#she feels like her life has no value other than being his wife
whenuwishuponastar · 4 months
Travis: *realizes he's in an abusive relationship* Oh I'm my mother- OH MY GOd- this is horrible! I've been trying so hard not to be my father I didn't see this coming!
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daydreamer-in-reverie · 2 months
I want to put focus on how significant parents are in the Hunger Games franchise, most especially on the role a parent has in shaping their child’s psyche and I want to do this by using Katniss, Peeta and Snow as reference. 
In the books and the movies, parents are more or less background characters. We truly only see glimpses of them. Both of Peeta’s parents are alive yet we rarely see them featured prominently in the books/movies. Both of Snow’s parents are dead and we only get to hear of them in passing and while Mrs. Everdeen is alive, she’s often relegated to the background because of how dismissive Katniss is towards her mother. 
Yet these characters and the very essence of their beings are shaped by their parents. 
Beginning with Katniss, we saw how deeply her father’s death wounded her. He was their provider, the sole person responsible for bringing food onto their table. We know how deeply he was loved by his children and his wife and how beloved he was by the other citizens of 12 by Katniss’ stories. Mr. Everdeen was a well known figure in the Hobb and Katniss firmly believed that it was because of him that people took pity on her and allowed her to bargain with them. It was his death that served as a catalyst to Katniss’ journey to becoming a Victor. Without his death, without Katniss being forced to hunt to serve her family, she wouldn’t have made it out of the arena. To Katniss, her father was the hero deserving of being placed on a pedestal and it was his values and actions that she tried desperately to emulate to protect her family. 
On the other hand, Katniss scorned her mother. She hated Mrs. Everdeen’s inaction when she spiraled into a deep depression after her husband died. And though it wasn’t Mrs. Everdeen’s fault, I can’t blame Katniss for feeling this way about her mother. She and her sister were near the brink of death by starvation on the day she met Peeta. Even when Mr. Everdeen was alive, Katniss was partial to her father because he stoked the rebellion in Katniss’ heart while it was her mother who tried to stop it. Katniss perceived her mother’s depression as a weakness and even after she got better, Katniss was determined to keep her at arms length. The love she felt for her mother may have been unconditional but she constantly put her mother under the test. Waiting to see if she would disappoint her, fail her by abandoning her once again. And when Prim died and Mrs. Everdeen left for District 4, Katniss’s unconscious bias against her mother was once again reaffirmed. 
It’s why Katniss struggles to form a good bond with motherly characters like Effie but maintains relatively good relationships with fatherly figures like Haymitch and Cinna. Katniss openly admits that of the two people who guided them throughout the Hunger Games, it was Haymitch she was most alike. They grew up at the Seam, and shared similar features and she was adamant that should she have been forced into becoming a mentor like Haymitch was, she was looking at what her future would have looked like. Drunk and continuously intoxicated like Haymitch was. 
On the other hand, we have Peeta. 
Peeta was routinely abused by his mother. While we don’t know the full extent of what it was he had to endure, we know that it wasn’t a pleasant experience. Peeta’s mother took pride in the knowledge that District 12 would finally have another Victor, and she wasn’t referring to Peeta. We saw him take a beating to feed Katniss and whatever relationship Peeta had with his father was practically nonexistent. It was his mother that served to be the looming presence in his life the same way Katniss’ father haunted her. It’s why I believe Peeta got along so well with Effie and why Effie likely preferred Peeta over Katniss. Aside from the fact that Peeta was so much more civil to Effie than Katniss was to Effie, Peeta always deferred to Effie. He and Effie are similar in the same way Katniss and Haymitch are similar. 
Peeta was characterized to be of the merchant class, the “upper” class of District 12. As a given, Effie is from the Capitol, the upper crust of Panem. It was Effie who provided Katniss and Peeta with the script necessary to ensure their survival after the 74th Games and in return, Effie knew how effectively a person’s image and reputation could mean life and death in the arena and in this, Peeta is in agreement. While Katniss may have used a bow as a weapon, Peeta used his words. He always knew the right things to say and do to get people to side with him, so much so that he managed to convince the careers of the 74th Games, his biggest enemies in the arena, to ally with him. Had anyone else been in his situation, they would have been killed. Peeta craved Effie’s maternalism the same way Katniss craved Haymitch’s paternalism because these were the things they lacked growing up.
And then there’s Coriolanus, who lost both his parents and it is both of these parents who haunt him. His mother, described to be beautiful and kind, was represented by the powder compact he kept with him constantly. His father, harsh and cruel, represented by the handkerchief that Snow kept with him.
In TBOSAS, Snow has two mentors himself. 
Dean Highbottom and Dr. Gaul.
It’s not lost on me that in them, the characterization of the two are reversed from Snow’s parents. Highbottom, like Snow’s father is stern and harsh. He is Snow’s biggest critic and while I doubt Mr. Snow would go so far as to hate his own child, he would not have been kind to Coriolanus had he lived past the war. Yet Highbottom and Mr. Snow’s similarities end there. Because of Highbottom’s remorse and the kindness that he showed Lucy Gray after she won the Games, he takes after Snow’s mother in that regard. He is compassionate and filled with horror at the abomination he created.
On the other hand, Gaul treats Snow with a gentleness that Highbottom never had for him. Though Snow finds Gaul creepy, it is Gaul that takes him under his wing. It is Gaul who stitches up his wounds after he is attacked in the arena and retrieves Sejanus and Gaul who praises him for his ingenuity at suggesting the sponsoring system. Gaul genuinely likes Snow and begins grooming him to become her replacement in the event that she dies. But while Gaul may have been a woman with the capacity for gentleness, she is a terrible human being who threw children into the arena to fight for their survival. She is the same woman who hung a child for running away from the games and paraded the corpses of children on the streets of the Capitol. She is pure evil. She is exactly like Snow’s father. 
It isn’t loss on me that Snow, who has an abundance of maternal figures in his grandmother and Tigris, chooses to take after Gaul, who is externally like his mother but internally like his father, rather than Highbottom, who is the opposite. 
At every instance Snow had to do good, to choose to do the right thing and be like his mother, he intentionally continued to do the evil thing for the sake of his selfishness and be like his father. 
“You look just like your father, Coriolanus.” Were the words Tigris used to describe him at the end of the movie because that is precisely who he chose to become. 
And as Snow poisons Highbottom and becomes a gamemaker under Gaul’s tutelage, he kills whatever remnant of his mother he had left in him, fully embodying his cruel father’s ideals.
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just-b-wilde · 7 days
The Umbrella Academy: the concept of second love, finding yourself, a little controversy and loss
I've noticed a very similar concept recurring with characters in TUA, and I'd like to break it down for each character individually. I'll take them by their numbers.
#1 Luther
First Love: Allison
Controversial relationship (adopted siblings)
Partially unrequited love - he was never as important to Allison as she is to him + later manipulates him (a sign of toxicity)
Still, she's very important in the development of his story and they have some nice moments and she's important to his character development, though mostly it's about him agonizing over his love for her (he falls for Sloane all the more quickly in my opinion, as he thirsts for true love)
Second Love: Sloane
Romantic relationship, despite the obstacles their feelings for each other are very pure and they have some very cute scenes together
Luther has found in her someone who understands and accepts him for who he is
Found and lost thanks to the time jump (reboot)
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#2 Diego
First Love: Eudora
Partial cooperation
Tragic loss: Eudora's death - partially helps his character development
Second love: Lila
From his point of view, an initially casual yet intense relationship
Controversy: Their relationship is built on Lila's lies and manipulation (she was interested in him because it was her mission, kidnaps him to the Commission and later lies to him about "their son")
Even though they are later married and have three children together, their marriage is dysfunctional
Relationship loss: Lila wants a break because she is unsure about their marriage, later falls in love with Five
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#3 Allison
First Love: Luther
(Yes, it's probably appropriate to mention Patrick, but he was never really in the plot, so I won't mention him even though they were married and had a daughter together.)
More of a childhood crush
She valued him most when she didn't have anyone else around
(See Luther's points)
Second love: Raymond
Her true love
He knew the truth about her and accepted her
Found and lost thanks to the time jump
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#4 Klaus
First "love": Alcohol and drug addiction
An unexpected and controversial choice? Perhaps, but this "love" was very devastating and made Klaus do many crazy things
His eternal affairs can't be considered love.
Second love: Dave
The only man Klaus loved more than himself (his words)
Found and lost thanks to the time jump
Klaus got rid of his addiction thanks to him (which then came back thanks to him, but he was definitely able to help him from his "toxic love")
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#5 Five
First Love: Dolores
His fantasy created through loneliness and trauma
She helped him through his years in a post-apocalyptic world
Despite not being a "healthy relationship" it had a place in Five's story and was important to his development (among other things, it foreshadowed how sensitive Five could be when he fell in love)
Second Love: Lila
His first true love
Lila was the only one who ever truly understood him and understood what he was going through + he had the happiest moments of his life with her (finally)
Controversy: she was still his brother's wife at the time, yet we know that, given the circumstances, she hadn't been with Diego for years (and wanted a break before that)
Love found through being lost in time and "lost" through going back in time
Tragic ending: erased from existence
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#6 Ben
First love: Jill
One-sided crush (Jill didn't really know Ben existed)
He had partially distorted ideas about her
Jill reminds me partly of Dolores, since Ben as a ghost had very limited options
Second Love: Jennifer
A fateful yet devastating love
Feelings affected by other circumstances (Marigold and Durango)
Tragic ending: death
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#7 Vanya/Victor
First "love": Leonard
A relationship built on a foundation of manipulation and lies
Yet Vanya herself mentioned the feelings she had for him, even if they were based on lies
Killed by Vanya, part of the reason for the apocalypse
Second Love: Sissy
Her/his true love
Controversy: A married woman with a family
Found and lost thanks to the time jump
Part of the reason for the apocalypse (Harlen)
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#8 Lila
First Love: Diego
Their relationship had a very toxic foundation, from my perspective it was also based on Lila's rebellion against The Handler
An intense relationship, especially sexual
Their relationship gave her the family she wanted
See Diego's points
Second Love: Five
A romantic relationship
A collaborative partnership
Controversy: the killing of her family (who later live again)
Concept: enemies to lovers
See Five's points
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It is very interesting from my point of view that their relationships often have common points. Usually the first loves carry a trace of a certain toxicity and only the second love is the real one (though this point is slightly moot with Diego, as his healthier relationship was definitely with Eudora and Ben wasn't entirely lucky in that regard either).
Also, they all found their loves based on the time jump and also lost them based on another time event. Death is also a very common part of the story.
I also find it interesting that most, for the sake of their relationships, opposed their family (in various forms) no matter what it brought - everyone would be very selfish for their happiness.
What do you think about this?
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whateverisbeautiful · 16 days
♥️Reveling in Richonne - TOWL
#48: The Wedding Plans (1.05)
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Of all the Jadis and Father Gabriel flashbacks, this was the best one right here because we get to learn something so special - Rick wanted to have a wedding with Michonne. 😭 Officially marrying his wife is one of the many milestones that trifling Jadis stole from them, and Michonne also addresses some other missed milestones Jadis took from them as they hunt her down 🚖...
Flashing back to two years ago, Jadis and Father Gabriel have another one of their annual meetings in the forest. Jadis asks, “How’s Rick’s wife doing?” And I do like hearing Michonne be referred to as 'Rick’s wife' by someone, even tho it’s one of my least favorite someones.
Father Gabriel says, “Michonne? She’s away helping people.” And even with this, I was like...SIR, are you at all curious why Jadis is curious about how Rick’s wife - who Jadis wasn’t close to - is doing? Like, please...
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I'm not even saying Father Gabriel needed to immediately put together that Jadis had anything to do with Rick, since he, like many, thought Rick died. But still, he could have at least been a bit more suspicious of Jadis' whole situation and told some people back home about her and her helicopter.
And then I’m side-eying Father Gabriel again when he asks, “Why did you call her his wife?” Gabe, you have to ask? 😑 Lol, I know it’s not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but, the second I even realized these two were having these yearly meet-ups, everything they said and did had me looking at both of them like...
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Jadis says, “I mean, wasn’t she?” And I just know she’s thinking about how Rick barely says five words to her in Philly and most of those words are about his wife. 😋
Father Gabriel says, “Well not officially. If that matters anymore.” I said now Father G, I know you see Michonne every day raising those kids and wearing a wedding ring around her neck. That’s Rick’s wife, stop playing. 
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Also, in TWD I was proud of Father Gabriel when he had his whole evolution into a real one and became a valued member of the group. But seeing TOWL made me remember that while Father G has grown a lot, this man did in fact enter this franchise with snake tendencies.
Had me wondering if his snake past is what makes him intrinsically drawn to this snake Jadis. But little does Father G know, that while he's actually tried to improve himself, Jadis is still slithering through life and causing so much harm.
Something I do like about this exchange between them tho is it feels like yet another thing TOWL came to set the record straight on regarding Richonne. Like for all the viewers that used to comment “no ring, no marriage,” stuff about Richonne, this was TOWL being like nope, Rick and Michonne are and have long been husband and wife, period. 👌🏽
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This show didn't allow any room to downplay, discredit, or dismiss who Rick and Michonne are to each other and how much they mean to each other and I'll always appreciate TOWL for that. 😌
Then we get to the best part of these Jadis/Father Gabriel flashbacks when Father Gabriel says, “It’s funny. One day, Rick said that I should marry them. Maybe we should do it right there on the bridge that we were building”
Y’all. 🫠 When I tell you I was gagged when I heard that the first time.
I had been ready for them to just hurry this Jadis/Father G scene up but then I heard that line and...
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I adore that we got to learn that Rick wanted to have a wedding and was making plans for it before he was taken. He wanted to marry Michonne on the bridge. 🥹 The very bridge he was then taken from her for years. 🥺
Watching Rick's season 9 episodes back, they’re now even better knowing that making his marriage to Michonne official was on his mind. It’s almost like you can see it with certain scenes, even tho obviously this detail was more added in TOWL rather than pre-planted in TWD.
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It’s so sweet too because Rick was so adamant about that bridge being completed and I love knowing that it was both because of its practicality/symbolism of unity bringing the communities together and because it was where he and Michonne could celebrate their own special union with a wedding.
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gif cred: @perryabbott
This was esepcially great to hear because I had always felt that Rick would be the type to give Michonne a ring and want that traditional solidification of their marriage. So it was nice to hear these details that show he really was working on it. 🥹
Also, another TWD scene that becomes extra emotional upon learning that Rick wanted to marry Michonne on the bridge is Michonne’s first scene post-Rick in 9.06.
Michonne goes to the destroyed bridge years later and essentially expresses how she’s still so committed to Rick and still fighting for him and them and their family. It’s almost like she's saying vows.
And little did Michonne know (because I’m sure Father Gabriel’s secret-squirrel behind didn’t tell her) that bridge is the very place Rick wanted them to exchange vows and get married. 😭
Rick truly does look at Michonne and see his future because he had big plans for the two of them in season 9. He was fully ready to have a wedding and a baby with her in his final TWD eps.
Also, in the season 8 premiere, Maggie asks Rick if he’s been thinking about what 'tomorrow' looks like and he confidently says "Yes I have" as well as telling Maggie, "After this, I’m following you."
I already always got the sense that part of that meant Rick was thinking about expanding his family by having a baby with Michonne. But I like how now after TOWL that s8 scene really reads like Rick was thinking about having a baby with Michonne and officially marrying her. That's what he wanted his 'tomorrow' to look like. 🥲
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And a Richonne bridge wedding would have been beautiful. 🥹 In my head, Rick and Michonne definitely go on to have a wedding with their kids a part of it now that they’re back home. 
Father Gabriel says, “But I couldn’t see the future he described, so I sat on a log in the forest, and there at my feet in the dirt right in front of me was a ring. It seemed like it’d make a pretty nice wedding ring.”
See, see, see, even when others don’t see your vision, God gon’ see the vision. And He always makes a way. Amen. 🙌🏽
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And Richonne is blessed and highly favored so of course a ring showed up. 😇
But then...y’all, I have to side-eye Father Gabriel yet again with what he does next.
Father Gabriel says how he picked up the ring and thought to put it someplace that Rick would find it “because I could suddenly see that someday” and then this man takes the ring out, revealing that he’s been holding onto it all these years 🙃...
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Um imo, it would have been nice if shortly after the bridge he had told this story to Michonne and let her decide what she wanted to do with the ring.
Michonne clearly finds a lot of solace in these types of sentimental items and wore a wedding ring around her necklace. It could have possibly been a comforting thought for her to know this was the ring Rick might have proposed with since he was planning on them getting formally married with a priest and everything.
IDK, this was just making me feel like team family tried Michonne once again. 
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Father Gabriel says sadly, “But then what happened, happened.” And Jadis, perhaps masking remorse but still as self-centered as always, just starts talking about how she looks forward to their next visit and the chance to just sit and talk and feel like who she was. How can she be so unmoved by the fact that she’s kept two people who love each other dearly apart for years? She got to have moments of feeling like who she was while Rick lost himself day by day. 😑
Jadis starts opening up a bit more about what she does and how it weighs on her but she’s committed to the mission and...they just can never make me like Jadis, tbh. 😪 Even when she's supposed to be showing her more human side I'm still just like...
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And then Father Gabriel gets one more side-eye from me when he gives Jadis of all people that ring. What? 🙃
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The only thing I like about that choice to give her the ring is that it’s kinda like the ring had a similar journey to Rick. It was stuck with Jadis for years but then eventually found its way to its rightful person - Michonne. 👌🏽
But otherwise, I was like 'Father G, why would you...???' Jadis of all people should hold onto the ring he found for Rick to give to Michonne?? 😪 Wasn’t exactly here for that choice. But that wedding ring leads to not one but two of my absolute favorite Richonne moments going forward so it’s all good now. 😌👌🏽
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gif cred: @perryabbott
In the present, Rick and Michonne engage in a car chase with Jadis.
Rick says they can’t kill her but Michonne begs to differ saying, “Oh we can.” I promise Michonne and I stay on the same wavelength at all times lol. 💁🏽‍♀️ Michonne,...
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Rick says, “I told you, she left a file about home for the CRM to find.” Michonne knows Jadis is just a neverending source of destruction when she says, “To destroy Alexandria because that’s what she does, Rick. She destroys!” Wrong where? 💯
Also, I love the little detail of seeing Michonne is wearing the M bracelet while she’s driving. Like they had to rush to get dressed and go chase after Jadis but Michonne still said I’m gonna remember to put on this bracelet from my man before we go. Here for it. 😊
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gif cred: @ricksmarlene
And then I so appreciate that we get a moment for Richonne to acknowledge the valuable and important life moments and milestones Rick missed because of Jadis as Michonne says, “She robbed us of you being there to see your son being born. Taking his first step.” 😭
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I love that she says robbed ‘us’ because Rick being there to see his son being born and RJ's first steps would have been such incredibly special moments for Rick and Michonne to share. 😢
And Jadis really took that from them. Because while yes Rick was going to need the kind of medical assistance the Civic Republic could provide to survive the injuries he got from that rebar, he eventually would have been healed up enough to go home and recover there and be present for at least the tail end of Michonne’s pregnancy and birth. If only he hadn’t been held captive somewhere he couldn’t leave. 😞
Then I absolutely adore that, upon hearing Michonne mention super special milestones that Rick has missed in his wife and son’s life, Rick is immediately on the kill-Jadis train as he says, “Okay, what do we do after she’s dead?” I love the switch-up and how he’s instantly on board. 😋 He knows Jadis has got to go for, as he said before, stealing their family.
Michonne says they’ll do whatever they have to do and sis is not playing. 👏🏽 Jadis ain’t making it out of today alive if Michonne has anything to do with it.
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gif cred: @nerd4music
Michonne rams into Jadis’ car and then they eventually get Jadis to crash off the path. As they continue their Jadis hunt down on foot, Jadis flees and enlists the help of that one noodle-less trio. She clearly has a scheme in mind because one thing about a snake...
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In the woods, Rick tells Michonne that the CRM's bases are spread out across the country and they have to figure out which one Jadis hid the dossier in. Rick suggests there might be a route where they can take Jadis alive and talk to her to get some info.
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Rick notes how Jadis clearly hated being called Anne and he thinks that the Anne-version of Jadis is still in there somewhere. (Both versions gotta go, in my book 🤷🏽‍♀️)
He says, “If there’s something she can give us first - something to keep Alexandria safe.” But Michonne feels they don’t need Jadis for that when she says, “We’ll keep it safe." And then, determined for Jadis to meet her maker before the sun sets, Michonne adamantly says, "But she’s gonna die.”
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You already know I'm with that energy. But I get where Rick is coming from too as he says, “We need to keep it safe without risking anything."
Rick then adds, "I couldn’t see some things. I couldn’t. You helped me. Maybe we can help her, and if we can’t...” And Michonne is in her full deadly mode as she finishes Rick’s sentence saying, “Then I can kill her.” She is not interested in deprogramming that lady. 😂
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gif cred: @taiturner
First; I love that Rick stays giving Michonne credit for how she helped him. He knows that after the mental warfare the CRM did on him, he was finally able to see the light - the real light not ‘the last light of the world’ - because of his wife.
And second; it’s admirable that Rick has it in his heart to want to help even someone who has done him so wrong. However…Jadis done had too many chances for help and she squandered it or took advantage of it every time cuz she’s a snake through and through. So the time for helping her has passed, which is why Michonne is hellbent on killing her.
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Rick says, “Be my guest." because while he knows Jadis can be a resource to getting things they need, he also doesn't mind if she gets sent six feet under. I mean, killing her was a dream of his so he gets it. 👌🏽
Then Rick says, "Maybe just maim first.” and that delivery is great and always makes me smile. 😊 Rick trying to talk killing down to maiming - you can tell he knows his wife is gonna rip Jadis up somehow someway for everything she’s done to him and their family.
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gif cred: @taiturner
I don’t think Michonne even quite heard Rick's 'maim' comment cuz she spots some fresh blood on a tree and as a lethal woman on the hunt, she’s immediately ready to follow where it leads. And as they go, this pursuit leads to Richonne's final confrontation with Jadis. 😌👌🏽
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mixtpecas · 2 months
It's 2 am and I'm just thinking about how Cas and Eileen became such complimentary partners for Dean and Sam even when the show (slash Chuck) didn't let them have a happy ending.
Like, Sam wanted independence from his family and hunting. Not because he hated hunting necessarily, but because it represented everything his dad seemed to value over him and his opinions. And throughout the show he does make his own choices, but more often than not they end up with him getting possessed or some other kind of loss of autonomy. And with everyone he dates there seems to be that fear of losing control - not that he's controlling per say, but that he can't really let his guard down. Jess, Amy, Amelia, might know About him, but he doesn't seem to show much real vulnerability or deeper trust in them.
And Eileen gets that - she was written to mirror Sam, but it's not like she's his clone. While Sam seems more run down by everything that's happened to him by the time he meets her, Eileen still has that fire that leads her to do good on her own terms. And because she understands both the hunting and independence aspects of Sam's life, her and Sam can see each other as equals, instead of falling into that civilian/hunter or protector/protectee approach that relationships in the show usually lean towards. It's a real breath of fresh air for me, and feels a lot like how I'd imagine an ideal relationship for Sam - someone that isn't afraid to challenge him, but also encourages him to speak up for himself and value his own feelings.
Then with Dean, there's a lot of similarities to Sam (obviously, with their shared upbringing lol) but he can also be his counterpart. Sam wants trust placed in him and independence, Dean wants commitment and for someone to not leave him. But like Sam's relationships, Dean definitely falls right into the Protector role and what he thinks he should be doing, not what he actually needs or wants (like with Cassie and Lisa). And for him, I feel like it's less about not trusting them (Dean actually confides in people fairly often!) but more about his understandings about relationships and his own self. Dean has been treated (intentionally and unintentionally) as a blunt instrument, someone unchangeable, someone to look to for comfort, etc. even before Mary died ("It's okay Mom, I'll never leave you" comes to mind).
Cas reflects this in the extreme - any of his own feelings were lobotimized out of him and it was seen as impossible for angels to feel at all without falling. For him, he could see Dean as a smaller-scale mirror to what he was feeling. And Dean could see Cas as a more abstract, less intimidating way to see his own life. Like Eileen and Sam, Dean and Cas understand each other as soon as they meet each other. Cas tells Dean he has doubts! Dean prays to Cas after a lifetime of not believing in angels! Their similarities let them connect but their differences let them grow - Dean is so stubborn and full of feeling that Cas finally has the final push to rebel. Cas is the most powerful thing Dean's ever met when he saves him from Hell, so Dean feels safe to rely on him and trust someone to answer him if he asks (or prays). And again, their similarities are at the ground of it all, so they stay as partners and equals.
For Chuck (and the writers) this kind of healthier partnership dynamic goes against the kind of romance they love, that focuses on avoidance and saviour complexes. If Dean and Sam feel secure in their senses of self outside of one another, and are encouraged to keep that up, what happens to the Cycles of Family Trauma Show?? Plus, there's the added elements of Cas being a man and Eileen being deaf (resulting in Despair and the Blurry Wife). Sam and Dean both needed Eileen and Cas at certain points in their stories, whether that was to rescue them, motivate them, give them something to lose, etc. But even though plot development was the main intention for these relationships, they signalled something outside of the routine Cain and Abel story. Instead of just representing that kind of unattainable happy future, Eileen and Cas developed genuine relationships with the brothers that encouraged them to be more genuine people, and eventually led them to defeat God.
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miguelswifey04 · 1 year
hello!! :3
i was wondering if u could write miguel o’hara x wife!reader who is also in spider society who is a complete badass like miguel literally worships the ground she walks on and he always agrees with anything she says cause he’s so whipped for her and usually they go on missions together and he loves watching her fight HE JUST LOVES HER TOO MUCH
i would love to see what you do with this :33
have an amazing day/night <3333
miguel o’hara x wife!spider-woman! reader
warnings: none; pure fluff
how you met miguel was the fact that he miraculously stumbled upon your dimension when he began to travel through the multiverse. you were the first spider-woman he had encountered and it was love at first sight for miguel. he had fallen for you first then you fell in love with him over the course of being by his side during inter-dimensional travels. miguel confessed his love for you and you reciprocated his feelings, and sooner rather than later you both tied the knot—it was a small but a very pretty ceremony. together, you and miguel founded the spider society.
miguel made you his wife and his partner in missions always having you by his side…he never wanted anything bad to happen to you. he felt more at ease that as his wife you could be with him 24/7 and keep an eye out for you. miguel is completely enamored by your strength, skill, and fierce nature, admiring your abilities as a complete badass. he idolizes and worships the ground you walk on, always agreeing with you and standing by your side, completely whipped for you. you were his girl and his darling, of course he would never want to lose you. he’d do anything to make you happy.
“i love you so much, sweetheart.”
“i love you more, miguel.”
it would be moments like those were you both exchanges words of love for one another during missions or when you both work along side each other at the spider society. he’s captivated by your fluid movements, your strategic thinking, and the sheer power you exude. he feels an overwhelming surge of pride and love as he witnesses the intense battles that you fearlessly dive into.
miguel never misses an opportunity to support you and ensure your safety during these missions. he’ll have your back without hesitation, utilizing his own unique abilities to provide cover or diversion, always placing you well-being as his top priority.
as you fight side by side, miguel can't help but feel a mix of emotions: admiration for your strength, pride in your accomplishments, and an overpowering love that permeates every aspect of your partnership. he considers himself blessed to share his life and collaborate with someone as capable and extraordinary as his wife.
your shared experiences and your unwavering dedication to one another have forged a bond that surpasses any obstacle in your path. it’s a connection built on trust, respect, and an unbreakable love that miguel cherishes deeply.
in the dynamic between the two of you, miguel’s admiration for you as his wife is boundless, extending beyond just your fighting skills. he views you as his equal, his partner, and his inspiration. he respects your opinions and values your thoughts, often finding himself agreeing with your perspective because he has complete faith in your better judgment.
your relationship is a balance of intense passion, unwavering support, and a profound love that shapes your every interaction. together, you both navigate the intricacies of your missions, driven by a shared purpose and an unbreakable bond that allows both of you to face any challenge that comes their way.
miguel’s love for you as his wife knows no bounds, and he takes every opportunity to express it in his actions, his words, and the way he reveres you as you both embark on their joint journey within the spider society. miguel and you are unstoppable and nobody will threaten to come between the two of you.
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youbutstupid · 2 months
What are the flaws of each Criminal Minds character? Because these things I glossed over while watching the show. Unleash the essay, if you have to!
I’m gonna fight someone, I wrote a response to this but my app refreshed! Time to speedrun this response again omg I’m so sorry.
DISCLAIMER: I love every single character but that doesn’t mean I am blind to the fact that they are all flawed and fleshed out human beings.
Gideon: he was unempathetic to those he worked with. He was incredibly kind and compassionate to the victims and even the unsubs at times, but the only time we saw him truly give value as a superior was to Reid and Garcia, and even they got the short end of the stick at times.
Hotch: he unfortunately paid the price for his, but it was a lack of empathy for Haley and the fact that she never signed up for marrying an FBI agent. He let his job cloud the fact that he should have been prioritising his son and wife and he sadly didn’t realise this until the divorce papers were finalised.
Reid: he is very emotional, which is mostly a good thing, but it does mean that he can let it cloud what he is supposed to do in a situation and what is right, leading to irrational actions, as seen in Fisher King pt 2, Elephant’s Memory, Memorium and his journey in Mexico. I’m not saying his arrest was his fault of course, but I am saying that whether he got framed or not, there were other risks to crossing the border without notifying the FBI to collect experimental medicine, and his emotions clouded him from those risks. It puts his team in tricky positions and also puts his life in danger.
Morgan: he was very doubtful towards people’s views and ideas. If I had a shot for every time he doubted a true thing that somebody said or said that they shouldn’t be working a case when they should be, I would be so blackout drunk. Obviously he is allowed to doubt things, but he takes it too far and it prevents him from seeing what is right in front of him.
Elle: I understand that she needed somebody to blame in order to rationalise her trauma and the person who caused it was dead, but she was wrong to blame Hotch and she never went back on it. Hotch sent her home with the idea that Anderson would be watching over her, he could never have predicted that Anderson would leave her alone or that Gideon would anger Garner.
JJ: love her but the Reid confession was icky and gross. She had other 35 years of experience in life, came from a small town background, covered up Prentiss’ death and was a part of classified missions overseas and you’re telling me the only secret she could think to tell was telling the guy who used to have a crush on her that she was in love with him whilst she had a husband and two sons? I like to pretend this never happened for my own sanity.
Garcia: she is also very emotional, which can be a good thing most of the time, but other times it leads to her making decisions without considering their consequences. One example is her visiting the man who tried to murder Reid because she personally felt bad; I adore her but she didn’t consider that her motives were selfish because she just wanted closure, she didn’t consider if this could have been triggering to Reid, the people he had murdered or even if the man wanted to see her at all. There are also times when she wastes time by refusing to look things up because she feels weird doing it, even though there are lives on the line.
Prentiss: the line ‘you mourned the loss of one friend, I mourned the loss of six.’ Surely she realised that carrying what you thought was your best friend’s dead body in a coffin whilst thinking that she was wiped out of existence forever is very different than being in France and missing your friends but knowing that they are very much alive.
Rossi: he often tries to justify his crappy actions in the past when he should just apologise. Even if he has to apologise multiple times, it is no one’s jobs to understand his actions that hurt other people, it is his job to rectify them however that may be. I’m glad he has changed and grown, but that doesn’t undo the hurt that he has caused.
Todd: she had every reason not to fully trust the team because she doesn’t know them, but she needed to at least trust that they could do their jobs and do them well. I understand that she had never been in that line of work before, but she was not open to understanding either and that put her in tricky positions.
Seaver: I think she came to the bau with the hope of finding closure for her past and that meant that she was not 100% sure what it actually was that she was signing up for, leading to her often falling behind as an agent. She tried to learn, but she was just too unprepared for what it entailed.
Blake: I love her but the whole thing in the earlier episodes of her telling Reid that she’s glad he didn’t take her joke about him being autistic too seriously because apparently no one can take a joke these days made me feel icky. Even if Reid did take her joke seriously, it is no one’s responsibility to find your offensive jokes funny, it is your responsibility not to make them.
Callahan: like Morgan, she was often sceptical about things and whilst, again, she has every right to be, it did mean that sometimes she was clouded to some truths because she simply couldn’t see them.
Tara: she immediately assumed that the reason her brother didn’t go to college was simply because he had gone off the rails and was the less successful sibling. Her straight A student brother suddenly dropped out of education and she didn’t stop to see if he was okay or suffering in any way for him to have done this in the first place. She of course had no obligation to help him once he had started asking for financial help and making bad decisions, but she could have at least wondered why all of this started. I think her dad was largely to blame for this though.
Alvez: he was not ready to have and then move in with his girlfriend when he did. He was still quite new to his job and way too committed with it, plus it was clear from the beginning that he had some feelings towards Penelope and he just didn’t seem to have the emotional availability at the time for Lisa. I know she didn’t break up with him for this reason, but I think that they needed to break up anyway as it kind of felt like she was being led on.
Simmons: adore him but what a field of work to be in with five kids. I’m glad his wife was understanding because idk how I would cope raising five kids whilst my husband was constantly away; this isn’t necessarily a flaw but rather a personal ick for me.
Walker: idk he’s just a little fella innit
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acrid-wondrland · 2 months
Random Taiju Shiba SFW and NSFW Headcanons
🥳Happy Birthday Taiju🎂
In honor of his birthday, I'm gonna do some personal Taiju hcs.
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Maybe Ill try and do this for each characters b-day moving forwards.
TW: Taiju lol. Violence. Traditional values. Religious intolerance. Potential internalized homophobia(?). Pregnancy.
⛪️Taiju is a morning person. He gets up early and has a full breakfast every day, no exceptions.
⛪️ He doesn't go to the gym. His physique is purely from his active lifestyle, fighting, and eating a bery healthy diet.
⛪️Taiju is extremely meticulous. He HATES anything being out of place or unclean. Even if you're depressed, you'd better make sure to not be a slob around him.
⛪️Taiju will never admit it, but he does feel bad about abusing his siblings. Doesn't mean he's reformed though.
⛪️He definitely mellows out significantly as an adult, but he still physically disciplines his kids. He uses a belt usually; he's convinced himself it's a lesser evil than using his fists like he did on Hakkai and Yuzuha.
⛪️That being said, it's not an often occurrence. Meeting and getting close to Luna and Mana and seeing Mitsuya's style of raising his siblings has really had a positive effect on Taiju.
⛪️If he hadn't become a restaurateur, Taiju would've loved to become a marine biologist since he loves ocean life. Or open his own Aquarium.
⛪️Taiju wants a traditional marriage with traditional gender roles. He will be the provider and leader of the household, and his wife will be the nurturer and support him and raise his children.
⛪️Regardless of his sexuality, this is what he wants. If he's gay, he'd still go this path for the sake of his religion. It's tragic.
⛪️Once the kids are grown enough to be on their own, Taiju wouldn't be opposed to his wife opening a home or online business. He thinks it's healthy, and - as she fulfilled her "required" role - she can do as she wishes. Obviously she keeps all her money. Taiju thinks it's shameful for a man to take money from his wife.
⛪️He's intolerant of other religions.
⛪️That being said, he doesn't confront people about it unless they do him first. But he will definitely mutter something bitter to himself if he sees preachers of other religions on the street.
📿 Tied with South for the biggest cock. Like, it's really just massive.
📿Circumsized ofc. Slight curve to the right. When he's hard, it's so heavy it hangs downwards.
📿Loves receiving oral because he knows it's too big to fit in most mouths. He enjoys that his partner is forced to suck, lick, and kiss around him. It's like he's being worshipped.
📿Was a virgin before marriage.
📿Loves pregnancy sex the most tbh. Something about it is just so hot to him. Just the thought of the fact that you're growing his kid inside of you turns him on, nonetheless the visual.
📿Taiju fucks fast and hard. BUT, if his wife asks for something more soft and loving, he will indulge her. He has no qualms about showing the person he is bound to until death a softer side if she wishes.
📿However...he will NOT sub. There isn't any point in which Taiju finds the idea of being dominated or being submissive as arousing. It's just not fun for him.
📿He can do any position, as long as he's the one in control. Ride him if you want, but he's the one who's going to be controlling the speed and movement.
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agentrouka-blog · 2 months
What made you first interested in Jonsa? I really want to love Jonsa. Which may sound strange. But hear me out. I’ve read all the metas and from a metatextual level I really agree with and believe in Jonsa. But I have trouble actually enjoying it and I think maybe it’s because so much content seems to focus on Jon pining over Sansa. I’d much prefer to see things from Sansa’s perspective where she sees the hero in him and sees that maybe all the songs aren’t lies after all as opposed to him “winning her over.” I feel I have been inundated my whole life with stories of outcast men pining over beautiful women they see as out of their league and “winning them over” and I honestly find the trope tiring because it’s so male perspective focused and doesn’t give Sansa the agency of choosing her lover, instead, making her something to be won or earned. If you have any suggestions for Jonsa content that focuses heavily on Sansa’s point of view, on her falling for Jon first (or at least falling for each other at the same time without realizing it) I’d love to hear them! And I’d love to hear what makes Jonsa appeal to you on a personal non-meta level!
Hi there!
I too draw a difference between Jonsa as a theory and shipping it for entertainment.
I've drifted quite a bit away from what you describe as "content", which is fanworks, art and fanfiction. My tastes are very narrow and that puts me outside the target audience for a lot of what is being shared by creators. Plus, I get a great deal more personal enjoyment out of just interpreting the canon text. I enjoy what the couple represents in the narrative more than I necessarily enjoy immersing myself in different non-canonical variants.
And there's a lot of variants. You have two similar but also very different canon-sources (books and tv show) and within those two sources very different takes on the couple. For as many "Jon pines for higborn Sansa" approaches you get an equal amount of "Sansa jealously pines for her brother's oblivious best friend" modern au's. What we enjoy in recreational reading is extremely personal and subjective.
That said, for fear of disappointing you, I don't particular enjoy the "Sansa falls first" scenarios because what I like about the couple especially is the idea of Sansa finally being appreciated for who she is. Canon offers us plenty of examples of Sansa extending affection and crushes on other characters. They are never truly reciprocated, and they join in on a theme of Sansa going unappreciated for her qualities by the world around her. She is disregarded, mocked, criticized, belittled, humiliated. So much so that a large part of the fandom considers this to be justified and educational for her. She has given up on being loved for herself, but she will not sacrifice her values as a consequence. So someone falling in love with her is to me a very compelling and cathartic validation of Sansa as a person. Of course, this only works if the person falling for Sansa is actually attractive to her and embodies the things we know she has been looking for all this time. But specifically the idea that Sansa falls first fails my personal taste because it contains a sense of lacking reciprocation that we've already seen multiple times in her story. She's been not-loved-in-return a lot already.
I do enjoy the concept of Jon being loved by Sansa, too, because it validated aspects of him he usually keeps close to his chest. Things that touch on his specific mixed sense of identity as a nobly-raised bastard. He has soft sensibilities, a romantic disposition, pedestrian dreams of family and home, and highly idealistic and emotional ideals surrounding leadership that center on duty and honor. But he is generally not appreciated for those specific things. He is appreciated for his brains and his abilities, his bravery, his pragmatism, his loyalty to his friends and duties - but not for the boy who wants to be Lord of Winterfell with a lady wife and babies, who wants to be a hero from the songs, Florian the Fool, Ryam Redwyne. It's a lovely and very specific recognition of a very private part of Jon, to be loved for his secret soft self.
But it's not my primary focus because unlike Sansa, Jon still receives a lot of validation and love in the source material. It's just not the specific kind he wants. So that makes it comparatively less compelling to me.
That doesn't mean that Sansa primarily falling in love with Jon isn't an equally valid thing to enjoy! It's just that I can't make you any good recommendations on this subject specifically because it's not my specific favorite flavor of jonsa.
I wish you good luck though!
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novembermorgon · 2 months
(different anon we're all just feeling for the lads ig) do maegor and his wife have children because that could finally be the girl babe myrielle wanted ;-; also listen. listen i know i'm making you take this super far but how would their respective wives get along. are they united together to defend from myrielle or
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really shocked at the curiousity about them but in a good way . i will keep talking for as long as you want to know more!
they def do ☝️ funnily enough probably before aenys . i think maegor would be genuinely happy with his wife and they have multiple kids . i actually feel like myrielle would be a pretty good grandma .. hm .
i guess that kind of goes against what i've said before about her but to me, the issue for her isn't really maegor and aenys being married and happy elsewhere but just what that means for Her . she loves her sons very much and obviously wants them to be as happy as they can be - except when they grow up and have lives of their own she loses control of basically the only part of her life she has much of a say in at all. with her sons she has two people who see her happiness as any kind of priority, who have time for and value her as a person, which she doesn't feel like she can get anywhere else . they're always going to be part of her and in that way she can't bear to lose them which makes her kind of the overbearing terrible stepmom by default . which is also why she shifts around and becomes closer to aenys than maegor after both of them are married - aenys is the only one of the two who still keeps to that mindset of my mom is the woman i love the most out of anyone .
BUT ... she would be pretty thrilled to dote on some grandkids. i feel as if she kind of sees them as an extension of her sons moreso than a mix of them and their wives LOL so maegor has children and she sees it as getting a mini-maegor to flaunt around court and to use as an excuse to brag about her sons . look at my beautiful boys who have been so dutiful and princely and married and had children. she's kind of like that type of mother in law grandma that would move in with her son to take care of her grandkid if she could . which is funnier in this context because most westerosi nobles leave much of the parenting to various servants and it's not even her own children LOL
as for their wives .... this one is tough because i didn't think that far LMAO i need to properly develop them both to give a proper answer but i don't think they'd be at odds . probably converse politely when needed and feel some kind of kinship there but i imagine maegor's wife is very fussy about him and sort of clings to him so they're a bit like each other's only close friends because they spend every waking moment together . no real time to bond with anyone else ........ she would loathe aenys himself though i feel . and its mutual
they probably both recognize that if they just dont get in myrielle's way much she doesn't get in their business much either . myrielle doesn't really go out of her way to be cruel just for the sake of it so as long as there's a little bit of a distance there it's fine . this is easier for aenys wife because she doesn't care as much for him so in turn myrielle doesn't care much either
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sakumz · 6 months
a/n : tw reader has family issues, slight gore
[ g. kaldo x fem reader ]
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you slam the telephone down in your office. kaldo slightly jolts from the sudden noise as he placed the daily newspaper he was reading back on the small table next to the couch. taking one quick sip of his honeyed coffee before making his remark.
" what's got you so worked up in the morning? "
" morning? it's already noon! " you scold as you turn to face him, the tears on your eyes barely noticeable.
" they should call you the angry cane, " he jokes as you slump back down on your chair.
" what are you even doing in my office? "
" just chilling, I'm free. there's really nothing for me to do here, I could go home if I wanted to but I'd feel bad for the rest working their asses off. anyways enough about me but let me guess who was on the phone! your sister right? " he had a hand on his chin before snapping his fingers together.
" yeah... "
work was your escape from the family house you grew up in. magic was everything in this world. if your magic was stronger everyone would possibly respect you right? or so you thought. growing up as the big sister and middle child of five siblings. you're bound to be compared to your older brothers. it was unfair if only your parents didn't value one gender over the other. your brothers weren't as great as you. your first brother works in the bureau of magic but you're a divine visionary, also part of the bureau of magic so why? why does your parents still expect more from you? his wife recently gave birth to his second child. your second brother, step brother, is peacefully living his life as a successful bakery owner. both your younger siblings were in high school, both in their first year, one's your biological sister and the other is your half sister or not half but step sister. you're barely 23 and yet everything feels so far apart.
" so incompetent. " you mumbled as kaldo tilts his head.
" why? " you can't help but whisper as tears starts to prick your eyes. kaldo stays silent.
" I'm a divine visionary yet what more can she expect from me? I've done everything I can to be the best... I've even slayed that one dragon beast, earning a title... I've saved countless of people. so why? " you can't help but bawl your eyes out. kaldo gets up from the couch as he approaches you, rubbing slow circles on your back.
" you're more than the best, they don't say it but if they're not proud of you then I am. nothing can change that. I think you're incredible. " he says, calming you down.
you left the house and had been living by yourself ever since high school up till now. you don't have a reason for being in a place that haunts you for not being better than your older brothers. your sister called you earlier, inviting you to the family's dinner party tonight.
" kaldo... come with me to my family's dinner tonight, " you look up at him.
" your step mother will be there? " hearing those words, you can't help but glare at him. your real mother had been dead since your sister was born. that step mother of yours, doesn't even look one bit like you! isn't it obvious she's not your real mother. kaldo did visit your family house once, all the portraits of your real mother were replaced by her face. there's barely any family photos hung on the walls either.
" yeah. " you spat as he smiles.
" am I coming as your co-worker, best friend or potential lover maybe husband even? " you blush at his words.
" c-c-co-worker! "
after work, you and kaldo made your way to the family house. not bothering to change out of your work clothes. nervousness didn't bother to eat you. you felt oddly confident, having kaldo with you. if there's bloodshed today, you're certain it'll be your victory. kaldo feels happy he's going in the house again. he talked to the others about visiting the grand family house and no one was surprised he finally managed to visit it. everyone having gone in once as well but this second visit will make him special! if only he knew the madl family was a close partner to your family's. that means orter and his brother used to come over frequently to play. he didn't know that, of course.
" welcome home. " the house butler greets you, surprised to see you bringing a plus one, a male too.
" good to see you Mr butler, " he smiles at the nickname you've given him, barely remembering the last he heard you calling him that. he takes your coat and kaldo's as he hung it on the rack, near the entrance doors. before walking you to the dinning table.
everyone was quiet for a moment, taking in your appearance and the man next to you. your father sat at the end of the table, your step mother next to him and your first brother on his other side. everyone has taken their seats and the vacant ones were the one directly facing your father, the seat next to it or the two seats next to your step mother.
kaldo pats your shoulder. you take this as a sign to sit. you took the seat directly infront of your father as kaldo sits next to you, next to him was your sister.
everyone starts to eat, the table was quiet. you were surprised how kaldo didn't say anything. the food was a distraction, how you miss the cooking of the house. truth be told, the only good parts to living here was the workers who serve the family. your father clears his throat as the attention shifted to him.
" when are you, y/n going to get married? " he questions as everyone turns to look at you. you drop your fork on the plate as a surprise to the question.
" isnt it obvious, she's dating the guy next to her? " your step brother jokes as you cast a spell controlling his shadow to slightly tug at his leg, making him hit the table. all the plates, glasses and bowls clanks to the movement.
" orter madl would've been the best one for her to marry, " your first brother chimes in. his wife next to him, nods.
" big brother i want to marry him, don't say that! " your step sister says as she slams her hand on the table.
" ew, I doubt he'll even bat an eye at you. remember when he came over to watch the divine visionary candidate test, he said you were incompetent and far from his type. don't try your luck, " you can't help but laugh at what your sister said. everyone turning back to you.
" sorry, but orter would rather stab himself than be with you. " you wipe the tears from your eyes as kaldo smiles.
" anyways, I can't see myself with orter. we're best friends and I wouldn't want to be in an arranged marriage with someone who didn't get the freedom to pick who they'll marry. especially one just to tie the family together. " you finish the sentence as you look directly at your father.
" well we didn't say you'll be in one, marrying the orter madl gives you some sort of high title. you should take it, " your step mother says.
" I'll be fine. besides kaldo here, will be my life long partner. " hearing you say that, got kaldo grinning from ear to ear.
" that man, doesn't look like kaldo gehenna. " your step brother says matter of fact. " maybe you've casted a spell to make some other guy look like him and then brought the man over. "
" that's a pity, if it's true! Hahaha, " your step sister laughs.
" be quiet, is it true? you, kaldo gehenna will marry y/n? " your father says, turning to look at the man.
his eyes open, smiling at him as he says, " yes, and insulting me won't go unnoticed. you shall receive punishment for that. I could get you expelled from easton academy and I can burn down your precious bakery. "
" don't do that, say something! y/n! " your step mother shouts as she slams her hands on the table, dropping down a glass next to the floor.
" shut up, this is beyond my control and why should I control the actions of my beloved? " you question as this bubbles up her anger. she summon her wand, casting a spell to pick up a broken glass to throw it as you. it cut your cheek, you felt the blood run down. you stand up from your seat.
out of anger, you threw the glass next to you at your father. aiming for the wall behind him, he was unfazed. everyone looked at you. have you gone crazy? that's the man who created you with your late mother. the man who spends money on you, lets you live in his house.
" y/n, sit. " your father ordered as you stand, not moving an inch.
" no, thanks for dinner. I'm sorry dear sister. I can't stay for long and if I could, I would have done so long ago. you know I'm strong. I've defeated countless of monsters, that doesn't change the fact I can take the life of humans too. " your step family, shudders at the thought. a cold blooded bloodbath with them? maybe together with your father and big brother too. you turn your back against them. kaldo stands and places a hand over your back.
" she'll be in good hands, family in law. "
" who said anything about letting you into this family? your father work hard raising you and all you do is act like a brat. you're all bark and no bites! if only you were like your big brother. " your step mother shouts as she stands from her seat.
" bark and no bites? " a shadow came over her neck, holding her up slightly away from the ground.
"h-h-help me dear, " she calls for your father as she tries to grab his shoulder.
" drop it, y/n. " your father says.
" yeah, stop it, " your big brother speaks.
the shadow disappeared, dropping her to the ground. she wraps one hand over the place where the shadow was at, little did she realise there was a burnt imprinted left.
" are you sure, you still want to marry that mad witch? she nearly took her mother's life! " your step brother says, as both the step siblings rushed to their mother's side.
" she's not my mother. " you mumbled out loud.
" I don't care, what she does. even if her hands are bloodied. even if she'll kill me. she's mine and I'll still love her. " kaldo takes your hand to plant a kiss, turning over to look at them all.
" let's go, " you say to kaldo as you both took your leave.
walking around the now empty streets, it was already late into the night. you didn't feel one bit of guilt, the glass cut healed immediately after you left. you held kaldos hand eversince you left the house. he didn't want to let go and wished you didn't pull away. now, standing on a bridge. the soft water noises, wind blowing, prettily lit starry sky. you can't help but be drawn to those.
" sorry, " you apologise as kaldo stands closer to you, shoulder to shoulder touching.
" that was a hell of a dinner huh? " you start, sighing. if your real mother was still around. she'll definitely embrace you like she always did.
" don't be sorry, I'd kill too if I had to keep up with all of that till I'm finally free from those horrors. she hates you because you look so much like your mother, " he places his other hand to your cheek. stroking it slow and tenderly.
" no I mean, sorry for making it seem like we'll marry. unless you really want to, " you placed both hands over your mouth.
" HUH!? so you don't intend to be my lifelong partner? were you going to marry orter and prove them right? " he babbles as you laugh, putting your hands by your side.
" I really love you, kaldo gehenna. " you confessed, his eyes shot open and his eyes met yours, so full of love and adoration.
you lean close, nose brushing against his as you shut your eyes and give him a kiss to his lips. you feel his arms snake around your waist, pulling you closer.
pulling apart, to catch your breath. you don't fail to notice his silghtly red face and the soft smile that doesn't seem to go away.
" I promise to be your sword and shield. I vow to be yours. I love you so much, " he takes your hand to his lips, placing a kiss as he drags you along.
" say, if we're together. can we skip the dating parts and just get married? " he says as you can see your house draw closer.
" yeah let's just get married, we've already known each other quite long too. "
" great, the wedding will be next week then! " he cheers as you unlock the doors of your house. you gave him a soft smile as you gave him one last kiss to the cheek before bidding him goodbye and a get home safely.
kaldo couldn't sleep that night, he was over the moon. the girl of his dreams finally said yes to him and had felt the same way as he. he couldn't help but call ryoh that night, gossiping the night away. ryoh too, was so happy for the man but gods he wished he'd shut up. he was tired from work and was looking forward to cuddling the night away with his wife.
" please free me. I have a wife to attend to, " ryoh mumbles out loud, catching the flame cane off guard.
" my, its so late well see you tomorrow and thank you for lending me a listening ear, goodnight ryoh. " he hangs up momentarily, forcing himself to sleep.
the next day as he walked to your office, he heard yours and orter's voices. he decides to wait by the door as he eavesdrop on the conversation.
" after the dinner, your sister called me. she said it was a disaster and they were expecting you'd marry me but you chose kaldo? " orter was leaning on the door, arms crossed after the other as you sat by your desk.
" you wouldn't want to marry me either. besides I just can't imagine you as the father of my children. I want a guy who knows how to wow his kids! " you laugh at the idea of kaldo being the fun parent.
" i see, you're all grown up now. well if there's anything I can help you with, let me know. I might even babysit them once or twice. " he offers, pushing his glasses up his face, not failing to notice the smile on your face.
" what a great best friend you are! do you want a hug? " you beamed as orter pushes himself off the wall. remembering the last time you gave him a hug, it was bone crushing. you managed to manipulate and manifest his shadow into 3d! making that give him a hug.
" no, " he opens the door as kaldo pretends he's just got there.
" get back to work, don't just flirt with her all day. " orter scolds as kaldo sighs, handling him the coffee he prepared for you. he'll just come back with a better and sweeter batch for you he thinks as he walks away dreadfully. he hears you laugh as he walks away, making a smile crawl up his face.
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oddlittlestories · 10 months
Okay but actually if House and Wilson are having sex the whole time… it’s bleak.
- you fall in love with a man after his divorce. maybe he loves you too?
- he gets married to a woman. he doesn’t even like her. she knows about you two.
- you meet someone. she seems great, until she overrides your consent to save your life. it saves your life. it destroys your life. it ruins your ability to trust.
- you basically give up on looking for someone else. you can’t really be with your boy best friend, but at least he’s protective in a way you trust.
- wife # 2 comes and goes. wife #3 comes and goes. she’s never more important than you. except for being the wife.
- you think he’s stopped trying to find a long-term partner other than you. it only hurts a little when he finds stupid short-term flings.
- you offer to be a sperm donor for a friend / former flame trying IVF. she excitedly involves you in the process even if she doesn’t want your sperm. maybe this is how you get a family.
- she stops.
- your boy best friend starts seeing someone new. he actually likes her this time—because she actively reminds him of you. you can’t decide whether this is better or worse.
- you decide it’s better. you come to a “strange detente” with her. he’s happy. you’re mostly happy but you sabotage them a bit. lightheartedly. mostly.
- she gets in an accident because of you. your boy best friend is trying to protect you until you all realize it’s her.
- he asks you to risk your life to save her. you’ve always needed to go to extremes, in a desperate situation like this. he knows that. but he may also value her life over yours.
- you do it. it fails. he leaves.
- at least your old flame is there and you’re not completely alone.
- you’re bad at being vulnerable, but you ask him to stay. he leaves.
- you figure out that he is just scared. you make up.
- your old flame adopts a child, but you are not involved in any way.
- you begin to hallucinate. you fear this will result in losing your boy best friend. when you check into Mayfield, you believe that it has.
- but when you move out, you move in with him. you don’t really care if he has sex with the neighbor. you’ve been having sex with other people the whole time, and honestly the competition is kind of hot.
- you settle in. no more dating. he furnishes your apartment, and the one thing he picks? a way of saying he wants you.
- you don’t have a conversation about the relationship, but you’re pretty sure you’re essentially married now. you two have always felt that actions speak louder than words anyways.
- then he dates his ex-wife who used the hell out of him. you spiral, hostile and angry.
- he’s never going to see you and him as a real relationship. you’re never going to be good enough in that way. never never never
- your old flame is falling in love with someone else. you get jealous.
- she decides her feelings for you are greater. it’s your one last shot at a partnership. you can’t screw it up
- but deep down you know
- you know you’ll never be good enough
- she just hasn’t figured it out yet
- she figures it out
- you spiral, but this time it’s a free fall
- by this point, you know the dirty little secret of your life. your boy best friend will never be with you, but he’ll never leave you either. you tell him to do whatever he needs to do to get over it. he does.
- he has cancer. treatment doesn’t work.
- you’ve lived in pain, physical and emotional, for decades. he won’t live in pain for two years for you.
- you believe a miserable life is better than a miserable death. he believes a merciful death is better. you have never been able to reconcile this one fundamental difference between you.
- you never will
- the repetition becomes trite: you spiral
- it’s going to cost you everything. you should just give up.
- you find another way out. you fake your death to share his last five months with him.
- you run away together
- everyone will say you were selfish. an ass. they will say you never thought of anyone but yourself. they will say your boy best friend sacrificed and sacrificed. they will never see what you gave to him.
- story of your life
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fumifooms · 11 months
Marcille & Chilchuck contrasts & similarities
Yesterday in the Dunmeshi Discord we talked about narrative foils and I ended up writing a lot about my fave duo so. Informal character analysis time. I give some in-depth interpretations on aspects of Chilchuck’s character near the end as well, not just analyzing their characters in how they contrast each other
Marcille and Chil are so foils to me. "Has experienced loss through death and now clings onto the people around her and is overly interested in engaging in social gossip" vs "has experienced loss through rejection and now refuses to open up to anyone until socially starved", both are responding to their experience with loss in fully different ways, socializing and trying to learn all she can for the short time she has with others but trying to keep digestible enough that she’s not too attached if she loses them, vs refusing to socialize so the problem stops before it begins but eventually unable to resist the pull that comes with being a social creature. Like I guess what I’m trying to say is that Marcille engaging with social gossip could be a shallow way for her to vicariously experience social relationships if she feels like forming deep bonds is unsafe. Family is a core motivation and value for them but in different ways. Both want to keep the status quo but in different ways.
Divorcee who avoids love wether it be in the people around him or thinking about his own (past?) romance vs hopeless romantic that idealizes love without herself having been in a relationship or even in love herself as far as we know. Middle child vs only child. Emotional constipation vs emotional intelligence. Streets savvy vs prestigious academic, field experience vs book smarts. Crass vs prim. Overbearingly social vs private to a fault. Never externalizes his feelings and to a degree represses them vs wears her heart on her sleeve and her feelings on her face. They start out underestimating each other in different ways, one by assuming his age and the other by undermining her skills, experience and willpower. Both seeing each other’s motives as somewhat skewed (money and research of shady magic respectively) but growing to respect them.
They also both seek approval and validation from others, unlike Senshi and even Laios who don’t seem to care about outside perception as much, Marcille worries early on that she’s not helpful enough and slowing the party down meanwhile Chilchuck is almost always trying to prove a point early on that he’s capable and mature. Coincidentally enough, Chilchuck’s approval was both the catalyst and the key to resolving her arc about it in the mandrake chapter, meanwhile besides Senshi Marcille is the one whose perception of Chilchuck gets the most changed over the course of the whole manga. Something else notable is how they deal differently with their races being judged, while Chilchuck reaffirms himself as a proud half-foot, Marcille hides her half-elf nature and is embarrassed of it when it’s revealed. Something subtle yet interesting is also how they both are shown to prefer lying in a way that makes them look bad rather than admitting ignorance on something. Chilchuck says that he cheated on his wife and that’s why she left rather than just saying that he doesn’t know why she did. Marcille in the mandrake chapter says that she has used a dog to harvest mandrakes (thus killing it) before while in truth she never has, and everyone including herself is like "That’s horrible… The poor dog!"
Their dad dies. Chil is like "Hm. Cool. Anyways he died doing smth he loved right so haha lemme drink myself into an early death bed too yolo 🔥🤟" vs "He died and it shattered my world and I must devote all my life to wiping death out of existence".
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"I am going to knowingly shorten my lifestyle through unhealthy habits actually."
Problem solving approaches
One thing I love about them is how they have complete opposite approaches to problem solving. Besides striving for workers’ rights and job stability for halflings with an union, he’s very "laissez-faire". He won’t do the righteous thing just because it’s the right thing if he doesn’t have an incentive or a safety net, like going to save Falin. He doesn’t chase after his wife to talk it out and make amends, he gives her space and either hopes she’ll talk when she’s ready or figures that he shouldn’t try to do anything about it. He doesn’t mention the mimic he noticed to the others to not make a big deal out of it and hopefully it won’t come up again. He’s a "if the glass is half-full that’s fine enough for me, I don’t need things to be as good as they could be" type, a "leave it alone until it figures itself out" type.
Marcille? Marcille is idealistic and in-your-face. If there is an issue you better believe Marcille will address it and try her hardest to fix it, will talk it out and attempt to understand & strive to make things as best possible for everyone involved. She will FORCE you to talk about your FEELINGS wether you like it or NOT. Leaving it alone? Keeping things as just okay when they could be great instead? No no no no no, that’s not right, she’s going to try and fix it now. She will make you stand up and fight for the best that your life could be, to be honest when something bothers you and do something about it, will make you stop suppressing yourself because you’re scared of things getting worse.
Which, you know, both methods certainly have their pros and cons, but they’re very complimentary in that way. He grounds her into a more down to earth mindset and teaches by example that it’s okay if things don’t necessarily work out and moving on is possible and not necessarily miserable, while she encourages him to not give up so fast or stay quiet on things that bother so much. He soothes and she emboldens 🔥 Funny, because you could have thought it would’ve been the contrary, which is not untrue either, but he’s the "has experienced the harshness of life and has settled for something comfortable but modest" while she’s the "wants to make the world better and goes to great lengths to change it while still trying to find herself & uncomfortable with some aspects of life like loss".
One overly focuses on dealing with issues by changing things around her while the other overly focuses on only changing himself.
Chilchuck leaves things alone if he thinks they’re best left unaddressed or thinks they’ll work itself out. Like the mimic he didn’t tell the group about but it backfired later. Like how he didn’t chase after his wife or seemingly tried to contact her at all. Like how he prefers not to dig into people’s personal issues in parties and be left alone to deal with his stuff on his own as well.
Meanwhile Marcille is overbearingly in-your-face and loud and "if there’s a problem we’re dishing it out right here right now. Your wife left you?? And you didn’t try to get her back?? I am going to write out a script and a plan for you to apologize and please bring these piles of presents."
She’s secretive about her fair share of things as well but she’s very proactive. While she seeks to research something that’s a core motivation and life goal to her + save someone she deeply cares for Chil is there for his job and to get money and "hey if something happens I’ll have done my part. I took you guys here now you guys figure out the rest and fight the monsters or something". They both like to have a say in the strategy, Chilchuck moreso as time goes on, but Marcille involves herself much more into almost everything.
Espescially early on, they’re always sticking by each other judging Senshi & Laios together and being like "Am I seeing this shit right. They’re crazy right? Tell me I’m not the only one here with common sense" and forming a 🤝 relationship over it and considering that, it sometimes feel… Contradicting? How they also have a lot of conflict together over time about how different they truly are. But it’s interesting and nice to see how even though they do have arguments it always gets resolved pretty promptly, like they’re truly hashing it out as equals and then when that’s done they’re back to being on the same wavelength. The exception would be Marcille taking a long time to come around on Chil being old, but arguments and debates like the one on dark magic and if it’s okay or wrong to use it, which was pretty serious and not just banter? They came to find a middle ground or at least understanding, and it didn’t seem to lower the respect they hold for another afterwards.
Chilchuck’s repressing habit
I do think Chilchuck has a repressed thing where he doesn’t WANT to think about it about his feelings sometimes, like with his wife- and maybe with his father? But the way he was so casual and nonchalant about his father dying has always struck me. I’m not sure if this is a "my feelings on my father were mixed and complicated at best" thing or a "I just don’t want to spend time thinking about it" thing or something else, but it gives food for thought.
When it comes to alcohol there’s this saying where an alcoholic parent will have 2 kids and one will grow to be alcoholic too while the other will never even touch a drop of alcohol and both when asked why will say "I watched my father". Chilchuck is def the first I think. He gives the vibe of "An alcoholic parent puts a strain on familial relationships?? Pshh, my father was and look at me! I turned out great!" Which is something I’ve heard irl lol which always makes you go like 👀 yes indeed you’re perfectly well-adjusted and haven’t been affected by your father’s alcoholism at all it’s clear as day. On that topic, Chilchuck’s family, both currently and when he was a kid, are very interesting topics to theorize about with the hints and cues we have, how his wife truly felt and what happened for her to feel unappreciated enough to leave, how distant is he from his daughters if they haven’t seen each other in the same year either and Flertom was the only one to send him a letter? But that’s a topic for another day
Chilchuck probably has such a complex…. Of like not being… Like allowed to take space I guess? And he does wish to affirm that right, he takes space and asks for it so very overtly, he formed a half-foot guild to demand better working conditions as one of the biggest examples of that. He grew up poor and undermined but he knows that he’s capable and someone worthy of respect and demands it, and takes every opportunity to prove himself. But on the other end, he doesn’t seem to want to keep his hopes up in general, like asking for something to be better is bound to fail, that it’d be too good to be true. He tries to keep out of where his job doesn’t need him, from a sense of efficiency that cuts down on unnecessary stops but also because he just thinks it isn’t his place to do so. It strikes me that it’s hinted that like… He doesn’t even really consider the possibility of going to his wife and trying to mend the relationship. Like it’s either she’ll decide to take him back on her own or he’ll be left out in the cold waiting, never knowing just where he’s truly at with her and if things are over for good. Like… Shooting his shot and making his case doesn’t even register as an option? Like he’s not worth fighting for, like whatever he did wouldn’t change her opinion anyways?
He def has a "life isn’t like a fairytale where everything goes well" philosophy where sometimes it feels like he just gives up on how things maybe could be better, especially interpersonally. Maybe it’s why he focuses on simple joys like alcohol instead of trying to keep up with relationships which can be complex and very fickle, in his own words. Something like alcohol is predictable, always there to fall back on, safe, gives him sensations without other emotional/social risks attached. Ironic for someone whose job is all about risks, but understandable
He contradicts even himself… Bro yes you’re capable, yes you’re great, yes you matter, now maybe speak about your feelings maybe??? Or do you not think your emotional issues deserve to get fixed and have closure???? Are you so used to being dismissed, overlooked and undermined that you think no one will listen even if you speak up?? And this recontextualize his "I’m not even gonna try and talk this issue out because I know (assume) that it won’t solve anything anyways" approach, doesn’t it.
"I must break my party members’ stuff or lie to them because if I just tell them my opinion and my feelings that I don’t want them to die they won’t care anyways and keep going"
In a way everyone is the glue of the party in different ways, Laios giving the group a direction and a plan, Senshi keeping them fed and grounded, Marcille making everyone more social and encouraging bonds to form, and for Chilchuck he’s the one most focused on actually keeping everyone alive I think.
Idk I’m not gonna repeat every point but have this as a parting contrast:
Guy with shortest lifespan possible who doesn’t mind knowingly shortening his own with an unhealthy habit, here for a good time not a long time, VS girl with longest lifespan possible who wants to lengthen everyone’s life, who focuses on how long she can keep something or someone rather than how happy her time with it has made her already. They’re both loud in their own way, and both are still insecure despite appearances. In a way, both of them focus on taking care of others while overlooking their own demons.
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when I took a month off work I was lowkey worried I'd come back and find everyone had been fine without me and I wasn't needed at all (because being terrible at every previous job I've had did some ✨damage✨ to my self confidence)
but that is not what happened
I have never encountered someone so fucking happy to see me as my boss' wife was on my first day back, her face lit up like it was christmas, she was practically jumping for joy because now that I'm back she doesn't have to do the ops team's fucking timesheets anymore
I have been told by one of the ops guys that my leave of absence had caused a genuine rift in the boss' marriage because his wife hated doing my job so much they were actively fighting about it
to be clear, his wife is lovely, she doesn't usually throw a shit fit about just anything, it was just that my job is just so fucking annoying that she hated every second of it, and that was the most validating shit I have ever experienced in my LIFE
and the reason she was pissed off at my boss/her husband about it is because he's too soft on his crew and doesn't make them all report their hours for the week
which, as you can imagine, makes building their timesheets extremely fucking difficult
it basically turns the whole process into a puzzle that I have to solve using roughly three different sources of information, one of which is the boss himself who isn't always easy to get ahold of when he's on a site
this puzzle is made even more difficult by the fact that a glitch in our form system keeps messing up the dates on the timecards, so I have to cross reference the time cards from the two (2) ops team members, who actually DO fill out their forms, with the roster, but my boss often changes the roster at the last minute without telling me or noting it down, so then I have to cross reference with the reports they have to submit for certain ongoing jobs because they'll have correct dates and also a list of who was present (if they were doing one off smalltime jobs that week I'll have no physical records and will rely entirely on the boss' memory to confirm dates and staff numbers, unless I can get ahold of one of the ops team members themselves and there's only one who will reliably communicate with me but only when he's not currently on a site)
I tried to explain this process to boss' wife before I left and, looking horrified, she asked me 'is there no way to streamline this?' I replied 'this is streamlined'
as far as I'm aware, as long as I've worked there, there has only been a handful of times people were paid incorrectly, and it was because I was not given correct information by the boss, in the time I was gone, his wife told me that she had incorrectly logged several pays because of this broken ass system
so, as you could imagine, my ego is through the fucking roof right now, I am GOOD at this bullshit job, I took an impossible system and made it work, I am playing on hard mode and killing it, in a field I had zero experience in before taking this job other than a natural inclination for organising and scheduling
and to be clear, I love this job, the boss is too soft on his staff but he's a good guy, he makes us all feel valued and appreciated, he paid me above my award rate, he's absurdly accommodating, and I have an insane amount of freedom to do what I want with company files
I may be working with a bullshit system but I can take naps in the office whenever I want and tell my boss off when he's being too soft (one time his wife literally started clapping when I told him off for sending clients their reports before they'd paid for them) and I get to control when I work, and whether I work from home or the office (which is GREAT when my back flares up)
I might not get many hours (only 16 hours per week) because the company is so small and I run out of things to do because I've streamlined everything (boss literally called me TOO EFFICIENT), but he'll give me those 16 even if I spend half of it playing solitaire and watching youtube
so just, yeah, it feels so good to be confident in my work, to feel valued and appreciated and like I'm actually successful at something after being handed dud jobs for years that I wasn't cut out for, and now knowing that what I'm doing is actually genuinely hard but I've been doing it anyway without fail, makes me feel good!
so tldr; taking a month off work taught me I have phenomenal job security because if my boss ever fires me his wife might actually fucking kill him
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morn1e · 12 days
thank u 4 the 1like on that post. here r my dude headcanons that r mainly set 4 my au bcuz i am feeling nice&ok 2 share. do know that this is just how i personally interpret him. u can see him however u want, i am just but a random guy on the internet&he is a fictional guy made out of pixels.
- prepare 4 the real name of the century bcuz this is fucking stupid ermm what the sigma. ok so his real name is tanner parkley dude jr. .yeah his surname is genuinely dude. nickname “the postaI dude” derives from highschool where he worked as a postal worker during the summers(&was mocked 4)&since nobody liked him they gave him the name. was mainly called TP or dude by few that were friends bcuz he really hated the names tanner or parkley.
- born on feb 29th bcuz he does not deserve 2 have a bday every year🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕
- not schizophrenic but is mentally unstable 2 some degree bcuz he does deal w very violent&intrusive thoughts on which he acts out on sometimes&has anger issues
- physically wise has struggled w chronic migraine since a young teen. his 20s were his worst years bcuz the migraines were @ their worst/most frequent+the fact he was a drug addict&did not properly take care of himself as he should+the ex wife nagging constantly did not help whatsoever. now that he is nearly 40+medicated they have greatly decreased but attacks still occur bcuz he still does not look after himself enough as he should
- was born in florida but the family moved around a lot(bcuz they could not b bothered 2 pay rent). eventually settled down in utah but moved 2 arizona 2 live in paradise
- am set on thinking he was a middle child. 3 sons in the family. is not in contact w any1 bcuz despises them all bcuz they were a nightmare growing up. 2 brothers sort of turned out like dude(substance abusers&broke). mom is still around but he does not dare talk 2 her bcuz she always was over religious&turned a blind eye 2 dads abuse
- only family he is in contact w is uncle dave! only guy who was genuinely there 4 dude growing up. dudes father really despised him hanging out w dave bcuz he was sorta known as a scummy scammer. dude as a teen helped out dave w his various schemes&whatever so much so 2 the point it costed a permanent offense on his record where it hindered dude from barely being able 2 finish high school+absolutely NO hope of getting into college bcuz nobody wanted him there. i think this is also a factor why he has a hard time holding a job(main factor is that he is just. a piece of low value shit)
- met the bitch through her sister bcuz he was dating her sister 1st. thought bitch was hotter than her sister so chose her. got married in las vegas in 1 of those cheesy stupid wedding chapels
- dude genuinely did love the bitch @ 1 point but in the end they were incompatible&they were both pieces of shit 2 each other. w age they just drifted away completely where they just Could Not stand each other. i believe sole reason they stayed 2gether was bcuz of tax benefit&could not afford a divorce or smth
- champ came into his life randomly 1 day while he was still in utah&champ as a stray came up 2 his trailer randomly. he got fed&bcame dudes companion from then <:)
- in my au dude is mainly clean off of crack bcuz when he moved into paradise got so pissed @ the crack dealer prices that out of sheer petty&principle said 2 himself he would Not smoke that shit b4 butchering most of the dealers. still has relapses but mostly manages. has turned 2 weed mostly
- has cried 2 nickelback @ least 3 times
- thinks too much pepper is genuinely considered spicy bcuz he is so white guy&cannot handle spice whatsoever
- fav desserts r smth like bread w butter&sugar or graham crackers w milk bcuz he grew up dirt poor&these were the only desserts they could afford
- does not rly have a fav alcoholic drink bcuz will drink abt anything just so it gets him fucked up as fast as possible. but if dude had 2 choose would like whiskey+coke or vodka+tonic cocktails. does not like red wine bcuz of how it tastes+it triggers a migraine
- knows how 2 cook meats like briskets&ribs&steaks&shit where they turn out rather really nice <:)knows how 2 cook overall but gets take out most of the time bcuz cannot b bothered 2 cook as the process is tedious as shit
- genuinely knows how 2 program&just has quite a lot of computer knowledge in general<:) if he was not dead set on not listening 2 any1&cared enough 2 b like every1 else in society dude could make a fine living off of developing websites 4 ppl on the web
- oh em gee now abt marnie❤️ the way they met is that he socked her in the face @ a concert in some crappy bar in paradise&after seeing how unbothered she seemed from the blow instantly knew she was different❤️yay❤️
- b4 him&marnie were official marnie was his mistress bcuz by the time they grew closer dude was still married. still cheating but by that time his&bitch’s marriage was in literal shambles that they just did not care abt the other having lovers
- got 2gether w marnie bcuz the sex was awesome&she makes 200k yearly from being a general surgeon, stayed bcuz she was his person all along.♡
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Hiiiiii I love your writing for Demetri! Now I'm curious if you would write something similar for Caius with a human mate and for Alec as adult of course for his human mate?
Caius,Alec - With a human mate
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warning : minors don't read, talking about some kinky stuff, Alec using his power, blood, biting
Info : Hiiiii and thanks for the kind wors and support I hope you like it dear anon and have fun reading everyone else too :)
Caius :
°At first he hates it and sees no advantage in it until he realizes what effect it actually has on his heart. As a vampire who is thousands of years old and hardly among mortal men, he seems to have forgotten how good he looks. As his heart looked at him more and more often full of interest and curiosity.
°He saw the advantages of being him and her. Not only a vampire and his human buddies. But also a human woman who reacted to pretty much everything he did. Something he had taken a liking to.
°Every time he looked at her, his red eyes went over her body as she flinched, her breathing quickened and he watched with pleasure as she tried to escape from him.
°But he didn't let it get that far, he watched her in the darkness, always one step ahead and she belonged to him.
°He enjoyed how he could almost control her, even if he had no skills like the others, his slender guard between gangs and retribution was miraculous.
°He loves to use his teeth and blood. His sharp teeth running over the skin of his love. I felt her heartbeat increase as she barely dared to breathe and hissed every time her skin broke through his sharp canines.
°She clutched at the sheets and begged him to continue and stop at the same time. One of his hands was enough to push her back into the covers. To continue to stain the varnish red.
°Always and again to bite harder and more painful each time but also lovingly afterwards soft kisses over the injured skin.
°He loved when he poured a goblet of blood over your body, watching you try to hide and not give him what he wanted. Before he pressed you to him to lick the blood from your body and his cold hands made their way over your so sensitive body.
°Be sure that the nights with the Volturi leader are long, dark, full of pleading and blood. But in the end, he too will take care of your pleasure. His beautiful human wife must be rewarded.
Alec :
°Having a human mate is something completely new for the still quite young vampire. He looks down on humans has always and yet. But he could not lie because his dead heart was drawn to her.
°The Volturis that the humans normally hid, they were nothing more than prey for the vampires. Than what they had in them. Blood. But she was more than blood, she was everything to Alec and in return he was everything to her.
°She brought him back that little bit of humanity in his dead life. Something he actually valued and made their relationship more healing and beneficial than either of them thought.
°But as the relationship progressed, it was also that the two found each other more often at night. She actively sought him out and Alec heard her heartbeat quicken more and more when she was with him.
°His cold fingers ran over her body and she pressed herself more and more against him. She was addicted to the cold being and he to her life.
°But if there was a side to him that he had found with her, it was his devoted and at the same time challenging cruelty. The Volturi had educated him and his devotion to torture was also evident in bed.
°Not for nothing he took the lead, enjoying her soft kisses but as soon as the black mist spread around her and took her senses from her. First her sense of touch did not let her feel how he bit her did not want to hurt her unnecessarily before he gave her back her sense.
°It came back to her in full and made it all the stronger and more exciting. When he took her sight and she was at his mercy more than usual it seemed as if only they existed. He was so precise and loving with her and yet he could pursue his own pleasure.
°He made her helpless and she belonged to him while he watched her lying there in the white lacquers stained with blood from the bites. Her lustful noises he picked up and only drove him more to use his skills.
°They were nights full of black fog that took everything from her, Alec that gave everything to her and the dark red moon that took its light with it and plunged the room in only more sensual darkness.
@kimvolturicullen , @demetrivolturiswife , @archoniluthradanar , @iloveslasher , @lucansmina , @smolchubbygoddess , @certaintwilight , @ladyfairybunny , @nebulousfishgills
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