#she's going to both Harry shows in Cardiff
grapejuicestyless · 1 year
Endless Empathy(People Pleaser pt.2)
Harry Styles x fem!reader
Summery: A continuation of the People pleaser short writing that is both linked in my master list on my page and on the top of this part!!! This Can be Read separately!
Angst to fluffy(kinda!)
Read part 1 here!
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If you asked Y/n Y/l/n what her favorite feeling in the world was, it wouldn’t even be a second thought as to what her answer would be. It was so obvious to everyone who was lucky enough to be consistently surrounded by her energy. Y/n loved love.
It wasn’t necessarily the feeling of being loved. The girl, as much as she had drifted off into daydreams, fantasizing about her silky white wedding dress and her ideal bridesmaids, her desire for the feeling of love cut much deeper.
It was the knowing feeling that she could give back to someone who needed it. The fuzziness she gained every time she could provide a sense of reliability to someone close to her. The idea she was able to earn their trust because they were just that close made her feel less alone on the nights she spent across the world from her home.
Y/n loved that feeling. The way it would spread from her chest and expand into the pit of her stomach, making it all fluttery and warm. So much so, she found herself altering herself to fit the impossible standards she held herself to.
She found herself doing things she really had no desire to, her passive aggressiveness only grumbling through her lips when she was sure enough she was alone, out of ear shot. Quickly, her lack of want would be overtaken by that euphoria she felt again, the intense sense of happiness making up for her discomfort she subjected herself to.
From afar, it looked like an addiction. The girl constantly itching to do good, to be better. To be the best version of herself in order to lift those up around her, to make everyone proud of her. She wanted people to not feel ashamed when her name came up in conversation. An addiction so bad, the girls need for approval and longing to please everyone at once, her body often moved before her mouth could catch up. Her mind could be screaming no, but she would already have said yes.
It’s not like it had a cure. How can you cure a pathological people pleaser? You can dote on them and smother them as much as you want. Do anything they need, go out of your way to make their life easier, but ultimately your effort will only make it worse. Devoting your time to someone who doesn’t want it in that way. They begin to feel like a chore, an inconvenience that they need to make up for. And the cycle begins again.
A burden is often what I felt like these days. Feet swung over the arm of the couch, head pressed back on the cushion that was Harry’s lap. His hands brushed between my hair, which had been stuck on my forehead in an intense sweat that I had broken into while rehearsing for our upcoming show in Cardiff.
We’d only reached As It Was by the time Harry decided it was time for us to conclude our soundcheck.
It was confusing, the way he said it. Almost like it was directed towards me. He sounded like he had been worried, eyes focused in on mine carefully.
Maybe it was because of the scene I’d caused just the show prior or the fact I was sure I was probably shining under the stage lights in my pooling sweat that caused an uneasiness to rise in Harry’s mind.
“Y/n? You ready to call it?” I blinked rapidly, opening my mouth, I was a fish out of water. Sentences became impossible to correctly piece together as an extra layer of heat covers my face. A blanket of blush covering my already irritated face, I felt embarrassed.
Why would he stop such a crucial part of each show for me? What if something had happened during our closing songs tonight? The unsettling lump in my throat expanded into what felt like vomit rising, even with my throat completely dry. The idea that something could be jeopardized, ruining the great experience that is Love On Tour, could all be caused by my inability to keep pushing for just a few more songs made me sick.
Yet, the look Harry gave me as his hands slipped around my waist, lips caught in a worried line sent an all familiar struggle in my bones.
I wanted to make it right, make sure everything was double checked. There would be no issues and everyone could have their two hours of love promised by Harry and the love band, but I also longed to make sure Harry was content, constantly unbothered. If I continued to push the bile down hard enough, I could focus on doing what’s best for one person, forget about everyone else involved.
So it became a blurry mess, between the moment Harry called soundcheck quits to where we found ourselves now. Cuddled up in the relief that was well filtered air conditioner. Harry’s hands tangling and detangling between my hair, pulling lightly on my scalp to relieve any possible pressure, his eyes fixated on the TV which played some ninety’s sitcom with a beautiful group of friends that the public was made to believe were considered average.
While he seemed content in the position he was in, in the moment, I couldn’t put my mind to ease, the anxiety that I could do exactly what I feared most poisoning any sense of relaxation I had previously.
How do you make everyone happy at once when nobody seems to be on the same page? How can you spread love evenly when you’ve already spread yourself so thin? My face was greyed, mind plagued by my deepest fears. My harshest wounds.
Realistically, Harry’s final decision had benefitted the entire crew greatly. Everyone tired and worn from the continuous heat wave that was a blanket over the earth at the moment. But the way it was phrased, the way I was shot sympathetic smiles made me uneasy. As if their benefit was more of a loss and a waste of time.
Looking up at Harry, I studied his face carefully. He seemed at ease. Unbothered by it all. His eyes trained on the screen, a soft laugh escaping his throat. Completely relaxed. Like he didn’t realize I was just barely a foot below his eye level, eyes watering as I slowly died. I promised him to stop being such a push over, such a people pleaser, but you can’t cure a sickness that’s not truly an illness.
How can you love someone you don’t know is sick?
I wish I could say I stuck to my word. Continued to be the person I vowed to become after my incident weeks ago. Stopped being a push over, stopped forgetting about myself. Stopped putting on other peoples shoes before my own. But I’m not a liar.
The air was thick, the humidity unforgiving and unrelenting all morning. Everything felt off from the minute my foot left the hotel room booked for the crew. Yet, I took no time to dwell on my own feelings, pushing back the unsettling pit in my stomach and focusing on the day ahead.
Elin sent a quick text to our band group chat. An old one we’d made without Harry to surprise him for his birthday. It was short and simple. The flags were there, ruby red and waving in the wind. The fact that the request was hidden from the one person who pushed back for me. The only person who could say, “no” for me without anyone protesting.
She wrote, “Hey, y/n/n! I’m running a bit late. Would you mind picking up some coffee and treats for everyone? I’ll send the address for the shop!” It was less of question, I realized, reading it back. More of a request or even a demand. Still, it was short and a simple task. Nothing unmanageable.
She sent the location, and only then did I fully recognize my regret. The shop was almost thirty minutes away from the arena, without traffic. Considering morning rush hour was in place, I could count on being late.
But I had agreed. The guilt of being late ate at me, but even the thought of letting everyone down was nauseating. Making my head spin and eyes water at even the slightest vision of their frowning faces and furrowed brows.
So, I got in my car, ignoring every text as I broke every law of the road to reach the coffee shop as quickly as possible. Eyes squinting at the morning sun and arms sticky from condensation.
When I arrived to the arena, it was bustling. The stage crew rushing around to find parts of equipment needed for the upcoming soundcheck, managing security debriefing down the hall for barricade procedures. The heat almost unbearable in each hallway.
It all led to the one room that everyone gathered in. A larger dressing room that was more of a living room. Colder than most of the building and more decorated too.
Laughter filtered through the cracked double doors, cold hair slipping through like a small taste of what heaven felt like in that moment. You could see everyone standing in a circle, cups of water held loosely in each one’s hand as they joked around as a tight knit group of friends would.
They must of smelled the goods, it must have wafted because without even a noise being made, Nyoh, Pauli and Mitch were looking straight at me. Smiles painted on their faces wide and welcoming, reflecting their actions as I was swarmed by every single band member at once. Hands grabbing at the donut box and tray of coffee all but ripped out of the palm of my unsteady hand.
Their gratefulness was overwhelming at first. Supplying me with that addictive euphoria I longed for with each task I put myself through. They hustled around to take a peak at what I had bought. Ready to stuff their faces with a little of each as I settled in for the day.
Silence fell over the room suddenly, a deep breath being inhaled only to be held. Almost as if someone was trying to find something to say, but had come short. Unable to figure out the right articulation of their statement.
“What, is something wrong?” I smiled sweetly, walking over to the table. Sarah shrugged, turning to me with a sweet smile, hand on my shoulder almost like it was a support for what was about to be said.
“Oh, nothing. We just don’t really like these flavors.” Nyoh shared bravely, smiling halfway, still focused on the opened and not crinkled donut box.
“Oh, shit. I’m sorry guys, I wasn’t told if you guys wanted anything specific. I can run back and get some more?” Somehow, even in my greatest efforts, I still came short. Guilt eating at me that I had probably ruined their morning. Delaying their breakfast because I had to be a screw up. It made me sicker than the pit in my stomach this morning had made me.
“No, no. It’s okay. I’ll just order some online. It’ll be here quick.” My face looked just as blank as my mind was.
In that moment, I lacked all ability to respond. Thoughts running wild, much to fast to say anything except a pathetic squeak.
“Oh.” Is what I said. If I wasn’t such a coward, such a push over, a walking talking door mat, I would’ve yelled. Ripped the hair from my scalp.
“Why did you make me drive all the way there this morning if you could just order it? What about the money I spent? Are you going to pay me back or is this just another involuntary favor I’ve gone out of my way to complete?” If I was Harry, which I’m not, I would’ve said that. I would’ve yelled and cried and defended my name with all my willpower. Not letting anyone interrupt. I’d have some self respect but that wasn’t me.
I am Y/n Y/l/n. The girl who sits in the back of the stage, doing so much for so little. The girl who gives up everything for everyone because she can’t control it. Because she’s sick in the head.
So I said, “Oh.” Like an idiot. My throat dry and my eyes watery. I nodded, firm and short. Ready to make my exit.
Everyone turned back to their circle, laughing again as the order was placed. In a room full of my brothers and sisters I couldn’t help but feel out of place. Unappreciated. Suddenly, it was like my endless empathy and compassion wasn’t enough for them. It wasn’t good enough. And if that wasn’t good enough, I wasn’t good enough.
And as I disappeared behind the double doors, not a soul called back for me. A ghost to everyone. Unappreciated and unaware of the intense heartbreak I was facing.
In this moment, I believe it’s where it got bad. Worse than ever before. My brain no longer silently resisting as my entire being longed for that nod of approval and the appreciative conversations that came after it.
It continued, like this, all day. My feet padding against the pavement and onto the tiles of the hallways. Sweat sticking to my forehead and dripping down my neck. It looked in my shirt.
All day I’d been running around helping. The itch to be better, to do better overwhelming. If it was fetching a water bottle for the sound guys or searching up and down religiously for a missing headset for the lighting crew, I was first on the scene to assist in every way possible.
Each nod and smile sent my way fueling my addiction. Each action I pursued further breaking my promise to Harry more and more. I felt myself slipping away.
I just wanted to be good. Longed for it every waking minute. Like if I kept pushing, kept reaching that desired feeling, achieving each goal to make another persons life easier, I lost more and more of myself. Stress building like a ton of bricks throw on my shoulders. The weight unbearable. Heavier and heavier each minute.
Harry had finally shown up, ready to begin soundcheck. His in ears hung around his neck carelessly. White shirt stuck to his body in sweat. The words crinkled to a point where they were unrecognizable. His shorts were short and shoes light on the floor. He looked satisfied, light and well rested. The opposite of everything I felt.
“Hey, angel!” He called enthusiastically.
For the first time that day, my cheeks lifted from a genuine smile. Not one caused by a success in helping another person, or a result of devoting all my time and energy to another. But because someone who never asked anything of me and still held as much if not more appreciation for me had welcomed me into his arms without any requests.
I let myself melt into his touch, eyebrows relaxing and heartbeat slowing for the first time all day. His lips rested flat against the top of my head, arms held tight around mine, chest pressed against mine. We were a sweaty tangled mess but I couldn’t have been happier.
“Ready to do some test runs?” He questioned, moving back to brush away beads of sweat that had collected on my rosy face. I nodded eagerly, though inside I felt weary and panicked at the idea of having yet another long task to do.
Another swift peck was delivered to my forehead, Harry’s hold retreating from my body. He led the way to the stage before stopping.
“Shit, I forgot the waters. Y/n, would you mind grabbing them? I left them by the water fountain.” I nodded, blinking harshly. My feet pivoting away from him, shoulders hunched and muscles tensed.
My feet moved quick, running down the halls to find the pack of water bottles Harry had instructed me to grab.
The plastic was soon in my line of vision. Full and cool to the touch. They were heavy. Nothing I couldn’t carry normally, but the unforgiving tension within my muscles made it hard to move. Multiple times I stopped to set it down, breath jagged and heavy. Hands slipping away from the plastic cover as my palms were lathered in sweat and leaking water from inside the package.
And suddenly, the hallways that was once so short became longer and longer. A never ending straightaway that only felt hotter and hotter with each step. My mind weighed me down. Pulling me into a spiral of negative thoughts and emotions. I began to believe I couldn’t do it. No, I knew I couldn’t do it.
No matter how much I wished, longed to do the only thing Harry, my best friend, my lover, had ever asked of me, I couldn’t physically continue. The bricks building finally reaching the maximum and breaking the camels back. This final request dealing my final blow. And each thought, each straining muscle crashing underneath it.
The crash was loud, when I went down. Knees hitting the floor, the sound of bones hitting concrete muffled by the squeak of water exploding throughout the thin passageway. The plastic breaking and the singular packages of the liquid bouncing around. Running off and away.
Only then did the panic reach an all time high. As if the severity of it couldn’t get worse. It did. My hands reaching out to grasp at any stray bottles. Holding them close to my chest. Keeping the few I could reach close to my body. I shook, unable to breathe suddenly.
Maybe it was the humidity, or the heat. Maybe it was another heat stroke. But no, to anyone passing by, or anyone who could have seen it from an outside perspective, it was clear that this was not the weather. This was deeper than that. This was pure panic. Something I’d buried for years all surfacing at once like a tsunami of pain washing over my lungs and drowning me in it.
A sob racked through my body, the cry escaping my clenched jaw with such force, my throat burned after. The rising nausea Id felt all morning turning out to only be a lump of anxiety that had grown ten times its size and finally escaped its cage.
Everything hurt, in that moment. My lungs on fire and my eyes crying themselves a river. The tips of my finger scratched at my throat. The only breaths that manages to get in and out being the gasps for air between each sob. I tried to grab my throat, grab my chest. Anything to make it easier to breathe. Yet, my hands were locked around the water like a vise. I couldn’t pry myself away from it if I had tried.
My head pounded, my body growing weaker, aching into less of a dull pain and more of a searing sensation pricking across my skin like pins and needles.
My ears were ringing, downing out everything other than the heaviness of my breathing and volume of my cries. So much so, I hadn’t heard the heavy footsteps rushing in my direction. I hadn’t seen Harry in a full sprint rushing to my aid.
No, in my full blown panic attack, I hadn’t even been able to process he was there with me until his fingers curled around my shoulders and his green eyes looked into mine.
I watched his mouth move rapidly, but I couldn’t make out what he was saying. Still unable to hear, eyes moving too fast to read his lips.
“H-Harry I can’t breathe. I can’t breathe.” I all but yelled. My breathing loud, sounding of a wheeze.
Even in my state, the dining intense and my body still burning, I understood he was doing his best to calm me. Familiar with the feelings that had overtaken my body.
In the mess, he has somehow managed to rip the water from my grasp. My hands flying to his shoulders, head buried between his shoulder and neck. His shirt wet with my tears.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” The words came out like a prayer.
I’m sorry.
I’m sorry.
I’m sorry.
I didn’t know why I was sorry. Maybe for not doing my job I promised him. Maybe for adding stress to his already full plate. Maybe it was me convincing myself I was only becoming more of an inconvenience to him. Either way, I felt him shake his head.
“Don’t say that. No, stop apologizing. Fuck, stop it.” He begged gently, hands rubbing along my spine in an attempt to soothe me.
In some ways, it worked. The ringing fading into the background and my lungs becoming a little less tender. But the burning was still there and breathing was still a struggle.
I shook my head against his skin, eyes shut in embarrassment.
“I’ll pick it all up. I’ll clean everything that spilled. I’ll-I can fix this.” I pleaded, more for myself than for him. He held me tighter.
“No. No you won’t. It’s not your problem. Y/n, stop. Stop. Please, listen to me.” He sounded more stern than calm now. A different approach being taken to get me to snap out of it.
“Y/n you did everything you could and that was more than enough. You are more than enough. Please, believe me. Please, try to understand my perspective.” By now, my eyes were dry, all my tears used up. My breathing heavy but manageable. The gasps fading into soft hitches of breath from my intense sobbing.
“You promised me, you promised that you would stop doing this. Stop overworking yourself for the benefit of others. And I believed you, but I shouldn’t have. I shouldn’t have because I know you. I know you better than anyone here, so I know you’ll never change.” I looked at him through my eyelashes, slouching further into myself, I sat away from him. Head pulling itself off of his shoulder to face him.
“I’m so-“ He cut me off, not wanting to hear another apology slip past my lips.
“I wish. I wish you could see what I see. How everyone else sees you. How you’re more than enough even without all these extravagant attempts to ease our stress. Y/n, you do so much more for us in one week than we could ever hope to do in one year. You put yourself last in every single situation. You’re selfless and the most empathetic person I have ever had the privilege to know. You’re brave, a-and passionate about everyone. How can you not see that? That this enough? You just being here is enough?” It was like the roles were swapped. My eyes drying while Harry’s filled with tears. Filled to the brim along his waterline. He blinked them away, my thumb quick to find the few that fell past his eyelashes and wipe it from his skin.
“I wish I could promise you that I’ll change, Harry. I wish I could tell you I’ll never do this again, but if I’m completely honest, just for a second, I can’t do that. It’s like, my brain is wired specifically to aid to everyone else’s issues. I can’t rest until I’ve done everything I can, Harry. I just can’t. And my chest hurts. It physically hurts me not being able to make everyone happy. I just feel like I’m always doing something wrong. Like I’m disappointing everyone.” I ripped myself open completely with my confession, showing a vulnerability I hadn’t even had the courage to admit six inches away from a mirror.
“I don’t expect you to change, love. I just hope that one day, you’ll be able to see what we all see. What we all recognize everyday. That you’ll figure it out.” His hands held mine. His steady hands drilling my shaky ones.
My eyebrows furrowed into a sad expression, but it was a good sad. One that needed to be expressed.
“I love you.” It was quiet, barely a whimper. My throat dry and eyes puffy. He smiled, sighing softly. Not out of irritation, but admiration. A soft smile playing on his face.
“I love you more.”
In that moment I felt less of a failure and more like a success. Like ultimately, even if I had failed myself in more ways than I could possibly count out loud, ultimately, in some odd, twisted way, I had won. Guilt continued to eat at me and my stomach would always twist at the idea of letting someone down, but it was lesser than before. Being told I was more than enough sparked something small inside of my brain. I couldn’t promise to change, I couldn’t promise to stop overthinking and pushing myself down. But I knew I could get better. I could work on it. I know that, and I’m thankful for that.
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ihearthes · 3 years
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Author: @ihearthes Pairing: Harry x Unnamed OFC Rating: Light Smut Word Count: 3500 Inspired by: @wanderlustwaving and “The Lady or the Tiger” by Frank Stockton
His eyes dart around the bar, seeking her. She has to be here. It’s tradition. Their tradition. January 1st. Every year. Sunset. Anguilla. The Four Seasons. 
Harry had booked this table nearest the bay a full year ago, confirming it in mid-June and again in early December. Sitting silently, his eyes shaded behind his sunnies, he watches the giant ball of fire as it descends into the water. Less of a sizzle than one would expect. Each sip of his Casamigos Blanco over ice is perfect. The sky lights up with oranges, reds, and yellows that are reflected on the clouds, resembling the Monet painting San Giorgio Maggiore at Dusk which he had viewed in Cardiff. A second version hangs in Tokyo at Bridgestone Museum, and he had been lucky enough to see it once. 
The longer he watches its descent, the more he realises that this sunset is different from the paintings he’d seen. His fingers itch for watercolours or acrylics even though he knows his amateurish strokes would never capture the beauty. Last year, the sunset had been underwhelming, the clouds obscuring rather than reflecting the colours. Their first year, he had been unable to believe what he was seeing. It had been stunning with the reach of the palette across the sky, like tendrils of smoke straining to hug the entire planet. Now he captures his journal from the extra chair, opening it’s leather binding to a blank page. Flipping back to the beginning of his journal, he finds a sketch of her leaning on the railing -- drawn from memory years after their first meeting. His mind casts backwards to the non-date that had launched this annual trip. 
“Wow.” The voice belongs to a woman who steps to the railing next to him, leaning forward and twisting her head to take in the full sunset. Glancing at her, he does a double take as he recognizes her. Holy shit. She’s even more stunning in person. 
“Oh, I’d give it a solid 8.5,” Harry’s calm voice is the opposite of his turbulent emotional state. 
“Seriously? It’s much closer to a 9.2.”
“You’ve lost your mind. It’s worthwhile, but not a 9.2,” he scoffs, shifting his body slightly closer to hers. He turns toward her, planting a single forearm on the railing as he observes her in her floral sarong that matches her bikini top. Her hair is bundled lazily on top of her head, and her tanned feet are encased in strappy sandals. Surreptitiously, he takes in her curves while she’s examining the sunset. 
Twisting her head quickly, she catches his eyes on her ass. Rather than blushing, he smiles at her instead, well aware that the dimple is doing it’s job appropriately. The live steel drum band starts a new song, and she boldly turns to him, holding out her hand. “Dance?”
He doesn’t respond verbally. Grasping her fingers, Harry wraps one arm around her waist, stepping into her and leading them in time with the music. When he twirls her rather expertly, she laughs, planting a hand on his chest and gazing up at him with what appears to be a phony bashfulness. 
“I didn’t know you could dance,” she laughs. 
“Clearly you’ve never seen me live on stage,” Harry smirks. 
She clucks her tongue, “Oh, but I have. I said what I said, Styles.”
Looking away from her, he can’t help the smile that breaks loose. Damn, she’s got moxie. And it’s intriguing and beguiling. 
“You’re here alone?” he wonders, his eyes roaming the outdoor space. It’s filled with strangers -- to him anyway. 
“Tonight only. Yes.” She twirls him, and he grins at the move. 
“Me too.” The soft words are spoken into her ear as he’s drawn her closer. “I like to spend the first night of the year reflecting on the previous year.”
“Isn’t that what New Year’s Eve is for?” she wonders, her voice breathy. 
“Nah. That’s for drinking and celebrating with friends. Today is for reflection -- looking backwards and forwards simultaneously.”
“Planning to conquer the world this year, Mr. Styles?” 
“Indeed.” Arching an eyebrow, he mimics a cartoon villain, drawing his pinky to his mouth. 
She slaps at his chest, and he desperately wants to kiss her in that moment. After all, they are flirting, aren’t they? 
“Are you going to offer me dinner?” she asks boldly. “And take me to your room afterwards?”
Woah. Definitely gutsy. “Depends,” he whispers as he spins them both around once more while the band winds down. 
“On what?” 
“On what kind of sushi you prefer.”
“Ah!” There’s a gleam in her eye that he can’t resist. She’s playful and not shy about being the seductress. Harry finds the combination heady. Waving her hand in dismissal as she turns towards his table, “I usually try whatever the newest offering is -- especially if it’s fresh from those waters.” Fingers waggle in the direction of the bay, and he wants to grasp them out of the air and wrap them protectively in his own hand. 
Instead, he applauds the band before following behind her. At the table, she drags her chair from the opposite side of the small round table until she’s sat beside him. With his questioning glance, she again gestures towards the bay. “I’m not going to miss that sunset just so I can stare at your pretty face.” 
Rather than sketching the sunset, he attempts to paint the current sight with words. Everything he writes seems trite: clementines, flames, majestic, radiant, blush, hearth.
Where is she? Yes, it had been a year since they had spoken, but surely she would have sent a message if she weren’t planning to join him? Why hadn’t they exchanged numbers? Followed each other on Instagram? 
But he knows why. The mystery. The transcendental experience. The enchantment of meeting once a year, incognito, in this particular and magnificent place. No knowledge of each other outside of this 24 hours that belongs to them alone. 
Which is ridiculous. Because he certainly knows who she is and follows her career. And he would be astonished if she didn’t also pay attention to his. A few times this last year they had coincidentally been in the same city simultaneously, and he had seriously debated trying to locate her. Contact her manager maybe. Or put out feelers that would certainly have stretched to her ears like an old-fashioned game of Chinese Whispers (which of course isn’t what he should call the game now; it’s racist). The message, though, would have been garbled but sufficient for them to meet up. 
Every time, he refrained. Their unspoken commitment was to this place and this one day a year. Now he regrets not making contact. Had she decided that one day a year wasn’t worth the effort? Was she even now canoodling with someone else? There hadn’t been rumours of any recent love affairs on her end, and he snatches his phone anxiously to search her name just in case she connected with someone during the last week.
Picking up his now-empty glass of tequila as he scrolls through his phone, Harry draws an ice cube into his mouth, swirling it on his tongue to relish every tiny bit of the liquor there. The burn has vanished as it’s taken him nearly an hour to drink one tequila. No record of any new beaus. Maybe he should follow her now on social media? DM her? What would he do if she didn’t show? How much longer should he wait? 
“Oh yum! This roll is even better than last year’s.” She proclaims as she rushes to grasp the last bite of the Ceviche Roll. 
“Hey! That was mine!” Harry protests, laughing as she stuffs the full piece in her mouth. 
“Order more,” she mumbles around the rice, fish, and seaweed flavored with citrus and cilantro. 
“Nah, I’ve got a different appetite now,” he murmurs, watching her lips as she chews the sushi. 
Freezing, her eyes rush to his, and she slowly finishes the sushi she’s been eating, swallowing slowly. He wishes that she would move her chair to his side of the table like she had the previous year. This time, they’re seated on opposite sides of the table, but at an angle where both can watch the setting sun. 
“What?” Her look has made him nervous. “You’re not going to tell me you’re seeing someone, are you?” 
Her hair twirls as she shakes her head. “No. Broke up with him last week in anticipation of this.”
Having sipped his tequila, Harry chokes at her words. Coughing, he grasps the table with both hands. Holy fuck. She didn’t really expect him to --
“Kidding!” Her giggle lights up her eyes, bringing a light blush to her face. She’s truly stunning. Maybe even more than last year. 
When her foot, sans sandal, caresses his calf under the table, he knows that the night is going to be filled with sex. Fun, hot, brilliant sex that will last most of the night. Hmm...perhaps it would be best to fortify himself for their escapades. Raising his hand, he flags down the server. 
“Another Ceviche Roll, por favor. Plus a bottle of Casamigos.” He pauses as her foot makes its way further up his leg, and he wonders if she’s going to slide under the table completely. “Send it to my room, please.” Voice catching as her toes make contact with his crotch, he demands, “Put it all on my tab please. I’ll settle up later.” 
With a nod of agreement, the server disappears. Quickly Harry rises, adjusting his slacks as he glances around the room. 
“Let’s go,” his voice rumbles. 
“But H -- the sunset,” she whines. 
“My room has the same view,” he insists, holding out his hand which she grasps. Gracefully sliding her foot back into her sandal, she rises and glides behind him towards the elevator. 
His stomach rumbles at the thought of eating, and he debates ordering food. The sushi at the sunset lounge is always fresh. In the past, though, they’ve enjoyed the dishes together, trying new ones every year. Dejected, he places his glass harshly on the table, his disappointment at her absence radiating across his psyche like the colours of the sunset. 
“I would say it’s a solid 8.5,” her voice sounds from over his shoulder, and he twists in surprise. Like the sunset beckons the stars, she summons happiness to his soul. He scrambles to rise, kissing her on both cheeks, his lips lingering each time. Not too long, though, in case others are watching and photographing. Which he always assumes these days. Fans. Paps. No privacy exists anywhere. 
“Hi,” he whispers, grateful for her presence, but unable to say the words that would tell her how worried he’s been. That might reveal too much of his emotions. And his heart. 
Fuck. When had his heart gotten involved? And why hadn’t he realised before this particular moment? 
“You agree?” she smiles, gesturing to the sunset. 
“I would say it’s a 9 or maybe even a 9.2,” Harry smiles, his dimple making an appearance to rival the sunset in front of them. 
“You finished your drink,” she nods at his empty glass. 
“I started early.” It’s a lame excuse, and he knows it. 
His annual partner tilts her head in his direction. “Or maybe I’m late?”
Not knowing how to respond, Harry waits, his fingers playing with the coaster underneath his drink, spinning it around, the glass slowly rotating with the cardboard circle with the restaurant’s name on it. 
“I debated,” she whispers, “unsure if I should…”
The server appears, a smile on his face. His white trousers and white shirt are complemented by a blue scarf at his neck, his accent strong. 
“What can I get you?”
Harry notices the man’s gaze on his companion’s breasts which draws his own attention to the bosom swelling around the buttons of her frock, which he just now notices has sunflowers across the lower half of the skirt. Was that on purpose? 
When she exchanges a knowing glance with Harry and smoothes the fabric over her legs, it becomes clear that she knows exactly what she was doing by choosing this dress.
He shifts in his seat. 
“I’ll have what he’s having,” she announces. 
Harry reminds the server, “Two Casamigos on the rocks please. And your newest sushi roll with light brown rice please. Thanks.”
Nodding, his date agrees to the order, and he’s relieved that at least the basics haven’t changed in the last year. 
“You were saying?” he prompts as the steward moves away from them. 
“Oh,” she blushes, her cheeks tinging slightly pink. “I just...wasn’t sure…” She swallows, her head down before she makes eye contact with him, “that this was a good idea.”
Taken aback, Harry settles his bum more deeply in his chair, feeling blindsided by the comment, wishing he had his tequila to soothe him in this moment. “I see,” he mumbles. 
“Harry --” she begins, and he waves a hand in her direction. 
“It’s just casual,” he unceremoniously argues, “right?” But his heart clutches at the phrasing. 
Her eyes drop to her lap where her hands are entwined. “Yes. I guess.” Her whisper makes him sweat. Fuck. Had she decided this was it? The last time? “It’s a pretty sunset,” she adds.
“Absolutely,” he concurs, anxious at what else she might say. Silence descends on the table much faster than the stars appear in the sky above them. Should he be vulnerable? Tell her how he feels? What he’s thinking? 
This year’s live steel drum band begins a new song, and without pause, she rises, holding her hand out for him to grasp. Grateful for the reprieve, he joins her in their corner of the outdoor restaurant, placing one hand on her waist as she rests her head on his chest. Together, they sway, and his mind wanders.
“I need another lime!” she shrieks gleefully, holding the bottle of tequila in her hand. Harry shakes his head from his position flat on the bed. They are going to need clean sheets before they sleep tonight. Maybe they will go to her room for actual sleep? 
What the fuck is he thinking? As if they had actually slept during their rendezvous in the previous two years. 
“Here. Hold this,” she laughs, thrusting a lime towards Harry to place in his mouth, pulp out. 
“Mhm. Me next,” he mumbles just before his teeth wrap around the green rind.
“You bet,” she giggles. Settling herself on the bed as she straddles him, her soft parts landing on his cock encased in its bright green briefs. She slides down his legs and leans forward, holding the bottle of tequila out to the side. “Mmmmm.” Licking a stripe up from the base of his underpants to his navel, she sprinkles salt there before tilting the bottle of Casamigos and allowing a shot of tequila to land in his taut navel. He’d worked hard on his abs the last couple of months, knowing that he would be lying here with her. They’ve got definition that most blokes only dream of. 
Quickly, her tongue captures the salt before she sucks the tequila from his belly and shifts forward to suck the lime that’s in his mouth. Fuck. If he hadn’t been hard before they started this game, he’s certainly got a hammer between his legs now. 
As he releases the lime for her, she grips it in her teeth, leaning backwards in her bra and panties, her core now on his chest, and he can’t resist reaching out with a single finger and tracing a pattern over the treasure he knows is underneath. 
“You waxed for me this year,” he comments. 
“No,” she protests, “I waxed for me this year. You give great oral, and I wanted nothing to get in the way. It’s been far too long since my pussy has been properly eaten.” 
“Oh?” Harry’s eyebrow raises, as he knows a couple of people who she dated during the previous year. 
“Yep. I would say,” she smiles, leaning down to capture his mouth in a kiss, her lips hovering just above his, “about exactly a year.”
“Hey…” he begins as they finish their silent dance just as their drinks arrive along with the plate of sushi, but he’s interrupted. 
“Here are your drinks. Our newest sushi roll is the Hot Lover,” which makes Harry cringe and shift again in his seat. “It’s spicy tuna, shrimp tempura, and avocado wrapped in soybean paper.” 
As he places the food in front of them, Harry smiles sadly and nods as the gentleman fades away into the restaurant, like the sunset has drifted into the ocean. 
“You were going to say something?” she asks, and he loses all of his courage. 
Shaking his head, he grasps a piece of the sushi roll between his fingers, sliding it onto his tongue. 
“Not bad,” he comments as he chews, trying to tuck the food in his cheek so he’s not rude. 
“It’s really not got a lot of flavour,” she grins as she mimics his eating habit. “Kind of boring.”
Did she mean their relationship? Was this one of those double-entendres? Swallowing the fish and rice concoction, he sips his tequila as the sushi sticks in his throat. For some reason, he wants to cry. It makes no sense, but the tears come unbidden to his eyes. Fuck. Looking away, he sips more of his drink as he watches the remnants of the sunset fade away, blinking furiously. 
“I wanted to call you when we were both in New York this year,” he comments softly. 
Her fingers pause halfway to her mouth, the soybean-paper-wrapped piece of sushi hovering near her lips. Harry watches as she debates how to respond to his comment, finally placing the fish on her tongue and chewing slowly. Unable to draw his eyes from her mouth, he unapologetically watches as she savors the restaurant’s latest speciality. Eyes closed, she moans. Her hands clutch the table on either side of her, and Harry feels his mouth go dry. 
Once she devours the food, she sips her tequila on the rocks, and he can visualize her tongue swirling the liquid around as she either tries to clear the flavour of the fish or fully taste the liquor. After all, her tongue has done that same move to his most favored body part. When she finishes, she makes eye contact with him, her hands resting on either side of her plate, fingers curled. Taking a deep breath, she straightens her fingers flat without breaking eye contact. Fuck. He’s sweating. 
“Truth be told, Harry -- I desperately wanted to call you when we were both in Edinburgh that time.”
“Why didn’t you?” His words are faster than his brain, and he immediately wishes he could draw back the question. 
“You know why,” she replies, and he nods because he does indeed know all of the reasons. “The sunset --” Her attention is drawn to the colours in the sky, “is lovely, don’t you think?”
“Honestly,” he admits, “I would say this is the best one of all of the times we’ve sat here together.” The words make him cringe. He wants to keep things light, but something about the moment prevents fluff. It feels momentous. Overwhelming. 
He watches as her eyes stray from his to the sky before they tear up and she nods in agreement. “Yes, Harry. I would say this is the most breathtaking of the sunsets we’ve seen.”
Did that mean that this would be the last one? Neither of them is getting younger. Sooner or later, one of them will meet “the one”. And then where will the other be? Stuck on an island with a sunset alone? Fuck. He doesn’t want to be that person. But he truly doesn’t want that for her either. 
“It’s a sensational sunset,” Harry pleads, his eyes not leaving her face, not straying to the glorious colours, not denying that they have some chemistry together. Why hadn’t he made a play for her before now? Was a hookup enough? Would he be happy if this is the last one? 
“Harry,” she sighs, sipping her drink again. “I wonder ---” 
The band starts a new song, and he shakes off the sound, willing her to continue. A group at the table behind them sings ‘Happy Birthday’ while another table nearby bursts into laughter and somewhere a server drops a tray of glasses, the shattering drawing applause from a few assholes close to the debacle. Harry ignores all of it. 
“Yes? Go on,” he encourages. 
“Maybe…” she bites her lip, looking away from him towards the sunset. 
“Yes?” His throat is dry, but he doesn’t reach for his tequila or his glass of ice water. Instead, his gaze remains riveted on her. 
“Do you think that perhaps we could…” 
His breath catches in his throat. What would she say? Would she ask for some random sex act? Cancel their relationship permanently? Or possibly -- miraculously -- suggest that they celebrate more sunsets together instead of just once a year. He holds his breath, waiting impatiently. 
“I mean, it would probably be best if we...” 
A/N: Reblogs are love, my readers.  I appreciate the likes, but reblogs help others find the story and, quite frankly, encourage me to continue publishing here. 
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abundanceofsoph · 4 years
SkyFire 1: Chapter 20
On the Road Again & Art Galleries  
Word count: 2.6k
>Instagram posts
The first half of 2015 flew by. Aurora was flat out not only with her course work at Columbia, but she also managed to secure a small gallery space and was spending every spare moment painting, in an attempt to finish the series, she intended to show at the end of May. Harry and the boys started the On the Road Again tour in February with their shows in Australia, and with Zayn shocking them all by leaving the band in March, he was also feeling the stress of the first few months of the year. Following a show in Dubai at the start of April, the band took a two month break to write their next album and in the wake of Zayn’s departure, the boys made the decision to stick together during the writing process and flew to New York to write with Aurora. All four of the guys moved into their own floor of the tower and spent most of their days set up in Aurora’s recording studio, writing and recording demos to send to their team. The time off for the group was much needed and they enjoyed being able to kick back and relax with Aurora’s family while working on the album, something they had not had the opportunity to do for their previous albums given that they had all been written and recorded while on the road for touring. Aurora tried to split her time well between her obligations, setting aside enough time to study, paint for her upcoming gallery show and also working on the writing process with the guys. Harry also enjoyed being able to split his time while staying in the tower; he and the boys would all join Steve in the gym every morning and eating dinner with the entire team every evening. Harry felt comfortable in the tower and after more than a year together, he considered Rori’s home as his own, just as he hoped she felt comfortable in his and he would often roam the common floor while the band took a break, spending time with various members of the Avengers team. While the boys would usually turn in from bed around 11pm every night, Harry would have to pull his girlfriend from her art studio well after midnight every night, forcing her to get some sleep. Finally, a busy month and a half, Aurora sat her final exam for the school year and her paintings were completed and ready for the opening of her show.
Harry met her at the gallery space in the afternoon, the day before the opening night, watching on as she instructed staff as to where each of the 18 pieces should hang and he felt so incredibly proud of her. She’d worked so hard on each painting and to see them all hung together allowed him to finally see the theme she had running through the entire series that she had been explaining to him for the last few weeks. 
“It’s going to be a hit,” he told her once the last canvas was hanging in its place. “Everyone is going to love it.”
“I hope you're right,” she said. “I just want people see what I’m trying to do here and not just think I’m trying to capitalize on the family.”
The Gallery show opened 3 days later and Aurora felt an immense sense of pride in her work as she watched people walk around, taking in her paintings. Her dads were both walking through the crowd, talking with guests about how great the paintings were, as were the Harry’s 3 bandmates. Aurora was feeling incredibly grateful for how supportive her friends and family were and she felt herself getting quite emotional. Harry, who was standing next to her, noticed her starting to sniffle and placed his hands on her shoulders, turning her to look at him.
“You ok?” he asked, looking her in the eye.
“Just a little overwhelmed by the response,” Rori replied, taking a deep breath to calm her emotions. “It doesn’t feel real.”
“You deserve all of this love,” Harry told her, hugging her tight against him, her cheek cushioned against his chest as they both watched the guests wander around the space, taking in the art on the wall. “You’re incredible,” he whispered.
Aurora looked across the gallery, taking in the 18 canvases on the exposed brick walls. Each work was made up of a pair a canvases, hanging next to each other with a metre gap between each pair and the next. The first pair was made up of a painting of the Iron Man armour and on it’s matching canvas there was a painting of her father cooking pasta in the kitchen. The next pair of canvases similarly showed the two apposing sides of her Pops, with one painting depicting Captain America in his full uniform, while the other showed Steve standing by an easel, paint splatted on his white undershirt and a soft smile on his face. The rest of the series continued along the same theme, showing each member of the Avengers team as the superhero the world new and the family member that Aurora loved; Clint was laughing as he threw balls of paper at the back of Sam’s head, Bruce was mid-yoga pose, Nat was dancing, Thor was playing video games, Sam was laying on his bed listening to music with his headphones on, and Bucky was reading a book.
The last pair of canvases showed the team assembled together on the left, as if preparing for battle and on the right, they were all collapsed on sofas, bean bags and recliners, staring off at an unseen flat screen tv out of frame. The overall effect of the series was clear, or so Aurora hoped. No person was one thing; identity was multifaceted and complicated and different people saw different aspects of everyone’s identity. Aurora hoped that the collection would encourage people to view those around them as multifaceted individuals with hopes and dreams and families and insecurities. Since becoming a public figure 3 years ago this was something that had plagued Aurora’s mind; to so many people on the internet she was the one thing they believed her to be. For some that was a privileged white girl, for others she was just a song writer, while others saw her merely as the girlfriend of Harry Styles or the daughter of Tony Stark. In truth she was all of those things, but she was also a normal girl, who grew up in a tiny apartment above a London pub, she was the product of a single mother who worked every day of her life to give her daughter the best life she could, and she was also so much more. That was the message she hoped this show would portray, the mark she hoped to leave on those who came to view her work, to imagine people complexly.
Following the second week of Aurora’s art show, she flew out with the boys for Cardiff, Wales for the start of the next leg of their tour on the 5th of June. The day of the first show, Aurora was sitting in the green room, waiting for the boys to come back from one of their many media obligations. She was drawing while she waited, periodically picking up her phone to see if any other critics had reviewed her show. It felt weird for her to not be there for the final two weeks, but she wanted to be there with Harry. She’d spent months looking forward to her chance to spend the summer with him and the boys and she knew she’d made the right choice to come on tour now given everything that had happened at the end of their last set of shows. Her art was in safe hands and she trusted Pepper to coordinate its safe return to the tower after the show came to an end, so she decided to put it aside in her head and focus her attention on being there on tour and present in the moment.
When the boys returned to the green room, she was struck again by how weird it was for there only to be the four of them now and she frowned. The entire time she had known Harry it had been him and the four boys, but now for Zayn to be gone, she still didn’t quite understand. She remembered when Harry had called her from the road, the night that Zayn had walked out on them. He’d been in tears and her heart had broken as she stayed on the phone with him for hours, promising that it would be ok. That no matter what happened with the band, that she would be there, and he would be ok. They had talked about restructuring songs, splitting up Zayn’s parts between the four of them and after they’d hung up, she had cried. While she and Zayn had not been best friends like she was with Louis, and they hadn’t gotten along quite as easily as she did with Liam or Niall, she had still grown to think of him as her brother, as she had with all of them. He was always quieter than the others and sometimes when the chaos of the tour had become just a little too much, the two of them would hide away somewhere quiet to relax and decompress. She’d tried to call him a few days after he’d left, but he’d ignored her call, probably assuming that she would have sided with Harry, like a child having to pick which parent to live with after the divorce. In truth she’d just wanted to make sure her friend was ok. It had been months now and she still hadn’t heard from him. She’d sent texts and twitter dm’s, trying to explain that she just wanted to talk and that she missed him, but it had all gone unanswered. The only contact any of them had had with him since March had been when Louis had argued with him on twitter in April. All of this was running through her head as the boys piled into the green room, flopping down on sofas and attempting to relax before they were needed on stage in a little over an hour. Harry placed a kiss on her cheek as he walked past her towards where Lou was waiting to fix his hair for the show.
“You look like something’s bothering you,” Liam said, sitting down beside her and casually throwing an arm across the back of the sofa she was curled up on.
“I’m good,” Rori replied with a small smile.
“No, you’re not,” Liam pressed, his eyes flicking around the room to make sure no one was listening to their conversation. “Talk to me.”
“Just feels weird, doesn’t it?” Rori whispered, her eyes also glancing to the others, not wanting to upset anyone. “I still don’t really understand what happened and it just doesn’t really feel right that he’s not here.”
“Yeah,” Liam sighed. “It feels wrong, but we’ve got to keep moving. We might never really know why he did it, but we’ve just got to work with what we’ve got now and try to make it work.”
“I’m sorry I brought it up,” Rori said, noticing Liam’s eyes were now a little misty with unshed tears.
“It’s ok Rori,” Liam replied, smiling softly as he wrapped his arms around her. “We’ve got to be able to lean on each other, right?”
“Oi!” Harry yelled with a laugh. “Get your mitts off my girl.”
“Sharing is caring,” Rori joked, laughing loudly when Harry pulled her to her feet and out of Liam’s arms. “Rude!” she giggled, kissing his cheek. She looked back at Liam, glad to see that Harry’s joke had broken the sombre mood they had slipped into, even if he didn’t know that’s what he’d done.
Despite missing a member, the tour was a success, continuing on much like the previous one had and after the first few shows, Aurora found that it felt just like old times. They travelled across Europe and along the west coast and into Canada, recording and finalising the new album. Aurora even recorded the piano track for If I Could Fly, a song that she had written with Harry late one night when they’d stayed up in the studio after the others had turned in for the night.
Something she often did with tracks she wrote for other artists was to record her own version and a few months after they released their track, she would release her version on her YouTube channel; a series she called The Demo Tapes. She had writing credit on almost every track on the new album, but after talking about it with the boys, they had decided that If I Could Fly, should be the track for her to record given that it was so personal to both her and Harry, so one afternoon in late August the two had set themselves up with the bands producers to record a duet of the song, filming the recording process to use for the music video in addition to the footage Aurora already had of playing the song on her grand piano back in New York. Singing with Harry was always one of her favourite things and being able to sing their song together filled her heart with so much love for the curly haired man standing on the other side of the microphone, his headphones pushing his long curls back from his face.
“What do you say we give the whole thing one last run through love? From the top?” Harry asked her once they were told they had everything. “One just for us?”
She returned his smile, adjusting her headphones. “Let’s do it,” she said, clearing her throat before the familiar sound of her keys filled their ears.
[Harry – Aurora – both]
If I could fly I'd be coming right back home to you I think I might give up everything, just ask me to Pay attention, I hope that you listen Cause I let my guard down Right now I'm completely defenceless For your eyes only, I show you my heart For when you're lonely and forget who you are I'm missing half of me when we're apart Now you know me, for your eyes only For your eyes only I've got scars, even though they can't always be seen And pain gets hard, but now you're here and I don't feel a thing Pay attention, I hope that you listen cause I let my guard down Right now I'm completely defenceless For your eyes only, I show you my heart For when you're lonely and forget who you are I'm missing half of me when we're apart Now you know me, for your eyes only For your eyes only I can feel your heart inside of mine (I feel it, I feel it) I've been going out of my mind (I feel it, I feel it) Know that I'm just wasting time And I Hope that you don't run from me For your eyes only, I show you my heart For when you're lonely And forget who you are I'm missing half of me When we're apart Now you know me, for your eyes only For your eyes only, I show you my heart For when you're lonely and forget who you are I'm missing half of me when we're apart Now you know me, for your eyes only For your eyes only For your eyes only
As the final notes faded out, Harry stepped around the microphone and swept Aurora into his arms, kissing her deeply as they both forgot about everyone else in the room, or the camera set up on the tripod to record the process.
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missnxthingg · 5 years
A/N: I got this request from a brazilian mate, and because tumblr won’t let her send asks, she sent me an ask. I love Harry, so it definitely was a pleasure to write. I followed your request, but I added a few more things to it. Hope you like it!
Request: Harry Holland loses his virginity with his no longer virgin girlfriend, three years older than him and nipple pierced.
Warnings: Swearing, smut.
Pairing: Harry Holland x Reader
Tumblr media
You and Tom Holland were practically attached to the hip. Born in the same month, neighbors since birth, and best friends. That meant that you got really close to the Hollands. Of course you were closer to Tom, but the other boys were very special to you. Paddy was the little brother you’ve never had, Sam was your protected one, but there was something very different about Harry. Somehow all you wanted to do was be around Harry, all the time. And he always wanted to be around you.
Tom used to make fun of you, saying you liked Harry, and for a while you kept shutting him down, because come on, you were kids. If you were ever a kid, if someone comes to you and says you like somebody, you would deny it till death. And for a while you believed in your own words to Tom, but after many years, you couldn’t say it anymore, you liked the boy, but he was three years younger than you.
You got in High School first, following Tom to the BRIT School, discovering a whole new world and growing up, faster than you could have imagined you would. Hanging out with new people, and discovering your sexuality, starting to go on dates. After a couple of years, you were pretty experienced in the dating area, only because of the huge amount of boys and girls you had dates and went to bed with.
But the ginger boy never left your head, or you side. You would still see him, and even though you were fooling around with a bunch of people, he still was very special to you. He watched you grow up, wanting to be those people you’d eventually bring home to Tom’s small house parties.
When you graduated in High School, Tom exploded his career as Spider-Man, and you went to college. Four years of pure fun and hard work, but still were the best years of your life. All of those parties, the people you met and everything. The only bad part of it is that is was located in Wales, and that meant four years away from your family and friends. 
Of course you visited them all the time. Sometimes Tom stopped by Cardiff just to see you, because he got so used to be around you, that he couldn’t stand to be a long time away from you. Visiting was good, but it was better when you finally came back to London, ready to settle and grow up for real. Stop fooling around, find a good job and a place to live. But coming back meant spending a lot of time around the Hollands. Seeing Harry again brought back a whole lotta old feelings, coming from both sides.
It didn’t take long for him to ask you on a date, or tricking you into a date, uninviting all of his brothers just to be alone with you for once. It didn’t take long until you kissed, or started dating. You wanted to take things slow because you had never been into a real relationship, and you really liked Harry, wanting it to last very long. He was totally okay with that, once he also had never been into a relationship.
The dates were funny and romantic, and the make out sessions were totally awesome, and they got even better by the time you found a place for yourself in the middle of London. Harry slept over for so many times after you moved, and that meant more privacy for you too, and also meant more handsy stuff.
“Harry, baby… Maybe you could use your hands somewhere else.” You said looking down to your lap.
“Like into your panty?” He asked and you nodded. He smirked and kissed you again. “Uhm… I’ve never done it before.”
“Really?” You furrowed your eyebrows and he nodded, face all red. “Oh my God, that’s so cute.”
“You might think I’m a little kid right now.” You laughed and pulled him into a soft kiss.
“No, I don’t.” You caressed his cheek and smiled. “I won’t push you into doing anything.”
“But I want to. God, I’ve wanted for a long time now.” He rubbed his hands around your waist. “You know, since I discovered what sex is.”
“So you wanna do it?” He nodded his head yes and you attached you lips to his neck, kissing him on his sweet spot. You sat him in the couch and straddled his lap. He threw his head back while his fingers glued into your ass, pressing it down softly. “Just tell me if I go too far.”
He nodded again and you removed his shirt, running your hands down his belly. He removed yours, followed by your bra. His eyes got wider when he saw the two pierced nipples right in his face. You wasn’t expecting him to pull you closer and start to play with your piercing with his own tongue. You moaned, pushing your chest his mouth. You stroked his hair while he did his own job. You felt your panty soaking in the bottom, and you started to hump him, feeling him grow harder against your core. You wanted him so badly in that moment that you stopped what he was doing a kneeled in front of him, unbuttoning his trousers and removing it along with his boxers. His cock jumped out, slapping his belly. He was quite big for your surprise.
Your mouth watered and you soon took him into your mouth, sucking the tip to provoke him before pushing it all in. Harry was never given a head before, but he somehow knew you were the best at it. He got your hair out of the way and threw his head back, feeling the warmth of your mouth around him. You stroked his cock faster, it getting thicker and thicker.
You stopped and got up, removing your own trouser and panty. You could feel your pussy dripping for him. Harry was fucking beautiful, and all you wanted in that moment was to feel him inside you. You straddled his lap again and rocked your hips against his, pushing your cores together. Your pussy soaked his cock beneath you. His hands helped him stick his dick inside you, slowly pushing it into you. It took a while to get used to his size, but once you felt comfortable enough, you started to ride him.
“(Y/N), the condom.”
“F-forget about it. I’m on the pill.”
“Are you sure?” You nodded, now riding him faster than before.
Your tits bounced against his face and the room was filled with slapping noises, moans and pleasures screams. He was doing a good job, even though you were on top and it was his first time. He knew where to hit you right, your nipples, you jaw. He slapped your ass, making you moan louder and go faster.
“H-Harry, you’re so fucking big, fuck!” You moaned against his lips and he started to push his hips against yours, making you go faster.
“You like my big cock fucking your tight pussy?” You bit your bottom lip to suppress a moan.
“I didn’t know you were such a dirty talker babe.” 
“I’m a box full of surprises angel.” You started to do circles around your clit, moaning louder than before. “I’m gonna… Fuck! You feel so good, take my cock baby girl.”
“Hmmmm… Harry! Holy shit. Let it go!” 
It didn’t take much longer until you were filled with his cum. He moaned louder and stopped his own movements, watching yours stop and fall again by his side. You stayed in a comfortable silence for a couple of seconds, trying to calm your breathings down.
“It was so fucking good.” Harry said smiling. 
“Yes, it was.” You smiled to him and kissed him gently on the lips.
“Did you… uhm... “ He blushed and you encouraged him, drawing circles on the back of his head. “Cum?”
“Uhm… No, but it’s okay, it’s your first time, and it was good.” He pushed you down to lay on the couch and positioned his mouth on your entrance.
“Show me how.”
“Fuck… Okay, put one finger in and start your movements.” He did it, a good thing that he did a good job all wet down there. He pumped hard down there. “You can put one more.”
“Won’t it hurt?”
“Have you seen your cock’s size? If that didn’t hurt, it won’t either.” He nodded and pushed one more finger in. “G-good, now use your thumb to work on the clit.” He did as you said, but he did up and down movements, not giving you much pleasure. “Circles baby.”
“Like this?” He shifted his movements and you nodded, grumping once he did. “When does the tongue come into action?”
“You can do the thumbs job with your tongue. Remember, circles.”
He used his tongue to do quick movements round your clit, putting one more finger into you, making you moan loud and pull his hair. You pushed your hips against his mouth, making him increase his movements. You were in heaven in that moment.
“FUCK! You’re a fast learner baby.” You screamed, feeling your walls clenching. “I’m close.”
He let his fingers do a faster job, syncing with his tongue. Hearing the girl he likes screaming in pleasure because of him was like heaven’s music. You let in all go into his mouth, coming down from your high for once. You let a final moan out when he fell into your stomach and kissed your belly.
“So fucking sweet.” He said and you smiled.
“You were so good baby.”
“So, round two?”
Taglist: @missmulti , @zabdisamor , @cmon-peter-tingle , @lifeisabitchandsoareyou​ , @tinyplanet-explorers , @spideyyypeter (I can’t tag you! Please send me a message so we can solve it).
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kathrynmjaneway · 6 years
Tagged by @iant0jones​ - thankssss Raelyn!!
nicknames: some from my family, but otherwise none? I wish I had one, but don’t you dare go for Anni, that’s a no go (im serious)
gender/pronouns: female, she/her
star sign: aries
height: 184cm/6′1′‘ft
time: 10.10pm
birthday: April 4
favourite bands: Blue Gillespie, Florence and the Machine, Imagine Dragons, London Grammar, Mumford & Sons
favourite solo artists: Rea Garvey, Taylor Swift, James Blunt, Hayley Kiyoko
song stuck in your head: Home and Liar both by Mumford & Sons
last movie you watched: currently watching the 2009 Star Trek movie
last show: Finished Flash s3 a few days ago, now continuing watching Arrow s5
why did you create your blog: this one specifically? because I needed a place for everything that doesn’t fit my main blog, which is strictly one fandom
other blogs: my main blog @odin-god-of-nothing-important​, my book blog @theworldisinsideabook​, my  first, old, inactive blog mostly about sherlock, another side blog, also inactive, about anything middle earth.
do you get asks: every now and then
how did you get the idea for your url: Iantooooooo. It was hard finding a good ianto url at the time and this one was relatively orginial and still available. Thanks go to Owen and John Hart for the inspiration.
i follow: a little over 200 right now? not sure about the exact number
followers: just recently crossed the 800 mark :)
average hours of sleep: 7-9ish, if I’m lucky, but more often than not, its ~6hours because my sleep schedule is A Mess
lucky number: dont have one
instruments: soprano and alto flute, piano (a bit), but I don’t play either anymore
what are you wearing: a skirt and a tshirt with birds on it :) (i love this outfit i look rlly cute haha)
dream job: unrealistic dream job: author!
realistic dream job with what I’m studying (law): working for a publisher (more realistic) or working for ESA (European Space Agency) or DLR (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt) (more unrealistic) (space, my friends, SPACE) (I wanted to be an astronaut as a kid, still kinda do), or just generally working in Intellectual Property!
dream trip: Cardiff and London, New Zealand, going back to Oregon where I went to High School and then do a roadtrip up north along the coast to Canada
significant other: ._.
last book i read: currently reading Divergent and Glass Sword
top 3 fictional universes: Middle Earth, Whoniverse, Harry Potter
Tagging no one since this has already going around for a while I think? If you wanna do, pls do!
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Making Performance 1 - Week 1
Describe briefly in a few sentences what each of the Paines Plough monologues was about. 
Chris Thorpe - Manchester
The narrator recalls the time he awakes at a party to find his friend squatting over his face with their genitals on his lips. He drunkenly yet calmly goes back home to retrieve an iron golf club before making his way back to his friend’s home. The narrator assaults his friend with the club and recollects how his old football coach said he had a lot of power but no control. It deals with topics such as masculinity and power.
Hannah Silva - Plymouth
In this monologue, the narrator talks in snippets about a poet and a musician who writes letters. They talk about seeing a city in flames and bombs. At the end of the monologue, it is revealed the musician is the poet’s father and he is dreaming of the past due to a blood clot in his brain.
Chloe Moss - Liverpool
This monologue tells the story of a school girl - one who suffers from anxious thoughts - bunking school. She talks about a mantra she invented to repeat whenever she needs reassurance. She walks to the beach despite having a fear of quicksand and meets an older woman and her dog. The woman talks about her dead son whilst the narrator goes across the beach to fetch the dog’s ball. When she returns, she realised she didn’t need to repeat her mantra and that her fear may in fact be irrational. 
Zia Ahmed - London
This monologue talks about the narrator’s break up. He talks about trying to explain to his girlfriend why he wants to end things, repeating the saying ‘I love you but we’re different’. Throughout the monologue, he adds more detail to why they’re different and eventually reveals it’s because of his Pakistani heritage. The monologue details the struggles the narrator faces due to his race in and out of London and how London is multicultural. The reason the narrator wants to break up is due to the fact that his girlfriend could never relate to his struggles and never will. They’re too different and they’ve come to the point where the narrator feels he can’t function in the relationship anymore.
Alan Harris - Cardiff
The narrator recalls the first time he was arrested as an adult. He was at a party and missed the bus home so decided to walk. He steals a pushbike and whilst fixing the broken chains, the police arrest him. In his cell, he sees a duck and in a strange turn of events, becomes the duck. He has both his own consciousness as well as the ducks within his head and decides he wants his webbed feet to be wet. He sits on the toilet in the cell with his feet in the water and falls asleep. When the police let him go at 5am, he catches sight of a flock of ducks in the sky.
What images/characters/moments particularly stuck out for you in any of the Paines plough monologues and why? (Choose 3)
In Silva’s monologue, I liked the use of unfinished sentences, stammering, pauses and repetition. The broken and staggering momentum of the monologue while at first confusing, eventually creates an overall clear image of an old man’s fragmented memory. The repetition and pauses work well to represent the father’s vague memories and give the impression of dreaming. This links to the fact that the narrator’s father is having strange dreams of ‘city in flames’ and ‘bombs’ and therefore, due to the blood clot, is reliving his times in the war. As the monologue goes on, more information is revealed to the listener and represents how the father’s memories are coming in bits and pieces. His confusion is portrayed through the pauses and stammering. I loved how the physical speech of the monologue represented what was happening within it.
I was particularly drawn to the end moment of Moss’s monologue when the narrator realises she didn’t repeat her mantra on her journey across the beach. I think this moment is a warm and happy one that shows how each character helped one another. The narrator helped brightened the older woman’s day on the anniversary of her son’s suicide. The older woman helped the narrator to forget about her anxious thoughts for a moment and allowed her to realise that she doesn’t need to rely on her mantra all the time. This moment brings the monologue to a conclusion and shows how they’ve helped one another.
In Ahmed’s monologue, I liked the use of repetition of the phrase ‘I love you but we’re different’. The repetition reinforces the idea that the narrator needs someone who can relate to the racial struggles he faces daily and that it has become so important to him that even love can’t solve the issue. As the monologue progresses, the narrator adds more reasons as to why he can’t see their relationship working anymore. The constant ‘I love you’ makes the monologue feel so much more heartbreaking as it’s not a lack of love or commitment that is failing their relationship but factors that cannot be altered. 
How were the National Theatre Scotland monologues using the frame (screen) to successfully tell a story?
In A Mug’s Game, the monologue is staged as an interview with the actor placed on screen from the shoulders up with a plain background. The actor tells the story like that with the occasional clip that shows workers on the shipyard. It creates a very professional and informative setting. I feel it is engaging like a documentary is and this setting is successful in using the frame to do this. 
In Isolation, the monologue is staged on screen as if the narrator is filming a video diary for her child who has been taken away due to the need to isolate from Covid-19. We see the narrator in bed talking directly to the camera and in between we are shown clips taken from the narrator’s isolation daily routine. These include washing hands, playing with her child’s toys and walking around her home as ‘exercise’. These repetitive and mundane scenes only reinforce the frustration and sadness the narrator feels about living alone and missing her child. The openness to the camera due to the narrator addressing her child, creates a vulnerability that works well to tell her story. 
Ahmed, Z., 2016. Lah-di-dah London. [Online]
Harris, A., 2010. Come To Where I’m From Cardiff. [Online].
Moss, C., 2019. Quicksand Liverpool. [Online]
National Theatre of Scotland. 2020. Scenes For Survival Launch Collection | National Theatre Of Scotland. [online] Available at: <https://www.nationaltheatrescotland.com/latest/scenes-for-survival-launch-collection> [Accessed 5 October 2020].
Silva, H., 2013. Come To Where I’m From Plymouth. [Online].
Thorpe, C., 2010. Come To Where I'm From Manchester. [Online].
0 notes
Blog 1 - Paines Plough & National Theatre of Scotland
Describe briefly in a few sentences what each of the Paines Plough  monologues were about.
Chris Thorpe - Manchester: 
There are 8 people plus our protagonist in a living room in Manchester. The protagonist is lying on the floor as there were no seats left, while the other guests are ‘laughing like fucking monkeys.’  (Thorpe C, Paines Plough 2018) a man is hovered over him with his ‘boxers down around his knees’ (abid) and balls drooping over his mouth. Everyone is ‘a bit drunk’ (abid) and as he struggles to get up from the floor the rest of the room begins laughing more. On the 3rd attempt he is successful and stammers home upset and angered. He argues that ‘its not happening because who i am, its happening because where i am in the room’. (abid) His attempts to calm himself fail as when he gets home he grabs an iron golf club and marches back to his friends house. On arrival there are now only 6 people left in the party ‘all fucked’ (abid) and asleep, taking this opportunity he ‘I bring[s the club] round fast and hard right under his [friends] eye.’ (abid) Surprised as the force made ‘more of a splash’(abid) than a crack or snap as expected, he is then reminded that his hands and head often work separately. Reminiscent memories of his school days flashback seeing his now wife watching him smoke, and the intriguing nature of his hands doing ‘what they want’, (abid) bringing the realisation of his actions back to the now as she can no longer watch their actions pan out ‘forever.’ (Thorpe C, Paines Plough 2018)
Hannah Silva  - Plymouth:
A girl watches as her father's aggressive ‘blood clot’ (Silva H, Paines Plough 2018) distorts his memories and makes him see things less clearly. Clouding over his memories of war, there is confusion over a letter, a French lady, and childhood memories where father and daughter would play Bach on piano together, despite his comments on her ‘tiny hands’ (abid) . His dreams and memories become warped as he forgets his daughters name and the horrors of war become more than just past experiences as the loving daughter longs for her father to remember that ‘he was a poet and she was a musician.’  (Silva H, Paines Plough 2018)
Chloe Moss - Liverpool:
It is 1988 in a Liverpudlian town overlooking north Wales, A girl is perched in a toilet cubicle on breaktime, trying to overcome her generalized panic disorder with her knees ‘bent against [her] chest.’  (Moss C, Paines Plough 2018) She feels the only way to help would be to leave school as not even her mantra is working on easing her anxiety. She is ‘the last person anyone expects to be bunking off school’ (abid) as she tells herself ‘I'm a good girl, I don't do things like this.’ (abid) Sneaking out and convincing herself and an older girl that she must leave for the dentist. Her only wish throughout is to have the ‘ability to enter a room of people without feeling puse.’ (abid) The protagonist finds herself on the beach where due to her teachers description of quick sand she has grown scared of the possibilities that there are ‘bodys underneath the dunes.’’ (abid) finding a place to hide a lady with ‘binky the dog’ approaches and starts talking about her dead son whose death can loosely be blamed on Margaret Thatcher, ‘the witch in charge.’ (abid) The girl awkwardly tries to get out of the convocation by going to retrieve a ball for the lady's dog, running as if ‘this is a parallel world which ordinary girls fly.’ (abid) This act allows her to realise that she was not saying her mantra while walking over the sand and that while focusing on other things she had moved passed the point of being scared.  (Moss C, Paines Plough 2018)
Zia Ahmed - London:
The protagonist and their partner Broke up due to race differences and issues surrounding racism. He speaks of how he feels he always has  to apologize for people of colour's mistakes. He repeats ‘i love you’ (Ahmed Z, Paines Plough 2018) throughout the story highlighting how even although they are no longer together he longs for them to be a part of their life. Using popular culture he explains how ‘where i come from bond looks like the bond villains and the bond villains look like bond’.  (Abid) This monologue highlights how someone of a Pakistani background ‘feel most coloured when [they] get thrown against a sharp white background’,  (Abid) which isn't helped by popular culture, and racism, where people of colour then feel they have to ‘go back to where they came from’ despite them being from that area, and not allowing them to stick up for themselves and having the right to say ‘I ain't English i ain't Pakistany, im London.’ (abid) This story is key in pointing out how racism, it’s behind you, no it's around you.’  (Ahmed Z, Paines Plough 2018)
Alan Harris - Cardiff:
A boy from Tonteg, Pontypridd was used to getting into trouble, he wore the right clothes and wanted to be the first to do everything such as getting ‘the top of their hair permed.’ (Harris A, Paines Plough 2018) It is who he became, drinking with ‘no consequences.’ (abid) The first time he ‘got arrested as an adult was in Caerphilly,’ (abid) he stole a push bike left in a ‘front garden’ (abid) and a police man caught him and threw him in a cell. In the corner of there cell there was a duck, he claimed that ‘the duck is staring at me, and it says ‘‘alright.’’’ (abid) The protagonist goes and touches the duck on his shoulder, stating ‘i can see the world from the eyes of the duck’. (abid) He then becomes the duck and has both his and the ducks memories. Using the toilet in his cell to get his feet wet, which made him ‘happy.’ (abid) He professed ‘they let me go, out of my way’ with wet feet at 5am, he sees some ducks and ponders on the thought that they are ‘Maybe looking for a new patch of water to call home.’  (Harris A, Paines Plough 2018)
What images/ characters / moments particularly stuck out for you in any of the Paines plough monologues and why?
Chloe Moss’ performance particularly stuck out to me as it reminded me of how stressful childhood is, it showed me how being young the smallest things seem to be magnified and heightened causing things to be larger than initially thought. The scene with the lady reinforced the initial panic of quick sand, yet as it developed it showed the value of listening and lending an ear to someone in need. This touched me as I felt the lady chose to see how much the girl needed someone and instead of prying, ofered convocation and elevated the girls fear.
The monologue set In Tonteg remainder me of vivid memories from home. The power of the strong welsh accent combined with a detail account of what a ‘valleys’ man feels although they should do to prove themselves to their friends was a clear and accurate reresentIon of my home town Pontypridd where this monologue is set.
Hearing how emotional Hannah Silva’s monologue was really helped paint the picture of a piano and how much music can effect an individual. The description of the piano accompanied by visuals on the ‘treble clef shaped blood clot’ not only created a connection between the writing and song but also the bloody and sanding reality that the protagonist father has a blood clot causing him to forget and muddy the past resting this beautiful sound of uncertainty.
How were the National Theatre Scotland monologues using the frame ( screen) to successfully tell a story?
Space was an important part of both monologues. The first has dark background, and the use of cinematography overlaying the monologue gives set and historical context to the scene, you could see the  ‘monkey dung men’ (Poet F, cited by Watson J 2020) who worked there, as well as visually seeing the asbestos dust in which they were told too ‘breathe it in son’ - ‘there's men welding over there and your worried about a bit of dust.’ (abid) The monologue is delivered in interview style as he's talking to the camera, and you can see the raw emotion clearly as he's talking about how he ‘thought [he’d] dodged the bullet’ (abid) and chose to change trade to an electrician. ‘Jimmy read, that man could speak’ (abid) is visually captured through video aid showing Jimmy historically speaking to a crowd, allowing the audience to feel connected to the historic context being told within the story. Coughing is used to move between frames and it shows the effects of the asbestos, foreshadowing the context of the story ‘cough - pardon me - cough’ (Poet F, cited by Watson J 2020)
The second monologue differs as it is set in a Messy bedroom, which allows people to connect with the frame due to the set being universally recognised as well as the personal nature of the setting. Timeless is being captured within the frame as everyone has experienced being ill, with it jumping back to the main set of the messy room allowing the audience to feel as trapped as she is. ‘this room is a box i can’t get out of’ (Fagan J, cited by Dickie K 2020) allows for the story to not only be successful within the room she has chosen to set it in, but also within the box it is captured in on the website and even further onto the device its getting viewed from, this then makes the issues captured in the story magnified and much more significant than initially thought. Due to the video being recorded out of the normal format the frame is malleable and can be distorted allowing different angles such as the pacing and washing of hands through sanitisers and bathroom scrubbing to be more intimate and almost 1st person, as it is filmed as though we are looking as the protagonist and doing these things ourselves, really putting us into the mindset of the character. Having the frame watch her from the end of her bed reinforces the intimate feeling as if we were perched on the end of her bed and allowing her to talk to us, allowing us to move from sympathising with her in the main bedroom set, to then almost being her in the overlaid scenes. (Fagan J, cited by Dickie K 2020)
Ahmed Z, cited in Paines Plough (2018) Come to Where I’m From (2.0.3) [Mobile App] (Accessed:05/10/2020) 
Fagan J, Cited by Dickie K 2020. Scenes For Survival Launch Collection | National Theatre Of Scotland. [online] Available at: <https://www.nationaltheatrescotland.com/latest/scenes-for-survival-launch-collection> [Accessed 4 October 2020].
Harris A, cited in Paines Plough (2018) Come to Where I’m From (2.0.3) [Mobile App] (Accessed:05/10/2020)
Moss C, cited in Paines Plough (2018) Come to Where I’m From (2.0.3) [Mobile App] (Accessed:05/10/2020)
National Theatre of Scotland. 2020. Scenes For Survival Launch Collection | National Theatre Of Scotland. [online] Available at: <https://www.nationaltheatrescotland.com/latest/scenes-for-survival-launch-collection> [Accessed 4 October 2020].
Paines Plough (2018) Come to Where I’m From (2.0.3) [Mobile App] (Accessed:05/10/2020)
Poet F, Cited by Watson J 2020. Scenes For Survival Launch Collection | National Theatre Of Scotland. [online] Available at: <https://www.nationaltheatrescotland.com/latest/scenes-for-survival-launch-collection> [Accessed 4 October 2020]. 
Silva H, cited in Paines Plough (2018) Come to Where I’m From (2.0.3) [Mobile App] (Accessed:05/10/2020)
Thorpe C, cited in Paines Plough (2018) Come to Where I’m From (2.0.3) [Mobile App] (Accessed:05/10/2020) 
#makingperformance #painesplough #nationaltheatrescotland #drama
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marveliciousfanace · 7 years
You know, if you ignore the fact that the timelines don’t really match up that well, Ianto and Merlin would probably be amazing friends.
Because I’m thinking about the quiet young man who keeps coming into Kingsman Tailors, and Merlin knows he works for Torchwood (it’s his job, after all. Or, at least, part of it. Dear God, is he overworked) but he’s not sure if the kid actually is onto them, or just likes their suits. So maybe he arranges to be in the shop the next few times one Ianto Jones shows up, and they get to talking.
And Ianto’s a bit quiet at first, but after a while he starts to tell Merlin little things about his life. About his boss, who is…well, she’s not nice, but she’s not mean either. About this cute girl, Lisa, that he’s thinking about asking out. About how he likes his job, but he wishes people were a bit less distant. Everyone’s so formal, blending into one seamless mass with no room for individuality. “Its like being invisible,” he says one day. “Like the way you don’t really notice that you’re breathing until someone points it out. You need it, it’s part of basic function, but you never really think about it. You take it for granted.”
Merlin thinks about yesterday’s mission, where he’d had to do some phenomenally quick thinking to get Lamorak out of a jam, and not only had the agent not thanked him, but he’d come swaggering back, laughing with Tristain about how clever his daring escape had been. “I think I know what you mean,” he says.
And Ianto asks Lisa out and Merlin teases him about his love life and dating in-office, and when Ianto asks if there’s anyone Merlin fancies he goes silent, not knowing how to say that he’s spent the better part of two decades hopelessly in love with the one man who always thanks him after a mission, the one man who makes him feel seen. His best friend, who’s probably gay but probably not interested.
(And then one day he does say it, when he and Ianto are both a little drunk - because now it’s not just at the tailor shop, now they meet up and go for drinks and things - and it’s Ianto’s turn to get quiet. “Is it okay?” Merlin asks. “That I’m gay, I mean.” It’s not that he has a problem with his sexuality, but he’s worried he might have just lost a friend over it.
“No,” Ianto tells him. “Its not a problem.”)
And then Canary Warf falls. And Ianto is a mess. Merlin can’t possibly know what it’s like to lose everything, but he helps his friend as best he can.
(Years later, Harry takes a bullet to the head, and then Kingsman takes a couple of missiles to…well, everything, and he finally gets how Ianto felt.)
“I know you work for Kingsman,” Ianto tells him. “I know they aren’t just a tailor shop.”
“And I know you hunt aliens,” Merlin replies. They toast to secrets and get completely shitfaced and Ianto goes home to Wales.
Later, Ianto confesses over the phone that Lisa wasn’t all gone, and how he nearly destroyed the world. Merlin thinks of Harry, of the lengths he’d go to to keep him safe, and tells Ianto that he needs to march in the next day, chin held high, and keep going. He’s Scottish, after all. That’s how they cope. The Welsh, he thinks, aren’t much different.
And maybe one of those phone calls is uncharacteristically quiet, even for Ianto, and when Merlin asks, Ianto rushed out all in one breath, “IthinkImightbeinlovewithaman.” When pushed, he talks about his boss, Captain Jack Harkness, a peacock of a man with an impeccable dress sense (sound familiar?), and Merlin tells Ianto that it’s okay not to be sure, to not want to need a label, and that if Jack hurts him, Merlin knows a dozen ways to kill a man with a paperclip.
(“Well, I am just the office boy,” Ianto jokes in that self-deprecating way of his. “Killing someone with a paperclip might be a useful skill.” Merlin wants to punch Jack and his team for making Ianto feel inferior.
He kind of wants to do the same to Arthur for more or less the same reason.)
When Jack does leave, Ianto holds his chin high and keeps going. Merlin takes a short vacation to Cardiff and they get very drunk.
When Jack comes back, Ianto asks Merlin how to tell Jack that he loves him, properly, not the way they’ve been dancing around each other. Merlin laughs without much humor, thinks of his own peacock (although Harry’s not his, not really), and admits he has no idea.
And one day Merlin gets a phone call. An American asks if this is Hamish Grey, and Merlin says, “yes.” And Captain Jack Harkness tells him that Ianto Jones is dead.
(Merlin gets properly drunk that night, to the point where Harry drags him home and tucks him in, because it’s not fair. Ianto was so young, and had so much left to live for, and Torchwood took it away from him. Although, all things considered, there are worse fates than dying to save the world. Later that statement will seem bitterly ironic to him, and even later than that it will be the second-to-last though before everything fades away.)
Merlin goes to the funeral. Harry goes with him. “For support,” he says, with a look that Merlin knows means “I’m scared you might not come back if you go alone.” Harry gets that same look on the rare occasions Merlin goes into the field, and once, after Merlins mother had died, when Merlin told him he was thinking about leaving Kingsman.
Captain Jack Harkness is a man in a military greatcoat with a faraway look in too-old eyes. “Ianto loved you,” Merlin tells him. “I don’t know if he ever told you that.”
“He did,” Jack says, and chokes on the words.
In the car that night, going home, Merlin tells Harry, “I love you.”
Without taking his eyes off the road, Harry reaches over and grasps Merlin’s hand. “I love you too,” is all he says. They sit in silence the rest of the way home.
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labourpress · 7 years
Carwyn Jones speech to Labour Party Conference
Carwyn Jones AM, Leader of Welsh Labour, First Minister of Wales, speaking at the Labour Party Conference in Brighton today, said:
 I want to begin by extending my thanks to Christina Rees, our Shadow Secretary of State for Wales. Sadly she can’t be with us this week as she’s nursing a broken foot.
 I don’t think there’s any truth in the rumour that she broke it kicking Alun Cairns around Parliament in the first week back, but we’ll ask her when we see her.
 We all wish you a speedy recovery, Chris.
 Secondly, let me say thank you to Jeremy for his continuing friendship and leadership.
Thank you, Jeremy for the dignity you showed in a tough general election campaign.
The Tories came after you in a personal and offensive manner, and you stood up to that onslaught and led the party with great determination and defied the odds.
 This time last year, the Tories thought they were marching to a 100-seat majority. Right now, they’re scared of their own shadows, let alone another general election. What a turn around that is.
 Conference, when I heard Theresa May was giving a speech in Florence, I thought how apt. Not so much in relation to the Renaissance, but more with a thought to the works of that great medieval poet, Dante. It has been clear to me for some time that the Department for Exiting the European Union regard the “Divine Comedy” as some sort of instruction manual. That masterpiece imagines in glorious detail the dark and terrifying journey through the nine circles of hell.
 Well, we’ve been going on our own journey for 15 months and still remain in the first circle of hell – limbo – a remarkable achievement. But, then Dante did have Virgil as his spiritual guide.
 David Davis has got Nigel Farage. The book really is worth a read as Brexit re-interpreted.  At one point, at the close of chapter XXI, Dante witnesses a demon mobilising his troops by using “an ass as a trumpet.”  Which goes to show that every century has its own Boris.
 Conference, this week in Wales we marked the 20th anniversary of the vote to establish devolution in our country.  It was a turning point for Wales, and a turning point for our Party. The list of achievements is one of which we can be proud – and it belongs not just to Welsh Labour, but to the whole Party and movement who made devolution possible.
 ·         Unemployment in Wales - routinely lower than the UK average. More jobs, better jobs – Welsh Labour delivering in Government.
·         Wales, the first country to move to a deemed consent model for organ donation in the UK. People owe their lives to that change in the law. Better laws, saving lives, Welsh Labour delivering in Government.
·         Free school breakfasts in primary schools. Giving children the best start to the day, giving parents a helping hand, giving teachers the attention they deserve in the classroom. Welsh Labour delivering in Government.
·         The attainment gap between better off and poorer pupils in England and Scotland continues to grow – in Wales it continues to shrink. A fair start to everyone in Wales, no matter where you’re born – that is Welsh Labour delivering in Government.
·         Our university students in Wales getting the best deal anywhere in the UK.
·         And who gets the best deal of all? Those students who can least afford university – that is Welsh Labour delivering in Government.
 But, it isn’t just about policy. It’s also about having a voice and someone to fight your corner. This week I gave a cautious welcome to the news that Tata Steel and ThyssenKrupp entered the first stage of a merger deal.  A deal that should safeguard sites and thousands of jobs in Wales.
 Does anyone honestly think that without devolution, without a Welsh Labour Government determined to take measures to save that industry, putting money on the table when others looked away, that those steel jobs would still be in Wales today?
Would the Tories have knocked down walls for the people of Port Talbot, Shotton, Newport or Llanelli? We all know the answer to that.
 With our colleagues in the trades unions, our MPs, our AMs and local councillors, Welsh Labour stood up for the steel industry – and we did what those banners and badges asked us to do – we saved our steel.
 Conference, we are proud to work with our trades union colleagues in Government.
Together we have built a genuine social partnership and together we are making Wales a Fair Work Nation.
 And Conference, earlier this month our Trades Union Act received Royal Assent.
That means that the pernicious attempts of the Tory Government to attack workers’ rights in Wales have been dis-applied, and, once again, workers in Wales have the protections we fought so hard to achieve. Protections everyone deserves.
That’s Welsh Labour delivering in Government.
 Devolution has given Wales a voice. And with Welsh Labour that voice speaks the language of social justice, fairness, good work, decent pay and thriving communities.
 Devolution has given us something else. A new-found confidence. It is something I see every day in young people in work, and in our schools and colleges. So where has that confidence come from? If you could personalise it, you’d have to give credit to my predecessor, Rhodri Morgan. As you know, Rhodri passed away earlier this year, leaving behind a fantastic roller coaster of a political career, a wonderful family and an ocean of anecdotes.  In May the Welsh Parliament held the closest thing Wales will ever have to a state funeral, and we gave Rhodri the perfect send off.
 It started late. It finished even later. In between there was a fantastic mix of poetry, politics, sport, laughter and tears. And at the end, no-one really thought about Rhodri the politician, but Rhodri as a big-hearted, intelligent and inquisitive man who loved his family above all else. A fine role model, who we all miss.
 Rhodri always said that Labour did best when it managed to mix together the mushy peas of old Labour with the guacamole of New Labour. Now, I’ve been in Rhodri’s kitchen and I can tell you that when it came to culinary combinations, Rhodri was not always the person you would go to – but on the politics, he, as so often, was absolutely right.  He was absolutely right about the need for our Party to reflect all sections of our membership, and all parts of this country.
 That was the key to our success in Wales in the last three elections.
 When the Party at UK level was under serious pressure, our unique and united Welsh Labour identity meant we remained relevant and competitive in the Assembly and local elections, when sadly others struggled. It was the unity that gave us success against the odds. And when in the last days of the general election the whole party surged, it meant we, in Wales, were starting from a higher base-line and, as a result, achieved 50% of the vote for the first time in 16 years.
 Our identity as a Party is robust, authentic and complementary to the UK Party as a whole. And, just as a country we will not countenance a roll-back of our devolution settlement; there can be no question of Welsh Labour’s long fought for, and hard won voice being diluted as we look to the future of our Party. I know that both Jeremy and Tom understand this, and I welcome their unwavering support for Wales. Thank you, both.
 Because Conference, we know Labour works best when we work together. Together, we fought a hugely successful general election campaign – not just holding on to what we had, but winning back seats for Labour.
 Vale of Clwyd – according to the bookmakers, Tories were 1/5 on to win. Result? Labour Gain. Gower – according to the bookies, Tories were 1/9 on to win. Result? Labour Gain. Cardiff North – Tories were 1/9 on. Result? Labour Gain.
 Working together we have exposed the Tories on broken promise after broken promise. On rail electrification in the north and the south – and we know what’s coming next – they’ll axe Swansea’s Tidal Lagoon.
 But, because Welsh Labour is in Government – there are things we can do. We are already delivering on our manifesto promises.
 ·         100,000 new good quality, all-age apprenticeships.
 ·         The most generous childcare offer for working parents anywhere in the UK.
 ·         And 20,000 more affordable homes.
 We can also deliver on priorities for the future of our NHS.
 There is no privatisation of the NHS in Wales – and whilst we have a Welsh Labour Government there will be no privatisation of the NHS in Wales. Only in Wales are ambulance crews hitting their targets – because we’ve worked with the service and designed a better way of working. And next week, the Welsh Government will publish new guidance for our pioneering legislation on safe nurse staffing levels in Wales.  
 Conference, Wales is the first country in Europe to legislate on nurse staffing levels. I am proud that Wales has taken the lead in this area, empowering nurses and ensuring the resources are there to care sensitively for patients. Legislation that the Party promised in the UK manifesto in May, already being delivered by a Labour Government in Wales.
 And working together we are making our communities better, fairer places to live.
When Carolyn Harris MP began her brave and dignified campaign to end child burial charges in the UK, we in Wales did not wait for the Tory Government to act. We said, yes, that is the right thing to do, and, as a result, the Welsh Labour Government has announced the abolition of all child burial charges in our country. That is what we can do when we work together.
 And the country needs us to work together more than ever before, as we fight the fundamentalists pursuing a hard Brexit. We are fighting tooth and nail against the Tory power grab, dressed up as the EU Withdrawal Bill. It shows up their Government as simply incapable of listening to other people’s views, or respecting their legitimate interests – in other words, as lacking the basic skills needed to negotiate successfully.
And looking at the way in which they are failing the country in their negotiations with the EU, I guess we shouldn’t be surprised.
 I’m delighted at the support we are receiving from Labour colleagues in Parliament at fighting this real threat to devolution as we have known it for the past 20 years.
I’m also incredibly proud of the work we have done together already – our team in Cardiff Bay has worked hand in glove with Keir Starmer and the front bench in developing our Brexit policies. As a result of that work, in Labour we now have a sensible, evidence-based, economically sound set of principles and ideas that can see this country through Brexit in an orderly manner.  
 Contrast that with the spectacle of the Tory approach. Sorry, correction – the various Tory approaches. Does anyone really know who speaks for them on Brexit anymore?
Where has the Prime Minister of this country gone? If,  before the general election, the country felt as though it had a robot for Prime Minister, we’d now be forgiven for thinking we have a hologram.
 She went to the country and asked for the support of our communities for a hard Brexit, the country said no. The country said no to some other things as well – our older people said no to being taken for granted. Wales said no to being short-changed. Scotland said no to independence. And crucially, our young people said no to being ignored. They said, through their votes, what we all feel - Britain deserves better than this. This country deserves a Labour Government in Westminster.
A Government that actually cares about the future.
 I know that the people of Wales need that more than ever. Under the Tories, we have had to take £1billion out of our public services in Wales. That’s the annual budget of the entire North Wales health board. Our communities are resilient, but they’re being unfairly punished. And with Theresa May and the Tories they will be asked to give yet more. To give up. To give up their livelihoods, their libraries, their leisure centres, and their right to a fair deal. To give up hope. Enough is enough. It is time for hope.  
 It is time for Labour, in Wales and in Westminster.  Standing up for Wales. Working for fairness. Working, together. Winning, together. That’s a future the country hopes for and that’s the country we can deliver. Together for Wales.  Together for Britain.
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torentialtribute · 5 years
Solskjaer’s hairdryer and Pogba’s unhappiness: The cracks appearing at Manchester United
When Sir Alex Ferguson replaced Ron Atkinson at Manchester United his top priority was to change club culture, even if it meant major stars Gordon Strachan, Norman Whiteside and Paul McGrath sell without having substitutions.
Roll three decades ahead and Ole Gunnar Solskjaer also seeks long-term profit at the expense of significant short-term pain.
Romelu Lukaku and Alexis Sanchez are among the dropouts, despite United failing in quality and the early leap of Ole behind the wheel has disappeared; only two of the nine points against Wolves Crystal Palace and Southampton .
Sportsmail advises United & # 39; s policy of ripping the work of Jose Mourinho and how this affects players and fans in England's biggest club.
It is not going to plan in Manchester United and Ole Gunnar Solskjaer has work to do
It is not surprising that it is low after a run that United has not won since February and defeated by Cardiff and Crystal Palace in their last three games in Old Trafford.
Ole Gunnar Solskjaer has been able to remove some of the unfortunate faces, including Lukaku and Sanchez, but the gamble to force Paul Pogba to stay has not yet been paid off with the Frenchman looking for a lost figure in Southampton. weekend.
The controversial punishment between Marcus Rashford and Pogba has not done either. Not only did both men miss their last spades, Pogba looked a bit frustrated when Rashford lost two free spades from prime locations against Crsytal Palace before giving the World Cup winner a less favorable position
United player trudged out of the field after a recent miserable home defeat against Crystal Palace
The rush to youth is for many have been too fast. It was clear that Lukaku and Sanchez would not get play time and Nemanja Matic was sidelined for Scott McTominay despite the team's pre-season record.
David from Gea has not signed a new contract, Pogba is unlikely to entertain one and it will take a while for the next generation; Harry Maguire, Aaron wan-Bissaka, Rashford, Dan James to be the leaders the club needs.
It is all a sharp contrast last December when Solskjaer came in, released the Mourinho buoys and immediately won eight on the spider
The Rashford case is particularly interesting. Solskjaer and United have great faith in the local academic child and said he will be the team's most important center striker this season at the age of 21. For all his potential, Rashford has not yet come to a consistent goal scorer, and has not netted or played particularly well in his last three games.
It was no secret that Paul Pogba was desperate to seal Real Madrid's exit in the summer
Solkjaer's plan looks pretty clear, 4-3-3 with two midfield sitters and devastating pace on the flanks in Dan James, Anthony Martial and Rashford to hit teams on the kitchen counter. The team is filled with young, athletic players. Aaron Wan-Bissaka is a right back who can defend one on one; Harry Maguire a center defender who can bring the ball outside.
United probably dared to win both away in this way, but does not have the edge in the penalty area where the Rashford goal record is lower than Lukaku.
Solskjaer has already used the blistering pace of the new boy Daniel
What they also miss in the Solskjaer system is a creative No10 that can go through to unlock fully packed defenses; to Christian Eriksen or even James Maddison. Juan Mata is the closest to the club, but he has no fixed place.
Pogba could be that player, but so far Solskjaer has used him by McTominay deep where he does not move the ball sufficiently, or to the left of a 4-3-3.
It has not helped that the shape of Pogba is currently not good and that the death of McTominay is not sharp enough if United dominates possession. The home defeat against Crystal Palace showed Roy Hodgson as a template for achieving results at Old Trafford.
The injury to the left back Luke Shaw has denied United yet another attack opening when Wan-Bissaka & # 39; s main force on the other side defends flank. However, the tactical options of Solskjaer are limited by a lack of depth compared to the rest of the Big Six.
Injury to the left back Luke Shaw has so far United another attacking outlet refused
In addition to Sanchez and Lukaku, Ander Herrera, Matteo Darmian and Chris Smalling also left. The vacuum is being filled by teenagers such as Mason Greenwood. He could develop into a top player, but here and now it is unfair to expect him to be a regular game changer. American staff makes it unlikely that Solskjaer will change tact.
James has made a good impression and his speed will be used this season. He showed Southampton that he is probably more dangerous on the left. It leaves Solskjaer a matter of how to re-fit Martial when he returns from an injury. The Frenchman could play in the middle, but that would mean that Rashford had to be moved to the right.
He may no longer be the baby face murder, but the 46-year-old still looked much younger than his age when he took over at United and was charmed of players, fans and media. The worry lines now appear.
He shed his nice image after the disappointing draw in Southampton by his players furiously & # 39; a joke & # 39; and & # 39; embarrassing & # 39; In his own match days, Roy Keane's hair dryer was probably Sir Alex Ferguson, but the United boss nowadays thinks it's up to him to lay down the law, and many United fans will be happy to hear that he's frank .
The worry lines start appearing for Solskjaer as the pressure rises at Old Trafford
Such a tactic has a limited shelf life. After being deposited in the players, Solskjaer now needs a response. The next game, in Leicester City after the international break, is already looking like a biggie with The Foxes as real contenders to break into the so-called Big Six.
This is why Lukaku, a real striker with 20 goals per season, going to Inter Milan was a risk. United must complete his chances to win matches and Solskjaer is appalled that his team is eighth in the table, despite setting more than seven good chances to match (7.4) – the third highest score in the division behind Manchester City and West Ham.
If you only kept a zero sheet in 19, the importance of taking advantage of those opportunities will only increase.
Marcus Rashford still has to prove that he can be a reliable goal scorer for the Red Devils
United let Romelu Lukaku leave for Inter Milan despite a shortage of firepower [194590014]
[1 9459002] & # 39; Mason Greenwood is a more natural finisher than she (Anthony Martial and Marcus Rashford) & # 39 ;, says Solskjaer, a brilliant comic Ker himself, this season. His words can be considered a huge boost for the 17-year-old Greenwood, or a bit of a concern for the other two.
Rashford & # 39; s peanalty miss against Crystal Palace ended his 100 percent record from the spot but it was probably his failure to convert a one-to-one chance earlier in the game that was a little more worrying.
Maybe Greenwood gets the chance to start too quickly. United cannot afford to create seven chances to match and not win.
Not many 17-year-olds can score goals in the top flight, but special talents, such as Wayne Rooney and Alan Shearer, have proven that it is possible.
Extra pressure has been exerted this season on the Mason Greenwood striker
If you are not winning, attitude is the first topic to be discussed in phone programs and on social media. Paul Pogba has been accused of playing with too much strut in the past, but after being held at St Mary & # 39; s, Harry Maguire believes that United players should show more arrogance rather than less.
& # 39; We are Man United – we want to control games, & # 39; he said, recalling & # 39; King & # 39; Eric Cantona.
dictate United has no player in the mold by Kevin By Bruyne who can move and dictate the ball
The difficulty is that United does not have Paul Scholes or Cantona who can move the ball with such precision, other teams are not kicked. Manchester City has David Silva and Kevin de Bruyne, their personalities are not arrogant, but they play with that style as footballers because of their quality.
Solskjaer goes a different way – Rashford and James don't go outfootball you, but they will hurt you if they can break past the back line and be found with a good pass. Maybe Maguire should go to midfield himself!
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sportsleague365 · 6 years
The Premier League has had its fair share of high-profile partnerships from Dwight Yorke and Andy Cole to Thierry Henry and Robert Pires. In the current era, there are plenty of double acts showing signs of immense promise and we’ve picked out five of the very best this season. Granit Xhaka and Lucas TorreiraLucas Torreira has added much-needed physicality to Arsenal’s engine room (Getty Images)Arsenal’s defeats to Manchester City and Chelsea in August and Southampton and Spurs this week, have all had one thing in common: Granit Xhaka and Lucas Torreira didn’t start together in central midfield. Back in August, Torreira came on as a substitute in Unai Emery’s opening two games in charge after being eased in gradually following his summer switch from Sampdoria while the two losses recently have seen Xhaka deployed as a makeshift defender due to a sudden shortage in that position. Without Torreira, Arsenal lack bite and physicality in midfield while without Xhaka, they lose their one central midfield player capable of dictating the tempo of a game with the Swiss international’s composure and passing ability unrivalled amongst the squad. Torreira on Xhaka Granit is a player that I link up a lot with in the midfield and he covers lot of ground on the pitch. He occupies space really well and is important to the defensive balance of the team, which the manager knows. He’s an outlet for the first pass from defence and frustrates the opposition’s attackers. When he’s playing well, the team are going to win games. We’re gaining points and me and him are playing minutes together and gaining experience together, which is important It is no coincidence that Xhaka has enjoyed the most productive spell of his Arsenal career this season with Torreira alongside him having struggled in his opening two seasons when tasked with playing as a defensive midfielder, rather than as a playmaker in a double pivot. Stylistically, the pair suit each other absolutely perfectly. Wednesday’s defeat to Spurs demonstrated clearly that Torreira and Xhaka must be partnered together when fit irrespective of whether or not Emery has a paucity of options in defence. Virgil Van Dijk and Joe GomezVirgil Van Dijk has taken Joe Gomez under his wing at Liverpool (Getty Images)The best defensive centre-back partnerships in the Premier League era have generally seen a good passer deployed alongside a no-nonsense, classic defender. Ricardo Carvalho and John Terry at Chelsea and Rio Ferdinand and Nemanja Vidic at Manchester United, certainly fit that description. At Liverpool, though, Jurgen Klopp has found two defenders equally comfortable with the ball at their feet as they are throwing themselves into challenges and contesting aerial duels against bruising centre-forwards, with Virgil Van Dijk and his protege Joe Gomez excelling. This season, Van Dijk has won 72 of the 99 aerial duels (72%) he has contested in the Premier League meaning he ranks tenth for headers won in the division. Interestingly, he is the only player from the top six clubs to be in the top ten while only three other central defenders feature in the list. Aerial Duels Won | 2018/19 Callum Paterson, Cardiff – 119 Sean Morrison, Cardiff – 113 Sam Vokes, Burnley – 109 Steve Mounie, Huddersfield – 95 Aleksandar Mitrovic, Fulham – 94 Not only that, Van Dijk ranks fourth in the Premier League for passes completed, highlighting not only his assurance in possession but also his ability to pick out a pass. Arguably the best defender in the country at present, Van Dijk has played a key major in Gomez’s development with the 21-year-old emerging as a key player for both Liverpool and England. Unfortunately for Gomez, a leg injury sustained against Burnley last month has cut his season off in its prime, but when he returns from that setback, he should slot straight back in alongside Van Dijk as Liverpool bid to end their trophy drought. Dele Alli and Harry KaneDele Alli and Harry Kane combined superbly during Spurs’ 2-0 win over Arsenal (Getty Images)With finances restricted due to the rising costs of the club’s new stadium, Mauricio Pochettino has had to work with what he’s got rather than enter the transfer market for reinforcements. Arguably the main positive from that is the existing squad players have been able to further develop their understanding with one another. Across the pitch, Spurs have good combinations in important areas of the pitch such as Toby Alderweireld and Jan Vertonghen in the heart of defence and increasingly, Harry Winks and Moussa Sissoko in central midfield. Perhaps the best of the lot, though, is Dele Alli and Harry Kane’s relationship at the top end. Harry Kane provided the assist for Dele Alii’s goal against Arsenal in midweek (Picture: Getty)Having played together for club and country since 2015, Alli and Kane know each other’s games inside and out, as evidenced during Spurs’ 2-0 win over Arsenal on Wednesday. Just before the hour mark, Kane, on as a sub, brought the ball down inside the centre circle, turned and then sent an inch-perfect pass for Alli to run onto and score to kill the game. It was a fantastic piece of play from both and given the qualities of both players, it could quite as easily be Alli playing the pass and Kane finishing it off next time. Alli has been deployed deeper at times this season but when he is positioned closer to Kane, their link-up play is often exceptional and devastating in equal measure. Ryan Fraser and Callum WilsonBournemouth’s little and large partnership have terrorised Premier League defences this season (Getty Images)Bournemouth’s results may have tailed off slightly of late but their exceptional start to the season means that Eddie Howe’s side still sit comfortably in mid-table, well clear of the relegation zone and only three points back from Manchester United in sixth. A key factor behind their success has been the form of their two outstanding attacking players: Callum Wilson and Ryan Fraser. Between them, Wilson and Fraser have scored just under half of Bournemouth’s 25 league goals (48%) and that figure rises to 18 (72%) when you factor in direct goal involvement (goals and assists). Premier League Assist to Goal Scorer | 2019/19 Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang to Aaron Ramsey- 3 Raheem Sterling to Sergio Agüero – 3 Ryan Fraser Callum to Wilson – 3 Callum Wilson to Ryan Fraser – 3 Lucas Torreira to Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang – 2 More impressively still is the almost telepathic relationship the pair have enjoyed on the pitch. Fraser from his usual position on the left wing has provided three assists for Wilson up front, while the recently capped England international has returned the favour with three assists for the Scot. Only two other combinations have managed three goals this season – Sergio Aguero assisting Raheem Sterling three times and Aaron Ramsey doing likewise for the league’s joint-leading goalscorer Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang for Arsenal. That both Wilson and Fraser have managed it highlights just how strong their understanding is. MORE: UK Imagine yourself in the shoes of refugees and remember this isn't a faceless crisisPaedophile who sexually abused child after posing as girl on online chat room jailedGemma Collins kills it in All Together Now first look as she jokes about stage fall againDavid Luiz and Antonio RudigerDavid Luiz and Antonio Rudiger have started all but one of Chelsea’s Premier League games this season (Getty Images)After Chelsea’s disappointing second season under Antonio Conte, Maurizio Sarri quickly made bold decisions in an attempt to instigate an upturn in fortunes. Chief amongst them was to ditch the 3-4-3 formation that defined Conte’s reign and replace it with a 4-3-3 that proved effective during his time at Napoli. That tactical tweak has seen Cesar Azpilicueta pulled out of a central defensive role into the right-back slot, Marcos Alonso retreat from left wing-back to left-back and David Luiz and Antonio Rudiger emerge as the first-choice central defensive pairing, starting together in all but one of the club’s Premier League games this season. Both Andreas Christensen and Gary Cahill have suffered from Sarri’s change in formation, featuring for a combined 111 minutes of Premier League football this season, yet neither can have too many complaints given the form of the pair in front of them. Chelsea’s defensive record of 14 goals conceded is only bettered by Manchester City (10) and Liverpool (seven) while they have kept eight clean sheets from their 17 league games. Luiz’s return to form after being ostracised by Conte last season has been mightily impressive while Rudiger has built upon a quietly impressive debut campaign. If Chelsea are to regain their place in the Champions League next season, Luiz and Rudiger will likely have had a key part to play. MORE: PREMIER LEAGUE Torreira, Xhaka and the Premier League's most important double actsUnai Emery sends BRUTAL message to Mesut Ozil after dropping Arsenal starMohamed Salah and Virgil Van Dijk give Liverpool four-point cushion on Man City #PremierLeague #AntonioRudiger #DavidLuiz
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365footballorg-blog · 6 years
Hammers to end Chelsea's 100% start? Lawro takes on ex-Olympic champion Ennis-Hill
After three successive defeats in the Premier League and Champions League, Tottenham will attempt to get back on track when they visit Brighton in Saturday’s late kick-off.
The Seagulls have already beaten Manchester United at the Amex Stadium this season, however, so can they claim another major scalp this weekend?
BBC Sport’s football expert Mark Lawrenson says: “It seems that Tottenham have become the latest crisis club and their manager Mauricio Pochettino is probably not helping matters by losing his cool with reporters when he was asked about his team selection after Tuesday’s defeat by Inter Milan.
“He does not like talking about Harry Kane needing a rest either, but Kane does look like he needs a couple of weeks away from football.
“Spurs are still a good side and they are still going to be up there, but it is just a case of them getting through this bad patch.”
Lawro is making predictions for all 380 top-flight matches this season, against a variety of guests.
This week’s guest is former Olympic and world champion heptathlete Dame Jessica Ennis-Hill.
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Ennis-Hill is an ambassador for the 2018 BBC Get Inspired Unsung Hero award, which looks to recognise anyone who is inspiring people of all ages to get up and get active.
She told BBC Sport: “The award is about nominating someone who you feel has really made a difference within the sporting community at grassroots level, whether that is a volunteer or coach, or someone behind the scenes helping you get to where you want to.
“I think it’s important to recognise these people.
“For me personally, I had all those amazing moments on the track and on the podium, really celebrating my achievements in that way.
“This is for all those people like my physio, coaches or my family that helped me get there, because it was not about just me performing on the day – they all made sacrifices along the way and were passionate about what they did.”
To nominate your Get Inspired Unsung Hero, go to www.bbc.co.uk/unsung hero[1]
Premier League predictions – week 6 Result Lawro Jessica SATURDAY Fulham v Watford x-x 2-1 2-1 Burnley v Bournemouth x-x 1-1 1-1 Cardiff v Man City x-x 0-2 1-3 Crystal Palace v Newcastle x-x 2-1 1-1 Leicester v Huddersfield x-x 2-0 1-0 Liverpool v Southampton x-x 3-0 3-0 Man Utd v Wolves x-x 2-0 2-1 Brighton v Tottenham x-x 1-1 0-2 SUNDAY West Ham v Chelsea x-x 2-1 0-2 Arsenal v Everton x-x 2-0 1-1
A correct result (picking a win, draw or defeat) is worth 10 points. The exact score earns 40 points.
All kick-offs 15:00 BST unless stated.
Fulham v Watford (12:30 BST)
Both of these sides lost to Manchester clubs last weekend – Fulham at City and Watford at home to United.[2][3]
The problem for Watford against United was that they did not want to open up too early, when they were better off just having a go in the way they have in their other games.
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It was interesting listening to Cottagers manager Slavisa Jokanovic after his side’s defeat at Etihad Stadium, when he said he felt they were a little bit scared to play like they can.
I don’t think that will be the case against the Hornets, which is why I am going for a home victory – although Watford will also see this one as winnable and they always seem to finish games strongly – so it could be close.
Lawro’s prediction: 2-1
Jessica’s prediction: 2-1
Burnley v Bournemouth
Sean Dyche says his Burnley side are caught in a fog at the moment and f.o.g definitely does not stand for ‘full of goals’ because they have been so poor going forward.
The funny thing about the Clarets is that this kind of form is what I was expecting from them last season, when I thought they would struggle.
For it to happen now, after they did so well last year, has come as a little bit of a shock.
Now it is a case of them trying to find some form against a Bournemouth team who, in contrast, are playing extremely well.
Forget about the two late goals the Cherries conceded against Leicester[4] last time out, because they absolutely took the Foxes apart.
Bournemouth have got a real cutting edge about them and the challenge for Dyche is to find a way to nullify that and increase his own side’s goal threat.
It is worth remembering that Bournemouth lost their first four league games last season after spending quite a lot of money.
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They backed Eddie Howe, though, and what they are doing now shows you that if your manager is decent and you show some belief in him, then eventually the results will come.
Burnley have already done that, by sticking with Dyche when they were relegated from the top flight in 2015, and I don’t see his job as being in danger. They do need to improve, though, because they have not been creating enough chances.
Lawro’s prediction: 1-1
Jessica’s prediction: 1-1
Cardiff v Man City
Manchester City were very poor in their defeat against Lyon[5] in the Champions League in midweek and their performance was probably more worrying than the result.
It looked like some of their players had switched off, and if any of them are coasting, they are asking for trouble.
If you don’t put the hard yards in, you can be as brilliant as you like but your performance levels are 10-15% down and it is going to cost you.
I saw it happen some seasons at Liverpool after we had won the league. We rectified it after a while but every team in Manchester City’s situation has to deal with it and it is why – certainly in the Premier League – teams have struggled to win the title in consecutive seasons.
As for the game, well these teams met in the FA Cup last season, when Manchester City won and Leroy Sane got clobbered by a Joe Bennett tackle.
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I’d expect something similar this time, with Cardiff clattering into them in the nicest possible way and making things as hard as possible for them.
They have got to play to their strengths, because Cardiff are not going to outplay Manchester City at football, are they?
They would get torn apart if they tried although, whatever their approach, this is going to be a tough game for them because I am expecting a big reaction from City following that Lyon defeat.
‘A barely recognisable rabble’ – how bad were Man City v Lyon?[6]
Lawro’s prediction: 0-2
Jessica’s prediction: 1-3
Crystal Palace v Newcastle
I thought Newcastle did all right in the first half of their defeat by Arsenal,[7] but they still ended up losing.
Magpies boss Rafael Benitez has come out and said they have had some really tough games so far, and they have also faced Manchester City, Chelsea and Tottenham.
That run is over, but playing Crystal Palace at Selhurst Park with Wilfried Zaha in the form he is in is not exactly easy either.
Lawro’s prediction: 2-1
Jessica’s prediction: 1-1
Leicester v Huddersfield
Huddersfield are another team who badly need some points, not to mention some goals. With only two from their first five games, they are the lowest scorers in the Premier League.
Leicester got found out at the back last week because of the pace of Bournemouth’s front three,[8] but I do not see the Terriers giving them the same problems – especially away from home, where they have only won once in the league this year.
I am still worried about the long-term job prospects of Foxes boss Claude Puel, but I think his side will win this one.
Lawro’s prediction: 2-0
Jessica’s prediction: 1-0
Liverpool v Southampton
The big bonus for Liverpool from Tuesday’s Champions League win over Paris St-Germain[9] has to be Daniel Sturridge’s performance, because he did really well.
People were telling me afterwards he could have had a hat-trick but I was delighted for him that he got one goal – you have to remember how little he has played for the first team recently.
There is always the caveat that he has to stay fit, but if he can avoid getting injured then we know how good he is.
After having Neymar and Kylian Mbappe in town in midweek, this game might not have the same glamour about it for Liverpool, but it is still one they need to win and Jurgen Klopp will not accept any drop in effort.
The Reds are on a real high at the moment and I think they will make it six wins out of six in the Premier League.
Lawro’s prediction: 3-0
Jessica’s prediction: 3-0
Man Utd v Wolves
All sorts of questions were being asked about Manchester United when they lost to Tottenham at the end of August, but since then they have won three out of three, all away from home.
I have been impressed by Wolves, but I thought Burnley would go to Molineux last week and pinch the points.
I was wrong[10] – and Nuno Espirito Santo’s side played really well. The way they play, and with the amount of possession they enjoy, they are going to create lots of chances against teams – and they have got better defensively too.
But United have got some momentum now and their troubles seem a long time ago. I can only see a home win.
Lawro’s prediction: 2-0
Jessica’s prediction: 2-1
Brighton v Tottenham (17:30 BST)
Tottenham are just getting bashed by everyone at the moment, although I do think losing to Liverpool last week was a bigger blow than their defeat at Inter Milan.[11]
Tactically, Spurs were naive at Wembley and the Reds could have been three or four goals up in the first half.
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Going to Brighton will be a different test, but this is definitely not an easy game.
The Seagulls are earning a reputation as being this season’s comeback kings, after fighting back from 2-0 down to get a draw in their past two matches.
They will relish the visit of Spurs after beating Manchester United at home in August[12] and will fancy their chances of getting something out of this game too.
Lawro’s prediction: 1-1
Jessica’s prediction: 0-2
West Ham v Chelsea (13:30 BST)
West Ham had a super win last weekend against Everton[13] and they will be hoping Marko Arnautovic recovers from the knee injury he sustained in that game, because he was just terrific.
The Hammers have lost both their games at London Stadium so far this season, but I have a feeling they will turn up for this one.
That’s not based on form, because Chelsea have got five league wins out of five, or the fact West Ham are at home, because they have been struggling there.
I might be going out on a limb in backing the Hammers, but I just think something will click for them this time.
Lawro’s prediction: 2-1
Jessica’s prediction: 0-2
Arsenal v Everton (16:00 BST)
All of a sudden people are umming and ahhing about Everton manager Marco Silva after they lost to West Ham.[14]
That was the Toffees’ first defeat of the season but Bournemouth are the only top-eight team they have played so far and, in their previous home game, they drew with Huddersfield, which is not a great result.
Arsenal look a better team with Lucas Torreira in their midfield, and he made them play when he came on at half-time against Newcastle last weekend.
Torreira is forward thinking and makes a real difference to the way they play and, if he features again, I would back him to ensure Arsenal get the points here too.
Lawro’s prediction: 2-0
Jessica’s prediction: 1-1
Lawro was speaking to BBC Sport’s Chris Bevan.
How did Lawro do last week?
Lawro got five correct results, including one perfect score, from 10 matches for a total of 80 points.
He drew with actor Mark Wahlberg,[15] who also got five correct results with one exact score.
Total scores after week 5 Lawro 330 Guests 380
Lawro v Guests P4 W1 D0 L3
+/- DENOTE POSITION DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LAWRO’S TABLE AND ACTUAL POSITION POS TEAM P W D L PTS +/- =1 Man City 5 5 0 0 15 +2 =1 Man Utd 5 5 0 0 15 +7 3 Chelsea 5 4 1 0 13 -2 =4 Everton 5 3 0 2 9 +6 =4 Liverpool 5 2 3 0 9 -2 6 Tottenham 5 2 2 1 8 0 =7 Burnley 5 2 1 2 7 +13 =7 Crystal Palace 5 2 1 2 7 +5 =7 Southampton 5 2 1 2 7 +6 =10 Arsenal 5 2 0 3 6 -3 =10 Bournemouth 5 1 3 1 6 -5 =10 Newcastle 5 1 3 1 6 +9 =10 Watford 5 2 0 3 6 -6 14 Leicester 5 1 2 2 5 -3 =15 Brighton 5 1 1 3 4 -1 =15 Fulham 5 1 1 3 4 0 =15 West Ham 5 1 1 3 4 +1 =18 Cardiff 5 0 3 2 3 -1 =18 Wolves 5 1 0 4 3 -9 20 Huddersfield 5 0 1 4 1 -2
SCORE GUEST LEADERBOARD 120 Joe Thomas 80 Greg James, Mark Wahlberg 66 Lawro (average after five weeks) 60 Idris Elba 40 Tom Grennan
^ To nominate your Get Inspired Unsung Hero, go to www.bbc.co.uk/unsung hero (www.bbc.co.uk)
^ Fulham at City (www.bbc.co.uk)
^ Watford at home to United. (www.bbc.co.uk)
^ the Cherries conceded against Leicester (www.bbc.co.uk)
^ in their defeat against Lyon (www.bbc.co.uk)
^ ‘A barely recognisable rabble’ – how bad were Man City v Lyon? (www.bbc.co.uk)
^ their defeat by Arsenal, (www.bbc.co.uk)
^ because of the pace of Bournemouth’s front three, (www.bbc.co.uk)
^ Tuesday’s Champions League win over Paris St-Germain (www.bbc.co.uk)
^ I was wrong (www.bbc.co.uk)
^ defeat at Inter Milan. (www.bbc.co.uk)
^ after beating Manchester United at home in August (www.bbc.co.uk)
^ against Everton (www.bbc.co.uk)
^ after they lost to West Ham. (www.bbc.co.uk)
^ actor Mark Wahlberg, (www.bbc.co.uk)
BBC Sport – Football
Hammers to end Chelsea's 100% start? Lawro takes on ex-Olympic champion Ennis-Hill was originally published on 365 Football
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lewishamledger · 6 years
Onwards and upwards
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As the 2018-19 football season kicks off, we ask a number of people connected with Millwall FC – from fans to a member of the board – for their thoughts on the club’s past, present and future
As told to Luke G Williams
Michael Avery from the Millwall Supporters’ Club assesses how Millwall did on the pitch last season, and their prospects for next season “Where do we begin? After promotion from League One and a start where Lady Luck seemed to be flirting with our opposition, it seemed like we may be looking over our shoulders for the 2017-18 season. The trap door was just behind us creaking, but there were teams who were destined for the hangman’s noose before us.
“Our season changed on January 20, 2018 at Elland Road against Leeds United. After months of away fixtures where we would cruelly have points we deserved snatched from us, our boys in navy finally faced their demons and got the three points. The 4-3 away win was the catalyst we needed, and we never looked back.
“The trap door disappeared out of sight and we were now looking up. Away wins kept coming and coming and before we knew it we were talking about unbeaten streaks, daring to dream. The team many fancied for the drop now looked like they would leave the Championship via promotion to the Premier League.
Lady Luck was on our arm, but unfortunately for The Den faithful, she was seduced by a team from west London and left us for the soon-to-be promoted Fulham.
“Last season was fantastic, and we would love to replicate it, but we have to be realistic. I don’t think Millwall will go down, instead I think we will be comfortably mid-table.” Mark Baxter, a Lions fan for 50 years, explains what the club means to him and his favourite Millwall memories
“I’m Camberwell born and bred and so that made it a choice of Millwall or Crystal Palace for my local club. My dad was a Millwall fan and I’ve stuck with them ever since. Millwall isn’t a glorious, glamour club; it��s a club that’s handed on to you. You either stick with it or go looking elsewhere for trophies.
“Most of my mates growing up supported Chelsea or West Ham or Spurs, so I stood out as a Millwall fan, but supporting them meant I could go and watch live football locally, which I loved.
“The amount of trouble down there in the 70s was ridiculous so I stopped going for a bit. My dad said he would give me a slap if I went! I came back to Millwall around the late 80s and I’ve had a season ticket pretty much ever since.
“Millwall is in my blood. For Millwall fans, I think the club is part of their being. We don’t win much in the way of trophies and the ground is quite a hard place to get to, but if it’s in your blood and your heart you keep going. You’re addicted to it.
“And then you get those great moments – there was the goal Gary Alexander scored at Wembley, which was one of the best goals ever scored at Wembley by any player for any club.
“That was particularly special because I know Gary, he’s a local boy, my wife grew up knowing his family. To see someone you know score a goal for the club you support at Wembley was quite a moment.
“Plus the FA Cup final at Cardiff in 2004, of course. I never thought I’d see that day. I went in a minibus with all my mates and my family, including my mum who was in her 70s then. That was quite a day, a really big occasion.”
Micky Simpson, current “fan on the board” and founder of the Association of Millwall Supporters, on his role and the development saga surrounding Millwall’s stadium
“The easiest way to describe my role is that it’s a fan liaison role. It’s about giving the fans a voice within the club. I take fans’ concerns to the relevant people, including to the board if needed, depending on the level of concern.
“These concerns might be about ticket allocation, transport issues or police dealings with the fans. Or I might take ideas to the board. There’s no job description set in stone as such, but I do pretty much anything and everything I can to support the fan base.
“Then there’s other things I do. Just yesterday I was chatting to a guy in a caff, a Millwall fan, near the ground and I was able to take him into the stadium to meet [former player] Jimmy Carter and take some pictures pitchside. Meeting and talking to this Millwall legend pretty much made a 50-odd year old man cry with happiness.
“I try to use my role to do good and make sure there is a connection and communication between the fans and the club. I use Twitter and various forums to do that. The role works and I think it shows a lot of forward thinking on the part of the club to have this role.
“I just hope that with a new mayor and cabinet in Lewisham that we can now move forward as a club with the development of the stadium. It’s hard to believe that a club as big as Millwall weren’t originally placed at the centre of the regeneration plans for the area, rather than treated like a nasty boy in the corner. That never would have happened to Arsenal or Manchester United.
“If the media were to look at Millwall without blinkers on, they would see that we are a very strong community club with our heart in the local working-class community.”
Peter Garston, former “fan on the board” and still a member of Millwall’s board of directors, on why he believes the club’s community work deserves more attention
“I am a lifelong Millwall fan – my first game was in 1969. For me it’s more than a football team; coming from a dysfunctional family as a child, Millwall was my first real family, to the extent that I named both of my children after players, Harry after Harry Cripps and Alfie after Alfie Wood.
“In 2005 I was voted on to the board of directors of Millwall as “FOTB” by my fellow fans, an honour I will never be able to repay. In 2016 I decided to stand down and was honoured that chairman John Berylson asked me to remain on the board as a director. He also invited me to become a director of Millwall Holdings. Then last year I was offered the position of trustee on the Millwall Community Scheme – I still hold all these positions.
“I have followed Millwall through many ups and downs; I was a travelling fan during the 70s and 80s and that experience, along with the board positions I hold, has enabled me to have an all-round overview of the club.
“I have seen many things during my time – both good and bad – but the one thing I can never understand is the media’s inability to report on the excellent work we do in the community week in week out – work we have been doing for many years.
“With over-50s clubs and Irish clubs to name but a few, we are truly all-inclusive. As fans every year we also raise considerable sums for every cause you can mention. Recently we raised thousands for the young girl Isla Caton who was suffering with a rare form of cancer and whose family were all die-hard West Ham fans, while our contribution to Help for Heroes annually is immense. I just wish there was more balanced reporting to reflect this.”
Ayse Smith, editor of Millwall fanzine The Lion Roars on the club’s current prospects on and off the pitch
“The Lion Roars magazine is now in its 30th year of publication, and hopefully we will have an amazing season – on and off the pitch – to report on.
“Last season we were one of the favourites to be relegated, which I thought was a bit harsh, and a bit silly really, as newly promoted teams normally do really well in their new league as they are still flying high with momentum from the previous season. Despite that, we exceeded even our own expectations.
“This coming season is going to be tough though. The team is pretty much the same as last year, and although they have united amazingly, expectations are going to be higher, from us fans at least. We are again one of the favourites to be relegated, and I hope this spurs the players on to prove our critics wrong.
“The current progress of the compulsory purchase order (CPO) and redevelopment plans on Millwall’s land is unclear at the moment. The council have not said that they will not apply for a CPO again, and the fact the newly elected mayor Damien Egan and MP Janet Daby were both on the council cabinet and voted in favour of the CPO in the first place, is quite alarming to me.
“Drawing up plans and architects’ fees are hugely expensive, and although Millwall have already paid for these in their bid to redevelop the land themselves, I don’t think they can afford to spend any more on it unless the council gives us the go-ahead to redevelop the land to provide the much-needed homes that Lewisham borough needs.”
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Duchess of Diamonds: Meghan Markle has a collection worth £1m after receiving some VERY expensive wedding gifts ...
New Post has been published on https://harryandmeghan.xyz/duchess-of-diamonds-meghan-markle-has-a-collection-worth-1m-after-receiving-some-very-expensive-wedding-gifts/
Duchess of Diamonds: Meghan Markle has a collection worth £1m after receiving some VERY expensive wedding gifts ...
Meghan Markle owns a collection of jewels worth £1m including her £140,000 engagement ring
Before meeting Prince Harry, Meghan Markle stuck to modest trinkets. 
Now she owns a collection of jewels worth £1m.
This includes her stunning £140,000 engagement ring and a £241,000 Cartier bracelet.
Other dazzling items include the £450,000 tiara borrowed from the Queen.
A glittering set of £60,000 earrings she received as a pre-wedding gift also belong in her jaw dropping collection of jewels.
Here’s how Duchess of diamonds, Meghan Markle sparkles.
Personally designed by Harry and made by royal jeweller Cleave and Company, the Duchess’s engagement sparkler is by far the most magnificent in her collection.
Set on a gold band, the central diamond, believed to be around 3ct, was ethically sourced in Botswana — where the couple holidayed after only a few weeks of dating. The two round diamonds on either side come from a brooch that belonged to Harry’s late mother, Princess Diana.
In their blissfully happy engagement interview last November, Harry said the decision to incorporate Diana’s stones would ensure that ‘she’s with us on this crazy journey together’.
Leading jeweller David Marshall estimates the ring’s value at £140,000 — but High Street store Argos sells a cut-price version, the ‘Meghan Sparkle’, for just £14.99.
Personally designed by Harry and made by royal jeweller Cleave and Company, the Duchess’s engagement sparkler is by far the most magnificent in her collection
From the same collection as her jagged-edged wedding bracelet these Cartier chandelier earrings are made from 18ct white cold and are each set with 19 round diamonds totalling 0.81ct and ten rectangular stones totalling 1.08ct. All in all, that’s 58 stunning sparklers dangling from Meghan’s ears.
Businesslike in black for a female empowerment event in London in April, Meghan chose these pretty diamond earrings made by Birks, her favourite Canadian jeweller, to jazz up her Jackie O-inspired pencil dress. The £1,350 studs, made from 18ct white gold and decorated with swirls of miniature diamonds, are ‘designed to enchant’. Much like everything Meghan wears, the earrings are now sold out on most retailers’ websites.
These Cartier chandelier earrings (left) are made from 18ct white gold and the pretty diamond earrings made by Birks, her favourite Canadian jeweller are pictured right
For her first outing as a Duchess, at a Buckingham Palace garden party to mark Prince Charles’s 70th birthday last week, Meghan appeared to have acquired another new pair of dazzling diamonds. These Idylle La Rose earrings, by Belgian designer Vanessa Tugendhaft, are made from rhodium silver and paved with tiny diamonds totalling 0.43ct. They elegantly complemented her sleek chignon and jauntily angled Philip Treacy hat.
These Idylle La Rose earrings, by Belgian designer Vanessa Tugendhaft, are made from rhodium silver and paved with tiny diamonds totalling 0.43ct
Meghan loves symbolic jewellery — from the African bracelet that matched Harry’s, to the ‘H’ and ‘M’ necklace she wore early in their relationship. And this Infinie ring, from Vanessa Tugendhaft’s Promesse line, is a sign of everlasting love. She wore the piece, which is made from 18ct yellow gold and set with 0.25ct diamonds arranged in the shape of the mathematical symbol for infinity, to Belfast in March and again to the Invictus Games trials the following month.
This Infinie ring, from Vanessa Tugendhaft’s Promesse line, is a sign of everlasting love
Days after she was baptised and confirmed by the Archbishop of Canterbury in March, Meghan began wearing this delicate diamond bracelet. it is believed to be a gift from the Royal Family for joining the Church of England, a pre-marriage requirement. The dainty piece, by Vanessa Tugendhaft, comprises an 18ct white gold chain with a central cross, set with 16 0.08ct diamonds. At just £520, it’s one of her cheaper pieces.
Days after she was baptised and confirmed by the Archbishop of Canterbury in March, Meghan began wearing this delicate diamond bracelet
This minimalist necklace by Vanessa Tugendhaft was Meghan’s lucky charm at the Invictus Games trial in April, adding some royal-worthy dazzle to her causal khaki coat. It features an 18ct gold chain set with solitaire diamonds and is intended to be worn day and night. 
The Duchess has worn Zofia Day’s triangle-shaped studs twice: once for her landmark interview with Vanity Fair in October 2017 and again for a royal outing in Cardiff in January. The Californian brand prides itself on ethically sourced stones. These £450 earrings are encrusted with 0.06ct diamonds.
This minimalist necklace (left) by Vanessa Tugendhaft was Meghan’s lucky charm at the Invictus Games trial in April while The Duchess has worn Zofia Day’s triangle-shaped studs twice (right)
Dressed head-to-toe in navy for the Queen’s birthday concert in April, Meghan couldn’t resist adding some signature sparkle to her look. The piece, a silver and yellow gold bangle by edgy British designer Shaun Leane was subtly studded with diamonds totalling 0.13ct at one end.
Smiling and relaxed in a chic, white shirt as she left Windsor Castle just days before her wedding, the soon-to-be Duchess didn’t miss her chance to shine, showing off this brand-new pair of 2.15ct diamond-studded white gold earrings.
Yet another design from Meghan’s favourite Canadian brand Birks, these Snowstorm earrings are said to be ‘inspired by the icy beauty of Canadian winters’ — perhaps not so apt for a sunny May day. At £6,950, they don’t come cheap — so Meghan made sure they were seen by sweeping her hair behind her ears.
Yet another design from Meghan’s favourite Canadian brand Birks, these Snowstorm earrings are said to be ‘inspired by the icy beauty of Canadian winters’
Meghan was first seen sporting these 18ct white gold Galanterie de Carier earrings in April at a reception to celebrate the Invictus Games, Harry’s sports tournament for injured servicemen and women. She adores them so much she wore them again on her wedding day and they are believed to have been a pre-wedding present from Harry.
Adorning her wrist at her new father-in-law’s birthday celebrations was this diamond tennis bracelet, believed to be another present from her Prince Charming.
Although the exact make is unknown, it looks remarkably like the £17,700 Cartier Essential Lines bracelet, made from 18ct white gold and set with 61 brilliant-cut diamonds.
If so, it would be a touching tribute to Diana, who adored Cartier jewellery and owned an almost identical piece.
Against the splendour of her Givenchy gown, her Reflection de Cartier bracelet almost went unnoticed. Made from 18ct white gold and set with more than 100 diamonds, it is designed to ‘create breathtaking radiance and light’. There are two versions of this bracelet, one costing a staggering £241,000 — but Meghan’s may well have been bespoke. 
Against the splendour of her Givenchy gown, her Reflection de Cartier bracelet almost went unnoticed on Meghan’s big day
She’s flashed it out and about in Edinburgh and on stage in London for a charity event — this yellow gold and diamond ring, by her go-to Canadian jeweller Birks, is one of Meghan’s everyday staples. Costing £865, the band — made from her favourite metal — comes from the Birks Splash collection and is designed to be stacked; that is, worn on the same finger as several other rings.
Right on trend for this fashion-forward Duchess.
These pared-down studs, by Los Angeles fine jeweller Adina Reyter, are made from a curved piece of 14ct yellow gold and feature a trio of 0.15ct diamonds. Called the Three Diamond Amigos, they cost £375 and are imported from India. Meghan chose the earrings for a Commonwealth Day service in March, adding a touch of flair — and sparkle — to her sensible white Amanda Wakeley coat and Stephen Jones beret. 
These pared-down studs, by Los Angeles fine jeweller Adina Reyter, are made from a curved piece of 14ct yellow gold and feature a trio of 0.15ct diamonds
Every fairytale princess needs a tiara — and Meghan chose this spectacular piece, made for Queen Mary (the Queen’s grandmother) in 1932, for her big day. The stunning design, a band of 11 intricate sections, is made up of interlaced ovals and set with round-cut diamonds. In the centre is a detachable floral brooch made from ten glittering stones, a wedding present for Mary from the County of Lincoln in 1893. Both were bequeathed to the Queen on her grandmother’s death in 1953. The little-known piece was last seen in 1965, when it was worn by Princess Margaret. Leading jeweller David Marshall says: ‘This would be worth between £350,000 and £450,000. It would have taken up to 500 hours to make a tiara like this.’ 
Meghan chose this spectacular piece, made for Queen Mary (the Queen’s grandmother) in 1932, for her big day
Flying the flag once again for Canada — her adopted home from 2011 to 2017 — Meghan chose these Snowflake earrings by Birks for several festive engagements with the Royal Family last year, including the Queen’s Christmas lunch and a church outing in Sandringham on Christmas Day. The £5,250 earrings, designed to ‘capture the brilliance of freshly fallen snow’, are made from 18ct white gold and each feature two round-cut diamonds surrounded by a circle of smaller diamonds, totalling 1.39ct. 
The £5,250 earrings, designed to ‘capture the brilliance of freshly fallen snow’, are made from 18ct white gold
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This is what happy looks like 😁 So I have some BIG and VERY EXCITING and VERY GOOD news for y'all... as of Friday, I am officially discharged from psychological services!!! YAY!!! Now, I will remain on what's know as The Safety Net List, meaning should I have a relapse/flair up, I can call and get an appointment asap... but I no longer need regular input from my psychologist. It's incredibly difficult for me to put into words what an utterly life changing experience my two years of therapy have been. I think the simplest way is to say this; therapy saved my life. During my last appointment with Richard (my amazing psychologist), he asked me to fill in a final questionnaire assessing my mental health. When I'd finished and he'd added up the score and told me I'm now in the healthy range, he asked me to take a look at the exact same questionnaire, filled in two years ago during my first appointment... the difference was just so drastic. My first questionnaire ranked me as suicidal. And I was. I had reached a point where I thought ending my life was the best thing for both me and my loved ones. This is very difficult for me to write about, but I'm doing it for one simple reason; to show other people with mental health problems that no matter how bad, how dark, how terrifying, how pointless, how painful life seems, with the right help, things. Will. Get. Better. Do not misunderstand; my journey has not been easy. It the beginning I attended two or three appointments a week, then one a week, then one a fortnight, then monthly, then every other month, then three monthly. I have worked, HARD. I have cried (like, a lot), laughed, ranted, yelled, given up, got back up, and did a shitload of research. My psychology A level came very much in handy, as did Cardiff library, and the good ol' internet... before long I was taking theories and techniques Richard had taught me and finding bigger, better, newer versions! I use a feelings journal, took up colouring, stuck out and then found joy in guitar lessons. When words failed, I drew pictures of how I felt, physically and emotionally. And when all else failed, I used music 🎶 I made a whole playlist entitled Therapy, after the song by All Time Low, and added a song per seasion. As a thank you gift, I presented Richard with this playlist, spanning six CDs, and a handwritten list of all the songs, along with the reasons I chosen them. I have other playlists, too; Songs To Stay Alive For, which exists to remind me of all the goodness and beauty in the world. Chillax; a calming playlist that counteracts panic attacks. This Too Shall Pass; a playlist designed to help deal with physical pain. And my personal favourite; Positive Associations; a 600 strong list of songs that are all associated with moments of pure joy in my life. I write quotes in a whiteboard in my room, to help me deal with whatever struggles I'm facing this week. I do yoga several times a week. I take the time to do my nails. I take time to do things just for me; nail art, putting on make up, reading Cosmopolitan, drinking a pot of tea in the morning. I eat better, and make sure I get enough sleep. I've studied and learned CBT, mindfulness, emotional awareness, and a dozen other psych techniques. One of my favourite techniques was chosen by Richard to appeal to my neesiness... it's called the De Spock vs Captain Kirk theory... basically, I imagine my emotions as the erratic Captain Kirk, and Spock as my calm, logical side. It's much easier to calm down during a panic arrack when you're imagining Spock standing beside you, calmly repeated "you're fear is illogical"! I can also now identify my Obsessive Compulsive thought, using The Trump Technique. Basically, you imagine any negative, scary and untrue thoughts are being said by someone you hate; in my case, it was Umbridge from the Harry Potter books! It's really easy telling her that she's wrong and needs to shut up! But the most important change I've made in the last two years is this: I talk. Now, I'm sure those who know me must be saying "dude, you've always been a chatterbox!". Very true... but I had developed the habit of bottling up all the things that most upset me; anger, sadness, pain. I bottled these up, and tried to keep from showing them to my family, friends or carers. I thought that sharing my pain would only hurt my loved ones... I've learnt that those who love me the most have always known when I'm hurting... and they much prefer it when I talk to them about that hurt. A burden shared is a burden halved, after all. Learning to really talk to my family, friends and care team has been the most important change I've made to my life. Two years ago, I would only express the true extent anger, sadness or pain to my therapist... I would only cry, to my therapist. Now my loved ones are my therapists... and what a team I have! I have to mention some people here, because I honestly wouldn't have been able to walk the path of psychological therapy if these people hadn't walked beside me and held my hand... in fact, I'd go so far as to say that they picked my sorry ass up and carried me down the path of recovery, in the beginning! Caroline and Stephen Davies; thank you for giving me this beautiful life. Thank you for always being there for me, always loving me, always supporting me, always cheering me on, and always being the incredible people you are. Thank you for teaching me determination, strength, grace under pressure, and to live by The Pollyanna Theory. Thank you for making sure my life is incredible; you've given me some amazing experiences and awesome people. I can't put into words what you guys are to me, what you mean to me... know you are my heroes, and that I love you to the moon and back. I'm so glad we have a happier, healthier relationship now. Connor James, Jade King, Jacob Clapham, Arran Morgan; thank you for always being there for me. Thank you for making me laugh when I felt like crying. Thank you for keeping me grounded in the real world. Thank you for knowing exactly when to talk about the hard stuff, and when to talk about Tom Dayleys Abbs. Thank you for the hand holding and cwtches... and for the kick up the arse, when I needed it! But most of all... thank you for always loving me, even when I really wasn't very lovable. Your friendship and love was a key part of my recovery. When I really hated who I was, Richard asked me to name four friends who's opinion I trusted explicitly. I named you guys... he asked me if you guys would hang out with a horrible person. I said no.... he asked me why I thought you all kept hanging out with me, then?! I replied, simply, because they love me for who I am. After that, whenever my OCD demon was whispering horrible things about me in my ear, I simply remind myself that you guys thought I was pretty awesome. Seeing how you loved me taught me to love myself again. I can never thank you enough for all you do for me, or put explain how much your friendship impacts my life, or put into words how much I love you guys ❤️ The same goes for Ruth Clapham, Alan Davies, John and Ann Davies... I could keep going for a very long time, but I'm gonna stop here. Just know that the people closest to me made my recovery possible. I want to thank my neurologist Jenny Thomas for offering to refer me to psychology every three months for the past eight years. She never forced me into therapy, because she knew that it wouldn't work if I decided I didn't want or need it. Instead, she kept on offering me the choice of therapy, until I was ready to accept it. I told her this during our appointment Friday, and she just laughed and said "I wouldn't be much or a dr if I didn't offer you every treatment available, now would I?!". I thanked her for saving my life and she simply replied that it was Richard and I who did all the hard work... I told her that she was the one who found and ferried me to the right services, something that doesn't often happen regarding mental health problems. She just said this; "Amy, you're the one who did all the hard work. And I just want to say that I'm so, so very proud of you. I'm not going to say you've become a different person, because you haven't, and you never needed to.. but all that horrible anxiety, the obsessive behaviour, the bouts of depression, are gone. You've grown into an even more incredible young woman, one who seems very happy with her life, and who's got her eye on a good future. I'm just really proud I get to be a part of your journey, and your life. Keep up the good work.". Needless to say, I was happy crying at the end of our appointment! And now I need to try and thank the most important person in my journey through the world of therapy, my psychologist, Richard. Richard first met me when I was literally at my worst... but he was able to look at this broken girl and see how I could build myself back up, brighter and better than before. And this is the most wonderful thing about how Richard worked with me; he told me right from the beginning that any truer recovery had to come from me... he would help, my loved ones would help, but I had to be the one putting in all the work. This man spent two years listening to all my deepest, darkest thoughts, and was always able to help me see the light. It's impossible really for me to say how important Richard is to me and my life, after all, he saved it. My mother and I often say he ranks somewhere between the Angel Gabriel, and Jesus. He's an incredible guys. And I'm so, so grateful I met him. At the end of our appointment on Friday, and filling in the compulsory questionnaire and re-reading my old one, I tried to thank Richard for all his help and just ended up blubbering... happy tears; what a strange, yet utterly marvellous things, eh?! And he sat opposite me and said; "I can honestly say that in all my years as a psychologist, I've never worked with anyone as determined as you, Amy-Claire... at the end of our first appointment I sat here and thought 'this kid is suicidal, and she's going to be in therapy for a decade'. Yet here we are, just two years later, discharging you! Now, has you're OCD gone? No. Has your ptsd gone? No... has the depression or anxiety gone altogether? No... but they no longer rule your life... you, rule them. And I can honestly say I've never had another patient work as hard as you have to improve their mental health, and I've never had another patient so determined to educate themselves about their mental health. I am, put simply, in awe of you. I can't wait to see what else you're going to do with your life, because I know it's going to be absolutely amazing!! And I want to say I'm honoured to be a part of you life. I've learned a great deal from you, Amy-Claire... and I'm very glad you're still coming to Rookwood to see Jenny, because I'll still get to see you and your colourful outfits!". Needless to say, this just made me Happy Cry harder. Richard, it's been an honour. I'd say it's been a pleasure... which it has... but it's also been a pain! It was most definitely worth it though. I hope I don't need to see you for a very long time! I will always have mental health problems. I will battle my OCD, PTSD, Anxiety and Depression every day, for the rest of my life. But I can honestly now say that I win most of these battles.... and I know I'll win the war, someday! My mental health problems are just a small part of my life, not my whole life. And I am now equipped to deal with them myself. That's what therapy was: someone handing me sturdy shoes to run in, a torch to light up the dark, water when I'm thirsty, food when I'm hungry, and a sword and shield to battle my demons with. It's been a hell of a two years. I'm so glad I was here to live them.
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labourpress · 8 years
Jeremy Corbyn speech to Welsh Labour Conference, Llandudno - 25.3.2017
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Jeremy Corbyn, Leader of the Labour Party, speech to Welsh Labour Conference, Llandudno – Saturday 25 March 2017
 Thank you for that welcome. It is a pleasure to be here in North Wales again in Llandudno.
 Events in Westminster on Wednesday afternoon showed the brutality that one man can reap.
 But it also showed the humanity, the bravery and the solidarity that really defines us and that binds us together in times of darkness and adversity.
 The police, the security personnel, the NHS staff; they ran towards danger, put themselves at risk to protect and save lives, they are heroes.
 And we particularly pay tribute to Police officer Keith Palmer who lost his life protecting others.
 To all those who lost loved ones, who were injured, we send our love.
 Our values of unity and solidarity are needed now more than ever. We know from previous occasions that some sick people have tried to sow division and hate.
 So please, look after each other, help one another and think of one another.
 I want to say thank you to Carwyn and Labour Assembly Members for continuing to show the difference that Labour can make in government.
 Special mention too must go too Mark Drakeford, the Chancellor of Wales, who is implementing your programme despite the fact that your budget is being cut year-on-year six per cent in real terms by the end of the decade. That’s equivalent to almost £1.2 billion less for vital public services - a decade of cuts imposed by Tories in Westminster.
                                                                                       Our shadow Wales Secretary Christina Rees is fighting your corner in the House of Commons, working with Gerald Jones, our shadow minister for Wales and I thank them both.
 I also want to put on record my thanks to Jo Stevens for the work she did in the brief before that.
 Wales has great representation in Westminster. Nia Griffith our shadow defence secretary, who accompanied me recently for the unveiling of the Iraq and Afghanistan Memorial recognising those involved in those conflicts. Whatever our view of those wars, we should always respect those who are sent to fight and risk their lives.
 And I also want to pay tribute to that great Welsh Labour campaigner, Carolyn Harris MP, leading an excellent campaign for the Children’s Funeral Fund.
 It was frankly a disgrace that in the Budget, the Tories again ignored this simple and humane demand. That parents who suffer the loss of a child don’t have to then worry about the financial costs of giving them a funeral.
 I know that Labour councils like Cardiff and Swansea have already waived fees, as has Co-op Funeralcare, but at a time when council budgets are squeezed and billions are being given away in corporate tax cuts we should be able to find just £10 million a year for this basic measure.
 I want to praise another of my good Welsh comrades, although he lives in England, Mark Serwotka, for his campaign to change to a system of presumed consent for organ donation. 
 In Wales, you have done that and lives are being saved as a result.
 I was so proud to speak alongside Mark at the recent NHS demo in London. It was the first speech he had made for several months, his first public engagement since a successful heart transplant. And I’m glad he’s one of half a million people who are now members of our party.
 Deemed consent for organ donation is one just one example of the difference a Labour government makes.
 As Nye Bevan said, “The NHS will last as long as there are folk left with the faith to fight for it”. And in Wales you have that faith.
 The only country in the UK to show an improvement in ambulance response times.
 Improving outcomes for stroke and cancer patients.
 And the British Heart Foundation says you’re a “world leader” for cardiac rehabilitation.
 And, as NHS budgets are cut in England, the Welsh Labour government found an extra £240 million in their last Budget, taking your combined spending on health and social care 6% higher than in England.
 And the Welsh Labour government in Cardiff Bay has achieved so much more.
 On Social care you have protected funding and seen delayed discharges fall, unlike in England where under the Tories they have risen by over one-third.
 And with Flying Start for early years to help children get the best start in life.
 And then there’s your childcare offer of 30 hours a week for working parents of 3 and 4 year olds, free breakfasts for primary school children.
 500 extra Police Community Support Officers to keep neighbourhoods safe.
 Record rates of recycling, the second best of any country in Europe and the third best in the world. Protecting the environment, and preserving resources, for future generations.
 And when the Tories abolished the Agricultural Wages Board the Welsh Labour government established the Agricultural Advisory Panel for Wales to protect wages in the farming sector.
 On housing, where you are building homes for those affected by the Tories’ cruel bedroom tax, investing over £200 million in a warm homes scheme to insulate thousands of  homes across Wales. And congratulations to Flintshire Labour council building council homes again.
 And I also commend your decision to end right-to-buy. When the government in Westminster is only replacing one council home for every six sold off then we know what they’re doing is taking away good housing.
 There is so much to be proud of in Labour Wales.
 Even constrained by cuts in your block grant what Labour has achieved in Wales stands as a beacon.
 A beacon that shines a light on the Tories’ abject failure – socially, economically and morally.
 Their never-ending cuts agenda, while giving away £70 billion in the next six years to the rich and big business - that shows their priorities.
 Austerity is a political choice, not an economic necessity.
 Britain’s infrastructure is second rate and falling even further behind other major economies.
 This government has an abysmal record; they have failed to modernise the economy whether it’s in broadband, energy, transport or housing.
 And, at the same time, they have not done enough to make finance available to the innovative small business sector.
 That’s why Labour is committed to establishing a National Investment Bank with regional investment banks for every region of England.
 This year the Welsh Labour government is creating the Development Bank for Wales.
 With its purpose to create and safeguard over 5,500 jobs a year by 2022.
 Providing more than £1 billion of investment support to Welsh business over that period.
 This has not come out of the blue. Labour in Wales has nearly two decades’ experience of working with small business and local councils to develop the role of Finance Wales into the Development Bank for Wales.
 And my business team at Westminster will take a keen interest in the launch of the Development Bank for Wales and the work it does to generate growth and jobs.
 Last week, the Prime Minister twice accused me of wanting to bankrupt Britain by borrowing money to fund investment.
 But as every businessperson knows there is a world of difference between borrowing for capital spending and borrowing to fund the payroll and day-to-day trading or service delivery.
 And as any homeowner who has ever had a mortgage knows, taking on huge debt can save you money in the long run.
 We should not be afraid of debt or borrowing.
 At the end of the Second World War, the Labour government of Clement Attlee didn’t say “oh dear debt is 250 per cent of GDP let’s park those grand ideas about public ownership; a National Health Service, building council homes, or creating the protection of social security”.
 No. They built a country to be proud of. They established the institutions that made our country fairer, more equal and stopped people being held back.
 But people are being held back today, despite your best efforts here in Wales.
 Disposable incomes are the lowest in Britain.
 Energy bills are the highest in Britain.
 One in four Welsh workers earns less than a living wage.
 An estimated 90,000 people on zero hours contracts in Wales.
 Those facts are the direct consequence of Tory ideology.
 An ideology that believes;
 That our national assets should be sold off to the highest bidder
That the only industry that matters is the one in the city of London’s square mile
That trade unions should have the most restrictive laws in Europe
That if you cut taxes on the rich and big business it trickles down to us all
 And their latest one; you can cut your way to growth and prosperity.
 Well Labour rejects every tenet of that failed Tory ideology.
 We need a new political settlement and a new economic settlement.
 As we leave the European Union, and the process starts next week, it’s time for Labour to set out our agenda, our vision for Britain
 So our agenda is about investment, so that we support industries to succeed and create the high skill, high pay and high productivity jobs that have been destroyed in so many communities.
 The Tidal lagoon scheme in Swansea that our shadow Business Secretary Becky Long Bailey visited last week, this is a huge opportunity.
 To invest to kick-start a whole new industry that will lead to more investment and jobs elsewhere around the UK.
 To create tens of thousands of skilled jobs and quality apprenticeships.
 To help keep the lights on in this country and meet our energy needs.
And to help decarbonise our economy, and ensure, as Labour has pledged, that 60 per cent of our energy comes from renewable sources by 2030.
 So I say to the Tory ministers in London; stop dithering and act now to invest in all our futures.
 We know what happens when the government dithers, we saw it with the steel industry last year.
 A foundation industry for our country and one which must be supported by a government procurement strategy too.
 Because how can it be that under the Tories, the Ministry of Defence is commissioning Nordic steel for our defence needs while the Scottish SNP government is using Chinese steel for the Forth Bridge.
 Changing our economy is also about ownership so that we all share in the rewards.
 The privatisation of our utilities and our industries was the biggest ever redistribution of wealth in this country to the very richest few.
 It gave the privatised industries the green light to hike prices, cut staff and cream off higher profits at all our expense.
 Across much of Europe energy and water are being brought into public ownership, whether nationally, regionally or locally.
 And when things are run in public ownership then the profits don’t just go to a few wealthy shareholders, they go to us all.
 We have to put back minimum standards too, from the labour market to the housing market, the injustice and insecurity have to stop.
 Work must pay a living wage. A home must be the bedrock of security for everyone, whether renting, buying or owning.
 Security at home - and security at work - are the foundation stones of the good life.
 They will underpin Labour’s promise to the country.
 The Tories never have and never will promise that because fundamentally they’re on the side of the rogue landlord and the bad employer.
 In Westminster last year the Tories voted down a Labour amendment to the Housing Bill that simply would have required homes for rent to be fit for human habitation.
 Where Labour councils bring in landlord licensing, the Tories oppose it.
 When Labour brought in the minimum wage, the Tories opposed it.
 And they continue to attack trade unions because they know that unity is strength. They know that by acting collectively, workers can stand up to bad bosses.
 So very simply here’s three things a Labour government will do:
 We’ll build the homes that people need to live, not that investors need to make a profit.
 We’ll make the minimum wage a real living wage - at least £10 per hour by 2020.
 And we’ll repeal the Tories’ Trade Union Act.
 Our vision is all the more important as we head towards the uncertainty of Brexit. Uncertain because of the recklessness of Boris Johnson, David Davis and Liam Fox. And uncertain because of the complacency of Theresa May and Philip Hammond.
 Businesses need reassurance on investment, but they also need, as the Welsh Labour government has demanded “full and unfettered access to the single market”.
 The Foreign Secretary says it would not be apocalyptic to leave the European Union without a deal. It would be “perfectly OK”, he says.
 Tell that to the Ford workers at Bridgend. Tell that to the Steel workers at Port Talbot. Tell that to the Airbus workers in Broughton.
 Their jobs depend on our European exports - to our “full and unfettered access to the single market”.
 I know that our shadow Brexit Secretary Keir Starmer and our shadow International Trade Secretary, Barry Gardiner will be working alongside Carwyn, Mark and the team to ensure Labour stands up for people’s jobs, the economy and investment.
 The Labour Party has been most successful when we have been at our most united.
 Whatever our differences we all know that what unites us is so much more and so much stronger.
 And we know that our communities need a Labour council, a Labour mayor and a Labour government.
 In Wales this May, Labour is defending over 500 seats in 22 unitary authorities.  We lead 12 of those councils -10 outright - and I know Carwyn and all members of the Labour Party in Wales will be united in not only defending those council, but fighting to make gains too, including in Denbighshire.
 Whether it’s at the town hall, in Cardiff Bay, or at Westminster- Labour being in power means having someone who is standing up for you.
 United we stand, divided we fall.
 And united I believe this great party can do great things, together.
 Thank you.
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