#she goes out of her way to give him some advice...very sweet
somacruising · 1 year
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Here is Legretta’s 2nd skit, which is unlocked by maxing out her trust. She has a very interesting conversation with Sync.
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Legretta: Sync. I didn’t realize that you had been brought into this world as well. シンクか。お前もこんな世界に連れてこられていたとはな。
Sync: Yeah, I’m sick of it. My condolences that you’re going to have to deal with that Reaper and the Fon Master Guardian. ああ、うんざりだよ。そっちも、死神と元導師守護役のうるさい二人組を押しつけられてご愁傷さまだね。
Legretta: I’m used to it. It seems as if you’re the one who’s going to have a hard time. You’ve got quite a few suspicious people aboard your ship. 慣れているからな。そっちの方こそ大変だろう。この船には、色々と曲者がそろっているようだ。
Sync: If that’s how you feel, why don’t you transfer over here? With you around, I’d have an easier time controlling these lunatics. そう思うなら、アンタもこっちに来てくれない?アンタがいれば、ここの狂人共の統制も取りやすくなる。
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Legretta: Heh…I refuse. It’s not my job to run an organization without the Commandant. フ・・・・・・断る。ヴァン総長のいない組織を動かすのは私の仕事ではないからな。
Legretta: And in any case, if I leave, Arietta is just going to follow me. それに、私がこちらに来ればもれなくアリエッタがついてくるぞ。
Sync: Tch. I don’t want any more trouble from her. チッ。面倒なのが増えるのはごめんだよ。
Legretta: Hehe, well, that’s that, then. Besides, I’m pleased to see you working with the Salvation Front. フフ、まあ、そうだろうな。それに、私としてもシンクが救世軍にいてくれるのはありがたい。
Legretta: Members of the Salvation Front will have access to information the remnants of Bifrost won’t. It’s good to have someone there to speak with. ビフレストとやらの残党たちでは得られぬような情報も救世軍には入ってくるだろう。そこに話が通じる相手がいてくれるのは助かるからな。
Sync: That’s my line. I’ll be sure to use you at my leisure. それはこっちの台詞だ。せいぜい利用させてもらうよ。
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Legretta: …What are you up to? I didn’t expect you to concern yourself with this world. ・・・・・・何か企んでいるのか?お前が積極的にこの世界に関わるとも思えないが。
Sync: It isn’t that big of a deal. I can’t kill those mirrists until we’ve dealt with that Asgardian Empire mess. そんな大層な話じゃない。アスガルド帝国のごたごたをどうにかしないと鏡士を殺せないんだよ。
Legretta: I see… So, you’re planning to take revenge on the people who called us into this world. However… heheh. なるほど・・・・・・。この世界に我々を呼んだモノへの意趣返しか。しかし・・・・・・フフ。
Sync: What are you laughing about? 何を笑ってるのさ。
Legretta: You’re unexpectedly reliable in the most expected way. お前は相変わらず、妙なところで律儀だな。
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Sync: What, are you mocking me? それ、馬鹿にしてるの?
Legretta: You and I both know that I have never once mocked you, Sync. You can trust me on that. お前を馬鹿にしたことなど一度としてないのはお前がよく知っているだろう。お前は信頼できる。
Sync: If you really believe that, then be sure to send me information. 本気でそう思ってるならこっちに情報を流してくれるんだろうね。
Legretta: Certainly. Let’s both work together. 無論だ。互いに協力していこう。
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Legretta: Just one thing. Remember that this isn’t Auldrant. We are no longer the Six God-Generals and I don’t mean to force you to do anything…but don’t overdo it. 一つだけ。ここはオールドラントではない。だから六神将として、何かを強要するつもりはないが・・・・・・無理はするなよ。
Sync: Are you trying to tell me to abandon my revenge? 復讐なんてするなとでも言いたいわけ?
Legretta: No. Think of it as advice from an older woman. If this is something you want to do, then do it. If it’s truly what you want to do. まさか。老婆心のようなものだ。やりたいことがあるならやればいい。それが真にお前のやりたいことならば。
Legretta: We have left the world of prophecy. I, too, want to enjoy my free time in a world free of the Planet’s Memory. Until the day this body of mine dies. 我々は預言から切り離された存在になった。私も、星の記憶が知らない自由な時間を、せいぜい謳歌してやるつもりだ。この身が果てる瞬間までな。
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actuallysaiyan · 7 months
hihihi!! this is for your lovely valentines day event!! i was thinking maybe SDV Sebastian tries to plan the most romantic Valentine’s Day, but everything falls through and he has to try and improvise to impress reader! it can be nsfw or sfw its totally up to you!! :)) 💕
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warnings: mentions of drinking, use of vibrator, Sebastian is a nasty little thing, Robin knows y'all are gonna get nasty word count: 1.1k pairings: Sebastian x Fem!Reader summary: Valentine's Day usually sucks for Seb, and this one is no different...except he really needs it to go well despite all his plans crumbling before his eyes.
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Sebastian cannot believe how terribly this is going. After all the planning he put into today, it was just all crumbling before his very eyes. He’s been pining after you ever since the spring Flower dance, and now it’s winter and it’s valentine’s day and he had everything all planned out in the best way. Yet it just wasn’t going to work out in his favor.
The secret gift he had made for you? Somehow someone got into his room and it got pushed off the shelf. So the clay figurine of your character in Solarian Chronicles is completely destroyed. He had written you a sweet song, but for the life of him, he can’t find the notebook he wrote it in. And even the gift he ordered for you online isn’t going to show up on time.
Sebastian lays on his bed, his eyes closed tight and his breathing coming in and out quickly. He’s got just a few hours to be able to improvise for you, otherwise things are going to become even more terrible. He texts Sam for advice, then he texts Abigail. They both have different ideas for what he can do to make this work, but Sebastian begins working harder. He knows he’s going to have to figure something out. So he calls up the Saloon and he begs Gus to cook him up some sort of meal for you and him. Gus decides to do this favor for Sebastian, telling him to come pick it up within the hour.
The next thing he’s planning is to make his room a little more romantic. He changes the sheets, finds a few candles to light and cleans off the table so you both can eat there. Then he goes upstairs, looking for his mother. 
Robin cheerfully helps her son plan the rest of the night sweetly. She reminds the rest of the family not to bother the happy couple, and she even gives Sebastian a bottle of champagne. He’s blushing as she hands this to him, a soft “have fun!” coming from her lips. Sebastian doesn’t even know what she’s thinking, but he knows she can probably deduce that there will be something naughty going on downstairs.
In the backyard, Seb begins picking some flowers. He doesn’t have a gift to give you, but he knows you love flowers. And once he gets a nice bouquet going, he spots Linus. The older man flashes him a soft smile, knowing that Sebastian is working his hardest to still make this a very romantic day. Despite the cold, Sebastian manages to pluck beautiful Crocus flowers and a few Holly for some balance.
Once he’s got the pretty bouquet of winter flowers, he settles them in a vase in his room. Sebastian takes a moment to look around and admire his handiwork. This bedroom was going to be the perfect setting for such a romantic evening. All that was left was for him to go pick you and the meals up. He takes the quickest shower and gets dressed in a warm hoodie and those tight jeans you love so much.
On his way to pick you up, his stomach is in knots. He’s worried you’ll be disappointed by the lack of real gifts and the way this night would go down. But when you greet him on the porch of your home, you’ve got the biggest smile on your face.
“Happy valentine’s day!” You say with a sweet kiss to his cheek.
He smiles, “Happy valentine’s day.”
You two share a sweet little kiss, and he pulls you in so close. It’s a sweet moment between two lovers, and he never wants this to end. Then he takes you by the hand and leads you towards the town center. You two stop at the Saloon to pick up the delicious dinner that Gus had prepared for you. He passes it to Sebastian, a playful wink and a glint in his eyes.
The walk back to Sebastian’s place has you so giddy. It feels like you’re floating on a cloud as you tell him about your day and he listens to you so attentively. Your heart is so full of love and happiness.  
Inside his room, he pours some champagne for you and you two sit and eat such a delectable meal. Seb presents the flowers to you, which you coo over. You sheepishly give him a cute little valentine’s card you made for him. You scratch the back of your neck nervously, telling him you’ve been busy taking care of the animals and mining lately to make him anything more than that.
He smiles softly, “It’s perfect, baby.”
After dinner, you’re both full of champagne. It bubbles inside of both of you, coursing through your veins. Sebastian has you pinned to the bed, kissing you over and over. The way he holds you and kisses you makes your head spin. He presses his knee between your thighs, smirking at the way you moan from just this.
“Would you believe that when I got up this morning,” Sebastian asks between heated kisses. “That I thought everything was fucked up?”
You giggle, “Knowing you, yeah I’m not so surprised.”
He feigns being insulted, but it fuels him even more. He begins undressing you slowly, his eyes lingering on your beautiful body. Then he begins to press soft kisses to your most sensitive spots, relishing in the way you moan and gasp just for him. It’s so intoxicating to know that you react to the way he makes you feel so good. It’s something he prides himself on, and he knows he’s not going to stop anytime soon.
“You’re so fucking beautiful,” he grunts as he grinds against you. “I’m kind of happy this is how this night turned out.”
You mewl, “Me too, Sebby.”
He grins mischievously before reaching over for the drawer in the bedside table. You know what he’s reaching for and it makes your heart race like crazy. The sounds of the vibrations coming from the wand vibrator make your cunt dribble even more slick. Sebastian chuckles darkly.
“Cute,” he murmurs hotly against your neck. “Just hearing this thing gets you going, yeah?”
You nod your head, making him chuckle again. Then he brings the vibrator to your aching cunt, and you cry out for him. The sounds of your cute little moans make his cock strain against the fabric of his boxers. Slowly, he lets the vibrator circle around your swollen nub. Sebastian has you exactly where he wants you.
“All mine…All mine for valentine’s day. My perfect valentine.”
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weebsinstash · 6 months
Thinking bout how mean demi Alastor would be regarding the post cheating/meltdown/breakup sex… he’s still a sadist and now that he’s more comfortable with physical intimacy and like 20% more deranged that def gets reflected in his “catering to your needs”. Overstim, edging, anything that leaves you at his “mercy”
Reader, visibly sweating because YOU know that HE knows most of the dirty dirty nasty NASTY SHENANIGANS you've committed in the last month or two of Just Straight Up Sluttery: so Alastor, now that you've discovered this new part of yourself, surely you've, uh, developed some new tastes and healthy outlets for intimacy?
Alastor, who's just spent the last several weeks rounding up all your sexual partners and he does mean ALL of them to torture every last detail of what you did out of them, and has recently discovered how much he likes the feeling of a riding crop in his hands, along with a list of kinks where cheating/cuckoldry is definitely NOT one of them: oh yes :) healthy outlets :) so anyways my pet, about your punishment--
You're just like "ok Alastor um, since you're new to this and old fashioned you probably want to, cuddle, and, ease into it, and--" bitch he wants to tie you up. Bitch he has developed SUCH a craving for watching you tied up and helpless because, oh you're so sweet and vulnerable and need him to protect you ❤️ his sweet vulnerable little doe ❤️ aw, your struggling is so cute ❤️ do you want to be let go? Guess you better beg nice and pretty~
I dunno man... I was LITERALLY discussing a concept like this with an asexual buddy of mine actually, the amount of aces horny for Alastor is giving, truly, and we were MUTUALLY like, "listen... listen... asexuality is real and we respect that, ok... but it's also a spectrum... and I want this man going his entire life and afterlife not caring or having a taste for those things UNTIL he meets you and he has to deal with, discover, and come to understand all his new desires" and I keep thinking of multiple ways to swing that?
Just him having his equivalent of his first schoolboy crush and not knowing why he can't stop himself from laughing at your jokes? Why is he suddenly so... POSSESSIVE of your company? Why does he want to hurt the men who come around you even more than usual? He goes to Rosie for advice and she's just, DROPPING HER TEA CUP, "oh ALASTOR HONEY, you've got yourself a little crush!!" and all but squealing with delight as she wants ALL the details and, well, Rosie IS a trusted friend... and once he starts talking about you, he can't stop himself for some reason, he just enjoys sharing little details and stories and things about you amd, oh gosh Rosie you should hear this thing that happened the other day it was just the most charming little--
I want this man coming to take you back and he's kicking some door down and he finds you THROATING A GUY. I want it AWKWARD. I want him finding you doing something that immediately makes everyone involved go OH SHIT. I want some dude freaking out hollering "THE RADIO DEMON?!" because he and a buddy were spitroasting you on your hands and knees and you give a very recognizable "alastor????" around the dude's meat CLEARLY KNOWING THE GUY and your unlucky one night stand has his Oh Fuck moment as he makes perfect eye contact with the notorious cannibal who is currently witnessing this, uh, gentleman having his hand fisted in your hair as he--
Just the mental image of, it's the end of the night or even the morning and the fucking sun is coming up or, their time equivalent of sunrise since I don't think they have like days and nights, but, Alastor is just sitting there reading a book humming to himself, completely put together not a hair out of place, with candles going, a gentle song on the radio, and beside him you're just facedown completely naked in bed with welts all over your ass as his shadow gives you a nice aftercare massage. Dude just sips some coffee, humming and smirking as he regards you "now did we learn our lesson about... making impulsive unsafe decisions without consulting our partner?"
you, still face down as your legs still refuse to stop shaking: that if I want to get fucked really hard all I have to do is commit adultery?
Alastor, who has recently discovered all the Super Fun New Ways he can fuck 'discipline' you for riling him up and getting him jealous on purpose because now that he's finally acting like this it's all but making you a cat in heat 'being a brat', smiling with legitimate sadistic glee as he reaches for a pair of leather gloves: incorrect :)
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nerd-of-karasuno · 1 year
Itadori Yuji Dating Headcannons
word count: 2k
note: I am not taking requests for JJK at the moment. I may open them eventually, but for now, it's just Haikyu!! and My Hero Academia with maybe some Blue Lock mixed in (unless maybe you all have good Yuji requests I might do some...). I just love Yuji sm so I had write this. Hope y'all enjoy!! 💕
my dating headcannons masterlist
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This is the sweetest boy right here
Yuji gives the best hugs.
He's so gentle and sweet.
You're friends right off the bat.
Yuji makes friends so easily.
He becomes very attached to you right away.
Yuji realizes he likes you when he's lying in bed late at night
he doesn't know what to do tbh
His feelings for you aren't too obvious, but at the same times there are moments that are pretty telling if you're paying attention.
It's the way he holds onto you longer during hugs more than he does with anyone else
The way he always checks to see if you're still with the group and enjoying yourself while you're out with friends
And the way that he offers you any snacks and food he has first before he offers to the rest of the people with you.
The way that you catch his eye when you walk in the room, that he can't help but stare for a few seconds, admiring you.
The way that he'll slightly lean into you laughing when you're sitting right next to him
I could go on forever about the different ways Yuji loves you
But anyway, movie nights are a requirement when you're friends with Yuji.
He probably has a day every week that he invites you, Megumi, and Nobara to watch a movie all together.
Yuji always have an unsaid claimed spot next to you.
he dives to get into that spot, which changes depending on where you're still, and he does this before you're dating too.
If you're a movie nerd, Yuji gets so excited to talk to you about movies
And even if you're not, Yuji is just as eager to talk about movies with you
It's cute hearing him talk, please listen to him
but keep in mind, he could go on for a very long time.
when the confession eventually happens, it goes either one of two ways.
Yuji smoothly pulls it off with all his practice in front of the mirror paying off
he completely stumbles his way through it
but it's so cute and super sweet and genuine that it probably gets you to fall for him even more
If you ever confront Yuji about his crush on Jennifer Lawrence, he'll get so bashful.
I feel like Todo would be the one to tell you that Yuji mention to him during their days at their old school that he found Jennifer Lawrence.
You'll definitely have a Hunger Games marathon at some point in your relationship.
Pillow fights happen every few movie nights
especially if you argue about something in the movie
Like one of you didn't like something in it or are debating which movie of a series is the best one
The pillow fights decides all.
For actual fights between you and Yuji though, Yuji has always been good at making it back up to you if he did something wrong.
sometimes he needs space after an argument but he comes back pretty quickly.
one of the first fights he went to Gojo for advice and immediately regretted it. Gojo had some good advice overall but it was covered up by some story or stories he was telling while giving it and Yuji didn't make the connection
Megumi and Nanami offer excellent advice however for any situation
usually at least one of them can't bother with the situation if Yuji is asking for advice on what to do for a date or anything like that, but one of the two always respond when it's an argument because they know how much Yuji and you mean to each other
unless it's a silly argument ofc.
Nobara also gives great advice, but sometimes she's a lil too picky with Yuji on what she gives advice on and goes off on other things about him that he could work on
im sorry, she cares a lot but I feel like she would go on tangents sometimes. We still love her very much
But Nobara is such an awesome wingwoman for both you and Yuji
Girl has the best ideas for dates and gifts and so much more.
Gojo 100% ships you and Yuji if he finds that you're right for each other
especially if he notices that you like each other before the confession
oh my gosh he gets so excited that two of his students are into each other
he tries to help out a little by putting you on missions together and gets you two to run errands together too
different things like that but occasionally it's very obvious that Gojo is trying to set the both of you up.
Nanami has told Gojo numerous times to back off because he too is one of the first to notice the connection between you and Yuji.
but of course we all know that doesn't exactly work out.
Yuji even gets you a lil tiger plush, somewhat as a joke because of his high school nickname
He thinks it's really cute when you hold the plush and it always makes him smile to see the plush in your room
If you name the tiger after him, he dies inside due to your sweetness
If you also attend Jujutsu High, Yuji sneaks into your dorm room regularly.
He loves holding you and spending nights with you, especially after rough missions
and after certain events like with what happened to Junpei
Yuji was able to hold it for quite awhile but he eventually ends up collapsing in your arms, saying nothing.
usually he's the big spoon but it's moments like these that he just needs you to hold him tight and play with his hair
no words necessary he just wants to be close to you.
Moving on... Yuji plays with your hair and fidgets with your fingers quite a lot
Yuji allows you to do the same to him if you want.
He's always open to new stuff that you tell him about
Oh there's a new restaurant? Wanna go tomorrow? You wanna play a new video game or wanna go see a new movie? Just tell him and he'll do it with you. He'll even let you put makeup on him or paint his nails if you'll really eager to
Okay kinda random, but arcade dates anyone?
Yuji will get competitive and he will try to get you to bet little things just for fun.
Also cat cafe dates?? I feel like Yuji would be so excited to go if you agree too
then he gets there and he scares some of the cats away by accidentally being too loud 😭
but the sight of you petting the cats and then snuggling up to you makes him feel better
except he didn't get to pet as many cats as you.
also dancing in your rooms together??
it'll be so random a lot of the times
but if there's music playing Yuji will try to get you to dance with him and if it's a really fun song, sing along as well.
Yuji hates when Sukuna talks around you and he tries to make sure Sukuna never talks directly to you
He doesn't want you to deal with him whatsoever
that doesn't stop Sukuna making remarks about your relationship in Yuji's head tho
especially since Yuji thinks about you a lot and Sukuna gets tired of it
He complained to you once about it when he actually managed to get a mouth to appear on Yuji's cheek
Yuji got so flustered and slapped his cheek so hard.
If you are ever assigned to fight against each other in training, Yuji immediately tries to change partners
Nothing against you, he knows that you're strong and he 100% respects that
Yuji is just extremely worried that he'll hurt you somehow
And he never ever wants to do that
Though if you do charge at him, he'll respond and up his defense if you're really going out
After that first fight that you start, Yuji'll become more comfortable with fighting against you in training
He was legitimately terrified when you came straight at him.
But you two fighting together? Yuji really enjoys working alongside you
power couple honestly
Yeah, he worries that you might get hurt but you're so beautiful in his eyes when you fight
I swear the first mission you go on together even if it was before you began dating, Yuji got distracted by you fighting whatever curse and stared a little to long
the next thing you know is Yuji is being thrown back at a wall
oh no my boy
Yuji quickly shakes it off but he refuses to admit what actually happened if you try to question him
If you tell anyone at Jujutsu High, they all can kinda place together the pieces and figure it out
Poor Yuji gets teased about that moment by quite a few people gojo im looking at you
...sorry need a gap cuz Tumblr wants a character block limit...
Yuji also gets teased a little when showing off once or twice during training
look he only does it when you're around
He can't help it
Yuji genuinely just wants to impress you
Really he just wants you to think that's he's cool
He doesn't care to much what others think
Except when they're teasing him constantly
Words of encouragement from you please if you're willing?
Actually please do that
Yuji struggles with the events that have happened in his life since he ate Sukuna's finger
so words of encouragement from you mean the absolute world to him
Your support in general really
With any way that you can show appreciation for him, Yuji becomes so soft
his mind's a mess
sukuna's not helping
man he loves you so much
you keep Yuji going
He's so grateful for that and he'll let you know.
he can't believe someone like you is willing to put so much love and spend so much time with him
sukuna shush yuji doesn't need your opinion on this
It takes him a little bit but eventually Yuji becomes very vulnerable with you
He's always been an pretty open person, but you're one of the first to see him wholely as himself, weaknesses and all
Yuji finds you so comforting
in quite a few different ways
He loves your hugs, for one
If Yuji can hold you for a bit, he'll be very happy and content
He loves resting his head on yours if you're short than him
If you're taller than him, he doesn't mind you doing the same to him
But piggy back rides? No one at Jujutsu High questions Yuji running around carrying you on his back anymore
They've all learned not to question a lot of silly things that you do with Yuji to be honest.
as long as no one is dying or injured it's probably fine - a quote probably said by a witness at Jujutsu High
Yuji thinks it's hilarious if any of the stuff that the students think about his and your actions get back to him
It makes him wanna do more semi chaotic stuff around the school.
please stop him at any time if you notice that it may be too much
You have Yuji's full heart when you're in a relationship with him
He adores you utterly
all these moments he's had with you, all the good times and the bad, Yuji Itadori wouldn't change for the world.
Yeah sometimes things weren't good between the two of you
Sometimes the circumstances around the two of you were awful
But those moments and those situations got you and Yuji to where you are now
and Yuji could not be happier.
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viiiiiiiiiin · 7 months
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What do you guys do on Valentine's Day !! (GN reader)
Includes: Nami , Robin , Sanji , Law , Kid , Ace , Sabo.
A / N: SORRY ITS SHORT !!@ Im writing this on a phone and with a headache. I hope you guys enjoy 😣
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Cat Burglar: Nami
If you guys just recently got into a relationship , she's very frugal with her money. Though , if you guys have been in a relationship for a while , she's more than willing to spoil you.
She probably started growing some flowers for you in the garden !
She's had this day planned out for a while , actually. She made the crew dock at an island and reserved a table at the fanciest restaurant she could find there.
Then , she would book (or bribe someone to book) a private room for you two. She would get you a rose (that she grew) before you even arrived.
She's over here wearing a beautiful dress , hair done and everything. She even bought you a beautiful suit / dress / fit to match with hers !
After the date , she takes you to a hotel and spends the entire night with you. You guys even go out on a shopping spree ! New clothes , jewlery , weapons , whatever you guys wanted ! All discounted , of course.
You guys end the night with a cuddle session in your room ! (Or a fun night. It depends)
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Devil's Child: Nico Robin
She's VERY romantic with you.
She's gotta have SOMETHING on you the entire day. Rather it be holding hands , kissing your cheek , hugging your waist , or rubbing your shoulders. She just loves making you flustered !
She takes this entire day spoiling you. She uses her devil fruit to massage you and make you relax.
You guys even take a rosey bath together ! She may even get hansy there too . .
She asks Sanji to cook you two something you both love so you can eat together while bathing or in the girls' room.
She also spends time reading with you ! She introduces you to her favorite love stories.
She ends the night with a cuddle session as well. She's probably the big spoon lol.
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Blackleg: Vinsmoke Sanji
The most romantic out of all of them !
Breakfast in bed (your favorite) , lunch is all of your favorites , and so is dinner ! He loves the little faces you make when eating the stuff you love.
He definitely put rose pedals in your room. He gave you so many gifts throughout the day that you didn't have enough room for them all ! Chocolate , flowers , etc.
He makes the entire day about the both of you. He hugs you and kisses you all day !
He even sets up a candle lit bath for the both of you. Roses around the tub , warm bubble bath , and some exotic sweets for the both of you.
He , like Robin , has to have his hands on you the entire time. He loves you so , so much.
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Surgeon of Death: Trafalgar D. Water Law
He didn't even remember that it was Valentine's Day until you gave him a gift.
He felt horrible for forgetting about it. He had been so , so busy with his studies. And what he was going to do about Kaido.
He makes it up to you by docking at the neatest island and taking you out to eat. Even though he doesn't like PDA or public affection.
He gives you a rose while his face is LIT UP with red. He's so embarrassed. Shh he's trying his best.
When you guys came back to the Polar Tang , he tries to finish his studies but allows you to be in there with him.
Once he's done , he bathes and goes to sleep with you. He's probably the little spoon . . .
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Eustass "Captain" Kid
He's . . Horrible . . At romantic stuff.
He gives you a little heart trinket while blushing madly.
He brings you out to eat (and almost burned the place down because of the way people looked at you).
He asks Killer for advice. He doesn't know what he's doing , at all. He tries to follow what he said to do , but he fails. He's trying , don't blame him.
He held you close the entire day and made sure everyone knew that he was your boyfriend.
Though he won't admit it , his heart is racing like crazy. If you point it out , he'll yell and deny it.
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Firefist: Portgas D. Ace
When you guys docked on the closest island , he took you on a picnic date ! He asked Thatch to make your favorites and his favorites.
He took one of your shared blankets and sat near the sea.
He never believed he could be loved , but you proved him wrong. That's why this day is so important to him.
He brought flowers ! A whole bouquet. He won't say it , but he used your money for it since he was out.
Anyways. He held you the entire time (when he wasn't asleep) , and you guys both had very heartfelt conversations.
You guys fell asleep together , counting the stars and talking about how each line of stars reminds you of something different.
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Fire Emperor: Sabo
He had been planning what he'd do for a while too.
He pretended like he forgot. Once you "reminded" him , he acted surprised.
Eventually , he surprised you with a romantic date at an expensive fancy restaurant.
Dragon gave him the funds for it ! He encouraged you both and smiled as he walked out.
He even made a tray of your favorite sweets ! Even though he's not the best baker , he tried his best.
He tries to make you smile the ENTIRE time. He just loves how you look ! Rather you have an upward smile , an upside down smile , a chubby face with a smile , or a skinny face with a smile , he loves it all. He loves YOU.
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lume-nosity · 2 years
mellow hearts
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prompt: how would they act if they realized they had a crush on you
characters: heizou, xiao, kazuha, ganyu, yoimiya, albedo, scaramouche, eula, venti
style: fluff
song inspo: sweet by cigarettes after sex
an: sweet is a really good song and i was writing while listening to it on loop at night! i actually wrote for so many characters.. but i like writing this way, it’s short and sweet. i don’t have to make it too extreme. though i still hope i don’t make them too ooc as i just thought it’d be cute to write a prompt like this & wanted to try out more characters to write. do let me know if these are alright! feel free to give me some pointers for any of these characters backgrounds and such! just don’t turn it into harsh criticism. little ol’ me is trying (-。-;
notes: not proofread, gender of reader is your choice, lowercase intended, ooc???
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‘started off as a joke, but now it’s not’ kind of guy. being a detective, it’s surprising how it took him a long time to realize his true feelings for you. even he himself is surprised. the way he had to connect the dots, connect every possibility as to why he feels comfortable around you, and then it clicked. he likes you. so expect him to tease/play with you more often, but he silently wishes you get the point. while also being flustered deep inside.
he’s in denial. why would he, an adeptus, fall in love with a mortal? he doesn’t want you to concern yourself with him. but these feelings of his are making that belief 10x harder. he’d shove his feelings aside, but they’ll always come back to bite him. knowing him, he will take a really long time to be honest with his feelings. not only are they foreign to him, he doesn’t want to hurt you. so give him some time.
he goes with the flow. in his travels, he’ll always bring a souvenir back for you. so let’s just say he’ll bring you gifts. every night when you both stargaze or just admire the night sky, he’ll throw in a few ‘flowery’ words here & there. oh and maybe a bonus, he’ll make a haiku on the spot for you. he knows what he’s doing, but even though he cannot stay in one spot, he’ll always find a way to make it back to you. accompanied with some gifts/trinkets.
very flustered. she’ll ask cloud retainer about why she feels at ease whenever she’s around you but after doing so she gets teased. which makes her flustered even more. what she’ll do is try to find some time in her schedule to spend time with you. whatever activity, she will join you. whatever location, she will follow you. she may even go the extra mile to cancel her work and make the entire day dedicated to you.
she’ll be more cheerful. oh she has a crush on you? she’s planning a firework date! the fireworks she’s prepping are going to be the best ones ever to be used. she wants to make this date special, so she’ll have to make it count. with some pizzazz if you will?
he’s confused. like xiao, he doesn’t know what his ‘warm’ feelings are. ironic how he’s an intelligent guy, he wasn’t taught the concept of love. so he turns to sucrose for advice. but after learning what he really feels for you, and what love means, his cheeks turn red and he covers his mouth in embarrassment.
he disregards his feelings and thinks of them as ‘stupid.’ after being abandoned time after time, he doesn’t want the same thing to happen again. many times has he fallen prey to abandonment, he wasn’t falling for it again. he believes he has no time for love…but you’re right there. so he’s pretty conflicted about his ideals. in his mind there’s a whole war going on whether he wants to be upfront with his feelings or leave them. but he wasn’t aware of the light shade of pink that’s obviously shown on his face.
appalled but also blushy at the same time. she’d put her hands on her hips, raise her chin, and say stuff like ‘i’ll seek vengeance on you for making me feel this way.’ she wouldn’t admit it, because that’s just eula yk? a tough nut to crack. though on certain occasions she’d invite you to go ice skating in dragonspine and if you have no experience in ice skating she’ll be happy to teach you. she may say things like ‘hmph. i’ll see to your punishment.’ but don’t worry. she may have that rough exterior, but she’s really kind.
he’ll be more clingy. oh yeah. expect him to follow you around like a lost puppy. you’re going to liyue, he’s going. inazuma? sure why not. sumeru? nice, he’s ready. whenever he’s drunk he comes tumbling towards you and latches his hands around you, slurring out nonsense as you stand there like: ‘you must’ve drank again have you.’ and he goes ‘oh? i’ve only downed a.. couple. *hiccup* it’s not a lot, ehe.’ basically, he’ll just be more clingy to you and he isn’t shy to show that. a bold bard he is.
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whizzinpast · 5 months
Character Musings: Sweet Dream Cafe
- Hyuna’s worked at the cafe the longest, followed by Sua and Ivan. Mizi and Till were hired pretty recently. Till was a regular and came mostly to see Mizi until a part-time position opened up.
- Ironically, Mizi was also a regular and snatched a position because she desperately wanted to get to know Sua better.
- Although Sua is not allowed to pick favorites, she spoke to Mizi a couple of times while taking her order (more so than with any other customer). In fact, she was the one who subtly mentioned that they would be needing more employees soon.
- After they get to know each other better and exchange numbers, Sua and Mizi always prepare for work together and arrive to the cafe as a pair.
- Yes, Mizi purses her lips several times a day when somebody is cozying up to Sua and Till (bless his soul) somehow deducts that Mizi is jealous of all the attention Sua is getting. (And blubbers out several compliments that fly right over Mizi’s head.)
- Because Sua and Ivan have been working together for some time, Mizi tries (and fails) to bribe him for information about Sua’s background or her likes and dislikes. Each time, Ivan gives her a pat on the head and sends her off to figure it out herself.
- Till and Ivan never met before, but Ivan’s been heading to the same bar where Till does his gigs since the start of college. After the first performance, he couldn’t bring himself to stop coming. So, to him, having to work with Till is like a dream come true.
- Him and Till often exchanged banter at the counter before they started getting friendly. Afterwards, Till would find himself inviting Ivan to hang out after work so he can complain about his day. Then he’d invite him to the bar, where it’s revealed that Ivan is a regular. And then he’d ask him to come to the gigs. Even though Ivan developed a crush that he believes would stay unrequited, he enthusiastically supports Till in any way he can.
- Ivan suggested to Till he wears a dress for a day so he could catch Mizi’s attention. It was both a piece of legitimate advice and a guilty pleasure. Miraculously, Till did it; Mizi said he looked adorable and Ivan got his wish. They took a group photo to commemorate the occasion.
- Ivan also encouraged Mizi to come with him to the bar to see one of Till’s performances. (And then Sua tagged along.)
- Hyuna and Ivan are practically security. They keep a close eye on all the employees and make sure nobody’s getting harassed. And if anyone asks, you don’t talk about that one time Hyuna literally dragged someone out by the back of their collar. (She keeps saying it was embarrassing, but it was actually very hardcore.)
- Hyuna goes on smoke breaks in her maid outfit and it is the coolest fucking thing you’ll ever see.
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cupids-dove · 3 months
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That's Not My Neighbor Head cannons I won't stop thinking about.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
Arabella (oc):
Hopeless romantic
That one friend who's always dressed nicely even when having a breakdown
Would bail you out of jail
Easily flustered
Swears in french but says it in a sweet way, so people think she's complimenting them.
Can't pronounce "declaration"
Very insecure but acts like she's the best
Likes to be the dumb blonde because arguing with men is dumb
Dramatic queen
Marina and the Diamonds coded
Runs off of coffee 24/7
Forgets to eat all the damn time
At some point he stopped giving a fuck about doppels
MAN CANNOT FLIRT TO SAVE HIS LIFE (it's okay bc he's unintentionally hot)
Terrible at English (grammar, etc)
Some days just talks in mumbles, and no one ever knows wtf he says
Punched a doppel without realizing it (he thought it was his coworker who wouldn't leave him tf alone-)
Milkshakes are a guilty pleasure
Got chased by a dog during a delivery, and now hates them
Basically, the batman of the building
Bicurious fr fr
A girl's girl
Type of woman to have pads/tampons/liners, etc, in case anyone needs one
Drops off food for Francis because she knows he forgets to eat
Honestly the best mom ever-
She's actually not very good at baking
Her relationship with Francis was: the opposite eyes where one is like happy and the other is tired-
Or like: grew up with a big family x grew up an only child
The one who actually suggested the divorce
Left handed
Has an odd fascination with pears
She walked in on her parents once, and now whenever Nacha needs her, she has to go to Ana instead of Ana going to her.
Thinks it's cheesy her name is so similar to her mom's
Pretty close to both her parents
I think she'd really like The Addams Family
Good at math
Picked up saying "whatever" from upper classmen
Kinda hates the idea of romance
The type of person to just stare into your soul but in reality was zoning out (got that from her dad fr fr)
Likes picking flowers to bring to her mom after school
Bad boy with a heart of gold
Looks like a fboy but this guy got no bitches
Kinda dumb most of the time, but gets serious when it comes to piloting
The cool uncle
Wear sunglasses even if he can't see shit
Insecure about his eyes
Definitely the type to try and fight a goose
He's an only child and wishes he had some younger siblings
Doesn't like to drink all that much
Definitely knows how to play guitar or some sort of instrument
Most loyal man ever
His wife died before the doppelgangers, but once you get him talking about her he won't shut up
Taught Steven how to play guitar
Everytime he smokes he thinks of how his wife would nag him about it </3
A lot of the guys go to him for advice
I imagine he's got one of those warm hearty laughs
Was in the military for a bit
Worries about Steven everytime he goes out
Doesn't understand mental health, but does his best
Sweetest old woman, you'll ever meet.
Carries candy on her all the time
Loves roses so much
Her and her husband are definitely grumpy x soft
Can be kind of an air head sometimes
Had a dog named Puffles when she was young
Has at least 3 kids who write her letters with pressed flowers, which she keeps
Never really liked pearls until Roman bought her a pearl necklace
She's a bit tone deaf
Grumpiest man ever
Questions how he ever got with Lois
Knows how to play piano
Is very good with numbers
Hates he's balding but Lois reassures him all the time he's still handsome
Very uncoordinated man
Dislikes pomegranates for some reason
Loves his children very much and gives financial advice
More on the slim and regal side
Has begged Arabella for clothing advice
Loves matching with Elenois
Hates being separated from her sister
The friend who goes partying every night
Definitely the type to gossip with her sister
Cannot keep a secret to SAVE HER LIFE
Has the tendency to talk about topics she doesn't fully understand
Does Selenne's makeup because Selenne always begs her to
Definitely has accidentally called herself by her sister's name
Technically the older twin
Worries that she's not as pretty as her sister even though they look alike
A secret lesbian
Wears cherry chapstick
Hated yellow/orange at first and grew to really like it.
The type to scold you about doing something wrong, but in the process is giving you comfort items
If it wasn't for her sister encouraging her to join her in modeling. She probably would've been a sectary.
Loves the color red WITH. A. PASSION.
Loves receiving apples too <3
Probably smells like apple blossoms too-
Very good at English
Teaches third graders
Wants to be a mother with lots and lots of kids
Her relationship with Dr. W. Afton is literally gorgeous wife x dork
Loves her silly fiance
Dyes he hair blonde
Dr. W. Afton:
Man is clueless
Also has no idea how he bagged such a beautiful woman
Loves how smart Mia is
Does questionable shit all the time
Has a thing for bunnies that doesn't feel entirely normal
Has been mistaken for a doppel by neighbors because sometimes he creeps them out
He gives me quiet kid
Definitely grew up with no siblings and extremely awkward around other women
Looks like he would freak out over a bug
This man MOST DEFINITELY knows how to dance
He reminds me of Waluigi
He looks like he enjoys pineapple on pizza
A lady's man fr fr
Would treat you so well
A romantic
Smokes a lot, though, because work is hard
Drinks red wine
Has a fancy ass bathrobe that lowkey Slenne is jealous of
Peaked in highschool
Nosiest mf ever
He's somewhat sweet
Very good at his job
Likes Selenne and gives her all the gossip
Has flirted with all the women in the building at LEAST once (shoot ur shot ig)
He's most proud of his jaw line
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
Author's note: Someone should lmk if I should do more :P also I might do something with Arabella more dive deeper into her- I'm just doing this for fun, for myself really because I was just gonna wrote most of these in my notes app. I doubt many people will read this so-
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rae-and-mezo · 1 year
Can you do when yn treats the house elves like their her children and the boys (ominis,sebastian, gareth,and amit) or the girls (poppy,natt,imelda, and Anne) get jealous or you can put whatever reaction!😊 please do this I'm begging 😭
A/n: I love this!! Some of them are shorter because I didn't know how to expand on their general opinion. I tried so hard to not repeat myself!
Characters: Sebastian Sallow, Ominis Gaunt, Garreth Weasley, Amit Thakkar, Poppy Sweeting, Natty Onai, Imelda Reyes, Anne Sallow
Honestly, he's kind of annoyed.
Like the treatment of Elves is infuriating, sure, and he agrees with being kind obviously. But do you really have to cancel a date because Ticky the Elf wants to perform a dance for you?
And why do THEY get forehead kisses every day and he only gets them when he's sitting down? Maybe it's because he's just tall but HEY.
At first the elves are scared of him, and he hates it. He goes out of his way to show he means no harm but didn't intend to get roped into the mess.
Why do they want him to come see the room MC had them decorate in the room of requirement?
Why the hell is one asking him what MC prefers: Vanilla or Chocolate? They want to make her a cake? Okay...but he expects a piece.
Slowly he comes to love them as MC does, like a dad with a kitten.
My boy is...confused? But delighted.
The Gaunts had a house elf! Her name was Cinder, and she was more like a mother than Mrs. Gaunt. He always treated her with utmost respect and the way his parents treated her made him sick to his stomach.
His whole Hogwarts career he has tried to be very polite to the elves, letting them know someone cares.
And when you show him your army of elf friends, he is delighted!!
Asks them all their names and some more general questions.
One of them learned a new song or something of the like? He is listening with a patient smile on his face even though it is the worst thing he has ever heard.
They don't really understand his blindness actually. They're supporting but ask him tons of questions. I think Ominis would really like educating them about how he experiences the world as long as they aren't being patronizing.
He adores listening to you interact with the elves!!
He asks them so much advice and input on how to show Cinder he appreciates her. Like...does he give her a gift? Will this upset her? Is this too much?
Also, he remembers like everything. Tries too at least. You come into the common room late, telling him about how you were helping an Elf read a muggle book? He asks you if you've gotten to his favorite part. That particular elf tends to like the romance novels, and chapter nine is when the hero gets the girl.
In short, he loves the elves almost as much as you do!
He's so dumb. I love him.
Coming from a poorer family, Garreth had never seen a house elf until Hogwarts. They were strange creatures.
And then you have a whole crew?? Okay, but he wasn't expecting it.
He...he has trouble seeing them as sentient beings. I hate to say it, but he does! Of course, he respects all they do for the castle, but at first, he doesn't understand why you like them so much. He treats them not unlike a pet.
You tell them to be polite and introduce themselves, and he is so weirded out by each one introducing themselves and shaking his hand.
They pick up on his hesitation and come to you with their worries and after a lecture from you, Garreth is ready to try again. Reluctantly, but he is.
Is it possible to embarrass yourself in front of a house elf? If it is, Garreth does it. He's so scared of saying or doing something wrong that he ends up embarrassing the hell out of himself.
He grows to see them as they are: intelligent and sentient creatures that have a lot to offer. After a while he is comfortable enough to give them high fives in the hallway, or gift them things (mostly prank items, and then he has to teach them it is meant to be funny and not an attack-)
He honestly has learned not to think twice about anything when it comes to you.
So, when you ask him to meet you in the room of requirement and you're surrounded by elves? A little strange, but it doesn't deter him from asking if you got all the notes down for DADA.
The elves scatter when he speaks, running to look like they are working. It surprises him, and even more so when you hush him as you coax them all out.
They do NOT like him at first because he comes at inconvenient times and how are they supposed to prepare you hot chocolate before bed when you're off looking at star charts??
And meanwhile poor Amit is working hard to get their seal of approval because anything you like he does too. It's very important to him!
Well one day they mention that they like the Gramaphone and the pretty music but the Gramaphone isn't working as of late. It gives you an idea, and now Amit is standing in front of a mini crowd playing his little violin heart out.
The elves kinda overwhelm him with how many there are and how needy they are to you, but it amazes him how you are so patient with them.
If there is a house elf language, he is learning it. Both to impress you and try to win over your little army.
Basically, he is slightly intimidated by the elves, but he loves you so he tries his best to get along with them. He definitely is no longer taking the food at dinner for granted, that's for sure.
She's so sweet.
At first, worries that the elves might have malicious intent because of how often they were pulling you away. But quickly she realized it wasn't the case.
The elves already adore her as she has always been incredibly sweet to them. Plus, in third year she saved a baby house elf which sparked her interest in them as more than servants.
She's more like their friend than parent, though, she thinks it's incredibly sweet how loving you are towards them.
Gets them ALL christmas presents. every single one. Doesn't tell you about it and holds you when you're overwhelmed by the kindness!
They will all follow her around, and she responds to every one of their jokes and makes sure she never leaves them out of conversation.
Makes funny faces at them from across the hall just like she would any other friend and it makes them feel welcomed.
After late nights in the vivarium, Poppy is dragging you to the kitchens. Even though you don't have to be dragged there. You two sit on the counter and recount your adventures to the elves while they busy themselves making you a snack. If there are dishes to be done she offers to help even if they decline.
Always up for some adventure! Finds the elves fascinating honestly.
"Theoretically, if a master gives you a sock to wash, are you free? Can you choose your own clothes? Wait, if you can, are you allowed to shop for them? That would be so-" "Natty..." "Right, sorry."
She treats them like she would treat anybody else tbh. In her home country, she never had house elves and the concept of having someone thanklessly serving you makes her sick. So, she does her best to show her appreciation.
However, the elves will NOT take time she wants to spend with you away. They want to talk to you? Fine, but Natty is there too.
Tells you later how cute you are when you're interacting with something you love.
She gets the elves to help make you a GIANT Christmas present.
She and the elves see each other as equals and are friends!
Another jealous one. Omg.
Sure, elves are mistreated. It's wrong. But maybe they deserve to be kicked around a little when they KEEP YOU FROM QUIDDITCH PRACTICE!
Would never harm the elves or speak harm about them, but they have come to recognize her glare meaning "Hey, it's MY turn with my partner."
One elf in particular is pretty snippy and Imelda gets into fights with him almost every time they see each other.
Oh, the elves know to keep your broom in pristine condition. It seems to make you happy that it never needs work, and they have an agreement with Imelda. A polished, clean, and ready broom for your nightly rides means another hour where she doesn't come in and bother them.
She is NOT above coming into the kitchens just to annoy the house elves. They unfortunately know this.
Imelda would never ever see the house elves as anything less than what they are, but she doesn't hesitate to use her advantages.
She taught a group of the younger elves to swear. You still haven't quite forgiven her for it.
I love Anne sm :)
Your relationship with the elves...doesn't surprise her in the slightest.
She doesn't understand, as Elves aren't anything special in her eyes. They're sentient creatures that have feelings and thoughts, just like humans do. Why would she treat them differently than anyone else?
The elves are very sweet, but c'mon. She was going to teach you to garden Hemlock without poisoning yourself!
Honestly, she doesn't mind that you baby them, but she definitely has sat you down and explained they don't need babied.
Admires you and how you treat them! Just doesn't understand it, that's all.
Admires you and how you treat them! Just doesn't understand it, that's all.
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cursedonyx · 1 year
Hogwarts Legacy Masterlist
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To be updated as I go 🙃
Asks are open - please feel free to send me a request!
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✧˖°⊹ ࣪ ˖ * ˖  ⊹°˖✧
Hogwarts Legacy: The Price of Power (Complete) 🔞
Sebastian, Ominis and Dracaena embark on a new adventure in their seventh year, navigating a growing love angle and discovering a dastardly plot against Dracaena. In trying to find out more, they discover something far larger than any of them had anticipated, and the fate of the world rests in their hands.
(Warnings - eventual smut, love angle, eventual throuple, lots of angst, some comfort and mature themes)
Ao3 🔞
Wattpad 🔞
Audio Version 🔞
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✧˖°⊹ ࣪ ˖ * ˖  ⊹°˖✧
Hogwarts Legacy: The Cost of Love 🔞
Almost seven years have passed since Sebastian and Ominis left Hogwarts, and the woman they loved most, behind. Over the years, both men have handled their grief differently; Sebastian threw himself into his research, determined to find a way to recover Dracaena’s memories and magic, while Ominis has tried, unsuccessfully, to accept what happened and heal.
A chance meeting one day sets all three of them off on another adventure, and a desperate attempt to recover Dracaena’s memories and magic is coupled with a discovery of a new, nefarious plot to harm the Emerald Trio. As tensions rise and loyalties are tested, Dracaena, Sebastian and Ominis must find their way between redemption and revenge, as the leader of a new gang of Dark wizards reveals themselves to be someone they thought long gone.
New chapters every Friday and some Mondays💚
Ao3 🔞
Wattpad 🔞
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✧˖°⊹ ࣪ ˖ * ˖  ⊹°˖✧
✨Professor Fig Adopts the Emerald Trio✨
An alternate timeline in which Professor Fig adopts Sebastian, Ominis and Dracaena at the end of fifth year, offering them sage advice, fatherly love and affection, and helping to get them out of (and occasionally into) trouble.
Hijinks ensue. Fluffy and sweet, some angst but mostly cute.
Part 1
Part 2
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✧˖°⊹ ࣪ ˖ * ˖  ⊹°˖✧
Sebastian Sallow
A Promise of a Theory
Professor Fig almost trips over a studious young Slytherin desperately searching for a way to cure his sister outside his classroom. The kindly professor offers Sebastian some advice and comfort.
The Bars Between Us 🔞 Part 2
Sebastian is rescued from Azkaban after six long years, but he's not the man his friends once knew, and he needs some TLC.
Sebastian Makes a New Friend
Sebastian is adopted by a stray cat.
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✧˖°⊹ ࣪ ˖ * ˖  ⊹°˖✧
Ominis Gaunt
The Sleeping Snake🔞
Things get a bit too much for a very randy Ominis when his snoozing partner is just that smidge too lovely. (Unedited oneshot)
Taming the Serpent 🔞
In their final year of school, Ominis Gaunt is the only person in all of Hogwarts that seems to be immune to the captivating beauty of one Silvermaria Rivers. Little does he know that the one person who can't see her splendour may be the only one who can love her for who she really is. Ominis has his own demons to banish before he can even think of anything as tiresome as romance, but as time goes by, Silver opens his eyes, so to speak, to a brand new, intoxicating world.
Ominis leaves a voicemail 🔞
A lonely Ominis leaves you a needy and very explicit voicemail
A Loving Hand
Ominis has never experienced loving touch, and his new girlfriend decides to give him his first proper cuddle.
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✧˖°⊹ ࣪ ˖ * ˖  ⊹°˖✧
Professor Sharp x Professor Garlick
Brewing Desires (Part 1) 🔞
Aesop has long had a crush on Mirabel, and at the Hogwarts Professor's annual Christmas drinks at the Three Broomsticks, he finally decides to make a move.
Brewing Desires (Part 2) 🔞
Following their encounter, Aesop is confused by Mirabel's ordinary behaviour. Following his jealousy at seeing her talk to another man, things come to a head in his office.
Brewing Desires (Part 3)
Though they try to keep it a secret, a certain arsehole Professor learns of their relationship, and an unfortunate dose of Babbling Brew leads Aesop to say more than he should.
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✧˖°⊹ ࣪ ˖ * ˖  ⊹°˖✧
Poppy Sweeting x Garreth Weasley
Of Creatures and Cauldrons (Part 1)
Poppy has a major crush on Gareth. There's only one problem; he's in love with someone else.
Of Creatures and Cauldrons (Part 2)
Natsai tries to help Poppy go on a date with her secret crush, Garreth, but things don't go to plan when Garreth's crush turns up.
Of Creatures and Cauldrons (Part 3)
Poppy is distraught over her lack of returned feelings, and Prof. Garlick steps in with an encouraging word.
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✧˖°⊹ ࣪ ˖ * ˖  ⊹°˖✧
Garreth Weasley ABCs
Ominis Gaunt ABCs
Sebastian Sallow ABCs
Ominis Gaunt NSFW ABCs 🔞
Sebastian Sallow NSFW ABCs 🔞
Sebastian and Ominis HCs
Garreth Weasley NSFW ABCs 🔞
Sebastian Sallow is a Fox 🦊
The Emerald Trio's Wands 🪄
In a Muggle Nursing Home 🧓🏻👴🏻
Drunk at a Party 🍻
Batchelor/ette Party 🕊️
Ominis vs Duncan 🥊
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✧˖°⊹ ࣪ ˖ * ˖  ⊹°˖✧
MC has a baby sibling
A cat terrorises everyone but MC
Going through a Haunted House
Cuddling them when they're sad
Trying to Cure Your Hiccups
Accidentally farting in front of them
Passing in Their Arms
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Enjoy my work? Consider buying me a coffee 💚
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sgiandubh · 6 months
Out of the OL bubble
Sidenote: this post owes everything to the incredible sleuthing skills of an already longtime trusted friend, who wishes to remain discreet. All credit goes entirely to her - this is such an idiotic topic, yet the Ur Troll insists.
I answered one of you in the comment threads yesterday, that once you get the hell out of the OL bubble, things begin to make sense. Why? Well, because of distance and context, I suppose. And also because this always was the dirty little secret of our Dedicated Manipulative Trolls: to make you believe in a terribly poor narrative, fit for a linear world. A world without compromise, drama, secrets and lies. Collective lack of time, perspective and/or Internet research skills did the rest and gave birth to this monster: the OL Fandom.
We are now told and are supposed to believe that because Scottish Xena apparently chose on purpose (with this and only this, I could agree, but for opposite reasons) to show us she trains in a Cumbernauld gym, that means... well, you know the rest and it involves The Magic Golden Dirk. That troll was never exactly subtle, was she, bless her heart?
That mother and entrepreneur has a life of her own and an entourage of her own and business collaborations of her own and her own agenda. Some of it is shown on her Instagram account, most of it can be speculated. Connecting dots just for the sake of it is neither productive, nor remotely interesting.
Let's see, for example, how she reacts to a very insistent fellow German athlete, whom she is going to meet at the Hyrox Cologne event (13-14th of April, during the Landcon week-end):
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What is Flamingos Club? Nope, not an ikebana society, no:
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They were there before, in good company, last year, when they actually first met (rings a bell?):
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(April 2023, ok? I am still waiting for my own DeLorean)
Who is this guy?
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Fellow athlete, HYROX Ambassador (something I bet the farm she wants to achieve) and a contestant in this year's German reality show First Dates Hotel, on VOX (https://www.vox.de/cms/sendungen/first-dates-hotel.html):
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The concept is simple: a renowned German chef, Roland Trettl (no idea!) now takes his blind date cooking show to the next level, with singles from all over the country parked into a Spanish dream holiday resort (Mallorca), shake, stir and see whatever happens. The classical Endemol recipe, now produced by Twenty Twenty. It also has an UK version, running on Channel 4 (coincidence? I doubt that very much, thank you!).
On set, Max's 'love interest' is a certain Linda. He recently wrote her ' a sweet love letter', taking the good advice of his namesake cast friend Max-the-Bartender:
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(I swear to God, I feel like I am prostituting my 🧠, right now).
There is obviously nothing to see, here (or is it, such as two wannabes desperately wanting limelight?). She leads the typical no strings attached life of a single mom and he is still looking for a real job:
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Since VOX does not give his full name, neither will I. It took five minutes to find him, with a bit of luck.
Why on Earth would one connect that woman to S, rather than to this nice, ambitious Bavarian?
I know why. It's almost too damn easy.
Two words: Channel 4. Truman Show. Ginger and Fred (oops, these are Our Couple).
Is it anything we haven't seen before?
Nope. We've seen way worse. But gone are the Days of Flukenzie Floozy.
[Edited] - there is no need to further expose our people.
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rene-darling · 2 years
I really enjoy the post where the genshin men try to woo the reader, it's so sweet wth gonna have a toothache or smth- how about have childe, scaramouche and gorou do the same 👀👀
A/n...Shore..I hate childe so much but imma do him for you babe😃
GENSHIN- men trying to woo you
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You're the first person he's ever felt this way for so be patient..
If you're a harbinger then he's gonna go to your base and threaten every living thing there to tell him about your likes and dislikes
After he's done threading your poor underlings he gets a paper and a pen and starts writing what he's learned he's taking this very seriously!
What animal do you like? What weather do you enjoy? What's your life story? What's your favorite food? Why do you serve the cryo archon? Every question he can possibly think of will have an answer just wait!
He doesn't know how to express his feelings! So he gives you lots of gifts! Anything money can buy will be yours!
A cat a dog a snake someones head? It will be yours!
Before you go out on missions he always tries to sneak himself into your plans... "so I'm planning to head through Inazuma -.." "Oh, ..well I have some work there..so I suppose I could accompany you.." He makes it sound like you're forcing him to do this-
Later his subordinates are tasked with changing all of his previous plans since suddenly he has work in Inazuma?... that none of them are aware of-??
He asks Kokomi to write a book about romance and courting
Even if she can't he goes and asks her for advice
Since your at war He gives you motivational speeches- well attempts to
Every time he tried talking to you you should keep a stutter count
You're at war so he can't exactly give you lavish gifts so- whenever he's on patrol he picks up the pretty pearls he finds and makes you a necklace!
He's too pussy nervous to give you the necklace by himself so he asks Kokomi to give you his gifts
He requests kokomi to keep him anonymous
But she doesn't and you're fully aware that he's the one who sends you these pearl necklaces
God I hate him
He is the archon of spoiling you
If you want anything money can buy or not he'll still find a way to get it you will get it do not fret
He's surprisingly a gentleman
Since you're not together he takes you out on 'outings' just call em dates
He loves taking you to restaurants where you eat all of your favorite foods!
He gets a stomach ache after eating with you and he's stuck wondering how you can eat that much??
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queentheweeb · 1 year
Tonowari X Fem metkayina Reader X Ronal Final part
A/N: This is the last part of this 3-shot series 
Part 1, Part 2
It was in fact not the next morning that you guys got a chance to talk because, for whatever reason, the Tsahik and Olo'eyktan had a lot of things that needed to be done. Your own parents confirmed they were separated tending to meetings and whatever else they needed to do. You wanted to trust them but, confirmation from your parents helped ease the worry and allowed you to bring Aonung to the children to see him as you promised. He was a little over a month old, his eyes wide open as he took in everything while holding onto you rather tightly. It was very endearing and sweet. 
"There she goes!" You smiled watching the children and some young teens run up to you and sit in a circle around you waiting excitedly for their turn to see baby Aonung. You made sure they all were calm first and for the younger ones you had them look at Aonung and bless him like they wanted and when you got to the older ones one by one you let them hold him and bless him. Once they were satisfied they thanked you and disappeared to the beach back to their parents or whatever their little hearts desire. You found a tree to stay under and watch over everyone doing work. You were not allowed to do any work the first year of your child's life as per orders of the Olo'eyktan and Tsahik as well as just traditions. He started whining so you moved your shirt enough for him to latch and feed. You looked over the horizon taking notice of Tonowari with Tsireya attached to his chest while he worked on repairing the bars and pens for the baby Ilu's that broke from a storm a couple of days ago.
"Ronal and Tonowari are lucky to have her." Your ears perked up ignoring the way the group of young adults a little ways away addressed them informally curious as to what they had to say about you. "She's so sweet and helpful. She is always quick to help the children and even us whenever we need help. She collects shells and jewels with us, goes hunting, picks herbs and fruits, dances with us, she treats us better than our own Olo'eyktan and Tsahik do." You pretended to not hear them as you tended to Aonung. You found yourself smiling at the way they were talking so nicely about you.
"She really is a gem, she gives great advice actually. I wish Tsahik and Olo'eyktan didn't ignore her the way they did. She gave them a son and should be treating her like the Queen she is. She's young and beautiful too." You felt yourself blushing to turn your face away just so they won't see the color change then they'll know you heard and were actively listening. You should be trying to defend Ronal and Tonowari but, couldn't bring yourself to do so. You enjoyed being complimented and knowing you were loved even if it was a little more than what may or may not be appropriate.
"They don't deserve her, someone else can do a better job at making her happy than they are." You completely tuned them out this time not wanting to hear anyone's names and end up looking at them differently. Aonung had finished nursing so you fixed your top and adjusted him better in the baby wrap so you can go and find his grandparents any one of them. You walked along the beach greeting people here and there allowing them to look at and bless baby Aonung as you made your way to Tonowari's parents' marui knowing more than likely that your parents were there as well. You got closer hearing their voices knowing you were right. 
"Ma, papa" You whistled announcing your presence and walking in greeting Tonowari's parents and hugging your mom and dad who quickly took Aonung from you. You smirked taking a seat and watching them all circulate around Aonung who was giggling and looking at all of them. You took the time to look around the marui noticing their song chords and other things around it, the marui was lively, and it looked lived in. 
"Ma'ite" You turned your head to Tonowari's mother who tilted her head at you as if asking if you are okay. Smiling you nodded her head allowing her to check you over with her eyes before turning back to Aonung while your parents crowded you and started talking to you. You stayed with them for the rest of the day until it was getting closer to the eclipse. You were about to get up when you heard a child scream turning around to get an armful of Tsireya who was babbling while holding onto your face. You were holding her while out of the corner of your eye, you saw Ronal and Tonowari bowing and squatting while holding a quiet conversation with the grandparents. Tsireya pressed wet kisses all over your face before bolting straight to your parents who grabbed her with ease.
"Ti'yawn?" You raised your eyes to Ronal who was staring at you with her ears folded back. "Would you like to come with us?" You looked at Tonowari and her blankly nodding slowly and turning to your parents who were already waving you away 
"We keep Aonung for the night, don't worry ma'ite." You smiled gratefully at your parents turning to Tonowari's parents who already had Tsireya. You waved and blessed them a goodnight knowing what this was about as you followed Ronal and Tonowari who walked with you in between them instead of in front of you. Nothing was said as they held your hand and guided you to the waters calling for their Tsuraks. You were going to call yours but, were pulled onto Tonowari's instead with you in front of him. The three of you took a ride somewhere but, you did enjoy the way the stars illuminated the water. He was sure to not get your privates wet with salt water, you can't be in the water yet. It was a short while later when the three of you made it to a cave-like system you'd never seen before. The three of you made your way inside and what you saw made your jaw drop. There were your favorite foods, torches lit up, woven mats strewn around, and in the center was a pond.
"Come syalung." You allowed Ronal to pull you more in towards the water. "This is not salt water, it is fresh so it will not hurt you or cause infection." You nodded allowing her to undress you and she undressed herself bringing you into the pond. It was nice and warm as well. She pulled you to sit in between her legs as she started taking the braids out of your hair. "Let me do your hair yawntu" You hummed leaning onto her lap as her hands gently carded through your hair. You heard the water splash lightly and you looked in front of you to see Tonowari had taken off everything and had rags and soap coming towards the two of you.
"Can I wash you?" You stared at him and with a small smile, you nodded. You closed your eyes as the two of them took care of you. You loved how gentle and soothing they both were, asking you questions here and there to ensure you were fine and just generally about your day. You missed this. You truly missed having time with the two of them like this. This kind of intimacy was better than anything you can ask, intimacy is never just about sex it's about taking care of each other.
"I'm sorry for being such a bitch to you. You didn't deserve anything that I did to you." Your eyes shot open at the blunt sincerity of Ronal's words but, said nothing listening to her. "I was so selfish and stingy. I treated you as if you didn't belong because I do not have control of my own emotions. That has nothing to do with you, yet I always take my anger out on you and made up with our Wari forgetting about you. My pride and ego always got in the way when they never should have. My pride and ego almost cost me my relationship with you and I cannot blame anyone but myself. I am sorry ma Y/N, ma' yawntutsyip. You do not have to forgive me if you do not, let me prove to you I can be better and do better." It was silent as you took in her words but that's when Tonowari cleared his throat to start speaking glancing at Ronal before focusing solely on you.
"Ma Y/N I am sorry." He allowed his guilt and everything else he was feeling to show on his face as he held your gaze so you can understand his sincerity. "There is nothing I can say for you to truly understand how sorry I am. I had time to think about my behavior and honestly, it was disgusting. Especially when you gave birth to our son, our pride and joy. I was angry and frustrated and took it out on you when it had nothing to do with you. You are my safe space, my love, my yawntu, and yet I treated you as if you were less than me. You are not and never will be. I will continue to apologize and make it up to you until I have earned your forgiveness." He leaned forward pressing his forehead to yours and you felt Ronal's hands leave your hair to rub gently up and down your back and arm. "Will you allow me, this skxqwng to work on earning your forgiveness?" That made you grin and he grinned back at you. 
"I will allow it." He breathed a sigh of relief planting a soft but brief kiss on your lips. He pulled away so Ronal can lean over you to face you.
"Can I have a chance too?" You pretended to think about it but smiled softly at her
"Yes." She smiled pressing her lips gently against yours before pulling away the two of them finishing the activities that they were doing for you. The three of you can do this. You knew it in your heart.
This concludes the three-part story of this! Hope you guys enjoyed it :)
Taglist: @fanboyluvr @iwaslikeblah @uwu-i-purple-you @monsterlover093 @innerdogsspacekid @peachlle @lemonmoonmochi @nikotokitaswife @semieitabby @thehoneymushroomhealer @totesnothere04 @ghostslittlegf @bewbz2110 @ssc7514 @eatassskatefast12 @iconfusemyselfalot @arminsgfloll @tojisleftarm @domino-x3-blog
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ruporas · 1 year
apologies if you've already been asked this but do you have any favorite trigun fics? i absolutely adore your art btw!
thank you!!! and i've answered this on insta, but i don't think i've ever shared on tumblr... i'm not good at reading fics, esp long ones, because my attention span is pretty bad, but from the ones i have bookmarked, i'll share some that i like in no particular order
hills like white elephants (meet me halfway) - adlvnam
pairing: vashwood word count: 1.1k, sfw, vague post v.10 spoilers ‘I read a story once,’ Vash says, unsure. ‘I’m kind of thinking about it right now.’
i like a lot of adlvnam's fics, i find them very unique and creative in their execution, and their writing is wonderful! this was the first fic i've read from them and it's stuck with me ever since. others that i like from them are in manus tuas (no spoilers) and vox dei (warning for post vol.10 spoilers).
stay - Anonymous
pairing: vashwood word count: 2.3k, sfw, no spoilers “Hold up,” Vash groans. He presses his free hand to Wolfwood’s mouth and shushes him. He’s probably going for a stern look, though between his poor attempts to stop grinning like the biggest idiot this side of the planet and the way he’s patting him, it’s hard to take him seriously. “Stop laughin’. Where’s the keys?” “What keys?” Wolfwood tries to ask, muffled by Vash’s hand, and his tongue is a little thick and slow in his mouth so… something comes out, but it’s probably not very wordy. Word-like. Not a sentence, probably. (or, wolfwood and vash get drunk, bicker, and then share a bed together.)
i enjoyed the mundanity and silliness of this fic and i think about it from time to time... i think fics where one of them or both drink together are pleasant to read.
Last Summer - varilien
pairing: vashwood word count: 741, sfw, no spoilers You are what you love.
tags on this one are "sunrises, morning routines, coffee, sentimental" which caught my attention. very sweet and beautiful.
Rain - Kokohamstar
pairing: none, wolfwood centric word count: 768, sfw, major spoilers - post v.10 Ever since he was a little kid listening to Bible stories, he dreamed of the day the world would be washed clean and wondered what the rain would feel like on his face.
as most wolfwood centric fics, it was a gutpunch and melancholic, but still soooo.. augh.... the last paragraph really does it for me.
water bucket blues - fathomfive
pairing: vashwood word count: 3.7k, sfw, major spoilers, post trimax Vash the Stampede goes on the record about a friend he once had. Also about card games, cats, family, and some other things. "Start with a piece of the whole, Meryl said. It doesn’t have to be the first piece. Start with a specific. That’s what they mean when they throw around the words human interest. I know the pieces. Believing they make a whole is another thing. But she’s a broadcast professional and I trust her advice. Maybe if I can figure out how to tell one piece—like the story of Wolfwood as I knew him—I can learn how to tell the others."
i love vash pov fics and i love it when it's first person and this one in particular hits because it's his pov and he speaks, honestly, openly, telling a tale that he can't really flub because it's about the people he loved. i love how grounded this fic is in the present of max, i love how vash grows within the 3.7k words, i love how he moves forward with the world he's living in. this fic makes me teary if i think too much about it... it's really wonderful.
it’s a summer day, and I want to be wanted more than anything else in the world - goldenglitz
pairing: vashwood word count: 3.9k, nsfw, no spoilers Vash has the lung capacity of a man who’s cried for 150 years. It isn't like Wolfwood takes more than he gives — but like with most things, he barely keeps up with Vash. He works his body to the limit, even as his lungs burn and his legs and arms give out under him. They fuck like they’re on borrowed time. All of this makes it so easy — so much easier than just talking. Wolfwood would sometimes rather pull new and interesting noises from Vash with just his mouth than do anything else with it. Their own dialect: moans, groans, and four words. “Yes” — “Please” — “Vash” — “Wolfwood.”
i love all of their vashwood fics, they only have 3 but they're all lovely and has a sort of characterization to both vash and wolfwood i don't see often. definitely one of my faves, especially when it comes to explicit vw fics.
i think these are all the ones i'll share for now!!
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autistook · 4 months
Got inspired to do some headcanons by an ask I got from @kylobith
What would the Hobbits be like on a night out at the club?
I'm basing this on the club I usually go to, which has a dance floor, karaoke room, smoking room etc.
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- Takes a shot immediately and dances his way to the dance floor in an instant.
- He probably tries to only drink a few stronger ones and then beer, but when Merry and Pippin suggest he gets tequila, he fucking gets tequila.
- And that makes him dance even harder.
- After a while Frodo forgets to drink water and Sam has to make sure he drinks that too.
- Is normally quite specific about music, but with the drinks in his system he probably asks the DJ for Sweet Caroline or some shit...
- ... and sings that song whole-heartedly and reaches for Sam's hands and embrace during it.
- Gets a ride home, but before he gets there he gets the munchies so fast food it is.
- Probably makes himself tea when he gets home and then he goes to bed, forgetting the tea in the cup overnight because he got eepy.
- Drinks and is relatably drunk all night, but considering he is the mother of the group and especially wants to take care of Mister Frodo, he is "sober" drunk, so behaves the same as he normally would, but sways on his feet and doesn't hear properly.
- Drinks beer and maybe one cute drink with a swirly straw.
- Keeps bringing water to everyone. Everyone accepts it but Pippin who is too busy running off somewhere again.
- Is on drink watch duty - and takes it so seriously he keeps his hands on top of the drinks at all times when left alone at the table so no one will spike them.
- Goes to have some sort of a deep conversation over a smoke with Merry at some point, which almost snaps him out of his sober-like drunkness because he almost lets go of his caretaker side.
- Pippin convinces him to sing a karaoke song with him so he does that while standing awkwardly...
- ... though he is smiling a bit and is blushing, so secretly he loves it.
- Probably is the designated Hobbit to listen to other drunk people overshare, because he is at the table alone quite a few times because he is watching the drinks.
- When everyone is home safe and he steps inside the house: the drinks fucking hit him.
- Clumsy because of the drunkness. Talks to himself a lot. Tries to cook something on a pan but can't hold anything in his hands...
- ... so he gives up and goes to bed.
- Changes to pajamas though!
- Probably goes to check on Frodo in the morning after and brings him painkillers and water to bed. Frodo of course still in the same clothes from the previous night and if he was to wear eyeliner, it would be all over his face. Sam looks fresh as fuck tho.
- Immediately takes shots with Merry and grabs a pint in both hands.
- Plays beer pong with strangers when Merry goes to smoke some pipe-weed.
- Makes a new best friend for a few hours from one of the dudes who is playing.
- Can't make up his mind if he wants to do karaoke or dance, so he does both all night, which causes everyone to lose him a few times during the night.
- Doesn't drink the water he is offered...
- ...except once when Frodo gave him a shotglass of water and he thought it was vodka.
- Sings along every karaoke song even if he is not the one singing.
- Most of the karaoke songs he sings with Merry or his new bestie of the night.
- Has a very deep conversation with some girl at some point. She's struggling with a chaotic relationship problem and Pippin tries to help, but probably gives her the worst advice.
- Most of his drinks after the few ales and shots are either tequila shots or some colorful cocktails in quirky glasses, with those swirly straws and little umbrellas.
- Eventually is the one person from the group that ends up throwing up. Spends like an hour in the bathroom doing that, but then he springs up on his feet and goes back to dancing.
- At that point absolutely no one has any idea where the fuck he is.
- ... so the DJ plays some bs song (probably their quilty pleasure song, like something by One Direction or Taylor Swift) Merry requested that he knows will drag Pippin out to look for him to dance with.
- It works, so Merry finally drags him home.
- Of course stopping for some heavy junk food, where Pippin cries for like a minute over feeling guilty about throwing up and everyone having to take care of him...
- ...which he soon forgets because his McFlurry arrived or something.
- Throws up at home a few more times before climbs under covers and is immediately knocked out.
- When he wakes up, he realizes he is not even home. He was so drunk Merry just made him sleep on his couch. There's a bucket next to his head just in case.
- Despite his severe hangover: wants to do it again.
- "I'm never drinking again. Although, what are we doing next weekend?"
- Spends most of his night singing with Pippin and having deep conversations with stranger.
- Probably plays beer bong too and wins.
- He spots a very pretty girl and goes flirting: he gets shot down at least the few first times with a few girls.
- Then he hits it off with someone and Pippin drags him away to get more drinks.
- Merry does dance with the girl at least once.
- Makes his way to Frodo often and dances with him while Pippin is talking to that random dude he bonded with.
- Is the one who eventually talks everyone into drinking more than they intended. He worships the chaos of it.
- Is high simultaneously. 100%. Goes smoking 2 or 3 times in an hour. The smoke breaks are supposed to be short, but he always ends up engaging in some deep conversations.
- The smoking room is the place he does get to kiss that one girl after they talked some deep nonsense.
- It seems like she might be interested in leaving with him (he sure is) but Sam announces to him that Pippin is basically dying, so he of course goes to take care of him.
- Gets Pippin up the stairs and they probably do some stupid drunken parkour shit on their way home, because Merry gets the drunk zoomies from the fresh hair and it rubs off on Pippin.
- Keeps giggling at nothing in the fast food place.
- When he gets home with Pippin, he helps Pippin clean off his face and brush his teeth, before making the couch into a bed for him (though sloppily and kind of mumbles while he does it: he is still a bit annoyed by Pippin and from never being able to see the pretty girl again).
- In the morning has the worst headache out of them all somehow, and his hair looks like a birds nest.
- Groans and goes back to sleep.
These are my own headcanons I thought of after I woke up from my own night out lol.
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puzzled-pegasus · 4 months
Christina Posabule thoughts (tiny little female christ is eating my brain today/pos)
This is mostly me working out some parallels between her and Orel's families but there's some cute hcs for her and Orel in here too :3
Her mom Poppit is influential to her as a parallel to the way that Clay affects Orel. Poppit is selfish, drunk, bitter, and very two-faced parent just like Clay is, who just like him, confidently gives awful advice and takes advantage of Christina's trusting nature.
Art is less involved with Christina and loses interest in conversation with her as soon as anything remotely associated with femininity comes up and he's just like ew gross go talk to your mom. the most positive attention he gives her is about her appearance and how cute or pretty she looks. He likes to constantly condescendingly tell her that any given thing she's interested or asking advice about in the moment is for boys or "a little girl like you doesn't need to worry about that :)" and it drives Christina nuts so she goes and talks to her mom anyway
Similarly to Clay and Orel, Poppit decided to take Christina on a picnic in the woods and they get lost, and Christina gets permanently injured due to her mother's carelessness, though I haven't yet figured out how. (Man, I just realized that if that happened after the events of Nature and Orel found out, he would probably be out for Poppit's BLOOD on behalf of his puppy crush sweetheart)
Idk whose post I read but I'll add the credit in later, but I read earlier the idea that as a parallel to Orel's masochism episode Christina has an arc where she turns sadist and I thought that was fuckin hilarious so yeah I need that to be a thing. I wonder what would set that off though. Maybe instead of taking to heart the idea that suffering is good for her, she might be like "wait friends I don't want you to go to hell for being happy" and beats them up...or smth i dont know. And also as parallel to Orel's dreams of God in that episode she could be like. Beating the shiz out of Satan. Lol. anyway,
I have this feeling that she and Orel have like the sappiest pet names for each other but like you cant even be mad about it cause they're so sincere lol. like they meet up for a date and Orel's casually like "there's my bright little daisy" and Christina is like "oh hello my sweet pudding pie" and then they hold hands and walk to the park or whatever tf
This is a smaller hc but if you remember that moment before the Puppingtons found out the Posabules were Catholic when Clay noticed Orel making 😍 eyes at Christina and he asked Orel if he thinks she was cute,,, I think it would be nice if Poppit and Christina were doing the same thing at that moment like Poppit was like "oh he's a doll isn't he?" And Christina's like "yes, ma'am, and so polite too!" and Poppit says something cheeky about how Christina better not start bringing boys around Art because he'll shoot them or whatever (you know like how dads threaten their daughters' boyfriends for no reason because of weird possession issues) and then they giggle together
Since Orel's been shot Christina worries over him a lot and especially in the first few months of their relationship she kept asking him how much it hurt and and even into adulthood she checks with him every day to make sure he's not exerting himself too much
Christina had a cat briefly and her parents killed it because they thought it was bad luck or smth
instead of "meet me in my study" Poppit's the more involved parent when it comes to discipline so she's just like "go see your father" cus he's the one with the belt
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