#shenanigans do still ensue btw
emimii · 6 months
au where pegasus decides to adopt the kaiba bros so they arent the kaiba bros theyre the pegasus bros now
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55 notes · View notes
irishmammonagenda · 4 months
Summertime Shenanigans-Obey Me X Reader
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Summary: You go to the Celestial Realm on a mission, and end up finding out about a horror occurring all over different afterlives. With Lucifer's upcoming birthday, chaos ensues. Word Count: 6.3k+ Warnings: more than half of this is crack btw. female reader. Religious references. OCs involved, mentions of mythology, very bad representation of a very certian country. very much a Lucifer x reader bc its his birthday <3
post dividers by @saradika-graphics
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You seem to keep finding yourself in the Celestial Realm these days, which makes sense seeing as you did get reincarnated as an angel so it is technically your realm. But still, you've visited the Celestial Realm as an angel way more times than you'd visited the Human Realm as a human.
Nothing but your thoughts occupy you as you climbed over the fence that bordered the official entrance to the Celestial Realm. Technically you could´ve just walked through the gate like a fucking normal person, or y´know used your wings to fly over the massive fence, but climbing was funner.
When you do make it over the fence, you make a beeline for the Celestial Gardens, passing Saint Peter on the way. The man just looks at you and sighs inwardly muttering something about how he was not crucified upside down just to watch some crackhead climb over the gates of heaven, he turns away from you and moves to greet a new arrival, being the nosy fucker that you are, you decide to watch from behind a cloud.
Peter can see you by the way. You're not fooling anyone, he's just choosing to ignore you.
Peter smiles at the young woman with hair as orange as a runny yolk. He nods to her. "Hello, and welcome to Heaven. I'm Saint Peter."
The woman's eyes widen and she looks around. "Heaven? But...that can't....I'm not..-"
Peter sighs, looking at the pendant of Mjölnir around her neck and nodding to himself. "Valhalla is currently under construction, again. We in Heaven have agreed to take all coming to Valhalla and host them for a few weeks until the damage is fixed. Again."
The woman lets her quickened breathing slow down, she mumbles weakly. "O-oh right...thank you...but..Valhalla's damaged, how?"
"Nothing much, just Derek."
Peter shrugs, you tilt your head from where you're hiding behind your cloud. "He's just some guy. He's been appearing in every plane of Afterlife and, pardon my french, fucking things up."
The woman cracks her knuckles. "But why?"
Peter shrugs, "Because Derek's a dickhead."
"I see...."
Peter hands her a pamphlet before pointing her in the direction of the temporary accomodation set up for Norse Devotees before turning around and yanking the cloud off of you.
"Michael's where he usually is. Also, please stop climbing the fence, you're scaring the doves."
"Who's Derek and what's he got against Valhalla?"
Peter just sighs, "He's from Illinois."
"Understandable. I'm off to go see Michael, Bye Peter!"
"Goodbye MC! Use the gate next time!" Is all Peter shouts after you, before turning and having to explain to another disgruntled newcomer that a man called Derek exists so they have to stay in Heaven for a week.
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After making it to the Celestial Gardens, you find Michael, Jesus and surprisingly, Satan huddled together looking at a crystal ball. You stop in your tracks, "What are you guys doing?"
"Making a gnome." Michael answers at the same time Jesus and Satan say, "Watching people debate theology."
You blink, sitting down in between Jesus and Satan. The former groaning with his head in his hands, exasperation written all over his tanned face, strands of dark wavy hair fall over his expression as eyes as rich as soil squeeze shut. An unusual sight to say the least. "If these people don't stop calling my mother a whore..."
"Yucky." You make a face.
"Very yucky." Michael agrees. "It's a shame we're not allowed to smite humans anymore."
You tilt your head looking at the Archangel. "You'd smite someone for calling another person a whore?"
Michael nods, golden curls and coils bouncing around as he does so, some paper shavings falling out from the confines of the coils like dandruff, ruby red eyes portray seriousness he doesn't normally express as he looks up from where he's giving the gnome insanely big ears. "Well no one messes with Mary."
Jesus nods in agreement.
Satan pats Michael on the shoulder, "Damn straight."
You look between the three, making note of Michael's green robe tied in such a way half of his chest is visible. Said visible skin is covered in glue and paper. "So, why are you torturing a gnome, and why are you guys watching humans debate theology?"
Satan shrugs, watching in the crystal ball as the Jehovah's Witnesses' enter the room to debate. "Funny."
Jesus smiles, "Interesting, but also frustrating."
Michael looks between the two, now attempting to paper maché more hair onto the gnome, in the process somehow getting newspaper stuck to his dark skin. "I'm an artist."
Satan gives you a hug, standing up and stretching his legs. "Well I better get going. If I leave fast enough I won't have to deal with Saint Peter on the way out."
Michael whistles, still not looking up from the gnome. "This about the upside down cross symbol?"
Satan sighs. "Not my fault people think it's my symbol not his...."
Michael discreetly glances over to Jesus who is explaining to you what's been happening in the debate he and Satan were watching. "Well I mean, getting crucified is kind of a bad experience sometimes."
Jesus makes a face at him. Michael raises his hands. "Okay...all the time."
Satan gives his uncle a look before he waves goodbye to you. "See you back at home, yeah?"
"Mhm! But don't tell Lucifer I'm here or I was here."
Satan smirks. "Only if you don't tell him I was here."
"Pinky promise?" You hold your pinky out.
"PInky promise." Satan intertwines your pinkies before waving goodbye to Jesus. "Bye Jesus! Sorry about the whole Desert thing! Bye Michael thanks for the blackmail material."
"Goodbye my favourite nephew!"
"Goodbye Satan." Jesus pauses the crystal ball and smiles kindly at you. "So what brings you to the Celestial Realm?"
You stiffen. "Oh yeah....I need to talk to Michael..."
Michael pauses from where the massive ears for the gnome have broken apart due to their heaviness. "If it's about Derek I already have a meeting with Father, Hera, The Dagda, and Odin later on today about the situation." He drawls boredly, before grinning, "But don't worry, I'll be sure to tell you all the details afterwards!"
You blank, "Well-...uh...it's not about Derek...." Jesus senses some sort of emotional turmoil from you, and places a tanned, scarred hand on your shoulder comfortingly.
Michael pauses from his horrific gnome creation, looking up at you with a raised eyebrow. Ruby red eyes staring into your soul. "Oh...then what's it about? You seem nervous."
Jesus stands up, giving you a pat on the head. "Well I'll give you two your privacy. Good luck with whatever it is, MC." The man gives you a knowing smile before walking away, the sun shining on his dark waves. You watch him leave, missing his comforting presence as you turn your attention onto the Archangel.
Time to ask him the biggest most important question in your afterlife.
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"Psst, kid. Yo kid." A man wearing a baseball cap asks from the fence bordering heaven, a cherub looks up at him, her small head tilting in confusion.
"Who are you?" She asks, stumbling onto her tiny feet as she walks towards the fence.
"I'm a friend....I got locked out of Heaven on accident and need help getting back in!" The strange man says, running his hands over his buzz cut, he adjusts his Chicago cubs cap. "I just need you to let me in!"
The little girl blinks at him, her small ringlet curls sway slightly in the light breeze as she gets closer to the fence. "But I dunno you...."
The man's lips tighten for a moment before morphing into a smile. "But I'm your friend! Are we not friends?" He says, allowing his face to fall into a sad expression.
The little girl looks up at him, still a few yards away from the fence, just out of arm's reach of the man. "My daddy sayed I'm not allowed to talk to strangers...."
"Oh really?" The wolfish man smiles. "And who's your daddy?"
"God!" She grins. "Well so is my other daddy and mummy but they're still on earth!"
God? He pales. "Oh...right....Well I'm still your friend, aren't I?" He reaches a hand through the fence, he needed to get into heaven for his plan God Dammit! The hand inches closer to the cherub.
"What's going on here?" A voice cuts through the silence along with tanned skin and ash-blond hair. The man retracts his hands from through the fence immediately.
"Oh...just got lost and couldn't find the main gates!....I was trying to get help...!...Is all..."
Raphael nods slowly, looking from the man to the cherub. "So you asked a cherub?"
"She was the only person I'd saw!"
"Guards patrol around the perimeter of the realm. Surely you could've flagged down one of them?"
Raphael's lips twitch upwards slightly in something that could hardly be described as a smile. "No problem. I can direct you to where you need to go." The angel's hand twitches and a spear starts to materialise.
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"Hey Michael can I borrow that sellotape for a second?"
"Sure! What for?" Michael tilts his head, still waiting on this very important thing you're supposed to be asking him.
You whsitle, pulling up your shirt and sellotaping under your breast on the left side of your ribs, where your pact mark with Lucifer is. "I can't risk Luci finding this out yet...."
Michael raises an eyebrow playfully.
"So basically...I uh...I kind of need to ask you something..."
Michael grins, red eyes sparkling. "You can ask me anything MC!"
"I...I need your blessing."
"My blessing?" Michael's brows furrow confusedly. "For what?"
"Well you see...."
You explain, and upon seeing Michael's darkening expression, you nearly gulped.
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Raphael sighed in annoyance. The strange man had booked it and ran away, leaving him with the cherub, he stiffens slightly as he meets her big hazel eyes.
"Hi! I know you! You're Raphael!"
Raphael nods. "Yes I am."
The cherub grins, her chubby cheeks making her eyes crinkle slightly. "I'm Evangeline! But I can't spell that so I just write Eva!"
The Archangel nods awkwardly, attempting to smile at the child. "Well that's great, Evangeline....I need to get back to the Celestial Palace...." The man says and begins walking, the child starts walking with him.
"That's fun! Do you always have spears with you?"
"Yes." Raphael answers disjointedly.
"Wow! I always wanted to hold a spear! Can I hold your spear Mr Raphael?"
"That would be dangerous, Evangeline." He answers awkwardly.
The child pouts. "Aw, okay!"
A moment of silence.
The cherub tugs on his trouser leg. "How come your hair's all grey?"
"It just is, I guess."
"But why?"
"God made me that way I suppose." He replies awkwardly.
"Okay!" Evangeline grinned. "God made me with weird eyes! Sometimes they look more green or more brown!"
Raphael blinks, this child was almost as socially inept as Michael. "That's because your eyes are hazel."
This was going to be a long walk.
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Michael glares at you, straightening his shoulders to make them seem broader, and even with the mess of paper stuck to his skin and face, he still looks threatening.
As unusually serious as you'd ever seen him, it almost hurts to keep his gaze.
He's stopped his arts and crafts and instead focuses all of his attention on you. "I'm going to need you to repeat that, MC."
You audibly gulp.
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Lucifer sighs from where he's seated in the student council room. The paperwork feeling more suffocating than usual. Almost as if someone had taped over his mouth and nose very badly. The door creaks open and he looks up to see Mammon.
The Avatar of Greed looks around the room before cursing and turning to walk out again.
"Oh hiya Lucifer!" Mammon says, looking disgruntled.
"What are you doing." Lucifer sighs, knowing better than to frame it as a question.
"Lookin' for MC. Can't find'er anywhere...."
The first born sits up straighter, something flashing in his ruby eyes. "You can't find MC?"
"Nope. And I've checked ev'rywhere! Even the fuckin' attic. I asked Beel but he said he hasn' saw'er since this mornin'."
Lucifer feels something swirl in his chest. "I'll ask Diavolo."
"Thanks...Me and Beel are teamin' up and lookin' around the classrooms."
Lucifer pinches his hooked nose.
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Diavolo sits in the meeting room of the palace, a man of granduer sits across from him. Long silvery hair frames his timeworn face, a well groomed beard grows from his face, as he enjoys a cup of Barbatos' tea.
Diavolo's brows furrow. "I just don't see us being able to do anything about it without potentially hurting our already strained relationship with the Human Realm."
The man nods, glancing down at his coarse hands with his one eye. He speaks with a Scandinavian accent. "Those were our thoughts as well. Killing him could be a bad diplomatic move."
The Demon Prince nods gravely to the God. "I heard from my meeting with Helios that this mortal journeyed into realms unknown and came out...different."
Odin scratches his chin in thought. "I say we find a way to trap him." He closes his eye. "I do believe this figure was spotted outside of the Celestial Realm."
Diavolo nods seriously, a small grin on his face. "Well at least we know the general area he's in."
"But you and I both know we can't kill him without the high possibility of it backfiring on us." The Revered warrior attests.
Diavolo nods in agreement before a knock on the door is heard. The Demon Prince stands up, excusing himself to open the door, revealling a frazzled Lucifer.
"Oh hello Lucifer, what's the matter?"
"I apologise for interrupting Lord Diavolo but have you seen MC? We believe she's gone missing..."
Diavolo's eyes widen in worry. "No, have you tried calling her?"
Lucifer shakes his head, Odin regards the scene with vague interest. "Goes to voicemail, she isn't receiving our texts either."
Diavolo sitffens.
"If I may interject, MC is the human-turned-angel who managed to keep her pacts even after her rebirth?" The Norse God asks.
Lucifer nods.
"Well then, she's in the Celestial Realm right now with Archangel Michael."
"Thank you. Thank you." The Avatar of Pride says breathlessly. Youre safe, possibly scheming, but you're safe. "How did you know that?"
Odin points to his eye, or lack thereof.
"Oh right...wisdom..." Lucifer blinks, the adrenaline wearing off making it easier to think straight and also feel shame. "Well thank you Odin and Diavolo. I apologise for interrupting."
Diavolo grins. "It's never an interruption if it's about MC's safety."
Lucifer leaves, shutting the door gently behind him, Diavolo and the Mighty Odin continue their discussion.
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Speaking of your safety, you're not exactly feeling very safe right now. You should make a wikihow article called 'How to Turn Archangel Michael into a Feral Beast in Literally One Sentence!'
Said Archangel has his narrowed eyes on you. "Lucifer is my baby brother...."
"He's thousands of years old if you think about it." You smile awkwardly.
"Still just a baby."
"He's the Avatar of Pride! LIterally the Demon Prince's Righthand man!"
"And that's a great preschool activity." Michael huffs.
You sigh, looking down at the spear currently being pointed at you neck. Michael makes a sound akin to a snarl. "Look MC. I know that Lucifer is his own person. I know that even though he's still an edgy little teenager slash toddler in my eyes he is technically an adult. But he's still my baby brother."
The Archangel lowers his spear, turning around, golden coils bouncing as he does so, almost deflating with him. "He's just....those two minutes spent without him were the hardest two minutes of my life...except of course the multiple minutes in the Great Celestial War."
You walk closer to Feral Michael, who turns back around to face you, a fire in the crimson eyes he shares with his twin brother. "I know he's all grown up now, but he's still my baby brother, and I know that you're one of my closest friends MC."
He closes the distance between you, cornering you into a tree. Face stony and grave. "But so help me God, if you ever do anything to hurt him....and I don't mean having a simple argument or whatever...If you ever truly do something to hurt him...you're going to wish there was a realm out there that could shield you from me."
He pauses, moving away from you and grinning his usually playful grin. "Are we understood."
He wasn't asking.
"Yes. Very understood." You nod. "I would never hurt Luci like that....ever...."
The blond pulls one of his golden curls so it stretches completely straight before letting go and watching it coil back up again. "Well....I'm sorry I went all...like that on you...big brother instincts?"
You shrug. "Reminds me of Lucifer that one time this witch genuinely threatened Mammon with a grimoire. That shit was brutal."
"Must've been." Michael whistles. "So...have you decided how you're going to do it?"
"Well sort of...but I was hoping you'd help me shop for the ring?"
Michael's grin widens.
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Derek Wisconsin made it away just barely with his life. He had almost convinced that little girl to let him into the Celestial Realm! He really almost did! But then that Seraph (or was he an Archangel?) guy Raphael just had to stop him!
He pants, beads of sweat running down his forehead. Taking off his Chicago Cubs cap and sighing in relief at the feeling of a free bald buzzcut head.
Derek groans, peeling off sunburnt skin while the door creaks open. He never should've went to somewhere as sunny as the Celestial Realm without putting sunscreen on first.
Derek might've been one millionth-gazillionth italian but he definitely did not tan like one. When he was in the sun he burned more than a petrol fire on a hot summer's day. There must be ginger genes in him somewhere.
"Derek. You need to stop this. All of this attempted destruction of the afterlife....it's...it's not right Derek." A voice sounds behind him. Another man, with an identical buzzcut and baseball hat, except this man had glasses.
"Shut up Eric." Derek grunts. "I'm doing what has to be done so the cubs win every match they play."
"You're doing this for baseball?" Eric asks, adjusting his glasses further up his nose.
"Baseball is our life Eric."
"No. Baseball is your life, Derek. I like ice hockey better and you know it!" Eric bites his bottom lip, arms crossed over his chest as he looks at his friend.
"That's just because you're half Canadian." Derek scoffs. "Go listen to Justin Beiber you race traitor."
"American isn't a race, Derek."
Eric looks at his friend, before taking off his hat. "You can have your spare fucking hat back, Derek." The half Canadian reaches the door before turning around. "Oh and by the way, Justin Beiber fucking sucks. Canadians don't claim him."
The door slams shut.
Derek is left in silence.
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Evangeline giggles, climbing around Raphaels shoulders, he winces and brings up an uncertain hand to stabilise her. With one leg on each shoulder and Raphael holding both of her legs for stability the little angel cheers.
"Wow! I'm so high up! I'm so high up! Do ya see me?!"
"Yes....I see you." The angel nods slowly, continuing his now very delayed walk to the Celestial Palace.
"I love being up high! I can't wait till my wings grow some more and then I can fly!"
"..I'm sure you'll be a good flyer." The ashy haired angel grunts out awkwardly.
Forget almost dying in the Great Celestial War, this was the scariest moment of his life.
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You blink at Michael's retracting form. He sat you down on a bench and gave you crayons and a colouring book, before telling you to wait on him finishing this meeting about that one guy Derek.
You sigh and begin colouring in a picture of a clown and making it Michael. Fuck that guy, you're not a kid!
Upon hearing footsteps you look up. "Oh hey Raphael! Who's the kid?"
"I'm Evangeline!" The cherub grins fidgeting and manuevering herself off of Raphael's shoulders and waddling up to you. "Who are you?"
"I'm MC, I'm Raphael's friend!" You smile at the child. Raphael gives you a grateful look. You never knew he could be that expressive.
"Me too! I'm Mr. Raphael's bestest ever friend!" The girl grins excitedly, swinging while standing, going back and forth to leaning on her heels then to leaning on her tiptoes.
"Well! I'm happy to hear that Evangeline! Would you like to do some colouring in?"
"Yes please!"
Raphael sits beside you, feeling the need to worship the ground you walk on. His ordeal of dealing with a child is over.
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After a very enlightening zoom call meeting and bidding goodbye to Odin. Diavolo calls a very spooky number.
The phone is answered a crackly voice speaks through it.
"I need your help. We know where Derek is staying but as Gods, Angels and Demons....we can't kill him...but you can."
A chuckle crackles through the phone speaker. "Send me his Location. I'll see what I can do."
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[A Week or So Later....]
Derek wipes the sweat off of his brow as he begins his operation. Making bombs that aren't molotov cocktails is very difficult, thank god for Wikihow.
Unfortunately setting them down strategically in order to blow up the Celestial Realm is quite difficult.
"You seem to be having some troubles with that." A voice cuts through the silence.
"Oh yeah I am-" Derek begins before turning around and staring wide-eyed at the ivory-haired intruder like a deer in headlights. He immediately stands up. "Who are you?"
"The name's Solomon." The sorcerer gives the man a closed mouth smile. "Normally I don't interfere with the business of the Celestial Realm...but seeing as they asked, and a very close friend of mine is an angel, and also seeing as I think baseball is largely pointless...I don't think it's a very logical gameplan to let you live..."
Derek splutters. "Y-you can't!"
Solomon opens his eyes, something unreasonable in those ocean blue irises. "Oh but I can!" He grins. "It's one thing to try and destroy things, it's another to attempt to blow up multiple plains of existence with bombs you made using a WIkihow tutorial just because of baseball."
"I-...I just!" Derek backs away, Solomon follows, absentmindedly using magic to disable every bomb.
"You just what? We know you're from Illinois, but have some sense Derek." Solomon shakes his head. "You are the worst stereotype of Americans I've ever seen. I looked into your file. Your surname is literally Wisconsin."
Derek grunts. "You don't understand my passion. I'll kill everyone for those baseballers."
"You've killed several people after highjacking a bus in the Human Realm. You're a danger to yourself and others. Plus you've one too many jokes about teenage girls 'doing it better'. Bye bye Derek." Solomon gives him another closed eye smile, humming over the screaming and the sound of crackling flames.
When all is done and gone, the sorcerer takes out his DDD, alerting the others that it's been taken care of.
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[Yet another Week Later...]
A flash of celestial light bounces off of every wall and surface in your room. You yelp, ivory wings and golden halo jutting out in your startledness. Did you do this? No. You couldn't have. Maybe subconsciously..? How were you going to explain a flash of celestial light to Lucifer? He was going to kill you! Maybe not kill just yet seeing how he reacted the first time you died. But! You were an angel now, which meant no more fragile human body, which meant Lucifer would hypothetically have no qualms stringing you up! Oh God this was it wasn´t it? You were going to-
The light dims, clearing completely, a silhouette appears in its wake. Phew! Guess it wasn't you nearly exorcising everyone in the House of Lamentation then. (Even though it wouldn't exorcise anyone anyway seeing as that wasn't how demons worked. But hey, you were disoriented.) Your relief was short lived, seeing as there was actually someone in your room.
You grab your lamp and hold it up like its a baseball bat. You were prepared to swing, what you weren't prepared for however; was the figure racing towards you. You screech as you're pulled into a bone-crushing hug. Your grip on the lamp relaxes and so do you when you realise just who it is.
"Michael?! What the fuck are you doing here?!" You hiss. "You scared the life out of me!"
Michael loosens his grip, his signature grin on his handsome face, crimson eyes shining. "I don't think you'd die that easily a second time. And besides, I have actual proper serious business this time."
You step out of the hug. Giving him an indignant look as he gets distracted with your room, he walks to your wall, stepping over the bag he brought with him and begins making what can only be described as his 'Lucifer Impression' in your mirror, which was essentially him scrunching up his face so he looked constipated then waggling his ring adorned finger in disapproval.
"You're here for serious reasons. You?"
"Well you didn't have to say it like that." Michael remarked, turning around to face you so fast you get whiplash, so does Michael apparently. His golden curls had been done up in intricate braids, with rose gold braiding rope helping to keep half of it up and away from his face, he'd added jewels and gems in charms hanging from the braids themselves, a fact he seemed to have forgotten until, with the force and speed he twisted his head at, his hair swung back and then forward again, hitting him right square in the mouth. You snorted.
He glares at you. "Don't laugh! Do you know how long I had to sit still for to get these?! 12 hours! I am so lucky I'm not tender-headed!"
"Holy fuck?! 12 hours?! And now they're attempting to assassinate you." You nod dutifully, "Atleast they're pretty."
"Pretty is the least they could be. Especially when Raphael almost poked my eye out when he was measuring the braiding rope. So not only is my hair trying to assassinate me, so is Raphael!" Michael said, sitting on your bed cross-legged, smoothing out the non-existent wrinkles in his white gold accented blazer suit that looked suspiciously similar to Lucifer's. Damn twins.
You paused. "Raphael does your hair?"
Michael smiles, "Oh yeah! It's his secret hobby! So don't tell anyone!" The Archangel closes his eyes, as if imagining an era long passed. "He saw me and Lucikins trying to do Lilith's hair once and was sold."
You don't comment on the dopey expression. Michael continues. "Raphael never liked playing most games. He's like Lucikins in that way. They both think they're so grown up....He was normally with Simeon writing their little short stories together, seeing as they're both the nerdiests nerds of all the nerds...but he did see the end result of me and Luci braiding flowers into Lilith's hair...we did it with Asmo too, to cheer him after he nearly fell through a cloud. Cue the next day, Raphael asking to do my hair. Being the amazing big brother I was- I accepted!" Michael makes a face. "I think that was the first time I felt true fear."
You laughed evilly. "I should do your hair sometime."
The way Michael looks at you is akin to a deer in headlights. "Absolutely not. One adorable maniac obsessed with spears doing my hair is enough for me thank you very much. I do not need two."
"What if Luke asked?" You tilt your head.
"Jokes on you MC! Luke already likes to do my hair! He puts clips and flowers and bows and all in it!" Michael sticks out his tongue.
"Oh I cannot wait to see that." You grin.
Michael gives you another look, with his ruby red eyes looking so disapprovingly, the resemblance between his younger brother, (by two whole minutes!; he'd add gloatingly at any other time) is uncanny.
You put your hands up defensively. Deciding changing the topic would be a good idea seeing as you would like to not die a second time, (technically a third if you count Belphie.) so, you tilt your head. "You never told me what you were actually doing here."
"Oh yeah!" Michael nods. "Thanks for reminding me." He moves to grab the bag from the center of the room where he appeared. You forgot about that bag.
"Michael I swear to God if you've put a live pigeon in there I'm going to scream." You whisper frightendly.
The Archangel arks his head up to you in a flash, wincing when a braid hits him across the mouth again. He raises an eyebrow. "No? Why would I have a pigeon?"
You sigh in relief. "I had a dream last night that Pigeons caused the Second Coming of Christ."
Michael chuckled. "Second Coming of Christ doesn't exist, MC. I just got bored while John of Patmos was writing the Book of Revelation. Thought it'd be nice to set up for a sequel."
You blink. "How are you not a demon?"
"I dunno. Didn't really feel like it at the time. The lack of sunlight in the Devildom makes me depressed. Plus I'd rather not take vitamin D pills, it seems like so much work." Michael shrugged.
Made sense. "So what's in the bag?"
Michael grins excitedly, if he had a tail it would be wagging like a helicopter and knocking everything in your room that wasn't nailed to the surfaces down. "Well! My most amazingest underling! Can you tell me what date it is?"
"June 5th?"
"Which as you know, is the eve of the best and worst day in history."
You raise a brow. "Best and worst?"
"Best because it's the day I was born, worst because 2 minutes later my lovely adorable little baby brother was born." He laughs.
"If Lucifer ever heard you calling him your lovely adorable little baby brother I think he'd start a war."
"How do you think the War of the Bucket started?"
"Excuse me?"
Michael doesn't answer any of your questions, and instead chooses to finally show what's in the bag. A gnome.
Not just any gnome oh no. One that looked suspiciously like it was made by the same person who made the suspiciously bad looking gnome that looked like Michael that Mammon would hide the spare key to the backdoor of the House of Lamentation behind.
This one however did not have Michael's dark skin, or the horrible neon yellow hair painted on. Oh no, this one had pale skin, another DnD-esque cape on, except with the vampire looking collar, it had black hair with shiny metalic silver streaks in it. So that was the gnome Michael was torturing.
You hold back your laughter. "...Why?..."
"It's a birthday gift MC, you know? the things people give to other people on their birthdays? I mean you look a bit dim, you might not've heard of it."
"Did you-" You try to hold back your cackling. "Did you use clay-" You nearly double over, suddenly your knees feel quite weak. "Did you use clay to...-make Lucifer's ears...-massive?-"
"Why yes I did, and thank you for noticing!"
"Kind of hard not to notice them."
Michael grins, "Wanna help me sneak it into his office?"
You perk up. "Do I ever?!"
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Lucifer always finds himself quite melancholy on his birthday. Somehow the date always enjoys to remind him of his first brother. Not that he doesn't miss the idiots he lives with now. If he looks at Satan attempting to annoy him every waking hour in enough of a squint, it almost feels as if Michael is in the Devildom.
Speaking of; it really feels like Michael is in the Devildom today.
Lucifer shrugs it off. As it was his birthday he allowed himself a lie-in. Barbatos had eased his workload for the surrounding week, something Lucifer was quite grateful of.
Sighing, he walked slowly from the kitchen, coffee cup in hand; he might as well get his paperwork done now so he can spend the rest of the day with his loved ones before maybe he'd let Cerberus out of the underground tomb and into his room to sit by him whilst he listened to cursed records and enjoyed a finely aged bottle of demonus. (Not that Cerberus was a pet! Or that he was pampered! He was purely a guard dog! Stop suggesting otherwise Simeon, Barbatos, Diavolo and probably even Michael! Lucifer was not soft!)
The planning of what was essentially his day off was just prolonged enough that he was snapped out of his thoughts once he reached the door to his office.
Upon opening it, he wished he hadnt.
Atop his desk sits the most blasphemous rendition of him he's ever seen, that's including every lifetime christian movie that thinks he and Satan are the same person.
The gnome wasn't hand crafted but it was certainty hand-edited. It was an ugly thing, though, the more Lucifer looked at it, the more innocently charming it became, but in an ugly way.
He'd place it beside the Michael Gnome tonight, at least the ugly blasphemous gnome version of himself could be with his ugly blasphemous twin's gnome version of himself.
As he went to move it off of his desk, he noticed the note attached to the gnome's leg.
To my adorable little baby brother,
Lucifer's eye twitched. Had Michael still not learnt to call him that? Even after the War of the Bucket?! Even after the Emu War?! He was going to rip that Angel's head clean off.
You're so lucky to share a birthday with me! How unfortunate you were a late show, tut tut tut. Should've been born quicker, Lucikins. :o
Lucifer's wings and horns popped out. 'Lucikins?' That nickname again? Oh, Michael was a dead man.
I know you'll love my present. The gnome looks just like you! Though sadly, I ran out of clay so I couldn't make the ears any bigger.
Unconsciously, Lucifer reached up to cover his ears, but caught himself. Damned Michael! Their ears are literally the same size! He takes a deep breath.
Anyway, happy birthday my adorable, squishy cheeked, starry eyed, little baby brother! Maybe one day you'll grow up to be big and strong just like your big bro! Lots of Love to my baby brother: Michael xoxo
Lucifer felt rage course through his body at such a rate, he had to turn around to make sure he didn't pop out another Satan. Thank Diavolo he didn't. If he did, Michael was taking them home.
Fine. If Michael wanted to hide in the Devildom, call his ears big, and then insist that Lucifer was his 'baby brother' despite the fact he was barely even two minutes older!--then Lucifer wasn't going to sit idly by.
He takes his DDD out of his pocket. Cue the dramatic music.
"Hello, Luke? Can you pass the phone to Simeon please? Yes Thank you." Lucifer pauses, hearing rustling and then finally Simeon's voice on the other end of the DDD. "Hello Simeon. How would you like to travel with me to the Celestial Realm, I fear I haven't been in a while."
Simeon pauses. "...Why?..."
Lucifer swallows thickly, a smirk overtaking his features. "I'm planning on paying Michael a visit."
"He gave you another gnome didn't he?"
"...Okay. Goodbye Simeon."
"No way...He did!"
"Goodbye Simeon." By the time Lucifer hangs up, he can hear the angel laughing on the other end of the phone.
The Avatar of Pride sits down on his chair, covering his face in his hands he grinned. Oh he is so going to enjoy getting Michael back for this one.
And hey, if a few garden flamingos with golden wigs and DnD-esque capes are sighted around the celestial realm later on today. What a coincidence!
Lucifer chuckles heartily. He missed this.
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Just as the Avatar of pride is resting, a knock sounds on his door.
"Come in." He sighs, eyes lighting up slightly when he sees that it's you. "Oh hello, Dearest."
You approach his desk, giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek, smiling slightly when you feel his face heat up. "Happy birthday Luci...wanna come on a walk with me?"
"Sure. Let me grab my coat."
And so it goes.
After about twenty minutes of walking through the park hand in hand with Lucifer, you stop at a fountain. "Woah is that fish in there?"
"Hmm?" Lucifer looks over to you.
"Luci can you see fish in the fountain? I think my mind is playing tricks on me..."
Lucifer raises a brow, but always willing to please you, he looks into the fountain, some strands of ebony hair falling over his face at the movement.
"There aren't any fish, MC...I think you might need sleep-" Lucifer drawls as he begins to turn around to face you. Stopping abruptly when he sees you down on one knee, a ring in your hand.
"MC..." He says breathlessly, heart thumping out of his chest.
"Lucifer, the Morningstar, the Avatar of Pride...will you make me the happiest being in all three realms and marry me?"
"MC...I-...You...-...Yes, I'd carve the word into my flesh if I had to..."
You grin, tears welling up in your eyes as you take off Lucifer's glove and slide the ring onto his finger. He helps you up and pulls you into his arms. Face buried into your neck.
"This will mean that you're mine...just like our pact..." He smiles into your collarbone, placing small kisses here and there.
You laugh. "Sure, Luci sure."
Two lovers hold each other in a gentle embrace, witnessed only by themselves and the moon. No granduer, no dramatic announcement, just lying about fish in a fountain.
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i cant write proposals BUT as a special birthday bonus: the gnomes.
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i was originally just gonna do lucifer but they're twins so I had to do both of them.
in the original fic with the michael gnome i said he had neon hair but i have no idea how to neonify hair and am not an artist so L, have cursed gnomes.
as you can see i can colour inside the lines. and also i hate the fill tool.
before we start:
yes i am posting this on the 5th and i do know that Luci's birthday is the 6th, but i got this done early and have the patience of a child on christmas😔✊
yes derek and eric are dumb stereotypes. everyday im amazed that baseball is literally just rounders with a different name and more theatrics. anyway, i enjoy writing americans the way americans write us. i picked illinois because thats the first state that popped into my head, and also its easy to spell so.
im friends with like three people from canada and im scared of all of them.
anyway grma for reading and i promise the next fic i do for someones birthday i will actually include them in it more.😔✊<3
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So let me give my own addition to the House of M: Delilah Lehnsherr
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Magneto wanted Rogue to be his queen. She didn't want to be his queen, but still wanted to do more for Genosha and mutants. So the council appointed her as the first prime minister of Genosha, making the country a constitutional/parliamentary monarchy
(which actually happens when a democracy is new)
After Rogue's mandate ended, she and Erik married. This was less shocking to everybody involved
Delilah was born after Genosha was fully established independent country. She's the first daughter of Rogue and Magneto
Born around the 2000s. Girl is exactly like her mother; same lips, face shape, eyes shapes. You can look at her and see that's Rogue's daughter. Her roots are white, but auburn when closer to the tips. The only physical aspect she got from her father was the shiny blue eyes
Miss princess is a little brat that is trying to get herself killed or give her parents an aneurysm. She got half a braincell that is focused on giving a heart attack to the adults around her
She mastered manipulating electricity, but the best she can do about eletromagnetism is controlling ferromagnetic materials. Not as skilled as her father or Lorna. But! She can use strong nuclear force if she focus really hard
So, little rebellious brat, raided her mother's closet one night with the intention to go to a party downtown
That's when the fun happens! As all X-Men kid oc, she was bought to the past (by Apocalypse), helpfully on 90s clothes but unfortunately still got the same face. I imagine her teleporting to the middle of a battle against Mr. Sinister
Looking at her, Logan can see it's Rogue's. Almost same smell, same face.
"Maybe that's a clone?" is what goes through their minds. But then she must say a snarky remark, heavy southern accent, burn one of Remy's cards (with electricity) before passing out
They bring her to the manor after the battle. Xavier can't read her mind, but Remy assumes that his kids with Rogue, because if Rogue was to have a kid with someone, it obviously would be with him.
She doesn't have the black-red eyes, but maybe Remy father got blue eyes? So yeah, he wrongly assumed Delilah is his daughter from the future
The X-Men are, after all, used to time travel shenanigans. And everyone kinda thinks Rogue and Remy will eventually date anyway
When Delilah does wake up, she got no recollection of her life. All she knows is that Rogue is, in fact, her mother. Not so sure about Remy though (that's a weird uncle maybe)
Thus, memory loss + time travel and communication misunderstanding shenanigans ensue! There's no time traveller around so they all gotta accept what this 17yo teenager says
I see Delilah screaming, "MOM!" thru the manor, and Rogue going:
"Don't call me mom!" but answering her calling anyway
"Maybe Mr. Sinister made her?" Jubilee asks, shifting her weight between her feet, but eager to help
"Are you implying I was made on a lab?" Delilah shakes her head. "Nuh uh. I might not remember much, but I know I was the cutest baby ever."
Delilah talks like a southern quoting Shakespeare btw
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fluffypotatey · 2 months
Any recommended shadowpeach fics?
Fishing a Stone from a Well by Payasita; rated T with no additional warnings >a very nice little angsty oneshot post-s3 of Wukong not doing so hot being caved in :)
In Defense of Somniloquy by Payasita: rated T with no additional warnings >post-s3 and a very fun multi-chaptered character study of shadowpeach
The Constellations Within Us by @cloud-somersault; rated T with no additional warnings* >another post-s3 fic where Wukong is tasked by Heaven to retrieve the lost artifacts LBD used in her magic soup to create a giant mech. not wanting to be separated from his mentor a second time, MK tags along for some bonus training! also, Macalute is here because, as much as Wukong doesn’t want to admit it, he is their best tracker. shenanigans and angst ensue :D >VERY fun and lovely fic that works as a character study but also explores the world of lmk and it’s magic system. i cannot recommend this fic enough and will do it again!!!!
Epilogue: Axis by @cloud-somersault; rated M with no additional warnings >sequel to Constellations and the epilogue of the story. explores the characters after Constellations and shadowpeach’s slow progression into reconciliation and possible love?! 👀👀👀* >still on going story (i am also way behind) but so good :D
petals for two by KinbariTeaHeathen; rated T with no additional warnings* >non-fatal Hanahaki au >fucking hilarious btw
but yeah there ya go! a nice list of fic recs
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whimsi-clown · 3 months
Due to the indirect influences of certain selfship blogs, I am now stuck with a Self Insert OC x Oogie Boogie brain rot, so now you have to deal with me rambling on about it.
Only if you want to ofc. The choice is yours.
No one can force you to click on the "Keep reading" option.
But if you do click it, buckle up because when I ramble, it will probably not make a lick of sense.
You have been warned.
Ok, so. Self insert oc is a little clown from a far away place called Birthday Town.
Sorta similar to other Holiday Towns, Birthday Town is a place that celebrates the birthday of each of the clown residents. All 366 of them.
Yes. There is a clown for every day. Including the leap year day. It is a very large and colorful town that lays the birthday theme on thick with present boxes for houses, confetti for rain, and other whimsical Birthday related shit.
So they all celebrate each other's birthdays every day. Non-stop. To the point it drives clown oc mad.
So clown oc pulls a Jack Skellington and wanders away from the constant celebration, stumbling into the holiday doors, especially Halloween door in the same fashion as Jack in Christmas Town.
Oh, right, I forgot to mention this takes place during the movie, mostly outside of the scenes.
Only unlike Jack, they are in a constant state of fear and panic because Halloween Town is understandably spooky and scary to all who are new to it.
Then, after like screaming and running around like a headless chicken, clown oc is mistaken for "Sandy Claws" by Lock, Shock, and Barrel cuz they got the pudgy looking body and the pointy hat. That and pink looks like red at night, I guess?
So they brought clown oc to Jack. The same thing that happens to the Easter Bunny kinda happens to clown oc, except instead of being returned, they just shove clown oc down the hactch because they got no idea where to return this weird creature that they found.
Due to clown science and cartoon physics, clown oc is able to fit into the small hatch and goes tumbling down into Oogie Boogie's lair.
Clown oc meets Oogie Boogie and gets mistaken for "Sandy Claws" for a moment. After misunderstanding is cleared up, platonic bonding shenanigans ensue.
During the actual meeting of Oogie Boogie and Santa Claus, clown oc just stands off to the side like:
And then, during the scene where Jack "kills" Oogie Boogie, clown oc manages to grab a hold of one of his bugs and tucks them safely into pointy hat, sneaking off and returning to Birthday Town.
When they arrive at Birthday Town clown oc, who I've just now decided to name Rinkie (little friend inside joke yum) shows Oogie Boogie Bug around the place and introduces him to other clown friends.
Oogie Boogie Bug, who wants revenge on Jack, asks Rinkie for assistance. Rinkie is pretty meh to the situation, so they reluctantly agree to help him.
Another bout of fun shenanigans ensue that involve Oogie Boogie Bug having no choice but to relucyantly accept the bright and colorful bugs from Birthday town as an addition to his newly forming hivemind, and have to deal with colorful patterned cloth patches on his temporary body, hand made and stitched by Rinkie ofc.
And that's it for my rambling.
It's mostly just funny platonic stuff in mind. Who knows if I'll be as heavily invested in this as I'll be to the Reverse Isekai Disney Villains AU. (RIDV AU for short)
Which I'm still working on, btw.
Anyways, yea.
Thanks for reading!
☆~ ∠(ᐛ 」 ∠)_
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wantmangojuice · 10 months
The Disabled Tyrant's Pet Palm Fish - finished
I started this as a joke! WTH I didn't expect it to be so delightful!!
Premise: MC transmigrates into a webnovel... as a fish! He gets various missions from a system which he has to fulfill (while being a fish!); meanwhile he becomes the pet of the webnovel's OG protagonist tyrant mute prince (who's actually a sweetheart) who turns out to be the best pet owner ever and whose devotion to his pet fish is kind of insane. They fall in love! Shenanigans ensue!
Have you ever wanted to see a "face-slapping novel" wherein the literal face-slapping is performed via flailing fish-tail? Yes? Of course you do. It's epic.
How did this premise work so well. How.
The very definition of "comfort novel". So comfy.
Still kinda feel bad for Chu Yanyu tho, ooof. Wish he could've had a slightly better ending than what he got.
Considering that for a significant amount of the novel, one is mute and the other is a fish, I thought they manage to communicate pretty well?? All things considered, I mean.
I like that the reveal of Li Yu being the fishy comes at around the 50% mark and not later on; I was afraid that that misunderstanding would get drawn out more, but it's not. (Also, I really don't blame Li Yu for being reluctant to reveal "I'm actually your pet fish btw" because come on, it's bonkers.)
Li Yu is pretty smart in some ways and an utter buffoon in others I adore him.
The way he's convinced that he's doing a good job hiding his secret fishy identity; meanwhile ML's quietly like, 'You know I've figured out that you're a fish 20 chapters ago, right?' and helping him keep his fishy secret in the background.
Jing-wang!!!! You're so cute and sweet. You & Li Yu handled that surprise!4 kids like a champ.
That said, there's a part of me that wishes that ML's mutism didn't get cured by the end, because getting cured of your disability seems to be a lot more common than not in danmei. So far I've only had two mains who don't get "healed" at the end: TYQHM's Yu She's mental illness is managed but certainly not cured. And RGASHR's Gu Heyan gets his right hand permanently injured in the later chapters; he switches to using his left hand for swordsmanship, but his archery takes a severe (and likely unrecoverable) hit.
You've heard of "two-person love triangle", now get ready for "two-person love quadrangle".
Fish fam!!!!!!
Looking forward to the official release (next year!) so that I can read this all over again.
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mihai-florescu · 17 days
If they did go to Romania, where do you think they'd go?
Ive had a few scenarios for them... my personal favorite is in the sakuma family mansion, which we will say is somewhere close to bucegi mountains. Now. I dont know which version i like more, for all of undead to go hiking or just koga and one more, maybe kaoru. Koga sees some cryptic dacian wolf paintings after visiting the sphynx and follows them eventually ending up in some ancient tunnels where conspiracy theorists gather (i have no idea if anon is romanian or not but there's a conspiracy that our dacian ancestors built tunnels and a lot of humanity evolved from this people etcetc you know how nationalism is. Or maybe it's a problem unique to romanians with an inferiority complex trying to make us grander than we are. Either way, im making it canon in enstars).
Now the plot for them will be that these conspiracy theorists are waiting for a messenger to start some grand scheme. Something something the dacian wolf is important and in the prologue koga saw a tshirt with a cool design at a town market that just so happens to fit their description of the messenger. Well one could wonder why is he japanese? But of course everyone comes from dacians, even the japonese. Shenanigans ensue, eventually rei and adonis, who were at home making sarmale and gulaş, figure out the other 2 are late, rei drives a dacia 1300 car, plot happens, eventually they all end up in the tunnels and we have 3 chapters of mainly rei changing the minds of the conspiracy theorists who had some crazy plans to revive Decebal.
We finish with a concert during zilele Braşovului with a new song, Neogen, where the conspiracy theorists find a new hobby in music, which bridges borders and they realise we dont all have to be dacians. Music unites humans no matter what and builds community stronger than mass psychosis...
I also have this drawing from a while ago of (it was supposed to be 3rd year when he was still a womanizer) kaoru going to romania with rei to see local girls only to end up la învierea de paşte with all the old ladies in the village. He was very popular and they fed him tons of pască the next day. And then at some point (cant find the exact post) mimi and i joked about undead christmas in romania event where i suggested they were at ceauşescu's execution. Gotta do some timeline tweaking or time traveling but the mental image is quite rich isnt it. I will leave you with undead at cetatea deva, where they'll have a concert they open with "Deva city! Am venit să devastăm! We are UNDEAD🦇🦇"
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Rei & his uncle's dacia car btw^
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alrightsnaps · 5 months
what do you think they’re going to do without Lady Whistledown to narrate in s4? Like still keep Julie Andrews because who doesn’t love her???? But I feel like just like in the books, having the gossip paper was such a nice outline for the story.
i agree that it was a great narrative device (as were the letter excerpts in frannie’s story imo).
problem is, shondaland doesn’t know the meaning of the words narrative device. she couldn't simply use LW to provide an outline for the love stories. nope, she just had to made up some weird detective storyline for eloise and a feud with the fucking queen of england! you can't make that shit up istg.
so LW went from a cute narrative tool (elevated by the voice of the julie andrews!) to an annoying subplot that needs to be put to bed asap. not just that, but it even stopped serving its purpose (moving the story forward) once whistledown’s identity is revealed. while in s1 LW is involved in daphne and simon’s romance and continuously reports on their love story, in season 2 there's a complete disconnect between the narrator and the main story. whistledown is completely useless and barely reports on kate and anthony.
now, i have no idea what deal shondaland has made with julie andrews, but i assume they’re keen to keep her on the show for the long run. after all, any appeal whistledown holds to the audience is just that: her iconic narration.
my guess is that if they manage to bag her for the rest of the series, one of two scenarios will come to pass:
a) penelope will remain as a regular for the rest of the show, as bridgertons come and go, to report on every sibling’s story.
it sounds tedious and boring, her arc as LW is already tired as hell and i’ve no idea how they can possibly keep up with shoving her down the audience's throats....but i wouldn't put it past them.
we know production loves her character and i don't see why NC would leave a show that's shown its willingness to treat her as the main star, no matter whose turn it is to lead a season. they could always make her a fixture among the matrons and have her doing promo with ruth, golda and adjoa all the way to gregory’s love story.
b) (the more sustainable but not necessarily more likely scenario)
a new lady whistledown takes over and julie andrews’ voiceover remains.
penelope is outed as lady whistledown, chaos ensues for a while until the queen forgives her and sings her praises (we know it's gonna happen cause they're dying to redeem penelope without her working to earn it), giving pen her happily ever after. roll credits.
except... just as the season ends, a new whistledown paper comes out! someone has decided to continue what was pen started and keep reporting on the ton’s shenanigans; conveniently providing an excuse for julie andrews to stick around for the rest of the bridgerton family's love stories (this is just how gossip girl ended btw!)
this scenario i’m not necessarily against, in that i love julie andrews as a narrator (who doesn't?).
it's just that i don't trust shonda to treat whistledown as a narrator without making up more shitty subplots, as if this is pretty little liars and we need to find the identity behind A. i don't want to watch hyacinth going on a merry chase to uncover new whistledown’s identity!
i just want to listen to dame julie andrews narrate regency love stories in her posh accent, and absolutely nothing more. is that too much to ask?
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eric-the-bmo · 8 months
The Neighborhood Watch, S3 ep3: Who Is She?
[Summary: Markus hangs out with their sister while Song and Louis head back to the casino only to make a discovery. John meets up with Clara and gets caught up in romance, and we learn new things about Shelby.] (this one feels super long btw! It's very detailed bc im insane over the whole thing Oops) @gr3y-plays-ttrpgs
The rest of the Main Cast approaches Marku's house; they open the door, and it smells like weed and Chinese food. Markus lights some incense for Louis (he Does Not like the smell of weed), and a voice calls out from the hall- Markus introduces the owner of the voice as Analetta, their sister who's going to to school in Japan but stopped by to say hello.
We finally get a description for Analetta: She's very plain-looking, with long straight hair and bangs, neutral clothes, etc- a pink hair clip is the most colorful thing on her.
She greets the Main Cast, shaking hands with the newcomers, but her gaze is stuck on Louis. She swears she's seen him before- he looks so familiar, but she can't remember where she's seen him. Louis is confused because they have met before, and comments it's merely a trick of the trade.
Markus complains about the couple who's doing this week-long tour thing for their bug exhibit, but hey at least they'll get money for it. They thank the rest of the Cast for coming over to meet Analetta; Family should meet friends, and Ana's the only family Markus has got. She's emotional over the fact her sibling has friends, finally.
Markus introduces the Cast to her, and I'm mildly offended on John's behalf that his hair was compared to ramen. Meanwhile, Analetta wonders if Markus has mentioned Shelby before- they deny it. Nope, not at all. They've literally never talked about her what do you mean.
Song and Louis mention they should get back home- they've got, uh, cooking lessons. Analette mentions she'd like to try some of the food they'll make, and the others chime in- Louis is internally panicking because they are not doing any actual cooking tonight, but Song remedies this by saying hey, how about Monday instead? She'd also like to use her new kitchen, since her house finally got rebuilt about the Gnome Incident.
There's a knock at the door- Gerald, the guard sent by Song's father to discreetly watch over her, is at the door asking for a cup of sugar with a very bad attempt at an American accent. Markus gives some to him, shenanigans ensue (i was afk </3, but at one point Louis, detecting Gerald's actual accent, spoke French to the man, and Gerald tried So Hard to pretend he didn't know that language) and Markus ends up slamming the door in his face. Song apologizes about the whole thing; her dad is overprotective. She says she'll talk to her dad about possibly lightening the security around her, since she can take care of herself/she's safe around the rest of the Main Cast.
Analetta mentions she ordered more food, but Song and Louis start to head out. Before the couple leaves, though, they take note of what the others like; Markus, with a cabinet full of instant ramen, lies and says Italian- Louis is hyped over the idea of making pasta from scratch. Song puts $50 somewhere Markus can find it later to pay them back for the sugar (50 bucks?? yo???), and the couple heads off.
Shelby notes that John should be heading to that thing he needed to go to; Does he need a ride? John says he'll be fine walking, and he'll let Shelby knows how it goes- he'll try to be safe! And so he starts the almost-hour-long walk, ruminating over everything that could possibly go wrong with it.
Shelby heads off to put on some more casual clothes, since she's still all dressed up from the casino- she'll be back in a moment! As she leaves, Analetta is adamant Markus has mentioned her before. She teases Markus about her, while they deny having ever talked about Shelby, until:
["my bugs are very good at getting rid of bodies," Markus states. It's a threat, but in the typical joking manner one has for a sibling. "If you kill me," Analetta responds, "My body will rise up and annoy you forever." "hm nevermind, i don't want that."]
Kyle, the only Doordash guy in town, finally arrives with the food Analetta ordered. Markus gives him a 40$ tip, and assures Kyle they'll be able to eat all of it; some people are coming over anyway.
Shelby returns, no longer in a dress but in a baggy sweatshirt, and she's hyped over the pizza and tacos they've got- there were only alcoholic drinks at the casino. Shelby tries to pay Markus back.
["How much do I owe you for this?" "nothing. you're a friend." "Markus, I can pay you back. I have money." "so do i!"]
Shelby asks how the bug tours are going- horrible, answers Markus. They dislike the fame but they will keep taking people's money. They offer her a joint, and upon her request they go to make brownies instead.
John's been fidgeting with his hands, and his phone starts to lag a little bit as he gets closer to the casino. Eventually he spots Clara leaving the building. Oh god, here we go.
Clara gives John that white person smile as she approaches (fuck). They have a short conversation, agreeing to go to the coffee shop in town since the casino is a bit... Well, it's a lot. Clara offers to drive to the cafe, leading him to a motorcycle. John is impressed! She tells him she decided to use her first paycheck to buy her dream vehicle, and tosses him a spare helmet.
["You're going to have to hold on," She tells him as he gets on. "To what?" "To me," She says. "So you don't fall off." "...oh!" Carefully, he does so, trying to be gentle with his claws.]
[The bike pulls into the parking lot of the shop; Grounded In Nature, the cat cafe that's also the only coffee shop in town. "You can let go now, you know." "Ah- sorry."]
As the two of them enter, some of the cats run away from them- John apologizes like it's his fault (it is). They sit down, place their orders, and after talking over each other at first, Clara tries again: It was a blur last time she saw him (she was in the forest??), and then there was a lot going on, she got a new job and didn't know how to contact him, and hadn't seen him in town.
Their drinks are brought over- the only employee had spelled their names wrong. A fluffy white cat, brave to approach them, sits next to Clara.
John apologizes for not seeing or contacting her- he doesn't say how he was nervous she'd see he looked different from last she saw him- and they begin to talk a bit more; Clara jokes about her job, John says he loves to listen to people talk about their interests, etc.
And John swears that the cat near her rolls its eyes, like it's tired of how awkward their chat is, and then it jumps up onto the table and knocks over Clara's drink!!! Hey now! >:-0
John stands up, apologizing like it's his fault the cat did that, grabbing a bunch of napkins for her and being like hey?? are you okay??? She says she's okay, it was iced coffee so it didn't hurt, and she needed to change out of her work uniform anyway. Clara looks like she's struggling to say something else, and her gaze locks onto John's.
[Her eyebrows furrow slightly. "...Have your eyes always been that color?"
He looks away.]
She eventually asks if he and Shelby are dating- he stammers out a refusal, saying that while he cares very much about Shelby, he's not romantically interested in her. He leaves out how important she is to him, worrying that would hurt Clara's feelings.
["Okay, got it." Clara takes a breath, and meets his gaze.
"You know I like you, right?"]
There's about three seconds as John's brain catches up with what she said. There's a bit of war in his head- he's thrilled she likes him, but at the same time... there's no way, right? (Oh, the joys of low self-esteem)
[There's a small smile- a mix of disbelief and joy. "...You like me?"]
Clara apologizes for assuming that he and Shelby were together and for assuming he would know she liked him, and John apologizes for being oblivious, saying that no one's ever been interested in him before like this; he doesn't quite know what to do, but he can try this out.
They exchange numbers, and Clara offers him a ride home.
Song and Louis enter Lestat's home, and he greets them with a glass of what might be red wine, and a phone to show them all the social media posts people made about them at the casino; it's clear he wants to go there with them. Song and Louis jokingly make fun of Lestat's age and his language about social media apps.
["Lestat," Song asks, "How old are you anyway?" "Old enough," He turns around. "But we're not here to recount tales of the French Revolution."]
They start to get ready, with Song and Louis picking out new suits and dresses for the night.
Song looks out the window, because she hears an engine- and sees John, getting off a bike with a woman! Clara and John hug, and John is made aware of how easy it would be to hurt her in this moment- his small growl is hidden by the engine of her bike.
They pull away, and she drives off with a goodbye. John stands for a moment, reeling, until he sees Sammy and Heath pull up into their driveway- hey, Heath was taken away by the guards, remember? what's up?
So John goes up to greet the couple, asking what happened- Heath tells him that, well, it got loud in the casino, so Sammy had started using ASL to talk to him. The guards thought it was code or something relating to cheating at the casino games, Heath is saying, so they took him away just to look over the security footage. Other than that, they did pretty good at the casino and won some cash, as well as some compensation for the misunderstanding. They decided to go home right after.
John doesn't believe that because I don't, this casino is sketchy as hell, so he rolls to Investigate a Mystery and infers that Sammy seemed to have been in there way longer than it would've taken to just review footage. Suspicious but not knowing where to go from there, he bids them goodnight and heads over to Markus's.
["do you want a joint?" Markus holds one out to him. "No, thank you," John says as he enters. "I'm fine." Weed wouldn't be good for him, given his tendencies. They shrug, turning away. "okay, that's fine. don't eat the brownies, by the way; they've got weed in them." John slowly puts the brownie in his hand back onto the tray.]
The four of them play board games and chat; Analetta shares embarrassing stories about Markus (though she's still confused over how she can't remember the details of them leaving), and Shelby shares some about her and John, mentioning that they met when she hit him with her car.
["How did you manage to do that?" Markus asks. "It was dark!" She said. "I was in a hurry, and he just ran out into the road!"]
John asks why she had been it a hurry that night- this is new to him. It was an unspoken rule between them that they never talked about their pasts, but...
She explains that she's not originally from Greenville; she's from somewhere up East, but she had to get away, so she got in her car and drove as far as she could until she felt it was good enough to stop.
["And then when I hit John, I thought 'Oh, surely this can't get any worse!'"]
John is sympathetic, and Markus offers support. Shelby says she doesn't need to worry about that anymore- and besides, she's got John! He's tough! He jokingly(?) threatens to fight anyone who hurts her, and she lightly punches him in the arm in response.
Markus makes a comment that maybe if they get a divers license, that's how they can get more friends. John responds that maybe Not having one would increase their chances.
Eventually, Markus and Analetta head off to bed, and John and Shelby start their short walk back home.
["That was fun," Shelby said, walking ahead of John, "But I think I'm just gonna head to bed once we get inside." John hummed, a tiny smile at his lips. "So do you want me to tell you the news tomorrow morning, then...?" Shelby spun around to face him. "No no," she said, walking backwards with a grin. "You can't do that- you're telling me now."]
He reminds her of Clara, his old coworker, and that she confessed that she liked him; They might go on a date.
[Shelby pauses from unlocking the door. "That's..." She turns to him. "John, that's great!" "I know, right!"]
The two of them enter the house as John expresses his amazement at this; he never thought that anyone would ever ask him out?? He asks Shelby for advice- because she's gone on dates before, right?
[She winces. "Yeah, uh- I don't really do the whole dating thing anymore. I haven't had much luck with that."]
She suggests the dinner Song and Louis are planning on Monday- unless John wants a private date, something more intimate? But he thinks back to the hug earlier, and says the dinner would be a better idea. He can call them tomorrow and ask if he can bring a plus-one.
Shelby mentions she's going to go to bed. As she gets up from the couch, she puts a hand on his arm. She tells him she's glad he's happy, and heads off to her room.
Markus goes to get water, but the thing is that their window can actually look directly into the window to Shelby's room; They see her close the door and fall onto her bed, sobbing. They pull out their phone and call her. Shelby stops crying to answer it, and they ask if she's okay. She says she'll be fine.
["You know I'm only a phone call away," Markus offers. They watch as she reaches for a plushie and hugs it tight. "...Thanks." She says nothing else.]
Meanwhile, the Trio (comprising of Louis, Song, and Lestat) heads back to the casino, dressed in fabulous outfits. Lestat had fed earlier, and due to the life running through him he's able to show up in photos for a bit. They enjoy themselves, and are invited up to the second floor of the casino. It's grand, full of upper class ambience and elegant people at the tables- the Trio doesn't recognize anyone, but heads over to play one of the card games. There's a well-dressed man making his way to each group of people, chatting before moving on to then next group. Finally, he reaches these three and introduces himself as Mr. Grant, one of the people who helps run the Vault Casino. They compliment it, saying it's lovely.
Then Mr. Grant leans forward, asking Ms. Song O'Sullivan if he can speak to her privately- her eyes immediately go up to the security cameras (They're not looking at her). Louis gets bad vibes from this question and asks why can't all of them be there? Grant says its of a private and serious manner. Louis continues to object, and the man says it's about their.. extracurricular activities. (monster hunting?)
Song sends her boyfriends a telepathic message, telling them that if she's not back in five minutes they can raze this casino to the ground. They let her go; Louis starts a timer on his phone. Mr Grant leads her to the elevator, and they start to head up to the third floor- that's normally off-limits, isnt it?
A telepathic message from Song: "Third floor."
Two security guards approach Lestat and Louis, asking them to please come with them. Louis objects and Lestat tries to be civil, but the guards are firm. Lestat also has telepathy, as he had used it last season, and he sends Louis a message: He's trying real hard to not tear these guards apart, as he's working on being a better person, so it would be in both their best interests to comply. Besides, they've worked together before, he and Louis- they can fight their way out later if needed.
The vampire and Southern gentleman finally comply, and are lead to the elevator- but unlike Song, they start going down. Basement One.
Louis mentions they must be getting special treatment, then, if they're heading to an off-limits area! The security guards make a comment implying they've been bringing the supernatural folk (though they didn't quite use that phrasing, it was heavily implied) in town down to the basements- just for a little chat, is all.
["Well," said Louis, "If you know of those kinds of folk, then you surely know what me and my partner here are capable of?"]
Meanwhile, Song is on the third floor.
It's dark, with the only light source coming from below them; It's built almost like a balcony, with railings and windows that reveal the lower levels of the casino and everyone milling down below. The ceilings must be two-way mirrors.
There's a flick of a lighter from the far side of the room, and a dim glow as a cigarette is lit up. The lamps follow its lead, turning on and lighting up the place. There's a woman on the far end, holding a long cigarette holder. She's got the beauty of an old movie star, with an elegant red dress, a feathered boa, and long black gloves.
"What's wrong, darling?" She asks Song. Their eyes are the same color; a deep blood red.
"...No hug for your mother?"
SO MUCH HAPPENED THIS SESSION?? I LOVE IT HERE Also cheer for me, this one was almost entirely off memory. I'm so cool lmao
Why doesn't Analetta remember Louis? The way the DM played it seemed to be supernatural in nature... is it because Louis made a deal with the Devil? or is there something else to it?
Sorry, listen, i know i bring it up every time but Song's house getting blown up by gnomes is so wild to me. I love how that's a canonical thing.
Song with the sugar, pretty much:
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"Would Shelby smoke weed?" "So fun fact I keep a list of everything we've ever learned about Shelby because I'm Normal about her-"
Shut up i lost it when Kyle finally showed up. He's only been mentioned and never shown, I feel like i met a celebrity /hj
I started YELLING at the white person smile comment i'm !!!!! OUGH i Knew it wouldve been awkward!!!
Those cats are so sentient. I'm calling it. Also do you think Jewel the employee mispells the customer names so they won't be taken by the fae who runs the cafe?? oh shit what if the cats were people-
During the cafe scene Markus's player sent a message in the chat like "Two autistic people flirting. beautiful <3"
I was so in-character!! /pos Not me going into my pockets like i had a flip phone in there aughgh
John never saying he liked Clara back!!! Only that he would like to try out dating!! bc thats what people do!!!! aaaa!!!!
There's some memory manipulation going on in that casino.
John and the hug was wild bc?? The dm was over here describing how she was small and I was all "well. might as well roll for hunger" and you would Not believe how badly I fucked that up lmao. I was going to spend a luck point; since the dm wasn't expecting me to roll for his hunger, though, he let me off the hook. Thanks DM <3
The "markus getting a car to make friends joke" was originally an ooc bit from earlier and then we just??? Acted it out? Love it here
And Louis's player called it too!!! Like right before the scene that revealed Shelby likes John!!! Aaa!!! [Head in hands]
Also sorry that was Such a shock to me. I genuinely thought she was a lesbian
That's why Greyson was doing this job thats why he said it was personal!! THATS HIS WIFE RUNNING THE PLACE!!! I thought she was dead!!!!!
We IMMEDIATELY ran to make theories about Song's mom: is she a demon? Is Song a pact child?? What if her mom's a dragon! Song has a fang earring doesn't she? Is the fact her mom's supernatural why she's so good at magic? What's her mother doing gathering all the supernatural folk anyway? Shaking my computer I WANT ASNWERS /lh
Hey. Hey DM. Is Emmett the AI man okay?? Why did you bring up the fact we havent heard from him in a while in the same breath as mentioning the casino's effect on our phones. SIR??? IS HE OKAY???
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just had a revelation for an iasip episode:
"The Gang Goes to See the Barbie Movie"
of course each of them for different reasons:
Charlie: just likes movies about toys and thinks it would be really cool to see life by a doll's perspective.
he doesn't want the others to know in case they will bully him later but he also doesn't want to go alone tho so he asks Dennis to come with him (because he saw him looking up pictures online and knows Dennis wants to watch it so he basically blackmails him to tag along)
Dennis: reluctantly goes with Charlie, claiming it's "just to see many babes and Margo's tits on the big screen" but he actually was always obsessed with Barbie's clothes lines and wants to see real life people wearing them like the huge style nerd he is.
he and Charlie agree to go in secret and don't say a word about it to the others (Dennis especially doesn't want Mac to know since he is all about "badass movies only" or whatever
Mac: "i'm a gay man Frank, of course i'm going to watch the Barbie Movie. Rayan Gosling as Ken?? uh, yes please!? But we can't tell Dennis or the others about us going in secret, they'll think i'm not badass anymore, which i totally still am btw"
Frank: "what are you talking about? now shut up and help me take these Frankie Dolls™️ inside the theater so we can sell 'em to those stupid kids. Oh Mattel made a good move, making a big movie after a doll. We are gonna do the same with my Frankie Dolls™️, we sell them today and then we make a movie about them and it'll make me lots of money!! ha! scamming kids with dolls and movies, we should have thought about this sooner"
the two groups meet inside the theater and various shenanigans ensue (ofc)
anyway, by the end of they movie they each come out with various reactions:
Charlie: "dude! we totally need to make our apartment like that dream house! life in plastic IS fantastic!!" also he didn't get the final line of the movie and really liked Allan
Dennis, with mascara running down his face: "boy that... that sure was a movie huh... (he doesn't elaborate on that. just looks faraway all the time)
Mac: was broken inside by Im Just Ken, thinking about how where he sees love Dennis sees a friend and all that but still whispers "...maybe I am Kenough..." (also he cried too but he will never admit it)
Frank: the Frankie Dolls™️ scam didn't go as planned, of course, (they kinda looked like Gollum? anyway, kids didn't like them and he got in trouble with a few parents) but then when he had nothing left to do he started actually watching the movie and got really moved by the ending
Dee: while the others exit their room of the theater she comes out from the next doors still eating a few pop corns "guys guys i just saw this movie, Oppenheimer, there were nazis and bombs and explosions and science an-"
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rosebloodcat · 2 years
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I love Kid Transformation Stories. Those stories are always so cute and fluffy and make me feel happy (and it's always fun for the character info/interactions that show up). It's also usually one of those standard fanfic genres you'll find in pretty much every fandom.
So imagine my surprise that there really... Weren't that many in Moomins. I only found one, and it was for the parents getting turned into tots. (And absolutely adorable, btw.)
Of course, this meant my brain promptly started ruminating on its own idea for a Kid TF Fic for Snufkin. (Because I always bully the characters that I like. 😆 )
Basically, Skufkin has been coming down with a cold and is planning on disappearing for a few days to take care of it himself. It's just a little cold and there's no reason for him to bother everyone else with something that he can recover from by himself. (Never mind that the Moomins would never see him asking for help as a bother.) But, obviously, this doesn't go the way he wanted/expected.
Someone/thing magical runs across him on his way to pack up his camp (I've been using "fairy" but that's still subject to change), who views his plans as less "I am Independent and Capable of taking care of Myself" and more "I am a Stubborn Kid that doesn't want to be Babied." (Completely missing the worry about being a burden/bother that's in there as well.) So they decide that they need to show him that there's nothing wrong with getting babied if you're unwell.
They turn him into a little kid to help him "get the message". And leaves after sending up some sparks to make sure someone finds him. (After all, he can't get better without help right now and if no one finds him, it would defeat the purpose of the lesson. Wouldn't it?)
Moomin is the one who finds Snufkin and hurries him home to see if Moominmama can do something to change him back.
Kid shenanigans (and cold shenanigans) ensue.
(The spell has a built-in time limit. After x number of days once the cold is gone, he'll change back to normal. No potions or special medicine or special conditions that need to be met before then.)
Still debating the finer details of the change, like if Snufkin is still himself but dealing with being a little kid physically (and emotionally), or if he's been regressed totally and is just a confused baby until he changes back. But no matter what, I want Cute Baby Stuff happening.
(also, of it's the second one, the Moomins collectively decided that (due to the context clues they've gotten about Snufkin's childhood) they are going to Spoil Him Rotten until this is fixed.)
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renrapp · 1 year
if you don't mind, would you please infodump crashgate to me? i keep seeing it being referred to but i don't actually understand it :/ you can just ignore this ask if you don't want to tho!
SO THE YEAR IS 2008. our key main players are as follows— fernando alonso, 2x world champion and also my skrunkly, his teammate nelson piquet jr, a rookie in this szn and also the son of known garbage can nelson piquet, pat symonds, renault’s director of engineering, and flavio briatore, renault’s managing director and TP at the time.
renault is literally not even in contention for the championship this year, so why they did this? who the fuck knows honestly. but we’re headed into the singapore gp. fernando has a very unfortunate qualifying, getting knocked out in Q2 after a mechanical failure and starting 15th, next to piquet jr who starts 16th. the race is seemingly normal. fernando pits on lap 12 for tyres and fuel (bc yes, back then u could refuel) and then 2 laps later, piquet jr fucking bins it into turn 17. like the flop that he is. and bc this specific turn makes it difficult to retrieve cars, they had to deploy the safety car.
2008 regs meant that the pitlane would be closed while the safety car was deployed until all the cards bunched up behind it. this gave fernando a significant advantage because remember, he already pitted 2 laps earlier, which meant that by the time the pit lane opened, the rest of the grid would have needed to pit for tyres or for fuel while he didn’t, giving him the clean air to put himself in front of the order. shenanigans ensue (massa’s fuel hose nightmare etc etc) that give him more of an advantage, and he goes on to eventually win the race.
NOW. to anyone else, this seems very, very normal. wow ! congrats to nando and renault for scoring their very first win of the season ! #underdogtingz ! and yes for literally a year, that’s what everyone thought .. until the next season.
in 2009, renault were flopping saurrr bad. they kept the same lineup and while fernando was doing his absolute best dragging the tractor that is the r29 (and slaying bc the fucker actually managed to put it on pole once), piquet jr was unsurprisingly a total disappointment, amassing a whopping ZERO POINTS !!!! renault was like wtf stop embarrassing us, and then dropped him over halfway thru the szn for romain grosjean.
piquet jr was PISSED. and he is his father’s son, so obv he decided to stir up some drama. he came onto national tv and was like um . ackshually . singapore 2008 was a LIE bc symonds and briatore asked me to crash ON PURPOSE. they had a masterplan all alongggg and everyone was like wtf !!! and briatore was like fuck you i’m suing u AND ur fuckass dad !
im not even gonna lie idk what came of that but in the end renault was like aight we’re not even gonna fight, also symonds and briatore are both resigning byeeee. eventually the FIA was like yeahhh y’all did this shit on purpose and symonds at least confessed, but briatore was STILL denying involvement even tho he clearly had enough evidence against him. symonds ended up being banned from any FIA events for 5 years (he’s working for the FIA now btw. christ!) and briatore was banned indefinitely but u just cant take the sport outta him cos u see him around sometimes lmaooo
fernando denied involvement and the FIA was like we believe u princess 🥰 whether he actually knew or not .. we don’t know .. but be was literally caught up in spygate the year before that so honestly who the fuck knows. this would honestly be nothing to him he took part in corporate espionage what’s a lil cheating gon do to his wibbly wobbly morals
ANYWAY THAT’S IT ⁉️ i might’ve missed some details but this is all coming straight from the noggin so .. def not perfect. if there is some misinformation in there someone else notices pls point it out lol
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relmint · 2 years
Do you think Erlang Shen, Sansheng Mu, and Nezha would end up being friends with Sun Wukong in your Divergence Au? Oh, maybe a found family?
Also what would Sha Wujing and Zhu Bajie being doing in this AU?
Heck yeah! I want the divergence AU to be all about family B))) AND! In my previous post about it I mentioned how Sun Wukong and the three rebel celestials would meet. Erlang Shen, Sansheng Mu, and Nezha, having just escaped an attack from Heaven would seek refuge in Sun Wukong's home as a last resort. Shenanigans ensue and I like to call this the "roomie arc." Btw Nezha gets adopted by like 3 diff families because he deserves it <33
Sha Wujing and Zhu Bajie are still maintaining their posts in Heaven as Curtain Raising General and Marshal of Heavenly Reeds. Still not sure about how they are going to play a major role in the story though 🤔
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dreamtydraw · 9 months
Hi! If you’re still taking VN recommendations then I wanna share with you a VN that I really really love! I will say right off the bat though that it isn’t free you do have to pay for it, I believe it’s pretty cheap though as it’s only $7 USD. So it’s called Repurpose by Eros, the first part is on itch.io and part 2 is coming out like next week just after Christmas! It’s LGBTQ+ friendly you get to choose your own gender identity and pronouns (and if you specifically make your MC trans then there’s some mini extra dialogue with other characters regarding it which is neat), currently there’s 7 love interests, 2 males, 3 girls, and 2 li’s under the non-binary umbrella (and 2 more li’s are coming in part two). The basic plot is that You and several others have died, but because of circumstances you can’t be sent to heaven or hell, so instead you’re sent to the Garden of Eden in Limbo where you get to choose if you want to go up to Heaven (which is actually referred to as Utopia in game), down to Hell, or stay in Limbo! Depending on where you go there will be certain routes you can go down and shenanigans ensue!! I haven’t played every single route but the ones I did play were all super fun and all the characters are so well written and nice to interact with so I really recommend it! Sorry this is kinda long lmao I’ve been brainrotting over this game, have a nice day!
It’s alright ! Quite a lot of you actually recomanded me games you enjoyed and it makes me happy because you all seems very interested in the game you propose which i think is cute.
Gave a look and this is game is going to my wish list because i like the art, designs, diveristy and plots ( that all the main factors for me to like a game )
I check all of the recommendations btw ;}
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starkcanvas · 2 years
Mari checks in on her old friends after the Truth occasionally
What are some possible things she could see them do that would make her cringe
Haha, she certainly would try whenever she’s not busy with her own Afterlife ^^;
But for whenever she does go to see how everyone is doing, she’ll more likely check up on her little goof of a brother to see how he’s handling things after moving.
And eventually, she will see the others like Kel, Aubrey and Basil whenever Sunny goes down to Faraway for a visit. Her just finding the group of teens to just be a chaotic mess as Basil’s really the only voice of reason when Hero’s not around. And since he’s a VERY QUIET voice of reason, he’s obviously not heard all that well and… shenanigans ensue much to her dismay ^^;
Although something I can imagine happening for Mari is that whenever she does visit the living to see her friends and family again, she… tries to distance herself from Hero.
The younger kids don’t see him all the much anymore anyway since he’s a college student and while he’s not as busy since after the truth he switched from Medical to Hospitality and is now perusing a future in cooking- something that Mari is very proud to hear btw- she just… doesn’t think it’s really healthy for her to see him all that much anymore. Especially since she’s slightly moved on herself. Her relationship with Ash being proof of this
All in all, she’d just try keeping tabs on the younger kids. Her remembering Hero didn’t have the best reaction to the truth and she doesn’t know on if Hero ever forgave Sunny and Basil. Unlike Kel and Aubrey who while still took some time, they came around eventually :)
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janusofguardia · 2 years
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“What was that!?” “Should we go after it!?” “Cyrus should go first...”
Whipped up something Halloween-inspired that’s been on my mind for a long time but only got to do now! 
The premise is that spooky things were going on in Guardia Castle so the resident wizard and his friends ended up investigating it! Shenanigans ensue. 
Have a great spoopy month!
(I’m still doing those asks btw until the end of the month so go ahead and shoot one if you like!) 
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