#she knows he’s Spider-Man but she’s cool with it she’s very supportive
stevie-petey · 7 months
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episode one: the vanishing of will byers
Steve nods, as if you almost getting hit by his car makes perfect sense to him. When you walk over to your bike and inspect it for any damage, he follows after you.  “So,” he whistles, trying to pretend that this is all a completely normal occurrence. “You, uh, need a ride?” Honestly you don’t know why you’re surprised he hasn’t noticed the clear signs of you crying, your swollen eyes and red nose. Not only is he a boy, but he’s also Steve Harrington. It’s a miracle he even stopped to make sure you weren’t dead.
summary: jonathan smuggles you free food in exchange for friendship, will goes missing the one time you listen to jonathan, hopper doesn't really like you, and steve harrington almost hits you with his car as you're sobbing like a damn baby (in a cool way).
rating: general, although there's plenty of cursing and slight innuendos, so fair warning.
warnings: cursing, fem!reader, and use of y/n.
words: 7k
before you swing in: hello ! this is the first chapter of my come home series, where i plan on rewriting the entirety of stranger things because i really love a good rewrite fic and this is me just indulging in my ideal fic fantasies tbh. before we start: this is a steve x reader fic, however there will be some slight feelings between the reader and jonathan, but it doesn't at all get in the way of steve and honestly just adds to the angst because i love a good tragedy. also, reader is dustin's older sister, but i tried to write her as neutral as possible in terms of physical features, so let's all just play along. that is all ! i'm very excited for this series and i hope y'all enjoy her as much as i do :)
November 6th, 1983
Your shift at Bookstrordinary ends at 8:30 tonight, so as soon as you’ve organized all the books within the store and cashed out the last customer, you say goodnight to your boss, Mrs. Waters, and clock out. Today had been a longer shift, and it didn’t help that you had to deal with a particularly eager bookclub mother who insisted that you had the latest copy of some obscure novel that she needed for her club. After several attempts to inform her that no, you really didn’t have some novel about a cowboy falling in love with a rodeo girl from Michigan, nor would you ever want to read that, the mother angrily walked away. 
You’re happy to finally be free from work though, excited to see Jonathan to tell him about the book club mom because you know he gets a kick out of those suburban middle class mothers that terrorize Hawkins. He works across from you, at The Hawk theater, and it’s one of your favorite things about the bookstore. Besides getting to be surrounded by books all day and reading Spider-Man, you get to be across the street from your best friend and share frequent breaks together. 
A bell signifies your arrival at the theater, alerting Jonathan to look up from the concession stand and smile at you. He looks tired, which you can understand. It’s been a particularly long school year so far with Jonathan having to work more shifts than usual to support his family. 
“Welcome to The Hawk, can I interest you in our specialty popcorn and candy corn mixture?”
You make a face, “No, thanks. Candy corn freaks me out.” 
Jonathan laughs, knowing you’d say that. It’s been a running joke between the two of you for as long as you can remember. You’re not picky with most foods, but candy corn? The bane of your existence. “Tough crowd, then.” 
You laugh as well, now standing in front of the counter, and you learn against it so that you’re in Jonathan’s space. After being friends for so long, personal space doesn’t exist between the two of you. You’re the only person that Jonathan lets get this close to him on a regular basis, which you’re secretly proud of. 
“So, you almost done so we can pick up our idiotic brothers?” Tonight, as usual, Will and Dustin are at Mike’s house playing DnD. They’d biked over as soon as school let out, while Jonathan drove you to work, so he was your ride back for the night. 
He shakes his head at you, wincing, “I picked up an extra shift tonight. Stacy called out sick, and it’s good money…”
You nod in understanding. He doesn’t have to explain himself to you, which he’s always relieved by. 
“It’s okay. Is my bike still in your trunk?” 
“Yeah, I can get it out for you since I’m kind of ditching you tonight.” 
You wave him off, already reaching across the counter to grab his keys from his coat pocket. “No need, I’ll get it out myself so you don’t get in trouble with your boss.” Jonathan’s boss is an older guy, extra scary. “I’m assuming that I’m taking Will home tonight?” 
“It’ll be late by the time you get the boys, and you’ll have Dustin. We only live a couple blocks apart, you can just bike with Will until you get to your street.”
“Are you sure? I know he’s scared of the dark.” 
“It’s fine, Y/N. You’re already doing enough being there for most of the ride; I’m sure Will can survive the last five minutes alone.” 
You give Jonathan an unsure look, but you don’t argue with him. He’s his brother, he knows Will’s capabilities, and it’s an unspoken fact that you baby Will a bit too much. He’s just so much tinier than the other boys, softer in a way that you want to protect. He’s special. 
Jonathan sneaks you a large peach lemonade and hot dog from the concession stand when you return with his keys. You’ve parked your bike up front, and you accept the food gratefully. You hadn’t had time to eat your usual dinner during your break due to the bookclub mother fiasco, so you inhale the food quickly and give his hair a ruffle. 
“You’re a lifesaver, bee.” 
Jonathan lightly hits your hand away from his hair. “Consider it your payment for dealing with Will and Dustin on your own tonight, bug.” 
Bee and bug were the names the two of you had given each other years ago. Jonathan had started it with bug, stemming from the fact that you love Spider-Man so much, and you had struggled to come up with your own nickname for him. Then it came to you: bee, or B, for Byers. It was perfect, and you’re still incredibly proud of yourself for the creativity, honestly. 
After your quick dinner, you say goodbye to your friend and head off. It’s late now, nearing 9, and you hope that Mrs. Wheeler and your own mom won’t be too upset with you for being late for pick up. You know they prefer to have the boys in bed by a decent hour, but in your defense, Jonathan did skip out on you.
You arrive at the Wheeler’s in a short amount of time and knock on the door. Your cheeks are flushed from the early November cold, and you’re regretting that you only put on a thin sweater and jeans this morning.
Mike answers the door, giving you a dirty look. “Did you have to come early?”
“I’m actually later than usual,” you sidestep him, making your way into his house; you’ve become used to Mike’s attitude. “I take it the campaign is still ongoing?”
“See, mom? Even Y/N understands how long a good campaign can go on for!” Mike waves his arms at you, as if to signify to his mother the importance of your understanding. 
Mrs. Wheeler ignores her son to greet you kindly, albeit a bit exasperated. “Hello, Y/N, please come in.” Then she turns to Mike, giving him a stern look. “Mike, why don’t you tell Y/N how you boys have been playing for ten hours? I’m sure she’ll be understanding then.” 
“You guys have been playing for ten hours?”
Mike looks down in embarrassment for a second before turning to his father for help. You laugh a bit at his enthusiasm and see a faint smile on his mom’s face as well. Quietly you excuse yourself to go downstairs to find the other boys, and Mrs. Wheeler wishes you luck. 
Everyone always acts like the boys are some giant pain; truthfully, you enjoy them. Sure, they can be a handful, but they’re just kids; it’s hard for you to ever stay mad at them. Plus they like you, so it makes dealing with them easier. 
Lucas, Dustin, and Will are running around the basement when you get down there, frantically searching for something. You hear Lucas inform Will that if Mike doesn’t see something, then it doesn’t count. The urgence in his voice amuses you; you’ll never fully wrap your head around why they take DnD so seriously, but you love that they can enjoy it with each other. 
Dustin is the first to see you. “Y/N!”
The other boy’s heads turn to you and they greet you with enthusiasm as well. Will rushes towards you for a hug, which you gladly accept. When you break apart, Lucas gives you a high five and asks about a comic you’ve put on hold for him at the store. 
“Any luck?”
“Sorry, Sinclair. It’s still sold out, but the second it’s restocked I’ll smuggle one for you.” 
Dustin walks over, now in his coat and holding a pizza box. “Want a slice?” 
You decline, informing him that Jonathan snuck some food for you. At the mention of his brother’s name, Will asks where he is. You tell him that Jonathan had to cover a shift and that you’ll be taking him most of the way home tonight. 
As you all make your way upstairs, you notice that Dustin continues up to the second floor. Lucas notices too, and the two of you share a knowing look. 
“Still have a crush on Nancy?” You ask, already knowing the answer. 
“Yup.” Lucas responds, smiling in disappointment. 
You wait for your brother outside, helping Will with his coat and listen to Mike’s rambling about the campaign. Lucas is already on his bike, ready to go. 
“There’s something wrong with your sister.” Dustin declares when he finally returns.
Mike looks at you, then at your brother, confused. “What are you talking about?” 
“She’s got a stick up her butt.” 
“Dustin!” You berate. Nancy isn’t your favorite person, but she’s always been nice to you the few times you’ve interacted. You guys used to be closer when you were younger, but high school has a way of distancing people.
“Yeah,” Lucas now speaks up. “It’s because she’s been dating that douchebag, Steve Harrington.” How the hell does Lucas even know about that? You didn’t even know about that until just now. 
“Lucas! Language!” 
“Yeah, she’s been turning into a real jerk.”
“Dustin, I swear to God-” 
The boys ignore you, which you’re honestly not surprised by. While they may like you, that doesn't mean that they listen to you. On a good day they maybe listen to you 25% of the time, but tonight was clearly not a good night. 
Mike finally cuts in, “She’s always been a real jerk.”
“Hey, she’s your sister. Give her some credit-”
Dustin is now the one who cuts you off. “Nuh-uh, only you get the sister leniency, Y/N. Nancy used to be cool, now she isn’t.” 
“Remember that time she dressed up as an elf for our Elder tree campaign?” Lucas asks, almost reminiscent. 
You shudder at the way he says it, and you shudder more when you see the dreamy look in your brother’s eyes. “Yeah, I remember…” 
“Gross,” you huff at your brother, now hopping on your own bike. 
Lucas and Dustin begin to pedal away, and you call after them to wait up. Will is still with Mike, and you promised Jonathan you’d get him home. You give the boys a bit of space, waiting a few paces ahead. Will has always been shy around Mike, something that you’ve tried not looking into too much, but to be safe you give them some privacy. 
Faintly, you hear Will say, “The Demogorgon, it got me.” 
Lights flicker a bit, but you’re too focused on the slight unease you feel by Will’s words. Before you can think too much about them, he joins you. “Race you up to Lucas and Dustin?”
“You’re on,” you tell him. 
Will beats you to the boys (which you let him do), and you’re out of breath. The four of you bike in silence for a bit until you reach Lucas’s turn into his neighborhood. 
“Good night, ladies.” He says, and you don’t need to be a psychic to know what your brother’s response is going to be.
“Kiss your mom ‘night for me.” Bless him.
You and Will giggle together, and Dustin smirks at the two of you, proud. He sits in the praise for a few moments before challenging you and Will to race home with the promise of a comic for whoever wins. 
“I call last year’s Black Cat issue of Spider-man!” You call out, already biking away from the boys. 
“We didn’t say go!”
Dustin and Will call after you as they try to catch up, and within a few seconds the three of you are speeding down the hill towards your home. You laugh gleefully, enjoying the way the wind whips through your hair and the way Dustin, though annoyed by your early start, laughs alongside you with Will. 
Somehow Will is the one who wins the race, which you’re impressed by. He may be small, but he’s surprisingly good at winning when it comes to a competition. Dustin shouts at Will that he’ll kill him, which makes you send a warning look at him. 
“I’ll take your X-Men 134!” Will retaliates, still flying through the street. 
You and Dustin are now stopped at your mailbox and you take a moment to catch your breath before shouting at Will, “Be careful, please! Stay safe!”
“I’ll be fine, I promise!” Will’s voice is distant, now a few yards away, and you stand outside for a few more seconds to watch his figure disappear into the night. Dustin has already gone inside but you wait to follow, only going inside when you can no longer see Will, hopefully home safe and sound. You feel fear creep upon you, but you chalk it up to your usual worry when it comes to the boy. 
He’ll be okay, Jonathan should be home within the hour. 
The next morning you’re frantically biking to school, pissed off at Jonathan. He’s your ride every morning, or everywhere, really, and for the second time in 24 hours he’s bailed on you. Dustin left for school ages ago on his bike, so you’re thankful he doesn’t see you embarrassingly sweaty and gross as you race to school. 
It’s not that you’re pissed that Jonathan bailed again, you’re pissed because he didn’t even have the nerve to call you ahead of time to warn you. Now you have only ten minutes before the first bell rings, and your sweater clings to you uncomfortably as you sweat. 
You make it to school with a few minutes to spare, so you quickly make your way over to your locker to grab the necessary books for the day. You’re still sweaty, and you don’t want to even think about what your hair looks like right now. You look down the hall towards Jonathan’s locker, still not seeing him, and you begin to worry a bit. Maybe he overslept after last night’s shift? 
A body crashes into yours, sending your notebooks spiraling to the ground. Steve Harrington looks at you sheepishly, only saying a small “whoops!” before continuing his fast pace towards the girl’s bathroom. You scoff, now even more annoyed with your entire morning, picking up your stuff as you see Nancy enter the same bathroom a few moments later. 
“In a public school bathroom?” You mutter in disgust, collecting the last of your things and heading to class. 
You decide to give Jonathan until second period, sophomore English which the two of you share, before you freak out. You know you have a problem with over worrying about the people you love, so you try to calm yourself down. While Jonathan has never been the type to cancel without at least calling first, you reason with yourself that everyone has a bad morning. He simply slept in too late. When he wakes up, he’ll come to school and he’ll be sitting in the seat next to you in English. 
Except Jonathan isn’t in the seat next to yours when you enter the classroom an hour later. Now you officially let yourself begin to worry. Something about this doesn’t feel right. 
You’ve never skipped class before, school has always been important to you. You’re the top of your class with hopes of running away from Hawkins with Jonathan to a big city with an even bigger university. However, you don’t even hesitate to flee the classroom and find the nearest phone in the school to call the Byers’ residence. 
Jonathan answers after a few rings, and the words that leave his lips change your life forever. “Will is missing.”
You feel all the air in your lungs be knocked out of you. You can’t breathe and you sway a bit as your knees threaten to give out. This isn’t real, this can’t be happening. 
“Will, he-he’s gone, Y/N. We can’t find him and-” 
You don’t hear whatever else Jonathan says. You struggle to get air back in your lungs. Will isn’t missing, you just saw him last night. Mere hours ago Will laughed next to you, face alive with joy, he hugged you and joked along with you. 
“He didn’t come home last night-”
“He didn’t come home?” Jonathan’s words catch your attention and you feel bile rise in your throat. Will didn’t make it home last night. You were the last one to see him, and the realization crushes you; it’s all your fault. 
“Mom and I just searched the woods, and there’s no sign of him and-” Jonathan is rambling now, his own fear and despair clear in his voice. 
“Jonathan,” you force his name out, now needing to be there for your best friend. You can worry for Will in your own time, right now Jonathan needs you. “I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.” 
“Y/N, you don’t-”
You hang up before Jonathan can argue with you and stumble towards the exit. Your limbs feel heavier than normal, and your ears are ringing. Will is missing. He’s so small, he’s scared of the dark… You left him alone in the dark. 
The bike ride to the Byers home is a blur. You don’t remember much, your body going on autopilot the second you hopped on your bike. You’re running on pure fear and adrenaline right now, too worried for your boys to focus on anything else. 
You don’t bother to knock when you arrive, instead you let yourself in. Joyce is on the phone, arguing with some woman named Cynthia. Your eyes find Jonathan’s, who is sitting on the couch hunched over something. You walk over to him and sit down beside him and your stomach lurches when you see the words “have you seen me?” he’s so neatly printed out on a piece of paper.
“Bee…” you exhale, voice cracking a bit. 
Jonathan doesn’t say anything, but you know him as well as you know yourself. He doesn’t want comforting words right now. You take his hand into yours and lean your head against his shoulder. Worry has made his muscles tense, but you feel him relax into you a bit as he rests his own head against yours. The two of you sit like that for a moment, taking in the comfort you bring each other. 
“Bitch!” Joyce slams the phone down, causing you and Jonathan to jump apart. 
“What?” Joyce is a mixture of both rage and anxiety, and you feel awful looking at her. Her son is missing, you can’t imagine what she must be feeling right now.
“You have to stay calm.” Jonathan tells her, his voice firm but kind. You know it’s taking everything in him to be as stable as he is right now; he’s putting on a front for his worried mother. You squeeze his hand, hoping it conveys the support and love that you need it to.
He squeezes back, and you see Joyce finally recognize that you’re there as well. She sends you a weak wave, which you return, before she goes back to dialing and trying to reach Lonnie. Jonathan gives your hand one last squeeze and lets go, now returning back to the posters. You immediately understand that he’s doing this to distract himself, so you do the same and wordlessly help him.
You begin writing your own “have you seen me?” when Joyce once again slams her phone down. The sound makes you flinch, inadvertently messing up your writing, which you sigh at. Before you can ask Jonathan for another piece of paper, you hear a car pull up. 
Jonathan stands up to investigate, alerting his mom that the cops are here. You follow after them outside, your heart dropping when you see Will’s bike in the Chief’s hand. He ushers everyone inside, informing Joyce that he found the bike lying in the road.
“How far was it from the house?” You ask, your voice frail. 
The Chief looks at you, his nametag informs you that his name is Hopper, and raises his eyebrows. “And can I know who is asking?” 
You clear your throat, nervous under his scrutinizing gaze. “I’m Y/N Henderson. I’m close with the Byers, I biked with Will home,” your voice catches in your throat, snagging onto the guilt that has been clawing at you ever since you found out Will was missing. You clear your throat again, determined to continue. “I was with him last night. My brother and I live right off Mirkwood, a few blocks from here. He only had a few more minutes before he would’ve been home.” 
Hopper stares at you. “Mirkwood?”
“It’s where-”
“Yeah, those moron kids explained it to me. I just didn’t think someone your age would call the street that, too.” Then, as an afterthought, Hopper adds, “The bike was found a block from here.”
His words sting, but you ignore it. If the bike was found only a block from the Byers’ home, then that means that something had to have happened to Will only minutes after you last saw him. You feel the familiar churning in your stomach, wracked with guilt. 
“Did it have any blood on it?” Joyce now asks, and you’re thankful she’s taken the attention off of you. 
Jonathan sees your distress and grabs your sweater so that you fall back a bit from the cops and Joyce. “Do you need a minute?”
You can only nod, afraid that if you open your mouth you’ll either cry or throw up. He gently guides you to his room, closing the door. Once you’re alone, he wraps his arms around you and pulls you in tight. You’re shaking harder than ever now, Will’s happy and shining face from last night keeps flashing through your mind. 
You were the last one who ever saw him.
You’re the one who was last responsible for him. 
“It’s not your fault,” Jonathan whispers, his voice muffled by your hair. You’ve always loved how you fit perfectly in his arms, your height difference being just enough that he always rests his chin against your head when he hugs you. 
“I’m the last person who saw him.”
“Y/N, I was the one who asked you to only bike him halfway-”
“No,” your voice comes out louder than you intend it to, and you push Jonathan away. He lets out a confused noise as you grapple at him, forcing him to look directly at you. “I should’ve been with him, Jonathan. It’s your job to support your family, and it’s my job to help you. I have to… I have to be the one who helps you.” 
You’ve always been fascinated by psychology, and you remember reading in one of the journals about codependency; the term was used in relation to addiction, specifically alcoholism, but it had caught your interest. To love someone to the extent that their actions make you feel responsible for them, to selflessly take on their burdens to a debilitating extent, well, it reminded you of your relationship with Jonathan. 
You’ve always taken on whatever Jonathan has had to deal with, ever since you were kids, and it’s always come so naturally to you. He’s never asked you to, and sometimes the extent to which you carry his weight angers him, but it’s how you love.
It’s who you are. You’re always the one who helps, it’s what you need to be able to do. If you can’t help the ones you love the most, then what good is your love for them?
Jonathan may not know about codependency, but he knows how hard you love those closest to you. “Bug, listen to me.” He grabs your face, almost aggressively, in order to cut off your rambling. “My mom, she-she’s already spiraling and I can’t… I need you. I need you to be here, with me, right now. If I lose you too, then I-I don’t know what I’ll do.”
His words cut through you like glass. He’s right, you know he’s right, and you feel another wave of guilt wash over you. This guilt is different from the guilt surrounding Will. This is mixed with shame for allowing yourself to spiral so far and forcing Jonathan to take care of you. Joyce is clearly unwell, you can’t fathom how much he’s had to deal with today. 
You gently remove Jonathan’s hands from your face and take a step back. If you’re going to help him, you need to collect yourself. From here on out, you have to be a wall for him to lean on, a shoulder to cry on, someone who will listen to him. 
“I’m sorry.” 
Jonathan shrugs at you, now allowing a hesitant smile to cross his face. “If it makes you feel any better, it took a lot less pleading to get through to you. I’m still working on my mom.” 
The joke is foul, one that should make you feel even worse than you already do, because what sixteen year old has to plead with their mother to remind her that he’s there, too? The joke is horrible, and it’s exactly what you need to find yourself laughing, and Jonathan joins. 
Codependency can be a bitch, but Jonathan understands you in ways that no one else can. 
“You think the cops are gone?” You ask, wiping away the remaining tears. 
Jonathan listens for any sign of them and shakes his head. “No, I think we’re all clear.”
He walks out the room first and you follow after him. Joyce is standing in the kitchen, staring at the counter with a far off look in her eyes. You and Jonathan look at each other and you motion for him to go talk to her. He nods, and then you motion to the living room to indicate that you’ll continue working on the missing posters. 
Carefully writing on the posters soothes you, in a way. It’s rhythmic, providing a sense of lull that you readily embrace. You faintly hear Jonathan talking with his mother, then you watch as he leads her to her bedroom and shuts the door. When he returns he sits next to you on the couch and begins to work on the posters as well. No words are needed. 
You work on the posters in silence for a few hours until it nears 3pm. Dustin will be getting out of school soon, and you have to be there for him when he’s home. While Will may be Jonathan’s brother, he’s also your brother’s best friend. You get up and head into the kitchen, long familiar now with its layout and usual contents within the fridge, and quickly prepare the ingredients for spaghetti. It’s a simple meal, but Jonathan and Joyce need to eat. Once it’s all laid out, you return to the living room and tap on your friend’s shoulder. 
“Hey, I have to head out now to check on Dustin, but I just put a pot of water on the stove along with some noodles on the counter. I also cut up some vegetables and put them in the fridge for the sauce. Start the meal whenever, I laid everything out for you.”
“Thank you, really,” Jonathan exhales, relief evident on his face. He hadn’t even thought about dinner, which you figured he wouldn’t. 
You bend down to kiss the top of his head. “Anytime, bee. I’ll call you tonight, okay?”
“Just…” you linger at the door, not fully wanting to leave him all by himself. “Be careful, please.” 
“Go, Y/N. I’ll be fine, I promise.” Jonathan reassures you.
“I’ll be fine, I promise!” Will’s voice is distant, now a few yards away, and you stand outside for a few more seconds to watch his figure disappear into the night.
It’s brief, but the flashback punches you in the gut. You close your eyes, holding onto the image of Will’s face in the moonlight last night, and when it fades you take a deep breath and force yourself to leave. 
The second you’re on your bike, pedaling away from the house, you let the sobs that have wracked against your throat all day out. It’s messy, the tears coming down your face faster than you can wipe them away. All the fear you’ve felt is now able to freely come out. It’s not the safest way to bike home, but you know that if you hold the tears in any longer you’ll collapse. You do your best to still be alert, but apparently you fail because a BMW honks at you to avoid you hitting it. 
“Fuck!” You yank your bike to the right, having no idea that you had been on the left side of the road, and topple over. The fall isn’t anything bad, but it definitely is your final straw for the day. You lay in the ditch you’ve landed in, staring at the November sky, and let the pain from your skinned knee serve as something to ground you to reality. 
“Holy shit, did I hit you?” 
Steve Harrington stands over you, a horrified look in his eyes. 
“Unfortunately not, otherwise I’d be able to sue you and get money out of it.” 
“Uh… okay?” He offers you his hand, although still very confused. “You didn’t like, happen to hit your head or anything, right?” 
You accept his help, albeit mostly because you have to, and brush yourself off when you’re up. “I’m fine. I just wasn’t paying attention, sorry.” 
Steve nods, as if you almost getting hit by his car makes perfect sense to him. When you walk over to your bike and inspect it for any damage, he follows after you. 
“So,” he whistles, trying to pretend that this is all a completely normal occurrence. “You, uh, need a ride?”
Honestly you don’t know why you’re surprised he hasn’t noticed the clear signs of you crying, your swollen eyes and red nose. Not only is he a boy, but he’s also Steve Harrington. It’s a miracle he even stopped to make sure you weren’t dead. 
“No,” you say, now repositioning your backpack so that you can get back on your bike. “Thanks anyways, Harrington.” 
Steve continues to follow you, even after you’ve started to pedal away. “You’re welcome, random girl I almost hit!”
You’re a bit further now, and you still feel like utter shit, but his words somehow make you laugh a bit. For a brief moment, you forget about everything, so you call behind, “It’s Henderson!” 
“That’s an odd first name!” The boy shouts after you, still following from a distance. 
“Y/N Henderson!” You’re fully yelling now, a good yard away, but you can tell that Steve hears you based on the way he begins to wave eagerly, finally stopping next to his car. Faintly you understand the boyish charm that makes him so loved by all the girls in the school; you understand why Nancy Wheeler has fallen for him.
“Bye, Y/N!” It’s faint, but you swear you can hear a smile in his voice.  
The good mood that Steve Harrington inexplicably puts you in vanishes when you near your house. Nothing has changed, yet it feels as if something has shifted. Will had been here only hours ago. You spot Dustin’s bike laying on the grass, haphazardly thrown as usual. 
Dustin is just taking off his coat when you enter, immediately running over to him to pull him into a bone crushing hug. 
“Y/N!” he squeaks in surprise. 
“Are you okay?” You know you’re squeezing your brother harder than you need to, but God. He’s safe, in your arms, and you’ve now learned that not everyone can say the same about their own loved ones. 
Dustin wiggles a bit, trying to break away from the hug, but you only pull him in tighter. “Geesh, no one died.” 
Normally you’d berate him, but you embrace his snarky comments. They’re what make Dustin so unique, his humor one of your favorite parts of him
When you don’t respond, Dustin stops wiggling around and finally accepts the situation. “I love ya too, sis.” 
You giggle a bit, now pulling away. “At least mom isn’t home right now. The minute she hears about what’s happened, we’ll be on lockdown.”
Dustin’s eyes widen. “Shit, you’re right.” 
“Language, I know.”
You ruffle his hair, now feeling a bit better. Dustin is still Dustin, so maybe everything will be okay. You and your brother go into the kitchen for your post school snack, and you call your boss to inform her that you can’t make it to your shift. The words “family emergency” catch in your throat a bit, and Mrs. Waters is kind enough not to push it.
Dustin catches you up on his day, informing you about Hopper questioning him and the other boys. 
You scrunch your nose at that. “Is that even legal?”
“Unsure, but it was awesome.”
“Will went missing, Dustin. It isn’t ‘awesome’.”
Dustin tilts his head at you. “Well, I bet Will is going to have a blast hearing everything when we find him.” 
His words are so matter of fact, as if he already knows that Will will be found after all. His naivety worries you a bit, but you also can’t help but indulge in his hope as well. Then you think about what he’s just said. “Wait, who’s ‘we’?”
Your brother pretends he can't hear you, miming at his ears. “Dustin-”
“Dustin, you and the boys can’t just-”
“I can’t hear you!” He’s running to his room now with you quick behind his heels. 
“Dustin, I swear to God-”
“I gotta do homework, Y/N, bye!” He slams the door in your face. 
You sigh. There’s no getting through to him, years of being Dustin’s older sister has taught you that, so you go into your room instead. You might as well get started on the assignments you missed today, and you have a huge chem test tomorrow, so you’ll focus on that and keep an ear out for Dustin. Whatever he’s planning with the boys, you won’t let them do it alone. 
After a couple hours of silence from Dustin’s room, you decide to call Jonathan. The line rings for a while with no answer, and eventually you give up. It makes sense that he’s not answering, he’s had a long day. You hope he’s asleep, but you know him better than that. He’s probably holed up in his room, trying to distract himself like you are right now. 
A loud thud from Dustin’s room breaks you from your thoughts. Then you hear a quiet “shhh!” that sounds suspiciously like Lucas, and you immediately throw on your shoes and a jacket and march outside. 
Dustin is halfway out of his window when you arrive, and Mike and Lucas stare at you, caught red handed. 
“Guys, I think she can hear us.” Your brother says, breaking the silence. Mike scoffs at him and Lucas groans. 
You eye the three of them, unamused. “Your best friend just went missing, what the hell are you guys doing out here so late and alone?”
Dustin awkwardly finishes his descent down, finally landing on his feet with a thud. He secures his hat back on his head and goes to grab his bike. You block his path. 
“I’m serious, one of you needs to start talking, now.” 
Lucas and Dustin look at Mike, who is their unofficial leader of the gang, and he huffs. “Look, Y/N, I like you-”
“How thrilling.” You say, voice monotone. 
The boy ignores you and continues to talk. “But Will is missing, and we aren’t just going to sit around and wait. He’s our friend, we have to do something.” 
You open your mouth to speak, but Lucas interrupts you. “You’re definitely our favorite sister in the group, so you’d be even cooler if you let us go.” 
Again, you try to respond, but this time Dustin beats you to it. “Yeah, you’re like, totally cool already. If you pretend that you never saw us, that’d be great.” 
“And don’t give us a whole lecture about safety. That’s all bull.” Mike says. 
“Boys!” You scream. They all fall silent, not used to you ever raising your voice at them. You’ve only ever yelled at them once or twice, preferring to be the “cool” sister whenever you can, but right now they’re seriously pissing you off. 
“Let me speak.” When no one says anything, you continue. “I’m not going to stop you guys from looking for Will. In fact, I support it-”
“You do?”
You shoot Mike a death glare, which promptly shuts him up. “Yes, I do. However, I’m not letting you guys go alone.” 
The boys all groan at this, acting as if it’s the worst thing in the world to have you tag along with them. You ignore their complaining and head over to where your bike sits against the porch. You zip up your coat, the chill from the night making you shiver a bit. 
“No arguing, or I’ll call all your moms. Ours included, Dustin.”
“Why me?”
“Look, guys. I’m proud of you for stepping up, but I’m coming with. The last time I let one of you boys go off into the woods alone…” 
The boys shift uncomfortably now, realizing how heavy the guilt weighs upon you. After a few beats of silence, Mike finally gives in. 
“Fine,” he says, pointing a finger at you. “But the second you start to freak out, you’re gone.” 
You salute Mike, hopping on your bike as you all begin to bike away. The ride doesn’t take long, since you live just off of where Will was last seen. Thunder rumbles when you all approach the crime scene, and you shudder a bit. 
“It’s going to rain, guys.” You inform them. 
Dustin looks up at the sky with uncertainty. “I think maybe we should go back.”
Mike is quick to shut down the idea, urging the others to keep going. You admire his loyalty to Will, and you figure it’s why the two of you butt heads so often. Out of the entire group, you’re the most similar to him. 
Lucas and Mike go under the caution tape first, and Dustin hangs back. You place a reassuring hand on his shoulder. “We can go back, you know.” 
He clenches his jaw, jutting his chin out a bit. “No, Will needs us.”
Your brother puffs out his chest and follows after his friends, leaving you to take up the rear. More thunder rumbles and the rain begins to come down. You flip your hood up, thankful you remembered to grab a hoodie when leaving. 
Mike guides the way with his flashlight, then Lucas, then Dustin, then you in the back. You make sure to keep your eyes on the three boys, scared that the second you look away they’ll be gone. The woods have always creeped you out, but you push your fear down to keep them safe. 
“Will!” Mike calls out, the rain now pouring down on you guys. 
“Will, little bee!” You call out as well. He never liked when you called him that in front of the others, but tonight was an exception. 
“I’ve got your X-Men 134!” Your brother bribes, unintentionally making you laugh a bit. If Will is nearby, he’ll surely come out to claim his prize. 
Your foot catches on a tree log, and you slip in the mud before just barely managing to catch yourself. It’s getting hard to see given how dark it is and the rain surrounding you. Dustin voices his concerns, only to be called a baby, and you bite your tongue. If you defend him, he’ll only look more like a baby to his friends. 
“I’m just being realistic!” He retaliates, which you commend him for. 
“Dustin’s right, guys. It’s getting really bad out here. We’re surrounded by a ton of trees, don’t they attract lightning?” You ask, now paranoid that you’ll be struck down any second. 
“You guys are being sissies.” Lucas taunts, annoyed as well. 
You try to argue, but Dustin voices a thought that’s been at the back of your mind. “Did you ever think Will went missing because he ran into something bad?”
You think back to how Hopper seemed worried when he investigated the Byers home. From what you can recall, he suspected that Will had been running away from something, explaining why he’d abandon his bike.
“And now we’re going to the exact same spot where he was last seen, and we have no weapons or anything?”
Maybe Dustin’s right. This definitely wasn’t your best idea, and you’re regretting letting them follow through with their plan. For someone who claims to want to keep their loved ones safe, you really suck at it. 
“Dustin, shut up.” Mike voices, though he now looks a bit concerned as well. 
“He’s right, Mike.” You speak up, stumbling a bit in more mud. Your shoes are definitely ruined, now. “I was at Jonathan’s when Hopper showed up, he thinks Will was running from something.” 
The boys go quiet now, and when you’re about to suggest going home, you hear rustling in the bushes. 
“Did you guys hear that?” Mike asks. 
Your heart stops as the rustling continues and you all start to twist and turn, looking for the source of the sound. The rustling gets louder, almost as if it’s getting closer, and you tighten your hand around your flashlight, ready to use it as a weapon just in case. 
Then, the light flashes upon a little girl, drenched in an oversized yellow shirt, shivering. Her head is shaved, but her small stature suggests to you that she is indeed a girl. You all stare at her, no one saying a thing. She stares back, a terrified look on her face that breaks your heart. 
“Holy shit,” you whisper. 
Her eyes land on you; something about her reminds you of Will, and  you know that nothing will be the same again.
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qyxzun · 2 months
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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐄𝐗𝐏𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐀𝐓 𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐊𝐋𝐘𝐍 𝐕𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒 𝐀𝐂𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐘 almost caused an impossible amount of property damage. Numerous had minor injuries, while some were severely wounded, but overall, no deaths occurred. News reporters were at the scene, interviewing policemen, detectives, victims, and the public to inform others through television. Countless ambulances were parked nearby to help the wounded. People were divided, with numerous supporting your actions for saving them while others blamed you for the damages. Yet what made your head spin from confusion was how no one was talking about the other Spider-Man, Miguel. You knew he was there and that you weren’t imagining anything else. His ignored presence made it seem like the public never saw him, almost like a ninja undercover but a spider-man! The event covered each newspaper and channel and even started to gain more attention on online platforms. The raging public against you was making up crazy allegations in hopes you could be sued, making petitions in hopes of finding out your identity. Thankfully, it was just a small amount of them, mostly the politicians who wanted to give credit to the police. They’ve been nothing but a thorn in your side anyway, like those detectives who always tried to find any evidence on you but unfortunately found nothing.
It had been almost a full two months, and they still hadn’t gotten over it. Brooklyn Visions Academy has been closed since the incident to let students and faculty recover and rebuild the school. You, on the other hand, enjoyed the free vacation. There was no need to worry about exams or studies with the extra months off. The green creature caused a lot of damage, and the fire could’ve burned down the entire school. It was by chance that you got to save the victims, and you were thankful that Miguel showed up to help you, even if it was for a different cause.
It had been a full blast since the Spider-Man of Earth 928 invited you to join his spider-society. You learned a lot about it, as a rookie, when you started following him with the multiversal gizmo, the name of the watch. He founded it as an elite crew and began by recruiting other spider-people from other dimensions to assist him in removing anomalies, or people or things that were not intended to be in another universe.
You were shocked to see how many spider-variants he recruited before you. You believed it was already around twenty. But ever since you joined, the number of spider-men started to grow larger and larger. You met so many new friends, learning new techniques from them as well as forming new friendships. It was something you enjoyed; all of them—except for Miguel, were so much identical to you, even by personality. It created such beautiful diversity in his society, and you never felt more at home.
And for the first time in a long time, you didn’t feel so alone anymore, knowing you weren’t the only one, the only one to carry the great power and responsibility as a spider-variant.
Miguel became your inspiration. He was strong, yet he remained the very sarcastic and aloof person he was. He was a man of few words, but you wanted to learn more from him and become stronger like him. His efforts to recruit more spider-variants from various universes piqued your interest, and you wanted to help him. He occasionally allowed you to assist his multiversal policing mission as a co-leader. The multiversal gizmo he gave you would occasionally beep, as it was his only means of communicating with you from another dimension. To keep it short, you were getting the hang of this spider society and often went on missions with other spider-men.
A few of them were your age, and you grew to like them. One of them was Gwen Stacy. You found her cool for having an eyebrow piercing and for playing drums while in a band. She had pretty blonde hair with a hint of pink, but a portion of it was buzzed off, which she joked about because it happened when a spider-man from another dimension accidentally forced her to cut it. She always mentioned that Spider-Man was sweet, friendly, selfless, and such to you. Gwen was likeable and friendly as well, but at times.. seemed more tense when she talked about her problems with her dad and her best friend, Peter. She would frequently make light of it while you were concerned for her.
“But hey.. stuff happens right? Canon events and all that stuff…” Gwen would say, with an aloof yet recognizable anxious tone.
Canon events. It was the only thing you hated about the rules of the multiverse. You never had it stored in your mind, as it caused your head to hurt, your spider-senses to go haywire, and, overall, it hurt you on the inside. Every spider-man had to go through it. Even you. Every time the words canon event were spoken out of someone’s mouth, your stomach would drop slowly as you remembered your canon event.
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You were in the rain, fighting your nemesis, who claimed to be the Venom of your universe. He was an extremely difficult opponent ever to beat and you often came back home limping with blood stains dripping off your shirt while you tried to hide it from your parents. You could feel their worried expressions often behind you, resulting in you feeling guilty. You just wanted to pour out your problems to a person who could understand you. You already knew friends and family weren’t the answer. In this line of work as a hero, you always act alone. Always by yourself. Aside from your worries, you could’ve sworn.. every time you could manage to escape your nemesis, it was like you were on your last days on Earth.
After hours of fighting under a monsoon in a large, dark alleyway, you could remember vividly that the rain was pouring down on both of you while you were breathing heavily, exhausted, and injured. Your wrists started to bleed out of your spider suit while you continued to shoot webs the entire time you were fighting Venom. He was tossing you around, gripping your head and smashing it through walls. You often spat out so much blood through your mask that you could remember drinking a litre full of it. Your eyes were wide and bloodshot, while your heart beat faster than a runner in a race. You clenched your fists as you felt the adrenaline in you, preventing you from giving up.
And in a fit of rage, you lost it. You remembered grabbing Venom’s forearm, gripping it so hard that you heard the host inside the creature’s bones shatter into pieces. You were silent during the entire fight; it wasn’t like any spider-variant. Usually, they’d make a sarcastic or humorous remark, but you weren’t playing around. You wanted him gone.
Venom’s limbs were tied individually to each wall of the alleyway’s buildings, as well as a tight noose formed by your webs on his neck supported by a billboard on top. He was weak for the first time in front of you. You couldn’t even take his presence anymore. You wanted him dead and gone, dismembered to the point where no one could ever find his body. You first pulled on all the webs to tighten their grip on him. They were thin enough to cut like a knife through his skin. His blood dropped down alongside the rain. After, you cut off all of them except for the one on his neck, leaving him to choke while you watched him suffer—the same criminal who killed one of your friends.
You remember him muttering your name, making you perplexed, but you were still heartless. You carelessly pulled his leg down as the venom’s skin started to melt. The gross substance ran down, staining you in the process before your eyes went wide. You quickly realized and as quick as you could, you cut the noose before his body collapsed onto yours.
“No.. no.. no… Peter, no,” you whimpered, cupping his beat-up face with your bloody glove. You quickly took off your spider mask. Tears built up in your eyes while you sniffled, and the blood from your nose dried. You caressed his cheek, moving any hair from his face in hopes of making him feel better. In his injured state, he slowly rested a hand on your soft-gloved fingers. When he saw your face, he couldn’t be more shocked. He winced as he tried to smile at you reassuringly, blood dripping from his mouth while his left bruised-up eye pulsed.
“I'm so sorry, Y/N… I.. I didn’t know you were spider-woman...” Peter blubbered, gripping your hand tighter. His hand slowly moved from your fingers to your face, cupping it as well while he wiped your fresh tears away before they could fall from your cheeks. “You’re so beautiful...” He admired you, smiling. He coughed out more blood, choking on the irony substance. He wanted to close his eyes but he hated the thought of leaving you. He tried to pull your face closer but most of his fingers were bent and broken. His consciousness drifted closer to leaving him. At least he could die in the arms of the one he truly loved.
“Parker, shut the hell up I’m getting you help, okay?! Don’t die on me!” You fussed, crying more as you wiped away the rain that poured down on his face. You brought his injured body into your arms. "No, no, no, please, Peter,” your sobs were muffled on his neck, your chest heaving as well. Your hand went to his wrist to quickly check his pulse, noticing it was already gone.
That night, a part of you died, knowing that your best friend, Peter Parker, was your nemesis and best friend all along. It was one of your canon events.
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In the early hours of Earth 926-Z’s New York, you were dozing off in one of your dorm’s couches with a blanket over your chest. You were too drowsy to pay attention to your gizmo which beeped again. The gadget vibrated on your wrist before its screen automatically flipped open as it activated the portal’s access. Some of your objects started to float before the familiar colourful hexagons were summoned as they started to circle. You put a hand over your eyes, groaning when the brightness annoyed you. You tried to get more sleep until you heard footsteps. When your spider-senses buzzed, you peeked through your fingers with your exhausted eyes.
“Heeey Y/N, just thought I’d drop by,” the familiar voice said. It was Jessica Drew, one of the spider-women of the spider-society. She looked down at you, who slept on one of your dorm’s couches, tired. She chuckled at how drowsy you were; it was understandable since you were out fighting and catching anomalies with Hobie last night.
“Told ya not to get overboard,” Another familiar voice said. Your tired eyes looked up and saw the mini Lyla, Miguel’s sassy but highly intelligent AI. She flashed a smirk with her small virtual body in the air next to Jessica’s head by a few inches. She adjusted her pink, heart-shaped glasses and glitched to get closer to your eyes. She tried to lift your eyelids open with her tiny hands. Jessica took small steps around the living room, seeing how messy but organized the room was.
You grumbled and tried to shoo her hologram away. “Ughhh.. what do you want…” you groaned, turning over the couch as Lyla glitched back next to Jessica. With a flick from her fingertips, the spider-woman shot her web and pulled you up effortlessly, making you sit up on the couch.
“Y’know the girl I recruited— and your friend, Gwen?” Jessica asked, looking down on you while you hummed in agreement shortly.
“Anyway, Miguel and I assigned her for a mission in Earth 1610B to catch another anomaly—well, technically just a villain from that dimension,” Jessica explained but paused, looking back to Lyla. With a clap of her tiny hands, your room went dark as she presented an orange virtual screen that was twice as big as the coffee table. It flickered, presented someone, and then began to play as Lyla carried on.
“This guy calls himself the Spot, and he recently just caused some havoc in Earth 1610B’s Brooklyn,” the small AI said as the video continued. The villain was faceless, with a black spot in the center of his face and numerous spots all over his body. Almost like a human...faceless cow? The screen was then flipped sideways, creating a three-dimensional hologram of the strange entity. You rubbed your chin, and even though you were really tired, you couldn’t help but become curious.
The hologram flashed brighter with a slight change of colour as it became bigger. The figure collapsed from the screen as all three of you watched how the scenery changed into the broken collider from Earth 1610B that Miguel told you about. The Spot’s holographic figure flickered out of nowhere again before you heard him speak.
“Look at me— you did this to me!!” The Spot yelled, his voice becoming more and more distorted as he began to charge into the spider-man and the officer beside him. You watched as the two of them were in a fighting stance until the Spot summoned a hole by accident, getting himself kicked by, well, himself. He made a slight oof sound, knowing it would’ve hurt a lot. He took a pretty big tumble as he slid in front of the two with his jaw on the floor before another hole was created, pulling him into the black abyss. The hologram then ended, going back to being a screen.
You rubbed your eye after you finished watching, bewildered but still drained. You looked back at Jessica and Lyla; the frizzy, curly-haired woman had a serious expression on her face, watching with an austere look on the Spot. It made you slightly tense like a kid seeing their mother angry. She looked back at you before her face softened as she sighed. You cleared your throat before speaking.
"So, uh, what does this have to do with me?” You asked, scratching your head out of curiosity.
"Well, Gwen knows her way 'round that world since she got pulled into that dimension before,” Jessica explained while she started to walk around your living room, viewing the decorations with an aloof stare.
"I know 'bout her lil' friend.. Miles, right? 'm pretty sure she told you 'bout him before.” she continued, looking back at you to see what you had to say. You just nodded while you watched her slowly move around the room, running her hand gently on the surface of your tables.
“The girl’s good at combat like any other spider-variant in the spider-society. I mean, I could’ve sent her hours ago, but, y'know, Miguel.” Jessica spoke before her eyes wandered back to you. “It honestly ain’t a surprise that he doubts her but this Spot dude is starting to concern Miguel. I’ve faith in Gwen, but Miguel still insisted on bringing another spider; he recommended you.” Your eyebrows rose as the pregnant lady turned back to you She cleared her throat, and she became more serious.
“So— an order from Miguel; you accompany Gwen to Earth 1610B and the two of you make sure the operation is a success.” She rummaged through her spider-suit’s pocket and tossed you something very small. You easily caught it and saw a tiny mechanical spider, its legs tucked into its body, with a funky logo on the iron skin, You assumed Lyla fabricated it. Jessica continued to speak. “Aaaand put that device near the Spot. Just put it somewhere he can’t find it,” she explained.
You looked down on the very tiny machine. “What does it do?” You asked. “It can track the person's whereabouts through the multiverse and scan their data; pretty cool, huh?” Lyla smiled, floating around in the air. You looked back at Jess, who had a serious look, but you could tell she wanted you to join. You sighed.
“Fineeee, I’ll do it,” you responded before standing up from the couch, opening your closet nearby to get your spider-suit. Lyla easily opened up another portal, causing a ruckus as some of your furniture started to fly around again. Jessica was about to step into the large floating and orange hexagons before she looked back at you, giving you a thumbs up and fully entering the portal. It closed on you as well as Lyla, who disappeared out of thin air.
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You travelled through space and time, bending the laws of physics as you travelled through the multiverse with speed faster than light. It was all blurry with only space and stars passing through you as well as the hexagons that led the way. It all started to clear when the matter itself tore apart, creating a hole. You blinked once before you finally saw yourself on Earth 928. You were spawned in the middle of the lobby as you easily used your webs to maneuver around and reach the cafeteria, where you'd meet Gwen. The familiar ginormous building would make a normal person pass out of confusion but it had what every spider-variant liked; a big space to swing freely, overpasses to walk on even when upside down, training programs, and even a therapy section for the spider-people who recently got their canon event.
You landed on the floor and looked around the large space, you spotted her sitting down next to a plant with her favourite pink cardigan and her watch flipped open. You snuck behind her while she looked down on the gizmo, scaring her in the process. She suddenly yelped.
“Jesus Christ—Y/N, that scared me.” Gwen sighed, while you laughed.
“My bad— your spider-senses didn’t go off?” you asked before she shook her head. Her expression then changed into a bright one.
“Can’t believe I’ll go back again!” Gwen smiled and giggled while you gave her a smug look. She slightly blushed before coughing. “T-To catch the Spot, duh,” she responded and looked away. You playfully rolled your eyes.
“Yeah, yeah, sure,” you giggled. Your eyes wandered back to her flipped watch before they grew wide. “You serious? You got the two of you as your wallpaper too?” You teased before Gwen quickly flipped it closed, looking around frantically. It was the picture she showed you a long time ago when Gwen and her friend took a picture together while she ended up in the wrong dimension.
“Huh? Me? don’t know what you’re talking about.” She said, playing dumb before she quickly opened up another portal using the gizmo. The bright orange hexagons grew bigger and rotated very slowly. The blonde-haired girl looked back at you excitedly. "C'mon, let’s go!” She smiled before stepping in, not giving you a chance to speak.
"Geez, I guess she really misses him,” you shrugged before jumping in as well.
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The afro-haired teen had his headphones on, trying to relax after a small argument with his parents. Now, he’s grounded but who do they think he was? He was spider-man for God’s sake. He can’t be grounded. Miles was lying down on his bed with his arms behind his head. His eyes were closed and his head occasionally but slowly moved to the rhythm of his music, it was his comfort after all.
Yet he didn’t seem to notice some of his things started to float mid-air. They circled around his room before black bubbles and colourful light started to form just above him. The portal opened as it revealed you and Gwen. She had an excited look after seeing her friend near after two years. You, on the other hand, were just looking down, wondering when he’ll notice the two of you.
”Miles! Miles!” Gwen called out, trying to get his attention. In confusion, Miles slowly opened his eyes to the familiar voice. He thought he was seeing things until he did see Gwen. He quickly took off his headphones and sat up. “Gwen! H-How—” He stuttered, perplexed to see her after such a long time. She then dropped down next to him on his bed, her legs crossed.
“How’d you get here— oof-!” Miles tried to speak again until the blonde-haired girl quickly hugged him. He hugged her back as well, still bewildered. He then noticed you dropped down the portal as well. It closed before you landed on his floor easily, not making so much noise.
You took off your mask, revealing your face to him. You flashed him a small smile. Even though you knew why Miguel was infuriated when the name Miles would leave someone’s mouth, mostly Gwen, he was still another spider-man that you had respect for since he was Gwen’s friend. His mouth slightly gaped when he saw you.
“My bad, my bad, didn’t mean to appear all of a sudden,” you said before Gwen pulled away from the hug and introduced the two of you. “Y/N, Miles, Miles, Y/N,” She quickly said while you just nodded, His expression slightly softened as he just nervously smiled at you.
"Yeah, hi, nice to meet you,” you smiled.
“Nice to meet you too?” Miles nervously responded. Before it could get awkward between you three, you looked behind you, noticing his open bedroom window. You looked back at Gwen. “You can stay here, Gwen; I’ll handle things while you catch up with your friend,” you suggested while she stood up from the bed, puzzled.
“Wait— you sure? You know we can do that later.” Gwen said, referring to the mission, while you nodded your head, reassuring her by patting her shoulder. “Yeah, I’m sure it’s alright,” you grinned, looking back at Miles and then at her. “Don’t want to miss this opportunity, no?” You teased, your hand slowly retracting from her shoulder while she slightly blushed. You turned back to his window, jumping off his bedroom window. You shot a web from your fingertips and quickly swung yourself away. Gwen watched while Miles looked out the window, his gaze finding you as he admired how quick and talented you were at moving swiftly through the air.
“Dang, she’s good,” Miles pointed out while Gwen nodded, looking back at Miles as the two of them smiled. They were happy to see each other again after so long.
Meanwhile, you continued to swing away until you were out of sight of any civilians as you climbed up a high building. You were standing by the edge of the building’s roof, walking around as you looked over to your watch to see where this Spot could be. You sighed and took off your mask, slightly frustrated to not find anything before Lyla’s hologram appeared out of sight.
"Heeeey, Y/N, how’s the mission?” She asked with a grin, spinning on her virtual chair, which was the same size as hers. You grumbled.
“I can’t find the Spot’s location,” you admitted, sighing from how annoyed you were. “Got any idea where he could be?” You asked the AI before she hummed, thinking about it with her tiny finger tapping on her chin. Her hologram flickered before she summoned a 3D model of the entire map of Earth 1610’s Brooklyn with all of its avenues, streets and even shop names. She zoomed into the new hologram, revealing a building made out of bricks under a few overpasses. A few other shops surrounded it, as well as a small highway. Some of its windows were oddly broken and covered with a partially dirty cloth as a barrier.
The small AI manipulated the three-dimensional screen easily, zooming into the broken glass as the screen changed again. Inside the building was a messy room, with wires, confusing machines, and more technical equipment around the shelves and floor. The room was completely unorganized and clearly dimly lit.
“Looks like he worked for Alchemax before,” Lyla pointed out, taking a look at the equipment. "Even one of them has a logo," she observed as she leaned down to inspect the equipment components.
“Is this the Spot’s place?” You asked, then returned your gaze to the floating AI. She nodded her head in response.
“Scanned the area earlier when I zoomed in and saw his driver’s license on the table. It’s expired, but got his information,” she explained, her tone playful as if she found it all too easy. She then displayed a screen of an image of the Spot’s driver's license it had his name, age, address and more information. With two of your fingers, you zoomed out of that screen as you looked back at the hologram of the building, which you concluded to be his apartment. “Plus— the area’s full of dark matter,”
“I’ll get going,” you responded once you had your information, sliding your mask back onto your face before the hologram flickered to a close.
“Bu-byeeee~” Lyla grinned before her figure also disappeared. You flipped the watch back to a close before you swiftly jumped down the building and shot a web mid-air, propelling yourself to the Spot’s location.
You jumped from the tall skyscraper while shooting webs into the air to propel you into the sky without attracting any attention. The cool air hit your masked face until you descended, turning gracefully but quickly onto the roof of the building. You walked to the edge and stuck to the wall to get inside through the broken glass.
You slipped in easily as you observed the area. It was an apartment room. Though it was dimly lit, you noticed papers scattered on the table, some of them close to falling down. You lifted your mask up to your head to get a clear view of your surroundings, some of your bangs escaping to the sides of your face and forehead. With your gloved hands, you picked up the papers, skimming through them.
Reports, hypotheses, notes, and more... one thing they all had in common was a connection to multiverse matter or the concept of bringing back different entities from other universes. They weren’t all from Johnathon, aka Spot necessarily, most of them were reported by different scientists, especially from the well-known Olivia who was the head of the whole collider project back then, which caused a misbalance in the entire multiverse. You threw the papers back onto the table's surface before looking around again. You noticed some mechanics in the corner, concealed by a metallic closet. You leaned down and picked one up, noting that it also had the Alchemax logo until you noticed a small post it attached to the back. You ripped it off the mechanic, reading it.
“This isn’t the villain of the week—maybe five months, but still…” you mumbled, pulling your mask back on before you rummaged through your pockets, taking out the small spider Jessica gave you earlier. It automatically opened and summoned out its miniature legs after you tossed it against the wall. It then dug its legs into the brick and camouflaged really well.
“Gotta alert Gwen about this..” you mumbled. You quickly flicked a web out of your fingertips as it shot through the window. You flew out once again, swinging away faster and faster. You were again back in the metropolitan area, gliding through the air while your eyes wandered around trying to find Gwen. You assumed she was still at Miles’ apartment.
You swung down when you saw his apartment complex, noticing on the building’s rooftop there was loud music and lots of parked cars outside next to the road. You guessed that his family had a house party; the familiar smell of Puerto Rican food may sound good, but you knew you had to find Gwen quickly. When you landed back on the wall, you peeked through Miles’ bedroom window only to find no one inside, only Gwen left her cardigan on his bed.
“Fuck— where is that girl?” You sighed, shooting out another web atop the building beside his apartment. You gracefully landed on its rooftop before you flipped your watch open, trying to contact her. Unfortunately, it showed a hologram that said contact is on; do not disturb.
You grew more frustrated before turning the hologram to a close. You sighed and paced around on the rooftop. You wondered where she could be. Confused, you opened your gizmo back up again, speaking through Lyla.
“Hey Lyla- sorry to interrupt, got any idea where Gwen is? If so just send the coordinates, I can handle it,” you spoke as the AI’s hologram flickered again. She tried to find her location via watch but then she sighed.
“Sorry Y/N, she’s on do not disturb apparently,” the brunette replied before you grunted. “Can you turn it off?” You asked until she shook her head no. “Nah, I can’t get deactivate anything during a mission, just the policy aaand, you know, Mig’s rules,” She explained while you got more frustrated.
“How is that even a thing— what the hell..” you groaned. “Can you ask Miguel to let this be an exception?” you questioned Lyla again. “Miguel’s not in right now, busy with another mission,” she responded.
“Knew you’d say that.. always the busy guy.. whatever, thanks Lyla,” you sighed before she disappeared once more, leaving you alone once more on the rooftop. You were so frustrated by Gwen’s absence; where the hell could she be? If not with Miles then where was she? Your thoughts came to a halt when your spider-senses made you turn around. You noticed someone dressed as spider-man with a black and red coloured suit. You raised an eyebrow as you walked over to them discreetly.
They noticed you as their spider-suit’s goggles slightly widened. “Woah- you got fast spider-senses,” the recognizable voice said, staring at you.
“Wait— Miles?” You asked before he nervously chuckled and took off his mask in front of you, his Afro popping out as he looked more buff with the black spider-suit on. It matched him a lot. “What’re you doing here?” You curiously asked, also taking off your mask to see him clearly.
“Me and Gwen was swingin’ around the city and just wanted to let you join,” he responded, looking down at you since he was taller. “We didn’t get a proper chance to talk right? Just wanted to make ya feel included..” he continued, noticing how he was getting nervous when he noticed you didn’t respond.
“Sorry— kinda busy..” you mumbled, looking back down to your watch to see if Gwen finally put that stupid do not disturb function off. She unfortunately didn’t. You were always the chatty type but now wasn’t the time now that you were dealing with a soon-to-be anomaly who knows how to travel through other dimensions. Miles’ eyes softened, he just really wanted to be accepted as another spider-man or as a friend.. but you had other priorities. He was disappointed but hid it well enough, not wanting to worry you. He was silent until he had an idea in mind.
“With what? I mean I can help ya. I know Brooklyn like the back of my hand,” Miles stayed optimistic, wanting to be of assistance. You already knew about Brooklyn's map thanks to Lyla, but you could see that despite not knowing anything about you, he merely wanted to help. You could see yourself in him, as you would always strive to help Miguel in any way you could, even though he was the epitome of independence. Miles also wanted to prove his usefulness in this society Gwen just recently talked about while the two of them were swinging through the city… so he could see her more often... but oh how difficult would it be for him? He spotted the gadget on your wrist and then pointed to it.
“Yeah- uh.. pretty crazy phenomenon right? Travelling to a different universe without your atoms glitching like crazy..” you responded, showing him your wrist as he came closer.
“How’d you get this?” He asked, his hands slowly inching closer to yours to hold the watch with his fingers. You almost flinched and he noticed. Ever since your canon event, you could never rest easy with physical touch.
“You good Y/N?” He inquired, a little worried as his fingers almost retracted. You shook your head.
“Sorry, sorry— my bad, but I’m okay don’t worry bout it,” you reassured as you moved your wrist closer to him, letting him hold your hand to inspect the watch. “As for how I got it.. from where we’re from, we earn them,” you answered truthfully. His hand moved from your forearm to your hand, gently holding it up. You also couldn’t help but notice how his thumb slowly caressed your knuckles, was he trying to be nice or was it just out of habit? You definitely had no clue.
“Who gave it to you?” Miles replied, still holding your hand delicately. He seemed so interested in its design and advanced technology on the orange screen. It resembled to nothing from his dimension nor has he seen anything like it. So small yet intriguing.
“My mentor, Miguel O’hara,” you answered. “He’s like the leader of the entire spider-society Gwen and I are in. It’s pretty cool if you ask me,” you rambled, sharing more than enough.
“Gwen never told me about it..” He muttered, carefully tapping a few buttons to see its functions. You couldn’t see his expression since his head was down, still looking at the screen, before he faced you with a small smile. “What’s it gonna take for the Miguel O’hara to meet Miles Morales?” The tall black teen joked but genuinely asked. You on the other hand didn’t know what to say. There was an explanation for why he couldn’t join but you didn’t want to cause any trouble between the two of them. You gulped down the built-up saliva in your mouth out of nervousness.
“I mean.. if you tryna join… how about we try to catch some criminals on the way while we try to find Gwen? I’m not like- fully certain but maybe after I can put in a good word?” You suggested to try and change the topic as you put your forearm down once he was done inspecting the gizmo. Miles’ smile grew, he wasn’t opposed to the idea and wanted to get to know you better. “Sure, why not? Watch me put ‘em in place,” He replied with a confident smirk before you chuckled.
Your watch then beeped. Your back faced him as you turned around to check what news it had for you. The spider that camouflaged into the wall was recording the Spot’s messy apartment and analyzing his figure. You turned it into a mini hologram, watching in full effect what was happening in that room.
The Spot was walking around in his room, moving box from box to a specific area with mechanics and more collider parts you recognized.
“Oh shit..” you cursed under your breath when you saw how close he was to building the mini-collider.
“Everything okay?” Miles asked, about to peek over your shoulder before you quickly moved away. He slowly retracted, noticing how you flinched as if you were uncomfortable, but you weren’t focused on him anymore.
“Gotta go for now Miles, we can fight those criminals later alright? Sorry ‘bout the trouble,” you apologized quickly as you then put your mask back on. You approached the ledge of the rooftop and were about to jump off the building to swing to the Spot’s location immediately. A frustrated and concerned look was on Miles’ face. The young spider-man just wanted to help yet you continued to push him away. With an annoyed expression, he watched you leave so quickly with your webs. You were so quick, agile and so elegant in the air that he could tell you were much more experienced than him despite being the same age.
Once he was far enough for you to notice, he shot webs and swung himself in your direction almost immediately. It started to get dark as his black spider-suit blended in well with the atmosphere. The black lenses on his mask narrowed as he was more focused on catching up on you. Miles wasn’t dumb enough to believe that Gwen didn’t come back just to visit him, there was at least something else you and her had to worry about.
He saw you shooting out multiple webs under a metro railway from your fingertips as you pulled yourself up with the almost transparent strong strings. Like a flash of light, he saw you dash through in between a train’s cabins. Miles almost thought you got run over until he swung over the railway, you weren’t there like you disappeared. “Damn this girl’s fast…” Miles grumbled, trying to retrace his steps while looking around to try and find you. His stomach dropped at the thought of you finding out he was following you so he turned invisible quite easily just to make sure.
Even when invisible, it seemed like you didn’t let your guard down at all as he still couldn’t find you. He kept asking himself where you could possibly be or why you were here in the first place. There was something wrong but he had no clue of what it could be. He tried to retrace your steps by finding your webbing but they all disintegrated too fast. They’d all fall on the ground and slowly disintegrate since you were in the wrong universe. Frustrated, he almost thought of turning back and going back home until he noticed someone swing through the air as well. He saw the familiar spider-suit, it was Gwen.
Her mask concealed her face as she landed near a pillar supporting the overpass close to the Spot’s apartment. A few meters away, Miles landed on top of a street lamp, discreetly looking at the situation beforehand. There were corps surrounding the apartment with lights flashing to the holes in the walls.
“Shoot..” Gwen mumbled under her breath, in worry she was too late. She rapidly shot a web into the police officer's car, causing it to reverse before swinging inside the building with ease. Miles, on the other hand, quickly followed.
Inside the apartment was a whole mess, messier than before like a tornado merely broke down the building. Gwen stepped inside, looking around to find out what happened with a concerned look behind her mask. She then proceeded to scan the area using the multiversal gizmo while Miles hid behind the air ducts, making sure he wasn’t under the orange light that could point him out.
She looked around, noticing the Spot’s personal belongings like a portrait with Olivia, the spiders he brought from different dimensions, and such. When the scanning was finally complete, the spider-woman then started to replay the entire scenario. The orange light orbs turned back in her direction as they flickered a display of holograms in front of her to show what just happened. “Oh no no no..” She mumbled under her breath as she watched the scene play out visually while Miles carefully eavesdropped.
“Just need to get somewhere with a full-sized giant collider..” The Spot talked to himself as he continued to assemble his small micro-collider. It started to power up, creating dark energy from its sources. “Alriiiight, this’ll work, it’ll be good!” The faceless human optimistically said as he prepared to put his index finger into the dark matter the mini-collider was forming. He whistled as he was about to put it in until he stopped. “Or- I don’t know, might vaporize me and this entire building, which would not be good” He carelessly shrugged.
“Oh shoot..” Gwen muttered while Miles continued to watch as well, witnessing how far his villain of the week was going just to defeat him. They saw how he was getting so close to inserting his finger through the dark hole until multiple webs were wrapped around him, quickly taking him down.
You swung through the mess as you appeared just in time before the Spot could ruin himself with the dark energy. With a quick tug of your webs, you pulled him up from the floor and threw him at the other side of the room with only your hand. The Spot was launched back, breaking multiple walls in the process before he groaned in pain and looked up at you. “Wait— huh? Spider-man? But a woman?” he asked, perplexed as he thought you were his original nemesis. You had your back turned, paying attention to the collider more than him.
“Fuck this is dangerous..” Your eyes narrowed at the sight of the dark matter almost consuming the entire mini-collider, making it impossible to turn it off or break. You were about to inspect it until a sudden punch to the stomach made you nearly spit out saliva out of your mask. It just came out of nowhere through the black hole in front of you. You grunted when you realized it was all Spot’s doing.
“Yeah— sorry, can’t turn it off now huh?” the Spot laughed before it teleported so quickly behind you. His arm then made its way to your neck before he lifted you off the ground, making you choke. “Let go of me weirdo!” you yelled and rapidly kicked him off of you, causing him to almost lose balance. He growled under his breath, sick and tired of being tossed around like a weakling.
Creating a portal, he aggressively punched you through it before you stepped back once it hit your stomach again. He teleported back in front of you when you knelt down and held your stomach in pain. You tried crawling away until he grabbed your neck and shoved you down the floor repeatedly. “I’m tired of being treated like a fucking joke.” He spat as his voice turned deep, distorted and twisted. You winced, trying to push him off with your hands until he gripped your wrists as well. He saw how you had a weird watch on your wrist until his attention turned to the small gadget.
“Ohhh.. what’s that? Pretty interesting..” He sarcastically pointed out before he punched its screen. “Oops,”
“N-No!” You screamed when you saw its screen broken. The gadget started to malfunction, making distorted sounds as well.
“N-nnggh.!” You yelped when he choked you while lifting you up again. He threw you to the wall as you landed on top of the table full of collider parts that pierced through your skin. The Spot then turned back to the mini collider, shoving his hand into the dark energy. It started to absorb him as it generated more spots on his body. You tried to shoot webs to pull him back from the dark power until he was completely absorbed, pulling you into the void as well.
“Shoot..!” Gwen widened his eyes in fear as Miles continued to watch your hologram get sucked in by the dark matter. Once you were pulled in, the replay was complete.
“Oh shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot!” The spider-woman panicked, realizing how bad the situation was. You were in another universe, with no gizmo to help you call for backup nor any help. It was only a matter of time until you would suffer from glitching.
‘Y/N..’ Miles thought of your name, concerned and puzzled of why Gwen was panicking like crazy. She was shaking her head, trying to deny that wasn’t what happened until she took off her mask, breathing heavily out of panic.
With a problem like this, she definitely didn’t know how to solve it..
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You blinked in and out of consciousness before you tried to get up only to collapse back to the floor when your back ached. You looked behind you and saw what you were crashed into, a truck. You looked up as you saw it was raining steadily. That was weird, you don’t remember it already raining when you just collapsed for a minute.
Once you managed to sit up, you realized this place wasn’t familiar at all. You shot a web as you landed on top of a building where you could see everything. But in the end, you didn’t understand.. why was the billboard Japanese.? Or why were there so many Japanese commercials on the skyscraper screens?
“Where am I?”
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author’s note: this is so goddamn tiring to make Jesus Christ 💀💀 reblogs r very helpful since they keep me motivated to keep going alrr hope y’all enjoyed the first chapter. Second one will probably be a bit rocky idk.
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onginlove · 9 months
how the spider-teens act around you
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pairing: miles, gwen, pavitr, hobie x gn!reader
summary: title
warnings: non
a/n: Ik i said I was gonna post on friday but this couldn’t wait >///< hope you enjoy and im sorry if I wrote pavitr gwen and hobie wrong it’s my first time writing them 😭
posting once a week!!!
masterlist | not taking requests rn
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miles morales (1610)
he’s the type of guy to try and keep his cool but fail immensely. the first time he saw you his jaw dropped and his heart skipped a beat. ong.
“bro, you good?”
*no comment*
he pays attention to everything you do. whether it’s ur facial expression expressions, body language, or the way you talk.
“you ok?”
“yea why?”
“you’ve been very fidgety lately.”
if he knows you had a bad day he would do anything to cheer you up. necklace? sure. nails? already sending you money. plushies? only if he can get one too.
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pavitr prabhakar
bro when he first met you you both felt a instant click. you guys bonded so fast and it was just a “hi.” literally 😭
he’s a blushing freak bro. whenever you do something so simple like brush your finger against him accidentally, his heart drops to his toes bro.
he literally day dreams about you right when your in the same room with him. like, instead of talking to you he imagines talking to you.
“you know they’re over there right?”
“i know! don’t ruin my dream!”
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gwen stacy
similar to pavitr, it was love at first sight man. you know how in movies when someone falls in love with someone right away there’s like a pink background with lovey dovey music playing and everything is slowed down? that was her to you.
“uh gwen? can i just get the papers?”
“right sorry.”
ngl, you fell for her too but she fell harder. like, tasm gwen stacy harder. she would make drum pieces with rhythms she thought matched you the most. and she would always be so nervous whenever you hear it too.
“that was nice!”
“oh, you heard it?”
“yea! you should teach me sometime.”
she fidgets with her hands a lot like play with her hair or just her hands. she mostly strokes her hair a lot (debby ryan much).
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hobie brown
i mean, idk if you would describe him as nonchalant but i am rn.
he’s the type of guy to act nonchalant around you but constantly check to see if you texted him (based of a tt).
“do you want to do it?”
“uh i mean idc.”
“you don’t? 🥺”
“wait yes ok i do i promise i do.”
when y’all first met he did a quick glance at you. like when he saw you he quickly looked away and then looked back and then looked away continuously yk?
whatever you support in he will support with you (depends on what it is. no homophobes 😡) he will literally make a poster and go to a protest with you. 
“thanks for coming with me.”
“np.” (still tryna act nonchalant but cares v much 🥺)
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t0ast-ghost · 3 months
I will not shut up about Star Trek TOS yet and you’ve decided to listen in on that. So welcome to my thoughts on the 11th episode (The Corbomite Maneuver):
- starting off strong with these camera angles and movements
- *sees a spinning colourful cube in space* just go a bit to the left (he is not up for shenanigans today)
- can’t wait for Checkov to be introduced, I hear he gets a gun or smt
- WHAT IS THAT PHYSICAL CHECK??? Why does he have to lie on his back?? And why does he have to have his shirt off?
- if I were Spock trying to call the captain and he picks up and all I’d see was his tits… all I’m saying is he keeps a really good straight face
- OMG we got a “what am I a moon shuttle conductor or a doctor?”
- Sulu laughing at Spock’s sense of humour
- the close up on Kirk’s ass as he leaves the room is so intentional
- Bones sitting on the railing…
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- how many surfaces can I sit on competition but my opponent is Leonard Bones McCoy
- just to prove my point the next scene starts with him sitting on a table
- god I feel bad for Scotty having to sit between McCoy and Spock in some of those meetings
- Sulu was cool as a cucumber
- “do you ever tire of questioning me on things you’ve already made your mind up about?” “it gives me emotional security” they are each others emotional support guy (Spock & Kirk)
- Kirk saying“navigation, you’re timing was lousy. Same with engineering, Helmsman” then Bones immediately after “you’re timing was lousy”
- how can you sit in a chair like that even (bones)
- Alexa play tik tok by Kesha
- (okay now I’m just imagining Spock dancing like one of those spider-man memes but completely straight faced (also Spock now listens to Kesha canonically but like in my head))
- Bones is so caring, he has so much fucking compassion I won’t shut up about him
- “you now have seven minutes left” but there’s 23 minutes left in the episode. Guess a lot of it’s just gonna be dead air… er space I mean (yeah I can come up with a better line than this later (edit: no I can’t I’m tired))
- SPOCK IS SO SAD. He truly thinks this is a hopeless situation.
- Bones is about to die in four minutes and he’s threatening Kirk because of the fact that he put Bailey’s health at risk… I love this man
- “Anytime you can bluff me, doctor” I can’t legally say what I thought was said but maybe the ancient archaeologists will know from context clues
- I don’t think Uhura has spoken to most of the bridge crew up to this point, she barely has had plot or even dialogue, I can’t wait till they give her an episode or just even make her more central
- Spock going to Kirk’s side after the bluff for emotional support
- Spock is so proud when talking about his mom :)))
- Your science and medical officers usually shouldn’t stand so close to your chair and clutch at it while leaning over you. It’s not normal behaviour.
- Okay I’d like to mention how calm Sulu has been and how much I love him, can we please get more of him in future episodes?
- wait so Bones is just gonna let Bailey go back to work? Like I get they apologized to each other but that doesn’t change that it’s still a bad idea to have him there
- Spock, Kirk, and McCoy immediately after the death threat is gone: guess it’s time to start flirting again
[Video description: Spock stands on the bridge, he says, “A very interesting game, this poker.” Kirk sitting in his captains chair replies, “It does have advantages over chess.” McCoy smiling at Spock adds, “Love to teach it to you.” Spock smiles back at him. End description]
- he’s got a twinkle in his eye
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- The shake on the bridge as the tractor beam tows them is so funny if you watch Spock and McCoy (it continues to be funny for the next couple minutes)
- "Captain request to-" "Denied. If it's a trap.. If I'm wrong, I want you here" awwe he wants him safe (idc that this is not what the writers are trying to say, HE WANTS SPOCK SAFE)
- they all have to bend over on the transporter pad but when they get transported Bones isn't even bent he's just standing at his normal height slightly hunched
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- HOLY CRAP I HATE THAT THING... I'm so glad it's a puppet
- nope okay I don't know what's happening, I can't. I'm. What.
- that is apple cider, they are sitting around this guy trying to drink apple cider
- McCoy doesn't know what the fuck to do right now and neither do I
Now imagine, if you will, Spock dancing
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Thank you, and have a good day.
Master post of past/future episodes
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jennsterjay · 1 year
What's up, danger? (spoilers ahead)
Somewhere in a relatively unpopulated part of Spider HQ, Miles and Hobie were walking and talking. Actually, Hobie was listening to Miles vent, but he didn't mind. He probably hadn't talked about much with anyone. The two slowed their walk to a stop, and found supports to rest their backs on while they faced each other and continued talking.
Hobie: I can't say I agree with you mate, I think you're a bloody good Spiderman.
Miles: But that's the thing! The second I got here, I've been treated like a danger to everyone. And now everyone's acting like it never even happened! And me escaping this futuristic joint, beating the other me, and stopping Spot all in one day, was all by the skin of my teeth!
Hobie raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything
Miles: -And don't get me started on Gwen and Peter. They're trying...but I don't even know what to say to them now. I wanted to see them so bad before I got here and- hell I don't know... I...
Miles sighed and hung his head for a moment
Hobie: I understand, you've had this stirring around in your head like a neverending mixtape. It's good that you're letting it out. Things may not be the same anymore, but thing is the most consistent thing about life is its inconsistency
Miles lifted his head up, waiting for him to continue
Hobie: I know you care about those two, and you know that they care about you, so give it some time and when you're ready, talk to em.
Miles thought about this for a moment and nodded his head
Hobie: And as for Miguel, Prowler, and Spot. Against you it was no competition, mate. You folded them into next week.
Miles laughed
Miles: Barely but ok
Hobie: Nah mate, you were just too damn smart for them. That's why you're the coolest Spiderman here.
Miles: Huh, you think so?
Hobie: I know so
Miles: Heh...thanks man. If anything you're the coolest for real. I'm surprised you don't have like 50 people hanging off of you and trying to get your number.
Hobie snickered
Hobie: Haha so you think I have rizz, mate?
Miles: Yeah I mean look at you! You have this punk rock style going on and your jacket and suit has spikes on it and you're tall as fuck bro. And your hair is cool, never seen anything like it.
Hobie: Well Yards, I can say I'm flattered. Your suit is equally cool though. You're the only one with a spraypainted suit. Very anti-establishment.
Miles: Haha yeah...
Hobie noticed how Miles looked away, like his thoughts started to drift off somewhere else.
Hobie: Something on your mind Meters?
Miles: I uh...really liked Gwen before all this. And a part of me still wants her as a friend but...sometimes I think even before all this happened that I was out of her league. Then some weeks back I had a crush on that girl that let me escape from Miguel before I was launched to Earth 42. Come to find out she's taken already. I swear I have such bad luck with this stuff you'd think it's a canon event.
Miles tries to laugh it off, but Hobie can tell the smile doesn't quite reach his eyes.
Hobie: Well mate, flirting is a skill forged with confidence and experience. You have a damn good personality, and you don't even need to try if you're just being yourself. Plus, somewhere there's a bloke out there who understands you and truly appreciates you for who you already are
Miles was caught off guard by this and felt his face heat up. Hobie was just hyping him up, being his straightforward self. He still wasn't used to hearing compliments like that...but he had to recover somehow before Hobie noticed the look on his face.
Miles: How are you so sure?
Hobie smirked
Hobie: I was this sure the whole time
Miles chuckled
Miles: Oh really? Then how about we make a bet. If you can find one person like how you described in a week, then I'll buy you that new guitar amp.
Hobie: Alright bet. In fact...I can think of one person right now who would like nothing more than to swoop you.
Miles looked around confused, then looked back at Hobie who had a smug look on his face
Miles: Who?
Hobie leaned off of the support he rested his back on and walked forward, steadily closing the distance between them. Miles' eyes widened and his heartbeat sped up as he finally understood why.
Hobie stood in front of him and placed his hand on Miles' shoulder, and looked into his eyes with a gentle smirk.
Hobie: What's up, danger?
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thedvilsinthedetails · 6 months
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hey im still figuring out what i wanna be called but for now u can call me Jamie if u want I’m genderfluid as fuck [they/she/he or whatever idegafatp]
some typa aroace spectrum probs grayace & demiromantic also omniromantic - in general I have nothing figured out
so a simp w like a slight preference for men ig but kinda ace most of the time but sometimes very not
neurospicy bitch
minor but adults can follow/interact idc tbh
writing request status: OPEN FOR MICROFICS RN
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I’m a rosekiller loverrr but also a multi shipper so u never know what ur gonna see ig [but probably Rosekiller, Wolfstar, Dorlene, Starchaser maybe some sunkiller if I’m in the mood etc] for the record just bc I don’t ship smth doesn’t mean I support hating it even as a joke [translation: prongsfoot is chill leave them be]
if u don’t like smth, just ignore it, if u send me hate I’ll reply w shitty jokes probs
my dream job is to be an actor [screen actor specifically]
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Media I like:
Fav TV stuff: Challengers, Gravity Falls, Cruella, 10 things I hate about you, into the spiderverse
Fav author is @neil-gaiman also that man is my idol so I’ll probs reblog him a shit ton [do u think he’ll like…mind that I tagged him? Sorry if this bothered u Neil!!!] Music [uhhh changes all the time tbh but for rn]: The Neighbourhood, Olivia Rodrigo, Conan Gray [Kid Krow phase rn], Chappell Roan, Renée Rapp, Green day, Ricky Montgomery, NOAHFINNCE, MARINA and Hozier
Spider-Man. Fucking love Spider-Man.
One thing to note about me tho: obvi I love recommendations but I find starting literally any new forms of media really fucking daunting for no reason [this is everything: songs, movies, books etc]
e.g. I fucking love spider verse but I still haven’t watched movie 2, same w latest season of young royals, same with even like ONE song alone I find it rlly hard and really scary
so if u give me recommendations and I don’t get back to u about them for ages it’s not bc I forgot or i was ignoring u but bc I find it scary so pls be patient :)
also same w please don’t like assume I’m knowledgeable about like any of the music artists I named earlier bc tbh I don’t rlly listen to artists I listen to songs [im still a fan of a lot of music artists ofc but the artists I listen to ≠ the artists I’m a fan of]
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HI! welcome to my crazy blog, I love making friends im not at all scary I promise :D
Btw my inbox is ALWAYS open for spam, ship ramblings [even if it’s not smth I ship], info dropping about ur hyperfixations, venting, questions etc. [the only thing is no illegal ships bc it will be ignored] also sorry pre warning im shit with the inbox chains [‘send this to ten people who…’] so often I won’t answer those sorry, anything else I will make sure to answer but the chains I sometimes just forget about sorryyy
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Barty Crouch Jr & James Potter kinnie
got a FAT crush on Evan Rosier [he’s the loml he just doesn’t know it yet] and also a crush on Dorcas Meadowes
I write sometimes:
I fell for you like glitter on stage - rosekiller band au, this was a microfic series on tumblr that I posted on ao3 for convenience [words: 4548] [this is my fav thing I’ve ever written lol]
we are all just prisoners here of our own device - Jegulus, a oneshot on ao3 based on the song ‘hotel California’ by the eagles. [Words: 6162]
Oh where do we begin? The rubble or our sins? - ON HIATUS. Roman Empire Jegulus au with side Rosekiller, Wolfstar and Pandalily on ao3 [words: 6141] [currently I don’t want to write Jegulus - the hyperfixation hath faded]
also I’m in a marauders RP as Barty and u shld follow it bc we’re all super cool and funny and amazing and awesome and yeah @bartythebabygorljr
tags you’ll see on my page:
me and my old black biro > writing tag
Im in love with that Rosier boy > [this is a new one] me having a massive crush on Evan Rosier
the most boring soap opera > my life tag
I have an online diary called @miseryoforpheus if ur fascinated by my charming and irresistible personality
my Letterboxd: https://boxd.it/a4nOH
[The song at the bottom of my intro post changes all the time depending on how I’m feeling]
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vhstown · 8 months
spider-teens ★ D&D HEADCANONS
— hobie, gwen, miles, pavitr (+ peter b & mayday!)
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warnings: d&d jargon (there's definitions at the end if you're curious), shenanigans, miles being a NERDDD, a lil shorter than usual
a/n: how id imagine these lot playing d&d!!! ive only played / ran 5e so forgive me veteran players 😭 again feel free to add / disagree w me it's all in good fun
If MILES doesn't run the game, he plays a warlock for sure. Not because it fits him personality wise but because he wants to be a magic user but also not be held back by it. My man is thinking STRATEGY and takes every opportunity to geek out about the specifics of his abilities. He also definitely has a ridiculously fleshed-out backstory he's kind of too embarrassed to tell anyone about.
Either warlock or the nerd multi-classes and it confuses the hell out of EVERYONE... I feel like he tries a lot of the classes though so warlock is kind of a starting point when he's playing with his spider friends (he defo played fighter or sorcerer in the past)
Miles is the one who gets everyone together though (and jumps through universes to make sure everyone's on time 😭 he will NOT tolerate scheduling issues)
Peter B runs a lot of their games except he used to play 3e or Pathfinder back in the day (nerd...) so Miles is just like... gritting his teeth a little whenever Peter misses a little detail or a skill check. He probably used to play in high school / college I mean come on...
Speaking of Peter B OF COURSE he lets Mayday roll the dice. The entire party could depend on that roll and she's rolling it and everyone is TENSE (And he tries not to let her eat the dice... Tries.)
HOBIE plays a barbarian or rogue. He'd play a barbarian just for the hell of it (sounds cool) and would most definitely carry everyone by total accident because he's like... the only one alive.
Rogue also for the hell of it cause stealing is rebellious and that 😭 Though if he does play a rogue his character becomes one of the most unintentionally complex characters in the game.
Hobie would figure out the entire plot of the adventure completely by accident and Peter just laughs awkwardly and goes "You'll just have to find out next session!" and maybe dies inside (but it's not like he prepares for his sessions anyway 💀)
Absolutely crits at the most ridiculous times and derails the whole campaign because he decided to interrogate a minor political figure and now they're destabilising the region's government instead of fighting dragons
And he accidentally becomes the leader of like the whole village and maybe starts a revolution and Peter is sat there lips pressed together hands pressed together elbows on table like "...I guess that happens then."
Might cheat a little bit. Just a little. Not enough to ruin the campaign but enough to have Peter sweating 💀 A lil strand of web under his dice hurt nobody right? (Those goblins are DEAD dead)
Miles is gob-smacked and definitely a little jealous of him 😭
PAVITR originally wants to play a fighter because that sounds... cool as hell BUT when Miles explains the bard class to him he takes it and runs
I'd say Pavitr is relatively new to the game as are Hobie and Gwen but he hones in on the roleplay (not as seriously as Miles but definitely participates)
Probably leads the group and goes head-first into danger (Miles is literally pissing himself) and his character probably knows loads of languages cause he just conveniently picked a race with very useful languages for the adventure (as per Miles' suggestion)
But he goes out-of-character more than once to go "WTF????" when he doesn't manage to rizz up an NPC and they're have to roll for initiative (attempts to be a pacifist)
The goat when it comes to fights though he plays such a good supporting character and if he were to die everyone would totally be finished 😭🙏
GWEN plays either a monk or a wizard. I feel like she doesn't particularly mind but she plays wizard for a little bit before realising that she doesn't really like the magic stuff? Goes for monk and it's a lot simpler and more fun
More of an observer but is helpful when it comes to investigating areas and carries like EVERY item possible: potions, magical items, 20 rocks for some reason. Bag of holding girlie (like how she holds that trauma she has in real li—)
Has THE coolest weapons. Because her character can't rely on magic she's constantly upgrading or getting new weapons and her unique monk abilities come in handy again when exploring!!!
Totally makes fun of Miles (endearingly!) And maybe points out a plot hole in his backstory and he wants to curl up into a ball and disappear for a good minute (he rethinks his entire character for 2 nights straight)
Has an NPC she would protect with her LIFE. Barmaid at the inn? Anything for you sweetums 😁😁😁 *trips over and dies*
That's all given if they have an actually functional game... It takes them probably about like a year to finish a one-shot adventure
But it is SO worth the memories (albeit very chaotic memories.) Even when they're arguing over a roll (usually Hobie's) or someone's character has literally died they make it work through the power of friendship...! And a broken table
These guys are crazy I love them
"Embrace the chaos is the mood for tonight's session. AKA you guys are screwed... Roll initiative."
"What the hell?!"
"Don't swear in front of the kid!"
Campaign: A world containing one set of characters where different adventures take place
Dungeon Master / DM: The person who creates the story and runs the game
Skill check: Rolling a die to see if you've passed or failed a certain skill when performing an action (for example charisma when trying to persuade somebody)
Crit: Critical hit. When you roll a 20 on a 20-sided die. You deal loads of damage in a fight basically.
NPC: Non-playable character. Any characters who aren't the players within the universe. Controlled by the DM.
Initiative: The roll you have to make before a fight to decide the order of turns. "Roll initiative" means "you guys are in a fight now!!!! lmao!!!!"
thank you for reading my insane midnight rant LMAOOO
i haven't played d&d in like 2 years so apologies if anything is diabolically wrong here 💀would love to hear your thoughts!
reblogs appreciated <3 read the rest of my atsv stuff here!
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ghostflowerhotpotch · 1 month
How do you think the spider gang would react to Gwen coming out as trans? I think they'd all be supportive, but I'm curious if you have details
I am going to be honest with you anon, I had been looking at this question for weeks, thinking about it, and...I am not coming up with much.
I am trans, I don't have that much experience with people reacting to that- and I am not making any more comments about that.
Going back to the original question- I think all of them would be supportive; regardless of background or history, I feel doing anything else would be a disservice to the characters, and also, a type of story I really don't have interest entertaining, (Would Noir, being from 40s, be reasonable to have his apprehensions and need to overcome it? Yes, I am interested in seeing something like that? Personally, fuck no.)
Now, it doesn't mean there cannot be hiccups- all well intending, of course.
(Specific characters under the cut because, as always with me, it got long.)
Peter B I see going over the top; talking how brave Gwen is, and that he supports her no matter what, he also reads a book on trans people and tell hims about the people in his universe who are trans. Gwen appreciates it, but it can be uncomfortable at times.
Noir, regardless of time period, would be supportive, but mixes up terminology. The poor guy already struggles with the pop culture lingo, so throwing queer lingo into the mix can make things awkward; specially since, as a spider-man, he has defended the marginalized people of his dimension and is aware of the community, but- that community had its own terminology that may not be appreciated to day. Is a growing curve.
In my opinion, Ham is a much of a man as Bugs Bunny, meaning gender isn't as important as commitment to the bit; so I can see him busting a dress all of the sudden and saying "I get you sis." Accordingly, if asked about his own gender, he is pretty much "normally a guy, but in general whatever fits better with the scene."
Peni I headcanon as nonbinary, so I think she would be happy to meet another person who isn't cis. Definitely would have lots of talk about presentation, tricks for clothes a make up, the works.
Margo is cool about it, there isn't much to say there; she just tells Gwen that it doesn't change anything between them, and she is still invited to come for the slumber parties (Margo has thrown a bunch in the Spider-Society, because anything to spend as little time mentally at home as possible.)
Pavitr: "Oh so you are like a hijra? That's so cool!" (This is a term from a place I am not from, so I can't talk in length about it, feel free to look it up because it is indeed, very cool.) While not the same, he ends up telling more about how people in his dimension see transgender people, Gwen finds it overall really interesting.
Hobie is, of course, cool about it. He is a punk, noncomformist, and "hates labels," he could probably tell Gwen a stupid amount of things about queer history, intersectionally, so far and so forth. Despite using he/him pronouns, I believe with all my heart Hobie would not give a shit about gender roles and dress how he likes, and be okay with any pronouns. This has nothing to do with your question, but I headcanon that Hobie has been the queer awakening of many other teens of the Spider-Society as he strolls down in whatever outfit he feels like it.
Now Miles, is obviously supportive. I think he may be oblivious to many things (I headcanon him as bi for a long awhile, but I am not sure if that's something he knows already or has yet to discover,) so he asks questions, but is always respectful and has no trouble answering. Overall, Gwen thinks is cute how much Miles dotes on her, and reminding her that she will always be the prettiest girl alive to him.
Huh, I guess I had more to say that I expected, this was fun! Thanks for the question and sorry for the delay.
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bloodyarn · 26 days
✂  𝔹𝔸𝔹𝔼𝕋𝕋𝔼 / 𝔸ℙℙℝ𝕆𝕍𝔸𝕃    a way too long post with useless information
  Babette likes being in other's good books, and appreciates when the player offers help without wanting something in return. Despite rather approving of safe decisions, she is inspired by acts of charity and heroism in general. The player does not have to be completely "good" to gain her approval. Avoiding conflict with decisions that leave both parties amicable (even when ultimately deceiving the opponent) will raise Babette's approval.
Babette dislikes displays of cruelty, unnecessary violence and overly judgmental behavior towards NPCs. She disapproves when the Player does not offer support and understanding for her pact. Babette shows much dependence towards the Player and will lose approval should they leave her alone with all decisions.
✂ 𝐆𝗿𝐞𝐞𝘁𝐢𝐧𝐠𝘀
Depending on her approval rating, Babette may greet the player with:
Negative (-10):
•   "Oh, you." •   "Make it quick, I am busy." •   "Fine, what is it?"
Neutral and up (above -10):
•   "Anything I can assist you with?" •   "You need help?" •   "Ah, hello. What made you walk over?" •   "Anything you want to share?"
When spoken to by someone other than the player character:
•   "Apologies, but we need to focus, right? No talking now."
•   "Good to see you again. What's the matter?" •   "I know this look - Don't leave me waiting now." •   "By far my favorite chatting partner. How are you doing?" •   "Hello, hello. I hoped you would come over."
•   "And I was worried I couldn't smile today. Anything you need?" •   "Whatever it is, I can't wait to help you out. Honestly." •   "Your worries are mine. Ask ahead - We will make it matter."
Broken up:
•   "Hm?" •   "What's the matter?"
𝐀𝐟𝘁𝐞𝗿 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝘁𝐢𝐧𝐠  𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝘅𝐞𝐝 𝐒𝐞𝐚𝐦𝘀𝘁𝗿𝐞𝘀𝘀
•   "Such ripe eyes. Tell me what makes them look so quizzical?" •   "Looking for a distraction?" •   "Ah, I was wondering when you would show up again."
Broken pact:
•   "You need an open ear? I owe you this much at the very least." •   "Your ever-loyal seamstress, at your service." •   "Greetings! What would you like to talk about?" •   "Something important? I can take important."
𝐃𝐚𝗿𝐤 𝐔𝗿𝐠𝐞 𝐞𝘅𝐜𝐥𝘂𝘀𝐢𝘃𝐞
•   "I don't know if I like that look in your eyes. Everything alright?" •   "Are you doing... okay?" •   "What goes on inside your head? From one troubled soul to another."
✂ 𝐀𝐩𝐩𝗿𝐨𝘃𝐚𝐥
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There will obviously be things I forgot so feel free to ask if something specific is not here. I'll add it.
•   Recruiting any companion
•   Convince Rolan to Stay and fight for the Tieflings ( :3c wizard )
•   Talk to Rolan with Gale and arrange for a meeting with Lorroakan (Oh poor summer child)
•   Basically be nice to any child.
•   Let the Owlbear Cub live
•   Invite Scratch to your camp
•   Call Volo a good birdie when talking to the Goblin lady who captured him :)
•   Save Mayrina from Auntie Ethel (Pact sisters need to stay together ♥)
•   Fill your plate at the House Of Hope when Raphael wants to talk you into shit
•   Agree to ✨ Volo's Lobotomy ✨
•   Never question Volo. We show support. Also he's a wizard.
•   Attack the huge spider man in the Shadow Cursed Lands (ew ew ew)
•   Keep Dolly Dolly Dolly locked up (She first thinks its a shiny moth)
•   Free Dolly Dolly Dolly (Nvm guys, it's a pixie)
•   Be nice to the drunken tiefling wizard (He's sad.)
•   Step into Baldur's Gate (Yes, just walk into the city. Automatically approves.)
•   Side with Gortash   (Rad Steel Watchers veri cool)
•   Invite Yenna to your camp
•   (Let her introduce you to her siblings at her family's tailor shop :3c )
  ✂ 𝐃𝐢𝘀𝐚𝐩𝐩𝗿𝐨𝘃𝐚𝐥
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•   Sharing any information with Auntie Ethel (Archfey Warlock senses are tingling)
•   Scam the tiefling child that scammed you
•   Let Abdirak whip you (Not in front of the children her!)
•   Anything that will make Wyll dance after Mizoras piping
•   Lick the spider (She will literally fall unconscious if you do. Prone and all.)
•   Consider letting Gale blow himself up (No wizard shall be harmed)
•   Enter the circus
•   Go along with Dribbles clown-shit (Why did you have to enter the circus?)
•   Get turned into cheese (You make her unnecessarily hungry)
•   Drow sex, Haarlep sex also
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cypherverze · 1 year
We’ve Come A Long Way, Baby
a tom holland imagine
You can access the part two here: PART TWO
PAIRINGS: tom holland x female!reader
SUMMARY: you reminisce the journey that both you and Tom had ventured, and how far the both of you have come, before officially tying the knot.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: hello, i’ll be posting an imagine for the meantime >< this will have a part 2, i decided to split this imagine in two parts because for the next part i want to solely focus on the wedding. let me know if you like it! enjoy reading!
REMINDER: this is purely fiction, this is a product of the author’s (me) imagination. this work is originally written by me, do not in any way repost or copy my work.
WARNINGS: none, just pure fluff!
DIVIDER BY: @v6que
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You reminisce the journey that both you and Tom had ventured together, and how far the both of you have come, before officially tying the knot.
The Meeting
You and Tom had met in London, you had decided to move to London to be more independent, you entered University of Oxford and pursued your career in law. You had met Tom at a party of a mutual friend, and you don’t know him at all, you literally have no idea of who he is. So when your mutual friend had introduced you to each other and your friend mentioning that Tom’s a famous actor, the look on your face was priceless because you don’t know him at all. You don’t know his movies and actually never heard of him in your whole life, and you were embarrassed. But Tom was really chill about it, he doesn’t mind that you don’t know him, it even made him feel better because at least someone treated him normal for once, and from there, you two had clicked.
It was months of texts and calls, back and forth. He was always away for filming and you are busy attending your classes and finishing your degree, until on your graduation day, he had finally asked you to be his girlfriend. It was the best birthday present that you had ever received. Since he’s a well known figure, you two decided to keep your relationship under the wraps, that is until a year into your relationship, you had been spotted together by a paparazzi walking around LA. Where you had visited him one time during his filming, and that’s when you decided to make your relationship public. Your relationship had been receiving nothing but support from his fans, you couldn’t care less about the negative comments. As long as you both love each other, that is only what matters the most.
Tom had already introduced you to his family, and his mother, Nikki, had never been more thrilled that he’s son is dating a very beautiful and amazing woman, she’s also glad that she’s no longer the only woman in the household. Suddenly, out of nowhere, it led him to question how come he had never met your family or know something about your family since you never talk about your family with him. He knew nothing of your family background, until he was scrolling one time on his twitter account and saw a post of a photo of him and you that he had posted in his instagram, that he was not dating an average person, he was literally dating an heir, on both sides of your parents. When he had approached you about this, you had explained it to him—he was a bit sad, but he fully understand afterwards, and on the very next day, you two found yourself on a plane ride back to your home country and had arranged a schedule for him to meet your family. He was a nervous wreck, but you had assured him him that everything will be alright.
When you had first introduced Tom to your family, they had mixed opinions about him. You’re brothers found it cool that you’re dating the Tom Holland, the spider-man, your brothers are a big fan of marvel, so when you told them that you don’t know who spider-man is, they educated you about the marvel cinematic universe and sat you down to watch a hundred of marvel films—which had been a lot for you to take in. They had questioned Tom’s intentions as well with you, like the big brothers that they are, but when they saw that he’s a nice and down to earth guy, a few drinks, and bonding over golf, they know that he’s a keeper and supported you both through and through.
As for your parents, they’re skeptical because they don’t really know what was Tom’s intentions with you. You had been through a long list of relationships, and each relationships that you had back then were only for convenience, they dated you just to use you and your family’s connections. You were privileged enough in life, you had been born with a golden spoon in your mouth. You are born into one of the wealthiest and influential family, you can say that you’re quite well known, but you never really flaunt it like the usual wealthy kids do, and you’re pretty much the darling sweetheart of your home country. Not to mention that you’re the only woman in your family, and your family is very protective of you, they want their princess to be with someone who is deserving of their princess. But eventually, they warmed up to Tom, your father had bonded with him through golf as well just like your brothers. They can see that Tom is a really good match for you.
You chuckled at the memory. Both you and Tom had been through a lot of ups and downs, it had really been an emotional roller coaster for the both of you, a lot of challenges, but you both had managed to get past through it. It just proved how strong is your love for each other, and that was when you had decided that he’s the man that you want to spend the rest of your life with, and Tom thought of the same too. You got up from your bed and sat at your vanity chair, there’s still plenty of hours before your wedding. You can’t help but stare at the engagement ring on your finger and smile.
The memory of Tom asking your parents for your hand in marriage played in your mind. You weren’t there, but your brothers were. The rest of the family as well, including your parents, aunts, uncles, and grandparents.
The Stamp of Approval
You let Tom know that you’ll be flying back home to visit your family for a week, and he was okay with it, he apologized as well that he won’t be able to come visit them with you due to the press tour. What you didn’t know was Tom didn’t tell you that they will be having a press tour in your home country, so he was planning to surprise you, and he has a mission as well. That mission is that he was finally going to ask your parents for your hand in marriage.
He was a nervous wreck, he had been a nervous wreck when he had met your parents, but this time it had really intensified, it felt like his heart was gonna beat right out of his chest. Tom nervously fidgeted with his watch as he stood outside of the main door of your family’s mansion. He had been there for about a minute or two now, practicing his speech on how he was there to finally ask for your hand in marriage, which he had been planning for months. He took a deep breath and finally had the courage and rang the doorbell, the doorbell echoed inside your home, as he was waiting anxiously for the door to open.
As the door opened, Tom was greeted by your mother, who welcomed him with a warm smile and giving him a tight hug. She quickly ushered Tom inside, he stepped inside of the mansion and no matter how many time he had been in your family home, he will always be struck by the grandeur of your home whenever you both visit your family. Walls were adorned with beautiful artworks, furnitures was plush and comfortable. Your mother led him into the living room, where he was greeted by your brothers, grandparents and other family members—which were your aunts and uncles. Which he had not expected at all.
Tom, your brothers—which were very delighted when he came and squished him in a hug, grandparents, and your other family members had exchanged their pleasantries, then going back to what they were doing before he arrived. Except for your grandparents, they had joined as well in the living room.
“My love, Tom is here!” Your mother had called out for your father, “It is so great to see you again, Tom! What brings you here today? (Y/N) is out with her friends right now, but she’ll be back by dinner. She also told me you’re busy with the press tours, so you won’t be able to come with her.” She asked.
“Hello, auntie,” Tom greeted your mother, when you had introduced Tom to your parents, they had insisted him on calling your parents aunt and uncle, “I didn’t tell her that we’ll be having a press tour here, because I wanted to surprise her.”
Your mother let out a gasped and squealed. Your mother is the biggest supporter of your relationship, you can say that she’s the president of your ship. She always post a photo of you two on her instagram together with your family, and instagram stories as well. Your mother is also the number one source of photos of both you and Tom that the fans are always waiting for.
“I also wanted to talk to you all about something.” Your mother nodded.
“Come, sit.” She motioned Tom so sit.
They both sat down on the couch at the same time, Tom sitting infront, facing your mother. Your father coming down from upstairs. Once your father is finally seated on the couch with the rest, Tom took a deep breath and straightened his posture.
“Uncle and auntie,” He started, “I came here to surprise (Y/N) and to talk about something with you as well. I came here today to ask for your blessing to marry your daughter.”
Both of your parents have different reactions, and your grandparents just smiled widely at Tom. Your mother squealed again, while your father was serious and carefully listened, motioned Tom to continue.
“She means everything to me, and I can’t imagine spending the rest of my life without her. I can’t see myself with anyone other than her. I would be honored if your would allow me to marry her.” Tom smiled softly.
Your grandmother turned to your grandfather, who then turned to your parents and speak something in your native language. Tom felt his heart beating faster as he waited for their response, until your grandparents turn to Tom and nodded happily. Your grandparents approved of him marrying you. Meanwhile, your father turned to Tom, directly making an eye contact with him.
“Tom, throughout the years of your relationship with our lovely (Y/N), we have watched you and (Y/N)’s relationship grow. We have seen how happy you make each other, we saw how much you make our daughter happy. She had never been happier in her relationship, and it’s rare for her to see be happy in a relationship, which you know very well how her past relationships ended. We love her so much, she’s our baby girl, our one and only princess. Seeing her very happy, especially with the person she loves the most, it’s enough for us.” Tom nodded at your father’s words with understanding.
“You are basically already a part of our family, you have been with us through every family celebrations and family vacations. So yes, we give our full blessing for you to marry our daughter.” Your father smiled widely at him, standing up giving Tom a tight hug. Then your mother gave him a hug as well, and lastly your grandparents.
Tom felt the weight has been lifted off of his shoulders as he smiled with gratitude, feeling sense of excitement and joy. Tom knows that both of your future together would be bright and full of love. Now, he couldn’t wait to propose to you. Your mother stood up and retrieve something from their bedroom and came back down to the living room.
“Tom, grandma just told me that I should give you this,” She handed Tom a black velvet box, and he opened it gently, “It’s a family heirloom. It was grandma’s ring when grandpa proposed to her, it’s what also my husband gave me when he proposed to me. So now we’re giving it to you, I know that (Y/N) will be very happy.”
“Thank you so much, I promise to take care of (Y/N).”
“I know you will, son. I know you will. I trust you with my daughter, I know that you’ll be a loving husband to her. Also call us mom and dad, you’re both getting married soon.” Your father smiled.
Your mother squealed again in happiness, calling out your brothers and your other relatives as well to tell them the great news. They had rushed to the living room and sat down on the vacant couch.
“(Y/N) and Tom are finally getting married!” Your mother shouted, causing your brothers and family members to jump and shout in happiness.
Your brothers rushed to Tom and squeezed him in a hug, your brothers are older than you and Tom, but they can be a bunch of bear hugger, a man child as well if they wanted to be. Your family hadn’t noticed you coming inside, you stared at the scene that unfolds right infront of you. You can see your parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles smiling and cheering, on the other side, you saw your brothers hugging Tom jumping up and down, chanting like they’ve just won a game or something.
“Uh, what is happening here? I just got home and I returned to a party? Without me?” You chuckled.
“(Y/N)!” Your brothers yelled all together.
“What? Why are you acting like I just came home from war?”
“Oh honey, you don’t know what’s coming.” Your mother said, in which you looked at her in confusion.
“Mom! Shh!” Your oldest brother, Collin shushed your mom, and your mother raised her hands in defeat.
“Tommy? What are you doing here? I thought you have a press tour?” You gently smiled at him.
Your brothers had let him go and he slowly walked toward you. Tom hugged you, arms wrapping tightly on your waist, as you give him a soft kiss on the lips. Your hands gently caressing his nape.
“Surprise,” Tom smiled softly at you, “I didn’t tell you that we’ll be having a press tour here, so I decided to surprise you, darling.” He kissed your lips.
“Well, you did surprise me.” You giggled in the kiss.
“I’m glad, darling, because we’re gonna be heading off to Paris for the next press tour and you’ll be coming with me.”
“I’d be honor, baby.” You smiled.
“Good, because I won’t be taking a no for an answer.” You both loved.
It felt like it was just the two of you in the room, forgetting about your family in the background. You can’t believe it, you’re so in love with this man, and he is so in love with you two. You wouldn’t trade it for the whole world, you can’t see yourself loving another man that is not Tom. He has taken your world by storm, and your heart.
The Proposal
Tom had proposed to you in Paris, right under the Eiffel Tower. The reason why he wanted to take you to him for the press tour in Paris it’s because he wanted to propose to you there, of course to spend time with you as well. He had ask for Zendaya and Jacob’s help with the proposal, you brothers will be there as well for the full package support. Tom couldn’t be more thankful.
The both of you are walking towards the Eiffel Tower, hand in hand. You can feel your heart racing with excitement, you had been to Paris before, you always accompany your mother during the Paris fashion week. You basically know Paris like the back of your hand, but being in Paris with Tom is a whole different experience. In the city of love with the one you love the most.
You can already see the iconic landmark looming ahead, the steel girders reaching up towards the sky. The sun is already setting, casting a beautiful warm golden glow, and Tom knows that this moment will be etched in both of your memories forever. As the both of you approach the tower, Tom took your hand and lead you to a quiet spot underneath the tower. He turns to face you, and as he look deeply into your eyes, you can feel the wave of love, gratitude, and pure adoration washing over you. You are the person Tom wants to spend the rest of his life with, and he knows that he have to make this proposal perfect.
Unbeknownst to you, your friends—Zendaya and Jacob, and your brothers are just around the area, waiting for Tom to pop the million dollar question to you. Your and Tom’s parents wanted to be there as well, but they can’t due to their respective busy schedules. But they have them on facetime, so they are updated on what’s going on. Tom took a deep breath and began to speak.
“My love,” He began, “Ever since I met you, I know that you are the one for me. You don’t know how much joy and happiness you had brought into my life, and I can’t imagine my future without you in it or loving someone that isn’t you.” You already have an idea of what’s going on, you are trying to hold your tears.
“I know that we have had our ups and downs, a continuous roller coaster rides of emotions, but I believe that together we can overcome any obstacles that the world throws at us. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, making you happy, supporting you with every decision you make, and cherishing every moment that we have together.”
Tom reached into his pocket and pull out a small black velvet box. Your eyes widened because you know that velvet box so well, it was a possession that your mother owns and ever since you were a child, you had already been begging your mother to give it to you. But she always tell you that you’ll have it when the time is right. You can’t believe it. He opened the box, revealing the big beautiful emerald ring. The emerald sparkling against the light of the beautiful setting sun, gasping in surprise.
“So, my darling, will you do the honor of making me the happiest man alive and marry me?” He smiled widely.
You noticed your brothers, Zendaya, and Jacob at the distance, right at the back of Tom holding a poster that says ‘Will You Marry Me?’and your oldest brother, Collin, holding the phone, speaking and your two other brother, Nick and Philip recording the moment. By now, a lot of people are surrounding you and taking videos, which will probably end up all over the headlines and internet articles right after.
Tom hold out the ring to you, and you can’t hold it any longer, you let your tears of happiness fall. You nodded your head rapidly and you throw your arms around Tom’s shoulders, kissing him deeply. You both smiled at the kiss. Tom slipped the ring onto your finger, loving the way how it looked on your finger, and suddenly there were fireworks display at the sky, courtesy of your brothers.
“Yes. Yes, I will marry you, Thomas Stanley Holland.” You giggled.
“She said yes, everyone!” Tom shouted, and everyone cheered.
The Eiffel Tower stands tall above the both of you, which had been a symbol of your love and lifelong commitment to each other. A special place that you will hold dearly in your heart, and a reminder of the love that you share with Tom.
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sped here at the speed of light to demand to know what "of claws and spiderwebs" is about. such a cool name it is entirely possible i am obsessed already.
ive been DYING to talk abt this
its a spider-man au and it was inspired by across the spider-verse (i have been obsessed w those films since 2018 soo)
i don’t follow the movies’ plot so it’s not really spoiler-y but i’ll explain everything under the cut!
basically the story revolves around the black brothers (no surprise here): the black family used to be a big industry in the technological field, but after being caught selling weapons to villains, sirius and regulus’ parents (along w many other important and rich people) were arrested, and the company was shut down.
sirius and regulus ended up living w alphard (who used to be the mind behind the greatest inventions before he left the company, when business started to get shady), and although they struggle w money, alphard wants them to have the best education possible, so they go to prestigious schools (sirius studies physics in uni w james and peter and they’re all besties, regulus is still in high school but has amazing grades)
one day regulus found out uncle alphard was actually a criminal, the prowler, and that’s how he could afford to support his two boys. however, when alphard’s health started to quickly deteriorate, regulus decided that, to let his brother have the future he deserved, he was going to take his uncle’s place in the world of crime. regulus and alphard begin to work together, making technologically advanced gadgets for the prowler and getting that bag!!
(alphard despised the idea of making regulus into a criminal, but reg is set on his idea and the two bond over their passion for tech)
in the mean time, sirius went on a school trip to visit a (for now unnamed) lab and got bitten by a radioactive spider: he got powers, showed them to james and peter as soon as he could, and decided to become spider-man and fight crime!!
of course, this will lead sirius to fighting his own brother, so that’ll be fun…
euphemia is captain of the police, and james admires her a lot, so he starts to investigate on his own: he notices that the prowler’s tech is very similar to some prototypes the black family was working on, so he wants to help sirius discover the criminal’s identity…not sure how well that will go for him
remus and lily work in the lab sirius was visiting when he got bitten as apprentices and the spider was their secret experiment
reg is a skater boy
bellatrix was thought dead, but actually she had also become a criminal under the name of doc ock (my woman is deranged and a tech nerd sooo)
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willemdafinky · 3 months
I have completed Spider-Man 2 twice now and I have very conflicting feelings on the game’s story, mostly towards its Venom/Symbiote storyline. On my first playthrough my problem was how little screen time and characterization Venom had in the story despite all the build up and prioritizing him over anything else and while I still have a problem with that aspect of the story, upon my second playthrough I realized that my real biggest issue with the narrative is Peter’s time in the black suit and being corrupted by the Symbiote. I felt it was rushed and forced but I didn’t have any deeper and meaningful critiques of it…that is until I looked back on other adaptations of the Black Suit storyline and a review of Spider-Man 2 by Youtuber Dorito God which I recommend watching that made it click as to why Peter and the Black Suit doesn’t work.
Insomniac's Peter Parker is the nicest version of the character.
An aspect of Peter Parker that I feel has been downplayed in many adaptations is that he was, at many points, a jerk. He had an incredibly short temper, tends to be cocky for the worst, and outright selfish at points. This does not inherently mean he was unlikable, I actually believe this makes him more interesting and even sympathetic. His negative traits aren’t there just because but are present of numerous factors, most of them because of his double life as Spider-Man. The sheer responsibility that is required of being Spider-Man would naturally cause high level of stress which as we all know can easily lead into losing your cool: not to mention other elements such as J Jonah Jameson’s constant slander of his name which influenced his public perception amongst New York, the grief and guilt of losing loved ones such as Uncle Ben, his struggles of keeping good relationships due to wanting to keep his identity a secret out of fear of his loved ones getting hurt, and how this all started when he was 16 it is completely understandable that Peter can be frankly a jerk.
I don’t think Peter Parker’s defining characteristic is a jerkass who underneath is a good person but I feel that his jerkiness is an important factor of the character that doesn’t get much attention in adaptations outside of Peter B Parker in the Spider-Verse movies. That being said, I would be arguing in bad faith if I said this has been completely left out of Spider-Man adaptations: Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man trilogy, The Amazing Spider-Man duology, and even the MCU have this aspect of Peter’s personality intact. In the Raimi Trilogy Peter is shown to be a very flawed boyfriend to Mary Jane with Spider-Man 3 being the most prominent example where he just doesn’t understand Mary Jane’s own struggles and subconsciously brushes them off not just because of his own struggles but also from the outright celebration he is getting from New York as Spider-Man. The Amazing Spider-Man duology gave Peter a new motivation for becoming Spider-Man as originally purely being revenge only to later take up the role of hero, not to mention also breaking a dying man’s promise of staying away from Gwen. The MCU had Peter initially refuse to help Norman and the other inter dimensional visitors despite the fact that it was his fault they were brought to the MCU and it’s only because of Aunt May that he does try to help.
Now, I have to ask a question: can you honestly name a scene with Insomniac’s Peter where he has any of these traits? I genuinely can’t think of one. Spider-Man 2 tries with the boss fight against Scream where while under the Symbiote, Mary Jane tells Peter how much he made her feel like she was nothing more than emotional support for his struggles while not doing anything for her and I don’t think that lines up with how Peter was written in the game. Peter is very supportive of Mary Jane throughout the story for her job and does listen to her when she vents about it so this interaction where the story suggests otherwise in the Scream boss fight doesn’t work for me. Peter in these games is just a really nice guy, does this mean he doesn’t have moments where he crosses his limit? No of course not, the climax against Otto disproves but that’s more of an example of the “pissing off the good guy is a bad move” trope than Peter’s more abrasive side. I don’t think this inherently means that Insomniac Peter is a bad character, I very much liked him in the first game and Miles Morales after and one of my other favorite versions of the character is the one from the 90s cartoon who is also a kinder interpretation of Peter Parker. So what is my problem?
I don’t think this overly nice version of Peter Parker works with the Black Suit story. Ever since the 90s cartoon, every version of the Black Suit story has the Symbiote amplifies Peter’s more negatives traits (most notably his temper) and we’ve established that Peter doesn’t have of any these traits so seeing him lash out at other characters and being more aggressive feels extremely out of character and not in the way that I think the writers intended.
Okay so, the amplification of negative emotions doesn’t work but maybe they went through a different approach. Maybe in this version the Symbiote instead brings out the host’s intrusive thoughts and inner frustrations, like they did with Mary Jane. The story suggests this: first in the Spider-Men fight where Peter hints that he has a sense of insecurity in his role as Spider-Man because of how good Miles is in the role, that he might not be needed anymore and how the Symbiote is the only way he could keep and be greater. Second when Miles and Martin Li go into Peter’s subconscious it is outward stated that Peter supposedly may secretly want to kill his foes just so he could end the cycle, which the Symbiote feeds on. This all sounds great, what’s the problem?
Neither of these are even hinted at beforehand. Peter never shows any resentment towards Miles, not helped by how little screen presence Miles has in the story but that’s its own can of worms, and there is nothing to suggest that Peter even entertained the idea of defeating his rogues gallery permanently. So there is nothing in this story that gives any reason as to why Peter acts the way he does while under the Symbiote. Now this might sound weird for me to say since “isn’t that what the Symbiote does” but hear me out:
Harry does not act anywhere similar to Peter when he is using the Symbiote. His personality is the same which gives the idea that perhaps in this continuity the Symbiote might not have the same negative energy it does in most adaptations and is more like in the original comics where its only negative thing is that it takes control over the host while they’re asleep. But I don’t think that was ever the intention, it always felt like that the Symbiote is supposed to be what it usually is in most adaptations. So why was Peter affected by it but Harry wasn't?
There’s also the problem that Peter himself never has the big moment of realizing what the Symbiote is doing to him, he doesn’t have his own self reflection. Compare to other adaptations:
•The 90s cartoon: He almost kills Shocker after the latter had already given up and even after he stops, the Symbiote still tries to kill Shocker.
•Spider-Man 3: Him slapping Mary Jane is the moment where Peter finally sees that he had changed for the worst.
•The Spectacular Spider-Man: Getting called out by Flash Thompson for how he’s been treating his friend is what plants the doubts in Peter’s head that something might be wrong with the Symbiote which only gets confirmed when it tries to convince him that they don’t need anyone.
In Spider-Man 2, we don’t get that. I don’t consider Miles telling Peter that the Symbiote is changing him to be a moment of self realization, it doesn’t work for me. I never got the idea that in this game Peter did something so awful, an action that he wouldn’t act out doing, that would break him free from the hold the Symbiote hivemind has on him and to be better. I don’t get that.
Combine all that and you have what has ended up being one of my least favorite versions of the Black Suit storyline, even more than Spider-Man 3. Note that I hate Spider-Man 3, it’s my least favorite of the Spider-Man movies not counting the Sonyverse movies, but with that I can see how it could work with that version of Peter. Spider-Man 2’s version of the story doesn’t work fundamentally to me because of their Peter unless you change Peter’s characterization, the narrative or how the Symbiote works.
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dorizardthewizard · 5 months
Galactik Football season 3 rewatch, eps 13-15
Episode 13:
Funny how the Pirates, who have the most motivation to find the contact, are the ones supporting an immediate evacuation whereas Brim Simbra is going for the “no need to panic people” route
Brim Simbra: He's right. Especially since many people will leave Paradisia right after the final anyway. The evacuation has to take place calmly.
Well fuck all the retail workers and support staff on Paradisia then. You guys are at more risk because we'll only announce a proper evacuation once all the visitors are gone <3
Again they missed their chance to have D'jok and Sinedd taunt each other at the start of the match, their roasts used to be hilarious
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The way Mei is just watching them with her hands crossed sfdjhds girl, be ready!
Man I complain about Sinedd but D'jok's behaviour is annoying me more
Lol why did they just let the cat walk in, didn't they know about the incident at the start of the season?
Damn they really joker-ified Harris
Brim Simbra this wouldn't be a problem if you'd just ordered an evacuation
Luur came to watch the match in his football kit I guess
Damn, Galactik Football tournament finals can never go on without a disaster huh?
Why does it look like everyone has left the stadium already (that is a FUCK ton of people by the way, SEVERE danger of fatal crowd crushes. Which wouldn't be happening if you pre-emptively evacuated everyone, BRIM SIMBRA) but D'jok, Mei and Sinedd are still taking their time getting off the pitch?
I find it a bit hard to believe that D'jok's so far gone he'll literally just stand there as the stadium falls apart around him. In season 2 it was because he was in shock at least, and anyway this is all kind of a re-hash of the end of season 2 but worse
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This is so funny they're just standing there 😭 Unbothered
I do love Sinedd saving D'jok and that his excuse is that he can't fight him if he's dead dsfjkdf it's hilarious
Seeing the flux effect on the 2D animation is so uncanny!
They seemed to be able to switch to using the flux for different purposes pretty quickly, like in football it mostly just gives them more power/speed/agility but they immediately have no problem channeling the Breath outwards and shooting it at stuff
It's a huge moment though, seeing them use the flux outside of football. If there were more seasons it could have been cool to see this as a can of worms opening and a debate around the potential loosening of the rules, with a balance between the benefits flux can bring vs the dangers
Sinedd you dumbass they would have left already, that's how evacuations work. Although I see him being too scared of losing them again to think rationally
TRAIN BRAWL! TRAIN BRAWL! Spider-man 2 eat your heart out
RIP Harvey, a real legend. And flux war veteran!
Of course she's a serpent lady
ooo look you can see the space jump gates! Cool little bit of background lore on how travel works in this universe
Where tf is Sinedd
Ahh Phoenix is going down with the ship, pretty cool moment
Episode 14:
Aww Thran and Ahito holding hands 😭😭
MARK JUST... DANGLING MICRO-ICE BY THE LEG?? It's kind of cute he's comforting him in his own way, although Micro-Ice's very valid reaction to all this is still played for laughs lmao
Ok so how sentient ARE the robots in this show? Sidney is obviously very sad about Harvey being gone, and we've seen the Technodroids have normal conversations before. But everyone's reaction whenever Sidney gets sad is just 😬😬😬 awkward LOL. Are robots like second class citizens in this universe? No one believes their emotions are as real as humans? But are they?? So many questions
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Artegor coming over to help Aarch with unpacking sdhsdfjj and blaming himself for encouraging them to go to Paradisia 😭 Their hug 😭😭 Going feral over them
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Wuh... in the middle of a good natured conversation he just,, throws the trophy? Why? It's so random 😂😂
So did Aarch and Artegor actually resolve their dispute, as dumb as it was? Oh it was just thrown in to have drama for a couple of episodes and now suddenly they're good? Ok sure
Aw Norata seems so much happier now, look at him excitedly showing off rare flowers
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So these kids just.... use the flux? And NO ONE has noticed this yet? It's just... they were notified IMMEDIATELY that Rocket had used the flux to save Tia, how is this continuous use going undetected? I guess we already had that question considering Tia already knew how to use the flux in season 1, but with her you could at least make soooome sort of assumption of her being sheltered somehow as a daughter of diplomats. Maybe the flux society only noticed Rocket's flux use so quickly because they always make sure to track GF players really closely, but still if these kids are just chilling using it all the time, on GENESIS, it looks like the flux society are worryingly shit at their job lol
But that's the thing, season 3 introduces SO many crazy new concepts – new tournament, mixed flux teams, players moving to other teams, using flux outside of football, characters moving to different roles to shake up the status quo... so much interesting stuff but the execution just flubs it, especially with the character development.
Damn Tia's got gymnastics skills!
Oh so the last time we saw Sinedd, he was running back into a collapsing stadium to find his parents and we had no idea if he'd made it or not, and now the next time we see him he's just chilling walking with his team? I don't know much about direction in shows like this but I feel like we should have had a scene where he reunites with Mei at least before this??
Actually come to think of it, D'jok ends up on the Snow Kids' ship during the evacuation and we never get to see their reaction to him! Of course at first they all just want to survive and are obviously worried about him, but what about after? Was it awkward? Did they talk? TELL ME
Sinedd is a dick cutting Mei off like that but kind of sweet to see him refer to the Shadows as family
Wait have D'jok and Sonny interacted since Sonny got healed? I feel like we're sorely missing some father and son interactions here, and D'jok has been really needing it! And where's Maya in all this??
Mei is right to question the “parents” with how sketchy they're acting, but it's tough. Sinedd's finally got that part of himself back and there's no way he'll consider the idea of losing it again.
New flux society guy agreeing to move the date of the GFC, ooooor you could try and catch this guy? Useless mfers
Episode 15:
Show really doesn't give us any detail on how someone actually masters another flux. Like how does it work?
Oh Mei's getting sick now from the Smog, but how did Sinedd get over it? He did have symptoms of Smog poisoning in season 2 but I don't remember him ever getting cured like Artegor did? Aarch had to quit the Shadows because it had gone too far, is it actually something you can just overcome? Is it different for everyone? Is it down to overusing it? So many questions!
I like that Mei was just like. NOPE this is hurting me, even if I liked you I ain't staying! As she should.
Ooo Yuki's mastering the Elektras' flux!
Wait so everyone thinks team Paradisia are actually from the planet? Which iirc only became habitable not that long ago? I'm confused on the origins of these girls, how are they cyborgs? Do they have any lives and family outside of the team Lord Phoenix assembled? I mean they're not androids? I feel like since they're closely connected to a main character, they should have gotten some more backstory.
Oh so D'jok left team Paradisia already? Why exactly? He seemed all about winning with them. We don't even get a scene of him leaving them and their reaction??
What?? D'jok's just decided to do coaching all of a sudden? Because of one little encounter with kids playing football?? He was obsessed with winning tournaments like 5 minutes ago how did this change come about??? Like. I can SEE the vision and D'jok becoming a mentor figure is a fun idea but... we need to see the steps of getting there!
That Lightnings girl is so cute though
Mei says she only left temporarily but um... sis that was not the impression we got lol you disappeared abruptly and sent everyone heartfelt farewell messages
English dub goofs up again: D'jok says he'll never go back to the Snow Kids after what THEY did, but then goes on about how HE messed up and they'll never take him back. And again, what made him realise he was behaving poorly? You can't just set up a character's development, then suddenly show them once they've reached a conclusion. Was is the near-death experience? The fact Mei still wanted to help him despite how he'd acted? His loneliness finally catching up to him? I WANT ANSWERS
Mei: Don't you want to play for the cup? D'jok: We've done it, Mei. We've won twice! What's the point?
OK this is super interesting, I'm gonna link @millimononym 's post here about D'jok's potential arc (hope that's ok!) because I think it fits really well with this. For a guy obsessed with destiny, hitting his peak early could really mess with him. You could have such an interesting arc about this and accepting that life goes on and that our lives don't have to be defined by reaching some greater goal or purpose. It's about doing it with your friends and, if the show delved a little bit more in the whole post-flux war climate, it's also about being a symbol of hope for a planet that basically suffered the apocalypse. People joke about how the Snow Kids won three times in a row straight away, instead of doing the anime lose -> train to get better -> win scenario, but you could actually address this and use it to the story's advantage!
Aww Lun-Zia can't do it :( I can't remember what happens but it would be cool if she actually couldn't master the Breath, sometimes no matter how hard you try things just don't go the way you want
Wait so um... is no one questioning how the Paradisia girls still have their flux even though the planet is dead? And what are the girls even doing right now? They have no home and no Lord Phoenix, who took care of everything for them. And where did Nina-8 come from??
The Elektra's support of Yuki is so cute. Also kind of interesting lore that their planet is far from the other planets, and hence its residents find it very hard to connect to the flux, so much so it was assumed they didn't have one. A cool explanation for why the team hasn't shown up yet!
Oh she's been selected by the Wambas!! Of course they would want her on their team after seeing her play at Paradisia. Well that wrapped up nicely! Still, this confirms she was just some rando on the beach. And what was she up to before the tournament anyway? I wish we got to know more about her
Mark immediately has a crush on Nina-8 but somehow not Nikki-4 who looks just like her? XD
I don't mind Yuki staying with the Elektras actually, its the Elektra's first GFC and I can see her wanting to go further with them. And sometimes that's just life! Going on new adventures
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hobiebrownismygod · 7 months
ooooh i just had a thought
what if while Hobie was part of the Spider-Society he fell in love with a Gwen Stacy (except they’re not Gwen Gwen because we already have a Gwen) variant that was Spider-Woman and then they got badly injured on a mission he was on with them? and he got the biggest scare of his life because of the whole “death loves gwen stacy” thing
and they actually turn out to be fine and recover fairly quickly
idk i think it might be interesting to explore a more vulnerable & sad side to Hobie
(none of this makes sense in canon but it’s a cool angsty fanfic idea!)
or maybe they actually do end up dying and it’s one of his canon events who knows
I’m gonna write it
Hobie Brown x Gwen Stacy Variant Oneshot
Notes: Gwen Marie Stacy is NOT Spider-Gwen. She's a different Spider-man variant of Gwen that I made up for this prompt. She doesn't look like Gwen Stacy either, I describe her differently :).
No. No no no no no no no.
This is all my fault.
These were the thoughts that passed through Hobie's mind as he frantically sprinted through the Spider Society, pushing other Spiders out of his way, swinging toward the health center as quickly as he could, friends following behind.
It had been approximately 2 and a half minutes since Lyla had informed him of the incident. He'd been in his dimension, practicing on his guitar as he usually did. His fingers strumming the strings in complex patterns, producing a punchy rhythm. His dark lips would move just slightly as he quietly murmured little lyrics about her. The girl he never thought he'd find. The love of his life. Gwen Marie Stacy.
You see, Hobie wasn't your average guy when it came to relationships. He didn't like them. He found them overrated, boring. He'd never even liked a girl or guy romantically before, there was always something that didn't settle well between them. And besides, he didn't think he'd find a girl who shared the same beliefs as him, someone who was just as willing to stick up for what she believed in as he was. Someone he could really share things with, someone he could be vocal with, someone who understood him and vice versa. That was, until he met her.
She was like a flame, casting a warm glow onto everyone around her, striking blue eyes the color of perfect raindrops, and raven black hair, flowing down her shoulders as if it came from the very same place as the stars. The day he'd met her he promised he'd do everything in his power to protect that heavenly smile, to make sure he heard her sweet laugh every time he saw her. But now...she was hurt. She could die.
He couldn't let that happen.
He burst through the doors of the health center, desperately swiveling his head around in every direction, searching for those ocean-colored eyes, those soft pink lips that he adored.
Come on, come on, where is she?!
"Gwen! Gwen where are you!?" he called out miserably, his voice shaky with fear. He could feel his heart beating in his chest as he waited for a response.
Thump. Thump. Thump.
He couldn't lose her.
Ever since he'd learned about the canon event. Ever since he'd discovered every Gwen Stacy's fate, he hadn't been able to sleep. He was plagued with nightmares, tormented by the fear of his love's death being by his hand. He know that if he fell in love with Gwen Marie Stacy, she would die.
And selfishly, he fell in love with her anyways. But how could he not? How could he not want to be with the girl of his dreams, that gorgeous face, that voice? He knew he'd be the death of her. But he wanted her anyways.
This is my fault.
He could have at least been there. How could he let her out of his sight? How could he leave her alone knowing she would get hurt? Knowing that she'd have to face a gruesome fate? A fate brought to her by his hands?
Gwen Stacy always falls for Spider-man. And it doesn't end well.
It doesn't end well.
Thump. Thump. Thump.
And it was like he'd heard an angel. And there she was. Her hand raised as she waved over at him, hair flowing down her shoulders like a river of ink, azure eyes slightly squinted as she beamed over at him. The breath was knocked out of him as he bolted to her side as fast as humanly possible, combat boots skidding across the floor as he collapsed next to her hospital bed and grabbed her hands, enveloping them in his.
"I-I'm sorry-I-I-This is my fault-I-my-fault"
"Slow down, I can't understand you." She shot him a smile, sitting up and squeezing his hand back. God those gorgeous eyes.
"I'm sorry." He whispered, closing his eyes tightly as he tried to suppress his tears. "S'all my fault. I should've never left you alone, I got you hurt" He choked out, words slurring together as he blabbered, his voice wavering with his repressed sobs.
"What? I'm fine, Hobes. It was just a couple stitches."
He looked up, eyebrows furrowing as he processed this information. Fine?
"You-you're okay?" he asked quietly, chest rising up and down as he tried to catch his breath.
"I'm okay." her smile sent a wave of warmth down his body, and he returned one along with a quiet chuckle. It was like all the fear, all the terror just melted out of his body, those reassuring eyes of hers doing everything to calm him down. He was ecstatic, breathing slowly slowing down and regulating itself as he nodded at her.
"You-you gave me a real scare there" He said quietly, feeling a bit embarrassed at himself at this point.
"Yeah, Lyla was being a bit dramatic about it." she said sheepishly, giving his hand a squeeze. "Sorry."
"Don't be." He pulled her into a hug, wrapping his arms around her with a quiet sigh, breathing in that green apple scent.
"I'm just glad you're safe"
A/N: I tried to do a bit of vivid imagery for my description of Gwen and Hobie's feelings but I'm not sure if it really worked out 😅. Hopefully it wasn't too wordy or difficult to read and if you have any feedback, please let me know!
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lunarspiral1127 · 1 month
X-men 97 episode 7 *SPOILERS*
Gambit's funeral
I didn't recognize everyone at the funeral, but are they his friends from his past or his family? Cause I have no idea.
Nightcrawler with the eulogy. He sure has a way with words. Plus, him being there as a priest makes sense. Also, he looks so adorable with the robes.
Logan comforting Jubilee was sweet, bit it got me thinking that her screentime has been spent most with Roberto than the other X-Men.
Rogue going solo
Honestly, I don't blame her for hunting down Gyrich and Trask. Especially when it was later on revealed that they were involved but not the mastermind.
Cameos of Thunderbolt Ross and Captain America. Now, last time I saw 90s Steve Rogers was in the Spider-Man animated series during that show's own version of Secret Wars. Before that, he was trapped in a vortex with Red Skull. So, I guess he got out which is why he was there?
I was bummed that he didn't go help Rogue get Gyrich, but I get that he has to do things by the books. Cause that's who he is. Although, Rogue did him dirty by throwing his shield far into the mountains. It was funny and I don’t blame her for doing that. But I do kinda feel bad for him.
Her fighting Ross's army was cool. Also, if the base was durable against the Hulk, does that mean she's stronger than the Hulk?
Nightcrawler best brother! The way he talked to Rogue, hugged her when she was finally mourning over Gambit and Magneto (still don't like the Rogueneto ship), and even called her "sister"! God, I love this blue devil man! 😭 And if anything bad happens to him in the next three episode, Imma be pissed!
Roberto "coming out" of the Mutant closet to her mom
Well, it went better than when Iceman told his family in the X-2 movie. It was a relief to see his mom accepting of him and not hating him.
However, it's unfortunate that she told him to keep it a secret because of their business reputation l. It would've made more sense if it was to protect her son due to the humans' stances on mutants and what happened in Genosha. At least, that way, it would've been more of a good reason than about their business.
Jubilee being supportive and being there for him was sweet.
Yeah, that's pretty much it. Jubilee isn't really part of the main plot, though, so I don't know if we'll see her in action, nor if we'll see Roberto use more of his powers.
Genosha aftermath
More of Jean and Scott talking, so that's good. They're communicating and are still working as a team despite what happened. So, there may be hope that their relationship will survive, but we won't know for sure. So much crap has happened, and I blame Sinister for all of it.
Emma Frost survived, and she got her diamond form! She must've been stuck in all that debris for days. Also, how is she gonna react when she finds out Sebastian Shaw is dead?
Beast and the reporter. Considering how all these relationships have been going in this show so far, I was very, VERY worried about Beast. But, because of what Trish (I think that's her name) said, it ended before it even started.
Y'know when he said he didn't want to be made a monster more than what Sinister did, I thought he was talking about Genosha, but I think he was talking about him turning him into a human sentinel.
Also, yes, we're getting Prime Sentinels, which is very very bad. They ain't no joke cause Trask as one took out the X-Men one by one. Rogue was knocked out with a single hit!
Speaking of Trask, I have no sympathy for that sunuvabeech. But, it was messed up how his body was twisted.
And, all because Rogue dropped him off the building! Like, DAMN ROGUE! Again, I have no sympathy for Trask, and I get why she did it but it was still a holy crap moment. Also, everyone else could've tried to save him, but they just stood there. I think only Wolverine was cool with it.
Thank god, Cable was there to save them. Doesn't seem like he likes Scott despite him being his dad, even though he cared for his mom back in episode 5. Then again, daddy issues have been a thing in the Summers' family. But, I hope that's not the case cause animated Scott is cool.
This whole time, Bastion was the true mastermind?! God dammit, how did I not see this coming! OZT was Operation Zero Tolerance, I should've seen this coming, but I thought it was Apocalypse or Nimrod!
This is his first animated debut, btw. And, I'm surprised he was working with Mr. Sinister cause he's a mutant, and Bastion is a human looking sentinel thing. That explains the Genosha massacre cause, of course, he'd wanna exterminate them.
Magneto's alive! But, he's held captive by Bastion. Okay, I don't know how the hell he survived or how he got captured when he was in Genosha. I hope that'll be explained. But, if he's there then where's Leech? Where are the Morlocks? Cause they were there with Magneto.
I'm really really worried for Magneto. He must've been captured for days or weeks, and I think Bastion is gonna turn him into a Prime Sentinel like Trask. That would be so so terrible if that happened. He'll become the thing he fought against. The thing he despises. God, what's taking Xavier so long?! He gotta go save him!
So, a good episode again. But next week begins the three-parter finale which I'm really nervous how it'll turn out. I hope the show will stick the landing, but I can't handle it more of my favorite characters get killed or worse.
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orpheusilver · 2 months
next time you get bored u should answer this ask to talk about your Eric and Morbius ^_^ i love Blade so much so i’m interested in what you have planned so far
hiiiiiiiiiii im procrastinating lol. anyway so you know how this is a hall of mirrors ass story and everybody parallels everybody? yea
sooo eric is the biggest and clearest foil to morgan bc they have.. so much in common. not quite a vampire. trying to atone for times they lost control and killed human people. badass vamp-killing machines. many such cases but the Differences are the funky bit bc on one hand morgan had a like. half-decent upbringing with parents and a house and everything, hes far from stable but the idea of emotional vulnerability isnt totally alien to him. Eric was a very lonely child in a terrible life-threatening situation who grew up into a very lonely adult in a slightly less terrible life-threatening situation.
to be clear eric does have people in his life! its just that theres only 2 of them. he got adopted by his cool butch biker mom whistler as a young teen and theyve been doing the vampire slaying thing ever since, and a few years ago they picked up a hematologist called karen jensen who fell into the "older sister" role. (okay yes like 80% of the blade-related plot was pulled straight from Blade (1998) but ignore that im doing some funky shit with it. okay.) she says shes an uninvolved civilian who provides medical aid since she owes eric a life debt, but this is a lie. shes In the shenanigans.
so like he does have his gay little found family but theres some shit they just dont Get yknow. so then once he does start trusting morgan they get. Very close . Very quickly. hes experiencing previously unknown types of human connection, including being gay in practice and not just in theory! and sure hes kinda avoidant and struggles to open up and express his feelings or establish boundaries but thats ok bc morgan is so anxious about rejection and abandonment that hes very willing to put in tons of work with being vulnerable! theyre meeting somewhere in the middle, they think! morgans only a little bit clingy and always suuuuper apologetic when he crosses those unclear boundaries! surely this is a healthy dynamic that wont collapse catastrophically due to communication problems!
anyway primary foil number 2: peter-man. as in superhero role model / the cooler super-powered role model. like pete always sees morbius as someone who needs to be helped and guided and saved and supported and first and foremost as his Responsibility. eric, at least at first, sees him as a Fucking Threat. to be understood and/or neutralized. and morgan really appreciates that! then eric learns to trust and respect him and they begin this totally-not-dysfunctional partnership of equals, its kinda cute if you ignore that its blatantly barreling towards destruction <3
edit i completely forgot the point of that last paragraph. eric respecting morgan like an equal makes him realize that actually, spider-guy is being kind of a cunt about this and why is he trying to prove himself to that loser anyway hes got a cool goth boyfriend now. he actually tries to earn peters respect by making him recognize him as dangerous which BACKFIRES BADLY lmao bc peter is trying to control morbius' sense of Hero Ethics just as much as hes trying to control who he punches and when, so seeing morgan get scary makes him double down on the "holy shit dont get evil" stuff. which also backfires badly. these dudes are all fucking trainwrecks
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