#she’s single ladies!!!
moonamite · 1 year
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Woman jumpscare
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fuctacles · 26 days
That deal with the devil/fae post where they want the summoner's first born in exchange, and the summoner goes "ok when do we start" BUT STEDDIE WITH STEVIE
She hasn't given up on that 6 nuggets dream but it's became quadruple hard now that she's transitioning, both because of dating and the technical stuff. So she figures, I'll ask a magical being for the right plumbing and it'll all be smooth(er) sailing from there.
Eddie the Banished is the demon, and he's like "of course sweetheart, but I get dibs on the first off spring".
And Stevie gets all red and stuttery at first but she is desperate and she figures, the sooner the better, and since he's already here and offering, she asks "Would you want to do all six?"
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genericpuff · 2 months
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"No TV coverage for my third win? :((("
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bet-on-me-13 · 1 year
Lady Gotham raises Danny as a single mother
Danny gets de-aged and Clockwork sends him to live with his Daughter, Lady Gotham.
You would expect Lady Gotham to look very Gothic. Like a noble lady from the 1600′s or a ghostly woman in a large veil. Maybe even just a mass of writhing shadows?
But no, Lady Gotham looks like your stereotypical Single Mother at all times, cause she always has to keep her Bat-Kids safe like the rambunctious children they are, and it’s a 24/7 job
She basically has the house-mom look, frizzy hair tied up in a ponytail, a stained apron from making dinner, always looks tired but always has time to indulge her kids games, all that
After she takes in Danny, she decides to create herself a Civilain Identity so she can raise him as both a Human and as a Ghost. And raising the future High King has it's side effects, for example he is constantly producing excess Ectoplasm which empowers her enough to maintain a Corporeal form for much longer than she could before.
Now she can just live in her City, and actually Interact with her citizens like she never could before!
She starts helping out more, dispelling some of the more Nasty curses placed on her City and making people feel more safe than before.
She gives packed lunches to homeless kids, every day without fail, and they are always filled with that kids favorite snacks alongskde some healthy foods. None of her children are going to go hungry on her watch!
She donates to the local homeless shelters, and gives them some Good Luck charms so they experience less problems. She needs to teach her kids good morals after all!
She starts a Rooftop Garden on her apartment Building, handing out the produce to anybody who asks to borrow some. Somehow she never runs out no matter how much they ask for. It's good manners to treat your neighbors with respect! A cup of sugar and all that!
She embodies the "Neighboorhood Mom" stereotype perfectly, just across the entire city instead.
And the Batfam don't even notice for a few months! She isn't doing anything big, just being a good Samaritan, and a good mom.
Then, one day, Red Hood shows up and tells everybody that he was kidnapped by a Lady who kept saying stuff like "We need to get that dirty ecto sorted out, we are long overdue for a check up!"
And now he feels perfectly fine. No more green vision, no more violent tendencies, he's just not as angry about that anymore.
Now the Batfam are trying to find thus lady, but it's kind of hard since all Jason could give for a description is "She looked like a Stereotypical Single Mom. That's all I can remember about her appearance."
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epickiya722 · 3 months
It's hard to believe that people actually dislike Izuku for "What he stands for" or the fact he's a flawed character when for years, years now people will hate on him for less.
This is the same fandom I have seen some people say Aoyama, a child who didn't actually have a choice, got off "too light".
Same fandom where some people will call Horikoshi a misogynist and then turn around and reduce the female characters to nothing but love interests and future wives. Some of you still only see Ochako as a girl with a crush. Some of you like to bash on Miruko's uniform and people only being horny for her and yet still won't say anything about the male character's costumes and are also horny for those characters yourselves.
Same fandom, now, that will ignore a character's development and that character has admit to being an ass and still be like "He didn't develop at all" and even worse? That character is a child. A child who never even is awarded for his behavior. In fact, often times is punished by the narrative in some way. And yes, I am talking about Katsuki.
Same fandom where some people will attack others over ships. And with shipping, that's the only time some of you will "care" about these characters. Izuku is the main victim of that!!
Same fandom who will be like "fanon is better" when fanon is actually worse.
Same fandom who at a time actually hated the villains, still do and even going as far as to making fun of some of their appearances (like Shigaraki and Dabi)... and really only started to "care" when they "showed out" during the Villain Arc. And by "care" I mean, only finding Shigaraki and Dabi hot as hell and still don't understand their characters. And even if you get why the villains do what they do, some of you still won't acknowledge they're in the wrong, too.
What about the minor villains who just want to cause havoc? For all we know, some of them may come from good homes and just want to be menaces to society. The heroes aren't completely good people either, but don't act as if it's every single one of them who do it for fame (Rock Lock is an example of a hero doesn't actually sees being a hero as a JOB) and every villain has some "excuse" because they don't.
In the case of Izuku Midoriya, some of you will say that Vigilante Deku was the best version of him. No. No, it's not. It was the worst version of himself.
It's not because he was a vigilante. It was because he wasn't taking care of himself. In what way is that the best version of anybody? Neglecting your health?
BNHA: Vigilantes is a perfect story that shows vigilantes not neglecting themselves and still doing what they needed to do to save people.
Often times when I do cross Vigilante Deku fanworks, it's like a totally other character.
My grievance with people "criticizing" Izuku isn't because of what he stands for. Their attitude will come off like he shouldn't have flaws.
Yes, he is a teenager who can only do so much and even as he gets older he can only still do so much because he is still just one person. But he can learn. He still has a long way to go even after however the story ends. Is he not suppose to learn or what?
Question: If Toga dies, will you hate Uraraka? If Spinner dies, how about the other characters? Will you hate them?
Kurogiri is gone but I don't see people hating Aizawa and Yamada.
"But it wasn't their fault! They were trying!"
And Izuku wasn't? Was it Izuku's fault that Shigaraki turned out the way he did?
Izuku wasn't the problem. He tries to be the solution and yes, sometimes it's a flawed solution.
But he shouldn't be the only character the fandom chooses to criticize and hate on for his flaws.
"But he's the main character!" Played out excuse. Played out, it's ridiculous. You're telling me that you're choosing to hate Izuku because he's a flawed main character?
Bullshit. So a character's position in a story is why you're choosing to hate him?
Even though other main characters before and after him have are loved and practically fucking worshipped and yet will have just as much flaws or even more?!
There are folks who love a character despite being gross as hell and they're not the main character. So that "main character hate" is bullshit.
For me, I will hate or love a character not because of their position in story but because of how they are as a character. Sometimes, it just so happens they are the main character. Sometimes, they're not.
Of course, their role can play a part as to how they're written.
Honestly, again, it's hard for me to believe people are "criticizing" Izuku for what he "stands for" when this fandom has shown me countless times the amount of bullshit it will pull. This fandom? Really? Same fandom who will adore other characters for less? Hate characters for less? Who come up with cold ass takes that do not make sense?
What? Exactly what kind of character Izuku Midoriya is meant to be? I'm curious, I really am! (No, no, I'm not.)
Because what it seems to me that even if Izuku was "perfect", the fandom will hate him no matter what.
"BNHA is cop propaganda!" Really? Because the police force here seems pretty "useless" to me. (A lot of the work is done by the heroes.) Sometimes, I forget they even exist until I see like Sansa or another police officer. (Actually, I be forgetting Sansa is a cop.) They're not even the main focus. Maybe it's just me, but BNHA comes off as a story that shows the ongoing cycle of what a previous generation's actions will do to shape the next generation and what that next generation may do to change. It's just that it's being told through heroes and villains and in between.
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swordmaid · 4 months
i am wide awake thinking about that post canon jb au again when I should be sleeping …!!! such is the nature of the jbrainrot…
#the whole setting is jb hanging out in the rock post war#and tyrion became lord of the westerlands / the rock is his but he’s off doing stuff in kingslanding and jaime is just filling in for him#atm . but after tyrion comes back his original plan WAS he’ll get married to brienne right away and they can move back to tarth or be#travelling hedge knights together or whatever brienne wants to do he’s down for it. but the important thing is that he wants to stay with#her .. so he’s using the time they have together currently to court her bc she deserves that at least !!#so jaime goes off trying to court and woo brienne but she just thinks they’re hanging out bc they got relatively close in the war#so jaime being touchy feely isn’t anything new. jaime making innuendos and being kinda flirty isn’t anything new either#but this time he means it LOL he’s like I want to kiss you SO badly and brienne will be like lol silly jaime (:#I was also thinking they’d help rebuild lannisport just bc it’s a time for healing now and it would be good for the people to get to know#jaime and the lannisters in general bc of how they would just used to sit high above the rock looking down on everyone#but now jaime is like. actively helping and being known and being with the people rather than just being that absent distant lord#also he’s thinking he might as well try and foster some relationship with the commoners to his house bc it’s for tyrion anyway#so he’s off doing that and brienne is tagging along bc she does not want to go home yet#she wants to stay with him and she’s helping out as an excuse to stay a little longer but she doesn’t exactly want to leave him#but how do you tell someone that and ignore the big glaring part that she’s actually in love with him and the fact that they both survived#the war is getting her hopeful???? u want her to admit that?? like a normal person??? no..!!#so she’s just staying and helping out bc a) it’s the sensible thing to do b) so she can bask on the sun that is Jaime Lannister#for like a few more days. weeks. maybe a month bc the weather is soooo bad in the stormlands rn 🙄😳#anyway jb hanging out! and everything is going well and good but jaime is now getting popular w the people and he’s also looking quite#rugged and handsome post war now that he’s thirty flirty and thriving and he also has a new scar across his lip that makes his#smirks even more ! rogueish … ! and he looks quite nice with the greying hair 👀 so now there’s gossips around him#not to mention he’s single too and I think if you were one of the heroes who helped win the war they’ll forget the kingslaying#man with no honor business so lo and behold brienne eavesdrops a group of ladies bc she’s a chismosa at heart and they’re talking about a#potential marriage for a lord lannister (!!!) and there’s going to be a big tourney held in Kingslanding for it (!!!)#and brienne remembers jaime mentioning the ought to go to Kingslanding in the next few weeks (!!!) and now she’s remembering jaime IS a#lord though not theee lord of the westerlands STILL a lord from one of the seven houses and he’s single and very eligible for marriage rn#and now she’s realising everything is returning back the way it was before the war where society rules matters and she has her own role as#now the evenstar bc rip selwyn and jaime has his own role too and the court is a whole different battlefield#one that she isn’t equipped in and even though she had found some new confidence in herself bc killing a bunch of ice invisible zombies#with your own magic sword will do that for you she doesn’t think (and she’s being objective not negative) she stands a chance in THAT
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vulturereyy · 6 months
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Don't keep Éclair waiting
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drabbles-of-writing · 2 years
We were all fools for claiming Eda would be the chronic adoptive mom. This lady has legally adopted exactly 1 child and found family bonded with one other. That is it. Story wise she capped it at two.
Camila, on the other hand, started with one child, adopted two in everything except actual legality, and unofficially semi-adopted three others. She took one look at King and already loves him, I have no doubt she will try to unofficially adopt him as well. Camila is the chronic child adopter and the only way she could rise to a physically unbeatable level is if she nabbed the Collector. Which I fully believe she can and would do
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the ship name for jazz x dick grayson is Night Birds, right?
Well, Night Birds, but Jazz was Red X
Every summer, Maddie and Jack would sign Jazz and Danny up for the cheesiest, mind-numbingly boring ghost hunting camp in the world, located in Jump City. There's maybe a dozen other kids there, but only two camp councilors, so it's super easy for Jazz to sneak out of there. Danny, of course, is super mad that she doesn't take him with her, but as the elder, the 12 to his 9, she refuses to risk him in the dangerous metafilled Jump City.
This ghost hunting camp is what sparks Jazz's bitter, teenage rebellion. SHE wanted to go to a psychology camp; she'd even picked one out in Florida, only a few miles away from a space program for Danny. But noooooo, Dad had found a dirty, ripped pamphlet for Spooky Ghost Camp and signed them both up, without. even. asking. At least Danny's well looked after, being the youngest kid at camp, but that gives Jazz free time.
and in her free time, she fixates on one of her first obsessions: the psychology of superheroes.
Not sure how Jazz would get the Red X suit; she'd have to learn that Robin was Red X, then steal it, and I'm not sure how'd she'd accomplish that. But she's a smart, independent child badass, I'm sure she figured it out.
Every year her parents sent her and Danny to that damn ghost camp. Every year, Jazz put on the Red X suit and tormented the Teen Titans. She couldn't dye her hair, or sneak out at night, but she had crime. Robin gets his first bisexual crisis because of her bantering/flirting with him.
Eventually Danny finds out she's Red X and is thrilled. His sister can beat up the Teen Titans, it's so cool. Maybe in the future, Jazz can steal the Pink X suit from the Teen Titans Go comics so Danny can join in the fun, have some fun gender shenanigans for them both to have alteregos that are the opposite gender.
The reason why I thought of thsi au is because I keep reading "Danny is a thief in Gotham" type stories (which are EXCELLENT) and I can't stop imagining this specific scene: Thief Danny is cornered by the batfam, about to be caught, when out of nowhere... *spanish guitar* Red X comes to save the kid. No one knows who this guy is except for Nightwing, who seems to automatically hate this guy who's... flirting with him? Is this a Cat Woman situation? This sounds like a Cat Woman situation.
Also, not sure which I like better:
For Jazz to fill out on her chest, but keep the male voice of Red X, leading to some gender confusion.
For Red X to become less of an addition to Jazz as it is part of her core personality. She is just as much Red X as she is Jazz, so when her chest comes in, she thinks "hmm, don't like that" and gets top surgery.
bc Jazz? Still totally into the Red X game even as an adult. She even found a similar ghost hunting camp in Bloodhaven after Robin went solo. She hadn't even graduated high school yet, but her favorite hobby is tormenting this one superhero. She bats at him like a cat with a spider.
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selineram3421 · 1 year
I love true crime, call it an obsession or a hyper fixation. But may I request a one-shot Ft Modern-day Human! Alastor x Reader, where the couple have lived happily together for a while ( is even engaged), and the two are on the couch, snuggled up, and their favorite show is interrupted by the news late one night. Like a breaking news broadcast of a string of multiple murders of criminals, drug dealers, and rapists that have occurred in the city comes on.
Maybe the reader notices Al gets really tense and they ask whats wrong and he passes them off gets up and just goes to bed without a word. Meanwhile days pass and the reader notices Alastor is on edge, maybe not showing up to his job, calling out constantly, not planning their wedding, coming home super late, maybe she finds some bloody clothing in the laundry- just weird things yknow (just a lot of off putting things they've just started to notice)?
They confront him when he comes home at a stupidly late hour of the night demanding answers of why he's acting so strange, if he doesn't tell them they're basically going to take off their ring and leave him then and there.. and he just breaks down emotionally to the reader?
I dunno /) . (\ throw all the Angst and Fluff you'd like to. I just love this idea lol.
Pssst! What does Ft mean?
As The World Caves In
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Human Alastor X Human Reader Oneshot
Warning! ⚠
⚠ using she/they for reader, food, tw mentions of rape, murder, dismemberment, fluff/angst, hurt/comfort, blood, all caps for really angry shouting dialogue ⚠
You met Alastor during college.
He was majoring in communications and journalism for radio/television broadcasting. The building was right next to the one you had your classes in.
One day you both happened to bump into each other and just clicked. Not a day after was it boring, both of you causing slight chaos by telling cringey jokes and being weird.
It was nice though, having someone to be weird with you.
He liked your weirdness and you liked his.
Then one day he asked you a strange question.
"What would you say to someone who asked for your hand?"
"It depends on who's asking.", you reply. "Oh, and if you like it put a ring on it.", you finish, holding your left hand out as if waiting for someone to do just that.
"Hmm..", he hummed and held your hand as if examining it. "Ok."
Bringing a ring out of nowhere, he places it on your finger and nods with a look of satisfaction. Meanwhile you look at him with your jaw dropped.
Alastor just smiles at you.
"I put a ring on it."
"Geez, take me on a date first!"
"We did it!", you cheer after both of you cleaned most of the apartment and did laundry.
"Finally!", Alastor said and dramatically sat down on the couch, acting faint. "Now we rest."
"Want to order take-out?", you asked sitting down next to him.
"Don't we still have yesterday's leftovers?", he says and pulls you close by the waist, placing a kiss on your cheek. "I could heat it up."
"That sounds divine.", you smile, also giving him a peck on the cheek. "I'll get things set up here while you get our food?"
"Sounds like a perfectly good plan.", he agrees with a nod and gives you one more peck before standing up. "Don't miss me too much darling~!"
He jokes while walking to the kitchen.
"Too late.", you respond and turn on the t.v. with the vox-b remote.
There's a chuckle from behind you as you flick through channels, looking for your show. After what felt like a long scroll down, you finally find the discovery channel. With a grin you click on it and wait for the show to start up with the end of "How Its Done."
"Almost Got Away is going to start after a commercial!", you tell your fiancé.
Its been a few years since that day. You still couldn't believe that it happened but the proof sat on your finger, and it was also archived on your Instu story.
The food doesn't take long to heat up and Alastor returns with two bowls of beans with sausage and rice, with a little bit of spice.
[can be seen as frijoles charros or cajun beans]
Both of you get comfortable on the couch, eating and occasionally talking about wedding plans, remembering to get drinks and taking a quick trip to the kitchen to get them from the fridge.
Just as you got comfortable again and the episode was starting, a flash of red and blue appears on the screen with bold letters.
"Breaking News!"
Two news anchors sit at a big blue table. One holding papers as the camera zooms in on them.
"Katie Prig and Tom Fosse bringing you some breaking news!", the woman, Katie starts. "There have been a number of crimes recently. About a forty-eight percent increase."
Tom chimes in. "A total of three missing persons have been found dead in the forest. Police say that the victims were female. Beaten and raped, before being killed and left in the woods."
"We are waiting to hear from police if any more bodies have been found.", Katie interrupts. "Let's check in with Mike."
Live feed is shown of a police cars parked at the start of the woods that has caution tape wrapped at the trail entrance, with k-9 dogs sniffing around. The camera zooms out, revealing a man in a blue jacket, with a news mic.
"I'm here on the south side of the city and its only been an hour of searching, the police have said there might be more bodies. One of the victim's bodies was found cut open and slightly dismembered.", he sniffs and moves his finger to wipe his nose.
From how close you two are sitting, you can feel Alastor tense up slightly as the corner of the man's lip on the screen turns upwards, its mostly covered by his hand and its gone within a second. The man goes back to a neutral expression.
"As you can tell the temperatures are dropping and since it'll rain tonight the officers are trying to cover as much ground as they can before any evidence is washed away."
A few dogs start to bark and the camera focuses on the k-9s and police officers running.
"Looks like there's a lead.", Mike says. "I'll send it back to you and Tom, Katie. We'll keep you updated."
When the screen switches back to the show, Alastor puts his bowl on the coffee table in front of the couch.
He's really quiet.
You look over at him and notice a frown starting to form on his face.
"Al?", you place a hand on his shoulder, effectively snapping him out of his thoughts as he turns to face you. "You ok? What's wrong?"
"Nothing Love.", he smiles, grabbing your hand off his shoulder and placing a kiss on your knuckles, just above the ring. "I just lost my apatite is all."
You nod in understanding and set down your bowl as well. "Wanna head to bed early then? I'll clean up, don't worry."
"Yes, thank you.", he agrees, letting go of your hand and stands up. "I'll get the bed ready.", he says before placing a kiss on your forehead and walking to the bedroom.
Cleaning up is quick, and you wash the dishes. Leaving the bowls on the drying rack before turning off the kitchen light and making your way to the room.
Alastor is already in bed when you walk in. After changing into comfortable sleep wear, you get in bed and turn off the lamp on your nightstand.
"Good night.", you say but don't hear anything back.
Assuming that he already fell asleep, you lay on your side and doze off.
A week passes and Alastor has been acting a little strange, but everytime you ask he just brushes you off with an "I'm fine."
You start to worry when he begins coming home late.
"Does the station really need you till 10 p.m. today?", you ask.
"I'm helping out a coworker with moving boxes and supplies.", he explains while getting his keys. "Don't worry, I'll call you if I leave early."
"Ok.", you say and follow him as he gets to the door. "Drive safe."
He smiles and gives you a peck.
"Don't stay up late for me. Lock the door and windows.", he says and walks out into the hallway. "Can't be too safe."
"I have a shift tomorrow around six in the evening.", you remind him, but see that he pauses.
"Darling..", he says with furrowed brows. "With all the crime going on, can you ask for earlier shifts?"
Now its your turn to smile.
"I can take care of myself. After all, I have Mr. Stabbington.", you say picking up a sharp pair of scissors and he frowns. "But if it makes you feel better knowing that I'm not out at night, then I'll ask for earlier shifts."
He grins.
"Ok now go! Or you'll be late!", you poke at him with your fingers and wave as he leaves.
Its not long till you're washing clothes that you spot what looks like a smeared blood stain on a pair of his pants.
"What the?", you say confused and try to remember if your fiancé got any recent wounds.
You set the pants aside for proper cleaning and continue to put the rest of the load in the washing machine.
A few days later after work, you get a call from the station Alastor works at.
"Hello?", you answer the phone, thinking Al is calling wanting an opinion on dinner or for something he forgot.
"Hi! I'm James, a coworker of Alastor's. I was calling to see if he is sick or something?", the man over the phone says.
"Sick?", you ask confused, walking up to your apartment building and going inside the building.
"Yeah, he didn't come in today and isn't picking up. The boss is kinda pissed. Is he alright?"
"He left early this morning..", you mumble quietly to yourself and wave to the security guard, making your way to the metal door and punching in the code to unlock it.
"Oh! He had a fever this morning but its going down now.", you say a quick lie.
"Ok, thanks for letting me know! Take care!", James says before saying bye.
You hang up and there's a sinking pit forming at the bottom of your stomach.
Why would Alastor skip work?
That feeling didn't go away and you started to have trouble sleeping.
When a scheduled wedding plan day came up, you got excited.
Flowers and colors were already picked out, today was supposed to be food. As you got the laptop open and notebooks set out, Alastor was dressed as if he was heading out.
"Were we going somewhere today?", you ask confused.
"We?", he says also confused.
"Yeah, its planning day Red.", you say smiling and walk over to him. "Remember its the food this time?"
A flash of realization crosses his face as he turns to look at the calendar on the wall nearby the kitchen.
Your smile goes away after noticing that he looks conflicted.
"Let me guess, you forgot and made plans.."
"I'm sorry. I was going to visit my mother.", he says with a slightly guilty tone.
A sigh escapes from your lips.
"Its ok. Go visit her and take some flowers.", you give a small smile. "Need any cleaning rags for the headstone?"
"No. I've got some in the car.", he says and pulls you into a hug. "Thank you darling."
He leaves soon after.
The thing you find odd is that he doesn't send you a picture of the cleaned headstone with fresh flowers like he usually does.
Weeks pass by and Alastor has been leaving work early or not going at all. Then arriving home late, lying to you about "his day at work" and now taking over washing the clothes after you asked about the red stains.
That sinking feeling gets worse, and now there's a burning sensation on your chest to accompany it. An aching in your heart.
One night you decide to wait with coffee.
Its late.
Hours have passed and the coffee has gone cold, both in the cup and in the coffee maker.
Sitting on the couch wrapped in a blanket, staring into the coffee as you waited. The cup is half empty, and over time your gaze shifted over to your ring.
As you put the cup on the coffee table, you hear keys unlocking the door.
Taking a quick look at the time, you see that its three in the morning. Laying down, you pretend to sleep on the couch, pulling the blanket up to hide your mouth.
Alastor was exhausted.
Keeping up with the news, working at the station, doing research, visiting the crime scene areas once they were opened to the public again, and lying to his fiancé.
He felt terrible.
They were so excited about the planning but he had to turn it down every time.
That murdering rapist and other scum were still on the loose in the city. He had got three, but still needed to get the one from the news.
He had to make sure she would be safe. They loved talking walks in those same woods. The smiles that she would show him every time they looked up at the trees, seeing the sunlight kiss their face. Looking like glowing freckles.
He had to.
Opening the door, he walked into the apartment quietly and closed it as soon as he could. Making sure to lock it and put up the door stopper.
After hanging up his jacket, he sees them asleep on the couch. As quietly as possible, he sets his keys down on the entry way table before taking off his shoes and making his way over to them.
He sighs, seeing the cup of coffee on the coffee table. "I told you not to wait for me.", he mumbles, kneeling down and goes to pick her up.
"Its 3 a.m."
Alastor flinches back, surprised that she was awake.
They sit up and look at him with such a sad gaze, the blanket slides off and pools around their lap.
"Why are you out so late?", they ask.
"Work at the station has been hectic-", he tries but she interrupts. "I've been getting calls from your coworkers saying you've been skipping work or asking why you left early."
"Try again.", they're glaring at him now.
"I've been visiting-", he tries to come up with another excuse.
"DON'T USE YOUR DEAD MOTHER AS AN EXCUSE!", they snap and stand up from the couch. "Why are you lying to me!?"
"Darling please-", Alastor stands up as well and reaches out for their hand.
"No, don't touch me.", she backs away, crossing her arms.
A look of hurt crosses both of their faces.
"Why are you lying to me?", they ask softly.
The dim lighting in the room helps him see a small glint of light reflecting off of the tears staring to form at the corner of their eyes.
"You've been acting strange for a while now, you're coming home ridiculously late, lying to my face about work, and I know you're not visiting your mother!", their voice rises as they continue, the tears start streaming down their face. "You would have sent me pictures of her headstone like you always do when you're done cleaning it! And then I find red stains on your clothes!", she hiccups.
He calls out their name and tries to reach out to them again but they step back and shake their head side to side as to say no.
It hurts to see them crying.
"We..we had a conversation. If any of us found someone new, we would tell each other before anything happened. So no one got hurt and so we could have time to accept and adjust."
"My love, that's not what's going on. I promise!", he quickly denies what they are implying.
"Then what is going on!?", she shouts. "If its not that then what!?"
Alastor looks down at the floor, wondering if he should tell her or not.
Would they still love me after knowing? Will they leave? Would they hate me? Would they see me a s a monster? I did it for them..
The rooms becomes quiet.
She sighs, causing him to look up at her for the sudden noise.
"If you can't tell me, I'm going to walk out. Right now.", she says and goes to take off the ring.
He freezes.
No. No no no no no!
"Wait, please-!", he rushes up to place his hands over hers to stop her. "Don't do that, please. I love you! I love you!"
They are still trying, pushing his hands away and crying.
In a panic, he tells her. "I've been going after criminals!"
He didn't know when he closed his eyes, but they were shut tight and it hurt a little bit. Seeking some sort of comfort, he held their hands closer to his chest.
A feeling that he hasn't felt in a long time settled in his stomach.
He was scared.
"Remember the breaking news from a month ago?", he says, but they don't speak, likely waiting for him to continue. "I've been going after the murderers and rapists. A few others as well."
"Is that why you've been out late? And lying about work?", they ask. "What about the red stains? Have you been getting hurt?"
"No. I'm not getting hurt.", he reassures them, resting his forehead against theirs. "Its..not mine."
Finally opening his eyes, he sees that they are slowly putting things together.
"You've been killing?"
In that moment he breaks.
Legs giving out, now kneeling on the floor as he wraps his arms around their waist, hiding his face against their stomach.
"I did it for you!", he sobs. "I couldn't bear the though of losing you!"
The beating of his heart is frantic. It feels as if it'll burst at any minute. He doesn't notice that they've placed their hands on him, one on his shoulder and the other on the back of his head.
"You love taking walks in those woods, what if one of them got you? I'm terrified of getting a call from the police station and they say that you've been the latest victim! I had to do something, those damn pigs barely get the job done.", he rushes out, gasping a bit as he takes in some air.
Their breathing is the only thing they hear from each other.
"We're supposed to get married soon.", he finishes off quietly.
Feeling her start to move away, he begins apologizing. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Please don't leave me, please!"
Instead of leaving, they kneel down with him and hold his face in their hands, shushing him softly to calm him down.
"Alastor. I'm not leaving. I'm not leaving.", they whisper, using their thumbs to wipe away his tears. "Come on, stop crying honey."
It takes a moment for him to calm down and she pulls him into a hug.
"Thank you for telling me."
"You're not scared? Disgusted?", he asks, holding onto them tightly.
"I could never find you disgusting. Yes, its a little scary but you're doing more justice than the system.", they say and pull back slightly, giving him a small smile. "I'll always be on your side, even as the world caves in."
I don't deserve you.
He thinks as he stares at them in awe.
"I love you."
Finding his voice again, he quickly repeats what they've said.
"I love you. I love you, I love you.", he kisses them again and again, holding them closer. "I love you."
Alastor is so happy.
They didn't leave, they still love him, they aren't disgusted.
He's so relieved.
"You still need to make up for making me feel like shit though.", she says, causing him to chuckle.
"I'll make up for it, I promise."
Alastor really would do anything for them.
Even set the world on fire.
I heard the song during shuffle play and it was perfect for the title.
~Seline, the person.
@i-heart-fictional-boys @naelys-the-aster @ducky-died-inside @stolas-thebirb @c4rved-pumpk1n @kiraisastay @scary-noodlesblog @willowaudreykeyes
I don't know if there's more 😅. I tried to find all of them.
ML Alastor🎙
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fortjester · 1 year
an angle that i can't remember anybody pointing out abt Gideon re: christ allegory is the idea of Wake as Mary conscious of what her role entails. Mary conscious of and accepting of the sacrifice her child will be used for.
she's visited by one of god's lyctor's – directly contacted by Mercymorn with an opportunity – and outside her interactions w G1deon, she's the only one of them Wake ever meets. in the bible, the angel who visits Mary is the same angel that directs the wise men to seek Mary and Jesus out in Jerusalem, which adds a more sinister parallel to Mercy being the one to direct G1deon to Wake's location over the Ninth.
Wake has no direct interaction with John/God until after she’s already dead, and therefore Gideon’s conception is, like Mary’s conception of Jesus, almost completely separate from God at all, except that the resulting child will be his biologically (or spiritually in Jesus’ case).
she takes a literal journey while heavily pregnant to reach the Ninth, and has to give birth in less than ideal conditions and surroundings. and the story diverges further from there, because instead of being visited and given gifts for her child’s birth, she’s attacked, betrayed, and murdered before she can complete the mission she did any of this for.
(one could argue that G1deon and Pyrrha’s role in this allegory is both that of the wise men (keeping up three separate identities = three wise men right? g1deon, pyrrha, and the Saint of Duty all visited on her in one form. much to think on) – but also of Joseph (especially given Pyrrha tells John in HTN that she didn't tell him abt Wake's pregnancy because she assumed the child was hers, and upon finding out Gideon isn't hers, she's obviously conflicted abt it, but inevitably settles on wanting to be a parent/parental figure to her despite the truth and the complexities of Wake's actions) but that’s just a whole Can of Worms, because we know very little of what actually went down during their interaction leading up to the airlock, so we’ll just let the concept lie there for the moment.)
Wake conceives, carries, and gives birth to Gideon, the distanced but biological child of God, knowing she’ll be used as a sacrifice, knowing through trial and error that the only viable method for this plan to work is through carrying the child herself. she does it all under the faith that if she does it all correctly, if she works hard enough, toughs it out, it will all be worth it. arguably, she never sees the Tomb fully opened, but she sees it breached.
another fun tidbit from this train of thought is the idea that her niece is named Our Lady of the Passion, a tangential name for the Virgin Mary in some sects of catholicism. beyond death, Wake’s belief in her mission to rid the universe of John and the Houses, her passion, as it were, is once again present in Pash, who is not exactly present when the Tomb is opened, but is around and conscious enough of her connections and roles to realise her dang cousin is also hanging around on the same planet her aunt died on. excited to see whatever dynamic she and Gideon develop in atn, Muir willing.
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ssaalexblake · 6 months
dw is a mid kid's sci-fi tv show and it's quality level has been mostly entirely consistent (mid, basically, with the occasional very good episode to balance out with crimes against humanity it sometimes produces) the whole reboot, and anybody acting like the Only thing going into peoples opinions of the characters are writing preferences are either Deeply naive or are trying to hide something they know people will not take kindly to.
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
I always think it's funny that a terrible life is one where "you're alone with no lover and you will only have the company of cats to keep you scarcely tethered to the real world.
Like... don't threaten me with a good time. That is a dream to me
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beedalee · 2 years
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clover is very dishonest
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charletsart · 8 months
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WIP alan looking pretty and sad !!!! I love himm
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vulturereyy · 6 months
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local cringefail femme fatale gets stood up on a date (again)
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