#similar but distinct
kc5rings · 1 year
*staring blankly at the ceiling, cigarette in my hand slowly burning away to nothing*
There is a solid chance that the identity of Specter is the originium in Laurentina’s spine manifesting a consciousness.
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White People on tumblr who dont listen to rap, ignoring all the racial and historical context of why Kendrick is going against drake to just make it a fun trendy meme/ Kendrick being a hater is the same exact reason Kendrick called drake a colonizer
Edit: I actually Do Not Want resources on this post! I made this post to complain about a specific type of white person cluttering up my notifications saying that they didn't know what was going on and that they didn't care about rap and now those same white people are cluttering my notes again! Like I don't want to give white people who read my initial post the space to say it doesn't apply to them cus they watched a couple of videos. It still absolutely applies. You can have all the historical context in the world but you are still a colonizer and outsider in this space. I don't want you adding videos or anything explaining the beef because this post is not about that. There are literally hundreds of other posts explaining why this is happening and you don't need to come onto a black person's blog to ask them to do so.
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yrsonpurpose · 27 days
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It’s been one long, long year of learning Henry inside and out, learning himself, learning how much he still had to learn.
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hinamie · 10 days
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obligatory water tribe alt outfits so i am not held liable if they freeze
jjk atla!au with @philosophiums
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daveofstride · 1 year
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macchitea · 10 months
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more monkeys :)
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probablybadrpgideas · 5 months
writing rpgs is all fun and games until you have to describe potential enemies
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taiturner · 5 months
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#happy wife, happy life
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the-kaedageist · 3 days
It’s so funny that Essek was taken aback by Fearne summoning Teven, but if you’d asked me before this episode (or at least before Fearne met him), “which party would be more likely to randomly summon the champion of a betrayer god out of thin air without warning?” I would have immediately answered “The Mighty Nein”. 
I love the implications of this. I love the idea that the Nein’s antics might STILL throw Essek years later, but isn’t that also why he loves them so much? Didn’t they win him over by relentless friendship mixed with absolute batshit amounts of chaos? 
On the other hand, I can also imagine a world where yes, Essek totally would have expected this from the Nein - but he never expected any other adventuring party to be as ridiculous as his friends. 
This poor drow will never escape the confines of being trapped within the indignity of a game of dnd, and I love that for him.
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arachnits · 3 months
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hc i came up with a bit ago, i thought itd be cool if once someones in your heart, you take on a physical trait from them!! sora truly is a mosaic of all the people hes ever known
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thatoneluckybee · 3 months
Something we keep neglecting with School Bus Graveyard is the fact that this is taking place in GEORGIA. It's highly likely that everyone except Ben and Aiden grew up either in Georgia or in neighboring areas.
These kids are Southern and I find this hilarious for some reason. Logan exclaims "Good Gravy!" unironically and Taylor says "Bless your heart!" to anyone she gets pissed at and they are GOING to confuse the life out of the Clark kids.
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starry-bi-sky · 6 months
idle clone^2 food for thought (cw gun tw murder) and. thinking about how danny in canon is very protective of his people. and as a collective fanon we like to make him go Batshit when his people are severely injured.
and im just mmmmm,,,,, danny would kill if damian (or anyone in his family) got extremely hurt. but only under very specific circumstances. like they've been backed up into a corner and can't get out and it's either kill or be killed. like his go-to is non-lethal force but then someone takes out his little brother, whose breathing but not getting up and hurt badly, and there's nowhere for them to escape and these guys are gonna do much worse soon.
but there's a gun nearby and within danny's reach, and the guys who have them trapped are gloating and only half-paying attention because what are they going to do now? they have him trapped.
and they hurt his little brother.
and danny doesn't see red. everything just goes into cold, static focus instead. and he puts a bullet through the stomach of the first guy he sees.
And i'm just picturing Danny with this stone cold fury on his face, his hands shaking, as he looks the main guy (who know he's a clone) in the eye and says "your first mistake was thinking i'm batman"
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agentsnickers · 4 months
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Please enjoy this surprise Spot Conlon!
This is nothing like any of my other girl!Spot designs but I love her. I was writing a description for a certain upcoming fic and had to like stop and grab my sketchbook bc I was so strongly struck by an image, and she turned out exactly how I wanted her to!
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ashtrayfloors · 3 months
When other people I knew in grad school read Kathy Acker’s books they were shocked. Appalled. Particularly most of the budding young feminists. I actually began weeding out women friends by their reactions to her books. The ones that smiled and lowered their eyes with sly understanding and touched themselves, I kept. The ones that freaked out, well, they were idiots. Once I read a paragraph from Empire of the Senseless in my theory of gender class and one of the women began to cry and ran out and barfed. No shit. Pussy, I thought.
—Lidia Yuknavitch, from The Chronology of Water
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ikrutt · 1 year
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Highland and Lowland Curbs, 2023
Some information on the marsupial sophonts of Lidian. Curbs show up in Hunters Unlucky by @alhilton, a xenofiction novel with several sapient species.
Buy the books directly from the author here or download a free 4.5 hour sample of the audiobook here.
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axewchao · 6 months
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Revali never thinks too much about his dad.
Not because his father's absence bothers him in any way, it just doesn't cross his mind very often. Kinda hard to miss someone that you've never met before, at least in his eyes.
But every now and again, curiosity strikes him; if, by chance, Revali Sr. were still around by the time Ganon arrived, or at least around long enough for Revali Jr. to have some memory of him... what would've happened?
Would things have turned out differently? Would he have turned out differently?
What would've happened if the man who braved the scorching desert on his behalf were still here...?
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