#she just wouldn't vanish lol
bleaksqueak · 2 months
speaking of, how would the cast fare with beingq sick ?
Maia and Elias are basically kindred spirits on this one. Both of them would so fervently hide anything actually wrong with them that even the most untamed of wild animals would be impressed. Maia would likely carry on as best to her abilities if she's sick with anything that isn't contagious, though would make up a convenient-but-believable excuse for why she can't come in if it *were* catching. Elias would simply carry on like all is fine and vanish, though. Audric's a bit stubborn about it, but he's no hypocrite here. He *would* take his rest, since staying in top condition is pretty necessary for his line of work... plus, my man's exhausted, and he'll take a chance to rest up when a legit one is finally at his feet.
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baltears · 2 years
made this visual of all the times williams theme popped up in this scene because im mad that i still cant figure out why it’s in there
#I keep looking at it expecting that if i just look long enough i'll see something 😑#but yeah still. no idea#it's absolutely impossible that they did this accidentally (like. lol. come on) but WHAT#I UNDERSTAND why dolores' theme showed up during the william sequence in 2x04. that one made sense like it seemed obvious#but why this scene for this?? why here??? what could this possibly have to do with him or her relationship with him or anything#does emmett have some sort of significance here that i didn't catch??#also before anyone comes in my notes telling me im overthinking this. no im not. this show's score is used very intentionally#i've mentioned that this is a variation on william's theme that first showed up in vanishing point so i thought maybe it had to do with that#but there's just nothing linking these two things in my brain lol. how would christina finding out about the closed system relate to william#I had this theory a while back based on a couple of small hints that potentially christina might be an amalgam of dolores and william#which would make this make a little bit more sense... but that's not the direction they seem to have gone since she just is dolores#the only thing that's coming to mind is that the ''walled garden'' is related to william somehow. which i guess wouldn't... not make sense..#the phrase ''walled garden'' was initially brought up as a way of explaining how the hosts have perfect memories that preserve everything#and obviously a major plot point in season one was dolores' perfect recall of william because she relived all her memories of him#and i have posited that a major part of season 5 is going to be william kind of being. reconstructed. into something closer to his old self#but that still feels like suuuuch a reach lol. like the dots still aren't quite connecting#My best guess is just that this is some sort of very very subtle foreshadowing that is meant to pay off in season 5#BUT WE MIGHT NEVER GET. A SEASON FIVE.#JUST EXPLAIN PLEASE JONAH AND LISA#grr!! it's gonna bother me until i know >:(#westworld
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thefanficmonster · 4 months
Not sure if ur accepting requests for the bear.. but could we maybe get a Mikey x reader where she finds out she's pregnant after he died (big angst tbh) and she comes to the restaurant a mess and tells everyone and it's sad but everyone's shocked or something idk if that makes sense lol, thanks
Ahhh the angst! My favorite genre to write 🙈 Thank you so much for the request, darling! I hope you enjoy the fic 💌
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Too Much, Too Late
Michael 'Mikey' Berzatto x Reader (Female) [The Bear]
Warnings: Mentioned Suicide, Mentioned Past Drug Abuse (dealing and consuming), Pregnancy, Swearing, SPOILERS for The Bear
Genre: ANGST, Hurt/Comfort, Found Family, Angst with a happy ending
Summary: see request above
It was a job like any other. It was supposed to be one of those briskly-in-swiftly-out deals. All you had to do was keep it on the down low, distribute your products, get your pay and leave.
However, that didn't happen exactly as planned.
"Why are you in such a rush, sweetheart?" You found yourself accosted by a man who was very clearly three sheets to the wind already. The redness of his eyes, the dilated pupils and the alcohol on his breath suggested he was under several influences. Still, none of that was any justification for his borderline sleazy behavior. "Why don't you accompany me in blowing through this, huh?" He held up the baggie he'd just bought off you, causing you to roll your eyes.
In another setting, preferably under vastly different circumstances you would've probably found him attractive and would even like to uphold a conversation with him. Then again, in those ideal circumstances you imagine he wouldn't have been nearly as obnoxious as he was being in that moment.
Besides, you had a strict rule against participating in drugs with your clients. Or just drugs, period. Anything stronger than weed, that is.
You wanted to get him off your back as soon as possible so, instead of shutting him down in your typical cut-throat manner, you decided to let him down slowly and vanish before his object permanence kicked in. "Another time, pal. I have a busy night ahead."
It worked like a charm anytime someone tried to sweep you off your feet.
However, none of those other occasions had any follow-up. This one, on the other hand....
You had been caught up in your thoughts, making a mental itinerary for the next few days worth of deliveries when a voice startled you out of your tranquility.
It was the following morning and you were headed to the dumpster that was your plug's house - if you could even call it that.
Looking up, you couldn't help but frown at the sight of the 'flirt' from last night standing on the porch of your plug's house, leanings against the fence, smoking a cigarette.
"Hi?" The word came out automatically, a notation of confusion to it which made him smile.
"I don't know if you not remembering me is for better or for worse. I understand I came off a bit....gross last night." His unoccupied hand clasped around the back of his neck, an apologetic half-smile on his lips.
Despite being puzzled by the predicament, you found yourself chuckling, "No, no, I remember you. And don't worry about it, you were pretty tame compared to other shitbags I've had to deal with."
Your wording made him let out a laugh, "Yeah, 'shitbag' sums me up nicely."
Realizing how your words were poorly transmitted, you hurried to correct yourself, "No! That's not what I..."
He laughed yet again, amused by the blush that had crept onto your cheeks, "I know, I'm just fucking with you." He flashed you a charming smile as he tossed his cigarette and offered you his hand, "I'm Michael, by the way, but everyone calls me Mikey."
You were surprised by your own lack of hesitation as you took it, "Y/N, nice to meet you, Mikey."
What did surprise you was his smooth gesture - bringing the back of your hand to his lips, pressing a quick kiss to your knuckles. You could see relief flood his features when you only scoffed in amusement. "Hope you don't mind, I asked around about you at the party last night. You're quite the phantom, you know. Nobody knew anything except your plug and it was a whole other hassle having to track him down."
You would've been lying if you said you didn't find his effort flattering. "Why go through all that trouble?"
There was that charming smile once more, now accompanied by a wink, "Cause that ain't a face you simply forget, darling."
That's how it all started, three years ago. But you can hardly remember any of it now. Everything has quickly been overshadowed by the tragedy that rocked your world.
Losing the love of your life. No one and nothing can ever prepare you for such a thing. No one can take away or aid the pain it brings on. No one can tell you how to move on, if you ever will. No two grieving processes are the same and yours has been very quiet. Too quiet. You can't even remember if you've cried since you found out a week ago. You can't remember having spoken to anyone since that dreadful phone call.
It's all been building up, piling on - the calm before the storm.
And the storm has just crashed down on you, tears finally spilling over past the barrier you're able to hold them at. Sobs scratch up your throat, racking your ribcage, echoing back at you off the bathroom walls. All the agony, all the pain, the regret, the guilt the grief - it all spills out in those harrowing sobs as tears stream down your face, falling onto the sink counter and pregnancy test on it.
The positive pregnancy test.
"No, no, no...." You mumble to yourself in despair, unsure of what exactly you're saying no to.
You don't even have time to process how you feel about it, if you want it, whether you're happy about it or not. All that's plaguing your mind is the gnawing thought of what if?
What if you'd found out two weeks earlier? What if you told him? What if that changed his mind? Would you still have him by your side if he knew he'd be a dad? Would this be a reason for joy and excitement for the two of you? Having your own little family, fucked up in its own way but miles better than your individual families.
You never met his, he never met your. Unlike him, though, you haven't seen your folks in years, five to be exact. He put up with his, you had cut off yours.
You're well versed into his family and their dynamics though, thanks to all the stories Mikey told you throughout the years. You specifically remember him talking about his siblings with such adoration. Natalie and Carmen. The only supposedly sane ones of the bunch.
Wiping the tears off your burning red cheeks, you regain control of your breathing, effectively calming yourself down as you take a long look at yourself in the mirror. You will yourself to put a hand over your belly, taking a moment to let the realization of there being a living thing inside you sink in.
Your and Mikey's baby.
A baby that'll never know the wonderful man that is their dad.
"Don't worry, baby. If they don't want us, we'll always have each other."
* * * * *
After a sleepless night, you find yourself struggling not to nod off on the train.
You thought you'd feel a lot more....well, something more as you approach the inevitable meeting with Mikey's brother. Instead, you're quite numb, immune to whatever you might be faced with once you arrive at the restaurant. Nothing he might say or do can faze you, not after the week you've had. Though you're pretty sure his hasn't been any better. He lost his brother after all. It could be a point of mutual understanding for the two of you or a point of collision and apperhension.
Only one way to find out.
You're surprised by the sheer boldness with which you enter the sandwich shop. Again, you thought you might exhibit at least mild hesitation but you have never been prone to such reservations. You still do things like you used to back in your dealer days - briskly-in-swiftly-out.
This is no different.
Upon entry, the interior feels familiar. You've been here only twice before, always after closing, snuck in by Mikey as a date night. He'd cook for you while you DJed with the restaurant sound system in the office. It was the peak of romance in your relationship.
Never once did you think one day you'd be coming in alone, during work hours, the memories bringing tears to your eyes.
You push the pain to the backburner when a waiter approaches you. "Welcome, what can I get ya?"
You force the closest thing to a smile you can manage, "Carmen Berzatto, if possible."
Just then, as if on cue, sounds of chaos flood out from the kitchen into the seating area. It doesn't really seem to bother any of the three tables enjoying their meal, but you are certainly a little shocked. You remember Mikey mentioning shit would get chaotic in back of house, but you'd never imagined it'd be this bad.
The waiter casually peers over his shoulder, pressing his lips in a thin line, "I can't promise you anything but I'll go ask. Who's asking for him?" He inquires, already uneasy at the thought of what he'll be met with in the kitchen.
"Mikey's girlfriend." You watch, in real time, as the poor guy's eyes hollow out in shock, his eyebrows raising impossibly high.
Despite being rattled by your response, he manages to clear his throat and murmur a quick, "Please wait here" before disappearing out of view.
Less than a minute later, the door to the kitchen swung open again, the man emerging from the kitchen shocking you with his lack of resemblance to Michael. Fair hair, bright blue eyes, overall soft features whereas Mikey was all sharp edges, dark brown hair and chocolate eyes.
He too, quite like his brother, is doing a poor job masking his confusion as he offers you a tattooed hand as a greeting, "Hi."
You take it, "Hi."
The rowdiness picks up yet again, causing Carmy to motion for you to follow him, "It's a little too loud in here." You nod and follow suit as he leads you out through a back exit to a fenced of area. He shuts the door, drowning out most of the noise before he turns back to face you, "Alright, tell me everything."
It takes all the will you have coupled with all the pride within you not to let yourself shed any tears as you sum up five of the best years of your life in front of this stranger. It gets especially hard when you see his eyes gloss over but you manage to keep it together. Your chest feels somewhat lighter once you bare one of the biggest secrets in your life, knowing there cannot be any repercussions now.
Because...well...he's gone.
"Fuck..." Is all Carmy can say to break the silence after you've concluded your story. His gaze is trained on the ground, his hand cupped around his mouth. He suddenly lifts his head to look at you, making you feel a little too exposed. Those eyes stare right through you. "Why didn't he ever tell us about you?"
You shrug, you have no real answer. You don't know why he would tell them but you're none the wiser as to why he didn't tell them either. So, you just stay quiet.
He nods, pausing for a second to collect his thoughts before speaking up again, "I-I gotta ask...did you suspect anything? Like, did you see any signs?"
You were expecting this. That doesn't mean it hurts any less to actually hear him ask it. You force yourself to inhale a shaky breath before replying, speaking around the knot in your throat, "No. I saw him that morning, he seemed fine. Nothing out of the ordinary. We were talking about the game. He was excited the Sox had won. He made us breakfast. I ironed his shirt for work and I sent him off. And...." You take a moment to maintain your composure, "...that was the last time I saw him."
"Fucking hell..." He sighs out, the curse pouring out from the depths of his soul. He takes a pack of cigarettes out of his back pocket, taking one and offering the pack to you, "You smoke?"
You shake your head, "Yeah, but I can't right now." You let out a bitter chuckle as you add on: "Last night...I found out I'm pregnant."
Carmy chokes on the puff he'd just inhaled, coughing out the smoke. He gives you a deer-in-headlights look, trying to gouge your reaction so he can mimic his accordingly. You help him out by giving him a slight smile, allowing him to reflect it back at you ten fold.
"No fucking way." He laughs, prompting you to nod, your eyes filling with tears for the millionth time today. He tosses his cigarette, motioning for you to approach him, "Come here." His arms wrap around you and you damn near break down, finally allowing yourself to shed those tears you've been holding back as you hug him back, squeezing him tightly.
You didn't realize how much you'd needed that hug, that comfort. You had no one to offer it to you. It's funny how quickly people can become important in our lives - in this case, only minutes after entering yours.
You're both startled when the door is thrown open revealing a man you don't recognize initially. His demeanor allows you to connect him to a name soon though.
"Cousin, what the fuck?! We're fighting a war in there...- oh, my bad." He straightens his attitude when he notices you, "Hi there."
Sniffling, Carmy wipes a stray tear before offering Richie a wide smile, "Cousin, we're gonna be uncles."
The confusion on his face provokes a laugh out of you, a genuine one at that. It's refreshing, nostalgic almost. And although you're well aware you'll have to retell your and Mikey's story several more times to catch people up to speed, you know that it'll be a little less dreadful each time.
* * * * *
It's over. The five minutes of utter hell and chaos are over.
You share a look of disbelief with Syd before bursting out in hysterical laughter, enveloping each other in a hug.
"We did it."
"We fucking did it."
Wiping sweat from your forehead with the back of your hand, you beam up at Richie who is equally as high on the feel of accomplishment. His arms wrap around you so tightly, he momentarily lifts you off the ground.
It's finally the calm after the storm. You can finally relax without waiting for the other shoe to drop.
You rush out to the dining are, going straight to Sugar and Pete's table where your one year old son is being entertained by the couple, cackling as Pete tickles his feet.
"Hope he wasn't too much trouble." You say as you approach their side, your voice prompting Sugar to get up and practically tackle you with upmost joy.
"Great job back there, Y/N." She beams at you, holding your hands tightly when she pulls away.
"You too, mama." You smile back, resting a hand over her swollen belly just in time to feel a kick.
Turning back to Calvin, you see him making grabby hands at you, giggling when you pick him up, peppering kisses all over his face, "Hi, baby!" You coo to him, adjusting his surprisingly still clean shirt. A fancy one, curtesy of Richie. Him, Fak and Calvin are in matching suits tonight and it's the most adorable thing. "Wanna go see uncle Carmy?"
It's ridiculous you even asked. The little boy cheers happily, kicking his feet as you carry him back to the kitchen, stopping in front of the freezer door to knock on it.
"What?!" You hear Carmy's rough voice boom from inside.
"Carmy!" Calvin calls out to his uncle, his tiny hands tapping on the freezer door, "Hiiii!"
"Hi Baby Bear." His tone has softened now, raising to an octave higher, "Your mommy is a badass, you know that."
"Oh he knows." You reply, resting your forehead on the cool metal, "We did it, Carm. We took care of it. Everything's handled, don't worry." You take this moment of calmness on his end to reassure him that no matter what anxieties are plaguing him, everything is and will be fine.
"I know you did, Y/N. You're an awesome team. Just wish I was in the fire with you, you know?" He says through a shaky breath, causing your heart to ache.
"Oh this was just the frying pan, dude. You'll be there for the many fires to come." Your words are successful in making him laugh, bringing you relief.
"I cook too!" Calvin proudly proclaims, making you both chuckle.
"You'll cook too, Teddy Bear. You'll be the best fucking chef ever." You gave up a while ago trying to shield Calvin from the sailor mouths of the Berzatto family and the restaurant as a whole. If he has a potty mouth from a very early age, you'll just blame it on his dad and uncles.
You never dreamed you'd find yourself in the cahoots of such a batshit crazy and immensely loving family. It really makes you feel a sense of fulfillment looking back at how far you've come and look forward knowing that you'll never come to a point where you'll be alone.
You'll always have your son, the Berzattos and The Bear by your side.
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callmelola111 · 1 year
guilty conscience ☆ part five
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 ← part 1 , part 2 , part 3 , part 4 ⭑ 
synopsis: it’s your first year at college and you’re 1,500 miles away from home. you’d feel completely alone if it wasn't for your attractive roommate ellie. will this attraction complicate the already uncharted territory? or will she be the answer to all your problems?
      |✯| pairing & wc: college!ellie williams x roommate!reader. wc: 1.2k
      |✯| cw (by part): 18+ themes (MDNI), fem reader, modern au!ellie, some angst, mild swearing, cat, discussions of cheating, light sexual themes
a/n: sorry to end on a more boring note, i was starting to lose inspiration at the end but i wanted to give y'all a happy ending after dragging reader through the mud these past 4 parts lol. thank you for the support on my first series, it has meant so so much to me. if you like my writing and want to see more feel free to leave a follow!! i have so many ideas in the works and coming to you guys hopefully very very soon. ♡
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The sound of Cat’s voice echoed through the now silent bathroom. You and Ellie stood frozen in the stall just feet away from danger. Her hand remained over your mouth as your eyes glazed over with fear. All that bliss Ellie had given you just moments before was quickly ripped from your grasp by Cat herself. You were terrified for what was to come. As much as you hated Cat, Ellie was hers fair and square. She didn’t belong to you.
Ellies thoughts were less rational than yours as she began to picture the potential outcomes. You felt her hands get clammy on your face and the once present confidence vanish. Cat’s voice spoke again and you were both jolted out of your fear responses and faced with reality.
“Ellie, I can see your shoes just come out and-” her voice cut when she spotted a second pair of shoes in the stall along with her girlfriend. It was you. The bitch she was worried about the whole relationship; all of her fears were coming true.
“Ellie, who else is in there??”
With nowhere to run you and Ellie stepped outside of the stall and confronted the angry Cat. Ellie gushed out a string of apologies which you unjustly took offense to.
“You’re seriously saying sorry after I told you all about her little lie??” She already fucked you, the damage had been done, why bother with Cat if you’re the one she really wants? 
“I don’t know, I don't know what I’m doing.” Ellie placed her head in her calloused hands. After everything, she felt so impartial to all of this, just wanting the drama to stop. Cat jumped in, trying to steer Ellie in her direction.
“Els, she's lying. I haven’t said shit to her. She’s just trying to drive a wedge in between us.” Ellie wasn’t even given a chance to speak as you jumped in to defend yourself.
“I’m not, you know I wouldn't do that. Cat’s the one who was mean to me in class before she even knew you and I were roommates.” 
With this new development, Ellie decided to speak up, “You guys have a class together? Why did no one tell me?” 
“I thought your girlfriend would’ve told you, and after a while of you guys dating I decided it best not to bud in anyways.” you explained.
Cat raced to cut you off, “You decided it best not to bud in? What are you doing right now, huh? You’re a liar. Ellie, she's a liar!!!” Ellie stood there dissociating from the “pick me, choose me” competition being held between her girlfriend and roommate. When she noticed the two of you silent, staring wide-eyed for approval, she finally spoke.
“I don’t know who to believe anymore. With all this fighting and drama I think it would be best to not get involved with either of you. I’m sorry…” Before you could say a word, she was gone with a swing of the bathroom door.
You sink down to the floor, letting the cold sensation of the tiles consume you. Cat had already disappeared in pursuit of Ellie but her harsh words had left you less than eager to continue the hunt. It was a reality check hearing Ellie stack you right along with Cat like that. Like you were just as delusional and obnoxious as her. No fucking way. You stayed in that same spot for a few more minutes before finally pulling yourself out of the self-pity thought spiral and going home.
Expectedly, you didn’t see or hear from Ellie after that. Your next few days consisted of school and Dina only. You pushed through your academic afternoons and then went straight to hers where she coached you through your heartbreak with movies, snacks, and music. Dina was the best friend you could’ve ever asked for. She let you talk shit and gush about Ellie as much or as little as you wanted. She learned all the ins and outs of your desperate love story and slowly realized it isn’t a lost cause just yet. Being a 3rd party bystander gave her the advantage to see a perspective you couldn’t. And seeing you hurt so much, she was willing to do whatever she could to aid the pain.
Dina quickly collected the evidence she needed and headed to talk to Ellie herself. She was determined to make this right. You had earned your happy ending and she was going to give it to you. 
After asking just about everyone, Dina finally located Ellie who had been staying at her bandmates house. She was hesitant to talk at first but Dina had a way with words and soon enough they were deep in conversation about you, her, and the whole unfair situation. Dina came with receipts from the night of Ellie’s first show. Her texts showed you talking about Cat being there and being from your class. It was solid proof, not that you should have to prove yourself, but Dina gave Ellie the benefit of the doubt. 
“I feel so stupid. This whole time I’ve been dating some bully when I could’ve been with Y/n.” Ellie explained, regret lacing her voice. Dina could tell she was caught up in her head about it all and urged her with advice. 
“There’s still time for a happy ending Ellie. Do something now and feel sorry later.” She was blunt but right.
Ellie shot into action with a new sense of justice to her. Before you knew it she was standing in the door of your shared dorm bearing gifts and an apologetic smile.
“Ellie?” your eyes welled with salty tears. You didn’t think you’d be seeing her again so soon. And as she saw you stand there breaking she opened her arms welcoming your vulnerability. You accepted her embrace and buried your head into her chest as she used her palm to smooth your hair. 
Ellie whispered into you, “I choose you Y/n. It’s always been you.” 
“But… Cat…” you whimpered. Ellie squeezed you in tighter at the sound of your insecurity. 
“I’ve liked you since day one Y/n. The only reason Cat ever came into my life was because it was easy. I knew if I was honest with my feelings about you I’d be susceptible to the pain that comes along with it. I didn’t wanna lose you. My fear of being alone took over and I picked to be with someone I knew I could never feel something real to avoid any actual hurt. It sounds so stupid when I say it out loud, but it’s true”
“It’s not stupid Ellie. I get it.” She crumbled with your words of reassurance. You felt a sense of safety within her arms and Ellie felt the same. She finally pulled back to retrieve a bundle of wild flowers she picked especially for you. 
“Please, be mine, and I’ll be completely yours. Let me make up for all the lost time.”
Your expression softened, “Of course I’ll be yours Els.” She pulled you in by your waist and planted a long awaited kiss to your blushed lips. Forbidden love all of the sudden felt so overrated as you showered your new girlfriend with affection. Ellie wasn’t scared anymore and neither were you. There was a sense of peace and belonging that the two of you shared that day that no one could interfere with. It was love.
← masterlist ⭑
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taglist ☆...
@machetegirl109 @gold-dustwomxn @menatoia @ximtiredx @robinismywifee @elliepricefield @alexpritch @jokirxmae @slaysksmska
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miquella-everywhere · 6 months
Miquella Theory: Beef with the Outer Gods (ง'̀-'́)ง 🥩
One of the many things that I find interesting about Miquella is the fact that he is seemingly at odds with a majority of the Outer Gods that are found and references throughout the Lands Between.
The Greater Will: Rejected Fundamentalism in full and went off to create his own Divine Tree
Formless Mother: Ignores Mohgs sacrifices of blood and refuses to wake up or answer him, who is by all means an avatar of the Formless mother lol
The Rot God: Tries to cure Malenia and creates the Unalloyed Gold needle (and possibly the Preserving Boluses) to alleviate scarlet Rot
Frenzied Flame: Again, creates a needle that can cheat fate and nullify the Flames effect, and also according to cut content, tried to help the merchant caravan trapped under the Cathedral of the Forsaken by singing to them as St.Trina so they wouldn't become "one"
Death Birds: Now this one is interesting because Miquella seemingly isnt hostile towards the Death Birds(and potentially the Twinbird as well as the Nameless Outer God she serves) if anything with their Mausoleum Knights emulating the Death Birds I would say that perhaps Miquella has respect for them???? Or perhaps the curse that allows the beheaded to live on is just convenient for Miquellas motives and plans 🤔
The Black Moon: This one is a little more vague as there is very little information about it, but there was once a Black Moon that hung over Nokstella that seemingly vanished one day. Its hard to say whether the Black Moon is an Outer God or not, or if its in anyway connected to the Full Moon and Rannis Dark Moon, but Miquella seems to be interested in the Black Moon, and perhaps it may have something to do with their Eclipse?
With all of this in mind, along with Miquella's apparent disdain for nearly all the Outer Gods, I would say that it isn't too much of a stretch to theorize that perhaps Miquella's grand end goal may in fact be very similar to Rannis. Don't forget that Miquella's initial and whole life purpose was to cure Malenia of her Scarlet Rot, which stems from an Outer God who has been sealed away.
So perhaps in order to do that completely Miquella needs to expel not only the Rot God, but every other Outer God that has influence in the Lands Between? 🤔
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emissaire · 2 years
him - ran haitani x reader
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first part
warnings/includes: angst, bonten! ran, cheating, toxic relationship, use of the word "slut" (once), dilf! ran, milf! reader, ran is an asshole, rindou is a feminist, and reader is a girl boss, hinted mitsuya x reader
note: haha here's part two finally? this seems so rushed so i might change the ending depending on how i feel about it after a few days hehe. i just really wanted to put this out here, i made you guys wait long enough lol :")
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You've caught him doing it once, you were so mad you threw the vase of freshly arranged flowers he got you three days prior to the revelation of the year: Ran was cheating on you. The second time was on his birthday. He told you he got caught up with work so he would be running late. As the kind and understanding wife that you were, you came to his workplace to surprise him along with the gift you've been saving money for, for at least a year. Turns out, he's the one who got a surprise for you when you see him getting pleasured by a brunette woman, on her knees, and he was looking like he's having the time of his life. The third, fourth, fifth— at this point you couldn't even count how many times you caught him cheating on you but regardless, you stayed. He knew that you would stay no matter how much he fucked up because you loved him… and he loved that. Not you. Just the fact that you will always turn a blind eye to what he's done because you were too afraid to lose him.
You were a fool. A stupid girl who kept hanging on the thin thread of memories you shared with him when you were younger. Simple hugs, quick and half-assed apologies, a bouquet of roses that is not even your favorite— just like that and your world was revolving around him once again. Slowly but surely, your deteriorating relationship with Ran only got worse when he started to stop coming home, telling you he would be staying with his brother or co-executives. Excuses, excuses. You wouldn't say you weren't hurt because by god, you were and it tore you apart.
Years and years of pain before the realization dawns on you that no matter how long you wait for him to come around, it'll always be the same. It's an excruciating process, accepting reality and healing yourself for the sake of your child, Ren. God, the thought of your swaddled, innocent baby brings you so much joy— a feeling so incomparable that everything else just vanishes as if it's just you and him in the world. 
You learnt to be on your own, explored the world with your child and spent your time meeting people that you later on become great friends with. It was Yuzuha at first, the pretty and independent woman that you met when you were out buying clothes for you and your son. Ren adored her as much as she did him then came along Hakkai who was at the time dragging around a man in purple mullet in the shop who he called "Taka-chan".
He was a wonderful man, polite and always kept a goofy grin, Mitsuya. You officially met him when Ran asked you to pick up a few clothes for women that aren't even for you, which wasn't surprising anymore at all. 
"That's a lot of bags. Do you need a hand?" Were his first words to you when he saw you struggling to carry all the stuff out of his store. It's been six months then and you're currently in the same shop, helping sort a few fabrics while he sews away in the back room with Ren entertaining him with his silly and cute stories about his daycare adventures.
"When will you ask Taka-chan out?" The youngest Shiba sibling asks, his tall frame playfully nudging your body. You can hear the teasing in his words but you ignore it even though there's a smile on your face that the man beside you doesn't miss. 
"Oooh, so you really like him!" You look at him briefly, biting the insides of your cheeks as if it would stop the flustered look on your face. 
"Shiba-kun, shut your mouth," You say through gritted teeth before adding, "Respectfully." This makes the latter snicker and dodges the hand about to swat him on his shoulder. 
"What's going on here?" Without even noticing it, your posture becomes rigid at the thought of Mitsuya possibly hearing what his lanky friend just said. You turn to look at him and immediately, the sight melts your heart more than it should. Ren looks so comfortable all cuddled up in Mitsuya's arms.
"Nothing!" This time, the currently jobless-got-no-shoot-no-sponsors-no-nada model (it's what he called himself earlier when he barged into the shop) skips towards his precious Taka-chan and starts poking your son's cheek. "Was just asking her opinion about the shirt I'm wearing. I'm gonna wear it for my date next week."
Mitsuya looks in your direction, asking for confirmation and for a moment, you see his eyes flash in endearment before it vanishes and gets replaced by amusement. "Please tell me you told him the truth because it's horrible."
You stifle your giggles, mostly because you don't want to embarrass Hakkai after his loud offended gasp. "Don't be that way, Mitsuya-kun. It doesn't really matter what we think, we're not his date after all. Who are we to judge?"
The youngest clicks his tongue at the both of you, stomping like a petulant child despite his height, broad shoulders and all. "The both of you are so mean, really. Your rotten attitudes are going to rub off on Ren!"
"Now don't bring the child into this." Mitsuya chuckles, his eyes emanating that of warmth and fondness as he looks over at you and ruffles your son's hair at the same time.
It feels so oddly beautiful. The moment is so invaluable as you return his smile. It feels so familiar, that giddy feeling gushing through your veins and making your heart pound. You may not know what this peculiar but very much welcomed sensation that is starting to bloom between you and the beautiful man carrying your child as if Ren was his own, but one thing is for sure, this moment has become one of your treasured memories that will surely be reminisced whether the day is good, the day is bad or just enough. 
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"Ran, I don't think this is a good idea." Rindou chastises his older brother, brows furrowed as he eyes his brother's figure who is seated on the passenger's side of his car. The both of them have been waiting outside of your apartment building for three hours now but luck doesn't seem to be on their side as they haven't even seen your shadow. Rindou doesn't know why he agreed to drive his brother to your place when he's aware that the interactions between you both have never been peaceful since the divorce.
"You're repeating yourself." Ran mentions with a huff, noting how many times his brother told him about how this isn't a good idea, that his ex-wife wouldn't be happy if they— he showed up unannounced yadah yadah, but honestly he couldn't care less.
"And I will keep repeating myself until you stop bugging her. Honestly, why do you keep making Y/N's life miserable? Haven't you had enough?" This time, Rindou looks at his brother seriously, a hand on Ran's shoulder as if that would deter the latter into changing his mind and finally letting you live in peace. As much as it hurt him to say those things towards his brother, the only family who had his back since then, he had to pull Ran's head out of his own ass. Enough is enough. 
Y/N was a wonderful wife to his brother, a caring sister to him and a loving mother to her child. She doesn't deserve a shit show of a relationship with a man who didn't even bat an eye when it comes to hurting her— even if that man was his brother.
Ran shrugs his hand off and continues to watch the street as if he didn't hear anything, a heavy frown marring his face. "Shut up."
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"You didn't have to drive us home, Hakkai." You smile at the younger man sheepishly as he parks in front of your apartment. You're hugging Ren's sleeping body closer to you.
"You should've said so earlier." He chuckles teasingly, watching as you coddle your son.
"You're such an ass." You laugh, shaking your head in amusement. He pokes your shoulder before exiting his car to open the door on your side and helping you out. In his arms are your things and three bags from Mitsuya's shop that contain yours and Ren's new clothes.
You had so much fun during the day, spending time with the Shiba siblings in Mitsuya's shop. You're sure Ren had fun too, he almost didn't want to leave Mitsuya so he ended up crying until he fell asleep in your arms. 
Turns out that the 6'3-tall man that Ran was accusing you of sleeping with was Hakkai who was only taking you and Ren home out of the kindness of his heart (and the persuasion of Mitsuya). Of course, your ex-husband didn't have to know that. He has no business prying into your personal life now that you've cut ties with him.
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"Yes, and these clients have been with me for a long while. I'm really grateful." Mitsuya tells you with a smile over dinner. It's just the two of you in your apartment with Ren still away on the trip with his father and uncle. He invited you out for lunch to celebrate the milestone of his career but you were waiting for your son to come home. Ran's supposed to drop him off in a few hours, but you also didn't have the heart to decline Mitsuya's offer. He sounded so happy sharing such a joyous moment of his life with you that's why you offered to cook meal with him at home.
"With how talented you are, it's well-deserved." You're grinning as you compliment him, heart swelling with pride.
"Thanks." The man chuckles, cheeks dusting with pinkish hues. The moment is so peaceful and light if it weren't for the constant ringing of the doorbell.
"That must be Ren." Mitsuya notes, nodding his head towards the direction of the front door. His eyes are shining with a different light, looking so excited. For what reason, you don't dare guess but you know that you're just as excited to see your son after two days and nights of being apart from him.
There's a bounce in every step you take, face stretched into a bright smile as you open the door. The sight of Ran carrying your son welcomes you, making your smile dim a little but you push back the sense of negativity to greet your son.
"Hey, baby. Welcome home." You coo softly, arms outstretched to take your son into your arms from his father. Said father hesitates to give Ren to you but doesn't say anything though you can feel his eyes on you, the atmosphere so uncomfortable you want to shut the door in his face.
"Hello there, bud!" The voice of another man causes Ran to frown, neck tilting to see who's inside before Mitsuya appears behind you.
"Kashi!" Your child happily bounces within your arms before jumping out and into the arms of his precious Kashi-san.
Your ex-husband clears his throat, reminding you of the current situation and what it may seem to imply— not that you care anyway. "Who's that?" He asks, tone accusing and malicious.
"Nice to meet you, man. The name's Mitsuya." The latter reaches over and offers his hand but your ever rude ex-husband ignores him.
"Y/N, can we talk?"
You sigh, nodding your head and dismissing the worried look Mitsuya is giving you before urging him to go back inside with your son. He pats your back before closing the door, leaving you and Ran outside of your apartment.
"You're really something, aren't you?" He says, chuckling humorlessly.
"Look, I'm not in the mood to argue with you right now so just say whatever you want to say." You say with no sign of any indignance. 
"Since when were you such a slut? Jumping from one man to another like you don't have a child?" He accuses with so much anger you can barely look at his face— he looks scary like this. "I know I was an ass but doing this just so you can get back at me is pathetic."
His words ring through your ears, they repeat again and again over your head like an annoying tick until it snapped. That single thread hanging on for dear life was at its limit— you slapped him across the face. You strike him with all your might until your palm is numb and red. Fucking pathetic, he is. 
"You think so highly of yourself to even think that I'm dating other men just to make you jealous. There's not a single ounce of shame in you, Ran," you're panting at this point but you have to make your point across, "Just admit that you're nothing without me. You're empty because no other woman would settle for garbage like you. I don't even know why I stayed with you, doing charity work for years when all you're ever good at is running your mouth when you don't get what you want like a pathetic little boy, but you know what? I'm so glad I dumped your ass when I did. So fuck you, fuck everything about you— oh and do me a favor, go fuck yourself." You don't let him say another word, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of having the last words as you shut the door in his face. Your heart is pounding so fast as if you've run a marathon but the sense of contentment after the heated argument with your ex-husband dwindles within your soul. That felt so good. 
"You okay?" Mitsuya's voice startles you, a kind smile on his face as he walks over to you with Ren following him like a little chick. 
Seeing your son calms your heart somehow and eases the pain. "Yeah, I'm all good." A small and tired beam makes its way on your face as your son hugs your hips, nuzzling his button nose on your stomach. The warmth that Ren emits gives you so much comfort—  its familiar warmth providing you solace in your messy world despite the identical eyes twinkling in adoration as he stares up at you. He looks so much like his bastard father but everytime you look at him, you only see your precious son. He's so beautiful, the love incarnate itself. 
"If you need anything, I'm here." Mitsuya offers, gentle hand patting your back. He must've heard the ruckus outside.
You shake your head dismissively, that same serene smile still on your face. You appreciate the sentiment but right now, you don't want to talk about it— right now, you don't need anything or anyone but Ren. Just him. He's more than enough to bring light into your life. 
"Thank you, Mitsuya-kun, but I have everything I want and need."
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© emissaire 2022 all rights reserved - plagiarism is a crime
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yanderecrazysie · 9 days
I actually love the idea of Haru being a kuudere yandere, can we get a shot about that?
Raeder tries to get along with him by talking to him and seeing as how he doesn't seem to mind her she went as far as venting to him. But when she started venting about specific people those people started vanishing. And when she talked to Haru about this, she got disturbed by how he somehow got colder and started talking like 'why do you care about them? didn't you say they bother you?' 'why are you so invested in that guy's disappearance? don't tell me you liked him back or something'
Giving her the sinking feeling, that there's seriously something wrong here and eventually stopped talking to him all together. But he wouldn't let her cut ties with him.
This plot is *chef’s kiss* mwah! I knew the perfect song for this too lol
Title: Jishu
Pairings: Nanase Haruka x Reader
WARNINGS: yandere themes, implied murder, swearing
Summary: You’re pretty sure there’s something dark inside your kuudere friend.
“Yes! I did it!
I dropped that girl into hell.
So? Is there a problem?
Everyone hated her, right?
- from “Jishu” by Roce
You felt like you could tell Haru anything.
Talking with Haru came easily, the words flowing from your mouth like the waterfalls he loves. You could talk about anything you wanted, and he’d sit there and listen attentively. You could talk about your day, talk on and on about your new favorite book series, or rant about things that went wrong or people that annoyed you.
If you were to be honest, you did a lot more ranting than anything else.
“...and she’s just so full of herself!” you finished, flinging your arms out in frustration. Haru barely blinked, watching you with those ocean-blue eyes.
“Does she bother you anymore?” Haru asked simply.
You took a moment to think about it. “Well, I think she’s home sick, so she hasn’t bothered me the past few days.”
Haru nodded seriously and said, “Good.”
You really should have put two and two together.
“This guy just won’t stop flirting with me,” you said in disgust, stabbing your meal with your fork. 
Your bad-tempered attention on your food meant you missed the way Haru’s eyes darkened with anger. He laid down his chopsticks and looked down at his own meal, appetite gone.
“What’s his name?”
“Of course his name is Chad. Why wouldn’t it be?” you rolled your eyes, “He doesn’t have a big chin like the memes, but damn is his ego big.”
“Which class?” Haru asked, his voice suddenly sharper than before.
“We share History,” you snorted, “But you’d think it was sex-ed with the way he talks.”
Haru’s hand curled into a fist but he said nothing.
You continued to vent, completely unaware of Haru’s reaction. “I just wish he’d leave me alone,” you finished, “He can’t take a hint at all.”
Haru’s eyes met your own. The quiet boy took a moment to think before saying, “He’ll change his mind.”
You laughed, “If only it were that easy.”
Haru nodded and picked up his chopsticks again, eating in silence.
After that day, Chad vanished from your life. He no longer sat next to you in history, putting his lanky arm around your shoulder while you squirmed in disgust. He no longer lingered in the hallways, following you to your locker while boasting loudly. He no longer seemed to exist at all.
At first you were relieved, but worry started to sink in. It had been weeks since anyone had seen him and students were beginning to gossip about what had happened to the creep.
You found Haru swimming in the university pool and approached him, “Hey, Haru- have you heard anything about Chad? He went missing almost a month ago.”
Haru stared at you, his expression unreadable, “Why are you asking about him?” his voice was cold- harsher than usual, “I thought you didn’t like him.”
A chill shot down your spine, “I don’t… but it’s just weird that he’s gone. People are worrying, y’know?”
Haru climbed out of the pool, not breaking eye contact. His eyes narrowed, “Why do you care so much? He was bothering you, right?”
You swallowed dryly, “Well, yeah, but that doesn’t mean I want anything bad to happen to him. He’s still a human.”
“Is that all it is?” Haru’s voice was even colder and harsher now, spitting out each word as though they were venom, “You have feelings for him, don’t you?”
“Of course not!” you protested, “But-”
You fell silent when a chilling smile graced Haru’s face, “Then don’t worry. He won’t harm you again. No one will ever hurt you again.”
Your heart stopped, “Haru… did you do something to Chad?”
The look in his eyes told you everything you needed to know, the near-demonic smile only adding fuel to your terror. “I need to go.”
Haru reached out, his hand brushing against your arm gently, “You don’t have to worry about him anymore. You don’t have to worry about anything. I’ll take care of you.”
“What did you do?” you demanded.
Haru shook his head, “I wouldn’t want to worry you.”
You stepped away from him, heart pounding in your chest. This wasn’t the Haru you once knew. This was someone dangerous.
You did the only thing you could think of- you fled. You ran like a bat out of hell, all the way back to your dorm. Tears streaked down your face by the time you reached safety. 
Haru… your closest confidant… what had he done to those people?
You had doomed them by talking about them to him.
You couldn’t decide… did you really want to know what he did…?
Or did you want to live blissfully unaware?
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bookishwithathought · 2 months
ACOSF Bonus Chapter Breakdown
Part II - Azriel and Elain
Part I: https://www.tumblr.com/bookishwithathought/749493410186117120/acosf-bonus-chapter-breakdown-part-i-azriel-and
**This is just me, analyzing the life out of the bonus chapter and all the possibilities. My thoughts and no one else's. If you agree, great. If you disagree, love it. If you want to share why you disagree, love it even more. If you are disrespectful while disagreeing, I kindly request that you move along and if you insist you will be left to argue with yourself**
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How did I miss this important bit from the first part?
This implies that Az and his shadows are a package deal. The shadows are an important part of his character, his very being. Throughout the series there are so many comments and observations about the shadows, and if they weren't important then the author would have no need to give them the amount of attention she has.
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These details are important, especially since it's been established the shadows are an important part of Az's very being.
When comparing the shadows' behavior toward Elain to everyone else in Azriel's life, it's worth noting that they vanish in Elain's presence, or move in a way that implies uncertainty, insecurity or fear.
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Elain was a social butterfly prior to being turned Fae, open and inviting, and this subtle forwardness seems to point to her being on her way to returning to herself, moving forward from mourning Graysen and her mortal life.
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Azriel is letting his emotions override his reasoning.
To consider:
It can either be positive, where emotion leads to action for good, or negative, where it can lead one to ignore warning signs.
2. His conscience was warning him and he chose to ignore. His wants and needs broke forth, overriding his senses and dismissing any potential repercussions or fallouts from this decision.
"I want what I want, consequences be damned"
*Clearly Elain is attracted to Az, otherwise she wouldn't have leaned into him. We see her beginning to just want again.
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(I'm redacting because I want to keep it as PG as I can)
Why wait for his shadows to go to sleep to allow himself this freedom?
His shadows know it's wrong and would encourage him against it
Azriel knows it's wrong and doesn't want to have his companions whisper into his conscience
Azriel felt uncomfortable acting on his desires in the presence of his shadows and didn't want an audience
My personal thought: It's like hiding something important from your greatest friend who'll always be honest with you and hold you accountable because you don't want to be honest with yourself and you don't want to leave any room for your conscience to be awakened.
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Personal note: I love the half-hearted attempt at resisting lol at least their conscience wasn't completely thrown out of the window.
Her arousal: reminds me of Violet Bridgerton and wanting to be "gardened" in Queen Charlotte (iykyk) lol. In all seriousness, this points to Elain being ready for love again. She is ready for touch, for intimacy.
Side note: Shout out to Azriel for still showing self-restraint, letting Elain take the lead on this. It's possible that he's letting her take the lead to appease his conscience, to be able to point out that he wasn't the initiator (not that it matters, at the end of the day, if you're still a willing participant. If there is blame to be had, you share it regardless of who started it) but I'd rather think the best of him in this moment, letting Elain set her level of comfort and pace here.
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Trusting and hopeful and open:
Elain was ready to think forward, of the future, of the possibilities
Tied with her not knowing the darkest/roughest/morally grey parts of Az so she only has an image of him that's incomplete. Implies her desires for Az is incomplete because she doesn't know him wholly
Az feels unworthy of goodness because he sees himself as unworthy of goodness
He idolizes Elain, putting her on a pedestal
He sees himself as not good enough for Elain, not even his presence is good enough for her. It corrupts, it taints, it stains.
He views Elain as innocent and pure, which in itself can be patronizing. We could point to the following excerpt from ACOSF
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Personal note: I wondered, while reading this passage, if this was also directed at Az himself (I fail to remember the right terminology for this), because based on the bonus chapter he certainly believes he has a darkness Elain shouldn't be exposed to. So much so that he comments he knew she had no idea of his "unsavory" side, and the only way for one to truly know another is if the other person reveals who they are. He hid parts of himself, either because he thinks Elain is too good and pure or because he's worried of how she would react to who he honestly is. Either way, hiding parts of yourself is dishonest.
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Immediate satisfaction. Here Azriel isn't thinking of a future with Elain. He has a desire he wants to see satisfied. After that? In this one moment, there is no "after that." Not to say there wouldn't be later. For now, there isn't.
{Side note on "Offer and permission": love to see on page consent.}
To be continued...
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morganalatina21 · 9 months
Manipulating Death: Chapter Thirteen
Series Summary: When Harry discovers he has a twin sister that was hiding for years, he wants to know all about her, specially about her ability to bring people back to life.
a/n: i knoww it's been a minute, but i finally sat my ass down to write and I actually did it, I'm sorry it took so long, I was trying to meddle 2 universities, a job and a student organization, so i'ts been meltdown after meltdown. Anyways, hope you guys didn't gave up on me :)
Also for anyone that noticed, I did had to change the gif lol
Word Count: 2.5k
(Also, english isn’t my first language so I’m sorry in advance lol)
Last Chapter | Masterlist
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"Please don't be mad. Although, y'all already are, probably. Did I anticipated it? Sure. Heavens know I'm sorry for not saying anything. Even if it's for the best. Lord Voldemort has to be stopped. Please don't worry, and DON'T come looking for me. Matter of fact, I shouldn't be writing. May we meet again soon."
That was all the letter, the only letter, said.
It arrived at the Grimmauld Place two and a half weeks after Y/n vanished from existence, leaving no trace behind except an incredibly disoriented family.
"How could she be gone?" Sirius mumbled for what seemed to be the twentieth time that morning, sitting in the living room, paper spread on the table as he wrote a letter to his godson; lying to him and saying that his sister was safe, yet again.
"This doesn't sound like her." Remus answered, exhaustion getting to him as he sat in front of the Black. "No little jokes, no funny tone, not even one who is clearly forced just to lighten up."
"She's in trouble." Guaranteed Regulus, pacing back and forth on the carpet like a lost cat.
The younger Black hasn't been able to sleep since he found the bed empty, desperately trying to find clues everywhere he looked. A string of her hair, her smell somewhere, anything! But no matter the effort, he'd always run into a dead end.
"We don't know that for sure, kid."
"I KNOW!" He spat, mad eyes looking at his brother.
"This could just be an attempt to get us out of the house, to go looking for her, so Death Eaters can capture us." Remus argued. "Which... is worse, because it would mean that they somehow know about her."
Regulus groaned, feeling sicker and sicker as he spoke.
"She could -possibly" Remus added, carefully stepping into the argument. "Be somewhere looking for a way to bring her parents back. I mean, she just died and got nothing on their end, she might be desesperate."
"Y/n wouldn't go without me." The young boy quickly dismissed it.
But really, he wanted to convince himself.
Was it that easy to abandon him? To leave him behind like nothing, and go run around like crazy? Because it sure wasn't easy for him to leave her.
"We should just... trust her." Sirius argued, calmly. "I trusted her enough to save my life and my little brother's, so I have to trust her enough to save her own life."
"She's too reckless."
"So we'd have to trust that she wouldn't leave us behind without a final goodbye."
Regulus swallowed thickly. The Black knew she wasn't selfish enough to survive just for herself, if it wasn't for him stopping her from bringing de death back left and right, the girl probably would've saved half the population without even thinking about the aftermaths on her health.
"We keep an eye on the news, magic and muggle, to see if we can find any clues. If she's out there messing with horcruxes, like you said before, it'll have an effect in the entire Wizarding world. If she's messing with the dead, the entire globe would feel it."
It wasn't enough for Regulus.
Staring at the news while she's out there somewhere, probably getting herself killed?
The Black sprinted downstairs, entering the basement again, trying to look for any clues, maybe a possessor he didn't notice at first, maybe a more convincing note.
He just wanted... something.
"Now that that's outta the way, keep him there." Sirius said, standing and reaching for his coat.
"Where do you think you're going?"
"Save our goddaughter? And now, possibly my- my- my sister in law?" He chuckled, moving his hair into a bun. "Where else should I be going?"
"You don't actually think it's her, do you?"
The sand-haired man stared at the letter for a couple seconds, too vague, too cold. Not at all like Y/n, if it wasn't for them to go after her, as she clearly mentioned, why even bother writing a letter?
"It's a code, Moony!" He whisper-yelled, looking to the basement door, too afraid his brother would come out and ruin everything. "First letter of every sentence. It's one of the codes Prongs and I used to get each other out of trouble."
With eyes full of doubt, Remus carefully read the note again, putting letter and letter together.
"P- A- D- S- H - E - L -P - M -M " He listed. "Shouldn't it be, M and then E? Help ME?"
"No, Moons. It was always nickname, Help, and then some clue for our location."
"Did you manage to find words to spell Prongs?"
"No, I usually just scream for help."
"Makes sense." Remus shrugged, staring down at the piece of paper one more time. "So MM, stands for..."
Malfoy Manor.
A huge dark construction with dozens of rooms, in the middle of a forest, a house he used to visit when they were younger, to keep the bonds between the pureblood families alive. So much that his cousin, Narcisa, ended up marrying one.
"Never thought I'd step foot into this place again." He sighed, trying to be as careful as possible, getting inches closer to the house. "But anything for little ol Prongsie."
Truth be told, Padfoot was never one to make great plans, usually that was reserved for Prongs or Moony, he'd always be the lad to suggest just blowing everything to pieces and get on with it. But right now, he had to think carefully. If Y/n was really somewhere inside that god-awful house, possibly being held hostage, one false movement and she'd be murdered. Again.
There was a man standing tall, guarding the main door. If his eyes were correct, that was Antonin Dolohov, who he used to piss off when they were in Azkaban together, along with his oh so lovely cousin Bellatrix. That was a dead giveaway.
Lord Voldemort was there too.
"Great, we'll have a tea party while I try to negotiate my niece's life. The more the merrier." He mumbled, talking to himself, an old habit he got back after spending twelve years with basically no one to talk.
Sirius quickly transformed into his animagus form, judging it'd be safer if someone saw a dog walking around instead of a wizard who was part of the Order.
Sniffing around, he finally smelled something different from pure evil and expensive perfumes that wasn't Bella's stinky hair. The smell came from the back of the house, more specifically from a tiny window almost on the ground. The dark basement.
He yelped, keeping his distance just in case, but soon enough a forehead and eyes appeared.
"What on Merlin's green underwear are you doing here?" The man whisper-yelled, now back into his original form, squatting down to take a look at her.
The girl was skinnier, with dark bags underneath her eyes, cuts with dried blood on her forehead, cheek and chin, but nonetheless there was a huge smile.
"I found my possessors!" She gestured, pointing behind her, to which Sirius could see their eyes glowing.
"That's great kid, but you still didn't answer my question."
"They still don't know about him, and they can not know." The girl said sternly. "But they do know about us hunting horcruxes down, and about me, and that's it."
So, Voldemort didn't know she could control death.
"Okay, what's the escape plan?"
Minutes later, the iron gate creaked. Sirius wasn't there anymore, leaving just a weak Y/n on a dark room with nothing but filth and oily ground.
"Y/n Potter." The man whispered, eyes wide open.
She hissed in response, "Wormtail."
"I didn't believe when they told me at first." The short guy was looking at her almost in awe, taking small steps forward. "But it really is you." Chuckling darkly, he tilted his head to the side. "I've seen that annoyed expression before, on your mother you know."
Sitting there, the girl barely blinked while looking at him. She wasn't nonchalant as usual, it was cold, stabbing daggers into his face with just her eyes.
"The dark lords demands to see you now."
His iron hand held both her wrists together tightly, bruising the already hurt flesh, to which she winced for a split of a second.
The main hall of the Malfoy Manor was mainly wiped away from the Potter's memory, hours of the Cruciatus curse making her memory blurry and unclear. Although she always remembered the arrangement: Voldemort was the only one sitting down, on what she assumed to be the fanciest armchair the Malfoys owned.
The rest of the Death Eaters stood in a parable, the dark lord being the highest point, leaving a huge empty space on the floor for her to be tortured while they hovered around her body.
"Let's try again, shall we?"
Peter dropped her arms and went to stand right beside his master's seat, opposite side to Nagini.
"I am not exactly patient, child." Voldemort started, the tip of his wand pointed right at her. "And you're not exactly giving us useful information. So if I were you I'd start talking. It wouldn't be the first time we'd torture someone until they can't move just to extract their memories, am I right?"
Just like brainless animals, the hord of wizards made laughing sounds the way they could.
"You don't even know the reason I'm here." The girl finally spoke, bringing silence to the room. "You just blindly trusted your followers that I have something important in me, but you don't have a fuck of a clue, do you? And I'm only assuming they can't explain it to you either."
"You are the sister of my greatest enemy, that is more than enough reason for me to keep you here."
"Your greatest enemy is a teenager with shitty eye sight? Man, I feel bad for you."
Her knees dropped to the floor as the sitting wizard whispered "crucio". Y/n threw her head back, gasping for air, refusing to give them the satisfaction of her screams. Bellatrix laughed uncontrollably as the girl struggled to not plant her face on the ground.
"Shut it, you insolent child." Voldemort ordered, not raising his voice. "I killed both of your parents already, and I will kill your brother, nothing is going to stop me from killing you when I think is convenient for me."
The Potter giggled like a child, hair falling in front of her face and air slowly going back to her lungs. That made the Lestrange stop her laughing and look at the girl as if she spat on her face.
"You are not going to kill me, Tom." Y/n could see a muscle twitch on Voldemort's face upon hearing that name, only expanding her smile. "I am important to you, you just don't know that yet."
"Nonsense you bitch." Busted Bellatrix, taking hard steps on her direction, wand ready, pointing at her. "The Dark Lord needs not a scavenger like you and-"
"Bella!" Was enough for the witch to stop on her tracks, a sour grimace spreading across her face as she slowly backed up next to her stop.
She's just like a puppy, a psychopath puppy, Y/n thought.
"And why are you important to me?" Voldemort asked, eyeing the girl still on the floor, slightly leaning on his seat.
"Because I am what you fear." The Potter smirked. "I can control who lives and who dies, I can reach into a dimension you're too afraid to discover, because you're frightened by death. You're frightened by me."
The Dark Lord stood up finally, raging fire behind his eyes looking down on her, and her shit eating grin on display only made things worse on his mind.
"Don't believe me?" She dared. "Choose anyone on this circle and I will kill them without using spells, and bring them back before you can say 'Crucio' again."
Suddenly, all the Death Eaters wanted to take a step back, noticing how their master was actually considering taking her word for what she could do.
Some, like Draco, did, ever so unnoticeable. Others, like Bellatrix and Yaxley, were skeptical of her possible power and stood still.
The young girl looked around, eyes scanning each one of them, landing specially on the brunette with hollow cheeks.
"Oh please, don't tell me Death Eaters are scared of death."
Infuriated, she stepped forward.
"I am not scared to die for the Dark Lord." Bellatrix announced, handing her sister the wand. "Do your worst."
"Oh I will." Y/n guaranteed as Voldemort took a few steps back, intrigued.
The girl reached her hand forward in the form of a claw right in front of the woman's face, in the best theatrical movement she could come up with. And with a twist of her wrist, Bellatrix Lestrange dropped to the floor without any second left, her body completely numb and frozen.
Gasps were heard all over the room, and Wormtail took three steps back. Narcisa, on the other hand, took three steps forward, squatting next to her sister. Turning her body to face up, silent whispers ran across the hall; Bellatrix's eyes were wide open, staring into nothing and not a single muscle twitched.
"She's dead."
In unison, all of the Death Eaters started taking steps back, it was magic without a wand and non verbal, without any weapons. Not a single person there had seen anything quite like it.
"Don't worry." Y/n intervened when Voldemort started gesticulating to Nagini. "I'll bring her back. That was the deal, right?"
Positioning both her forearms on each side of the woman's head, Y/n held her through the jaw and slightly opened her mouth. Getting their faces really close to each other, the Potter audibly inhaled through her mouth once, twice, thrice.
Bellatrix gasped.
Narcisa was quick to hold her in place as Y/n leaned back, smiling smugly as all the people surrounding them looked in shock. To them, the girl performed something close to a miracle right before their eyes.
Voldemort grasped his follower's face, squinting his eyes, looking for any sign that she might still be dead and it was all just a trick. But there was nothing
"I know you're probably wondering how." The girl spoke, smile not even looking like it would ever vanish from her face. "But I'm sorry. A magician never reveals his secrets."
As soon as the last word spilled from her mouth, the doors busted open, revealing a large Padfoot barking and growling next to an unconscious Dolohov, while dozens of dark figures ran around, assaulting the Death Eaters and knowcking them down.
Y/n sprinted as fast as she could, having a little help from something who just finished helping her with the theatrical demonstration. What no one had noticed, was one of the possessors Y/n owned, subtly placing himself as a dark cushion as she fell on the ground at the first Cruciatus. And with simple orders, he entered Bellatrix, killing her momentarily, just to get out moments later.
Running next to each other after being a menace, Sirius for sure missed that. He wasn't that young and prepared teenager anymore, but oh did he welcomed that adrenaline. Specially after hearing her laugh, he felt alive again.
Grabbing a piece of Padfoot's fur, they apparated far away from that horrid place.
Taglist: @intoanothermind @moonysupremacy01 @maraudersarelifee @elleraelockwood @darkenwolfie @hopesf @lukewearingbeanies @azuredgalaxies @klazina-couch-potato @goldensunshineshit @kaverichauhan @venomsvl @mrs-billyrussooo @mikadorbs @iavenderh6ze @wizardsgrace @reblog-princess @dittos-blog-dylanobrien @roroswitherose @s-we-e-t-t-ea @ok-boke @warcelia @danyxthirstae01 @b-tchymoon @lovely-maryj @the-sander-fander @regulusblackloverr @coffeeaddictednymph @quackitysdrugdealer @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @teamspideyman @artemis-the-ace @theprettytragic @loidforgerishotashell @criminalyetminimal @amortyong @qualitywitchchaos @musicconversedance @xcharlottemikaelsonx @esposadomd @e1213 @certainyouthpeanut @voodoodol7760 @ireneop @lovermoment @avadakadabra93 @musicconversedance @wildtigerlili @csifandom @noah-uhhh-what
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blaiddraws · 2 years
Gooooods your zekrom Ingo is so creachure I love him. Reshiram Emmet is so fluffy too!!! What do people outside the pearl clan think of Zekrom Ingo? I feel like they probably wouldn't tell jubilife about him lol. And what about Nimbasa? What do they think of legendary-dragon-man Emmet? Whose twin just went missing?? He can't hide being a dragon forever that would be so long.
initially they keep ingo sorta. secret. hidden. but it's kinda hard to hide a big dragon man. especially when he has a tendency to wander and an incredibly loud voice. and friendly attitude. the man does not know subtlety if it punched him in the face.
so eventually, at the Very Least many people know OF him. through rumors or being told directly. (though, most people in the galaxy team do not know about him. the clans try to keep that on the down-low, so to speak) all the wardens have met him, as well as adaman and a few members of the diamond clan, and in one instance before the events of pla, kamado and cyllene and zisu.
professor laventon knows him the best out of everyone in the galaxy team, actually. he managed to run into ingo while out in the field, and after he got over the initial fear of seeing an intimidating dragon man. they managed to get along pretty well. ingo considers him a friend :>
kamado is MEGA suspicious of him. does not like that guy at all. cyllene is wary and so is zisu. tho zisu can tell he's a pretty nice guy, from what she could see, so even though she has only met him the once she also is only as wary as she would be about any other relative stranger. if that makes sense? same with cyllene to a lesser degree.
and! adaman! lol. irida sees ingo as a positive role model. trusts him. uncle ingo. so adaman sees the obvious trust and admiration and is like. yanno what what if he's actually OUR sinnoh's guy and just ended up getting stuck in the wrong place (after all, sinnoh is the god of TIME not SPACE). and ALSO gets attached. HIS friend now. ingo has no idea what is going on anymore
as for emmet! lmao
after a couple weeks of not being seen at all, understandable given the fact that his brother vanished, he just. shows up at work again. without a word. does not acknowledge his newfound fuzziness and the depot agents follow his example
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shepherds-of-haven · 8 months
This is gonna sound like a rant but a promise it's a rave....I hate Lavinet but I love her character lol.
(spoilers incoming)
She's written so well but I can't be infuriated with her. I didn't leave her cousin to die, my MC a split second decision to save a child over duty. Was it wrong? Maybe. But I couldn't let the only person kind to me die vrs the random hag yelling at me.
Could I use a word of power? Fair, but my first time playing I want sure this particular "power" was not somehow going to vanish this city as well or be some sort of mininuke.
I was expecting it, but still very surprised because of how vicious she was.
Loved it though!
Haha, thank you! I know that moment can be controversial/unpleasant for some, but I think it's not only important emotional "fallout" as a result of MC's decisions (no matter how understandable from our standpoint and side of things), but it also shows a crucial aspect of Lavinet's personality: she may be "our" Lavi to some, but the thing that makes her so formidable to both her enemies and peers is that she is a courtier through and through, able to hide her true feelings beneath a pleasant and charming mask, and able to employ a ruthless and absolute vicious sense of judgement and enmity as well. She wouldn't be as formidable as the story makes her out to be without that very real element of her personality. I don't think saving Caine over Prihine is "morally" wrong by any means (it's probably what I would have done as a player myself), but I think from Lavinet's perspective, it would impossible for me to forgive or be understanding/charitable towards someone who allowed my cousin to die under their watch when they were specifically hired to protect them, and then only a few months later is enjoying all of this fame and success and glory as "the Hero of Haven." Especially without having been there myself! And, as in life, some conflicts just can't be reconciled and are unfortunate realities to contend with!
Anyway, thank you for your commentary and insight, it was exactly the reaction I was hoping for! 😄
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siswritesyanderes · 1 year
Which yanderes would be best to help you hide a body with? It can't be anyone who can vanish the body with magic or throw it into the sun or w/e, they have to help you dig the hole or drive you to the pig farm or something. Who will ask zero questions? I know some of them don't want to get their hands dirty, who would?
My very first thought was Nagito Komaeda, but if I open this up to Danganronpa characters, we'll be here all day, lol.
Sokka would help you dig a hole. He might complain about it, and he might ask questions, but they wouldn't really be "Why did you kill the guy?" or "Who is this person you killed?" questions, so much as "Did anyone see you?" and "Have you had dinner yet? I'm starving. We should eat something after this."
Percy Jackson would probably drive you to a lake or river, with the body in the trunk of the car, and drop it off there. Annabeth would be the feed-it-to-pigs type. Work smarter, not harder!
Nico di Angelo would definitely help you dig a hole and wouldn't need to ask any questions because he can talk to ghosts; he'll ask someone else the details later. You might just dig in comfortable silence together, or you might be chatting about something irrelevant, like Mythomagic lore.
William Afton takes you to his pizzeria, and you pretty much just watch him shove the body in an animatronic. There is absolutely no ceremony to this, for him; you may as well have asked him to help you unscrew a jar. He's glad he can share this moment with you, though. He thinks it's romantic to let you choose which animatronic it gets shoved into.
Kris Dreemurr would help you dig a hole, for sure. Or, if pigs are available, they would help you feed a body to some pics. Maybe they'd convince Onionsan to eat it. Whatever method they choose, they don't ask any questions; they'd pretty much just shrug and then get up and help.
I would say most characters in Twilight would bury a body, no questions asked.
Natasha Romanov definitely has a whole procedure for inconvenient corpses; she would take over the whole operation the second you indicate you need to dispose of a body, and it wouldn't occur to her that it matters why you did it or what's going on. After it's over, she'd probably take you home, pour both of you a drink, and debrief on everything.
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belit0 · 11 months
Hi can you do Madara with number 2. Love your writing style especially the Madara ones.
(Part 2 of the Uchiha Mafia AU) @twilightlover2007
2) Madara: Oh, can’t find your clothes? Wear mine, they look better on you anyway.
Thank you so much for your words!! I truly appreacite you take the time to request something, thank you!
In fact, this prompt inspired me to make this writing part of the same world as this Mafia AU I did for Izuna, happening in the same universe, you know?
Technically, in that piece, I didn't reveal Izuna was part of the mafia, but well, now we know!!
I like to think the readers of both stories are two different characters, because I wouldn't want the same (Y/N) fucking both brothers at the same time lol.
Eventually, both stories will come together as one.
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Vain, cocky, smug Uchiha, the one who knows how to fuck a woman with finesse and leave her satisfied to then gloat about his handiwork. The one who knows where and how to touch, what pressure and at what speed, to get you undone under his hands and show you a mocking smile.
The world's largest mafia family carries the rumor of having the best sexual performance, and (Y/N) experienced firsthand the reason for this saying. The famous phrase goes something like "Ugly shall be that Uchiha who doesn't know what he is doing in bed." and (Y/N) now understands it doesn't apply to this man's case.
Probably to nobody in the family, considering they are all so damn beautiful.
Madara, he had said his name was, Uchiha Madara. (Y/N) was surprised to spontaneously meet someone from such an important clan on a Friday night at a bar. It was he who approached her, sweet-talked her with pretty words and expensive liquor, and pulled her into his car amid kisses and heated advances.
The girl wakes up with a hint of pain between her legs telling stories about the night before, and all alone in bed. She can hear the shower in the background and assumes her companion jumped in it to get ready for the day.
It's Saturday, yet the man goes to work all the same.
The sun shines timidly on the horizon through the window, and (Y/N) estimates it's not even 6 am. She took a small, involuntary nap when Madara finished eating her pussy, passing out from both stimulation and exhaustion.
They had arrived at his house around 10 p.m. after having a few drinks, the Uchiha winning her over with his charm and looks. The girl could not refuse the invitation of such a beautiful man and fell easily into his bed. He pleasured her all night long, alternating between his fingers, cock, and tongue to make her touch the sky with her hands.
Just when (Y/N) thought he was done with her, a new round began. They moved around the room in different positions, holding her against the mirror so she could look at herself while he fucked her from behind, bent over his vanity for easier access to her pussy, on the bed turned over to swallow his dick, and almost choking in the attempt because of its size.
The man prove to know what he was doing, to the point where (Y/N) could not get her body to respond. By the time she finally passed out from pleasure and fatigue, he let her rest for as long as it would take him to shower and dress for his morning meetings.
The girl looks at her body and notices she is, of course, completely naked. There are a series of scratches and bites decorating her skin, memories that will remain for her to later tell her friends and show evidence. Sitting up on the mattress, she looks around the floor for her clothes, but they seem to have vanished.
Neither under the bed, nor among the sheets, nor between all the objects left scattered around the room. None of her garments want to show up and give her a hand, and (Y/N) feels totally exposed. It's one thing to fuck a beautiful man who knows what he's doing with a few drinks under her belt, but it's quite another to confront him face to face after a cheeky night like the one they had.
Even more so if, on top of that, it's an Uchiha man we’re talking about.
"Looking for this?" Madara smirks at her from the entrance of the bathroom, leaning against the door frame with a towel around his waist. He looks fresh out of the shower, with droplets falling down his body unabashedly and his hair fully pulled back away from his face. On his index finger, he holds her black thong and flashes it teasingly in her face. "I regret to inform you it will remain here, for my collection, of course."
As if his words were not at all scandalous, he proceeds to his dressing room and changes into his business suit as if nothing. After boxers and pants, he buttons his white collared shirt sickeningly fast, ignoring the naked girl on his bed. "I need... I need my... I can't leave without..."
"Oh, can't find your clothes? Wear mine, they will look better on you anyway."
The Uchiha tosses her a pair of gym pants that presumably fits her too big with a pajama shirt, and finds among the mess in the room her heels. It will be a flashy and bizarre outfit, to say the least, but it will get her home without having to walk around naked.
"There's a car waiting for you downstairs, to drive you home. It's my head driver. I'll see you soon, (Y/N)." Finishing getting ready as he speaks, the Uchiha smiles mischievously at her one last time before walking out of the room. A few seconds later, she hears the front entrance close, and the girl tries to recap what happened.
She just fucked one of the biggest mobsters in the world, and he confirmed they would meet again. Maybe not explicitly, but you know what I mean. Stunned, she alludes to the effort of searching for her dress and decides to settle into her bizarre attire, leaving Madara's penthouse to head for the parking lot.
"Miss (Y/N)?" A man in a suit and sunglasses asks leaning against an Audi Nardo gray RS3. If the luxury of the Uchiha's home wasn't too much, he noticeably doesn't skimp with his transportation either. The presumed driver opens the door, then closes it behind her once she’s in. He doesn't even ask her home address, heading towards the location as if he already knew it in advance. Looking at her through the rearview mirror, he notices the girl catches on to this detail and explains with a smile "There is nothing escaping the Uchiha. Once you are connected with one of them, they know everything about you. More so if we talk about second in command."
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13thdoctorposts · 5 months
I just ordered all of Jodie's era on DVD (I'm a physical media lover) and can I say how wonderful and ironic it is to see the thousands of top star reviews for her merchandise and how stuff like certain figurines and her TARDIS figurine are either totally sold out or priced up hundreds of pounds when the haters say she's unpopular and doesn't sell. I mean she even has her officially licensed scarf and everything lol. People love her Doctor.
People seem to take the downward trend of spending during the pandemic as some sort of indictment that 13/Jodie doesn't sell, when in fact in 2018/9 there was a ton of merch that sold just like all Doctor Who merch does, we got the 10inch doll, a barbie, action figures, her sonic, her series 11 funko pop set, 3 novels with matching audio books, 5 YA/Kids books, Comics, games, eaglemoss figures... and thats just off the top of my head and doesn't even include all the generic DW merch... then 2020 came... 13 era merch seemed to vanish... gee I wonder what happened that year that heavily effected the economy, the workforce and businesses, not to mention peoples LIVES? People were losing their jobs, hoping not to get sick, dealing with having sick loved ones and trying to make sure they had enough toilet paper somehow I don't think any shows merch was top of peoples minds, and businesses that were essential to making merch were losing money, making it harder to make things!
I don't believe there has ever been a problem with 13/Jodie selling, unfortunately during her tenure one of the most disruptive events in our generation happened and merch wasn't a priority and even made for fans to buy during that time due to the conditions, restrictions, and economy to know if it wouldn't sell, so its a ridiculous argument.
But as you said theres also a number of items of her merch that are not only expensive if you want one now but you'll be lucky if they even come up for sale because clearly people want to keep them.
For example... 13 Build a Bear, 13 Blush bear from Children in Need, the 2018 SDCC 13 Pop, the 1/5 signature edition Big Chief Studios figure.
You want any of these not only will you have to wait who knows how long for one to come up to buy but expect to be paying a small fortune... However you want a 10th Doctor Build a Bear? They are on Ebay now, more pricey then buying originally from Build a Bear but no where near as much as a 13 Bear when it comes up I've seen 2 come up in 12 months. You want one of the other Doctor Chidlen in Need bears that were release? Yeah you can get them pretty regularly on Ebay too and a pretty good price, head over there now and you'll find them, never seen a 13 one for sale, Big Chief Studios figure? You can find most all the other Doctors, 13 I've seen it come up twice in the last 12 months on Ebay, and only 1 was in its original condition so good luck, and hopefully you have a weeks salary you don't need to buy it if you wanted it they are so expensive, you can still find listings for the 2018 SDCC 13 Pop but you got a spare 250+ pounds to pick it up? Haven't seen any other Doctor pops cost that much if you want to get one.
If Jodie was soooooo unpopular why is she one of the most expensive and elusive Doctors to be able to get merch for when she is technically the most recent Doctor with merch you should just be easily able to pick up.
Jodie also recently had prints of an image she painted sold for charity they were not cheap! There was only 50, they were gone in under 1 day.
Haters are just gonna make things up because the truth doesn't fit their narrative.
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hauerhoetime · 2 years
Hi! can you write something with billy x f reader? like she's famous for rejecting steve (because back then steve was an asshole and she knew better) and when billy gets around and hears this he takes it as a challenge? date the girl who rejected king steve to show how much you do better than him or something
angst or happy ending up to u
Hi!! I hope you like it :) I made it an angst ending but I think it could very much be open to a part 2 where it could be a happy ending tbh so lmk if you guys wanna see that!! Also sorry if it seems a little rushed I got excited at the idea of posting it today lol.
Billy Hargrove x f!Reader
Summary: you rejected Steve Harrington in your sophomore year of highschool and now you're a senior who can't live it down. One day your life begins to change until it all comes crashing to a stop.
Tool P2
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While walking to school you took a moment to appreciate the crisp fall air. Closing your eyes you take a deep breath; grounding yourself before you walk into the chaos of Hawkins High. 
The life you tried to live at Hawkins High went largely uninterrupted but there was one thing that always came back to haunt you. While you were a sophomore there was a guy who happened to ask you out on a date and you said no. That wouldn't really be that big of a deal in any normal situation; however this was anything but normal. This guy just so happened to be Steve Harrington, resident king of Hawkins High. 
Once you turned him down- rather politely might I add- that's all anyone seemed to know you for. It's been two entire years since the incident and you haven't been able to live it down. His reputation has since recovered and Nancy Wheeler has come and gone but in the eyes of the student body you have stayed the sixteen year old girl that turned down a life as highschool royalty. All you wanted was to move through highschool relatively unnoticed but Hawkins had other plans. 
That leads us to the here and now. You were standing on the sidewalk just across the street from the previously mentioned highschool taking in the fresh air. As you stand you watch the kids that you've known for years that are actually closer to adulthood now than being kids. One more deep breath and your feet begin to move once again. 
Once inside the building you begin to move through the usual motions of your day once again; unaware that today was going to be anything but usual. 
Your day began to derail once you were on your way out of lunch. You heard someone call out your name and once you turned you instantly wished you hadn't. Tommy was standing with a few of his friends behind you. One face that stood out was Billy Hargrove. You stopped in your tracks with a blank face as you called back "What do you want Tommy?" 
"I just wanted to introduce you to the new up and coming king of Hawkins high" he said with a smirk on his face as he gestured to Billy. 
"Great yet another asshole" you mumbled under your breath. "I'm not interested sorry" you say as you go to turn away. 
"Wow, your reputation stands. Rejecting the old and new king I see" Tommy called as you walk away. 
"Two years ago Tommy! Move on!" You shout over your shoulder as you round the corner vanishing from their sight. 
The next few days have stayed on routine for the most part. The only difference was that Billy seemed to make more and more appearances every day; less and less of them involving Tommy. 
Now you are sitting at a picnic table around the back of the school just trying to get some work done when you hear someone clear their throat. "Hey Y/n right?" You look up to be greeted with Billy standing on the opposite side of the picnic table. You simply nod in response to his question resulting in him talking some more. "What are you doing?" 
"Working on some chemistry homework?" Your statement came out more like a question as you look up at him; your face clearly displaying confusion. 
He simply nodded at your words seemingly taking a page from your book before speaking once again "You don't seem to like Tommy that much." 
"No he's a tool" you responded simply as if it was common knowledge- and it was. 
Billy smiled down at you and nodded in agreement "I don't really like him either." 
"Then why hang out with him?" 
"Because he just kinda stays around" Billy chuckled at his own response. 
"You should lose the tool before people think you're a tool too" I smile as I look back down at my work. 
We sat there for another hour just talking as I pretended to work but in the entire hour I did maybe one question. After that day my old routine went out the window and was replaced with a new routine. Every day at the same time I'd go out to my picnic table and work for about twenty minutes before Billy came and joined me. I enjoyed the new routine. It added something to my life I never knew was missing. 
Billy Hargrove is a man that is unpredictable and dangerous. He added something to my life that I was lacking. Excitement. 
I, Y/n L/n am a woman that is predictable and structured. I added something to his life that he lacked. Stability. 
There was yet another change to my life a few weeks after this new routine began. This change came in the form of a simple question. A question I hadn't heard since sophomore year. A question that was no longer coming from the mouth of Steve Harrington but is now coming from Billy Hargrove. 
Billy looked at me for a few moments as he let silence surround us. Then he broke it. He looked at me with his chin resting in his hand as he leaned on the table and asked me "will you go on a date with me?" 
I looked up at him with wide eyes as my mouth was slightly opened from shock. The scene was almost comical as he sat there in complete calm and I contrasted him so severely. I wasn't expecting the question however that doesn't mean I didn't want the question to be asked. 
"Are you serious?" My voice comes out as a whisper. 
"Yeah" he whispers back, matching my tone as his smile widens. 
"Yeah I'll...I'll go on a date with you" I manage to get the words out without any embarrassing squeaks or trembles. 
His smile basically splits his face in two as he stands up to leave our table as our hour comes to a close. "I'll pick you up Friday night at 6:00" and with that he was gone.
The next few days were excruciatingly boring as you waited for the date to arrive. Billy still came to the picnic table of course but really how can one expect to find excitement on an ordinary day while waiting to go on a date? 
However the day had arrived and you managed to not explode with excitement before now. You stood in your room looking at the outfit you had picked out in your mirror. You were dressed fairly casually though if you looked at the details you could tell you were dressed a little fancier than normal. After much interrogation Billy finally caved and told you he was taking you out to dinner at a local restaurant so you'd know what to wear. 
As you were looking at the final details you added you heard the knock on the door. The tell tale sign that your date had arrived. 
You ran down the hall to the living room and opened the door with a smile. Billy was wearing a matching smile as he greeted you with a "Hey pretty girl are you ready?" 
"Hi" you smiled shyly at the coment before beginning to nod "yeah I'm ready." 
Billy said nothing as he held his hand up for you to grab so he could walk you to his car. He was rather chivalrous and opened the passenger door for you and closed it once you were safely tucked inside. 
Once Billy was in the car he placed his hand on your thigh towards your knee. The drive to the restaurant was rather sweet as he offered you to pick the music and he asked about your day; all with a smile on his face. Truth be told he was having a good time already tonight. You always had a tendency to bring a smile to his face even when you weren't trying. He found himself doing anything to make you smile too. If getting you to smile meant listening to your music and hearing you ramble about how dumb someone was in your history class he was more than willing to do it. 
The two of you pulled into the parking lot of this restaurant and Billy told you in a rushed voice "sit tight sweetheart let me get your door" before hopping out of the car. As you watched him walk around the car to open your door you couldn't help the blush that took over your face. The whole night- though it has barely begun- Billy has been using a handful of pet names and every single one has your stomach erupting with butterflies. 
Your door opens and he takes your hand to assist you getting out. Once you are steady on your feet he closes the car door before walking you into the restaurant. 
Once inside you quickly ordered and began to talk just like normal but if you looked close enough you could see the change. Under the table the two of you had your feet intertwined like you needed a point of contact to live. You weren't pretending to have better things to do like chemistry work because you knew the only thing you even wanted to think about doing was talking to Billy. 
So far the date was going well. Billy hadn't failed to tell you how beautiful you looked tonight and how he was so thankful you said yes; but good things never last. 
The bell above the door chimes as you and Billy talk. Neither of you even glanced at the door because the two of you simply didn't care who walked in. That's when there was an obnoxious laugh that bellowed over the tables followed by a series of words that sent you into a spiral. "Holy shit Billy!! You actually got her to say yes? Wow I guess I owe you dude" 
The two of you sat in silence for a moment before you looked at Billy who was noticeably more pale than a few moments ago. "Billy, what is he talking about?" 
"I- well- you see-" Billy was struggling to get words out. He hated this. It wasn't like him to lose his confidence yet here he was. He wanted to sink into himself and never come back out. 
Tommy piped up to let you in on the secret Billy couldn't spit out. "Billy and I had a little bet to see if he could get you to go out with him. I said no because you don't like kings but he seemed to think of you as some challenge to beat." Tommy's smile was so wide he looked like a little kid's nightmare. 
You quickly turned back to Billy before asking quietly "is that true-?" 
He took yet another moment to stutter before responding "well- technically yeah but-" and that's when you cut him off. 
You stood up and looked down at him with more anger than he'd ever seen in your eyes. "I should have never said yes. Turns out you're just a tool too. Have a good night Billy" and you turned to leave. You didn't wait for your food. You didn't pay your bill. And when you got home you didn't answer his calls. 
You should have known that in their heads all you'd ever be was a sixteen year old girl who said no.
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acourtofthought · 5 months
Me again and on the same day, so... I hope I'm not being annoying...
But what do you think about ccity3? (if you have already read it)
I may end up releasing some spoilers, so if you don't want to risk it, don't continue reading!!
I mean, more specifically what do you think about the shadows of Az, Ruhn and Comarc?
Today I saw an E/riel girl saying that the shadows disappear when they (Ruhn and Comarc) are comfortable, so they insisted again that Az's shadows disappearing with Elain is a good sign... I don't believe it's the same thing, definitely.
(But I don't have much context from Ccity, I haven't read them yet. Well, just the third one to see my girl Ness and Az)
And if you've already read it, what did you think of the Bryce&Az&Ness extra, the ending in particular; from shadows dancing to Az humming; of the exact words "could have sworn" being used in both of Az's extras twice;
And the song "Stone Mother"; Do you think it has a "meaning" for the future? I've seen people saying this is about Elain, I particularly agree with something I read about it having some connection to his mother (who was briefly mentioned during the extra)
They distorted a part claiming that the shadows danced with Bryce's cell phone, but that doesn't happen. I've never met an Elriel who played fair, they're always trying to change what was said. (Some said they were very confident after Ccity3, and I honestly didn't understand why)
Well, maybe I'm just super paranoid, looking for a little Gwynriel in every line... lol
I actually feel special to have gotten two asks in a day from you so thank you!!
I think if we were to compile a list of everything Az's shadows have ever done from start to finish in series, we'd find conflicting information.
I imagine there was a time where SJM did not truly know what she was doing with Az's shadows or what she wanted them to do for a particular love interest because she wasn't even sure that Az was getting a book early on.
And I think it's also a bit difficult for us to compare them to Cormac because the way Az's shadows came to him is unique. We're told that they came to Az while he was born in the dungeon, an airless, light-less prison where he learned the language of the shadows and it's difficult to say if the relationship he developed with them is equal to that of those with similar powers. Ruhn and Rhys share similar powers however it's evident that Rhys is by far and away much more powerful.
Az's shadows aren't exactly "him". They seem to be a bit sentient when you consider that he tells us they keep him company, that they whisper to him. He is not fully in control of his shadows at all times, they told him to sleep and he thought on how he wished he could.
I'm not saying we'd want Az's shadows to be swarming and ready to strike like snakes at all times, that's clearly not a good thing for either Az or the shadows. But having them tend to vanish around someone when he tells us they've been his companion would be like a friend who you grow up with start disappearing anytime your girlfriend came around. Wouldn't it be better if his shadows remained but were at rest or calm?
That's not the narrative SJM put out there for his shadows around Elain in SF though. They skittered away from her, he says they tend to vanish when she's around. It's clear that in SF Az is not in a great place so for E/riels to say they disappear around her because he's calm and that's a good thing is a complete contradiction to him thinking on how he's been ignoring her because he's bothered by her bond. She clearly does not bring him peace.
In the same book we're told that his shadows are afraid of the Sun and in HOFAS, we get more evidence that they don't hold up to light very well.
When you consider how SJM often connects Elain to light and sunshine it seems pretty obvious that she's telling us Elain's penchant for those things is not going to compliment what we know of Az's shadows.
She also could not have made it more clear that the shadows responded to Gwyn in a way they never did with Elain. They danced and twirled with her breath, they were content to sit on Az's shoulders and watch when before the shadows were trying to get him to bed, they sang in response to her song (just as they sang in response to Az's humming). Saying they vanish around one female while having them curious and a bit playful with another, even if it's only in relation to her powers (as E/riels like to claim) is still better for the shadows......which are a part of Az but not fully him. They don't need to love Gwyn because the shadows are not possibly mated to Gwyn. But if Az is mated to Gwyn and his shadows have a bit of a thing for her song then is that not an extremely symbiotic relationship for all parties involved?
I'm not even sure Azriel understood the lyrics of the song because Nesta says she couldn't understand them so maybe it was truly just the melody that captivated Az. And the way the melody was described is a lot like the music of the priestesses service.
As likes music.
Gwyn is a singer.
Az himself began humming once the phone stopped playing.
They share a common interest and that's a valid thing to comment on in regards to a ship.
If Az was aware of the lyrics and the lyrics had to do with the Stone Mother legend than I'd hope no one would be trying to turn the words into anything ship related as the legend is Native American and Elain and Gwyn are white. But to your point, it could have something to do with his mother as she is Illyrian.
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