#she deserves to have a role model and just a woman to help her with stuff that like. mia would obviously not feel comfortable discussing
lesbianspeedy · 1 year
Ideally, who would you want Mia and Dinah's relationship to be like if it was properly developed?
this is a really tough question for me, it has a lot of things to consider. in terms of both dinah's writing in relation to mia in the past, and how i personally feel each character views that sort of relationship.
i've said it before i'll say it again, my achilles heel is that i DO get the warm fuzzies from that one winick panel of dinah saying she considers mia her daughter. HOWEVER i also see like. how fucking wild that was to throw in. like, textually speaking, dinah met mia once, said she thought ollie was sleeping with her (insane writing there mr smith) then when connor is recovering mia makes a joke about dinah being a bitch. thats like the extent of their interactions before winick takes over.
then it gets weirder, cause winick takes over and has ollie "cheat" and for some reason mia is like REALLY fucking overprotective of dinah, telling ollie to call dinah just because he's talking to joanna. (this is just winick not knowing what the fuck he's writing). then they "break up" etc, dinah isnt seen with the fam for like 2 years in the in-universe timeline. there is one part in hit issue bop #88 where she asks after mia but thats it.
dinah comes back near the end, they still dont really interact, end of vol 3/start of ga/bc happens, suddenly dinah sees her as a daughter. its just. so fucking randomly jammed in there.
now i have my own personal HC explanation for the mia side of this, let me quote myself from the arrowfam server:
"ik mia's like weird attachment to dinah in winick's run, esp the first arc, is like just bad writing. but ive decided that the author is dead and i killed him. its actually because the last time she felt safe with someone was with her mother and her brain hasnt caught up to her heart yet and allowed her to feel that kind of safety with ollie, so she attaches to the closest mother figure she can find at that point, before ultimately realising that the unconditional love and support she has now is thanks to ollie. thank you for your time."
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now to actually fucking answer your question (jesus christ i got carried away i am sorry). PERSONALLY i'd like their relationship to just be "youre my dad's girlfriend" "you're my boyfriend's kid" like mia isnt a child she is a teenager who knows exactly how stuff like this works. i think mia absolutely does look up to dinah, as both a hero and a strong female role model (which i think mia sorely needs), but they dont need to be like. mother/daughter extreme. they can love each other and be family without being put into nuclear family tropes.
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brainddeadd · 5 days
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it is a fic, i just yap first - the fic starts under the cut
reader is a friend of the Greene's but isn't actually a Greene, they took her in
warnings: typical twd violence and angst, daryl angst, fluff
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I have this thought that Daryl's not very experienced at anything romantic or sexual.
Like, his mum died before that became a thing for him, his dad was abusive, Merle was abusive. He never had a good role model for this shit.
He's probably only witnessed Merle in crappy bars, high as a fucken kite and drunk, for anything like this.
He's probably heard the stories of being hella rough, rough enough for it to sound like abuse to him - why would he wanna go through that? Or put someone else through that?
He's definitely never felt true, unconditional love (maybe from his mum). Everything always comes with a price for him.
And now he lives in a world where he can't trust anyone and everything is a threat. He's got his found family and that's it.
I genuinely don't think he'd know what to do with romantic feelings.
Sexual, sure. He knows he gets hard, and he's gotta get off. Knows that sometimes someone else can help. Probably fucked a few people and hated it. It was probably Merle getting him a hooker or something, and it was definitely a shit time.
Romantic? The fuck is that? He doesn't know how to do that. How to feel that. He knows what it looks like; Maggie and Glenn. He's not sure it's something he deserves.
So when he meets you, and you're loving him so easily, he has no idea what to do.
The word's gone to shit, everyone's dead and dying, everyone's fearful and sceptical of others, and here you are, welcoming him and his found family to the farm with open arms.
You help nurse Carl back to health after he was shot. Daryl knows Rick needed that from you.
You help look for Sophia, a girl you don't know, for a woman you don't know. You join Daryl on the search, exhausted but refusing to give up.
You help take care of him after Andrea shoots him - and you may have yelled at her a bit for being so stupid (which only makes you more attractive to Daryl).
You help Carol escape when she's cornered by walkers when they take over the farm. Ushering her to Daryl, yelling that you'll be fine, taking off in a separate car.
You ask him to teach you how to use a bow and arrows, knowing it'll come in handy. He does willingly.
You take the cell closest to him in the prison, claiming it's a coincidence, but the others know it’s because you feel safest with him.
You love the baby with your whole heart, he can tell. You cradle her gently, like she's something precious and you're afraid to break her. He almost wonders if you were a mother in the previous world.
You're distraught when he goes off with Merle. Carol tells him how you cried when you found out and the sadness that filled your eyes until he returned. He hates knowing he made you that sad, the he was the cause of your tears. But the light that returns to your eyes tells Carol and Maggie how happy you are.
You show him you love him without even meaning to. It's in the way you always bring him food when he's on watch. The way you are the first to offer to join him on a run. The way you stop the others from hassling him when he wants to be alone. The way you tend to any injuries he may acquire. He can feel your love long before he knows about it.
When you hug him for the first time, his whole world stops. He's just come back from a run, he's been gone longer than he was supposed to, scared the crap out of you and the others. You don't know he's back until you spot him from a distance, getting patched up and fed by Carol, unable to hide his exhaustion. You don't stop to think, not even sure you can think. Your legs have carried you to him and your arms are around him before you can process the movements. Daryl's tense, body having gone stiff at the unexpected contact.
Flushing bright red, you move to let go of him, to hide away for eternity, but he's arms are around you, crushing you to his chest, holding you tightly, face sinking into your neck and his body relaxes. The two of you stay like that for ages, just holding each other closely.
Carol disappears, leaving you to your moment, and you hold him to your body with a hand on the back of his head. He knows then that this feeling in his chest, the one that makes him seek you out just because, is love.
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4m1rz · 1 year
Reminiscing tutor
StayC Isa X Male Reader
Tags: old friend Isa, daddy kink, blowjob, creampie
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"Don't forget to use protection." Your housemate, Dohyeok teases.
"Yah, it's just a tutor session, not a date you moron." You argue. You prepared all of the stuff that you need for the tutoring session.
You, Yang Kibum, are in your last year at your university, High Up University. You are also the top student in academics and sports in the university. Everyone in the university, including students and lecturers, respects you because of your diligence and kindness and most students make you their role model.
It was last Wednesday that Dr. Kang, your Maths lecturer, told you that there's a student in the third year who is failing badly in that course. In order to overcome that, he puts the person in a tutor session for that course with you.
You, without a doubt, agree to do that tutor session. But when you ask him who'll you be tutoring, things start to go awkward for you.
Cause it's your old best friend's slash crush, Lee Chaeyoung or mostly known as Isa.
You and Isa have been the closest of friends since you were eight and she was six. Even though you two have a two years difference, it didn't stop both of you from doing things together back then. You even called her 'Chaey' back then which she finds cute and suitable for her.
As time goes by, you grow up into a fine man while she grows up into a gorgeous woman, almost angellike. At this point, you have developed a crush on her and hope that you two become a couple. However, you noticed that she's attracted to lots of handsome boys at the university. This makes you believe that she deserves someone better than you, which causes you to avoid her, and things get distant between the two of you.
Somehow, this tutoring session reunites both of you. You wonder how she'll react when you'll be her tutor. Also, you do feel odd about why she wants a tutor on the course that she always aced. Anyhow, you prepared yourself for your upcoming tutor session with Isa.
Fast forward to today, you are going to her place for the tutoring session. Apparently, she lives in an apartment near the university all by herself. Well, you don't care too much and go to the address that you got from Dr. Kang last week. 
As you reached the front of her apartment unit, you rang the doorbell and waited for her to come open the door. You feel nervous all of a sudden since this is the first time you two meet after all of your attempts to avoid her.
Seconds later, the door opens and it reveals the person who's in your mind at the moment. She's wearing a white crop tank with white pants with butterfly-like holes at the front. This makes her look ethereal and sexy at the same time.
"Oh oppa, you've arrived. Come inside." She says. With that, you enter her apartment and sit on the sofa in her living room.
 "Wow, you sure did have a nice and comfy apartment here, Isa." You try to make a conversation with her. "Yes indeed, oppa." She replied.
"So, can we start the tutoring session? Where do you want to do it and which topic do you want me to teach you?" You ask. "Yes, in my bedroom, oppa. Could you teach me trigonometry, oppa?" She replied. It's quite reasonable that she didn't quite get the topic because it's the hardest topic in the course for her semester. You also had problems with the topic back then.
Then, both of you go to her bedroom and she sits in front of her studying table while you sit next to her. And with that, you two begin the tutoring session by you helping her to understand trigonometry.
After twenty-five minutes, you tell her to rest for a while before you resume it later. She then goes out and when she re-enters, she brings some snacks for you. She invites you to eat in which you accept.
"So oppa, we hadn't hung out like when we were kids. How's your life so far, oppa?" She asks. "Yeah, I guess so. My life is just like my normal routine. I guess you know my routine, right Chaey-." You mentally slapped yourself when you called her the old nickname that you used to call back then.
 "Oppa, you haven't forgotten the nickname you used to call me back then. It's okay oppa, please use it, I like it." She tries to assure you that it's fine calling her by her old nickname. You mumbled quietly to yourself. 'Well, if that's what she says, you might just go with it then.'
She then asks you the things that bring back a lot of memories between the two of you, in which you tried to reply to every single one of them. However, things started to go a bit awkward when she started to ask the reason why you were so distant from her in the first place.
"Oppa, could you please tell me the truth about why you have been ignoring me since back then?" She tries to get the answers from you, while you are being shy to tell her. You tried so hard not to tell her about it until she showed you her pleading look, eyes wide open like you would see Puss in Boots did in the movie 'Shrek' as well as her lips pouting. You know that this is her secret weapon when she wants something, especially from you.
At this rate, you couldn't resist her looks as you began to tell her. "A-Alright, I will tell you the reason for that. Gosh, you really have to do that, don't you Chaey." She then giggles and waits for you to tell her about it. "Hehe, works like a charm. I knew you wouldn't resist my pleading look. So, can you tell me why you are distant from me, oppa?"
To be honest, you still feel hesitant to tell her about it but you try to push the hesitation aside and try to tell her anyway. "W-Well, we were very close back then. We would do things together, I'm sure you know what we did when we were younger. I would consider you my best friend and my little sister. B-But when we grow up, I could feel my adoration towards you is more than just a friend or a sister, in fact, I have developed a crush on you. Yeah, that's right, I'm in love with you Chaey. But, I guess you deserve someone better than me, that's why I try to distance myself from you."
After you tell the reason, she just sits quietly which makes the situation become awkward between the two of you. "Chaey, you okay? If you have nothing to say, I guess I'll-." Suddenly, she pulls you into a hug and you notice she's crying because you feel something wet on your right shoulder. "Oh oppa, y-you are such a pabo. I-I also like you too oppa. I-I thought I'm the one that has a feeling towards you, but instead you also have feelings towards me. Don't you ever keep something like this from me from now on, okay oppa?"
You pulled yourself from the hug to face her and nodded. "Don't worry Chaey, I won't keep any secrets from you from now on." You look at her while she looks at you, both with full adoration. Suddenly, she leans towards you and pecks your lips. Before she could back her head from you, you grip her nape and pull her towards your lips for another kiss.
 Kisses by kisses, it then turned into a make-out session. Both of your hands are roaming all around her body as well as hers all around your body. Without detaching lips from each other, you two get up from the studying table and get towards the bed.
Once you both reach the corner of the bed, you both dive into the mattress with you on top of her. You both continue kissing each other until you both retract your lips and end the make-out session when you both feel the loss of air. "Are you sure you want to continue this, Chaey?" You asked and then she replied. "Yes, I'm sure. Don't worry, I've prepared for this, daddy~."
 You almost choked when you heard that word coming out of her mouth. However, your mind commands you to just follow the flow. "It looks like my little Chaey has a daddy kink, huh? Such a naughty girl for daddy, aren't you?" She just rolled her eyes teasingly and pulled you for a couple more kisses before starting to strip your clothes off of you.
She first started to pull off your shirt from your body, which you helped her with as well. Once the shirt is off, she gives you pecks, licks, and lovebites all around your torso. After that, she tries to unbuckle the belt which takes her a couple of seconds. Then, she lowers your pants and your underwear together which then shows your raging hard dick for her.
"Wow, daddy. You have a huge dick. Is it because of me, daddy?" She asks you with excitement in her tone when she sees your dick. You then nodded. "Yes, Chaey. This dick got hard because of you. Please, do what you want with it."
 After getting your consent, she then holds your dick and starts to stroke it up and down. You moan softly when you feel the sensation that you got from your dick. "Ooh, your hand feels soft and smooth around my dick."
 "I'm glad you like it, daddy. Now for the next part…" She then removes her hand from your dick which makes you feel a bit disappointed. Suddenly, she bends down to your dick and starts giving licks at the tip of your dick. Then, she starts pushing her mouth to your dick until your dick reaches the back of her throat. Once she's ready, she starts to give you a blowjob.
You moan soundly when she starts bobbing up and down onto your dick. The sensation from the warmth of her inner mouth, her tongue twirling around your dick is too phenomenal.
 She also moans because of the sensation from your dick as well as the taste of your precum. You also wonder how she could bob the whole length of your dick without gagging.
"C-Chaey, you're doing so good. H-Have you been practicing it before?" 
"Yes, I have been practicing it, daddy. But with my toys only. I'm keeping my pussy just for someone special."
You wonder who's the special person that she's talking about. "Is the special person me, Chaey?" She nods and continues bobbing her head on your dick at a faster rate.
"Mmm. Oh god! Y-You're doing so well, Chaey." You moan a bit louder than before while looking toward her. She also looks at you with an alluring gaze and a smirk to show that she's happy to know that you're pleased by her blowjob.
"O-Oh, I-I think I'm gonna cum." Isa then releases your dick from her mouth. "It's ok, daddy. Just cum in my mouth." She then re-enters your dick into her mouth and starts bobbing maniacally fast.
 At this rate, you couldn't hold it any longer and started pushing the back of her head towards your crotch and started cumming inside her mouth. She tries to take all of your cum into her mouth, however, some of it drools out of her mouth and onto your dick. Once she removes her mouth from your dick, she then shows you her tongue full of your cum and then swallows it.
"You're such a naughty girl, aren't you Chaey?" She then just giggles and playfully hits you. "I'm so glad you like it, daddy. Did I do it well, daddy?" "Of course, Chaey. By the way, isn't it fair that I'm naked while you're fully clothed?"
"Hehe, my bad daddy. I want daddy to take my clothes off me. Pleasure me in any way throughout my body, ok daddy?" You just nodded, then laid her on her back. You start to give some lovebites all around her neck and she moans from it.
Once you reach her clothed tits, you cup both of them and you then realize that she didn't wear a bra at all. "Well, I guess you've really prepared for this, huh? You naughty Chaey~" She then blushes and tries to defend herself. "N-No daddy. I really didn't expect this to happen. I didn't wear it at home because it's more comfortable."
You then try to pull her crop top off of her body. Once her crop top is taken off her body, she then tries to cover her tits with her arms. "I-I'm sorry daddy. My tits are not as big as you hope. I don't want to disappoint you, daddy."
You remove her arms from her tits but she's still resisting moving them. "It's ok Chaey. Your tits are just big enough for me." After hearing that, she then just let you remove her arms.
 Long and behold, her tits dangling in front of you, just big enough for your liking. After admiring her tits for a while, you then lean down towards her tits and latch your mouth to one of the mounds while you grope the other mound with your right hand.
She moans very loudly when you start sucking and groping her tits. "Mmm, d-daddy… Keep playing with my tits, daddy." With that, you take turns sucking her tits and cupping her tits. Meanwhile, your other hand slithers down towards her crotch, going through her pants and panties to reach her wet pussy.
You rub your hand on her pussy several times before plunging two fingers into her pussy. This causes her to moan intensely and forces you to stop whatever you're doing to her. "D-Daddy, I'm ready. Please insert your giant dick inside my pussy, daddy. I can't handle it anymore."
You then hold the hem of her pants and pull down her pants and panties off of her at once. You give your dick a couple more strokes before lining your dick towards the entrance of her pussy. "Are you sure you're ready for this Chaey?" You asked her, to which she nodded.
After having her consent, you enter your dick into her pussy slowly. You grunt a bit because of the tightness of her pussy while Isa moans in pain because she couldn't adapt to your size. "D-Daddy, it hurts." 
"It's ok Chaey. Daddy will move slowly."
You then thrust your dick in and out slowly first to give her some time to adapt to your size. "I-I think I'm ready. Thrust your dick a bit faster daddy." She assures you that she can handle the size of your dick. Thus, you then thrust faster which makes both of you moan intensely.
"G-Gosh, your pussy is very tight and warm, Chaey. I love it around my dick so much." To be honest, you almost cum on the spot when you first insert your dick into her pussy. "Mmm, your dick so good inside of me. It's so big. I can feel it touching my core."
Suddenly, she moans loudly when your dick touches somewhere in her pussy. "Mmmh… Keep hitting that part, daddy. It feels so good!" That's when you realize that you hit her g-spot. With that, you thrust your dick hitting her g-spot multiple times which makes her moan uncontrollably.
"Mmmh, daddy. You make me feel so good~. Keep going daddy, make your Chaey feel relieved." Your thrust went faster and faster every minute after she said that. Thrust by thrust, you two moan intensely until you feel some knot forming at your crotch.
"C-Chaey, I don't think I can hold it much longer." You warn her that you will about to cum. "M-Me too, daddy. F-Fill me up with your cum, daddy. Don't you wanna fill your naughty Chaey with your cum, daddy?"
 You were shocked when she told you about that. "A-Are you sure Chaey? I-I don't want you to get pregnant." She then nodded and said that it was fine to do so. "I'm pretty, pretty sure about this. I'm safe right now. So please, FILL ME UP DADDY~"
Your cum spurts into her pussy like a jet while she squirts all over your crotch. "Mmmh, so warm…" She moans because your cum went inside her.
Once you feel that you're softened and not releasing cum anymore, you pull it out from her used to be a virgin hole and see your combined cums leaking out from it.
"Well, that was intense. By the way, are you really safe?" You asked her again for confirmation. "Yes, oppa. It's my safe week. In fact, I also took some birth control pills for a couple of weeks." She confirms it. You just sigh because of that.
"Hmm, I guess you did prepare for this. You naughty Chaey. So, I guess today's our first day as a couple then?" She just giggles and hugs you closer. "Hehe, I'm your naughty girlfriend Chaey then. So please take good care of me from now on. Don't you ever keep any secrets from me, ok oppa?"
After that, she yawns and starts to sleep in your embrace. You hug her tight in your embrace while watching her with full adoration and then kiss her forehead.
"Don't worry Chaey. I will always let you know that I'll be by your side every single time from now on. I love you, my Chaey." You mumbled to yourself before joining her in the sleep world.
P/s: This is my first time writing. Actually, I wanna post this earlier but since I’m new with this shit, it takes a longer period for me to post it. Hope the ones who read this would like it.
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stem-sister-scuffle · 2 months
Ms. Frizzle (The Magic School Bus) vs Winry Rockbell (Full Metal Alchemist)
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Ms. Frizzle is a Science Teacher!
Winry Rockbell is an Automail Mechanic!
Why you should vote for each contestant:
Ms. Frizzle:
"*gestures at entire magic school bus series*"
"Embodies the true spirit of scientific discovery: barely-contained chaos."
"She is very knowledgeable about a wide variety of sciences, and uses that knowledge to further the educations of many people. Teachers deserve the world; they do so much for so little in return. (shout out to Mrs. Goates)"
"She loves science and loves teaching kids about science. I love her. Idk I saw she only had one submission and that made me sad so now im here submitting her"
"She is an icon and has cool earrings"
"SHE'S SO COOL!!! She's so smart and so fun and genuinely just an icon. ALSO she has a little lizard on her shoulder. I saw an ask abt the submissions for Ms. Frizzle and the sender was the only person who submitted her.. I couldn't let this go. ALSO one of my professors irl called herself the irl Frizzle and she's a doctor of biology so make of that what you will"
Winry Rockbell:
"The best automail mechanic in the whole of Amestris: need I say more? She’s also the only person who can really get Edward Elric to listen / scare him"
"She's super smart and is crazy about mechanics, but she's also so kind and compassionate! She helped deliver a baby, she cares really deeply for her friends and family! She truly rocks!"
"i’m a biomedical engineer so she is the best women in stem"
"she’s extremely skilled and dedicated to her craft, her work is very high quality (she’s also the personal mechanic for one of the protagonists) and she has a dedication to improving the lives of the people around her in any way she can (and she has so much autism swag about automail, it’s a joy to watch). i love her your honour"
"She's so good and so fun and she's trying her best. She makes sure the prosthetics work and they're super plot important!!!!!"
"She can build and repair robot limbs AND attach them to human nerves"
"She’s only 15 and is repairing magic-infused heavy machinery for fun"
"Spunky, kind, and smart as hell... one of the shounen manga girls of all time."
"At age fifteen she could build a whole metal arm in 3 days (pulling all nighters)! She geeks out over the work of other prosthetics engineers and earned herself an apprenticeship where the shop's costumers began to prefer her after only a few months! She's kind but takes no shit and narratively symbolizes the goodness of humanity. also she read medical textbooks as a kid (her parents were both doctors) and was able to apply that knowledge for successful impromptu midwifery years later!"
"She is practically a child engineering Genius! Designs and makes prosthetics. She takes her work very seriously and geeks out over other people's designs. She is such a beautifully written strong female character that holds her own in a fandom full of amazing strong female characters and a great role model. She's Hella cute"
"She is considered a prodigy in her field, and is known as the “Automail Otaku” because of her unending interest of any machines and tools in the building and repairing of automail. She is incredibly smart, sincere, and passionate. She works hard for what she wants, is full of optimism despite what she has suffered, and is very loyal to her friends."
"built a fully functioning prosthetic arm for her friend when she was TWELVE basically by herself and has been his regular mechanic since. also heavily dabbles in the medical side as well as the mechanical side (for example: she successfully delivered a baby single-handedly at fifteen having only ever read about the subject before). she is so skrunkly she’s an icon a legend and she is the moment"
"Listen any girl who can master mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and biology in order to build prosthetic limbs by the age of 12 is Impressive. She’s the one that got me onto an engineering career path I’m very biased"
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tonyspank · 10 months
Jenna Ortega x G!P Reader
Warnings: fluffy
Words: 2.0k
A/N: I was like awww writing this chapter
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series masterlist | main masterlist | previous chapter | next chapter
"There have been speculations that Y/N didn't deserve her spot in the NBA...but now with eight seconds left on the clock of the game, she led her team to a championship in her first season ever. She silenced all the critics and proved that she belonged in the league.
—Her leadership and determination were undeniable and she earned her spot as one of the best players in the game, so young and so early on. She is now one of the most inspiring figures in the sport and a role model for many young players, dreaming of making it to the big leagues. She has set a high standard for future generations, showing that dedication and hard work can make even the wildest dreams come true."
You bend down, your emotions overwhelm you. In three seconds your team has officially won the 2022-2023 NBA Championship. You raise your arms to the sky as tears of joy roll down your cheeks.
You look around to find your teammates, and they are all in the same state of pure elation. They rush over to you, hugging and celebrating. You take a moment to soak it all in, and you can't help but smile. The dream has become a reality.
You look up at the crowd, thousands of cheering fans, and you can't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. You can't help but think about how far you have come, and the journey you have taken to get here. You realize that all of your hard work has paid off.
The team manager places a hat on your head, smiling as she congratulates you. You take a deep breath giving LaMelo Ball a tight hug. You two being one of the best duos to take the court in a while. You close your eyes, feeling the moment, knowing that no matter what happens, you will always have each other's back.
You break away from the hug and look around the room, your teammates cheering and celebrating your success. You laugh, feeling a sense of accomplishment.
"Y/N!" Your head turns at the sound of your name, and you're met with a few cameras pointed your way. You smile and share a look with your manager before walking over to the cameras. Lisa, an interviewer, shakes your hand and introduces herself.
You take a few moments to compose yourself, and then you start to answer her questions. "Y/N, we feel the emotion. Where is it all coming from? How do you feel after leading your team to the championship?"
You adjust your hat, letting out a breath. "I'm honored and proud. It's been a long journey, full of hard work and dedication. I'm thankful to everyone who has been a part of it. Never would I have thought I'd be the first woman to ever play in the NBA, nor even be in the finals in my first season.
—It's just so unreal and I just can't be more grateful for the opportunity I've been given. But at the same time, I know I'm here for a bigger purpose. Representing women everywhere, showing them that anything is possible if you put your mind to it. I'm ready to make history and show the world that no dream is too big."
Lisa nods at your words, moving the microphone back to her to ask another question. "Did you feel a lot of pressure on yourself being the first woman in the NBA? If so, did you use that to your advantage and how did you?"
You glance around before answering. "I didn't feel pressure because I knew I was capable. In fact, I embraced it and used it to fuel my drive to succeed. I never let the fact that I was a woman stop me from aiming for the highest achievements."
A crowd begins forming around you which includes your teammates, coaches, managers, and family members. You spot Eli in the crowd and he brings you into a tight hug, and whispers in your ear, "You did it! Congratulations!" He holds you tightly for a few seconds, and then pulls away, patting your chest. You nod at his words, smiling at your best friend.
"You almost got us in the conference finals." Eli gave you a mischievous smile and winked. "Next year, we'll get our get back on you and LaMelo." He laughs. You grin and playfully punch his shoulder. "You think you can handle us?" you asked. "Bring it on," he replied confidently.
Your eyes then meet the ones you've been looking for this entire night. Jenna blows you a kiss as she walks toward you. You dramatically drop your jaw, holding a hand over your heart.
Eli laughs at your reaction. You laugh, eyes still fixed on Jenna. She slowly moves closer, her arms outstretched. You lift her up, spinning her around in a circle. You both laugh, and Eli makes his way over to your parents. Jenna presses her lips to yours, and you swear you can feel sparks between you.
You reluctantly pull away, a giddy smile on your face. You look around, and you can tell your parents and Eli are all sharing the same joy. You have found something special in Jenna, and it feels like it is something that will never fade away. Your parents begin walking to you, holding someone out for you to take.
You smile at your son, who looks as lost as ever and taking him from your parent's grasp. He looks up at you, his eyes brown doe eyes wide. You rock him a bit, smiling at him before you glance at your parents. They smile back at you, proud of who you've become and how much you've accomplished.
Even though you having a child was a complete shocker and scared the living hell out of them, they couldn't be more proud of the parent you have become. They're happy that the two people they care about so much have found peace in each other, and that you have created a beautiful family.
They are confident that you will be able to provide and care for your child with unconditional love. They are relieved and happy that you have found each other and are creating a loving home.
Jenna smiles at you and Kian, taking in the sight of her family. You smile back, feeling a wave of relief and joy. You hug your child tightly, grateful for the opportunity to be a parent. You know that together, you will all be okay.
Jenna laughs at Kian, "He's like what's going on right now? He's so lost." You laugh with her, wiping a bit of drool off his lips. "I know right." Kian looks up at you both with a wide, toothless grin.
You and Jenna both awe at the sight, the innocence of his smile warming your hearts. Jenna leans in and gives him a kiss on the forehead. "He's so cute," she says. Eli speaks up. "I've smiled at you before Jenna and I never got a kiss on the forehead."
Jenna giggles and looks up at Eli with a twinkle in her eye. "That's because you're not as cute as Kian," she says, laughing a bit. Eli just rolls his eyes and then laughs along with the rest of them before taking Kian from you. Eli lowers his voice, whispering into Kian's ear. "If you weren't so cute, I'd fight you about it."
Kian grins and wraps his chubby arms around Eli's neck. Jenna and everyone else laughs as Eli kisses Kian's chubby cheeks. "You're the cutest, Kian," he says, laughing.
Your parents then come over and congratulate you, pulling you into tight hugs as happy tears fall down their faces. It was more than obvious that they felt like they had accomplished something extraordinary. They were so proud of you for all your hard work and dedication. They had seen you grow and mature and were relieved to see you reach your goals.
"We're so proud of you honey." You smiled, clearly overcome with emotion. You couldn't believe that your hard work had finally paid off. You thanked your parents for their unwavering support and encouragement throughout your journey.
Your dad shrugs you off, giving you a warm smile. "It's all you, kid." He pats your shoulder and you can't help but beam with pride. You knew that your parents were always there for you, and you are so grateful for their love and support.
Now back at home with Jenna, Kian, and Eli, you sit in the living room with a bowl of ice cream on your lap. You take a spoonful of the ice cream before sending a glare at Eli, "Please shut the heck up." He smiles, "Look at you! Being a good mom and not cursing in front of your son."
You shook your head and smiled. Kian just continued to crawl on the large black carpet that covered the marble flooring in your living room, oblivious to the bickering between his mom and his uncle.
Jenna walks into the living room, smiling. "Why don't you bother Olivia and not me?" Eli rolls his eyes, leaning back against the couch. "She's on tour! I miss my girlfriend."
You laugh, shaking your head. "You know she's coming back soon." Eli sighs, closing his eyes. "I know. I'm just impatient." Kian looks up, clapping his hands and squealing with laughter.
"Kian!" Kian's head turns at the sound of Jenna's voice, his face lighting up. Jenna kneels down on the carpet and opens her arms to Kian. "He's so whipped man." You mumble, Eli nods in agreement, "I would be too."
You send another glare at Eli before throwing a pillow at his face. Kian lifts himself with help from the leather couch in front of him, taking his first-ever step. Eli ducks the pillow and laughs, while Kian continues to walk to his mom. You sit up in your seat, a huge smile on your face.
Jenna's face matches yours, encouraging Kian to keep walking. "C'mon, baby, come." Kian's movements are still unsteady, but he manages to make it to his mom's.
Jenna gives you a look as her eyes begin to water, and you feel your heart swell with pride. You look at Eli and he smiles, his eyes twinkling with joy. "Oh, my flip-flop," Eli mutters, shocked as he just watched his nephew take his first steps.
Jenna bursts into tears of joy and pulls Kian in for a tight hug. Kian wraps his arms around his mother, his little face filled with joy. You stand up from the couch, walk over to Jenna and Kian, and wrap your arms around the both of them, Eli joins in, jumping up and down in joy.
"He walked! He walked!" Eli says, still jumping up and down. He soon stops, smiling at Kian. "Hi, five!" Kian reaches out his hand, and Eli eagerly gives him a high five. They both laugh, and Eli pats Kai on the back. "You did great!" he says, taking him from Jenna's arms.
"I think he just stole our son," you mutter to Jenna. Kian giggles as Eli carries him around the room. Jenna smiles and takes your hand in hers. "He's in good hands," she says, and you both laugh.
She then takes your hand, leading you into the kitchen with a huge smile on her face. "How does it feel being the first woman in the NBA and leading your team to a championship?"
You pause and take a deep breath, looking at Jenna before responding. "It feels amazing," you say, squeezing her hand. "I'm so proud of what I've accomplished, and I'm so lucky to have you and Kian here with me."
Jenna looks lovingly at you and says, "We're all so proud of you. You've worked hard and it's paid off." She gives your hand a gentle squeeze before releasing it, a warm smile on her face. You smile back at her, bringing her into a kiss.
You hold each other close and savor the moment. You feel a wave of gratitude and love for Jenna, "I love how you get me." You mumble against her head, swaying her back in forth.
She looks deep into your eyes and holds your face in her hands, "I love you too, my love." You kiss one last time and pull away, feeling an indescribable peace.
taglist - @alexkolax @raven-ss @godsfavouritelesbiann @jennasslut @niqmandu @amburntfreeman @returnnofdamac @starry-night17 @get-the-fuck-outta-here @morganismspam23 @tai-hdg @crazyoffher2
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madhatterbri · 2 months
Trust Me | Bayley
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Summary: Bayley X reader when Bayley turn face is trying to get the trust of reader but reader's not budging until it turns to a love confession
Requested by: @emperorrose3000
@plentyoffandoms @theworldofotps
The audience cheered when they saw you on the jumbotron. You were walking down one of the countless hallways of the arena. Your face remained stoic, yet you were a wreck on the inside. Your heart and mind were at war with each other on a decision that could make or break your wrestling career. There was only one woman to blame.
During the week, Bayley messaged you constantly. She was looking for allies to help her take down Damage Ctrl once and for all. The role model wouldn't let up despite her nessages being left on read. Tonight was her last chance to get you on her side.
The camera panned out to include Bayley in the shot. The audience popped as soon as they saw her. The WWE Universe always had a thing for her, whether she was a face or heel. Her recent fave turn made people eat her up more.
The two of you had a brief moment where your eyes locked. Her dark brown eyes were filled with sadness. She had been through a lot since Royal Rumble. The feelings you thought were dead for her starter to come back to life. You silently cursed yourself for being such a hopeless romantic.
"Hey," Bayley greeted and looked around nervously. Her head was constantly on a swivel now. No one was on her side after all the damage she had done to the women's division. "Have you been getting my messages?"
"Yeah, reading and deleting them, why?" You asked, pretending to be unbothered. Deep down, you wanted to be involved in this fight. You wanted to go to war against Damage Ctrl after what they did to your friends. Your involvement could help you be close to Bayley again.
"Have you thought about it?" She asked and rubbed her hands on her legs nervously. Very rarely did you ever see her on edge like this. You almost folded at the sight of her. Now was the perfect time to deflect.
"Have I thought about helping the mean girl in the locker room that built this bully group and instructed them to terrorize my friends?" You asked with a fake laugh. "You deserve this, Bayley. All of it,"
Bayley licked her lips and looked down. She nodded and sighed before looking at you again. "I deserved that. I'm sorry for what I did to your friends. I know asking you to trust me sounds ridiculous, but I would never hurt you,"
"I'll think about it," you dismissed her.
"That's all I ask,"
She left you alone after that. You knew you were a marked woman now. Damage Ctrl wouldn't want any more enemies. You thought about her words. Your mind was screaming at you to let her go, but your heart wanted to help her. In the end, you listened to your heart. You knew where to find her.
Bayley looked up the moment you walked in the locker room. She had been mindlessly scrolling on her phone and didn't want to get sneak attacked. The veteran didn't trust anyone now. The cameras were all gone, and it was just the two of you. She had so much to say, but she wanted you to speak first.
You smiled briefly at her and sat down next to her. The room was thick with tension. Bayley stared at the ground before muttering to herself and looking at you. You looked in her eyes. They now showed a tiny bit of hope and something else you couldn't put your finger on.
"I've thought about it," you paused.
"And?" She asked quickly.
"I have some questions,"
"Ask away. If it gets you to side with me, I'll answer anything," she confided in you. You turned to face her, and she did the same.
"Why didn't you or anyone in Damage Ctrl ever attack me?" You asked. The ex Damage Ctrl member was taken back by your question. This was the last thing she thought would be brought up.
"I told them to never lay a hand on you," she answered honestly. Curiosity got the better of you. There was no reason you couldn't be seen as a threat. You had some great matches with some of the best in the business.
"Why? Is it because I'm not strong enough? You didn't see me as a threat?" You asked hurt.
"That's not it at all," she defended and raised her hands up.
"Then why?" You demanded.
"I like you, all right," she answered and stood up from the bench. Bayley paced and ran her fingers through her hair. This wasn't how things were supposed to go. Who confesses their feelings in a smelly locker room?
"You want an ally?"
"I couldn't live with myself if they injured you, Y/N," she confessed. "I don't know how or when, but I fell so hard for you. I know you don't trust me, but please try to trust me when I tell you all this,"
You blushed, happy that you went with your heart. "I trust you, Bayley, and I felt the same way for a while now,"
Bayley seemed relieved and sat down next to you. She placed the top of her hand on your thigh. You smiled and laced your fingers in hers.
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MAJOR Revelation & Collusion salt/vent incoming:
Look, I’m sorry if I’m misunderstanding something here, but I really dislike these episodes.
Why? To me, it seems like that guy is using Gabriel (the main villain and known terrorist of Miraculous) as the main "mouthpiece" for the fans who have the gall to take up for Chloe or call out her bad character portrayal (“You have a wonderful life, power, wife and a daughter”).
It also feels like the exact same thing when it came to Lila in Revelation, using the whole “Chloe is capable of change” speech for her own advantage, similar to what she tried to do with Marinette in Chameleon with the whole "friendship and not fighting over a boy" speech. It’s like he’s using them both as mouthpieces to represent the fans who still think Chloe can change or has potential.
So basically he's saying "Only psychopaths think that. You should listen to Marinette when she says Chloe is incapable of change because she’s the protagonist, and you shouldn’t listen to Lila and Gabriel when they say that Chloe can change because they’re the antagonists!”.
It’s really frustrating because any other time, we are made to feel sorry for Gabriel despite everything that he’s done, now we shouldn’t listen to him??? This is really disappointing to think about because he’s ruining Marinette's character this way. I still like Marinette and I really do think she deserves better, but I’m starting to see why people are starting to dislike her. She's becoming ANOTHER Thomas self-insert (on top of the MANY he already has in the series). The guy loves himself TOO much, don't you think?
I'm going to be completely honest here. As a Marinette fan, I still think the way SOME critics go about describing/criticizing/disliking Marinette and her character isn’t necessarily correct, but I must say that it’s still understandable. This guy is basically making her into his own personal mouthpiece, making S5 Marinette’s portrayal the worst as it has ever been 😓
Which is really a letdown because I love Marinette. It’s Chloe’s “Darnation arc” all over again. He’s ruining characters and development just to push his own morals and fill his own ego to the brim and it’s a shame.
And before anyone says:
“Geez! I swear to god people act like they know Chloe more than her own creator!” 🙄
Maybe your right, but MAYBE it wouldn’t of turned out that way if the show wasn’t so inconsistent and contradicting all the time! This is another reason why I think people have so much animosity towards characters like Andre, because the story portrays him as the victim “this entire time” who only got into politics to please his father and Audrey, pretending that he was never a corrupt politician on his own free will. It’s questionable because…he made his own bed. He choose the life that he has now, to have a child with a despicable woman, choose to spoil Chloe rotten, not to discipline her when she was being rotten to other people, and choose to not be there for her for emotional support.
I’m not saying that Chloe bares no blame at all, but it’s not ENTIRELY her fault just because “she’s her own person”. There is such things as bad parents & bad role models 🙄 You don’t have the right to give up on your daughter, saying things like “you have a terrible/cruel daughter” or “you tried everything in your power to help” when all you really did from the beginning was enable her, let her make everyone’s lives miserable and not be there for her like your should have. Yeah, she’s horrible, but at least she has the excuse that she’s a child. Your not only a grown man, but her father.
This goes for other figures in her life also (Audrey, Bustier, her butler, heck, even Ladybug to a degree). People are right, not everybody is responsible for holding her hand through redemption/reformation (and I agree) and to coddle her every time she does something wrong, but to say that “they’ve tried everything/their best”…just isn’t true. It’s more of an excuse to give up on her. Then JUST SAY THAT instead of trying to convince everybody that you did everything that you could.
Enabling =/= Helping.
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aphroditelovesu · 2 years
Yandere House Velaryon Headcanons (Platonic)
"The Old, the True, the Brave." — House Velaryon.
❝ 🐉 — lady l: First of all, Happy Halloween to whoever celebrates it! Have a great and scary day, I'll be watching some horror movies to get in the mood, but I had to finish this first. I intend, after doing the Hightower ones, to post a hc of all the Houses platonically yandere by the reader together, but until then, I hope you like it and forgive me for any mistakes! Oh, and once again, have a great Halloween!! 🎃
❝tw: yandere themes, possessive and obsessive behavior, unhealthy platonic relationships, child being abandoned by its parents, mention of torture, murder, war and blood.
❝🐉 pairing: yandere!platonic house velaryon x gender neutral!reader.
❝word count: +2k.
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You came to the Velaryon family's embrace in a very convenient way for them, your family abandoned you after they were unable to raise another child. You were left adrift, exposed to all the dangers that surrounded a poor family and you, so young and naive, believed your parents would come for you. And in a way, your parents came to get you, only it was Corlys Velaryon and Rhaenys Targaryen. It was Laenor who found you and brought you to their parents, he was only a few years older than you and he fell in love with you and knew he had to take care of you. As Laenor expected, everyone in his family took a liking to you and started referring to you as (Y/N) Velaryon, child of Corlys and Rhaenys, younger sister/brother of Laenor and Laena Velaryon. They have become your new family and they will be the only family you will ever know.
Corlys is the proudest father there is for you, he is loving, protective and completely obsessed with you. He is an adventurous and ambitious man, Corlys wants nothing but the best for you and he knows that even the best will not be enough for you. The man will definitely take you on all adventures with him, even over his wife's protest, he just wants you to have fun and make the most of your life. He will spoil you, let you hear him and he will hear you too and he will let you know absolutely everything and he is against you getting married, even if it will benefit the Velaryon family, he still doesn't want to and won't do it. You can always count on him, as his father will do everything in his power to fulfill his wishes.
Rhaenys pours all her love over you, loving and caring for you with her whole being. She is a very loving mother, but she also has her temper, but don't worry, she will never take her frustrations out on you. Rhaenys will definitely pamper you and always assure her of her love for you, she will raise you as if you were a princess/prince because she knows that this is what you deserve. She is a brash and fierce woman when needed, you and everyone else must never forget that she has dragon blood coursing through her veins, and she is more than willing to make everyone understand that they owe you due respect, for you it's her child and she won't accept any kind of spite. You know you can always count on her for everything, she is her biggest company most of the time and there are no secrets between you.
Laena is the caring and protective older sister, she always takes time to spend with you. She, like her mother, is brash and daring and she always takes you with her for walks hidden from her parents, as she knows they will be worried if you leave Driftmark without them. Laena is extremely overprotective of you, she is against you getting married and will challenge every one of your suitors, be they male or female, and will most likely win, since she will have her brother's help in this. She loves taking you with her to fly in Vhagar because she knows how much it makes you happy. Seeing her smile is a top priority for her and she knows she will regret not making you happy, Driftmark's Delight.
Laenor is the typical big brother who wants to be a role model, he wants you to look up to him and will be honored if you want to follow in his footsteps. He is easily jealous if anyone else has your admiration, as he wishes to be the only one to have it. Laenor would love to teach you how to fight, because he believes, regardless of gender, you should always know how to defend yourself. He'd drag you to all sorts of parties and tournaments, just for you to see him win and have you laugh and have fun next to him. He, like Laena, is protective and will be annoyed if you have feelings for someone and will most likely challenge that person to a duel. All to protect his honor and his beloved little sister/little brother.
Vaemond is an ambitious man and very proud of his family lineage and to have you, an ordinary orphan, be given the surname Velaryon is a great insult to him and his house. He insists and tries to convince Corlys that this is all a big mistake, that you're a big mistake but his brother doesn't care about any of it and claims that if Vaemond says one more word about you, he'll be kicked out of Driftmark. Vaemond was silent for now, so he himself decided to investigate you and why everyone is so obsessed with you. To his surprise, it didn't take long for him to become just as obsessed with you as the others. He will play the role of a fun and ambitious uncle, ambitious as he still aspires to become Head of House Velaryon and even his love for you won't stop him from achieving that.
They are all obsessed and protective of you in a similar way and they don't intend to let you go. Corlys is the most controlling, he knows what's best for you and he won't have anyone, not even you, questioning his decisions when it comes to deciding your life, because he loves you and he knows what he's doing will just get you. benefit in the future. Rhaenys is the fiercest of them all, she is not afraid to stand up to anyone for you and that includes her own husband, she will question his actions if they make you upset, her mother will always be here for you. Laena and Laenor are alike in many ways, they are fun and protective of the youngest member of their family and won't let a scratch come your way. Vaemond is ambitious and unreliable, but he cares and takes care of you, he has learned to love you like his own child and will do anything for you.
You have immense power over this family and that is clear to everyone around you. Corlys and Rhaenys will pamper and love you immensely, they are your parents and they want only the best for you, you will have everything you want from the finest dresses and jewelry to the most expensive ship, everything to your liking and happiness. Laena wants to be your best friend, she is your best friend, she absolutely adores you and would die for you, you are the sister/brother she loves so much and knows she can't live without. Laenor is the classic competitive and showy older brother, he likes to show himself to you and he does on many occasions, he won't say it out loud but he craves your approval and attention and he will do anything to get them. Vaemond is a protective and loving uncle to you, but just for you, he will pamper and take care of you whenever he gets the chance, it is very common to see him around you, murmuring sweet and kind words to you, all the best. for you only. All members of House Velaryon desire one thing in common: your love and approval.
When the war on Stepstones breaks out, Corlys, Laenor and Vaemond want to take you with them, but Laena and Rhaenys object, claiming that you will be safer in Driftmark with them. There's a lot of discussion about this, and it's Corlys who gives the final stop and you'll come with them, because he knows he'll be able to protect you, Laenor and Vaemond agree with that decision. In Stepstones, you are kept out of reach where the battle rages. You will be exposed to the violence of war, of the massacres committed and even then you will not be allowed to leave until they are victorious. You will witness their victory, while receiving letters from Laena and Rhaenys concerned about you. If only you were with them, a lot of trauma could be avoided at such a young age.
A lot of things change over the course of a few years, Laena dies due to complications in childbirth and you are a mess, your beloved older sister has passed away and your parents and brother pour out all the anguish and pain on you looking for comfort. Unfortunately, you were unaware that later, Laenor would 'die' as well and when this tragic news reaches your ears, despair settles in you, as does the pain of yet another loss. Corlys and Rhaenys were heartbroken at the loss of two children and they turned to you, the only child left. Seeing your eyes filled with tears, they ran into your arms, comforting you and also seeking the care and love of their only surviving child. After Laena and Laenor died, your parents became even more protective and possessive of you, you are the only child they have left and they won't let anything happen to you. Never.
After these tragic events, things only got worse for you and your yandere family. Corlys went to Stepstones to fight in another war, but you remained with Rhaenys in Driftmark, as you chose to do so and your father respected your decision. When news reached you and your mother that Corlys was seriously injured and could be dying, the question of Drfitmark's succession was questioned by Vaemond. Rhaenys claimed that Driftmark would go to you or her grandchildren Luceyrs, Baela or Rhaena, but Vaemond contested claiming he should be the heir. When they turned to you for support, you chose to side with Rhaenys, against Vaemond and he didn't take it very well. This whole matter was taken to King's Landing to be settled and you were with the three families, the Targaryens and the Hightowers, who seemed particularly interested in you, but that was left aside when Viserys entered the room and announced that the Driftmark would be passed on to you. Corlys' grandson, Luceyrs Velaryon. Your uncle Vaemond did not accept this decision, and even after you tried to stop him, he called Rhaenyra's children bastards, which led to him being beheaded by Daemon. Seeing your uncle's lifeless body, you clung to Rhaenys, trying to rid yourself of this terrible sight.
When Viserys died, you and your mother were still in King's Landing and you were both locked in your rooms by Alicent, who said she hoped to receive your support for Aegon's succession, something you both denied. You and Rhaenys managed to escape the Red Keep and were present at Aegon II's coronation, your mother pulled you with her and took you to ride Meleys with her and after breaking into the coronation she said nothing and took you to Dragonstone, to warn Rhaenyra of Viserys' death and her throne being usurped. You were welcomed and received word that Corlys was sailing to Dragonstone, where you met her father with a warm embrace. He said he would never part with you again and that after he recovered you would live in Driftmark and not participate in the war to come, but Rhaenys said they needed to help Rhaenyra, which you agreed to. Which led Corlys to declare support for the Blacks.
The War is yet to break out and all you know is that you are not allowed to participate, Corlys and Rhaenys already have lost two beloved children and they will not lose another one, you will be kept safe and taken care of at all times. They've become paranoid about you, even the slightest scratch drives them crazy and they can't have you dead. They would not survive one more loss, the loss of their precious and beloved child. You cannot leave them, not even in death.
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thegreymoon · 17 days
The Story of Minglan
Honestly, I don't think any of this was cruel to Wang Ruofu.
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First, she backed her sister when she stuffed a concubine into Minglan's house in a clear attempt to shit all over her marriage. Then she poisoned Granny Sheng when she rightfully punished her for it. She deserved both her punishments. In fact, they didn't go far enough, IMO.
I cannot anymore with this fucking woman 🙄
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Who gives a fuck who gave birth to him? That is his GRANDMOTHER. Whom you tried to POISON. Also, he is a government official, and a moral and sensible man. Him covering up for your crimes would have been a failure on all fronts.
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Your best hope is that Granny will not live longer than ten more years since she is already quite old. And if she does, that she will have moved over to Minglan's house by then, so that she doesn't have to look at your stupid face every day.
And after all this, she still continues to be driven by grudges and resentment.
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Of course he will have no love for you. Of course he will try to get some recourse for his dead mother. It's no wonder that none of the illegitimate kids love you because how have you treated them? Certainly not well. You may not have sold them into slavery the way your sister did with the kids in her home, but if it had been up to you, all three of them would have died of neglect and you would not have cared. Changfeng and Molan luckily had their real mother with them until they were grown, and Minglan had Granny. You deserve nothing from any of them.
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My guy, you cannot force trust and intimacy and yelling at her about it is not helping your case!
I find him so pointless as a male lead. He has not done a single plot-relevant thing since he married Minglan. He just whines and whines about how he's not getting enough attention from her while she goes out and about, making new friends and solving Imperial marriage problems. In this last arc, he just swooped in at the very end to take credit where none is due because of course, the writers couldn't have had Minglan resolve the situation, no, Mr. Feng Shaofeng had to have a place in the spotlight too. After everything she did, right at the end, they made her so bumbling and helpless, so that he could swoop in to rescue her. I'm beyond pissed.
LMAO, imagine bringing up Wang Ruofu as a role model for anything.
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Shut up, shut up, shut up. This drama was miles and miles better without you looking for trouble where there is none.
I am on her side here.
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I'm super aroace, though, and I can't stand whiny, needy men encroaching on my space and time, demanding more than I am willing (or able) to give. Seriously, fuck off.
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Minglan did him the biggest favour.
Wait a minute.
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Doesn't that make Old Master Kang her grandfather??
What you don't know and don't want to know not only about your daughter but about your entire family, could fill not just a book, but an entire library.
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And she is like this because you are worthless and spineless.
LMAO, she read him to filth 🤣🤣
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I love her so much! Definitely one of my favourite heroines, if not THE favourite right now!
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Wait. Her??
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Didn't Sheng Hong get rid of all of them?
Also, what happened to her leg? Did she also get caned or tortured or something?
Terrible fate, she had such a comfy life with Concubine Lin for so many years and now she has to do hard labour with no hope for things improving.
LMAO, so what?
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It's not you who has served three Emperors and it's not your memorial tablet being worshipped in the Imperial ancestral hall.
LMAO, that's right Minglan, put them on the spot!
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They want you to do their dirty work for them.
LMAO, of course, let's change the topic quickly, now that the spotlight is on them.
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Ah, so all of them are slaves, after all.
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MInglan gave her the greatest gift. Her freedom to live as a free citizen. I hope she does the same for the rest of them, if she hasn't already.
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jasontoddssuper · 8 months
Okay so speaking as a long time fanfic author and aspiring books author,Percy works best as a trans girl from a writing standpoint and not just because she'd be extremely good rep.Percy being a cis guy who's stereotypically masculine is forced characterization because she has no reason to want to be one-She had no positive male role models growing up.There were definitely male teachers who were mean-spirited to her as much as female ones,Poseidon abandoned her and even after they met he prioritized her or at least treated her like a father who genuinely loves his daughter out of just her being his child instead obligation a grand total of zero times,Smelly Gabe is self-explanatory and Luke abused her too right from the start by gaslighting her.All she had was Sally so it's realistic that Percy would think women are better than men and not give a shit about being manly and preferring femininity
It's semi-canon that Percy has a trauma based dislike of men if we're looking at subtext-In the og series,she speaks much more positively of the girls around than she does the boys and she actually trash talks the latter while using being hypermasculinity as an insult,such as implying Ares is ugly multiple times.And one of the three male friends she has vs being friends with almost every girl in her age range?Nico,Pjo's first canon mlm.This just absolutely screams 'baby gays spotting eachother without either knowing they're not cishet yet' and it's only added on to by how devoted they are to eachother despite the problems in their relathionship.Plus,just sayin',but the explicit reason Nico got over his crush on Percy is that she wasn't a traditional male hero like he thought she was
On similar note,Rachel is a lot like many irl lesbians and her and Percy remain besties after their break up and the first point applies to Reyna too,who liked Percy and likewise after taking away the posibility of romance to their dynamic,they remained great friends and it's a common tgirl experience to still be close to all your ex girlfriends in a platonic way post-egg cracking.Percy reminds me so much of so many of my trans woman friends in tons of ways and i've seen others say the same and back to my first point,the logical conclusion to Percy hating having to be a man who's super masculine is to make her a woman who's super feminine so she can be happy so this all comes full circle
And onto specifics for the Pjo storylines and developments,Percy gains even more depth if she's a trans woman.A self admitted former 'troubled kid' who just wants to be normal but is always getting shoved into a role she dosen't want by people who think they know better than her despite barely knowing her,Luke's fixation on targeting younger girls can be told as a feminist tale by having her the hero of the prophecy instead of him and also be the one to kill him to avenge her female friends and you cannot tell me that the idea of the protagonist of one of the best children's books series out there being a trans girl who's got bad social skills,anger issues and merciless tendencies but never gets demonized for them,is the funniest person in the whole franchise,hyperfemme too and the fucking daughter of Poseidon isn't based as all fuck
She would also help Annabeth's character development by teaching her to not be a pick me anymore and Annabeth would thank her by teaching her to be more self-confident,Nico and her would've become found siblings and Nico and eventually Hazel could've even been adopted by Sally because of it,her transfemininity would've changed the angles of her dynamics with the gods to make them make more interesting,we could dive into how Pjoverse greco-roman mythos play into transgenderism and other types of queerness,Percy's already canon present Team Mom habits and hinted love for cute and 'kiddy' things would be used to their full potential like they deserve,it opens to door to an even more interesting potential romantic dynamic with Jason and there's definitely way more
I'm not sure how to end this so i will make a /hj:Percy Jackson is a female protagonist of all time
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nonstoplover · 2 years
more moments to remember ~ pierre gasly (pg10)
my masterlist | my f1 masterlist
pairing: pierre gasly x single mom!reader
summary: short stories of happy memories with pierre and his newfound little family | this is pt.2 to this fic, but it can be read as a standalone piece
words: 5.7K
warnings: basically dad!pierre, kid has a name (Austin), pierre with a kid (*-*), mainly only pierre and austin with reader often missing from the scenes sorry not sorry, not betaread
a/n: i became so caught up in the idea of pierre with a kid (my baby fever isn't helping me rn) that i couldn't stop thinking about situations in which i want to see pierre and austin interact, so i just had to write it. also, i got a rb where they said they need more of pierre and austin (same) and it gave me the final push to write it. so thank you kodzusficrec, this is for you <3
tbh i literally cried a lot writing this. yes, pierre himself has this effect on me. especially when he's with a kid.
reader, please don't be a ghost, all feedback is well appreaciated, rb or comment!
taglist: formulapierre
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It all starts after a race when Pierre's very first thought is instinctively to call (y/n) and Austin, just wanting to hear their voices before anyone else's. It's only been a week since she agreed to give the two of them together a chance – it took quite a bit of convincing from Pierre's side, but he was always fully determined to achieve his goals, and this time it wasn't any different.
He knows why she hesitated so long, she's been scared that her being a mom already changed everything. It did change things, but only in a good way. Ever since meeting Austin, the little boy has been Pierre's ray of sunshine even on the darker days, even only the thought of him, something (y/n) was probably too scared to notice. Scared that it would only make things difficult, him being a race car driver and them just being... them.
In her mind, he deserves something else, not a single mom with an always over-excited kid. And on the other hand, Austin has already lost one father – though without knowing him in any way –, so the last thing she'd want is for him to experience loss again, in case things didn't quite work out with her and Pierre. Especially since Pierre was his role model in life, his favourite F1 driver. Who knows how bad he would take it if one day Pierre left?
Ever since Austin was born, (y/n) only went out with a couple of guys, and no one stayed long enough for her to introduce them to her son. This was completely new. Still, Pierre's determination and him having a solution and answer to every question or fear she voiced, it all eventually led to her finally agreeing to give it a try.
Now it's been a week, and he's already so absorbed in the small family that the first people he wants to talk to as soon as he gets out of his car is them two. It's a feeling in his chest and his mind that he wants to remember forever. If he could somehow immortalise it, he would.
That's when the thought pops in his head that he should keep a list of things, moments that he never wants to forget – a separate note in his phone's notes app dedicated to (y/n) and Austin.
"What if I fly out tomorrow and we can meet again?" Pierre suggests when he's finally able to FaceTime the young woman.
Her surprised eyes momentarily freeze on the screen due to bad connection, then her almost disbelieving chuckle enters his ears through his earbuds. "You'd want to do that? You have a race weekend next week as well, don't you have to be there soon?"
"I can manage to be with you for a little while," he shrugs with a soft smile on his face – something that is just always there when he looks at her, he can't help it. When he sees the doubt still being apparent in her expression, he's swift to add, "I really want to see you again, coeur."
It only takes this one sentence to melt her resistance – and honestly, she wants to see him just as much, he's proven to be the best company she's had in a very long time, with him life seems better, easier, and way more fun. She feels like a teenager with a crush, experiencing slowly falling in love for the first time, as if she's not a mom already, as if she went back in time to when it was simple just going on dates with nice guys.
It's just that she doesn't want to cause him trouble with having to fly out to her when he has a race so close ahead. But with that sentence and that smile she can't fight it anymore. She simply says okay with a wide grin.
The second thing Pierre eagerly types in his special note is when he meets Austin in person again, the first time after that particular race he holds so close to his heart, when he first had the chance to really have a conversation with (y/n) and her son.
She's been reluctant to let the two boys meet again sooner, not wanting to cause unnecessary hurt for her son – she had to be sure things work out with Pierre in the first place, with his hectic schedule and being away so much, she had to be sure that the initial connection they both felt with the other wasn't just some projection of her desires, something she only imagined.
Well, turns out things definitely work out with him, actually a lot better than she could've ever expected it. They have so many things in common, their personalities matching as if it was meant to be.
When Pierre enters the apartment, following her steps, he can feel his heartbeat going fast. It's ridiculous, he hasn't been this nervous even when he met (y/n) for the first time after that race. And he knows the little guy likes him. Why is he so anxious then?
It all disappears though when he stops in the doorway she led him to, the one that leads to the living room, and Austin looks up from his spot on the carpet where he's been playing with toy race cars. For one moment he's just looking without a reaction, but then he springs into action. The absolute joy that appears on his tiny face as his eyes fully take in the driver is enough to calm Pierre down in an instant.
"Pierre came back!" Austin screams, probably directed at his mom who's standing at the side of the room, talking with the babysitter who's just getting ready to leave. (y/n) glances to the side, right at the boy, smiling wide from seeing his happy, excited expression.
The kid jumps up from his spot, leaving the cars behind without a second thought, as if they didn't even exist and he hasn't been in the middle of a race just a couple seconds beforehand, and he rushes towards the man, throwing himself against Pierre's legs, grabbing onto them tight, like he's afraid that if he didn't hold them strong enough, the driver would disappear.
It's such a warm welcome, Pierre can feel his heart filling to the brim with happiness, nearly bursting from it, and suddenly he's not sure if he can ever leave the little boy again – if yes, then it's definitely only for the feeling of getting another welcome similar to this once more when he comes back again.
When he experiences a happiness this huge – almost unbearable – again, it's the time he realises he's started to come to (y/n)'s apartment as if it was his too. There's no nerves anymore as he gets closer to the building or the front door, no standing around on the corridor slightly afraid to knock, then waiting for the door to open whilst smoothing out the nearly invisible wrinkles on his shirt.
Now he just gets out of the car and walks inside, calling out her name as he does so to announce his arrival. It's almost like coming home.
And then Austin bursts out of the bedroom, both his small hands full with those toy cars, his favourite toys, telling Pierre to go follow him to the living room because they have a race to do, a rematch to last time's race. He's yet to notice that the man always lets him win, he seems to think Pierre's only good at driving real cars, and not the tiny toy ones.
The man doesn't mind the slightest, he might have a really competitive personality, but as long as he can watch the young kid enthusiastically push around the miniature Alpha Tauri race car Pierre got him – he honestly struggled to see Austin play with a Red Bull and a Mercedes, something that (y/n) found very entertaining – he can actually enjoy coming in second (and last).
That one car actually became the boy's most favourite, most treasured toy, as soon as he tore the wrapping paper off and his (y/e/c) eyes fell on it. "It's like I'm you! I will always win from now on whenever I play with my friends, because it's your car I'm with!" the kid exclaimed, so sure in himself, and out of nowhere Pierre noticed tears blurring his vision.
Anyway, since Austin keeps on winning again and again, whenever he plays with Pierre, his mom or even the babysitter, his conviction has yet to break still.
Then comes the very moment that almost makes every happy moment he's ever had in his entire life suddenly seem less thrilling.
Pierre has decided to bring them with him one weekend to the upcoming race – and only had to reason with her for a surprisingly short time. He knows how much Austin would enjoy being in the paddock, and he himself would be more than happy to have the two of them there.
He knows it was the absolute best decision he could've made, not just when he sees the clear, genuine delight on the kid's face as he tries to take in everything around him with wide eyes, but also when he leaves to change into his race suit and comes back to find Austin proudly showing his Alpha Tauri toy car to Yuki. His teammate is smiling contentedly, asking questions from the little boy, with (y/n) watching from the side.
But the best part comes when he takes them around some more, Austin sitting in the crook of his arm so he won't get lost in-between the dozens of people rushing around the paddock and also to make sure that he gets a better view at everything. It's crazy how well the boy fits there, on his arm, as if he was meant to be there – it makes Pierre feel more than delighted, and somehow also very proud.
He doesn't even need to hold the kid with two hands anymore, like he did that very first time he held Austin like this, many moons back, for that first picture taken of the two of them – one that has since been followed by many, many more. Pierre comfortably balances the boy on his arm, his free hand reaching out in search of (y/n)'s fingers so he could intertwine them with his own.
A couple people Pierre knows better around the paddock and who are not in a hurry, approach them on their way and strike a short conversation. Not many people knew up until now that Pierre had a girlfriend – and even less that he even had a kid now.
"And who are you, little boy?" one of them asks, smiling sweetly.
Pierre glances down at the boy's face to see if he'll answer or he has to do it for the kid. "My name's Austin," comes the reply with that adorable self-assured, high-pitched voice Pierre came to adore so much in the past weeks. "I came to watch my dad race."
And this is the sentence that makes Pierre nearly drop the kid. He can hear the small gasp that escapes (y/n) at her son's announcement, and his heartrate is so high he thinks even during the races he's never experienced something like this. Glancing up at the man they've been talking to he notes the surprise in his eyes just as much. It's safe to say none of the three adults here expected such a reply – but Pierre would and will never correct it, or add any further explanation.
It's genuinely one of the most delighted he's ever been. Austin called him his dad.
From then on they spend even more time together, Pierre flying out any time he can to be able to be with them, with his son, or arranging for them to come meet him if he really can't get away from his tasks.
And that's how the next addition comes to his special note. One early summer day (y/n) manages to convince the kid to go out to the nearby park instead of playing with his cars at home – only with Pierre's help though. Austin seems to pay attention to his dad more now, dad somewhat taking mom's place in the top position in his eyes, but (y/n) doesn't mind. Not even the slightest bit. Her son finally has a father.
So she helps the boy get dressed, tying his shoelaces carefully so they wouldn't come undone in the predictable running around he would no doubt do. She tells them to go ahead as she locks the door, grabbing the bag she's packed with some water to drink and snacks to have in case they get hungry while out.
She catches up to them on the street, approaching the two while watching gleefully as Austin jumps around, telling some story to Pierre. The driver glances back above his shoulder to check if she's coming and flashes a smile her way when their eyes connect for a couple short seconds before his attention turns back to the kid.
Her hand slips into his immediately – it's become an instinct by now for both of them, and she falls into rhythm with her boys. Pierre reaches out without tearing his eyes away from Austin, grabbing onto the strap of her bag to take it from her, wordlessly insisting that he'll bring it instead of her with the motion of his hand gently pushing away her protesting palm she's held out in front of her.
As soon as they arrive to the park, Austin's off to the playground, befriending the kids already there without a problem – a quality (y/n) has always envied, never being someone herself to make friends easily. But maybe it's simpler for children.
They sit down on a closeby bench, immersing in their own discussion without the kid being there to direct the flow of conversation with his own stories. They talk about the past races and the upcoming ones, her being a Formula One fan since her teenage years helping her knowing quite a lot about the sport and understanding most of the things Pierre shares with her about strategy and about the car itself. And whatever's past her current knowledge, he's always more than happy to explain everything, making sure he speaks understandably but without making her feel dumb for not knowing.
When a couple hours has passed and the time comes to go back home, Pierre calls out Austin's name, the two adults standing up and gathering their bags, (y/n) checking around the bench once more to make sure they don't leave anything there – there was one time a year or so back when she and Aust accidentally left one of his toy cars underneath a bench, and he wouldn't calm down until she rushed back the same way they went home to find it for him, and it's something she never wants to experience again.
As Austin arrives to his parents, his tiny hand reaches up and moves against Pierre's palm, fingers clasping around the man's hand so casually as if that's completely normal – but he's never done it before, and so the naturality of the movement makes it even more special for the driver.
(y/n) turns back towards the boys to find Pierre grinning so wide it reaches from one ear to the other, and all of a sudden she just wants to grab his face and kiss him until they're both out of breath. He's just so amazing. The best father to her son she could've ever asked for, even if he's not the man who actually helped create said boy.
Austin's small fingers press into his skin and Pierre holds the child's hand delicately but tight enough that the connection wouldn't accidentally end by a sudden movement made by either of them. The little boy then turns his head towards his mom, grabbing onto her hand too, and even though Pierre enjoys having her touch on his skin as much as possible, holding her hand whenever they're walking somewhere, right now he doesn't mind at all that he can't do just that.
They're walking home like a real family.
When (y/n)'s birthday is coming up and she plans a night out with her best friends, it's the first time Pierre babysits Austin. The first time it's only the two of them. (y/n) didn't want to leave him like that, with a tiring job like that to do, and he even had the option to join her, but eventually he told her that she deserves some time spent with her friends, and her friends only, and since he loves being with Austin so much, it would never feel like a job looking after him.
That's how early in the evening she gently presses a kiss on Austin's head as he's sitting on the couch, then walks to the door with Pierre by her side. She says a quick thank you, for what is probably the hundredth time that day, and he softly shuts her up by capturing her lips with his own.
"I love you, mon chéri, have fun," he mumbles against her lips and feels them curl into a smile before she pulls away, saying back the same three words and moving out the door into the night.
"Okay, kiddo, what should we do first?" Pierre asks as soon as he's back in the living room.
Austin simply points at the controller that belongs to his favourite car race game, and Pierre happily joins the boy on the couch to spend the following hour or so with the two of them racing each other, trying to go faster and faster to gain more points.
When they grow tired, eyes having been focused on the swiftly changing screen for so long, they eat dinner – some leftover from lunch –, then decide to bake a surprise cake for (y/n) for the next day. Aust has a very clear vision about what he wants to make, trying to explain the best he can to Pierre how the cake should be in the form of a Formula One car, and preferably the same colours as an Alpha Tauri one.
It's not easy collecting every ingredient from around the kitchen and pantry, the two boys have to check almost every cupboard and cabinet, Austin sitting on Pierre's arm most of the time to be at the needed height so he can get the things they want.
A recipe is open on Pierre's phone, the screen getting more and more dusty by flour and powdered sugar as they keep on touching it with dirty fingers, right until it gets a bit difficult to read the words of the next step and he has to carefully clean it with a clean spot on the fabric of his already pretty stained shirt.
When the batter is ready, they look at pictures of race car shaped cakes online to use as inspiration and help, but eventually decide that it's way above their cake baking skills so they decide to make a normal, rectangular cake instead, and to only draw a race car on top with the coloured frosting. In the end that becomes quite the challenge all the same, both of them trying their best to make their own drawings – one car each – recognisable, but not being very successful in that, they have to admit.
With the frosting left Austin has the idea to sign the cake (as if we're giving our autograph to a fan, papa!), and they scribble something resembling their names in-between the two terrible-looking cars. Aust has the tip of his tongue peeking out from between his lips as he's concentrating deeply to not mess up the letters, having only learnt how to write his name not long ago.
When they're finished and have put the cake in the fridge, they go back to the living room to watch a movie, and even though Austin chose it and has been utterly excited throughout the first ten minutes or so, he gets more and more quiet as time passes, and eventually he falls asleep, his head laid on Pierre's lap. The driver carefully reaches out to grab the folded blanket from the armrest of the couch and covers the boy with slow, gentle movements in order to not wake him up.
(y/n) comes home not much time later, and taking off her shoes she hears some distant noise coming from the living room so she moves that way, thinking she'll find her boyfriend in there. She was right, he's sitting right there on the couch, but as the credits roll on the screen with some soft music playing in the background, his head is leant back against the headrest, eyes closed and lips slightly parted as he's fast asleep.
Noiselessly she pulls out her phone from her purse, snapping a photo of her two favourite boys in the world sleeping soundly on the couch, Pierre's hand resting on Austin's shoulder as he still lays on his lap, the little boy's hand wrapped around two of the driver's fingers. It's one of the most heartwarming sights she's ever seen, her boys sleeping so peaceful and contented, completely knocked out.
The picture immediately becomes her new lockscreen, one that would keep on making her smile every time she glances at it – and one that makes a cute blush appear on Pierre's cheeks and neck when he sees it the next morning, but not without a wide smile taking over his features all the same.
There soon comes the first time Pierre goes to pick Austin up from school by himself, first of many, and another addition to his favourite memories. As he gets out of the car, he can already hear the kid screaming the word dad – something he still hasn't gotten fully used to, so it still makes his heart skip a beat –, standing just outside the front door, next to his teacher and a couple of other children who are waiting for their parents.
Pierre jogs up the stairs leading to the door, immediately greeting the teacher. The woman smiles at him saying nice to meet you, then Pierre squats down to check if Austin is fully ready to leave, shoelaces tied and jacket properly zipped. He impulsively presses a kiss to the top of the kid's head as his hand grabs the small backpack hanging from Austin's shoulder.
"So you're the famous dad Austin always talks about," the teacher speaks up again, making Pierre look up from his crouching position before straightening himself, a bit of nerves creeping into his bones. "If only half of what he says is true, you're doing a fantastic job," she chuckles.
Pierre's heart feels like bursting. It's the first time he's ever been complimented in the role of a dad. Blood rushes to his cheeks as he murmurs a thank you, averting his eyes in his embarrassed happiness – still the woman can't help but notice how he somehow stands taller all of a sudden, his shoulders squared from hearing her praise.
After saying goodbye, Pierre holds his hand out to signal to his son to grab it and they make their way back to the car, Austin clearly super excited that his dad came to pick him up – he loves it when he can sit in the back with Pierre driving. He always pretends that they're in a Formula One car, racing – and in the end winning, of course. It doesn't matter to him that Pierre doesn't actually go even the tiniest bit above the speed limit. He's an F1 driver and that's all that is important.
Getting to the car Austin climbs into his seat and Pierre fastens the seatbelt carefully around him, making sure it doesn't fall in a place that would make it uncomfortable for the boy, his fingers now moving just as professionally as (y/n)'s did once back in the parking lot next to a race track, with Pierre watching on from her side, not having a clue about what the future held – only hope.
He then moves around the car to sit in the driver's seat, and as he's settling down, just about to start the car, something appears in the corner of his eye – Austin holding out a big piece of paper from his seat in the back towards him.
"What is this?" Pierre asks as he takes it from the boy.
"I made it!" the kid announces proudly. "We had to draw a happy memory we have with our family and I chose this."
Pierre's eyes move from the image of the boy in the rearview to the paper now in his hand and his breath hitches. Obviously it's not a perfect drawing, anyone could see it was made by a few-year-old kid, but it's still easily perceptible what it portrays.
He sees the figures of three people on the colourful drawing, two bigger and one small in the middle, all three holding hands. To their right, there's something that looks very much like his real-life race car, in the background probably a garage at the paddock, with Austin's crooked letters at the top saying Alfa Tauri. Pierre makes a mental note to teach the kid later how the team's name is spelled correctly, but for now he just savours the feeling overtaking him watching the drawn picture.
A happy memory with his family, and Austin chose this.
"Hey, Aust, can I keep this?" Pierre turns around in his seat to look at the boy, already thinking about how it would definitely go on his fridge, somewhere he could look at it all the time and remember this very moment.
"Sure," the boy nods with a serious look in his eyes. "But it has a price."
"Oh yeah?"
"You have to buy me ice cream on the way home and you can't tell mom."
Pierre has to bite the inside of his cheeks to repress the chuckle that's threatening to burst out, expecting nothing less from the kid. "You got it, petit."
He's definitely his mother's son.
As the end of the season is slowly coming to an end, Pierre decides to finally make the next move in his relationship with (y/n). One night as they're having dinner in a small restaurant, out on a date night with Austin spending the night with her parents, in the middle of a casual conversation, just as he's listening to her ramble on about the dessert they're sharing and without his eyes ever leaving her (y/e/c) coloured ones he reaches up with one hand, placing something on the table right in front of her.
(y/n) glances down mid-sentence, curious about what he's placed there, and she nearly drops the small fork she's been holding in the air with another piece of the dessert balancing on top, what she wanted to say immediately forgotten. Lightly coughing because she nearly choked on some crumbs, her eyes take in the shiny key with a dark blue ribbon delicately tied around it, with a simple name tag hanging from the end of it saying her name.
"Are you– what–" she mutters, seemingly unable to form a complete sentence.
"Would you move in with me?" Pierre asks as simply and naturally as if he's only asking whether she enjoys the dessert or not.
Her wide eyes are still trained on the key, still somewhat in shock by the sudden turn of events. They haven't even been together for a year and he'd want them to live together? He wants to live with Austin?
"I've been thinking about it for a long time, don't worry, ange, I'm sure I thought about everything," he reasons before she could voice her possible doubts and fears, reading the way her eyes move as an open book and knowing what's going on in her mind. "I truly want you and Austin to be around all the time, without any of us having to fly to somewhere else. It's enough time spent apart that we have to do because of my job, I don't want the rest of the time we could finally spend together having to be wasted away because we live apart."
She honestly feels as if all her vocabulary left her, no words in her mind anymore that she could use to somehow answer him. Her eyes get glossy with tears as a disbelieving grin appears on her lips. Pierre watches on with racing heart as the most beautiful sight unfolds in front of him.
(y/n) nods vigorously, trying to compensate the loss of words with the movements of her head, grabbing the key with slightly shaking fingers. Blinking away the teardrops she looks deep in his eyes, pressing the key to her chest, somewhere above her heart.
"I would love to," she speaks finally when words seem to come back. "And I know that Aust would love it more than anything too."
When their one year anniversary comes, they use the next race-free weekend and go for a little getaway trip on the northern French countryside, Austin now spending time with his other grandparents, Pierre's parents in Rouen – the little boy stealing their hearts about five minutes after arriving when Pierre first took his new family home to introduce them during the summer break of last year.
The couple spends the day after their arrival sightseeing in the nearby villages, walking hand in hand and enjoying the feeling of not having to rush anywhere for once, and then they cook pasta for dinner together. Even when they have the chance to eat at restaurants, they rarely do, somehow the act of cooking together is far greater joy for both of them most of the time.
Before sitting down at the dining table right next to the window, with the colours of the gorgeous spring sunset seeping through the lace curtain and pouring onto the table, Pierre pulls out a candle from his bag, placing it carefully on the table and lighting it as (y/n)'s giggles fill the air. "What a romantic soul you are," she remarks joyfully.
"Is it too much?" he glances up from his task grinning.
"Nope, never," she replies with a single shake of her head.
They peacefully eat dinner, a comfortable silence hanging over them for a couple minutes only broken by the jingle of the cutlery mildly hitting the plates with each bite they take of the delicious dish.
"Actually, I wanted to–"
"I think this is the perfect time–"
They start talking at the same time, both of them bursting into a soft fit of laughter when they realise how in sync they really are.
"You go first," Pierre smiles, motioning for her to say whatever she's wanted to just a minute earlier.
(y/n) clears her throat, placing her fork down on the side of her plate. "So, as I was saying, I think this is the perfect time for me to give you something." With that she leans to the side and reaches into her handbag that's been laying on the ground next to the dining table, his eyes following with slight confusion. Didn't they agree on no anniversary gifts?
Without another word spoken, she hands something small wrapped in brown paper to him above the table. Pierre eyes her for a moment, letting his fingers wrap around the object without him actually paying attention to the movement of them, but he can't read anything from her (y/e/c) orbs.
He slowly looks down and starts unwrapping it, right until the paper falls down – nearly landing in his remaining pasta – and he lets out a gasp. In-between his fingers there's a pregnancy test. A positive pregnancy test.
"Is this–?" his eyes shot up to her face, now split in two by her absolutely gorgeous grin.
"Yes," she lets out a giggle. "We're gonna have a baby."
"A baby," Pierre repeats in slight disbelief, tears gathering in his eyes.
"You're going to be a father, for real this time."
This sentence breaks him from the trance he's been in and he lets out a cheery whoop, jumping up from his seat and rushing to her side, falling to his knees by her chair. His hands gently grab the sides of her face and pull her in for a heated kiss, the wet, salty stains his rolling teardrops made on his skin brushing against her cheek.
Ever since he became a stepfather to a toddler, he's been dreaming of having his own child with (y/n) – dreaming of how the said child would look like, with her elegant, perfectly shaped nose and his piercing icy blue eyes. And now his dream will actually come true.
Mid-kiss one of his hands leaves her cheek and comes to a rest on her belly, wanting the baby in there to feel a connection with their father no matter how impossibly tiny they still might be. When they break apart in need of oxygen, (y/n) giggles once more, eyes gazing down at the way he's softly pressing his palm into her stomach.
"Austin's gonna be a big brother," Pierre notes dreamily.
"Yes, he will," she replies joyously.
As the driver slowly stands back up again to return to his seat, she speaks up again. "What is it you wanted to say?" Pierre has to force his mind from going a hundred miles an hour from this beautiful piece of news to think back to a couple minutes before, having completely forgotten that he was about to say anything in the first place.
Then he suddenly feels the small box pressing into his thigh inside his pocket and everything comes back to him. "Oh, I actually planned on making this evening special and beautiful and memorable, but I guess you already succeeded in that, mon ange," he chuckles.
Nevertheless his fingers move inside his pocket and he pulls the box out, putting it on the table between them, in the meantime opening it so she can immediately catch a glance inside. Now it's her turn to gasp, her eyes landing on the simple yet dazzling ring nestling inside the little velvety box.
"I wanted to ask you a question," Pierre continues, even though half of his mind is still somewhere else – in the not so far future, his inner eyes picturing himself with a newborn baby in his arms, the young woman, his wife laying on the hospital bed, exhausted and with her hair messy but still looking perfect, smiling blissfully happy up at him. "Mon amour, will you marry me?"
.::the end::.
my masterlist | my f1 masterlist
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ghost-bxrd · 14 days
You’ve officially gotten me hooked with Calvin Rose.
Thoughts on Casey? So far I love her and her crew. She’s so cool. I did NOT expect her to walk in like a boss after absolutely owning Calvin. Also the one panel of interaction between Calvin and Casey’s daughter was absolutely precious.
I’m only on the fourth issue of Talon but that man deserves the world. The bank heist has just gone out the window as Calvin literally gets dragged out a window. I hope to god everyone lives (wishful thinking). Have you finished reading all the issues?
Casey is an icon. Whole nine yards badassery. I love how she juggles being a fugitive, single mom, and secret ring leader of an organization, helping people get out of gangs/evil cults. Like, role model for sure. No fear whatsoever in that woman. She’s someone who would walk up to Joker like nobody’s business and kick him where the sun don’t shine.
She complements Calvin’s “would rather run from everything” perfectly that way. Whereas Casey is always on the offensive, Calvin prefers to stay on the defensive. And working together they generally manage to find an equilibrium ✨
Funnily enough though I don’t really ship them? For me personally I just didn’t feel the chemistry. They seemed more like— kindred spirits. They didn’t meet under good circumstances, both needed someone to lean on at the time. Someone to trust. And they were that for each other, are that for each other. But yeah, I don’t really feel the romance part of their relationship.
Or maybe it’s because I prefer the “would totally burn the world for each other” relationships. Or because the chemistry between her and Anya just didn’t read as forced to me as the one with Calvin did. But everyone’s got their preferences 💚
And yes I’ve read all the volumes! I had this huge collective comic with all issues combined 🦉🦉🦉 you’re in for some crazy plot twists ksksks
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Parenting Headcannons with Keqing and Eula? :D
Parent Headcanons - Eula Lawrence and Keqing
A/N: Hi Anon! I'm sorry you had to wait. This one... well, it turned out quite a bit more serious than I expected. Especially with Keqing - it turned into (basically) angst. I'm sorry if you don't like it. I would be really grateful if you shared your opinion in the comments.
Male reader.
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Eula Lawrence
Eula’s parents were… not great, to say the least. They kept pushing her towards being a traditional figure, dictated by the Lawrence clan’s long legacy. That involved plenty of indoctrination, gaslighting and putting down her own needs and dreams. 
She realized this was not normal in her late teens, and she made her escape to the Knights. Even though most citizens of Mondstadt grew to dislike her, Eula found a few close friends to help her through her darkest years. You were one of them. 
The desire to be better than one’s parents is natural and ever present, as role models are quite rare in reality. This need was especially strong in her. It was the image of having kids that kept her from leaving this world behind, and when you met all those years ago, the images reappeared in her happiest moments. 
Eula made plans long before you met, imagining what rules she would put in place, what values she should instill, she read books about motherhood and parenting. Yet she never told you, until one warm night. 
She grabbed your hand, and told you about her dream while looking into your eyes. She said how she wants to be the mother her mother never was, and you to be the father hers never managed to be. She told you about her dream of building a home together, a safe place for both you and your children.
And how could you refuse her?
Eula will want to wait for marriage before anything else. 
When she speaks that one, simple word, Eula will just burst into tears. Just like that, the weight and past sins of her last name will be finally left behind, and she could fully become a new, better person. 
A few days will pass until she’s ready. Eula just wants to wait until everything calms down, really. And it will be a surprise too. You’ll just wake up one lazy morning, cuddled together, and she will whisper a simple ‘It’s time’ into your ear.
Eula is going to drop field work entirely from the moment you are sure she’s carrying an heir. When Varka comes back from his travels, he will most likely provide Eula with a comfy desk job. She’s done a lot for Mondstadt, hasn’t she? Eula deserves it. 
No drinks will be had for the entire duration of her pregnancy, which will be quite long. 
Because Eula always wanted to have two children, preferably a son and a daughter. As soon as her body will recover after giving birth Eula will want to go again, to keep the age gap as small as possible. If she’ll give birth to two kids at the same time there won’t be a need to, of course. 
Eula always insisted on doing all the menial housework, which bamboozled you at first. She just wanted to get lots of practice in cooking, cleaning, doing laundry and so on, as her royal upbringing never gave her the chance to. The woman is well aware of the reality of parenthood, and wishes to get used to the routine.
It’s hard for sure, but she is willing to endure the difficulty. This is one investment worth every second, every drop of sweat and blood in her opinion. 
Seeing Eula with dark bags under her eyes and a tired smile on her lips will be common during the early years. 
The knight will pester you about your job a lot if it involves danger. She quit hers, and would love you to do so as well. If combat is your calling… Well, she understands. Doesn’t mean that you won’t get an earful and a half every time you get back with fresh injuries. She will have her vengeance for every single scratch you get on yourself!
Ever since her work hours shortened dramatically, Eula gets to be home a lot more. She will gladly welcome you home after work with a warm meal and lots of cuddles. 
Don’t think you will be neglected because of the kids. Your wife will make sure to give attention to you as well.
Oh, and about attention. Eula is a good mother, maybe even too good. See, she’ll hog most of the quality time with your kids, at least when they will be young. It’s usually a competition between you two over who gets to go out with the little ones. 
Who would expect a bottomless supply of patience from her? She’ll spend 16 hours a day with her offspring and she will love it. 
Eula is a very caring mom, but she sometimes struggles with correcting bad behaviors and administering punishment. So yeah. You’ll get to do the unpleasant work. 
She will ingrain only universal qualities and morals into her kids, making sure to teach them that the sins of those who came before don’t cross out the person of today. 
Will not influence the careers her kids will pursue, but will help wherever she can. 
Just… be by her side when they grow up and leave to chase their own ambitions. She will feel very lonely if you don’t. 
10/10, no doubt. Always wanted to have kids, and prepared accordingly. She will raise some great individuals with your help.
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Keqing has three goals in life. First - and foremost - to build a strong, independent and prosperous Liyue Harbor. Second - to find a partner, and third - to start a family. 
Well, she had three. Now, only the first one remains. The young Keqing is not the same woman as the Keqing of today. She had grown immensely, but in a troublesome direction. 
You see, Keqing’s dreams are… not actually hers. They never were. It all comes down to her upbringing. 
Keqing is a part of Liyue nobility, who have strict values and goals. From her earliest days, those objectives and desires were imprinted on her mind. Everything she did was centered around the execution of them, not leaving much space for her own aspirations. Well, no time was left for it either - she was constantly snowed under assignments, tests, meetings and internships. She always had to prove herself, prove that she is indeed worthy of her family name. 
And so, her dream of having a family faded and faded, until nothing of the motivation was left. Like with every childhood dream she had. 
All of that pressure also resulted in her problems with interpersonal relations. Focused around achieving her ‘own’ goals, she saw (and still sees) others as elements of the background, coworkers or useful tools and assets in reaching her objectives. Keqing has become selfish. Self-centered. Egoistic. 
For example: People say Ganyu’s mindset is hard to understand, but that’s a nifty little lie to hide the severe lack of compassion and basic empathy for her among others in Liyue. Keqing may have had a hand in propagating this statement. Independent of what Ganyu sees Keqing as, the former will never see the secretary as anything else than an inferior at whom she can throw more and more assignments.  
You may have reawakened her dream from ancient times, when she still used to play with dolls. But Keqing has adopted a specific mindset throughout her life, and that will make pregnancy and child upbringing only another box on her checklist. 
She won’t give up her work, or even limit it for that matter. Her job is more important than family and you, so she’ll agree to a single child at most. And that will be also on the condition you will take care of them. 
She’s the mother that’s never home for sure. Also, a scary one at that. 
Will reprimand her kid, whatever the sex may be, for bad grades. 
Keqing will not understand many struggles someone not like herself may have, such as depression or lack of motivation. It all makes sense in her head - why don’t they work harder? They see how they can end up, right on the streets and outside of Liyue Harbor. Treasure Hoarders, Fatui, beggars and bums. She thinks her child will become just that if they don’t ace all the classes. 
She speaks about this kind of thing often. Why? Because her parents told her the same when she was this age. Many of the awful parenting techniques she was subjected to will creep their way into her own methods. 
Literally the asian parent. She has lots and lots of cash on hand thanks to her job, and she puts an adequate amount of this into the education of her young. Piano lessons, private tutors and martial arts - everything will be covered in this investement. What a shame she doesn’t put an equal amount of effort into this deal.
She will help the kid with school work, but that’s about it. 
Ningguang will surely notice what’s going on between you two, and will mercilessly point it out to Keqing. Maybe with your combined efforts, the woman will be able to change for the better. 
But that chance is quite low.
2/10. Keqing isn’t meant to be a mother. Keqing doesn’t want to be a mother. Not anymore, at least. She is too busy chasing somebody's dream for motherhood.
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Thanks for reading!
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I may have already made a post about this but I don't think I have so I thought I'd take the chance. I have these rants or thoughts in my head and sometimes I just have to get them down in writing or I'll be playing it in my head all day lol
I feel like the One Tree Hill writers room went to work and the first thing they said was "This show is not going to be Dawson's Creek and we are going to make that clear at every turn."
The first thing I think about is the Lucas and Haley friendship. They even went out of there way to separate Lucas/Haley from Dawson/Joey by making Haley make disparaging jokes about Dawson and Joey in the Pilot. I really respect the decision to make Lucas and Haley only friends and they never wavered from that. There was never even a second when they hinted that their relationship could be more than friends.
In some ways Nathan and Haley are equivalent from Pacey and Joey in One Tree Hill and they made the decision of getting Nathan and Haley together and then never really breaking them up. Unlike the Pacey and Joey model where there was the stupid love triangle with Dawson and they broke them up and got them together and broke them up again. Pacey and Joey really deserved better writers. Pacey and Joey have some of the best chemistry in TV and the writers did not know how to utilize that treasure.
The female friendships are absolutely atrocious in Dawson's Creek. I mean is there really a female friendship? I mean I guess Jen and Joey but even that was littered with tension most of the time and even after they buried the hatchet Joey would put men above Jen all the time. Like when she started dating the guy who cheated on Jen and then when Jen tried to help her she was really mean to Jen. I blame the writers for that. That is atrocious! Write better female friendships you cowards. In One Tree Hill, the friendships certainly have their ups and downs but you have Haley and Brooke, Brooke and Peyton, Haley and Peyton, Deb and Karen. Every woman on the show has at least one really great female friendship.
The fact that OTH never killed off any of the original teenage characters as in Nathan, Haley, Brooke, Lucas, Peyton, Skills, Mouth. Dawson's Creek just had to be assholes and kill off Jen in the last episode. But I really think giving all of them happy endings was really a concerted effort to be different from Dawson's Creek. And the reason I believe that is that they even brought on James Van Der Beek in a small role where he played a director... kind of a wink to his character in DC and he's talking to Lucas about his book that's going to be turned into a movie. It's something that's so similar to DC. Both Dawson and Lucas wrote books, movies, or TV shows about their lives. James' character has this to say "All right, clear your head, all right? What if Haley... Dies? I'm saying think about it. People love that stuff." You can tell that sometimes the writers are poking fun at some of the Dawson's Creek writing choices and I fully support it lol
The writers on One Tree Hill weren't always great and there was certainly one completely rotten apple in that bunch... cough M*** S****** cough but it really seemed like they went into writing the show with the intentions that it was gonna be better than Dawson's Creek in every way. Now if only there could have been a Dawson's Creek/One Tree Hill crossover and we could have seen Pacey and Joey show up in OTH then it would have been perfect lol
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fanfic-lover-girl · 7 months
Unsung/Underappreciated Heroes of the Android Saga
These are the characters I feel don't get enough recognition in the narrative (or even fandom) for their actions in the android and cell saga.
Future Bulma
I think Trunks is praised more by other characters for piloting the time machine and saving the timeline than Future Bulma is for designing and building it. Especially considering the dire circumstances. I honestly don't remember Future Bulma being talked about much for her miraculous feat. I have been watching a ton of clips lately and my memory is still blank. Also, this woman is a great mom! She raised Trunks very well :)
Present Bulma
She made the remote that could have ended the cell saga before things got worse. However, Krillin literally stomped all over her hard work when he decided to simp for 18.
Goku may be the best fighter but Piccolo is the leader. He was the one who relayed the information about the androids to the others. He was the one leading the effort against Imperfect Cell. He was the one who fought the best out of the Z fighters against the Cell Jrs. Even better than Vegeta and Trunks. And rallied Tien and Yamcha to defend Goku. I don't think Piccolo is acknowledged enough for being the voice of reason on the team.
Tien Shinhan
Forget the epic tri beam against Semi-Perfect Cell. This man deserves some credit for going to help Piccolo even though he stood no chance against the androids. Good thing he was there otherwise 18 would have been Cell food way sooner. What a role model!
And now...the true MVP of the Cell games. The person who arguably helped Gohan more than Goku or Piccolo ever did in that battle...I present to you...
Android 16 deserved the world. He is the only one to jump in to help Gohan. Granted Piccolo and Goku were about to as well. But he did not have to have a dad quarrel first before he took action! And he helped Gohan to unleash his potential. Unlike Goku who just threw Gohan to the wolves and misunderstood the nature of his son's power, 16 was able to connect with Gohan calmly on an emotional level. He understood Gohan's gentle nature and urged him to use his power to protect people. A true MVP. Too bad Gohan likely destroyed his processor chip during his power-up :(. 16 you left us too soon...
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they-them-that · 10 months
(spoilers for Zero Calcare's "The World Can't Tear Me Down")
I just finished binging "The World Can't Tear Me Down" on Netflix. It's a heavy watch that tackles white supremacy and xenophobia but it was well done imo and a great follow up to "Tear Along The Dotted Line". A lot of adult comedies can be flimsy (and outright problematic) about how it represents social issues and I was worried this series would toe that line but it was able to represent how people get coaxed into supporting the wrong side without excusing them either. It isn't black and white although I do think it's still important to hold individuals' responsible for the way they hurt others.
Cesare and Sara are Italian born citizens who despite being disenfranchised in their own ways, do end up threatening stability for the refugees which is an abuse of their privilege. Although I can understand that Sara's plight is both due to her own struggles and being misled to believe the school shut down is due to the refugee shelter, I couldn't really sympathize when her motivations felt ultimately selfish and at the expense of the refugees' safety. At the same time, I can understand how Zero was conflicted as a cishet white male who's also a famous cartoonist. Zero obliviously tells Sara they're "still young" and Sara had to point out that a woman nearing her 40's is seen as socially useless, something Zero failed to consider when a man in his late 30's isn't looked down on in the same way (and he's someone who's already gained a stable job where he doesn't have to job hunt at his age unlike Sara). Zero was also confronted with his own privilege that challenged his right to judge others with Cesare who was victim to the social stigma and government neglect against addicts and impoverished people. All of this while Zero is conflicted on whether or not he should speak about the xenophobia on TV because of the way it could affect his career. The fact he was considering being quiet himself but lectured Sara and Cesare for their complacency/participation in the issue was a deliberate point of hypocrisy and we'll never know what Zero would've done in the end.
Zero spends the series reckoning with the complexities of moral righteousness that isn't as simple as doing the right thing when there are complicated circumstances behind making poor decisions that aren't just pure bigotry (but still deserves to be called out). At the same time, we get Selco who also grew up disenfranchised but still understood what side he's meant to support. He calls out Zero for essentially turning a social issue into a personal plight of virtue when what really mattered was standing up against Nazis. We end up seeing Sara own up to her mistake and join the protestors (although she condemns the violence in a way that treats it like both sides are equally at fault when it isn't) and Cesare also opens up about what really mattered to him, turning his back on the Nazis (but not exactly looking out for the refugees).
Among our main cast, there isn't actually a role model for us to project onto as the ideal moral pillar, something that the series purposely deconstructs for us with Sara's character. It reminds us that we're all people and we're not always going to make the right decisions nor the people we care about will either. We just have to keep doing our best and help those near us to stay on the right path. We have to grapple with our own privileges, complacency, and hypocrisy to be activists. We have to understand the humanness that comes from veering off that path in order to help those who do and to be able to diagnose the problem. That it's not just an individual decision but a systemic problem.
The only big complaint I have is that the refugees felt like a backdrop to the story of Zero's philosophizing despite the creator criticizing himself for doing the same thing, which may be the humanness I brought up earlier. Understandably, Zero didn't get to interact with any of the refugees until the end of the series and he clearly empathizes with what they go through but having the one refugee wax poetic to shed perspective on our White Italian male protagonist wasn't as moving as maybe it was meant to be.
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