#sidhe vibes
hobgobknowsbest · 6 months
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aroaessidhe · 2 months
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2024 reads / storygraph
Our Lady Of Mysterious Ailments & The Mystery at Dunvegan Castle
books 2 & 3 in the Edinburgh Nights series
paranormal mystery set in a climate-ravaged future Scotland, plagued by ghosts and magic
follows a 15yo Black girl who’s finally gotten an in to learn scientific magic properly - but it turns out to be an unpaid internship, so she has to take more jobs delivering ghost messages and investigating mysteries to take care of her gran and little sister
in book 2 she’s investigating a strange illness centred on a magic school for boys
and in book 3 she’s attending a global magician conference held in a creepy castle - when someone’s murdered, and they’re locked in until she figures out the culprit
Zimbabwean magic, friendship, disabled characters, no romance (so far)
#The Mystery at Dunvegan Castle#Our Lady Of Mysterious Ailments#Edinburgh Nights#T.L. Huchu#The Library of the Dead#really enjoy this series!#the worldbuilding is very interesting - kinda combo climate-ravaged future but also in some aspects societally it feels kinda 1800s#(especially with the vibe of the mystery/paranormal elements)#I saw that the author (who is from Zimbabwe) describe it as ‘if edinburgh was a third world city’ which actually makes a lot of sense#Also I have to make the wendell & wild x lockwood & co comp again#I felt like book 2 was a little all over the place? I slightly lost track of the other-realms stuff lol#I really loved book 3 though - definitely more direct plot-wise#I like how it explores her journey through learning that the magic society is just as corrupt and shitty as anything else and maybe she#doesn't want it after all. as well as how the stress of everything is getting to her is causing panic attacks#love the scottish accent in the audiobooks!#so many interesting different supernatural elements. yay for sidhe in book 3 (tho only briefly)#hold on. do the book covers reflect the colour of her locs. (ok not quite for book one which is usually blue but there is a green variant)#ok I did say no romance but also I can’t tell if I’m just imagining Something between ropa & priya bc in book 3……they had some moments.#I mean I enjoy them as platonic moments also but just noting here in case it DOES turn out to be intentional and something that happen??#also fair warning the promo for book four seems to spoil somehting that's not even in the blurb??#aroaessidhe 2024 reads
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soulmuppet · 8 months
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Gardens of Ynn, by way of SoulMuppet Publishing
Find a wall covered in ivy, vines, moss, or similar, and clear that vegetation away. Using chalk and charcoal draw a realistic door (with keyhole, hinges and doorknob) on the surface below. Write upon the door: “Ynn, by way of [the current location]”. Leave, so the drawing is no longer visible, and on return the drawing will be replaced by a real door.  When it is opened, the Gardens of Ynn will be on the other side: infinite, overgrown, extradimensional. This realm is full of magic and treasure, worthy of exploration and plunder by sellswords, occultists and adventures.  The doorway remains there for a full day, after which it fades away as if it never existed, leaving anybody still on the other side stranded.
After working with Emmy Allen (@cavegirlpoems) to remaster The Stygian Library in 2020, we’re teaming up with her again to remaster its sister book The Gardens of Ynn. This time working with the fantastic RiotBones on the interior art. We’ve got plans for a fancy clothbound cover for The Gardens of Ynn, as well as a matching reprint of The Stygian Library you’ll be able to pick up on the project.
The Book
The Gardens of Ynn is a point-crawl adventure set in an ever-shifting extradimensional garden. Each expedition generates its route as it explores, resulting in new vistas being unlocked with every visit.
The adventure is perfect as a zero prep session for any party of fantasy adventurers, no matter the system or the sub-genre.  We found most ‘zero-prep’ adventures to be bland and lacking in colour, so in Gardens of Ynn every room, encounter and monster is popping with vibes. It's a big garden full of whimsy and delight and surreal perils. 
Gardens of Ynn is statted generically for Old School Systems, but you would have absolutely no trouble using it in a game of 5E, if you were comfortable statting up some weird monsters. 
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Included within: 
Systems for generating locations within the garden, including hothouses, memorial gardens, chess lawns, the Mask Gallery, hypnotic gardens, fleshy gardens and of course the Splicing Vats.
50 monsters tailored to the Gardens, including myconid composters, rose-maidens, rust-bumblebees, floral spiders, bonsai turtles and the enigatic Sidhe.
Details for The Idea Of Thorns and other dream-viruses.
Tables for generating treasure, Ynnian mutations, and various other useful details.
A unique class of Ynnian Changelings, human survivors adapted to the garden. 
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beansidhebumbling · 6 months
He sees her first in the gentle hazy rain of April. A walk on the family estate, boots crushing the high grass of a long fallow field on the outermost perimeter of the land. Near the wall that separates man from beast. Or so his father says.
The violet, scarlet, ivory fireworks of burst capillaries and broken bones that punctuate castle life in a rude staccato confirms this. Monsters make astute observations.
So when Eris sees the bean sidhe Nesta Archeron washing his father's clothes in the brook, his heart skips a beat.
Death has arrived at the Vanserra Estate.
And isn't she beautiful.
@middlingsister vaguely spring vibes
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selkiewife · 5 months
theon weirwood
Come vibe with me about Theon and weirwood imagery and the weir walker theory!
Awhile ago, I did a deep dive into David Lightbringer's videos and I truly enjoyed his theory about the origin of the Others linked here: Symbolism of the Others: Weir Walkers. In brief, his theory is that the Others were the original spirits of the Weirwoods. They were a form of Sidhe (fae) who were violently evicted from their weirwood homes. He has a lot of theories as to how that happened- some of which involves the sacrificing of children or children of the forest- but the basic idea is that the weirwood trees were once green trees that were corrupted and transformed into the red and white trees we see in the series through the eviction of the Others:
The emptied-out white weirwood trees then became wight trees, like corpses with most of their minds and souls removed… and in fact that’s exactly what the weirwood trees look like, with their bleeding, anguished faces, bone-white bark, and leaves like blood hands. They look like dead people; like zombie trees, like wight trees. These hollowed out zombie trees have since become a home for a new hivemind of greenseers – many of whom are humans like Bloodraven and Bran... (David Lightbringer.)
What I find touching about this theory in regards to Theon is how his life seems to be mirroring that of the weirwood trees. Like the trees, he's evicted or stolen from his original home, the Iron Islands. But through Ramsay’s torture, his very identity and essence is also stolen, leaving him a shell of what he once was. Weirwoods are skinchanged in the novels and in a symbolic sense, so is Theon. Theon’s actual skin is removed through flaying and amputation and he is starved and beaten. This horrific torture forces Theon to accept the persona of Reek into his body (like a skinchanger entering a weirwood) and reject Theon. After the torture, Theon's physical form as "Reek" even starts to resemble a Heart Tree. He transitions from the "lean, dark youth of nineteen who found everything amusing," in AGOT to the "white haired starveling" of ADWD. This is the most evident when we first meet him again in Reek I in ADWD:
When he raised a hand, he was shocked to see how white it was, how fleshless. Skin and bones, he thought. I have an old man’s hands. (ADWD) “His hair’s gone white and he is three stone thinner, aye, but this is no serving man. Have you forgotten?” The crookback lord looked again and gave a sudden snort. “Him? Can it be? Stark’s ward. Smiling, always smiling.” “He smiles less often now,” Lord Ramsay confessed. “I may have broken some of his pretty white teeth.” (ADWD) “There’s blood on your mouth,” Ramsay observed. “Have you been chewing on your fingers again, Reek?” (ADWD)
So he goes from a dark youth- a "green" boy- like the original green of the weirwood leaves and the green of the sea to a corpse like figure with white hair and white bony hands. He has just eaten the rat so he has blood on his mouth, as Ramsay remarks. Ramsay also asks him if he has been chewing on his fingers again, indicating that there may still be blood on his hands from the rat. But the question makes us imagine bloody, flayed fingers as well.
Theon also has metaphorical blood on his hands because of the murders he committed or allowed- particularly those of the miller's children- which connects with the idea of sacrificial children playing a part in making the Others or evicting them from the trees. It is even more layered when you remember that Theon himself was brought to Winterfell as a potential child sacrifice.
Ramsay also mentions that he broke Theon's teeth, which calls to mind a bleeding mouth- like the bleeding CARVED mouth of the heart tree. Ramsay has essentially carved Theon into Reek with his flaying knife.
During Theon's godswood scene in the A Ghost in Winterfell chapter of ADWD, a red weirwood leaf falls onto Theon’s head, completing the imagery of Theon as a Heart Tree and giving him the "weirwood stigmata," which a lot of other characters share at different times in the novel such as Arya, Catelyn, Dany, Jon, etc. It is also so interesting that Theon thinks of himself as a ghost in this chapter- Theon is like a ghost who use to live inside his tortured and abused body just as the Others are like ghosts that used to live inside the corrupted Weirwood Trees.
I've always loved Theon's godswood scene, but I've also always wondered why the weirwood trees are so intrinsically connected to Theon (at least in my mind.) I mean, it does make sense that they would be- he did grow up in Winterfell and many important things happen to him in the godswood throughout his life. And obviously, there is also the connection with Bran who may be reaching out to him through the Heart Tree. But these two connections to the weirwoods- growing up at Winterfell and Bran- didn't completely encapsulate the incredible, almost empathetic? bond I feel Theon has with the weirwoods and "the old gods."
But then this theory- that the Others came from the trees- did seem to be the last piece that made that scene as powerful as it is to me. It's beautiful to think of Theon- who has been othered (Othered) all his life and who has essentially become a wighted version of himself- is standing in front of these wighted corpse trees praying to be Theon again. And he feels so recognized- so understood by these trees that are also seeking to have their spirits returned to them.
They know me. They know my name. (ADWD)
It makes it all the more moving and beautiful to me.
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soaps-mohawk · 4 months
not the gif again 😦!!
anyways, little thought i've been having: what music do you think the boys listen to? i know barry sloane has a price playlist with a lot of metal in, and i think that really fits his character. the whole like... so much going on inside his brain that only metal can make it go quiet. i think i also heard from somewhere about ghost doing the same with classical?? but i'm not sure if samuel confirmed that or anything.
i totally agree with price being a metalhead, probably had a phase when he was younger (like barry, eyebrow peircing and all) 🤭 and i definitely think soap could get down to bands like the sex pistols. i can see ghost and classical, i think he'd love shostakovich or something. this is a more obscure one, but i think of glass animals or jamiroquai for gaz.
this has been like circulating my mind nonstop because i'm really into music 😿 i was wondering what you thought!!
- 🪐
Anon...how did you know I literally have been working (slowly) on playlists of songs the guys would listen to??? They're nowhere near done because I'm lazy 😭 but like...👀 are you in my brain??
I mean, Price grew up in the 90s and early 2000s so, I definitely could see him being a grunge/metal guy. I definitely think he's a fan of the classics too, probably listened to them a lot growing up too.
Simon is definitely a metal guy, but like angst metal like Sleep Token (I'm not biased or anything 👀) and Bad Omens. He's also got some others in there, but he's definitely a metal listener.
Kyle is a europop boy. He loves his pop and EDM, but he will branch out and listen to other things. He doesn't care what era its from so long as it's music he can shake his ass to (iykyk 😉).
Johnny listens to everything. And I mean everything. His playlist is just a compilation of what everyone else listens to, along with Songs That Piss Off Ghost and pretty much anything else. He's like me, if he vibes with it, he likes it. 100% has Scotland the Brave and The Sidh on his playlist though. Blasts "Shake That Bagpipe" at 4 am to wake himself up 🤭
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jeanjauthor · 1 year
Fairy / Fae / Sidhe Tumblrites!!
My friend and I were getting into a discussion, and this cropped up:
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(I’m Masq, btw; she’s Keedie)
We had been talking about going to a renfaire on a weekend that has a faerie theme, so that’s why I was thinking cosplay and the Unseelie Court.
But this DOES beg the question!
...DOES Oscar the Grouch give off an Unseelie Court vibe?
Whaddyall think?
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maze-mage · 2 years
A brief recategorization of magic, based on the method rather than the result:
DIVINE MAGIC - also known as miracle magic, calling upon a powerful entity without interacting directly with that entity. Prayer, worship, sacrifices, etc. Most likely to be state-approved.
MANTIC MAGIC - also known as divination, seeing patterns in the chaos of the universe and extrapolating meaning. Chiromancy, haruspicy, tarot, etc.
LAPIDARY - harnessing the vibes of raw materials, most often gems or metals.
SYMPATHETIC MAGIC - using a basic concept, like affects like, to create magical effects. Often used in healing or harmful magic, as well as apotropaic (protective) magic.
SYMBOLIC MAGIC - an abstraction of sympathetic magic, using a representation of an idea with certain attributes to achieve an effect related to those attributes. Sigils, runes, totems, etc.
CONJURING - interacting directly with occult entities (demons, sidhe, angels, natural spirits, spirits of the dead). Includes both summoning entities and traveling to spiritual realms via trances or projection. Most likely to be state-vilified.
BEAMS - we all know what these are.
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faeriecinna · 6 months
WIP Questionnaire (2.0)
I was tagged a second time by @finchwrites, so I'll do this for my second WIP too.
1. What was the first part of your wip that you created?
As I mentioned in this post, as someone from an Irish family, I wanted to write a novel that paid homage to our folklore, so I decided to mess with the general concept of a 'changeling'. Rowan came to be when I tried to think up a character that was a faerie who, for some reason, believed they were a human - and the rest followed.
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
Not so much a theme song, but Rowan and Killeen's song is definitely Dying Star by Ashnikko and Ethel Cain. I'd probably have it playing in the background when Killeen realises who Rowan actually is to her.
3. Who are your favourite characters you've made? Why?
Rowan was the first character I created for this story so I do have a soft spot for her in my heart, but because I knew I wanted this to be a queer story, when I created Killeen I basically just turned my ideal woman into a lesbian fae warrior so??? of course I would die for her?? Plus being The Inquisitor for The Sidhe Court is kind of a slay, no?
4. What other pieces of media do you think would share a fan base for your story?
Never read it, but from what I've heard I can only assume ACOTAR peeps would be into it. If anyone has ever watched Zone Blanche/The Black Spot (spooky french supernatural murder drama), that is EXACTLY the vibe I'm going for - just Irish (and if you haven't watched it you should).
5. What has been your biggest struggle with your wip?
There are two parallel storylines in the story - Rowan's storyline when she is taken into the Fae realm, and the second storyline that follows the aftermath in her small town when her parents report her missing. I struggle a fair bit with actually writing the aforementioned second storyline because I get so caught up with all the lesbian dumbassery that I forget there is in fact a second layer to my plot.
6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
Crows, ravens and other corvids are ALWAYS a motif in my stories. The Sidhe also have a strong supernatural connection to the flora and fauna so not only are there several different kinds of forest dwelling animals in the story, but most of the characters can communicate with them!
7. How do your characters get around? (ex: trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.)
Honestly for a fantasy book my setting/map is rather small so most of the travel is done by foot. I guess there'll probably be a few police cars involved and maybe some kind of sailboat at some point lmao
8. What part of your wip are you working on rn?
In the earlier stages of the first draft atm. I started this as a passion project only about 6 months ago even though I had the plot idea for a couple of years.
9. What aspects (tropes, maybe?) of your wip do you think will draw people in?
Queer fae. Need I say more? Also I'm hoping the fact that there are a lot more spooky/horror elements to this story, as opposed to a lot of faerie narratives, will interest people. It's all going to be set in Ireland as well so that's another demographic that I hope will enjoy it!
10. What are your hopes for your wip?
It's a queer story where the characters are just... queer.... and in love... there's no homophobia, no "I'm gay and that's okay and normal!", no having to come out - it just is right from the get go, a gay story about gay girls being gay without that being the focal point of the narrative - so I hope that if it ever gets published, it'll be a book that queer people can go to when they need a spooky gay fantasy without any of the trauma and alienation that we feel as queer people irl. I hope people connect to the story and take some comfort in the darkness.
And I'm gonna tag @sleepywriter00 @akiwitch and @eccaiia
(blank under the cut)
1. What was the first part of your wip that you created?
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
3. Who are your favourite characters you've made? Why?
4. What other pieces of media do you think would share a fan base for your story?
5. What has been your biggest struggle with your wip?
6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
7. How do your characters get around? (ex: trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.)
8. What part of your wip are you working on rn?
9. What aspects (tropes, maybe?) of your wip do you think will draw people in?
10. What are your hopes for your wip?
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worldismyne · 4 months
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Bella's fairy form when she's not attacking people!
Her design is inspired by the Fox Glove flower (a poisonous plant).
According to the formspring fairies are a canon creature in the world or warrior u that can be dried out to use in potions. I immediately thought of my collection of dehydrated flowers and old pressed fairy books from when I was growing up.
I always loved fairies that were a little more inhuman in appearance.
She is inspired by a combination of British and Scottish fairy lore. (She’s a combination of a Pixie and Leanan Sidhe) I’m going with the term ‘changeling’ as it refers to human/fae hybrids and fae as a term for her kind since it’s a general term.
For this issue, fairies are emotion eaters; which is why plants inform their design. Rather than draining a human of their emotions, they try to do things to create an excess of this emotion (kinda like tending a garden). The flower they take after is affected by their preferred food. In an ideal world, house fairies try to cultivate admiration/happiness. However, the most common unions are between humans and fae that like to eat depression/anxiety. (Used as an explanation for why humans are warned to stay away from the fae). 
Gifts = Contracts. Accepting a gift/food without clarifying what is owed gives the fae a blank check they can collect on later. 
Never give your full name; it’s a means of summoning. Finn and Bella both go by nicknames for this reason.
Bella can not cross running water unless invited/carried. The mote around the family home keeps her trapped there.
Bella can not touch anything made of iron
Fairies can smell lies
(Apparently fairies hate “Thank yous” and apologies. Basically anything that sets up a debt) Bella will not overtly thank people or apologize; but will use extremely polite passive-aggression. Ex: “If I did anything to offend you, I regret that you feel ill toward me.” = “Sorry I hurt your feelings.” Ex: “You’re too kind.” = “Thank you.” 
In Finn’s family, house fairies preferred admiration or envy; and would give gifts/talents to the humans in exchange for being “trophy wives” It was a mutually beneficial arrangement for years until the world around them changed and suddenly all magic is considered ‘evil’. The human side of the family started carefully cutting out the fae side. Until the grandparents generation goofed real bad.
Since fairies seem to also be hunted by humans for things, I wanted to lean into this sort of parasite/vampiric vibe. As Bella stated, she's been forced to live off a poisonous diet of resentment and fear. It's helped her survive, but has corrupted her magic down to the core. Were she in a kinder environment, she would have grown into a different kind of flower.
There was a lot of headcanon lore that had to be cut from the comic for pacing. If you look at Finn's family tree, you can see quite a few names that are derived from plants. This is because, when the world was more magical, they had garnered favor from the fae. Though as unicorns, witches and fairies started to get hunted down, they cut ties with the fae and have been suffering ever since.
(He is distantly related to King Midas' daughter, who ran away from home after being rescued from being a golden statue. Gold is a prominent feature in anyone from the family with the potential for magic.)
All we had to work on for Finn's family was one painting a few formspring questions about Leenan's childhood. I knew for sure, since there were three sisters, that all of them had to be different in typical fairytale style. And that all of them had to have 'failed' the family in different ways. They are all different examples of how a toxic family can break you down.
Senna, Freya and Leenan were the last to receive fairy gifts. Senna was given the gift of wisdom. Freya was gifted with fruitfulness and Leenan was given the gift of beauty.
Unfortunately, fairy beauty standards are different than human beauty standards.
So when her parents tried to reject the gift, all their gifts twisted into curses. Senna's a shrewish smartass that no one listens too. All of Freya has a huge family, but could only even have daughters and died trying to have a son. Leenan's siren-like beauty also marks her as uncanny and easy to spot in a crowd.
After rejecting the fairy gift, the magic side of the family put a ‘curse’ on the household. Unless a fae born heir becomes head of the family, the family name will die. 
It’s been 30ish years and two generations of only girls and it’s clear it will be the last if nothing changes because their surviving daughters are unmarried and plan to stay that way. And of their grandchildren the only ones within the Ashenburough bloodline are Bella (a changeling) who would marry out of the family anyway or Finn (disowned nobility) with 0 viable marriage partners both without fathers. 
Ways to break the “curse”.
Recognize Senna (Leenan’s sister) and her female “friend” as head of household; in which they could name an heir of their choosing.
Recognize Rose or Clarice as head of household, marrying them to a noble and passing the family title to a union outside of the family bloodline. (Senna's been pushing to make Rose the heir, since her parents have soft disowned her)
Recognize Bella as head of household; marrying her to a lesser noble who would be willing to take over the acreage (or lord forbid let her leave the house).
Admit they were wrong in disowning Leenan, restore her and Finn’s noble status. Either of them could carry on the bloodline and title.
Finn’s grandparents refuse to do any of these. Their pride will end the Ashenburough name.
One last bit of lore that was alluded to, but not delved to deeply in. We showed Freya getting hit in the face with a potion, and in a different flashback that the potions Leenan was messing with were magical dyes.
IF Freya hadn't been so vain, the worst that would have happened was a weird discoloration to her face and eyes. But, being the carry know it all she was, she tried to fix it herself. The end result was something far worse than where she began, and Bella's abundant magic was also a consequence of this.
Her cursed design was inspired by my other favorite Cinderella variant All-Kinds-of-Furs. Only, in her case, it isn't a coat so much as a monstrous appearance. Rose's father was a hunter sent to slay the beast and fell in love with her instead. After such a humbling experience, she was actually a very kind step-mother to Rose and Clarice, perhaps too kind, as she favored her human daughters. Between the curse, her first marriage getting annuled and settling down with a peasant; she was arguably the biggest embarrassment of the family in the end.
She never did swallow her pride enough to seek out her sister for help though. In death her parents have tried to rewrite history. There is one tapestry in her room of her and her husband together after she was cursed, but all other images of her in the house are from when she still looked 'normal'.
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hobgobknowsbest · 1 year
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loominggaia · 4 months
wityhborn123 asked: Fan made monster: the troggs. Forger: Ben divine of the arcane. Ironically he is not a fae or gaian, but a human. Ben was always fascinated with magic but envious that he would never use it. The one day a wooden beam fell on his neck and died. However he came back to life as a divine. He was confused until someone explained it to him. He was amazed by this blessing especially the part where he could use magic. He found out about titania and her fairies and made his own monsters the troggs. The troggs were divided into: sprits,imps, and sidhe. Sprits are the most numerous and look like tiny elves. They can cast phonomacy at small levels. Imps look like ugly goblins with goat horns. They can cast Transmutation magic at small levels . Sidhe look like elves but are heinous and thin. The use Perceptive magic to use a guies spell like vampires. They also make deals with other people and use curses. The flaws are. Urge of cannibalism for sprits falling limbs for imps. And dishonyforsidhe
Cool idea! I could totally see a divine trying to create their own version of Titania's faerys. The Troggs give me Brian Froud vibes! Love it! Thank you so much for sharing!
Lore Masterpost
Read the Series
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puppercupboard · 10 months
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beansidhebumbling · 11 months
*slides in* dagdan and brannagh dynamics, please
If you have questions I understand lol. This is the vibe. Warning for slightly gory imagery. I'm also sleep deprived which might go some way to explaining this.
The boglands are not understood by those of Prythian. They call it the Waste, they call it the Middle, they banish what they fear to roam and haunt the soft blackness until it becomes the place where monsters live.
They, with their castles and pretend civility, forget monsters are not born calling themselves monsters.
They are raised amidst the fen of Hybern, feed off the murky groundwater and drown again and again in bogholes until gills form, the slits tearing, blood running in scarlet rivers down pale skin and they, for they are children then, cry in great heaving sobs.
They do not see blessing in their pain.
They, in their youth, cannot see the love.
After in their shivering survival, they discover that breathing is now painful
But living has always been painful.
In the screams that pierce the night they know dying is worse.
They feed the bog, burying creatures, fae and human alike, in its peat. In feeding the looming spongy night that spreads beneath their feet the land provides for them in turn.
The raw fish that flops helpless and flailing by their heads when they awake feels something close to a mother's love.
They are loved.
Dagdan makes Brannagh a necklace of teeth and she in turn carves him a knife of bone.
They are loved.
They do not call themselves monsters yet.
The centuries pass as the moon repeats its winding dance through the sky and little changes but the tales the Bean Sidhe tells from the Far Beyond.
A man who calls himself King first and uncle second summons them away from the living darkness to a castle of stone and death.
The clothes they wear are constricting and heavy, the masks they don worse still.
When Dagdan seeks the warmth of her sisterly embrace in the night Brannagh understands. In this castle love is hard to find and their mother is so very far away.
When their killings do not feed the land she wonders...
Is this what monsters are?
In death, she thinks perhaps they, siblings of the moss and peat and dirt, feared that which was a blessing in its pain.
Brannagh feels her brother's heartbeat stop in the quiet fading of her pulse and knows they will find their way home to the fen.
Death understands.
It is a monster like them.
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awritingcaitlin · 9 months
4 Songs 3 Visual Media 2 Books 1 Author
✨BREWING WAR VIBES✨ 🎧 "Bullets" by Archive, "Opacus" by Arkasia, "Heartlines" by Florence + the Machine, "High Priests" by Ronan Hardiman 📺 Witcher, Arcane, Dragon Age 📕 THE THOUSAND NAMES, WAY OF KINGS ✍🏻Brandon Sanderson
✨ SiegeWIP vibes ✨ 🎶 "Avalanche" by FLETCHER, "Love Lost" by Mattia Cupelli, "An Toll Dubh" by Runrig, and "Steampunk Dogfight" by Escape the Clouds 🍿 Sharpe's Rifles, Dishonored, SW: The Clone Wars 📗 DUNE and MISTBORN 🖊️ Robert Jordan
✨ CureWIP vibes ✨ 🎵 "Jump!" by Thomas Bergeson, "Whispers" by DREAMOIR, "Fight Song" by Rachel Platten, "Alba" by the Sidh 📽️ Firefly, Cowboy Bepob, and Warhammer 📘 The Expanse series and CRIMSON QUEEN ✏️Diane Duane
✨ Violin Heist Vibes ✨ 🎻"The Hero Within" by James Paget, "Halo of Light" by Taylor Davis, "Roundtable Rival" by Lindsey Stirling, "Wild Heart" by Thomas Bergeson 🎦Pirates of the Caribbean, Mission Impossible, Fullmetal Alchemist 📔MISTBORN era 2, FOUNDRYSIDE 🖋️ Tamora Pierce
✨ SecretSoup2 Vibes ✨ 🎧"Dog Days Are Over" by Florence + the Machine, "Never Say Die" by CHVRCHES, "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" by Cyndi Lauper, and "What About Us" by P!nk 🎮Xenogears, Tales of Symphonia, Xenoblade Chronicles 📙Discworld, KH novelization 📝Every ND fanfic author
✨ Team W Vibes ✨ 🎵 "Don't You Worry Child" (PTX cover), "Rebels in the Light" by Manicanparty, "Gold Guns Girls" by Metric, "Night Sky" by CHVRCHES 🎮Kingdom Hearts, Spiderverse, Super Smash Brothers Brawl 📘His Dark Materials, Circle of Magic ✍🏻x-over fanfic writers
✨ The Great Game Vibes ✨ 🎶"Walk me Home" by P!nk, "A Praise Chorus" by Jimmy Eat World, "Disarm" by Smashing Pumpkins, "Moondance" by Nightwish 📺Hero among Thieves, Disney's Atlantis, Chrono Trigger 📘The Witcher Series, THE SHADOW THRONE 🖊️Claudia Grey
✨Aftermath Vibes✨ 🎼"I'm not Okay (I Promise)" by My Chemical Romance, "We Don't Have to Dance" by Andy Black, "Kill the Lights" by Set it Off, "Heartbreak Feels so Good" by Fall Out Boy 🎥The Owl House, Breath of the Wild, Avengers 📕CLOCKWORK BOYS, THE FAULT IN OUR STARS 📝Robin McKinley
✨Beauty and the Dragon Vibes✨ 🎶"What if it Doesn't End Well" by Chloe Moriondo, "I Need a Hero" (Shrek 2 version), "If I Ever Leave This World Alive" by Flogging Molly, "Love from the Other Side" by Fall Out Boy 🎬Shrek, Beauty and the Beast, Gargoyles 📙BEAUTY, DEALING WITH DRAGONS ✍🏻Patricia C Wrede
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whosamawhatsit · 5 months
tagged by @i-gwarth
Rules: put in 5 tracks you listen to, then tag ten five some people.
These aren't in order of how much I like them, just in the order I thought of them lmao. I'm also restraining myself on the video game soundtracks.
I'll Let You Know by WILD. This one's just a vibe in general.
Ephemeris by Marcus Warner. Now we're getting into the songs I write to! This one's in several Metronome inspo playlists.
Rain Clouds by The Arcadian Wild. I like their mandolin style in general. I have a lot of their songs in The Wave inspo playlists.
Never Forget by Phillip Beesen. Same as 2, good working song, also in the inspo list for Metronome.
Giants by CoCo and the Butterfields. I like them in general but a lot of their stuff also ends up in oc playlists.
Honorary mention: So Easy To Leave by The SIDH. Dubstep-esque celt flutes? They make it work somehow.
Tagging: @dragonfromthewoodlands, @rebuketheviolent, @childofeberron, @particolored-socks, @wispy64, @l33tsaber, @ahauntedgoth
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