#silver Fang gang
ok-i-draw · 11 months
Sneak peak for the next Mob!hopper backstory chapter!
( as a sorry for not posting yesterday… )
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Bonus sketches from notebook, Anatomy for Mob!maria and mob!marcos down below! 👇
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I’ve always imagined them with tattoos, Maria having more meaningful floral tattoos and Marcos…. Getting whatever he wants… But he still wanted to match with Maria so he got a similar chest tattoo as a symbol of their familial bond!
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djarincore · 5 months
A Bard's Tale
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SUMMARY: When you proposition Halsin at the Grove party, you're almost shocked he agrees. Now, if only you could sneak away from your companions... WC: 3.9k
PAIRING: Halsin x f!reader
TAGS: 18+ MDNI, smut, bard!reader, cunnilingus, fingering, unprotected PIV
A/N: just some filthy smut Gale, my beloved, look away inspired by a book in the game and my head canon that the gang has a bookclub <3 banner by @/cafekitsune
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You were used to being stared at—such was life as a performing bard—but never with so much… desire.
A numbing warmth blossomed across your neck and crept toward your cheeks, hairs stood on end. You knew exactly whose gaze fell over your body and tried pushing down a sudden shiver with a gulp of wine. The nearly stale flavor washed down your throat but didn’t take away the buzzing feeling deep in your gut.
Fireworks colored the sky above in a pop of brilliant glittering lights. Gale and Rolan were locked in a battle of wizard hubris over who could conjure up the bigger and brighter show for the crowd of awestruck children. You were certain if the show got any bigger or brighter, you’d have to be putting out fires and patching up burns by the end of the night.
“He’s staring again,” Astarion groaned, lips pulling up into a sneer and revealing the edge of razor-sharp fangs. His red glare fell over the edge of his silver goblet as he took a sip of cheap wine.
You dared to follow his gaze toward the large elf standing across the clearing, surrounded by rowdy celebrating tieflings. The two of you locked eyes—firelight danced over warm hazel eyes.
Halsin sent you a brief grin as if he hadn’t been caught staring, before returning to his conversation with the tiefling, Zevlor, in front of him.
When your party first learned the Archdruid Halsin had been taken by a bunch of goblins, you figured the man you’d find would be ancient, withering, and most of all, not attractive. Lo and behold, your party was in for a big surprise after freeing a helpless bear that shifted into a towering, broad elf before your eyes.
It was the talk of camp for the next few days as you cleared out the goblin camp. It was clear all of your companions held some interest in the druid, whether out of curiosity or… lust.
Tonight, you’ve been working up the courage to speak with him, drinking yourself dizzy with your companions and hoping it would give you the strength to approach him. You’ve flirted and had quick meaningless dalliances with faceless people who didn’t matter the next morning, but something made you nervous when it came to Halsin. He was wiser and more mature than anyone you've known in your short life.
“Gods, he looks like he wants to devour you.”
You quickly returned your gaze to Astarion, a quick retort forming on your lips. You snorted, “And you don’t?”
You allowed the vampire to indulge in your blood every once in a while but never took him up on his other advances as much as he offered. You never felt quite comfortable looking into the empty red stare that came along with those offers. Simple banter every once in a while didn’t hurt though.
“If you’d like, that can be arranged,” he countered, ever quick to throw on that charming facade, and moved closer. The cold emanating off his undead figure cooled the fire dancing along your skin.
“Enough of that,” Shadowheart huffed, rolling her eyes as she poured more sanguine liquid into her goblet—her third cup of the night. She was remarkably more relaxed and fun for a Sharran with wine flowing through her system.
“Oh, don’t worry, dear. The three of us can have plenty of fun together if you’d like.”
“Pass,” she said dryly, offering a hard shove to his shoulder instead.
You grinned as the two began to squabble with petty remarks and plenty of eye rolls. You took the opportunity to slip away for a moment of quiet.
You didn’t dislike your new, unexpected companions, in fact, you considered them friends after working together to defeat an encampment of goblins. Trust was earned and alliances forged but you weren’t used to your silently elected position as leader.
You were a bard for Gods’ sake! What knowledge did you possess of leading other than leading others in song? There were certainly more qualified individuals in your ragtag group, but somehow they trusted in your leadership and you weren’t about to let them down, not when so much depended on it. Sometimes it weighed on your shoulders; for every cut and bruise they received, somehow you felt you were to blame.
The celebration was still lively, bottles were still being poured, and laughter and song danced through the air. And still… trepidation, and anticipation for the uncertain future ahead, tainted the air.
The tieflings still had a long journey to Baldur’s Gate, and you and your companions had a cure to find. There was no telling any of you would make it past this night unscathed by the future ahead, but dwelling on the future would get you nowhere.
You breathed the rich, lively air and allowed a smile to settle on your face. This adventure would make a great tale if you survived. You could see it now—patrons gathered around you at the bar as you regaled them with the highs and lows of your heroic adventure, the friends and enemies you made along the way. And, if you were lucky, a lover by your side.
Speaking of—you glanced toward Halsin once again to find him alone and lingering by the tall grass, observing the party. His arms were crossed, yet the fondness of which he observed the festivities made him seem approachable. You drew in a deep breath and stepped toward him. His eyes found yours as you drew closer.
“You should be celebrating, not keeping an old druid like me company.”
You hoped that wasn't his attempt at shooing you away. “I am celebrating—with you.”
He hummed low, a small smile forming as he gazed down at you. Something unspoken lingered behind his amused expression, raw and unfiltered.
You tilted your head and brushed aside the feelings bubbling up in your stomach, the warmth rising across your cheeks. You cleared your throat, feeling the warmth from before returning to your cheeks, “So, where's your wine? There's plenty around. I think Mol has some stored away too.”
He shook his head with a chuckle. You’d almost think it was bashful. “I fear you do not want to see me drunk.”
You tilted your head and leaned in. What could an archdruid have to be embarrassed about? “Now I have to see.”
“Trust me, the stuff goes right to my head. Before you know it, I’d be breaking into song or declaring love to the first person I laid eyes on.”
You gaped, and in an overly exasperated voice said, “But love and song are my specialty!”
You were more than eager to hear declarations of love. Targeted at you, preferably.
“Maybe I can inspire you another time then.”
“Tonight?” You could almost taste the wine-fueled invitation. Sweet and tempting, a dangerous mix.
Halsin said nothing for a moment and you were certain he would refuse, probably thinking of how to let you down easily. Your stomach churned and your muscles tensed as you waited for any sign of rejection.
But, to your surprise, he nodded and rested a hand on your arm with a gentle squeeze. The feeling of his fingers against your skin shot a shiver through your body.
You blinked—once, twice. Disbelief and a mix of excitement stirred in your chest.
The rest of the celebrations passed in a blur of grateful tieflings approaching you with their thanks and relentless teasing from Shadowheart and Astarion. When the tieflings packed up and went on their way, headed for Baldur’s Gate, your party wished them well and settled in for the night.
You cast quick but unsubtle glances between the campfire and Halsin as you poked at the fire. He was setting up his tent between Wyll’s and Laezel’s.
You wondered when the promise of ‘tonight’ would come. Would he call upon you when the others were asleep? Would it be a simple look over the campfire, a nod of the head?
A hand on the small of your back, leading you into the woods. It would eventually slip lower, caressing your behind and pulling you flush against his solid chest. His lips would descend on yours with a hungry, desperate fervor, devouring any moans that escaped. Your hips flush with his, grinding–
“Man, what a night,” Karlach exclaimed as she threw herself against her bedroll by the fire.
Your eyes snapped from the fire to her, pushing your previous thoughts away. You took in a deep breath and felt it fill your lungs to chase away the heat. Your stomach twisted into knots.
She tucked her arms behind her head but sprung right up again, almost startling you. “Oh, I almost forgot! Check out what I found at the Grove.”
She snatched her pack, resting at the foot of her bedroll, and dug around until she presented you with a thin, crudely bound book. The corner was singed from the heat of her fingertips, but you could read the handwritten title across the cover in golden lettering—Shadow’s Kiss vol. 4 written by Roan Featherway.
When you flipped open the cover, you found most of the pages ripped out. The last chapter and epilogue were all that was left.
You briefly wondered if Karlach looked before taking it, but she probably hadn't. She admittedly hadn't read since primary, much to Gale’s horror.
You weren't entirely sure what the book was about after skimming the first page—something about two lovers. Luckily, you weren't too picky about your choice of literature.
“Can you read it tonight?” She stared at you with a wide smile. The flames in her hair flared, a key sign she was growing excited.
When the party wasn't slaying goblins, you found they enjoyed listening to you read, something to do with being a bard and mimicking voices. So, they took to collecting lost books in ruined of villages or anywhere else they could get their hands on one.
You glanced over to Halsin. He was pulling a blanket from his pack and setting it in his tent.
Would you still have time to sneak off later?
Gale appeared over your shoulder, squinting at the title of the novel. “Oh, another book? Hm, I'm unfamiliar with this one. Perhaps we should be starting this series in order.”
He settled down on his bedroll across from you with crossed legs.
“I'm sure our dear bard can spin up an interesting tale to fill in the gaps,” Wyll cut in, cradling a cup of wine and taking a seat by the fire.
You sucked in an exasperated breath when you saw Astarion and Shadowheart saunter up to the fire and take their places on either side of Karlach. There was no way you'd be able to make an excuse to slip away with Halsin without their relentless teasing.
You succumbed to Karlach’s request and opened up the book, clearing your throat.
“In the ashes of that ruined village, the pair shared a kiss, all tongue and teeth. Sweat and heat passed between the two bodies as they-”
Gods, was this really the story? You glanced up to your companions who seemed to look on with rapt attention. In the corner of your eye, you noticed a large figure settle down on a log.
“Don't stop on my account,” Halsin said, waving his hand to allow you to continue.
You nodded and dipped back into the novel. You were glad he didn't seem bothered that the two of you would have to wait a little longer. Though, you weren't sure how you could read a book like this and not think of tonight.
“-pulled one another closer, as if clinging to the last bit of hope either of them had left. Balsin,” you faltered over the name, mouth agape over the next word. That couldn't be a coincidence.
You and the rest of your companions sent a curious look at Halsin, who sat on the log with an amused smile.
“Any relation?” You asked, one brow raised.
“Not at all. It was supposed to be a historical account.”
The group chuckled to themselves as you continued the story. It became increasingly raunchy, taking a turn toward the expected. Clothes tossed away, bodies slick with sweat, tongues clashing.
Your companions listened on, clinging to every filthy word that dripped from your mouth. Gale was pink in the face, but remained seated on his bed roll with averted eyes. Karlach’s flames sparked blue every once in a while. Shadowheart and Astarion wore sly smiles as the story continued. Wyll was the most relaxed with his wine, quietly listening on. Even Lae’zel, sitting at her tent, stopped polishing her sword to listen.
The story was just another typical tavern tale, nothing special or out of the ordinary for you to read aloud, except to have Halsin audience to it, and practically in it, was a different story.
You couldn't help but imagine this Balsin fellow as Halsin. The descriptions of this main character holding his lover, kissing her, touching her—it sent a throbbing between your legs.
Every other sentence had you peering over the book at him, wondering if he was growing uncomfortable or embarrassed, but no such expression was evident on his face. Instead, he watched you, your lips, with a familiar hunger.
“Balsin caressed her bare skin. ‘Selune must have carved you from the stars herself.’ The-”
Shadowheart scoffed, cutting off your sentence. You paused to catch her rolling her eyes. “Don’t tell me that's actually flattering.”
“Oh, it is. I've used it quite a few times,” Astarion said.
“You must be a bad flirt then,” Wyll teased, shoving his shoulder into Astarion’s.
The party devolved into a petty squabble of flirting practices and the best pick-up lines after. On any other day, you would jump into the fray with your favorite lines, but you were far more curious about something, someone, else.
You caught Halsin's back retreating into the woods, fists clenched with tense shoulders. You frowned, shutting the book.
Your companions’ attention was elsewhere at the moment, so you stood, leaving the book behind, and snuck away.
You wandered through the forest path you’ve taken many times before after long, grueling days of battle, and found the river bank.
You saw the reflection of the moon and stars in the river, but no Halsin.
A minute of your eyes scouring the water and the rustle of brush caught your attention a little too late. Clamorous, heavy steps advanced behind you. When you turned and caught a brief look of brown fur, it collided with you to the ground.
Hot and heavy puffs of air fanned across your face. Fur brushed across your exposed arms. A worg? A goblin ambush?
You opened your eyes to face the creature, prepared to scream for help, only to find it was not a worg but a bear—a familiar bear.
You gasped, “Halsin?”
A ring of gold circled the bear’s irises and a flash of white overtook your vision. You shielded your eyes until the light faded. When you removed your hand, you were met with a very naked Halsin above you.
His thick forearms rested beside your head, keeping his weight off you and trapping you between them. “Forgive me,” he apologized. “I was hoping this would not happen.”
You stammered, forcing your eyes to focus on his face and not wander down to his chest, “What? Tackling me to the ground?”
“I was hoping I could control my bear form.” Halsin pushed himself off the ground, offering you a hand up.
You attempted to narrow your focus on his outstretched hand that was hovering in front of his waist. But you couldn't help the accidental slip of your gaze and—Oh Gods, he was massive.
You hoped he didn't notice your eyes didn't bulge out of your skull as you took his hand. If he did, he said nothing and had no reaction as he hauled you back up to your feet.
“What do you mean by control?”
“Sometimes my desire grows so strong it's hard to hold myself back from changing forms.”
“Desire?” You repeated absently, the rest of his words floating over your head. You looked over the red tattoo that curved over his cheek before settling on his pink lips. There was something like desire building in your chest or something fiercer, hungry.
You inched forward, ghosting your fingers over the soft curve of his belly, not taking your eyes off his lips. You wet your own, wondering when you'll finally get a taste. He probably tasted of berries and rich honey.
“Yes, hearing you read that book, I could hardly stay in control, so I left.” Halsin’s voice was low, breathy, almost as if he was still trying to hold himself back. He grasped your wrist, thumb gliding over your pulse. “I hope you aren't frightened by me.”
You could have gawked. Frightened? He was so turned on by you, he turned into a bear. You couldn't say that about any previous lovers. “Absolutely not. I still want you, Halsin.”
There was a flash of relief that bled into a smile. “Come here.”
Halsin tugged your wrist, colliding your bodies, and kissed you. He was so warm, his lips soft, but his kiss was passionate, needy. He wanted to devour you. A hand cupped your neck, pulling you impossibly close, melting you against him.
You could barely get a breath in without pressing your hand against his chest. As you took in the night air, Halsin took to your neck, grazing teeth over your skin like you were a meal he wanted to sink his teeth into.
He tugged at your shirt and you lifted your arms to help him get it off so your chest was just as bare as his. “You’re breathtaking,” he rasped as his lips dipped below your collarbone. He murmured more praises as he made his way down your chest.
Your head fell back with a sigh escaping you, heat thruming through your body. Your hands ran through the length of his hair, gripping the locks between curled fingers.
Halsin nipped and sucked at your skin. Your body was giving into his touch, legs growing weak. Before you could stumble, Halsin's hands grasped the meat of your thigh and lifted you.
Your legs wrapped around his waist, securing yourself against his front. You shifted your hips to run yourself along his growing erection.
Halsin moaned as he moved to a tree, pressing you against the rough bark. His hands roamed your skin, brushing over your breasts, grazing your nipples to peaks.
He slipped down to his knees, kissing your stomach and tugging down your pants. The
Halsin caressed your thighs. “Rest your legs over my shoulders.”
“Won't I be too heavy?”
“Let me worship your body the way it was made for.”
Your jaw almost dropped at his words, but empowered, you hooked your legs over his shoulders.
Halsin was an attentive, passionate lover. He kissed your abdomen and down to your clit, like a gentle lover would. For a man who spent much of his time as a bear and so large, he was surprisingly gentle.
Your fingers returned to his hair, intertwining through the locks, as you shuddered. You were afraid of falling, but his strong grip on your backside held you steady. You were safe in his hands.
His tongue lavished you, parting your folds delicately like he was dipping in to taste a pot of honey. Just a taste was not enough as he soon delved deeper into your dripping heat.
“So sweet,” he murmured between those slow laps at your folds. He brought you closer, hungrier now that he had a taste.
Your head rested against the tree trunk and dared to let a moan escape you. Surely your companions were still too busy arguing amongst themselves to hear the lewd sounds slipping between the trees. Even if they could hear, you weren't sure you'd care. The feeling of Halsin’s skilled tongue far outweighed the embarrassment of being caught.
Your thighs clenched around his head as your hips bucked into his mouth. The peak of your climax came with a pitched cry, your body tensing and releasing all at once.
Halsin didn't stop devouring you, tasting every drop of your release with a desperate tongue.
You tugged at his hair when it all felt too much, when the pleasure turned to a burn at every lap against your sensitive clit. Halsin allowed himself to be pulled from you. He looked up at you, mouth wet with your juices, with a glimmer in his eyes.
“Tired?” His voice was teasing. His tongue darted out to catch your arousal smeared across his lower lip as he grined.
You almost scoffed. “Hardly. Is that all you've got?”
Halsin slipped out under you and swept you into another kiss, where you could still taste yourself on his lips. He pulled away and swiped his thumb over your glistening lips. “Trust me—you will not get much sleep tonight.”
The two of you met the cold grassy floor once again with you splayed on your back and Halsin hovering over you. You smiled up at him, inviting his down for another kiss which he accepted.
Lips clashed with heat and passion as two thick fingers pushed into your slick heat. You shuddered and arched into him as he buried them to the knuckle. He worked you open, spreading and stretching you out to prepare you for his cock. And judging by what you’d seen, it was much needed.
He turned you on to your stomach, easing his fingers out of you. The grass tickled between your fingers as you arched your back, displaying yourself for him like a ready mate. He gripped your hips, and you felt him, thick and warm, against your ass.
“I'll be gentle,” he promised.
“Don't be,” you sighed, grinding against him. You wanted him to lose himself in you. You wanted the calm and composed arch druid completely feral, fucking deep into you until the dawn forced your bodies apart.
When the tip of his cock notched at your entrance, you bit your lip.
He pushed in with a stretch. You opened around him and he slid into you with little resistance, snug in your warmth. You felt so, so full and when he pulled out, teasing your entrance again before thrusting back in, your mouth dropped open, and you moaned.
“So good,” he praised with his words slipping off into a low groan like he was biting something back. “Are you alright?”
You nodded in response and pushed yourself against him. He was gentle, true to his word, infuriatingly so.
“I don't want you to hold back,” you demanded.
His fingers dug into your skin, marking the tender flesh with cresent shapes. With another sharp thrust, you nearly feel forward into the grass. Halsin’s lips pulled close to your ear. “Are you sure that's what you want?”
“Forget your control and fuck me.”
No longer restrained, Halsin gave you exactly what you craved—hips snapping against you with no room for you to breathe.
You shuddered and cried out, ached and moaned. Even the night air couldn't cool the heat between your slick bodies. Your orgasm hit you hard, leaving you limp and useless against his heavy thrusts.
Halsin lifted your body against his chest and continued using you. One orgasm after the other.
You just hoped you'd still have your voice by sunrise.
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softfem-dom · 3 months
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IT ,, hybrid ! au ,, movie & book mix .
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hybrid! bowers gang au x owner! female reader
synopsis : after taking in a stray cat that was scratching at your front door on a rainy night, you soon fall victim to the animal distribution system when your house is suddenly filled to the brink with barks, meows and hisses.
what will happen when those odd pets of yours turn out to be hybrids?
pets available ! 🧺🐚
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[movie] patrick hockstetter / match .
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teen ,, stray cat ,, unknown breed.
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Match is the cat with pyromanic tendencies that you took in that rainy day when you heard him meowing and scratching at your front door. +"clingy" , +"troublesome" , +"agressive" , +"unhinged" , +"arsonist". ⚠warnings: *keep away from fire, matches, lighters or any source that might be flammable. *lock bathroom door if you don't want him to come in while you're showering and meow for your attention. *keep all glass objects (bottles, glasses, vases) away from reach or he will break them.
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[movie/book] henry bowers / fangs .
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teen ,, farm / domestic dog ,, scottish collie
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Fangs is the beautiful big farm dog that showed up only a day later after the appearence of Match. He gained his name from how much he bared his teeth at the cat whenever it came to pester him. +"protective" , +"territorial" , +"grumpy" , +"helpful". ⚠warnings: *keep away from objects that are fragile since he is quite big and might break them on accident. *he doesn't like dog food, he prefers raw meat right out from the freezer. *let him out on the backyard to release energy.
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[movie] victor criss / whimsy .
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teen ,, domestic ferret ,, white ferret
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Whimsy is the sneaky white ferret that Match brought in his mouth one day as a 'gift' after one of his daily outings. Many of your small things, such as rings or small silver hairclips went missing as soon as he got inside the house. Seemed like the white animal stole your things when he got the whim. +"sneaky" , +"thief-like" , +"playful" , +"mischevious". ⚠warnings: *keep shiny things or small expensive things out of his reach or he will steal them. *when he climbs onto your shoulder is the clue to take him away from Match, who might be pestering him too much for his liking.
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[movie] regginald 'belch' huggins / buddy .
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teen ,, domestic dog ,, french bulldog
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Buddy is affectionate black bulldog that appeared on the same day as Whimsy later on the evening. He is just a silly dude that likes to follow you around and drop his head on your lap while you're doing work on the computer. He doesn't whine for attention or try and distract you from your work like Match does, so you always let him be! +"affectionate" , +"calm" , +"relaxed" , +"gentle giant". ⚠warnings: *he doesn't know his strength, so please please be sure to specify when his playful bites turn into something painful!
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[book] gard jagermeyer / pretty .
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puppy/teen ,, trained dog ,, maltipoo
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Pretty is quite the needy and affectionate thing! he'll cling to you and follow you around like the lost little puppy he is! He showed up a day latter than Whimsy and Buddy, practically whining, while a much larger hybrid carried him around on his mouth. +"needy" , +"himbo" , +"affectionate" , +"drama king" , +"whiny" , +"clingy". ⚠warnings: *he needs a lot of attention and constant praise, he's quite the needy puppy! *keep him away and safe from Match, since the cat likes to pick on him (scratch him, hiss at him, and bite his ears and tail) quite often!
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[book] steve 'moose' sandler / gnarly .
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late teen/adult ,, wild animal ,, red coyote
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Gnarly showed up at your doorstep holding a whiny Pretty in his mouth, as if a mother with her kittens, simply dropping the poor puppy on your doorstep. Literally forcing you to take care of the puppy yourself. He refuses to come inside, growling and snarling at you when you try to initiate any kind of physical contact, and pretty much won't come inside (he kind of lives in your backyard? he sometimes leaves for the day but always comes back to sleep there, he scratches at the door until Pretty shows himself and then he goes back to sleeping alone in your yard when he is sure the puppy is safe). +"agressive" , +"ruthless" , +"independant" , +"hissy" , +"territorial" , +"possesive".
⚠warnings: *don't try to pet him! he is not a hybrid meant for housing, he is meant to be a hunting animal or be out in the wild, he is no pet! *always let Pretty go to him even when it might look like the coyote could eat him up, it's clear they're an odd pair of friends that should not separated unless you want consequences from Gnarly's part!
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[book] peter gordon / baby .
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late teen ,, domestic dog ,, weimaraner
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Baby appeared in your living room (the door to your backyard open and with Gnarly also inside of your living room) three days after Gnarly and Pretty's appearance. Baby has showed himself to be no trouble. He spends the whole day sleeping and lazing around your bedroom, but the boy does try to sneak sips from your coffee whenever you leave it unnatended! +"calm" , +"softie" , +"actually kinda normal (lol😭)" , +"sleepy(baby is eepy)".
⚠warnings: *don't leave coffee cups/glasses at doggy reach!
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search tag for this au : paola's hybrid boyz<3333
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Meet Lilith🌙✨
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Made my own take on the Mighty Queen Lilith for fun! Ngl her designs one of my favs, aswell as the Helluva Boss succbui designs! I mixed them together!
I def wanted to show how she’s not just the first but most powerful succubus. I imagine as Queen of the Succbus she’d have the largest wings of them all aswell as biggest horns. I imagine Verosika looks up to her as an icon figure and tries to emulate her fashion! Also added a bit of night sky glimmer to it🌌 made her skin white as the glowing moon!🌙🌌
Gave her dress a gradient aswell as a slit to show off her legs and feet. I imagine she wears all kinds of different outfits.
Made her hair wavier, more volume! Also added some silver streaks.
Added gradient to her limbs. Was lowkey inspired by Milkymelodie’s song cover.
Gave her gold claws. I imagine they’re actually black like Charlie’s, jsut paints them gold for that glam⭐️👑⚜️
Wanted to make her look more similar to Charlie(perhaps Adam sees a lot of Lilith in her). Blonde hair, fangs, nose white skin, ears, claws etc.
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Gave her dark eyes with white details. Like a night eclipse. She and the Goetia def share a connection to the moon 🌙
Gave her big hoop moon like earrings🌙🌙
Went for a mix of nocturnal animals and goats she’s usually redesigned as(apparently Lilith associated with snakes or shriek owls but goats also represent fertility which also symbolizes Lilith well). Went for lowkey Eda Harpy . Talon like claw nails, wild hair, bat like wings. A true creature of the night/moon and the wild, empowering feminine nature of it🌌🌖🦇🦉🐐
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What do u think? How would u redesign Lilith? I’d love to know💖
I’ve done Charlie and the entire gang🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈 Also did Vox and even Mimzy 📺🐤
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yanderes-galore · 22 days
Dutch van der linde Panther hybrid au concept 🗣🗣
It's time for Panther to write panthers.
Yandere! Panther! Dutch Van Der Linde Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Stalking, Courting, Scent kink, Manipulation, Kidnapping, Possessive behavior, Biting, Marking, Grooming (As in what cats do), Violence, Blood, Mentions of mates, Murder, Jealousy, Dubious relationship.
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I know for hybrid concepts I usually tend to write human/hybrid pairings.
However, hear me out on this.
You can either have a human darling fooled by an injured Dutch, the panther pretending to be injured to lay low from the law or rob your home.
Yet the panther then gets too attached... seeing you as a mate or human to call his own.
OR, Panther! Dutch falling for Domestic Cat! Darling.
You're a domestic feline hybrid that lives in one of the towns.
Maybe you're a farm cat in Valentine/Emerald Ranch... or perhaps a city cat in Saint Denis.
Either way, despite your smaller build, Dutch is smitten by you and your scent.
Even to the point of stalking you around, watching you (and your human if you have one), all while the much larger cat tries to court you.
He wants to corrupt such an innocent cat to be with him, to be part of his gang, to be his.
His gang is full of hybrids.
He'd probably take his darling, human or hybrid, to his gang and make them stay at camp with him.
But first... Dutch would do his best to sway them in his favor.
Dutch is known for having a silver tongue, for swaying people.
Him being a panther hybrid only reflects such cunning behavior.
With a fanged grin and sway of his tail, Dutch can be beyond manipulative.
Perhaps he wounds himself to allow a human to care for him?
He'd inflict a bullet wound or claw at his leg, just to bleed at your doorstep and gain your pity.
Big panther or not, you won't leave him out here, will you?
He'd use such a tactic to lay low, pretending to be your domestic little stray while you care for him.
He may swipe from you but he mostly just needs you and your home for cover.
He keeps in contact with the gang, often asking some of the other hybrids for updates on certain things.
However... In this scenario, Dutch may get addicted to being pampered by you.
He's a predatory feline, one meant to survive in the wild on his own.
Yet when you bandage him, clean him, feed him, treat him like a house cat?
Well... He isn't going to turn that down.
In fact... Dutch finds himself attached to you, seeing you as his human.
He rarely leaves your home to lay low.
Sure, he could mask himself, but then he wouldn't get to lay in your lap and purr.
A similar situation occurs if you are a domestic hybrid.
Except, he isn't trying to lay low.
He simply caught a whiff of your scent, smelled feline, and followed you.
Only to learn you're a pampered house cat hybrid, living either on your own or with a human of your own.
Everything from your furred ears and tail to your clothes was so... proper.
So different compared to him, a wild hybrid covered in dirt.
He couldn't help but be attached, this time due to more primal reasons.
Although, he'd take a human or hybrid as a mate, he's compatible with both as long as the hybrid is feline based (and has a uterus, he doesn't have to worry about kittens if you have no uterus)
You're so different... Dutch bets you wouldn't last in a fight, be that with guns or claws.
You need a big strong mate to claim and protect you, don't you?
The panther would linger in front of his obsession's window, sniffing your scent and pawing to come inside your home.
He's a rugged hybrid... but he can't help but want you, a smaller and more delicate hybrid.
Dutch knows he has a domestic ginger haired cat hybrid at the camp... but you?
Human, hybrid, doesn't matter...
Dutch wants you as his mate, ignoring Molly in favor of this new obsession. (Justice for my girl....)
Now that there's some background of Dutch's bond towards you, here's some general behavior.
Dutch's purrs are loud.
He often likes to crawl on top of his obsession and cuddle them, purring away with his long tail wrapped around their waist.
He likes to coat you in his scent by rubbing against you, even coating himself in yours so people associate you with each other.
Poor Molly, the ginger domestic cat hybrid, is going to pick up on your scent on Dutch....
He doesn't even seem to care.
All he cares about is you now.
Dutch would groom you, fur or not.
By this I of course mean him running his tongue along you.
For humans it's much rougher, his tongue feeling like sandpaper as he coats you in his saliva.
He grooms you not only to scent, but soothe himself.
It reassures him he's claimed you.
Speaking of which, Dutch would have a thing for biting.
He likes to bite your neck and nape, purring as he marks you and licks your skin.
He's possessive, the whole reason he scents you so aggressively.
Soon, when he feels he can go outside, Dutch stalks you from a distance.
His hazel eyes never leave your form, remembering the scent of those around you to hunt down later.
When you get home, the panther immediately scents you with low growls.
How does he deal with rivals? Claws or guns, depending on the situation.
Claws are definitely more silent.
Although, guns are cleaner.
It depends on how much the person got on his nerves.
Dutch taking you back to camp is inevitable.
If you're human or a domestic cat, it doesn't matter.
You'll be in a camp full of hybrids and have to rely on Dutch for help.
There's all sorts of hybrids in the gang.
Canines, felines, bears, birds, rodents, deer, rabbits...
It can be dangerous for someone who isn't well equipped.
If you're human, congrats, you're the only full human there.
You're a pure human surrounded by hybrids.
If you're a hybrid, Dutch keeps you in his tent.
Getting you there is the tricky part.
Dutch would have to knock you out in both scenarios, tossing you on a horse before riding back to camp.
Hosea's probably going to lecture him, the damn owl....
He doesn't care if you feel out of place or intimidated.
The panther keeps you close to him, purring as he glares towards the other hybrids in the area.
In camp, he has to worry about less people around you.
Yet he still has to worry about people like Micah or Javier getting too close to you, his mate.
Dutch would be one to corrupt your innocent mindset.
He's done it to many others.
In fact, that's like everyone in the gang.
The panther has honeyed words.
Dutch would bribe you with freedom and trinkets, begging you to stay with him in the camp.
No matter what happens, you're his top priority.
Molly no doubt is envious of your new position.
Even if it was not a role you asked for.
Being Dutch's "mate" wasn't your intention.
He just managed to coax you into being his.
If Molly tried to start something or fought with you, Dutch looms behind her.
The panther's eyes glare into the smaller ginger cat, crossing his arms with a flick of his tail.
Molly wouldn't hurt you regardless, even in envy.
She knows Dutch is a dangerous man.
Dutch is a man who gets what he wants, no matter how much blood is spilled.
In fact, as a hunter and con man, he loves fooling people to get what he wants.
Dealing with Dutch in general is a poor choice...
But as a hybrid? You'd swear he's even worse.
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Thoughts on Hollows and Ether Corruption
What We Know Canonically (So Far)
Almost anything can experience ether corruption when inside a hollow, whether a living being or inanimate object
Those with high ether aptitude can stay in Hollows for longer periods of time without worrying about being corrupted, while those with low aptitude have anti-ether equipment that can help protect them. Ether aptitude tests are common
Artificial intelligence (androids, bangboo, smart machines, etc) are vulnerable to corruption if they pass the Forbidden Fruit test— which we don’t have specifics on atm, but presumably marks when an AI has become fully sentient like a person. This corruption is likely referring to ethereal mutation rather than the crystals that form on inanimate objects. Or perhaps even both! Ouch.
People who have been in Hollows for “too long” are susceptible to cognitive corruption syndrome (CCS), which is essentially a dementia/alhzheimer’s-esque disease that causes memory regression
Inferences (and/or Assumptions)
Living beings (humans, thirens, sentient ai, etc) presumably have their corruption levels “reset”/scale back down after exiting a hollow. I’m taking it as a similar situation to blot in Twisted Wonderland, where accumulation naturally decreases with enough time outside the hollow, and can be sped up with proper health maintenance (eating, sleeping, etc).
Corruption only really becomes a concern based on if you can leave (hence why proxies and carrots are so important), and if you stay in the hollows for extended periods of time. I think the threshold for “too long” starts at about maybe 2-3 hours??? Most commissions, including story events, take nowhere near as long as that in real time, I’m sure. I think the longest we might’ve gotten was about 75-90 minutes with the Cunning Hares in the prologue.
That’s the case for those with high ether aptitudes though. Lower aptitudes will experience effects much faster. Red Fang Gang’s Miguel Silver had to have practically zero ether aptitude for his mutation to be so instant.
Coming into contact with ether as an element/material (crystals, Nicole and Zhu Yuan’s shots, etc) won’t immediately cause high corruption levels/mutation (it’s likely everything in the ZZZ verse has in-world increased durability, given players and enemies alike can take bullet shots, burns, freezing, electric shocks, etc without dire consequences). Ethereals are often the most affected by other ether attacks— like ghost or dragon type being super effective against itself from Pokemon
Ether-tipped blades and other melee weapons have got to be a thing (I already have some ocs with this in mind for their weapons), and I don’t think it’s inherently dangerous to get hit by/wield them. You just gotta keep them covered when not in use, and be mindful/intentional of where you hold them (as you already would be with blades of any kind). The material used for weaponry (melee and firearms alike) is probably diluted a significant amount compared to the original crystals?
When actually harvesting ether crystals and other material, it’s highly recommended (often required) to handle with as much caution and protection as possible. The main thing being proper containment and coverage like gloves and stuff.
If there are more gradual effects to Hollow exposure, it’s likely not well known at the time of ZZZ’s main story. CCS could potentially be such, but it’s probably more susceptible if someone stays in hollows for about/longer than 2-3 hours in a single period of time.
Rapidly entering/exiting a hollow back and forth doesn’t count as a “reset”
Inanimate objects, overall, have significantly higher resistance against corruption. Specific levels can vary depending on material rates of corrosion/erosion/decay, quality and handling of the item, how deep it’s located in the hollow, etc. Time-space warping could also be a potential factor, but it’s probably difficult to test logistics for that.
As a general rule of thumb, buildings and infrastructure are usually the most durable things within a hollow. If you stay inside a building within the hollow (such as the Ballet Towers in Ch 3), you can stay inside for much longer (the threshold increasing up to 5-6 or even 7-8 hours, hence why Victoria Housekeeping could do their maintenance checks in the Ballet Towers without endangering themselves). Of course, if ethereals are able to access the building, that will naturally cause interior and/or exterior corruption mainly if hit with ether itself)
Understandably, artificial intelligence has far more resistance to (physical) corruption than organic beings, given they often house mechanical bodies. Though mental capabilities are still vulnerable from potential damage to processing units and such. But that takes about the same threshold as organic beings (~ 2-3 hours outside, 5-8 hours inside).
Unknown (As of Now)
Corruption effects on vegetation (plants/fungus), along with non-sentient animals and/or robotics.
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upwindbirch · 4 months
i feel like not enough people recognize delinquent!percy cause like, it's practically canon. give me percy with an undercut, the pattern of waves shaved into it. percy with a trident tattoo that goes up his spine. percy with a lighter that he doesn't actually use. percy who wears thick silver rings that double at a gauntlet. percy with a chipped canine that looks like a fang, and an ever-so-slightly crooked nose from an old fight. give me a percy who's familiar with kids from gangs, who hands out food that sally makes for them. give me delinquent!percy!!!!
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evandarya · 11 months
The Vampire and the Bat
The Vampire!Jason AU that has been living in my head rent free for the past six months.
The thing is, Jason wasn't stupid. He was always top of his class. Well, within the top five, at least. Or, he was back when he still went to school. Even now, he's been on the streets for two, almost three years and he's been smart enough not to join any of the gangs who would use him for his strength and leave him to take the fall, or be picked up by the Clans who would make him into a Thrall, a mindless ghoul to do their bidding, and he's avoided CPS. He was smart enough to not get hooked on drops, pops, angel blood, or any of the other street drugs that steal away your life.
The point is, Jason is smart. But he's also hungry, and a hungry vampire is a desperate vampire. Desperate people tend to do some pretty stupid things.
Which would explain his current predicament: staring up at Batman, the most prolific vampire hunter on the East Coast, tire iron clutched in one hand and three out of four Batmobile tires stashed two alleys over and the fourth most of the way off.
For a long moment nothing happened. Jason stared up at the blank white lenses. Neither of them blinked. Jason wasn't sure either of them were breathing. Batman was between him and the mouth of the alley, but there was a fire escape at the other end. If he was quick enough…
Batman moved, a gloved hand reached out to grab him. Jason swung the tire iron with all his strength. It made contact with the man's armor, sending jarring vibrations up his arms. Batman grunted and Jason dropped the tire iron and took off, jumping off the wall in order to make it to the ladder. His fingers had just brushed a rung when something snagged his foot and pulled him down. Thick arms wrapped around his torso and held him against a broad chest.
That's when he smelled it.
Human and fresh, barely a half hour old.
The world became sharper, brighter. His focus narrowed in on the source of blood. It was so close.
Batman had blood on his gloves, bright red against the silver clawed tips.
Jason screamed and started kicking and pushing at Batman's arms. He had to get away. In a lucky move, Jason's head caught Batman in the lip and the man dropped him in surprise. He scrambled away and pressed his back into the wall, his hands covering his mouth and nose.
"You're hungry." Batman said it like it was a matter of fact. Jason shook his head. He was. He was starving! But he wouldn't lose control. He had seen what happened to vampires who lost control. They were put down like rabid dogs. That wouldn't be him. But Batman was tugging off his gloves, removing his gauntlets. Exposing the tender vulnerable flesh to the open air. The veins shone blue under the thin skin. The wrist was one of the few places a fledgeling could feed from before their adult fangs came in. Saliva flooded his mouth, its numbing effect making his tongue tingle. His baby fangs descended, sharp enough to break skin but not long enough or strong enough to hold prey.
Batman was holding out his hand, wrist up. It was a trap. No one offered up their blood to a clanless Dhampir. Not for free. The man was saying something, Jason could see his mouth moving, but he couldn't hear him over the too-old blood roaring through his ears. He shook his head and Batman pulled back. Jason was smart enough not to hope the man would just leave.
Sure enough, Batman only sat back on his heels. With a flick of a wrist a dark bat-shaped blade appeared in the man's still gloved hand. A Batarang. He had found dozens of them over the city, and they fetched a decent price at the pawn shops. What was he going to do with it? Jason had read books where thieves had fingers cut off, or were scarred for each infraction. If Batman wanted to hurt him he was too young and weak to do much more than kick and scream.
But Batman didn't lunge for him, or grab his arm at all. Instead he held the Batarang to his bare wrist and —
The scent of fresh blood assaulted his senses immediately. It permeated the air, so thick he could almost see it. He could hear Batman's heart beating, steady like an execution drum. The man held his hand out again, precious drops of ruby red rolling down to his fingers, dripping onto the concrete.
Jason snarled, growling and hissing at the temptation in front of him. He would not drink it. He may be a tire thief but he wasn't a blood thief! With a burst of energy Jason leapt out of his crouch and used Batman's outstretched arm as a springboard. He launched himself halfway up the rusty fire escape. He had to get to the roof, get somewhere safe. Away from people. Away from Batman.
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marionedde · 7 months
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Came here to draw a bit of team dark and drew. All of them.
Or as close as I can get I have too much time on my hands
First page: Shadow, Rouge and Omega
Second: Sonic Kunckles and Tails
Third: Amy Rose, Big, Cream and Trip
Fourth: Babylon Rogues, Fang's Gang, team chaotix, blaze silver and marine
Fifth: Metal Sonic, Infinite, Sage, Tikal, Chaos, Surge and Kit, Tangle, Whisper, Sticks, Belle
Sixth (i was getting tired sorry): Jewel, Barry, Gadget, Ariem, Mighty and Ray, Vanilla, Shade
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ok-i-draw · 1 year
Doodles of the Silver Cartel hanging out with one another!
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heylittleriotact · 7 days
Open Invitation - Forty-One (Midnight Vampire Visit)
In which:
The gang gets invited to a fancy party
The gang isn't sure if Echo should go to the fancy party
Echo takes issue with this
Astarion's siblings pop in for a visit
Echo starts having second thoughts
She stared at Astarion, admiring his handsome and dignified countenance as he stood in the moonlight, his white locks, uncharacteristically tousled and wild, almost seemed radiant in the silver light. He flipped his dagger tetchily in his hand and bit his lower lip, the tip of a fang just barely visible. He bore the evidence of a few claw marks too, his blood soaking through the off-white fabric of his shirt in the places where he had been grazed.  He didn’t look like someone who would coldly condemn six people - victims like himself - to death for his benefit, but it was becoming increasingly apparent that he was indeed that sort of person. And she had just helped further his ambition with her lie. Her stomach turned again and she swallowed a large mouthful of wine.  Astarion continued to eye the wine uneasily as if it were poison, but he also righted a chair and sat across from Echo with a sigh. The dagger was dropped unceremoniously to the floor and he sat forward, rubbing his temples. “What a mess.” He dragged his fingers through his hair and smiled humorlessly. “Well, at least you’ve met my family now.”  Echo didn’t know what to say. His attempt at humor fell flat: she didn’t feel like laughing right now. “This isn’t funny, Astarion,” she said at last, staring into her cup. “Something about this is wrong, and I don’t appreciate the fact that you’ve dragged me into it.” He straightened in his seat, jaw tense. “Dragged?” He repeated. “I didn’t force you to do anything. In fact if I recall correctly, you’re the one who chose to double down on my lie unprompted.”  “Because if I didn’t you would have turned around and accused me of not taking this seriously enough - suggested that I have cold feet.” She swirled the wine in the cup, still not looking at him because it was taking everything she had to keep her voice even. Calm.  “I’m starting to think you do,” came his heated retort. “You…” he hung on the word, apparently unsure of his choice of the next one. “... lost something when you had your little falling out with the archfey. You’re careful - hesitant - and not in a way that does you any credit.”  Echo’s eyes finally rose to meet his, a glower of challenge reflected back at him. “This coming from the one who’s almost constantly begging me to take more care? To not run mindlessly into danger?” “This is different,” he hissed, frown deepening. 
 Pairing: Tav (High Elf Feylock) x Astarion
Rating: Explicit
Themes: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Cycle Breaking, Happy Ending (but not without a lot of pain first), very involved archfey patron.
Disclaimer: Complex trauma delving with direct and implied reference to various forms of abuse, including rape/sexual assault, as well as implied self-harm, including suicidal thoughts/behaviour. Explicit violence. Smuuut.
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rwby-is-the-best · 8 months
thinking about how differently ruby's life could have been had she not gone to beacon two years early
she was a prodigy & moving two years ahead she was still mostly above average in fighting skill (i think), so back in signal she might get to pyrrha nikos levels of skill. and she'd still have all her mysterious signal friends, of which I'm guessing there are at least four (she'd been going there for a while, probably long enough to outweigh the awkwardness?) and signal doesn't assign teams so she might have a bunch of friends she could work not quite as well with but more people overall to keep in touch with after the fall of beacon. since signal is more of a high school than a university, there's probably more locals going there than out-of-country students, and i got the feeling patch was pretty close to it since both tai and qrow taught there, so after communication is down, ruby would still be able to meet with most of her friends.
i think if ruby didn't use her silver eyes, qrow wouldn't have broken the news about everything to her unless he really thought they were already halfway to the endgame. instead he'd focus on training both his nieces and prepare them for what's coming as best as he could.
I don't think yang would ride out looking for her mom if ruby is still there, due to the responsibility of looking after ruby and also a big part of why she found raven was just to get to ruby, so maybe instead they'd set out together with a route that stops through every town they have a friend in, and they check up on as many friends as possible and they distribute supplies and messages and accumulate team members that way, until they inevitably get sucked into the ozpin problems again.
or maybe they stay at the house, qrow running around picking up intel and arguing with raven while tai pushes up his sleeves and goes back to teaching. ruby goes to school. yang misses her friends. she might try teaching at signal, but her unresolved inner turmoil would make it not go well. no, they'd have to set out eventually.
maybe after a long trip of uncovering secrets and finding people, ruby and yang hug each other and then go their separate ways, yang getting her team(s) together (not forgetting JNPR) (hahah maybe weiss successfully got to pyrrha this time and it's team PWBY) (ozpin would not make pyrrha leader. or weiss. BWPY, pronounced blupee) and ruby working with her network of undergrad huntresses, both groups chasing down different ends of the Lore until they're united again, both groups stronger than before but also irreversibly changed. i feel like the beacon + white fang gang could handle the haven academy finale without ruby, and then ruby and co could take down the leviathan or something, and then both groups work together in atlas to evacuate everyone but people still fall and there's still volume 9.
would ruby still be under so much pressure if she hadn't gone to beacon? would the weight of leading all those students and having silver eyes still weigh as much if she'd had more time to be a kid? to make mistakes? she'd still have that following-in-her-mom's-footsteps-a-little-too-closely problem, which is a pretty big one. but with more time with normaller knees, with tai and qrow preparing her as best as they can...
she might still be doomed even then
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hannibalzero · 2 months
Cut loose and set free
Charthur wip
I’ve been trying to get into my writing grove again so I’m throwing things to the wall and seeing what sticks. Let me know what you think!
“And just where were you, Mr. Morgan?” Dutch demanded, turning around on The Count with the gang behind him. It reminded Arthur of those Greek myths of the gods of Olympus, the ones Dutch and Hosea had taught him to read. Dutch in front of the mountain pass that led into a dark snowstorm sky, each member of the gang another god in their own right.
Dutch was Zeus, king of the gods. Molly was his queen Hera, Hosea was Hermes, John had to be Ares, Grimshaw was Demeter, and Uncle was Dionysus.
Arthur could almost see the white robes and gold leaf crowns.
What did that make Arthur? Apollo, he supposed.
“Where were you?! Answer me, boy!” Dutch bellowed like the gods of old. A clap of thunder followed his voice, as if nature itself was blessing this moment with its presence. The rain started to fall slowly from the sky.
Swallowing a few times, eyes wide, Arthur found his voice. “I told ya, Dutch! I was working with Hosea on that real estate job.” He proclaimed his innocence. Arthur had told Dutch this was a crazy job, that the law would find them too quickly. Hell, Arthur had even done the leg work by scouting the boat, its route, and what it should be hauling. “I told ya what I thought of the job, ya said it would be fine!”
“Enough! You have the balls to talk to me like that! You should have been there, Arthur! It’s your job as my enforcer! My hunting dog!” Dutch snarled, showing his teeth, which looked more like fangs at the moment. “If you can’t do your job, then you have no place here with us! I’m cutting you loose, Arthur Morgan.” He pointed at Arthur now, casting him out of the only family Arthur had ever known.
Arthur physically flinched, feeling like a little boy again. He wanted to hide away in a closet like he did when he was a boy, when Lyle was drinking. Arthur could remember just last week when Dutch was singing his praises for bringing in two gold bars from a stagecouch job he ran by himself.
What had changed so quickly?
“Dutch! Ya can’t be serious!” Hosea cried out, turning himself and Silver Dollar towards Dutch.
“Quiet!” Dutch roared back to Hosea, shutting the man up and causing him to stop in his tracks. “This gang doesn’t need any more deadweight. Already have more than we need. This ain’t a charity!”
Hands shaking while holding the reins, Arthur hid his eyes with the brim of his hat. “…That how ya really see me, Dutch?” Arthur asked quietly but knew his answer and gave a long, slow sigh. “Alright then.” He gathered his emotions for the time being, pushing them way down until he could understand them.
Arthur looked Dutch in the eye, his eyes a dull blue, almost gray now. “I ask for my tent, chest, and horses…won’t take any money. That fair, Dutch?” Arthur bargained. He didn’t want to start over with absolutely nothing. At least having the items he had since he was a boy would be nice.
Dutch stroked his beard in thought, tilting his head. His gold and ruby rings glittered like lightning in the stormy light. “Yes, think of it as your hope chest.” He held out his arms with a grin. “It’s what young people take when they leave home.” He mocked, pointing with his head to Molly, who was riding in her stagecoach. “At least Molly came to me with a few gold bars.”
Arthur nodded, slipping off Rum’s back and got to work. He retreated to his lean-to, setting his chest beside his beautiful mare. Walking over to the extra horses, he gathered his beloved Brandy, Gin, and Absinthe. “…Y’all be safe,” Arthur called out to the gang as he packed up his supplies and attached leads to the horses.
Javier grabbed Arthur’s hand in a good shake. “Until we meet again brother.” He whispered. Giving Arthur a set of his throwing knives, Javier was a fan of throwing knives so this was special.
Bill practically turned his nose up at Arthur, riding ahead. But tossed Arthur a container of Dapper dan hair pomade.
“Good day, Mr. Morgan.” Dutch turned The Count around and headed up the mountain. The gang slowly followed behind their leader, most looking at Arthur with sad eyes or as if he were a traitor.
“Look at the bright side, cowpoke. Ya were too soft-hearted for real man’s work,” Micah Bell teased.
Arching a brow, Arthur crossed his arms. “Baylock, come.” He ordered.
Baylock was a smart boy; he knew who gave him treats and who burned him with cigarettes to make him run faster. At Arthur’s orders, the horse reared and knocked Micah off before trotting over to Arthur with a happy whinny.
Micah hit the ground with a thud. “Baylock! Baylock, come here!” he demanded, struggling to get up like a turtle on its back.
Arthur undid Micah’s saddle, letting it fall to the ground with its owner. He slipped Baylock a peppermint. “Come on, Baylock, ya join my ladies.” He ordered the horse, who was eager to be with Arthur’s beloved herd. “Have a nice life, Micah.” Arthur climbed onto Rum’s back.
The wagon with the gang’s women rode past. Mary-Beth passed Arthur her old romance novel, the one with pressed flowers in it. “Goodbye, Arthur. Love you,” she whispered, her eyes glistening with tears.
“Until we meet again.” Karen gave Arthur her old compact mirror. “Best man I know,” she whispered to Arthur, giving a sad smile. “I owe ya a drink.”
“You better write to me, Arthur Morgan.” Tilly was actually crying, Arthur couldn’t remember the last time he saw Tilly cry. “You’re my big brother.” She reminded him, giving Arthur her pestle and mortar, which had red flowers on it.
“I will. Love ya all,” Arthur whispered back, holding his new treasures close to his chest before hiding the items in his saddle bags.
Hosea approached now, with sad eyes. His shoulders slumped and looking far older than he should. “You write to me, boy. I’ll work on Dutch. See what’s really going on. John too.” He leaned over and gave Arthur a hug. Arthur held Hosea back, trying not to sniffle. “Be brave for me, son.”
“Love ya, pa. I’ll write you,” Arthur promised before moving back some. “I-If I settle somewhere good… I’ll send for you.” He looked around, giving a sniffle as his facade started to crumble. “I have a few places I will check out.” He gathered himself up a bit more before looking back to Hosea. “I’ll be fine and dandy,” he promised, giving Hosea another hug.
“I know you will, son. Ain’t no doubt you’ll be just fine. I’ll see ya soon.” He hugged Arthur back before moving forward to follow the gang.
Leaving Arthur Morgan at the bottom of the mountain, Zuse the king of the gods returns to his mountain with his court by his side, leaving the rejected god at the base of the mountain far from the gates of Olympus.
Arthur’s home.
He watched the gang go until they were out of sight and disappeared into the white snow caps. Arthur felt his shoulders drop before shaking and hug his head as he sniffled loudly. Arthur cried like he did when he lost Mary…like when he lost...Eliza and Isaac…when he lost his Mama. Big heaving sobs wracked his body, not noticing that Rum had started moving.
Rum was a very smart horse. an appaloosa mare with a white front and a brown bottom. She had to be three years old, but she was the leader of Arthur’s herd. Being a horse, she had no idea what was going on with the humans but Arthur was upset and they didn’t need to be here.
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ari-jay · 1 year
A Mysterious Tip(Prologue)
Soft jazz music played through the orphanage walls. Most of the kids were asleep, tucked in their beds, while Rose and Clover were busy prepping for the funeral. They were trying to figure out how they would get the funds to do the public funeral. They didn't really have much funds to being with. As they were discussing the budget, the doorbell began to ring.
"Who could that be at this hour?" Rose said.
She went up to the door and was greeted by a mysterious man with a brief case.
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"Uh... Can I help you?" Rose said.
"The Lady of the Woods sends her condolences..." They said as he held out a briefcase to Rose.
Rose looked at the brief case, then back at the man.
"Don't worry, it's nothing dangerous..." He said he handed her the briefcase.
"Wait, who-!" Before she could say another word, the person had disappeared into the night.
She closed the door behind her and went down to the maintenance tunnel where Clover and the rest of the gang were.
"Who was at the door, Rose?" Clover said.
"Some guy who delivered this briefcase. Idk. It seems pretty weird and shady if ya ask me." She said.
Rose placed the case on the table as they looked at it for a moment. Wondering if it was sent by someone from the Darling family or the Silver Fang Gang. Either way, the only way they would find out is to open it. Using caution, Clover unclasped the case and slowly opened it.
Inside of it was nothing but clover shaped black and gold Confetti.
"What the glittery goofs is this? A prank? A trick?" Nellie said as she stared at the case.
Clover took a closer look at the confetti and moved it around to revealing the bottom of the case.
"So, it's just a dumb briefcase that was filled with confetti?" Rose said, sounding annoyed and confused.
"No... look closer, Rose." She said as she pointed to a button hidden inside the case.
"This briefcase has more than meets the eye." She pressed the button, and the wood covering the second layer popped open. She lifted the wood to reveal a layer of stacks of cash and a black envelope.
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The whole gang was shocked by the amount that was there.
"Holy Golden Nuggets! It's a money bag!" Nelie said as her eyes shined by the amount of money that was there.
Clover looked at the envelope. It had a red heart on it, but over it was a white x. She opened the envelope and read the letter.
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"Dear Miss Clover,
How did you like my gift? My condolences to you, but I always saw death as more of a celebration of life than one that's about grief and sorrow. A real shame me and my family won't be able to hear or see any of your performances for a while. I'm a huge fan, you could even say I'm an admirer of both your performances on stage and backstage if you know what I'm saying.
I hope this will cover all the funds needed to execute a lovely funeral for a heart of gold like yours. Hopefully in your next life, I will be able to meet you in person and share a duet or two with you. Don't worry about your secret too. I cross my heart that I won't tell anyone about your plan. Just know... you have someone who's got their eyes, ears, and voice around this town. You know how the saying goes...
Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer..."
-Lady of the Woods
Clover had so many questions going through her head, but one thing she knew she was certain of...
There was another Family out there, but one important question stuck out above the rest of them swirling in her head...
Are they friend or foe?
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Wooooo! Done and done! A Welcome Home Mob! AU Comic.
These wonderful characters do not belong to me. They belong to the wonderful and talented artist below.
Mob! Red Rose: @maddiethehatter2192
Mob! Clover: @chimeracarnival
Mob! Sheriff Nellie: @sheriffopossum
Please go take a look at their blogs, or give them a follow!
Also, thank you for sticking around to the end and taking the time to read up until this point. I have a lot of plans for this fandom, so I appreciate your patience and support!
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bigdaddynegan123 · 5 months
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You’ll always be mine - David TLB
Nothing but fluff tbh
Chapter 1: The Encounter
It was a moonlit night in the sleepy town of Santa Carla. The boardwalk was deserted except for a lone figure walking along the edge, the sound of crashing waves echoing in the distance. This figure was you, the reader, drawn to the ocean's edge by an inexplicable urge.
As you strolled, you noticed a group of shadowy figures lurking in the darkness. Intrigued, you approached cautiously, your heart pounding with a mixture of fear and curiosity. Suddenly, one of the figures stepped forward, his piercing gaze locking with yours.
It was David, the charismatic leader of the vampire gang known as the Lost Boys. Instead of feeling terror at the sight of him, you felt an unexpected pull, a strange connection that you couldn't quite explain.
"Who are you?" David's voice was smooth, almost hypnotic, as he studied you intently.
You hesitated, unsure of how much to reveal. But something in David's demeanor made you want to trust him, despite knowing the danger he represented.
"I'm just passing through," you replied cautiously, hoping to downplay your interest in the mysterious group before you.
But David wasn't fooled. He could sense something different about you, something that set you apart from the other humans in Santa Carla. And as much as he tried to resist, he found himself drawn to you in a way he hadn't felt in centuries.
From that moment on, your fate became entwined with the Lost Boys, and David vowed to protect you at any cost, even if it meant defying the very laws of his immortal existence.
Chapter 2: Forbidden Bonds
As days turned into weeks, you found yourself increasingly drawn into the world of the Lost Boys. Despite knowing the dangers that lurked within their ranks, you couldn't resist the allure of their forbidden existence.
David watched over you like a silent guardian, his presence a constant reminder of the precarious balance between the human and vampire worlds. He kept his distance, yet his eyes never strayed far from you, always watching, always protecting.
But as your bond with David deepened, so did the dangers that surrounded you. The other members of the gang grew suspicious of your presence, seeing you as a threat to their way of life. Marko, Paul, and Dwayne eyed you with distrust, their fangs bared at the slightest hint of defiance.
Yet David remained steadfast in his determination to keep you safe. He confronted the others, his voice firm yet tinged with a hint of desperation.
"She's not like the others," he insisted, his eyes blazing with intensity. "She's different, special. Can't you see that?"
But his words fell on deaf ears, and tensions within the gang reached a boiling point. As the nights grew darker and the danger loomed ever closer, you found yourself torn between loyalty to your newfound friends and the undeniable pull of the human world you had left behind.
And in the midst of it all, your bond with David deepened, forging a connection that transcended the boundaries of time and space. For in each other's arms, you found solace amidst the chaos, a glimmer of hope in a world consumed by darkness.
Chapter 3: Jealousy Unveiled
The tension within the gang continued to simmer as you navigated the treacherous waters of your newfound existence. Despite David's unwavering protection, the other members of the Lost Boys grew bolder in their attempts to win your favor.
Marko, with his devilish grin and charm, would often flirt shamelessly with you, his silver tongue weaving tales of adventure and excitement. Paul, the muscle of the group, would flex his strength in a not-so-subtle display of dominance, hoping to impress you with his raw power. And Dwayne, the brooding loner, would watch you from afar, his silent gaze speaking volumes of unspoken longing.
But it was David who felt the sting of jealousy burn hottest within him. He watched with a clenched jaw as his brothers vied for your attention, his dark eyes flashing with a mixture of anger and possessiveness.
"You're mine," he would growl under his breath, his voice low and menacing as he pulled you closer to him, as if daring anyone to challenge his claim.
Yet despite his attempts to assert his dominance, David couldn't shake the nagging feeling of insecurity that gnawed at him from within. He had never felt this way before, never experienced the sharp pang of jealousy that now consumed him at the sight of you smiling at his brothers.
And as the tension between the gang members reached a fever pitch, you found yourself caught in the middle of a dangerous game of power and desire. For in the heart of the night, when the shadows grew long and the moon hung low in the sky, the true nature of your bond with David would be put to the ultimate test.
Chapter 4: The Green-Eyed Monster
As the days turned into weeks, you couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled in the pit of your stomach. Despite David's assurances of his devotion, you couldn't help but notice the way he would steal glances at Star, the lone female among the Lost Boys, with a longing that mirrored your own.
You tried to push aside the feelings of jealousy that bubbled to the surface whenever David and Star were together, but the green-eyed monster within you refused to be ignored. Desperate for attention, for validation of your own worth, you found yourself growing increasingly flirtatious with the other members of the gang.
Marko, with his easy smile and mischievous charm, was the first to fall victim to your advances. You would brush against him in passing, your touch lingering just a fraction longer than necessary, hoping to elicit a reaction from him that would quell the growing ache in your heart.
Paul, with his brute strength and rugged appeal, was the next to capture your attention. You would seek him out during training sessions, your hands lingering on his arm as you asked for guidance, your eyes betraying the depths of your desire.
And Dwayne, with his quiet intensity and brooding allure, proved to be the most elusive of all. You would catch him watching you from across the room, his gaze dark and unreadable, and you would long to unravel the mysteries hidden behind his stoic facade.
But no matter how hard you tried to distract yourself, to find solace in the arms of another, it was David who haunted your every thought, his presence a constant reminder of the bond that tethered you to him, heart and soul.
And as the lines between desire and jealousy blurred, you found yourself teetering on the edge of a precipice, unsure of which path to follow, unsure of where your loyalties truly lay. For in the heart of the night, when the darkness threatened to consume you whole, the true nature of your feelings for David would be laid bare for all to see.
Chapter 5: Breaking Point
The tension between you and David had been building for weeks, simmering beneath the surface like a volcano on the verge of eruption. Small slights and misunderstandings had escalated into heated arguments, until finally, it all came crashing down in a moment of explosive fury.
Words were exchanged like daggers, each one cutting deeper than the last, until neither of you could bear the weight of the silence that hung heavy in the air. In a fit of anger and frustration, you stormed off into the night, the echoes of your footsteps fading into the darkness.
Alone and consumed by guilt, David watched helplessly as you disappeared into the shadows, his heart heavy with regret. He had never meant for things to escalate this far, never intended to hurt you in the way that he had. But the fire that burned within him, the insatiable hunger for your love and acceptance, had blinded him to the consequences of his actions.
Frantic with worry, David searched tirelessly for you, his footsteps echoing through the deserted streets of Santa Carla as he called out your name into the night. And then, just when he was about to give up hope, he found you.
You lay unconscious on the ground, a bruise marring your delicate features, a silent testament to the danger that lurked in the darkness. Horror washed over David as he realized what had happened, the weight of his guilt crushing him like a vice.
Gently, he cradled you in his arms, his touch feather-light as he whispered words of apology into the night. Tears welled in his eyes as he pressed a tender kiss to your forehead, vowing to protect you with his very life, no matter the cost.
And as he carried you back to safety, your limp form nestled against his chest, David knew that he would do whatever it took to make things right, to earn back the trust that he had so carelessly shattered. For in the depths of his soul, he knew that you were the one thing worth fighting for, the one thing worth dying for, in this world and the next.
Chapter 6: Healing Wounds
As you slowly regained consciousness, you found yourself enveloped in David's embrace, his arms wrapped protectively around you as he held you close. The events of the night came rushing back to you in a whirlwind of emotions, and you couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for the harsh words that had passed between you.
David's eyes were filled with an unspoken apology as he brushed a strand of hair away from your face, his touch gentle against your skin. Without a word, he helped you to your feet, his hand never leaving yours as he guided you back to the safety of their lair.
Once inside, David tended to your wounds with a care and tenderness that took your breath away. His fingers trailed over your skin, leaving a trail of fire in their wake, igniting a passion that smoldered beneath the surface.
And as the night wore on, the tension between you and David reached a fever pitch, until finally, it could no longer be contained. With a hunger that bordered on desperation, you surrendered yourself to him completely, your bodies entwined in a dance as old as time itself.
In each other's arms, you found solace amidst the chaos, a refuge from the storms that raged outside. And as the first light of dawn crept over the horizon, you knew that no matter what trials lay ahead, you would face them together, bound by a love that defied the very laws of nature itself.
Chapter 7: Love Eternal
In the aftermath of the night's turmoil, a newfound sense of clarity washed over you and David. The barriers that had once stood between you crumbled in the wake of your shared passion, leaving only an unbreakable bond that transcended time and space.
Together, you faced the challenges that lay ahead, united in your determination to forge a future where love triumphed over darkness. The other members of the gang, once suspicious of your presence, now welcomed you with open arms, recognizing the depth of your connection to David.
As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, you and David navigated the complexities of your relationship with a newfound sense of strength and purpose. You laughed together, cried together, and faced the trials of life with a courage that knew no bounds.
And though the shadows of the past continued to loom over you, casting their long shadows upon your path, you faced them head-on, secure in the knowledge that as long as you had each other, nothing could tear you apart.
For in the heart of the night, when the world lay silent and still, you knew that your love for David would endure for all eternity, a beacon of light in a world consumed by darkness.
And as you stood hand in hand, gazing out into the endless expanse of the ocean before you, you knew that no matter what the future held, you would face it together, bound by a love that was as eternal as the stars themselves.
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Volume 1: Spring
#Ruby Rose
•The episode is a mix of the vanilla rwby version and the Ice queendom version.
•The episode starts with *the narrators* little speech to Ozpin (vanilla rwby version).
•cue Torchwick and his gang walking into the Dust store. (Note: the gang members have Torchwicks symbol on their clothes because they are his personal henchmen this time.)
•One of the gangsters spots a little, red riding hooded girl drop Dust cannisters into a basket before returning to her weapon magazine.
•"Fork over the Dust and hands behind your head, now!" (the gangster turns the girl around, revealing her face and headphones). (The man motions for the girl to take off her headphones). "Yes?" "Get on the ground and gimme the Dust, now!" "Are you... robbing me?" (As Ruby says this, a smile grows on her face.) "Yes!" "Ooooh... ok."
•The gangster gets flung out the window while Ruby trails behind him, covered in rose petals.
•(Roman turns his head around to watch the spectacle) "A semblance?"
•"Criminals beware... for the Red Reaper is here!!!" (Ruby points her weapon at the gangsters). "That old fairytale?" (Roman turns to his henchmen). "Get her!"
•"Good thing I never gave you a raise... Well, Red, I think we can all say it's been an eventful evening, and as much as I'd love to stick around..." (raises his cane and opens the bottom to reveal a rifle with a cross grid) "...I'm afraid this is where we part ways!"
•Roman fires at Ruby, who uses her sniper recoil to dodge, she spots Roman climbing a ladder, "Are you hurt, shopkeeper?!" "No but-" "Good!", Ruby launches herself after Roman.
•The bullhead airship apppears, Roman jumps inside, he takes a Burn Dust crystal out and throws it at Ruby before shooting it, causing it to explode in her face.
• "Ohohohohoho!"
•The explosion cloud clears, revealing a violet forcefield around Ruby made by Glynda Goodwitch (no Glynda glyph, those are more exclusive now).
•(Ruby looks up at Glynda) "You're a Huntress!!! Can I have your autograph?!"
•"...property damage, using a weapon in a no-shoot-zone, *no huntsman liscence*, and now you're telling me that you've been chasing after criminals before!!!" "But I'm just trying stop criminals, like you!"
•Ozpin comes in and dismisses Glynda. Before she leaves he whispers to her "drop all criminal charges made against her..." Glynda looks confused, but obeys and leaves without a word.
• "Miss Ruby Rose... you have silver eyes."
•The rest of the conversation is basically the same as vanilla rwby.
•insert scene: Ozpin leaves the interragation room after Ruby accepts his offer. We see Yang and Taiyang sitting on a bench waiting for Ruby (they both stand up when they see Ozpin). Ozpin informs them that all charges against Ruby have been dropped... and that she will be attending Beacon academy early. (when Ozpin drops the latter news, the camera zooms in on Taiyang giving Ozpin a death glare.)
•Scene change: "Oh, I can't believe my baby sister is going to Beacon with me! This is the best day ever!" (Yang says as she hugs Ruby to death.)
•Bee's knees conversation.
•The girls attention then changes to the breaking news report on the airships TV system. Lisa Lavender goes over the Dust robbery Ruby just stopped and momentarily puts her mugshot on the screen as the "real life Red Reaper" before she switches to talking about Roman. The shadow people on the air bus start murmering about Ruby, which causes her to frown and hold her head down.
•Lisa Lavender than goes to the next news segment about Faunus riot that police believed was started by the White Fang. The shadow people now start murmering about "animals" and "beasts".
•Ruby looks towards Yang, "The White Fang? Are those... like bad guys, Yang?"
•"Well, I guess you could say... actually, no. They're more like victims." When Yang says this, one of the shadow people walks far away from her. "... I guess not everyone thinks the same way."
•Glynda introduction + speech
•Jaune then bursts into the scene and vomits next to Ruby and Yang.
•Ruby screams.
•Yang punches Jaune.
•The end.
#The Shining Beacon arc
•Basically the same as vanilla rwby: Ruby and Yang's airship lands at Beacon academy. Jaune is vomiting in a trash can in the background. Yang encourages Ruby to make friends by ditching her. Ruby than trips and falls into Weiss + her luggage.
•"What are you doing?!"
•"Uh, sorry?"
•"Sorry! Do you have any idea the damage you could have caused?!" (Weiss then points to the luggage Ruby tripped over). "That suitcase contains a gift that *my* late grandfather gave to me! You could have broken it and the repairs for it would bankrupt your whole family!"
•"What?" Ruby says with a blank stare
•"Don't 'what' me! What are you, brain-dead???" (Weiss then turns her head to talk to herself, out loud). "Is every commoner from Vale this disrespectful?" (Weiss then turns back to Ruby). "Well, what do you have to say for yourself?!"
•"Hey, I said I was sorry princess!"
•"Don't you *dare* call me princess! Do you even know who I am!"
•"Weiss Schnee, second child of Willow and Jacques Scnee, singer, songwriter, producer of the best selling music album in Atlas, and heiress to the Schnee Dust Company, the largest producer of Dust in the world." Blake says after making her first appearance.
•"Finally! Some recognition!"
•"The same company infamous for its racist labor forces and illegal business partners." Blake shoots back while giving Weiss a death glare.
•"Wha- How dare- The nerve of... Ugh!"
•Weiss and Blake then leave Ruby alone.
•"Hey... I'm Jaune."
•"IM SORRY!!!"
•Ruby and Jaune's bonding scene is exactly the same. (including Jaune's chauvanism, Im gonna turn it into a real character flaw).
•Ruby and Jaune then head to the auditorium, Ruby splits from Jaune to hang with Yang, Jaune mopes that his 17 year old behind can't get with a 15 year old, Pyrrha stares at Jaune from behind with horror movie strings playing (im joking).
•Ruby tells Yang about the stuff she just went through, Weiss comes over and tells Ruby that she didn't break her grandfathers gift... which is good because if she did she would have sued the pants off their family. Yang tries to smooth things over, which leads to Weiss' iconic line "Yeah! And we can paint our nails and try on clothes and talk about cute boys, like tall, blond, and scraggly over there!" "Wow, really!" "No."
•Jaune mishears the conversation and assumes that Weiss confessed her love to him behind his back.
•Ozpin comes in, drop his "yall suck" speech, and leaves. Ruby comments that he was acting a bit weird, and Yang drops that dad (Tai) said Ozpin acted off when he was their headmaster, but dad didn't say much more to her. Cut to Jaune flirting with Weiss.
•Slumber party time!
•"I don't think Dad would approve of all the boys, though."
•"I know I do! (purrs as she watches several muscular, shirtless guys and girls in short clothes... and Jaune).
•The scene where Ruby writes a letter to her friends at Signal is removed, in this au Ruby is very introverted and never had any close friends before.
•Ruby and Yang then talk about the friend, and enemy, that Ruby made in a day.
•The two girls then notice a candle being lit Blake, who is sitting in a corner reading a book. When Yang looks at Blake, she blushes (because bmblb is actually planned from the start this time.)
•Ruby informs Yang about her, so Yang drags Ruby over to Blake so they can make friends (and so she can get a girl).
•Ruby's hero speech to Blake is the same as before because it's perfect.
•Weiss walks over to ruin the fun, same as before.
•The end.
#The Emerald Forest arc
•Ren and Nora are introduced to us basically the same way they were in vanilla rwby, but this time the reason why Nora is so excited is because she and Ren started dating each other the moment they set foot in Beacon.
•Ruby and Yang are having their little conversation but this time Yang stresses to Ruby that if she wants to be a "normal girl" so badly, then maybe she should make friends like a "normal girl".
•Weiss and Pyrrha have their little conversation, but a thousand times more gay (Weiss is shy and blushing)
•"This will be perfect! The smartest girl from Atlas combined with the strongest girl from Argus! Together we will be unstoppable! I can see it now! We'll be school celebrities! We'll get perfect grades! Nothing can come between us now!"
•Jaune comes between them.
•Pyrrha pushes Weiss out of the way so she can talk to Jaune (she wants to peg him so badly).
•Jaune ignores Pyrrha to help Weiss off the ground.
•Weiss knocks Jaune over and then goes right back to Pyrrha. Perfect love triangle!
•"Pyrrha, quick! I need to take you to the school nurse for that muscle spasm you just had!" (Weiss then grabs on Pyrrha's arm and tries to move her) "Oh wow, you are really buff." "I know."
•"Weiss!" (Jaune screams as he hops to his feet) "stop looking at at her... and look at me!"
•"1, why would I want to do that? 2, Jaune is it, do you have any idea who Pyrrha is?" "Nope." "Pyrrha Nikos, graduates top of her class at Sanctum?" "At where?" "Pyrrha Nikos, winner of the Mistral Region Tournaments ten times in a row, a new record!" "Dosen't ring any bells." "SHE'S ON FRONT OF EVERY PUMPKIN PETE'S MARSHMELLOW FLAKES BOX!!!" "That was you!"
•The three of them go back to arguing about teams. Weiss dosen't want herself (or Pyrrha) to be stuck on a team with Jaune, Pyrrha thinks would be an amazing teamate (just saying that to tease him), Jaune gets weird with Weiss and Pyrrha spears him to the wall.
•Ruby and Yang pick him up and everyone goes to the launch pads.
•Ozpin gives his little speech along with his "your teamate will be the first person you make eye contact with" surpise.
•Jaune dosen't know what a landing strategy is gag.
•The Ice queendom scene where creepy music plays when Pyrrha finds Jaune is used ("I have you now, my pretty Jaune!")
•Ruby runs for a bit before running into Weiss. Weiss turns and walks away, so Ruby follows her because they are supposed to be teammates now.
•Weiss talks her stuff about Ruby slowing her down, so Ruby pops up in front of her, Weiss asks how, and Ruby goes "It's my semblance, Rose Red! ~and I named it myself~"
•Ruby gives her little speech about she's going to change Weiss' mind about her and she runs off to kill some Grimm, leaving Weiss alone when a pack of Beowolves corner her.
•Yang's fight with the two bears + partnership with Blake goes the exact same way, but this time she blushes when Blake saves her.
•Cut back to Weiss, in her internal monolouge she plans to use Burn Dust to one shot the Beowolf in front of her and then use Wash Dust to create steam from the fire to make a quick get away. Then Ruby pops up in front of her. Weiss wastes her Dust on the wrong target, and then drags Ruby out of there because this time there are like 30 Beowolves (Ruby could still take them, but not without wasting all her Aura).
•Ruby and Weiss have their same argument but from the Ice queendom version.
•Cut back to Jaune and Pyrrha, Jaune runs into a branch and Pyrrha asks to check him for injuries. Jaune replies that he's never been cut in his life, even when he tried to give himself cut eyebrows using his sword and accidentally touched his eyeball with the blade. Pyrrha finds that highly unusual, and pulls out her Scroll to scan Jaune.
•"Jaune, your AP levels have a max of 3,000! Do you know what this means?" "Oh no... I'm going to die!!! Wait, I thought a lot of Aura points were a good thing?" "Jaune, you have more Aura than me." (as Pyrrha says this, she rests a hand on Jaune's shoulder and gives him a bittersweet stare).
•The Ren vs the King Taijitu fight is it's own stand alone scene. Completely unchanged otherwise. Boop included.
•Glynda informs Ozpin that the last partnership has been formed and, unlike last year, there have been zero casualties so far. She then goes on to talk about how "strange" this freshman year has been, one celebrity student by themselves would have been rare, but several (Pyrrha, Weiss, Ruby to an extent, Cardin, unamed shadow people) from different kingdoms all in one place is a little... sus. Ozpin then asks if Glynda is questioning him, and she responds that his plan was to make his perfect "team JNPR" but now there are characters that could give even Pyrrha a run for her money that "just so happened" to turn up at their school. Ozpin admits that even he found it a bit "off" that Weiss Schnee went to their school instead of Atlas or Haven, but now that they have her they may as well use her and students like her for their goals. (Shady Ozpin real???).
•The second Ruby v Weiss argument, Ice queendom version.
•Blake and Yang find the temple with the relics and banter. With extra gay.
•Jaune and Pyrrha wonder into a cave that they believe is the temple because it has strange markings on the walls (note: the markings are simplified versions of Salem's eye emblem). Jaune finds the relic, the relic is the glowing tip of a Deathstalkers stinger tail. Run away time!
•Cut to Ruby and Weiss, who are riding on a Nevermore because Ruby thought it would it would be the fastest way to escape the forest fire Weiss created after they wondered around in circles for an hour. Ruby decides that they should jump. Weiss dosen't.
•Ruby jumps and falls from the Nevermore's back. Before she can hit the ground, Jaune rams into her from the side and they both safely land in a tree.
•Blake: "... did your sister just fall from the sky?" "I-"
•Before Yang can finish, Nora rides in on an Ursa with an exhausted Ren behind her. Nora picks up the golden rook and does her queen of the castle thing before Ren shouts at her.
•"... did that girl just ride in on an Ursa?" "I-"
•Before Yang can finish, Pyrrha calls out Jaune's name while being chased by the elder Deathstalker grimm that they woke up. The grimm then swats Pyrrha away, and she lands next to the gang.
•"Did she just run all the way here with a Death Stalker on her tail?" (Yang uses her semblance while getting angry, which causes Blake to looked shocked and to take a step back) "I can't take it anymore! Can people stop falling on us for two seconds before another grimm shows up!"
•Two seconds
•The Nevermore carrying Weiss shows up. Weiss decides to let go and falls down. Jaune catches her, realizes he still dosen't have a landing strategy, and they both fall down. Jaune breaks Weiss' fall.
•"Great! The gang's all here! Now we can die together!" "Not if I can help it!", Ruby says before getting knocked out after trying to 1v1 a Deathstalker (ooh that v5 quote makes me mad).
•Ruby then tries to use her semblance to escape, but the elder Nevermore catches her cape with its feather shot. Weiss then saves her at the last second. They then have their little heart to heart that starts Weiss character arc of becoming nicer.
•Tactics time: Ruby states that their objective is to grab the relics and go to the cliff. However, because the two elder grimm keep chasing them, they most likely will have to fight them anyway. So the plan is to get as close to the cliffs as possible before fighting them so they still have the chance to escape (or hopefully be rescued by Ozpin) when they get beat up by the grimm (emphasis on the fact that the grimm are super old which is why they are so dangerous, by themselves none of these guys could kill them except maybe Weiss if she dumped all of her Dust onto them).
•"Run and try to live - that's an idea I can get behind!"
•RED LIKE ROSES FILLS MY HEAD WITH DREAMS AND IT FINDS ME ALWAYS CLOSER TO THE EMPTYNESS AND SADNESS THAT HAS COME TO TAKE THE PLACE OF YOU (Note: this song is Ruby's real feelings underneath her facade of cheerfulness in this AU).
•New teams ceremony, Cardin and his gang are team CRDL, led by Cardin Winchester (throw in a smug smile on Cardin's face here).
•Jaune, Nora, Pyrrha, and Ren are team JNPR, led by... Jaune Arc (throw in a surpised pikachu face from Glynda because Ozpin's original plan was to make Pyrrha team leader).
•And finnaly, Blake, Ruby, Weiss, Yang become team RWBY led by Ruby Rose (Weiss still gets pissy, Yang hugs Ruby, Blake has a little smile).
•The Roman scene at the end of the episode is left completely unchanged.
•The end.
#The Badge and the Burden arc
•The girls set up bunkbeds! (Unchanged from vanilla rwby)
•and they + JNPR are still late to class.
•First class: Grimm studies by Prof. Port
•Because today is the first day of class, Port goes over the basics of the Grimm: monsters that supposedly feed off the negative emotions of human beings (he dosen't mention Faunus cuz he's a bitch) by eating them. They infest every corner of the world, but their numbers are greatest towards Iaptus, the land in the west. There is real evidence that grimm can starve to death if they don't eat humans, but otherwise they are immortal and heal from non-lethal injuries which is super bad because they get smarter as they age and new ones keep spawning at consistent rates. It is known that there are billions more grimm than humans... "and Faunus too, I guess." (Blake side eye in the background).
•" Yes, our planet is absolutely teeming with Grimm that would love nothing more than to tear humans to pieces! And that's where we come in. Huntsmen! Huntresses...(sexually harasses a 17 year old brown girl) Individuals who have sworn to protect those who cannot protect themselves! From what, you ask? Why, the very world!"
•It is an extremely entry level course to the point of being elementry school level. In the background, Weiss and Jaune and Ren are taking as many notes as possible, Blake and Yang and Pyrrha aren't writing anything down because they already know this, Nora is making heart eyes at her boyfriend, and Ruby is goofing off (this is why she didn't get good grades at Signal).
•Port starts going on a vauge, probably sexist and racist rant about a story he made up to make himself look good before asking which among his students is true Huntsman like and Weiss raises her hand.
•When Weiss raises her hand, the shadow people start whispering like "Weiss Schnee's in this class!" "I heard she has a special semblance!" "I WANT HER TO SIGN MY FOREHEAD!!!"
•Port then asks Weiss to step up to the front so she can face her opponent: a caged and very hungry Boarbotusk.
•The fight is the same as before, Ruby gives Weiss good ideas to fight the grimm that Weiss shoots down because she wants to prove herself as a better huntress than Ruby even though she is not team leader. (Note: I don't have a good place to shoehorn this in, but the different colors Weiss' glyphs have are from her combining them with Dust. White = Breeze Dust, Black = Gravity Dust, Blue = Freeze Dust, etc.) Weiss then uses one of Ruby's ideas and kills the grimm. Ruby tries to talk to Weiss, but she pushes her away.
•Plot Twist: it's time for the next class of the day which is sparing by Glynda Goodwitch!
•Glynda admits to her students that there other classes were probably very dull (oh the irony) so instead of boring them with a lecture, she will give anyone willing the chance to blow off some steam.
•Weiss jumps up immediately and volunteers, making an angry face the whole time.
•Glynda accepts and then asks Weiss to either choose a sparing partner or to wait for someone to volunteer. Weiss prepares to point at Ruby... "I volunteer!" (Yang says as she suddenly stands up).
•"Yang, what are you doing?! She's mad at me!" (Ruby pleads to her sister). "I could take her, if you two want me." (Blake offers to Yang while grabbing her weapon). "Thanks Blake, and no. If Weiss wants someone to be mad at so badly, then she can be mad at me. Sit back and watch, sis." (Yang then struts up to the sparing ring). "Oh boy, oh boy!" (Ruby chants underneath her breath). "Don't worry Ruby, your sister can take this." (Blake comforts Ruby while placing a hand on her shoulder.) "What? I'm not worried about Yang, I'm worried about Weiss!"
•(Weiss stares up at Yang) "What are you doing?". "You pick a fight with Ruby, you pick a fight with me! Whatever is happening between you two, it ends here." (Yang tells Weiss as nicely as possible). "If you girls have a dispute," Glynda commands to them, "then settle it in battle! The match begins now!!!"
•First au exclusive fight: Weiss Vs Yang! The fight is mostly a homage to the White trailer, with Yang taking the role of the knight as a big, strong tank that Weiss "dances" around. Unlike the knight grimm, Yang is a lot faster and she's able to dodge, block, and counter attack a lot of Weiss's moves. At the end of the fight, Weiss tries to freeze Yang using Dust, but then Yang activates her semblance to melt the ice and to knock out Weiss.
•After winning, Yang offers Weiss a hand but that's when she realizes that Weiss has been crying. Before she can consult her, Weiss slaps her hand away and runs out the class room, wiping her tears away. Glynda dismisses the class, and then gives everyone an essay homework to write before she walks out the door.
•Cut to Ruby wandering the halls by herself where she encounters Ozpin. They then have the same conversation they had from vanilla rwby.
•After that scene, Weiss is standing by herself at the balcony when Glynda shows up, who was looking for her. Weiss then asks Glynda if she can transfer herself to a different team, seeing that her current team mates "don't like me". Glynda tells Weiss that freshmen huntsman teams not liking each other is common, and if she can't handle that then maybe she should go back to her singing carrer. "I don't want to sing!" (Weiss screams). "Hmm, well maybe you should tell that to your father instead of yelling at me?" (Glynda returns). "Im sorry prof. Glynda. My father... wouldn't listen to me. He dosen't listen to anyone." "And pray tell, miss Schnee, what would your father do in your situation?". "Hehe, he would demand to the next teacher he could find to switch teams immediately and... oh no." "I see you finnaly realized your error, miss Schnee. Now, if you hurry along there is still time to fix it." (Weiss gets ready to leave, but then turns back.) "Thank you, prof. Glynda."
•The ending is the vanilla rwby scene where Weiss and Ruby bond again, but this time with scenes of Yang and Blake still awake and listening to the conversation. Yang smiles when the two girls make up, but the last shot of the arc is of Blake's neutral expression turning into a face of raw spite as she gazes at Weiss.
•The end?
#Jaunedice arc
•The arc begins with an extended version of the fight between Cardin Vs Jaune that starts from the very begining. Cardin charges Jaune who can barely react in time to use his shield. The inital strike creates a small explosion from the Lava Dust crystal in Cardin's mace. Then the camera changes to Jaune's perspective, where Cardin's face is a distored image that looks like grotesque human face grining evily at Jaune. Cardin then repeatedly pounds Jaune into submission, the blonde becoming more scared with each firey blow. Within seconds, Cardin hammers away at Jaune's high Aura and his final hit has enough force that it causes Jaune to roll backwards while letting go of his shield. (Like Tokoyami vs Yaoyorozu but more aggressive, zero moments to breath)
•When the match is finished, Cardin moves to strike again but Glynda uses her semblance to restrain him at the last minuet. She then gives him and his team two hours of detention for attempting to break her rules. This causes Cardin to glare at Jaune, who flinches, before walking back to his team who groan at him returning.
•Glynda then anounces the Vytal festival + tournament that will be coming soon which excites all the students.
•cut to the lunch table scene: Ruby (& an unenthusiastic Weiss) and Pyrrha are sitting next to Jaune who are sitting across from Ren & Nora. Blake sits at the very edge of the table far away everyone else, and Yang sits next to her. (There is the vibe that team JNPR are only friends with Ruby, while Blake is annoyed by them.)
•Nora is telling everyone about a crazy dream she had when Pyrrha tries to bring up the subject of Cardin to Jaune. This puts all eyes (even Blake's) onto him. Jaune tries to deflect, he says his fight was a fluke and he suggests that Cardin must have some type of semblance that scares people and he used that to win. "Really Jaune? A semblance that scares people?" Weiss sarcastically asks. "Yes!!! I could totally feel it over me with my fourth eye or something!!!" "It's third eye, Jaune." Ren sardonically corrects him.
•Ruby then tells Jaune that this isn't just about their sparring match, for the last week Cardin has been bullying Jaune and so far none of the teachers will do anything about it because he's the son a celebrity council member. "Ugh, I hate people that use their parent's fame and fortune as their own personal shield! Good thing none of us are like that, right guys!" Weiss tells the group (Blake side eye. Bombastic Blake side eye.)
•Pyrrha then tells Jaune that if he ever needs help, he can just ask his friends. "Ooh, I know a guy who knows a couple of guys and we could all get togather to break his legs in dark alley in Patch! No one would find out too!!!" Nora offers. "...thanks, Nora? But guys, really, it's fine! Besides, it's not like he's only a jerk to me; he's a jerk to everyone!"
•This is when the gang overhears Cardin and his team bullying Velvet. The upperclassmen has the same look of fear on her face that Jaune had when he spared with Cardin. He is pulling on her rabbit ears harshly while the rest of his team laughs at her and calls her 'grimmspawn'. "Atrocious. I can't stand people like him." Pyrrha states coldly. "He's not the only one..." Blake says while staring daggers at him. "It must be hard to be a Faunus." Yang sadly states.
•Cardin then yanks Velvet's ear again, causing Blake to stand up and begin marching towards him. "Blake stop, you're just going to get in trouble!" Yang pleads to her, but it falls on deaf ears. As Blake coldly marches towards Cardin, all of the shadow people's heads turn towards her.
•"eh?" Cardin turns towards Blake, his hand still gripping Velvet's ear. "What do you want??" Without saying a word, Blake spits in his eye. "AHHH, YOU BITCH!" Cardin screams at Blake, jumping from his seat while letting go of Velvet. The faunus runs towards Blake's side, unable to stand properly from fear.
•Team CRDL surround the two girls. Yang dashes from her seat, but before she can reach Blake-
•"What is going on here?!" Glynda shouts as she marches into the scene. "THIS BII-Er girl spat into my eye!!!" Cardin screams at her. "Miss Belladonna, is this true?" Blake then stares into Glynda's eyes, "I'd do it again." This enrages Glynda. "Prof. Glynda please, Blake didn't start this!" Yang pleads to the teacher. "No excuses Xiao Long!" "She's right!" Ruby says after appearing behind Blake. That's when she realizes that Pyrrha, Nora, Ren, and all of team rwby are by her side. "Prof. Glynda, Blake saw Winchester harassing this girl for being a faunus and acted to defend her. If she deserves to be punished for that, then we all do because we made Blake feel that she had to confront Cardin alone." Weiss argues. Blake's eyes widen as she realizes that humans are defending her.
•"Miss Scaletina, are these claims correct? And I can tell if you are lying." Velvet looks at Blake and smiles, her look of fear completely gone. "Yes, prof Glynda. As an upperclassmen, I should have acted to defend myself sooner, but I was scared. If anyone deserves to be punished, it should be me." Glynda then shakes her head no, and looks at Cardin and his team. "Team CRDL, your two hours detention has been extended to two months and you all are no longer allowed to eat in the cafetaria! 25 years ago, your headmaster helped passed the law that ended anti-faunus segregation and hate crimes, and I will enforce them." Glynda then gets close to Cardin's ear and whispers "And calling your daddy won't make a diference, little boy... he's scared of me too."
•Glynda then escorts team CRDL out of the cafeteria, leaving an awestruck Blake and her friends standing in the middle of a hurricane of rumors and whispers. While Weiss and Pyrrha are both admired, team CRDL are the most popular students at Beacon and being the first ones to take them down has put RBYNR on the social map, whenever they like it or not. As the kids react to the news, Pyrrha finnaly realizes that Jaune is no where to be seen, which is when the camera then pans over to a cowering Jaune just outside the cafeteria doors.
•The next scene is on the roof top of the school at night, where Jaune is standing alone. Pyrrha then appears, saying she was looking all over for Jaune and that he dosen't have to be afraid of Cardin anymore. Jaune says that he knows, and right now he just wants to be left alone. Pyrrha then asks Jaune why did he leave in the first place, which makes Jaune snap at her. He says he isn't "brave, or strong" like her or Ruby. He dosen't have a legacy to live up to like Weiss, and he isn't a natural warrior like Blake or Ren. "I'm nothing." "That's not true Jaune! You-" "Pyrrha the only reason I'm even here is because I cheated my way in!" "... what?" "I trained with my dad for years and I never got better. I took every huntsman exam I could find, and I failed. Even now, I study harder than you and I only get Cs! I... just leave me alone."
•After a few seconds, Pyrrha sorrowfully relents and leaves.
•"I heard everything." An invisible voice calls out to Jaune. Suddenly, Ren materializes from behind him. "It all makes sense now... your lack of skill with your weapons, your lack of a semblance, you cheated your way into Beacon and now your reaping the rewards as our team leader." "Ren I-" "If you don't want me to contact our professors right now and have you expelled, then you will hold your tongue. Tomorrow, you will do exactly as I say if you actually want to be a huntsman. By then, I will have figured out what to do with you..." Ren then turns his back to Jaune, and disappears into darkness, leaving behind a heartbroken Jaune as he collapses to the floor.
•The next scene begins in the Forever Fall forest. Ruby tells her team that it's cool that the teachers at Beacon let them do field assignments with no supervision. The rest of team Rwby then trail behind her as the exit the scene, revealing a solemn NPR standing behind them. "You're being irrational!" an irritated Pyrrha tells Ren. "I'm the only one here that's considering the rational option. Nora and I shouldn't have to find out from spying that our team leader is a fraud." Nora, standing between them, says "Well, Nora thinks that we all had a looong day yesterday so maybe we should all calm down and-"
•Jaune then enters the scene.
•"You don't have to do this Jaune-" "Yes I do Pyrrha. Ren's right, it's not fair that he got into Beacon fair and square while I cheated my way in." Jaune then looks Ren in the eye. "Whatever challenge you have for me, I'm ready." "So it's decided. Your challenge, Jaune Arc, will be a trail by fire. You must defeat me in combat!" Ren then takes his battle stance (but curiously dosen't have his weapons).
•"Uhh, actually I was hoping that maybe you would forgive me if I admitted you were right and-" before Jaune finishes his sentance, Ren palm strikes his chest with enough force to send him flying into a tree. "That was the Force palm technique, Jaune. I trained with the monks of Mistral until I mastered every single Aura technique there was to learn. What have you mastered?"
•The rest of the fight is basically the same as that; Ren ragdolls Jaune while introducing a new Aura technique to the audience (Forcefield technique to block Jaune's sword, Shadow Clone technique to confuse Jaune, Third Eye technique when Jaune throws sand into Ren's eyes) while Jaune only survives because he has a mountain of Aura.
•Team RWBY eventually take notice and rush towards the scene. "Oh no! Whats happening, why is Ren fighting Jaune!!!" Ruby asks Nora. "Oh, Jaune cheated his way into Beacon, which is super illegal by the way, so now my bestest boyfriend for life wants Jaune to beat him in a sparing match to prove he's good enough to be our team leader which me and Pyrrha think is kinda ridiculous but, boys will be boys!" "Oh n- wait what?!" Weiss then pops up, "Jaune cheated his way into Beacon? I thought you had to be smart in order to do that."
•Ren finnaly starts to get exhausted from spamming his Aura techniques (hyperventalating), and he asks Jaune how he's able to keep up being constantly attacked. Jaune then looks up and grins, "Aha, this was my stratagy all along Ren! I knew that you had the lowest AP levels on our team so instead of fighting you, I let you waste your Aura reserves!" "... that... is actually a good plan. You have what it takes to be a huntsman in training." "So does that mean you'll stop beating me!!!" "No!"
•Ren then prepares his next attack, using so much of his Aura shield shifts into his righ hand. Jaune readies his shield. Before Ren can strike, an elder Ursa pops out of the bush behinds him and fells him in one blow.
•"REN!!!" Jaune screams. Nora immediately pounces on the grimm while the rest of the gang engages it. Jaune rushes to Ren's side. "Ren, talk to me!" Ren barely groans at him. Jaune flips Ren over and discovers he has three deep slashs on his back. "No no no, this wasn't supposed to happen!"
•"At last you understand..." a mysterious voice whispers to Jaune, "... what it means to be a huntsman. It was never about defeating darkness, but defending the light. Young man, will you allow your comrad to have his light stolen on this meaningless day? Or will you save him so he can face his destiny? Awaken the light within you, descendant of King Charles of Vale!
•Jaune's eyes then glow a pure golden color as his body is surrounded in the shimmering light of his Aura. As Jaune touches Ren, his Aura regenerates itself completely and heals his wounds.
•Just as Nora finishes pounding the elder Ursa into nothingness is when the rest of the gang realizes that Jaune is glowing. Then he stops and helps Ren to his feet.
•"You, unlocked your semblance?" Ren askes. Jaune nods his head. "... the trial is over. I am honored to have you as our team leader, Jaune." "Thanks Ren... and uhh, guys is it normal to hear voices when you get your semblance, or..."
•"Hear voices, what are you talking about?" Ruby asks Jaune. The rest of the gang is similary confused. "Oh well, guess I'm crazy." Jaune sarcastically says and the rest of the group laughs.
•As the camera zooms out, it changes to a screen on a computer that Ozpin is watching intently.
•The End.
#Black and White arc
•The beggining of the arc is almost entirely the same: team RWBY are following an excited Weiss down the streets of Vale when they happen upon a crime scene. The two detectives investigating wonder aloud if the Dust robbery was by the White Fang, which prompts Weiss to call them "an awful bunch of degenerates!". This prompts Blake to shoot back at her, which Weiss is confused by because she can't fathom why anyone would defend them. Small change, when Weiss accuses the WF of wanting to Genocide Humanity, Blake directly tells her they don't.
•Ruby then changes the subject and suggests that "that crook I tried to bust before I got into Beacon" (Roman Torchwick) is most likely behind the robbery since it matches his last crime perfectly. "That still doesn't change the fact that the White Fang are a bunch of scum. (to Blake's growing anger) Faunus like them give good ones like Velvet a bad name. In fact, they push Faunus rights back decades!" Yang then tries to interject but-
•MY SUNSHINNNNE- ahem, the gang overhears a group of sailors chasing after a stowaway monkey Faunus. The Detectives then give chase, which causes the stray to sprint away at full speed. As he passes team RWBY, he looks Blake in the eyes and winks at her mischiveously, which causes Blake to blush.
•"Quick! He's our only lead on the robbery, we have to catch him!" Weiss states as she practically drags her team with her as she chases the stray. When they turn the corner, she realizes that he's completely out of sight. "No, he got away!" "Uhh... Weiss?" (Yang points strangely at the girl underneath her teammate)
•Penny time! Again, her introduction is pretty much one to one with vanilla rwby.
•And then argument time. Again, basically the same, but Weiss says she is Blake's friend instead of just her teammate.
•This is not a change, but during the transition between the street and Vale the implication is that Weiss and Blake had been arguing all day.
•" I don't understand why this is causing such a problem!" "That is the problem!" "You realize you are defending an organization that hates Humanity, don't you? The Faunus of the White Fang are pure evil!" "There's no such thing as pure evil! Why do you think they hate Humanity so much? It's because of people like Cardin, people like you, that force the White Fang to take such drastic measures!" "People like me?" "You're discriminatory!"
•"I'm a victim!" (Silence as the two girls stare at each other. Ruby and Yang both stand in the middle, unsure of what to do.) "You want to know why I despise the White Fang? Why I don't particularly trust some Faunus? It's because they've been at war with my family for years. War, as in actual bloodshed. My grandfather's company has had a target painted across its back for as long as I can remember. And ever since I was a child, I've watched family friends disappear; board members executed; an entire train car full of Dust, stolen. And every day, my father would come home, furious. And that made for a very difficult childhood." Ruby then interjects "Weiss, she di-"
•"No!" Weiss thenturns away and walks back over to Blake "You want to know why I despise the White Fang? It's because they're a bunch of liars, thieves, and murderers!" "Well maybe we were just tired of being pushed around!" Blake backhand slaps Weiss hard enough to knock her onto the floor. Silence drops down on the scene again. Ruby and Yang both stare at Blake with heartbroken faces. "I... I..." Blake dashes out the door.
•Blake runs until she's at the statue Beacon's courtyard. She then unties her bow, revealing her cat ears.
•"I knew you would look better without the bow." Blake then looks up an sees Sun hanging off the statue.
•The next day, RWY are in Beacon's courtyard looking for signs of Blake. "Blake's a Fang assassin, what we should be doing is alert headmaster Ozpin." "Weiss, come on. She's one of our friends." "Is she? We all heard what she said!" "Weiss." Ruby sternly looks at her. Yang then starts up again "Maybe she is, maybe she isn't. Either way, she's missing, and we need to find her!" Weiss then mutters underneath her breath, "An assassin set to kill me, right underneath our noses..." Ruby then talks to herself, praying to the God of Light that Blake is ok.
•The scene then changes to Blake and Sun sitting outside a teashop, Blake asking Sun if he wanted to know more about her and Sun nods.
•"Sun... Are you familiar with the White Fang?" "Of course! I don't think there's a Faunus on the planet who hasn't heard of them. Stupid, holier-than-thou creeps that use force to get whatever they want. Bunch of freaks, if you ask me!" "I'm the daughter of the White Fang's founder, Ghira Bête."
•Sun then spits out his tea. "Wait a minute, you're Blake Bête?!"
•"That's right. The so called princess of the White Fang is me. Once upon a time, I used to live life like a princess too... Back then, things were different. In the ashes of war, the White Fang was meant to be a symbol of peace and unity between Humans and the Faunus. Of course, despite being promised equality, the Faunus were subjected to discrimination and hate. Humanity still thought of us as lesser beings. And so, the White Fang rose up as a voice of our people. And I was there. I was at the front of every rally. I took part in every boycott. I actually thought we were making a difference. But I was just a youthful optimist. Then, five years ago, my father was assassinated. Right at one of his rallies. I had the front row seat. That... broke us. Our new leader, my foster mother Sienna Khan, didn't want peace or unity. She wanted respect, and she wanted revenge. I wanted revenge too, at the time. She helped me find the men that murdered my father, and I ended them. I thought that with the heads of Natural Order finally gone, the Fang would go back to normal. I was wrong. So, I left. I decided I no longer wanted to use my skills to aid in their violence, and instead, I would dedicate my life to becoming a Huntress. So here I am: a fugitive hiding in plain view, all with the help of a little black bow."
•Sun then asks if Blake has told any of this to her friends, and she lowers her head.
•cut back to Ruby, Weiss, and Yang serching the streets for Blake. Dialouge is completely unchanged. The girls then run into Penny again. Again, dialouge is the same but "teammate" is replaced with "friend".
•cut back to Blake and Sun. Blake affirms that the White Fang most likely are not behind the Dust robberies. Sun then uses his junior detective skills to deduce that the the only way to prove that the Fang are innocent is to go where they might be and not find them their. He then drops that a Schnee Dust shipment is coming at the docks, so Blake decides they should do a stake-out.
•Yang comes out of a shop with Weiss, waving to the person inside, "Thanks anyways! This is hopeless." She then looks at Weiss, who is looking around nonchalantly, "And you're the reason she left and you don't even care! What's wrong with you!" "Me?" "Yes, you! First you picked a fight with my little sister, and now you pushed Blake away! And just when I thought you were becoming nicer!!" Yang then marches off in a huff, leaving Weiss to alone to think.
•Ruby and Penny then have their little convo about Blake.
•Blake is hiding on a roof top when Sun suddenly jumps up. He then presents her some stolen food, since she has been up there for hours. "Do you always break the law without giving a second thought?" "Hey, weren't you a terrorist of something?" (Blake angry face) "Ok, too soon!"
•Just then, a bullhead airship lands and White Fang members walk out. Blake is saddened. Then-
•"Hey! What's the holdup!? We're not exactly the most inconspicuous bunch of thieves at the moment, so why don't you grimmspawn try to pick up the pace?" Roman Torchwick then walks out the Bullhead, hurling slurs at Fang soldiers while they grin and bear it.
•Blake can't stand the sight of it.
•"Hey, what are you-" before Sun can finish, Blake jumps down from the rooftop, rolls, and apprehends Torchwick as fast as possible. She then demands to know why the Fang are aiding a racist scum bag like Torchwick, and he enlightens her that "we're on a joint buisness venture!" Torchwick then blasts the ground under his feet, dazing Blake.
•Ruby then finnaly arrives on the scene, knocking out a few White Fang soldiers before being blasted by Torchwick.
•P.E.N.N.Y. IS COMBAT READY!!!!!!!!!!
•Roman is eventually forced to flee. Yang and Weiss finnaly come, along with the local police.
•"Look Weiss, it's not what you think, she explained the whole thing. See, she doesn't actually have a bow, she has kitty ears and they're actually kind of cute..." Weiss ignores her and squares off with Blake. She calmly looks her down, "Weiss, I want you to know that I'm sorry for hurting you. Back when I was with the-" "Stop! Do you have any idea of how long we've been searching for you? Twelve hours. That means I've had twelve hours to think about this. And in that twelve hours, I've decided... I don't care."
•"You don't care?"
•"You're not one of them anymore, right?"
•"No, I-I haven't been in a while but Weiss my-"
•"Ah-bahp-bahp-bahp! I don't want to hear it. All I want to know is that the next time something this big comes up... you'll come to your teammates. And not some... Someone else."
•Blake wipes tears from her eyes as she says "Of course." "Yeah! Team RWBY is back together!" Ruby cheers! Weiss then points a finger at Sun "I'm still not quite sure about how I feel about you!" Sun the looks back to Blake, "Your teammate is Weiss Schnee!!!" and he collapses.
•"He-Hey, wait a minute... Where's Penny?y, wait a minute... Where's Penny?" The camera then pans to black car with Penny in the back. She is being repremanded compromising herself, to which she apolgizes. The figure then places a comforting, white gloved hand Penny's shoulder.
•Cut to Ozpin, who is in his control room (the same room he was in during the Jaundice arc) watching the fight on one of his security cameras. He then gets a notification on his scroll from Qrow and pulls it out. The message is entirely emojis (something like 🐈‍⬛🟰👸🏻), but Ozpin understands that it means Blake Belladonna was Blake Bête the whole time. Ozpin shifts his glasses in response.
•After credits scene: Roman's bullhead flies over a grimm infested forest and lands in an abandoned building in mountain Glenn. As he gets off the ship, he is greeted by slow clapping from a mysterious woman standing behind a corner. "Bravo, Roman. Your little fiasco has angered my friend, Corsac Albain. We expected... more, from you." "Hey! You were the ones who suggested working with those stupid mutts!"
•The woman in red then lights a fire in her hands, revealing herself as Cinder Fall. Behind her are Mercury and Emerald... and a very large Beowolf nuzzling itself against Cinder.
•"And you will continue to do so. We have big plans for you, Roman. All we ask is... a little cooperation." The Beowolf nuzzling Cinder then begins to howl as the scene fades to black. Ending the season.
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