#short answer: cute but i don't prefer them to other ships
gf-seasons-zine · 7 months
Questions and Answers for the
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You've got questions, we've got answers!
Q: I'd like if this zine could refrain from ships involving other characters. I would prefer to leave out things like Wendip, Dipcifica, Fiddauthor, etc. I want cute family bonding!
A: We agree! Shipping is a fun and exciting part of fandom, of course, but this zine will only focus on cute Pines family bonding. If pieces include other characters WITH the Pines family (as we've had a lot of votes to include Soos and Wendy among others) this will focus on platonic relationships between them and the Pines family. We hope this doesn't disappoint any hopeful shippers but we are aware that ship discourse does still exist in the fandom in 2024 and we would like to avoid any discomfort or discourse among participants.
For full transparency, this policy will extend to the zine Discord for contributors and moderators. Ship discussions will not be allowed as part of the Discord, but don't worry- there will be plenty of other things to talk about! In short, you can love a ship, dislike it, or even passionately hate it, but please don't bring it up in the zine spaces. We hope this policy will make this project a safe and fun experience for everyone, and we are so looking forward to having everyone participate and enjoy!
Mods Berry and Jade
More Q&A's happening soon! Stay tuned, watch this space, set your alarms etc.!
Haven't completed the interest check yet? Now might be a good time! ;)
Alternative link: https://forms.gle/WZJuzpESfX24rkbf9
Disclaimer: We are not affiliated with Disney in any way. The zine will be a charity zine with all surplus going to charity- no one will profit from this zine.
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biggie-chcese · 2 months
do that little purple rain code fella (i dont rememver his name sorry 😭) and uhh. marcille!!
omg i took so long to get home to be able to answer this djafd. anyway i already talked about the little purple fella here, so ill do marcille!
How I feel about this character she's not my favorite, but i still really like her! when i first read the manga, i was rolling my eyes at the fact that the only girl on the main cast was the fussy one, but then later meeting other characters and learning marcille is just Like That made her so much better. plus, i really love her story around her fear of death regarding her friends, and its connected lore with the dynamics of short lived races and long lived ones
All the people I ship romantically with this character i mean, i ship her with falin like everyone else lol. though im a multishipper at heart so ive seen some really cute fanart of her and namari, and even her and laios! im pretty casual about these things so it's like sure i can see it.
My non-romantic OTP for this character ok i know i just mentioned her and laios but i do vastly prefer it as non-romantic because i really love their canon dynamic! they both care so deeply for each other and falin and it's always fun to see them interact <3
My unpopular opinion about this character im sorry fam i do not engage with the fandom enough to know what the popular opinions are. uhhh i suppose it does kinda annoy me when she's only reduced to her ship with falin. i like the ship, but she's so much more than her devotion to falin.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon. nothing really, dunmeshi is a piece of media i adore so much that i don't see myself changing anything about it. the storytelling, visuals, and lore had me hooked and satisfied me to the very end. i deeply respect ryoko kui as a writer and wouldn't have this story written any other way <3
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morgenlich · 1 year
For Rusliet or Lietpol or whatever ship you prefer to answer? 😊
11. How do they feel about nicknames/pet names? If they like them, what pet names do they use? If they hate them, why do they feel that way?
20. How do they comfort each other when one of them is upset? Is this method of comfort effective?
27. How do they say “I love you” non-verbally?
43. If they picked out outfits for each other, what would they look like?
ship asks!
I'll do them for both!
11) [gestures at eastern euro diminutive conventions] i need to do more research to decide on stuff liet calls ivan, but right now i have his go-tos as vanya (per ivan's request, idt he'd willingly use russian diminutives otherwise lmao) and meškinas which according to @hinotorihime is along the lines of calling him a teddy bear asdfg (ivan does not know that's the meaning, tolys just told him that it means sweetheart or smth and he believed him lmao). ivan loves making tolys (already technically a dimunitive) sound cutesy imo. tolsha, tolshka, tolushka, etc. also malen'kiy moy (don't quote my transliteration of that), "my little one" which tolys hates asdfg
20) they're both very physically affectionate imo! so hugs, wrapping the other in a blanket, etc. but also bringing each other tea/coffee. level of effectiveness varies based on why the other person is upset lmao, if one is upset with the other it usually just makes things worse
27) same as above tbh, lots of physical affection, but i'll throw in that i think ivan's a big gift-giver.
43) HM. [obligatory maid dress joke here] but in all honesty i think (present day, i'm going to ignore when tolys was working for ivan bc that's different) they'd both opt to put the other in smth cozy tbh. nice sweater, that kinda thing. not necessarily for appearance but bc they both know the other would like being cozy tbh
11) again i need to do more research, rn i have tolys calling feliks felek but i'm not convinced that it's necessarily ic for him + i have most of feliks' friends call him felek and i think liet should have smth special. feliks calls him tolshek tho.
20) tolys will hug and cuddle feliks; feliks will hug tolys bc he knows he likes it but is more interested in trying to get tolys to talk it out imo, at least present day, because imo during the commonwealth one of their big problems was never fucking talking to each other about why they were upset and feliks is trying to learn from that mistake lol
27) again, tolys is v physically affectionate, and i think feliks will initiate hugs or cuddles bc he knows liet likes them (feliks doesn't dislike them, to be clear, tolys is just way more dependent on receiving physical affection), but i think he also tends to just kind of. do little things to make sure liet is taking care of himself. putting a glass of water on his desk, that kinda thing.
43) oh feliks is ITCHING to get his hands on liet's wardrobe lmao he thinks that tolys is incapable of dressing himself (he is correct). i think he'd try to get liet to lean into the sort of hashtag dark academia aesthetic kind of outfits asdfv which tolys doesn't see as being much different from what he already wears (feliks: but you don't style them right!!!). tolys would probably want feliks to wear smth cute asdfv just picks a cute little short dress from feliks' wardrobe or smth
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dawnofplumeria · 1 year
I'm a bit curious about this (don't hate)
Why do you ship Kokunaki? While they don't have any interactions and moments with each other?
Even I see some of its shippers always say that it is canon but it has never been confirmed like that, which makes me somewhat displeased with the ship.
If you like it then I'm fine with that because I respect everyone's preferences
(You can scroll down all the way to the bottom for TLDR if you're short on time😉)
Sorry it took so long to answer...🙇🏻‍♀️😓
I'm glad you asked! In the past, i had a few people asking me why I ship Kokunaki, I'm happy to answer this one! This response will be a bit long since I have so much to say on Kokunaki 😊
Kokunaki is not my first rare pair, so I've been a believer that characters don't need to interact in order for the ship to be valid or good. True, we never got them to see them appear in the same scene together at all. The only time we ever got to see the two next together in any official kny media is in kimetsu gakuen chapter 20 (and they didn't even talk to each other). However, there's so much potential between them to explore in fanworks that I simply can't ignore.🤔
I'm not even sure what source these other shippers use to say that Kokunaki is canon. As far as I know, I couldn't find such source and none provided any. I'm guessing you highly prefer canon ships over fanon ones (which, is your choice and that's ok🤷‍♀️).🤔
At least you're a pretty good sport.🙂
Oh right, here's why I am obsessed with Kokunaki...😊
-I find them appealing to look at together from a visual standpoint. 6 eyes and one eye? So adorable🥰. Pretty much the first reason many people (and myself included) find themselves to ship Kokunaki💕. Also, the height difference is cute(Ik Nakime's official height is unknown, but I'd like tot hink she's 5"0 tall)☺️.
-They share similar personality traits. Both are aloof, quiet, stoic introverts who are surrounded by idiots😆. Due to both of them being the more sane or normal among the UMs, I'd like to believe they at least don't mind each other's company in canon. They'd love to talk to each other and overall spend time together. Their similar personality traits leads them to think and act similarly-so, they'll rarely fight or have major disagreements between them.
-We get to explore sides of both characters that the canon couldn't. In canon, Kokushibo does have very tiny bit of humanity left. If he doesn't have any humanity at all, he would've dispose of that flute that he managed to carry with him for 400+ years. At the very least, Kokushibo does indeed love and care for his brother the entire time (even though he won't admit it). As for Nakime, it's difficult to tell if she had any humanity at all since we the audience don't know much about her. The story has not presented us with any redeemable or sympathetic qualities for her. It could be argued that her ex-husband might've been abusive. Even then, we don't know much about her ex-husband either. What I'm trying to say is that by putting these two together in a relationship together, we can explore their human sides individually and together. Love in any way among demons is extremely rare,so imagining Naki & Koku as romantic partners can help bring out the softer, gentle nature deeply buried in them. Exploring the idea that they aren't 100% heartless monsters can do wonders to their characterization in fanon.
The potential of them as a power couple. Kokushibo has been UM1 from the start and has kept his title since. In Nakime's fight, two hashiras struggled to land a single blow on her. We haven't seen Nakime fight outside of the infinity castle, so we wouldn't know how much she'll do well outside of her domain. However, she's a powerful demon in her own right, and Kokushibo might see potential in her. Under his guidance, Nakime might still get to be powerful outside of the infity castle. With her and Kokushibo side by side in combat, they can operate as an offense and defense duality. Nakime can be the offensive force, while Kokushibo can be the defense force. Ultimately, they'll have someone to fight for😍
-Both were in unhappy marriages. Although not explicitly stated, it can be implied that both were in arranged, loveless marriages. I find it hard to believe Nakime willingly chooses to tie the knot with a gambling addict. From what we can read of her backstory from the fanbook, her ex-husband did nothing to contribute to household finances. In fact, he usually flushes Nakime's earnings down the drain-which is why the two are poor. Nowhere does the fanbook ever mention any positive memories the two have together. Given that the reason Nakime murdering her ex-husband is because he gambled away her only nice kimono, it must've been the last straw from her. Nakime pretty much had to put up a lot emotionally (and perhaps physically) to being stuck with a man who has trouble with money.
As for Kokushibo, he has a stronger case for being in an arranged, loveless marriage. He's the eldest son of his clan with a lot of expectations placed on his family. Of course, his family would set him up with a daughter from another wealthy family. Canonically, he did describe his marriage as "boring". This leads me to doubt he and his ex-wife lvoed each other at all from the beginning. Due to a lack of love or interest towards his ex-wife and kids from his memories, he most likely formed a family purely out of societal obligation (still not a free pass for him to go out and buy milk though).
During the times when Koku & Naki were humans, arranged, loveless marriages were the norm. Unfortunately for our unusual eye couple, divorce isn't an option in their human years. When the two become close and comfortable to be vulnerable to each other, they'll open up and relate to formerly being in unhappy marriages.
-The forbidden/tragic love aspect. They're not in a Romeo and Juliet type situation, but their romantic relationship can bring them a lot of risks. Like I said earlier, many demons don't even get along (mainly because Muzan makes it difficult for mutual bonds among demons to happen). Romance is highly unheard of among demon kind. Given as to their backgrounds and roles in the 12 kizuki, it's a perfect recipie for heart-wrenching angst. Due to them both most likely never having romantic feelings towards anyone before, it'll take them quite a while to realize or admit to such feelings (Kokushibo would be more stubborn and in denial in this aspect than Nakime). Kokushibo and Nakime are very lucky to be Muzan's favorites so that their relationship can be approved. Although Muzan trusts them to not backstab them, he'll secretly spy on them here and there. Since Muzan Witnessing demons being in love is a once in a blue moon phenomenon, he'll probably toy with our love birds for his own sick entertainment. One of the conditions Muzan would give them to continue being romantic partners is to always put him first before each other.
As if it wasn't enough to get Muzan' approval, Naki & Koku will have to keep their relationship behind closed doors from EVERYONE. Luckily, I don't think either of them would be into PDA. In fact, they strike me as a couple who prefer to be affectionate in secret. However, they're still gonna have to be cautious about potential spies and nosy beings. Afterall, they can' let their relationship get in the way of their duties.
-Ultimately, all they'll have is each other. One of the reasons the two will be drawn to each other is vulnerability. Think about it, Nakime is quite quiet, unsettling individual with a very strong "don't come any closer type of nature. As for Kokushibo, he's UM 1 and one of the oldest and most feared demons in existence. As much as both of them are content with their roles among the 12 Kizuki, it can get pretty lonely. Nakime does feel safe in the domain she created to her own liking, but her role as Muzan' lackey can get quite isolating and she'll be in her thoughts most of the time. As much proud Kokushibo is for being the apex predator of the demon hierarchy, he's extremely unapproachable to many.
Due to their similar personalities, they can easily listen and understand each other. When close enough, they'll even know what each other is thinking just by very subtle body movements. The start of a beautiful friendship turned romance is them realizing that they don't need to be completely alone 100% of the time.
TLDR: The reason I ship Kokunaki is because of the potential these two could have together. They are pretty similar in personality and thinking, interesting exploration for their characters and there is room for possibilities to explore demons in love. Kokunaki provides a potentially angsty slowburn fest as a result of two characters coming from troubled, broken backgrounds who are trying to navigate the unnerving world around them. I hope I answered your question successfully well🥰
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sessakag · 2 years
Ask Part 2
Get to know my Shipping Preferences & Ships!
Made an ask meme ^ ^
Send me a number!
1. List 3 shipping tropes you love
2. List 3 shipping tropes you don't love
3. One emotional aspect of a ship that always gets you
4. One physical aspect of a ship that always gets you
5. Multiship or Monoship?
6. Rare pairs or Mainstream?
7. Polyamory or Monogamy?
8. If the ship is physical, reversible or not?
9. Do you always have romantic ships for fandoms?
10. How important is the sexual part (if any) of your ship?
11. Opinion on platonic ships?
12. List 3 ships you currently love
13. List 5 OTPs from past fandoms
14. Opinion on the importance of marriage?
15. Opinion on kids?
NOW, about ONE ship (ships I’ll answer for in the tags!):
16. One thing one character likes about their partner(s).
17. Now one thing that the other character(s) likes about the first chara.
18. Who confessed?
19. How long did they know each other before getting together?
20. Who's the ship's biggest in-universe supporter?
21. Any rivals for the ship?
22. Any mutual friends?
23. Have they met each other's families?
24. What's ONE conflict they've had.
25. What’s ONE way they’ve resolved a conflict?
26. What's ONE location that's important to them?
27. What's ONE object that's important to them?
28. What's ONE food/beverage that's important to them?
29. What's ONE thing they do in their free time together?
30. What's ONE thing they do in their free time APART?
31. What's ONE thing character A might gift their partner?
32. What's ONE thing character A's partner(s) might gift back?
33. How would they react to long distance?
34. How would they react to an ex showing up?
35. Describe one date.
36. Describe one example of comforting after a bad day.
37. Describe one reunion after time apart.
38. Describe their ideal home.
39. Describe their first kiss (if any).
40. Describe their first time (if any).
41. Would they have any pets? If so, describe.
42. Would they get married? If so, describe their wedding.
43. Would they have any kids? If so, describe.
44. Give each character a color.
45. Give each character an element.
46. Give each character a Pokemon.
47. Give each character a Hogwarts house.
48. Give each character a super power.
49. Give each character an rpg class.
50. Imagine each character as an animal.
Try to send a number before reblogging for yourself!
Let’s try to break that cycle of only reblogging memes but never sending ^ ^;
35. Naruto flips the whole table during dinner. Wanting to take Hinata to a fancy restaurant, Naruto puts on a suit that makes him uncomfortable, is tense in the fancy eatery and makes a complete ass of himself trying to read the menu, knocks his wine glass over somehow, then flips the table standing up too quick to catch it, lol.
36. Hugging! Naruto simply wrapping his arms around Hina and resting on her boobs for a while, lol. Or Naruto cuddling Hina and making her laugh with his antics.
37. Naruto picking Hina up and swinging her around. He's really affectionate like that and she's so short and cute, lol, how can he not?
38. Cute 2 story. One with a big yard for the kids and a garden, and more than one bathroom so mofos don't have to go outside, 😂like why in the world did they only have on bathroom? That's too many people for one toilet. Your the Hokage, I know you getting paid good, upgrade sir!
39. Magical! Up in the air, right in front of the big, beautiful full moon, soooooooo romantic and sweet, still squealing that Naruto initiated it, but that goes to show, he goes right for what he wants, no hesitation!
40. Secrets-Chapter One. Monster-Chapter Eleven 😤I go into great detail.
41. Meh, nothing jumps out to me besides Kurama. I think he would take too kindly as being referred to as a pet though 😂
42. Yep. Monster-Chapter Fifty-Nine.
43. Lots! NaruHina Month 2022 collection- Chapter Six, Chapter Ten.
44. Orange and Lavender.
45. Fire for Naruto. Earth for Hinata. Trying this out in A Cure For Love. Love it so far!
46. I'll be honest, not a Pokemon fan. From the little I know, Charzard for Naruto. Mewtwo for Hinata. I like her having something strange and unique.
47. Can't answer this one, lol. I am definitely not a Harry Potter fan, I have not watched more than 15 minutes of one of the movies(don't know which) and have not read anything from the series.
48. Naruto: Super strength. Hinata: Invisibility at will.
49. Naruto: Fighter. Hinata: Necromancer.
50. Fox and bunny! That was easy!
All answered! @asriah! And don't worry, I don't hate ya! This was actually fun! Hope you get a kick out of some of these answers, lol.
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yuriko-mukami · 2 years
General RP style and preferences
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Repost, don’t reblog. Bold what applies. Strikethrough what does not. Elaborate on any points you’d like.
Please be honest, we all want to find the people who work best with how we RP.
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Types of RP / How I do threads
| I don’t I just do whatever is on my dash when I’m online | Mainly asks | I do little short things mostly | I do my threads on discord | Long running threads that slowly build upon the muses |
Asks are a great way to start a thread with me but I also give short answers, depending on the ask. I do love long threads that are slowly developing the relationship between the characters. Along with Tumblr, I also roleplay on Discord (both long and short things).
Plotting Preferences 
| Wing it | Get a general idea ooc and then run with it & plot further if need be | Long expansive thought out story arcs |
I do this all. Somehow I have mostly ended up winging things in most of Tumblr RPs or going on with very little plotting... but I also have some very carefully plotted out long RPs (mainly on Discord).
Type of threads I do / Prefer
| Oneliners only | Whatever dash shenanigans I’m online for | Para or Multi para | Literal Novels |
I rather write at least one paragraph but I prefer multiple paragraphs... and well, I'm very willing to write longer things too. My longest RP has probably reached the 100 000 words milestone (it has several threads though).
Reply Speed for Threads & Consistency & Keeping threads
| I lose threads all the time & don’t usually get back to them | I tend to lose threads but please tell me if I have and I’ll reply! | I drop threads pretty easily | I’m really slow but I WILL get back to you | I reply on a schedule/queue | I usually reply within a week | I reply every day | I reply almost instantly |
I don't have a steady schedule but if I have many threads going with many different people, I make one and then I usually use a queue too. At times, I'm slow because I have busy seasons at work or other real-life situations going on. I try to reply within a week but sometimes I can't. Sometimes I might reply almost instantly if I happen to have free time.
Romantic or sexual ships
| I don’t do these ships | I’m not against them happening but it is not the main point of my blog | All ships will have to be super slow burn & discussed a lot OOC, super chemistry based | I love doing ships, HMU I probably already ship it just ask! | I ship really quickly | I autoship or ship within a few interactions | I mainly RP for the cute ship fluff or smut |
Shipping isn't actually the main point of my RPs. For Yuriko's canon story, her ship with Ruki is one of the main points though and Rukiko RP with @ruki-mukami-dl is definitely my biggest and longest RP. I also have YuuNa ship with @nalia-wagner-rp on Yuuto's blog and Yuuto is exclusive with Nalia. And outside my current ships, I actually rather RP friendships, family stuff, or other dynamics.
| I do NOT do smut at all | I’m very selective about it | I only do it on a separate (blog/discord/specify here) | I mainly only do asks relating to nfsw headcanons on Sundays | I write it a medium amount | I write it all the time and love to | 
At the moment I don't write smut threads on Tumblr but I publish smut fics here. My smut threads are on Discord and I'm very selective with whom I write those and I prefer building the relationship between the characters before writing smut. But... when I write smut, I write it rather often and I do love it.
Active hours [Specify Timezone, if you’d like]
| Mornings 8-10 | Midday 11-1 | Afternoon 2-5 | Evenings 6-8 | Night 9-12 | Ungodly hours of the day 1-onwards |
Timezone: UTC +2 (Summertime +3)
I bolded the times I usually write on weekdays. But sometimes I'm active during the evenings and in the middle of the night too. And at weekends, I'm active whenever I feel like it. So, I really don't have that steady schedule.
Activity Schedule
| SUPER slow and sporadic, like once a month or so | Slow and sporadic week-long gaps between activity | Bi-weeklyish activity | Weekly activity (specify if there’s a certain time you have school/work/etc. off that you are most active) | Daily activity | I’m online nearly all the time |
I post something weekly, sometimes daily.
| I don’t do starter calls | I want to do starter calls but often don’t have time | I do selective calls (specify) | I don’t do calls, but always feel free to ask me for one! I do starter calls rarely/regularly/often |
I do starter calls if I have enough extra time in case I get many likes for that. So... rarely. But you can always DM me and ask me to send a starter to you or plot an RP with you. Or just send me a starter instead, I'm okay with that! So feel free.
| I don’t do AUs | My blog is an AU but outside of that I don’t do them | I sometimes do them but only with a lot of plotting | I have a couple of AUs already feel free to request them! | I have AUs coming out of my ears please interact with them! | I love making AUs HMU to plot if you think of one! | There are some AUs I won’t do (specify here) | 
Well, practically most of my RPs with different muses are considered AUs where other muses Yuriko has relationships with don't exist. Some of them are happening in the same universe or overlap partly though.
Other than that, I haven't written AUs. I might be willing to try that out at some point. Maybe. Not quite sure.
| I don’t do crossovers (specify reason if you’d like) | I’m selective with crossovers (specify reason if you’d like) | I love crossovers! |
I'm not too fond of crossovers because I rather know about both of the original stories but I rarely have time to collect enough information... and I'm very picky with my media consumption, so... Yeah, crossovers aren't exactly my cup of tea but I don't completely shut them out either. You can always ask me if you have a suggestion.
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hellcatinnc · 1 year
Anime/Otome 31 Day Challenge
The whole point to this challenge is we all know we got our favorites across anime and otome however it is so easy to answer these challenges with multiple answers as well as the same games, anime, or hot anime guys for every question. I wanted to try to do something fun yet play with it a bit. How bout 31 days of questions and some may have multiple answers but if you use a character, anime, or otome once then try your hardest to use a different one to another question so that we really get to know each other.
Lets say try to keep the ones that don't say a certain amount 5 and under per question. If you can't or your still new to the games or anime its fine to repeat all I'm asking is try to answer differently as you can. If questions you can't answer thats fine as well they can be skipped enjoy and have fun passing this around. All questions can be answered with an otome as well as a anime answer or one or the other since I know not everyone plays the games too.
What's Your Favorite Hair Color On Your Love Interest?
Name 5 Anime/Otome Men That Are The Hottest With Red Hair?
Name 5 Anime/Otome Men That Are The Hottest With Any Color Not Listed Hair?
Which Do You Prefer Tsundere's Or Yanderes And Why?
Do You Prefer A Otome/Anime With More Love Or More Plot To It?
What Anime/Otome Is A Guilty Pleasure?
Which Character Come To Mind With Hottest Body?
What Otome Are You Playing Now (If Not Name Anime Watching)?
Name 5 Anime/Otome Men That Are The Hottest With Purple Hair?
Who Do You Find Adorable & Cute But Would Never Romance?
Who Do You Find Adorable & Cute But Would Romance?
What Vilian Character Do You Love Most?
Which Otome/Anime Character Would You Love to Be The MC In?
Favorite Ship In Any Anime/Otome?
Name 5 Anime/Otome Men That Are The Hottest With Brown Hair?
What Ship Would You Like To See In Any Of Your Anime/Otome That Aren't Together?
Is There A Character You Would Be Fine With Being Killed Off?
Do You Prefer Long Or Short Hair On Your Love Interest?
Name 5 Anime/Otome Men That Are The Hottest With White Hair?
Name A Sexy Yandere & Do You Dare Say Why You Love Them?
What Anime/Otome Have You Wanted To Try Yet Haven't?
What Anime/Otome Have You Refused To Watch or Play?
Name 5 Anime/Otome Men That Are The Hottest With Black Hair?
What Anime/Otome Can You Play On Repeat?
What Character From Non Anime/Otome Would Like To See Animated In One Or The Other?
Do You Have A Girl Crush If So Who?
Which MC Is Your Favorite?
Which MC Is Your Least Favorite
If You Had 3 Wishes What Would They Be (Must Include Anime/Otome Characters As Part Of Your Wish?
What's Your Favorite Genre Of Anime/Otome?
What Is Your Favorite Characters Race (Vampire, Demon, Werewolf, Devil etc)?
I do hope others like this and pass it around please. Enjoy!
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fyodior · 2 years
Alright bisch , im doing this
*slams my resume on your desk
K so Hi! I'm Noodles as you know by now and I go by she/they . Currently unemployed and finishing school and 18 years old.
Appearance wise I'm pretty lanky and tall(5'11) with short grey hair and blue eyes. I wear shit ton of hoodies and casual clothes that are more practical than for looks. (Side effect is I have always smth in my pockets like pens or money or gum, it's like Blackhole)
This feels weird talking about personality but hey whatever dhdh. I'm clearly an introvert but surprisingly I can thrive in social events too. I can easily talk to strangers and I would say even charm them if I put my mind to it , it just simply has a limit and after a while I fizzle out and feel like not talking. I like to give people things and help in any way, it brings me more joy than anything which translates into not handling affection well. I'm pretty chill and laid back compared to some people , I don't involve myself into dramas or issues since I prefer to watch afar. Even though I secretly might wanna punch some people who can't take the hint.(Violence is the answer sometimes kids) It's surprising how chill and unbothered I am but when shit goes down and I'm fed up I take the reigns and tell people what to do cause they're indecisive morons. It's not often but it fills me with pride when I can take the lead like this and people believe in me to be leader.
(I did the test but it's confusing a bit? If u know the other personality test I'm an INFP but thats a bit old now)
Some of my hobbies include drawing a shit ton of small doodles but never having the patience to stick with one piece too long. Piloting I would also consider a hobby , and reading and playing video games too in spare time. But lately taking walks has taken a big part in my life I have come to enjoy them too. I do bite my nails a lot unfortunately, old habit eeee
Likes and dislikes sheesh okay uh. I like people who don't lie about their feelings. Hate lies with passion. Those small white lies don't bother me but stuff like hiding your feelings and lying to another person's face whenever u like em or not makes my blood boil. I hate blueberries, lavender and coconut , Oblivious people and of course The current capitalistic system .
I like rats , snakes , birds ,cats and dogs of course . Creating anything brings me joy, whenever it be art , writing or even just ideas. My hands need to keep doing smth and creating is one way to do it. I also like winter and cold somehow , better than heat for sure
(U can go nsfw too but Its not a requirement btw heh)
(And for characters not to match with I don't think I'm comfy with mori much or nikolai sorryy)
Thank you for doing this event hon, and thank you for letting me participate , lov uuuuuuu
⚞ noodles x chuuya ⚟
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⋆ ok first of all i know you dont like pink but i think its cute so suck it up
⋆ second of all. i rly wanted to be more creative and give you someone not super obvious but chuuya just works so well like that is ur man
⋆ third of all you will always be shipped with me above anyone else ok u know this
⋆ he is so fucking. gender. and sexy we discuss this often
⋆ above all else you are a fucking people pleaser even to ur own detriment dkfjdkjdf and i truly think chuuya is among the few people who wouldn't abuse this. he'd entertain you because he knows its fulfilling for you, but make sure you arent running yourself dry
⋆ he would indulge in your praise kink at every turn. not even just sexually although he def would be telling you (depending on position/situation) how sexy you look or how good you're being or how good ur fucking him
↣ in everyday life too! how much he appreciates you and how thankful he is for u. behind closed doors this man is so fucking soft no matter how steely he acts in front of others.
⋆ chuuya will so let you peg him in fact he will request this
⋆ chuuya is also not a liar (irl, probably lies his ass off to PM ppl) and really wants someone who he can trust to always be honest with him, because he def has trust issues.
⋆ he will not hide his feelings either. again he probably has a good ass poker face just bc . pm exec and all that but he will always be so straightforward because that's just how he is. you'd never have to worry about him stewing silently or secretly being pissed off
⋆ it irks him so bad how much taller you are but he tries to not let it get to him too bad dkfkdjkjfkj
⋆ "violence is sometimes the answer kids" i am 100% positive he has said that before at some point in his life
↣ he'd be a horrible enabler tho like you'd be ranting how much you want to kill a peer/coworker and he'd be like fucking do it. whats stopping you and ur like PRISON IS ??????
⋆ he's the same when it comes to avoiding unnecessary drama. he thinks it's dumb as fuck and has absolutely no interest in getting involved. but he does like shit talking with you at home fjkdfkjdfj or going on rants abt how much he fucking hates dazai and ur sitting on the couch as he paces around the room like. uh huh yes honey for sure
⋆ you'd def always be drawing or doodling sketches of him and the paper ones he'd keep all of them and store them bc he finds it so endearing
⋆ chuuya is the same exact way when it comes to an introvert that's able to be charming as fuck. like you'd be able to attend dinners or parties or whatever and charm everyone there but you leave after like an hour fkdfkdkjfdjk and then sit in silence on the couch watching tv to recharge
⋆ i dont think he'd be great about letting you be the leader/taking the reigns in situatiions honestly but you'd also completely trust him to not be a fucking idiot and trust his decisions so does it rly matter
⋆ why do you hate lavender. i love lavender. chuuya probably loves lavender
⋆ your ability to stay unbothered would be really good for him and his incredibly short (like him) temper. you'd be like the only person who could calm him down and get him to chill the fuck out literally please do this my guy is so high strung sometimes
⋆ he'd absolutely fucking obliterate your ass in any video games
⋆ power couple. can i be the third pls
⋆ love u
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madeimpact · 1 year
Repost, don’t reblog. Bold what applies. Strikethrough what does not. Elaborate on any points you’d like with a *
Please be honest, we all want to find the people who work best with how we RP.
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| I don’t I just do whatever is on my dash when I’m online | Mainly asks* | I do little short things mostly | I do my threads on discord | Long running threads that slowly build upon the muses** |
*I hoard asks I'm so sorry if I answer something like two months late after you've completely forgotten about it
**Not often but these are tasty
| Wing it* | Get a general idea ooc and then run with it & plot further if need be | Long expansive thought out story arcs** |
*I'm fine with this if it's what you prefer but I do tend to like to plot at least a jumping off point
**Again, rare but tasty
| Oneliners only | Whatever dash shenanigans I’m online for | Para or Mulit para | Literal Novels* |
*Rare but not impossible lol
| I lose threads all the time & don’t usually get back to them | I tend to lose threads but please tell me if I have and I’ll reply! | I drop threads pretty easily | I’m really slow but I WILL get back to you | I reply on a schedule/queue (specify if you’d like) | I usually reply within a week | I reply every day | I reply almost instantly |
| I don’t do these ships (specify reason if you would like) | I’m not against them happening but it is not the main point of my blog | All ships will have to be super slow burn & discussed a lot OOC, super chemistry based (Mutuals and friends only) | I love doing ships, HMU I probably already ship it just ask! | I ship really quickly | I autoship or ship within a few interactions | I mainly RP for the cute ship fluff |
| I do NOT do smut at all* | I’m very selective about it | I only do it on a separate (blog/discord/specify here) | I mainly only do asks relating to nfsw headcanons on Sundays | I write it a medium amount | I write it all the time and love to |
*I'd probably only RP smut with super SUPER close friends or even a partner, assuming all IC and OOC parties are of age by default ofc. And if it ever happened it'd definitely only be on discord
ACTIVE HOURS [ AST: UTC -8 / Pacific Time ]
| Mornings 8-10 | Midday 11-1 | Afternoon 2-5 | Evenings 6-8 | Night 9-12 | Ungodly hours of the day 1-onwards |
| SUPER slow and sporadic, like once a month or so | Slow and sporadic week long gaps between activity | Bi-weeklyish activity | Weekly activity | Daily activity | I’m online nearly all the time |
| I don’t do starter calls | I want to do starter calls but often don’t have time | I do selective calls (ask calls) | I don’t do calls, but always feel free to ask me for one! | I do starter calls rarely/regularly/often |
| I don’t do AUs | My blog is an AU but outside of that I don’t do them | I sometimes do them but only with a lot of plotting | I have a couple of AUs already feel free to request them!* | I have AUs coming out of my ears please interact with them! | I love making AUs HMU to plot if you think of one!** | There are some AUs I won’t do (specify here) |
*Maybe kind of ironically, the only muses I don't really do AUs for are the Kingdom Hearts muses, because like...kh is kinda already about crossovers. Making AUs for them feels redundant to me, personally, though I'm not completely opposed to the idea either. I just won't really go out of my way to make AUs for them like I do with my other muses is all I'm saying but it really doesn't take much convincing to get me to do one LMAO
**As far as fandom-specific AUs go, I generally prefer making ones for fandoms I'm at least somewhat familiar with. I've tried writing ones that my partner knows based on knowledge they give me and they always fizzle out really fast
| I don’t do crossovers | I’m selective with crossovers (specify reason if you’d like) | I love crossovers! |
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fireandiceland · 2 years
Fic Writer Questions
Thanks for tagging me @kitaychan 🧡
1.) How many works do you have on AO3
2.) What’s your total AO3 count?
3.) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
as of now I'm only writing for hetalia, but there's a couple of short drabbles on my abandoned marvel blog and some unposted sherlock stuff 👀
4.) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. Say it. (rusame) and the nsfw drabble collection are on the same count rn
2. a visitor. (rusame)
3. How'd I ever get so lost? (pruk)
4. Let's get this over with, shall we? (prukden)
5. Unwinding Mr. Kirkland (mint chocolate - england x 2p america)
5.) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Ohh that's easy, Just once, before it's too late. I really put my everything into this. 💔
6.) What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
That would be my 5 times crack fic. It's really cute and I still love the last chapter. 🥰
7.) Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I'm not interested in crossovers at all so I haven't written any.
8.) Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, that's most of what I write and it's whatever I find hot. 😅 I cannot write porn if it's not something I think would be sexy cause I know it won't come out good and I take pride and writing good smut. Other than that I don't really have a preference for which kind of gender/sex to write. If I care enough about a character there will eventually be a nsfw scenario featuring them on my mind :)
9.) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I usually do, because it makes me happy when someone takes the time to comment on my fics and I want them to know 💜
10.) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Luckily, no. ✌
11.) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Again, luckily, no. ✌
12.) Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but I'd be lying if I said I never thought about writing a fic in english and a translation in my native language just for fun.
13.) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but I will hopefully one day turn a rp between maryeve and me into a fic so I guess that would count?
14.) What’s your all time favorite ship?
It changes a lot but rn I love CanRus, nyo america x england, SuFin x DenNor, and FrUsUk. 💕
15.) What’s a WIP that you want to finish but you don’t think you ever will?
The unposted frying pangle smut from my google docs. I started writing it about two years ago and haven't looked at it in more than a year. By now I'd probably hate it so much I'd have to rewrite the whole thing.. 😶
16.) What are your writing strengths?
I have been told I'm good with (dramatic) character introductions and setting the mood. I always get these super detailed images in my head and then I try to convey those feelings and pictures into words and I'd say I'm doing very well with that. ✨🔥
17.) What are your writing weaknesses?
Plot, planning things ahead, and actually posting the stuff I do finish. 💀
18.) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in fic?
I like it when it's just single words that are not plot relevant (like greetings and short exclamations that can be made sense of in the context), but you will never find me writing entire paragraphs in a different language just to make you scroll to the end of a fic multiple times throughout a chapter so you can look for a translation (sorry if I sound like bitch here but I hate having my reading flow interrupted rip)
19.) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Sherlock (BBC) I think there's still one of the fics on my ancient instagram lol
20.) What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
This is easier to answer than I thought when I first read through these questions, but it's definitely Unwinding Mr. Kirkland. I spent months editing it until I was happy with it and I love it I love every last sentence I wrote there. 💖
@breitzbachbea @mpregfrance @alifeasvivid (no pressure as always 😚)
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nowis-scales · 1 year
002 for your favorite character from Engage, for the ask game!
This ask is in relation to this post.
Apologies for taking eons to answer this ask! In a hilarious turn of events from my previous FOMO, I am pathetically behind on playing Engage right now (to make a long story short, I stopped playing for a bit as I got Celica way sooner than I expected to, and then had to get a friend of a friend to confirm that Celica wouldn’t spoil her own story for me), so if you don't mind... I'd love to do Alear! They're shaping up to be a neat protagonist so far, and they're the one I know the most about, so I feel like it makes the most sense rn! :)
(Although otherwise, if you’re curious, I would say that I like Timerra and Yunaka!)
How I Feel About this Character:
I guess the best way I can describe the way I feel about Alear is that they’re very refreshing. They are in some way supposed to be a self-insert, but they don't quite have the same problem that Byleth had where the personality was there some moments and had to be pushed out the next. As a result, this allows the audience a much clearer picture of Alear, and in a way, I would say that one of the reasons I like them is that they're almost... Corrin-like?
Alear definitely seems to so far be someone who isn't keen on violence, but is willing to do what it takes to protect the people around them. They have a large sense of responsibility when it comes to protecting emblem rings, and they want to do everything they can to fulfill their mother's wishes... yet they're not overly possessive of the rings, nor do they seem all that judgmental when people have them for the wrong reasons. Even if Yunaka stole Micaiah's ring and seems to have a bit of an unsavoury past (I don't know what it is yet, I only have their C-support lol), Alear believes in the goodness of Yunaka's heart and wants to support them as a friend. They don't condone every bad deed, of course, but they believe in their capacity to do better now. It's a trait I really like about the character, because at times recruitment of different characters in past games felt a bit like glossing over some negative behaviours... so it's nice that Alear reflects on them in their personality. They really do just want to do right by people, even if they're in a hard position and don't know exactly what they're doing all the time.
I also find it really nice that Alear just like... isn't super crazy about violence? They're not quite as pacifistic as Corrin, but the fact that they decide to prioritize the lives of their stewards over fighting in one of the first scene really stuck out to me. Of course they will fight if it's necessary, but they don't have to. I find when it comes to Fire Emblem, I've always preferred characters who give thought to what they're doing when they're fighting, so to see Alear clearly framing it in their mind was really cool to me. I'm excited to see more!
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
Having few supports and all of these potential cool characters, I am just absolutely spoiled for choice here, and I think that's the problem. Plus, for some, I'm kind of just at the point for aesthetic-reasons because I haven't been able to observe their dynamic just yet.
I suppose if I had to offer something, I've seen some fan art of Alear and Diamant that's kind of cute? And I also really like their dynamic with Yunaka so far, so I might throw that one in there, too. I'll probably have to get back to you on this one.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
I need Alear to become the ultimate older sibling to Clanne, Framme, and Anna. Maybe some of the other younger kids too, when I get them. Watching Clanne and Framme just be so dorky in their commitment to Alear is impossibly cute. I just got the support conversation the other day between Alear and Framme where she is just squealing in delight about how cool Alear is, and it made me smile to see how hard Alear tried to be chill about it. The way Alear worries for them after that first fight with the Corrupted really stands out to me too, and I would just love to see them get to become the protectors of the Divine Dragon like they always wanted. As for Alear's half of the relationship, well, it's like them getting to have a little brother and sister. What's not to like?
As for Anna... Well, if I want to talk about Anna in Engage, I want to say that making her into a child was a great decision. As a character she has always had the essence of a little shit, so the fact that they were able to encapsulate that further in a younger Anna is a delight. I only did Anna's paralogue recently, but already I'm excited to watch her relationship with Alear grow. I get the sense that Anna would be a bit of a troublemaker in their relationship with Alear, usually having some ulterior motives that she's trying to get at, but ultimately being someone who cares very much for them. As for Alear, I could see them being exasperated by Anna's antics, but wanting to support her and get her out of tough situations. After all, they know that even if she gets herself into these situations, Anna is well-intentioned at heart and really does love and care about them and the rest of their friends.
My unpopular opinion about this character:
I honestly don't think M Alear's design is all that much better than F Alear's design. While they've both grown on me a bit, they're both still quite gaudy for my tastes. I guess people like him more because he doesn't have the suction boobs problem (easy advantage to have when you have no boobs and a base game outfit that is not awkwardly designed around them), and for the size of his eyes. I can agree with the former, but honestly, I don't have a problem with the eye size. If they look alright and are not there for sexualization purposes, it's pretty whatever to me. Of course, that is not to say that I would not prefer that all of the female characters got varying styles of eyes in different sizes, but to me that's an art style criticism. It's the same as me saying that I would have liked more expression variance in 3H's portraits or that I like Echoes' colouring style. All of the girls and even Clanne have the big eyes in this particular artist's style, and that's something they should work on. It was more of a problem for me with F Byleth because there were entire scenes where she just looked bug-eyed, but Engage likes to make close-ups on Alear, and I haven't seen one that is genuinely awful.
Like this is the comparison:
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That being said, I can understand other people not liking the larger eyes. Certain associations can get made. For me, I usually just think of it as the character having a bit of a baby face, but I know others are quicker to jump to much stronger conclusions. I have a tendency to overextend the benefit of the doubt more than others do, I wholeheartedly recognize this! Otherwise, though, I completely understand that we all have a tendency for our brains to go "large eyes = youthfulness = sexually appealing to weirdos", so I can understand being bothered by them, especially since FE has shown no signs of stopping its beloved waifu/husbando marketing system. And I also know that for some people, it's probably a "looks too anime" thing too (although I am surprised that anyone who is of that opinion has survived in this series for this long).
I guess the point I'm trying to make here is that I guess I just feel like for the most part, M Alear having a "better" design feels like an empty comment, because it's something we've covered when talking about art style already, you know? Neither design is particularly strong as it is too visually busy, but an art style problem and a single poorly done outfit (considering her Somniel outfit does not have suction boobs) don't scream to me that the entire character design is worse.
Of course, I completely understand if other people feel differently than me! Like I said, I tend to be a bit more committed to Hanlon's Razor than most.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
I wish they would have had more time with Lumera and the people of Lythos. I feel like we didn't really get to know our people before we have to up and leave, and that kind of sucks. While Alear goes out to fulfill this quest, there are some things that are left up in the air while they're out, and I feel like having this worry about the people that were left behind would really help highlight the tremendous responsibility that has been placed upon Alear's shoulders. While I wouldn't say I'm one of the people who absolutely drools over the politicking in some FE games, I do like it, so I do think it would still be kinda cool if we got to see how this conflict with the rings is informing the people Alear is meant to be watching over.
Alear/A single hair colour
My crossover ship:
It's only a crossover between games, but screw it -- Alear and Corrin for the win! I feel like Corrin's natural charisma would pair well up against Alear's leadership, and they'd be the best damn rulers their countries had ever seen. They're both pretty accepting people who genuinely want the best for those around them, even if they are flawed, so I feel like they would get along easily and do a great job supporting each other. Plus they have a bit in common, being the children of dragon gods who have a special area only they and their friends can hang out in with a little mythical friend who lives there and several overenthusiastic guardians who would do anything for them.
A headcanon fact:
Alear mostly wears white, gold, and a bit of blue because they have the absolute worst time with fashion. How are you supposed to find anything that goes well with your eyes and hair when one side is bright red and the other is bright blue?! They drive themselves crazy trying to find outfits for formal events, usually having to commission something just to stay respectable looking. Sometimes they'll even try out new outfits to see how they look, but because they're the Divine Dragon, they tend to get buttered up. Only Piment, the accessory shop owner, is willing to be honest with them.
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Which legends can draw
Okay for the record anything made by Horizon is very cute and in that weird liminal space where it isn't bad but it isn't good, almost Avant garde but with that touch of Mom™ that means if she does a little doodle on her kid's lunch bag they'll probably keep it.
Does that make sense? I don't care.
Anyway legends that can ACTUALLY draw.
Short answer: Bloodhound, Wattson, Bangalore, Rampart, Seer, Fuse, Valkyrie.
Long answer:
Bloodhound: Probably the best out of them all. Particularly good at animals, but has an almost eerie ability to capture people in pencil, almost a photograph without being photorealistic. With animals and people they have a knack for catching that one piece of movement that just makes them feel alive. This is because of many, many, many many hours spent alone in the wilderness, on hunts or other expeditions. They leave little notes by drawings of plants to record what is and isn't poisonous and have actually sent in some small sketches to help with identification of rare flora and fauna to scientific boards in Gaea. Most of their notes in their sketchbook are the little things they notice about people and animals, though.
Bangalore: Canonly she got like a B in art and I just see her super stylized. Not award winning, but bold. Uses really harsh, dark lines and is one of those people that instead of starting out with too many light tones starts out way too dark, but eventually develops a really interesting style similar to old-school comic books. Would draw for her little cousins but not really for her family members. Reflecting her style, her favorite thing was to draw comics even if she didn't read them much. She figured out she was gay when she realized she wasn't drawing naked women to "practice anatomy".
Wattson: This is also canon if you read the lore book, but spending a lot of time on her own with almost complete control of what she did with said time left Wattson to learn, well, whatever she wanted, and one of those things was how to draw. She got a couple tutorial books, looked it up on the internet, and developed a clean, methodical style. One of those people where she says something is a "sketch" and you kind of wanna punch hit her but she's too damn nice. She tends to draw on the "cutesy" side of things, looooves to draw chibi-like characters. Will often use drawings to cheer Wraith up in particular. (Wraith has kept every single one). She's not very good at drawing anything but people and clothing, and her cat, but she's trying to branch out.
Rampart: Yeah it's canon, I know. Street art to the core, main method is spray paint and it started because of all the cool tags and art she saw in Gaea growing up. When she started doing it herself instead of being mad about it, her parents made her promise not to get caught more than twice. They actually got her art lessons, too. They bored her to tears, but they were helpful. Anatomy always comes out a little wonky though. Did find out she liked acrylic so she will use that. Used to make a little side money doing window paintings for Christmas.
Seer: Art was a method of expression and stress relief for him. It's really out there, somewhere between Picasso and Dali most of the time, but he can do some really intense human figures-think Alexandre Cabanel or any intense emotional figures in art in the 19th century. It's mostly a therapy thing for him and a test of skill, so a lot of people don't know how good he is at it. Loba has one of his pieces on her ship.
Fuse: Got into drawing because it was an easy way to goof off during class without getting caught. Style lands somewhere between Bangalore and Bloodhound really-there's a lot of movement and life in what he draws, and he can whip it out real fast. Half drunk drawing on a napkin can be a very cool sketchy vibe, prefers urban landscapes and people and will typically add dialogue or titles he finds funny to his drawings. Maggie used to make fun of him for it, but when they got older she actually got him a sketch book one Christmas and he really went off with it. There's a very "homey" feeling to his drawings, and he's always happy to sketch something for a friend. Has never been shy about sharing his stuff. After Maggie died, Bloodhound told him to try keeping a journal to help process his thoughts, and it's turned into half journal half illustration of his day, feelings, thoughts, etc. Bloodhound is the only one that's ever seen inside that particular journal. Similarly, he's one of the only ones, besides Loba, that's seen their sketchbook.
Valkyrie: I can kinda see her into drawing, but strictly anime. Not because she's Japanese or anything but because she gives the vibe of some kids I knew in high school who were like, really good at art, but only anime art, and soon as they stepped out of that it was like anatomy had fallen with the Roman empire and everything just kind of looked off. This isn't meant to be a bad thing I just see her very, very specific and not one to branch out from that particular style or develop one of her own. Really good at stylized landscapes though, and is in fact overall very good at converting any person or thing into a sort of anime style (I don't know enough about the different ones to specify).
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reidsaurora · 2 years
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ofwilliamandwalter's 300 followers celebration!
First of all, I wanna say a huge thank you to all of you guys, gals, and non-binary pals! I would never have thought I'd have this many followers in less than four months. I'm so thankful for each and every single one of you and whether you're my first follower or my newest follower or anyone in between, I love and cherish you so so so much!
Second of all, to celebrate all of you beautiful people, I've come up with a few lil ways we can celebrate together! Now, these are heavily inspired by the recent celebratory posts that @radiant-reid and @writer-in-theory have posted recently (congrats to both of you on your milestones!) So, I wanna give full credit to them for these ideas, I just put my own lil "Emmy" twist on things.
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This first lil section is where you can ask for a build-a-blurb! I've made my own lil custom build-a-blurb prompt list which you'll be able to find below. I hope you all go wild with this one, build-a-blurbs are always my favorite.
build-a-blurb prompts can be found here!
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The next lil section is fandom asks! You can ask for pretty much any fandom you want, although I might not be able to answer, since there are obviously a ton of fandoms I'm not in. Pretty much all my fandoms are listed on my navigation page if you want some ideas for fandoms to send 🤗
🪴 - Kiss, Marry, Kill (send me 3 characters from any fandom of your choice and I'll tell you who I'd kiss, who I'd marry, and who I'd kill)
🍀 - Controversial Opinions (send me either a fandom or a specific character & I'll give you my controversial opinion on it)
🦎 - I Ship You With... (send me a random fact about yourself + your gender preference and I'll give you a character from one of my fandoms that you'd be cute with)
🌵 - AU Where... (send me a character, ship, or fandom and I'll give you a random AU or headcanon I have for it)
💚 - Top 5! (send me a fandom and I'll give you my top five episodes, top five characters, or any top five things you wanna know)
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Next section is general asks! These are gonna be questions about me specifically to help y'all get to know me better!
💎 - Assumptions (leave an assumption about me and I'll tell you if it's right, wrong, or partially true)
🦕 - Would You Rather (leave me two scenario and I'd tell you'd which I'd rather do. these can be fandom-related but can also just be about anything you want)
🧢 - Two Truths and One Lie (give me two things that are true about you and one thing that's a lie and I have to guess which one is the lie. Then, I'll leave three facts about me and you have to guess in the comments which one I lied about.)
🦋 - Ask Me Anything (leave any question you want about me and I'll answer it as best I can. just make sure it's appropriate and kind)
⛈️ - Let's Hear It! (send me an artist or a song that you're loving at the moment and i'll send you a song or an artist from my library that i think you'd enjoy)
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Again, I just wanna say a huge thank you to all of you! This account couldn't and wouldn't be where it is today without all my lovely followers. I hope you guys enjoy all the prompts and questions I've listed, feel free to leave as many as you like (no srsly, spam it, i have nothing better to do)!
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↳ icon in collage by @themoontaxi
↳ other pictures in collage are from Pinterest. all rights go to the original owners.
↳ dividers in this post by @anlian-aishang
↳ tagging all the moots i can think of. if i've forgotten you, please don't be offended as i have a short memory span (feel to send me a message/comment if you'd like to be tagged): @reidselle @amythedoctor @reidstyleshotch @1234-angelika @kbakery @leigh70 @kateyee @cordyandbilliehavemyheart @alexxavicry @daddyreid @letarasstuff @nomajdetective @mrspeacem1nusone @mercuryvapours @virtual-vivi @danzalladaggers @great-hair-and-a-tie @lowsodiumfreaks67 @one-sweet-gubler @ohhmychuck @the-lucky-ones311 @thoughts-and-funnies @drayshadow @ssahctchner
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adelaide388 · 2 years
My Thoughts on Kanou and Someya's Relationship
Note: I'm not referring to Kanou Somoku and Someya Kaoruko. I'm referring to their parents. I'll address Kanou as Somoku, his father as Kanou, and Kaoruko's father as Someya. This is not a review of Okane Ga Nai. I will not be criticizing nor defending the series and all of its problems. This is just an account of my thoughts on Kanou and Someya's relationship.
The first time I read Okane Ga Nai, I never thought I'd be consumed with the desire to create fanfiction/fanart of a side pairing, much less this massive, soul-consuming post, yet here I am. I'll go by sequential order, oldest chapter to the newest.
1.) Vol. 6, Ch. 4
In this chapter, Ayase asked Somoku if he and his father had any nostalgic memories. Somoku answers no because Kanou took him to mahjong clubs.
Nothing much happened here in terms of Kanou and Someya's relationship. However, I include this flashback because it's the first time we see these characters interact, and it gives us an understanding of their dynamic.
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As we saw in this picture, Kanou and Someya's dynamic is lacking. Someya objects to Kanou's cruel demand to be paid for beating Somoku, and Kanou dismisses him.
There is no chemistry between them. Their interactions are reserved and distant. I really don't have much to say about this flashback other than this wasn't the moment I decided to ship them. The following section is when I started to get interested.
2.) Vol. 8, Ch. 4.5
This comic strip is to blame for my obsession. Basically, it's just a funny story about Somoku's upbringing.
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I like how Somoku was basically a demon since birth lmao.
Anyways, the reason why I say this comic strip was the cause of my obsession is that Kanou had to rely on Someya. A ruthless man is reduced to an incompetent father who has to rely on his friend with the personality of a chihuahua. How funny is that?? I found it hilarious and cute.
But the other reason why I love this comic strip is that Kanou is getting used to Someya. Thinking back to Vol. 6, Ch. 4, I mentioned that Kanou basically treated Someya like an outsider. To me, that implies that Kanou wanted to raise Somoku alone; he didn't want/need the opinion of others. And with Kanou's mindset that not even familial bonds should get in the way of business, it's no surprise that Kanou would raise Somoku alone. However, he realizes that raising a kid isn't as easy as he thought it would be lol.
So here comes Someya in all his short-tempered glory and destroys Kanou's peace. I imagine that Kanou would be uncomfortable with having another person barging into his home, nagging him for his inappropriate behavior, and making noise when playing with his baby. And that uncomfortable feeling is manifested in silence as Kanou just listens to Someya scold him like in the second picture. I mean, what else can Kanou do to not piss off the only help he has? He's helpless, and I love it LMAO
I was fangirling so hard after reading this comic. And then comes Vol. 9, Ch. 38
3.) Vol. 9, 38
There isn't much interaction between Kanou and Someya, but there are cute moments about Someya being important to Somoku.
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First, let me start off by commenting on this picture.
AHHHH! The cuteness overload >.< Anyways...
I'm probably reading too much into this picture, but I can't help but feel like this is symbolic. Turning your back to someone is a symbol of trust, and the fact that Kanou is back-to-back with Someya is making me squeal!!! But not only does Kanou trust Someya, but Somoku trusts Someya. So much so that he prefers sitting in Someya's lap over his father's lap. It might be logical that Somoku would prefer to sit with Someya, but Somoku grew up with his father's lessons about trusting no one; Somoku wouldn't trust so easily with that mentality but he doessssss! He finds security and maybe even comfort in Someya, and that's just so cute to me.
Someya is the glue of the Kanou household, the center, and I'm dying to see more about the trio.
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Last comment about this chapter, take a look at the quote, "'Only two people can do that to the President and live. The previous president and Someya-sensei." The side character says this to Ayase after he sees Someya whack Somoku and it's just so funny to me. Like, the poor boy was just thinking about how scary Somoku was that he had yakuza henchmen trembling and then out comes some angry chihuahua to hit Somoku. Everybody gangsta until your parents whoop your ass.
Also, look at how alike Someya and Somoku are <3
Last thing I swear. Takanohashi is a real one for starting my "Someya is a mother/wife" campaign lmao he's a fudanshi at heart.
4.) Vol. 10, 45.1
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Okay, so this is my favorite flashback because KANOU IS FINALLY COMFORTABLE WITH SOMEYA!
Kanou feels comfortable enough to tease Someya by calling him a "certain fussy lawyer." The tone of the panel where the quote comes from is a joking tone because the characters are drawn in a style similar to chibi form, which is why I say it's a joke and not an insult. They've become so close as they rightfully should be because they've been raising a kid together for years.
Another reason I love this flashback is that Somoku secretly loves that Someya showed up for him. He was prepared to not see his father at the school and then comes Someya and Somoku blushes! It warms my heart that a child gets the emotional support they deserve.
I have to say that as much progress as Kanou and Someya have made, Kanou still thinks he's alone sometimes. Someya yells in the last picture, "...when you say 'I'm taking responsibility for Somoku!'" Kanou still makes comments where he takes sole responsibility for Somoku, and that hits hard after looking at the latest chapters, but basically, it's like Kanou reminds himself that he shouldn't confide in Someya as a co-parent. And that's just sad :(
5.) Vol. 12, Ch. 5
This is so cuteeee <3
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"It's because we're too soft on you." -> AHHHHH! <3<3 Another example of Kanou being comfortable with Someya. He's thinking about themselves as married.
"I'll sue him for defaming your father's character!!" -> Actual development on Someya's part. Usually, Someya gets mad at Kanou, but this time he's mad for Kanou. This time Kanou isn't the enemy in Someya's eyes; Kanou is the one who needs "protecting."
Also, can I point out that Someya spends way too much time with the Kanous? I understood that he needed to be there a lot because Somoku was a baby, but now he's a child, he should be able to live another day under Kanou's "care." Someya doesn't need to be there, but I love that he is there often :)
6.) 69-71
HERE COMES THE ANGST. I don't know if this counts as a spoiler because the chapter(s) has been on mangago.com for a good month, but whatever, spoiler alert.
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My heart...hurts.
Look at Someya's terrified face in the first picture. You'd think he saw a ghost, but no, it's just Someya surprised at Ayase's comment about Somoku looking like Kanou. Why was he surprised?
Kanou's last wish was for Somoku to be different than him. Kanou had expressed to Someya only that he wanted Somoku to be different and that means he didn't want Somoku to be alone.
I've mentioned that Kanou had a solitary mindset, especially before Someya got involved in Somoku's upbringing, but why did he think like that? He's a loan shark, first and foremost. It's not easy for him to trust because trusting the wrong person can be dangerous. And he has to be ruthless to ensure no one tries to get away with stealing his money. It's no wonder why Kanou came across as a lonely character in Vol. 6, Ch. 4, and the comic strip. He believes being alone helps him in the long run, even if it creates enemies like Konomi.
But Kanou raised Somoku to think like him, so what difference does it make that Kanou doesn't want Somoku to be like him?
I think the difference has something to do with regret. Kanou believed being alone protects him at his job, and he probably thought Somoku was going to take his place, so Kanou trained Somoku to think like him. But Kanou didn't take into account that Someya would change his perspective. Someya showed Kanou that sometimes he had to trust someone else and that trusting could lead to a bond so strong, so beautiful that even if they yelled at each other or pushed each other away, they'd be there for each other. And Kanou probably regrets that it took (maybe 6-12 years, I don't know how old Somoku is in the Vol. 10, Ch. 45.1 flashback) so long to trust Someya. He could've enjoyed Someya's companionship sooner had he not been so stuck in his solitary ways.
So even if Kanou wants Somoku to think like him because he thinks it'll keep Somoku alive, he wants Somoku to behave in the way Someya raised him. It's why, despite Kanou judging Somoku's brattiness, he comments, "...it's a good thing that that damned brat isn't anything like me." Because it's Someya's influence. Somoku's brattiness is Someya's fault. Somoku being short-tempered is Someya's fault. Kanou sees a difference in Somoku (because Kanou sure as hell wouldn't act like that at all), and he couldn't be happier. Why? Because Kanou doesn't want Somoku to be alone.
I think Someya gave Kanou the wrong idea that those personality traits are what will help Somoku make friends lol, but they are a sign that Somoku isn't emotionally stunted like Kanou. Somoku has the capacity to learn personality traits that will get him friends, and that's probably enough for Kanou.
And because Kanou had expressed his satisfaction only to Someya right before he died (LOOK AT THAT GENTLE SMILE HOLY SHIT), Someya took it upon himself to carry on Kanou's wish.
It's why Someya is so devasted in the sixth and seventh pictures when he saw Somoku's harsh expression mirror Kanou's expression. Someya feared Somoku would harden his heart and follow Kanou's footsteps. It's why Someya felt so much relief in the last pictures because he knew Ayase would change Somoku for the better and help carry out Kanou's wish when Someya no longer can.
I'm sad that Kanou and Someya couldn't get a happy ending. I'm devastated that Kanou died alone after having known companionship. I'm upset that Someya has to live on as a widow burdened with the unabsolved guilt of having failed his husband. I'm disappointed that Somoku couldn't see that his father did care about him and that Somoku probably won't get a chance to think about that.
Well, that was my emotional journey as I read through the Kanou-Someya moments. I hope I got everything and explained everything even though nobody asked for this. I'm just glad I got to share my thoughts.
Here are some more pictures that I found cute but I didn't include:
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captnjacksparrow · 3 years
So does Kishi officially hate NH and SS? Because I can't help but think like that when I see them in Boruto. Like no way he wants them to be seen as happy or content. Also, it seems like he still hates Sakura because just just look at her, she hasn't really changed. Her dynamic with Sasuke hasn't really changed. She gives chase, Sasuke ignores. Except Sasuke looks more depressed.
Hey, after fifteen years of us chasing after the story and characters we invested in so much, at least give us some indication that they are least happy after sooo many sacrifices, like they deserve that happiness.
But no, if anything, they seem totally miserable. What made Kishi do that? Yes, he can't show them ooc, but Sasuke marrying Sakura is already ooc. Naruto being a bad father is already ooc. Like why go to the extent of showing Sasuke trying not to touch Sakura and pointedly showing that they never kissed? That's just like a determined effort on Kishi's part to show that their marriage is not working. Naruto works way more than any of his predecessors and sleeps in the office or couch so as not to disturb Hinata, when Hinata is specifically designed to accommodate anything that Naruto might require.
Don't get me wrong, I think Boruto is trash. But I am still in interested in SNS in Boruto because that's still canon. Just makes me wonder how Kishi will finally conclude SNS, because their bond still shows clearly in Boruto. Do you think he will kill them any time soon?
Good ask, Anon☺️☺️❤️❤️
Before answering this, I am going to tell you that I don’t watch Boruto. But I know what happened so far, vaguely. Like, Gaiden arc, Karma seal, Kawaki adoption, Kurama’s death, loss of Rinnegan, Time travel arc. Anyways, I might have missed many interactions between Sasuke & Sakura in the filler episodes or other canonical episodes. I would be happy If you send me an episode list or timestamps in where they interact, so that it saves my time instead of me, watching that entire shit show. 
So does Kishi officially hate NH and SS?
In this post, I dissected SS from a non-SNS perspective. It seems Kishi went all out of his way to make their interactions too insincere, blunt and toxic. I mean Sasuke’s absolute lack of interest in her was very evident even until chapter 693. That is right before, their final VoTE fight. And even after Sakura comes to heal their injuries, he just said ‘Ummmm..... I guess Sorry’... 
Kishi could have made Sasuke say some corny shit to Sakura like how he felt bad inside for hurting her, how he missed her, wiping her tears or whatever (Puke!!!! 🤮🤮🤮). Because in the previous chapter, Sasuke basically confessed to Naruto internally about how he felt about Naruto when he was a child. Kishi could have done the same for Sakura in just 4, 5 panels. But anyways, my point is, Kishi’s moment to salvage that ship is chapter 699. 
But he didn’t.
Did Kishi tried to build their bond after marriage?
He definitely could’ve. But he didn’t. 
This shows his clear distaste in SS.
As for NH, Kishi is indifferent. He neither hates them nor loves them. Kishi created Hinata as a pairing fodder and she still is. 
Also, it seems like he still hates Sakura because just just look at her, she hasn't really changed. Her dynamic with Sasuke hasn't really changed. She gives chase, Sasuke ignores. Except Sasuke looks more depressed.
Hmmm, I don’t know whether Sasuke hates her, anon. Again, maybe I’ve missed those parts. But when he looks at her, it’s always filled with regrets and an urge to avoid her (like Itachi avoided Sasuke, but for totally sad and genuine reasons). 
But this again begs the question, ‘Why feeling regret or hesitant even after 12 years?’. 
Believe me anon, Love/Bonds/Understanding can happen at anytime of your life. From where I come from, not everyone marries out of love. Arranged marriages are common. But still, many couples make effort and work out their difference, and find love. Kishi could’ve done the same for SS too. 
Is Sasuke that heartless? No.
He was once a boy who bear hugged his brother every time Itachi comes back from the Academy. Itachi’s presence itself made Sasuke so happy. 
Did he become heartless after the massacre? Also no.
Even after the trauma, Sasuke just became aloof and cold. But he always becomes a child who can pout, be silly, becomes animated, bicker around Naruto. So, he can be lovely, but only around the people he choose by himself. 
Still, Sakura is not that person. So, he looks like he is depressed and wants to escape from her at any given chance because of a certain guilt. 
What made Kishi do that? Yes, he can't show them ooc, but Sasuke marrying Sakura is already ooc. Naruto being a bad father is already ooc. Like why go to the extent of showing Sasuke trying not to touch Sakura and pointedly showing that they never kissed? That's just like a determined effort on Kishi's part to show that their marriage is not working.
To answer, this goes way back, anon. 
Kishi is a person who prefers to write love through intense friendship, sensei-student dynamics and brotherhood. He can occasionally write cute and sweet romance but it can only be short like 2 or 3 pages... or a chapter, max. He can’t go on doing it for 70 chapters for romance. Which was evident from Minato & Kushina, Dan & Tsunade, Obito & Rin. 
But the real deal of Naruto manga is the bond between Naruto and Sasuke. The bond between Itachi and Sasuke also played a huge role in this series. And then comes Hashirama and Madara, Jiraiya and Naruto, Kakshi and Obito, Kakashi and Naruto and many more. So, Kishi pretty much gave an ending he wanted for a long time in chapter 699. He successively pulled off a great manga without corny and shitty romance but with just friendship and brotherhood alone. He didn’t give two shits about NH or SS before chapter 700.
Naruto series’ another success lies on it’s characters tragic backstories. I simply loved them all and most of them made me cry. 
Kishi wanted to move on from Naruto.
But then Money played a big part. Naruto series can be milked in a lot of ways. Editors wanted all the characters to become some baby making dolls. So you have to create pairings. Based on the popularity polls, they decided NH and SS.
In my opinion, Sasuke is a goal-oriented person. He is a wanderer who works on his own accords. Ever since he left Konoha when he was 13, that was his path, so you can’t make him stay in one place. At every stage of his life, he had different goals.
At age 8-15, he had one goal. To kill Itachi. Can he have a romance here? Nope.
At age 16, his goal is to destroy Konoha. No chance of romance in that dark path.
At age 17, he wanted to Revolutionize the shinobi system. Since he wanted to be alone for that goal, no possibility of romance.
At age 18, he adopted Naruto’s dream as his own. To make all shinobi cooperate and look out for Kaguya remains. Romance cannot happen here as he was constantly wandering around and he prefers to work alone.
This is how Kishi designed Sasuke’s character throughout.
Now all of a sudden, if you ask Kishi to go OOC by asking him to write corny romance for his favorite character Sasuke just for the sake of making him relevant to Boruto series, what will he do? 
Since Boruto is a series which is a sequel to Naruto, you pretty much know everyone’s backstory. Those 12 year old New Gen kids possibly can’t have tragic stories like Naruto or Sasuke. 
Kishi being a troller, used this opportunity to create a piss poor sob story for Sarada by making Sasuke as an absentee father and an unloving husband.
He created a sad story for Sarada and he gets to shit on SS ship. Two birds, One stone!!!! 
Now, Sasuke being an unloving husband is OOC ? Nope. He was never a marriage material in the first place. So he is perfectly in-character.
Sasuke being an absentee father is OOC? No and Yes. No, because it’s the effect of the cause I mentioned above. Yes, because unlike Naruto, Sasuke once had a father. He can try to reach her out now and often. but he prefers not to do instead he cares more about Boruto. LOL.
Sasuke being not family oriented is OOC? Nope. He is a goal oriented person. His goal is same as Naruto’s dream. He will go to any extent to fulfill it, even at the expense of his family’s happiness. Because that’s what he learnt from Itachi. What Itachi taught him was, even at the expense of his own happiness and Sasuke’s trauma, he preferred Konoha and Shinobi World’s peace. That’s what Sasuke is doing now. 
Naruto works way more than any of his predecessors and sleeps in the office or couch so as not to disturb Hinata, when Hinata is specifically designed to accommodate anything that Naruto might require.
As for Naruto, 
I think it’s very funny. And I guess, I know why.
Just like Sasuke, Naruto is also a goal oriented person. 
Remember, in that Boruto movie, Sasuke knocks Naruto’s door at the midnight?
Imagine if Naruto opened the door. 
Sasuke will be like, ‘Alright mothafucka!!! I wanted to die in the VoTE itself. You wanted me in your dream world. Am working my ass off for your stupid dreams and trying to reach you without even meeting my own family. And yet here you are, sleeping well and sound. Am just gonna Chidori you!!!’ LOL.
I think you get my point. 
If you make Sasuke to be an hardworker, then Naruto must work even hard to fulfill his dream. So you possibly can’t have Naruto playing duet with Himata or whatever trash. 
So kishi pulled his Two birds, One Stone for NH here!!!
In short, Kishi gets to make his New generation shine through this pathetic sob stories and at the same time, kept his favorite characters without going OOC. 
So, it’s a polite way of Kishi showing middlefinger to SS and NH for making him do this. He is saying, ‘Alright folks, you wanted this all along. But this is what you will get!!!’.
Just makes me wonder how Kishi will finally conclude SNS, because their bond still shows clearly in Boruto. Do you think he will kill them any time soon?
I think about this all the time. How will they end?? How will they die??
Now, don’t think I am some sadist for wanting them to die. I am just being practical and honest here. This is a new generation series. Of course, at some point, Naruto and Sasuke has to die for the sake of character development. And I will be happy if they die because I don’t like their miserable portrayal in Boruto at all. 
Naruto series has a pattern when it comes to death portrayal. Meaningful characters (except Neji) always die protecting someone/something they cherish. Jiraiya died for Naruto, Yahiko died for Konan & Nagato, Itachi died for Sasuke & Konoha, Haku died for Zabuza, Obito (younger) died for Kakashi & Rin and so on.
Ever since Naruto became Hokage, his death is pretty much plastered on his head. He will die protecting Konoha just like all the Hokages from First to Fourth who sacrificed their life for Konoha. 
But Sasuke??? 
I am going to say he will die protecting Naruto or the village. But for Naruto mostly. Either way, Sasuke will die first. 
Dying for Naruto, the reasons are crystal clear. He already died protecting Naruto once in the Zabuza arc. He will never hesitate to do it again. Which was evident from the way he told Naruto in the Boruto movie while giving his Susanoo, ‘If they capture the real you, then everything is gone’. Somewhere in Boruto Manga chapter 38 (I don’t remember properly), Sasuke was yelling at Naruto, ‘If you are gone, it’s pretty hopeless’ and was praying ‘Naruto, don’t you die’. 
So it’s pretty much Sasuke saying to Naruto, ‘I’ll protect you, You protect everyone’
But why the village?? Why will Sasuke die for Konoha which caused him so much pain?? I know anti-konoha stans wont like this, but that’s the reality.
It seems many Sasuke fans never paid attention to his character. After hearing the story from all the Hokages, Sasuke said, ‘I will not let Itachi’s life and this village into nothing’. He really meant it. Because for Sasuke, Itachi was more precious. Itachi died saying, ‘I’ll have protected my village as Uchiha Itachi of Konoha once again. I have no more regrets’. Sasuke wanted to respect his brother’s wish finally and that’s why he openly claimed in the battlefield, ‘I am going to protect Konoha and become it’s Hokage’. Sasuke’s another precious person is Naruto. He is the Hokage now. 
Don’t you think Sasuke will die protecting something Itachi and Naruto values so much??
He even claimed it openly in Boruto Manga. ‘I would die anytime for Konoha, as has your dad (Naruto)’
Sasuke even said to Boruto, “I will stop you even if I have to kill you”. And do you think Sasuke is just pouring out some empty words??? Sasuke will not let Boruto to turn into an Otsutsuki monster and destroy the village.
Like I said, Sasuke will go out first. And eventually Naruto will follow him. Or they both die protecting the village together. I don’t see them dying for their wives or children. Because, their relationship with their family is not too strong and their ambitions are far beyond their own families.
Maybe for this reason, Kishi is trolling NH and SS in Boruto. LOL.
Naruto’s bond with Sasuke was formed even before his birth, when Kushina asked the 3 month old Baby Sasuke to be friends with Naruto.
However, One thing is for sure. One will not live very long without the Other or Both will die together. That’s how their bond should end. 
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aenngelic · 3 years
I will protect her at all costs (chapter 2)
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Disclaimer: please don’t hate me for it, if you don’t ship them please just don’t read it ok 🥲
contains: slow burn, Sniper falling in love with Kuon, Snipers view/thoughts, sexual fantasies, nudity, lemon stuff overall
It is a very long chapter I’m sorry
Note: please feel free to message me if you have certain romantic moments to include in the story! (Already running out of ideas oops)
It did not take long for us to find a bag of supplies. It was on a coffee table in some sort of lobby area. It seemed as if this building probably was meant to represent some kind of hotel, which I thought was a good thing, because that meant that there would be beds and showers to be found here as well. To our surprise, the bag contained mostly candy, which I wouldn't interpret as a balanced meal. However, the girl seemed to like this finding. It was only a matter of minutes before the chocolate residue stained the corners of my companion's mouth in a brown color. However, I preferred to smoke a cigarette at first and watch the girl devour her own body weight in the form of chocolate.
" This is fantastic! It feels like forever since I last ate chocolate! I faintly remember dieting before I entered this world too, so this must have been probably weeks since I held chocolate in my hand." Kuon said with delight. It was amusing to watch her enjoy sweets. Kuon's carelessness may be a burden at times, but her innocent character makes up for it.
" you partly remember your life prior to this, don't you?"
" Yes, not much to be honest. I'm sorry you can't," Kuon replied in a concerned voice.
"Tell me about it."
She gave me a visibly puzzled look before straightening her back so that she was sitting as straight as a candle on the sofa across from me, staring at her hands somewhat lost in thought. She seemed uncomfortable that I had now brought up this topic. Unfortunately, I could not take back my question. "Well," she began, "to be honest,the life I remember has not been the greatest, I guess." Kuon abruptly shook her head. " That's not true either. I was born into a rich family and had many privileges. My father owned a large company and had very high expectations of me from the very beginning. One day I was supposed to take it over. I was probably pretty lucky compared to other people. I was probably a big disappointment for him. My character was just not strong enough in his eyes. I also remember not really having any friends either, because I was privately educated. And anyway..." I could literally hear the lump in Kuon's throat as a tear began to stream down the girl's cheek.
" i'm sorry. You know, I didn't really mean to end up crying."
I felt my heart break once again, watching the girl grieve. I was surprised now, though, to find out that this yet seemingly uncomplicated high school student was actually carrying a lot of emotional baggage. I did not hesitate as I jumped up from my seat to calm the blue-haired girl. I really hated it like the plague when she cried. Trying to preserve my Coolness, however, I grumbled, "oh girl. What's wrong?"
I placed myself to her left, and pressed her against my shoulder while running my hand over her hair a few times. There was no way I could bring myself to face her, though. It would be too embarrassing and, after all, I was far from being the Prince Charming who would dry her tears with a silken tissue. Besides, I could not withstand the sight of her teary eyes. So there I sat, a weeping teenage girl wetting my blazer with salty drops of grief on my right, awkwardly staring off into the distance.
"It's, it's..." she stammered, not being able to form a word. "You're the first person I've been able to trust, and because of that, I'm kind of..."
She took a deep breath, "It makes me so unbelievably happy."
Almost for the second time that day, a cigarette nearly got stuck in my throat, but this time I was able to suppress my urge to cough. The girl seemed to really like me. But did I like her too? I would be lying if I said I did not care about her. And if she got killed, I could never forgive myself. It was astonishing how one could form such a strong bond with another person in such a short period of time. However, pouring out my entire feelings in front of her would not come close to the cool lifestyle I was pursuing.
" i'm also happy to have met you, Kuon.", i finally decided to answer after a moment of figuring out how to respond.
Kuon's face, which was still streaked with tears, started to smile again, which made me feel much relieved. However, it took her a while to completely stop her wailing . We remained in this position for a while, until at some point I realized that the girl had fallen asleep. Her head had lowered in the meantime even further toward the ground, so that after some time she was no longer leaning against my shoulder but much rather against my belly. When I noticed this after some time and looked down to the girl, a cute sight presented itself to me. Admittedly, on the one hand it felt nice to act as this girl's pillow. On the other hand, it triggered an immeasurable amount of embarrassment in me. But cool guys do like to take care of girls' comfort, don't they?
Therefore, I decided I'd rather not wake her up and hardly moved at all. I looked out the window to my right, watching the sunset and reflected on certain issues. I was thinking about Rika as well as the two girls we were trying to find and, of course, about Kuon and so many other things until my eyes started to close.
When I regained consciousness, the night must have settled in. Before I could even perceive my surroundings properly, I swiveled my head once to the left and once to the right and let my gaze wander through the room. Because the moon was particularly bright this night, everything around me had taken on a deep blue tone. It was so quiet around me that I could have heard a pin drop. In the next second I realized that I should not have fallen asleep in the first place. Somebody would have had to keep watch, after all! Crap! If an enemy would have come along the way, it certainly would not have been good for me and Kuon. I looked down to my thigh where the blue-haired girl was supposed to lie. I felt her place her head on my thigh at some point during the night, but when I looked down at my thigh, I could not find any girl. Where the hell was Kuon? A rational thinking person, as I was one, could of course assume that my companion did not necessarily have to be in danger, but could also have simply visited the toilet, for example. Nonetheless, my alarm bells started ringing immediately. Kuon was, after all, a young girl who, apart from the "rail gun", did not posses many possibilities for self-defense. So of course I was worried.
Without thinking much, I hopped up from the sofa, on which I had been napping a few moments before. In quick stride I wandered through the poorly lit hallway without really having a clue where I was heading. My head was foggy from the idea that the girl might be in serious danger. A few days ago, I probably would have accepted the fact that she was suddenly nowhere to be found and continued my journey. And now my stomach was already twisting at the thought of her getting in trouble.
Nevertheless, a short moment later, my heart pounding madly from the ever-repeating scenario in my head, I heard a noise at the end of the corridor. A soft, high-pitched humming was heard, drowned out by the pattering of many drops. Light emerged from the crack of a door on the left. Was she taking a shower? The feeling of relief spread through my chest, followed by some degree of annoyance. Why did the girl not wake me up? I took a few steps towards the door, but before I was about to reach for the door handle, I remembered that I should not do so. A gentleman never violates a lady's privacy. So I decided to wait.
I leaned against the local wall, one leg bent. Then I let my thoughts wander, while the pattering of the raindrops in the bathroom right next to me showed no indication of stopping anytime soon. A lady of high society must spend quite a bit of her life showering, I thought to myself. And before I knew it, the image of Kuon suddenly popped up in my head. In my imagination I pictured her body, wondering what it looked like completely naked. A bar of soap running over her plump breasts, leaving traces of foam on her soft, wet skin. A body swinging under the hot rainfall like a leaf in the wind, presenting its vivid buttocks. I wonder if she was shaved? Hardly had I been able to finish this dirty thought of mine and get mad at my filthy thinking when my ears picked up the sound of footsteps in the distance. And they were coming ominously closer.
Damn, I thought to myself and was about to reach for my rifle, only to realize that I forgot it next to the sofa where I had been sleeping. I had been so upset about her disappearance that I could seriously forget the most crucial item for our survival.What was I going to do? For a brief moment I was at a loss. Escape proved almost impossible at this point, since I was at a dead end and I could not force the approaching enemy down with any surrounding objects. Besides, if I escaped, it would only be a matter of time before the enemy would track down my helpless companion. In the next moment, almost instinctively, I reached for the door handle that led to the bathroom that Kuon had still claimed. Perhaps there were objects in the room that were suitable for fighting, or perhaps we could be lucky and not be found, I speculated in the heat of the moment. So I tore open the door and rushed into the bathroom, greeted by a hot haze that took over the entire area.
"Kuon!" I called out in a hushed tone.
Without hesitation, I pushed my way through the door that separated the shower from the rest of the bathroom as if I was walking through nothing. Until that moment, I had hardly given a thought to the circumstances of this situation. But at the latest, when finally the naked body of a schoolgirl jumped into my field of vision, I quickly realized this again. I was just about to violate Kuon's privacy. An obviously shocked girl looked towards me, that from 1 second to the other tried to cover herself desperately.
"Mr.Ma-", she was about to say, but I interrupted her raised voice by pressing my hand to her lips as quickly as possible.
While I was still in the act of stepping into the shower, I flicked the light switch in the same movement so that no sign of our presence could escape from the room. Maybe they would not find us here, I hoped at this point.
"There's someone out there," I whispered to the naked girl in front of me.
" if we are quiet, maybe we won't be found. If we are, then..."
Kuon replied to me with an unintelligible "Mmm" , which resembled the sound of a frightened gasp. My body had pressed so close to hers by now that I could feel the wetness of her skin soaking through my shirt. I had directed my face facing away from her so that I could sharpen my hearing for the footsteps I could hear. Furthermore , I did not want to add unnecessary tension to the whole situation. It was uncool enough to interfere with a naked girl taking a shower even if it was an emergency. My hand was still resting on her lips and even though I was wearing gloves and looking away, I could clearly feel the warmth building up in Kuon's cheeks. She was obviously blushing in this moment. But having her pressed against the bathroom wall while forcing my hand tightly onto her lips and not even keeping a distance of not 2 inches, I could not blame her.
For quite a while, we did not move at all. We listened closely to the footsteps, which came a little closer and finally slowly moved away from us again. Temporarily it was even so quiet in this bathroom that we could hear each other breathing. Kuon's breathing was fast and almost verged on hyperventilation in this situation. Because there was hardly any distance between our bodies, I could literally feel her chest rising and falling in short intervals. With each rise, her breasts brushed my upper body a slight bit. I tried, as always, to keep my composure and block out the fact that Kuon was completely naked. Only when several minutes had passed did my posture loosen and I breathed a sigh of relief.
"Okay, we should be safe for now," I stated and let go of the girl.
I flipped the light switch and had to swallow.
Kuon had been naked before too, but it was only now that the danger was gone that I could really comprehend this fact. She had tried to cover her breasts with her hands and had simultaneously crossed her legs, looking down with a shameful expression on her face. However, the concealment attempt seemed to be unsuccessful for her. Although I only caught a glimpse of her appearance before I turned away from her as quickly as possible, I saw her entire beauty for a moment.Her breasts were in relation to her otherwise so petite body, large and plump. She had a narrow waist and perfectly shaped legs, in combination with her smooth, fair skin. And so she shaved, I could still tell. What remained most imprinted on my mind, however, was the look on her face.I of course preferred to see her friendly smile a thousand times more than this face that expressed pure shame. But I could not help but adore the sight of her big sparkling dog eyes looking at the ground helplessly.
My breath stopped for a moment, but then I quickly cleared my throat, my gaze already averted from her, scanning the room for a towel. I tried to hide the fact that I actually wanted to slap myself for the thoughts I was having. Luckily, my embarrassment was not visible through the mask. I had to change the subject immediately before the situation became even more awkward:
"Sorry, Kuon." , I mumbled. I was surprised myself by my harsh tone. It took me a while to recollect the words.
"You should let me know next time you decide to go somewhere else."
"Oh yeah right. I didn't mean to cause any trouble.", Countered the girl who also seemed to be a bit embarrassed. So it wasn't just me who was feeling uncomfortable about this situation. Without giving my companion another look, I threw a towel right over my head at her. I had a precise aim.
" I'm going to get my rifle. I forgot it in all the hurry near the sofa."
Just as I was about to open the door to step out, the girl interrupted my process by grabbing my arm with unusual intensity.
" can you come back here afterwards? Please?"
"That's what I was planning on doing anyway. I'll be waiting right outside the door," I replied, a bit puzzled by this question.
" but I have -." she interrupted herself, shaking her head slightly before continuing.
Then her facial expression regained its former composure, whereupon she gave me her typical, beaming smile. I could tell, however, that she did not mean it honestly. How I could tell that, I had no idea myself though. But did she want me to stay here with her?
" no you're right. I'll hurry up and be done in a few minutes," she said. While she was talking, she wrapped the towel around her body in a quick movement, fastening it in front with the help of a knot.
I had meanwhile turned my gaze back to her. Although Kuon was now dressed, it was difficult for me not to inspect her from top to bottom. Her entire body was still drenched in a hint of wetness, so that her skin was reflectingthe bright bathroom light. It was also slightly red from the hot shower water. I wondered if the red tint to her cheeks was also caused by that, or if I was responsible for it.I could not help but notice the way the towel just managed to hide all the places it was supposed to cover and yet was far too tight. If she bent over, a special view would present itself to me. Immediately I dashed this disgusting thought from my head. If I continued to reduce myself only to her appearance this could end in negligence on my part and I would not be able to protect her properly.After all, that was the most important thing. I also discarded this thought. Had this strange girl really become so important to me? Nevertheless, there was no place for interpersonal relationships in this world.Before I could get any further into this train of thought, I turned away again and finally walked out of the room. I was in need of a cigarette.
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