#she loves to give kisses
alex--blue · 7 months
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trick or treat!!!!
Sorry I am a day late!!
You get: A kiss from Purple Poodle
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akanemnon · 4 months
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To be fair, she found the letter on the floor of the school hallway...
MASTERPOST (for the full series / FAQ / reference sheets)
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dollypopup · 13 days
"Penelope should have chosen Debling!"
My sister in Christ. . .he literally dumped her???
Like just before Colin Bridgerton was on his knees after outrunning her carriage to profess how he can't stop thinking about her in his love me, choose me, I'm yours speech, Debling did the Regency equivalent of calling her a floozy who would undoubtedly cheat on him when he abandoned her for several years to chase his passions (because she would never be one of said passions since she asked outright if he could ever come to care for her and he went 'hmmmm seems unlikely! good thing you have solitary hobbies to occupy you instead!') when he has been given 0 evidence of such other than realizing she liked to look out the window because she had a crush on the boy across the street. I was ready to challenge that man to a duel for Pen's honor
His feelings for her were middling at best, I mean Christ on a Pogostick, after he asked her mum for permission to propose he isn't even happy when he opens the door and Pen is there? She's looking like a snack- nay, a whole ass MEAL, and he can't even smile? He just nods at her and dips the fuck out? You don't think it would kill Penelope to know that both her sisters have husbands who absolutely adore them and she's out here with an absent dude who likely won't even write to her?
Portia's 'Love is make believe!' speech is so transparently full of shit when you realize that we've got Dankworth who is so obsessed with Prudence that he makes heart eyes at her every waking moment and considers her his little bonbon and Albion who loves Phillipa so much that he was waiting for her to consent to sex (not realizing she didn't know what it was) for two entire years because he would never pressure her and so he was content with finishing in his pants when he kissed her to make sure she was comfortable. And you want Penelope to settle for a life of loneliness? When Colin is so besotted with her that he dreams of her and breaks every societal expectation in the book as a notorious People Pleaser to run after her and cannot even wait for the morning after being intimate with her to introduce her as his wife to his family in the middle of the night? You want her to turn down Mr "When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible" Bridgerton? For LORD PENGUIN?
Be so serious right now
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leafspiritz · 6 months
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(i kiss her again) 💜🖤
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ahhrenata · 1 year
I just imagined a scene where Steve has like his little unhinged boyfriend moment and just licks across Eddie's cheek. Eddie's giggling and Robin is watching this á la 'live robin reaction'.
We always write or draw Eddie doing this to Steve but if we really think about it. Steve is touch-starved af - Steve was so tactile with Nancy. And now he's with someone who allows and enjoys this kind of playful side to be unleashed. He's finally allowed to be his childish playful self that years of monster-hunting, protecting and neglectful parenting (my hc at least) almost destroyed.
Just felt like sharing this with you - Idk why tho 😅😅 (Ok. secretly I'm hoping you get inspired. But it's absolutely valid if you don't.)
I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT. I agree!!! Steve would totally have some unhinged moments 😂
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i love u a million times!
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dismas-n-dismay · 26 days
Suki - Chimera Falin amv
I present before you: The Chimera Falin Edit.
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strawberrybyers · 2 months
i truly would not be mad if nancy breaks up with jonathan and tells steve to move on. and for vickie to tell robin she’s not interested but is willing to be friends. so nancy and robin decide they need to hang out after a long day of heartbreak and throughout their convos of explaining everything that’s been going on, they realize they have feelings for each other. i truly would not be mad at that. in fact, that’s exactly what i want to happen 😌
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haunted-xander · 4 months
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Baby's first kiss(ing attempt)
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thelien-art · 9 months
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Elrond and Celebrian, how I love them~
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romanticslimecreature · 10 months
I'm not saying this is canon or anything, obviously it's hard to apply modern conceptions to older writings and we all bring ourselves to our interpretations. That said, there's something really special to me as a queer woman-adjacent person about how Mina loves Lucy and Johnathan. I still think about the scene where Mina watched Lucy sleep and thought about how beautiful she was, how her fiancé will be lucky to see her like this. She segways into thinking about how women in the future will be able to propose to their husbands-to-be. I think Mina has the same love in her voice when looking after Lucy and when looking after Johnathan. And of course finding someone beautiful doesn't have to be romantic. I just like reading Mina as bi/queer and drawing on scenes like these.
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sapthegoldendragon · 6 months
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hairmetal666 · 10 months
Steddie She's All That au????
Steve pulls up to the Munson's trailer, a secondhand acoustic across the backseat. Can't believe he's here; that he's actually doing this. He shouldn't. Absolutely should not; knows he let his still-simmering animosity with Billy Hargrove push him to this, to trying to date Eddie Munson, to proving that he's still popular enough to win prom king with the Freak on his arm.
Munson doesn't deserve it, is the thing. For all his weirdness, his off-putting behavior, Steve thinks he might be nice. Or kind, maybe? Steve's noticed how he gathers the freshman who have no one else, gives them understanding, a place to belong. And those kids, they remind him of Dustin, Will, Mike, Lucas, and he can't help but feel something warm towards the Freak, some kind of kinship.
He puts the car in reverse, can't go through with pretending to like this guy who did nothing wrong but be too much himself.
Before he gets his foot on the gas a head pokes out the front door.
"You came," Eddie shouts.
"Said I was." Steve surrenders to his fate and puts the car in park. Eddie watches him as he grabs the guitar case, hauls it up the stairs, only moving to step out of the way.
Steve's eyes scan the living room and kitchen, something in his chest loosening as he does. There are mugs and hats covering the walls, a worn sofa, clutter on every surface. It's home in a way Steve has never experienced. He loves it.
"Alright, let it out, Harrington. I'm poor, etc."
"No!" Steve startles; hadn't realized he'd been staring so obviously. "I like it."
Eddie makes a face, but offers him a beer and guides him to sit on the couch.
"How much do you know?" Eddie asks without preamble.
He strums a couple of notes, things he picked up at summer camp ages ago. Munson nods. "Better than I expected."
Eddie runs through notes and chords, helps Steve get his fingering right. He's patient, almost kind, and he laughs softly as he gently corrects Steve's mistakes.
And Steve's fingers, they won't behave, keep slipping off the strings. Eddie arranges himself to drape around his shoulders, fits their hands together. He's warm, fingers long and callused, his rings slightly colder than Steve's skin.
"Like this, Harrington." And he and Steve strum in tandem, and Steve is caught by the light glinting in his curls, the softness of his dark brown eyes, the fullness of his pink lips. He wonders how soft they are, what they taste like, if Eddie would cling to him or take control.
"You with me, Steve?" Eddie asks, shocking him back to the present.
"Yeah, yes, right here. Sorry." He throws himself into learning, but can't stop stealing little looks at the man teaching him.
And Steve, he knows it's not a bet anymore. He'll tell Hagan and Hargrove he's out, take whatever shit they give him, and Eddie never has to know.
A month in, Steve walks into the trailer and sees those little figurines, like the kids have for their game, scattered on the coffee table; sheets of paper with scrawled writing and doodles lining the floor; one of those weird manual things that Dustin always lugs around sitting open on the couch.
"Fuck, Stevie, I'm sorry. Lost track of time." Eddie's face turns pink as he gathers the looseleaf and slams the book closed.
"You play that dragon game?" He asks. He picks up one of the figures, studies the meticulous paint. It does something weird to his heart.
"What did you think Hellfire--Wait." Eddie pauses. "Why do you--Steve Harrington--know about dnd?"
"The kids I babysit play."
Eddie stares at him openmouthed. "Shit, sweetheart. You've been holding out on me. You ever join them?"
"Nah. To tell you the truth, they're pretty intimidating about it."
Eddie laughs, drawing Steve's eyes to his slender neck. "You scared of children, Stevie?"
"You haven't met them, man. They're terrifying."
"You know," Eddie's eyelashes flicker. "I run a campaign with Hellfire after school every Friday. You could--if you wanted--you could come. You're probably busy, I know, but if you find some free time and you wan--
"Eddie!" Steve laughs. "I wouldn't miss it."
He shows up that first Friday to some mixed reactions from most of the Hellfire members, and Eddie's shy, pleased smile. They make eye contact and Steve's stomach swoops.
"You came," Eddie says when they get a second alone.
"I told you I would." Steve laughs.
"C'mon, you're going to tell me this isn't a hopelessly lame way for King Steve to spend a Friday night?"
"Maybe." Steve nudges Eddie's chest. "And maybe I wouldn't want to be anywhere else."
Steve watches them play and is transfixed. He's never seen Eddie totally in his element. His voice goes deep and rumbly, doing accents, shouting, jumping around, banging on the table. Steve can't pull his eyes away, doesn't want to, can't stop smiling.
"What'd you think?" Eddie asks when the session is over and they're alone. His hands shuffle through his notebook, eyes fixed firmly on the table.
Steve grabs his wrists, soft, careful. "Amazing, Eddie," he says. "You were amazing."
"Really?" Eddie's throat bobs. He finally looks up, meets Steve's eyes.
"Never seen anything like you." His eyes drift to Eddie's mouth. The space between them shrinks.
"Yeah?" his voice waivers.
"Can I kiss you?"
He thinks Eddie might pull away, freeze up, but instead his eyelashes flutter, his lips shaping into a gentle smile. "I'd be disappointed if you didn't."
Steve laughs, slips his fingers through Eddie's hair, closes the distance between them. It starts sweet and soft, until Eddie's tongue brushes his bottom lip and Steve opens for him, lets him take control, as easy as anything. For the first time, he lets someone else lead, sinks into it, into Eddie. It's perfect.
Prom court nominations come out with Steve number one on the ballot for king. The other nominees are Billy, Tommy, and some weirdo religious zealot junior Steve barely knows, Jason Carver.
He doesn't think much of it, having slipped so easily into a version of himself that sits at the Hellfire table at lunch, spends evenings at the Munson trailer and nights in Eddie's bed. Sure, he catches Hargrove glaring at him throughout the day, but pays it no mind. Billy Hargrove's always pissed about something, anyway.
So, he's unprepared when Hargrove and Hagan corner him that afternoon as he's waiting for Eddie to finish up a deal. There's a kick in his stomach, a swirl of nausea, at their presence. He didn't ever tell Eddie about the bet, figured it didn't matter since they were together, since they both started falling.
"Think you're hot shit, Harrington?" Hargrove asks. Hagan laughs like he's never heard a real joke before.
"I'm out," he says in way of answer. "Bet's over."
"Stevie-Boy, I don't think you understand," Hagan says.
"Nah, I'm not doing it." Worry prickles at his scalp. Eddie will be done soon, and he needs Billy and Tommy gone.
Hargrove pinches Steve's chin in his grip. "We made a bet, and you're seeing it through."
"Hey, hey, hey," the last voice Steve wants to hear right now shouts. "What the fuck is going on here? Get the fuck off him, Hargrove."
Billy's wrenched away, but he's laughing, and Steve is frozen at the train wreck unfolding in front of him.
"Harrington tell you about the bet?" Billy asks.
"Bet?" Eddie's nose wrinkles in the cute way Steve loves and he's terrified of what comes next.
"Uh-huh. Hagan and I bet Harrington here that he couldn't date the biggest dud in school and still wind up prom king. Little did we know, I guess."
Steve watches as the words hit Eddie, as he processes them, as his face falls. His gut twists as he watches his boyfriend go tense.
"What?" Eddie's eyes widen with panic.
Tommy's face contorts into a cruel smile."You didn't think Harrington was actually into you, did you?"
Eddie doesn't respond, won't look at any of them, draws into himself.
Hargrove snickers. "That's what I thought. Have a good night." He gives them a pageant queen wave as he walks away.
Steve's crosses to Eddie as soon as the other two are gone, but Eddie flinches, stopping him in his tracks.
"Was I bet, Steve?" He asks. His voice cracks.
"It wasn't like that, Ed, I swear. I swear." He grabs Eddie's shoulders, and again, he's pushed away.
"You didn't answer the question."
"It was real for me," Steve babbles. "It was all real for me. I promise."
"Answer me!" Tears limn his eyes. "Was I a bet?"
"It wasn't like--"
"Was I a fucking bet?" He yells and Steve can't take it. Can't take the hurt all over Eddie's face, the betrayal. Wants to erase it, to make everything okay, to get back to where they were last night, wrapped in Eddie's bedsheets, giggling.
"It started as a bet, okay? It did. I messed up by not telling you. I know I did. But I like you so much. I--I--" Steve loves him. He knows without any doubt, but he can't say it not now, not for this.
"Fuck you, Harrington," Eddie says. His voice is even but his face is a wreck.
"Please, Eddie." Steve begs. "Please. Give me a chance to explain. You're everything."
Eddie doesn't respond. He climbs into his van, drives away without a second glance.
He tries to apologize.
He tries to apologize, but Eddie isn't at school, not at first, and the death glare he gets from the Hellfire guys lets him know he's no longer welcome. When Eddie does come back he won't so much as look at Steve.
He goes to the trailer park where Wayne--Wayne who he watched sports with, Wayne who liked him--stands on the steps and says, "I don't think you have any business here anymore, kid. Not if you know what's good for you." And Steve nods and goes home and cries.
Steve stands on the stairs of the Munson trailer in his tux with a bouquet of flowers that are so purple they're almost black and a self-recorded tape in his hands. Prom is tonight but he has no interest in going to the dance that started all this bullshit.
Music pounds from inside; Judas Priest, he thinks. Eddie's van is in the driveway and Wayne's car is not.
The music quiets at his knock, and his heart pounds in the silence. Eddie frowns when he opens the door, but it morphs into something infinitely sadder when he sees Steve.
"Aren't you supposed to be at a dance?" Eddie asks.
"No, I--I didn't want to go. I wanted to say--Eddie, I'm sorry. I should've told you the truth from the beginning. I was afraid of losing you, and you learned the truth in the worst possible way."
Eddie doesn't speak or move, so Steve barrels on.
"I--uh--I ordered these for you. Before we broke up. And I just thought--you should still have them. That you would like them."
Eddie takes the flowers like he's in a daze.
"And uh, this too," Steve places the cassette in Eddie's hand. "It's um, stupid, probably? But I miss you and I'm sorry and just--take it."
Steve's been at the quarry for two hours, staring up at the stars from the hood of his car. He should go, probably. Eddie clearly isn't going to show. But he can't make himself. If he stays here, looking at the sky, losing Eddie won't be real.
He's dozing off, almost asleep, when the shine of headlights has him blinking alert. A familiar van trundles to a stop next to him, and Eddie climbs out. He's wearing a snug black button-down with a deep purple rose pinned to his chest, tight black jeans, and shining black boots.
"You came." Steve scrambles off his car, graceless in his relief, his gratitude.
Eddie nods. "Wasn't sure if I should but--" he shrugs.
"I'm glad you did. Thank you. I--" he swallows. "Eddie, I'm so sorry. I'll do anything, anything if it means you'll forgive me."
"Anything?" Eddie's mouth turns up at the corner.
Steve nods, firm. "I promise."
"You learned 'Rainbow in the Dark' for me."
"I did."
"That's a really hard song." Eddie smiles but tears track down his cheeks.
Steve laughs. "It's so hard."
Somehow, without Steve noticing, their fingers are entwined. Eddie lifts their joined hands, studying them. "Oh, baby, your calluses."
"Yeah." Steve blushes. "It was important I got it right."
Eddie's mouth drops as he stares, studying Steve's eyes.
"I know it took you a lot to trust me," Steve says. "And I know I broke that, but please, please try to believe me when I say that it was real for me. From the beginning. It was all real."
Eddie clears his throat. "When did you know?"
Steve's smile is soft. "That first guitar lesson. You arranged my fingers and you just--you were so beautiful."
"Oh," Eddie breathes.
"I was an idiot, Ed. I fell in love with you, and thought I could back out of the bet, that you never had to know. I never meant to hurt you."
"Wait...love me?"
Steve freezes. He hadn't meant to say that, not yet, not when things are so tenuous. "Yeah. I--yeah, I love you, Eddie."
"That's funny, sweetheart. Cause I love you too, and four hours ago I thought falling for you was the worst mistake I've ever made."
Steve's smile matches Eddie's now. "Dance with me?" he asks.
There's no music; just the whirr of early spring insects, the rustle of leaves, but Eddie still smirks, and pulls Steve close. They sway against each other, beaming, glowing, brighter than the stars.
"You're missing your prom, Stevie," Eddie says.
"Nah. I'm not missing anything. I have you."
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shokupanko · 7 months
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╰(✿˙ᗜ˙)੭━☆゚.*・。゚Steampunk bunny Mayu for Mayu Monday!
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pollyna · 2 months
If Ice had a cat form and a spot on his forehead, Mav would spend his time randomly dropping kisses on it just because how could he not kiss that spot??? Ice is openly annoyed, but he's secretly fond of every single one of those kisses.
(yep, the type of cat I'm talking about it's right here)
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vicktoon · 2 years
wednesday is bi on the aroace spectrum meanwhile enid is a lesbian in THEE deepest trenches of comphet imaginable together they are an ATROCIOUSLY confused bundle of baby gay angst
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