#showers help my mood 9/10 times
to-thelakes · 7 months
wrapped up
pairing; frank castle x fem!reader
summary; after coming back from the bar, frank takes care of you with a hot shower and wrapping you up in blankets.
warnings; fluff, domestic fluff, domestic frank castle, self-indulgent, showering together
notes; hello hello! so this is my day 8 fic for fluffbruary, day 9 is partially written and i have a few ideas for 10 and 11 but i'm back in uni tomorrow so whether i will get anything done is really anyone's guess! but here's day 8. this originally was going to be written differently but since yesterday was really not the one for me, i wrote it more self-indulgently because i needed that frank castle lovin'! so here's domestic frank looking after reader <3
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It was meant to be a fun night out but it had ended in disaster. You were also frozen to the bone. Your jacket did very little to protect you from the blustery winds and despite taking a cab, you were still freezing. By the time that you got into your apartment, your teeth were chattering. 
Frank was cooking in the kitchen when you came inside, arms wrapped around yourself. Your eyes were red and teary from the crying at the bar but you were fine now. You were so emotionally strung out that it really didn’t matter anymore.
“Hey,” Your voice was hoarse as you closed the apartment door behind you. Frank glanced back, a smile spreading across his face at your sudden appearance. You hung your jacket up and kicked off your shoes before walking over to him. He was stirring a pot.
“How was it?” He asked. You shrugged, not really in the mood to speak about it.
“Awful,” You admitted. You wrapped your arms around his waist, snuggling into his back. A frown formed on his lips and he shivered at the feeling of your cold skin against his. “You’re so cold, sweetheart,” He said after a beat. You let out a grunt of agreement but you were honestly more than content to stay here with Frank, pressed up against him. A contented sigh left your lips and he couldn’t help but chuckle softly, “Gotta let this simmer, let’s get you a shower, hm?” He suggested. You let out a grumble of annoyance before pulling your arms away from him. There was a begrudging acceptance but Frank knew you and knew that you would have rather stayed pressed against him for the rest of the evening.
“You’re coming in with me,” You declared as you wandered over to the bathroom. Frank chuckled but nodded his head.
“Yes, ma’am.” A smile couldn’t help but break out across your face and once you had both entered into the bathroom, you stripped down. The cute top and jeans you had been wearing for the night were discarded and Frank warmed the shower up while you wiped your make-up off. The mascara had already smudged and some of it had come off due to your tears in the bar so you were glad to be rid of it.
Frank wrapped his arms around you, naked body pressed against yours as you used a cotton pad to wipe down your eyes. He just watched your reflection, admiring you as you went through your usual routine. It was only when you were done that he let go of you. Then, the two of you stepped into the steamy hot shower.
Frank let you get under the spray first and you tilted your face to be underneath it. The water rushed down your face before you pushed it back into your hair and turned around. Before you had the chance to, Frank’s hands had come up to push the water off your closed eyelids. He then leant forward and pressed a soft kiss to your lips.
“Y’so pretty,” He mumbled against your lips. A grin split across your face and you opened your eyes to look into his. There was something so soothing about being here. After tonight, after what had happened at the bar, you wanted to be with him. It made you feel a little more sane. You tugged him under the spray with you, water dripping down both of your bodies as you leant into him. His hand moved to cradle your back, holding you against him.
It took everything in you to stop yourself from sobbing. You knew that he wouldn’t mind but you didn’t want to have to think about it. You just wanted to be happy with him and you wanted to talk about it with Frank but not right now. It would make you angry and you didn’t want to be angry. You just wanted to be here with Frank, with your boyfriend and everything would be okay.
“Where’s your body wash?” You asked against his damp skin. Your head tilted up and he nodded his head towards the edge of the tub where all your products were. A grin spread across your face and you stepped back from him, reaching out towards it.
“What’re you doing, sweetheart?” His eyebrow was raised as he watched you pick it up. You then flicked the cap open and were about to pour some gel into your hand but his stopped you.
“Using your shower gel,” You responded, giving him a cheeky grin. He shook his head and grabbed the bottle from your hand, “Hey,” The frown quickly took over your face and he poured some into his hand. The sting of rejection began to seep back in and you felt the tears begin to prick at your eyes again.
“Turn around,” He instructed. You tilted your head, giving him a curious look before you followed his instructions. You weren’t under the spray of water anymore and then you felt his hands on your shoulders. He spread the shower gel along your shoulders before trailing his hands down your back. You melted. You were pretty sure you would have melted into a puddle if that didn’t defy the laws of the universe.
His fingers dug into your back, massaging your shoulders while lathering the gel up against your back. Your head fell backwards, a soft groan of pleasure escaping your lips. Frank smiled softly and leant forward, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
“Gotta take care of my baby,” He mumbled in your ear. You grinned and turned your head around so you could capture his lips in a kiss. His hands moved from your shoulders to your hips, letting you decide how long you wanted to stay like this. It was a soft kiss, tender and it made you breathless. You were panting when you broke away and you leant down, pressing a kiss to his chest before you turned back around.
His hands left you and he squirted some more gel onto his hands and then began to spread it across your stomach and up your chest. He ran his hands down your arms, lathering up every inch of your body with all the love and affection you needed in that moment. He was able to read you perfectly and by the time he was done, you felt so relaxed. All the tension, anxiety and anger had slipped away into happiness. 
You slipped back under the spray and Frank let you wash away the gel as he began to apply some to himself. You frowned, ready to argue with him but before you could even get a word in, he told you to just wash yourself off. You wanted to help him, you wanted to give him all the attention that he had given you. But Frank was a selfless lover, sometimes.
Once you had both washed up, he wrapped you up in a fluffy towel. You both dried off before walking to the bedroom and changing into your comfortable pyjamas.
“When is dinner ready?” You asked as you followed Frank back into the main room of the apartment. He glanced at the clock.
“Not long, just relax f’me, yeah?” You nodded in response to his words. There was no way you could argue with that tone and so you plopped yourself down on the sofa. The shower had significantly warmed you up and the emotions from tonight had been washed down the drain with sudsy water. But you were still cold.
As you curled up on the sofa, Frank could hear you shivering every few minutes. So, once he had checked on the sauce that still needed a minute or so to finish simmering, he headed back to the bedroom and brought out a stack of blankets. You glanced up at him as he walked over, fluffy stack in hand.
“Sit up f’me, sweetheart,” He requested and you followed. He then began to wrap you up in layers of blankets. You couldn’t help but chuckle as he made sure they were all wrapped securely around you. It was a warm cocoon and seeing Frank smile at you made it feel more loving than silly. Though you still felt silly.
“How am I supposed to eat?” You muttered. He rolled his eyes and pressed a kiss against your head.
“Stick your arms out, shit, I dunno, but I gotta keep you warm,” He retorted. You couldn’t help but bark a laugh at his response. You adjusted your position slightly and were able to get your hands to stick out from the cocoon of blankets. The air was so cold but you grabbed onto Frank’s hips and pulled him down into you.
“I love you,” You whispered against his lips before capturing them in a kiss. It was soft at first, closed-mouth kisses against each other before you ran your tongue along his bottom lip. He let your tongue slip into his mouth and you moved your hands to dig into his hair. The smell of him was surrounding you and you felt at peace for the first time since you had left for work that morning. Frank made everything so much better and you didn’t want to stop kissing him.
But then he pulled back, “I wanna keep kissin’ you, baby, but dinner’s gonna burn.” You pouted up at him but he gave you one last kiss to placate you before he walked back over to the kitchen. You switched the TV on and curled up under the mountains of blankets as you watched the crappy reality show on the TV and listened to the sound of Frank cooking.
Frank always seemed to know exactly what he needed to be and despite everything, despite everything, he was there for you. It made you love him so much.
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writing-blog-iguess · 5 months
Online Matchup 9
Summery: Christmas has come and gone, but for y/n it couldn’t have gone fast enough. Y/N is going through some stuff, but so is Jason. That’s okay, they have each other.
Warning: angst, fluff, y/n is going through some stuff. So is Jason.
A/n: being left out from your siblings isn’t fun, 0/10 wouldn’t recommend. I know there are multiple versions of what happened to Jason, but I took this one from Batman: under the red hood. Even then, I there’s a chance I forgot or twisted a little.
And as always, feedback is always welcome!
Taglist: @teapartydreams
Series master list
Opening your hotel room door, you dropped your bags once you stepped in, and stood there as the door closed behind you. Your Christmas was just as you expected it to be, and you aren’t surprised how it ended.
Rubbing your face with your hands a bit too hard, you wanted to sleep but you doubted you could.
Teeth, shower, clothes, bed. Teeth, shower, clothes, bed. Teeth, shower, clothes, bed. You repeated in your mind as you forced yourself to move.
Not that you wanted to do any of that, but needs must and all.
After grabbing your pj’s, you made your way to the bathroom and stared at the tub for a few minutes before making the decision of taking a bath instead.
While the tub was being filled, you brushed your teeth and other duties before stepping into the bath. You sank down, and let your mind wonder
Your morning had been fine, fun even. After breakfast, you all went to the living room to exchange presents. Since it was secret Santa, you had to guess who had who. It was fun, laughing at Ellie for thinking you had her when your brother did.
Afterwards, you played some card games before helping your mom with lunch. Everything was fine, it was fine. Until you walked past your sister's room and nasal something that wasn’t there before.
“When’d you get this?” you asked, stepping into the room to take a closer look at it. It was a model car, you weren’t sure what model though.
“Huh? Oh, Dad gave it to me,” Ellie answered, going back to her video game. “Everyone got one.”
“I didn’t,” you said, rubbing your nose.
“Thought you did.”
“Nope,” you said, turning around to find mom.
You shouldn’t have looked for her. Shouldn’t have asked why everyone got a present from dad.
Should have left well enough alone, but no you needed answers. And you got them, and a broken heart too.
Emerging from the water, you gasped for breath, taking in lungfuls of air. “Why does he have to be such an asshole sometimes?” you whispered to yourself. Not having an answer, you finished up your bath and crawled into bed.
Lying in bed, you curled onto your side and let the tears you’ve been holding all day go.
You were almost asleep when your phone made a sound. Scrubbing your face and reaching blindly for your phone. You let out a strangled noise when you read the name.
Why does he have such impeccable timing when it comes to your moods? Sometimes you wonder if he spies on you. But the thought is ridiculous and you shoo it away.
Jason (8:30pm)
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas
How was your day?
It wasn’t bad
There was a fight over which movie to watch
Popcorn was thrown
It was brutal
I think pillows were used too
Sounds better then my day
The phone fell from your hands when it started ringing. Honestly you shouldn’t have been surprised.
Rubbing your eyes, you reached out and answered before it could go to voicemail. “Hey.”
“Hey,” he answered. There was silence for a minute before he started talking about his day.
“Honestly, you should have seen Dick’s face. He claims to be so graceful, but tripping over the couch, he never looked so offended. Like he thought the couch was just after him and no one else.”
You laughed, feeling the weight of the day ease from your chest as Jason continued to talk. And you knew what he was doing, distracting you from your day, and asking about once you feel better.
And the jerk, it’s working. So it was only a matter of time before you spilled the beans. And, to your surprise, you were okay with it.
“What’d he do? Fight the couch?” you asked once you stopped laughing.
“Wanted too, but Bruce shut that down,” Jason answered. “Not sure how you would even fight a couch though. It probably would look stupid.”
“I’m sure if anyone could figure it out, it’d be your brothers.”
“You’re probably right. Dick has hung from the chandelier a few times.”
“What? Why?”
“Don’t know and I’m not going to ask him for you,” Jason warned, though you could hear his smile.
Silence fell when the conversation tampered off. “Do you want to talk about it?” Jason asked softly. You sighed and rolled onto your back, staring at the ceiling blankly. “Is it your dad?” he probed when you didn’t answer.
“Yeah. It was fine. Today was fine, everything was fine. But then I don’t know,” you said, covering your eyes with a hand that wasn’t holding the phone. “Why does he have to be such an asshole?”
“What did he do?”
“Nothing, at least I don’t think so. I don’t know… I discovered that he bought presents for my siblings. When I asked my mom about it, she said that he had said that she wanted them to have something to remember him by in case this was the last Christmas we would all have together.”
“But you didn’t get one,” Jason said, filling in what you didn’t say.
“Like was I such a horrible child growing up? Did I do something to him to make him hate me?” you asked, voice cracking as tears pooled in your eyes. “Is there something wrong with me?” you said, voice small.
“No,” Jason replied without thinking about it. “There’s nothing wrong with you. Whatever it is your dad is going through, or whatever it is, you are not to blame. You once told me that you and your dad don’t get along because you’re too similar. Maybe he sees himself in you and that’s why he is the way he is. But it’s not your fault.”
You were crying now and couldn’t stop the tears. You rolled over and hugged the pillow tightly. “It doesn’t hurt any less.”
“I know,” Jason whispered. “Life isn’t fair but we do what we can and be thankful for the people in our lives. And love them for who they are.”
“Speaking from experience?” you asked, sniffing.
“Yeah. Someone I know said that Bruce was trying, that I should let him. And I’m trying it’s slow going, but at least it’s going.”
“Sounds nice,” you mumbled sleepily. You had stopped crying, and wiped your eyes.
“It is,” he said. And he switched the topic, causing a small smile to creep on your face. You listened as he talked, and found that you liked his voice. And how lucky you were to have found him.
You fell asleep as Jason talked about everything and nothing.
Some hours later, you awoke to a knock. Startled slightly, you look around confusedly before remembering you were in a hotel room and not your apartment.
The knocking continued, and you turned towards the door, eyes narrowing as if you could see through the door.
For a second you thought about going back to sleep, but you didn’t want the front desk calling you about the unnecessary noise at three am.
Sighing, you rolled off the bed and dragged your feet towards the door and opened it. You stared dumbly at Jason as he stood there giving you a small smile.
“Why are you here?” you asked before your brain could find its filter.
“You sounded sad,” he said, taking a step forward. “And no one should be alone when they’re sad. And it’s Christmas, I thought you could use the company.”
You’re not sure if he’s standing in front of you or the emotional stress of the day or if it’s everything that started the tears. But you know you're not surprised that you do start crying.
You barely see the alarm look on his face before he has his arms wrapped around you in a hug, and you're clinging onto him like a lifeline.
“Hey, it’s going to be okay,” he whispered, genty moving the two of you into the room. The door falls shut behind him, and he’s gently rocking you, arms tightening around you. “It’s okay, I’m here.”
After a while, when your tears have stopped, you take a deep shuddering breath. “Feeling better?” Jason asked, rubbing your back. You shrugged, and buried your face further into his jacket.
“I need to stop crying on you,” you muttered, feeling him laugh though you smiled.
“I don’t mind,” he said, hugging you tightly. “Nice to know that you feel safe enough to let yourself cry when you're with me.”
“I always feel safe when I’m with you,” you said without hesitation. “Did you drive all the way here?” you asked after a minute.
“Can neither confirm nor deny that,” he answered. You moved back slightly to look at him. He gave you a smile and turned you around to push you into the bathroom. “Go wash up, and let’s go to bed. We can talk once you feel a little better.”
You hummed ready to argue, but you shook your head and did what he suggested. After washing your face, you took a minute to yourself, finding that you did feel better after crying.
Taking a deep breath, you left the bathroom to find Jason sitting on the bed, changed in pjs. “Seriously, did you just ditch your family just to comfort me?”
“Like I said,” he started, reaching over to grab you by the hips and pulled you towards him. Immediately, you wrapped your arms around his head, running a hand through his hair. Jason wrapped your waist and closed his eyes at the feeling of nails lightly scratching his head. “I’ll always ditch my family for you. Doesn’t matter where you are, you can count on me being there.”
“Saying things like that might get you a kiss,” you teased. Jason hummed, and tipped himself backwards onto the bed, bringing you with.
“Yeah, but I’m okay with waiting. Besides I’m tired, I don't think I have the energy to kiss you. Because if I do, I don’t think I’ll stop.”
“Fair enough,” you mumbled, moving around until you were laying on his chest with his arms around you. A comfortable silence feels between you as you let the sound of Jason’s heartbeat lull you to sleep.
“I’m glad you're here,” you mumbled just before falling into a deep sleep.
“Me too,” he whispered, placing a kiss on the top of your head before falling asleep.
You’re jarred awake a few hours later, though it only feels like a few minutes. You blink slowly, trying to figure out what has woken you up.
Eyes roaming around the room, you tried to find out what woke you up. When nothing jumped out, you closed your eyes and snuggled into the blanket. But that’s when you heard it. A pained groan came from behind you.
Sitting up, you turned to see Jason tangled up in the blanket, face twisted in pain. You reached out to wake him, but froze at the idea. You weren’t sure what would happen if you woke him up, if it was a good idea or not.
But Jason was in pain and that was worse than any night terror. Besides, what’s the worst he could do? Elbow you? Not really worried about the outcome, you reached out and shook him awake. “Jason?”
Evidently, being on your back with his hands snaked around your throat was not what you expected. To say you were surprised would be an understatement.
You don't know how it happened. One minute you're kneeling on the bed shaking Jason awake, the next, he tackled you onto the bed, win your airways restricted.
"Jason," you choked out, but he was not responding. And you can see it in his eyes that he was in a different place than here. You wondered where, but right now you can't question it. "Jason, please. It's me," you managed to get out only for his grip to tighten.
You're starting to panic slightly, afraid this might have lasting damage if you don't do something. Trying not to let the panic over take your thoughts you wiggle out one of your legs that's pinged underneath Jason’s legs.
"S...sorry," you choked out before kneeing him in the balls. Not hard enough so hurt, but enough that his grip on you loosened. With that, you plant your foot on his chest and push him off you. Shoving him until he’s off of the bed.
You roll away and onto to floor gasping for breath, only turning around when Jason calls your name
"I.. I don't know what happened,” Jason said, staring at you in disbelief. He took a step towards you and you couldn't help but flinch at the movement. Hurt crossed his features before he sealed that away. And your heart lurched at that. Like you were the one who had hurt him. And maybe you had.
"Right. Um, I need a minute alone," he said and all but ran out of the room.
At a loss of what to do, you just sit there on the floor, rubbing at your sone neck.
Half an hour into his sulking, he hears the door to the roof access open. He doesn’t have to turn around to know that it’s you, so he tracks your movement by listening to your feet crunching on the fresh snow.
He’s a little annoyed that you found him so fast, but pushes the feeling away. You had given him time for him to be alone. But not too much that he knows if he had, he’ll spiral into self deprecation.
His shoulders tense when you stand behind him, and relax when you drape his jacket onto his shoulders. You don’t touch him, and he can’t tell if he’s relieved by that or longing for you to. Maybe both, but he won’t voice it.
He watches from the corner of his eye as you turn to lean against the ledge of the roof he’s sitting on. You're not standing too close and facing the other way, a thoughtful expression on your face. Like you’re trying to solve world peace.
He spots the scarf around your neck, and something twinges inside of him. He knows what’s underneath because he’s the one who put those bruises there.
He shifts his eyes towards the horizon, and shuffles a little closer to you, you don’t mention it. For a few minutes, silence surrounds both of you, while Jason tries to figure out a way to say he’s sorry.
“Wanna talk about it?” you asked, breaking the silence first. Jason shrugged and he could see you studying him from the corner of your eye. He keeps his face neutral, or tries too at least. He’s tired and he’s done hiding.
“Kind of,” he answered, “but I don’t know…”
“How? Like the words are there but they get stuck?” you finished for him when he trailed off.
Silence falls, and the only things Jason can hear are the early morning commuters and your breathing as you take a deep breath.
“Then tell the moon,” you say after a while. Jason turned to look at you with raised eyebrows. “What?”
“You want me to tell the moon?” he asked, and you could only shrug. “It’s nearing sunrise, Y/N.”
“Exactly,” you said, turning to look at him with a small smile. “Tell the moon as it’s going down. That way it can carry your secrets away.”
Jason watches as your cheek colour, and you turn to look away. “I had a friend once, and we told each other everything. Sometimes, when it got too much for either of us and we didn’t want to know what the other was thinking. So we would turn off the lights and tell our secrets in the dark. There was no judgment from either of us, no arguments. Just the space between us and our secrets.”
Silence settles again, as he mulls over your words. After a time, he nods. “Okay.”
“Yeah, let’s give it a shot,” he said with a smile, which you return. Before he could start, you sat down and shuffled a little so you were sitting behind Jason.
Hugging your knees to your chest, you ignored the cold snow seeping into your clothes, you leaned your head back onto his backside and waited.
You felt his laugh more than heard it, and your heart warmed at the sound. “Whenever you’re ready.”
He didn’t talk right away, and you didn’t push. Knowing that this was probably something heavy and needed to find the right words. So you watched the sky in front of you. Watched it change colours, and marveled at how something you see everyday can be this breathtaking.
You're in the middle of studying the colours of the sky when Jason finally talks.
“When I was fifteen, I was in an accident,” he starts with, but the way he said accident made you think it was anything but. But you don’t press, not now, not when he’s finally opening up. “The building I was in blew up with me in it. No one made it in time to save me, and I was…stuck I guess. So I couldn’t have left either.”
You sucked in a breath as you imagined a fifteen year old Jason, scared and alone. Fire surrounded him, as he lay motionless in the middle of it. It was not a pleasing picture, and you closed your eyes to fight it off.
Jason leaned back putting a little weight onto your head, and it brought a little comfort. Knowing that he was here and alive.
“I’m not sure about the details after but…I’m pretty sure I died.”
“Then how?” you whispered before you could stop the words passing through your lips.
“Have you ever heard of the Lazarus pit?” You shook your head and could feel the shaky breath that went through Jason. “Basically it brings people back from the dead. The leader of League of Assassins uses it to heal his wounds and stays practically immortal. They had gotten a hold of my body and brought me back.”
“But not without consequences,” you mumbled when the silence got too loud.
“Yeah. When I woke up, I had this need to spill blood. Didn’t matter who it was, good or bad, I just wanted to hurt them. Kill them even. So I stayed there and they helped me control it. But there are days where it gets bad that I’m too afraid to leave the apartment.”
“How long were you there?”
“A few years. Five at the most I think,” he answered, “I came back when I realized that Bruce thought I was still dead. I didn’t take it well, neither did he.”
“I take it that’s why you have such a strained relationship with him?” you guessed. Jason hummed but didn’t elaborate and you didn’t push.
Silence blanketed the two of you as he left you alone to process everything. But there was something more to the story, something that would tie all this up. The reason why everything that had happened, happened. But you didn’t push, sensing that he wasn’t ready to say. So you promised to wait until he was.
“I won’t ever hurt you,” Jason voiced, bringing you out of your thoughts. “I promise, I’ll never hurt you again,” he vowed and you unconsciously brought a hand to your neck and tried not to wince.
“What happened last night shouldn’t have happened. I am so sorry for hurting you. But I promise I won’t hurt you ever again.” You could hear the unasked question in his promise.
Do you still trust me?
“I know.”
Yes, you answered, without a doubt.
And as if to prove it, you shifted over and heaved yourself onto the ledge beside him. You wrapped an arm around his, and rested your head on his shoulder. After a moment, he rested his head on yours. A silent comfort for the two of you.
And the two of you sat there in the cold, as one watched the moon sink, and the other watched the sun rise. And a heavy secret that sat between the two of you.
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ah0minecchi · 4 months
BETTER THAN THE REST…★ (knb x fem!reader)
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NOW PLAYING! 💿 let me love you - ariana grande
PROLOGUE: “if it feels right, promise i don’t mind.”
<𝟑.𖥔 ݁ ˖
“CMOOON Y/N I DON’T WANNA BE ALL BY MYSELF!!” momoi, my best friend form college, practically screamed through her phone and into my ear.
“you’ll be with your highschool friends, what will i do there? plus, i’m not in the mood to be honest…” i calmly responded. honestly why does she want me to go to that stupid party anyways. i don’t know anybody there besides her. “i can introduce you to my friends! they’re soooo nice i swear! aaaand they’re tall basketball players…” she added suggestively to try and convince me. like a group of men would convince me to do anything… “but tetsu is-“ “yours. i know momoi…” i completed her sentence while giggling a bit. she’s been talking about this ‘tetsu’ nonstop ever since i met her.
“do you have anything better to do anyways?” sounded mean but i knew she asked sincerely. “mmm not really. just cry myself to sleep and watch saiki k.” i responded nonchalantly. “goshhhh please don’t tell me you’re still crying about your ex, y/n… it’s been like AGES since you two broke up.” she whined “two weeks momoi. it’s been two weeks.” i corrected her. “MY POINT EXACTLY!!! maybe you can get your mind off of him tonight… and who knows? someone may help you with that…” she tried to cheer me up, adding a hint of mischief by the end of her sentence.
she was right, i have been digging myself in a hole for two weeks, maybe it is time to get my mind on something else… maybe someone else… just for the night.
“you know what? fuck it, i’ll go with you, but let me borrow that shiny dress of yours.” i said suddenly feeling confident. “DEAL!!” i’ll pick you up at 10. see yaaaa luv yaaaa!!” momoi replied a little too excited, making me laugh before she hung up.
maybe it’s not too bad of an idea. i haven’t been too a party in quite some time, and i’m craving vodka shots and some dancing. even some male attention wouldn’t hurt me… just to boost my ego of course.
i look at my phone. damn, almost 9pm, i should take a shower and pretend that i don’t look like shit right now. i showered, put on some sweatpants while i didn’t have momoi’s dress, did my makeup and straightened my hair. “ate.” i commented out loud looking at myself in the mirror.
9:45. i still have some time to laze around and do nothing. i started wondering how tonight would go. who even are momoi’s friends. curiosity got the best of me, so i opened instagram and started stalking through momoi’s following. i don’t really know their names, just heard of this ‘tetsu’, and momoi’s childhood friend aomine.
i typed his name into the search bar and a private account popped up. fuck, now i can’t go on with my daily dose of stalking. i take a close look at his profile picture. he’s not bad looking at all, but considering he had 2.685 followers and just 108 following, i could assume his ego was through the damn roof.
i gave up on him and look for this ‘tetsu’ boy. kuroko tetsuya was his full name apparently. another private account. why does everyone now seem to be so fucking misterious?. he had a small following and very few followers, seemed low profile. his profile picture showed him smiling with a puppy on top of his head… kinda cute.
i almost got a heart attack when my doorbell started ringing on full fucking blast. it was momoi for sure. i opened the door to my apartment seeing her in a cute black tight dress and a leather jacket. she gave me no time to say hello as she handed me the shiny dress i asked her for and told me to ‘hurry tf up cause the uber would be arriving in no time.’ i hurried to my bathroom, put on the dress, and settled for a pair of converse, since this wasn’t really formal or anything. i took my purse, my phone, and ran to the door to meet my friend there. “stunning! you’ll have all my friends drooling over you! except tetsu, he’s-“ “YOURS I KNOW! and thanks bestie, you look beautiful as well.” i laughed and thanked her.
we got off the elevator and the uber was already there. we then head off to this oh so exciting party… maybe i am excited tho.
“AOMINE COME MEET US AT THE FRONT DOOR WE’RE ALMOST THERE” momoi shouted excitedly into her screen. “jeez… okay just stop screaming into my ear for fucks sake.” the boy responded. he had a deep voice and a tired tone. kinda suits his face.
we finally arrived, when we got to ring the bell, the door opened, showing someone neither of us were expecting.
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a/n: FIRST CHAPTER DONE YESSIR!! ngl i’m excited for what i have planned for this.
LIKES, COMMENTS & REBLOGS are veeerrryy appreciated !! <3
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emeritusemeritus · 11 months
Vulnera Sanentur [Weasley Twins x Reader]
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Part 5
Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Title: Vulnera Sanentur
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley {established relationship}
Timeline: DH1&2- Initially set during the battle of the seven potters. Canon and certain plot points have been altered for the needs of the story.
Summary: The battle of the seven Potters throws your world into chaos when one of your boyfriend’s is cursed. As Snape’s ex-potions assistant and previous protégée, you recognise the inflicted curse immediately and demand answers from your mentor.
Warnings: Angst, mentions of war and Voldy, descriptions of injury and blood, descriptive smut, p in v sex, shower sex, tension. Outside sex. Semi public sex. None sexual nudity. Crying. Snape has a soft spot for reader. Arguments. Probably some cursing. Mentions of nightmares. Reader is part of the Order of the Phoenix. Mentions of death (Dumbledore). Mentions of Tonks’ pregnancy. On it got a angsty. So much angst I can’t tag it all. Not spellchecked nor beta read, we die like Madeye.
Clearly I’m in my angst era 🖤
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Three days had passed since George had lost his ear in the mission to get Harry back to the Burrow safely and each day George's wound seemed to improve dramatically; it was almost completely healed now, no longer leaking or swollen and only a little sore. His overall mood however, seemed to be deteriorating with each passing day as the reality sunk in, the insecurities and sensitivities bubbling up inside of him, despite your honest and repeated confirmation that he was still your George and still gorgeous. With each day he'd withdrawn a little more, showing less affection and had even taken to sleeping on his own in the single bed. Around the others, he laughed and joked just like normal but in private he was cold and distant with you. Fred had noticed and had pulled him up on it once or twice, delicately questioning what was going off with him, what you'd done wrong, but each time George would deflect the question and find a way to avoid answering entirely. You'd hardly interacted at all the previous day, finding it too hard to be rejected and denied by the man you loved and he had even gone as far as to get Molly to change his bandage so that he wouldn't have to be alone with you. You understood, to a point. You knew he'd be feeling insecure about it and he had a lot to process in terms of adjusting to his new normal, mourning his lost ear and no doubt processing the trauma from the attack, but you still couldn't help but feel devastated that he was outwardly rejecting you, pushing you away, especially after you'd tried everything to help him.
You'd thrown yourself into research, hiding away in Charlie's old, vacant bedroom which you were using as a makeshift work space for potion brewing and research. You'd brewed a myriad of helpful, healing potions, ensuring the order would always have a full supply of whatever they should need, as far as your abilities stretched at least. Text books and old potion books were littered around you as you frantically searched for any hope that you could regenerate or replace George's ear but so far there was nothing. Cursed limbs could not be replaced. You'd been taught that over and over by both Lupin and Snape in your school years but you couldn't stop yourself from trying anyway.
You were scribbling down notes from an old copy of Moste Potente Potions, having found an interesting article about Linfred of Stitchcombe and his medicinal advancements when a knock at the door shocked you. Before you'd even had the chance to call out, the door opened and Fred stuck his head in, his eyes flicking over the mess all around you.
"Mum says tea's nearly ready," he says, casting a sideways glance at you and then returning his gaze to the mess of books and parchment that seemed to consume you.
"Thanks but I need to finish this, can't step away from it yet," you said, gesturing towards the cauldron in the back of the room that was currently brewing calming draught, in the hopes that you could use it on George to rid his shock and trauma, at least temporarily. To accentuate your point, you lifted a finger and with a quick flick, the ladle inside the cauldron stirred the blue-hued liquid, the peppermint scent filling the room even more as it stirred and mixed together.
You heard Fred let out a sigh and you caught sight of him just in time to see his shoulders droop just a little in defeat.
"He'll come around you know," Fred says quietly after a few moments of silence which you'd worked through, flicking through pages of a book you'd searched over and over. You knew he was right, but you were a ball of frustration and pain, desperately trying to keep yourself together and keep yourself from hurting anyone else around you.
"I know," you replied, your tone even. You didn't want to think about it anymore, or keep talking about it and so you gestured for the cauldron to stir once again and went back to thumbing through the book you'd pulled.
When you heard the door shut, you immediately sank into yourself and cast the book aside aggressively, tears falling from your eyes before you could stop them. Only days ago you'd woken up in your bed beside the two men you loved most in the world, completely unaware of what would happen, though of course you knew it was dangerous. Even after, you'd woken up in George's arms and everything seemed manageable, like you could navigate through it together and be there for him, only he didn't want you to. He pulled away and you felt lost, robbed and guilty for pulling away from Fred to give George some space from you, hoping he'd come around soon.
You never made it to dinner that night, nor breakfast the next morning as you agonised over your notes, feeling like there was something missing. Neither George nor Fred had been up since then and you'd worked through the night, stopping only briefly for a few hours sleep as you crawled into the bed out of sheer exhaustion, your eyes not able to comprehensively read anything anymore.
You aggressively sighed when a knock at the door stopped your obsessive reading but when Hermione's voice called out from beyond the door, you put down your book and frowned, curious as to why she would need you. You called out for her to enter and tried to smooth back your hair, particularly the strands you'd pulled out of your haphazard braid in sheer frustration.
She stepped through the door holding a glass of pumpkin juice and a plate of toast, seemingly unfazed by your crazed lair of books.
"Molly sent this," she said, placing down the crockery on the table beside you before moving to sit down on the floor in front of you, crossing her legs.
"Thanks," you said in reply, looking at her with questioning eyes, waiting for the mini lecture to come.
"Have you had much luck?" She asks, gazing at your notes briefly, "Fred said you had been brewing non-stop. Calming Brew is notoriously difficult, I've never been able to."
"Hermione," you said firmly but gently, stopping her kind but unappreciated small talk. "Why are you really here?" You walked the line between firm and rude, hoping that you were falling somewhere on the lighter side but in your exhaustion and overstimulated state, it was hard to tell. Her hands fall to her lap as she plays with them, taking a deep breath as if she's gathering courage.
"Dumbledore gave Harry a task before he died, something which we're sure is crucial to defeating you-know-who, but it's hard to know where to even start, where we need to go and what we might need," she says, not making eye contact. Even in your sleep deprived state, you can tell she's holding back information but right now you were loathe to care. "I'm trying to be prepared for every eventuality, I've been gathering things for months, knowing we might need to leave at any time but there's so much more we might need."
"And you want me to brew some potions for you?" You said, filling in the blanks. Only then does she look up at you with a slight frown, considering her next words carefully.
"Actually, we want you to join us."
You instinctively frown at her in reply, all words falling flat on your tongue as you consider her words.
"Me, why? You finally manage to ask, astounded by her request.
"Y/n," she says, a small, polite smile tugging at her lips, "you're a brilliant witch, a master of potions and the magic you produced to heal George was something I've only ever read about in history books. We hadn't asked you before because we knew you'd never leave Fred and George but it seems the three of us won't be able to do it alone, we had to ask."
You sat in silence as you processed her words, conflict building inside you as you considered your options. Truthfully, your current emotions and circumstances were guiding your decisions but you couldn't deny it was an intriguing proposal. You knew Hermione was serious from the crease in her brow that had only seemed to get more prominent with each passing day.
"I assume there's no time frame?" You ask, feeling your frantic mindset fading from you, a calmness overtaking you instead. She shook her head and averted her eyes down to the book which was laid out in front of her.
"And I can't tell anyone?" You assumed.
"I wiped my parents memory, they don't know I exist anymore," she said in a small voice, wringing her hands harder now, the skin of her palms turning pure white, "it was safer for them, and for me. The order don't know but Ron is telling Molly tonight. You can tell F-"
"Better not to, at least right now," you interject quickly, shooting down that line of thought. She nods in understanding and you let out a deep breathe you'd not realised you'd been holding, breathing restricted by the tension within you.
"Can I think about it?"
"Of course," she says with a smile, moving to stand as she wipes off her hands on the front of her jeans. She gives you a little smile and walks out, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
You begin to clear up the books and notes, placing them in a mostly neat pile in the corner, focusing your attention on the batch of muffling draught, that had been requested by Madeye before he died for Order use.
You left it barely simmering and took a seat on the unmade bed you'd been sleeping in and let out a long and drawn out sigh. Thoughts were swirling in your brain of every possible option and path. Could you leave Fred and George? What if something happened whilst you were away? What if you never came back? Being away from them when they were transporting Harry was sheer torture, could you go through that again? Or rather, could you put them through that?
The possibility of helping bring down Voldemort was incredibly appealing, knowing that the cause and the Order was more important than personal lives now, the imminent threat of an outright war seeming more and more likely with each passing day. Harry was the best chance we had of defeating Voldemort and your role in the Order was to accomplish this by any means necessary, even if it meant great personal sacrifice.
You sat stewing on your thoughts for a while, making a virtual pros and cons list in your mind, trying to plan ahead but without knowing what needed to be done, it was impossible.
A movement from outside the house caught your eye and you moved over to the window to look out into the garden and surrounding fields, seeing the Weasley men outside erecting the large white marquee for the wedding tomorrow. Fred and George were off to one side whilst Ron and Arthur stood on the other, all of them brandishing their wands in an effort to raise and set up the large tent. Your gaze lingered on Fred before moving to George, who looked in good spirits as they joked between themselves. A flash of pain ran through you as you considered walking out and helping but realising that George would probably ignore you or make excuses to leave, rejecting you once again.
You were about to look away when you noticed a figure in the distance suddenly appear as if out of nowhere, walking stiffly with a large briefcase in his hand as he strode determinedly towards the Burrow. As he walked closer to the house, his facial features and appearance began to get clearer to you, his somewhat familiar, droopy face that seemed to be fixed into a neat permanent frown and shoulder length brown hair.
Rufus Scrimgeour. The new Minister for Magic.
You hurriedly ran down the staircase and rushed into Fred and George's room, quickly throwing a fresh shirt on and began walking out into the kitchen when you saw the minister walk into the house, guided by Arthur.
"I'll need Mr Potter, Mr Ronald Weasley, Miss Hermione Granger and Miss y/n y/l/n," he says after shooting down any small talk formalities. Almost immediately, you feel two sets of eyes land on you, both from the 6ft 3 redheads who were hovering around the door. "We'll need somewhere private," he says, looking around at the multiple sets of eyes who are all looking between themselves in suspicion.
"And to Miss y/n y/l/n, I leave my lebetum, in the fond hope that you will never need this.”
The minister then handed the black object to you, a curious looking thing, something you’d never seen nor heard of before. It was similar to the deluminator in ways, looking like the first of its kind. It was long and cylindrical, ornate in design with a fragment of misted glass embedded onto the front. You turned it over in your hand and frowned, looking down at the curious object.
When the Minister left, you, Ron, Hermione and Harry sat in silence for a few moments, all of you processing what had just happened with Albus Dumbledore's will and the bequeathments. Why had Dumbledore chosen you? The golden trio made sense and you'd been close to Dumbledore of course but it was a big surprise to be included.
"It seems Dumbledore wants you onboard too," Harry says after a moment, taking your eyes flicker to his, the glare from his light reflecting glasses shielding his eyes from you.
"Yeah, have you thought about it?" Ron asks, his hand running along the seams of his corduroy trousers, a pair that you recognised Fred abs George to have worn a few years ago, a tiny splatter of ink still visible on the right knee.
You sighed, unsure.
"Still deciding, I want to but," you said, trailing off. You pulled the sleeves down over your hands, trying to give yourself a little regulatory comfort.
"You can't leave them behind," Hermione says softly, anticipating your answer. You nod gently, not meeting anyone's eyes as flashes of Fred and George play in your mind. The thought of leaving them makes your stomach turn uncomfortably, makes you want to sob at the very thought but there was a greater good that needed to be accomplished and you couldn't let fear nor personal feelings be the reason you rejected their proposal.
"But I can't be selfish, not now, if you need me then I'm with you," you say, looking up at Harry, "this task, will it work?"
"It's the best chance we have to defeat Voldemort."
"Then I'm in."
The minute Ron told Molly about their plans, you disappeared back upstairs, away from the conflict and back up to Charlie's old bedroom. Fleur's parents would be arriving this afternoon and you needed to clear away all your stuff from the bedroom to make room for more guests. You checked on your potion and were pleased with the result, bottling it up and cleaning the cauldron with a flourish of your wand. The books, quills and parchment you'd put to one side were all cleared up and collected off the floor as you cast a quick tidying spell, cleaning the sheets and resetting the room back to it's usual setting. You carried the huge and heavy pile of books down the staircase until you stood in front of Fred and George's closed bedroom door, feeling incredibly awkward as you considered knocking, feeling unwelcome for the first time in your relationship.
You didn't knock but instead grabbed the handle and stepped in, struggling under the weight of the books as you set out to find the bag your enchanted with an extension charm.
George was lay on the bed reading when you walked in and for a brief moment you thought that everything could be normal again as he looked up at you, thinking he would open his arms for you to cuddle into, just as you always had. But that was not the case today. Instead, he shifted slightly on the bed so that his body was almost facing away from you whilst still being able to read and a fresh pang of sadness washed over you all over again. You willed yourself not to cry, at least not until you'd left the room and located your bag, placing the notes and books into the bag before moving to your other belongings.
You rummaged through your things, trying to stay quiet as to not antagonise George further before stopping and cursing, not finding the cardigan that you were looking for. You sighed and stood, walking to the set of drawers near the window and pulled out the second drawer, seeing an array of matching wool jumpers. You pulled a burgundy one out from the pile and unfolded it, seeing that it was emblazoned with the letter 'G'. In a move that upset you greatly, you folded the jumper back up and placed it back into the drawer, reaching instead for it's matching counterpart with the 'F' pattern. You closed the drawer and threw on the jumper, wanting to get out of the room immediately as the tension was much too strong and uncomfortable.
You cast a glance to George as you walk out, seeing him sprawled on the bed reading had always been one of your favourite sights, but though he of course looked handsome in the moment, you just felt empty and sad. His eyes slowly drag up to your exiting form but he says nothing and looks back to his book only moments later, apparently not feeling the need to address you at all. Anger began to simmer in you at his outward dismissal and without thought you began speaking.
"Your bandage needs changing," you say in a shockingly cold tone which sounds odd even to your own ears.
"Mum'll do it," he mumbles, barely even sparing you any attention. His words and tone only infuriate you more and you have to bite your tongue, and physically bite the inside of your cheek, to keep your composure, wanting nothing more in that moment than to scream at him. You'd seen him laughing and joking with Fred earlier, why was it just you he was so cold with? Irritation and resentment bubbled up inside of you and you had to be incredibly selective of your next words.
"I'll have to apply some potion to it tomorrow morning, help the scars," you say blankly, leaving no room for his comments as you walked out of the door, the harsh exterior falling from you the second you shut the door behind you, perhaps a little too aggressively in hindsight.
When you reached the bottom of the stairs, Molly immediately recruited you to help out with wedding preparation, having you fluctuate between helping in the kitchen with her and setting up the table for the meal which would be eaten outside on account of the numerous guests staying.
After your chores were finished, you checked to see Fred and George still de-gnoming the garden with Harry and Ron, supposedly taking extra precautions to rid all of the pests from the lawn and surrounding area. Seeing that they were occupied, you took the opportunity to slip back upstairs and entered their room determinedly as you locked the door with a flick of your wand, sat at the desk and pulled out som parchment and ink.
You weren't sure what to write, not knowing the full extent of Dumbledore's task, but you knew it would be dangerous and potentially life threatening, meaning that this letter would be the last thing they had of you if you didn't make it back.
You began with Fred's letter, finding it much easier at present to tell him all the things you needed him to know. Tears slipped from your eyes a few times with the more emotional passages as you tried to explain why you'd gone and how much you loved him. You folded up the letter once you were happy with it and slipped it into a spare envelope that the twins kept in the desk drawer for their owl post orders.
You sat looking at the blank page for what seemed like hours, trying to think of what to say to George. It was hard because you were so hurt but you chose to push that aside, knowing that this might be the last time you'd ever write to him, plus you didn't know when you would be leaving and this may had all blown over by the time he reads this letter.
You placed George's into an envelope too and considered where you were going to store them until you needed them. You thought your bag at first or maybe under their pillows but both were too risky. Instead, you walked to the shelf in the nook of the room and pulled out a potions book that was left over from your teenage years in the room. In front of that was a pinned, magical photo of the three of you, no older than 15, making a snowman outside in the Hogwarts Courtyard, all with your arms around each other with goofy grins on your face. You slipped the letters into the book, not concealing them entirely but just enough, preparing your last clue that would lead them there if you left.
"Princess?" You heard from the other side of the door as someone, who you now knew to be Fred, jingled the door handle. You unlocked the door with your wand and Fred walked in with a concerned look on his face, moving to walk over to you.
"Why was the door locked? You okay?" He asks and you smile up at him, moving to stand in front of him before wrapping your arms around his waist. His arms immediately surround you as he pulls you in to his chest, cuddling you tightly.
"Better now," you mumble into his chest, feeling instantly comforted by his touch.
"Thought I'd lost you to your work," he says playfully and you pull away just a little to crane your neck upwards to look at him.
"Still here, still yours," you smile, reaching up onto your tiptoes for a kiss which he gives you without hesitation. It's short and sweet but meaningful as his left hand clutches your waist, seemingly needing this just as much as you. You smile at each other as you pull away, only to frown a moment later when George walks into the room calling out to Fred, stopping mid conversation as he realises you are there.
Your face drops and the happiness you felt only a few seconds before slips away from you as George makes no move to join you, no joke or tease and certainly no move to steal you away from his brother as they so often did.
"I'll just... see if your mum needs any help," you mumble awkwardly, stepping out of Fred's hold and walking over to the door in defeat.
"You stupid git," you hear Fred say harshly to George just as you close the door. You desperately want to stay and listen to what they are going to say but you decide not to, knowing that it will only upset you further. You can hear the muffled sound of raised voices and a telltale humming noise that alerts you to the fact that they had used a specific silencing charm and your gut twists once again, feeling like the root of the problem. You'd only reached the fourth step down when Fred bursts through the door, shaking his head until he spots you and all the anger falls from his face. He takes your hand as soon as you'd both stepped off the stairs and he leads you to the empty lounge, sitting down first before pulling you down onto the sofa so that you fall into his lap. His arms lock tightly around you and for the first time in days you feel familiarity and comfort. So much so, that you don't even realise your eyes closing as sleep overtakes you, wrapped securely in Fred's arms.
You wake up comfy, cozy and a little confused, still cuddled into Fred though you are no longer alone. George is sat beside you both on the sofa, in touching distance and you fight against your tired eyes as they threaten to close.
"Hey sleeping beauty," Fred smirks down at you, clearly having felt you shift in his lap. You shush him and cuddle into his shoulder a little more, hesitantly flicking your eyes over to George who is, rather surprisingly, looking at you.
"Nice sleep?" He asks, his tone lighter than you'd heard in days when he'd been addressing you. You simply nod in reply, suddenly sheepish at the concept of chatting with him, expecting him to say something hurtful or pull away again if you opened your mouth. His lips turn up at the edges to give you a soft smile but you don't focus on it for long, turning instead to look around you, checking of anyone else was there. You were all alone and under regular circumstances you'd relish in the time together, knowing how rare it was when you were at the Burrow but right now it just felt awkward and weird.
"I'm gonna get a drink," you say quietly as you attempt to climb off of Fred, feeling painfully thirsty after your nap.
"I'll join you," George says as you walk away and you don't even reply, just continue walking around the corner into the kitchen. Any hope that George was going to explain himself fell flat the second you walked into the kitchen and saw Molly whizzing about like her head was on fire, a couple of her children following behind her as she prepares for Fleur's family to arrive. Dinner than night was hosted outside with gorgeous twinkling lights in the trees and a lavish spread that had taken Molly all day to prepare. You sat beside the twins and though George was a little more cordial than before, you still felt distanced from him and wished more than ever that things would just go back to normal.
Later that night you lay in bed with Fred's arm protectively draped across your waist, your body pressed tightly to his front as he spooned you from behind whilst George lay on the other side, not even remotely touching you. You'd had to push the beds together to make room for the extra cot in the room, where Ron lay sleeping just for tonight, having been evicted from his own room as Bill and Charlie took his, Arthur and Molly took Charlie's and Monsieur and Madame Delacour took Molly and Arthur's room. 
Having George this close to you only seemed to make him feel further away and you cried yourself to sleep that night, tears silently streaming down your face and soaking your pillow until you eventually fell into a restless sleep.
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146 notes · View notes
hippiegoth97 · 4 months
Into the Fire: An Eddie Munson x Reader Story Pt. 10
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Collage by me :)
Master List
Part 9
Tag List: @rafescurtainbangz @voyeurmunson @xxbimbobunnyxx @taintedcigs @mediocredreams
@slowandsteddie @angel-munson @eldermayfield @munsonsbtch @babygorewhore
@rattkween86 @violetpixiedust @bimbobaggins69 @purplehazed-h @morning-rituals
@eddie-van-munson @msgexymunson @munsoneightysixx @impmunson @mysticalstar30
@jenniquinn @oneforthemunny @succubusmunson @ddeadly-succubus @prettyboyeddiemunson
@sanctumdemunson @stalactitekilla @s6raphic @hellfirenacht @birdysaturne
@ohmeg @h-ness1944 @pretendthisnameisclever @ahoyyharrington @micheledawn1975
@costellation-hunter @josephquinnsfreckles @leelei1980 @yourdailymemedelivery @spacedoutdaydreamer
Content Warning 18+ Only, Minors DNI:  swearing, smut, teasing, alcohol use, oral sex, fingering, praise/degradation, squirting, role swapping
Word Count: 7.3k
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Divider by @strangergraphics
Pt.10: Centerfold
Friday, April 7th, 1989
You wake up the next morning to Mom knocking on your door. You groan as you roll over, the bedroom light blinding your eyes. "Sugarpuff? I've got to leave for work, but I hope your dinner with Eddie goes well. I love ya, kiddo." She says, muffled behind the wood barrier thankfully keeping her out. You don't even want to look at her right now, last night was so awful. You peer over at the clock, 10am. You get up to go pee, just barely beating Dustin to the bathroom. He notices your smudged makeup from yesterday, becoming a little concerned.
"You okay, Y/N?" He asks. He'd spent the night at Mike's house since Jane, Will, and Jonathan don't fly back to Lenora until tomorrow.
"I'm fine, Dusty. I just slept too late. I've got a date with Eddie tonight, so I gotta get moving." You answer groggily as you close the bathroom door behind you.
"But it's only ten in the morning!" He shouts from the other side of the door. You open it again, poking your head out.
"Yes, but I have to eat, shower, pick out an outfit, do my hair and makeup, and get my purse ready. Girls have a lot to do in preparation for a date. Not that you'd know anything about that. At this rate, I'm already behind schedule." You're laying the attitude on thick today, genuinely giving zero fucks about anything besides plans with your boyfriend. "So, if you don't mind, I need to piss." You slam the door shut again, leaving Dustin alone in the hall.
"I hope you get a little less bitchy by the time Eddie shows up!" He shouts, going into his own room to wait for you to be finished. Dustin can't help feeling a little worried about you. Your mood is more angry than he's used to. Sure, you've always been a little prickly, but nothing like this. He sighs, reassuring himself that you'll cool off if he just lets you be.
You finish up in the bathroom, and Dustin quickly runs inside as you leave. You rustle up some breakfast, just some toast with jam and butter. You're not particularly hungry right now, you're not really anything right now. You're irritated, that's for sure. And it's numbing down everything else. You can only hope you’ll feel better soon. You don't want to be in a bad mood when you're supposed to be celebrating, it wouldn't be fair to Eddie. You force the toast down your gullet, and it sits like a brick in your belly. Your brother opens the fridge wordlessly, avoiding your gaze. You sigh, realizing that you've hurt his feelings. "Dustin, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have acted like that. Mom was snooping around in my business again last night, and I've been in a sour mood after that."
He nods, understanding what it's like to be on the business end of Mom giving in to her urge to eavesdrop. "It's alright, Y/N. I figured there'd be a good reason for you to be like that. Sorry for calling you bitchy, though. That wasn't very kind, either." He says sympathetically, bowing his head in shame.
"I was being a bitch, so it's alright. Come on, bring it in." You reel him into your arms for a hug, and he slowly melts into it. You plant a kiss on the top of his curly head, which makes him gag.
"Eww. It's bad enough when Mom does that." He protests, squirming away.
"Oh please, you know you love it." You ruffle his hair, smiling wide.
"Quit it! I'm serious!" He laughs, running around the counter to dodge you. You chase after him, cackling as you try to grab his arms.
"Never! I will be victorious!" You manage to snag Dustin's wrist, quickly overpowering him to wrestle him to the floor. "Time for a noogie!" You exclaim, pinning him with your elbow and you roughly rub your fist into his scalp.
"Okay, you win! Just get off, please!" He yields. You sit back on your knees, letting him up. You're both out of breath, red in the face from laughing so hard. You stand up, extending a hand to Dustin. He takes it, and you help him off the tile floor.
"Alright, I'm gonna go shower. This little game has been fun, but I have a date to get ready for." You jog to the bathroom again, rapidly undressing as you set the water to your preferred temperature. You're rushing, and Eddie would be telling you to calm down right about now. But, you can't help it, you're excited to the point of bursting. You speed through your shower, quickly hopping out to go find the perfect outfit. You dig through your closet, looking for a cute dress to wear. You haven't worn one around him yet, and it’ll be very easy to take off later.
You dig out a dress you haven't worn in years. A gift from an old friend, though you forget who. The second your eyes fall onto it, you know it's the one. It's a simple, crushed-velvet black dress. It has spaghetti straps to show off your shoulders, and the hem sits at your lower thighs to just barely cover the garterbelt you'll be wearing underneath. You set it on your bed, heading back to the bathroom to blowdry your hair.
When it's almost time for Eddie to pick you up, you're still working on your makeup. You've got the lingerie, the dress, and the heels on. The presents are waiting right next to you, but you're still trying to get your eyeliner right. You almost scratch your eyeball when you hear the doorbell ring. "Jesus, fuck." You mutter as you get startled, setting the pencil down. You take one last look at yourself, adjusting your breasts in your dress, inspecting your updo for any stray hairs. "Knock 'em dead, Y/N." You say to yourself, nodding in agreement with your reflection. You sling your purse over your shoulder, and snatch the presents into your arms.
"Eddie's here, Y/N!" Dustin shouts to you as he lets Eddie inside. You leave your room to meet him by the door, strolling confidently down the hallway. "Whoa." He gasps when you enter the room. He's never seen you so dressed up like that since the prom. He can't help cracking a smile, and you mouth a polite 'thank you' at him.
"Took the words right outta my mouth, Henderson." Eddie replies, unable to stop staring at you. You meet his gaze, immediately blushing at how intensely he's looking you over. It's here that you take in his own appearance. He's wearing surprisingly not-ripped black jeans, and his signature Reeboks. But he's also got on a black button-up shirt, with a couple buttons left open and the sleeves rolled up to the elbows. His hair is tied back in a thick ponytail, like how he wears it for work. He's holding a bouquet of sunflowers in his hands, struggling to form another sentence as you've thrown him off his game. "I uh....got these for you." Eddie holds out the flowers awkwardly, clearing his throat to compose himself. "I figured roses are a bit cliché, and these reminded me of you." His cheeks turn a dark crimson, growing shy in your radiant presence.
You set the gifts down for a moment and make your way over to him, taking your time as a means to tease him. You grin as you reach him, placing your hands on his chest before leaning in for a kiss. Eddie's breath shudders into your face, and he closes his eyes in preparation for you to lay one on him. But just before your lips can meet, you pull away. He stumbles forward slightly, opening his eyes in disbelief. He scoffs at your antics, surprised you're so calm after seeing him all dressed up. "Sorry, baby. I had to get you back for a month ago." You explain, giving him a quick peck as an apology, graciously accepting the beautiful bouquet. His hands instinctively go to your waist once you've taken it. "Thank you, darling. These are gorgeous! Let me put them in some water." You leave his grasp, swaying your hips as you practically strut to the kitchen to find a vase.
Dustin cringes at your flirting, wanting to escape this situation immediately. If there's one thing he doesn't want to see, it's his sister trying to seduce one of his best friends with her butt. "Okaaaay, I can see I'm not needed here. Have a good time, lovebirds." He says as he runs from the room, retreating from your displays of affection.
"Later, Dustin." Eddie calls to him, his eyes refusing to leave your body. You pull a simple vase from one of the cupboards, filling it with cold water and sticking the bunch of flowers into it. You set the vase onto the kitchen island, prominently displaying the golden flowers. "You really like them?" He asks, always unsure if he's given you the right thing.
"I love them, Eddie." You go back over to pick up your gifts, rejoining him at the front door. "You ready to go?" You ask, entwining your free hand with his. He doesn't answer you, he can't stop ogling your chest. "My love, are you alright?" You play innocent, batting your eyelashes at him. It's very flattering that he's so attracted to you like this. You're really gonna rock his world when he sees what's underneath your dress.
His eyes finally meet yours again, his cheeks flushing dark red. He clears his throat, trying to keep himself together. "Uh, yeah. I'm fine. You just look really beautiful tonight." He rubs his neck anxiously, a forced laugh leaving his lips.
"You clean up pretty good yourself, handsome." You give him a kiss on the neck, leaving a perfect mark of lipstick on his heated flesh. He whimpers at the contact, fighting off an oncoming erection.
"Jesus." He mutters, shaking his head to calm his increasingly dirty thoughts. He smiles at you, leading you out the front door to his van. You climb into your side, leaning into the back to set down the presents. Eddie notices your ass pointed in the air as he gets in, eyes bugging out of his head. He can see the straps of your garter belt, and once again he's found himself thinking about sports to calm down. You face forward to sit in your seat, smoothing down the skirt of your dress. You notice him staring again, looking over with a large grin.
"Whatcha lookin' at, sexy?" You catch his gaze, winking at him. Eddie swallows hard, mouth agape, like he's trying to speak but the words have been stolen from him. "You sure you're okay? I've never seen you so spazzy before." You put a hand on his knee to comfort him.
"Yeah, sorry. I don't know what's gotten into me. Well, you, I guess." He chuckles nervously, sighing afterwards to let it all go. "Alright, I'm focused. We've got a picnic to get to!" He smiles at you, back to his old self. He puts the van into gear, pulling away from your house to take you on your first real date.
"You look really good by the way, Eds." You tell him after a couple minutes of silence, as if the nervous energy has been transferred from Eddie into you. Your knee won't stop bobbing up and down, your heel tapping on the floor of the van. You hope he'll like his gifts, and that he'll like how you look in the lingerie. You know he will, but there's always that little seed of doubt trying to plant itself in your mind. You notice his large hand reach over to still you, stroking your stocking-clad flesh lovingly.
"Thank you. And relax, angel. Let's just have fun tonight, 'kay?" You just nod, his hand on you sends your stomach into a free fall. You're not really sure why both of you are so amped up. Could it be the fact that you've been together a month already? Or that this is your first official date? Something else? You roll your eyes at the swirling questions inside your head, annoyed at them forming a tiny tornado within your skull. You've always been an overthinker, which Eddie is kind enough to call you out for on many occasions. But it appears he might be having an internal struggle of his own, you suppose there's a decent amount of pressure riding on this.
"So, what's on the menu this evening?" You ask, keeping up light conversation to break the tension.
"Well, I thought I'd keep it simple, since we're dressed up so nice. It's just sandwiches, but I also got a bottle of wine. Beer isn't exactly romantic, and the guy at the liquor store helped me find something." Eddie says.
"Are you trying to get me drunk, darling?" You joke, getting a small chuckle out of him.
"I wouldn't dream of it, baby. That wouldn't be very gentlemanly of me now, would it?" He smirks, glancing at you for a moment. You're settling back into your usual groove, clearing some of the tension between you. Eddie puts the van in park, having reached your final destination. "So, I realized Hawkins doesn't exactly have anything in the way of an actual park. But I hope this spot is just as good." You gasp as you look through the windshield to see a long stretch of field, covered in colorful wildflowers. The grass is a bit tall, but you don't mind at all. It's absolutely beautiful, peaceful and secluded, surrounded by thick trees, with no houses or buildings nearby. Eddie jumps out of his side, jogging around the front to open your door for you.
"It's wonderful, Eddie. I love it." He smiles at your amazement, congratulating himself on picking the perfect place for your special night.
"I'm glad you like it, sweetheart." He takes hold of your hand, kissing it gently. "C’mon." He instructs quietly, helping you hop out of the van. He goes to the back, opening the doors to pull out a wicker basket and a neatly folded blanket. You grab his gifts again, walking with him through the ankle-height grass to find an even spot of ground to sit on. It's difficult for you to walk on in your heels, but you manage to not fall flat on your face. Eddie lays the plaid blanket down for you, setting the basket in the middle before helping you get comfortable. You sit on your knees, keeping your legs together. It's awkward for you, you're usually a pants kind of girl. "I hope you like ham and cheese." Eddie says, flipping one of the flaps of the basket open. He pulls out the sandwiches, which he's wrapped in some wax paper. He also takes out the bottle of wine and a couple of mugs you recognize from Wayne's collection. "We didn't have any wine glasses." He explains sheepishly as he places one with the Grand Canyon on it beside you, though you don't feel he needs to.
"It's alright, baby. It's better this way, less chance of a spill." You assure him, and he relaxes again. He twists the cap off the bottle, pouring some wine into your cup and then his own. "Thank you, love." You hold the cool ceramic with both hands, your ring and middle fingers sliding under the handle. You wait for Eddie to put the bottle back into the basket, and he takes hold of his own cup. He leans back on his free hand, his legs laying straight out and crossed over one another.
Without thinking about it, you bring the wine to your lips and down the whole thing. It's very sweet, splashing down your throat smoothly. "Jesus, Y/N. Pace yourself, we've got all night." Eddie chuckles, watching as you painstakingly wipe the drop of wine from your face without smudging your makeup. You set the mug down on the plush blanket, moving the basket into the grass so you can scoot closer to him. He's taking a sip from his own mug as you do, so he doesn't notice until he feels your hand on his shoulder. He almost chokes, swallowing hard before looking at you. "Hey, there." He says through a small cough. You don't say anything in response, your eyes flicking down to his lips. There's a tiny droplet of wine on them, and you just can't resist leaning in to lick it off. Eddie watches helplessly as you grip his shoulder and drag your warm tongue across his mouth.
"Mm, you picked a good one, darling." You speak lowly, breath fanning in his face as you haven't backed off just yet. Your hearts pound inside your chests, the tension palpable in this moment. If he didn't know any better, he'd take you right now. But you're just toying with him, riling him up for later. You gaze into his blown out eyes, reaching behind you effortlessly to place a sandwich into his lap. "Eat up, Eds. Wouldn't want you to spoil your dinner by rushing into dessert." You pat his shoulder, letting him go for the time being. You grab your own sandwich, unwrapping it slowly.
Eddie just scoffs, unable to move or speak. He has no idea how you manage to drive him to such a state, usually this goes the other way around. Or better yet, you're both a nervous wreck. But something is different with you, he just can't figure out what as of yet. Little does he know, wearing the sexy underwear you bought to please him has made you feel so fucking good that almost nothing can stop you. That, and the wine is currently tossing your inhibitions from earlier out the window. No more nervous Y/N tonight, that bitch is dead. Neither of you say anything else, Eddie's utterly speechless, and anything out of your mouth will only serve to turn him on further. And you may like to tease, but you're far from cruel. You eat your food quietly, eyes exploring the lush scenery. 
Eddie finishes before you, reaching over to pick a purple flower from the colorful sea that surrounds you. You feel his cold rings brush against your ear, looking to see him trying to tuck the stem into your hair. "A pretty flower, for an even prettier girl." He smiles again, pulling out some of his own charms to pay you back. You blush at his words, giggling a bit more than you'd like. "Are you ready for your presents, baby?" He asks once you've polished off your sandwich. 
You nod as you're still chewing the last bite. After you swallow, you pick up the blue bundle and red envelope, putting them on his lap. He grunts at the weight of the books, and you give him an apologetic look. "Sorry, they're a little heavier than I expected." He just nods with a subdued grimace, reaching into the basket once more to pull out two small black boxes tied with ribbon. He hands them to you, and you gingerly take hold of them.
"You first, baby. Start with that one." He pokes one box with his finger, and you set the other in your lap before pulling the ribbon loose. You open the lid, finding two perfectly rolled joints inside. "I figure we can use those later, if you like." He speaks into your ear, biting the top of it to send a chill through your body. You sit with it a moment, taking one of the blunts in your hand to look it over. You've only smoked weed once before, you can't quite remember when though. "Do you not like it? I guess I never even asked if you've smoked before." There he goes again, doubting his present. Your heart aches at the disappointed tone in his voice, and you turn your head to look deep into his eyes. You cup his cheek, smiling in appreciation.
"I like it, Eds, I do. I've only done it once, a long time ago. I don't remember if I liked it, but I'd happily try it again with you." You give him another kiss, slightly painting his own lips red. You put the joint back with its twin, carefully closing the box up for later. You look for permission to open your other gift, and he nods approvingly at you. He's absolutely beaming, ready for you to see what lies within that second little box. What you find makes your jaw drop. "Oh my god, Eddie!" You shriek in excitement as you stare at the beautiful diamond stud earrings inside the box. They sparkle in the sunlight, absolutely gorgeous.
"I knew you'd like those, princess." He smirks as you clumsily take off your gold hoops to put in the studs, placing your old earrings in the box for safe keeping. You turn your head to show him how they look on you. "You’re gorgeous, babydoll. Although, it doesn't take jewelry to achieve that."
"I love them, Eds. They're beautiful." Another peck is exchanged between you. "Your turn!" You clap your hands together excitedly, you can't wait for the look on Eddie's face when he sees what you’ve got for him. He's about to open the envelope, when you abruptly stop him. "Oh, open the blue one first." He chuckles at your anxious expression, and sets the envelope aside to tear open the dark blue wrapping paper. Eddie undresses the books, and he smiles. He flips through the pages, admiring the color photos inside. Nobody's ever thought to give him a cookbook before, he absolutely loves to make meals for people. And you've given him something to expand his 2-recipe rolodex.
"Y/N! This is so sweet!" He turns to you in disbelief, pulling you in for a suffocating hug. "I'm gonna make every recipe in these for you, I promise. It's so thoughtful, angel. Thank you." He presses a kiss onto your head before releasing you.
"I'm glad you like them, love. And I can't wait to taste every amazing thing you'll make." He sets the books off to the side, returning his attention to that mysterious little envelope you insisted he open last. "Now I know you're gonna love this." You waggle your eyebrows goofily, making him laugh. You love the way he laughs, it's so warm and joyful. And he doesn't shy away from sounding obnoxious, though you would never find it annoying.
"Is that so? What makes you so sure?" He teases, stroking the thin paper in his fingers as he's intrigued to find out what's inside. You bite your lip while he flirts with the idea of ripping the seal, anticipation rapidly building inside you. "It must be somethin' really special, if watching me open it has you so worked up." He stops drawing it out, tearing the top open and slowly pulling out the photographs. It takes him a second to fully realize what he's looking at, holding the stack gingerly in his hand. But once his eyes translate that it's you wearing sexy black lace underwear in these pictures, his breath catches in his throat. "Jesus." He mutters, amazed that you're bold enough to do such a thing for him. He works his way through the photos, examining every detail before bringing the next one forward.
"Just wait until you see the last one." You purr into his ear, making him shudder. It's so hot to watch him look at these pictures of you, your senses have heightened significantly the second he broke that seal. You lean on one hand, bringing the other to his chest. You slowly pop open a couple buttons on his shirt, diving under the dark material to feel him up as he gawks at your gift. His heart pounds against your fingertips, and his chest rises and falls unevenly. Eddie audibly groans repeatedly as he flips through each picture, and from you touching him. You pull your hand out of his shirt, snaking your way down to the bulge forming in his jeans. You palm him as lightly as possible through his pants, wanting to egg him on just the slightest bit.
"Fuck, princess." He moans loudly, savoring your hold on him. And then he sees it, the final image. You're on your knees, head fallen to the side in absolute ecstasy. It looks like you're moaning, he can hear the sound of it in his head. Your hand is between your legs, stroking the most intimate part of yourself. And your eyes are staring right at him, showing him you're all his. This has gotta be the dirtiest thing he's ever seen, and it's so fucking beautiful.
"What do you think, baby?" You ask before you lick the length of Eddie's neck, groping his hard-on more firmly now. He moans again, unable to handle how sexy you're acting right now. He grabs his mug of wine and chugs it, gulping heavily as some drips down his chin. He puts the photos back in the envelope and into the basket so they don't blow away.
He gazes at you with pure, unadulterated hunger in his eyes. "I love them, sweetheart. You look fuckin' gorgeous like that, and I want you so badly right now. Please tell me you're wearing that underneath your dress." His eyes flick to your body, remembering the garterbelt he observed earlier when you got in the van. It's the same one from the photos, and that realization makes him lose it. "If I believed in such a place, I'd think I died and went to heaven." His voice breaks, he's more revved up than he's ever been now.
"I'm most definitely wearing it underneath. It'd be a waste to only take pictures in it, don't you think?" You're still so cool and collected, despite the arousal spreading quickly between your legs. You're in full control here, with Eddie at your mercy. The power you hold over him right now is intoxicating. "And there's something else. Do you wanna know what it is?" You tempt him with your words, reeling him in even farther than you already have if that's even possible. He nods, unable to say anything else. You bring yourself as close to him as you can, maintaining eye contact as your lips are close enough to ghost over his own. You speak barely above a whisper, making sure he knows just how important what you have to say is. "The panties are crotchless, so you get to fuck me in it." You gently squeeze Eddie's aching cock, drawing more helpless noises from his throat.
"O-okay. It's official, I'm a dead man." He jokes, attempting to regain some semblance of control.
"I'd certainly hope not. I have my reservations about fucking a corpse." You quip back, ceasing your groping. You lead Eddie to lay down on the blanket, the skirt of your dress riding up as you straddle him. His hands grip your waist, waiting for you to make the next move. You peer down at his awestruck face, drinking in how fucked he is for you. You rock your hips against him, gasping as you finally get some of the friction you've been desperately craving all day. You lay your torso over his, placing your hands on his chest. "Happy anniversary, love." You say seductively, pressing your lips against his.
Eddie moans into the kiss, running his hands over your ass. He massages the flesh roughly, leading you to continue grinding on him. Your lips travel down his face, his jaw, landing on his neck. You paint his pale flesh with your cherry red lipstick, smudging it everywhere with reckless abandon. You kinda hope it'll stain him, letting everyone know he belongs to you. Your teeth worry his skin teasingly, and he can't stop letting out the most delicious, pitiful sounds. "Happy anniversary, sweetheart. I love you so much, and, fuck, you're unbelievable tonight." He sighs lustfully, enjoying every little move you make on him.
"I love you too, darling." You say between bites. Your left hand slides to the buttons of his shirt again, undoing every one that remains until the fabric falls open to expose his chest. "And I'm gonna take my time with you." You shift yourself onto your knees, still looming over him. You plant wet kisses on his torso, slinking your way down to his stomach. Your tongue dips into his belly button, and he laughs at the sensation.
"That tickles." He says simply, his head lifted slightly to watch you work. You take the end of his belt between your teeth, pulling the leather to the side to undo it. You unbutton his jeans, unzipping them at an agonizing pace. Eddie's panting as he anticipates your actions, wanting you to take him any way you desire. Your arms stretch upwards, only to drag your nails down his chest. He groans at the pleasant sting. You reach a hand inside his pants, slipping under his boxers to feel his stiff cock. "Fuck." He breathes.
You tease him with your strokes, looking in his eyes. "Do I turn you on, baby?" You ask, clearly knowing the answer. But you want to hear him say it.
"Yes, sooooo much. Everything you do feels so good." You smirk at the confession you've drawn from his lips. It's fun to switch roles, to have him beg you to touch him, kiss him, fuck him.
"What do you want me to do to you, hm? Use your words like a good boy." You kiss his stomach, still jerking his length in your palm.
"I want you to blow me, I love the way you suck my dick." He shudders as he speaks, finding your dominance over him extremely addictive.
"Your wish is my command, Eds." You pull his pants and boxers down to his knees, letting his length spring free. It slaps against his abdomen, leaving a glistening streak of precum behind. You lick your lips, anxious to take him in your mouth. Your eyes flick to his again, noticing he's waiting to ask for something else. "What is it, love?"
"Can you sit on my face while you do that? I wanna taste you, please?" Eddie can't be bothered to even attempt to hide the neediness in his voice. He has to touch you, any way he can.
"Very well, you dirty boy. Do you want the dress on or off?" You ask, as if it's of no consequence to you. You know he wants to see the sexy lingerie in the flesh, but once again, he needs to beg.
"Off, please! I have to see how beautiful you look." He pleads. You chuckle darkly at his broken voice, falling further into your role. Nodding, you stand off to the side to make a show of taking off your dress. You playfully pull the straps from your shoulders, letting them hang loosely at your elbows. You hold the top of the dress, letting Eddie's eyes widen as he waits for you to let it fall to your feet. "Go ahead, Y/N. Show me how sexy you are." He says, almost attempting to take control away from you. You scowl at him, slipping the straps back in place.
"I'm the one in charge here, Eddie. If you can't play by the rules, then we won't play at all. Got it?" You aggressively put your foot on his chest, the heel making a deep indentation into his skin.
He groans, somehow even more aroused by you getting so rough with him. "I'm sorry, I'll be a good boy. I promise." His eyes beg you to continue, he's past the point of no return.
"Good. Now, do you want to see what I've got hidden under here?" You bat your eyes at him, speaking in an unassuming voice.
"Yes. God, yes." He bites his lip, trying his best to lie still and let you take the reins. With that, you give in to his request and let the velvet garment slip down your form to your feet. You step out of it, keeping your heels on. You stand with your hand on your hip, letting him take you in. His eyes scan greedily over the dark lace, tracing how perfectly the set fits your body. From head to toe, he commits your image to memory. "You're perfect, angel." Eddie says breathlessly, you truly are a vision.
You blush at his words and gaze, his admiration for you sends your heart soaring every time. "Thank you, baby." You kneel down, turning your back to him so you can give him what he wants. "You ready?" You ask, speaking between your legs as you position yourself over Eddie's face.
"Always." He replies, noting the wetness gathered on your folds for him. Besides the cunning grin on your face, it's the only real indication that you're enjoying this just as much as he is. You lower your cunt onto his mouth, letting him begin his work on you before taking his dick down your throat. He licks your clit immediately, sending a shot of pleasure through your body.
"Fuck, Eddie." You moan, mouth falling open as his arms wrap around your thighs and his hands grip your hips to keep you in place. You take a moment to enjoy his warm tongue before fulfilling your end of the bargain, he's a total master at giving head. He paints long stripes from your clit to your weeping hole, drinking up your juices as they form. "You're such a filthy boy. Eating me out like this, fucking me with your tongue. It feels so good, baby." Your words make his hands grip your flesh tighter, his rings digging into you which will surely leave bruises. You can't wait to find them when you look in the mirror tomorrow.
Pleasure slowly builds inside you, and you realize Eddie's cock has been helplessly leaking precum this whole time. You lay over his stomach, taking hold of him once again. He twitches at the contact, moaning against your pussy. The vibrations draw more noises from you, and you drown them out by sinking your mouth onto his length in one go. You gag as he hits deep in your throat, and you get to work sucking him just the way he likes. Your head bobs up and down, tongue swirling around his dick with every stroke. Tears prick your eyes from how hard you're going, but you carry on to drive him insane. In return, Eddie lets go of one of your thighs to shove two fingers into you, curling and pumping them expertly. He brushes against your g spot over and over, rapidly flicking his tongue in tandem. "Fuck." He mutters when he takes a second to breathe, your mouth is so hot and wet around him it's almost too much.
To offset the boiling lust in his belly, Eddie picks up the pace. He loves making you cum, it's practically a hobby for him. He's doing everything he can to set you off, and the pleasure is almost too much to bear. You pull yourself off of his length for a moment, unable to focus when your insides are twisting up in strangled knots. You stroke him in your hand to keep him going, but your head rests on his thigh while you feel your orgasm quickly approaching. "You're doing so well, darling. Keep going, I'm getting close." You whine at him, unable to keep your cool any longer. You're still in the driver's seat in his eyes, but at the moment all you care about is feeling that familiar bliss washing over you.
"Mmm." He hums against you, pushing you further. You sense he's toying with you now, and you can't let him get away with it. You push your cunt against him a little harder, and immediately shove your head down onto his cock again. You want him to come undone with you, pulling out all the stops. You're both moaning desperately on each other, competing to send one another over the edge. You're so unbelievably hot in the lacey set, sweat beads across your flesh and the fabric sticks to you like papier-mâché. Tonight is unusually warm, the chill of early spring has morphed into a more temperate climate in preparation for summer. But you keep going, gagging yourself over and over to bring Eddie to his knees, so to speak. The vulgar harmony of wet noises and needy moans fills the still air. Luckily, there's absolutely no one around to see or hear you.
Eddie's stomach tenses beneath you, signaling his oncoming release. He groans so loud against your pussy, the buzz of which sends you flying into your own spiral. Thick ropes shoot down your throat as you scream, while your legs shake uncontrollably and clamp around his head. A thousand tiny explosions erupt through your bodies, shattering the world around you. His hips buck upwards a few times, choking you as his high runs its course. When he's calmed down, you let him slip wetly from your swollen lips. You're still going, Eddie hasn't stopped licking and fingering you. Your juices drip down his face and neck, and he drinks up every last drop he can. Your pussy is sparking from overstimulation, but he can't seem to let up. "Eddie, baby. If you keep going like that, you're gonna make me cum again." You mean it as a warning, but he just takes it as a personal challenge. He goes even faster, hammering his digits into your soaked hole and sucking harshly on your clit. Your nails dig into his thighs, he's sure you've drawn blood. "Oh, fuck!" You scream, quickly taken over by another orgasm. He grunts as you grip his skull between your thighs even tighter than before, and a flood of arousal gushes violently from you. He stills his movements, holding his breath until you release him so he doesn't drown.
You finally let him breathe as you collapse, legs falling to either side of Eddie's face while you're gasping for air. You just lay here, seeing stars in your vision as you try to calm your pounding heart. "You alright, angel?" He asks, lovingly stroking your thighs to ground you. You can't muster a response, your brain scrambles all the possible words into jibberish. "Y/N?" He asks, a little worried that you're not saying anything. He feels your slicked body moving as you struggle to catch your breath, but no words leave your lips to let him know you're okay. He sits up, looking you over. He can't deny it's a rather pretty picture, how obscenely you're spread for him and the satisfied glaze over your eyes. He carefully slips out from under you, letting you recuperate on the blanket. He's not sure how much more you can take, so he pulls up his pants for the time being.
You manage to string a sentence together, blinking hard to clear your sight. "I'm alright, Eds. That was...intense, to say the least." An exhausted chuckle escapes your lips, and you feel his hand stroke your damp hair. "You mind helping me out here? I'm a boneless pile of Jell-O at this point." You ask, turning your head to glance at him. He's smiling down at you, nodding before helping you move. He pulls you into his lap, his arms wrapping around your waist to keep you upright. You rest your head on his shoulder, letting out a satisfied sigh. "Did you like that, darling? You were such a good boy for me." You notice his cheeks turning red when you call him that, it's so cute to catch him off guard.
"I loved it, babydoll. And judging by how soaked my face got, so did you." He chuckles, kissing your cheek. "Do you want more? Or are you too tired?" He asks, not really bothered by the idea of taking a break or picking this up another time. Tonight has taken a lot out of you both, it would be nice to just relax and spend time together for the rest of the evening.
"Maybe in a bit, I'm still feeling the aftershocks at the moment." You'd love to ride him in your little ensemble, but you're not so sure you have it in you. "I am feeling a bit thirsty, though." You reach over to open the picnic basket, pulling the bottle of wine out of it. You bring it to your lips, taking a decent-sized swig.
"Jesus, Y/N. Keep up like that and we'll have to sleep it off in the van." He takes the bottle from you, drinking some as well. "Ah, to hell with it. We were probably gonna do that anyway." The two of you pass the wine back and forth, having light conversation as the sun sets on the horizon. You're both feeling the effects by the time you finish the bottle, slightly slurring your words and giggling at every little thing. "I think we might be drunk, baby." He says, laughing at his own words.
"You don't say?" You reply, clumsily pulling his mouth to yours to exchange a sloppy kiss. If you weren't so intoxicated (and honestly just dead tired), you'd be trying to strip him down and hop onto his cock. "Can weeee go lay down in the van, Eddie? I'm soooo fuckin' tired, and I don't wanna get eaten up by mosquitoes." You ask, your tone coming off a tad whiny.
"Suuure, sweetheart. Standin’ up might prove to be a challenge, though." The two of you struggle to get off the ground, with Eddie stepping sideways until he falls over. You burst out laughing, falling to your hands and knees. "Fuck, wheeeen did the ground start slanting like that?" He asks dumbly, panting as he makes a second attempt. You manage to bundle everything up in the blanket, carrying it carelessly to plop into the back of the van. You'll sort everything out in the morning. You climb inside, and Eddie yanks the doors shut. "There we are. Nice and warm and safe from alllll the buggies." He laughs again, almost wheezing as he crawls over to you.
You notice he's still got his shirt wide open, his beautiful chest exposed to you. "You wanna take that shirt off, darling? I figure you'll sleep better without it. And maybe your pants too?" You ask slyly through a hiccup, you may or may not want to gawk at him in his underwear before you go to sleep.
"Youuuuuu just wanna see me naked, you dirty 'lil slut." Eddie slurs at you, smiling like an idiot. "But, I guess I can't blame you. I am unreasonably sexy." He tries to remove his clothes, and you can't help finding him a bit silly in his struggle. You don't want him to rip them, so you assist as best you can. "Thank you, princess. C'mere and cuddle me." He groans, suddenly very needy for your embrace. You've never seen Eddie drunk before, but his begging to hold you close is endearing.
He makes grabby hands at you, and you happily oblige. You turn over to let him spoon you, snuggling against the loose blankets on the floor. "You warm enough, Eds?" You ask, and he just hums in response. "Okay, good. Happy anniversary, baby. I love you." You speak quietly, your eyelids suddenly feel very heavy.
"IIII love you too, sweetheart. Happy anniversary." He replies, squeezing you in his grasp. Tonight has been absolute magic, better than you ever could have imagined. It doesn't take long before you're both knocked out cold, snoring loudly. Visions of your future with Eddie swirl in your mind as you slumber, and you hope someday you'll get to make these vivid fantasies a reality.
To be continued...
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pintsizemama · 10 months
Favorite Christmas Movie
Day 10
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Summary: You want to watch a movie with Joel.
Pairings: Joel Miller x You, Joel Miller x Female Reader
Fandom: The Last of Us
Rating: Mature
Warnings: grieving a child
Word Count: 667
A/N: My first Joel fic! I haven’t had much inspo for him, but I felt this was a perfect prompt for him.
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“You’re back!” You said excitedly as soon as Joel walked in the door. He was finally back from patrol.
“Hey, darlin’,” he said gruffly and kissed you on the head. He washed his hands in the kitchen and walked into the family room. He sat down heavily on the couch with a loud sigh. You joined him on the couch and grabbed the remote.
“So, I was thinking tonight we could watch my favorite Christmas movie,” you told him. “Jenny has a bunch of movies, and she just so happened to have my favorite!”
“I’m not really in the mood for a movie,” Joel said with a scowl.
“Oh,” you said quietly, your enthusiasm fading.
“I’m just gonna take a shower,” he said and stood up, his knees creaking.
“Ok,” you replied, not looking at him. You were disappointed, but not surprised. While you had a sunny disposition, Joel was a major grump. Joel stood next to you for a moment before leaving the room to take his shower. You swallowed the lump in your throat. You weren’t going to get emotional over this. He just wasn’t in the mood to watch a movie. It didn’t mean he was angry with you. You sighed and grabbed a blanket to snuggle with. You had hoped to cuddle with your boyfriend, but this would have to do. You pressed play and settled in to watch the film by yourself. You wouldn’t let his grumpiness ruin your love of this movie.
About fifteen minutes into the movie Joel emerged from the bathroom. His hair was still wet, and he was wearing light gray sweatpants, a black thermal long sleeved shirt, and thick white socks. Your attention turned from the movie for a moment to admire him. Pushing sixty and he was still hot as hell. You looked back at the movie. You could see him in your periphery still standing there.
“I can’t get up, Ralphie!” Randy cried on the tv. You couldn’t help but smile as the little boy rocked from side to side on the snow.
“You’re watching A Christmas Story?” Joel asked hoarsely. You looked up at him. His eyes were glossy.
“Yeah,” you replied. “It’s my favorite.” Joel made his way into the room and sat next to you. He swallowed audibly.
“It was Sarah’s favorite too,” he said quietly. Your heart dropped.
“I’m sorry,” you said reaching for the remote. “I had no idea. I’ll shut it off.”
“Don’t!” Joel’s hand darted out to stop you. You put the remote down and settled back into the couch. Joel watched the tv for a moment and then looked at you. “C’mere, pretty girl.” He opened his arms, and you gladly cuddled into him. “I’m sorry I was short with you earlier. Sometimes it’s hard for me to find joy in this time of the year. Sarah loved Christmas so much, and I hate that I don’t get to spend any more Christmases with her.” He took a deep breath. You snuggled closer, holding him tighter, trying to give him any comfort you could. “Walking out here and seeing this film on—the one she could never get enough of—well, I feel like she’s trying to tell me to find some of that joy again. Letting me know she’s still with me in some small way.”
Tears spilled over your eyelashes and down your cheeks. You loved this man with all your heart, and seeing him so open and vulnerable made your heart ache.
“We always watched this,” he continued. Every year when they would run it all day.”
“24 hours of a Christmas Story,” you said.
“Yeah,” he nodded.
“My family did too,” you said. “She is with you Joel. I’m sure of it.” Joel held you tighter. He clenched his jaw and nodded once. You didn’t want to push. Your big, brave man had opened up enough for one night.
“Wanna watch it with me?” You offered.
“I’d love to, baby girl,” he replied.
Day 11
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rzyraffek · 2 years
Odd request, but could you mess around with slashers x gn/male partner who gets seasonal depression or it gets worse when the weather gets crummy? It's been raining for a while where I am and could go for a little comfort, haha.
Possibly Brahms or Billy Lenz? Or anyone else you really want to write.
Can do🌼 If anything here is not accurate please feel free to let me know i really dont want to offend anyone🌺
They/them partner with masculine features okay? Because it might get confusing to read when everyone has he/him pronouns i really hope that you dont mind i just know it wil get confusing
(Sfw) (Request open)
Billy Lenz👽
What you mean seasoned depresion? Doenst sound tasty? He does not belive in long words.🙄
At first he will think that his partner will just be sad for whole winter(or other season but Winter/Autumn is pretty common) which is upsetting because he loves winter. But when he finally understands what being depressed means, he will do his best to be useful
Even if they dont have Energy to leave bed/ do anything in hause, he will stay with them, at first he might talk but if they arent in mood for that he will just keep them company. Its his way of saing 'hey im here for you its gonna to be okay🌼'
He cant cook but if he sees that they were avoiding food latley or just not leaving their room for a while, he will bring them choco pudding
If his partner is cis-man and they grow a bread(and it gives them disphora) he will help them shave it. Like yeah Billy is silly chaotic goblin man but u seen him? Either he has testosterone level -5 or he knows how to shave
Also if they feel bab when weather is gloomy he will just cover the Windows? No Windows=no weather affecing them, easy😎😎😎 (thats billy saying that not me)
Overall 9/10 wont force them to talk to him and will give food
Brahms Heelshire
He knows what it is, but its still heartbreaking to see them like that
If depresion goes hard like hard to the point they cant leave the bed. You remeber how in every Brahms headcanons i mension that you have to help this guy take a Bath? Yep its reverse now. Now He takes care of them
I know that Brahms is a lil bebi boi lil shmol bebi men, but he can get mature if he wants to, he will bring them tea, headpats and warm words. He will probably avoid talking at first, but its because he feels like walking on minefild, NOT because of them being depresed, but because he knows that he sometimes gets angy at random stuff and he really desnt want to yell at them
Hes more happy to give them hugs and lay in bed with them (of couse if they want to)
He will try light up the mood with good dinner or a nice walk around the mansion.
Will spend more time with you, but if you need space he will understand
Overall 8/10 tries his best to light up the mood by being romantic gentleman. Will bring you tea -2 points for being british
Yautja (hes here only because i have funny ideas)
Wym mental health?? Season makes ur brain go not good?? I- my beloved we are on spaceship rn wym
The idea of depresion itself is pretty new for him, so they need to teach him
He will go 😨wym you sick in mind and theres no medicine? 😓aww man 😍 i guess I will stay by urside and help you with anythin u want😈
This guy will pick you up and carry you everywhere u need to be. U need to take a shower? Boom. You are hungry? Watch him speerun cook some pasta with salt and kechup (he has No clue how to food)
Will cuddle
Again if any of those make their partner uncomfortable he wpnt do it, those are just sugestions. Also I know that depresed people arent just little sad bolls without Energy to get out of bed. But he doesnt know that! He didnt know depresion exsisted till 3minutes ago!
6/10 acts like his lover is shmol sad Ball, and will baby them around
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dilf-in-peril · 8 months
20 Questions for Writers
tagged by: @grand-magnificent thx :3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Professional wrestling right now, obviously, which for the rest of the questions I pretend is the only thing I write to stay on brand. I also still write the occasional fic for my old fandoms or films you've never heard of, partcipating in exchanges makes you write a lot of random stuff.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Just giving you the ones for Wrestling:
Kayfabe (missing that old man hours, kayfabe breaking cmjf)
Top Guys. In. (cmftr DP)
He Gets Papi (rhea/dom pissfic) - wow that one's got a long tail huh?
Welcome to the BCC (yutamox hole initiation ceremony)
Making Amends (punk asks HHH politely to be allowed back into wwe)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes. I rarely ever have anything to say in response unless it's a question and I feel silly when I say "thank you for noticing what I tried to put down" but I like to let people know I appreciate their comments, because I very much do.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably that CMJF noncon fic which had everyone miserable and worse by the end of it. Also all of the PunkRaven stuff, which never has much of an improvement of the situation in sight.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
idk, I don't write a lot of longfic anyway and I think most of the PWP stuff that's not super messed up ends with people showering together or falling asleep next to each other which is a pretty happy ending as far as sex goes.... oh wait, it's the HHH fic where Punk implicitly returns to WWE for his efforts (I guess here too it is up to the reader whether this is a happy ending or more of a "came back wrong")
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Only once for the underage cmjf fic, and I think it was the same person grand-magnificent mentions ironically. Maybe it helps that the kind of wrestling fans that I can see being haters have been condemned to writing incest fic so they don't have much ground to stand on.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yeah. All of it. I also actively hate writing it most of the time. I enjoy writing mood, tension, the build and the aftermath but not much of the actual in and out.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Don't think I ever have, no. I never got the appeal of "what if Goku met Superman" and I am clearly not funny enough to pull of something like WWE meets Succession.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yeah but not Wrestling fandom, it was Dune.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope. Actually, if you want to do that, hit me up.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
All-time ship is a bit wild if I've only been writing this fandom for a little over a year but it's PunkJoe. This bad boy can fit so much love. And kink. And H/C.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Hey now, mind your words.
16. What are your writing strengths?
People have told me it's physical sensations, descriptions that give a visual image even if you've got a bit of the old aphantasia, and discomfort.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Dialogue. Introspection. Writing out feelings. Not using the same words all the fucking time.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
idk... don't, unless you speak the language or have a beta that does? I guess now it's easy to just google translate it as a reader but with older literature it always throws me out... am I supposed to just speak latin and french to get what you're having your characters say?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter like almost two decades ago.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I am still very proud of the Smoke and Mirrors PunkRaven fic. I could probably improve it a bit now that I actually have access to the whole feud and learned more about them but it's surprisingly on point just from my gut feelings.
tagging: @doctorworm @glamrocktrash @tache-noire and everyone else I have ever interacted with on ao3 and forgotten about right now
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wildelydawn · 17 days
hi! :) i fell into an UnaiPedri rabbit hole and found your blog through that one edit lol. then i fell even further and read the fic and lemme tell you it was so good i stayed up all night! <3 thennn i was backreading your blog like the morning paper lol hope you don't mind. but even the other ideas you have are so good like the threesome one ;) or giving gavi 10 boyfriends (jk... unless???) hope the stories see the light someday and hope you're having a good day!
HELLO, WELCOME TO THE UNAIPEDRI BRAIN ROT. :)) First, yes, that edit is everything to me and I watch it like 9 times a day. I love them. I know there are other ships to ship, but I love the dynamic between Unai and Pedri. It's wholesome, it's teasing, it's "quiet giant versus tiny yapper," it's "grumpy sunshine protector and his sunshine."
Second, thank you so much for reading LFTS, and my blog! I'm happy you're enjoying my odd little blog! I don't mind at all, stay as long as you'd like. 🖤
Ahhh threesome fic. It's about two thirds done, and even though it has Ferran, Gavi, and Pedri, it's going to end with Pedri/Gavi end game. Since you're so kind, I shall gift you a little part at the end of this reply ^^.
I've had this idea in my head about Gavi (or possibly with Pedri) in which while he's injured, every Barca teammate pays him a visit and takes care of him (in a tame, non-sexual, but a very intimate or romantic way). It's a really insane idea because it would be 20+ chapters long, but basically it would be: one day Lewy visits and they spend the afternoon building a Lego set because that's what Lewy's kids are currently obsessed with. The next day, Olmo visits and he's brought, like, an enormous amount of snacks and a horror movie marathon. And the next day, Ferran personally takes him out for ice cream to help get his mood up. Like little one shots in which everyone is Gavi or Pedri's "(boy)friend." Anyways, this is a lot more information than you wanted probably haha, my bad. Thank you for the lovely ask! I really appreciate the encouragement; it's what keeps people writing!
Your little Pedri/Gavi snippet below:
“Man, either sit down and get off or shut up,” Ferran complains.  Pedri shakes his head. “I'm leaving.” “So go.” But Pedri can't. He's rooted in the same spot: a few meters away from his best friend giving his other, slightly more annoying best friend what looks like the sloppiest blow job he's ever seen. A porn star would blush from the sounds coming out of Gavi’s very full mouth.  It doesn’t help that Gavi looks like sin right now.  He’s always had a soft spot for Gavi; that's not unexpected. Only a few years apart, they grew close, fast. “Thick as thieves,” he heard Lewy say once when they were pulling on each other’s hair and play fighting instead of hitting the showers after practice. Gavi. That's his friend. The one he's gonna progress in this club with. The one he trusts on the field the most. And yeah, Ferran is his teammate and friend too, but Gavi… It was a mild attraction that Pedri put to rest months ago, especially when he would remind himself that Gavi would be the most annoying, chaotic boyfriend in the world. Yeah, Pedri thought about it. And he’ll never say it out loud but there were times when he even envisioned it with a hand down his briefs. But fucking your best friend? Yeah, that’s a sure fire way of ruining everything. So he smothered the bouts of jealousy he felt whenever Gavi climbed Lewy like a fucking tree. He looked away whenever Gavi innocently tore his kit off, complaining about the heat. He put out all the fires himself: removing Gavi’s arms around his neck whenever he’s drunk, slurring his words. Ignoring Gavi whenever he carelessly says I love you, like it could actually mean something. Taking freezing showers whenever he spent too long looking at Gavi’s back. But at this moment, the attraction and more comes rushing back, ten fold. Because right now, Gavi isn't attractive. He isn't boyish or cute: the words Pedri uses to keep all of this at bay. Gavi is sexy. He's messy. He's erotic, the way he pops Ferran’s cock out of his mouth and locks eyes with him while sliding his lips up and down Ferran’s shaft.  “Sticking around, Pepi?” It's Gavi. Of course it's Gavi using that nickname to rile him up. 
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pbandjesse · 2 months
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It's hard to admit this because I had been social war that I was going to be able to sleep over this year but I hate this. I hate it. I don't want to sleep here I don't want to be here. I want to do my job and go because besides CJ I have no friends here. I have co-workers who are nice to me but I do not have friends. I don't have anyone to hang out with. And I just feel very very alone and miserable. I'm not having a good time. I'm not particularly having a very good summer. And it sucks. So when I go home I'm actually able to have fun and do things and hang out with my husband and eat food that I like and take actual showers. And I promised CJ I would stay here tonight because I wanted to hang out with her and it is almost 9:00 p.m. and she's been busy basically since I was done at 3:30. And that's not her fault but I've been alone for 6 hours basically. And I'm just really unhappy. I like having a cabin so I can come and rest during the daytime. I like knowing that I have a spot where are my things are. But I don't want to feel like I'm forced to stay here and I just have to be honest about that because I'm almost in tears again I'm so unhappy. And at this point it feels like it's too late to go home because I would just be going home and going right to bed and that feels pointless too. Like yes I would get to see James for a few minutes but they go to bed by 10:00 so it doesn't even feel like it would fix any of the problems that I'm having tonight.
It wasn't even a bad day. The temperature was really nice. I did not like my outfit. I felt uncomfortable in my tank top. So I wore a hoodie for most of the day which was fine. I actually got some compliments on it. And I didn't sleep amazing which probably is adding to my stress in my brain. But I got up and James was there and I tried to be in a good mood even though it was hard.
We got ready to go and we went outside together. James helped me carry a few things and I had a nice drive into work. Me and James both arrived at work at the same time which I always love. And I got set up and I felt like things were okay. I would hang out my hammock for a while. I decided to go in one of the other hammocks for some change of scenery and I ended up feeling super comfortable so I think I'm going to be hanging out in the new hammock more often. You lay in it and it's a little flatter which is nice and a nice change of pace.
My group study were All excellent. We had lots of really cute bears and everybody got done and it just felt like we were having a really productive day. I am really running low on the medium and large bears so I would have one of my tipis girls later on the day organize them into size so tomorrow I'm hoping it's a little more quick and we can use up more stock so I don't have to cut anything else. And I enjoyed hanging out with the kids. It's still hard because I'm not really talking to any counselors. And I was just trying to have a good day.
Some of that good day was just not going to lunch. Just not going to the meal at all. And apparently the kitchen stuff has noticed. What dinner they were very surprised that I had shown up and they were like we didn't think we'd ever see you. You've been all over the place and I'm like yeah I know I've just been so busy and I've been going home. But for lunch today I would go to the office and eat the nachos that I brought. Actually only ate half of them so I could have them again tomorrow if I wanted to. The cheese sauce that I got was fine but I don't think I would buy this particular brand again.
I did not get to be a alone as long as I had hoped because Kenny and Louisa were in the office and Kenny had gotten hurt at the pool and had to go get a staple in the back of his head. He had been in the shallow end and a tile fell off the pool and hit him in the head? I don't really understand how that happened. But I gave them both a chip and they told me all about the injury and eventually I would head up to arts and crafts to just chill by myself there. I never made it to the cabin during lunch today I just decided I did not want to lay down and I didn't feel like I had enough time to anyway.
The afternoon was great. Day Camp was lovely. I did scare one of the counselors because their kids were not listening when it was time to clean up and I had to actually yell and I had never yelled in front of this counselor before and he fully jumped. He was like that was really scary. And I'm like yeah I don't yell so I save it up for when it is an actual needed situation. And your kids were not listening. And I'm glad that I can be listened to without yelling and I'm glad that when I have to pull it out it is taken seriously.
We had a good time though and everybody got to sew and I did remember to bring the cotton so we were able to refill the sacrificial sheep from yesterday and I showed some of the girls how you do a ladder stitch to close them up. And I was having a positive day. I was not miserable and I was chill and things were okay.
My kids doing awards would come to do more chores and I was like yeah that's fine fully expecting that their counselors will come back for them at 3:30 because that is when my last program ends. But they didn't. Stockade was there from 2:30 to 3:30 and we had a great time doing necklace stuff and then they were doing this game where they rate just random things from 1 to 10. Ginger ale is apparently at 2:00 for some of them and styles of art is a six. It was very strange to listen to a group of teenage boys for an hour. And the girls were just aghast at the level of conversation. They were like this is stupid why are you talking about this. And I'm like they're not hurting anybody. Let them live their lives.
But The girls would stay and they would work on their awards and their paintings and their projects and I was over in the hammock. Cuz I was basically only a little bit responsible for them but I still couldn't go anywhere. So I text their counselor. When are you coming for them. No response.
And then two girls from the SSC came to do their camp award project and I was like yeah that's chill you just got to work on it for at least a half hour so they started working on that and that would make them done around 4:30 which was perfect because CJ called me and told me that they should head to the barn at 4:30 for their project stuff. And I was like that's chill so then I was like okay tipis will get picked up at 4:30. Because Slim was coming to do a performance.
Nope that did not happen. I sent 7 text messages between CJ and the two counselors and no one was answering me. And I'm not going to walk all the way over to the council ring to see if the teepee counselors were there and I'm just like this is ridiculous and then I see one of the counselors walk across the field and I'm not going to chase them you need to come up and get your kids. And they weren't. Finally at 5:35 after taking the girls to the bathroom twice their counselor finally came back. And they were like come on let's go and didn't say anything to me. And then one of them would message me on Instagram and apologize but apparently the girls told them to come and get them after Slim and I'm like why would you trust them. Why would you not confirm with me. What if I would need to leave and also I had things I wanted to do I wanted to go take a shower I wanted to come down to the cabin but no instead I was just sitting with your kids for multiple hours and that sucks. That's not fair to me.
So I was not in a great mood. Once they were gone I would go to the lodge and I would tell Callie how I was feeling and she validated my concerns but she was really busy so I went and talked to the kitchen staff and that's when they were like oh my God where have you been. And we talked about my trip next week and how I won't be there and then I had pasta salad and potatoes for dinner. I sat outside and Aaron came out because his little brother was there with hognose snake that he just bought. Which I thought Heather said we were not allowed to have. So I'm pretty surprised about that. But it's cute. So I hope that he actually got permission because my understanding was that that was not allowed. But whatever not my circus not my monkeys.
I would go to the office next with Louisa. She had been sitting with me outside and she was like let's go work on stuff and I was like okay so we go over to the art building and we painted some of the wooden spoons for next week's project and I made a note for whoever ends up subbing for it and around 7:00 we went back down to the office because there was going to become ice tonight and if everything else sucked at least I would have that.
We had to wait for a while and during that time we were just kind of chilling and talking. Talk to alexie for a little bit talked to a couple people that came through and everyone's like you're here!? And I think it's funny because like usually I'm very involved but I just can't this year I just don't want to be here. It's not that I'm unhappy at camp. I usually love so many things about camp. But the Sears just been so hard. I just would like to feel like I'm not trapped. And I'm hoping after my vacation next week I can just have a good time the last few weeks of camp and not feel so sad. I really hope that I can pull that off because this is been tough.
Going to ice would have come now and I got sour berry something. Which was really good. But it did make my mouth blue which I don't like. But Louisa did share one of her special cups with me so that was cool and I would sit outside and watch all the other kids get their flavors and I got to hear about the mixes they make and everyone was having a good time. OB, the mini horse, got a haircut and they brought him down because he was going to be in the talent show tonight. And everyone kept asking me if I was going to the skip night/talent show because apparently someone is doing an impression of me. But I am just so absolutely not interested in doing that. I do not like skit night It always goes way too long. And the skits are fine but they should have a time limit. They are just entirely too long and no one ever talks about enough. And since I was here I have decided I should at least make the most of it and I went back to arts and crafts to continue to paint spoons.
I did that until the paint that I had mixed ran out and then I came over to our cabin. I washed my face and I put my pajamas on. I packed some stuff to take home and now the sun is going down. And the lightning bugs are coming out. And I'm going to go and lay in bed and charge my phone. Watch the rest of this true crime documentary and hopefully have a good night's sleep.
I'm really hoping tomorrow was just a really good and easy day. But all my groups are nice and the counselors are helpful and I can leave for a week knowing that everything will be okay when I come back. Because if I come back on this building and it is a disaster I'm going to be so sad.
Everybody have a great night tonight. Sleep well and take care of each other. Until next time.
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thesunflowerdyke · 5 months
9, 10, and 30 for the soft asks?
9. what calms you down?
So, I don’t know if y’all can tell, but I’m a very anxious person haha (shocker, I know.) So I’ve had to spend a lot of time learning what I can do to calm myself down.
Music has always been the number one way I’ve self soothed, regardless of the emotion. Putting my headphones in and blasting some mood appropriate music has yet to fail me.
I’m also a big fan of taking a shower just for the emotional cleansing and relaxation aspect of it. It gives me time to be alone with my thoughts and reset. Plus it never hurts to be fresh and clean!
Lately I’ve really taken to burning incense. I’ve found the process and the smell to be calming especially when I play my little nature/storm sounds alongside in the background.
10. what’s something you’re excited for?
This is sorta a two-parter. I’m just ridiculously eager to finish this semester. I’m finishing my very last prerequisite course and my final honors requirement for my program, so this semester was an important one. One that I’m so very grateful to be nearing the end of.
The second part, is a little trip I have planned to visit my best friend after the semester ends! She moved across the country a couple years back and while I’ve seen her since, I’ve never made the trek out to visit her new stomping grounds. So I couldn’t be more excited to see her and to go on another little adventure together!
30. what reminds you of home (doesn’t have to mean house… just things that remind you of the feeling of home)?
I don’t think home is as much a place as it is a feeling of it’s very own. I never felt very at home in the places you probably should, but I’ve found my “home” in other ways.
I feel at home when I’m with my people.
My friends, my chosen family. Whether it’s laughing with them in person and wrapping them up in a big hug or sending a funny/heartfelt text or voice memo.
I feel at home in my identity.
My lesbianism and my butchood make me who I am at my very core and help me feel at home in my myself for the first time that I can truly remember.
I feel at home with my passions.
When I’m doing the things that I love, whether it be making the perfect cup of coffee for somebody at work, learning something in one of my favorite class, rewatching one of my comfort shows or picking up my guitar and fiddling around for a hour or so. When I do the things I love and I have passion for, I feel at home.
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purplesurveys · 5 months
1 - What have you been up to so far today? Is that a typical thing for you to do on this particular day of the week?  It was definitely a busier Saturday than usual; I never spend the weekend squeezing in like 10 errands in a day unless I have a work event to begin with.
2 - Did you get a decent night’s sleep last night? How many hours sleep do you consider a decent amount?  It was okay! I fell asleep a little earlier than I thought I would, so it was nice to get a few extra hours in. The only thing I didn't like was that I woke up disoriented; I thought it was Monday and that I was running late for work, so I pretty much woke up with my heartbeat spiking.
3 - What is one silly thing that really gets on your nerves?  When people try to make small talk at the start of work calls. That was fine during the pandemic, but at this point, I swear I won't take it against you if you don't ask me how my weekend was or where I traleved during the Christmas break.
4 - Who was the last person you saw who wasn’t family? What did you guys end up doing together?  I saw my workmates and other agencies when we had to go to our client's office for a face-to-face meeting. We essentially went through like 70+ slides to brief the client on the final flow of our large-scale event this Sunday.
5 - Do you prefer hot or cold drinks overall?  Cold. I hate feeling like my tongue's getting burned.
6 - Do you own a decent set of waterproofs? If so, what do you use them for the most? If not, do you think that would be something you’d find useful?  Waterproof...what? Clothes? Phone case? Shoes? Hahaha. Anyway I don't think I own anything that's waterproof.
7 - Do you have any plans for the rest of the day?  I just need to finish this doughnut I'm eating lol, maybe take another survey after this...then I'll need to turn in early because I have an early start tomorrow.
8 - How often do you get your hair cut? When hairdressers were closed due to COVID, did you try cutting it yourself at home?  Probably like once a year. I never cut my hair during the Peak Pandemic Era – it helped that I had it trimmed literally a week before it all began, not knowing it was going to start.
9 - What did you wear the last time you left the house? Is that different to what you’re wearing at the moment? I went out today and haven't changed out of my outfit yet so I'll just enumerate what I have on – a purple cropped top + jeans.
10 - Would you rather have a relaxing beach holiday or a more active holiday in the mountains?  I'd love the beach as I can't remember the last time I had a beach trip + the mountains sound super isolating. It also reminds me of hiking, and there is no activity I hate more.
11 - Do you know how to tie a tie?  No. I kept the knot on my school necktie for like 14 years so that I could just always wear it like a necklace, lol.
12 - How old were you when you first had a sleepover at someone’s house? Did you miss home?  I think I was like 15 or 16 when I had my first sleepover. No, I was just mostly excited to finally be in a sleepover lol as I was never allowed prior. Woes of being a firstborn Asian daugher – you're 100% Test Subject A.
13 - How often do you spend time with your extended family? I would say once a month. We live very near each other.
14 - When you get up in the morning, do you have a set routine?  Yup. It's nothing special but it is my routine that I like to follow; any missing step and I'll get super bothered hahaha. Anyway, I'm an early waker, so I usually allot an hour to properly wake up and stay in bed catching up on social media/news.
Around 30 minutes before work, that's when I make my bed, take a quick shower and brush my teeth, fix myself a cup of iced coffee, then spend the remaining minutes clearing up emails that came the night before. They're simple things but it helps me SO MUCH to start work in a good/relaxed mood.
15 - Do you remember the last time you cried? Were they sad or happy tears?  Happy tears! I cried a little bit this afternoon watching a video of this kid reacting to Cody's win from last Sunday. I didn't cry watching him cry, but then he said "Everybody helped, everyone helped him" which was what broke me. That was such a wholesome thing to hear!
16 - What do you have planned once you finish this survey?  I really want to take one more of these but we'll see.
17 - What was the last thing you cooked? Did you cook from scratch or just heat something up? I don't cook. I buy most of my food.
18 - Are you a fan of hot chocolate? Do you like it plain or do you prefer to add things like whipped cream or marshmallows?  I'm picky. It needs to be like artisan hot chocolate and I'm usually willing to pay more for premium options as most hot chocolates here are really just Milo :(
19 - What caused your last injury?  Cooper nicked a bit of my fingernail when he got a little too excited play-wrestling with me for his toy.
20 - How many tattoos and piercings do you have? Do any of them have an interesting story behind them?  Zero tattoos. I got my earlobe piercings when I was a few months old so there isn't really a deeper story behind them haha.
21 - What kind of flowers do you like the best? When was the last time someone bought those for you?  I've always liked peonies. I can't remember the last time I got flowers.
22 - What’s the smallest thing you’ve ended a relationship over?  I've only experienced a failed relationship once.
23 - Would you rather order a starter (appetiser) or a dessert? Or would you be able to manage a full three courses? Appetizers. I don't like sweet things too much, so it's rare that I ask to stay long enough for dessert.
24 - How do you get most of your news, if you pay attention to it at all?  These days, Reddit.
25 - Have you or a member of your family been diagnosed with COVID yet?  My mom and sister had it simultaneously but fortunately they were asymptomatic as it could've possibly gotten. I got the worst experience of the bunch.
26 - Are you a vegetarian? If so, what persuaded you to stop eating meat? If not, is it something you’d ever consider?  No. I would consider it, yes, but I honestly don't have faith in myself to commit to it.
27 - Do you prefer rice or pasta? RICE. A day legitimately feels incomplete without rice...
28 - Is anything you’re wearing a gift? Who bought it for you?  Nah.
29 - What’s the dominant colour in the room you’re in at the moment?  White.
30 - Did you do laundry yet today? If not, do you need to do any before you go to bed?  Nope and nope.
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84reedsy · 5 months
The Mentorship, Part 11
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The Mentorship
Characters: Curt Hennig/FemOC , Scott Hall/FemOC
Part 11 of ? (Parts not chapters, parts length varies)
Word Count: 5810
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part8 Part 9 Part 10
Warnings/Considerations: Smut, Age Gap, Power Dynamics, Dirty Talk, swearing
When another morning came, she was surprised to still feel an aching between her legs. She didn’t hate the feeling, but she remembered what Curt had said last night. She wondered if the soreness would give way if she would just let him do what he wanted. 
She snuck out of bed and into the shower, relishing the hot water. She felt a little torn now. She felt as if some part of her owed sexual favors for all he’d done for her though such a thing had never been insinuated by Curt. But she wanted Scott; she wanted him in a way that made her feel guilty for considering doing anything with another man.
She was still attracted to Curt, but Scott was beginning to flood her mind.
Brinkley was dressed when she left the bathroom, walking into the room to a rousing Curt, who rubbed his head as if it ached. 
“Good morning,” She chirped, trying not to sound too chipper, but clearly in a much better mood than Curt. 
“Mmphf,” was his gruff answer, “Not so far…”
“Well it's early, it could get a lot better!” she stayed positive, trying to get him moving. 
“I don’t think so,” He groaned again, “not today,”
Brinkley walked over to him and sat on the bed. She reached out feeling his forehead, noticing he looked pale. He was definitely warm. This might not be the brown-bottle-flu after all. She wasn’t sure what the protocol was on the road if someone was ill. 
“I think you might actually be sick,” She slid her hand from his forehead to his cheek, “Do I need to see about getting the room for another day?”
“Fuck no,” he said, “We have to get on the road. Doesn’t matter if we’re sick or not,”
“You can’t work if you’re sick,” She argued. 
“Honey, there’s no such thing as calling in sick on the road,” He sat up, chuckling at her concern, “I’ll live,”
“Well, you need to rest. I’m driving today.” She snatched the keys from the table before he could. 
“I don’t need no kid taking care of me,” He scoffed, but fell back to the bed as his head throbbed.
“Kid?!” She slapped his arm, “I may not be an old vet like you, but I’m not a kid,”
“I know, Jesus, you know what I meant,” He groaned as he sat back up. He dressed slowly as Brinkley loaded the car. She made him lay in the backseat as Scott walked up. 
“Damn, you look cute,” Scott looked her up and down, his sunglasses hiding the knowing glint in his eye. Brinkley looked over herself, just in shorts and a tank top. 
“Thanks,” She still couldn’t help but eat up his attention, “By the way, you’re at my mercy today,” she said jingling the keys, “Hennig is sick,”
“At your mercy, huh? I think I could handle that,” he looked her up and down again as he threw his bag in the trunk, “Sick? What the fuck happened to you, Curt?”
“No fucking idea,” He was irritated by their banter already. 
“He’s got a fever,” Brinkley said, looking back over the seat as she slid into the driver’s side, “But he still has to wrestle?” She did feel some real concern for him.
“Yeah, unless you are completely incapacitated, you better just suck it up,” Scott slid in as well, wishing that he’d driven instead;  he could think of things she could do to pass the time. 
“That's not fair,” Brinkley frowned,  but knew full well professional wrestling was about the most unfair industry that she knew. 
Curt stayed in the car while Scott and Brinkley went into the gym. She tried to keep things as normal as possible,  but everyone could see that they were definitely closer than before. The sideways glances, the knowing smirks, the murmured comments all made the rest whisper among themselves.
Brinkley waited in the car while the rest went to the tanning salon, bringing Curt water and checking on him. She sat in the back, his head laying in her lap after his initial protests had failed.  He was secretly glad they did.  Her lap was soft and the way she dragged her fingernails through his hair relaxed him. 
He still felt like shit.  In his mind he was trying to think of what he could possibly take to get through the match.  He didn't dare bring that up with Brinkley. She was still shielded from that side,  though she knew it existed. 
“Is there anything else I can do?” Brinkley asked,  feeling as if she could do more. 
“What you're doing now is helping more than you know,” he crossed his arms over his chest as he caught a chill from the gentle tickle of her nails, “Thank you,”
“You don't have to thank me, I'm always here for you as a friend at the very least. Maybe I could fight your match for you,” she teased. 
Curt smiled,  his eyes still closed, “You'd do that for me?” He imagined her against Kevin in the ring.  She'd be like a little chihuahua biting at a Rottweiler's ankles.
“Of course,  I owe everything to you,” she felt his forehead again,  it felt slightly cooler, but still feverish. 
“That's probably a dangerous thing to say to someone,” Curt looked up at her, “but you're not wrong,”
Curt snuck away long enough to acquire something pharmaceutically strong enough to get him through the next two hours. He convinced Brinkley he was just feeling better. She was suspicious, but didn't pressure him for more details. She was disappointed for a moment that she wouldn't get more ring time. 
Tonight, she stared Kevin down every time he even looked in her direction. He didn't back down from it, daring her to get in the ring. She did, improvising by breaking up a cover attempt by yanking on his hair hard enough that he ended up on his back.  She knew she was going to earn a receipt, but now was as good a time as any to get her first.
Kevin raised his eyebrows as he stalked her in the ring. He grabbed her by the hair, his long reach benefited him. She found herself again with her head between his legs, but Curt wasn't there to interfere.  She was lifted and spun up. She remembered to tuck her head, but the flat bump on the mat was not soft as he flung her down with force.
Her breath was nearly knocked from her lungs, but she lay flat and unmoving to sell it. Curt received one as well,  taking the cover.  She was sure he didn't hit the mat as nearly as hard as she did. 
She let Curt drag her out of the ring and throw her over his shoulder on the way backstage. Kevin waited for her, his hands on his hips looking her over. 
“There’s a ring gym in Cedar Rapids, we can work out something for TV there” he offered, “Good bump,” he followed up before turning into their locker room.
“Damn,  looks like everyone wants you these days,” Curt joked, but wasn't thrilled with the idea of Kevin training her alone. He had to assume Scott would be there though, and that's who he trusted the most. 
“The fact that he doesn't want to murder me is a marked improvement”. 
Her eyes went immediately to Scott as they entered the locker room. He was in his ring gear which she appreciated now more than ever. She hoped she'd get more ring time with him - she found the idea of working a match with him incredibly erotic.
“I think I'm gonna go watch his match from the curtain,” Brinkley moved to follow him out. 
“Girl you need to get all your shit together,” Curt warned, not wanting to stick around any longer than possible. 
“I don't have much, it's pretty much already done!” She fibbed a little, slipping out of the door.
“Don't tell me…” Kevin said as she left. 
“Scott say something to you?” Curt knew better than to substantiate rumors.
“Are you kidding, haven't heard hardly anything from him in the last three days. Hell, last night got back from the bar and he's out cold. Stone cold sober, too. I've had questions…but he ain't told me shit,” Kevin shrugged, but shook his head.
“Well that's not like him,” Curt agreed.
“So I gotta assume it's something with Brink,” he jutted his thumb in her general direction.
“I think that's the first time you've ever called her by her actual name,” Curt realized,  “Don't tell me you're going soft…”
Kevin scoffed, but laughed after.
“Shut up,  Hennig,” he said, unlacing his boots.
“I have GOT to go shopping sometime soon,” Brinkley mumbled in the hotel room, trying to figure out something to wear that she hadn’t already thrown on a thousand times this trip. At this moment, she despised how easily the guys got away with wearing the same thing. A few tshirts, jeans, shorts, on a cycle and no one batted an eye. 
“Want me to drop you off at the mall,” Curt teased, lounging back on the bed as he watched her.
“No,” She huffed at him, “Just…just need something to wear out or whatever,” She dug through her bag as if there were some clothes she may have missed, knowing there weren’t. She grabbed the only thing slightly dressy, a dark floral sundress and dressed in the bathroom. 
“‘Cause you wanna look hot for Scott, right?” He smirked at the way she tried not to fidget at the sound of his name when she emerged, the dress almost too flattering.
“I just want something NEW,” She argued without denying his assumption, “And I really want to get another ring outfit,” She couldn’t help but whine, stomping her foot even.
“Brinkley, come here,” Curt beckoned her by curling a finger. She crawled onto the bed kneeling at his side, “Nope, all the way,” He patted his lap. Brinkley looked unsure at first, but did swing her leg over him, straddling his waist, “Much better.”
“You know…” his hands rubbed slowly up and down her thighs, barely under the hem of the skirt, “Nobody here gives a shit what you wear, we all know you’re hot,” He tried not to picture what outfits he might want her to wear. 
“The girls do,” She countered, knowing the other women in the organization would definitely notice, “I have room in my bag,” she picked at the buttons of his shirt, trying to keep her pout minimal.
“I’ll buy you a new ring outfit,” He grumbled, “I know someone we can call something into and figure out a way to get it shipped on the road,”
“Really?” She perked up a little, squirming. He looked down to his lap and back up at her. She bit her lip as she went back to sitting still, “That would be awesome! I want something purple this time. And more sparkly. And maybe some ORANGE!” She had ideas rushing to her head now that translated into spirited movements, “Thank you,” 
“Speaking of thanking me,” His hands squeezed her thighs a little, “I think I recall someone last night issuing me a rain check,”
“But you’re sick,” she reminded him,”Even though somehow you were magically all better at the show…” She narrowed her eyes at him.
“I’m not that sick and I do feel better…” He ignored her accusational tone as his hands slid up farther and gripped her hips, “Be a good time to give this old man a good ride,” 
Brinkley couldn’t deny that there was a rush of arousal that made her sex twinge, but there was an uncomfortable nag in the back of her mind that she couldn’t quite place. 
“I’m not…you’re not buying it for me because we’re having sex…right?” She wanted to clarify because she knew things could get misconstrued very quickly.
“Fuck no!” Curt was almost offended at her question, but calmed his tone when she seemed to pull back from his harsh response, “No, not at all…just because you’ve earned it. You’ve worked really hard out here on the road and put up with all of us veterans and our bullshit better than most.”
“I don't want you to feel obligated to buy me things…that's all. I get paid to do this job, too. Might not be as much as you,  but you paid for the rooms, the car…I already feel like a freeloader,” she counted off the examples.
“You're not a freeloader,” Curt bit back telling her she'd earned her keep; that would negate his insistence that she was trading sex for favors from him, “Maybe we should stop, if that's how it makes you feel,”
“It doesn't make me feel like that…” she mumbled, only being partially truthful, “Maybe, sometimes…”
Curt couldn’t ignore that part of him felt crushed and extremely guilty for making her feel that way.  Perhaps moving her to other trainers and putting some distance between them was for the best. 
“I don't want you to feel like that. Ever.” He slipped his hands over hers, “That's my fault baby girl,” he chuckled a little, “Guess I need to find you a new nickname,”
“What? No! I like it when you call me that…” she protested, wiggling on him a bit. He hummed a little as she pressed against his lap. 
“Might not be very professional - I'll try to come up with a new one,” he bit his lip, looking where her legs splayed over him. 
“Do….do you think it really would make you feel better?” She was working herself up sitting on him like this.  She couldn't ignore the hump she was sitting on stiffening.
“Brinkley…we probably shouldn’t,” he had to force the words from his mouth. She nodded and slipped off of him. It took all he had not to grab her and pull her back on top of him. 
A knock at the door only added insult to injury when Scott stood on the other side. Brinkley's bright, wide smile didn't help. 
“How ya feeling, Curt?” He walked in,  “ you look better than this afternoon,”
“Yeah, don't think I'm going to be going out though,” he could tell by the way she was looking at Scott that she'd be wherever he went that night. 
“Mind if I borrow this one to keep the boys in line,” Scott winked at her.
“Up to her,” Curt said rather than saying what he really wanted to. 
“Where are we going?” She excitedly asked Scott.
“Shhhh baby, or we're gonna have an audience,” Scott grunted, holding his hand over her mouth as she moaned. He had her pinned against the brick wall outside of the bar, plowing her roughly.
There was only so much of her ‘fuck me’ eyes he could take throughout the night without some kind of response. He'd drug her out the back door and into the alley. He was glad she'd worn such a short dress. 
Brinkley had only his large frame to hold on to, her thighs hugging his waist tightly, her hands gripped into his shoulders. The bricks were digging into her back as she was fucked against them. 
He was not gentle, ramming his raging hard cock deep into her cunt. He didn't take his time either, his punishing pace clearly too much for her. Without his hand smothering her cries of pleasure,  they'd definitely be found. 
The straps of the dress fell down her arms and the front fell away from her breasts, only adding to Scott's fevered arousal. He dropped his hand from her mouth to palm her tits roughly. 
Brinkley could hardly ride out an entire orgasm without being tempted into another by his thrusts. She was grateful for his strength, she would have collapsed long ago without it.
She bit her lip, trying her best to keep quiet. She found it nearly impossible whe Scott's intense stare met her's. The pleasure she felt was so much more profound with the intimacy that came with holding each other's gaze.
“Dammit,” he growled, gritting his teeth, “I gotta cum in that pussy,” 
She nodded quickly, begging him to do so.
“God, yes, please cum in me. I wanna feel you cum,” She whimpered almost as pitiful as she felt, completely at his disposal. She felt a heat flood her as he buried himself completely. He grunted loudly in time with his spasming cock.
She struggled to catch her breath as he leaned heavily into her body, out of breath himself. She wrapped her arms around his neck, holding on tightly to keep from sliding down the rough wall.
“Scott, that was….that was…” she searched her blank mind for words that refused to come to her. 
“I agree,” he chuckled airily, “Fuck, that was hot.” He held onto her legs, feeling them shaking a little.  He lowered her slowly, making sure she was steady before letting go.  He tucked himself away as she fixed the bodice of her dress and straightened the hem.
“HALL!” A booming voice came from the back door as it flew open,”Where the fuck did he go now?” Nash looked around until he spotted them near the corner of the building. They had only just made themselves decent, but still seemed to be suspiciously catching their breath. “Are you fucking kidding me??” Kevin looked at them with a knowing, judgmental glare.
“What?” Scott held up his hands, shrugging, “needed some fresh air,” he knew the excuse was lame and out of anyone, he wouldn't get anything past Kevin.
“Did you find him?” Steve popped out of the back now, followed by Rick and then Eddie, “What..what's going on out here?” He motioned between them, surprise on all of their faces.
Brinkley hoped the darkness hid her flushed face. She wanted to hide behind Scott at this point,  wondering if anyone would believe any innocent excuse.
“Geez guys, like I'd be lucky enough to hit something this hot. She was light headed, needed some air.” Scott rolled his eyes, playing off the lie well. He knew that he wouldn't be completely believed,  but they would be less likely to question him. 
“I thought I was gonna get sick,” she admitted sheepishly. She could feel his cum soaking into her panties and though she felt like a fraud, they seemed to back off at her untruthful admission, “but I feel better now,” 
“Well let's tie another one on then,” Eddie motioned for them all to go back into the bar.
She followed Scott in, only followed by Kevin.
“I bet you do feel better,” Kevin smirked as she looked over her shoulder at him, “that's pretty much the same thing every other broad he's nailed has said,”
“We weren't doing anything,” she reiterated, turning away from him. 
“Sure, sure,” Kevin answered sarcastically, “Might want to make up an excuse for why your back is all scratched up then…”
Kevin’s comment made her self-conscious as she tried to keep her back to everyone. Thankfully, the bar was dimly lit. She tried to drink away her discomfort, forgetting that someone they’d need to get back from the bar was supposed to be her.. 
Scott was too far gone to drive and she was in no shape to drive either. She knew that Curt would be upset if they left the car at the bar, but had little other choice. Kevin offered to drive, the least inebriated of the crew. Brinkley essentially passed out as soon as she slipped into the backseat. 
“A little young isn’t she?” Kevin said as they pulled away, knowing Scott too well to believe his excuse earlier.
“Man, she’s a good kid, you’re too hard on her.” Scott tried to take Kevin’s words incorrectly on purpose. 
“I think you’re hard on her enough for both of us,” He scoffed, “You really think I can’t tell when you’re fucking someone and when you’re not?”
“It’s just been a couple times, not like we’re eloping,” Scott shook his head, knowing Kevin had had his fair share of road tail, too much to be judgemental about anyone else. 
“But…I mean you know Curt’s tappin’ that too,” Kevin said as if it were common knowledge, “She probably jumped on his dick as soon as that mentorship started,” He surmised. 
Scott felt a surprising anger surge as he bit back an impulsive response. He hadn’t thought it was that obvious, but he’d known about it since the tour started. 
“He may not like you moving in on his territory,” 
“He doesn’t own her,” Scott snipped a little, “She can do what she wants,” He shrugged, but knew he’d rather have her exclusively. 
“Maybe I’ll take a run at it, I mean as long as she’s handing it out,” Kevin wanted to see what kind of reaction Scott would give him. He had a suspicion that Scott may have been a little smitten, when he should be in it only to get his rocks off. 
“Dude, back off. She’s not like the rest of those whores,” Scott vaguely referred to the female talent that was more interested in notching their belt than winning one in the ring. 
“You sure about that?” Kevin posed the question. He was only bringing it up to make sure Scott was thinking straight, but it was likely not going to work after a night at the bar. 
“Back off,” Scott warned him once more. Kevin just sighed and shook his head. 
Scott didn’t bother to see if Curt was still awake, carrying Brinkley into his and Kevin’s room and laying her in his bed. Kevin was not thrilled with the idea, but Scott wasn’t interested in his opinion on the matter.
“She’s sleeping, I’m exhausted. Just go to bed and forget about it,” Scott suggested, climbing into bed himself. He hoped he’d pass out soon to keep his hands from doing their own wandering.
Scott woke first, feeling a little lethargic, but not terrible. He heard Kevin’s occasional snore and felt Brinkley against his side. She must have nestled up to him in the night. Her bare thigh lay over his and her skirt had bunched around her waist in the night. He probably couldn’t get up to get a condom without waking Kevin up. He cursed at that fact. 
He wondered if he could wake her and sneak her to Curt’s room - he might have a better chance at letting her work out his morning wood. 
Several sharp raps at the door stirred everyone, Scott cursed again as he rose to answer it. 
Curt stood at the door, looking irritated as he immediately looked around Scott into the room, seeing a waking Brinkley. 
“Jesus, at least let me know what’s going on when you leave,” Curt was relieved, but still upset over waking up in his room alone, wondering if she was ok. 
“Sorry,” She mumbled, rubbing her eyes, “I think I passed out,”
“Well, it's not these guys' job to make sure you don’t fall down drunk, that’s my job. Let’s go,"he snapped. 
Brinkley slid out of bed, embarrassed by being chastised by Curt in front of Scott and Kevin. She couldn’t bring herself to snip back at him now, but she would when they were alone. He couldn’t treat her like a child just because he was pissed off at her. 
Scott didn’t like it either, Curt should know he wouldn’t let anything happen to her. But it didn’t seem like the time or the place to confront him about it. He would have his hands full of Kevin’s smug ‘I told you so’s’ this morning.
“You didn’t have to embarrass me like that,” She snidely remarked as Curt slammed the door behind him. 
“Oh, I didn’t?” He stood with his hands on his hips, “I was just supposed to assume you weren’t in a gutter somewhere??”
“Good god, you knew I was with them,” She rolled her eyes, taking a handful of tylenol, “I know how to take care of myself,”
“The hell you do,” He seethed, “If you knew how many of those guys backstage would fuck you and not care if you wanted it or not, you’d never leave my side,” 
“They do not,” She replied, but not sure if she believed herself. 
“I’m not saying you can’t trust anybody…but you have to be more careful than most. It's not fair, but that’s what it is,” He wanted to grab her by the shoulders and shake her. 
“But you knew I was with Scott,” She tried to reason.
“Yeah, but I don’t know if he really cares about you or if you are just an easy hole to fill,” He didn’t like the words as they left his mouth and he could see that they definitely struck her harshly. She looked away from him, crossing her arms across her chest protectively. 
The silence that stretched between them was thick and he regretted his tone more by the second. 
“I’m going to take a shower,” She replied, more meekly than she’d like, but her voice was shaky. 
Curt cursed silently to himself, running his hand through his hair. He knew part of him was upset that he woke up feeling completely better and wanted to see if she would still be receptive like she almost had been the night before. She deserved to know he cared about her. She didn’t deserve to be slut-shamed for doing something he was mostly responsible for anyway.
He sat on the bed, leaning forward on his knees as the shower stopped. She opened the door, looking out as if hoping he’d left. He felt guilt gnaw at him again. What a mentor he was. 
“Brinkley, can you come here for a minute,” He asked much more kindly than before. He could tell she was skeptical, but tightened the towel around her. He was relieved when she walked up to him, “I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have said that to you,” He reached out, taking her hand in both of his. He leaned his forehead against her knuckles, “I was worried, probably jealous, not thinking straight. That’s all on me, not you,” 
Brinkley felt relief spread over her with each word. She did not like feeling as if she’d disappointed him. She craved his approval so much that anything to the contrary felt awful. But she also realized she couldn’t let him know that he could manipulate her so easily. 
“Thank you,” She said, not pulling her hand away, “I know you care about me and I’m not saying you shouldn’t worry. But you can’t treat me like a china doll or some toddler. I might be young, but I’m an adult and if I make bad choices, I have to live with the consequences. I’ll never learn that if you keep trying to fix everything for me.”
Curt nodded, still looking at her hand. 
“And yeah, I don’t know Scott like you do, and I’m young and dumb still, but I don’t think he’s just using me.” She wanted to believe her words, just hoping they were true, “But…if he is, then I’m going to have to deal with that,” 
“I know. I know I have to back off, I just didn’t know it would be so hard,” He looked up at her, realizing that he’d been so cocky that he hadn’t reigned himself in like he should have, “I’m sorry,” he looked up at her with genuine sincerity. 
Brinkley resisted crawling into his lap to make him feel better. That was exactly what he was talking about. They had blurred too many boundaries and it wasn’t going to do either of them any favors to keep blurring them. 
Why did she want him so badly right now?
At the ring in Cedar Rapids, Curt sat down with Brinkley as they sketched out her new outfit. They were able to scan and upload the sketch and email it to his contact.  After a brief phone call, the details were solidified and Brinkley was extremely excited, only bummed that she'd have to wait at least another week and pick them up during the Florida leg of the tour. She was grateful Curt generously paid for it to be expedited.
She let Kevin’s remarks from the bar roll off her back as he and Scott worked with her in the ring. Curt remained a silent observer, though he had to bite his tongue multiple times.  But he was relieved when Brinkley would fall back on what she learned from him. 
“You're sandbagging him, girl,” Scott called out as she took repeated bumps from Kevin body slamming her. 
“I know,” she said, laying on the mat out of breath, “Sorry,  just tired,” she spun up though, ready to take another. She jumped better this time, making his lift effortless, but instead of slamming her down, he carried her across the ring. He handed her off to Scott, who laughed, flipping her so she was lounging in his arms instead, “Cute…” she narrowed her eyes at Kevin, “You really showed me,” she scoffed sarcastically.
Scott leaned into the side of her head, mumbling softly.
“Get ‘im, tiger,” he encouraged her smart mouth. He sat her on the top turnbuckle next,  turning his back to her and leaning into her.  She rested her arms on his shoulder.
“Gotta get through him if you wanna get to me,” she referred to Scott as her shield and he snarled In Kevin's direction.
“Jesus, get a room,”  he rolled his eyes stepping over the top rope, “ 15 minutes, then we're back at it,”
“I can make 15 minutes work,” Scott leaned between her legs more.
“I'd rather you have as much time as you want,” she whispered back.
Curt tried not to look on too much,  but to anyone it would be obvious that something was happening between Scott and Brinkley. He wished people backstage would let them be,  but that was unlikely.
He had to admit, Brinkley might have been on to something about Scott’s interest being genuine.
After the break, Kevin brought in a local female wrestler about Brinkley's size. It was an adjustment working with someone not hulkingly larger than her. It felt different,  it felt more real. The match was as basic as could be,  but all three men complimented her afterwards as she thanked the other woman for sparring.
She couldn't stop smiling in the back of the car on the way to the venue, thinking about how somehow she managed to find people that would help her, even if they weren't necessarily her biggest fan. 
Curt noticed her happiness in the rearview. He needed that to be his goal, he needed that reaction to make him feel like he'd done his job and it was working.
Tonight was another TV night and though she was nervous, Kevin still ribbed her about how long she wanted to make out that night. The more he did it,  the more she was irritated by the joke,  but the more she thought of a way to finally get him back. 
She dragged Scott to a quiet place the first chance she had.
“Finally,  I wanted to ask you a favor,” she whispered in the dark hallway, she looked around the corner to make sure they weren't followed.
“You read my mind,” Scott leaned down, holding her face as he kissed her with some urgency. She couldn't push him away, gasping with surprise, but letting her arms wrap around his neck. He was already dressed and partially oiled up. She oddly wondered how he’d taste if she blew him directly from a match,  still sweaty and spent. She tried to shake the torrid thought from her mind. 
“As much as I'd like to keep that going…I had another idea…if you think you're game,” she pulled away from him with regret.
“You look like you've got something pretty devious,” he noted the wicked gleam in her eyes, “What do you need?”
The crowd was definitely reacting differently to her and Curt, booing Kevin as he walked in after them, accompanying Scott.
Curt and Scott locked up and Brinkley knew to keep Kevin in her periphery at all times.  Even as she jumped up on the apron to distract the ref, she kept Kevin in sight. She interfered with Scott’s cover and he stomped Curt once more before stalking her. He grabbed her by the hair as she tried to free herself, wagging his finger at her. He encouraged Kevin to step up to the apron and dragged her over towards him. 
“No,  no,  no!” She tried to pull away from Scott as she neared Kevin. But just as Kevin closed his eyes and stuck his lips out for an animated kiss, Brinkley grabbed Scott’s waist instead, pushing him into Kevin's waiting kiss. The men's lips touched and both reacted animatedly disgusted. The venue filled with laughs and cheers, Curt rolled a distracted Scott up for a three count. 
He slid out,  celebrating with Brinkley on the side as Kevin and Scott acted furious. Brinkley pointed and laughed, waving her fingers at Kevin as they backed up the ramp.
“That was pretty damn good,” Curt said into her ear while the crowd still cheered, “You come up with that on your own?”
She bit her lip and nodded, still giggling. She beamed as she could see the pride in Curt's face, “I got him so good,” she stuck her tongue out at Kevin from afar. 
She owed Scott big for the assist. She couldn't say she hated the dark, angry look he was shooting back at her. 
She made sure that someone was between her and the doorway when Kevin and Scott returned to the locker room. Everyone was watching one of the two as Brinkley paced and kept herself somewhere with an escape plan.
“I didn't think you had that in you, Brink,” Kevin said.
“Maybe I have a flair for theatrics after all?” She tried to keep a straight face, but it was becoming increasingly difficult.
“You got me back, you embarrassed the opponent, you got a hell of a pop from the crowd…I'm pretty sure you just got yourself a spot in the next pay-per-view,” he counted off the points on his fingers, “and even better, you got Creative's attention. They are wanting to talk tonight,”
“This isn't one of those things where you try to get my guard down then jump me in the back is it?” She narrowed her eyes at him, but looked at Scott, too.
“I promise, this is on the level.  Get dressed and let's go,” Scott affirmed. She hoped she could trust him,  she was too excited not to. 
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15 Questions | 15 People
Rules: Answer these 15 Questions, then Tag 15 People 
Hello hello! Thank you for the tags, @cutestkilla, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @yellobb, @raenestee, @artsyunderstudy! I have loved reading what you've shared and getting these neat little glimpses into your lives (also taking notes for who I can ask when I have research questions about travel planning, designing clothes, swimming, etc... y'all are such a talented and interesting bunch!).
I'll skip on tagging this time, since I think most of the folks I would tag have been tagged already, LOL.
1. Are you named after anyone? Yes! My paternal grandfather is named Gregorio, as is my dad, and my both of my brothers' first names are Greg, so I wound up with "Gretchen."
My aunt tutted and said that people would think I was a blonde and blue-eyed Heidi of the Alps type, so my family and friends have always called me Chen, or Chen-Chen. I have a cousin who is named after me, and when I was holding her as a baby, I'd refer to us as "Chen Squared."
2. When was the last time you cried? Oh, yesterday. Writing poetry for a therapy assignment, LOL!
3. Do you have kids? Non. This was something my spouse and I debated for YEARS, and went back and forth on. We settled on not having kids, but being more involved with the little ones in our lives. The kids we are closest to are my spouse's half-brother and sister (they are nine and five), and my godchildren (who are nine and four). For Filipinos, the relationship between godparents and godchildren is really special, and I love being "Ninang" (godmother) to my beloveds.
(It will probably not be a surprise to anyone who has read "Jelly Babies" or "Baker boxer teacher grief" that my spouse's relationship with his younger sibs influenced my depiction of Baz with his sibs).
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? LOL, more so when I was younger and more barbed! I've embraced the joy of being more maudlin and earnest as I get older.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?  Clothes. I think it's a writer thing, where I like clocking what people are wearing so I can use the details as story fodder, haha. But as part of my job, I work with people face-to-face a lot, so I also try to gauge what mood people are in and how open they are to talking.
6. What’s your eye color? Dark brown!
7. Scary movies or happy ending? Happy endings! My best friend is a horror fiend, which is hilarious because I'm the biggest baby when it comes to scary movies.
8. Any special talents? Hmm... I can type around 100 WPM (Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing was one of the first computer programs we had in my house). I've been told I have a nice phone voice, so I used to record all the voicemail messages for our office. I've also been told that I put together kickass care packages. 👍🏽
9. Where were you born? Winnipeg, Manitoba.
10. What are your hobbies? Gardening, cross-stitch, cooking, baking, painting (poorly), video games, reading, fountain pens, anime/manga. I think like others, my gardening sort of falls off in midsummer and I just try to grab every zucchini before they grow huge. 😆 I love to sing though I'm not very good at it ("Try the Worryin' Way" by the Fabulettes is a FANTASTIC song to belt in the shower).
Oh, I also find it very soothing to clean and fiddle around with my mechanical keyboard (I used a Das keyboard with Cherry Blues for a long time, and just switched to a Nuphy Halo 75, with delightfully clicky Gateron Blues).
11. Do you have any pets?  NO, SADLY! I'm allergic to cats and my spouse to cats and dogs (which is a shame, because animals adore him). I just cuddle other people's dogs and admire their cats from a distance. We have a neighbourhood cat that likes to roll in our catmint in the summer.
12. What sports do you play/have you played? Badminton, swimming, rollerblading. I am also asthmatic and uncoordinated, so organized sports were a trial growing up; in 8th grade, I skipped gym as much as possible by helping out my Art teacher after class.
13. How tall are you? 5'0" (I'm a shortie, it's just how Filipinos roll)
14. Favorite subject at school? In high school, English Lit, and in uni, Film Studies. I learned more about writing from Film Studies than I ever did in English.
15. Dream job? For the longest time, I wanted to be an English professor. Then I dropped out of grad school because of Depression, went back after a year, graduated, got a closer look at the job prospects and work culture for academics and said "No thank you."
Reading Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert really changed my expectations. Instead of wanting to make it as a professional writer, I switched to wanting a stable job where I would have the work-life balance and resources to pursue writing in my free time. And now I have that! So I am living the dream!
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ink-and-dagger · 2 years
I just saw your post about fic preferences and body swap hit me like a truck. The idea of silco and Astrid swapping bodies (especially prior to the *ahem* later chapters) is just way to much lol. Astrid would probably immediately own up to having already helicoptered it around (after some quick internal debate) even though its been less than an hour. But dear God, to hear Silcos internal debate as he tries to ignore everything below the neck on Astrid. My brain would not let me lose this thought, I would give my left kidney to read a fic like this (shout out to the fact I'd also give my right kidney to hear a fic like this based on a helping hand, around the time of the shower chapter specifically)
Hey nonny! I'm painfully aware that you sent me this request back in August *covers face in shame* Thank you for doing so. I genuinely love this idea.
The thing about requests in my ask box is that I am a slooooow writer and a mood writer. Which is a deadly combo. So I like to collect and hoard requests because 9/10 times I genuinely love the concept, I have an idea of how to execute it plot wise, and I fully intend to get around to it at some point in the future when the writing mood strikes.
But I had to go ahead and answer this one because I would be doing a disservice to the Silco Nation if I didn't point you and everyone else in the direction of @silcoitus fic Swapped.
They’re currently writing a multi-chapter Silco body swap fic and it is so👏🏼fucking👏🏼 good👏🏼 I seriously seriously recommend checking it out. It's hilarious, excellently written, and I'm literally ravenous for every update.
Swapped Tumblr Masterlist👫
Swapped AO3 Link 📚
This isn't to say I won't do an Astro body swap fic at some point in the future. But for now, go give Coi your left kidney! Heck, give 'em your right one too. They've earned it.
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nerdmorkai · 10 months
Make me Admit Stuff (I'll do it myself edition)
1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged? Yes
2. You talked to an ex today, correct? No
3. Have you taken someones virginity? No
4. Is trust a big issue for you? Yes, my anxiety is bad enough with someone I trust.
5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently? Yes
6. What are you excited for? Finding Peace and getting laid (it's been a while)
7. What happened tonight? Chilled with a friend.
8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted? Yes, but it's anyone. My disgust is not gender specific.
9. Is confidence cute? Sure
10. What is the last beverage you had? Water
11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust? Five
12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans? Yes, I'm old
13. What are you gonna do Saturday night? Smoke and chill in Philly
14. What are you going to spend money on next? Presents
15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed? Hopefully in spirit
16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months? I'd imagine so, trauma usually does that.
17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything? I have two close male friends I would tell anything and two female friends I would tell anything.
18. The last time you felt broken? Currently
19. Have you had sex today? Haha, no.
20. Are you starting to realize anything?I really have to start working towards re-building the life I want.
21. Are you in a good mood? Meh, 50/50
22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks? Not really.
23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s? Yes
24. What do you want right this second? Physical touch
25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy? Be bummed, but people will do what they want.
26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color? Yes
27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh? Nope, gotta laugh.
28. What was the last thing that made you laugh? Watched Mark Maron's last night. Dark, funny, and I laughed a lot.
29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now? For the rest of my life.
30. Does everyone deserve a second chance? Always.
31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to? I don't really talk to boys. I guess no, my son is 14; he's still a boy.
32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do? I'm sure they have suspicions
33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda? Yup, maybe once or twice a year.
34. Listening to? we're eating each other - Juliet Ivy
35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore? Yes, I take a lot of notes to help me remember things.
36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is? In an urn waiting to be spread on a mountainside.
37. Do you believe in love at first sight? Yes, it's happened to me.
38. Who did you last call? I don't make many phone calls. Estate Lawyer.
39. Who was the last person you danced with? My wife
40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed? Love, so much fucking love.
41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake? I'm not a cake guy. A few years. Pie though...
42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today? No
43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush? Oh yea, I'm an idiot.
44. Do you tan in the nude? Haha, I don't tan. I am the whitest of white folk.
45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss? Never
46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night? Many times.
47. Who was the last person to call you? Debt collector, only adulting shit starts with a phone call nowadays.
48. Do you sing in the shower? No
49. Do you dance in the car? Head bobs
50. Ever used a bow and arrow? Yes, I was a boy scout. It's been twenty years probably.
51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? Wedding day
52. Do you think musicals are cheesy? They can be, but that's also part of the fun.
53. Is Christmas stressful? Depends on the finances.
54. Ever eat a pierogi? Yes, I live in prime Pennsylvannia Dutch territory.
55. Favorite type of fruit pie? Mixed berry
56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? Comic book artist
57. Do you believe in ghosts? No in ways that are on Ghost Hunters.
58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling? All the time. Especially from dreams.
59. Take a vitamin daily? Yes
60. Wear slippers? No, I am usually barefoot
61. Wear a bath robe? Sometimes but rarely. Usually just walk naked to the dresser.
62. What do you wear to bed? boxer briefs
63. First concert? Hooty and the Blowfish
64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart? None of them.
65. Nike or Adidas? Neither
66. Cheetos Or Fritos? Cheetos
67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds? Peanuts
68. Favorite Taylor Swift song? I don't have one.
69. Ever take dance lessons? Nope, but I've thought about it.
70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing? Nope.
71. Can you curl your tongue? And hotdog.
72. Ever won a spelling bee? No
73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy? Yes
74. What is your favorite book? American Gods by Neil Gaimen
75. Do you study better with or without music? With, but no lyrics. I listen to a lot of lofi while working.
76. Regularly burn incense? Yup
77. Ever been in love? I'd say three times.
78. Who would you like to see in concert? Lonely Island Crew
79. What was the last concert you saw? James Arthur
80. Hot tea or cold tea? If I had to only drink one, hot.
81. Tea or coffee? Coffee
82. Favorite type of cookie? Peanut butter
83. Can you swim well? I wouldn't say well. Mediocre.
84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose? Yes
85. Are you patient? Extremely
86. DJ or band, at a wedding? DJ
87. Ever won a contest? No
88. Ever have plastic surgery? No
89. Which are better black or green olives? Indifferent
90. Opinions on sex before marriage? Required, sexual compatibility is very important for a healthy relationship (to me).
91. Best room for a fireplace? Living room/Den
92. Do you want to get married? No, I don't think I will
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