#she would've beat our asses over stuff like this
wordborne · 3 months
someone called me teacher at the workshop for subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing i gave today :3
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borathae · 14 days
Chapter 30
i just know she has a banging headache
wth yoongi where you waiting there or something?? “Are you still angry?” he asks dryly. is that even a question? “This wasn’t a request but an order”, he hisses, woah ok kitty
“seriously if he knows that I was all sad last night he could at least tone down the ass for a bit.” gurl have u seen his ass? u cant tone down an ass like that. have you seen his thumka in ptd??? it was paying rent
you look silly when you startle” and u look like a cat
It is a nice change, you grew bored of only hearing your steps in this massive estate. ooh thats a cool fact about herself, my steps get quieter if its already quiet, i hate the sound of my footsteps, idk feels too loud and gets on my nerves
The estate looks different too. White marble floors and ivory walls with impressive paintings in golden frames hung on them. The tall windows let in the morning air, red curtains swaying in the wind. Even the doors were different from the rest of the estate. Bright white with golden flower ornaments all over them. hold on this is bright, and yoongi didnt redo the entire estate in a night, so what part is this?
JIMIN'S WING WOW this feels so unlike him, yet him from his clothes/attitude
“you can’t just read people’s minds without their consent. i think he just hears everybody like background noise, some of them catching his attention for a second and lost again. similar to accidentally overhearing people, i guess?
waah THE GREENHOUSE YALL bruh let her see it for a second man
wow that was romantic 👀👀 slightly sus whats up yoon? Yoongi simply pushes a bowl of fruit salad closer to you, doing so wordlessly UWUW LOOK AT THAT TSUNDERE LIL MEOW MEOW IM GONNA MARRY HIM AAAAH whos mad at him? fight me (definitely not me)
Why? Do you want to complain again?” “chill my dude. I was going to compliment it.” “Thanks”, he finally says, almost whispering the word. “Whatever, you’re welcome I guess” STOP I LOVE THEM SO MUCH
Are you an old grumps or do you just not care because your humanity is off?” took words out of my mouth “You know I do”, he growls, but it sounded more like a shy whisper. IM TATTOOING "HE CARES" ON MY FOREHEAD “you’re helpful, even if other than that you are a total nuisance.” *goes for laser to get it removed kids plan permanent shit, dont be like me
Just once he disappeared to get more food. ok he is no longer a grumpy grandpa, he is now promoted to grumpy grandma
“You think I have time to think about that? Only idiots have a favourite scent.” BREAKING NEWS SA YOONGI INSULTS BTS JUNGKOOK. CANCEL HIM 😭😭😭😭
You look at the rose then at Yoongi. if it was jin, i would've said they are the same “Smell it”, you say. wow she is so polite, cuz if it was i would have already shoved it up their nose by the time i finish saying smell it (not being rude, just idk habit? like a kid showing stuff to people lol) SMELL THE DAMN PLANT FOR OUR BABY, UR NOT GONNA DIE FROM THAT DUDE
He rubs his hand back and forth on the side of his neck, eyes racing from side to side nervously. yoongi panicking(from silly stuff) is very funny cuz that man is usually calm and collected aside from screaming
“I’ve never seen someone walk so slowly” this man drinks grumpy animal blood, grumpy air and water
oh i had 3 tadpoles for a month lol
And so he does, showing off his teeth for just a second before he frowns again. YEAH LET THOSE FACE MUSCLES MOVE, what if your face gets stuck like that (look at me out-grandpa-ing the og grandpa)
“Yeah? So your best asset in getting Taehyung to talk doesn’t die?” .. “no because I don’t want to lose-” .. “-whatever. Are you going to promise me or not?” HAHA
“Okay I promise…you big softie.” He ignores you, grinding his teeth and turning to stomp to the door. haha look at him uwuw
he has a terribly fast pace going on. dad is that you? no literally my pace got faster after walking with him 💀💀
Oh yes! Gregory, my lovely Gregory. OH MY GOD I GOT SCARED IF IT WAS GREGOR OOF (or is it??)
oh my god tae my baby wtf man my eyes are blurry?? that was fast
please eat those strawberry OH THE SWING DANCING CAUGHT HIS ATTENTION oh my god jimin PLEASE HE *oh my god im about to bawl in the middle of the day in my room wtf have you seriously done to me haha 5 years back i would laugh at this in disbelief
*reads the list
SHIT NO fuck she fucked up *it was at this moment she knew she fucked up
yoongi is pissed and its an underestimation, understandable 🥲
i just know she has a banging headache
me rn because of my Suguru posture 😪
“seriously if he knows that I was all sad last night he could at least tone down the ass for a bit.” gurl have u seen his ass? u cant tone down an ass like that. have you seen his thumka in ptd??? it was paying rent
I genuinely love his ass so much I could look at it forever (respectfully)
you look silly when you startle” and u look like a cat
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It is a nice change, you grew bored of only hearing your steps in this massive estate. ooh thats a cool fact about herself, my steps get quieter if its already quiet, i hate the sound of my footsteps, idk feels too loud and gets on my nerves
okay I feel that jfadsjf but I think with me it's more of my ever present fear of being perceived JFJADJF don't ask it's a neurodivergent thing apparently 🙂
JIMIN'S WING WOW this feels so unlike him, yet him from his clothes/attitude
“you can’t just read people’s minds without their consent. i think he just hears everybody like background noise, some of them catching his attention for a second and lost again. similar to accidentally overhearing people, i guess?
I have to dissapoint you, it is a conscious decision to read people's minds JFAJSD so mister boongie has been doing it on purpose JFJADJ
wow that was romantic 👀👀 slightly sus whats up yoon? Yoongi simply pushes a bowl of fruit salad closer to you, doing so wordlessly UWUW LOOK AT THAT TSUNDERE LIL MEOW MEOW IM GONNA MARRY HIM AAAAH whos mad at him? fight me (definitely not me)
Why? Do you want to complain again?” “chill my dude. I was going to compliment it.” “Thanks”, he finally says, almost whispering the word. “Whatever, you’re welcome I guess” STOP I LOVE THEM SO MUCH
Are you an old grumps or do you just not care because your humanity is off?” took words out of my mouth “You know I do”, he growls, but it sounded more like a shy whisper. IM TATTOOING "HE CARES" ON MY FOREHEAD “you’re helpful, even if other than that you are a total nuisance.” *goes for laser to get it removed kids plan permanent shit, dont be like me
Just once he disappeared to get more food. ok he is no longer a grumpy grandpa, he is now promoted to grumpy grandma
grandpas can make food too, it's not just the women so he is definitely still our lil gramps <3
He rubs his hand back and forth on the side of his neck, eyes racing from side to side nervously. yoongi panicking(from silly stuff) is very funny cuz that man is usually calm and collected aside from screaming
“I’ve never seen someone walk so slowly” this man drinks grumpy animal blood, grumpy air and water
“Yeah? So your best asset in getting Taehyung to talk doesn’t die?” .. “no because I don’t want to lose-” .. “-whatever. Are you going to promise me or not?” HAHA
he is in loooovveeeee
“Okay I promise…you big softie.” He ignores you, grinding his teeth and turning to stomp to the door. haha look at him uwuw
he is just a lil pookie in love 😌
please eat those strawberry OH THE SWING DANCING CAUGHT HIS ATTENTION oh my god jimin PLEASE HE *oh my god im about to bawl in the middle of the day in my room wtf have you seriously done to me haha 5 years back i would laugh at this in disbelief
no but I'm so sad for real 😭😭
an i oop-
yoongi is pissed and its an underestimation, understandable 🥲
NO BUT THIS SCENE IS PERMANENTLY BURNED INTO MY MIND the way he just full on confesses that he loves her and that he is TRYING to be good for her LIKE 💔
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reveluving · 2 years
sweet treat ; joe pickett x reader
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summary: Joe and his girls help the neighbourhood baker plan the seasonal menu.
warnings: teeny bit of angst, but mostly fluff!
a/n: as if country boy Rick was not enough, our beloved Dorman has now lived in my head rent free ❤ thank you @lacontroller1991 for giving me the most wholesome ideas for this man! don’t forget to leave some sugar! ᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟ
» check out my m.list!
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'What are we, little lady?' ;
He never thought he'd drag his own ass out of bed by his girls on his day off to help the cute lil' baker with the seasonal menu. Though it didn't take long to convince him for obvious reasons, he was worried you'd rather work alone, more so with what he assumed would be a busy month. But, with his eldest telling him that it was you who offered them to tag along, he gave in and hoped that she was right. 
Their excitement grew as they were getting closer and closer to their destination, including Joe, who hid his hands in his pockets, hoping it wouldn't sweat any more than it already did.
Upon entering the bakery, Joe immediately noted the slight changes to the place; dried flower wreaths, decorative tree branches, mood-matching fairy lights, that little witch hat sticker on the glass display. 
Okay, maybe he has spent a lot of time here to be able to notice such details so quickly. 
"Is that who I think it is?" They perked up at the sing-song voice coming from the kitchen, beaming as you peeked your head out of the door, "Morning, girls!"
"(Y/N)!" The girls cheered, running up to you, where you lifted the flip-up countertop to greet them. He watched you quickly dust off the flour off your apron before kneeling down for a group hug. He was barely able to control the giddy smile, instead, he opted for a gentle one.
"I see you two brought company," You raised your brows at the man in question, "I take it that the girls used their secret weapon on you to bring you here?" You knew he wasn't spared from the puppy dog eyes that even you couldn't resist, though, deep down, you were thanking the heavens that they had such an ability. 
"He's helping us today!" You looked at Sheridan in surprise, albeit more so pleasant than anything, missing the way Joe tensed up.
"Really?" When your focus was back on their father, he was already looking at his shoes, shifting in place. 
"Mhm, He wanted to!" Lucy's response had your lips parted just a little. Your heart had already skipped a beat when you saw him at the door, now, it was close to stopping now that you'd heard that his arrival wasn't just to drop the girls off. 
"Did he now?" You asked no one in particular, trying to think of an answer without sounding too giddy about it, "Well, if he came here willingly just to taste the treats, he could've just said so."
Your collective giggles put him at ease, prompting him to chuckle. He was partially thankful that he didn't have to rack his brain for an explanation. 
"You caught me," He spoke for the first time since his arrival, "Should've known that my girls would throw me under the bus."
"What can I say?" You grinned at the two before giving him a closed-eye smile, "We girls like to share secrets." 
I hope not. 
He prayed that wasn't entirely true. He wasn't ready, physically or mentally. Even if he didn't have to worry, judging by your relationship with the girls, and somewhere at the back of his mind, he knew Marybeth would've wanted him to move forward. If he was going to proceed with this, he'd want to make it special. 
For both you and his girls. 
"Yeah? Then, should I worry 'bout you giving my girls a sugar rush, too?" His lighthearted remark caused you to snort. 
"There's not a lot, I promise. I just need the validation of my best customers so I'll know what exactly the neighbourhood likes," You pursed your lips, "Oh, and well, your approval, too, I guess." 
You grinned as he placed his hand over chest, feigning offense at your statement. 
"Shall we get started? I'm sure you three have stuff to do," You stood up from your position. 
"Not at all," Joe reassured, "The week's been pretty slow for us." The girls nodded at his statement. 
"Well, whatever the case is, I'm grateful, truly," You've always adored the Pickett's. Other than your infatuation for a certain someone, the sisters, too, have a special place in your heart. Even if your day was crappy, their presence could lift your mood in a snap, "C'mon, I've got everything set up." 
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By the time they arrived, your pecan snickerdoodles had just cooled on the rack. Rather than making the common ol’ pie out of it, you wanted to kick it up a notch, much like the rest of your new seasonal menu, with some help, of course. You have yet to familiarize yourself with the comfort foods here, despite having lived in Wyoming for over six months now, so you needed the aid of true locals, and who better to ask than the Pickett’s?
You didn’t even have the time to ask their opinion on the cookies when they immediately told you to put them on the menu. One of the reasons is being a moreish grab-and-go; the town isn’t always busy, but everyone would always have something to do, so they’d be pleased to have a sweet treat ready in hand, no matter where they are. You couldn’t argue with that, in fact, it was a win-win situation. 
With one down, you told them other sets of treats you had in mind, hoping to find two more that could potentially win the hearts of the neighbourhood. 
“Pumpkin doughnut sounds nice!”
“But pumpkin cupcakes sounds better!” You didn’t have to ask Joe to know that there was going to be a little argument over this. Luckily for you, he caught on.
“Girls, not in front of the little lady.” His warning was soft but firm enough that they muttered ‘sorry’ to you. You felt bad, knowing they just wanted to help and thought of an idea. 
“Tell you what,” You stood between both sisters, stroking their backs, “One day, we can make both the doughnuts and cupcakes, just for you guys,” Their eyes sparkled, looking at you with a silent ‘really?’, “I promise. For now, how about we stick with some good ol’ pumpkin pie?” They didn’t oppose it, so you turned to Joe, “What’d you think, Joe?”
“Can never go wrong with the classics.” He agreed, curtly nodding when you mouthed him a ‘thank you’ for easing the situation with the two. Their slight tension immediately disappeared when they asked you what a crumb cake tasted like. You thought they were joking, but the curiosity in their eyes and even Joe’s head tilt had you realizing that they were in fact, not kidding around. 
So, you knew what you had to do. 
The four of you got started with the pumpkin pie, considering how long both baking and chill time it would take. You and Sheridan prepared the filling while Lucy and her father worked on the crust you made in the morning. You couldn’t hide your amusement at how the duo were so careful, especially when Lucy repeatedly whispered to him to be careful as he transferred the dough to the pie dish. 
"Sorry ma'am." He apologized, despite the guiltless smile on his face at Lucy's pouty glare. 
Thirty minutes into its baking time, the girls were still playing tag in the dining area while Joe helped you wipe the cutleries you've washed. Just then, you noticed him looking over the bowl of cream you just whipped. 
"Don't think I didn't see you dip your finger in the cream, mister," He whirled around, eyes wide and lips still wrapped around his pinky before he raised his hands in defense. You nearly broke out of your demeanour just remembering how he licked the side of his lips, "What will the girls say if they ever saw their father do such a crime?" 
"They'd probably join me," He shrugged.
"Are you accusing them of something, Mr Pickett?" 
"I'm just speaking the truth, ma'am," He rested his side against the counter next to you, "They're only behaving now, but God knows if they'd stay that way the next time y'all have another baking party." 
"'Next time', huh?" You smirked, hiding your excitement with a teasing look. 
"I—" The realization had him snapping his lips shut in a thin line, even praying that the girls would barge in, "Well, I don't doubt that the girls love spending time with you." 
"I love spending time with them, too," You put away the last dish, wiping your hands with the rag perched on your shoulder before turning to him, "Between you and me, they're my favourite kids in the neighbourhood." 
"Because they visit here almost every day?" He snorted, even if he, too, visited the bakery often. 
"Okay, that, too," You pushed his shoulder lightly, "I mean, they've always been… the highlight of my day, y’know? Always sparing their time asking how I've been, even making friends with my staff. They, well, the three of you, are more than just my valued customers." 
It was your turn to feel shy, but also nervous, afraid you've crossed the line with your rambling. You nearly said something that could've potentially ruined what you have with the Pickett's, so you stopped there.
But, that man was sharp-eyed. 
"Yeah?" He began, sounding more intrigued than you thought, "Then, what are we, little lady?" 
His emphasis on 'we' made you wonder if he was talking about all three of them or just Joe himself.
His hand slid across the counter, approaching yours slowly as if he feared he was overstepping boundaries. You didn't move, in fact, you were hoping that he was going to do what he had in mind.
Your breath hitched at the feel of his warm touch. No doubt his hands were bigger, encompassing yours with no problem. 
You stared into his eyes, entranced by its ocean blue hue as he waited for your response with much wonder and dare you say, eagerness. 
"Joe, I—" 
The tiny footsteps that approached the kitchen door had you both pulling away at the same time. You were caressing your hand with the other subconsciously, missing the warmth you felt just moments ago. Joe wasn't doing any better, clenching that same fist as if he didn't believe what he did. 
"Girls, you're just in time!" You sported a tight smile, partially disappointed that the moment had to end but at the time, thankful that it did; you weren't sure how to answer even if he had given you a day for it, "The pie just got done baking but we gotta leave in the oven for a little bit so it doesn't crack at the top. Is it okay if we work on the crumb cake first?" 
"Cool, cool," You clasped your hands together before turning to Joe, "Uh, could you put the cream in the fridge for a bit, Joe?" 
"Right, right." He gave you a thumbs-up, turning around with the bowl in his hand and muttering 'fuck' before making his way to the fridge. Yet, it wasn't out of regret. Not when he was certain that you never did try to push him away. 
Throughout the second baking, you and Joe have been exchanging shy looks, which was definitely not a bad thing. Whether or not the girls noticed, you definitely didn't want to find out. His touch lingered till the very end of your activity, even after two hours. His hands were rough, a stark contrast to how gentle he caressed yours. You wouldn't be surprised if he heard how fast your heartbeat grew the second he stood right in front of you.
In the end, you took a piece each for leftovers, a couple of all three treats for the Pickett's and the remaining for the dear old lady and her huge family that you'd often bump into almost every morning. 
"Oh wow, it's three already?" Being the last person to leave the kitchen, you gasped at the time, "I made you guys miss lunch! I'm so sorry!" 
"Hey, hey, hey, none of that now," Joe interrupted before you could even repeat your apologies, "Had you been doing these all on your own, who knows when you'd take a break," He had a point; you would've been so caught up with work that you wouldn't even realized your own needs.
"Maybe…" You scratched your cheek, "But you guys must be hungry. I know all that sugar couldn't cut it." 
You watched as the Pickett's glanced at one another, possibly communicating telepathically before Joe opened his mouth.
"Tell you what," He began, "We don't want you feeling guilty over this 'cause mind you, I—we," He corrected, though everyone caught on pretty quickly, "We had a great time. And here, I thought, I'd leave the place covered in flour." 
He preened as your guilt turned into soft giggles.
"But what I'm trying to say is, how's about you join us for lunch?" 
You straightened up at his offer. 
"You want me to join you guys for lunch?" 
"I don't see why not. Girls?" Your eyes dropped to the sisters', not expecting the puppy eyes. He chuckled, noticing their little game, too, "Well, there you go." 
"I…" You weren't even sure if the girls leaning forward for your answer was just your own imagination, "I'd love to." 
Oh, how wish Joe could cheer the way the girls did, so one could imagine the self-control he needed to respond with a smile. 
"Good. Now, come on," The girls walked ahead of the two of you, giving him an opportunity to talk to you one-on-one, "I know a joint who makes good biscuits." 
"Oh yeah? Better than mine?"
"You don't make biscuits… Right?" He furrowed brows, trying to remember if you ever did.
"You don't know that, I could make a mean batch," You crossed your arms, "Why, you doubting me, sheriff?" 
He playfully rolled his eyes, though the upturn of his lips gave it away. Even after months of knowing you, you still loved to call him sheriff. You argued that it had a better ring to calling him 'Sheriff Pickett' rather than warden or chief. 
Not that he minded, really. 
"Hey, I never said I did," He stated as-a-matter-of-factly, "But I am going to need proof." 
"Careful, sheriff," You tutted, "You might not like it when I'm right." 
"Oh, 'when', not 'if'? Pray tell what's it in if it works in your favour?" He moved an inch closer to you, his breath growing heavier when your eyes locked. 
"Who knows?" You took him by surprise when sidestepped out of his vision, a cheeky grin at his blinking state, "Only time will tell." 
You exited the bakery, taking the seconds-long chance to regulate your burning skin before laughing with the girls as they chased around you. Joe, being the one who offered to close up the shop for you, finally let out a mix between a sigh and a chuckle as he watched the wholesome moment from the window. 
Not once did you or Joe ever forget about whatever happened in the kitchen nor did any of you tried to. At this point, there was no way you could mistake it for anything else and yet, you were still too scared to make a move. 
Guess you were right about one thing. 
Only time will tell. 
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» tagging my MCB Babes: @lacontroller1991 @11thstreetvigilante @pirategamora @neon-supernova @violetmuses ❤
» gorgeous rose divider by the amazing @firefly-graphics ♡
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souryogurt64 · 2 years
ive been here long enough that i remember when you made a slideshow video of you and your brunette friend to alone together by fob
i love you you get a veterans discount and im so sorry about me
Ok long ass storytime you didn't ask for and dont want
That was my toxic homoerotic best friend I was inseparable with when I was 14. We got paired together on a class field trip because we were both weird girls with no friends no one else liked or wanted to hang out with and we were pretty much instantly codependent and obsessed with each other and did things like call each other the moon and sun and talk about cutting ourselves while listening to My Chemical Romance and try to start a """band""". We met Frank Iero and Brendon Urie together and did a lot of bandom erotic roleplays, which is how you know we were super weird. We did a lot of cool stuff too, like sneak off to Chicago and also see Fall Out Boy and host girl makeout parties in her basement.
We got picked on really bad but she was kind of unhinged and violent and brought that out in me a little. Both of us were really unstable because our home lives kind of sucked-- I got taken to the hospital in a cop car and she went to the psych ward for suicide attempts a couple times I believe. There were a couple incidents where we were getting bullied and we never hit anybody but we'd just do something totally crazy like start screaming and barking or dry humping each other and legitimately scare people into leaving us alone. We mostly got called dykes but we would feel each other up and hold hands at school so it was kind of justified. Once we both were play wrestling the only goth (and therefore, only hot) guy at my school and he got up in the middle of it and beat off in the bathroom.
Then things went south slowly around junior year because there was a lot of complex homoerotic/homosexual high school lesbian drama involving revenge sex and jealousy and love heptagons and weed and handjobs and everything great about high school.
Anyway, we ended up getting into a fight senior year and not speaking. We were very toxic, so this was not unusual, however usually we would make up pretty quickly. The fights kept lasting longer and longer but I always thought we'd come around. Our last fight, though, was senior year of high school, and it went on for so long I honestly forgot we were fighting and thought we had just drifted apart. The details of the fight are just typical girl drama-- jealousy over friends and girls/boys and growing apart-- but anyway, she was going down a certain path and her other friend got in a fight with her too. I had nothing to do with it, but I guess she blamed me.
She jumped me in the hallway on my way to math class and grabbed me around the throat. In my head I wasn't even mad at her, so I was really confused at first and thought she had one of her drastic mood swings and was hugging me. She was not.
Anyway, she tried to get me to fight her in the middle of the most crowded hallway in school. It was nothing serious but she was like grabbing me and pushing me and screaming expletives and trying to get me to hit her back so we could actually fight. My parents always blamed me when people started shit and I didn't feel like dealing with drama at home too so I tried to de-escalate and just stood there. I was also smaller than her and am extremely weak and uncoordinated, so I definitely would've lost.
There were at least 50 people watching in horror. It got filmed. It was an absolutely huge spectacle and one of the only "fights" at my white upper middle class high school so the video was everywhere. Three teachers had to pull her off of me. I worked in a grocery store and underclassmen would come up to me laughing and ask if I was the girl from the video. Humiliating. The school did not call my parents and I did not tell them what happened because they would've gotten mad at me.
Anyway, she picks a fight with a kid who had some intellectual disabilities and anger management issues and gets her lights punched out like a week later. The school year ends shortly and I go to Florida with my family. While I am in Florida, I get a call from the police. They ask me if I'm having any friend drama with a brunette. I'm so scared and confused and think this is about the "fight" so I say yeah.
They tell me that she came to my house with our other friend in broad daylight and was doing donuts outside my house screaming bitch and cunt and whatever else and throwing food at my house and car. A couple of the neighbors called the police and wrote down her license plate. When the cops came to her house she tried to tell them that I called them and made up the entire thing to get revenge on her. Then the cops were like "Haha liar, she's in Florida."
All of the dads on my street are living for the drama and desperately want me to press charges but I'm so fucking embarrassed I tell the cops "Please do not press charges" and say I'm not saying anything else. They tell me they still have to press lesser charges but they're not gonna make me get involved. The friend she was with was younger and caved immediately and confessed to everything.
I didn't want any involvement or to hear anything else about it but they both got charged with something not very serious, I think the younger one just had to write an essay and they'd drop it.
Anyway, I genuinely miss her and think she was a great friend but she had some screws loose. We were very homoerotic and she was the most fiercely loyal person I've ever met. One time she attacked a girl that was picking on us with a music stand in front of hundreds of people and the girl never bothered me again, which is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me and will ever do for me, probably.
I really loved her and I knew she had a rougher background than I did and was starting on a not-great path. In retrospect, our friendship was more messed up than I realized-- she fucked my ex-girl-fling solely so they could get "revenge" on me and no one ever told me until 7 years later. I didn't even notice or think she'd do something like that but I suspect it had to do with the whole homoeroticism thing.
Anyway, I was definitely kind of shitty and super annoying when I was 16 too but I think why we split up boiled down to the fact that I was very serious about staying away from sex/drugs/alcohol until I was like 19-20, whereas my friends including her started to experiment at like 15-16. I don't think I would've actually snitched, but I think they rightfully perceived me as a snitch because I acted like one and was really annoying about how we shouldn't do that stuff.
Later I found out she had this drug dealer boyfriend for like a year I didn't know about and was off doing whatever substances with these girls she told me she hated, while telling them she hated me. I could see she was on a not awesome path and we were growing apart and I tried to get her off it. When I was 17 I really wanted for us to both run off to Chicago together but in retrospect I definitely think I was just berating her and acting like an annoying square/virgin and making her feel bad about her academic performance and this was never going to happen.
A year or so later I was in a cemetery at midnight on New Years' listening to My Chemical Romance and drinking sparkling grape juice with my friends. This car also in the cemetery started revving up and acting like it was gonna ram us. We got so scared we floored it out of there backwards with everyone in the car screaming but we realized once we got out it was her car.
She ended up getting arrested for pot later and posted her getting arrested on Snapchat. Idk where she is now. Everyone was so afraid of her at that point that if they saw her in public they would run. I still miss her a lot though.
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safyresky · 1 year
Ello! :)
Re: Writer (& Artist) Ask Game
What are some of your OCs biggest fears? 
What are your favourite relationships between your OCs? (romantic or platonic!)
OC you most struggled to make?
Describe the setting of one or more of your wips 
What are some tropes and character dynamics found in your wips?
What’s your favourite genre to write? Is it also your favourite genre to read? 
What was your first fandom you were in? Did you make any art/fanfic for it? 
I have had a BUSY FEW DAYS but am FINALLY SITTING TO ANSWER THIS! Thanks for the ask K!
writer and artist ask game
What are some of your OCs biggest fears? 
Funnily enough I actually have an ask from AGES AGO detailing the fears of ALL the Legates! It is right here :)
But some new ones for you: Spring fears that she is not enough and will never live up to Mother Nature or her sisters. She thinks that any one of them would've made a better Legate to Mother Nature than her!
Blossom Bunny fears NOTHING. Literally. Nothing scares her. the thought of just, nothing?!?!?!?! She does NOT vibe with that, Night and Day are like "ah yes. our void." and Blossom is like "well you can fuck RIGHT OFF with that fatass krispy kreme bullshit" and then Spring beats up Jacqueline for teaching blossom swears a la this meme 😂😂😂 (casually gonna add that to my to doodle list)
What are your favourite relationships between your OCs? (romantic or platonic!)
Diteline and Blinter have my whole ass entire soul and heart 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭. I love them I love them I LOVE THEM! Blinter's whole EVERYTHING is MY everything, and Diteline's story is AMAZING (one day I will write it), and they're such fun little pairs and I just. hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (dies)
I am also very vibing Jack's relationships with the Twins. We've explored him and Fino and how they bond over stuff, and I am EXCITED for a scene in Chapter 29 of CS that explores the Fiera/Jack side of things! I also cannot stop THINKING of the Twin Princes. My god. If Pyros ever smartened up their relationship would be HILARIOUS. In the unlikely event this happens, here are some spoilers: it's a frenemy relationship and they bond by committing patricide >:)
ALSO! I don't talk much about it but Myles and Xander are biffers. My god. those two can go on about ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING. ESPECIALLY magic tech! Their interests merge very nicely, when they work together? My GOD. These two fuckos accomplish a LOT.
OC you most struggled to make?
Myles and Olivia, funnily enough! It was sooo hard to figure out these two it was unREAL. My friend Kade had made a lil TF Legate AGES ago and Myles kinda was inspired by that as a fun fact! And then Olivia also appeared and I was like quoi??? And she was like Myles is the most nervous lil guy so I also Legate with him BUT he will be Next TF (intense AC stare) she is going to make SURE OF IT because SHE has PLANS! Head Healer has her NAME ON IT >:)
The other Legates came fairly easily! The one with the MOST development who is the MOST different from their original concept is Dite, 100% 😳😳
Describe the setting of one or more of your wips.
The Blinter Thing that started as vent art and is now uh. a something??? Takes place in Crystal Springs, ~100 or so years AFTER the Millennia War/Civil War/War of Succession! It's a new baby city, just breaking out of the confines of a monarchist regime that nobody seemed to really realize had such a tight fist over customs and traditions and laws and stuff until they got rid of those hoes and created the democracy-esque thing that Crystal Springs is known as today!
What are some tropes and character dynamics found in your wips?
Evil Uncles, for some odd reason. I have 3 Uncles and they aren't really evil? One sucks and is the WORST, the other one is like. Very right wing and innapropro in terms of jokes and just. Awkward, and the third one was an amazing guy but has since passed! so, yeah, not sure where the evil Uncles thing comes from but it is prevalent.
Redemption Arcs. Love me a good Redemption Arc. I blame ATLA 100%
And good parents! That's a character dynamic, right? Lol. But yeah, My parents suck, and I am TIRED of sucky parents, so I am going to write ALL THE GOOD PARENT DYNAMICS! HECK!
What’s your favourite genre to write? Is it also your favourite genre to read? 
Uhhhhh that's a good? Question? Is general a genre? I like writing general things tbh, love continuations of things and just Really Good Stories! Fantasy and romance are FUN, and I quite like reading Fantasy! Romance hasn't hit the way it used to but I still quite enjoy reading a good romance :) Bonus if miscommunication ISN'T a major plot device, and BONUS BONUS if they're pals first! I like seeing development in relationships before hopping to the romance bits. Slow burn? sign me the FUCK UP
So yes, they are my faves to read as well as write! The more fantastical the better. Please, bury me in your magical lore in your fantasy lands! I will DIE HAPPY
What was your first fandom you were in? Did you make any art/fanfic for it? 
The first fandom I actively took PART in was the Mentalist! I wrote a couple of things for it, and they are up on my ff.net page. I liked Jane and Lisbon a lot! I feel like if I were to rewatch it, tho, I'd not ship them as much 🤔🤔🤔
Danny Phantom was deffs the OG OG OG phandom! My very first OC was a self-insert halfa named ghostliy princess (yes, spelt incorrectly) and that was my internet name ALL OVER THE PLACE up until MCR released Danger Days, and I decided my killjoy name would be Sapphire Sky and started changing it on ff.net. Only to find it was taken. So I went FULL WHITE LADY and spelt it in a way that nobody would EVER think was pronounced sapphire, and BOOM! SafyreSky Industries was born!
Nowadays if I had a Killjoy-sona, she'd be named Rainbow Vomit or Pastel Punk Puke 😂😂😂
BUT ANYWAY I did do some stuff for Danny Phantom! There was one Phanniemay that I was v active in and wrote a couple of oneshots for! I had plans for every prompt for the month, but then found it hard to balance my first full time job with art so it fell by the wayside.
Here are a couple of Danny Phantom things I wrote! I dare not reread them or the urge to rewrite will consume me, and I really need to focus on Crystal Springs lmao. I wanna crosspost ASAP but have been procrastinating/distracted bc of wedding planning 😅😅😅
The uh. Halfa self-insert OC has art, too. There is NOTHING that would get me to post it, I'm not even joking. She will never see the light of day (probably) and that's a rock fact! (or lie. idk man. I'll need a LOT of confidence to post those ones 😵
Anywho! thanks again for the ask! And if anyone wants to send more in please go crazy, I should be at my desk tomorrow? We'll see. I went on a clean the house rampage today, and it took the entire day to do the downstairs and the bathroom upstairs still needs to be cleaned sooooooo WHO'S TO SAY!
But yeah busy week over here! Work was busy and then I was also EXHAUSTED post Quebec trip. I napped every day this week. And then yesterday Richard and I watched back-to-back Disney flicks and then I passed out, lmao. And then today was groceries then cleaning the house! Which was gr8 actually, it was getting dusty as FUCK up in here. And guys, don't even get me STARTED on the furnace nonsense bc that's been. Well. NONSENSE. hhhh.
Anyway! Cheers and such! :)
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sasha2234 · 2 years
Ethan page X Female reader
Aew masterlist♡ main masterlist♡ Ethan page masterlist♡
Warning: beating someone's ass, PDA, over affection,making out and slight choking
Y/n pov
I was backstage watching the confrontation between The men of the year and Dan lambert and Sammy Guevara and Tay conti when they brought up mine and Ethans relationships and bringing up my name. I can't believe they'd do that me Sammy and Tay used to be great friends but when they started dating they changed and it was disgusting they just thought I was jealous and wanted me to "be mad". I snapped out of my train of thought hearing them say more stuff and Tay trying to start on Ethan so I got up and went out there when the crowd heard my theme they went nuts I went out there with a mic "I think you both need to do all of us a favor and just SHUT UP oh my God we are tired of you both coming out here week after week and saying nothing relevant and then just start choking each other with your tongues like I am NOT the only person tired of the both of you week after week after week coming out here and spewing your bullshit and worst of all Tay hunny the next time my man's name comes our of your mouth well you won't have teeth to talk anymore ok and I swear I will break your face maybe then Sammy will drop you oop- and Sammy love no just no ok 1. You can't beat scorpio and 2. Say my name again and we'll stighten this out gòt it" right after you said that the crown erupted and the couple looked pissed "Y/n just shut up already no one here cares about you or your "man" Ok Tay will always be a better woman than you she's already better looking" said Sammy that was the last starw I looked him in the face and slapped him right as I did that Tay came up in my face and I lost it and slapped her too then we started fighting and the girls from the back had to part us "COME ON BITCH YOU WANTED IT LET ME SHOW "BE MAD" WHEN Ì SHOVE MY FOOT DOWN YOUR THROAT YOUVE HAD A LOT OF PRACTICE HAVENT YOU" I said that trying to attack her again
Skip to when your backstage
Scorpio could not stop laughing
"I'm sorry that was the best thing I've ever seen I didn't know you could trash talk like that" scorpio said laughing his ass of then he left going to pester someone else
Ethan just looked at me I couldn't even read his face or anything I walled over to him hugging his waist "I'm sorry i let my anger get the best of my but its not my fault that bitch can't keep his mouth shut he shouldn't have said anything and his blond bimbo shouldn't have jumped in" I said he looked down at me and kissed my head then he lifted me up and put me on a crate standing in between my legs "I'm not mad for anything I'm proud of you but don't you ever ever again put your hands on another man caues if he had done anything I would've killed him" Ethan said hugging me I smiled agreeing with him I looked I'm his eyes and leaned down kissing him his lips were so soft I put my hands in his hair tangling then his hand found my neck holding me in place I was so glad we're in a dark corner no one could see us we pulled apart breathless "I love you" "I love you too now let's go I'm hungry and I can bet scorpio is somewhere killing someone with his mouth"
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daiseukiis · 3 years
𝙚𝙥𝙞𝙨𝙤𝙙𝙚 𝙩𝙬𝙤 ; 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙛𝙪𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙜𝙪𝙧𝙤𝙨 𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙩𝙬𝙤
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─꒱ in which we peak into how life is as the in-law of the fushiguro family after marrying megumi。
─꒱ feat. fushiguro megumi, fushiguro toji & fushiguro tsumiki
─꒱ warnings ; profanity, chaotic hot shit
─꒱ episode one | 𝐅𝐔𝐂𝐊 𝐈𝐓 𝐔𝐏 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐔𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐔𝐑𝐎𝐒 | episode three
꒰꒰ you love your father-in-law, like you really do love toji, but that worm of his needs to be in a fucking cage.
a loud scream comes from the top of your lungs early in the morning, eyelashes blinking to shoo the drowsiness away after it's been awakened by the warm sun rays that lay atop your eyelids. as much as you love waking up in the morning in bed with your husband, you don't get that luxury sometimes.
"y/n?!" hearing the loud footsteps of your husband rushing towards with another scream from your sister-in-law, the both of them slam the door wide open. "what happened?!" toji is the last to appear to the scene, his expression more on the sight of confusion compared to the worried and panicked facials on megumi and tsumiki's face. "what the fuck?"
"get this fucking worm off me!"
꒰꒰ if that worm wasn't adopted by toji it would've been on fucking sight. that shit uglier then sukuna's stock of human girls for his bitch soup.
꒰꒰ after you told megumi what toji had told you when you were left alone with him ( the sex question ), you are no longer allowed to be alone at home with him. megumi made sure that the dogs are around.
꒰꒰ you found out the hard way that toji has some lameass dad jokes.
you and tsumiki decided to order sushi for dinner due to the fact the both of you were too lazy to cook, seeing how you and megumi came back tired from a mission and toji from one as well, you all felt bad having tsumiki cook all on her own so you bought food instead.
"i'd avoid sushi if i were you, it seems fishy." toji says just as you all prepared the table to eat. you and megumi freeze on the spot, the trio of you all turning your heads towards toji who sports a serious face. megumi groans, "don't ever do that again."
"i thought it was pretty good." tsumiki lets out a small giggle, you smiling that toji was now comfortable to even make jokes after everything. megumi turns to counter his sister's opnion, through you all swore you heard a stifled chuckle come from toji.
'he's laughing at his own jokes!'
꒰꒰ the effort is appreciated though.
꒰꒰ sometimes you and tsumiki buy too many stuff at the groceries, you call megumi to summon nue and get his shikigami to carry it for you two.
꒰꒰ toji offered ( jokingly ) to let you guys use his worm as a storage while you went shopping for groceries once, let's just say he got smacked in the face with a pan.
꒰꒰ it's his fault for joking while you were cooking.
꒰꒰ you were used to waking up three in the morning for anything and seeing your husband and father-in-law tying some burglar or assassin up, but no way were the rest of the family used to you doing the work.
"y/n?" megumi comes walking down the stairs with his father, turning on the lights in the dark hour to gain a shred of shine. the two males see in full picture that you had just finished punching someone in the face, the other hand holding them up by the collar as it physically shows that whoever this guy dressed in black had just failed in whatever mission he had in mind.
"who's that?" toji raises a brow, more so on the fact that he is impressed you beat up the intruder without a single sound in the dead of night. the look of displeasure shows you were in no mood, wanting nothing more than what you had walked downstairs for before this piece of shit decided to ruin your night. you throw the man in black on to the floor, scowling.
"all i wanted was a glass of fucking water, not an assassin who can't even use the front door."
꒰꒰ when you and tsumiki make food in the kitchen, expect a knife to go flying at least once.
꒰꒰ you don't know if you should be thankful to have tsumiki as your sister or not, she's unintentionally scary and she's not even trying.
꒰꒰ somehow you always end up walking into an argument between megumi and toji ( usually after leaving the kitchen to get a snack ) but you instantly walk out because the last time you didn't, shit was ugly.
"hey... can we all just calm down?" tsumiki is in between toji and megumi who are constantly throwing insults and such at each other, whatever argument they were having she tries to settle it down without anyone getting injured.
"i can't when this pathetic excuse of a father can't grow the fuck up!" megumi bellows, glaring at the older man who lets out a tsk and a frown. "watch what you're saying, i'll hand down an ass whoopin' on ya."
'this seems interesting.' you sip on your boba after walking out from the kitchen, the bowl of popcorn just beside you as you ate and speculated. it was normal for the father-son duo to have their fights, usually it was fun to watch because it ended up as good entertainment for you. so in result: you have no intention in stopping them.
"no, guys, seriously..." tsumiki pleads, her hands slightly apart to try and force space between them. though her efforts were thrown out the window when in complete sync did they yell right back at tsumiki. "just mind your own business!"
'they punched her!' the boba fell from your hands and the popcorn flew, much like how tsumiki started to fall back towards the couch. it took less than a millisecond for the two to realize what the did, and they knew they were fucked.
꒰꒰ sometimes you still have nightmares about it.
꒰꒰ there are times that toji would be coming home with a woman tailing behind him, and it's somehow always when megumi and tsumiki are out.
"tadamasu." toji greets as he walks in, talking his footwear off and leaving it in front of the door. you pop your head out from the living room into the hallway of the entrance as you greet him on his return, "hokairi."
"who's the bitch?" you notice a woman who had too much make up to show her curstyass in front of you, a click of your tongue echoes through the two meter distance between you and her as you cross your arms. "who's the slut?"
"youー!" her face twists in fury, heels about to click and clack each step to get to you but is instantly stopped by the sound of toji's deep voice. "get out." the girl looks baffled by his words, face contouring into a smile full on uneasiness. "but tojiー"
"i said get out." his voice is much more prominent and demanding, sending chills down her spine as she steps back in caution. you stand here watching as the woman still refused to leave your home, in seconds did toji grab hold of her wrist and threw her out of the house ( much to the woman's displeasure ). you grin from ear to ear, running out to see her limping her way back to her rented car right beside toji. you call her out, the glare she sends your way is priceless as you stand beside your father-in-law with all the glory in the world.
"by the way, i'm his amazing daughter-in-law! and we have decided that a clown lookin' ass like you doesn't deserve the right to fuck a fushiguro!" you wink.
"yeah, yeah. get back inside, y/n. megumi 'n tsumiki 'ill be back home, don't want them nagging that our y/n got into some cat fight again." you hear toji from inside the house, walking away from your figure. you pout your cheeks out, "it's not a cat fight, it's my bad bitch moves!"
"i'll lock you out."
"this is my house!"
꒰꒰ you stopped questioning megumi and toji's cooking skills because the last time you and tsumiki let them cook dinner, they didn't just burn the eggs they were making but also trashed half the kitchen.
꒰꒰ they made an oil fire that time, and no one knows how but toji was able to get the zenin clan to pay for repairs???
꒰꒰ and apparently for the past five months the zenin clan have been paying for repairs and they didn't even know toji was using their money, well until naobito found out and busted your front door on a weekend.
"toji!" you heard the current head of the zenin's clan voice boom through your house, you also watched the white front door fly through the hallway right before your eyes after you have just watered your little cactuses. in seconds you hear the lazy voice of your father-in-law, emerging from the kitchen with a confused tsumiki. "what do you want."
"how dare you use the zenin clan's money on your mistakes!" naobito starts striding towards toji in anger, your eyes glancing over at your now open door to see naoya waving to you. you lift your waterer up in acknowledgment of his existence before snapping at naobito.
"how about your mistake?" you watch naobito grip on to the collar of toji's shirt, the look of fury engraved on his old face as he glares your way. "what?" he says, dropping toji as he complains about
"you broke my fucking door, you wrinkly ass, dusty, decaying ancient artifact. we just installed that three days ago! the zenin clan better keep paying."
꒰꒰ that door never seems to get a break
꒰꒰ the real reason why you and megumi never moved out of the house is because when you two tried, tsumiki and toji invited themselves into your house and said they were living there.
꒰꒰ your father-in-law makes hundreds of millions of yen, you'd think he'd live on his own but instead he lives with his kids.
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sponsors ; @haru-senji @churochuu @inumakiful @to-move-on-means-to-grow @hq128 @erensslut @hoeevern @iwaesumi @cherryonigiri @captaincyberqueen @strawbebbies-ky @your-consulting-fangirl @tsumuluv @aesthotiana @thevoidwriting @optimestick
© MGUQIIS 、 2021
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crashdevlin · 3 years
Fool For Love 10- Compromising
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Fool For Love Series Masterlist , Fool For Love Story Masterlist
Author’s Note: Get ready for some heavy angst and some angry alpha Dean acting an ass. This series is also available on Archive.
Summary: Sam is determined to fix things between his brother and their omega, but with Dean stuck in his self-hatred and Y/n stuck in her self-pity, that's a little harder than it seems.
Pairing: former Alpha!Dean x Omega!Reader, Alpha!Sam x Omega!Reader, mentions of Beta!OMC x Beta!Reader
Word count: 3261
Story Warnings: A/B/O dynamics, angst, past kidnapping, Dean having no clue how to fix shit, some awkwardness, 18+! HERE BE SEX!! DON’T READ IF YOU’RE A YOUNG’UN!!! knotting sex, heat, oral (fem rec)
“Thank you, Sam. I really could have figured it out myself, though,” Y/n said as Sam set the LOMMARP down in her living room.
"Well, I know, but I wanted to help," he said as he stepped back to examine the placement. He bit the inside of his lip for a moment before he cleared his throat. "And, uh, I didn't end up putting it together. It was Dean."
She looked away and sighed. "Yeah,” she responded softly. “I can smell him on it."
"He told me not to tell you, but I didn’t want to lie.”
“Well, thanks for respecting me enough not to lie,” she said, turning away from the bookshelf and sitting on the couch.
“Of course I resp-” Sam took a deep breath. “Y/n, I know that you were burned by Dean’s-”
“I was destroyed by Dean,” she interrupted. “He killed me and then he killed my boyfriend and then he killed my beta existence.”
Sam’s shoulders tightened with tension. “You chose to become an omega again. It wasn’t him.”
“No, it was you,” she reminded, softly. “And yeah, some of it was me. I convinced myself that it was the right thing to do, so I’m at fault for my condition too, but the simple fact of it is that none of this would have happened if Dean hadn’t killed me two years ago.”
Sam took a deep breath and sat next to her on the couch. “You need to talk to him.” She looked over, her eyebrow raised. “Look, I’m very happy to have this time where it’s just you and me and you act like the sun shines out of my ass, but…” Sam licked his lips as he ran his fingers through his hair. “You love Dean and Dean loves you and don’t argue about it because being mad at him for what he’s done doesn’t change the fact that you love him.”
She looked away from him and scratched at her neck so Sam set his hand on her knee. “You wouldn’t have saved him if you didn’t still love him. I know you’re angry. I’m angry too. We lost out on two years with you because Dean fucked up, but we can get past it. We can get past the anger and find the love again...but not if you don’t talk to him.”
"Talking to him is...too hard, Sam."
"No, it's not. I'll be with you. Come on, Y/n." He squeezed her knee and she sighed.
"Okay. But not here...and not at the Bunker. Neutral ground."
Sam smiled. "I know just the place."
"The park, Sam? Really?" Dean bitched as he parked the Impala and looked around the parking lot for a sign of Y/n.
"It's neutral, Dean. It's not her place. It's not our place," Sam explained as he pushed open his door and climbed out. "Plus, it's open air so no one can claim that pheromones played a part in the discussion. It’s the best place for this."
Dean rolled his eyes and exited the Chevy, shoving his hands in his jacket pockets and sighing. "This is not gonna work."
"Yes, it will. She still loves you. It'll work," Sam promised, walking away toward the picnic area.
"Would you forgive me for all the crap I pulled on-"
"I already have." Dean looked over at Sam, confused, but Sam was looking ahead to where Y/n was sitting at the nearest picnic table. Sam took the spot on the bench next to Y/n and Dean took the middle of the bench on the other side.
Dean's eyes couldn't lift from the table top as Y/n looked over at him, waiting patiently. She knew well how hard it was for Dean to speak on his emotions. "Sorry" would come easily. Admitting when he's messed up was easy for him, but talking out the whys was always hard.
Awkward silence dragged out over a few long moments, Sam opening his mouth to try start the conversation but thinking better of it each time. Dean reached out to pick at a splinter in the wood, absent-mindedly playing with it as Y/n watched.
"I'm sorry," he whispered. "I-I know that doesn’t mean anything but I am so sorry, Y/n.” He finally looked up and caught her eyes, tears making his olive orbs shine even brighter. “I’m so sorry about everything. I wish I had helped you when you were sick and I wish I had been able to walk away when I found out you were alive. I’m sorry I-I went feral and fucked your entire life up. What I did to your fiance...he didn’t deserve that. He just fell in love with the most wonderful woman in the world and that wasn’t his fault. He didn’t deserve what I did and I’m so sorry.”
Y/n shook her head, anger dripping into her scent. “He didn’t get the chance to actually be my fiance, Dean. You beat him to death before I even had the chance to say ‘yes’.” Tears filled her eyes at the memory of Malcolm covered in blood with his face smashed. “He was a good man. All he ever did was love me, support me, lift me up. And you killed him. You killed him. How is sorry supposed to fix that?”
“It’s not,” Dean answered, shaking his head. “It’s not supposed to fix anything. But I been…” He took a shaky breath and let his tongue out to run along his bottom lip. “Since I woke up and realized what I did, I’ve been sick about it. I ruined everything for you and I ruined everything again after you worked so hard to put together a good life without us and…” He shook his head as tears finally fell. “I’m so sorry.”
"Yeah, me too. I'm sorry I was so forgettable that you could toss me aside so easily. I'm sorry I picked beta existence instead of Chuck just taking my marks because if I'd chosen the first option, I'd be the only one affected. Malcolm would still be alive and you never would have gone feral, because you wouldn't be mated anymore." Dean's bottom lip trembled as she stood. "Would've been better for everyone."
"Y/n," Sam started but she shook her head and leaned over Dean.
"I was raped by a demon because of you and you never touched me again after. Do you even understand what that did to my self-worth? Do you understand that I thought I was ruined because my alpha wouldn't touch me? How broken I already was about what that monster did and how I felt so destroyed-"
"It was Amara, Y/n, she got in my head and-"
"And you couldn’t push through it. Not for me…and you couldn’t tell me why and you could-" Dean stood and moved like he was going to grab her, but stopped and stepped back instead. She let out a deep breath and licked her lips. "You hurt me in a hundred ways, Dean."
"I know. I wish I could fix it."
"You're talking again. That's a start," Sam said, moving to stand too.
"Right. A start." Y/n cleared her throat and wiped at her eyes. "I'm, um, gonna get going. I've got work in a half hour."
"Okay," Sam said, wrapping his arms around her shoulders and kissing the top of her head. "Love you. Text me?"
"Yeah," she agreed before nodding at Dean and walking toward the parking lot.
The brothers watched her walk away until they couldn't see her anymore. "Told you it wouldn't work," Dean grumbled before walking away.
"I was thinking we could do dinner...with Dean," Sam suggested as he brought Y/n a cup of coffee. "It's been a few days, you've calmed down. I know you've been thinking about his apology, right?"
She rolled her eyes and took a sip of the coffee. "Yeah. I guess I've been thinking but...it’s...I’m just tired of...compromising, I guess?”
“Compromising?” Sam asked, shaking his head a little.
“Putting aside my feelings and my desires to be...because omegas make things easier, omegas soothe and fix, omegas-”
“You don’t have to-”
“Of course, I do. I’m the omega, it’s my lot in life.” She cleared her throat. “It’s fine. I’m...it’s fine. Let’s just...if you want to have dinner with Dean, we can have dinner with Dean.”
“If you don’t want to, then-” Sam started.
“What I want doesn’t matter,” she dismissed.
“Yes, it does!” Sam argued. “Of course, it does, Y/n.”
“No, it doesn’t, because what I want in my head is a different thing than what I want in my body and my body is going to win out in the end because of these stupid fucking marks.” She closed her eyes tight and scratched her nails across her eyebrows. “It’s okay. It’s fine. Call Dean. We’ll do B&E, get some pizza or something.”
“Are you sure?”
She nodded. “Yeah. I’m sure. Gonna have to fix things eventually, right?”
Sam nodded and pulled out his phone.
Dean was nervous as he pulled into the restaurant parking lot. He wasn’t sure why he kept letting Sam talk him into this stuff. Y/n was never going to forgive him. She shouldn’t. He fucked up. He fucked everything up. He ruined everything.
She was sitting at a booth with Sam when he walked into the pizzeria. Dean swallowed thickly and approached the booth, taking the seat on the opposite side. “Hey.”
“Hey,” Sam and Y/n echoed.
“Have we, uh, have we ordered?”
“No. Figured we should wait. That’s the polite thing, right?” Y/n asked, looking down at the tabletop.
Dean bit his bottom lip and shook his head with a sigh. “Maybe we shouldn’t do this. You’re obviously uncomfortable and-”
“I’m on the edge of my first heat in years,” Y/n interrupted. “I can feel it starting to claw at my insides. Little cramps, uncomfortable anxiety...it’s just been a while since I felt it, okay? That’s why I’m on edge.”
Dean nodded. “Sorry. I...I couldn’t smell it over Sammy’s scent. I...I hope...I mean...I don’t suppose you’re excited about it, but...Sam’s gonna be good to take care-” The powerful way Y/n rolled her eyes stopped Dean mid sentence.
“Sam won’t be enough, dumbass.”
“Y/n,” Sam chastised quietly and Y/n rolled her eyes again.
“He is. If he’s already forgotten how I almost died last time,” Y/n snapped.
“I didn’t forget,” Dean said, softly, picking at his paper napkin. “I just figured you’d wanna go as long as possible without touching me. Figured I’d be a last-ditch effort, keep yourself away from me until you absolutely have to-”
“You think I’d rather subject myself to rejection sickness for a while instead of having sex with you? You think I hate you so much that I’d put myself through that pain again?” she asked, seriously. Dean just shrugged, still not looking at her. She sighed and shook her head. “If I hated you, I’d’ve let you die...feral and lost. I don’t hate you...much as I want to.”
"So...you don't hate me?" Dean asked, shyly.
"I wish I did. I really tried." Y/n shook her head and picked up her drink. "I tried to hate you when you said I wasn't really dying and I tried to hate you in Seattle and I tried to hate you when Sam asked me to save you, but I couldn't. Even after what you did to Mal...I couldn’t." Y/n took a sip as Sam wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "There was so much potential in our relationship. We got through you being a demon and the Mark making you dark...we could have gotten through anything together."
"'Til I killed you," Dean whispered. "And I did. I killed you, Y/n. I'm the reason you left and Chuck found you and I'm so sorry." He looked up and caught Y/n's eyes. "I'm sorry I'm the reason your family thinks you're dead and I'm sorry I hurt you so badly. I'm so sorry."
The server walked up as Y/n opened her mouth to reply, so she stopped. They ordered their food and fell into a tense silence that followed them across the entire meal. Y/n cuddled closer to Sam as they ate. She was feeling needy, her abdomen cramping more the longer she was around her alphas, but she was doing her best to ignore it. She wasn't exactly happy to be reduced to base animal cravings again and she planned to fight it until the fever hit.
Dean picked pepperoni off of his pizza and sneaked looks across the table. "You should hate me," he whispered eventually. "I do."
"You hated yourself before all this," Y/n snapped.
“Yeah.” Dean nodded and stood, tossing a twenty dollar bill on the table. “It made sense then, too.”
Sam stood as Dean started to walk away from the table. “We’ll call you when she starts her heat.”
“Not until she really needs me, Sammy. You should take care of her needs. I don’t deserve-”
Sam shook his head. “She’ll need you faster than you think she will. First heat. It’s just like a first heat, Dean.”
Dean sighed. “Just call me when she needs me. I don’t deserve to touch her.”
“Coward,” Y/n whispered as Dean walked out of the restaurant.
Sam sat next to her and kissed her forehead. “It’ll be okay. We’ll get you through this.”
“Don’t really have much of a choice, do we?”
Y/n’s temperature spiked as Sam drove her to her house. She squirmed in the passenger seat of the classic pickup truck as she rolled the window down to get air circulating in the cab.
"God, this feels almost as bad as…" she whimpered, curling in on herself.
"As bad as?" Sam asked, reaching over to set his hand on her thigh.
"The first one. The night at the bar," she whined, spreading her legs in silent invitation. Sam slipped his hand further up her thigh and pressed the seam of her jeans into her mound. She grabbed his hand, grinding against it as she made him put more pressure on her. "It's so overwhelming."
"I'll take care of you, Y/n," Sam promised, rubbing at her clit through her jeans.
She was a sweating mess of pheromones by the time Sam got her to her house. Sam held his breath as he moved to pick her up and help her out of the truck. If he breathed in the powerful scent of her, he likely wouldn't make it inside with her. He didn’t need her neighbors to witness him knotting her on the front lawn. She clung to him as he helped her inside, pulling her keys out of her jacket and opening the door. She whined his name as he helped her in and immediately turned right into the bedroom.
They hadn't done more than kiss and grope each other since she came back to Lebanon. Dean had gone further than Sam. As Sam grabbed her head and pressed a fierce kiss to her lips, she clawed at her clothes, desperate to be free of the constricting material. Sam grabbed the collar of her t-shirt and tugged, growling as she gasped against his mouth.
"Pants off. Bed," he commanded, pulling at his own clothes. She scrambled to kick her shoes off and fumbled with the button of her jeans as she stumbled backward toward the mattress. “I’ve been thinking about this for months. Getting between those legs again, listening to you whine. Tasting you. Fuck, I missed the way you taste.”
“Alpha, please,” she whined, dropping back onto the bed and spreading her legs for him.
“God, you are so beautiful,” he whispered, joining her on the bed. He was overwhelmed by the way she smelled and how she looked, sweating and spread out before him. He ran his hand across her collarbone and down into the valley between her breasts, loving the way she pressed herself closer to him. “I’m going to make you feel better, Omega.”
Sam leaned down and took her nipple in his mouth, sucking lightly despite the desire to bite down and make her squirm. Her hand came down and buried in his hair as he laved his tongue over her skin, making the sensitive skin pucker at the attention. Sam couldn’t put into words how much he’d missed the scents and sensations attacking his brain in that moment. A million memories assaulted him as he kissed his way down her body to lick his way along her mound. This was Heaven for Sam. Hearing her noises, hearing her gasps, feeling her fingers grabbing his scalp like her life depended on it, as he feasted on her slick. He wanted nothing more for the rest of his life.
When she came apart on his tongue, he immediately climbed up her body and looked down into her lust-glazed eyes. “Do you want to present or...or should I take you like this or-”
“Let me ride.”
Sam’s cock twitched at the breathless request and he nodded before dropping to the bed beside her. He licked his lips and brushed his hair out of his face as she set her hands on his chest and moved to straddle him. She looked apprehensive for a moment before reaching down and lining his cock up with her entrance. He put his hand over hers on his chest and smiled up at her. “It’s okay, ‘mega.”
She leaned down and kissed him as she started working her way down his shaft. Thick alpha cock filling her up was exactly what she needed and she sighed in relief when he bottomed out inside of her. “Fuck, Sam.”
“You feel perfect, baby. Such a beautiful omega, so tight and wet. Perfect,” Sam praised as she started to roll her hips.
She wouldn’t have admitted to it in Seattle, but she missed this kind of sex. She missed an alpha dick in her, knot swelling at the base. She couldn’t say she dreamed of it, she hadn’t had any sexual dreams. But she did think about it. She thought about Sam and she thought about his brother, her original alpha, her original love. She missed them both. She missed this.
Sam let her work herself into a frenzy. He let her ride as fast as she wanted to. He let her slam her body down on him and only gave quick thrusts every once in a while to let her know he was enjoying himself as much as she was. When his knot started to fill, she leaned down to kiss him again, nails digging into the back of his neck as she finally fell over into oblivion. Sam reached down to grab her hips and braced his feet against the mattress as he started to thrust up into her, chasing his own ending, wanting nothing more than to knot her once more.
His knot caught and they both moaned loudly, kissing as he continued to try to thrust, his cock twitching inside of her. They were dripping sweat and satisfaction as she dropped to lie against his chest. “That...was amazing,” she whispered, panting harshly.
Sam chuckled and held her closer to him. “Yeah. You feeling okay?”
“For now.”
The Kitchen Sink - @emoryhemsworth @flamencodiva @wasabiwitteks @rainbowkisses31 @rissbennett @mariekoukie6661 @officiallyunofficialperson @dolphincliffs @mrs-meghan-winchester @gayspacenerd @foxyjwls007 @ilovefanfic86 @marvelfansworld @f-yeahfandoms @wonderlandfandomkingdom @hhiggs @sev3nruby @hobby27 @paintballkid711 @divadinag @thewhiterabbit42 @fantasymyth-1 @queenoftheunderdark @cosicas-cuquis @superfanficnatural @letsby @supernatural-bellawinchester @onethirstyunicorn @swinchester27 @chalicia @screechingartisancashbailiff @death-unbecomes-you @dayasvalkyrie @paryl @wereallbrokenangels @the-american-witch @that-one-gay-girl @tatted-trina6 @sunshineandwings86 @lunarmoon8 @wheezyeds @vicmc624 @couldabeenamermaid @vulgar-library
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hiimsociallyawkward · 3 years
the darkest hour pt 2
i'm back with my bs. this is for my bestie @lady-ofmagic-andstars. basically, all of my dumb thoughts while i watched 'darkest hour pt 2', 04.02 of merlin. in case you weren't aware.. ✨spoilers✨
right off the bat i'm sad
ok when i first watched this i was really confused. i mean, you see others when they interact with the dorocha have that perpetual frost on their face right? all of them, every single one. so imagine my surprise when merlin has no frost on his face, and he's miserable yea- but he's not dead??
like tbh, watching this again, ik why but when i first watched this, i was SO confused.
arthur looks so worried slkdjfalskfsd
him being willing to abandon the mission to get merlin back to camelot to be treated 😔🤪😎🤤🤩 lots of emotions
LANCELOT. of course it's lancelot. santiago is perfect. actually.
merlin looks so SICKLY. it physically pains me to see him like that
okok hahaa. the scene where percival is carrying merlin. i have several notes on that.
1) ik it's supposed to be all 'noble' looking. yk? them walking in slow mo, percival carrying merlin like he's been slained in battle. knights looking knightly
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like pls
second note, idk why this remind me of hagrid carrying harry back
idk maybe that's just me but it feels oddly reminiscent
colin is SO pale my heart is actually hurting for him what the heck
asf;lsdjfa;lsdfj 'take me with you' stop.
dude they ACTUALLY care about each other. i just love them. arthur is so worried rn and while i'm like 'alsjfalsdj i don't want arthur to be sad and worried' we can see just how MUCH arthur cares about merlin.
like yea, we KNOW that they care about each other. but arthur is the prince and merlin's a servant so arthur can't have friends, but they're friends, and they care, and it makes me happy
ok it's sad and everything that merlin's basically dying but is it bad of me that i chuckle at merlin SLUMPED over on his horse?? probably.
but i mean, merlin is already raising himself up so he can sit more comfortably on the horse. ik that doesn't mean that he's in the clear yet, but he's doing a LOT better than the other people who ran into the dorocha. idk where i'm going with this
to quote the destiny and chicken podcast (who i love btw, if you want an awesome merlin podcast, check them out), they stay on arthur's face for SO long after merlin and lancelot leave.
i feel EVERYTHING that arthur is feeling in this moment. he's so pretty
there's another beautiful landscape. i'm not even sorry i'm gonna attach them ALL.
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tell me that's not gorgeous
gwaine is the EMBODIMENT of 'boys will be boys' when he sticks his hand into that tree and gets swarmed by bees.
he's adorable and i love him
ok but also, someone tell me why capes are so hot. someone TELL me.
separate from the episode but on the note of capes being hot, i want a cloak SO BADLY. like the whole gist. floor length, big hooded cloak. why?? it's not like i'm sneaking anywhere but still. ✨cloak✨
ok the line where leon goes 'if anyone can get merlin back to camelot, it's lancelot' and arthur's face?? idk what to make of it. someone help me pls.
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ok actually this probably isn't the best reaction shot but someone please help
the only thing i can think of is that arthur momentarily forgot and was reminded that merlin was in danger bc of him?
another thought is that he thinks he should take merlin back instead of lancelot?
ik for a fact you guys are better at analysising this stuff than i am so pls, thoughts?
i love lancelot so much. first time i watched this, i was CRUSHED
him carrying merlin to the lake(?) pond(?) area and then covering him with his cape? i love it
ok idk why but i love the idea of merlin instinctively going towards the water
it makes me think back to how he's made of magic and basically everywhere, espeically nature, has magic and instinctively- he wants to connect with nature as much as he can so his body just puts his hand in the water
a dumber thought i had, his hand is ✨sparkly✨in the water HAHAH
omg when the water called lancelot i deadass thought it was freya. i'm actually dumb i have WATCHED this before and i STILL thought it was freya
'a future that has been written since the dawn of time' makes me so proud but also so sad at the same time
it's like, yes, merlin is going to 'save the world' but it's like he's there just to do that. anyways, i just want him to be happy
these water spirts are op but also MORE SPARKLY. hehe i thin kthat's so funny
also, i'm literally only like 7 mins in. buckle yourself in
l;askdjflskdjf arthur going into the tunnels with the wilderons?? i miss merlin ouch. AND THE GAJA BERRIES. arthur misses merlin.
ok percival tackling gwaine?? cuties ;))
heheheeh gwaine kicking a skull and then running directly behind arthur for protection?? pls stop. i already love you
yes im dumb, but the 5 of them slowly peeking over the rock and then ducking back down?? i love that so much they're so cute
omg what's wrong with me. not these knights literally FEARING their lives and me going 'they're so cute'
gwaine you absolute dumbass. smh merlin just took it but you just HAD to stab it. #cancelled
YES. i have a love hate relationship with gaius, but BUST into the council room. king energy right there
smh gaius you pUSH over.
stfu agravaine 'gueniviere'. ST F UP
ok gwen. pop OFF
you KNOW that arthur would've fought agravaine on this. GO GWEN for speaking her mind
oh look at me with anotehr fic rec. sort of, not really. ok but this scene with gwen talking about all the villagers remind of this fic called To Love, Honor, and Piss Off by @thenerdyindividual .
ok so it's basically a fic where basically merlin and arthur have this 'arranged marriage' type thing for 3 years, and merlin is arthur's 'common consort'. what that means is that arthur marries merlin as a show of good faith and to learn more about what it means to be a commoner- merlin giving arthur the tea about commoner life
anywAYS. check that our if you want, but i loved it
stfu 'i feel the pain as much as you' agravaine. hop off my dick
wow when she's intellegent with her speaking so everyone HAS to side with her but also respectful so NO ONE can get mad at her?? i stan. i ACTUALLY stan
santiago is so pretty
the PANIC in his voice. i stan.
merlin is ready to GO. he's like, sorry for almost dying. that was ill advised of me.
i'm actually soft for any displays of friendship ever. what does that mean about me 💀 KIDDING. anyways..
i love the *swing* *duck* 'yea, not as quick as arthur
sa;kfs;akdfj lancelot insisting that merlin go back to camelot and merlin just nOt
stop rn. lancelot's face when merlin turns away. i am in pAin. I AM SO SAD OVER LANCELOT. PLS LANCELOT.
this isn't exactly, but morgana's paleness from here on out reminded me of merlin when he was literally DYING.
anyways, that's my note on that
like, yes- i get it- morgana is evil now. but idk should i feel bad for her? she looks so pale and ghasty and just :(
aksfhaskdjfas;ldf morgana
stfu don't kill gwen i'll KiLl you
agravaine literally needs to die
again, someone tell me why capes are so hot. especially these red ones?? i'm in love with them.
ok see this guy?? he just died with the forst on his face. not merlin?? he started getting better. surly that should've tipped them off that merlin was different
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wow. seriously. i'm gonna attach all the pretty landscape pictures
morgana's like 'i'll cut a b!tch'. ok ik morgana's evil and everything, but morgana flinging that guard against the wall is bad ass
oh this is weird but gwen telling agravaine to 'show courage' but the whole room tinted green? ik this isn't harry potter or anything but idk i thought that was interesting. i'm not abt to go into if i think agravaine is a slytherin or what but still
morgana :( smh you can't deny that morgana and gwen carried for each other and morgana flinging gwen away is making me sad. don't touch me
asldjfasldasd 'you're never alone' elyan i love you
lancelot and merlins being lads. omg no them talking about gwen
lancelot is SO noble. stop this reminds me of Die for you in secret by @emrysofmagic so much right now. not gonna lie. your fic LITERALLY lives in my head rent free and sometimes i think of it and my heart just HURTS in those last few chapeters. PHYSICALLy. i am in pain. anyways.
stop the trope where it's like "i love them, but i just want them to be happy. it doesn't matter if they're with me or not. i just want them to be happy"
ok so it's been like a month ish since i've watched merlin bc i was waiting for @//f-f-podcast 's destiny and chicken podcast, so i don't exactly what terms kilgharrah and merlin are at right now
still i think it's very sweet of merlin to bow slightly when kilgharrah looks at him
'the bravest and most noble of them all' 🥺
aw. merlin is really saying good bye right now
ok this scene is weird bc like i said, i don't rlly remember how merlin and kilgharrah are right now but it still makes me sad
asldjfslakdjfasd merlin and kilgharrah are old friends now. that makes me happy but sad at the same time
ok the 'it will be an empty world without you, young warlock' kills me.
obviously, we know that even though they butt heads, kilgharrah and merlin both care about each other
not only is kilgharrah being forced to let merlin go right now, but he's making peace with the fact that he'll be alone
the last dragonlord is planning to die. and kilgharrah is going to be alone again, like he was in that cave.
another thing is that if merlin died rn then we would never have aithusia. i'm kinda going on a tangent now but idk this scene is sad
this forest is so pretty
literally just lancelot's face and lancelot in this whole episode.
that's my note
omg i always see posts about this.
like merlin and lancelot planned that lancelot was going to walk in first and trick them and THEN merlin walked in
that's so funny to me. they're SO dramatic HAHAH
merlin looks so happy
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Tell me why they actually look MARRIED here. PLS
🤠🤠 arthur wanting Gwen to be happy is KILLING ME. He loves her so much
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This is so pretty. Honestly like how
Who let merlin have this many pretty landscapes
Lajs;dlkfajd buds in a boat together.
This reminds me of going to amusement parks and there’s always that boat ride
They’re the cutest
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Ok so they also have this picture. It’s actually 3 pictures spliced together because the episode pans down and it’s really badly spliced (sorry) but LOOk how pretty that is.
Omg not me literally copying merlin with his slow mo head flick at the wyverns to make them go away
;sldkfjasdlkjasd leon percival and elyan and my heart.
Ok i’m not even gonna try to lie. They all have my heart
Frick you cailleah
Omg i was like ‘gwaine you dumbass’ jK i love him. Pls don’t come for my neck
Asldjfasldjfka ‘i’m prepared to pay whatever price is necessary’
Stopp rn. ‘It’s my density
stop rn merlin is all alone.
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Stop they all look so sad. I’m so sad.
merlin looks like he’s cried
I’m not sure abt arthur with his ‘no man is worth your tears’ type business but still
I am ✨sad✨
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I screamed at this picture. I am depressed
Gwen’s face is killing me
I’m so sad i don’t even want to write commentaries
Arthur realizing that lancelot only died because he loved gwen
Gwen standing in front of the fire
Aslkdfjasldjfa im so sad
✨we hate agravaine in this house✨
😭😭 not merlin having ANOTHER secret. I’m so sorry bby
Anyways! I’ll be back next week to rant more about the wicked day so I’ll see you then! thanks I love you bye
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idjitlili · 3 years
Hello there.
Kili x reader x obi-wan(slightly)
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(Not my image)
Summary: Annoying the company with your 'sword'  pretending it's not a metal sword, being unladylike. When in fact it wasn't a sword...it was a lightsaber.
Word count:6036
Warnings: Obi-wan , language, food stealing, dwarf nudity, put some clothes on!
Y/h/c= Your home country.
It was no secret, that you weren't from middle earth, with your strange speech, strange references, oh and the simple fact that you had fallen from the sky knocking Kili right out. Not just Kili but yourself before. You would've been quite embarrassing; if you were awake. Lucky you.
When you eventually you did awake, you were surrounded by below average height men , and man with a grey hair and wizards hat. One of the smaller men? Or dwarf you weren't sure if this was even real, it was strange to see such shorter men. His hair dark, shoulder length, not styled well compared to all the others, as for his beard..it was just stubble. The other men had long braided beards.
Yet there sat this man, very different to the others , barely with it, like he had hit his head, there you felt it , your head felt like your brain was going to pop out. You noticed , a smaller fellow jumping behind the small man to see, his curly blond her upon his head, was all to be seen.
The man that looked right out of a wrestling ring, glared at you , judging you, as did the one with ocean eyes and majestic hair. You hands behind you in the dry dirt, your heart beating heavily, shaking almost. "Uhm, w-what is h-" you didn't even get a sentence out before you were interrupted by the beardless short man.
"Well you fell out of the sky and fell on me, knocking me straight out." The man was not quite happy, "uhm, I guess I'm sorry? I didn't plan from falling from the sky, I'll try next time to see where I'm falling, but oh right, I never consented to be thrown from the sky, last time I was conscious I was- actually I do not remember." Blabbering on, even though really you should be terrified.
In the end , Gandalf and Thorin questioned you, as if they were Holt and Terry, Gandalf being Terry.
"Where do you come from, human?" The mans face frowning, the same as he had as you awoke, he spoke with sternly, as if you were a threat. Extremely intimidating. Now the others had left ,as you now sat in front of the two men.
"Uh, y/h/c." Their clothing didn't sit right with you, nor did you ever see anyone with such extreme hair styles. Maybe it was a cult?  The old man , and the slightly younger man looked at each other , then back to you , clearly confused, well the younger one anyways.
"Tell me dear, have you ever heard of Erebor?"
Thus, for whatever reason you were apart of this dwarven company, as it were.  No one was sure what in gods earth caused you to be here, well there's no 'God' in middle earth, not called God anyways.
Honestly, you didn't know what to do with yourself: no blankets, no spare clothes, no nothing except you , your thin graphic t-shirt, jeans and shoes.  Thorin was definitely no help, oh yes and no money. Who would accept plastic notes as currency here? Nor were coins from where you lived were made from gold.
Oh wait you did actually have something other than you and your clothes , you had tiny little sword, which was in fact just an letter opener, you must've been opening the post before you fell out of the sky.
Not only was it awkward between you and all the dwarves, you did not fit in. Oh yes, Gandalf explained to you that elves and wizards existed, basically explained everything. Thorin had decided this was the place they would rest for the night, so you didn't have to do any travelling... except from falling out of the sky.
You could only think, it must suck to shit squatting, oh yes you'd have to face shitting the forest soon enough... without toilet paper too. It is not even like you can be certain that no one is going to walk into the forest and find you shitting or even worse no pads bleeding out.
You were definitely not looking forward to that,  since there was no confirmation that you'd be getting home anytime soon.
So, now as the day grew dark, you sat against a large rough pine tree, the cold from the ground rising up your body. Knees pulled right up to your chest, your arms tight around, as goose bumps covered you like paint covers a wall. Hair dropping down your face as you leaned forward head on top of your knees.Staring at your feet, and the ground.
You thought on what your family must think, maybe it was like the labyrinth and they had forgotten that you had even existed. Bloody hell, Jareth, you didn't even wish for this to happen.
Not breaking out of thought when three pairs of boots, and a pair of overly large hair feet, were stood in front of you.  "Lass?"  Even then, you didn't realise, only noticing their presence when a hand was placed onto your shoulder.
Only then did you realise, looking up to see the the beardless man that you knocked out, somehow, another man with a hat , the other below average height man that looked like lion cross Seth rogen , and the jumping small fellow. "O-oh hi?"   Strange that's the only way you could put it, the two brunettes grinning largely down at you.
"Excuse their bad manners, my lady. That is Kili, my brother , Bofur, and this little fellow is Bilbo Baggins... Oh right, and I am Fili at your service." Each of them doing a little bow, Bilbo's face redden a little , being called little. What did he expect, 'Oh yes, this giant fellow with the fat ass is Bilbo.'  Them staring at you waiting for you to introduce yourself.
"Uh, I'm y/n."  Standing up , daring to do a small curtsey, with a small blush, surprised really that anyone had even approached you.
"Beautiful name, perfect, I guess I'm falling for you already, miss y/n , you know since you knocked me out."
You almost blushed at the m-Kili's words, now blushing in embarrassment. "I didn't me-" "he's only messin' with yer, lass, don't yer worry," The hatted dwarf know as Bofur had smiled at you, only to get a jab in the side by kili, only for him to return it twice as hard.
"I'm sorry, miss y/n? I'm just wondering about your clothing-" Bilbo had began to questions your clothing choice, only to be interrupted, bad manners? Definitely. "Yes, those pants are very lovely, can you do a spin-" "OI," A big muscly man, the one that had glared at you earlier had smacked the beardless dwarf on the back of his head, letting out a Yelp of pain.
"What I was going to say, before I was rudely interrupted was, are you not cold? You are barely dressed!" You had choked out a snort, at the hobbit , who had glared at Kili, he really did not like dwarves interrupting, well anyone, he's not racist.
"I'm not dressed? You've got no socks on! My mum would have scolded me, even if I just got out of the bath. 'Y/n, where's your socks! You are going to get ill! Y/n, I don't care if you have just sat down, go get your bloody socks on.' "  Starring back at you feet, now stretched across the mud, it was incredibly awkward, well until they had started laughing.
"That's just like our Amad, right, fee?" Kili had called to his brother, before sitting down on the mud near you. "Oh yes, remember when Amad told you not eat all that cake-" Looking over to Kili who's face flushed red, interrupting his brother.
"Don't you dare."  Bofur , Fili and Bilbo sat down,  you sat in a circle, Fili trying to hold back from laughing. "Well ye gotta tell us now,Fili." Bofurs hand supported his head eager for Fili to continue. Bilbo the same, he loved stories.  Kili's pleading eyes, were no match for his brother.
"Alright, so he ate all the cake, this stuff was heavily creamed, sweets covered it, it could feed 12 dwarves, that's saying a lot. Our Amad strictly told us, mostly Kili, not to eat it."
Fili's moustache braids jiggled as he talked, very distracting, letting out a small chuckle while talking a breath.  "Anyways, Amad woke up in the morning, she was not happy at all, she had yelled so loud, that me, Kili, and Thorin were awoken from upstairs. All three of us rushed down the stairs, to see the table with no cake, just the plate. Amad  stood there with her face redder than a smacked bosom, hands on her hips."
Kili face now in his hands, Fili grinning larger and larger by the second. " She had looked all three of us done, before calling Kili towards him, and it was dreadfully obviously his hair had cake crumps throughout it, he got scolded so bad."
"Is that it ," Bilbo was disappointed with the outcome, he had thought it would've been more suspenseful. "No master Baggins, Thorin later took us for training with Dwalin as well as many other viewers. Basically what happened was Dwalin threw him over his head and he landed on the floor, when he finally tried to stand up he let loose the loudest wet fart.  Then, he stood up and the back of his pants were covered, and out the ends of his trousers... he had to walk home like that."
Bursts of laughter had erupted through the circle, Kili just looked horrified with his brother, placing your hand on his shoulder, causing him to look up to you, with a sad smile.
"Don't feel bad, someone I knew yawned up to the sky and a bird shat in her mouth, to make matters worse she was afraid to tell anyone so she spat it out, and stood there with bird shit taste." 
Looking at you wide eye,  "T-they did what?"
"A bird shat in their mouth."
"Such crude language, yet suddenly I feel much better." Kili smiling up to you, the other three still laughing about Kili's shitty pants.
A friendship between you and the dwarf ,you knocked out, began. Over the months you had gotten more comfortable with the company.
Soon enough you were all captured by trolls, but you were sleeping so, you woke up and everyone was packing to leave. You were very confused indeed, Thorin had announced that you all were leaving for a troll cave.
Gandalf had merged after Thorin with two swords , calling you and Bilbo over. Wow, free stuff. 
What Gandalf had not expected was your behaviour later on at Rivendell... Bathing and changing at Rivendell, eating some rabbit food, it was soon time for second dinner and after that bed.
Roaming the grounds of Rivendell the next month, you had bumped into Bilbo. That's when it started, you had already been messing with your sword. When Bilbo had approached you, seeing your cheeky grin he didn't know whether to run.
"M-morning ,miss y/n?" Speaking uncertain of himself, partly nervous,  you had been pretty unpredictable, you know falling out the sky?
"Morning ,Bilbo!  How are you feeling?"  Swinging your sword in like it was baton or baseball bat, almost dropping flat on your face.
"I'm fine , thank you. Uh..." The sword now between your legs, swinging it around. "Bilbo look, it's my cock." Bilbos face now red, your crude language tended to fluster the poor hobbit, sorry the rich hobbit.
"Miss y/n, I do not think that's quite appropriate.."   You head snapping towards the hobbit, your face dropped, instantly Bilbos mouth is gapped. "Oh- I didn't mean any offence." Taking a step forward, Bilbo had stepped back , another and another.
Bilbo had ended up sprinting , you chasing him, well until an elf had offered you pastry's. Continuing your walk around the grounds, munching on your pastry, distracted by your breakfast you didn't notice the dwarf in front of you until the last second. 
"Where's your trousers?!"  You had made eye contact with something other than his eyes, it was painfully obvious. Meeting his actual eyes, the smirk on his face, concluded that he had seen you check him out, flushed pink cheeks.
"Fili took my clothes."
"Why would he want to see you running around naked,-cover up gosh!" Your voice getting higher by the second.
"Well, my lady with what?" You had thrown your pastry at the dwarf, now quite put off; even though his size was quite large. Instead covering himself he began to eat the remaining amount of the pastry.
You had scoffed, walking around the dwarf, away from his naked body.
What did catch you off guard again was a  man popping out from a pillar , his longish hair blond, his eyes ocean blue, his beard trimmed, his shirt beige , with a brown leather belt around his waist. You didn't know how to describe it, you jumped when he spoke.
"Hello there," 
How could be here? In a land of dwarves, elves and wizards? It was Obi-wan Kenobi, surely he should've been in the high ground? I mean, chopping some legs...so Anakin is leg a less, because his legs Aragorn.
"General Kenobi!" Kili had to turned around, to see you running at a strange man, who was General Kenobi, turning back round he had stomped off back to the company... to gossip.
"What are you doing here, Obi-wan?" His arms held behind his back as you two walked through Rivendell together, the truth was that you had never met before.
"I'm here because of you, y/n...the Council has sent me to help you. The universe is in great danger, again."
Then, you found out your real purpose was in middle earth; to save the line of Durin, With Obi-wan Kenobi as your master you as the pad awan. However, of course you did not have the force, he was just going to teach you how not to be damsel in distress.
You didn't know how this would bring you so close to the Jedi knight..
Obi-wan, had hid until half a day from Rivendell, when you had gestured him to come out, Kili had let out the most over dramatic gasp possible. "I told you he was real!"
That definitely caught the attention of the whole company, stopping, turning , drawing there weapons, Fili pulling you out the way.
"Why are you following us?" Thorins voice boomed over the winds, you couldn't imagine how your eardrums would certainly burst if he had a microphone. Getting of the grips of the dwarves again, standing between Obi-wan and the axes of the company.
Little Bilbo just watched the slope of the mountain with amusement. "What are you doing, y/n?!"
"You stubborn dwarves, if I was walking with him with no fuse, you'd think that he was with me, he's here to help me." Kili had scoffed, nor did any of other dwarves look convinced, Obi-wans hands on his hips, puffing his chest, revealing his lightsaber.
"I've had enough, I don't care what you say Thorin, he is my protection, he's not taking any of the reward, now let's go, he is not the enemy." Maybe you told a small lie, it would not go down well if Thorin knew Obi-wan was there to protect him and his nephews.
"At the front, both of you, now." And you were walking again, you and Obi-wan at the front.
Though, all together you were from three different universes, you from one which starwars was just a set of films, and series. It felt weird. Knowing he died, old, and he didn't look himself.
"Wait, so, Qui-Gon basically died of STDs, because he so many that it slowed him down? I thought it was a rule not have attachments; but he could sleep around?" I mean, if that's the case... you are very handsome, I'm not the best looking, nor have I ever.."
Your face felt hot, that was more than light flirting, really you had only known him for 27 hours, your crush on him though, that developed from watching him on screen.
Now concentrating on where you were going, surprised when Obi-wan had let out a laugh.
"My lady, you must be mistaken, you are absolutely beautiful." Your face flushed pink, wrapping your arm around Obi-wan's arm, his eyes watched you as you did, not hilding hands or anything just his arm. There are times in life when words are not needed.
Soon enough it was time to stop, when the company approached a large path on the mountain, so big that the company could sit in a circle if they desired. Along the way many of the dwarves had collected sticks and branches for a fire.
Right against the mountain wall you had set up your bed roll, and dropped your cloak from the elves on it as a blanket, you were sure to remember to share with Obi-wan later.  Obi one had copied you, dropping his cloak neck to yours, as you both stood next to each other, the sky now dark, the smell of dinner lingered in the air.
The glow of the fire lit up Obi-wan's face, his beard now more orange, his blue eyes focused on you.
"Hey, um, Obi-wan...can I hold your lightsaber?"  His hands on his beige tunic, eyeing you down, one of a second, before handing you the weapon.
The lightsaber, heavy in your hands, yet still you were swinging it like you were playing tennis on the wii. "Um, Obi, can I please..?"  Turning to face the Jedi with pleading eyes, he just shrugged his shoulders casually nodding.
With that you had pressed the button, there stood the blue blade in front of your very eyes. Bilbo had noticed almost immediately spitting out his food, who in their right mind would give her a weapon?
Noticing Bilbos sudden uncomfortableness, grinning at him, as the saber made its way between your legs. "Hey Bilbo,Check out how big my dick is!" Bilbo had put his bowl of food down, and his behind Thorin, brooding.
"Uhm, lass? What is that?" Bofur wearily, spoke, eyeing the saber not blinking,like many other dwarves. Balin flinching as you waved it between your legs.
"It's a lightsaber, the weapon of Jedi's. Hey, Kili, sorta looks like your dick ,if it was a hundred times smaller. " Not that you were looking at Kili, his face flushed as he chocked out his stew, Thorins eyes burning into the back of the head, he would speak to him later.
"Oi, when did you get a look at Kees , lad?" Fili wan most  amused at the situation, Kili knocking him in the ribs.
"Well , what happened was I got a pastry at Rivendell, and Kili almost whacks into me. Yeah, and he was naked, so, not that I like to give away food, I throw the pastry at him and Obi-wan appears and saves me. End of story."
Now swinging the lightsaber like it was a golf club, you wondered if Obi-wan had to charge his lightsaber.  Kili now standing up , walking over to you as the dwarves forget about the story, simply because it wasn't rare that they went around naked. 
"Oi, Kili , throw that stick at me, so I can hit it." 
Kili had planned on telling you a piece of his mind, how his dick was not small, but there you were not a care in the world, waiting for him to pick up the stick.
His eyes searched the stone floor when his eyes catch, a thick stick not a twig. Without a thought he threw it, your eyes waiting, standing like you were going to play baseball or rounders. Swinging your arm slicing through the stick, causing it to slam to the floor in two separate pieces.
"I'm sorry, but what in middle earth is a Jedi and why do they have that, what even is that!"
Obi-wan just stood by you chest puffed, huge smirk on his face, as Kili ranted slightly , fear embedded in his eyes as he stood back as you swung the weapon around more, it was not surprising that the company were also in slight shock.
"This man is a Jedi." Pointing at Obi-wan before turning fully towards him, ignoring the others questions. "Okay, now teach me, master..." A grin across your face, as Obi-wan took the saber from your hands, turning it off, before standing behind you.
Turning your back into place, your feet in the correct stance, his back against yours as ushered you take your sword from his hands.  His hot breath briefly against your neck. Once you had done, his back peeled from yours, and he had done the same.
Throughout the next months, Obi-wan had continued to teach you how to defend yourself
, Kili always disagreeing on Obi-wand methods, suggesting he would be better to teacher you.
That was until you were all captured at Mirkwood. Of course, Obi-wan tried to use the force on the elves, however , due to being immortal they weren't easily controlled.  Somehow he did it still, only allowing you and him to escape, due to being human. What you didn't understand though, why was Obi-wan such a flirt.
The blond elf, the one that looked straight off like a princess, had stared at you and Obi-wan with his eyebrows raised. His light foot steps, couldn't be heard as he glided towards you both, standing close to Obi-wan, as the dwarves were search. Legolas excluding you two from it, using the side of your body to hide the lightsaber at Obi-wan's belt.
"Why are two humans travelling with dwarves?"   Was this elf wearing tights? David Bowie could get away with it because that ass and overall god looks, but the colour scheme on this blond elf was not it. Wondering if his dick could even breathe, maybe it shrank.
Looking at Obi-wan, who was smouldering at the elf, his lips slightly pushed out his blue eyes sharp, his long hair flowing. But..there was no wind. His hand doing a weird gesture like waving.
"We are not, we are trying to get lake town, as I have finally decided to meet my darlings parents. You will let us go." You were surprised when Obi-wan had wrapped his arm around your waist pulling you close to him. Your eyes wide, you really didn't think you were going to get out of this, how many times had you all been captured? Too many times.
"Go, follow the path, goodbye." Obi-wan had quickly let go of your waist , talking your hand, pulling you away, false smiles on your faces as you left. Trying not raise suspicion, Kili had watched the whole thing, scoffing in disgust, watching you and Obi-wan walking away.
You wanted to help the dwarves you really did;but Obi-wan had assured you they didn't need your help. You both waiting in the safe forest outside of the woodland realm, waiting for the dwarves.
Not only had Obi-wan had taught you basic defensive skills, but you had became extremely close. Here you were, stuck in a forest, no bedrolls no nothing, due to Azog. Nights were cold, so cold, as Obi-wan's duty to protect you, you both decided for your survivals there was only one way.
The fire low, so that you would not be detected by Orcs, Obi-wan and you snuggling up together, his arms around your waist, knees tucked under yours. Body heat being the only thing from stopping you both freezing to death.
During this week, what disturbed you the most, was Obi-wan's french accent...Considering there was no earth in the star-wars universe. If that matter you weren't sure. He'd pop the accent out at random moments, going to bathe in a stream?
"Do you need a chaperone, mon amour?" No, he did not go in the water with you, he just stood guard, holding his arm out to walk you to the stream and even back. Though you did have to wait by the stream while he was bathing , with his lightsaber in your hand, just in case.
However,one day when you you were bathing Obi-wan had almost had a heart attack when you let a gasp, running out of the hair all across your face, running smack into him. Your bare body against his robes, soon as he made eye contact with you he knew it was nothing life threatening.
"When I said 'You don't have time to be timid, you must be bold and daring' this was not what I mean." Obi-wan's stuck to yours , reassuring your privacy, even though his back was against the mud , your whole body pressed against him. Again with the accent, Obi-wan's smile small, your hands against his chest, as laugh erupted from your mouth.
"What is, Ma Cherie?"
"Only reason I'm laying on you butt naked is because a fish brushed against my leg." Obi-wan's once sincere face replaced with a grin you snuffled your laughter against his neck. Your cold skin against his , as vibrations travelled through his body, a laugh from his lips travelling to your ears. A few minutes passed, with you just against Obi-wan as you laughed together.
"This would be very embarrassing ,if the company found us now."
"I'll close my eyes, and you can go get dressed,"
That was it with that, Obi wan would never disrespect your modesty, it is not like when Kili had shown off on purpose.
The next day, you had caught up with the company and an injured Kili. However, the french accent was not lost...
Kili's faced laced with sweat, as you and Obi-wan made your way to the compan, his eyes met yours. He felt relieved that you had came back, yet anger still bubbled down in inside.
"I thought ye had left us." Bofur popping up infront of you two, his eyebrow raise.
"No, figured from I heard about that king , it was not the best if he had got a hold of Y/n, it is my mission to protect y/n." Bofur , along with Gloin, Dori and few others nodded in agreement.
Your eyes drifting from Obi-wan's face, back to Kili, his thigh seeping with blood,you had grabbed Obi-wan by the hand pulling him over with you towards Kili. Obi-wan meeting your eyes once again, confused with your actions. "Obi.. help him."
Letting go of your hand, Obi-wan had brought his hand over the wound, Kili tried to protest, only to be shut down by Fili. Kili felt tugging on his skin, the pain slowly disappearing, a few seconds late Obi-wan had remove his hand, stood up, made his way back to you. "W-what? H-how did you?"
This is what you and Obi-wan were sent here to do, save the line of Durin. After that, not even seconds Bard had arrived, the company was on their way again, no delays, except being caught by the master, which kind of annoyed
Obi-wan, getting to be called that without being a Jedi , disgraceful.
After that, it was one more boat ride away, and climbing more mountains. Within three hours , you feet began to blister, the knocks harsh, you wondered how Bilbo could do it, he was a happy chappy. Obi-wan next to you, had immediately picked up on you change. His eyes caught onto yours like a magnet, within seconds you were on his shoulders, hanging. Just like Anakin had carried him unconscious, he could've carried you anyway way but he decided on potato sack really?
"B-Ben!" The little shriek had erupted from your mouth in surprise, in reality it sounded like he had just made you orgasm. Your face flushed, as Obi-wan grip tightened around your thigh. "Yes, Ma Cherie?" Again with Obi-wan doing the french accent, letting out a groan.
"Never mind." For the next three hours you are carried on Obi-wan's shoulders, you couldn't imagine how his back feels. There's no negotiating with the negotiator. Your stomach ached from just being on his back. You did get to sleep for a while, which was great.
“Obi, I can walk now." Your face next the side of his face, softly speaking to him. "Are you sure?"
"Yes." With that you were back on the ground, walking with the rest of the company, though you didn't speak to many of the other dwarves much, you found yourself away from Obi-wan and in the company of Fili, who had left the company of his brother. Your conversation had started out normal, Fili telling you about the Elves, and Bilbo saving them.
"Are you courting the man?" Eyes widening at the dwarves words, it was no doubt that you had liked him watching him on screen, but no way he had made advances, had he? He could not, it's not the Jedi way. Why did he flirt with you all the time.  As you two grew close, you felt you chest tightening, you could feel that way. Just months ago you had felt the same for Kili, but then Obi-wan had appeared.
"No, why do you ask?"  Your face felt hot, unbearably hot, embarrassed that you had been clearly flirting back to Obi-wan.
"It's just that my brother... don't know if you have noticed he has been not himself, and well I think it's because of you and Obi-wan."  Fili whispered to you, you could barely hear him, but when you did make out what he was saying, why would Kili not himself because you and Obi-wan, had you offended him some how?
"What do you mean? Why would it be our fault?" It was not appropriate but a chuckle still left his lips, Fili could not understand how you could be so blind.
"You and Obi-wan flirt publicly a lot..." Then it hit you, the reason Kili could barely look at you anymore, you had not really ever have someone like you let alone possibly two.  Blush upon your cheeks, "Oh.."
"Now, you must understand, y/n , if you don't feel for him, you must put him down, do you love Obi-wan?"  Turning you face back to look at Obi-wan, who had been watching his steps, as he talked to Bilbo, who seemed to be deep into conversation. When Obi-wan's blue eyes had finally caught yours, his lips had turned up in a smile, before you turned back to the blond haired dwarf.
Fili's moustache braids jigging, as you all walked, waiting for your response.
"Jedi's aren't allowed attachments; it would never work out."
“Do you love him?” Repeating the same question, how could you know if you loved him, why would it matter it would never work out, Fili clearly didn’t want his brother heartbroken because you couldn’t decide.
“I d-don’t know, Fee,”
“Do you love Kili?”
“Really, Fili, I don’t know.”
Fili, had suggested to speak to Kili later, what if you only loved Obi-wan platonically?
Once Thorin had stopped the company for the night, and when the sky was dark. Only the glow of the fire upon your faces, Fili had left his brother on a log, making eye contact with you, gesturing for you to swap with him. Sitting upon the rough log, thighs touching, Kili had turned slightly jumping when realising it was you, his brown eyes now looking to yours with the flame of the fire reflected into them. His face with no expression at all, he didn’t even say anything to you. A string of pain, flowed through your heart, you hadn’t realised how you hadn’t spoken to Kili in months, properly anyways.
You had wrapped your arms around Kili neck, your cold flesh against Kili’s neck, as you pulled him into a tight hug, slowly he had accepted it. Wrapping his arms around your waist tightly, his head in the crook of your neck, breathing in deeply, his dark hair, tickling your neck.
“I’m sorry, Kili.” Pulling away, Kili brows scrunched together, his dark eyes searching your face, he thought he had done something wrong, and was going you space, also think mostly that you and Obi-wan were courting. However, Fili had informed him that you were not courting, he wished he could scold his older brother, for being nosy.
“W-why?” He had been jealous of your behaviour towards Obi-wan no doubt about that, but you shouldn’t have to apologise for his feelings, you could like anyone you wanted, you are beautiful, bodaciously so.
“Because I haven’t spoken to you for months, it’s not because I don’t like you, it’s just...you promise not to repeat this to anyone, especially your uncle?” Kili knew it, you didn’t like him, but his uncle? Yuck, he couldn’t be mean to you though, you were nothing but nice to him. Instead he just nodded, with a small smile.
“Thank you..the real reason why Obi-wan and I were sent here, well is to keep the line of Durin alive, must have a big effect on all the universes otherwise, two people from separate universes would not have been sent. So, we’ve been keeping this secret, it’s been hard, that’s why I spend so much time with Obi-wan.”
Kili’s eyes never left yours, as you spoke, taking a deep breath before you continued on, you were scared for the safety of your friends, Thorin didn’t care what you were doing , because you and Obi-wan were quiet and kept to yourselves, he saw how effective in battle Obi-wan was and didn’t complain. He needed the man power, there was no doubt about that.
“If I am totally honest, I do love Ben, and if he was allowed to be with me, I wouldn’t be with him, it’s not the way of the Jedi. He is my best friend, that is a gentleman, I’m sorry, but his back must’ve killed carrying me like a sack of potatoes. Plus, when we were waiting for you... I was having a bath, he was on guard and fish brush against me, I went running, fell flat on him, that was definitely not a pretty sight for hi-“
“You what?” Kili was scared to know what you were getting and frankly disturbed that Obi-wan had seen you vulnerable. You had reached and gripped his, large dwarven hand, tightly, rough, yet so warm...
“ Doesn’t matter, he was very respectful. Anyways, what I was getting at Kili, is that.. I c-can’t live within you...I love you, not platonically either, I understand if you don’t feel the same for me. I wouldn’t if I was you.” Before you could blink , his soft lips upon your, your hands in you his hair pulling him close, his hands back around his waist.
You finally felt certain of something.
Kili was not the slightest happy when you accidentally cut a lock of his hair off with the saber.
“Hey, Ben, can I cut your hair too?”
“Fuck off, I’m the only Jedi left with good hair, you touch it you’ll become a baked potato.”
“Okay I’m sorry!”
“mon Cherie , I could never harm you, for I love you like a dog.”
“Oi, stop flirting.” Kili had interrupted, petting his burnt detached hair.
“He just called me a dog, that’s not flirting,”
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theficplug · 4 years
Girls Trip {Erik fic}
Warnings: 18+, smut.
{reader goes on a cruise with her girls during winter break post-breakup & meets Erik when she needs him most. The intro to a series. I hope that y'all enjoy this long ass intro x}
“Told you you'd like it! We know what you need.” your friend Lynelle says as you and your other 2 best friends step into the lobby of the ship.
Your original plan was to stay home and catch up on much needed sleep and netflix binge watching during Winter Break but Khadijah, Tasha , and Lynelle (Lennie)  had other plans.
They could never get on the same page to go on a proper vacation but the one time you wanted to be left alone they've decided to get it together. 
2 plane rides and now you're here on a cruise on the way to 'paradise'.
The last few weeks went by in a blur while you were buying bikinis, trying to contain your emotions, and leaving behind your frozen over city for Bali.
You'd be lying if you said that you weren't a little excited to be leaving behind a terrible end to a 4 year relationship.
“Girl I just paid 12 dollars for Netflix this month. I planned on staying home and re-watching The Get Down. I need to at them and ask them when they're gonna add Crooklyn." You say as your phone begins to go off. 
"Uh-uh, just cause your man had community dick don't mean you gotta feel like you did something wrong. You are the sweetest and most caring person I know and gave everything you had for that man. You are a strong beautiful talented black woman. You run your own business and don't need his ass for nothing. And if I were into girls I would've been shot my shot back in the 7th grade. Now, we gon' get tipsy, dance the night away in 23$ dollar heels, and find a fine ass beard to rid-"
You quickly cut off your best friend by answering your mother's call. You held onto Khadi's hand to let her know that her support means everything to you.
"Hey Mama. Yes I made it safe and sound." You say into the phone as you shake your head and laugh at your girls. 
"HEY MA " Khadi says waving as she smiles at the woman on the other side of the phone she's known for over half her life. 
"Hello Khadijah, are you behaving yourself ?" She asks as Khadi shakes her head with her tongue sticking out.
"MY GIRL." Your mother says as they both laugh and point at each other through the screen. 
"I'll talk to you later, enjoy yourself baby. Sometimes a little fun and laughter is the cure for heartache. Love you, be safe." She says before ending the video call.
"Alright , we all meeting up for the foam pool party after the tour right? Cause I need to shower and stuff first." You say as everybody agrees
An hour or two later you were standing in front of the hotel mirror giving yourself a pep talk in your new bikini. You eyed your reflection as you tell yourself that somebody son is gonna love on your fupa, and the 3 years wasted with Derrick isn't going to matter anymore. 
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"Knees. Knees. Come on knees." Khadijah yells as Lennie and Tasha  drop it low and make it clap as a chorus of 'ayyeeee' erupts in the elevator. 
You make your way down to the lobby with the girls after throwing back a few shots in Lennie's room. You past by a group of other girls in the elevator and they were blasting Cash Shit from their phone. 
"Link up with us later." Paris says from the other group before moving over to the party already happening. 
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The drinks are flowing through your system and Tasha is filming you for the gram as you sing along to the music. You accidentally trip backwards onto a man behind you before immediately apologizing and giggling.
"You good mama." He says as he catches you with one hand and the other still holding his drink. Without missing a beat he twirls you to the beat so that you can play it off. 
"What's the nigga name?" He asks as he takes another sip of his drink and tries to act like he ain't see you watching the suds slide down his scarred and chiseled chest to his happy trail.  
"Excuse me?" You ask confused as he flashes his gold fanged grill and cock his head towards the phone in Tasha's hand as she gives you a quiet  'oooh shit okay'. 
"The one you tryna prove a point to. Only name that matters now though is Erik." He says as he grinds against you and move your braids to your other shoulder. 
"Alright Erik, lemme see if you can keep up then." You tease him as you begin to whine on him and ride the beat as he keeps up behind you. You realize you have an audience now with his boys glancing over at you and your girls watching him. 
His hand holds you in place before he asks if it's alright if he kissed you. You nod before you know it his soft ass lips are on yours. He pulls at your bottom lip slightly while you continue to whine on him. 
"Thank you for the dance." You say before you place one final kiss to his lips as the song ends.
You walk over to Tasha before grabbing her hand and leaving to find Lennie and Khadijah 
You knew he was still standing there watching you walk away you turned to give him a look over your shoulder with a raised brow.
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"Stop watching my booty" you mouth at him jokingly 
"YOU CAN'T EVEN BLAME ME. ITS FAT AS FUCK." He yells back to you over the music.
After an hour of dancing and having a good time with friends you only checked your phone once to find 3 messages from Derrick begging you to call him then two talking about how disappointed he was with you.
You stepped out onto the upper deck to tell him to stop calling you and ruining your good time. 
"I can do what I want. I'm fucking grown. All you ever did was sit at home on your ass and criticize me for every damn thing I did. I made sure you were happy when I wasn't even okay… And fucking my cousin was your way of showing me you loved me huh? Don't call me no more and stop calling my mama asking her about me too. " You yell into the phone before hanging up.
You stand there staring out at the ocean for a moment. Trying to breathe deeply and ground yourself so that you don't cry.
"You good?" You hear a voice call from behind you.
"What, you following me now?" You ask Erik as he pulls up one of the lounge chairs to sit next to you and light his blunt. 
"Nah, not at all. I came out here to smoke and chill. All that going on in there really ain't my scene. My boys got me to come here. They got white boys in there doing backflips off the balcony and shit. I probably would've still been at work right now." He say as he exhales and leans back against the lounge chair. 
You laugh softly before shaking your head. 
"That's how I ended up here. I was planning on spending Christmas and The New Year at home with my family. But my friends had this surprise for me to ring in the new year in Bali. And now here I am. I'd still rather be watching Godfather of Harlem. I gotta catch up." You say sitting next to him in the lounge chair. He instinctively wraps his arm around you letting you lay your head on his shoulder.
Granted, it probably seemed weird as hell to be cuddling with somebody you just met and barely knew but to both of you it just felt right in the moment.
"Godfather of Harlem ? That show is my shit. It's slept on forreal… If you ever in Oakland you should stop by sometime. I run a museum based on preserving black art and culture." He scrolls on his phone until he finds some of the pieces and shows it to you. But the main thing that stood out was Stevens Black Art & History: for the culture. 
"Erik Stevens?" You gasp and sit up to get a good look at him
"Yeah , why you looking like that? What's up?" He questions
"Oh my fucking God. We was best friends back in the day. It's me, look, minus the bifocals, braces, and that James Brown bob my mama gave me damn near every day." You say and he stares at you in awe for a second. 
"Damn it's really you." You says quietly as he runs his thumb over your cheek imagining you the way you looked in 5th grade.
You loved Erik growing up and spent almost all of your time together but after his father died you didn't get to say goodbye. He was taken into the system and after that you heard that he was in the military doing who knows what. You tried to find him but after a while it was no use. You couldn't believe how different he looked now. He looked tired down by the woes of life but still as beautiful as the day you met him.
" 'Member this?" You ask as you fish your out of the pocket of your cover-up and start playing Best Friend by 50 Cent. 
You watched as he looked up at you standing up to dance. You pull him up too as he puts out the blunt while laughing and stepping with you. 
"If I was your best friend, I want you 'round all the time. Can I be your best friend, if you promise you'll be mine?" You sing to him as he twirls you around 
"First we get the talkin, then we get the touchin. If we get pass the phone games we'll be fuckin. I kiss like the french therefore my tongue in your ear. Do it like the dogs do it girl and pull on your hair. For me a different scenery just mean a different position. In the tub or on the sink I improvise now listen. In the chopper or on the jet join the mile high club. I'm no fool I know money can't buy me love. But I'm a different type of nigga that make sure that you know. Instead of a rose, there's a hundred dozen of those. See I see somethin special when I look in your eyes. With your legs way back I see this pussy is mine. If you ain't sure when I'm talkin I don't tell you no lies. But there's things that you say that have me wonderin why. When I don't say what I'm thinkin it don't mean that I'm shy. Got on that shit you picked out for me that's why I'm so fly." He raps effortlessly while kissing softly on your neck and all those memories start flashing back to you as you sway with him.
"Damn you still remember all the lyrics to our song." You say to him as you look over to see your girls and some of his friends.
"You out here ?  Bitch! I thought I was gonna have to do an interview on First 48 for yo ass. I was gon' drop a raft over to come find you. You know I can't swim and I don't got my floaties with me." Khadi says as she walks in with Tasha and Lennie . 
"I'm sorry I came out here for fresh air and then ended up literally finding my fuckin childhood best friend. Before the baddest bitches on the planet came to be. There was THEE duo. Everybody meet Erik."
After everyone got to know each other. Y'all brought the party to the secluded little upper deck with the perfect view of the ocean. You had drinks , music, and good company almost enough to forget about the whole situation back home. 
"Girl you know I love you but my feet hurt and Sebastian said he gon' rub em" referring to the man she currently had her arms around. 
"Alright , we'll meet up in the morning for breakfast" you tell them before giving them kisses goodbye and heading out with everybody. 
Tasha and Lynelle were currently singing to each other and sharing cute kisses off to the side. You couldn't help but to smile and think of how true love must feel. To love and be fully loved back like that.
You were standing in front of your opened room door when you realized that his room is across from yours but he had no plans of sleeping in it.
"Uh-uh. Who said you were invited in?" You ask Erik with your index finger on his chest. 
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"I thought you said you wanted to watch Netflix? We can order room service and everything. Whatever you want" he says to you licking his lips and closing the gap between the two of you. 
"I want to forget. I want to have fun. I want to feel loved and appreciated for once. That would be nice." You say quietly as he takes his hand in yours. Pressing small kisses to each of your knuckles.
He hesitates for a moment before leaning in to kiss you slowly. He held your face in his hands as he continued to back you into the room kicking it closed with his foot. 
 "I'm glad that we found each other. After all of this time. " You say to him in between kisses
"Believe it or not I kept that picture of us. The one your mama took of us at the zoo next to the monkeys. I took it with me on tour everywhere. Right next to my mama's picture in my wallet. I never lost a battle. I made it home in one piece. Shits wild." He said zoning out for a moment like he was going somewhere else. 
"Heyyy." You call softly. You move his hands from your waist 
" I've got you." You whisper to him before leading him to your bed and laying him back. 
You wrap your arms around him almost cuddling him as you lay your head on his chest while listening to his heartbeat and sitting on his lap. 
You place a soft kiss to his lips before moving away from the bed to change, settling on a large shirt and nothing else. 
Erik followed suit and just stripped to his boxer briefs before you come back to the bed carrying soda , your laptop, and snacks. 
"And before you ask. Yes, I packed my laptop because work never stops, and yes I packed snacks because I can't find Takis out here." You say chuckling softly while he shakes his head laughing softly. 
You both settle into a comfortable position before loading up the movie. You settled on Nappily Ever After but it wasn't long before he was softly kissing on your neck with his hand under your shirt.
"Gonna eat it from the back. That's cool with you" he mumble into your ear.
If that's cool with me? BIH, I'm trying to let you give me twins. Triplets even. Play it cool. Play it cool . You thought to yourself before saying a silent apology to your girl Sanaa Lathan as you quickly moved the laptop to the bedside table.
"Damn she pretty." He says before kissing each cheek and gripping the back of your thighs. You knew what was coming next as your hands found the headboard and arched your back.
You can feel his tongue begin to explore the back of your thighs to your folds as he bends you forward. 
You hiss softly as his hand began to roam. You looked back at him as his fingers enter you. He begins to slowly and deeply work you open for him. You knew that you were dripping at this point and couldn't contain how loud you're being.
You can hear him let out a groan as he gets his first taste. Before you know it he's devouring you like you're his favourite meal and is completely in his element. His hands are massaging over your cheeks while he suckles your clit and then slides his tongue in. You begin to work your hips down onto it as he's on his knees behind you. His fingers massaging skillfully over your clit. 
"That's how you want it? It's all for you." You egg him on shakily as you reach back to grab at his dreads knowing that you're nearing your orgasm. You thought you were seeing stars but the audacity of this man bringing his hand down hard across your left then right cheek and then the pom-pom itself, did it.
Your toes curled and your head was tilted back as you continued to ride his face and the orgasmic wave crashed over you so hard it took your breath with it. 
You called out his name speaking in all types of broken Xhosa as he begin to lap you up and savour your taste. 
When you stopped shaking he sat back on the bed, proud of himself as he licked his lips. 
You turned to face him and he wasted no time continuing to massage you.
But what you hadn't realized during changing you accidentally dialed Derrick. Who's now on the other end, yelling into the phone 
{to be continued! I hope that it was alright!}
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ncturn-e · 5 years
❛❛ ¡cherry bomb! ❜❜
❛ el mañana ❜
✰ ‘verse
⤷ sɓuᴉɥꓕ ɹǝɓuɐɹʇS
♡ pairing
⤷ dr. alexei / laura garcía (oc)
☹ warnings
⤷ none
word count
⤷ 1,845
⤷ @justice-for-dr-alexei
a/n: this is the shitty start to hopefully something lovely for a man who never received the love he deserved. lemme know if you would like to be tagged on updates to this story :)
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If there was one thing to be anticipated upon opening the bunker doors and lumbering inside, Laura knew the mean end of a shotgun was not the first on her list. Her first reaction was an ungodly squawk as she stumbled onto her backside, the guitar case clattering off her back and the bag of paints spilling onto the ground.
“Son of a bitch, Murray!” was her second, her anger rightly placed as she struggled to get to her feet while simultaneously gathering her strewn paraphernalia. Her hair was in massive disarray, and her tanned hands were splotched and smudged with still-drying paint.
“‘Knock before you walk’,” Murray seethed as he withdrew the shotgun, tugging on his beard in a sort of annoyed manner. “You know you're supposed to buzz the warning before sashaying in unannounced - you know that!”
“And I also know I'm the only other person besides you who knows how to get inside,” the Latina mumbled. The man slid to block her back before she could walk inside, and she produced a loud, tired huff. “It's been a long day, Murph. I just need a place to crash for the night. Nothing out of the ordinary.”
“If you would've buzzed before bursting in,” Murray stated, clearly tense as the short Latina tried to bob around him. “You'd know that I was a bit busy at the moment -”
“- busy fucking around with the Girl Scout at the door when there are more important things to -”
Laura cut off the unfamiliar voice, “Another human being! Murph, I thought I was your only connection to the world above, you minx!” She seized the opportunity to dart past the eccentric and his shotgun just as he opened his mouth to object. The girl skipped through the armoured doors and into the main room, halting in her steps to visually greet three brand new individuals with a weary-but-still-pleasant disposition. There was a short, bleary-eyed, and oddly expressive woman, an angry moustached wall of a guy who resembled a father at the end of his wit, and a very unsettled, dishevelled man curled up in one of the loveseats. Naturally, Laura was not at all surprised by the oddities of the company - after all, she was friends with Murray Bauman of all people - and she set down the case of her guitar with a smile.
“Of all places a nice girl would be, I would never have guessed the home of a paranoid hermit,” the first man grumbled, placing his face in his hands and rubbing at the weariness lining his expression. The woman beside him sent her elbow into his arm lightly, shooting Laura an apologetic look, though she didn't appear to disagree with his assessment.
While the first stocky slab of a man ran a thumb over his moustache with an utterly exasperated noise, the woman next to him quickly got to her feet, moving to attempt an awkward introduction as she began to consolidate a clutter of wrappers and fast-good carnage together on the coffee table. The third man, likely younger than the other two, was staring at the newcomer through his glasses, wearing an aura of newly introduced confusion.
As Murray came bumbling back into the room, he seized Laura by the shoulders and attempted to steer her back towards the front door. She wriggled free with a wince, and, after casting another quick look at the trio around the table, quipped, “You never have company. Either you're doing something illegal, or convening to stop something illegal illegally.”
“How about Russian translations and a wild goose chase?” Murray muttered, massaging his forehead before nodding in the vague direction of the younger man. “This is Dr. Alexei, our very own foreign menace, graced by the company of Officer Jim Hopper and Joyce Byers.” He added in a tired tone, “Ne bespokoysya Ona bezvredna,” waving his hand. The young man, Alexei, loosened his shoulders slightly, still eyeing the little Latina with both wariness and interest.
“Okay. So, Jim -”
“Hopper,” the first man grunted.
“Oh - okay, Hopper. Joyce. Alexei.” Laura recited each name. “Neat. Anyone want something to drink?”
“You're not - Laura, I swear to Christ - can you at least stay in the other room?” Murray spoke exasperatedly, trying and failing to guide her out of the area.
Laura feigned offence. “You haven't even offered your guests a drink besides that crap Burger King calls edible?” she scoffed as Murray threw his hands into the air. She looked at the doctor, saying with playful sympathy, “I'll bet he didn't even get you water.”
“Apparently a strawberry Slurpee was worse than water,” Hopper growled before Joyce yanked at his arm as if to say ‘shut up, you big oaf.’
“He said strawberry was fine now!” the woman protested, but he waved her off. They then descended into what was most definitely a lover’s quarrel before Murray made a loud and obnoxious shhing noise through his teeth.
“Shut. Up.”
The others complied, except Laura, of course.
“So, what is going on here?” she queried, picking at a spot of dry paint on her knuckles. She moved to hoist her guitar case over to leave against the nearest wall, still observing the others.
There was a beat of silence, puckered by an annoyed whine from Murray before Joyce began to speak up. “Are you from Hawkins?”
Laura shook her head. “No. I'm just two towns over. Read what happened last year, though - that's some crazy stuff -” She cut herself off. “Byers. Byers - you're the woman who found her son two years ago! Er, what was his name -”
“Will.” Joyce showed a soft smile. Murray seemed to have given up on trying to reign in the conversation and had gone rooting through the kitchen, presumably for alcohol.
“Yeah! I'm glad you found him,” Laura went on with a shrug before perching herself on the armrest of one of the empty seats. When she caught the man called Alexei watching her with friendly intent, she shot him a grin before turning back to Joyce. “How's he doing these days?”
“Good - well, better!” Joyce answered, the smile remaining on her features before she was interrupted by an unintelligible grumble from Hopper. “Oh, what is it now? Do you need a Slurpee now? You big - baby - man.”
“Just saying,” the policeman said slowly, tone wavering with restrained irritation. “Not solving the Russian situation with small talk.”
“Russians? So they've finally broken through our defences?” Laura sounded only half facetiously.
Hopper gestured halfheartedly to Alexei. “Ask Smirnoff over here. He's the one with a big-ass base under the goddamn mall.”
Laura creased her brows, turning back to Alexei and repeating, “Base?”
“He can't understand you,” Joyce piped up, just as Murray came strolling in with a glass of what was probably whiskey.
“Doesn't know a lick of English,” Murray confirmed tiredly before falling back into the seat adjacent to the Latina. “I'm the nearest local translator, apparently,” he added with a gallon of absolutely sarcastic glee before tossing the whiskey down his throat. He winced before smiling way too widely.
Laura outed a small ‘ooooh’ as tucked a curl of hair behind her ear, looking at the scientist apologetically. Jamming a thumb into her chest, she made a clear introduction by saying, “Laura.” The Soviet repeated it slowly, thick and hesitant from his tongue. The grin that lit up her features sent a blossom of red spiralling into the young man’s face.
“Alrighty then. Since everyone knows my name now, why don't you all get me caught up on what the hell is happening?”
She humorously took the gurgling sounds of malcontent from Murray’s glass as an affirmative.
When all was said and done, it was an understatement to say Laura was baffled, if not utterly blown away by the massive import of information that had just been funnelled into her brain, all in a little less than an hour. However, visibly to Murray’s amusement, the presumed couple - who made it a point to announce that they were, in fact, not involved - went off into another minor argument before Murray had cordoned them off into another room.
Laura had taken it upon herself to sit on the floor beside the coffee table and sort out grocery baggie of paints, attempting to clean her hands off in the midst. “Russians have invaded America, and they chose to do so in the ass-end of nowhere. That was clever on their part, I will admit,” the woman mused over the muffled shouts coming from the other room. She rubbed her eyes tiredly, watching Murray come out of the kitchen and situate himself next to the Russian scientist on the sofa across from Laura. ”And he really doesn't understand English?” she requested confirmation, gently nodding her head at Alexei.
”Not a word.”
”Ah,” she murmured, drumming her paint-stained fingers along her leg. She sounded disappointed.
Alexei appeared to notice this, sitting up a smidge as he looked between Murray and Laura, eventually mumbling something to the other man with raised brows. Murray shook his head and replied, pausing in the middle before finishing with the babbling syllables, “Yedinstvennyye drugiye yazyki kotoryye ona znayet eto ispanskaya i umnaya zadnitsa.”
When Laura looked at him expectantly, Murray rolled his eyes and translated, “I told him you only speak English, Spanish, and Smartass.”
The Latina held up a very special finger. Murray chortled tiredly, muttering, “Yeah, you too, Lottie.”
After a reprieve, looked up again and asked slowly, “Do you, ah - do you think I could talk to him? Through you, I mean -”
Before she could even finish, Murray was out of his chair and fleeing to the kitchen for what was presumably more alcohol. “No, no, no, no, don't get me started. No. You already never shut your mouth as it is.”
Laura raised her hands in defence. “Jesus, Murph … I just want to talk to the guy. And I think you owe me for putting your thing in my face.” A pause, then through a sly grin, “Me pregunto cómo reaminará la Mamá cuando escucha cómo trataste a tus invitados.”
Murray gripped his glass with white knuckles and resignation, staring down the young woman - plus Alexei, who had no idea what was going on - before leaving the room, only to return with an armful of paper and a few dull pencils. “Comprise. Knock yourself out with a round of Pictionary first. I'll ‘repay’ you by being a translator tomorrow. Deal?”
Laura clicked her tongue and scrambled over to fetch the supplies, responding with a coy, “Es un acuerdo,” before watching Murray dramatically excuse himself. Looking over to the confused Russian, she smiled, scooting closer to his seat as his eyes followed her movements curiously. He opened his mouth to ask a question but shut it after remembering only one person in the bunker understood him. His brows furrowed, and he sat back with a faint little huff until Laura edged up next to him. He appeared a bit confused by her smile. Nevertheless, she raised a pencil and said anyways, “Let's play some Pictionary, comrade.”
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fitmydaydream · 6 years
Apologies - Part 3
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
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Prompt: Shawn becomes miserable after Y/N left for a so called break. But how long will the break last? Will Shawn be able to win her back?
Word Count: Almost 4k
A/N: Well who knew I would be writing a part 3 to this but here we are. I cannot thank you guys enough for showing so much love to me. I'll forever be grateful. I love y'all babies 🌸💕 Also this part is gonna be a bit longer so hold on tight!
One week. It has been one whole week since Shawn has last seen you walk through the door. One week of utter heartbreak. One week of loneliness and sheer regret. Shawn has been through it all.
The morning after you left, Shawn woke upto a cold hard floor realising he had cried himself to sleep on the floor only. Flashbacks of the last night hit him and there he was back again, grieving over your absence.
He called you several times but you didn't pick up even once. All his calls went straight to your voicemail and all the messages remained ignored. Every moment was stabbing him in the heart, blaming himself for all the mess. Oh god if only he would've acted a bit responsible.
The deadline was approaching near but he didn't care about it now. Whenever he would try and sit down to think about a song, his thoughts would get distracted and he would always end up thinking about the words you said.
You broke me in the blink of an eye Shawn.
A tear would slip down his cheek and he would wipe it off. He wasn't able to focus anymore. He was ignoring all the calls he was getting from his management team and has not been to the studio since the last week giving an excuse that he was working at home.
Brian and Andrew sensed something was up and decided to visit him due to his lack of presence in studio and the halted progress in work. Analysing the mess he has created out of himself and his surroundings, they decided to bring up the question.
"What do you think you're doing with yourself?" Andrew asked.
Shawn looked terrible. Red eyes, purple under eyes bags, messed up house and his lack of presence of mind were all evident of the fact of the immense effect it had on Shawn when you left him that day. He was not eating properly and probably was not in his best state at all.
"What? I'm working on stuff." Shawn said bluntly.
"Oh is it? Let me take a look at your work then. May I know where is it?" Andrew asked clearly pissed off.
"Jesus! Do you need a fucking proof of everything? I said I'm working on it!" Shawn argued.
"I know you're lying to my face Shawn. Otherwise why would you stop coming to the studio all of a sudden. Why would you even ignore our calls? Hell you even fought with Y/N. What's the problem man?" Andrew asked bluntly.
"That is the bloody problem Andrew! That is the bloody problem! She left. Y/N left!!!!!!" Shawn yelled.
"W-What?" Andrew was confused.
"Yes she fucking left Andrew after all that I said to her. I broke her terribly. I hurt her like an enemy and now she left and I don't even know if she's coming back or not!" Shawn broke.
Andrew was shocked. He stepped forward to put a hand in consolation over Shawn's shoulder.
"I get-" Andrew said but was interrupted.
"No you don't get it okay! It has all happened because of you people!!!!" Shawn shouted.
"You all are crazy. You all want me to follow my passion but at the same time want it done so quickly like I'm working on a damn written assignment or something. It's music for fuck's sake. It takes time you know? It requires thinking and a lot of emotions attached to it. It can't just come up with a song like that. I'm not even happy with my work anymore because you guys always want the work on your table so on time like some fucking dinner oh my god. And because of this, I've not been able to even talk properly with Y/N since the past several months as you guys always want me to be in the studio. I left her when she needed me the most. I ignored her. I didn't say anything because I thought this all was happening for good but no it wasn't and here I'm in the midst of a hell hole. I watched her walk past that door after begging her to stay and I don't even know if she'll ever be back? How am I supposed to focus Andrew? Tell me? Does this make you happy? Are you happy that I lost her?" Shawn was on the verge of tears with his voice cracking.
"So you're now saying that this is all because of us don't you? What fucking lame ass excuse are you giving us for a breakup which you were responsible for Shawn?!" Andrew said angrily.
Brian told Andrew to shut up just for once because this wasn't the right time to argue with Shawn.
"Yes I only mean what you're hearing? You're sick. Your whole management is sick. Thinks people are fucking robots or something. You and you management can go and fuck yourself!" Shawn retaliated.
Andrew was done with him. Brian dragged Andrew outside before this could get anymore ugly.
"What are you doing dude?" Brian whisper yelled.
"Wh-what I am doing? Didn't you see him being such an immature and irresponsible guy. It's like I don't know him and how the fuck did he dare to put this all on us. I'm-"
Brian interrupted " I know buddy. He's not in a right state. You know how much he was attached to Y/N. He loved her to death and with her leaving him now, he has totally lost it. He needs consolation and help Andrew and not people reminding him it's his mistake because he surely does know it. You and me we both know that he's not totally wrong about what he said about the management. It's partially our fault too you know? He worked more than he needed. You know what I mean right?" Brian asked Andrew and he kinda nodded slightly but not too much.
"I'll talk to him. I'll also try to talk to Y/N and see if this gets any better. But for now, give him a little more time for he is going through a lot right now. He's in pain and needs help okay. You can go now and I'll try to talk to him about this. Just be cool huh?"
Andrew nodded and went for his car. Brian sighed in relief and went inside. He saw Shawn sitting on the couch with his head in his hands.
He walked up to him and placed a hand on his knee asking "Hey buddy! How you doin'?"
"What are you here for now?" Shawn mumbled against his hands.
"What? I'm here to check up on my buddy. Gotta see is he's doing okay?"
"Well then you're gonna be really disappointed because I'm a screwed up mess right now. I don't know what to do. Y/N isn't picking up any of my calls neither is she replying to my texts. I think she hates me now and probably won't ever be back and all this wouldn't have happened if I wouldn't have been a dick to her. So there's that and I'm doing just fine I guess?" Shawn rambled.
"Woah! Woah dude slow down. So you're telling me you just called and texted her and never actually tried to go after her or chase her? What difference is that gonna make Shawn? What are you thinking?" Brian said surprisingly.
"What do you mean by that?" Shawn asked looking up, confused by what Brian was implying.
"You gotta reach out for her Shawn duh?" Brian raised an eyebrow hoping Shawn would get the indication.
"I'm not really getting you Brian. Stop beating around the bush and get to the point!"
"God! Are you really that dumb or do you pretend to be one. Well seems like you are actually dumb because what I'm trying to say is you got to reach out for her in real. All these texts and calls about how much you miss her and love her will not make any progress buddy. If you really love her so much then you gotta tell her about it. You've to find a way to meet her. I don't know how but figure it out before it gets too late and she changes her mind to not come back to you. Time is precious and you've already lost a week. Go after her. Chase her. Are you getting what I'm saying Shawn? No one considers a mere call or a text expressing your love or regret as a solid way to apologise you know." Brian asked.
"Oh shit! What was I thinking?" Shawn sat there wide eyed.
"Exactly. My point. But it's never too late. You've still got time. Think about a plan and chase her. As much as I know Y/N, Shawn she really loves you. And if you assure her that you're never gonna mess things up like this again and show how much love you hold for her, I'm sure she's gonna consider you another time."
"Yes I think you're so damn right. I should go but she's living with Noah and as much as I know Noah she won't let me meet her after seeing what I did to Y/N. She's never gonna let me meet her." Shawn ran his hands through his hair in frustration and groaned.
"Dude did you lose your brain somewhere or threw it into trash can someday because you're fucking stupid. Who told you to go and ring the bell and be a gentleman? Figure out her room and climb through a ladder like a romeo and get inside your Juliet's room and do your thing bitch!" Brian exclaimed.
Shawn stared at Brian for a minute as if he was a superhuman. He mentally face palmed himself for being so dumb and wasting so much time texting and calling her. Suddenly, he hugged Brian tightly.
"You're a saviour Brian! Thank you so much! God knows how much time I would've really wasted if you wouldn't have been on time here." Shawn said a bit happily as he got some hope that maybe he was not that late that he has imagined himself to be.
"You're welcome pussy." Brian said smiling. "Now go and do it! Good luck mate! I'm sure she's gonna be back and everything is gonna be alright! Just don't bring your defeated ass back home. Bring home victory!"
It was raining and you were driving your way back to Noah's home after a tiring day at work. Yes, work. You decided to go back to work since sitting idle was eating you up and bringing back bad thoughts and memories which were never really helping you.
It has been one week since you walked out of that door and last seen Shawn's face. You wouldn't deny that you missed him. You missed him like crazy. And you were still in love with him.
You wondered how he must be doing. Would he be fine? Would he be sad? Would he be over you? Would he be expecting you to be back? Endless thoughts circled your minds daily and it was hurting you.
You also debated with yourself at times whether you did the right thing or not and that was the most scary part. You tried talking to Noah about this and it kind of helped.
"Y/N honey" she' sighed. "It was a decision you thought about right? It wasn't taken in the heat of the moment. You were hurt too much. Anyone who would've been in your place would've considered it to be an appropriate thing you know? I know what you're thinking but you needed some personal space to figure things out and that wouldn't have been possible if you would've still been there right? So stop beating yourself up" Noah said calmly.
You wouldn't deny that it helped talking to Noah about this but not that much that you expected. It was still bothering you.
You pulled your car in Noah's driveway and turned off the ignition. You signed and rang the bell. The door opened and you were greeted by Noah talking on her phone to someone. She smiled at you and you smiled back at her. She continued talking on her phone in a low voice but it was still audible to you.
"No I can't you know about Y/N right. She's sick and she has been living with me since a week so I gotta take care of her. I'll come in the next one for s-" Noah whispered.
You snatched the phone from her and answered "Actually Y/N is well and I would absolutely love to come around tonight. I'll be there at 8. Bye."
"What the hell was that Y/N? Why would you do that? You know I don't wanna leave you-"
"I know Noah and that's why I'd to do that. You've already done so much for me and I'm so utterly thankful of you that you stood by my side all the time and took care of me like a baby. But I'm fine Noah. I just want you to go out and have some fun and not avoid this just because of me. That'll make me feel even worse you know." you said while making a puppy face which you knew Noah couldn't resist.
Noah gave you a genuine smile and hugged you. You hugged her back.
"You bitch! You've to make that face don't you" Noah said and you chuckled.
"Yes and now go, get ready. Dress up sexy and get some ass." you said with a wink and Noah fake gasped.
After about an hour you saw Noah get ready to leave.
"I'll be back early. You'll be alright?" Noah asked you in a concerned way.
"No way! You'll not be back before 12 I'm ordering you girl. You better not be back home before that otherwise I won't let you in" you said in a made up manly tone.
"Okay mom!" Noah said and hugged you goodbye.
"Just drive safe and have fun!" you shouted behind her and she nodded while driving away. You sighed somewhat in relief and happiness. But now you were all alone. It was raining outside making it a gloomy evening.
It was already half past 8 so you decided to have a light dinner and retire yourself to bed by 9 after a good bath.
You couldn't help the thoughts about Shawn in your shower. How beautiful he looked when his lips curved into a smile, how the crinkles by his eyes appeared when he laughed flashing his perfect teeth, the way his perfect lips felt upon yours and how he was the ultimate source of happiness.
You shook your head to clear your thoughts. You turned off the shower and got out of it. Then you changed into your pjs and a loose t-shirt and snuggled yourself into the bed with the curtains wide open. You stared at your phone screen displaying hundreds of voicemails and messages that were not still opened by you and your hands itched to do that.
You watched the rain pour down and the thunder striking which always scared you. This reminded you of how Shawn would cuddle you in his arms whenever the lightning struck. A tear slipped from your eyes.
This was too hard. You wanted to go back to Shawn. You began to contemplate your decision whether you were right to leave him or not.
Shawn loved you. He moved away from his family and friends to live with you just because he loved you. And you knew how suoer stressed he gets when it comes to music. You thought whether you did the right thing to leave him when he needed you the most. He said you gave him motivation and what did you do? You left him? Yes he was wrong to say such things to you and heck even he did a mistake to ignore you but were you intending on taking a revenge from him instead of that? You loved him right?
Your thoughts were interrupted by a heavy pounding on your window. You were startled by the sound. You raised your head to get a better view and saw some wet curls slowly emerging up. You froze in your position. It was the person you were just thinking about. It was Shawn. He was trying to get inside. This is was all too much to process.
He was dripping wet. You realised you were staring for too long when he got restless and the pounding got faster signalling you to let him asap.
You ran towards your window and opened it. You helped Shawn get inside and he got you wet also. You quickly closed the window and went to grab a towel for Shawn to dry himself out. You handed him the towel while you caught him staring at you. You stared back at him.
This was such an intimate moment. You both were not saying anything. Just looking at each other, taking all in. It was like one of the many times when you both saw each other for first time. This was beautiful. He was beautiful.
"Come back Y/N" Shawn blurted out.
"You heard it right baby. Come back. Just come back to me. It's too hard without you Y/N. Life's hard without you." Shawn said. He stepped forward and held your arms gently.
"I mean it. I love you Y/N. I love you with all my heart. I can scream it to the whole world and not feel even a tad bit of ashamed by it. I'm so disappointed in myself so much that I can't even tell you. In those past days, I just wanna tell you that it took everything in me not to run back to you every minute. I hated myself for doing this to you. There was not a moment when I didn't think about you. I wished I could just take all that back and tell you that you were not even near to what I said to you that day baby." Shawn's voice croaked.
"Shaw-" he put a finger on your lips.
"Shh! No let me speak today baby."
You were starting to tear up. He moved his hands to your cheeks and cupped them.
"Look into my eyes Y/N. Don't they scream about the love I have for you. Y/N you've saved me everytime I was about to fall. You are the power I have that keeps me on my toes. That keeps me motivated. You're my strength baby and not my weakness. You've that magic that helps me keep my shit together and not make me feel otherwise. You've been there for me when I used to feel so hopeless and useless. I don't wanna miss you like this Y/N. I want you like you used to be with me. I want you back. You keep me sane and at the same time you drive me insane. I love this contrast in my emotions when I'm with you. I'm at my best when I'm with you." Shawn was now crying. Light sobs were escaping your lips.
"What we have Y/N is so beautiful and magical. If I'd known what you were feeling like, I swear my love that I would've never left you like that everyday and would never have played so nonchalant. Distance, timings, breakdown, fightings and silence, we've been through it all. I don't wanna lose you baby. I've my whole life planned with you before my eyes. I always see you walking down the aisle and holding your face gently and kissing you in front of our families. I already see you as the mother of my children baby. I wouldn't trade this for the world. This is so precious Y/N. Just come back to me. I'm apologize with all my entire heart for all the nights I left you alone when I should've held you in my arms and have told you that it's gonna be fine. I should have been there for you when you woke up in the morning to kiss your lips. I regret not doing all those things in those past months which I intend to do now. Don't let this go Y/N my love. Don't let our forever get ripped into shreds babe. Just come back. Just come back baby." Shawn whimpered.
The look in his eyes said it all. The pain in those eyes were evident of the immense fear he was experiencing of losing you. It spoke to your heart directly. Someone once said that fall in love with the eyes because they never change. You saw it today. His eyes still held the same amount of love and tenderness as they'd when he first declared that he loved you. You were looking into eyes while you brought his face closer to you with your hands. Shawn placed his forehead on yours and you both were crying. It was getting too emotional. Shawn wiped a tear that was streaming down your cheek with his thumb and touched his nose with yours.
"I'm sorry" you whispered through sobs."Don't be. It's me who's at fault." he whispered back.
"No baby. I realised I left you when you needed me the most. You begged me to say but I couldn't hear you over my ego. I'm so sorry baby." You whispered against his lips.
"No baby. That was not your ego. That was your dignity and I'm so proud of you that you stood for yourself and kicked some sense into me." he cried softly against skin.
"I love you Shawn. I love you so much. We are not meant to fight like this. I miss us. I miss how we used to be. This love is good and you're the best thing that has ever been mine."
"I love you more baby. So fucking more. You're my life, my forever and my everything. I promise I'm gonna make this all better. The stakes will always be high but I'm ready to fight the world when you're right beside me holding my hand. I'm not gonna treat you like I did. You're my princess baby. No one can take what is ours and I'm fearless now."
You cried against his lips even harder. You took this moment to crash your lips against his. Shawn's hands held you closer to him by your waist as much as possible while your hands went from his chest to behind his neck where you interlocked them. The kiss was passionate, desperate and so loving. You bit at his lower lip. Shawn leaned into you more to make the kiss more intense. His hands roamed all over your body like a nomad wandering for his home. Your heart was healing with every second of this kiss. You realised this was all you'll ever want. His tongue delved into your and explored it with so much intimacy. You tugged at his curl which made him moan into your mouth. Suddenly lightening struck and you pulled out of the kiss, scared. Shawn looked at you and sensed that you were afraid so he wrapped you in his arms and kissed your head. You got engulfed in his scent and realised no place could be safer that his arms.
"I'm cold Shawn" you mumbled against his chest. " Well then I know just the right way to make you feel warm" Shawn said and you felt him smile against your forehead moving his lips straight down to your neck and kissing your skin over there. It was finally time to say goodbye to all the hardships and anguish and the perfect moment to celebrate the victory of love.
I hope you guys liked how I ended it?! Feedback is cool! Also, if you've any ideas for any future imagines feel free to share with me ♥️ MASTERLIST
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Charlie stared cheekily at the woman standing transfixed in the darkness ahead of her. Her beautiful, intelligent sister wife had followed Erik like a stowaway and he ain’t even know it, that freaking tiny genius. She curved her manicured finger beckoning Henny closer to the glass.
“You wanna be a king,” Charlie asked, leaning in. Henny wanted it, Charlie could see it in her big brown eyes. They yearned for control. She had the makings, but she had to deliberately choose it. “The queen is the most valuable player on the board, so by right our Dominant only holds the power we allow him. Baby girl, you already hold the high cards, you just gotta pull your rank. Tell me you feel me.”
“Oh I feel you. I got some stuff I wanna do,” Henny asserted, her eyebrows rising. She was serious and already plotting. Charlie grinned, excitement bubbling. She loved this side of Henny. So determined, so eager, so ready to explore. She just needed some light guidance and as sure as Kimora was her dance teacher, she’d teach Henny to dom. If anything, it would shock the heck out of Erik. Maybe she’d even get to watch.
“You’ll do them all if you remember these three things. One, our man is a total brat which means he is submissive. Behind his bravado lies a sub begging to be tamed.” All of the sister wives including herself were submissive brats, but Henny placed in the top tier when it came to high ratios of brattiness. She was 100% Brat while Charlie was a switch.
“Two, if you know what you like then you know what to give. If you like it there’s a good chance he will too. Use that to make him beg. And three, don’t bruise his ego unless you plan to heal it. We don’t want to break him emotionally for a scene, but I know that’s not an issue you’d have.”
“Hell no, we get enough of his emo ass. I just wanna make him grovel for once, switch positions.” Charlie smirked thinking of the scenarios they’d get up to.
“I’d like to see that. How about this, I’m a feel him out when we get back to the hotel and if it’s a go, I’ll let you know. If you liked what you saw of him tonight, you’re gonna love seeing what else he’s capable of.”
Hennessy’s big doe eyes twinkled in the glow of the neon purple light. She was intrigued by the idea of making Erik her bitch, having him grovel at her feet being an underlying kink of hers. She wasn’t necessarily dominant in nature, but she did enjoy being in control.
She felt the energy shifting within the small room, a tell-tell sign that her alter ego was stirring. This sort of thing was right up Kitana’s alley and it had been so long since she’d been out to play. For the first time in her 26 years, Hennessy surrendered herself to the woman, allowing Charlie to use her in whatever ways she saw fit. Afterall, one can’t expect to dominate successfully if they didn’t play the submissive role every once in a while.
Back at the aparthotel, there were four rented rooms, three people per room. A little shuffling around and Charlie and Hennessy were able to finesse a room together with Erik, at least for the night. Erik's body immediately gravitated to Charlie. With no border between them she knew he planned to beat the pink out of her pussy, but as much as she wanted that.. there was business to take care of. She rushed to her suitcase and pulled her cuffs.
“Uh-uh, babygirl, you think you finna restrain me and I ain't touched you in days,” he asked reaching out quickly again and again, but Charlie dodged each time sending a slight wink to Henny. “Come here,” he commanded, his finger pointing down. She knew what that meant, but she wasn't dropping to the floor tonight.
“What I say to call me? Just because the location changed doesn't mean our arrangement did. For the next few hours, I own you or until I say otherwise,” she dodged his cat-like lunge having played this cat and mouse game with him several times before.
“See Henny, with two dominants.. power struggles are bound to happen, but the true dominant is patient and does not relent. Erik, babe, you gone have to switch the reigns tonight because I know exactly what I want from you and I'll have it before the night is through.”
“ChaCha.. You think I can't just catch you if I wanna catch you?” He grinned, poised to strike yet again.
“Oh I know you can, but you haven't which means you want me to forcefully take control. Why? Cuz you a freaky ass bratty nigga. Don't ever forget that I know you as well as you know me, babyboy..” His eyes went pleadingly to Henny who was watching, entertained. “Nah, don't look at her! Your wife on my side. Come here, Hennessy!” With the quickness, Henny moved to Charlie's side, sticking out her tongue at Erik.
“Ohh.. I'm a get yo lil munchkin ass,” he said nodding his head in betrayal. He was too calm, he would definitely get her eventually, but for now Henny was protected.
“You ain't even know she followed you tonight did you? You got a smartass wife, better tighten up, beloved. If you don't want your cover blown further, that is. In the meantime..” Charlie approached Erik slowly, but with unwavering confidence. The look in his eye said she wouldn't even need the cuffs this time.
“On your knees,” Charlie demanded coolly and Erik narrowed his eyes, leaning in challenge into her space, an intimidation attempt. A loud slap crossed his cheek followed by her soft palm rubbing at the spot of impact. Charlie's lips were at his ear, whispering. “You know the rules, love, we only ask once.”
“I'm a get you back,” he said point blank with strong eye contact before Charlie rounded him again and kicked in his kneecaps, taking him down to the floor..
“I know.. But for now, you're on my time. Be a good bitch or I'll make it worse and little Henny gonna see what a naughty boy you really are.”
“Yes, King Jade,” he said not wanting to go full little boy around Henny. If he'd called her Mama Jade, that would've been Charlie's cue to go full Mommy Dom. Charlie knew the signs.
“Bitch it is, then,” Charlie said fetching a collar and leash she'd packed. It was a plain black leather collar and a black leash. After attaching them to Erik's thick neck as he kneeled, she wrapped the free end of the leash around her hand tightly, leading him to crawl in a circle before mounting his back and riding him across the aparthotel room. Henny looked on in shock as her usually sadistic and brolic dominant crawled back in forth on all fours like a masochist, arms bulging. Erik's eyes avoided hers in uncertainty. He had no reason to feel embarrassed, Henny wasn't judging like he thought. She was feeling it. If he looked up he'd see.
“Sub tonight or dom,” Charlie mouthed to Henny. It was either Dom or be dommed. To Charlie's surprise, she chose to sub. Magic words. “Hennessy. Why you got on clothes in my room?” Charlie asked aloud this time. “Where you think you bout to go? Take that shit off and stand right there,” Charlie pointed to an empty space, “Shoulders back, chin up, don't move.” She pulled the leash halting Erik's movements. “Park it,” she commanded and he sat kneeling on his heels in front of Henny in his briefs. Charlie climbed off and pulled his head back roughly by his ponytail. A look in Erik’s eyes showed his surprise as he looked up at Henny. Suddenly, he was really, really into this.
“Henny, put your leg over Erik's shoulder.” Charlie said dropping Erik's head. Henny threw her leg over his large shoulder and Erik looked to Charlie, hunger in his eyes. Charlie nodded her head, “Sick her!”
Like a wild animal, Erik attacked the junction between Henny's meaty thighs, his hands pulling her closer, gripping ass and thigh. He lapped at her entrance like it was life itself. Henny opened her mouth, sound welling up.
“Ah ah,” Charlie warned, “We have a rule. You speak or make a sound without permission? You get punished. If I were you, I wouldn't.”
“Shit,” Henny breathed in true bratty fashion. She couldn't control it. “Hennessy! I told you! Now you gotta take it for the next fifteen minutes and if you cum or talk or make a sound, your tongue is going in his ass. Don't worry, it's clean.” Charlie knew it was something Henny never wanted to do. She'd refuse, but that's why it was a punishment. Like, losing a dare. If she made a sound, Charlie would press her face right into Erik's ass and in this moment HE would do whatever Charlie said. This was the price of disobedience in King Jade's castle. Henny’s face twisted and distorted and her body writhed as Erik fed his hunger voraciously, but Charlie noticed humorously that she ain't make a peep.
“Alright, down boy,” Charlie said pulling the leash after fifteen minutes of watching. She was wet herself after watching Henny squirm. “You did good Henny! I'm proud of you. I'd have cum,” Charlie chuckled. She'd have been a goner after ten minutes the way her husband was eating. Good thing it wasn't her. “Henny. On your knees.” Henny dropped and kneeled, face to face with Erik. Charlie was high off of power. “Tongues out, both of you,” she said palming both of their heads and pushing them together. Their tongues twisted together aggressively pushing into each other's mouths, Erik trying to dominate Henny through use of his thick, long tongue. Charlie silently willed Henny to fight back, pushing her head and her tongue lashed out, battling fiercely. Erik was on rock, pitching a tent in his briefs. He reached out to grope Henny's full hanging breasts, unwilling to control himself.
“Nope,” Charlie swatted his hand and then his cheek with a slap. “Behave.” He groaned and it was another strike. Charlie yanked him back by his ponytail. “Henny wins!”
“Now Henny gets to cum, but how is the question.” Charlie rubbed her chin, plotting. Hennessy turned to Charlie, her big doe eyes shining with want.
“King Jade?” she purred.
“Yes Princess?”
“I want to ride,” she called back, staring hungrily at the tent in Erik’s pants.
“Erik. Lie on the bed on your back and be still, hands behind your head. Don't move. Henny. Straddle that dick. I want it to disappear in that pussy.” She waited for them to find their positions, watching Henny split herself on his pole. She knew the feeling and was laughing inside, the smile on her face clear. “You know you take that dick, don't bite your lip now,” Charlie teased pulling on Henny's bottom lip, freeing it. ”Now ride that dick. I wanna hear balls slapping ass every time you come down. When you come up, say ‘Thank you King Jade.’”
The words spilled from Henny’s lips like a prayer. If she’d known what she knew now, she would’ve asked this a long time ago. Seeing Erik in this way only made her desire for her beloved husband grow. It also made her more excited to know the kinds of things she’d have him doing when she was the one in control. He couldn't keep himself from moving under her, his hips thrusting desperately. His hands threatened to leave their positions and grab her, desperate to control the movements of her hips. She began to slow her pace as his thrusts began to falter under her, a tell-tell sign that he was close to his peak. She bounced a few more times, still singing praises to King Jade before hopping off, his glazed dick still pointing at the sky. If looks could kill, Hennessy would be dead on sight as Erik’s face twisted in a mixture of anger, confusion, and sexual desperation.
“Where the fuck you going?!” Charlie and Erik barked in unison. The little brat only giggled in response.
“He was about to cum, King Jade, and naughty boys don’t deserve to cum,” she replied with her most innocent smile. She had traces of Erik's sadism having been married to him for so long. Charlie nodded, in agreement with her logic.
“But good girls get multiple orgasms. Get yo ass back down. ERIK. Finish her. No hands. No dick.”
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