#she was SUPER fun to draw! Honestly I’m sad so much of her got covered up by such chunky clothes I was really happy with my shapes!
fantasykiri5 · 28 days
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A PressureBeast for day 10 of @hermitadaymay !!
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shotosprincess · 3 years
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♡ dating the bnha boys — hcs
。・:*:・-: ✧ :,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・-: ✧ :,。・:*:・゚☆
➪ shoto todoroki
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pls you’ve prolly been terrified of him for a while prior bc of how ?? talented ?? the mf is ??
but mans prolly saved you at some point and there was this lingering stare you two shared before he left you at recovery girls’ office; were you reading too far into things ?
spoiler alert: you weren’t.
he’s the kind of boyfriend to tenderly brush your hair for you and attempt to learn how to tie and braid your hair up in cute ,, simple designs !!
he’d always be ready with little things you’re constantly forgetting; extra snacks,, water,, a fully charged portable charger ,, trust me when i say that man is pREPARED- after all ,, he needs to be ready with everything to take care of his little sweetheart ,, does he not ?
at some point he’d find you sitting on the roof by yourself late at night,, only to stay with you and let you fall asleep on his chest as he drapes a blanket over you and heats it up a lil with his quirk
prolly bc he just wants to prove to you that he can be useful
pls just let the man know he’s useful and important he never shows it directly but he needs the reassurance—
he’d give you a warm massage w his quirk whenever you’re in pain :”)
loves heating//cooling things for you ,, like instant noodles or ice packs !!
surprises you w jewelry that have his initials on them !!
would hold an umbrella for u while you loop your arm into his as the two of you walk home through the light rain :”)
cries into your chest sometimes after youve fallen asleep bc it’s late nights like these when he reflects on just how lucky of a guy he is to have you— it’s hard for him to articulate it directly ,, but when he does fully open up to you ab it ,, you end up crying too .
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➪ katsuki bakugou
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prolly got with you initially bc of a dare ( and he nEVER passes up a dare ) ,, but eventually those feelings started to become real and honestly ? it kinda scared the shit outta him . he didn’t know why ,, but for some reason he didnt actually want to leave .
teasingly-mean nicknames = his love language . enough said .
makes you wear his hoodie whenever you show even the sLIGHTEST hint at being cold
he just rly wants to see you in his clothes
he’s so clueless on how to do this whole boyfriend thing ,, but he’s definitely trying bc it’s for you :”)
watches and tries so desperately to copy all the cute couples in the movies you guys watch together
“ roses...do you want roses ? “ “ what ? “ “ the guy in the movie gave her roses...do you want roses too ? “
but at the end of the day you just appreciate him for who he is and that’s more than enough for you :”)
will take any and every opportunity to show off his strength and quirk to you <3
now we all know this man gets jealous hella easily ,, and its no different w relationships :”) he’d constantly make it a point to hold you extra close to him in public ,, show you off on social media and call you by a nickname//petname whenever possible just to reiterate to ppl the fact that you’re his and he’s yours
pls i could rly see myself doing that i wont lie
honestly sometimes he forgets himself and his temper gets a little out of hand ,, but the second he sees his feral reflection in your fearful eyes,, he pulls you to his chest and apologizes profusely :”))
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➪ denki kaminari
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one tiny kiss turned into two ,, which turned into three ,, and before you knew it ,, the both of you were spilling out the pent up feelings you had for one another all this time—
mina never shuts up ab it ,, she’s so proud of her matchmaking skills
when the power goes out during a storm ,, he holds onto you tight and plays w your hair as he uses his quirk to turn things back on ,,, “ shhh it’s ok,, i’m here “
will do anything and everything to make you smile <3
he has a lil album in his camera roll with all his favourite pictures of you ,, which is practically just all of them tbh ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
super energetic n bubbly but at the end of your dates he passes out right away in your arms
you make sure to wrap him up in blankets and give him an overload of kisses after he’s rly asleep though
will work embarrassingly hard to win you stuffed animals at the fair !! it doesn’t always work ,, but it’s cute nontheless <3
some of the staff and children at the fairs get pissed off but oh well ,,, what you do for love
pls he prolly makes you lil bento boxes for lunch every now and then ( ESPECIALLY DURING EXAM WEEK ) w tiny notes and designs taped on them
constantly calls you “ shawty “ lowkey un ironically and dice rolls in ur direction whenever he sees you ,,, you just end up laughing and playfully punching him
you both agreed that at home cozy netflix dates w microwave popcorn and fuzzy blankets >>> movie theatre dates
110% made a playlist for you at some point when he crushed on you from afar and shared it w you after you started dating
he made a collaborative playlist for yall AND multiple playlists of songs that remind him of you afterwards
pls i just kNOW this man’s love language is making playlists
theyre prolly all categorized by mood or smth too w the cutest covers ever pls
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➪ ejirou kirishima
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you initially met him bc he was hella upset and alone this one time and you were the only one to notice and be there for him bc he ran away from everyone else to hide the “ uNmanLy “ tears :”))
takes you w him on his lil gym visits ,, hypes you up with every little thing u accomplish !!
constantly teasing bakugou with how he’s able to pull you and how lucky he is to have you
bakugou gets hella annoyed most of the time and just blasts him away-
idk bro i just feel like kiri prolly calls you “ adorable “ alot i wont lie-
LOVES HAND HOLDING,, takes any opportunity to hold ur hand and trace lil casual patterns across your knuckles w his thumb
sometimes he’ll even draw lil hearts on your hand
play fighting but sometimes the two of you get too carried away and he actually loses half of the time-
LATE NIGHT GAME NIGHTS WITH HIM AND THE BAKUSQUAD,, he loves being on the team against you so he can get all competitive
mans gets hella insecure ab himself sometimes ,, so he loves doing lil things for you !! opening a can ,, pulling the blanket over you ,, zipping up your jacket <33
lets you dye his hair—THATS HOW MUCH HE TRUSTS YOU BYE
pls yall prolly aggressively play wii sports and just dance against one another on a regular basis;; it’s literally your thing and you cannot tell me otherwise ahjdjfj
pls i just KNOW this man’s an overly passionate wii player
will wrap his arms around your waist and hug u from behind as you make breakfast
slow dances in the living room at midnight w you !!
eventually as you spent more time together ,,, you were able to change his idea of “ manliness “ ,, and he was able to realize that manliness is not equivalent to stoicism and that expressing ur feelings is still totally manly and totally valid !! <33
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lexacoolfox · 3 years
Is it ok to have nagito with a talentless fem S/O Whos really sensitive to the whole talentless topic and argues alot to defend herself? (while crying cause shes such a crybaby)
This is my first ask and I’m so excited! Even though I’m sure while I’m writing I’m will be slowly dying inside! But thank you for the ask!
Nagito with a talentless Female S/O who sensitive to the whole talentless topic and argues to defend herself. Also the reader Is a bit of crybaby
Warning: I might add sentive topics like toxic relationship, obsessive behavior, and of course angst.
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As much I would love to lie and say you guys have a Great relationship. It’s not true
Nagito being…well Nagito…has a pretty messed up mind set on your relationship
He didn’t know why he fell in love with you. Your talentless! He’d be disgusted with himself at first. But then he gets this idea in his head that ‘you do have a talent! You just need help letting it shine!’
You love Nagito, afterall he’s sweet, caring, and super cute. But his obsession with ultimates and Hope is a little concerning and scary.
You didn’t mind not having a ultimate, you thought it was kinda like a chain. Your whole life is revolves around a single thing you do. You think as a talentless person means you have more freedom.
But Nagito makes that kinda hard to do.
You have hobbies like anybody else, but these hobbies to Nagito are ‘potential ultimate talents.’
“Nagito, why are you obsessed with me finding an ultimate talent!”
“S/O, I know you have an ultimate talent! You just need help finding it!”
“If I did wouldn’t you think I would’ve found it by now!”
“S/O. This is important! You can be a shining beacon of hope for the future!”
“Nagito, is all you look for in a person is their ultimate talent!?”
“S/O why are we talking about this? Why don’t you want an ultimate talent?”
“Cause it’s like a chain! My whole life revolved around one thing I’m good at? What if I like other things! When I’m talentless I’m allowed to explore my option! And I might not be an ‘ultimate’ at somethings but I’m at least good at them.”
“But if your an ultimate you’ll be in the main course at Hope peak academy. You know the best school in the world!”
“I already goes to Hope peak! And I might not be in the main course, I’m in the reserve course! I think that’s good enough for me.”
“S/O you shouldn’t settle for this! Come on let’s find your ultimate talent!”
This argument just broke you. You started crying. You didn’t know what else to do.
“Nagito…do you only love me because you think I have an ultimate talent?”
“Do you even love me for me? Do you like my personality? Do enjoy spending time with me? Do you even like the way I look? Do you even care what we do together?”
“Wow…you can’t even answer.”
You had a bag with like a week of clothes and shoes and other things. You walked towards the door and put on a coat. And opened the door.
“Ah! S/O! Where you going?!”
“I’m going to stay at my friends for a while. I think we need a break. I want to clear my head.”
“Wait! S/O! Let’s talk about this!”
You saw your friends car and dashed to get inside not looking back cause if you did you know you would change your mind.
But you needed to do this. You needed to think about you and Nagito.
Nagito on the other hand was losing his mind. The second the car lost his sight it felt like things broke.
He started rethinking his actions. He realized he wasn’t thinking about what you thought or how you felt. He also pressured you into something you didn’t want to do. He also started remembering all the things you would do together. Like your guys first date to the fair. Or how you made him delicious chocolates for Valentine’s Day. he still remembered how good they tasted. you would always try your best to cheer him up, when other would call him weird or crazy. You would step in and say “no he not, he just thinks a different way! It’s what makes him fun and interesting!” you were a wonderful partner to him. What was he. Just a jerk who pressured you into finding an ultimate talent. He started texting you saying how sorry he is and begging you to come back.
Your POV:
You were at school sitting in class waiting for the teacher, you arrived early so you wouldn’t have to see Nagito. Hajime a friend of yours walked in and noticed how sad you seemed.
“Hey S/O, why do you look so down today?”
“Me and Nagito got into an argument and we are taking a break. It’s just I want to clear my head but I feel so horrible. Like trash.”
“Hey isn’t that Nagito’s line?”
You chuckled at that a little. Which was Hajime intention.
“How about you hangout with me and chiaki near the fountain after school?”
“Chiaki…isn’t she that ultimate gamer girl you always talk about?”!
“Yeah. Me and her play games by the fountain near the school.”
“Yeah I think that could be fun, but if I see Nagito there I’m going to have to leave.”
“Ok ok I’m sure you won’t see Nagito there.”
Nagito POV:
Nagito didn’t see you at the front gate, he waited until he had to go to class. Everybody seemed to notice how sad he was. Nagito normally no matter what has a smile on his face, but he was just staring at his desk and tapping his finger on it. Kazuichu went up to his desk
“Yo Nagito, what your deal man? Why do you look so, out of it?”
“I’m just think what a horrible boyfriend I am.”
“Oh did something happen between you and S/O did she finally dump your crazy *ss?” Hiyoko asked
“No she wanted to take a break. I don’t know what to do.”
“W-well ma-maybe y-you should a-apologize.” Mikan timidly added
“I’ve tried texting, calling her, but she won’t answer. I even waited like an hour and a half at the front gate for her.”
“Oh. she was already in here classroom before you showed up.” Peko added
“What did you to get into an argument about?” Sonia questioned
“Sonia we really shouldn’t ask. it’s their personal business.” Mahiru said
“But if we now what it was maybe we can help.” Akane said
“Do you guys have nothing better to do than to get involved in peoples love life?” Fuyuhiko asked annoyed
“Well I mostly like to know cause I like drama!” Teruteru said
“Both you shut up! Nagito tell us before we have a classroom battle.” Akane said
“…me and S/O had a fight about her having an ultimate talent…”
“Nagito are you serious! You know she’s sensitive about that topic!” Mahiru scolded
“I know I know. But it’s just I think she has an ultimate talent and I want to help her find it!”
“Do you think she not good enough for you if she doesn’t have an ultimate talent?” Peko question
“Is all you look for in a relationship is somebody skill or talent?” She also added
“No! Of course not! She’s great even without an ultimate! But I think she could be even better with one!”
“Nagito, I hope your listening to yourself man! Imagine saying that to her face. What do you think she would feel?” Kazuichu said
“Nagito, she would feel like she good enough the way she is! That can result in two things. One she’ll change herself for you, she could be somebody with an ultimate but not somebody who happy and joyful. She could end up being miserable. Or two she’ll feel like you’ll only love her for her talent, and S/O is smart, she will know not to stay with you if you only loved her for that.” Chiaki said surprising everyone, she was normally very quite.
“Yeah, you guys are right! I could be forcing her into a terrible life!”
“Now the question is how you going to make it up to her?” Mahiru said
“I don’t think an apology will be enough.” Hiyoko said
“Yeah maybe you should do something special!” Kazuichu said
“Like what?”
“Oh you could write her a song! Ibuki will help you get your lover back!” Yelled ibuki
“No, he should take her to a remote spot somewhere and have a delicious meal! Yours truly could prepare it for you too! A classy dinner by candle light.” Teruteru said
“M-maybe to t-take h-her too see a m-movie.” Mikan suggested
While everybody was brainstorming on what Nagito should do. Nagito thought of a wonderful idea. He quickly told everybody what he wants to do. Everyone who was in on the planning thought it was a great idea.
“It’s kinda funny, you used to say how you hated people without ultimates. But you ended up dating somebody without an ultimate.” Fuyuhiko said
“Yeah I don’t know why but I know I’m not ready to lose her!”
“I thinks a creature beyond thins mortal dimension had put an enchantment on the both of you, hence drawing you two together!” Gundham said
You ate your lunch in the bathroom, in walked chiaki from Nagito class! You panicked and was ready to put your lunch away and run away!
“S/O can I talk to you?”
“As long it’s not about Nagito.”
“…fine spit it out what do you want to know.”
“Well, actually Nagito was wondering if you can meet him up at this certain building at the top floor later tonight around 9:00pm. He has something for you.”
Honestly you were skeptical but also curious, your curiosity got better of your skepticism and said you would go. She left so you could enjoy your lunch. You texted Hajime telling him you had a change of plans.
Later at some building on the top floor at 9:00pm
You went to the room chiaki texted you and with a heavy sigh you knocked on it. Not even a second later it opened. You could see Nagito with tears in his eyes
“You actually came! I’m so happy!”
“Hey Nagito…what did you want to meet me here for?
“I have a surprise for you!”
He covere your eyes and guided to an elevator and pressed a button. When you made it to your destination, your eyes were still covered but you feel a gust of wind. You guys were on the roof! He uncovered your eyes and you saw a gorgeous sight
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He set up a little spot for you guys.
“I set this up for us! I brought a Bluetooth speaker so we can listen to your favorite songs! I set blankets and pillows around so we’re comfortable! I also brought some of your favorite snacks and drinks! Also some food teruteru made for us! I got lights so it couldn’t get too dark! I also set the blanket up and brought a projector so we can watch a movie, any movie you want! I also thought we could star gaze!”
You were speechless. Nagito set this all for you! You started crying.
“S/O, Darling, my love, My hope! Please forgive me for how I treated you. I was so foolish to realize that your perfect with it without an ultimate talent. That is a decision for me not to decide! That’s yours! All I can do is ask for your forgiveness!”
“Nagito! I-I! Of course I forgive you! I can’t believe you did all of this for me!”
You both shared a passionate kiss. The night was spent watching a movie, listening to music and maybe a bit dancing, had some snacks and drinks, at one point you guys were lying on the blankets and looking at the stars, out of nowhere a bunch shooting stars were flying across the sky. It made everything so beautiful.
“The stars are so beautiful!”
“Yes they are, but I see two especially beautiful ones.”
“Really where?”
He turned your face towards his and softly cupped your face with his hands.
“Your eyes. They shine brighter than any star in the sky.”
You blushed at that. Your love for Nagito probably grew 3 times that night.
“S/O, I really am sorry for how I treated you. Will you please stay with me?”
“I forgive you Nagito and of course I will stay with you!”
“Wow lucky me! Hehehe this might be wrong to say. But I think I found your ultimate talent.”
“Really what?”
“Your my ultimate lover.”
“Hehehe. I think your my ultimate lover too.”
“I love you my hope.”
“I love you most Nagito.”
Not the ending you were expecting right! I really hope you enjoyed it! Also thank you nuttytalepatrol for this suggestion. It was a challenge but one I enjoyed, also summer break is coming soon! So expect more posts from me! Also sends ask and I’ll do my best. I prefer if you ask for characters I’ve already done. Until next time!
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theoutcastedartist · 4 years
Give us all you animaniacs hcs (especially the lgbtq+ ones)((please))
Oh man I have so many to tell asfhjahsbsb I'm gonna leave out some of the more darker HC I have for this show (well technically, they are wildly-outlandish theories about where the Warner trio was for those 20+ years before the current time of the reboot, just gonna exclude those for now)
Ight imma start with the lgbtq+ headcannons first
Wakko: Nonbinary (Uses He/Them Pronouns)
Dot : Trans (Uses She/Her pronouns) and Pan
Yakko : Bi and Ace (Biromantic I believe it's called? Please correct me if I'm wrong on that)
On an unrelated note, Yakko is a whole mood
lmao look at my tiny clown-faced-puppy disaster son being the dramatic Bi-Ace icon he is when he's basically about to "die"
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If you ever asked my younger siblings, they would tell you that I would 100% do the same shit, maybe even start singing "Little Miss Perfect" out of pure spite
Who knew me, as the oldest of a sibling trio would relate to the oldest of another sibling trio
Oh man lemme start with Yakko HCs because he's the character I project so much on to nowadays:
All his senses are very sensitive compared to the other two, sometimes he'll get really overwhelmed by bright lights, strong flavors, loud noise, etc... he feels like he's being dumb everytime he has a problem with anything regarding his senses.
Lights and noise: Sometimes it just gets too much for him if he's exposed to constant loud noise and bright lights to the point where he'll start crying or yelling (especially if noise is the main problem) out of stress from it.
Strong flavors: He will visibly shudder in response to a very strong and very noticable flavor. He honestly prefers to eat blander foods over savory dishes. With that being said, he hates spicy food with a burning passion.
Very unwilling to go to someone for help or comfort when he's genuinely having a crisis over how he views himself. If anything, he's will try to do literally almost anything to avoid having that sort of conversation, especially with Dr. Scratchansniff.
He will however go to Dr. Scratchansniff or another trusted adult for advice if he needs help for how to take care of his siblings or just for general advice on stuff.
He hates being picked up or hugged with zero warning.
The only people who he doesnt mind doing this are Wakko and Dot, of course. If anyone else tries it though, he'll bite them and yes, this includes Dr. Scratchansniff as well. He may be the closest thing to them as a parental figure (in the 90's show at least), but he's not in the same close knit circle Yakko is in with Wakko and Dot.
His main hobby is drawing, it's his go to coping mechanism if he's not up to cracking a joke(while he's in the watertower) as well.
He needs glasses/wears contacts (ones made specifically for toons I guess)
Prefers reading books over watching anything on TV/electronic devices in general.
If either or both of his siblings can't sleep, he'll sing them a lullaby 💕
Off-set/off-screen/ outside of the recording for animaniacs Yakko usually wears these thick, oversized hoodies, and he will refuse to take it off.
This is because Yakko feels really weird and off when his arms aren't covered(sometimes there is this random phantom ache in his arms that just wont go away until he covers them. It's not like painful, painful, but just really annoying at times.) Even if it's hot as hell outside, he will not take it off. Wakko and Dot usually have to wrestle to get it off him, otherwise Yakko will faint/have a heat stroke. They make a compromise by agreeing to Yakko wearing long sleeves, so long as they're made out of light material.
If he needs caffeine to "wake up" but is too damn tired to do so, Yakko will not hesitate to just straight-up eat pure coffee beans.
For anything else, he does not mind eating food with very strong flavors, he actually enjoys spicy food (the spicier, the better), but for cereal they prefer the blandest one. Bland food is comforting to him (also doesnt want his brother to feel bad about not liking a lot of the savory foods he and Dot like)
Doesnt have much of a problem expressing himself. If he genuinely feels bad about something regarding themself, he wont hesitate to go to Yakko (sometimes he'll go to Dot if she happens to be there first, but 95% of the time he'll go to Yakko)
They actually likes being picked up and carried, but only by family and close friends. Any stranger who tries to pick him up will receive angry claw marks to the face.
Main hobby is composing music (instumentals). They will let Yakko or Dot write lyrics if they're feeling sad or bored (or as a sibling bonding activity too)
Favorite TV show is the Looney Tunes (classic cartoons)
He gives comfort to his sibs by just being there for them as a shoulder to cry on.
They don't like having their hat off for an extended period of time often. It's a source of comfort and his way of expressing his identity.
Is the one who usually has to stop Yakko from eating bare coffee beans when he's too tired to actually make coffee.
She's pretty in the middle when it comes to food.
If it's a minor thing, she'll usually just talk to Wakko about it. If it's something more serious, she'll go to Yakko about it.
She only let's Yakko and Wakko touch her or carry her. Outside of those two, she only let's Dr. Scratchansniff carry her. For anyone else, she will clobber anyone who makes an attempt to do so. She just really hates it when if comes to anyone else.
Main hobbies are sewing and designing clothes. She'll have her siblings model her clothes for her (they are very eager to do so everytime). It provides a good distraction for either Yakko or Wakko if they're down or frustrated about something. It's just super fun.
Really loves (well-made) action movies, it's like her favorite genre of movies.
Gives comfort by providing her siblings with soft materials (like blankets or pillows). She'll drape herself over either of them to provide a comforting pressure.
She expresses herself through her iconic pink skirt and flower scrunchie. Both are her favorite articles of clothing because her siblings were the ones who got them for her. (Yakko sewed the pink skirt; he was the one to teach Dot how to sew 💕)
She's a last resort to stopping Yakko from eating the coffee beans raw.
Original vs. Reboot headcannons
The original 1990's show is more "On-stage", having for educational songs and skits, whereas the 2020 Reboot/revival is more "Off-Stage" with the occasional show skit, hence any inconsistencies with the characters' personalities, especially Yakko.
Both shows take place in the same type of setting as "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?" (The idea of cartoons existing as real entities alongside humans; I got a lot of WFRR vibes during Sufferage City with the whole "Cartoon Rights" part especially)
Well that's about as much as I can write for now, I have more headcannons of course, but I found this to be a good place to stop.
These are just my personal headcannons of the Warner Trio, I don't really have any for Pinky and the Brain, but I wanna know what some of your guy's headcannons are for any aspect of the shows!
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wordupcomics · 3 years
We would like to see more about the adventures of the boys (Violet, Scoops, Becky and Tobey) when they were teenagers we really love to see our favorite team interacting with each other 💗
Hey Anon! Sorry this took so long! It took me a while to think of things and then when I did I wanted to draw them but by that point I'd already kept you waiting for a while so I only have two drawings but I have a lot of ideas I will share through text instead!
First lets do the moment with the drawings
So it starts with the gang as teenagers, all four of them in detention. The girls and the boys got detention for different reasons, and ask the other why they are there. First Becky and Violet ask Tobey and Scoops why they're there. It's a long answer, so I'll just have Becky sum it up for you
Becky:...So...let me get this straight...Scoops saw Mr. Smith and Mrs. Stevens kissing in the parking lot, and decided to right an article about it and why we should remain loyal to our partners...and then Tobey pointed out that if anyone saw that article he could damage Mr. Smith and Mrs. Stevens marriages and get in trouble. So to avoid getting in trouble you two decided to flush the article down one of the toilets in the boys locker room and it clogged the pipes and flooded the boys locker room and you two got detention for causing damage to school property????
Tobey: Yes we hear the irony that we did that to avoid Scoops getting in trouble and then ultimately got in trouble because of it
Becky: Not even on my list of concerns right now. First of all...why did you have to destroy the article? Why couldn't you have just not published it? You could have hidden it or thrown it away?
Violet: No they should have recycled it!
Scoops: What if I recycled it and someone found it? Or what if I lost it and someone found it? it would spread like wildfire!
Becky: Okay, but why flush it down the toilet??? You could have shred it?
Violet: Or painted over it!
Becky: Or used one of Tobey's robots to destroy it
Violet: Or you guys could have thrown it in my fire pit when you came over next weekend to roast marshmallows!
Tobey and Scoops (realizing they're right): ...
Becky: And secondly (Looks to Violet as they both try to choke down a laugh) Mr. Smith and Mrs. Stevens are married
Scoops: I know, that's why I wrote an article on cheating Becky!
Violet: No, you guys, they're married to each other
Tobey and Scoops: ...What..??
Becky: Mrs. Stevens wanted to keep her last name so she never changed it
Violet: They've been happily married for twenty years
(Tobey and Scoops then realize they got detention for basically no reason at all as Becky and Violet burst out laughing):
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Tobey: Oh yeah! And why are you two here, hmm? What bad thing could the two most rule-following students in the school have possibly done to end up in detention with us?
Becky and Violet (paniced): No reason
Scoops: No no no! We told you, now you gotta tell us! What'd you two do?
Violet: ....Well...Becky brought her laptop to school today so we could look at Pretty Princess fanart at lunch...
Scoops: At lunch? A teacher shouldn't give you detention for goofing off on a computer at lunch
Becky: Yeah the problem wasn't when we were looking at it...the problem was the particular fanart that just happened to be on the computer when the teacher passed by...
Tobey: ... What in the world kind of fanart were you two looking at?????
Becky: We were just looking at normal fanart! As it turns out some people one the internet are...messed up and we accidentally ran into some fanart that...um...
Violet: Will haunt my nightmares for the rest of my life...
Becky: and was ultimately deemed "highly inappropriate" by the teacher...
(Tobey and Scoops then burst out laughing):
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I'm gonna put some more scenarios under the cut!
Becky begged Tobey to read this amazing book she just loves:
Becky: Have you read it yet?! Wasn't it amazing?!
Tobey: ...Becky you are one of my dearest friends but I have to be honest with you-This was the worst book I have ever had the displeasure to read
Becky: (Yanks the book out of Tobey's hands and "covers it's ears") (Gasps) IT CAN HEAR YOU!!!
Tobey: ....please see a shrink...
Mrs. McCallister is finally ready for Tobey to meet her new boyfriend and Tobey is super nervous. Scoops gets this idea that he'll look up the guy in the phone book, call him, and pretend he's randomly interviewing people on the phone for a school article, when instead he's actually getting information Tobey needs to get to know the guy better so he knows what to expect (fun fact: this man would later become Tobey's stepdad, his name is Alex). Scoops has the phone on speaker so Tobey can hear
After a bunch of oddly specific questions:
Alex, on the other end: ...Are you a friend of Claire's boy, Tobey?
Scoops: ...
Alex: ...
Tobey: ...
Scoops: Bye! (hangs up in panic)
Tobey: SCOOPS!
Scoops: He was on to us! I panicked! What was I supposed to do???
Scoops wrote an article about WordGirl. He didn't see anything wrong with it...Becky did...
Becky: How could you say that about me!?
Scoops: I didn't think you'd care!
Becky: Well I do!
Scoops: I'm sorry, Becky. I didn't know you felt so insecure about this or I never would have written it, I promise!
Becky: Insecure! I am NOT insecure!
Scoops (raising an eyebrow): ... define insecure
Becky: ...
Scoops: ...
Becky: I'm leaving! (leaves)
Tobey is in the park reading, Violet is also at the park, doing an art show. She walks up to Tobey all sad and sits next to him
Violet: Hi..
Tobey: What's the matter?
Violet: Someone came to my art show and said he thought all my art was terrible...
Tobey: ...Who in the world would say such a thing???
Violet: That guy over there...
Tobey: You know he's probably just jealous of how talented you are and is masking his insecurities behind rude comments
Violet: ... You really think so?
Tobey: Oh yes, I used to do it all the time..I still catch myself doing it to be honest
Violet: Well now I feel bad for him..
Tobey: Well there's nothing you can do about him, so if I were you I'd just go and continue your art show like normal
Violet: You're right Tobey! Thanks! (leaves for her art show)
Tobey: (pulls out his remote) Insult my dear innocent friend? Not on my watch
Becky and Violet talking about Pretty Princess
Becky: I mean...I know none of it is canon but it's still a good idea right?
Violet: Becky! This is the best AU idea I've ever heard!
Becky: (gasps) I'll write fanfiction for it and you draw fanart for it?
Violet: YES!
Becky and Violet: (Excited screams)
Tobey, now officially having given up crime, is doing community service (of his own volition) to make up for his past actions. Becky, Scoops and Violet come up
Becky: How's community service going?
Tobey: It's awful! But I'm glad I'm doing it
Violet: Want some help?
Tobey: No, it wouldn't feel right
Scoops: Well, can we just sit here and keep you company then?
Tobey: ... Of course!
In high school, Violet got into acting and often performed in school plays. Her first play ever she invited all her friends to come see, and of course they were happy to watch her have fun on stage! However when they saw the play it was....horrendous. Worst thing they'd ever seen. After the play was over Violet happily came over to ask them what they thought of it. Important note: Violet and Scoops were dating at the time
Tobey, seeing Violet coming: What do I do??? I can't tell Violet it was terrible! It would break her heart! But I can't lie to her either! That's wrong!
Becky: Tobey, relax, just do what I do
Violet: Hey guys! What'd you think?
Becky: you looked like you were having so much fun!
Tobey and Scoops: Yeah you did!
Violet: I was! But what did you think of the play itself?
Becky: ...Well...honestly you guys mispronounced so many words I couldn't really enjoy it. I mean it's not your fault, no one uses those words anymore but you know...I know how they're pronounced and can't stand when words are pronounced wrong so...
Violet: Oh that makes sense! We'll work on that! Maybe you can tell me how to pronounce them!
Becky: Sure!
Violet: Tobey what did you think?
Tobey: Um...I wasn't really a fan of the genre so I probably didn't enjoy it as much as I could have
Violet: Oh, what kind of genres do you like?
Tobey: ....a consistent one...
Violet: (laughs) You're so silly Tobey! Scoops! What'd you think?
Scoops: ... Um... I loved it of course! I mean, you were in it! And I love you! So how could I not love it!
Becky, having learned from the WordGirl stuff, later told Violet the truth and explained that she didn't like the play at all and only liked that Violet seemed so happy doing it. Violet took this well. Tobey and Scoops however...:
Tobey: What?
Scoops: The school paper wants me to review the school play! I can't say it was good, that goes against my oath as a reporter! But I can't say it was bad either, I already told Violet I loved it!
Tobey: Ask someone else to do it
Scoops: No one else has the time to take on any more assignments! What am I gonna do?! I don't wanna upset Violet!
Tobey: um...uh...could you post it anonymously?
Those actions eventually lead to Scoops and Violet breaking up (don't worry, they did get back together years later)
Scoops took his and Violet's break up particularly hard, and Tobey tried to cheer him up by finding weird things happening in the city for Scoops to write about. It didn't help a whole lot, but Scoops appreciated Tobey trying to cheer him up. Meanwhile Becky, who by this point all her friends knew she was WordGirl, essentially tried to fix Scoops and Violet's now ended relationship, and between trying to help them, school work, hero work and family life, she ended up stretching herself a little too thin to the point that all her friends had to do an intervention and tell her to stop because it wasn't good for her.
I've mentioned before that Becky's necklace in Word Up in significant and special to her. This necklace was actually made by Scoops, Violet and Tobey. Note the fact that her friends made it isn't the reason it's so important to her, but it is sweet they took the time to make it for her.
For one of his birthdays Tobey invited his friends to a demolition derby. When his friends said they thought it odd he'd be into that, he stated it was his new outlet for seeing destruction now that he was no longer doing crime.
Hmm that's all I have for now! If you are wanting more and have any particular questions or ideas, feel free to send more asks! If they are a little more specific I'll probably get to them a little sooner
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firefly464 · 4 years
The Real World - Chapter 12
Alright chapter 12 lets goooo. Another slightly slower chapter, but I promise that its gonna be picking up real soon. Also Pami wrote the irl bit because shes the coolest and I love her :D
Made in collaboration with @i-have-this-now​ Thank you to @rivys​ for beta reading and editing!
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Dream stared at his friend, confusion and worry filling his mind. The teenager had been staring into space for the past minute or so, not responding to either him or Tubbo. Dream hadn’t been too concerned, until he noticed that Tommy was crying.Tears were streaking down Tommy’s face, forging a path on his cheeks. His expression was filled with a mixture of hope and fear, his eyes glazed over, like he was listening to something that no one else could hear. 
“Tommy? Hellooo? You ok?” Dream asked, waving a hand in front of his face. No response. He glanced over at Tubbo, trying to see if he had any ideas. Instead, when Dream made eye contact with him, Tubbo flinched and sank back into his seat, as if trying to disappear. Right. Of course Tubbo was scared of him. Everyone was scared of him. 
“You know I’m not going to hurt you, right?” He asked, trying to lighten the mood.
The younger brunette stared at him in fear, unsure of how he was supposed to respond. If Dream had said those same words to him a month ago, he would have ran, no questions asked. Now though, he wasn’t sure. He didn’t know this man, had no idea what he was like. All he had to go off of was what Tommy had said. 
His eyes darted over towards his spaced out friend. “What did you do to him?” He asked, struggling to keep the tremor out of his voice. He had only stood up to Dream once, and it had resulted in him nearly losing his arm. Slowly, as to not draw attention to himself, he moved his hand to the hilt of his sword. If this went south, then he sure as hell needed to be ready to defend himself. 
“Nothing! I didn’t do anything, I promise” Dream dropped the bow and put his hands up in an attempt to show he meant no harm. He understood why Tubbo was so scared of him, but that didn’t change the fact that it stung. How could it not? Someone who he had thought of as a friend was now trembling before him in fear. 
“Look, I don’t know what you’re playing at, but if you hurt Tommy in any way I will not hesitate to run you through.” Tubbo’s voice shook with fear, despite his best attempts at keeping it steady. 
Seeing the young teenager like this, Dream couldn’t help but be filled with pity and sadness. He was only 16, still just a kid. He should have been worried about homework, or some other small problem. He shouldn’t be stressing over whether or not he was going to live through the day, or who was going to try and hurt him next. It just wasn’t right.
Dream nodded, his hands still raised.“I promise, Tubbo, I didn’t do anything, and I don’t plan on hurting either of you.”
“Tubbo…” A soft voice startled them both. Tommy was now staring at the fallen bow, the tears freely flowing. 
Tubbo’s attention was instantly drawn to his best friend, his eyes filled with overwhelming concern. “Hey man, you ok?” 
Tommy looked up at his friend. A pang of homesickness shot through him. Everything about the boy next to him felt… wrong. He knew that it was still Tubbo, but that didn’t change the fact that it didn’t seem right. He was too tense, too nervous. It was as if at any moment, he could be attacked. It was so different from the laid back attitude of his Tubbo. The one that got excited over the smallest things. The one who casually went around killing people in game for no real reason. Tommy couldn’t help but miss the energetic and fun loving Tubbo from his own world. Still, he was still his friend. 
Without hesitation, Tommy reached over to give his friend a hug. The tears continued to flow as the words of the message replayed in his mind. ‘I swear, we’re gonna figure something out and get you guys out of there. I promise.’ It wasn’t much to go off of, but goddammit what did he have to lose? 
Tubbo couldn’t help but flinch at the sudden hug. “Hey, is everything alright?” 
“Sorry, sorry” Tommy quickly said, backing up and giving his friend space. He frantically wiped the tears off his face and tried to compose himself. “Yeah, I’m good.” “What the hell was that? You just zoned out, are you sure you’re ok?” Dream asked. 
“I uh, I think I just got a message from Tubbo. Our Tubbo,” he made sure to clarify. “Apparently he’s been working with Wilbur and the other Tommy to try and bring us home…” 
Dream felt his jaw drop. “Wait, really?! You’re kidding!” 
“I swear to you that I am not joking. Trust me, I want to go home as much as you do.”
“How?! What did he say? What do we do?” 
“There’s- There’s a console. Apparently it's like the server console back home, but it's an actual physical computer here. According to Tubbo it has the ability to do some really weird shit.” 
“Like run regular commands?” 
“Yeah, pretty much. Damn, imagine what kinda fucked up shit you could do with that kinda thing…” 
“Uh huh, imagine what kind of fucked up shit this other Dream already did with that thing.” 
“Fuck, you’re right.” 
“So how exactly does this help us get home?” 
“Right, right. I guess that the other Dream figured out how to swap people’s souls across dimensions or something with it.”
Dream’s face lit up as he made the connection. “We could do it too! We could use the command to swap us back and put everything back to normal!” A rush of excitement filled him. Finally, finally they had some direction. They actually had a goal, something to work towards. They had hope. “Where is it? Where can we find it?” 
“See, that's the problem. Actually, there's two problems. One, we don’t know the command. Tubbo was thinking if we could make it to the console, we might be able to communicate with them and figure something out.”
“Wait, what? How would that even work?” 
Tommy shrugged. “I’m not sure. I’m honestly just hoping that Tubbo knows what he’s doing.”
“Riiight. So what's the other problem?” 
Tommy took a deep breath and tried to find something, anything else to look at. He didn’t want to look Dream or Tubbo in the eyes when he told them the truth. Eventually, his eyes rested on the white, porcelain mask that hung on the wall. The simple smile seemed to bore into his very soul, taunting him in a way. He looked away. “The computer is super far away. Apparently it takes a couple days to reach on foot.” 
“Ok? And?” 
“According to the other Tommy, the other Dream is going to delete the server in a little less than 48 hours, which would most likely result in every single one of us dying a very painful death.” 
Dream let out a low whistle. “Right. So you’re telling me that we have to go and find this super powerful computer that's really far away, try to come up with a plan, and figure out what the right command is within the next 48 hours, or the world will be deleted and we all die.” 
“Yeah pretty much.” 
“Right. Ok, no pressure.” he ran a hand through his hair, already trying to figure out what the best course of action was. “Where exactly is the console?” 
“He said it’s in this room made out of bedrock in the middle of a dark forest, almost directly east of us.”
Dream nodded. “Got it. Tommy, go let George know what's going on. See if he wants to join us. It’d probably be smart to have someone who actually knows what they’re doing with us. I’m going to get together some supplies.” 
“Got it. Tubbo, do you wanna come with us?” Tommy asked, startling the brunette. 
He had been deep in thought, trying to keep up with the conversation. He was confused, but he also didn’t want to ask any questions and risk angering Dream. He shook his head. “I’m good. You guys uh, you’ll need someone to cover for you, right? I can tell Wilbur what's going on…” He was lying, of course. He just didn’t want to spend any more time around Dream. Sure, Tommy trusted him, but that didn’t change the fact that just looking at the man brought back painful memories. 
“Ok, that's probably smart. Make sure he knows that the other Tommy is safe, ok? He’s going to be coming home soon.” 
A slight smile crossed Tubbo’s face. “Alright. I can do that. I’ll uh, I’ll see you guys later then.” He rushed out of the base, running towards L’manberg. 
Dream and Tommy were silent, neither of them mentioning the obvious. If all went according to plan, then they would never see this version of Tubbo again. 
“Florida?!” Tubbo cried, flabbergasted. “We’re going to Florida? That’s like a 9 hour flight!” All this SMP stuff was making his head spin. First, it was just Tommy and Dream’s disappearance, then it escalated to something much, much worse. His friends’ lives were at stake if they didn’t do anything. He honestly didn’t want to believe Tommy, but something told him that what he’s saying is true.
“Look, I’m used to taking on my problems in person. I can’t just sit in front of this thing- whatever weird gadget this is- and do nothing! We have to go there!” Tommy explained.
“Tommy, what will you tell everyone else? What will you tell your parents? You can’t just prance up to them and go ‘hello dearest parents! As it turns out, I’m not your son, but I’m him from another dimension! Y’know how he plays that video game? It’s that dimension! Anyways, I’m off to Florida to go do a murder! I’ll be home before dinner!’ How do you think that’s gonna go down?” Wilbur said.
“Will, I know what I’m doing! This psychopath is gonna try to kill my friends. I need to save them.” Tommy told them desperately. “If we reach him, we can get to his computer and I can go home!”
“We don’t even know where he lives, Tommy!” Wilbur retaliated. 
“Well, I might.” Tubbo said, nonchalantly.
Wilbur blinked. “You what? You’re not going to hack him, Tubbo-” 
“He isn’t our Dream, Will. This is probably the only chance we have to do this! Lives are at stake!”
“But there’s laws--” Wilbur sighed, pulling on his face in resignation. He still had trouble believing in this. Dimension travel? Souls? A few days ago he’d say they never existed. But, now… “Okay, fine. I can get us three to Florida. Earliest flight I can get us will be at about five-in-the-morning. We find Dream and we…” Wilbur trailed off.
“Kill him.” Tommy gritted out.
“NO!” Wilbur and Tubbo shouted.
“Tommy, we are not going to kill him. We need our Dream and Tommy to come back and send both of you back. If you kill him-” Wilbur explained.
“Okay, fine,” Tommy sighed, cutting off whatever it was Wilbur was about to say. “We won’t kill him. We just need to hold him long enough for him to tell us the command.”
“And what if he refuses to tell us?” 
“Then we make him tell us.” 
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leefi · 3 years
Starira MBTI III - Frontier
1. Seisho
2. Siegfeld
3. Frontier
4. Rinmeikan
Aruru Otsuki: ENFP
Just go and reread Karen’s entry.
FJDKSLDKL in all seriousness leaps and bounds of Ne from both of them. There’s a reason they often catch themselves saying the same things and why Karen sees so much of herself in Aruru. Not only are they both Ne doms, they’re the exact same type! Ne and Fi together hold that naturally sunny and joyful disposition they both have, and that extreme, passionate love for the people they’re close to. And her Ne may be even higher off the charts than Karen’s. From the entirety of Captain Twins, to improvising lines on stage with Misora as kids, to being the embodiment of Frontier’s free-spirit, pioneering nature - all of this is extroverted intuition, chasing at every possibility under the sun, no matter how absurd it may seem. Her STRONG tertiary Te -- which is much stronger than Karen's, by the way -- supports her dominant Ne, and this is where her gung-ho attitude comes from. “We have to write our own play?? No problem, wheel out the whiteboard! Nobody has an idea yet?? That’s fine, I’ll throw one out and get the ball rolling! Misora and I need three more people for our play? What are we waiting for, let’s go find them!!” All of this is tertiary extroverted Thinking, implementing your ideas out in the world.
Misora Kano: ISTP
She is so compelling!!! I wish we got to see more out of her!! She's already cultivated so many of her talents (and her function stack is pretty strong for such a young age too) - she'd really shine if you just gave her the spotlight! The second ISTP in this series who had her inferior Fe develop super early due to having 1) a ton of siblings and working with so many people from such a young age and 2) a gf with Fi in her dom/aux slot. I’m gonna start with her Fe again because, like Futaba’s, it’s so strong for how young she is - she is quicker to pay attention to social convention than Fi-aux Aruru, scolding her whenever she refers to older Karen by her first name, for example (don't let her see Aruru call Akira -chan). We see aux Se in how energetic and in the moment she is - she grew up acting and doing backstage work and helping her family with their troupe, and we never really see her stuck in her head or wondering about things that aren’t in the here-and-now. Her partnership with ENFJ Michiru to create a new Troupe is going to be SO SO GOOD in the future. They really are going to draw the best out of each other. As polar opposites, they have the exact same functions, just in reverse (like Karen and Junna, or Hikari and Ichie)! So Misora has Ti-Se-Ni-Fe, and Michiru has Fe-Ni-Se-Ti. It’s the perfect setup for them to complement each other’s strengths and weaknesses.
Honestly, I really wish we saw more out of Misora - she deserves more than just being Aruru’s sidekick, and that Feeling function in her inferior slot (extroverted, no less) means that it’s difficult for her to communicate what exactly it is that she wants, both for herself and from others. Like with Mahiru, it’s intuitively hard for her to speak up and say “Hey, I feel like I’m being left behind”. Somebody needs to tap Aruru on the shoulder and communicate that to her - Fe-dom Tsukasa, maybe, or ideally, Misora herself. I think that she’s been kind of shouldered into the straight-man role not just by Aruru but everyone at Frontier because they all have such big personalities (like...she’s got Aruru and Lalafin taking up space, which is already more than enough), and she’s likely been in this position before. She’s been helping her parents run a troupe since she was a child, and now she’s (unfortunately) playing second fiddle to Aruru for the most part at Frontier. She’s been mostly stuck using her Ti and Se, and I really really hope that AA has us seeing her use more of that tertiary Ni and advocating for the goals she has for herself. She deserves to shine so much!!
One final note - I find it so interesting that both ISTPs in this series have such strong senses of faith - Misora is cast as the Faith arcana (and, unlike some of the other girls who are cast as the “opposites” of their personalities, Misora’s seems true to hers), and Futaba obviously has that reverent faith in Kaoruko (and is canonically religious???). It’s a bit antithetical to the ISTP personality type, which values its individuality above all else and tends to be a bit of a rebel. I don’t have much to add here - it’s just an interesting observation.
Shizuha Kocho: INFJ
Lalafin: The Count was such a great actor! I’m sure he would’ve been great on stage too…
Shizuha: Heh heh, maybe!
Shizuha: But still, he never went back to his original persona even after his revenge. He had to stay as the count for the rest of his life.
Shizuha: And he was able to do that because he was good at becoming other people.
Shizuha: ...Although I cannot say if that meant he was happy.
Lalafin: Even after his revenge, he still wasn’t happy...That’s one point of view to make his sadness stand out even more!
Shizuha: Right?...Yes. I think I’ll stick to how I’m doing things now.
THE!! LOVE!! OF!! MY!! LIFE!!!!!!! I CANNOT OVERSTATE ENOUGH HOW MUCH I LOVE SHIZUHA KOCHO!!!! She was my first favorite character in the game (and still is!! But frontier gets no content :’)). As I said with Maya, INFJs are old souls - wise and idealistic, but typically reserved. Auxiliary extroverted Feeling shows up in how she suppresses herself so as not to intimidate or make others feel inferior - we see the exact same thing play out with INFJ sibling Koharu. She’s mysterious but amiable, kind and awe-inspiring - just like INFJ sibling Maya. And we see that token INFJ loneliness playing out with all three, as well. What I love most about Shizuha is that she’s a person of extremes. She is so cerebral and intelligent and dignified in a way that reminds you of Maya but she’s also so!!!! Fucked in the head!!!!! Ni doms baby!!!!!!! (I am fucking crazy. But i am free).
Unhealthy INFJs can develop this obsession with making themselves martyrs, and I don’t think I need to rehash out her AA conversation with Aruru (and her entire philosophy towards acting - see above quote) to get that across. I want to dive into this more. Truly I do. Shizuha deserves 10 pages of writing. But she is one of the last I'm writing and I've clicked through 3 different AA stories and accidentally found Rui and Yukko's first so I diverted and finished writing Yukko's entry and I've already spent so much time on this oh god the doc is already 18 pages single spaced uhhhh Shizuha my loveliest love I will write your character deep-dive later I prommy <333
(Also, seeing her synergy with Aruru is soo so cute. INFJ/ENFP supremacy!! Same dynamic as MayaKaren!)
Lalafin Nonomiya: ESFP
Tumblr media
(Se dom).
She’s so athletic and energetic and in-the-moment and improvisational and quick on her feet (Se, Se, Se)! Fi over Ti aux because she has a much more subjective view of what’s “fun” - “what do I want to do? Where do I want to go? What kind of character do I want to play???". She’s got that trademark genki energy that so many ExFPs share, particularly that childlike zeal that she and ESFP sister Ichie both have. In her own way, Lalafin embodies Frontier’s pioneering, fun-loving spirit just as much as Aruru.
Tsukasa: Lupin is usually portrayed as mysterious and polished, no? But the way you perform him is more fresh and open -- almost like the main character from a children’s book.
Lalafin: Oh! Come to think of it, the book on Lupin I read when I was younger was written for kids!
Lalafin: It was about this big and had a realistic image of Lupin right on the cover!!
I don’t really have too much to add. She’s just a perfect embodiment of that excitable, fun-loving Se and Fi dom/aux duo. Childlike and simplistic-appearing at a first glance, but there's such a fire in there - just compare her to her ESFP twin Ichie!
Tsukasa Ebisu: ENFJ
I can see that use of Se - love of fashion, sweets, dancing, going out and enjoying life - yes, she had overprotective parents and could just be making up for lost time, but I think that nice material things are something she just genuinely enjoys for herself as well. So at first I thought ESFP, but we can’t ignore that enormously caring attitude she has for others and the way she gravitates towards caretaker roles, which indicates more Fe than Fi. So ENFJ it is! She has that Fe and Se, and we see that inferior Ti in how she struggled to realize something was wrong when she was trapped in the play. I love, love, loved her leading role in the Arise All You Sons event and how she and Yachiyo interacted to bring out the best in each other - we saw Yachi using a lot of that aux Ti to support Tsukasa’s inferior Ti and dominant Fe!
Her dominant Fe is SOOOO clear and contrasts to every other girl in Arise All You Sons. She’s the first to go “hey, wait, hold on - I’m not sure what (inferior Ti) but something about this feels artificial, and I don’t think it’s actually going to help the kids”. Inferior Ti/Dominant Fe speaks before thinking too - “Why did I say that?! Why did I do x?!” - it isn’t until aux Ti Yachiyo shows up to help her that she’s able to work through her thoughts. While she can get stuck in the rut of her own mind sometimes, Tsukasa is one of the most caring, empathetic, and mature characters in the series - and she does all this without sacrificing her own autonomy and individuality, which can be difficult for an Fe-dom to do.
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thatblondeperson · 3 years
Hi! I'm the girl who recommended "All I've Ever Known" from Hadestown from your most recent chapter, which, by the way, completely blew me away.
I wish I could send some of my own TimSteph thoughts/writing towards you, though I haven't done much. You are an excellent writer and I love your interpretations of both characters. They're so perfect together.
1. Do you have any fanfics concerning them coming after this one?
2. You have no idea how much it kills me that I have to wait 7 days to read another chapter. This fic should be CANON and no, I'm not joking.
3. Also, I recommend listening to Mr. Blue. It reminded me of Chapter 9 (was it?) when Steph said she was worried about Tim's mental health.
4. You said in Chapter 11 that you had a soft spot for Steph playing piano (that happened) and there would be more of "fun" Tim. Is it coming soon?
5. Have you seen Marcus To's art of TimSteph? They're so cute.
Again, so sorry for the long questions/responses. I just love TimSteph, which is weird, considering I'm not THAT big of a shipper and I'm more of a book fan than a comic book fan. I actually preferred DickKory when I got into the Batfam comics, and I still have them ranked high, but over time, these two grew on me. It was like, "Ooh, these guys are great BFFs! They can't get any better--"
Then I realized that they were dating, and the more and more I thought about it, THE MORE AND MORE IT MADE SENSE. I COULD WRITE A 10-PAGED PAPER ON WHY THEY WORK SOOOO WELL.
But IncoherentBabblings beat me to it with her incredible post on "Why TimSteph is Nice," and it's one of my favorite posts ever.
Hey hey!! Sorry, busy couple days at work!
I am so happy that you've been enjoying the fic!! I listened to the song and it's so so sweet!! I totally get the TimSteph vibes from it, where it's just the two of them clinging to each other in the face of everything else.
If you ever post anything lmk! I'm always happy to see more TimSteph content! You are too kind about my writing! I am just happy that I'm finishing my first multichapter fic like this. Never finished a big project before, honestly never thought it would happen.
1. I have a whole to-do list of little projects, god knows when anyone will see those. I'm drafting little things now that I'm winding down from FMWBTY. I am gonna be doing a collab project with @incoherentbabblings but we are just in the planning stages so far.
As far as with this fic, I would love to do a sequel to write the relationship more on this timeline, but we'll see! There's a lot more I'd like to cover, idk if it would be as long of a project. I do want to utilize Cass and Damian though, I want to bring them in since Cass is such an important person to Steph, and I'd love to see some forced bonding hilarity between Tim and Damian with Tim playing nice out of respect for Steph lol
2. lololol yeah I though a week would be a good amount of time in between chapters. It's better than waiting for me to write the chapters, I promise. I made my first draft of this thing in 2019!
3. I will listen to that too! It's on the list!
4. I use "fun" in an odd way. I'm trying to have Tim relax around Steph and act like himself again. He's kinda been battered by a lot of shit over the years, so he's kinda receded in on himself. I will drag him out a bit, but that's where a sequel would also be fun. Let him be a jokey, lovey dovey boyfriend for Steph.
5. Love Marcus! Hope to be able to commission a TimSteph piece from him someday. I do wish that she was drawn with more wavy, kind of untamed hair, since I just like the idea that Steph has this super thick hair. But his art is literally always stunning, such clean line work and I like that he doesn't draw the men too bulky, and that the women aren't oversexualized.
Long questions are fine! I think a lot of us started with DickKory in the form of RobStar in the Teen Titans TV show, that was definitely one of my first major ships, and it was a painfully wonderful slowburn. Wonder where I latched onto that trope? 🤣🤣🤣
Idk when I hopped onto TimSteph. I think I just latched on after I started reading Tim because their dynamic was so fun and sweet. And then fandom, cuz when I joined there weren't so many antis and Steph haters. Truly sad to see now.
Thank you thank you THANK YOU for all your support!! I definitely plan to keep writing TimSteph while I still have ideas! ❤💜
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Class of 1-A Imagine
The entire 1-A class got hit by a quirk swapping villain! It’s all randomized and I spent a bunch of time on this! Please draw what they would look like and dm me!
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 - He was lucky enough to get Denki’s quirk
 - Didn't even notice for a few seconds
 - Only realized when he couldn’t run anymore
 - His engines were simply gone ~ POOF!
 - It was only when he looked at his hair and saw bright yellow
 - Immediately runs away as fast as his weak, human legs can take him
 - When they tell him what happens, he forces Kaminari to tell him how to use it
 - “I don’t know, you just... do the thing.”
 - “Well what thing because on page four of using your quirk, it says that...”
 - When Iida gets the hang of it, he doesn’t like to use it
 - He’s terrified of hurting someone, and since he isn’t experienced, he doesn’t want to go brain-dead either
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 - She got Deku’s quirk
 - She doesn’t like how big her arms get
 - All Might immediately helps her since he doesn’t want her to break any bones
 - She doesn’t fully grasp the concept and chooses not to use the quirk
 - She’s seen how bad Deku can get
 - She is overjoyed at something else though
 - “My tongue Mina! Look at my tongue!”
 - Everyone finds out Asui has a beautiful singing voice
 - She’s almost sad to get her own quirk back
 - But it’s okay
 - She can’t hurt herself with her own quirk ~ribbit
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 - He was able to get Sero’s quirk
 - “Well you didn’t hear this from me but it’s truly unfashionable.”
 - “Look at me, the human tape dispenser of 1-A.”
 - “Ugh, I can’t even wear my fur jacket because my elbows are too thick.”
 - “Sero, how do you wear long sleeves with this thing?!”
 - Aoyama doesn’t want to use the quirk, it’s just not “flowing with his vibe”
 - He wears his fancy jackets for the entire month after the quirk wears off
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( a picture of Bakugo trying to help Kirishima learn about molecules ^^^^)
 - He got Momo’s quirk
 - At first he’s sad, his unmanly quirk is gone for an entire week!
 - But then he realizes that he can walk around shirtless for an entire week
 - “It’s for my quirk!”
 - He likes being able to make food in an instant, he just doesn’t like it when Aizawa insists that he know the basic molecules of certain things
 - “When am I going to use this? I will never have to make an umbrella in my life!”
 - He likes to stick to food, especially liking that he can make any meal better than Bakugo
 - “Dude! I could solve world hunger from my abs!”
 - “Woah, imagine if I could make a car from my abs.”
 - “Can I make wings like Hawks?!
 - When the week ends, Kirishima is kinda disappointed 
 - But Bakugo is happy he got his cooking buddy back
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 - He got Uraraka’s quirk
 - He’s super excited honestly, he likes being able to fly
 - “I feel like a feather.”
 - Ochako is happy to be able to teach him how
 - “Let’s just stay indoors. We don’t need you floating off to space.”
 - Koda almost wants to go to space
 - Once he learns how to use it, he uses all his time zooming around the dorms
 - Once Aizawa takes them outside to train, he just floats around in the air
 - Aizawa lets him
 - He knows this precious baby needs some relaxation with the clouds
 - He also likes the birds
 - He can’t speak to them though, which is frustrating for him
 - “How do you not remember me? I fed you dinner last night!”
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 - He got Tokoyami’s quirk
 - One second his tail was there, the next second it was a mean looking bird
 - Ojiro likes taking his bird on walks, he doesn’t really know what to do with it
 - He talks to the bird sometimes, and for some reason he can understand it
 - “Dark Shadow seems too emo. Let’s try Gregory.”
 - The bird agrees 100%
 - When Ojiro is training, Gregory is too powerful sometimes
 - “How do you control your own shadow?!”
 - Training sessions with Aizawa is just one big mess for Ojiro
 - Nothing gets accomplished accept Ojiro talking to Thompson and Thompson trying to attack anyone who gets close
 - Ojiro is so excited to get his tail back, but it sad that Tokoyami won’t take the same request
 - rip Gregory
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( Sato’s reaction to getting Mineta’s quirk^^ )
 - Sato has Mineta’s quirk
 - Sato doesn’t come out of his room for the entire week
 - Everyone understands
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 - She got Sato’s quirk
 - She makes a bunch of sweets as an excuse to eat all of it
 - But that’s not a big deal at all to her
 - She’s not invisible anymore!
 - The moment she realizes that she isn’t invisible, she goes crazy
 - She’s actually kind of tan
 - Not only that but she’s gorgeous!
 - Thick brown hair, green eyes, and she’s so skinny
 - Her face alone has everyone in 1-A dropping dead
 - Some of the guys can’t believe it
 - They’ve chatted with this girl for months and had no idea
 - She wants to ask Ojiro on a date, but what happens when the quirk wears off
 - It does wear off, but nobody cares
 - They always knew she was pretty, and this just confirmed it for sure
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 - He got Hagakure’s quirk
 - What’s not to love about being invisible?
 - The strange part to him is that he can still see himself
 - All of his extra arms are gone!
 - That’s sad, all of his shirts were custom for those arms
 - He borrows clothes from his friends
 - It’s funny to see a robe and bunny slippers walking around at midnight though
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 - He got Todoroki’s quirk
 - It’s okay though! He’s got his creepy notebook!
 - Todoroki gladly give him teaching on how to use it
 - “Remember, flames do damage and ice can be used to capture things.”
 - Deku knows all of this from his “research”
 - But that doesn’t stop them from spending everyday training together
 - It’s fun... and “helpful”
 - Deku loves being his own microwave and freezer
 - He accidently catches things on fire from time to time
 - He got scared by a movie and froze half the couch
 - Todoroki kissed him and he burned half his shirt off
 - “How do you control this thing?!”
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 - She got Mina’s quirk
 - “Yay! I got acid hands! I got acid hands!”
 - Mina makes her wear oven mitts
 - She accidently burns a hole through her bed while having nightmares
 - “High five! Wait... never mind.”
 - “Mina, teach me how to do the thing!”
 - Also let’s not forget that Ochako has pink skin, horns, and alien eyes
 - “Ooh, I look so cute!”
 - Ochako spends most of her time posing in front of the mirror
 - “Look at my horns Kirishima!”
 - “Mina, look at my eyes!”
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 - He got Iida’s quirk
 - Whenever he runs, he ends up going sonic on people
 - “Denki, take a lap!”
 - “I don't think you want that Mr. Aizawa.”
 - Whenever Denki tries to use Iida’s quirk, it’s always a quick fail
 - So far Denki has taken out a trash can, Present Mic, tripped on a basketball, run into a tree, faceplant into dirt, and accidently swallow a bug
 - The worst part is that Denki sleep walks
 - Running into stuff, tripping over a potted plant, falling down a flight of stairs
 - “This is better than being brain dead I guess.”
 - Denki spends most of his time making fun of Iida by waving his arms like a robot and trying on multiple pairs of glasses at once
 - Iida demands that Kaminari trains
 - “Kaminari, you will read all of these books on how to operate engine legs or else!”
 - Kaminari must admit the engine legs are cool
 - Except when Kirishima put hot dogs in them
 - The entire class room smelled like burnt meat
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 - “Cool! I look like a frog!”
 - She got Asui’s quirk
 - Her hair turned green, her tongue grew, and her pupils dialated
 - “Asui, look at this!”
 - She uses her tongue to swing off the dusty chandelier when Iida isn’t looking
 - “Ew! They should make tongue condoms!”
 - Jiro and Ochako have a blast teasing Mina and Asui
 - “Ribbit bitch! Your frog queen has arrived!”
 - Denki gets Jiro a crown to wear around the dorms
 - Ochako buys the four girls frog onesies
 - “So kawaii!”
 - Jiro never was into swimming until now
 - She likes that her fingers don’t get wrinkly
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 - He got Ojiro’s quirk
 - “Dude, look at my tail!”
 - Bakugo makes fun of his “backwards dick”
 - It’s funny, but not that funny
 - In return Sero whips him with it
 - “I feel like a monkey!”
 - Sero hangs from everything he can
 - “This thing has more muscles than I do!”
 - He goes to a playground nearby with Denki and swings off the monkey bars
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 - He got Koda’s quirk
 - “I’ve never been much about nature. Too much light, not enough darkness.”
 - Bakugo jokes that he can finally talk to his pigeon brothers
 - “Dude! The birds love you!”
 - And everyone is right
 - As soon as Tokoyami walks outside, a pigeon lands on his head
 - “Why did that pigeon just speak to me?!”
 - Tokoyami is scared of the outside now
 - “I can hear their voices still!”
 - Tokoyami has a panic attack over being able to hear the animal voices
 - “Why do ants sound so manly?”
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 - He got Bakugo’s quirk
 - “I’m not asking that bastard for help.”
 - Instead, he goes to Deku for training
 - “Deku, you have that stalker notebook still?”
 - Bakugo’s quirk is like his own quirk
 - “Seriosuly? Just heat?”
 - “Kind of basic if you ask me.”
 - Once Bakugo hears that, he goes beserk
 - “Icyhot!”
 - “Oh no no, you can’t call me that anymore.”
 - Todoroki likes propelling himself in the air with explosions
 - Bakugo’s quirk is too loud, like his personality
 - He doesn’t like using the quirk honestly
 - “It's not very good, very violent, and I don’t like getting sweaty.”
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 - He got Kirishima’s quirk
 - “Yea bro, you can get hard too now!”
 - Mina tries to stop him from saying that
 - Poor bby doesn't understand
 - Kirishima tries to help, but Bakugo is having no part in that
 - “How difficult can your quirk be Shitty Hair?”
 - It isn’t easy though, especially when Bakugo is forced to be shirtless.
 - He’s used to his hero outfit covering his chest
 - Bby is a little self conscious
 - The best part is that he doesn’t sweat that much
 - “Fuck yea! I don’t smell like fucking cinnamon and caramel!”
 - Bakugo does miss his explosions and hand grenades
 - Your quirk is too boring Kirishima, and it’s not loud at all
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 - She got Aoyama’s quirk
 - Her immediate reaction is to read a bunch
 - “Aoyama! Wait up, I have so many questions!”
 - Next though, she has fun with it
 - “It’s so pretty!”
 - Along the way her and Aoyama become friends
 - He brings her pain releivers to help with the stomach pains
 - “It sucks but at least it’s pretty.”
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 - She got Jiro’s quirk!
 - Immediately her skin isn’t pink, her horns are gone, and her eyes turn bright blue
 - She’s still as spunky as ever though
 - “Dude! Imagine all the hot gossip I can listen to!”
 - Mina tries the teacher’s lounge with Asui and Ochako, only to hear Aizawa and Present Mic planning a date night
 - “We should totally go as well!” Mina offers
 - They go on all sorts of “spy missions”
 - Mina also likes being able to tan with Momo from time to time
 - She does miss her horns though
 - She realizes quickly that Jiro’s earphone jacks are also Bluetooth
 - Jiro just never told anyone before
 - When Mina gets her quirk back, she is so happy to look “normal” again
Omg this took all day! Please comment down below your favorite combo and if I should do another one! Love you all! Stay safe! <3333
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spookybreadstick · 3 years
I'm sorry, Breadstick. I will be praying for your grandmother, for sure the doctors will be taking good care of her. Family fights are inevitable but everything will get better, at that moment they are the closest people physically to you so enjoy, stay close and take care of each other. Family is one that is united even in the most difficult moments.
about your important decisions, I know you made the best possible choice, sometimes there are decisions that destroy the heart but fix our lives, so always try to look on the positive side of things
I'm going to take my afternoon off to study some school subjects that need my attention too. I went through the height of humiliation last week, I cried while studying because I couldn't understand the subject that the teacher taught in class. When I finished I just put my things away and went to take a nap
I had a lot to do at the restaurant that I work at last weekend. I take the orders for delivery (I don't think I've ever taken so many orders). And when the shift ended I went to help organize the invetory
my face was bruised after the shift, I have to wear two masks together (a simpler hospital one under and a thick fabric one over it) and a face shield
my classmates made fun of me at school this morning because i have a huge red mark on my forehead and my hair is still not big enough to cover it (at least the mask covers the bruise on my nose)
I have plans for tomorrow, I'll take my little sister to see the sunset in a clearing nearby, I'll take the opportunity and draw a little bit
I think I talk too much, sorry.
I'm sending you kisses and hugs! 💖💕💓💜🧡💚💖❤️💜💛🖤❤️
good luck with your schoolwork! I'm sure you'll be able to catch up. Don't demand too much of yourself
ily 💖💕💞💝💖💞
-dancing parrot 🐦🎶
Aw, thank you so much dancing parrot!! This means a lot to me <3
1)  It is extremely kind of you to pray for my grandmother, so thank you. I will give an update under the cut on her health, so anyone who doesn’t want to hear about it can skip that. 
2) Yes, my family and I have all made up by now! It’s just hard when you’re living in the same tiny house and there’s nowhere to go. 
3) The more I think about it, the more sure I get that I did make the right choice. Whatever happens next is out of my control, but I did my best to make the best decision possible and I know that I’ve done what I can on my end. 
4) Oh God, raise your hand if you’ve ever cried in school✋✋✋✋✋
I cried once in fourth grade because I didn’t understand and once in seventh grade. I also cried once in third grade, like full on sobbed, because my mom was sick and the doctors didn’t know why (it was like a really bad flu, except it wasn’t the flu and it lasted a while, and to this day the doctors aren’t sure what the hell that was but it certainly scared little-me). I’ve also very nearly cried in class, like I had to leave the room, for math-related issues a couple of times in the past. And I’ve cried not in class, but in the school building, for anxiety reasons, many times. I try my best not to do in front of people, but sometimes people know that I’m tearing up and need to leave because I’m about to have a panic attack. Shit happens. I know it’s really embarrassing, but crying is a natural human reaction and you know, like I said, shit happens. Crying it out isn’t the worst thing in the world when you think about it. And sometimes you just gotta stop and take a nap after. Rest and refresh. 
5) I have a friend who used to work at a pizza place as the person who handled the delivery and to-go stuff, and she quit after a week, so props to you! She told me that she’s never been so stressed and also her manager really sucked and didn’t teach her how to do the job properly so she had to figure things out mostly on her own. The final straw for her was when the manager wanted her to train the new hire after she hadn’t even been here for a week yet. She was way too stressed so that just sent her over the edge and she quit. I feel for those who work in the fast-food or restaurant industries. I could never do that. When I had my pre-pandemic job at the grocery store, I got stressed out when it got busy, but grocery store busy is nothing compared to fast-food or restaurant busy. 
6) If people were honestly making fun of you, then fuck them honestly. You’re working hard and they probably don’t even know the definition of hard work. A bruised face from the masks just means you were being responsible and caring for the safety of others while you did your job. Nothing wrong with that at all. 
7) I hope you and your little sister had fun!! Sounds like a great little trip for the two of you!! 
8) Sending you kisses and hugs back!! And don’t worry, you don’t talk too much :) 
- breadstick 🥖
~~~~ Update On My Grandmother’s Health Under the Cut ~~~~
 Unfortunately, the doctors gave a diagnosis: Stage 3 Lung Cancer.
 It doesn’t come as a huge shock, she’s been a HEAVY smoker for decades, but it’s still somehow surprising too :( Like even though we all kind of knew at the back of our minds, it’s still unexpected in a way. She will be undergoing treatment, and that will give us hopefully a few more years. But it could potentially be a few months, depending on how her body reacts to it, which is a scary thought. The doctors are learning towards a positive outlook with a couple more years though, so that’s good. It’s just sad to know that like, this is what will kill her. There is no cure, and the doctors are certain that one day the cancer will kill her, whether it’s in a few months or a few years. It’s weird, because the last time I saw her she was fine. She’s been so careful about pandemic, and really never leaves the house, so we got to see her every couple of weeks since we’re both not going anywhere and being safe. And our last little visit, she was totally fine. It feels sudden and not real, but I know the reality will set in soon. I think it’s like that for my dad, too. We’ve never been super close to my grandmother, not like some people have deep bonds with their grandparents, but we’ve been close enough and she’s our family, you know? So it’s just sad. Trying to be hopeful about it, but there’s also just the facts that we need to face, too 💔
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trensu · 4 years
Episode 32: The One where the Moonlit Rooftop BETRAYS Us
Remember how the last episode brutally tore the heart right out of our collective chest?
And i can’t even skip most of it!! Bc it is crucially important to know what state of mind our beloved sunshine boy is in for everything to make sense!! 
Especially for what’s going to happen in the next episode!
We start our episode at the super fun jin ancestral hall in lanling where jyl is mourning the death of her husband!!
Enjoy this bc this is literally the least painful moment in the entire episode!!!
My precious sunshine boy is lurking behind a pillar, guilt-ridden and alone
He can’t get any nearer bc of the guilt
But he can’t stay away bc that’s his sister, his most precious person
Too bad madam jin spots him
So he flees, he can’t face his sister, not when he’s the reason she’s grieving
We’re in the middle of a forest again! It’s even less fun than the last time we were in the forest!
Now we’re at Qishan, listening to a bunch of cultivators gossip
The Wens’ bodies are hanging from rafters, all out on display in the open
Because slaughtering them wasn’t horrifying enough, they had to humiliate them after death too. Fucking jin clan.
Wwx appears behind the group and scares the shit out of them (GOOD)
He calmly pulls out his demon flute and starts playing
Within three notes he’s got the entire group of gossips pinned to the ground. Then he played a little extra just for kicks.
Now he’s like, why’d y’all stop talking? Weren’t you saying how you were gonna stop me?
And some idiot rando is like, you think you’re hot shit bully us weaklings?? You should go fight the clan leaders at their big celebration.
Wwx starts to choke him out bc he’s annoying him but wwx gives us this epic line
“Every injustice has its perpetrator.”
And he ditches those basic bitches to hunt down the guys that killed his people
Now we’re watching all this pompous sect leaders celebrating the murder of innocent lives, but we’re not gonna get into it bc they piss me off and nobody needs to pay attention to jgs’s speeches ever
Although i will mention that lxc and jc both look very conflicted at the events that are going down
We’re back with the basic bitches and lwj appears!!
Lwj: where is wei ying?
Of course his first words in the episode are about wei ying. 
And they’re all aw, you just missed him bro, he left about an hour ago 
Lwj: where did he go?
And they’re like, Nightless City to hang out with the sect leaders!
Lwj’s face here is just, Worry and Dread. 
We’re back with the sect leaders. Jgs is talking again
Thankfully, wwx interrupts him with his mental breakdown!!
Jgs: what are you doing here?
Wwx: why can’t i be here? don’t you guys want me here? I’m saving you the effort of hunting me down!
Then there’s a lot of back and forth with rando cultivators throwing accusations at him and wwx making Valid Points left and right
As we all know, Valid Points don’t make a smidge of difference against the incredibly stupid and obstinate. 
We won’t get into too much detail here bc it honestly doesn’t even matter what they’re saying, but there are a couple cool lines that i wanted to include
Somebody says something about him having a grudge against Jin Zixun a year ago
Wwx: Little characters like him i forget in 3 days, much less a year.
Which, like, LOL bc he’s right, jz was an insignificant little worm except worms are good for soil so he’s MORE insignificant than a little worm (i’m sorry worms, i shouldn’t have insulted you that way!!)
Later somebody says something about how they had admired wwx before but now they hate him
Wwx: Both your hatred and admiration is so cheap!
Some basic bitch shoots him with an arrow and it hits him right in the chest
Wwx barely even flinches
He tears that arrow right back out and covers it with resentful energy
And then he gives us another cool line.
Someone calls him vicious for shooting the guy who shot him before and he says “you’re already branding me as someone who uses wicked tricks, you can’t be counting on my mercy to let it go, right?”
It’s basically a whole ‘you want a bad guy? I’LL SHOW YOU A BAD GUY’ moment. Which looks cool, right, but is also super upsetting bc THIS IS MY PRECIOUS SUNSHINE BOY
Now there’s a battle breaking out! Between the cultivators and the resentful spirits wwx summons 
But we don’t care about this battle.
This battle doesn’t matter. Even if it does look pretty cool.
Because all the important stuff happens on rooftops, as we already know.
Wwx: lan zhan, you’re here. You should have known i’d be immune to the Song of Clarity
Lwj whooshes his guqin away.
Wwx: lan zhan, i knew one day we were gonna have a real fight.
Lwj: wei ying, stop it!
Wwx doesn’t respond. In fact, he’s kept his eyes closed and unresponsive since he started playing his flute, PROBABLY BC HE CAN’T BEAR TO WATCH HIMSELF ATTACK HIS SOULMATE
Lwj: wei ying, stop it now!
Wwx: lan zhan, do you think i have any other choice now?
Lwj: the situation has changed!
Wwx: what?
Lwj: trust me. It’s not that simple.
Wwx: what do you mean?
But before we can get any answers or clues or anything useful, we get interrupted by jyl’s voice crying “a-xian!”
Because jyl is on the battlefield, still in her mourning robes. And she’s calling for her brothers. 
Both jc and wwx hear her and instantly start looking for her
Wwx ditches the rooftop (and lwj with it), gives up his high ground and dives into the battlefield to look for his sister
He gets attacked by some cultivators and we hear the strum of a guqin
Lwj followed him! And defended him against attacks, BC THAT’S WHAT HE DOES FOR HIS SOULMATE. THAT’S HIS WHOLE THING.
Lwj: wei ying, your flute!
What he means is, keep playing, i’ll protect you from attacks while you get to your sister
And wwx starts playing again, bc EVEN AFTER he and lwj fought one another with all they had, he still trusts lwj
Jyl, jc, and wwx all take turns calling each other’s names. MY YUNMENG SIBS ARE TRYING TO REUNITE
Meanwhile we see lwj flitting about the edges of the screen blocking attacks left and right, and keeping wwx safe
SUDDENLY, we hear the sound of a second flute pierce the air! And the puppets get more vicious. WWX IS NO LONGER IN CONTROL
And oh fuck, once the second flute takes over the puppets we get the SAD BACKGROUND MUSIC FROM “THE ONES WHERE WE GROSS SOB FOREVER”
The yunmeng sibs are still crying out for each other as this Sad Music plays aND I JUST CAN’T.
They finally set eyes on one another, only to see a puppet come up behind jyl
Jc is begging wwx to stop the puppet bc he thinks wwx is still in control
Wwx is so desperate here that he doesn’t even use his flute, he just starts SCREAMING at the puppet to stop, “GO AWAY, DON’T TOUCH HER”
And lwj sees this all happening! He follows wwx’s line of sight and sees that jyl is about to get cut down by a puppet
Also i like to think that lwj and jyl bonded over their love for wwx way back in “the one where jyl captains the ship” so he’d want to protect his friend anyway
But he gets intercepted by two other puppets who attack him and keep him stalled far away from jyl and wwx 
The puppet cuts down jyl from behind
Wwx makes a mad dash towards her
But Lwj intercepts him and says “wei ying, stop your puppets! Stop them!”
Wwx doesn’t listen to him. He flings lwj’s arm away and keeps running
Wwx finally makes it to where jyl fell, where she’s now being cradled in jc’s arms
Wwx reaches for her but jc shoves him away
Jc: you said you could control them, you said there was no problem
He’s not even really yelling here, but his voice is all cracked, hoarse, and pained
Wwx: it’s not me, i don’t know! i didn’t make them kill people, why can’t i control them? I lost control of them!
Jyl is still alive!
Jyl: a-xian, xianxian
She reaches and puts her hand on the side of his face
Jyl: you ran so fast, i didn’t have enough time to look at you and talk to you
Jyl: i wanted to tell you--
But she doesn’t get to finish that sentence bc she sees someone aiming for wwx’s back and she shoves him out of the way to protect him
She gets a sword to the chest
And the rando cultivator holding the sword is all it’s not my fault, i was aiming for you, wwx this is your fault!
Wwx starts to choke him out, which is good bc i wanted to do that myself too
And jc is sobbing, rocking his sister’s body
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watermelon-pxpsicle · 4 years
ℙ𝕚𝕔𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕖 ℙ𝕖𝕣𝕗𝕖𝕔𝕥| ℍ𝕒𝕨𝕜𝕤 𝕩 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣
ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕆𝕟𝕖||𝔻𝕠𝕨𝕟𝕝𝕠𝕒𝕕
{•M/L/N•}=mother's last name
𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 ℙ𝕆𝕍
I wait patiently in my chair checking my notes on this week's modeling session. In pure boredom I start to do that leg thing that people do when they need to get out extra energy. Before I look up though I can feel warm calloused hands covering my eyes. "Guess who?" I chuckle and say "Hm, well I suppose my only guess would a certain man with wings who is late to his modeling session" he laughs and says "aw come on, I'm not late you're just always early!" He takes his hands off my eyes and says "I'd never be late for a modeling gig with you" he gives one of his famous smug smirks and I roll my eyes.
I lead him back to the hair washing chair and continue to wash his hair. "So how’s hero work?” He sighs and says “Stressful, I guess but it’s nothing I can’t handle” he says it with a cocky smirk but I can’t help but feel sad for him. Hero work certainly does look stressful and it’s a shame that the hero commission can’t give the heroes just a little bit more free time. Although I guess it’s not like villains are just going to give them some days off to chill and just relax. His wings make it a bit difficult for him to lay down in the chair so he usually just sheds all his feather into a pile and just leaves them there, until he uses them again. It’s kind of weird to just have hawks feathers all over the place, but I’ve gotten used to it.
Once I'm done with washing Hawks's hair I blow dry and brush it. After I'm done with perfectly brushing it though he just has to run his hands through it. "H-hey! What are you doing that for!" I rush over and he chuckles. "Aw come on, I was itchy! It's not my fault that you buy high-class shampoo. Besides I like having you brush my hair" I sweat drop and go back to styling his hair until it's back to its fluffy, clean, and neat self.
Next is makeup. I don't have to add too much makeup to Hawks since he already has flawless skin, but fixing his bird eyeliner usually helps the aesthetic. It wasn't until the first time I tried wiping the little triangles under his eyes that I found out that that was part of him. We laughed it off anyways, but I still felt embarrassed inside and curios on how he just happened to be born with eyeliner on. When applying the eyeliner I have to be careful to not to touch Hawks too much, since he's ticklish and last time I did that his wings ruffled and spread and knocked over the chairs.
I can almost hear his breathing when I'm applying the makeup, maybe scared of getting ticklish again or just from staying still for a period of time. After I'm done he relaxes again and he follows me to his changing room. When he's in the changing room I check my phone to see any text notifications from the date I had last night. Although it seems as though I'm cursed to be forced alone, forever.
When Hawks comes out he notices my slightly saddened expression. "Hey chickadee, whats got you down?" I look up at him surprised and try to put a smile back on. "Oh nothing, just was spacing out that's all" He nods but I can tell he doesn't believe me. When we're around less people he asks again. "Seriously though, are you okay?" I sigh "I don't know, I guess right now my love life is slowly dying, although not like it was strong in the first place" Hawks looks a little taken a back by what I just said and a little sad too.
"I mean, all my friends have boyfriends. I'm just a twenty two year old who hasn't had one in what feels like forever" I exhale and look back up at him. "I'm sorry, I really shouldn't be talking to you like this. Super unprofessional of me let's do the photo shoot now" he was hesitant to move or talk back first but Hawks eventually followed me to the shoot. "So anyway I was thinking about matching the tones of your outfits to compliment the backdrops to really get a whole aesthetic going. And anyway I was also thinking about- Hawks?" I snap once trying to regain his attention. "Hawks?" Snapping gains got his attention and he turned to me.
"Hm? Oh! Sorry spaced out there for a bit" we continued the shoot without any further problems with him and his tendencies. We actually got it down fairly quick. "Anyway we'll reschedule for next time?" He nodded "yup just as usual" I go to exit and then I hear him mumble "look forward to seeing you again" I turn around making sure I heard him correctly. "Hm?" He looked a bit a flustered and just said "ah, I meant- I mean, um Bye!"
"Uh, yeah sure. Bye!" I exit the building a bit confused but eventually shrugged it off. "Just bird stuff right?" No matter the cause I go back to my cozy studio loft and sigh. "It's only Four O clock, but I still feel tired" maybe I should make something to eat. After I made something to eat I sat down on my couch and started sketching new ideas for different fashion and jewelry lines. I also brought a bag of popcorn with me. Eventually I put my hand in the bag and nothing was left in there except kernels. Looking around I realize the sun has already started to set. "Did I really just spend three hours non-stop drawing?" I shrug and decide to get to bed.
𝕋𝕚𝕞𝕖 𝕊𝕜𝕚𝕡 𝕥𝕠 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕟𝕖𝕩𝕥 𝕕𝕒𝕪'𝕤 𝕃𝕦𝕟𝕔𝕓
"Aw come on {•Y/N•}! You need to put yourself out there. Here it's a free app, just get it" I sigh listening to my friend, Alex's lecture about why I should get a dating app. "Listen here you've been single for way to long girl friend. It's time you go get yourself a man!" "Alex I'm honestly fine, it's sweet that you're doing this for me, but maybe I'm just not destined to meet someone" I take a sip of my drink and look down at my purse.
"Hey can I borrow your phone I want to know what the weather is tomorrow"
"don't you have your's?"
"Yeah but I left it in the car"
I reluctantly gave her my phone and before I knew it she was giggling. "What?" I look over and realize she already downloaded the app!
"A-Alex!" She puts her hand up just to drop and give me one of those "Oh please" looks and showed me my phone back. "Look hun you already got a match" I look down at my phone and notice that I did get a match. "Hold on, really?" I scroll though the person's name and it read 'Keigo Takahiro' he didn't have a picture but it seemed like none of these profiles did. "Hey why aren't their any photos here?"
"This app is made so people don't focus on looks and focus more on the person. "But then you could be talking to a creepy old man!" She just shrugs "you could be doing that too on any other app". Wait so you put my name as {•N/N•} {•M/L/N•}?" She nodded. "I mean you're kind of well known. Since your always around Hawks it's probably better if people don't read your profile and just say 'omg it's that one girl who always around hawks'"."I suppose" although I wasn't really listening I was scrolling through his profile. I didn't find anything that really stood out to me. "Hm his favourite food is chicken, he likes heights, he has a stable job. Maybe this isn't such a bad thing after all" alex smiles "see? I told you so, soon enough you'll be out here with kids" I roll my eyes and laugh "oh please no let's talk about marriage before that"
ℍ𝕒𝕨𝕜𝕤'𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍
𝔼𝕒𝕣𝕝𝕚𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕕𝕒𝕪
"I don't know Miruko, I just want a girlfriend" she looks at me weirdly and says "don't look at me I already got myself a girlfriend, and trust me I don't think I'm going to be needing no man anytime soon" We're lying in a parking lot because apparently I crash landed there and Miruko came because she thought there were carrots involved. I sigh "I didn't say you, Although you know {•L/N•}?" she jumps up and says "you mean your fashion designer?" I nod "I think I like her" after a few minutes of silence she says "dude, I know. You tell me this everyday" Then it looks like she gotan idea "hey! You should get a dating app!" I blink "what why?" "To get your mind off {•L/N•}! Since your obviously not going to make a move anytime soon" I think for a while "but what if I don't want to get the app?" She shrugs and says "then have fun complaining to me that you want a girlfriend everyday even though you found a girl but are too scared to make a move. You should just put your self out there. You'll be surprised" I look down "I don't know Miruko I think I'll pass" she then goes off to leave "suit yourself with loneliness!"
"Wait!" I shout back already regretting what I’m about to say. She turns back "yeah?" Defeatedly I pull my phone out of my pocket and hold it towards her. "Can you at least help me set up the account" she laughs and grabs my phone. "But wait, what if people only like me because I'm a pro hero and the publicity they would gain?" She looks up at me "just change your last name, and this app doesn't allow you to add a photo" I lean over "why?" She chomps into a carrot and says "something to do with love isn't about how you look or whatever, but I made your account, just fill out some of the other stuff"
"Hold on, am I going to be cat fishing people?"
"Course not! Just change your last name to your mom's last name!"
"Oh, okay"
Once we get my profile ready I hit done and wait a while. Then my phone buzzes "hey look you got a match!" I look on my phone to see '{•N/N•} {•M/L/N•}' I scroll through her profile and think to myself what's the worst that could happen right? “Hey, I gotta go, but have fun with your online dating!” I wave goodbye and check my phone again. It’s not my ideal way to finding a partner, but besides, this is only to get my mind off of {•L/N•}. It’s unprofessional of me to have feelings towards my employee, I mean I’m technically her boss and yet I have these, these.... feelings! That I can’t get rid of, and I just, I just want to.. I don’t know what I want to do with my feelings.
Miruko was right, I really do need to get my mind off her. She is just my fashion designer. That’s it, nothing else. Just my really attractive, kind, and nice employee. If there is some god out there,I hope they will at least send me a sign! Then my phone pinged.
Hey you free in two weeks? I was thinking maybe Wednesday at 9am
Yeah why? Taking me out on a date lol
Could this be it? A sign from the gods? Maybe a push that {•L/N•} and I are meant to be?
To discuss your next fashion line silly :)
Oh Okay
This girl is going to be the death of me, and hopefully {•M/L/N•} will be able to breathe me back to life.
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ofmythsandmadness · 5 years
The Night We Met.
PAIRING: Ben Hargreeves x Reader SUMMARY: Years after the lose of your childhood love, you decided to pay your respects, one last time. WARNINGS: angst. pain. lots of both. this is super sad, so read on well aware of what’s to come. there’s zero happiness in this, really truly (oops). WORD COUNT: 3000+
A/N: I was in a rough place and super sad and then I wrote this (like two nights ago), and then I didn’t have a chance til now to finish it up. It’s super sad and unedited, so I suppose read on at your own risk. Also, I don’t know if I really wrote Klaus well...I did my best. Again, this isn’t really edited and sort of just a toss away coming from an emotional me loving & missing Ben Hargreeves too late.
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A LONG TIME AGO, she swore she would never step foot in that cursed house again.
But there she was, standing in the middle of the foyer, taking it all in as though it was her first time. And in a way, it was the first time she truly took in all the details, all the terrifying glory the mansion was, standing several metres below it all. In all her visits, Y/N had only once used the front door - and it was to exit, not come inside.
She tore her eyes away from the sky and shifted forward. In her hand were crumpled flowers, a rather cheap bouquet with wilted petals and a gaudy ribbon holding the stems together. Y/N was never a flower person and she certainly was not going to convert for the sake of a dead tyrant, and honestly it was all she could bother with. Not like the old man was going to see them anyways.
Y/N turned to place the bouquet on the front table, carefully tucking up the ribbons around the flowers, as though that was going to save the cheap, gross look. Without another thought turned to the ‘prison’s’ architecture, she was moving away, floating off and up the stairs. The house was silent, with ghosts of laughter lurking about every corner, but no familiar face to take in. Maybe that was best, too. She would rather be alone. Even just seeing Pogo again made her choke and struggle to even get a word out. The butler was polite enough to let her be, but there was no way to guarantee that for anyone else.
She stumbled down the long hallway, following a trial of memories, past the doors to nearly the end. It was shut, but not locked, and she was able to gently push it open and step inside, immediately coming to a halt at the entrance.
Nothing had changed. Not a detail, not a book changed from how it looked when she had ran out years and years back. Her hand shakily reached out to bump the light switch, heart beating even harder when the small room was illuminated with light.
The bedrooms of the Hargreeves children had always felt small, but as she stood in the doorway, peering about with tears in her eyes, the tiny space felt suffocating. Too many memories, too many reminders of a life she had buried deep, deep down a long time ago. Too much came back too quickly, and Y/N had to steady herself against the doorframe before continuing.
But she had forced herself all the way for a reason. Even if it was the last time she stepped inside, it was something and she had to pay her respects to him. And so, Y/N choked back her quiet sob and shut the door behind her, letting the past wash over her and engulf her beneath the inky black waves.
“Stay still!”
“I’m trying!”
A soft snort left the girl’s lips, followed by a muffled laugh. “You’re not trying hard enough,” she giggled, lunging so the end of her paintbrush could jab into his shoulder. “You gotta stay still, ‘else this drawing’s gonna be bad.”
“You’ve never drawn anything bad. It’s going to look great.”
Once more, she snorted. “Of course it will, Benny. It’s a drawing of you.”
In the dim light of the room, darkness only barely pushed away by a flashlight, his cheeks bloomed with rosy pink, a flush at the teasing compliment. Neither one addressed it, but both of them took note, and even as she studied the paper, the girl was smiling.
She had forgotten about the sketches she had done of him - but moreover, she had not realised he had made a point to keep each one. Her finger traced the thick stains on the paper, lines creating the pointed chin and soft, shy smile she had loved so much. Y/N had forgotten how much she loved to draw, especially him - she had not touched a paintbrush in years.
Not since.
Her eyes lifted and the sketch left her fingers, leaving them free to reach up and trail down his bookshelf. He always had far too many to count, and multiple times she teasingly questioned if he had ever even read half of them. But every time, he claimed that he had and honestly? Despite the poking fun, she had no doubt about it.
She shifted across the carpet, jean-clad legs coming to rest beside his. They were just barely touching, arms brushing every time she took a breath.
“W-what are you doing?”
“Shh,” she sleepily murmured back. Her head fell to his shoulder, eyes lazily scanning the pages of the book in hand. “What are you reading?”
Under her head, Y/N could feel him tense up, a common reaction she had become used to. She knew he was nervous around her, and could discern some sort of reason why - though there was no part of her courageous enough to truly act on it. No, her bravery extend to little actions like that, where she could cuddle into his side and blame her actions on something like weariness. 
“H-Diego got it for me,” he said softly. His trembling hand moved to her shoulders, draping across as a sort-of intimate support. All actions were hesitant and unsure, but when Y/N snuggled closer in, some of the shaking died down. “It’s about these elves? And all the races around them. It’s sort of badly done, but considering everything it’s good.”
“Can you read it to me?” 
“Yeah, uh - sure.”
Y/N stifled a yawn and moved even closer. Her eyes slid shut and she let her mind drift, focused only on his sweet voice recounting a tale she probably would not remember the next day. And all the while, she could feel his heartbeat just barely against her own skin. And…
She blinked away the glossy cover of tears and pulled away from the book in hand. It had meant a lot to Ben, she did remember that - Diego had got it from him and though it was one of those clearance buys, the sort that were sold at the lowest of bookstores because no one else bought them, he had cherished it because it was from his brother and it was an act of love. And in turn, he had shared that love with her, eventually striking up a routine between the two of them. Any time she came over and it was nice, he would read and her head would rest against his shoulder, eyes sleepily watching as he read aloud to her. Sometimes, she would adjust and press a soft kiss to his shoulder, or cheek if she was brave enough, and watched as his face exploded with a deep red in reaction. It had made her smile, to know even before they ever solidified a thing between them, that they were both madly falling for the other.
It had not taken long for them to break. It was her that made the first move, though immediately after came his eager response. Even through the pain, Y/N smiled, seeing those fateful moments flashed in her mind like a movie. She never forgot that night.
It was raining, and she had come to his window soaked right through. He had scolded her for coming at all in such bad weather, and her argument back was that it was a short walk, and she could just steal another one of his signature black hoodies. Ben still remained tense, arguing back to her that she could get pneumonia or something in the cold, and then...
-Y/N gently touched her lip, cold fingers pressed into the skin. It was their first kiss, and it was everything expected - short, awkward and surprising for both of them. But just as a younger Y/N had pulled back, unsure if her kissing him was even the right move, if he had wanted that to happen, Ben pulled her in and that was when, really truly her young, cold heart burst and bloomed inside her chest.
She whirled around, coming face to face with a shocked Klaus Hargreeves. Or at least, who she could assume was him - it had been too many years, and he had aged remarkably, but the dark, glittering eyes definitely matched with the boy she once knew. Though, wrapped in cheap fur and a black coat that hung from his willowy frame, with large bags under his eyes and shaking hands - it was clear life had not treated her old friend well.
“What a surprise this is…”
“Yeah, sorry,” she mumbled. Her hands found the pockets of her sweater, forming fists within the fabric. “I didn’t mean to come uninvited. I just...heard the news about your father. Sorry, by the way.”
Klaus snorted. “Please. I think this might just be the happiest day of my life, Y/N. Finally, I can walk through this prison and not have to worry where’s he’s lurking - a goddamn creep, our dear father was!”
That outlook was not so surprising. She could honestly bet that none of them would be too saddened by the news, but there was still a sting of guilt at her being there. She shuffled in place. “Right. Well, still, sorry for showing up out of the blue and intruding.”
“You’re not intruding at all,” he said. Klaus’ gaze had softened and he pulled forward to pat her shoulder. “But I do have to ask - why now?”
“Oh. Well, um...honestly,” she sighed, “I came purely for my own self. I know I said all stuff about never coming back, but I-I - when I saw that he had died, I mean...it felt fitting.”
Klaus knew exactly what was alluded to - it was not hard to remember Y/N and Reginald’s first and only interaction. A shudder ran through his slender frame, and his grasp on her shoulder tightened. “Are you alright?”
Y/N nodded, though there was no possible way for her to be ‘alright’, not there and not then. “Yeah. I just...wanted to pay my respects, see it all one last time.”
“I still can’t wrap my head around it,” she murmured. Pulling away, she headed to the tiny desk and lifted one of her sketches for him to see. Rough charcoal formed a young boy’s face, frozen in a laugh, almost so real the two of them could hear the giggles fill the room. “I - for years, I couldn’t even think about it. Losing him...broke me so much, and I know - well, you get it. He was your brother, and I know that you two had such a bond. But I...I loved him, too.”
The room’s atmosphere suddenly shifted, a chill running through the and sending shivers down both individual’s spines. 
Klaus, for once, said nothing.
“I loved him so much, and I know he loved me. And I…” she stopped, wiping a fallen tear from her cheek. More followed swiftly, but those she ignored. “You know, we talked about what we could have, when he finally got old enough to leave. We’d run far, far away. Say a big screw you’ to dear old Reggie and leave to build our own lives. He wanted to go to school, you know? Dreamt of having a career of his own, something that helped the world. Something he got all on his own.”
“He was always the ‘goodest’ of us all.”
Y/N smiled softly at Klaus’ comment. Her face was alight with silver, and specks of black stained under her eyes, contrasting against the puffy red skin. But neither took note. “He was. He cared so damn much, about everyone. I could never understand how a boy that good could see himself as a monster, but I - I just wanted to tell him that he was nothing like what his father claimed him to be, he never could be.”
“Hey, no-” Klaus stepped forward then, wrapping his thin arms around her shaking frame. It was then that Y/N finally gave in and truly began to sob. Loud, broken cries that echoed throughout, filling the air. She tried to speak, struggling to say some sort of huffed apology, but he cut her off with a ‘you’re going to choke on your words, just hush!’. It was not that funny, but she did smile at that.
Finally, Y/N pulled away, brushing at her eyes and face with a sigh. “Thanks, Klaus.”
“Well, I’m not him but I am known for my hugs,” he grinned back, his own sadness staining his pale face. Still, he clung to the funny facade, twisting into a funny curtsy. “At your service.”
“Well, thanks.”
She moved back to the drawings, pulling through them with a frown, but Klaus did not take note of the art. Instead, his eyes drew down to the flash of light reflected on her finger. He gasped. “Is that--”
“-what - oh. Yeah,” she nodded solemnly. Her hand lifted and then he could see the slim ring on her hand, glittering in the light. It was plain, only decorated by a single diamond pressed into the precious metal. “S’a recent thing.”
“Well, congrats - whoever it is, they must be extremely lucky.”
Despite herself and the pain still wringing her heart through, Y/N smiled, thinking of who had put the ring on her finger. “Yeah...yeah, I think I’m the lucky one in this. I didn’t think I’d ever get the chance to be in this position, truly. But they’re...they’re good to me.”
“Well, I can’t wait for my wedding invite!”
“Ha - yeah. Of course, we’ll save a seat for you, Klaus.” The light soon faded in her eyes, though, as they lifted back to the surroundings and seemingly, she remembered just where she was. “This might sound silly, but...I actually came here, almost to come to terms with the engagement.”
“What do you mean?”
Y/N shrugged softly. “I don’t know. I just wanted a chance to say goodbye to him, one last time, let him go. I held onto him for so long, not accepting that he’s gone - and even now that I’m engaged to be wed, I still had this overwhelming guilt, like I was betraying Ben, somehow.”
“Well that’s not stupid, Y/N - you loved him. I don’t really know much about love, but I do know what the two of you had was...it was something,” Klaus said, almost wistfully as he looked at her hand. He moved beside her again, rubbing her shoulder with long, spindly fingers. She leant into the movement.
“We were supposed to get married, one day.”
“I know.”
“We were gonna have a big house, maybe take in a couple kids - we were both more into adoption, given everything.”
“I know, he told me. He never shut up about the plans, if you could imagine.”
Y/N shut her eyes, swaying ever so slightly where she stood. “I just wish...I wish I could see him one last time. Tell him I love him, that I always will.”
“He knows, Y/N. It’s okay.”
At that, her eyes sprung open, flitting over to stare in surprise at Klaus. “What do you mean by that?”
For a moment he froze, and almost looked through her, past at whatever could be behind. But just as she was going to question him and dig into whatever he could have meant by that, Klaus slipped into an easy smile and a shake of his head. “I just know, you know? Dear old Benny, God rest his soul.”
Her eyes remained narrowed in slight suspicion for a breath, but soon it slipped back into weariness and a soft, sad grin. She pulled him in for one last hug, clinging tight to him before drawing away. “Thanks for this, Klaus.”
“Oh, I - well, I haven’t done a thing.”
“No, seeing you again, getting a chance to get over myself and all the pent-up shit attached to him - it’s helped.” She patted his arm one last time before pulling away, brushing at her eyes on the way to the door. Her voice was choked as she spoke, but still clear enough to discern her words. “Goodbye, Klaus. Don’t be afraid to keep in touch.”
And with that, the door was shut and Y/N had vanished just as quickly as she had came from the room of her childhood love, leaving behind all the memories and pain of years long past.
Once he was sure she could not hear him, Klaus whirled around, glaring at the ghostly figure. “What was all that for?”
Ben’s pale face was stained with his own tears, broken by the image of Y/N. For just like for her, it had been years since he had properly seen her, aside from the glimpses of old memories he begged Klaus to bring out for him.
“She’s found someone,” he said, barely a mumble into the silence. His hand rose to wipe at his face. “She’s happy, Klaus.”
“Well I know she’s said that, but-”
-he cut him off with a wave of his hand, running straight through his brother’s body. “She’s happy, and I want - I can’t just be selfish and not let her move on.”
Klaus rolled his eyes and moved to interject, but once more Ben cut him off. He could not touch his brother, but did make a point to try, waving a ghostly hand through the man’s arm and torso. “It’s not worth it, Klaus.”
Outside the Hargreeves house, stood Y/N, frozen just outside the large gates. Her eyes were trained on the paper in hand. She had stolen one of the sketches, one of her favourites that were ever done of him. He had not known she was drawing him, lost in his book, cross-legged on his bed with eyes focused downwards. She had taken the chance and sketched him loosely, drawing the boy in all his soft glory, the faintest of smiles resting on thin lips and the silky strands of hair falling freely across his forehead. It never had been her best work, but it had meant the most to him and years and years later, it was the most important to her.
Y/N sighed shakily through her sobs. Her hand pressed one last time to the drawing, tracing the lines before falling away. The drawing was folded back up and slipped into her pocket to be clutched tight by shaking fingers. And with that, she turned away and began her walk back to her new life, away from the one she had left behind.
Little did she know, Ben had watched her from his old bedroom window, craning until he could not see her anymore.
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ohpretty-baby · 4 years
bts as my sophomore class teachers
a thread because i miss my teachers lowkey
anyways enjoy <3
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first hour: ap seminar with kim namjoon
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super philosophical 
is a fanboy for rosseau, calls him the original gangster
intimidatingly intelligent; like reads 3 books in one day and writes two papers on them intelligent
constantly connecting foundational thinkers/texts to real life situations (ex: echo and narcissus and selfies in social media)
makes you feel like a bad person by questioning your moral motives
there’s never a dull day in his class
one time we spent the hour evaluating billie eilish’s bad boy and that one “sweet but psycho” song and talked about double consciousness
the next day we did a full 180 and talked about mass burials
then we talked about the refugee crisis the day after that
extremely thought provoking conversations
gives you independence, which is a double edged sword because everyone in ap sem procrastinates
wants students to exceed not only in his class but also outside of school
my irl ap sem teacher helped me figure out that i wanted to go into a career of law !
also an extensive librarian (hence the ability to read 3 books in one day)
if you have the slight interest in something, he has a book for it
i literally have 8 books checked out from my school library because of him
gives you complete and honest ratings of r rated movies and posts them on your schoology board
not afraid to be scandalous
“now everyone say it with me: premarital sex!”
that was something my irl teacher said, that day we shouted out premarital sex about 15 times with the door wide open
amazing music taste
he listens to anything and everything, from french rap to spanish pop and then english folk songs
will dj for your graduation party for free
second hour: honors english with min yoongi
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insanely calm, probably just very sleepy
easy going, chill
you really don’t feel pressured in his class
people goof off in class and are generally very annoying, but he doesn’t care
occasionally lectures students if he really needs to 
communicates what we have to do and then lets us do the work
lets us fail if we’re not responsible
but will understand if you can’t turn in a project if life gets in the way
i still have a project i need to turn in oops-
i haven’t received any negative repercussions tho
lets kids eat in his class and lets them go to the vending machine if they have no food
i go to my locker every morning to get food to eat
eats with us
lets you use your phone and watch netflix
will even ask you what show you’re watching and if it’s good
actually a really good teacher if you pay attention in his class
kids just think they can slack off, they end up failing tho so it’s really none of his issues
for some reason he’s a substitute teacher for a lot of classes
when he subs, the classes are extremely fun 
one time i spent my whole sixth hour talking to him about my costar and astrology
goofs off with the kids
that same day he subbed, my friends were making panoramas of each other and he rated all of them
isn’t strict
cares about his students and is very easy to talk to
because of this a lot of students open up to him
isn’t a snitch
would willingly make fun of classic literature with you
third hour: honors chemistry with kim taehyung
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Super Sassy
always gets the last word when students mess around with him
“what’s your favorite double replacement reaction?”
“my favorite ones are the ones you guys get right; so none”
as you can guess, students love having conversation with him
probably has a dope ass instagram but damnit he won’t let accept anyone’s follow requests
probably because that’s illegal
constant Bad BItch energy
will openly tell students they are annoying without shame
will also openly tell you that you are dumb
once i thought that we had four principals (one for each grade, don’t question it) and my irl teacher was speechless,, like she couldn’t actually say anything at my stupidity
i would willingly sell my soul for my chemistry teacher
always has labs to do, even if they’re not very helpful at times
lets students retake tests by creating a new test 
but they’re actually harder than the actual test
students skip their own classes to visit him
i always skip my 6th hour to go into the chemistry
constantly has to chase away students
actually very sweet and cares about students, but is never really a push over
again, a constant Bad Bitch
fourth hour: honors spanish with kim seokjin
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an even Bigger Bad Bitch
super fun and sassy
we have fiestas but literally the only Spanish thing we have is chips and salsa and tacos
i’m not kidding
people just bring in cake pops and brownies
will sometimes teach a whole lesson in Spanish just to fuck with us
will also try to hold a conversation with us in Spanish just to fuck with us even more
loves seeing our shocked and confused faces when can’t answer his questions
actually teaches us
gives a lot of busy work but i honestly think that’s the better ways of learning and practicing Spanish, so there’s no complaints
engaging lessons, encourages us to make mistakes so we can be comfortable with the language
veryyyy helpful with pronunciation, makes sure that we know how to pronounce certain words
super trustworthy
once after school i spilled tea with my irl spanish teacher about a messy breakup i had gone thru, it was real fun
we have a theory that one of the senior teachers has a crush on her because he always visits her when he comes to our class
really good teacher but heavily overestimates our ability
especially when it comes to tests
but will admit his wrongs when we don’t do well in class
literally the best friend you wish you had
fifth hour: ap world with jeon jungkook
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literally really pretty
really funny and sweet but his class is hard
not because of the extensive work and the fast pace, but because he doesn’t prepare students enough for saqs, dbqs, leqs, etc.
we still love our ap world teacher bc she genuinely cares about us
teaches an ap class but has never taken an ap class in high school
still teaches even tho he’s sick and his own students have asked him to stay at home so he can feel better
really fun discussion activities, like fishbowls
always drinking tea with a cool ass mug that has all the presidents of the united states on it
wears really cute clothes and coordinates colors
but sometimes will just pull up in pajamas
either way he’s Stylin
makes sure that students know that he doesn’t believe in racism and communism
always tells his students to take care when they say goodbye
draws LOTS of smiley faces
sometimes more confused about the content then the students are
but genuinely kind and hard working, even if it takes him 3 months to grade papers
sixth hour: theology with jung hoseok
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confusing lectures
will talk about persecution in rome and then switch the topic onto blts (yes, the sandwich) and then talk about male circumcision
really goofy
talks very loudly because he takes his hearing aid out during lessons
honestly a really confusing teacher
a lot of people don’t like his teaching style, and neither do i, but it’s not a hard class so there’s really nothing to complain about
you really just need to read the slides in his class to pass
gives out homework but never grades it
i never turn in homework,,, 
i get a’s on his test and he just gives good grades for every homework assignment
honestly just really sweet and funny even when he tries not to
talks with his hands way too much
will take selfies with you if you let him
constantly asking for validation from his students
“is my teaching style ok? i know it can be confusing but i really try with making lectures funny so you guys won’t be bored”
can sometimes be annoying but everyone loves him because he just doesn’t make sense
literally the best class to do other homework in
sees students as his friends
once we had a public discussion online about our concerns of the coronavirus instead of actually learning about theology
i said that i was worried that i’d die of the coronavirus before i got a boyfriend
he replied to my comment saying “1. you are killing me ! :) 2. i’m sure that you have a lot of secret admirers, so the boyfriend thing is covered, they just need to figure things out. remember maturity happens at different stages for everyone.”
even though i don’t like his class at times, i know i’m gonna miss how crazy he is
seventh hour: honors geometry with park jimin
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Sweetest, Softest, Most Pure of all
gives out candy during tests
but not just any candy
the really good strawberry candies that grandmas always have and never run out of
sometimes the lessons go by too fast but yet too slow at the same time
a Literal Grandpa
doesn’t let kids say “shut up” or “dumb” in his class
claims that he doesn’t even say “shut up” to his own kids
always reminds kids that this is a No Judgement Zone
rewards students who answer challenging questions with little stand-up signs that say “Expert at Work” or “Rockstar” that they can put on their desk
will buy or make little stockings that spell out the initials of the high school
brags about his kohl’s cash
once bought a $50 scooter for only $5 dollars because of his kohl’s cash
stays after school for two hours to reteach lessons to students
takes little strolls around the school building with his friends during lunch
Mental Math Mondays
mondays are when we play mental math card games with the whole class
lets kids make their own card games
will ask if you’re okay if you look sad
will also ask if you’re okay if you look sleepy
asks kids to be patient with him when they have a confusing lesson to teach
wIll thoroughly explain everything to the best of his ability
definitely has never done anything wrong
this made me genuinely miss my teachers even though i hate school with my whole entire heart, soul, and mind! anyways love u guys
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🔥 ℝise Ⱥbove I̾t ◈ Chapter 030 [Scavenger Hunt]
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Word Count: 2,494
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
〈“So we’ll keep on starting the fire, thinking we’ll smoke out the liars. We don’t give up when we’re tired, that isn’t the way that I’m wired. Someday, we’re gonna rule the world.” Zayde Wolf, “Rule the World (Generdyn Remix)”〉
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
“Hey, kid!” Shimatsu grinned as I approached. “You were awesome in the cavalry battle!”
“Thanks,” I smiled softly. “Can I get three?”
“Coming right up!”
I glanced around at the spectators, chatting excitedly about the first two events of the sports fest. Several pro heroes were stationed around the stadium, keeping an eye out on the off chance some villain was dumb enough to try attacking. I spotted the chick from earlier, making a face at one of the food stall guys to get free food while the Woodsman scolded her for doing so.
Heroes… what does that word even mean, really? From what I remember from the TV shows and movies back home, the definition of a hero is someone that saves or helps others without ulterior motives and without personal gain. But in this world, being a hero is a job, one that young people across the globe aspire to have. People want to go pro for the fame, the fortune, and the power… If you have the title of hero, you can basically do whatever you want if Endeavor is anything to go by.
I wonder… why did my mother become a hero? Surely she got paid a lot more being a villain, so it couldn’t have been about money. She was already famous as an assassin, too. Was it the power she wanted? That doesn’t make sense, either. The world of villains makes it ten times easier to gain power because there are no rules or laws. What was her reasoning for changing her life? Did she have a dream? A goal she could only accomplish as a hero? I wish… I wish I could ask her.
I snapped my attention back to the old man.
He wasn’t smiling, his brow furrowed. “Are you okay? You seem distracted.”
I took the box from his hand, staring down at the individually wrapped tacos. “Nah, I don’t think I am. But… I will be. So don’t worry.” I grinned at him. “Thanks for the food, Ojin.”
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
“Get those foam fingers in the air, it’s almost time for the last round! But before that, good news for everyone that didn’t make the finals – since this is a sports festival, we’ve prepared some super fun side games everyone can participate in! We even brought in cheerleaders from America to get your blood pumping! Hold up…”
“What are they doing…”
“Looks like class 1-A is going full-on fanservice!!”
The fuck is that cockatiel going on about now? I glanced around, my eyes landing on my female classmates. Uhh, why the fuck are they cosplaying as cheerleaders? Ain’t our class getting enough attention already? Sparky and Mineta look awfully happy about this… I swear if they are responsible.
“What?! You tricked us?!” Momo cried, glaring at the two boys. “You’re gonna regret this!!” Fucking called it. I sighed, approaching Momo as she sunk to her knees. “Why is that I always end up falling for that little pervert’s stupid schemes? I even used my quirk to make these outfits…”
I scratched my cheek. “Haven’t you learned not to believe anything those two dopes say? You’re too naive, Momo, and they keep exploiting that.”
“Ugh!” Punk threw her pom-poms down, face completely red. “I hate those guys!”
“Well, we go have a little time before the finals start and I kinda like these uniforms, so~” Invisigirl started frantically waving her pom-poms and I could hear the smile in her voice. “How about we just roll with it?!”
“Are you crazy?!”
“Wow, Toru, you’ve got skills.”
Momo glanced up at me with a defeated expression. “I tried looking for you to let you know. I was worried that you might get into trouble for not participating, but now I’m glad I wasn’t able to…”
“I would’ve happily gotten in trouble,” I deadpanned. “I would die before wearing that shit.”
I smiled, patting her on the head. “Thanks for lookin’ out, though, Momo.”
She smiled back, nodding her head.
I turned toward the two boys, who were too busy watching Toru as she jumped around to notice my advancing toward them. I grabbed both of them by the back of the neck and slammed their faces together. They cried out in pain, wiggling in my grasp, but my hands started to heat up and they stilled, not wanting to get burnt. I smiled brightly, my voice low. “The next time you fuckers mess with the girls, I’ll give you a taste of pure hell, mkay?”
“Y-Yes, ma’am!” They cried as I threw them to the side, scurrying away with their tails between their legs. Fuckin’ idiots. I felt a tug on the back of my shirt and I turned around, raising a brow at Punk.
She shifted, her face still red in embarrassment. “Thanks for that.”
I hummed. “No problem. Sorry about that day in the locker room, I was kind of a dick to you.”
She smiled, “It’s no big deal. Water under the bridge.”
I scratched my cheek, a bead of sweat rolling down my cheek. “So, uh, what’s your name again?”
She sweatdropped. “You’re just like Bakugo, jeez. Kyoka Jirou.”
We shook hands, exchanging a grin. Huh, maybe this socializing shit ain’t as bad as I thought it was.
“Have fun competing in these side games, everyone! After they’re over, the twenty students from the top five teams will be duking it out one-on-one in a tournament-style fighting competition! I promise you’re not going to want to miss these match-ups!”
You’ve got to be kidding me. First, we gotta run around like chickens with our heads cut off, then we gotta work together and socialize, now we gotta beat the shit out of each other? Maybe I shouldn’t have dissed the idea of playing a game of golf…
“Ah, yeah! Finally getting a chance to show what we’re made of!” Kiri grinned brightly. “I watch these finals every year and now I’m actually in them!”
“So wait, is it always a tournament?” Alien asked curiously, bringing her finger to her chin.
“The final’s always a one-on-one competition, but they switch it up every time.” Flex Tape answered. “Last year, it was a foam sword-fighting match.”
I started laughing.
“What’s so funny?” Kiri asked in confusion.
“I just… I pictured hitting Bakugo with a foam sword on the head…”
He paused, lifting his head as he imagined it. Then he started to laugh with me.
“Come closer and draw lots to see who you’re up again!” Midnight announced. “And then enjoy the pleasure of the recreation games before we start. The twenty finalists have the option of participating in these activities or sitting out to prepare for battle. I’m sure you all want to conserve your stamina. I’ll start with the first-place team.”
“Um, excuse me…” Tail raised his hand in the air, looking sad. “Sorry, but I’m withdrawing.”
“Ojirou, no way…”
“But this is a rare chance for you to get scouted!”
“It just wouldn’t be right,” he responded. “I barely remember anything from the cavalry battle until the very end of it. I… think it was that guy’s quirk.”
I scratched my cheek thoughtfully, closing my eyes. Who was he partners with again? I don’t even remember seeing him once during the battle.
“I know this is a great opportunity,” he continued. “I wish I could take advantage of it but my conscious won’t let me.”
“Just think about this,” Izuku spoke softly.
“I have, okay?!” Ojirou’s brow furrowed as he held up his fist. “Everyone gave their all in round two, but I was just someone’s puppet. No way. I don’t want to advance if I don’t even know how I got here. It wouldn’t fair.”
“You’re making way too much of this!” Toru said cheerfully. “Just kill it in the finals and prove you should be here!”
“Yeah, what she said!” Alien added. “I didn’t do much in the battle, either.”
“That’s not it!” He covered his face with his hand. “I’m talking about my pride here. I refuse to give that up!”
Ah, men and their pride.
“Also… why are all the girls except for Winchester dressed like cheerleaders?”
“Because Mineta and Sparky are perverted dipshits,” I answered.
“Nirengeki Shoda from class 1-B,” A short boy with soft blue hair stepped forward. “I think I should withdraw for the exact same reason. Regardless of how strong I am, this isn’t how I wanted to get here! It would go against the values of the festival to advance without earning my spot!”
“Listen to these guys, they’re so manly!” Kirishima cried, making me sweatdrop and pat his back.
“Well now, here’s another weird turn of events.”
“We’ll have to see what Midnight has to say about all this, she’s the one in charge.”
Because letting the R-Rated hero be in charge sounds like a banger of a plan. What could possibly go wrong.
“This sort of talk is incredibly naive, my dear boys. That turns me on!”
“What the fuck, man.” I groaned, smacking my forehead. Thinking of Midnight being turned on is the last fucking thing I want burned into my skull.
“Shoda! Ojirou! You’re both withdrawn! Now, let’s see… We’ll move four students from the sixth place cavalry team so we have enough contestants.”
The orange-haired girl from class B spoke up. “We were frozen most of the time. Honestly, we barely did anything in the cavalry battle. Isn’t that right, girls?” She looked at the three standing on either side of her, who nodded in agreement. “You should choose from the group that kept fighting the whole time – team Tetsutetsu.”
“Kendo!” The silverette spoke up, surprise lacing his voice.
She smiled. “I’m not doing this as a favor. It’s just fair.”
“Seriously, you guys… thank you!!”
“And so, Tetsutetsu, Shiozaki, Honenuki, and Reggian have advanced to the finals. Take a look at the bracket, my dears! These are your opponents!”
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Let’s see, I’m fighting some bitch named Regina Reggian? The fuck kinda name is that, fam? That’s almost as bad as Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu…
“Hey, you’re Winchester, right?”
I glanced over my shoulder to see the black-haired guy with the air chain. “Depends on who’s askin’.”
“I’m your opponent,” he grinned. “The names Regina Reggian, but you can just call me Red.”
“Isn’t Regina a chick’s name?”
He sweatdropped, rubbing the back of his head. “Ah, well, my creator thought it would be funny. Pretty sure they hate me.”
“Right…” This bitch is definitely nuts.
“Listen up!” He pointed his finger in my face, pink eyes flashing as he grinned. “I’m gonna beat your ass like Jotarou beat Dio!”
“I don’t know who either of those people are, bro.”
“Okay! Let’s press pause for a momentary interlude! Before the battles begin, it’s time for some pulse-pounding side games! First, how about a scavenger hunt?!”
Cards were handed out to those wanting to participate.
I flipped mine over and my eye twitched. Where the fuck am I supposed to find this shit? I glanced around the field, eyes stopping on Bakugo who was leaning against the wall looking pissed off at the world. Oh… Well, then.
I grinned as I approached him. “Oi, Bakuhoe. I need you for somethin’.”
“Huh? What for – What the fuck are you doing, bitch?!”
I ignored his protests as I threw my arm around his upper thighs and hoisted him over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes. “Fuck, you’re heavier than I thought. Go on a diet.”
“Fuck you!” He smacked the back of my head. “Put me down or I’ll kill you!”
“Quit squirming, you fuck.” I scowled, coming to a stop in front of Midnight and dropping him onto his ass, holding out my card that read ‘犬 Dog’.
“I’m not a fucking dog!!” Bakugo screamed.
I scoffed. “You sure fucking yap like one, chihuahua.”
Midnight smacked the top of my head with her whip. “Denied!”
“Che, that ain’t fair, Midnight!” I scowled. “Where the fuck am I supposed to find a dog, huh? Am I fucking game to you?” I pointed at Bakugo’s face. “This is the closest fucking thing to a dog in this stadium! I demand a different card.”
“Son of a -”
Bakugo shoved his hands in his pockets, glaring at the side of my head. “Instead of doing this stupid shit, you should be getting ready for your match! I won’t fucking forgive you if you lose to anyone but me!”
“Yeah, yeah, whateva.” I sighed, deeply, turning and walking away from them. I was a few feet away when I heard a high-pitched voice.
“Hey! Miss!”
I glanced up at the stands, seeing a young boy about nine or ten leaning over the railing and waving frantically. “Uhh…”
“Catch me, ‘kay?”
“Wait, what, OI -!” He jumped over the railing, making the nearby spectators cry out and try to grab him. His aim was pretty on point, not gonna lie. His body slammed against mine and I lost my balance, falling back onto my ass with him in my lap. “What the fuck were you thinkin’, huh? You coulda got seriously hurt, kid!”
He grinned brightly, showing off a gap where he was missing a top tooth. “I had faith that you’d catch me, big sis!”
Sis? What, is he a fan of James Charles or somethin’? “You shouldn’t be down here, your parents are gonna be mad.”
“Mom’s at work and dad left us when I was three.”
I sweatdropped. “Who brought you here, then?”
“My big brother! But he’s too busy getting rejected by Mt. Lady!” He giggled.
“For fuck’s sake,” I slapped my forehead. He giggled again and I narrowed my eyes. “Do not repeat anything I say. Clear?”
“Kay~” He grinned. “You need a dog for the scavenger hunt, right?”
His body started to shift in my arms, getting a bit smaller as his skin and clothes were replaced by fur. The boy was now a dog, his legs and belly white while the rest of him was a soft orange. Now, I’m not a dog person at all, but he’s pretty fucking adorable. What is that, a corgi?
He licked my cheek, making my eye twitch in annoyance. “Sorry, I can only talk to people I’ve licked!”
“…alrighty then.” I returned to Midnight, holding the kid up like I was holding Simba.
She raised a brow but didn’t question where I had gotten him from. “Approved!”
“Dope.” I brought him back to my chest. “What’s your name, kid?”
“Riku Reigen!”
“Alright, Riku. Let’s find that idiot brother of yours.”
He tilted his doggy head to the side, ears flicking. “But what about the other events, big sis? You’re gonna miss them!”
I shrugged. “I was only doing it because it was easy and I had nothing else to do. Plus, I’m in the finals so I don’t have to participate.”
“Okay, if you’re sure!” He barked happily. “Let’s go~!”
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
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mobius-prime · 4 years
159. Sonic Super Special #15
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Welcome to the final Sonic Super Special ever! Here's my opinion on it. Past Super Specials have ranged from okay to amazing, depending on the writer and the subject matter, and their long length has usually, if you ask me, worked in their favor, as it meant more time and space to tell a compelling story. This is not true of this one. Unfortunately, the last super special of the comic is utterly awful, with two stories that do absolutely nothing to grip my attention, one of which ends in a status quo with a net gain of absolutely nothing, and the other of which is cringeworthy and isn't even very clear on when, where or how it takes place. Let's just get this over with, shall we?
Naugus Games
Writer: Ken Penders Pencils: Many Hands Colors: Josh and Aimeee Ray
This first story is far, far longer than it has any right to be - it really feels like they were trying to find ways to pad it out it to take up the full 48 pages of the special. Furthermore, you might notice some oddities about the credits above. First of all, Aimee's name is misspelled with three E's for both stories for some reason, indicating some lazy copy-and-pasting as well as a lack of care from the editors. Even more frustratingly, no one is actually credited directly for the pencils (or inks), with the art instead just being credited to "many hands." Remember how I said the comic was getting annoyingly bad about properly crediting people? Now, in case you're confused, there's not just some artist out there literally named Many Hands; instead, that's the comic's way of sidestepping actually bothering to credit any individuals for their work. It just means "eh, a lot of people worked on this I guess, but we don't care enough to actually tell you who." Unfortunately, unlike a few issues ago where the art style was immediately recognizable as Steven Butler's, the art style for this story is foreign to me, suggesting they got some people who weren't their usual artists to work on this one, so I can't even take an educated guess here. All I know is that both the art style in general and the quality of the inks are very poor, and as we'll see, the art gets unforgivably lazy at times. Perhaps best of all, this story was later retconned into a much more interesting and concise version of itself at a later date, with better storytelling and artwork to boot. The only reason, then, that I'm covering it at all, is honestly as a demonstration of just how lazy the comic could get at times, as well as due to the fact that this is the first appearance of "Many Hands," who later pencilled one other issue for the comic that was of equally poor quality.
So this story takes place at an unspecified time in the recent past. It seems to be sometime after Eggman's return, judging by some of the lines of dialogue within the story, but the actual timeframe is pretty vague. Sonic has returned to the Southern Tundra to pay his respects to Eddy, recalling how Eddy sacrificed himself when he, Tails, and Nate all fought Naugus here some time ago. He's brought a single rose to lay on the site of the wreckage, but the ground isn't quite stable…
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And here we have the first instance of a truly terrible art decision. Sonic falls into a pitch black cave system, but instead of representing this with maybe one page max of blackness or darker lighting, we're treated to nearly four pages straight of nothing but this:
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He blindly stumbles around for a while, informing us of this fact through dialogue bubbles because everyone knows that telling is better than showing in fiction, right? He finally hits a wall and sees a glow through a crack in it, so he tunnels his way into the next room only to find it full of glowing rings - apparently, either he, Tails and Naugus somehow didn't use up all the rings when they fought, or these one have just auto-generated themselves somehow down here. Sonic recalls memories of the previous battle when Nate sealed Naugus away with a wish from a ring, and then decides to try to use one to get out of the cave system.
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Wonderful! Apparently, a "wish" as defined by the magic of the rings just means that you think of someone's name while touching a ring, and so with a flash, Naugus is back from his imprisonment in the zone that Nate sealed him into! But how is this possible?
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That explanation makes… basically no sense, dude. Naugus was definitely sealed away in another zone, he didn't just get turned into a pile of telepathic rings. But whatever. He and Sonic start battling it out, and somehow make it outside, where Naugus conjures up a snowstorm that consistently stays centered on Sonic no matter where he runs. Time for the second awful art choice of the issue - now instead of four pages of pure blackness, we get six whole pages of this:
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I think the best thing about this is that the blizzard backgrounds are clearly not even hand drawn like the rest of the comic is - there's only two types of snowflakes up there, and they're consistently just copied and pasted in that same repetitive swirl pattern on every single page. I get that drawing for a big story in a super special like this can be long and tedious work, but this is why you don't try to find a way to artificially elongate a story like this which could easily be told in the span of a normal issue length. It just ends up making the audience feel like their time is being wasted. Anyway, the blizzard finally ends when Sonic pulls out a ring from his jacket and wishes for Naugus to be sealed away in his previous zone once more, and thus, Naugus is out of our hair again, with absolutely nothing to show for it. Man, if it's this easy to defeat people in this universe, why hasn't anyone tried this on Eggman yet?
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Sonic then leaves back for home, thinking one last time of Eddy, who is shown looking down on him from the heavens above. And thank god that story is over.
Sonic Spin City
Writer/Pencils: Michael Gallagher Colors: Josh and Aimeee Ray
Michael Gallagher, over the course of the comics, has gone from one of the series' main writers to basically a guest writer who's brought on every once in a while for special occasions. In this case, he even makes his return as a penciller! Unfortunately, his goofy writing style has begun to clash with the much more serious plots of these later issues, and this story is no exception. It's entirely unclear about whether we're supposed to take this story as actual canon, as a story from an alternate zone, or as just a silly joke story that doesn’t mean anything - and while I tend to try to avoid looking at non-canon materials in this review series (I've already skipped a few stories and issues for exactly this reason), the ambiguity of this one forces me to cover it. In addition, I don't even know why Josh and "Aimeee" were credited as colorists for this story, considering the entire thing is black and white with no color to be found.
Much like the first story of StH#52, this story has the flair of an old detective serial. Sonic is wandering the streets on a rainy night when two swatbots ambush him. Of course, two swatbots are no match.
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What does a swatbot need matches for? Eh, whatever. Sonic races over to Rusty's, a hangout for abandoned badniks, and orders himself a "chili dog float," which in addition to sounding absolutely disgusting doesn't even seem like something a bar for robots would serve in the first place. As he takes his seat, the lights go out, and… this abomination emerges onto the stage.
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Yes. The badniks are going wild for a swatbot with tits dancing seductively on a stage for them. What is she gonna do, plug them into a wall outlet? They even start screaming out for "the stretch," and appear to get even hornier as she massively elongates her legs for them. I mean, just, what? I swear, Michael, if we get one more weird borderline-sex thing like this from you in this comic, my eyes are gonna pop out of my head like Natsuki. A bot grabs the dancer's ankle, and she's thrown off balance and crashes down, with the head popping off to reveal that underneath, it's Bunnie in disguise.
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You know, after her claim all those issues back that she's a "sax cymbal," I'm not even gonna contest the idea that she'd do a sexy dance during infiltration for a mission. Hell, I get the impression she'd do one anyway just for fun back in Knothole if she got the chance. You might also notice her arm is the arm from her old design, and that coupled with Sonic's own design seems to indicate that if this took place at all in actual canon, it was before Eggman's return, though I'm immensely skeptical that this is supposed to be canon at all. Sonic and Bunnie take out the rest of Rusty's customer base, and then evacuate before the last swatbot activates its self-destruct chip, blowing the place sky high. Congratulations, nothing important was accomplished in this issue and nobody cares!
It's kinda sad that the final Sonic Super Special turned out to be so low-quality, honestly. However, this marks a bit of a turning point in the comic. For the first time in its entire run, from now on, there are no more special issues, no sister series, no miniseries, nothing. From the next issue, all the way to almost the 200th, with one exception in the form of a Free Comic Book Day issue, there are absolutely no interruptions from issue to issue. While this may not seem too notable at first, since we've just been reading everything in mostly-chronological order anyway, keep in mind that as far as the comic is concerned we're still in the year 2000, with a mere seven years having passed from the beginning of the comic all the way to now over the course of 159 issues. Over the course of the next 106 issues, we're going to blaze through nine years of comic history, meaning that the story is going to flow a lot faster, with more plot points being covered in a shorter amount of time. While this does make the order of issues a lot easier to follow, since there's no questions about which issue fits in where or anything, I am sad to see all the special issues go, as I quite enjoyed how they served to break up the flow of the comic as a whole with special stories and side content. Though we're still in the middle of our current plot era, we're entering into a new era of the comic as a whole, where we've got a straight shot through the next hundred issues. So I say - let's do it to it!
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