#shrodinger’s bat
flightyalrighty · 3 months
"I think he may already have an idea on where Rouge is."
...is he correct about his assumption is the real question. Probably, but... I dunno. Shrodinger's bat.
Indeed! IS Shadow right to assume the worst here?
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zeestarfishalien · 1 year
Life works differently in Amity Park
[lore for ghost cannibalism au series I’m writing but feel free to use this elsewhere. It can be read as its own ficlet]
Amity isn't sure exactly when it became more. To some degree it has been 'more' for a very long time, but it was never quite to this level until He came.
At 1:17 P.M. CST on August 3rd of 20XX two unique beings came into existence at the same time. Electricity and Ectoplasm from the realm that ties all realms together flooded into Amity Park in an explosive combination, not unlike the Big Bang. At the center of this reality altering event was The Boy; at it's perimeter, Amity Park. In a way, Amity Park came into being as a way to protect the rest of the dimension from the effects of the tear in reality. Amity could absorb ectoplasm and grow into it's own sentience.
The Boy is the source, and the kindred soul. They are both forever marked by the same event from which they were born. Born, may not be the right word, but transformed doesn't quite cover their metamorphoses or the sheer extent of the change. Metamorphosis doesn't quite fit right either, so 'born' it is.
The Boy is Kin and even when He leaves Amity's protective borders, it keeps Him within their senses. It makes sure He remains mostly unharmed. He is strong, but Amity is protective. It has never had kin before Him. Amity never had much reason to move before The Boy began leaving its borders. Sure, it was vaguely aware that it was capable of such a thing but there was no desire to, not until The Boy went to Wisconsin. Amity went with Him.
Later, Amity doesn't follow Him around, He becomes annoyed when it does that all the time, but without Him, Amity is bored. Sometimes jumping to somewhere else eases the boredom. It gets to watch the changes from both within and without itself. Different states have different laws and reality bends around Amity in such a way that no one notices its movement. No one who cares enough to try and stop it at least.
Amity can't come with Him to New Jersey. Lady Gotham is mean and territorial like the spirits of the realm between realms. They don't like what Amity is. She can't eat Amity but Amity is also too similar to her. Similar but different. Lady Gotham does try to eat The Boy. Amity doesn't like that and badgers her borders briefly but Lady Gotham is a spirit and similar enough to The Boy that they have to fight. She has to try to eat him and he has to try to eat her. It is ritual and as much as Amity doesn't like it, Amity is used to this. So many spirits have been in and out of it through the tear, the very tear that made Amity.
Most of the people of Amity Park don't know of the movement of their city. Reality trying to reassert its rules over the humans within this dimension. Of course, those who have had extended contact with the tear in reality have a higher resistance to Reality's assertions. It's still difficult for anyone to realize Amity's exploits unless they leave its borders and thus very few have noticed.
Amity is proud of itself and its people. It may try to keep as many of them within its borders as possible, discourage them from leaving. They are safer within and Amity is fond of them. The Boy would never allow it to keep people from leaving but He doesn't seem to mind that it gives certain nudges here or there.
Amity Park is alive as much as it is dead and things just work different there.
Btw this is not originally my idea. I first saw it in Shrodinger’s Bat by Michaelisunderrated on AO3. I just snagged the idea of “city goes where it wants” and ran with it to create this
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theminecraftbee · 1 year
I mean honestly that is grians personality in a nutshell. Unless there's a button, then you know he'll press it. Actually Schrodinger's cat is a good example cause Grian will bat things off that's hes not supposed to cause he needs to know what will happen. He loves to know the outcome of things, even if he realizes afterwards that he messed up.
okay so like, on the one hand you're right, grian IS very cat-like. however i fully admit i was comparing him to shrodinger's cat here in the sense of "he is both dead and alive at the same time" DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT IF WE GET TO IT IT'LL BE IN JULY
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namichanth · 2 years
❤ = favorite
Go to dc/dp masterlist
Twins AU
Batman's Cape
Dead By Starlight 
Endless Road to Rediscover
Ghosts of the Past
Green never looked so sad before I lost you ❤
King Daniel Aidan Phantom of the Infinite Realms
Schrodinger's Danny ❤
Surprise, it's twins
The Bat Trap ❤
The Lost One
The Ghost of a Shadow Heir
We Don't Have To Dance
1(800) Adoption Papers NOT needed! Its a two for one special! ❤
Jason adopts Danny
A ghost and a vigilante walk into a bar...well actually it's an alley
Don't Leave Me in the Dark
The Son of the Red Hood
The Boy King and the Dark Knights ❤
Wayward spirits are better together
Danny adopts into batfam
The Strange Case of Danny Fenton-Wayne
Dead on Main
Danny Fenton: Dead and Loving It
going batty
I Don't? Work Alone
Like Betta Fish Do ❤
Phantom's Robin
Rooftop Express ❤
There Are Two Kinds of Eldritch Beings, Those Who Are DTF And Those Who Aren't
The Heart of the Matter
The Ghost King's To-Do List
Dead Serious
Artificial Wingman
Press Heart to Subscribe ❤
Their second chance
Dick x Danny
Holding Me Now in Hand
Brain Dead
and the universe said
Against All Odds I've Made It Far Enough To Become A Nuisance
Batman, Meet Team Phantom 
Bureaucracy is not exclusive to the living
Don’t Leave Me Behind, (Like I Have Been Before)
Ghosts Don't go to High School ❤
Is it a bad idea to work with your (unknowing) father in law?
Lay Low and Graduate
Pearls and Pomegranates
Tim Drake's I.E.F (Invisible Eldritch Friend)
To Love and Be Loved
Project "GH05T" ❤
Project Cardinal
Ah, Sunflower ❤
BatCat Spectre
Batman, Meet Team Phantom
Be careful what you lie about ❤
Childhood... Friend?
Concession to Realism
Crash Course
“Crime, Love, and Ghosts. AU”
death echoes
Ghost Kings and Gotham Bats
Ghost in the Morgue
How (Not) to Get Adopted by Bruce Wayne: An Incomplete Guide
i found him, he's mine now
If You Give a Bat a Burger
Insomniacs Anonymous ❤
Knight of the Boyking
Life on the Farm
Like and Survive- Phantom’s Guide to Young Hero Survival
My Best Friend, Danny
Of Kindness and Empathy
Robin's Egg ❤
Secrets The Grave Holds
Shrodinger’s Bat ❤
soul bound
Team phantom and the trip to Gotham
The curious case of D. Grayson
The Ghost King just wants to sleep (but he's too workaholic)
The Ghost King (of Miscommunication)
The Ghost of a Shadow Heir
There Are Two Kinds of Eldritch Beings, Those Who Are DTF And Those Who Aren't
Vertical Limit
Voices That They Left ❤
Wayne's Haunted Mansion
We're Longing for Daylight
What was lost, found again ❤
When the Ghost King moves to Gotham City
Who's Old Now? ❤
You Look Like You’ve Seen A Ghost
30 Days of Kidnappings
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shamelesslymkp · 5 months
REC: Michaelisunderrated - Shrodingers Bat - Batman - All Media Types [Archive of Our Own]
URL: https://ift.tt/8fDr6bi The dirt wasn’t packed in as it should be. These graves looked fresh. Danny counted five graves like this in total. One was an outlier. Two were suspicious. But five? Someone was digging up graves in Gotham. … Nearly one year after the death of Jason Todd, Danny Fenton arrives in Gotham City. Why is he there? And what does it have to do with Jason? (Words: 57,656) !!!fandom, !!fic, |site:ao3, +fandom:batman.-.all.media.types, +fandom:danny.phantom, ::rating:not.rated, ~ao3:lazarus.pit.(dcu), ~ao3:major.character.death.refers.to.canon.typical.death.shenanigans, ~ao3:bruce.wayne.is.a.good.parent, ~ao3:the.fenton’s.a+.parenting, ~ao3:grief/mourning, ~ao3:jason.is.dead, ~ao3:but.not.forever.don’t.worry, ~ao3:jewish.bruce.wayne, ~ao3:grave.robbery, ~ao3:general.disrespect.of.the.dead, ~ao3:angst, ~ao3:hurt/comfort, ~ao3:eventual.happy.ending, ~ao3:attempted.murder, ~ao3:creepy.danny.fenton, ~ao3:vivisection, ~ao3:dissection, ~ao3:im.tagging.both, ~ao3:found.family, ~ao3:let.danny.fenton.be.creepy, ~ao3:walker.is.not.a.ghost.yet, ~ao3:giw.agent.walker, ~ao3:trans.danny.fenton, ~ao3:just.assume.that.danny’s.trans.in.anything.i.write, ~ao3:canon.isn’t.real.i.do.what.i.want, ~ao3:no.beta.we.die.like.jason.todd, ~ao3:autistic.bruce.wayne, ~ao3:autistic.cassandra.cain, ~ao3:nonverbal.communication, ~ao3:selective.mutism, ~ao3:unreliable.narrator, ~ao3:jazz.is.arospec, ~author:michaelisunde
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gilbirda · 2 years
Time for some BatPham and DPxDC fic recs
I got a comment asking for some recs and I thought it'll be easier to have a masterlist or something in my tumblr and link that
SOOOOO I asked the BatPham server for recs and I'll just slap them here and add some that come to my mind in no particular order because it's 4:20 am (blaze it)(not really, kids, dont smoke) and ill comment some ive read personally
Now with Part 2!
Just the Typical Weirdness by Pandemi
The Phantom and the Knight by savya398
The Auction by Lalenja (young justice crossover)
30 Days of Kidnappings by Hyperintrovert
Types of Family by NerdofSpades
Unearthed, Reborn by QueenOfTheQuill
Pearls and Pomegranates by Evandarya (BrainDead (TimxDanny) inspired in Hades&Persephone)
The Fantabulous Emancipation of Danny Fenton by HistoricallyInnacurate
It Matters to Have this Ghost Clan Near (This Family I Never Knew) by SagaDuWyrm
The Captain and the King by Sivan5733 (A series featuring Captain Marvel AND John Constantine)
Change in Management by voidwriting (Love me some Sentient Gotham, I actually have to catch up with this gem of a fic) - with fanart!
Beauty lays behind the hills by Library_of_Cronos
moon's haunted by heybabybird (funny)
Speed Dial by apotheosis_avaritia (funny but short :( I want more)
Concession to Realism by wildimaginingsofhalfbakedideas (danny yeeted to WFA universe. Very cute)
Ghosts Don't go to High School by Evandarya (BrainDead cuteness tbh i love this one)
close enough to be whole again by hailsatanacab (twins Danny and Damian. ANGST. Good shit right here)
Green skies by siren_of_the_ocean
It's Hard to Make Friends When You're Half in the Grave by SagaDuWyrm
Leap Before You Think by TourettesDog
overbearing obsession by Ocearna (good shit right here, Ocearna's writing..... good)
Shrodinger’s Bat by Michaelisunderrated (angst! I have to catch up but it's really good as far as I read!!!)
Robin's Egg by Calix (really good!!!!! Damian is so serious and dangerous and will protect Danny like the "I only had X for a day but I would kill..." meme)
Raising Phantom by Imp_y (good shit!!!! de-aged Danny! Some Anger Management (JazzxJason) hints, batfam dynamics!!!)
Bat Ghost by Megaerakles
Who's Old Now? by LiraBuswavi (funny and short! With Captain Marvel!!!)
Vertical Limit by hppjmxrgosg (the good shit right there)
Vacation Crashers by Imp_y (one of the first i read for this crossover!!! the good stuff)
Unnerving by razzle_berry (Arkham security guard Danny and Arkham doctor Jazz fic!)
The Boy King and the Dark Knights by smallgaything (good stuff!!!! de-aged danny adopted by Jason!)(it inspired my fic "Safehouse")
EVERYTHING FROM SEASILVER (Really all their stuff is pure gold)
Date Night: Interrupted by HadesGhost (funny and short Anger Management treat)
family friction by halfagone (milkywxy) (funny!!! BrainDead and Anger Management oneshot!)
And So It Ghost by Evandarya (another one of the firsts i read for this crossover!! good!!)
To Join the Whispers by ayamari_no_goshi (best of the best! I base a lot of my Jason characterization from Goshi's in this fic!)
Chasing Shadows by ayamari_no_goshi (Goshi's stuff is pure gold)
death echoes by Ocearna (Ocearna's writing is good. What more can I say)
Ghosts of Gotham by Iymea (this one looks promising!!!)
This is it for now. When I get more I shall put more
Happy reading 🤗
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jovialtorchlight · 2 years
I don’t need my soul. I’m not even sure if it’s in there, buzzing around like a fly in a shoebox. Or like Shrodingers cat, the paradox of a thing being dead if it is believed in and existing—alive—only in a vague abstraction. But it doesn’t really matter. If I do have a soul, it’s shriveled up and dead, and if I don’t have one  and I really am just an animated chunk of ham with chronic diarrhea and crippling anxiety, I am at peace with that as well. Even I have a soul, it doesn’t matter either way. I sold it. 
I put a joke ad up on Craigslist a few months ago. I was dead broke. I was a writer that didn’t actually have the will to write, a scatterbrained man still making the same mistakes I was making a decade ago. Being a lovable screw-up eventually just bleeds into being a fucking screwup, and being a fucking screwup eventually bleeds into being a goddamn puddle of grease, tears, and untapped potential.
 Anyway, the joke was that I was broke enough to want to sell my soul for three grand. Three grand would have kept the lights on, kept food on the table, kept my car from being repossessed. I thought at the very least I might go viral, or get some vague attention and use it for some fleeting leverage into popularity. 
I got one or two joke emails back. Then came the cryptic, red flag blaring siren reply. 
“I’ll buy. Number is 207-899-6840.”
I would say the decision to text the number back was against my better judgment, but obviously, I don’t have better judgment.  As far as judgment is concerned, texting a random number about buying my soul is the absolute pinnacle of my ability to judge a circumstance. So I texted back. 
“Cool. 3k sound good? Where do you want to meet?”
“Goodson Mill Cemetery, midnight Tuesday, come alone. Will send deposit. Will pay 10k.”
As I finished reading the message, my Cashapp dinged. 3k sent from a “Vec Phillips.”
This couldn’t be serious, right? It had to be a scam. Someone trying to steal my cashapp account, jump me, scam me. But what if that 3k sitting, waiting to be accepted, was legit? I could pay for my car, keep my lights on, get something to eat. 
I accepted the cash. The moment I did, I looked up from my couch to the window facing the front porch, and I could have sworn I saw something moving, like someone rushing out of sight. I got up, opened the door, and was greeted by a dark, cold night. I went to bed, and slept well.
Tuesday came around. I had put the meeting to the back of my mind and had decided to do it. I’d bring a baseball bat, just in case. I’d record the whole thing. Even if it was some kind of setup, I’d at least have some footage that might go viral on YouTube or something like that. I played some Skyrim until 11 p.m., grabbed my old aluminum baseball bat from the basement, and headed out towards the cemetery on the outskirts of town. 
The cemetery was down a dirt drive, surrounded by trees, towering and old before it cleared out into a very old half acre scape of headstones dating back hundreds of years. I parked my car, took out my flashlight. I couldn’t see anyone, so I headed towards the spot where every single nefarious teenager congregated when they went to the cemetery; the Mausoleum. I hadn’t been to the Mausoleum since the Black Parade came out in middle school and a bunch of us snuck out to do whippets, smoke weed out of an apple, and weep along to the album. 
I out my mask on before I got out of the car. 
My flashlight bobbed as I walked the uneven, slight decline down towards the mausoleum, I thought I saw a flash of an eye behind a headstone, like an iris briefly illuminated. I stopped. 
“Uh, hello?” I called out.  It was probably some kind of animal, right?
I kept walking. About halfway to the mausoleum, I heard some shuffling behind me, and a soft voice call out
I turned on my heels. My flashlight lit up a semi-circle of six hooded figures, each clad in scarlet robes. They seemed to materialize out of the air, and they stood, motionless. One stepped forward.
“Did you bring it?”
“Uh…” I thought for a moment. He was here to buy my soul, right? Of course I brought it. It was impossible to forget to bring a soul, right?
“What…what do you mean? I think so,” I finally spat out. 
The hooded figure held out his hand, and motioned as if he wanted to grasp mine. 
“Uh, wait.” I said, hesitating. “So, just ‘cuz of COVID and everything, I kind of thought this could be a contactless sort of deal…you know, can’t be too careful. I heard cats can get it, and I really don’t wan’t-“
“Fine, yeah, that’s fine,” the cultist said, withdrawing his hand. “We just need some blood.”
I guess I should have figured blood would be involved with this deal. 
“Okay, yeah, was I supposed to bring my own knife, or..?”
The cultist sighed. “It’s fine. We have one you can borrow, just make sure you give it back afterwards.” Another cultist stepped forward, and handed a jet black obsidian dagger to me. I took it, and cut a small slice in my finger, wincing. 
“Okay, so I’m, uh, bleeding”
“Shit, sorry,” said the cultist. “I almost forgot the ritual slab.” 
I’m not sure how, as he didn’t have any pockets, but the cultist pulled a dark slab of some kind of stone from beneath his robes. Etched into the surface were intricate carvings, and words in a language I didn’t understand. 
“Just put your finger in the middle,” said the cultist. I followed instructions. As the blood touched the stone, the whole slab lit up a sickening green, runes illuminated, terrible runes of torn apart flesh and monsters long dead rising up from the depths of the deepest abyss—
“Oh yeah,” the cultist said, putting the slab back behind his robe. “Here’s some neosporin and a band-aid,” handing me both items. I thanked him. 
“So…is that it?” I asked, patching myself up. 
“Yup. Pretty much. Vecna thanks you, we thank you. You might have some pretty vivid nightmares about hell and demons and all kinds of infernal madness, but they should wear off in about a quarter of a century, if you live that long. Stay away from holy water and anything with basil in it.”
My cashapp dinged. The rest of the money. 
And yeah, the nightmares do suck. But I’m able to separate my work life from my private life, and put it in a place. Compartmentalize and move on. 
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rawk-chikk · 5 years
It's only taken an entire year, but Sunshine, Shrodinger's stray who basically lives in the kitchen of the family homestead, has begun venturing into the living room.
Here she is, having a wash on mum's bed.
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And that's not the only surprising development...
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Meet Cloudy...With a Chance of Meatballs. So named because we can't determine sex yet as they're a bit skittish right now. Even tho we may have a lil fella on our hands we do collectively refer to the two of them as The Weather Girls 😁. Kiddo just started showing up a few weeks ago.
I mean there was a period a while back where Sis thought Sunny was looking kinda chunky, and then her visits became very sporadic eat and run affairs where before she'd be inside like 75% of the time.
Either they're from different litters but share the same parentage, or Sunny picked up a little tag along buddy who just randomly happens to look similar, or we need to settle the 'stray or not' question once and for all PDQ coz Sunny's a momma and could become a momma again.
And well...
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Either way, it seems the universe is determined to furnish our family with 3 cats per round, lol. They'll eat together with Neesha and exist in the same space with her happily enough. Been a couple of bats around the head with sheathed claws, but there's not been any truly hostile encounters or body language. Harley was very well behaved when Sunny started coming further into the house. Again, she's been around cats her whole life so we didn't anticipate there being any issues, but you can never be complacent.
Anyway. We're trying the 'paper collar' method of determining whether or not Sunny has a home. Why we never thought of it before, I can't say, but the very real possibility of future pregnancy got mum searching the web and she came across it. So that's stage one. If nobody contacts us in, say, 2 weeks, then we get em to the vet to check for chips and to give em a once over, then arrange for chipping/shots/neutering and insurance coz they'd have found their forever home.
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yongjae37 · 6 years
[Poem] On Queerness and all that follows
I thought. Coming out the closet meant I had to do it only once. I thought it would end at acceptance but queerness grows on you the way the fat grows around your waist.
I hide it in formless t shirts and oversized jackets with pockets stuffed with 500 things. In sketchers sneakers that I’ve worn since middle school and In large thick jeans that hide the size of my thighs.
It doesn’t matter, really, whether my friends know or not. Or if my friends care or not. There’s a voice that judges and scrutinizes and nags how I really should’ve washed my face that night. and I wonder. Is love something I really want inside?
It’s something that most days I can’t find myself to care. Or remember or know. I’m too busy being worried about my grades, my sleep, my work. But it whispers sometimes. Would they still like me, if I don’t wear a t shirt in size small? That my shoes give me a two inch boost or that I pick my ears all the time?
I know a few of my friends are queer. I never ask. I never dare. I’m afraid they won’t talk to me. Or act weird around me. And I’m afraid because I only really fall for friends. And I feel safe in thinking they’ll never love me back.
Sometimes I feel lucky as a girl. We get a few people over, we do some night with food and quiet chatter. I had a crush on the one of the girls In her group. I had lent her my phone and made her tea when she got locked out.
But in that idle girls night chatter, we talk about people we like. She mentions this hot guy over seas and the others gossip. I think straight very straight and melt in my pettiness.
I know two of my friends are bi. I think. They like guys and girls. I think. But they never bother telling me who they’re crushing on. Or who looks hot. And I feel disconnected. I know it’s cause I don’t click they way they do. And I’m distant and quiet. I keep things to myself.
My best friend and I used to talk about how hot Keira knightly was. Or this cute girl or guy we saw that day. But we’re distant now. She’s off in Ithaca and I’m just in nyc. I barely send off more than a hi. And she responds with no more than a hello. I love her. I know. She loves me. I know. But I feel hollow and shallow. A puppet on strings.
I’ve come out to my parents 3 maybe 4 times. And I feel like I don’t care. No matter what I do. They will still not love the full me. I don’t tell them I make gay fan art. Or show them much of what I make. They won’t understand I tell myself.
My dad says he still loves me, even tho I’m “bi” (really pan and gray but there’s no word for those in chinese so baby steps I guess.) He wants me to find a husband. So he can feel secure in my future. And I feel. Weird. Inside.
When I meet new people. I never know what to say. Do I come off the bat and say HEY NEW PERSON IM GAY IM ASIAN AND HONESTLY NOT POPULAR BUT OKAY. Isn’t that lame? Do I test the waters, ask about gay rights and pronouns and outrageous bathroom laws. Or do I just. Not care.
Shouldn’t queer be as natural as the black hair on my head and the pimples on my nose. But it’s different. I don’t have to announce to the world I have black hair. It’s. Just. There. Whether I like it or not.
I’ve thought of going to lgbt clubs and gay events. Of meeting other people who were out and about queer. But I don’t have that same passion in my bones. I, just want to be me. I don’t think I care as much as they do. I fear being not gay enough. And that’s sad. Really.
Do I tell my therapists I’m queer? Do I say make gay art and read gay porn? Do I say I love sketching bondage art? Does that make me a fetishist? Am I fetishizing gay people? Can I do that as a queer person? I’m just projecting on to 2D people I... I don’t know.
I like spending my nights alone. Hugging giant plushies close to my chest and lburied in thick layers of blanket. I like being in a space in which I know I’m okay with who I am. And that’s a room with just me.
Online is weird. There’s a weird murky elephant in the room In which everyone is shrodingers queer. Some sort of HONESTLY REALLY FUCKING GAY and lmdao fuck gender constructs. It almost feels like you have to come out as straight. I feel like I can hide behind that curtain of, OF COURSE WE’RE ALL GAy. We’re from the Internet.
It’s freeing. Fun. I feel like maybe I’m actually being myself. But it feels like an illusion I’m seeing inside the Erised mirror and a dream I’ll waking up from all too soon. It’s not really real a voice whispers. And even as I fall for maybe someone I met online. It’s not really real my mind says. It’s all Just blinking pixels sliding across your screen.
I’m proud of myself the same way I love the softness of my belly and the awkwardness of my limbs. I’m proud of my queerness in the same way I sing obscenely off key lyrics to 1D songs and make nonsensical jabbing motions that I call dancing. Quietly, on my own, and in my room.
Coming out happens over and over again. It happens first with myself and then to the world. It happens when I look in the mirror and stare blankly, wondering if I should bother washing my face or if I could get away with just mouth wash.
It happens when I walk out the door and stare at the disappointingly not blue sky and ugly slushee mixes of sun baked snow and salt and dirt.
It happens in those moments I forget that breathing is supposed to be unconscious and when sleeping becomes horribly difficult. It happens over and over and
It never goes away.
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Character Scenarios
I may not be the most active person on this site, but I am on here enough to do this!
I’ve been thinking about this for a while, and decided -- why the hell not? I love looking too far into character’s behaviors, so what better way to alieviate my fandom-theorizing mind’s craziness than doing scenarios?
I prefer in-cannon, but AU asks are acceptable within reason. 
Shipping asks are also fine, and crossover asks will be squealed over with great enthusiasm. (crossover ask: one character from a particular fandom meeting another from a different series, e.g. Alucard meeting Sebastian [I did a whole fanfiction about that one] etc.) 
Also specializing in the minor-detail asks -- eg. hobbies, interests, etc. 
BEAR IN MIND these will all be personal interpretations based on observation and a whole lot of literary-scale analysis of character development and personality. For non-human characters, my specialty, keep in mind that I study demonology/angelology as a hobby, am going for a zoology major, and have a fairly sociopathic (reliant upon logic, not emotions, and lacking most  human empathy or feelings) interpretation of most demons. If you aren’t prepared for that, I apologize, but it won’t change soon. 
SO, the fandoms/characters I am open to at the moment are:
Black Butler:
Sebastian, (my  non-human specialty in this fandom. I spend way too much free time studying Sebastian.)
Edward (I adore him! also a  human specialty)
Grell (I won’t guarantee 100% in-character-ness on that one, and unless requested otherwise, will refer to him as a he)
William (Yes please! love him!)
Ronald (also, yes!)
Undertaker (another non-human specialty)
From S2:
Claude (with notable interpretation being based on his demon-form, that of a spider. I study all kinds of spiders and keep them as pets, so I know my arachnids. :)). 
Hannah (she is interesting to write, and a more interesting character study for me)
Alois (little brat, but fun as hell to write)
Blue Exorcist: 
Mephisto/Samael (Hell the hell yea -- non-human character specialty)
Amaimon (also a non-human specialty of kinds)
Lucifer (Ehhhhh.....He’s a tough nut to crack, because the way he acts in the manga is 180 degrees away from how he is portrayed in mythology. But I shall try my best to unravel him - if you feel like challenging me, by all means. )
Rin (of course -- I want to call him a human specialty, but he’s not exactly human...)
Yukio (also, spend too much time analyzing this poor sap)
Izumo (eh...not 100% sure on her yet, but I will try.)
Ryuji/Suguro/Bon (human specialty besides Rin)
NOTE: I will not be doing Konekomaru because I frankly don’t like him. Writing him is very hard for me for some reason. I can’t keep him in character to save myself. 
Hellsing Ultimate:
Alucard (surprise, non-human specialty.)
Seras (much more beloved specialty.)
Walter (older or younger is fine, but preferably no vampire-walter. Haven’t figured out that one quite yet.)
Major (guardedly.)
Inuyasha: (just to hop over to another fandom I’m a major part of but which I’ve never posted anything about -- whoo!)
Sesshomaru (it’s no longer surprising. Definite non-human specialty.)
Inuyasha (also a semi-human specialty.)
Kagome (DO NOT ask for Sesshomaru ships! I won’t take them.)
Miroku (human specialty character.)
Sango + her children, if you really want to. 
Shippo (love the little tyke, do ask away!)
Ginta + Hakaku
Naraku + any incarnations he has
Kikyo (this one I am open to more ship asks from, but don’t expect any bashing.)
Basically any other character. I love them all. 
Pandora Hearts: (keep in mind I am still reading the manga! I have finished the anime, but haven’t gotten past that cannon yet. Good potential for crossover asks). 
Xerxes Break/Kevin Regnard (semi-human specialty)
B-rabbit/Alice (non human specialty, the only female one I have!)
Vincent (human specialty...sort of. He’s very fun to write about, but expect things to be dark with that one.)
Cheshire cat (LOVE him)
Alyss/white rabbit 
Yu Yu Hakusho: (another fandom I am deeply involved with but which I never post about -- has fantastic potential for crossover asks)
Kurama/Youko (yup, you guessed it. Specialty.)
Hiei (also specialty.)
Yusuke (semi-human specialty, but I find his character a bit challenging to keep in character). 
Genkai (human specialty)
Sensui (eh...the guy has 7 personalities, so you might have to specify which one he is in.)
Kuronue (the bat demon, yea, that one you all forget existed in the movie canon but which actually would explain a few things about Kurama if he was canon in the series.)
Yomi (another non-human specialty. I’d dare you to ask me to crossover that one into any of the above worlds. He’s very Mephitso-ish in his attitude.) 
Raizen (keeping his actual mythology as a war AND thunder god in mind). 
Mukuro (don’t ask me to do things with her canon past. I don’t appreciate it.)
AND with that, I am done here. 
I would to a Naruto one, but there’s far too many characters on that radar and its been a long time since I finished the series. 
So, to anyone reading this (my whopping 9 followers included) feel free to drop me a scenario ask, a pairing compatibility ask, or a little-things ask (specify hobbies, specific scenarios, etc.)
I may not get to them immediately, but I will get to them!
Thank you. 
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