to believe this was someone else’s blood. “What?” you whispered. 
You flinched as he turned around and slammed the door shut behind you. He grabbed your shoulders and forced you to look into his eyes, “A man laid his hands on you,” his breathing was hard, “he hurt you and I had to hear it from fucking Minseo?” he asked. His voice was rough but not loud. 
You began putting the pieces together and realised the blood on his clothes that was now transferring over to you was belonging to your old guard. You had no words, focused solely on his murderous stare. 
You managed to muster up, “Why did you kill Marco?”
He growled, “That’s a stupid fucking question, but I’ll entertain you,” his voice was menacing, “No man who lays a hand on my wife will make it out alive. I made sure that bastard suffered until his last dying breath.” 
There were tears brimming in your eyes. You’ve never been so terrified by the man standing before you, and a part of you desperately wanted to leave his grasp. You gently cupped his face with cold hands, “You shouldn’t have done that, Jay. I was going to tell you eventually. You could have fired him, but now—”
“Fire him?! Are you mad? Fire him so he could go work with another family and assault their women?” He was fuming, “I do not believe you would have told me anything because I know a part of you still doesn’t trust me. I’ve tried to make you believe that I’m not a monster, but I’m done with that bullshit.” 
You did trust him. Gods you trusted him to an illogical point, but fear was not the same thing as distrust. “Of course I love you, but this is not the man I fell in love with.”
“Oh, you know damn well that’s not true. Who the fuck do you think is responsible for executing my family’s enemies?” Your mouth flew open at the revelation, your mind flashing back to the warning words of your sister.
He sighed, his fists clenching, “If you love me, then show me. Don’t keep secrets from me. Why would you keep that from me?” He turned over his palms and you saw the red streaks of blood and the purple bruises adorning it. Even after he tried washing it, it was still obvious what happened. “Do you see my hands? They’re covered in the blood of a man who dishonoured you, and I’d do it a million times over again. I need you to understand that.” 
This was the real him. Although your presence in his life has made him infinitely times warmer than he used to be, he was built on a foundation of darkness and violence. You were what finally made his cold heart beat to life, and he would do anything to protect you and keep you by his side. 
“Jay…,” you embraced him, not wanting to keep looking at his blood-covered body, “I am so, so sorry. I should have told you everything, but I was in shock. I felt ashamed that I let him touch me and I…,” your trailed off.
He pulled you towards him and began rubbing your hair, feeling guilty now that he didn’t have enough time to process how you may have felt about all this. His insecurities led him to believe you didn’t say anything because you were afraid of him. He imagined resurrecting Marco and killing him over and over again for making you feel this way. 
“You are mine,” he murmured.
“I am yours,” you reiterated, your eyes were shining and pleading.
“I almost went mad, Y/N.”
“I think you did go mad.”
He shook his head, the corner of his lips raising, “You haven't seen me go mad just yet. That was nothing.” He grabbed your jaw and roughly kissed you. Your grip on his shoulder tightened and you felt ashamed by how aroused you became. What he did terrify you to no end, but a part of you, a sick and depraved part of you, liked the possessiveness of his actions and words. You were his, mind and body, and you enjoyed seeing him prove to you as such. 
“You are mine,” he repeated, low and furious, “Every part of you belongs to me.”
He raised his legs to force your cunt on his thigh and began grinding against it, making you whimper. “Y-Yes, baby. I’m all y-yours.” 
He slapped the side of your thighs, which were bare as you wearing your pyjama shorts, making you yelp in pain, “You do not keep secrets from me, do you understand?” 
You nodded, your shorts dampening at his roughness. Your face was heating up and you began to sweat, ashamed at how little control you had over your body. You would have done anything for Jay, and let him take you however he wanted.
Now, you were about to let him fuck you open while covering you in the blood of his enemy. 
“Get on your knees,” he demanded. You rushed to the ground with no hesitation, your face now facing his pelvis. After that night two weeks ago, you hadn’t gotten the chance to go down on him, and you felt yourself leaking into your shorts at the excitement of getting to do it again. “You know what to do.”
You immediately unzipped his trousers all too quickly you wrapped your mouth around his cock. It was all too overwhelming to you how badly you wanted to make him feel good, a part of you hoping to use this as a way of asking for forgiveness. Jay was amused at your desperation, “Gods, look at you. You’re such a slut for my cock.”
You whined around his cock, as you’ve always loved when he talked down to you. Jay’s style of lovemaking was usually a mix of roughness and intense movements alongside soft and reassuring words. However, you never did mind him degrading you. 
Like before, you were struggling to handle his size, but instead of going gently on you, Jay grabbed a fistful of your hair and began gradually fucking himself into your mouth. Your throat desperately tried to take him in smoothly, but you were becoming lightheaded at the abuse on your poor mouth. 
Jay was enjoying seeing you like this, desperate and exhausted, with your cheeks adorned with fat tears from your struggle to take him. Your throat felt incredible, and he made it his goal for you to be able to take it fully eventually. To be fair, you were doing better than last time, but you still had a ways to go. You were slobbering and gagging at the feeling of his tip hitting the back of your head, and Jay knew he would cum soon enough. 
Jay glared when he noticed you trail your hands inside your shorts, taking your own action to relieve the pressure in between your legs. He pulled your face away and you began pumping him, letting his seed spill all over your face. Fuck, the way you looked made him want to devour you whole. 
He leaned down to pick you up and placed you on the sink, taking a handful of your ass and slapping it in fury. You cried out before he grabbed your hand and lifted it up in front of him, seeing it covered in your essence. “I didn’t say you could touch yourself, now did I?” 
You shook your head, “I’m sorry, I…I just…I’m sorry, baby.”
He spanked you again, making tears well up in your eyes once more. He growled, “You don’t get to call me that tonight.”
You nodded nervously, “I’m sorry, sir.”
“You do not do anything unless I tell you to, understand?” 
“Y-Yes, of course. I’m so, so sorry,” your voice was desperate and submissive. 
He turned you around and pulled your shorts down, your ass now on full display for him, already pink from his rough strikes. “I forgive you, my love,” he whispered, “But I’ll have to make an example out of this. I don’t want a bad girl to be under me.”
His hands came back onto your ass, but he didn’t just stop once, instead striking you a few times until your legs were shaking and your skin became sore at the feeling. He plunged his cock inside your pussy with no warning, making your double over in shock and pleasure.
He pounded inside of your cunt, grabbing the hair on the back of your head and pulling it up so you could look at your reflection in the mirror. You were embarrassed at how you looked, so pathetic and desperate and at the whim of Jay’s commands. Your pussy clenched around his cock as you felt it his your cervix, “S-So deep. You’re s-so deep,” you stuttered. 
You felt his balls slapping your clit and your mind was spinning at the mix of stimulants. Fuck, it would take Jay practically seconds to make you cum at this point, and you were indeed right. You clamped around him as you felt yourself climax, but that didn’t stop Jay. He kept rutting himself into you, pulling your hair once more.
“Look at yourself. You look like a whore who was made to take my cock. A desperate and pathetic slut,” you clenched at his crude words, much to the soreness of your pussy from your recent orgasm.
He brought you up to stand and flipped you over once more. He lifted you up by your waist and you wrapped your legs around his torso. Just like before, he wasted no time shoving his cock deep inside you. He brushed away the tears of overstimulation that were brimming in your eyes. 
All the times you’ve taken him, and yet you still couldn’t get used to his size. It truly felt like he was splitting you open every time, and it didn’t help that he was practically treating you like a rag doll right now. He was filled with utter adoration and love for you, so much so that he couldn’t handle the weight of it. 
He placed a kiss on your lips, making you breathless. “I-It’s too much, s-sir. I’m go-going to…cum!” you yelped. You were incredibly sensitive but you could feel your second orgasm nearing itself. You held him as if you were going to fall into a deep tunnel, and your life depended on his stability. “It’s too much, Jay.”
Jay sucked on his teeth and looked at you with mock disappointment, “Oh? It’s too much? What a shame. You’d think after all these nights you’d be able to handle a bit more but here you are, weak and pathetic as ever.” 
You shook your head, wanting to tell him he was wrong, but your voice was stuck in your throat. You were determined to prove to him you could handle his intensity, but how could you when he was right, and you were losing your mind before you could even cum a second time. 
“Do you still want me to slow down?” he asked with a smirk. He was putting up the front that he was testing you, but he was becoming worried this may be too much for you as he felt his sanity come back alive. “Say the word and I’ll stop.”
“Not a chance,” you declared, your stare filled with lust and determination. You were going to prove to him that you could handle anything that he sent your way and tightened your legs to pull him closer inside you. You heard him groan at the feeling and you began seeing stars at his cock going deeper than you were ever used to. 
You are incredible, Jay’s mind was reeling. You never failed to leave him amazed at how much love he could feel for one person. 
He kept pounding on your sensitive cunt, bringing his hands down to start playing with your clit, causing you to moan louder than you had the entire night. Your body was shaking, sweating and glowing. 
Jay was close, and you were even closer. You came around his cock once more, a few thrusts before you felt him spill his warm seed inside you once more. Your clamping pussy was milking every last drop of him, satisfying the desire for Jay to fill you up and get you pregnant. “I’m going to get you pregnant, yeah?” he whispered.
You nodded, your doe eyes shining with the dim yellow lights of the bathroom, “Yes, I beg you.”
“You beg me?” he smirked, “You beg me to fill you with my heir? You don’t have to ask, my love. I can already imagine you swollen with my babies. You would look so beautiful. Fuck, I can’t even imagine how you could look even more beautiful than you do now.” He decided not to mention how he wanted to show every man who encountered exactly who you belonged to, and who was your rightful life partner. 
Gods, he couldn’t breathe at the thought of you two raising a family together. He would do absolutely anything to protect them and would go to the lengths of the world the same he would for you. 
You slumped over and rested your head in the crook of his head, closing your eyes in rest. 
After he washed you up and changed your clothes, he took you back to the bedroom, deciding to deal with the bloodied bathroom another time. 
As you laid on the bed, looking peaceful and in bliss, Jay kissed you on your temple, “You will never understand the extent to which I love you,” he whispered. However, you weren’t awake to hear him. 
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Karina had her arms intertwined with yours as you were walking through the lush garden of your backyard. The sun was blaring and the sky was perfectly clear. 
You asked Jay if your sister could come over once more because you missed her presence incredibly, and although you were telling the truth, you left out the part about you still being terrified of what Jay has done to your old guard.
Since that night, Jay had fired your other personal guard, as well as many other staff, believing them to be reckless enough to let Marco slip through the cracks and hurt you. He had hired two new personal guards for you, and one of them was a man he trusted with all his life. His name was Jake Sim, and he was a childhood friend of Jay’s who had previously worked as a guard for the mayor of Olympus.  
Jake was not too far behind you and your sister, a common occurrence whenever Jay was not around you. It was honestly annoying, but you understood why Jay was paranoid. 
“I can tell something is wrong, Y/N,” Karina said lowly, afraid of Jake overhearing what she was saying. 
You looked down at the ground, “Something bad happened last week.”
You explained everything to Karina, only leaving out the part where you came on Jay’s cock two times mere minutes after being told of the death of Marco. Your face heated up at the reminder of your blood-soaked pyjamas.
Karina’s jaw fell at the revelation, and although she fully believed him to be capable of such murder, a part of her hoped you wouldn’t be subject to the horror of his ways. She immediately wrapped her arms around you and began tearing up. 
“That bastard!” Karina screamed, not caring anymore about the fact that you two were not alone.
“Jay just wanted to protect—”
Karina’s head snapped at you and she looked appalled, “I don’t mean him, you dummy! I meant your guard. A horrible, horrible man assaulted my baby sister and I wasn’t there to protect her.” You heard Karina’s voice tremble in fear and worry.
“Karina, stop it,” you gripped her hands, “Stop blaming yourself.”
Karina couldn’t help it. Her mind kept going back to all the mistakes she made that led to you ending up in this situation, living in the same house as a murderous monster. She imagined she would’ve wanted to do the same thing if she found out you were hurt, but chose to ignore that. 
“Y/N, don’t you see? This is why I don’t trust you living with Jay,” Karina began rubbing her forehead.
“Karina, I told you to drop it.”
“He didn’t even hesitate to just kill a man, that is psycho behaviour. You know well enough that was not his first body either,” Karina was fuming. “Y/N, Dad and I have been thinking of how we could get the upper hand on the Parks and get you out of this situation.”
You were confused and a little frustrated at Karina’s refusal to understand you wanted to stay with Jay but nodded your head to let her continue because living in bliss with the love of your life was at the expense of your family's suffering. 
Karina whispered, “Jay’s mother is going on a business trip next week, so the Parks’ manor will be empty except for servants. Dad has a spy who is currently working for Aphrodite and he tells us that Mrs. Park is keeping her blackmail material in a safe in the manor. You will go there with Jay and find it, I will tell you as soon as possible the code and location once I get more information but tell me, can you do this for me?”
You were hesitant, but replied to her, “I will try, but don’t you think this is reckless? The Parks are going to find other ways to control us.”
“Y/N, it’s worth a try. The files they have aren’t only about me and Dad. The things they have about you are horrendous,” she was trembling.
“Look, I don’t know the exact details, but you could be in great danger. Please, I’m begging you,” she looked at you with pleading eyes. She didn’t want to admit it, but a part of her felt safe putting you up to this because she knew Jay would never let something bad happen to you. 
You nodded nervously, “I’ll do it.”
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You and Jay were walking hand in hand through his mother’s manor, heading towards the dining room where you first met her personally. Jay was confused from the very beginning as to why you wanted so badly to come here, not believing any of your odd and vague reasonings. 
The manor was empty of most servants after his mother went overseas, except for a few that weren’t in your vicinity. 
“Should we have a drink?” Jay quirked his head towards the wine cellar.
“I wouldn’t mind a wine,” you smiled his way, but before he could pull you towards the room, you exclaimed, “Oh! You don’t happen to know if your mother keeps that strawberry champagne, would you?”
Jay’s movements stilled. His soft expression that was plastered across his face dropped immediately and his heart felt like it dropped to the soles of his feet. Surely you weren’t talking about what he was thinking. “What?”
“Oh, I guess you don’t. It was this pink and glittery champagne that your mother infused with strawberries, it was really good,” you said completely unaware of the turmoil inside Jay’s heart.
“Uh…yeah, why don’t you go to the dining room? I’ll go get that for you,” he rushed out of your grasp much to your worry and confusion.
You watched as he tensely walked away from you as though he were running out of time.
You were nervously swaying from leg to leg as your mind was focused on the files that were currently in your purse. While Jay was talking to Jake about something unbeknownst to you, you quickly excused yourself to head to the bathroom and as quickly as you could, you found the safe and managed to take the blackmail files.
The code was still engrained in your mind: 200402, Jay's birthday. It filled you with guilt knowing you were doing this without his knowledge, but you had to help your family in any way you could. You knew Jay would do almost anything for you, but his fear and love for his Mother were heavy; she was where he drew the line.
You didn't get to take a proper look at the files, but you were practically sweating at the thought of stealing something from one of the most dangerous women in the world. Gods, you hoped you didn't royally fuck this up.
At the other end of the manor, Jay’s mind was racing, and his hands were sweating, but he tried to calm himself until he saw the proof. When he entered the cellar, he immediately headed towards the dark brown cabinet behind where all the champagne was stored. His mother commonly kept her most dangerous weapons in there.
When he opened it, his heart dropped as he saw it. The one thing he never wanted to imagine. A vial half-filled with pink syrup, with a white label on the front of, ‘Philtre for the Love of My Son’. 
Jay was fuming, and he violently grabbed the vial before smashing the vial on the ground. He fell to the ground, his hands resting atop the shattered glass of the vial, not caring if his palms began to bleed slowly.
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“Drink this.” Jay placed a glass of green-tinted liquid in front of you. You looked up at him and his look instilled fear in you. His eyebrows were furrowed and he was focused solely on the glass. He was furious. 
“What is it, baby?” You asked unsurely. 
“Just drink it.” He looked into your eyes and he was pleading, his eyes shining with a mixture of frustration and despair. It has always been so difficult for you to know what was going through his mind. However, you had an endless amount of trust in Jay and knew in your heart that he would never do anything to hurt you. 
You slowly took a swig of the drink. Once you gulped it all down, you keeled over at how disgusting it tasted. It tasted of bitter and unripe berries, sour and bitter. “Jay, are you trying to kill me?” You tried to make a sarcastic joke to help lighten the mood, but it didn’t seem to help. “What was that?”
“It was an antidote.”
“My mother poisoned you, Y/N.”
Your eyes flew open, in both shock and confusion. “I haven’t seen her in over a month how is that—”
“That is exactly when she did it,” Jay turned around and now his back was facing you. Even though you couldn’t see him, you could now tell the inner turmoil that was raging within him. 
Jay had been angry before, but never like this. “There is no such thing as pink champagne, Y/N. At least not in our house. What my mother gave you was…” He trailed off, dropping his gaze to the ground and sighing deeply.
“Whatever it was that she gave me it clearly didn’t work. I’m still alive.”
“You drank my mother’s philtre.”
“A philtre? You mean a—”
“A love potion, Y/N. Meant to artificially induce a feeling of love towards someone. That someone being me, obviously.” His voice was shaky at the end. It dawned on you what this all meant, and why on earth Jay was acting so odd and distant ever since you mentioned the champagne.
“Philtres aren’t real, Jay. That’s all just folktales, your mother was being stupid,” you said, but weren’t even sure if you believed it. As much as you didn’t want to think of his words as true, you knew Jay wasn’t a foolish man.
Jay shook his head, now turned once again to face you. His eyes were glassy now, and you noticed his hands were clenched. You couldn’t stand to see him in such a distressed state. 
“They are real, Y/N. They are all too real.”
You shook your head, not wanting to believe it for a moment. You knew magic and alchemy were a common practice in Olympus hundreds of years ago, but laws surrounding their usage have made them practically a myth.
Jay continued, “My mother never had the physical strength to physically hurt her enemies, let alone would she let blood stain her carefully chosen clothes,” his fists clenched, “so she resorted to poisoning them. Eventually, she realised that controlling people is much more powerful than simply getting rid of them.
She began following the recipes of ancient alchemists and eventually perfected them. It’s how she has so many powerful people under her thumb. Her logic was that if it’s not fear that makes them act in her will, she can just take away their will.
Philtres are another thing completely. I know her to be cruel but,” his voice cracked ever so slightly, “this is monstrous.” 
Jay felt disgusted with himself.
Tears began to fall on your cheeks as the reality of everything began to fall on you. He didn’t believe you to be in love with him, and this entire time he was using your unawareness and intoxication to his favour.
“I mean, I should’ve known. Why else would you have acted so differently after the dinner?” Jay asked. He remembered noticing your shift in demeanour, but a selfish part of him didn’t want to investigate further because he enjoyed your attention and your newfound love for him, as much as it made no sense. 
You immediately got up from your seat, rushing over to get in front of him and place your hand on his shoulder, “I am in love with you, Jay,” your voice was in heavy breathing, “I mean, this is insane. Why would your mom even do that? It makes no sense. She drank the champagne with me, so how did it only effect me? This must be a mistake.”
“That's not how alchemy works, Y/N. When you brew the potions, you can control exactly who will be intoxicated by it," Jay's fists were clenched in anger but his eyes shined with tears. "How could I have not known? She wants to control you. She wants it to hurt when she unleashes her fire on you because that would mean you would lose the love of your life,” he couldn’t look into your eyes. “I’m setting you free now.”
Your face fell, “No, Jay. You don’t mean that.”
“My mother is too much of a danger to you. I need you to leave.”
“I am not leaving, Jay. Please, I need you to understand I love you.”
“It is all fake. You never loved me, how could you love a monster like me?” He remembered the night he confronted your former lover. Sunghoon thought of Jay as an animal and an evil man, and Jay couldn’t help but agree with him now.
You cupped his face, your hands shaking violently, “Jay. Don’t leave me.”
“My mother hurt you, Y/N. I hurt you. I can’t keep having doing it.”
“You will hurt me if you leave me, Jay. I don’t know what your mother fed me but it didn’t matter because I love you. Nothing in that bottle measures up to the true love I have for you. Please believe me,” you said in between hiccups.
Jay gently grabbed the hands that were wrapped around his face, and put them back down, sighing in disappointment. “You have to go, Y/N. I can’t send you back to your family when my mother would just go after you, so I’ll go somewhere far and you can stay back at my manor,” you didn’t fail to notice how he didn’t say ‘our’ manor like he used to.
“Baby…” you trailed off, not knowing what to say. You could barely see anything with how thick the tears were that were flooding your eyes. “Baby, I don’t know what to do to make you believe me. Why can’t you believe that I love you?”
“Because there’s nothing about me that you could love,” his tone was of finality like he couldn’t bring himself to look or speak in your presence ever again. Your heart felt like it shattered, and your breathing became hard. 
Jay had to use all his strength to not come to you and hold you as you let your tears out on his shoulder, and instead picked up his phone.
You watched in despair as Jay turned away from you and placed his phone to his ear, “Jake, I need you to come take Y/N home,” he paused to hear Jake’s response, “No, I won’t be coming.”
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dilemmaontwolegs · 1 year
Wild Nights || CL16 {1}
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x songstress!reader Summary: After getting dumped before your wedding you decide to take your best friend on your honeymoon instead and end up having a whirlwind romance. Warnings: 18+only, NSFW, smut, oral, angst WC: 2.3k F1 Masterlist || One || Two || Three || Four || Five || Epilogue
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The memories of last night ran through your mind like a montage that was powered by a strobe light, disconnected images and snapshots that blinded you and left your head aching. You blinked against the bright sunlight flooding the bedroom you didn’t recognise and tried to suppress the groan of pain that came with the hangover you rightfully deserved.
You had drunk far too much but you deserved to let go and have fun. Getting dumped right before you were meant to be married definitely gave you a free pass to go wild so you kept the booking for your honeymoon in Monaco and took your best friend instead.
“Shit,” you cursed under your breath as you spotted your iPhone on the bedside table and found the battery dead. 
A soft snore had you freeze and you slowly turned to the sound with a racing heart as another memory resurfaced. The back of a head full of lush, thick dark hair rested on the pillow beside you and your eyes trailed down his spine to the curve of his ass that was obscured by the sheet hanging over his hip. 
Angry red lines marked the otherwise smooth skin of his back and you remembered the pleasure of that moment. It had been the first time in a long time that you hadn’t needed to fake the orgasm that rippled through you. You had forgotten the feeling until you had collapsed light headed among the fluffiest pillows you had ever laid your head upon and fallen into the deepest sleep in weeks.
You slipped quietly from the bed and tiptoed across the carpet, collecting your bra and panties along the way until you found your dress in the living room. You bit your lip as you skirted around a broken vase, remembering how - shit, what was his name? - how he had picked you up with surprising ease and sat you on the side table between the desperate kiss you were locked in. The shattering of the glass hadn’t even fazed him when your ass had knocked it off. 
You looked around the apartment as you crept to the front door, hoping to find some indication of a name, but the high end place must have been an AirBnB because there was nothing personal anywhere. The only notable item at all was a beautiful Steinway Grand Piano that you were envious of, wishing you had a few minutes to run your fingers across the ivory keys. 
The thought of playing the piano drew the whispers of a memory that you couldn’t quite clutch.
Arthur? The name rang a bell but you shook your head as you unbolted the door and grabbed your clutch that was waiting beside it. There had been an Arthur at the bar but you didn’t think it was him in the bed. There were a lot of guys there last night, a lot of names to remember, hopefully Bea could fill in the blanks when you found her. 
Your cheeks burned as you walked through the heart of Monaco, trying to figure out where your hotel was in the maze that was the city. You stuck out like a sore thumb among the men and women out enjoying a sunny Saturday morning and you swore some of them even pointed your way as you passed by. 
This took the walk of shame to a whole new level. 
Finally you reached the hotel and as a bonus you found the keycard had survived the night and was tucked inside your clutch along with your lipstick. Your luck seemed to be turning around as you took the elevator to the honeymoon suite and pointedly ignored the tv screen set to welcome Mr and Mrs Wallace.
The shower was running so you went straight into the bathroom, not even knocking since there was no need for privacy among best friends. “Bea, I just had the best sex of my life and I don’t even know his name.”
The water shut off and the steamed shower door swung open to reveal someone who was definitely not your friend. “Oh my god,” you gasped as you spun away. “Who are you?”
Bea stepped sleepily into the bathroom rubbing her eyes with a groan, “Shhh, my head is killing me babe.”
“Bea,” you whispered as you grabbed her shoulders and kept your eyes above them since she wore absolutely nothing. “There’s a naked man behind me.”
Her eyes darted over to the man who had at least wrapped a towel around his hips. “Oh, yeah, isn’t Monaco great?” 
“Are you going to introduce me to your friend again?” the man asked with a charming smile.
“Again?” you asked with a frown.
“We met briefly last night.”
“At the bar,” Bea explained, though it didn’t really help considering there were a lot of bars. “Y/N, this is…Pe…ter?”
You were a terrible friend for feeling relieved that she wasn’t sure of his name either and you exclaimed, “Thank god, I’m not the only one. What the hell happened last night? I half expected to find a tiger in the bathroom.”
“And instead you found a lion,” the stranger winked. “It’s Pierre by the way.”
“Stallion more like it.” Bea dragged her eyes over his body before holding her hands up in front of your face, her palms about 9 inches apart and nodding. “Seriously.”
Your jaw dropped and your eyes drifted down her body before you could stop them. “Where did you put that thing?” 
“Where didn’t I,” she fired back with a husky laugh before dragging you from the bathroom and jumping back into the only bed in the suite. “Tell me everything.”
“I only remember little bits, well, and one not so little, definitely not that big though,” you pointed out as you nodded your head to the man collecting his clothes from around the room. “Please fill in the blanks.”
“Oh that’s easy,” Bea laughed as she snuggled back into the blankets, tugging them all the way up to her chin. “We met Pierre and his friends at Casablanca.”
“Casablanca?” you couldn’t remember the name.
“Yeah, they had an open mic night.” You screwed your eyes shut knowing what was surely to come as Bea continued. “I signed us up and we fucking killed it, babe.”
You fell back into the pillow that held a masculine scent it hadn’t the night before and groaned at the new information. 
“You were really good,” Pierre complimented as he pulled his shirt on and pulled his phone from the pocket of his dress pants, turning to Bea. “Can I get your number?”
“Why?” she asked with a laugh. “We’re only here for a few more days, you don’t have to try to let me down gently. I won’t cry into my pillow because you didn’t call.”
He seemed a little shocked at the rejection and you thought maybe he actually had wanted to keep in touch but he recovered with a smile and pulled his shoes on. “In that case, I’ll let you ladies enjoy your afternoon. Bea, it was a pleasure.”
“That it was,” she said with a whimsical smile that told you it was an understatement. Her eyes trailed after him and she didn’t snap out of it until the front door clicked shut. “I think I love it here.”
“You just love hot guys,” you corrected.
“And this city is drowning in them, and they are probably all stinking rich too.” 
Bea reached for her phone on the nightstand and you remembered that yours was dead so you plugged it to charge in before scooting closer to her. You figured you could watch a few mindless Tik Tok clips with her  before dealing with the day ahead.
A few clips turned to dozens and you were in fits of laughter at a compilation of fails when Bea swiped up and you heard a familiar voice. Bea screamed and shoved the phone on your face, her finger pointing to the likes. “Holy shit!”
You grabbed her phone as the short video started again and saw the camera was mostly focused on the man who was playing the piano beside you. “It’s him,” you gasped as you showed Bea. “That’s who I went home with last night.”
“Woah, nice! He’s a stunner. I always told you, piano players and gamers are the best in bed. Something about those fingers…”
“Shhh, you horn dog. I need a minute of quiet.” You rubbed your temples as you were flooded with freshly recovered memories.
You side eyed Bea when you heard your name called out and the MC shielded his eyes from the stage lights as he searched the crowd.
“She’s right here!” Bea shouted and pushed you forward, the heels unsteady under your feet after all the shots you had taken. 
“I hate you.”
“You love me, now let’s go.”
Bea took her place at the upright piano while you grabbed an acoustic guitar that had seen better days from the stand and adjusted the height of the microphone stand. You were acutely aware of the crowd as you checked it was in tune and turned to Bea to see if she had a song chosen. 
She leaned towards the mic set up on a boom above the keys and gave you a wink that instantly made you suspicious. “I wouldn’t be your best friend if we didn’t dedicate this song to that piece of shit ex.” 
You grinned at the idea of slating him and heard a few cheers from the crowd that told you you weren’t alone in having a shitty ex or maybe they were fans of Olivia Rodrigo. “I guess that means we’re playing Traitor.”
Your fingers strummed the opening notes and the self consciousness faded away as you fell into the meaning of the song, letting all the hurt and anger fill your words. 
The bar emptied as the crowd shifted away from alcohol and filled the dance floor, their bodies swaying to the rhythm. Suddenly their voices joined yours as the chorus came to an end. “Guess you didn’t cheat, but you’re still a traitor.”
Your eyes lingered on a group of guys that seemed centered around one who stared back at you, his eyes swimming with emotions you knew intimately. His eyes held yours as he raised his bottle in the air, saluting with the camaraderie that came with the shared pain and you couldn’t help smiling back through the heartache.
The song had ended but when you made your way off the stage the MC had blocked it and asked the crowd if they wanted to hear another. The screams had reverberated the stage floor and Bea had already said yes, going so far as to ask the crowd for a song request. 
“The angstier the better,” she said. Quite a few shouts for Adele came up and she pointed at a young woman. “I love Someone Like You, but unfortunately I don’t know how to play it.”
“Arthur does!” One of the guys in the group said as he pushed his friend forward. 
“No I don’t, Charles plays all the sad songs,” Arthur said as he elbowed the man next to him, the man who you hadn’t been able to look away from since he raised his drink to you. 
“Charles,” you murmured as you remembered moaning the name, your fingers laced in his hair when he went down on you. 
“What was that?”
“His name is Charles,” you repeated as you pointed to the handsome man playing the piano, his eyes remaining focused on you the entire time. 
“Oh yeah, it’s all through the comments. He’s some racer or something, I dunno, never heard of him.” She shrugged and swiped off to the next video. “So are we going to lounge around here all day or hit the bars?”
Your stomach protested the thought of more alcohol and you shook your head. “Is there a third option?”
“How about the beach?”
“I can manage that, I’m just going to shower while my phone charges.”
“Good, you reek of hot sex and I’m lowkey upset you haven’t given me any juicy details.”
“The audacity,” you gasped as you thumped her with your pillow. “This whole apartment reeks of sex and my pillow smells like a french Chad. See, sniff it.”
“I’ll take that,” she said with a smirk before burying her face on the pillow and inhaling dramatically. “You have lived vicariously through my sexual adventures, sexventures if  you will, now it is my turn. So, spill the tea.”
You groaned as you covered your face but she wasn’t going to let you off that easily and she pulled them away. “He was amazing, and I’m not saying that because I was drunk because I remember everything after we got to his apartment.”
“I already gathered that much, I need details.”
“Okay, well, he ate pussy like a champ, honestly, I didn’t even have to ask - he just wanted to, and I actually came.”
Bea snorted and buried her face in the pillow to scream before looking up. “Babe, that’s what real men do, he who must not be named was just a lazy asshole who never took care of you like he should’ve.”
“Jesus, I didn’t realise this was what I was missing out on all those years.” You shook your head ruefully and sighed. 
“Forget him, you’re moving onto better things, fitter guys, and plenty more orgasms where that came from.” She leaned forward and pushed you almost off the bed. “Go on, my little whore, go shower so we can get out of here. You’ve made us girls proud.”
“You’re so fucking weird,” you said with a shake of your head as you made your way to the bathroom. 
“Normal is overrated!”
Click here for part two.
Tagging: @alwaysclassyeagle
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zvdvdlvr · 5 months
Just A Little Late
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🩻 - Synopsis. The day comes when Aaron realizes he has to talk to you. Is he able to repair your relationship or does he get the rejection he knows he deserves?
🩻 - Warnings. Angst. Fluff? Possible ooc!Aaron. Mild description of blood and a fire.
🩻 - Author’s note. Thank you all so much for the love of this mini series! I have an epilogue in store if you’d like :)
A couple hours after you got home, your phone buzzed. Looking down, you saw ‘Big Boss 😠’ on the lockscreen and glared down at the glowing box. With a trembling hand, you unlocked your phone and read the message.
From Big Boss 😠: It’s Hotch. What are you doing tonight?
To Big Boss 😠: Why do you care?
You bit your lip after sending. Were you being too harsh? You felt your heart sting. You hated being mean to Aaron, the man who had previously fought tooth and nail to be by yours (and your team’s) side. But after he chose not to visit you or even communicate with you during your stay at the hospital… it’s safe to say you felt betrayed on another level.
From Big Boss 😠: Because you are apart of my team.
You scoffed. “Really? Are you fucking serious, Hotch?”
To Big Boss 😠: Didn’t seem like that when you apparently didn’t have a word to say to me when I was in the hospital. Or at the restaurant.
With tears in your eyes, you threw you phone at the wall as hard as you could. The sound of the screen shattering and broken glass falling to the floor was exactly how you felt.
Spencer and Derek were the ones that went to find you. You were two (full!) hours late to work. Every minute you didn’t show had Aaron’s heart rate picking up. But he knew he couldn’t go to find you. So he sent Spencer and Derek, telling himself he couldn’t keep hiding from you forever.
Spencer unlocked your door as Derek swept the front and back yard. A precaution, but Spencer was worried nonetheless. Because you were never late!
“Y/n?” Spencer asked, his hand finding the gun strapped to his hip. “Are you alright?” 
He heard a loud sigh and guessed it was you over the sound of the T.V.
Derek nodded at Reid and they both toed cautiously toward you, completely unaware of how you’d react to them being in your home. Uninvited.
“Mama? You alright?” Derek asked, eyebrows furrowed.
Spencer looked around. You phone and a bunch of glass laid in a pile near the wall. You had clealry thrown it from a distance- from the couch? Had you even gotten up?
“Will you lay with me?” You tiny voice asked. You were completely swaddled in a blanket leaving only your eyes and nose peeping out.
“I-“ Derek started, clearly taken aback by your actions.
“Of course we will. Move over, you. Derek, call Hotch and tell him we might be a little late.”
Derek watched Spencer sit down on your couch with wide eyes and an open mouth. “I- yeah. Alright. I’ll be back in a second,” he said, pulling his phone from his pocket. He stepped outside and shut the door as he dialed.
Derek rubbed his head with his hand. “We’re at y/n’s. She’s-“ Derek sighed. “She looks horrible, man. She looks like she cried all night and didn’t get up at all during the night. Her house is clean, but she did a number on her phone. What’s goin’ on with our girl?”
Hotch felt his heart squeeze in his chest and suddenly he couldn’t breathe. You cried all night, your phone was lying in pieces, and you even had Derek worried. Aaron had to fix this. “I don’t know, Derek.” Liar, Hotch thought. “Stay with her. Get her up and moving, I’ll be there soon.”
“Okay. I don’t know what you did, Hotch- and don’t lie to me because we’ve all seen it- but you need to get your shit together.”
Aaron felt a singular teardrop run down his face and land on the stained wood of his desk. The dial tone blared loudly in his ear and Hotch felt like the biggest asshole on Earth.
Derek went back into your house and locked the door. “What are we watching, nerds?” The man patted your blanket-covered legs and sat down.
As Spencer explained the show as briefly as Specer could, both men acted like the didn’t see the tears fall out of your eyes and your body shuddering every time you inhaled. Spencer let you play with his hands to keep from picking at your lips until they bled.
Eventually, Derek convinced you to go get cleaned up and dressed. When you came back out, Derek persuaded you into letting him braid your hair (props of having sisters) as Spencer picked something to watch.
You had just started laughing when you heard someone know on the door. Derek tutted poshly and refused to let you move until he finished the braid.
“Better hurry up,” Spencer commented uselessly from your couch, munching on popcorn you didn’t even know you had.
You scoffed. “Good idea, Reid.”
“Off to the races, you,” Derek joked, pushing your head forward when the braid was completed.
“You both suck. Never letting you in my house again-“ you muttered, opening the door. Words fell right off your tongue.
Outside your door, Hotch held out a concerningly large boquet of your favorite flavors. Your mouth fell open and you felt like slamming the door. Just as you started pushinf the door shut, however, Derek swung open the door. 
“Y/n, please listen to what he has to say. I think you need to hear it.”
You looked accusingly at Derek, eyes flickering between the two men in front of you. “No. No! Because why would I listen to a man who wasn’t there! You didn’t show up! You. Weren’t. There. Get out of my house. Get off my property. I quit. My documents will be at your desk tomorrow. Leave. Get out!” You yelled, pushing Derek out of your house (no small feat, my God) and yelling at Aaron.
Spencer swiftly avoided your glare and flailing arms, leaving Derek and Hotch to fend for themselves.
“Y/n, please. Just five minutes. Listen to me- five minutes!” Aaron pleaded. His voice cracked and he faltered against you.
You had moved from Derek to Aaron, trying as hard as you could to push them out the door and onto the grass. “No! Please just leave me alone. I can’t- you made your point when you couldn’t even look at me after I came back to work!” You yelled, not noticing the tears sparking in the back of your eyes.
Derek was glad almost every other adult was at work- the screaming match you and Hotch were holding wasn’t pretty.
Aaron let you push him out the door, but held onto the porch railing. “You were the one distancing yourself from me-“
You froze for a moment, looking at him with so much hurt in your eyes, Spencer assumed you had just gotten your spinal cord severed. “Bullshit! You’re lying to me and you know it, Hotchner. You- you left me there. Dropped me off at the hospital and left! ‘Oh, yeah! Her face is so torn up now, she’s so scarred and fucked up, I can’t be seen with her!’ Is that what you were thinking when you left me there? Huh?!”
“Medic! I need a medic!”
Hotch tore away from the firefighter’s grip, bounding over the lawn to where our were choking on smoke. “Y/n!”
You tore at the ground with your bloodied fingers, slowly going limp.
Aaron didn’t feel the heat of the fire as he slid one arm just under your neck and another arm under your knees. “Please, y/n,” he whispered, navigating through the burning building , blood dripping from your wounds into the threads of Aaron’s clothes.
He held onto your hand as you were pulled into the ambulance on a gurney. Ash and soot streaked his face, but he hadn’t looked away from you. Despite the deep knife wound that twisted and warped your face, despite the burns on your body, and despite your faint breathing, Aaron held on to you. Crying and pleading and hoping.
When Rossi had finally tore his hands from yours, he watched dazedly as you were rushed into an OR. For hours he must have stood there, watching the floor. Waiting.
“I- I love you, y/n! I couldn’t watch you die in some sterile room where I can’t help you! So I left. I left and couldn’t bring myself to see you because this,” he said, gently running a finger from te top of the scar down to where it ended at your collarbone, “this tells me that I failed. I failed you, y/n m/n l/n, and I know nothing I say will excuse that, but the fact that I failed to protect you…” Aaron looked away. “I couldn’t- I couldn’t stand the fact that I failed to protect ome of the only people I care about.”
Your hand came up to hover where Aaron’s was, still resting on the edge of your collarbone. “I needed you,” you whimpered, voice shaking. Your lip quivered as the man who said loved you stepped closer. “I needed you and you weren’t there. You left.”
Aaron nodded vigorously, his own tears falling down his face at your words. You were so close to him, letting his hand trace you carefully even though a part of you still hated him for not being there. Aaron hated him too. “I know. I know, y/n and I’m sorry. But- but I’m here now. I won’t leave unless you tell me.”
You leaned forward and latched your arms around Aaron’s waist and fell, crying into Aaron’s expensive shirt. “I hate you, Aaron,” you wailed, vice-like grip on his jacket tugging him even closer to you.
Aaron closed his eyes and let you fall into him. “I know you do, y/n. I know.” One of his hands rested on the back of your neck and the other kept baby hairs off of your face. “I know,” he whispered, crying silently.
Spencer and Derek both nodded, knowing your relationship (and horribly harbored feelings) wasn’t hopeless after all.
🏷️: @zaddyhotch @mxrgodsstuff @bunnylov-3-r
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One of Us is Guilty; Epilogue (Final)
Azul is now gone, but the actual room is known. Perhaps they will live to tell this tale.
Characters; Vil Schoenheit, Jade Leech, Silver, Azul Ashengrotto, Cater Diamond, Rook Hunt
Content; Murder mystery, the ending of this tale
Content Warnings; Blood, injury, death, murder, kidnapping (aka dead dove content)
Word Count; 1.3 K
Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Epilogue (Part 1) | Epilogue (Final)
Do not put my work into AI If you enjoy my writing, check out my masterlist
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Azul was gone, in much a similar manner as Cater — the only evidence serving that he was there being the shattered glasses that now lay on the ground.
“AZUL!” Jade was too late though, and this was the most emotion that he had really shown that night; the bottled emotions finally coming to the surface. 
He knelt down and carefully picked up the glasses, paying no mind to the tiny shards that pricked at his skin through his gloves. Paying no mind to the pinpricks of scarlet that had begun to stain the white fabric. And he stared at the broken glass; in a way, it represented their night. Normal enough at first, but once you got too close, it cuts at you and makes you bleed… it hurts you. And Jade was hurting, he had been since he had found the Prefect’s body earlier that night. 
There was no time though; to mourn, to panic, to freeze. Time would come later, now was the time for action; to stop this here and now.
“Sorry,” Jade breathed, dusting himself off, and pocketing Azul’s glasses. “Are you both alright?”
Silver and Vil both looked at Jade, taking in the slight tremble of his hands as well as the pinpricks of blood that stained his gloves. The calm mask had slipped for a mere second, but they both knew that this affected Jade just as much as it affected them.
“None of us are alright,” Vil sighed, massaging his temples. “And you don’t need to apologize; it’s okay to not be alright… especially in this situation.”
Silver nodded his head in agreement. “If it were Malleus… I would have the same reaction,” he whispered. “You’re strong, Jade.”
Jade pursed his lips but said nothing, instead just offering them both a silent nod; he got the message, but he also knew this was neither the time nor place to lose control of himself. 
“But if the teacher’s lounge wasn’t the room–” Silver mused.
“The library,” Vil exclaimed, eyes widening at the realization. “Think about it; where was Rook at the beginning of all this? The library!” Vil calmed himself down though, since that outburst was quite unlike him. “And if Cater and Azul are being held there, that’s where they will likely be.”
Silver and Jade looked at each other before looking back at Vil, and they followed after him, hands on their pens; ready for the worst, but hoping for the best. Because hope was the only thing that they had now.
The library was brightly lit up, almost harshly so. And although it was bright, the brightness cast equally as dark shadows.
Rook was nowhere to be seen, and that was both reassuring and a cause for dread. If he wasn’t here, he could be anywhere — hiding.
“Stay together,” Vil murmured, taking the lead again.
Silver and Jade looked at each other, each of them taking to a side of Vil; Silver to his left, and Jade to his right. 
Muffled yelling; at least one of them was alive.
Following the muffled sounds, Vil, Silver and Jade found themselves in a sheltered alcove of the library. And amongst the dusty books that rarely got any use was Cater, who was looking at the trio with tears in his eyes, and Azul, who was currently unconscious.
They were both alive. And while the trio felt tremendous relief that they were both alive, they couldn’t help but question why. 
Why did Rook spare them? Why did he kill Crowley? Why did he kill Crowley and Professor Crewel with magic, yet he slit the Ramshackle Prefect’s throat? Expired love potions caused some nasty side effects, but nothing to this level of violence and bloodlust.
Jade acted first though, cutting Cater free of his bounds first; using the broken glass from Azul’s glasses to cut through the ropes. 
Once Cater was free of the ropes, he ripped the gag off, taking it heaving breaths. “Get out,” he hissed, gripping Jade’s shoulders. “He’s planning something and you need to get out!”
Jade stared into Cater’s eyes and nodded, and took his hands off his shoulders before moving over to Azul. “We will, but not without both of you,” he said just loud enough that Cater could barely make it out.
Vil and Silver covered Jade as he cut through Azul’s ropes, and then carried his house warden like a bag of potatoes over his shoulder. Yes, he would be livid once he woke up, but this allowed Jade to carry Azul while wielding his pen, should he need to protect himself, Azul, or the group.
And right as they were about to cross the threshold of the library’s doors, they slammed shut, and all the lights died out.
It was a trap, but I already knew that. It was too easy. Vil thought to himself, and brought out his pen, illuminating their immediate area in a purple glow.
“Ah, leaving so soon?” Rook’s voice called out from the darkness, a breathy chuckle echoing off the walls.
Vil grabbed a book, and while the others were looking at him with shock — since now is not the time to read — he paid them no mind. “It seems that you caught us,” he answered, hoping that some banter would allow him to do what he needed to do. 
Give me a few minutes of time, please. Vil looked into the darkness, searching for that familiar face. “It is awfully rude of you though, to leave your guests in the dark. After all, you can only see the fairest of them all with proper lighting.”
Leave, get out now. Vil’s message got across though, and using the third-year’s distraction, Jade (still with Azul over his shoulder), Silver and Cater managed to slip through the door.
“Roi du Poison, what are you planning? Do you think I would be so foolish to accept anything from you knowing how your unique magic works?” Rook finally stepped out from the darkness, just enough to where he was faintly visible.
Vil quirked his brow at Rook and shook his head, “No, I know you well enough.” But do you know me when I’ve been backed into a corner? “And I know that the real Rook wouldn’t do any of this. It’s the duty of the beautiful to take responsibility for all of their choices. So — Take. Responsibility.” Vil hissed, his grip tightening on the book. 
Rook cocked his head, staring at Vil with empty eyes, the sclera still stained black. “Why does the cat chase the mouse, even though its food dish is full? Why does someone hunt, but not for food?” Rook mused, taking a few steps closer, not breaking eye contact with Vil.
Just a bit closer.
“For sport. For the thrill,” Vil tutted. “Was that what all of this was for then? For you to just have fun hunting down your professors and peers just because you were bored?!”
Rook stopped walking, just an arm's distance away from Vil. “No, it wasn’t fun; they didn’t know…”
Vil took a breath, stealing his nerves. “You trapped yourself, and you shall remain trapped until we find a way to fix this,” he placed a hand on Rook’s shoulder, and once Rook looked at Vil’s hand in curiosity, Vil pushed the book he was holding to Rook’s chest.
Remain trapped until we find a way to fix this.
And the book sucked Rook into its pages; a prison of paper. And Vil slumped to the floor. Out of relief — that for now, it was over — but also exhaustion. He was so tired.
And while, yes, Rook was now caught, he and the others still had far to go. With reporting everything that had happened. To figuring out how to free Rook and reverse the effects of the potion. To working through the trauma they all had lived through, since this whole ordeal definitely had taken its toll on all of them.
Author's Note; Thank you to everyone who voted throughout the duration of this event. Without you, none of this would be possible. I hope that you enjoyed this event as much as I've enjoyed writing it.
352 notes · View notes
alpydk · 2 months
Gale x Tav (F)
I don't know what this brought on. Lunar Eclipse I'm blaming (Even if there's not been one. Or Chapter 88 from @auroraesmeraldarose) - If you've not read it, go now and do so. It's filth. Purely amazing filth.
Tav slept with Mizora, Gale left as we all know. Hate sex ensues at the epilogue party. That's it.
Word Count - 4,271 - CW - Smut, hair pulling, dom Gale, lots of catty arguing.
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The fire crackled softly as the party goers mingled, catching up on the previous six months of gossip and adventures. Shadowheart absent mindedly stroked the white fur of Scratch as he begged for the roasted lamb upon the table, Wyll and Karlach skulked off rather quickly together with a couple of bottles of Purple Dragon Blush in hand, and Astarion wished his own glass would refill quicker as he listened to the long-winded explanations of portal travel from Gale. None dared mention the one member of their group who had not appeared despite being their leader.
“She’s probably not coming, love,” spoke Astarion as he noticed Gale’s head once again whip around as if searching for something.
They’d all known of the tumultuous end to Gale and Tav’s relationship, the argument turned to fight in the early hours of the morning, plates being thrown, insults hurled in pure anger. It wasn’t the most lively the Elfsong Tavern had ever been, but nearly all inhabitants spoke for weeks afterwards of the shouting and the reckless acts of the Heroes of Baldur’s Gate, of tables destroyed under sparks of lightning, of the rain of arrows piercing the scarlet curtains as she’d stormed out of the premises. If it hadn’t been for the tadpole, she probably would have left for good.
None of the small party of adventurers had ever seen Gale lose his temper to such an extreme, his heart broken and then crushed with such little regard, and it had taken Shadowheart many an hour to calm him down after Tav had walked out of the tavern. He’d alternated between long rants about the audacity of what she’d said and done, and a simmering quiet as he plotted what he’d do when she next appeared. They didn’t know which was the more problematic to handle.
After Tav’s return, the arguments had continued, carrying on even throughout the upcoming battles, only now they had involved bitter sniping at one another. You expect me to take it lying down? That’s much more your style. Only because of your baggage at being dominated. They’d shared so many secrets between each other, but all this had done was provide ammunition to fire, just a constant barrage of spite and venom cutting in deeper than any blade.
“No idea what you are talking about,” Gale replied, his head lowering as he’d been caught in the act. He knew he was on guard for her, his plan of taking the high ground falling apart with the passing seconds. He was going to ignore her mostly, show that she hadn’t wounded him at all, that he was now a successful professor in Waterdeep despite her actions.
Astarion let out a light scoff and smirked. “Of course you don’t. So, the fancy clothing and manicure were meant for me instead, yes?”
“You, of all people, should understand the benefits of self-care.”
“Hm, you’d be right there, but I also know the effects those acts have on others.”
Gale rose his glass to his lips, a fleeting thought going through his mind that maybe he had done all this with her in mind. He hated her, though, for what she had done, how she had ripped out his heart and left him to once again pick up the shattered pieces of the little self-esteem he’d had left. All because of one night… “Well, my intentions were purely self-indulgent for once. After everything, I think I deserved a little pampering.”
“Have you even spoken to her since the docks?”
It was so easy to lie and say he hadn’t seen a thing of her since they’d parted ways that afternoon. However, their paths had crossed a couple of times since, once before he had left the city where they’d picked up their argument from where they’d left it in the tavern, and again in Waterdeep where he’d come across her in the markets. Their second interaction had been less intense, but instead came with it the icy chill of two people who loathed the presence of each other. Comments had again been spoken in anger but without the fury of earlier, both holding their cards close to their chest to not reveal to the other how things were in truth.
“I’ve been far too busy to have involvements with the likes of her.” Gale spat the last words out with disdain, the image of her in his mind as he’d left her near the stalls during that rainy day reminding him of the deeply buried anger.
The remark was met with a soft chuckle. “So catty. And I never thought you had it in you.”
“Then you clearly don’t know him well enough.”
The female voice caused both Gale and Astarion to lift their heads in attention. Tav stood observing them both and neither knew how long she had been there listening to the conversation. The leather armour they’d once known to wear had been replaced with a short scarlet dress, her long ebony hair braided back loosely, allowing wisps of hair to hang over her pale skin. Her dark eyes still burned with the anger of months past, and Gale lowered his head to avoid her scornful gaze.
Astarion was the first to raise his glass, welcoming his old friend. “My dagger-happy friend! We didn’t think you were ever going to grace us with your presence.”
She glanced over briefly at Gale before turning to Astarion and giving him a very intentionally close hug. “You know me. Love to make a fashionable entrance.”
“Or just like to make a show for attention…”
The comment was mumbled from Gale’s direction, but there was no acknowledgement of it. Astarion glanced nervously between the couple before letting go of Tav and grabbing a nearby bottle of wine. “I’ll just be catching up with Wyll…”
“But I’ve only just got here.”
“Yes, and we’ll have plenty of time to speak more intimately later. Especially if you catch up with us drinks-wise.” He gave Tav a wink before, in her opinion, scarpering from the scene, leaving her and Gale alone.
She was unsure what to say as she watched him lift his glass, finding it empty. “You look well.”
“As do you.”
Near the stalls of Waterdeep, Tav had bashed into him first, his books falling to the floor and the pages taking in each fresh raindrop with ease. Gale had initially apologised for colliding with her, but as he’d realised who he was dealing with, the response quickly turned to aggression.
“Still as perceptive as a drunk Gelatinous Cube,” he jabbed, collecting the tomes from the puddles and trying to get as much water from them as possible. He knew a few spells would be wasted repairing the pages as he reached his tower, but it was still another easily avoidable annoyance.
She scoffed, nudging a book away from him with the damp leather of her boot. “Or maybe just a little payback for your comments three months ago.”
“Payback!?” he exhaled. “By destroying valuable literature? How petty and childish, but then again, I should expect that of you by now.”
“Oh well, run home to Mummy Dekarios. I’m sure she’ll kiss your boo boo better.”
“At least I have a family, and not just the blood of the murderous god Bhaal flowing through my veins.” He knew these were not the best words to bait her with, elegance and articulacy abandoning him knowing her Bhaalist past would provoke her. Yes, she had renounced her father, but it was a straightforward attack and one she deserved.
The heat rose in her cheeks, and she gritted her teeth, trying to push down the knee jerk reaction she wanted to have. She would not respond as she had before in violence. He wasn’t worth the effort. “Better blood than whatever you pumped into your cuntish goddess.”
Just as they had last time, the situation escalated. Market goers ran past to escape the rain, but the two once lovers stood glaring at one another, each refusing to back down. At one point, they may have been able to discuss what happened, how Mizora had got involved, how the art of seduction had been enough to destroy what some had seen as true love, but now there was nothing but hurt and pain. Gale had refused to listen to reason, Tav’s guilt had resulted in attacks to protect herself, and neither wanted to apologise for the further damage they were causing.
Her words were biting, but they were nothing he hadn’t heard before. Mystra, the orb, his mistakes, social skills, any imperfection she could find, she had thrown at him, and he had done the same in return: Bhaal, alcohol imbibition, lack of education, poor literacy knowledge (what moron did not know of Storm Silverhand!?).
“What? Cat- “ The word rolled off her tongue in mockery “-got your tongue? It would certainly be a first.”
“I’m simply astounded that, despite our parting, you still feel that you could rival a goddess such as Mystra.”
“Not exactly a high bar to reach. Especially if she was interested in you.”
Lightning crackled in the distance as the storm worsened and with it, the skies rumbled as if reflecting the scorn both shared. The rain grew heavier, Tav shivering a little and trying to hide the regret of having chosen the thinner cloak for her outing. Gale noticed and tried to ignore the whisper of concern in the back of his mind. He’d give her none of it.
He didn’t want her to have the last word in this argument as she’d had back in Baldur’s Gate when her arrows had destroyed the bar and his lightning had destroyed the tables. Despite what had happened, they would both at least avoid that outcome. A devilish smirk appeared on his face, his hand giving a gentle flick beneath his moistened robes. “As much as I love to partake in your infantile game of insults, I do actually have somewhere else to be.” He pushed past her, purposefully shoving her shoulder, books in hand, waiting for her realisation at what he had done.
Tav stood, taking the full impact of his body against her arm. She wanted to shout at him, wanted to call him back to finish things properly rather than letting him run away like a coward yet again, but her body would not move. She knew when she’d tried to cut him off exactly what he had done. The fucking wizard with his spells again.
The hours had passed in a stony silence as the party continued. Tav had wandered her way around the old campsite, chatting with everyone and finding out what had gone on in the last six months. She’d almost punted Tara on getting hissed at, but knew the tressym had a lot more than just sharp claws and sharper words. Avoiding Gale had been her primary aim for the evening. Her secondary one had been to show how she was over him now, telling of how in the last six months she had continued to adventure, saving lives and being a hero. She’d hadn’t secluded herself to a tower or changed her name in an attempt to reinvent herself.
He tried to ignore her not-so-subtle digs at what he had been up to, his own attempts at one-upmanship being heard by Shadowheart and the rest of the company. Eventually, though, he’d ended up in the company of Tara, who was quick to give her own opinions on his ex.
“You certainly avoided disaster with that one.”
He huffed at her words. Hearing the opinions from others still did not come as he wanted them to. It was one thing for him to throw insults after all he’d been through; it was another for someone else to say them. Part of him wanted to defend to Tav, but he knew it would fall on death ears, and so he simply nodded, keeping his eyes forward and listening for anything that would drag him away from how uncomfortable he was becoming.
As the stars gathered in the sky and the campfire died down, people slowly excused themselves, leaving Tav and Gale alone at the table. Bottles of wine had been emptied, and both felt the warmth in their bodies, their tongues loosened and ready for another round of contention.
Tav glowered across the empty plates, seeing the way Gale’s eyes reflected the dying embers of the fire, noticing how a few more silver strands of hair had grown since her last meeting with him.
“I’m guessing your father never taught you it was inappropriate to stare,” he said without looking at her.
She looked at her empty glass, deciding if it was worth pouring another. She could feel the slight sway in her upper body, the heat in under skin, one she had blamed on anger rather than alcohol. “And I’m guessing Mystra taught you all about ignoring people.”
Gale glanced over at her, thankful for the table separating them. “Not ignoring, simply no longer interacting with those beneath me.”
“I seem to remember you preferring me beneath you.”
“And I seem to remember you not caring what position you were in. Or who you were in that position with.”
Tav was quick to rise to her feet, her palms resting on the table, partly for support, and partly to emphasise her annoyance at his comments. “Oh, like you would have resisted any better, Mr. I’ll fuck anything that shows me a little bit of positive reinforcement.”
He rose to his own feet, his voice increasing with anger. As everyone else had left, there was little reason to hold back any reason and logic. “I only wanted you! I only ever wanted you!”
“Clearly not! You were so quick to throw it away.” She made her way around the table, her dress catching on the off splinter and causing her to tug it in anger and her voice to become more spiteful. “You threw me away just as She did.” 
As she approached Gale, he tensed up, but he would not show any weakness to her. Not now, not after the months had passed, and he’d worked to move on. He’d picked up all his pieces, and he refused to have her break him again. “Threw you away? No, I just made you face the consequences of your actions.”
She stopped in front of him, backing him into the table, her chest touching his. She could smell the hint of wine on his breath, feel the heat of his body emanating and merging with her own. It had been so long since she had been this close to him, his lilac embroidered suit he’d chosen, complimenting the colour of his skin. He still smelt of the ink and parchment of his library, as he’d done all those months ago when they had travelled together, and she wondered if time had caused it to be buried into his pores.
“Because after all you did, you’re such an expert when it comes to outrageous consequences. I’m surprised you’ve not been reading up on how to shove an orb in my chest,” she bitterly replied.
“You’re simply not worth the waste of magical artefacts.”
The two stared at each other, refusing to be the one to back down. With its last flames extinguished, the fire left only the glow of the enchanted lights that encircled the campsite upon them. The musical entertainment had died out hours ago, and now all Tav could hear was the sound of their breaths mingling in the air and the river flowing in the near distance. She’d ran out of the stronger insults with him, wine and rage clouding her judgement of the situation. There were only so many times she could bring up Mystra or his folly before resulting in petty remarks about his behaviour or manhood. Now would be one of those moments. “You reek of your library.”
Gale did not hesitate in his reply. “You’ve put on weight.” It was true what he said, but he would not tell her it suited her, that the way her thighs looked in her dress had fanned the old flames within him almost immediately. Her body close to his, the heat between them, the adrenaline flowing through his veins as it always did in her presence made his heart pound and as much as he despised it, he wanted her.
Tav’s voice caught in her throat with the inane comment. Anger burned within her, his remark creating a whirlwind of emotions. A part of her wanted to laugh in his face, another wished she had brought her bow to the reunion, but his proximity clouded her judgement. She wanted to give him back that same pointless surface level snark he’d retorted with, but as she saw the intensity in his eyes, saw the soft curve of his lips, she knew there was little she could do than fall into her desires.
His lips hit hers with a burning passion, his hands gripped to the sides of her face, his fingertips weaving between her black hair. He pushed her forward slightly with the intensity, feeling the way her mouth responded in kind to his, her tongue dancing with his in a need to make up for lost time. Feeling his body react to hers so forcefully, he slid his hands down to her hips, gripping her tightly against him and turning them both quickly so she was backed to the table. “Tav…”
“Shut up.” She could feel the heat of his body rising as he pushed into her, her scarlet dress riding up over her hips under the force of his wanted movements against her. There was little to argue about further, only the desperate touch starved grabs at his tunic as she tried to gain better access to the flesh beneath.
With his mouth still drawn to hers, he batted her hands away as she fumbled with the ties. Both knew there was little want for the intimacy of old, there was only the raw, intense desire fuelled by fury and wine that drove them forward. Removing his lips from hers, he took in the sight of her before him, lust blazing in her eyes, her cheeks flushed, and body aroused. Gale’s hands remained firmly on her hips, and he turned her from him, bending her chest first onto the table. Glasses topped around her, and he heard her softly groan as the oak met her hands.
He ran his fingers up the tender flesh of the inside of her thighs, listening for the sigh she had given in the past. He knew she was resisting, but it came eventually as his hand reached the hem of her skirt. “I didn’t lie when I said you’d put on weight.”
“Fuck you,” she growled, backing her behind with wanting into the hardened erection that lay hidden underneath the leather of his trousers.  
“As you wish.”
He put Tav in her place with a clothed thrust, hearing her sudden moan with the impact. Little time was wasted as he hoisted her skirt up over her hips, taking in the sight of her filled out buttocks before him, the small black lingerie leaving little to his imagination of what lay beneath. He ran his fingertips over the material, working his way from back to front and feeling the way she arched into the feeling of his hand.
She looked over her shoulder at him, an annoyance in her eyes. “I’m not a glass of wine. Get on with it,” she barked.
Gale took this command as another excuse to toy with her, drawing his body back slightly from hers, releasing his grasp on her and watching as her irritation turned briefly to neediness. “Surely you can ask nicely, or did the cambion take your manners too?”
 “You’re under the assumption I had manners to begin with.”
“Then maybe it is time I introduce you to what I’ve been partaking in the last few months and teach you.”
He drew himself forward, one hand working at the buckles of his trousers, the other sliding the underwear from her hips before him. She averted her eyes from him, her palms outstretched on the table. He could see her ebony braid lying upon the scarlet fabric of her dress, and he remembered nights of his hands entwined in her hair in a gentle caress. This would not be one of those nights. “Now, my dear Tav. Say please.”
She scoffed at his words. “Fuck you.”
The hand on her hip came up and gripped the end of the braid, tugging it to make her aware of his intentions. He positioned his cock at her entrance, teasing her as she tried to back up onto him. “I apologise. I do believe I misheard you.”
Looking at the silver plates and empty bottles before them, she smirked. She could feel the longing building within her before he’d even began his lesson. After Mizora, Tav had not been with anyone else, and the guilt she had felt from her own folly had kept her from even attempting to trying to bed someone. Showing this desperation would not happen, though. She’d drag it out for as long as her body could hold out. Her words were slow, intentional, baiting. “Fuck. You.”
Gale pulled her hair with a sharp yank and, in doing so, pushed into her in one quick thrust. The sharp noise she made was muffled quickly with her hand, as she refused to give him any satisfaction. He lazily pulled himself out, watching as her body relaxed, returning himself to the teasing position once again. “Does the student still protest?”
It took her a moment to compose herself, not expecting him to take charge in the way he had. He’d always been soft with her, worshiping her as if she were a goddess, touching her softly and tenderly. This was a fresh experience, one she welcomed after all that had gone on between them. “For as long as I lie here unsatisfied, yes.”
She could not see him, but she knew he would be grinning at the idea of the control he had over her. She felt the sharp tug of her hair, the deep thrust that filled her, causing her to release an uncharacteristic whimper. “Fuck…” she whispered as she felt him retreat again, sliding over her clit in the process.
His throbbing could not be ignored as he pulled out the second time and he tried to keep his mind focussed, not on what he needed but on the words he spoke. As one hand remained on the braid, the other returned to her hip, his fingernails pressing into her side to keep him grounded. The control remained in his voice, a slow purr of the words. “Unsatisfied? Is that why you ran to her so eagerly?”
“Better to her than Mystra.” she whined, feeling his cock twitch against her. Her mind was clouded with yearning, her composure escaping her as body hungered for release. “Just as you planned to.”
He gave another quick thrust, but this time did not relent as he had before. His hand remained with the braid now wrapped around it, a rein in which to keep her head held high and her back arched. Her side of the story had finally been understood, her fear that she would lose him driving her to the cambion, the one who'd lured her with promises of what could be. Gale buried himself inside Tav, feeling her walls contract around him as she neared a long-awaited climax, his muscles tightening with each pleasured cry she gave out. His own grunts broke free, and he felt as he began to lose all the composure he’d once held onto.
 “…I…I’m so…” Tav stammered
She opened her eyes in shock as he denied her, at how selfish he was being with her needs, at how good it felt to hear. “Please…” she begged weakly.
Her words were driving him mad, each thrust becoming shorter and more instinctive as her hips arched into him and the pressure grew. He knew he was close, all resolve breaking with each panted breath. “No.” It was the only word he could manage as his mind became lost in the sensation, his hand clasping her hip tighter, his body trembling as he refused to let go.
“Gale…please...” she repeated in a needy whimper over and over, her voice growing higher with each jolt of his body into hers.  
His name on her pleading lips was all it took to push him over the edge, spilling himself into her fully, feeling as she let go of her own self-control, clenching around him tightly and letting out a lustful cry. Bending over her, he felt her back upon his tunic, his warm palms brought down to the table to help support him as he gasped for air above her. Heated kisses were placed over her shoulder and without realising his thumb had hooked over her pinkie finger, a light stroking of contentment shared with her momentarily.
They lay for some time in postcoital bliss, neither speaking of what had happened nor what was to come. Despite the anger, the hurt, the cruel words spoken between each other, they still loved one another, but whether things could ever be repaired between them, neither knew. For now, all they had was this one night, one under stars and enchanted lights, amongst scattered plates and drained bottles. Talking could come later.
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charles-leclerizz · 7 months
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With turns sharper than a Formula one track, Indian, British driver Aisha Patel has embarked on her first ever season in formula one. Join her drama & adrenaline filled races that will have you gripping the edge of your seat !
[@charles-leclerizz is not and never will be, in the forthcoming future, affiliated with Netflix, the FIA or Official FORMULA ONE. All scenarios, character actions, characters and race outcomes are purely fictional and should not be taken seriously.]
Aisha Patel · 🪷
Porsche F1 TEAM · 🪷
The Relationships · 🪷
Challenges · 🪷
It's the dawn of a new era.
Upcoming stardome. Streaming only on Netflix
🥭 EPISODE 01 : Start your engine
It's light's off and away we go with newcomer Aisha Patel, the first south-asian female driver in Formula one. Join her in her first ever race in Bahrain and understand the young talent's personality. And see the grid's reaction to the true needle in a haystack.
LENGTH : 51 minutes, 49 seconds
WORD COUNT : 10 K [ 10366 words ]
🥭 EPISODE 02 : Racing Hearts
A few months into the 2024 season Aisha has met someone that ignites her heart like a malfunctioning engine. Will she have to retire from the race, or will she cool off before it's too late?
🥭 EPISODE 03 : Speed of Love
The teams around the paddock are starting to notice Aisha's success, winning race after race, the Indian rookie has impressed and sparked jealousy all around. Will she shatter beneath the pressure, or will she blossom like a lotus?
🥭 EPISODE 04 : Heartbreak Circuit
Icarus has always flown too close to the sun, no matter the rendition. And when too many people have too many opinions, Aisha must realise that a straw can truly break a camel back.
🥭 EPISODE 05 : Victory Lap
Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, Aisha finally collects her flames and moulds herself like glass into a beautiful sculpture that refracts light into beautiful shades for all to bask in.
🥭 EPISODE 06 : Love's pit stop
To accelerate or to take a sharp turn? Aisha is met with odd twists within her heart that she will need to fight to escape from. One will come out victorious whilst another, is left in 11th place.
🥭 EPISODE 07 : Racing against time
A simple sign on the dotted line, and just like Ariel, she had signed her voice away. What trials and tribulations is Aisha forced to face within her personal and professional prison?
🥭 EPISODE 08 : Crossing the finish line
Only a few races away from her greatest win, Aisha needs to tie off some hard to grapple with sailors knots, unless she wants to be floating away into the great blue for eternity.
🥭 EPISODE 09 : Heartfelt Victory
It's the end, the last time the lights go off for the 2025 season and Aisha looks back on her year in formula one. Sticking it to those who doubted her and winning where other's thought impossible.
[NOTE ! There will be smaller epilogues, episodes and fillers in between these. for example, a vogue 20 questions or a "what's in my bag" etc. Just for funsies.]
[NOTE ! The couples made in this series will have their own request-able time period, if you want to see something specific from a certain couple within the show, just let me know.]
[NOTE ! The tracking tag is as follows : [#formulaforlove]]
honourary tags [for special pookies] : @disneyprincemuke
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sky-kiss · 7 months
My brain is doing its thing again where I imagine Raphael coming back from the grave during the epilogue party after Tav kills him and it’s like the Red Death scene from Phantom of the Opera and he goes “why so silent, good messieurs?” And he’s all smug and shit RAAAA—
The music stops. 
Not out of fear—it's horror. It must be horror. The glass slips from Tav's grip, shattering on the ground below. Wine splatters across their boots, wets the dirt, and makes it mud. 
"Come now, you were so confident before." 
Raphael's voice is not as it was. Now, it is stripped of its richness. The vocal cords are badly burned or severed; it's a rasping whisper, cold as Cania's ice. One eye is milk white. The skin is scarred in some places, still missing in others. A thousand wounds, all weeping. 
And the question lingers on Tav's tongue: what's become of you?
But they know. The answer is so obvious: Tav. Tav and their merry band are why the cambion stands before them, a leper and an outcast. Raphael holds his head high, brutalized and broken, at odds with the fineness of his raiment. 
"Have you no songs to sing? No tales to tell? The hero of Baldur's Gate—slayer of eldritch and devil alike."
"Raphael," they say, calm. "You're bleeding." 
"Am I?" It's a hiss, the words tracking down their spine like a knife. "How kind of you to notice. Perhaps one day, I shall regale you with how this…" he gestures to himself. "Came to pass. Your hand, my dear, has been the least of my concerns. And yet you," he steps forward, broken wings mantling behind him. "Have never been far from my mind."  
Withers takes a step forward. "Thou are known to me, devil—thou who hath set thine coin of fate upon its edge. I shall afford thee a moment—only the one." 
The devil's expression curls back in a sneer. "You think to order me?"
Withers bowed his head. "Yes. Speak, son of Mephistopheles."
Something in the creature's tone leaves him stiffening. Raphael flicks his attention to Tav, dipping into a half bow. "My congratulations: the day is won, little mouse. Your life—your own. Your soul—safe. For now." He smiles, fangs still sharp, still bone white. "But I say to you—no, swear: my memory is long, my vengeance swift. And you…you, little mouse, are so sweetly etched upon the canvas of my mind."
He snaps his fingers, vanishing in a wash of hellfire. 
And Tav feels cold. 
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awkward-tension-art · 4 months
Darkness on Umbara Epilogue (Rex x Reader)
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Chapter 13.
cw: Rex x Reader, Reader is a medic, incorrect military procedure, crying, trauma, mentions of killing characters, Spoilers for the Umbara Arc, Pong Krell is an asshole, Anakin Skywalker's rage, reader insert, Grief, betrayal, REX CRYING, reader is gender neutral, no use of (Y/N), if i miss a tag L
In the end, Umbara belonged to the Republic.
General Kenobi's battalion routed the last holdouts of Umbarans. Which allowed the remaining 501st to also secure several sectors.
A pyrrhic victory. One filled with death, betrayal and agony. 
Gunships had arrived to pick up the 212th who joined you in the hunt for Krell. You watched Dogma get on one of those ships, intending to leave the 501st and become a Coruscant guard. 
It suits him, you think.
You were standing next to Rex, watching a 501st ARF trooper help one of the injured 212th stand. Jesse, Tup and Fives were also with you.
“What's the point in all of this?” The clone captain shook his head, “I mean…why?” 
“I don’t know, Sir.” Fives responded, looking down, “I don’t think anybody knows. But, I do know that someday this war is going to end.” He turned his head up to try and meet the captain's eye.
“Then what?” Rex turned to face him, “We’re soldiers. What happens to us then?”
I don’t know. But I’ll be with you when you reach that point. 
Silently, you grabbed Rex’s hand. You hadn’t been able to look at him since killing Krell. You hadn't entirely come to terms with the fact that you ended the General's life.
Another gunship landed and the doors opened. General Skywalker stepped off, looking around furiously. Once he saw Rex, he rushed towards your group, “Captain Rex! Obi-wan sent a transmission that something happened. Krell ordered you to fire on another battalion!?”
You weren’t force sensitive, but the air around Anakin was buzzing with worry and panic. He cared deeply for his men. 
“General,” Rex saluted in greeting, “There’s…a lot you need to know.” He motioned for Anakin to follow to the airbase center.
The Jedi knew something was wrong, judging by his stare. Rex was too tense. too stiff.
You went with him to the tower to answer questions about Krell. It was only right, as you were the one who killed the Jedi. It made sense a Jedi would pass judgment. 
Your lover had only gotten about halfway through his report when you all made it to the top. When Rex explained Krell’s attempted execution of Jesse and Fives, you noticed a growing crack in one of the windows. 
As you and the captain retold events, that crack grew until there was a web of instability through the glass. When the report reached the point of firing on the 212th, the window shattered, sending glass to the ground below.
Anakin’s anger was so thick you could taste it.
His blue eyes were bright with rage and sadness, “You…I should…” He paced, “I should have been here! I should have stopped him!” 
“General…” Your words were quiet. quieter than intended, “No one saw this coming…”
“The council should have!” Anakin shouted, “The council should have known! I should have known! Instead we were so focused on victory…” He stepped back, eyes wide, “How many…How many did he kill with his fucking plans?”
In the light, you swear you could make out unshed tears. 
You cleared your throat deciding to be honest with him, “A little over a third of the 501st is dead.”
“That can’t be!”
 “Kix and I have confirmed the number three times, General.” Your voice was steady, surprisingly since you were so close to breaking down, “A little over one third.” 
Because you failed to save them.
Anakin stumbled back, raising a hand to his face, “Krell…”
“Is dead, General.” Rex answered him, stepping forward, “He was executed after being arrested. His body is in the brig.”
“By who?” 
“Me, General.” You responded, taking the Jedi off guard, “If you see it fit that I’m punished for killing a Jedi-”
“No.” General Skywalker straightened, “No. No one is going to be punished for what happened here,” His voice was trembling. The glass of another window crackled. This time, it was undeniable, there were tears in his eyes.
He cares so much for his men…
The breath the General took was shaky at best, “Rex…I…I want the men to rest. Properly. Once we’re back on Coruscant, the 501st is going on leave, so everyone can recover,” He cleared his throat, trying to get his emotions under control, “I will need to speak with the council, but I swear, I will never leave you all in the hands of a madman ever again.”
Anakin put both his hands on Rex’s shoulders, taking the clone off guard. 
“I promise Rex. This will never happen again. Not while I’m alive.”
Your lover nodded, “I know General. The men appreciate your leadership. No one faults you for what happened.” 
“I still should have been here.” He responded, “Both of you, get some rest. I need to send a message to Obi-wan.”
Wordlessly, the both of you stepped out of the room to the lift. However, before you lowered to the ground, you heard Anakin through the heavy metal doors. 
“How could the council let this happen, Obi-wan!?”
Your lover was staring ahead, brown eyes haunted as the lift lowered to the ground floor. You notice that something in him shifted. As if a switch was just turned off. 
Umbara changed him. It changed you. Most likely changed the 501st too. 
Once outside, Fives and Jesse were waiting, “How’d the General take it?” The ARC trooper asked. 
“Did you see the second broken window?” You snarked bitterly. 
There was no response from your lover. No comment to tell you to hush. You looked over to him, worry washing over you.
Rex looked…empty all of a sudden. His steps seemed unsteady. His expression was blank.
Anakin’s arrival has brought a sense of safety. Everyone knew that the General would fight and defend the clones in his legion. Even die for them, if the situation called for it. With Skywalker here, the 501st captain didn’t need to fight so much. Everyone could finally breathe. Rex included.
Adrenaline crash. He needs rest.
“The General has commanded everyone to rest and recover from…everything that's happened.” You informed the two troopers in front of you, “He’ll speak with the Council, figure out what to do…When we’re able, we’ll be leaving for Coruscant to go on leave.” 
Jesse nodded before perking up, “Captain Rex..?”
“I got him.” You held his arm, beginning to lead him to the barracks, “Get some rest, guys. I got the captain.”
Rex was silent on your small journey to his quarters. He maintained his blank expression, looking calm to an outsider. Those who didn’t know him would think he was handling the situation well. 
But you knew him. He was finally collapsing. 
He’s been awake since landing on Umbara. While everyone else could rest, eat and sleep, he had been working. The captain, as determined and hardworking as he was, was still a human with limits. He was coming out of a several rotation long fight-or-flight episode, and his internal systems were most likely shot. 
Not to mention shock. From death. The betrayal. The trauma. 
Luckily, no one paid you two any mind as your steps lead you to the barracks. Quickly and silently, you opened the door and led Rex inside his small private room. Hopefully with some actual sleep he would come back to himself. 
You’d have to shift your services, you realized. Your focus would need to be on the mental well being of the soldiers. You do have training in psychological health, but you’d have to catch up on the latest research, speak with colleagues, maybe shadow a therapist or two…
That was for the future. Right now, your priority was the clone in front of you. 
“Rex…” You whispered his name, raising your hands to hold his face, “You’ve done everything you can to take care of your brothers. Now let me take care of you.” 
Recognition was in his eyes. He nodded, turning his face to kiss your palm, “I am yours, cyare.” he mumbled lowly. 
The captain would rarely allow himself to be vulnerable. He would always be strong and reliable, never let himself seem weak. Rex was someone who would break rather than bend.
Unless it came to you. 
He gave you his heart. He trusted you with even the darkest most vulnerable parts of his mind and soul. 
You refused to break him.
You took his helmet from his hands and gently placed it on the desk before you began to remove his armor. You started with his arms and chest, slipping the painted and scratched plastoid off his body with ease. 
It didn’t take long for you to have him in his blacks. You looked up at his face meeting his beautiful brown eyes. 
Glossy with tears.
“Oh Rex’ika…” you held his face again, using your thumbs to wipe his tears, “It's over now…”
“My brothers…” He whispered, “So many of my brothers…” His shaky hands were placed over yours. 
“I know…” you responded, pulling him to kiss his forehead, “I know, Rex’ika…” Your arms wrapped around him tightly. You stepped backwards, knees hitting the bed, getting him on the stiff mattress. 
He pulled you into a tight hug, burying his face in your shoulder. You felt the warm wetness of his tears he refused to show anyone else.
You held him, as tightly and as protectively as you could, letting him weep. 
“I got you, love.” you whispered, rocking ever so slightly to calm him, “I got you, Rex.” 
The darkness on Umbara had changed him.  But he wasn’t alone. You’d make sure of that.
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geordikisser · 3 months
hii i love ur isaacwhy fics sm!! ur writing is so good, i love lurking lol. could i req a fic with isaacwhy x reader (gn or fem is ok) and how they would resolve having an argument? maybe they've been ignoring each other for a day or two. just rlly angsty fluffy hurt/comfort goodness. ty!
a/n I LOVE ANGSTT sorry for the delay on content everyone! my wi-fi has been bugging out recently -_-; ..
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i love you so | issacwhy
epilogue: isaac gets enveloped into his work a lot and doesn’t know how to make for you frequently, due to him being new to dating while in content creation & this has caused problems for you.
content contains! gender neutral usage, angst
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♡ you urgently knock on isaac door, calling out his name from behind it. it’s been about 2 days since you last spoke or even seen him out his room. this brewed up frustration in your chest as you feel tears flood your eyes.
restraining, you sigh shakily. knocking once more till you ultimately just barge into his room. grabbing his attention with your big entrance.
he turns to you, his eyes gleaming into yours. as he slips off his headphones, guilt fills his eyes. “hey.” he waves slightly at you. you furrow your brows, infuriated with him. just hey?
“are we ok, isaac.” you ask in a passive aggressive tone, your sass still drowning out your filter you tried desperately to put on.
he looks around in a confused manor before responding. “i’m okay, why?” he misheard you, making you hold back the heat you had sucked into your throat. “we, isaac. not you. but that is a good question to start with!” he now offended by this reaction.
“woah? what happened?” he asked, concerned slightly. “it’s like i don’t even exist to you? i mean— two days, you haven’t left your room, only seeing you when you shower or eat? this isn’t healthy, isaac.” you tried to gently coax him away from his set up before this, went to no avail.
his face of concern, turns to a frown. “babe. imma big boy, i can handle myself. there’s a method to this madness, i don’t need you worrying about me..” he exhales deeply, resting his forearm against his desk. you can tell he’s trying to play this off as a joke.
you mentally note his body language, his leg bouncing, using his empty hand to fidget against his mouse pad..
“look at this, issac! you’re itching to get back to your computer.” you pout slightly. “i understand you are worried, but i’m extremely busy right now. i need to get back to my work.” he tries to lay this gently to you, knowing how you get.
“am i not as important to you as a fucking video with your friends, isaac?” you whimper weakly, your voice feeling hoarse. he pinches the bridge of his nose, getting slightly frustrated. “(y/n).” he states flatly. “don’t make this into what it isn’t— i haven’t spoken to the guys either, anyone! this isn’t about you.” his tone getting harsher the longer he drags it.
as he stands up to meet closer with you, you feel your lip begin to quiver. “that isn’t normal isaac, you know that right?” you shake your head out of disapproval, sadness drowning your tone. it being very evident to isaac.
“i can’t deal with this right now. you are being dramatic.” he groans inwardly, the paranoia of this conversation appearing inevitable yet so happening so soon.
the immediate invalidation that dripped from his tone made your glass fragile heart, shatter within an instance. “i have to finish this, (y/n). you wouldn’t understand. this isn’t about you.” he looks away from you, the back of his neck accompanied by his hand as he scratches his neck.
“when is it about me!” you sob out, your eyes feeling weary. a pang of guilt stabbing his chest. he swallows harshly as you continue. “what about me ,, what about— us, isaac.” you sigh, defeatedly. his eyes leaving your gaze and to the side.
you grip your sides, tightly. feeling the water works brew up and you break down into a fit. “you have 0 idea of how this makes me feel! being second rate to a pc.” you look away, shaking your head as tears streamed down your face. your legs feeling weaker suddenly.
“i feel so helpless in this situation. if not me, then what?” you begin to hold your own face to prevent tears, wiping them away slowly. staining your (really isaacs shirt you stole) with your tears.
he feels his lip quiver as he reaches out to you. neglect was a common habit of isaac, commonly to himself not others though.
the dedication he put into his work cause him to inadvertently push you away. “baby—,,” his frown out of guilt instead of annoyance. “i had no intentions to make it turn out like this.”he sighs, exhaling heavily. “c’mere, don’t cry baby.” he coos gently, extending a arm to you. you waste no time latching into his hold.
he grunts as you fall into his chest, the sudden impact taking him aback. he rubs your back, swaying you gently as he slowly meets you two to his bed. your sobs being the only audio in his ears now.
“oh baby,i’m so sorry. i had 0 idea.” he whispers to you in a loving more considerate tone. “y’know. you’re my first real relationship since i got into content creation. this two lives thing is something i gotta get used to.” he admits, swallowing his pride.
you sigh, shakily. “i understand you take pride into content creation and it being your job or whatever.” you say, not disregarding the fact you came after he became a content creator. “but i want to be important to. just as much as recording, streaming, editing. i want to take priority too.” you look up at him from his chest, your hold getting looser as you begin to caress his biceps with your thumb.
he nods, humming in response. he begins to rock back and forth to keep you relax, knowing this is usually what keeps you calm.
“i understand that baby, im sorry.” he coos to you, murmuring sweet nothings in your ear. “you’re so perfect for me baby. how’d i get so lucky? my sweet baby.” he sighs, kissing your forehead, smothering you in kisses practically.
“i had to kill a man in my last life to get you.” he jokes. you smile softly, leaning into his chest fully. “i love you more than you know. i’ll never take advantage of the fact i have such a loving partner like you. this will never happen again.” he says firmly, his tone making you confident. this truly being a mishap you believe. isaac wasn’t evil, just very misunderstanding to certain situations.
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yoitsjay · 3 months
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Pairings: Hunter x fem jedi! Reader
Summary: after a successful but injury ridden mission in the outer rim, you set course for a medi center for your troopers. Only to get pulled out of hyperspace and shot down onto a familiar planet. Thank God The Bad Batch is there.
Warnings: bits of angst, lots of plot, made up clones and names, you get a cool lightsaber I have pictures, kissing, innuendos of more than kissing, hurt and comfort epilogue kinda.
Word count: 5,033
The last battle had many of your good soldiers dead. The separatists foothold in the outer rim was not something the council wanted, so they sent you to deal with certain planets. You had a 98.99 percent success rate with missions, and your clone troopers definitely made up most of that percentage.
You had a small battalion, maybe only a couple thousand instead of several. You got a few rookies now and again but most of them went to General Skywalker or General Kenobi. But regardless of who was sent to you, you cared for them like you did any other. You tried your best to learn everyone's names, and even learned Mando’a, courtesy of your medic and ARK Trooper Kasey.
You had just finished the battle on Alberon and left that battle with about a hundred dead, the majority injured including your commander. So you made it your personal mission to bring your injured troop to the medical center in the outer rim.
You knew it was risky, but what you didn’t expect was to be forced out of hyperspace because an explosion went off on one of your engines on the outside of the ship, and then attacked by separatists as soon as you exited hyperspace.
You had managed to fend them off, and the pilots did good with flying your smaller jedi cruiser, The Resplendent. But there was no doubt you were going to have to crash land.
“Pilots, can you maneuver The Resplendent to an empty pocket of land? avoid any cities, it stinks of separatist here.” You snarled, and your pilots nodded. “We got it General!”
You nodded, turning to the more technical clones in the bridge. “Can you tell me anything about where we are about to land? hostiles, terrain, temperatures?” You asked, gripping onto the back of their seats as the cruiser shook violently when hitting the atmosphere. “It's a crystal desert terrain, General. a major seppie city not far away. No hostiles so far, but I can't get much else. The planet’s name is Cryt” The Clone explained.
You nodded. “Buckle up boys! don't die on me now!” You shouted before running off the bridge and to the medical center. You managed to get inside and seal the doors just as the ship lurched forward, and was about to toss around the wounded soldiers, but you quickly raised your arms, and used it to keep the more wounded secured in their beds and up against the wall.
Your eyes were squeezed shut as you focused on keeping your soldiers safe, but as the cruiser lurched forward again you remembered that you didn’t buckle yourself to something, so that concentration was quickly broken as you flew forward into the farthest wall, a couple of injured clones landing beside you.
You groaned, looking up just as a broken piece of wall metal came flying towards you, again you acted quickly, extending your hand as you pushed the metal down and onto the ground so it wouldn’t hurt anyone.
You grabbed your clones, wrapping an arm around them as you brought them back to their cot’s. You then strapped them in, for their safety, and moved the cot’s all together to lessen any impact. You found something to hold onto, sensing that the ground was getting closer and closer…
And soon the cruiser hit the ground and it shook more violently than it had coming down, glass shattered and surgical instruments went flying, but you managed to deter them from hitting any of your boys.
Soon The Resplendent slid to a stop, and you sagged, giving yourself a few seconds before standing up to check on the men. The ones who were conscious all gave you a thumbs up, and the ones who weren’t you just quickly checked their pulses, looking over at your commander finally.
His helmet was off, which showed the interesting tattoo’s he had gotten done. The sides of his head were shaved with some patterns in the buzzed hair that connected to a tattoo on his face which he had told you were Jaig eyes, only bestowed upon warriors with high valor and honor. You had told him he deserved them so he went to get the tattoo much later.
He had some words in Aurebesh that went in a vertical line from his hairline and down to his jaw, closer to his ear on the left side of his face that said ‘Born to fight, Trained to win’ and you also thought that was pretty neat. He told you he had some tattoo’s elsewhere too, but again you didn’t mind the clones customizing themselves.
The top of his hair was slightly longer, still short but not buzzed or styled, so some loose pieces of hair fell on his forehead. He was asleep, which was good. You analyzed his splinted leg and arm, which looked to be healing well despite the rocky landing and the adrenaline that kept him walking despite your orders for him to lay down.
The medical droid had told you he had multiple fractures, but they would all be healed quickly with proper medical attention, but for now as long as he rested and didn’t move he would still heal fine.
You left the medical room, glancing around as non-injured clones filled the hallways, helping those who were injured because of the crash, or moving those who had died because of it. You sighed, placing your hands on your hips as you shook your head.
You then went to the nearest terminal, which was still working luckily, and you made an announcement.
“All non injured soldiers and personnel report to the bridge for further orders.”
Once the order was carried out, you made your way back to the Bridge, noticing a few more dead pilots and technicians, but most were alive, if not a little bruised. “Good job boys.” You sighed, standing in the center as your soldiers, and other personnel arrived at the bridge.
“General? what happened?” One of the clones asked, and when you turned around you realized it was your ARK trooper, Kasey. He had a slight gash in his head, but was holding some cloth to it. Your medic, Koba, was already assessing the damage of the bridge and the people in it.
You studied your troopers, most of their armor was painted orange and black, the orange matched your lightsaber, and to them it meant ambition, and fierce loyalty, which you loved. The black was just an accent color, but you had chosen to match them clothing wise.
A sigh fell from your lips and you spoke up, placing your hands on your hips. “We have landed on the separatist planet of Cryt. There’s a major city a few clicks west from where we landed, I'm going to go see if i can find any way to communicate with The Republic or the Jedi to send reinforcements and a new cruiser for pickup.” You explained, pausing for only a moment before you continued.
“I want you all to protect those in the medbay with your life. Keep a tight perimeter, and scrap any metal you can for some extra defense. Kasey and Koba are in charge while I'm gone. If Commander Pulse wakes up and tries to move, you tell him that my specific orders are for him to rest. And if I find out any of you let him walk around or give orders, you’re gonna get the grainy peas from the mess.” You growled, your men saluting automatically.
“But General- should you really go alone?” Kasey asked you, a worried look on his face. You sighed, shaking your head. “No, but I need my men here, safe and protecting their brothers. I can hide in plain sight, you can't.” You started moving your lightsaber so it was hiding on a clip you had on your lower back attached to your belt
Kasey sighed but nodded, and you left the bridge, heading to your quarters which were luckily still accessible. You changed into something a little less obvious, removing what little armor you did wear.
You changed out of your robes, and into a form fitting pair of tan jeans, as for your top you wore a sleeveless blue top, with a form fitting turtleneck collar. You placed on your bracers and hand armor overtop the fingerless elbow gloves you wore, and then came your leather boots which were a dark brown and went up slightly past your ankles.
A blaster was an unorthodox weapon for a jedi, but you had one just in case, and you clipped it to your thigh holster. The blaster also had a grapple attachment to it, which could help you scale the walls of the city to get inside.
Finally you pulled on a dark blue poncho, which hid your lightsaber successfully, and left it easy to grab just in case. You walked out of your room and said your goodbyes to your men before making your way into the desert where you pulled your hood up. “Wait General!” One of your men called, and you turned around, seeing a shiny pull up on an operational sand speeder. “Thought you could use this.” He grinned, getting off of the speeder.
You smiled and patted his shoulder. “Thank you…” You trailed off, hinting for him to give you his name. “O-oh! My name is Pincer.” He answered, nervous as he spoke. You smiled, getting onto the speeder as you nodded to him. “Thank you Pincer, now go join your brothers in the medical bay.” You ordered, watching as he nodded and ran back into the cruiser.
You pulled up your hood, using little clips you had in your pocket to keep it attached to your head so it wouldn’t fly off in the wind. You slid a pair of goggles you had in your room over your eyes, and you revved the engine before speeding off.
You knew Cryt, the lethal sands that could shred your skin, the cannibalistic vultures that circled overhead. It was your birth planet after all.
You sped through the crystalline desert, kicking up the sand which gave you a bit of cover as you reached the edges of the city. You scoped out the walls, searching for an access point. When you saw one, you sped closer before shooting your grapple upwards. You made sure nobody was looking before pulling yourself up, quickly scaling the wall until you pulled yourself up.
You avoided some patrolling droids, and found a staircase leading down. You took it, eventually finding yourself inside the city walls. You stuck to the shadows until you reached what looked to be a market area. The city felt familiar, but you had only been a baby when you were taken from here and raised in the Jedi Temple.
You visited a couple times before it got too dangerous when the separatists took over and the government became corrupt. It was a sad fact, but one you had accepted quickly.
You knew you had to get to a place where you could connect your com to a terminal and boost your signal in order to contact the jedi temple, and the only place you knew was the most popular and only bar in the city.
So you started making your way there, keeping yourself close to the shadows or the walls if possible… Until several loud explosions rang out through the center yard of the city. You heard screaming, and you looked up to see the droid facility being torn apart from the inside out. But that explosion had caused a chain reaction, and caused some construction towers to start falling.
You saw a group of kids running away, but the tower was getting closer and closer.
So you ran forward, extending your hand for just a brief moment as you suspended the tower, and grabbed the kids before moving out of the way, letting the tower fall down. “Are you okay?” You asked the young kids, who nodded to you in fascination. “Are you a-”
“Shh young ones, how about we keep that our little secret hm? i wont tell if you don’t” You whispered, offering the kids a warm smile and a couple credits from your belt as they nodded and ran off.
You sighed, standing and looking around before heading back to the sidelines. You might’ve just blown your cover, but for now you were in the clear.
Until you passed an alleyway, and hands reached from the shadows, one wrapping around your mouth while the other grabbed your waist and yanked you into the dark alley.
You grunted, immediately struggling against the figure. You elbowed him, wincing when you hit sturdy armor, however you elbowed him again, this time lower, which allowed you to make contact with an unarmored portion of that man. You did it a few more times before biting the man's hand.
“Ouch! fuck-” He cursed, but you weren’t done. You grabbed his wrist, and you twisted it, using your leverage as you swung him around, stepping behind him before kicking his knees, sending him to the ground.
You still had your grip on his arm, and had him pinned to the ground while twisting his arm, hearing him hiss.
“Okay okay! stop!” The man exclaimed, but you kept him under you. “I would let him go…” ANother voice hissed, and you saw a flash of a sniper scope above you. You then heard a pair of footsteps, heavy, behind you… and in front of you emerged another man, the shadows keeping him mostly obscured.
You stared down at the man below you, studying his armor… which was very clone like in the way it was designed. You then noticed the 99 printed on the man’s shoulder pauldron, and recounted the men surrounding you.
clone armor…
it clicked in your mind, and you released the man below you before standing up, glancing behind you as a large man stepped closer. You turned to the man you previously had pinned down, and he had just removed his helmet and stepped into the dim light of that alley.
He had a half skull tattoo, and a red bandana with a skull on it, keeping his longer hair out of his face. You narrowed your eyes for a moment before extending your hand, using the force to remove all their blasters, throwing them to the ground.
“Clone force 99, correct?” You asked, lowering the hood from your head, fixing your hair, moving the giggles to sit above your forehead. “You know us?” The man from behind you spoke up, slightly louder than he should have been.
“How could she not? she is clearly a Jedi.” The man behind the skull face spoke up, now beside the man with a datapad in his hands. “I am, but I'd like it if you shut up.” You growled, poking your head out of the alley for a moment before turning back to the man. “Were those explosions you?” You asked, and The man nodded.
“Yes, we were sent here to covertly destroy the droid factory so that the 212th could gain control of the city. it wasn’t ready yet, but then we saw a jedi cruiser falling from the sky.” The man explained, and he extended his hand to you. “I’m Sergeant Hunter, beside me is Tech, behind you is Wrecker, and above us is our sniper, Crosshair.” He introduced, and you nodded briefly.
“That’s great. I need to contact General kenobi. A lot of my men are injured. We were on our way from Alberon when an exterior explosion on our engines caused us to exit hyperspace, then we were attacked and had to crashland here. I need an emergency pickup.” You huffed, adjusting your poncho.
“Your explosion almost hurt a group of kids. I could have blown my cover and im sure pretty soon there will be droids fucking us in our asses if we don’t find somewhere to lay low.” You hissed, your language causing the sniper above you to snort. Hunter raised his eyebrow, but nodded. “Fine. We will follow you, and help you contact Kenobi.” Hunter stated, not sounding super thrilled but you didn’t care.
You lead the four enhanced clones through the alleyways until you reach the back entrance of what seemed to be an abandoned home. But you knew better. Last time you were here you were only a teenager. You remember begging your master to let you visit your family until he finally caved in and brought you.
This was your mother’s home.
You used the force to unlock the door, pushing it open with a grunt as you led them inside. It was dark, and dusty, but you brought them up to what seemed to be a living area. Everything was tossed or strewn aside like the place was searched. You frowned, but continued searching for something to boost the signal of your or Hunter’s com device.
Eventually you found a terminal, and you opened up the wiring panel. You took your commlink and you attached it to some wires before turning it on. While you worked on that, Hunter was trying to contact Kenobi as well, his brothers looking at you, before looking at Hunter and then back at you.
They were still very on edge around you, you may have been a jedi but they didn’t trust easily. Just then you got a com from Kasey, and you quickly answered it.
It was glitchy, but on the hologram you could see Kasey firing at something. “general! droid… ambush… backup!” Kasey exclaimed, his voice cutting in and out of the transmission. You growled, trying to patch the connection through. “Just hold on Kasey! don’t back down. Keep your vod safe!” You exclaimed, the transmission cutting before you could say anything else.
You groaned, clenching your hands into fists before taking a deep breath, Tech then walked over to you, kneeling down beside you, wordlessly helping you rewire the terminal, and soon You and Tech successfully boosted the signal, hooking up their comms to contact General Kenobi. Hunter spoke up first, explaining that some complications arose before you stepped forward.
“General L/n? what are you doing on Cryt?” He asked, a soft laugh leaving your lips. “Not such a funny story, Master Kenobi. Myself and my battalion were on our way to the outer rim medical center after the battle of Alberon when one of our engines detonated and we were pulled out of hyperspace. We were attacked, and had to crash land here. I came to the city to find a way to contact the Jedi temple when I ran into Clone Force 99. and now we’re here.” You explained, trying to keep the explanation brief.
“If you can, can you request additional backup? droid’s are attacking my men and I need to get back to them before they get killed. My cruiser is inoperable.” You explained, seeing Kenobi talking with someone else for a moment before he nodded to you. “We will be arriving shortly with a fleet. We will send some gunships down to collect you and your men. Perhaps you could aid us in taking back your home>” Kenobi asked, and you nodded.
“I'll do whatever you command, General, just help my vod- my men.” You quickly corrected yourself. Kenobi nodded and the transmission ended. You sighed, rubbing your face before turning to look at Hunter.
“Thank you.” You muttered, Hunter nodded and walked away, talking with his brothers as you gathered yourself, ready to leave before you felt a hand wrap around yours. “We did our part for Kenobi, we’ll go back with you to help your men.” Hunter stated.
Your eyes widened, and you shook your head in disbelief. “Why would you do that?” You asked, hearing the man chuckle. “Because you are the only general I've heard of that has willingly learned our language, and then called your men your brothers. So we will help you. even if they are regs.” Hunter explained.
You stared at him for a few seconds before nodding. “Prepare for one hell of a fight.” You muttered, running out of your childhood home and out to the streets where droids were already patrolling.
You grabbed your lightsaber from your back and ignited it. The blade glowed orange which surprised The Bad Batch. They had never seen an orange lightsaber before. But what was unique about your saber, was that it had a crossguard, with smaller lazers escaping from the sides.
Your muscles flexed as you swung your blade forward, slicing through a patrolling vulture droid. You jumped from his leg, spinning as you cleaved a rolling droideka in two pieces, before blocking several blaster shots that came at you. But then you unlinked something on your holster, and a smaller saber disconnected from the crossguard saber which was still ignited.
You ignited a small orange lightsaber in your left hand, and started dual wielding, slicing through droids. “She’s a force to be reckoned with.” Crosshair muttered to Hunter, shooting a couple of droids that you had left behind. “I like her!” Wrecker exclaimed, rushing to help you as you both smashed through some droids, paving your way to the exit. Hunter, Tech and Crosshair followed close behind, shooting or knifing down any droids that your lightsaber’s didn’t cut through.
Hunter watched you, watched the sweat dripping from your brow as you skillfully swung your blades before attaching them together again, however this time, instead of just a single blade you had switched your stance to a dual blade. Now that was unique.
You were strong, that was clear. Unlike most of the jedi he had seen, you actually had muscle on your arms. You were heavy in your swings too but you left no room open for weakness. You used your body mass to your advantage to flip and swing over droids.
And soon you and the batch were on speeders, and heading towards your crashed ship which was already under heavy fire. But just as you arrived, so did the republic gunships and fighters. You commed Kasey, who picked up after a few buzzes. “Lieutenant just hold on! we’re almost there and reinforcements have arrived!” You exclaimed, igniting your lightsaber whilst on the speeder as you wiped out several droids in one pass. You then jumped off the speeder, force jumping again while mid air as you landed on a vulture droid.
You plunged your blade into its head, jumping off and landing back onto the ground. The Bad Batch managed to keep up with your speed, following you inside the crashed vessel, cutting through droids until you reached the med hanger. “Kasey!” You called out, the blades of your saber shutting off as you clipped it back to your belt, inhaling with relief when Kasey’s head poke out from behind a barricade, Kobo right behind him.
“Hey General! right on time for the fun.” Kasey beamed, and you chuckled as he turned to look at Hunter and his brothers. “Who are they?” Kasey asked, and you grinned. “This is the elite Clone Force 99. They’re helping take back Cryt.” You explained, hopping over the barricades. “Is Pulse okay?” You asked, looking around the med bay but not seeing him.
“Feeling good as ever, General.” His voice carried out, and Hunter saw your face brighten up significantly… he almost felt… jealous… But he couldn’t think like that, he barely knew you!
But regardless he watched as you embraced your commander in a hug for a few moments before pulling away, smacking him on the back of his head. “You di’kut! you’re supposed to be resting your leg!” You exclaimed, the men around you laughing at your exchange.
Eventually you turned back to Hunter, nodding. “I'll be sending my men up with the gunships once they land, But i’ll stick with you if that's okay.” You started, walking over to him. “Of course it's okay- i mean yea- its uh- its fine.” He cleared his throat, looking away from you.
Wrecker gasped. “Hunter’s got a crush~” He sang, and your face lit up, almost the color of your lightsaber. “Shut it Wrecker!” Hunter exclaimed, glancing back at you. You offered him a light smile, and he started blushing in return.
He kind of zoned out after that, you were so close and he could smell your natural perfume, which smelled of smokey vanilla and baking smells, along with the smell of your sweat… It's only been two or so hours since he met you and already he felt like a horny cadet all over again after seeing some pretty Jedi for the first time.
But he noticed the way your eyes brightened every time you spoke to your men, especially your commander and lieutenant, he saw the way your lips curled up slightly before you laughed or smiled wider. He admired the way you moved, you were walking with purpose, but at the same time you were so graceful.
Wrecker was right.
But he couldn’t stop looking at you, even in the midst of battle when you were on the frontlines with them, fighting separatists to free the people of your home world, he studied you, seeing you laugh, or grunt at every droid you slaughtered.
He thought you were gorgeous.
Even if you were covered in oil and dirt, and your hair was sticking to your face because of the sweat that dripped down your skin, you were still gorgeous.
At the end of battle, he noticed your afterglow, the way you smiled while talking with Kenobi, securing the peace of your planet.
Hunter's lips parted when you turned to look at him, he didn’t even realize you had walked up to him and started talking until Crosshair elbowed him in the ribs.
He snapped back to the present, trying to compose himself as you stared. “what? sorry-” He choked out, and hearing you laugh nearly made his knees give out.
“I said, while my men are healing, and are given a much needed break, I will be working alongside your squad, as long as it’s okay with you, sergeant.” You explained again, holding your hands behind your back as you stared right into his eyes.
he gulped.
he was in for it now.
You were on one of the Jedi cruisers now, having just showered and dressed into your under robes when you had bumped into Hunter in the hall. One minute you were talking, laughing… Then the next you were in your temporary quarters, and Hunter was kissing you, his hands sliding up your robes to lay flat against your warm skin.
Tongues and teeth clashed together, but you didn’t care, you didn’t want that moment to ever end.
And you fought beside Hunter for months after that, but you had a routine. After every mission you’d release all that passion with each other. And even when you went back to Coruscant, and was placed back with your squad, you found yourself partnering with The Bad Batch a lot more, and even when you couldn’t you’d find him on Coruscant.
So much passion, and love… And you shared it with him. Every piece of your heart you shared with him, just as he did with his own.
Nobody but your closest knew, and of course Hunter’s brothers knew. But your relationship was extremely confidential. Pulse understood, as did Koba and Kasey. They wouldn’t tell a soul.
And you were so grateful.
Order 66 killed so many, ruined so many lives. And had almost got you if you weren't able to remove the chips of your three most Loyal. You were able to hide with them, and escape from the growing Empire. Pulse, Koda and Kasey had felt so guilty, knowing the people you were raised with were probably slaughtered, and your battalion, you couldn’t save them all and it wore down heavily.
You hadn’t had any contact from Hunter, and you were scared to even reach out. Instead you reached out to an old Jedi contact, Cid, and you made your way to Ord Mantell with your remaining men. You had acquired (stolen) a ship from some pirates to actually get you there. But as soon as you stepped into Cid’s parlor, you sensed a familiar presence.
Your eyes searched the parlor, until you landed on a slightly hidden group in one of the back booths. You narrowed your eyes, and turned to your men who were looking at you curiously. “Guard the door.” You muttered, and started walking over to the booth…
You nearly choked, eyes widening as you saw none other than Hunter, and his brothers Tech and Wrecker and… another, one you didn’t recognize. But no Crosshair… and there was a girl, blonde with brown eyes.
When Hunter turned to look at you, he almost had the same reaction you did. You were both frozen as you looked at each other, But as quickly as it happened it was over, and not only was Hunter embracing you, so was Wrecker and even Tech.
You held them all tightly, tears beginning to fall from your cheeks, allowing Tech and Wrecker to pull away as you just focused on Hunter now, pressing your lips to his in a passionate, relieving kiss.
You pulled away again, sliding your fingers through his hair. “I thought-” he choked out, and you nodded. “I’m not, and you aren't either.” You whispered, kissing his cheek and then his lips again for a moment before pulling away when you heard the clone you didn’t know clear his throat. “Oh yes- hi.” You greeted the stranger, introducing yourself as you waved your men over.
It was a huge reunion, and that night you and Hunter shared a bed on your ship while his brothers and your men shared drinks and stories at Cid’s bar. But Hunter just held you as you cried. He was crying too, but more in relief that you were alive, and his arms.
he wouldn’t let you go again, and you wouldn’t either.
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thatone-brightstar · 1 year
The Bear & The Fox (Carmy Berzatto x Fem!Reader)
Chapter 11: Collateral Damage
Words: 5.8k
Summary: It's been a month since your breakup with Carmy and Syd wouldn't ask for your help unless they were absolutely slammed.
a/n: 1 more chapter + epilogue to go and I don't know what to do with myselffff!!!!
Thank you for sticking around thus far and commenting is always appreciated!
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Heartbreak is a funny little thing. You can walk a delicate line all your life to avoid feeling it, but one way or another it’ll find you. It’s the eternal debate: To avoid all and spare yourself from hurt, but live a life of emptiness and quiet; or to welcome the pain like an old friend, at peace and knowing you never stopped trying. Everyone chooses a side at some point, but you’re never really spared from it. 
You’ve always hated the part of you that feels too deeply. The one that created stories out of strangers, wonder struck by microseconds of eye contact, then shattered when they step off the train. The one that no matter how many times was dolefully blown into the ground, it still believes in good grace and  happy endings.
“So yeah… That’s basically it since the last time I saw you.” You say, twirling the small ring with the aquamarine stone that you had stopped wearing long ago. You look up to the woman sitting across from you and ask “What? You asked me how I was.”
“And I wasn’t expecting a two hour monologue.”
“Well what did you expect? Haven’t seen you in months, I needed to vent…” You fight back.
You can hear the soft scribbles of her pen for a couple minutes and you make yourself comfortable against the soft pillows that fill up most of her couch.
“So, how long has it been?” She speaks again.
“Bout a month…” You sigh.
“And have either of you tried reaching out?”
“No, I-” You take a breath and ponder over the question, the single unanswered text weighing heavy on your phone. “I wouldn’t know what to say. Besides, I’ve been too busy with my paintings and helping out with the auction. I don’t really have time for… anything else. I-I guess he’s been busy too.” 
“But you still know what he’s up to?” She asks with raised brows.
You shrug with a single shoulder and chew at your thumbnail with slight nerves. “Syd talks about work sometimes, when we go out. But I think she kinda feels guilty for bringing him up. I told her it’s fine.” The woman looks at you skeptically through the small circular glasses. “I’m fine.” You half lie. “I am, it's just… The auction is this weekend and they’re catering so… I don’t really know how I’m supposed to feel…”
“Because you’ll see him again?”
The woman calls your name again and you rip your eyes from the ring on your finger, heavy inside your own head to hear her question.
“So, is your set finished?” She asks to change the conversation.
“Mhm. It only took me a couple weeks to finish but -” Your smile curls slowly at the edge of your lips. “I'm really proud of them.”
“That’s great to hear.” She whispers with a genuine smile. “You know, heartbreak can also be a beautiful thing. It’s painful, yes, but it also gives a vulnerability we don’t regularly allow ourselves. It lets us create wonderful things. It’s all part of the human experience. It truly is nice to know you’re doing better, even after going MIA for months.” She says with a practiced tone mothers use to scold you.
She schedules you in for the next month and you promise to not bail this time, then walking out the office with your bag over your shoulder and a lightweight heart. The prospect of seeing him at the auction is still heavy on your mind as you make your way to the train station and the simple thought fills your chest like a crisp breath of air. ‘He could just send Syd’ you think and you try to not engage too much with the idea in fear that it may sour your good mood.  Instead you focus on your steady steps and people watching, ‘whatever happens, happens.’ you mumble under your breath.
Syd’s call had pulled you from the comfort of your home before the sun was even visible over the horizon. Her worried tone had you waking up instantly and darting frantically around your darkened room in search of anything that could shield you from the increasing cold, then out the door and in the dreaded direction of The Beef. 
It’s been a month since you last spoke with Carmy and even though in the grand scheme of time, it’s only a mere speck of dust, to you it had felt eternal. Small snippets blur together into one long strenuous day, piggy-backing off your grief and pushing your shoulders deeper into the ground. You had called him a few days after in hopes that you could talk things over, but it went straight to voicemail. So you left a text that you anxiously waited an answer for the following days. All of a sudden, one week turned into two, then three and before you knew it, a month had gone by without a response. You kept busy picking up most of the planning to avoid any crossing thought of him, only allowing yourself to break with your canvas in front and acrylics to spear. 
You had done enough to convince yourself you were fine, that even if he were to show up tomorrow and not send Syd on his behalf, you'd be fine. 
Fine. Fine. Fucking fine. 
Everything was fucking fine until this morning when Syd had called to ask for help at the restaurant. Richie had been arrested, the place was a mess and they were behind on prep for the event tomorrow because they were lacking hands. Protesting would only lose you time that they did not have, so in place of that you settle to ignore the treacherous wormhole vacuuming out the few remains of confidence you had saved for tomorrow as you wait for the train that’ll leave you on River North Station.
Twenty three minutes later, you're walking at a brisk pace through the streets with a thick knot for a stomach and a growing unease. You push through the door and stop in your tracks at the shock and disarray of the place.
“What the fuck? Ugh-” 
The potent smell of alcohol is the first thing that invades your nose, along with the stickiness of the floor the deeper you walk into the room. There’s solo cups scattered everywhere and half working Christmas lights hanging loosely over the walls. Some frames from the front wall lay broken, spewing shards of glass all around the tiles.
“Mi amor, qué sorpresa!” You hear Tina’s voice from behind the counter and you slowly walk towards her, the small pieces shattering under the weight of your boots.
She hugs you tight and kisses your cheek. “Tina, what the hell happened in here?! It smells like the fuckin’ Hangover…”
“Ay baby, don’t even get me started with these knuckleheads-”
You take another woeful look around, then follow her inside as she recounts the little information Sydney gave them from the frantic phone call she had with Carmen. How they rented out The Beef for a bachelor’s and Richie had knocked out some drunk while defending Carmen’s ass. It’s strange to you, the pair’s relationship. How they were always ready to rip each other to pieces, but would jump to save the other without a second thought. They said they couldn’t stand one another, but you’re sure they’re something either can’t live without.
“So what, he’s in for aggravated assault?” You ask.
“Only if the guy wakes up.” Marcus answers with a broom in hand, sweeping away remnants of glitter and tinsel.
“And if he doesn’t?”
“Could be 5 to 25 for accidental manslaughter…” Sweeps chimes in while carrying a full trash bag to the back.
Your throat closes up and behind your concern, you hear Marcus ask Sweeps how he knows so much about the matter. ‘Bro, I told you. I went to Harvard Law…’ ‘Oh yeah…’
You breathe in  deep while maintaining the possibility of his release still in your mind and you head to Syd’s side, pulling your hair up into a ponytail automatically. 
“Alright, brigade’s here. What d’you need?” You say after a quick hug hello.
“Guess you know more about it than I do…”
She’s flipping through the binder with all the recipes and images of the canapes they’d be serving, the one you helped Carmy assemble all those months back. Despite a few scribbles and notes at the foot of some recipes, it’s practically the same. You bend the corner lightly on the last page to find the miniature ‘C’ surrounded by purile hearts and your morning coffee grows knotty in your gut.
“Is he…” You try asking, but the sentence loses power half way through.
Syd seems to catch your drift. “No, no. He’s been down at the station since dawn.”
You nod absentmindedly with your eyes glued to the page. 
“Okay, um. Marcus left the sourdough for the tapas rising all night yesterday, so we have a good start on that-” Syd began and you pull all your attention to the task at hand. “Beef’s already bracing in the oven but it’ll take a couple more hours. You can start with the ginger- tangerine compote. That’ll go on the brie.” She says, handing you one of the blue aprons. 
“Alright, heard.” The words feel unnatural rolling off your tongue after being away from a kitchen for so long.
She leaves you in search of Fak, urging him to finish fixing the backed up sink in the Steward section. You drown out the bicker and hastily make your way into the walk-in, throwing the apron over your head and tying the back securely around your waist. It’s almost as if the familiar pressure unveils a dormant sensation and you soon find yourself navigating with ease through the skills you thought forgotten. The knife feels at home under your palm -heftier than a paint brush but still requires the same level of  concentration- as you separate the tangerine supremes and add them to the pot holding clarified butter, sugar and rosemary leaves. Everyone works in a rhythmic but comfortable silence, a stark difference from the frantic, unmeasured mess they seemed to thrive in when you still worked here. 
“Yo chef?” Marcus calls from your left. 
You lift your head to him while you finish peeling the ginger. “What's up?”
“Mind tasting this for me? It’s for the gig but somethin’ bout the filling don’t feel right…”
You nod and wipe your hands on your rag, then take a bite into the miniature stuffed doughnut that doesn’t seem bigger than an Oreo. The flavors are too thick to tell them apart but  the softness of the dough allows it to almost melt in your mouth. 
“The dough’s perfect-“ You say between bites, the compliment blooming over his face into a grin. “How bout a different filling though, there’s a lot going on and you can’t really enjoy the texture.”
“Right!? See, that’s what I was thinkin’. Got anything in mind?”
“Mmm, you could try a chai cream filling.”
“Just milk and cinnamon, then?”
“Yes and also no” You answer with a smile. “Try to steep some black tea in milk with cinnamon and ginger. Then instead of sugar, add honey to your crème and the chai milk. It should be a little bit more runny so when it cools it doesn’t get that jelly-like consistency from the egg.” You finish then turn back to peeling off the skin of the ginger with your spoon. 
Marcus is still standing beside you with a pleased smile. “You really know your stuff, huh? Thought you was burnt out.” and you lightly hit him over the arm with the back of your spoon. 
“Oh, I can totally smoke your ass baker boy..” You grin.
Before he can fight back, a sudden commotion by the entrance has you lifting your head above the second level of the table and searching for the noise. The slick handle of the spoon  almost slips past your hand when your eyes capture the image of two very sleep deprived Carmen and Richie walking through the staff door. You can see everyone showering them with attention, how Tina hugs Richie tight then smacks him hard over the head, but the loud ringing in your ears and the sudden rush of cold blood prevent you from moving any closer. Not that you’d want to anyway. You try to pull yourself together, wiping your clammy hands for the tenth time and watching them advance deeper into the room. Richie’s the first to spot you and true to his nature, he lets the whole room know that he’s seen you, with outstretched palms in your direction.
“Oh, shit! This a fuckin’ family reunion?!” His hand falls heavily over the crown of your head and you swat it away with a smack.
“How’s prison?” 
“Oh, y'know…free food, can’t complain.”
“D’you get yourself a bitch?” You tease.
“Yeah, brought ‘em home, actually-” He says pointing back to Carmy, causing the forming grin on your face to fall when you see he’s been watching you. You pull your eyes from him and back to your cutting board. “Oh right, my bad…”
You shake your head, mumbling a sharp ‘asshole’ through gritted teeth. Richie takes off to the back and you’re finally left at peace.
You fall into a pronounced balance of chopping and continuously stirring the compote, until it reaches the needed consistency and you pull it off the fire to cool. You check it off Syd’s thoroughly organized list and scroll down to find the next task, then make your way back into the walk-in. With a bowl resting on your hip, you pick out a few pears you’ll need, then hear the creak of the metal door open and you assume it’s Syd coming in to take a breather from the frenetic kitchen.
“Yo, I’m gonna start poaching the pears. You’re out of red wine but I can run to the corner store and try to flirt with the clerk to knock a few bucks off a bottle-”
The slick bowl almost slips from your grip when your eyes catch his. A chill slithers from your neck, down your spine and wraps around your knees, rendering them uselessly immobile as Carmy just stares you down through tired lids. The room grows uncomfortably smaller with the two of you locked inside and you're afraid that he can hear the irregular tempo in your quickening pulse. You wonder if the slight shock in his brows is due to not knowing you were in there. It only flashes for a second, then his features conceal behind a curtain of indifference, making your stand straighter.
“H-hey.” He says with a feign coolness as he wraps his own apron around his waist and moves deeper into the room, as if it’s the most natural thing to find you between the inventory of his restaurant.
You turn back to the shelf so he doesn’t notice the multiple quivery inhales it takes for your voice to sound somewhat even. “Syd asked me for help, that’s why I’m here I-”
“No- yeah, I get it- I wasn’t-” He cuts himself off and takes a breath that has your wavering stare slowly inching towards him. “Thank you…”
You finally turn to him, only holding his stare for a second, then give him a tight smile and wrap both arms securely around the bowl that wants to slip from your clammy palms. His lips part and you wait for anything else to leave his mouth, maybe a ‘How’ve you been?’ or a ‘Can we talk?’. But nothing does and you try to not let it sting as much as it normally does when you get your hopes up. You take a reluctant step towards the door, then another and another, only stopping when your name vibrates in the concealed room.
“Yeah…?” You turn with a full chest.
He holds an unopened bottle of wine in your direction, face blank. “Bottom left shelf.” He says, shrugging.
“Oh. Right.” You take it without meeting his stare so he doesn’t see the grief slapped across it and quickly push yourself out the space.
You spend the better part of half an hour peeling the thin skin off the pears and letting the simmering wine and spices fill the kitchen with a strong sweetness. Carmy’s presence looms around the room as he checks in with every station on their progress, but doesn’t stop with you. All you get is a soft ‘Behind’ and the tingling sensation of his touch on your lower back as he passes by. You don’t know if it’s on purpose or not, although it doesn't really matter to the breath that stops in your throat when he does it. ‘Just finish this and you can leave.’ you repeat to yourself. Though you know you won’t, at least not until they’re up to schedule, even if every second sharing the same space withers at your soul.
You do your best to focus on your task, only talking to Tina when she gently squeezes your forearm to ask if you're okay, because your brows are glued into that permanent scowl that only displays your irritation outward.
“Yeah I, um- just got a lot on my plate.” You tell her and try to not let it trigger the tears you’ve hoarded in the back of your throat.
“No te hará sentir mejor-” She whispers to your side. 
“-Probably not-”
“-pero él está igual de miserable que tú. Really baby, you should have a talk with him, y’know, straighten things out.”
“T, ni siquiera me ve a la cara…” You whisper back. “How am I supposed to straighten anything out if he won’t even look at me?”
“Ay, baby I know. But I’ve known that stubborn boy all his life and let me tell you, since he came back from Madison Square Park -or wherever the fuck-, he was all different and… bitchy. And it wasn’t ‘till you came along that he finally felt like the Carmy we all knew before… pues ya tu sabes.” She says in reference to his brother.
“You two are good for each other, but you’re both stubborn as hell… talk it out, okay? Don’t lose somethin’ good ‘cause you're stubborn.” Tina rubs your shoulder reassuringly then with a final smile. she turns yelling ‘Corner!’ and disappears behind the tall stands.
You swallow down the aching knot and distract yourself with the slippery fruit in your hands.
“Can I..?” You see his hands before hearing his voice, as he lightly places a white cutting board a few feet away from you. You eye the curves of discoloring letters above his knuckles, then force your stare back to your own working hands and shrug.
“Sure… your kitchen.”
He only nods, from your side view you see how his eyes linger on you for a few moments then fall back down. The air between you feels thick despite the music playing from the hoarse stereo and a light layer of conversation from the staff. There’s a heavy pressure over your chest that only seems to expand with every silent minute passing between you. 
Then Carmy clears his throat. “How’s-uhm- your set.. for the auction?” 
Confusion and irritation brew in synchronicity with your wine and you try to hide the annoyance his question brings you. He acts as if he’s just seen you the day before, as if things had ended with a friendly handshake and a mutual agreement, not with him breaking up with you and completely vanishing from your life.
“It’s fine.” You turn to the burners and stir the pot slowly to keep it from burning and also to avoid his heavy gaze.
You taste it to make sure the flavors are correct then turn back to finally finish peeling the last of your pears. Carmy stares at you like he wants to say something else, but just contemplates the seriousness of your features and the flow of your hands as you move the peeler in a frenzy. Each stroke grows closer to your skin and he just feels the need to warn you.
“Careful you’re gonna-”
“Mierda!” You hiss, dropping the handle immediately and cradling your palm under the injured one. “Hijo de puta!”
He’s by your side in a second, with his clean towel hovering under your hands and taking the fruit that you crushed involuntarily when the pain closed your fist. 
“It’s fine- I’m fine.” 
“No you’re not, you’re bleeding-”
“I said I’m fine!” You pry your hand hard enough to hear a slight pop from your wrist.
Carmy’s hands fall to his sides and you divert your gaze to the floor walking to the nearest sink to clean your wound. You hiss again when the warm water hits your palm and a gash at the bottom of it is finally visible. Fucking perfect. You scrub remnants of puree and blood off, until the water runs a light pink and you're relieved to see it won’t need stitches. A gauze and some tape will suffice, so you wrap it in some paper towels to avoid dripping and march to the small office where you find the kit. The quicker you move, the faster you’ll be out of the confined space that makes you feel like a vulnerable prey. But your fingers tremble from the light sting and the edge of the wrapper isn’t cooperating with your dull nails. Tiny droplets of blood pool in the center of your palm, the frustration grows too quickly and you slam the unopened gauze flat on the desk.
‘It’s fine, you’re fine.’ The voice in your head circles through the same phrase, pretending that the sudden proximity of him didn’t unearth something you have tried so hard to bury down for the last month. You thought you could be mature enough to ignore the crushing weight settling over you with every stare, but the wisps of frigid indifference that radiated off him wrapped a tightening noose around your neck and you weren’t sure how long you had until it finally killed you. 
A soft click pulls your attention from the crimson in your hand. Carmy stands with raised palms, inching slowly towards your intense glare, then reaches out a hand as if trying to help a wounded animal. Which in a way, you are and the joke forming in your mind about the bear helping a fox would be rather funny if you weren’t so immensely upset with him.
With a ragged sigh, you turn in the small space and stretch out your hand to him, eyes locking on a painting on the wall to evade his stare. You ignore the furor of goosebumps that invade your skin the second his touch is on you. Carmen’s hand holds you in the cocoon of his fist, thumb rubbing delicate circles beside the battered spot while he uses the paper towel to soak up all the blood. You reprimand your wayward beats for their reaction to his innocent touch and you have to constantly pull your wandering gaze from reaching the dangerous borders of his tightened jaw. His deep exhales fan the baby hairs resting at the bottom of your neck, his attention fixed on the small imperfection. His movements are slow, asking each muscle for permission to move the next, because having you this close after so long is a luxury he does not want to rush through, not if he’s never getting it again. 
Carmy understood your anger. He could feel it radiating off you in waves that bounced in the small space, but he also understood that he’s never had enough words to properly express the turmoil of everythingness swirling constantly inside his head. He wanted to let you know how hard it had been for him too. Confess the unhealthy amount of time he was spending at the restaurant- only going home to shower then leaving again- because he was afraid of the scent of your perfume and how it lingered on every breathable space in his home… apartment- not home- at least not since you had gone.
He focuses on swabbing the sanitizing wipe tenderly in hopes that his actions can transmit what he can’t say. The alcohol makes you hiss again and his eyes flicker to your frowned brows, mumbling a soft ‘sorry’.
He only lets go to tear open the gauze and some tape, then takes you in his grasp again to wrap your palm up safely. You expect him to let go once he’s done. To create as much needed space to fit the betrayal he portrayed the last time you saw him, this would only explain why he never called back. But he doesn’t. And he doesn’t look up at you either. Your stares meet on the flesh where his thumb still brushes over the blood-stained pit, your chest raises in slow puffs and the uninjured hand grips tightly over the edge hitting behind you. This is all too familiar again, right down to the brewing anxiety trickling heat into your overworked veins. You can't help but to foolishly crawl your pupils over the navy blue of his apron, past the strained tendons of his neck, the sharpness of his nose and to the beautiful blue you had missed so much.
Neither of you notice how the space has reduced to mere inches between you until his eyes flicker to yours and every single speck is bright and visible for your admiration. He swallows down hard, the Adam's apple bouncing in his throat portrays his nerves openly to you. The last reasonable, minute voice in his head tells him to pull away, but the way you’re staring up at him has his body tilting in your direction instead. Eyes wide and glossy dance around the freckles dusting his cheeks, causing his hand to float from your wrist to the dip of your waist and his forehead finally falls against yours.
You gasp in softly when his fingers dig into the center of your spine while his nose brushes along yours longingly. You can feel his sultry exhales ghost over the curve of your parted lips with doubt still present in his movements.
“Carmy…” The voice is above a whisper and you’re not sure you even have the strength to utter the sentence that’s formed in your head.
Your voice seems to trigger something in him. His jaw hardens, his fingers bunch up your shirt in a light fist and just as quickly, his grip on you loses strength and his hand falls to rest beside your fisted one. Then a grave sigh parts his chest and he takes a painful step back, unwilling to lift his eyes from the ground.
It takes a minute for you to react, then the butterflies in your stomach turn to wasps swarming in dangerous circles, unable to fly out due to the knot blocking your throat. He’s eerily silent, eyes glued to the floor to ignore your fiery glare.
“Sorry, I…” 
You scoff and shake your head, blinking rapidly to pull back the tears threatening to spill with your anger.
“Screw you, Carmen.” You untie the apron as quickly as you can with your injured hand and throw it at his desk before walking out of the small room.
With strong footsteps, you take your bag from above the lockers and escape out the back. The door slams hard as you push yourself out, Carmen following behind but by the time he calls your name you’re already a couple steps ahead.
“Fox!” He yells and you spin in his direction with nothing but anger over your face.
“Listen, I’m sor-”
“No-fuck you- you don’t get to talk, alright?! It’s my turn.” He takes a step back before crashing into you, jaw locked tight and regardless of the deafening ring in your ears, you refuse to bite your tongue again.
“Look Carmy, I am truly sorry that I didn’t tell you earlier and I’m so sorry that I’m here instead of your brother- but that does not mean you get a fuck-it-all free card and get to pull shit like that!” Tears of anger trickle down your heated skin and tickle the curve of your trembling lips.
“I called you Carmy…” The words burn as they force themselves to spill out. “I called you, and I texted you and I waited cause I knew you were pissed - and you have every fuckin’ right to be- but it doesn’t give you the right to kick me out of your life one second, then act as if everything’s fine the next, cause it’s not!”
The sounds of the city have grown mute between your heavy breaths and the erratic beating in your skull. You don’t expect him to answer and he doesn’t seem to have anything to say. He simply stands before you, eyes glossy and brows knitted as you bare all that you kept since the last time you saw him.
“I know you’re scared. And I know you’re angry and whatever this is-was-” You say pointing between you. “I know it didn’t come at a right time. But I meant what I said, Bear, I do love you. So fucking much. But that doesn’t mean it’s fair of you to take it out on me cause you’re angry at him… I refuse to be collateral damage for whatever the fuck you got going on.”
The weight over your chest might have shrunk, but it didn’t make you feel any less better than before, especially not with the way he’s looking at you. You want nothing more than to run to his side and kiss away the few stray drops that nest in the corner of his red rimmed eyes. You want to hug him tight until the loose pieces of his brokenness stick back together into one whole man, but the last of logic inside you knows that it would only serve as a temporary band-aid. So instead you offer a speck of a smile, just a soft curve that doesn’t reach your teary eyes.
“I love you, Carmy. So I dunno, give me a call when you sort it out- I know it’s more of a ‘when’ than an ‘if’ situation-… I think I’m stupid enough to answer.”
Carmen watches from his frozen position as you rub the tears away with the back of your hand, then the gravel crunches under your boots and in a few seconds you disappear around the corner. 
He has enough energy to slump over the crates by the wall and pull the crushed package of smokes from his back pocket. While the wisp of smoke swirls in the wind around him, he rubs his eyes until the image of your tear-soaked face blurs away behind the darkness. The gravel creeks again, heavy steps move from his left then settle with a groan beside him.
“I’m not in the mood, alright?” He says, eyes focused on the street at the end of the alley.
Richie doesn’t say anything, only takes out his own cigarette and joins his cousin in silence.
“Is there, um-” His voice is thick and wavering, barely holding on to controlled breaths. “Is there a name for… when you’re afraid of somethin’ good happening cause you think somethin’ bad’s gonna happen? ”
His thumb rubs anxiously over the same spot on his palm as he waits for Richie’s response.
“Fuck it, I dunno… life?” He takes a long drag, letting the exhale occupy the empty space in front of them. “That bad, huh?”
“Yeah…” Then the silence falls over them again.
When his cigarette burns out, Carmy reaches for another, but before he can settle the lighter back down, Richie pulls out a small envelope from the pocket of his jacket and hands it to him. Carmy’s reluctant to take it, his eyes flicker between his cousin and the piece of paper, then he slowly reaches out.
“What’s this?”
“It’s from your asshole brother… R.I.P and whatnot.” Is all he says.
His hand trembles again, his breath short circuits and a new wave of dread nips at the back of his neck. He swallows hard and breathes in deep, bracing himself, before turning it over. ‘This day just keeps getting better…’
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Chapter 12.
Taglist: @pearlstiare @teteminne, @beebslebobs, @harrysmatcha, @yum-yahgurt, @pussy-f41ry, @kirakombat and that’s it lmao
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fanfic-lover-girl · 6 months
Book!Hinny is trash and their kiss scene easily foreshadows Ginny's treatment as Harry's accessory
I just thought about the Hinny kiss scene so this is another impromptu HP post.
Harry looked around; there was Ginny running toward him; she had a hard, blazing look in her face as she threw her arms around him. And without thinking, without planning it, without worrying about the fact that fifty people were watching, Harry kissed her. After several long moments — or it might have been half an hour — or possibly several sunlit days — they broke apart. The room had gone very quiet. Then several people wolf-whistled and there was an outbreak of nervous giggling. Harry looked over the top of Ginny’s head to see Dean Thomas holding a shattered glass in his hand, and Romilda Vane looking as though she might throw something. Hermione was beaming, but Harry’s eyes sought Ron. At last he found him, still clutching the Cup and wearing an expression appropriate to having been clubbed over the head. For a fraction of a second they looked at each other, then Ron gave a tiny jerk of the head that Harry understood to mean, Well — if you must. The creature in his chest roaring in triumph, he grinned down at Ginny and gestured wordlessly out of the portrait hole. A long walk in the grounds seemed indicated, during which — if they had time — they might discuss the match.
Personal Takeaways from this scene:
Hinny seems mainly to be based on passion/lust. Ginny becomes hot and is dating guys so now Harry is horny for her. Their first kiss embodies this whirlwind passion. It's not in an intimate setting where they can discuss their feelings but in an euphoric moment after a victory - a victory where Ginny beat his ex. There's nothing inherently wrong about getting caught up in the moment but it just contributes to the shallowness of this ship.
There is zero focus on Ginny during or after the kiss. Harry has been pining for several chapters but nope, the first person highlighted after Harry kisses her is Ginny's ex. Harry is very conservative to whom he pays attention so it's not a coincidence that Dean is the first one mentioned here.
Instead of getting Ginny's reaction to all this, Harry seeks out Ron for his approval. Hey Harry, how about checking in the with girl you just kissed in front of a crowd? How does she feel about all this?
Ginny feels like a nonentity - just a conquest. His chest monster roaring in triumph is so repulsive to me. Harry showed up Dean, he has Ron's approval so Harry's won. Harry claimed her.
The last line is just a personal peeve of mine. It just gives me the impression that Harry is the leader of the relationship and Ginny is just meant to follow along. Still no reaction from Ginny. Is she shy, joyful, mischievous, uncertain etc about leaving with Harry? Why would Harry not start the discussion by talking about the match so he can praise Ginny for her performance? Given that her team's victory played a role in their kiss and all.
Sigh, the teen romances in HP are atrocious. The people saying that book Hinny was a great relationship have to be high. I don't like Ginny but JKR really ruined her character. Just like here, in the epilogue, Ginny is just there. Ginny deserved better. Not that I care much about her but it's frustrating to see female characters treated like this and people praising the relationship as amazing.
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May's Strip Game Part Nine: the Finale!
[It is too much to bear.]
Coerced into turning.
Behind you is... a second Manager? He winks at you. Something is off about him. His coat, which this one is wearing, is fastened the wrong direction. Shouldn’t his cane be in his other hand?
When he steps down the aisle, his cane makes the correct, expected sound. It is perfectly in time with what you are seeing. His pace is leisurely slow as he walks. Your pulse does not slow to meet it. 
As the Manager approaches the Merry Gentleman, you watch the carpet buckle and fray behind him. The Gentleman smirks at his counterpart. The Manager does not frown. As they get closer towards each other, your head begins to swim. Your mind rebels at the sight of them. Despite proximity, you cannot comprehend the details. There is a feeling, as though you have stood up too quickly, as though you’ve had a nasty startle, as though the world is spinning without you. You are granted permission to look away. You focus instead on the mirrors. In them, the Merry Gentleman begins to look like the reflection, and the Manager the one casting it.
You begin to hear them speak.
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“I must pay off the bills. I cannot keep the Court and the Kings away forever.”
“We cannot lose ourself to apathy. Certainly there’s better ways to solve this mess than with such aggressive tactics.”
“I don’t see the issue, frankly.” This one’s tone is chipper. “They’ll all be dead soon enough, washed away by-”
“They are alive right now. If we want for any long plan, there must be people left to survive.”
You are caught in the middle of something larger. There is a story here you are not privy to. You doubt there are many who are privy to it anymore.
“The years will pass in an instant.”
“For us.” This one cries as he speaks. “We will not keep people here, beholden to their nightmares. We have the rare benefit of insight.”
There is a long pause, then a sigh. “Fine, I concede to that. Though we cannot help everyone.” This one cries as well. “We cannot weep for every heart that passes through here.”
“I will concede there.”
“Then we have a mess of my own making to clean.”
“At least it will pay well.”
This one chuckles, though there is bitterness to it.
You watch the reflections grow larger, and larger, and then the mirror duplicate, triplicate, multiply over and over and ripple, like a wave that threatens to pull you under and drown you in its current. Then they shatter, all at once. When you open your eyes again, there are no glass shards. As if the mirrors shattered inwards, and not outwards.
Before you stands a single man. The Merry Manager, reaching a six fingered hand towards you. “I believe you’ll need time to recover after tonight. I’ll escort you to your suite.”
Can you trust him? He is the one who put you into your worst nightmare. You find yourself with tears streaking your cheeks. Tears which are his doing. You have seen two sides of him. One who causes horrors with little care, for he is lost in the big picture, for reasons you are too small, and far too young to know. Yet, there is the one who wept that he needed to go to such means, to justify the ends. The one who wished for this to be a safe haven, to take care of people. Now, here those two are, united, and focused on you. Can you trust him?
{<<<Part One} {<Part 8} {Epilogue>}
You have completed this story! You have gained 1x Memory of Discordance. Look for an epilogue soon!
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