#she wouldn't tell sam. no matter how many times she wants to say she doesn't remember what she sounds like
lionydoorin · 1 year
Do you think Tara eventually starts forgetting Amber's details? The sound of her voice, the color of her eyes, her favorite song.
Obviously you don't just forget someone you loved that much, but it's been a year since Tara has seen or heard Amber, plus all the traumatic memories she has attached to her.
Could you imagine if Tara's brain started blocking Amber out as a trauma response?
eough. totally. tara's brain altering some memories or blocking them as a trauma response. EOUGH.
it starts with simple things, the kind of simple that tara wouldn't worry about at first. a song that would always make her think about amber suddenly not making her want to cry as much. that story she told her once during a sleepover suddenly fading away from her mind. amber was allergic to something in this meal, what was it?
forgetting these things gave her a certain relief, somehow. amber was a complicated subject. she didn’t know how she was supposed to feel, and the thought of her was always too painful, too scary. so, maybe these small details weren’t meant to be stored in her mind, the ghost of her best friend (the person who tried to kill her) finally deciding to rest and let her be.
so, if tara couldn't remember the name of amber's childhood pet, she wouldn't bat an eye. if her tumblr username didn't cross her mind, it would be fine, because it meant she wouldn't wanna check it out once more, like it's amber's own personal diary.
even if it the idea of forgetting it made her anxious. even if not thinking about her hurt as much as thinking about her.
her dreams became more and more jumbled after that, psychedelic counterparts to the very real memories her brain decides to play on repeat as soon as she closes her eyes.
amber seemed more strange with every night: hands a little rougher than what she remembers when her mind replays her choking her neck, face more, and more, and more distorted as she burns alive. sometimes she was taller than she actually was, other times, she seemed shorter than tara. she never used these rings, and what was that pendant on her necklace? her eyes didn’t seem her own, her hair was somehow not right. didn’t she have a beauty mark somewhere on her face? i could swear her smile was different. why does everything seem so wrong?
i’ll make it quick, the person in her dreams would say as it places tara in the closet, voice just not quite right, tying her body instead of just her hands. wasn’t it different? is this what actually happened? i promise, tara. i'll end her and come back for you. i'll take care of you.
(she never said that.
did she say that?
what did she say, anyway?)
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warriorofthought · 6 months
I did love you, always!
Summary: Bucky broke up with you but the Winter Soldier still loves you.
Word count: 3103
Warnings: sad, sentimental Feelings 
Winter Soldier x Reader
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You and Bucky broke up recently, even though you always supported him, even through his Winter soldier phase. It didn't even take two weeks before he got together with Sharon. that made you angry, hurt, betrayed.
You were at Bucky’s house because you had to get your stuff, and you both began to argue again because of Sharon.
"At least she treats me like I'm somebody!" he snapped.
"Yeah, I do too but would she love you if you were the winter soldier?!" You yell back.
"Nobody loved me when I was the winter soldier!”
"I do, i did" you mumble and turn around to put clothes from the shelf in a box.
He stops and just stares at you. You can't tell if he heard it. You look at him. 
You stare at each other for a few seconds and you wonder whether it's even something to say now. 
You wait for him to reply, maybe you shouldn't have said anything, now that you realize you might have spoken out of impulse. 
He walks up to you. 
"What did you say?”
"you have heard me!" You say a bit annoyed.
"I love you, even when you change back into the Winter soldier. The winter soldier is not a complete monster, he is also loveable." You sigh.
"But that doesn't matter anymore" you shake your head disappointed and hurt.
He stares at you and seems to be thinking. 
His grip tightens on his fists. He's angry, frustrated, upset. 
Then he sighs.
"You don't know what you're saying and you're just saying this because you're upset." 
He seems to be thinking again, then he continues.
"If i was the winter soldier, you would hate me too.”
"I would not, i have seen you many times as the winter soldier and i didn't hate you, i love you it doesn't matter which one you are. The Winter soldier loves me, the same as you do. He wouldn't kill me." You say and finish up packing your clothes.
"How do you know?" he asks. He's curious now, maybe he's starting to reconsider.
"You don't know that. You say you love me no matter what, but I don't believe you. You're just saying it because you're angry. Because you can't stand me being with Sharon.”
"Yeah, I can't stand you being with Sharon." You snap.
"But I'm the only one that can change you back into Bucky when you go back into Winter Soldier, Sharon can't protect you from that, the Winter soldier, you. He will kill her." 
Before Bucky can say anything Sharon steps into the apartment, his new love.
You glare at Sharon, who's got her hands all over Bucky.
"She can protect herself, she's a trained SHIELD agent." Bucky is getting defensive now. 
"And I can protect her if she needs me to. She understands this. She's not afraid. We're in love, and she trusts me." 
Bucky's really falling for Sharon's charms now.
"Bucky, you don't need to pretend you love someone else, just because you are scared."  You say gentle.  " We both can manage that, we can work on that, together." 
He stays silent for a bit. 
"I'm not pretending anything. With her, it's..." you can hear the joy in his voice. 
"You don't know what it's like when I'm with her, to feel her touch, to hear her smile... It's different with her, I actually want to be with her.” 
You grab your last items and then walk to the front door. " I hope you won't regret that" you say and leave.
He lets you leave, knowing how stubborn you can be when you're upset. But he will regret it. He already does. 
He sits down on the couch in silence. He should go after you, he shouldn't have let you leave like this. 
But then Sharon comes and sits right next to him, putting her arms around his neck, clinging to him.
Timeskip (Three weeks later, you get a call from Sam, telling you Bucky changed back into the Winter soldier and that he is currently destroying the SHIELD base. Sams wants you to come quickly because nobody comes through to the Winter soldier or Bucky. You sigh but still go to the SHIELD base to see what is happening, you even see Sharon there but the Winter Soldier doesn't seem to like her. You stop beside Sam who looks happy to see you here.)
Sam smiles at you, relieved to see you. He knows you're one of the only people who Bucky would actually care to listen to. 
The Winter Soldier is destroying the SHIELD base, tearing things apart and shouting. 
Sharon's nearby, but Bucky seems to have forgotten about her.
"I thought he wouldn't get near Hydra again, that all of you didn't let him go destroying the hydra base as a mission. How wrong did go your last mission?" you say softly to sam.
Sam shrug his shoulders .
"He was on a mission to destroy a hydra base, the one right here, but apparently something went wrong."
You glance at the Winter Soldier. He's still breaking things and shouting. Sam sighs.
"Sharon's trying to talk to him, so far he's not interested..."
"No wonder, Winter doesn't like her" you grumble with a sigh.
Sam sights too.
"He's not usually this bad when he changes back" he explains.
"This time it's different because of... You know..."
"Because of our break up?" You ask gentle.
"Is he not happy with being with Sharon?"
Sam nods. "He's not happy, and he's not handling his emotions well. And the fact that he's still with Sharon... He's confused, he's trying to deny his feelings for you and it's... just making his mind a mess."
You sigh " I will handle that."
Then you step into the room where Sharon and the Winter Soldier are. Sharon looks like a mess.
The Winter Soldier doesn't even blink when you walk in. He's got a look of determination on his face, and his eyes are fixed on Sharon who is trying to talk to him, but Bucky's not interested.
Sharon's hair is all out of place, she looks scared and desperate.
"Winter, do you really need to be so mean to her?" You ask gently and walk closer.
The Winter Soldier stares at you, his eyes filled with rage and frustration.
"Maybe I do. Maybe I want to be mean to her."
Sharon looks at you, and at first it's relief, but she slowly understands that you're not going to defend her.
"Is it because Bucky wants to be with her and you don't?"
The Winter Soldier looks like he suddenly realizes something.
You notice that he's slightly distracted from the idea of hurting Sharon and actually looking at you.
He raises his voice.
"Bucky wants to be with Sharon, but I hate her..."
You slowly nod. But as you want to answer the jet sways a bit and you all stumble a little to the side as the jet tilts to the side.
You don't see how a few metal pipes threaten to fall on you and before that happens, the Winter Soldier is with you and protects you from the falling pipes with his metal arm.
You're shocked by his sudden change of behavior, and also by his sudden reaction. He protects you, making sure you're safe. His reaction is much quicker than yours, or anyone else's and it's clear that all his attention is now on you.
"Winter" you say lovely, your soft eyes meet his. He doesn't change back into Bucky but you see the love that the Winter Soldier has for you.
His eyes meet yours and you feel like he's looking into your soul. The love and affection in his eyes...
He's still standing in front of you, protecting you.
You can feel his warmth and his closeness.
Sharon is looking at you two, her look of desperation gone now, replaced by something else...
"Winter, thank you." You whisper softly.
He nods slightly, clearly understanding that you're thanking him.
Sharon's starting to look angry and jealous now. She's clearly noticed that he paid no attention to her, and was completely focused on you.
This time Sharon starts to mock you.
She points at you and laughs.
"He's just pretending to care about you. He doesn't love you, he doesn't even like you. He's with me, not with you!" it pains you to hear her say those things, to see the contempt in her eyes and hear the jealousy in her voice.
"Yeah, Bucky is in a relationship with you. But that doesn't mean that the Winter Soldier also wants that" you say calm.
Then you all stumble again as the jet swings in the other direction. Winter immediately stabilizes your stand.
You keep talking to him without even reacting to the movement or the danger. You know Winter will always have your back.
Sharon rolls her eyes and laughs.
"Do you really think he'll choose you over me? He needs someone in his life and you're not even there for him. He wants a real relationship, a real woman, not someone like you!"
“I don't care about your opinion, the only thing that is important is that Winter and even Bucky feels comfortable.”
She stares down at the ground, her jaw clenched and her face flushed with anger.
You wonder if she's realizing that her relationship with him isn't as secure as she thought…
Sharon laughs again.
"You're so stupid if you actually believe that. Just look at him! He's in love with me, not with you."
You notice her tone change from mocking to one filled with anger and jealousy.
The jet wobbles even more and Winter has to tighten his grip on you to keep both of you standing. The Winter Soldier keeps protecting you, making sure you don't fall and get hurt.
Before you can react Sharon points her gun at you, your eyes weiden slightly surprised that she would do that infront of everyone else. You even can hear Sam grasp surprised.
The Winter Soldier notices too and immediately raises his arm to block the bullet with his metal arm. 
His eyes flare when he realizes someone's pointing a gun at you and he won't let that happen. 
Sharon is surprised that the bullet doesn't hit you and glares at Bucky who is protecting you.
Sharon yells at you. Then Winter grabs you, you don't even manage to do something else and flee with you out of the big jet towards a helicopter.
The Winter Soldier moves quickly and efficiently, and before anyone can react he's managed to carry you towards a helicopter. 
You're stunned at his speed and agility, but you also notice how much he's paying attention to you. 
By now Sharon must've realized that she lost.
The Winter Soldier is in charge. Not Bucky. 
You can feel his warmth in your arms. His strength as he carries you to the helicopter and then lowers you in. He still stays protecting you, keeping you safe.
Sharon is behind the helicopter, still staring at you with jealousy and contempt but she no longer seems like the same person.
The Winter Soldier seems almost loving towards you, his anger turned into affection.
"Winter?, are you telling me, where we are going?" You ask and let him buckle up the seatbelt around your body and watch him start the helicopter.
The Winter Soldier is focused on starting the helicopter, and he doesn't respond for a bit. He looks at you and you notice his expression is different. The rage is gone.
He's thinking, and you also realize that he's actually considering what he's going to say for once. 
Then he finally speaks.
"We're going home.”
"home?" You mumble and watch him drive the helicopter away from SHIELD.
"Yes." his voice is even more gentle now but there is still the roughness in it, his expression has softened.
He focuses on flying the helicopter. 
"Home, and then we'll talk.”
Timeskip (A few hours later. He lands the helicopter on a farm that is his.)
The Winter Soldier lands the helicopter next to his Farmhouse. 
This is definitely his safe place, you can feel the peace and the comfort.
He turns around to look at you. 
"We need to talk.” You nod and sit down on the couch. The Winter Soldier also sits down in front of you, close enough that it feels like he wants to have physical contact with you. 
He is still in control, not Bucky.
So far everything is different from before, you can feel how much he's calmed down, how much he likes being this close to you. 
"I wanted to apologize…”
"for that what Bucky did? You can't control your other side, Winter. Bucky and you are both in this body, I don't know why Bucky suddenly stopped loving me but It's not your fault, Winter.”
He smiles slightly. Then he moves closer so that his leg is touching yours. His eyes are intense but soft, as if he's really paying attention to every little word you say. 
You have to resist the urge to move a little bit closer.
Then he replies.
"I know I can't control the other side, but I did hurt you.. and I'm sorry…”
You smile softly and cup the face of the Winter Soldier softly.
You slightly wish he would stay being the Winter Soldier, loving you further. You missed him so much, you don't care how rough his side that hydra had caused is because he always is so soft to you, only to you. Bucky himself will go back to Sharon. But this wish is unethical and mean of you to think. You sigh.
"I love you, i haven't stopped doing that.”
His expression softens even more as you cup his face. 
He feels your hand against his cheek, your fingers gently moving along his jawline. 
He leans his head just slightly to the side, leaning a little bit more into your touch.
His hand is moving, reaching out and he's just about to caress your hand, but then he stops, hesitating.
He bites his lip, his gaze lingering on your hand.
He is still the winter soldier, but he's definitely more in love with you than Bucky ever was…
"My Winter, my love. I have missed you so much." You say lovely and put your forehead against his, breathing his scent in. Your hand intertwined with his flesh hand.
The winter soldier doesn't reply, but his arm moves slightly, his fingers wrapping around your hand and holding it tightly. 
You are both very close and you can almost feel him wanting to draw you closer, pull you to him and bury his face into your neck, but he stops, resisting the urge.
His eyes are deep and passionate, he really missed you and his love for you is shining through them. He's breathing a little bit harder, and you can feel his heartbeat increasing.
"Tell me, do you know that i love you Winter, i love the Winter soldier, i even love you as Bucky. Especially, i love you, your heart, your soul. I don't care how the other sees you, I see you as something special.”
He squeezes your hand, as if you didn't even need to tell him, as if he always knew that you loved him.
Your words have reassured him though, and his heart beats a little slower, his breathing becomes more relaxed.
He wants to say it back to you, to tell you how much he loves you. 
But he's still struggling with his identity. He's still deciding which is the stronger side. 
"I love you too..." he whispers.
Your heart warms immediately, having missed to hear this words out of his mouth.
And suddenly, he pulls you closer. He leans his head against your shoulder and wraps his arms around you, his grip tight and loving. 
He smells like the farm, like open air and fresh grass. 
He's holding you, so close and protecting you.
He's the winter soldier, and he doesn't want to let you go.
“I hated what Bucky did to you, he feared things, but that doesn't give him the right to push you away, my lovely flower. I hated it that he tried to suppress me, hated it that he stayed with this woman. I don't like her. Sharon is not you, she doesn't have this glimmer in her eyes as you have when you look at me.”  his voice is rough but soft at the same time and it sends a shiver down your spine.
You hug him back and softly pet his back.
“Don't worry, we have enough time to figure this out.” You say lovely and lean your forehead against his.
He hugs you even tighter, burying his face in your neck, and breathing in your scent.
He has finally decided. The winter soldier is in control. Not Bucky. The moment he's been wishing for has finally come. 
He's not struggling with his identity anymore. He knows who he is.
His hand touches your face, gentle, caressing.
"I'm not letting you go. I don't want to share you with anyone anymore.”
His voice is filled with affection as he looks at you. 
"I've missed you. I've missed being with you. I've missed feeling you..." 
He leans his head against you again, and your breath is intermixed. 
Sharon definitely cannot compare to you in his eyes, she was always just a replacement for you. He doesn't even want to think about her right now. 
His arms are still around you, and your body is pressing against his. It feels so natural that you almost want to stay like this forever…
"I know she's not you." his voice is even rougher now, almost feral.
He presses his face into your neck, his lips just below your ear. 
"She's nothing compared to you... I hate her."
He holds you tighter and you can feel the pure hatred and possessiveness coming out of his every pore. 
This is the Winter Soldier's way to tell you how much you mean to him.
"I don't want to turn back into Bucky. I want to stay the Winter Soldier with you.”
“Winter, we will figure it out soon. Alright?” 
You feel him nod against you, then he moves his body on the sofa and quickly pulls you into his embrace.
You know someday you have to let the Winter Soldier change back into Bucky, but for now you can enjoy your love back in your arms, healing your heart.
Part 2
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satoshy12 · 1 year
My wife's dad is more scary then Batman and my grandfather Ra's al Ghul
Estelle as name for Dani or Estrella 
4 Baby Talons (clones of dick Grayson)
It had already been a few months since Damian got married to his friend Ellie, and he was very happy. I'm not sure how to explain it to his family or, worse, her family, but that can wait. It happened while he was traveling with her together on vacation through the countries. And he chated and wrote her like four times a day.
While Damian hid it from his family, Dani didn't, as she first told Sam. Jazz and Maddie are working on how to tell Danny. And then Danny learned about it, and he left to meet that boy in Gotham. It had been a long time since he had been in Gotham. And the observers wanted that one person called Doctor Simon Hurt; too many souls died thanks to him.
He was joined by Skulker on this mission. Skulker was just happy to hunt something new, as he didn't try to hunt Danny anymore. The pain that Danny did to his Robot Body he felt on his real boy!
Well, Dani kind of followed Danny; she wanted to make sure he didn't turn her into a widow! She didn't even tell him about her being a meta!
There was something not many people knew about Danny that he himself never noticed, as Amity Park had known him since he was a baby. And being pretty carefree in your demeanor doesn't help. But once outside of Gotham or at Gala with Vlad, people notice it, like Lex Luthor that very short moment in the Gala.
Here in Gotham,
Danny met his son-in-law, and he found the boy interesting. Sam had told him about the child of Bruce Wayne, the playboy billionaire. But he wasn't sure why the boy was so jumpy. I mean, Skulker isn't even near them; already, with few of his duplicates had found Dr. Hurt and captured him already. And Danny others looked if that Owl group still existed since the last time he cleaned them up.
Danny is too powerful for most normal people to fear. Only with good instinct will he notice how formidable he truly is.
So poor Damian's whole body was in horror at this moment. His instinct made him able to notice it fully.
Damian twitched as he was just near Dani's Father, no matter how he tried to hide or stop it. This man made him think of his grandfather, General Zod or similiar. He wanted to draw his Sword, but he didn't have it near him.
Damian smiled at Dani as he tried to play it cool. But when you notice your father-in-law's shadow moving, HE HAS SEEN WORSE! He can do this!
And after a good dinner and talk he got the support of Danny; Ellie smiled; she wouldn't be a widow; and Damian was happy he was accepted and didn't have to fight this villain, maybe? or in the future. Damian didn't get to sigh in relief as Danny left and whispered something about collecting something.
No! Damian, doesn't care!
He wants alone time with his wife. Only to be told "he was to come with his family to Amity Park to meet the Fenton. Damian's family should meet theirs."
Dani told him they would come, and she would Call them 1 or 2 days bore that first before Damian could say anything.
As Danny was outside of Gotham, Skulker came to him with his few duplicates, holding four tiny blue-gold mixed-eyed children. "Skulker, you destroyed how they were created and so they can't do it again?" Skulker:"Yup, destroyed both Dionesium and Electrum and let few pets out to eat them, it wasn't Lazarus Pit which is needed after all and has nothing to do with us in the Zone. Also I sent copies of the Court members, very damning evidence of their crimes to many newspapers and reporters all around the US. Did you know they blackmailed a few Senators? It will be a comedy in a few days; you can tell that goth girl to tell her family." Danny nodded his head at that. " The cover-ups for this one?" Skulker:" Yes, Mr. Freeze will do it, as last thanks for helping to heal his wife." Danny:" Good, we can leave then. I am hungry."
Skulker:" Didn't you just eat?"
At Amity Park, it didn't take long for Jazz to just accept the new 4 Owlet babies and raise them, she really is wanting to raise them. True, Danny had no plan for them, but that works too. And now they just have to wait for Damian to visit with his family.
At Gotham, after the chaos was fixed by Mr. Freeze and the new chaos started by the news and police forces and even villains attacking the higher class… Bruce meets and learns about his son's wife, and he is told to meet her family in Amity Park. Damian warned his father, his new father-in-law, that this is very scary and not normal.
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ashen-char · 3 months
i feel like max would totally freak out during her first gay awakening like... she's always been in heterosexual relationships (+with guys who didn't treat her well btw) so she would totally panic bcs?? she's always thought of herself as straight and suddenly she starts feeling something for a girl?
she would totally blush at a compliment or just simply bcs of the proximity of her girl crush around, although i think she wouldn't be straightforward and confess her feelings bcs well... it's max.
she would either ignore those feelings and try to move on (while ignoring the girl and hurting her by distancing herself) or she'd talk to frankie or sam about it (and they would support her 100%!!)
i feel like frankie and duke would tease her about it, tho. sam would totally be surprised at max's confession but would have a serious talk about it, saying how she's proud of her and would support her no matter if she was gay or not. i think that rich would also play an important role in here since he's always been like a "dad" to sam's kids (and don't forget how important his character was in the last season!!🤠) but also bcs he's gay himself and he would give max some advice, tell her his journey with his own sexual orientation and feel proud of her. i feel like her real dad would have some "but's" if he ever found out about it (idk he just looks like a total homophobe to me lol + considering how bad of a dad/ex husband he is since he always fucks something up). max would be hesitant about telling him about it, tho. knowing how he always lets everyone down i wouldn't even be surprised if she wouldnt tell him.
um, what else... i think max would totally be into rainbow stuff. yk, rainbow hats, rainbow umbrellas, bracelets, socks(😭) anything that reminds her of gay pride. i feel like she would be bisexual/lesbian (i'm a lesbian myself so obv max being a lesbian would be so 🥰🥰) but yeah she would totally have a lot of things in her room that have colors of her flag AND obv she would put a big ass pride flag above her bed. idk the thought of it just makes me happy 😭🤞🏻💞
thank u for listening to my ted talk . i'd love to see more similar stuff to this written by you on ur page and i hope you're doing ok <3 ^__^ i love ur works!!
long ask/response so read more below
oh god, max would be so confused at first. after a few times hanging out, max would catch herself flirting and realise that she's not even joking. that she wants to be around you way more than normal, in a way that's different than being comfortable with her other friends. because being around you doesn't make her comfortable! she feels really awkward and her heartbeat gets all funny and she worries about screwing up her words when she doesn't usually give a fuck about what others think. max finds herself worrying about what you're up to, if you laugh at her jokes, if you'll think what she's wearing is pretty. if you think she's pretty.
honestly, she doesn't even care about the guys she dates as much. there's so many times where max basically uses them as a prop, makes out with them because they're there and talks about them like they're not there. so it's even more confusing to name these feelings because it's completely not like her. and yeah, that feeling of being unsure would make her push you away. but feeling empty without you being near her would slowly eat at max's resolve, and she'd go to the people in her life who always help her figure stuff out.
when max talks about it to sam, sam helps in that half-cringe but very thoughtful way she always does. she'd tell max about a woman who tried pursuing her, mer (in season 3, i think? when max was in chicago for college iirc). frankie would probably walk in during this conversation, and max would be annoyed at both of them—sam for being gross and telling her about someone pursuing her (ew, no one wants to hear about that from their mom) and frankie for being so nosy—but max would eventually settle down and listen.
sam would tell max that whatever she's feeling is great, that the only thing that max might regret is not exploring these feelings and figuring herself out a little more. frankie would say something about how it's fine to not know what you are and just see how it fits and how you feel, relating it to how non-linear their discovery of their gender identity was. frankie would help her realise that everyone's story isn't the same, as frankie tells her these stories about their other LGBT friends. some people feel like they've always known and some people go so long but then have a sudden realisation, like max, but that's all valid and normal. but yes duke and frankie would totally make fun of max for freaking out and acting like this over a crush at her big age.
especially with rich and the other trusted adults in max's life (like phil who would be so happy for max too, and ask all about you), max doesn't need to tell xander about it! his absence in their lives means that he doesn't get to know the real them until he shows an interest in knowing them. if he doesn't act like a dad then he doesn't get to be one, yknow?
when sudden awakenings happen and you reflect on your past, it's funny to see what you've missed. max would look back and think 'shit, i totally had a crush on shego' or something as she looks back at her cartoon crushes. even super close friendships she had growing up, max will realise 'hey maybe it wasn't het of me that i wanted to impress her that bad' or 'wow, i was really jealous when she got a boyfriend'.
ultimately when max accepts that her identity is actually an exciting thing that she gets to discover about herself, she would adore pride. i think learning about the history, the many struggles it took to get this far, and the support of the community is bolstering for any baby gay. but especially with how sam talks to them about feminism and to be proud to be women, it'd be something max thrives in. figuring out whether she identifies as bi or pan or even a lesbian is something that she knows will come in time - for now, she'll be overwhelmed with the love and support she has from the people around her, and a new community with people just like her. (i think max would find the lesbian flag super pretty)
*insert max doing an 'am i gay quiz' nick from heartstopper-style*
thank you for the ask! i love these ted talks!! people loving these characters gives me so much motivation to write em, seriously.
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acourtofthought · 1 year
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"lots of other characters that I'm pretty / wildly in love with, and I'd love the chance to tell their stories (and show other parts of their world)".
SJM was definitely in love with Nessian and while she was excited to tell their story, I wouldn't say they gave us a detailed look at "other parts of their world" outside of that which we'd seen through Feyre's pov. We had minor visits to the bog and continent but nothing new in terms of court related visits.
So who is a character she's wildly in love with that could take us elsewhere in their world?
Around 2:14, SJM talks of how Lucien has always been one of her favorite characters
In another interview she mentions how Lucien's character was based off Sam Heughan's portrayal of Jamie Fraser and she even thanks the actor in her ACOTAR acknowledgements.
Her love of Jamie Fraser is further confirmed in an interview from MuggleNet:
"I went to the Outlander castle. I’m the biggest Outlander fan, so I took a photo in front of that like “Maybe Jamie was standing here!”
So I think it's safe to say that Lucien falls under the above category AND he can take us to many different courts outside of the NC, the Human Lands and even the continent.
We also have SJM telling us that she'd love to write spin off books for both of the sisters someday. ⬇️
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We have confirmation that she knew who the first two spin-off books were going to be about and that she'd already done research for Elain's book. There's also the mention that if SJM weren't an author she'd be a florist or DJ ⬇️
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She writes how she lets her characters lead her, where she loves the times where she's subconsciously been planting seeds and there's an exciting moment of discovery when the character reveals themself to her ⬇️
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Her explaining how Elucien became mates is exactly what she described above. And the notable similarities in ACOTAR for both Lucien and Elain before she even knew they were going to be Mates are (to me) some of the subconscious seeds she was referring to. ⬇️
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SJM said the following of Elain: ⬇️
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She tells us her energy would match well with Elain's. We have a response from her telling us she'd be a florist (a very Elain like career) in another life. We know she LOVES Outlander and the actor she said Lucien was based off of. SJM doesn't equal Elain and Lucien doesn't wholly equal Jamie Fraser but it's ridiculous not to see why she made them mates.
This isn't proof of an Elucien endgame but what it tells me is that Lucien is absolutely a real contender for Elain regardless of what it currently looks like.
Especially when she tells us this about Az:
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"but I'm kinda scared of him".
I know she loves all her characters, she said she'd date all her characters but....she wrote Elain as being bothered by cruelty in SF, made sure to mention how cruel Az can be with his victims in SF, and the above interview is from ACOFAS (the same book where she had Rhys say Az sometimes scared the shit out of him). 🤷
This is also how she prefers her couples: ⬇️
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That's definitely NOT what we see from Az towards Elain in SF. He doesn't view her as his equal when he says she shouldn't be exposed to the Trove, he doesn't view her as his equal when he gives himself credit for saving Elain but fails to mention everyone she saved, and he doesn't view her as his equal when he confirms he hides who he is from her.
And for the arguments that because E/riel wanted to kiss and Az questioned the Cauldron which must equal proof of love, I'm just going to add this:
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It really doesn't matter what the relationship between two characters look like right now, in her own words SJM says she will find a way for the character (reader) to see what she wants them to see, making those red flags easily overlooked.
I don't think Elucien's find it all that difficult to spot the red flags between E/riel but even if some in the fandom disagree, it doesn't mean SJM wasn't been planning for it all along.
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layce2015 · 1 year
Supernatural (Dean Winchester x Female!Reader)
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"Before Dad died he, he told me something — something about you two." Dean said to us. "What?" Sam asked but he doesn't respond. "Dean, what did he tell you?" I asked. "He said that he wanted me to watch out for you, to take care of you." Dean said. "He told you that a million times." Sam said. "He also wanted me to watch out for (y/n)." Dean added.
"Why?" I asked. "He said that I had to save you two." Dean said. "Save us from what?" Sam asked. "He just said that I had to save you two, that nothing else mattered; and that if I couldn't, I'd..." Dean stops as his jaw sets and he swallows.
"You'd what, Dean?" I asked, curious but also nervous. "That I'd have to kill you two. He said that I might have to kill you guys." Dean said and I felt the air leave my lungs for a moment as my jaw drops and my eyes widen. "Kill us? What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Sam asked him, confused.
"I don't know." Dean said, shrugging. "I mean, he must have had some kind of reason for saying it, right? Did he know the demon's plans for us? Are we supposed to go Darkside or something? What else did he say, Dean?" I asked, frantically. "Nothing, that's it, I swear." Dean said.
"How could you not have told us this?" Sam asked, angrily. "Because it was Dad, and he begged me not to." Dean said and I let out a scoff and place my hands over my face. "Who cares?! Take some responsibility for yourself, Dean! You had no right to keep this from me or from (y/n)!" Sam shouts.
"You think I wanted this? Huh? I wish to God he'd never opened his mouth. Then I wouldn't have to walk around with this screaming in my head all day." Dean yells and I turn and take a few steps away from them, I hear Sam following behind me.
"(Y/n)?" Sam said and I don't respond immediately. Right now there was so many emotions going through me right now, anger, hurt, shock, fear. I'm just so confused about everything.
I let out a sigh before I speak. "We've just got to figure out what's going on, then, what the hell all this means." I said. "We do? I've been thinking about this, I think we should just lay low. You know? At least for a while. It'd be safer. And that way I can make sure—" Dean started to say and I turn around to face him.
"What? That Sam and I don't turn evil? That we don't turn into some kind of killer?" I yelled. "I never said that." Dean said. "Jeez, if you're not careful you will have to waste me and Sam one day, Dean." I growled. "I never said that! Damnit, guys, this whole thing is spinning out of control. All right? You two are immune to some weirdo demon virus, and I don't even know what the hell anymore. And both of you are pissed at me, I get it. That's fine, I deserve it. But we lay low until we figure out our next move, okay?" Dean said.
"Forget it." Sam said. "Sam, please, man. Hey, please. Just give me some time. Give me some time to think, okay? I'm begging you here, please. Please." Dean pleads and Sam looks over at me and I shrug at him before we nod, reluctantly, at Dean.
That night, Sam and I pack up our stuff and leave the motel room, a bag over our shoulders. I hate leaving Dean behind on his own but...I just can't be around him right now. Hiding that very important information from us, was just wrong. I don't care if John made him promise.
We walk quietly past the Impala to a small black car; Sam opens the door with a coat hanger as I look around. Sam gets the door open and gets in then he unlocks the passenger side doo and I get in. And we began to drive away.
*3rd Person POV*
Sam enters the Roadhouse, and heads turn to look at him. Ellen is behind the bar, and looks up as he approaches. She smiles knowingly. "Sam." She said. "Hey, Ellen." He said as he grins sheepishly. "You don't seem that surprised to see me." He said to her.
"Well, your brother's been calling, worried sick, looking for you and (y/n). By the way, where is she?" Ellen said. "Yeah. Figured he might. Um...(y/n)..I dropped her off at one of her safehouse. She said she needed to clear her mind, haven't seen her since." Sam said.
"What's going on between the three of you?" Ellen asked and Sam bites his lips. It had been a few days since him and (y/n) left Dean at the hotel and just a couple of days since Sam last saw (y/n). She told Sam if he ever got a lead about ol' yellow eyes, she would come help him but for now she needed to get some fresh air and got on her bike and drove away.
Sam pulls out of his thoughts and ignores Ellen's question. "So, um, how's Jo?" He asked her and she nods. "Well, I don't really know." She replied and Sma furrowed his brow. "What do you mean?" Sam asked. "Well, I haven't seen her in weeks. She sends a postcard now and again." Ellen said.
"Well, what happened?" He asked her. "Well, after she worked that job with you three she decided she wanted to keep on hunting. I said not under my roof, and she said fine." Ellen replied and Sam looks down in guilt. "So I'm probably the last person you want to see right now." Sam said and Ellen let's out a throaty chuckle.
"Oh, don't get me wrong. I wish I could blame the hell out of you boys and (y/n). It'd be easier. Truth is, it's not your fault, Sam. None of it is. I want you to know that I forgave your daddy and (y/n)'s daddy a long time ago for what happened to my Bill. I just don't think they ever forgave themselves. Especially, (father's name). He may have had a rough exterior but he had a big heart." Ellen said.
"What did happen?" Sam asked her and she looks down before clearing her throat. "Um, so, why did you come here, sweetie?" She asked, ignoring his question. "I need help." Sam said.
"What am I looking for, Sam?" Ash asked Sam as he and Ellen sit at the bar. "Other people, other psychics, like me and (y/n). As many as possible, and I need a nationwide search." Sam replied. "But I thought there was no way to track them all down. Not all of them had nursery fires like you and (y/n) did." Ellen said.
"Well, no, but some had to. Start there." Sam said to Ash.
Sometime later, Ash emerges from his back room with a piece of paper in his hand. He gives it a flourish. "Done, and done." He said as Sam looks over at him. "That was fast." Sam said as Ash comes over to him. "Well, apparently, that's my job. Make the monkey dance at the keyboard." Ash said and Ellen rolls her eyes.
"Just tell us what you got, Ash." She said. "Five folks fit the profile nationwide. Born in '83, mother died in a nursery fire, the whole shebang." Ash said. "Five? That's it?" Sam asked. "Sam Winchester from Lawrence, Kansas, (y/n) (l/n) from Eudora, Kansas, Max Miller from Saginaw, Michigan, Andrew Gallagher from Guthrie, Oklahoma, and uh, another name. Scott Carey." Ash said.
"You got an address?" Sam asked. "Kind of. The Arbor Hill Cemetery in Lafayette, Indiana. Plot four-eighty-six." Ash replied. "So he's dead?" Sam asked and Ash nods. "Killed, about a month ago." Ash said. "Killed how?" Sam asked. "Stabbed. Parking lot. Fuzz don't have much, no suspects..." Ash said and Sam nods. "All right. Thank you." He said.
As he gets up to leave, Ash slaps him on the back; when he's out of eyeshot Ash picks up Sam's half-full beer and starts drinking it. 
"Where are you going?" Ellen asked Sam as he pulls out his phone. "Indiana." Sam said. "Sam? I've gotta call Dean, I've gotta let him know where you are." Ellen said. "Ellen. I'm trying to find answers, about who (y/n) and I are. And my brother means well, but he can't protect us from that. Please." Sam said and Ellen nods, reluctantly.
Sam nods back and starts to walk out of the bar and dials a number. "Hey, it's me. How far are you from the Roadhouse?" Sam asked to the person on the other end. He smiles once the person answers. "Well, I think I've got something. Just pick me up at the Roadhouse. Thanks. See ya." Sam said and he hangs up.
Ten minutes later, a roar of a motorcycle sounds out and Sam watches as the motorcycle gets closer and then stops. The driver pulls off their helmet to reveal that it was (y/n). "Well, hey, good-looking! Need a ride?" She teased him. Sam scoffs, playfully, and shakes his head as he walks up to the bike.
"Hey, (y/n)." He said as he gets on behind her. "So where are we going?" (Y/n) asked him. "Lafayette, Indiana." Sam replied as she digs into her bag and pulls out an extra helmet. "Alrighty then. Here you're gonna need this. And hang onto me." She said as she hands the helmet to him. He puts it on as (y/n) puts her helmet back on, Sam places his hand on her waist and they take off.
*(y/n)'s POV*
"So you say you two went to high school with Scott?" Mr Carey said to us as we sit in his living room. "Uh, yes sir, we did. We just heard about what happened, we're so sorry." Sam said to him. "Scotty was a good boy. He changed a lot since you two knew him." Mr Carey said.
"What do you mean?" I asked him. "It started about a year ago with these headaches. And then he got depressed, paranoid, nightmares." He explained. "Nightmares?" I said and Sam and I look at each other. "Um, did he ever talk to you about his nightmares? What he saw, or..." Sam started to ask but Mr Carey shakes his head.
"No, no. He closed up with me. I tried to get him help, but nothing took. He'd just lock himself in his room for days." He said. "You think maybe we could see his room?" Sam asked him.
Later, Sam and I enter the room which contain a bare bed with a sleeping bag, some bookshelves covered in books and cassette tapes. On the bedside table, we see several bottles of pills, prescribed by Dr. George Waxler. Then I go and open the closet and shove aside the clothes to reveal a collage of yellow eyes cut out of photos or magazines, glued to the wall. 
"Sam..." I said, nervously, and he comes up next to me and sees the collage. Then the two of us share a look.
That night, we walk across the parking lot of the Blue Rose Motel. As we get to the door, I sensed we're were not alone. I turn and grab the figure behind us, shoving her against the wall. "Who are you?" I asked her, angrily. "Please! You two are in danger." She said to us, frantically.
Inside, we let the girl in as she paces along the floor, talking somewhat frantically. "Okay, look, I know how all this sounds, but I am not insane and I am not on drugs. Okay? I am normal, and this is way, way off the map for me." She said. "All right, all right, just, just calm down. Okay? What's your name?" Sam asked her, calmly.
"Ava." She replied.
"Ava?" Sam and I said.
"Ava Wilson." She said.
"Ava, I'm Sam Winchester and this is (y/n) (l/n), all right? Now, you were telling us about these dreams of yours?" Sam said. "Uh, yeah, uh, okay, about a year ago I started having these, like, headaches, and just, nightmares, I guess. And I really didn't think much of it until I had this one dream where I saw this guy get stabbed in a parking lot." Ava said.
"When was this?" I asked her. "Uh, about a month ago. But, anyway, a couple of days later, I found this." She said then she pulls out a newspaper clipping and hands it to us; it reads LOCAL MAN STABBED TO DEATH IN PARKING LOT next to a picture of Scott Carey. Sam takes the clipping. 
"I saw this guy die, days before it happened. I don't know why, I don't know, it's just for some reason, my dreams are coming true. And last night I had another one." She said to us. "Okay." I said. "About you two. I saw both of you die." Ava said.
"How did you find us?" I asked her. "Oh, uh, you had motel stationery, and I Googled the motel, and it was real, and so I just thought that I should warn you two." Ava said to us. "I don't believe this." Sam said, almost relieved.
"Oh, oh, of course you don't. You think I'm a total nutjob." Ava said, disappointed. "Wait, no, no, no, I mean, you must be one of us." Sam said to her. "Sorry, one of, one of who?" She asked. "One of the Psychics. Like us. Look, Ava, Sam and I have visions too, all right? So we're connected." I said to her and she laughs.
"Okay, so, you two are nuts. That's great." She said. "Okay, okay, look. Did your mother happen to die in a house fire?" Sam asked her. "No, my mother lives in Palm Beach!" She replied and I look over at Sam. "So she doesn't fit the pattern either." I said and he nods while Ava frowns at us in confusion.
*3rd Person POV*
Dean was driving alone when his cell phone rings. He picks up. "Hello?" He answers. "It's Ellen." Ellen said. "Hey, have you heard from Sam or (y/n)?" Dean asked her.
"I've heard from Sam, but he made me promise not to tell you where he is." Ellen said and Dean rolls his eyes. "Come on, Ellen, please. Something bad could be going on here, and I swore I'd look after those two." Dean said, annoyed.
"Now Dean, they say you can't protect your loved ones forever." Ellen said then she sighs. "Well, I say screw that. What else is family for? He's in Lafayette, Indiana." She replied. "And (y/n)?" Dean asked, his heart beating faster. "She's with him. She picked him up on her bike and the two took off." Ellen said. "Thanks." Dean said and he hangs up.
*(y/n)'s POV*
"Why can't you two just leave town? Please? Before both of you blow up?" Ava asked us. "No, we can't." I said to her. "Oh, God. Why not?" She asked us, frustrated. "Because there's something going on here, Ava. With you, with me, with (y/n). I mean, there are others like us out there. And we're all a part of something, and (y/n) and I have got to figure out what." Sam said and she rolls her eyes at us.
"Okay, you know what? Screw you, guys. Okay? Because I'm a secretary from Peoria and I'm not part of anything! Okay? Do you see this?" She exclaims as she fingers her engagement ring. "I am getting married in eight weeks. I am supposed to be at home addressing invitations, which I am way behind on, by the way. But instead, I drove out here to save both of your weirdo asses. But if you guys just want to stay here and die, fine. Me? I'm due back on Planet Earth." Ava exclaims.
"Don't you want to know why this is happening? I mean, don't these visions scare the hell out of you? Because if you walk out that door right now you might never know the truth. We need your help." I said to her and she sighs.
After getting Ava to distract Scott's therapist and Sam and I broke in to his office and grabbed Scott's file, we make it back to the hotel and look at the files. Ava looks at it, stunned.
"Are you okay?" I asked her. "Am I okay? I just helped you two steal some dead guy's confidential psych files." Ava said, panicked, then she smiles. "I'm awesome!" She exclaims, excitedly, and I chuckle.
Later, we pull out the voice recorder and play the session. "It started a little over a year ago. Migraines, at first. Then I found I could do...stuff." Scott's voice said. "What do you mean, do stuff?" The doctor asked. "I have this ability. When I touch something, I can electrocute it if I want." Scott replied and the three of us share a worried look.
*3rd Person POV*
Dean pulls into the parking lot in the Impala; when he sees (y/n) through the window of the room, and Sam pacing behind her, he sighs in relief. "Oh, thank God you're okay." Dean whispers as he stares at her. He didn't want to admit it but he not only missed Sam but he missed (y/n) too. Probably more than he should and he starts to think does he care for (y/n) more than just friends?
(Y/n) moves aside, revealing Ava through the window. Dean's brow furrows. "What the hell? Who is that?" He mutters as he looks at this, confused.
*(y/n)'s POV*
"What else does the yellow-eyed man say?" The doctor asked as I lean forward against the table and Sam looks at the recorder, confused. "He has plans for me. He says there's a war coming. That people like me, we're going to be the soldiers. Everything's about to change." Scott said and the recording ends.
"He's not talking about us, right?" Ava asked us. "Yeah, I think he is." Sam said. "But how can we turn into that?" She asked. "I don't--" I started to say when the window behind us shatters. Sam and I dive to the floor with Ava, shielding her body. 
"Get down!" I shouted. "Oh my God! What's happening?" Ava asked as a couple of more gunshots go off then stop. "I don't know." Sam and I shouted.
*3rd Person POV*
As the shooter, Gordon, is about to take another head-shot at Sam, Dean jumps him from behind. "Gordon!" Dean shouts as he kicks Gordon, then pins him down on his back, hitting him over and over again in the face. Dean then grabs him by the collar.
"You do that to my brother or (y/n), I'll kill you!" Dean growls at him. "Dean, wait." Gordon said then he manages to grab the rifle and slam it into Dean twice, knocking him out. He stands over Dean, panting and gushing blood from his lip.
*(y/n)'s POV*
Ava, Sam and I go up to the roof of the building across from the motel. We came up cause if Sam and I were correct this would be where the shooter was but whoever the person was they are long gone.
"Wait, I don't understand. Shouldn't we be talking to the cops?" Ava asked us. "Trust me, that wouldn't do us much good." I said as Sam picks up a bullet shell. "These are .223 caliber. Subsonic rounds. The guy must have put a suppressor on the rifle." Sam said as he hands the shell to me.
"Dude, who are you?" Ava asked him. "Oh. I just, uh, I just watch a lot of TJ Hooker." Sam said and he pulls out his cell phone. "Who are you calling?" Ava asked. "My brother. I think we definitely need help." Sam replied.
*3rd Person POV*
"Hello?" Dean replied as Gordon holds the phone up to his ear since Dean was tied up in a chair. "Dean!" Sam said. "Sam, I've been looking for you and (y/n)." Dean said. "Yeah. Look, we're in Indiana, uh Lafayette." Sam said.
"I know." Dean said and Sam looks confused. "You do?" He asked. "Yeah, I talked to Ellen. Just got here myself. It's a real funky town. You and (y/n) ditched me, Sammy." Dean said. "Yeah, I'm sorry. Look, right now there's someone after us." Sam said.
"What? Who?" Dean asked. "I don't know, that's what we need to find out. Where are you?" Sam asked. "I'm staying at, uh, 5637 Monroe St. Why don't you and (y/n) meet me here?" Dean said and Sam nods. "Yeah. Sure." Sam said and he hangs up.
"Now, was that so hard?" Gordon asked Dean as he puts away the phone. "Bite me." Dean growls.
*(y/n)'s POV*
Sam puts his phone away but he looked worried. "What is it?" I asked him. "Dean's in trouble." Sam said and my eyes widen. "What?" Ava exclaimed. "He gave me a codeword. Someone's got a gun on him." Sam said
"Codeword?" Ava said, confused. "Yeah. Funkytown." Sam said and Ava gives him a confused look. "Well, he thought of it. It's kind of a...long story. I...come on." Sam said and the three of us started running
*3rd Person POV*
Gordon has his back to Dean as he opens a canvas bag and starts pulling out weapons. "So Gordy. I know me, Sam and (y/n) ain't exactly your favorite people, but don't you think this is a little extreme?" Dean asked him.
"What, you think this is revenge?" Gordon asked him. "Well, we did leave you tied up in your own mess for three days." Dean said before he laughs then he looks back at Gordon. "Which was awesome. Sorry, I shouldn't laugh." He said.
"Yeah. I was definitely planning on whuppin' your ass for that. But that's not what this is. This isn't personal. I'm not a killer, Dean. I'm a hunter. And your brother and that girl are fair game." Gordon said as he slams a knife into its sheath while Dean looks at him, stunned.
*(y/n)'s POV*
Sam, Ava and I approach her blue VW beetle as she turns to us. "I don't think I should leave." She said. "We want you out of harm's way, Ava." Sam said to her. "What about you guys?" She asked us.
"Harm's way doesn't really bother us." I said to her. "No, but you guys are walking right into my vision. I mean, this is how you two die." She said to us. "Doesn't matter. It's my brother." Sam said. "Maybe I could help!" Ava said and ibplsce a hand on her shoulder.
"You've done all you can. Just, just go back to your fiance." I said and she looks at us, worried. "Are you sure?" She asked. "Yes, we're sure. Go home, Ava. You'll be safe there." Sam said and she gets into her car. "Well, just, promise me you'll call, then. I mean, when you get your brother, just to let me know that everything's all right." She said.
"We promise." Sam and I say and she smiles then starts her car and drives off.
*3rd Person POV*
Gordon was leaning against a pillar, cradling a rifle and speaking casually. "See, I was doing an exorcism down in Louisiana. Teenage girl, seemed routine, some low-level demon. But between all the jabbering and the head-spinning, the damn thing muttered something. About a coming war. And I don't think it meant to, it just kind of slipped out. But it was too late. Piqued my interest. And you can really make a demon talk, you got the right tools." He explained.
"And what happened to the girl it was possessing?" Dean asked her. "She didn't make it." Gordon said and Dean shakes his head. "Well, you're a son of a bitch." Dean grumbles.
Gordon stares at him then stands up and slaps him. "That's my momma you're talking about." Gordon yelled as Dean groans in pain. "Anyway. This demon tells me there are soldiers to fight in this coming war. Humans, fighting on hell's side. You believe that? I mean, they're psychics, so they're not exactly pure humans, but still. What kind of worthless scumbag have you got to be to turn against your own race?" Gordon said as Dean glares at him.
"But you know the biggest kick in the ass? This demon said I knew two of them. Our very own Sammy Winchester and (y/n) (l/n)." Gordon said and Dwan begins to chuckle. "Oh, this is...this is a whole new level of moronic, even for you." Dean said to him
"Yeah? Come on, Dean. I know. About Sam's and (y/n)'s visions. I know everything." Gordon said. "Really? Because a demon told you?" Dean asked and he laughs. "Yeah, and it wasn't lying." He grumbles. "Hey, Dean. I'm not some reckless yahoo, okay? I did my homework. Made damn sure it was true. Look, you've got your Roadhouse connections, I got mine. It's how I found Sammy and (y/n) in the first place." Gordon said as he crosses to the corner and sits.
"About a month ago I found another one of these freaks here in town. He could deep-fry a person just by touching them." He said. "Yeah, did he kill anyone?" Dean asked him. "Well, besides Mr. Tinkles the cat? No. But he was working up to it. They're all gonna be killers, Dean. We've got to take them all out. And that means Sammy and (y/n) too." Gordon said as he cocks the rifle.
"You think Sam and (y/n) are stupid enough to walk through that front door?" Dean asked him. "No, I don't. Especially since I'm sure you found a way to warn them. Ha. You really think I'm that stupid?" Gordon said as Dean raises his eyebrows, meaningfully.
Gordon stands and starts pacing. "No. They're going to scope the place first, see me covering the front door. So they're going to take the back. And when they do they'll hit the tripwire. Then --" he said as he takes a grenade from his bag. "Boom." He said.
"They're not gonna fall for a friggin' tripwire." Dean said. "Maybe you're right. That's why I'll have a second one." Gordon said. "Hey, look. I'm sorry. I wish I didn't have to do this, I really do. But for what it's worth, it'll be quick." He said then he goes to setting up the tripwire across the back doorway.
Then he returns to the room where Dean is tied up and straddles a chair. "Come on, man. I know Sam and (y/n), okay, better than anyone. Sam's got more of a conscience than I do, I mean, the guy feels guilty surfing the Internet for porn. (Y/n), she's kind've like in the middle, it depends on the situation; but killing innocent people, she can't stand that." Dean said.
"Maybe you're right. But one day they're going to be a monster." Gordon said. "How? Huh? How's a couple of people like Sam and (y/n) become monsters?" Dean asked. "Beats me. But they will." Gordon said. "No, you don't know that!" Dean yells, angrily.
"I'm surprised at you, Dean. Getting all emotional. I'd heard you were more of a professional than this. Look, let's say you were cruising around in that car of yours and, uh, you had little Hitler riding shotgun, right? Back when he was just some goofy, crappy artist. But you knew what he was going to turn into someday. You'd take him out, no questions, am I right?" Gordon asked and Dean shakes his head. "That's not Sam or (y/n)." Dean said.
"Yes it is. You just can't see it yet. Dean, it's their destiny. Look, I'm sympathetic. He's your brother, you love the guy. And she's your best friend, or maybe she's more...I don't know, you seem to have a soft spot for her. This has got to hurt like hell for you." Gordon said as he reaches into his bag and pulls out a scarf.
Then he stands up and walks towards Dean. "But here's the thing." Gordon said and he gags Dean with the scarf. "It would wreck him. But your dad? If it really came right down to it, he would have had the stones to do the right thing here. But you're telling me you're not the man he is?" He asked and Dean glares, furiously, at him.
*(y/n)'s POV*
Sam and I approach the cabin while Sam holds up the sheet of motel stationary with an address written on it. We approach the house, cautiously, and we could see Dean tied up to a chair and someone I didn't expect to see, Gordon.
I bit my lips in anger as Sam and I exchange a look then we go around back. We try the door and find it locked; I pull out my lockpick and work it open. 
*3rd Person POV*
The clicks from the door can be heard in the front room; Dean looks around wildly. "Ya hear 'em?" Gordon asked while in the back room, (y/n) gets the door open and the two creep in.
"Here they come." Gordon mutters and a second later the first grenade explodes. Dean flinches, helplessly, and he screams at Gordon through his gag. "Hold on. Not yet. Just wait and see." Gordon said and the second grenade goes off.
Dean struggles, violently, choke-sobbing through the gag. Gordon crosses the room and stops beside him. "Sorry, Dean." He said and he goes into the back room, rifle ready. He sees Sam's and (y/n)'s smoking boots on the ground. He smiles but is still wary.
As he turns away from the back door, Sam raises a gun to the back of Gordon's head and cocks it. "Drop the gun." Sam said in a low commanding voice. "Shouldn't take your shoes off around here. You might get tetanus." Gordon said.
"Put it down now!" Sam shouts at him
In the front room, Dean turns, hearing Sam's voice, and grunts in relief. Then he felt someone touch his arm. He jumps slightly then turns to see (y/n) kneeled by next to him and she smiles at him. "Hey, Princess Peach. I'm here to rescue you." She jokes as she pulls out her knife and starts to cut his binds while Dean grunts in relief again.
Out back, Gordon slowly lowers the rifle to the floor. "You wouldn't shoot me, would you, Sammy? Because your brother, he thinks you're some kind of saint." He said to Sam. "Yeah? Well, I wouldn't be so sure." Sam said. "See, that's what I said." Gordon saud and he turns quickly, knocking the gun out of Sam's hand and attacking him methodically until he goes down.
In the front room, Dean and (y/n) hear the scuffle and (y/n) starts to cut the ropes faster.
Out back, Gordon slowly approaches Sam, who's flat on his back, coughing. Gordon pulls out his knife. "You're no better than the filthy things you hunt." He said. As Gordon raises the knife, Sam lashes out, flipping Gordon over. He punches him twice, then grabs the rifle and points it at his head. 
"Do it. Do it! Show your brother the killer you really are, Sammy." Gordon yells. Sam hesitates, then slams the butt of the rifle into Gordon's head, knocking him out. "It's Sam." Sam said, fuming.
*(y/n)'s POV*
I finally get Dean out of his binds and he pulls off the gag from his mouth. After we stand up, Dean goes and hugs me and I hug him as well just as Sam shuffles exhaustedly into the room. Dean and I pull away from the embrace and we look over at Sam. Dean goes over to Sam and he cups his hand around Sam's neck, staring at him closely.
Sam nods at him then he claps a hand to Dean's shoulder. Dean wheels around to head to the back room. "That son of a..." Dean growls but I go and grab his shoulder. "Dean. No." I said. "We let him live once. I'm not making the same mistake twice." Dean growls and Sam shakes his head.
"Trust me. Gordon's taken care of. Come on." Sam said as we reach out and fists Dean's jacket, pulling him towards the front door. 
We walk, well Sam staggers, down the steps from the cabin and away from it. Moments later, we hear gunfire then we look over and see Gordon chasing us. The boys and I duck and run for cover. "Come on!" Dean yells as we run. "You call this taken care of?" Dean asked us and we dive into a ditch by the side of the road and huddle, watching Gordon approach.
"What the hell are we doing?" Dean asked us. "Just trust us on this, all right?" I said to him as we watch Gordon approaches. Then three police cars, sirens blaring, pull into the clearing and surround Gordon. Cops emerge, weapons ready. 
"Drop your weapons! Get down on your knees!" One cop yells. "Do it, now!" Another cop yells. The boys and I grin at each other as Gordon drops to his knees and glares in our direction. "Put your hands on your head. Easy now." One cop yells and the cop cuffs Gordon and pats him down, then leads him to a squad car.
"Anonymous tip." Sam said to Dean, who smiles at us. "You guys are fine upstanding citizens." Dean said and I smiled back at him.
*3rd Person POV*
"Gordon Walker was hunting Sam and (y/n)?" Ellen asked as she was on the phone with Dean, who was standing outside of the Impala, and Sam was sitting inside of the car and (y/n) was sitting in her bike which was parked against the Impala.
"Yeah, he almost killed all of us because somebody over there can't keep their friggin' mouth shut." Dean yells, angrily. "And you honestly think that it was me? Or Ash? Or Jo? No way." Ellen said. "Well, who else knows about Sam and (y/n), huh?" Dean said as he turns to look at Sam in the car then over at (y/n), who gives a smirk.
"I mean, you must have been talking to somebody." Dean said, accusing. "Hey, you can say a lot of things about us. But we are not disloyal. And we're not stupid. We haven't breathed a word of this." Ellen said. "Gordon said he had Roadhouse connections, Ellen." Dean yells.
"And this roadhouse is full of other hunters. They're all smart. They're good trackers. Each of them with their own patterns and connections. Look, hell, I could name twelve of them right now that are capable of putting this together." Ellen said before she sighs. "I am sorry about what happened, Dean. But I can't control these people. Or what they choose to believe." Ellen said to him.
*(y/n)'s POV*
After stopping by my safe house and dropping off my bike, I sit in the Impala as Dean drives and Sam is talking on his phone. "Hey, Ava, it's Sam. Again. Um, call me when you get this, just want to make sure you got home okay. All right. Bye." Sam said. 
"Everything all right?" Dean asked him. "Yeah, I hope so." Sam said. "Well, Gordon should be reaching for the soap for the next few years at least." Dean said and I chuckle. "Yeah. If they pin Scott Carey's murder on him. And if he doesn't bust out." I said and we sit in silence.
"Guys, you two ever take off like that again..." Dean started to say, warningly, until Sam speaks up. "What? You'll kill us?" Sam asked and we chuckle. "That is so not funny." Dean said.
"All right. All right. So where to next, then?" I asked. "One word: Amsterdam." Dean said. "Dean!" Sam and I shouted. "Come on, guys, I hear the coffeeshops don't even serve coffee." Dean said. "We're not just gonna ditch the job." I said to him.
"Screw the job. Screw it, guys, I'm sick of the job anyway. I mean, we don't get paid, we don't get thanked. The only thing we get's bad luck." Dean said, angrily. "Well, come on, dude, you're a hunter. I mean, it's what you were meant to do." Sam said. "Ah, I wasn't meant to do anything, I don't believe in that destiny crap." Dean growls.
"You mean you don't believe in mine or Sam's destiny." I said. "Yeah, whatever." Dean growls. "Look, Dean, I've tried running before. I mean, I ran all the way to California and look what happened. You can't run from this." Sam said to him. "And you can't protect me or Sam." I said and Dean looks up at the mirror at me.
"I can try." He said. "Thanks for that." Sam and I said and Dean nods. "Look, Dean, we're gonna keep hunting. I mean, whatever is coming, we're taking it head-on, so if you really want to watch our backs, then I guess you're gonna have to stick around." Sam said to Dean.
"Bitch." Dean said to Sam.
"Jerk." Sam said.
"Jackass." I said to Dean.
"Weirdo." Dean said and the three of us grin at each other.
But seconds later, Sam frowns and picks up his phone again. "You calling that Ava girl again? You sweet on her or something?" Dean asked him. "She's engaged, Dean." Sam said. "So? What's the point in saving the world if you can't get a little nookie once in a while, huh?" Dean said and I scoff as Sam hangs up, scowling in thought.
"What?" Dean asked Sam. "Just a feeling. How far is it to Peoria?" Sam asked him.
Later, we break into Ava's house and look around. "Hello? Is anybody home?" Sam calls out and we go into the bedroom to find Ava's fiance dead, face-up on the bed; his shirt and the sheets are soaked in blood. 
"Oh my God." Sam gasped while I place a hand over my mouth, shocked. Dean runs a finger along the windowsill, staring at the powdery substance collected there. "Hey." He said and Sam turns and Dean holds up his fingers.
"Sulfur. Demon's been here." Dean said then I see something on the floor and kneels, picking it up. It was Ava's engagement ring.
Sam and I look up at each other as I look back at the ring in fear. "Ava." Sam whispers as I bite my lips.
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zmediaoutlet · 1 year
you look like trouble (but i guess i do too)
for @wincestwednesdays - reputation
A motel, halfway between Washington and Kansas, cowboy-themed—or rather, cowgirl, since she's sitting pretty on the neon sign tipping her hat up and winking at people who'd be dumb enough to drive past. Cute enough to get past the almost rent-by-the-hour vibes, though it's not like those are unfamiliar, and inside the room Dean picks it's clean enough, and certainly cleaner than a lot of the places Dean's been staying in the last few months. No smell of sulfur, for one. That puts it pretty high on the list.
Sam's in the shower. Dean cracks the bottle of JD they got when they pulled into town and sits on the bed, and by the time the water creaks off—a long shower, by Sam's standards—he's made a pretty sizeable dent in it, and also into his current project.
The door opens with a decent billow of steam and a vision of Sam with a cheap white towel wrapped low around his hips, which is good enough to help alleviate the embarrassing skin-crawl Dean's been dealing with, the last twenty minutes, if not dissipate it entirely. He whistles and Sam rolls his eyes, going to dig one-handed through his bag. "Don't blame me for enjoying the show," Dean says, and Sam huffs but doesn't smile.
"What are you doing," he says. Kinda just saying it to say it. From his bag he pulls his pajama pants, that shirt he wears to sleep in. Rolls his right arm, free of the sling, and stands there holding his elbow, his face even in profile tight and strained.
Dean drains his glass, and sets it on the bedside table, and drops his phone on the mattress. "Texting hunters," he says. Sam's brow furrows and he looks over, and Dean shrugs. "Going through the rolodex, you know? Figuring out who we can still talk to."
Sam's brow clears and he stands up straight. His fist clenched in the towel. Too bad—but then, those kinds of shows, they don't always let you drink. He watches Sam's jaw flex and then also watches Sam clearly decide not to say the first thing that comes to mind. "You don't have to clean up my messes," he says, finally. Very even. Like Dean can't see his shoulders twitch. Only person Dean's ever known to throw more punches inside his head than otherwise.
They're not fighting, though. Ever since Dean's whole body washed clear, all the roiling smoke and salt and pain draining out of him like someone pulled the plug on a bath, so he was left just with the guilt and misery and Sam, six inches away, watching, desperate—Dean hasn't wanted to pick a fight. No matter what drags at the very back of his hindbrain, scratching.
"First of all," he says, easy, "that ain't true. You think the WC in the bunker just gets all sparkly by magic? I've seen things, Sam. Horrors." Sam's face kind of flinches and Dean smiles at him in the most annoying way he can muster, but then he shrugs, relaxed back against the stacked pillows. "But you aren't the only one who makes messes. Not sure you heard, but I was a demon."
Like acid in the throat to say. It's never actually funny, no matter how many times they repeat it.
Sam takes a deep breath. "I didn't tell anyone," he says.
"Doesn't mean word didn't get out," Dean says, and Sam's eyes close. Like he really didn't think about it. Singleminded, where Dean's concerned. Sometimes Dean can't believe it, the cold shock of what it means that Sam loves him back—but sometimes it's worrying, too. Like whatever demons Dean met or that Crowley used would just clam up and keep it under lock and key, or wouldn't tell whoever had them in a trap ringed with salt and holy water any nasty, humiliating, evil thing that Dean did—that he'd chosen to do—that had come up out of him, some place he didn't look at, that he'd kept closed in a box and refused and never wanted to believe he could ever even think of, much less put into action. The things that could be done to a person. Things you could do to yourself.
"Hey," Sam says, and Dean blinks and looks up and Sam's—there, sitting on the side of the bed by Dean's hip. His hand heavy on Dean's thigh, hot through the denim. "No one will believe it, man."
Dean tips his head back against the headboard. "You remember Walt and Roy?" he says, and Sam's mouth gets thin and flat. "Or—that girl, Tracy? People can believe a lot, Sam. Especially when it's true."
Sam turns his head. His hair's already curling at the ends, around his ears and at the back of his neck. Damp down his back. Even like this, thin from the months Dean was gone and pale with working too long through the night and tired, Dean just—can't get tired of looking at him. Starved after the months without and he can't get his fill.
"Before I stopped drinking," Sam says. Careful. Dean refocuses and Sam's looking at the half-empty bottle of whiskey. "I mean, before I stopped getting drunk. When you'd been gone… three weeks, maybe. I couldn't get a line on Leroy Baldwin. Remember him?" Takes Dean a second, but yes: white guy, hunted mostly crossroads demons, mostly in the bible belt. Asshole but got the job done, and you couldn't expect much more of most hunters. "I went out and found him. Alabama. He was working a job and didn't want to talk. Told him I was trying to track down the demon who'd killed my brother, and he said if I was that cut up about it, maybe I should get someone else to fuck me."
Dean's whole body flinches. Sneaking through the dark until a floodlight snaps on and catches him in his tracks. Sam swallows. "He was one of the ones I punched," he says, after a second, and Dean sits up and gets his hand on Sam's face and Sam closes his eyes, and turns in, and ducks his head down against Dean's shoulder. All damp-warm and smelling like mint from the shower. The curve of his neck hot against Dean's lips.
Crowley joked about it. In bed. Sucking Dean's dick and then lifting up and saying, not quite the same without those down-home charms, hm? and laughed when Dean kicked his shoulder and demanded he get back to it. After the triplets, when the scuttling sycophant demons cleared the bodies away, Crowley covering his back and whispering pretend it's whoever you want, darling, and Dean hadn't been thinking about anything other than getting off one more time but then he couldn't help remembering, and it was worse because Crowley was good, he'd made very sure of that, but it wasn't the same, and even if Dean's heart had been scabbed over and discarded he sure as hell knew the difference. Wondered if Crowley did. Or could.
Sam's hand slides from Dean's thigh to his hip. "Okay, so maybe we won't call Leroy," Dean says, and Sam kind of laughs and then he picks his head up and he kisses Dean, no pussyfooting around, no second-guessing. Dean grabs Sam's shoulders and opens up for it, flipped over. He thought Sam was—freaked, or upset, but he should've known better. All these years of knowing his brother. In short order he's on his back, hauled down with jeans slicking against the polyester comforter, and then there's—Sam leaning over him, and then his mouth dragging down the side of Dean's throat, and then—teeth—
"Christ," Dean puffs out, and feels Sam smile against his skin before he bites again, harder. Makes it hurt. He spreads his knees and Sam settles heavy there—his hand sliding up under Dean's shirt, making his stomach shudder—and the towel's pretty well given up the ghost but Dean tugs it out from between them anyway, and feels Sam's dick thick and getting thicker up against the inseam of his jeans, and his nuts heavy in his sack. Palms them there, feeling. God, how much he loves them. Just how soft, and tender, and full. What he'll give up, under Dean's hand. Although—he drags his heels up, bracketing Sam's thighs between his, and gets his other hand in Sam's hair, and tugs, and asks, "Hey—hey—your arm—?" Not wanting it over before it starts.
Sam pushes up over him, his eyes dark and his hair half-dry and wild around his face and his teeth bared, almost, his grin looks so wild. Dean's dick aches in his jeans. "My arm's good," he says, and grips Dean's crotch whole-handed and tight, defiant. Makes Dean arch into him, proving how much he means it. How much he always has.
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lycorogue · 9 months
One Piece NoPixel
Ever since the 4.0 launch of NoPixel (a private GTA Online roleplay server), my husband and I have become OBSESSED with the Yuno Sykk storyline going on.
Considering Sykkuno has been streaming NoPixel for roughly 8hrs every day, there's no way I can fully keep up, so my insomniac husband tends to give me recaps the following day. As he's telling me the story and is trying to get me to understand the relationship ties between characters I had an epiphany: Yuno is just Luffy from One Piece.
People already joke that Sykkuno has "plot armor" and is the "main character", so his GTA character Yuno being Luffy already kind of fits. Plus, both Yuno and Luffy are ADHD/Autistic balls of chaos that are also unintentionally beams of charisma that attracts just about everyone to their side. It doesn't matter how insane the plan is, if Luffy/Yuno says it people will follow through. You also have the fun of wondering if Luffy/Yuno is just insane with godly amounts of luck that allows their plan to work out, or if they are secretly geniuses that had already calculated everything in the background and the plan worked because of that discrete planning (or if it's a happy combo of the two). Luffy and Yuno are both almost impossibly optimistic and goofy, and people INSTANTLY know to take these boys seriously the second they become serious. If Luffy/Yuno stop smiling, you KNOW shit is about to go down! Also, Luffy/Yuno is INSANELY loyal and protective of his found family. On multiple occasions, Yuno has been informed that if he were to betray the speaker that would kill their last bit of faith in humanity, because if they know ANYTHING it's that Yuno doesn't lie and doesn't betray. Much like Luffy.
OK, so Yuno Sykk is Monkey D. Luffy (If Yuno's name wasn't just Sykkuno's I wouldn't be surprised if he had included the D. initial).
I then thought about those around Yuno. While the personalities don't work one-to-one, my husband and I were able to map a lot of Yuno's friends onto Luffy's simply based on relationship ties.
First is obvious. Yuno, through the 3.0 adoption chaos, ended up the adopted grandson of cop (and eventual Police Commissioner) Sam Baas. So, Baas is Garp. The fish-name connection is just a bonus.
Next up is the inspiration to both start an illegal lifestyle and to become the best possible at it. A pseudo-father-figure and mentor. The man whose blessings and pride in Luffy/Yuno is just about everything to the boy: Lang Buddha as Yuno's Shanks.
Luffy/Yuno couldn't get as far as he does without his true ride-or-die. The man who is loyal to a fault. Who will gladly give his life to not only save his best friend and brother, but also to simply lift him higher, if that's what's requested of him. A man who will smile as he participates in mass murder, and whose homicidal tendencies are surprisingly calmed when around Luffy/Yuno: Raymond Romanov as Yuno's Roronoa Zoro
The personalities don't really match, and YMMV when it comes to this ship, but 4.0 brought about Yuno's "relationship arc". This introduced us to a woman that Yuno loves spending time with, is very protective of, and joys in making her smile. She is there to comfort Yuno, but understands that he needs to do things his way and on his own sometimes. Yuno keeps saying that they're only best friends, and that may be true. He may honestly have no romantic interest in her, despite her obvious romantic interest in him. Even so, she's His Person and he wants to be with her and protect her as much as possible. If there's one person that Luffy/Yuno cares about that you DO NOT mess with, it's her. Ladies and gents, meet Yuno's Nami: Lottie Mae
On the flipside, we have a woman who started off as an enemy, but was instantly charmed by the lengths Yuno would go to in order to help someone that had threatened him. Someone who has family who viciously protects her. Someone who is completely smitten despite Yuno not really giving as many "I want to be in a romantic relationship" vibes as he does with Lottie. Someone who clearly has a jealous streak to her. The main person people seem to ship with Luffy/Yuno behind Nami/Lottie. Our own Tsundere Queen: Gigi Costello as Yuno's Boa Hancock
Next up is a man who is a more serious leader who doesn't approve of Luffy/Yuno's shenanigans, but he also can't deny the results, so he begrudgingly gives Luffy/Yuno free rein. He still tries to talk some sense into Luffy/Yuno and his friends, and they do listen to him on occasion, but those moments are few and far between. He also can't ignore Luffy/Yuno's charisma, and, in spite of himself, he's equally drawn in to the King of Chaos. Congratulations, Tommy T. You are Yuno's Trafalgar Law.
We then have someone who is older. Someone who is a bit of a mentor, but also would gladly follow Luffy/Yuno. Someone who was once a leader himself, but has since disbanded his own crew (or, at least, left them). Someone who is incredibly protective of Luffy/Yuno, but also understands that the kid can hold his own (for the most part). Someone who can't fathom Luffy/Yuno ever betraying anyone. Someone who is a master a steering??? This one is a little bit of a stretch, but my husband believes that Tony Corleone is Yuno's Jimbe.
Finally, we have someone who is a pseudo-ally to Luffy/Yuno, almost begrudgingly. Someone whose goals differ from Luffy/Yuno's and those differing goals caused tension for a bit before the two decided to break off from each other. Someone who has a sort of 1920s gangsta vibe with his underground gambling and mob-like connections. A man whose main goal deep down is to find a family of his own. Marty Banks as Yuno's Capone Bege
My husband also thinks that Benji Ramos would be Yuno's Sanji, mostly due to the incessant flirting with little-to-no success. Also, Mickey Sinclaire as Usopp due to Mickey being a cowardly schemer and master liar. I'm still on the fence for both of those. This list was largely mapping parallels on how these characters relate to Luffy vs how they relate to Yuno. The Benji and Mickey parallels are more about their personalities pairing with One Piece characters.
I think that will have to be a different list, though.
So, NoPixel/One Piece fans, what do you think? Does this work? Would you have picked other character parallels? Are there others we didn't think of?
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angiefsutton · 13 days
Quantum Leap (1989) Re-watch
Season 1, episode 4: "The Right Hand of God"
Tumblr media
woo-hoo: mandatory boxing episode (and the 'inspiration' for "Hit Me With Your Best Shot" by me and JD Rush)
also: 'homage' to Rocky movies (even the training music is a knockoff of the Rocky theme)
forgot they got Guy Stockwell for this (Dean: "hey, bro: wanna be in my new show?")
still no opening 'oh, boy' - don't think there was one at all
ah - Bashful!Beckett has arrived (and Al's right: Sam IS adorable when he blushes)
… Sister ANGELA (please oh please let Dean say 'Angela'. He says it so sexy in Married to the Mob) (after watching: Damn. Guess I'm gonna have to go re-watch Married to the Mob. Poor me.)
dear lord - that orange outfit for Al. One of his more … interesting ones. Dean barely pulls it off. (… I can pull it off, if Al lets me!)
Apparently, Al's issues with the church haven't 'happened' in this timeline ;-) (canon? what canon?)
reminds Al of raising funds for the Imaging Chamber together (ah, many a fic of the two of them planning PQL)
"he's got more holes in his muffler than you do in your memory" - great line!
"He's a big guy - tells me to blow it out my tailpipe." … well, now.
(Also - realized yesterday that this goes to show how excellent of an actor Dean is. In a lesser actor's hands, many of his lines could've come across right down icky - even in '89. But like Al's clothes, Dean makes it work.)
Sam doing a mobster/Godfather imitation - hilariously horrible
Oh - DIX! I think many of fanon Tina's characterizations come from Dix. IMHO.
"My favorite? Oh, thanks - I really like my favorite. It's one of my favorites." - LOVE THIS LINE
DONUT shop. Everyone has a dream, I guess. ;-)
and we get everyone calling Sam 'Kid' in this
"Hon, you know the quick way never works." am IMAGINING what Al would've said had he been there.
"You'd rather go live with the nuns than with me?" Poor Sam - you can see a part of him is tempted.
"Amazing Grace" as Dix bares all! totally intentional
oh, god - Scott singing "Amazing Grace", though. Dear lord, I love his voice.
And then Al's snoring. ("Denise: Denise - Get in the closet!")
Ah - the first "She's got the most incredible pair of …" - this time "matching boxing gloves."
of COURSE Al goes to Ziggy for help in dealing with the muffler neighbor
"Well, If we knew the unknown, then the unknown wouldn't be unknown." - they're prescient! (see this)
I love you, Dean Stockwell/Al, but the idea of you actually KNOWING how to box - especially in THAT outfit - is HILARIOUS
"Hey - who taught you everything you know?" (pause) said sadly and alone, "I was good, too" - again, the 'inspiration' for "Hit Me With Your Best Shot" by me and JD Rush
and Sam's not much of a drinker already - at least more than a beer
man - still some horrible ADR - must be how they did it in the 80s/90s
her story of the fire - I had two fires around 3 years of each other. Still want to try and write something about it
Dean Stockwell in that white suit - there IS a God
Scott Bakula working out is INCREDIBLY hot
{sigh} I could watch Dean and Scott shadowboxing for hours, I think
Al being jealous of Gomez - so sweet
when the mobster taunts in the bar: Sam has a hair trigger on his anger at this point, doesn't he
STREAKING. Would've been a perfect time for Sam to 'remember' why he streaked in college ;-) (Missing episode fic?)
and Sam invokes the Compound-Interest Time Travel Gambit trope
and I forget he CHEATS by having Dixie streak. Again, obviously before they made Sam the goodie goodie he becomes. I forgot that it's SAM'S idea, not Al's
"Maybe that's all that winning is: having the right person believe in you." good moral, and perfect for Sam (and Al, for that matter)
{sigh} that red gangster hat and SUSPENDERS. I'm in love.
I would've loved to see a behind-the-scenes video of them filming this fight. The way Dean's able to stay out of everyone's way (and not touching ANYONE). I know blocking exists, but I also know that this is a bit different than your 'average' scene\
daw - an imaginary hug with Al when Sam wins!
overall thoughts: I mean, it's a knockoff of "Rocky". What else can I say? It's not a great episode, but not a bad episode either.
Thankfully, both Dixie and Sister Angela makes the episode work. Definitely a 'season 1' episode, if that makes sense. Still somewhat settling characters (especially Sam's) and the 'rules' of his leaping.
This is an episode I would've loved to see a 'on the other side of the IC' scene of Tina (and the others, for that matter) dealing with Boxing!Al (and his reaction to the neighbor).
(I want to say I read a fic where Al was ACTUALLY working overtime on the retrieval progam but didn't want to put any hope into Sam, so 'made up' the neighbor).
End thought? I may have to re-read "Hit Me With Your Best Shot" this weekend. ;-)
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golbrocklovely · 9 months
you know, I thought i might of been annoying with the amount of asks i send you, and that still might be true but people apparently love me… so im sticking around 😂 gotta build this aussie anon fandom… buy the merch (its just a tshirt with koala ears on the anon icon and ‘xplr me daddy’ across the shoulder blades)
also absolute fkn ditto to your post abt snc needing a villain era. especially colby. I learnt just the other day that apparently he goes thru this m drama every time he’s snapped with a girl. like every time, for years. that’s gotta be so horrible. like imagine being the constant reason your friends or dates get harassed online just for being around you. you’d feel like poison. i truly hope he finds someone who couldnt give two flying quacks abt that stuff. heck, if it were me (lemme dream, alright) and i knew this wasn’t just a once off thing… i was going to say my acct would be private and i’d have ‘message from strangers’ turned off… but i already have all that… Colby, I’m ready!!! lmao i jk i jk (or do I 👀)
anyway, back to colby fighting in the clubs. you said he’s possessive… im curious about that. like in a protective way over the people he cares about, or actually like “this is my person, back off” type? either way, hella shmexxyy
- aussie anon
omg this is such a long response so i'm sorry in advance lol
haha no you're totally okay to keep sending in asks. no one has a problem with it, especially me :)
and omg an "xplr me daddy" shirt would be hysterical and i'm surprised they haven't done one (even jokingly) before lol
and yes, it's not just girls colby is interested in either. it's EVERY girl - date, friend, stranger - it doesn't matter. if fans can find out who she is, they will send her hate. or at the very least bombard her with questions as to how she knows colby, what's he like, ect. it's honestly very embarrassing to be in this fandom sometimes strictly bc of that type of shit.
i've talked about how i've felt on colby's love life ad nauseum on here, but i don't mind speaking on it more. i genuinely believe this fandom needs a HUGE reality check. bc there are too many ppl in this fandom that believe they have a say in what he does with said love life. and now it's bled over into sam's.
the golden child apparently can do wrong now lol
like on xplrclub, they literally APOLOGIZED (half-heartedly, but still said sorry) for the pics of them with the girls leaking over new years. and that's just fucking bonkers to me. there is no reason two 27 year old men should be saying sorry to a bunch of random girls they have never met before and don't even know exist bc they are going out and having fun and dating. and what makes it worse is snc felt the need to do this. they don't need to explain anything to us, especially about their private lives.
and the amount of fucking fans i saw saying "well if you wanted to have a private life, keep it private. don't post things." and it's like…… idk how many times i have to say this, but SNC ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS. them not telling you about a girl they are fucking with is not a betrayal. they don't know you. they couldn't even pick you out of a line up of two ppl. stop thinking your opinion is neccessary, especially when it comes to their personal lives. you aren't owed an explanation. idc if you've been in this fandom for years, given them tons of money, have a fan account dedicated to them on every site, repost their content all the time - NONE of that matters. you are a random person, you are a statistic. a view count. and while yes, snc care about us, that doesn't mean they KNOW you or that your opinion is VALID.
you wouldn't like a random person coming onto your account and bitching at you about your life choices, right? so why do you think snc deserve that? bc they're public figures? NOPE, not a good enough reason. you want to bitch at them about content and the choices they make on that? that's fine. but private, personal shit they do is none of your concern or business.
and i know there are plenty of fucking ppl that will call me a hypocrite bc god forbid i talk about snc's love lives - but reality is i know my opinion isn't worth shit. i'm not coming up into their comments, @ ing them every chance i get, just to give them my two cents. i do my best to keep it light hearted and silly. none of what i talk about is serious or direly needed info. which is also why i do it on a site they aren't privy to. they're not on here. me complaining into the void doesn't effect them. and i'm also extremely aware of the fact that i don't know everything. i don't know the full story, never will, and i'm not OWED it either.
sorry, that was a really long rant. but i'm just…. so done with the fandom rn lol i've been reading ppl complaining for too long about shit they don't deserve to complain about and it's just annoying at this point.
but to bring it back to your ask - i hope colby, and sam too, find a girl that fucking PARADES that she's dating him. of course, with colby or sam's consent. if i was dating one of them, i would rub in these fans' faces, and i mean that wholeheartedly. aww, you're upset i'm fucking your man? TOO BAD WOMP WOMP lmao
and as for colby being possessive, he's said it in some tweets in years' past. he's tweeted out before "Im such a protective, jealous person wow" and "I'm overly protective" followed by someone asking him "so that means if you had a girlfriend you'd protect her a lot" and he replied with "protect her with my life". so, i see him as being a very loyal person, who is protective of the ppl he deems as "his", so to speak.
in a relationship, my guess is that while he's not obsessive or demanding, he is very much like "you are my girlfriend". i don't see him to be the type to say you can't talk to this guy or be friends with these ppl, nothing like that. but he reads to me like the type to keep his arm around you while at the club, that way any guy that sees you know you're taken by him.
also side note, i know as a woman i should be like i'm my own person, i'm no one's but my own, blah blah blah. but a guy that's just a twinge bit possessive is hot. i'm sorry, it's my red flag and i know it is sksksks
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anfroginous · 6 months
Hatchetfield OC Week Day 7: Finale
Sam sat at the table, eating breakfast. His parents were there too, consuming their food silently. His dad was on the couch, his mom was at the table, and both of them were scrolling through Instagram. All of a sudden, almost synchronized, they put their phones down and face Sam.
"Honey, you've been getting older," his mom says, "and I think it's time... you join the Church." She hands him a pamphlet, and ze reads through it.
"The initiation meeting is two weeks from now. We want you to be ready," his father says.
Sam ignores them, like he always does. After breakfast, ze throws the pamphlet in the trash and covers it up with napkins. Ze's not gonna join his parent's stupid church.
Sam gazed out the window of the limousine. There ze was, dressed up in a blazer, hair done nicely; about to join the Church of the Starry Children, the odd cult he was born into. Honestly, after reading what he read of the Black Book? It didn't sound too bad. I mean sure, there were many rituals most people would find disgusting, but Sam never was most people.
The initiation ceremony is easy enough, actually, when ze gets there. Just a reading of an ancient text, and boom, he's in.
It's what he has to do after that's weird.
Sam has never seen so much blood, and ze still doesn't know where that human limb came from.
"So, you really do love me? This isn't a prank?"
Ruth is sitting on the grass, next to Sam, wearing a tank top and shorts. Sam is wearing his dark grey tee and some grey pants. The two are looking over a lake; Sam wanted to show it to Ruth because of how beautiful it was at this time of day. The sun is setting, and its rays stretch out into the sky and the lake, making it all a picturesque pink and orange and yellow color.
"~No, this is no prank/I see you're beauty, and my mind goes blank/I guess I never really knew/The right way to tell you~" Sam sings. Despite his best efforts, ze could never convince Pokey to drop the singing thing. True to his word, however, Ruth doesn't find it weird. In fact, she giggles, and sighs dreamily.
"I never thought anyone would love me like that, you know, but you..." she starts, and kisses him on the lips.
Their mouths mesh together awkwardly, but to them, it's paradise.
After they finish kissing, they stare at each other for a good, long while, then back at the lake. Ruth leans her head on Sam's shoulder, and ze brings his arm around her waist. They stay like that until the sun sets and the sky finally turns inky black, dotted with a million stars.
Sam walks up to Roman Murray, the leader of the Church. Ze focuses on his greying moustache, and tries not to fidget with zer hands.
"~Okay, try not to tremble...~" zesings to zemself, and then sings "~Is the church accepting new members?~" to Mr. Murray.
He looks up from his book. "Why, of course! Who are you planning on recruiting?"
"~My girlfriend...~" Sam blurts out. He's very excited to call Ruth his girlfriend, but ze's still very worried Mr. Murray will get mad at zem and reprimand zem for asking him.
"Ah, young love," Mr. Murray says wistfully. "I'll tell you what: I'll schedule an introduction meeting on Saturday. I hope to see you and your girlfriend there."
"~Thank you~" Sam says, and walks back to the limousine.
Sam pulls out his phone, and goes to the contact "Ruth 😘🥰😍🥵🔥"
sammy boi: hey!!!
Ruth 😘🥰😍🥵🔥: heyyyyyy 😏
sammy boi: do u wanna come to my church on saturday
Ruth 😘🥰😍🥵🔥: sure
Sam put away his phone, ignoring the "typing..." right below Ruth's contact name. Ze looks over the lake near his house, alone this time, and breathes it all in.
Ze has what he wants, and that's what matters; no matter what ze had to do to get it.
okay so i did it! i wrote the thing! hooray! This is a LOT later than usual but writers block is a bitch lol
I'm probrably gonna write more about Ruth and Sam lol. Also I have SO many ideas for Zoinked you wouldn't believe
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my-tones · 2 years
I'mma ask the Rasmodious one later cause I want revenge!(ʘ言ʘ╬) Kk so I want part 2 about Seb cheating on farmer(^▽^), k so I want Seb to fell out of love on the lady(hehehe)and realized that he love farmer and was happy about his life with farmer, the farmer can be with another bachelor(≧▽≦) or you can make them together again if you want oh! Can you write the reaction of pelican town about the cheating? And maybeee father figure Rasmodious?(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) Cause it will be interesting (I still simp for anime portrait tho just want the reaction) k so bye!(。•̀ᴗ-)✧
B) I gotchu (ps I did kinda take some creative liberties, I know it'd be better to keep it vague but I had a bit of an idea yk?) (The theory that Abigail is secretly Rasmodious's daughter is practically canon in my head btw so it is canon in my writing unless otherwise requested)
Warning: light profanity, sex mentioned (not explained)
Towns reaction to initial cheating (Highlights)
Sam was disappointed in his friend. He thought you were cool! And you were so good to him. He couldn't have picked a better s/o for his friend. He stops talking to Seb as much, wouldn't talk to him at all if it weren't for the band. Doesn't consider him a friend anymore.
Abigail is also disappointed, but she gets it. She's lighter on Seb than Sam is.
He refuses to tell his family, so they don't even know, but they're so curious, especially Robin.
Rasmodious is PISSED. He noticed your behavior was off when you were bringing him some mushrooms he had requested, and had pulled the story out of you. He mumbled something about needing to protect those young girls in town from someone like him before sending you off. You noticed from here on he requested more random things from you, and when you'd deliver them he'd ask you how you are and would give you advice.
It was rough getting back into how things were before. You didn't enjoy farm life as much without Sebastian there. It just wasn't the same around town without him.
You had isolated yourself after he left. Sebastian wasn't close with many people in town, but Robin was. She was the local carpenter, and he was her son. Instead of hanging around town, you stayed at the farm, fearing judgement from the townsfolk.
Sebastian was living both at home and with his new partner. He could never get over the guilt of what he did to you, but damn could this new girl make him feel things he never thought he could, at least, she could in bed. Day to day life was different with her. She never woke him up with breakfast, coffee, or even a good morning.
As time went on, he found himself missing those moments more than he enjoyed great sex. He realized that's all she could do for him. He realized he had fucked up. She would never give him the little moments to cherish.
While things took a turn for the worse for Sebastian after the breakup, you had finally started to recover. It wasn't long after the breakup that you and Sam started to get closer. He reminded you of Sebastian in some ways, but he was so different in so many others.
You two got close, and you had the idea that he wanted to take it further than just friends, but you couldn't see yourself with someone so soon, and he seemed to respect that even without you needing to say it.
Sebastian eventually stopped spending so much time in the city. He broke things off with his new partner, learning from his previous mistakes, and started dwelling in the basement at Robins even more so than he used to.
The next major catastrophe happened when the band went to perform in front of Gus's. You had been avoiding their little gigs, not wanting to see Sebastian, but Sam had begged you to come. He performed little mini gigs at the farm for you by himself, but he couldn't be a one-man-band, they were still a band no matter the tension between members.
So you watched them perform. It was nice, Sebastian wouldn't even make eye contact with you but you didn't know if you could hold it if he did. No, the thing that made this a disaster was Robin. She has to know why you two broke up, no one would tell her anything!
The performance reaches it's end, and the band members start packing up their equipment to go. Despite this, Robin still stands in front of you, trying to decipher everything by any means possible.
She doesn't take the news well. She's so upset, and that's when Sebastian and Sam appear. Robin turns to scold her son for his actions, you don't do that to a person! He still can't make eye contact with you, but he can with Sam, especially after Sam pipes up, agreeing with Robin that his actions were nasty.
The two boys bicker until Abigail shows up to yell at them both. You notice the wizard also seems to be watching, though he's a bit further away. He had also helped you through your funk when Sebastian cheated, though in a different way from Sam. He offered you advice, and you took it. It sometimes felt like your grandfather was still around when the wizard was there, giving you the fatherly advice you need.
Abigail manages to shut them both up, and you can finally talk it out. You all agree to be civil from here on out, and Sebastian admits to realizing his mistakes, and that he missed you. Unsure if you can forgive him, you accept his apology.
Sam still seems peeved that you'd even talk to him, and tries to claim he's been here for you this whole time and Abigail shuts him up real fast.
So, farmer, it's up to you. Who would you choose?
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mulderscully · 2 years
Do you wish the hallway kids was canon or do you think they made the right call
i'm gonna assume you mean the ftf hallway kiss lol
um, tbh i don't know. i think them kissing in that way where it's kinda implied he's taking her back to this apartment to have sex really would have changed the trajectory of their relationship for sure. i know a lot of people give mulder shit for 1. not reciprocating scully's flirting in s5 (esp in detour when she comes to his motel room) and 2. for all the diana stuff. but i'm a mulder coded mulder girl so i try to see things from his pov even tho as writing choices they weren't the best.
i think mulder, by s5/ftf, know he is in love with scully and vice versa. but i also think mulder has really deep seated trauma in regards to his sister's abduction. before mulder met scully, i don't think he had any sort of genuine human connection with another person - not just romantic connection, but ANY connection. he's an outcast, he's on a mission, he's traumatized, etc. he has these weird bonds with manipulative women, such as phoebe and diana but they obv don't mean much to him bc before scully all that mattered was finding sam and/or getting justice for her. he can kiss and fuck them bc he doesn't really care if they exit from his life.
but then he meets scully, and because he has CANONICALLY known scully in countless lifetimes before, she quickly becomes THE most important person in his entire life and when someone is the ONLY friend you have in the world and the only person who doesn't look down on you, it's hard to risk jeopardizing that which is why i think mulder ACTIVELY choses not to kiss scully, not to have sex with her etc. if they ruin what they have, he will literally lose everything that makes his life have meaning. he knows he can't get to the truth without scully by his side, but he also cannot live without her in general. if scully had died he would have killed himself. i genuinely think this. it's like how much he loves scully paralyzes him and watching her almost die just drove that further in, but when scully is going to leave him in ftf because she thinks she doesn't matter to him, THAT'S when he can't help but want to kiss her but if he actually had... then what would they have done?
at that time mulder still was on his mission, scully chose to work with him on it even when he tells her she is right to want to leave him. but he also knows that scully wants kids, she wants a "normal" life (or at least she thinks she does) and he cannot give her that at that point. if they had gotten together at that point, i think it would've been really hard bc of that aspect. it would've hurt them both. this is guilt mulder carries his entire life, that he wasn't able to give her the life she deserved but i think they could have and should have had it at the end of s8. but i don't think they could have in s5 or 6. so i do think cutting the kiss off, as frustrating as it is, is understandable. seeing them 0.001 inches from kissing shows us what their feelings are, but they still didn't cross any line they couldn't uncross.
part of me hates to say it, but i think mulder NEEDED the closure of knowing his sister was dead in order to move on with his life. he needed her to die for him to come back to life. which is why he says in "closure", after seeing her spirit, that he's free. he knows. he can stop looking. and that's why they are able to 1. have sex in s7. 2. actively PLAN to have a child together.
i honestly love the very slow progression of mulder and scully's relationship, i love the ambiguity of it. i do wish parts of it had been handled differently/better (no medical rape for scully, no sons given up, can we see them kiss? etc) but i wouldn't change anything about what their relationship is.
that said, i have rewatched the hallway kiss so many times it's burned into my eyelids.
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stranger-marauders · 2 years
twenty-four: the war-zone
chapter summary: The gang goes to War-Zone. Kate strikes up an unlikely friendship with someone she wouldn't have expected.
chapter warnings: language, jokes about steve's implied breeding kink
word count: 2.5k
series masterlist | masterlist
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KATE HAD BEEN surprised by the number of people in the War Zone parking lot.
She didn't quite know what to expect. She knew that the hunting store on Main hadn't been able to come back from its closure after the mall had opened up, so the fact that they had business wasn't too shocking. What surprised her what that it looked like every single person that lived in Hawkins was currently inside the store based on how many people there were in the parking lot.
"Pull into the back," she said, looking at Steve. "There should be space behind it."
He nodded, bypassing the parking lot and pulling behind the building. Whenever he put the Winnebago into park, Nancy stood up from her seat, standing in front of everyone but Steve and Kate.
"You three need to stay here," Nancy said, looking at Dustin, Lucas, and Eddie.
"What? Come on," Dustin said annoyedly, sitting in the back of the Winnebago. "Seriously?"
"Yes, seriously. Based on what you told me earlier, the entire town is looking for every member of the Hellfire Club right now, not just Eddie."
"All we really need are the guns and the Molotov supplies, right?" Kate asked. "I mean, maybe some clothes?"
"Clothes? What would we need that for?" Steve asked, confused.
Her eyebrows furrowed together, looking down for a moment at the lack of shoes and of a shirt on him. "For you?"
"Yes, that's what we're looking for. That and anything else that could be deemed useful," Nancy said. "Now, come on, let's go. I don't want to waste any more time than we have to."
Without another word, Nancy opened the door to the Winnebago, and Robin quickly followed her out, as did Max and Erica. Before Steve and Kate could leave, however, their attention was quickly snagged by someone else.
"Hey, Hop—uh... Sam–Samwise!" Eddie shouted, moving toward the door.
Kate and Steve turned around, both confused. "What did you just call me?"
"Doesn't matter. Hang back, will you? Henderson, uh... dude needs your help with something."
Dustin gave him a confused look. "No, I don't."
Eddie looked back to her awkwardly, flashing a smile. "He doesn't know what he's talking about."
She gave an annoyed laugh, almost as if she didn't understand him. "All right, first off, you call me Samwise, which I find highly offensive, but—"
"Jesus, Samwise, stay behind or I'll go inside with you, take your pick."
Kate and Steve exchanged glances, and he finally sighed. "Just... stay with them. I don't trust them alone in this thing, anyway."
She scoffed. "Yeah, tell Nancy to pick something good, please? I don't want a piece of shit that doesn't do anything."
Steve nodded. "All right, I'll be back. With clothes and shoes."
She stifled a laugh, pressing her lips together. "Good." Kate closed the door behind him, turning around to Eddie and immediately losing the smile on her face. "Now what do you want? What could possibly be so important—?"
"Oh, nothing. I'm just checking on you after that lovely conversation you and Harrington had earlier. Didn't want him around when I asked."
She gave him a somewhat confused look. "I have no idea what you're talking about."
"Come on, man, you don't have to do that. He's not here, what he doesn't know won't hurt him."
"No, I seriously don't know what you're talking about."
"You know, the six nuggets and the Winnebago," he explained. "I didn't think you would forget that harrowing and simultaneously traumatizing experience so quickly. It's not even a cool dream, man. It's honestly more impressive he thought that was, like, okay to say out loud to you."
"Okay, it wasn't that bad," she said, almost as if she was trying to defend him.
"So you do remember!"
She sighed. "I mean, yeah, but it wasn't the worst thing I've ever heard. He doesn't... have any siblings, you know?" She looked back to Lucas and Dustin, who were both completely uninterested in the conversation—at least she only had to deal with Eddie. "And you haven't met his parents, but i–it makes sense if you've met them." She paused, collecting her thoughts. "It explains a lot about him, I promise."
"But six kids? Samwise, that's diagnosable."
"Okay, where the hell did Samwise come from?" she asked bitterly. "You could pick any Tolkien character, literally any single one, and you pick Samwise? I'd be less offended if you called me Smaug, honestly. At least I wouldn't be a damn gardener."
"Quit changing the subject, Sam! Also, it's completely accurate, so it's sticking."
"No, it is not."
"As I was saying, Sam, I just wanted to apologize on behalf of Harrington, but as well as myself," he explained.
She furrowed her eyebrows together. At this point, she knew she had to accept the name—it had already stuck, and there was nothing she could do to change that right now. "Wait, why are you apologizing? You didn't do anything."
"Oh, trust me, I did," Eddie said, shaking his head and dismissing the thought with his hand. "No, this is, like, almost entirely my fault." Whenever he sighed, she began to listen to him more intently, completely absorbed in what he had to say. "There I was wandering the woods last night, and along the way, I saw a poor, lost boy who still somehow gets cotton-mouthed the second he comes within five feet of you, so I attempted to give him some advice. I'm sorry that I didn't explain it to him like a five-year-old. How was I supposed to know his mind would jump straight to telling you he wants to knock you up as soon as possible—"
"Oh my God, that's not... that's not what he meant," Kate said, her face turning red. "That's... No. That's so gross."
She didn't exactly know where Eddie had gotten that idea from. Surely Steve hadn't meant her specifically. She didn't think he would be that bold, especially not with something like that. The most important thing they'd even come close to talking about was married, and even that conversation got pushed aside for later and was never talked about again. Kate couldn't imagine him saying that with the intent to be aimed at her, especially not so publicly.
Eddie, however, wasn't buying it.
"Oh yeah, Samwise, that's exactly what he meant," he said. "I just wanted to let you know that I understand if he's now been deemed completely undesirable to you, as that conversation was straight out of a horror movie even from my point of view. You took it, like, extremely well, all things considered."
"He wasn't even talking about me!" she replied, wiping her face to try to get rid of the pink tinge. "He was speaking generally. He's probably just, like... I don't know, out of it or something. He lost a lot of blood, okay? Give him a break."
"While I appreciate you giving him, and me by that extension, the benefit of the doubt, you're allowed to walk away from him now. Like, full permission, dude." Eddie shook his head. "Very cute of you to defend him, by the way. Makes all that stoic shit way less scary, because now you just look like a big softy." When her mouth fell open in shock, he chuckled. "I'm just kidding. Kind of. I admire your loyalty to him. He doesn't deserve it after that, but it's admirable. I get why he's so obsessed with you now."
She pressed her lips together hesitantly. "He's not... obsessed with me."
"Now I'm concerned you're the one with brain damage."
Kate tried to stifle a laugh, suppress a smile. "Thank you for the apology, Edith, but I—"
"Wait, hold on, Edith?"
"Did I stutter?" Whenever he didn't reply, she took a deep breath. "Look, I appreciate it, but it's not that big of a deal. If that's the weirdest thing he says to me this year, then I'm good."
Eddie hesitated. "Good?" He chuckled uneasily. "I'm sorry, Harrington implied he wanted to impregnate you six different times and you're just... okay with that fact?"
"I don't think it was directed at me, but if it was, I kinda have to be, you know?"
"I'm pretty sure that's, like... not the case, but okay."
"Listen, okay? I've been dealing with that asshole my entire life. That's probably not even the weirdest thing he's ever said to me."
"Jesus Christ."
She shrugged. "But it's not about me, so it doesn't matter. He's just crazy and wants six kids, apparently."
Eddie nodded, giving her an unconvinced look. "Sure."
"Why do you care so much anyway?"
"Because you, Sammy, have somehow won the affection of Mr. Steve Harrington himself, which is proving to be more of a chore than a privilege, but it doesn't matter. I was just rooting for him to get the girl, you know? He's trying really hard for you, man, he's just bad at it."
"Oh my God, how many times do I have to explain it to all of you? He does not still have feelings for me." When Eddie looked at her like she was insane, she scoffed. "And I—you know, I don't have feelings for him either. We're just... friends now. No strings attached. Okay?"
Eddie only gave her an unconvinced look in response.
Before she could even begin to defend herself, Steve burst through the door of the vehicle, already moving to the front of the Winnebago to start it up. "We gotta go."
"What happened?" Lucas asked.
"Your old friends are here," Erica said somewhat anxiously.
The Hawkins High basketball team—the same group of boys who had been hunting down Eddie, and by that extension any member of the Hellfire Club, which also included Lucas and Dustin..
"Let's go! Let's go!" Dustin shouted.
"I'm going! I'm going! Sit down!" Steve shouted back.
Steve sped out of the War Zone parking lot, passing by Jason Carver as he loaded his car up with supplies of his own.
Nancy had picked out a shotgun for Kate, after all, much to Steve's dismay.
That was why Nancy, Kate, and Max currently worked on modifying them for their needs, sawing off the barrels just in case they were in close range.
"Is this legal?" Max asked, holding Nancy's gun in place as Nancy worked the saw.
"Actually, I think it's a felony," Nancy said, continuing to saw the barrel off without a care in the world. "Kate?"
"Oh, yeah, definitely a felony," she said, nodding her head once.
"Right," Max said, smiling slightly. Out of anyone there, she wouldn't have thought that Nancy and Kate would be the ones to commit a felony without a second thought, but she figured she would stop assuming she knew anything.
"But it guarantees one thing," Nancy said, continuing to saw the barrel of the shotgun off. "We won't miss."
"That or won't have them turned on us."
As they worked on modifying the guns, Steve and Robin were busy making Molotov cocktails.
"I mean, it just doesn't make sense," Steve said, holding the alcohol and funnel while Robin poured the gasoline.
"What doesn't make sense?"
"That was Dan Shelter," Steve said. "He graduated, like, two years ago."
Steve was referring to what he and Robin had seen inside of the War Zone. Vickie had been with Dan Shelter, who had proven to be her boyfriend whenever they'd started kissing in the store. Robin had been heartbroken, immediately running away from the scene and out of sight.
Steve, however, wasn't convinced that was the whole story.
"So he's in college. Which means he was visiting on spring break," Steve explained. "Fast Times was returned, like, I don't know, a week ago? Right? Unless she's got some horndog brother we don't know about, which is possible. Or she's just, like... really into Judge Reinhold? Nah—"
"Steve," Robin said, cutting off his rambling.
"I don't care," she said somewhat firmly, "and I don't understand why you do either with everything that's going on. Honestly, this feels like a perfect time for that little pull of the rug because... in the face of the world ending, the stakes of my love life feel spectacularly low."
"Yeah. I mean, I get you there, but... I still have hope." Steve passed her the finished Molotov cocktail to put on the side.
"Not everything has a happy ending."
"Yeah, yeah, believe me, I know," he said, putting the funnel on top of the next alcohol bottle. He looked over at Kate again, who was currently trying out her modified shotgun, getting a feel for it. Absolutely crazy, she was.
He still couldn't believe how put together she seemed only hours after she'd been taken by Vecna. She'd been absolutely shaken up that morning, but now she'd seemingly pushed it all past her, ready to take on the monster that had threatened her and the people she cared about. She had seemingly pushed it all past her now that she had a shotgun in her hand.
Kate was preparing for battle on the very thing that had been terrorizing them for years now, and that was something that absolutely horrified him. He knew he wouldn't hesitate on doing what it took to get rid of him. Vecna had declared war on Hawkins, and Kate was leading the defense.
"Have you talked to her at all about last night?" Robin asked, watching him carefully.
"About what?"
"About how she was very visibly upset when she thought you were going to die?"
He shook his head as she poured gasoline into the bottle. "No. We didn't... We didn't really talk about anything other than the, uh... the Vecna stuff, you know? She was pretty shaken up."
"I heard the conversation you guys had earlier," she said softly. "I think you had a good chance, but you probably blew it with the six nuggets."
He looked up, almost cringing at what she said. "You heard that?"
"You are... extremely loud. I'm pretty sure everyone heard that."
He groaned. "Seriously?"
Robin shrugged. "I don't know, but I think you've still got a chance. She cares a lot about you, for some reason."
Steve chuckled, putting the funnel on another bottle of alcohol.
She looked over to Kate again in the field, who was now checking Nancy's shotgun. "But I wasn't talking about potentially failed romance." She poured the gasoline into the alcohol bottle through the funnel. "I just... I have this terrible, gnawing feeling that... it might not work out for us this time."
"So you think we shouldn't be doing this?"
"I think we're mad fools, the lot of us, but—" Robin sighed, watching over the rest of the group— "but if we don't stop him, who will?" She looked back to Steve. "We have to try, right?"
Steve hesitated to look back at Robin. "Yeah." He held up the next alcohol bottle, holding it out to Robin as if he were going to toast it. "To killing Vecna."
Robin held up a finished Molotov cocktail. "Slash Henry."
"Slash One."
They clinked the two bottles together, hoping that it wouldn't be the last toast they ever made.
next chapter
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Teaching An Old Dog New Tricks
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: uhhh nothing too bad- explicit sexual content- oral (f receiving)
Genre: smut
Summary: After Steve overhears your conversation with Nat and Wanda he wants to show you that just because he's from the 40s doesn't mean he can't do things he hasn't done before.
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"Okay so tell the super soldier you wanna sit on his face." Nat shrugs, sipping her coke as you, Wanda, and her sit around the floor of your room. Unbeknownst to any of you said super soldier happened to be walking by at the same time Nat said what she said.
"I am absolutely NOT doing that." You shake your head. Steve knows he shouldn't be eavesdropping but he's curious to know what your hesitation is about. He thought you two were always honest with each other. Why wouldn't you tell him?
"Well why not?" Nat asks. Exactly, why not?
"That's so embarrassing! Plus- Steve is like, how do I make this not sound rude? Standard issue. I mean he still blushes when I tell him I like giving him head. And like- that's not a problem really, I think it's cute but he's never... he doesn't- basically Steve is as vanilla as they come. I don't wanna freak him out." You struggle to explain. Steve frowns. Do you perhaps find him boring? You've never expressed any complaints to him before- but- clearly you're not satisfied.
"You're not asking him to do kama sutra!" Nat scoffs. Steve has so many questions now.
"Closed mouths don't eat dinner- or something like that." Wanda frowns.
"Closed mouths don't get fed Wanda." You amend.
"Whatever- the point is you can't expect Steve to do things if you don't tell him you want to do those things." Wanda says.
"I know- but dating a boy from the 40s- there's a culture shock for a lot of modern stuff as it is- and I, I just don't wanna- overwhelm him or anything."
"Y/n. He's a grown man. Culture shock or not. Plus he's in love with you so if you want to sit on his face I'm sure he'd be more than happy to oblige." Nat says.
"Just- talk to him. That's how relationships work- you have to express your wants and needs to find out if they're achievable." Wanda says.
"You don't have to teach me how to be in a relationship. The reason I haven't brought it up is because it's not like a dealbreaker one way or another." You shrug.
"But why decide for him? Let him tell you how he feels about it." Wanda nudges your leg with hers.
"I mean I guess." You mumble into your glass.
"I know you're trying to be considerate of your grandpa boyfriend but like- you want to sit on his face so make it happen." Nat says, "even if you have to strap him to your bed." She winks. You playfully kick her side at that.
"Natasha!" You laugh.
"What are you doing?" Sam whispers behind Steve who jumps, having not noticed he was there.
"N-nothing!" Steve says. Sam looks at him for a moment.
"You spying on your girl?" Sam asks.
"I wasn't trying to-" Steve frowns.
"Hey- your relationship- your business." Sam shrugs walking away.
"Hey Sam- I've got a question." Steve calls after his friend.
"Yeah what's up?"
"I overheard y/n talking with Nat and Wanda and... she wants to sit on my face." Steve frowns.
"Okay? What's the matter?" Sam asks.
"I don't quite understand." Steve says.
"You don't understand- what exactly?"
"I just- I guess I don't quite see the point? Like what would she do that for? Wouldn't that um- just suffocate me?"
"The point is to eat her out Steve." Sam chuckles.
"Is it- are there any benefits to... doing it that way?"
"Man you're awkward. Look man just like with different sex positions there are pros and cons. That's for you and your girl to figure out." Sam says walking away. As Steve makes his way down the hall with his brow furrowed. He has much to think about now.
You're sitting on your bed reading a book when Steve walks into your room.
"Hi Stevie." You say without looking up from your novel.
"Hi doll, what're you doing?" Steve asks plopping onto your bed next to you.
"Just reading. What's up, do you need something?" You ask glancing at him.
"Not specifically." He shrugs. You look at him again this time with a frown.
"Okay." You say confused.
"What?" Steve asks.
"You're acting odd." You tell him with a shrug, turning your attention back to your book.
"Darling?" He calls.
"Hm?" You hum.
"I have a confession to make." He sighs.
"Sounds dramatic," you say putting your bookmark in place and setting your book down on your nightstand. "Okay Steven Grant, confess your sins." You say rotating to sit facing him with your legs crisis crossed.
"Do you remember when you were hanging out with Nat and Wanda a few days ago?"
"Yeah- movie night. Why?" You ask.
"Well, I accidentally eavesdropped on part of your conversation while they were here."
"You- accidentally eavesdropped on our conversation?" Your brows furrow in confusion.
"I didn't mean to I promise! I was walking past your room and well- it's just... the super soldier thing- all my senses are enhanced. My hearing is like crazy good and I can't really turn it off so sometimes I just- hear things even when I'm not trying to. Granted Nat doesn't really talk quietly so I would probably have heard her even without the serum but like the serum-"
"Woah, Steve, baby- you're rambling." You sigh, "what part of our conversation did you hear that has you all in a tizzy?" You pause for a moment, "we watched 10 Things I Hate About You, was it us talking about Heath Ledger?" You ask.
"What- who is that?" Steve asks.
"An actor darling. But clearly that's... not it. So what'd you hear? I can't think of anything that would be-"
"I heard Nat say 'tell the super solider you want to sit on his face'." Steve blurts out.
"Ah- okay." You nod.
"You're not mad?"
"Well no- at the very least now I don't have to find a way to bring it up." You shrug.
"Can I ask why you didn't?" Steve asks.
"How much of our conversation did you hear?" You ask.
"A couple minutes. Nat's- 'advice' was the first thing I heard."
"Right- well- I didn't bring it up because I don't think it's a big deal." You shrug.
"Do you think I'm boring? You've never complained before but based on your conversation I can't help but wonder if maybe you're bored?"
"Of course I don't think you're boring Steve. What would make you think that?" You frown.
"You told Wanda and Nat that I was 'vanilla' which I don't exactly know what that means exactly. I tried to look it up- I didn't get a lot outside of plain but it sounded like a complaint."
"It wasn't a complaint my love. It also isn't a bad thing. It basically just means you're more traditional which isn't a problem of course. I've never had any complaints about our sex life." You say.
"But there are things you want to do that you choose not to share?"
"Steve-" you sigh.
"You want to sit on my face- right?"
"I- Steve we don't have to do-"
"Y/n answer the question." Steve interrupts your nervous sentence.
"I don't understand why this is so important to you." You frown.
"Because your wants and needs are important to me. I want to make sure you're fulfilled, and based on your conversation with Nat and Wanda it seems like you aren't- so do you want to sit on my face or not?"
"I can't believe we're having this conversation. You blush like a schoolchild whenever I make a stupid sex joke around our friends-"
"Make no mistake. This isn't exactly easy but like I said- your desires are important to me so just- answer the question.
"I- yes." You sigh.
"Okay so let's try it." He says adjusting himself.
"Wait- now?" You stare incredulously at your boyfriend. He shrugs.
"Yes now. Why not now?" He looks at you.
"You're impossible." You shake your head as you shimmy your shorts and panties off. "You're sure about this Steve?" You ask as you straddle his chest.
"Yes- stop worrying so much." Steve says caressing your thigh. With one last sigh you shuffle higher until your pussy is over his mouth. His arms loop around your thighs and pull you down onto his mouth. You jerk slightly when his tongue slips between your folds. He licks at your entrance eagerly, lapping at your juices like a man starved. One of your hands slips into his hair, pulling when the feeling of his tongue fucking you start riling you up.
"Ah- Steve- fuck that feels good." You moan grinding down against his face. Steve pulls you closer against him, wrapping his lips around your clit and sucking fervently on the bundle of nerves. Your body thrashes uncontrollably from his ministrations and he tightens his grip around your thighs.
"S-Steve- holy hell I- I'm gonna-" you feel the coil in your belly winding impossibly tight as he continues to attack your clit, sharp licks follow harsh sucks in a combination that has you hurtling towards an orgasm.
"Come on- let go darling." Steve grunts, his words muffled against your cunt. With one last hard lick of your clit Steve sends you over the edge with a whimper of his name.
Steve lets you come down with gentle strokes of his tongue until your body starts twitching from oversensitivity. He unloops his arms from your legs and lets you return to your spot on the bed from earlier, laying beside Steve.
"So?" Steve asks you.
"So-?" You trail unsure of what he's prompting you for.
"Did I do it well?" He asks.
"Of course you did. You always eat me out well." You chuckle a little.
"I think I like that position. Your body looks nice." He concludes.
"Well- I guess we can do it more often if you like it." You say.
"Okay. I have another request." He tells you.
"What is it?" You ask.
"Make a list of other stuff you want to try but don't tell me about. We'll work our way through the list." He says kissing your cheek and rolling out of your bed.
"Steven." You say.
"I mean it. Make a list. We'll start later tonight." He winks leaving your room. You blink at your closed door for a moment before throwing your head back against your pillows.
"He's not going to let this go." You grumble, knowing you'll have to get started on that list soon.
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rendevousz · 3 years
mother figure!nat x fem!teen!reader
avengers x reader
req by @teenwonder ; i absolutely love the entire teams adoration for reader skfksngnsf its so cute! could i please request one a little more nat based? maybe r treats and loves nat like a mom but nat hadn’t noticed that before, and the whole team is like listing examples of how and why 🥺🥺🥺
summary: the four times you needed nat and the one time she admits that she needed you too.
warnings: blood, a random attack out of nowhere because i'm not creative, inaccurate writing of medical situations because i have no idea how those things work, also let's just pretend bruce was around during iron man 2 when tony still had palladium in his arc reactor, also inaccurate descriptions of palladium effects bcs i just...don't know much about palladium pls forgive me thanks, and idk any hospitals in new york/manhattan or even the states LMAO so uh bear with this, and last but not least, my inability to write good endings
word count: 5426
notes: that's a long ass warning nevertheless pls do enjoy this fic <3
"i'm going now, bye!" you bid the team who were having breakfast together, walking out of the common area.
"bye, cupcake! don't get into trouble, don't do what i'd do and definitely don't do what i wouldn't do." tony advised and you rolled your eyes because tony says that to you every morning before you leave for school.
"wait, don't forget your lunch!" nat stands up from her seat and grabs your lunch that she had packed, from the kitchen island, bringing it over to you. "thanks, nat!" you grabbed it, giving her a quick peck on the cheek before leaving.
nat smiles at the action, turning around to walk back to her spot on the table, only to find the team staring back at her with knowing looks.
"you know, you only need to sign a couple papers and the kid's all yours." tony states matter-of-factly. nat snaps her head towards the man, an incredulous look on her face. "what are you talking about?"
"we all see the longing looks on both your faces. she's dying for you to call her your daughter and you, her mother." clint explains and the others nodded in agreement.
"that's nonsense. she has wanda too," nat reasons, sitting back down. "i'm pretty sure she sees wanda as a sister considering how much she drags wanda with her whenever she's causing trouble around the tower." steve raises his brows at the redhead who was in denial.
"she sees you as her mother, nat. just accept it," wanda tells her, taking a sip from her glass. "really? name me one time she showed it." nat challenges them, not knowing that they've been watching your interactions with her for the longest time.
"you have no idea what you just got yourself into, romanoff," clint chuckles, cracking his neck and knuckles as if preparing for a fight.
"remember new mexico?" he smirks and nat only frowns, trying to remember.
"no!" you screamed, dropping down to the ground. you didn't care that you scraped your knees doing that, the only thing that mattered was the overwhelming feeling of grief engulfing your whole being. tears streamed down your face as you looked at the debris on the ground, the remainder of what used to be standing in front of you; a building. blown up, now in ruins.
clint, bucky and steve watched you break down in front of them, their hearts breaking at the sight in front of them as well as the fact that their teammate had been caught up in the middle of the explosion.
"y/n/n? come on, tony's team called for back up. we gotta go," steve tried to get you to stand up, failing when you kept your ground. you screamed when he tried again and their hearts clenched at the heartbreaking sound.
"we can't just leave her! please, we have to find her," you cried, clinging onto steve's body as he ran his hand up and down your suit-cladded back to soothe you. "y/n/n, we can't. the whole place is in ruins now," he didn't want to say it but he had to. he had to in order to get you to leave. "she's gone."
"she can't be gone! she can't just leave us! we need her! i need her, stevie.." you cried into his chest and he had to control himself so he didn't cry right then and there too.
he looked up to see bucky looking at the two of you guiltily, tapping his wrist to indicate that they were running out of time. steve had no choice but to carry you in his arms, getting you to leave the site against your will. but you were too weak to fight back now. "what am i gonna do without her now, stevie?" you asked quietly.
"we're gonna be okay, y/n/n," he tells you, sitting you down on a chair and settling down next to you as clint flew the jet to your next location. the atmosphere was tense and you could tell everyone, too, was sad about this.
"what if we're not? what if we're not gonna be okay, stevie? i know i won't be." you wiped the tears streaming down your face despite the fact that your face still wasn't drying up any time soon.
"because nat wouldn't want to see us like this. she'll be angry if she sees that we're risking people's lives just because of her." he says truthfully.
"we're landing, guys." clint announces and the team prepared for another round of fighting. steve turns to you, wiping the tears on your face as he made you look up at him. "now let's save some people and make nat proud, yeah?"
you nod at him sadly, preparing your weapons. all of you got out the jet and the second battle of the day begun. boy, were these people unlucky because they were on the receiving end of your fury.
you were busy taking down a group of guards alone when you heard a familiar voice. "y/n, behind you!" and you turned just in time to take down a guard who was aiming at you.
you didn't even have time to register your shock of seeing the redhead because more guards came at you two. you guys fought alongside each other until all the men were taken down.
"nat?" you breathed out. "yes, bub?" she answers as you both carefully walked over the knocked out men. she was taken aback when you slammed into her, hugging her the tightest you ever did since you met her.
"please don't ever do that again." you mumbled into her chest. she was about to ask you what you meant when she heard you sniffling. figuring out it wasn't the appropriate moment to ask, she continued to just hug and comfort you in silence.
"wait, that was why she cried that day? because she thought i was in that building when it blew up?" nat asks after steve finished the story. "i never found out why because she never told me."
"yeah, you should've seen her when the building exploded. completely shattered my heart, dude." clint states, remembering the broken down state you were in that day.
"wait, did you guys not grief over my supposed death then?" nat glares at clint, bucky and steve. "in our defense, they were about to blow up about a hundred people, we didn't have much time to process the whole situation." clint tries to convince his best friend, only to receive a glare again from her.
"alright but just because she cried when she thought i was dead, doesn't mean she sees me as her mum. i'd cry too if any one of you guys died," she states, still in denial.
she did love you like how a mother would love her child. but she didn't want you to feel that she was forcing the title onto you. after all, you had so many other adults around you, who's to say that you saw someone else as a parent figure instead of her? she didn't want to make you uncomfortable.
"woman, are you serious?" sam exclaims, throwing his hands up in the air dramatically. "need i remind you that the girl sacrificed her life for you?"
"nat, watch out!" you stood right behind her where the man was about to attack her. you gave him a harsh kick to the head and that was all it took for the man to go unconscious.
the redhead turned around, not having enough time to comprehend what had happened before you dropped into her arms. you two were lucky the last of the men had already been taken out.
"bub? what's wrong?"
at this point, you were fully leaning against her. she was holding up your whole weight, hands wrapped around your middle to support you. that was when she felt it. the familiar thick substance on her fingers, leaking from the back of your suit.
her eyes widened, pulling one hand away from you to look at it. red. her breathing picked up as one of her hands felt around your back, finally feeling the handle of a knife sticking out from your back.
your eyes were already drooping by now and she lightly shook you awake, careful to not hurt you. she lowered you down and you were both sat on the floor now.
she presses a finger to her ear and you could hear her voice echo in your ear from your own comms. "can someone come please," she paused, exhaling shakily. "y/n's down."
if it had been any other person, she probably would be bringing them to the jet by now but it was you. she didn't know what came over her but when she saw that you were injured, it was like her whole body shut down. her knees felt weak and she couldn't bring herself to move.
"hey, hey, keep your eyes open. can you do that?" she asked gently and you nodded weakly. "bub, why did you do that?" she cried softly, moving your hair away from your face as you leaned sideways against her. the action caused your face to be smudged by your own blood from her hands but she didn't care as she caressed your cheek.
"he–he was gonna hurt you. i–i couldn't..." you paused a while, the pain getting too much for you to bear. "y/n, don't strain yourself. you need to stay awake," she tells you as tears streamed down her face.
"rather me than you," you whispered. nat's eyes widened at this. "don't say that, bub." she scolds gently.
you smiled weakly at her. "i've grown too dependent on you, nat. it's to the point that i," you coughed and nat worried that you were straining yourself but you continued. "that i'd rather die than live without you. you probably can go on with life without me but i can't without you. i need you, nat." your eyes closed and nat panics, shaking your body.
"y/n?! bub?! stay awake, please, they're coming!" nat cries out loud, holding onto your limp body.
"did we not agree to not mention that to me anymore?" nat glares at sam for bringing that up.
the night of that incident had been one of the worst nights for nat. she sat by your bed all night after you had been treated. she had been the first one you saw after you woke up. she had been the one you broke down in front of after you admitted the full reasoning behind your actions. she had been the one who opened her arms for you to make yourself at home in.
"i'm sorry but you must be blind if you can't see how really she sees you for the past years," bucky states. nat turns to him with a glare. "you don't know what you're talking about."
"oh really? who does she call whenever she has a really bad nightmare?" bucky questions rhetorically with his eyebrows raised.
"no, please, don't!" you begged, asleep and thrashing around in your bed. quiet whimpers turned into heavy breathing as you plead for your life in your nightmare. "please," you whispered, inhaling and exhaling harshly.
FRIDAY, noticing the amount of distress you were in, alerted the closest person to your room, that being bucky who was returning from a late night trip to the kitchen for some water.
he quickly went into your room, only to see you shivering and thrashing around in your bed. "doll?" he approaches slowly, finding you still asleep, though sweating a lot. nightmare, he realised.
"doll? wake up," he gently shakes you and you immediately jolt awake, breathing heavily as you register what was going on. "it's okay, it was just a nightmare," he soothes you, holding you close as one hand rubbed up and down your back while the other held your head to his chest.
none of that helped as you were still in the same state as you were when you woke up. "are you okay?" he asks, worried. "nat... i need nat.. please i need her," you whimpered, shaking in his hold. you were having trouble breathing.
"FRIDAY, get romanoff."
within minutes, nat arrived, looking panicked and disheveled like she had just woken up, which she just did. "what's wrong?" she asks bucky, approaching you two.
"she was having a nightmare and woke up and i think she's having a panic attack. she asked for you," he informs her and immediately moves away when she approaches, so that she could take his place.
"bub? it's me," you look up to meet natasha's pretty green eyes. "you're okay, bub. can you tell me five thing you can see?"
you looked away from her eyes, looking around your room. "i–i see my book on my nightstand, my lamp, my jacket on the chair, my laptop and the painting on the wall." you told her after some difficulties.
"good, that's good. four things you can feel?"
"i feel the socks on my feet, my fluffy blanket, the pillow i'm leaning on and your hands around me."
she smiles softly at you. "three things you can hear?"
"i hear your voice. a–and the faint noise from the ac and i can also hear bucky's breathing." you look up at the man and he smiles sheepishly at you, standing around awkwardly. you gave him a small smile back.
"two things you can smell?"
"i can smell my own shampoo..and my room's air freshener." you told her more calmly now, feeling the panic attack already going away.
"one thing you want to taste?"
"i wanna taste wanda's blueberry pancakes." you pout and the two adults couldn't help but chuckle. "you can have them in the morning. right now you need to sleep so you can have the energy to devour them tomorrow, okay?" you nod at the woman as she tucks you in.
not long after, you fell asleep. she then presses a kiss to your forehead before leaving with a less worried bucky now. and sure enough, the next morning, wanda made you blueberry pancakes.
"okay, so what? we all need someone to help us through panic attacks?" nat rolls her eyes. "did you miss the part where i came in and tried to help but she specifically asked for you? she needed you, nat."
"guys, i... i love her with my whole heart but she has all of us. i don't wanna make her feel like she's restricted to only one of us. you all love her too," nat reasons.
"yes but she doesn't have anyone to call her mum and frankly, i think you'd be perfect for it." wanda encourages the older woman.
"i—" before she could continue, her phone rang loudly and she thanked whoever it was that called her because now she didn't have to make up excuses about her doubt of becoming your official mother.
she looks down at the caller id, sighing when it was you, meaning the team had more against her now. of course she didn't mind you calling her, you could call her when she'd be asleep after a mission and she'd still pick up with a smile on her face. but it was the fact that the whole team could see how she softened when she realised it was you who called that bothered her. she really didn't want them to let her have hopes that you'd accept her as your mother.
"bub?" she said into the phone and half the team smirked at her while the other half gave her knowing smiles. "aren't you supposed to be on your way to school?"
"yeah but uh are you busy right now? i um, i need you."
nat immediately stands up, worry etched onto her face and the team frowned at this. "what happened? are you okay?"
"you know how i told happy i wanted to walk to school today? yeah, i just remembered why i don't walk to school anymore."
"what do you mean? what happened? are you hurt? did someone hurt you?" she bombards you with questions out of worry. at this point, the team had also stopped their chatter and teasing looks, equally worried for your well-being.
"yeah, i am. wait, maybe not. i mean, i was just being dramatic but uh, i tripped on who-knows-what and now i have a sprained ankle. i can't walk now so i'm standing in an alley right now so i'm not in the way of people. can you come get me?"
nat sighs in relief, thankful that it wasn't anything that she was thinking of. "you are unbelievable, y/n." she chuckles in disbelief at your clumsiness. "can you tell me where you are? i'll come get you now. i'll have the school know you're not coming today." you told her your location and she immediately leaves after telling the team what happened to you.
you were expecting nat to call again, to tell you she was around the corner but instead you heard a whoosh of air beside your head, followed by a crack sound. your head followed the sound, eyes widening when you saw that a dart had struck the wall beside your head. you looked ahead, trying to see where that came from.
if it hadn't been for your fast reflexes being an avenger for the past few years, you probably wouldn't have ducked in time when another dart came flying right for your head. "what the hell?" you grunted, staying low but still looking around for the source. you squinted when you looked up, the sun blazing but you managed to catch a glimpse of a man on a rooftop nearby. he had blonde hair and was dressed in all black, donning a same coloured mask that covered the bottom half of his face.
"you had one job! how could you miss her twice?!" the blonde hears his colleague hiss in his ear through the earpiece. "i'm sorry! i'm no hawkeye, how was i supposed to get her in one try?!" he scolds back.
"you didn't even get her in two!"
"shut up and just let me work! you're distracting me!"
"hurry because i see the redheaded one nearing the alley. boss'll kill us if he finds out we didn't get her in her vulnerable state."
"i'm trying, i'm trying!" the blonde closes one eye, his sight now locked on your crouched state. he saw you move once you saw him and he cursed under his breath, his weapon following your movements. "she's moving!"
"just take the shot and be done with it! you have to go now!"
and shoot he did. after he shot the dart gun, he immediately fled but it wasn't like you were going to be able to chase him down or anything. a scream left your lips as a dart pierced through your skin, right under your shoulder.
you dropped down to the ground, right in the middle of the alleyway. you cried when you felt the burn in your flesh. you had been stabbed multiple times before with much bigger objects so why did this feel different?
"y/n?! is that you?!" you heard nat's voice yell from a small distance away. "i'm here," you croaked out, feeling your body grow weaker at an alarming rate.
"oh my god, bub, why are you on the ground? it's dirty, c'mon let's get you up. which foot did you sprain?" she places both her hands under your arms, pulling you up on your feet before accidentally dropping you back when you let out a shriek, crying out in pain.
"oh my god, did i hit your ankle? are you okay?" nat assumed that your tear-stained face was because of your sprained ankle but then you wheezed, your eyes drooping the longer she stood there.
your right hand slowly reached across your left shoulder, the butt of the dart sticking out of your skin now in between your shaking fingers. nat's eyes followed your hand movement's, a gasp leaving her lips.
"y/n, what happened?!" she panicked but before she could even get an answer from you, you had already blacked out. her eyes widened, knowing it was the dart because why else would you pass out that quick from a simple penetration in the shoulder. you had dealt with much worse than that and she knew your tolerance level.
she took off your bag, careful to not move the dart. she then placed her hands under your knees and behind your back, easily picking your unconscious body up and rushing back to the tower.
when she arrived, she was met with many confused yet concerned looks from the tower staff, seeing the black widow, rushing in with the youngest avenger unconscious in her arms. they had seen you leave the tower for school about half an hour ago so they knew something must've happened on the way.
"get bruce in the hospital wing. tell him it's urgent." she tells the woman working the front desk, hurrying into the elevator and telling FRIDAY to get her to the floor she so desperately wanted to arrive at quicker. black lines appeared on the left side of your neck, slowly spreading to the right side and she assumed it was from that damned dart in your left shoulder.
"natasha! what's wrong? they said it was an emergency," the doctor spoke in a panicked voice when nat entered, immediately going quiet when he saw you in her arms, neck lined with seemingly black veins.
nat laid you down on the surgery table, frown growing when black lines steadily spread to your arms now. though she was too worried to think, she managed to at least tell bruce what was outwardly wrong with you.
"dart. left shoulder." she blurted, incapable of forming proper sentences now that she had seen more of you. the black lining your skin got her speechless and anxious. bruce got ready with medical gloves, removing the dart from your flesh before analysing the pattern of your skin. it looked familiar.
"FRIDAY, get tony down here. it's urgent."
"bruce, please, what's wrong with her?" she cried, tears now freely streaming down her face. she didn't cry much in front of anyone but when it came to you, you always managed to get her to do just that.
"hey, what's going on? FRIDAY said there was an emergency here, who's hurt?" nat heard tony's panicked voice but she didn't make an effort to reply. her gaze was fixed on only you.
tony's jaw dropped, frowning when he saw you on the bed, upper body covered in black lines. "what the hell happened?!"
tony stepped beside bruce, taking a closer look at your skin. his frown deepened. "wait, it looks like.."
"yeah, looks exactly like when you had palladium instead of vibranium in your arc reactor."
"does that mean—"
"palladium's been running through her veins for about twenty minutes now. FRIDAY, how high is her blood toxicity level?" bruce asks, sampling a drop of your blood from when he took out the dart.
"53% and it is still steadily increasing."
"tony, at the rate it's going, if she's not treated in the next fifteen minutes or so, she'll.." bruce pauses, not wanting to say it out loud.
"no, she just needs lithium dioxide. that's how fury and i cured your palladium poisoning, tony." nat finally speaks.
"SHIELD probably has them but they're all the way in dc. they're not gonna reach here in time," tony states solemnly, reaching over to move your hair out of your face, looking down at you sadly.
but he was immediately pulled aside, nat grabbing his collar and looking him straight in the eyes. "you have your stupid iron suits that can probably travel faster than the speed of sound if you try. you can go down there yourself and get the damn thing. i swear to god, tony, i'm literally going to destroy those stupid suits myself if you don't put them to good use." nat threatens, glaring at the billionaire.
tony's eyes widened, the genius having not thought about nat's idea yet. "yeah, yeah, you're right, i'll go now."
he left immediately and nat approached your bed hesitantly, not wanting to see the black lines making home on the skin on your upper body. "do you think tony'll make it back in time?" she sniffles and bruce's worried frown on his face softened. "of course he will. he won't let anything happen to y/n. we won't let anything happen to y/n." he assured her.
there was nothing they could do now but wait for tony to come back with the lithium dioxide. nat sat beside your bed, hands gingerly grasping one of your own. despite the black staining it, nat held it to her face and her tears rolled past the back of your hand.
bruce decided to give her some privacy, opting to inform the whole team of the situation instead of standing around idly.
nat pulled your hand away from her face, rubbing her thumb over the back of it, crying even more at the sight in front of her. "y/n, please. i've never told you this but i need you." she pauses, breathing in shakily. "i've always needed you and i'll always need you. you can't leave me, please. you said i could go on with life without you but you're so wrong, y/n. you're the reason i'm still here and you're the reason i still want to be here. if you're not here then it's as if i have no reason, no purpose. i need you, y/n. so much more than i'd like to admit. heck, probably much more than you need me. so please, don't leave me. i can't do this without you." nat sobs out, watching the patterns on your skin spreading and growing bolder.
at this point, the whole team had now gathered outside of the room, watching nat cry over you. they wanted so bad to get a closer look at their beloved baby avenger but they respected nat and instead, waited for her to finish talking to you. once she stood up and looked around, bruce knew she was done so he entered, followed by the team.
"status, FRIDAY?" bruce asks, sampling a bit of your blood again. "blood toxicity at 96% now."
the team looked your unconscious body in apprehension, some crying and some worried out of their minds.
"goddamnit! where the hell is stark?!" nat growled. her eyes were now puffy after having spent the last half an hour crying. the team had never seen her lose her cool like this but they figured why.
as if on cue, tony's iron man suit crashed through the windows of the room but he couldn't care less. his main priority was to get to you quickly. in his hand was a silver briefcase that he passed to bruce.
bruce opened the case before wasting no time in plunging the syringe containing lithium dioxide, your supposed cure, into you. immediately, the black patterns on your skin started disappearing. it was slow but noticeable. it started from the tips of your fingers, going up towards your neck.
everyone sighed in relief, and to tony's surprise, nat hugged him tightly. "thank you. you have no idea how much this means to me." she whispers. tony pats her back gently. "hey, i care about her too, okay? of course i'd do this for her. any one of us would."
nat smiles at him when she let him go, turning back to you and almost crying out in joy when your skin had finally turned back to normal. she let the medical assistants set your bed up and handle your sprained ankle before going back to sit by you. the team left her alone with you once again.
it was only about an hour later did you wake up, squinting when bright lights shone down on you. you moved around but you felt hands around your left and you heard a familiar voice.
"and remember when you dragged wanda to pull that prank on me with you and after you did, i grounded you like i was your mum or something?" you hear her chuckle, still not noticing that you've woken up.
"i didn't mind, though. frankly, i don't think i would ever mind if you continued acting like my mother or something," you spoke and she immediately tore her gaze from your hands, looking at you, now wide awake.
"bub!" she hugs you so tightly you didn't think you could breathe. you still returned the hug though, laughing. "i was worried you might still have some palladium in your bloodstream."
"wait, palladium?" you asked her in shock. "yeah, the dart that got you in that alley, it contained palladium. it's highly toxic so we used lithium dioxide to counter it. speaking of the dart, i'm going to find out who did this to you and they're never going to see the light of day for putting us through all of this." nat says, disturbingly calm.
"yeah...you do that," you tell her, slightly scared. "but palladium? in my blood? how cool is that? i had literal metal in my blood! i could've become like tony but like...palladium woman or something." you said excitedly.
"you do know we already have metal in our blood, right bub?" nat questions in amusement. "oh." you say dumbly. "and palladium don't belong in our body and you literally almost died because of it." your mouth opened but no words came out.
"speaking of, can you please not do that again? i really thought i was gonna lose you." she whispers, stroking your hair. "oh yeah, of course. i'll just announce to the whole world to not target the youngest avenger," you joke, smile dropping when nat gave you a stern look.
"nat, being part of the avengers at my age undoubtedly means i'll be a target for the bad people out there, but i don't care because while i get to kick ass, i know all of you have my back when it's my ass that's kicked. and i think that's the best part of being an avenger; the sense of security i get having you amazing people as my teammates." you tell her honestly and she smiles softly.
"oh come here you," she pulls you in for another hug but this time it's better because you could still breathe. you make yourself comfortable, snuggling into her.
"did you mean it?" she asked and you look up at her in confusion. "mean what?"
"when you said you wouldn't mind me acting like your mother."
"of course i do, you're like the mother i never had. i wouldn't even mind you being my actual mother." you say without a second thought, eyes widening when you realised what you had said. you swore under your breath, knowing you've just made it awkward between you two.
"i– really?" despite the teams efforts to make her see the truth, it was much more meaningful when she heard you say it yourself. "y–yeah.." you admit sheepishly.
"then you wouldn't mind if i actually adopted you?" she asks carefully, gauging your reaction. your jaw dropped, eyes going wide once again. "are you serious?!"
"yeah." she smiles at you fondly. "no! of course i won't mind!" you hug her tightly, tears forming in your eyes. you had gone all your life without parents so this was a huge thing for you. not only were you going to finally have a mother, but the most amazing woman you knew was going to be your mother.
"mum?" you tested the title, smiling when she acknowledged it. you were now crying in joy.
"hey, don't cry." she soothes you, running a hand up and down your back. "no, no, i'm just so happy. this is the best day of my life." you tell her. "me too, bub."
you stayed in her arms until you fell back asleep, nat tucking you in before going back to sit down on the chair. she looked down at you fondly.
sure, she was scared of the big step she was about to take with you but she had you with her and she knew that was enough. "i love you, y/n." she whispers, planting a kiss on the side of your head.
taglist <3
@amourtentiaa @rqmanoff @abitofeverythinggg @andreasworlsboring101 @cay-writes-fan-fiction514 @teenwonder @sevenmorningstars @fleurlovesbucky
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