#shes never gone so slow tbh
corroded-hellfire · 11 months
As You Wish - Eddie Munson x Reader, Part 6
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A collaboration with the incredible and amazing @munson-blurbs 💜
Summary: It’s your first official date with Eddie, and what’s almost as exciting as that is seeing how the boys react to the news
Note: I will never get used to the kind comments and sweet words you send me over this series. It truly makes me so incredibly happy. I hope you enjoy this chapter!
Warnings: smut, p in v, mentions of oral, age gap, older!eddie, Eddie’s breeding kink should be a given at this point tbh
Words: 8.5k
[As You Wish masterlist]
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Eddie knocks on the door of the trailer he grew up in, shoving his hands in his pockets and rocking on the balls of his feet. It seems like an eternity before his uncle opens it, a huge grin on his face at the sight of his nephew. 
“Ed!” he says, holding the door ajar so Eddie can walk in. “What brings you back down to Forest Hills?”
“Can’t a guy just visit his uncle without needing something?” Eddie teases, leaning against the counter, careful not to get any grease stains on it. “I, uh, did need to talk to you, though.”
A concerned frown tugs at the corners of Wayne’s lips. “Y’okay? The boys good?”
Eddie nods, all-too aware of Wayne’s omission of Brittany. “We’re all fine,” he clarifies, “but Brittany and I are definitely splitting up. I filed the divorce papers, then she filed custody papers.”
“Shit,” Wayne mutters, rubbing his palm over his coarse gray beard. “‘M sorry, kid. This kinda stuff ain’t easy, even when you know you wanna end things.” He puts a hand on Eddie’s shoulder and squeezes. “You’ll find the right one for you.”
Eddie’s cheeks tinge pink, and he has to avert his gaze from his uncle. “I, um…I think I already did,” he sheepishly admits, massaging the back of his neck to relax his nerves. 
Wayne’s eyebrows shoot up, but he can’t say he’s all that surprised. “The babysitter?”
“How did you—”
“I may be an old man, but my eyesight is just fine,” Wayne jokes, “and I could see the way you looked at her at Ryan’s birthday party last summer. Like you damn near worshiped the ground she walked on.”
Eddie lets out a nervous chuckle and nods his head. “Yeah, that’s pretty much how I feel about her.” 
“She’s good with the boys,” Wayne says. “It was nice to see.” Nice for them to have a maternal figure who loves them is what they both think but don’t say aloud. 
“They love her,” Eddie agrees. He opens his mouth to continue, but his uncle cuts him off.
“So do you.” It’s not a question. It’s a knowing statement from the man who knows Eddie better than anyone. It didn’t take much observation for Wayne to see the possibilities of what could be. Of what are, now. 
“I really do,” Eddie answers. The lovesick expression on his face makes Wayne smile. He’s not seen that look on his nephew’s face since he was in high school. Even then, Wayne thinks, he didn’t light up quite like this. 
“Take it slow though, boy.” Wayne didn’t give a shit that Eddie was in his 30’s now; he’s still going to call him “boy” because he’ll be Wayne’s boy until the day he dies. “You don’t want to rush into anything. That’ll just be trouble for everyone involved.”
“I know,” Eddie says. “I, uh, actually want to take her on our first date this Friday.”
“Do the boys know?” Wayne asks.
“Not yet. But they will. I'm not going to lie to them about where I'm going and who I’ll be with. They get that from their mom, and I will make damn sure they know I’ll never lie to them.”
“Good man,” Wayne says with an approving nod of his head. “Can’t imagine their mom feels too keen about watching the boys while you go on a date, though.”
“To be honest, I wouldn’t give a shit how she felt about it. But fortunately for everyone, she’ll be out of town. So, that’s another reason I stopped by. Wondered if you could watch the kids. It’d be up at the house still since I’m staying there while Britt’s gone.”
Wayne’s face lights up. “You know I never need an excuse to spend time with my grandkids,” he chuckles. “Now I just gotta figure out what kinda candy I’m gonna get ‘em hopped up on just in time for you to get home.”
“You’re the best,” Eddie says gratefully, pulling his uncle in for a quick hug. “I owe you one.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Wayne appears to brush off the compliment, but he’s beaming on the inside. Being a grandpa is his favorite thing in the world. “I’ve been meaning to stop by, anyway. Made a little something for those two rugrats.” He disappears into his room—what used to be Eddie’s room—and comes back with two of his woodworks: a miniature bookshelf with an R carved on the side, and a small box with an L on the lid. “Figured Ryan could use another place for his books, and Luke can put his Hot Wheels in here.”
“Someone just earned himself a #1 Grandpa mug for his birthday.”
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“Hey, rugrats.”
Eddie strolls out of his bedroom—former bedroom, and down the hallway. The muffled sounds of some animated movie he knows he’s seen before become louder the closer he gets to the living room. Both boys are sitting at a Scooby-Doo themed table and chair set that Luke had gotten for his last birthday. They’re sitting too close to the television, but Eddie decides to let that slide for now. As he gets closer, he sees the boys are drawing, peacefully sharing a single crayon box for once. 
“Yeah, Daddy?” Ryan asks without looking up from his art. Eddie picks the remote up off the couch and turns the tv off. Luke’s little head snaps up and his curls bounce as he swivels his body to stare in his dad’s direction. 
“Hey,” he protests.
“Just for a minute, calm down.” Eddie sets the remote down on the coffee table and comes to stand between the boys’ chairs. He’s not entirely sure what it is they’re drawing, but there’s a brown patch that Eddie thinks is the dog that Luke is always drawing and wishing for. Someday, pal. I promise. “I want to talk to you both about something.”
“What is it?” Ryan asks, scribbling furiously with a red crayon. 
“Hey, can we take a break from the drawing for a bit?” Eddie drops a hand to Ryan’s shoulder and his oldest son looks up at him for the first time.
“Just so I can talk to you for a minute.”
Ryan sets his crayons down and turns on his seat to face his father better. Luke copies his older brother’s actions and the brown crayon that was in his hand rolls towards the middle of the table. 
“Are we in trouble?” Luke asks.
“No,” Eddie says with a shake of his head. “I just wanted to let the two of you know that I have a date on Friday night.”
Both of Eddie’s sons just stare at him. For a moment, he wonders if he actually spoke out loud or just imagined it in his head. Luke seems completely unfazed by the news, like he just wants to get back to his coloring. Ryan, on the other hand, looks a little skeptical. Eddie was prepared for this reaction, but he knows that as soon as the boys know who his date is with, they’ll be jumping for joy—quite possibly literally. 
“A date?” Ryan asks. “Like, with a girl?”
“A lady,” Luke corrects. 
“Yeah,” Eddie says, now truly getting nervous for the first time. Ryan continues to stare at him, and Eddie isn’t sure how to read the usually open little boy. 
“So,” Ryan starts, “does that mean we get to spend time with—”
“Grandpa Wayne is watching you.” 
“Why?” Luke whines, obviously bothered by the fact that someone who is not you would be watching them. That says a lot to Eddie because he knows how much they love Wayne. It takes most of Eddie’s nerves away, hearing that the boys’ first instinct was that they get to spend time with you if he’s going out. Actual excitement bubbles up within him and it’s almost impossible to keep the smile off of his face. A part of him almost wants to keep the boys in suspense—this is just too good. 
“Because,” Eddie finally says, “I’m taking her on the date.” 
Eddie watches their faces, eager for the reaction. Ryan processes the information first and lets out a gasp. Luke takes a few seconds longer, but then he’s standing up from his chair—knocking it over in the process—and his eyes widen as far as they physically can. 
“You two are going on a date?” Ryan asks, voice high and excited. “Really?”
“Really,” Eddie confirms with a chuckle. 
“Oh my gosh,” Luke gushes, his small hands coming up to run through his curls. “Yes!”
The obvious love and excitement these two have towards you only further solidifies an idea that has been floating around his head lately. That you and he were meant to be together. Eddie knew that his sons had a far better childhood than he had, but he could still see the struggles they had living with a mom who never cared like she should. Eddie tried to make up for it, but there’s only so much one parent can take on from the other. He’d wonder if it was some bad karma of his that his kids didn’t get to have the happy little family that Eddie always dreamed of. But now there’s you. And all three Munson men adore you to the moon and back. And what's crazier to Eddie is that you love him back just as much. The boys? Sure, they’re easy to love. But you love three of them as a whole. Eddie can’t wait to tell you how they reacted to this news.
“You guys are happy about this, I take it?” Eddie asks.
“Uh, yeah,” Ryan says, launching himself out of his chair and wrapping his arms around his dad’s waist. 
Eddie lets out an oof as the weight of his son knocks him back a step. But he’s quickly returning the hug.
“Our super-secret plan worked!” Luke says.
Raising his eyebrows, Eddie turns his head to look at his youngest son. 
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“Okay, how about this?” You hold up a little black dress for your roommate to inspect. 
Jess tilts her head in consideration. “Too clubby,” she determines, and you roll your eyes with a dejected sigh. “Think…romantic but sexy.”
“Fine,” you grumble, rummaging through your closet. “Does this one pass the test?” You show her a floral lilac dress with a small slit up the side. 
“Perfect!” Jess determines, grinning as she grabs a pair of strappy wedges from the closet floor. “Wear these with that, and he’ll be putty in your hands.” She pauses. “Actually, he basically already is. But, still, you’re gonna look hot.”
Your cheeks burn at the compliment, as well as the thought of Eddie turning into mush when he sees you. “Yeah, yeah. Let me get dressed; this show ain’t free.”
“It is for Eddie!” she trills, but leaves and closes the door behind her. 
You finish applying your makeup just as Eddie rings the buzzer. “Jess, I’ll be back later!” you call out. “Thanks again for the wardrobe help.”
“No problem! Hope you get laid!”
Same, you think, opening the door to find your handsome date standing in front of you. “Wow,” you breathe out. He’s wearing a dark green button-down shirt, black slacks, and his signature leather jacket. His hair is pulled back into a low ponytail. Your palms become slick with nervous perspiration at the mere sight of him. 
“Wow, yourself,” Eddie smiles, pulling you in by your waist and kissing your lips. It starts off gentle, but he gradually deepens it, grabbing your ass and giving it a squeeze. “If we don’t leave now, I’m not gonna let you leave the bedroom,” he growls in your ear, punctuating his statement with a quick smack to the soft flesh of your bottom. 
“Let’s get going, then,” you say, grabbing his hand and leading him to the car. 
You’re filled with anticipation; the secrecy of the evening is driving you insane. “How long until we’re at this mystery location?” you ask, trying to keep your eagerness at bay. 
“Okay, but what’s ‘soon’?” you press. “Like, five minutes? Half an hour?”
Eddie chuckles. “Jesus, you sound like Luke.”
Your jaw drops and you cross your arms over your chest. “Did you just compare me to your five-year-old son?”
“Are we there yet?” Eddie exaggeratedly mimics in a high-pitched voice. 
“I do not sound like that!” you protest through your giggles. 
“I do not sound like that!” he echoes, keeping the obnoxious tone. 
“Now who’s acting like a five-year-old?” you retort, laughing as he scoffs at you, putting your mind at ease. It’s Eddie, your Eddie, and no matter what he’s planned, you know it’ll just make you fall further in love with him. 
Eventually, Eddie pulls onto a highway, and you head in a direction you’re unfamiliar with. All it does is make you even more curious, but you know that Eddie isn’t going to be answering any questions. As if it’s his way of telling you not to say anything, he turns on the radio and fiddles with a dial until he comes to a song he likes. His hand doesn’t go back on the wheel, though. He reaches over and takes one of your hands into his own. Butterfly wings stir inside of you as he brings the back of your hand up to his lips. After pressing a few kisses to the skin there, he laces his fingers with yours and rests them comfortably on the center console between you. 
It feels like forever until you reach your destination. According to the clock on the truck’s dash, it was just under half an hour, though. Gentleman as always, Eddie comes around to your door to open it for you. He even offers his hand to you to help you out of the car. Once he’s shut the door behind you, he doesn’t let go of your hand again. Honestly, it wouldn’t bother you if he never let it go. 
The parking lot of this mystery date spot is pretty crowded on this Friday night. As the two of you get closer, you inspect the large red brick building. It’s old enough looking to be charming, but not derelict or decrepit. Green foliage adorns the outsides, a few benches every couple of feet—mostly occupied at the moment. The other people you see are dressed at the same level as both you and Eddie so the little worry that you’d be over or under-dressed finally fades away. 
Above the front door, there’s a white and gold sign that says “Scott & Ollo’s.” Eddie holds the heavy brown door open for you and, regrettably, you have to let go of his hand to step inside. You don’t have to go long without his touch, however, as he steps up behind you as soon as you both enter, his hands resting lightly on your waist. The first thing that you register is the music. It’s loud—not overbearingly so, but enough where you can tell its live music instead of a recording being played over the PA system. Next, you take in the waiters in their all black attire that are buzzing between tables covered in white tablecloths and an array of foods—that smell delicious, you also notice.
“Hello,” the hostess greets you and Eddie as you walk up to her podium.
“Hi,” Eddie says, keeping one hand on your waist as he speaks to her. “Should have a reservation for two. Under the name ‘Munson.’”
Your eyes are flitting around the space and Eddie watches you with a fond smile on his face as the hostess searches for his name. 
“Ah, here we are. Right this way, please,” the hostess says. 
Eddie once again laces your fingers together and guides the two of you through the decently filled restaurant. As you walk, you notice that the restaurant is arranged in a circular fashion, and that people at the tables keep looking in towards the center of the room. You try to crane your neck to see around some of the patrons, but you’re unable to see what they see. The hostess leads you down a few steps that lead down to another landing where tables are laid out. From here, it’s easier to see what has everyone’s attention. The middle of the restaurant has a live band playing and a dance floor that a few couples currently occupy. 
“Here you are,” the hostess says as she presents your table. She sets a menu down at each place setting as Eddie waits for you to sit in your seat so he can push it in for you. “Your waiter will be Harris and he’ll be right with you.”
“Thank you,” you say before she steps away. Now seated, you let your eyes take in everything a little bit more. The small lanterns on the middle of every table, some women looking longingly at the dance floor while the men they’re with look terrified of it. At the grand chandelier that hangs over the whole space, the crystals on it reflecting the light all around. “Eddie, this place is beautiful. Where did you find it?”
“A buddy of mine from high school proposed to his girlfriend here. I’ve never been but they both said it was incredible. So far, they’re right.”
“And are you actually going to dance with me?” you ask with a small giggle as you pick up your menu. 
“Getting to hold you close to my body while we listen to slow music? Hell yeah.”
You shake your head fondly at how unromantic he makes it sound; but you know that’s just him messing around. There’s no way he would’ve chosen this place to go if he didn’t want to have a romantic evening and dance with you. 
“Should we get some wine?” Eddie asks. 
“Sure, but you’ll have to order it.”
“Why would—oh, right,” Eddie says with a chuckle. “Sometimes I forget your age.”
“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” you ask.
“I don’t really think of it one way or the other. You’re just…you. My person. Not my person who is twelve years younger than me, just my person.”
His words have your heart picking up speed, and it’s quickly pumping heat up towards your face. His person. It felt not too long ago you could only dream about Eddie ever saying that to you. 
Eddie lets out a soft chuckle and you look up to see what’s so funny. But he’s just smiling at you.
“What?” you ask.
“You haven’t stopped smiling since we walked in the door,” Eddie says. You hadn’t noticed, honestly. But now that he points it out, you can feel the tightness in your cheek muscles at the long-held grin.
“You just make me really happy,” you tell him, love practically radiating out of your every pore. Eddie sets his menu down and reaches across the table to take both of your hands in his own.
“Baby, you’re it for me. Always. Don’t forget that, okay?”
The only response you can give is a nod, as you feel the emotion welling up behind your eyes. After taking a moment and clearing your throat, you think you’re able to speak.
“You’re my forever.”
Harris comes and takes your orders: Eddie gets a New York strip, medium rare, and you choose the chicken florentine. They’re delivered on intricately garnished plates; so beautiful that you’re almost afraid to eat. 
“Been awhile since I’ve been to a restaurant that didn’t serve a Happy Meal,” he jokes, dragging his knife through the tender cut of meat. 
“At least you have your kids as an excuse,” you tease him. “Before that, you were just a grown man eating a very tiny pouch of fries.”
Eddie laughs, popping a bite of the steak into his mouth. “Speaking of those two,” he starts, “I told them.” About us, is what he doesn’t say, but he doesn’t have to. 
You offer him a nervous glance. “What…were they okay with it?”
“Oh, yeah. They were only upset that you weren’t watching them until I told them that you were my date.” He chuckles at the memory of their excited little faces, leaning in to add, “and did you know that their ploy to get us together was a secret?”
Clapping a hand over your mouth to keep your giggles from escaping, you widen your eyes. “I think we can cross ‘CIA agent’ off of their list of future career choices.”
“And professional poker player,” he agrees, running his thumb across the back of your hand. “But I really can’t believe my luck. Y’know, how much they love you, and how much you love them.”
“Of course I do,” you tell him. “Even if you and I weren’t together, I’d adore your boys. They’re great kids, Eddie. The best. Because of you.”
Eddie stands slightly to reach over and kiss your forehead. “I love you so fucking much,” he declares. Part of him wishes he had a ring so he could propose right now, make you his forever. 
Once you’ve finished eating, Eddie’s by your side and offering his hand. 
“May I have this dance?” he asks. He keeps his tone serious, but he waggles his eyebrows as he says it. 
“Such a gentleman,” you smile, placing your palm in his. You can feel every crease and callous, and you’re immediately overtaken with a sense of safety and belonging. “Of course you may.”
He leads you to the dance floor, taking you into his arms. Your left hand rests on his right bicep, and your right hand takes purchase in his left. His free hand is soon pressed to the small of your back so the two of you can sway impossibly close. 
The band plays the opening chords of “Something,” by The Beatles, and your face lights up with joy. 
“I love this song,” you tell him, adjusting your stance so your left hand can travel to the nape of his neck. 
Without missing a beat, Eddie says, “I’ll learn how to play it for you.” Shit, he thinks, I’d go home and figure out the chords right now if I wasn’t on the best date of my life.
You’re not totally convinced, tilting your head in disbelief. “Even though it’s not metal?”
“Only for you, my love.” His response is sincere, and you rest your head on his chest, listening to the sound of his heartbeat. If you had to take bets, you’d guess that yours was beating in perfect tandem. 
After you’ve finished dancing, you both agree that you’ve worked off some of your delicious dinner and have room to split a decadent dessert. You settle on a piece of cheesecake with cherry topping and Harris serves it to you with two forks. Eddie tuts you when you go to take the first forkful, but when you look at him in confusion, he spears a generous bite of the dessert and holds it up to your lips. A bubbly feeling floats through your body as you open your mouth and accept it from him. It’s amazing how the littlest things Eddie does give you full body reactions. 
Once the cheesecake is devoured and the bill is paid (which Eddie snatched up the moment it hit the table cloth), Eddie offers you his hand and you walk out of the restaurant and into the chilly evening. There are no clouds in the sky, revealing the black canvas dotted with tiny diamond stars and a luminescent moon. You’re so busy taking in the view, you didn’t even realize Eddie shrugged out of his leather jacket until he’s draping it over your shoulders. It’s pure instinct to clutch it tighter around you, wanting Eddie’s scent and essence as close as can be. 
The band can still be heard outside, muffled, but clear enough to tell that they just started playing Elvis Presley’s “Can’t Help Falling in Love.” The two of you are approaching the first row of cars in the parking lot when Eddie tugs on your hand, pulling you to a stop next to him. Before you get the chance to open your mouth and ask what’s wrong, Eddie wraps one arm around your waist and tugs you up against his chest. He takes your left hand in his right and laces your fingers together as he begins to sway from side to side.
“Wanted one more dance with my girl tonight,” Eddie mumbles, giving you a warm smile. 
“Dancing in the moonlight? Who knew you were such a romantic, Munson,” you tease. He leans in and nips at your earlobe, causing you to giggle. 
“You would’ve thought you’d caught on by now,” Eddie retorts, giving your hand a light squeeze. Letting your eyes slip closed, you lean in and rest your head against the juncture where his neck meets his shoulder. 
“This is perfect,” you say, tone dreamy and light. 
“You’re the best dance partner I ever had, Sweetheart.”
The words bring a smile to your face, and you press a light kiss against Eddie’s throat before looking up at him. “Hey, can I tell you something?”
“Course baby,” he replies, his hand that’s on the small of your back tracing patterns over the material of your dress. “You can tell me anything.”
You pick your head up and look at him from beneath your eyelashes. “I’m not wearing any panties.”
That’s all Eddie needs to hear before he’s taking you by the hand and tugging you to the car. 
“Slow down; I’m in heels!”you protest between giggles, but Eddie is not about to waste precious seconds that could be spent inside you. 
You assume he’s going to drive home as fast as he can, which is why you’re more than confused when he opens the back door instead of the front. He slides in and pats his lap with a mischievous grin. 
“In your car?” you balk teasingly, already ducking into the vehicle and draping a leg over his. “Eddie Munson, you’re a little horndog.”
He doesn’t deny it; he simply closes the door and bunches your dress to your hips. You certainly weren’t lying: there are no panties to be found. He inhales sharply at your perfect pussy on display like this for him, and his burgeoning erection twitches behind his fly. “Fuckin…holy shit,” he manages, letting his middle finger graze your glistening folds. “And already wet f’me, hm? Was it my dance moves?” He gently bites your earlobe, and you shiver at the sensation. 
“Was…just you, baby,” you breathe, bringing your lips to his neck and trailing kisses along the side. His hands grip your bare ass, and you use the leverage to grind against the seam of his pants. “What’s got you so worked up?”
Eddie fumbles with his belt buckle, finally unfastening it with a relieved sigh. “‘S you. So fucking gorgeous, and all mine.” He whimpers when your fingers brush up against the outline of his cock while you unbutton his pants and tug down his zipper. “Tell me ‘m yours, please, baby.”
“You’re mine,” you whisper in his ear, taking in the new sensation of his cotton boxers on your throbbing clit and rubbing yourself against it needily. “All mine, only mine.”
Instinctively, Eddie finds your hole and slips a finger inside. “Bounce on it,” he instructs, pouting when you shake your head. “Whas’ wrong?” Shit, he thinks, was car sex a bad idea?
But you chase away his worries when you tell him, “Need more. Another finger. You’re too big for just one, Eddie.”
He happily obliges, making you feel full in the second-best way he knows how. With that, you take what you need, holding onto his shoulders as your pussy grips his thick fingers. He’s plunging them in and out of you as you ride them, the two of you working in perfect tandem to bring you to your release. 
Eddie knows every last inch of your body like the back of his hand, and he curls his fingers slightly to drive you over the edge. 
“F-Fuck, ‘m coming!” you moan, and it must be louder than you realize, because Eddie laughs and lets out a sshh. 
“You’re gonna get us caught, pretty thing,” he warns you, but he doesn’t slow his pace. “I’ll have to tell the cops that I just couldn’t help myself; ya looked too damn gorgeous tonight. Had to be inside you.”
The thrill of being discovered has your orgasm crashing over you, and you cry out Eddie’s name as it hits. He removes his fingers from your pussy, popping them in his mouth and swirling his tongue around to lap up your slick. It’s enough to nearly make you cum again. 
“Gotta feel you,” he mutters, taking his cock out of his boxers and into his hand. Pre-cum leaks from the tip, and if you had more room, you’d lean down to lick it off. “Gotta feel you around my dick, sweet girl.”
“Mhm,” you squeak out, aligning yourself over his length and sinking onto it. Inch by inch, you take him inside you as he stretches you in the most delicious way. The thick vein that runs from base to tip is heaven against your walls, and you steal a second to just feel him before you start moving. 
His hands grasp your waist, sinking into the plush of your ass as he helps you ride him. “Thas’ perfect,” he growls, nodding as you bounce on his cock. “You make me feel so damn good. We were made for each other, I fuckin’ swear.”
The tempo is slow at first as you ease into it, trying to balance the fullness within you and the newest setting for your trysts. Gradually, you pick up a bit of speed, and he matches it, balls slapping against you. 
“I love you,” you tell him, adding the promise of, “I’ll always love you.” You brush his hair from his face and kiss him passionately, tongue brushing his. When he pulls away for a breath, he gives your lower lip a little bite. 
“I’ll always love you,” he swears. “Always, always, always.”
You can feel how close he is, and you’re right there with him, so you pull the trigger. “Prove it,” you murmur. “Fuck me so full that your cum drips out of me. Or maybe I’ll keep it inside me and get nice and knocked up for you.”
A string of swear words leaves his lips as he spills into you. “Oh, fuck yes, holy fuckin’ shit. Wanna get you pregnant, y’gonna look s’good havin’ my babies.” He presses his hands into the plush of your thighs. “Cream my cock, baby. Show me who makes you cum.”
Just a few more bounces is all it takes for you to cum again, flopping against his chest as you take big, heaving breaths. 
“Can’t believe I scored on the first date,” Eddie jokes, and you bite his shoulder in retaliation. “Ow!” He rubs the spot dramatically. “C’mon, baby. Let’s get home, yeah?”
“Don’t wanna move,” you mumble, smiling as Eddie chuckles and kisses your scalp. 
“Faster we get home, faster we can fuck on a nice, cozy bed,” he murmurs, trailing a fingernail up and down your arm. “And I can go down on you like a goddamn gentleman.”
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The next morning, you’re barely awake and pouring yourself a cup of coffee in the kitchen when two rambunctious boys burst in.
“You’re here!” Luke cheers—which sounds more like shouting, this early in the morning. You and Eddie had talked about how it might look having you in the house when the boys woke up. But you figured they wouldn’t ask questions, and if they did, Eddie was ready to provide a long explanation on how something was broken in your car, and he couldn’t work on it while it was dark outside. 
“Hi,” you say, voice still groggy from sleep. You shuffle over to the table and take a seat. A Munson boy takes a seat on each side of you, and you let out a chuckle. “Can I help you?”
“How was it?” Ryan asks.
Shrugging your shoulders, you bring the Garfield coffee mug up to your lips and take a sip. “I have no idea what you mean.”
“Oh, come on!” Luke whines. It’s hard not to smile and play it cool, so you just take another sip of your coffee.
“What is all the racket?” Eddie walks into the kitchen, the palm of his hand rubbing at his right eye. He’s wearing blue plaid pajama pants hung low on his hips and nothing else. You know there’s nothing beneath them because you watched him put them on as he rolled out of bed. He had tossed you a pair of his sweatpants to put on since you’d only been wearing a pair of panties and one of his old t-shirts. 
“Daddy!” Luke calls, making Eddie wince at his volume. 
“Take it down a few notches, kid.” Eddie ruffles his youngest son’s curls before walking over to pour himself a cup of coffee. 
“How was the date?” Ryan asks, eyes looking back and forth between you and Eddie. 
“Date?” Eddie asks. He walks over and takes a seat at the table before taking a casual sip from his mug. “Did someone go on a date last night?”
“Luke, you had a date?” you tease, poking him in the ribs. He gives an overdramatic roll of his eyes and runs his hands down his face.
“No! You two did!” he says.
“Oh, that’s right,” Eddie says, looking at you now. “I do remember seeing you at a restaurant last night.”
“You guys are the worst,” Ryan sighs, slumping down in his seat. It makes both you and Eddie chuckle. 
“It was a wonderful date,” you tell them, deciding to end their misery. Now that they sense they’re going to get some answers, the boys are very alert and paying attention. It reminds you of how your childhood dog would react when you asked her if she wanted a treat. 
“Was Daddy a gentleman?” Ryan asks. Eddie scoffs, as if insulted by the insinuation that he would be anything but. 
“Of course he was.” 
“What did you eat?” Luke asks. Leave it to him to ask about the food.
“I had steak,” Eddie says. “And…other things.”
Heat comes to your cheeks at the way he eyes you over the brim of his coffee cup. Giving him a light kick under the table knocks the smug smirk off his face, though. 
“Like potatoes,” Eddie says, though you expect it’s more to appease you than anything. 
“Ryan said I look like a potato,” Luke adds. 
Coffee almost shoots out of your nose, and you have to quickly cover your mouth so you don’t spray the table with joe and creamer. This was life with the Munson men. Unpredictably hilarious and quite honestly the best thing you’ve ever had in your life. 
“You don’t look like a potato,” Eddie responds.
“He did as a baby!” Ryan rebuts. 
Eddie rubs his thumb and index finger over his eyebrows as he lets out a sigh. “It’s too early for this,” he mumbles under his breath.
“Are you going out again?” Ryan asks, and you’re thankful for the subject turning back on track. 
“I don’t know,” you muse, tapping your fingernails against the porcelain mug. Both Ryan and Luke frown at your response. “I haven’t been asked yet.”
“Daddy, ask her!” Luke chides. 
“Pretty sure I did ask,” Eddie says, raising an eyebrow at you. You know what he’s referring to, but panting out “fuck, when can we do this again?” while you’ve got his dick down your throat doesn’t count. 
“Did you? When?” You smirk at him, backing him into a corner. Now he has no choice but to ask you properly. Eddie’s eyes narrow at you, and you can practically hear him saying you’ll pay for this later. 
“Fine,” he grunts. He takes another sip of coffee before setting the mug down and clearing his throat. “My darling, would you like to go out with me again?”
It feels so infinitesimal to be asking for a second date. This is something teenagers do in high school, not adults with someone whose body you’ve already memorized or when you’ve already declared you’ll love them forever. But it makes the boys happy to hear and he does want to take you out again. 
“I would be honored.”
Your reply still causes Eddie to break out in a beaming smile and reach across the table for your hand. Happily, you lace your fingers with his and don’t even notice the two boys watching with glee. 
“Can we come?” Luke asks.
“Luke,” Ryan groans, “that’s not a date, then.”
“Did you kiss?” Luke asks, ignoring his older brother. Suddenly, Ryan is leaning on the table, eager to hear the answer as well. You see the heat you feel in your face reflected in the pink of Eddie’s cheeks.
“Boys—” Eddie starts before being interrupted by both of them whining.
“Come on!”
Trying to stifle your giggle, you give Eddie a nod to let him know it’s okay with you if he tells them. Receiving your signal, Eddie nods his own head in reply and shifts in his seat.
“Yes, we kissed.”
Both boys cheer; Ryan throwing his arms in the air and Luke dancing in his seat. You laugh in amusement as you watch them. The fact that they’re almost as happy as you are about you and Eddie being together warms your heart in a way that’s new. It feels as if a new compartment of your heart has been unlocked and all of this love is flooding into it. 
“Okay, okay,” Eddie says, trying to calm the boys back down—even if he’s still grinning himself. “We’re all going to the Harrington’s today, so after breakfast I want you both to get dressed.”
“Uncle Steve’s?” Luke asks. “Why?”
“For a play date.” Eddie shrugs and rises from his seat. “More coffee?”
“Yes, please,” you tell him. He picks up your mug and presses a kiss to the top of your head. Neither boy misses the act of affection, and it feels like a surge of adrenaline spikes your blood. You’ve always been so careful not to let the boys know what’s going on between you—ever since that very first night. But now, getting to be so open about it, knowing they’re going to start seeing you as their dad’s girlfriend instead of their babysitter…it’s a lot. It’s not bad, but it’s a bit overwhelming. 
“Yeah,” you say, shifting in your seat under their gazes. “You can play with Theo and Natalie for a while.”
It doesn’t escape your notice how Ryan flushes at the mention of Natalie’s name. You force yourself to bite back your smile but make a mental note to bring it up to Eddie later.
“Alright, Munson’s,” Eddie says as he places your coffee mug back down in front of you. “What do we want for breakfast?”
“Pancakes!” Luke says.
“Daddy burns those,” Ryan reminds him. 
“Good thing I’m here,” you say, standing up from your seat. 
“Sweetheart, you don’t have to do that,” Eddie says, ghosting a hand against your waist. 
“I want to,” you tell him. “Sit.”
“No, let me help you at least.”
“Okay,” you agree. “Can you help me get everything I need together?”
“Course I can.”
Ryan nudges Luke across the table. The younger brother raises his eyebrows in question. Ryan nods his head in the direction of you and Eddie. Luke turns his head to see the two of you moving in tandem to get things out of the cabinets that you’ll need. You share passing words, gently touching or brushing up against one another as you work. It’s so domestic and comfortable for the two of you. But to Ryan and Luke, they’ve never seen something so peaceful. An activity as simple as making pancakes was a potentially explosive event in their lives up until now. It’s the first time both Ryan and Luke are realizing this is how it’s supposed to be. It’s meant to be, “can you pass me the flour?” instead of, “Jesus Christ, where did you put the goddamn pan?” like they’re used to.
The boys stay silent, just watching you and their dad help one another and him make you giggle. It’s possibly the warmest moment they’ve ever felt in this house. Ryan has the sudden urge to hug both of you, but he doesn’t want to interrupt the moment and have it stop. Luke watches in awe at the easy smiles you and Eddie give one another, never shooting the other a glare when they aren’t looking. It’s happy and it’s soft and it’s warm and tingly in a way he didn’t know existed. He’s never been so happy to have to wait for food to be made. 
“Luke,” Ryan whispers, never taking his eyes off of you two.
“What?” Luke’s gaze never falters either. 
“Daddy’s so happy.”
Luke nods enthusiastically. “And it’s all because of our super secret plan.”
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Eddie rings the Harrington’s doorbell not once, not twice, but five times. 
“Will you stop that?” you snap, but a smile dances on your lips. “You’re like a child.”
Eddie doesn’t have the chance to retort before Steve swings open the door. “Munson and Munsonitos! And, uh,” he stammers when he gets to you, “Lady Munson?” he tries, nervous to see your reaction. 
Eddie wraps his arm around your waist. “Lady Munson, huh? Kinda like the sound of that.”
The four of you pile into the living room, and Steve encourages the boys to head into the family room where Natalie, Theo, and Danny are playing. “Amelia’s napping, but she’ll be awake and demanding Uncle Eddie cuddles soon,” he promises, laughing when Eddie huffs impatiently. 
Steve walks over to the old record player a little too nonchalantly, shoving his hands deep in his pockets. “Let’s set a little mood music, shall we?”
Your boyfriend catches on before you do. “Nope, Harrington, no way. Absolutely n—”
Whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh
Whoa oh oh oh oh oh
Uptown girl
She’s been livin’ in her uptown world
“I hate you,” Eddie grumbles, but his eyes give away his true feelings. 
Steve doesn’t buy it, either. “Look at that shit-eating grin,” he teases. “You can’t even listen to this song without making eyes at her.”
“Harrington, I will throw all your hairspray in the dumpster if you don’t shut up.”
You’re spared from breaking up their ridiculous fight when Nancy comes in the room, twisting the cover onto a bottle. She waves you over, and you dutifully follow, not wanting to witness whatever nonsense the two men were about to engage in. 
When Steve realizes that there are no women around, he leans in and whispers to Eddie, “I told you, didn’t I? Came to your work and said you should be fucking the babysitter.” He crosses his arms over his broad chest and shakes his head. “Overachiever that you are, you went for the whole relationship.” 
“Overachiever, huh?” Eddie muses. “Never heard that one before.”
“I figured. She probably only says you’re not so tough, just because you’re in love with an—”
You and Nancy can vaguely hear the end of Eddie shouting something at Steve, but you’re both in the playroom now and the kids drown them out. Ryan and Natalie are using an array of crayons and markers to create masterpieces that are surely destined to hang on the refrigerators of their respective houses. Luke, Danny, and Theo are playing with Legos and Hot Wheels. The three young boys try to make obstacles for the toy cars to overcome out of the small plastic blocks. 
“I can’t lie,” Nancy says as the two of you take a seat on the couch at the far end of the room. “Steve and I were really impressed by the way you handled Theo and Luke’s candy bar argument.”
The praise catches you off guard but brings on a smile so large that it hurts your cheeks. 
“Oh, um, thank you! It wasn’t anything major,” you tell her. The music playing in the other room suddenly switches off and Nancy lets out a melodious chuckle. 
“I told Steve not to play Billy Joel,” Nancy says with a shake of her head, “not unless he wanted Eddie to kick his…” she trails off as she looks at the kids, “…butt.”
You’re not sure what to say in reply to that. Nancy knows the friendship between the two men far better than you do, having over a decade more of experience with them. Anything you could think to add would be so generic or minuscule next to any of her anecdotes about them that it would be obvious you’re just trying to fill the silence that is becoming more awkward by the moment. But you need to say something. 
“So,” you start, Nancy’s full attention coming back to you at the sound of your voice. “You saw the Innocent Man tour? How was that?”
“Oh, wow.” Nancy blows out a breath and looks down at the floor as if she’s trying to conjure up the memories. “It was forever ago…but from what I remember, it was amazing. He just kept singing and singing.”
Just imagining that brings a smile to your face. 
“Sometimes, I like to just focus on the piano keys and drown out everything else. Helps me clear my head,” you explain. 
Nancy nods along. “I find myself doing that when I’m driving. If I ever play it at home, the voices of four children drown it out and it’s a little harder to clear my head.”
“You really are a great mom, though,” you tell her. “I can see how much your kids adore you.” 
“Thank you,” Nancy says, a bit of emotion snaking its way into her voice. “And having a partner like Steve is the best.”
As if the sound of his name being spoken somewhere in the house summons him, a loud commotion comes from the room you’d left the two men in.
“Munson, let go of my nipple!”
“Not until you apologize!”
You and Nancy share an amused glance before shrugging at one another. Ryan even hears the ruckus and looks in that direction. When he sees that neither you nor his aunt are reacting, he goes back to his drawing. 
“Well, most of the time he’s the best,” Nancy says. 
The clock is ticking until Eddie and Steve come back in the room, but there’s something you feel the need to get off your chest while it’s just you two women there. 
“I have to be honest with you, Nancy,” you start. “I was so intimidated by you. Like, almost scared of you.”
“Of me?” Nancy asks, raising her eyebrows in surprise. “Really?”
“Well, yeah,” you say with a huff of laughter. “I mean, just meeting you at Ryan’s birthday I could tell how sophisticated and intelligent you are. And then when Eddie talks about you — because as I’m sure you know, he loves talking about his friends — I heard how well accomplished you are and all that you’ve achieved and while being a mother of four. It’s beyond impressive.”
“That’s really sweet, actually.” Nancy gives you a shy smile and a touch of pink coats her sharp cheekbones. “But I promise, I’m a nice person. There’s no need to be afraid of me.”
For the rest of what you have to say, you find it harder to look Nancy in the eye as you speak. Your hands fiddle with a loose thread on your jeans as you cautiously glance back and forth from your thigh to the woman sitting next to you. 
“Plus,” you say before you can lose your nerve. “I know how I look from an outsider’s perspective.” You risk a glance over at the kids, and even though they’re busy playing, you still lower your voice. “Young babysitter starts working for a family and then the parents are separating and I…ya know. With an older man. I know what people are going to assume when they look at me. And I don’t care, I really don’t, because I love him. And he loves me. But I care what the people in Eddie’s life think. What his family and friends think. Of me.”
Nancy lets out a sigh and there’s a sympathetic look in her eye as she nods her head. 
“I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have some of those thoughts when I first found out about you two,” she confesses. “Not long, but longer than I’d like to admit. But you know what I said to Steve once we got home? That if you’re the light that lit a fire under Eddie’s ass to get him to dump Brittany, then thank God.” 
Questions you want to ask Nancy about Brittany fly into your head in rapid succession. It doesn’t sound like the two of them were close. Does everyone hate her? It’s not hard to believe at all, but you’d love to hear it from a perspective other than Eddie’s. But between not wanting to look like a gossiper and the fact that the guys make their way into the room, you keep your mouth shut. 
Nancy must share this sentiment, and possibly doesn’t want to discuss Brittany much in front of the kids, because she changes the subject as the men settle into seats around you.
“You’re in school, right?” Nancy asks you.
“I am,” you reply. “Finishing up my basic education courses.”
“Do you know what you want to do once you graduate?”
“Not a clue,” you admit with a sigh. “Right now, I’m really enjoying babysitting.”
“The kids love you,” Nancy gushes, leaning forward and resting her hand on your arm. “Not just Luke and Ryan—Natalie and Theo couldn’t stop talking about you, either.”
A sense of pride swells in your chest and you can’t help the bashful smile that grows on your lips.
“They’re all such great kids,” you say. 
“Would you happen to have time to add the four great Harrington kids to your schedule?”
Having Nancy ask you that question makes you feel about fifty pounds lighter. Not only is she acknowledging you as part of Eddie’s life, but also has enough trust and faith in you to watch her children. The acceptance by her, Steve, and the kids makes you more emotional than you would’ve thought. It takes a moment for you to compose yourself to answer without your voice trembling.
“Of course!”
Your shoulders sag in relief and you hear a familiar tune being hummed behind you. Turning in your spot to look behind you, you see Steve perched on the back of the couch, a smug smile on his face. It takes your brain a moment to realize it’s Uptown Girl that he’s humming. Letting out an overly dramatic irritated groan, Eddie lunges at Steve, who shrieks and covers his chest.
“Stay away from my nipples, Munson!”
Nancy sighs and shakes her head.
“Would you look at that? There’s two more kids I didn’t account for.”
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julilovesyou444 · 11 months
my first ~ tom kaulitz
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background ~ love confession that leads to something else, all from Tom’s point of view.
warnings ~ no proofreading, mentions of drinking, mentions of smoking, smut, p in v, praise, oral fem receiving, breeding ig? idk tbh but it’s naughty sooooo🙉🙈 be prepared LMAO
a/n ~ heres a small blurb, writers block is going insane rn. also someone called my writing “corny” or something… like if you don’t like it, then DONT READ‼️what do u want me to say? sorry??? nah. THIS IS MY FIRST TIME EVER WRITING ANYTHING LIKE THIS BESIDES HEAD SO PLS BE NICE IDK WHAT IM DOING. I learned everything from here and wattpad so don’t blame me😓 thanks for the love too
I was sitting on some raggedy couch, girls practically throwing themselves at me. we had finished a concert about an hour ago, and i insisted that we partied to celebrate. I had no idea I’d be so miserable. I slowly sipped my drink, looking around. girls were saying all kinds of things to me, touching me, but they were all so incoherent. I didn’t care about them right now. I couldn’t focus on them while I was looking for her.
my eyes continued their search throughout the crowded room until they found what they were looking for. there she was. standing off to the side, drink in her hand, smile on her face. bill and I had met her right before we started our band. she had always been so close with bill. i had been so jealous of that. i wanted to be as close to her as she was with bill, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t let myself. the feelings she made me feel were so unfamiliar, and they scared me. I hated not being in control, and whenever I was around her, I lost complete control over myself and my thoughts.
she looked so beautiful, tonight. of course I would never tell her that. it wasnt my place. we didn’t talk to each other like that. even though I wish we did, at least sometimes. I adored how her clothes hugged tightly to her figure and how confident she acted without being cocky. bill had invited her on tour with us. I was reluctant, I didn’t know how I would feel with her being with us all the time. but I didn’t want to be the only one to object, so I accepted.
it was always fun with her, she knew how to electrify a room and light it up instantly. i avoided time alone with her. I hoped she didn’t think I was doing it because I didn’t like her. i just got… nervous.
I watched her from the couch until her eyes connected to mine. I thought she would look away, but she didn’t. She brought her cup to her mouth and took a slow sip, her eyes never leaving mine. the lights from the party flashed in her eyes, making them sparkle as if diamonds were encrusted in them. I could stare into them all day. I couldn’t read the look on her face. I couldn’t tell how she was feeling about this; about me.
Some random girl shoved my shoulder, causing me to look over.
“Can you stop being so boring? I think i might get another drink…”, she complained and slurred , clearly drunk. I rolled my eyes and sat her on the couch, getting up as I did so. My back was turned to the party and I tried to get this hammered girl to calm down. Eventually, I was able to get her to just chill out on the couch. I turned around, wanting to see if she was still watching me. To my disappointment, she was gone. I looked around. I looked around the party some more, and again, and again.
“where the fuck did she run off to?”, i muttered to myself, slowly turning myself in a circle, trying to locate her possible location. I wanted to talk to her. I wanted her.
That’s when my eyes landed on a set of stairs that led upstairs. I walked over, randoms saying hi to me as i did. music was blaring and the room had cans and solo cups lining the floor. it reeked of bad weed and alcohol. I made my way to the top of the stairs. I came at a stop when I got to the upstairs. it was still loud, but definitely not as loud as it was downstairs. there was a single long hallway, lined with tall doors, and at the end of the hallway was a big bay window that faced the back of the house. no lights were turned on, but the moon shone brightly and dimly lit up the corridor. I saw her, sitting down on the little cushions by the window, gazing out. she didn’t know I was here with her. the moonlight danced on her skin, illuminating her so perfectly.
I walked slowly over to her. As soon as I came in her eyesight, I noticed she was a bit startled, but relaxed when she saw it was just me.
she gazed back up at the night sky, the millions of stars reflecting onto her pupils. she looked so ethereal with the moon light dancing on her skin.
“the moon is beautiful, isn’t it?”, she softly asked, as she interrupted my thoughts. she looked over at me with the sweetest smile.
I wasn’t even looking at the moon, just at her.
“Very…”, I mumbled.
She smiled at me and looked back towards the window.
“What are you doing up here? I thought you were enjoying yourself.”, she said. I scoffed.
“I usually enjoy these parties, but tonight, I don’t know, I’m just not feeling it I guess.”
“Really? You had so many girls all over you… I would’ve thought that you’d be in heaven.”, she laughed. I smiled and shook my head a little.
“I don’t know what’s going on with me… I just didn’t want them like I usually would’ve.”, i shrugged.
“Is anything bothering you?”, she asked, looking genuine.
“the tom I know would never not be enjoying the fact that so many girls were all over them.”, she added.
“I don’t know… it’s just that, I’ve been dealing with some shit and I don’t know how to handle it.”
“maybe if you tell me, I can help. I know we aren’t like best friends or anything but you know I’m always here for you, right?”, she asked, looking up at me and placing her hand on my arm.
“yea, yea, I know… I think it’ll feel good to finally tell someone. I know a lot of the times I get perceived as a guy who only likes girls for things like sex and their bodies, and to be honest, it’s somewhat true. there’s just this one girl, this one girl, that I like way way way more than that, and I don’t know what to do or how to tell her.”, I vented.
“does she like you back?”
“that’s the thing… I don’t know.”
“oh, c’mon Tom, everyone likes you, im sure she does too.”, she tried to reassure me.
“you think?”
“positive. uh… sorry if this is invasive or something, but who is this girl? just curious…”, she said quickly. I cocked my head and smiled at her curiosity.
“Why do you wanna know?”, i asked.
“Um… nevermind, forget it. I don’t know why I wanted to know…”, she looked away from me.
“well i can tell you something about her…”, I started. I decided it was now or never. I had a feeling that my feelings were mutual.
“Hm?”, she said, looking back to me. I leaned down and let my mouth hover by her ear.
“she’s standing right in front of me.”, i said, just above a whisper. I could feel her tense up. I looked at her face. her eyes her wider and her mouth, slightly agape.
“what?”, was all she said. I stood up straight.
“You heard me.”, i said.
“you can’t just say that and not say anything else.”, she protested.
I shrugged.
“… are you being serious?”, she asked in a hushed tone. I looked over at her and was met with her big eyes.
“dead serious.”
“So you actually-”
“Like you? Mhm, yep, surprised me a bit too.”
She didn’t say anything and just stood there silent for a moment, processing everything I just told her.
“how does that make you feel, hm?”, I asked.
she didn’t say anything for a moment, but I watched her previous face turn into one of confidence.
“good, tom. it makes me feel good to know you feel the same way I feel about you.”
i smirked.
“you already knew that though, didn’t you?”, she asked, raising an eyebrow.
“pfft. Of course I did.”
I rushed into the bathroom and locked the door behind us. as soon as I turned around, she was all over me. she pulled me by my neck down to kiss her, and i let her. her hands moved to the sides of my jaw, pulling me in as if I could get any closer. I pressed my hands on the small of her back, bringing her body flush against mine. my hands found a comfortable position on her hips. we kissed so much, I felt I was floating. her hands roamed my body as we did, feeling my skin where-ever she could. I used my hands to back her up against the counter. I moved them to be under her thighs, and she quickly got the memo. I hoisted her up so she was sitting on the edge of the counter. this way, it was easier to get to other places i wanted to explore.
I pulled back admired her for a second. sitting on the counter, just waiting for me to come back. I couldn’t stay away for long.
I moved my lips to her neck, leaving little soft and short kisses all over. I began to lightly suck, and as time went on, I starting going harder. she gave me the exact reaction I wanted, her little gasps and panting motivating me to do more.
I traveled from her neck, to her collarbone, then to a little lower. my hands found the bottom hem of her shirt. I looked up at her.
“can I?”
she quickly nodded and that was all I needed to see. I took her shirt off.
I felt my breath get caught in my throat. she was wearing a small lacy black bra.
“holy…”, I breathed out.
i snaked my hands around her torso and unclasped it, never breaking eye contact.
“you’re so beautiful, y’know that?”, i said huskily.
“thank you.”, she said, blushing. she looked away from my eyes as I peeled the bra off of her.
“hey, don’t be shy now. I’ve always thought you were beautiful, always wanted to tell you that. I’m glad I can now.”, i said, reassuring her. she looked back at me and smiled. I kissed her, much softer and gentler than I had been. my hands made their way to her boobs, massaging them slightly. I felt her breathing pick up a little. I kept kissing her, but I couldn’t help but smile into the kiss at her reaction. i played with her nipples between my two fingers, simply trying to get a reaction out of her. I successfully did just that, little noises escaping her throat as I continued. I pulled away.
“you like that?”
her eyes were screwed shut as she fastly nodded. I looked at her body as I kept playing with it. she was so hot. so so hot. I was so turned on, just at the sight of her.
“I wanna take care of you. Can I do that?”, I asked, my hands tracing up and down her thighs.
“please.”, she said. i smirked. her desperation made me want to pleasure her all the much more.
“I don’t do this that much, but for you, I will. you’re special.”
she opened her eyes and watched as i moved down to my knees. I used to hands to ride her skirt up, and then placed them on her knees to slowly open her legs. I loved teasing her. she was wearing light pink underwear, heavily contrasting the bra I had just taken off. There was already a little wet spot on them.
“Awwww, you’re already so excited, princess.”, i cooed, my fingers lightly brushing over the spot. she breathed in quickly at the contact. she lifted her hips and let me take her underwear off. I stuck them in my back pocket and refocused myself on the sight in front of me. I feverishly left kisses on her inner thighs while mumbling praises to her.
“so…so… pretty.”, I murmured.
I kept getting closer and closer to the place she needed me to touch her most. I could tell she was getting needy.
I ran my fingers down her slit, collecting all of the wetness that had formed. i stuck them in my mouth and watched as her mouth fell open due to my actions. i put my head back in between her legs and started licking her clit. my hands were gripping her thighs, keeping them all the way apart. she gasped and threw her head back as I kept going. I used one of my hands to put one of my fingers in her. I looked up and saw her eyebrows knit together and her nose scrunched up. her mouth was slack and so many pretty noises were leaving. her one hand gripped the edge of the counter while the other one tangled itself in my hair. after a good couple minutes, I decided to switch it up and moved my tongue down to her hole and my fingers rubbed her sweet spot. this did things for her, and I could tell how much pleasure she was receiving. she started repeating my name, over and over again. I started to pick up the pace, and her moans grew louder. I was thankful for how loud it was outside, but I also wouldn’t have cared if people could hear us.
I felt her legs tighten around my head, and then begin to shake. her chest was heaving, up and down, uo and down. she kept telling me she was close, but it was hard to hear her because she was so out of breath. I kept the pace I had, fucking her with my tongue, as she rode out her high. as she came, I made sure to lock up every last bit. she managed to open her eyes and watch me as i did.
“you’re so hot.”, she panted out, catching her breath. I stood up, now wanting to get a little pleasure for myself. I took her off the counter and spun her around so her backside was against me. I lowered my head to her ear.
“you were so good for me, love. I love seeing you come undone, can we do that a second time?”, I asked, my lips pressed to her ear.
“mhm.”, she nodded, making eye contact with me in the mirror. with that, I bent her over the counter and unzipped my pants. I pushed her entire skirt up all the way so I could get a look at her entire ass. she was bent over, waiting for me. if I was able to take a picture, I would’ve. she looked so incredibly good. I didn’t think she knew how much I had dreamed for this moment.
I ran my tip through her fold, teasing her a bit. she was already wet from her previous climax, so I didn’t need to prepare her too much. I pushed myself into her, but not the whole thing. I watched her face in the mirror. she gripped onto the counter top, and her jaw was slack once again. I let her get comfortable before pushing myself in further, all the way until i bottomed out. she moaned, letting her head fall. I waited a moment for her to get used to my size before I began to steadily move. her head was still down, facing the counter. I used my hand to grip her chin and move her face back up. I started to move a little faster.
“I want you to watch yourself.”, i said. she started to watch all the faces I was making her do in the mirror, and I was going crazy over it. my eyes kept darting between her face and then down, to see myself pound into her.
“mmm, you’re taking me so well, baby. you’re being so good for me, right now.”, I groaned out. during the whole thing, she was a moaning mess. I loved it. I loved how vocal she was about how good I was making her feel.
my arm wrapped itself around her and found her clit again, rubbing figure eights on it. I watched the pure ecstasy spread across her. I kept going all the way in, and almost all the way out before pushing my length back into her at such a fast pace, I knew she would be a mess in minutes. I knew I would be too.
And I was right. after only a small amount of time, she was having trouble keeping her head up.
“Tom! im- im so close again-“, she cried out as I didn’t let myself slow down.
“I know baby, I am too-“
I let my other hand massage her ass, slapping it a couple times too.
I wasn’t lying when I told her I was close. I had been for a while too, but I was holding out for her. I felt the knot in my stomach keep growing and growing, but I could feel it starting to become undone.
“Tom- im, im coming-“, she panted out. her boobs bounced every single time I went in and out.
“me too”, my eyes screwed shut as reached my climax. I felt her reach hers right before me, her legs shaking and a string of moans in the air. that pushed me over the edge, and I felt the knot become completely undone. I groaned as I released into her, my seed dripping out of her hole. I rode out my high for a little, but eventually stopped moving. she was catching her breath.
I pulled over and quickly cleaned myself before zipping my pants back up. I grabbed some toilet paper and cleaned her up too as she resteadied herself. i insisted on helping her get dressed again, despite her saying she could do it on her own. I put her bra and shirt back on. we kept giggling as I did. high off of life. I had wanted to keep the panties i pocketed, but she begged for them back. they were her favorite pair. she put them back on and then readjusted her skirt and hair in the mirror. I leaned against the wall, observing as she did.
“I didn’t think i would ever tell you I liked you.”, I admitted.
“why not?”, she asked, still fixing her hair.
“I think I was too nervous… you know I feel like your the first real crush I’ve ever had.”
“awww, im your first???”, she joked around.
“yes, you’re my first.”, I rolled my eyes playfully. I crossed my arms across my chest.
she turned around and hugged me, placing her head on my chest. she was smiling so big at my confession. I loved her smile. I loved everything about her.
“it’s okay tom, you were mine too.”, she said.
“Wait what?”, I hugged her back with a confused look on my face.
“I’ve liked you since I was like nine, silly. that’s why I was always so close with bill and not as much as you, I was always too like scared to be around you because I had a crush on you.”, she confessed.
“Really??? How did I not know this??”, I asked, shocked.
“I don’t know, you’re just really oblivious, I guess.”, she teased.
I laughed and looked down at her.
finally, i got what I had wanted.
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illdowhatiwantthanks · 2 months
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Amelia Shepherd x fem!reader Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI (NSFW), sex, oral sex, hella eating out, fingering, etc., mentions of anatomy/body parts, some explicit language, post-pregnancy times (please let me know if I've left anything out!) Word Count: 2.0k
Summary: You're six weeks postpartum, and your doctor has cleared you for sex, but you're worried that it might not be the same anymore. Amelia assuages all of your worries. 😉
Request Info: This was requested by an anonymous user, but the request itself accidentally got deleted! The user also requested that the reader be an ortho surgeon and a third twisted sister. Whoever you are, I hope you find this, and I'm so sorry to have lost your original request!
“You’re good to go,” your OBGYN declared, finishing up your 6-weeks postpartum checkup.
You raised your eyebrows at her. “As in, good to go?”
She laughed. “Good to go, as in cleared to resume any and all sexual activity as you feel ready for it.”
You nodded and repeated it to yourself. “Good to go…”
But as you left Grey-Sloan, making a quick stop at the ortho unit to say hello to the nurses and the other attendings, you couldn’t help but wonder if you really were good to go. Sure, you missed sex with Amelia. You missed her body, missed connecting with her in that way, but you were also so self-conscious. You hadn’t had any major tears or anything, but you had shoved a human head out of your vagina less than two months ago. It was bound to be different down there. It felt different. What if sex didn’t feel good anymore? What if it never did? Or, even worse, what if it looked or felt different for Amelia, and she didn’t like sleeping with you anymore?
You decided to text Meredith and Cristina about it, as you so often did about any and everything.
Y/N: You guys I’ve been cleared for sex
M: Yay!
C: Good for you bitch
Y/N: I’m kinda scared tho…
M: Aw, why?
Y/N: Does it hurt after? Or like idk was Derek weirded out?
C: It feels like I could have been left out of this conversation
M: Shut up Cristina we’re being supportive! And no Y/N it didn’t hurt. You just have to take it slow and do what feels good at the time. And stop if it doesn’t feel good.
C: You don’t have a dick to deal with so you should be okay
Y/N: I mean tbh we have several
M: Ew she’s my sister I didn’t need to know that…
C: I need to know more…
You shook your head and smiled. You decided that you might as well try, if Amelia was up for it. And there was no question that Amelia was up for it. She’d powered through like a champ, but before this, the longest you’d gone without having sex was two weeks and that was only because you’d been brought in as a specialist on a case at another hospital.
When you walked into the apartment, everything was quiet–a rarity at your house these days. You crept through the rooms, looking for Amelia and Pippa, and finally found them in the nursery. Amelia held Pippa to her chest, bouncing her softly as she slept, little chubby cheeks pressing out like she was blowing bubbles.
You placed a hand on Amelia’s back and kissed her on the cheek. You nodded toward Pippa, eyebrows scrunched.
“I just can’t bring myself to put her down,” Amelia whispered. “How was your appointment?”
Amelia stared pointedly at you. “Good good?”
You nodded, smirking.
If Pippa had not been tiny and fragile, Amelia would have tossed her into the crib like a football.
She placed the baby gently on her back in the crib, then crashed into you with the force of a tidal wave–or six weeks of no sex.
She pushed you into the hallway wall, shutting Pippa’s door behind her, and pressed into you, her mouth and hands desperate. She ran her tongue up and down your neck and back to your mouth and yanked your shirt over your head. God, you’d missed this. You’d missed her. Even though she’d been right here next to you the whole time. She groaned as she pushed herself into you, and you smiled into her kiss.
At this rate, Amelia would be finished before you even had a chance to make it to the bed.
“No, no!” she whined as you pulled away, her blue eyes pleading desperately with you.
“Come to bed, Amy,” you teased, taking her by the hand and leading her to the bedroom.
You gently removed her clothes and pushed her onto the bed. “You first,” you said.
She grabbed at your face hungrily as you leaned over her, kissing you with all the fervor of someone who’s love has been lost at sea for several years. She gasped and arched her back as your hand grazed over her clit.
You couldn’t help but smile at how needy she was, her hips bucking into your hand as you held it still, cupping her heat.
“Y/N, don’t fucking tease me,” she scolded, her voice stuttering. “It’s been way too long for that.”
“Oh, you don’t like that?” you said, smug. It was not often that Amelia was this powerless in bed. Usually it was the other way around, so you were enjoying this moment.
She grabbed your face, rough, and then soft as she ran her hand through your hair. “Just finish me already so I can get inside you.” She pulled your face closer, her breath hot in your ear as she whispered. “I’ve missed the taste of you.”
You’d never switched gears faster. No more power trips, just getting Amelia off as quickly as possible.
You kissed and licked your way down her body, intoxicated by the way she pushed into you and pulled you closer. By the time you reached her center, she was panting and glistening and you knew it'd only be a matter of minutes before she was absolute putty.
You pressed soft kisses into her inner thighs, then closer and closer until she was nearly bursting with the want of you, so that when you finally, finally, wrapped your mouth around her clit, she nearly lost her mind. You held her hips in place as she moaned, licking your way through her, around her, inside of her until she was shaking in your arms, hips rolling to meet your tongue. And for the final touch, you slipped two of your fingers inside of her, curling down and around, just how you knew she liked it. Her hands were gripping your hair so hard you thought might pull it out. “Y/N!” she gasped, her breath coming out in short, sharp moans as she came on your fingers. You smiled as you buried your face in her, guiding her through her high and back down again.
“Holy shit,” she breathed, her chest still heaving.
“Good?” you asked, already knowing the answer, as you wiped your mouth.
She nodded, still struggling to catch her breath. “Give me a second.”
You lay down next to her, feeling wildly pleased with yourself, especially when Amelia rolled over on top of you and pressed her mouth into yours, moaning as she tasted herself on your lips.
But as she worked her way down your body, anxiety shot through you.
You grabbed her hand. “Amy, wait…”
She looked up at you, concerned.
“You don’t have to,” you said, avoiding her eyes.
“I know I don’t,” she replied, still looking at you curiously. “I want to. I’ve wanted to for months.”
“I think…” you stuttered. “I think I’d really rather you didn’t.”
Amelia’s eyebrows furrowed. “Hey,” she said, laying down next to you and propping herself up on her elbow so she could see your face. “What’s going on?”
“I’m just not ready.”
“That’s fine, but you seemed super ready about two minutes ago.”
You didn’t respond, fiddling with an edge of your comforter.
“Y/N,” she said, brushing your hair behind your ear. “Tell me what’s going on in that pretty head please.”
She took your hand and you played with her fingers for a moment before answering.
“I’m scared you won't like it.”
Amelia looked genuinely shocked. “You’re what now?”
“I got messed up down there,” you mumbled. “What if it’s not like normal for you?”
“Oh, babe,” she said, caressing your face. “You’re not messed up. You could never be messed up. You’re you and I love you. I love all of you.”
You stayed quiet.
“Honey,” she continued, more emphatic now. “Your body made a whole human. A human that is sleeping in the bedroom down the hallway. A beautiful, precious human that I love with all my heart and hope with all my heart stays asleep for a while so that I can get in there. She had her time. It's my fucking turn."
You couldn’t help but giggle a bit.
“Listen,” she ranted, excited that your mood was brightening and trying to make you laugh more. “I’m like the Lewis and Clark of vaginas, okay? The wilderness must be explored. I gotta get in there and get the lay of the land. And it might be new, right?”
You nodded, grinning and blushing.
“But new doesn’t mean bad. Lots of times new means better. So just… let me do my exploring, okay?”
“Okay,” you acquiesced.
Amelia was gentler with this attempt, slow and steady and worshipful as she moved down your body, taking her time especially at the place where your uterus still bulged, where new stretch marks had drawn their way across your abdomen. And when she got to your center, she was gentle there, too, mindful of your anxiety, mindful that it might take your body more time than usual to warm up.
She was loving and slow and obsessive, sighing with pleasure as she placed kisses along the inside of your thighs, on your clit, all over you. Amelia’s careful touch had washed away most of your anxiety, leaving behind your flushed face, the shuddering of your body each time her skin met yours.
And when finally, finally, she had you wet and whimpering, she dove in like a woman starved.
“Amy,” you breathed, lightly holding her head in your hands as you threw your own head back, your hips rising to meet her. You could feel her smile against you.
“You want more?” she asked, and you knew she meant, Do you want fingers or a strap or a toy or anything like that?
You shook your head. “No, just–” Your breath caught in your throat, replaced by a moan as the knot in your lower abdomen tightened.  “Just keep going.”
If there was one thing about Amelia, it was that she could eat you out forever. You’d been afraid that would change, but clearly your fears had been unfounded. She was insatiable.
“Amy–” you exclaimed, arching your back as your body approached the edge. You couldn’t even get the words out, just “Amy” over and over.
She reached up to grasp one of your hands in hers as you fell apart around her, Amelia lapping up every last bit of you.
You breathed heavily, watching as Amelia emerged from between your thighs, grinning like an idiot, her face an absolute mess.
You laughed as she wiped her face. “I take it your expedition went well?”
“God!” she exclaimed, flopping down beside you. “I missed you.”
“We literally have not been apart for weeks.”
“Okay, well, then I missed your vagina.”
You giggled, rolling over a bit to kiss her on the cheek. “You’re a dork.”
“Yeah, but I’m your dork,” Amelia retorted, pulling you in for another heated kiss.
You were interrupted then by a loud, crinkly wail through the baby monitor.
Amelia groaned, but you could see a smile creeping in. She stood and stretched. “I’ll go get her.”
“Amelia!” you hissed, throwing a pillow at her. “You can't bring her in here! We’re naked, and it smells like sex!”
“She’s six weeks old! She won’t remember!” Amelia nodded at you. “Go take a shower. Relax. Then we can switch. It's almost time to feed her anyway.”
You lay in bed a moment longer, waiting to hear Amelia on the baby monitor.
“Hello!” she cooed, her voice crackling through the speaker as Pippa continued to cry. “Hi, pretty girl! Oh, I know. I know. You want Mama? Let’s go see her. Oh, you love your mama, don’t you? Mommy does, too.”
You smiled, your heart full as you listened.
“We loooooove Mama, don’t we? Yes, we do. We love her so much.”
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akingdomscrypt · 24 days
War is Over (and what have we done?)
Part Five
Paring; Graves x m!reader (slow burn)
WC; ~8.8k
Summary; where was Graves in all those months he was gone? What brought him back?
Warnings; just some general internal turmoil, brief imagery of death, implied human trafficking when including the context of past chapters, a lot of self doubt/feelings of betrayal. Tame compared to my usual stuff tbh
A/n; I hate dialogue. Also the moon phase mentioned in the beginning is what it would have been in-game for that mission too :3
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---"And I'll crawl home to him"---
You arrive a few hours later, according to the ticking clock above the bed—knife still embedded into the plastic face and all, he hadn't bothered to remove it, even after all this time—and at that point Phil had started to believe Venn had chickened out. That, or she just didn't bother telling you.. perhaps she had forgotten. All were of an extremely low probability. He should know better by now than to doubt her.
Even now, only a few weeks later. You looked so.. so drastically different. Phil takes stock, compares your current form from when he had last seen you all those weeks ago—had it been weeks? Phil didn't even know what day it was.
Drifting. Up, down, and across every inch of your concealed form. Something foreign pulls at the hardened strings of his heart—strands of silk toughened up by years upon years of repressed emotion and poorly dealt hands—at the sight of you. Standing tall and confident, as if he can't see the strain buried in your shoulders from the effort of holding yourself up, keeping yourself from crumbling to dust right before his eyes. And he swears you've lost weight, a noticeable difference in the amount of muscle mass wrapped around your bones, even under all that clothing.
When his gaze meets yours, taking a peek into the torn and frayed patchwork of your soul, all he can feel is the stinging reminder of you wishing him dead. Telling him you'd hoped he'd died all those months back; suffocated by his own lungs.
And it's like the past decade of getting to know you, watching you open up, never happened. Wound so tightly, that all that progress is dumped right down the drain; he isn't sure if he'd ever be able to tear down those walls again. Not this time. He scrambles brick by brick to reach the top, but you're too fast, replacing those crumbling stacks with bolts and iron at an alarming rate.
He can't see over the wall anymore, it's too high to reach, too steep to climb. And he fears he may never have the honor of reaching that softer center ever again, barred by thick metal and scathing words.  
“You wanted to see me?” Hell… you even sound different. Cool and collected on the surface, but there's an edge there that tells Phil you're not as put together as you are trying to appear to be.
“I did.” But now that you're here, he can't remember the script he'd spent the last week constructing, so delicately, in his mind.
“Well,” you drawl, lifting your arms and gesturing widely. Dropping back down to your sides with a dull smack. “I'm here.”
Are you? Phil doesn't think so. Not really.
Your eyes are the only thing on display, and just a year ago Phil wouldn've prided himself in the fact that he could read you so well. But not anymore. 
He can't see that lighthouse shining through, guiding him through the night. There's nothing there. The lamp has run out of oil, and the keeper died months ago.
You're right here, and yet Phil has never found you to be so out of reach. 
Who would've thought; his savior, and the one who had damned him to the fiery pits of hell, were both the same man. It felt almost poetic.
Phil thinks he had made peace with his death. Sure, this hadn't been what his younger self had imagined when the topic of death was brought up; still bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, believing himself to be near invincible. 
He had never been particularly religious, even after being forced to sit in those church pews and listen to some old man drone on and on about shit his child brain didn't care to make sense of. Bored out of his mind, but only sitting still, behaving, because doing the opposite meant taking over his younger sister's chores for the rest of the day. 
Phil still couldn't help but think that maybe, just maybe, this was some sort of fucked-up retribution or some shit like that. Paying for the sins he'd committed within his lifespan, and so on.
And he wasn't just speaking of the blood that permanently stained his hands, no, he was thinking of you. Always you. 
You and those endless pools of warmth that made up your eyes, always a slight glimmer in them when you looked his way. You and those rough, work-hardened hands, always so soft and gentle when you handled him. Like he was something delicate, something to be cherished and protected. Him the altar and you the devoted worshiper knelt before him, praying for the mercy of a god who never answered your calls. 
And that laugh. Like nothing else he had experienced before, a blessed thing he was granted the honor of witnessing. Of having directed his way. So rare, but so carefully captured and sealed away in Phil's heart when he heard its boisterous sound. 
The main reason Phil had never really connected with the religion he was raised into was, even though they were the same people who preached about community and loving thy neighbor and whatever the hell, they were also the kind to shun and exile those they deemed unworthy. Those who didn't fit into the cookie cutter shapes chosen for them before they'd even taken their first breath. 
He had completely dismissed his family's religion entirely when, after one of the members of his church discovered him getting a bit too cuddly—nothing more than an innocent hug that lasted a few seconds longer than it should—with one of his male classmates, they were outcast from the very same church he'd practically grown up in. And Phil would forever be thankful for having parents who stuck up for him to the very end, he doesn't think he'd ever seen his dad so thoroughly pissed off than when going after a churchgoer who'd slung a few cruel choice words at a younger Phil. 
And Phil can't help but feel he knew this was how it would end when he made the decision; like some cruel method of justice.
So, while he no longer considered himself aligned with any specific religion, Phil still held onto that deep-rooted fear of something. Of damnation and redemption. And in that moment, as his heart began to slow and stutter in his chest, when his head felt too heavy to hold up, and the simple task of breathing caused his chest to burn, he did something he hadn't done since middle school. Something he never thought he'd do again.
He yearned for forgiveness; begged and pleaded until black swallowed up his vision whole.
Phil doesn't remember when the world had gone dark; doesn't think he had even fought against the pull. Willingly, had he responded to the siren's call through the waves crashing in his ear, a sound so alluring he would never even consider resisting, one that held a certain likeness to your voice. 
What he does remember is the sudden gulps of stinging ash in his lungs, shocking his system into alertness, and the touch of oddly cool hands pulling at his shoulders. Hard, sandy earth beneath him, but he can't look up, can't peel his eyelids open and take a glance at his savior when those hands disappear. Only to wrap a pair of arms snug around his waist and continue dragging him over jagged stones and bits of metal.
It's not until Phil abruptly feels a lot cooler than he did moments ago that he's finally able to force his eyes open, a gasping breath kick-starting his heart back into motion. 
And when he looks up, dazed and more than a little out of it, what he sees nearly steals his breath away once again. 
Smoke wafting off your uniform in waves, dancing with the remaining embers still shining bright in a sea of black like stars in a night sky. It should be terrifying, but it's not.
Because Phil cannot see how the material clings unnaturally to your body, his brain is too fogged up still to notice the torn patches in your clothing. Blood stains the dark fabric into a deeper shade, trickling from gouges in your skin and dripping onto his. 
All he sees is that perfect, unmarred face of yours. Mask pulled down and out of the way as you pant for breath; the flesh warmed a more intense reddish tone than usual, but Phil didn't register that, unable to yet comprehend that what was once untouched would soon become scarred and disfigured within the next few hours.
And with the setting sun positioned behind you, glowing almost like an angel's halo to frame your head, he had never been so enraptured by the sight of you as much as he was in that moment.
It's clumsy and uncoordinated, taking a few tries to even get the limb to function, but he manages. Reaching up to gently cup the jaw of his savior, his guardian angel, to feel that familiar warmth against his skin.
Only to have his wrist snatched out of the air by your still gloved hand, the hold a little tighter than normal, held for a second before being dropped carelessly onto his chest. And Phil doesn't have the energy to lift it again. 
“You breathin', sir?” Comes your once angelic voice, now sounding like someone had shoved a saw blade down your throat; scratchy and not at all the soothing rumble he was used to, a strange shiver alighting his nerves at the sound. 
All Phil can muster up is a strained, grunt-like sound in response. But that seems to be more than enough for you as you stand back up from your crouched position, sigh, and look over the ruined training grounds. 
There's a hard set to your jaw, and Phil begins to feel something akin to fear. An emotion he doesn't think he could recall ever feeling around you if he tried. 
“Good enough.” You huff, leaning back down to wrap your strong arms around his waist. Dragging him like a ragdoll to a more secluded, out-of-the-way spot just outside the remains of the designated training area. 
He can't fight it, can bring himself to move or speak or do much of anything, really. Laying limp in your hold and letting himself be hauled away.
Phil considers that whatever method of exfil you had prepared must be this way. He doesn't remember making any plans like that with you and the others. But why else would you take him here?
Those hopes are crushed when you prop him against a fallen log, the remains of Alejandro's base now just barely out of sight, then pull away.
“This should be fine,” you mumble to yourself, cold gaze studying him briefly before darting back to where you two had come from. “Mhm. They shouldn't patrol this far.”
“-nant?-” Crackles through your radio before Phil can muster the energy to ask you what you meant by that. The feed is distorted, the device had probably been damaged sometime during the fight, but it's clearly a panicked voice speaking on the other end. “-Lieu-en-t? Are- y- there? Pha-nt-m?-” 
“2-3,” you respond, voice level. “I'm here. Problem?” 
“-N-o, no problems, sir-” Kip, 2-3, says. A little calmer now that he has heard your voice. Phil watches the scene through blurry eyes. “-We got- he's- Viper is stable-”
“For now.” You mutter bitterly, switching the radio back on to reply with, “Give me a sit-rep, 2-3.” 
“-V-enn’s got ‘em lo-aded up-” a pause. “-a quarter left, sir.” 
A quarter left. Even in Phil’s muddled up state, he knows what that means. It meant three-quarters of the soldiers he had taken with him were dead. Too many to feasibly count. So many bodies left unidentified, in enemy territory. 
“-How-re yo-u and the- c-mander, Lt.?-” Phil would've said something if he could. But his vocal cords are paralyzed and his tongue feels like it's constructed of pure lead. 
“I’m breathing.” You joke, your slight amusement is obvious even in such a bland tone. At least to Phil it is. 
“A-nd,” if Kip notices, he doesn't mention it. “-and the commander?”
You spare one glance down at his slumped, barely breathing form, gaze shut-off and distant, and a cavernous pit of dread opens up in Phil's stomach.
“KIA.” You grunt, eyes narrowing down at Phil. And he may as well be, to have you look at him like that.
Kip doesn't respond and you click your radio off. And it's as easy as that, as if Phil, your co-founder, your friend, you lover, meant nothing to you. 
You turn and leave, and Phil doesn't even possess the ability to call your name.
The next time he wakes, Phil doesn't think he's been colder in his damn life. And he's done his time in deep dive operations in the frigid hellscape that is the wilderness of remote foreign bases just past the Bering Sea.
It's dark, stars and the illumination of the moons’ waxing gibbous all the man has to light his way. 
For a prolonged moment Phil doesn't even consider pushing himself up from his current pathetic, slumped over position against the decaying log. Would it even be worth it? He had nothing but the singed clothes on his back to call his own, not a weapon he can use in sight. Not even a pocket knife up his sleeve or a heart nestled in his ribcage. 
Phil has experienced his own fair share of betrayal within his lifetime; ranging from small, nonsense instances with his little sister, to slightly bigger ones like with the church; then there were the more prominent, glaring ones that stuck out like a sore thumb. From before he started this damn company, freshly enlisted, and only a year later when he met you.
With shitty, high ranked officers who didn't give a single fuck about what happened to him or his squad—not that that had changed much after being taken under the watchful eye of General Shepard. Freezing to death in bumfuck nowhere Russia, or nearly drowning in the middle of the goddamn Atlantic Ocean. 
You had been there for every single one. Such a constant in his life; a steady, unmovable force by Phil's side no matter what happened. Even before he'd fallen for you, before you became more than just a friend. Like two peas in a pod, you two.
There was no you without him, and vise versa, the soldiers you two worked with knew it too. They were always sure to throw in a teasing jab now and again, asking the typical “trouble in paradise?”, when you were spotted away from each other for more than a few hours.
So forgive Phil for being a bit melodramatic, because, out of all the people on this godforsaken planet, he never expected such a thing from you. 
Maybe he should have. He wouldn't be on the verge of catching fucking hypothermia in the middle of nowhere in a foreign country.
Phil tries to think back, to push past the pounding in his skull to recall even a moment that would have given away some sort of clue to your betrayal before it happened. Maybe he could've prevented it if he had just looked closer. 
But no. There's nothing. If anything, Phil recalls you being a bit more.. clingy, before this whole thing started. In your own way, of course; he's pretty sure you would rather be caught dead than let someone catch you hugging him or, heaven forbid, holding his hand. 
Your neediness manifested in standing just close enough to him that any shift in stance or movement caused your shoulders to brush together; getting up in his personal space and staying there. 
Maybe that was it? Maybe you had been so unusually affectionate because you'd planned on betraying him. And Phil was just too blinded by the sudden influx of your undivided attention to see it; he's starting to consider that that may have been your intention all along.
To distract him with your attention, to hide your true intentions under the guise of gentle words and adoring eyes. 
Phil gives it a few more minutes, shivering his ass off against that damn log, before he finally gives in and decides to stand. He wasn't dead—yet—and by staying he was nothing more than a sitting duck in shark infested waters—which was a weird saying, wasn't it; how could the waters be infested when that was a shark's natural habitat? 
Traveling under the blanket of night provided him with the highest chances of survival, even if it meant he was constantly on the verge of freezing to death. Under the dark, star speckled sky, he was, for the most part, safe from the prying eyes of enemy soldiers. It would be much more difficult for them to spot him under the protection of a waxing moon than, say, the full, all-encompassing concentrated power of the fucking sun. 
So he gets his hands under himself, weakened arms trying their damnedest to force him to his feet. Phil takes a moment, leaning against a strong, tall tree that was luckily rooted right beside its fallen brethren. 
The last time he had put anything in his stomach was yesterday (?) morning before they had been so rudely interrupted by the 141 boys knocking on their—or, really, not theirs at all—front door. And after an afternoon like that, all his energy was beyond drained. It's a surprise Phil was still standing—not that he was exactly doing a very good job at that—, though, to be fair, he wasn't new to going lengths of time without proper sustenance. It was a byproduct of the job, of the life he led, after all.
Phil can't do anything to rectify his current hunger right now, so he has no choice other than start getting some miles between himself and the wrecked base next door.
Signing, he looks down, spotting a small dagger lodged into the tree he'd been resting against before. Huh, at least you hadn't left him completely defenseless. 
Knife secured in his boot, Phil begins the long trek to who knows where. It's not like he could just make his way back to company HQ, now could he? Not when it was so damn clear he was an unwanted face there. 
The chipped watch on his wrist reads o-five-hundred, giving him about an hour until sunrise. Phil has already made pretty good progress, if he did say so himself. And the Vaqueros base has long since faded from his view; leaving Phil to now wander aimlessly through the harsh Mexican terrain; traversing over dry, crumbling rocks through a sparse forest, avoiding sudden drop offs and twisted roots on wobbly legs. 
Phil had detoured around the broken city of Las Almas, a certain brand of discomfort crawling up his spine and settling heavy across his shoulders at the mere thought of passing through the ruined city. The barest glimpses of it he'd gotten bore the harsh reality of cobblestone roads still bathed in watery crimson, the familiar color splattered over everything within reach; streaked over stone walls and staining the clothes of bodies still laying cold, face-down in the streets. 
One look at the carnage left behind and he'd nearly doubled over from the sheer force of the sudden churning of his stomach. Expelling the bile building at the back of his throat would only end in the burning of his esophagus from his empty, acid-filled belly. There were likely valuable resources left behind in the town, something to aid him in his solo travels, but he quickly dismissed the idea at the sight.
He'd rather skip this city and continue to walk with nothing to his name but the clothes on his body and the knife in his boot then be forced to face that massacre. 
Phil hopes, come morning, the very same people he'd stabbed in the back take the time to ghost over the town and dispose of the mess he'd left behind. To reap the souls of those innocent civilians and treat their bodies with much kinder hands than his own Shadows had. 
Phil was really getting tired of waking up to people dragging his ass around. 
Well, judging by the way, at least this time around, there were no sharp rocks digging into his spine and the fact that this ride was.. quite bumpy, it appeared Phil was being carried this time. What an improvement. 
And while he should probably be very concerned as to who, or what, exactly, is carrying him from point A—aka, where he'd likely had passed out again—to point B, the man can't bring himself to care. He doesn't have the energy for it.
Instead, he's in a bit of a daze. Wondering how in the everloving fuck this damn country jumped from near freezing in the night, to scorching hot temperatures that could rival the damn devil. All Phil remembers leading up to this is him cursing the damn sun with his whole chest, feeling like his freaking skin was melting off, then somehow finding himself face-down in the goddamn sand—when had he made it into the damn desert??
And now he was here. 
Being carried to God knows where, still sweating profusely under his clothes—how his body still had the capability to sweat when he was already so dehydrated, was beyond him—and too tired to do anything more than lay there. 
Phil must've drifted off again at some point, because when he wakes again he's no longer moving. Instead he's flat out on his back, a hard surface beneath him not unlike the old bunks he'd slept on when he was a newbie, and his entire body feels like one giant ass bruise. An all encompassing ache that traveled from the base of his skull to the tips of his toes—as if, now that he was finally resting, his entire body had collectively agreed to seek revenge on his overused muscles.
Distantly, he can hear the chatter of a man and a woman speaking in hushed voices, muttered Spanish drifting from somewhere to his left. 
Every instinct that had been ingrained into him screams at Phil to launch himself up and either attack or make a run for it. He does neither, too exhausted to even move or open his eyes, much less to try and stand. 
He ends up dancing on the fine line between consciousness and slumber while the two strangers talk, presumably, about him. Lingering in that peculiar space where you're not quite awake, but you're not sleeping either; able to hear and feel, but not aware enough to get up and move. 
Phil chose to use that time to attempt to listen in, see what all, if any, of the words he could catch. He wasn't going to pretend to know more than he did, as Phil really only knew the more simple Spanish phrases from his time in highschool when it was a required course. He picks up the usual filler words, a few pronouns, something that sounds much like ‘the American’, and the suppressed voices briefly increasing in volume, rushed, before quieting. Then silence.  
With nothing to stimulate his brain, Phil once again falls into a fitful rest. 
Power? Is that what this had been about? In all the years Phil has known you, he never would've thought of you as the type. But could that have been what you were after the entire time? And all these years you were just biding your time, waiting for the best time to strike. 
How could he have been so blind, how did he not see this coming? The person closest to him, a man who knew more about Phil than any single other person to exist. He should've seen this miles away before it hit him like a fucking freight train.
This is why you had to turn on others before they had the chance to flip the blade on you first—a lesson Phil had learned oh-so long ago. After all this time, how the hell had he forgotten that?
Which is why, the second Phil has the capacity to, he bolts upright and does his best to regain his bearings. A little dizzy, body shaky, limbs trembling from a lack of nutrients, but no longer in the fetal position at least. As aware as he physically can be. 
Somewhere between blinking away the blur obscuring his vision and forcing himself into a fully seated position, Phil hears the two voices again
Faint at first. Then growing louder. Closer. 
Phil's eyes, still unfocused, dart around his surroundings.
A room. Closed off with only one door, and a window too small for his body. Below him is some sort of flimsy cot placed in the corner furthest from the exit, one that's metal frame squeals with the slightest movements.
Getting distinct now, one woman and one man, just as before. 
Phil's hand shoots down, patting his boot; heart rate skyrocketing when the man realizes the knife is missing. His crutch, the only thing he'd possessed to defend himself beyond his own bare hands. It was gone.
They'd taken it from him. 
Closer, closer, closer still. The door opens, hinges creaking as a tall, heavy set man walks in; black, cropped hair and a well kept mustache are the first things he notes. And Phil can immediately tell that, even if he were standing, there's no way this guy wouldn't tower over him. 
That is a problem. Not because Phil hasn't taken on much large men than himself, but because he usually managed such a feat when fully put together and decidedly not when half-starved, dehydrated, and barely conscious. 
While the man approaches Phil with a certain air of caution, the woman, on the other hand, stays behind. Leaning against the doorframe, watching.
But not afraid, no, there's nothing to hint at fear in her intense gaze. Long, dark hair pulled up and tied in loose updo, arms crossed tight over her chest, and mouth set into a firm line. And still she appears to be more curious, or concerned, than fearful; perhaps a bit heedful, but that's as far as it goes.
The man, surprisingly, seemed much more on guard than his counterpart. To be fair, and give the poor guy some credit, he was the one tasked with coming closer to Phil. And Phil, in all honesty, was not of the.. low-risk variety. 
Not that the two would know that, all identifying parts of his uniform were either torn or stained, but it's always safer to be wary of strangers. And given Phil's appearance—dirtied, bloody, and cowering like a caged animal ready to strike at any given moment—he obviously wasn't just some random guy who they'd stumbled upon.
Come to think of it, Phil wondered what they thought had happened to him, or why he was out there—wherever he was when they found him—in the first place. 
Beyond that, who were these people? Why did they bring him here, why not just leave him, a complete stranger and possible danger, where they'd found him instead of risking their lives carrying Phil to their home? At least they'd been smart enough to check him for weapons, for their sake.
Which begs the question; were these people just plain stupid, or did they trust enough in their own abilities to put him down if need be?
“So,” the man begins, now within a few feet of where Phil sits. Spine straight, chin lifted, and arms crossed much like his partner; posture firm, aiming to appear confident. “You military?”
Oh, what could have possibly given that away?
“Sorta.” Comes Phil's stilted reply. 
To Phil's great unsettlement, the man smiles. Only a tiny thing, a barely twitch at the corner of his mouth before it's gone. 
“Where am I?”
The man hesitates, and the woman chimes in with a few uttered words of Spanish again. 
“Not too far from the border, a few hours most.” when Phil doesn't respond, the man continues. “Name's Eric and this,” he tips his head slightly in the woman's direction. “Is my wife, Sofia. We have.. decided to help you back onto your feet.”
Another murmur, then Eric corrects with an, “if you want.” 
Lovely. Now it didn't sound as much like he was being held hostage.
“Y'all want to.. help me?” Phil asks, skeptical as he flicks his gaze between the two. Trying to decipher any double meaning, any sort of threat veiled under these too-good-to-be-true words. “...And why would you do that?” 
“My wife was a field medic, and me a soldier,” he begins. “We know what a person looks like wounded.. not only physically.” 
Oh, so they wanted to be some sort of great savior or some shit? Give Phil some weird form of therapy? He didn't need that, he didn't need anyone's pity. Especially not these strangers who knew absolutely nothing about him.
Eric must sense something off about him, because he immediately rushes to continue. “Like it or not, we are your best option. You go out there? Try to get home in the state you are in? You will die before the sun sets.” 
Phil wasn't quite sure he'd be opposed to that.. but the man had a point. He couldn't seek his revenge if he were dead, now could he?
“I won't stay long.” Phil asserts, sitting up a bit straighter with a challenging glint in his eye. 
“Of course not,” Eric agrees easily. “Just until you are better. Maybe a few days, yes?”
Phil shouldn't, he should get up, tell these people to go fuck themselves, and get as far away as he possibly can. Even if that means, come morning, he’ll have succumbed to the elements- “Okay.” 
“Okay.” Eric offers a smile and Phil isn't quite in his right mind, but he swears that man, this complete stranger, has some of the kindest eyes he's ever seen.
A few days turns into a month, and a single month becomes four. Phil learns a lot about the couple he's been staying with. 
Learns that Eric was telling the truth and that they both had met in the field; apparently the man had been outright refusing treatment so that his fellow soldiers could get it first, claiming it to be nothing more than a light scrap. According to Sofia—from what little Phil could gather with the language barrier; though narrowed eyes and flailing hands are pretty damn telling no matter the language, Phil supposed—it was most likely a lot worse than Eric let on. 
Only when Eric had conceded and pulled down the collar of his shirt to expose the long, jagged scar that began at just below his collar bones then traveled further, larger than the tugged down fabric could show, did Sophia give a satisfied hum. And Phil could tell from the gentle way she looked at Eric as he spoke, this woman wholeheartedly adored that man—he had to look away after a moment, feeling out of place, like Phil was intruding on something not meant for his eyes.
Phil also learns that the couple is very active in their little community, often volunteering for social events and making whatever donations they could to the local church, and more specifically the program involved directly in helping children in need. 
The two had discovered many years ago, after they left the service, that neither were capable of having children. And while it did put a strain on their relationship for some time, the couple loved each other too much to let that fact tear them apart. Instead, they dedicated their time and whatever leftover funds they had into helping provide for the few orphaned kids in the area. 
They even had some adopted children of their own, ones now grown and dispersed around the country; attending college and creating families of their own.
At some point, Phil had been baffled by how utterly good these people were, he couldn't believe how lucky he had been to be found by such genuinely kind people, ones who knew nothing of him or his crimes. They would hate him, surely, either cast him aside or turn him in to local authorities. Who would then hand him over to federal. 
He was a criminal on the run, something that had taken Phil a while to come to terms with. 
A thing he had realized on the very same porch steps he was setting on right now in month two. Eyes on the horizon as the hot, late spring sun faded in an array of nostalgic warm tones of red and orange, of yellow and pink. Dressed in clothing a few sizes too big; the ones he'd donned when he had arrived far beyond salvageable.
A small, child sized soccer ball rolls to his feet. Bumping against the toe of his boot, quickly followed by little feet stomping over to where Phil sat. Picking it up, Phil cradled the ball in his palm, offering it to the boy running over to him with a soft smile.
One of the orphaned kids; has a sister only a year younger than himself, something Phil knows not because the couple told him, but because he'd started doing some volunteer work himself—with Eric and Sophia’s encouragement. It helped keep his mind wonderfully empty, able to concentrate on the now rather than past or inevitable future. 
It also helped remind Phil why he'd even joined the military in the first place, what his younger self had aspired to be all those years ago. 
Phil had been able to reflect on a lot over these past seven months. Given the opportunity to think on why he did what he did, who he wanted to be. And, most importantly, you. 
After months upon months of denial, cursing your name before he went to bed each night. Reminded of you by the absence of a warm body curled up behind his own; the lack of a soft, rumbling voice murmuring a sleepy goodnight before you'd fall asleep with your face tucked away in the place between Phil's neck and shoulder. The gentle puffs of your breath ghosting over his skin and the secure weight of an arm draped over his waist, luring him to join you in the depths of dream land. 
Always making him feel so warm, so safe, in that perfect in between, just after the sun set and right before it rose again. For a few hours you were his. For a few fleeting hours he had you all to himself; he had someone. 
Someone more than the names of all the men he'd killed, ingrained permanently in his psyche no matter how hard he tried to ignore it; something more than a pen and himself up against stack after stack of paperwork containing nothing but political bullshit Phil couldn't care less about.
For that brief time Phil had belonged. 
But now.. now he had nothing. 
He wasn't a commander here, wasn't a soldier. Phil didn't have the responsibilities he'd had to manage back home at base anymore. He should probably be grateful, it was a stressful life.
But.. but he still wasn't quite.. anybody. He was nothing but the stranger who'd appeared in town out of nowhere. Who was silent and kept to himself, who barely even left the residence he'd been so lucky to be offered a place in. Not unless he was doing some volunteer work here and there.
He had nothing; he was nothing. Phil used to hold the reins of dozens who'd act solely with his interests at heart, and now he didn't even have an army to command. He wasn't anyone anymore. Not here.
At least, if he went back, he'd have something. Something more than this endless repetition of kindness he didn't deserve. You'd hate him, surely, after what he had done. 
To you, to your friends, family, fellow soldiers. Phil was supposed to be a leader, someone who those under his command looked to for guidance. Someone dependable, someone trustworthy.
It was, again, sometime ago on these same steps, where Phil had the grand revelation that maybe, just maybe, you hadn't betrayed him. You were just doing what you thought was best for yourself and the rest of the company. It was in everyone's best interest—except his. 
Phil had pushed you too far, stretched you too thin. Even though he knew how fragile delicate vulnerable-
Even though he knew damn well how you used to be, the cavernous depths of your own mind Phil had single-handedly had to drag you out of kicking and screaming several times over. 
Phil knew all of this, and yet he still did it. Never considered the consequences his actions would have on you—or the others, but you were more important—, never stopped to consider your own feelings on, well, anything. On what your opinions were for improving the company—even though you two had built it up from the ground up, together—, or what applications to accept, or whatever it was that you two had going on that was surely more than friends and co-founders did with each other.
He'd pushed and pushed and pushed- and Phil had broken you. 
Snapped you in two. 
So, at the very least, if he went back, Phil would have someone to hate him. Anything from you was better than being nothing. Even if it were hatred; he just needed to be someone again.
Just needed to belong.
“You can't stay here.”
Phil turns his head slowly, the sun now barely a sliver as darkness overtakes the sky. Stars begin to join the moon in illuminating the town.
“I'm sorry?” He asks, spotting Eric standing on the porch behind him. A somber sort of expression painting his features. 
Eric sighs, rocking on his feet briefly as his hands move to tuck into his pockets, seeking warmth as the lack of sunlight drops the temperature by several dozen degrees. 
“I don't mean- I am not kicking you out,” the man clarifies, looking off into the distance. A bittersweet smile gracing his lips. “But you are not happy here, are you?”
It's a rhetorical question, and Phil, too, turns away, looking back towards the sky, mouth pressed into a thin line. The sun had disappeared completely, and Phil instead looked to the moon.
Now a completely different phase from that fateful day where you'd abandoned left him against that log. So long ago, and yet Phil swore he could still smell the smoke burning his nostrils and scorching his throat. 
He was lucky to have not borne many scars from being trapped in that tank; he didn't want to know how you'd fared.
“You miss them.”
“What?” The words break Phil out of his trance, brows furrowing, but he doesn't turn back around.
“I don't know if it is a family or something else,” Eric continues. “But you miss them. This is not the life for you; you still carry that.. spirit I only remember having during my time in the army.”
“I can't go back.” 
“Because you think they will not take you?” 
“I,” Phil barks a hushed, humorless laugh. More of an exhale of air than everything, bitter and leaving a foul taste on his tongue. “I do not belong with them anymore, sir. They don't want me, I can promise you that.” 
“So grown,” Eric chides, coming to sit on the same step Phil was on. “And yet still so damn naive.” 
It's not cruel, but it does have Phil opening his mouth in protest, only to snap it back shut again with a huff.  
“You don't know what you're talking about.” He grits out, mouth forming a small pout, an ache of something opening up in his ribcage. A void, once full, overflowing, almost, but now so, so empty. Starving.
“Did you even consider, maybe,” Eric continues on with the same patience he'd had all those months ago. “..they miss you, too?”
Phil swears his heart stops just then, slow, stuttering to a halt before ba dum.. ba dum.. it gradually starts back up again. A frog leaped, lodging itself in his throat, suffocating him, echoing the beat of his heart. 
Eventually, he manages to croak out, “They don't.” 
“And how can you be so sure?” 
And Phil doesn't have anything to say to that, so he doesn't. Continuing to gaze up at the moon as if it held all the answers to his problems. Wondering if, maybe, you were looking up at it too.
“I will not pretend to know what you are going through,” Eric hesitates. “What you are running from. But.. but you cannot stay here, it's killing you. Sophia and I can both see it.” 
“With all due respect, sir,” Phil forces out. “you don't understand. He is stubborn, he is childish, and he is- he was. You wouldn't understand.”
“You are talking about this man like he's dead,” observant, are we? “And yet he is not, is he?”
You may as well be. “No.”
“Then maybe it's not too late.. maybe..”
Phil could feel hope sparking in his chest at the man's words, and he immediately crushed it between his fists. 
“It is.” Phil says, swallowing against the lump in his throat. “It is too late.”
A sigh. “But you're right. I can't stay.” 
The distant sound of a coyotes’ howl and the rustling of leaves fills the space between them as the conversation lulls to a stop. It's peaceful out here, much more so than any base Phil's stayed on, and even before that, far quieter than a house full of gentle chatter wafting in from the living room, or the sounds of childish glee from his sister's bedroom when she had a few friends over. Drifting down through thin but sturdy walls; both a perfect ambiance to listen to while he did his homework at the dining table. 
Nothing compared to the heartwarming sound of your laughter. Of your soft, rumbling voice; always so quiet, even when just chatting in his office or while overseeing the Shadows honing their skills in the courtyard. 
Quieter than his family, but louder than the silence between you two when you would give him the cold shoulder; a sea of rage hidden neatly within a show of blank stares and empty words.  
He misses you. 
You didn't do anything wrong. 
Why did he break you? When did he break you?
Was it just the incident all those months ago? When he'd forced you to shoot down people who, just the day before, Phil had told you to treat like family? Like brothers?
Or was it something far before that? Something you had been holding on to all this time; keeping caged within your heart instead of taking it out in him. 
He wishes you had taken it out on him. Maybe then he wouldn't be considered KIA by his own people, men and women and all alike, whom he—and you—had practically raised as his own?
Anyone who tried to proclaim that Phillip Graves didn't care about his soldiers, his Shadows, was just flat out wrong. A piece of his heart, of his soul, had been ripped out of him when one of his squads died in that botched mission Shepard had sent them on. Ambushed by Russian PMCs. Now that had been one very dreaded set of paperwork; writing down the names and cause of deaths for people who he knew, his friends. 
He hadn't even been able to tell their families what had happened to them when they came knocking on his door. No closure for any of those grieving relatives, phone calls day and night. Endless sobs and askings of why, why can't you? And my baby gave their life for your cause, but you can't even do me the honor of explaining why they're buried halfway across the world instead of with their family? 
“Where will you go?” Phil had been so lost in thought, he'd entirely forgotten Eric was still beside him. Five months ago and that would've never even been a possibility.
He was losing his touch. Would he even be useful back home? 
After all these months, surely not.
When the silence drags on a little too long to be comfortable, Phil murmurs a delicate, “I don't know..” then, “maybe I'll go back after all.” 
Phil does, in fact, not go back. 
Instead he finds himself staying at an apartment complex just a few cities away. Like a coward. 
Phil had left that night, before the sun rose again, and without saying goodbye to the couple who'd let him stay with them for a little over four months. He's only left a little note as thanks.
Also, like a coward. 
But Phil decided to embrace this sort of cowardice, at least for now. It's not that he couldn't just go over to the ol’ base, pop in and say hello to the people whose lives he had ruined- of course he could! 
He could do it right now if he wanted. He didn't want to. 
Phil could just pack up his shit—it had been fairly easy to retrieve his emergency fund, held in one of the many banks he had an account or two with; for security, of course—and skip over to that familiar town, take a few turns down some back roads and bam! Back home he would be.
Back home.
..would it still be home?
What if his Shadows hated him now? What if you'd turned them against him? Couldn't even stand the sight of him? Would they kill him then and there upon first sight? 
Or would they detain him, torture him maybe?
Either way, Phil couldn't risk it. It's been a few weeks since he left Sophia and Eric's residence, and he's no more motivated to go back to you his old stomping grounds today than he was all those months ago. 
He can't imagine which would be worse; seeing that look of disgust, of simmering hatred in the Shadows’ eyes or your own. 
Phil tries to keep his mind blissfully blank every moment of his waking hours. Preferring more to spend his time sleeping, but when he could not do so anymore, when his legs ached with the need to move and his stomach rioted in the name of it's hunger, he would have to get up. 
Reading, listening to a radio, sometimes even adding the background noise of the old TV in the corner of the living room whenever Phil needed to complete a simple task such as eating or another. 
As of right now, he was doing just that. Only this time.. this time it doesn't work. Swirling around the remaining bits of cereal in the now sweetened milk, gaze drifting up from the little floating pieces to the window before him instead. 
Thinking. Thinking of you. Because there wasn't any time where Phil wasn't thinking of you. Even with all these distracts, meant to keep his mind off his old life, off what he used to have, off you.
It didn't work. Not when it came to you. 
Wondering what you could be up to right now. How you were faring commanding an entire army of your own—or however many were left—, how you were handling all the politics that came with such a job.
When you two shared ownership, Phil was always the one to handle the people, scheduling meetings and dealing with generals and such.
It's been months, surely you were handling this fine on your own. You didn't need him, there was no reason for Phil to go back. Nothing more than his own selfish reasons. 
A little over ten months now, it has been. Phil shouldn't bother you. You were dealing with it perfectly fine, he'd bet. 
There was not a single excuse for him to assume you didn't have everything under control, for him to swoop in like some sort of savior. 
Sure, you'd always been a bit.. off kilter. But who wasn't in this line of work.. right? It was only to he expected after what you had been through, or what little you had told Phil.
He knew you didn't like crowds, didn't even like talking for that matter, hated interacting with the stuck up higher ups most of all, of course. Everyone did. But Phil knew you could also reign yourself in if need be.
Well, that was unless something threw you off center. It would have to be something huge, something life-changing for you to really-
Oh, fuck.
The metallic crash of his spoon bouncing off the ceramic bowl and clattering against the floor doesn't even register in Phil's mind. Not even the sweet milk that goes splattering everywhere pulls him away.
He'd broken you. He'd left you alone. Left you alone with her.
Fuck staying here, lying to himself and avoiding any and all subjects that reminded him of you. Reminded him of what he had lost.
Maybe if the event almost a year ago had never happened, and even if Phil had still been removed from your day to day, it wouldn't have been a possibility.
But you were broken. Shattered. Vulnerable. 
And for someone like you; that was a concoction that spelled nothing but bad decisions.
Phil left a few hours later. A single stuffed backpack and a rental car all he took with him in his haste. 
He hoped he wasn't too late. Hoped he hadn't broken you too much.
Maybe you were able to resist her offer.. maybe there was still a part of you left that knew it would bring nothing but your own destruction.
Standing before you now, with those empty eyes and stiff posture, Phil knew something was off. More than he had assumed before. Sure, he knew you were a bit fucked, had always been a bit fractured, but Phil had cared for you all the same. Knew there was something more to you beyond that rough, off-putting exterior.
But now, the way you covered yourself head to toe, the little twitches and fidgets you tried so hard to conceal—but Phil had been able to identify them then, and he still could now—, now it was obvious. There was no hiding it.
“You're..” Phil begins, hesitant. “Different.” 
You scoff, something in those clouded depths flickering. “You've said that before.”
“No, no, Phantom-” he winces, noting the way the name has your right hand—concealed in a glaringly different glove than the other—twitches, fingers curling slightly in one, quick movement, at the name. Your head ticking a bit to the left. 
“You are.. not yourself.” 
“Is that all you had to say?” You grit out, gaze narrowed, voice more a growl than the gentle rumble Phil was used to. “You called me down ‘ere again to tell me I'm “different”. As if it hasn't been almost an entire fucking year since you last saw me.” 
A step closer, another fidget. “People change, Graves. Just because you can't, too caught up in your own damn ego to care, doesn't mean others don't.” 
Phil can think back on that little insult later, pick another time to lick his wounds. Right now he needed to know. Needed a confirmation.
“Just tell me-” he doesn't care if he sounds like he's begging. He needs to know. “You told her no. Please, for Christ's sake, tell me you said no.”
Phil can hear the way your breathing hitches briefly, see the way you try to shift your posture impossibly straighter. “I don't know who you are referring to.” 
A part of Phil shrivels up and dies in that moment, frozen in time as you basically confirm what he already knew. What he knew and yet so desperately hoped he was wrong about. Hoped and prayed you'd be strong enough.
He was wrong.
“Oh, Phantom,” He breathes, right when his body kicks back into motion again. Unable to hide the pure, unfiltered grief in his croaked out words. “What.. what have you done?” 
Phil never gets to hear your reply, because right then there's a frantic knocking at the door. Panicked or enthused, Phil cannot decipher. 
It catches you both off guard, heads snapping to the person who hurts through the entrance. Not bothering to wait for an okay to come inside.
“Alik? What the fuck are you doing here?” You snap, glaring at the newcomer. 
1-5 comes to a halt right in front of you, breathing heavily from the exerting of running from wherever the hell he'd come from. Phil feels himself stiffening, waiting for something, anything to happen.
“Sorry, sir,” Alik pants. “But this couldn't wait.”
“Spit it out.” Phil cuts in, seeing how you tense and ready to go on one of your rare—or maybe not rare anymore—tangents. 
1-5 barely spares Phil a glance before locking eyes with you once more, unflinching.
“Viper,” he says, chest still heaving. A single word, a single word that bore so much weight within its five letters. “He is awake.”
Masterpost | One | Two | Three | Four | Next
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lakesparkles · 2 months
I finished the first chapter of my Gideon and Ramona fanfiction :D
I'll post it somewhere else someday, but so far I can share it here.
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(reminder that this is NOT a ship fic. I just want to explore their relationship and project on Ramona tbh)
Ramona and Gideon - I
She decides to leave one last time
Ramona remembers the seven reasons that made her fall in love with Gideon
  She had that same fantasy every day. As she walked down the halls, running her fingers along the wall, she imagined herself entering her own room. It was satisfying, somehow. She could perfectly see herself opening her wardrobe, taking out the few things that really interested her, putting everything in her bag and simply walking away.
  In that fantasy, of course, she always smiled. She even laughed. That kind of hysterical and cathartic laughter only present in films. She wanted to imagine how Gideon would react: how long would it be before he realized she wasn't there anymore? Two weeks? And when would he realize that this wasn't just another one of her "famous tantrums"? Two months? Two years?
  Part of her was almost excited at the prospect of making him furious with such an accomplishment. It would be his turn to take endless turns through the halls, finally using his brain trying to understand what had gone so wrong between them. Maybe he would find out years later. Or perhaps that doubt would eat away at him for decades to come, the bitterness of her image never leaving his mind.
  And part of her... thought that wasn't realistic. She knew Gideon well enough to know that he would never even consider any mistake on his part, with a mixture of confusion that never ended well when it came to him.
  Or worse.
  He wouldn't even care about her lack of presence in that house.
  Therefore, Ramona released her fingers from the wall, slowing down her steps until she stopped altogether.
  Then the fantasy ended. Every single time.
  "Ramona Flowers," he repeated once again, with his head bowed. At that point, she figured he just wanted to test how the name sounded on his own vocal cords. "Ramona...Flowers."
  "Did you like it, huh?" Ramona took a sip of her own drink, even though she already considered herself drunk enough. Maybe he was too, now that she thought about it.
  "Sounds a little familiar."
  "Strange," she shrugged, not caring. "And you are?"
  Now he raised his head once more, looking her in the eyes. Ramona found it strange the way he raised one of his eyebrows, as if he had just heard a terrible insult.
  "Did I say something wrong?" Alcohol always made her put all her thoughts out, without thinking much. She slowly realized that it hadn't been a good idea to start talking to that guy in a situation like that.
  He laughed, however:
  "You are intriguing, Ramona. And my name is Gideon Graves, to answer your question!"
  He - Gideon? Weird name - had said such a thing with so much pride that she began to suspect there was something she wasn't understanding. She became even more certain of that once she noticed his gaze still fixed on her face, waiting for a response - perhaps an acknowledgment. Strange, huh.
  To escape her own discomfort, she looked ahead, watching as everyone calmly walked around the party room. It was an average place, so there were too many people everywhere: one of the reasons she felt so uncomfortable. Parties stopped interesting her when she left college. Now she had no idea what to do there other than walk around with her glass of wine. And walk more. And pretend to be interested in the topic that another weird guy in a suit, who held her arm, was talking about. And walk.
  "What brought a girl like you here?" Gideon cut the awkward silence, catching Ramona's attention again.
  What was he implying with that? That she looked poor? Messed up? Or was it her hair?
  "I was challenged for 20 dollars that I wouldn't be able to crash this party."
  "Seriously," he laughed lightly, now being his turn to sip his glass. "What was the reason?"
  "It's a looooong story."
  "Don't tell me!"
  "You wouldn't have that much time to listen to me."
  "It seems that you don't know me very well" he implied, good-naturedly.
  Ramona turned her head to the side until realize Gideon kept his eyes fixated on her face. He always had a blank expression, difficult to read. She took the opportunity to analyze him more closely, trying to decide if he was ugly or not. His dark hair was longer on one side, in a kind of fringe that must've been popular about 10 years ago. What caught the most attention, clearly, were his thick glasses that he occasionally used his index finger to place back on the bridge of his nose. However, she also couldn't help but notice his white coat, much more informal than she expected for an occasion like that.
  Normally, Ramona was good - great even! - knowing a lot about someone just by her first impression and how the other person acted. But that guy? He was different, he just seemed like a weirdo who apparently was interested in her.
  She had watched him for a few minutes before he approached. Gideon was talking calmly to a large group of people, making no effort to become the center of attention. He had something in him, that was for sure. A kind of confidence mixed with how unusual the way he gestured with his hands was.
  She was so caught up in her own mental notes that she didn't even notice Gideon's next move until it had already happened. Still with a smile stuck on his face, he held her arm tightly, pulling her away from the wall and making her follow him.
  "What the hell, dude!?" Ramona practically screamed, looking around in confusion.
  "Let's get out of this stupid party, I can't take it anymore!"
  Indifferently, Ramona let herself be guided wherever the other wanted. She didn't care anymore. About that party and about everything else. Not when everything had already gone catastrophically wrong. She was too drunk to think about that anyway.
  The two of them sneaked among all those people, occasionally apologizing for stepping on someone's foot. When they paused for Gideon to exchange their glasses for two full ones, Ramona realized that she was having more fun in that moment than in any other second since she entered that tight space.
  This time, she didn't even need Gideon's grip to willingly follow in his footsteps, laughing along with him every time they had to take a giant turn just because there were so many people.
  "I know a place~" Gideon hummed when they arrived in one of the corners of the room. Without making much effort, he lightly opened one of the large doors, waiting for her to pass before closing it behind them"
  They came face to face with a long circular staircase - not the most pleasant sight at the moment. She felt sick just looking up:
  "Can we be here?"
  "Yeah, Jonah doesn't care! Do you know Jonah? The owner of this buiding."
  "Obviously not, man!"
  "He's a friend of mine... For a long time. Anyway, keep following me!"
  And so Ramona did, having the next minutes extremely complicated. She almost tripped on some steps, needing to lean on the handrail as if her life depended on it. Gideon himself didn't seem so good either, his feet unsteady even as he continued to take large gulps of wine. Anyone who looked at them at that moment would think they were idiots, and that thought amused Ramona.
  Fortunately, the stairs ended after some time - how much had they gone up? Four floors? - Gideon opened another door, smiling at her as he waited for a reaction.
  "Wow," she murmured, somewhat ironically, looking up. Until that moment, she hadn't even realized that they'd gone to the roof of that building. The sky above them was almost completely dark, the stars being overshadowed by all the other lights coming from the buildings.
  "Much better than down there, don't you think?" Gideon boasted of himself, taking slow steps to the edge of the slab, leaning there to better observe the entire view.
  "Funny. For the way you got along with everyone, I thought you were enjoying it."
  "Not even close to that. The good thing about Jonah's parties is that you soon know everyone there, at least by sight. The bad part is that it gets repetitive after the third party."
  "I'm already thinking it the first time. Who is Jonah?"
  "Huh, he's..." Then he interrupted himself. "You're really not from here."
  "What do you think?" Ramona went to his side, resting her glass on the slab and exhaling through her mouth in a kind of 'pfff'. "Do I happen to look like the type of person who comes to New York with a completely fanciful idea coming from $1,99 novels, only to find out that it's not all that and that she's not even good enough to be a pizza delivery girl?
  "From the way you're saying it, I believe so."
  "That is not what happened!!" She got angry, being grumpy again.
  With a sigh, she leaned her body weight - up to her chin - on the wall:
  "I'm not here to stay" finally something sincere came out of her mouth. "I just need some money to get to Vermont."
   "It's far away, y'know?" Gideon spoke very quietly, his gaze fixed on the sky. She could've sworn he looked a little disappointed, which interested her. "Is there anything you need to do there?"
  'No, I just want to know how it is. Just like here."
  "And what are your thoughts about New York so far?"
  "I knew you'd say that!" He shook his head, pretending to be irritated. "And something also told me that you were exactly the type of person who liked to hang around."
  "The thing you said about my eyes, right?"
  "They're beautiful."
  "Did you know that your flirting gets worse every time you drink more?"
  Gideon let out a sudden laugh. If he was offended, he didn't show it. At most, he finished all the remaining liquid in the glass in one gulp, teasing her.
  "And why are you right here, in the party?" He continued.
  "Is this an interrogation?"
  "I'm just curious about someone as fascinating as you!"
  "Silly," she rolled her eyes, not falling for that. "It was because of a friend. No, not a friend. A guy I met."
  "A boyfriend?"
  "What? No! It's the guy from the coffee shop across the street, I think he knows Jonah or something. His name is Jay, we talk when I go there. Do you know? That coffee shop over there, look!" She pointed with her index finger to the dark spot on the street below.
  "I have no idea what you're talking about."
  "Anyways! Jay ended up becoming my roommate. It's in a tiny studio apartment, but he can pay for it with his cafeteria salary and I can with the money I saved from Pennsylvania."
  "Shitty, I know! But I'm getting out of here. Soon."
  "Are you sure you don't have any plans?"
  This time, Ramona was silent, watching the cars pass by below. That part not even alcohol would let go so soon.
  "And you, Gideon? Are you from here?"
  "Me? I'm not. I came from North Bay.'
  "Serious? You don't look Canadian."
  "What does looking Canadian mean to you?"
  "Someone who isn't you."
  "Did you know that you make less and less sense the more you drink?" He countered, raising both eyebrows.
  She ignored him, then he spoke again a few seconds later:
  "Do you see that building over there? The one near the red sign."
  Ramona followed with her gaze where he was pointing:
  "Man Media?" She read with her eyes almost closed, barely seeing.
  "G-Man Media! G! The triangle is a G!"
  "Ah, now I see it."
  "So, I live there!"
  "It's my company building, actually. But I arranged one of the floors to be my apartment."
  She was still looking closely there, almost getting scared when she felt Gideon's hand on her shoulder.
  "Ramona, are you okay? Of course you're not!"
  She responded with a nod, cursing herself for making it so apparent that she had drunk more than she was used to. What a great first impression. She tried to stand and turn to him, to prove a point, but she remembered little after that.
  It was as if her mind had stopped working from one moment to the next. I mean, she was conscious as best she could. Wasn’t she?
  The problem was remembering that the next day.
  She lifted her head for the expected pain, her mouth dry as a desert upon waking up. Even though she couldn't see very well, she realized she was in a bed. How? She barely had time to despair before she looked everywhere, analyzing the light coming through the window and realizing she was alone in an unfamiliar place. It wasn't her apartment with Jay, that was for sure. That room alone should've been bigger than the entire place.
  The last thing she remembered from the last night was being in a car. Gideon spoke to her, a little impatiently. He asked where she lived, she thinks.
  Well, there was no sign of Gideon at that moment, which made her feel a little calmer. She also seemed fine, if she ignored her hangover.
  It'd just been... Weird.
  It took her about half an hour, rooting and snooping in every corner of the room, until she noticed the most obvious thing of all: the sheet of paper and the envelope on top of the cabinet.
  She sat at the foot of the bed, reading what was written there:
  "Dear Ramona Flowers,
  The room´s already been paid for overnight, don't need to worry! If you want to see me again, you know where to find me. If not, I wish you the best of luck in Vermont!
  Half curious, half laughing at the stupid name, she opened the envelope to find enough money for five trips.
  She didn't know why her brain reminded her of that specific moment. Ramona raised the corner of her mouth, coming back to reality and running her fingers along the walls of the hallway towards her room.
  Now the fantasy was completely over. Instead, she imagined a fictional life in Vermont, accompanied by someone poorer and less complicated. It looked good, if she ignored the lack of detail because she had obviously never set foot there.
  God, what an idiot she was!
  Even without having a specific direction, she continued walking there. It’s what she does when she is so bored in such a big building. It was even funny. She'd lived there for months, but she was pretty sure she'd never explored all the rooms and floors.
  She was near her room when someone suddenly came out of one of the open doors, colliding painfully into her.
  "Ow. Sorry" she automatically apologized, expecting to be one of the tower's employees.
  "Ramona," the other person's voice said. In that typical and curious way.
  "Gideon," she said back, her head down. "I thought you were working all day today?"
  "Nope, only in the morning" he finished straightening his suit that had crumpled during the impact. "I was looking for you, actually."
  Ramona raised her head, certainly not anticipating this turn of the conversation. So much so that she was speechless for a second, giving Gideon the chance to continue:
  "Do you want to go out for lunch? You can choose the place this time."
  His tone... It seemed normal. Different from usual, which made her suspicious:
  "I prefer to stay at home today, my head hurts. I was going to my room," and then she started to feel guilty. "Do you want to watch a movie?"
  "Only if it's Sherlock Holmes!"
  "Nothing like that! You said I choose and it will be The Butterfly Effect!"
  Gideon smiled as he nodded, putting his arm around her neck - that had to be uncomfortable, considering how many inches taller she was than him -, and walking beside her to her room.
  Then they spent the next few minutes together, without anything too special. Besides, of course, being in each other's presence in general. It seemed like the longer their relationship lasted, the less they saw each other. And that only made her feel strange about the current situation. It seemed so normal that something had to be out of place.
  The film played in front of the two, who lay on her big bed. Gideon had a straight body, with his legs crossed and his arms the same way. Ramona kind of touched him and kind of didn't. Gideon seemed interested in the film, laughing and making occasional comments. Ramona pretended to pay attention when answering him.
  What was so wrong? There had to be something wrong.
  Then Gideon stretched a little, changing position to turn around and wrap his arms around her body. His familiar shape made her dizzy for a moment. This hadn't happened for a long time. Without thinking too much to avoid regret, she snuggled into his hold, feeling warm and... Fine. Almost.
  The memory was almost automatic. Her brain refocused on that same day, months ago:
  What she hadn't told Gideon when they met was how incredibly lost she was feeling because of her own stupidity. After graduating, she decided to leave everything behind, as she realized that she didn't belong there. She might not have any idea where that place would be, but she could certainly look! She took whatever temporary job she could get; she boarded planes and even trusted strangers for rides; she spent months, weeks and days in completely different cities. Searching.
  New York before Gideon had been more of the same. Her days were made up of looking at those giant buildings while wondering which point in that immense city was the right one.
  Apparently, it was exactly in that room, feeling Gideon's comforting warmth. He looked so relaxed that she couldn't help but laugh at the funny face he made as he tried not to fall asleep. The energy bar above his head said otherwise, being practically zero. Ramona... She was almost fine too. Her eyes took longer to blink each time.
  So why did she still feel exactly the same as the time she spent wandering around New York? She was beginning to think that she was incapable of settling down and being content.
  An instant before she fell completely asleep, something clicked in her mind. Her eyes suddenly widened.
  She finally realized what was so wrong there.
  It was about the day she met Gideon. She was absolutely sure that, until now, she remembered perfectly how everything happened when they got down from that slab. Before now, she remembered taking a taxi with him and all the conversations they had inside. And how he took her to a random hotel for the night, saying goodbye briefly by leaving her in the room and writing something while she went, in her drunken state, to bed.
   But now... It was as if her mind had gone blank.
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blackterrae · 10 months
Ideas for Black!Reader Fic
I am going to try my hand again at writing. And I wanted to share some people and fandoms that I love. If you don’t know these shows/actors/franchises/movies/streamers I’m putting you on! For the following:
Princess Bride
Alice In Borderland
Johnny Depp- All his characters
Napoleon Dynamite
Cameron Monaghan- I know that there are fics out there but it’s only always his Jerome/Jeremiah roles never just him or Cal Kestis
Anthony Carrigan- I loved Anothy as Victor Zsasz
Paul Dano- There are Riddler fics but not as many for his other roles
The Entire Cast of Hawaii Five-0 (2010) - Don’t even get me started on how good this show is! And the cast looks amazing!
Chicago Med/Fire/PD- These shows have so much potential for fanfic storylines!
The Game (2006)- Has great potential for slow burns and fluffs.
Star Wars franchise (1977-present) - I know I said Cal Kestis but there are also other characters like Anakin, Luke, Obi Wan,Boba Fett (etc.)
NCIS franchise- I honestly love this franchise and it’s characters!
Any/All Sports Men- Jude Bellingham,Lewis Hamilton,LaMelo Ball,Allen Iverson(etc.)
Berleezy - He’s handsome and he’s funny!
Coryxkenshin- I literally love him and his videos!
Albert Aretz (Flamingo)- Look … he may be the epitome of mediocre white man but I like what I like!
AMP- Duke Dennis, Kai Cenat, Agent 00, ChrisNxtDoor,Davis, and Fanum ( all I gotta say is love a black man from infinity to infinity🗣️)
Beta Squad- A British YouTube/ streamer group!
SOMEBROS- Berleezy, Rico, ,PG, Joe (etc.)
WWE- come on now, do I even need to explain!!!
Four Brothers- All the cast but Garrett Hedland in particular!
Peacemaker - Don’t get me wrong I love Adrian Chase but I want to see just as much Peacemaker x black!reader fics because 2 words… JOHN CENA
MAWS- New animated Superman show! Love!
Smallville - The entire cast is hot! Tbh I fell hard for Tom Welling when I was younger when he was in Cheaper By The Dozen. Plus they literally whitewashed Vixen. COME ON! Vixen is a black female hero btw. She was also with Jon (Green Lantern) at one point.
Justice League/Justice League Unlimited (2001 and 2004)- I mean I literally can’t find any Jon Stewart x black!reader fics and he was with a BLACK WOMAN!
Warner Bros Franchise (minus the looney tunes & space jam)- There are lots of popular franchises that this company has from Fast & Furious to The Matrix!
Peaky Blinders- Saw a Tommy shelby x arms dealer black!female reader fic on my previous account but even then I couldn’t find it again on that account. So it’s gone with the wind. And the cast (i.e the actors and other characters they’ve portrayed). Example: Cillian Murphy as Johnathan Crane.
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The Bear
FBI (All)
The good doctor
Tiktokers: Vinnie hacker
Blue Bloods
Will Poulter- I haven’t really seen any Adam Warlock fics
Stranger Things
Cruel Intentions
Dave Lizewski
Eddie Redmayne
Macgyver (2016)
Fresh Prince of Belair
Guardians of the galaxy- Explanation? Do I really need one?
On My Block
Descendants (characters will be the actors age in real life.duh)- Love Boo-boo Stewart & Mitchell Hope!
Matt Rife
Joey Bragg (Liv &Maddie) - What can I say I love dorks!
The Boys- Haven’t seen that many fics about the characters and a black reader
Once Upon A Time- I love dark fairytales sometimes because they remind me that not every story has a happy ending and you have to learn from them. But this series is good for any theme really.
Walker Texas Ranger (1993)
Top Gun
Nicolas Galitzine
Magcon: Whether you saw their vines on YouTube or vine, you know who they are
Dolan Twins
Mission Impossible
Euphoria- Entire show has great storylines with the potential of drama in fics
Shameless- Especially Carl Gallagher and Lip Gallagher
Creed- Michael B Jordan need I say more
Keanu Reeves- There are very few fics about Keanu but I’ve seen a few of his John Wick x black!reader fics (chef’s kiss) but never see any of The Matrix Fics!Also Ted (Bill & Ted)
River Phoenix
Batman Beyond
Rider Strong
Danny Gonzalez
Timothée Chalamet
New York Undercover
Past-Present Singers & Rappers/ Groups -Bow Wow, Tupac, Lil Baby, Nelly, Omarion, Prince, Michael Jackson, Jon B,Usher, Central Cee, Måneskin, New Edition, BTS, James, PRETTYMUCH Bay, Daniel Caesar, October London, Steve Lacey, Artemas, YUNGBLUD, Andy Biersack,Eduardo Vega(etc.)
Anime(Any kind!)- Would love to see other shows, I know hunterxhunter,aot,one piece (etc.)
Bridgerton- There is very little Bridgerton stories catered around a black reader.
Marvel- Now that’s not to say that there aren’t any in fact there are many but I never see (Tobey Maguire Spider-Man stories and it seems like everyone tends to focus on the famous Marvel characters like The Avengers but not on other aspects like X-men or better yet, heroes that haven’t even gotten their own movie but are just as amazing like Squadron Supreme , it’s equivalent to DCU’s Justice League.
Secret Invasion- Not gonna lie , I’m feening for Gravik.😳
DCEU- Another franchise that pushes its other characters to the side. For example, Hush (Thomas Elliot) is literally the epitome of Bruce Wayne gone bad!
Ross Lynch- There are so many roles that Ross did so well in Like Teen Beach Movie or Sabrina.
Highschool Musical Franchise (2006- present ) I’m not just talking about HSMTS (2019), I mean even further back than that. I don’t see any Troy Bolton x black!reader and that’s crazy. I also can’t find any Zac Efron x black!reader
Interview with a Vampire (1994) and (2022)
Austin Butler- He did well in his role as Elvis!
Vikings - There are a good amount but still!
Saved By The Bell
The Goldbergs
Parks & Recreation
The Outsiders
Heart of Stone
New York Undercover (1994)
Addams Family
The Real Bros of Simi Valley (2017)
Think Like A Man (2012)
One on One (2001)
Scorpion (2014)
The King of Queens (1998)
G.I. Joe Franchise
Beware the Batman (2013)
Any and all Asian Idols/Actors
Seal Team
Mortal Combat
Bill and Ted
Detroit: Become Human
Will Trent
Tokyo Vice
Growing Pains
Graceful Family (Kdrama)[Any Asian Drama shows or movies would be great as well]
The Regime
Batman: The animated series
The Sympathizer
The Invitation
Hunger Games
Saved By the Bell
Eve (2003)
Rodrick Heffley
Scoot Pilgrim vs the world
If anyone needs ideas for these franchises/movies/shows/actors , then holla at me! I got you!
Also add more to the list if anything that you would like to see comes to mind.
Also tag black writers who you want to see this!
@sheabuttahwrites @shinsouscatpisssmell @cocoamoonmalfoy @heathenarmyimagines @cinewhore @cocoamoonmalfoy @stxxllaaa @glitterjuju @lilvampirina @breanime @blackmissfrizzle @afro-hispwriter @stargirlfics @lavenderursa @clydesducktape @pettyprocrastination @theblvckvenus @plantvenuss @punani @n-slayaaaaa @infernalodie @halfofmysoulsblog @iridecsense @tomhardydallasstarsgirl @supremethunda @thekrazykeke @canumoveurseatup-no @hiatuswhore @avintagekiss24 @ohcaptains @iguessweallcrazyithinktho @xsapphirescrollsx @sunflowertuliplily @bakarilennox @batfamily14 @ramp-it-up @blackreaders-assemble @royallyprincesslilly @funnyexel @blackterrae @slashisms @artemisthewh0re @shelbydelrey @toocriticalharlow @v-era-18 @vampsired @queenimmadolla @sinnerlillith @greengoblinswifey @apocalypse-shuffle
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icequeenbae · 2 months
Boy Next Door (m) Ch.4 (fin) | BBH
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Pairing: Baekhyun x Reader
Neighbor AU, slow burn, hurt/comfort, fluff, smut
Warnings: Baek being the neighbor we’re all dreaming of, harassment (nothing graphic), some altercations, a bit of body image/ insecurity, MC sucks at relationships, explicit content, unprotected sex
Word Count: ~18.5k (total), 3.7k (pt.4)
Summary: Your neighbor Baekhyun has been a pleasant acquaintance since you moved into your current apartment almost a year ago. Could he also be… a perfect match?
© Please do not copy/ post on other platforms without permission.
Chapter Masterlist: Pt. 1 > Pt. 2 > Pt. 3 > Pt. 4 (fin)
Author’s note: Yesss, the time has come for the final part of the series to drop~ This is more on the fluffy side tbh, but I hope you find it to be a pleasant ending to this mini-series. As usual, please don't be shy to leave feedback in any way you prefer, I track all of your replies/ reblogs/ asks ❤️ And thank you for giving so much love to my stories, I do appreciate that a lot!!
Tags: @bbh-net  @k-vanity  @ksmutsociety @lavnderluv @cupreoussyzygy @byunbaek-hyun-04 @blue-rainydays
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‘I can’t believe you didn’t tell me earlier!!’
Yuki was over for girl’s night, and this time, she wasn’t the only one gushing about her prosperous sex life.
‘I was waiting for test results.’
‘Huh? Test results?’
You realized that you’d just spilled all the beans you didn’t intend to spill.
‘Uh- we didn’t exactly- you know?’
‘What?’ She asked suspiciously, probably not even imagining that you could get so careless.
‘Well…’ You swirled your hand around abstractly.
‘I don’t know what that means- Wait. No, you didn’t!?’ Judging by her lit-up eyes, she guessed right. ‘You little hoe!!’
‘Look who’s talking.’
‘Yes, I’m talking. And I want to know everything. Starting with the result of that test, actually. You stupid hoe.’
Sighing, you rolled your eyes.
‘It’s negative. Thankfully… But it was really stupid of me, I know.’
‘Well, did he at least pull out on time? It’s not a safe option, but the timing is somewhat important…’
‘He did. Although he said, he’s never had sex without condoms.’
‘Damn. I should change what I said to ‘you lucky hoe’! I hope you took that test properly.’
You nodded. That was the first time you had to march into a pharmacy to get pregnancy tests. And you had no clue about how to choose out of the dozens of available options. The only reason you were able to ask for help was that you wore a mask – to save you some face, literally.
But that landed you with a few options and some instructions to follow. You had also gotten your period after your two-day sexcapade with Baekhyun, so you were pretty sure you were lucky this time. But you were still concerned with the long-term options. Something you’d left for the future discussion with your physician.
There were other things on your mind right now.
‘Actually, there’s something else that’s been bothering me.’ You mentioned reluctantly. ‘We haven’t… made it official. I mean- he hasn’t asked me yet. Is that… indicative of anything?’
The thought was bugging you daily.
The words ‘Would you be my girlfriend?’ or anything of the sort, had never left your neighbor’s mouth. And you were the one who shamelessly got drunk, ended up in his bed, made him sleep in it with you, and then… Weren’t you so very eager to jump into having sex with him?
Not to mention that you’d stayed at his place for two whole days, Sunday being filled by more domestic delights, and… Even more sex. It seemed like Baekhyun was focused on you and completely insatiable. You couldn’t remember doing it more than once or twice a day, so you were stunned as you realized you had gone four times. His stamina was surprisingly remarkable.
It was a relief that you had to eventually leave his apartment, for you had to work on Monday. As you ran a bath at your place, you realized how sore and exhausted you were. The fact that just a couple days prior, you got shitfaced was probably a contributing factor, but also, the amount of physical activity was very unusual for your body. Though this was a great type of exhaustion, and you had the deepest sleep that night.
But now, almost two weeks later, you were pretty anxious about how your relationship was progressing. Relaying all of the basics to your friend and asking for her opinion was supposed to make you feel better; however, she shared your concerns.
‘This is weird. So, he had time to sex you up multiple times but not ask you a simple question?’ She frowned. ‘You know how it is here, Y/N… You’re not official until you say the words.’
You knew. And that wasn’t even the only cause for your uncertainty.
‘It’s not only that, but… We haven’t really hung out since.’ You mumbled, expecting a big reaction from your friend.
‘What?! Is the bastard ghosting you??’ She rose from her seat, looking ready to burst into his apartment and give him a piece of her mind.
‘No, he um- he had to go to some distant town for a work assignment. He told me that there might not be any internet connection since they would be on some military base or something like that. He said it would last a bit over a week, and then he’ll visit his family for a few days and get in touch with me from there.’
‘So, has he?’
‘So far… No.’ You admitted.
Yuki huffed, her eyebrows knitting together angrily.
‘Yah. That seems fishy as hell. Why wouldn’t he at least send you a text? Who disappears after having someone over for the entire weekend of fucking??’
‘We weren’t doing it the entire weekend…’ You mumbled, feeling your cheeks heat up again.
‘Come on! He didn’t ask you to be his girlfriend, disappeared on a ‘mission’ that sounds unrealistic, and hasn’t gotten back to you for almost two weeks? Wow, was I wrong about him.’
You scratched your temple, exhaling hopelessly. She just voiced everything that you thought to yourself. You kept giving him the benefit of the doubt in your head, but she was right. It was too odd for someone to vanish into thin air like this right after what had happened between the two of you. This was the hard truth, and it hit your softest, most vulnerable spot. Your heart.
‘I guess so,’ you muttered, voice a bit scratchy with the inevitable tears you held back. ‘What do I even do now, Yu? I like him a lot, which is precisely why I didn’t want to start anything…’
‘First of all, stop crying. If he decided to do this on purpose, he is a dickhead. And doesn’t even deserve to call you his girlfriend.’
She reached out her hands to wipe the stray tears off your cheeks.
‘Second… You need to grow some balls, Y/N. Don’t let people take you for granted or make you feel less than you are!’ She said in a serious tone. ‘I’ve told you this before: you shouldn’t retreat to your shell when someone attacks. You’re strong, beautiful, and an amazing person, capable of giving them hell if you need to!’
Snorting at Yuki’s passionate speech straight out of some girl power drama, you shook your head.
‘Yes, you are! Stop feeling sorry. If someone hurts you – don’t let them. I don’t mean Baekhyun exclusively. You know you’ve been in various situations lately where defending yourself was vital. Stop being a good, cautious girl who gets into her own head before saying anything. Act the way you want, and if someone is offended – it’s their problem. I’ve seen you speak your mind before, and it was damn powerful. That’s why it’s time that you do it for you.’
It wasn’t hard to guess what she was referring to. You’d been keen on staying collected on the outside and hid your emotions fairly well. You’d never let your struggles show, even when you were going through a difficult time at your previous job. You preferred crying in the restroom during lunch break to letting anyone know.  You didn’t want to deal with that. Sad or angry, you processed every thought before opening your mouth and saying something, just because you knew how hot-tempered you could become if you didn’t keep your tongue in check.
However, you did let it slip sometimes, mostly when someone hurt the people you love, as opposed to you. A couple years ago, you had to pick Yuki up from a random party she was stuck at, and there was a guy who made unwanted moves on her. As you arrived at the scene, you had to search the entire house for her until you walked into the kitchen, where the bloke was trying to kiss her while she was shoving him away. You vaguely recalled what you did… grabbing his shoulder to turn him around, kneeing him in the balls without hesitation. Yuki later shared that she sobered up as she heard you swearing excessively at him. You told him everything on your mind, and he was scared to talk back. Apparently, you looked like a force of nature back then.
And although this wasn’t the first time you’d done something like this, it was mostly reserved for someone else. But now that you were contemplating your life… You found that you might’ve been missing the point all along.
‘Actually… You have a point, Yu.’
Your best friend blinked, surprised by your response. She’d been trying to get through to you many times before, and now you finally listened?
‘Why should I always be the one to swallow my pride or feel uncomfortable? I’ve always been a good girl, and where did it get me?’ You wiped your face dry. ‘I’m not gonna do a one-eighty and become a crazy bitch now, but it’s time to let go. I won’t try to reach him or wait for him at the door. If he was one of the bastards who thought I was too boring to have a relationship with, well… Fuck him then. I’m done with feeling bad about myself.’
‘Yay! That’s what I’m saying. You go, girl!’
‘I’m sure I’ll get over him in no time. Yes, we’re neighbors; it’s gonna be awkward. But why should I be the one worried about it? I’ll be sure to let him know I don’t give a shit about him and his stunts if I ever see him again.’
‘That’s the spirit, Y/N-ah! Gosh, this calls for a celebration. Where’s the champagne I brought last time?’
‘I hoped you’d ask. In the fridge.’ You chuckled.
‘Coming right up,’ she winked, already headed to the cupboard to get the glasses.
Friday rolled in, having you overcome the struggles of getting work done while having your head elsewhere. Your office hours were so long and miserable that you were dead set on doing your house chores and then going straight to bed tonight. Just to sleep in tomorrow, wake up completely free for the day, and order from your favorite restaurant and chill. If anyone deserved a feast, it was definitely you! Rewarding yourself for getting through the week and spending five minutes not thinking about your personal life was a great achievement in your book. Maybe not great, but a triumph.
Walking up to the entrance, you saw a tall figure there.
It didn’t seem familiar until you were a ten-second walk away. Then you realized – it was that woman. That one who broke into Baekhyun’s apartment while you were there. And the one who called him up about having dinner together at his place.
Your first instinct was to turn around and sneak through another entry point. You hated confrontation, especially in case you didn’t initiate it. At this time, all you wanted was a quiet evening, and it was about to be ruined.
Your pride, however, didn’t allow you to back down. Suddenly, your conversation with Yuki replayed in your mind. She was right; you shouldn’t let anyone treat you that way or make you feel any less. And if you had to withstand a pointless attack, you could simply fire back. With that in mind, you reached the gate.
‘You!’ The voice made you sigh and brace yourself before turning around. ‘It is you! I’ve seen you before.’
‘Congrats,’ you shrugged, ready to walk away.
She grabbed your forearm.
‘Are you going to Baekhyun again?’
‘I find it unlikely that my destination is any of your business. Let go of me.’
She gritted her teeth, squeezing your arm painfully.
‘Listen, whore. I’ve been working on him for months, and as soon as I’ve made progress, you swing by and think you’re-’
‘No, you listen, bitch.’ You ripped out of her grasp, completely fed up with this. ‘I don’t care if you think you’re entitled to have him. But let me tell you this. I live on the thirteenth floor, so if I see you there again, I’m calling the police. Stop creeping around my house and get a life.’
‘Is everything alright?’ You turned to the security, who most likely caught your exchange in front of the gates on CC TV and decided to come check it out.
‘Yes,’ you nodded, pressing your code in and pushing through the entrance. ‘This person is blacklisted on our building, check under Byun Baekhyun. And please make sure she doesn’t sneak in and cause more trouble.’
‘Of course.’ The guard made sure the door was appropriately locked after you.
The woman, whose name you still didn’t know, shouted profanities at your back as you walked away.
You hated confrontation, but this felt good.
Later this evening, you gladly told your best friend about it.
‘Damn, you should’ve called me as soon as you got home! This is so cool,’ she yelled as you relayed the story.
‘I wanted to clean up first. You know we talk for hours… I'm glad I did; I’m sure I’d have zero energy if I had to do it now. I’m already in bed and so sleepy.’
As if to emphasize your point, you let out a loud yawn.
‘How graceful. I am in bed too, but I wish I could see her face when you… Is there a way to get my hands on the security footage?? I’d flirt with your guards just to have a chance to see that!’
You heard someone grumble in the background.
‘I’m sure you’d love to see that footage just as much as me, Seokie,’ she teased.
‘Ew, don’t tell me you’re in bed with Hoseok right now!’
‘What if I am? Jealous?’ She asked, and you rolled your eyes.
‘Sure. I hate you lovebirds.’
‘He’s been eavesdropping on your story about that bitch you put in her place, and he looks impressed.’
‘You go, Y/N-ah!’ You heard Hoseok shout.
‘Thanks,’ you giggled, feeling at ease. ‘That’s at least one source of frustration off my shoulders.’
‘Aw, you’re still upset about that bastard going MIA on you?’
‘I’m trying not to think about it. But… Baekhyun’s either been offline everywhere or has blocked me. I just keep thinking… If it’s the former, what if something happened?’’
‘Oh ,Y/N. I hate that you’re this kind. Next time you see him, tell him off just like his stalker.’
‘I guess,’ you agreed weakly. ‘Anyways, tomorrow is a new day, and I have great plans, so I need to sleep now.’
‘By great plans you mean ordering food and wearing pajamas all day?’
‘You know me so well! Don’t bother coming over, I’m not gonna share. It’s a me-day.’
‘Ugh, what a hoe.’
‘I’m hanging up.’
You put your phone away, giggling at her goodbye growl. She always knew when to tease you to make you relax, and it was one of the reasons you considered her a great friend.
She was always there to back you up and listen to your whining, if needed. At least when you went back to being alone again, you weren’t completely alone.
You danced eagerly to the door, ready to pick up your order. It was afternoon, and you were hungrier than a wolf. The delivery guy had just sent you a picture of your package, so you were to simply get it at your doorstep. Which was how you preferred it – living alone as a woman could be slightly creepy, so all contacts with strangers were to be avoided. Your apartment building had great security, but… better safe than sorry.
Thinking all that, you opened the door without checking if the coast was clear. Since you were already crouched to get the package off the floor, you instantly saw a pair of legs in front of you. Male legs. Someone was standing right outside of your door.
You quickly glanced up, meeting the chocolate eyes.
And then grabbed the doorknob, trying to shut the door. But a swift foot in the doorway prevented you from doing so.
‘Whoa, wait a second, Y/N-ah!’
You still wouldn’t budge, so Baekhyun continued.
‘I know what it must’ve looked like, but let me explain. Please, Y/N. I know I fucked up.’
He tried stealing a glance at your face through the crack on the door, but you turned away.
‘Why should I listen to a single word you say?’
‘Don’t you want to know what really happened?’
Trying to make up your mind, you looked down at the package in your other hand.
‘I’ll need five minutes tops to set the table.’ You announced, letting go of the doorknob and allowing him to follow you inside. ‘Be done till then, I don’t wanna spoil my healthy appetite.’
You said that while walking towards the kitchen to get your food out. Baekhyun put something suspicious on the floor and stepped into the kitchen silently.
Expecting him to start the explanation, you huffed.
‘Your time is going to be up before you know it!’
‘I’m sorry.’ He said, voice heavy with guilt. ‘I’m sorry if I made you upset. I know we agreed that I’d stay in touch, and I didn’t. But I promise you I didn’t disappear on purpose.’
You began taking out containers of food from your delivery.
‘My phone was handed in the entire assignment because that base wouldn’t allow any devices inside but our pre-approved laptops. I was planning to text you as soon as I arrived at my family home because when I received my phone back it was dead.’
Listening to him talk, you avoided looking his way. You wanted to process his words without any additional… distractions. It was time to be rational; meeting his warm, guilty gaze again would cost you half of your battle spirit.
‘I left it to charge as soon as I got home, but…’
He made a big, almost theatrical pause.
‘But?’ You nudged, wishing to know the truth.
‘I don’t know how to say this… Uh- Siwoo wanted to take a picture of something outside just to be playful and accidentally dropped it out the window.’
It was your turn to pause. Was he kidding you with that story?? You couldn’t believe he was trying to blame all of this on a child.
Your thoughts must’ve displayed clearly on your face, so he fished his phone out of his back pocket.
It was brand new. It was evident that the model was upgraded, and the color was different, too.
‘I restored the photos from the cloud, I can show you the picture he too—’
The shiny new device was proof enough for you, and you weren’t willing to have him provide you with further evidence of his innocence. Nevertheless, you wanted to make sure he was genuine in his apology.
‘Why couldn’t you at least call our building and ask them to give me a message?’
He stood there, stupefied, for what seemed like an eternity before his expression turned into a sheepish grin.
‘I could’ve… done that?’ He mumbled, scratching the back of his head.
Clearly, the thought had never crossed his mind.
You rolled your eyes and turned to the kitchen counter. The table was set, and you only needed to get the plates. The prettier ones were reserved for the rare occasions when you had guests, so you had to reach for them.
‘Y/N…’ Baekhyun whined, sounding uncharacteristically childish in his desperation. ‘I also brought you an ‘I’m sorry’ present…’
Hearing this made you snap.
‘Why would you do that? It’s not like we’re dating!’
He was taken aback by your words.
‘What do you mean we’re not?’ He asked, completely bewildered. ‘Are you seeing someone else?’
‘No, but-’ It was your turn to mumble. ‘You never asked me…’
Baekhyun looked at you as if you were crazy. Then, his frown transformed into something else.
‘Oh god, Y/N…’ He sighed, leaning on the counter behind you with one hand. ‘I thought it was obvious. I was serious about you from the very beginning, but if you want me to say it, I will say it.’
You waited for him to finish.
‘Please be informed that I’ve considered you my girlfriend this entire time. And I know I fucked up, so… are you gonna break up with me?’
‘I’m debating it,’ you responded gruffly.
‘Y/N-ah,’ He pressed, still hovering over you while his arm inched closer and closer to your frame. ‘I’ll do anything you want to make it up to you.’
Taking in his hopeful eyes, you pointed to the kitchen cabinet.
‘I need plates.’
Following the direction of your index finger, Baekhyun looked up. He reached over you, almost hugging you with one arm, and gave you what you wanted.
‘Thank you.’
He perked up, a question in his eyes. ‘What now?’
Although you were still grumpy, your heart was beginning to warm up to him. So easily.
‘Go sit at the table. I’m hungry.’
Baekhyun’s chocolate orbs instantly lit up.
‘Does it mean you forgive me?’
The hopefulness of his tone made your façade crack.
‘You’ve mentioned a goodie bag?’ You squinted at the huge paper bag he left at the door, just to avoid crumbling right in front of him.
Baekhyun smiled cheekily.
‘It’s all yours. Babe.’
You ignored the term of endearment, turning your back on him to hide your warming cheeks.
‘Get yourself another set of chopst—’
Your boyfriend gave you an abrupt back hug.
‘I really missed you, Y/N-ie.’ He whispered in your ear, nearly busting your eardrum with a kiss. ‘Also, my entire family wants to meet you…’
‘What?? Already?’
‘Mhm. And here you were, thinking we weren’t even dating,’ he snickered. ‘Once I got you, I’m not letting you go.’
‘You are,’ you huffed. ‘Otherwise, you’re standing between me and food. And I got an appetite, you know?’
‘I know.’ His smile tickled your neck pleasantly. ‘It’s one of the many things I love about you.’
It was impossible to turn into mush faster than you did.
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A/N: Okaaaay, we're done with another mini-series!!! Congrats to you and I haha Thank you for following this story till the end <3 And a huge thank you to all of my lovely readers that left their comments to each installment of the series! Ily 💕
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ventismacchiato · 2 years
genshin men and their instagram feeds pt.2
heizou, aether, & scaramouche x gender!neutral reader
notes: modern college au
a/n: it’s been months but heizou awakened something within me like LORDDd that man is so fine so don’t mind me for making his headcanon long
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✧ he majors in criminology but you both meet because you both rented the same study room
✧ his feed is a lot of reels of him trying skateboarding tricks, game nights with friends, and him using the most obnoxious and weird filters
✧ you had an overdue essay and had rented a private study space in your college’s library bc your roommate was prone to partying
✧ when you’d swiped your ID you were surprised to see another student in there quickly scribbling on the whiteboard
✧ he’d immediately greeted you and apologized for using the room for longer then he’d rented, but it was already late and you were tired so you offered to share it. which, tbh, you only did bc he was really cute
✧ soon after you stalked instagram until you found his handle and followed him and would go to the study room whenever he posted about it and pretended it was a coincidence ^-^
✧ afterwards, usually at 1am, he’d offer to take you to a convenience store for a late night ramen snack
✧ he spams his story with memes and photos of himself in weird filters, but one day he posted a poll
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✧ your heart dropped when you saw it, it was on his close friends story, which you weren’t even aware you were on
✧ your finger hovered over the no option before remembering he would be able to see your choice, so you bit your lip and clicked yes and shut your phone off
✧ heizou already had a crush on someone else, so you distanced yourself and stopped going to the study room at the same time as him,,,but heizou being the sweetheart he was thought you were stressed and offered to hang out with you
✧ he was obsessed with the game clue! but instead of forcing you to play it with him he took you to the football field at night and showed you the constellations
✧ it was oddly…romantic
✧ you asked if he had confessed to his crush yet and he said he was planning on it tonight, and looks at you
✧ you swat his shoulder cus ur an oblivious idiot and told him to get going then since the night was almost over and he only laughed, then slyly confessed as you went into shock
✧ since then you’ve been together <3
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✧ honestly you only knew of his existence because lumine was your roommate and when you were at class he came over to help her move in and she posted about it
✧ the most beautiful man to exist was in your room and you were stuck in algebra !!
✧ after that you followed him on instagram and after a few hours he completed the mutual >_>
✧ his feed was almost entirely mirror selfies and shots of him on family vacation taken by his sister
✧ according to his bio he was an education major, and you could already envision him being a cute school teacher, it fit his vibe
✧ he did attend the same college but you practically never ran into him until lumine was out of town for a concert and she told you to let her brother in since her packages had gone to his dorm by accident
✧ he arrived in the cutest hoodie with boxes stacked up till his face and a bag of groceries, he finally introduced himself to you, apologizing for it taking so long and how you were never around when he was over
✧ after setting the packages in lumine’s room he offered to make dinner and you watched him make sushi for you,,,which was super sexy he was great with a knife
✧ lumine came home to see you both giggling and she joined in on your dinner, making a comment on how she knew you were her brother’s exact type
✧ aether didn’t deny it
✧ later he started coming around to the dorm more often and waved at you in the hallways when he saw you, going out of his way to walk next to you
✧ he was an expert with hair, so if you had hair on the longer side he’d definitely braid it to match his
✧ you and aether were a real slow burn, even though he let you borrow his hoodies and make you dinner whenever you wanted neither of you confessed and lumine was sick of it!
✧ she locked you guys in your dorm and insisted you guys could come out once you were officially dating,,,
✧ he apologized for her and confessed, saying it was okay if you didn’t feel the same and you were like!?! was it not obvious?!?
✧ aether was a dumb blonde fr
✧ an hour later lumine opens the room to find you two making out
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✧ you knew him as the kid in the back of art class since it was the mandatory elective for most of the students and you always saw him there, usually alone
✧ he was too attractive for you to simply walk up to him but since you were also introverted in class the teacher put you two together as partners for the semester project
✧ you didn’t have time in class so he gave you his insta handle, you’d rather have his number but this would have to do smfh
✧ his feed was pictures where you could barely see his face and random ass photos he took, it was oddly attractive to see how inactive he was
✧ he refused to meet in the art studios when everyone else was using them, which you were okay with, so you ended up finishing your project late at night
✧ he was pretty and talented, but also very curt and honest and whenever he didn’t like something you did he’d be brutally honest
✧ he shared his spotify premium account with you bc he was sick of listening to the ads whenever you guys shared earbuds, which was an account he hasn’t even shared with his friends soooo
✧ when you finished your project you thought that would be the sad end of whatever the relationship between you two was, but to your surprise he sat next to you in class the next day…but he didn’t say a word
✧ you knew you’d have to put effort in if you wanted to be friends with him so you did all the talking despite being quite introverted yourself
✧ he’d grace you with a nod or a one-worded answer, which made you think he wasn’t interested,,, but when you stopped talking so much he asked you why you weren’t being as annoying as usual
✧ your art elective was ending in a week and you still hadn’t won the courage over to ask him out or to even hang out, you only saw him out of class at the library or in the halls and he usually had headphones on so you awkwardly shuffled by him
✧ you told yourself this was it, if he rejected you then you’d probably never see him around campus again and you could die in peace
✧ so on the last day of class you waited for him outside the door
✧ if he was surprised to see you, he didn’t show it, since he matched your pace and let you lead him down the hallway
✧ you confessed really quickly and were about to bolt away when he gripped onto your arm, giving you a strange look
✧ he questioned you on why the fuck you were running and you lamely explained because you were nervous
✧ he didn’t let go of your arm and simply shrugged, saying he accepted your feelings as you guys appeared in front of your next class
✧ he offered you a wave before leaving and you were SO CONFUSED and your questions weren’t answered until you found him waiting for you outside your classroom door
✧ you asked him fifty times if he actually liked you back and he rolled his eyes and kissed you to prove it cus he’s a tease
✧ you guys dated soon after that and dates included watching him paint in the studio or sharing a bowl of ramen late at night with a movie playing
✧ he posted photos of you he secretly took during dates, much to your dismay
✧ that’s how your seduced the emo mf !!
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a/n: ty for reading!! this series got a lot of love last time so i thought i’d do it again w more of my fictional boyfriends,, hope u enjoyed <33
read part one here
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historianthesecond · 1 year
Hello would you be open to doing something like that one scene in KoS where Nikolai dives in a lake to save a princess (reader) cuz she’s one of the potential brides visiting ravka but reader doesn’t really like Nikolai, she thinks he’s a stuck up royal getting sent all these princesses to choose from and so after he saves her from drowning they have a heart to heart in front of the fireplace?
Hi! I'm so sorry for taking so long 😭
Tbh I loved this idea so much 🥹💕💕 and of course I got a little overboard, but nevertheless, I hope you liked it :3 I'm thinking about making a follow-up part too kshdjdhd
The First to Fall (In Love)
Nikolai Lantsov x Fem!Princess!Reader
Tags: Strangers to Friends to Lovers| At the beginning Reader's very prejudiced (sorry) hdhdhd|Crushes| Slow Burn I guess (?)| Implied Marriage of Convenience| Probably too much lore about Reader's kingdom (sorry)| Canon Divergence but you already knew that| Is the title very corny? (Sorry)
You couldn’t blame your advisor for pushing you overboard.
Lady Stell wanted results, and if you weren’t to give them to her and your father, then she’ll seek and harvest them herself. After all, she had married almost all of your elder siblings to their first prospect with pure willpower and cunning convincing. Though when either of those would work with you, she was cornered to use more concrete actions.
She wasn’t at fault for wanting to avoid your father’s rage and the possibility of being dismissed as unreliable. 
It was yours for accepting to come to Rakva for a celebration you were sure wasn’t part of the official festivities of the country. Only meaningful gazes were exchanged between your parents during dinner just before they offered you to visit the Grand Palace as a sign of cooperation between the two kingdoms.
They never told you what kind of cooperation they were thinking about. Not until you saw Lady Stell abording the ship as one of your advisors that you knew their secret intentions. Sadly, it was too late to backtrack your decision.
It was your fault to give in to your curiosity and lean in against the wooden rail to see the golden koi Lady Stell was pointing at, allegedly as big as a puppy. But when you gazed down, the fish was gone, scared by your approaching figure falling into the lake.
A muffled yelp, then a big splash. Perhaps some visitors would have seen the swirl of lavender skirts and heard the creak of the wooden rail of the boat as you toppled over.
The water was cold despite the mist that emerged from its surface, sapphire waters becoming darker and darker no matter how much you tried to swim upwards. Your dress was too heavy, layers of wool and cotton to keep the cold autumn air away as you were more used to the warmer climate of your natal kingdom.
Exhaustion settled in your arms after a few moments; your legs were already tangled in your skirts. Would someone come for you when the Rakvan King decided he wouldn’t get his suit wet? You doubted Lady Stell knew you couldn’t swim, an activity that never appealed to you ever since you almost drowned in one swimming lesson many years ago.
It would’ve been very funny to see the plan fail, if your life weren’t at stake, of course. Despite the amount of shame, you were to feel the moment you break into the surface, part of you hoped for it. Because you didn’t wish to get married—at least, not into the Lantsov family.
Your family had been struck by tragedy when your sister Farelisse got engaged to Prince Vasily. The vain and presumptuous Vasily. You doubted the Young King would be any different, as the traits repeated in the family tree, from father to elder brother, to younger brother, surely. After all, the apple never fell further from the tree.
And upon arriving at the Grand Palace, with the other parties presenting expensive gifts and graceful daughters to his distracted, almost bored, figure sitting on the throne, you were sure of your judgment. The Lantsov continued to be reckless rulers and haughty courtesans,  idling between luxuries and privileges they didn’t truly deserve.
Farelisse had told you about Prince Vasily’s ill fame of pleasure houses and racehorses, fancy gambling, but gambling, nonetheless. Seeing that the His Majesty had disappeared for years when he was supposedly enrolling in the prestigious University of Ketterdam, you could only imagine how much he had squandered the royal coffers on his little adventures.
Did the King take after both his role models and was also akin to being surrounded by pretty women? Because it seemed he was, with all the women he fancied into his own house to play with them as he pleased.
Good thing he was equally charming and easy on the eyes—not that you cared, of course.
And right now, seeing his outline entering the water, diving toward you, His Majesty wished to play the hero.
The King was a very good swimmer, though perhaps everyone was a master swimming in your eyes, his figure cutting through the water as firm hands took your arms, tugging you upwards so he could embrace you by the waist.
Good thing it was dark down here, so he couldn’t notice your growing flustered state. The water didn't help to disguise the grasp of his fingers pressed into your soft skin, wet clothes becoming thin and tight into your bodies.
He wasn’t supposed to touch any of you, not until he had made up his mind about who he will be courting, so having you between his arms was overwhelming. You dug your nails into his shoulders in desperation, and you saw him frowning at the presence of such shameless behavior, eyes shifting between the surface and your face as if saying that you were so close, or that you should at least try to kick if you wanted to ascend faster.
Your lungs burned from holding your breath, and the surface seemed too far away still, as if time had slowed down on purpose. Some bubbles escaped between your lips when you opened your mouth, muscles sore from keeping it forcefully close. But at least the water seemed clear, though you weren’t sure if you felt warmer now because of the water or of because the King's warmth body.
He heaved you first, your face breaking the surface seconds before him, one of his hands on your waist, the other holding your thighs, to balance your body when you curled around him, coughing water over his shoulder, feeling his ragged breaths against your neck.
When your mind cleared enough that the borders of your vision wouldn’t be all blurry, you pushed him away hastily, blaming your adrenaline for the frenetic heartbeats roaring in your ears. The wooden planks of the dock were sturdy and warm, slightly slippery with covered moss as your fingers enveloped one of the posts to propel you up.
Your muscles felt sore, your legs wobbly, but you climbed onto the dock alone, too embarrassed to accept the help of any of the King's guards.
Some seconds after you’ve sat with a dead gaze upon the water, you heard a wet plop next to you, from where you saw the King sitting on the wood boards warm from the weak rays of sunlight peeking between a group of clouds. The wind blew stronger in this part of the Palace where there were no tall buildings to seek coverage, and you couldn’t stop your teeth from clattering, layers of soaked clothes hung to your body.
“Are you alright, My Lady?” he asked softly, looking at you with a gentle smile, blonde hair dripping around his forehead. “Let’s get a Healer to check on you, shall we?”
You shook your head, afraid that the words wouldn’t come out, still feeling the strained muscles from your intense coughing. “No, no, I—I’m fine.” Because you wished to forget what had just happened, and bringing attention to it was the exact opposite of that. But you couldn’t be rude after he just saved your life, so you added after an awkward pause: “… Thank you, Your Majesty.”
The boat you were in was settling next to the dock, and you could see Lady Stell’s black hair moving with each stride as she descended the ramp. There was no way she would let you waste an opportunity of drawing the King’s attention so easily.
“I insist,” he said. “You’re an important guest and your well-being is my priority. Besides,” the King added, eyes traveling along your figure with a concerned look. “You’re shivering, my Lady. I should get you warmed up with a hot drink, so you don’t get sick.”
Lady Stell arrived with your ladies-in-waiting, their hands helping you stand up. For a moment, you thought if it was possible to push your advisor into the lake to create a distraction and flee the scene.
Not that it would help you to blend in as you’ve been doing ever since your arrival.
“Apologies, Moi Tsarevich.” She bowed. “The Lady is quite shy, but she would be very grateful for all your attention and concern, Your Majesty,” she said, grey eyes looking sternly at you, lips pressed in a thin line as if she were expecting you to talk back.
Exemplary princesses didn’t talk back.
You’re being ungrateful, you heard your mind nagging, your eyes drawn to your bare feet, shoes forever lost in the depths of the lake. All they ask is for you to become a Queen, and you’re being an entitled brat. All the people of your nation are giving to you, and this is how you’ll pay them?
You bit the inside of your cheek, head low. Of course, they were right.
You felt the King’s gaze for a moment, and then he walked away, nodding and requesting to build a fireplace and to fetch some blankets for the both of you, just as a change of clothes.
Part of you thought that perhaps that was it all. He had delivered the girl safely to her ladies, he was already the gentleman and the hero. He would let you in peace as you wished, and then you only had to endure a couple of weeks half-hiding behind the pillars of the ballroom, withdrawn to the gardens and lonely balconies on parties where nobody would think of looking. The King would have probably forgotten your face already.
So you let yourself be guided toward a turn in the cobblestone path running along the garden, fluffy blankets pressed around your hair and body as the servants prepared a fireplace neatly outlined with rocks.
You rubbed the soft fabric of the blanket against your cheek, thinking that perhaps they could absorb you, hide you from the upcoming scold of Lady Stell when you returned to your chambers. For now, you tried to relish in the crackling fire, hands extended toward the flames.
In front of you appeared a pair of polished boots, followed by a hand with the Lantsov emerald shining offering you a glass of amber liquid.  
Looking up, you saw the King, his eyes shining. “This will warm you from the inside, My Lady.”
Who could say no to a King? You thought bitterly, taking the glass, careful not to touch his hand.
He noticed, of course, and you hope he thought you wished not to have more inappropriate contact with him after the last events. Though it was only half the story. The rest of your reasons were tucked in a dark corner of your mind, thoughts that were starting to filter when he sat next to you on the blanket.
You huddled closer inside the fabric. From all the empty seats around the fireplace, he had to choose the one closest to him.
“My Lady,” he said after taking a sip of his beverage. “May I ask you a question?”
You just did. “Of course, Your Majesty.”
He leaned in closer to the fire, elbows resting against his knees. “Have I done something to make you avoid me?” he muttered low enough so anybody else could hear the conversation. “If so, I truly apologize. The last thing I want is for any of my guests to feel uncomfortable.”
You doubted that could ever happen with him being so close.
“You’re too kind, Your Majesty, but everything is alright,” you said, and Nikolai had to contain a chuckle. You were a terrible liar, and he was a very acute observant.
“Without trying to be rude—I don’t believe you, My Lady. You can’t even look me in the eyes when we’re talking.” Not strike up a conversation with him in any of the past dinners.  
You pressed your lips in a thin line, the outline sharp against the covering blanket. “You heard it, I’m shy.”
This time, Nikolai didn’t contain his amusement. He wasn’t supposed to tease his guests, but perhaps that would be the only way you could talk more than three words in his direction.
 “I think falling into the river is a very bold move for you to be considered shy,” he heard himself saying.
It had been a surprise that the avoiding Princess suddenly had a change of heart and decided to gain his attention in such a… concise way. Though he was sure it was somebody else’s idea, that you only were a piece of the puzzle your advisors had to complete.
 “It was an accident.”
“One too common in novels, don’t you agree?”
You glared at him, the first time he felt acknowledged. The gesture was borderline rude, but he felt relieved of not being ignored anymore—such feeling resurfaced not many good feelings from his childhood that he preferred to ignore.  “Are you accusing me of something, Your Majesty?”
He smiled. “Ah! There is it. You have beautiful eyes, My Lady,” he said because it was true.
While choosing the people who will be attending his festival, his advisors had told him that he had inherited your mother's beauty, and now that you were so close, he can testify that it was true.
If only he could see your smile instead of that resigned pout.
“Have you ever thought that perhaps I don’t like you?” you muttered, the edge of your words coming sharp and hurtful like the edge of his sword.
“If I can be honest with you, my Lady, yes. That idea has certainly crossed my mind, but I wasn’t sure.” He shrugs, trying to brush off the sudden pressure that stepped on his chest. “Usually, the people who despise me try to kill me, so this is new.”
He took another sip of his beverage, hot brandy to warm him from the frigid waters of the lake, to comfort his mind as he tried to come up with a plan. “I’m sure it must be difficult to have a pleasant stay in the Palace if you have such an opinion of me.”
You sighed, playing with the glass, swirling the amber liquid inside. "My father wouldn't have had it any other way.”
Your Father, the King of Rewfel.
His playful aura had changed, with his eyebrows knitted together, lips pressed in a pondering line as he gazed at your dress, overly warm, and the way you were leaning in closer to the fire, still cold. 
The lavender and teal blue colors of your dresses mimic the tropical bays surrounding the kingdom. Rewfel the land of dreams, home of many gemstone mines and the so-called Capital of the Arts, with the myriad of artistic academies that had trained many renowned artists whose pieces were showcased in the private gallery of the Grand Palace.
Nikolai wondered if you had an artistic inclination, too.
A tiny, amicable kingdom thanks to your grandfather and father’s attempts to woven political bonds with every nation possible, ties that strike to be unbreakable. 
“Then I’m afraid we’re in a little predicament, my Lady.” You were one of the most suitable people for him to marry, as your dowry would be bountiful and well-received for the rapidly drying coffers. Not to mention the social influence of your family, even within the Rakvan high society.
By marrying you, he could secure a steady income from the importation taxes of gemstones coming from your kingdom, which could be used for public affairs.
The problem was that you didn’t seem very thrilled about the idea. But why? Surely you had warmed up to the idea of an arranged marriage at this point.
“I don’t think either your father or my Council would be very happy to know that we aren’t on good terms.”   
Always the diplomatic. With some luck, he'll get you to open up about the reason behind such an impression about himself. Had he done something rude toward you without noticing? Surely his Triumvirate would have made him known of such a slip.
Your shoulders sagged. “My father considers we aren’t on good terms already,” you said, so low he had to lean closer to you. “Ever since… well, the last engagement.”
The last engagement—?
Oh. That was the reason he had doubted inviting you, but he didn't wish to be in your father's bad book if Nikolai ignored that his younger daughter was still unmarried when he was looking for a bride.
He wasn't there when your elder sister got engaged to Vasily, much less when she broke off the engagement due to Vasily’s overindulgent behavior. Nikolai can only imagine all the things your sister confided in you after her return to Rewfel; all the pitying looks of the other nobles when she assisted to another party alone because her fiancé was enjoying himself in Caryeva.
For the first time in too long, Nikolai didn't know what to say. It wouldn't be good to apologize, because not only he wasn't guilty of anything, but the person wronged wasn’t here anymore.
“Princess…” he started. It was logical that you didn’t wish to be here, let alone in the same situation your sister was. But he wasn’t like his elder brother, he wasn’t even like the last King, and part of him felt hurt that you would assume so of him. “Princess, I know I have no right to say this to you, but I assure you that I’m not like that. My family had committed many mistakes that I don't wish to repeat, and that prodigal behavior is one of them.” He wanted you to see him, to at least give him a chance to prove himself.
He'd been proving himself to everybody, every day, so what was another one added to the list?
“I understand if you don’t believe me—why would you when I’m having you all inside my home? But at least let me try to prove your assumptions wrong.” Nikolai didn’t wish to make you miserable in the upcoming weeks of your stay in the Grand Palace, and he considered, deep down, that he could strike a closer bond with you, that he could achieve being cast in a new light, one that would set him apart of his family that so much pain has caused on Rakva, and now, even beyond.
You held your head low, eyes wandering across the fireplace. Sometimes he did that, too, gazing across the view before him while pondering his options.
There weren’t many here, of course. You could still antagonize him, and return home without his promise of marrying you—but what would your father do? If he cast away your elder sister for not securing a royal marriage, he would surely do that again.
Or you could give him a chance, and both would end up beneficiated from the deal.
Nikolai wasn’t sure about marrying you yet, but at least the idea didn't sound so bad to him.
For what he knew about the report about you, at least you liked to sail.
“Please, Princess,” he muttered. “Let me be your friend.” Nikolai held his glass toward you, a gentle smile tugging his lips.
You peeked from under the makeshift hood of the blanket, your eyes reflecting the everchanging flames of the hearth. “I can try,” you muttered in what felt like an abysmal silence. And then you nodded as if to convince yourself.
By then some locks of hair had already dried, pocking from underneath the blanket, half-covering your eyes. For a moment, he itched about brushing them away.
He grinned, gesturing toward a servant so they could change your cold beverage for a warm one. “Let’s drink, then, my Lady. For our friendship.”
Sheepishly, you toasted, the glasses clinking as your knuckles almost brushed each other with the movement.
“Do you like it, Princess? It’s the tastiest brandy in the country and my favorite.”
You nodded, the blanket slipping out your shoulders when you started to feel warmer.
Nikolai leaned against the blanket that was already making him sweat—or perhaps he was nervous, who knew?
"I was thinking, my Lady, what about having a walk in the garden tomorrow? I’ve heard you’re very fond of flowers, and Mother was, too. We take care of her garden and the conservatory, and it would be an honor if you would like to see it.”
He regretted it the moment the words left his mouth. It was too soon, and he was pushing you too fast. Nikolai was about to brush off his idea, but then he heard your voice, clearer than ever:
“I would love to,” you said, and he had to blame the brandy and the fire for making him feel all funny and warm. But perhaps with the dimming light of the dusk, you couldn't see the light blush expanding on his cheeks.
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minispidey · 11 months
Hey - you said repeaters welcome so here I am 💅
If you’ve watched Scenes from a Marriage, I need ya thots /HC for Levy:
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Jonathan Levy x f!reader.
Warnings: mentions toxic relationship, mentions cheating, does this count as cheating too?, angst, smut, fluff, swearing.
Requested by: @boredzillenial
Author's Note: bestie the gif u send is so MWAH cheeky beefy oscar isaac ass 🤭 if u dont mind, i added in a small story line because u swear this man deserves better. mira fucked him up smh (tbh i have no idea what im writing have mercy on me)
Summary: you're Jonathan Levy's best friend, always been in love with him even after he got married. But then it crumbles down and you proved that you treat him better.
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My immediate thought is like: oh childhood besties with Jonathan instead of the usual teacher-student relationship. I think it adds more drama, you know?
Imagine being so in love with this man for years, but he's blind. He marries Mira and to add salt to the wound you were his best man, or rather best woman. Holding in tears because you thought to yourself 'Surely, I'd move on.'
You two grow up, still closer and you watched him make a family of his own while you work a decent job and end up drinking at the end of the day. Partners come and go, but none of them made you feel the same way Jonathan did. And Jonathan barely did shit.
You knew it was wrong pining for a married man, but you hoped some day Jonathan sees that Mira treats him like shit. You didn't want to upset him since you're his best friend. The one person who knew everything about him even after setting boundaries since he got married.
Were you surprised when Jonathan calls you over and tells you Mira cheated on him? Of course not. You called up a babysitter for Ava and went to hit up a bar, drowning in his sadness.
"What does she have that keeps you... I don't know... loving her? What's so different that you keep crawling back to her."
He couldn't reply. Jonathan stared at you, remembering all the times you two talked— the ones where he's always ranting about his married life, the struggles and the stress. You always just sat there and listened to him. You never straight out voiced your opinion about Mira.
"What else do you think of her?"
"She's a bitch. I mean seriously, you two have a daughter and she pulls this shit. Anyone— and I mean everyone can treat you better than she does."
You always did speak the truth when you're drunk. So this was different.
"You packed her shit too. If I were you, I would've burned everything she owned. Did I ever tell you of the ex boyfriend I had? Changed his shampoo to hair remover."
"That's a bit extreme."
"Your face is a bit extreme."
You always knew just how to make him laugh, even with childish insults. No words were exchanged between the two of you, Jonathan stared at you, scanning your features. Something about you was different. Maybe it was the alcohol, but he's just barely tipsy.
Next thing he knew, he kissed you. He realized that he loved you more than a best friend normally did. He was in love.
Even if it took your whole lives, you thanked whoever the fuck made him realize he loved you (me).
In the middle of your kissing session, he pulls away only to take off his glasses, even touching the lenses despite wanting to keep it fingerprint-free.
His daughter's asleep, baby sitter's gone. You two stumbled into his house, lips locked. Jonathan wasted no time getting you into his bedroom (well, him and Mira's bedroom) and taking your clothes off.
Not only was this the perfect revenge, this was a perfect moment. Your wildest dreams finally coming true.
Jonathan fucks— no, he makes love. He's slow, making you feel good. He's definitely a giver. He peppers you non-stop with kisses. You leave scratches and marks on his body. The pleasure is too much. You were happy that night.
The next morning, breakfast in bed and a kiss on your forehead. Clearly, he didn't regret anything from last night. Jonathan really realized he loved you and you loved him.
Let's just say that you practically lived in his house at this point. Mira comes home to find Jonathan fucking you on the kitchen counter.
"You slut-!"
"You can't say shit, you cheated on him you fucking cunt!"
You successfully landed a harsh slap across Mira's face before getting pulled away by Jonathan. He carries you back into his bedroom and he cups your face with a smile.
"Did it feel good?"
"Yeah. Been wanting to do that since she broke the mug I gave you if I'm being honest."
Jonathan kicked Mira out, and you two spent the night making love to each other. Jonathan was right— everything Mira hated about him, you loved. You were absolutely better than her.
Their divorced finalized, and Jonathan got full custody of Ava. You moved in and brought life to their dull house.
For your birthday, he bought you a piano... an expensive one at that. He loved hearing you play.
He's the type to pick you small flowers every day and you have an album filled with pressed flowers. Before you go to work, he would slip a sticky note in your bag and you would find it while working and can't help but smile.
You make his lunches. He's always liked your cooking. You were definitely levels up from pathetic dinner tupperware spaghetti.
You even pack Ava's lunch for school, making notes like
Have a good day, sweetie! I love you ❤️
For Jonathan, it's always confessions of love. Even if at this point you two should be married.
Love you for as long as the stars shine ❤️
He can't help but smile like a fool during lunch. Even brags about the food you make.
He was in the middle of a lesson when he realized he wanted to marry you. As soon as class ended, he sprinted to Tiffany & Co. and bought you a diamond ring that suited you.
He was just utterly in love with you. One day, playing your piano, you looked ethereal that he grabbed the ring and got down on one knee. He just loved you too much.
You two spent the rest of your days more and more in love than that day in the bar along with your children. He couldn't ask for anyone better. You were the one for him, no one else.
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miyu-d · 9 months
Pain in a heart
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(Law x reader)
Warnings: mention of murder, and attempting to suicide.
You were on a pirate crew called 'Pipe-smoke pirates'. Your captain was an old but healthy, slim, and strict woman who always smoked her pipe. She was strict, yes. But she cared about her crew like a mother. You also thought of her as your own mother. Your crew was your family. You loved them so much and they were the same. You were the youngest one of the crew. So they teased you from time to time but always protected you without fail.
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This is the idea of your captain ( The original picture is from the anime Yona of the Dawn )
Unfortunately, when you were on a solo mission, your whole crew was murdered by the Marines, along with your captain. You couldn't believe what you heard. You lost your mind and cried for days without even eating. You had this heart-aching guilt that you were the only one who was alive. You couldn't describe the feeling of living in a world where your loved ones are gone. You felt so lonely. So.... Lonely that you wanted to end your own life.
Law and the Heart pirates are the ones that taking care of you these days. Because Law owed a favor to your captain a long time ago and he wanted to repay her and ease her soul by taking care of you. (But tbh, Bepo was the one who did all the take caring)
You were not in your right mind. So you didn't even have any idea where you were staying. All you did was cry all day long. You have a blurred memory of someone asking you to eat something repeatedly. (That was Bepo) But you couldn't care less. The only thing on your mind is your crew. The happy and fun things you did... The fights you fought... Dangerous adventures... Your captain's scoldings... You feel hunger. But you don't have an appetite. So you always refuse the food that brings to you.
You are now lying on the bed. Exhausted from crying. You heard the sound of the door opening. And now some heavy but slow footsteps coming in your direction. You are so tired to look up and see who it is. A silent minute has passed.
"...eat this," a man with a distinct and smooth voice told you. You couldn't care less. You ignored him and closed your eyes not bothering to look at him.
You heard the sound of him putting the plate on the table and walking away towards the door. The sound of footsteps suddenly stopped.
"Sigh... You can't bring back the dead... Accept it and move on" he said.
He basically touched your every nerve. You are so frustrated. You sit up and look at him angrily.
You saw a slim man of a relatively tall height. He had faint shadows right under his eyes, He was wearing a northern-style fur hat, which was white and had a spotted pattern along the bottom and the bill. You recognized him by the first look. That was none other than the infamous Surgeon of Death. But that didn't stop you from yelling at him.
"What did you say?" you yelled. You are so frustrated and ready to fight if you have to.
"..." he looked at you and sighed. Then calmly said "You have to understand that you can't change anything now. You have to accept that you have lost them and they will never come back. So start forcing on yourself and your future..."
You are beyond furious. You don't know how to express your anger. Your hand reached the mug Bepo brought tea for you in the morning. (Yes, you didn't even drink a sip) Your anger got the best of you. You threw the mug at Law...
Law was surprised by your action. But he managed to ditch it. The mug hit the wall behind him and shattered into pieces. Tea slipped all over the place. Some splashed onto Law's clothes too...
"You have no fucking idea how I feel right now. So shut the fuck up," you yelled.
Law stayed silent.
You break down and start crying again. The crying got so loud. You sniff and start to vent. "you can't understand..." you sob. "you have no idea how it feels to lose everyone you love. It hurts. It hurts a lot..." you cried your heart out, squeezing the sheets. You said everything you wanted to say. Sometimes you cursed. Law listen to every single word you say in silence. Your crying started to stop slowly. All that crying made you calm down a little.
Then Law slowly comes to you and sits on the bed next to you and after some time lets out a loud sigh.
"Believe me or not..." he inhales a long breath and exhales. "I too have lost everyone, that I loved," he says while staring at a blank space. And slowly turned to you and looked at your eyes.
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You were surprised and felt guilty at the same time for bringing up his bad memories. You were mute. You keep looking at him and he looks at you.
"i- i am... S- sorry..." you apologized. You feel so guilty.
Law also felt guilty and said "No, The last thing I wanted, was to make you uncomfortable by bringing that up. I am sorry."
"N- no... It's not like that. I don't feel uncomfortable. I am just... mad at myself for pre-judging others." you said quickly. "and... Um.. I am so sorry to take my anger out on you.. And also.. Um... Th- thank you for listening to me" you said while looking down.
Law lets you speak and listens to you in silence. Then gave a warm smile.
"Everyone in our crew worried about you. Especially Bepo." law said slowly. After a little silence, law says "If you want... you are always welcome to join the Heart Pirates y/n-ya... We can be your... new family..." he was a little embarrassed by his own words, but he managed to act cool and then smiled at you.
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seung-mong · 1 year
hyunchan - guilty guilty pt. 2
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includes: sub! hyunjin x dom! bangchan x switch! fem reader, slightly darker themes, CHAN IS SO MANIPULATIVE IN THIS LMAW, mentions of infidelity, dacryphilia, heavy angst, oral (f and m rec), cum play, spit play, praise, hyunjin is soooo subby, some mxm action, use of "sir", use of petnames, slight degradation, fluff to make up for it at the end<3
a/n: finally!! someone decided to get off their ass and actually start writing! sorry it took so long i wanted, nay NEEDED it to be perfect and my creative juices were not juicing so i had to wait for inspiration to come to me JHDJSH but anyway here it is! i hope you enjoy it, i had so much fun writing it and tbh im blown away by how well received the first part was!! okay bye love u
wc: 4143 :0
hyunjin stares blankly back at bangchan, blinking slowly as he tries to process what he just heard. he almost feels like he's in a dream, but everything's too real and suddenly he's hyperaware of every little detail, as if all his senses are heightened. the silent hum that hangs in the silence. the way chan's eyes are honest, sincere, tired. the sound of his own shoe hitting the leg of the chair he's on as he nervously (subconsciously) bounces his leg.
"im... im sorry you want me to.. what?" hyunjin is taken aback by his own voice, surprised that he actually gathered the courage to repeat the question that's been on his mind. he's proud of himself for not screaming the question at chan, his friend, the way he's been screaming internally at himself.
"to fuck her." chan's voice is gentle, but it's a slap to the face and a punch to the gut as hyunjin winces, eyes squeezing shut as he tries t control his breathing, willing himself to calm the fuck down. obviously, he misheard his hyung. no one, i mean, no one. would ask for their friend (who is obviously in love with his girl by the way!) to fuck said girlfriend. hyunjin swallows thickly, convincing himself this is some sort of sick joke, a way for chan to test him.
"i dont know what you're talking about. why would i want to fuck y/n?" hyunjin's laugh is hollow, and he almost feels pathetic when chan smiles sadly at him, shaking his head.
"you dont think i've noticed how you look at her hyune?"
hyunjin feels sick to his stomach. if this is some kind of cruel prank, chan has gone too far. but. but if there was even a small chance any of this was real, hyunjin's still equally fucked. you noticed? god he feels like such a creep, he thought he was being discreet.
"chan, i-"
"it's okay, hyune." chan chuckles, scooting his chair closer to hyunjin, placing a heavy hand on his shoulder and giving it a reassuring squeeze. "look, i- i'm not exactly the most present boyfriend." hyunjin looks up at his hyung, can see the bitterness in his still somewhat gentle eyes, and hyunjin almost pities him. "i'm always busy, never home, i try to make time for her, god do i try. and she's always so sweet, so patient and understanding and it's unfair for her." chan rambles, shoulders drooping as he shakes his head.
"i want her to feel loved. even if i'm not the one doing it."
hyunjin swallows but his throat has gone dry and it feels like sandpaper. he can feel his heart ache a little when he sees how sad chan is, tiredness evident in his very being, his eyes, the slowness of his breathing, his posture.
"but.... how's that fair for you?" hyunjin's voice is small.
chan shakes his head, running his fingers through his messy hair. "that doesn't matter to me right now. i just need to know she's happy. cared for. you can do that for me, can't you hyune? you'll take care of her for me, won't you?"
hyunjin frowns. chan's using his sickly sweet voice, the one he knows holds so much power over hyunjin, knows hyunjin could never say no to him when he pouts. it's unfair really, chan knows how bad hyunjin wants to be good, eager to do anything just for a little bit of praise and attention.
"f'course." hyunjin mumbles, eyes fixed on the plump of chan's lower lip as it juts out.
"see? knew i could count on you. you're a good boy f'me, aren't you hyune?" chan smiles, placing a hand on hyunjin's head and gently ruffling his hair. hyunjin scowls at him, but he can't hide the blush that spreads to his cheeks at the praise.
oh, he's so fucked. why did he even agree? how the hell will he manage to fuck you take care of you when he can barely hug you without wanting to tell you how down bad he is for you? it's all so messed up, how chan knows how he feels for you, and yet asking this of him? his self restraint can only go so far.
"there's just one more thing." chan clears his throat, placing a gentle hand on hyunjin's still bouncing leg.
"you can't tell y/n. promise?"
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your voice is barely even a whisper, pure fear settling at the pit of your stomach, your heart is beating so loud you can feel it in your head, can literally feel your blood run cold as you sit up in bed, hugging your knees to your chest in an attempt to put as much distance as you can between you and hyunjin. you dont even dare to look his way, gaze fixed on your boyfriend who stands in the doorway, letting his duffel bag hit the floor with a loud thud.
you hope you can play it cool, praying it doesn't look like hyunjin was just fucking your brains out. but there's no way to hide it, the way you're both slightly covered in sweat, sticky. chan wasn't stupid, could easily put two and two together once he registers that you're naked under the covers, hyunjin still shirtless and just in his boxers that were quickly shimmied on. you feel like imploding, want the ground to open up and swallow you whole. god, anything to get you out of this situation.
chan cant help but feel a little mean, the way he enjoys watching you shake as sobs rack through your entire frame, eyes full of guilt slowly pooling with fresh tears. you bite your bottom lip in worry, unsure of what to do, what to say. chan decides to play it out a little, taking a small step towards his side of the bed, eyes coldly fixed on you, completely disregarding hyunjin.
"chan." you repeat in a pathetic whimper, hands shaking from fear, pain, guilt. the whole situation is so overwhelming to you, and you hate that you can't read your boyfriend's stare, so intensely fixed on you yet no emotion can be read.
you let out a little sob, and chan can feel blood rush to his cock. he's dizzy now, feels so powerful with how you're looking at him. there's so much chan wants to do, with so little time and no idea where to start.
"hyung. say some-"
"quiet, hyunjin. didn't say you could talk. did i?" chan harshly cuts him off, glancing at him as he sits swakwardly on the edge of the bed.
"no, sir." hyunjin hangs his head, can feel the blood rushing to his cheeks in embarrassment as he sees you turn curiously to him in his peripheral vision.
"i told you to fuck her. not profess your love for her like some pussy drunk slut." chan's words sting, but he manages to say it in a cool, gentle tone, which somehow makes it worse for hyunjin, but he can't stop the shiver that goes down his spine. he simply nods, mumbling a small 'sorry, sir.'
you look back at chan, confused, but the tears have not yet stopped flowing, cheeks yet and silent sobs escaping you as he approaches you.
"and you? my poor, sweet, baby." chan's tone is surprisingly sickly sweet as he places a knee on the bed, hand reaching up to wipe away your tears. you can't help but nuzzle against his palm, desperate for some sort of affection from him, a silent promise that you were okay, that he could somehow forgive you despite the horrid thing you've done to him.
"what happened to my sweet, good girl, hmm? where'd she go?" oh chan feels so mean, guilt tripping you for something he's so masterfully orchestrated.
"i'm still your good girl." you whine, shifting so you're sitting on your knees, a pathetic attempt to prove your point, hoping to show chan you still remember how to be obedient.
"no, no." chan tuts at you, watching as fresh tears pool in your eyes, threatening to spill over and down your round, rosy cheeks. "my good girl would never do this." oh he's so mean, it makes him hard as a rock watching your lower lip slightly quiver.
"sir, please." you whine, your last attempt at proving your obedience to chan has hyunjin's eyes growing wide. huh. chan had you calling him sir too.
"you need to make it up to me. understand, baby?" chan whispers, leaning towards you, hand wrapped gently around your throat. not putting any pressure, but still a reminder that you were his. you nod in understanding, but chan just clicks his tongue at you.
"yes, sir. i understand."
chan seems pleased with your answer because he finally kisses you, soft lips latching onto yours and you suddenly realize it's the first time chan has kissed you in so long. your heart aches at the realization, and you start to sob against him.
"oh my poor baby," chan mumbles against your lips, cradling you into his arms, settling you in between his legs, your back pressed against his chest. "you just missed me, isn't that right angel?" he hums, gathering all your hair and swooping it down over your shoulder, allowing him access to one side of your neck. you rest your head back on his shoulder in instinct, hands searching for his.
"miss you so much, channie. m' so so sorry." you whimper, eyes closing at the feeling of chan's puffy lips leaving open mouthed kisses down your neck, onto your naked shoulder.
"no, no. no need to be sorry, baby. i'll take care of you now. we'll take care of you, promise." he whispers against your skin, arms wrapping around your waist and pressing you against his chest.
he reaches down with one hand to spread your legs, leaving your cunt exposed to the cold air and heated stare of hyunjin, who still sits cautiously on the edge of the bed, cock straining in his boxers. chan pins your legs under his, fingers now ghosting just below your belly button, leaving you squirming against him.
"hyunjin." chan calls, his tone low, commanding. "don't be selfish. don't you see how she needs you?"
oh chan is so fucking evil.
"tell him how much you need him, pretty."
"please, hyune." you call for him, and hyunjin groans low in his throat at how pathetically needy you look. "need you to do anything. touch me."
"no, i think you deserve hyunjin's mouth." chan grabs both of your hands, muttering a low "keep them there." as he pins it under your thighs.
"hyunjin. come over here." chan coos, watching with a small smirk as hyunjin crawls over, gaze still unsure and confused. his eyes meet yours, glazed over and still full with tears, and hyunjin can feel his heart tighten. oh, he can see why chan was being so mean now. you're too pretty when you cry. hyunjin lowers himself in between your thighs, nose just barely grazing your clit. he's just about to dive in when chan stops him with a scolding click of his tongue.
"what do you say, hyunjin?"
"thank you for the meal."
a gasp leaves you when hyunjin eagerly laps against your cunt, tongue licking once from your slit to your clit, groaning lowly at the taste.
"smell so good," hyunjin hums when he fully buries his in between your thighs, nose nudging at your clit while he thrusts his tongue in and out of your hole.
"what do you say, baby?" chan lightly slaps your thigh when you try to close them from the pleasure, pinning down and granting hyunjin more space to move around as he laps at your cunt like a starved man.
"th-thank you." you whimper, squirming under chan's hold as hyunjin's full lips wrap around your clit and suck, tongue flicking just the way you like and your eyes roll to the back of your head.
"so pretty like this, angel." chan hums, nudging your jaw with his nose, a gesture too romantic for the situation you find yourself in. "hyune's making you feel good, hmm?"
"yea, f-feels so good." you moan, hand instinctively going to reach for hyunjin's hair in an attempt to ground yourself, but chan holds you back. you whine from the back of your throat, and chan just clicks his tongue at you.
"is he making you feel better than me, hmm?"
chan's question catches you off guard, and you try to twist away from his hold. you feel like you can't breathe, from the sudden pressure hyunjin's hand places on your lower stomach, holding you down so he can lick into you more violently.
"n-no, channie. only you. you- you make me feel best." you're not sure if you even sound coherent, and chan only chuckles at you.
"but our hyune's doing such a good job." he coos down at the blonde who's eyes are fixed on you, so wide and full and glazed over and you feel the coil in your stomach tightening when hyunjin groans against your pussy.
then chan reaches down, fingers tangling in hyunjin's hair and holding him down against you. this takes both you and hyunjin by surprise, has you cumming violently in hyunjin's mouth as he ruts into the mattress, cock hard and raw and so painful.
"finish your meal, hyune." chan commands in a low tone, sending a shiver down your spine as hyunjin licks you clean, to the point of overstimulation that has you writhing in chan's hold.
"en-enough. please, too much!" you sob, closing your legs around hyunjin's head. he finally pulls away from you, lips wet and shiny with your slick, cheeks red from being in between your thighs.
"my good girl." chan hums, hand coming up to cup your cheeks, forcing you to turn your head towards him as he kisses you with vigor, leaving you breathless. "what do you say to hyunjin, love?"
"th-thank you, hyunjin." you mumble, limbs going slack from your orgasm.
"but we aren't done here, baby. get on all fours." chan moves from behind you, slipping his shirt off and throwing it off your bed. you whine when chan manhandles you on all fours, already tired from the effort of keeping yourself up.
chan's hand lands on your ass with a harsh slap, sending you forward and almost collapsing into the mattress.
"so hyunjin gets to fuck and taste you, and i get nothing? i thought you wanted to make it up to me, hmm?" chan harshly reminds you, palm of his hand going over the red mark on your cheek, soothing the sting with his gentle touch. you can only nod, arching your back against him and wiggling your hips in apology.
"see? you can be a good girl." chan hums, rolling his sweatpants down his legs before kicking it away. "now, you're gonna take what i give you while hyunjin fucks your mouth, okay baby?" his hands find purchase on your hips, gripping so tight as his fingers dig into your skin, making you wince. you can only nod, shy eyes looking up at hyunjin, who's already kneeling eagerly in front of you.
chan holds the base of his cock as he teases you, tip leaking with precum dragging against your folds until it catches at your entrance, but he refuses to slide in. he chuckles meanly when you squirm against him, pushing your ass against him in hopes of enticing him to just fuck you already.
"stop teasing," you whine, turning your head to look back at your boyfriend who only smiles at you. he leans forward, lips finding yours in a sweet kiss. "but it's my pussy, baby. i get to do what i want." he coos, licking at your lips before he pulls away. he lines himself up with your entrance, spitting directly on top of his cock before he slides in, pushing all the forward until his hips are flush with your ass.
the initial contact makes you both groan, jolting you forward and against hyunjin's thigh. he cups your cheek with his fingers, forcing you to look up at him while you adjust to chan's cock.
"gonna suck me off good, baby?" hyunjin whispers, thumb swiping across your lower lip before he pushes it in, lips instantly wrapping around the digit and sucking. you nod up at him, hooded eyes staring right into his soul and he feels guilt eat at his stomach. wasnt he just telling you he was in love with you just an hour ago? now here he was, about to fuck your face like you were nothing but a slut.
the thought makes his cock stir. he lifts his tip to slap against your cheek, sticky precum leaving a stain on your skin. he gently eases the head into your mouth, watching in awe as your mouth stretches around him.
from behind you, chan's trying to keep his composure, trying to resist the urge to just hold you down and fuck into you until you can't walk straight. but he decides to have mercy on you, pulling out to the tip before he harshly shoves himself in, making you moan in surprise around hyunjin's cock.
with chan's every thrust forward, it sends you to choke and gag even deeper around hyunjin's cock. your eyes start to water every time hyunjin's tip hits the back of your throat, and you struggle to breathe, but god hyunjin's moans were worth it. eyes closed and head thrown back, hyunjin loses himself in the feeling of your throat wrapped around his dick, and he almost wants to cry from how good it feels. teeth sinking into the plump of his lower lip he decides to risk it and look down at you, all teary eyed and obedient for him.
"chan, 'm gonna cum." hyunjin's voice is strained with the efforts of not blowing in your mouth. he pulls out of your mouth, edging himself as he slowly pumps his shaft with one hand, the other looking at chan for directions, a command.
"hold it." chan groans, not even sparing hyunjin a look as he continues to fuck you, tip kissing your cervix so good it brings tears to your eyes. he can start to feel your thighs shake, a telltale sign that you were close. chan decides to pull out, making you almost scream from the loss of contact. you open your mouth to protest but chan maneuvers you onto your back before you can get a word out. he gives hyunjin a look, and he immediately scoots closer to you, settles in between your legs as chan pumps himself from beside you.
"just the tip." chan tells the younger, nibbling on his lower lip when hyunjin slowly pushes into you. hyunjin wraps his hand around what isn't in your pussy, pumping himself as he watches you with hooded eyes.
"fuck, i'm gonna cum." hyunjin gasps, hips stuttering against his own hand as he empties himself in you, a high pitched moan leaving his lips as he holds himself over you with his other hand, careful not to crush you. hyunjin has no time to rest before chan is shoving him out of the way, eager to sink back into your pussy.
"my turn, baby. you can take my cum too, can't you?" he asks so sweetly, hyunjin's cum making it easier for him to slide in until his hips are flush against yours.
"cum for me channie," you coo, fingers tangling into his curly hair as you pull him in for a kiss.
he groans against your mouth as his thrusts pick up, heavy thighs slapping against yours at the sheer force as he fucks you deeper into the mattress.
"m-missed this pretty pussy." chan slurs, and you know he's close. always got this way before he came- he loses his filter and starts to ramble. "almost go-got me crying, baby. hyunjin can fuck you all he wants but you're.... you're fucking mine. and mine only. arent'cha baby?" he drools against your neck, hair tickling your chin as he thrusts frantically against you.
"only yours, channie. promise." you whisper against him, kissing his cheek as he looks up at you.
"i love you so much." he groans, hips stilling as he cums, making sure to finish as deep inside you as he can, silently wishing for it to catch so he could tie you to him forever.
there's a beat of silence after chan pulls out, nothing but the sound of heavy breathing filling the room. hyunjin lays beside you, staring up at the ceiling as he tries to still his pounding heart. you quickly glance at him, eyes landing on his plump lips as his tongue darts out to quickly lick it. you're about to turn to him when chan's arms wrap around you, pulling you closer to him and overwhelming you with his embrace.
"me. only me." he mumbles into your hair as he wraps himself around you.
"only you, channie." you kiss his chest, clinging tightly onto him until there's no space between you.
"i'm- i'm sorry. i'm never around anymore." his voice breaks towards the end, and you look up at him, surprised to see a single tear rolling down his cheek.
you quickly shush him, grabbing his face with both hands and forcing him to look at you. "don't you dare. don't apologize channie, there's nothing to be sorry for." you whisper before you lean in and kiss him.
"you deserve someone who takes care of you, y/n. not someone you can barely call a boyfriend cuz he's missing so much from your life." chan sniffles, and hyunjin's heart drops to his stomach when chan's eyes flicker quickly to him.
but you shake your head, wiping away the tears that continue to flow from chan's face. "don't say that, baby. i knew from the start what i was getting into and it doesn't matter to me. not when i can call you mine." you coo, pressing a soft kiss on his cheek. from behind you, hyunjin awkwardly shuffles and sits up on the bed.
"i... i guess i'll get going now." hyunjin's voice is small, but he doesn't move right away, as if hoping either of you would tell him to stay. and to his surprise-
"shut up and get back here," chan orders, his tone soft yet playful. "come here and cuddle my girlfriend or i'll kick your ass."
hyunjin's cheeks go warm when he cuddles closer to your back, arm wrapped around your waist in an awkward embrace. he flinches a little when he feels chan 's hand rests on his, fingers grazing his wrist as he hugs you too. then hyunjin can't stop the smile that finds its way to his lips, and he buries his face against your back, planting a soft kiss on your nape. briefly, he wonders what it would be like to call you his, for you to call him yours, if it was just the two of you safe in your little bubble. but then he looks at chan, who's eyes are closed in pure bliss and watches the steady rise and fall as he breathes and then there's a new thought. one he quickly shakes away as heat rushes to his cheeks.
subtly, he grazes his fingers against chan's palm.
you fall asleep like that, chan's strong arms wrapped securely around you with hyunjin's lips pressed to your skin. you feel at peace, sure in yourself that all the questions the three of you have would be answered when the sun rises.
taglist: @prettyboyyoongs @n034sy @felixbrownies143 @148-seungmin @beomgyusonlywife @kidrauhlschik @hwunjinhyang @ner9z @littlestarhyun @abcdefgiwsmcty thank u for letting me tag u !! lmk if u wanna be added or removed teehee
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erisenyo · 10 months
HI hello I’m LOOKING!! at the sentence starters prompts!! if u want either “i wish i met you sooner” or “do you remember when we first met?” for zukka <33 (but i’ll eat up anything you write tbh)
For this prompt game! (And also this one!)
“Oh, shit,” Sokka blurts out, “I think I’m in love with you.”
“Are you now,” Zuko rolls his eyes, pretending he isn't biting back a laugh as he tugs the Jasmine Dragon’s door closed behind him and tosses Sokka the keys to the bakery case.
“I mean, at the very least I wish I met you sooner.” Sokka catches the keys without even glancing away from the pastries on display—which is strangely but undeniably hot—looking utterly besotted—which is strangely but undeniably cute. “I could’ve been getting this every night.”
“And what’s what you’d want from me every night, huh,” Zuko says, dry, leaning back against the counter as Sokka approaches the glass display with something like reverence.
“I mean.” Sokka gives Zuko a quick, grinning once over. “I’d settle for some other things, too.”
 Zuko hums, neutral, keeping his face unimpressed even as he feels the thrill of flirting in his chest, the thrill of a date gone well and long and the whole night suddenly stretching out in front of them. “You’d settle for it, would you.”
“Oh yeah,” Sokka says, tossing a wolfish grin over his shoulder before refocusing with what Zuko is realizing is a singular kind of intensity on the food in front of him. “I’d settle for it real good. Now—what do you suggest? What’s good?”
“It’s all good,” Zuko says, automatic and rote after so many years working here and apparently obvious enough about it that Sokka gives him a sideways, knowing look.
“What do you like to eat?”
…He wouldn’t think it would be a dealbreaker, but then he’s never seen someone eat so much ramen with so much enthusiasm before. “I don’t really eat sweets,” he admits after a beat.
“Your loss,” Sokka shrugs, unconcerned. “Just means more for me,” he adds, low and throaty and running a slow, admiring finger down the line of the display case which…again, strangely but undeniably hot.
Mai is going to absolutely roast the shit out him for this, when she finds out about it.
“But what do you want to watch me eat, then?” Sokka asks, giving Zuko another flirting kind of smirk, and Zuko pauses again, hesitating.
Not that it’s an automatic dealbreaker for him, but, “Like as a kink thing?”
“Do you want it to be?” Sokka replies without missing a beat, and Zuko stares a moment longer before deciding they can circle back to that later.
“How about an éclair,” Zuko suggests, tone somewhere between casual and challenging and something delighted fizzing in his chest when Sokka glances into the case and immediately gets the picture, his expression wicked and amused in equal turns as he pulls out the length of pate-a-choux.
“Is it already filled?” Sokka murmurs, eyes half-lidded as he admires the pastry.
“Yeah,” Zuko says, hearing his own voice going even huskier and…very aware that that look is really doing it for him already. “Crème pat.”
“Perfect,” Sokka grins, holding Zuko’s eyes and biting into the éclair with a suggestiveness he really has no right to when he’s biting pieces off. Zuko watches, caught, as Sokka gives little kitten licks of his tongue, dripping cream, parting his lips against the crisp dough. And then Zuko watches, caught in a whole different way, as Sokka becomes more and more exaggerated until he’s full on bobbing up and down the pastry.  
“Interesting technique,” Zuko says, half laughing, trying to keep a straight face as Sokka shows off his apparent lack of gag reflex.
“So I’ve been told,” Sokka says as he pulls off with a grin, wiping a streak of ganache off his face before taking a normal bite. “Mm, fucking amazing,” he says around the mouthful, innuendo gone from his tone but still more than suggestive as he groans around another bite, looking blissed out and slack faced and suddenly Zuko has a vision of Sokka looking exactly like that as he— “You make these?”
“Sometimes,” Zuko says, clearing his throat.
“You make this one?”
“Yeah.” He made it this afternoon. With Uncle standing next to him. And Ty Lee working the register. Uncle who works here every day. And Ty Lee who has known him since before he got over his lisp is best friends with Azula. And maybe if he reminds himself of both of those facts enough right now, he’ll be able to work tomorrow without getting hard.
Sokka hums, looking impressed as he glances around the kitchen space, and Zuko embraces the warm flush of pleasure at the idea of anything so mundane as working in the Jasmine Dragon being worth a look like that. “You wear an apron when you do it? The baking?”
“Sometimes,” Zuko shrugs, following Sokka’s glance to the neat row of aprons hanging by the sink.
“Hm. You ever wear one with nothing else on underneath?” Sokka asks, faux causal and all sidelong smolder that has Zuko abruptly deciding that maybe risking wayward erections during work tomorrow isn’t quite so bad.
“When I’m not here?” Zuko says, letting his eyes go half-lidded as he gives Sokka slow, thorough once over before catching his gaze again. “Sometimes.”
“I can’t wait to see that,” Sokka says, finishing off the éclair, “If that’s not too forward to say on a first date.”
“You just fellated an éclair in front of my,” Zuko points out, dry, even as anticipation sparks in his chest, “I think we might be past forward.”
“I did, didn’t I,” Sokka grins, holding Zuko’s eyes as he licks his fingers clean, “Anything else you’d like me to fellate?”
“Oh,” Zuko says, making a show of considering it, possibility and the slow winding tension between them a comfortable burn in his veins, the knowledge of where tonight is going to go but with no particular urgency to get there, to give up this one moment for the next, “I have an idea or two.”
“Or two?” Sokka murmurs, head cocking as he sidles back up to Zuko, intent and invitation in the angle of his body.
“Oh yeah,” Zuko smolders back, hooking Sokka’s belt look and tugging him gently in, savoring the easy way Sokka lets himself be pulled forward, the feel of Sokka’s hands coming to rest against Zuko’s chest. “How do you feel,” he murmurs low into Sokka’s ear, anticipation sharp in his veins, “About cannolis.”
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vargskelegore · 2 years
heyy im here with a request for shuri ^__^ how do you think being roommates with her would work? id love to see slow burn, angst, maybe a lil jealousy (nsfw maybe?), and fluff <3 thank you!
oh my god i think it’d be all over the place??? theres a lot of things that could happen, so here is what i think. (also.. all of this is fluff-- with implied sexual stuff. also black reader. forever and always.) this is also illiterate headcanons, meaning it’s not written in the way i write my fics with bulletpoints, its just thoughts i have and i write them down.
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literally the reason why you don’t have shuri as your roommate in any of my fics is BECAUSE it would be so dramatic.
i like to think it’s a dream in theory but like pair that with all the other shit, and it would be a bit of a shit show. but in a good way. kinda.
y’all spend so much time decorating the dorm room tbh. lots of records that you and shuri picked up at the local mom & pop record shop.
i also like to think that shuri designed some stupid app for y’all to use to alert each other on dorm room things.
it’s nothing big to her, but to you it means a lot bc it shows she cares about how you two function as roommates.
basically a whole honeymoon phase when you two are first becoming roommates because y’all were already friends
but of course,,,, that kinda ends.
you two had a routine of who did what in terms of “chores”
usually shuri washed your clothes for you. you genuinely never asked her to do it, but she always did it because she was sweet like that.
for her, you would clean up the room.
it’s a healthy balance, and considering y’all are friends, it’s not awkward at all.
you two also eat lunch and dinner together all the time, and usually one of you pays for lunch, the other pays for dinner.
this only became a thing because you hated shuri paying for meals all the time, and so she thought it’d be a better idea for there to be equal playing.
so yeah, y’all live in peace and harmony for a while!
until she’s starting to get comfortable around other people on campus
you can’t blame her bc you literally were the one to give her advice on feeling comfortable around everyone
and since she’s known for being a princess, it’s expected to get attention from people.
but she definitely starts enjoying this attention
don’t get me wrong, she’s humble
but now she’s comfortable with... other girls.
you weren’t worried about guys, honestly.
guys were like. always shut down by her to begin with
or they just saw her as “one of the boys” (a cringe term, but a truthful one)
but because shuri was incredibly attractive, carried herself in a masculine way but knew how to be respectful to women because she is one
all of the girls are falling head over heels for her.
shuri is lowkey oblivious to this too.
like, one time you had dinner alone, some cheap chinese food on fry street or whatever,
you had told shuri but she didn’t even respond. kinda hurt too because y’all loved getting chinese food from this spot on friday nights.
so you’re back at the dorm, probably watching pose on your bed (it’s a very angsty show.. makes sense on why you would watch it.)
eating the chinese food.
and here comes shuri coming back into your dorm with a girl.
yes, you heard me,
a mfkn girl.
now y’all aren’t officially together so you couldn’t say shit but at the same time it’s like, mf you always text me back whenever i tell you plans????? why didn’t you do it this time???
she’s looking at you like ‘oh shit’
and you’re like
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“yeah u done goofed, alright.”
and this girl she done brought to y’alls dorm is talkin bout some
“uh.. you didn’t tell me your roommate would be here.. your roommate is a majorette?”
so now this girl has a bone to pick with you as a majorette??? girl huh???
“uh, yeah. i hope that’s not a problem.. i just thought we could watch a movie or something.” shuri is freaking out like craaazy in her head
“..nah, that’s cool. text me later, shuri.” before you know it, that girl was GONE.
the silence between you and shuri is mad awkward now
literally you gotta be the first one to speak
“my text message wasn’t good enough to reply to?” your tone? bitter as hell.
shuri is cringing now bc she KNEW you were gonna bring that up.
“i swear my phone died. i was at a party.” oh shes going to PARTIES without YOU, now???? psh thats CRAZY
because you’re known for usually going to a house party but this time you wanted to chill at the dorm.
“a party, huh? you didn’t ask if i was gonna go?”
“you usually go, so i didn’t think to ask.”
“so now you just assuming?”
the way you two are responding to each other so quickly now is unreal. that’s how you know some shit is going down.
“i don’t see why it matters so much, i want to experience college life too.”
dammit, she has a point.
all you can do is stare at her.
“look, i’m here now, we can just watch whatever-”
“nah, too late now. i’m going to bed.” petty ass reader, you. you want her to KNOW you’re heartbroken 😭
shuri isn’t budging anymore. she can clearly see you don’t want to engage in conversation anymore.
you turn your laptop off, and don’t even bother plugging it in because you’re just so mad.
you turn off that lamp on your side of the room, and you pull them covers over you mad hard and turn around so she can’t see you.
mind you, she’s watching you do all of this.
it’s about twenty minutes of silence. you’re awake during all of this.
now theres some extra weight on your bed.
can you guess what it is?
hint, it’s shuri climbing into your bed to come cuddle you.
“look, i know i fucked up. usually i don’t mess up and not respond like this. i guess i’m just desperate to fit in, especially since this culture is so much different than mine. i want to experience it.” shes whispering in your ear now.
she stops talking for a moment to see if you’ll say anything, but you stay silent to keep pretending that you’re asleep. you can hear her lightly breathing, and god, does it send shivers down your spine.
“i guess i screwed over the person who showed me all of this stuff in the first place. i enjoy being roommates with you, your company is amazing and i wouldn’t want it any other way.”
you hear her stop for a moment, and her breathing stops with it. now she’s choosing her next words carefully.
“i know you’re awake. you don’t have to say anything, but just know, i really appreciate you.”
this girl fr kissed your cheek.
now you can sleep in peace.
do you see why being roommates with her would be absolutely dramatic, now?
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gabessquishytum · 8 months
When Dream gets out of his prison, he tries to find Hob only to discover he has been missing from the human realm for decades. Dream cannot find a trace of him. Until finally he attends a gala in the fae realm and is shocked to discover him there, sitting on the lap of king Oberon himself. It turns out the king and queen have acquired a new plaything.
Hob is being alternatively teased and sent to dance with other enthralled humans for the fae’s amusement. Indignant, Dream yanks him free from the dance and calls his name, but Hob looks past him with no recognition, as if Dream is a total stranger. There is no sign of his usual spark. He looks tired, malnourished, as if his life is being slowly drained away.
Dream demands his freedom, but Oberon and Titania just laugh. They inform Dream that his claim on Hob long since faded and they have no intention of letting Hob go.
Finally, Titania offers a cruel bargain. Hob may choose who he’d like to belong to. First, Dream and the rest of the fae will watch as she and Oberon fuck him, right there in the middle of the ballroom. They have an hour to do whatever they want to him. And then, Dream will have an hour to do the same. Whoever makes him come the most times will get to keep Hob. If Dream doesn’t agree, he knows he will never see Hob again.
Gritting his teeth, Dream agrees. Then he’s forced to sit and watch them tear off Hob’s clothes and push him to the ground. He’s mindlessly enchanted, and he cries as Titania sits on his face and Oberon pounds into him. They wring orgasms from him, without relenting. He’s made to beg on his knees, spanked and degraded and laughed at and it only seems to make him come harder. By the end, he is covered in scratches and bites, hickeys and bruises, and he’s glassy-eyed and mindless with want.
Dream alone doesn’t jeer or laugh. He is no longer sure what will remain of his friend when they are done. Perhaps he is too far gone. Perhaps he will never be the same.
When it is his turn, Dream kneels down beside Hob. He touches him softly, stroking his hair back from that dear face. First, Dream kisses each bruise tenderly until a healthy flush begins to rise under Hob’s skin. And then, he eases between his thighs, parts his cheeks and teases him open with his tongue. Soon, Hob is mewling with pleasure, not the same desperate, unhinged lust from before. When Dream has him, he goes slow and deep and starts whispering all the things he’s been wanting to tell Hob. That he is beautiful. That Dream has thought of him often. That Dream has seen the best and worst of him through his sleeping mind. That he is such a good slut, and that he has nothing to fear. That he deserves to be cared for. Hob looks at him and for the first time there is a distant spark of recognition. Dream hopes he is not imagining it.
By the time the hour is up, Dream has beaten the king and queen at their own game. Victorious, he scoops Hob up in his arms and takes him away to sleep off the decades of enchantment. He has no idea how Hob will greet him when he wakes up… But he know what he hopes for.
Hob definitely has the vibes of a guy who would get kidnapped by the fae. I'd be surprised if it hasn't happened to him tbh.
Poor Dream can't believe what he's seeing. He came to the gala to relax, and now all he can look at is Hob being touched and fondled by the faerie king. It's pretty traumatic for Dream to see his friend imprisoned by magic, after everything he's been through. But also it might be therapeutic for him to rescue Hob from this whole situation, right? Anyway, he's got to do SOMETHING.
At first Titania and Oberon offer him the opportunity to share Hob with them (just for the night), but Dream refuses. And so The Oldest Game (Orgasm Style) begins. Poor Hob is reduced to a puddle on the floor, surrounded by jeering fae and constantly brought to his peak again and again. His body is dripping sweat as he's used, and even though he seems to physically enjoy every cruel touch or smack, his eyes are very far away. When the fae royalty have finished with him he slumps on the ground, exhausted and barely recognisable. A man who's at his limit.
Dream doesn't know if he even has the power to help Hob, but he has to try. He kisses him sweetly (much to Oberon and Titania's great amusement), and holds Hob’s exhausted body against his chest. Dream finds his sweetest and kindest words from deep down in his heart, and pours them into Hob’s ear like honey. With soft touches to his genitals, and coaxing whispers about how beautiful he is when he cums, Dream draws more and more orgasms from his dear friend. Even the fae are impressed.
At last, Dream is allowed to leave freely with Hob bundled up in his arms. He hurries to the dreaming and ensconces Hob in the warmest, softest place in the whole realm. Hob needs to sleep off the terrible things he's endured, and Dream honestly needs a minute to take the equivalent of a cold shower. Talking Hob through multiple climaxes has made him so fucking horny.
When Hob wakes up and the enchantment properly breaks, he's mostly just mad that now he'll have to start a whole new life with a new identity. He doesn't remember much of his time with the fae, but he does remember that Dream came to save him... he blushes scarlet as he realises that his oldest friend made him cum so many times, and he never even got to reciprocate! It's so frustrating.
He quickly starts trying to adjust to his new life and the changes that have happened while he was gone. But he constantly wonders how he could get Dream to come and visit him in the real world. He's got a lot of thank yous to say...
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doberbutts · 19 days
Do you do/train for/compete in any dog sports with your dobermann? Would you recommend a dobermann for a beginner sport dog? Thank you!
Yes, Fenris and I are currently training in a protection dog sport called mondioring, or just mondio for short, and we'll probably pick up a few obedience-only titles in IGP (used to be called IPO, which used to be called schutzhund, another protection dog sport) along the way to support the United Doberman Club (which is mostly IGP-based tbh). I debated AKC obedience and rally but honestly right now my focus is mondio because I like it more and he seems to be doing really well in it. If we hit a wall we may switch tracks. But so far he's got nothing but compliments, so I'm not really worried about it.
As for whether I'd recommend dobes for a beginner sport dog, it sort of depends what you mean by that and what sport. I have had 4 dobermans total thus far. Only two have done anything in sport due to temperament of the other two, and of those two neither has actually accomplished anything in competitive sport. Creed had a mock BH under his belt (preliminary title to begin competing in IGP), but it wasn't an official trial so it doesn't count, and he's been gone for the past 2.5 years. Fenris just turned 13 months and being a young puppy I'm honestly in no hurry to put any titles on him- he passed his puppy temperament test and that's all I've done with him thus far because I am deliberately taking things slow with him. (and I didn't even enter him in the temperament test, his breeder did because she was showing her keepers at the same event!)
So... I mean... it's not like I'm a seasoned competitor. To the folks at training club, I'm a beginner too. And to my knowledge, Fen's breeder's foundation bitch was her beginner sport dog- his grandmother. Far be it from me to discourage you if you feel it's the right fit.
However, I will say that if you are wanting a doberman you should be committed to the doberman, vs if you want the sport you should be committed to the sport. What I mean by that is- if you are looking to really excel and have a nice dog right off the bat for your introduction to a sport, you may want to consider breeds more suited to the sport you are thinking about playing in. There's nothing wrong with getting a border collie for agility, or a golden for obedience, or a shepherd for IGP, or a malinois for mondio. But if you want to get a doberman, then commit knowing that your journey will likely look very different from those who chose more in line with the breeds that do well in their sport of choice.
The doberman was never intended to be a sport dog. It was intended to be a personal protection dog. That doesn't mean dobermans can't do well at various sports- in fact many dobermans excel at many sports! But it does mean that you're probably going to experience different challenges in your training than your fellow competitors, and you should keep that in mind instead of feeling discouraged.
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