#shut up lili
lili-loves-whump · 7 months
Little blue birds,
Watch how they sit,
So perfect together,
These puzzle pieces fit.
Little blue birds,
Been there since young,
While the sky is so cloudy,
One held the ladder rung.
Little blue birds,
So far they must fall,
And one catches it's wings,
Barely has time to call.
Little blue bird,
Your friend is now gone,
Sitting above the clouds,
Go fly into morn.
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cyrankaa · 2 months
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this will never NOT be fucking crazy
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homolobotomized · 5 months
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top ten luffy pics ever
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thapunqueen · 1 month
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Since i havent had any time to draw anything in the past month or so heres just a complete DUMP of random fallout shit ive made for yall as a uhhh my bad therell be art soon..maybe
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saintchaser · 1 year
list of things that the marauders fandom made up: a summary
the marauders naming themselves the marauders. there is no evidence for it, and on the map, it is written the marauder's map. the marauder is a synonym of some sorts to rascal, raider
james "fleamont" potter and sirius "orion" black. remus (john) is the only one who has a canon middle name, actually
on that note, lily's middle name. jean, jane, jolene. the only (canon) thing we know about it is that it starts with a j
the personalities of sirius black, james potter, peter pettigrew, remus lupin, lily evans, (characters that have been given little backstory), barty crouch, mary macdonald, (characters that have been mentioned once or twice or, on barty's case, given almost little to no backstory) marlene mckinnon, dorcas meadowes, regulus black, pandora lovegood (literally dead when the series started)
their relationships with each other and the ways that they interact (enemies to lovers dorlene, best friends to lovers marylily, the very exact dynamics between the marauders and other characters, even the dynamic between the black brothers)
grant chapman
all the other marauders era character ocs
almost all of the ships (besides jily and fralice): wolfstar, jegulus, jegulily, nobleflower, marylily, marylene, dorlene, dorlily, pandorcas, rosekiller the list goes on and on
the idea that the prank has been something dramatic that had put a strain on their relationship. sirius seems to be showing no remorse about it whatsoever, remus seems very unbothered
the fact that sirius had long hair before azkaban, too. (he canonically has short hair. moody, in the order picture, described him as "sirius, before he had long hair.")
remus' scars. they are, not once, mentioned or described in canon
remus being a casanova. once again, no canon evidence. the only one of them who seems to have been interesting to the hogwarts population was sirius, who seemed "uninterested"
james and sirius being "dumb". they're one of the only characters in the series, along with hermione granger and a few others, who are described as "exceptionally bright" and "exceptionally smart"
pretty much the whole lore
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theinvisiblemuseum · 1 year
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introducing… evan(s)
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squash1 · 1 year
gentle reminder that the epilogue in greywaren healed the world:
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dubblebubbleibuprofen · 7 months
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Thinking thoughts. Big thoughts.
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my realest disney princess moment was the time a deer chased me onto the open road and i almost got hit by a moving car
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lilyharvord · 4 months
All you hoes claiming Maven is King Ruthless/Angst boy extraordinaire have clearly never met Prince Corrick “I have murdered and tortured many MANY people and have to physically hold myself back so I don’t make the woman I love hopelessly sad even when she’s not around but I will do those things if I have to at the expense of others because I love my brother and will do anything to keep him on the throne and will do vile things to save my skin and the skin of only those I care about” of Kandala and it fucking shows.
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lili-loves-whump · 8 months
one thing that's hilarious to me is how backwards Tumblr is compared to all the other platforms. like think about it. we get a notification anytime someone interacts with our posts so when a post gets popular we aren't celebrating we're like oh shittttt no. like I saw someone reblog a post with about 2k notes saying '#investing 11 notes in #this post will get 10k notes' and the creator literally replied with 'no don't do this to me'. Tumblr is so backwards its very funny in my brain
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padfootastic · 8 months
please say more about jilypad + diverging parenting styles... perhaps even a possible scenario >:) i imagine harry has very cunning tactics for using this to his advantage
helloooooo <3 thank u for this ask bc i love talking about these three and harry. i went looking thru the archives to find this post; my first foray into this side, and really, i’ve never looked back after that.
so i’ve talked ab this a bit before but i fully think that james was a very overprotective ‘mother hen’ type parent. i tend to read his behaviour in lily’s bday letter to sirius as being scared of his child on a broomstick and i fully, fully think he’ll never be able to let go of that as harry grows up. he’ll be anxious and suspicious and paranoid, and his first instant will always be to wrap harry up in cotton wool and hide him away. (i low-key connect this to his childhood as well; going from being spoiled and sheltered to dropped in the middle of a war, black & white thinking, living in extremes etc etc makes it v hard for him to be Normal about his child. as he shouldn’t be, really, but yeah) that’s why he thrives during the initial years; he never minds the hard parts of being a new parent, loves it in fact, and it makes it better that he can keep harry close to him at all times w/o coming off as a helicopter parent (not that the notion bothers him ofc).
it’s good, then, that he has two partners to even the scales, no? i think lily was the most…balanced out of the three. she had a relatively normal childhood, grew up in a working class family/neighbourhood and had to deal w adversity from a young age so she’s developed a nice, thick skin. she also has a sibling with whom she has a v rocky relationship so she knows that kids are, ykno, a bit unhinged. and a little bit of hardship is not a problem. i hc her as needing time to get used to parenthood, unlike james who stepped into it natural as breathing, or even sirius who loved harry on much on first sight that it made up for everything else. ofc lily loved her son, but it didn’t come w the same blinding intensity of her partners and made her feel really shitty in the beginning. but, i think she’d shine during his teen years actually, because she’s not overbearing or intense and becomes the quiet, calm strength that a hormonal, spotty teen boy would probably need.
and sirius <3 our poor baby falls in love with harry, perhaps even more quickly than james, with such startling speed that it shakes his entire foundation. he doesn’t regret it but he’s constantly discombobulated. i also imagine that…it takes him longer to settle into the role of parent, esp bc he’s not biologically one ykno? not like it matters to anyone, ofc, but it takes him a long time to truly accept his authority and place, to believe that he has just as much right as j&l to be there, to parent harry. this has the consequence of him always being more indulgent than the other two; after all, he considered himself a godfather before a parent and a lot of that thinking stayed. he lets harry get away with stuff the others might not (and the little mf figures this out later); some of it also comes from sirius seeing so much shit, and facing so much shit himself, that he rationalises a lot of stuff as ‘well, this isn’t the worst it can be, so what’s the harm’ (because his life has been such a roller coaster that he’s forgotten that not everyone’s like that, if that makes sense?)
its obviously not this clear cut but i imagine harry looks at it like this: if he needs unconditional love, he goes to james; rationality and logic, lily; acceptance and calm, sirius. when someone has to be beat up for hurting harry, james steps in. if he needs help burying a body, it’s sirius. dealing with some asshole boss/teacher/classmate’s mother who’s making harry’s life hell? lily. i can keep going but,,,u get the idea, right? this makes sense, i hope lol
i actually think harry’s first birthday is a great example. sirius pushes the boundaries by gifting lil harry a broom; james loses his mind running after him; lily places an industrial sticking charm on harry’s butt, leans back with a glass of wine, and enjoys the show. even as he grows up, lily and james act as the disciplinarian, and sirius is the emotional outlet. all of them fill in each other’s cracks so well, and it’s only when harry grows up that he realises how effortlessly they worked off each other to parent him.
also oh man o man. harry being cunning is,,,,,see, i’ve not considered it this far but it makes perfect sense. i think canon harry actually had so much manipulative energy and it’s often overlooked for his goofier traits but! this is the same dude who used his dead parents to trick slughorn into revealing sensitive info! imagine if that could be channelled into his jilypad interactions 😈
it’s like, it takes him a bit, because his three parents r so smooth, but once he realises that all of them have certain weak spots, he does NOT hesitate to exploit them. (it has the unintended consequence of truly strengthening the jilypad relationship into an unbreakable one bc one thing their kid taught them is to have ironclad communication going at all times so nothing they’ve said, or not said, is used against them). so like, he knows if he wants to sneak out to a party, it has to be sirius and in a specific way—‘i’ll be totally safe, papa, plus i really wanna see what it’s like and idk when it’ll get a chance to again’. if he widens his eyes to pitiful levels, pouts a little, and blinks faster than usual, then james is putty in his arms as long as he’s separated from the other two. divide and conquer becomes the main tool in harry’s arsenal, actually. lily’s the toughest nut to crack, purely bc she doesn’t run on emotions or irreverence, but harry soon learns that if he comes up with a solid, logical case that proves his argument has unbiased merit then he has a good chance of getting her to say yes. (this is good, bc u can arrange words in the correct order, but u can’t always control emotions)
so overall yeah, you’d think one kid + 3 parents would be an easy bet, but harry keeps them on their toes all the fkn time.
#sirius black#james potter#lily evans#jilypad#harry potter#i knew before i even started this that it would be ridiculously long lmao#i just cannot bring myself to shut up#wrt lily and harry’s baby years#i feel v v strongly ab motherhood not coming naturally to her#and becoming a very sore point for her. bc she sees james and sirius and she keeps blaming herself for being an unfeeling robot#when she’s not. she just thinks more logically than them and doesn’t feel as strongly. that doesn’t make her a bad mother#and no matter what j & s say a small part of always thinks like that. until the teen years. and suddenly the dynamics r reversed#bruh i think i need help it’s not even funny how not hinged i am for this trio lmao#there also! padfoot!#a while ago i wrote a lil thing. but i fully believe that whenever harry was emotionally distraught he’d actually go to padfoot#bc he needed someone to just. sit. and be there. while he’s processed emotions#and lily would be too ruthlessly logical and james would be fretting and trying to fix it and sirius would panic. just a little.#but padfoot is a warm comforting weight agains this side and he just lets him be. it’s grounding.#so harry always. without fail. does that#it’s actually 3.5 parents lmao#i do wonder what their parenting fights would about if any. hmmmm. my glasses are too rose tinted for me to consider it#a thought for another day#anyway. hope this endless rambling made sense! and that u liked it!#would love to hear ur thoughts too <3#pen’s notes#pen’s asks
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mothbart · 1 month
day 12 of kolowv: day 11
my baby @theapocryphaofantares's birthday is in eleven days, and because i love him with all my heart he gets a small microfic every day until he gets his big present on his actual birthday.
day 11: climb | bartylily | words 2,631
Lily Evans has never felt so lonely and disappointed until now.
It’s her sixteenth birthday, and she’s standing outside in a short, black mini-skirt and a tight, light-green t-shirt that she stole from her sister. Her face isn’t really caked with makeup, but it’s definitely there because Lily wants to wipe away the thin layer of foundation her sister put on. The pastel pink winter jacket that she has on isn’t exactly keeping her warm while she waits for her date to show up.
She wishes that she had come up with some backup plan—something just in case this date fell through. Her best friend, Mary Macdonald warned her that James Potter was a flake, but she had been crushing on him since they both got into high school. She never thought that James would ask her out, so of course when James offered to take her out, she couldn’t say no. However, she was too scared to tell him that the day he picked was her birthday. She didn’t want him to feel any pressure, but she regrets it. She’s been standing outside for thirty minutes past the time James said he’d pick her up. Maybe she should’ve said something—maybe then he wouldn’t have stood her up.
She pulls out her cell phone again, making sure she didn’t miss a text from him or something, and she frowns when she sees the only notification is from Mary asking if she’s having a fun time.
It’s face-numbing cold outside, and she contemplates going back inside, but then she looks over at the house next door. Through the branches and leaves of the large sycamore tree that sits in her yard and her neighbor’s yard, she sees Barty Crouch Jr. pacing back and forth in front of his window.
She wonders what Barty is doing at home on a Saturday. Typically he’s always sneaking out and coming home in the early hours of the morning the next day, so seeing him home on the weekend is a bit shocking. She and Barty used to be close when they were younger—they’d spend hours upon hours with each other, doing whatever they possibly could. The world seemed to be their oyster during that time. Each day was new, shiny, and exciting—but now?
If Lily were to pry an oyster open now, there wouldn’t be a pearl inside. It would be a common pebble because Lily’s world is boring, dull, unappealing. She would do anything to feel that new and shiny feeling again, but the only person she’d felt that with was the boy that is currently hanging out in his bedroom next door.
She’s not sure what she’s doing—she’s finding herself going over to her mother’s garden, picking out some tiny rocks, and putting them in her coat pocket. She walks over to the sycamore tree and she looks up, trying to analyze which branches would hold her weight and which ones wouldn’t. She takes a moment before reaching up and grabbing the branch that’s above her and pulls herself up. She dangles her legs a little bit, and it occurs to her that she’s wearing a short skirt. When she gets on the branch, she looks around and a sigh of relief leaves her when the street is still empty.
If she climbs a few more branches, she’ll be fine and won’t have to worry about flashing someone.
So that’s exactly what she does.
She navigates her way through climbing the tree, and her upper arms are burning from all the pulling up she’s been doing. Her hands are sticky from sap and she wants to wipe them on her skirt but she thinks that’ll make the feeling of it worse. She reaches out to the branch that’s starting to cross over to the Crouch yard and carefully climbs on it, trying not to slip from how wet the branch is.
Once she’s on the branch that’s right outside of Barty’s window, she reaches into her pocket, pulls out the few rocks that she grabbed from before, and starts to toss them on the glass. After the third rock, she sees Barty come up to the window, and when they make eye contact, she gives him a soft smile and a small wave.
He looks so different now. His black hair is a bit more shaggier and there are bits and pieces of it that are dyed green. He has his lip pierced and his eyebrow pierced, and Lily isn’t surprised that it suits him. He’s staring at her, confused, but he still opens up the window.
“Lily?” Barty asks, and his voice is lower than the last time she remembers it. “What are you doing?”
“Climbing a tree?” She replies, shrugging. “What are you doing?”
“Uh,” Barty looks behind him and looks back at her. “Nothing, I guess.”
“Come outside,” she says.
“It’s cold.”
“So? Put on a jacket.”
Barty rolls his eyes and walks away from the window, and Lily waits patiently before Barty comes back with a black, raggedy-looking hoodie and starts to climb out of his window dormer. He carefully slides down a couple of inches of the roof before he sits down and shuffles his body over on the branch. Lily moves closer to the crown of the tree and tries to make herself comfortable, a branch in between her legs. Barty mimics her, swinging a leg over the branch and they’re just staring at each other. She hasn’t seen Barty this up close in a while, and even though she was able to see the piercings on his face from when he was in his room, she can see the small brown freckles littered across his nose and cheeks.
“What are you doing out here wearing an outfit like that?” He asks.
“I had a date,” she tells him.
“How was it?”
“Oh, I wouldn’t know,” she replies. “He never came.”
Barty frowns and crosses his arms, and he shivers just a little. “Who was it?”
“James,” she answers. “You know, James Potter—”
“Yeah,” Barty says, cutting her off. “Yeah, I know Potter.”
“How are you?”
“So we’re doing small talk now, are we?” Barty asks, staring at her. “Why did you ask me out here, Lils?”
Lils. The nickname has never sounded so sweet and she missed hearing it come out of his mouth.
“I just wanted to talk—catch up,” she says.
“You haven’t talked to me in years.”
“My momma told me not to,” she says, her voice quieter. “She said that you were trouble now.”
“Did she?” He asked, his voice monotone. “And you listened?”
“You didn’t make much of an effort to talk to me either, Barty.”
“We’re not kids anymore,” he says. “You have your friends and I have mine.”
“But we were each others.”
“When we were kids, Lily,” he reiterates.
“Come on,” she pushes. “Just catch me up.”
And so Barty does. There are some things that he’s hesitant to tell her, like his friendships with the Rosier twins, the younger Black brother, and Dorcas Meadowes. He tells her that his dad is starting to travel more for work now, and since he has the house to himself more he doesn’t feel the need to sneak out.
“Where would you go?” She asks.
“Out,” is his reply.
He tells her how his classes are going—he’s taking AP classes and he’s not worried about the tests at the end of the year. He tells her that his dad is still pushing him to apply to Harvard but he’s still not sure.
“Why are you not sure?”
“It’s not what my mom wanted for me,” he says. And Lily pauses for a moment because she sees the flash of pain in his eyes before he turns his head and looks over at the street. “She wanted Duke.”
“So will you apply?”
“Probably,” he replies. “What about you?”
“I don’t know yet,” she sighs. “Petunia wants me to follow her to Stanford if she gets in but I just don’t think I’m a person that screams California.”
“You might like it,” he says, finally looking back at her. “I remember that you like warm weather.”
“True,” she says, laughing a little. “We’ll see, I still have time.”
“Tell me about your life.”
And so she does. She does the same thing: tells him about her classes and the newfound friendships that she built. She explains that her sister leaves next year for college and she’s nervous but she thinks she’ll survive. Once she finishes, they both sit there in silence and they both look over at the empty street. They can hear the street lamps humming and Lily just wants to know—just wants to ask—
“Have you ever kissed anyone?”
“Have you kissed anyone?” She repeats.
“Yeah, I have.”
“What’s it like?” She asks, her face getting warm. She’s thankful it’s dark enough that Barty can’t see the blush creeping on her cheeks.
“Kissing someone?”
“Uh,” Barty takes a second before saying more. “It’s wet, kind of gross. Sometimes it’s fine. I don’t know, Lils,” he says. “It’s—it’s not how it’s hyped in movies. So far everyone has been disappointing.”
“Maybe you just haven’t kissed the right person yet,” she offers.
“I mean, we’re sixteen,” he snorts. “I don’t think I’m really looking for the ‘right one,’” he says, using air quotes.
“Oh,” she breathes out.
“Wait,” he says, and Lily can practically see the wheels turning in his head. “You haven’t been kissed before, have you?”
“Well—I mean—”
“Doesn’t surprise me,” he says.
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“You’re, like, a goody two shoes,” he answers.
“Yeah, well, sorry I’m not kissing every person I see,” she bites back.
“What is that supposed to mean?” He mocks, scooting closer to Lily. She tries to back herself up, but her back is already against the crown of the tree and she’s trapped. “Kissing isn’t as scandalous as you think it is.”
“Then show me,” she replies, but she smacks her mouth once she realizes what she just said. Barty’s look of defensiveness turns into him smiling. She’s already started this, she might as well finish it. “If it’s so bad and awful like you say it is, then show me so I know to never kiss anyone in my life.”
“Lily,” he says, laughter falling from his lips. “What?”
“It’s my birthday,” she says, frowning, trying to change the subject.
“I know.”
“You haven’t said happy birthday yet.”
“I haven’t said happy birthday to you in years.”
“You can make it up to me, you know,” she says, her voice soft. She wants to smack herself in the face because she needs to quit trying to egg him on. She just can’t help but find herself staring at Barty’s lips and admiring the way that he had been playing with his lip ring while they’ve been sitting out here.
“How?” He asks. “By kissing you?”
“Yeah,” she breathes out. The churning that’s happening in her stomach is intense—her heart is beating fast and she licks her lips because she doesn’t want to kiss Barty if her lips are dry.
“Okay,” he replies. “I’ll kiss you.”
“Wait,” she says, sitting up straighter. She moves her legs a little bit because they’ve started to fall asleep, and the pokiness of some of the branches starts to ache on her thighs. “Wait, how do I do this?”
“Don’t overthink it,” he answers. Barty gets even closer to Lily, their legs touching and it’s the first bit of warmth that Lily has felt since she first started waiting for James to pick her up. Barty leans in, and Lily’s eyes widen and she starts to shake her head, a smile breaking out on her face.
She starts to laugh.
“Why are you laughing?” He asks, rolling his eyes. Their faces are still close together, and Lily can’t help it.
“Sorry—sorry,” she says in between laughs. She finally calms down, but the butterflies in her stomach are still fluttering around. “I’m just nervous.”
“No, no, I’m ready,” she says with confidence. “I can do it.”
Barty stares at her, reading her, trying to make sure that she’s actually comfortable with what’s about to happen. Lily nods her head, indicating that she’s ready. So he leans in again, and Lily holds her breath because she’s about to kiss Barty Crouch Jr. and she feels like she’s dreaming.
His lips are on hers, and it’s cold yet her body feels hot. The kiss lasts for only a few seconds before Barty pulls away, and they’re both looking at each other with flushed cheeks.
“So—” Lily cuts off Barty by grabbing his face and kissing him again. This time it’s all messy and teeth hitting each other and it’s almost full of desperation that Lily didn’t even know existed in her. It takes a moment before they find a rhythm with their lips, but once they do, Lily finds herself letting out a small gasp when she feels one of Barty’s hands on her bare thigh. His hands are cold and calloused but she’s enjoying this and she’s addicted to this.
Addicted to kissing. Addicted to touching. Addicted to Barty.
They pull apart, heavily breathing and shoulders heaving.
“Satisfied?” He asks, grinning.
“You lied,” Lily says.
“What do you mean?”
“You told me that it was wet and gross and nothing like how it is in the movies,” she explains. Confusion is still on his face and Lily sighs. “It was more than that.”
“More wet and gross?”
“No,” she says. “It was perfect.”
And Barty—he just laughs at her, sliding his hand off of her thigh. It’s music to her ears.
“You know,” he says, once he stops laughing. “I missed you.”
“I missed you, too,” she replies.
They enjoy each other’s company in silence for a couple of minutes, both of them smiling but not looking at each other. Lily doesn’t want to look at him because she’s going to want to kiss him again.
“Come on,” he says. “Go inside. It’s fucking freezing out here.”
The two of them climb their way down the tree, and Lily isn’t sure why Barty is following her down considering he could’ve just slid over to the roof of his house. Once they make it on the ground, Lily brushes her legs and her arms are burning from the workout that she just had to do from climbing up and climbing down this stupid sycamore tree.
They stand in front of each other, and Barty brings his hand up to her face and touches her cheek before tucking a piece of her red hair behind her ear.
“I’ll see you around, Evans,” he says. Lily watches Barty turn around and walk away from her, and when she sees him walk back inside his house, she presses her sticky, sappy fingers on her lips and she smiles.
Not bad for a first kiss.
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zombie-bland-saga · 1 year
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We did it, we got the funny Lily image posted again
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celticcatgirl2 · 28 days
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“…oh yeah and throw in some meow mix for my friends too….”
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oh-katsuki · 4 months
Office au Katsuki where you’re fuck buddies with Deku. Deku let’s Katsuki in on it one day, and now he can’t get the idea of it out of his head. How it should be him. Who knows, maybe Deku would let him share
oh CHRIST. after he finds out, katsuki starts to notice you and izuku's office interactions. watches the way you two converse so casually, the little touches, the way you laugh at his jokes and get flustered when he does.
katsuki jealously wonders how it works. you're both (seemingly) just a little shy of bold. he can't help but picture the way the two of you might sneak into a closet in the office and paw anxiously at each other's clothes. warm and flushed faces only inches apart. sharing the body heat of embarrassment and need. yeah, that really won't do.
of course, seeing it in the office now, he sort of wonders how he didn't see it earlier.
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