#sick scarlett
lyak12 · 2 years
i luved ur recent nat fick! I have an idea for another a fick with scarlett and reader but only if you like this idea
so maybe reader is also an actress and has to film a scene in water but doesnt dry off afterward and ends up getting like the flu/cold and then Scarlett is also a producer and is now all worried because she personally didnt think the scene was necessary for the movie but now reader is sick from it so she takes her back to the trailer to sleep. ♥️
no presure though, luv ur work so much 😙
A/N: Thanks so much anny for this req and I'm sooo sorry that it took me so long write. I know you've send it a while ago.. however I really hope you like it. It's not as long as I would've hoped but I hope it'll do:)
Warnings: non just fluff:)
Unnecessary cold
Word count: 763
Summary: you catch a cold through some unnecessary circumstances
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You had been discussing this scene with Scarlett for days already. While she thought it was not necessary for the movie, you were excited to shoot it.
You have been working on this new action movie with Scarlett for a few weeks already, and it has been great so far. It wasn’t often that you got to work on the same set as your wife. While she was playing the other lead role, she was also one of the executive producers.
„Scarlett it’s gonna be so much fun“, was what you told her. However, the water you were meant to crawl out of was freezing. It didn’t bother you too much as you shot the scene, but you never got the time to dry off afterward since you immediately continued shooting.
The next day, you felt the consequences of that. You woke up with your head pounding, your nose completely stuffed up, and your throat felt like you were swallowing razor blades. As you turned around to bury your head into Scarletts chest, you found her side of the bed empty. Lifting your head confused, you could see her side of the bed made as good as she could and find a little note on her pillow.
Hey Baby,
You looked so peaceful, I didn’t have the heart to wake you.
I’m on set already. I see you later.
I love you so much
Scarly xx
You couldn’t help but smile, almost forgetting how miserable you were feeling for a second. Peeling yourself out of bed, you get yourself presentable and make your way to set. In hair and makeup, you realize how bad you were actually looking. You’re so pale that the makeup artist had to put on an extra load of makeup and bronzer just to make you look somewhat healthy. You apologized to her, but she just smiled sadly, giving your shoulder a warming squeeze.
Coughing your way through dressing into your costume, you honestly never hated it more. Your corset like top that used to be only slightly uncomfortable was making it really hard to breathe now.
By the time you finally got to set you were ready to go home already. The fever you were probably running was making you slightly woozy and you just felt miserable. Eventhough you were trying not to show it, Scarlett immediately could tell.
Usually Scarlett rarely broke character however as she saw you she just stopped talking and walked up to you.
“Baby, are you okay?”, she asked, worried. “Scar, what about the scene?”, you asked instead of answering her question before coughing into your elbow harshly. She turned to the director and said “See I told you that scene yesterday was shit!”. You were surprised to see her getting so angry immediately, but she was very protective over you.
Placing a hand on your stomach over your corset, you try to take a deep breath, only partly successful. She saw that you were struggling, so she said “Come on let’s get you to the trailer. You need to rest”, she said, but you wouldn’t just give in. “But what about the schedule? I’m okay”, you say but are immediately wrecked with coughs again. “Oww”, you mumble, grabbing your throat. The cough only making your throat hurt even more. “Yeah, you’re in no state to film. Come on, let's go”, she said and laid a hand on your back, guiding you back to the trailer. You stopped her shortly and turned away from her, sneezing into your elbow.
“Bless you darling”, she said gently and rubbed over your back. Making your way to the trailer, you realize how exhausted you were. Maybe Scarlett was right. You needed to lay down. Once inside, she closed the door and said “Turn around Baby”. You did as you were told, and she opened up your corset, you finally being able to breathe a bit better. Once she helped you get changed, you leaned heavily against her. She kissed your forehead, seeing the caked on makeup on your face. She picked you up and carried to the small bathroom. Sitting you down next to the sink, she grabbed a makeup wipe and gently started to wipe off your makeup.
You were already falling asleep at her gentle touch. Once she cleaned your face with some cleanser, she also applied some moisturizer and carried you to the small bed. You were deeply asleep at that point, and Scarlett couldn’t help but smile at you.
After placing a kiss on your forehead, she whispered “Sleep well, baby. I love you so much”.
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goldenempyrean · 2 years
Empyrean’s Advent: Day 1
Prompt: “Im too busy to have a cold right now!”
Pairing: Sick Scarlett Johansson x Reader
Wordcount: 928
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“No. Scarlett, Im coming to pick you up, that’s final.” You said sternly as you ended the ongoing call, shoving your phone into your back-pocket as you began to search for your keys.  You berated yourself for not insisting harder that Scarlett should’ve stayed home today but as always, she had been stubborn. You paced around your kitchen, searching in all your drawers for your keys before finally finding them nestled at the side of your fruit bowl. You were about to leave when you noticed the box of on the countertop. You paused for a second before grabbing them and tucking them under your arm as you walked to the door. Locking the door to your house behind you, you headed to your car, setting the tissue box on the backside behind you. You sighed, shaking your head as you turned on the ignition as you pulled out of your driveway, setting off on the journey to the Outset office. Luckily it was only a thirty minute drive to the office meaning it didn’t take you long to get there. You managed to park just outside the main doors, and you headed inside, receiving brief ‘hellos’ and understanding nods as you entered and made your way up towards Scarlett’s office. As you stepped into the office you immediately noticed the unusual darkness. The blinds had been drawn and the main light had been turned off, meaning you had to squint to be able to make out the outline of your wife. Scarlett was sitting on the floor, her back leaning against a small sofa with her laptop set ontop of her legs, the dim screen being the only source of illumination in the room. You flicked the light-switch and immediately regretted your action; seeing Scarlett wince at the shining brightness. “Sorry baby.” You said quietly as came to sit on the sofa she was leaning on, sitting behind her. “That was turned off for a reason.” Scarlett grumbled, her voice hoarse and broken. Rubbing her wrist under her nose, she sniffed loudly before turning to look at you, “I told you not to come.” “And I said I was going too anyway; you shouldn’t have come in today.” You said as you ran your hand through her hair, gently massaging her scalp. As your eyes adjusted to the darkness, you noticed the tissues scattered around Scarlett, the empty box sitting off to the side. “You ready to go home?” You asked, your tone taking on a sympathetic edge hearing Scarlett muffle a raspy cough into her elbow. She huffed, turning to you with an annoyed expression, “I can't just go home Y/N, have you seen how much I need to do? The whole office is swamped-“She only paused to clear her throat, wincing as she trailed her fingers down the outside of her neck, “ Im too busy to have a cold right now!” Her last point almost came out in a sob, and she let the back of her head fall back against your knee. You sighed. Her business chaotic at the moment so her point wasn’t entirely untrue. With the rapid approach of Christmas, the business had taken on a heavy marketing strategy, one which meant Scarlett was required to come in at the office more and more, meaning her already crammed schedule only getting busier by the day. “I know you’re busy baby, but it's nothing your team can't handle, you have sick days for a reason. You’re sick.” You paused, softening your tone, not wanting to irritate her headache any further, “You could even work from home if you’re feeling up to it but you should really be in bed.” You  said, offering her a compromise.  
Truthfully you disliked the thought of her going home just to work remotely. All you wanted her to do was rest so she could sleep off whatever bug she’d come down with. But at this point you would’ve said anything if it would improve your chances of convincing Scarlett to come home. Scarlett seemed to mull your decision over, rubbing at her heavy eyes with the sleeves of her baggy cardigan. She must’ve irritated her nose somehow, as moments later Scarlett sneezed twice down into her elbow. “Hh’itshhiew! HhH-tshhh!” She blindly reached over for the tissue box, groaning she realised the box was empty. “Bless you, theres some tissues in the car.” You cooed, standing up and offering your hand out to her as you gently encouraged her, “Come on, we both know you’ll feel way better if you let me take you back home sweetie.” She sighed heavily she nodded, quickly scooping up the tissues surrounding her. With a content look on your face, you reached over and grabbed the small trashcan from under her desk, holding it out so she could throw them away. Scarlett sniffed but gave you a small grateful smile before closing the lid of her laptop and accepting your hand offered hand. You helped her up, pulling her into a hug as she got to her feet, “Come on sweetie, you’ll be home soon, I promise.” You murmured softly before she turned away to dampen the sound of another painful cough into her sleeve. She turned back to you, her eyes slightly watery now and her fingers interlocked with yours as you lead her from the room, and you couldn’t stop yourself from turning your head to the side to kiss her cheek. “Thank you for coming to get me.” She whispered quietly as she returned the gesture. “Anytime my love.”
✧*̥˚ Taglist! *̥˚✧  @somber-sapphic @lyak12 @natashamyl0ve @ceiestiaie @scrambled-brain-eggs @santana1437 @lovethewhumps @likefirenrain
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Off Day Or Day Off
Summary: Reader has a bad day due to a chronic illness they struggle with (POTS). Luckily Lizzie and Scarlett look after her.
Tw: headache, mild pots, exhaustion / fatigue, pain medicine, mentions of passing out
Words: 2129
A/n sorry for such a long absence I got diagnosed with POTS so I have been in and out of the hospital for appointments for the past few weeks. So, this fic is kinda just me projecting. Also, POTS stands for Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (for those who don’t know). Let me know if you want a part 2.
You knew today was going to be hard when you opened your eyes to see your alarm had already been going off for a good half hour.
Whilst not something that was unusual for you, it did pose some insight into how the rest of the day may go. Taking a deep breath, you gathered the strength to sit up, still feeling exhausted to your bones and wanting nothing more than to lay back down and keep sleeping.
Reaching out to smack the alarm in order to finally get it to shut up, it took a few tries to finally hit the button.
You were tired despite having slept over the recommended eight hours. You were tired when you woke up and you had no doubt you would be tired when you went to sleep.
Swinging your legs over the edge of the bed you braced yourself to stand up. Once on your feet you stayed upright for a good half a second before sitting back down hard.
Yep, today was an off day.
Trying again you managed to stick the landing this time, but still had to pause to wait for the patches in your vision to clear up first before doing anything.
You were vaguely aware of a dull ache in your temples and a general feeling of malaise and fatigue across your whole body.
You leant against the wall of your bedroom while pulling on some fresh pant and swapping out your pyjama shirt for a clean and presentable top.
You fought to stay upright while hopping around to stick the socks over your cold feet.
Throwing your notebook and pencil case into your backpack before pulling your laptop off the charge you added it to your bag and slung it over your shoulder, not bothering to do up the zip just yet.
Scanning the room your eyes caught on the small medical pouch were you had left it the day before. Groaning you circled back to grab it and triple check it was stocked with extra electrolyte packets before tossing it into your already full bag.
Your footsteps were heavy on the stairs as you plodded down to the kitchen, the voices of your little sister and mother only seeming to aggravate your growing headache.
You gripped the railing as you descended the stairs just in case your fatigue flared anymore than it already had.
As you shuffled into the kitchen you distantly listened to your mum wish you a good morning. Feeling tired and slightly annoyed at the whole situation you mumbled something incoherent back to her.
Scarlett had been your mother for almost ten years now after the adoption had gone through. You had met on the set for one of her earlier marvel films and due to your less-than-ideal situation and close bond with the actress she had adopted you.
It hadn’t been until a few months into living with her that she begun to take notice of your fatigue and various other issues. She had been with you every step of the process to get diagnosed and despite your fears she had stayed by your side.
You had been managing your tachycardia for a long time now and the symptoms of POTS weren’t as intense as they once were. However, from time to time you still had flare up which caused you a lot of heart ache and suffering.
As you slid into your place at the kitchen table Scarlett set down a plate of bacon and toast for you whilst she continued listening to the constant chatter stemming from your younger sister.
Scarlett nodded along with Rose’s story as she observed you closely. She had noted something was off almost straight away and knew you were doing your best to keep up a front.
It was Scarlett’s day off and as such she was tasked with taking Rose to school as Colin had headed into work early for a meeting with the writers.
You weren’t too interested in the food your mother had given you. Despite loving bacon and usually chomping it down with gusto you felt gross and tired.
Scarlett took note of your slow pace and droopy eyes as she took roses dishes back to the sink and loaded them into the dishwasher.
Scarlett had been trying to help you get better at advocating for yourself by simply making you ask for her help. She hoped it would help you speak up for yourself more now that you had more recognised needs. However, she also knew when to step in and simply help if you didn’t ask first.
She frowned at the sight of your backpack slung over the back of the chair knowing full well she didn’t want you going to uni if you were unwell.
As you continued to poke at your food with a fork and a bored expression that barely masked the exhaustion Scarlett sent rose to get dressed.
“Alright munchkin, what’s going on?” Scarlett said sitting down next to you.
“‘M fine mum. Just tired, I didn’t sleep well.” You grumbled still mining away at the edge of the slightly burnt toast with your fork.
Scarlett frowned as she knew you had been asleep before ten after she had poked her head in at around nine fifty to see if you were up.
“In that case maybe you should stay home today and get some rest sweetheart.” Scarlett said softly.
“No. No, I’m ok.” You said shaking your head which wasn’t a great idea as the patches reappeared in your vision.
“Alright.” Scarlett said admitting defeat for now. “I have to take rose to school; do you need a lift to uni?” She asked and you nodded pushing away the full plate of food. “Ok then come get your shoes on.”
You nodded again and stood. Just as she had expected Scarlett watched as you swayed on your feet slightly, blinking rapidly to try and clear your vision as your hand blindly reached for the table to provide the support you needed dot stay upright.
“Alright. No.” Scarlett said. “Definitely not. You’re staying here sweet girl.”
“But i’m-“ you begun only to be cut off.
“If the next words out of your mouth are “I’m fine.” I’ll make you take the whole week off.” Scarlett said and your lips snapped shut. “Go make yourself comfortable on the couch, I’ll have lizzie come stay with you while I’m out. She has the day off too and before you start, I’m sure she would like to spend the time with you.” Scarlett said before you could protest hindering the younger actresses schedule with your change of plans.
Before you could protest Scarlett gave you a look that kept the words in your throat from leaving.
“You’re not a problem y/n. Lizzie loves to spend time with you, and it makes her feel better to be able to help you out. Plus, I don’t want to leave you here alone in case you need something or pass out.” She said sternly but kindly.
“But I haven’t passed out before.” You grumbled.
“There’s a first time for everything.” Scarlett said. “Now go get comfy while I call Lizzie.” She said pressing a kiss to your head and giving you a light shove in the direction of the living room.
As you settled into a small nest on the couch you begun scrolling through Disney plus before settling on something to watch. You heard Scarlett talking on the phone in the kitchen before she appeared and handed you a water bottle which no doubt was filled with electrolytes. She spoke to Lizzie for a bit longer before coming back once the call was done.
“Drink.” She instructed, nodding to the bottle in your lap. “Lizzie will be over soon. I have to take rose in and then we can have a movie day and see if Lizzie wants to join us.”
“Ok.” You mumbled feeling bad for ruining everyone’s plans.
“None of that. We love you and we would rather spend the day making you feel better than knowing you’re not ok and doing what we planned.” Scarlett said as she picked up roses backpack and grabbed her trainers from the doorway.
Rose came and hugged you goodbye before continuing her endless chatter about something or other as she and Scarlett disappeared out the doorway. Scarlett blowing you a kiss as she left.
Snuggling down into the blankets you felt your eyelids droop as the show played on in the background.
What couldn’t have been more than five minutes later the doorbell rang before the door opened. You knew Lizzie had a a key, but she always rung the doorbell before she let herself in just to let you know it was her.
You heard the door shut and the sound of her taking off her shoes before she came upstairs.
“Y/n?” She called out as she walked down the hallway.
“In here.” You said barely shouting.
A moment later Lizzie entered the room, her face looking a little sad at the sight of you all bundled up and sleepy, your arms wrapped around your water bottle as your eyes drifted shut.
“Hiii.” You mumbled quietly.
“Hi sweet girl. Oh, look at you, it’s not a good day, is it?” She asked as she took the seat beside you on the couch.
“No.” You huffed as you shuffled over into her side.
Lizzie’s hands went straight to your hair as she brushed her fingers through it. She guided your head to her lap and gently began braining locks of your hair. The feeling of her fingers on your scalp relaxed you as your eyes fluttered shut.
“Have some more to drink first baby, then you can have a nap, okay?” She said helping you sit up and sip some of the electrolyte drink before guiding you back to her lap as her hands took their place back in your hair.
It didn’t take long for you to fall asleep again.
The next time you woke up Lizzie’s hand was still gently massaging your head which was helping with the now whopping headache you had. You shifted slightly prompting Lizzie to look down from the show she had put on and see you were awake.
“Hi sweetheart, how are we feeling love?” She asked softly.
“Headache, tired and lousy.” You mumbled turning your face into her stomach making her chuckle softly at your cuteness.
“That’s no good.” She said frowning now she registered your words. “Want me to get your mum to bring some Panadol and a snack?” She asked and you nodded into her stomach.
Lizzie gently reached down and placed her hands over your ears to shield you from the noise as she began calling out to Scarlett who you hadn’t noticed return.
“Scar car you bring y/n/n some Panadol and a snack!” She called and you faintly heard your mum’s response before Lizzie was prompting you to drink some more of the electrolyte drink in your water bottle.
“Sorry I know this wasn’t what you two wanted to do on ur day off” you said to both actresses when Scarlett came in with some cupcakes, she and rose had baked the day before and a strip of Panadol.
“Honey…” Lizzie said looking sad. “I’ll always be here when you need me.” She said softly.
“Yeah, I can’t get rid of you.” Scarlett joked making all three of you laugh.
When you winced at the noise Scarlett went straight to mum mode as she popped out two of the tablets and put them in your hand before nodding to the water bottle.
“Alright, what are we watching?” Scarlett asked situating herself on your other side and pulling your legs into her lap, so you were laid across the two of them.
“Whatever y/n/n wants.” Lizzie said chucking the remote to you.
“I’m thinking marvel.” You grinned making both women groan in protest.
You put on age of ultron and barely twenty minutes in Lizzie’s gentle head scratches had lulled you back into the arms of sleep.
POTS was hard to live with but with all the people in your life supporting you it was bearable.
Part 2
@barbarasstar @charlie56
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mapis-putellas · 18 days
Natasha Romanoff/ Scarlett Johansson masterlist
Skin to skin
Such childish comforts
Emotional support bunny
Five times you find an excuse to carry Natasha and the one time she asks
The sick assassin
Accidents happen
Trust in me
Unconventional comfort
Tender moments
Clingy snuggles
The sleepy assassin
Cold as ice
Hot soup and massages
What we left behind Pt.2
Let me help you
Everything’s gonna be okay Pt.2
You don’t have to hide
I love everything about you
Let me take care of you
My poor sick baby
Touch starved
I’ll keep you warm
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dynamitekansai · 2 months
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WWE RAW (AUGUST 5, 2024)
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scarlettjskipper · 10 months
Guys. Guys.
Genshin Asougi held Klint van Zieks' will (and testament) in his soul (Karuma).
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isthataraccoon · 4 months
stop I just saw 2 posts one after the other on Julian/jacks and Jesper/Kaz and no offense but those are the most VILE ships 😭😭😭
edit: I just saw a Wylan/matthias post. Kaz/jesper is FINE I’ll live but WYLAN/MATTHIAS?!!!!!!
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dynamic-k · 8 days
I think I'm on the mend finally-
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moviehealthcommunity · 2 months
Fly Me to the Moon (2024)
This is a Movie Health Community evaluation. It is intended to inform people of potential health hazards in movies and does not reflect the quality of the film itself. The information presented here has not been reviewed by any medical professionals.
Fly Me to the Moon has several scenes of cameras flashing from all directions during press events. These scenes can and do begin unpredictably, with the flashes beginning instantly in most of these scenes. The third production company logo has some strobe effects in its animation.
All of the camera work is very smooth. One shot slowly rolls forward so that by the end of it, the camera is upside-down, which may be disorienting.
There is some very brief use of handheld camera work with mild shaking, but most of the runtime of this film uses stationary or very smooth camera work. There is some brief action at extreme heights.
Flashing Lights: 6/10. Motion Sickness: 2/10.
TRIGGER WARNING: Real-life audio of an event in which three astronauts were killed is heard, and the incident is discussed extensively.
Video ID: Admin Brandon's review and evaluation of Fly Me to the Moon
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marrymeganondorf · 9 months
Can someone give ne motivation to play totk and splatoon. I've been rlly sick and unmotivated to do anything..
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King of Battle and Blood by Scarlett St. Clair, 402 pages, published November 30th 2021 - 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
This book has been on my tbr since it was announced by scarlet. After loving her Hades and Persephone books I was excited to see where she’d go with something that in my mind had more leeway since it was less of a story that’s been set in stone. Yet when it came out I was in a huge slump and decided to wait to read it, fast forward to December of 2022 and vampires have finally started to sound appealing again.. and my go to was to pick up this book and dive headfirst, which is exactly what I did and I loved it!! This was a perfect book to read to just get my mind off the stresses the prep for the holidays was giving me and to just escape into a good enemies to lovers action. I will say I’m excited for Queen of Myths and Monsters which is out now, yet it will likely be a little bit before I pick it up. Adrian and Isolde are going to literally drag me into war with them and I need to be prepared.
“All of the stars in the sky are not as bright as my love for you.”
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lyak12 · 2 years
Exhausted Badass
Summary: Scarlett is sick but still goes to work like the badass she is. After an exhausted day you take care of her.
Word count: 786
A/N: This is just a little drabble to hopefully get rid of the writers blog that won't leave my side at the moment. Thanks @goldenempyrean for giving me the idea and helping me out.
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It was almost 8 pm as the front door first opened and then closed again followed by the tired voice of your wife saying "Honey, I'm home". "In the kitchen", you shouted back and wait for her to come to you. You were just preparing dinner for the both of you, her favorite soup since she was still recovering from a pretty bad cold. As you saw the exhausted form of your wife making her way to you coughing you couldn't help but smile sadly.
Opening your arms you let her cuddle into you and held her close, rubbing her back soothingly. You weren't a fan of her working already, since her fever just broke the day before but you also knew that Scarlett was a badass. Almost nothing could stop her from working.
Kissing her forehead you were glad that she wasn't running a fever again but as she muffled another set of coughs into your chest you couldn't help but sigh. She was working herself way too hard. Pushing her hair out of her face you said gently "I'm gonna run you a nice hot bath now to open up those lungs and then were gonna eat dinner and get you to bed. You're exhausted and need rest Darling".
Lifting her head she opened her mouth to say something but as her eyes found yours she just shut it again and nodded, knowing you were more than right.
Guiding her to the stool she sat down while you quickly ran upstairs to get the bath started. Coming back down, you turned off the stove since the soup was done anyway and you could easily reheat it later.
"Let's get up to the bedroom already Baby", you said softly while wrapping your arm around her waist to get her upstairs. Sitting down with her on the bed she leaned into you and rested her head on your shoulder. During the few minutes it took to fill the tub she was deeply asleep, showing you how exhausted she was. You gently laid her on the bed for a second to get everything ready in the bathroom before returning to her.
"Scarly wake up", you said and shook her awake gently. Her eyes opened and looked at you sleepily and you just pressed your lips to her forehead. "The bath is done. After this and dinner you can sleep okay? But you need this bath and we both know that you need dinner", you told her and she sighed but nodded. Helping her undress you guided her into the steamy room and helped her into the bathtub. "This is really nice, thank you", she mumbled as she leaned back, her eyes closing again. You could tell she was still pretty sleepy even if the steam caused her to cough, trying to clear up the lungs.
Normally you would've left her by herself but with her being this sleepy you stayed with her. Washing her hair gently and rubbing over her chest slightly whenever a bad coughing fit hit her. By the end of the bath time her cough got better quite a bit just like her breathing but she was still half asleep, getting her to eat dinner was gonna get funny.
Once you helped her dry off and get dressed in a pair of your Pj's by her request you helped her settle in bed while you brought up two bowls of soup.
It was no surprise to see her already asleep again but if you knew one thing it's that she probably barely ate anything all day so dinner was a must. It still broke you're heart to wake her once again.
"Come on Baby, I know you wanna sleep and I'll gladly cuddle you to sleep once you ate something but only after that okay?", "I'm not hungry", she mumbled but nevertheless took the one bowl from you. She knew better than to fight you in this and a few spoonfuls in you could tell that she was in fact a bit hungry.
She finished her bowl without you saying anything so once you were both done eating, you placed the bowls aside and cuddled under the covers next to her.
She was quick to cuddle into you laying down on top of you with her head on your chest and her body wedged between your legs. "I love you Baby. Thank you", she mumbled as her eyes closed and you just kissed her head before answering "I love more Scarly, always". The rest of the evening was spend with you rubbing your wife's back as she got some well deserved rest until you fell asleep yourself, happy to finally have her this close.
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goldenempyrean · 1 year
sick reader and scarlett with “Okay Ms I’m-not-sick, tell me why you sneezed five times in the span of an hour.” and “I don’t get colds.” where reader is super sneezy but in denial as they try to shoot some movie scenes
By Your Side
〚 Notes - Okay I know Im posted less then usual, that'll probably be the case until my exams are over! Anyway, enjoy :) (also, have I even bothered to edit this? No of course not, so excuse the errors) 〛
〚 Summary - You're obviously getting sick, wether you want to admit it or not. And its obvious your girlfriend wasnt about to let you work for long once she found out. 〛
〚 Wordcount - 10023 〛
〘 Check Out My Masterlist! 〙
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As the cameras rolled, the set was buzzing with energy. The crew was rushing around, trying to make sure everything was perfect for the next scene. The other actors were getting into character, preparing themselves for the performance. Then there was you, playing the lead role in the newest hit rom-com that was predicted to break box-office records, and were you excited for the day ahead? Nope. You definitely were not – not with those aching sinuses and the constant need to sneeze looming at the back of your nose. 
Atleast you had Scarlett with you though. Your girlfriend had been hired as one of the leading producers for the film so the two of you were able to spend a lot of your time together. As you readied yourself for your scene, she took her place, giving you an eager thumbs up before ‘action’ was called.  
You tried your best to ignore the tickle in your nose and the pressure building in your head as you delivered your lines with enthusiasm. But then, in the middle of your monologue, you felt a sneeze coming on. You tried to suppress it, but it was no use – your body took over, and you sneezed loudly, causing the other actors to pause their lines and the crew to stare at you in surprise. 
“Bless you!” You heard her voice call out, causing you to look over in her direction offering a small scrunch of your nose as you mouthed a ‘thank you’ 
You tried your best to focus on your lines and immerse yourself in your character, but your body had other ideas. You’d only managed to get some take done before your nose grew annoyed once more. You could feel the tickle in your nose growing stronger with every passing moment, and you knew it was only a matter of time before the inevitable sneeze came. 
Sure enough, a few minutes into the next scene, you let out a loud, explosive sneeze that echoed throughout the set. You froze instantly, looking around to see if anyone had noticed. Scarlett shot you a concerned look from behind the camera, but you ignored it, determined to push through. But your sneezing didn't stop there. You sneezed again, and again, and again, each time feeling more and more drained. Finally, after what felt like hours but was probably only a few minutes, the scene was over, and you collapsed onto a nearby chair, coughing into your elbow whilst trying to ignore the worried looks of your colleagues. 
Suddenly there was a hand rubbing against your back. “You ok, my sweetheart?” You felt Scarlett’s warm hand against your back as she rubbed it affectionately, “Something bothering that nose of yours?” 
You tried to give her a reassuring smile, but it came out more like a grimace as you cleared your throat - though it did little to hide your obviously raspy voice, “It’s nothing, I don’t know why that keeps happening.”  
 “You getting sick maybe? There has been something going round.” Scarlett worried, that worry only increasing when you turned away to cough into your elbow, exhaustion plain on your face. 
��"I don't get colds," you replied defensively, trying to mask the stuffiness in your voice. 
Scarlett raised an eyebrow. " Well, you're definitely sneezing a lot for someone who doesn't get colds. Why don't you take a break and rest for a bit? I can handle things here." 
"No, it’s fine. I really don't get colds," you repeated stubbornly, trying to shrug off her touch when she brought her palm up to your forehead, "It's probably just allergies or something." 
Scarlett gave you a skeptical look, but she didn't push it further. Instead, she went to talk to the director, explaining that you were feeling unwell and needed to take a break. Luckily your director was a kind soul and was more than understanding. Infact, he ended up telling Scarlett to just take you back the trailer – it was better than you accidently infecting anyone else with the cold you totally didn’t have. 
As soon as she was given the go ahead, Scarlett quickly ushered you to a quiet corner of the studio, where she sat you down away from the looming eyes of you colleagues and brought over a glass of water along with some tissues. "You're not fooling anyone, you know," she said gently as she sat beside you, handing you the tissues. "You're clearly sick, and I know you don’t get sick often, I know but you are right now, so you need to starting taking care of yourself more baby. This isn’t good for you sweetie.” 
You went to respond, ready to brush off her concerns but instead your nose spoke for you, “iishiew! Hih’tshoo!” 
"Bless you. Look, I know you're trying to tough it out, but I'm worried about you. You need to rest," Scarlett said as her palm touched against your forehead once more, her thumb brushing against your eyebrows this time as she used her hand to shield your eyes from the harsh lights, "You're really burning up." 
You groaned, feeling defeated. Scarlett was right - you were feeling worse than you wanted to admit. Maybe it was time to stop being so stubborn and take a break. "Okay, maybe you're right. You leaned further into her touch, feeling the coolness of her hand against your clammy forehead. "Okay, fine," you said, your voice a little hoarse now, "Maybe I do need to take a break." 
Scarlett smiled, looking relieved. "Good. Let's get you back to the trailer and make you some soup or something. Whatever we do we’ll get you tucked up in bed and have you feeling better in no time I promise sweetheart." 
As Scarlett led you away, you couldn't help but feel grateful for her support and concern. Even though you were stubbornly trying to ignore your illness, she was there to remind you that it was okay to take a break and take care of yourself. Maybe you weren't as invincible as you thought, but with Scarlett by your side, you knew you could get through anything. 
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The Spiders Sister - Chapter 1
Summary: Reader gets caught hiding out in the avengers tower. In the end it turns out for the best.
TW: non-sexual nudity, illness, fainting, swearing
Words: 4.1K
A/n: Super long first chapter
маленький паук – Little Spider
It defiantly wasn’t part of your life plan to be living with your bother again in your adulthood.
You had spent an excellent few months on your own having finally moved out of May Parker’s apartment, it had been perfect. Well … as perfect as life could be for a parker.
Then … you guessed it … parker luck struck again. There was a huge fight, one you had been itching to join but your brother, peter parker, had it covered. And since nobody knew that you sometimes wore the spider-man suit when peter wasn’t able to, it would all be over if two Spider-Man’s ended up fighting some of the weird aliens that had invaded New York.
You see, you and your brother had more in common than most siblings did. Peter parker had been bitten by a radioactive spider on a school trip as was known to a few people. But, at the same time, you had been eighteen and chaperoning the field trip.
When peter had snuck off to the side you had gone after him. When he was bitten, so were you.
But for now, you had decided to try and stay away from the superhero lifestyle. But when the itch came, peter lent you his suit so you could scratch it.
You had helped him refine his web-fluid and had your own web shooters as well as one of his old suits just in case. May knew about you and peter after finding out a while ago. However, peter and you had kept everything about your existence from the avengers so you could live a semi-normal life. At least for now.
But the day the avengers were fighting off the aliens, New York had taken some heavy damage. You had been running a small illustration business out of your apartment in queens. Your apartment … which was now levelled in the fight was gone. Along with your business.
Since you had moved out young, May only had one spare bedroom in her apartment which peter was occupying. Leaving the Parker’s with one option.
As peter had a room in the avenger's tower, you could stay there or with aunt may. Peter being Peter didn’t want to ask tony if he could stay in the tower for the unforeseeable future without arousing questions. So, you had been secretly living in the tower for about three days now.
Peter brought you food and had bribed Jarvis to keep your existence a secret. You had his old suit if you wanted to leave the tower, you could swing away instead of walking through the building and getting caught.
It was a pretty solid plan and it had been working pretty well. Until the day you got sick.
Peters' bedroom in the tower was on the floor with the other avengers, meaning you had to be somewhat quiet so Natasha, clint or the others didn’t find you. But it had begun to get colder out, and Peters old suit didn’t have a heater. It had been made before tony had found out spiders, including peter and yourself, can't thermoregulate. And swinging around New York without a heater in the nippy winter air had left you with a pretty nasty cold.
Unlike peter your powers didn’t give you super healing. In fact, your powers differed from peters in more ways than one. For one thing you had small fangs which you could retract, they didn’t do much, but they were cool, and peter was mildly jealous. Another thing was you had taken on aspects of jumping spiders as you could jump higher due to your super strength and some weird spider quality peter lacked.
Like peter the bit had given your excellent eyesight, increased metabolism, a lack of thermoregulation, the weird sticky thing, the spider sense and super strength and the allergy to peppermint. But due to sharing the suit anytime you went out as “Spider-Man” you had to refrain from using your own unique powers, so you didn’t give anything away.
The thermoregulating thing may have finally come back to bite you now that you were in peters old suit. After taking one of his patrols for him so he could finish his assignment and you could get out of his room in the tower, the cold had made you sick. Heres the thing about having a high metabolism when you don’t have an increased healing factor. It went one of two ways. Either you had flash colds which were taken care of quickly and at a much faster rate than the average human, or if it was stronger than your immune system, it was quickly made into a bigger problem than it should have been due to your body processing things faster and speeding up its strength.
Anytime this had happened in the past, due to not being able to go to a regular hospital, you had thanked the gods for May choosing a career in nursing. Though she had been able to treat you superficially with regular medicine and not anything made for super soldiers or spiders as that was a Bruce banner specialty that was unique to the tower's med bay. So, you often just had to ride it out and if things got really bad, peter would try and smuggle you some of his medicine out of the tower for you.
So, this is where you ended up. Curled up in Peters bed in the tower, stifling rough sounding coughs into his pillow and making a mental note to wash his sheets soon. You were doing your best to remain quiet and not alert either of the super spies to your presence or any of the other avengers. You thanked Thor that only you and peter had super hearing which meant you could usually tell if someone was in the halls.
Feeling miserable you buried yourself further into the sheets and shivered, it was so cold but in reality, you probably had a high fever. Your lungs let out a wheezing noise whenever you exhaled, and you were beginning to think maybe your asthma was back. Unlike peter you had not been so lucky as to have had it cured by the bite.
Your asthma puffer was one of the few things that survived your apartment being destroyed. As you laid in bed feeling awful you thought back to that day.
You thanked the gods you had been out at the time. You had gone to a coffee shop downtown with your sketchbook, laptop and usual things you took out, including a range of art supplies and of course your emergency puffer which peter had managed to smuggle out which had doses that worked with your metabolism.
You were broken from your daydreams as another harsh coughing fit wracked your body. From what you could hear nobody was in the halls, but you did your best to keep quiet regardless. The wheezing that trailed after each breath was getting worse and your lungs were feeling tight.
You had been trying to use the puffer sparingly so it didn’t run out because you didn’t know if and or when peter could get you another. But as drawing breath grew harder you made the executive call to use it. You rolled over in the bed and threw an arm down to fish around for your red backpack. Finding it you fiddled with the zip before your fingers wrapped around the cool plastic of the device. Tony being tony had insisted it have a Spiderman case thinking it was peters which ended up being rather ironic as it was fitting for you too.
You tried fruitlessly one last time to draw breath before achieving nothing but a crackling wheeze. Screw it. You uncapped the red lid and held it to your lips, propping yourself up on an elbow in an attempt to sit u straight to take it.
You exhaled and inhaled repeating it once more before drawing in a lungful of the super-medicine. Almost straight away you began to feel better. Your fast metabolism speeding up the medicines process.
Feeling like you could breathe again you replaced the cap and put it on the nightstand before curling up in the sheets again feeling cold still but also slightly damp from the thin layer of sweat that had been forming all morning.
You were dressed in spider-man pjs which had a thin t-shirt and long pants. You had considered getting up to grab one of peters hoodies to get warm or another blanket but the idea of standing up made your head spin.
You nestled back into the sheets and let your eyes fall shut despite it being almost midday. The curtains were drawn and so it didn’t bother you too much. You began to drift off into a semi-peaceful sleep broken by harsh coughing fits which were becoming harder to stifle in your half asleep and fevered state.
Meanwhile the avengers had just finished their morning training session, one which Peter had joined for once. Peter being Peter had barely broken a sweat and as a result had opted to hang out on the communal floor while everyone went o freshen up.
Stark had designed the tower well. With Peter’s bedroom being on the same floor as Natasha’s who was rather protective of her younger spider counterpart as well as Wanda’s, Yelena’s, Kate’s and a few spares. The rest of the avengers were a floor above.
At first peter had been a bit miffed about being on a floor of just girls but he ended up liking it a lot. And he had a second bedroom in the master suite with tony and Pepper which he proffered anyway. The one on the avenger's floor was more for if Tony and Pepper were away, and he wanted to be around the others.
Natasha was headed for her room after waving goodbye to peter who had settled down to watch more star-wars, when she paused in the hallway.
Retracing her steps she found herself stood outside peters bedroom door. Frowning she pressed an ear to the door and froze. Someone was inside and coughing. Knowing it wasn’t peter, nat carefully twisted the door handle.
Peter being peter had prepared for almost anything. As soon as Natasha had set foot inside peters room Jarvis had alerted peter of her presence.
Meanwhile Natasha peered into the dimly lit room. The lump in the bed was wriggling around and coughing. Nat was on high alert by now. She realised this person was ill but how had they managed to get in without Jarvis knowing? And why were they in peters bed?
She crossed the threshold and walked over to the bed. Taking note of the backpack on the floor and puffer on the bedside table as well as your spider-man pjs which had been a gag gift from Peter last Christmas.
Nat stood and observed for a second. Looking down at your flushed face which was burning with fever and the harsh coughs that were wracking your weak form.
Nat watched helplessly for a second unsure of how to deal with a sick intruder.
She hesitated before extending a hand to your forehead and feeling a very high fever. She sucked a breath. Despite being an intruder she had some ideas as to why you may have been here. Your likeness to peter wasn’t hard to spot. Yet. She was unsure.
Peeling of the blankets to get a better look at you, as she did you made a small noise of discontent and curled into a shaking ball still fever addled and half asleep.
Before she could continue the door opened and peter looked in.
“Uhh M-Ms Romanoff…” Peter said looking guilty as he stepped in and closed the door again.
“Peter, do you know who this is?” Natasha asked getting straight to the point. Peter hesitated and rubbed the back of his neck.
“Y-yes.” He said looking at your sick form with a frown.
“Peter.” She said crossing her arms. “Care to share whats going on?” Nat said as she headed for Peter’s bathroom.
“Um… She … she’s,, my sister.” Peter said unsurely. Natasha returned after a second and nodded. Now holding the first aid kit from peters bathroom in her arms.
“Anything else i should know?” She asked walking over to the bed and sitting down to rifle through the first aid kit.
“Petey?” You mumbled hearing his voice.
Peter seemed to break out of his trance and came to your side. “I’m here Y/n.” He said.
“‘S cold.” You mumbled making peter frown.
“Actually, I think she has a fever.” Nat said as she found what she was looking for, pulling out a thermometer from the kit.
Nat gently placed the thermometer under your tongue and turned to look at peter.
“Pete, you’re not in trouble but i need some more information.” Natasha said.
“This is Y/n. She’s, my sister. Her apartment was levelled in the last attack and so she’s been staying here ever since. She’s not a threat I promise.” Peter said almost tripping over his words in order to explain.
Before Nat could respond the thermometer beeped and she removed it to look at the small screen, drawing another round of coughs from you. Natasha rubbed your back with one hand while frowning at the screen.
“Peter… she should be dead. This says 106. There’s more isn’t there.” Nat said with some urgency as she began peeling the rest of the blankets off you in an attempt to cool you down.
“Ahh … yes. She had powers. Like mine. She … she wears the suit sometimes.” Peter said standing nearby and watching with a worried expression.
“Ok. So, she has spider powers? High metabolism, super strength, etc.” Nat said and Peter nodded. “Why hasn’t her healing fixed this?” Nat said feeling your forehead again.
“She doesn’t have it. Her powers differ slightly.” Peter explained as Nat cursed softly in Russian.
“Her fever’s still rising.” Nat said making a decision. “We need to cool her down fast before she gets too hot for her own good. Jarvis?” Natasha said and peter looked panicked for a second worried about more people finding out about you.
“Ms Romanoff-�� he started.
“Pete, we need to cool her down stat. I need some help.” She said and peter nodded still looking nervous. “Jarvis call wanda to Peter’s bedroom.” Nat said and peter relaxed slightly. Wanda was ok. She would be good for the situation.
“What are you going to do?” Peter asked.
“She needs a bath and I doubt you want to do that.” She said with a small smirk and Peter flushed for a second.
“Defiantly not.” He said shaking his head.
“Is there someone we can call? Someone who she’d be ok with dressing her once we cool her down. She may be sick but i don’t want to invade her privacy.” Nat said as she scooped you up from the bed and into her lap while they waited for wanda to arrive. You cough harshly again and wheezed making nat frown and look to peter.
“Asthma.” He said.
“Runs in the family huh?” She joked reaching over for the puffer on the bedside table.
“Uh… about that.” Peter said looking guilty. “Mine was cured by the bite. I need the puffers for her.” He said looking sheepish. Expecting Nat to be mad she grinned.
“You’re a good brother.” She said as she uncapped the device and pressed it to your lips.
“Exhale.” She instructed and by some small miracle you complied. When you went to inhale, she administered the medicine and told you to hold.
Recapping the device, she rubbed a hand up and down your arm. “Good job sweetie.” She said and felt you relax into her arms some more as you let out a breath.
The two sat in silence for another second before the door opened again and wanda slipped inside.
She was freshly showered, her hair damp and she smelt like jasmine and honey. She was dressed in a simple faded black t-shirt and grey track pants.
“Whats-“ she began before pausing, her eyes caught on you laid in Natashas lap half asleep.
“Wanda,” Nat said. “Meet Y/n. Peter’s older sister.” She said.
“Okay…” Wanda said looking lost before her expression morphed to concern as you coughed. “Is she ok?” Wanda asked.
“No. That’s why you’re here. Long story short, peter smuggled her into the tower, and she has spider powers and her fever is really high. We need to cool her down.” Nat said and wanda swallowed and nodded. “Peter?” Nat said turning to the younger parker.
“Yes?” He said looking up from where he had been studying his shoes closely.
“You never answered my question. Is there someone we can call to come and get her dressed after wanda and i bathe her?” Nat asked and peter blushed again and nodded.
“I can call May. It’s her day off.” He said and Nat nodded.
“You do that. Wanda and I will look after Y/n. We promise not to go further than her outer clothes.” She said and scooped you up into her arms. She headed for Peter’s bathroom with wanda trailing behind. You remained limp in her arms snuggled into her chest in an unconscious need for companionship.
Once the two redheads had you in the bathroom wanda looked at nat. “Now what?” She asked and Natasha smirked.
“Now we take her clothes off.” She said and gently she lifted your arms from where you were laid on the floor in her lap and pulled the spider-man t-shirt off over your head. Wanda blushed slightly at the sight of your red sports bra despite having seen Nat and herself train in about the same if not less clothes.
“You wanna help?” Nat asked with a grin that only served to make Wanda’s blush deepen. You squirmed slighting in Nat’s lap but stopped when she gently rubbed your arm after you buried your warm face into her stomach.
Wanda rolled her eyes in an attempt to feign nonchalance despite being way past that point.
She lifted her hands, and the familiar red glow of magic surrounded her hands. Her magic lifted your hips so Nat could slide off your pants. Wanda blushed again at the sight of your Black Widow boxers. Natasha however grinned at them finding it both adorable and very cute.
After a beat Wanda met Nat’s eyes again. “Now what?”
“We get her in the bath. She needs to be cooled down Asap.” Nat said hoisting you into her arms again as you wriggled, turning and grumbling into her chest.
“Not gonna lie she’s pretty cute.” Nat said and Wanda avoided her eyes as she used her magic to fill the bath with tepid water.
Natasha gently lowered you into the tub ignoring your whining protests and running her hands through your hair which seemed to calm you down as you relaxed again.
“So … now we wait?” Wanda guessed and Natasha nodded.
“Yep. Unless you really want to steal May’s job of getting her dressed again.” Nat teased making Wanda splutter slightly. “Im kidding.” Nat said. “I know what hot women do to your brain.” She winked and wanda slouched slightly.
After a second you grumbled and blearily opened your eyes, squinting at the two women.
“Peter is so dead.” You mumbled before letting your eyes drift shut again. There was a pause before wanda and nat both started laughing.
You groaned. “Peter!” You yelled before coughing again making Wanda and Nat frown. But before they could do anything the door opened to show a beat red peter with his hands covering his eyes.
“Yes?” He said in a small voice.
“When I get out of here, you’re dead.” You mumbled with a foggy glare sent in his direction.
“Hey. Peter did the right thing.” Another voice said from behind Peter.
“May?” You called. “Oh, wtf is going on right now.” You mumbled.
“Whats going on kiddo is that, once again, you failed to ask for help which landed you here.” May said entering the bathroom with a change of clothes.
“Nice to see you Ms Parker.” Nat said and wanda echoed.
“Please. Call me May. And thank you for looking after her.” May said and you groaned.
“I hate all of you.” You said hiding your face in your hands.
“Uh huh. Sure, you do.” May teased.
“It was no problem. Ms- May.” Wanda said. “We’ll wait in peters bedroom while you… yeah.” Wanda said before making a hasty retreat. Nat laughed and followed her out.
May gave you a disappointed frown once she had shut the door and turned back to you with a sigh.
“Honey.” She said.
“I know… I know.” You said still feeling like death but slightly less so. “Did the black widow and scarlet witch just really see me in my underpants?” You asked.
“Yes, and I serves you right for hiding illness … again!” She said as she came over, rolling up her sleeves and helping you out, practically holding all your weight for you as your head spun.
May frowned and guided you over to the covered toilet seat to dress you again.
Gently she began to towel you off and change you into fresh clothes.
“I can do it myself.” You whined but May shot you a look and you knew better than to challenge the angry Parker and you and peter had called her as kids when she was upset at you for something.
“Now, once you’re dressed you are going to thank those two for their kindness and your coming home with me.” May said.
“But-“ you began.
“No buts.” She said and helped you up, now fully dressed.
She helped you over to the door opening it despite still holding you up. The two of you shuffled into the room where Peter, Nat and Wanda were sat on Peter’s bed talking in hushed voices.
“Pete. I love you but I can hear everything you’re saying dumbass.” You said rolling your eyes and May lightly hit your arm.
“Right.” He said rubbing his neck. “Super hearing.” He nodded.
“I’ll add it to the list.” Nat grinned and you groaned before May jabbed you in the side and looked at the two girls.
You coughed at her actions making her frown but quickly got it under control for the sake of your already fragile image.
“Thank you, Wanda and Natasha, for helping me.” You said still leaning heavily on May. Now you had been standing for a bit the room began to spin. Your face went a shade paler making Natasha frown and stand. It was a split second before you stumbled, almost bringing May down with you in the process. Luckily strong arms wrapped around you, and you looked up into Nat’s pale green and worried eyes.
“Y/n?” You finally registered she was talking to you. “Y/n?” She asked again a little louder.
You let out a soft groan and she huffed. “Right. Up we go.” She said hoisting you into your arms and making the room spin again as you buried your face in her arm.
You felt her gently set you down on the bed and feel your forehead.
Distantly you heard May saying something along the lines of taking you home and the sound of Natasha arguing they were better equipped to help with your powers and sickness. May relented and you went back to dozing.
“What happened?” Peter asked from where he was stood by the door.
“Probably got too dizzy from standing up. Her body’s already trying to fight off sickness.” Natasha said and Wanda nodded.
“Peter? Don’t you have a super high metabolism?” Wanda asked.
“Yeah?” He said looking lost as May seemed to catch on.
“Y/n when did you last eat?” May asked and you groaned and buried your face in the pillow. “Well, that answers that.” May said rolling her eyes.
“Peter, do you have any of those energy bars that steve uses?” Wanda asked and peter nodded and headed for his bedside drawer.
He fished around and pulled out one of them and passed it to nat. She unwrapped it and shoved it into your hands.
“Eat.” She said and you made a groan of protest. “It’ll help.” She said in a softer tone.
“Fine.” You said sitting up against the headboard and nibbling on it slowly.
“Better.” Nat said and you frowned.
“You know you’re cute when you’re mad.” Wanda said looking surprised by her own words and blushing at Natasha’s knowing gaze.
“Get some rest маленький паук” Nat said once you had finished eating, and she begun to shepherd everyone out of the room.
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mapis-putellas · 1 year
Everythings gonna be okay
Pairing: Scarlett x you
Words: 2078
Warnings: none that I know of
Summary: You and Scarlett had recently broken up. When you go to her house to pick up the last of your things, you see that she was nowhere to be found. Despite your better judgment, you decide to go and investigate. The sight that greets you all but breaks your heart.
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You let out a near silent curse when you ring the doorbell for the third time and receive no answer. All you wanted to do was grab the rest of your things. You'd taken most of it the day you'd both decided to end things, but there were a few heavier items -such as your desktop computer- that you were unable to take with you due to the sheer size and weight.
Using your key was a last resort, something you didn't want to have to do unless it was absolutely necessary because, as much as it breaks your heart to admit, you weren't her girlfriend anymore. You couldn't just come and go as you please. That privileges was out the window the second you'd broken up.
But apparently you didn't have a choice, because the longer you stand here, the more evident it becomes that she wasn't going to answer the door. Your key slides into the lock with that same familiar ease, and your eyes take in the familiar sight of her entry way as you tentatively push open the door and step inside.
It looked the exact same, except for the light layer of dust lining each and every surface. Weird. Scarlett was, in the most polite way possible, a clean freak. She liked order and often became grumpy when things were even the slightest bit out of place.
You go to blame it on her just being busy, but the sight in the living room immediately halts you in your tracks. There were tissues everywhere, and there was that slight smell in the air of sweat and just overall sickness. You hate the fact that your stomach sinks in concern, because there was only one rational thing that could explain this.
Scarlett was sick, and had obviously been so for quite some time.
You couldn't help but freeze on the bottom of the staircase in a silent debate on whether or not you should go up. The part of you that was still very much in love with her wanted nothing more than to take care of her. But the ugly part of you, the one who was still so hateful over the ugly breakup wanted nothing more than to get the hell out of here.
She'd been the one to distance herself. She'd been the one to not make time for you, and she'd been the one who'd told you to pack your things and get the hell out of her sight. Why should you repay that with kindness? Because you loved her, that's why. And despite the fact she'd broken your heart, the last thing you wanted was to see her suffer.
It wasn't like you. It never had been, and it never would be.
With a defeated sigh, you grasp the hand rail and begin to ascend the long staircase. You make it to the top in no time, and find yourself hesitating for only a short second before making your way down the hall towards the bedroom you'd once called your own.
You stand there like an idiot for what feels like forever before you finally find the courage in you to grasp the handle, and and as you push down, that same smell that had greeted you downstairs, only a little more intensified, was quick to fill your nostrils.
Scrunching up your nose in slight disgust, you enter the room and softly close the door behind you.
The curtains were closed encasing the room in a heavy darkness, but that doesn't stop you from being able to make out Scarlett's small figure laying in the centre of the large bed. You warily make your way over, and the first things you notice were the red tinged nose and quiet snores escaping her slightly parted lips. Her skin was pale, but her cheeks were flushed, signalling she had quite the fever, and you notice her body was trembling almost violently.
Before you could stop yourself, your hand was reaching out and brushing away the sweaty strand hair that had fallen into her face. That action almost immediately rouses her, and you wince slightly as her eyes blearily flicker open.
"Hi," you murmur, tentatively perching yourself on the end of the bed. "You're sick."
Scarlett furrows her eyebrows, almost as though she couldn't quite believe you were here. Her eyes, glassy from the fever induced haze were bloodshot, pupils huge telling you that she hadn't been getting very much sleep.
Her trembling hand reaches out for you, and you only hesitate briefly before taking it, the pad of your thumb instinctively grazing over the almost too warm skin.
Then, without any warning, her eyes fill with tears, her bottom lip trembles, and she was letting out a stifled sob before attempting to sit up. You frown in concern as you scoot yourself a little closer, leaning forward and slipping an arm beneath her body before tugging her to your chest. She lets out wet, gravely sounding cough when her sobs catch in her throat, and you wince at the painful sound as you use your other hand to cup the back of her head.
"It's okay," you murmur into her hair, "you're okay. I'm here. I've got you."
Scarlett let's out a choked sob as she shakes her head, and you let out a soft, defeated sigh as you hold her as close as you could. She smelt less than pleasant, so you knew once of your tasks today would be getting her into the shower.
This was the last thing you'd expected to happen. If you were being completely honest with yourself, you'd expected her to be mad for invading her space. To tell you to go away just as she'd done no more than a week ago. A part of you still expects that to happen, because you knew this whole emotional mess was just her fever talking. She didn't actually want you here, but you couldn't just leave her to cry.
You hold her close for a few silent moments before easing her body back down onto the bed, bringing your hands up to cup her cheeks. "I'm going to get you some medicine, okay?" You gently wipe away the tears with the pads of your thumbs.
Scarlett's trembling hands reach to grasp your wrists, almost as though she was silently pleading to you to not let go.
Her touch sends shivers throughout your whole entire body, and you just about manage to refrain from pulling yourself of her her grasp as you force the corners of your lips into a small smile.
"It's okay," you reassure, "I'll be back."
Thankfully, though she visibly hesitates, Scarlett does let you go, and you try and make your breath of relief as subtle as possible as you make your way through to the bathroom. In here was just as, if not worse than her bedroom, and you make a mental note to give it a thorough clean before you leave as you grab the Tylenol and cough medicine from the cabinet.
When you make your way back through to her bedroom with your arms full, you notice that Scarlett was now sat up against the headboard of her bed. She appears to be staring into space, and your lips quirk up at the corners in slight adoration as you climb in next to her.
"Here," you murmur, pouring the correct dose of cough medicine into the small plastic cup before handing it over. Her trembling hand takes it, and she sniffles wetly as she tilts it back and swallows with only a slight grimace. You ignore the urge you have to praise her as you hand over the Tylenol and water, watching as Scarlett repeats the same steps as before.
This time, however, she must have swallowed wrong, because she begins to cough forcefully into her hands. You watch her, eyebrows furrowed in concern as you reach out to steadily pat her back.
"Take a deep breath, you're okay." You sooth, and Scarlett nods, trying her best to comply despite the fact she seems to be unable to catch her breath. Her chest heaves with each ragged exhale, and her already flushed cheeks taking on an even darker shade of red signalling not enough oxygen was getting into her lungs. You were forced to swallow the tightness in your own throat.
"Scarlett, breath." You instruct as you reach to grab the bottle of the water from the nightstand, your hand still firmly patting her back. Scarlett attempts to let out a hoarse breath, but she does no more than choke further.
By now, panicked tears were streaming down her cheeks, and you could feel your own heart beginning to pound. Hauling her body into your arms, you lay her down on her side and raise her arms above her head. You lay behind her propped up on your elbow, resting your hand against her heaving chest and rubbing firmly.
"You're okay. I'm here. You're okay." You sooth, pressing a tender kiss against the side of her head.
Scarlett let's out another wet cough before somehow managing to catch her breath, and it was only then does let out a soft sob. With tears in your own eyes, you tug her around to face you and pull her against your chest. You hold her as close as you could, your hand grazing soothing circles up and down her back. Your other hand cups the back of her head, fingers combing through her tangled tresses.
"I-I don't.. don't feel w-well." She chokes out as she desperately clutches at your shirt, and you nod as you press your lips against the top of her head.
"I know baby." You murmur, "I know."
She stifles another sob against you at the nickname, and you instinctively tighten your grasp around her. You hadn't meant to say it. It had just slipped out because that was all you ever used to call her. She's your baby. Or well, she was. You feel your throat tighten at the thought, and you swallow heavily to refrain from bursting into tears as you hold Scarlett close.
A comfortable silence soon falls upon you with the exception of her slightly hoarse breathing, and it wasn't long until you feel Scarlett fall limp against you signalling she'd fallen asleep.
A few hours later, you find your self sat in the bathroom with your back to the tub. Scarlett was curled up in the water, sniffling softly as the hot water clears her congestion. Not a word had been spoken since earlier, but the silence surrounding you wasn't awkward. It was almost...comforting, which was surprising considering the circumstances.
But the silence doesn't last for long.
"I'm sorry." A quiet murmur.
You turn your head slightly, seeing the bare skin of her back from your peripheral vision, "For what? Getting sick? That's not your fault."
Scarlett sniffles softly, "No, not for that. For...for what happened. A week ago." She explains, her voice trailing off into a soft, trembling murmur.
You let out a soft breath as you twist a loose thread hanging off of your jeans around your finger, "You don't have to apologise. What happened, happened. It's in the past."
Everything was silent again, but the shuddering breath that escapes from Scarlett's lips does not  go amiss. It has you turning to face her, and your heart breaks when you see her crying silently. Tears were streaming down her cheeks, and her bottom lip was trembling as though she was trying to hold back the onslaught of sobs.
"Scarlett..." you trail off, not knowing what to say.
Her lips quirk up into a sad smile as she wipes off her cheeks, "It's okay." She whispers.
With a soft sigh, you shift to your knees and lean forward to press a kiss to the warm skin of her forehead. As you pull away, you raise a hand to cup her cheek, the pad of your thumb grazing softly over her skin. "We'll talk. When you're better. Okay?"
"Okay." Scarlett murmurs, reaching up to cover your hand with her own.
I’m open to a part 2 if you guys want it!
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dynamitekansai · 3 months
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WWE RAW (JULY 1, 2024)
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