#shhh im absolutely sleeping
lovelyjj · 1 year
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Hopelessly Devoted
jj maybank x reader
wc: 2.7k
(not my gif)
a/n: the first time I posted this it didn’t show up in the tags so i’m posting it again!
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JJ has never experienced this before. His whole life he has never felt this way before. The only word that he could describe it is lovesick.
JJ was absolutely totally undeniably completely hopelessly in love with you. and you had no idea. It wasn't like it wasn't obvious. The way he looked at you with hearts in his eyes.
Other people noticed it too the way JJ looked at you like you hung the stars in the sky. John B, Pope and Kie could tell their friend was in love.
"Does she ever talk about me?" JJ asked Kiara as they were out on the boat.
You were working and missed out on the boat day but you didn't mind you were gonna catch up with them later.
"I mean she doesn't not talk about you." Kiara replied.
"Come on Kie, I know you guys have your girls night. She has to say something" JJ begged.
"I think she loves you as a friend" Kie offered.
"You don't ask her about me?" JJ frowned.
"Not really slipped my mind."
"Well next time you see her will you." JJ asked.
"oh no i'm not getting in the middle of it." Kiara reasoned.
"You already are in the middle of it."
Kiara turned away from JJ shaking her head and looking out at the ocean. John B was driving the boat back to the château after a day of swimming and fishing.
Later that day when it started to turn into the evening you came over bringing snacks with you for a movie night.
You knocked on the door and then entered the château.
"Hey I brought snacks," you shouted hoping they could hear you.
"thank you y/n" John B acknowledged.
You walked into the living room ready for a chill night with your friends.
JJ patted the seat next to him on the couch gesturing for you to come sit next to him.
"Sit with me" JJ spoke.
You climbed over Pope and Kiara who were on the floor cozied with blankets and a air mattress.
John B and Sarah were on the couch too. The space JJ pointed to was small and so you sat down a little squished.
The movie started and everyone settled down. However, you seemed to inch closer to JJ progressively throughout the movie.
It got to the point where half your body was on top of him. Then JJ took it upon himself to haul you onto his lap.
"There. That's better huh," JJ whispered in your ear.
You simply nodded focusing your attention on the TV.
Near the end of the movie you started to grow restless. You shifted around and ended up straddling JJ's lap. Now you were facing him.
"Hi there princess."
"Shhh" Sarah hissed.
You then proceeded to lay your head on his shoulder, nose nudging at his neck. Eventually you fell asleep.
There wasn't that much left of the movie. JJ was shocked you felt comfortable enough to fall asleep on him. He felt like he was in heaven. He couldn't believe it, your soft breaths hitting his neck. Occasionally, JJ would rub your back, soothing his hand up and down. When the movie was over and the snacks have been eaten JJ got up.
"Alright guys Im gonna hit the hay, and get this one to bed."
Your legs unconsciously wrapped around JJ's waist. JJ carried you by the back of your thighs.
When JJ made it to his room he laid you down on his bed. He brought the covers up to your neck and kissed your forehead.
"Good night angel."
JJ went to the hall closet for some blankets. Then he made himself comfortable on the floor.
You woke up from one of the best sleeps you've ever had. Maybe it was JJ's scent in the sheets or being in his bed but you were unbelievably comfortable.
You started to sit up when you did you noticed a mop of blonde hair peaking out from a blanket on the floor.
He slept on the floor? You were shocked. What a gentleman. You would have been fine sharing with him though.
"JJ," you called to him.
When you got no response you threw a pillow at him.
JJ propped himself up on one arm and threw you a nasty glare.
"Seriously" JJ asked.
You scrunched up your nose, "You weren't waking up."
"So you through a pillow at me?"
"Yes." you laughed.
And JJ who loved the sound of your laughter grinned.
"Why'd you sleep on the floor?" You asked curiously.
"I wanted you to have the bed," JJ spoke sincerely.
"You could have shared with me," you reasoned.
JJ hitched his throat. The thought of you sharing a bed with him had his heart hammering in his chest. He wondered if you would have cuddled with him. No that he couldn't handle. He was practically blushing.
"No baby girl you just seemed so tired I didn't want to disturb you." JJ responded. He didn't even notice the pet name. It just flowed out of his mouth so naturally he didn't even notice how flustered it made you.
You buried your face in your hands hiding your flushed cheeks and smile.
When you uncovered your face and looked at him JJ was already looking at you. To him, you looked breathtaking. Your hair was messy and your lips looked plump. Your face looked ethereal. JJ could feel his blood rushing through his body. Then he got himself thinking, if he could wake up to this beautiful sight, to her, every morning he would die a happy man.
The next day you all went over to Sarah's house to go swimming.
The boys came to pick you up at your house since yours was closest to Sarah's. You were the last stop.
You were wearing a purple bikini and some jean shorts over it. When you entered the twinkie JJ took notice to your lack of clothes and exposed skin. You looked hot and JJ was practically drooling.
Your legs were pressed together in the back of the twinkie as John B drove. Pope was in the front seat leaving Kie, JJ, and you in the back.
JJ reached over and put a hand on your thigh. This causing you to blush furiously. This action unnoticed by kie.
"Hi pretty girl," JJ whispered.
"Hi," you whispered back.
The rest of the drive over to Sarah's house was quick and you all casually conversed.
"Alright ladies, here we are," John B shared.
JJ was first to hop out of the van. The rest of you quickly followed.
After entering Tanny hill you all headed to the pool area. Sarah was happy to host everyone over.
The pool was huge and you forgot how well off kooks are.
"Here are some towels," Sarah commented.
"Thank you."
The pogues were lounging around the pool no one was going on just yet.
You stripped down into your bikini. Not even 10 seconds after you did so JJ was picking you up bridal style.
"JJ don't you dare."
JJ swung you over the edge of the pool and acted like he was going to drop you by releasing you from his grip over the ledge. Each time he would fake drop you you would cling onto him a little tighter. He would fake drop you three times and on the fourth he actually threw you in.
When you surfaced you gave JJ the stink eye.
"Your welcome," JJ offered.
John B got up and made his way to sneak up behind JJ. It only took one shove for JJ to end up in the water.
"Hey!" JJ said as he surfaced wiping his face.
"Thank you John B," you voiced.
In no time the rest of the pogues joined you and JJ in the water. Pretty soon everyone was splashing each other.
You all had a good time swimming and splashing.
About an hour or two later you sat in a lounge chair working on your tan.
Kiara came and sat by you.
"So tell me what's going on between you and JJ," she spoke resting her chin in her hand and her elbows on her knees.
"What do you mean? There is nothing going on between us," you stated shocked.
"Just admit you like him already would you," Kiara put out.
"I don't know what your talking about," you smiled smugly.
Your smile did not go unnoticed by Kiara who just shook her head and looked the other way.
JJ walked over to you and sat at the end of your lounge chair.
"What are you guys talking about?" JJ says nonchalantly.
"Nothing," you and Kiara say at the same time.
"Right we'll I was wondering if y/n wanted to come surfing with me tomorrow morning?" JJ placed his hand on your knee and uses his thumb to stroke the area.
His actions don't go unnoticed by you but you let him touch you as you found it sweet and endearing.
"Yeah i'd love to go surfing with you J," you added.
"Great. It's a date."
You woke up on the pull out couch in John Bs den. It was all a haze waking up to hushed voices in the living room. The sun peaking through the window.
"Hey sleepy head." JJ's voice rang through your ears. You let out a groan and covered your head with a pillow.
JJ grabbed the pillow and threw it on the other side of the bed. "Ready to go surfing?"
JJ's eyes were bright and he had a faint smile on his lips. Truth be told he was excited to spend some alone time with you. He was deeply in love with you and you were absolutely clueless.
"Yeah give me a minute."
You and JJ sat on the sand after crushing the waves. JJ had his arm around you.
"Thank you for coming out with me." JJ spoke softly, digging his hands into the sand at his place next to you.
"Yeah no problem, the waves were great," you smiled.
JJ was at war with himself. He desperately wanted to tell you how he feels about you. How he loves you so much. He wanted to shout it from the roof tops. He just didn't know how you felt and it was torture. He didn't think you liked him back but then again he didn't know for sure. Should he risk everything including you friendship and tell you.
JJ was conflicted. Right now was the perfect opportunity. You were alone overlooking the beach. And here you are sat next to him without a clue that his heart is beating faster with you next to him. JJ finally decided to do the next best thing: ask you out.
"Hey, So I was wondering if you wanted to go out to dinner with me?"
"With the other pogues?" you questioned.
"No it would be just us." JJ answered.
"Like a date?"
JJ panicked. "No not a date. Just two friends hanging out."
"Oh okay. Yeah I'd love to."
You and JJ had your dinner and it was lovely. You guys talked and laughed like there was no tomorrow. Your legs touched under the table and you felt like you were floating.
It was three days after the dinner when you were walking to the château.
It was a 5 minute walk but you decided to stop at the store to get some beer, making your walk a little longer.
You were almost to the store when a truck pulled up right next to you. To your horror it was Rafe and Topper.
"Hey there girlie," Rafe commented stepping out of the truck.
"Rafe." You gave him a mean look.
As he got closer to you, you could see his face more clearly. He had a black eye and a busted lip.
"What happened to you?" You asked, not that you really cared.
"Your little boyfriend is what happened. But you should see him." He whistled, "Not pretty."
"I swear if you hurt him-"
"What? What can you possibly do to me." Rafe spoke.
Without thinking you threw a punch at Rafe hitting him in the nose.
"You little shit!" Rafe snarled.
"Topper grab her!" Rafe shouted.
Topper took your hands and held them behind your back holding you in place.
"That pogue really got me. Now it's time for some payback."
Topper held you down while Rafe hit you. You were able to kick him in the balls but he was beating you pretty badly.
All of a sudden the three of you herd a siren. Topper let you go immediately and tried to act natural.
Sheriff Peterkin stepped out of the car.
"What's going on here?" she questioned.
"Nothing sheriff." Rafe yelled.
"Why don't you run along and get out of here," sheriff peterkin announced.
Rafe and Topper were quick to move. They quickly drove off not wanting to get in trouble.
"You okay miss."
"I'm fine," you whispered.
Then you fell to the ground and everything went dark.
When you first woke up you were confused as to where you were. Slowly becoming conscious, you realized you were at the police station.
"Oh good your awake. I'd like to see you in here please." Sheriff peterkin ordered.
You slowly got up and made your way to her office.
"Have a seat."
You sat down quickly realizing that everything in your body ached.
"Now who did this to you?"
"I think you know," you replied weakly.
"damn it!" she cursed.
"Would you like to press charges?"
"No. I just want to go home," you spoke truthfully.
"I highly advise-"
You cut her off, "I just want to leave please."
"Ok." She motioned for you to exit the room. You breathed a breath of relief.
On your way out you looked at the time. It was almost 3pm. You were supposed to be a John Bs an hour ago.
You slowly but surely made your way over to the château.
When you arrived the pogues were all out in the porch. You were anxious to face JJ because you don't know how he's going to react.
You walked up to the lawn and the pogues could see a shadowy figure. When you stepped into the light on the porch all the pogues gasped.
Your face was badly bruised.
JJ stood up. "What the fuck!"
"No stop. Who did this to you?"
JJ started walking. "I'll kill him."
"No JJ. Please don't," you pleaded.
JJ was fuming. How dare someone hurt his girl. JJ felt a little bit guilty because he fought Rafe a couple days ago.
"It's all my fault I shouldn't of provoked him. I'm so sorry."
"You didn't know he would come after me. it's ok."
"It's not ok," JJ expressed.
JJ took your hand and led you to the bathroom. He had you hop up on the sink. He began cleaning your wounds.
"I can't believe he laid his hands on you." JJ spoke.
"I'm fine JJ."
"Look at you. No your not."
JJ dabbed at your eye and you winced.
"Sorry," JJ apologized.
When JJ was just about finished assessing your injuries he began to speak. "I can't do this. This is breaking my heart."
"JJ wha-"
"No let me finish."
"I can't stand seeing you hurt like this. My chest physically hurts and I feel like i'm going crazy because Im crazy about you. I can't pretend like i'm not in love with you when I am."
JJ's chest was rising up and down. He was breaking down over his love for you. He was ripped to shreds at the sight of you hurt. It tore him apart.
"JJ I have always loved you," you confessed.
As if he was holding his breath he let out all the air in his lungs. He gave you a bright smile.
JJ wasted no time as he leaned forward in his spot between his legs. He cradled your face in his hands and placed his lips on yours. The kiss was quick and frantic.
You were surprised at the passionate nature of the kiss. Your stomach was tingly. Your mouths explored each other's. When the need for air became too strong you pulled away.
"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that." JJ expressed.
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youronlydarlin · 8 months
What if sleep deprived!reader is doing work late at night again, and what if Price fucks her to sleep ;) ((This has been in my mind for a week now)) (Im using anonymous because Im still shy-)
Hnhhhhh. S' is so fuckin hot nonnie.
warning: fem! reader, kinda brat tamer! Price and a very eepy reader, somewhat dumbification, rough sex to soft sex, somnophilia at the end, not proofread 😢
You know your husband hates it when you stay up late. Moreover if it was work he couldn't convince you to finish in the morning. But were you really to blame here? It's not your fault the deadline got pushed early. Besides, you wouldn't be doing this if you didn't have to.
That was the philosophy you believed in up until your husband came in and decided to put you to bed himself.
You were always so stubborn, but you were adding a whole new flare to it earlier. Making a big show about how "you have to finish the report now, lest you want your boss to beat your ass". And he understands, really, he does. A man with his line of work would understand the calling of responsibility more than anybody. Maybe the late hours of the night has finally gotten into your head. Cause that certainly wasn't an excuse to act up, talking back, and thinking you could banish him to the bed with only the presence of one. No, young lady that attitude will not be tolerated. What happened to his good girl, huh?
But you see, John's always spoiled you. Even during one of your fights, and tantrums. Since you wanted to finish your papers so much John decides to be the bigger person, and give you exactly what. You. Want.
This leads us to now. Both of your wrists are pinned against your back, John using them as nothing but a handle to fuck you back on his fat cock. You feel like a doll, all limp as you're fucked within an inch of your life right by your work desk.
You want to sleep. To slip into dreamland. But the bright light from your opened laptop, paired up with your husbands unrelenting thrusts inside your tight pussy prevents you from even closing your eyes.
Open mouthed, and mindlessly drooling on the papers you were fussing over earlier, John thinks you look best like this. Someone as pretty as you shouldn't be working, much less overexerting herself.
He takes pity on you. His poor, sweet, baby. You're just being forced by your stupid job to comply with even stupider work. Shhh, hush now, sweet thing. Your husband's here to help.
Thrusts slowing down, he gently lets go of both of your wrists. Seeing them carelessly fall to your side makes him coo softly at you. You're being picked up before your mind can even process the action. The blur in your vision makes the colors blend in with each other, and for a moment you see the world like a kaleidoscope.
Fatigue latches onto your bones like a pesky leach. The only thing grounding you is the fat cock nestled within your core. The jostle of a mattress takes you out of your delirium, the softness of silk against your back feels like heaven. What was supposed to be a satisfied sigh quickly turns into a pleasured moan as John gives a shallow thrust into your puffy pussy.
He knows your tired, but he just couldn't help himself. Seeing his princess finally in bed like she deserves. Whining and groaning, you can't eve bring yourself to lift up your arms and tell him to give it a rest. Give you a rest. But, he's doing you a favor can't you see?
John's leaning down in a second, kissing your temple shut. You feel your body slowly succumb to his ministrations. Whispering soft praises into your ear, while he grinds himself aimlessly in your velvet walls.
The feeling of it is oddly more relaxing than stimulating. Eyes closed, you feel powerless even as John slightly picks up his pace. You've accepted defeat, finally falling into the wistful sleep your body has craved. And John thinks you look absolutely breathtaking like this. Always so beautiful without trying. He gets closer and closer to release, using your unconscious body to get himself off. Cumming deep inside of your pretty, princess pussy.
a/n: AHHHHH. M' sorry for only being able to answer your request today nonnie, I know you sent this yesterday 😞 also like. I didn't know if you wanted something soft or rough, so I just added both. Also, this was a lot of fun to write! No pressure on keeping yourself anonymous, jus' know that you can always send in your horny thoughts. N e ways, I hope you enjoyed this! Have a wonderful day/night, my loves!
Yours, truly,
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lririx · 3 months
im a lil shy for asking, but can i request for ithaqua and naib headcanons with a feral s/o? like, raised by the wolves type of feral, will bite u and probably has rabies type of feral. if u dont do multiple chars, then just ithaqua would be fine!!
This is my first request thank you so much!
I hope you enjoy it.
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•Ithaqua never takes interest in people. He didn't have interactions with people for years until he came to the Manor. He talks to the other hunters to relieve his boredom and pass the time.
•But this changed when he saw you. Fragile but ferocious. Human, yet monstrous.
•He didn't feel threatened or scared by your presence, but felt intrigued, since he saw himself in you.
•You two were similar yet different. Both of you were abandoned by civilization yet he was raised by a human while you were raised by the wilderness.
•He was literate thanks to his mother but you could only utter words and incomplete sentences.
•You were intimidated by him as he slowly walked towards you, which caused you to be on guard.
•You growled at him, hoping he'd back off but he came closer without hesitation.
•Surprised by his action, you clench your teeth, raise and hold your hand in a claw like way, snarling at him as a warning.
•Yet Ithaqua didn't stop. He leaned on one leg infront of you as he reached out his hand towards you.
•You scatched him beacuse you were scared, you were frantic of people. They've only ever hurt you and your pack. They only tought of themselves. How could he be any different?
•Ithaqua looked at his wounded hand and his brows crooked into a slight frown but he sighed, grabbed your hands and pulled you into his chest. He tightened his grip.
•You struggled, bit him, scratched him, kicked him to free yourself of his grasp but he only clenched you harder, with no sign of wanting to let go.
•You growled and howled but it had no effect. As panick grew you moved more rapidly.
•“Shhh…I'm not going to hurt you.” He said as he snuggled his face into your hair like how your pack interacted with eachother, showing their love and affection.
•You don't know why he did that. Why he tried to make you trust him. Even Ithaqua himself doesn't know. He just knows that he wanted to keep you close to him from the start.
•Your bond gradully became stronger after that.
•He always stays by your side and never leaves you except for matches which he can't do anything about.
•He'll give the death stare to anyone who dares to look at you even with the slightest hints of anguish.
•On the other hand if anyone has the audacity to become a little to friendly with you he'll bark at them to piss off.
•He's an absolute sweetheart to you though.
•He's constantly cuddling with you and kissing you everywhere.
•He always sings you to sleep. Lullabies his mother sang to him. Thoes melodies are very precious to him and him sharing them with you shows how much he loves and trusts you.
•You two always play with eachother like wolf pups. Run around the big yards of the Manor, play hide and seek, and even playfully bite eachother.
•He gets so excited whenever you bite him he's like a child that just got a new toy. He'll be giggling so much it just melts your heart.
•He always takes you to the Manor yards on the weekends to watch the moon together and you two usually fall asleep on the trees.
•On days were the moon is full he'll even howl with you.
•He always cuddles and holds you tightly when sleeping. He'll get his coat and puts in on top of you to keep you warm.
•And if you're scared of the dark, he'll always have his lantern on by your side.
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Naib Subedar
•Naib didn't have a reaction when he saw you. You were just a new guest of the Oletus Manor. Someone who has to play these games like the rest of them.
•He's pretty closed off towards people except for the few friends he has. But that doesn't mean he's mean to anyone and that includes you.
•One day during a match the hunter was chasing you and you got injured. Naib came to help you out a bit and by the end of it the hunter decided to change targets.
•When they were finally gone he wanted to patch you up but you roared at him. I mean you haven't ever interacted with people and you've only seen them while they were trying to hunt you and your pack.
•He wasn't expecting that and he flinched for a second. “I want to help you.” He said. But you couldn't trust him. This is his way of fooling you he doesn't actually want to help.
•That's what you were thinking of but his presence casted a serene aura. He was scary, you felt that energy of his, but that was overshadowed by that tranquility of his.
•You relaxed you shoulders a bit, thinking maybe he's not so bad. But he reached out his hands to you and that scared you a bit so you took a step back and bared your teeth at him.
•“Please we don't have time.” Naib said a bit annoyed, but he tried to keep himself composed. He didn't blame you. He knew trusting people was hard but now is not the time to be hesitant.
•He got on one knee, his hand still hovering waiting for you to take it. “Trust me.” He said. “I'm only trying to help.”
•His ambiance calmed you down bit by bit. Loosening your muscles, you walked towards him and took his hand.
•He guided you to sit and you complied. “It's going to hurt a bit.” Naib said and put disinfectant on your wounds then started to patch you up.
•After that he always looked after you. If you were uncomfortable around someone he'd step in and take you away from them.
•If you were sitting alone he'd drag you along with him. He never let you feel gloomy or feel like you were in danger, because its Naib. Its his instinct to protect. Well that's what he thought. He didn't realize he was developing feelings for you.
•He’d help you read and write so you could have conversations with the others more easily.
•The Manor provides any food you’d like but Naib made you food himself whenever he got the chance because “The food made by the people close to you tastes better.”
•He wants you to feel calm and safe when you’re around him.
•Naib always gets you toys to play with. He loves playing catch with you. Butterflies flutter in his stomach when he sees you run around and laugh happily.
•He scratches behind your ears alot too. He's really good at it and you just fall asleep on his lap.
•Whenever he's on a match and you miss him you go to his closet and take one of his clothes and wear them since they smell like him and it makes you feel like he's with you.
•When he comes back he just sees a little puppy who is curled up and is sleeping with his clothes.
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thealisflore · 2 months
Sahejul Moments from Season 1
Episode 8:
Kamille refers to her crush on Rainah as a forbidden romance, which also suits Julia (especially because she has "forbidden thoughts" regarding Sahed throughout season 1)
Episode 10:
Sahed pins Julia against a caravan, and makes her blush
Episode 11:
Sahed leans in and whispers in her ear. Julia's blushing intensifies, and then she runs away thinking „my heart is racing. This guy really is... terrifying” while imagining Sahed with a shoujo filter on lol. *She blushes
Episode 17:
„that boy has charmed her with those seductive eyes”*she blushes at the thought of his eyes
Episode 18: whole episode
Episode 19:
„and...to be honest, he's ...he's kinda...” [...] „Shoo, forbidden thoughts!” *she blushes
Episode 20:
Sahed: „Kamille? Shes in my room.”
Julia (blushes): „WHAT? Did you sleep together?!”
Sahed (grabs Julia): „how's your investigation of our favorite killer clown going?”
Julia (blushes, frees her arm from his grip): ���Let me go! Someone is going to find out, idiot!” (she walks up the stairs thinking) „Forbidden thoughts! Forbidden thoughts!”
Episode 24:
Sahed (packs Julia): „with your (Tonny's) permission, I'm taking the pretty lady!”
(Julia thinks) „noooo! Kamille, it's not what it looks like! We're already on bad terms, this is only going to make it worse!”
Julia (screams): „Kamille, I'm not trying to steal your maaaaan!”
Sahed shows her the best view. And there is a close up of them holding hands.
Sahed (leans over her): „Im going to show you many more things.”
Julia: „What are you going to show me?”
Sahed: „everything”
Julia blushes at his answer.
Episode 25:
(Julia stands on a balcony and looks in the direction of Sahed's window/balcony (?) and wonders) „Ah, he turned on the light. He's in his room then. He's weird....what did he mean by showing me everything...?” she blushes „Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself, but...” Kamille Interrupts her thoughts, Julia realizes that she almost thought something she "shouldn't" and tries to make the thoughts disappear „What the heck am I thinking?! He is the guy Kamille Likes! Sahed stinks! He stinks, Julia, get it through your head!”
Episode 28:
Sahed (flirts/teases Julia): „that's a cute outfit. You shouldn't ruin it by wearing a blouse underneath.”
Julia (flustered): „why don't you mind your own business?”
Sahed: „Business is why I'm here. Look [...] As soon as it gets dark, I want you to go to that bridge and do the task I'm going to ask you. And then meet me in my room.”
Julia (blushes): „You want me to go to your room? At night?”
Episode 30:
Julia calls Sahed an Ah'kon instead of three eyes.
Episode 31:
Julia changes to Sahed's clothes, he dries her. (Julia blushes slightly and thinks to herself) „that was unexpectedly kind of him. It feels nice.”
Episode 32:
Sahed (blushes slightly): „That was pretty cool, huh?”
Julia (blushes): „Absolutely not! It was terrifying!
Sahed: „Deep down, I'm sure you like it.”
Julia: „I don't!”
Episode 34-36:
Her development. The Jathar situation. Sahed being surprised/shocked by her reaction/her change
Episode 40:
Rainah: „Ah, Julia! Are you here to see Sahed?” she thinks to herself „I don't know if these two have some sort of romance or planning another nationwide crime. Knowing Sahed, it could be both.”
Sahed: „You did great. Thanks for saving me, pretty girl.”
Julia (blushes): „Don't call me that!”
Julia: „Sahed...you do trust me then.”
Sahed: „huh?”
Julia: „It's the first time that you've explained something to me, instead of talking in riddles.”
Sahed: „Ah...yeah, I guess I do.”
Julia blushes, looks away and changes the conversation
Episode 42:
(Julia thinks to herself) „Wait. So Kamille doesnt like Sahed?” (She blushes intensely)
All the reasons that held her "forbidden thoughts" back, couldn't withstand them anymore
Episode 44:
Sahed: „Shhh! Be quiet!”
Julia: „Sahed! You scared me!”
Sahed (looks down, blushes slightly): „...What a cute outfi-”
Julia (blushes): „Not now, Sahed!”
He then asks her how she's feeling, and suggests that he could kill Tonny instead.
Julia: „Okay...take me back home...after saving Jathar.”
Sahed: „Yes...after that.”
Episode 46:
Dotty: „Aww, that's cute! I guess planning a murder can be romantic if you put enough macabre imagination into it.”
If there is something I forgot/ missed you can add it. Season 2 (the first few episodes will be next for now)
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krav3nn · 1 year
˚₊‧꒰ა Holy shit thats actually my girlfriend ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
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Summary: Bill gets home late to see you asleep in y’all’s shared bed in his clothes, cuddling a pillow. He can’t believe your actually his..
Warnings: literally nothing, just a short and sweet writing of bill being absolutely enamored by you.
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Bills keys jingled as he unlocked the door to your shared house. Bill was doing a concert the whole day. Normally you would go to support bill but you weren’t feeling well today, and bill already made up his mind you needed to stay home and rest. Bill missed you though sometimes on stage he would forget you weren’t there and freak himself out for a few seconds, after not seeing you. Bill was just so ready to cuddle his pretty girl.
“Babyyy…baby, where are you?” Bill said, putting his keys on the counter and walking around the house. Normally you wouldn’t be asleep at this early even when you were sick. You’d promised to stay up for him tonight, bill giggled at the thought and knew you were asleep.
Bill quietly opened the door to your bedroom. His eyes squinting to adjust  to the change in lighting. His eyes finally adjusted to the darkness and he saw you pretty clearly. You were cuddling his pillow and you were only wearing underwear and his Tokio Hotel shirt that was way to big on you. Bill just stood and stared at your sleeping figure, then started talking to himself
“Holy shit…holy shit that’s actually my girlfriend..” bill said with a slight chuckle. “She’s so fuckin cute.. she’s adorable.” Bill says walking to you and kissing your forehead. He walks to y’all’s closet to get changed so he could finally cuddle his pretty baby.
“Ah I don’t want to wake her up..” bill whispers to himself, “maybe I can just..” bill slowly gets into bed with you, pulls your arms away from the pillow, wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you closer. You stur in your sleep and feel hands on you. Quickly realizing it was bill. You groan, waking up “hmmm.. billy?” You say snuggling into his chest. “Shhh..it’s okay and just go back to sleep.” Bill says, kissing your forehead and playing with your hair.
“Mhh I’m sorry billy I meant to stay awake for you” you said looking up at him and frowning a bit. “Awh baby I know it’s okay.” Bill says flashing a toothy grin at you. After some pillow talk like, asking how bills concert was, bill asking what you did when he was gone, if you were feeling any better, exc, you started to doze off again in bills chest.
Bill rubs your back soothingly and keeps kissing your forhead. Once he knew you were asleep, he also starts to doze off. He is completely enamored with you. Your his whole entire world, his favorite girl ever. He still can’t believe your his, he loves you to much to his own good. Not that he’s complaining though
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im literally so addicted to writing fanfics rn so PLEASE PLEASE, send some requests I NEED them!!!! •⩊•
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i DO think we were kinda robbed tho, in the Vaggie & Carmilla song fight, that lady death ballet herself didn't at one point knock Vaggie's spear out of Vaggie's hand (to FORCE vaggie into thinking more defensively rather than rush in and stabbi-ly) and then have a close up shot of the spear on the floor, right before tippy toe Carmilla deliberately ends her eternal en-point to put her HEEL DOWN on the weapon and trap it there, as a fun and scary visual pun
also can't help imagining a version with an answer to Carmilla letting her hair down at the start of the fight to match with Vaggie...
Carmilla does it to even the odds when Vaggie complains she's not used to fighting with long hair. ooh an answering moment right after the spear one above- where Vaggie shows her shift into taking her own safety SERIOUSLY by pulling off her ribbon and taking the time to tie her hair UP so she ISN'T having to fight with that distraction swinging around
and then she figures out how to block Carmilla's armored kicked unarmed instead of getting her ass kicked trying to charge in
and when Carmilla backs her up the stairs and into the second landing balconies (bc vaggie is RETREATING she's being CAREFUL of herself) one last kick is about to connect with Vaggie's head and she's got no more room left to retreat to and she's singing about wanting to fight with love so she can be around to PROTECT the people SHE loves-
bam new wings reveal flap backwards off the railing into open air and out of danger
like it's a perfectly good fight scene as is and gets the idea across later in vaggie's fight with lute but hhhhhrrrg i just, look at the other song moments the show has, all the set movements and character moments THEY get, and im like
i KNOW we have to fit in an important flashback in too but GODS PLEASE!!! I LOVE WOMEN FIGHTING WOMEN!!!!!
carmilla please beat vaggie up some more in the future or i'll shrivel up pls im sure vaggie would have fun with it too she supposedly loves dancing
AND aDD CHARLIE TO THIS!!! Vaggie could call the fights "dance lessons" and Charlie could be SO happy hearing that, SO delighted her gf is getting a new none-business none-trauma hobby at last, Charlie being SO SO SO supportive of it and watching the hotel alone some afternoons to make SURE Vaggie has time away from work for her dancing
(the same way charlie has father-daughter catch up dates with her dad shhh it's happening don't tell me its not)
BUT THEN Charlie drops by a 'rehearsal' once as a surprise (she brought donuts!!) and freaks the FUCK out (donuts flying Everywhere) bc the "Dancing" is just Vaggie grinning as she gets smacked around the Carmine compound, helping test out WHICH weapons work BEST against angels while honing her own new not-dying instincts as Carmilla kinda tries to kill her a little. for science
until charlie walks in on it and almost sets the compound full of live ammunition crates on fire
to make up for this horrible surprise, Charlie makes Vaggie promise her they'll start going to ACTUAL dance lessons together <3
AND she threatens Carmilla into designing some angelic steel practice armor for gf becaue oh hell no, oh fuck this, oh absoLUTELY charlie is getting NO sleep otherwise after walking in on THAT
pls pls pls and let vaggie be winged this time for the fight toooo, i wanna see some deadly anti-air ballet jumps :(
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star-dust-stuf · 6 months
Albert Shaw x fem!reader
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title: when I try to tell it all
warnings: night terror, some angst, fluff that'll make you weep
a/n: me with yet another grabber fluff fic because I love him sm. listen to the song a little bit less by 4ever falling, just to bring the vibe, also because the song reminds me of him. sorry for typos, enjoy babes.
When I fell asleep that night I hadn't realized i was so stressed, if stress is what caused it. It was hard to fall asleep but it was so dark, my eyes couldn't help but fall, they grew heavy and I couldn't fight it anymore.
So I finally slept. Albert must have came in when I was sleeping, but he was so light on his feet I didn't even wake, he was thoughtful like that and always tried not to wake me. 
He sat against the wall, just watching with the little light that shined in from the porch through the small window above the basements wall. He saw my hair shine in the little light and how there was some sweat glisning on my forehead and my nose.
He knew it wasn't very hot and just thought I would have been getting night sweats. He didn't think anything of it till I started to thrash, I cried out but in was still asleep and he knew this.
He aprouched me slowly till he made it to the mattress and took a seat, he had to hold my ankle to keep me from kicking him but that managed nothing. I kicked his side, hard and he gruted.
"Shhhhh, it's a nightmare." He cooed.
I woke up, tears in my eyes. "Albert!?" I was almost confused, my eyes didn't adjust to the little light in the basement, made it pitch black. 
"I'm right here bunny." Albert grabbed my hand. I cried and he tried to pull me close but I pushed him away, I was still in absolute fear.
"Ohh, my little bunny. Shhh, it's me, it's just me." He soothed me with his voice.
I looked to him, only the bottom part of his mask was on so I saw his blue eyes through the darkness. I sobbed even more and lied my head on his chest, he pulled me to his lap and almost held me like a baby, wiping up my tears and rocking me gently. 
"There we are..." his voice was soothing, his eyes were soft and so were his hands. 
"I'm-im sorry!" I sob.
He shook his head, his thumb stroking my cheek. "You didn't do anything wrong."
I sniffled, looking up at him. "I.. I think I kicked you."
He chuckled softly, it muffled in his mask. "You did. I won't hold it against you. You do tend to kick in your sleep from what I've seen." He put a lock of hair behind my ear. "Now that you're calm, I should ask. Would you like me to stay with you?"
I nodded, almost desperately. He nodded back and just held me, he soothed me and I was able to fall back asleep. His body heat and his sent sent me off to a deep sleep, his hands held me close to his body and his eyes formed down at me. Mesmerized and in absolute love.
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artstatues · 3 months
hiiii can I request kai and kitt hcs from when they were kids? xx
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⭒sticky bun fanatics. they'd barge into the kitchen after duels and impatiently wait for the buns to come out of the oven
⭒arguments to duels to a bloodbath man. like the maids are stressed and scared for these 2 dear children.
"kai give me back my crown!" the 9 year old kitt screeched. "nuh uh!" kai sprinted towards his room to lock it. only for kitt to keep banging on it until he got one of the maids to force kai into opening his door.
⭒they didnt have a childhood. kitt was built and raised to be a king every. single. day. until at some point he broke in front of kai which ended in kitt yelling in frustration.
⭒kitt got kai a personalized dagger for his birthday from a shop he once found while touring the kingdom when they were a bit older. its now kai's favourite
⭒when kai first killed paedyn's father, he broke down screaming crying throwing up and kitt only held him in silence.
"i killed him!" kai sobbed. "he didn't even do anything─ i didn't even know who was-! i-i just killed him. and- and there was a girl, i saw her. she was my age. i-i took her father away from her-" kai half yelled into kitt's arm. "shhh. that wasn't your fault, kai."
⭒sometimes the training would be too much for kai that he'd black out straight after. kitts probably the one to drag him back into his room.
⭒kitt got absolutely fucking pissed at the king for everything he did to kai, but he'd put on a fake smile everytime there was an etiquette training, or anything that he was forced into.
⭒even if kai's mother isn't kitt's biological one, when they were younger, perhaps 2-4 years old, she sings lullabies. kai's head on her lap while kitt would be sitting and leaning on her shoulder, slowly drifting away to sleep.
⭒kitt has probably been forced to marry a few women, here and there. but in the end, he snapped at edric so edric finally stopped. kai and kitt ranked the women he was forced to wed 😭 ( guys im sorry but theyre fuckboys like thay )
a/n: okay this is okay ish i guess, many of these were inspired by @lxvebelle !! and alot of these are also pretty much canon but anyways. my poor babies <3
taglist: @reminiscentreader, @never-enough-novels, @sophiesonlinediary, @off-to-the-r4ces, @lxvebelle.
@starrynightsxo, @flowers-for-em.
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scary-lasagna · 1 year
Eyeless Jack, in the kitchen minding his business: Toby, wandering in sleep deprived: Shhh, dont tell Slender Im drinking Orange Juice out of the gallon. Eyeless Jack: I couldn’t care less. Toby, after absolutely demolishing the OJ: okay nightnight <3 Toby, seeing Slender in his PJs on his way out: Oh no! Did you see me drink OJ out if the big jug? Slender, who wasn’t aware but now has to buy a whole new OJ, sighing: No Toby, I did not. Toby: Ok good :))
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starsomens · 1 year
Warnings: deals with bad home situation, may indicated past trauma, leaving home Proceed with caution!
So this is very personal and in a way self expression...or what I wish I could do. but I also think a lot of people can relate to a situation like this so I hope this could potentially bring some comfort to someone out there and maybe they'll feel less alone
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me: noah? Noah: yes princess? me: can you come get me? Please. Noah: I'm on my way. Is everything okay? Are you okay? me:....im okay. just come please.
You get a text about 10 minutes later when Noah was outside of your house. You climb out of your window with just a bookbag and a small purse. you quickly climb into his car and say nothing. Judging by your face he knew not to ask right now and drove off. The ride was quiet but not uncomfortable. He knew you had it rough at home and he's always said to text him any time of day when you had to get away quickly. Even if that meant you never going back.
Which is why you were driving down the road at 3 am.
He had a peek at your bag that had some clothes, underwear and other essentials. As if you were sleeping over....but that wasn't the case. Pulling up in his driveway, he gets out of the car , comes to your side and opens the door. He grabs one of your bags and you take the other. You were still in your Pjs and slippers and you looked exhausted. He put his hand on your lower back and lead you to the door.
You come inside and the house was quiet, Nick was in the kitchen getting some water and you gave a half smile. Noah comes down to your ear
"Go to my room, I'll be there in a second"
After you went upstairs he goes over to Nick and just lets him know you might be staying for a while. Nick had absolutely no problem with it. You got along really well with his friends and they were basically like family to you now. Noah goes upstairs and into his room where you were sat on his bed, lost in your own head. He put your bags near his desk and came over to you.
"Y/N....come here." he said softly as he opens his arms for you to come into. You scoot over until your head was against his chest and his arms wrap around your frame. It made you feel so small, fragile....and safe. You body shakes as you try and hold in a sob, he just rocks your body and lets you get it out
"Shhh its okay baby I know.." he kisses the crown of your head "You're okay now, I'm here baby."
You chest felt like it was weighed down and broken all at the same time. You felt so numb but felt so much all at once. You didn't want things to end up this way...but things just happen
but at least you had Noah to be your rock
"You're safe baby. I swear to you, I'll always be here." he held you tighter "I promise"
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weekly tag wednesday !
thank you for the tags:
@softmick @lee-ow @thepupperino @mybrainismelted @spookygingerr
Name: dean
Where do you call home? anywhere with a coast or beach <3 but also the woods and farms.
How many pets do you have? one, a cat who i love dearly
What do you do for work? technically nothing. its a work in progress shhh abt to be a full time student. starting an etsy. other odds and ends.
Do you believe in aliens? yes
Do you believe in ghosts? absolutely. ive seen and heard too much weird shit to not believe. i have so many stories
Favorite subject in school? math !! i love math and science i could go on and on abt it
What are you currently reading? book wise: nothing (still debating between a little life or the death of ivan ilyich. i cant choose). fic wise: since we're alone im going through hockey withdrawls
What are you currently watching? supernatural reruns. about to start 911.
What kind of laptop do you have (+ describe it to me): an uh unspecific HP i cannot remember the name of it. it is my best friend even if the battery dies quickly (i should probably get it replaced). i have SO many stickers almost the entire back is covered. my favorites: college sticker w/ mascot, "fuck suicide" with a heart around it in blue and purple, dj kk from animal crossing playing a guitar, anti suicide "there is help" with 988 helpline, gulliver from animal crossing sleeping, i cant remember her name but the turnip lady from animal crossing <3, limited life hourglass that came with my sweatshirt, "i voted", record player, watercolor sunflowers in a vase, and many many others
What kind of phone do you have (+ describe it to me) iphone SE and i love it. i have a clear case with a cutoff of a sunflower from a patterned paper print from idk michaels, cartoon bee and flowers, fortune from a fortune cookie saying "a real friend spends time with you, not money), a piece of dog hair from my friends dog before he got put down
No-show socks, ankle socks, or crew socks? crew socks. i wear boots and hightops so anything else feels weird
What kind of headphones do you use? i have a pair of airpods (they live on a carabiner on my belt loop) if i need something, quick, casual, or to still be aware, (or discrete! saved me during boring classes), and a pair of phillips over the head headphones (bluetooth) for long periods of time or less distractions
How do you consume caffeine? in any form i cant get it, im not picky. i like energy drinks for when im doing things, a nice coffee in the morning (hot or cold, i dont care), and i dont trink tea often but ill still drink it if i need more caffeine. i even got these like idk flavored caffeine additives for my water in a pinch (a kid accused me of making lean at 9 in the morning)
And finally, what are you wearing today? i am wearing dark green shorts and an idk dusty purple tanktop bc i didnt feel like doing much today !
@transmickey @transmurderbug @especially-fuk-u @stocious @sam-loves-seb
@atthedugouts @onthepyre @thirstyvampyr @sleepyheadgallavich @mickittotheman
@mickeym4ndy @em-harlsnow @jrooc
@roryonic @blue-disco-lights @jademickian @mmmichyyy @burninface
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lovelyjj · 1 year
do you think you could write something where jj is in love with the reader and constantly needs to touch her but it’s like quiet (legs touching under the table etc.) lots of angst because the reader doesn’t know that he likes her. and maybe when he tells her he’s like breaking down over it? fluff!! i love all of your work btw it is so good! :)
Hopelessly Devoted
jj maybank x reader
wc: 2.7k
(not my gif)
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JJ has never experienced this before. His whole life he has never felt this way before. The only word that he could describe it is lovesick.
JJ was absolutely totally undeniably completely hopelessly in love with you. and you had no idea. It wasn't like it wasn't obvious. The way he looked at you with hearts in his eyes.
Other people noticed it too the way JJ looked at you like you hung the stars in the sky. John B, Pope and Kie could tell their friend was in love.
"Does she ever talk about me?" JJ asked Kiara as they were out on the boat.
You were working and missed out on the boat day but you didn't mind you were gonna catch up with them later.
"I mean she doesn't not talk about you." Kiara replied.
"Come on Kie, I know you guys have your girls night. She has to say something" JJ begged.
"I think she loves you as a friend" Kie offered.
"You don't ask her about me?" JJ frowned.
"Not really slipped my mind."
"Well next time you see her will you." JJ asked.
"oh no i'm not getting in the middle of it." Kiara reasoned.
"You already are in the middle of it."
Kiara turned away from JJ shaking her head and looking out at the ocean. John B was driving the boat back to the château after a day of swimming and fishing.
Later that day when it started to turn into the evening you came over bringing snacks with you for a movie night.
You knocked on the door and then entered the château.
"Hey I brought snacks," you shouted hoping they could hear you.
"thank you y/n" John B acknowledged.
You walked into the living room ready for a chill night with your friends.
JJ patted the seat next to him on the couch gesturing for you to come sit next to him.
"Sit with me" JJ spoke.
You climbed over Pope and Kiara who were on the floor cozied with blankets and a air mattress.
John B and Sarah were on the couch too. The space JJ pointed to was small and so you sat down a little squished.
The movie started and everyone settled down. However, you seemed to inch closer to JJ progressively throughout the movie.
It got to the point where half your body was on top of him. Then JJ took it upon himself to haul you onto his lap.
“There. That's better huh," JJ whispered in your ear.
You simply nodded focusing your attention on the TV.
Near the end of the movie you started to grow restless. You shifted around and ended up straddling JJ's lap. Now you were facing him.
"Hi there princess."
"Shhh" Sarah hissed.
You then proceeded to lay your head on his shoulder, nose nudging at his neck. Eventually you fell asleep.
There wasn't that much left of the movie. JJ was shocked you felt comfortable enough to fall asleep on him. He felt like he was in heaven. He couldn't believe it, your soft breaths hitting his neck. Occasionally, JJ would rub your back, soothing his hand up and down. When the movie was over and the snacks have been eaten JJ got up.
"Alright guys Im gonna hit the hay, and get this one to bed."
Your legs unconsciously wrapped around JJ's waist. JJ carried you by the back of your thighs.
When JJ made it to his room he laid you down on his bed. He brought the covers up to your neck and kissed your forehead.
"Good night angel."
JJ went to the hall closet for some blankets. Then he made himself comfortable on the floor.
You woke up from one of the best sleeps you've ever had. Maybe it was JJ's scent in the sheets or being in his bed but you were unbelievably comfortable.
You started to sit up when you did you noticed a mop of blonde hair peaking out from a blanket on the floor.
He slept on the floor? You were shocked. What a gentleman. You would have been fine sharing with him though.
"JJ," you called to him.
When you got no response you threw a pillow at him.
JJ propped himself up on one arm and threw you a nasty glare.
"Seriously" JJ asked.
You scrunched up your nose, "You weren't waking up."
"So you through a pillow at me?"
"Yes." you laughed.
And JJ who loved the sound of your laughter grinned.
"Why'd you sleep on the floor?" You asked curiously.
"I wanted you to have the bed," JJ spoke sincerely.
"You could have shared with me," you reasoned.
JJ hitched his throat. The thought of you sharing a bed with him had his heart hammering in his chest. He wondered if you would have cuddled with him. No that he couldn't handle. He was practically blushing.
"No baby girl you just seemed so tired I didn't want to disturb you." JJ responded. He didn't even notice the pet name. It just flowed out of his mouth so naturally he didn't even notice how flustered it made you.
You buried your face in your hands hiding your flushed cheeks and smile.
When you uncovered your face and looked at him JJ was already looking at you. To him, you looked breathtaking. Your hair was messy and your lips looked plump. Your face looked ethereal. JJ could feel his blood rushing through his body. Then he got himself thinking, if he could wake up to this beautiful sight, to her, every morning he would die a happy man.
The next day you all went over to Sarah's house to go swimming.
The boys came to pick you up at your house since yours was closest to Sarah's. You were the last stop.
You were wearing a purple bikini and some jean shorts over it. When you entered the twinkie JJ took notice to your lack of clothes and exposed skin. You looked hot and JJ was practically drooling.
Your legs were pressed together in the back of the twinkie as John B drove. Pope was in the front seat leaving Kie, JJ, and you in the back.
JJ reached over and put a hand on your thigh. This causing you to blush furiously. This action unnoticed by kie.
"Hi pretty girl," JJ whispered.
"Hi," you whispered back.
The rest of the drive over to Sarah's house was quick and you all casually conversed.
"Alright ladies, here we are," John B shared.
JJ was first to hop out of the van. The rest of you quickly followed.
After entering Tanny hill you all headed to the pool area. Sarah was happy to host everyone over.
The pool was huge and you forgot how well off kooks are.
"Here are some towels," Sarah commented.
"Thank you."
The pogues were lounging around the pool no one was going on just yet.
You stripped down into your bikini. Not even 10 seconds after you did so JJ was picking you up bridal style.
"JJ don't you dare."
JJ swung you over the edge of the pool and acted like he was going to drop you by releasing you from his grip over the ledge. Each time he would fake drop you you would cling onto him a little tighter. He would fake drop you three times and on the fourth he actually threw you in.
When you surfaced you gave JJ the stink eye.
"Your welcome," JJ offered.
John B got up and made his way to sneak up behind JJ. It only took one shove for JJ to end up in the water.
"Hey!" JJ said as he surfaced wiping his face.
"Thank you John B," you voiced.
In no time the rest of the pogues joined you and JJ in the water. Pretty soon everyone was splashing each other.
You all had a good time swimming and splashing.
About an hour or two later you sat in a lounge chair working on your tan.
Kiara came and sat by you.
"So tell me what's going on between you and JJ," she spoke resting her chin in her hand and her elbows on her knees.
"What do you mean? There is nothing going on between us," you stated shocked.
"Just admit you like him already would you," Kiara put out.
"I don't know what your talking about," you smiled smugly.
Your smile did not go unnoticed by Kiara who just shook her head and looked the other way.
JJ walked over to you and sat at the end of your lounge chair.
"What are you guys talking about?" JJ says nonchalantly.
"Nothing," you and Kiara say at the same time.
"Right we'll I was wondering if y/n wanted to come surfing with me tomorrow morning?" JJ placed his hand on your knee and uses his thumb to stroke the area.
His actions don't go unnoticed by you but you let him touch you as you found it sweet and endearing.
"Yeah i'd love to go surfing with you J," you added.
"Great. It's a date."
You woke up on the pull out couch in John Bs den. It was all a haze waking up to hushed voices in the living room. The sun peaking through the window.
"Hey sleepy head." JJ's voice rang through your ears. You let out a groan and covered your head with a pillow.
JJ grabbed the pillow and threw it on the other side of the bed. "Ready to go surfing?"
JJ's eyes were bright and he had a faint smile on his lips. Truth be told he was excited to spend some alone time with you. He was deeply in love with you and you were absolutely clueless.
"Yeah give me a minute."
You and JJ sat on the sand after crushing the waves. JJ had his arm around you.
"Thank you for coming out with me." JJ spoke softly, digging his hands into the sand at his place next to you.
"Yeah no problem, the waves were great," you smiled.
JJ was at war with himself. He desperately wanted to tell you how he feels about you. How he loves you so much. He wanted to shout it from the roof tops. He just didn't know how you felt and it was torture. He didn't think you liked him back but then again he didn't know for sure. Should he risk everything including your friendship and tell you.
JJ was conflicted. Right now was the perfect opportunity. You were alone overlooking the beach. And here you are sat next to him without a clue that his heart is beating faster with you next to him. JJ finally decided to do the next best thing: ask you out.
"Hey, So I was wondering if you wanted to go out to dinner with me?"
"With the other pogues?" you questioned.
"No it would be just us." JJ answered.
"Like a date?"
JJ panicked. "No not a date. Just two friends hanging out."
"Oh okay. Yeah I'd love to."
You and JJ had your dinner and it was lovely. You guys talked and laughed like there was no tomorrow. Your legs touched under the table and you felt like you were floating.
It was three days after the dinner when you were walking to the château.
It was a 5 minute walk but you decided to stop at the store to get some beer, making your walk a little longer.
You were almost to the store when a truck pulled up right next to you. To your horror it was Rafe and Topper.
"Hey there girlie," Rafe commented stepping out of the truck.
"Rafe." You gave him a mean look.
As he got closer to you, you could see his face more clearly. He had a black eye and a busted lip.
"What happened to you?" You asked, not that you really cared.
"Your little boyfriend is what happened. But you should see him." He whistled, "Not pretty."
"I swear if you hurt him-"
"What? What can you possibly do to me." Rafe spoke.
Without thinking you threw a punch at Rafe hitting him in the nose.
"You little shit!" Rafe snarled.
"Topper grab her!" Rafe shouted.
Topper took your hands and held them behind your back holding you in place.
"That pogue really got me. Now it's time for some payback."
Topper held you down while Rafe hit you. You were able to kick him in the balls but he was beating you pretty badly.
All of a sudden the three of you herd a siren. Topper let you go immediately and tried to act natural.
Sheriff Peterkin stepped out of the car.
"What's going on here?" she questioned.
"Nothing sheriff." Rafe yelled.
"Why don't you run along and get out of here," sheriff peterkin announced.
Rafe and Topper were quick to move. They quickly drove off not wanting to get in trouble.
"You okay miss."
"I'm fine," you whispered.
Then you fell to the ground and everything went dark.
When you first woke up you were confused as to where you were. Slowly becoming conscious, you realized you were at the police station.
"Oh good your awake. I'd like to see you in here please." Sheriff peterkin ordered.
You slowly got up and made your way to her office.
"Have a seat."
You sat down quickly realizing that everything in your body ached.
"Now who did this to you?"
"I think you know," you replied weakly.
"damn it!" she cursed.
"Would you like to press charges?"
"No. I just want to go home," you spoke truthfully.
"I highly advise-"
You cut her off, "I just want to leave please."
"Ok." She motioned for you to exit the room. You breathed a breath of relief.
On your way out you looked at the time. It was almost 3pm. You were supposed to be a John Bs an hour ago.
You slowly but surely made your way over to the château.
When you arrived the pogues were all out in the porch. You were anxious to face JJ because you don't know how he's going to react.
You walked up to the lawn and the pogues could see a shadowy figure. When you stepped into the light on the porch all the pogues gasped.
Your face was badly bruised.
JJ stood up. "What the fuck!"
"No stop. Who did this to you?"
JJ started walking. "I'll kill him."
"No JJ. Please don't," you pleaded.
JJ was fuming. How dare someone hurt his girl. JJ felt a little bit guilty because he fought Rafe a couple days ago.
"It's all my fault I shouldn't of provoked him. I'm so sorry."
"You didn't know he would come after me. it's ok."
"It's not ok," JJ expressed.
JJ took your hand and led you to the bathroom. He had you hop up on the sink. He began cleaning your wounds.
"I can't believe he laid his hands on you." JJ spoke.
"I'm fine JJ."
"Look at you. No your not."
JJ dabbed at your eye and you winced.
"Sorry," JJ apologized.
When JJ was just about finished assessing your injuries he began to speak. "I can't do this. This is breaking my heart."
"JJ wha-"
"No let me finish."
"I can't stand seeing you hurt like this. My chest physically hurts and I feel like i'm going crazy because Im crazy about you. I can't pretend like i'm not in love with you when I am."
JJ's chest was rising up and down. He was breaking down over his love for you. He was ripped to shreds at the sight of you hurt. It tore him apart.
"JJ I have always loved you," you confessed.
As if he was holding his breath he let out all the air in his lungs. He gave you a bright smile.
JJ wasted no time as he leaned forward in his spot between his legs. He cradled your face in his hands and placed his lips on yours. The kiss was quick and frantic.
You were surprised at the passionate nature of the kiss. Your stomach was tingly. Your mouths explored each other's. When the need for air became too strong you pulled away.
"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that." JJ expressed.
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trickstarbrave · 1 year
concubine au part 8.... part 7 you can find here
uhhhh honestly this chapter is just filth. rly dirty smut ngl. im also still sick so i hope it's coherent but i had fun writing it. and nerevar at least has fun LOL
warning for like. pregnancy talk/kink i guess. but uhhhh thats been happening the last few chapters. not where i expected this to go as a story but okay
Voryn was gone for a while, both for the dinner which was as awkward as intended, and for the after dinner mingling and drinks as was custom when you were hosting guests. 
A few hours flew right by, Nerevar napping for most of it. When he awoke, there was food waiting for him that he quickly scarfed down. He had been eating regular meals for a few weeks now with no issues, but part of his mind always savored the food. Too many times Anaryl would punish him with no food for the day, taunting him while he was hungry the whole while. 
Still, the longer he was awake, the more anxious he got. Voryn was gone a while--had he not slept that long? Or had something gone wrong. It wasn’t long until his restless energy had him pacing and frustrated. He wished he was there right now, making sure everything was going to plan and listening in. He’d often attend dinner parties and such, listening carefully to all the gossip and formulating plans. Not doing that left him nervous, nearly shaking with pent up energy and worry.
When Voryn finally came in, Nerevar was more than relieved, even as Voryn immediately sat him down and began fussing over him.
“I told you to rest.” Voryn scolded him, his voice still gentle. 
“I did.” Nerevar replied. “I napped, then I ate…” He sighed. “But I just couldn’t relax after that. You were out there, and I didn’t know what was going on, I couldn’t plan…” 
“Shhh,” Voryn hushed him, “Everything went very well, Neht.” Voryn stroked his cheek, the affectionate and gentle touch helping relax Nerevar. “I can tell you all about it and we can think of a plan together, alright?” 
“I’d… Appreciate that.” Now he just felt stupid getting so worked up over nothing. He knew Voryn could take care of himself, he just didn’t like not knowing what was going on, especially in such a difficult situation they were in.
“Here,” Voryn sat beside him, wrapping an arm around Nerevar. “Just relax for a moment, alright?” Voryn stroked his back through the comfortable sleeping robes he was wearing. “I won’t leave you here if it makes you this anxious, alright?” 
“No, if you need to--”
“If I need to.” Voryn stressed. “I just had you stay here to rest, but I don’t want you to be nervous, alright?” Voryn then gave him a soft kiss on the cheek. “In the future I’ll try not to mingle with them without you.”
“What happened then?” Nerevar asked, after the shaking in his hands subsided. Voryn said it went well--maybe there was something Nerevar could use. 
“Not much, but I think I sold our little act well.” Voryn explained. “Dres Galar thought he had something to use against me: the knowledge of the birth control you were taking.” Nerevar made a sour face. “He was hoping to use the fact the drug can cause infertility to either make my act slip, or persuade me to ship you back.”
“And what did you say?” 
Voryn glanced away sheepishly. “I… Leaned into the role.” He began. “I figured the best way to approach it would be to give a very… Uncomfortable response.” He then coughed awkwardly. “Make myself seem to be quite the monster absolutely sick with want.” 
“Come on, spit it out.” Nerevar prodded him, smiling slightly from how flustered he was getting. 
“I told him I already knew about the drug and its effects.” That much was the actual truth. “And that I had the healers lie to you and say you were infertile.” Nerevar raised an eyebrow. “I then continued saying I… Intended to use it against you. You wouldn’t know to use protection if you thought you couldn’t conceive, and after you were lulled into a false sense of security…” 
“Oh…” Nerevar’s cheeks were slightly flushed. Certainly, that would be a pretty unhinged thing to say that he didn’t think even Dres Galar saw coming. Still though, it would help further their act. 
If only he could stop thinking about how weirdly arousing it was. 
“Does that sort of talk bother you?” Voryn asked, no doubt concerned given the last time the subject of infertility was brought up Nerevar burst into tears for no reason. 
“Not really,” Nerevar shook his head. “I know this is for our act, and you did really well playing it off like that. It does sell the whole dynamic we’ve made.” He hummed softly. “I think I can even come up with a few ways to play with that little idea you’ve thrown around.” 
“Oh?” Voryn asked. “Already thinking of a new plan?”
Nerevar looked back at him with a sly grin.
“You’ll probably be working in your study again tomorrow right?” Voryn nodded, also grinning slightly back. “And you’ll want your concubine in there, at your side, to admire while you work until you take a break…”
“Go on.” Voryn replied, still rubbing circles on his back. 
“A spy will at least be listening in, no doubt…” Nerevar climbed up on Voryn’s lap now, straddling him as Voryn’s hand trailed lower down his spine. “Wouldn’t it be fitting for a cruel man such as yourself to be fantasizing about it, whispering to your poor concubine how badly you wished I could have your baby… Taking delight in how I had no idea you were going to knock me up eventually?” He was practically purring in Voryn’s ear now, before Voryn’s hand dipped down to Nerevar’s ass now, groping him and earning a low groan from Nerevar’s lips. 
“Naughty little thing…” Voryn whispered back. “That is an excellent idea, isn’t it?” 
Nerevar was seated on the lounge in Voryn’s office, eagerly waiting. He was almost giddy with excitement, watching Voryn look over various reports, make notes, write in code, and sign documents. Occasionally they’d make eyes at each other, from friendly smiles to flirty glances, while Nerevar tried to keep himself entertained. But by this point he was barely reading the words, his eyes simply glazing over at the pages of his book, instead fantasizing. He even chastised himself for fantasizing too enthusiastically on multiple occasions, before that too faded as he instead could only think about what was to come.
Then finally—finally—Voryn set all of his papers aside, motioning for Nerevar to come closer. With a feigned sigh of annoyance he got up, moving to climb up onto Voryn’s lap and straddle him once more.
“My my,” Voryn remarked with a smirk, “You’re certainly well behaved today~”
“Just get it over with…” Nerevar groaned, though his hips were already squirming as Voryn’s hand began to slide up his thigh.
“You should know me better by now, Neht.” Voryn kissed gently at his neck. “I love indulging in you far too much to simply get it over with.” Nerevar shuddered as Voryn’s lips trailed down his sensitive neck in hot, wet kisses. He was already excited and trying desperately to keep his reactions under control, but fuck did Voryn make that a difficult task.
Then, Voryn’s hand slid up further, completely missing his arousal and instead rubbing gently at his lower stomach. Nerevar could have whined just from that, instead suppressing it by biting his lip. A spy from House Dres couldn’t see them in the privacy of the office, but they could hear so acting it out mostly would help make the sounds convincing. 
“Mm… Gods,” Voryn nipped at his ear now, making Nerevar hiss sharply. “I wish you were pregnant with my child.” A full shiver ran down Nerevar’s spine hearing that. Voryn sounded so convincing, his voice trembling slightly.
“I can’t--” Nerevar hissed, still squirming, “Remember?”
“I’m so disappointed in you for using that damn drug…” Voryn gave an annoyed sigh. “You could have seriously hurt yourself.”
Nerevar was trying desperately to play along now, wishing more than anything that Voryn was touching him so much more than he already was. The gentle strokes on his skin weren’t enough--they were more teasing than anything.
“Ah…” Nerevar gasped softly as Voryn opened his robes to expose his chest, beginning to kiss down from his throat. “Would you prefer I’d have been forced to have that bastard’s child…?” He was trying his hardest to sound disgusted and annoyed, but that was so hard to manage when it felt so good.
“You know I would have loved any child you had.” Nerevar shivered again at that. “I’m certain any child you could have would be perfect.” His words were honey sweet, like someone talking to a lover, whispering sweet nothings and beautiful little promises. 
“Stop it--” Nerevar groaned louder, before Voryn’s tongue flicked against a nipple. 
“I’d have raised them as my own,” Voryn continued, “So long as I could have you…” One of his hands now slid up the back of Nerevar’s thigh, massaging the muscles. The words were honestly kind of touching, if he thought Voryn actually meant them. Certainly Voryn would ensure the kid had everything he needed, but he’d never go so far as to say Nerevar should have had a child he didn’t want. To keep the act up, Nerevar instead grit his teeth, pushing the warm, fuzzy feelings down. 
“I don’t want a fucking child!” He growled, putting as much venom as he could into his words. “Especially not from that House Dres bastard--!” He channeled all the rage he felt when Anaryl would hold him down, mocking him. However, at his outburst, Voryn’s sharp nails pricked his thighs, digging in just enough that it started to hurt. At the small pricks of pain on his inner thighs he was groaning loudly, somewhere between pain and pleasure. 
“Behave yourself…” Voryn scolded, before his hand instead moved up, slipping past Nerevar’s undergarments to his arousal. His lips then close around a nipple, swirling his tongue around it and the nice, gold studs Voryn had put on him. Nerevar was whimpering now as his lips pulled away, now gently nibbling on the sensitive bud, his fingers only teasingly stroking him. “Gods… You really do get off on me punishing you, don’t you?”
“I don’t--” Nerevar tried to argue, but was cut off with another nip to his chest, a pathetic sound falling out of his lips somewhere between a sharp cry and a choked whimper. 
“Mm… Once again your body is honest…” Voryn purred. “You’re so wet for me…” Two fingers slid inside him, making him gasp and pant with desire, trying to rock his hips back against the sensation. “You were just as wet the first night I took you too… Laid out on my bed in chains, whipped until you could barely struggle, taking every inch of me into this perfect body of yours…”
“Stop it…” Nerevar groaned again. The mental image wasn’t unwelcomed though, all things considered. Maybe it was because he was already incredibly turned on, but the idea of being tied or chained up just for Voryn was also arousing. 
“If I could,” Voryn began, his fingers moving faster, “I’d find a way to cure you. If you don’t want a child from that man, I’m certain you’d love one from me…” Nerevar gripped Voryn’s shoulders tighter as Voryn thrusted against the perfect spot, making his legs tremble. The noises spilling from his mouth were quickly turning to pleasure, as he felt his orgasm coming on. “Oh Neht…” Voryn's voice took on a new tone, this time desperate and sick with want. “You’d look so perfect, heavy with my child…” He moaned softly against Nerevar’s skin, before leaving another mark on his collarbone. “I’d finally have made your body all mine~” 
Fuck, Nerevar was close. So damn close--he just needed a bit more, just a bit more--
Voryn suddenly slipped his fingers out, just as Nerevar reached the edge, earning a loud, angry cry. Still, he had no time to protest as Voryn quickly shoved his back to the desk, pulling his legs open. 
Well, Nerevar hadn’t expected Voryn to actually fuck him on his desk. He thought it would be Voryn taking him on the lounge, or Nerevar riding him on the chair. However this was very welcomed, Nerevar more than eager to part his legs and lick his lips as Voryn quickly began tugging his own robes open and Nerevar’s underwear off. Still, Nerevar wanted to use the freedom he had knowing they weren’t being watched, and slid two fingers down to roll them around his dick as Voryn stripped down to nothing but his inner robes barely clinging to him. He made eye contact with Voryn as he did so, smirking the whole while, before Voryn pulled his hand away and pressed his cock inside. 
“I want every part of you, Neht.” Voryn moaned, giving a few gentle thrusts at first. “I want to have you in a way no one else ever will…” The possessive tone of his voice was only exciting Nerevar more as Nerevar looped a leg around Voryn, clinging to him. “I love your anger, your tears, and every little moan of pleasure that spills from your lips…” 
“Fuck~!” Nerevar groaned. It sounded like a hell of a love confession, one Nerevar desperately wanted to be true. 
“No one else can love you like I can,” Voryn groaned, laying out over his body and pressing messy kisses to his jaw. “No one else deserves you--you perfect, dangerous, intoxicating thing…” 
“Stop talking like that~” Nerevar moaned loudly, despite loving every second of it. “Stop talking like a lover while you--while you do this~” 
“Oh? But I am your lover, aren’t I?” Voryn pressed a quick, messy kiss to Nerevar’s lips. “Mmm~ If I could marry you, I would… I’d make you my husband, Neht~” Nerevar shuddered and whined at the idea. House Dagoth would never allow it; Nerevar was legally a slave in the eyes of the public, barely good enough to warm Voryn’s bed. But gods he’d love to be clothed in House Dagoth’s robes, golden marriage mask on his face, and wedded to Voryn. “I only ever want children from you too…” Voryn nipped and sucked along his neck, as Nerevar felt his orgasm coming on once again. “I’ll pray to the three every damn day in hopes of a miracle--I’d even name your child my heir~” 
He finally came, gasping and moaning under Voryn as Voryn continued to fuck him hard and fast, chasing his own completion. He continued to talk, moaning and whispering the sweetest things in Nerevar’s ears, but he was too far gone in his own pleasure to hear it. Every nerve in his body felt so wonderful, tingling and alight with pleasure. 
“That’s it…” Voryn whispered as he too found release, listening to Nerevar moan once again. “So good for me, taking everything…” He then rubbed back and forth against Nerevar’s cock, making him gasp and tremble. 
“S-stop…” He whined. “I can’t--”
“Yes you can,” Voryn cooed. “Cum for me, Neht.”
“I-I can’t~!” He was trembling, pleasure overwhelming him. 
“I want to make sure my seed takes.” Voryn purred in his ear, earning a long, sharp whine. It was an old wives tale that an orgasm made you more likely to conceive. It was like he was actually trying to knock Nerevar up right now, holding him down, whispering and praising him the whole while, all while Nerevar could feel Voryn’s cum inside him. 
“I can’t--get pregnant…” Nerevar groaned, his eyes rolling back slightly. 
“It’s just a little fantasy, Neht…” Voryn whispered. “Just give me this…” Fuck, it was just like the little lie Voryn told to the noblemen from House Dres. That he intended to lie to Nerevar, lulling him into a false sense of security… 
Nerevar covered his mouth with his hand as he came, muffling all the words spilling from his mouth. No doubt it would be incoherent babbling for the most part, but he didn’t want a spy hearing anything they shouldn’t. 
“Good boy…” Voryn whispered in his ear. “Such a good boy for me…” Voryn peppered more kisses on his cheeks as he came down from the high of his orgasm for a second time. “Now, let’s get you all cleaned up for dinner…”
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miyakkenjii · 1 month
me?? shit posting??? at 2am???? more likely than you think
anyways, i can’t sleep and my besties are sleeping so im going to rant about shit that have absolutely no relation to each other whatsoever but it’s my blog and i can do what i want 🙂
first we have the Fantasy au i made for Linked Universe, everyone is different fantasy species and have minore magic powers; Four is a minish, Warriors is a centaur (shire horse), Time is a moon spirit, Wind is a mermaid (betta fish), Legend is a water dragon, Wild is a lynel, Twilight and Hyrule are satyrs (ordon goat and deer specifically)
i actually played minecraft more than 2 hours for once, got a diamond chest plate and leggings + diamond pickaxe with 22 that idk what to do with, in working on either finding a nice ass cave to build an underground city in, a cherry blossom biome, or a spruce forest. my brain absolutely was in pain afterwards but it was worth it (damn glasses!)
i even made a little scenario up where the feisty five from uty were playing minecraft, Moray got most of the diamonds and died most of the time, Mooch was stealing coal from the community chest because she was mining and couldn’t find any but gave up in the end to just /give @s herself some coal, Ace was building in a cave, Starlo and Ed were just regularly mining while laughing and plotting to steal Moray’s diamonds
also practiced some guitar today, it was less than 15 minutes and most of it was me getting pissed off at tuning my guitar but i’m one more step closer to actually being able to play. and i did some art studies with wolves, cats, and general human bodies ‘cause good lord i need to start doing daily studies istg
Potato (bestie 1) went to a convention today, they got some prints of Jing Yuan, Sampo, and Kaveh that they hung up on the ceiling above their bed. they also got a haircut!
Storm (bestie 2) sent a youtube video to the gc of a clay capybara and it was amazing (i totally didn’t just watch the video shhh)
ok i think that’s all my brain is screaming at me to get off my phone and try to sleep again goodnight
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the-panmixxia · 1 year
Pound of Prevention (and an ounce of cure) Chapter 1
Before we begin the fic, I would like to preface this by saying - this is my continuation of the 'A Black Cat For (un)Luck' and is also my big bang for this year! I was lucky enough to be paired up with @im-an-anxious-wreck to create some incredible art. I hope you check them out and stay tuned for the master post! (I no longer have a pc, so I'm doing all this on mobile,,, please be kind lmao)
"Oh em gee. What's a lil cutie like you doing in here?"
Virgil froze, fur standing on edge as spook quietly tilted spooks head. In the darkness of the apartment, spooks vampire roommate lurked rather ominously. The vampire that was supposed to be at work right now, shit. Had Virgil forgotten a day off, holiday of some kind? Why the fuck was Remy here!
"An itty bitty kitty~" They purred, and faster than Virgil could blink, spook was lifted by the scruff. "Where the heck did you come from? How'd you even get in? I bet Virgil let you in, knew that little shit was keeping a secret. Honestly thought spook just had a boyfriend or some shit like that. I prefer this though."
Virgil yowled in mild irritation, willing spooks body to move so spook could get out of this embarrassing hold. Remy simply smiled, showing off a row of pearly whites, along with an intimidating set of fangs. Virgil would've been intimated if it wasn't Remy.
"Spicy lil' cayenne coffee, huh? What do you want, babes?"
'let me down!' Virgil internally roared. It came out as a fierce sounding hiss, but Remy simply cooed in spooks face. Humiliating.
"Oohhh I'm keeping you. Don't care what Virgie says. You snooze, you lose. C'mon, there's some chicken in the fridge, it's time to totally manipulate your affection and make me your fave owner. Yeah. Bet cranky lil Virge never gives you chicken, huh? Criminal. Absolutely criminal."
Virgil was plonked down on the cabinets, gentle claws scratching spooks ears before wandering off towards the fridge. Spook meowed imploringly, but was ultimately ignored. Bummer. The kitten looked around, sniffing the outlet and cringing at how filthy it was. Spook should probably clean the kitchen properly in the morning, the landlord would probably blow up and evict them both if they reported another ant infestation.
Spook peered over the edge of the cabinet as Remy was preoccupied googling what cats could eat. The answer was no they can not eat fruit loaf Remy you idiot -
Hmm. The ledge was too tall for Virgil to safely launch spookself off. In human form, spook had a reputation as the perfect blend of cat and cryptid due to the uncanny ability to appear on random surfaces and within impossible crevices - though it seemed in actual cat form, Virgil was lacking.
This called for one thing. It was time to meow frantically until everyone caved to spooks needs.
Meows began, slipping out the kitten's body with ease, practically screaming with urgency. Lemme down! Lemme down, I want down!
It was effective, Remy whipping around and staring at Virgil as if the kitten had burst into song or something as equally baffling. After a second, Remy shook their head and stood up, shushing loudly.
"Shhh, no, shhh! You're gonna wake Virgil up! That little goth is deprived of sleep as it, we can't be waking spook up."
Aw. Well, that was almost cute.
"Plus, spooks such a stress head, I know if spook wakes up I'll just get chewed out for calling in sick today."
So that's why Remy was still here? Virgil hadn't forgotten their shifts. Little shit. Spook yowled in the utmost distaste, and Remy just narrowed his eyes, hands on hips.
"Don't give me that look, you crusty little feline. You gotta take a day off every once in a while, keep your boss on their toes."
Crusty? How could anyone be so cruel to a little kitten? Virgil hissed in offense, swiping tiny claws towards spooks roommate.
Remy seemed to interpret the dangerous display as an urge to be picked up, as Virgil was once again in spooks roommate's arms - thankfully the hold was no longer on Virgil's scruff and instead cradled in Remy's arms, the gentle kiss to spooks head was vastly different to Remy's usual casual affection.
"C'mon, hissy-boy, let's grab you something to eat. I'll just give ya, yup, there it is. Eat this, babes, hear cats go nuts over this stuff."
Four paws landed on a cheap laminate floor, as Remy placed both the cat and a take-away container of dry chicken down. Huh. At least it was human food? Yeah, it was certainly more appealing than the strange oat food that Virgil was fed the last time a person found spook in kitten form.
"Alright, babes! I think we just became besties, huh? Are you my best friend? I'm gonna tell Virgil I've ditched spook for you. I'm sure I'll be forgiven."
Well, at least that much was true. If Remy had brought home another cat Virgil would have been more than happy to house the little thing, but that wasn't the point! There was no way Virgil would tell Remy about this predicament either, they'd never let spook live it down. Virgil bumps spooks head against Remy's leg gently, to signal spook was finished eating.
"Aw. I guess I'll let you mooch around. Gotta get out of these day clothes," Remy tugged on their pajamas "and into something stylish. B-R-B, kitty cat."
This gave Virgil some time on spooks own, mooching around the apartment - spook never normally left spooks room during these nightly spells, but Virgil didn't realize how different everything would look from down here. Even the chipped coffee table looked like some sort of landmark.
The shower kicked in a few moments later, while Virgil was trying to scale the couch, and spook was quietly happy that spook wasn't sleeping - Remy didn't have a great gauge of how much noise they were making, and had woken Virgil up on multiple occasions.
The time alone have Virgil time to ponder spooks predicament for the millionth time. As inconvenient as this curse is, Janus really could've hit spook with something a lot more deadly - Virgil is thankful for that, at least, but really how long can the bitter mage keep this going? There is a time limit, surely. Virgil can't spend spooks entire life turning into a kitten every night like some mockery of Princess Fiona. Maybe, just maybe, Virgil should speak to Janus again. Not to forgive him. To stop this. Yeah, that was it.
It's Janus that should be asking for Virgil's forgiveness, anyway. It's totally immoral to curse your former best friend and roommate. Probably. In fact, the mage was so far up his own ass with all that philosophy crap, he'd probably go on a long monologue on how perfectly moral this whole situation is while also dressing down the idea of morality or… Something. Virgil kind of tuned out of those debates.
Yeah, no, contacting Janus would be spooks last choice. Virgil was not interested in trying to appeal to their ego again, especially not with Remus around, being a little shit and stoking the flame.
Virgil huffed and tried to find a position that was comfortable to curl up on. Being much smaller only seemed to magnify the lumps and bumps in the old piece of furniture, the stuffing underneath the fake leather was compressed into a texture resembling porridge, and still smelt like the sidewalk spook and Remy dragged it from. Vampires had advanced senses of smell, so could Remy smell this shit all the time? Are they used to it? It was so gross. No wonder Virgil burst out in pimples whenever spook crashed on the couch.
A curt knock rapped on the apartment door. Virgil froze on the couch and tilted spooks head. They weren't expecting anyone, unless Remy decided to pull a 'roommate mega dick move' and invite friends over, in the middle of the night, without telling Virgil.
The mystery person knocked again, but the shower kept running and there were no other indications that Remy heard the door. Virgil tediously jumped down, trying to utilize the powers of this strange body spook was inhabiting to listen in on clues of who this may be-
"Hey, Microsoft-nerd, we aren't knocking on doors! Waking up the neighbours is not the way to get help in feline forage!"
The voice was unfamiliar to Virgil, as was the answering voice, much closer to the door.
"I am aware of the standard procedure, Roman. However, on this occasion, I can sense a fellow vampire is inside and thus there is a high chance they'll answer the door. Though that does not seem to be the case right now…"
"Shoot, can't you use your magic vampire brain to communicate?"
"No, Roman, that only works with fellow coven members. And even then it takes an especially large bond to send comments or instructions. It's mostly feelings of visions of something - like sending the sense of danger out to alert the whole coven to a hostility."
"Ugh,whatever - just post the flyer. Patton is awaiting our return. He's cooking Madras! With venison."
"Roman we have several more apartments to visit -"
Virgil jumped back with a slight squeak, as a menacing object floated from the letter box to where spook was just standing. Once it had landed, Virgil could properly inspect it. It seemed to be a lost poster, with the words MISSING KITTEN in a bold, red font. A stock image of a black kitten graced the front, watermark pasted all over, with an arrow labeling it 'KITTEN LOOKS LIKE THIS' as well as a few paragraphs of text all around, explaining that this kitten had somehow got out of the apartment, that they were a rescue and not at an adoptable age, that they'll seek out warm small areas to keep warm and safe, and very kindly asking residents to keep an eye out. There was a whole $800 listed as reward money.
Virgil's first thought was pity, some poor person had lost a cat they'd tried to rescue, and was clearly trying their best to find the lil thing. Hell, Virgil should probably help look for it tomorrow, eight hundred could really help spook and Remy out this month.
Virgil's second thought, after briefly skimming contact information, was 'oh shit'. 'Please Contact Patton,' was at the bottom, with a telephone number, and beneath that was the apartment number. The apartment that Virgil had crawled out of when snatched by a werewolf.
Patton, that was the werewolf's name. Spook remembers the uncomfortable elevator ride where Patton introduced faemself, there's absolutely no mistaking it, Patton wasn't exactly a super common name. The two at the door were talking about a Patton as well, weren't they? One was a vampire, which didn't make sense, but was the other part of Patton's pack?
This was a lot of trouble to go through for one scrappy kitten, if Remy's theory was true.
Would Patton eat a kitten?
It's not like Virgil knows the were properly, but spook did spend a night with Patton, a night where Patton thought fae was interacting with a real kitten and therefore had no reason to be fake nice to spook. Shit, had Virgil just judged this were on event that even spook didn't think happened?
"Ooh, what'cha got, gurl? You gonna bring me my mail like a lil puppy?" A voice coos, Virgil snapping out of spooks character development to look up at an amused Remy who was perched on the arm of the stinky ass couch.
The vamp was dressed down in lounge wear, though it was glaringly obviously the 'Falling In Reverse' band shirt was Virgil's and not Remy's. Virgil stared distastefully at spooks roommate, grumpy sounds leaving the kittens tiny body. Remy glowered right back, pointing at the creature.
"Oh, you must be Virgil's pet. No one else can embody that much grumpy emo vibes. Spook has a billion tees, I'm just wearing it this once."
That was such a Remy response. Unable to roll spooks eyes at the vampire, Virgil opted to turn back around and paw the flyer once more. Over here, idiot, come read this.
Remy, for once, didn't use his vampire powers to teleport across the room, and instead took a rather leisurely stroll across the room, crouching down to read.
"Hmmm, missing cat… Is that you? Did Virgie steal someone's pet, huh?" They lifted the page closer, inspecting it with pursed lips. Remy's eyes were a very pleasing shade of red behind those shades, it was quite nice to see. Virgil moved closer, seating spookself on Remy's socked foot, and as planned, receiving a pleasant head scratch.
"Wait. Hold the fucking phone, I know that apartment, that's fucking Wolfie's apartment. Holy crap, what a psycho, he's actually putting out lost posters? Did you manage to escape his dinner plate or something?"
Remy scooped the kitten up, holding Virgil close with a protective grumble. Like a feral wolf was going to burst through the door and gobble spook up. Virgil made sure to warble out a disgruntled noise at the vampire.
"Hold your horses, puss-puss, it says here you went missing last Wednesday and that's when Virgil crawled through my window like a creep," Remy held the little body up to eye level, staring so intensely, and for a second was sure Remy was a gorgon with how still spook got. Did they figure it out? How?
"That must've been what spook was doing, rescuing you! Honestly, I didn't think Virge had enough courage to break into a were's house to steal something. Spook can't even say spooks order at the drive thru, so I'm thoroughly impressed."
Well that was both rude and awfully convenient, as much as Virgil trusted spooks roommate on matters of life and death… Honestly, Remy likely wouldn't let Virgil live it down if they found out that spook turned into a tiny kitten each night. Virgil would rather not deal with the embarrassment.
"Come on, you. I wanna watch Grey's Anatomy and I'm not letting you wander round the apartment. You'd probably piss on something."
That was rude. Virgil had excellent control of spooks bladder, thank you very much. Still, this was at least a way to watch the soap without pretending it was cringey, spook supposed. Remy draped across the god awful sofa, falling into a position Virgil had seen spooks roommate in many times, and settled the tiny body of Virgil on his chest. Since Remy didn't have body heat, it was rather like laying on a tiled floor - or having the pillow be permanently cold. Virgil decided spook liked it that way, and a gentle purr started up.
Remy's expression, still trained on the television as they searched for the show, turned down right gooey.
"You cute little thing. You're gonna love watching this, look, Meredith has just gone seeing her dad and Thatcher is there. Not British Thatcher, this one's a dude. Was in Prison Break as well, we can watch that one later."
Maybe this is why Latte ran away. Contrary to what Remy believes, most cats aren't down to sit still and watch endless sitcoms.
As the hours ticked on, Virgil tried many times to sneak away. It seemed Remy was adamant to stay on the couch all night and to keep spook right next to them. Rigorous squirming landed Virgil to be sat in a shoebox full of newspaper - something spook hadn't noticed Remy making before all this - then listening to the vampire repeat a 'potty' command repeatedly. Embarrassingly, Virgil had used it, but only once. Spooks dumbass roommate hadn't given Virgil a single drop of water.
Still pressed against Remy's cold chest, Virgil could barely make out the busted kitchen clock as it struggled its way towards half nine. Shit. Shit, Virgil was screwed.
Hissing and yowling had not worked all night, though Virgil was currently weighing the pros and cons to scratching Remy's eyes out. The vampire in question sighed at spooks dramatics, scooping the kitten up and plonking it back into the DIY litter tray. This time, Remy stood up, stretching long limbs and teasing their curls into an effortless, glamorous bedhead. Red eyes stared into green for a moment before Remy let out a loud yawn.
"You stay there, puss. I need a leak, then I'm gonna cook Virge some breakfast. Try and sweeten spook up before I ask for a feeding, heh."
Aw, that was almost sweet. In a way. Virgil was gonna enjoy that breakfast, if spook could just escape this darn box while Remy was out of the room. Huzzah! Freedom.
The box tilted over, freeing the black kitten, as spook made a mad dash for spooks bedroom, luckily it always had a jar open.
At that moment, the magic began to tingle, signaling to Virgil that time was up, but spook was nearly to the bedroom. Unfortunately, a loud 'hey!' distracted spook, turning to look at the vampire that seemed rather peeved about the cat escaping. A stagger on an uneven rug had Virgil tripping up, unfortunately the transformation completed itself at that moment, meaning Virgil's human body grew itself big enough to smack full force into the door, leaving the emo flat on the floor with a light groan.
The door was pushed with quite some force, hitting the doorstop and coming back to bap Virgil a second time. Brilliant.
Virgil sighed into the cheap olefin carpet, hearing hesitant feet shuffle around to get a better look. Spook bent spooks neck awkwardly, looking at Remy with squinting eyes. The vampire looked completely befuddled, before lips began to curve upwards into a big smile. A big, overly smug smile.
"Oh, babes. You've got some tea to spill!"
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sebsxphia · 2 years
Don’t think about sleepy morning sex with Cyclone.. he’s awake before you, opens his eyes to see you cuddled up against him, your back to his chest, his strong arm draped over your waist. After a few minutes of watching you sleep peacefully, he begins to place soft little kisses to your neck and shoulder, pressing his growing hard-on against your backside underneath the covers. As you begin to stir, he leans down to place a delicate kiss to your cheek and whispers a raspy “good morning.” His kisses return to your neck as his hand starts making its way down your side and between your legs, running his fingers through your folds before dragging your wetness up to rub gentle circles along your clit. You try to turn around in his arms to face him, but he keeps you still with a firm hand on your hip to which you respond with a whine, and he tells you, “shhh, I want you just like this honey.” Once he’s made sure that you’re wet enough, he’s lifting your leg to rest over his own, rubbing his length along your wet folds before slowly entering you from behind, inch by inch. It’s soft and it’s sweet, and oh-so sensual as he moves in and out of you slowly, tenderly, his hand gripping your breast, soft cries released from you and little grunts and praises of “doing so good for me, baby” from him. Soon, his fingers are making their way back your clit, rubbing in tight circles as you continue to clench around him. Your release spurs his and he finishes inside you, painting your walls with ropes of his warm cum. Afterwards, you’re back wrapped in his arms, both panting and trying to catch your breath, Beau still inside of you, leaning forward to catch a kiss from your lips before burying his head in the crook of your neck as he cuddles you and whispers sweet nothings in your ear until it’s time for the two of you to get out of bed. Oh my gosh this was so filthy I need to go drink a gallon of holy water
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so you just send this to me??? for free??????? and i’m meant to continue on my day like it’s FINE????????
holy shit thank you so, so much for this insane thot my dear anon!!! i’m in absolute awe of this and i think i will be joining you in the holy water!! 💌😵‍💫💖
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