#she is an extremely beautiful moon bear
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Miss Magenta after we told her she’s beautiful
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saylessastrology · 1 year
Favorite Moon Placements/Signs/Aspects 🌝🌙🌛
Moon In Sagittarius:
okay, I’m biased because this is my placement but we are so liiiit! We make great friends! This placement makes the person super straightforward and optimistic! Like we give a fuck but only for a short amount of time. But don’t piss us off because our mouths are foul! We will be mad and vengeful one moment then get bored with the situation the next LoL
Moon in Aries:
This placement is bold af! They don’t hold back on their opinions or emotions. When they are emotionally triggered just let them get it out! Suppressing this placement will result in some serious repercussions! My coworker has this placement and when she has a bad day EVERYBODY KNOWS! You can see the smoke coming out of their ears lol. But they are sooo loveable and warm! They give great hugs too!
Moon in Libra:
These people are so peaceful and pleasant lol. They may have trouble deciding on what to wear or what place to eat but they are never one to make a big fuss out of things. They believe emotions should be expressed in beautiful ways. Even their arguments have a “let’s solve this” tone.
Moon in Cancer:
I truly think these people are the most fiery of the water signs! They are soft and cuddle until you trigger them. I also think they are so moody because of the many phases of the moon always changing. You’ll know when they are pissed. The way they go off is like someone’s fed-up mother who’s about to whoop your ass! Lol scary stuff
Moon in 8th house or Scorpio:
I love these placements because these people really know how to connect emotionally with their loved ones. They love and feel deeply. The way they protect their loved ones is soo cute like a mamma bear defending their cubs. They have so much emotional self-control until they can no longer suppress it.
Moon in 5th house or Leo
(biased again hehe) These people are FUN! We love a good time and tend to come alive when we are out on the town! In our opinion emotional expression should feel fun and dramatic! When we get emotional we expect your full attention or we will feel neglected and ignored! We are the type of friend to drunkenly shout “omg I like be you guys!” to our friends in a quiet public area and you BETTER say it back or we will cry lmao
Moon trine/sextile/conjunct Mars
These people are naturally impulsive but their intentions are perfectly lined up with their emotions. It’s not that they don’t think before they act, they just believe their actions are justified based on the emotions they feel. I notice many women with this placement are real “girls girls” who know how to make and balance friendships with women and men equally because their masculine and feminine energies do not throw each other off.
Moon aspecting Neptune
These people must to be protected at all times! ❤️ They are so soft and sensitive to the world around them. They can pick up on your hidden emotions and verbally translate them in mystical ways you’ve never thought of. They see things differently from everyone else. They can find the most redeeming qualities in even the worst people. They also tend to forgive and forget waay too soon.
Moon aspecting Saturn or Capricorn moon
Rather it be a hard or soft aspect these people are extremely emotionally determined individuals. They possess the emotional strength to bound back from life’s most challenging obstacles. I love how sweet and mature these people are when it comes to expressing their emotions. Even when they are in a heightened emotional state, they still have control over their reactions. This is another placement that needs a hug because they are SOOOO hard on themselves for simply being human and feeling emotional. They may have grown up with an emotionally suppressive parent or guardian that taught them that their emotions are not as important as others. BREAK FREE MOON/SATURN! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ You deserve emotional freedom too!
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itstheghostofmypast · 7 months
Meow (Chp-2)
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Choi San x (f)Reader
Summary: He had spent an entire millennia in solitude, waiting for her to come back to him, bearing this curse that was a constant reminder of his ignorance, his mistake, and his guilt. He had forgotten how fate had always been cruel to him, punishing him for all he had done, and so be it, meeting her in the 21st century should have brought him joy- there was only one problem, his love for her may not have decreased a drop, but she may love Poofy more than she ever loved him.
Genre: Hurt/Comfort Fluff
Warnings: death of a major character, war, PTSD.
Word Count: 2.3K
Est. Read Time: 11 min
Networks: @cromernet @k-labels
Masterlist I Chp-1
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"Shit." hissing in pain, his fingers gripped the handle of the dagger that was etched into his shoulder, sneaky bastard was lucky, if he was distracted by a butterfly, he would've sensed the goblin stalking up behind him.
Going back and telling Yeosang what happened would only cause more to laugh at the War Chief, reminding him of how he still is a mere child at heart, his title only a facade to match his physical presence. Pulling it out with a grunt he let out a low growl, staring at the emblem, "Bloody Xikies." Tossing it somewhere across the field he paused at the muffled thump, where was he?
 His head slowly turned in every direction, and his body stumbled forward to the golden field, sunflowers? It had been many moons since he had seen this part of the forest, it had been even longer since he had seen such a bloom, blinking slowly, trying to take in the beauty of nature before him. Yunho had never told them about this part- was this their turf?
Slowly gazing up at the sky he sighed, admiring the hues of pastels, the sky blushing down at him, the setting sun peaking at the creature below, letting him bask in the time of quiet, the hour of merging, the hour of tranquillity, the sun looking no different than the big-headed flowers around him, the once yellow petals, now golden, matching their settling master.
Slowly the world around him began to tilt, strange, he had never seen such strange scenery, the sky tilting into the ground, while the flowers chased the sun, pushing it over oh.
Slowly blinking away the blur, a whimper broke past his chapped lips, poison, the dagger was poisoned. Bloody goblins knew what they were doing. He could feel his limbs slowly giving up on him, the tingling sensation turning into tiny pricks, his fingers twitching, trying to grip onto something, that being a sunflower.
 Perhaps this was not the worst way to move on, the spirit realm may be a better resting place than this world full of hate. The view of the pale sky was obscured by the sunflowers looking down at him, possibly because his head had used their sibling as a cushion, as grave as this situation was, it was oddly romantic. Guess he was a romantic deep down, deep down he knew that too, the only regret he may have while departing was the lack of a soulmate in his life, no one to call, 'the one'.
Perhaps this was not that bad of a situation, his departing would only cause his lover pain, possibly as much as he was feeling now. Blinking up at the dancing specs of fuzzy darkness, he sighed, what a War General, one that fell to his demise because of a dainty little butterfly.
And soft?
He felt extremely warm, but the soft below him only forced his body to melt further into the - wait, what? He had fallen in the field- the ground, the dirt and the hard earth below. Jerking awake he hissed at the pain that shot up from his shoulder to neck, a broken whimper following as he fell back. Slowly blinking away the fatigue, the onyx-haired man looked around himself, head cushioned on soft linen, above him was a wooden roof, a cabin? Turning his head to the source of warmth, he spotted the small fireplace, the crinkling of the burning wood was the only other sound - other than his shallow breathing. He was close to the fire, a bit too close, well not enough to harm him but his own temperature was usually enough for him on snowy days, so this was somewhat bothersome. Slowly sitting up his right hand instantly reaching for his left shoulder, glancing down he noticed his bare upper body, his wound neatly wrapped up, encasing most of his torso- whoever this was, they were thorough. To his right was the door, if he could get off his futon, he'd be out quick as a cat, but much to his displeasure as soon as he had stood up and taken his first big boy step towards the door, his body decided to go back on sleep mode, almost falling face front, his right hand breaking his fall. Well, at least his cognitive process worked enough, he was able to not use his injured arm.
Unfortunately, the commotion had alerted whoever held him captive, the door sliding open with a feminine gasp following soon after. Glancing up from the ground his frown deepened, though something else within him seemed to blossom, why didn't he just die when he had the chance?
Great. A human.
"You're…awake." she entered the bedroom, closing the door behind her, tipping her head slightly as if to greet him. Well, at least this human was mannered- his eyes scanned her form, from her robes to the way her hair was delicately decorated with jewels, her whole posture radiating an air of royalty, yet her face was what had his breath hitch, the way her soft gaze on his shoulder had him gripping the futon he was on- no San, humans are the lowest being, they are selfish, ugly, petty, insensitive and-
"I- Ummm… I know you still don't trust me, but you need to rest, the antidote worked but it is slow." clearing her throat she sat with her hands on her lap, "It's been long since I've met someone like you."
Chatterbox, huh? Cocking a brow at her he tilted his head, he was in his human form, what was she going on about? More importantly, he was three times her size, how did she carry him here?
"Umm…he was a… puppy? You're a feline, right?" she gave him a small smile, "I-"
"Are you high?"
"W-what?" his question caught her off guard.
"I said, are you high? Did you consume something?" glaring at her, he stared her down, watching her squirm under his hard stare, "You and I both know I'm human so cut the crap, if you want something for saving me just ask and- " his words were cut short when she picked up a mirror and turned it to face him.
"Nice ears, kitty cat."
"OH MY-" snatching the mirror out of her hand he pulled it closer, his eyes widening at the reflection.
"I believe the poison in your blood must have altered your ability to transform," his eyes flickered up to meet hers, was she…smirking? Scoffing in response he rolled his eyes, turned his and placed the mirror beside himself, still not saying a word.
"You were a kitty when I found you," she leaned forward, trying to inspect the damage, that and to get a closer look at the ears poking out of the tuft of his hair, twitching at the slightest of sound, accidentally letting the next word slip, "Cute."
His head snapped in her direction, eyes resembling slits, as she covered her mouth, trying to catch herself from saying anything more, but a muffled giggle escaped her when he hissed, his tail tapping the wooden floor beside him, it was only then when he realised that his tail had accompanied his ears.
"I- I beg your forgiveness." Chuckling, she dipped her head in shame (or tried to) honestly at this point she was trying to hide a smile, one that he had noticed, biting his lower lip from morphing into a similar one- she was contagious.  Disgusting human.
"If I may, I am Y/N, I understand you're a bit… skeptical about this situation but I found you as an injured cat." she explained before standing up and going to the other end of the room, rummaging through a box, "I found this, and it was drenched in lily oil" turning to show him the dagger that lay wrapped in a silk cloth, in her hands, "I gave you a detox serum."
Coming back to his side she sat down neatly, smiling at his gaze, no longer stern or cold, but swirling with curiosity, pupils dilated and shaking, much like his tale that was tapping against the wood. Nodding in understanding he sat there patiently, his hands placed in his lap, though she noticed how his long legs were now covered by the blankets, must be feeling cold.
"Honestly, your chances of survival were slim, but I tried anyway… And eventually, you did show signs of improvement. " Placing the covered dagger between them she sighed, "Though heaven knows how I almost fainted at the sight of an unconscious man on my bed instead of an injured cat."
Frowning at the statement he nodded in understanding, of course, that would be awful and somewhat horrifying, men could be real beasts, especially with someone as delicate as her, no wonder he thought she looked familiar, her necklace had a small gold sunflower hanging, her face radiated a similar glow too and- San, stop it. Sighing in frustration he growled, catching the way she had flinched, noting how she may have scooted a bit further. Hongjoong would have probably scolded him for scaring off his saviour, especially someone who looked like she was not only royalty but was sent down from Heaven itself.
"How long…" Clearing his throat, he tried to sound normal, a form of a passive apology, "Was I… unconscious for?" After all his feline instincts clawed at him to maintain distance, at least for now.
"Around…two weeks," mumbling she looked everywhere but at him- IS SHE POUTING? Was she upset? Did he upset her? Should he thank her? Is that why she's upset? He could feel the panic spreading through his veins, noting the way she was playing with her fingers, "I think that's it." His fingers itching to grasp onto her smaller hand, but his resolve did not break, though it did crack, just a wee bit, after all, Sannie had always been a romantic, "Thank you for saving my life, little human."
Her eyes flickered to meet his gentle smile, a small smile of her own gracing her lips, much to his pleasure.
"My name is-"
"I know." he nodded, before looking ahead at the open window, the setting sun suddenly all too interesting, "But names lead to familiarization, which makes letting go, difficult." his words were soft, though they hit her with full force, she knew what he meant, they were from two different worlds, it was something her friend had told her too when they were younger, perhaps the last time she had seen him, the same day she had not only lost her mother but him too.
"I understand." with that she slowly stood up, bowing in respect before standing up straight, the sound of a bell catching his ears, eyes flickering to the little charm she was using as a hair accessory, a small bell hanging off a smaller ceramic cat head, painted in all black. "This is my cabin, a personal quarter of sort, only I come here so you will be safe, you must be hungry " mumbling she looked at the door, "I'll bring you something…"
"Why is a lady of your stature wearing such a childish accessory?" his words were blunt and direct, but holding no malice. He had been cautioned by Wooyoung several times about his bluntness, and the last thing he wanted was to upset his sunflower even more than he had already- his sunflower???
"It is- I like it- it just." shaking her head she gave him a tight-lipped smile, "It was a gift, I like wearing it when I'm alone."
"What was its name?" he asked, gesturing towards it, before scratching his head, "You can…. call me…whatever you called it." No lover would give such a childish gift to a lady, no mother would pass on such jewellery, hence this pin was a mere ornament that held to it an extent of emotional value, one that he knew must have been for a cat- perhaps his other form resembled her pet.
His eyes caught the smirk that graced her face for a second or less, a shiver running down his spine at the way her aura changed. What was he getting himself into? He watched her nod before walking towards the door, almost out before stopping to look at him, "I'll bring you something to eat…Poofy." with that the door slammed shut, leaving a flustered mess of the War Chief whining to himself as his tail swished around in anger, whimpering when the jerk causing a sharp pain to shoot up. Heaven was testing him, and fate was gripping his heart with pure glee, this is not what he meant by finding the one before his death.
"A… human?" Hongjoong looked up from his scriptures, his advisor standing before him with a frown, arms crossed over his chest, the tail of a green dragon tattoo peeking out from underneath the neckline.
"Yes. Wooyoung confirmed it today, the Xikey told him the same story," scoffing, the advisor glanced at the window, watching the sunset, "San has been getting himself into stupid things these days."
"Seonghwa, you're the one who sent him to that area." The king sighed, rubbing his temples in frustration, "And you say she's royalty?"
"I'm not sure…I've sent Jongho to investigate. " He mumbled, "I hope he's fine, with the war going on and him being injured, that too with a human, I don't like the odds."
A knock on the door interrupted the two, before creaking open, "Sorry to intrude but I'd like to inform you two that San is in good hands."
Hongjoong gestured for their mapmaker to enter his personal quarters, honestly, most of these fools didn't need permission but they had stuck by the rules of royalty ever since the kingdom became his, "How are you so sure of this, Yunho?"
"Trust me, I say so based on personal experience."
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Taglist: @edenesth @mlysalt @yessa-vie @spooo00oky @cereal-simp
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day 255
okay i'll still finish this one too i prommy but i just had time for one today and i picked this one because it's just a liiiiittle more compelling to me for aradia to be the rose bride figure
disorganized rambling and mild utena spoilers under the cut
so there are these visual parallels that won't leave my brain, between the thousands of swords bearing down on anthy at the end of rgu/the thousands of aradiabots being wiped out by jack right before they enter the kids' universe, AND ALSO anthy in her coffin/aradia in the crypt at the core of derse's moon.
aradia does want to protect (or like, Avenge) the people she cares about. i mean that's kind of the whole impetus for her being killed initially. and she gets put in that crypt for it and then she dies a million times, across a million different doomed timelines. of course all her friends ALSO die in those timelines, but yknow. she could've just hung around until she quietly ceased to exist. INSTEAD though, she goes back in time and suffers a predestined violent death at jack's hands in order to make it all mean something, and to protect her friends in the alpha timeline from becoming doomed themselves.
and it all leaves her as the kind of person who is prepared to just watch with mild curiosity as reality literally disintegrates around her (which.... like anthy, is, to a certain extent, a façade. i mean i don't think aradia's curiosity about the end of reality is fake, but also she SAYS she's not going to participate in the Lord English fight and just let whatever happens happen, but then he kicks Tavros and she immediately jumps on his back and chokes him out so like. do we REALLY think she is 100% free of emotions about all of it?)
anyway aradia megido has suffered more than jesus.
there's also the whole. like. having this dude who really does not indicate that he sees her as a person At All try to trick/force her into a romantic relationship with him?? and her status on alternia at the absolute bottom of the hemospectrum. the little crisis we see her have about just being used as a tool by the whims of fate and the alpha timeline. anthycore af
and then there's jade! jade is incredibly incredibly brave and she wants to do right by her friends. she is EXTREMELY fucking powerful and she is not willing to take bullshit from anyone. she could absolutely open that fuckin coffin.
and she also has a lot of fairytale imagery that i think goes very much hand in hand with utena's whole prince deal. she has her whole sleeping beauty, princess trapped in a tower on a deserted island theme going, and she just... never really leans into it. other characters around her seem to expect her to lean into it sometimes! and utena is constantly bombarded by other characters telling her it would JUST be easier if she was a princess and let herself be saved by a prince. but ultimately jade and utena are just out here living their lives without all that because it doesn't actually resonate with them.
ALL THAT SAID i wanna reiterate this isn't like a full-on AU it's just like. some character comparisons that i think are Neat. I don't have like, a whole thing thought out beyond this drawing or anything lol
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caffiend-queen · 9 months
I'll Break Your Heart Before You Break Mine...
An Avengers - Loki Holidays In Hel story
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I've been cleaning up and adding bits to my Holidays in Hel series because really, it's my favorite. I hope you enjoy, and thank you as always for reading!
In which Loki's courtship of Mina (refer to "The Christmas Party") hits a snag when his timid little darling suddenly decides to dump him on Valentine's Day.
I wrote this listening to the beautiful "Takeaway" from The Chainsmokers and Illenium. Have a listen here: https://youtu.be/lzkKzZmRZk8
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The first time Loki had seen a Valentine, he approached it with the same look of disgust one would give a used litter box.
“What is this cloying monstrosity?” he queried, holding the little card up by his thumb and forefinger.
“Well…” Mina’s brow furrowed. “Oh, of course. This is your first Valentine’s Day on Ear- Midgard, isn’t it?” Her boyfriend (?) beau (?) Supreme Overlord of Sex (!) was by now lounging elegantly on his suede couch, arms stretched along the top of it and legs sprawled obscenely. As usual. "This is a Valentine, it's from my niece in Wisconsin."
One dark brow arched. "Explain?"
"Well, you create little cards and give them to people you care about, family, friends..." she coughed a little and added quickly, "boyfriends. They're usually heart-shaped, pink or red, and-"
"The human heart is not shaped like that," Loki interrupted, "I've torn them still beating from the chests of my enemies and they more resemble-"
"No trips down memory lane, brother!" Thor interrupted with perfect timing, which was extremely unusual. "We must make ready. There is a new mission.” He'd slammed open the door to Loki's suite, knowing it infuriated his brother every time.
With a sigh, Loki stood, waving one pale hand and was instantly clad in his dark green armor. "And who might we be engaging? More angry Dark Elves? The crossbred Jotunn ice bear? A blood witch from the Grievous Clan?" 
“No, Professor Snape, they’re … what did you call them, Thor?” Tony Stark rambled into the apartment, standing over Loki, who had reseated himself with an uncomfortable Mina on his lap. She’d tried to pop up when Thor casually broke in, but Loki’s arm came down like an iron bar to keep her in place.
Thor was nosing around the fresh-baked muffins on the counter. “They are Plesticites, do you remember battling them on the Wandering Moons of Alfheim, brother?”
Loki groaned audibly. The aforementioned creatures were multi-limbed monstrosities that spat secretions as thick as tar and vile as vomit. “And why are they here on Midgard?” he snarled, “Why did Heimdall not raise the alarm before these sacs of pus found a wormhole?”
Mouth full of muffin, his brother shrugged one giant shoulder. Stark, with that infuriating cheer he had only when interrupting someone else’s love life, clapped his hands together. “Chop chop, Asgardian supermodels, we’re off to kill the things that look like Donald Trump’s ass.”
“Darling,” Loki gently set her down on a cushion and rose, leaning over to capture a kiss. “I shall see you anon.”
It was a spectacular kiss, so it took Mina a moment to realize a case holding six of Loki’s best daggers was on the counter next to the muffins. Knowing he never went into battle without them, she tucked them under her arm and hoofed it for the roof, trying to catch him before the helicarrier took off. 
The team was still on the landing pad, and the wind carried their conversation back to her as she exited the elevator.
“- to celebrate the day with Lady Mina?” She knew Thor had Big Plans for Jane, especially after Darcy handed him a step-by-step list for what was required of a romantic boyfriend. Mina lingered for a moment around the corner, a little excited. Plans? Loki had plans for Valentine’s Day?
“You must be joking,” he sneered, “you believe I would stoop to celebrating a pathetic testament to retail excess? Debasing myself with the purchase of stuffed animals and mediocre flowers?”
Mina sighed and leaned against the elevator door. So, no Valentine’s Day, then.
“But your lady, she will expect it,” Thor said earnestly. “It is considered most important.”
“He’s right, you don’t want to screw this up.” Mina cocked her head. Was that Bucky?  “This stuff is important to women.” Loki didn’t cut the soldier off, as he’d done with his brother. She always found Loki’s - if not friendship, a comfortableness, an accord - with James Barnes intriguing. Mina had asked him about it one day, and he’d pinned her with that bleak, blue-gray gaze of his. “Loki knows what it’s like to be tortured. For decades.” She'd felt her heart splinter in that moment. For both of them.
“It is of no consequence,” Loki said dismissively, “by then, Mina and I will no longer be-” the roar of the helicarrier’s engines began and the rest of his statement was lost. Numbly taking the case of daggers back down to Loki’s apartment, Mina hesitated at the door. Would he have already revoked her access to his place?
But the door opened and she stepped in. It still smelled like Loki- sharp and clear, like pine and snow. She marched through his suite of rooms, picking up the few items she’d left there- a silk slip, her spare toothbrush, two books she’d loved and recommended to him. That was it. There were no photos of the two of them together, no tenderly written notes. It was so familiar, Mina thought bitterly, just like the last three times. 
What was it with her and Valentine’s Day? Who the fuck gets dumped three times on the most “romantic” day of the year? Stuffing everything in her bag, she could remember Kevin’s stupid face, "It's not me, babe. It's you." February 14th, 2017.
Milo, "I just feel that Valentine's Day is an excuse for women to siphon up free gifts, and I refuse to be manipulated by female greed." Pause. "Before I leave, did you get me anything?" February 14th, 2014.
And then there was Brian. "Yeah, I don't see a future with us, Mina. You're always busy at school and I need a woman who can commit." That turned out to be her best friend Marcia. Who was already married. February 14, 2019.
“And it’s happening again?” she gave a short, humorless chuckle, “At least this time, Loki’s not really my boyfriend. I’m not sure the word boyfriend could apply to a seven-foot-tall alien who looks like a supermodel and hands out orgasms like they’re penny candy. Fuck this.” 
Stomping into Jane’s lab on the 47th floor, Mina forced herself to smile. This was a new job and she couldn’t afford to break down. Of course, she had this new job because the thermodynamics lab fired her after the paparazzi storm from her night as Loki’s date at Stark’s disastrous Christmas Party. They wouldn’t leave her alone and one even burst into the ladies’ room as she was hitching her undies back up. And, her boss was just walking out of her stall as well. Fortunately, Jane immediately made the case to Tony that Mina would be very helpful in her research.
Unfortunately, Darcy was never shy about prying into everyone else’s personal lives. “Hey, Mina Mina Bo-bina, what does your sex god Asgardian have planned for Valentine’s Day?”
Jane didn’t look up from her microscope. “Thor is the God of Sex, actually.”
Without thinking, Mina shook her head. “No, Thor is the God of Fertility. Loki is the God of Lust.” They'd both been studying a book - The Royals Guide to Asgard together. Tossing her bag on her desk, she added under her breath, “Not that it matters.”
Darcy, who could under most circumstances be the poster child for Adderall, was remarkably single-minded when it came to heartbreak. Eyes narrowed behind her glasses, she pushed her face close to Mina’s. “You’ve been crying. Did Mr. Hot and Psycho do something?”
“Nope, that’s the point,” she said, “we’re doing nothing for Valentine’s Day because he’s dumping me.” 
“No!” Jane was shocked, “Thor says Loki is crazy about you!”
“I overheard him talking to Thor and Bucky when I went up to bring him his daggers for the mission,” Mina said bitterly. “He said that he and I would no longer be together.” Her shoulders slumped. “But I don’t think we ever were.”
It was not ten minutes later when Darcy had mercilessly bullied her into joining “Girl’s Night,” refusing to tell her where the herd of single women were migrating to. 
Three days later and no word from Loki, it settled into her with a despondent certainty that he would not be “courting her” (as he’d put it) anymore. She didn’t ask Jane if she’d heard from Thor, because the look of discomfort, then pity was more than she could bear. So Mina kept a cheerful smile and pretended everything was fine as bouquets started popping up on desktops, boxes of chocolate and heart-shaped cookies circulated and whispered conversations filled with giggles were all around her.
Screw Valentine’s Day. It sucked.
Nonetheless, she defiantly dressed for the girl’s “Cupid is Stupid” outing with Darcy in a short, saucy little emerald-colored dress she’d picked up on sale. She had been saving it to wear on a special occasion with Loki, but…. Angrily dashing away a tear before it ruined her cat’s-eye eyeliner, Mina straightened her shoulders. She would go have fun with Darcy and the girls. Then this day would be over, and-
The reality that she would eventually be seeing Loki in the halls, perhaps in the lab every now and then made her sink onto her couch. Would he be bringing new women to social events? Mina’s lips thinned and she stood up, seizing her bag and storming out the door. “It’s going to be a bit more difficult finding a date that doesn’t mind you kidnapping her off the street!” she hissed, halting at the appalled stare of nice Mrs. Wyscowski who lived next door in E16 as she got off the elevator. The woman was carrying a bouquet of roses. ‘Of course,’ Mina thought, ‘even my 73-year-old neighbor gets flowers.’ Instantly feeling guilty, she held the door for her. “Happy Valentine’s Day, Mrs. W. The roses are so pretty!”
“Thank you, dear. And what are you and Mr. Odinson doing this evening?” Mrs. Wyscowski loved Loki, of course. The charming bastard insisted on kissing her wrinkled hand every time he spotted her.
Mina’s smile faltered, but she stepped into the elevator. “Have a good night, Mrs. W.”
When her Uber pulled up to the address Darcy gave her, she audibly groaned. Seriously?
The driver laughed, looking in his rearview mirror. “Not what you were planning on?”
“Knowing my friend, I should have,” Mina sighed. Cherry’s Sexual Harassment Pub was bustling with giggling women lined up at the bar and guarding table space for their friends close to the stage. Passing by gigantic posters of bare-assed men with names like “Blaze,” and “Nitro,” she rolled her eyes. 
“Bitch!” Darcy shouted at the top of her considerable lungs, standing on her chair and waving at her like she was a one-winged sparrow, trying to take flight. But when one of the buff, shirtless waiters brought over a tray of Sex on the Beach shooters, Mina took two.
Just as Mina was throwing back her first shot, a bloody and exhausted crew was exiting the helicarrier, eager to shower off the genuinely disgusting mission and focus on something new: sex, booze, and for a few, even romance. Thor nudged his brother with one giant arm. “Have you reconsidered what to do for the Lady Mina? The night is young.” 
“I have told you, Thor,” Loki snarled, “I do not indulge in such plebian excess.”
Undeterred, his brother said, “Jane has mentioned that she has seemed quite despondent these last few days. Have she seemed so when she speaks with you?”
Loki shrugged. “I do not speak with Mina whilst on missions away. I’m sure she is fine. And most likely,” he said, his pace increasing as they exited onto their floor, “waiting for me in my chambers. So if you’ll excuse me…”
But Mina wasn’t. She’d been very good about showing up when he returned from missions, working here in the Tower in Jane’s lab gave her proximity and advance warning. In fact … as Loki strolled to the bedroom he noticed her absence, along with the few little things she’d left in his suite - including A Brief History of Time, a book he'd been rather enjoying. Where was the little minx? Sweeping a hand down his body to restore himself to spotlessness and into a fresh black suit, he set off for the labs, Mina was no doubt working late. 
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Mina was laughing uncontrollably as Darcy had her legs looped around the back of a stripper who had his head buried in her considerable cleavage. He was still managing to swirl those agile hips to the beat of “Girls, Girls, Girls” by Motley Crew even as he was making motorboat noises. A sudden vision of Loki teaching her how to dance the tango on his terrace rose in her mind and she angrily shook her head. She was not going to be one of those single people on Valentine’s Day who got all drunk and weepy! Well … reaching for the champagne in the middle of the table, she drank right from the bottle. Not one of those single people who cry, anyway. Screw Loki. Screw Loki and his beautiful agile hips and those fingers and how he’d purr all those filthy things in her ear when she was coming. 
“Break his heart before he breaks mine,” she mumbled, nearly inaudible under the screaming of the other women. But someone was listening.
In fact, the Stark group had enjoyed VIP treatment all night - graciously escorted to the best table on the floor and several bottles of complimentary champagne delivered with "Compliments of the house, beautiful ladies." The shirtless blonde waiter - who was hilariously named "Thor," according to his nametag - wore impeccable white cuffs and collar and was most attentive, chuckling indulgently as his perfect, firm ass was groped more than once. "Thor" even leaned over invitingly by Mira as he'd brought more drinks, but she smiled nervously and scooted her chair over a bit.
“Hey, pretty lady,” he oozed, “is there something … special I can get you?” 
“Hell, yeah!” shouted Darcy, “Our girl just broke up with her boyfriend! Right before Valentine’s Day, can you believe it?” Mina cringed so hard she could feel her spine compress.
"Thor" took her hand, eyes wide in his most sincere sympathy. “He’s a fool to let you get away, baby. You need a man who knows how to appreciate a queen like you.”
‘Oh, gawd …’ she thought. “Oh, I broke up with him,” she nodded firmly, “so yeah, it’s all good. It’s fine. Really,” she emphasized, trying to yank her hand away from his. Her palm was tingling like crazy and she wiped it on her skirt several times, frowning at the odd burn.
But then the lights came up and the smarmy DJ’s voice bellowed out, “Heeeey, Ladies! Welcome to the Cupid is Stupid spectacular! We’re gonna give you pretty little things all the affection you deserve tonight! Up first, give a waaaaarm, wet welcome to Valentino!”
She was laughing, Mina just couldn’t help it. This was so fucking cheesy. What was she doing here?
What was she doing here? Looking around the room, she could tell she was the only one not totally invested in the web the strippers were weaving. Her forehead creased. That was a weird image. But all the girls were screaming, waving tens and twenties, glassy-eyed and utterly focused on the man on stage, currently undulating in a g-string. The waiters were circulating, putting down more drinks, running fingertips along a cheek, along a shoulder or down the neck and dipping into cleavage. And the girls all seemed to love it. Wiping her sweaty forehead, Mina blinked, looking at her phone. Just to check the time, that’s all.
Nothing from Loki. Of course.
Rising abruptly from her seat, she made her way through the crowd of rapturous women. Once in the bathroom, she splashed her face with cold water, forgetting about her careful makeup. Why was she so sweaty? Looking in the mirror and wiping away her streaked mascara, Mina sighed. This was worse than being at home watching While You Were Sleeping and weeping uncontrollably. “I’ll walk home,” she said to the grimy mirror. “Get some exercise. Yeah. You know, endorphins.”
Walking back to the table to grab her purse and bid Darcy goodnight, she stumbled to a stop.
Loki was dancing. More specifically, her ex-boyfriend (well, the gorgeous god she’d been dating) was stripping. And the screams rose at a pitch that could shatter crystal. His vivid jade eyes were fixed on her, a filthy, knowing smirk on his face. His body was art. All marble-sheened skin with flexing, lean muscle beneath. She’d always been amused when people assumed Loki wasn’t physically powerful, like his bulky brother. Oh, no… those perfectly tailored suits of his hid a body of exquisite grace, broad shoulders and a chest and arms banded thickly with muscle. His long, long legs were sculpted, and when he lifted her to straddle his thigh and rubbed her against the taut strands there … oh, god. What was he doing here! This couldn’t- 
“Loki?” she shouted, incredulous and trying to get closer to the stage. 
“Hello, love.” She could see Loki’s lips moving, but even over the howl of the music and shrieks from the women, it still sounded like he was talking right into her ear. “I thought I would give you a bit of a surprise. Then, I intend to take you backstage, hoist you upon the nearest level surface and fuck you until you beg for mercy. Which of course, I shall not give you.” There was never a time Mina was more aware that he was a god. So beautiful, even under those tawdry pink lights, his hips moving in erotic figure eights and dancing just for her. So intent on reaching him, Mina never noticed another of the waiters come up from behind her, slipping an arm around her waist.
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Thor was just helping Jane on with her coat as Loki strode into the lab. “Where is Mina?” He knew his tone was sharp, but he was suddenly filled with a sense of urgency, a necessity to reach her- to find his girl before-
“She’s out with Darcy and the girls.” Jane’s tone was not friendly. “You know, since you dumped her, it’s really not any of your business.”
“I beg your pardon?” 
It was clear Loki was shocked, which was shocking in of itself since the god prided himself on no expression other than urbane amusement or profound boredom. “She went out with the girls?” Jane said less aggressively. 
“Where?” His tone was sharp, but the couple didn’t take offense. They could feel it too, that something was wrong here. Loki was never agitated like this, not even in the middle of battle.
“Um…” Jane consulted her phone. “It’s a strip club,” she looked at him apologetically, “called, ugh, now I know Darcy picked it! It’s called Cherry’s Sexual Harassment Pub.” Thor choked down a laugh as his brother and Jane glared at him.
“This…” Loki hesitated, another shocking departure for him. “There is something wrong. I cannot say, but I feel it.”
To his credit, Thor immediately stepped up. “I shall come with you brother. My dearest, would you mind putting off our evening for a few hours more?”
She nodded, “Of course. Should I come with you? You know, to wrangle Darcy?”
“We must go, please, stay here.” It was the 'please' that stopped her from protesting as Loki dragged off her boyfriend. Loki never said please.
Darcy was screaming herself hoarse. She didn’t know how this could have possibly happened, but this was the best fucking night of her life! How the fuck could Bucky have overcome his shyness to be stripping for all these women? The Winter Soldier stared at her, licking his full lips as his crotch jutted at her obscenely, thick thighs bending to lure her closer to the stage. His long hair fell into his eyes, glowing with need for her. Her hand reached out. There was just one more layer to peel off, just the tiniest scrap of spandex between her and what she was certain was the biggest cock in North America. Just one little yank on that strap and... She was still trying to surge forward when the arms came around her from behind, gripping her tightly and making her ribs compress against her lungs. It felt like the most brutal kind of suction, feeling like the blood was being pulled out of the pores in her skin, but all she could think of was to get to Bucky- that beautiful bastard, she knew he always wanted her he did and then she was coming legs twitching and rubbing together hands still reaching out touch him.
MaryBeth from Offshore Accounts was dreamily watching Steve Rogers bare all that perfect, golden skin and rippling muscle. He was clean-shaven, not that scruffy beard he’d been wearing and those patriotic blue eyes were lasered in on her, he was going to tear her clothes off and fuck her right on the table, she could hear him! So MaryBeth swept out an arm, knocking everything off the surface and climbing on, hauling her skirt up. “Right here, Steve honey! I AM SO READY!” Darleen McMasters from the table next to theirs was from Queens, married 22 years and just here to keep her best friend and current divorcee Carla company, sat up abruptly. “FRANK?” she shouted, jaw dropped, “What on EARTH are you doing!” Her husband looked down, giving her a rakish wink and an extra little thrust of his hips.
Interestingly, Carla was also watching Frank get naked on stage, unbuttoning her blouse and hoping he’d FINALLY notice how much nicer her breasts looked than Darlene's.
Theresa from Digital Media was dreamily enjoying the sight of Carol Danvers peeling off that gorgeous fucking bodysuit, to show even more gorgeous fucking curves, her blonde hair shining like a beacon and Theresa was ready to run her hands through it-
By the time Loki had apparated himself and Thor into the middle of the club, it was silent, the raucous music gone and only the bestial grunts and slavering of the things currently feeding on the women. 
“By the Nine…” gasped Thor, instantly calling Mjölnir to him as he went back to back with Loki, who’d been searching for Mina. He found her writhing furiously against the incubus grappling her from behind. The truly amusing miscalculation of Midgard mythology - he thought while sending twelve daggers sailing through the air at the demon - was believing that the Incubi were attractive and seductive. They were repellant, horrifying, a grisly amalgamation of sinew, rot and slimy, mottled skin. They actually made the Plesticites the Avengers slaughtered that day look appealing. This one’s maw opened, showing jagged, rotting fangs as it screamed in rage and agony, punctured by the dozen blades in a tidy, cross-shaped pattern and falling off Mina’s back like a sack of meat. 
Thor’s hammer tore through another of the creatures, making the woman holding it scream “Leonardo! Don’t leave me! I believe in your Nature Alliance!” before she collapsed. And then the battle was on. Over twenty of the Incubi, mouths dripping black blood that sizzled like acid on the floor stalked toward them. They were so. Fucking. Hungry. They had planned this Valentine’s Day massacre for a couple of decades and no upstart Asgardian royalty was going to take their feast from them. Complicating matters was that most of the demons were able to hold onto the image of whatever their victim was imagining, and for many of the girls - particularly MaryBeth from Offshore Accounts who had dreamed of getting into Captain America’s red, white and blue suit for years now - were unwilling to let go of the Incubi draining them to death.
Black blood and gnarled, twisted limbs torn from desiccated flesh flew through the smoky air as the princes of Asgard ripped their way through the thicket of demonic visitors, as he leaned back gracefully to avoid a spray of ichor, Loki watched Mina leap on to the back of the incubus currently finishing off an unconscious Darcy.  The foolish creature still wore a dreamy smile on her red-lipsticked mouth, and she slid gracelessly to the floor as her rescuer stabbed the creature in the back of the neck, shoving hard to get the razor-sharp blade through its hide. He spun in one more circle to finish off the fiend sneaking up on Thor before turning back to seize Mina. 
“You had to burst in here. Creating such a fuss.” The voice was beautiful, well-bred and slightly amused. The creature it belonged to was perfection, everything a man should be - blond, very tall with a tight, perfect ass and red, full lips. And in one long-fingered hand, it was gripping the throat of his Mina, easily holding her off the ground as she kicked and thrashed, clawing at his muscled forearm. “There are so very many pretty, lonely girls in this city, on this night of all nights. And yet, you insisted on bothering ussss.” The man hissed the last word and displayed a mouth full of alarmingly sharp, needle-like teeth. “Now, I shall consume this meaningless human in front of you. Its mouth opened horribly wide, like a snake’s dislodging its jaw and Loki’s hand came up again, inhumanly, impossibly fast and threw his last dagger, a gleaming silver blur that nicked Mina’s throat, sending a spray of blood into the open mouth of the demon behind her.
It let out a scream of agony, smoke pouring from its throat and slamming on to the filthy floor, writing and howling before abruptly disappearing in a puff of sulfurous smoke, along with the remains of the other incubi. 
From there, it was really just a matter of cleaning up and damage control. The little club was suddenly packed with SHIELD agents and, Loki noted sourly, Doctor Strange, who was attending to the women, briskly erasing their memories of the night and putting in a suggestion of a gas leak.
“How original,” Loki sneered.
Bucky walked up behind him. “And here I thought my night was the worst Valentine’s Day choice ever.” He patted him lightly on his expensively suited shoulder. “You okay? Mina, too?”
“Indeed,” Loki said approvingly, “she slew one of the creatures herself.” He looked at the soldier again and decided to do something he traditionally considered loathsome. A bit of matchmaking. “However, your help is needed immediately for Miss Lewis.” 
Bucky frowned, looking over at a pale Darcy, two paramedics still trying to bring her around. “What can I do?”
Thor was close enough to be eavesdropping shamelessly, and he leaned in. “An incubus bite can only be reversed in one way, my friend.”
Picking up the thread, Loki walked Bucky closer. “The incubus presents the vision of the person the victim desires most. It is why they are irresistible. As it happens, Miss Lewis believed she was watching you perform for her.”
“What?” Bucky choked, going a little pale himself.
“You must … attend to her in order to heal her, I am certain you know what we are saying,” Loki finished smoothly. When his friend leaned down to cautiously pick the girl up, he made a negligent gesture with one pale hand and send the two of them back to Barnes’ quarters in the Tower.
“Brother,” Thor boomed, “did I just see…? Was that a … good deed?”
In a flash, another of his brother’s daggers was at his throat. “Never say such a repugnant thing to me again!” Loki snarled, eyes narrowed as Thor backed away, chuckling. 
“I must return to Jane,” he said, picking up Mjölnir and turning to the door. “And I believe you have a beautiful woman of your own to attend to.”
Placing his hands in the pockets of his beautiful suit, Loki strolled to Mina, who was attempting to wipe some of the gore off her skin. “Oh, my god,” she gagged a little, “I smell like something that washed up on the beach. How is it that you look perfectly put together?”
A corner of his mouth turned up, just slightly. “I am a god.” Her pretty face fell and she went back to scrubbing futilely at her dress. “That was a rather fetching gown,” he offered.
“Was is the operative word here,” she sighed, giving up. “You’re bad luck for expensive dresses.”
“Perhaps if you’d been waiting in my rooms at the Tower like a good girl,” he said haughtily, “your dress would be intact.”
“What?” His usually sweet-natured, mild girl threw the filthy bar towel at him. “Seriously? So you could dump me in person? How nice of you! That’s just never going to-” With a sigh, Loki seized her around the waist and they were gone. 
“Geddoff me!” Mina was wiggling, trying to get loose from Loki’s steel grip.
“Such a bad girl,” he said disapprovingly, “I must seek you out in a club catering to male nudity, save you from the Incubi and this is your gratitude?”
“Gratitude! Gratitude?” Her eyes were furious slits and she was snarling like a feral cat. “You DUMPED me! You have no right to-” Releasing her abruptly, he smiled a bit to hear her startled scream and then the huge splash. Hitching his trousers, Loki seated himself on a rock outcropping, waiting for her to surface. Mina did, paddling and splashing furiously in a rather adorable fashion until she was calmer. Wiping the water out of her eyes, she glared up at him. “Where are we?”
“This is Valeria,” he said, settling more comfortably. “It is an undeveloped planet that Asgard holds in guardianship. It is one of the last pure places in the universe.” As she swam closer, his clothes disappeared and he joined her in the water.
Mina gritted back a simper as she watched him rise from the crystal water, the waves sluicing off his hard body as he smoothed his wet hair off his face. “If it’s undeveloped, why are we here?” A wicked little smile graced his lips and she groaned audibly.
“I keep a vacation cottage here,” he said, swimming around her in circles. “Just a humble abode when I require peace and quiet.”
“Then, why am I here?” she pursued.
“Because you long to travel and take a safari in a far-flung country, Africa, perhaps. You wish to see wild animals and places undefiled by man.”
Mina flushed. “You’ve been looking at my Pinterest account again!”
“Darling…” Loki drew her onto his lap in the water. “Valeria has over 1,930,000 species of animals that have never been seen anywhere but here. I shall take you all over this world tomorrow and show you creatures you never imagined. Animals no other human eye will ever see.”
Looping her arms around his smooth shoulders, Mina gave him a weak smile. “Was that what you meant when you told Thor that we would no longer be … something by Valentine’s Day?”
“Of course, foolish girl. I’d planned this off-world safari for you for some time-” Loki’s answer was cut off when she pressed her mouth to his.
“So you weren’t breaking up with me,” she mumbled, not meeting his gaze.
Loki pursed his mouth. “Will there ever be a time you do not doubt me, my Mina? Where you will not compare me to the utterly pedestrian fools you have been with before me?”
She did feel terrible. But warm and kind of glowing inside at the same time. So when her god leaned back against the warm rocks and spread his long legs with an utterly filthy leer, she slipped deeper into the heavenly water, swimming between his knees. “Allow me to make it up to you, my King,” Mina said in the sweetest of tones. Loki was fighting a smile, she could tell, but he nodded regally. Putting his perfect, thick cock into her mouth was never a hardship, she thought, sucking carefully on the tip and fluttering her tongue on the sensitive underside. Lunging to bring the length of him down her throat, she enjoyed the low growl that rattled through his chest. Carefully cupping his scrotum with one hand, she slid her finger along the sensitive flesh behind his sac. One hand came up to pet her wet hair as his hips thrust up before he pulled them back.
“Such a good girl,” he praised her, chest heaving. When she finally circled his anus with a questing finger, Loki regretfully pulled her off his painfully stiff cock. “Not this time, darling. I must make you wet and soft for me.” Mina let out a startled shriek as he simply lifted her by the waist and planted her pussy on his face.
“Oh, my god, Loki I’m going to smother you! Wait, just- Oh, godddd,” she moaned, back arching a little as she felt his cool tongue and lips play with her. She could hear the sound of birds chirping and the occasional rustle of leaves as if the animals here were creeping down to watch. 
Loki gently bit one of her swelling lips and held on as she tried to pull loose. “I require your attention to be focused upon me, feasting on this juicy cunt.” When she nodded a little randomly, he slid two fingers up her channel and attacked her again, sliding his tongue back and forth before latching onto her clit and sucking gently.
When he caught her startled gaze, he winked one jade-colored eye and scraped his teeth gently across the excruciatingly sensitive tissue of her pearl, enjoying her gasp and deliciously wanton moan as she came. Carefully rearranging her shaking arms and legs, he kneeled her on all fours and crawled behind her. “You present so beautifully for your alpha,” Loki purred, “just as a good little mate should. Now raise that lovely rump of your higher. I’m going to fuck you. Mate with you. Drive you into the ground.” He’d placed the reddened tip of his cock at her entrance, and then, he shoved himself up inside her, hard. “Force you to submit to me, beg for my come. You will yowl and cry out and moan, just like a saucy little female of this place would do.”
Mina was gripping the wet earth under her, trying to keep her balance as Loki drove into her with ferocity. She had a feeling he was still displeased - and perhaps the tiniest bit wounded? - by her willingness to believe he was casting her aside. And when his big hand came down on the soft cheeks of her ass with a thunderous “whap!” she was sure of it. Loki was so big in this position - filling her and spreading her so completely that it was hard to tell where she ended and he began. Everything inside her felt pressed aside for his driving cock and it was unimaginably good. He had one hand on her shoulder, shoving her back and forth on his cock, and the other pulling and stroking at her nipples. She could feel the shower of sparks move up her spine, so close to coming! And then the heartless, diabolical God of Lust grabbed her hair and pulled her head up, putting his lips to her ear. 
“Do you see them, pet?” She did - two gigantic creatures were perched on the cliffs across the pond from them, silent, but alert. They were awe-inspiring, something that looked like a cross between a tiger and a bird of prey, massive wings covered in a golden striped fur. Mina’s gasp died in her throat as she stared at the two pairs of golden eyes staring back. “They recognize us, a species dominant to them, higher on the food chain. So they will bear witness as we mate, they will not drink until we leave…” His fingers were moving faster on her breasts, squeezing and plucking at them until he felt her thighs begin to quiver. “Ah … there you are, lovely. You’re so close, aren’t you?” His thrusts were faster, shorter and sharper inside her and Mina was nearly knocked off her knees.
“Please, my King,” she moaned, “please allow me to come!”
He whispered one last, sibilant hiss in her ear. “Come. Now.” And she felt his teeth bite down into her shoulder and every last bit of sense left her, screaming and shaking, moaning as she heard him growl deep in his chest. A warning. A challenge. And the two huge creatures rose gracefully and disappeared back into the jungle as he picked his Mina up and brought her to his home. 
Long after, when Loki had meticulously bathed her limp form and smoothed a glorious-smelling lotion on her sore skin, had brushed her long hair dry and then hand-fed her bites of small and utterly delicious things, Mina finally forced enough brain cells back together to ask a question or two.
“What happened with the last incubus, the one that had me by the throat?” Loki had healed her as his first action when the demon disappeared.
Kissing each of her toes, he looked up at her slyly. “Your blood, lovely. An incubus cannot bear the essence of one pure at heart. Your blood nearly destroyed him, the monster had barely the strength to retreat back to Hel.”
Mina blinked. That was not what she’d been expecting. “I don’t- that’s ridiculous,” she said shyly, “I’m no pure thing.”
Her beautiful, infuriating Valentine gracefully moved over her, knees already between hers and spreading her wider. “Oh, my sweet Mina,” he said in a tone that could only be described as tender. “You are so very, very pure and good. You redeem me.” Loki smiled down as she blinked back tears. “And now, I shall attempt to defile you in a way that only a very, very good girl can be.”
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I'm starting over with a vague memory of who might like my Loki and Avengers tales. If you would like on or off this list, please let me know! Thank you. Mwah!
72 notes · View notes
San’s FS (Repost)
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Body (Outward appearance)
Alright, so, right off the bat (I may or may not have giggled when I saw this) I’m getting “emotional baggage”. Mind you this is for looks. So Atiny will probably see them (Though they most likely won’t since this is their current state BUT IF THEY DID) and immediately be like “Aww, poor baby, they looks like they have so much emotional baggage.” So right off the bat I kind of feel bad.
So yeah. Definitely seeing his FS is currently either underweight or overweight. Not in an extreme way, and more so because of what’s happening. Definitely looks like they’re on their last leg, with eye bags and such. But not necessarily bad-looking.
However, his FS still has this brightness about them. Like this joyful aura and demeanor that’s infectious. Like bright eyes that seem to shine and easy to make smile. They’re definitely confident in their appearance regardless right now. Getting slight Leo vibes but I dunno, may just be me associating that aspect of them with Leo placements.
Definitely dresses to impress. Stylish clothing that’s not luxury but definitely high-end. Like someone who looks well-off, but not rich in the way they present themself.
So, definitely just exudes that successful aura. Gives off those responsible office siren vibes (If San’s FS is a woman I know for a fact in the future she’ll be my woman crush in the most respectful way possible like she seems like THAT GIRL.)
So…She definitely looks like she’s on her last leg though, all things considered. She’s probably very physically tired, and going through some things right now. Health-wise also.
She’s very resilient though. Not letting that get to her, and powering through regardless.
Her appearance (I’m not saying she’s ugly here) is definitely unique. Not quite fitting into the box whether it’s features, style, piercings, hair color, Korean beauty standards, etc. but still absolutely owning it like the icon she is. (As you can tell I already adore this woman I will ride for her)
She’s probably someone who’s isolated because of her appearance though. She’s unique and people don’t like that, and are intimidated by her demeanor and her aura.
Definitely has a traditional feel even with the uniqueness.
She’s definitely responsible. She’s accomplished a lot and knows how to deal with heavy burdens in life. Probably the oldest daughter if his FS is a woman just from these vibes, since I have a feeling she had to take care of younger siblings for most of her early life, making her have to bear certain burdens and responsibilities. Almost like a second mother from a young age.
There’s a lot of passion that’s been sparked in her from many different things that have happened to her in her lifetime.
She may be the type of person who fears failure, and is pessimistic by nature. She’s afraid everything she works for will come apart and while she tries to mask it, she’s deeply insecure. Probably one of those people whose mothers had always seen them as competition if she’s a woman, and that’s really gotten to her.
Definitely the type of person who feels she always needs to succeed and cannot fail or be defeated no matter what.
She’s a person with immense courage and determination. She’s a very joyful person by nature despite everything. Definitely getting slight Pisces/Leo moon vibes here, but again, I didn’t pull for that it’s more of that’s what those traits are giving me. She’s individualistic and lights to fit outside the box. She’s determined and courageous but not overly so. She knows balance.
She’s definitely a competitive person. She strives to be the best at everything and trust she will do whatever it takes (As long as it doesn’t go against her morals) to get what she wants.
She’s not the type of person who avoids conflict either. If she feels something is unjust she’ll speak up about it, though I don’t see her stirring anything up herself. It’s more like she won’t let herself be pushed around.
She’s a prideful person, but in the sense of her ego is so fragile that one small crack will shatter her, so she masks that weakness with pride so that no one can be able to tell. But it’s still very easy to break her confidence and get in her head, even if she doesn’t let that show. She falls apart very swiftly, and it’s always catastrophic.
She’s someone who believes in fate. She believes everything will end up how it is destined to be, and someone that intimately knows change. Someone who has accepted change and adapts well to it. Someone who strives for change and pushes towards it. She definitely is intimately aware that life is just one change after another. But she can see that it all leads to one big picture being complete.
She’s perceptive. She’s observant and picks up on things quickly with a sharp mind. She’s a complex person, and her personality is definitely one of those ones that fluctuates a lot throughout her life. Loving and knowing her is definitely loving and knowing every version of her that comes along as she changes, and it happens fairly often, though not in a bad way. She’s constantly growing and adapting, sometimes faster than others can keep up with.
She’s someone who succeeds a lot in life. I’ve noticed that many in her situations do, because she wants to be sure she’ll be alright no matter what. I see her being someone who can easily make the public love her if she works hard because that’s who she is.
She’s definitely a stingy person. She’s the type who’s so used to having nothing and scared of being there again, so she pinches every penny possible. She’s a greedy person because she knows what it’s like to have nothing and never wants to have nothing again. It scares her more than anything.
She’s also a possessive person by nature in many aspects, though not in an inherently toxic manner. “What’s mine is mine, and what’s yours is yours, so keep it that way” type of mentality.
She’s a quick thinker and very assertive. She knows how to take action.
In regards to her age compared to San’s I’m not getting much of an answer. It’s more, “we love one another and we’re happy, so what is the problem?” But there’s also that aspect of…Playing it safe? It might be an age gap that’s not BAD, but more so something they may get hate for.
They’ll probably meet after some period of loss for both of them, and bring with them joy for one another. They both have their own assets, so there’s no worry of “Oh this person is using me for money/status”, so that’s not something they have to truly worry about.
They were definitely going through a rollercoaster ride in life but everything settled and they found one another.
This will definitely be a time that releases them from some pains they were both facing.
So, in regards to work, San’s FS is a perfectionist to an obsessive degree, and prone to overworking. But they also get burnt out very easily. They’re the type who can work on a project for days but get little done, or they can finish a project in four hours and get a masterpiece. They often find themselves with the brunt of their coworker’s work and reaping none of the benefits of it.
I have a feeling San’s FS may be considering switching jobs which is why there’s no strong direction of career paths. San’s FS is probably fed up with ending up with everyone else’s work.
So, in terms of their relationship, they were both looking for someone willing to do what it takes to make it worth. They’ve probably both been in relationships with people who haven’t tried their hardest for the relationship.
They want joy, and for the relationship to be successful. They want something positive that’s worth celebrating when those anniversaries come around.
But there’s still some things where they can’t make decisions. Their opinions clash and they reach a stalemate in those aspects. Because of that, they don’t broach such subjects, and they hang over them.
They’re both people who have strong ties to legacies for entirely different reasons. San has mentioned he has a very loving family who has made him want to show others the love he has been shown, but I think for his FS it’s the opposite. She comes from a family that’s far from loving and because of that she wants to show others the love she craves.
Emotionally, they inspire one another. They give each other more willpower, and they push each other to get the things they want. I definitely believe San’s FS will inspire a song one day. They help make each other better.
Physically, they find comfort in one another. I can see them just laying together in each other’s arms. They feel at ease when the other is near, and they feel strong compassion for each other.
Mentally, they’re also both compatible. They’re very self-aware people who spend time contemplating things about each other and themselves. The type who can walk away from an argument to cool off then talk about it later with level heads and come to a conclusion quickly. They’re both very mentally mature in those aspects.
More on his FS (As established in other pulls based on asks):
Im not getting “Female version of Wooyoung” vibes.
They’ll probably have a small little petty rivalry because they both think the other is monopolizing San’s time
They also have similar trauma so that’s another issue that makes them unable to really…Like one another?
But they’ll be civil
I get more Gemini Sun, underdeveloped Leo Moon/5th house moon from her. Maybe Sagittarius mars. Confirmed by cards. Some water sign influencs, possibly a water sign 6th house/9th house. Maybe a Scorpio placement somewhere, or scorpio for one of those houses.
Her hair is a source of insecurity for her and it stands out
Her eyes stand out
Brown hair WOULD fit her vibes but not something I pulled on
Im not necessarily getting she’s spiritual. I think she may have come from a hyper-religious household who hate things that have to do with our particular font of spirituality. She herself doesn’t hate it, she doesn’t have a strong opinion on it. Though I’m getting one day she may stumble upon the spiritual community and become part of it
Once everything that’s been happening in their lives come to a head, they’ll meet. But that’s not something that’s set in stone to happen at any time. It may be weeks or years. Though I’m getting ten vibes. Ten of what? I don’t know
she’s ENTJ
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emmawithtwoms · 11 months
The Gryffindors win the House cup, so Remus thinks Sirius deserves a reward
Sirius is a good girl and Remus fucks her brain out in the room of requirements
Wolfstar (Fem!SiriusXRemus) 🔞
Words: 3357
Little disclamer: this is my first e ever smut, so it might not be all that good, BUT I tried my best, so any advices, tips, corrections (since English is not my native language) are always welcome <3
That being said, enjoy and let me know what you think
The final Slytherin Vs Gryffindor match was a rush: the whole team was in perfect shape, they had been training the whole year for that game.
Sirius and Marlene were playing in perfect sintony, beating bludgers with extreme strength and precision, not giving rest to the Slytherin seeker (Reggie) and chasers.
James was uncatchable: flying faster than ever, scoring points over points, keeping constantly high the moral of the team, until finally three quarters of the Quidditch stadium exalted and everyone heard Gilderoy, from the reporter stand, scream: “And finally the Gryffindor seeker catches the snitch, although I would have personally caught it ages ago if it was me on the field, but Gryffindor wins the 1978 Quidditch cup!!” Sirius couldn’t believe it: they had won, they had really won.
She rushed back to the ground to be caught in a bear hug by James, and they started laughing together, hugging, crying and falling to the ground. Soon the whole team joined, and in the rush of happiness Sirius caught sight of Regulus mouthing; “Bien Joué, grande soeur” and her smile only grew bigger.
As Dumbledore started the award ceremony Sirius couldn’t help but look at the stands, searching for a nice pair of hazel eyes, sandy curls and a cute dimple on the left cheek, but couldn’t find any.
Her smile slightly faltered, when suddenly she felt a pair of big hands grabbing her waist and turning her around, and her mout met a pair of hot, soft lips on her. Sirius couldn’t stop smiling even in the kiss, and she immediately wrapped her arms around Remus’ neck, standing slightly on her tiptoes to reach her boyfriend better. They separated after a long moment, framed by Sirius’ teammates whistles and shouts, and she nuzzled her face in Remus’s neck.
“You were amazing out there baby, I’m so proud of you”
Sirius heard a little mischief in her boyfriend’s tone, so she grinned and whispered in his ear:
“Are you saying I was a good girl?”
Remus chuckled
“The best girl, and the prettiest player”
“And does this pretty girl deserve a reward?”
Remus cradled her face in his hands and kissed her again, slow and sweet
“My pretty pretty girl deserves her pretty pretty prize”.
Sirius’ pupils were completely blown out, and she could feel her panties get already wet with anticipation for that night, when she heard her best friend’s melodic voice screech from the other side of the field:
“Oi you two lovebirds, leave effusions for later, we got a victory to celebrate!!”
Remus blushed and Sirius barked out a laugh
“Come on Potter, as if you aren’t ready to jump at Evans the moment we leave the field”
“At least I’m not about to shag my girlfriend in the middle of the quidditch pitch, bloody exihibitionists!”
“You say that only because nobody would wanna look at your hairy arse out in the open of the pitch, me and Remus, on the other hand, are a show people would be willing to pay to watch, right Moons?”
Remus laughed and shook his head
“Yeah, but sadly I don’t like to share, especially the prettiest things”
Sirius shot a wink at him
“My my Moony, you really know how to woo a girl” said James, dragging Sirius to finally grab the beautiful, golden, shining Quidditch cup.
The celebration party was wild that night, helped by the fact that is was Friday. Everyone was happy, drunk, dancing and laughing. Almost the whole school went, and Sirius found even Regulus in the crowd, who raised a glass at her. Celebrations dragged on until late at night, and Remus and Sirius danced together a lot. Finally the crowd started to leave the common room, leaving only Gryffindors in the after-party mess. Remus and Sirius were still dancing, hugged tightly and swaying at the music, when finally they noticed everyone had left: James was upstairs, probabily with Evans, and nobody wanted to interrupt them. Marlene was down in the Dungeons with Dorcas, Pete fell asleep on the couch, someone (definitely not Marls) drew some obscenities on his face with some ink. Mary was in her dorm room and all the other guests had long left the party. Sirius stared up at her boyfriend, meeting his gaze. There was so much love she could have combusted. Remus took her face in his hands and kissed, chastly, her lips. Sirius lifted her arms around his neck and parted her lips, deepening the kiss. When they separated they were still smiling, and they touched their foreheads, closing their eyes, breathing the same air.
Sirius started
“Can I have my reward now?”
Remus grinned, and Sirius shivered in anticipation
“Everything you want baby, let’s go”
Remus kissed her and took her hand, leading her towards the passageway behind the portrait
“Wait, where are we going?”
“The room of requirements, obviously”
Sirius started to really like where this was going, and happily followed her boyfriend outside the common room.
The couple had to be extremely careful sneaking to the seventh floor, since they left Prong’s cloak in their dorm, but that did not stop them from stealing kisses and laughing along the way, still slightly tipsy from the party.
Finally they reached the tapestry of the dancing trolls, and Sirius couldn’t stand still waiting for Remus to cross the corridor three times before an enormous wooden door materialized from the wall.
“Allright baby, let’s get you your reward”
Remus took Sirius’ hand and led her inside. They couldn’t even wait for the door to shut completely before being all over each other.
They were kissing hungrily, discarding the other’s clothes like their life depended on it, stumbling towards the big bed at the center of the room. Sirius took a glance at the environment, it was simple but still romantic: a nice fireplace with a soft rug in front of it, a big red couch and an enormous king sized bed right at the center. It was perfect.
By the time they reached the bed they were almost completely naked, standing only in their underwear. Remus interrupted their kiss and took a step back, staring at his beautiful girlfriend: her shiny black hair was messy and wild on her head, thanks to Remus running his hands in them. Her gray eyes were almost black, pupils completely blown out, swallowing her iris, glazed by pleasure. Her cheeks were red, her mouth was parted, a stream of saliva dripping from it, her lips were red and swollen and she was breathing heavily.
She was perfect. Remus’s gaze lingered on her for another moment, on her eyes, then her lips, then down on her neck, her collarbone, then her breasts, still covered by her black lace bra, then lower to her waist, her strong tights, he imagined himself crushed between those thighs, suffocated by their strength while eating his girlfriend out, enjoying the moans and the obscenities coming out of her mouth, and coming to a halt on her panties, a set with the bra, black and laced.
Sirius blushed, grinning, enjoying her boyfriend’s gaze on her, opening her arms and twirling, giving him a full view of her body.
Remus whispered, stepping closer to her
“My perfect pretty baby”
Sirius looked at him, kidnapped by his eyes. Remus took her face in his hands and kissed her again, first on the mouth, and then trailing a way of wet open mouthed kisses along her body. First he kissed her jaw, then he slowly crept down her neck, biting and sucking at the little spot that always made Sirius crazy. Sirius whimpered, softly, and the noise went straight to Remus’ cock. He sucked a bruise on her neck, then kissed along her collarbone while his hands moved behind her back to discard her of her bra. The bra went flying somewhere in the room and Remus moved once again to admire his work: Sirius’ neck and collarbone were now sprinkled with red and purple bruises.
“Look at you”
he said awestruck
“You are so beautiful, so prefect, all for me”
Sirius took his face with her long fingers, kissing him tenderly on the lips
“All yours”
she whispered in his mouth
Remus fell down to his knees, gazing up at Sirius from the ground. He looked at her like she was his everything, worshiping her and her body, trailing his hands up her waist to hold on her breasts.
Remus quickly went back to his work, starting to suck on one of her hardened nipples, while with a hand he played with the other. He licked and sucked, nipping at it with his teeth, and soon enough Sirius’ hand crept in his hair, pulling lightly, while she started moaning and panting, whispering his name in between breaths.
Finally he started moving again, kissing at her stomach and her belly, going lower and lower,until he finally reached her panties, he breathed hot and wet on them, and Sirius felt it through the soaked fabric. Remus stood again then, kissing Sirius hungrily, this time it was need, it was tongues and teeth and hunger and heat. He picked her up by her thighs and she quickly closed her heels behind his back. Remus moved on the bed, placing Sirius on the pillows, never once breaking their kiss. His cock was hard and swollen in his boxers, but he ignored it: tonight was all about his pretty pretty winner.
Still kissing her, Remus moved his hands down again, getting rid of her panties, throwing them somewhere just like the bra. Sirius hummed happily in his mouth at the motion, opening her legs further, and Remus slowly brought two fingers down to her pussy. Remus happily felt how wet his girlfriend was, and slowly started to move his fingers up and down, collecting her slick and taking it to her clit. With every motion he could feel Sirius moaning in his mouth and her finger tighten on his hair.
Remus broke the kiss and moved down Sirius’ body, leaving some other kisses on the way. He positioned himself between her legs and glanced at Sirus while holding her thighs open with his hands. Sirius was a panting mess:
“Moons, please I-”
“I know baby, I know, don’t worry”
and he started kissing her thighs, slowly, leaving some bites that made Sirius gasp, and then finally he reached her cunt. Remus was in paradise: Sirius was already so wet, he could taste her on his tongue while he started licking stripes from her hole to her clit. Remus did this motion again and again, while Sirius struggled trying to close her legs around his head. Then Remus moved his mouth upwards, focusing only on her clit, and Sirius grasped his hair with her hands, pushing him harder on her. He would suck and then release her swollen clit, following Sirius’ moans and gasps, again and again, sending his girlfriend in a state of constant edging.
When her legs started to shake he stopped, resting his head on Sirius’ thigh, looking at her beautiful face: her eyes were closed, with tears of pleasure streaming down from them, she was panting heavily. Sirius opened her eyes and looked down at Remus, trying to speak
“Remus please, please I wanna come”
Remus smiled at her from between her legs
“Alright baby, you deserve your prize”
And then he went back sucking and licking her clit, between every lick he would murmur “good girl”
“Such a pretty girl”
“So good, all for me”
And Sirius grew crazier and crazier at every praise
“You are doing so good baby”
“Remus please”
“Yes baby, anything you want”
Remus slowly slid a finger inside Sirius, while still licking her clit. Sirius moaned harder and harder, she was so wet that Remus quickly added a second and third finger, sliding them inside and out of her, curling them upwards to reach that spot that always made her scream.
Sirius’ moans and breath became more frantic, her hips started moving trying to follow Remus’ movements, her fingers tightened in Remus’ hair and, finally, she released with a scream. Remus raised from between her legs and cleaned his wet chin with his hand.
Sirius hauled him up and kissed him hungrily, tasting herself on his tongue. Remus chuckled in the kiss when he felt a hand trailing down to reach inside his boxers, gripping at his cock and slowly starting to stroke it. He broke their kiss and moaned softly at the motion, trying to stifle his sounds kissing his girlfriend’s neck
“Remus, love”
Said sirius, lifting his head with her free hand
“I want you to fuck me, please”
The last word was whispered in his ear, and that did it for Remus, he was a weak, weak man. His underwear quickly reached his girlfriend’s somewhere on the floor and he positioned himself on top of her. He collected some of Sirius’ slick on his finger and smeared it around, making sure that she was still wet and ready, then he aligned his hard cock with her entrance and slowly penetrated her, taking his time to make sure she could adjust to the presence. Sirius closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling of her boyfriend inside her, she closed her legs on him, locking her heels together, and used them to push him deeper in her cunt.
“Look at you, baby”
Remus started rocking faster and deeper inside of her
“So eager to just take my cock, are you?”
Sirus moaned loud and nodded
“You want to be fucked for good tonight, right?”
Sirius nodded again
“You know the deal baby, you have to use words”
“yes Remus, please”
“Good girl”
Remus didn’t stop fucking her with strong, deep thrusts that reached just the right spot for Sirius to cry out in pleasure
“You do know that only good girl get fucked for good right?”
“Y-yes, I know”
She slowly started to not make much sense anymore
“Were you a good girl today?”
“Yes, Remus, I was good, I was a good girl”
Remus chuckled and gave a stronger thrust that made Sirius scream
“That’s right, you were. You were the best girl today, and you deserve a reward. Say how good you were”
And then Remus started to really fuck her. It was strong, fast and deep, every push reaching deeper, coaxing screams and moans out of Sirius. Her heels were digging in Remus’ back, leaving a bruise.
“I was good, I was good, I was good”
Sirius was repeating that as a mantra, it was the only thing she could elaborate with Remus so deep in her. She was rhythmically hitting the headboard at every thrust, she had tears running down her cheeks from how good she felt, and Remus was kissing, biting and licking every inch of her neck, whispering in between how good she was, how well she played and how proud he was of her. It was all so much and not enough for Sirius, she wanted more but didn't know if she could have handled it, she was scratching Remus’s back with her nails, leaving big red marks over his scars, unable to control her body anymore.
Just as she was about to come again, Remus stopped. Sirius could have cried. He pulled out and She felt empty at the loss of her boyfriend’s cock inside of her.
“Remus, what? Why? I was good, I was being good, why would you-”
Remus Kissed her
“I know baby, I know, you were perfect, but I really want you to ride me”
Oh, that changed everything. Sirius’ eyes glinted as she watched her boyfriend lay down on his back beside her, and she slowly crawled on top of him. She settled on her knees, hovering over his wet, hard erect cock and licked her lips. Sirius did not waste time and sat on it, taking it all inside of her in one swift motion. She arched her back at the pleasure, throwing her head back and screaming at the feeling. Remus moaned and grabbed her hips, encouraging her rocking on top of him. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her, she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. He moved his hands up to grab her boobs, squeezing and massaging them, making Sirius moan more and more. It was perfect, Sirius started bouncing up and down on Remus’s cock, and he would watch how her cunt swallowed his cock at every thrust. He could see how every time Sirius dropped back down on his cock there was more and more slick collecting at the base. Sirius clenched her pussy, and Remus was in heaven, it was perfect.
“So tight for me, baby, so perfect.”
“Remus, yes, yes, please touch me more!”
Sirius was pleading, begging and screaming in between moans. Remus left one of her boobs and took his hand to her pussy, starting to massage her clit in time with her thrusts.
“God Sirius you’re so beautiful”
Remus was finding it harder and harder to talk because of how hard he was breathing. He kept touching her clit with circular motions, moving his hips to meet hers. It was perfect and beautiful. Remus pulled his chest up, wrapping the hand that wasn’t touching Sirius around her, and planted an open-mouthed kiss on her mouth, swallowing all of her beautiful noises, their tongues met, dancing in her mouth, she was screaming in the kiss because of how good she felt. Sirius’ movements were becoming more frantic, faster, she was losing it, almost at her climax with Remus’ cock stretching her, his hand stimulating her clit and his tongue in her mouth, that was it. She threw her head back and screamed, coming on Remus’ cock. That did it for him: he came hard inside of her, filling her with his sperm, moaning hard and loud. Sirius hugged Remus tight, hiding her face on the crook of his neck while Remus planted small kisses on her bare shoulders, praising her.
“You did so well baby, you’re perfect, my perfect pretty baby, I’m so proud of you.”
They stayed like that for an indefinite time, just existing as one, feeling only one another, Remus still buried in her, with his come slowly dripping out of her pussy. Slowly they separated and Remus moved Sirius under him to lay her down, kissing her lips, exiting her cunt with an obscene sound and observing his cum mixed with her slick dripping out of her stretched, red pussy like it was the most beautiful view in the world. Remus used two fingers to push it back inside of Sirius, to then watch it drip out of her again, he then used the same fingers to coax a bit of that beautiful mixture and brought them up to Sirius’ mouth.
“Have a taste, baby”
Sirius parted her lips and Remus pushed his fingers inside of her mouth, depositing his cum on her tongue, then kissed her, tasting them both from inside of her. It was perfect.
Remus then left the bed to retrieve his wand and cast a quick scourgify on Sirius to clean her. They would have had to take a nice hot shower the following morning, but at the time neither had the strength nor the will to do it. Remus then pulled the covers from under Sirius, positioned himself beside her and covered them both, wrapping her in his arms. Sirius still had her eyes closed, spent from her intense orgasms, but she hugged Remus and put her head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat and taking his smell in: he smelled like home. Remus started planting kisses on the top of her head
“You were such a good baby, so so good, I’m so proud of you. I love you so much”
“I love you too, Remus”
Sirius whispered before drifting off, Remus chuckled and closed his eyes, falling asleep with her, legs tangled together and heartbeats in sync.
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mynameis-noe-body · 1 year
Wonderland Chronicles
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Tarrant Higtopp (Mad Hatter) × Alice Kingsleigh
Rating: Mature
Status: Complete (one shot)
Summary: Alice and Tarrant get inspired by fruit juices and enjoy smutty time, all alone during a tea party.
Alice has seven, beautiful pieces of cloth — which is a very fine number, for clothes. And he knows about that, surely, he made them with his own magical hands, and his good heart, obviously. Tarrant loves to believe there's a little bit of love in every of his artworks and Alice's dresses are his most fabulous creations. She has two majestic, opulent suits — with long coat and embroidered pants — that she loves to wear during the most elegant nights at Marmoreal Castle, with Queen Mirana and the whole court. Then, there's her night gown, which is made of the finest silk — and Caterpillar knows that better than anyone else in the Underlands — and is of the loveliest shade of avory, as pale as the big moon in their night sky. She wears a lilac jumpsuit when she's about to travel through the lands on the back of the Bandersnatch, who's the most affectionate towards their Champion. And — last but not least — there are those three tea-lenght dresses, cut and sewn from long fabrics of organza, lace and tulle, painted of the most intense shade of cobalt, or vivid cerulean or perhaps light blue sky. Yes — every shade of blue is Alice: among the softest clouds and in the deepest water, everywhere there's a little bit of blue that reminds him of his pretty, pretty Alice.
Tarrant is the happiest as she comes at his door wearing one of those three dresses, because that means they are going to spend some time together, and that would be one of the best days ever (as any day spent with Alice is the most beautiful of them all). And that one is a very fine day. Time has fallen asleep somewhere, and it seems the sun itself has stopped in the middle of the afternoon to leave them happily bathed in his warm light; sitting on a big picnic blanket, the Hatter opens his wicker basket. «Come on — hop hop — time to jump out of the cupboard, little friends. We have a very important guest to entertain!» and suddenly, two small cups of fine porcelain and a puffy teapot pop up and land on the blanket. «Oh, good. Tea's ready.»
«I wish cups and teapots could make tea on their own in the Upland, too. I could not imagine Mother's surprise at this!» Alice says; her little smile is the extremely satisfying.
Tarrant, however, suddenly feels Sadness thighting her hands around his neck. «Why, Alice — are you already planning to leave? I couldn't bear it, honestly. You've just come back» to me, he would add, but he isn't sure how she would take that. Brave she is, yes, but sometimes too unfocused on her Muchness to see what truly happens around her.
She shakes her head. The yellow porcelain cup jump on the open palm of her hand and she sips the green tea. «No, Hatter. This time I've come back for good, I promise.»
And she had promised, many moons ago, that she had wanted to stay this time. Business were finally done and gone in the Upland, that very strange place had no more sense to her; evil people there, and no fun at all. Not for a woman, anyway. While there, they had valiant Queens and brave Warrior lasses. Tarrant had made her tell the story of how she had chased a dream through a painting to fall down there all over again; a big tableau on the wall above the fireplace, she had painted just little details here and there: a white rabbit, big scarlet mushrooms and singing flowers, two funny children in white and red stripes and — obviously — a Mad Hatter. And when she had seen them walking together down the green, grassy road, she knew she only had to reach out. She didn't even bother to say goodbye.
He smiles at the thought, and his eyes sparkles emerald. «Well that's the best news, Alice! Many things I desire to show you.»
«Tell me about that.» Alice lets the cup go, and lays on the blanket; her golden hair are scattered around her just-right-seized head as a mane, her pale, soft skin shines in the lovely light of the day, a sweet breeze blows on her cheeks and goosebumps runs on her chest. Nice breast — round and soft under her garments, plump as ripe fruits and oh-so sweet, he'd die so happy is he could just... if 'is greedy slurvish tongue could tast' ta' bonnie lass — nice 'n' slow, just a lil' bite — «Hatter!» she exclaims, and his eyes, which had become so purple just a few seconds ago, turns back green.
«I beg your pardon.» Oh — good Absolem and all his little caterpillars — those thoughts have been haunting him for quite some time now. He doesn't wants to ruin their friendship, but the Madness is getting stronger. Harder to control when she's around him. She smells like spring and cupcakes, and such lov— no, not again. «Right, where were we? Ah yes, our new adventures, dearest Alice. I plan to bring you to the Merry Lake, maybe fishing, and you'll need a new hat obviously! A nice boater with black 'n' white stripes. Then, I'll bring you to the Fairy Forest, to catch flying seahorses, and you'll wear a cartwheel — pink, yes! Or maybe just coral and blue. Oh, I must not forget, I still need to show you how to pick spurtberries!»
Alice laughs loudly. She sits up again, next to him and Tarrant isn't sure he's breathing again. Her scent is intoxicating, the warmest desire inflames his loins — dear, the gods couldn't compare her fine beauty — such a bonnie gurl, mmmh, yes, I wanna lick ta' lips 'n' bite her neck, luvely creature my Alice. Mine. Mine to tast' fffuck — «...a spurtberry?» her voice breaks into his mad mad head and he smiles back.
«I believe I'm distracted today, Alice, thinking about hats... A fez! Yes! Forgive me, love. What were you saying?»
He doesn't notice, at first, but then her cheeks turns of the prettiest shade of red, like two ripe, sweet peaches, and her eyes grow big and wide, her short breath on his face betrays some new emotion. He's so bewitched by her image — the tip of her tongue wet her lips, and he wants nothing more than to kiss her, and taste her, and let his mouth run down her skin of the neck to bite her there, and on the swell curve of her breasts — he forgets he's just called her love.
Alice's heart is thundering in her chest, but she doesn't know what do with it. Would it be so scandalous to touch him? She let her hand caress his knee, softly, with reverence. «What is a spurtberry, Tarrant?»
Oh, his name. Such a sweet sound on her lips. He closes his eyes — his iris are turning purple and it isn't good, very much not good — and he tries a smile. «Spurtberries! Yes, delicious. Wait, I may have some here» and he opens the basket again; his whole arm search for that plate deep inside the casket, as if it was as the deep as the heart, and finally he finds them. Round, bright red berries, as big strawberries, as round as blueberries and as sweet as currant. He takes one between his fingers and smiles. «Here, try it» he shows her how to bite.
And she bites. Her theet sink into the soft texture of the fruit while she hums her delight. It looks so innocent, his two slim fingers feeding her hungry lips and however, it feels so naughty and erotic — the way is index barely touches her lower lip, the moan in her throat as delicious juices flow down in her belly, that scarlet tint dripping down on the palm of his hand, and now on her chin too, and now — good gods, her white neck now painted in red. That single drop slides down on her skin, and slowly disappear behind the hem of the cobalt neckline. She has worne that dress, that one that shows so much of her fine body, and her think naked ankles; it wraps her like a previous gift. And her chest swells with fresh air, their dreamy gazes meet in mid air.
She barely breathes, and he knows now how their lips are just few inches away. Her sapphire eyes sparkle with want and desire. «Tarrant» she whispers.
«Yes?» — it pains him so much, please, he silently begs her, please I'm so miserable, my dear Alice.
«Don't you want to taste it, too?» and she smiles, teasing.
Tarrant smirks. «Yes.» And he kisses her.
Sure and firm his lips press on hers, and they catch fire. There's everything in that kiss, how they've missed each other, how deep is their need to belong, finally; they move together, the kiss depeens and their tongues make love amog their lips. It's slow and sensual, she's so sweet he thinks he could die right there, on the lovely softness of her mouth, listening to her little voice moaning his name. He growls. Gods — he hasn't felt this wild in a while, she inflames his desires. Hot, it feels so hot suddenly he aruptly takes off his cravat and unbutton his jacket, but that only turns on Alice's Muchness, for her bare hands grab the back of his neck, and his frizzy hair, and she takes him so tight — her mouth is so lovely open, her tongue slides over his upper lip and he snarls. Fuck. Yes. And he bites her, moaning her name, and suck lavishly on her tongue.
«Mmh — oh me' dear Alice, me' bonnie, luvely lass — lemme just, there, lemme taste your sweetness. Gods, lemme giv' ya everthin'» and he sucks on her neck. Her desperate cry of pleasure is the most perfect music. He's drinking on her, licking the purple trace of juice on her body, his tongue gliding down her naked chest. A kiss, another kiss. And he sucks, hard, leaving big red marks on her, if his name written on her skin. Her hands in his hair urge him; she's always been so greedy — his Alice — hungry for more, impatient and eager. There's no way he can open his mouth more or he'd swallow her all. He has to stop — he must. When he breathes into her breasts her scent fills his soul and he can just feel it, how hard he is. No pain has ever been so sweet. «Lemme luv you, lass. I want to tell you, how deep my live for you is, my Alice. Mine.» He presses his lips closed on her skin. «I will show you, luv — how I can give you the greatest pleasure with the tip of my tongue, and how you'll feel with my finger on your pretty, wet quim. Are you, Alice? Wet?»
It is, she is. Alice has no words, there's a hot warm feeling spreading between her legs and she's whimpering, begging him with wide, liquid eyes to touch her more, to kiss her more. Yes — those lips on her breasts feel so good, so soft and hungry. She embraces him, sliding her hand on his back; she just need so much of him against her body — more skin, more everything. «Off, Tarrant. Please, show me!»
They rip their clothes off: he takes off his waistcoat, his white shirt and he opens his breeches — it feels good, his hard clothed cock against her thigh as she fumbles with her gown. Avory long legs are now bare before his thirsty gaze. His fingers are rough, calloused on her skin and she squirms under his touch. Steady, yes — his Alice never wears stockings, or corset. Naughty, naughty girl. He licks his lips as a kitten in front of a delicious bowl of sweet cream. Her cream, yes, between her legs, on the soft flesh of her pink, virgin cunt. What a sight. «Do not be afraid, luv. Trust your mad, mad Hatter — for only good may come from such a sinful folly. Open your legs, open for me — yes, nice and wide my brave Alice.» He gently takes off his hat, and smirks maliciously as he sinks into that arousal.
He presses his lips on her wet flesh, kissing his way down her cunt; she suddenly whimper and whine, like a little cat begging for more. She doesn’t know what to do with her hands as her legs slowly open more, more, and she offers everything and every bit of pleasure she may give. Yes — she's gone for good, Madness has caught her finally, taken her to the warm ocean of lust in which she's drowing now. And it feels more than good. She was made for this. «Oh — Tarrant! More — God, more!»
«No gods here, love — just your faithful Hatter. Delicious, lovely Alice. Lemme ea'tis pretty pussie here.» Tarrant shoves his tongue inside her, there where sweet juices drips out of her sex and onto his lips, he licks and suck, and his skilled fingers caresses her most sensitive part. His thumb presses on that little bundle of nerves, her small clit, the lovely pearl between those pinky lips and she moans his name. Again. Greedy, ravenous, he's feeding on her — yes.
Alice grabs his hair, and finally starts to ride his face: she rocks her hips up and down, up and down taking everything, bucking into his hot mouth. More — she needs more, there yesyesyesyes. She's so empty, but of what she does not know. There something wrong, a void, and she's crying again for him. «Empty — so empty, Tarrant please! I need... I need —»
«I ken what ya need, luv.»
He lies on the blanket, taking her in his arm, kissing her cheek. His crotch humping against her thigh feels so good... And he can't wait anymore, two wide fingers thrust in, all the way in — inside her, so soft and tight, that virgin cunt takes him so well, it was made to be marked by his touch. And she arches her back so he can press into the perfect spot. «There, Tarrant!» and he knows what he's doing: come — his fingers sing into her soul, into her loins, turning on the burning flame of a sweet orgasm into her cunt. Licking his lips, he watches her losing control; her nails press deep in the flesh of his back, and can't help himself but wish to bring those scratches on his skin forever.
He bucks his hips against her, thrusting his hard cock on her soft hips, more and more, wetting his garments with precum and moaning in her ear. «Nngh — fffuck, Alice my luv, jus' like tha' — feel so good — good gurl.» And as she's rocking against the palm of his hand and his fingers shove deep inside, he's pressing his cock harder on her softness. It feel too perfect to last. There they are, shuddering hard as he sinks his theet on her neck, sucking another red love-bite, moaning her name — AliceAliceAlice — and she screams her pleasure, sobbing against his warm body, tears of happiness sliding down her pinky cheecks. Then, it subsides, slowly like the waves on the shore, and all that's left are their whispers of love. They kiss, barely pecking their lips, smiling happy together.
Tarrant eyes turns of the most intense, deepest green as she breathes against his neck, going limp in his arms. «Are you well, dearest?»
Alice smiles and reaches out to grab a little red Berry. She bites, scarlet juices dripping on her fingers; she let it slides on his chest — and he hisses, smiling knowingly. «Never better, Tarrat» she licks his neck. «But I believe now, it is my turn.»
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ms-m-astrologer · 8 months
Transiting Venus enters Capricorn
Tuesday, January 23 - Friday, February 16, 2024
Venus transits are back to being on the “brisk” side, lasting about 25 days in total length, for the rest of 2024. She’s a trigger now, not an instigator. Transiting Venus will mean a little bit more if you happen to be Venusian (Sun, Moon, &/or an angle in Taurus or Libra; Sun &/or Moon in the 2nd or 7th Houses; natal Venus in close aspect to the Sun, Moon, &/or an angle). But for the rest of us, Venus will need to set off something the slower-moving planets are trying to instigate.
After the adventures of the “Wild Wild West” Venus/Sagittarius, we’re looking for a little control and discipline. Less flailing around, more planning and strategizing. This can be a very snobbish time, especially if our natal Venuses (Veni?) tend to operate on the shallower side.
Bear in mind that the transiting South Node - where we’re getting something wrong - is in Libra, which is ruled by Venus. We need to be a little critical of Venus themes and processes right now, and use Venus’ transits as opportunities to clean up our act.
Art - We can get very snobbish and turn art into a way to enforce “class” divisions. Or, going the “Capricorn miser” route, we disdain all artistic expression as a waste of time, money, and effort. In more positive use of the energy, we put a lot of planning into our artistic expression, and we’re patient and careful about the execution. This is good for launching longer-term projects. (Like the next blanket I plan to crochet.)
Beauty - Sometimes we’ll go out of our way to get ugly; we can’t resist showing our contempt for “appearances.” Other times we twist that Capricorn key phrase “I use” and wield our beauty as a weapon of manipulation. We can try to move beyond a definition of “beauty” as what’s on the surface - &/or make every effort to find the beauty in nature.
Love - This can get transactional: “What’s in it for me?” Sometimes we play games: “If I behave horribly, will they still love me?” This can be an opportunity to prove that love is responsible, patient, and in it for the long haul.
Money - The stereotypes are the miser with all the cash stuffed in the mattress, and the CFO intent on eternally-increasing profits. Dragonish, really, petty little Smaugs all of them. Better to invest with the longer-term in view: we can make improvements to the home, the wardrobe, etc.
Give about a day or so on either side of the following aspects - maybe longer if any of them connect with something in your birth chart.
Saturday, January 27 - Sunday, January 28:
Venus/Capricorn sextile Saturn/Pisces, 6°00’
Venus/Capricorm trine Jupiter/Taurus, 6°59’
Really, really nice; if this dings something in your birth chart I am extremely jealous! The three planets are in a three-way mutual reception - Venus/Cap is disposited by Saturn/Pisces, which is disposited by Jupiter/Taurus, which is disposited by Venus/Cap. This strengthens the aspects considerably. Hard work and good luck join hands.
Monday, February 5 - Venus/Capricorn square Chiron/Eris, 16°10’. Hurt feelings. We may be too cold, emotionally; we may bargain and negotiate in bad faith. If we’ve hurt someone, we should swallow our pride and make amends.
Wednesday, February 7:
Venus/Capricorn square North Node/Aries and South Node/Libra, 18°53’
Venus/Capricorn trine Uranus/Taurus, 19°08’
Venus/Capricorn trine Juno Rx/Virgo, 19°23’
We have an Earth sign grand trine but Venus is square the Nodes. And remember that Venus rules Libra, which is the South Node’s sign. Some of us are going to realize how we get in our own way every time we “go along to get along,” while others will double down on that. Flowing aspects (like trines) aren’t necessarily good aspects - with this one, any social-climbing is going to come back and bite us in the butt. Instead of trying to scheme and manipulate our way into some kind of high-status relationship, let’s try to find ways to improve everyone’s status quo.
Sunday, February 11 - Venus/Capricorn square Eris/Aries, 24°14’. We’re frustrated - perhaps because we didn’t get our own way; perhaps we tried to manipulate matters and got caught; perhaps because “nobody appreciates all the sacrifices I’ve made for them.” Maybe we could learn to do someone a favor without ulterior motives?
Tuesday, February 13 - Venus/Capricorn sextile Neptune/Pisces, 26°09’. Really beautiful. We’re able to put those Neptunian daydreams and fantasies into concrete form. A very romantic Valentine’s Day Eve, with a traditional flavoring.
Note that Venus will enter Aquarius with the proverbial bang: a conjunction to Pluto.
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The impact of toxic family dynamics in Till the End of the Moon (长月烬明)
A bit random and I have never done character analysis posts so it might not be as good as some other posts on here but bear with me.
I'm watching Till the End of the Moon (ep 25) and the recent development of Ye Bingchang's character into a full blown villain has made me hate her, but also empathize with her in ways I didn't expect.
To contextualise, Ye Bingchang 叶冰裳 is the second child and first daughter of the Ye family, and she is basically the perfect daughter of a noble Chinese family. She's sweet and kind, beautiful but not attention seeking, smart but not a smart ass, dutiful and filial, delicate and thoughtful. She shares a beautiful love story with Prince Xiao Lin 萧凛, the 6th son of the Emperor, so she's going to marry in the Imperial Family and no doubt bring honor to the Ye Clan. She seems to be doing everything exactly right.
And yet she's a second class citizen in her own family, who openly favours her younger sister Ye Xiwu 叶夕雾.
Now there are two levels to this.
1) They're openly and unabashedly favouring one child over the 3 others, but then still ranking the other kids, and somehow Ye Bingchang ranks lower than her brother who is a lazy and stupid gambler. Her family simply doesn't see her, she's completely forgettable to them, like her existence only matters because sure, she's their blood, but she's a complete afterthought.
2) The daughter they favour over her is Ye Xiwu, and Ye Xiwu is a monster of a golden child. She's completely selfish and narcissistic, she explicitly abuses her husband, she schemes again and again to seduce and try to rape Prince Xiao Lin, her sister's one true love and fiancé, and when this doesn't work she becomes physically violent towards Ye Bingchang as well.
Ye Xiwu is an extremely abusive and horrible person, straight up. And her family continuously makes excuses for her violent behaviour, dotes on her, spoils her, and barely has a look for Ye Bingchang, expecting her to forgive and turn the other cheek. The golden child / black sheep dynamic is at its peak.
I find it quite rare that in this type of situation, a show will have the golden child as our hero ; almost always, if there are complicated family relationships, the main character is the one who's rejected, underestimated, and who has to rise through those challenges (which applies to our main male character Tantai Jin 澹台烬 btw, and I think we could say a lot of the parallels between Tantai Jin and Ye Bingchang).
I can think of other cases where the child who was favoured is the main character over the child who is rejected (Jiang Cheng 江澄 in The Untamed 陈情令, Feng Chang 丰苌 in Who Rules the World 且试天下) but they're not as clear cut as this (Jiang Cheng being his mom's favorite and the only actual son of the family while Wei Wuxian 魏无羡 is also a black sheep on many levels, Feng Chang's more favoured brother Feng Lanxi 丰兰息 being fairly rejected as well and having to fight not to be poisoned).
The golden child as a main character works here because it isn't actually Ye Xiwu : we discover her character and the situation when the spirit of Li Susu 黎苏苏 travels back in time and takes possession of Ye Xiwu's body. Our main character is really Li Susu, and like the audience she's horrified to learn everything Ye Xiwu has been doing, disgusted by her abusive behaviour towards her sister and her husband, and at first disapproves of how much the Ye family favours her over Ye Bingchang. But she also comes to love the Ye family as her own, and the fact that they would neglect one of their daughters so much doesn't impact her affection for them.
We only learn about Ye Xiwu's abuse through flashbacks, so it doesn't have the same emotional impact for us as an audience, and we only brief moments of those memories so we don't have to confront the full magnitude of how horrible she was, including to Ye Bingchang. Again, Ye Xiwu tried to rape her sister's one true love and fiancé, and even after getting married herself she continued to throw herself at him, and when it didn't work she turned to actual physical violence on Ye Bingchang.
And throughout this, the Ye family excuses it all away, and even Ye Bingchang excuses it away. She forgives before Ye Xiwu even apologizes, because she knows that's what's expected of her, and she just tries her best to be a kind soul still defending her sister from people spreading rumors about her. In a way, she's a victim of domestic violence who forgives an abuser and thinks she just needs to be softer, sweeter, weaker, so maybe they don't feel like bullying her anymore.
So when Ye Bingchang tries to use the affection of men to get protection, to feel love and be sheltered from her condition, it's very understandable and to me resembles a lot of things I've seen in real life. And when she turns to resentment over her condition and decides she needs to gain control over her situation through getting some amount of power so she can protect herself, it's an arc we could expect from a main character.
She only becomes a villain after the arc of Bo're Life, in which our four main characters Tantai Jin, Ye Xiwu/Li Susu, Xiao Lin and Ye Bingchang are absorbed into a dragon's dreams of its past as a War God centuries ago. Ye Bingchang is "reincarnated" in this dream as a powerful immortal, a scorned lover but who has the power to actually be vengeful over the woman who steals the man she loves. The object of her ire being Ye Xiwu, reincarnated in a very sweet clam spirit woman, Ye Bingchang gets a taste of what power feels like, of what manipulation feels like, and of what revenge over Ye Xiwu would feel like. And when even in this dream life, Ye Xiwu is preferred over her and she ends up dying, she comes back to herself determined to change and not let others control her life anymore.
Every character (except Xiao Lin really) seems deeply influenced by what they lived in Bo're Life, having identity crises of sorts over who they actually are now. As an aside, it works as a pretty good plot device to suddenly get Tantai Jin a lot more open to Ye Xiwu/Li Susu and move their romance along, it almost feels like cheating but I'll allow it.
Anyway, Ye Bingchang has now slowly become as manipulative and cruel as her counterpart in Bo're Life, and it's easy to just see it as that counterpart taking over her body in a way.
But this manipulative and cruel streak is born out of the profound reality that she can not count on her family to protect her, and that the people who were supposed to love her unconditionally preferred her literal abuser over her.
She did everything right and it was never enough, so now it's time for her to claim her life back.
And again, in another show (like the Story of Yanxi Palace 延禧攻略 for example), this urge to climb to power so no one can hurt you anymore and take revenge on the people who ruined your life along the way, it would make you the hero.
But here, Ye Bingchang still can't win, and she actually turns into a villain.
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motherphoebe · 8 months
The Parting Glass
Annie Cresta's time as a career tribute in the 70th Hunger Games. Canon compliant, as of right now this fic will be mostly head cannon as we know so little until the original trilogy. I wanted to add so much more to this, but I dont think I would've ever posted if I kept editing it lmao. I also posted this on my ao3 account, same username as here! enjoy and please leave feedback ngl i need to be hyped up!
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Chapter 1:
next chapter
The first thing I do is throw the quilt off of my legs.
The open window does little to aid in cooling down the room, the relentless summer heat did not cool throughout the night and now the opened curtains also let in the blinding morning sun. It takes a moment to get past my drowsiness, but eventually I reluctantly move my sweaty body from the small bed, hanging my legs off the side and holding my head in my hands.
I wish the sweltering heat were the reason for my restless night. Today is reaping day, and the salty air somehow doesn’t feel as peaceful as usual and does little to calm my nerves. My chest tightens and I quickly try to calm myself. I reach for my tying rope and think about last night, my time at the beach, swimming with a large group of friends, the peaceful waves, the moon, and surprisingly I find my breathing subtly calm. I wish today weren't reaping day, I wish they’d cancel the games all together, I wish a lot of things. I tie and untie my rope, and slowly accept that wishing won’t change the events of today and what is expected of me as an eighteen year old living in Panem.
Every year, the Capitol hosts a Hunger Games, and the first step is a reaping ceremony in which each of the 12 districts have to produce a male and female tribute. It’s to keep us scared and unwilling of rebellion, the fate of children 12 to 18, in the hands of the Capitol to be escorted into an arena to fight to the death. My thoughts are interrupted when I hear my older siblings greeting my parents in the other room, and suddenly my sisters bursting into the bedroom we used to share.
“Annie!” I take in her ecstatic demeanor and can't help but smile. I gasp and make a teasingly shocked face, while examining the gifts she came bearing: A new dress, and cherries.
“Muriel, you’re planning on sharing those right?”
My mouth waters at the sight of the cherries, and I wonder how she was able to afford them, along with the dress. It’s not like we have a surplus of money, and cherries are usually outrageously expensive when sold at the market. Her and I, and our older brother, Skipper, picked up jobs as soon as we could to help our parents, but now that she’s married, maybe she can afford such luxuries. Muriel makes beautiful tapestries using the flowers and plants that line the shores, and they've always seemed to sell quite well at the market, along with her handmade jewelry. My brother, Skipper, started repairing boats with my father once they were back from their shifts out at sea. The pair's services are relatively cheap and extremely effective, the people of 4 with boats need them functioning to be able to live so there’s always business.
Muriel exaggerates the shaking of her head, acting like she’s keeping the gifts to herself, then instantly breaks character, smiling and handing the fruit to me, carefully hanging the light blue dress off the chair. I can see the worry she’s trying to hide in her eyes.
“And is this dress new? Muriel these gifts are so nice they must have cost you a fortune, please let me pay you back-”
“I got them for you.” She cuts me off, putting my head in her hands “Plus, you wouldn’t be able to pay me back anyway.”
She’s joking but she’s not wrong; while she and Skipper found real jobs, I found peacefulness, and a very small income compared to the two of them. I started helping our neighbor, Mrs. Ahearn, by teaching some of her swimming lessons. It doesn’t pay well and I probably couldn’t save enough to buy even some grain at the market after a month of work, but there’s something about teaching the younger children of my district that makes it worth it. Still so innocent, too young to be put into the training academy, their parents still shielding their eyes when the games are playing, the worst things that could happen to them so far away. Plus, it’s a great way to meet the people in town, most of the kids are the younger siblings of friends i’ve known for years, and honestly, it’s better than being at home. The house feels empty now that both my siblings have left.
Muriel moves her hands and pulls me into a hug, our heads resting on each other's shoulders. “You still being in the reaping makes me feel worse than when I was. I know you’ll be fine Annie, but the sooner we’re all done with this the better. Better for mom and dad too, you know it scares them to death. Can I help you get ready?”
I nod my head in agreement, and soon my mouth is full of cherry pits. The reaping scares all of us, my father says that’s the point and it’s been obvious to me that our parents have had enough stress from the reapings in their lives. The second Skipper was ten, he was the first of us to enter the training academy after school, and once we were all old enough to be reaped, it seemed everything tied back to being a lesson on how we could win the Hunger Games, fishing, strength, knowledge. After surviving his own childhood possibility of being reaped, putting us in the training academy was my fathers small way of finding comfort in the uncontrollable, it gave him the peace of mind many other parents found refuge in; that if the odds hadn’t been in their families favor, their child could at least have a chance.
Muriel starts with my hair, stating something about my ‘messy cherry hands’ staining the pastel blue of the linen dress, and to keep them far away. Her hands are calloused, reflecting those of someone who’s worked a majority of their life, weaving and unweaving nets, creating her tapestries and intricate jewelry. She’s so precise in the way she does my hair, something I'm so grateful for. Choosing specific strands, tying them under or over, I’ve never been able to replicate these styles for her though, no matter how hard I try.
The thought of being reaped is horrifying, but there’s no comfort in the children I’ve known forever being reaped instead, it sends a shudder down my spine, and I feel the panic slowly seeping into my chest. The most recent victor we’ve had in District 4 is Finnick Odair. Although he’s a year older than me and a grade above, I remember him fondly from our short time together in the academy, but even more strongly I remember my fear when he was reaped at fourteen. His capability of winning so young makes me feel weak, and honestly dumb for being so horrified at age eighteen. It seemed all everyone was obsessing over during his games were his looks, but all I could think about was how kind he’d been to me, and how quickly he’d turned into a killer to survive. Somehow I found comfort in that thought. If he’d gone through only four years of the training I’ve had and won, I should be confident in my skills after eight.
I hadn’t realized my foot was tapping aggressively until Muriel placed her hand on my knee and I immediately stopped while she leaned her head down to my face.
“It’s okay to be nervous, Annie, I’m nervous too, probably safe to say all the Cresta’s are nervous. But, we will all be fine tonight, for our celebratory dinner and beach swim, right?” She has tears building in her eyes, “You’ll have to be fine Annie, this is your last year! Only one more and we will all be okay.”
The tears begin to roll down her cheeks in small lines that rush over her blushed face, while she tries to convince both of us.
Muriel has always been free to be overtly emotional, her strength is not relied on to keep others strong. If I ever cried or showed my weakness like this to any of my family, i’m afraid it would shatter them into a million little pieces— Annie Cresta, the baby of the family, so scared and so weak and completely unsaveable by any of them— so I put on a strong face, and push back the tears.
“You know i’ll be just fine Muriel, my name is only in there seven times. The odds have been in our favor the past ten years since Skippers first reaping, I have no doubt of our family's luck.”
I can’t help but wipe my cherry stained hands on my old sleeping shirt I’m sure was hers before reaching up and wiping her tears, just before pulling her into a tight hug. I take whatever doubt I have in my own statement and shove it deep within me, refusing to let my worries get to me, especially now.
My words slightly comfort Muriel, but when my mother walks in, a whole new feeling of serenity washes over us, whether it's forced or not.
“Hello, oh! My sweet Poppy!” she enters the room with a weary face, and once seeing her two daughters in a sorrowful hug, she rushes over to press a gentle kiss to my cheek. My mother and Muriel are so similar, not just in their looks, with beautiful big brown eyes and dark blonde hair, but in attitude as well. Of course, my mother and sister are strong, our whole family is strong, but they are not afraid to let their softer sides show. Whether it’s Muriel’s tears or my mother’s tender affection, it works for them, it makes them stronger to be so emotionally available, but it doesn’t seem to come as easily to the rest of us. While Skipper seems to be a somewhat perfect mix of my mother and father in looks and personality, I look into the mirror now and see my father in every way. Dark brown some what curly hair, sea foam green eyes and tan skin, the need to be strong for the people around us.
“You look beautiful, as always.” She says simply, bringing her palm to her own face to stub her tears. She walks around to the back of my head where Muriel’s progress with my hair had come to a brief pause. She turns me towards the dirty mirror, and I can see the beautiful intricate half braid my sister has done on the top layers of my hair, leaving the rest long and freely curling naturally. Muriel adds a starfish and pearl necklace she made for me years ago on my 12th birthday, and my mother adds a beautiful poppy orange bow that stands out beautifully in my dark brown hair. “It reminded me of you, Ula’s mother was selling them yesterday. It’s almost time to leave, make sure you’re dressed soon.”
She places another soft kiss on the top of my head and then leaves the room. She has called me her Poppy for as long as I can remember, saying I'm just as bright as the beautiful orange flower that grows all over District 4. Muriel follows her out, adjusting the necklace around my neck, “It gets worse each year, but I believe in you, Annie.” I want to comfort her, tell her I’ll be fine, but I can’t trust the stability in voice to make it convincing. Instead I acknowledge her sentiment by simply nodding.
As we walk to the ceremony, I try to stay present in my family's conversation, but my mind keeps drifting away. Every child I see my age has a target on their back, even myself, and none of us know who will be hit. I don’t let this show in my face, keeping a steady smile and waving to my fellow peers, who I've grown so close to. The reaping ceremony is already awful, but when you’re so acquainted in such a tightly knit community, there is no getting out unscathed, It’s always someone I know.
Once we arrive at the square in front of the justice building, my chest tightens and I’m forced now to strictly focus on my breathing. Being the only one in the family eligible to be reaped, I’m forced to part from as they continue towards the viewing area. Our separation is short and sweet, just a simple discussion of where we will meet once the ceremony concludes. I search almost desperately for someone to stand with while waiting to check in. Of course there’s a surplus of children my age, most I know quite well, but I’m not sure who to start a conversation with. I see Ula and decide her normally timid personality would be perfect.
We shuffle into the eighteen year old group, and quickly get pushed through the line to the standing area right before the stage. I thank her for the bow even though her mother made it, and that’s about all we say to each other. Even though I’m surrounded by friends from school or the training academy, I refrain from saying much more. There's not much to say, in a perfect world it would be none of us, maybe the games would be canceled, but the worlds not perfect and “hope it's you not me” isn't really the most comforting sentiment.
The mayor takes the stage, starting with his usual speech and directing us to watch the screens positioned above us, and I prepare myself to doze off. I know nothing important happens until the escort, Prisca Luminara, takes the stage, then I’ll be forced to pay attention, but for now I can stare at the screens and pretend to watch. The usual video plays about the Dark Days, a time of war and rebellion, and why we must participate in the Hunger Games. It’s not until I see Prisca walk up to the microphone, her silver tied up hair immediately catching my attention, that I tune in. First she introduces District 4’s previous victors , we actually have quite a few, but there’s been no one new since Finnick Odair won 5 years ago.
I find myself looking at Finnick, the way the sun reflects off his bronze hair, and realize the girls at school aren’t wrong, he’s beautiful. Honestly I’d never realized, the last conversations we had were so friendly. Both of us were so young, joking about mermaids and seaweed, I’ve preferred thinking of him that way since, not as the man he’s supposedly become.
I accidentally think about him for far too long, and don't fully tune in until Prisca announces that it’s time to pick the tributes.
“As always, ladies first! Remember, volunteering must wait until both tributes have been reaped!”
Her posh accent ringing through my ears while she steps towards the glass ball holding the female tribute's names. Six of those slips hold the name ‘Annie Cresta’, carefully folded and thrown in with the rest. Prisca pulls the tributes name and I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. I follow the actions of my peers as they slowly make a circle, it must have been someone from my age group.
“Annie Cresta! Don’t be shy, dear come up!”
Suddenly I realize what’s going on, I gather myself the best I can and somehow begin walking down the main aisle towards the stage. It takes all my strength to keep my head up, a kind smile holding my face together to hide my absolute shock. Eventually I reach the stage, smiling to Prisca as she takes my hand to lead me to my place, I even tell her thanks. The humid heat is even more unbearable up here, and I do everything in my power to avoid the faces of my peers below me, knowing how easily it could break this smile and fall into a puddle of tears.
“Perfect! Now for the boys!” Her heels are louder now that I'm onstage, and I can see her jewel encrusted nails searching in the bowl for the next tribute.
“Bodie Cormoran”
Now it seriously takes everything in me to not collapse to the floor. When I hear his name, avoiding eye contact with the crowd is not my biggest worry; I know him, I know him far too well. I immediately see the eighteen year old boy's fluffy auburn hair, making his way to the stage. His usual tall and stocky build seems only half as sturdy as it normally is, although the small defeat in his shoulders is probably only noticeable to those who know him closely. Soon, he’s being led by Prisca to the spot next to me as she chatters about her excitement. As soon as I make eye contact with him, I give him a reassuring look. I receive one in return, a small smile and nod, but his eyes show me how horrified he is. It’s because we will be going in together, if one of us lives, it ensures the other one’s death.
“Now do we have any volunteers? Remember folks, you cannot volunteer for someone who has already volunteered!”
She seems to be expecting a lot more action, but the time to volunteer comes and goes, and the only sound that fills the square is the waves from the far off sea. I hide my disappointment behind my small smile while staring forward towards the cameras. I need to play this exactly the way I’ve been trained, and for now I have to seem relentlessly strong, a true career tribute from District 4.
But when they ask for the tributes to shake hands, I can’t help but hug Bodie instead.
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aetherceuse · 1 year
Lusamine’s Pokémon
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Lusamine is a classically trained trainer. Being that her adopted parents were Kantonian, she was raised around the moxie of the KanJoh battle culture. Her team’s levels range in the late 80’s and early 90’s, and the friendship levels are all maximized. When it comes to choosing Pokémon for her collection, she prefers to obtain them from the region that the monster was first discovered, or she works with pedigree breeders for specific egg moves and legacy genetics.
Her very first Pokémon, captured as a Clefairy on Mt. Moon when Lusamine was 10 years old. She absolutely had the opportunity to pick one of the starters from the professor, due to her privileged status, but her parents declined. Lusamine’s parents wanted their daughter to be proficient at the capture and taming methods, and so they expected her to catch her own starter partner. Because of her steady movements and calm demeanor, Lusamine was able to catch the shy monster rather easily, with a simply toss of a Poké Ball after indulging in a brief round of ‘hide-and-seek’ in the tunnels of the mountain.
Clefairy was out of her ball almost constantly, joining Lusamine in her classes, on her outings, and everywhere in between. Because of that, the Clefairy earned a studious reputation, and picked up some of the habits of the instructors.
Clefable’s personality is bright, cheery, playful and confident, but also knows when to take things seriously for her trainer.In battle, however, Clefable is. . . . An asshole. She knows she is strong. She doesn’t pretend like she isn’t, and she will Moonblast you to kingdom come. Metronome is also a delight to use, and she thinks it’s funny when she gets access to Gigaton Hammer.
Lusamine’s second Pokémon, given to her as a Feebas after a prolonged internship at the Mossdeep Space Station at the age of 15. She, admittedly, was not too thrilled at first, when that fish was handed over to her. Lusamine was not very fond of water, at all, and was not given much of an opportunity to spend prolonged amounts of time in water unless it was for bathing— therefore, she had to overcome quite a few personal obstacles if she intended on raising a Feebas into a Milotic. This was also a point where Lusamine began to truly appreciate the beauty of these monsters.
Time spent in the water with Feebas, training it very patiently, and finding opportunities to beautify her little fish, led to it evolving into her Milotic. Lusamine still finds a lot of time to swim with her sea serpent in the private pools on the Aether Paradise, and will occasionally take her back to Hoenn to swim in the wetlands.
Milotic can be incredibly vain, because she knows that she is responsible for coaxing her trainer out of her comfort zone. She is also a bit of a taunter and show dog in battle, taking advantage of her size and looks to catch opponents off guard. Of all of Lusamine’s Pokémon, she is the one most eager to battle.
This iconic, cuddly boy was surrendered to the Aether Foundation as a Stufful. He was muddy, all torn up, and in need of some love and stitches. How he managed to fall into Lusamine’s hands is actually underwhelming— she simply thought he was cute, and decided to keep him for herself. Stufful was hand stitched back together by the president, given plenty of care, and was soon a happy, bouncy baby bear. Interestingly enough, when given a squeeze, this Pokémon squeaks like a stuffed toy.
The moment Stufful evolved into a Bewear, he became extremely protective of Lusamine, much the way a guard dog would treat itself as a wall between its master and a threat. Sometimes, he is unaware of his own strength when trying to defend Lusamine, and has sent unexpecting people into the ocean with a swing of his arms.
He is a sweetheart, a love bug, and just wants to be everybody’s friend. The ultimate example of a Care Bear with good intentions who accidentally breaks walls. Don’t be surprised if he just awkwardly, creepily looms over you with a smile on his face though, especially if he doesn’t know who you are.
This Pokémon came to Lusamine completely evolved; she purposely went seeking for a Mismagius when she learned of the phantom’s ability to invoke dreams of strange worlds into the mind of a slumbering trainer. Lusamine had become aware of her otherworldly origins, and was beginning to find interest in the worlds that existed beyond the current dimension. She believed that divining information through lucid dreaming would be beneficial to her research.
She met with a hypnotist in the Sinnoh region, who rehomed an aged Mismagius to Lusamine in the hopes that the Aether president would take good care of her; the hypnotist was ancient herself, and could no longer look after the spirit, having become overwhelmed with the Mismagius’ needs, and tendency to lose control of instincts.
While the lucid dreaming experiments did not yield much, Lusamine grew fond of the ghost hag, and kept her as a part of her team.
Mismagius is old, extremely old, and carries herself with the wisdom— and earned bitterness— of a wisened witch. She is brutal in battle, and does not hold back on speaking her mind. After all, she’s an elder, and has earned her lack of filter.
Veteran trainers and gardeners adore the beautiful, elegant flower atop a Liligant’s head, but they are aware that it is extremely difficult for one to bloom without a lot of time, effort and resources— even then, a Liligant’s flower will never be as beautiful as it would when blooming in the wild.
Lusamine’s Liligant was a display Pokémon at a flower show in Castelia City. The feat of creating a dazzling lilium bloom had been so stunning, that collectors across the region began a bidding war in an attempt to add the grass-type to their collection. Lusamine, unconvinced that anybody else at the show would be capable of nurturing such a Pokémon, outbid everyone in a rather dramatic flex of her finances.
At first, Liligant was going to live a quiet life on the Aether Paradise’s Conservation Deck, where she would get ample sunlight, water, and fresh air— but when Lusamine observed the Pokémon’s desire to dance about and move, she decided to bring her along for several trips, where she eventually allowed Liligant to face a few trainers in battle. What she observed, following the matches, was that Liligant’s flower and health improved so significantly, that she goes out of her way to have the Pokémon engage in sparring matches. She is still not at her peak, but she is improving.
Of all of her Pokémon, Liligant is the most shy and introverted, and is a rather modest girl despite her looks. But, she also knows that she is the baby, and takes advantage of it. The Aether employees love to spoil her.
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bookgeekgrrl · 11 months
My media this week (22-28 Oct 2023)
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🙂 The Golden Spoon (Jessa Maxwell, author; full voice cast narration) - a perfectly cromulent book: totally predictable to anyone who's read more than 1 mystery but still entertaining in both characters and plot. Gerald, my autistic king, you were definitely my fave. [I did like the idea of having a different voice narrator for each character, since the chapter POVs switch, but the narrator for Stella sounded like the Tiktok automated voice about 90% of the time. I could tell I was going to get annoyed with that & with the way audio draws things out when I can read text so much faster and it became clear the plot was going to be so predictable, so I switched over to reading text ~35%.]
🙂 The Sleeping Beauty Curse (who_la_hoop) - 152K, drarry, accidental soulbond
😍 i come back to the place you are (pizzabones) - 211K, steddie canon-divergent post s4, extremely satisfying slow burn, loved the dual POV structure with eddie in a coma for the first 10 months the fic covers
💖💖 +79K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
soldier keep on marching on (waiting on that morning sun) (songofswiftsunrise) - LOTR: gen, 4k - lovely 'Boromir Lives' AU, inspired by emily martin's incredible art
Pursued by Bear (Zenaidamacrouras1) - MCU: shrunkyclunks, 19K - reread, forever fave, inspired by that tweet about the UFC & Shakespeare conventions occurring in the same hotel
A Tricky Bit of Spellwork (AidaRonan) - OFMD: gen, 1K - legit the only way I'll accept Izzy not being dead is this
Ready for Love (idiopathicsmile) - Singin' in the Rain: Cosmo/Don/Kathy, 13K - the Singin' in the Rain OT3 fic I didn't know I needed
Mock The Week - s21, e2
The Graham Norton Show - s31, e3 (Laura Linney, Dawn French, London Hughes and Adrian Edmondson)
Taskmaster - s16, e5
QI - series J, ep 12; series T, ep 1-2, 4
Shakespeare & Hathaway - s1, e1
Murdoch Mysteries - s15, e18-24; s16, e1-5
Dirty Laundry - s3, e4
D20: Burrow's End - "Last Bast" (s20, e4)
D20: Adventuring Party - "The Bast of Us" (s15, e4)
Our Flag Means Death - s2, e8
⭐ Cautionary Tales with Tim Harford - Oil and Blood: The Osage Murders
Shedunnit - Spooky Sleuthing
Submitted for the Approval of the Midnight Pals - Teaser 11: Shirley Jackson
⭐ Decoder Ring - The Fast Decline of the Slow Dance
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame
⭐ Twenty Thousand Hertz+ - Auto-Tone
⭐ Song Exploder - Kesha "Eat The Acid"
⭐ Hit Parade - This Ain’t No Party?! Edition
Re: Dracula - October 24: Not Yet Reported
Into It - Britney Was Always Trying to Tell Us Who She Was
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Venturing Into the Twilight Zone with Susan Casey
Pop Culture Happy Hour - Frasier
Submitted for the Approval of the Midnight Pals - Teaser 12: Bram Stoker
Ed Zitron's 15 Minutes In Hell - Episode 12 - Kari Byron
Simply Reflecting - Are We Back?
Re: Dracula - October 25: To His Doom
Vibe Check - I Put A Spell On You
Shedunnit - Bonus: A Haunting in Venice Review
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Great Plains Dinosaur Museum
⭐ Decoder Ring - When Art Pranksters Invaded Melrose Place
Switched on Pop - Chartbreakers: Mitski tops the TikTok chart
⭐ Today, Explained - Why does the US always side with Israel?
Ologies with Alie Ward - Teratology (MONSTERS) with W. Scott Poole
Re: Dracula - October 26: Continue Our Watching
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - The Art of the Heist with Noah Charney
99% Invisible #557 - Model Village
Off Menu - Ep 211: Steve Coogan
Into It - We Will Never Recover From What Justin Did to Britney or: the End of 'Into It'
Dear Prudence - I’m Making Bitchy Comments to A Dog! Help!
What Next: TBD - Self-Driving Cars Crash Into Reality
Pop Culture Happy Hour - Naked Attraction And What's Making Us Happy
Endless Thread - Endless Dread: Campfire Chills
Re: Dracula - October 28: Awful Straits
Cautionary Tales with Tim Harford - Killers of the Flower Moon: Osage Chief Jim Gray In Conversation
Overinvested - Ep. 287: The Exorcist
Wait Wait… Don't Tell Me! - Bernie Taupin
Hit Parade - The Bridge: Down at the Rock n’ Roll Club
Land (1975-2002) [Patti Smith] {2002}
Presenting Talking Heads
Presenting Blondie
Mania [Ramones] {1988}
Nightmare City Punk
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allthingsfook · 1 year
keeping this on anon to know your unbiased opinion
hi, i’m [insert name here] ;) (she/her). i’m like 5’2, on the petite side but kinda curvy, and i’m in my mid-20s. i have long blonde hair, blue eyes, and a beauty mark on the right corner of my mouth above my lip. i have four tattoos, five soon, with 3 of them having meaning and one being kinda on a whim, and only up to my doubles on piercings.
my hobbies are music, dance, anything nature related, collecting things (i collect snow globes and stickers, science-y shit, history shit, reading, and travel. i’m currently taking a year and a half off of school between my undergrad and masters to travel and enjoy this time in my life. when i go back i’ll enter a masters program for athletic training where i will hopefully work for a pro-team someday. i’ve thought about teaching at a dance studio recently because i used to dance and i love it (and miss it dearly).
about my zodiac… i’m a taurus sun, scorpio moon, aquarius rising, aries mercury, gemini venus and scorpio mars… i’m an astrology bitch lol. i definitely think i fit my chart. i am very loyal, reliable and honest. i am not one to sugar coat things and would rather face issues head on. i am also extremely protective of the people i love and would go to bat for them any day. and of course being mostly fixed i am very stubborn, but i can be pretty spontaneous too! my love language is quality time and physical touch. i also have a tendency to make things for those i love.
some extras: i am a vat of useless, but (usually) interesting knowledge. i did choir for 6 years and danced for about the same. i love harry potter, marvel, lord of the rings, star trek, etc. i love basically all kinds of music. i’m kinda like the ‘dad’ friend, ya know, the one who always drives, fixes things, usually has a game plan and good sense of direction. when i was young i taught myself how to play the organ. i’m randomly crafty. i have pretty good intuition, and can usually read people pretty well. lastly, i can be very loud, i’m not always, but when i need to be heard, i will be lol
sorry this was long hehe can’t wait :)
Ahhhh, awesome! I love getting anon ones to see if it’s accurate 🤩
I ship you with…
Danny ☺️
I don’t usually touch too much on physical appearance because these men are so much deeper than that, but I do usually talk about tattoos. As for Danny, I think he low key would like a girl with tattoos. He’d be so curious about whether it hurts or not and ask you about the meaning behind them. I feel like he’d expect everyone to have a story and sentimental value, but when you tell him about the one being on a whim he’d kinda like the idea. Overtime, his appeal to them would turn from curiosity to attraction. He’d often express you how sexy you’d look with more.
Danny seems like he was a kid who collected things as well, so he’d totally understand your affinity for collecting. The first time he brings you home to meet his family, he’d certainly take you to the huge Christmas store in Frakenmuth to get you a unique snow globe 😇 And he’d always come bearing gifts when he gets home from tour. Don’t imagine him in a local store, picking stuff up that reminds him of you. He’s supplying your trinket needs 😂
Danny would support you in taking time away from school, realizing it can be extremely exhausting. He’d encourage you to travel, experiment, and relax in the mean time. Maybe even invite you on tour for a week! When you decide you are ready to head back for your masters, he’d be so proud of you. He’d definitely talk you up and brag to others 😏 Going for athletic training would peak his interest when you first meet. He’d question about that with genuine curiosity, which makes you feel special and appreciated. Inevitably, that conversation would segway to golf ⛳️ Hopefully you have at least the slightest interesting in it to coexist with Danny 😁 You’d definitely walk into the living room to see him polishing his clubs on the coffee table one day!
Let’s see if I can do the astrology compatibility justice here *cracks knuckles* You being a Taurus not only means you’d jive with the twins, but also have a strong bond with Daniel. Capricorns and Taurus’ have a extremely trusting foundation to their relationships. Capricorns have little desire to lie, which makes Taurus’ feel safe. Both signs are typically on the same page about being discreet about the relationship. Not necessarily hiding it, but enjoying it for who matters most…. EACH OTHER!!! This is quite important because of Danny’s status; key to both of your mental health. Capricorns are notorious for never knowing when they need a break. Living the lifestyle he does, it’s easy for everything to stack up. You would have to help Danny identify that for himself. Running away from his work isn’t always an option, so experimenting with relaxation techniques when you are together will help him make them a habit on the road. Not only will it help him decompress, it will remind him of you 🤍 Due to your sign’s characteristics, Danny would admire your charisma, good taste, stability, and the way you present yourself. Because of his work schedule, your support, accommodation, and affection would solidify his love for you.
Moving on, Danny would come to appreciate and love your “useless” knowledge and the timing in which you decide to use it 😂 I think you and Danny would bond over a lot of your interests. He’s definitely a Marvel and LOTR guy! Most definitely will have an annual marathon of both! It’s a huge must to love all music as Danny is always dabbling with many genres. He’d introduce you to all sorts of artists to which you’ll come to love not only because they are good, but because they remind you of him when he’s away. Danny would love the fact you are a self made organist of sorts 😂 Most of the boys taught themselves the plethora of instruments they play, so they will understand the discipline and commitment it took to learn that at such a young age. Danny would beg you to play for him once in a while ✨
I hope this is ship is pretty head on for you! Please let me know, I love to hear so or if not too! 💕
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apoptoses · 1 year
“Angle of Incidence was so extreme, I thought if people enjoyed that then nothing I wrote could put them off” oh for sure. I felt legit uncomfortable/in physical distress (in the best of ways) while reading it, and it’s a feeling I still haven’t quite shaken off, whereas with Fate as it Flows it was just an extremely enjoyable experience from beginning to end.
“I have two completed things on deck and the idea of posting them is now excruciating lol But I deeply appreciate your encouragement” fingers and toes crossed we get to see those soon! Saw your other comment about *ahem* my prompt, and you have no idea how over the moon I am about that one! Pride month going out with a bang I see, phew 🥵
“if you blur your vision a little and ignore her boobs she even LOOKS Armand-y at times” that’s the plan (not that I don’t do that already with uh... plenty of media but yt there will be real intent here lol). will be back with more comments once I get around to watching all those you listed but ugh yes Madchen/Spader feel so them, aesthetically. What I’m liking about Spader in partic is that he not only looks like a beautiful weirdo but also like a grown ass man which Daniel is supposed to be, mf was in his early 30′s ffs, and I have a hard time associating the whole twink vibe with him (as much as I love River’s... well, everything, that's the category he falls into most of the time). Spader is pretty and lean and tall but also strong and manly and alll of those are essential ingredients of the Molloy cocktail imo. 
“Please respond asap with which Succession character is your favorite, I need to know” obviously Tom lmfao, that’s MY princess Diana right there. I attribute 50% of my undying love to the character itself and the other 50% to how perfectly MattMac nailed every single line of dialogue for 4 seasons in a row. Succession’s MVP if I say so myself (which is insane considering how pretty much everyone was the MVP at one point or another). 
Pandora sends her love! xoxo DA 🐱
Saw your other comment about *ahem* my prompt, and you have no idea how over the moon I am about that one! Pride month going out with a bang I see, phew 🥵 <- Yes! I have it all done, it needs a final glance for typos but it'll get published this week! And it features Armand with his hair cut short, stealing Daniel's glasses and pretending to be him. I hope you're happy with it when I post it!
What I’m liking about Spader in partic is that he not only looks like a beautiful weirdo but also like a grown ass man which Daniel is supposed to be, mf was in his early 30′s ffs, and I have a hard time associating the whole twink vibe with him <- Exactly! If you watch his 80s films you get the whole young!Daniel from early in the chase but once the early 90s films hit it's the Full Molloy with bags under his eyes and laugh lines. He's an adult! A hot man with chest hair and a perpetually tired disposition who's always dtf but also looks like he needs a nap.
And like given his film choices, I swear. Had someone called him up and said 'hey, we've got a role for you playing a guy who's fatally obsessed and head over heels for a vampire who stalks him, has weird threesomes with him, and eventually kills him and turns him' Spader would have said sign me the fuck UP. God the missed chances, if only QotD had been picked up by someone who'd keep the characters the same.
YES as always you have taste! You know Anne Rice wanted him to play Marius and he did a reading of Prince Lestat right? haha MattMac just made Tom such a weirdo that even at his worst he's a sympathetic character. All I ever wanted for Tom was for him to succeed (and like, maybe to bone someone who actually likes him, lord).
Estimating I'll post your fic Wednesday, but bear with me if life happens ♥
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witchescauldron · 1 year
Hi! Can I request a moodboard for
Libra Sun
Leo Moon
Libra Rising?
Sorry to bother you! Hope you have a nice day!
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Libra sons have a very good internal scale on right and wrong, they will typically act in a way that is best for everyone above themselves. They would rather the mask be happy then them selves reap the benefits, while others can share in it. And as beautiful of a sentiment that is and how they try to act as much as they can, they can bite them in the ass, and they can typically let their own ambitions or their own wants and needs fall to the wayside to try and make others around them. Happy. They’re not ones for conflict. They don’t want to fight, and if they can avoid it, they absolutely will. These signs take a lot in life, and they smile and grin and bear it, and they make the best out of the situation and that is extremely admirable. However, when they are finally pushed to their edge, they can be rather ruthless. They are an air sign and they are very intelligent very quick witted have a silver tongue, but they hold it back and they don’t feel like they need to use it again unless they have absolutely been pushed to the breaking point and they snap. And when you’re on the receiving end of that it is hurtful, but I have to say if you are on the receiving end of that, there’s something you did to deserve that. I’ve seen my Libra friend snap only a few times in her life. I bought her Starbucks and whatever she wanted after that because she was in the right for it and she deserved it, and that person that pissed her off got what they deserved. do not mistake a libras kindness and complicity for weakness. They will prove you wrong, and it will be sweetly enjoyed by the people around.
Do you moons are a fun, loving, very warm sign they can be quite energetic, and they tend to want the best for the people around them. The moon represents feminine energy, and with Leo in the moon placement I feel like it’s more of a lioness energy. Where the lioness very much make sure everyone in her pack is taken care of everyone’s emotionally happy and physically well. And a little bit more subdued they want to just more so relax they want to be in the sun they want to really relish in their victories and their friends victories. They do have that hustle. They do have that grind, but they know when to take breaks and they really do enjoy taking their brakes and they really do enjoy their cat naps in a sense. Leo moons will typically find they excel in creative pursuits. Be at acting, dancing is a big one, art and poetry. typically more so things that move their body and can get that energy out and they can truly express how they are feeling into the world. 
Libra, rising’s are very well mannered very well spoken very intellectual, and they seem to have quite a bit of knowledge on everything as per a air sign. But they can feel quite restless, they really enjoy being able to explore the world or explore new knowledge pursuits on their terms. Libra risings romanticize the world and enjoy going out and exploring the world and experiencing it firsthand for themselves. They enjoy travel and learning about the cultures they visit, and they fully immersed themselves into it. libra, rising’s tend to have a bit of a softer look maybe a little bit of around her face, and bigger eyes. That’s just a broad stroke of a brush things that people tend to notice about libra rising. I find libra rising‘s, have a very kind soul that you can tell almost immediately, they are extremely open and warm and kind of the opposite of other air signs. They have a smaller group of friends. They do have quite a few acquaintances, and they do enjoy social events and they really do enjoy being the bell of the ball. They don’t fully like being the absolute centre of attention or at least they won’t admit to it, but they do like glamming it up for special events and kind of knocking everyone away with the amount of care and time they took into their look.
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