#she finally found a relationship that didn’t make her feel totally alone in the world being a queer woman
garfballed · 1 year
just THINKING about fast car by tracy chapman gives me goosebumps
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marvelsmylife · 2 months
Chosen mates
Pairing: Nessian x reader
Plot: even though Nesta is mated to Cassian, she develops feelings for you. Cassian is totally on board with Nesta feelings towards you and wants her to explore those feelings. What happens when you come home crying that you’ve finally met your mate but he is a sleazy cheater. Will Nesta decide to confess her feelings to you or bottle up her feelings like she’s used to.
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Nesta’s world changed the day you came into her life. Feyre and Rhysand hired you to watch over Nyx five days out of the week. Their schedules became hectic a year after he was born, and seeing as everyone around them had lives of their own, they decided to hire help. Nesta felt like someone punched her in the stomach the moment she saw you. You were wearing a dark blue dress with stars all over it. There was a sweet smile on your face when you finally looked at her, “Hi, you're Nesta, right?”
“Y-yes. Umm, how do you know that?” Nesta replied as she watched you feed Nyx his lunch.
You let out a soft laugh at Nesta’s question, which caused Nesta’s knees to go weak, “I already met Elain, Amren, and Mor.” Nesta grew embarrassed that it didn’t occur to her that you might have already met others besides Feyre and Rhysand. “Are you hungry? I’m about to put Nyx down for his nap soon, so I’ll be able to take my lunch. I can make something for the both of us.”
“Ok,” Nesta replied and watched as you were able to put Nyx down for his nap in less than five minutes. Unusually, Nyx would throw a tantrum for a solid thirty minutes before finally going to sleep.
As months went by, Nesta found herself developing feelings towards you. It started off small, with her craving to be around you all the time. She loved your company and would go to the river house whenever she could so she could see you. Soon, Nesta found herself dreaming about you. It always started off innocent, with the two of you being alone, but as the dream went on, it quickly turned sexual.
Nesta would wake up a panting mess from the sex dream she would have of you. She had to wake up Cassian sometimes to have sex just so she could find release from the dream. While Cassian was more than happy to have sex, he began to wonder what was causing Nesta’s sudden desire to fuck all the time. Of course, they used to fuck like rabbits when they first got together, but they mellowed out throughout the years.
It finally hit him one evening when they were having a family dinner at the river house. Nesta grew tense whenever you walked past her and became jealous whenever you spoke to Elain, Mor, or Azriel. He watched his mate grow shy and even blushed whenever you spoke or touched her.
Cassian decided to confront Nesta about her feelings towards you as soon as they arrived back home. To his surprise, she didn’t deny it, “I’m sorry if I’m being a bad mate, but I can’t help how I feel about y/n. She makes me feel things I’ve only ever felt with you.”
Nesta was about to run out of the room, but Cassian stopped her and cupped her cheeks before saying, “Nes, you have every right to feel what you currently feel about y/n. I’m not mad at all. If I’m honest, I’m excited at the thought of watching the two of you-ow.” Cassian winced when Nesta punched him in the ribs. “Ok, I won’t joke about that, but I really like y/n too. I would really like to have her in our relationship. I think she would fill the missing piece we’ve been talking about.”
Nesta’s eyes brightened at the thought of you being part of their relationship. It was true that both she and Cassian had spoken about feeling like something was missing in their relationship; they just didn’t realize it was someone else. 
In a sad turn of events, you ran into your mate the day Nesta was going to tell you about her feelings towards you. She tried to put on a brave face when you came sprinting into the house and announced you found your mate. You went into great detail on how you met and how excited you were to finally have your fairytale ending. Sadly, not even a month later, you discovered that your mate was a serial cheater. He told you he was never going to change, so you’d have to suck it up or reject the bond. To his surprise, you rejected the bond immediately before running away. 
You entered Rhysand and Feyre’s home without knocking and sobbed to everyone about what occurred. They all gave you sympathetic looks and told you that you deserved better. That’s when Nesta suggested that you move in with her and Cassian. She told you that your mate would probably come crawling back, and while you were safe with Feyre and Rhysand, she would be more comfortable with you living with her.
Cassian agreed with Nesta and even promised he’d take and bring you back from the river house so you would watch over Nyx. “Ok,” you smiled sadly at Nesta and Cassian.
You were so grateful you had taken Nesta and Cassian’s offer to live with them. They were so caring towards you and never made you feel like you were a burden to them. When you weren’t watching over Nyx, you were either helping the priestesses in the library or training with the Valkyries.
While that was going on, Nesta’s feelings towards you only grew stronger. She found herself following you around and even got jealous if you were talking to another priestess. She hated how said priestess was able to communicate with such ease. Meanwhile, she became a stuttering mess the more time you spent together.
It took weeks of living together for Nesta to finally get the courage to tell you that she has feelings for you. She was terrified, so she asked Cassian to be there for moral support. Of course, Cassian was more than happy to sit in and gently squeeze Nesta’s knee as she finally confessed her feelings towards you. “What do you say would you like to be in a relationship with us?” Nesta finished before holding her breath as she waited for your reply.
“Are you sure? I don’t want to interfere with your relationship. You are mates, after all,” you said softly. 
Nesta sighed with relief when you didn’t immediately reject her offer. “You wouldn’t. Cassian and I have talked, and we want you in our relationship. You’re the missing piece of our puzzle.”
Overcome with emotion, you leaned in and kissed Nesta. While she was startled at first, Nesta was quick and kissed you back. Her beautifully manicured hands caressed your cheeks as she deepened the kiss and earned a moan from you. You only pulled away when you heard Cassian clear his throat. “I’m part of this relationship too, you know,” Cassian pouted and caused Nesta to roll her eyes.
You turned towards Cassian, and before you could say a word to him, he leaned in and kissed you. You felt complete as you started making out with Cassian while Nesta buried her face between your chest.
“You are ours now, y/n,” Nesta moaned while licking the valley of your breast. Cassian’s lips were still pressed against yours, but his hands were working their way down your body. “Cassian and I might be mates by fate, but you’re our chosen mate, and we have no intention of letting you go.”
Hearing those words come out of Nesta’s mouth brought a smile to your face. “This means the world to me.” You shift your body so you're able to see both Cassian and Nesta, “I promise to love and cherish both of you for the rest of my life.”
It seemed the mother agreed with your decision because you soon felt a mating bond snap between you, Cassian, and Nesta. You sobbed at the two mating bonds you now have and stared at Nesta and Cassian with nothing but love and adoration. “My mates,” you cried but felt your tears being wiped away by Cassian and Nesta.
“Our mate,” Cassian and Nesta said at the same time.
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literary-illuminati · 3 months
Book Review #30 – The Luminous Dead by Caitlin Starling
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I honestly cannot remember when or how this book was first recommended to me, let alone who by, except that it was quite a while ago. Certainly I have zero clue who recommended it. So whatever details I might have known about this book were all long-since forgotten when I finally got around to picking it up – I came in knowing a) sci fi horror, b) caves and c) sapphic romance. With that (lack of) expectation-grounding going in, I found the book generally good but flawed and uneven, with an ending that tried to tonally swerve in a way that didn’t really work for me.
The story is claustrophobic from the world go. It follows Gyre, who has fabricated and edited her credentials to get the most lucrative caving job she’s ever seen. Entombed within a cutting-edge caving suit that turns her body into a closed system for the duration of the weeks-long expedition, she descends further and further into the dark with only her handler and employer Em for company. An employer whose exactly as suspicious as you’d expect from the setup, and might be just as deadly as the alien beasts who call the cave home.
So the book is spent entirely in Gyre’s head, with the literal only other character to appearas anything but a ghost being Em. With the exception of a tiny epilogue, it occurs entirely within the cave system Gyre is exploring. These are very restrained conditions to then write 400 pages of book within – the descriptions of stressful and technically difficult caving maneuvers all start to blend together after a while, with only the teased at mysteries of the cave really keeping things interesting. Everything outside the cave barely exists – the worldbuilding is functional, existing to get Gyre and Em where they are. It isn’t aspiring to anything else, and so I won’t judge it for failing at what it isn’t trying to dod.
The actual driver of the entire story – and for the vast majority it’s most compelling part – is Gyre and Em’s relationship. Specifically, Em being a fascinating mix of pathetic and monstrous in how she veers between latching onto Gyre and manipulating her towards her probably death, and Gyre seesawing between wanting to destroy Em and salt the ground she stood on for, well, everything, and desperately holding onto her for dear life as the literal only other human in her entire world, and someone she needs to rely on as her handler/mission control to have a chance of survival. It’s deeply tense, fucked up, and ambiguous and absolutely compelling – at least until the very final stretch. Tragically the genre constraints of romance kick in her, and by the end of the book Em is a wholly benevolent presence who has found closure and is now desperately trying to save Gyre from the stress/cave/fungal-infection induced madness. Boo and hiss. Much more interesting dynamic when she’s giving Gyre a double-dose of sedatives in her sleep ‘for her own good’ and wondering why this doesn’t make her any less paranoid.
There’s a turn towards a kind of heroic register at the end of the book that just didn’t work for me generally, honestly. It’s probably exemplified by the fact that Gyre actually confronts and kills the massive alien ‘tunneller’ that had been the source of this constant low-level looming horror throughout the entire book – something that’s not even really raised as a possibility at any point previously. It just felt cheap. Also, while I’m complaining about the ending – they really never dwelt on the fact that Gyre totally killed that guy, and besides that the mysteries of the cave just turn out to be very disappointingly mundane. With the sole exception of the tunneller the caves barely even feel alien. It’s all a bit of a missed opportunity.
It’s deeply unfortunate that the book was weakest as it ended, because up to then it was really a great read (if one that could probably been cut by a fifth or so without real loss). There’s one particular section where Gyre’s racing to get to a resupply point and grab a replacement battery before her suit locks up and turns off with her in it that was really a masterpiece of tense Man v. Nature writing – if you just cut it out and published it as it’s own short story, it’ d be an easy five stars.
Bonus points for at absolutely no point trying to redeem or lionize the idea of reconciling with Gyre’s shitty dad and deadbeat mom, though.
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gryffinwall · 2 years
The Five Hills I'd Die on for Girl Meets World
Soooo, it’s been a minute since I’ve written anything. I fully intended to get this up on the blog at least a month ago, but you know how it goes. This has been sitting in my drafts for quite some time, so without further ado, I present to you the five hills I will die on when it comes to Girl Meets World. In (mostly) no particular order:
Lucas picked Maya originally
I’ve written about this in the past, so I won’t spend a ton of time rehashing everything. But to this day, I am fully, completely sure that Lucas originally picked Maya in Upstate. Go back and watch that scene with the perspective that he was going to pick Maya, and then watch it again with the perspective of him picking Riley. See which one tracks and which one doesn’t. It was Maya, 100%. If nothing else, that smirky, flirty expression Lucas has on his face when Maya grabs his shirt is a dead giveaway. That is not the face you make when you’re about to reject a girl for her best friend.
Of all the hills on the list, this is THE hill I will die on if I could only pick one, that’s how strongly I believe it.
Riley & Farkle were endgame
The above may be my number one hill, but this entry isn’t too far behind. I know I’m not alone in believing that had the show been renewed, even for one more season, we would have seen a development in the Riley-Farkle relationship. Throughout the show, and especially in the third season, we see Riley and Farkle have a deep connection, a much deeper one than she has with Lucas (and deeper than what Farkle has with Smackle. Yeah, I said it!). They truly, deeply, genuinely love each other, and based on what we saw in the third season, it looked like the writers were setting it up for them to develop romantic feelings as they got older. In Boy Meets World, Topanga’s dad admits he used to be scared that he’d find Topanga in the basement (i.e., making out) with Shawn but realizes it was Cory he should have been afraid of all along. My hunch is that we would have gotten a similar callback had the show gotten renewed.
There are also some fascinating parallels between Topanga and Farkle, and I’m totally sold on the argument that he is the Topanga of GMW, not Lucas. But that’s another topic for another day.
The girls’ friendship was actually kind of toxic
We can all agree that the Rilaya friendship was one of the best parts of the show. They loved each other, supported each other, and would do anything to help the other out or spare their feelings. However, they each did something to the other that was ended up being pretty hurtful.
Riley, of course, is largely at fault for getting Maya to believe that her (Maya) growing up, maturing, and wanting to be a bit more responsible was somehow a bad thing, something that needed to be “fixed.” Maya was finally embracing hope and taking herself more seriously…and Riley put a quick stop to that because it “wasn’t her.” Oof. It ended up reverting Maya to her season 1 self, which is not a place Maya really wanted to be.
Maya, meanwhile, was the co-founding member of the Riley Committee, which sheltered Riley from life’s harsh realities and disappointments to the point that her growth was stunted. Despite Riley being a smart girl living in New York City, she apparently had no idea about war, poverty, homelessness, famine, etc. Maya and the others made sure her feelings were protected – they didn’t tell her about Pluto losing its status as a planet because they knew she’d get upset - but it resulted in Riley being immature and naïve to the point of being ignorant. Not a good look.
Neither girl had malicious intent; in fact, they both thought they were in the right to say and do the things they said and did. They would never do anything to intentionally hurt the other, but it ended up happening anyway. I would have loved to have seen this get addressed on the show, but alas, it wasn’t meant to be.
Girl Meets Belief is a super interesting insight into all dynamics of the core four’s relationships
Full disclosure, the original draft for this post ended up being significantly longer than it is currently, and it’s all because of this hill. It made me realize that I want to write a separate post about it, simply because I find said insights so fascinating. So I won’t go into too much detail right here and now. All you need to know is that I think this is a crucial episode to the series since it explores the relationships between our main four so perfectly. We see every iteration of the characters paired up together, and we see why every dynamic works the way it works. Idk, I’m kind of obsessed with it, and I will have more on that soon.
The story wasn’t finished
My last hill, and it’s a big one: I don’t think the story was finished. And not in the sense that it got cancelled somewhat unexpectedly; I mean that I personally think had the show gotten renewed, we would have seen some of the stories from season 3 come back in a future season. I wholly believe we were going to come back to the “Maya became Riley” story and find out that she, in fact, did not become Riley, that Riley was wrong about all of this, and that it was a simple case of Maya growing up. And that while Riley has undoubtedly been a significant influence on her, Maya did all the work herself to become a better person.
I also believe it was going to get revealed that Riley and Lucas didn’t act like a couple for a reason. They were going to learn the important lesson that perception of a thing doesn’t make it so, particularly when feelings are involved. In other words, they were going to find out that their sweet seventh grade crushes didn’t translate to genuine love between two teenagers – and that’s okay! Their lack of chemistry and lack of seeming like an actual couple, to me, was a pretty big hint that there was something more going on beyond “bad writing” and Disney channel restrictions. A shame we’ll never know for sure, but this is my gut feeling on the matter.
And there you have it! If you have any hills you’d die on, send them my way, I want to hear them. Hope you all had or are having a wonderful holiday season, and cheers to 2023!
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tineteenieworld3 · 2 years
The reason I get irritated with some m*levens is because of how they look at El. Many times they claim to love her or relate to her or anything like that. But most of the time they really only talk about her in relation to Mike or ways to shit on people for not liking their ship instead of analyzing her character. Of course I will not claim that they all do this or that some Bylers don’t and it’s not a big deal, but I think it’s important to talk about. Especially when I see a new hoard of people calling others ableist for saying El shouldn’t be in a romantic relationship.
El is such a complex character with an insane background that literally no one can understand or relate to. I mean, her plot line in season 4 really showed us just a snippet of the shit she’s been through. Grasping her character is extremely difficult because there is no one that can relate to her, not really.
Of course all the characters go through shit that’s unimaginable, but talking specifically about their upbringings we can somewhat relate to their characters or lives. El isn’t like that, she literally had 12 years of her life taken from her and then continued to be traumatized and hurt over and over which made it impossible to heal even a little bit. She loves and is loved, but even with her fight with Mike we get a lot of insight on how she’s viewing herself as a whole and finally speaking up.
It’s not just about Mike, she’s saying ‘no, no one understands, you don’t understand’ and she’s completely right. She’s not trying to shit on Mike in his attempt to relate, we can see her frustration because she has every right to be like ‘I don’t have a group of friends that I can relate to and find comfort in, my mind is alone and I don’t know how to exist in this world that you’ve grown up in.’ She’s just stating a fact when Mike is trying to comfort her. He doesn’t know what it’s like because she’s not just talking about the bullying, she’s talking about everything. I think it’s hard to fully grasp that scene because no one watching can understand either. At the start of season 4 we see this attempt to be like everyone else or even just be like Will and Mike or any of the other kids. That’s what she wants, she’s trying so desperately to move on from the fact that her life was stolen from her and she doesn’t have anyone to lean on that understands her. When it all falls to shit, she tells Mike exactly how she’s feeling and he still just doesn’t understand. He’s thinking very surface level when she’s trying to explain her feelings.
“I do not belong.”
“You mean in Lenora?”
And then we see that first spark of frustration in her: “anywhere.”
Instead of Mike trying to understand, or maybe he is and just can’t, he just tells her that’s not true. There’s a lot beneath those few lines El has in that scene, the not belonging is a feeling not a fact.
El is a very strong character, but she’s a very lonely character as well. I see alot of people try and find ways to make her relatable with headcanons and stuff like saying she’s disabled in some way, which is totally fine, I think there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that! You want to relate to characters you love, and nothing is wrong with doing that. But I think it’s important to pay attention to her actual storyline. You can’t relate to El, nobody can it’s literally impossible. She didn’t just grow up in the same world as the other characters, she wasn’t like Will or Mike or Max or Lucas or Dustin. She doesn’t just have a learning disability or struggle with speech:
She was a lab experiment for 12 years, then had to fight the upside down and save Will. She lived in the woods until Hopper found her and was then locked away once again from any civilization. She only got to have a spec of fun with Max and learn about herself before it all went to shit and she lost her father figure and was forced to move across the country. Her first time ever going to school was freshman year and honestly she did a damn good job. Of course you can see she doesn’t understand social cues and stuff along those lines, but we know exactly why that is and I feel like people don’t talk about the canon real reasons as to why her character is the way she is because it’s hard for us to relate and all we wanna do is relate to characters we love.
I mean, no other character has someone they can’t relate to. Even Will, he can find comfort and relate to El, but flipping that around it only goes a very short way. El shows this feeling she’s probably had the whole show when talking to Mike with simple wording. Her saying ‘anywhere’ is so important because for a second you can see into her head, that fear and frustration of having absolutely no one who gets it, having no world where she can easily slip into. Her life was taken from her and no matter where in the world she goes, there won’t be someone who gets it. Except for those kids in the lab that, guess what? All died and she thought she did it until the end of season 4. Can’t even begin to imagine her fear of not only not understanding the world, but not understanding herself either.
I love talking about El’s character, but I do think there is a tendency to simplify her to make it more digestible because, just like Mike, we can’t understand even a tiny bit.
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dyns33 · 2 years
Private life
I wanted to do another Javi G. story but it’s not as good as I wanted... I can’t focus at all, the ending is so rush. 
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Javi Gutierrez was not happy.
Not happy at all.
Everything finally seemed to be going well in his life for some time. After the death of his father, he had to take over the family business, and even if he had been prepared for it, he had had some difficulty managing the empire he had inherited.
He had to put his cousin in his place, showing him clearly that they could work together, but that he was the boss. Show partners, customers, enemies, that you shouldn't joke with him. Manage the budget, purchases, bodyguards.
That didn't leave much room for recreation. Oh, he threw parties, but the people he met weren't really that interesting, or they were trying to use him. His previous love affairs hadn't lasted long, and Javi had tried to convince himself that it didn't matter, that he was happy, alone in his big house, watching movies.
Then he had met Y/N.
Completely by accident. While he was walking around town, to clear his head before an important meeting, she had asked him for directions. The poor girl had heard of the region, she wanted to visit it, but she was a little lost.
She wasn't part of the same world as him at all, she didn't know who he was, what his activities were. She was beautiful, funny, charming. Almost immediately, Javi had known that she was the woman of his life.
He had cancelled his appointment to serve as her guide, then he had invited her to the restaurant. They had spent the rest of the week together, and after many tears, kisses, pleas, he had managed to convince her to stay.
Of course, Y/N was not a prisoner. Javi understood that family and friends were important. She sometimes went to visit them, and they were all welcome in their house.
It had been almost a year now, a full year without the slightest problem, perfect, with his sweet lover.
And that had to be taken from him.
Frankly, he hadn't deserved this. Maybe he wasn't perfect, maybe his job wasn't ideal, but he wasn't bad. And Y/N had nothing to do with it.
He had explained it well to everyone, when he could no longer hide their relationship. If anyone dared approach her, they would bitterly regret it.
Despite this, he had taken all his precautions, assigning several bodyguards to Y/N. To reassure her, he had told her that his family was well known here, that some people might try to attack him, and therefore her. But she had no reason to be afraid, he would never let anything bad happen to her.
Not for a single second had he considered what was about to happen.
Since she wasn't locked up, and he wanted her to be totally happy, Y/N sometimes went out for walks without him. Nothing weird ever happened during her walks, and the guards who accompanied her made sure that no one tried to take her from him. It would have been better if no one ever spoke to her, but Y/N was polite and sociable, she needed to interact with others, and therefore it was not possible.
When told that a woman had been talking for a while with his sweetheart, Javi didn't panic. It hadn't seemed abnormal. Even less dangerous.
Y/N hadn't spoken to him about it, indicating that it hadn't really marked her. But she had wanted to go out the next day, which was not her habit. Javi could have wondered, but he was madly in love, he wanted her to feel good more than anything, so he didn't stop her.
When she returned from her walk, the bodyguards said that everything had gone well, except that she had spent a lot of time in the bathroom. He wondered if she was sick. She had a funny expression when he found her in the bedroom, looking at him like she didn't know him, but he didn't care about that, putting his hand on her forehead to see if she had a fever and asking her if she was feeling well.
           "... Yes."
           "Are you sure ? You can tell me if you have a problem. I can fetch a doctor. I'll make you some tea, and a bath, and I'll massage your feet."
           "That's nice, Javi, but I'm fine. I'm just tired."
           "Oh mi amor, let's go to bed. I'll rock you."
She let him, but she still seemed absent, a little distant. In the night, Javi was awakened by what sounded like little sobs, and Y/N clinging to him. He thought she had had a nightmare and was surprised to find that she wasn't sleeping.
           "What's going on ?"
           "You would tell me, if there was anything important." she whispered into his neck. "You would tell me."
           "Of course, querida. It's okay, don't worry. I'm here."
           "... You really have nothing to tell me ?"
Javi didn't understand at all what she was talking about, because everything was going perfectly well in his life, especially since they were together. His business was going perfectly, he had more and more customers, no worries with his enemies, nothing could disturb their happiness.
He didn't make the connection to the woman who had spoken to her and the time she had spent in the bathroom, as she fell asleep against him again.
Fucking CIA.
They had been trying to pin him down for years and they had never found anything against him.
So those motherfuckers decided to take his Y/N from him.
They had approached her innocently, whispering to her that they knew things about him, and that if she wanted to know more, she had to come back to see them the next day. She had then seen reports, photos, heard recordings. She had cried a lot, not knowing what to think.
But all that, Javi did not know. And he still wasn't worried when she went out again a few days later. He probably should have, seeing her sad look, with the long kiss she gave him.
A goodbye kiss.
He had never cried so much as when his henchmen came home alone, saying they didn't know where Y/N was. She had disappeared suddenly, without them being able to do anything.
First he thought of a kidnapping. He contacted everyone for help. Then his cousin brought him the terrible news.
Y/N had not been taken. She was gone. The CIA had exfiltrated her from the country.
           "Sorry, primo. It wasn't the right one after all."
           "Shut up ! I don't understand. Why ? Why ?!"
Well, Javi could understand why. When Lucas scoffed that she was just a profiteer, he broke his nose.
It was perfectly normal that Y/N left. Even though she loved him and trusted him, he had lied to her, he had hidden many things from her. It was normal that all these revelations had disturbed her, and when she had given him a chance to confess everything, he had not taken it.
For several weeks, Javi was alone in his room, drinking and watching movies. His favourite activity. Before.
It wasn't the same without Y/N. It had no more flavor, no more sense.
He missed her laugh. Her little startles in front of the frightening scenes. The long discussions they had. Her head resting on his shoulder, her hand holding his.
He had to find her. Talk to her. At least to apologize and explain everything to her.
The CIA should never have involved her in these professional matters, she had nothing to do with it.
It was easier than expected to locate her.
Not to scare her, Javi phoned her first. It was hard for you to hear her voice after all this time, without being able to see her.
           " Mi querida ! It's me !"
           "... Javi ?"
           "Yes ! Wait ! Don't be afraid, don't hang up. I'm so sorry, mi amor. I can't live without you, mi cielo, mi vida. I miss you so much !"
           "... I miss you too." she said sincerely. "But what you're doing..."
           "You don't need to worry about that. You don't need to know. It's details. You can be happy, with me, at home, safe."
           "They say you killed a lot of people. That you killed your previous girlfriends."
           "Well, first of all, I didn't kill a lot of people. It's very rare that I kill someone, it's often my men who do it. And for my exes, yes, some are dead, but they deserved it, they threatened me. You are different. You would never do this to me, and I would never hurt you. You know that, right ? I love you so much, come home. Te quiero mucho. Por favor, ven a casa."
That didn't really seem to reassure her. Javi didn't understand why. He had been perfectly honest. From now on, there would be no more secrets between them and they could be happy as before.
If Y/N agreed to listen to him.
He could try to understand that she had doubts. He had lied to her before, so she was suspicious, it was normal, clever. But if she gave him a chance to prove to her that he was sincere, that he loved her to death, then there would be no more problem.
           "And... if you stop ?" she asked shyly, with her soft voice. "I'm not asking you to go to the authorities. I don't want you to go to jail. But you could stop and we could forget about all this, have a normal life."
           "But our life is already normal and wonderful, hermosa !"
           "Javi... You are a criminal. A gang leader, who sells drugs, weapons, who threatens, who injures, who kills..."
           "Not when I'm with you. I separate my work from my private life, something the CIA needs to understand."
           "I... I don't know if I want to accept this. I'm sorry."
           "But I can't stop. It's the family legacy and without protection, everyone will try to kill me." he reasoned. "We really can just do like we used to. I beg you. I'm not sleeping anymore, I'm not eating anymore... I'm not watching movies anymore !"
This time it seemed to touch her. Y/N knew what movies meant to him. But she apologized again, crying, saying it wasn't a good idea. She was being watched anyway, she couldn't come back.
Javi was even more angry after that. Not only had the CIA taken his Y/N, they were preventing him from coming back.
That didn't mean they could stop him from going after her. He would love to see them try.
He called his cousin, all his henchmen and partners, to get inside the horrible place where they had locked up his poor Y/N, and when he got her back, they would watch Paddington 2, huddled in their bed, without any hassle.
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caitimetravels · 3 years
she's insignificant
chapter 9: i missed you.. say it back
the umbrella academy x (fem) reader
disclaimer: i do not own the plot/storyline of the netflix tv series and i do not own the umbrella academy characters.
warnings: none
"klaus?" y/n stepped upstairs, hoping he was home. she was worried after he disappeared but was relieved to feel him now. she wandered through the house, looking around for him. she called out as she walked.
finally, she caught sight of him in the bathtub. he looked distressed, eyes blown wide and flickering around in fear. with quicker steps she knelt beside the bath, reaching out and shaking his arm. "klaus?" she called but he didn't seem to hear her.
"klaus?!" she shouted, worried. he shot up, shaking. "hey, hey, are you alright?" she placed her hand gently on his shoulder, speaking softly so as not to startle him. he breathed heavily before staring blankly at her for a moment, eyes teary.
"klaus? what happened to you?" she slowly moved to take his hands, examining them. she frowned at the blood and dirt adorning them. where had he been?
klaus didn't answer her question for a while, instead sobbing quietly, leaning back in the tub. he looked broken, it was the worst she had ever seen her brother in his life. she could practically see his heart torn to shreds in his chest. not wanting to worsen his mood she reached for some soap and a cloth, letting go of his hands for a moment. she moved back to sit beside him. she took his left hand first, softly wiping away the blood and dirt. 
neither of them spoke for a while, both just enjoying the others presence. 
"i was worried" she eventually broke the silence, voice almost a whisper, "i couldn't feel your soul and i thought.. i thought we lost you"  there was a pause, "where did you go?"
klaus frowned, looking up at her now, eyes still glassy with emotion. "i met someone" he slowly begun, "i time travelled, back to 1968 in vietnam.. i fought in a war" he chuckled bitterly, "he was.. beautiful, i loved him- i love him more than myself.. we spent almost a year together before.. " he begun to choke up, eyes filling with fresh tears.
"hey, hey, it's okay" y/n reached a hand up, caressing his hair. she shifted so that she sat on the side of the bath and he could lean his head against her hip while she continued to thoroughly clean his hands. "i'm sure he was lovely. probably sweet and he'd have to be able to keep up with you" she gently teased, poking his wrist. he laughed feebly, nodding against her side.
"he was so sweet. very handsome, he was so supportive.." 
"he sounds perfect for you" y/n smiled sadly, wishing she could have done something to bring him back for klaus.
"he was perfect" klaus sighed shakily, whispering quietly. y/n didn't want him to spiral, he was probably hurting a lot right now. so, she continued talking, anything to help ease his pain. she knew it wasn't much in comparison but she couldn't just let him hurt. 
"i'm sure he would have done well at a family dinner" she joked, hoping to direct the conversation elsewhere. klaus laughed a bit louder, imagining him interacting with their family.
"oh, he'd be so intimidated" she smiled, "you'd all probably scare him off"
y/n gasped in mock offence, "i would not! i'd be very nice, thank you very much!"
"hm, i'm sure you would. i can't say the same for diego and luther though" klaus hummed, much more at ease now.
"what about five? he'd be so grumpy" y/n teased her brother and klaus chuckled too, "that's if he even showed up though" 
"the little gremlin, probably wouldn't even acknowledge us" 
"gremlin?" y/n snorted, "i suppose he always has been, huh? i have to say, he's a lot worse now than he was"
"now?" klaus raised his eyebrows, pulling back to look at her. he thought about it for a moment, "he's not too bad i guess, just doesn't want to ask for our help" 
"we never really talked much so i can't accurately comment on when we were younger but he's definitely a solo rider now" she nodded, 
"what about me?" klaus gave a small grin, 
"what about you?" she hummed, amused.
klaus rested back against her, "how have i changed?"
"you didn't change that much, i suppose" she paused her movements with the wash cloth, thinking about it. "i think you've matured though, you've been through a lot, we all have and we've all done it alone.. i guess that's just made us all grow up a bit more.. depressed then we should've. you're still the same though, you're still funny, you make me laugh, you're still drug obsessed.. you should stop but i know you probably won't.." she gently resumed washing the blood away. "you're familiar, i guess.. i really did miss you, you know?" 
klaus smiled, although it looked a sadder than before. "i know, little sis. i missed you too.. sometimes i wish i had taken you with me when i left but i knew i couldn't.. i'm sorry i left you all alone"
"mm, well.. it's okay, while i was lonely i'm glad you all found your own lives" she shrugged it off, calmly. she dropped his arm now, standing up. "now, come on, the water's probably cold by now" 
"hey.. little sis" klaus made her stop and pause for a moment. "i lied to you.. when we were younger"
"what do you mean?" she frowned,
"about ben.. he was there, he's always been there" klaus looked down, "i should have told you when you asked but i.. i was scared dad would realise i wasn't completely hopeless or some crap like that"
"no, no, i get it.. sort of" she smiled, "i lied to everyone as well"
they shared a soft look, both really having missed each other.
she then turned to wash the cloth in the sink while klaus got out, he pulled the plug and took a towel with him to his room. while she washed the cloth he dried off and got dressed. she looked up as she heard footsteps. using her powers she knew it was five. he stood in the doorway to klaus' room, looking at the bloody hand prints on the bathtub and the red trail that lead to his room.
he slowly walked into the room as klaus pulled a shirt on. he knocked softly,
"you okay?"
"yeah.. just uh long night" klaus shrugged it off, shirt hanging on his arms. noticing that he begun to pull it over his head.
"more than one from the looks of it" five stepped into the room.
y/n wrung out the cloth, seeing as it was no longer red and left it on the side of the sink, folded over. she walked down the hall, grimacing at the trail klaus left.
"don't remember the dog tags" five pointed out as she stepped closer.
"yeah, they belong to a.. friend" klaus waved it off, pulling his shirt down.
"how 'bout that new tattoo?" five was obviously pushing him, wanting answers. 
"you know, i don't totally remember even getting it" klaus shrugged, "like i said, it was a long night"
"what are you questioning him for?" y/n spoke up, leaning against the door. klaus didn't need five picking on him right now. he glanced at her before looking between them.
"he did it.. didn't you?" he asked, smirking.
"what are you talking about?" klaus frowned, taking a seat.
"you know i can recognise the symptoms klaus" five walked further into the room, right up to him.
"symptoms of what?" 
"the jet lag, full body itch, the headache that feels like someone shoved a box of cotton up into your nose and through your brain" five paused, watching as klaus ran his hands down his face. "you gonna tell me about it?"
"your pals, when they broke into the house and they couldn't find you. they took me hostage instead" he
"and in return you stole their briefcase" five smirked,
"yeah, i thought there was money in it. or i could pawn it, you know, whatever" klaus looked away, sighing "and then i opened it.." he looked down and five begun pacing.
"and the next thing you knew, you were where? or should i say when?" he paused to look at klaus.
"what difference does it make?" klaus threw a hand up, annoyed.
"what diff-? okay, how long were you gone?" 
"almost a year" klaus sighed.
"a year.." five breathed before leaning in towards him. "do you know what this means?"
"yeah, i'm ten months older now" he joked, 
"no, this isn't any sort of joke, klaus. hazel and chacha will do whatever they can to get the briefcase" five leaned in, pausing his pacing "where is it now?"
"gone, i destroyed it. poof!" klaus made a motion with his hands,
"what the hell were you thinking?" five glared, speaking through gritted teeth,
"what do you care?" klaus annunciated, 
"what do i care?! i needed it, you moron- so i could- i could get back, i could start over!" five begun to yell, getting angry.
"just.." klaus stood, shaking his head. he was done.
"where are you going?" five asked, watching him walk away.
"interrogations over.. just.. leave!" klaus called back, annoyed.
"nice going, five" y/n called, rolling her eyes. five's head snapped towards her.
"nice going? y/n i needed that-" he seethed but she cut him off with a hiss,
"i don't care, that's not an excuse to harass your family. klaus is having a hard time right now and you just barged in here like you own the place, getting angry at him for getting kidnapped!"
"i don't have time-" five scowled, beginning to argue,
"for what, five?! for us? for your family?" y/n took a moment to calm down, glaring at him "you can save the world all you want but remember.. if you ruin your relationships with us, they can't be fixed with a simple equation" 
she was about to leave before five grabbed a piece of paper, sitting down and using his knee to write.
"what are you doing?" she leaned closer to get a good look,
"i have a plan" he simply stood up and walked to his room. what was he up to this time?
she followed along behind him, watching as he begun to write on his walls, having run out of books and paper. she sighed, flopping onto his bed, waiting for him to finish whatever he was doing so that he would finally talk to her.
"ben.. he was there, he's always been there" he was there when she felt him in the room, she knew she wasn't crazy. would he be happy.. proud of her? would he have seen her fighting with her siblings? did he know about her powers and her efforts to find five? did he see all her training with dad and the long days she would study to help their brother? 
she wondered if her father could see it too.. could he see them all fighting? their problems all resurfacing? did he see her possess that assassin.. see what he didn't discover?
ben stood in the doorway, watching as five wrote away on the walls. he walked over to the bed, reaching out to take y/n's hand. he frowned when their skin never made contact, he only phased right through her. 
y/n frowned, sensing someone else. she sat up slowly, sitting on the edge of the bed and concentrating. ben stood in front of her, confused. he bent down to see her face clearly, her eyes were black..
"ben.." she whispered with a smile, her normal e/c eyes returning. the said boy smiled back, at least she knew.
tag list: (if your name is crossed i couldnt tag you) @rxses-and-reverie @lostgreekgod @on-yourmark-99 @bicyhot1 @navs-bhat @midnightmystic @shawkneecaps @baby-bi-bi-bi-yeah @velveticxyyy
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raineydays411 · 3 years
Thanks T
 Summary: A dad is supposed to be your rock. Someone you can go to when times are hard. Someone whos supposed to protect you. WHat happens when your dad doesn’t fit the bill, and Tony does?
A/n: Hello yall! So this story hit really close to home for me lmao. It was mentioned that there aren’t any good dad/step dad Tony fics so I hope you like it. Everyone thank @alphaandromedae97 and an anon for this fic. 
Hope yall enjoy!
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Your life was complicated. 
How can it not be when Tony “billionaire playboy” Stark is your step dad. 
Yes you read that right, step dad. It’s funny really, turns out he has a thing for waitresses that aren’t interested in him at first. That waitress being your mom.
They met when she was working a shift at the restaurant she works at, and he came in with Avengers. He expected her to fall at their feet like everyone else did, but she just scoffed and asked for their order. Pretty epic. 
Then one long montage later, and they ended up getting married. You were happy for your mom, of course. Deep down, Tony is a good man and you knew he’d do anything for your mom. And he’s always been nice to you, making sure you were okay with him proposing and then you moving upstate with him and your mom. He always made sure you felt included, maybe a little too much. He actually took interest in your life, which you’ll always appreciate. 
But you were a total daddy's girl by heart. You always felt like you had a close relationship with your biological father. He was a good dad, he took you out to movies, went to recitals, and always made sure to take you to the father-daughter dance your school district put on every year. It was your tradition. But after your parents divorced a few years ago, it seemed like he was getting more and more distant from you. He stopped calling as much, would skip out on your days to visit him and when you did visit, he’d lock himself in his office, claiming he had to finish some paperwork. It broke your heart, knowing that a man you were so close with, seems to be detaching himself from your life. But, in his defence he always managed to take you to the father-daughter dance. He always did. No matter how long the both of you went without seeing each other, no matter how long you haven’t spoken, he always made sure to take you. 
That act alone, reassured you that he did still love you. He was just busy. In fact, you were getting ready to go to the final father-daughter dance, as you were going to graduate this year and therefore you would be too old to attend the next year. This year was especially important to you. You wanted this night to be perfect. 
And you were positive your father would pull through as he has the past years.
You were filled with excitement as you tried on multiple different dresses. You always liked this part of getting ready, the dress shopping. 
The confidence you feel when you finally found the right dress. The happy feeling you and your mother had, browsing through the dress shop downtown. Tony offered to buy you a custom designer dress, but you couldn’t accept. This was the shop you’ve been going to since you were a little girl, since you went to your very first dance with your dad. Call it nostalgia or tradition, but you couldn’t shop anywhere else. 
“ Hey ma! I think I found the one.” You shout from the dressing room, finally finding your dress after hours of searching. 
“Come out here and let’s see bug” She replies from where shes seated. You take a deep breath, soothing the wrinkles on the dress and walking outside. Your mother gasps as she see the gown. It was beautiful really. It was a glittery, lilac purple floor length dress with spaghetti straps. And it even had pockets! You were absolutely obsessed. Plus, you could probably use it as a prom dress if you really wanted to.
“Oh baby...you look so beautiful...” You mom says, tearing for the millionth time. 
“Ma, are you crying again?!” You laugh, “ Come on, that's the fifth time you’ve cried since we’ve been in the store!”
She laughs with you, sniffling as she wipes her tears,” I’m sorry, but you’re getting so big, it feels like it was only yesterday we were walking in this shop to get your first dress...and now...” She starts to cry again.
You smile softly, understanding what your mom was saying. You were in kindergarten when you first started attending these meetings, now you’re a senior in highschool. 
“Alright, no more crying. It’s a happy day for you. Has your father called texted you when he was going to come pick you up?” Your mom asked wiping her tears.
You frown, “ No, I haven;’t hear from him since two weeks ago when he said he wanted to get lunch.”
You can see your mom roll her eyes in the mirror, “ Mom he’s just busy. I’m sure he’ll call when he can.”
“Oh sure, I just hate that he doesn’t answer you fast enough.”
“I know ma, but he has work” You argue, “ He calls when he can, and that's okay.”
Your mom sighs, knowing that you were stubborn when it comes to your father. 
“ Well, let’s get this wrapped, Tony wants to get lunch and we need to convince him to get something other than shawarma.” 
You roll your eyes, “ God, what’s with that man and shawarma. It’s like his life line or something”
“I know!”
After the two of you buy the dress, you pick up Tony from the HQ. You loved the drive up there,mainly because of the scenery, but also cause you can see Cap running laps outside.
“Hell my love, hey kiddo” Tony greets switching seats with your mom.
‘Hey T” You greet, smiling at the man. 
“Did you find the dress?” He asks, driving away from his place of work and to a restaurant. 
“Yeah! It’s like the one I told you I wanted. I was surprised it was there to be honest.” You reply, “ Mom practically dehydrated herself shopping though.”
“Oh? How many times did she cry this time? Cause she was crying earlier when she was getting read-- OW! Hey I’m driving” He exclaims as your mom swats his arm.
You giggle at their antics, chest warming with the sight of your mom happy again.
“She cried five times while we were shopping. Five!”
“Five? I didn’t know the human body had that much water.”
The two of you chuckled as your mom made an offended noise.
“I hate that the two of you get on so well.” She pouts, “ And excuse me if I’m a little sad my baby is growing up so fast.”
You tune out the rest of their conversation as your phone buzzes. 
Hey kid, I’m gonna have to meet you at the school tomorrow. I have a meeting that’s gonna run late.
Okay daddy, I’ll see you there <3
You frown, your dad always managed to pick you up from the house. He used to take you to eat before the dance. And he always used to take the day off, devoting his time to you.
“ Uh oh, someone's frowning back there.” Tony remarks, “ What’s wrong kiddo, did a character off that show you like die/”
“Uh no, ma do you think you can drop me off at the dance tomorrow? Dad said he has a late meeting and won’t be able to pick me up.”
Your mother makes eye contact with Tony. They both know how your father has been flaking on you and how it breaks your heart that he does. It makes Tony especially mad because it remind him of his childhood. How his father really didn’t pay attention to him unless he was criticizing  his life choices.
“ Hey y/n, I can drop you off if you want.” Tony offers, “ I really don’t mind.”
You smile, “Thanks T.” 
“No problem kid.”
And with that he pulls into the restaurant parking lot. 
As your family is seated, you take a quick look around the restaurant, wanting to see the reactions of the patrons when they realize Tony Stark is in the building. But as you do, you see a man who looks very familiar. But before you can take a closer look your mom interrupts you.
“Y/n, you know it's rude to stare.”
“Oh sorry mom.” 
So you take a seat and continue with your meal. You tune out your mother and Tony’s conversation as you can’t take your mind off of that man. You take a quick glance back while your parents discuss the dessert menu.
That’s when you realize that the man was your father!
You stand up from the table and make your way towards the man. Surprised to see him there because as far as you know, he’s supposed to be in a meeting right now.
“Daddy?” You ask cautiously. The man tenses up before turning to you.
“Y/n? Honey what are you doing here?” You notice he doesn’t make an attempt to get up and hug you. 
And you also notice the second plate of food across from him and a napkin stained with what looked like lipstick.
“Um, T and Ma wanted to grab dinner.. I thought you were at a meeting?”
“This is a five star restaurant, and you just stopped in?” He asks ignoring your question, “ Of course Stark did..”
You wanted to roll your eyes. Everytime your mother was even close to being happy, your dad always found something wrong with the person she was with. But he seemed to have a strong disliking towards Tony for some reason.
“Um right...So you told me you were in a meeting? That’s why I couldn’t come over after dress shopping?”
“Right! A meeting...I’m currently in right now.” He says quickly looking towards the women's bathroom, “ You should go back to your table hon, my boss is really strict”
“Oh right, sorry” You say dejected, “ I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” your dad says with a soft smile, “ I love you Bug.”
You smile at the nickname your parents gave you, “ I love you too pop.” 
And with that you walk off, back to your mother and Tony. You can see they’re trying to hide the fact that they were watching by covering their face with the dessert menus.
“Oh here you are, we got you a tiramisu” Tony says nonchalantly, pushing the dessert towards you.
“Uh huh” You hummed teasingly, “ Dad says hi by the way.” 
“ Oh does he now?” You mom said not convinced, “ That’s nice of him.”
You hummed, mouthful of cake signaling that you were done with the conversation. Your family finished up their meals and signaled for the check. As you were walking out the restaurant, you turned to say goodbye to your dad, only to see his “boss” was back from the restroom.
Only this boss was a 5′3, brunette bombshell in a tight red dress and having her neck kissed by the man you call your father. 
Your stomach felt sick.
“Oh gross, I really didn’t need to see that.” You mutter catching the attention of Tony who was behind you. 
“See what kid?” He asks following your gaze, “Oh. Yikes is that even allowed? I didn’t know your dad was a vampire.”
You snort, “ Oh god T, that's disgusting.” 
He just laughs and pats your head, “ Come on, lets go before your mom yells at us.”
You smile, but you wondered why your dad didn’t tell you that he was on a date. Or that he was even seeing someone?
Thoughts of your fathers secrets where wiped from your brain as you scrambled to get ready for the dance the next day.
Tony surprised you and your mom with a mani-pedi day at 10am and a hair appointment for you at 1pm. After you had to get shoes for your dress at the mall and then be home by 5pm to get your dress and makeup on, take pictures, and then be out the door by 7pm to take pictures with your dad, then finally be at the dance by 8pm when doors open. 
The whole day you were messaging your dad about how excited you are, getting similar replays back. He pays for you shoes and complements your hair. 
Your heart swells as you think about how hard it was in the beginning of the divorce. But your father always tried his best to spend time with you and made sure you knew he loved you.  
It was hard on you at first, but you appreciate that he tried for you. The fact that he’s been taking you to this dance since you were a little girl is proof enough. You were a little sentimental, this was your last dance after all. 
You smiled looking at yourself in the mirror. You looked beautiful in your dress. Your makeup was done to perfection and you had gotten a silk press in your hair. You felt like a princess.  You heard your mom sniffle.
“Mom, again?” You laugh,turning to face her.
“I’m sorry! You just look so beautiful!” she says with a sad smile, “ God, you grew up so fast bug” 
You roll your eyes, but feel the tears spring to your eyes as well, “ Ma! Stop I can’t ruin my make up” 
You both laugh as you fan your eyes
“You ready?” She asks, “ Tony’s waiting for you in the living room.”
You nod, gathering your things and walking out the door. You let your mom walk down the stairs first. You can hear Tony and you assume Happy in the living room. You finally make it down the stairs. It turns out it was Tony, Happy, and Peter Parker. Your mom was chatting with them and they all had their back turned to you. 
“Ahem.” You clear your throat, catching their attention.
You see Peter stiffen as he gazes at you and mutters a soft “Wow”
You blush, what can you say he’s a cutie.
 Happy gives you a comforting smile.
 And Tony?
He has a soft look on his face, “ Jeez kid, you clean up well.” 
You laugh, “ Better than you old man, what's up with the pants?”
He had on Iron Man pj pants.
“Oh hush.” He laughs, “ You look beautiful kiddo.” 
You look down with a grin.
“Oh pose for some pictures!” You mom says excitedly, “ Go Y/n, by your self first and then with me. Then with Tony.”
You sigh, knowing how long it was gonna take.  
Finally after three million pictures, your mom and Tony drove you to the school.
“Okay bug, is your dad here?” Your mom asks looking around at the group. 
“Yeah! He should be inside.” You say kissing your mom goodbye and waving to Tony. You show the ticket and waltz in the gym. 
You smile and wave at classmates and parents. These people you’ve known since you were a child and who knew you. You finally got to the table you always sat at woth your dad. 
It was empty.
You frown and look at your phone.
On my way pop!
It said the message was read.
“He must be on  driving” You think to yourself as you sat at the table.
But then twenty minutes passed. Then an hour. then two
You were still there, waiting for your dad to come. You sent five messages and they all remained unopened. 
You looked around the gym, seeing a few parents looking at you with pity in their eyes. You can barely stand it.
You got up and went to the restroom, trying not to cry. and in the restroom you tried calling you father, but you were sent to voicemail. The you finally got a message. 
“I’m so sorry bug, I can’t make it to the dance. I have a meeting today. :(”
You felt dejected. Humiliated. 
Your father has rearranged visitation days, skipped out on little crimonied and rectitals you’ve had, but this by far was the most disappointing thing he has done. 
He promised multiple times that he’d be here. Never has he ever skipped out on the dance before.  ANd he knew how important this was to you. Thi was your last dance, and he ruined it. 
You let yourself cry. You sobbed as you realized that your father has been distancing himself from you. That your relationship hasn’t been okay for a while. And you just didn’t want to let go.
You sigh as you realize you’ve been in the restroom for a while. You stand up and look at your face. Despite the red eyes and slightly red nose, your make up was pretty much intact.
“Huh at least my setting spray hasn’t let me down.” You say to your self. After a few mintues of calming down, you walk out of the restroom and bump into a figure. 
“Sorry” you mutter about to pass the person. 
“Gee you took a while in there, I told you not to get that coffee kid.” 
You quickly look up and se Tony.
Dressed in a suit, flowers in hand.
“Hey kid.” He says softly
“what..what are you doing here?” You whisper, tears filling your eyes again.
“Well apparently you need an rent a dad, and I happened to be in the neighborhood.” He jokes, then says, “ I’m sorry your dad didn’t come kiddo, and I know I’m not him, and quite frankly I’m glad I’m not. But I do love you like you’re my own, and well...yeah here I am.”
You stay quiet, looking at Tony in wonder. Touched that he did this for you.
“Of course if you just want to leave then we can just get out of here” He rambles nervously, “ But you gotta tell me kid cause I’m kinda freaking out.”
“Can we get ice cream after?” You ask him
“After the dance, we should go get ice cream.” 
“Uh sure?” Tony says, “So what do you usually do at these things?” 
You laugh and steer him to the tables where they have all the activities at. You actually have more fun with him than you had recently wit your dad. Tony is definitely more competitive than your father and treats every game as a challenge. Not like something he’s humoring just for his kid. He celebrates with you instead of telling you to calm down. He chats with the adults, is nice to the kids, and does the goofy dances with you. Seeing Iron Man do the chicken dance is something you didn’t know you needed till now. He managed to turn this horrible night to one of the best ones you’ve had in quite a while. 
Finally the father daughter dance started to signal the end of the dance. Tony bowed dramatically and said in a horrible british accent, “ Lady Y/n?”
You laugh and make your way to the dance floor. You’re both quiet for a bit, snorting at how serious the other dads and their daughters look.
“Hey T?” You say softly, looking at the ground.
“Yeah kid?” 
“Thank you. It’s nice to know that one of my dad's isn’t a total asshole.” You say. knowing that this is the first time you referred to Tony as your dad.
His eyes get misty as he clears his throat,
“Anytime, bug”
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Yandere! Flaky X Reader Headcanons
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(Image found on Imgur posted by SliceOfHeaven)
Hey @elizabeth-yandere thank for the ask! I know it took me awhile to get to it but I hope you enjoy it all the same~ Comments and feedback are always appreciated!!
I tried to keep this as a gender neutral reader! So I used they/them pronouns :)
Warnings: Yandere, toxic relationship, stalking, mentions of blood
- Flaky is shy... everyone knows this
- But you were drawn to her from the start
- She had her head down, eyes avoiding absolutely everyone in the crowded grocery store aisle 
- Her red white-flaked hair obscuring her face as she tried not to cry
- She had tried for the last five minutes to reach up onto the top shelf for the last ingredient she needed for dinner... only to be too short to reach, her fingers just barely brushing the bottom of the can
- It was stupid... she thought, to cry over something so little
- But she couldn't help it, she was overwhelmed and it was so crowded and it felt like the walls were closing in and her heart was beating out of her chest and people were starting to look in her direction and she could hear them whisper and whisper and talk and talk and it was too much... it was always too much
- And she couldn’t even get out a simple “Could you help me with this please?” without feeling like she was going to throw up all over the floor
- She was just about to drop her basket on the floor and bolt out of there when you showed up
-  “Almost... aha! Got it!” With a little effort, you snatched up the very can she needed and held it over to her with a bright smile “Looked like you needed this!”
- “T-t-thank you!” Flaky shook as she accepted the can into her basket from your hand
- She expected you to turn and walk away after that, but you accompanied her to the front of the store, making polite conversation while she wiped her eyes with the sleeve of her sweater
- “So you should totally come over sometime!” You invited her over to your house, so happy to have made a new friend
- Flaky was stunned “You want to hang out with m-me?”
- You laughed, but it clearly wasn’t mean “Of course!”
- Flaky’s crimson eyes widened, she felt like she had just been handed the greatest gift in the entire world, and she nodded
- You two exchanged numbers and then you were on your way
- Unaware of the love-stricken red-head that cautiously followed you home
- Your friendship started out as normal as could be... as far as you knew
- But what you didn't know was that Flaky liked to follow you... watch your every move
- She felt if she let you out of her sight even once, you would disappear without a trace and she would be left alone and heartbroken and she couldn’t have that
- She’d show up at your house randomly
- “Oh hey Flaky! It’s... pretty late... did you want to sleep over?” you asked the small girl as she stood on your porch at just about midnight
- “U-um sure!” her smile was small and lopsided and adorable, so of course you let her in
- You didn’t mind that she slept over, she was your friend after all
- And then things started to go missing from your house
- Small things
- Things you didn't even know you’d been missing until suddenly there was a random space on your counter or your desk or a shelf that you swore there had once been a nail file... a pen... a small knickknack... a half-finished bag of gummy worms... 
- It wasn't so much concerning to you... rather, it was unsettling 
- But you brushed it off as simply misplacement or forgetting and moved on
- Flaky’s visits were more frequent when you had guests over
- A rapid pattern of knocking interrupted you from setting the tea set on the coffee table in front of your new friend Flippy
- “One second, I’ll be right back!” You promised him
- He was such a nice neighbor and you felt guilty of how long it took you to finally meet him (being so preoccupied with Flaky’s visits) so you invited him over for tea the one afternoon when Flaky texted you that she was staying home that day
- Or that’s what you thought... when you opened the door and familiar red eyes met yours
- “Flaky? I didn't expect to see you today, everything okay?”
- “I’m f-fine. Do you mind if I come in? I m-missed you!”
- You smiled weakly... how could you turn away your (basically only) friend now? 
- You invited her in for tea as well, letting her know that you had a guest over
- You lead her to the living room where Flippy sat patiently with his hands in his lap and a nervous smile on his face
- “Hello Flaky, didn't know you’d be joining us too” he tried his best to keep his voice quiet and kind but despite his efforts, his rumbling voice sent Flaky shaking where she stood
- “F-Flippy? W-what are you doing h-here?” Flaky hugged herself as her eyes darted around the room nervously
- “Oh, I didn’t know you knew each other!” You smiled, happy to know that your new friend was familiar with the red-head girl
- You went to take a seat besides Flippy when Flaky grabbed your arm with a force much greater than should be possible from such a small girl
- You laughed and asked her what the matter was, her eyes never leaving the green-haired man
- “Can you let me go please? That’s starting to hurt,” you tried prying the girl’s hand from your arm only for you to be pulled down to her height so she could talk into your ear
- “Y-you don't know?!” Her eyes were wide and she was shaking so bad you thought she might faint
- “He’s crazy! H-he killed half the town once before. He can’t control his anger... he’ll lose control and he’ll kill you too!” she began with a whisper that very quickly made it’s way into a yell that was half a sob
- “What?” You eyed Flippy who had tears in his eyes as he slowly shook his head
- “Flaky... I don't know what you’re talking about, I would never-”
- You’ve never heard Flaky raise her voice and it honestly shocked you
- The red-head girl stood in front of you and pointed at Flippy accusingly “If you think I’m going to let you hurt my f-friend then you’re wrong!”
- “Flaky, I-” you tried to intervene but the girl already had a heavy candlestick in her hands
- “I am SICK and TIRED of you! Thinking you an come in here and steal them away from me?!”
- Flippy stood slowly, his hands up in a non-threatening manner, tears threatening to spill over “I’ll just leave now... I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable Flaky, please just-”
- Flaky pulled you further behind her “DON’T MOVE! DON’T YOU DARE COME NEAR THEM!”
- She swung the candlestick as she yelled, you could hear the whoosh it made as it cut through the air
- Flaky had moved you both to stand in the way of the exit
- “We have to get out of the way if you want him to leave-”
- “QUIET!” Without thinking, Flaky swung the candlestick at you, meeting your head with a sickening CRACK 
- The room went silent as you raised a hand to the side of your head
- There was something warm... something cold... something warm and cold all at the same times running down your face
- You pulled your hand away and held it in front of your eyes... blood
- You let out a cry that you couldn't hear, everything was blurry and red and it HURT
- “Oh my god!” Flippy rushed to your side, pressing a throw blanket to the wound as you screamed
- But as soon as he made contact with you, Flaky struck again
- The candlestick snapped in half as it slammed into Flippy’s head and his right eye popped from it’s socket 
- You screamed and Flaky embraced your form as you fell to the floor in a last minute attempt to grab Flippy as he fell backwards
- Your fingers brushed his front but Flaky was quick to grab you into her arms
- “Don’t cry! No!” she hushed you, one hand keeping you upright, the other pushing your face into her chest
- You couldn’t stop the sobs that tore through you
- “I-I didn't mean to hurt you, please don't be mad at me! P-please!” Flaky’s hold was suffocating 
- You weakly fought against her, attempting to turn your head away from her, throwing your arms this way and that
- But you were losing too much blood and you were too weak
- “Flippy did this! He always does this! I knew he would hurt you! He always hurts everyone and everything!” 
- “N.. no.. no-” you sobbed, chest heaving
- “I’ll make you b-better,” Flaky whispered, pressing kisses to your bloodied head “All you have to do is stay with me f-forever and ever. A-and we’ll get rid of him and run away and live h-happily ever after.”
- Flaky was laughing now “We’ll be happy and free and you’ll be mine... only mine.. forever!”
- The blood poured endlessly down your face, getting in your eyes and blinding you
- And suddenly you were tired... so tired
- You were too tired to wipe your eyes
- Too tired to scream or yell anymore
- Too tired to reach for the phone on the coffee table in front of you
- Too tired to fight against the small girl as she took you by the shoulders and dragged your limp body out the door
- “You’ll be m-mine... forever and ever... and ever... and ever.. and ever-”
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asweetprologue · 3 years
me lámh le do lámh - Part I
Ahh I can’t believe it’s finally done! After a year of working on this beast, it’s finally ready for me to share. This is something I started way back last summer, and I decided to finish it as my project for this year’s @geraskierbigbang. It will be ten parts in total, and I will post one part per day until it is complete! There are several art pieces that were created by the wonderful @herostag​ and Miranda.draws for this story, which I will link when the appropriate section is posted. For a summary and further links, please see the masterpost.
Next | Ao3 | Masterpost
“Alright,” Geralt said. “Don’t laugh at me.”
Yennefer looked up at him with bright eyes, curious and already mirthful. She was sitting across from him in his quarters, reading through a tome she’d found in Kaer Morhen’s disheveled library. Geralt had just come from a bath after hours spent training Ciri in the yard, and the room was filled with the warm evening light, supplemented by the fire crackling in the hearth. Yennefer had insisted on carting dozens of tapestries and drapes to hang around the drafty keep, and the room was nearly stuffy with their bulk keeping the heat in.
Yennefer gave him an amused smirk. “I will make no such promises before I even know what you’re going to say.” The gentle teasing brought a fond smile to Geralt’s face. After the events of the mountain all those years ago, things had been understandably tense. Yennefer had been reluctant to join them when she had finally met up with Geralt after Sodden, but had eventually agreed to seek refuge in the witchers’ keep and teach Ciri to control her magic. Once she’d met the girl it had all been a wash; it was clear as soon as their eyes met across the room that Yennefer was as much a part of Ciri’s destiny as Geralt was.
Geralt had expected that to either mend the rift between them enough for things to go back to the way things were, or make things even more awkward. Instead, they found themselves in a sort of in-between. Over the years his affection for Yennefer had only grown, but he found himself looking to her more and more as a friend—maybe his best friend. After Jaskier, of course.
Speaking of. “I was thinking about Jaskier.”
Yennefer rolled her eyes obviously. “As you are so frequently wont to do. The thaw will come soon enough, dear, and you can run off in search of your bard.”
Geralt felt his ears grow warm. Witchers couldn’t blush, not truly, but he still felt the tingle of it as he fidgeted with embarrassment. “That’s not what I meant,” he said, absently tracing a finger against the grain of the wooden table. There were two goblets of wine sitting between them, but so far neither of them had begun to drink. “Do you know how many winters it’s been since I found Ciri?”
If she was confused by the odd turn in subject matter, Yennefer didn’t show it. Instead she looked thoughtful. “Two, perhaps three? You know I don’t follow the seasons with diligence.”
“Neither do I,” Geralt agreed. “I was thinking the same though, two or three years since the fall of Cintra. Which means Jaskier is…” He paused, trying to do the math. “He was a few years past forty, during the dragon hunt, I think. He must be closer to fifty now than not.”
Yennefer raised an eyebrow at him. “I recall mentioning something about his crows feet. What of it? Humans age. Are you only just discovering this?”
Geralt forced himself not to grumble. In a way, he was only discovering it. He’d known humans across the years, of course, and knew that many that he’d once been acquainted with were no longer alive or were in their twilight years. For decades Geralt had wandered through the world, changing no more than a ghost would, touching the lives of regular mortals for a brief instance, maybe a few times if they were particularly unlucky. No one had stayed by his side, dedicated themselves to a relationship with him, the way that the bard had. The amount of devotion that Jaskier showed to him had made Geralt antsy, in earlier years, and then confused and angry by turn. He had hated the idea of someone needing him, had hated needing someone in return. The way his chest felt heavy when he and Jaskier parted ways had left him furious with himself and the bard.
And then Ciri came into his life, and everything had changed so quickly.
With Ciri, it didn’t matter whether Geralt felt like he should care for her, or if he wanted to. He needed to. Without him, the girl would die, or be kidnapped by Nilfgaard for who knows what purpose. He had to feed her, and clothe her, and teach her, and he had to love her for her to thrive.
She made it very easy. It was only afterwards that he realized how much of an idiot he’d been to Jaskier, and the thought of how he’d treated the bard over the years had plagued him. It had been months before he could find him to apologize, but Jaskier forgave him almost immediately—which Geralt found both relieving and infuriating at the same time. This was the first winter they’d spent apart since. Geralt left the keep more rarely now, heading out on the Path only when the months grew truly warm and returning at the first hint of falling leaves. Ciri was safe on her own, he knew, but he missed her when he was away. And he could admit now that one of the forces driving him back into the world over the last few years had been the itching desire to find Jaskier again and settle the yearning in his chest for another year. He was less inclined to venture forth when his bard, his daughter, Yennefer and his brothers were all in one place.
This winter Jaskier had begged off, saying that he had “work in the south,” which could mean anything from spending a decadent winter in the court of some noble or sludging through the front lines as a Redanian spy. Geralt had learned not to pry too deeply into Jaskier’s business when he wasn’t around. It was often either too explicit for him to stomach or too confidential for Jaskier to share freely.
It worried him, being away from the bard for so long. He could get hurt, or captured by Nilfgaard, or worse. But what really terrified Geralt was the idea that he would find Jaskier in a tavern along the Path and realize that the bard had grown old, to find silver in his hair and wrinkles beside his eyes. “He’s getting too old,” Geralt said to Yennefer, who looked at him with sympathetic eyes.
“You must have known when you started travelling with him that he would eventually leave you,” Yennefer said, not unkindly. “Humans are so short lived.”
“I didn’t exactly get a choice about becoming his muse,” Geralt said with a huff. Despite his improved relationship with Jaskier over the past few years, he still found it difficult to admit that he had always been more than willing to let the bard tag along. If he’d wanted to travel alone, he would have. But he never had. “I just didn’t realize…”
“It always comes sooner than you think it will,” Yennefer sighed. She set her book aside and picked up her goblet of wine, turning to look out the large window their table sat in front of. It faced west out of the keep wall, towards the mountains and the forest beyond. The sun had set below the craggy peaks, throwing the snow covered valley below into darkness. Geralt could just make out the ruins of the old tower, its stones dark against the white landscape. “You can’t cure his mortality, Geralt.”
“We did.”
The look that Yennefer gave him was sharp, almost angry. The firelight in the room turned her violet eyes darker, like mulberry wine. “At great cost,” she snapped. “I can’t imagine you would put him through the Trials.”
A stab of panic shot through his gut at the thought. “No. Of course not. He wouldn’t survive it anyways. Only children stand a chance at all.”
Yennefer nodded, apparently satisfied that Geralt hadn’t completely lost his mind. “The boy hasn’t got an ounce of Chaos in him, in spite of his rather chaotic nature, so I highly doubt they’ll accept him as a late trainee at Ban Ard.”
“There must be other ways,” Geralt said, feeling petulant. “Less conventional.”
“I cannot believe we are actually discussing this,” Yennefer said, rising to her feet. She picked up her book from the table as well as her glass. “There is no way to achieve immortality, especially not without sacrifice. You know that, Geralt. Drop this foolish line of thought.”
Geralt rose after her, reaching out to catch her retreating wrist. A grasp loose enough that she could break it, if she wanted, but Yennefer paused. “Please, Yen. Just… look into it for me? I can’t—the thought of—” He cut himself off, dropping his hand away from her arm. The look she gave him was more pitying than he would have liked.
“I’ll do some research, but nothing more. Don’t get your hopes up, Geralt. There’s a reason there are so few of us,” she said. Her face softened slightly, as much as it ever did. Despite Ciri, Yennefer was still made of more glass and fire than anything else. “I know you love him, even if you can’t admit it to yourself. I promise, I will do my best.”
Geralt nodded wordlessly as she left and wondered if Jaskier's eyes would be as bright next time he saw him.
For weeks Yennefer said nothing about his request, and Geralt refocused on spending time with Ciri and preparing to depart for the spring. Lambert and Eskel had already left a month before, as soon as the road down the mountain began to thaw, but Geralt had hung back. The roof needed repairs, a difficult job to do in the midst of winter, and it was a hard task to leave for Vesemir alone. It was always like this, now—him looking for odd jobs to keep him at Kaer Morhen, with Ciri, making excuses until Jaskier’s jitteriness or Vesemir’s raised eyebrows forced them on the road again. Some of that was mitigated this season by the silence he heard when he found himself listening for the sounds of lute strings strumming gently in the background, and Geralt’s increasing anxiety about Jaskier’s wellbeing. Even so, it was hard to leave Ciri behind.
The girl was progressing rapidly as she entered her teen years, the chubbiness of her youth morphing into lean if awkward muscle as she continued to work on her swordsmanship. When Geralt and his brothers weren’t pushing her through drills, she was studying monsters and alchemy with Vesemir, or practicing her magic with Yen. She never seemed to tire, eagerly absorbing any lessons passed on to her and desperate to prove her worth. The only person she seemed to let her guard down around was Geralt, who found himself often goading her into mock wrestling matches (which he refused to throw on principle) and humoring her when she became restless and wanted to explore beyond the keep. Kaer Morhen was dangerous in the winter, but as spring approached and the deep snows on the surrounding mountains began to thaw, the duo spent more and more time trekking through old ruins and sleeping beneath the stars.
He could put off his journey south no longer.
“I’m going to be fine, Geralt,” she said, rolling her eyes at him. He wondered if he’d been this petulant as a teenager. Certainly Lambert had. “I can take care of myself, and Yen will be with me.”
Geralt tapped her wooden training sword with his own, indicating that she should prepare to go again. When he was a boy he’d trained against the other foundlings, stumbling around like pups through drills and sparring matches. Ciri trained against full witchers, and only Eskel ever faked a misstep here or there to allow her to get in a good hit. When she won a fight for the first time, it would be on her own merit.
The girl raised her sword into a decent fighting stance, and Geralt moved to correct her footwork. Her sword work was exceptional above the belt, but she consistently forgot her stances, throwing herself off balance. They’d begun putting her on the pendulums to force her to focus, dancing between posts to attack the dummies. Geralt had spent many a night rubbing salve into her bruised shoulders, gained from taking fall after fall from the low poles. No one forced her, but if there was one thing Ciri hated, it was admitting to weakness in herself. “Sword up,” Geralt said, and launched into his attack.
He stayed on the offense, forcing her to practice the defensive drills they’d started going over recently. “I know you’ll be fine,” he said, continuing their conversation. His breathing was relaxed, almost meditative through the slow exchange of blows. “Just seems cruel to leave you with only the old man and Yennefer for company.”
Ciri giggled despite herself, and Geralt found himself grinning back before he smacked her lightly in the ribs with the training sword. She swore—Lambert, Geralt thought with chagrin—and danced back a few paces. “Gotta focus,” he said, still smirking at her.
She poked her tongue out at him childishly and reposted off of one of his blocked attacks. He easily swayed out of the way, but the movement was fluid and smooth, which meant someday it would be fast, faster than he could dodge. He gave an encouraging nod.
They continued to spar for another half an hour or so before breaking, heading to the well to fill their water pouches. Geralt sat on the short ring of stones and Ciri slumped on the ground beside him, leaning against his leg. The simple trust and familiarity she exhibited around him still took him by surprise, sometimes. “I’m leaving tomorrow,” he said, rubbing a hand over the top of her head. Her hair was almost as white as his.
She sighed, wiping dripping water from her chin as she tossed her water pouch down. “I figured,” she said. “Say hello to Jaskier for me, when you find him? I missed his songs this time.”
Geralt’s caress turned into a playful ruffle. “I will. Any requests for books?”
“Ones about Elves,” she said immediately, “and Skelligan alchemy. It’s different from ours, did you know? The Druids—”
Geralt chuckled. “I know. You’ve said half a dozen times. No fairytales this time?”
The girl hummed, reminding him for a brief and touching moment of himself. “Just bring Jaskier back. He tells about your adventures so much better than you do.”
“He’s certainly made a career out of it,” Geralt grumbled, feigning annoyance. “I’ll do my best. You know how he is.”
“You missed him too,” she said, hitting his knee with one closed fist. “I know you did. You get all…Well, more grumbly and mopey than usual, when he’s not around.” She wrinkled her nose up at him in exaggerated disgust. “It’s gross. But I do want you to be happy.”
Geralt knocked back against her gently with his knee, swallowing around the feelings that rose in his throat. “You just think I’m a boring old man who won’t help you put toads in Eskel’s bed. But you never even ask. I’m the expert, not Jaskier.”
Ciri laughed, bright and crisp in the morning air, and Geralt felt warm despite the fading winter chill. Tomorrow he would leave, and he would find Jaskier, and next winter he would tell Jaskier that he had to stay at Kaer Morhen. For Ciri, if nothing else. And if it was more for Geralt’s sake than anything, well, no one had to know.
Yennefer found him before he left, saddling Roach in the stables.
“Go to Triss,” she said by way of a greeting. Geralt knew what she meant by the gravity in her tone and the tension sitting in the corners of her mouth. “Ask after Ida. I don’t know where she is or if she’ll speak with you, but a Sage is the only one that might be able to give you anything.”
Geralt reached out to grasp her hand firmly in his own. “Thank you, Yen,” he said honestly.
The sorceress sniffed. “Well, you owe me one, I suppose. I hope you find what you're looking for. But be careful.”
“I won’t do anything that might put him in harm’s way,” he promised. “I swear it.”
“Good.” She gave him a slight smile before leaning in to brush a kiss over his rough cheek. The simple touch warmed him from inside out. “Say hello to the bard for me. Tell him I heard about that disastrous competition in Vizima. Ought to have him stewing for a good long while.”
Geralt rolled his eyes. “I’ll give him your love as always.”
“Goodbye, Geralt,” she said, patting his arm lightly. “Be safe. You know how to reach me, if you have need.”
“I do,” he said. “I will. Take care of Ciri.”
“It’s more the other way around, I’m afraid,” she said with a soft smile, and Geralt understood exactly what she meant. Ciri had saved them both, in more ways than one. Every time he left her was more painful than the last. Someday, he knew, they might travel the Path together, a witcher, a sorceress and their daughter. Maybe even a bard, if he was extremely lucky.
Geralt hoped he would be.
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seita · 4 years
the contract girlfriend | semi eita (m.)
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˒ pairing: semi eita/reader ˒ genre: angst, fluff, smut ˒ wordcount: 𝟺𝟹𝟹𝟷 ˒ tags: friends2lovers, fake dating, musician!eita ˒ cw: dirty talk, loss of virginity, virgin kink if u squint: sweet talking, pet names, mean girl ex, mutual pining, unrequited love(?), angst with a happy ending, UNEDITED
+ note: this is a collab along with the other writers for the kkc! i would also like to thank @bokutobabie​ 𝖿for her help with this plot bc it was kickin’ my ass.
˖˖ summary: when he was an unknown musician, his girlfriend left him. now that he’s made it, he wants to make her jealous at a fancy party so he can get her back.unfortunately, he asks you to be his fake date. the downside? you have a very real crush on him.
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© all content belongs to seita 2020. do not modify or repost.
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“I have a proposition,” is never a sentence you want to hear when you sit down to lunch with your best friend. Especially when that friend is Semi Eita. 
“What..?” you ask apprehensively, taking the cup of coffee he’d obviously gotten to bribe you. You took it regardless, not willing to pass up the offer of free coffee.
“Nana is gonna be at the party this weekend,” he muttered, swirling his fingertips around the rim of his cup. You felt your heart drop into the pit of your stomach at his words, “I want you to come and pretend to be my date.”
Just as you’d expected. Not something you wanted to hear.
Nana was Eita’s first love, his first serious relationship, really. They got together when he was fresh out of highschool, the two of them spending almost all of their time together. 
It was when his career as a musician was just beginning, he was playing small gigs and there was nothing really successful. But he was happy. And he thought she was too.
Until she dumped him in favor of a much more famous man. He was a big movie producer and offered her a leading role in an upcoming film. Of course, she took the offer. 
She would much rather be mingling with the rich and famous than be hanging out with “a nobody like him”, as she put it. You remembered the hurt Eita felt, the tears and heartbreak it took almost 3 years for him to get over. 
“Why?” you finally asked with a sigh, “What will that accomplish?”
“Well if she gets jealous, she might want to get back with me,” he grinned impishly, shrugging his shoulders like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
You recognized the look in his eyes, one of determination. So you sighed, nodding your head, “Alright, I’ll be your date.”
He beamed, uttering out endless thanks to you as you went on with your lunch until he decided to go back to the studio. He slipped his hat on low, making sure his mask was in place before hugging your goodbye and leaving you sitting alone at the table. 
You sighed, downing the last of your coffee. Your spirits were low; you had no idea what to expect from this party. 
Would she fall for it and run back into his arms now that he had had his big breakthrough and became mainstream? She surely must have known by now; his band was already breaking records, wracking up fans by the thousands, his songs were being played on the radio. 
Maybe now that he was famous enough, she’d actually want to be with him. Not that she deserved him. And he didn’t deserve someone like that, either. He was too good for her, too good to be treated like that. 
You let out another sigh and stood up, grabbing your purse from the back of the chair.
This was going to be painful. You weren’t sure how you would cope with pretending to be his girlfriend all for the sake of him getting back with her. 
Surely your heart wouldn’t be able to take it.
Because as much as you tried to hide it, you were irrevocably in love with your best friend.
The entire getup was supplied to you by Eita; from the jewelry to the dress itself. You felt like a different person. Despite the fact he was your best friend, you hadn’t attended one of the big parties since his band’s breakout single. 
This particular party wasn’t in celebration of his band, but he was invited regardless so naturally he went. He was still enjoying the high life and was getting used to tasting fame. You were glad it hadn’t actually affected his personality. 
“You look nice today,” Tendou complimented with a breezy smile. He was nursing a glass of champagne, which was uncharacteristic to say the least. He had always been more of a whiskey kind of guy.
“Thanks,” you shrugged, “I’m not really a fan of this kind of thing.”
“I know,” he grinned, “You look terribly uncomfortable, that’s why I came over to be such a good pal and keep you company while your darling boyfriend is off galavanting with the people!”
You rolled your eyes, “He’s not my boyfriend, Satori.”
He giggled, taking glee in your embarrassment, “But you wish he was.”
“Are you already drunk?” you raise a brow, making him snicker.
Someone called his name from the crowd and he flashed you a knowing grin, “Eita may be too dim to see it, but the rest of us aren’t!”
You pout and find yourself alone once again. Looking around, you search for your ‘boyfriend’. Suddenly, a heavy arm falls across your shoulders and the familiar scent of his cologne reaches your nose. 
“Hey, babygirl,” he coos, making your heart skip a beat at the pet name. He sounds so fond and you feel yourself smiling before he busts out laughing, shaking his head before letting his arm fall from your shoulders, “That’s just so weird. I dunno if I’ll be able to get through this tonight,” Ouch. “Anyway, Nana just arrived so…” he takes your hand but you can’t bring yourself to smile as you feel the ache in your heart at his words.
If he takes note of your deflated behavior, he doesn’t say anything, merely leading you over to the balcony. You breathe in the fresh air and feel the ache in your chest dull.
“Eita? Is that you?” a perky voice makes you cringe. 
“Nana,” Eita breathes, tugging you against his side as she breaks through the crowd to stand in front of the two of you.
Her smile promptly disappears at the sight of you crowded in Eita’s arms.
“Eita...who’s this?” she asks, a smile returning but you can tell it’s plastic. 
You remembered everything you had gone over with him before the party; the two of you had sat down for a few hours to sort out your story and rules. It had felt like you were making a binding contract with him when you told him no kissing on the lips. It was your only stipulation and you swore you saw a brief downward tug of his lips when you told him before he beamed and readily agreed. 
Maybe you were imagining that disappointment in his eyes too. 
“This is my girlfriend, _____,” Eita introduced, giving your arm an affectionate squeeze.
“Oh,” she gave you a strained smile and held out her hand for you to shake. When you slipped your hand into hers, she gave it a tense squeeze that made you flinch, “I’m Nana, Eita’s ex.”
“I’ve uh…” you cleared your throat and pulled your hand away, “I’ve heard stories about you.”
“All good I’m sure,” she replied flippantly before setting her sights on him once more, “We should totally catch up, you know? Reminisce about the good old times~”
The sultry, flirtatious undertone made your skin crawl. Even if you weren’t really dating, she thought you were and for her to not respect that made you angry. But still, Eita pulled away and placed a kiss against your temple that set your heart ablaze.
“Sure, why not?” he grinned and gave your hand a squeeze, “You go have some fun, sweetheart. I’ll catch up with you later.”
You gave him a hollow wave as he quickly vanished into the crowd without a second glance your way. You knew this was the end goal but still, to see him walking away hurt. A sense of rejection was seeded within you and you felt your spirits slowly being crushed. 
It took all your power to continue on with the party until it felt acceptable to leave. Throughout the party, you kept getting glances of the two of them. 
Eita wore a serene smile, his eyes sparkling as he looked at her. Whenever she looked at him with a flirtatious smile and a subtle caress, you felt jealousy pool in the core of your stomach. You wanted to march over there and scream “he’s mine!”. But you couldn’t, because he wasn’t really yours. 
He was only pretending to be yours so he could have her. 
Your phone vibrated as you downed your final glass of wine, making you look at the screen with a frown.
“I’m heading to Nana’s apartment for the night! See if Satori can give you a ride home, thanks for the help!!”
Your jaw ached from how hard you were forcing yourself to keep from crying. When you tried to find the elusive redhead, you found he was drunk and dancing with two girls so you decided to leave him be and simply call an Uber. 
For just a short time, you had simply been a contract girlfriend for him to use. Though you knew it was fake, it still felt so nice to be called his. 
So you went home, removing your expensive clothing like Cinderella after the ball and decided to relax on the couch. It was only a little past midnight when you got out of the shower, turning on the TV to watch whatever late night nonsense was playing. 
Eita thought that being with Nana again would be everything he wanted. But as he laid beside her, her head resting on his naked chest, strangely all he could think of was you. 
When he asked you to pretend to be his date, he hadn’t thought of the possibility of how it would really feel. Sure, he had touched you before, naturally. Sometimes he hugged you and held your hand. But that night, when he placed the kiss against your head, the way your eyes lit up in response had his heart stuttering when he thought back to it. 
Truth be told, when you told him he couldn’t kiss you he felt so...disappointed. He had thought of assigning the same rule but decided against it at the last moment, secretly thinking about how nice it may feel to kiss you. 
He had quickly dashed that though because of how wrong it was to think of you like that. 
Yet there he was, thinking of you with his ex girlfriend back in his arms again.
“Eita?” Nana asked, lifting her head to look drowsily at him, “Are you okay?”
“Um...yeah,” he clears his throat, “I should probably get going.”
“Why?” she whines, “Don’t worry about her.”
“Huh? Who?” he asks, confused.
She giggles and clings to his arm, “Your girlfriend! She doesn’t have to know!”
His heart ached at those words -- true, you weren’t really dating but he felt like he had done something wrong. And for some reason Nana’s blatant disregard that he had cheated with her made him nauseous.
“I...I just want to see if she made it home safely,” he gave her a tight lipped smile and picked up his phone. 
She rested against the pillow, head propped up on her hand as she watched him dial you. When you didn’t answer, he gave a frustrated sigh and dialed Satori instead. 
It rang a few times before the slurred voice of his best friend answered, “H-Hey man, what’s up?”
“Satori, did you drop _____ off okay?” Eita asked.
The redhead made a confused sound over the line, “What’re you talkin’ about? She never asked me to take her anywhere.”
“What?” Eita frowned, “Did you see her leave the party?”
“Gotta tell ya, man, I wasn’t watchin’ her,” Tendou replied, a feminine giggle in the background making Eita frown, “Wasn’t that supposed to be your job?”
Eita sighed, shaking his head, “Alright, dude, just...let me know if you hear from her.”
“Hah? Why would she call me?” Satori chuckled, “Why don’t you just check on her? Better safe than sorry...I mean, she’s a cute girl, you never know what kinda scoundrels were eyeing her in that pretty little dress tonight. If i was a less honorable friend, she would be the one in my bed right now!”
Eita scoffed and hung up as his friend started cackling gleefully over the line. Eita stood up, shaking off Nana’s grabby hands as he slipped his jeans back on.
“You’re not going back to her, are you?” she pouted.
Eita sighed, “I gotta check on her. No one knows where she went off to.”
“She’s a big girl, c’mon Eita~” she purred, letting the sheet fall from her bare body as she crawled towards him.
He shook his head and threw his shirt on, grabbing his keys off of her dresser before moving to the door, “I gotta see her.”
He ignored her obnoxious whining as he bolted out the door. Any sleepiness that was in his system had evaporated at the worry he felt over you. 
The drive to your apartment was quick enough, it went by in a blur. He took two steps at a time up to your place on the 3r floor, not patient enough to wait for the elevator. 
The knock on your door made you jump. Throwing the pillow you held in your lap aside, you checked through the peephole to see a familiar head of sandy blonde hair. 
Pulling the door opened, you looked at him with wide eyes, “Eita? Aren’t you supposed to be with--”
“I couldn’t get a hold of you,” he breathed, stepping past you to enter your living room.
“And?” you laughed, shrugging your shoulders.
“I got worried! Why didn’t you go home with Satori?” he sighed, sitting on your couch with a huff.
You chuckled again, though it was humorless, “He looked like he was having fun, I didn’t want to impose.”
He sighs and relaxes against the couch. As you sit next to him, for a second things feel normal. 
You almost feel okay, as if you could forget about everything happening. It’s so easy to forget your crush on your best friend and the fact he wanted to be with another woman. 
It was easy to forget it all until it came rushing back into your face in the form of Nana. 
You and Eita were having a lunch date, as was normal for the two of you. Unfortunately, amid his retelling of a story you had heard a million times over, she showed up with an obnoxious screech of his name.
“Eita!” she squealed and rushed over to him, throwing her arms around his shoulders. 
You let out a soft sigh, your eyes falling to your half-finished plate.
“Nana…” he greeted, eyes wide in shock, “H-How did you find me? What’re you doing here?”
“I wanted to see you, silly!” she chirped, taking a seat in his lap in a way that was far too comfortable. Suddenly, her gaze shifted to you and the smile vanished off of her face, “Oh, you’re here.”
“Nana…” Eita sighed but didn’t make any move to get off of him.
“What? I thought you were going to break up with her?” she whined loudly, making your cheeks burn as people looked over at the two of you, “You said you were going to dump her!”
“I--” Eita started.
“You should go,” Nana grinned at you, shrugging her shoulders as she hugged Eita closer to her, “Seriously, he’s mine now. He was fucking me at that party instead of you.”
Although nothing about your relationship that night was real, the humiliation you felt at that very moment was. She was smug that she had gotten your boyfriend to cheat on you and was making a spectacle of her victory. 
Biting your lip, you reached behind you to grab your purse, “I-I’ll see you later, Eita.”
“______ wait!” he called but you were already rushing towards the entrance. 
You had no idea that he was hot on your heels until you reached your apartment. You went to close it only for the foot to intercept it. Looking over your shoulder, you found Eita panting before he was pushing the door open completely.
“_____ I--” he paused, “Why are you crying?”
“I am?” you wiped under your eyes and frowned when you felt the moisture there, promptly wiping it away, “Sh-She completely made a fool of me, Eita. I don’t know what you ever saw in her and I don’t know why I helped you get back with her.”
“I know, look…” he ran a hand through his already messed up hair, “I feel the same, alright? I’m sorry I pulled you into all this, _____, I really am. Alright, I told her to get lost.”
You sighed and took a seat on your couch, “She only wanted you back because you’re famous now. You know that right?”
He chuckled and sat down, nodding his head, “I guess I was just...hoping for something I guess.”
“What?” you asked.
He shrugged, “I don’t really remember anymore,” he confessed. 
“Well,” you didn’t quite know what to say, simply leaning back on the couch to appear relaxed, “I always wondered why you didn’t date after her anyway.”
He shrugged once more. How was he meant to say that he didn’t want anyone impeding on his time with you? 
“I guess...no one really came along, you know?”
You nodded, “I guess it’s the same for me.”
He snorted, “You’ve never even dated anyone before.”
“You don’t have to bring that up!” you whined, playfully shoving his shoulder.
He laughed, melodic and pretty, “I think it’s cute. What’s your story then?”
“Eita, we’ve been friends since high school, you know everything about me,” you smiled, feeling your cheeks warm at the soft look he was giving you.
“Yeah but…” he bit his lip, fingers inching closer towards you, “You’re...pretty and sweet. There’s plenty of good looking guys around me that have tried flirting with you before. Hell, Satori even said he was into you.”
You smiled and shook your head, “No, none of them are right…”
“Who is right then?” he asked, unable to hide the hopefulness in his voice.
“Eita…” the smile falls from your lips, your heart hammering in your chest as he moved closer towards you, “I…”
“Hm?” he hummed, his nose brushing against yours, breath fanning over your lips.
“I...I won’t regret this, will I?” you asked. 
His breathing stuttered against your skin and he shook his head, bringing his hand up to cup your cheek, “You won’t.”
After those words left his mouth, he brought your lips to his in a sweet kiss that was perfect for a first. You could tell he was experienced, knowing exactly how to move. 
There was something sweet lingering on his tongue that you found utterly addictive. 
You wish you could find it strange or even scary to wind up in bed with your best friend. The fact your entire relationship was going to be changing should have concerned you but all you felt was anticipation. 
He hovered over your body, the two of you stripping your clothes with unhurried ease. His body was firm from working out, a habit he never let go of from his time as a volleyball player. 
His hands were calloused and warm as they touched your body, caressing your breasts in a way no one ever had. The feeling of him thumbing over your nipples had your back arching in arousal, your panties becoming soaked embarrassingly fast. 
He was hard and throbbing in his jeans, the constricting material almost painful but all he really cared about in that moment was seeing all of you. 
Hooking his thumbs into the band of your panties, he pulled the material down. He cursed under his breath at the strings of slick that attached to the fabric. 
“You’re so wet,” he breathed, licking his lips as he tossed your panties over his shoulder to be lost somewhere in your room. 
“Sh-Shut up, don’t tease me…” you mumble, feeling embarrassed by your body’s own reaction to him.
He smiles, pressing a soft kiss against your knee, “I’m not, baby. It’s sweet...I love knowing you react so honestly to me.”
“Eita…” you whined, reaching up to cover your face as he spread your legs.
“Hmm?” he bites his lip, sliding two fingers between your folds to spread them apart. 
Your hole clenched around nothing, drooling more slick for him to gather on his fingertips. He used it to rub smooth circles around your clit, the sweet moan that fell from your lips at the pleasure he so easily gave you. 
“I’ll get you nice and prepped, baby,” he cooed, the nickname making your heart soar. 
You were so wet, making it easy for him to slide two thick fingers into your pretty cunt. You clamped down tight around the digits, making his cock throb at the mere thought of what that would feel like around his hard cock. 
Twisting his wrist, he crooked his fingers up to hit your sweet spot, his thumb coming up to circle around your clit. The inexperience of your body made it so easy for him to bring you to the edge. 
You had never felt this, no one had ever touched you so intimately so your body was more reactive than ever. 
Reaching down, you wrapped your hand around his wrist, meeting his gaze with wide eyes. He smiled, capturing his bottom lip between his teeth.
“You cumming?” he asked, though he could very easily feel your walls spasming around him. 
Still, you nodded, mouth falling open but no sound escaping, “E-Eita…”
“C’mon, baby,” he groaned, fasting his pace to fuck your dripping cunt. The sounds were wet, lewd and if you were with anyone else you would have been completely ashamed. But it was Eita, the person you trusted the most in the world. He groaned as your body began to quake, “Let it go, pretty girl. Cum for me, that’s it.”
At his encouragement, you released with a shrill whine of his name. He eagerly fucked your gushing cunt through the high, only slowing when your back met the bed again. 
Pulling his fingers from your hole, he was mindful of your sensitivity. He still couldn’t resist placing a fleeting kiss against your throbbing clit before sitting up to meet you for another heated kiss. 
Your body was still trembling as you wrapped your arms around his neck, your thighs spread open around his waist. His clothed cock hovered above your sensitive core and he made sure the rough material of his jeans didn’t make contact.
“Please, Eita, c-can we…?” you asked, biting your lip, too embarrassed to utter the words.
He smiled and nodded, brushing some hair behind your ear before sitting up to discard the remaining clothing on his person. His skin was pretty, tanned and built. His cock reached his navel, dripping precum down the length which he used to easily slick his cock up with his fist. 
The sight of your best friend jerking himself off over your naked, trembling body felt beyond taboo. But it only made you more eager to have him. 
“Please, Eita...I want you,” you breathed. 
He flashed you a smile and sat up on his knees, sliding the dripping tip between your folds. Brushing past your clit, you whined at the sensitivity. 
“It might hurt a bit, pretty baby,” he whispered, positioning himself at your entrance. 
You had already guessed it. He was big just by looking at him. But nothing compared to when he began to sink into you -- that’s when his size really became apparent. 
“Ah, Eita!” you whined, digging your nails into his shoulders.
He hissed but didn’t stop you, eyes falling to where his cock was steadily stretching you open. When he got halfway in, he pulled back until the head remained within your clasping walls. With an experienced roll of his hips, he pushed his cock back in, this time easily bottoming out. 
“Fuck!” you squealed, back arching. 
He could feel you gushing, dripping down his balls. There wasn’t a single sign of pain in your features so he quickly began to move, the both of you riled up and eager to have each other completely. 
Everything felt so right, so sweet. Having him in your arms made you feel so happy. 
“You’re mine now, baby,” he groaned, burying his face in your neck, “All mine. N-No more, fuck, of this friend shit...I love you.”
“Eita,” you whined, tears pricking your eyes as you hugged him tightly against you, “I love you too. P-Please make me cum.”
“Fuck, I’ll get you there, baby,” he promised, reaching between your bodies to find your clit. Your walls immediately clamped tight around him as he played with your little bud, “C’mon. Cum for me. I wanna feel you cream, pretty baby. Can you do that for me? Show me how good this cock makes you cum.”
His filthy words, whispered in his sweet, deep voice were enough to throw you over the edge. As you squeezed around him, trembling and gushing through the amazing orgasm, he spilled within you. A soft whimper of your name fell from his lips as his balls throbbed, cock spitting out load after load until you were so filled, it dripped from your cunt. 
Finally, the both of you stilled. He leaned back to look in your eyes, tucking some damp hair behind your ear before pecking your lips. 
“I meant it, you really are mine now,” he said.
You nodded, “You’re all mine too.”
“Well,” he gave you a teasing grin, “You have to share me with my millions of adoring fans.”
“Don’t be so full of yourself,” you giggled, biting your lip as he pulled out, “You have thousands at most.”
“Oh, way to bruise a guy’s ego,” he laughed.
You were grateful to have him, everything with him was so easy. Everything between you was fine, perfect even. And you didn’t have to worry about ever losing him to another girl again.
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that makes four.
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Your feet dangled down from the stool, elbows on the granite counter when Jeff turned around. “Alright,” he said, lips in a thin smile when he revealed the plate of reheated lasagna that someone dropped off in the last few days. “Smells good.”
You looked up at him with an unimpressed stare. “It looks a little disgusting.”
“It’s vegan, I think.”
“Jesus,” you rolled your eyes. “You start one all natural skincare line and people think you only eat plant-based shit.”
He let out a small laugh, set the plate down and watched as you picked up the fork. One bite--mediocre. Not exactly hot enough, but after all Jeff had done for you the last few days, you didn’t have the heart to demand he put it in for another minute.
“So--do you think it went well?”
You laughed around the food in your mouth, picked up a paper napkin and let your head tilt to the side. “As good as a funeral could be.”
The lights in your kitchen were dim and the sun had already faded behind the trees, the house quiet after people finally filed out. Friends, extended family, strangers you’d never met had flocked to Los Angeles for the funeral of your famous father.
It’d been coming from a mile away. His health declined, an obvious result of the cocaine and the cigarettes and whatever else he’d ingested regularly in the 70s. A heart attack a year ago put him on a fast track to the afterlife, but he always joked that he’d probably end up in hell.
Being in the music industry ruined him, in a way--it ruined your parents’ marriage and it ruined a lot of the relationships your father had. Blow outs and big fights that left him exiled from a lot of social circles, sometimes never speaking to people again after one bad phone call. But it was never like that with Irv.
“Well, I’ve never seen my dad cry so hard,” Jeff smiled. “He really loved him.”
Another bite of the soggy noodles and fake cheese. “I know.”
A comfortable silence, the doors off the kitchen were open, a breeze from the backyard let the southern California warmth blow through the sheer curtains when you sipped at your left over wine.
Jeff was the closest thing you had to a sibling, his family was all you had left at this point. You were tossed in the bathtub with him and his siblings as a baby, shoved into family photos and tagged along for vacations.
Being closest in age to Jeff meant people always hoped it would be the two of you that would end up together. Happily ever after or having babies of your own. But when you saw Jeff wolf down a whole pizza at his bar mitzvah, any hope of a spark between the two of you had been permanently extinguished.
His older sister was the one who told you what it meant to have sex, and after your mom died, his mom helped you pick out a dress for your Sweet Sixteen.
She was the one who talked you off the ledge when you found out you were pregnant only a few years later, she was the one who threw you both baby showers and she was the one who helped you through your divorce only six months earlier.
So now that your dad was gone, too, you wondered where you fit into their family and what your definition of family even was.
Before the thought could cross your mind, the front door was pushed open and the sound of high pitched giggles floated in from the foyer.
CeCe’s tiny voice echoed down the hall. “Uncle Jeff?”
“Is that my CeCe?” He took a few steps forward and she ran straight into his legs, he hoisted her up onto his hip when Maeve rounded the corner with Tristan in tow.
“Hi honey,” you opened an arm so your ten-year-old could fit into the side of you. She leaned her head on her shoulder. “How was ice cream?”
The easiest ploy to get them out of the house while you hosted some kind of awkward afterparty.
“Fine,” she sighed. “But Tristan said that funerals are a selfish attempt by the living to hold on to someone after they’re dead.”
You blinked a few times and looked down at her, shocked by the words and apparently, her ability to understand them. You looked over at Tristan, arched eyebrows to communicate how displeased you were.
His eyes went wide when Jeff choked down a laugh. “I didn’t--I don’t know what you’re talking about Maeve.”
You kissed Maeve on the head. “Well, Tristan is wrong about a lot of things, trust me. But you two should go get ready for bed, it’s been a long day.”
You looked over at him again--younger by two years and easily one of the most important people in your life. You met him only a year after you started your business, he had a knack for brand management and eye for design that you couldn’t pass up. He was way too sarcastic and cynical to be your regular babysitter, but Jeff and his family were basically in the receiving line beside you.
Jeff let CeCe climb down and Maeve took her by the hand as they headed for the kitchen stairs to the second floor, leaving you alone at the island with two of your closest friends.
He waited until he heard the water turn on from their bathroom sink, then whispered in Tristan’s direction. “Great idea to say that to a ten-year-old and a six-year-old after their grandpa dies.”
Tristan rolled his eyes theatrically, “she asked why so many people came and why she’d never met any of them if they loved her grandpa so much.”
“Well, you can expect a bill for their therapy in a few years,” you laughed, forking more lasagna into your mouth.
Tristan made his way over to the fridge and pulled out the glass dish, helping himself to a piece when Jeff took a seat beside you. “How are you holding up?”
“Fine,” you glanced at him sideways, suspicious about any ulterior motive he might have.
“Okay, Y/N,” Jeff laughed, Tristan eyed you from over his shoulder like he didn’t believe you. “Let me try again. How are you feeling emotionally?”
You cleared your throat and swallowed the most recent bite of dinner. “Oh, you mean cause my husband left me six months ago and my dad just died and now I’m a single mom with two fiesty daughters who just inherited a giant house aaaaaand,” you drew out the word for dramatic effect. “I’m a business owner who barely gets any sleep?”
“That’s what I was getting at, yes,” Jeff nodded and fought a smirk.
“I’m alright,” you sighed. “Tired. Kind of freaked out about what the fuck is going on in my life, but, I’ll survive. I always survive."
You knew you would--in fact, you’d been waiting for this moment for the last few weeks. When Jeff’s mom called to tell you your dad needed to be put in hospice, you prepared. You talked to Maeve and CeCe and explained it all in a way they’d understand. His life on earth is over, but we can still talk to him and visit a pretty garden to remember him.
It was a lot to deal with only a few months after your high school sweetheart turned husband admitted he’d been having an affair and moved out, you saw on Facebook that he’d since bought a motorcycle and was spending most of his time at bars along the coast. That whole fiasco was harder to explain to your children.
And now suddenly everyone wanted to make sure you were okay. Frozen dinners, offers to drive your kids to and from their extracurriculars, a lot of attention was suddenly thrust onto you and your family, as if you hadn’t always hated that growing up.
But you knew the time would come when life would settle back down. Cousins and aunts and uncles would fly home, people would stop asking how you were doing post divorce. Dust would settle and the sun would set on this chapter and frankly, it couldn’t happen soon enough.
So here you were, the funeral was over, the dinner in his honor at Jeff’s parents, the media coverage was starting to die down and life could return to normal. Or, at least, a new normal.
Your dad had been a fixture in your life--weekly dinner dates with grandpa gave you a minute to yourself after working long days and answering endless phone calls. A glass of wine on the couch or even dinner with Tristan and Zoey was a nice escape from breaking up fights or figuring out how to reattach the head of a Barbie doll after someone shoved someone into a closet and tears and screaming ensued.
“You will definitely survive,” Jeff nodded.
Tristan came and sat, forked into the lasagna and made a face when he realized how bad it was. “Is this fake cheese?”
“Unfortunately,” you nodded.
Tristan made a face and then cleared his throat. “I, for one, think this is the start of a new chapter for you. New opportunities, new love,” he smirked.
A quick retort: “Yeah, that’s obviously the first priority right now.”
“He’s right, though,” Jeff said. “You have a fresh start, a totally new chapter.”
You nodded--they were right, but easing into a new chapter felt a lot better than trying to dive right in.
“Speaking of a fresh start, you know, changing things up,” Jeff forced a grin in your direction. “Can we actually talk for a second?”
You eyed him suspiciously, put your fork down to bow out from eating the world’s worst lasagna. “Yeah?”
“I have kind of a weird favor to ask. And--I know it’s kind of bad timing, with everything going on, but--just hear me out, okay?”
Instead of replying, you watched him, lifted your brows to encourage him to continue and tread carefully.
“So I have a client who isn’t from here, he bought a house but it’s in the middle of getting renovated. There’s kind of been a lot going on, it’s a long story.”
“Okay,” you nodded, unsure where he was going with it.
“He needs a place to stay, and I was wondering if maybe he could stay here for a little.”
“Here, like, here here?” You pointed to the floor of your kitchen, an elegant upgrade from the more modest house in Woodland Hills you’d occupied before the divorce.
Along with the death of your father came the inheritance of his Bel Air estate and all of the bedrooms, the four car garage, the manicured lawn and the pool out back. Some people thought you should sell it, use the cash to make trusts for the girls or save for college.
Selling it didn’t feel right, though. It was the house he worked so hard for, the house you called home for the later half of your teen years and the place you always came back to when things got hard. So instead of putting it on the market and closing that chapter, once again, you returned to the safe haven in the hills when you didn’t know where else to turn.
“Yeah, I know it sounds crazy, but you have the room and it might be fun to have someone else around and--”
“I have two daughters, Jeff, I can’t just let a stranger live with us.”
“He’s not a stranger, Y/N, he’s my friend. We’re really close.”
“Who is he?” Tristan asked, waving his fork in the air to remind us that he was still present.
“Harry Styles.”
Tristan’s eyes nearly bugged out of his head. “The kid from the boyband?”
“No way,” you shook your head, dismissing it before you could even let his name register. “I’m not having a pop star boy band kid stay in my house.”
“Okay,” Jeff held up a hand to get Tristan to relax, then moved to point at you. “He’s 24, number one. He’s not a kid, he’s, like, only a few years younger than us.”
“Yes,” you nodded, “exactly. I don’t need a 24-year-old living with my daughters.”
“He’s not like that, though. He’s responsible and he’s a family friendly dude, and--”
“Then why can’t he live with you? Or with your parents?”
“I don’t have the room,” he said. “And my dad hates house guests.”
You rolled your eyes, it was obnoxious, but it was true. Irv hated having people stay over almost as much as he hated it when your dad beat him in golf.
Jeff took your silence as an opportunity to continue selling you on the idea. “He just finished his tour, he’s working on his second album. He’s probably going to be in the studio a lot, Y/N. Do you really think I would let some crazy party animal live with my nieces?”
Another eye roll from both you and Tristan.
“Is this like, just a few nights?” You asked.
“Like, two weeks. Tops.”
“Two weeks?!” You shook your head. “No--I can’t put them through that after all the shit that’s been going on this year. Why can’t he just stay in a hotel?”
“Cause that’s lonely and he’s a people person and--I don’t know, it might be good for you to have someone around.”
You rolled your eyes that, was it a jab at your new status as a single mom or new status as a fatherless daughter? Unsure.
Jeff stood from the counter and grabbed for his phone on the far end of the island. “Just think about it, okay? I’ve gotta run. A few weeks, built in babysitting, maybe--he’s great with kids.”
“I’ve already thought about it,” you told him, resting your chin in your hand and offering a sugary sweet smile. “No fucking way.”
“Mommy!” CeCe’s voice called from upstairs, you hoisted yourself up, ready to tuck them in and forget that Jeff had ever asked such a ludicrous question.
“I would owe you big time--it might be fun! You’ve got the room, he could be a positive male influence on the girls.” He wiggled his eyebrows at the end of his sentence--like that would really sway you.
“And I’m not that?” Tristan pulled his head back, offended.
“You’re the one who told them funerals are stupid,” Jeff said with a sarcastic smirk.
“And you’re the crazy one trying to let a stranger move in here like it’s an AirBnB,” you shot back at Jeff. “So maybe they do need a better male influence than both of you.”
“Mommy!” CeCe called again, more impatient this time.
“I’m coming!” You shouted. “You, let yourself out when you’re finished eating this terrible meal,” you pointed at Tristan and the lasagna. “And you,” you pointed at Jeff with a smirk. “Please never speak to me again.”
He was already heading for the door, keys in hand when he blew you a kiss. “Love you, see you soon!”
“Love you,” you called back, bounding up the stairs, mom mode activated.
A text message the next day when you were at work:
Jeff Azoff (1:43pm): 🙏😇🙏😇
You blew air from your lips, Zoey sat across from you at a conference table when you took a late lunch. She was the first friend you made when you started high school, your long time confidant aside from Tristan and Jeff and a sure bet to tell it like it is.
Now she regularly popped into the Luna offices and she loved nothing more than acting like she was a higher up at your business. She’d rather be doing that than admit she was a new mom with no clue what the next chapter of her life would look like. You had that in common.
Her two-month-old son, Benny, sat in a carrier on the ground, his eyelashes fluttered when Zoey put her feet up on the chair beside her.
“What’s the sigh for?”
“Jeff is being annoying.”
“What’d he do now?”
You looked over at her, nose deep in her phone when you took another bite of the burrito bowl she’d picked up for you. You didn’t know if it was worth it to explain it all. Zoey was excitable, never one to turn down an adventure and her aptly timed identity crisis that came with becoming a mom was sure to make her encourage bad decisions even more.
She looked up at you, suddenly aware of the wheels spinning in your mind.
“Spill it,” she instructed. She put her phone down and let out a breath, clasped her hands and waited for you to fill her in.
“He asked me to let a friend of his stay with us in my dad’s house.”
“Your house,” she corrected. “Deed’s in your name now.”
“My house,” you nodded. “And I feel weird about it.”
“Who’s the friend?”
“Some client of his,” you tried to wave it off as if the name didn’t matter.
It didn’t, really. You’d long been exposed to the rich and famous just because of the nature of your father’s work. He was one of the biggest managers in the music industry in partnership with Jeff’s dad, so you were no stranger to beautiful people with beautiful cars and beautiful homes. When Jeff took on the family business, you only grew more accustomed to it.
“So a celebrity?” she shimmied her shoulders in excitement. “Which one?”
“Harry Styles,” you said the name slowly, quietly, even though it was just the two of you in the second floor conference room and even though this was your office that you bought and you owned and you ran.
“He’s hot,” she nodded casually, less impressed than you’d expected.
“He’s also like twenty-something, so it's disgusting for you to say that.”
“Oh relax,” she dismissed your concern. “He could be your pool boy.”
Zoey--who also grew up in Southern California and spent plenty of time at your house as a kid--hadn’t yet grown so accustomed to the coming and going of celebrities. Her parents owned a florist shop in Santa Monica and in high school you had to tell her she could only come to a Britney Spears concert if she didn’t cry when you inevitably met her in the green room thanks to your dad.
“I have children,” you reminded her. “A ten-year-old who might as well be fifteen and a six-year-old who would think I literally bought her a human playmate.”
“But if he’s friends with Jeff I highly doubt he’s a serial killer,” she reasoned.
“Wow, you are completely missing the point.”
“What’s the point, then?”
“It’s weird--I can’t have a stranger move in with my kids.”
“Why not?”
“Because first their dad left us and now their grandpa died.”
“Sounds like they need a new man in their life.”
You ignored the similarity of her words with Jeff’s from the other night. “I just think it’s crazy.”
“Okay,” she sat up straight and suddenly looked like this was morphing into a business conversation. “How long?”
“Two weeks.”
“Oh my god,” she turned her palms towards the sky. “Just do it.”
“What? No!”
“It’s two weeks--it’ll take your mind off of all the shit that’s been going on, it’ll be a fun distraction for the girls. You have so much space in that house you will never even know he’s there. And you’re helping a friend.”
She wasn’t wrong: Harry could likely stay in the bedroom all the way on the other end of the hall from where the girls slept. Maeve was thrilled to get her own room in the move and CeCe would occasionally run into your room after a nightmare, so the space was a plus.
He’d have his own room, his own bathroom. Hell, he could even park in the extra garage and enter from the back of the house. Maybe you wouldn’t even notice he existed.
You sighed, tugged at your necklace when you met her gaze. “I just feel really protective over them right now. I feel like Luke ruined their sense of family and now with my dad gone--”
She stuck her tongue out in disgust at the sound of your ex’s name. “I get that--but they have you. They have Jeff and his family and they have me and Shawn and now Benny.”
You offered a small smile at her reassurance. She was right in a lot of ways. The Azoffs were as much a family to your daughters as they had been to you. Shelli and Irv were like grandparents, they offered to babysit plenty of times and they always managed to get the girls the most amazing birthday presents.
But something in you knew it wasn’t the same. You’d dreamed of giving your daughters the sense of family you never had: a mom and a dad who loved each other. One house, not two that had two different beds and sets of books or toys.
Luckily and unluckily, your ex hadn’t made a huge deal about custody. Visits here and there were outlined in your divorce papers, but at this point in time he didn’t seem the most interested in maintaining a relationship with his daughters, even though he promised way back when that he’d never leave.
Getting pregnant with him during college wasn’t planned, but he swore you’d make it work and you tied the knot only a few months before Maeve was born. Things were good at first, you always knew you’d have more than one--if only to combat your own only-child loneliness--and then CeCe came five years later when you felt a little more prepared.
“I don’t think it’s going to traumatize them, Y/N. I mean, the least you could do is meet the guy.”
You watched her for a minute, blew air from your nose in a huff before you picked up your phone.
Y/N L/N (1:56pm): Fine. I’ll meet him.
Three days later you pulled up to a cafe in Brentwood and took a deep breath in the parking lot. If he was creepy, you wouldn’t go for it. If you got even the slightest weird vibe from him, you’d ex-communicate Jeff and only go over to visit his parents with the girls when he wasn’t around.
You’d already been leaning towards just doing it, especially once Tristan got a glass of wine in you and reminded you what your dad would have said: he who helps is one who prospers.
A few sleepless nights left you staring at the ceiling and wondering if you were crazy. You just now had the chance to let life settle down and here you were, mourning the loss of your biggest supporter, trying to piece yourself back together post divorce, and considering letting a stranger move in? Grief really did do strange things to people.
But when you walked in and found them sitting at a table in the back, something clicked.
Your dad was already fond of your possible houseguest, which you only knew from overhearing previous conversations between him and Irv about how proud they were of Jeff for picking up the family business, and now it all made sense.
A small part of you--probably the stupidest part of you--wondered if there was something cosmic about it. Your dad was always one to let his artists stay in the house, if they weren’t creepy, of course. You grew up with bands rehearsing in the backyard and going to shows at the Troubadour before you were old enough to drive, and you turned out fine.
“Hi,” Harry stood, offered a hand and introduced himself after Jeff gave you a kiss on the cheek. “Harry, pleasure to meet you.” Polite, maybe a bit of a kiss ass. Your dad must have loved him.
“Y/N,” you nodded, sat down when Jeff tugged out a chair for you. “Thanks for--uh--meeting with me, I guess.”
“Thanks for maybe letting me stay at your house,” he offered a sheepish smile, held your gaze for a second when Jeff adjusted the sunglasses clipped to his shirt.
“I’m actually surprised you guys haven’t met before,” he said.
“I’ve been a little busy this year,” you reminded him with a nod. “But--nice to finally meet you.”
Harry nodded, a dimple in his left cheek ignited a tiny spark in your chest, but you pushed Zoey’s words out of your mind. Two weeks, it wasn’t a big deal. He’d be in and out and this would be a blip on the radar.
“We can order coffee or something, but Y/N, I’m assuming you have like, a whole interrogation mapped out?”
You pretended to laugh at Jeff’s joke, turned to Harry and offered a no-nonsense smile. “I have two children, I got divorced earlier this year and my dad just died. So I don’t need any drama or anything. This is temporary and I’m doing this to help out a friend. Jeff, that is, not you.”
He laughed at your clarification and nodded. “Right. This is just me living in your house. No drama. Short-term.”
“And obviously my children will be there, so no guests.”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Okay I’m not that much older than you,” you said it quickly, offered a small smile when he looked a little scared.
“Sorry--no, I didn’t mean that in a rude way.”
“No ma’am,” you added a rule, pulling a laugh from both of them when you lifted another finger in the air to count them off. “No drugs or alcohol, unless it’s like a glass of wine at dinner or something,” you shrugged.
“Look,” Jeff leaned forward. “Y/N’s kids are great, she’s got a great skincare company and she’s a kickass human. And you need a place to stay, so don’t fuck this up.”
“You both have my word. No drugs, no alcohol, no guests, no ma’am,” he smirked in your direction. “I’ve lived alone for a while, so, it’ll be nice to have some roommates.”
You nodded slowly and watched him for a second. A hoodie with the name of the management firm your dad and Irv had started, a backwards baseball hat and simple Ray-Bans. You ignored the fluttering in your veins from just looking at him, your own words echoed against the walls of your skull: he’s also like twenty-something, so that’s disgusting.
This was his brand, you were sure. Something Jeff had worked hard on--the looks, the smile, the exact formula that management firms drooled over was playing out in front of you. You sipped your drink once the waiter delivered three cappuccinos. Two weeks, tops.
Los Angeles afternoons were meant for playing outside, which is what your daughters did best if they weren’t busy pulling each other’s hair. You had dinner on the stove--enough for five--and a knot of nerves in your stomach when the wheels of his fancy car crunched atop the gravel.
The girls ran to greet him and Jeff showed him around the house. Now, Harry sat across from you at the table, Maeve to his left with an unimpressed look on her face when you cleared your throat. “Okay, gratitude time.”
Jeff set his fork back down, a guilty look on his face to admit he’d forgotten about your pre-dinner ritual.
CeCe squirmed in her seat, let out a sigh when Maeve protested with a flutter of her eyelashes. “I don’t have anything to be thankful for,” she informed you.
“That feels a little hard to believe,” you nodded, losing patience for her attitude over the last few days. “CeCe, do you want to go?”
Your younger daughter looked up at you, scrunched her mouth and thought about it. “I don’t have anything either.”
You tried not to groan aloud. After the week you’d had and the sudden changes in your life, disciplining your daughters felt like the last thing you wanted to do, if only they’d just behave.
“I can go,” Harry lifted his hand sheepishly as if he was sitting in a classroom and not in your dining room, a dimple on his cheek when he smiled sheepishly.
“Take it away,” you motioned towards him.
“M’thankful for being here, having a place to stay--and what looks like it will be a delicious meal.” By now he had a bit of smug look on his face, maybe proud of the fact that he’d broken the ice and stepped up to the pre-dinner prompt.
“Mom’s cooking is a solid six out of ten on a good day,” Maeve looked over at him, her fork now in her hand as if she was ready to dig in.
“Okay,” you leaned in and caught her gaze. “Drop the attitude or go to your room.”
“I’m thankful for Emma,” she named her friend, her quick submission after she rolled her eyes told you she just wanted to eat and get this over with. “She warned me today that Hayley was wearing a shirt I wore last week so I think she’s copying me.”
“Okay,” you nodded, you’d accept anything at this point. “CeCe? Last chance.”
“I’m grateful for pudding.”
Harry let out a quiet laugh, you nodded and said: “Great. I’m thankful for you two,” you smiled at them, hopeful that this nightly tradition would hold some type of meaning, more than just eye rolls and pre-pubescent angst from Maeve.
Jeff looked over at the girls, “I’m thankful for my friend Harry getting to meet my other friends, CeCe and Maeve.”
“Aww,” Harry smiled, a hand clutched to his heart when he looked between them.
“Alright,” you were annoyed by how good your daughters were at turning on their charm for anyone but you. Jeff was often the fun uncle, just like your ex had been the fun dad, which left you forcing them to play this gratitude game every night after they finished their homework.
CeCe wasted no time digging into the spaghetti on her plate, leaving Jeff to ask Maeve: “so what are you going to do about Hayley?”
“I don’t know,” Maeve sighed. “She’ll die when she finds out that you’re sleeping over,” she pointed her fork at Harry.
“He’s not sleeping over,” you corrected. “He’s staying in one of the guest rooms, remember?” You’d already explained it a few times to them. A few weeks, he’s working on more music, he’ll be busy, he’s not here to play with you.
“Whatever,” Maeve said. “Maybe I’ll hold it over her.”
“Maeve,” you looked over, unsure what had gotten into her. “I thought we talked about this stuff with Hayley?”
“I know--but she just keeps annoying me,” Maeve explained.
“Dump pasta on her head,” CeCe suggested with a giggle.
“Don’t do that,” you looked at CeCe and poked her in the stomach.
“I personally am a big fan of that idea,” Jeff smiled over at CeCe. “But it’d probably be better to just forget about it. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.”
“Or the sincerest form of annoying,” she retorted.
Harry let out a laugh at that, caught your gaze when you wondered how soon it’d take him to get annoyed with your kids.
They were great--smart, funny, clever, definitely witty and sometimes dramatic. But they were good kids.
You remembered how tough it was to adapt to motherhood, even though they were your own. Something told you that Harry, no matter how short his stay would be, was not in the chapter of his life that entailed finding joy in playdates and pillow fights.
But he made it through dinner, quiet but friendly and as soon as Maeve was finished, she begged him to play squishball outside before sunset.
“Squishball?” his eyebrows dipped together. “Never heard of it.”
“It’s basically just baseball but with a softer bat and a foam ball cause mom doesn’t want us to break our skulls,” Maeve informed.
“I never said break your skulls,” you argued.
“But it’s what you meant,” she shrugged.
“I would love to play,” Harry laughed, unbelievably entertained by the back and forth he’d already witnessed. They yanked him outside and set up their tiny diamond, CeCe pulled on a tutu just for flair and you and Jeff were left to handle the aftermath of a family dinner.
Jeff put the final plate into the dishwasher after a little bit and offered a hesitant smile when he turned around. “So?”
“So what? It’s been like an hour and a half of him being here.”
Their laughter from outside was audible, CeCe shrieked when Maeve made contact with the bat and sent the ball soaring into the air. “The girls clearly love him.”
“Of course they do--they love anyone for the first two hours.”
“I think he’ll be good for you guys.”
You rolled your eyes, wiped the counter with the sponge when he continued.
“And you guys will be good for him.”
This got your attention. “How so?”
“He’s a people-person, never likes being on his own too much. Some structure and responsibility is good for him.”
“So I’m babysitting him?”
“Oh my god,” he laughed. “Relax, will you? This could be a mutually beneficial thing if you let it, that’s all I’m saying.”
You didn’t read too much into it, you figured Jeff was peppering you with reassurance only to calm your nerves or quell your concerns. When he was finished helping you clean, he hugged the girls goodbye and waved over his shoulder, leaving Harry alone in your house with you and your daughters and nothing but good intentions.
You left him downstairs at first, helped CeCe brush her hair and sat on the floor when Maeve picked out her clothes for the next day: hopefully Hayley doesn’t own this dress.
When you headed back downstairs an hour later, the girls were tucked in, the lights were off, and your usual plan would have been to check your work emails if it weren’t for the dimpled guy in your living room.
He stood at the bookcase, hands clasped behind his back when you found him.
“Hi, sorry--bedtime is always a--” you paused, not even knowing the right label. “A shit show. But thanks for playing with them earlier.”
He laughed, turned around and offered a smile. “No worries--they seem like great kids.”
“They are,” you assured. “Maeve’s been a bit snarky lately but I think that’s just the whole beginning of puberty thing.” You cringed a little when the words left your mouth, wondering if it was too much information for someone who likely had cooler things to do than talk about ten-year-olds and training bras.
But he smiled, shoved his hands in his pockets when you said: let me show you around.
He’d arrived at the worst time. Homework, dinner prep, CeCe crying because Maeve finished her homework first. You didn’t have the chance to give him a tour and you figured it would be better coming from you than from Jeff, that way you could remind him of all the rules.
You showed him the ground floor first. The library, the family room, the two offices and the three different remotes that all worked different TVs or speakers or lamps. He marveled at the pictures on the wall in your dad’s old office space, he was a legend, he told you.
He climbed the stairs behind you and whispered in response when you pointed out what was behind each door. Bathroom, Maeve’s room, CeCe’s room, guest room, another bathroom, master suite, guest room, his room.
You pushed the door open and stepped aside to let him in. Gray walls, a wooden four-post king-sized bed. Throw pillows you’d picked out when you moved in a few weeks ago, a dresser to the left. He looked around and nodded. “S’perfect.”
“Good,” you said, walking over to a small linen closet in his attached bath. “Towels are in here, should be soap and stuff in the shower--had our housekeeper stock it.”
“Thanks,” he nodded again.
“I don’t know where you parked, but there’s a garage in the back that my dad used to keep some of his sports cars in--there’s definitely room and that way you don’t have to leave yours out if it rains.”
Were you talking too much? You just wanted him to feel at home or at least welcomed.
“Amazing,” he said. “Thank you.”
A repetitive answer but it didn't stop you from rambling.
“Keurig’s on the counter--creamer in the fridge. Should be plenty of food but obviously feel free to stock what you like. Except like, weed.”
“Weed doesn’t go in the fridge...” he eyed you suspiciously, the same dimple appeared on his cheek and you rolled your eyes.
“I know--I know weed doesn’t go in the fridge.”
“Just the no drug policy,” he nodded.
“Right. Am I forgetting anything?”
He shifted his weight on his feet and shrugged his shoulders, a subtle shake of his head. “I don’t think so.”
“Okay,” you nodded, one final look around the room to make sure he had what he needed. His duffle bag was already in the corner, you’d told Jeff to put it upstairs and out of the way so CeCe and Maeve didn’t get nosy.
“I just have a question actually, if that’s alright.”
“When did you move in here?”
“Uh, beginning of August, so like, almost a month ago.”
He nodded, his eyes curious despite the fact that he didn’t ask more.
“We had to put my dad in hospice, I was looking for a place anyway after,” a quick motion over your shoulder to gesture to the girls. “My divorce, so--a lot of change, but it’s been nice to be home.”
He nodded thoughtfully, the quiet of the bedroom suddenly felt heavy. “S’a beautiful house.”
“Thank you,” you looked around the room again, if only to put your eyes somewhere other than his face. “I felt shitty about redecorating it at first, but--it was a little too much of a 70s bachelor pad.”
“Leave it to Walt,” he joked.
That piqued your interest. “Did you know my dad? Like, did you spend any time with him?”
He pushed his lips out in thought but shook his head when he sat down on the bed. “Not really--met him a few times at events with Jeff, but I never spent any quality time with him.”
You nodded--he was a busy guy, popular and well respected in his industry. “He was a good person, good grandfather, too.”
Harry smiled at that. “Always heard that Irv was the balls but your dad was the heart.”
You laughed, scrunched your nose at the saying you’d heard a hundred times. The two of them were partners in crime, two peas in a pod, yet they couldn’t be more different. He spoke again before you could reply, voice soft in the sleepy house.
“I mean, if you're his daughter he obviously did something right.”
He held your gaze just long enough for you to feel something, something you pushed out of your mind so quickly that your hand was on the door knob before he could even say goodnight.
Two weeks, tops.
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jawritter · 3 years
Fight For Me
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Chapter 8
Summary: He found you in his darkest hour. There was something about this man that just wouldn’t let you leave him alone. He needed you, almost as much as you needed him. Sometimes, even the strongest people out there needs someone to fight for them too.
Warning: ** Heavy Trigger Warning!** Male R*pe. Implications to male r*pe. Injuries because of assault. Language. Recovery from r*pe, Mention of broken bones. Pain, blood, lots of blood. Language, fear, emergency situation. drug use. Angst. So much angst. Medical examination after rape. Recovery from surgery. Dealing with start of the aftermath of it all. Family drama. Angst. Dealing with recovery. Male Masterbation. 
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Nurse!Reader
Word Count: 2647
Beta’d By: @deanwinchesterswitch, whom I could not have done this without, she’s put in so much time in this series, and I couldn’t thank her enough! 💜
Help line for Male R*pe Victims!
(If you are someone you love has been a victim of Male sexual assault, and need someone to talk to please, please do not hesitate to call. There are people out there that are willing to help, even if it’s just to listen! YOU’RE NOT ALONE!)
A/N: THERE WILL NOT BE A TAG LIST FOR THIS SERIES!! You can find it here on Tuesdays and Fridays posted at 7 PM (CST), and well as my Library at the same time @jawritterslibrary This fic was requested by a nurse, how wishes to remain anonymous! This fic was not written for the glorification of R*pe, or it’s victims, but instead to help get a glimpse of the reality that comes from such a violent act! Please be respectful. Please know this is a dark fic, and it’s heavy. Feedback is golden. Please do not copy my work! Thank you all so much for your support. It means the word to me.
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Jensen was right about one thing, as soon as the news broke of his captors’ arrest and the charges brought against them, social media exploded! 
While the outpouring of support is unmatched by anything you have ever seen before, the amount of embarrassment Jensen is dealing with over people finding out that he is a rape victim is enough to make him not even want to get out of bed that day. He avoids his phone like the fucking plague. 
You don’t pressure him. If all he wants to do is lie in bed, watch Netflix and avoid the world for the day, then that’s what you will fucking do. 
You also aren’t going to complain about the amount of cuddling he is doing either, cause you could totally get used to just lying in his arms and listening to his heartbeat. It is one of the safest, happiest places in the world for you, and honestly, if he ever stops being this cuddly, you’ll probably start grieving.
Jensen’s poor mother kept blowing up the phone until he finally picked up, and much to his surprise, she didn’t condemn him. She just wanted to make sure her baby was okay. He assured her that he was and told her that he was staying with his girlfriend at an apartment in Toronto until he was well enough to travel back to Austin. The latter news shocked her a bit because she didn’t know he was even ready to date anyone again after his last relationship ended so publicly, but it didn’t seem to be unwelcomed. She was just happy Jensen wasn’t alone.
Jensen's father hadn’t asked to talk to him, though his mother assured him that his father was very concerned about him just as she was, but thought that Jensen might feel better talking to her. While you had a feeling that was probably true, Jensen felt his father was deflecting and trying to avoid him.
You had gone into the kitchen to give him some privacy but remained within eye-sight in case he needed you. It was his family, and you wanted to give him space to deal with them unless they got out of line, in which case you were more than willing to step in and defend him. You’ve accepted the fact that, even with the short time you have known him, you will do everything in your power to prevent Jensen from being hurt again.
It had been a long rough conversation, though, and he hadn’t said a word in hours. It’s starting to worry you. So you roll over on your stomach with his arm still loosely draped around your waist and brush your fingers through his hair, earning a hum from him as he subconsciously chases your hand as you move it through his hair. 
“Penny for your thoughts?” you ask him, and he shrugs. 
“I’m trying not to think, actually,” he says, green eyes looking up at you, and there is a softness there that you could get used to seeing. It isn’t filled with fear or worry, he even seems content, and all things considered, that is a hell of a feat. 
“Then why are you so quiet?” 
Jensen stretches, sitting up on one arm as the credits roll on the movie he is watching. His fingers trail along the line of exposed flesh that peeks out under the hem of your shirt. It is an intimate move that you honestly hadn’t expected from him, but you are letting him move at his own pace. Whatever he felt like doing, you had no intention of discouraging. 
“Don’t know, I’m just content, I guess. It’s nice to have someone close like this.”
You let it drop as his fingers continue to caress your skin. His touch is soothing, comforting, and you can feel yourself begin to drift, eyelids falling heavy, as the warmth of his flesh seeps into yours. 
“Actually, uhm, I think, if you're up for it too, that it’s about time to get back to Texas. I’m ready to go home and see my kids. Get away from all of this for a while before going back to work. I want to finish recovering down there where I’m familiar with things, where it’s home.”
You roll over on your side to face him and sit up slightly to see him more clearly. 
“I’m down for that,” you tell him. “It’s been a long time since I’ve been back to the states. I could use a change too.”
Jensen sighs, seemingly relieved at your response. You know that he wants to go home but would stay here if you said you didn’t want to go. You aren’t lying, though; you are ready for a change. Toronto has been good to you, but what would life be if you didn’t shake things up now and again. Besides, you’d follow him anywhere; because whether it is Texas or here, Jensen is your home. Whether it is Texas or here, it doesn’t matter. As long as he is with you, that’s what’s important. 
“Good, I’ll pay up everything here for a couple of months so we’ll have something to come back to when I start filming again, and I’ll book our flight home tonight,” Jensen says, an air of excitement about him as he leans forward and pecks your lips with his. He can’t seem to get enough of kissing you, and you are perfectly okay with that.
“Well, what are your plans for the rest of the day then, handsome?” you ask him, giggling as he rolls to his back and pulls you to lie against his chest as he grabs the controller to start surfing through movies to find his next binge. 
“This right here,” he answers simply. “I’m personally not doing shit today, honey.”
“Well, you’ve watched everything on Netflix but Supernatural,” you tease him, jabbing him lightly in the ribs. 
He laughs, growing at you as he tickles you back. 
“I’m kinda a walking spoiler alert for that, aren’t I? Let’s see what’s on AMC?”
You settle in place as Jensen flips through the channels, mindlessly scrolling more than paying attention to what he is flipping through until he finally finds AMC. He damn near throws the remote at the sight that flashes across the screen. 
“What the fuck,” he says as two naked bodies move together in full HD color. You hold back a snort at his reaction. 
“I’m pretty sure that’s Fifty Shades of Gray,” you answer, biting the inside of your cheek as his lip curls into a snarl, but he doesn’t move to change the channel. 
“You know, I’m currently very glad I didn’t accept that role,” he admits, and this time you can’t help but laugh. 
“Oh, come on! You would have made a much better Christian Gray,” you tease him. He snorts, continuing to stare at the scene shamelessly playing out in front of him. 
“You know, I’ve never actually watched this?” he says, and you look at him like he’s popped out a third head. You start to suggest that you watch it now together, but then you think about the bondage and the fact that it could trigger him. 
“You're not missing much, some softcore porn and bad acting,” you tell him. “Let’s watch something else.”
“What?” he says, looking down at you. “Why? What if I want to try and watch this?”
You chew on your lip a moment as you look up at him, thinking. 
“Okay, but if you change your mind or get triggered by something, we’re changing it immediately,” you tell him. He tosses the controller to your side of the bed, settling down deeper into the mattress with you. 
It’s not like you haven’t seen the movie before. You and a group of friends had made a hell of a night of it when the movie came out in theaters, that’s for sure, but you are afraid of what it might trigger for Jensen and are watching him more than you are watching the movie. 
“I can feel your eyes on me, you know,” Jensen says, looking down at you with a smirk on his face. 
“What can I say? You’re a much better view,” you tell him, knowing it will make him blush. Jensen shakes his head and chuckles, giving you a peck on the forehead. 
As the movie progresses, and so do the sex scenes, you finally settle into watching the film when he makes it past the first red room scene, and the handcuffs came out. Maybe you are overthinking it. Maybe you should trust his judgment. Hell, if he said he was fine, you shouldn’t baby him, right?
As Anna’s breathy sighs and moans fill the room, Jensen’s hands tightened on your waist, and you reach over and touch the side of his face, gaining his attention. 
“I’m okay, baby,” he assures you, eyes flicking back to the screen as he kisses your palm lightly. 
His eyes stay glued to the screen, and you settle back down against him. As the scene rolls on, Jensen’s hand slowly travels from your waist to the skin of your stomach under your shirt, his warm, heavy palm laying flat against your skin.
This is entirely new behavior for Jensen. Normally, he keeps it above the clothing if he touches you at all, but he seems to want to feel you a little more than just a hug or a cuddle, and you’d be a liar if you said that him touching you in any form isn’t pleasant. 
Suddenly, Jensen sits up like someone shot him, and you reach for the controller, quickly turning off the TV as he turns his back to you. 
“No fucking way,” he mumbles, staring down at his lap and pinching the bridge of his nose while taking deep, calming breaths.
“Jensen, are you okay?” you question, your hands on his shoulders as you stand on your knees behind him. 
Jensen turns on the bed to face you, gingerly grabbing your hand and placing it over his sweatpants-clad lap, and your mouth falls open in shock. 
“I don’t think I’m going to need that prostate exam after all,” he says jokingly, a broad smile stretching across his face. “Is it weird to be this damn excited about an erection?”
You damn near snort as you wrap your arms around his shoulders and kiss him. “I think your fucking entitled to be as excited as you want to be,” you tell him. 
To most people, it is a “normal” thing. To someone like Jensen, it is progress, progress neither of you expected him to have without a great deal of therapy. 
Jensen shifts onto his back, raising his hips enough to rid himself of his sweats and boxers in one shove, his hardened length springing free and slapping onto his stomach proudly.
“Touch me,” he says, grabbing your hand in his own and guiding it to himself. “Please, I wanna see how long it will last, or If I can even finish.”
“Jensen, are you sure?” you ask, and he nods eagerly at you. 
“I’m sure, unless you don’t want to, then I guess I can try to do it myself, but I thought it might go over better if you...ya know.”
“Okay,” you tell him, “but if you change your mind, just say the word, and we’ll stop, okay?”
“I trust you, Y/N,” Jensen says, loosely resting his hand over yours and guiding your hand up and down his cock. “I mean, it’s not like it’s anything you haven’t seen before. You’ve taken care of me all this time. I know you would never hurt me.”
Slowly, testing the waters, you begin stroking him in earnest, taking your time over his slit that’s starting to gather a bead of precum as you apply more pressure, swiping your thumb over his swollen tip with every stroke of your hand. 
Jensen's hand comes to rest on the top of your thigh, squeezing you slightly as he throws his head back against the pillows behind him, his mouth slack and his breathing heavy. 
God, he was beautiful, and it is beyond your comprehension why anyone would ever want to do anything to harm him. Sweat is starting to gather on his brow, and before long, he is rocking his hips to meet your hand, a low groan falling from his lips as you slowly pick up the pace of your strokes, squeezing just a little tighter. 
“Oh fuck. Just a little more, baby,” Jensen groans, fisting the sheets with his free hand and biting into his lower lip.
His swollen cock is starting to throb in your hand as he fucks himself up into your fist, his eyes rolling back as his thighs begin to shake. 
Jensen comes with a snarl that sounds almost primal, and fuck if it doesn’t make you squeeze your thighs together as your cunt throbs at the sight of him spilling over your hand and onto his stomach. Jensen is an attractive man, and no one could argue that point, but watching him let go and come undone like this is breathtaking. 
You grab a nearby towel from where Jensen had thrown it after taking his shower and quickly clean him and yourself up. Jensen covers his face with his hands as he struggles to control his breathing as well as his emotions. 
“Jensen, are you okay?” you ask him, starting to worry when he doesn't look directly at you. 
“I’m okay, baby,” he assures you, letting go of his face as he blindly reaches for your hand. “It was just intense. I swear I’m okay. No flashbacks or anything.”
A tear slips from the corner of his eye as he reaches for you, and you wrap your arms around him, pulling the sheets over you both. 
“I thought they’d fucked me up permanently. I was so afraid I was internally messed up or something, and I’d never be able to do that again,” he admits, releasing all of the emotions he’s been holding back in a sob as he finally breaks in your arms. 
All you can do is whisper assurances that he is going to be okay. The tears are more relief than grief but push you to a decision. It’s time to see a therapist, and as soon as you get to Austin, you will have a serious discussion with him. He can’t keep holding fears like that in, he needs to talk to a professional, and you need some expert advice on how to help him. Especially before he decides he is ready to conquer the sex hurdle. 
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Forever Tags:
Jensen and Dean’s Babes:
Jensen’s Babes
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slasherscream · 3 years
Hi I don’t know if you write for Thomas Hewitt or Vincent Sinclair but if you do you could you please make some headcanons about them and the other slashers like if they got into a fight with their s/o and how it would go, what it would be about, and how they would make up with their s/o please? It’s totally fine if you don’t want to. But if you do then thank you so much!
fighting with the slashers 
A/N: i do write for vincent (on a related note i also write for bo and maybe lester i haven’t tried him out yet)!
vincent sinclair 
You didn’t stay put when Vincent told you to and you got hurt. 
You hadn’t planned to leave. Until the sun started to go down and no one came back to the house to check up on you the way they so often do when there are visitors in town.
You are Ambrose’s second best kept secret. Alive because Vincent took one look at you and couldn’t bare to hurt you. And though Bo gripes about you he couldn’t tell Vincent no. Not when Bo saw the way Vincent held you behind him, head lowered but shoulders set, ready to actually fight him on something for once in their lives. 
So you’re kept in the house when there are people around. Other than not being able to leave it’s your only real rule. Vincent wants you to have no part in the more grisly aspects of the town and Bo and Lester honor his wish.
But the town is dead silent and no one has come to check on you. Most times Lester even comes to stay with you like some sort of babysitter. It used to irritate you, despite your fondness for the youngest brother. Now without him there your hands shake, and your eyes wander, and your ears burn as if pumping extra blood there will make you hear better. But there’s nothing to be heard. No screams. No cries. No Bo shouting. No guns going off. 
So you leave the house, searching for one of them. Instead you’re found by a survivor and held hostage in front of the twins. 
You all stand still for a long while, the victim not knowing what to do and the boys unable to move due to the knife digging into your neck, already drawing blood. 
Lester had been the one to save you, sneaking up behind your captor and stabbing them. You ran to Vincent on shaking legs and he gathered you into his arms, moving to take you back home. You could hear the screams of the man who’d almost killed you ringing through the streets behind you and shivered.
Vincent had cleaned your cut in silence and somehow had managed to barely touch you. Before you could blink he’d shut himself into his workshop and you were left alone until Bo came home and chewed you out.
You kept yourself busy cleaning and then prepared for bed, knowing it would be awhile before Vincent would come and join you. The sleep didn’t come easy as you were still shaken up, but eventually it came. 
You woke in the middle of the night to an empty bed and realized that if you didn’t go to get him Vincent wouldn’t be getting any sleep tonight. 
You walk drowsily through Ambrose’s underbelly, the smoldering heat not doing you any favors, until you arrive at Vincent’s workshop where he’s hunched over his desk, unmoving. 
Not wanting to startle him you call his name quietly and you see his head tilt in acknowledgement but he doesn’t turn to look at you. 
Slowly you move until your front is resting against his back, even slower your arms encircle him and you kiss his shoulder, feeling guilty at the tension laying dormant in them. “I’m sorry, Vince. I was just worried about you so... so I left the house. I shouldn’t have. I’m sorry I didn’t listen. I won’t do it again.”
He turns and there’s a pause, and then he moves his hands, fluid but slow. They’re shaking despite how strong you know they are. He tells you how he can’t lose you. How he loves you. He asks you to promise him that next time you’ll listen and you do, and you mean it. 
It’s only then that he pulls you into his lap and holds you tightly. You think he’s crying behind his mask but you just hold him back equally as tight and whisper I’m sorry against his steady pulse. 
He doesn’t like the company you keep. 
He has a plan. He has a plan to take you away from this strange, uncaring world that doesn’t deserve you. That doesn’t love you or care about you. If he sticks to the plan everything will be so easy. 
But sometimes Pelle loves you too much to bite his tongue. 
He can see it clearly, your perfect future where he takes care of you, and his family takes care of you, and you let them do it, and you’re happier for it; but you don’t live in that perfect future, you live in the frigid, imperfect present.
Here you stay up late in the night to help a friend finish a term paper when last week they didn’t even call when you were sick. You gave a classmate your umbrella to borrow a month ago, and today you come back shaking from the rain because they never bothered to return it.
A thousand little kindnesses that the world outside the Hårga spit on. 
He knows that all these moments of careless apathy towards you will only strengthen the draw you’ll feel when you finally meet his family.
You have the heart of a Hårga and he knows that you’ll feel that connection.
Still, the way the outside world, the way your friends and family slight you at every turn, makes his blood run hot. He’s never felt anger like this before. It is all consuming and yet he must stomach it alone.
And so his tongue is careless sometimes. He asks in tones that he shouldn’t use with you “you’re going out with them again?” and “but didn’t they-?” and still he is angry. The words do not ease the feelings because they do not fix the problem. 
Pelle must lead you into the arms of his family and their way of life. He cannot push you. But he doesn’t know how not to take care of you. 
He wants to beat away the leeches and moths that cling to your light and whisk you away to home where the sun will warm you with its love.
Your fights are gentle, and so you might never refer to them as fights when people ask you if you ever argue with Pelle. 
There is no yelling, or balled fists, or the animal sensation of fight or flight. He leads you to sit down with him and holds your face in his hands. Unthinkingly you mimic the gesture and he smiles at you lovingly. One kiss and he tells you that he doesn’t like your friends. Another and he says that you deserve better, deserve the world. 
You try to get a word in edgewise, to deny the claims he makes, to tell him that they really do care about you, but the words are smothered by his soft lips. He kisses you until your brain goes somewhere loved and numb. He slips your coat off of your shoulders and pulls you close. He keeps you there until you forget that you had anywhere to be besides his arms. 
You and Pelle don’t fight. 
chucky and tiffany 
Tiffany is used to Chucky being a piece of shit. You are not.
Upside to fighting with Chucky is that Tiffany is immediately on your side, even if you’re in the wrong (I’m joking it’s always Chucky’s fault.)
Downside is that the whole house is now up in fucking chaos. 
chucky: tiff where are my fucking keys?
tiffany: in hell! why don’t you go and grab them?
You appreciate her fighting spirit but she’s really going in on y’all’s man. 
Which is not to say that Chucky doesn’t deserve it. Because he does deserve it, but you know from personal experience that being on Tiffany’s bad side is scary.
Why are you and Chucky fighting? Chucky is an insensitive asshole, and even the toughest skin isn’t bullet proof. 
The aftermath of whatever Chucky did is a lot of sullen silence from you; the sounds of a knife chopping a little too loudly in the kitchen from Tiff; and loud bits of huffing and puffing from Chucky as he stomps around the house. 
At first he thinks he can just wait out your anger until you start missing him. It used to work with Tiffany all the time!
But this relationship involves three people. You’re not so quick to get desperately lonely, especially if Tiffany isn’t the partner you’re fighting with. Do you miss Chucky? Sure. Do you miss him enough to let him be an asshole just to get some cuddle time in on the couch? As if! Tiffany is the better cuddler anyway. 
The man child is going to have to say sorry and mean it. 
Of course this means that your relationship is going be sans-Chucky for at least a week.
Tiffany reaches the breaking point before Chucky does. Obviously more in-tune with your feelings she can tell how much the fight is getting to you and no one messes with her sweetheart! Not even Chucky.
You’re going to hear her delicately clearing her throat, look up from your phone, and find Tiffany holding Chucky at fucking knife point. 
tiffany: do you have anything to say, chucky?
chucky, trying to decide if he’ll let tiffany kill him just to prove a point: ....
tiffany: i’ll start with your dick-
chucky: i’m sorry! are you fucking hAPPY?!
You’re gonna be like no!!! I do not accept the apology you gave me under extreme duress! At which point you turn over in bed and pull the covers over your head.
You’ll hear rapid-fire whispering and then the bed dips behind you. A knee presses into your back, and kisses are pressed carelessly to where your head should be beneath the covers. Then, finally, the quietest “I didn’t mean it, doll.” as he pulls the blanket back in order to look at your face. 
You’re stopped dead by the softness on his face. By the softness he let’s you see, even if it’s only for a moment. It might not be the words I’m sorry but it sounds like them. It sounds like an I miss you, as well.
When you drop your phone and throw your arms around his neck, touching him for the first time in a week, Chucky sighs in relief. 
Not ten seconds passes before Tiffany has thrown herself over the both of you, suffocating you in her loving embrace. Just like that, balance is restored in the Lee Ray-Valentine household. For now. 
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redhoodieone · 3 years
You’re so Lucky!
A/N: Hey y’all! Here’s another sexy story that was a request from the amazing @jasontoddslut! Enjoy my peeps!
Warnings: Language, Bad Relationship with Ex-Boyfriend, Smut, Voyeurism, and Jason’s Goddamn Dirty Mouth!!!!!
It was bound to happen. She couldn’t deny this was going to happen sooner rather than later. If she believed they that they could get through their issues and be happy like they once were, then she’s a real fucking idiot.
Gabi still couldn’t believe it though. One minute she was trying to calm Bobby down and the next, he’s screaming at her and telling her to get the fuck out of his apartment. He was in a bad mood to begin with. He’s a mechanic and he’s always tired when he gets home. He was expecting dinner to be ready and maybe have his loving girlfriend of three years rub his back since his shoulder pain is getting worse.
But no. Gabi made the mistake of asking Bobby where he was tonight as soon as he got home.
What set him off was her telling him to calm down. She should have known though.
You should NEVER. EVER. Tell an easily angry guy to calm down.
Because that’s like telling fire to not burn people. Or telling a baby to not cry.
She should have known better though. It’s no surprise Bobby’s into some serious shady shit that the low life Gothamites meet up sometimes at night in casinos or nightclubs. She knows they do illegal shit like selling drugs, ordering weapons from other countries, and maybe even kidnapping young women and children.
And Bobby had participated in the ordering weapons category.
How Gabi found out is another story: she knows for damn sure that Bobby once brought home fifteen state of the art total militia AK-47 guns. Bobby had foolishly asked Gabi to go get some important documents from his huge safe; totally forgetting the weapons were in there about five months prior.
Why would a normal mechanic need such weapons?
Gabi had decided to never bring it up. Bobby would either deny or lie about it. His temper had been getting worse right about then and she knew better.
But he wasn’t always like this. Oh, no. Bobby was a funny, laid back, and loving type who worshipped the ground Gabi walked on before they even started dating. But after two years of living with each other, things changed.
Simple as that. Things changed.
Gabi always wondered how things could just...change. So easily. The fact that it could happen in the blink of an eye frightens her sometimes.
Just like Bobby’s hidden anger. She never knew a hilarious and sweet guy could have the rage of a bull.
Bobby never hit her though. He always made sure to slam his fist against the wall beside her head, though. He was the type to yell and belittle Gabi as if she was a little girl.
But she wasn’t a little girl. She was a 23-year-old woman who moved in with her boyfriend so fast that she began to understand why her parents and friends disapproved of her choices and relationship.
I just had to learn the hard way, Gabi thought to herself.
She doesn’t know why she’s trying to think of sayings that relate to this experience. The point is, Gabi knows she seriously fucked. With Bobby only giving her ten minutes to pack whatever truly mattered to her, she had to hurry the fuck up.
The moment she made it outside the apartment building, all Gabi could do is replay her questions that she asked Bobby.
Where were you tonight?
Were you with someone?
What did you do?
Why can’t you tell me what you did?
Are you hiding something from me?
Are you getting into dangerous things?
No wonder Bobby kicked her out. Gabi should have never put her nose in his business. And now, she’s practically homeless. She knows it would be embarrassing as hell to go back to her parents’ house because of what they told her before getting involved with Bobby. She also knows her friends would treat her horribly, with the “I told you so” stares and lectures. Gabi was certainly running out of options just as the rain began to fall.
There was one person she could go to, who would never turn her away.
However, Gabi hasn’t spoken to this person in about a year because of her relationship with Bobby as well as this person’s own relationship with their significant other.
But Gabi knew Y/N was a good person, a good friend. She was a sweet person, with a big warm heart and she would never turn her away.
With nowhere else to go, Gabi walked alone in the rain all the way down to high class side of Gotham.
By the time Gabi gets to the high-class penthouses, she has to call Y/N to let her inside. Of course, Y/N excitedly tells her to come up, and Gabi immediately starts to feel somehow relieved that Y/N hasn’t changed at all.
As Gabi finally makes it to the correct floor, she sees Y/N waiting by the door, where Gabi assumes is where Y/N lives. Y/N is wearing a red and black flannel pajama pants and a thin black tank top. Gabi also notices Y/N’s barefoot, and her hair’s in a messy bun.
She must have just woken up. I’m so sorry, Y/N, Gabi thinks to herself.
But none of that matters when Y/N meets Gabi halfway in the hall where they collide in a tight, warm-hearted embrace.  Y/N smells like a woodsy, musky cologne, most likely from whoever she’s seeing with now. Maybe they were snuggling up against with each other until Gabi had called and asked if she could come over.
“Come inside. You must be freezing!” Y/N says, releasing Gabi from her hug and pulling her arm towards the front door.
Gabi follows on shaky legs, completely overwhelmed by seeing her longtime best friend. Y/N giggles and leads Gabi inside the penthouse. Gabi instantly is hit by the aroma of vanilla and musk, the smell of intimacy and seduction.  Her eyes take in the red and black walls and décor, some exquisite art pieces, and the big space that is more comfortable and warmer than most homes she’s ever seen.
“Welcome, mi casa es tu casa! Seriously Gabi, babe, make yourself at home. There’s absolutely no rush to leave. You leave when you’re ready, okay?” Y/N says seriously.
“Are you absolutely sure? I really don’t want to impose or put you and your boyfriend out,” Gabi confesses.
Y/N leads Gabi to the long, cherry red couch that is facing a huge flat screen TV. Gabi sets down her duffle bag and takes a seat next to Y/N on the couch.
“Don’t be ridiculous! Jay and I insist you stay here until you figure out what you want to do, okay?” Y/N says, before she turns around to get comfortable to face Gabi.
A vanilla candle is lit on the coffee table. Gabi’s cheeks flush in embarrassment. “I didn’t...interrupt something, did I?”
“Oh, no, you didn’t! I was just setting the mood in the living room to be more...comfy,” Y/N admits, with a chuckle. “Jason just got home a few minutes ago and is taking a shower. He should be done by now.”
As if on cue, they hear someone walking down the hall and towards the living room. He stops near the couch. There in all his glory, well half-naked glory, stands Jason Todd, God’s greatest creation of man...at least that’s what both girls were thinking.
“Gabi, this is Jason, my boyfriend,” Y/N proudly introduces Jason to Gabi. “Jay, this is Gabi, my best friend in the whole wide world.”
Still dripping wet and fresh out of the shower, Jason at least has a white towel wrapped around his waist; hiding his goods that Gabi wanted to see so desperately. He’s really tall, must be 6’2 or something close to that. She takes note that Jason is all man: there’s absolutely nothing that screams “boy”. Gabi inhales hard when she watches his large hand run through his soaked dark hair. The other hand holds the towel tightly around his hips.
“Hi,” Jason smirks at Gabi. She notices his eyes are green, almost like emeralds. He smiles at her, even his white teeth are perfect. “So, you’re Gabi. Y/N’s told me a lot about you.”
“She-she has?” Gabi chokes out. Why is it so hot in here? Why can’t she speak?
Her eyes zero in on the droplets of water running down his strong as fuck built chiseled chest and perfectly sculpted abs that she really wants to lick and bite his skin.
Holy fuck...
Gabi scolds herself for thinking such inappropriate thoughts about her best friend’s boyfriend. Even though Gabi’s never fantasized Bobby this kind of way, she realizes Y/N’s lucked out. Bobby wasn’t in shape or even remotely attractive like Jason.
“Of course, she has. You’re one of her best friends, and I’m happy to finally meet you. I would go over there to shake your hand and properly greet you, but I’m uh...not exactly dressed yet,” Jason chuckles, and almost seems shy now. “I’m gonna go get dressed real quick so we can talk.”
You don’t have to. You can stay the way you are. You can even drop the towel, Gabi thinks improperly.
Y/N smiles softly at Jason as they watch him leave. True to his word, Jason returned in a pair of black sweatpants and a white t-shirt and took a seat next to Y/N. Throughout their comfortable and pleasant conversation, Gabi truly sees the way Jason cares about her best friend. Midway through their talk about what happened to Bobby, Jason clearly was paying attention and rubbed caressed Y/N’s thigh when Gabi recounted the latest scary fight with Bobby. Whenever Y/N looked shocked or worried, Jason made sure to calm her down through touches, forehead kisses, and whispers words along the lines of love, probably.
It almost makes Gabi jealous. Y/N’s life is clearly so much better than what Gabi had going on for herself. Jason seems like the perfect gentleman; always does and says the right thing. Gabi’s never seen a man pay so much attention to a woman before. Not only did he offer Gabi his advice and opinions on getting a better and more affordable apartment on their street, but Jason even voiced his hatred for Bobby, and even went on to criticize the man for treating women so poorly. He even made a joke about finding the man and breaking his legs; making Gabi and Y/N laugh their asses off and making the energy around them fun again.
But for some reason, Gabi couldn’t help but notice that Jason wasn’t laughing as hard as she and Y/N were. It almost seemed like Jason was serious about breaking Bobby’s legs, but Jason wouldn’t do that. She was sure of it.
He wouldn’t, would he?
By the time midnight came, the three of them stood up and decided to go to bed. Jason even surprised Gabi by giving her a hug and telling her that she can stay in their guest bedroom for however long as she wants and needs.
“I’m serious, kid. Don’t even worry about it. You mean so much to Y/N, and so therefore, you mean a lot to me, too,” Jason had said as he pulled back from their hug.
Gabi was speechless to say the least. She didn’t want the hug to end. He felt so good in her arms and he smelled so fucking good.
But it was bedtime now, and once Y/N and Jason had shown Gabi the guest bedroom, they went off to bed to let Gabi get comfortable. It wasn’t long for Gabi to quickly clean herself up and put on some plain pajama shorts with a tank top. As soon as she turned off the light, she was amazed by how big and comfortable the bed was. She figured it must be new and is probably the first person to sleep in here. In just a few minutes, exhaustion took over and Gabi fell into a deep sleep.
Her throat was dry. That’s what awoke Gabi at two in the morning and made her climb out of bed and go search for a bottle of water. She made sure to tiptoe out of the room and walk slowly and quietly to the kitchen.
As soon as Gabi made it to the end of the hallway, she stops dead in her tracks when she hears moaning. A woman moaning.
Her mind registers that it’s Y/N moaning. But why is she moaning in the living room?
Curiosity forces Gabi to peek out into the living room and see what’s going on, despite the logical part in her mind is screaming at her to have some respect for her best friend and her boyfriend.
But being a pervert outweighs being a prude.
Gabi is utterly shocked to her core when she sees her best friend straddling Jason’s lap. On the red couch where they sat a couple of hours ago, Gabi sees Y/N and Jason making out heavily. She couldn’t unsee it; she wants to keep watching them.
Gabi even sees the vanilla candle is lit again, after Jason had blown it out before they all went to bed.
But all Gabi could see is Jason’s fingertips digging hard into Y/N’s exposed flesh from where her tank top is pushed up above her bare tits. Y/N shamelessly moans in between the evident delicious kisses, and grinds against Jason’s apparent bulge.
Gabi quickly notices an isolated leather recliner that’s against the wall near the hallway. She throws herself down, sinks into the chair and watches the practically live porno show in front of her.
Jason pulls back from the deep kiss, revealing his red, swollen lips from where Y/N’s been biting and sucking since the beginning. He rests his head back against the couch and looks up with hazy, lustful eyes as Y/N grins down at him. She bites her bottom lip and pulls up her tank top, removing her top completely from her body.  
“Fuck...what the hell are you doing to me, sweetheart?” Jason asks breathlessly. He runs his hands up Y/N’s back and moves them to her front where he reaches for both her tits.
“I’m slowly...and softly killing you,” Y/N says, closing her eyes and moans when Jason gently grabs both her tits in his hands; her breasts fill his hands perfectly.
“I’d say...” he says, before sighing contently when switches from pinching her nipples to squeezing her tits before he sits up straighter and pulls Y/N’s body closer to lick and suck her sensitive nipples.
“Oh, fuck...oh Jay...feels so good,” Y/N moans louder than before. She whimpers and continues to rub herself against him. “I need to cum...please make me cum, Jay...”
Jason pulls back from her chest and gazes into Y/N’s eyes. “You wanna cum, doll? Do you want me to make you cum?”
“Yes, please...I need you so bad!”
“No, I don’t think you need to cum,” Jason teases, before he pulls off his own t-shirt. “Now, I’m going to take off the rest of your clothes, but if you touch your pussy, I ain’t going to fuck you.”
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?!” Y/N snaps. Her cheeks are flushed from being aroused.
Jason smirks at Y/N’s frustration.
“You know exactly what I’m talking about, sweetheart. I’m going to check how wet you are,” Jason explains, as he raises Y/N off his lap to pull down her pajama pants and panties; leaving her completely bare on his lap. “If you’re soaking wet, then I’m gonna fuck you so hard that you’ll be feeling me for days. But if I have to make you wet, then that means I get to do whatever I want to this pussy.”
Jason runs his hand up Y/N’s thigh until his fingers glide over her bare pussy. His fingers gently push inside her, he can feel the wetness, but wants to see it for himself.
“Stand up and put your pussy in my face,” he demands.
“I want to taste your delicious pussy right now. Don’t make me get up and literally put you on my shoulders to eat you out,” Jason threatens.
Y/N slowly moves to stand up carefully on the couch. Her legs are shaking, but Jason quickly grabs her to hold her steady. He doesn’t waste any time, and he dives into her pussy as if he’s a starving man.
“Oh fuck!” Y/N cries out.
Jason’s tongue on her clit is what she wants the most right now. He squeezes her thigh and flicks his tongue side to side until Y/N fears she’s either going to fall back or fall over him.
Y/N notices one of Jason’s pull up bars is above her. How convenient.
She grabs a hold of the bar to hold herself up just as he decides to slip a finger inside her. Holding herself up allows him to remove a hand from her thigh. He takes the opportunity to slip another finger inside and pumps them in and out fast.
Y/N’s body trembles when Jason curls his fingers and strokes the sensitive wall that he’s mastered so well. He can tell she’s close. She must have been excited earlier when they planned to stay in last minute. He manages to look up at her and he can see she’s barely holding on.
“You’re so close aren’t you, babe? You taste so fucking good that I want you to cum on my face. I want you to be my dirty girl tonight,” Jason says as he finger-fucks her harder and faster than before. “Are you going to be my dirty girl tonight?
“Yes! Fuck yes! Just-just make me cum, please!” Y/N cries out desperately, needing the push that Jason could only give her.
“You are my dirty girl. You love it when I make you cum with just my fingers and mouth. But I bet you want my cock right after, huh?” Jason asks, chuckling darkly when Y/N’s eyes roll back when he speeds up his fingers inside her. “You wanna ride me, don’t you?”
“Yes-yes I do...” she’s panting now.
“Okay, I want you to cum in my face and then quickly get on my lap and ride me. Fast, slow, hard, whatever, you pick. I just want to feel your warm, tight pussy around my dick, okay?” Jason says, quickly shoving his sweatpants and boxers down to his feet. “Fuck...give me your pretty, tasty pussy, sweetheart!”
And then Jason finally gives in. He pulls both her thighs to bring her pussy to his face. Y/N whimpers when he licks all around her wetness, and he hums in approval when he feels her hand stroking his scalp and pulling his hair, while she continues holding herself up with only one hand now.
The vibration from his humming helps her reach her release. He continues to thrust his fingers inside her and sucks her clit until she gushes in his face.
Y/N manages to silent most of her orgasm, but it didn’t help when Jason continued to lick and suck at her clit to swallow most of her juices. Once her body relaxes, she lets go of the pull up bar and drops down to the couch. Y/N quickly straddles Jason’s lap until her pussy is hovering above his hard cock.
“Spit on my cock, doll. Get it nice and wet,” Jason says, as he watches Y/N spit in her hand and stroke his thick cock until he’s nice and ready for her. “How are you going to ride me, sweetheart?”
Y/N slowly looks up into Jason’s dilated, misty eyes. “Deep. Hard. And fast,” she says.
Jason swallows hard but is able to quickly smirk up at Y/N before she takes full control. “Then ride me, sweetheart. Fuck yourself on my cock like the dirty girl you really are.”
Y/N finally lowers herself onto Jason’s cock, all logic and common sense flies out the window. Whenever his cock was deep inside her, they both tend to lose themselves and the world around them. Because whenever they were connected emotionally and physically in their bubble, nothing else fucking matters in the world.
When Jason fills her up completely, they both release a content sigh. They usually take their time in the beginning, mostly because of their fears whenever Jason leaves to work as Red Hood. But since they’re both so horny and want to cum sooner, they’ll have to just take their time during round two.
“Fuck me, sweetheart. Fuck yourself silly on my dick,” Jason moans, but he and Y/N laugh at the “silly” part, when he realizes that’s not very sexy.
But Y/N understands and slowly lifts herself up his lap until just the tip of Jason’s cock is inside her. She keeps a steady pace, lifting herself and lowering herself, until their rhythm flows. Within seconds, Jason helps her by holding her hips tightly and thrusting his hips in time with hers.
“Your cock is so big inside me, Jay. You fill me up so good,” Y/N moans and rides him a little faster; wanting the head of his cock to rub hard and relentlessly against her g-spot. She guides one of his hands off her waist to move towards her pussy, encouraging him to rub her clit. “I wanna cum again, Jay.”
“Yeah? You like ridin’ my big cock, you dirty girl? You want me to fill your pussy with my cum?” Jason asks, watching Y/N’s tits bounce while she rides his cock faster than before. He can’t help himself, he uses a free hand to pinch her nipple and leans in to bite and suck her breasts, until he puts his hand back to her hip to guide her thrusts. “You want me to fill you up with my cum?”
“Yes! Yes, please!” Y/N begs.
“Okay, my dirty girl. I’ll give you what you want.”
Well, Jason knows now that this is going to end fast, but he refuses to let it end without Y/N cumming hard again. He squeezes her hip with one hand and the other hand rubs her clit fast in messy circles. He begins to pull her down to meet his thrusts, fucking her harder and faster with everything he’s got. The squelching sound from his cock fucking up into her wet pussy becomes more noticeable, especially when their skin-on-skin slapping gets louder and harsher that echoes in the living room.
“Fuck...Y/N, you’re getting so tight. You feel so fucking good baby,” Jason pants hard, completely sweating and keeping his fast and erratic pace to get them to their releases. “Fuckin’ cum on my big cock, sweetheart. I wanna feel you cum so bad. Please cum for me, again.”
Y/N keeps her eyes on Jason just as her orgasm hits her hard; she squeezes and gushes around his cock, she calls out his name. Jason thrusts harder in her three more times, as he finally cums hard inside Y/N, calls out her name as quietly as he could. Y/N collapses against Jason’s chest, despite being hot and sweaty, but he doesn’t mind. He wraps both arms around her and holds her while they regain their breaths and can function normal again.
Y/N doesn’t see the loving smile Jason gives her as he kisses her forehead. “I love you,” he whispers, and hugs her tighter.
She looks up at him and smiles. “I love you, too.”
Before Y/N can lie her head against Jason’s chest again, she notices Gabi sitting and watching them. Y/N jumps up and covers her breasts with her arms, causing Jason to jump in panic and turn around to see what’s going on.
“Gabi! What-what the hell are you doing there?!” Y/N cries out in embarrassment. She can feel her cheeks are getting red again.
Gabi slowly gets up from the chair and makes her wave into the kitchen. She finds bottled water in the refrigerator, takes one, and goes back into the living room where Jason and Y/N are still frozen in fear.
“I-I was thirsty,” Gabi answers, even though she knows it sounds like a lame answer. She walks backwards until she reaches the hall. “And-and then I saw you guys, and then I couldn’t stop watching. I’m sorry, Y/N...Jason...”
But before Gabi leaves, she points a finger at Jason and smiles. She even chuckles. “But-but in my defense...he’s really sexy! He’s fucking gorgeous, Y/N, and you’re one lucky bitch! You’re so lucky!”
But Gabi is right about that.
Y/N is lucky...because she has Jason.
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narutogwriting · 3 years
I’m Ready
Pairing: Naruto Uzumaki x Reader
CW: SLIGHT nsfw, cavity inducing fluff Length: 2.9k+
Summary: You and Naruto have been dating for a year now. After having to be seperated for so long, the war is finally over, and Naruto knows he wants to stay by your side forever
Could be considered a sequel to “Touch Starved” or stand on its own
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Two days. The Fourth Great Ninja War had only lasted two days, but it felt like a lifetime. Maybe because of everything that happened leading up to the war. It was hard to picture it all now, the smaller battles, the trainings, even the way your friendships had been built up over the last few months. The war only lasted two days, but it was years in the making.
And now it was over. Lives were lost and the world was forever changed, but somehow good had triumphed the way it did in all the books and movies. 
Well, not somehow.
Winning the war was a team effort, every person in every village had done their part, even gave their lives, but you knew what you’d always known.
None of it would have been possible without Naruto.
Ever since you’d met him when you were both twelve years old, you knew there was something different, something special about Naruto Uzumaki. By the time you’d met, everyone else was starting to figure it out too, but you knew right away. You couldn’t have imagined just how special, how important, Naruto would be to the world, but you’d had no doubt in your mind right off the bat that Naruto was going to do great things.
When Naruto asked you to be his girlfriend when you were both sixteen, you felt like the luckiest girl in the world. You couldn’t believe that Naruto wanted it to be you by his side as he took on the world. That spot next to him had always been occupied by you anyways. You wouldn’t have known how to step aside if he were to love someone else.
But it was you he loved. Things had moved so fast between the two of you. One day you were best friends and by that night, you were his girlfriend, falling asleep in his arms and kissing him goodnight. You’d already lived together at that point; it already felt like you and Naruto were spending your life together.
It wasn’t even a full week later that Naruto had let the “L” word slip. The two of you were at the training grounds, but you hadn’t been in the mood to train. You went with Naruto since he wanted to work on target practice, but you had decided to sit back in the shade, writing in your notebook as you leaned against a tree. 
“Did you see that!?” Naruto had called. You glanced up from your book to see that he’d hit the bullseye dead on, and he was grinning excitedly at you.
“Good job, Naruto. But you always hit the bullseye.” You gave a small laugh, glancing back down at your notebook. You missed the pout on Naruto’s face.
What Naruto had been asking you if you saw was the backflip he’d done as he threw the kunai--he had to challenge himself after all. But you were hardly paying attention to him, too caught up in your writing. Well that wasn’t going to stand.
A moment later, you felt wind past your hair as a thud came from the tree above you. You looked at the tree to see a kunai lodged in the trunk just over your head before looking back at Naruto to see a smug smirk.
“Naruto!” You snapped, closing your book. “Are you crazy!?”
He giggled like a child, rubbing the back of his head. “Like you said, I always hit my mark. I wasn’t gonna hit you!” But you were already on your feet, charging him and tackling him to the ground. Naruto’s back hit the floor with a thud, and you could hear the air escape him. Straddling him, you placed your hands on his chest and stared down at him.
“Did you really need my attention that badly?” You asked him curiously, tilting your head. Naruto was looking at you with those wide, beautiful blue eyes that sparkled in the sunlight. He stared at you so intensely, so earnestly, that it made you blush. “What?” You muttered, glancing away in embarrassment. 
Naruto sat up, wrapping an arm around your waist to keep you close to him on his lap. Slowly, you turned your head back to look at him, captivated by all that was Naruto. You were feeling more shy than you ever had before, but Naruto looked and felt as sure as ever as he took you in. “I love you is all.” He grinned at you, leaving a big kiss on your cheek.
There wasn’t a doubt in your mind that you were fully, completely, totally wrapped up in Naruto. You didn’t think you’d ever get free, and you knew for a fact that you never wanted to. 
It was later that night that Naruto took your virginity. It was slow and sweet and awkward and clumsy--everything a girl could hope for for her first time. Naruto kissed you everywhere his lips could touch, his eyes took in every inch of your body. You don’t think you’d ever been so nervous in your life.
But it was Naruto, and like everything else, he made you feel brave. You couldn’t help but wonder how he knew what to do so effortlessly. You had no idea how anxious the whole thing made Naruto because he was so attentive to your needs.
Naruto would later admit to you sheepishly that he’d done a lot of research to make sure he didn’t hurt you. He took it slow when his fingers pressed inside you for the first time, pumping and curling experimentally as he listened to your body to know when he was doing it right.
His thumb clumsily circled your clit as he slid inside you slowly, taking his time despite the urge to just sheathe himself completely. Your fingers gripped his shoulders as you rocked into him despite the pinching pain. And then, suddenly, it didn’t hurt anymore, and your stomach began to flutter. It didn’t last long, with Naruto spilling inside you sooner than he would have liked, but you felt satisfied, on cloud nine, nonetheless.
You couldn’t figure out if it was a blessing or a curse the way your and Naruto’s relationship progressed so quickly, because as soon as everything seemed perfect with the two of you, everything else began to change.
Naruto took the world by storm just like you always knew he would, and the two of you were separated more and more. You wanted to be with him at every point, but you were both ninjas with different roles. You did your best to keep focused, but you missed Naruto terribly when he was gone, and you always feared that he would forget about you. He was quickly gaining the respect of not just the village, but the whole world, just like he’d always wanted. Now that he had everyone else’s attention, would yours matter to him as much?
But when Jiraya died, Naruto wanted nothing more than to be in your arms. There was no one else that could have brought him back from the brink, that darkness that had seemed so overwhelming. You weren’t there in his fight with Pein, you couldn’t be, but he wished you were.
When he meets Minato, finds out that the Fourth Hokage is his father, he can’t help but tell him about you, how despite how miserable and alone so much his childhood had been, he’d do it all over again as long as it led him to you. And his father tells him how happy he is, that if he and Naruto’s mother couldn’t be there for him, that at least you had found Naruto.
And Naruto smiles at that, because you did find him, right when he needed you. He’s confident that in any time or place, any lifetime, you would find him again. And he would find you.
When Naruto meets his mother, it goes much the same. He learns how Kushina and Minato fell in love, a story he never would have imagined he would get to hear. Kushina doesn’t miss his blush when she tells him to find someone like her, and he tells her that he already has. Shyly, Naruto tells his mom about you, how you were his constant, and how much he loves you. It brings them both to tears, because neither of them ever imagined they would have this moment.
And Naruto can’t wait to tell you about it all, but your time together is so few and far between, and you spend most of it in each other’s arms. Every time you touch him again, the relief in you is almost violent, because every time one of you leaves, you’re not sure if you’ll see each other again.
Many lives are lost in the time leading up to the end of the war, but by some miracle of the universe, you and Naruto are left standing. Even so, as he and Sasuke laid barely on the brink of consciousness, both short one arm as Sakura cried over them, you kept your space. It was a scene you knew Naruto had been dreaming about for years, his one real wish to have Sasuke back.
So you’re happy, excited, relieved for Naruto to have his best friend home, but you’re scared too, terrified, really, of what this will mean for your relationship. Now that Naruto has the one thing he’d been dreaming about for years, would that change the way he felt about you?
You’d had enough foresight to buy birthday presents for Naruto early before any stores became a casualty to the battle. With so much destroyed, Naruto couldn’t believe it when he woke up in the hospital surrounded by balloons and streamers, and of course you. “Happy birthday, Naruto.” You smiled from your seat by his bed. And Naruto wasn’t ashamed by the fact that he was crying, because you loved him, and you were here, and even if one day he lost everything else in the world, he had you.
In the days that follow the war, Naruto hears stories of what everyone had experienced in the Infinite Tsukuyomi. He wonders what he would have seen had he been trapped inside. Sasuke being home was a given, and now it was reality. He didn’t have to dream.
He knew for a fact that you would have been in it. And he would be with you forever. That was his dream, what he wanted even more than becoming Hokage one day. He couldn’t imagine his life without you, and he hated how much time he had had to spend away from you for the past months. He never wanted to have to go a day without you again.
It’s only a week that Naruto was in the hospital. Tsunade wanted to keep him in for longer, but Naruto couldn’t stand to spend another night not laying in bed with you. Which meant that he was almost completely bedridden for another week after he came home, with you waiting on him hand and foot.
“You did this on purpose,” you teased him, helping him sit up as you fed him ramen. “You just wanted to make me take care of you.” Naruto just grinned at you in response.
“Having a beautiful girl feeding me ramen? That’s like, the ultimate fantasy!”
You still thought it was too soon, but Naruto was up and moving by week three, eager to get back to training. “You’ve missed all the cool things I’ve learned, too. I have to show you.” Naruto bragged. 
Poking the stub that was his right arm, you laughed. “Better let Tsunade fix this then, if you want to show me anything new.”
Naruto pouted. “But I’ll have to be in the hospital overnight…” He protested. You gave him a soft peck, rolling your eyes at him. 
“I think we can survive one more night apart.” You made a move to pull back, but he secured his arm around your waist, kissing you again. 
“Just one more night?”
Naruto had gone in the night before to get his new arm. He’d pouted and tantrumed and tried to put it off, but finally told Tsuande he was ready.
“It’s just one more night,” you’d promised him as you said goodbye, wrapping your arms around him. 
He kissed your head. “Fine. But promise me something?” he asked. You nodded, looking up at him. 
“Of course,” 
“Meet me tomorrow on the hokage heads at six?” 
So that’s where you were heading now. The sun was beginning to set, lighting the sky up with beautiful hues of purples, oranges, and pinks. You smiled as you climbed the stairs thinking of all the days twelve year old you and Naruto had spent sitting up here, talking about your dreams. You were so young then, neither of you had the foresight to imagine you would be where you were now.
As you got to the top of the mountain, your heart leaped seeing the setup Naruto had waiting for you. A blanket was laid out on the ground, surrounded by lit candles. Plush pillows filled the blankets for comfort as well as glasses of sparkling champagne with your favorite dessert.
He stood there waiting for you with his bandaged hand, and you realized you’d never seen anything as beautiful as Naruto, and you found yourself running to him, jumping into his arms and kissing him deeply as you wrapped your legs around him. 
Laughing, he kissed you back, holding you to him tightly. “I missed you too,” he laughed when you pulled away.
You beamed at him, and it made his breath hitch. You were so gorgeous. Never in his wildest dreams would he have imagined that someone would look at him the way you do, and his eyes started to well up realizing just how lucky he was to have you. 
As he set you down, you gave a small laugh. “Naruto, are you crying?” You asked him, reaching up to touch his cheek. 
 He scratched the back of his head as he stared down at you. “I can’t help it… I just love you so much…” You smiled at him, but he wasn’t done yet.
“Ya know, all that time we spent apart, I thought of you almost every second. Even when I got to talk to my mom and dad… I just wanted to tell them about you…” He took your hands in his, looking at you with a level of admiration that made you blush.
“And, ya know, I know you think it was silly that I didn’t want to go get my new arm cause I didn’t want to spend the night at the hospital, but I just don’t want to have to be away from you again. Not ever.”
You looked at Naruto almost curiously as butterflies fluttered in your stomach. “I’m not going anywhere,” you assured him.
Naruto gave a soft smile, so different from his usual animated grin. “I know,” he said quietly as he began to drop down to his knee. Your jaw dropped as one hand went to cover your mouth. 
“N-naruto… What are you doing?” You asked.
“I love you. So much. And for so long, since we were twelve.” He said, looking up at you. “I never really realized how much I was missing all my life until you came into it. And it was all worth it, all my loneliness, all that time I spent feeling like an outsider… Because when you came into my life, all that pain turned into so much happiness, I thought my heart would burst. I didn’t know I could survive being so happy after being so alone for so long.”
Tears were falling freely from both of your eyes. You didn’t know when you’d started crying, but now you couldn’t stop. 
“We’ve all been through so much in such a short amount of time… I could’ve lost it all. I could’ve lost you. But I didn’t, and I’m so lucky I didn’t.” Naruto continued, smiling through his tears. You tried to quiet your sobs so you could hear him better. “And it’s because of that,” He reached into his pocket, pulling out a small box. “That I want to make sure I get to spend the rest of my life with you. I want you forever. Will you marry me?”
Disbelief. You couldn’t believe this wasn’t your imagination, that this was really happening. “Naruto… We’re only seventeen, we’ve been dating for like a year!” You laughed, and he just grinned confidently.
“I know,” he told you. “I know we’re young, but I know that I love you, and I know that I want to be with you forever. I’m ready. What do you say?”
He almost dropped the ring because you were on him in a second, tackling him to the floor, peppering his face with kisses. “Yes,” you cried between kisses. “Yes of course! I love you. I love you so much.”
“Wait, the ring!” Naruto laughed, waving around the box. “I spent a lot of money on this, ya know! You should at least look at it!” But you just kept on kissing him.
“I’d marry you with a paper ring,” you told him before pressing your lips to his. “Any time, any place. As long as I get to be with you.”
Naruto wiped at his cheeks, staring at you through his blurry eyes. Every time he thought he couldn’t get any happier, you proved him wrong. 
He finally was able to grab your hand and slide the ring on it. “Now you’re never gonna get rid of me.” He told you before giving you another kiss. 
“Promise?” You asked him with shining eyes?
Naruto couldn’t understand it. How had he ever gotten so lucky?
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