#she actually says something like “afraid I’ll win?”
gay-dorito-dust · 2 days
Hi 🙂 could you write a fic about Agatha and Rio both taking an interest in reader and competing for their attention. Who they end up with up to you. Xxx
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I got issues w/ wanda stans which ultimately make me hate the character (I don’t want to but you freaks force my hand) by osmosis and I’ll just block you out cuz it’s honestly pathetic to listen to you speak.
You were cute, they both had to admit it, adorable even if they were kind enough to admit aloud. So congrats on being the object of desire of two very powerful and beautiful women. I’m jealous.
Neither Rio nor Agatha were exactly delighted to know that the other was also thriving for your affection and attention. Not. One.bit. They didn’t want to take civil either when it came to you and would boast rather loudly and confidently about how your heart was already taken as their possession.
‘You don’t have a heart to give, so why would you ever delude yourself to the idea that y/n would ever give you theirs on their own terms?’ Agatha said as Rio smirked and shrugged.
‘I do have a heart, it’s black and it beats for them as theirs does for mine, I just have to make them see that even if it means removing you from the picture.’ Rio replied but it only proved to make Agatha cackle as though she was told something funny rather than threatened. She’s had that be the case for a long, long time on multiple different accounts.
‘That’s cute but they were mine from the moment I stepped into Westview during Wanda’s…attempt to play house and acting as their wife,’ Agatha sighs. ‘Let’s just say I was given tastes of them which were sweeter than nectar.’ She smirks when she seeks the smirk on Rio’s lip was wiped off, replaced by a scowl as a perfect visual of jealously and anger overcame the face green witch.
‘Well we’re not in THAT Westview anymore my dearest Agatha,’ Rio began, ‘those memories you may try to hold over my head are long forgotten by them, besides it’s time they moved on with someone with more…potential.’ It was Agatha’s time to look annoyed and angry at Rio as she waves her hand. ‘Bye bye Aggie, we’ll be sure to send the marriage invite.’ She adds sarcastically before leaving.
Agatha, alone in the house she was trapped in for the past three or more years, took a deep breath to compose herself. If Rio wanted you, she’s going have to go through her first, after all you were hers first even if it was under the hex. You were always going to be hers before you were anyone else’s.
Agatha would try to woo you by doing things you supposedly liked during the hex, but once she realises that wasn’t the case anymore and the you in the hex was a charachuer of who you were. She knew that she had some actual work to do in order to win your heart before the black hearted Rio did.
She’d even console in Senior Scratch from time to time, tucking the rabbit in her arms and under her chin as she schemes about how she’s going to swoon you over to her.
‘Flowers did the charm once but it doesn’t exactly scream ‘ don’t make me the other woman in this relationship’ or ‘you chose me once, do that again because it’s the only correct answer.’ Agatha raised the rabbit to her eyes. ‘what do you think? Yay or nah.’
Senior scratch twitched his nose and flicked his ear.
‘You’re right, after Wanda traumatised this town, I doubt it’ll be easy getting to y/n anymore as it is getting a needle out of a haystack, but I’m not going to give them over to her.’ Agatha spat as he mind went to Rio earlier this morning, whispering rather flirty and somewhat vulgar things when told to someone with a particularly filthy mind, into your ear and smiling when you looked at her with wide eyes and a flustered face.
‘You know where to find me sweetheart, so don’t be shy.’ Rio then said as she locked eyes with Agatha as she kissed your cheek, leaving a perfect dark imprint of her lips there for anyone to see.
Rio on the other hand wasn’t afraid to saunter up to you and openly flirt with you while keeping her composure. It came to her as easily as breathing, and besides your reactions always made her smile in accomplishment, so she keeps doing it while handing you a special black rose that she conjured up just for you.
‘What’s this?’you asked.
‘A rose of course.’ Rio replied.
‘I know that but,’ you look from the flower to Rio, ‘what’s the occasion?’
Rio smiled as she walked up close to you, placing her hand over your own as she made you both squeeze the stem of the thornless rose. ‘No occasion, can I not be allowed to gift you something that will never wilt, never die, never look less perfect than the day I plucked it for you.’ Rio answered as she looked deeply into your eyes.
You smiled. ‘Thanks Rio, I promise to treasure it along with the lavenders that Agatha got me.’
Rio’s jaw twitched at the mention of the other witches name but didn’t let her annoyance be shown to you as she smiled tightly. ‘You take gifts from other women now? I’m hurt.’ You chuckled as you rested your hand on her shoulder, cussing a flicker of warmth to flow through her briefly.
‘I didn’t take Rio Vidal to be the jealous type.’ You joked, ‘besides it’s not like I can reject Agatha’s gifts, she can be very convincing.’ You add as Rio internally seethed.
‘Yes, very convincing.’ She chocked out through gritted teeth. Agatha was more of a pain in her ass than she originally thought.
‘Anyways I’ve got to go, Agatha invited me to her house for tea and snacks this afternoon but I’ll see you tomorrow for that abandoned botanical garden you told me about, see you later Rio.’ You bided the green with goodbye as you clutched the black rose to your chest as it emanated a brief green glow.
‘You think you’re winning this fight Agatha, but the wars only just begun.’ Rio spat as she watched Agatha welcome you with open arms, holding you close as she looks at Rio with a look of accomplishment.
‘Come on in dear, I have your favourites ready on the table. Senior Scratch has been missing you as of late.’ Agatha cooed as she booped you on the nose, her hand now sliding to your waist as she guides you into her home that felt familiar and smelled like lavender to ease you into a sense of comfort and warmth.
Who you end up with is up to you. (I’d want both but I’m a sucker for Kathryn Hahn and Aubrey Plaza)
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darlingod · 6 months
Cardan @ Taryn: tell your sister to back out of the tournament
Jude: scared bitch?
Cardan: hey itS NOT FOR MORTALS—
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disneyprincemuke · 7 months
testing, testing * fem!driver
nobody is more glad to be back in bahrain in her new race car more than the girl racing for andretti
pairings: fernando alonso x fem!driver, logan sargeant x fem!driver, oscar piastri x fem!driver, sebastian vettel x fem!driver, liam lawson x fem!driver
notes: hi surprise before the first race of 2024 and also because I've been writing this piece for like a week now
(series masterlist) | (📂 the sophomore year)
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she sighs, tilting her head as she looks down at the car. her hand hovers above the side pod as she grins, “ah, my baby. so pretty.”
liam, standing next to her, has a scowl on his face as he lifts his eyebrow at her. “what?”
“look at the purple on this car,” she whispers in bewilderment as she claps her hand, bouncing on her tiptoes. “she’s so pretty! i have a good feeling about this year, liam!” she grabs his shoulder and shakes him as she throws her head back. “this is our year and i’m going to win a race for andretti.”
“if you don’t stop shaking me, i’ll throw myself in front of your car and you’ll have to find a new teammate.”
she hums. “i have fred — toto will hand him over if i bat my eyelashes and say really nice things and offer free babysitting.”
“hater,” liam mutters, shaking his head. he turns his head back to the car. it is pretty: the purple and the specks of black give it a nice touch. “but it is a pretty nice car. it felt nice right?”
“it did.”
she sighs and leans on the car with her arms wide open. she pushes her cheek against the halo of the car. “i love you, my baby car. we’re gonna win a race together.”
“what’s going on?”
liam turns his head and shrugs. “not sure. might be the lack of ice cream in her bloodstream that’s making her like this.”
which is possible. sebastian and noah (her physical trainer) had banned her from ice cream for testing, afraid that she would simply camp out in the bathroom in the short couple of hours she has in the car today.
“i drank pepsi, it’s okay,” she giggles, scrunching her nose. she perks up with a giddy smile and looks around with her lips pursed. “where is oscar? he owes me timtams.”
“no chocolate either,” sebastian says sternly, furrowing his eyebrows at the young girl.
“what? why not?”
“because you’ll kill yourself when you’re in the car for too long,” noah sighs with the shake of his head. “eat fruits like normal people.”
“normal…” liam furrows his eyebrows as he turns to the slightly older man. “who eats fruits for fun?”
“they’re good for you.”
“they’re not all good. they could give you diabetes.”
“fruits can give you diabetes?” she yelps, shoving liam back a couple of steps with wide eyes. “i knew there’s a reason i resented fruits! they’re so unhealthy!”
“actually it’s because you didn’t have an ounce of internet safety growing up. you were traumatised by annoying orange,” liam mutters. only then he notices that it’s something he was sworn to secrecy by logan. he glances at the girl, breathing heavily as her eye twitches. “or so i assume.”
noah turns to her. “you’re scared of annoying orange?”
prepared for the girl to unleash some sort of violence on him, liam sucks in a deep breath as he closes his eyes to brace for impact. much to his surprise, she just nods and walks past him to walk to where her helmet is.
“yeah. and it’s all blythe watched growing up. so it was kinda,” she shrugs, “detrimental to my brain development.”
liam raises his eyebrow. “that’s the only thing that held back your development?”
“that and meeting you in my early teen years for sure altered my brain chemistry.”
“i know. kinda sucks, doesn’t it?”
pre-season testing has always been one of the days of the year that she’s most excited for. going out there and showing everybody she can do — it’s always fun to shut a lot of people up. and it’s the one time that she can drive a race car without so much pressure on her shoulders.
it’s lots of fun, really. and after not seeing a couple people over the break, it’s fun to be back in the paddocks to mess around with them.
she rests the helmet above her head and turns to liam with a grin. “if i beat you in testing, you owe me 5 pints of rocky road.”
liam punches her shoulder gently. “you’re on. and if i beat you, you do my laundry for a week.”
“yeah– wait, how is that fair? boy laundry is gross!”
“you live with a boy!”
“i don’t do his laundry! logan’s a grown ass man!”
“enough bickering,” sebastian sighs, putting a hand behind her back. his other hand lands on the top of her helmet and slowly pushes hit down to help her put it on. he understands her excitement: she’s missed racing so much that she had resorted to bringing her brother karting over the winter break. “get in the car and show everyone what you can do.”
she squeals. “and beat liam and get my ice cream.”
“yeah, that too.”
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she drives into the pitlane, chewing on the inside of her cheek as she looks for the set of andretti garages. she sighs as she comes to a stop, feeling the car be lifted as they put her back into the garage for a little more testing.
“aw, hey! you’re back,” liam grins, knocking on the top of her helmet. she swats his hands away from her head as she grips on the halo to pull herself out of the car. “how was it?”
“i was not feeling great. but i reckon it’s just me,” she shrugs, voice muffled by the layers over her mouth. “i’m telling you — i need my ice cream. i can handle it without having to run to the bathroom before a race!”
liam scrunches his nose. “you’re not fooling anyone with that.”
“i swear, mate,” she throws her head back in frustration, “it was just the rookie vibes last year. i’m better this year.”
he hums, turning around to readjust the headphones on his head. “i don’t reckon sebastian and noah would believe you. but alright.”
“believe me!”
“believe what?”
“what are you doing here?” she giggles, covering her mouth as she hunches over. “you got my ice cream?”
mick sighs heavily, shoulders slumping when their eyes meet. he presses his lips together and shakes his head and her smile drops. “noah checked me for illegal items on the way in.”
“that asshole!” she shrieks, turning to the large doors where her trainer stands. “you don’t understand — i need my ice cream! i’m dying.”
“i know,” mick turns to the pit wall where sebastian sits, swinging his legs as he eats the ice cream reserved specifically for the girl. “i got caught. i’m sorry.”
she clenches her jaw and turns away from sebastian grinning smugly as her from across the pitlane. she hums. “i will find a way to get myself ice cream. just you wait.”
“i don’t reckon that’s a good idea mate,” liam mutters. “you’ve still got the afternoon session for to drive. maybe you should sit this one out.”
she wiggles her finger in the air as she walks towards the backdoor of her garage. “no can do. i’m sure oscar’s got some extra ice cream from me.”
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“no, you cannot race one another during testing.”
“why not? not even a little bit?” max shrugs, frowning as he throws his hands into the air. “just one lap.”
the girl, standing next to him, nods with a wide smile. “please? we won’t crash into one another, i promise.”
“you’re not supposed to crash into one another even in a normal race!” sebastian points out, scratching his head in frustration.
it is one thing to compare lap times when you’re pushing everything out of your car, but to go out on the track and race side by side is another thing. there is simply too much at stake, especially for a time like pre-season testing where everything is in shambles.
“okay, fine!” she huffs, throwing her head back before turning to max. she drops her head. “might i suggest a scooter race around the paddocks before the afternoon session today? after lunch?”
sebastian clears his throat, prompting both of them to turn their heads to look at him before max could muster an answer. “i thought i told you that you can’t use your stupid scooter without adult supervision?”
she looks at him in confusion. “i was talking about the scooter fernando got me.”
“aw, he got you a scooter?” max whines, frowning. “i wanted one — kelly wouldn’t let me get one.”
“seriously?” she giggles. “logan, oscar and i got one along. mine’s the cutest, i’d reckon. you might be able to use oscar’s!”
sebastian just sighs. he waves them off and turns on his heel and starts to walk the other day. “get yourselves injured, i don’t even care.”
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“you’re… asking me to join you?”
“what does it sound like?”
a sheepish giggle passes the man’s lips as he covers his mouth and takes a step back. “i feel so honoured. i’m being included in your activities?”
liam furrows his eyebrows. “what’s that supposed to mean? it’s just a scooter ride around the track before the new session. it’s not a big deal.”
“it’s literally a scooter race out on the race track,” she whispers, turning away from liam to look at fernando in confusion. “literally kilometres on a fucking scooter meant for kids.”
“and we somehow convinced the marketing team to film us doing it for content,” logan beams, puffing his chest with his hands on his hips.
they went on a limb when the girl texted their groupchat: something about helping her convince the f1 marketing team to let them book the track for 40 minutes so they could race on it without getting into trouble.
she walked in with logan, oscar and liam trailing behind her with a half thought out speech, a sweet smile and a dream. she barely even made it halfway through the speech she spent so long thinking over while she had her lunch when they agreed without another thought.
and being that it was fernando’s idea to get them all matching scooters (actually a gift to liam for his rookie year, but the girl had convinced him to get her one too), they invited him along as well.
and max, because sebastian had admitted that fernando got him one as well. he had been too ashamed to admit it, muttering about how borderline embarrassing it is.
“how did you do that? they never agree to my ideas.”
“how can you resist a face like this?” liam asks.
liam puts a hand under her face, logan squeezes her cheeks together and oscar pushes her nose up. she poses with her hand in a peace sign.
“i’d feel threatened if i were the f1 marketing team.”
“hey, take that back!” she cries. she swats the hands from her face and grins. “are you joining us or not?”
fernando shrugs. “sure, why not.”
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there’s a screech that breaks the barrier by the pitlane followed by the clanging of something. everyone pipes down, heads turning and looking around in curiousity to find the source of the scream.
“there’s no way this happened to me again!”
along the track’s grid is the girl sitting on the ground, hands up in the air with her scooter not too far from her. she’s surrounded by her friends first before the marketing crew finally takes steps forward to check on her.
“if i were you, i’d take this as a sign to just stick with a car,” oscar laughs, clutching his stomach.
“yeah, mate,” logan wipes tears from his eyes, “there’s no way you’re two for two falling down and hurting yourself on a scooter.”
her teammate, however, towers over her with hands over his hips. “i swear you might be stupid. how did you fall down again on a scooter that’s meant for kids?”
she looks up, genuine tears in her eyes as the red liquid seeps out of her palms. “you guys are so mean!”
fernando looks down at her. “are you okay?”
“no!” she holds her hands up to fernando to show him where she is bleeding. “it hurts!”
“okay, mija,” fernando grins, nodding empathetically. he puts a hand on her elbow and the other around her back to help her up. “let’s get you some first aid.”
max appears, actually being the only one that finished the race, still riding on a scooter. he balances on it and tilts his head, “really? again?”
her head snaps back around to max, taking a threatening step forward with an arm wound back to hit him. “max emilian verstappen!”
“not the government name,” he scoffs, furrowing his eyebrows. “this is why you fell down.”
“bitch,” she mutters as fernando whisks her away. “there’s no trophy so it doesn’t even count.”
“you’re just mad that max beat you,” liam snorts, rolling his eyes, “and fernando… and logan… and oscar…”
“you didn’t beat me though, so i’m fine with that.”
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“oh, my god?”
“what happened?”
the two germans walk into the garage to her sitting on a bench with her head dropped, being bandaged by noah.
“she fell down,” noah answers immediately, shaking his head as he spares her one more disappointed stare. “can you believe it?”
“have you considered just… not racing?” mick asks, tilting his head. “on a scooter, i mean.”
she shakes her head. “i have to be the best at everything.”
“wow,” sebastian blinks, “well, are you okay?” he looks over liam’s shoulder and rolls his eyes as well. “seriously? the same spot as before?”
“hey, i didn’t take your stupid smart glasses — just mind your own business!” she slouches and lets out a heavy sigh. “it wasn’t even my fault this time.”
liam perks up. “i didn’t do shit to you, mate! you’re just stupid!”
“you were screaming at me approaching me from behind!”
“i was not! i was simply singing the mission impossible theme song!”
“same thing! it was intimidation — you should have been disqualified for that.”
“sore loser!”
“you know what this means?” she hums, batting her eyelashes at sebastian with a small grin. this is her only chance into coaxing herself to completion. “ice–“
before she can finish her plea, her race engineer is already walking away from her with a hand held up in her direction. “not a chance.”
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“good results, mate!” liam screams, his claps filling the garage as she climbs out of her car. “you’re in the top 10!”
she turns her head towards him, the way her shoulders and back straighten an easy telltale of how she feels. she pushes her visor up, “really?” she sees the smug grin on his face, ripping her gloves off and throwing it at him. “there’s only 10 of us testing today!”
“you believed me, though.”
“i literally just drove several laps out!” she hits him. “you’re so annoying — i wish mick was my teammate.”
liam shakes his head as she takes her helmet off. “you don’t mean that.”
“i actually do. very much,” she sighs. she puts her helmet into the seat of her car and turns to liam, only then noticing that liam is now holding something out to her. “oh!”
“yeah, i got you ice cream!” liam beams proudly. “they didn’t have rocky road, but… i figured it’s still chocolate ice cream and you wouldn’t–“
he’s cut off by the girl throwing herself at him, wrapping her arms around him beforw pulling away to take the small cup into her hands. “aw, liam! thank you!”
“we’re going to have so much fun this year.”
“bold of you to assume i won’t run you off track like i did in f2.”
“i’m prepared to hit you back — you’re an adult now.”
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taglist: @wcnorris @treehouse-mouse @laura-naruto-fan1998 @mindless-rock @vellicora @leilanixx @ironmaiden1313 @angsthology @cherry-piee @christianpulisic10 @elliegrey2803 @33-81 @darleneslane @nikfigueiredo @happy-nico @namgification @localwhoore @sadg3 @kazuha-pista-badam @mellowarcadefun @glitterf1 @megatrilss1885 @peqch-pie @gentlyweeps-world @woozarts @meadhbhcavanagh @2bormaybenot @inejismywife @love4lando
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lulunothulu · 1 month
Water Balloon Fight
Summary: Bradley’s always keeping you on your toes. Today happened to be a hot ass day, leading him to bring out the big guns… literally.
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Contents: just pure fun and fluff, some swearing, mentions of sex
A/N: GIIRLLL I was giggling and kicking my feet writing this 😂 ENJOYYYYYY!!!!!! And don’t be afraid to ask for requests!!!
Bradley had a rough day at work today. Not only was it hot as shit, but he’d been doing push-ups all day because of a bet Payback made with Maverick. So as soon as he was off work, he went straight to Walmart and loaded up on water balloons.
Why? Because he could.
Aaaand because he had to get back at you for the prank you pulled on him this morning.
You had left a Halloween mask on the couch and made it look like it was you. Nearly scared the living shit out of him when he went to kiss you goodbye for the day.
But now it was his turn to get revenge.
He knew you’d be home a little later than normal so he set everything up, Home Alone-style.
Balloons in a bucket over the garage door, water guns set up and pointed at said door, the works.
He changed into some swim trunks and left the red bikini he loved seeing you in on the small table by where you park in the garage. He only hoped you’d read the note he scrawled out before walking into the house.
The note reads:
Hey baby, do you mind changing into this? I really wanna try something tonight ;) leave your stuff in the car, I’ll get it after.
When he hears the garage door open almost an hour later, his heart begins pounding into his chest and the giddiness bubbles up his throat in anticipation.
Finally, he hears you giggle to yourself and some shuffling before the doorknob on the garage door twists. And in slow motion, he watches as the door opens to reveal a bikini-ed you beaming at him before a plastic bucket of water balloons falls on you, soaking you up in seconds.
Your eyes squint and mouth opens in surprise, causing him to laugh hysterically.
“BRADLEY BRADSHAW!” You scream at the top of your lungs. “WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?”
Before he could even get out of the way, you’re running and grabbing a water gun from the kitchen counter and running at him, sliding all over the tiled floor. Shaking the laughter out of his system, Bradley runs to the front door and swings the door open, you following close behind.
“When I get my hands on you, you’ll be sorry!” You yell as you chase him around the front yard.
“Oh, I’d love to see your hands all over me,” he yells over his shoulder.
“Fucker, stop running so fast!” You say, pointing your gun at him and spraying his back with water.
He yelps in laughter before turning around and spraying you with two hand guns he kept in his shorts elastic, causing you to yelp right back at him in a fit of giggles.
Seeing the smile on your face was definitely worth all of this.
You keep spraying until he’s good and soaked, stopping with your hands up in defeat.
“I’m out,” you breathe. “You win this time, Bradshaw.”
“Well, well, well,” Bradley drawls. “Looks like Mr. Bradshaw won this round, Mrs. Bradshaw.”
He struts up to you, a wide smile on his face, before he leans down and kisses you ‘hello’.
“Hi, Buttercup,” he tells you after he pulls away from your kiss. “Let’s go take a bath and you can tell me all about your day.”
With a swift motion, you’re laid over his shoulder and being ran into the house, water trailing from the front door to the bathroom.
A/N: She’s short and sweet but she did a lot of things to my soul 😂 p.s. what’s the magic word? (Check the tags)
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purple-babygirl · 5 months
in the far corner of the forest VI
Pairing: Orc!Bucky Barnes x human!f!reader
Word Count: 7,498 (my excuse is this is the last one)
Summary: For the longest time, the kingdom has used Bucky as their number one fighter, forcing him to win their wars for them. The only thing he asked for in return after he was done was that they give him a wife, and they did. They handed him the orphan he picked on a silver platter; it wasn't like anyone would miss her. It would've been perfect if she actually wanted to be there though.
Warnings: 18+ content, smut, dirty talk, oral (m receiving), female masturbation, so much cum, cum swallowing, Bucky is a lil filthy, multiple orgasms, pregnancy.
A/N: aaaand our story with our favorite orc comes to an end. I've certainly had a lot of fun writing this one and I loved you reading it even more. Thank you to every one who has been here since the beginning I love you with my whole heart. also if you see this, please wish me good luck on finding a job, your girl is broke and too weak for the streets. please enjoy xx💜💜
“I wanna talk to you about something,” she said, her gaze nervous as she set down a mug of green tea for Bucky on the dining table.
He was reading a bit while she finished up the kitchen work and he didn’t ask for tea, which meant she wanted something and was probably bribing him. It definitely made him curious to know what she was going to ask for.
Life with Bucky was an absolute dream. Their relationship was stable and solid and she thought it would be a good time to finally tell him about everything that has been occupying her mind lately.
“Is it that I need to lose weight?” Bucky teased, gesturing to the green tea before him.
“Bucky,” she whined, “I’m serious!”
Bucky laughed, “okay, okay,” he put the book down instantly, “I’m all yours, sweet thing.”
She smiled timidly, “promise me not to get mad.”
“I promise?” Bucky said, unsure what to think of this conversation.
What did she do?
“No, like, say the whole thing…”
“I promise not to get mad?”
“Thank you.” She sighed.
“What is it, my love?” Bucky held her hand in his, rubbing the back of it gently.
“I— umm I know that women working is frowned upon in our kingdom, but— um—”
“First of all, that’s just a human thing. Our females can do whatever they want. Second,” Bucky brought his other hand to her cheek, “you can talk to me, little human. Don’t be afraid. What is it that you want? Be sure that I’ll make it happen.”
She sighed again as she briefly leaned into Bucky’s touch before pulling away, “please don’t say no.” She pleaded.
“I have to know what you want first.” He chuckled lightly.
“Remember when you said that Sam and Sarah liked the strawberry jam I made?” She asked, chewing on her lower lip.
“Yes, and we’ve been their jam suppliers ever since.” Bucky laughed, holding his tea mug to take a sip.
“You also liked it, right?” She tilted her head anxiously.
“I loved it.” Bucky licked his tusks seductively.
She blushed, biting back a smile, “and— and the girls back at the orphanage would always tell me they liked my jams too.”
“As they should.” Bucky nodded, boosting her confidence, making her smile.
Gods, she loved him so much.
“So I was thinking maybe… maybe I could try and sell them?” She finally said the words, her voice hushing by the end of her question as she gauged her orc’s reaction.
“Sell them?” Bucky asked, setting his mug down.
She nodded, nervous again now that he didn’t seem to like the idea very much.
“Like in the market?”
He stayed silent for a beat, a frown forming on his face as he thought about her request.
She put her hand back in Bucky’s, “if you say no, I won’t bring it up again, but—”
“I’m not gonna say no, sweet thing. I’m just worried,” Bucky said lowly, appearing to be deep in thought as he squeezed her smaller hand in his.
“Worried about what? I have saved money for everything! You would always give me a lot of money before we go out to the market and I’ve saved most of it. You’ve already gotten me everything I needed, so I didn’t really spend much. You don’t have to worry about buying materials! I know they would give us the fruits for a cheaper price if we buy in bulk—”
“Little human, that’s not what I’m worried about, and I’m not about to let my wife start her business with her savings. Your money is yours.” Bucky interrupted firmly, shaking his head at her.
She smiled warmheartedly as she hugged her orc’s hand to her chest, “then what are you worried about?”
“I’m worried about the people in the market. We don’t know how they would react to you putting up your own stand in there. There are no women there, sweet thing. As you said, it’s frowned upon.”
“There is Martha, the jewelry lady!”
“Yeah, but have you seen any other female besides Martha?” Bucky gave her a sad smile.
“No,” she mumbled, disheartened at the thought that she might not be able to bring her small business idea to life.
She knew that Martha was only working because she was a childless widow and the stand was originally her husband’s. She was the only one left to inherit and run it or else she wouldn’t be able to afford food.
“I’m not saying we’re not gonna do it,” Bucky brought her gaze to his by her chin, “but I can’t not worry about you.”
“I know.” She dipped her face to kiss Bucky’s palm, “what are we gonna do?”
“If a jam stand in the market is really what you want, then I will support you all the way until your booth is standing high in the middle of that market.”
She smiled fondly before feeling anxious once more, “what if the men in the market don’t like it?”
“Then they can take it up with me,” Bucky reassured her, his chest puffing involuntarily as he imagined having to fight for his wife.
“I don’t want any trouble, Bucky. I don’t want our peace to be disturbed. I don’t want you to have to fight again, at all.”
“At least then I’d be fighting for something I actually care about, and someone I’m knees-deep in love with.” Bucky sat her on his lap, his blue eyes gazing into hers.
Heat rose to her cheeks and tears to her eyes before she pressed her lips to Bucky’s, “thank you, my love.”
“Copycat,” Bucky teased, “you got nothing to thank me for, little human. I got your back. Always.”
“I’m still grateful,” she pecked his lips, “and even if I don’t end up having a stand in the market, your support will forever be enough for me, Bucky.” She gave him a passionate kiss, trying to convey her feelings through it.
She couldn’t believe how lucky she had turned out to be.
How many human husbands would support their wives’ dreams like that? How often were women even allowed to think about doing something for themselves or being financially independent in this kingdom?
She slowly slid off her orc’s lap and down to the floor, making Bucky tilt his head.
“What are you doing, sweet thing?”
“You promised you would teach me,” she said, her voice small as she let her hands massage up Bucky’s thighs.
“Oh, you feeling brave tonight, little human?” Bucky asked lowly, eyes growing dark as she brought her hand to his cock over his pants.
She nodded even though she internally had no idea what to do, but she was trusting her desire and Bucky’s guidance.
“Get your orc’s cock out then,” Bucky instructed, making her pussy clench before her eager fingers started pushing his pants down, revealing his big cock to her eyes.
Her hands hesitated, reaching for his length before withdrawing and looking at Bucky for help, shifting on her knees.
Bucky got up from the chair and she looked at him worriedly, afraid she had turned him off with her reluctance.
He returned to his seat after a second, pushing the pillow he brought with him under his wife’s knees as he helped her get comfortable.
She smiled gratefully at how loving and attentive Bucky was. He had his cock out but all he cared about was that her knees weren’t hurting on the wooden floor.
Gods, she got lucky.
“You can touch me, sweet thing.” Bucky encouraged softly.
She mustered up her courage and finally let her fingers wrap around Bucky’s cock. Well, try to wrap around his cock.
He was too big for her to be able to wrap her hand around him and it made Bucky’s cock twitch, seeing how small her hand was compared to his size.
She couldn’t believe she had managed to take all of him in her pussy every single night for the past week.
She had to use both of her hands before simultaneously squeezing them around her orc’s cock like he had previously shown her; it was the only thing she knew how to do.
Bucky’s jaw went slack as he threw his head back at the simple touch, “move your hands up and down, little human.”
“Like that?” She asked as she slowly followed the instructions.
“Yes, yes, oh fuck yes,” Bucky moaned, wrapping his hands around hers, pumping himself harder with her hands.
She watched as Bucky closed his eyes in pleasure, deep groans leaving his chest and pre-cum the tip of his cock because of her touch.
She wanted to ask permission but her instincts moved faster than her mind as she cautiously let her the tip of her tongue swipe against the head of Bucky’s cock, aching to know what he tasted like.
And oh did he taste good; a bit musky, a bit salty and a bit of something she could only identify as Bucky. It was addictive and she wanted more.
Bucky jumped above her, his cock jerking in her hands as he opened his eyes at the tiny lick he felt her give his cock.
“Was that the wrong thing to do?” She asked, unsure of her moves, “I thought it was okay for me to put my mouth there?” she hesitated shyly, suddenly embarrassed of her neediness.
“It is. It is more than okay, my love. Please do it again,” Bucky begged, his hand coming down to cup her cheek, thumb stroking her skin adoringly as he brought her face closer to his cock.
He was sure she and her innocence were going to be the death of him, yet at the same time, he couldn’t wait to ruin her; make her his dirty little cock slut of a wife.
She tentatively let the tip of her tongue lick against the head of Bucky’s cock again, keeping her eyes on him.
Bucky groaned, his abdomen tensing as he felt himself already close.
He couldn’t believe how embarrassingly ready to burst she had managed to have him every time she touched him or as much as moaned for him. He could go for hours before, but with her it was like she knew exactly which buttons to press to get him drooling and leaking for her, and yet, she didn’t. Not at all, really.
She gave a bigger lick, letting herself savor her orc’s taste this time, moaning as she put her mouth on his tip, suckling ever so softly.
Bucky was huge and getting him inside her mouth like she felt she wanted to was going to be a challenge, but she wasn’t one to back down from challenges. Not anymore.
She was going to make Bucky feel good and she was going to do it with her mouth.
She could barely get the tip past her lips and it was already too much for her untrained mouth. Tears gathered in her eyes when Bucky involuntarily jerked his hips forward, making her gag on his cock.
“I’m so sorry, my love—” Bucky quickly pulled out of her mouth, worry written all over his face.
“Don’t be, Bucky. I— I kinda liked it.” She confessed, heat spreading on her cheeks.
“Oh, you liked choking on my cock, little human?” Bucky teased darkly as he pumped himself and she nodded shyly.
“Can I try again?” She asked, voice small and timid.
“All yours, sweet thing.”
She put her mouth back on the tip, feeling proud of herself as she managed to properly suck on it without her teeth getting in the way.
Bucky’s cock was so big and it was certainly testing for her to take another inch into her mouth but she did it, softly moaning on her orc’s length as she tasted more of his precum on her tongue.
“Keep using your hands, little human,” Bucky instructed, her mouth feeling heavenly on his cock.
She listened right away, her hands pumping up and down the inches she couldn’t yet fit into her mouth.
“Good girl,” Bucky groaned wantonly, “you’re so good for me, sweet thing.”
Bucky’s encouragement made her want to do better, to do more for him.
She pulled off of him for one second, taking a long breath as Bucky watched her with hooded eyelids.
And when she was ready, she opened her mouth as wide as she could, taking half of Bucky’s cock down her throat all at once.
“Gods, fuck!” He exclaimed, barely holding himself back from lurching over and shoving the whole thing down her warm wet throat as his hand flow to cup the back of her head.
She kept one hand on Bucky’s length as the other moved down to touch her own heat.
The sounds coming out of Bucky, his taste and the way his cock was making her drool as she choked on it were driving her up the wall with need.
She has never touched herself before and she didn’t know what has gotten into her as she slipped her hand down her panties, trying to imitate Bucky’s touches on her clit. Her fingers couldn’t compare, but she was throbbing, every sound that left Bucky’s chest vibrated in her clit; made her ache needily.
Bucky was turning to putty in her hands and it was the hottest thing she has ever witnessed.
She whined on Bucky’s cock and it made him open his eyes, realizing that she had now one hand only pumping him as the other disappeared under her dress.
“Are you touching yourself, little human?” Bucky chuckled breathily, making her whine in embarrassment.
Yet, her hand rubbed her clit even faster.
“Is sucking my cock making you all needy, sweet thing? Hmm? Can’t be around this fat cock without aching for it?”
She moaned in agreement, basically gurgling on Bucky’s fat cock as she forced herself to take another inch of him down her throat, making him grunt.
“Atta girl!” Bucky shouted in pleasure as he started to move in and out of her mouth, her allowing him to give her a little more of his thick cock every time he would slide back down her throat.
She continued breathing through her nose and circled her clit faster, feeling herself get closer to her release as her lower stomach tensed and tightened.
“Relax that throat for me, little human. There you go, good girl.”
Bucky was holding her head with both hands now, trying not to crane her neck back too much as he angled his hips just right for the tip of his cock to hit the back of her throat.
She gagged harshly and Bucky pulled out to give her a chance to breathe, “take your time, sweet thing. Doing so good for me,” he reassured, rubbing her back lovingly as she coughed and heaved.
“Again,” was all she said before she took his cock back in her mouth all the way down her throat that her nose was almost touching Bucky’s abs.
She let Bucky fuck her throat again, grateful for his gentleness as his balls hit her chin with each thrust.
“Fuck, you’re too good to me, sweet thing. So pretty taking my cock all the way down your throat like that.”
Bucky knew the exact second she came as her whines hummed on his cock while she let her orgasm take over. Her jaw went slack in his hand and he took the chance to quicken his pace, chasing his own orgasm.
“Fuck, little human, you’re a natural. Taking me so well— ahhh fuck. Just like that.”
Bucky almost roared as he came down her throat, smirking appreciatively as he felt her swallow around him, spluttering a little as he slowly pulled out.
He couldn’t be prouder of how hungry for his cock he had managed to make his little human as he watched her swallow every drop she could before the rest of Bucky’s cum ran down her lips, chin, neck and dress, his cock still throbbing at the sight of her covered in his cum; willingly claimed.
She let her butt touch the pillow underneath her knees as her body sagged, gasping and trying to catch her breath.
Her jaw was hurting like a bitch but she didn’t care. She has made Bucky lose it with her mouth and her mouth alone.
She suddenly felt her face go hot as the hand in her panties reminded her of what she had done while sucking her orc’s cock. She took her hand out of her underwear, quickly hiding it behind her back as if that would make everything she just did disappear.
Bucky laughed, putting his pants back on before cupping her cheeks as he got down on his knees before her, “what did I say, little human? Never hide from me.” He took her hand out from behind her back and brought her fingers to his face.
Bucky obscenely smelled her fingers, closing his eyes at the scent of her before wrapping his lips around them, lewdly moaning as he tasted the remnants of her juices on them.
Her face burned up as her lust was sated, leaving shyness to gnaw at her cheeks.
“Did— did you like that?” She croaked out, her voice hoarse, as he finished sucking on her fingers, desperately wanting to change the subject.
“Oh, sweet thing, I loved it.” Bucky smiled, satisfied and amazed by her, “you almost sucked my soul out of my cock there, little human.”
She giggled, blushing.
“And you touching yourself while giving me head? Damn, sweet thing! Who would’ve known?!” Bucky teased, making her sigh and hide her face in her hands.
“No, no, little human, it’s a good thing,” he laughed, taking her hands in his, “it was so fucking hot.”
Gods, how were her eyes still so innocent after what she had just done to him?
“Really.” Bucky smiled, kissing her knuckles.
“Thank you for letting me do it, Bucky, and for guiding me,” she said sincerely before throwing her arms around his neck, hugging him as she released a happy sigh.
Bucky just couldn’t wrap his mind around how perfect she was or how blessed he was.
She was thanking him for agreeing to ravish her with his cock. Truth was, he was the one who should thank her every day just for being his.
Bucky, the half-orc, seemed to have found and claimed jackpot.
“Thank you, little human.” Bucky turned his head to kiss her hair, “thank you for everything.”
True to his word, Bucky had done everything in his power to make her dream come true. He worked hard to get her a permit from the kingdom for a new stall in the market, using his previous status in the army to get them to sign and stamp those papers as soon as possible.
He had also designed and built her stand all by himself, making sure to make her a smooth counter for her elbows and real sturdy shelves to hold her jam jars.
And he knew exactly what he was going to engrave on the sign for her tiny shop.
Meanwhile, she and Sarah were browsing the nearby markets to pick a fruit supplier with which she could be comfortable. They had managed to find a kind old man who always had a display of the seasonal fruits in his shop. His fruits were ripe and fresh at all times and they had come to a fair agreement regarding the prices and the monthly supply they would need him to provide.
Then it was time to shop for utensils and Sarah had insisted on dragging Sam along for that one because there was no way the two women could carry that much stuff on their own. He left Bucky to continue working on the final touches on the stand and reluctantly joined the ladies.
She was the happiest as she picked new pots and sauce pans with Sarah as well as the cute little glass jars she would need to put the jam into.
Her life was coming together and she couldn’t be more thankful for everything and everyone she had.
She had an amazing husband and supportive, kind friends; a little family to call her own other than the one that had abandoned her long ago.
The group tried their best to haggle the prices on everything because she didn’t want Bucky to have to spend too much, seeing that he had insisted on paying for everything.
“I’m not negotiating, it’s either the price I asked for or we won’t take anything from you!”
Her head snapped up, dropping the ladles she was browsing when she heard Sam ‘haggling’ with the seller.
She had found things here that she couldn’t find anywhere else and she really liked them. Why was Sam sabotaging her shopping plan?
She grabbed onto her favorite pot as she walked over to the siblings.
“Sam, what are you doing? I’ve already picked like a billion things,” she whispered to the man, afraid that he was ruining a good bargain.
“Watch and learn,” Sarah whispered back to her with a reassuring smile, “you’re right, Sam. Let’s go. Thank you, we won’t be taking those. You can put them back, thanks.”
Her mouth was wide open as Sarah forcefully took the pot out of her hand, setting it down and grabbing her, dragging her to walk away.
“Guys, what are you doing?” She scream-whispered as they kept walking, leaving everything that she had carefully hand-picked behind.
“Okay, fine, wait!” The seller called for them before they could get too far, “you can have them— I’ll give them to you at the price you wanted!”
She looked at the Wilsons with an impressed smile and they smiled back, raising their eyebrows simultaneously as if to say “told you so”, making her laugh.
When they were finally done with everything they needed, they had made Sam carry most of the bags as she and Sarah waltzed back to a more feminine shop.
When they were finally done, Sam wanted to run back to his and Bucky’s shop before they could buy anything else, but he was carrying way too many things so he only made both ladies laugh as he looked like a pregnant penguin hoping over to the truck.
“You look happy. Did you get everything you needed, my love?” Bucky asked with a chuckle as she excitedly wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing his cheek as soon as she entered the shop.
“Yes.” She nodded with a smile, pecking her orc’s lips.
“Were these guys any help?” He nodded to the siblings, teasing them.
“We can hear you, you know!” Sam yelled from the supply closet as he set the last bag inside.
“Sarah and Sam were great help.” She softly slapped Bucky’s chest, “I don’t know what I would’ve done without them.” She smiled at Sam gratefully before running to hug Sarah.
“Anything for you, bestie. I’ve been around boys for too long and I’m so glad I get to have a fellow woman around here now.”
She giggled as Sarah hugged her back, imagining how lonely it must have been for her to only be surrounded by males.
“Hey! We’re great company!” Sam said, waving a finger at his sister.
“Sure you are, Samuel.” Sarah nodded until Sam had turned his head away, “I swear if I didn’t work here I wouldn’t have forced myself to put up with all the burping and farting.”
She chocked on a laugh as both Sam and Bucky glared at Sarah before she decided to dissolve the ‘tension’, “okay, okay, let’s eat!”
She got out the food she had prepared for everyone, chuckling as she handed Sam his meal after he made grabby hands at the wrapped box.
“Bucky, leave it for now and come eat,” she called for her husband when he saw he was too busy working down a plaque of wood.
“Almost done, sweet thing,” he mumbled, still focused on what he was doing.
Bucky looked like a masterpiece with his hair back in a low bun and the tip of his tongue out, hanging on a tusk as he fixated on the work at hand.
She couldn’t help but walk over and wrap her arms around him from behind, lovingly kissing his back.
The orc stopped his movements, smiling when he felt her tiny mouth press kiss after kiss to his back.
He turned around to face her, encasing her in his strong embrace as he leaned down to kiss her sweet lips.
“Your food is gonna get cold,” she whispered against Bucky’s lips.
“Let it get cold,” he said before deepening their kiss, holding her by the back of her head to bring her closer.
“Some people are trying to eat over here!” Sam shouted with his mouth full as Sarah playfully made gag noises.
Bucky groaned as she shyly pulled away from his lips, making her laugh when he whispered “I hate you” to Sam.
Things at the market have gone exactly like Bucky has feared.
It was her very first day, her stand was in place like Bucky had put it and she and Sarah were organizing the jars on the shelves as the men watched them with scowls.
She tried her best not to care. The wooden sign saying “Sweet Things” on top was shining in the sunlight and with it her smile.
Everything was going smoothly until both she and Sarah left the stand for a minute to go get the rest of the boxes off of Sam’s truck.
It was just one minute but it was enough for those who didn’t want her there to make it known.
When she came back, her glass jars were all on the ground, smashed to pieces, the jam she had spent last night making staining the gravel.
She was speechless, hurt and confused at some people’s ability to be so venomous and mean.
She saw Cole holding as many jars as he could in his arms, sighing when he saw her, “I tried to stop them. I’m so sorry.”
She felt her chest tighten as her eyes welled up.
“Don’t let them see you cry,” Sarah whispered in her ear as she could see tears gathering in her lash line.
“I would never,” she replied strongly, setting the box in her arms down on the counter of her booth with a clenched jaw.
“Who did this?” She asked, her voice loud and powerful.
She got no answer so she decided to provoke whoever had done this into coming forward, “so what you’re manly enough to smash down jam jars, but not so much when it comes to owning up to it?”
“We all did it!” The man from the clothing stall shouted.
“Yeah, we don’t want you here! Women weren’t made to work!” The man from the key cutting stand continued.
“And who decided that exactly?” She yelled back to them, hands on her waist rebelliously.
“It’s just how the world works, sweetheart. Work just isn’t for women,” the man from the clothing stall replied with a challenging smile as he gestured to the broken glass by her feet.
“Oh, it isn’t? That’s weird! Because last time I checked, women worked their butts off all day long cleaning, cooking, and taking care of children at houses that aren’t even their own just to go back home at the end of the day and do it all over again for free while you sat on your lazy asses!”
Everyone stood there stunned, her response crushing them into silence. None of them could remember the last time a woman had dared use such a tone with them, let alone use curse words in her speech.
“But it’s fine when women don’t get to take the money for their work, right? Women can work as long as you receive their pay money each month, no? They’re allowed to work as long as their money isn’t their own and their dignity is kept under your shoes, aren’t they?!” She lashed out, surprising herself, Sarah, everyone around and a very impressed Bucky, who was standing at the end of the market as she let her voice get loud, talking back to men.
He just thought he would stop by, unable to keep his worry at bay. And when he heard the men’s voices get loud in her face, he thought he would intervene; defend her, but his little human didn’t seem like she needed any defending. Not one bit.
She was putting those assholes in their places all by herself.
“Lower your voice, woman! Or have you been around that savage brute of yours too much that you’ve forgotten how to properly speak?”
“Hey!” Bucky barked, stomping over to the man who had dared disrespect him and his wife, his fists already balling.
“Oh you’re gonna come for my orc now?!” Her shout stopped Bucky before he could punch the man’s nose off, “where were you again when my orc was fighting for this kingdom? Where were you when he took it upon himself to keep everyone here safe? Oh, wait, right! Sitting on your lazy ass!”
“How dare you talk to us like that? You think you get to be this audacious because you let a half-orc bed you?!”
“Watch your tongue when you’re talking to my wife,” Bucky snarled in the man’s face before she gently held him back.
“At least he knows how to take care of a woman!” She said proudly, “my orc is more of a husband to me than any of you pathetic wimps could ever be to your women!”
Bucky couldn’t help the warm smile replacing his scowl at her words. He couldn’t believe she was defending him like that, saying such words about him, in the middle of the market.
“He treats me like a queen. He has never laid a hand on me and when he makes me scream, he makes me scream for all the right reasons.” She growled, looking the rude man right in the eye as she stressed every word in the end of her sentence.
The man swallowed hard, her words clearly hitting him where it hurt.
She smiled victoriously, “now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a jam stand to run and if any of you as much as thinks of pulling anything like this again, my husband here will have the rest of the kingdom hear your screams for a change.” She warned fearlessly, her gaze running over each and every seller in the market.
“For all the right reasons.” Bucky promised, harshly squeezing the man’s shoulder in his flesh fist.
She giggled, nodding with a wide grin before walking to the truck to get the sweep she had packed beforehand.
“Now I know why you insisted on bringing that with you!” Sarah laughed in amazement.
She laughed with her best friend as they both walked back to her stand where a very proud Bucky was still standing guard.
It was sad that she had expected such actions; that she expected that someone was going to try and destroy her work, but she was still glad they did it early enough for her to set them straight. She now had a place in that market, and she wasn’t leaving any time soon.
Once she reached the booth, Bucky took the broom out of her hand and threw it to Sarah, settling his hands on her waist.
“Hi,” she smiled, finally able to properly greet her husband, slipping a loose strand of hair behind his pointed ear.
“Hi,” Bucky replied fondly, leaning her back in a tender dip, making her laugh before he claimed her lips in a passionate, lingering kiss in front of everyone watching.
They had lost themselves in the kiss so much that when they finally pulled away, Sarah had finished sweeping away the glass, Cole helping her get rid of the shards so that they wouldn’t hurt anyone.
Bucky grunted when he noticed Cole standing there, the man shivering under the orc’s intense gaze.
She squeezed Bucky’s hand in hers before giving Cole a grateful smile, “thank you for everything you’ve done, Cole. We appreciate it.”
“No need to thank me,” Cole blushed, “it wasn’t right what they did.”
Bucky snarled, teeth and fists clenched as he silently told the man to back off.
“I’ll— I’ll be by the flowers if you guys need me,” Cole said hastily, practically running out of Bucky’s face, the orc’s gaze following him until he was gone.
“Bucky,” she said, shaking his hand in hers, “he was just helping!”
“We don’t need his help,” he growled, still angry that another man was able to offer his wife help before him.
“I don’t and will never need anyone but you,” she told him, getting on her tiptoes to peck the orc’s frowny lips.
“Promise me not to talk to him again,” Bucky grumbled like a kid on her lips, refusing to let her kiss him.
She shook her head with a smile, “I promise.”
“No, say the whole thing.”
She laughed aloud, hiding her face in his chest, “I promise not to talk to Cole again. Happy?”
“Very.” Bucky finally smiled again, kissing her properly.
The next few days were very busy for both of them. She was trying to build herself a good name in the market and Bucky had this huge bulk order of chairs and desks for the new school. It didn’t help that Sarah was helping her with her jam stand because that meant that Sam and Bucky had to get everything done on their own.
She and Bucky barely saw each other all week, meeting only on the bed to exhaustedly fall asleep in each other’s arms at nights. They couldn’t even have breakfasts together because Bucky would be up and out way earlier than her.
Which meant he never saw her during her morning sickness.
And as much as she craved Bucky’s care, she was still happy in a way that he wasn’t here for the daily puke because that meant she could surprise him with the news she so bad hoped to be true.
She had told Sarah when it happened for the third day in a row, unable to keep her happiness or nervousness to herself.
She was probably pregnant, with Bucky’s baby. All the signs were there and she couldn’t be more contented.
They didn’t tell anyone, but today during lunch time, Sarah was accompanying her on her visit to the midwife just to make sure before she went ahead and broke the news to Bucky.
And when the midwife had confirmed hers and Sarah’s suspicions, the whole world couldn’t contain her happiness if it tried.
She was carrying Bucky’s baby inside of her. She was making a family with the orc of her dreams!
She was too excited that she wanted to just run to the shop and tell Bucky right away, but no, this had to be special. As special as the news itself.
And that was how she found Sarah and herself walking towards Cole’s flower stand.
“You’ll ask for them.”
“Why me? I’m not the pregnant one!” Sarah argued, stopping.
“Please, Sarah, you know I promised Bucky,” she whined, giving her friend the best puppy eyes she could pull.
“I’m sure Bucky didn’t mean that literally! He just didn’t want you flirting with the man.”
“Oh believe me, he meant it literally.”
“Still no.”
“Please, Aunt Sarah,” she begged, rubbing her flat belly.
“Ugh fine, but only for the sweet orcling inside of you!”
She giggled, giving Sarah a hug before they continued walking to the flower stand, “thank you, Aunt Sarah.”
“Good afternoon, Cole,” Sarah started, “we’re gonna need one of you freshest—”
“Mom!” A smaller voice called out, making Sarah turn around at once.
“AJ! What are you doing here, boy? Where’s your brother?” Sarah asked worriedly.
“He fell down— we were just playing soccer—” AJ stuttered, scared of his mom’s reaction.
“Where is your brother?”
“He’s at the infirmary. The doctor asked for you…” AJ replied faintly, his head down in shame.
“Oh my— I’m so sorry. I need to go.” Sarah told her as she ran with AJ out of the market.
“It’s okay, go. I’ll come with Bucky later to see how he’s doing,” she replied with a worried nod.
“So,” Cole broke the silence and only then did she realize that she has been standing there by his booth watching Sarah and AJ leave for at least 30 seconds.
“Oh— well…” She fumbled with her hands, not sure if she should talk to him.
She knew she promised Bucky, but this was kind of for Bucky too, and neither she nor Cole were flirting, so what was the harm?
“I need your freshest forget-me-not, please.” She gave the man her order with a polite smile.
“You got it.” Cole nodded before kneeling down to fetch her the prettiest, most alive forget-me-not plant she has ever seen, “how about this gal here?”
“She’s perfect!” She smiled, almost jumping in place because she could see Bucky’s face when she gave him the flower with the news she had.
She was too busy paying for her plant to notice Bucky watching her from a distance or notice him leaving at the sight of her smiling while talking to the one man he made her promise not to talk to.
“You came back early!” Sam commented upon seeing his friend reenter the shop less than 15 minutes after he had left.
“Yeah, couldn’t find her. Probably went to lunch out with Sarah,” Bucky lied, setting his packed food down before picking up his axe.
“We don’t need any more wood—”
“I don’t care.” Bucky stormed off to the lumberyard, ready to take his feelings out on the dead trees.
“Those chairs aren’t gonna make themselves ya know! I’m not a machine!” Sam yelled after him but it all fell on deaf ears.
Bucky was angry.
He just wanted to have a sweet lunch with his wife, but instead he was welcomed by a scene from his worst nightmare.
Did she do that all the time? How many times has she broken her promise to him? Was it because he was busy those past few days? He thought she was busy too; he didn’t know it could be affecting her that much…
But no. She wouldn’t do that. She promised him and Bucky trusted and trusts her.
Bucky shook his head as he stopped in his tracks, turning around as he flipped his axe in the air. He trusted his wife.
He wasn’t going to be that husband because they were not that couple.
When Bucky had walked back to the shop, she was there, waiting for him with her heart pounding in her throat.
He wanted to take the frown off his face, but he couldn’t do it fast enough.
“Where’s Sam?” He wondered, trying to hide his feelings.
“He had to go to Sarah and the boys. Cass got hurt while playing.” She explained in a hurry, the news she actually came for pressing on her.
“Bucky, I need to talk to you,” she said before she could change her mind, nervousness etched all over her soft features.
Bucky’s heart sank. Was she leaving him?
“I wanted to wait until we got home, but I couldn’t wait!” She smiled, eyes lighting up as she spoke.
Okay, maybe she wasn’t leaving him. She wouldn’t be this joyful about leaving him, would she?
“Is everything okay, sweet thing?” Bucky asked, becoming nervous himself.
She took his hand and led him to his chair before making herself comfortable on his lap with a bag in her own.
Yeah, she wasn’t leaving him.
“I wanna confess something first.”
“I’m listening,” Bucky said, his voice strained because he could guess where this was going.
“I broke my promise to you today, but only today, I swear. And I’m sorry,” she held his hand in one of hers, eyes begging him not to be upset with her, “I had to speak to Cole.”
“Really? You had to? Why did you possibly have to speak to Cole?” Bucky snapped, unable to control his anger.
“I understand why you’re upset and I’m so sorry.” She squeezed his hand to her heart, “I asked Sarah to do it for me, but AJ came and got her because Cass got hurt and so I had to ask Cole for this.” She brought out the potted forget-me-not, “all on my own”.
“If you wanted blue flowers you could have asked me and I would have planted millions for you,” Bucky mumbled, shaking his head.
He was happy that they had a healthy relationship where she felt safe enough to come and tell him about this, but he wasn’t happy with what she was telling him.
He could be a farmer!
“That would’ve been too late and too early at the same time.” She shrugged with a small grin.
“Little human, you’re not making much sense right now.”
“Forget-me-nots take from a month and a half to two months to grow. It would’ve been too late for me to tell you the news I got them to tell you and too early for—”
She got up and set the plant on Bucky’s desk before resituating herself on his lap with her dress up so that she was straddling him.
“It would’ve been too early for the baby to come.”
“What? What baby?” Bucky asked dumbly, his brain short circuiting at the news.
“I’m pregnant, my love,” she whispered, her eyes tearing up.
“You’re— you’re pregnant?”
She nodded, tears rolling down her soft cheeks, “I’m pregnant.”
“With my baby.” Bucky pointed to himself, making her chuckle.
“With your baby.”
Without introductions, Bucky pressed his lips to her in a kiss so passionate that it left her dizzy.
“Our baby,” Bucky whispered on her lips, cupping her cheek as he put his forehead to hers, letting his tears run.
Bucky’s flesh hand moved to caress her belly, “you have given me everything, sweet thing. Everything.”
“I love you, Bucky.” She wiped her orc’s tears before wrapping her arms around him, burrowing her face in his neck, breathing in his calming scent.
“I love you even more, little human.”
“We’re gonna have an actual little human soon and the name won’t be exclusively mine anymore,” she joked, chuckling on his warm skin.
“You will always be my little human,” Bucky told her seriously, bringing her gaze back to his, “we’re just gonna have a littler human.”
She laughed aloud as Bucky wiped away her tears.
“We’re gonna be so happy, aren’t we?” She asked with a big smile, her heart full.
“Yes, we are.” Bucky promised, sealing it with another kiss.
“You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me,” she told Bucky the second they broke the kiss, making him smile like an idiot.
“Oh my gods, you’re so human!”
Bucky laughed with her before asking “forget-me-nots?”
“Yeah, I didn’t want you to forget about me between the hills of chairs and desks and they could also symbolize a sense of permanence, commitment, and familial bond. It was in one of the books you got me when we first got married.” She pretended to flip her hair away as she spoke confidently.
Bucky smiled, her words reassuring his heart more than she could ever know. She didn’t say when you first took me or when they first sent me, she said when ‘we first got married’.
She had fully, lovingly accepted Bucky and this marriage and it was time for Bucky to accept it all himself, too. It was time for him to accept that he was loved and chosen and cared about by this woman in his lap.
“I could never forget about you, sweet thing.” Bucky kissed her forehead, silently thanking her for way more than just a potted plant.
“I got you something else.” She rummaged through the bag, bringing out an amethyst male ring.
“What’s that one for?” Bucky asked, looking at her fondly.
“That’s for protection, so you wouldn’t hurt yourself while working again,” she told him with a smile as she slipped the ring on his flesh finger.
Bucky looked at her, all the love in the world held in his stare, “thank you, little human.”
He kissed the ring on his finger and after it her lips.
She loved Bucky and that was the only truth he needed to believe in.
Bucky loved her and that was the only fact that mattered to him.
She and Bucky were expecting their first baby and that was the only reality any of them wanted to live.
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natalie-goodmn · 2 months
Next to Normal round 3 thoughts:
there’s a lot of things I noticed this time that I didn’t before but that’s just bc as a Natalie stan I must be looking at her the whole time
- I never noticed Gabe throwing Dan’s keys in Just Another Day before that’s SO funny
- I also finally saw Diana kiss Henry, she really WENT FOR IT
- is it just me or does the Wyndhams need to turn up their mics?? Maybe it’s just that I need it In My Ear Canal but I’ve noticed the singing is a bit quiet (I also didn’t notice this in Oklahoma)
- I love Gabe holding the microphones to Natalie and Dan during their I’m Alive dialogue. He might be a demon with the spirit of a dead two year old but he’s sooo silly :D
(this is getting long so more under the cut)
- something something Natalie playing her fake keyboard with the band’s piano behind her, something acting and pretending like she’s a normal person with a normal family
- I just realised that Gabe AND Natalie licks up Diana’s leg. Diversity win
- the parallels of Gabe and Diana reaching out to each other in Im Alive vs Natalie reaching down to her in Wish I Were Here (and maybe Catch Me I’m Falling) i feel sick,,,
- Gabe holding Diana in I Am the One like Henry’s holding Natalie, welcome back Freudian Gabe
- also the head kiss parallel with Gabe in Just Another Day and before he’s about to leave in I Dreamed a Dance
- the blood is so visceral but a part of me misses the bway staging too where they just walk off slowly and as dr madden talks abt Diana’s attempt. It’s basically the same thing but the reveal felt slower idk
- also man every time I miss the donmar staging of the one tiny bit where Dan’s going “Is this helping or? Di?” as Diana just walks off and back to the therapy chair. Idk it just felt like dissociation better to me, but I do like Ominous Circle Of Thinking
- I also love love love how they play the “I love you as much as I can” in this. They play it like a failed charm roll, and you really get everyone’s frustration and that she’s trying hard
- and then in Maybe when you see that Diana actually knows Natalie deeply bc she’s like her,,, hold on. Similarly, I love how the first person Natalie hugs in act two (I think?) is Diana instead of Henry. Me when the real story is between a mother and daughter (mamma Mia who)
- Diana rolling her eyes and mouthing ‘oh my fucking-‘ to Dan going “can you tell me what it is you’re afraid of” is maybe the best representation of anxiety and I’m not even kidding, MOOD Diana
- god I know it’s been in all the productions but I love how much agency Diana has, you rarely see it with mentally ill characters but she’s so funny and knows what she wants and I love her
- everyone’s said it, everyone knows it but JACK WOLFE god he’s amazing every time
- I’ve thought this both times, is it just me or when Gabe is silhouetted (I think with the music box) is his neck like inhumanly thin??? Like genuinely asking, I don’t think that’s Jack’s neck?? Is it?? Am I just misunderstanding human anatomy when someone wears a hoodie
- I’ve said it before but I Am the One reprise is one of the best scenes in musical theatre and it should end there. I’m a Light hater SORRY, I like the message a lot but it’s always felt like a studio note or something where they’ve been told that it has to be uplifting at the end or it’ll do badly and make everyone sad
- natalie,,, covering her ears and her big headphones. Autism. Also really love Eleanor’s portrayal of her anxiety. Instead of Jen’s anger, she has a hamster like anxiety quality to her (complimentary)
- also I swear I see no one talk about it WHEN GABE TOUCHED NATALIE’S HAND??? AND SHE NOTICES SOMETHING??? That’s new for this production right?? Theories???
- Natalie starting to tidy up Gabe’s toys,,, she’s breaking the cycle,, she’s the hope. And playing with them with Henry and showing him the bunny toy 😭
- I’ll say it. The “you’re like number one on my list of problems” doesn’t work that well if you don’t have Jen and Adam’s sarcasm. Too earnest. Banned.
- I’ve said a lot abt this Henry but I actually like this act 2! He plays him v desperate and anxious which I don’t think Adam does, it shows the stakes for act two. Also his arc UGH. From being a Dan parallel where he’s saying he’ll be perfect for her and that he wants who he knew and that he’ll stay anyway because he made a promise to,,, the dance and saying that he’ll stay bc he loves her and he doesn’t care if she goes crazy
- Also I think Natalie mouths ‘help me’ as she stops Henry from walking off in A Promise owwww
- also Henry apologising to the pianist after the recital (I think?) and picking up Natalie’s bag from the club 😭
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billietherock · 26 days
There was no Weirdmageddon (pt9)
By: Billietherock
Chapter 3 (pt3)-Stanley
Stanley Pines is a crook and a conman, that is what everyone knows him as. A gambler, a criminal and a playboy. He unofficially separated with his fifth wife recently ,this one he had a young son with barely a year old. At the moment he was hotel hopping, just hoping to win big, so he could go back to the family that left him out on the street and rub it in their faces.
The woman he was with, he didn’t even know her name, answered the ringing phone. He smokes a cigar as she talks with the person on the other line. She seemed confused, Stanley looked over when she was on the phone for a little too long starting to listen in.
“No no… you’ve… okay Mr I’m telling you that you have the wrong number.” She pauses,” there isn’t a Stanley Pines here. Sir please…” she looks at Stanley helplessly.
He walks over and takes the phone, motioning for her to relax,” Hello, you messin with my girl. Listen you little freak I-“
Stanley is cut off by Fiddleford,” Stanford Pines is your brother right?!”
Stanley pauses, he glances around,” who wants to know?”
Fiddleford takes a breath of relief,” Stanley, okay. I’m his lab assistant Fiddleford Mcucket!”
Stanley chuckles,” from the nerd school?”
“Y-yes from the nerd school. Look, your brother needs your help. Something went wrong and-“ this time it’s Fiddleford’s turn to get cut off by Stanley.
“Listen, say I’m this Stanley Pines. Why can’t my brother fix this problem himself? He’s so smart it shouldn’t even be a problem for Sixer.”
Fiddleford growls in frustration, especially after Stanley laughs him off,” I'M AFRAID HE’S GOING TO DIE.”
This got Stanley’s attention, if he thought Fiddleford was lying he was one hell of an actor, which made him come to the conclusion that he wasn’t.
“Talk to me. What’s going on with Ford?”
The woman looks at Stanley in concern but he motions for her to calm down. Although after hearing that his brother’s life may be on the line, he wasn’t to calm himself. Last time he saw Ford he was looking up at him from the street, as their father kicked Stanley out for destroying Ford’s future, and just being a general screw up.
Last time he talked to Ford, he was telling Stanley in a letter that he was accepted into some university out in California. It’s been about ten years since Ford even bothered to contact him. Yet Stanley still cared deeply for his brother.
Fiddleford however was trying to calm himself down, what he was about explain to Stanley was confusing, and he didn’t have time reexplain much. He knew that while Ford had multiple PHDs, Stanley had never graduated High School, he was going to have to simplify this so that Stanley wouldn’t think they were both crazy.
“Okay, your brother was working on finding… Gouls, Ghosts, all things weird and unexplained, and trying to explain them. Soon he found that all the weirdness was coming from Gravity Falls, a small town in Oregon. I’ll tell you where that is later. What’s more pressing is that he summoned a demon.”
Stanley raises his eyebrow,” a… demon… like… hold on, he actually summoned something? He didn’t just go hunting for it like some monster hunter?”
“Yes, that's pretty much it. The demon gave him knowledge and recently, the demon disappeared and your brother isn’t taking it well.”
Stanley leans against the wall,” how bad is bad?”
Fiddleford sighs,” he hasn’t eaten in days or showered in weeks. I can’t make him do anything and… I have a wife and kid out of state, I can’t take care of him. If you’re willing, I was hoping you would?”
Stanley ponders this for a moment he looks at the map he has mounted on the wall,” Gravity Falls… in Oregon you said?”
“Yes.” Fiddleford says, a little on the desperate side.
There isn’t an answer from the other side for a good minute. Fiddleford began to feel stupid. Why did he think Stanford’s estranged brother would want to do anything for him?
“How long can you stay?”
Fiddleford jumps,” uh… three days at the most.”
Stanley grabs his keys and hands the woman his hotel key, “ give me about 2 and a half and we’re Golden.”
Fiddleford audibly squeals,” Thank you so much! I promise you I’ll take care of him best I can before you get here.”
There isn’t a response as the line goes dead but there didn’t need to be one.
Stanley Pines was coming to Gravity Falls.
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amarylliasky · 21 days
Number 31! We’re really at the final day huh? Welp, let’s get right into it! (Notes at the end).
And They Stayed, Like It Was Simple.
-Rock paper scissors shoot!
-Aww! I lost? Noooooo!
-Hah! Suck it, Cheapskate!
-Huh? I won..?
-Sorry, kid. Better luck next time.
-Now that it’s come to this. I’ll play against Crybaby and then the winner will go up against the Crazy Kid.
-What? No fair! I wanna go up against you first, Old Man!
-Hyung, do I have to? What if I win? I’d have to go against her..
-As if!
-…Are you actually afraid of winning against Super Rock?
-Fine. I’ll go against the Crazy kid and then whoever wins will go against the Crybaby.
-What?! B-But then I’d have to go against the winner.. Can’t I just forfeit?
-But that’s so boring!
-Rules are rules. You can’t back out now Crybaby.
-Wait, what about Glutton?
-What is she doing?
-Uh, hey Glutton? Whatcha doing there?
-She’s not listening….
-Do something, Super Rock!
-What do you want me to do?
-I don’t know? Shout for her?
-Isn’t that what we’ve been doing?
-Argh! Come on! Why isn’t she answering us?! Is she ignoring us?!
-Glutton! You’re alive!
-Well, actually none of us are….
-Shut it, Crybaby!
-What were you doing?
-Quiet guys! Cale’s sleeping!
-Uh yeah? We know. That’s why we’re playing Rock Paper Scissors.
-Can’t you tell? I think he’s having a nightmare..
-Now that you mention it, I can definitely tell that something’s wrong..
-His heart is beating really fast! I think Noona is right!
-But how did the Glutton know? And before us?
-I think…maybe it’s because I’m closer to his heart?
-But the Crybaby is literally part of his heart.
-Um, maybe because I’ve been here longer? Or because I technically absorbed the Crybaby’s powers into mine?
-Hmmm. It’s not much, but it’s a good guess.
-Focus guys!
-Right. Cale.
-What do we do?
-Try to wake him up?
-You think he would sleep through all this shouting if we could?
-Good point.
-Hmmm. Glutton, you felt it first. Why don’t you try to do something?
-Like what?
-Maybe reach out to him?
-Like we just said wouldn’t work?
-Not like that! Maybe, through her connection with him? As she said before, she has been with him for longer. Maybe she can reach him.
-It’s worth a shot?
-I believe in her!
-I guess?
-O-ok. Then I’ll give it a go!
-Now be quiet, everyone.
-Come on! Just do it!
-Ughhhh, fiiine.
The first thing she noticed was the smell of ash and blood. Which immediately set off alarm bells in her head because, as previously stated, she’s dead. She should not be able to smell anything.
The next thing she noticed was the screams. The voices of humans and monsters mingling together in a dizzying cacophony of noise all around her. What was going on? She felt an acute sense of wrongness with the situation, like she shouldn’t be where she was now. But where was she, anyway?
Prying open her eyes, she was immediately assaulted with the view of what she could only describe as pure despair. Monsters ran through the city, ravaging whatever they laid eyes on, people ran away in terror, many not even making it more than a step before being brutally killed by the horrifying creatures.
Glutton felt fear. She felt it so strong that she almost forgot herself. When was the last time she felt so afraid for her life? But she couldn’t dwell on it, she had a job to do after all. Find where she was, find Cale, wake him up. Simple.
Not simple. At all.
As soon as she took a step, she abruptly realized that yeah, she actually had a body. Which, one would find obvious as she was feeling and seeing things like any normal person would, but here’s the thing; Glutton was not a normal person. She has been dead for over ten thousand years. She hasn’t had a body for ten thousand years. If she hadn’t already known that she was in a dream, this alone would have tipped her off. It was jarring, to say the least.
Unfortunately, she only had a few minutes, or what seemed like so, to get used to her new mobility before the ear-piercing screech of a monster broke her out of her stupor. Looking toward the noise, her entire body froze. She recognized that monster. It was a huge, terrifying beast, unlike any she had seen when she had still been alive. The thing seemed as if it could swallow up the entire city. Not only that, she could faintly make out the silhouettes of dozens of smaller monsters beneath it, they roamed around the gargantuan beast, almost as if they were its underlings. Yes, Glutton knew this monster.
But it wasn’t from her memories. This was the unranked monster that had killed all of Cale’s teammates in the past. This wasn’t just a nightmare, it was one of Cale’s worst memories, and it was being replayed in his sleep with sickening clarity.
She ran.
She didn’t know if she would be able to reach him before he was forced to relive that same awful moment, but she couldn’t stop. Even if she didn’t make it in time, Cale had saved her. He’d saved all of them. Cale had done so much for them, who weren’t even real people; not even real souls. They were the left over wills of people long passed, and yet he still cared about them and treated them as people worth cherishing. They owed everything to him, and she would do anything to help him.
Breaking through the wreckage, she came face to face with something that would haunt her own memories for weeks to come. There was so much. So much blood, so many bodies; both monster and human, there was so so much death and destruction. She felt sick. Forcing herself to take a step forward, she was determined to reach him. She didn’t know if he would be able to see her, or even hear her, but she had to try. When she was running, she had found that she couldn’t interact with anything in the dream, but that didn’t mean that she couldn’t reach him. They were connected, after all.
Her steps were unsteady. Even in this dream, this memory, her nonexistent body still felt every bit how terrible this situation was. She felt the urge to run get stronger with every step, but still she pressed onward.
Reaching out toward him, she called his name as loud as she could. She heard the roars of monsters, the shouts of the reinforcements that were too late; she saw in front of her the people he had held so dear to him, but none of that mattered to her. Not at the moment. What she came here to do, what she had to do for him, was to pull him out. He needed to wake up. She could feel her heart thrum with the wills of her friends. She couldn’t hear them, but she knew that they were backing her up, just like always.
Crack crack crackcrackcrackcra-
Her surroundings shattered like glass. The last thing she saw before it all went dark was the slow turn of Cale’s- Kim Rok Soo’s head towards her. She hadn’t seen his face, she wasn’t sure she wanted to. She lost consciousness before she could, anyway.
-She’s awake!
-Oh thank goodness…
-You really gave us a scare! The Crybaby nearly cried himself into a panic attack when you wouldn’t respond!
-Hic. Nooooonnnnaaaa! I-I thought that you were goooneee!
-We were worried that something happened to your consciousness.
-I….I’m fine. At least I think so? Wait- how’s Cale? Is he okay?!
“Ugh.. what…was..?”
“Hm? Glutton? What is it? Is something the matter?”
“Uh…Glutton? Super Rock, why is she acting so strange? Is everything okay?”
-Everything’s fine, Cale. Go to sleep. It’s late.
“Are you sure? Really, is there nothing bothering you? You’re acting weird.”
-Everyone is alright now. Go to sleep. We’ll be here when you wake up.
“If you say so…”
-And Cale?
-Make sure you eat a hearty breakfast. Good food really is the best way to start the day. Eat lots and lots.
“Umm, okay.. I will.”
-Mhm. Goodnight Cale.
“Goodnight Glutton, everyone.”
Through the chorus of “goodnights” whispered by the ancient powers, Cale’s heart calmed down and he closed his eyes, falling into a peaceful sleep and knowing that they would still very much be there when he wakes.
So, I originally planned for a fluffy little one-shot before the big day, but it kinda got outta hand. As much as I frequently forget that they exist, I absolutely love Cale’s relationship with his ancient powers. They really are a part of his family; a bunch of siblings/uncle and aunt figures that watch over him(and assist him in creating chaos). I also wanted to explore the idea of them being able to kinda enter his consciousness when needed. Think of it like an au or something, since there’s no evidence to support that being in any way possible in canon. So yeah, it ended up a lot more angsty and all over the place than I originally planned, but I’m sticking with it.
Anyway……It’s almost here! Tomorrow is the day, and I plan to post the final piece for this countdown relatively early in comparison to how I normally post. I did not plan to post most of these this late every time, but I’ve got a job and a million other responsibilities so time kinda gets away from me. But hey, I’m so happy I’ve been able to post these every day.
Well, that’s all for now. See ya guys tomorrow!!
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coffincestuous · 4 months
kit9 devlog #6
happy june!! time for devlog number six!!
first, we have this picture, featuring five ashleys. five.
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as much as i love ashley, i have agree with andrew: there are too many ashleys in there. they’re in some kind of dressing room, which just makes me wonder why they’re in a dressing room and where this could be taking place. my first assumption was that it was a dream, which it very much could be, but this is a little different from the dreams we’ve seen so far in-game!! it’s (probably) not a vision, since the spooky eyes around the border are missing, so what is it? (probably a dream)
next, we have teenage andrew!!
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(i’ll keep my comments about his outfit to myself)
is he at school? at home? i’m thinking home due to the two mugs of drinks he’s sitting next to and the open soda. andrew knows to have better manners at someone else’s house!!
he’s afraid of of telling ashley something, and there are so many possibilities. going to college? scholarship? i think maybe that something has to do with julia. knowing ashley as we do, it’s understandable that he’d be nervous, afraid, and apprehensive about telling her that he has a date or a girlfriend. she (accidentally?) killed a girl for much less!! i’m so excited to see this scene in game because it’s going to be so fun!! a huge win for the toxic graves siblings enjoyers like myself
a fourth episode was announced in this devlog, due to the huge amount of content in what was originally just episode three. holy shit!! they say that episode three is going to be “rather lengthy” and will still be released as two major content updates!!
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finally, we have another video preview!!
if you don’t want to watch the video, here are some screenshots:
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ashley and andrew are cuddling!!! in ashley’s bed!!!! they’re so cute 🥺 plus, another glimpse of ashley’s long hair!! mrs graves’ name is renee?? apparently?? she thinks of her children as “disappointment” and “embarrassment” … very interesting considering how good andrew is & has been to her (before the whole soul-sacrifice incident)
and i can’t believe she’s looking for a condom in their trash. i actually can fully believe it, it’s right there, but omg. omg!!! mrs graves is 100% sure they had sex. how long has she been suspicious? i wonder how she plays off snooping through their trash, too…
the video has a lot more content and i definitely recommend watching it (unless you want to save it for the episode releases)..
overall, a super exciting devlog!!! i love this game so much and i’m glad to keep getting these updates. i can’t wait for the episode three and four release dates!!!
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translatemunson · 2 months
Effie! I’ve been thinking… Since I know you love Taylor Swift and if you have requests open, can I request Brains and Buck + …Ready For It? 😊😆
casey! omg my first the tortured firefighters department request (and also my first writing request on tumblr!). i took a few days to elaborate this idea, and i really hope you like it!
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touch me and you'll never be alone • ttfd
a blurb from the universe of the tortured firefighters department
| check the masterlist |
cw: i fear you might need to read chapter six of the series so you can better understand what's happening here, pov changes, fem!reader, afab!reader, no descriptions of reader, two oblivious idiots, mentions of drinking, mentions of going on a date, feelings talk, not proofread (lmk if i forgot something)
One day, Buck would come home and finally have the guts to ask Brains out. For a firefighter, it was odd to see him afraid of doing something. Rescuing people in tall buildings, walking through fire to make sure everyone was out of danger, putting himself in any danger just to get people safe and sound. But he insisted on tiptoeing around the girl he had a crush on.
He very briefly mentioned it to Maddie, and it was enough to have his big sister telling him he should go for it. Even though he didn’t mention Brains when he brought the subject up, she said that if he really felt something, he should risk it. Maddie believed the feelings were mutual — or maybe she knew something he didn’t.
Anyway, it was almost three weeks ago, just a few days shy from when Buck helped Brains during a crisis. His courage to ask her out was shying away, and he didn’t think a good opportunity would come up soon.
Buck inserted the key on his door and took one glance at Brain’s apartment. Her door unlocked and he held his breath. She ditched her usual clothes, and was wearing the same green dress she wore to that dinner at Maddie and Chim’s.
“Hey, Buck!” She waved. “Leaving for a shift?”
“Coming home, actually. Going somewhere, Brains?”
“Yeah, I’m,” she fixed her dress, “going on a date.”
Buck had to hold his reaction quickly, blurting a “He must be a catch if you’re switching your books for him.”
“We can talk about my books, so I think it’s a win-win situation,” she said, putting her keys inside her purse and walking to the elevator. “See ya, Buck. Have a nice rest.”
“Have fun, Brains!” He almost ran to get inside his apartment.
Fuck. He missed his chance.
You dropped down on one of the beach chairs someone left on the rooftop — and never came back to retrieve them. You should’ve gone straight to bed, but you needed a moment alone, without the books and ghosts.
Stephen was a nice study buddy and the time would fly when you were sharing a table and notes in the library. You couldn’t say the same about the two hours you’ve spent together with him. Not that he wasn’t a nice company or only talked about statistics during the date, actually he was a pretty good storyteller and very polite. He just didn’t bring a spark in you during the date.
What actually really happened was that you couldn’t stop thinking about someone else. You sat down for two hours and had to force yourself to look at Stephen and imagine him as someone you would spend more than just study sessions together. And you couldn’t do it. Stephen’s face would never be the one on the dozens of scenarios that crossed your mind. Someone else had already claimed that spot.
“Date went well?”
Buck plopped down on the chair next to yours. He wore his lounger clothes, and you were surprised he wasn’t deep asleep by now.
“Wouldn’t say I’ll be going for a second one,” you admit, the taste of wine getting a little bitter in your tongue. “But it’s fine, tho, I wasn’t expecting much.”
“Do you need me, Chim and Eddie to give the guy a lesson?”
“Not necessary, but thanks for the offer.”
“So, do we know him?” You looked at him, pushing yourself to believe he was asking you about it. “Or her. I don’t judge,” he added, once your silence became too much.
“No, he’s someone from my classes. It’s just, yeah, no, nice classmate, I’ll give him that. But I felt nothing during the date. Not even that small pinch to jump head first, damn the consequences,” you explained.
“You’re really an adrenaline junkie,” he made fun of one of the very first things you talked about, months ago now. “No, but I think it’s fair because if there’s no spark, why commit at all?”
“Right? I mean, some relationships take the slow burn road, just like the books and movies, you know, but I only believe in that if the people involved have known each other for like months. Or maybe years. There’s a true bond in like being a friend first, lover second.”
“And you did that for your relationships? Because I didn’t.”
“Maybe the guy I dated after highschool, because we were friends, but after that I didn’t had much time to have a slow burn.” You played with the hem of your dress, pushing it further to protect your legs from the night breeze. “And also that brief relationship with Alex was a nightmare.”
“Oh yeah, Alex,” Buck laughed, the memory still fresh. “So maybe you’re not ready for a relationship right now?”
“No, I,” you measured your words, “I think I have someone else in mind, but it’s not like… nevermind, the wine is making me think too much about stupid things.”
“What do you mean by stupid things?”
“My feelings, I guess.” You kept shoving everything aside, trying to focus on your main goals. It wasn’t a crime to have you mind wandering a never taken road, but it was tough. “Sorry, I think it’s past my bedtime.”
That was a stupid excuse, and you both knew that. Buck gave you a puzzled look. Oh no, you were reaching a dangerous zone. As soon as you anchored your arms to get up from the seat, he reached out and stopped you. You were caught in the headlights — and the stupid siren lights down the street.
“I once had this idea that I’d have to be ready for a relationship, so I thought avoiding real connections was a solution.” He referenced his own addition, something he happily left behind. “But for the months I’ve known you, Brains, I can definitely tell you’re gonna find the relationship you’re looking for when you least expect it. Or maybe you already found it. Anyway, your feelings are not stupid, and I hope you understand it.”
“Thanks, Buck.” You smiled. He let go of your arms and you finally got up. “You’re the nicest person I’ve ever met. And I know we were talking about me, but I hope you found someone who will love you as much as you deserve it. I’ll see you later, ok? Right now I really need to sleep.”
You squeezed his shoulder and left the rooftop, taking the stairs as fast as possible and locking yourself in your apartment. Your feelings creeping under your skin, making you feel like you were gonna be tortured by them for longer than you expected.
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thelargefrye · 2 years
For the game “the devils bride”
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pairing : evil kings!ateez x queen!f!reader genre : royal au, romance, fluff, slight angst warnings : mentions of fighting / wars
hongjoong felt his heart swell when he took in the sight of you tending to the castle garden. he’s still surprised by how well you’ve been able to make it slowly come back to life — something he hadn’t seen since before his mother died.
and hongjoong was grateful for all the work you’ve been doing.
“you know, the longer you stare at her the more likely she is to notice it,” seonghwa’s voice is hushed as he whispers into his lover’s ear. finding it amusing at how easily startled hongjoong is.
“i wasn’t staring!” he hisses back making seonghwa smirk as he took in hongjoong’s reddening cheeks.
“if you say so,” he says with a hum before seonghwa allows his eyes to drift to you working on trimming away any unnecessary weeds that were growing around the flowerbeds.
like hongjoong, he also felt his heart swell as he watched you. and he felt it grow a little more when he noticed your daughter attempting to help you.
the two of you wore matching outfits and gardening hats that he knew jongho must have been behind, but seonghwa was not complaining in the slightest at how cute you two looked.
him and hongjoong took a seat near the garden, but not too close to attract the attention of neither you nor your daughter. as they watched you work, they noticed san had appeared and admired how their other lover had dressed down in a simple white shirt and trousers.
“it’s been a while since y/n and san have spent time together,” hongjoong mused and seonghwa agreed.
“san’s been busy with leading our army and winning battles that he doesn’t get a lot of time to just unwind. i know he’s missed little sunhi since he’s left, all his letters always asking about her and how she’s doing.”
“our little princess has him wrapped around her finger,” hongjoong says with a smile as if him and the others aren’t also wrapped around their daughter’s finger.
they watch with pleasant smiles as san tickles sunhi making her giggle and squirm in his arms and it’s obvious to anyone that even if they all claims to be sunhi’s father, san is her biological one.
their resemblances are too strong to deny. seonghwa hated that he wasn’t sunhi’s actual father, but he didn’t love her any less. it would be impossible to love their princess any less.
“y/n has grown into a beautiful queen,” hongjoong says from nowhere.
“of course, she’s always been a beautiful queen,” seonghwa answers.
“perhaps, but i’m mainly talking about how she’s really grown into the duties of a queen and is finally confident in making decisions for herself, us, and the kingdom,” hongjoong explains further as they watches san picking sunhi up and holding her above his head.
seonghwa then thinks back to how you were when you originally arrived to the kingdom. how scared you were and how afraid you had been of them. but the longer you stayed with them, the more comfortable you grew until you all eventually fell in love.
seonghwa knows that him and the others don’t deserve a happy ending, but even so he knows that you deserve it more than anyone. and a happy ending is what you got and seonghwa and the others will make sure no one ever takes that away from you.
send me a fake title and i’ll show what i would write for it
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writingpiecesak · 1 year
How He would : MHA 💥Katsuki Bakugou💥 PT.2
How He Would 💥Ask you out on a date This could happen in two different scenarios.
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Scenario 1 As part of a training exercise Bakugou needed you to help train him since your quirk has better far range attacks. He’s great at dodging and aiming for his attacks, this was just part of his plan. He challenged that if he’s able to land a hit on you, you grant one wish. If he can’t, he’ll grant your one wish. Through a tough battle and maybe with a more determined fighting spirit, he won.
“I’ll win one of these days. So what’s your wish?”
“We go on a date, tomorrow at 3pm.” His smug smile dazzles you and butterflies swarm your stomach.
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Scenario 2 You were walking home late from class one day. You decide to stay late to rewrite your disorganized notes and any you missed from the previously class. Usually you walk home with a friend but, they couldn’t stay too late. Luckily, to your surprise you noticed after a few minutes, your classmate Katsuki Bakugou was walking ahead of you.
Nearing your street he suddenly stopped which made you stop. Almost like he was walking you home? But then he let signed out a breath he must’ve been holding in for some time, and spoke.
“Do you wanna’ go to the summer festival with me tomorrow?” He couldn’t turn to you, can’t risk you seeing him nervous for this.
“Wh–Yes. I’ll go with you.” Never in a million years did you think your all-time crush would ask you on a date.
How He Would 💥Act on the Date
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Very nervous. He kept his hands inside his pockets because he was afraid of sweating too much. Which still played out well for him as you wrapped your hand around his arm. He felt tough as fuck. But he loved your carnival outfit, it actually matched his colors well. Your cute white romper paired with white vans that had orange flames around the edges. He wondered if they were personally designed or if they came that way. Anyway, he rode all the rides with you having an amazing time. He won you a stuffed animal and loved seeing how pretty you smiled.
“Are you hungry?”
“Starving.” You sheepishly said.
You both agreed on spicy wings with fries, and as for a sweet tooth moment, you persuaded him to try funnel cake. He loved it. Especially how excited you got explaining the first time you ever had funnel cake.
Damn she smiles so pretty.
How He Would 💥 say Goodnight
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After having what he deems to be the best night together, he walks you home hand in hand no longer afraid of the sweatiness. You reassured him of his hands, no matter how rough or sweaty they may seem. He liked that you knew how to reassure even when he didn’t ask. He’s too proud to admit when something bothers him plus he didn’t want to seem like a weakling. Too early to have you view him in a weak position.
“Well, this is me” You stopped and pointed at your front gate. Still holding hands you blushed at how Bakugou didn’t want to let go.
“Alright. Um, I’ll walk you to your door?” He didn’t mean for it to sound like a question but he just didn’t want to part from you yet. He knew how to end an amazing night, all his romance information came from all the manga he reads and keeps. But reading it is so much different than actually trying to do it.
Come on Kats, just slowly lean in… His mindset was tryna pump himself up as your steps got closer to the door. And then, as you both stood there at the doorway, you shyly tucked your hair behind your ear.
“Okay well, goodnight Kats.”
Don’t be a pussy don’t be a pussy don’t be a pussy.
He moved in, trailed his hand to cup your cheek and your heart was beating so fast yet you stood frozen. You couldn’t believe this was happening, your heart swooned when your lips touched feeling the heat radiate not only from his hand but his cheeks/face also. A perfect first kiss to end the perfect first date.
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spade-riddles · 5 months
Submission: Death/Dying/Mortality & The Jack-O-Lantern of it all.
The first 🎃 was sent on May 13, 2023.
#4. 🎃 “Speaking of, I love Halloween, don’t you? I’m already counting the days until October.”
#11. 🎃 “Imagine this. It is 3 am and Halloween is over"
All Saints Day, while exact origins are uncertain, was originally most commonly celebrated in May (like, a LONG time ago. ~300-600 A.D). Specifically…MAY 13. The night before All Saints Day was called “All-Hallows Eve”, which is what we now know as Halloween. (I acknowledge that is through the Christianity lens, as I know there this is a holiday with pagan roots as well). 
This is a celebration dedicated to remember the dead. I believe the use of the pumpkin/jack-o-lantern and the references to this celebration were easter eggs for the direction of TS11, before we even KNEW a new album was in the works. Furthermore, someone sent in a post identifying May 13 as the first documented date of JK & KK, which was also linked to the original spade riddles about MAY. 
Now that it has been a few days since the release of TTPD, I’m shocked to see just how many references there are to the concept of death, dying, endings, resurrection, etc. Here is an incomplete list of all of the references to this theme throughout the TTPD rollout and release:
TN easter egg
“We hereby conduct this post-mortem” - AKA….after death. This was ultimately revealed to be lyrics from “How Did It End?”
Track 4 - Down Bad
“I might just die, it would make no difference.”
Track 5 - So Long, London
“My white knuckle dying grip holding tight to your quiet resentment.”
“I died on the altar waiting for the proof.”
Track 9 - Guilty As Sin
“One slip I’m falling back into the hedge maze, but what a way to die.”
Track 10 - Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me?
“If you wanted me dead you should’ve just said. Nothing makes me feel more alive.”
Track 12 - loml
“Are they second hand embarrassed that I can’t get out of bed, cause something counterfeits dead?”
“And I’ll still see it until I die, You’re the loss of my life.”
Track 14 - The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived
“Were you sent by someone who wanted me dead?”
“I would’ve died for your sins, Instead, I just died inside.”
Track 16 - Clara Bow
“I’m not trying to exaggerate but I think I might die if it happened, die if it happened to me”
Track 17 - The Black Dog
“Old habits die screaming.”
“Now I wanna sell my house and set fire to all my clothes, and hire a priest to come and exorcise my demons, Even if I die screaming, And I hope you hear it.”
Track 19 - The Albatross:
“She’s the death you chose”
Track 21 - How Did It End:
“We hereby conduct this post-mortem”
“Say it once again with feeling, How the death rattle breathing, Silenced as the soul was leaving, The deflation of our dreaming, Leaving me bereft and reeling. My beloved ghost and me, Sitting in a tree,D-Y-I-N-G”
Track 23 - I Hate It Here
“I dreamed about it in the dark, the night I felt like I might die”
Track 25 - I Look In People’s Windows
“I had died the tiniest death.”
And finally…resurrection (note: I am not a religious person, I’m writing about this from a literature/contextual perspective).
Track 9 - Guilty as Sin:
What if I roll the stone away? They’re gonna crucify me anyway. What if the way you hold me is actually what’s holy? If long suffering propriety is what they want from me, they don’t know how you’ve haunted me so stunningly. I choose you and me, religiously
propriety (noun) - 1: the quality or state of being proper or suitable, 2: conformity to what is socially acceptable in conduct or speech, fear or offending against conventional rules of behavior especially between the sexes.
🫚 - 2/5/2024
Frost untouched, Conformity wins fights.
This 🫚 message seems to convey the message that conforming to what what society and the media, her fans, etc expect of her and will tolerate from her, is the only way she could gain enough traction to move forward. But in Guilty as Sin, she finally asks the questions “what happens if I roll away the stone?” Rolling away the stone, in a biblical sense, would reveal an empty tomb. An empty tomb was EVIDENCE that Jesus had risen from the dead.
So my thought is, what does rolling away the stone mean for Taylor? What are the implications of her asking, “What if I just give them all the evidence revealing my truth? They are going to judge me no matter what, so I might as well. If they want me to suffer my entire life by conforming to societal standards, they don’t know how impossible of an ask that is.”In Summary, 🫚 & 🎃 have absolutely proven themselves credible in foreshadowing the themes of this album and overarching story. And I’m sure as we continue to decipher their messages, we are going to find so much more.
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dr3am5scape · 6 months
Too perfect to win ~
(Yandere female student/Sevika 🔪)
(Onggg it’s beeen soooo LONG!!! Gotta make you guys entertained😭)
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Summary: Your a higher rank female student with gambling skills in university of Zaun. You go against the richest woman of all times; Sevika (Silco’s right hand).
Warning: None
Kinda related to Kakegurui (Anime). You’re pretty much like Yumeko in this fanfic. All crazy just to win and have fun. Can get quite flirty but when it comes to gamble, it’s madness.
Might have second part, if you’re willing to see more.
Now enjoy ❤️
Special night happened in Zaun. A casino was built across the last drop from Vander’s ideas. He thought it would be a genius just to have the people who live there, can be more entertained, involving money. There were several smoke pipe filling through the air of the place. There was even red wine passing around, some couches to sit on and chat, but mostly slot machines and table with plenty of cards to play against. There were blackjacks, poker, roulette and more to choose from. That’s when you step in. You’ve heard about a gamble event from whispers of people who knew you would show up. You were a woman who’ve gambled with others ever since you transferred from a different world to a brand new university.
As you show up, you were met by this women. The most all of known; Sevika. You gave her a slight smirk, crossing your arms to stare down at her. Sevika was already on this green comfy chair, waiting to play against you tonight. “Say, you’re Silco’s right hand I’ll say? It’s a pleasure to meet you, Sevika.” You smiled happily, looking innocent as if you were just a random lady giving out handshake or something. Sevika replied, taking out her cigarette and inhale from her nose. “What are you here for, young lady? This is not school time.” She laughs, taking her cigar away. Some of her groups laugh as well. “Or are you here to gamble?” Sevika asks sharply. “You sure have the guts to go against me, dear.” She takes a few puffs. “I would really like your way of playing if that’s how we’re gonna end up.” Sevika says getting up to stand above you. She wasn’t playing when it came to gamble and winning over money. She didn’t give a crap on anyone losing over her. “It’s pretty risky, but it’s worth it.”
You tilt your head while staring up at her. Chuckling under your breath, you couldn’t help but smirk. “Now, how much you would want to bet actually? I have all night for this event.” You lift up a badge that was around your neck. “As you may not know, Zaun has a college university for higher people here, who’s very good at gambling. Not sure if you heard it around,” you said with a brief smile, not afraid of this bold woman. “Of course I’m familiar with your university.” The woman replied sharply. Then her eyes drift down to see your badge with your name, Y/N. “So, what exactly do you propose for this bet, y/n?” Sevika lift her head while still staring down at you. “5,000 yens,” you claim. Sevika shook her head and laughs. “Really? 5,000? You know that isn’t impressive at all to me. After all, you don’t stand a chance winning me over, cutie.” Her thin smile spread across her face. “But, here how it goes. I’ll add 2,000 yens on top of your bet-“ “That’ll makes it 7,000 yens, so perhaps 8,000 at least.” You said, cutting her off. You just couldn’t remove that darn smile off your face. Oh how priceless.
“Ah…” Sevika rise up from her body, staring a far distance from you. “I see…your actually a gambler? I thought you were just some ordinary student asking the most randomness question like how they always present after class. But this time isn’t.” Then she smiled with admiration. “8,000 yens it is. That would be quite an offer. And do you have the balls to go up to that, sweetheart?” She asks, letting out a chuckle. But you wanted more. Your ways was to have that excitement of combining with intelligence and reveal it as a hobby. You were playing as if it didn’t affect you. You had great power and money that overcame you. “I’ll like to go higher than that actually~” You said quite flirty. Sevika raised her eyebrow. “Must be a daredevil for sure. How bout we raise the stakes? Let’s bet 10,000 yens.” “Make it 15,000.” That’s when people stop on what they were doing and look to see the two sides competing. The whole room was filled with silence. “Your sure are a bold one, aren’t you?” She chuckles, rolling her eyes. “15,000 yens it is.”
Two finally sat on their chairs away from each other while a large table settle on the middle. “This may be your last night of gambling. I hope you know what’s coming up. Just hope you don’t cry all over me.” Once again she laughs, enjoying this situation your both in while others around murmur. The gambling game begins. The crowd grow over by seconds. It was so obvious that an interesting game could carried certain players that was worth watching. This game was when each person needed to get to 21, quickly as possible. Sevika started shuffling deck of cards. “I’ll tell you what, y/n. See how this night goes when we go back to back from this game. If you get to 21 first, I’ll play you, alright?” You nod with a smile. “Sounds like a plan.” You first placed a card on the center of the table. Sevika looked at you and the card carefully. The situation was now getting tense. Another one was left with a card she placed close to you on the table. On the board Sevika had: 16. You had 14. (Random card game idk😭)
After placing yours, you see Sevika pulls out another one. This card was specifically designed for double twice. Her board went to 18. Oh man she was close to win. “It’s not always about gambling you know. I would like to rise the bet actually. 1,000,000 yens.” The crowd went total nuts when you claimed a bigger amount of money. Sevika was caught of guard. “Wow…now you sure you want to keep to 15,000 instead? Alright beats on me.” She chuckles. “One million only. That’s it.” “Which is fun, right?” You chuckle. “Don’t you ever have any fun gambling?” You asked while placing another card. “Who told you that I don’t have fun? Kind of question your asking me?” Sevika ended up having 20 on the board. She sighs, stretching out her body and leaning back to her seat. Out of nowhere, you had 21 on the board. “Huh?” Sevika showed surprise on her face as she stare at the board. How she didn’t see that coming? She glanced down at the betting table.
“Supposedly I win. After all, I was just joking about getting for one million. I’ll stick to 15,000 yens instead.” You giggled. “Dont mess with me, pretty thing. You shouldn’t joke around when it comes to bet with money.” Says Sevika, her cold gaze narrowed towards you. “I’m all for it. I’m sure you don’t even have that kind of money. Only the top rating students had-“ With a fist slam to the table, Sevika was no longer in her neutral state. She was now irrated by your foolish tone of sarcasm. “Better watch your mouth you-“ “Would you kind to pay up now? The game over now, silly.” You said folding your hands together. “All I’m asking of you is 15,000.” Your eyes were now in deep red. “Your really something women.” She deeply sigh, pulls out a stack of coins with a grunt. “Should be enough for y’all.” You place your palm of the bag while looking up at her again. “It all comes to madness.” You started laughing a bit loud, with another hand placing your mouth. “I win as always.” Before you try calming down, which Sevika thought you were insane all of a sudden, the crowd went back up whispering to one another in even more shock.
“I’ll be back once again, Sevika. Or shall I say I would come to play but you might as well lose once again.” You replied with another laugh. Sevika’s body spoke in rush of adrenaline. Something inside of her wanted to crush you right ahead, teaching you a lesson. But instead she back down and want to treat you like a lady and this was just all a game for the night. “Consider this a next time, Sevika. I’ll see you then~” You wink at her with a blow kiss, grabbing the bag of coins, walking out the building like it was nothing XD. Sevika was stunned by the event that been unfolded, out of place. That beautiful and innocent face you had at first disappeared into the rest of the folks. From this day forward, Sevika still tries to think more about you….how you ended up in Zaun in the first place, besides gambling. How mysterious it was for you to play her off like that and then vanshied?
(Wow that was a heck of a story. You beat her this time. Oh poor Sevika. No worries, I’ll be having more stories of her and hopefully Abby. I am trying to pull others in fanfics as well. Lmk how this turned out for you. Please reblog for others to see. Thank you💕💕💕).
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Black Heart Part 7
Regulus Black AU
Request: Will you write a Regulus x Reader fic where Regulus is older than the reader? She comes to help the Order and Regulus falls in love with her. The relationship isn’t easy because of the war and Regulus’ denial that he would be a good boyfriend.
Summary: Admitting that he was in love had never been something that Regulus wanted to do. Now that you were in his life, Regulus didn’t know how to react. Should he love you or push you away just like he had everyone else?
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader  
Link to Part 6
Rating: M
“I’m aware. I am here to talk to you about your death eater of a brother. I want him to keep his filthy hands off of Y/n before we have to either bury her or make a blooper reel of her life. You need to tell that asshole to watch his back.”
Sirius blinked several times as if trying to decide if this conversation was actually happening. After determining Dr. Sexy was actually standing on his doorstep threatening Regulus, Sirius poked his head out of the front door and looked around. He, for a moment, thought that Regulus was screwing with him in some weird way. Was there some joke that Sirius wasn’t in on? When he didn’t see Regulus in the hallway, Sirius turned back to Nicolas.
“Okay, now that I know I am not being bamboozled somehow, I’m going to say this...mate stop. For your own good and the good of everyone involved stop. Fucking with Regulus is about the first level of stupid. He isn’t one to be fucking around with.
Nicolas was shivering in anger. He was mad! Mad wasn’t putting his feelings with enough emotion. Nicolas had spent ages trying to get you to like him. There had been so much dedication on Nicolas’ side then in swoops some older rich bastard that looked younger than Nicolas himself.
“I am knocking the shit out of your boney brother when I get a hold of him. I love Y/n and he won’t mess this up!”
Sirius couldn’t help it. He burst out laughing. It took Sirius a few moments before he was able to get ahold of himself.
“What’s funny?”
Nicolas snapped as Sirius rubbed a hand over his face. Sirius wiped a few tears from his eyes before laughing again. When he calmed down, Sirius sighed.
“Oh, nothing. I’m just laughing at my life.”
Nicolas put his hand on his hips as Sirius moved to speak again.
“Mate, she’s having his baby..two of them…if you didn’t know. Y/n is in love with him. Accept it…embrace it…look if you are dumb enough to fight my brother…he may be skinny but Regulus fights dirty. He’s going to win. Unfortunately, because you're threatening my little brother you are also threatening me. Keep it up and I’ll sit on your head while Regulus jumps up and down on you. You’ll also be pissing Remus Lupin off because he’s pals with Y/n so he will be beating on you too. If you insist on starting something…may the odds be in your favor”
Sirius promptly shuts the door in Nicolas’ face before going back to his tv show.
“Dude’s a mother fucking idiot. I would rather hug a cactus than tangle with Regulus…especially when it comes to the first girl that he’s ever been mental over. Nope. No way”
Regulus woke up alone when the sunlight began to stream down into his eyes. Frowning, he sat up and looked around the now-destroyed bedroom. The sheets had been ripped off of the bed during the previous night's activities.
“Y/n, love, where did you go?”
Regulus called out as he looked at the mess of feathers there were all over the bedroom floor. How a pillow was totally destroyed was beyond him. Regulus made a mental note to call for Kreacher to come to help him tidy up. He was thankful that Kreacher wouldn’t ask any questions about what happened. The elf would just nod and start cleaning up.
Your voice pulled Regulus from his thoughts.
“Bathroom, can you come here a moment?”
Regulus turned and walked into the bathroom where you stood looking at your reflection.
“Is something wrong?”
He asked tentatively. Regulus hated admitting it but he was afraid when things were going well. Things typically didn’t “go well” for him. When they did go well for too long hell fire typically ruined everything.
You turned to face him with a smile. Regulus’ eyes fell down your body and stopped at your stomach.
“I woke up this morning and look.”
Regulus’ eyes widened. You were right! It seemed like you started showing overnight.
“I totally did not expect that.”
Regulus commented as you moved to wrap your arms around him.
“Wait a minute.”
Regulus murmured as he dropped his hand to run over your stomach. You were relieved when he smiled. Knowing that was a genuine Regulus Black smile made your heart happy. Even though Regulus had promised that he was happy about the babies…that little smile always made you feel even better.
“You look beautiful.”
Regulus said, pulling you a little more tightly against him. Closing his eyes, he leaned his forehead against yours.
I’m happy.
Regulus liked that thought. He needed to relax. He was happy and you were happy with him.
I have never had that happen before.
It was a true thought, no matter how sad it was. Regulus never kept a girl around longer than a few weeks. When things usually went down in flames, it was usually due to his not willing to open up. With you, Regulus was going to try his best to open up…no matter how uncomfortable it made him. You were worth the uncomfortable feelings.
The last thing that Regulus wanted was for you to tire of him and leave. He couldn’t process the thought of you ending up with someone like Nicolas. Regulus was not about to let that younger man be the one that raised his children.
They’re my kids and I’ll be the one that raises them.
Regulus internally nodded at the thought. He hadn’t told you, and maybe he would at some point, but when he was young (before the dark thoughts and feelings started) Regulus had wanted a family of his own. A family that could be happy…not whatever the Blacks were.
“Do you mean that? What about if I gain a lot of weight and get bigger than a house?”
Your voice pulled Regulus from his thoughts. He chuckled before taking your hand and bringing it to his lip.
“You worry about such silly things. I can barely keep my hands off of you. You’ll be beautiful no matter what. I really am concerned about telling these children apart. Did I tell you Sirius’ comment?”
You shook your head, knowing whatever Regulus was about to say would be amusing.
“No, should I be worried?”
Regulus shook his head.
“He said that he wouldn’t even bother learning which child was which. He is simply going to sit back and let the children tell them who they are.”
A small smile played on your lips before speaking.
“A lot of twins tend to switch names with their sibling.”
Regulus suddenly looked petrified. You couldn’t help it as you giggled
“You’re worrying too much, Reggie. You’ll be able to tell them apart. As far as Sirius is concerned, let the twins have their fun. You know, we haven’t really spoken about it…what do you want the babies to be? Girls? Boys? Does it matter?”
“As long as the three of you are healthy that’s all that matters to me. I have a feeling if the babies are girls I will understand why my uncle Cygnus was so damned crazy. Someone could look at his daughters funny and he was ready to take them out. Anyhow, now that my anxiety is through the roof, how about we get out of the house for a while…maybe go down to the beach?”
You eagerly nodded before turning to go find a clean dress to put on.
“That sounds lovely. I’ll get changed.”
Regulus turned and walked back into the bedroom scratching his head. He was in deep thought again over the babies. If they were girls would he be able to handle it? Of course, the answer would be yes. Regulus had a feeling that he would suddenly develop the urge to murder whatever punk teenager showed up at his door in the future. Regulus suddenly thought about what a dick he was.
It's a good thing that her father is missing in action. If he wasn’t, I would call him and apologize for ever having sex with his daughter.
Regulus thought as he buttoned up his shirt.
“Master Regulus?”
Regulus turned around to see Kreacher in the door. He was relieved to see the elf.
“Kreacher, I was about to call for you…”
Kreacher nodded.
“Kreacher had a feeling that Master Regulus and Mistress Y/n would need Kreacher. Besides, Master Sirius is at the house and Kreacher did not have the patience for that.”
Kreacher looked around the bedroom and looked suddenly shocked. There were feathers all over the bedroom floor, blankets thrown everywhere, and your knickers hanging from the chandelier. Kreacher blinked a few times before turning to Regulus.
“Is all well here?”
Regulus’ cheeks turned a pale pink as he met Kreacher’s eyes. Had it been anyone but Kreacher, Regulus would have been absolutely mortified. Kreacher, house elf or not, was the one being that Regulus felt understood him. He also knew that Kreacher cared about you (even if he complained about your wrecking his kitchen and organization system).
“Uh..yeah. I think we may have gotten carried away.”
Kreacher nodded before speaking.
“Kreacher will fix the pillows and clean.”
Kreacher wasn’t about to complain. He was thrilled to see Regulus happy, for once. Kreacher was also happy to see the family that he cared about continuing. If Walburga had been alive, Kreacher was positive that she would have been happy too.
You stepped out of the bathroom in a pale pink sundress. Regulus’ eyes immediately went to your stomach, yet again. There was definitely no denying it. You were pregnant…you were pregnant and Regulus was happy.
Kreacher gave you his usually squashy frown.
“Kreacher it's nice to see you.”
You said pleasantly. Kreacher gave you a nod. The last thing that he wanted was to upset you again. After making an offensive comment that made you cry, Kreacher was scared to do it again. Even after you assured him that it was just hormones the last thing that Kreacher wanted was to upset Regulus for making you cry.
“It's nice to see Mistress Y/n too.”
Regulus meanwhile had reached for your hand.
“We’ll be back later.”
Twenty minutes later you stood on the beach watching the waves crash onto the sand in front of you. You were enjoying the fresh air and quiet peacefulness that surrounded you. There was no hospital, no dying patients, no screaming, panicking, or general distress that filled your typical day. It was just peaceful nature sounds.
You turned your attention to Regulus. He had rolled the bottoms of his pants up and was wondering around where the water met the beach. You couldn’t help but smile looking at him. For this brief moment, Regulus wasn’t the man that had so much thrown onto his shoulders. He wasn’t the boy that became a death eater at 16. He wasn’t Regulus Arcturus Black, heir of the Black family…the blood traitor (that he would be in his family’s eyes)...the high-ranking official at the Ministry of Magic…he was just Regulus.
Just Regulus…the man that you loved with your whole heart.
You watched with a small smile on your face as the wind blew through his now messy curls.
“I see why you like it here.”
You commented as you moved to join him. Regulus wrapped an arm around you before leaning down for another kiss.
“There isn’t any noise…no expectations.”
Regulus replied. While he knew his place with The Order was important, Regulus, if even for a brief moment, considered not going back. It was a silly thought but he loved entertaining the idea of the two of you remaining here, in this moment, forever. The two of you could raise your kids away from the crazy.
It won’t last forever…the crazy will come here eventually if the dark lord isn’t taken care of.
The thought was unwelcome in Regulus’ mind. For once, he didn’t want to think with his logical brain. He was enjoying this peaceful happy side a little too much.
Looking down at your face, Regulus realized that you were feeling the same way. You didn’t have your “doctor poker face” on. Instead, you looked like that young woman that you were. You weren’t some child prodigy that grew up to be a young doctor. You were just Y/n.
Now is a perfect time…
Regulus watched your face for a moment longer before pushing some of his hair away from his eyes.
“Remus and Tonks are getting married. Do you think they are crazy?”
You shook your head.
“No, I don’t. With this war, none of us know how long we have. Tomorrow isn’t promised. They’ll be happy.”
Regulus let his hand drop into his pocket. His grandmother’s engagement ring suddenly felt very heavy. The ring had been willed to him to give to his future bride. Granted, Regulus never thought that he would actually use it.
He had been keeping the decision to propose to himself but he had been considering proposing for some time. A lot of his reasoning was the pregnancy. The last thing that Regulus wanted was for anyone to run their mouth about HIS kids…but that wasn’t it. Regulus wanted you to be his and his only.
“What about us?”
Regulus asked softly. You instantly smiled.
“Darling, we’re happy. I am very happy. I love you.”
Regulus took a deep breath before taking the ring out of his pocket and slipping it onto your finger.
“Would you love me enough to marry me?”
Your eyes widened and your mouth dropped. Looking down at the emerald and diamond engagement ring, you could barely form a sentence for a moment.
“Is this an engagement ring? Are you…”
Regulus nodded, his eyes suddenly taking on that “sweet lost boy” expression that typically got him anything that he wanted.
“Yes, will you marry me? It isn’t just because of the babies…I don’t want people bad-mouthing any of you. It's also because you are the only one that I would even entertain the idea of such a thing with.”
Regulus suddenly wondered if he was crazy. He was proposing to a girl that was younger than him…and not dating long. Would you think that he was nuts? What if you did? What if you said…
“Yes, I’ll marry you.”
Regulus’ internal panic stopped when you said those four sweet words. He stood staring at you a moment before pulling you into a kiss. You stood on your tiptoes and tangled your hands in Regulus’ hair as he deepened the kiss.
Were the two of you crazy for moving toward marriage so fast? Maybe. Did you care? No. At the moment the two of you had everything that you both needed. For once, both Regulus and yourself had someone who loved you despite all of your flaws and insecurities…that was enough.
The two of you were so lost in the moment that neither of you noticed none other than Peter Pettigrew, in rat form, watching with a cold sneer. So Regulus Black was making himself a happy little life after deflecting…fascinating…
With a squeak, Peter disappeared down the street with some happy news for his master…
@amelie-black @jessyballet @knreidy1 @georgeweasleydumbhoe @acciosiriusblack @siriuslyceleste @mimisparkle12 @teletubiswszpilkach @ell0ra-br3kk3r @livshifts @darkenwolfie @stelleduarte @starsval @millies0bsimp @coffeeaddictednymph @readtomeregulus @daddyslittlevillain @rogue-nyx88 @panpride @saramaple @missgorldafirst @fluffy-kittens @s-we-e-t-t-ea @i-love-scott-mccall @buttercup-beeee @taylor-will-be-the-death-of-me @gugggu6gvai @jag9000 @quinis @yousmellllikecaca @mentally-unstable-hoe @haroldpotterson @padf00ts-l0ver @goldensunshineshit @aurorasnape12 @ad-astra-again @rubyroscoe1 @spideyxalmighty @lucasfilms77 @marichromatic @dumybitch @lostarc24 @play-morezeppelin @ravenhood2792 @un-lovesherself @melaninnbarbie @criminalyetminimal @brokencasbutt67-writer @authoressskr @moldy-old-boot @hankypranky @summer-novak @shaylybaby2032 @emiwrites3reads @knight-of-gleefulness @sprnaturallover @wontlookaway @sprnaturallover @deanwherescas @untoldshortsofthefandoms @shitfaceddaniel-blog @li0nh34rt @tas898 @mycuddlycorner
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elisysd · 1 year
Out of the Woods
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Cruel Summer Masterlist
Charles teaches Lyanna how to drive
Remember when you hit the brakes too soon?
“I’m really not sure about this Charles. Like, not at all.”
“Hey you passed the theory easily, love. First try may I add, and we worked together on the sim for so many hours, you’ll be fine. I promise. And you have me as your teacher, nothing can go wrong.” Charles tried to reassure her.
“So many things can go wrong. I can crash us both and then Julia will be an orphan. And Pierre will be in charge of taking care of her. Pierre, Charles! Pierre! What went wrong in our heads to decide that he would be a great godfather?”
“He is a great godfather! He is spoiling her. But really, breathe, love. It will be fine, you got this.”
“I’m scared, Charles.”
“I’m right here Lya and if something goes wrong, I’ll take the wheel. But I trust you.”
“Why didn’t we try an empty parking lot for my first time? Why did it have to be the track of the Monaco GP?”
“Because if you can manage it, love, you’ll manage anything.”
“Easy for you to say.”
When Lyanna told Charles a few months ago that she wanted to get her driver’s licence so it would be easier to drive Julia to school as they were living on the side of Monaco, Charles had not given her any other choice but to be her instructor. Whenever he got a little time between two races he had taken his role very seriously making Lyanna train on his simulator for two hours per day until he deemed her ready to hit the road. And the day had finally come.
Charles tried his best to reassure her, telling her that they would go easy for the first time. But to Lyanna, easy definitely didn’t mean the track of the Monaco GP. She knew it pretty well because of Charles and the amount of time they had spent driving along, both together and then with Julia. She didn’t know it by heart, of course, but she roughly knows the turns and where they were.
“How can you trust me with your Pista?” she asked with a shaky voice.
“I trust you with my life, love.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t.”
“Come on drama queen, start the engine and let’s go.”
And she did as told. And off they were. the first few kilometers went well, at least, in her opinion. They managed to get inside the Monegasque traffic without too much inconveniences and there were no crashes in sight. Little by little, Lyanna was starting to relax. Charles, to her surprise, was not saying much, just giving her a few instruction here and there.
“Lya?” he ended up saying as they were near Sainte-Devote.
“You know you drive at 30 kmph? You can go up to 50.”
“Isn’t it a bit too fast though?”
“it’s really not, love.”
She sighed and sped up as Charles told her. Two hours later and after multiple laps around Monaco, they came back home. Lyanna could already see the improvements and she was actually proud of herself for overcoming her fears. And Charles was not that bad. As they both were getting out of the car and Lyanna gave back his car’s key to her husband, a mini brunette tornado came crashing in her dad’s arms full force.
“Daddy! Mommy! You went vroom vroom without me!”
“Daddy is teaching mommy how to be an as good driver as him.” explained Lyanna as Pascale was coming through the door to greet them.
“Does it mean that you are going to leave me to go with daddy?”
“No my princess, mommy is learning how to drive so she can take you out for ice cream when daddy is away.”
“So cool!”
“What were you doing? And how was school?” asked Charles.
“She was watching Pierre’s win in Monza.” told Pascale making the little girl blush.
“Why are you watching uncle Pierre and not daddy?” Charles was faking to be offended.
“She loves the broadcast. It’s making her laugh. And she needed that after her school day.”
“What do you mean? What happened?” Worried Lyanna as she was bending down to look at her daughter, afraid she had been hurt.
“I wanted to play tag with other girls. And they told me no.”
“Why?” asked Charles.
“They said I’m weird because I don’t play with dolls with them. And I prefer cars. But then boys don’t want to play with me because I’m a girl.”
Lyanna could see Charles’ jaw harden, after hearing that. But it didn’t seem to bother Julia that much. As she was explaining further how she was cast aside by her classmates, she simply shrugged and said that it didn’t matter, she knew how to have fun by herself. Still, Charles and Lyanna’s hearts broke a little.
The next day, the parents dropped her at school, not without crossing paths with Max who was dropping Ethan. The Dutchman shot a death glare to Charles on the way that Charles reciprocated. Both of them didn’t forget the biting incident that happened a few months ago. It was well known in the paddock, ever since, that putting them both in the same room was only resulting in petty comments towards one another. Thankfully, they didn’t try to kill each other on track. At least, not yet.
When they finally left Julia at school, Lyanna took her place behind the steering wheel and drove off to an empty parking lot.
“I’m going to teach you how to park today.” said Charles very seriously.
“You what?”
“Teach you how to park?”
“Sorry I thought you were serious being for a moment.” she laughed as he gave her a puzzled look. “You can’t park to save your life Charles.”
“Hey! I got better with time!” he defended himself.
They spent an hour trying to park the car in different conditions and positions and to Charles surprise, she was good. Really good. Better than him that’s for sure. Not that it was hard.
Days passed and training sessions with Charles resumed. When Lyanna finally felt ready she passed her test and got her result a few weeks later. Charles was not there but she decided to sent him as screenshot telling him that she finally had her driver’s license. Charles was so proud of his wife that he didn’t hesitate much before adding her as a driver on his car assurance contract.
If at first Lyanna was scared to use the Pista, even more with Julia, she quickly got back her confidence. Driving around Monaco was not the hardest thing to do when you knew when the traffic was hectic and when you were used to the city. And Lyanna never really needed to use the car that much, only to bring Julia to school and to pick her up. As for the groceries, she avoided going and would rather use the delivery option. It was easier and it prevented people from stopping her in the alleys to ask for a picture. But today, she had promised to Julia they would bake a cake together and she needed ingredients.
The supermarket parking lot was more crowded than usual and Lyanna had to spent at least 15 minutes turning and turning in the hopes of finding space. She finally found one away from the entry of the shop and tried to park the Pista. It was not easy, the space was not very big and the car next to her was not very well parked. But after a small amount of tries, which she was very proud of, she finally managed to park the car.
She tried to be quick, not wanting to spend more time than necessary in the supermarket. She bought what she needed and even added to her cart sweets for Julia and make her way to pay. Once done, she got back to the car and almost had heart attack when she saw a scratch on the driver side door. Panic started to take over her body when she will have to explain to Charles how she managed to scratch his beloved car. But she knew the sooner she let the cat out the bag, the better she would feel.She checked her phone and texted him to know if she could call him before putting down her phone on the passenger seat and making her way back home.
When she pulled up in the driveway, she saw a notification from her husband popping up. She sighed, get out of the car, took out the groceries from the trunk and went back home. After putting everything in the cupboards and cleaning the kitchen area, she sat on the couch and called Charles.
“Hey, love. Everything’s alright?”
“Hey… no, not really. I have something to tell you.”
“Lya, you are scaring me. Are you okay? Is Julia okay? Did something happened?”
“Yeah, yeah we are okay. Don’t worry. I can’t say the same about your Pista though.”
The was a long silence at the other end of the line and Lyanna was bracing herself for the scolding.
“What happened?” he slowly said.
“I went grocery shopping. I parked the Pista, everything went well but when I came back there was a scratch. I’m sorry, I should have been more careful, the two cars were not parked well and I should have known that it could happen and…”
“Lyanna! For fuck’s sake!” he cut her.
“I’m sorry!” she was on the verge of crying.
“I thought it was worse than that! Don’t scare me like that. I thought something happened to you for a minute.”
“So you’re not angry?”
“If you’d know how many times something like that happened to me, love… Don’t worry about the Pista okay. How is Julia by the way, where is she? I want to see my princess.”
“Julia?” repeated Lyanna.
She suddenly looked up at the hour and gasped.
“Oh fuck! With everything that happened, I forgot her at school!”
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