#shoto oc
tikobithelich · 2 years
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Sketch Dump of my raptor son, Hibiki
Guest Starring Shoto Todoroki :D
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hanahaki270 · 3 months
♡ Sharing a Dorm ♡
Synopsis ┊Your dorm is going under renovation and you need to find a place to crash in for a while. Luckily a certain someone offers you to stay in theirs for the time being.
Characters ┊Katsuki Bakugou, Shoto Todoroki, Izuku Midoriya.
A/N ┊beginner Writer here, these were harder to think of than I thought ngl. If you have any requests please send them to me, I'm open to do different characters and also different anime's!
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Katsuki Bakugou
❥ By no means whatsoever does he offer his dorm out of the kindness of his heart. He just got pissed off of seeing you sleeping on the couch in the commons area every morning, and accidentally stepping on your blanket or pillows. After stepping on your blanket once more he grabs your shit and puts it in his dorm and acts like he's bothered by this but really he doesn't mind at all.
❥ Makes you sleep on the floor for the first two nights until you convince him to share the bed. He's reluctant at first but then allows it as long as you stay on your side of the bed. Do you really though?
❥ Expect to sleep earlier and get your sleep schedule in check because his dorm, his rules, lights are off at ten pm sharp with no exceptions.
❥ Also expect your grades to go up. While he's your roommate he's going to make you don't slack off on your studies.
❥ When he wakes up in the morning and notices your head resting on his chest he gets somewhat annoyed but secretly likes it. he's willing to get behind on his strict schedule and let you rest on him a little longer. but just a little.
❥ Demands you now be his training partner but is careful to not get carried away. You're strong, but he still doesn't want to run the risk of hurting you. therefore, he always keeps Aid kits in the bathroom just in case you do get any scratches, even if they're minor.
❥ Constantly threatening to kick you out over every little thing but actually has no intention of doing so. He won't admit it but he enjoys your company. "I swear if I see one more sock lying around I'm grabbing your shit and throwing it out."
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Shoto Todoroki
❥ "Why don't you sleep with me." he said boldly unaware of how his sentence had more than one connotation to it. I mean you need help and as your friend he's more than willing to help you out. plus he has the biggest dorm compared to everyone else, if anything he's the most suitable to offer his help he thought.
❥ Asks you what temperature you prefer to sleep in so he can use his quirk to either make the room colder or warmer depending on your preference. and ALWAYS makes sure to make both sides of your pillows cold.
❥ When he's out visiting his mother you make sure the place is clean (though it usually is since he tends to be on the neater side) and prepare some soba for him as a token of your appreciation. After a couple of times he starts to look forward for it and got saddened the one day you forgot.
❥ In return he made sure not turn on the lights when getting ready in the morning as to not wake you up. Part of it was for a selfish reason though, he thought it was cute how you slept soundly on his bed.
❥ Speaking about sleep; During the night he would find himself cozying up next to you, not on purpose though. He just felt comfort in your presence and he realized you felt the same way when you also moved closer to him during the night.
❥ Leaves out coffee for you in the mornings since you tend to stay up late on nights and wake up always running late to your classes.
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Izuku Midoriya
❥ Overheard you talking to Tsuyu and Uraraka about how you need a place to sleep in and walked over to offer his help without a second thought. You already spend most of your time in his dorm room during the day to share notes anyways. The only difference would just be you spending the night.
❥ Offers for you to sleep in his bed while he sleeps on the floor. After you refuse to let him sleep on the floor he shyly agrees to share the bed with you constantly asking you if you're okay with it.
❥ Midoriya stays up late at night writing in his notebook and murmuring thoughts to himself. You persuade him to go to bed and leave his worries for the following day. he deeply apologizes for the burden kind of embarrassed. "I-I'm sorry! was I keeping you up? I'll go to bed in a few minutes don't worry."
❥ Always invites you to go out with him whenever he leaves the dorm, even if it's something as simple as going to the gas station to get some snacks.
❥ he loves to talk your ear off geeking out about the knowledge he knows about the top heroes and their quirks. When he notices he got carried away he gets all types of flustered but even then he doesn't get the sense of being judged.
❥ Since he's constantly getting injured and going to see Recovery girl he always comes back exhausted. regardless, his stubborn ass still tries to go out on missions and push himself to the limits. he get's frustrated when you don't let him do so and force him to rest and leave his chores to you. But he loves you for it.
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shinso x reader
thoughts about how shinso would act in a relationship. same premise as the kirishima ver.
lovey dovey stuff, teenagers suck but love can be a beautiful thing <3
a/n: you guys ate up every summertime and started SLEEPING on NIKI. go listen to her music rn >:( song is backburner
a/n: me writing about the men who will treat me right (they literally don’t exist)
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hitoshi shinso, who’s facetimes with you always run late into the night. you ramble on about your day while he hums in response, knowing that you know he’s not the talkative type. he never asks “how was your day?” he always says “tell me about your day.” because he really, truly wants to hear about your day. you could have cured a disease or simply just gotten out of bed, and he’d still want to hear every single detail simply because its from you.
hitoshi shinso, who loves to cook. only you're aware of it, because he doesn't always like sharing personal details with others, but you never complained- it just means more for you. you're always the first person that gets to try his food, though he claims you're not a very good critic. but you can't help it, everything he makes tastes so good. and with every compliment you shower him in, he'll hit you with a 'yeah, yeah, whatever.' and then next moment, make you more so you can always stay fed during long days at UA and long hours during hero-training. its his silent way of telling you he loves you.
hitoshi shinso, whose cats love you more than they love him. he has three triplets, a black british short hair, a siamese, and a grey ragdoll- pepper, lexi, and mustache- he absolutely hates the last name, but he had just adopted the kitten and you named it for its white streak right below its nose. he'll deny it forever, but he gets pouty and huffs in annoyance whenever he sees the cats run to you, even after he's fed and taken care of them for all of their lives. but he also cant deny the way his heart skips a beat whenever he seems them cuddled up with you on his bed, wearing one of his big t-shirts. it softens his heart in a way that nothing else does- your love fills his heart more strongly and more passionately than anything does.
hitoshi shinso, who is the closed-off, funny but quiet dickhead of his friend group. he's known for his out-of-pocket roasts at the right times and his nonchalant nature that contrasts with the loud, spunkiness of his multicolored-haired friends. but with you, he softens. the few times he's brought you along with him to movie night or training sessions, you've softened his heart enough for the love in him to seep out towards others as well. whenever you crack a joke, make someone else at the table smile, and draw laughs and happiness from their chests, a blush blooms across his cheeks. obviously, he fell for you, how could he not?
hitoshi shinso, who's favorite activity with you is your sunday-ritual. you'll wake up together, either in the same bed or over the phone, and bike down to the coast. you'll bug him about wearing a helmet, but he always complains that it ruins your hair. he'd never admit that its because he thinks you're absolutely adorable when you dote on him. afterwards he'll share a smoothie with you- he hates all the flavors except for mixed berry, which is the one he always insists on getting. he hates the the overpricing for what the product actually is, but loves the smile it puts on your face after a tiring bike-ride. and afterwards, you two will go back to either his of your place. his place if your parents aren't home, and his place when his parents are home, and binge watch a long t.v show of your choosing. he'll always complain that its stupid, poorly written or drawn out, but get pouty whenever you watch an episode without him. it's the one thing he looks forwards to at the end of a long week, drawn out with endless studies, training, and burnout. you're his safe place, and he needs it more than he'll admit.
hitoshi shinso, who somehow remembers every tiny detail about you. his mind works like gears, arranging formulas and deciphering codes, but the intellect of his mind makes you its priority. he remembers the way you pick your nails and cuticles when you have anxiety, and how placing his warm palm over yours soothes some of those thoughts. he remembers how prefer to tie your hair back during training but how you somehow always forget a hair tie- and he knows how you always give him a peck on his cheek once he shows off the one he's been keeping on his wrist for you. he remembers how you can't sleep without your nightly calls, and how he needs to hear your voice before he drifts of too- maybe more than you need it. he remembers the first day you met, the first thing he said to you, the first time he ever felt love for you. he remembers all of it and keeps it embedded in his heart. hitoshi shinso may seem like he hates everyone, but the one exception to that is you. and he'll remember that forever.
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 1 month
edit cus tumblr tweaked out n posted the unfinished draft smh.
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sitting in the bus with your fifteen minute now ex boyfriend was not something you expected to happen when you’d gotten ready for your date this morning.
you’re sitting as far away from his as possible, or at least as far as he’ll let you go. because of course shouto todoroki just couldn’t let you have one moment without flashing you his sweet little puppy eyes and kissable little pouted lips, three seats away from you.
your face is practically smushed against the window, intently keeping your eyes fixed on the green grass turning dark with rain while you try to keep your eyes dry. you wonder if it’s your fault, if you did something.
more people start coming in, trying to find shelter from the rain. the more people come in the louder it gets, they’re so loud, he’s so loud. he isn’t doing anything but staring at you, but it’s so intense it almost sounds loud. you feel it in the beat of your ears and the beat of your heart, you focus on the rain droplets bouncing off the pavement outside to desperately keep from crying.
you know shouto doesn’t have to take the bus, his dad could probably get someone to pick him up, he’d only made it a habit of taking the bus with you so you could spend more time together. you think maybe he shouldn’t have, it’s his fault, he spent more time with you then he should’ve and somehow that brought him to sit you down on a random park bench, grip on your hand still firm as he told you he thinks it’d be better if you didn’t see each other anymore.
as if you could just stop seeing him, fucking idiot. you’re in the same class, have the same friends, you see him in your favorite manga and the website you read your early leaks on that you shared with him, you see him in your notes because he’d write them down for you when you were sick to bring them to your dorm, you see him in your favorite snacks because you make it a habit of having him guess the flavor of the skittles you’re sharing.
seriously, what a moron. who does he think he is, the love of your life ?!
well, you sure thought he was.
you can’t bear it anymore, this feels like actual torture and you could honestly give less of a shit about how dramatic you sounded. this is unbearable, it’s suffocating feeling those deep colored eyes constantly on you, reaching out and begging and pleading for something you cannot and will not give more of to him.
this isn’t your stop, but it’s close. you can walk the rest of the way. screw the rain and screw him.
you quietly apologize to the people you’re pushing past, though they can barely hear you as you try to keep your wobbly voice even. when you pass by a group of people the start hissing and murmuring behind you and you think you weren’t being loud enough until you realize that of course he’d followed you off as soon as you got off. ever uncaring of the people around him except you know that’s not true. you know shouto cares, he’s kind, but you thought he cared about you and he apparently didn’t, so you trudge forwards with teeth clenched and hands tightened into fists. to desperately keep from crying.
why does he care so much, why did he follow you in the bus and now out of it ? couldn’t he just let you be alone ?? he’s the one who broke it off.
but you’re sure you’re the one who did something, how could he have ? your shouto’s perfect, the sweetest boy in the whole word. teeth clenched tighter and tighter, to keep from crying.
he calls for you, and then again louder over the rain, he won’t let you drown him out. of course he won’t. not when he calls for you again, a cool hand wrapping around your wrist this time. you want to melt despite the chill, but instead you boil ripping your hand out of his grip.
“just go home ! why’d you follow me out here ?!” his eyes are wide and so sad, you’d never raised your voice at him before even during your rare arguments.
“this isn’t your stop..” he tries to reason, voice quietly drifting through the air, the rain hits the pavement and his hair is getting wetter. he’s so handsome, he always is. you want to kiss him and you hate yourself for it.
“yeah, i noticed that too. did that on purpose if you couldn’t tell, which you obviously didn’t.” you’re being mean, you’re spitting everything at him to get him to just fuck off. but of course he won’t, because your shouto is kind. and he reaches out for you again only for you to back away from him.
“i’m sorry.”
“just leave me alone ! why can’t you just leave me alone ?!” you ask him and yourself and anyone who’s listening. you sob when he slowly, ever so softly wraps his arms around you and you push at him and push and push and push him away but he never backs off, he never leaves you alone. not when he’s everywhere. with the smell of his cologne and the softness of his lips on your forehead and the softness of his clothes as he pleads, he’s so sorry he says. but you don’t know why. he’s the one who broke it off right ?
“is it me ?” you whimper, he immediately shushes you but you continue “was it something i did ?”
“no, no it’s not you—it could never be you, love.” his voice is even, or it’s trying to be, you can tell he’s having a hard time with how tightly he’s holding onto you. like you won’t hear him out if he doesn’t keep you close, it’s funny because you’d hear him out even if he was trying to convince you the earth was shaped like a rectangle, hilarious even.
your heart bleeds for him, despite it being his fault your heart is hurting in the first place.
"it's just…better that way" is what he'd managed to spit out. "but listen—look at me." he grabs your cheeks, pulling your face up to look into his unwavering pretty bicolored eyes. he presses the sweetest, gentlest kiss to your lips, you don't think anyone would love you enough to kiss you like this ever again, and the tears keep flowing because you don't think you'd want to be loved like this by anyone other than him. and it makes you press back against him when he kisses you again, and again
" i love you, i do. and it's not you." he reaffirms again, because he knows you're thinking about it
"it isn't you. i love you, angel." he babbles over and over against your lips. "you know i love you, yeah ?" and you want to say you don't, but the shine in his wet eyes tells you everything you already knew, and you kiss him again, and again. his hands, cooling and so invitingly warm still firm against your cheeks.
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lebbys-world · 2 months
Reality Check
Todoroki x gn!reader; pro-hero!au, some slightly graphic description of injury/death, angst to comfort, facing the realities of putting yourself in danger everyday
notes: i know this is a comfort blog, but i am a such a sucker for angst + esp in regards to how corrupt the superhuman society of mha is. so no relationship angst here !! just some good 'ol facing reality head-on with the love of your life !!
Your throat was searing with a burning pain, lungs overwhelmed as the cool metal of a knife passed across the skin covering your trachea.
The shock hits you instantly, yet the world feels as if it’s suddenly in slow motion.
One second, you were being held up by a villain, beaten and bruised, convincing yourself you’d make it out of there just fine.
The next moment, there was that burning sensation, and the villain holding you up lets go, forcing your weak body to fall helplessly onto the ground.
It hits you the moment your body slammed against the ground.
You realize what happened in that moment, but somehow your brain can't string together the thought fully.
You can barely move.
You can barely speak.
You’re desperate to talk, to say something, but the only thing that comes out of your mouth is choked noises and blood.
Tears start streaming down your face, the overwhelming emotions only continuing to cut off your scarce breaths.
Your vision starts to become blurry, and you can feel your senses starting to numb.
The once booming screams and explosions now sounded so far away that you could barely register them.
You feel someone run over to you, lifting you slightly off the ground, trying to ask you something that you can't quite make out.
A cold hand is placed on your face.
Why is the hand wet?
That’s right.
That’s the same hand that must have picked you up.
That hand must be covered in your own blood.
You’re dying, after all.
You wish you could clearly see the face of the person holding you so dearly, or hear the pleading words of reassurance coming out of their mouth. 
But everything was such a haze.
Your senses nulled.
All you hoped was that Shoto was still okay.
. . .
You jolted upwards, your breaths staggered, sweat dripping off your brow.
Your eyes took a moment to adjust to the dark room, as the adrenaline continued rushing through your veins.
The visions that had just flooded your head suddenly disappeared, but you could still feel the agony of them weighing down on your chest.
From your sudden movement, you had woken up your husband next to you.
“Hey love, take a deep breath. Everything’s alright.”
He slowly sat up next to you, putting his arm comfortingly on your back as he continued to calm you down.
“Nightmare, hm?”
“...Yeah.” You answered, leaning into his touch.
“You wanna talk about it?”
“Mmm… not yet.”
“That’s okay.” He pulls you into his embrace, “we can talk about it later.”
You were used to nightmares stemming from work, but you'd never had one that felt quite this realistic.
Even though you were awake, safe in your home, in your own bed, your husband next to you, you just couldn't shake the sinking feeling the dream had left you with.
As Pro-Heroes, this sort of fate could be your reality someday.
That was something you had to face when you took on the job, but only on nights like these did the severity of it ever really hit you.
That fate could befall you someday.
You could die out there someday.
Or even worse, Shoto could.
At that thought, you held him tighter.
“Can we just stay like this for a little longer?” You asked into his chest.
“For however long you need.”
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real-hot-grl-shi · 2 months
god I hate the mha fandom. Like
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zeke-best · 1 year
"You are on your own kid, you always have been"
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Bakugo: So… you’re icyhot and Dabi’s cousin??
Shell: Yep
Bakugo: And you came all the way here, to UA, to become a hero, just to kick Dabi in the ankles really hard?
Shell: Mhm
Bakugo: Because he pulled your hair when you were five?
Shell: Yessir
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collisiondiscourse · 3 months
how is toshinori (bkdk kid) doing ?? :o
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everytime we check back in hes still at it
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https-milo · 1 month
the baker's daughter - masterlist
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synopsis Y/n L/n works at a small bakery owned by her parents. One day, a pro hero in training shows up asking for 400 cupcakes.
eventual friends to lovers
i - 400 cupcakes ii - a wild todoroki! iii - lunch! vi - v - anddd more!
brought to you by : https-milo 2024
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tikobithelich · 2 years
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Full BIO of the lad underneath the ‘Keep Reading’
This is one of MANY MHA/BNHA ocs that I have, but one of a couple that I’ll probably make full sheets for. Hibiki is my raptor son and I love him deeply.
Name: Hibiki Takaki
Nickname(s): Clever Boy (A Joke by Bakugou)
Age: 16
Gender/Sex: Male
Sexuality: Gay/Demisexual
Occupation: UA Student, Class 2-B
Birth Date: June 27th
Ethnicity/Species: Utahraptor Hybrid
Height: 5’9’’ ft / 179.832 cm
Weight: 175 lbs / 79.3787 kg
Body type: Rectangle - Lean - Mesomorph
Hair color/style: Muted Lime Green - Shoulder Length - Feathered
Eye Color: Amber
Skin tone: Pale Ivory
Tattoos: None
Scars: None
Piercings: None
Clothing Style: Flannel Shirts & Shorts
Accessories: Loose Leather Necklaces & Bracelets
General Personality: Gentle - Helpful - Quiet - Protective - Insecure - Cautious
Likes: Leathers - Flower Arranging - Hot Weather - Cooking Mama (Game Series) - Tempura
Dislikes: Confined Spaces - Chalk
Fears/Phobias: Claustrophobia (Fear of confined places)
Prefers to sleep in a hammock
Instinctual Meat Eater
Sleeps with music/some kind of noise
Parents: Savannah Takaki (Mother/Maiden Name Lee/”Ma”/Alive) - Tokoma Takaki (Mother/”Mama”/Alive)
Juno Takaki (Older Sister/Alive)
Genkai Takaki (Older Brother/Alive)
Tsubasa Takaki (“Twin” Brother/Alive)
Dakota Takaki (Little Brother/Alive)
Other Relatives: N/A
Friends/Acquaintances: Shinori Nagai (OC), Izuku Midoriya
Best Friend: Tsubasa Takaki (OC/Sibling)
Significant Other/Crush: Shoto Todoroki
Enemies/Rivals: Katsuki Bakugou, Endeavor, L.O.V.
Hero Name: Utah Claw
Hero Outfit: Black body suit with dark grey underbelly and red stripes. Orange and red crop top hoodie.
Quirk: Utahraptor
The user has the physical qualities of a Utahraptor, including high speeds, agility, heightened senses, and a powerful toe claw. The user also has advanced battle awareness when working in a group.
Pack Tactics: Battle Awareness when working in a group, able to make faster decisions and calculate effective strategies.
Toe Claw: Sharpened Tow Claw used for climbing and attacking
Heightened Senses: Includes a sense of smell, hearing, and sight
Hand to Hand Combat
Speeds of 25-30 MPH
Easy to overpower physically, no enhanced strength aside from standard UA training
Easier to predict and keep an eye on when fighting alone
Can be shot/stabbed/poisoned/drugged
Number 11 American Hero Savanah Lee aka “Rex Rage” meet and fell in love with Japanese gardener Tokoma Takaki and soon moved to Japan with her. The two started growing their family, starting with Savanah giving birth to Juno and Genkai, the first set of twins. Then Tomoka gave birth to Hibiki and Tsubasa, the second set of twins. Hibiki was actually extremely emotional and often cried as a little kid, also very scared of nearly everything. When he and his brother were 6, the family took a trip to America to visit some family and to generally have a nice vacation. An old villain of Savanah’s managed to pull a fast one and swiped Hibiki, almost grabbing Tsubasa until the little ones started to cry and wail. Hibiki was kept for ransom for two days and threatened into silence by shoving the 6-year-old into a shipping container. An enraged Savanah burst in with the police and finally found the whimpering child. The event effectively silenced Hibiki, the raptor growing to barely say a word. When Dakota was born, it was also revealed that Hibiki grew an extreme protective streak, not leaving the infant for barely a moment. When Juno was 10, she showed an interest in becoming a hero, and Hibiki also showed an interest. Savannah agreed to train Juno, but told Hibiki to wait one more year and she’d train him. Hibiki spent that year watching Juno and his mother train. When the time finally came, he trained alongside Juno and better adapted his combat abilities. With dedication and training with two of his siblings, Juno and Tsubasa, Hibiki joined UA and currently is in his second year.
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iddybiddysquish · 1 year
Just Keep Swimming - Siren!Todoroki x Reader
Part 1.5
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Gender: AFAB
Warnings: Oral (fem receiving), fingering, marking, Siren anatomy, arousal venom, biting, two dicks, oviposition - not good with terminology to let me know if I've missed anything!
Notes: Feedback is welcomed and I hope you have a good time reading! This is quite self indulgent and my first time writing smut so be gentle with me pls <3 Reader has a Siren quirk. Not beta read, we die like men.
A side effect of being surrounded by marine life was that I didn't have to be near people. I could just swim and survive on the land - using my quirk, of course. Without it I'd drown and rot, but that was a small detail. 
Quirk: siren
Allows the individual to breathe underwater, hold their breath for long periods of time, shapeshift into a fish hybrid and to take on mermaid-like properties. The user can also sing to lure people and other creatures to them, having a brainwashing effect. The user is also able to communicate with sea life, manipulate water and the weather. 
So that's what I was doing. I went to my local beach and just dived in after finding a cove to store my stuff. After all, just because I was immune to the pressure and the cold of the water didn't mean I wouldn't be freezing and damp when I came out. 
As soon as I entered the water I felt my body relax. My skin gained a shimmering hue as my skin adapted and scales formed across my legs as they turned into two tails and a tail sprouted from my coccyx. My feet slowly grew fins as my fingers grew webbing, claws and fangs protruding from my body sharply. 
I could have a mermaid tail if I wanted to. Much like how I could have more webbing and fins across my arms and legs, but I didn't see the point. It was a more painful process for little reward. 
As per usual I took my deep sea camera with me to snap pictures here and there. Every now and then I'd spot a fish or a beautiful bit of reef to take pictures of. It was very peaceful. 
However I was brought out of the moment as I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand on edge as I surveyed the scene. I was being watched, for sure, but by who I couldn't see. It's not like there were any divers nearby, so it had to be a predator. But, again, there was nothing of the sort around. 
I huffed to myself before going back to taking pictures. However I kept my guard up and kept sneaking glances around as I did. 
Todoroki was fed up. Another argument with his father led to him storming out with angry clicks sounding behind him. He could only take so much from the man who seemed to demand respect without giving it to others. 
So he left. The safety of his pod was behind him as he reached shallower ocean to try and get away for a bit. He just needed some time to process everything. 
Todoroki's father wanted him to get a mate, and he wasn't waiting for it to happen naturally. So he interfered with his social life, again, to the point that it was preventing him from searching for his mate at all. Not that his father cared - he just needed Todoroki to find someone and settle down, whether they were truly his mate or not. 
Todoroki wasn't like that. He couldn't just settle down with just anyone. It needed to be someone he cared about. Someone who could be a companion - a friend. Not just a lover to populate the dwindling numbers of Sirens. 
That was when he caught sights of you. 
Darting out of sight he hid behind a deep rooted part of the reef as he eyed you with curiosity. Your strong tail and slim, delicate leg-like tails practically fluttered around you as you put a weird looking box to your face before pressing a button. 
Todoroki looked at you like you were crazy. He wasn't sure what the device you held was, but he wanted to know. 
It was then he took in your appearance further. You had (H/L), (H/C) flowing around you. You had claws, much like him as well as little fins and webbing around your ears, hands and along your body. But that was where the similarities ended. 
He'd never seen a creature like you before. Even when he'd come out here before, there was nothing remotely similar. Hell, him and his pod looked more similar to you than anything he'd seen before, and yet the differences were vast. 
So he couldn't help his curiosity as he dared to get closer. 
'Just another look…' he told himself as he inched closer, carefully hiding behind the reef again, waiting for you to move. 
He continued to stalk you as you got deeper into the ocean and this lasted a while. It got to the point that any light that permeated the waters had gone - but that didn't deter you. It's not like you couldn't see in the dark, much like Todoroki. 
Todoroki noted that down in his mental checklist of similarities, watching as you discarded the camera across your chest. From there you began to swim, getting deeper and deeper. 
Todoroki wondered briefly where you slept. It was getting late and he knew he'd be in for a bollocking if he didn't turn up soon - but he wanted to wait this out to find out where you were going to go. 
So he did - and it paid off.
Eventually you realised how late it was when you checked your watch. Concluding you'd had your fun, you spun around and swiftly made your way back to the cave that held your belongings in it. 
Todoroki followed slowly, keeping his distance. He didn't want you to spot him just yet but when you entered the cave he found himself peeking his head up to get a good look. 
To his horror he saw your tail recede and your fins thin out until they were able to be dusted off your body. All your scales vanished leaving a (S/C) hue to your body. 
He quickly vanished once you began to get changed, feeling the heat rush to his cheeks. Still, whilst he laid in his bed he thought of you. 
'A human…?' played around in his mind like a reel. 
He'd seen humans. But never ones like that. They always had diving gear on - weird masks and large tanks on their backs so they could breathe. 
They certainly never had fins and scales.
Eventually Todoroki fell asleep. But his mind never stopped thinking of you. He concluded to himself that he was going to see you again. 
He promised it to himself. And Todoroki didn't have to wait long. 
It was the day after the next. I stretched as I removed my clothes, carefully placing them in my bag before putting my bag in the dry part of the cove I'd found. From there I jumped into the pool at the back of the cove and swam towards the ocean with my trusty camera. 
I was determined to get some more pictures of interesting marine life for my niece. She loved the camera so much last time, so I made a promise to find more for her to enjoy the next time I see her. 
I was not disappointed as I neared the reef I was at the other day. But this time I planned to go further, having more of the day to explore.
It wasn't long into swimming that I felt that eerie sensation of being watched again. But this time, when I looked, I spotted a shimmering colour of red and white darting away from my vision. 
Snapping my gaze towards it, I saw nothing but a seaweed garden. That was, until I neared. 
I caught the movements of a mixture of red and white scales belonging to a huge tail. It has nothing on my tails in size comparison. But when I reached out to touch it, suddenly it jumped back and away. 
I gave chase, following the creature with curiosity. However, with his superior tail, I was struggling. So I did the only thing I could think of. 
"Hey, wait!" I clicked loudly in his direction. 
That caught his attention, causing him to stop sharply and turn back with surprise. I grinned when I realised it worked and waved at him. 
The man was a mermaid. A real mermaid. And I couldn't believe my chances. 
Todoroki hesitantly waved back as I squealed to myself much to his confusion. He didn't mind having my attention, but found it slightly confusing as he moved some of his hair out of his face. 
It was then I greedily took in his appearance. Red and white split hair, pale skin and sharp features. He was downright handsome, even as a fish-man. 
"Uh, hi!" I beamed, clicks emanating my excitement effortlessly. Todoroki hesitantly replied back, but replied back he did. 
I was dying inside. 
I dared to, slowly, swim forward. Todoroki didn't move, but his hackles were still noticeably raised. So I was careful in my approach as I looked up at him. 
"Are you a mermaid?" I begged curiously. Todoroki frowned at this before shaking his head. 
"Siren." He responded curtly, "Are you a human?" I nodded. 
"Yep! I don't look like it at the moment because of my quirk." I shrugged. Todoroki looked at me, puzzled, earning my explanation, "It's like a superpower people evolved to have. Mine is called Siren, funnily enough. It's what allows me to come down here and talk to you!"
Todoroki was baffled. Sure he'd seen the odd human once or twice, but they'd never had any kind of special powers. At least, not to the eye. That being said, he hadn't seen humans for a while and the memories were hazy at best. They could've had two heads and he wouldn't remember it. Humans never bothered his pod so he never bothered with them. It just didn't matter to him. 
His eyes drifted across my body curiously. When he reached out I tried my best not to flinch at his touch, letting him trace my scales around my arms and shoulders. When his hand reached up my neck and towards my face I felt my cheeks flush at the intimate contact. 
He was gentle in his pursuit. And I found myself tracing his light fins across his arms and reciprocating his light touches, doing my own investigations. 
Todoroki has lovely fins across his arms, back and tail. They emanated the same colour scheme as his tail - reds and whites, though the way they shimmered gave him a milky tone. His skin was pale and glowing with the same sort of hue as my own. 
Intrigued, I analysed his face as he analysed my own. Todoroki had one grey eye and one turquoise. His brows were matching his hair and he had next to no colour to his skin, although it was freckled with pale, moonstone-like scales. I moved my hands to trace his ears ever so delicately, awed by the thin fins that existed in place of ears. 
"You're beautiful." He commented as he traced my chin. I immediately baulked, pink rising to my cheeks - something he noticed quickly and traced with a clawed finger, curiously, "Why are you pink?"
"Uhh…" I squeaked, "We do that when we're embarrassed."
"Why are you embarrassed?" I shook my head. 
"It doesn't matter…" I muttered as he gazed into my eyes. I wasn't sure if he didn't get social cues or if he meant this to be as intimate as it was, so I cut him some slack and looked away, cheeks still flushed as he watched me. 
"What's your name?" I begged curiously. Todoroki hummed for a moment before responding. 
"Todoroki Shoto."
"Nice to meet you. I'm (L/N) (F/N)." I greeted, holding out my hand. When he looked at it, perplexed, I giggled and took the initiative to grab his hand and shake it. He returned the gesture once he caught on, but found it confusing nonetheless. 
‘Is this something humans do when they meet one another?’
Todoroki's face moved back to the box on my body and poked it, making me giggle. 
"Do you wanna take photos with me?"
"What's that?"
"Photos are renditions of things. Look." I beamed, showing him the screen, "I took a picture of the coral and now I have a small version of the image in the camera."
"Ca-me-ra?" He repeated with a foreign tongue. I nodded. 
"That's what it's called." I beamed, "Do you want to try?"
Todoroki watched as I removed the device from my body before passing it to him. He held it awkwardly, trying his best not to break it as I showed him how to work it. 
"Does it hurt?" He begged hesitantly. I shook my head. 
"No, not at all!" He nodded before pointing the camera as he looked through the lens. 
To my surprise, his first picture he wanted to take was of me, so I posed for the camera. When he took the picture he immediately looked to see the image across the screen with awe. I giggled at this before offering to take his picture. 
"Okay." He smiled, passing the device back to me. Immediately he gave a peace sign and a bright smile full of sharp teeth. It was a beautiful, though uneasy, sight. 
"Done!" I beamed, passing the device back to him so he could take a look. 
I realised quickly that Todoroki likely never had seen himself before as he traced the camera. I smiled as I watched him mimic the motion on his own face as he beamed down at the device. 
I couldn't get over his excitement and wondered more about him. Does he speak English? What did he know about humans? Are there more of him?
"Do you have family?" I begged curiously as he eyed the different pictures I'd taken whilst being here. He looked up at me for a moment before looking back down at the camera. 
"Yeah. We call them pods." He mumbled, "They don't know I'm here."
"Why are you here? It must be far out from your home?" He nodded. 
"Came here to get away." He admitted, looking to the side, "To be alone."
"Were you here two days ago as well by any chance?" He nodded. 
"I saw you with this." He waved his hand, "But was worried about approaching." I nodded. 
"What is your pod like?" He begged, giving me back the camera. I paused at that, thinking for a moment before responding as I discarded the camera back to my body. 
"They're fairly understanding." I mused, "We're quite similar. Each of us all have quirks related to the sea or water. So we spend a lot of time near the beach or lakes. 
"I don't live with them anymore so I see them less than usual."
"You don't live with them?" He begged, surprised. I shook my head. 
"Once you turn 18 you're legally an adult. You might live with them for a bit but generally people move out to their own place. My brother has his own pod now that he has a baby. 
"Is it not the same for you?"
"We live in pods together. Never split up." He shook his head.
"How old are you?" I begged curiously. He tilted his head at me before answering. 
"24." I nodded before telling him my age. He nodded slightly.
"Do you like your family?" He begged, swimming around me. I followed him with my gaze as he circled me and giggled at his enthusiasm. 
"I love my family. We're very close, all of us despite the distance." I hummed, watching as he paused his pursuit to look closely at my tail.
"I'm not very close with my family." He admitted carefully as he rounded back to meet me face to face, making me jump at the proximity, "My father is overbearing." 
"I'm sorry to hear that." 
"He's determined for me to mate with a random female to continue to genepool." I frowned at this. 
"That sounds awful. Do you mate for life?" He nodded, making me deflate, "That sounds incredibly oppressive." He nodded. I leaned back onto my back and looked up at him as I thought over the next question carefully. However he beat me to it. 
"Do you have a mate?" I shook my head. 
"No." I hummed, kicking my tails slightly to keep afloat, "In my world we don't have mates per se. We have partners that we marry."
"Marry?" He begged slowly. I nodded. 
"It's a societally recognised partnership. Like a mate but with legal standing."
"That sounds nice." I nodded. 
"Marriage is very serious. But it's also very special, in my eyes anyway. It's like the end goal of a relationship for humans."
"Do you mate for life?" I hesitated at the question for a moment. 
"We're supposed to but it's not very common." I scratched my head, "The rate of people annulling marriage is over 50 percent."
"That's rather high." He mused. 
"Yeah it's not good. But everyone is looking for 'the one'. It just doesn't end up being the person they choose to marry."
"How do you annul a marriage?" He begged, confused, "Is it not like mating for life?" I shook my head.
"It's a commitment, but you have the choice to leave. However it's difficult and a long, arduous process." 
Todoroki and I continued to chat aimlessly into the night. I learnt that he could speak English and that his family contained his three siblings and two parents, but that they had a wider society that they lived in with other Sirens. He even gave me a sample of his singing voice, which was exactly as alluring as one would expect from a Siren, so it only lasted for a few seconds to prevent me from falling under his spell. 
It took me a while to realise how late it had gotten given how dark it was down here to begin with. So I took him back to the cove where my things were which was when he admitted he had followed me here the other day. 
I didn't mind. Todoroki was just being cautious and that was understandable. I'd have been the same in his position. 
"Will I see you again?" I begged as I dried myself and put my dress on over my swimsuit. Todoroki smiled at me. 
"I hope so." He admitted, "When are you next visiting?"
"Tomorrow?" I offered, earning a nod. 
"I'll be here." I grinned, beaming down at him, who was still floating in the water as I put my shoes on. 
"It's a date!"
Todoroki flushed at that insinuation. However I was already leaving and waving his way before he could comment on it. So he left with butterflies in his stomach and his mind reeling. 
Todoroki knew little about human customs, but he did know about them. Dating was the next level of courtship when you show interest in a mate in his world. Did you think of him like that? They had only met today, officially. Was it all too soon?
He wasn't sure but he couldn't deny the feeling she made him feel. She listened to him and offered advice. She seemed to care about his wellbeing and his family life which was more than he could say about any of the females that his father had forced him to interact with. 
He wasn't sure what his father would think of this. It wasn't unusual for Sirens to fall for humans, but his father was rather persnickety and wanted a brood from him. She could give that, but it would mean leaving his pod and taking on legs and living on land with her, most likely. 
So he waited with baited breath. He couldn't sleep from excitement so he was up at the crack of dawn and swimming away from his pod. He wasn't sure how long he waited, but it was long enough. 
"Shoto~!" I sang as soon as I entered the cove and spotted him, "How are you?" I begged as he sat on the ledge. He turned and smiled, small chirps sounding from his throat at the sight of me. 
"Well. How about you?"
"Good!" I beamed before removing my clothes - an act that Todoroki thought was rather intimate for humans. 
Sure, he'd seen humans in swimsuits before. That's par for the course by the seaside. However, he'd also seen humans mating practises. So he knew that something important was under those swimsuits. 
His cock twitched at the thought. 
"Ready to go?" He nodded before diving in, watching as I jumped in with a cannonball. 
I giggled as I felt my body change. Todoroki watched with awe as my legs changed to tails and fins and my tail grew out. He couldn't help himself as he came close and traced the outline of my skin as it turned into scales. 
I squeaked in surprise at the contact, but didn't move away. He watched as my skin turned that beautiful, reflective hue and felt around my body gently. He was careful and deliberate in his movements as they lowered towards my tails. 
I couldn't help but do the same back, tracing the large scales that met his tail. I watched him closely as he seemed to relax at the contact. 
"May I see your tail?" Todoroki's eyes widened at that, though I didn't notice as I traced his scales by his hip bone. However it soon turned into a smirk as he nodded, which I took as encouraging.
What I didn't realise was the intimacy of such a request. I was solidifying my interest in the Siren without even realising it, and Todoroki was feeling more unsure about how much I knew about their customs. But he wasn't deterred. 
I dived down, slowly gliding my fingers across the luscious scales of his tail, going right down to the fins at the bottom and back up. I couldn't help my greedy pursuit, knowing I may never get this chance again. 
When my hand traced along his hip bone again, he grabbed my hand gently and pulled me to him. I blinked but followed as he guided me up before he placed his hand along mine. 
Todoroki's hand was much bigger than mine. His fingers were slender and long, his webbing even longer. His pads were more ragged from years of use for hunting and fishing whilst mine in his mind were soft and delicate. 
"Follow me."
Todoroki pulled me to him and I wrapped my arms around his neck as he propelled us forward, his arm around my waist tightly. He was significantly faster than I was so I let him drag me to wherever he wanted to take me as I took in the sights. 
We went in the opposite direction to where we had originally met and went deeper than I was anticipating. I knew that by the time we were finished it would be dark before I could get back to the cavern. But I didn't mind. 
Eventually we came to a cave system. Todoroki told me to close my eyes and that he would guide me, which I did with a few squeaks when I nearly smacked into a wall like the idiot I am. However it wasn't long before he told me I could open them again. And when I did I was in awe. 
Inside the cave system was one particular cavern that was illuminated by all kinds of sea life and algae. It was sloped so that there was some out of water area that was covered in soft moss and plant life. Lining the natural grooves in the wall was some kind of shiny stone or jewel that made up most of the cave. 
It was beautiful. Breathtaking, even. 
"Shoto this is amazing…!" I awed, earning a small smile. 
"You like it?" I nodded feverishly.
"I love it!" I beamed turning back to him and hugging him, "You really know the best places to visit, huh? I need to take some pictures of this place!"
Todoroki watched as I rushed off to start taking pictures with an amused smile. He felt proud - the courtship was going well. All he needed to do now was find an appropriate gift for me to accept and I will be his mate. 
'Mate…' he hummed. He liked the sound of it, smiling fondly in my direction as I took pictures of the passing fish with glee. 
Todoroki had in mind what he planned to give me. He just needed to find the right one. He knew that pearls were valuable to humans, for whatever reason. So he was going to go hunting to find the biggest before the next meeting.
"Shoto, look!" I cheered, catching his attention. He swam over, curious to see a male seahorse giving birth as I took pictures of the miraculous moment, "I've never seen this in person!"
Shoto raised a brow. He hadn't expected to see that either and was watching with intrigue at the sight. 
'Is that what it'll be like?' he pondered with fear at how the seahorse was shooting out young like cannonballs over and over until, eventually, the pouch the younglings were in was empty. 
Todoroki didn't like the idea of being the one to carry the young but then he paused that thought, thinking about how nice it would be to feel the baby close. However, he looked over at me and paused his thoughts again. 
'She's human.' he noted, 'She won't have an egg duct, will she?'
Todoroki realised that he knew very little about female anatomy. Sirens had stopped interacting with humans decades ago, way before he was even born. There was a time where humans were prey - for sex, food or both. 
So he had little understanding of what sex organs I would have other than a uterus. It was simple, in his mind. However, I wasn't like a regular human, he concluded. So it was possible I had other sex organs he didn't know about. 
It made him anxious, but he was sure he could figure it out. 
From there the tiny seahorses dispersed and left towards safer areas - all the while I was taking photographs. 
"Did you know this was here?" I begged curiously. Todoroki shook his head. 
"No." He admitted, "It's quite the sight."
"I don't think I'll be shooting children out like that." I deadpanned, dryly, earning a chuckle.
"I would hope not." He admitted before looking my way and deciding to be bold, "How do humans reproduce?"
I froze at that question. How the hell was I supposed to explain that? Did he mean how we do the vertical tango or did he mean how we actually have babies?
My head was reeling and I decided to air on the side of caution. 
"Men have penises and women have uteruses." I started, slowly, "Men produce sperm and women have eggs. Once fertilised the woman keeps the baby in her uterus until they reach maturity, whereby she then gives birth.
"How does it work with you guys?"
"The same." He admitted before adding, "Although men and women have both eggs and sperm and can have children outside of the womb, with or without sex." I blinked, intrigued. 
"How does that work?"
"With difficulty." He noted, taking a seat down on the ground casually. I followed him, folding my legs under me, "You have to watch the eggs constantly for 9 months, making sure to keep oxygen flow constant."
"Like an octopus?" He nodded. 
"Sounds troublesome." I noted, earning another nod. I paused, "Doesn't that mean there's a chance of asexual reproduction?" He nodded. 
"It's common." He noted, "But only with choice."
"That's cool."
"We often choose one of the partners to keep the young."
"You can choose?" He nodded. 
"Much like that seahorse, men have brood sacs for gestation."
I was stumped. I hadn't expected such a difference between us. Although, that being said, it's not like I couldn't experience it - my quirk is Siren, after all. It's entirely based on the creatures, so it's possible I experience the same phenomena. 
All in all I didn't know. 
Regardless it was getting dark and I knew I needed to leave soon, sadly. Todoroki picked up on this disappointment quickly. 
"You could stay." He suggested. I blinked, looking over at him with surprise. 
"Aren't you going back to your pod?" I fretted, "Won't they be worried about you?" He shook his head. 
"I said I was going away on a trip for a few days. My friends are covering me." He admitted casually, making me nod. 
'I mean he's not wrong…'
"Do you want me to stay?" 
"Yes." He answered quickly and unashamedly. I felt my body flush at his strong gaze and smiled. 
One night turned into two and then three. Todoroki and I got to know one another more, learning about each other's lives. He promised he'd take me to the society he lived in some time soon and I promised to do the same for him when he informed me that he could shapeshift. 
I was excited. However, when I woke up the next morning I found myself panicking. 
Todoroki was gone. 
"Sho?" I begged, hairs on the back of my neck standing on end as I searched the cove for any signs of his familiar red and white colouring. 
"Shoto?" I tried louder, jumping into the water to look around. When I saw I was alone, bar the mirage of fish, I started to panic. 
This was the first time Todoroki had been away from me whilst I was awake. Sure he'd gone out to get food for us both, but I usually tagged along. 
This was unusual. 
Anxious clicking sounded from me as I tried to figure out what to do. 
'Stay calm…'
I went back to the dry area and played with my hair as I contemplated what to do. I thought back to the night before to see if there was anything to indicate where he was going but failed to identify anything. 
I felt alone and scared. So as a self soothing mechanism I began to sing to myself. 
Todoroki came back to a humm reverberating around the cave and immediately panicked that another Siren had found me. However, he was overcome with relief when his head popped up into the dry area and he saw me combing my hair and singing to myself. 
"You sound beautiful."
I screamed, not expecting any words as Todoroki successfully scared the shit out of me. That made him jump as I jumped back before I sighed with relief. 
"You scared me, Sho!" I pouted, turning towards him. 
"Sorry, Love." He apologised with a wry smile as I glared at him. 
'She was anxious for me.' Todoroki trilled, 'She missed me.'
"Where were you?" I begged, coming forward slightly as Todoroki jumped up and onto the dry area effortlessly, pulling fish and oysters up with him. He gave a small smile. 
"Breakfast." He chirped, passing me a fish. I took it, gratefully before tucking in, grateful that my stomach was capable of digesting raw fish and bones. So I crunched on the fish greedily as Todoroki watched me with an amused smile. I frowned at him. 
"Hungry?" I stuck my tongue out at him, earning a chuckle. 
"It's tasty. What fish is this?" I begged curiously as I used my claw to remove pieces of bone and fish flesh from my sharpened teeth. 
"Pollack." he noted, discarding the carcass back into the water for the smaller fish to eat. I hummed. 
"I like pollack apparently." I mused, chucking the carcass back into the water as Todoroki had done. He offered me more, which I took greedily before they met the same fate. 
Todoroki’s tail slapped against the ground as he ate. It didn’t take much to realise that he was anxious, but what about I wasn’t sure. However it wouldn’t be long before he scooted over and held an oyster on his lap, making me frown.
“What’s that?” Todoroki smiled.
“It’s for you.” I blinked up at him, confused as he passed the animal to me.
“To… eat?” I begged, “I’m quite full. I’d have eaten less if I’d known.” Todoroki chuckled at this and shook his head.
“No. Open it.”
I shrugged and did as requested. Much to my surprise there was a huge, orange melo melo pearl in the middle of several smaller oyster and mollock ones. The only one that was a perfect sphere was the large one in the centre. If I put my index finger and thumb together it would just about cover the size of the pearl. I gaped in shock at the beauty of the items before turning to Todoroki.
“Was this why you were gone for so long?” he nodded.
“It needed to be perfect.” he smiled.
“Oh, Sho…!” I chirped, pulling him into a tight hug and kissing him on the cheek. 
Todoroki was elated. Not only had you accepted his gift, but you kissed him. This was ideal.
“What did you want to do today?” I begged leaning back. However I noticed the loving look that Todoroki was giving me and smiled, “You okay there, Sho?”
“Yes. And I have an idea.” he nodded, “Follow me.” he beamed, jumping into the water. I placed the oyster down where it’d be safe before jumping into the water and transforming. Todoroki waited for me and watched as I transformed with the same fascination he had the first time around.
This time, he wanted to satiate his curiosity as he came over and got close to me.
He felt along my leg-tails gently before moving to my main tail with curiosity. He left no area untouched as he glided his pads across my body, squeezing when he reached my ass, making me gasp. 
I clenched my thighs in response but thought little of it; it's not like he knows what he's doing is a turn on. It's not like he realises the significance of that area… right?
Well he didn't, until he smelt the arousal that began to pool. 
With a smirk, Todoroki leaned his back against my own before palming my ass and giving it a gentle squeeze.
I yelped in surprise as Todoroki slapped my ass before pulling me back close to him by the hip.
“Shoto!” I flushed as he chuckled into my ear.
“What is it, Love?” he begged innocently. I wiggled, causing my ass to brush up against his crotch and forcing a moan out of him. I ignored it and turned around in his grasp, bringing us face to face. He had a gentle dusting on his cheeks.
“That’s my ass you just slapped.” I pouted up at him. Todoroki smirked down at me.
“Yes.” he nodded, “I noticed.”
I wasn’t sure what to say to that. So I did the only thing I could think of. 
I slapped his ass back.
Todoroki immediately yelped, making me laugh.
The next thing I knew Todoroki was wrestling with me and I ended up on the bed of the cave, laughing and shrieking as he tickled my sensitive sides mercilessly.
"S-Shoto!" I giggled, "S-stop! You w-win!"
"What was that, Love?" He begged, mockingly, "You want me to tickle you harder?"
"N-no!" I wheezed as he upped his cruel pursuit, “S-sho…!” 
“Sounds like you’re having fun.” he smirked, as I flailed, trying to get away from him. It wasn’t working well. However he eventually halted his attack when I stopped trying to speak as I laughed.
“Better?” he dared to beg with a smile, as though he hadn’t been the cause. I shoved him roughly with a smirk.
“No thanks to you!” I whined, earning a small chuckle.
Silence fell over us as Todoroki stared down at me with a fond gaze, making me tilt my head at him. He seemed to be in thought, looking down at my tail.
“Can I see your legs?” he begged after a while, making me tilt my head again.
“What, like my human legs?” I begged, earning a nod. I shrugged and motioned for him to follow me as I led us back to the cove that was out of the water. 
Jumping up I let my tails recede as my body turned back to normal. Todoroki with a sheer curiosity and focus so strong you’d think he was studying me, gently grasped my legs, fingers trailing as the scales vanished and soft, plump skin replaced them. Only when all the fins had vanished did he start to examine the limbs themselves, starting with my feet.
Rough fingers padded over my toes with a gentleness I wasn’t aware he had before they eventually played with my ankle, following the movement the joint made. From there he traced up my calves and did the same motions with my knee joint. His fingers continued to trail higher and higher until they reached my thighs.
It felt incredibly intimate, having the man’s hands all over my legs. The way his scales caught on the little hairs on my skin felt oddly nice.
“Have you seen legs before?” I begged, earning a shake of the head.
“No, not up close. Always been curious.” he murmured, focus completely on the task at hand, tracing his hands up my thighs and gripping them. 
I felt myself flush at the contact, not expecting him to grab and gently claw at my skin. 
I’d be lying to say it wasn’t a turn on and unbeknownst to me, Todoroki could smell it. He’d caught a whiff of it when I was in the water being touched by him earlier, but his sense of smell was even better and adapted to the air, which meant the smell came off me in waves that pleased him and had him churring. It was a noise I didn’t recognise, but I could tell it was good even if I was unaware of the cause.
When his hands dared to go higher, towards the sweet, sumptuous scent, however, I squealed and flinched away, causing him to jump back.
“What?” he yelled back, “Did I hurt you?” he begged, worried. However I paused, cheeks a deep red as I pulled my legs to me. I slowly uncurled and shook my head, not looking at him in the eye as I attempted to process how to explain it to him.
“That’s…” I bit my lip, “That’s where my reproductive organs are.”
Todoroki slowly came back close, relaxing at the explanation, even chuckling gently at my reaction. However, to my surprise he slotted himself between my legs and gripped at my thighs again as he stabilised himself.
“Can I see?” he begged curiously, tilting his head to the side. 
I blinked up at him, feeling my cheeks heat up all over again.
‘I really shouldn’t…’ I clenched, ‘He’s a Siren. This is wrong, right?’
“You know,” Todoroki began with a small smirk, “only my mate is supposed to look and touch my tail.” 
“Really?” I begged, surprised, earning a nod. 
‘I shouldn’t…’ I bit my lip as I thought about it a bit longer. Todoroki, at my uncertainty nuzzled my face and neck, trilling when I nuzzled back, ‘Ah fuck it. I like him.’
I carefully cupped his cheek before kissing him on the nose. Todoroki, though surprised, only trilled more as he leaned in for something more.
I moaned into the kiss as he pulled me into him, one hand going to the back of my head and the other to my hip. I immediately lost my own in his hair as I made out with him, his saliva tasting of the sea and fish, which was strangely pleasant on my tongue.
I felt him groan into the kiss when my hips pressed against him, his hand on my hip encouraging me to grind on him. My own thighs clenched around him as I did, especially when something pressed back, eliciting a moan from both of us.
‘Is that his…?’
I didn’t have much time to find out as Todoroki pulled back and yanked at my bikini shorts. I giggled a bit at his eagerness before leaning back, letting him remove them. I eyed him from my prone position as his nostrils flared and fingers traced along my thighs and up towards my groin. His gaze was entirely engulfed by my nether regions as he gently felt along my slit, settling on my clit when I jumped at the contact, padding his thumb in small circles as I began to moan.
“Shoto…” I groaned as he lent forward, eyes watching me closely as he gave a tentative lick, which made me gasp out. Smirking at this, his gaze never left mine as he replaced his thumb with his mouth, sucking at my clit greedily and taking in the taste with his tongue, letting out a guttural groan.
My gummy, aching cunt clenched around his tongue each time he entered me before he settled back on my clit. Bringing his fingers up he teased my entrance before plunging them in, curling them to reach that nice spongy area that had me seeing stars.
“S-Shoto!” I howled, “I-I’m close…!”
At my words, Todoroki sped up his ministrations, trilling when I finally came on his tongue. He slurped at my pussy with vigour until he was satisfied he’d tasted every last drop. Removing his fingers he gently licked at his coated claws before pulling himself to me, climbing on top and making me squeak as he chuckled.
“You taste beautiful, Love.” he purred, nipping at my neck gently as I tangled my hands in his hair again.
“S-Shoto.” I hummed, pulling him in for a kiss as he ground down into my core, forcing more moans from me.
Todoroki went back to my neck, nipping and sucking, leaving little cuts and bruises in his wake. I didn’t mind as I nuzzled and kissed the side of his neck lovingly. However when he bit down on my neck I yelped.
“It’s okay, Love.” he purred, licking at the wound as I felt his venom hit me, making me feel dazed for a moment before I suddenly felt like my nerves were heightened. Every nip, lick, kiss and suck felt stronger than I’d expected, eliciting many moans from me as he worked down my body before pulling at my bikini top with a snarl when he couldn’t untie the knot. 
Sitting up slightly I pulled it over me and discarded it and Todoroki immediately jumped back on me, mouthing at my nipple whilst playing with the other between his fingers. I began to pant at the sensation as he continued to grind into me, catching my clit on his scales.
“Ahh…!” I whined when I felt something catch at my entrance, “Sho…!”
Todoroki grunted at the sensation as his dick moved and wiggled slightly to gather slick, making me realise it was prehensile. However, I felt confused at feeling two separate objects. 
When I looked down I realised he has a hemipenis or a clasper.
‘So it’s prehensile and there’s two of them?’ I baulked, ‘Is this why he bit me? So I wouldn’t feel any pain?’
I wasn’t entirely sure, but I didn’t have time or the mentality to ask as he slowly slipped inside of me, the bulbous heads slipping in against my slick with ease. I gasped, breathing out an airy moan as his cocks wiggled their way into me, filling me up to the brim and pushing against my cervix.
Todoroki held his breath as he took in the sensation of my warm, gummy walls around him, surprised by the warmth that radiated from the moist cavern. He was sure that this was true bliss as he dared to sheath himself in, down to the hilt before letting out a small grunt. Pulling back gently, he thrusted himself in, watching as my breasts bounced and I gasped out, pink flushing my cheeks.
It really was a sight to behold in his eyes. His mate all flustered and choking back moans as he bounced me on his cock, wet slapping reverberating off the cave walls.
“S-Shoto!” I squealed as he hit my g-spot, “T-There!”
As if on a mission, Todoroki aimed his cocks directly for that lovely spongy area, hitting it at a rapid pace as he sped up. I was surely seeing stars as I choked out more moans and groans.
Todoroki, as he pulled back and slammed into me again, pulled my legs over his shoulders and put me in a mating press, reaching slightly further in me than he was before. He groaned, the new position squeezing him in tightly. When he looked down he could just about see himself pushing against my insides from the outside of my stomach.
Putting his hand there, he pressed slightly, causing me to gasp.
“You feel that, Love?” he panted, “That’s me in there. Pushing against you.”
I nodded, fervently, uttering his name as I began to get close, pussy fluttering around him and milking him for all it’s worth.
“P-please, Shoto!” I begged, “I-I’m so close!”
“Cum for me, Love…!” he demanded, before he latched onto my shoulder and continued to mark me, muttering for me to cum for him in my ears. And before long I was, calling out his name loudly.
“Shoto!” I howled, cunt clenching around him. He grunted, snarling as the tightness made his hips stutter. Basking in the new sensation, he continued to pound into me through my orgasm before he bit down on my neck again, cumming deeply as something pushed against and through my cervix, making me whine.
“S-Shoto…?” I begged, confused as I began to feel full. However Todoroki churred and trilled at my neck, rubbing my belly lovingly.
“Just my eggs, Love.” he nuzzled as my belly began to swell with his first spray, “Eggs and sperm. Our younglings.”
I didn’t fully process his words as I grew tired, a side effect of his venom I guessed. But I didn’t mind as I nuzzled him back. Only did he exit when he felt his egg sac fully deplete and immediately he pulled me to him and snuggled with me on the moss bed below us. 
“Get some rest.” he whispered, “You’ll need it.” I frowned gently.
“Why?” I muttered, snuggling close to him. Todoroki chuckled.
“Don’t think I’m done with you.” he teased, nipping at my ear and making me giggle.
I didn’t mind the idea of round two with the Siren and fell into a blissful sleep with him guarding me the entire time.
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mintshrooom · 6 months
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Fuyumi and Miyuki(OC) baking gingerbread cookies💕✨
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athynathens · 6 months
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── : 𝐒𝐌𝐔𝐓 ❧
surprise, princess
in which you got surprised with your husband’s appearance on set. pro hero! bakugo katsuki x actress! you/reader
lust for you
in which you caught the eye of a certain band member. drummer! bakugo katsuki x college student! you/reader
── : 𝐅𝐋𝐔𝐅𝐅 𐙚
coming soon
in which this oneshot is coming soon ;)
── : 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒 ⋆˙⟡ ☽
the worlds in between
in which amphyr domino [m-free • do-mi-no] stumbled across a student named bakugo katsuki. student hero! bakugo katsuki x fairy! amphyr domino
this short story will be a crossover between boku no hero academia and winx club.
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bnha-more-like-bnh-gay · 10 months
Shouto: my friends are typically very nice. But they’re also assholes.
Shouto: I was on the phone with some of my class yesterday and Iida’s brother comes in and gives him something that he said reminded him of Iida
Shouto: after ingenium leaves, Iida turns back to his phone and goes, “Shouto, that’s what familial affection looks like if you were wondering.”
361 notes · View notes
doumadono · 1 month
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Warnings: graphic descriptions of self harm, pro hero Shoto, established relationship, mentions of depression and negative thoughts, blood
Synopsis: even as a pro hero who faced countless villains and saved innumerable lives, Shoto realized nothing had prepared him for the battle he was about to fight — one involving one of the most important people in his life
A/N: this story was commissioned on my Kofi page by @aethien11-blog - I'm sharing it with their kind permission 🌸 If you like my writing, please consider supporting me via my Kofi page
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The night had draped its shadowy cloak over Musutafu, casting an eerie stillness over the bustling city. The only sounds were the distant hum of traffic and the soft rustle of leaves as a faint breeze blew through the trees. The city skyline glowed faintly, a haze of light pollution against the pitch-black sky. 
Todoroki Shoto stood on the balcony of his high-rise apartment, the chill night air biting through his casual clothes. His dual-colored hair, a stark contrast to the darkness, swayed gently in the breeze as he gazed out over the city he had sworn to protect. 
Shoto had just finished his shift and was savoring a quiet evening with his beloved girlfriend. Todoroki brought a steaming cup of tea to his lips and took a sip. He reflected on his life, recognizing it as fulfilling and stable.
It had been years since he graduated from U.A. Now a pro hero, Shoto was known for his unwavering dedication and unparalleled control over his quirk, a perfect balance of ice and fire. He had faced countless villains, saved innumerable lives, yet nothing had prepared him for the battle that was about to unfold very, very soon.
Celeste sat in the living room near the balcony, a gentle breeze wafting in through the open door. She was engrossed in a book, her amber eyes skimming the pages. The rustling of leaves and distant sounds of the city provided a soothing background.
Feeling the weight of her boyfriend's gaze, she raised her head, her eyes meeting Shoto's. A soft smile spread across her face, filled with warmth and affection. "Hey there," she said, her voice as gentle as her smile, and second later, she returned to reading her book.
Shoto and Celeste had met shortly after Todoroki graduated from U.A. High School. Shoto had already begun his career as a pro hero, and Celeste, with her healing quirk, often assisted heroes in need of medical care. Their paths crossed frequently in the field, and it wasn't long before Celeste noticed the deep, unspoken pain behind Shoto's stoic exterior.
Intrigued by the quiet hero who always seemed to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders, Celeste made an effort to get to know him. She saw the shadows in his eyes, the haunted look that spoke of past traumas and inner turmoil. 
As they spent more time together, Shoto gradually opened up about his troubled childhood, his complicated relationship with his father, and the emotional scars that still lingered.
The more Celeste learned about Shoto's past, the closer they grew. Her empathy and kindness slowly chipped away at his defenses, and he found solace in her unwavering understanding. 
Their bond deepened, built on a foundation of mutual respect and shared vulnerability, and before long, their friendship blossomed into a deep and loving relationship.
Celeste had been a constant source of warmth and solace in his life from the moment the two met. Her quirk, a powerful healing ability, had earned her respect and admiration in the hero community. But it was her unyielding spirit and genuine kindness that had captured Shoto's heart. She had a way of seeing through the facades people wore, helping them find their true smiles. She was a constant source of cheerfulness, radiating light and positivity wherever she went. Her laughter was contagious, and Todoroki found himself cherishing it immensely.
Yet, in recent weeks, Shoto had sensed something was off, a gnawing worry that he couldn’t quite put his finger on. He had noticed cracks in her facade. Moments where her smile seemed way too forced, laughter that didn’t quite reach her beautiful eyes. He had attributed it to stress, the pressures of her own hero work weighing heavily on her shoulders. 
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This evening was different. This evening, the shadows seemed deeper, the silence heavier. 
Inside, the apartment was dimly lit, the soft glow of a single lamp casting long shadows across the room. 
Shoto felt a knot tighten in his chest as he called out her name upon returning from his hero shift, his voice echoing through the seemingly empty apartment. "Celeste? I'm home." 
No answer. 
Panic started to creep in, an unfamiliar and unwelcome sensation. The silence that greeted him was unusual. Normally, Celeste would be bustling around the kitchen or reading a book on the couch, always ready with a warm smile. Concern tugged at him as he moved quickly through the rooms, his heart pounding louder with each step. 
The bathroom door was slightly ajar, a sliver of light spilling out into the hallway. Shoto approached cautiously, his breath catching in his throat as he pushed the door open.
Celeste sat on the tiled floor, her back against the cold porcelain of the bathtub. Her usually vibrant brown hair, with its distinctive patch of bright red, was disheveled, cascading over her face like a curtain. She wore a long-sleeved sweater, even in the warmth of the apartment, but it was pushed up to her elbows, revealing the fresh, angry cuts marring her skin.
The bright red streaks on her forearms stood out starkly against her pale, delicate skin, deep and raw. Blood trickled from the wounds, mingling with older scars, and pooled on the pristine white tiles, creating a macabre contrast. Each breath she took was shallow and shaky, her chest heaving with the effort.
The razor blade was still clutched in her trembling hand, its edge stained crimson. More blood dripped from the blade, joining the spreading puddle beneath her. Her amber eyes, usually so full of life, were distant and hollow, tears streaming down her cheeks, mixing with the blood on her arms.
The sight was harrowing: streaks of blood had smeared across her skin where she had wiped at her tears with her hands, creating a grotesque pattern of red on her face. Blood smeared her wrists and fingers, and small droplets had splattered against the walls as well, painting the room in a chilling tableau of her anguish.
The room was silent, save for the occasional ragged breaths Celeste was taking. The sharp metallic scent of blood hung heavy in the air. 
Shoto’s world narrowed to that moment, the sight of your pain cutting deeper than any villain’s attack ever could.
"Celeste..." Shoto's voice was a broken whisper, his heart shattering at the sight. He rushed to her side, dropping to his knees, gently taking the blade from her hand and tossing it aside. “What have you done?!”
She looked up at him, a flicker of recognition breaking through the haze of her despair. "Shoto... I'm sorry," she murmured, her voice barely audible. "I didn't want you to see this." Tears streamed down her cheeks, her mask of cheerful indifference shattering. “I’m sorry, Shoto. I tried… I tried to be strong for too long… I’m just too tired.”
He pulled her into his arms, the warmth of his inner fire contrasting with the coldness of her skin. “Why didn’t you tell me? Why didn’t you let me help you?”
Her sobs were heart-wrenching, each one a dagger to Shoto’s heart. “I didn’t want to burden you. You’re always so strong, so perfect, so busy. I didn’t want you to see how broken I truly am.”
Shoto’s grip tightened, his voice fierce and filled with emotion. “You are not a burden. You are the light in my life, Celeste. I’m here for you, no matter what. We’ll get through this together.”
He reached for his phone with one hand, the other still holding the girl close. With a calmness that belied the storm inside him, he called for an ambulance. As he spoke to the operator, he kept his eyes on Celeste, his thumb gently stroking her cool cheek.
The minutes stretched into an eternity as they waited, Shoto whispering words of comfort and love, his heart breaking anew with each tear that fell from her eyes. 
When the paramedics arrived, he stayed by her side, refusing to let go even as they bandaged her wounds and prepared to take her to the hospital.
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The hospital corridors were a blur as Shoto Todoroki sprinted through them, his heart hammering in his chest. He could barely breathe, his mind consumed with the fear and urgency of reaching Celeste. 
When he reached the ER doors, a group of doctors and nurses blocked his path, their expressions a mix of concern and determination.
“I need to see her,” Shoto demanded, his voice trembling with barely contained rage.
“I’m sorry, sir, but you can’t go in there right now,” one of the doctors said, raising a hand to stop him. “She’s in a very serious condition, and we need to stabilize her. She lost a lot of blood.”
Shoto’s eyes flared with a dangerous mix of anger and resolve, his control slipping for the first time in years. “You don’t understand. I need to see her. Now.”
“Please, we’re doing everything we can —”
“Do you have any idea who I am?” Shoto’s voice was a low, menacing growl. “I’m Todoroki Shoto, one of the top pro heroes. And if you don’t let me in, I swear I will tear this place apart to get to my girlfriend.”
The sheer intensity of his anger and desperation caused the staff to falter. They exchanged uneasy glances, clearly aware of the volatile nature of his quirk and his reputation.
“Let him through,” came a calm but authoritative voice from behind. An older doctor stepped forward, his gaze steady. “He needs to be with her.”
One of the younger doctors shook his head, concern etched on his face. “But sir, she’s lost a lot of blood and is very weak. She needs rest.”
The older doctor walked closer, his eyes narrowing with a scolding gaze. “I know exactly what happened,” he said firmly. “I’ve just come from her room. What she needs now, more than anything, is the support and love of her close ones. This is a challenging time for her, and having her close ones by her side will aid in her recovery more than solitude ever could.”
The blockade parted, and Shoto pushed through without a second glance. He burst into the room, his eyes immediately locking onto Celeste’s fragile form lying on the hospital bed. The sight nearly brought him to his knees. Tubes and wires were attached to her, machines beeping steadily as they monitored her vitals. Her complexion was sallow, and her wrists were heavily bandaged.
He couldn’t shake the image of her on the bathroom floor from his mind, the raw pain in her darkened eyes haunting him. How had he missed it? How had he not seen the depth of her despair? He had faced monsters and menaces, but this — this was something entirely different.
He approached her slowly, his heart shattering with each step. He reached out, gently taking her hand in his. “Celeste,” he whispered, his voice breaking. 
Her eyes fluttered open, and she looked at him through a haze of pain and sedation. Tears welled up in her eyes, spilling over as she struggled to speak. “I’m sorry, Shoto. I’m so sorry.”
He sank into the chair beside her bed, holding her hand tightly, as if afraid she might slip away. “Why didn’t you tell me how much you were hurting? I could have helped you. I would have done anything.”
Celeste’s voice was a fragile whisper. “I didn’t want to be a burden. I thought… I thought if I kept smiling, it would be enough. But the pain… It was too much. I couldn’t see a way out.”
Shoto’s tears fell freely now, his chest aching with profound sorrow. “You’re my everything. Seeing you like this… it’s tearing me apart. I need you with me. I need you to fight through this.”
She squeezed his hand weakly, her eyes filled with regret and longing. “I didn’t want to hurt you, Shoto. I love you so much. I just didn’t know how to cope.”
He leaned forward, pressing his forehead to her hand. “We’ll find a way, together. I promise you, Celeste, you’re not alone. We’ll get through this, no matter how hard it is. Just… don’t leave me. Please.”
Her tears continued to flow, her fingers trembling in his grasp. “I’ll try, Shoto. I’ll try for you.”
He lifted his head, his gaze fierce and determined. “Not just for me. For us. For our future. We’ll face this together, and I’ll be by your side every step of the way.”
As the night wore on, Shoto remained by her side, refusing to let go of her hand. The hospital room was filled with a heavy silence, broken only by the soft beeping of the machines and the quiet sobs they shared. It was a moment of profound vulnerability, a testament to their love and the battles they would face together.
In that sterile, white room, amidst the beeping machines and the scent of antiseptic, Shoto vowed to himself and to Celeste that he would never let her face her demons alone again. 
After ensuring Celeste was asleep, Shoto quietly left her bedside. The rhythmic beeping of the machines and the soft murmur of hospital activity were the only sounds as he made his way to the nurse’s station.
“Excuse me,” Shoto said, his voice low but firm. “Can you tell me where I can find the older doctor who allowed me to see my girlfriend?”
The nurse looked up from her paperwork, a sympathetic smile crossing her face. “That would be Dr. Hayashi, the head of the emergency ward. His office is down the hall, third door on the left.”
Shoto thanked her and followed the directions. Reaching the office, he took a deep breath before knocking. A calm, authoritative voice called from within, “Come in.”
Todoroki entered the office, finding Dr. Hayashi seated behind a cluttered desk, reviewing some files. The older man looked up, his eyes filled with a gentle wisdom. 
“Dr. Hayashi,” Shoto began, bowing slightly. “I wanted to thank you for letting me see my girlfriend. And I also want to apologize for my outburst. I know I should have contained my emotions better.”
Dr. Hayashi waved off the apology, a hint of sadness in his eyes. “No need to apologize, Mr. Todoroki. I understand your reaction all too well.”
Shoto hesitated, sensing a deeper story. “You do?”
Dr. Hayashi nodded, his gaze distant. “Some time ago, I lost my daughter under very similar circumstances. She was suffering in ways I hadn’t fully grasped until it was too late. Even as a doctor, I was not allowed to see her when she was brought in. I couldn’t hold her in my arms when she was dying.”
Shoto felt a pang of empathy, the weight of the doctor’s words settling heavily on his heart. “I’m so sorry for your loss,” he said softly.
Dr. Hayashi offered a sad smile. “Thank you. That’s why I insisted you be with her. I know how crucial it is to have loved ones close during such a challenging time. It can make all the difference in their will to fight and recover.”
“Thank you for allowing me to be there for her.”
Dr. Hayashi leaned back in his chair, his expression one of quiet resolve. “Take care of her, Mr. Todoroki. And take care of yourself as well. You’ll both need each other’s strength.”
With a final bow, Shoto left the office, his heart heavy. He returned to Celeste’s side, more determined than ever to help her heal and to never let her feel alone again.
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The days following Celeste's hospital admission were a blur of consultations, therapy sessions, and quiet, somber moments. The hospital had kept her under close watch, her condition monitored by a team of specialists. 
Shoto visited every day, his presence a constant reassurance, his hand always ready to hold hers.
Finally, the day came when she was discharged. A psychiatrist had outlined a comprehensive treatment plan, emphasizing the importance of ongoing therapy and support. 
Shoto had listened intently, absorbing every detail, his stoic demeanor masking the turmoil within.
Celeste was waiting in the discharge area, her small bag by her side. She looked up as he approached, offering a tentative smile.
"Ready to go home?" he asked, his voice steady but soft.
She nodded, feeling a mixture of relief and trepidation. "Yes."
He took her bag, carrying it effortlessly as they walked to the car. 
The drive home was quiet, the hum of the engine filling the silence. 
Shoto's eyes remained fixed on the road, his hands gripping the steering wheel with controlled tension. 
Celeste glanced at him occasionally, taking comfort in his presence despite the lack of conversation.
The silence was not awkward; rather, it was a shared space of reflection and understanding. Words felt unnecessary, and the quiet was a balm to Celeste's frayed nerves. She watched the city pass by outside the window, her thoughts a tangled web of emotions and memories.
As they pulled up to their apartment building, Shoto parked the car and turned off the engine. For a moment, neither of them moved, the weight of the past days pressing down on them.
Shoto finally broke the silence. “Let’s go inside.” He got out, walking around to open her door. 
She stepped out, taking a deep breath of the familiar air. It felt strange to be back, as if the world outside had continued while she had been suspended in a separate reality.
Shoto unlocked the door to their shared apartment, holding it open for Celeste, who stepped inside and took a deep breath, absorbing the scent and warmth of home.
Inside the apartment, everything was as they had left it. The familiar surroundings felt both comforting and strange, as if everything had changed while remaining the same. 
Once they were inside, Shoto set down the bag of her belongings from the hospital and turned to face her. His eyes, usually so guarded, were filled with a mixture of concern and pure sadness. “Celeste,” he began, his voice steady but soft, “we need to talk.”
She nodded, her eyes meeting his. “I know.”
Shoto let out a sigh, "But first, you need to eat something. You've lost weight, and with the strong meds you're on, you need to stay strong. Come on, I'll make you some soba with peanut sauce."
Celeste sat on the high stool at the counter, her eyes following Shoto’s movements as he prepared the meal. He moved with practiced ease, boiling the soba noodles and mixing the peanut sauce with care. The kitchen was filled with the comforting aroma, a blend of savory and nutty scents.
As he worked, Shoto glanced over his shoulder at her. “My mother and Fuyumi want to visit this weekend. Do you mind?”
Celeste’s face lit up with genuine happiness. “I’d love that, Shoto. I’ve missed them.”
He smiled softly, returning his focus to the meal. “Good, I’m glad to hear that. They’ve missed you too.”
Within minutes, he set a steaming bowl of soba with peanut sauce in front of her. “Eat up,” he said gently. “You need your strength.”
Celeste picked up her chopsticks. “Thank you, Shoto.”
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As evening approached, Shoto suggested they sit on the balcony. 
The city was bathed in the warm glow of the setting sun, the sky painted with hues of orange and pink. 
They sat side by side, the silence stretching comfortably between them.
Finally, Shoto spoke, his voice a low murmur. “Celeste.” Shoto took her hands in his, his thumb gently brushing over her knuckles. “I’ve been thinking a lot about what happened,” he said slowly, choosing his words with care. “I know you were trying to protect me by hiding your pain, but it’s not something you should have to bear alone.”
She sighed, her gaze fixed on the horizon. Celeste’s eyes filled with tears, and then she looked down at their joined hands. “I didn’t want to hurt you, Shoto. I thought if I kept it to myself, it would be easier for everyone.”
He lifted her chin, making her look at him. “Celeste. Your pain is my pain, and I want to help you carry it. We’ll face this together, but you have to let me in. Promise me you won’t hide from me anymore.”
A tear slipped down her cheek, and she nodded, her voice trembling. “I promise, Shoto. I’ll try to be more open. I don’t want to go through this alone either.”
He pulled her into a gentle embrace, his heart aching with a mixture of love and sorrow. “We’ll get through this, one step at a time. You’re not alone, and you never will be.”
She sobbed against his chest, the dam of her emotions breaking. “I’ve been so scared, Shoto. So scared of disappointing everyone, of showing weakness. I thought… If I kept smiling, it would be okay. But it’s not.”
He listened intently, his heart aching at her words. "I’m sorry I didn’t see how much you were struggling. I thought… I thought you were happy. And when I started noticing… It was too late.”
She clung to him, the warmth of his body a stark contrast to the cold despair she had felt just days before. In his arms, she found a glimmer of hope, a promise of better days to come.
He held her through her tears, his own eyes stinging with unshed tears. “We’ll face this together. Please, let me help you.”
For a long time, they sat in silence, Shoto’s arms wrapped protectively around her. The gravity of her pain settled heavily in his heart. He knew this was only the beginning, that their journey would be fraught with challenges. But he was determined to be her anchor, to show her that she wasn’t alone.
They sat there, holding each other as the sun dipped below the horizon. The future was uncertain, and the road ahead would be challenging, but they faced it together, bound by love and a shared determination to find their way through the darkness. In each other, they found strength and hope, a beacon to guide them through the storm.
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The days that followed were filled with small, tentative steps towards healing. 
Shoto made sure she attended her therapy sessions and took her medication. He was always there, a silent pillar of strength, offering his unwavering support. Todoroki watched her closely, always attuned to her moods. He learned to recognize the signs of deterioration of her mood, the moments when her smiles didn’t quite reach her eyes. In those times, he held her close, whispering words of comfort and love.
One day, after Celeste felt well enough, Shoto’s mother, Rei Todoroki, and his older sister, Fuyumi, came to visit. They brought handmade mochi and other sweets, their faces lighting up with joy when they saw Celeste looking better.
Rei was the first to embrace her, pulling Celeste into a gentle, warm hug. “It’s so good to see you, dear,” she whispered, her voice full of genuine relief. “We’ve missed you.”
Fuyumi followed, hugging Celeste tightly. “We’ve been thinking about you every day,” she said softly. “I’m so glad you’re feeling better,” the woman added, stroking Celeste’s brown hair gently.
Dark-haired girl smiled, a little overwhelmed by their warmth. “Thank you both. It means a lot to me.”
They all settled in the living room, the sweet aroma of freshly brewed coffee and tea mingling with the afternoon air. 
Shoto sat beside Celeste, his hand resting reassuringly on her knee.
Rei sipped her tea before speaking, her tone soft like a summer breeze. “We won’t ask you about what happened,” she said gently. “We know it’s hard, and we don’t want to bring you back to that dark place.”
Fuyumi nodded, her eyes filled with understanding. “Just know that we’re always here for you, whenever you need us. You’re part of our family, Celeste.”
Celeste’s eyes shimmered with tears, but they were tears of gratitude. “Thank you. I can’t tell you how much that means to me.”
Rei smiled warmly. “Now, let’s enjoy these sweets together.”
As they shared the mochi and other treats, the room filled with laughter and light conversation. The support and love from Rei and Fuyumi were like a balm to Celeste’s soul, reminding her that she wasn’t alone and that she had a family who cared deeply for her.
Celeste began to open up more, sharing her fears and insecurities, and slowly, she started to find her way back to herself. The scars on her body, though a grim reminder of her struggle, began to fade slowly.
Their home became a sanctuary, a place where they could face the darkness together. Each day was a battle, but it was one they fought side by side, their love and determination lighting the way forward. And in the quiet moments, when they held each other close, they found solace in the unspoken promise that they would never give up on each other.
For Shoto, the love he held for Celeste was a beacon of hope, guiding him through the challenging times.
And for Celeste, Shoto’s unwavering support was a reminder that she was never truly alone, that even in her darkest moments, there was light to be found.
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