#she's very blunt lol. so to hear that from her.. i don't know. it was a rare moment for her but i cherish it
enashinonome · 1 month
i think i perceive myself as a cruel person but the more people tell me that i'm sweet the more shocked i am...but now i also feel slightly more inclined to believe them.
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teaboot · 2 months
Hi! (just a personal ask. Sorry if it's not okay to ask for advice out of nowhere but I wanted to see an outer perspective and didn't wanna ask my friends. No pressure to answer of course but I would love to hear your thoughts!)
Is it normal for me to feel overwhelmed about something I want? I am just starting med school and it's a lot but I am fighting. And in my culture, parents buy their daughters their like things?? (like towels and bed sheets and a fridge. Anything they can buy except the apartment basically) for marriage from a young age. But my mom just started recently. And when she first bought me something. The idea of getting married & being a doctor (both things I want) felt like too much I teared up. My mom said I was being spoilers I guess?? Like I was ruining a good moment? Of course it is not that serious since I wasn't outright crying, and I just laughed afterwards as I felt silly lol ,but It got me thinking if I was being that dramatic.
This honestly felt like the moment in the movie where the mom hugs her daughter and says something like "oh how much you've grown" . Her retort felt like it was out of the script.
If you find time to answer, please be extremely blunt. Because I know for a fact I have a tendency to exaggerate things.
You are not overreacting. You are not exagerrating things. And I'm going to tell you this, because I experience this, the tendency to downplay your own feelings and recollections of events very often comes from having other people do it to you first. People tell you your feelings are wrong, or stupid, or irrational, and you learn to listen to them instead of yourself.
It makes complete sense that coming up on a major cultural milestone would make you feel excited, or scared, or overwhelmed. It sounds like you came upon the first step of a very big change and the reality of it all hit you at once, which sounds completely normal and expected!
Fuck, *I* used to get that about moving houses, and YOU'RE expecting shit like marriage? Holy fuck! I'd be a complete mess! The fact that you're level-headed enough to ask questions and process your feelings and talk things through is impressive, because I think I'd be losing my mind.
Personal story, but when I turned 17, my mom asked me if I wanted to go to a restaurant to celebrate. When I told her that it sounded nice, but I'd rather have dinner at home with the family, she told me I was a selfish narcissist, and that I was so busy thinking of myself that I didn't consider that other people might have been excited to go out.
At the time, I thought she'd been harsh but ultimately correct.
Now, I see that she had decided what kind of perfect evening she had wanted, and had expected me to play the part in the movie she had written herself. It had never been about what I wanted at all- it had been about her personal desires and expectations.
And it's normal to feel frustrated about things that don't go the way we want or expect, but lashing out at others is not an appropriate way to handle those emotions.
The way we feel cannot be controlled like a machine. The way we feel is usually not a problem. The problem is what we do, and the choices we make based on those feelings.
Children throw tantrums and sat mean things because they haven't learned better yet. They don't have the practice or experience. Adults like your mother and mine should have that on lock, but often don't, especially if culture or tradition or social expectations tell them their actions are justified.
If I had to take take guess, I'd say it sounds like your mom gave you this gift with an idea in mind of how she wanted you to react. She probably wanted you to be grateful and praising and sweet, so she could fulfill the role she envisioned for herself, and when you deviated from that picture, she was disappointed. From that perspective, it would seem that she felt slighted, and that she was owed your gratitude, and you were at fault for withholding it.
This perspective makes sense, in an emotionally immature sort of way, but would completely overlook your feelings, which are just as important.
Your exact situation is not one I've been in before, but if I'm correct in my assumptions (which I may not be) then I'd suggest keeping an eye out for other instances of your perspective and feelings being minimized.
Are you often told you are behaving irrationally? That you're over-emotional? That you're self-centered or greedy or entitled? Are you told that you don't remember things or do things as you're told? That you see problems where there aren't any? That you male trouble where there is none? That certain conversations aren't worth having, or that "you're always like this"?
It sounds like you know that something is off. I'd encourage you to keep asking questions and follow your instincts. At the end of the day, your life is your own, no matter where it came from.
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Astro observations - Mercury signs :)
Once again, based off of people I know :)
Scorpio mercury people sometimes don't realize when they're yelling lmaoooo (my grandmother has this placement and she raises her voice unintentionally so much lol).
Taurus mercury people have very calming voices.
On that same note, Taurus mercury people often have deeper voices.
Leo mercuries are those people you can hear from miles away, even when they're trying not to be loud, they still are.
Aries mercuries are very, very blunt. they do not sugarcoat ANYTHING.
Cancer mercuries are sweettalkers to the MAX.
Cancer mercuries are also the quieter type. they don't raise their voices often.
Taurus mercuries are often good singers, or at least enjoy singing.
It's easiest to make a fire mercury laugh :)
Leo mercuries have loud, distinct laughs. you can also always tell when they're fake laughing.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, most Taurus mercuries have quieter laughs, or tend to stifle them. this depends on other placements though.
Water mercuries would make good poets.
Sagittarius mercuries always have a way of turning everything into a joke.
Aquarius mercuries can ramble forever (and i love my aqua merc best friend for this).
As an earth mercury, all of my closest friends (save for my one aqua merc) have fire mercuries or are fellow Taurus merc's.
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cummin-n-cryin · 1 year
Hello! can I request a scenario where Jade, Floyd and Riddle (Separately) are being put in an arranged marriage (since the tweels are definitely in a mafia family and riddle’s mom would do that) but they are dating/in love with the (Gender Neutral) reader, whether the ending is happy or not is up to you
~Thank you for your request!
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Arranged Marriage
Jade + Floyd + Riddle x gn!reader (all separate)
Tw: Arranged marriage, angst, suggested murder, family drama (idk if this is a proper tw but if people hate reading about family arguments or just arguing in general then here's your warning lmao), if I missed anything lemme know!
Wordcount: 1,410 + 1,503 + 1,207
Side Note: This doesn't take place in NRC so it's kind in the future I guess? Idk you'll get what I mean if you read it lol. Pretty angsty and might not be too accurate to the characters personalities but it was fun to try and write Idk if this is what you wanted lol but hopefully this turned out okay!
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~Jade Leech~
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Jade was on his way to meet up with you for the picnic date you two had planned together when he had gotten a sudden text from his parents telling him that they needed to have a long chat.
He wasn't too worried about such a text. It may be ominous to some but it was a typical text when his parents wanted to discuss their 'business' with him. They weren't going to just text him about what was actually going on. It would be quite embarrassing if someone were to look at his phone and find out about his family's business, wouldn't it?
So, he sent you a text explaining that he may be a few minutes late to your date. He smiled at your quick response. He was glad you were so kind and understanding.
Deciding to hide behind a tree a little way off the path he had been walking on, he called his parents. The conversation started normally, a casual hello and asking how they've been but he could hear the nervousness in his mother's voice.
"Mother, is something wrong?" he asked concerned. His mother was quiet for a moment before saying, "Well, me and your father have made a decision and we know you may not like it but, its for the family," she said.
"What do you mean?" Jade asked. His mother seemed to have a hard time finding the right words before she sighed and decided to be blunt about what was going on.
As her words hit his ears he froze. The words, "arranged marriage," echoed within his mind. He was frozen to the spot, unable to move or speak as his heart felt like it stopped beating.
This... This has to be a misunderstanding.
He tried to regain some composure before responding to his parents. He told them how he can't get married because he's already in a relationship. He can't just drop you and go get married to someone he doesn't even know!
Jade tried his best to remain calm, "I'm afraid I can't accept as I'm already in a relationship with a very lovely person and I have no plans on breaking up with them for someone I don't know."
"I'm afraid you don't have a choice in the matter," his father said on the line before his mother quickly interrupted, "We know that you're already in love dear and we're happy for you but sometimes things need to happen and-" Jade interrupted, "I understand. We'll talk more about it later I need to go," he said as he quickly ended the call.
He was shaking so bad he could barely stand. He tried taking some deep breaths to calm himself down. His phone suddenly vibrates and he looks down to see a text from you asking where he was. He smiled a little but as he goes to text you back, he suddenly feels something wet on his hand. Looking at his hand he sees what looks to be a droplet of water and he quickly touches his face, he's crying. He tries to quickly dry his eyes as he clears his throat to try and regain his composure.
He texts you that he's on his way and quickly heads back to the path he was walking. Eventually, he meets up with you and you both have a fun date together.
Jade won't tell you about what had happened. He tells himself that its better you don't know so that things don't get overcomplicated but in truth, it's because he's afraid of your reaction. Great Seven forbid you think he's actually in love with his wedding partner and decide to leave him. He can't let that happen. So, he keeps quiet and does what he does best. He pretends. He pretends that everything is fine and that there's absolutely nothing to worry about.
Later it would turn out that the marriage wasn't something he would be able to easily escape out of. Everything had been made official for the wedding and now all he could do was wait for the day to come. Of course, he had asked his parents why this was happening in the first place and he should've expected the answer but it still came as a surprise to him. Money and reputation. Of course, none of it had to do with love, in fact, they don't expect him to love his new partner at all. Sure, it would be great but it's not expected.
Great Seven help him. Jade understands why their doing this but even so, it still hurts. He almost feels like an object his parents are selling away.
He really tried his best to change his parents' minds but, in the end, he won't go against his parent's wishes. He won't run away from this even though he really wants to. Well, it's not like he really could. His parents and their connections would find him rather quickly either way.
While Jade wasn't certain about his future, there was one thing he was certain about. There was absolutely no way that he was going to break up with you. You've brought him so much joy and you've made him feel loved in a way no one else ever has.
The wedding date creeps nearer and while he grows nervous on the inside, he continues pretending that everything's fine. He truly hates lying to you but it was for the best. Sometimes you get very close to figuring out there's something wrong but he quickly distracts you so you won't catch on.
Eventually, he tells you that he has to go back home to visit his parents for a while. Unbeknownst to you, he's getting married.
And again, this is where Jade does what he does best. Pretending to at least like the bride is an easy feat. He has no problems dancing or even kissing them. However, that's as far as his masquerade goes. He'll pretend the reason as to why he doesn't want to get any more intimate with the bride is that he's just simply nervous and luckily, no one ever pushes him on the topic.
Overall, the wedding goes smoothly. It's a formal affair with very little excitement which leaves Jade quite bored at the end of it.
If he's made to live in the same home as the bride, he's very good at sneaking out unnoticed. He'll play the loving husband role as long as he needs to convince his new partner to not get suspicious of him. But as soon as he can, he's getting out of there to return to you. While he can't stay too far from his new home for too long, he'll do as much as he can to see you.
Even now Jade won't tell you of his marriage and if you notice that he doesn't hang out with you as often as he used to, he'll just say that work has been keeping him busy and change the topic. If he had the choice, he'd never tell you about his arranged marriage but he knows that there might be a day where he will have to.
And if you ever find out about his arranged marriage he'll sit down with you and explain the situation to you. He's afraid of your reaction but he really doesn't like lying to you.
He's just so worried that if you ever found out he's married you'll want to leave him and he loves you far too much to let that happen.
Jade will try to communicate with his parents. Perhaps he only needs to be married to this person for a certain amount of time? That would be ideal as then all he would have to do is wait and then he can leave without too much fuss.
But, if he's meant to be permanently married to them well... He may have to make a few decisions.
Jade is not against using much more darker methods to escape this marriage he's been forced into. He knows quite a lot about plants and there's some that would be very helpful in this kind of situation. Ideally, he wouldn't have to turn to such methods but, well, sometimes things need to happen.
Once his new partner is gone, he'll return to you as quickly as possible and who knows, perhaps this event is enough to encourage him to take your relationship to the next level.
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~Floyd Leech~
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Floyd was lounging around your apartment as he waited for you to come back from work.
He laid back on the couch as the TV droned on in the background. He was incredibly bored and started to space out, getting lost within his own mind when his phone's ringtone startled him from his trance.
He clumsily grabbed the phone off the table next to him, "Who is it?" he asked irritated. His tone quickly changed from irritated to excited as he heard his parent's voice on the phone.
The conversation was typical. His parents asking him how he's been and him reassuring them, especially his mom, that he's alright. But he could tell that something was bothering them, "Hey ma, is something going on?" concern laced in his voice. His mother seemed hesitant to respond, "Well, me and your father have put a lot of thought into this decision and we know that you may not like it but we have good reason-" Floyd interrupted, "Just say it mama." His mother sighed and told him what had happened.
As much as Floyd loves unexpected surprises this was probably the worst surprise he's ever gotten in his entire life.
"What?!" he yelled into the phone as he bolted up from the couch. The words, "arranged marriage," was loud in his mind.
"You're joking right?" he asked, desperately hoping that this was some kind of weird joke but they denied that it was a joke and they were completely serious. He started to panic. He couldn't tell if he wanted to laugh, cry, or scream. He was becoming overwhelmed as the situation became more real by the minute.
He tried to stay calm, taking deep breaths as he argued with his parents. "I'm already in a relationship! I'm not just gonna drop 'em for someone I don't know or even care about," Floyd said slightly panicking.
His father spoke calmly through the phone, "Floyd, you should know that sometimes we have to do things we don't like or want to do. That's how this business works and unfortunately, we sometimes have to leave people behind."
Floyd laughed bitterly, "This is so fucking stupid. Are you seriously telling me to break up with them?"
His father responded, his tone cold, "We don't care how you do it, just get it done. We don't need to make this more complicated then it needs to be."
Floyd ran his hand through his hair in disbelief, "No, no, no, I'm not doing that."
His father's voice was stern as he responded, "It doesn't matter if you want to do it or not. It's for the business, you'll understand later."
Floyd yelled into the phone, "You're really doing this to me?!" He couldn't keep calm anymore.
His mother spoke trying to calm him down, "Floyd please-"
Floyd interrupted yelling, "SHUT UP!" as he threw his phone full force into a nearby wall making a hole and shattering the screen.
Tears streamed down his face as his heart hammered in his chest. He couldn't calm himself down, he was beyond pissed. He grabbed a nearby chair and threw it in a random direction hearing something shatter. He couldn't stop himself. He grabbed anything nearby him and either threw it or slammed it into something else. He punched, threw, and tore whatever he could as he became blinded by his anger.
He didn't realize how long he was going at it until he heard you opening the front door to your apartment. He was breathing heavily as he sat himself on the now torn up couch.
He heard your gasp of surprise but didn't look at you, instead he hid his face in his hands.
"Floyd! What the hell happened?" you asked looking around at all the broken furniture.
He kept his face hidden in his hands as he mumbled out, "I'm sorry."
You sighed and sat down next to him on your now ruined couch. "Floyd-" you began but are quickly interrupted as he pulled you into a tight hug. As you awkwardly rub his back you feel something wet on your shoulder only to realize he was crying.
"What happened?" you ask him gently. He doesn't respond, instead he hugs you tighter as he silently cries into your shoulder.
After awhile, he pulls away from you rubbing his eyes, "AHHH- Shrimpy you won't belieeeeve it!" he says dramatically as he falls back on the couch, "My parents are tryin' to get me married to some idiot or whatever," he sniffles as he messes with the fabric on the couch.
"You're what?!" you yell in disbelief. "Wha- why?" Floyd shrugged, "Eh, I dunno. I'll ask em' later."
You look around at all the broken furniture, "I'm guessing that's what made you destroy my apartment?" Floyd sighed, "Yeah, I'll help fix it later."
You both fall quiet. You start to grow worried as you think about this marriage he's supposed to be in. You glance over at Floyd, "So, about that marriage thing..."
You're nervous as he sits up on the couch, "I'm not agreeing to it. It's just some stupid paper anyway. Stupid marriage keeping me trapped," Floyd grumbled out mostly to himself. You don't know why but his words made you feel a bit insecure, "Well if that's the case then in a way aren't I keeping you trapped?"
Floyd stared at you before letting out a small laugh, "Nah you ain't keeping me trapped Shrimpy. The difference between the marriage and our relationship is that I actually chose to be here with you and at least I can leave our relationship whenever I want."
"Hey!" you yelled incredulously, slapping him with a nearby pillow. Floyd laughed, "I never said I was goin' to leave!" You smiled, "Good because I don't know what I'd do without you."
Overtime, you can easily see the shift in Floyd's personality as he goes from his usual happy and cuddly self to irritable and barely seeing you at all. And when he does get the chance to see you, he cuddles you for hours on end before he disappears again.
Floyd really tried to stay with you but his parents had made their decision. He complains a lot to you about the whole situation telling you how he hates everyone and everything and how the only person he ever wants to marry is you. He guessed the money was too good to pass up and the thought left a bitter taste in his mouth. It made him feel like he was some object being sold and it pissed him off greatly.
Sooner than he'd like, the wedding date arrives and reluctantly he goes. He may hate his parents for this but he won't go against them. That doesn't mean he won't make things difficult for them and everyone else involved.
The wedding is a formal affair that leaves Floyd very bored. He wants nothing to do with his new partner but he can try to pretend to like them. He'll dance around with them but it's not his fault if his new bride almost gets their arm ripped out from it's socket. He'll even say his vows and kiss the bride even though it makes him want to throw up. But he'll do it for his parents and if it makes this whole event end faster then whatever, he'll do it.
If he's made to live in the same home as the bride, Floyd will almost never be home with them and if his family or his wife's family try dragging him back, he'll fight them the whole way there. Floyd makes it very clear to his new partner that he absolutely doesn't love them. There's only one person that he wants to spend the rest of his life with and it's you.
He doesn't get why anyone, especially the bride, would care about this marriage anyway. Both their families probably set them up for money reasons so why should Floyd care about it? If he could, he'd just say he doesn't give a shit and leave.
Floyd is more likely the one who'd kill their new partner. He absolutely can't stand being trapped and if he's supposed to spend the rest of his life with this person with no way out then he's gonna get irritated really quick.
He isn't heartless however, he knows that his new partner might share his feelings of irritation and that's why he'd much rather just get a divorce than go as far as to kill them.
But, sometimes we have to do things we don't really want to do.
Floyd will find a way back to you. Whether it be with clean hands and a bouquet of flowers to apologize for his absence or with bloody bruised knuckles and skin stuck in-between his teeth, he'll come back to you.
He may even decide to marry you as soon as he comes back! How cute! Besides, his parents can't force him into another marriage if he's taken, right?
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~Riddle Rosehearts~
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Riddle had met up with you in town to take a much-needed break from his job. Getting some fresh air was nice every now and then and it was a nice impromptu date for you two!
You both walked around the town picking up a few things here and there but mostly just spent your time window shopping. Until he suddenly got a call.
Riddle looked down at his phone. It's his mother. He really didn't want to talk to her right now but when you asked who was calling, he quickly tells you it's Trey.
"He's probably just checking in on me," Riddle awkwardly laughs before telling you that he'll be right back as he sneaks off to a more secluded area.
He walked into an empty alleyway. Looking down at the phone again, he grows nervous. He's hesitant to answer but nonetheless he does.
"Hello mother," he greets her with a steady voice. The conversation starts off normal. She asks him about his job and how he's doing. He tells her he's doing great but, the conversation becomes strange as she tells him that she's found him a new partner.
"What do you mean?" Riddle asks confused. "I mean I've found you a new partner and she's far better than the one you have now. She's a very lovely young lady, far more suitable for you," she says happily, "You both will be married soon so I expect you to be here when the date arrives."
Riddle was shocked. Is... this an arranged marriage? Is he being forced into marriage? He never thought his mother would do something like this to him. Not only that but she had the gall to insult you!
His mother continues speaking but he can barely pay attention as he's begins to panic. He needs to say something! He needs to convince her to not go through with it!
His voice is shaky as he tries to reason with his mom, "Mother, I am grateful but as you know I'm already in a relationship with someone and I love them very much. Why can't I marry them instead?"
"Them?" his mother asks snidely. "We both know you can't marry them." His mother continues on telling Riddle that you're unworthy of the Rosehearts name and how Riddle should only settle for the absolute best.
His heart breaks with each reason she gives. But as his heart breaks, his anger rises. How dare she say such things about you! You were one the best things to ever appear in Riddle's life and for her to imply that you weren't the absolute best made him flush red in anger.
However, before he could give her a piece of his mind, she said something that made him pause. "Besides, the marriage has already been finalized," his mother said nonchalantly.
A- already? No wait... So that means that...
Riddle is overcome with an immense feeling of dread as the realization dawns on him. It seems no matter what he does or says, he won't be able to change her mind...
"You... YOU CAN'T DO THIS!" he yells into the phone as he starts to cry.
His mother is silent for a moment before she speaks, her tone is cold as ice and it cuts him to the core, "How dare you talk back to me. After all I've done for you," she pauses for a moment before continuing, "I expect you to be here in the upcoming months for your wedding, understood?"
He swallows thickly, whatever courage he had shatters as he responds with a solemn, "Yes mother," before ending the call.
Bitter tears stream down his face as he falls to his knees. He hates himself for not having the courage to stand his ground against his mother, especially with how much was at risk. He thinks of all the things he could've said or done to possibly change her mind perhaps if he tried harder, he could have convinced her to let him marry you instead.
Riddle suddenly feels a hand on his shoulder. He turns only to see you looking down at him concerned, "Riddle, what's wrong?" you ask as you kneel down next to him.
He opens his mouth to speak but no words come out. He wants to tell you but he just- he can't.
Trying to wipe away his tears, he sniffles, "It's nothing. I just remembered something is all," he said. Riddle could tell you didn't believe him, it wasn't a good lie and he knew it but thankfully you didn't push it. Instead, you both continued on your impromptu date.
Riddle's personality change is obvious to everyone around him. He's absolutely miserable and it shows. His temper getting the better of him more often.
He really wishes he could run away from this. He wishes he had the strength to go against his mother. He wishes he was free of her control but it seems that no matter how hard he tries he can't seem to completely get rid of her.
He ends up overworking himself to distract himself from the reality he's in. He daydreams of grabbing your hand and running away from everyone and everything, far away from his mother. But he can't. He has to face reality whether he likes it or not.
Of course, you notice the way Riddle has changed and he appreciates the concern but he reassures you everything's fine, he's just been very busy.
When the date of the wedding arrives, Riddle is incredibly nervous but he won't run away. He'll try his best to like his new partner or at least pretend to. He may not genuinely love his new partner but he won't treat them harshly, they're a person too. It's only fair to treat them kindly after all, they were probably forced into this as well.
He may dance, laugh, and maybe even kiss his new partner but it doesn't feel the same as when he does those things with you. His heart belongs to you and by the end, he realizes that he misses you dearly.
Riddle will more than likely explain his situation to his new partner in hopes that they will be understanding and if they're kind enough, perhaps they'll let him stay with you.
However, if not then Riddle will try his best to see you when he can. He's not the best at sneaking out unseen but he manages.
At some point you'll figure out he's been married off or he'll go and tell you himself. He was far too afraid to tell you before, when the feelings of hurt were still fresh but while he might feel a bit better now, he's still hesitant to tell you about it. He's worried that now he's married you won't want to be with him anymore.
He hopes that one day he'll be able to get out of his marriage whether it be through divorce or by other means. He may even think of just running away and eloping with you.
Riddle swears that one day his mother will have no control over him. It may not be today or tomorrow but some day he'll run away with you and he'll never look back.
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meanbossart · 4 months
omg i loved that insight into some of drow's most important relationships it was so juicy...now...i gotta know what orin thought of this guy. we get some idea based off the game and other asks but what did orin really think of drow? especially when he first arrived at the temple it must have been something to be told this feral bastard is another of Bhaal's chosen. when do you think she decided to betray him?
GLAD YOU ENJOYED THE READING I love love Love getting into the nitty gritty of personal relationships so thank god some of you guys also like hearing about it LOL
But boy! That's a difficult one. Orin is a very mysterious character to me, we get a fair bit about her life and a vague idea of her relationship with you, but it's always from a second-hand source - the woman herself seems so stripped of humanity that it's difficult to imagine her doing trivial things like going to sleep at night or eating lunch - let alone how she felt about the people around her.
And there's an allure to that that I'm hesitant to try and demystify; not to mention how it itself was a source of frustration to DU drow. While its not like he ever desired to have a sit down and talk about their feelings together as a bhaalspawn, he did want to be let in, whatever that meant - and Orin never ever allowed that, though she did let him get close enough to keep trying.
I do like to believe they were both much less brazen when they met as young adults, DU drow being the shellshocked looking freak who barely knew how to carry out human interaction that he was, and Orin being a lot more explicitly reliant on Sarevok's approval and guidance to exist in the temple. With this, I think there would have been room to some insecurity - if there's another bhaalspawn, her need and effectiveness would come into far more scrutiny than it already did, after all. She would have probably disliked and avoided DU drow not on the basis of his appearance or past, but just because of this threat that he represented to her alone.
And while they inevitably grew close in a very weird way, that very first impression would have planted this seed of resentment in her which would eventually result in the betrayal; but it definitely wasn't the only thing that led to it.
Orin would have been all too aware that DU drow wanted her as more than a sister or a cohort; he was INCREDIBLY unsubtle and would have made attempts to escalate their relationship at least a few times. Because of my theory that Sarevok wanted them to breed together, this behavior was never discouraged, and while I highly doubt it was ever explicitly and openly discussed, I do think Sarevok would have found ways to imply to her that he would like to see the line continue through them.
Obviously Orin never reciprocated DU drow's feelings or desires, but she did enjoy toying with him - while she probably did love him as family, I don't have to spell out to you how weird a situation this is and how it might lead to a lot of bitterness on her end. I don't know if she "led him on" out of malice, out of a desire to feel in control of the situation, or just because she enjoyed the mind games, but these instances of teasing and holding things over DU drow's head only came after many blunt attempts at shooting him down, and looked very different from any sincere displays of affection they may have had as "siblings". Whenever DU drow wanted to push her boundaries, it would be as if a switch flipped and their dynamic ever so slightly changed - and she met in kind. This would usually reach a peak where it broke out in violence, and always ended with them beaten, bleeding, but laughing. And then it would never be spoken about again.
So, with this growing resentment, plus Sarevok's growing favoritism towards DU drow and his seeming desire to see them mate, PLUS Orin's very real ambition to pursue Bhaal's plan and gain some recognition of her own, she would have eventually decided that she didn't want want DU drow around anymore. What feelings precisely led to this decision I do not know, but whatever they were they had been festering for a very long time.
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sessakag · 1 month
Now all I can think about is Prey!Papa-Naruto because it would be the wildest funniest thing ever! Poor Hinata is probably trying to make sure her kids grow up to be good morally upstanding people and Naruto is just….Yeah 😬. Funnily enough this Naruto probably wouldn’t have as much of a contentious relationship with Boruto because there’s no way he’s putting work above spending time how he wants 😭. And as a Kawaki hater I’m pleased to say I don’t see this Naruto being altruistic enough to take in some random abused kid so really we’ve got my ideal version of the Uzumaki family 🫢. Anyway, I bet parent-teacher conferences and kiddy playdates and birthday parties are gonna be fun times 🤣. Speaking of bday parties happy early birthday! I hope it’ll be a fun one.
Daddy Prey!Naruto is the funniest thing ever, lol.
For sure, Naruto would spend time with his little mini-me. Who would stop him?
I feel like Boruto would be very aware that his father is a homicidal nutjob and spend his time trying to keep innocents out of harms way, but he does it in ways that are just as bad as his father, because of course, the apple doesn't fall that far from the tree, and that he has this huge blind spot to when his own inner crazy is starting to show, lol. And of course, mess with his mom or baby sister, well then, you'll have a hard time telling Naruto and Boruto apart at all🤭he'd justify his violence and the bodies in his closet because Prey!Narupapa taught him that delusion is just another way to say correct, and there's nothing wrong with customizing your own reality when it's convenient. He'd also spend so much time trying to undo Hima's worst tendencies their dad is teaching her in an effort to help his mom out, but ends up making it worse by teaching her "alternative" tendencies that are just as bad but much more slicker than his father's open bluntness, which ultimately, makes Hinata's job harder, lol. Poor lady, I can see her trying to explain the situation to her crazy husband. Hinata: I'm trying to make sure the kids have a moral compass, Naruto Naruto: The fuck they need that for?
I'll be honest, I really don't know all that much about Kawaki since I don't watch the show, but his design is very cool, and the clips I've seen of him on youtube I vibe with🤭but Naruto being altruistic and adopting a poor orphan? Not fuckin likely at all, lol. Prey!Naruto wouldn't care about any kids but his own🤷🏽‍♀️so you're all set for sure, lol.
Parent-teacher conferences would be lit af😂imagine Naruto's big buff tatted up self sitting in one of those itty bitty chairs at a table lower than his knees while the teacher tries to get him to understand that it's not a good thing that his little girl is drawing her classmates with their heads somewhere other than on their shoulders🤣he would be so insulted and have a very scary diatribe about why Hima's work is "art" not a "red flag". The teacher would resign the next day by the time he was done. Omg birthdays🙈One word: Pinata. Take that as you will, lmao!
And omg, I wanna write Prey!Naruto at a PTA meeting, lmao! And you'd think Hinata was the one that dragged him to it, but NO, he'd go on his own because he's a super paranoid bastard that needs to know what is going on in his orbit and that includes his hellspawns, and if he doesn't like what he hears he'll have to retire a few folks to ensure things are being run for the benefit of his offspring😂
Hima's not doing a kiddy playdate, study date, pretend date, any date. Over somebody else's dead body would Naruto allow his baby girl to do any sorta dating🤣hell naw, and don't @ him about it. End of discussion. Why? Because Naruto knows how guys are, and considering the things he does to Hima's mother on a regular basis, he's dead set on not letting any guy near his daughter until she's at least 80 years old, if she's lucky. Teen!Hima good luck trying to date or get a boyfriend😅especially since big brother's not gonna be too keen on the idea either, lol. And thank you for the early birthday wishes!!💕
I feel like this SOL Prey!Naruto family is set in stone to be a thing at this point, lmao. I'm certainly sold on it. I won't say whether or not I plan on Hinata getting knocked up in Prey, ya'll will have to wait and find out but I definitely think this should be a full SOL fic at this point, lol. It's just too good to pass up🤭
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Roommates - E.N
(this takes place BEFORE he becomes the riddler. I wanted to write what I thought he would have been like before, so here ya go. metal head, introverted, smoker, emo Edward. lmao. also, I watched Little Miss Sunshine and fucking loved it, highly recommend. ALSO, i realize that it's very unrealistic for a small apartment to have two bedrooms EACH with their own bathrooms, but SHUT UP I DIDN'T THINK ABOUT THAT <3 so pls ignore that in this fic)
Summary: Edward Nashton: a quiet, reserved, heavy metal loving introvert. Y/n: a friendly, outgoing, hyper extrovert. Very different personalities. Though, opposites do attract.
Word Count: 10,797 (guys, what is happening to my fanfics, they are getting so long...is this a good thing?)
Content Warning: Smut, explicit language, hinting of r*pe, hinting of drugging a drink, knife, penetration, corruption kink, virgin!reader, daddy kink (brief), kind of stupid!Reader (that's mean to say but true), dom!Edward, Edward being a HUGE 'simp' for y/n, sub!Reader, praising, ed guides y/n through sex, gentle sex that turns rough later on, fingering, oral fem receiving, aftercare. (There might be grammar mistakes cuz I'm reading this over at 1:30 am, so please cut me some slack I have class in the morning lol. Hopefully the errors aren't too bad. If so, I'm sorry pookies <3 I promise the fic is still good!)
Songs For Inspo:
Kunst - KMFDM
Custer - Slipknot
Sweating Bullets - Megadeth (my FAVORITE metal band, Dave Mustaine ik ur like over 60 but we can figure something out, please u were so hot in the 80's and u still are plssssss...)
Bounce! - System Of A Down (love them sm)
Revenga - System Of A Down (one of my fav songs by them)
Freak On a Leash - Korn (yoNatooRADatEDotRAndat - John Davis in his songs)
Chop Chop Slide - Insane Clown Posse (edward would SO listen to them, not listening to any other opinions. also this song is so funny like its the cupid shuffle but violent.)
Heavy Metal Lover - Lady Gaga
Eddie My Love - The Chordettes
Vacation Bible School - Ayesha Erotica
Daddy AF - Slayyyter (Edward is so daddy AF guys, i don't think u understand fr like i want this man to *censored*)
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(picturing Edward Nashton as a metalhead is hot to me and I feel like it is EXTREMELY accurate for his character. Like, he's an introverted lunatic...he definitely loves metal. This is now a personal headcanon of mine.)
~Read Below Cut~
"Oh, you precious thing..." Edward cooed, reaching down and stroking her hair.
Y/n looked up at him, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape. He chuckled, trailing his hand away from her hair and down to her chin. Gently, he pulled at y/n's bottom lip with his thumb. Y/n squeezed her thighs together.
"Do you want me to fuck you?" He asked sweetly, a hint of desire lacing his tone.
Y/n whimpered, breathing heavily. She didn't even know how to respond to his question. It was so bold and blunt, something that he was able to be with ease. But y/n had a hard time with that, unable to get her thoughts out fully. She nodded, lips forming a pitiful pout as she looked up at him. Edward bent back down to her level, grabbing her leg gently and lifting it up. Slowly, he trailed kisses up her shin, over her knee, and up to the bottom of her thigh. Y/n shivered at the feeling of his lips against her skin.
"Yeah? You want me to fuck you, angel? I need to hear you say it."
"Y-Yes, Eddie, please..." She whined.
He smiled, looking up into her eyes as he planted another kiss on her knee. Edward's eyes were glazed with adoration and love, lust only a small part of the glint. He desired y/n, yes, that was a fact. But, he didn't want her in an animalistic way, no not at all. He so badly wanted to pop her cherry gently, showing her how much he loved her with his body. There was plenty of time for more rough and kinky acts in the future, but you didn't get another chance at your first time. And Edward wanted y/n's first time to be loving, caring, fun, meaningful, and passionate.
"I'll give it to you angel, I promise. I'm going to show you what sex is, what it means, and I'll show you how much I love you through it."
-3 months before-
Edward heard a knock at the door just barely through the music he had playing. Groaning, he got up from his desk in his bedroom, walking out into the living room. His hair was a mess, black streaks scattered throughout his hair due to a crappy dye job he did. A lit cigarette hung from in between his lips as he opened the door. Grabbing the cig, he held it between his pointer and middle finger. Before him was a young girl, maybe a year younger than him, with a bunch of boxes and a single suitcase. He raised an eyebrow at her.
"Hi! I'm your new roommate! Y/n L/n! We talked over the phone, remember!?" She exclaimed, reaching out and shaking his hand rapidly.
Edward instantly grimaced.
"Oh, how could I forget..." He mumbled.
"These are all my things, is it ok if I come in?" She asked politely, a bright smile on her face.
"Um, yeah. Do you want help carrying your stuff in?" He begrudgingly asked, putting out his cigarette on the ashtray near the door.
"Oh, that would be so nice! Thank you!" Y/n beamed.
Edward started to bring in some boxes, moving them to the spare bedroom. Y/n grabbed a box as well, looking around the apartment. She didn't like that he smoked inside, but she felt better when she noticed he had a window open. She really appreciated that. With a bounce in her step, y/n brought back boxes to her new room. The metal music that Edward was listening to was still playing in the back, fairly loudly.
"You have the same music taste as my dad!" She commented, smiling.
Edward froze in place, box in hand as he looked at her. His face was blank, only a look of confusion in his eyes. Y/n felt herself blush and quickly got back to moving things to her room. Edward rolled his eyes as he placed the last box on her bed. He shoved his hands in his pockets, looking at the contents scattered all over the floor.
"You've got a lot of clothes..." He stated.
"They aren't all clothes!" She laughed, finding it amusing that he thought that.
"Then what the hell do you have in these boxes?" He asked, regretting it instantly, because he truthfully did not care.
Y/n looked around for something to open up a cardboard box with. She looked at the desk in her room, smiling when she saw a pencil. Grabbing it, she stabbed it through the tape and Edward flinched, taking a step back. Y/n ripped the tape away with help from the hole she punched in it. She picked it up and angled it slightly so Edward could see the contents. He opened it up, looking inside and raising an eyebrow, glancing back up at y/n. Pulling out a picture, he looked at it and laughed.
"A bunch of cartoon horses?" He asked.
"It's the Mane 6 from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, thank you very much!" She huffed.
"Alright then, well I'm going to leave. Have fun unpacking the things you stole from an 8 year old." He commented before leaving her room.
"That's so rude!"
The two of them instantly recognized how different their personalities were. It was a little jarring at first, living with someone who was the complete opposite of them. But, Edward tried to keep to himself a lot. However, y/n found herself becoming more and more interest in Edward. She definitely had a type...
Slightly scary/intimidating.
Looks a little bit homeless.
He checked off all the requirements on y/n's list....
-2 weeks after moving in-
Y/n's room was fully decorated and furnished. The bed that was already in the room now had pink and white bedsheets with lace on the ends. A bunch of fairly lights were strung about the room and she had all her posters hung up. Shelves were lined with stuffed animals, figurines, and candles. Y/n's room smelled like fruit punch and flowers, if that made any sense. Her room was so cozy and homey, just how she wanted it. Though, most people would say it was too cheery and bubbly for a bedroom. And, those people were dead wrong in y/n's opinion. Y/n was currently listening to music and dancing in her room on top of the fluffy pastel pink rug she had. She was wearing a pair of black leggings that flared at the bottom and a hot pink spaghetti strap tank top. Underneath that she was wearing a white lacy bra. Edward was at work today, so she wasn't worried about the music being too loud.
"Sometimes I wonder if you still wanna fuck me..." She giggled to the lyrics, spinning out of her room.
The white socks she wore caused her to slid across the tiled floor of the kitchen. She swayed her hips back and forth, dancing to the fairly erotic song that was playing. Opening the pantry door, she grabbed a box of cheez-its. Y/n took a bowl from one of the cabinets and poured some of the crackers in. She put the box away and started to snack on the cheez-its. The sound of the front door opening was drowned out by the loud music. Y/n was dancing away, oblivious to the fact that Edward was watching her dance as he put away his keys and coat.
'Well, it's fine because I'm a whore'
'And I sleep with guys just for fun and drugs'
Y/n was still swaying her hips around, jumping up and down slightly. Edward chuckled, stuffing his hands into his pockets, one of which had a chain dangling next to it. Y/n turned around eyes closed as she sang the lyrics, opening slightly at the end.
"Vacation Bible Schoooo..." She froze, hands in the air.
"Hey." He said, eyes heavy and tired.
The music continued playing in the background, causing Edward to smile slightly. Y/n let her hands fall to her sides, a blush on her face. She cleared her throat, grabbing a cheez-it.
"Hello Edward, nice day outside, right?" She asked, placing the cheez-it in her mouth.
"Yeah, really good day to listen to bimbo music in my kitchen." He commented.
"Shut up."
The two roommates had grown tolerable of the other after some time. Y/n was still absolutely obsessed with Edward, finding his mysterious and intimidating nature addicting. Every time he was near her or talked to her, she felt her stomach do backflips. And, Edward was no idiot. He knew how she felt. He was a genius, for sure, but it didn't take a genius to know how y/n felt about him. He didn't want to act on it just yet, even though he felt himself getting feelings for her as well. But, he did enjoy purposefully teasing her. It was a fun little game for him.
-1 month after moving in-
It was around 10 in the morning and y/n sat on the couch, bundled up in blankets. She was as snug as a bug in a rug. It was her day off from work, and she didn't really have much planned. Because of this, she decided that she would watch a bunch of Pixar movies, starting with Cars. Cars was one of those movies that y/n could watch over and over and never get tired of.
"Where is it...?" Edward mumbled.
Y/n realized that she forgot to tell Edward that she had the day off. It aligned well with his work schedule, as he didn't work today either. She wanted to ask him if he wanted to watch Pixar movies with her. Though, she figured that he would say no, in classic Edward fashion. Y/n looked to her right, ready to ask Edward, but her face flushed instantly. Edward stood in the living room, looking around with a towel wrapped around his waist. He was completely naked, other than the towel of course. His hair was slightly dry, though still damp in most places. Y/n couldn't see his eyes that well because his hair hung in his face, covering most of his face up. Edward looked up, not really reacting when he saw y/n.
"Oh, hey y/n. Aren't you supposed to be at work?" He asked, hand gripping his towel.
"U-Um, today is m-my day off. I meant t-to tell you, but I fo-forgot..." She stuttered.
Edward took in her flustered appearance, knowing the affect he had over her. Sighing, he ran a hand through his hair, getting it out of his face. Y/n watched with her eyes wide as he continued to walk around the living room.
"Have you seen my shirt? The uh...the...oh the Slayer shirt." He asked.
Edward looked towards y/n, mouth forming an 'o' as he saw the shirt resting on the top of the couch behind her. He walked over, leaning down slowly, making sure to get as close to y/n as possible. Based on how stiff she became, Edward could tell that he was definitely doing a good job at teasing her.
"Here it is. Oh, are you watching Cars? That's a good move. Mind if I watch it with you?" He asked, voice coarse from smoking a cigarette earlier.
"Oh, u-um, sure yeah. I was g-gonna ask you that actually." She mumbled.
"Alright, well I'm going to get changed. I'll be back."
Over the next few months, y/n and Edward's attraction to each other grew stronger. Y/n would follow Edward around like a dog after it's owner, and it was extremely apparent to him. One night, y/n decided she would go out to a party with her friends from work. Not wanting to be alone, even though she knew most of the people, she invites Edward.
-2 months after moving in-
Y/n knocked on Edward's bedroom door, a System Of A Down song playing loudly on his speakers. Shuffling was heard from behind the door, and then the music was turned down, but not too much. The door swung open to reveal Edward, who leaned against the doorframe. He had a very slightly cropped black tank top on with the skull from Megadeth on it, a few small holes ripped in it. His jeans were washed out and a chain dangled from one of his pockets. Y/n could see his happy trail above his belt, and she felt her breath hitch. Edward pushed his glasses up, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Yeah?" He asked.
"Oh, um...I'm going to a a work friend's party tonight. Just a few drinks and music, stuff like that. I was wondering if you uh, if you might wanna go with me?" She asked, fidgeting with her hands as she looked at the floor.
Edward smirked, noticing how shy y/n was at the moment. It was clear that she desperately wanted him to go with her. He usually didn't like parties, but he couldn't say no to her face. Not when she looked so small in front of him, so needy for his presence at all times. It fed his ego for sure, but it was also nice to be wanted.
"Is there a dress code or some shit?" He asked.
"N-No, I don't think so? If there is then she never mentioned it."
"Ok, then this is what I'm wearing." He said.
"So, does that mean you're coming?" Y/n asked, excitement lacing her voice.
"Sure. I don't have any other plans."
"Yay! I'm going to go get ready right now! We need to leave in 30 minutes!" Y/n squealed, running to her room.
Edward watched her, closing the door to his bedroom a few seconds after. He turned the music off, knowing that they would be leaving soon. Opening his closet, he looked for a jacket to wear over his tank top. Grunting, he grabbed the first one he saw, which was denim. He had patches sewn on it, each from different bands he listened to. He also sewed a bunch of green question marks into it. Shrugging, he slid the jacket on and grabbed a pack of smokes from off his nightstand. His lighter was already in his pocket, so he grabbed his pocket knife and put it in his back pocket. You could never be too safe in Gotham. Even he knew that. As he walked out of his bedroom and closed the door behind him, he wondered about what he just agreed to. If y/n's friends were anything like her, then he would have a headache within the first 5 minutes. Sighing, he grabbed his wallet from off of the table next to the front door and put it in his other front pocket. He could hear music from y/n's room as the shower cut off. A couple seconds later he could hear the hairdryer. Y/n usually liked to take her time getting ready, but if there was a time limit then she could get ready extremely fast. She always liked to be early to everything, which was a good thing. Edward was the same way.
"Can't even drink while I'm there..." He mumbled, realizing that should be prepared to be the designated driver.
After about 10 minutes, y/n came out of her bedroom. She had on a lacy spaghetti strap tank top, it was a soft purple in color. Her pants were ripped denim shorts, which was a good choice since it was summer in Gotham. Y/n's hair was let down, wavy in some places and curly in others, chaotic but cute, just like her. Underneath her hair was a white ribbon that tied into a quaint bow on the top of her head, off-centered on purpose so it wasn't so symmetrical. Blush adorned her cheeks and the tip of her nose. Her eyelashes were accentuated with mascara, a glittery eyeshadow with no color covered her eyelids. Y/n's lips were plumped up with a shiny pink lip-gloss. Edward felt heat rush to his face, and he quickly looked away.
"Ok! I'm done! Just gotta get shoes on!" Y/n cheered, rushing to the door.
Edward stood up, watching her as she bent over and slid on light blue converse. The shoes had tiny gems on the edges, and stickers on the top of it. He remembered when she customized them. He walked in the living room one night to see her hunched over them, it was really amusing. Clearing his throat, he slid his combat boots on. Y/n grabbed her purse and Edward grabbed his car keys.
"You're gonna have to tell me the directions." He said.
"Oh, are you driving?"
"I was hoping we could take my car."
"Aw, but I wanna take my car..." Y/n pouted.
He grunted, closing his eyes shut. Mumbling under his breath he pinched the bridge of his nose. Edward let out a sigh and placed his keys back on the table.
Edward was slumped in the passenger seat of y/n's soft pink mini cooper. The interior was light brown leather, and it smelled just like her room, like fruit punch. Tiny little stuffed animals, beanie babies, and squishmallows were in her backseat. One beanie baby, which was a unicorn, was in the corner of her dashboard, in front of Edward. Y/n giggled, turning into the driveway of her friends house. She got out of the car quickly, shutting the door behind her. Edward got out too, hitting his head on the roof of the inside of the car. Wincing, he cursed under his breath. Once he was out he closed the door, hearing y/n lock the door shortly after.
"Your car makes me stick out like a sore thumb." He said.
"Yep! I know! Now, let's go!" Y/n said, skipping to the front door.
Edward shoved his hands in his pockets, following y/n slowly. The only reason he agreed to coming was to make sure y/n was safe. He hated going to parties, and he didn't even know the people, so it was even worse. But, it's hard to say no when y/n gives him puppy dog eyes. Stepping up on the front porch, y/n knocked rapidly on the door, ringing the doorbell twice after. Edward chuckled softly, standing behind her. When the door opened, y/n was practically bouncing in place.
"Oh, y/n! Hey! I was worried you weren't coming!" Her friend said.
"Sorry, Emily, we got stuck in traffic." Y/n said, gesturing to Edward.
Emily looked behind y/n, looking Edward up and down. He looked ominous towering over behind y/n. His eyes were tired and he smelled like leather and pine.
"Oh, you'll have to introduce everyone to him. Me included. But, please, come in! It's really hot outside. We've got AC in here." Emily said, moving aside so they could walk in.
"Thanks Emmy!" Y/n walked inside, Edward following close behind.
With how close Edward was following y/n, you'd think that he'd be scared to leave her side. But, he wasn't. Not even close. He didn't look like a lost puppy, he looked like a rabid attack dog that would maul someone if they breathed a little too hard. He was like a bodyguard following y/n around. Everyone looked towards y/n, smiling when they saw her. At work, y/n was considered the nicest and friendliest person. But, that also led to people taking advantage of her. Asking her to cover shifts, stay late, and even do other peoples jobs. Edward knew about all of this, because y/n would tell him about it. It was sad that she didn't realize it was manipulation. This was partially another reason that Edward came: to make sure that y/n wasn't coerced into doing something for someone. He didn't want to see her come home 3 hours past when her shift ended for the 3rd time this week.
"Hey girl! Oh, who's Mr. Tall, scary, and hostile?" A girl asked.
Edward looked at her, his face emotionless and dull. The girl looked away quickly, feeling uncomfortable under his gaze. Y/n smiled as everyone gathered around, it wasn't that many people, maybe 10 people. That was without including her and Edward. Emily was there as well. Placing her hands on Edward's shoulder, y/n shook him lightly, not getting a reaction from him. A few people chuckled, causing Edward to grunt lightly.
"This is my roommate, Edward! I'd be living on the streets without him!"
"Oh, THAT Edward! Y/n talks about you all the time at work!" One guy said, taking a sip of his drink.
Edward smirked slightly, letting it fall as quickly as it appeared. Y/n awkwardly laughed, brushing the comment off.
"Uh, where's the drinks at? I'm parched!" She asked.
"In the kitchen, and outside we have music playing, we have a pool too. Though, I forgot to mention that to everyone. So, only go for a swim if you're ok with not having a change of clothes." Emily laughed.
"I already know someone is going to get so drunk they jump in. And, it won't be me. Maybe." Y/n smiled.
Emily turned to Edward.
"Do you want a drink, Edward?" She asked.
"I'll take a Coke." Was all he said.
"I'll get it for ya!" Y/n smiled, going to the kitchen.
Some people in the house made their way outside, other's sat on the couch in the living room and talked. Edward leaned against the wall that connected to the banister of the staircase. He crossed his arms over his chest as he watched y/n in the kitchen, ignoring basically everyone around him.
"So, what's it like living with y/n?" Emily asked.
Edward raised an eyebrow, breaking eye contact with y/n to look at the fairly tall woman. He shrugged, sighing as he looked up at the ceiling.
"It was jarring at first, she's pretty hyper. But, I'm getting used to it." He replied simply.
"Well, Adam was right earlier. She does talk about you a lot. Don't tell her I said that though." She laughed.
"Uh huh." He mumbled.
Emily took this as a sign to walk away, which Edward greatly appreciated. He was not one for socializing. Hence, why he doesn't like parties. Shortly after, y/n came back from the kitchen. She gave Edward a can of Coke, and took a sip of the drink she got.
"What did you get?" He asked.
"Margarita. Well, a poorly made one. But, a margarita nonetheless." She replied, giggling.
"You wanna go outside?" Y/n asked.
"Sure, I need a smoke anyways." He grunted.
The two of them walked outside, Edward glaring at some of her coworkers as they did so. His glasses caught the reflection of the moon, and he leaned against the outside of the house. Placing his coke down on the porch banister, he pulled out a cigarette. With it between his lips, he lit the end of it and took a drag. He blew smoke to his left, making sure it was going away from the backdoor, not wanting to get smoke inside the host's house. Watching y/n, he noticed her talking to a few people, coworkers no doubt. The sound of crickets and frogs in the summer night comforted Edward and made him feel relaxed. Taking another drag, he blew it to his side again. Y/n had already drank her entire margarita. She came back to the patio and looked at Edward, pointing at her drink.
"Gonna get another!" She said.
He nodded curtly, confused as to why she told him. He wasn't in charge of her. She could do what she wanted. He took another puff from his cigarette. The two guys that y/n was talking to approached him. He raised an eyebrow, looking up at them from his hunched over posture.
"Yeah?" He asked, voice hoarse.
"You're y/n's roommate?" One guy asked.
"Last time I checked." He answered.
"Can you do us a solid?" The other one asked.
Edward didn't answer, only looked at them. The guy on the left elbowed the guy on the right softly, chuckling. Ed took another drag from his cigarette.
"Is she a good fuck?" One of them asked.
"Yeah, she seems like she'd open her legs for a good price." The other commented.
Edward's eyes narrowed as he finished his drag, blowing the smoke directly at them. He mumbled under his breath, something about how gross they were. The two men coughed, trying to wave away the smoke. Edward straightened his posture, fixing his glasses that were slightly crooked.
"What the fuck, man?" One guy asked.
"That was a dick move!" The other said.
Edward put his cigarette out on the bottom of his boots. He glanced to his left and saw an ashtray on the banister. He dropped the cigarette in there. Noticing he had a few ashes on the tips of his fingers, he brushed them off on the shirts of the two guys.
"Mhm." He grunted, walking away from them and going inside.
Edward didn't bother saying anything to the two men, it would be a waste of his breath. But, he did know that he didn't want y/n to be anywhere near those cretins. He went to the kitchen, seeing y/n pour herself another margarita. Walking up to her, Edward tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around, take a huge gulp of her drink, smiling wide at him after.
"Hi Eddie!" She giggled.
"How many drinks have you had?"
"Well...th-this is my 4th one..." She hiccupped.
"I see. Well, I think it's getting late. We should head back home." He said.
Just as he said that, one of y/n's coworkers walked up to the kitchen counter. She leaned over, propping her elbows up and letting her cleavage show. Edward looked at her and rolled his eyes, looking back at y/n.
"Hey girly~ tell me about your friend here. He seems interesting." She winked at him.
"Oh! W-Well-"
"I'm not interested." He replied curtly.
The girl scoffed, standing up. She mumbled under her breath.
Edward looked back at y/n, seeing that she was absolutely wasted. He sighed, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. The two men from early walked in and Edward glared at them. Leading y/n to the living room, he whispered down in her ear discreetly.
"We need to leave, ok? I'll tell you why when we get in your car."
She nodded, unsure of why Edward wanted to leave so bad. But, after living with him for a little over 2 months, she trusted him. Y/n glanced over her shoulder and saw two guys staring at her. She looked back at Edward and he nodded subtly. Y/n took this as a signal to say bye to her coworkers.
"H-Hey guysss, it's g-getting late. I think weee're gonna go hooome." She said, smiling drunkenly.
"Aw, already? It's only been an hour since you got here! Stay longer, you're always the life of the party!" One girl with a braid said.
Edward squeezed her shoulder reassuringly, knowing how easily she was influenced by her coworkers. She fidgeted with the hem of her tank top, drinking the rest of her margarita. She shook her head.
"N-No, sorry..."
"Ok, well, before you leave, do you think you can cover a shift for me this weekend? I know you don't work weekends, but I have a concert to go to and I really don't want to miss it." A guy said.
"Well, I-I sup-pose..."
Y/n looked up at Edward, seeing that he was watching the two guys in the kitchen. They were eyeing up y/n, and y/n finally noticed that. She shook her head.
"No, I can't. We-We're leaving nowww, bye everyone." She slurred.
Before anyone could say anything, Edward made sure y/n had her purse on her and they left the living room. He guided her to the front door, watching the two guys as he opened up the door for her. He quickly followed her, closing the door and helping her go down the steps. Edward opened up the passenger door for her, making sure she buckled herself in. He groaned before getting in the driver seat of the pastel pink mini cooper. He felt like a giant in the vehicle.
"Who were those two guys?" He asked, buckling up and backing out of the driveway.
"J-Josh and Aaron..." She stuttered.
"Don't ever talk to them at work. Don't ever accept anything from them and do your best to not work a shift alone with them." He demanded, his tone serious and instructive.
Y/n nodded.
"W-Why?" She asked.
Edward sighed, gripping the steering wheel as he put the blinker on. He turned left and glanced quickly at y/n.
"They asked me a very disgusting question about you. And then they made a gross comment on you." He said.
"Like w-what?" She asked.
Edward scoffed, stopping at a red light.
"Well, one of them asked me if you were a good fuck. And then the other one said that you seemed like you'd open your legs up for a good price." He said through gritted teeth.
Y/n went quiet, giggling drunkenly. Edward didn't understand why she found it amusing. But, he assumed that she was just drunk and laughing it off. Deep down, it probably made her very uncomfortable.
"I've n-never even fucked anyone bef-fore." She hiccupped.
Edward found this comment surprising. He figured a beautiful girl like her would have had plenty of sexual encounters. But, here he was, being proved wrong. Still, he shrugged and turned onto their block.
"Don't let them know that. Knowing how creepy they are, they'll probably find a way to twist that and sexualize you in ways no one ever should. They seem like the kind of people to fantasize about...taking advantage of you..." He said, shuddering at the thought, the words feeling like poison on his tongue.
Y/n mumbled to herself, staring out the window. Edward sighed, pulling into the parking garage of their apartment building. Parking the car, he got out and closed his door. Walking around the car, he opened up y/n's door and helped her get out. She groaned, the salt from the rim of her margarita cup stuck to the corners of her lips. Edward huffed, letting y/n hold onto his arm for stability. She was absolutely hammered. It was clear that she could not hold her drink well. Locking the car, Edward put the keys in his pocket and helped y/n up the stairs. When they reached their apartment, Edward unlocked the door and opened it up. Y/n went straight for the bathroom and Edward heard her gag over the toilet. Sliding off his boots, he hung his denim jacket up and picked up y/n's shoes that she removed when running to the bathroom. He walked to the kitchen, grabbing a sticky note from off the counter and picked up the pen next to it. Scribbling something down, he slapped the note onto the door of the fridge.
He grinned, proud of the little reminder he posted up. When the two of them needed to remember something, or communicate with the other, they would leave post-it notes on the fridge. It was usually used to let the other know if there was no milk left, or if a certain food was theirs. But, this worked good too. Edward walked to the bathroom, knocking on the door. Y/n didn't respond, but he heard a flush. The faucet of the sink ran for a little while, and then the door opened up. Y/n's mascara ran down her face slightly.
"You ok?" He asked.
"Y-Yeah...just wanna go to bed..." She mumbled, tears forming in her eyes.
Edward watched as she went to her bedroom, about to turn around to go to his own. Her meek voice caused him to stop, looking back towards her.
"Th-thank you for getting me out of there. I d-don't know why I hang out with those people..." She sniffled.
"Don't thank me, y/n. That's the whole reason I went."
"What reason?"
Edward grinned, pulling out the pocket knife he had in his back pocket. Y/n's eyes widened slightly and she blushed subtly. She felt butterflies in her stomach at the sight.
"To make sure you were safe."
After that incident, y/n felt safer with Edward than she had ever felt with anyone else in her life. Her fascination with Edward turned into full love. Edward felt love towards y/n as well, feeling the urge to protect her at all times. What started off as two roommates finding each other annoying, had evolved into love and adoration. One night, Edward notices how shy y/n is around him. She tells him that she has feelings for him, and he listens to every word of it.
-3 months after moving in-
Y/n sighed, a pen and paper on her desk as she sketched away. She couldn't get his eyes out of her head. His dark, tired, mysterious eyes that hid behind his messy bangs. She giggled as she remembered seeing him in only a towel, recalling how it made her stomach do backflips. A knock at her door snapped her out of her thoughts, causing her to turn down the music that played from her speaker. It was her playlist she listened to when she was in a really happy mood, so basically, it was music that Edward wouldn't listen to. She looked in the mirror, making sure her hair was cute. She was wearing a peachy color oversized t-shirt that she got from a thrift store. It ended just in the middle of her thighs, hiding the cream colored panties she was wearing. Opening the door, she looked up at Edward who stood before her. A dark olive green tank top covered his chest, his arms on display, and a pair of flannel pants hid his legs away. The black socks he wore contrasted heavily against her pink ones.
"Hey, Eddie. D-Do you need something? Is my music too loud?" She asked, feeling sheepish.
"Huh? Oh, no it's not. Uh, I was wondering if you had anything to eat yet? I haven't had something to eat, so I figured I'd just order some pizza or some shit." He said, stretching his arms upwards, revealing his happy trail.
Y/n's eyes trailed down slightly, but quickly flicked back up to his own. She shook her head, clearing her throat. Edward tilted his head to the side slightly.
"Uh, no. I haven't had anything to eat yet. P-Pizza sounds good." She stuttered, trying to hide the notebook that she was drawing by blocking it from his vision.
Edward noticed how awkward she was being, and decided to make it worse, just for fun. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and walked in y/n's room. Sitting down on her bed, he was careful not to sit on any stuffed animals. Last time he did that she nearly ripped his face off. Y/n shyly sat back at her desk, trying to ignore the fact that he was ordering food in her room. However, she took advantage of this and took occasional glances at his eyes, using them as references to get a more accurate drawing of his eyes. Edward watched as she scribbled away, placing the order over the phone. Once it was placed, he hung up and slid the phone back into his pocket. Getting up from the bed, he walked over and looked over y/n's shoulder.
"They said it'll be at least 15 minutes." He briefly explained.
Y/n flinched when she realized he was behind her. Frozen in place, she watched in terror as Edward picked up the notebook, looking at the sketches of his eyes. He chuckled, placing the notebook back down.
"Those are pretty good, you really captured how tired I look all the time." He said, being serious about his compliment.
"Th-Thank you..." She stuttered.
Her heart felt like it was about to burst with him standing behind her. Slowly, she turned around in the chair and stood up. Edward watched as she walked to her bed, picking up a hello kitty plush and fidgeting with it. She looked nervous, and Edward had a good idea as to why. Y/n sat on the edge of her bed, watching as Edward leaned against the wall that was directly in front of her.
"Um, E-Edward?" She asked.
"Uh huh?"
"There's something I need to tell you..."
He nodded, grabbing y/n's chair from her desk. Pulling it towards him, he sat in it, getting close to her. She felt her heart race, the moment feeling intimate with him being in front of her. Letting out a shaky breath, y/n fidgeted with the plush in her lap.
"W-When I first moved in with you...I was really skeptical..." She started.
He listened intently, spreading his legs slightly as he leaned back into the chair. Y/n swallowed, her throat suddenly feeling dry. His presence was enough to make y/n feel anxious.
"But, I c-couldn't help but notice that I had f-feelings...for you..." She mumbled.
"Oh really?" He asked, not surprised at all.
"Y-Yeah...I think I...I think I love you...Edward..."
He nodded, his glasses glinting from the fairy lights that were hung in y/n's room. She anxiously awaited his response. Her eyes stayed on him as he stood up, pushing the chair back to where he got it from. Taking a few steps, he stood directly in front of y/n. Sighing, he knelt down, looking up at her as he gently held her hands in his.
"I know you love me, y/n. I've known for a while. I've felt the same." He said, rubbing over her knuckles with his thumbs.
Y/n's eyes widened and she felt heat rush to her cheeks. She was stunned by his gentle demeanor, not used to it. He was usually gruff and blunt. Sure, he could be nice and caring every now and then, but this time he was being vulnerable.
"You mean..."
"Yes, y/n. I love you, too." He reassured, kissing her hand.
Y/n gasped softly, unable to comprehend what was happening before her. She watched as he reached his hand up slowly, cupping the side of her face in his palm. He hummed to himself, the music that played softly in the background providing a nice ambience, even if it was y/n's hyperpop music.
"I don't know how else to ask you, y/n, so I'll just say it." He said, sitting up, meeting her eye line.
"Will you be my girlfriend? I probably made that sound like we're in middle school, but whatever." He chuckled.
Y/n nodded frantically.
Edward smiled, looking down at her lips. Brushing his thumb over them, he sighed. Y/n looked at his as well, wondering how they would feel against hers.
"May I kiss you?" He asked.
"Yes, please."
Leaning in, he tilted his head slightly. His lips met with y/n's in a soft embrace. His hand held the sides of her face gently as y/n's slithered around his neck. She sighed in delight as he pulled away, completely enamored with his entire being.
"You're so heavenly, y/n. My angel on earth." He cooed, dimples showing as he smiled.
"Oh, Edward..." Y/n giggled.
"Why don't you and I go watch a movie while we wait for the pizza, hm?" He asked.
"That sounds good. What movie?" Y/n asked, grabbing Edward's hand as he helped her up.
Y/n tossed the hello kitty plush back on the bed. Turning off the music that was playing, she followed her boyfriend out of the room. Edward thought for a moment, running a hand through his hair. As they walked, y/n caught whiff of his scent and nearly melted. She hated the smell of smoke, but when it came from Edward mixed with pine, leather, and green tea, she couldn't resist.
"Let's watch a horror movie, is that ok with you?"
Y/n nodded.
"I love horror movies, I had a huge crush on Stu Macher for a long time. Still kinda do..."
"Oh, you're one of those girls." He winked.
Y/n blushed, sticking her tongue out at him. The two of them sat down on the couch, the only light in the room coming from the fairy lights that y/n convinced Edward to hang on the wall behind the T.V. Y/n snuggled against his chest, feeling him sigh under her touch. He rested his hand on her thigh as he wrapped his around around her. Y/n watched as Edward put on Friday The 13th. As the movie played, y/n giggled, the feeling vibrating through Edward's chest.
"What's so funny, squirt?" He asked.
"Nothing, I just can't believe we're dating now. I'm just super happy!"
"I'm happy too, angel." He cooed, kissing the top of her head.
A knock on the door made them both look away from the T.V. Edward got up, letting y/n stay on the couch. He smiled as he saw her watching the movie from the corner of his eye as he opened the door. Flipping through his wallet, he pulled out 15 dollars, 10 dollars for the pizza and 5 as a tip. He always tipped people who worked in customer service. Edward was a really friendly person, but he looked like he could rip your throat out. So, the pizza delivery guy was quick to leave. He looked at y/n and faked a surprised face as he showed her the pizza, y/n giggled and got up from the couch. Edward placed the box on the kitchen table.
"Go ahead and start eating, I'm gonna get some water. Do you want some?" He asked.
"Oh, yes please!"
Edward poured two glasses of water, bringing them back to the table and placing them down. He looked at the T.V and chuckled, looking at y/n as she took a bite of pizza.
"Honestly, if I was a killer and I saw a naked woman in the woods, I'd run away. Do you know how awkward that would be? Like, 'Hey, I know you're basically naked but I kinda wanna kill you...so...you ok with that?' Like, how do you handle that?" He asked.
"Yeah, you're right! That's so weird. I don't care who you are, if you see a naked person in the woods, you're gonna be a little thrown off." She agreed.
The two of them continued to watch the movie, eating their pizza as they did so. Edward stole occasional glances at y/n, smiling every time she laughed or reacted to the movie. Every thing she did made his heart swell. Once he finished eating and y/n finished eating, Edward cleaned up their mess, even though y/n offered to do it. The movie came to an end as Edward finished cleaning up, and y/n gave him a kiss on the cheek. He repeated the gesture, saying good night before he walked to his room. Y/n grabbed his hand, frowning as she looked at him. He chuckled and tilted his head to the side.
"What's wrong, angel?"
"Where are you going?" She asked.
"To bed...?"
"Well, um, can you sleep with me tonight?" She mumbled sheepishly.
Edward smirked, nodding as he embraced her in a hug. Y/n smiled and pulled away, running to her room quickly. Humming to himself, Edward turned off all the lights that were still on, turning the T.V off as well. He did a double check of all the windows of the apartment and the front door, making sure they were closed and locked up.
"Eddie, come on! I moved my stuffed animals for you!" She called.
"I'm coming angel, just double checking things." He said, walking to y/n's room.
Stepping inside, he saw that y/n moved all of the stuffed animals on the bed to the corner of her room, all in a pile. However, she did leave a worn out rabbit on the bed, something from her childhood. Edward had to admit, her bed looked extremely cozy with all the fluffy blankets and plump pillows she had. Y/n went into her bathroom, brushing her teeth. Edward forgot about that, and quickly went to his bathroom to do the same. Once he came back, he saw that y/n laid flat across the bed, head hanging off the other side. She was stretching her back out in a comical way. Smirking to himself, Edward crouched down and attacked her thighs with kisses. Y/n shrieked and shot up instantly. Edward looked up at her from his position on the ground, watching her face turn red. The subtle muscles in his arms were flexed from how his arms were propped up. Y/n couldn't help but stare at them, squeezing her thighs together at the sight. Edward noticed and raised an eyebrow, finding the movement to be curious. Testing it, he pushed himself up with his hands, making sure to flex his arms as he did so, and lo and behold, y/n couldn't look away. Chuckling, Edward looked down at her thighs and hummed at how gently she rubbed them together.
"What are you doing there, hun?" He asked.
Y/n looked away, blushing. Firmly, yet softly, Edward moved her chin to force her to look at him. His eyes were soft as he looked into hers, seeing how nervous she was.
"You just...you make me feel hot. And I get..." She trailed.
Edward placed his hands on her thighs, looking up at her for approval. She nodded, breath hitching as he spread her legs slightly. His expression was understanding, knowing that y/n never did anything sexual with someone before. He wasn't sure if she had done anything to herself, she obviously knew about being turned on, so most likely she has.
"...wet?" He finished smoothly.
Y/n nodded, face beet red as she watched him massage her thighs. He planted a kiss on her inner thigh, feeling goosebumps rise on her skin. Edward could feel her shiver under his touch and it drove him wild. Standing up slowly, he looked down at her. Her little bambi eyes gazed up in his baggy eyes. He brought his hand down and stroked her hair.
"You make me so...hot and bothered, Eddie. I just...please..." She sighed desperately.
"Oh, you precious thing..." Edward cooed, reaching down and stroking her hair.
Y/n's eyes were wide and her mouth was slightly agape. He chuckled, trailing his hand away from her hair and down to her chin. Gently, he pulled at y/n's bottom lip with his thumb. Y/n squeezed her thighs together once again.
"Do you want me to fuck you?" He asked sweetly, a hint of desire lacing his tone.
Y/n whimpered, breathing heavily. She didn't even know how to respond to his question. It was so bold and blunt, something that he was able to be with ease. But y/n had a hard time with that, unable to get her thoughts out fully. She nodded, lips forming a pitiful pout. Edward bent back down to her level, grabbing her leg gently and lifting it up. Slowly, he trailed kisses up her shin, over her knee, and up to the bottom of her thigh. Y/n shivered at the feeling of his lips against her skin.
"Yeah? You want me to fuck you, angel? I need to hear you say it."
"Y-Yes, Eddie, please..." She whined.
He smiled, looking up into her eyes as he planted another kiss on her knee. Edward's eyes were glazed with adoration and love, lust only a small part of the glint. He desired y/n, yes, that was a fact. But, he didn't want her in an animalistic way, no not at all. He so badly wanted to pop her cherry gently, showing her how much he loved her with his body. There was plenty of time for more rough and kinky acts in the future, but you didn't get another chance at your first time. And Edward wanted y/n's first time to be loving, caring, fun, meaningful, and passionate.
"I'll give it to you angel, I promise. I'm going to show you what sex is, what it means, and I'll show you how much I love you through it."
Y/n breathed heavily, watching as he stood back up. Glancing out of y/ns room, he looked back at her.
"I need to get something, hun. I'll be right back." He said.
Y/n watched as he left the room, hearing him opening drawers in his own. She took this as an opportunity to catch her breath, even though she figured she'd lose it again within a few minutes. As Edward came back in the room, y/n saw that he had a condom in his hand.
"If I'm going to take your virginity, I'm going to be safe about it." He said.
Y/n smiled at him, appreciating how thoughtful and responsible he was being. She would be lying if she said she wasn't nervous. But, knowing that Edward would be the one popping her cherry, she felt comfortable. Safe. In the right hands.
"Are you sure you want to do this, angel? If it's something you don't want, then I won't do it. I don't need sex from you, I'm happy just being in love with you." He said.
"Y-Yes, Ed. I'm sure. I want this. I want to do this with you." She reassured.
Edward nodded as he placed the condom on the nightstand. In one fluid motion, he removed his tank top, his bare chest on display. Y/n shivered as he let his pants fall to the ground as well. The bulge in his boxers was evident, and it caused her eyes to widen. Sitting down next to her, he patted his lap. Y/n took the invitation gladly, straddling his lap. Edward brushed a piece of hair out of her face, looking deep into her eyes.
"You're so beautiful, you know that?"
Y/n blushed, about to say something before being cut off by Edward's lips. She melted into the kiss, hooking her arms around his neck. His hands trailed down from her shoulders to her lower back. Sliding his hand under her shirt, he rubbed circles into her skin.
"Have you ever been given oral, angel? It's ok if you haven't." He said.
Y/n shook her head.
"Do you want it?"
She nodded quickly, the idea of Edward's lips over her pussy making her whimper softly. He smiled, kissing her forehead before gently flipping her over on her back. Letting her legs hang over the edge of the bed, Edward closed her legs, hooking his thumbs under the fabric of her panties. Y/n sat up, holding his hands in place. Looking up at her, he cooed.
"Honey, I'm not going to judge you. You're perfect just the way you are."
Y/n nodded, releasing her grip on Edward's hands. Propping herself up on her elbows, he watched as Edward pulled her panties off, placing them beside her on the bed. With his palms, he spread open her legs, looking at her center. He let out a shaky breath, kissing her thighs.
"Just like I figured. Perfect." He said.
Leaning forward, Edward let his breath fan against her soaked core. She shivered, hips bucking simply from his breath. Slowly, he let his tongue roll out of his mouth, placing it against her. Y/n moaned and gripped the sheets. Letting her get used to the feeling, he massaged her hips. After a few moments, he licked a stripe in between her folds. When she bucked her hips again, he held her legs down firmly. Edward began to suck at her clit, tongue flicking over it occasionally. He was fluid with his movements, making sure it wasn't too overwhelming for her. Y/n reached down and tugged at Edward's hair, signaling for him to stop. Groaning at the sensation, he pulled away from her legs. His lips glistened with her arousal, wiping it off with his thumb before licking it off. Y/n was panting heavily, face flushed.
"You did so good, angel. How did that feel?" He asked, rubbing her thighs softly.
"S-So good..." She gasped.
"I'm glad, darling. Are you ready for more?" He asked.
Swallowing a lump in her throat, she nodded. Her thighs were coated in her slick and Edward's saliva. It served as a lubrication for Edward as he gently slid his finger between her folds, letting it coat his finger with the wetness.
"Ok, I'll be slow. You'll probably feel a small stretch, ok? I'm just going to use one finger." He explained.
"Ok, Eddie. I trust you."
Just like he said, he slowly pushed his pointer finger inside of her. Wanting her to slowly adjust, he only went down to his first knuckle. Y/n whimpered, the sensation a new feeling to her. Edward pushed in to his second knuckle, causing y/n to gasp. After a few more seconds, he slid his entire finger inside her. Y/n's back arched.
"How's that feel? Does it hurt, baby?" He checked.
"N-No, just pressure...so good...m-more?" She asked.
"You want more, are you sure?"
"Yes!" She cried.
Obliging, Edward slid his middle finger inside of her. Y/n yelped, panting as he slowly pumped in and out of her. The pace was slow enough that she could handle it but not too fast to where it hurt. It was perfect, almost like he knew her body inside and out. He smirked.
"Can I do something?" He asked.
Y/n nodded.
Edward stretched his fingers out in a scissoring motion, watching y/n squeal and arch her back. He reveled in the sight of her pleasure, slowly repeating the motion as he pumped inside of her. After she got used to it, he pulled out, laughing at her whines. She grabbed his hand, putting it back between her legs. He pulled it away, shaking his head.
"Angel, don't you want me? Or, are you still not ready for it?" He asked, lifting her shirt up slightly and placing a kiss on her tummy.
"N-No, I want it! 'M just nervous..." She mumbled.
"Aw, pretty girl. I told you I'd be gentle with you. I'm going to take good care of you, I promise you. You just need to trust me, angel."
Y/n nodded.
"Ok, but if I say stop you'll stop right?" She asked.
"Of course, sweetheart."
She smiled, feeling better about what was to come. Edward gently picked her up, placing her head down on her pillow. Reaching over to his side, he grabbed the condom off the nightstand. Y/n grabbed the hem of her shirt, looking up at Edward.
"Only if you want to, y/n." He said.
She nodded, slowly lifting it up over her head. Y/n tossed it to the side. Edward looked down at her as he straddled her lap. His eyes scanned her chest, leaning down and placing kisses over it.
"You're so beautiful, y/n. I mean that." He said, in awe of the woman below him.
Y/n leaned forward, grabbing onto the waistband of Edward's boxers. He smiled at her eagerness. Nodding, he let her pull them down. Her eyes widened as his dick popped out, causing her breath to hitch. She swallowed a lump in her throat. Leaning forward, she opened her mouth. Laughing, Edward pushed her back gently. Sliding his boxers off completely, he dropped them on the ground.
"No, not tonight y/n. Tonight is about you. You're all I care about tonight." He hummed.
She nodded, watching as he opened up the wrapper for the condom. Placing the trash on the night stand, Edward rolled the condom over his dick. He hissed at the contact, twitching in his hand. Y/n shuddered at the thought of it inside of her. But, it also exhilarated her.
"Are you ready, angel? If you've changed your mind, that's perfectly fine."
"Eddie, please, I need you..." She whined.
Shivering, he nodded and lined himself up with her. He propped himself up on his right arm, cupping y/n's face with his left hand. He counted down from 3, making sure y/n wasn't caught off guard. Groaning, he slowly slid inside of her, only pushing the tip inside. Y/n moaned, reaching up and hooking her fingers in his hair.
"Oh, fuck. Angel, you're so tight. A-Are you ok...?" He asked.
Y/n nodded, taking deep breaths.
"Y-Yeah, I'm ok. Keep going, j-just slow. I want it all..."
Edward nodded, doing as she said. Slowly, his dick pushed inside her, inch by inch. The feeling of her walls stretching around him made him roll his eyes back, burying his face into the crook of her neck. He whimpered in her ear, lifting y/n up slightly so he could wrap his arms around her. Y/n whined as she felt him twitch inside of her.
"L-Let me know when you want me to move, baby." He panted.
Edward stilled inside of her, kissing her neck delicately. His heart fluttered as he felt her pulse around him. He had had sex with people before, but it never felt meaningful. So, right now, in this moment, Edward felt absolutely enamored with the girl below him. His girlfriend. He wanted to show her how much he loved her, and he wanted it to be exactly what she wanted it to be. He wasn't the type to listen to anyone, but he would do anything y/n asked. He would do anything for his angel.
"E-Eddie...I'm ready, please." She panted.
Edward nodded, slowly pulling back and pushing inside of her. Each thrust was gentle and loving, not wanting to be too harsh with her. Y/n moaned underneath him, tightening around him as he kept a steady pace. Scratching at his back, y/n groaned.
"I want it faster, please!" She pleaded.
Edward knew he was going slow, but he was worried about hurting her. Moaning, he picked up his pace, hips slapping against hers. Y/n continued to moan underneath him, begging and crying for more. She wanted it faster and harder. Propping himself up on both of his hands, he hovered over her.
"Are you sure, angel? I don't want to hurt you."
"Eddie, I'm sure. Please, I wanna cum! Please! I need you so bad, Eddie please..." She whined, her voice desperate and pitiful.
He let out a guttural groan as he reared back and rutted up into her. Edward watched as her eyes rolled back, scratching at his shoulder blades. His mouth opened slightly as he maintained his harsh pace, whimpering at the sound of her moans and whines.
"Oh f-f-fuck!" Y/n cried out.
"Y-You like this? Does it f-feel good, angel?"
"Oh, fuck, yes d-daddy!"
Edward's eyes widened, a pathetic moan leaving his lips. That name sounded so sinful leaving her mouth. It was laced with a sweet honey that Edward couldn't get enough of. Moaning, he grabbed her hips and quickened his pace.
"I-I'm g-gonna...I think I'm..." She gasped.
"That's good, angel. I'll get you there. H-How do you wanna cum, baby?" He asked in between sloppy thrusts.
"M-Mouth..." Was all she said.
Edward pulled out of her, dropping to his knees off the bed. He pulled her close to him, cupping his mouth over her pussy. Lapping hungrily at her core, he buried his tongue inside of her. Y/n moaned, arching her back as she gripped at his hair. Pulling away, Edward put a finger inside of her, curling it inside of her.
"That's it, cum for me baby. You've got it..." He cooed.
As if on command, y/n let out a loud and erotic moan as her orgasm washed over her. She whimpered as Edward swallowed every bit of her climax, not wanting to waste a single drop. It smeared over his face as he buried his face between her thighs. He acted like he hadn't eaten food in weeks, and her arousal was the only sustenance he could get. It went down his throat like a sweet honey and he wanted more and more. But when there was no more, he pulled away, a string of saliva from her pussy attached to his bottom lip. It broke as he stood up and looked down at y/n. The sight of her naked and run through was enough to bring him to his own orgasm. He groaned, bending over and gripping onto the sheets for stability as he pumped his hot load into the condom. Panting, he let it ride out, a shiver running down his spine when it went away. Pulling the condom off, he tied it and tossed it in the waste bin near y/n's night stand. His glasses were fogged up and he was breathing heavily. Using his fingers, he cleared his glasses and leaned down, kissing the top of y/n's head.
"Ok, I'm gonna pick you up now. Is that ok?" He asked.
She nodded, holding out her arms so it was easier for him. Y/n wasn't the only one who was utterly exhausted from the events that played out. Grunting, Edward placed y/n on the counter top in her bathroom. Grabbing a wash cloth, he dampened it and gently wiped away her climax off his face. After that, he cleaned off the arousal and spit that was smeared over her thighs. Once that was done, he left washed his hands. While he did this, he yawned.
"Make sure you go to the bathroom, ok?"
"M'kay, Eddie."
"I'm gonna get you a new pair of underwear. I'll wait in bed for you, angel. I just want to make sure you're taken care of first." He said.
Leaving the bathroom, Edward closed the door behind him. Grabbing his boxers, he put them back on. Yawning, he didn't even bother with trying to find his tank top as he went to y/n's dresser. Opening different drawers, he looked until he found the one with y/n's underwear. He was surprised to see she had lacey panties, but he didn't pick one of those. Looking through, found one pair that looked like it would be the most comfortable. He grabbed y/'s shirt from off the floor and placed them on the bed. He groaned, realizing that he needed to brush his teeth.
"Hey angel, I'm going to brush my teeth again ok?"
"Wow, did I taste that bad?" She joked.
"Haha." He mumbled to himself as he went to his bedroom.
He was quick with brushing his teeth, wanting to get under the covers with y/n. Rinsing his mouth out of the toothpaste, he left his room and came back to y/n's. He was happy to see that she put on the clothes he laid out and got in bed. He closed the bedroom door behind him.
"Do you sleep with those lights on?" He asked, gesturing to the fairy lights that hung around her room.
She nodded. Edward smiled and turned off the main bedroom light, leaving the fairy lights on. Feeling cold, he was quick to get in bed behind y/n, drawing her close to his chest. She turned around, nuzzling into his chest.
"That was amazing, Edward." Y/n smiled.
"I'm really glad I could do that for you, y/n. I wanted it your first time to be special."
"Well, it was. You made me feel so comfortable. You talked me through the whole thing, I really appreciated that. I was super nervous."
"Of course I guided you through it, I wasn't going to leave you in the dark."
"You're so sweet..."
"By the way, no, you did not taste bad. Quite the opposite actually." He hummed.
"Yeah, you were acting like it was a four course meal." She giggled.
"Uh, cause it was. Speaking of, I didn't get any desert. Can I snack on a couple of your fingers? I'll leave you your pinkies." He joked, opening his mouth, about to put her fingers in his mouth.
"What?! No! You weirdo!" She laughed, snatching her hand away from him.
He scoffed, rolling on his back and staring at the ceiling. Crossing his arms over his chest, he mumbled to himself, pretending to be mad. Y/n rolled her eyes, resting her head on his bare chest. Humming, he stroked her hair.
"Fine. I won't eat your fingers. Yet..."
"Mmm, well give me a heads up when you're about to, ok? I'd like to say good bye to them." He said.
"Are you really that attached to your fingers?" He asked.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I? They let me grab things."
"True. That's a good point. Well, how about I just give a you a kiss. I think that'll be a good desert."
"Hmm, I guess that's ok." She giggled.
Edward rolled his eyes as he kissed her gently. Humming to himself, he held her close to him, rubbing her back. She sighed, warmth flooding her body as he embraced her. Both of their eyes grew heavy as they felt comfort in each other's presence.
"I love you, Eddie."
"I love you too, y/n."
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Hello!! How are you doing??
I hope you wouldn’t mind if I send this request in to you ^^ also i hope i requested this the right way instead of the wrong way… anyways!
May i request Venti, Rosaria, Shenhe and Heizou (all separately, not separate posts lol) With a Fem!S/O who has a Asahina Mafuyu Personality from Project Senkai: Colorful Stage(Also just some headcanons please<33)
Thanks!! Have a wonderful day !!
I don't know the media! So I'm sorry if it's not 100% accurate! I used this page's personality segment for reference!
Venti, Rosaria, Shenhe and Heizou with S/O who is like Asahina Mafuyu from Project Senkai
Reader here is female
Knowing your true nature he can't help but giggle to himself a little when he listens to how people sometimes talk about you.
It's fun, both of you have those huge secrets about yourselves that only a few people know!
He likes to learn ways to understand you. Because as blunt as you are you're often clueless whenever he asks you some questions about yourself.
He supports that discovery, and although at times you have the tendency to be cruel... He doesn't really get hurt by what you sometimes say.
It's very likely for him to joke around on how much your words stab him like thousand daggers, but it's clear that it takes a lot for your words to actually hurt him.
Because if you insult how he doesn't really act like a God he takes it as a compliment. If you talk about his habits he just jokes that it's his charm that you fell for, and other ridiculous comments... But they aren't exactly far from the truth.
She feels odd whenever you don't act like your usual self. Your public image just doesn't feel like you.
She much prefers you to be open with how you are, no needless appearances. But of course she doesn't talk about it since it's your business how you act.
When you're alone she appreciates these moments like nothing else. She wants you to be blunt, she wants you to just say how things are.
At times it might seem like the two of you are a distant couple, but it couldn't be any further from the truth.
You just happen to not really have much need for all that lovey dovey stuff.
She's often confused whenever she hears people talking about you, but in the end she just thinks they're talking about someone else with the same name.
The two of you are really alike. Neither of you talk much, but you don't exactly need words to understand each other.
Sometimes a glance is just enough. The words you speak are few, but you don't need any more than that.
Around you she doesn't feel like she's acting strange. With everyone else she has the tendency to feel out of place considering that her understanding of emotions is just different... But it matches yours perfectly.
You don't need any sweet talk, you don't need any flattery. You just do and say what feels right.
Before dating he suspected that you weren't exactly how everyone else made you out to be like. You could just call it a gut feeling but he could tell that there was something different about you.
And now that his theory turned out to be the truth, each time people praise how you're just this humble and sweet girl he can't help but get reminded of how you actually are.
But seeing your true side has it's charms, after all it's reserved for those truly close to you. So although you're a cold person- he's flattered to see this side of you.
You don't talk too much, but when you do you don't beat around the bush and say how it is: which he appreciates.
You know what to say at what time, so even when your words are harsh he doesn't really find that to be an issue.
~Mod Lisa
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cosmicjoke · 3 months
hi! hope you're well :) im not sure if my ask went through or not bc my wifi was being glitchy and it didn't seem like it sent so pls disregard this if the ask happened to go through lol during the acwnr arc, we see isabel and furlan interacting with the scouts and it seems like they're genuinely engaging in conversations with them. both of them open up about their pasts and connections to levi, although im not sure whether it's a manipulation tactic to gain trust or if they truly felt comfortable opening up to these people they've gotten to know over the course of several months, according to the manga. my question is: aside erwin and that one interaction with hange, do you think levi interacted with other members of the scouts as well? obviously, levi isn't very approachable and is a pretty blunt guy. but if someone were to be friendly with him and treat him like everyone else, would he engage in a conversation, even if it's a small one, or just remove himself from it all-together?
im really curious to hear your thoughts on this as i always love hearing your analysis on levi <3
Hi there, and thanks for the ask! I don't think your first attempt went through, so no worries about sending it again!
First, about Isabel and Furlan, I can't see Isabel being manipulative, really. Her personality just doesn't seem naturally geared that way at all. She's a lot like Levi in that way, in that she's really honest with her emotions and thoughts, only obviously, a lot more outgoing and friendly than Levi. So I think her interactions with the other scouts was probably genuine. Furlan on the other might have been trying to cozy up to them to give them better cover and make their presence there seem less suspicious. Though given the way Furlan relates the story about Levi, I think he was being pretty genuine too. You can tell how much it meant to him, that Levi saved his life.
With Levi, I kind of doubt he interacted much with anyone, for one thing, as you said, because Levi sort of exudes an unapproachable vibe. Not intentionally, he's just a very introverted and quiet person and also, yes, very blunt, which no doubt rubbed plenty of people the wrong way. If Levi doesn't like you for any reason, he's probably going to tell you so. Most people would pretend just to make their own social interactions easier, but Levi doesn't do that. Like his interactions with Flagon, we see him basically unable to pretend to like the guy, even as it's making his, Furlan's and Isabel's situation more difficult. Or his unmoved attitude when Shadis gets in his face and tries to intimidate him. Levi's not too good at ingratiating himself to people or placating them. So I think that probably had a pretty adverse affect on his ability to get along with people at first, and find any, real social interaction. There's also the fact that Levi was reluctant to get close to any of the scouts, because he knew if he did, he would start to feel responsible for them and want to protect them. When Hange asks him if he would be willing to teach some of them his fighting techniques, Levi turns her down, and when Furlan asks him why, he says he doesn't want to be responsible for anyone else. That's Levi's fear talking. He doesn't want to get close to them or try to teach them anything to protect themselves, only for them to then get killed, because he knows it will weigh heavily on him. He knows he cares too much about people to keep a really detached or unaffected attitude about them and their well being. The difficulty for Levi is, even in trying to keep his distance so he doesn't end up caring about these people, he still does. Like the soldier who he saved at the beginning from impaling himself on a dummy titan, or the soldiers he had to watch die when the first abnormal titan appeared. Levi felt guilty that he learned from watching that happen how to approach killing the titan himself. He'd already developed a protective instinct toward all of them, despite not being close. I think that's why Furlan gets so worried when Isabel starts talking about understanding why the scouts do what they do. He knows Levi, and he knows Levi has a bleeding heart, and that he's already starting to feel an attachment to the soldiers around them. We see this demonstrated again later when we see part of the reasoning Levi leaves Furlan and Isabel behind is because he wants them to help protect Flagon and the rest of his squad.
So I think, if someone were to try and approach Levi and be friendly with him, for one, he'd be pretty surprised, as he was when Hange approached him and the others, but he'd also probably be reluctant to try and engage back, again because of that fear he has of growing close and then losing them. But I think if someone really, genuinely tried with Levi to be his friend, he would eventually reciprocate. Levi's never going to be some effusive, gregarious person. He's never going to be super talkative or outgoing or enthusiastic in his expressions. He's always going to appear very reserved and introverted and flat. But that doesn't mean he doesn't enjoy being with someone else. I think you couldn't wish for a better friend in the world than Levi. he's always going to be there when it really counts. When things are hard. He'll always be loyal. He'll always do his best to protect you and support you.
Basically, if someone just has the patience to keep trying with Levi, eventually you'll end up finding in him someone worth every ounce of effort.
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h3k3t · 1 year
I love seeing all these attumaxreaderxnamora anons! I've been hyperfixating thinking about those two for a while now 🤪😵
Just wanted to share a lil idea I've had lately about how the whole thing could start
For some context, I've always seen Attuma and Namora as frenemies, thus some sort of 50/50 between agreeing/tolerating each other and competing/bickering
1. So I feel like the first time they both saw reader they were both star-strucked by her; they both were left speechless by her beauty and strength
2. Being as blunt and possessive as he is, Attuma probably went after reader first; something clicking in his mind and making him go all mine, not caring about anything nor anyone else in the world; probably didn't even notice Namora also staring at her, he was just blinded by that pull
3. I have a feeling Namora is way more reserved and diplomatic? composed? than Attuma and as soon as she saw him charging towards reader, she could only roll her eyes at how much of a brute he could be (guess Namora is more sensual and gentle so she could be a "gentleman" like that lol)
4. Since Namora is not as blunt as Attuma, I imagine she kept her distance and observed, trying to gather as much information about reader as possible; however, that also made her lose leverage as she basically gave Attuma enough room to woo/court reader
5. Sensing defeat, I imagine Namora taking a rather harsh stance against reader every time she would be around with Attuma but only because she doesn't know how to approach her and also doesn't want Attuma to notice her having a big ol' crush on her; her being so distant and rather dry towards reader also comes from how jealous Namora actually feels, she's also possessive and she also saw reader first and she very well knows she could do a better damn job than Attuma
6. Sparring with reader would probably be the few times Namora has a chance to be near her, like physically near her; she would be so distracted by the way reader moves, her scent, the way her skin feels against hers whenever they clash against one another, and most importantly, by the way reader sounds; oh Namora would pay close attention to every huff or whimper or groan that would escape reader's mouth and would wonder if that's how she sounds whenever she's with Attuma...or if she could make reader sound even sweeter if she had her way with her
7. Eventually Attuma connects the dots and realizes Namora's harshness and distance/coldness towards reader is not because she doesn't like her but because she feels the same pull as him; being the cocky asshole that he is, I'm pretty sure he would tease Namora endlessly about it until she snaps at him and bickers about why would reader choose him over her
Anyways, these lil snippets have been driving me insane lately so I thought I might as well share them here hehe
And yes, I like drama and angsty stuff like that sue me
Also, I apologize if this ended up being too long or if it sounds stupid I promise it looks better in my head
~🦈 anon
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HOW DARE YOU LEAVE ME WITH SO FEW CRUMBS, BESTIE?! Do you have any more ideas? Because I would really like to hear/read them.
Don't apologize if the confession is too long, literally every confession I read is, and indeed I read them with pleasure and curiosity❤️
How Namora and Attuma would approach the reader is absolutely accurate! ASDFGHJKLKJHGFDS I mean, in my opinion Attuma is kind of the guy who would start looking for the reader almost like a predator goes after its prey (I think he would also use his size to put more emphasis on it, I mean we looked at it all the mask scene with shuri yeah?)
Namora would literally watch him from afar already understanding what plan he has in mind, and click her tongue at her palate in annoyance. In my opinion Namora thinks Attuma 'plays a little too much' with things, if I'm not mistaken she herself in the film tells him "Stop playing Attuma" after he kept challenging Okoye.
In my opinion, yeah, Namora would feel a little put off by Attuma's way of doing things, believing that there is no room for her in your heart. However, I don't think she's the type to drop the bone so easily. I think she would wait patiently (even without jumping for joy) for the right moment where you and Attuma have an argument or something goes a bit wrong between you two, to be able to jump in and support you in that difficult moment. Namora would support you at any cost, even if you are wrong to Attuma in the argument and I think she would say things like: "I would never have done that to you…" or "I would never have told you…"
Obviously your relationship grows stronger knowing that I would always have support from her and it is at that moment that in my opinion the challenge really begins between Namora and Attuma: who will be able to win your heart.
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amatres · 7 months
OC Mannerism
thank you @the-raging-tempest for the template! it's hard for me to visualize these sort of things but i hope the general vibe gets across at least!
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NO. OF SPOKEN LANGUAGES >> Taldane, Skald, academic Draconic, basic Varisian, rudimentary Kelish
TONE OF VOICE >> Melodic is the best way to describe it. Her voice almost sounds as if she is always somewhat singing. I'd put her around on a higher end of average, with a very soothing cadence. A Mezzo-Soprano.
ACCENT >> Though subtle due to how much moving around she's done as a child and later on in life after running away, Layla has a brevic accent. The irl equivalent for her would be a balkan accent, thank you Taylor for the inspiration😌. Those who aren't from Brevoy wouldn't likely be able to pinpoint where it's from, but those who are would if they were perceptive.
DEMEANOR > Approachable! Very approachable, friendly, and confident. Her confidence is not in a way of being prideful, but of being comfortable in her own skin.
POSTURE >> From the template Cas made that I'm still filling out: Layla carries herself with an easy elegance and the proper poise of one who spent many years among the nobility. Some who watch her say her movement has an almost unnatural grace and assume it’s due to her moroi heritage.
-Layla is always moving in public in some way, swaying back and forth, playing with her hair or clothes. Her favorite is her amulet, and when she becomes more introspective she holds onto it to center herself. She's not incapable of standing still, she just prefers not to.
-Despite, or perhaps because of, her bad vision she is constantly watching her surroundings and looking over her shoulder at the slightest noise. She does her best to disguise this as part of her constant movement, instead of the surveillance it is.
-She is almost always humming to herself, to the point she frequently doesn't realize it.
VOCABULARY >> ⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️ Only held back by own limited vocabulary, as Layla is very well read. Depending on who she is talking to, she can range from speaking casually to speaking as if she is for an Jane Austen novel. It is notable however that the more poetic she is in a conversation, the more likely it is she doesn't like someone. Of course she could just also excited and is getting carried away.
EMOTION >> ⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚪️ Layla wears her feelings on her sleeve with no shame. Whether it joy or grief, you will likely know what she is feeling. Over the years she has tried to catch herself, and with help of people she trust she can at least be brought down from where her emotions take her.
SENTENCE STRUCTURE >> ⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚪ Once again held back by my own limits. Again she is very well read, and had a very proper noblewoman's education, so it bleeds into how she talks.
PROFANITY: She doesn't cuss much, not because it makes her uncomfortable, but because she just doesn't feel like it. Her cussing can be surprising to those who don't expect it.
FREQUENCY >> ⚫️⚪️⚪️⚪️⚪️
CREATIVITY (in regards to profanity) >> ⚫️⚪️⚪️⚪️⚪️ BOLD THAT APPLY
arse / ass / asshole / bastard / bitch / bloody / bugger / bollocks / chicken shit / crap / cunt / dick / frick / fuck / horseshit / motherfucker / piss / prick / pussy / screw / shit / shitass / son of a bitch / twat / wanker
straightforward or cryptic?
finding the right word or using the first word that comes to mind?
masculinity, neutrality, or femininity?
formalities or with abrasiveness?
praise or equivocation? (both, depends on the situation)
frankness or flattery (she does both, depends on the situation)
excessive or minimal hand gestures (idk if excessive is the right word, but she isn't 🧍‍♀️ the whole time either so lol)
name-calling or magnanimity? (this very much depends on who she's talking to and if she has control of her emotions at the moment)
friendly or blunt
DO PEOPLE HAVE A HARD TIME HEARING OR UNDERSTANDING YOUR CHARACTER? Never, she is able to adjust very easily to the needs of who she's talking to. If they can't hear her, it's because of something out of her control or because she didn't want to be heard.
DOES YOUR CHARACTER’S POINT COME ACROSS EASILY WHEN THEY SPEAK? Depends on if she wants it to! But she is in general very articulate, so she has no difficulty sharing her point of view when she wants.
WOULD YOUR CHARACTER INITIATE CONVERSATIONS? Yes! She is the type of person to find someone who is in the corner and talk to them to put them at ease at a party, and try to get them to enjoy their time. She enjoys talking to as many people as she can because she enjoys hearing other people's perceptions.
WOULD YOUR CHARACTER BE THE ONE TO END CONVERSATIONS? Rarely. She will keep a conversation going as long as the other person is comfortable with it! It's only in conversations where she is angered does she cut it short, either to leave, or kill them lol.
Yes, both ironically and not lmao. noble ass but also mischievous ass.
but / though / although / however / perhaps / maybe
all of them lmao, it depends on the context.
If the conversation is ended by her and it's not on a bad foot, she will smile and usually give a thanks for talking to her, say it was nice talking to them, and give a goodbye, though not necessarily all of them at once. If she's close to them she might hug them, or perhaps even kiss them on the cheek. It usually won't be in a formal manner, and she'd try not to overstay her welcome.
Just on voice? Probably they would assume she's from upper middle class, and probably assume she was raised by a wealthy merchant or something similar, or more accurately as a noblewoman. She can change it to better suit who she's talking to, so if she wants to come across a certain way, she likely can and will.
She can put most people who listen to her to ease, whether they notice it or not. She speaks clearly, and is genuinely polite but not to the point of sounding archaic. Most conversations with her leave her conversation partner in a better mood than they entered it with.
Anything that wasn’t touched on? -Despite me pointing out her habit of humming, she is heard laughing even more often. I think she'd have a very cute laugh, one that bubbles up and is infectious.
-Layla is an arabic name meaning 'night' or 'dark', given to her by her mother shortly before her mother's passing. Many believe, including Layla, it to be a purposely on the nose name for her child who was born in the middle of the night as a dhampir. It's pronounced 'lay-luh' as one would expect.
-If she feels threatened, Layla will be more likely to try and manipulate the person into not seeing her as a threat, before ultimately running away when they aren't paying attention. Ie. the fact that she'll mirror who's talking to.
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luna-lovegreat · 4 months
Why don’t you have your pronouns in your bio? I want to interact with your account but as a trans person it makes me feels unsafe if an account doesn’t have pronouns listed. (Genuine question, not trying to attack or anything)
Hello hi :D
I generally take a long time to reply (I choose to take a while so I am not rushing my responses), but I want you to feel safe so I will try and respond quickly
***I tried to respond as a private ask but I think I can't, so my response to anon is under the cut. It is way too long, but I don't want to trim it down and keep friend waiting
^^tone indicators for all of my response is positive and genuine- I am curious and sincere
Thank you for sending this- I love that you are brave enough to ask and I hear you. I'm honoured that you like my account and would love for you to interact with it! I want you to feel safe tho, let's figure it out
Could I ask for advice? I am not yet completely understanding of tumblr or how everything works. I'm not certain what a bio is or where to put it.
I have so far avoided posting a pinned post, or having personal information in my blog description (<is that bio?). I have preferred just having posts- I am also not very comfortable reblogging things yet. I'm not certain how to explain why, but that is the form my anxiety has taken in managing my account appearance. Is it ok to leave it as is?
As far as changes I am slow on that as well, and might take a bit- but again I will try to hurry because I never want you to feel unsafe. You are worth any extent of kindness
So if I may ask- what is a blog bio, and where would I be supposed to put my pronouns? I think others have explained a bit on this but sometimes I don't understand immediately. Is this something that will make people feel unsafe? And may I ask why? I understand if this is uncomfortable, but I always want to be honest and genuine, and learn rather than pretending I know everything. I am autistic and often take a long time to understand things socially. Could not having pronouns be seen as a rejection of my trans friends?
I also have believed they/them to be the sort of default- as a sign of respect for my trans people I say they/them if I am uncertain. I want to help people feel validated with they/them, rather than assume and say something that is not who they are
My pronouns are she/her! :D but I am ok with they/them as normal which is another reason I hadn't put them.
I have several friends I plan on asking for advice on this as well, but I would love advice from your perspective. I want to make sure your concerns specifically are cared for since you asked. If you are ok to go off of anon, could you dm me or talk in replies? I want to learn. Or you could send me asks in anon- but I do not want to seem like I’m telling you what to do, or demand you talk openly if it makes you uncomfortable.
Friend :)
If I have accidentally said something very offensive I am so sorry and please help me understand- I have a heart for you even if words get in the way. I hope I am not defensive- learning and growing and changing are the best parts of life
If anything I said came across as rude or blunt I am sorry- I tell you that is not what I mean and I want to be friendly and light. I struggle with language sometimes (sometimes) which is why I normally take long to respond.
Hi friend! I think you are very cool and you've made me happy- now I can learn more :D if I was too intense or seemed demanding I am sorry- I got slightly panicked. I want you to feel heard and safe :)))
I feel secure in my gender identity and would not be adverse to being trans. I have spent so much time searching tho- I enjoy bragging about always having skirts with the best pockets.
I know this post is way too long and I repeated myself- I ramble lol but want to help you feel loved quickly
Edit: hate to add more, but hi anon! Many of my friends have come to help me understand more. Thank you for asking- I did not know and love to learn. I've added pronouns, and want to always make changes so people can feel safe. You don't have to go off of anon if you don't want, but if there's anything else I can do let me know. You are so so cool :)))
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captawesomesauce · 4 months
Thoughts at 530pm...
I will be blunt and say upfront that I am NOT a fan of this isolation/quarantine ... but at the same time... I don't actually mind it all that much in a lot of ways.
I'm finally kind of relaxing, which isn't a normal feeling for me... and It'd probably take a week or two to really unclench I think.
To better explain, let me tell you what a day with W is like:
The alarm goes off at 635am and she grumbly gets up ... waaahhhh it's tooooooooo early .... From about 7 until 10 or so I can hear her in her office.
The closer it gets to 10, I am on high alert. Is she going to come in and want to take a nap? If so I'll have to stop what I'm doing and accommodate that. We have one bed... we share the bed... she has a right to sleep when she needs to. Other options are that she'll want to come in and tell me about her meetings or her projects or ask for help on what she's working on. Or she'll have another meeting with a different group until noon or so.
At noon she usually either has meetings, or is hungry, or is waking up and is hungry, or just misses me and wants to talk.
At 2 she's done with work, but between noon and 2 she's in and out and all around and doing her thing and often looking over my monitor meowing or wanting a hug or just... THERE.
Once work is done, it's nap time, so from 2 until 5 or so, it's snuggle and nap time.
At 5 it's get up and cook dinner, and once dinner is done around 6 or 7, it's snuggle and watch tv for an hour or two.
At 9 or so we're done with tv, and for the next hour we just putter about, until we start getting ready for bed at 10.
I get the bit from 6am until 10 am to myself... (kinda)... but after that.. it's whirlwind W until bed time lol
What is it like in isolation?
I get up when I want... I go to sleep when I want... i eat randomly... the tv stays off... i mostly read and work on projects and do whatever as the mood strikes. I'm not constantly watching the clock. I'm not constantly listening for footsteps. I'm not watching the doors and alert for her to come in/go out.
I do a lot of stuff that involves heavy concentration and I block out the world when I'm in that mood. It's all about flow as I feel like I'm literally pulled along by my thoughts. Let's try changing this variable and record the results which might lead to a better understanding of this part... and ooh let's go for this and work on that. Let's go through this long list of data, sort it, get rid of duplicates, and edit it. It's just me, a screen, and a billion thoughts and I end when I end, I start when I start. Sometimes it takes 4 or 5 hours to work through a problem or a dataset.
In isolation, that's easy to do... I just sit and work on it as it flows, and take breaks when I feel like it.
My ears are off, my alert level is at 0. No one is coming in, no one is gonna bug me.
Another thing is that I do things without being questioned. No, where ya going, whatcha doing, whatcha working on, what's that, what's this what's what's what's.
Do you know that there is something actually super relaxing to not having to think about anyone but yourself? I get up, i get water, I sit back down. I putz around as mood strikes without any thought of anyone else or disturbing anyone else or what anyone else might want or need. I just... exist... and it's been so very rare in my life that I've ever been able to do that.
I've taken care of parents and grandparents. I've had a girlfriend or a fiancee, or a pet, or lived in rooms with 10-40 other men. There's always been someone or something... but now... this is the first time it's just me.
It's interesting.
At the same time, i do miss her, and so we chat on messenger a lot, we have walkie talkies for quick communication, and we also have face chat so we are apart but we're not.
And honestly, I miss her, I miss feeling her lay next to me, I miss hearing her talk her head and mine off. I just miss being with her.
I know how hard this is on her, she's not liking it much at all. i don't know if there's a plus side for her in any way like there has been for me.
Honestly, I've slept so much of this isolation away. I was so stressed before, and then with the rain coming my joints and headaches are hurting worse, so I just close my eyes whenever and often.
Tomorrow morning at 10am will be a full 72hrs since I got home. I've had 0 symptoms so I think we're in the clear... until the 13th when we do this all over again!
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theonlyadawong · 4 days
if you have the time, would LOVE to hear what your thoughts on a potential claire/ada dynamic would be. the closest thing we have is the non canonical darkside chronicles retelling where leon is like “okay ma’am whatever you say” while claire is like “she’s clearly shady as hell are you out of your fucking mind?”
like that’s kinda fun, ada knowing leon is the easy one to trick and therefore focusing on convincing HIM and just not rlly trying with claire, probably bc she thinks claire is too smart to fall for that. my interpretation of it anyway
So first let me say I don't care for how a majority of cl.aida is portrayed because they water both of these women down to where theyre all soft and sweet with each other and it ends up being fanon a.eon but with 2 women and i HATE that.
i see claire as a very kind, and caring woman, and this is something canon stresses constantly, HOWEVER i also see claire as a woman with quite a bit of grit to her. this is a woman who was orphaned and only had her brother to take care of her, a woman who survived the horrors of raccoon city and also managed to save a young girl in the process. she may be kind, but she won't take anyone's shit, and she can be very blunt and isn't afraid to call someone out.
so my ideal version of cl.aida, or at least the version i see that could happen between my (correct) interpretations of the characters, is one where theyre working together or at least in the same vicinity lol and it's not hard to get ada and claire working on the same mission, as ada is a spy and might spy on claire for information on terrasave, her brother chris, or the tphobos virus which claire carries. ...or claire and ada could cross paths during an outbreak lol. either way, these 2 interacting with one another isn't so far out of left field.
regardless of what brings them together, ada would latch herself to claire (under a moniker other than Ada WongTM because EYE want to see that) in hopes of finding some kind of Infortmation, and claire would notice that ada is waaaaay more capable than any normal civilian should be and claire would corner her and demand she tell her who she is, and ada wouldn't of course, but that's okay because claire has connections too, and adas face is known in the bsaa and from there she'd put 2 and 2 together.
after finding out ada is a spy, claire would be less inclined to fall for any persona ada puts up, whether it be flirtatious or intimidating, or anything else, instead ignoring adas performance and paying focusing only on things ada says pertaining the mission at hand. ada is naturally very charming and i think claire can see herself getting along with ada, but she's not going to let herself get caught up in adas web. they do the job or survive the outbreak or whatever and well... they've both got quite a bit of pent up energy and a lot of tension that needs to be released. and frankly? the way their relationship deepens starts with a mutually agreed upon one night stand, both trying to release some energy without any risk of the other person catching feelings. after a while they decide to do it again, and this becomes a constant thing, and still neither one has feelings but they get closer slowly. at glacial speeds. (here is where im skipping a lot of specifics because even though i wrote this huge blurb i havent really thought about how theyd work together, so maturally there are character specific moments im missing from both of them) i see them building a pretty rock solid trust in each other (at least as rock solid as you could get with ada lol) and from there ada would feel more comfortable showing claire her true self but only for short periods of time, I'm talking an hour at most.
now i need to be clear, i think there are times when adas job bumps up against claires morals, and that's when claire just can't stand ada, but i think claire grits her teeth and tells herself it's okay as long as whatever ada does helps the greater good. i do think this is something that causes friction between them and leads to arguments.
from here i see their relationship breaking the mold of what is "supposed" to be a normal monogamous couple. ada would come around in between jobs and they'd be together enjoying each other's company for as long as possible until ada leaves for her next job, and I believe ada is the one to leave first as there is nothing she does normal, especially not relationships. and believe it or not, i think claire is aware of this, and she accepts it... for a time. i think the older she gets the more she wants a more stable partner, and i think eventually she'd call it off with no hard feelings and ada would be sad for a time, but ultimately happy she wasn't forced into a box she wouldn't fit in.
and thats all if they have a relationship when theyre both 30 or older. now if they were to get together in their younger years then everything would be the same except instead of a one night stand they have a 2 month long crazy lesbian situationship and then claire has a moment of clarity and is like, "if we keep going like this we're gonna hate each other forever, so maybe we just stop now" and ada thinks about it for a second and then is like you know what. You're right. And then they cut the relationship off but they're still cool and they trade information with each other and yes. They do still fuck sometimes. :)
ultimately I think claire would want more stability than ada would be willing to give, so no matter what their relationship wouldn't last forever.
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rydiaroads · 9 months
Time for destined with you, episode 10. I will be caught up again.
I like how I'm coming to understand all the images in the intro. It's nice.
Awww jelly boy. Lol
How can she say it's one sided love with jaegeung has been practically throwing himself at her.
So sin yu kinda just did the whole 'wait for me babe I'll totally dump my girlfriend soon' sigh
That's the reaction you want when your boyfriend calls, heavy sigh.
You got engaged to a man who never said he loved you? Damn, how rich is he.
He didn't defend hong jo at all. Hrmm. I thought he was gonna say 'you can say I'm the worst but don't say that about hong jo'
I totally bought that they were fighting over her in the middle of the street, good fake out.
I laughed at that petty smile jae gyoeng face him after saying he looked good with bitchy girl
Wait so didn't he break up with the gf? If an ex sits next to you at lunch, you tell them to leave or you leave. You don't let others assume you are still together. Is this a Korean niceness thing?
A fortune teller is not a cure for depression *facepalm*
Ugh, having to take care of the bitch who brought you out to yell at you. Geez. I bet she's faking.
Lol it was cute the way jae gyoeng asked her out, but the way she reluctantly agreed was sad
I feel like it is not still clear if they are broken up. I want blunt words here people. From both of you!
Man I love a guy in a waistcoat.
Omg dude, you have no leg to stand on. You haven't proven to her that you broke up with bitchy girl yet, you haven't even technically told her you did!
Lol I love his coupons.
Hong jo, you are very obviously on a date with him. Hong jo. I need you to hear this. You are on a date. Right now. Do you understand? You aren't acting like you know this.
What promise is she talking about? Didn't you break up?!
Oooooooh. You could've told hong jo about this!
Finally, red hand is back! I got spoiled that it would come back though. But still great to see.
Finally some supernatural stuff again!
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iruiji · 2 years
Okay but hear me out: Genshin SAGAU NGs
NG • (enji) (hangeul 엔지)
(film, television) a blooper
Tumblr media
This is very, very random. It came to my brain when I was washing the dishes, lol. Um, this isn't proofread, obviously, and I really don't trust myself in writing well but uh, I can't get it out of my head!!! 😭🤣🤸
I'm writing this as I go and haven't really thought about a particular scene yet, so uh, this is some sort of prologue, I guess? I hope you enjoy a little, at least!
✧ --- ✧
Install Genshin Impact, they said.
It will be fun, they said.
As she tripped from a nearby root and sprained her ankle, she cursed, before getting up despite the searing pain.
Only to yelp in shock when an arrow whizzed past her ear, staring in disbelief as it cut some of her hair and finally landed in a tree. Instantly, the pain in her foot seems a bit more bearable.
Doubling her efforts, she ran past the treeline of the forest and tried to be silent as possible traversing it. Please, please, please! She frantically looks for something, somewhere, to hide from her assailants.
She quickly pivoted to the right, almost doubling over when she pulled on the sprain.
(No, no, she needed to go inside that cave like, I don't know, fucking yesterday!)
With a bit of a struggle and panic after hearing the people chasing her getting close, she threw herself into the opening of a small cave, almost hidden in between two tall trees. She silently backs away from the entrance, hoping no one will see her. Ah, but if the people here knew every crevice of the forest, wouldn't they know about the small cave as well?
Well, she thought as the sound of footsteps got closer, I guess I just fucked myself over didn't I?
She screamed when someone pulls her leg. Oh, fuck! They got her!
"You dare run from your punishment, impostor?"
A face she knew very well greeted her - Cor Lapis eyes and deep, brown hair with golden wisps at the tips. It was Zhongli: her favorite character in Genshin Impact. He looks even better in person, with that charming eyeliner and suit, and oh no, his body looks toned- ohmigosh, why the fuck is she fangirling right now?!
But oh, he looks really handsome and-
- and he looks ready to kill her.
She gulped. "I.. I didn't do anything, I swear!" The fury in his eyes didn't abate, however, and even went angrier.
"You dare..?"
Zhongli readies to summon his spear to exact punishment, when a nearby soldier trips on something.
The next second, she's howling in pain while cupping her nose. "Ow, fuck!"
In the middle of his summoning, Zhongli was pushed by the soldier making him lose balance, and in turn hit her nose with the blunt end of the spear.
✧ --- ✧
Zhongli was immediately by her side, trying to pry her hands away to check her nose. "Oh, God. I'm sorry! Are you alright??"
"Nooo.. fuck, it fucking hurts!!" came the pained moan, then the sound of laughter. Others have put down their weapons, murmuring to themselves as they stared at the commotion. Amber was on her other side, looking as her worriedly. "Um, maybe we need a short brea-"
There was a loud thump, before Razor was frantically waking up Bennett.
"Holy shit-" The Reader let out a shocked laugh, before grimacing in pain. "Someone get a healer!"
"Barbara!!!" called the Director, getting up from their chair. "Come, quick!"
Barbara dutifully walks in her direction while instructing Qiqi to check on Bennett. She removed her hands cupping her nose, grimacing a bit.
"That bad, huh?" and was given a wordless nod. On her side, he noticed Zhongli with a grim expression on his face. "Hey. Hey, dude. Come on, it was an accident."
"Still, I have a fault as well." Oh no, was he about to cry? God dammit.
She pats his shoulder in hopes to comfort him a bit. "Zhongli, my bro, my man, come on. It's not your fault, and you know that." He opens his mouth to argue, but then the extra who bumped into him beats him to it.
"It's okay, really-"
A very very scary aura suddenly made her skin crawl. Most of them froze, before she looked behind her and gave the fuming director a sheepish smile.
"Aha.. don't.. kill them please?"
"I have a limited budget, so it wouldn't help me in any way if I got rid of another extra when there's so few of them already. UGH, I STILL HAVE TO FUCKING PAY CGI TO MAKE ADDITIONAL SOLDIERS, FUCK ME!!"
"D.. director?"
Childe hums from his chair behind the camera, frowning. "We can just remove that scene, y'know? Why did we even add that? It looks stupid. Why not just let him carry the spear??"
The Director turns to him, seething in rage. "This is a fantasy setting, idiot. It's literally THE SELLING POINT!"
"Aw, come on-"
"I will remove your fight scenes if you don't stop talking and do your job."
"Yeah, and now you're a cameraman, so do it properly!"
Childe grumbles in his seat, glaring at Scaramouche and Signora snorting at the back with the other Harbingers. "I can hear you, assholes."
"I'd be happy if you don't."
The Assistant Director quickly chimes in, with the Writer at their side sighing in resignation. "Alright, children, back to your posts. Reader is okay so we should be able to continue the scene!"
That got everyone moving. With a last check on their actors and their equipments, they continue shooting the scene.
"This better not get interrupted again, I swear to everything that is unholy.." the Director sighed in their seat.
✧ --- ✧
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