#simple and soothing rhymes
Here Comes The Rain (Dazai Osamu x Reader)
Finally got around to writing this! Just Dazai handling his feelings in his own Dazai manner. Also available on Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46255900 Was there anything better than a stormy night? Dazai Osamu sat facing the window in his bedroom, watching the rain lashing down from a pitch-black sky, only visible thanks to the streetlamps. The weather forecast had been promising rain for days, and now it had finally come – no doubt people would be opening their curtains or blinds tomorrow to see a world awash with it. He could hear it very well, fat droplets smacking the ground with force before bouncing back up, only to land a second time. The gutters were already overflowing with rain and the pavement shone like silver, the sound of dripping filling the street. Ordinarily in a storm like this one, Dazai may have been tempted to go out and make another suicide attempt – with the rain like this, if he flung himself into the water, he’d stand no chance of beating the current. He could swim, but he wasn’t strong enough to fight so much water. He’d be borne back ceaselessly against the flood and he’d likely drown before he even washed out to sea. …But alas for Dazai, there were too many variables for it to be his idealised, perfect suicide. For one, it was dark, and he had no way of seeing how deep or not the water was – suppose he misjudged a jump, ended up landing in shallow water and breaking his legs or his back? He’d lie there in a state of helpless paralysis before the water eventually took him, slowly, or some innocent bystander tried to wade in and rescue him. Or there was always a chance he might impale himself on a stray tree branch, leaving him being swept along in excruciating pain, unable to peacefully slip away like he envisioned. A sound caught Dazai’s attention, and he turned his head, feeling a smile pulling at the corners of his mouth automatically. And there was another variable in why he couldn’t go out into the storm. You.
Dazai didn’t know how you’d managed it. Honestly, it was clear you had no idea either, or he would have seen through your attempts and evaded them. It was like a champion chess player going up against an amateur and being utterly unable to predict their moves – there was no rhyme or reason, no recognisable strategy in motion. It was simply instinct, and your own intuition and your own intuition that drove you forward. In this way of yours, you had tethered yourself to him, your poisoned barb sank into Dazai’s heart and despite himself, he had no desire to pull it out. Pulled away from his admiration of the rain, Dazai was now admiring your adorable sleeping face instead. Your cheek was squished against the pillow and occasionally your eyelids flickered. No doubt you were deep in a REM cycle right now, lulled by the shush of water outside. He wondered if you were dreaming of him. Perhaps it was egotistical of him to think so, but wasn’t it logical when you’d spent all day together, basking in some rare but well-earned time off? Or maybe the sound of the rain and cool air caressing your cheek had invaded your subconscious and instead you were dreaming of water, maybe plunged into the depth of the ocean or walking down a stormy street. Either way, at least it was a pleasant dream, judging by your peaceful expression and the steady rise and fall of your chest. Dazai himself had found he slept better when you were with him in his futon – the nightmares never left him entirely, yet falling asleep beside your warm, soft body seemed a wonderful panacea to them. Sometimes if he woke suddenly in the middle of the night, as he had now, he’d simply wrap his arms around you and let the steady thump of your heartbeat soothe him back to sleep. Such a simple thing, the comfort of another person, yet he’d gone so long without it that now he had it, he was terrified it would soon slip from his grasp again. But apparently Dazai was feeling philosophical tonight, because now he had woken prematurely, he didn’t feel any strong urge to go back to sleep. Not yet, anyway. Instead his long, elegant fingers curved around your cheek and you made a sound in response, much like a cat when you pet it in its sleep. “Sweetheart,” Dazai said, both a greeting and an exhortation. Too impatient for you to pull yourself from the depth of slumber by yourself, he kissed you, humming at the wonderfully familiar feel of your lips against his. You stirred from beneath your cosy blanket cocoon. “Mm?” Groggily your eyes opened, holding a glazed expression, still full of sleep. Your entire state hovering in a state of dreaming and consciousness. The sight made his breath catch in his throat. “Dazai?” you murmured in adorable confusion, voice vaguely rusty from disuse. “Yes, sweetness.” he cooed, leaning down. “C’mere…” He pressed his lips to yours, enjoying your confusion, but he’d kissed you enough times by now that you responded to him readily enough, despite still being half-asleep. A clumsy arm grabbed at him and he pulled you closer in response, pressing you against his chest. He loved it when you were like this. Soft and sleepy and pliant, unguarded in your thoughts. Not to say he didn’t adore you when you were fully awake and alert too, (you were much more fun to mess with then) but these little intimate moments where he had the pleasure of seeing you in a state not many ever did were special. He savoured it, like a curl of sugar melting on his tongue, here and gone in an instant but cherished for its sweetness. He never could say that, though. Dazai was a shameless flirt and an expert at bending others to his will with words alone, but emotional intimacy was not his strong suit and he knew it. Being honest and unguarded made him as tongue-tied and awkward as a schoolboy. But he was much better at being honest with his body. Eventually he pulled back to let you breathe, a smirk on his face at your kiss-swollen lips. Now you were slightly more lucid, and the first hint of annoyance crossed your features over Dazai shaking you awake simply because he wanted some affection. "What time is it? Couldn't this have waited until the day?" you complained, looking around for some kind of clock, but your phone was out of reach. "No." Dazai said in an oddly serious tone. "It couldn't." Attuned as you were to him, something in his voice caught your attention and you turned to look at him. He could read your expressions perfectly and your brow creased in apparent worry. Dazai never woke you when he had nightmares, preferring simply to breeze past them without discussion, so what other reason had he woken you? Thunder rumbled somewhere in the distance and Dazai crawled on top of you, his arms caging you in as you blinked up at him. His eyes were bright in the soft darkness. You didn’t stop him as his slowly moved down your body, caressing, hands sliding down your pajamas, before he gently tugged the bottoms down your thighs, planting kisses on your legs as he went. You bit your lip. “Dazai, right now-?” “Yes.” he breathed, like a prayer. You weren’t going to turn him down – Dazai could do some incredible things with his mouth and as far as you were concerned, he owed you for waking you up in the middle of the night seemingly apropos of nothing. So you propped yourself up on your elbows to watch him snuggled inbetween your thighs. He playfully snapped the waistband of your panties against your hip, making you yelp, before pulling those down as well. Expertly he nudged your legs wider apart and despite the many times he’d done this, it always made you blush to be so exposed to him, even alone in the darkness. Dazai didn’t let you hide anything from him, and that included when he was going down on you. “So lovely, bella.” Dazai praised you in hushed tones, tracing a finger over your core and watching you twitch at the teasing, featherlight touch. “Hold nice and still for me, now.” You nodded, bottom lip between your teeth, and Dazai plunged in with abandon. Perhaps it was because you were still sleepy, still pleasantly fuzzy in the head, because it felt like your other concerns were dulled, the only sensation that mattered Dazai’s hot tongue lapping at your clit. Heat washed over you, tingling shocks following each leisurely flick of Dazai’s tongue. A moan or a gasp or something inbetween left you in an exhalation of air. Dazai’s hands are gripping your thighs, fingers squeezing the flesh and you can only see his wavy hair as he went down on you, his mouth closing over your clit and driving a keen from your mouth. “Nnh…” Dazai couldn’t watch you come undone from his current position, but your audible sighs and whimpering was plenty for him to get himself off. He was not a man who considered oral sex some tedious chore to do before he could get down to the main action. Oh, no. The taste of you flooding his tongue, his name spoken in broken, needy fragments and the feeling of your thighs pressing against him? It was heaven. With how talented Dazai was with his tongue, you were squirming on the mattress before long, pyjamas bottoms tangling around your knees as you gasped, limbs still heavy from tiredness but your head feeling airy and light, heat building and building as he lavished attention on your cunt, pushing his tongue inside you to make you squeal. “Oh fuck! Dazai! Don’t stop!” you said, the phrases exploding from you in short, commanding, insensible bursts. You can only speak in demands, punctuated by cries. Dazai huffed in amusement as he pushed you into climaxing, catching your juices on his tongue, squeezing the flesh of your thighs. He playfully nipped the soft skin as he moved back, wiping the back of his wrist across his damp mouth. He didn’t give you any time to recover, not with his cock throbbing the way it was. He clambered beneath the covers with you, pressing himself against you. You turned your head to look at his expression, a smirk of your own tugging at your mouth. “You’re needy tonight, huh?” you said, and he didn’t deny it. "Please, bella." he breathed against your neck, pressing urgent, sloppy kisses there that made you giggle. "Need to feel you...” Fuck. Dazai didn’t beg very often but when he did, he sure knew how to do it prettily. How could you deny such a request? You nodded, too distracted to speak, and Dazai wasted no time in positioning himself, entering you in one smooth thrust that made you squeal at the abrupt feeling of being filled up. With a breathy moan, he rocked his hips forwards, bottoming out inch by inch in your wet cunt. And being the talker he was, he couldn’t just let it pass without comment. “So good…you’re so good for me, darling.” He purred, praises leaving his lips as easily as taking a breath, rutting shamelessly against you like a buck in heat. “Mm…my pretty girl…” A hiss left your mouth that mingled with the relentless pattering of rain on the rooftops outside and the cold air drifting in through the crack in the window feels good on your hot, slick skin. Your arms wrapped around Dazai, pulling him down, sinking your nails into his back and scoring thin, red marks down his skin. He liked some pain with his pleasure and he arched his back and moaned, and the noise made your walls pulse around his cock. Fuck. It seemed hard to believe he could work you up so easily after making you come once, but he knew your body so well he could have drawn a map of it. “Fuck, Dazai.” You whispered – you didn’t know why you were whispering, only that the weather gave all this a confessional air, like a secret between the two of you, cut off from the rest of the world as you were by a veil of water. “God…” Dazai snaked a hand down between your bodies, and his fingers pinched your clit hard enough to make you squeal. He rolled it between his thumb and forefinger as he sank into you over and over, sighing with rapture as your convulsing, hot core sucked him in, like your body simply did not want to let him go. “Yes, princess, that’s it…make more of those sounds for me.” Dazai muttered, turning his head and nipping at your throat, mindful not to break the skin but applying enough pressure to give you a jolt – he’s not the only one who doesn’t mind a little rough stuff. You’re groaning against his ear and you pinch his earlobe between your teeth and give it a little pull. Dazai sighed with pleasure, snapping his hips in a sharp thrust that had you blinking away stars. “Nnh-! Like that! Do it again!” “So demanding,” Dazai chuckled. “And you call me needy, sweetheart.” But he obliged you, of course. Dazai had a hard time saying ‘no’ to you on a regular basis, and since he woke you from a peaceful slumber because he was too desperate to wait to be inside you, the least he can do is make your dreams pale in comparison to what he’s giving you right now. The head of his cock nudged up against that sweetspot he knew you couldn’t reach with your fingers along and you squealed, pressing your mouth against his neck to muffle the noise. Dazai chuckled. “Oh, belladonna. Do you think I can’t hear how much you love taking my cock?” he teased, enjoying your little whine of embarrassment. “Ssh. Just enjoy it, honey. You’re close, aren’t you? I can feel it. Don’t worry, just let me make you feel good…” Dazai knew that he was good at dirty talk and his voice always provoked a reaction from you – you were so easy to read, the way your spine would straighten simply by him lowering his voice an octave or the way your eyes would widen when he slipped an innuendo into a seemingly innocent conversation. Why wouldn’t he use it to his advantage now? “Fuck, Dazai…” you said, voice strained with the effort of trying to speak and contain your moans at the same time. “God…you feel so good…please…” Your speech sounded almost slurred, and your pleas weren’t as pretty as Dazai’s, but he loved it all the same. He became faster and faster, the snap of his hips against yours, flesh on flesh, loud in the quiet of the room. Your breathy cries drifted up to the ceiling, accompanied by Dazai’s own moaning until they reached a crescendo of noise, Dazai’s back arching as he came and judging by the clamping around his cock and your body shuddering beneath him, your mouth falling open and eyes glassy with pleasure, you were right along with him. “Nngh…” “Ah…” For a moment time was suspended, both of you adrift in a wave of pleasure that relentlessly pulled you under. You took a couple of minutes to get your bearings back, the ceiling wavering above you like you’re looking at it through a kaleidoscope and your body is slick with sweat. You can hear Dazai panting on top of you, his chest pressing you against the mattress. “Dazai-“ you began. He hummed in acknowledgement, pressing another lazy, affectionate kiss to your lips before he rolled off you, though he didn’t go far. You didn’t protest as he pulled you closer, resting your head against his chest and listening to the galloping of his heart. His fingers toyed with your hair, brushing it away from your damp forehead, combing his hands through it in a way he knew you loved and that always made you sleepy. “Really? You woke me up just to fuck and now you’re trying to trick me into going back to sleep?” you said, but the glare you gave him was completely ruined by the flush dampening your skin and a yawn slipping from you. “Something like that,” Dazai said vaguely, and you gave a scoff of disbelieving laughter despite yourself. Of course, the real reason wasn’t quite so cut and dried as that, but Dazai could tell any explanations from him would fall on deaf ears – even as he watched, the lure of sleep was already winning its fight with your conscience, your eyes falling shut like they were too heavy for you to hold open anymore. “Go back to sleep, baby.” Dazai told you, still stroking your hair, shamelessly using it to keep you settled against his chest – the weight of your body was comforting. “Tomorrow we’ll skip work, have breakfast and watch people try and swim to their jobs.” “Mmm…” you hummed, a smile on your face at the joke, and he watched it fade into that tranquil look as you fell back asleep, nuzzling into Dazai’s chest and making yourself comfortable. Now he wouldn’t be able to move all night until you woke again – that was the rule. Dazai settled back against the pillow, wrapping one arm around you and tugging the covers over you both. He listened to the sound of the rain outside as he felt his own eyes begin to slide shut. No, he had not woken you simply for sex, even if that seemed like the obvious answer from an outside view. Dazai’s affections for you were so large and confusing to him, a man who was sorely deprived of such things for such a long time, he often simply did not know what to do with it. Sex was simply one of the easiest – and most fun – ways of showing it. Saying it was much harder, but eventually he’d get there. For now, enjoy one another’s company and bodies was a pleasure he’d never thought would be his. Dazai Osamu did not know how to love, or be loved. But for you, he was willing to try.
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peaches2217 · 9 months
During the pregnancy I imagine that Peach of course sings to her baby to calm herself and the baby down. Just imagine her sitting in the garden while rubbing her own belly and singing nursery rhymes. And I am asking you, do you have any headcanons about this as well?
Oh-ho, don’t even get me started on the role singing plays in the whole ordeal. Too late! Ya got me started~
Mario’s a really good singer, but for one reason or another he just doesn’t feel comfortable singing around anybody except Luigi or Peach; even then, he doesn’t sing around them much at all. But Peach adores his voice and will occasionally attempt to cajole him into singing for her. He plays along and makes a big show of resisting before ultimately giving her that song she wants, dancing around with her and being generally overdramatic, and it’s a great deal of fun!
But on very rare occasions, he’ll sing for her without provocation. It’s always during moments of quiet intimacy, as though his heart’s just too full and it’ll burst unless he pours it out in song, or whenever she’s under strain and there’s no immediate way he can help her other than to comfort her. And those songs are soft, low, mellow, and nine times out of ten in Italian. When he sings for her like that, all feels right with the world.
Her first real bout of morning sickness sees her violently ill at four in the morning, and Mario leaves her just long enough to send a summon for the head nurse. Peach is curled up on the tiles of the darkened bathroom, and Mario returns with a blanket, sets her head in his lap, and sings softly to her as he strokes her hair. While Mario internally panics over her condition, Peach is wrapped in the warmth of his voice; she feels light and drowsy, like he’s cocooning her in pure comfort, and for a while all of her nausea falls to the wayside.
He does it again that night, laying in bed together after finding out that he’s going to be a father. She can’t understand the words, but the melody is simple and repetitive, and she quickly realizes he’s singing a lullaby. It’s enough to make her cry.
In the coming weeks, she asks him to teach her the same lullabies his mother sang to him and Luigi as children. So he does! He’ll introduce a new one every night until he runs out of lullabies he actually remembers (it HAS been a while since he was a kid). The English lullabies she of course picks up quickly; she’s particularly fond of the one with the diamond ring and looking glass, because, as Mario affectionately points out, showering a baby with expensive gifts it can’t even use is 100% something she would do. The Italian lullabies take more time, so he’ll start by translating them line-by-line (during which he realizes for the first time just how morbid some of them are…) and then singing it slowly so Peach can join in and mimic his intonation.
And since lullabies can get pretty repetitive, he’ll take regular breaks to sing different songs to her so she doesn’t go crazy. The truth is, she could never grow tired of his voice, no matter how many times he repeats the same handful of stanzas… but she certainly won’t object, because he’s sang for her more in the past month than he has in all the time she’s known him.
It feels a bit silly when she thinks about it, two grown adults singing children’s songs back and forth to each other all night. But those songs become part of their daily repertoire, and every time Mario starts sleepily murmuring one with his head on her chest and a hand on her stomach, or every time she approaches him in the middle of the day just to ask if she’s pronouncing a line correctly; every time she hears him humming about Fra’ Simon in the shower and then groaning about it being stuck in his head, and every time he tries to surprise her in the garden after their duties are complete for the day, only to find her singing the same song while rubbing soothing patterns over her belly; they both fall a little bit harder for one another.
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tokkias · 11 months
mama, don't you worry about me ship: natsu dragneel x lucy heartfilia summary: They say the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb, and Lucy knows that's true enough. Though they ended on uncertain terms, Lucy doesn't want to go on without her old family meeting her new family. ao3
Nalu Week 2023 Day 2: Family @allaboutnalu @thenaluarchive
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It had been about three and a half years since Lucy had last made the trip out to Acalypha. It wasn’t for lack of wanting to, but the longer she put it off, the guiltier she felt, as though she would be judged when she finally did show up. She knew it was an unreasonable thought considering those she was there to visit had both passed away long ago, but that never stopped the guilt from growing.
There was no rhyme nor reason to the day she finally decided to make the trip out; it was a spontaneous decision made without much forethought, though perhaps the offer of company had done something to sway her just a little. The sound of footsteps next to hers brought a little comfort, staggered as they were, as Natsu swayed to keep his balance, still battling the aftereffects of the train ride over.
She had offered to take the walk—it was only a day out of Magnolia, after all—but for the first time in all the time she had known him, he had insisted he would be okay. Based on the way he still retched with every other step, he was decidedly not okay, but the sentiment was appreciated.
Had Natsu not offered to come along, she may not have had the courage to finally make the trip out here. He had probably also surmised that had they chosen to travel by foot, she may have been tempted to bail, a feeling she hadn’t been able to shake until the train carriage began to move and she was faced with the bigger threat of Natsu potentially vomiting on her shoes. It had provided an unpleasant but nonetheless welcome distraction from the fact that she was about to visit her parents place of rest for the first time in years.
She slowed her pace slightly when she noticed Natsu staggering behind her, until she eventually came to a stop and he grabbed her arm to catch his balance. Part of her hoped that his motion sickness would get better with age, but it seemed as though the opposite was occuring.
"You okay?" She asked as she felt his forehead rest against her shoulder and her hand snaked up to his scalp, where she lightly dragged her nails through his hair to try and sooth him.
He meekly nodded, taking in a few slow and deep breaths to try and recuperate. When he finally looked up at her, he still looked a little pale, but nowhere near as sickly as he had when they had first gotten off the platform.
"I’m good," he finally managed to say, forcing a smile out, and Lucy felt her heart melt a little in her chest.
She had never asked him to come and support her, but she never had to. Natsu was going to be her rock, no matter what the situation. He knew her and her feelings better than she did, and she didn’t have to express the fact that she was struggling for him to step up and be the strong one for today.
She wasn’t sure if she would ever be able to express her gratitude for moments like these, but she supposed the least she could do right now was let him lean on her as they walked.
"Are you okay?" He asked in return.
"I think so."
That was the most honest answer she could give. She wasn’t entirely sure how she felt right then. It was as though her brain was cursed to be stuck in an emotional limbo until they arrived at the cemetery.
She wished she was okay. She wished that she was fine—good, even—but as of late, she had been the victim of a heartache she thought had been long gone.
Part of her wished that the grieving process was linear, that one day she would feel better and she would be done grieving, but reality was never that simple. She had been grieving the loss of her mother for the majority of her life. She had been grieving the loss of her father since before he had even passed. It should be easier by now.
Most days it was, but it had gotten harder as of late.
Lucy had a new family, one whom she loved unconditionally, and they in turn loved her just as much, but the hole left in her heart by the loss of her parents was one that would never be filled completely. Sometimes it was little more than a pinprick, tiny and inconspicuous, but other times it would gape and bleed like a wound torn right open.
She had been feeling that last one a lot lately.
That was part of the reason she decided she needed to come out here—to stitch that wound closed again and try to heal. For so long, she had been hesitant because she feared that standing before those headstones would only serve as a physical reminder of her loss, that it would undo all the hard work she had put into moving on and rip her heart open altogether.
Suddenly, she felt Natsu take her hand in his own and give it a reassuring squeeze, and she realised that she wouldn’t have to worry about that any longer.
The walk to the cemetery was foreign to her, having only made it two, maybe three, times in her life, but despite the unfamiliarity, it was like it was hardwired into her brain. She didn’t have to think about it for her legs to take her to exactly where they needed to be, as though something in her subconscious was guiding her back to her family.
It certainly looked like neither of them had been tended to in a fair while, which made the guilt prick up in her stomach again. Before that guilt could manifest itself, it was quickly quashed by the thud of Natsu dropping his travel pack on the grass behind her.
Lucy turned to face him, and he pulled out a few of the items she had packed in preparation for their trip. A cloth, a spray bottle, and a scrubbing brush. She wasn’t entirely sure where to start. She had no experience cleaning gravestones and hadn’t had the time to do any research when she decided she was going to make the trip. All she had to go off of was some common sense and a hope.
The first thing she did was pull out the weeds that had begun to grow through the cracks in the stone and discard them to the side. Immediately, the headstones looked more tended to, especially next to others in the cemetery that had begun to grow moss on the stone from years of neglect, their words barely legible with dirt collecting from age. She realised that it was likely no one was around to clean those headstones anymore, which only made her all the more determined to keep her parents' graves looking well while she still could.
When Jude had first passed and Lucy had first visited their graves, she almost expected Layla’s to be in a state of disrepair from years of neglect since it had been moved off of the estate, but even after seven years, it looked almost brand new. Perhaps she shouldn’t have been surprised by her father’s dedication to its upkeep. He wasn’t a heartless man; he was simply someone who had become lost in their grief. She had no interest in continuing her father’s legacy, though she supposed this was one thing she could carry on for him.
A thin layer of dirt and grime had begun to form on the surface of both headstones. It certainly wasn’t as bad as some of the ones surrounding them, but she quickly got to work cleaning it off before she could let them get that far gone.
She wasn’t used to cleaning on her hands and knees, didn’t take much pride in doing such thorough cleaning of her own home, and wasn't particularly enjoying the ache in her back as she leant over, but for her parents, she supposed she could swing it once in a while.
She bit down on her lip in a moment of concentration as she scrubbed the stone, the soap and water foaming up before she wiped it away with her cloth to reveal a clean surface. It certainly didn’t look brand new, but taking a step back and looking at her work, she was happy with what she had achieved, and she was certain
By the time she was done cleaning, she looked back over at Natsu, who had finished setting up the picnic blanket and was waiting for her to join him. It would have been a shame to come all the way out here and not at least make an effort to enjoy themselves. The day had provided them with the perfect weather for it, with blue, cloudless skies and a gentle breeze to complement the sun’s warm rays.
On the blanket, Natsu had laid out their lunch: some sandwiches that Lucy had put together that morning specifically for the trip, cut diagonally (because Natsu would not physically allow her to cut them any other way), a selection of pastries from a local bakery they had passed on their way here, and a flask of homemade lemonade, complete with two little plastic cups for them to drink from.
He was beaming at her when she joined him on the blanket next to him, and the sight of it brought her comfort that she was certain she would never be able to describe.
The day she had left the estate, having resolved to never return, she had told herself she never wanted to see her father’s face again. The day that she met Natsu, joined Fairy Tail, met her real family, she was certain she would never come back to him. After the events of the Phantom Lord attack, she had hoped her new family would never ever come to meet her old family.
Back in those days, she would have never imagined she’d be sitting here, willingly bringing her two families together.
Well, as together as they could be, given the circumstances.
In a way, this was Natsu’s first time meeting his in-laws, something that she might have dreaded happening when her father was still alive. She knew Natsu was the type of person her father would have loathed her befriending as a child. The man she knew growing up would quite possibly have exploded if he knew that Natsu was the person she intended on spending the rest of her life with.
She never got to know the man that he had become in those seven years between the downfall of the Heartfilia Konzern and his death, but she hoped that it was one that could have grown to love (or at least tolerate) his future son-in-law.
It was quiet as they ate—the peaceful kind of quiet. Very rarely did any type of quiet exist between them, but it remained comfortable even still. It was clear that Natsu didn’t want to have to be the one to initiate conversation lest Lucy not want to talk, and to his credit, he was sort of right. It wasn’t so much that she didn’t want to talk, but rather that she didn’t exactly know what to say in the moment.
So instead, they sat in silence, both completely content to enjoy each other’s company even in the quiet.
That quiet was broken, however, the moment Lucy noticed her partner eyeing up the strawberry danish she had claimed as her own before he tried to slip it away from her. He was, of course, promptly met with a whack on the hand the moment he tried to reach for it, and he responded in turn by looking up at her with an exaggerated pout and puppy-dog eyes.
"Come on, please?" He pleaded. "Just one bite?"
His sympathy for the situation had clearly worn off as he continued to try and plead for her sweet treat, trying his best to wear her down just for one little bite.
"Fine," she conceded with a sigh. "Just one small bite."
She held out the dessert to him, and he opened his mouth wide as if expecting her to offer it to him whole. She was certain he would take it down in one bite if she let him, but she was certainly not planning on it. Instead, she let him bite off the very tip, and he pouted as he chewed, clearly unsatisfied with the small portion, but Lucy remained unsympathetic to his cause as she finished the rest of it herself.
Truly, she thought this trip would be awkward with him by her side, that she would be so downtrodden by her grief that Natsu couldn’t do anything but try to comfort her, but as it seemed, things hadn’t played out that way. Sure, her heart still ached from the reminder of her loss, but not nearly as much as she had anticipated. She expected she would cry, wail, and sob at their graves as if it were a recent loss, and that Natsu would have to hold her as she wept into his chest, inconsolable. Instead, she found herself resting her head in his lap as he looked down at her, fingers tangling through her hair as he did so, and feeling nothing but love and comfort.
She hadn’t quite mustered the courage to speak to their headstones and have a one-sided conversation with her parents like she usually did to make sure they knew what had been going on in her life, but she supposed she didn’t need to tell them when what was going on in her life was right there with her the whole time.
Letting her eyes flutter closed, she breathed in the fresh spring air and allowed herself to bask in the sunlight, so warm and bright, as though her parents themselves were beaming all their love down upon them.
Really, there was never a day that passed where she didn’t wish that her parents could have met Natsu. Sometimes she liked to think about what it would have been like if she still had that family and had been given the choice to bring them together. She imagined them together at the dining room table—a normal one, small and homely, like a house she only vaguely remembered from the days before the Heartfilia Estate.
"I think mama would have loved you," Lucy breathed, opening her eyes to look back up at her beloved, still looking down at her adoringly. "She would have teased me about you and said you were the apple of my eye," she added, a soft chuckle escaping her lips.
"If she raised someone as cool as you, I think I woulda liked her too," he grinned.
As she closed her eyes again, she went back to her little fantasy scene and sat at her dining table, she and Natsu on one side and her parents on the other. She could so vividly imagine her mother laughing along as she and Natsu played a game of footsies under the table that quickly got out of hand once he kicked her ankle. Her father, stoic as he was, would keep a straight face but couldn’t hide the hint of a smile, knowing that his only daughter had found her one.
"I think papa would have thought I was dating you just to spite him," she said, an amused smile gracing her face.
Perhaps someone else might have seen that as an insult, but based on the way Natsu cackled in response, she could only think that he took it as a compliment of the highest regard.
"I’d like to think he could have grown to like you too."
Before she had a chance to stop it, Lucy felt tears prick at the corner of her eyes, and all of a sudden, they began to fall freely, the floodgates too far open to go back now.
"I’m sorry," she apologised, and she brought her hand up to wipe away the tears that had begun to stream down her cheeks. "I thought I had cried out all of my tears over this," Lucy confessed. "But I don’t think these are sad tears; I think they’re happy tears because now I’ve got the best family I could ever ask for."
She looked up at Natsu through eyes glistening with tears, and he smiled down at her with such fondness that she thought her heart might just burst in her chest. She raised her hand up to his cheek, and he leant into her touch. A light, breathy laugh escaped her at the action, adoring just how cute her Natsu could be.
She didn’t like to think about where she would be without him, but lucky for her, she never had to. Natsu had given her the life and family that she had always dreamed of, who supported her and loved her truly and unconditionally, but none more than him.
Of course she missed her blood family and mourned what could have been had her mother not been in such frail health, but she couldn’t imagine a life without Fairy Tail—without Natsu.
She wasn’t sure if she believed in fate or destiny, but she did believe in Natsu, believed in the idea that their stories were always interwoven, that they were meant to be here, together.
The tears kept coming, but Natsu dragged his thumb across her cheek, wiping them away as they came. He was looking at her with all the adoration in the world, and her heart didn’t know how to cope, so instead she continued to let the tears flow, so happy and content to be with him. He was everything she could have ever asked for and more.
Together, they stayed like that until the sun had begun to dip over the horizon, providing them with a creamsicle sky as their backdrop. Throughout the afternoon, Lucy shared stories of her parents from when she was growing up—memories of laying beneath the stars with her mother before her health began to fail, of outings with her father before he lost himself in his work.
She yearned for moments like that again, but relaying them to her partner as he listened along to her tales was cathartic. She might not be able to live out those memories again, but what she could do was make new ones with Natsu and the rest of their family by their side.
Her back ached slightly as she finally sat back up, Natsu whined a little as she left his lap to stretch her arms out and gather up their things. They hadn’t planned on staying out here this late, but as soon as Lucy laid down, she didn’t feel herself ever wanting to leave, and Natsu had not voiced any complaints. Unfortunately, the threat of nightfall meant that they had to take their leave sooner or later, and Lucy decided that they should do so before nightfall. After shuffling off of the blanket, Natsu helped her fold it up and place it in his pack before throwing it over his shoulder.
He grabbed her hand, intertwining his fingers with hers as he smiled at her. She felt herself falling in love all over again with the gentle squeeze of his hand, and in that moment, she really did feel befitting of the name Lucky Lucy.
"We should hurry before we miss the last train back to Magnolia," she mused as they walked the path back into the main town.
His face immediately grew pale at the reminder of the train ride home. He swallowed his complaints thickly in an attempt to be sensitive to her needs in her trying times, but instead, Lucy just laughed. She had no intention of making him take ride home. Staying in Acalypha another night didn’t sound too bad anymore, and it was really the least she could do after all he had done for her.
There was no rush, no hurry; they had all the time in the world. A day's walk back to Magnolia was nothing compared to all of their lives ahead of them.
"I’m kidding," she clarified with a cheeky smile, feeling as though she had sufficiently got him back for at least some of the pranks that he had pulled on her in days gone by.
Natsu threw his head back and sighed in evident relief at not having to sacrifice his comfort for hers, no matter how willing he was to do so.
"Have I ever mentioned you’re the best ever and that I love you?" He said, as though he were making up for all the pleading he had been holding back and using it to thank her instead.
She laughed at his overdramatic reaction, feeling his words unnecessary but appreciating them nonetheless.
"I think so," she smiled back.
She squeezed his hand, running her thumb lightly over the back of it, revelling in the feeling of his skin on hers.
"And I love you too."
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emmies-agere · 4 months
this is oddly specific but would you write some headcanons for Regressor!Kim from OMORI? Preferably if she was like toddler aged & loves dinosaurs! :3
- 🧩☀️
hello 🧩☀️ anon! of course, that’s not too specific at all :D omori is so fun to write for so i hope you like it!! take care and have a nice day <3
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regressor kim headcanons!
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•i think kim would be a reserved and quiet regressor, keeping to herself a lot and preferring to play gently. she is a rather sleepy regressor, too!
•she regresses to find the comfort that she had in her childhood, however also slips when she’s really stressed, or when things aren’t going her way.
•despite her calmer regression, i think she would really like colorful things! bright colors and lots of different shapes to mess around with :)
•has a bunch of plushies!! (especially dinos) she usually has at least one stuffed animal in her arms when she’s regressed. it’s soft and provides her comfort.
•on the topic, she loves loves loves dinos!! colors them all of the time and can’t help herself from pointing and gasping when she sees a dino plushie in the store.
•i also like to think she has some of those plastic dinosaurs! she’ll play around with them and make them do things like fly, play house, or promptly take over the world hehe
•kim has a tendency to regress when she’s particularly stressed, or really uncomfortable/overstimulated. this sometimes results in her regressing in public, or around her friends. she’s fairly good at hiding it, though her words may occasionally slur,,
•favorite snack when regressed are animal crackers and warm angel milk! though as a meal, dino nuggies are a favorite too!
•likes being at the park when regressed!! she’ll swing on the swings and go down the slides. sometimes, though, when her friends are around,, she likes to just sit down in the grass with them and pick flowers <3
•kim chews on her sleeves when regressed or has her thumb in her mouth. it’s a soothing thing for her, and she doesn’t really have a paci/know where or how to get one.
•would adore picture books!! they’d have to be sort of simple, maybe like short rhymes or sentences. even if not, she could probably figure it out!
•she watches a lot of cartoons and shows when regressed. she’ll flick to the kid’s channel and watch it for hours!
•in order to sleep or nap, kim would really like music. she’d have some playing in the background, lulling her to sleep.
•as a whole— just a very sweet and soft-spoken regressor!! always trying her best and just hoping to find comfort in her regression <3
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imakemywings · 1 year
One Last Song
Fandom: The Silmarillion
Characters: Daeron, Luthien
Summary: As Luthien prepares to surrender to old age, she is visited by a long-lost friend.
AN: There is a PURPOSE behind the hokey nicknames I promise, it's in the AO3 AN. tl;dr: they're poking fun at Thingol and Melian.
AO3 | Pillowfort
            The traveler coming up the dirt path moved with slow certainty, winding steadily towards the house. The day was breezy; overhead, a few thin clouds hurried by. The figure wore a simple green cloak with a pointed hood drawn up; the ankles were wrapped in linens beneath the worn hem of short trousers, the feet brown and bare. Fastred stood on the porch and watched the approach through the trees, across the clearing created around the house, surrounded on all sides by thick pine and its accompanying underbrush. The summer vibrance of the flowers had died down, trending towards the green and brown fall that would soon envelop the area. Perhaps so alone, so isolated, Fastred should have felt greater fear, but there was more curiosity than unease. They stood still and waited until the traveler stopped before the first step of the porch as though awaiting permission to move closer.
            “Are you the child? Dior?” the wanderer asked in Sindarin, of which Fastred did not speak much. He was certainly one of the Eldar; he had that ageless, ethereal beauty about him, in spite of the eclectic dress of one long on the road. His eyes were green, oddly pale in his dark face, and his hair bound up in a wrap beneath the hood. There were thin little tattoos on his hands. “Is she here?” he pressed when Fastred shook their head. He spoke as one who is unaccustomed to doing so and worried he was doing it wrong, yet there was a melodic cadence to his voice somehow soothing.
            Fastred did not know why they let let the stranger into the house. Perhaps it was a feeling.
            The Elf stepped into the hall and drifted towards the entrance of the parlor, his delicate hands twisting anxiously at the strap of his bag about his chest, looking around as if he expected to find something lost there. From her bedside by the hearth (for she had grown too weak of late to mount the stairs, and so Fastred had moved the bed down to the parlor), Dior’s mother spoke, as if she and the wanderer had been playing some game which had just concluded.
            “Dae-dae,” Lúthien exclaimed feebly. “You found me!” She spoke in Sindarin.
            The one-time loremaster of the Kingdom of Doriath threw back his hood and crossed quickly to the bed to kneel beside it.
            “Of course I—I would always—if I had thought you—” How unlike him to struggle so for words! In apparent anguish, he gripped the worn, veiny hand which Lúthien offered him with care, trembling to feel she who had once swung him about as if he were no weightier than a fawn in the spirited dances of the Iathrim so frail under his touch. “I am sorry I did not come sooner,” he said. With the distance he kept from society in those days, he was rarely informed of anything.
            “Sit, sit,” she insisted. “Let me see you.” Hesitantly, still dusty with travel, Daeron shifted to perch on the edge of the bed. Lúthien had told tales of the legendary minstrel of her father Elu Thingol, whose song and hand spun harmonies so beautiful as to make Maiar weep; who had created an alphabet of nothing; who could recall anything you liked about Doriath’s history and culture off the top of his head, and make it into a rhyme to boot. Lúthien let out a rusty laugh, peering at him with rheumy eyes. Her hair had gone steely gray where it had once been jet-black, brittle where it had once been supple and soft. “Just as handsome as I remember!” She tweaked his ear. “But what happened to your braids, Daeron?”
            “Tell me what I can do for you,” he pleaded, no hint of Lúthien’s mirth reaching his face. She gazed into those sage-green eyes—how well she recognized that furrow in his brow, that distressed downturn to his mouth! He had not changed a whit; she might have said goodbye to him only an hour ago, in a life that felt almost as if it had been lived by someone else. Was she not someone else then?  
            “Play something,” she said.
            I cannot, he wanted to say. I do not play anymore. I have no songs for grief like this. How can you ask me to play at such a time? Even if all of those things were so—and they were not, he had always known how to weave a melody for sorrow and longing—he should have found a way, for Lúthien. He shed his pack onto the floor and withdrew from his cloak a set of pan pipes: The same set he had carried when Lúthien first remembered seeing him; the same set on which he had warbled before the dais of Thingol and Melian the Maia to win their approval and his place at Thingol’s side—the same set which, to the chagrin of the king and his guests, Daeron preferred above all gifts he was given either to honor his skill or to win favor with Thingol.
            He put them to his mouth and began to play.
            Daeron’s music, so surpassingly, achingly transcendent that it was said to be unbearable by mortal heart, said to carry in it an echo of the Ainulindale, brought tears to the eyes of Lúthien, and to those of her caretaker Fastred, though Lúthien’s fell in silence. Daeron did not hear the snuffling of the mortal behind him as he played; there was nothing in the room for him—indeed, nothing in all the world but Lúthien, now aged and wan and so soon to be beyond his world forever.
            As the yearning, tearful notes of his music filled the room with marvelous pain, she thought of a time long passed when she had pressed herself to his side under the trees and begged him for a song for light gone dark and laughter dead and how in her grief he had piped a voice to her suffering in the wake of Beren’s departure, until even the birds of the forest fell silent to attend his lamenting.
            When he stopped, he was weeping to heavily to carry on.
            “Now, none of that!” Lúthien scolded, her voice paper-thin, as Daeron’s pipes came to rest in his lap. “There is nothing for to weep, Daeron.” It took so much effort to move her body these days, but she struggled against the pillows, to sit just a little more upright, that she might reach out and touch his cheek. Over by the front window, hasty movements as Fastred swiped at their eyes.
            “You are dying,” Daeron said, his lovely voice breaking, now meeting her gaze with a fresh wave of tears.
            “This was my choice,” she whispered, stroking his smooth, unblemished cheek. There was a tremor in her hand that would not stop; she had grown accustomed to it by then. “This is what I wanted.” A smile tugged at the corner of her mouth. “Soon, I will see Beren again.”
            “There will be no beauty in the world again as you, once you are gone,” said Daeron. He took her hand from his cheek and pressed a kiss to her fingers, his lips wet with tears. The joints of her fingers and wrist were swollen and hot.
            “But there will be you to sing of it,” she said, the corners of her mouth upturned. “So how fortunate is the rest of Middle-earth!” He did not reply, and then:
            “How long ago was he lost?” Daeron asked.
            “A few months,” said Lúthien.
            “I’m sorry,” said Daeron, and he meant it.
            “Do not be—already we had more time than I had once thought we would,” she said. “Have you seen our son, Dior? He was here…” Lúthien glanced about and Daeron hesitated, for as he understood, Dior remained in Doriath. It struck him she might suffer from the confusion of her advanced age and the knowledge pierced him like an arrowhead. “There is nothing I regret,” she said firmly. “But now, Daeron, speak not to me as some dying old woman. Am I not still your friend of old? Have you forgotten our adventures?” His lower lip trembled and Lúthien sighed and sobered, stroking his hand. “Oh, my Daeron,” she murmured, sinking deeper into the pillows. “Hush, now. It will not be goodbye forever. For a very long time, perhaps, but not forever.”
            Daeron choked and bowed over her hand, but then steeled himself as much as he could and swallowed down his tears. He wiped his face dry on the back of his hand and raised his head. She was right—and he would not spend the last time he had with her blubbering like a fool over something he could not change. He would have as long as he like to weep about it afterwards.
            “What can I do to please my princess?” he asked, as if they were still laying about his chambers on a lazy summer afternoon while Lúthien concocted a scheme for their amusement and he plucked at his lyre. “Tell me what to do, Lulu.”
            Lúthien’s wrinkled face split into a smile and he fancied even then there was a familiar sparkle in those tired eyes.
            “Play something for me, won’t you, minstrel mine?” she croaked. Daeron nodded, and took up his pipes again, and this time his notes danced with joy, and the memory of many happy years spent under tree in the land they had called home, behind Melian’s spells and under Thingol’s gentle hand, years rich in laughter and dancing and song, when their thoughts had freedom to be childish and carefree. Into his piping he sought to pour all of the love and joy and companionship which he had felt with Lúthien in those years, that he might with this song impart on her his gratitude that she had been a part of his life, that she might know how those memories with her shone in his mind. Perhaps, that she might remember him once she had departed to wherever Ephedrim went when they left Arda, and if he were lucky, think fondly of him still. Once more he filled the small and lovingly-tended home of Beren and Lúthien with his song, and it was the final occasion on which the music of Daeron of Doriath, mightiest musician of the Eldar, would be heard in Beleriand.
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tbfamily-if · 3 months
Portrait: Darsh Bakshi
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made with bing image creator
Darsh's Relationship with His Mother:
Relationship Dynamics:
Darsh shares an incredibly tender and nurturing relationship with his mother. From the moment of his birth, she enveloped him in a cocoon of love and affection, forming an unbreakable bond that transcends words. Their connection is one of pure, unconditional love, where every glance, touch, and smile is a testament to the depth of their bond.
Most Awesome Experience Together:
The most awesome experience Darsh shared with his mother was their daily moments of cuddling and bonding. Whether it was during feeding times, play sessions, or bedtime routines, these intimate moments created cherished memories that filled their hearts with warmth and joy.
Post-Grief Reaction:
As a toddler, Darsh's understanding of grief is limited, but he keenly feels the absence of his mother's comforting presence. In the aftermath of her passing, he experiences confusion and distress, reacting with inconsolable cries and a sense of disorientation. His world is suddenly devoid of the familiar embrace and soothing voice that once brought him comfort, leaving him overwhelmed by a profound sense of loss.
Coping Mechanism:
Darsh's coping mechanism revolves around seeking comfort and security from his remaining family members, particularly his siblings and father. In their loving embrace, he finds solace and reassurance, clinging to their presence as a source of stability amidst the upheaval of grief. His innocent laughter and playful antics become a beacon of light in the darkness, offering moments of respite and joy amid the family's shared sorrow.
Darsh's Hobbies and Relationships:
Darsh, with his innocent and curious nature, finds joy in simple yet meaningful activities. His hobbies include:
Playing with toys: Darsh delights in exploring the imaginative world of toys, from building blocks to stuffed animals, fostering creativity and cognitive development.
Listening to nursery rhymes: He enjoys listening to soothing melodies and playful tunes, captivated by the rhythm and melody.
Finger painting: Darsh expresses himself through vibrant colors and messy strokes, creating abstract masterpieces that reflect his playful spirit.
Exploring nature: Accompanied by his family, Darsh loves spending time outdoors, discovering new sights and sounds in the natural world.
Relationship with His Father, Rakesh:
Darsh shares a special bond with his father, Rakesh, who assumes the role of both mother and father figure following his wife's passing. Rakesh's love and dedication to Darsh are unwavering, as he nurtures and supports his youngest son with tenderness and care. Their relationship is characterized by moments of shared laughter, gentle cuddles, and the unspoken understanding of a father's love.
Relationship with His Siblings, Alisha, Asim, and Bevis:
Despite the age gap, Darsh adores his older siblings and looks up to them with admiration and affection.
With Alisha, he shares quiet moments of bonding, finding solace in her gentle presence and soothing touch.
Asim, Asim's humor and playfulness never fail to elicit laughter from Darsh, who delights in their playful interactions.
Bevis, Darsh revels in the attention and affection his brother showers upon him, cherishing their moments of shared joy and sibling camaraderie.
Darsh's Relationship with His Dad's Best Friend, Bo Wu:
Darsh is intrigued by Bo's larger-than-life persona, often watching him with wide-eyed wonder during his visits. Bo's playful demeanor and occasional antics evoke giggles from Darsh, who finds amusement in the spectacle of his father's best friend. Despite Bo's boldness, Darsh senses a hidden warmth beneath the bravado, sparking a sense of curiosity and fascination in the young toddler.
Darsh's Little Facts:
Stuffed Bunny from Alisha: Darsh treasures a small stuffed bunny gifted to him by his sister Alisha. The bunny serves as a source of comfort and security, accompanying him during nap times and bedtime routines.
Favorite Blanket: Darsh has a favorite soft blanket adorned with colorful patterns that he carries everywhere. Wrapped snugly in its warmth, he feels safe and content, especially during moments of uncertainty or distress.
Thumb-Sucking Habit: Darsh has developed a habit of sucking his thumb, finding solace and comfort in the rhythmic motion. It's a soothing gesture that helps him relax, particularly when he's feeling tired or anxious.
Love for "Little Princess" Cartoon Series: Darsh is enamored with the "Little Princess" cartoon series, captivated by the whimsical adventures of the titular character. He giggles with delight as he watches each episode, often requesting reruns with his siblings by his side.
Fascination with Balloons: Darsh's eyes light up with wonder at the sight of colorful balloons, finding joy in their buoyant movements and vibrant hues. He loves playing with balloons, giggling as he watches them float and dance in the air.
Bedtime Story Ritual: Before bedtime, Darsh looks forward to his father's storytelling sessions, where he listens intently to tales of adventure and fantasy. Snuggled under his favorite blanket, he drifts off to sleep with dreams inspired by the enchanting stories.
Affection for Animal Toys: Darsh has a collection of plush animal toys that he adores, cuddling them close as he plays and explores the world around him. From fluffy teddy bears to squishy puppies, each toy holds a special place in his heart.
Fascination with Bubbles: Darsh finds endless fascination in blowing and chasing bubbles, delighted by their shimmering colors and delicate forms. He squeals with joy as he reaches out to pop them, giggling at the fleeting beauty of each bubble.
Joy in Music: Darsh's face lights up with a smile whenever he hears music, his tiny feet tapping along to the rhythm. Whether it's a cheerful nursery rhyme or a lively melody, music fills him with happiness and laughter.
Curiosity about Nature: Darsh shows a budding curiosity about the natural world, pointing and babbling excitedly at the sight of flowers, birds, and insects. His eyes widen with wonder as he explores the sights and sounds of nature, eager to learn and discover more.
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ask-will-and-nico · 5 months
Gods... What didn't happen to him? All Nico could remember was the ways that... Well, mainly Boreas, had tortured him. So many ways to inflict pain that Nico couldn't've imagined.
His throat caught. "I...“ Nico sighed. "... You remember that... Conversation on the train, right?" Will's eyes widened in realization, and he nodded. "... I thought you'd forgotten, I didn't want to bring it up like I knew if you didn't remember telling me. Is... That what this is about?" Nico couldn't help but let a tear or two slip past then. Will was... So soft. So gentle, with him. Reassuring. He nodded silently, and Will cooed. "I'm so sorry, honey. Is... Is it ok if I give you a hug?" Just asking that question made him cry a little harder as he nodded. It was such a simple gesture, but it meant so much. Just... Asking.
Will wrapped his arms around him, and Nico collapsed into his chest. He wasn’t sure what to say, wasn’t sure there was really anything to say at all. Will rubbed Nico’s back gently, trying to offer him whatever soothing words he could. Nico was shaking in his arms, and Will wished there was more he could do to offer Nico comfort, but there was no way for Will to make this all better. “Z…Zeus wanted me,” Nico finally said, mumbling against Will’s chest. Will didn’t understand. Why did Zeus want him? He’s already tried to kill Nico once. What did he want now?
“I…Boreas saved me, inadvertently,” he added. Will frowned at that. What did that mean? “By…using me first, Zeus didn’t want me,” Nico whispered. Will felt his stomach try to exit at the thought of that. Despite horribly violating Nico, he’d saved him from a worse fate. That still didn’t answer why Zeus wanted Nico in the first place, but sometimes Will knew, frustratingly, the gods had no rhyme or reason. They worked on their own whim.
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*Inspired by a friend*
There is a beauty-and excuse my simple vocabulary - in poetry and music and paintings. It is an obvious kind of beauty. Every art has its own expressions and adjectives to describe it : eloquent, accurate, expressive, eloborative, tranquile, comforting, vibrant, soothing, lyrical, melodious, harmonious.
There's a lot of adjectives but I always find myself returning to a singular word to describe them all : Beautiful.
The point is, no matter the description you use, you'll not be able to transfer your feelings of awe or dazzlement. Yes, you can describe how you feel but no two people will feel the same. They might understand your admiration for a good piece of music but they cannot feel it with you, unless they have it inside them. They cannot share your amazement, they can only wait for it to fade.
I appreciate poetry the most, I am always thunderstruck by a good line. I cannot fathom how someone can be so brilliant as to think of a line this beautiful and I cannot get over a well-articulated rhyme no matter how many times I've read it.
I know some friends who feel the same way about music or different kinds of poetry. I know some friends who can stand hours in front of a statue admiring its details. I know someone who would stand an hour in front of a painting discovering a new impressive detail every second. I love music too, and I love paintings. But I am often somewhat jealous of the love they have towards them. I imagine it must be equivalent to the love I have towards poetry and words and I immediately want it. I want this amount of love towards all arts. I want this enjoyment they must have when standing in appreciative silence.I am never satisfied with the love I have although it overwhelms me. I want to love so deeply, to admire beauty so freely and let it kill me.
What's more meaningful than dying for beauty? What's more honourable than dying for love?
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veepromotes · 13 days
Children's books hold the power to captivate young minds and foster a love for reading.
Here are some top picks that promise to engage and inspire.
1. "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" by Eric Carle A classic tale of a caterpillar's transformation into a butterfly. This book teaches counting, days of the week, and the life cycle of a butterfly. It's a delightful read with beautiful illustrations.
2. "Where the Wild Things Are" by Maurice Sendak Join Max on his adventure to the land of the Wild Things. This story explores themes of imagination, emotions, and family. Its captivating story and illustrations make it a timeless favorite.
3. "Goodnight Moon" by Margaret Wise Brown A soothing bedtime story that has lulled generations of children to sleep. The simple, repetitive text and gentle illustrations create a calming bedtime routine. It's perfect for young readers and listeners alike.
4. "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" by J.K. Rowling Introduce your child to the magical world of Hogwarts. This book is the start of an epic series that has captivated millions. It’s filled with adventure, friendship, and the battle between good and evil.
5. "Green Eggs and Ham" by Dr. Seuss A fun and engaging read that encourages trying new things. The rhyming text and whimsical illustrations are perfect for early readers. It’s a beloved classic that never fails to entertain.
These books are just a glimpse into the vast world of children's literature.
Give your child the gift of reading and open up a world of imagination and learning.
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teamwitch2-blog · 2 months
Some poems I wrote and wanted to share with you all. Would love to hear what you all think.
Come to me, my perfect one,
the youthful night still isn’t done.
To the water’s edge I call you near.
My voice, my song will lead you here.
Upon the breeze I send this spell,
The love in your heart will never quell.
In darkness I will be your light,
Your reason to stand up and fight.
I will shield you, strong and true.
With my words and spells anew.
Hold me in your arms, my mate,
Bind our hearts together by fate.
I am the one you do desire,
The perfect mate that you require.
In this moment and from this day,
By your side I’ll forever stay.
The shadow twists in wisps and dance,
In my sight the ink entrance.
Gone the shadow and the shame,
Only light and dark reclaim.
In this moment see the song,
A simple tune deep and strong.
A heart thread bleeds but none shall see,
What you truly mean to me.
You are my world and the one I crave,
The one who I will gladly save.
Mortal bonds of life and death,
Will hold no sway as I draw breath.
In this moment song of life,
Heal wounds caused by the knife.
The pain of heart that you endure,
Will cauterize swift and sure.
Memories echo within the mind,
All the trauma that I find.
Speak no more and stay your heart,
Remove the damage they impart.
A song in rhyme that you do see,
Will lift you up and set you free.
I will fly to you on high,
And stay with you until you die.
From now until that moment, last,
My heart is yours, the spell be cast.
Chaos of the darkest kind,
Held within a shattered mind.
In the moment that I see,
Light will shine as I decree.
Gone all pain and gone the strife,
Death is vanquished in the name of Life.
To speak the words that I now crave,
Life restored and this spirit save.
In no time at all, the chaos is calm,
Soothed by words, a healing balm.
Fresh as the mint of the morning breeze,
Pain begone and ailments ease.
A single tree within the grass,
Strong and tall, time will pass.
Into darkness, the tree will descend,
Both a beginning and an end.
From the ashes of the old,
A new sapling grows, strong and bold.
Clearing the way for life anew,
Reaching for the sky of blue.
With light that shines upon it’s leaves,
To nature’s law, the sapling cleaves.
Till the moment that it dies,
The sapling, the tree, from the ashes arise.
Words of wisdom flow like gold,
Water and light now unfold.
In shadow, the glimmer of hope you see,
I stand beside you as a friend should be.
I hold in hand the tools of my craft,
Paper and pen, the world to draft.
A simple stroke will protect you well,
Sealed in this sacred spell.
A web of light and magic unbidden,
Reveals emotions that are hidden.
To stand beside you in peace and war,
Warms me up down to my core.
Into the fray we enter with rage,
Fighting the demons that hold keys to the cage.
We fight for our hearts and what we believe,
To each other we will now cleave.
Cling to me and I to you,
Speaking the words strong and true.
At the end of the day,
You are mine either way.
The orange glow of golden light,
Filled the room and entered my sight.
As I sat at the table and wrote,
The words I wove seemed to float.
In the darkness that was the page,
The solid reminder that I was a mage.
The words of white glowed and sang,
In my heart, their chorus rang.
So sweet and strong with resounding voice,
To follow them was not a choice.
I danced along the page of black,
As words of white flew forth and back.
Every line a single thread,
A simple tapestry to be read.
Holding firm the threads of speech,
Healing hearts and minds in reach.
Waves of cool entreated by spell,
Words of power, anxiety quell.
Eclipsing darkness where it hid,
Finding truth behind the lies that slid.
Into shadow the words did seep,
Tears of joy to my mind did leap.
Enclosed within the poem I made,
Healing found and pain to fade.
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sukoonify · 2 months
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From Lullabies to Learning: How Music Influences Early Childhood Education
The journey from infancy through early childhood is a critical period of growth and development, where every experience, no matter how small, contributes to shaping a child's future. Music, particularly in the form of lullabies and educational tunes, plays a significant role in this developmental journey. From facilitating peaceful sleep to enhancing learning capabilities, the impact of music on early childhood education is profound and multifaceted. In this blog, we delve into how music, from soothing lullabies to rhythmic educational songs, influences early childhood development and learning. Additionally, we'll introduce Sukoonify, a company dedicated to enriching this musical journey with our specially curated Baby Lullaby Music and playlists on Spotify, designed to support both rest and learning.
The Foundation of Sleep: Lullabies and Baby Sleep Music
The first step in leveraging music for early childhood development is ensuring that babies have a solid foundation of good sleep patterns. Baby sleep music and lullabies are instrumental in creating a calming bedtime atmosphere that encourages infants to fall asleep more easily and stay asleep longer. Soft, gentle melodies of sleep music for kids can significantly reduce bedtime resistance, providing a soothing transition from wakefulness to sleep.
Sukoonify specializes in crafting these serene experiences with our collection of lullaby music and playlists available on Spotify. Our selections are designed not just for their soothing qualities but also to foster an early appreciation for music. By incorporating baby music to sleep into nightly routines, parents can ensure their little ones receive the rest needed to support healthy growth and learning.
The Transition from Sleep to Learning
As infants grow into toddlers, their interaction with music naturally evolves from merely a tool for sleep to a medium for learning. Music for kids to sleep gradually becomes intertwined with tunes that stimulate curiosity and learning. The repetitive nature of songs and nursery rhymes enhances memory, language development, and cognitive skills. Engaging with music allows children to explore sounds, words, and rhythms, which supports early literacy skills and fosters a love for learning.
The Role of Music in Early Childhood Education
Music influences early childhood education by providing a rich sensory environment that encourages children to express themselves, explore their creativity, and develop social skills. Educational songs that incorporate counting, the alphabet, or social concepts like sharing and kindness, teach children these fundamental skills in an enjoyable and memorable way. Moreover, music activities in preschool and daycare settings promote teamwork and help children develop fine motor skills through actions like clapping, dancing, and playing simple instruments.
Sukoonify: Supporting Early Learning Through Music
At Sukoonify, we recognize the power of music not only to soothe but to educate and inspire. Beyond our baby sleep music and lullabies, we offer playlists that serve as a background for play and learning, making our offerings a comprehensive resource for parents and educators alike. By blending sleep music baby with educational tunes, Sukoonify's Spotify playlists are a versatile tool in the early childhood education toolkit.
Tips for Incorporating Music into Early Childhood Education
1. Start with the Basics: Introduce your child to a variety of musical styles and instruments through listening and interactive play. This exposure nurtures an appreciation for music and its diverse expressions.
2. Sing Together: Encourage language development and memory skills by singing simple songs and nursery rhymes. This activity also strengthens the emotional bond between you and your child.
3. Create Musical Routines: Use infant sleep music and bedtime sleep music as part of your nightly routine to establish good sleep habits. Transition to more active, educational songs during the day to stimulate learning and play.
4. Incorporate Movement: Pair music with movement to help develop motor skills and coordination. Dancing, clapping, and actions that mimic song lyrics are fun ways to engage with music actively.
5. Make It a Group Activity: Share musical experiences with other children and families. Group singing or music classes can enhance social skills and teach children about cooperation and taking turns.
From the lullabies that lull newborns to sleep to the educational tunes that guide toddlers through early learning milestones, music is a powerful tool in early childhood education. Its influence extends beyond cognitive development, touching on emotional well-being, social skills, and physical coordination. Sukoonify is proud to accompany parents and educators on this musical journey, offering curated playlists that cater to the diverse needs of developing children. By integrating sleep music baby, newborn sleep music, and sleep time music for kids into daily routines, and transitioning to music that supports learning and play, we can create enriching environments that foster not only academic success but also a lifelong love for music.
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helpinghearts1 · 3 months
Cognitive Development Activities For Children
Cognitive development activities involve stimulating working memory and other cognitive processes in children. These include tracing shapes and patterns, memory, concentration, and matching games. Using puzzles stimulates spatial awareness and problem-solving skills. The Stroop effect test encourages attention and focus.
People develop their ability to think in stages outlined by Piaget. These stages include sensorimotor thinking, preoperational thinking, concrete operational thinking, and formal logical operations.
Brain teasers
Brain teasers are a fun way to stimulate the mind and improve problem-solving skills cognitive development activities. They can also be used to promote family bonding and foster creativity. Brain teasers can be as simple as a riddle or a visual puzzle, or as complex as a math problem or a Rubik’s Cube. They can be used as classroom warm-up activities to shift students’ focus and activate different parts of the brain before a lesson begins, or as homework challenges to reinforce learning concepts.
Brain teasers challenge the left and right sides of the brain, which are responsible for logical thinking and creativity. They can also help kids improve their concentration and spatial reasoning skills. In addition, they can be a useful tool for boosting memory retention. By engaging in these activities regularly, children will develop a stronger ability to solve problems and adapt to new situations. This will help them perform better academically and in real-life situations.
Puzzles provide a fun challenge for your brain, and they offer a sense of satisfaction when completed. They also help reduce stress levels and boost your memory. They can be as simple as a word search or as complex as a crossword or sudoku.
A jigsaw puzzle encourages spatial awareness and problem-solving skills. It also helps children develop sequencing and logical thinking skills. In addition, it allows them to improve their memory retention and the ability to concentrate.
Puzzles can help develop left and right brain coordination, which is important for autism. They also stimulate the growth of new nerve cells, which can protect against Alzheimer’s disease. The word puzzle has several synonyms: bewilder, confuse, distract, nonplus, confound, dumbfound, and perplex. The meaning of puzzle is something that baffles or disturbs you mentally. It can be a difficult task, a mystery, or even a person. Keeping your brain challenged with puzzles can help prevent dementia and Alzheimer’s, and it will help you live longer.
Parents and caregivers instinctively use music to soothe infants, express love and affection, and encourage social interaction. Researchers have discovered that active participation in musical activities improves a child's cognitive development by accelerating the brain's normal process for learning and recalling information, pattern recognition, logical thinking and executive function.
Listening to music improves auditory memory and pitch discrimination, engaging a wide network of brain structures. Learning music helps to maintain these connections by requiring children to recognize patterns and sequences, a skill that also strengthens problem-solving and logical reasoning.
Many songs offer opportunities for children to categorize objects and events by their similar characteristics, such as "Ring Around the Rosey" or "5 Little Monkeys." Other common song themes include counting (such as in the rhythmic chant "This Old Man") and rhyming ("Froggy Went A-Courtin'," "Ants Go Marching"). All of these skills build cognitive development and provide preparation for literacy and math activities. Studies have shown that the ability to identify sounds, called phonemic awareness, correlates with future reading skills, while detecting rhythm patterns correlates with academic performance and overall cognitive development.
Daily routines
Daily routines can help manage time, prioritize tasks, and focus on productivity.
They can also improve work-life balance and help you achieve discipline at work. They can even improve your mental health and wellbeing by keeping you focused on your goals.
Toddlers at this stage learn how to better process information, organize their thoughts and develop an occupational therapy helping children framework of understanding about the world around them. Activities that involve narrating their play and exploring toy uses promote this cognitive development, as well as memory skills. Memory matching games or simple peg or shape puzzles can boost visual motor skills, size discrimination and spatial awareness.
Children at this age start combining sequences of actions, for example opening containers, turning pages in a book or pushing one toy on another. They also use functional use of items like turning knobs or switches during play. They can also play with more than one toy simultaneously and understand the concept of cause and effect.
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clubcabana-posts · 3 months
Best water park in Bangalore
Summers are times when everyone rhymes in the mood to chill! Whether just lazying in the pool or playing games with loved ones, summer times are the best for getting family together and enjoying. To give yourself and your family a break, you can spend a leisurely day out in Club Cabana. Summer vacations are an excellent time to bond with family, and let’s grab this opportunity with some fun and food. Located in the lap of nature in the beautiful city of Bangalore, Club Cabana is a unique resort that offers a plethora of activities and amenities perfect for families and friends. From swimming pools to binge eating, water slides to indoor games and outdoor sports, there’s something for everyone at this resort. If you are looking for affordable summer vacation options for families, visit our website now.
But Club Cabana is not just about fun and games, it’s also an incredible place to reunite with your family and create a bucket of long-lasting memories. Let us map out how you can spend your gala time with us, don’t worry about food because we have got you covered with our sumptuous and finger-licking meals; we want you to come and your time. We have luxurious villas that will comfort your stay for a perfect weekend getaway or a get-together to soothe you with calm with family and friends. 
Dive Deep In The Pool
You can find the best water park in Bangalore at Club Cabana. Our swimming pools, including a wave pool, a lazy pool, and a kids’ pool, are the perfect option for cooling off on a hot summer day. Spend time splashing around with your kids or just lounging in and around the pool, enjoying the beautiful surroundings. One of our recommended things is to get a tube and roam lazily across the pool. The sound of water and the feeling of the sun on your skin make for a relaxing and enjoyable experience.
Enjoy The Gaming Arcade!
Club Cabana has various games perfect for families who want to have just fun, like paintball, archery, VR games for kids and adults, bowling, target shooting, and whatnot! Enjoying these games with your family will create laughter, memories, and moments to cherish.
Indulge In Rope Activities
Club Cabana is also home to several rope activities like Burma Bridge, x-walk, horizontal walk, and more. If your family is adventurous and loves the thrill of outdoor sports, this is the perfect opportunity to try something new. These activities are perfect for team-building and help you and your families bond over a shared experience. Everyone should try it once and feel the trill!
Binge Eating & Walk In Natural Surroundings
Club Cabana is surrounded by lush greenery, and there are plenty of nature trails and walking paths to explore. Stroll with your family and soak in the resort’s natural beauty. Walking around the resort, you can spot birds, flowers, and plants. Nature is a healer, and exploring nature is a great way to bond with your family while appreciating the world’s beauty. After you are tired from walking, our mouth-watering meal is always there to feed you carbs.
Show-Off Sportsmanship In Net-Cricket
Cricket is no-doubt the most popular sport in India, and Club Cabana has its net-cricket pitch where you can play a friendly game with your family. Whether you’re an experienced player or an amateur, this is a fantastic idea to spend some bond with your loved ones. You can also learn the basics of cricket if you have never played it. Make it a session of laughter and fun.
We also provide DJ, PASystem, LCD Projector with Screen services on request.
A simple and small summer break at Club Cabana is the perfect way to feed the family with freshness and create memories to cherish. From the thrill of adventure sports to the relaxation of a picnic in the park, there’s something for everyone at this resort. So why wait? Book your stay today or visit us for a day trip, and prepare for the fun. Call us now for more summer vacation ideas only at Club Cabana.
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delsitfamily · 3 months
Alilo Honey Bunny: The Sweet Companion for Your Child's Learning and Play
Alilo Honey Bunny is not your ordinary plush toy. With its interactive features and educational content, it serves as a versatile companion for children's playtime and learning sessions. This adorable bunny is equipped with a range of functions, including storytelling, music playback, and educational games, making it an ideal tool for fostering creativity, imagination, and cognitive development.
One of the standout features of Alilo Honey Bunny is its ability to narrate stories. With a vast library of pre-loaded stories, ranging from classic fairy tales to educational narratives, Honey Bunny effortlessly transports children into magical worlds filled with adventure and wonder. The interactive storytelling feature not only entertains children but also helps improve their listening skills and comprehension abilities.
In addition to storytelling, Alilo Honey Bunny doubles as a music player, allowing children to listen to their favorite tunes or soothing melodies. Whether it's nursery rhymes for younger children or instrumental music for relaxation, Honey Bunny offers a diverse range of musical options to suit every mood and occasion. Music has been shown to have a profound impact on children's cognitive development, enhancing their auditory perception and emotional well-being.
Furthermore, Alilo Honey Bunny offers a variety of educational games designed to stimulate children's cognitive abilities and problem-solving skills. From simple memory games to more complex puzzles, these interactive activities provide an engaging platform for learning while having fun. By incorporating play-based learning techniques, Honey Bunny encourages children to explore new concepts and develop essential skills in a supportive and enjoyable environment.
One of the key advantages of Alilo Honey Bunny is its durability and child-friendly design. Made from high-quality materials, this plush toy is built to withstand the rigors of everyday play while ensuring the safety of young children. With its soft and cuddly exterior, Honey Bunny provides comfort and companionship, making it an ideal bedtime buddy for children.
Moreover, alilo smarty bunny is designed with parental controls, allowing caregivers to monitor and customize their child's play experience. With features such as volume control and content selection, parents can ensure that their child interacts with age-appropriate content and maintains a healthy balance between playtime and other activities.
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thelastrenaissance · 5 months
The Day Is Done Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The day is done, and the darkness Falls from the wings of Night, As a feather is wafted downward From an eagle in his flight.
I see the lights of the village Gleam through the rain and the mist, And a feeling of sadness comes o'er me, That my soul cannot resist:
A feeling of sadness and longing, That is not akin to pain, And resembles sorrow only As the mist resembles the rain.
Come, read to me some poem, Some simple and heartfelt lay, That shall soothe this restless feeling, And banish the thoughts of day.
Not from the grand old masters, Not from the bards sublime, Whose distant footsteps echo Through the corridors of Time.
For, like strains of martial music, Their mighty thoughts suggest Life's endless toil and endeavor; And to-night I long for rest.
Read from some humbler poet, Whose songs gushed from his heart, As showers from the clouds of summer, Or tears from the eyelids start;
Who, through long days of labor, And nights devoid of ease, Still heard in his soul the music Of wonderful melodies.
Such songs have power to quiet The restless pulse of care, And come like the benediction That follows after prayer.
Then read from the treasured volume The poem of thy choice, And lend to the rhyme of the poet The beauty of thy voice.
And the night shall be filled with music And the cares that infest the day, Shall fold their tents, like the Arabs, And as silently steal away.
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Whispering Wonders: Exercises to Nurture Your Baby's First Words
The first gurgles, the infectious giggles, the tentative "mamas" – they're music to any parent's ears. But the journey from adorable coos to clear, expressive language can feel like scaling Mount Speechmore-a-thon. Fear not, intrepid word warriors! There's a secret arsenal of exercises to help baby talk at your disposal, ready to transform your home into a playground for pre-verbal prowess.
1. Conversation Captivators: A Symphony of Speech and Song
Turn everyday moments into language-rich goldmines. Talk to your baby in slow, clear, and expressive bursts. Narrate your actions as you change a diaper, feed them, or play peek-a-boo. This constant exposure to melodic speech creates a foundation for their own vocal explorations. Respond to their babbles and gurgles with enthusiasm, mimicking their sounds and adding simple words like "Yes!", "Ah!", or "Da-da!". This back-and-forth exchange, a linguistic ping-pong match, ignites communication and encourages them to vocalize further.
2. Sensory Symphony: A Feast for the Senses
Our little explorers learn about the world through their senses, making them prime targets for exercises to help baby talk. Incorporate playful sounds into your interactions. Sing simple songs and nursery rhymes, making up silly animal noises, or clapping your hands rhythmically. These auditory cues grab their attention and spark their vocal cords. Similarly, tactile experiences can be language catalysts. Gently stroke their cheeks, tickle their toes, and playfully touch different parts of their body while naming them. The combination of touch and sound reinforces word-object associations and encourages babbling attempts.
3. Puppet Parade: Bringing Playthings to Life
Puppets are magical creatures that breathe life into stories and words. Choose hand-puppets with expressive faces and voices, and prepare for a showstopping performance. Introduce yourself through the puppet, engaging your baby in simple conversations. Let the puppet sing silly songs, ask playful questions, and even play peek-a-boo. The novelty and fun of puppets hold their attention and encourage vocal engagement. As your baby grows, swap roles and let them "talk" through the puppet, fostering their narrative skills and confidence.
4. Picture Perfect: Building Vocabulary with Books
Books are vibrant doorways to new worlds and words. Choose high-contrast, age-appropriate picture books with simple yet engaging illustrations. Point to pictures and name the objects with infectious enthusiasm. Use descriptive words like "fluffy," "red," "round," or "noisy" to paint a vivid picture with your words. Let your baby touch the pictures and explore the book at their own pace. Repetition is key, so revisit favorite books often. Eventually, you'll hear your little one echoing familiar words or pointing to pictures, signaling their growing vocabulary and understanding.
5. Action Adventure: Playful Games to Ignite Language
Play is a child's language of learning, and incorporating exercises to help baby talk into fun games makes it all the more exciting. Hide a favorite toy and encourage them to search for it with verbal clues like "hot" or "cold." Play peek-a-boo and mimic their surprised squeals when they find you. Build a block tower and narrate your actions as you stack each block. These playful interactions provide opportunities for repetition, build word associations, and encourage vocal participation.
6. Rhythm and Rhyme: Musical Milestones for Speech
The magic of music transcends language barriers, making it a potent tool in your arsenal of exercises to help baby talk. Expose your baby to a variety of musical styles, from lullabies to nursery rhymes. Clap your hands or tap your feet to the rhythm, inviting them to join in. Sing simple songs together, pausing for them to fill in the missing words or babble along. The musical beats and catchy rhymes not only soothe and entertain but also develop speech rhythm and phonemic awareness – the building blocks of spoken language.
7. Mirroring Mayhem: The Power of Imitation
Babies are born imitation experts, making mirroring one of the most effective exercises to help baby talk. Make silly faces, stick out your tongue, or blow raspberries, and watch your little one copy you with infectious glee. This playful mirroring not only strengthens the social bond but also helps them develop the neural pathways needed for speech production. Engage in pretend play together, mimicking sounds and actions like blowing on hot food, driving a car, or taking a pretend phone call. This playful imitation lays the groundwork for understanding and reproducing new words and sounds.
8. Patience and Positivity: Celebrating Every Milestone
Remember, language development is a marathon, not a sprint. Some babies babble early, while others take their time. Don't compare your child's progress to others. Instead, celebrate each milestone, however small.
9. Storytelling Symphony: Weaving Tales to Spark Imagination
Stories aren't just bedtime rituals; they're powerful exercises to help baby talk. Tell them simple stories in your own voice, using animated expressions and sound effects. You can personalize them by including familiar characters or places. Involve them in the story by asking questions like "What sound does the cow make?" or "What color is the apple?" Encourage them to point to pictures in storybooks or even add their own "babbly" contributions to the narrative. These storytelling sessions expose them to new vocabulary, sentence structures, and expressive language, sparking their own storytelling instincts.
10. Tech Time with a Twist: Apps that Enhance Communication
While screen time should be limited for young children, some educational apps can be valuable tools for fostering language development. Choose apps with interactive visuals, catchy rhymes, and simple games that focus on letter sounds, word recognition, or early vocabulary building. Supervise their app time and use them as springboards for further engagement. Sing the songs together, point to objects on the screen and name them, or encourage them to repeat simple words they hear in the app. Remember, real-life interactions remain the gold standard for language development, so use apps as supplements, not replacements for your playful exchanges.
11. Building Bridges: Connecting Words to Objects and Actions
The world around your baby is brimming with opportunities to connect words to meaning. During daily routines, name the objects you use – "spoon," "cup," "diaper." As you play, label your actions – "building," "rolling," "swinging." Point to different parts of their body while naming them – "nose," "toes," "belly." This constant association of words with concrete objects and actions lays the foundation for understanding and using language meaningfully.
12. Baby Babble Chorus: Group Play for Language Growth
Social interaction is a powerful catalyst for language development. Seek out playgroups or classes specifically designed for babies and toddlers. These environments provide opportunities for your little one to hear and mimic the vocalizations of other children. The playful banter and shared laughter not only boost their social skills but also encourage them to experiment with their own voices and communicate their needs and desires. Don't forget the magic of siblings! If you have older children, encourage them to engage in simple conversations with your baby, playing peek-a-boo, singing songs, or reading books together.
Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all approach to helping baby talk. The key is to create a loving, language-rich environment, filled with playful interactions, engaging activities, and joyful celebrations of their every "coo" and "babble." Embrace the messy magic of play, nurture curiosity, and above all, enjoy the wonder of witnessing your little one's first steps on the path to expressive language.
Bonus Tip: Don't underestimate the power of silence! Give your baby plenty of quiet time to process the sounds and words they hear. Listening is just as important as speaking in the early stages of communication development.
With these playful exercises to help baby talk and a sprinkle of patience, you can turn your home into a language laboratory where every gurgle, giggle, and babble echoes a symphony of progress. Soon enough, your little one will be weaving their own magical words, painting vibrant stories with their voices, and embarking on a lifelong journey of communication and connection. Happy chattering!
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