#sims 4 frequently asked questions
aurora--sky · 1 year
FAQ - Frequently asked questions
A list of FAQs, troubleshooting and basic definitions for my translations, installations, etc.
Polish version of my FAQ can be found here -> FAQ in Polish.
1. What is translation? Translation is a file that changes the mod's English language to Polish after installation.
2. Do I also need to download the mod for the translation to work? Yes. Translation won't work without the mod. I personally do not include mod files in my translation. My translations are only text files called “strings”. Translation alone without the mod won't make the mod work.
3. Where can I download your translations from? I only publish my translations on my Tumblr blog or on CurseForge.
4. How can I download your translations? The translation file can be downloaded from the post you are interested in. I include such a file at the bottom of the post under the word CF or SFS. By clicking on one of the options, it will take you to the page where you can download the file.
5. What is CF and what is SFS? CF - CurseForge. SFS - SimFileShare. CurseForge is a site where mods/cc/translations for The Sims 4 are available for free download. SimFileShare is a file hosting site for The Sims players.
6. Are your translations free? Yes. My translations have always been and are free.
7. Is it safe to download translations? Can I download a virus by accident? Downloading my translations is completely safe and virus-free as long as you download them from my sources.
8. How to unpack a translation (.zip or .rar file)? My translations are often packaged in a ZIP file. If you are using Windows 11, the unpacker is built into your system. You only need to double click on the zip file.
However, if you don't have such a program, you can open a .zip translation after downloading and installing a program such as WinZip, 7-Zip, etc. There are plenty of choices on the Internet.
9. How to install the translation? The translation must be installed so that it is as close as possible to the main mod files.
In short: the translation file(s) should be inserted (and if they are in a .zip file after downloading - unpack them first as described in point 6) to the mod folder in \Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods. (The path may differ.) If the mod and the translation contain folders, then the translation files from the folder named i.e.  Objects PL must be put into the folder with the same name - Objects.
If you still don't understand, I refer you to my guide “How to install translations for The Sims 4?” here (in Polish).
10. Can I change the translation name? Better not. Translation may stop working after renaming.
11. What does “translation is (included) in the mod” mean? The translation included in the mod files is a translation that does not need to be downloaded separately. After installing the mod, it will be in Polish immediately.
Sometimes translators work with mod creators and send them their translations. The creator of the mod then puts such a translation into their mod.
12. Are your translations included in mods? Some of them are. Maybe three. Personally, I don't like collaborating with mod creators because at some point the creator stops communicating with me. After sending my translations, the creator adds them to the mod, after a few months I update the translation, send it to this person and they ignore me / don't notice / don't have time. Result: my old, unsuitable translation is “stuck” in the mod, and I have no control over it.
13. How to uninstall a translation? To uninstall a translation, all you need to do is delete the file from the folder where you installed it.
14. Can translation break the game? Does it conflict with other files? No. Translation can never corrupt game files, saves, Sims, CCs or mods. It also does not conflict with other translations.
In case there are two translations from different translators in the mod folder, only one translation will work. The latter will be ignored by the game. There will be no errors or conflicts.
15. Can I download and use non-updated translations (e.g. old translation + newer version of the mod)? Yes. However, it is possible that the translation will only work partially if the creator have added new text to their mod.
16. Why does the translation sometimes have more files than the mod itself?
This is sometimes the case because the translation needs to be broken up into more parts for it to work. Some modifications contain several files in one. But I can't do that with the translation. First I need to un-merge the mod in Sims4Studio, and then I can start translating it.
Issues with downloading and with translations, i.e. “translation is not working”
17. Translation doesn't work at all.
If the translation does not appear in the game, there are several reasons:
the translation was installed incorrectly
the translation was not extracted from the .zip file
the mod has not been installed
the mod was installed incorrectly
the translation is incorrectly translated
translation name was changed after download
there are several translation and/or mod files in the Mods folder and/or in the mod folder, e.g. previous, outdated versions
18. Translation works partially.
If the translation is correctly translated but only works in part, it is possible that the text of the mod is contained in the mod's .sctipt file. As a translator, I am unable to open and translate such a text. It is mod’s creator’s fault.
19. What to do if the translation does not work (partially or not at all)?
When the translation does not work, you need to check that it has been unpacked and installed correctly. This tutorial may help you.
Remember that you should always remove outdated, old versions before installing an updated version of a translation/mod. It also won't hurt to delete a file called “localthumbcache” which can be found in The Sims 4 folder.
If the translation still doesn't work, please contact me.
20. I found an error in your translation.
In this case, please contact me via ask or report an error in this form.
21. I can't download a translation from Simfileshare.
This is a common error that occurs, for example, when we enter the SFS link for the second time. When you can’t download the translation because the page won't load, all you have to do is remove “everything before http://...”. For example: https://href.li/?http://www.simfileshare.net/download/3794136/ - in this case, remove the part of the link that I marked in red.
If there is different error on this page then the page is probably having problems. You can then contact me.
22. I can’t download a translation from CurseForge.
If you can't download the translation from CF, the site is probably having problems.
It's also possible that my translation project hasn't been approved by the CF admins yet.
Other/Personal questions
23. How to translate mods for The Sims 4?
If you want to learn how to translate, you can check out my tutorial here (in Polish). You can also find useful information on the Internet.
Personally, I also think that as a translator you need to know the foreign language from which you want to translate quite well.
24. How did you learn to translate?
I found (very little) information on the Internet in English. I tried but I can't find that website right now. Fortunately, this information helped me get started, and then I somehow managed on my own.
25. How long have you been translating mods?
I started translating mods in June 2019.
26. What programs do you use for translations?
Lately I've been using mainly The Sims 4 Translator. Sometimes I also use DP STBL Editor and S4PE.
27. How long does it take you to translate 1 mod?
It depends on the amount of text and whether the mod interests me, whether it contains any specific terminology, whether there are errors in the text or creative, long descriptions. When a mod is interesting to me and when it doesn't contain very complicated text, I think I can translate 200 strings in an hour. However, this does not happen often.
28. Do you accept mod suggestions for translation?
Yes. You can always ask me via ask.
29. Are there any specific mods that you would not like to translate?
Yes. I am almost never interested in careers, traits and events mods. I do not like translating mods that are very short – less than 100 strings. I also do not translate “banned” (by The Sims 4!) mods with themes, such as paedophilia, rape, bestiality, etc.
30. Do you also translate mods for The Sims 3, The Sims 2 or other games?
No, and I don't think that will change in the near future.
31. What are the terms of use of your translations?
do not claim my translations as your own.
if you want to share my translation with others/upload to the website, please include my link to my translation (to my Tumblr, Simfileshare or CurseForge) and my name (AuroraSky).
you can modify and correct my translations for your own use.
don't work on my translation - don't claim my translation after making only a few changes.
if you have some problems with translating a mod that I have already translated, you can use part of my translation after asking for my permission first.
32. Is it possible to support you financially?
Yes. If you want, you can “buy me a coffee” on my Buycoffee.to page
33. What mods and CC do you use?
If anyone is interested in mods and CC that I like, I reblog them on my tumblr blog: aurorasky-ccfinds.tumblr.com
12.4.2023 Aurora Sky
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felassan · 6 days
New article from IGN: 'How Dragon Age: The Veilguard Used Lessons From The Sims to Craft Its Character Creator and More'
Inside the intricate systems that bring BioWare's RPG to life.
"Corinne Busche wasn’t looking for a job when she sat down for lunch with BioWare’s leadership team in 2019. She had been a fan of BioWare’s games since the days of Dragon Age: Origins, and she wanted to, in her words, “meet my heroes.” “So I went to lunch with a couple of folks in the leadership team at BioWare, and we started riffing about progression systems and skill trees and economies, and we just really resonated with one another,” Busche remembers. “And much to my surprise, they expressed an interest in me joining, and it was kind of the question you don't have to ask me twice. That was such a dream opportunity, and to be able to step in this space, visit the studio, see my favorite characters on display throughout the walls, I was immediately sold. Immediately.” Busche was coming off a stint at Maxis, where she helped design the systems on various The Sims projects. In taking the helm of Dragon Age: The Veilguard, she became part of a wider talent pipeline flowing from Maxis to other parts of the games industry. It’s a pipeline that includes the likes of Eric Holmberg-Weidler, who was credited with fine-tuning many of the systems that comprised The Sims 4 before spearheading the Professions revamp in World of Warcraft’s Dragonflight expansion. Justin Camden, who also worked on The Sims, is one of Dragon Age: The Veilguard’s technical designers."
"Systematic discovery At first blush, it might not seem like The Sims has much in common with an RPG like Dragon Age outside the fact that they both feature romance in some way. Going back to its release in 2000, The Sims has garnered a reputation as a casual, frequently silly lifestyle simulator; the game where you remove a ladder from a swimming pool and watch your poor little Sims drown. Under the hood, though, The Sims is a complex web of systems, progression and relationships. Sims have jobs. They gain skills. They fall in love. “Maxis is a great place for designers to hone their skills,” Busche says. “There are many projects across differing platforms and service models happening simultaneously which give a rare opportunity for a breadth of experience. What people may not realize about the Sims, given its playful outward nature, is the underlying systems and mechanics are deceptively deep – especially as a dev. One of the more interesting parts of coming up through Maxis as a designer is the experience you get with simulation, emergent gameplay, and emotionally relatable player experiences. It’s just a really unique opportunity being a part of these teams, and those are skillsets that can benefit a number of different games and genres.” Busche’s systems design background is evident throughout The Veilguard. It includes extensive skill trees, with sub-classes that are geared around different weapon types and styles of play, and the choices you make also resonate deeply throughout the story. It’s also possible to level up your relationship with individual factions and shopkeepers, which in turn opens up new possibilities for acquiring unique gear, and characters bear long-lasting scars depending on the choices you make. Systems are layered throughout Dragon Age, deepening the player’s intertwined connection with the world and the characters that inhabit it. “What's so wonderful about [The Sims] is there's so much autonomy in that game, and we find that RPG players are hungry for that same sense of autonomy, making decisions, influencing characters. And what you might not realize in the Sims is behind the scenes, there are some really robust progression systems, game economies, character behaviors for their own AI and autonomy… a lot of really fascinating parallels,” Busche says. “So in that regard, I'm very grateful to my time there, being able to take some of those learnings, whether it's about how to convey romantic progression to the player, or design skill progression, game pacing, a lot of really interesting transferable ideas that you might not think about on the surface." In The Sims, characters go through their daily lives in an idealized world filled with strange but charming characters like Bonehilda (Dragon Age, it should be mentioned, has its own living skeleton in Manfred). While Dragon Age’s characters are still bound by the demands of the story, BioWare goes out of its way to make them seem more alive. As we talk about in our hands-on preview that went up last week, Dragon Age is filled with little messages noting how, for instance, you “traded verbal jabs” with Solas. As we’ll go into in a future article, both platonic and romantic relationships are a big part of how characters grow in Dragon Age. And of course, as anyone who has played a BioWare or Sims game knows, both games have their share of woohooing."
"How Dragon Age learned from The Sims' character creator Ultimately, though, it’s the character creator where the resemblance between the two is the most apparent. Dragon Age’s character creator is extensive, allowing players to adjust physical characteristics including chest size, the crookedness of a character’s nose, and whether or not their eyes are bloodshot, among other features. While custom characters are a time-honored BioWare tradition going back to the days of Baldur’s Gate, The Veilguard draws from the lessons of The Sims in everything from body customization to the flow of the user interface. Cross-pollination like this is common within EA, and Dragon Age: The Veilguard borrows from plenty of other sources as well. That incredible hair technology, for example, got its start within EA’s sports games, meaning your Rook can have a luscious mane like Lionel Messi. But the character creator is perhaps the greatest inflection point between Dragon Age and The Sims. “Character creators are extremely complex, and in many ways even more personal. It’s so important that players feel they can be represented and feel pride in that representation as they go through the creation process,” Busche says. “In particular, I remember we were struggling with some of our iconography, and we turned to each other and said ‘how did The Sims 4 handle this?’ While the technology and UI is quite a bit different, the underlying goals and lessons were quite similar.” She adds that Maxis has a “tremendous wealth of knowledge when it comes to representing gender, identity, and the surprising number of localization issues that come along with that when you’re releasing in different regions and languages.” “It’s always nice when you can draw from that prior experience. See what worked, what didn’t, and how expectations have evolved. The fun part is now we get to pay that forward and have been sharing our knowledge with other teams,” Busche says. On a moment-to-moment basis, of course, The Sims and Dragon Age are two very different games with very different goals. One is a single-player action RPG, the other a lifestyle sim. As studios, too, BioWare and Maxis are in very different places right now. The Sims has been a powerhouse franchise for more than two decades, and EA is seeking to expand its reach with a new movie. BioWare, meanwhile, is seeking to rebuild after stumbling badly with Anthem and Mass Effect Andromeda. But when creator Will Wright first decided to focus on the people inhabiting his games, the world he crafted wasn’t too dissimilar from the one found in Dragon Age. Both use unique systems to create reactive, imaginative worlds full of interesting choices, filled with characters with their own inner lives. It’s a philosophy that’s always been part of BioWare’s legacy; now, in The Veilguard, it finally gets to be on full display once again. Dragon Age: The Veilguard will be on PC, PlayStation, and Xbox on October 31. Make sure to keep an eye on IGN all this month as our IGN First coverage continues."
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honeyspawn · 7 months
List of Hatchetfield characters who I think play sims:
Ruth Fleming- no question. She spends hours downloading more custom content than her laptop can handle, making beautiful sims, and making them kiss. Hates build mode though (thank god for the gallery).
Richie Lipchitz- I wouldn't call him a frequent simmer, but about every 6 months or so he plays for like a week straight, and then doesn't touch it again until another 6 months pass. He probably loves lilsimsie though. (Also, he likes to build, so whenever he goes through a sims faze, Ruth asks him to build her a house to play in)
Stephanie Lauter- sims 3 girlie. Hasn't played sims 4 and refuses to.
Zoey Chambers- when she got her grandma's money in honey queen she for sure bought at least one expansion pack. Loves to kill sims for fun (her favorite method is poor quality pufferfish dinner party).
Professor Hidgens- that man barely leaves his house and hard-core lives vicariously through his 33 generation legacy household.
Gary Goldstein- he likes to cause drama in his households for no reason, and then convinces himself it was actually the sims' fault, and not him who is literally controlling them ("can you believe Terrance cheated on Abigail? How could he? 😡" sir, it was literally you).
Charlotte Sweetly- she asked Paul for video game recommendations once, and they both thought she'd find cozy games relaxing. Instead, she started playing sims and gets genuinely stressed when things don't go absolutely perfect for her sims.
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sahmandbean · 5 months
Inherited Manor Challenge 2024 - A Sims 4 Gameplay and Build Mode Challenge For Only The Most Ambitious
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You come from a long line of Occult Sims. Vampires, Mermaids, Werewolves, Spellcasters; all were welcome in your home (and present in your bloodline). You are, naturally, the rebel of the family and preferred the company of Sims and more modern amenities. After high school you decided to rid yourself of your occult ties and moved away from the family manor. This process reset your skills and you lost a few memories, but it was worth it to live the normal Sim life you had been dreaming of. Within a month you hear there was a terrible accident back home and your parents' lives were lost. Your father hadn't written you out of the will as you had expected, so you pack a bag to temporarily move home and decide what to do with the manor. You figure you'll sell it to your Spellcaster cousin. She's been a bit of a hot head, but always dreamed of a big house, and not getting along as kids is no reason to not act like adults. But, wait, why is there a hedge around the property? Why can't you get through it? Why does it smell like smoke? Your cousin and her husband, furious that you were set up to inherit the property, have set a curse on it and destroyed the home in the process. You have two choices: walk away and let them deal with the aftermath they created, or turn back to the lifestyle of your ancestors and reclaim what's yours. Are the suburbs really worth letting her win this way?
Warning: this challenge involves heavy fire damage. Please play responsibly.
The Goal
Fix up each room in order, meeting all of the requirements. Each room will have a required occult, some required items, and an overall monetary value to hit. You can check the Simoleon value of a room by selecting the room in build mode, then saving it to your library. It will show the cost of the room. Once you have completed a room, you can move on to the next one. Exact requirements, "hard mode" optional gameplay, and some FAQs will follow the rules.
The Setup
First, you have to determine if you are playing with the save file or the gallery upload. If you are playing on PC and have Vampires, Island Living, Werewolves, Realm of Magic, and Paranormal, you can use the save file. However, if you do not play on PC or don't have one of the required packs, you will have to use the gallery version. Missing even one pack will cause the damage on the lot to reset, which kind of defeats the challenge.
Here is a video I made that shows how to get started in the challenge and answers some frequently asked questions.
Save File Setup: 1 - Download the file here: http://www.simfileshare.net/download/4612595/ 2 - Place the save file in your save folder. If you followed a standard install procedure when you got the game (you would know if you didn't) you should find the save folder following this path: This PC > Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 4 > Saves. Make sure the save file does not share a name with any other save already in your game before saving to avoid accidentally overwriting an existing save in your game. That would really suck. 3 - Open your game 4 - Click "Load Game" (not "Resume") and select the file named "Inherited Manor Challenge 2024" 5 - If you have Seasons installed, you will have to select a season. Next, load into the Vampires world "Forgotten Hollow". The manor will be at the top of the map by the graveyard. We kicked Vlad out lol. 6 - Move a new Sim into the lot. The Sim must be a single non-occult young adult with no skills or bonus traits. You can set the aspiration, traits, likes, dislikes, gender, etc to whatever you want. You can create a Sim or use one from the gallery. 7 - Use the "freerealestate on" cheat to move your Sim into the Manor. On PC press ctrl+shift+c, on Mac press cmd+shift+c, and on console press all four trigger buttons to open the cheat bar, then type "freerealestate on". You should see a confirmation message. You can now move your Sim into the manor. 8 - Set your household funds to zero. Type "money 0" into the cheat bar. Lock the back door in the kitchen if the lock setting didn't stick. 9 - You can use whatever life span, neighborhood stories, season length, or other gameplay settings you want. I do recommend turning off the dust system if you own Bust the Dust as it becomes a hinderance to gameplay as it accumulates in the rooms you can't access.
Gallery Download Setup: edit: after posting all of this the gallery upload was giving me a ton of issues, so unfortunately I had to remove many of the photos for it to work, just so you're aware. 1 - Open an existing save file or create a new one 2 - Chose any lot that is at least 40x30. The manor was built on Vlad's lot in Forgotten Hollow but if you don't have that world, or don't like it, you can play elsewhere. 3 - Download and place the manor from the gallery. My Gallery ID is sahmandbean and the Lot Title is IMC 2024. 4 - Exit the lot to the map view and proceed from step 6 above.
The Rules
To enter the Manor, you must become a Vampire. Each section has a designated occult. You will begin by transforming your Sim into a Vampire, completing the rooms in order in the Vampire section of the Manor, then reverting back to a normal Sim before transitioning into a Mermaid to fulfill the requirements of the next section of the house, and the same with Werewolf and Spellcaster. (If at any point you don't own the necessary pack for that occult type, just skip to the next occult or stay in your current occult. For example, if you don't have Vampires, you must become a Mermaid to enter the manor, and if you don't have Werewolves you must complete the second floor as a Mermaid or Spellcaster, but not a normal Sim.) Once you have completed your transformation into the designated occult, you may go into build mode and remove the cursed hedge blocking your way.
As you enter each new room, make sure you clean it, replace or remove all of the burned items, and fulfill the requirements listed below. There are maps as well, which will hopefully help. If at any point you have questions or feel stuck, join this discord server to ask and get help from myself and the other challenge players in the community. Standard rules let you live in the full area designated to the occult, but you have to work on one room at a time. For example, as soon as you are a mermaid you can use the pool, but you cannot clean the yard up until after you have completed the other rooms in the area in the order listed below. Hard mode, however... Well, more about that after the normal rules.
Also, if at any point you get stuck and decide to use a cheat to transform your Sim in or out of an Occult life state, it will cost you. First transformation will be $10,000, then the second is $25,000, and it will double from there. Use a calculator and "money [amount]" to settle the balance.
You may not at any point sell anything from an area you are not working on for money, or any of the landscaping. You can rework the landscaping after you have completed the Manor but you can't use it as a get rich quick scheme.
Here are the room requirements. Remember, these are just minimums. You can add a bathtub and bed to the entryway if you want, for example, so your Sim can maintain some needs, but if you are not going to leave them there make sure you remove them before calculating the total value of the room. Also if at any point an item in a completed room is broken or lost, whether to the repo man or a fire or some other reason, it must be replaced or repaired before continuing with whatever room you were working on.
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As a Vampire Entryway: Simoleons: $25,000 Items: Two Knight of the Octagon Table statues, living chair, rug, accent table, and two wall decorations Coat Closet:  Simoleons: $5000 Items: sofa or loveseat; two “coat closet” like items, like coat racks, umbrellas, or shoes Office:  Simoleons: $15,000 Items: desk, Seance Table with two or more chairs, bookshelf, computer, rug Hallway:  Simoleons: $10,000 Items: four pieces of wall art, rug Big bathroom:  Simoleons: $5000 Items: bath or shower, two sinks, toilet, two mirrors, toilet paper Kitchen:  Simoleons: $25,000 Items: six counters, fridge, stove, sink, dining table, four dining chairs, trash can, bowl of fruit Cupcake Room:  Simoleons: $10,000 Items: cupcake factory, kitchen appliance Dining Room and Vestibule:  Simoleons: $20,000 Items: dining table, six dining chairs, hutch, and keep the big painting in the dining room; living chair and lamp in the vestibule
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As a Mermaid Bar: Simoleons: $20,000 Items: bar, seating for six, clock Half Bath: Simoleons: $2000 Items: toilet, sink, mirror, and toilet paper Ballroom: Simoleons: $30,000 Items: stereo, piano or pipe organ, fireplace, mirror, a table that can hold food in the event of a party Yard and Shed: Items: keep the pool; four planters, woodworking table, fountain, wedding arch, grill, telescope, seating for 10, and monkey bars
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As a Werewolf Landing: Simoleons: $10,000 Items: couch, chess table Art Gallery: Simoleons: $35,000 Items: seating for four, rug, six pieces created by your sim, twelve pieces of art overall Purple Bedroom:  Simoleons: $40,000 Items: bed space for two, rug, fireplace, two skill and/or activity items in the bedroom; dresser and chair in each closet; two sinks, toilet, toilet paper, and bath or shower in the bathroom  Blue Bedroom: Simoleons: $20,000 Items: bed space for two, one skill or activity item, rug, and one dresser in the bedroom; toilet, sink, mirror, bath or shower, and toilet paper in the bathroom Pink Bedroom: Simoleons: $20,000 Items: bed space for two, rug, one skill or activity item, and one dresser in the bedroom; toilet, sink, mirror, bath or shower, and toilet paper in the bathroom Hall Bathroom:  Simoleons: $3000 Items: bench, toilet, sink
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As a Spellcaster Yellow Bedroom: Simoleons: $30,000 Items: bed space for two, rug, one skill or activity item, and one dresser in the bedroom; toilet, sink, mirror, bath or shower, and toilet paper in the bathroom Green Bedroom: Simoleons: $30,000 Items: bed space for two, rug, one skill or activity item, and one dresser in the bedroom; toilet, sink, mirror, bath or shower, and toilet paper in the bathroom Hall and Bathroom: Simoleons: $5000 Items: toilet, sink, mirror, toilet paper, six lights, rug Black Bedroom: Simoleons: $30,000 Items: bed space for two, rug, one skill or activity item, and one dresser in the bedroom; toilet, sink, mirror, bath or shower, and toilet paper in the bathroom Red Bedroom and tower: Simoleons: $50,000 Items: double bed, bar, desk, rug, dresser, fireplace, couch, bookshelf, and armchair in the bedroom; dresser, mirror, chair, and shoe rack in the closet; two sinks, two mirrors, tub, shower, toilet, and toilet paper in the bathroom
Hard Mode Optional Start Rules - Start as a teen (no skills, occult, etc) instead of a young adult and balance High School on top of the manor. - Stay exclusively in the current room. Use more magical hedges if necessary. - There are photos of the pre-destroyed manor scattered about. Identify and replace the exact items in each photo. Some of them are locked behind careers, so it is up to you exactly how hard you want to make that on yourself. "Buying" the item off the gallery is acceptable. - Turn on all lot challenges and remove them randomly as you complete rooms. - Double Simoleon requirements for each room. If you have Get to Work, you must marry and have at least one child with an Alien. - Throw a gold dinner party after completing each individual occult phase before transforming back into a regular Sim. - Max out each occult skill tree.
The end goal of this challenge is for you to have fun! Mix and match the rules a little if you feel stuck, marry Father Winter, have a relative named Rosebud conveniently leave you a small inheritance...
If you have a question not answered here, please join the discord and ask in the designated Inherited Manor 2024 channels.
How to I become a...? And how do I turn back into a normal Sim? To become a Vampire, become good friends with a Vampire and ask to be turned. The process takes a few days so be prepared to live at the gym for a bit. The cure can be crafted after reaching Level 15 Vampire Lore skill and gathering the necessary ingredients. To become a Mermaid, eat one Mermadic Kelp. To transform back into a regular Sim, eat two in a row. The kelp can be found diving, fishing, gifted by a dolphin, or purchased with reward points. To become a Werewolf, as a Werewolf to turn you (similar to the Vampire). The cure can be crafted after finding the recipe in "An Insider's Guide to Being a Werewolf", a book found in the underground tunnels. To become a Spellcaster, travel to The Magic Realm and talk to a Sage. They will give you a mini quest. This is by far the easiest one.
Can I get married? Yes, but your spouse (regardless if an occult Sim or not) can only access the areas you have already unlocked. Your spouse must live on the lot with you until death or divorce, and the kids cannot be moved out until they are teens. Your main Sim is the one that counts as far as transformations and unlocking areas goes.
What happens if my Sim dies? Find or create a fresh Sim and pick up where you left off. This can include a spouse or child.
Can I change the room requirements? Can I put a bedroom instead of an office? You can change whatever you want after the challenge is completed, but the required items must be present in the room to count it as done. You can add additional items if you want, of course, but not completely alter the function of the room.
Can I sell stuff in the house already for money if it isn't damaged? You can sell or replace whatever is in the current room. You can't sell a chair from the office to get money for the kitchen, etc. Remember to keep any items specified in the rules above.
How do I know what my save file name is? Each save file follows the same format: the word “save” followed by a period and eight numbers. For example, save.12345678. Make sure those numbers don’t match the numbers of the save file when you download it. If they do match, you can change a number in the challenge save file before you save it, so long as it is still follows the naming convention laid out above.
Your save file is broken! It loaded me into a household! It's not even the right lot/world/etc! If you're not on the right lot, sounds like you answered your own question. Go to the map view and click on Forgotten Hollow, and maybe read the setup instructions again.
Can I change the lifespan, season length, weather, holiday, etc etc? Yup! Change whatever you want so long as it isn't prohibited in the rules.
What counts as a piece of art my Sim made for the galery? Any project that can be started, stopped, and resumed, and/or your Sim is directly involved in the end quality of the item. This includes, but is not limited to, knit objects, paintings, books, woodworking objects, scientist career objects, and photographs. This does not include found items, such as posters or snow globes.
Do I have to hit the Simoleon requirement exactly? That is too much math, even for me. So long as you are at or over, you're good.
Can I add some lot traits or challenges? Absolutely. Remember, though, that you can't build outside your current zone. You can't add solar panels to the yard, for example, until you get to that point as a Mermaid, but you can set your lot to "Off The Grid" whenever.
Can I purchase traits from the reward store? Yes. You just can't have your Sim start with any reward traits or points.
Are there more challenges like this? Yes! This is actually the fourth version of this challenge. You can find more information here on tumblr, or by visiting my website here.
Can I make one of these, or help make the next one? Absolutely! The official Inherited Manor Discord will be the best place to keep up to date on the challenge. I only ping everyone at the start of building the challenge for the year and when it is released, so don't worry about me blowing up your phone. Can't wait to connect with you there!
Huge thanks to chat for all their help during the streams, and a special thanks to my playtesters: Alasmina debs Foxbird kittycatxo miraclesnjoy SRSimmer Tessa Who?
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simdulgencemods · 3 months
SimplePenis 2.0
SimplePenis 2.0 is here! This update is the first in a series of anatomy updates that aim to improve shapes, textures, bending, and more across all of the SimpleGens family of body parts.
IMPORTANT NOTE: SimplePenis 2.0 features a number of improvements, fixes and changes that necessitated creating a brand-new file. It is NOT a replacement for SimplePenis 1.0, and your sims will not automatically be equipped with the new version.
FEATURES & DETAILS: 1)3 penis sizes (Sm, Md, Lrg), 2 scrotums, (High, Low), 3 foreskin styles (Uncut, Retracted, Cut). 2) Improved meshes for better quality anatomy, including updated shapes for the glans, shaft, testicle, buttocks and groin. 3) Improved textures offer a more realistic appearance and better seams. I've improved seams between the scrotum and anus, and used a new method to minimize seams at further camera distances. 4) Better bending and movement in a variety of animations, especially focusing on the inner thighs, buttocks, hips, and legs. 5) Color overlays are better organized and offer more options. I separated the glans overlay from the other overlays, to allow for more customization (you can pick a glans overlay and any other shaft/scrotum overlay) as well as reduce the number of overlays required; I added 12 new swatches to each overlay to better match a variety of skintones; and I moved the color overlays to the Body Skin Details, to free up slots in Face Skin Details. There are now 5 overlays with 20 swatches each. 6) Small textures allow for better compatibility with CC skins. 7) CAS penises are more compact and easier to navigate. I've combined multiple penises under a single catalog entry, which greatly reduces the number of penises you have to scroll through in CAS. All penises in CAS are now categorized into 4 entries based on scrotum style and erection state: High Scrotum/Soft, High Scrotum/Hard, Low Scrotum/Soft, Low Scrotum/Hard. Within each CAS entry, penises are ordered by size and foreskin style. 8) More scrotum and foreskin options offer customization last seen in RealGens. I added the higher testicles and retracted foreskin options back, to offer more choice for your sims' genitals as well as (hopefully) convince more players to switch to SimplePenis 2.0. You can keep using RealGens, but it's outdated and won't receive new feature upgrades. 9) Eight optional testicle overlays for greater body customization. I added eight texture overlays that let you change the appearance of your sim's testicles. These can be used alone or layered with the color overlays provided for more varied looks, and are compatible with the 2.0 Simple Penis as well as 2.0 Simple Penis Exclusive designs. The overlays can be found in the Body Skin Details section of CAS and are categorized as Body Freckles.
I've really tried to improve on every aspect of the penises, from appearance to movement to CAS options, and I hope you feel that SimplePenis 2.0 is an upgrade from previous versions! There are quite a few pictures in the post, but I encourage you to check them out to see all the improvements - or better yet, download them and give them a whirl in your game!
INSTALLATION NOTES: Files included are separated by folder into required, recommended, and optional.
simdulgence_SimplePenis2_Base (REQUIRED) Contains all base male 2.0 penises. Also includes a CAS default (cut medium high scrotum), which will appear when you remove lower clothing items in CAS.
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: 1) Will you add other sizes? Not immediately. I know I will be asked about this, and it's not a firm no, but I intend to complete other anatomy options and updates (vaginas, unique penises converted to 2.0, werewolf penises, etc) before adding any other sizes. 2) Will there be animated orifices in SimplePenis 2.0? I've been asked about this, and I'm not opposed in principle, but it's not the top of my priority list right now. Like with the sizes, I want to complete other updates first. 3) Are these penises compatible with SimMotion? Yes. 4) Are overlays from previous penises compatible with SimplePenis 2.0? No. Part of the improvements for textures/overlays included mapping the penises in a way that means 1.0 and 2.0 overlays can't be used on the other penises (eg you can't put a 1.0 overlay on a 2.0 penis, or a 2.0 overlay on a 1.0 penis). 5) Are these available for female sims? Not yet, but a female version of SimplePenis 2.0 will be added in the future! Link to SimplePenis 2.0: http://simfil.es/4746141/ Link to updated Condoms: https://simfil.es/4746142
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captain-silvera · 8 days
Frequently asked questions
Hi! I'm Ellie, I'm 25 yo Russian girl, she/her. You can find answers to the questions most frequently appearing in my inbox below, but if you still need help, have smth to ask or just want to write me smth, feel free to send me a message. ✎ RESHADE
☆ I use my own personal preset running on reshade version 3.0.8. It is based on Sumahama preset created by Wilderbees / Ichosim years ago. Even if I wanted to I can’t share the download link because the author’s blog has been deleted. ☆ I’m always using this preset, if it looks different it’s because i edited some settings but it’s still the same one. ☆ I'm not going to post my preset for download. I don't mind, it's just that uniqueness is a pretty important criterion for blogging. And I wouldn't want to lose it by sharing the settings I've been tweaking for years. ✎ GRAPHIC MODS I USE ☆ I use only one graphic mod to make my game more beautiful and atmospheric. This is the twinkle toes lighting mod by @softerhaze. You can find it here (updated for Lovestruck). ✎ EDITING SCREENSHOTS  I don’t edit very extensively. Most of my editing is just reshade with some topaz clean. For some specific screenshots I like to play with lighting and coloring in Photoshop. ✎ WILL YOU UPLOAD (...) ? ☆ I am sharing all my builds that I have managed to finish. If I don't publish a lot, there is always a reason for it. ☆ For example, at one time my game crashed and everything that was in my gallery disappeared. I will never be able to share with you some of the old buildings that I posted in screenshots, because they simply do not exist, and I have no desire to rebuild them. This applies, in particular, to THAT VERY STREET about which you often write to me. ☆ Also it happens that I am not satisfied with the final result or I just do not have the strength and inspiration to finish a lot. In this case, even if I promised to publish something, I will hardly do it. I am not a robot and I have crises and different moments in my life. So just follow the updates and you will not miss the published content. ✎ TS4 GALLERY ☆ I don't post anything in the gallery. You can download all my builds only via links in the form of Tray files. ✎ TRAY FILES INSTALATION ☆ It's very simple. Close your game and download the archive from the link. Unpack it and move everything inside to your TRAY folder. As a rule, the path to it is: C:\ > Electronic Arts > The Sims 4 > Tray. Then launch the game and go to your library. The build should be there. If it's not there, you did something wrong. Feel free to ask me anything not listed here!
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chaoticspeedrun · 1 year
"I made you a mixtape" (IMYAM)-Rottmnt dating sim
I'll add to this list as I get questions about the project!
1. How can I follow the project?
I will keep you guys updated on my tumblr as I go through the tags: "#TMNT dating sim" and "#IMYAM".
However I will update more frequently on my discord server where I talk about it actively, you can join it to see more content.
2. Will it be available on web browser/phone/mac?
I am currently focusing on development for computer use, that includes Windows and Mac both, it might take me a bit to get it ready for phone but my plan is to do so, early versions of the game might not be available on phone though and will be missing some assets on mobile while the project is ongoing.
3. What is the plot?
Following the events of the Kraang invasion, the player character is a friend of the turtles and is visiting the lair to hang out, while left alone in their favorite turtle's room they find a playlist the turtle made and saves it unknowingly to the turtle.
As the days go by, their favorite turtle starts acting weird and the player meets a new human friend, who reminds them of their crush.
Slowly but surely, the player starts to realize the songs on their crush's playlist might have something to do with them.
4. What are the plans of the game?
The idea is for the game to be pretty extensive, for now I will be focusing on the script and art, early versions of the game will play as a regular VN with choices, however there are functions that I want to add to the game that may take much longer and will be available until way in the future of this project, such as:
•An interactive map of the lair
•Items and objects that the player can obtain for the plot and find around the different places of the map
•Character customizer and avatar at the bottom left of the screen
•Phone that the player can access
5. Can I help?
Definitely, if you have a skill that would be helpful for the project that would be wonderful, especially if you can help programming the game on ren'py, either with simply getting the script in or adding functions to the game.
Programmers, artists, musicians beta readers and others are welcome too, you can message me privately here or you can message me on my discord server for ROTTMNT x reader stuff, which is linked on my masterlist, there is a category dedicated to the game.
6. Will there be a cost?
Not at all, once the first test version of the game is available for download an option will be added to donate to the project but it is not required to play. Ask where I answered this here.
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dscombobulate · 9 months
Tumblr media
— hello, i'm Dee (she/her), and i create free custom content for the sims 4. thank you for all your support! ♡
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follow me on the following platforms!
✧ instagram | pinterest | youtube ✧
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whether it’s a one-time donation or a one-month pledge, donations are greatly appreciated! thank you so much for all your support.
✧ paypal | patreon ✧
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do you allow recolors/conversions? yes, message me first though.
what are your cas favorites? check my resources page.
what software programs do you use? blender 2.93, s4studio, photoshop, illustrator, premiere pro and procreate.
what are you currently working on? check my wip page.
are you wcif-friendly? yes. check my wcif tag first, and only ask through my tumblr's ask.
are you taking commissions? check my commissions page for more information.
more frequently asked questions here.
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message me before you recolor/convert/include my cc in a build
tag me when you use my cc for recolors, conversions, and builds
crediting me even in cc showcases will always be appreciated
re-upload my cc to other sites
lock my cc behind ads or permanent paywalls
modify and claim my cc as yours
✧ downloads ✧
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aurora--sky · 1 year
FAQ - Najczęściej zadawane pytania
Lista najczęściej zadawanych pytań, rozwiązania problemów oraz podstawowe definicje dotyczące moich tłumaczeń, instalacji, itp.
English version of my FAQ can be found here -> FAQ in English.
1. Co to jest tłumaczenie? Tłumaczenie to plik, który po zainstalowaniu zmienia język angielski moda na język polski.
2. Czy muszę też pobrać moda, aby tłumaczenie działało? Tak. Bez moda tłumaczenie nie zadziała. Ja osobiście nie włączam plików moda do swojego tłumaczenia. Tłumaczenie to tylko pliki z tekstem, tzw. „strings”. Samo tłumaczenie bez moda nie sprawi, że mod będzie działał.
3. Skąd mogę pobrać twoje tłumaczenia? Moje tłumaczenia publikuję tylko na moim blogu Tumblr lub na CurseForge.
4. Jak pobrać tłumaczenie? Plik tłumaczenia można pobrać z interesującego Ciebie postu. Plik taki zawieram na samym dole postu pod napisem CF lub SFS. Klikając w jedną z opcji, przeniesie cię na stronę, z której pobierzesz plik.
5. Co oznacza CF, a co SFS? CF - CurseForge. SFS - SimFileShare. CurseForge to strona, na której znajdują się mody/cc/tłumaczenia do The Sims 4 za darmo do pobrania. SimFileShare to strona-hosting plików dla graczy The Sims.
6. Czy tłumaczenia są darmowe? Tak. Moje tłumaczenia zawsze były, są za darmo.
7. Czy pobieranie tłumaczeń jest bezpieczne? Czy mogę pobrać wirusa przez przypadek? Pobieranie moich tłumaczeń jest całkowicie bezpieczne i wolne od wirusów pod warunkiem, że pobierasz je z moich źródeł.
8. Jak rozpakować tłumaczenie (plik .zip lub .rar)? Moje tłumaczenia są często pakowane w plik ZIP. Jeśli korzystasz z systemu Windows 11, program do rozpakowywania jest wbudowany w twój system. Musisz jedynie kliknąć 2 razy na plik zip.
Jeżeli jednak nie masz takiego programu, tłumaczenie .zip możesz otworzyć po pobraniu i zainstalowaniu programu, np. WinZip, 7-Zip, itp. Na Internecie jest duży wybór.
9. Jak zainstalować tłumaczenie? Tłumaczenie trzeba instalować tak, aby znajdowało się jak najbliżej głównych plików moda.
W skrócie: plik(i) tłumaczenia należy włożyć (a jeśli po pobraniu znajdują się w pliku .zip - to najpierw rozpakować jak opisałam w pkt. 6.) do folderu z modem w folderze \Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods. (Ścieżka może się różnić.) Jeśli mod i tłumaczenie zawierają foldery to pliki tłumaczenia z folderu o nazwie np. Objects PL trzeba włożyć do folderu o tej samej nazwie, czyli Objects.
Jeśli nadal nie rozumiesz, odsyłam Cię do mojego poradnika „Jak instalować tłumaczenia do The Sims 4?” tutaj.
10. Czy mogę zmienić nazwę tłumaczenia? Lepiej nie. Tłumaczenie może przestać działać po zmianie nazwy.
11. Co to znaczy, że „tłumaczenie jest (zawarte) w modzie”? Tłumaczenie zawarte w plikach moda to takie tłumaczenie, którego nie trzeba pobierać oddzielnie. Po zainstalowaniu moda będzie on od razu po polsku.
Czasami tłumacze współpracują z twórcami modów i przesyłają im swoje tłumaczenia. Twórca moda wtedy „wkleja” takie tłumaczenie do swojego moda.
12. Czy twoje tłumaczenia są zawarte w modach? Niektóre z nich tak. Obecnie może trzy. Osobiście nie lubię współpracować z twórcami, ponieważ w pewnym momencie twórca przestaje się że mną komunikować. Po wysłaniu moich tłumaczeń, twórca je dodaje do moda, po kilku miesiącach ja aktualizuję tłumaczenie, wysyłam do tej osoby, a ona mnie ignoruje/nie zauważa/nie ma czasu. Rezultat: moje stare, niepasujące tłumaczenie „siedzi” w modzie, a ja nie mam nad nim kontroli.
13. Jak odinstalować tłumaczenie? Aby odinstalować tłumaczenie, wystarczy jedynie usunąć plik z folderu, w którym go zainstalował*ś.
14. Czy tłumaczenie może popsuć grę? Czy wywołuje konflikty z innymi plikami? Nie. Tłumaczenie nigdy nie może uszkodzić plików gry, zapisów, Simów, czy CC lub modów. Nie powoduje także konfliktów z innymi tłumaczeniami.
W przypadku, gdy w folderze z modem znajdują się dwa tłumaczenia od różnych tłumaczy, tylko jedno tłumaczenie będzie działać. Te drugie zostanie zignorowane przez grę. Nie pojawią się żadne błędy lub konflikty.
15. Czy można pobierać i korzystać z niezaktualizowanych tłumaczeń (np. stare tłumaczenie + nowsza wersja moda)? Tak. Możliwe jednak jest, że tłumaczenie będzie działało tylko w jakiejś części, jeśli twórca dodał nowy tekst do swojego moda.
16. Dlaczego czasami tłumaczenie ma więcej plików niż sam mod? Jest tak czasami, bo tłumaczenie musi być podzielone na więcej części, aby działało. Niektóre modyfikacje zawierają kilka plików w jednym w środku. Jednak z tłumaczeniem nie mogę tak postąpić. Najpierw muszę rozdzielić mod w Sims4Studio, a dopiero po tym mogę zająć się tłumaczeniem.
Problemy z pobraniem i tłumaczeniem w grze, czyli „tłumaczenie nie działa”
17. Tłumaczenie nie działa w ogóle. Jeśli tłumaczenie nie pojawia się w grze, istnieje kilka powodów:
tłumaczenie zostało źle zainstalowane
tłumaczenie nie zostało rozpakowane z pliku .zip
mod nie został zainstalowany
mod został źle zainstalowany
tłumaczenie jest nieprawidłowo przetłumaczone
zmieniono nazwę tłumaczenia po pobraniu
w folderze Mods i/lub w folderze z modem znajduje się kilka plików tłumaczenia i/lub moda, np. poprzednie, nieaktualne wersje
18. Tłumaczenie działa częściowo lub w połowie. Jeśli tłumaczenie zostało prawidłowo przetłumaczone, ale działa jedynie w jakiejś części, możliwe jest, że tekst moda jest zawarty w pliku .sctipt moda. Jako tłumacz nie mam możliwości otworzenia i przetłumaczenia takiego tekstu. Wina leży po stronie twórcy moda.
19. Co zrobić, jeśli tłumaczenie nie działa (częściowo lub w ogóle)? Gdy tłumaczenie nie działa, musisz sprawdzić, czy zostało rozpakowane i zainstalowane prawidłowo. Ta instrukcja może Ci pomóc. Pamiętaj, że zawsze przed instalacją zaktualizowanej wersji tłumaczenia/moda należy usunąć nieaktualne, stare wersje. Nie zaszkodzi także usunąć pliku o nazwie „localthumbcache”, który można znaleźć w folderze The Sims 4.
Jeżeli tłumaczenie nadal nie będzie działało, skontaktuj się ze mną.
20. Znalazł*m błąd w tłumaczeniu. W takim przypadku proszę skontaktuj się ze mną przez ask lub zgłoś błąd w moim formularzu.
21. Nie mogę pobrać tłumaczenia z Simfileshare. Jest to częsty błąd pojawiający się np. w chwili, gdy wchodzimy w link SFS po raz drugi. Gdy nie możesz pobrać tłumaczenia, bo strona się nie wczytuje, jedyne co musisz zrobić to usunąć „wszystko co znajduje się przed http://....”. Dla przykładu: https://href.li/?http://www.simfileshare.net/download/3794136/ - w tym przypadku usuń część linku, którą zaznaczyłam na czerwono.
Jeśli wystąpi inny błąd na tej stronie to prawdopodobnie strona ma problemy. Możesz wtedy skontaktować się ze mną.
22. Nie mogę pobrać tłumaczenia z CurseForge. Jeżeli nie możesz pobrać tłumaczenia z CF, prawdopodobnie strona ma problemy.
Możliwe też jest, że mój projekt tłumaczenia nie został jeszcze zaakceptowany przez adminów CF.
Inne / Osobiste pytania
23. Jak tłumaczyć mody do The Sims 4? Jeśli chcesz nauczyć się tłumaczyć, możesz zajrzeć do mojego poradnika tutaj. W Internecie też można znaleźć przydatne informacje.
Osobiście też uważam, że jako tłumacz musisz znać dość dobrze język obcy, z którego chcesz tłumaczyć.
24. Jak ty nauczyłaś się tłumaczyć? Znalazłam (bardzo mało) informacji na Internecie w języku angielskim. Niestety nie mogę teraz odnaleźć tej strony. Na szczęście te informacje pomogły mi zacząć, a potem już jakoś poradziłam sobie sama.
25. Jak długo tłumaczysz mody? Mody zaczęłam tłumaczyć w czerwcu 2019 roku.
26. Jakich programów używasz do tłumaczeń? Ostatnio używam głównie The Sims 4 Translator. Czasami przydają mi się też DP STBL Editor oraz S4PE.
27. Jak długo zajmuje Ci przetłumaczenie 1 moda? To zależy od ilości tekstu oraz czy mod mnie interesuje, czy zawiera jakąś specyficzną terminologię, czy są błędy w tekście, kreatywne, długie opisy. Gdy mod jest dla mnie ciekawy i gdy nie zawiera bardzo skomplikowanego tekstu, myślę, że mogę przetłumaczyć 200 linijek w ciągu godziny. Jednak nie zdarza się to często.
28. Czy przyjmujesz propozycje modyfikacji do przetłumaczenia? Tak. Zawsze możesz mnie poprosić o to przez ask.
29. Czy są jakieś konkretne mody, których nie lubisz tłumaczyć? Tak. Prawie nigdy nie interesuję się karierami, cechami i wydarzeniami. Nie lubię tłumaczyć modów, które są bardzo krótkie – mniej niż 100 linijek. Nie tłumaczę też „zakazanych” (przez The Sims 4!) modów z motywami takimi jak pedofilia, gwałt, zoofilia itp.
30. Czy tłumaczysz też mody do The Sims 3, The Sims 2, czy innych gier? Nie i nie wydaje mi się, żeby to się zmieniło w najbliższej przyszłości.
31. Jakie są warunki korzystania z Twoich tłumaczeń?
Nie przywłaszczaj sobie moich tłumaczeń.
Jeśli chcesz podzielić się moim tłumaczeniem z innymi/dodać na stronę, podaj mój link do mojego tłumaczenia (do mojego Tumblra, Simfileshare czy CurseForge) oraz moje imię (AuroraSky).
Możesz edytować i poprawiać moje tłumaczenia dla własnego użytku.
Nie pracuj na moim tłumaczeniu - nie przywłaszczaj sobie mojego tłumaczenia, po wpisaniu tylko kilku zmian.
Jeśli masz problem z tłumaczeniem, które ja już stworzyłam, za moją zgodą możesz użyć części mojego tłumaczenia.
32. Czy jest możliwość wsparcia Cię finansowo? Tak. Jeśli chcesz, możesz „postawić mi kawę” na mojej stronie Buycoffee.to
33. Z jakich modów i CC ty korzystasz? Jeśli kogoś to interesuje, mody i CC, które mi się podobają rebloguję na moim tumblrze: aurorasky-ccfinds.tumblr.com
12.4.2023 AuroraSky
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sim-berry · 10 months
Reminders for the upcoming TS4 update!
Simmers, the new expansion pack For Rent comes out on December 7th and as we all know, big updates can mess with your game especially if you use mods. I've learned my lesson from the last few updates and I'd like to give some suggestions to help!
Note: I use the EA App for Sims 4, on a Windows computer. The methods I describe here will probably not apply to MAC users. I also don't know if these work for pirated games so just be careful!
-BACK UP YOUR SAVES. Just in case your save gets corrupted or the update somehow manages to lose your saves (this has happened to me- after the update, my saves were gone). Here's what I do:
Navigate to your "Sims 4" folder. In my case it's Documents>Electronic Arts>Sims 4.
Find your "saves" folder and right-click to copy it.
Paste your copy of your saves folder to your desktop (some people paste to their external hard drive as well, but I'm not sure how to do this)
Right click on your copy to rename it. It's a good idea to write the date on which you copied your folder. Here's my current backup:
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Your saves are now backed up! If you lose your files in the game or they become corrupted, open up your backup folder, then select and copy all the files in the folder and then paste them into your actual saves folder. Your saves will then be restored! You should do this every so often just in case. I try and back up my saves once a month.
-Turn off automatic updates. This way you can choose when to update your game. I personally wait until mod creators start updating their mods and then update the game.
Open the EA App and head to your settings, then the "downloads" tab.
Turn off the "update games automatically" option.
When you're ready, update the game and enjoy!
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-Follow mod creators on social media. If you use mods, it's a good idea to keep up with updates and what the creators are up to. When there's a huge Sims update, many mods (especially script mods) tend to break and need to be updated by the creators. Keeping up with them allows you to see what their plans are for updating the mods. Creators use many different platforms, but from what I've seen most tend to use Tumblr, Patreon, and Twitter/X to post updates. If I find a mod I really like, I always follow the creator. They also deserve tons of support for their amazing work!
-Know which mods are broken and updated. In addition to following mod creators, there are multiple threads that log all mods with each update. They tell us which mods are broken, which are updated, and which were unaffected by the update. If you're experiencing a glitch with a mod, you can report it on these threads. Here are examples of threads from previous updates:
Always check these before writing to an official Sims/EA forum about a glitch. If you use script mods, the bugs you're experiencing will most likely be from these mods. Also, if you use UI mods like UI Cheats, don't freak out if your UI looks like this:
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Your game isn't corrupted, the mod is just outdated. UI Cheats almost always breaks after a big update. The creator of UI Cheats updates frequently, so make sure to check up on their Patreon page.
-Check in with the community if you have a bug. The Sims Forums, r/Sims4 on Reddit, and Simblr are good places to go if you have a question about a bug you're having. r/Sims4 was a lifesaver for everyone who had the dreaded tooth glitch in Growing Together. If you're having a non-mod related bug, chances are others are having it too, so don't feel afraid to ask!
I hope this helps some of my fellow simmers. Good luck with the new update and pack, I can't wait to see how my favorite Simblrs use it in their stories and gameplays!💖
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thesims3help · 10 months
Masterlist: Gameplay enhancing mods! [100+ mods and counting]
We often see questions on Reddit from Simmers, asking for mods that enhance their gameplay. We decided to compile a list of mods players found useful (the list will be growing!). Before these, we recommend everyone check out our [guide] on optimizing their game first, and installing mods necessary for gameplay. NOTE - We have not tested all these mods together and we do not know if they all clash well. Use as your own risk and remember to back up your The Sims 3 folder before testing them. + Some mods are dependent on certain Expansion Packs.
Below we'll list a few categories (in no specific order) and mods:
Mixed Feelings About Pregnancy - adds new moodlets like Anxiously and Eagerly awaiting on pregnancy.
Pregnancy Progress Controller - a controller that allows player to impregnate a Sim, end the pregnancy and display any info in a single click.
More/Less Cheaty Pregnancy Moodlet
User-directed Scolding + Other Punishments - Player picks appropriate time to scold and how to punish children, instead of EA's automatic scolding action.
Pick Up Toddler Fixes - fixes routing issues between Sim trying to pick up toddlers.
Adults can Play Peek-A-Boo & Hug Toddlers - Teens to elders can play peek-a-boo and hug toddlers.
Family Kiss Interactions - toddlers to adults can kiss each other.
All adults can carry children(05/08/18) - Any adult carries children firefighter style.
Adults can Pinch cheek - Allows adults to pinch child's cheeks.
Toddlers Can Sit on Sims' Laps - Toddlers can sit on family member's lap.
Breastfeeding Mod V11 - Updated 19 June by Nona Mena - Allows multiple breastfeeding options
Less/More Frequent Male Pregnancy!
More Baby Interactions - Allows more interactions with babies.
Silent Babies & Toddlers - Makes babies and toddlers cry silently, with bubbles for needs popping up above their heads.
Toddler Interactions - Adds a few interactions to toddlers.
More Toddler Interactions - Newer mod allowing even more toddler interactions.
Make a mess (New Toddler interactions) - converted animations and mess from Sims 4 toddlers to Sims 3; allows toddlers to autonomously make messes.
Toddlers Can Use Stairs - Allows toddlers to climb stairs.
Toddlers can Ask for Things - Allows toddlers to ask adults for something.
Toddlers can Sit on Couches & Lounges - Allows toddlers to sit on couches.
Toddlers can Ride Rocking Rider - Allows toddlers to ride rocking horse.
Biggest Little Mod for Toddlers - Enhances gameplay for toddlers.
Outdoor Activities for Toddlers - Toddlers can use outside items for more activities.
Toddlers Extra Activities - new activities for toddlers, including coloring the walls.
Functional Baby Carrier - Baby carrier converted from Sims 4 to Sims 3.
Replaced Toddler Crying Animations - replaces original toddler crying with more realistic one.
Toys are More Fun! - Toddlers and Children gain more fun from playing with toys.
Autonomous Play with Teddy Bear - Toddlers & Children play with teddy bears autonomously.
NoStretch Children Can series - Allows children to perform different actions and gain skills just like adult Sims. It's a pack of several different mods, players can pick and download ones they want.
Children can care for their lil' siblings - Allows children to carry toddlers and perform basic needs care.
Better Playdates (Sims 3 Playdates) - improves playdates that came with Generations EP.
Working Together is Better! - Homework Tweaks - Children and teens can do homework together.
Outdoor Lighting Tweaks v2.2 - Improves outdoor lighting + adds new weather.
Snow but better! - Snow replacement mod - Improved snow.
No Full Moon Lighting Effect
The Transmogrifier (aka Object Script Changer)
New and Improved 9/11/21] Functioning Well - and Off-Grid Plumbing!
No Crappy Bunk Beds!
Default Umbrellas & Parasols - Changes the default umbrella and parasol preset into more neutral color.
Default Taxis - Changes color of taxis in-game.
So Many Shiftables! And a little more. - Shiftable wall deco + mirrors.
Shiftable Curtains - Shiftable curtains.
Shiftable Televisions - Shiftable TVs.
Digital Photo Frame Overlay Replacement - Changes the watercolour image found on Digital Photo Frames.
Unlocked Permanent Tents for Residential and Community Lots
Wildflower Sell Price Nerf - Decreases prices of Wildflowers in-game.
Buyable Beach Towels (with custom script)
Vending Machine Tweaks
Salvaged Junkyard Objects Made Usable
No More Zombies Generated At Full Moon - 2 Flavors
nraas Hybrid
Enhanced Vampires
Enhanced Fairies
Enhanced Werewolves
Enhanced Mermaids
Enhanced Genies
Enhanced Witches
Enhanced Wands
sHoNi's Mummy Overhaul
Mummy Power Mod
Scarier Ghosts Mod
Plantsim Power Mod
Console –> PC: Karma Powers
Have Coffee With Me - Allows Sim to have a cup of coffee with another Sim from coffee trays.
No Free Quick Meals
Reheat Food in Microwave
Food Synthesizer Pop-Up Menu
Set The Table & Call To Meal
The Professional Juice Bar Mod
Sims Drinks
Eat Outside Restaurants + Waiters
Seasons & Barista Bar Beverages on the Coffee Machine
Cook With Any Ingredient (Wood Fire Oven/Sauna/Teppanyaki Grill/Baker's Station compatible)
Choose Your Resort Buffet Foods
Bring Food & Drink To Others - Any Time, Any Place
Ingredient Moodlets From Meals + More Filling Kelp & Fish Meals For Mermaids
Tax Collector - Allows manual tax collecting in-game.
Workout Costs Money
Open Cinema
Higher bills (or no bills) and less CAS money
Minimum Wage/More Realistic Earnings, Higher Tuition, Higher Boarding School Costs, Higher Grant Money
Taxi Charge Mod
No Fridge Shopping
nraas Consigner
Non-Core Global Online Banking Mod
Job Overhaul -- Interviews And More
Skills Lose Progress
Pool Jobs for Lifeguards
Audition For Band Gigs
nraas Careers - Must download main Careers mod and wanted modules.
Pee Here (Scripting Mod) by Sims MX (simlogical.com) - Males pee on terrain.
Autonomous Fun In The Sun
nraas Vector - custom Disease mod; must download main Vector mod + wanted modules for diseases.
WrittenWord - Sim written books found in Bookstore under General tab.
Bring "Mysterious Drinks" (Chemistry Set Potions) To Others
Ask To Join Fishing
Get to Know Fix
Break into house Mod *ARREST UPDATE*
World Loading Screen Overhaul v2.0
Back to Nature -- Lifetime Wishes for Farmers and Outdoorspeople
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onleash · 28 days
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pinned posts seem to be what all the cool kids are doing these days
𐂯 my name is juno!
𐂯 it/its, they & she OK 2
𐂯 seventeen
𐂯 audhd (+ bpd too maybe? mentioning here bcz i may post abt it...)
𐂯 i'm a (poly?)therian!!! saint bernard 💯💯💯 questioning grizzly bear...
𐂯 the aroace agender femme lesbian dog bear thing of ur DREAMS!
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pls interact if u like any of these! main ones in bold 🐛🪲 including but not limited to:
𐂯 saw, super mario, the sims 4, mlp: fim, community, dead by daylight, gravity falls, fnaf, the amazing digital circus, the dropout universe (mostly d20 + gamechanger)
𐂯 fall out boy, chappell roan, patrick stump, my chemical romance, bring me the horizon, motionless in white, mitski, olivia rodrigo, 100 gecs
𐂯 ANIMALS!!!! especially my theriotypes, dogs and bears and sharks r my favs ever. i'm also so super fond of cats, i've got 3 :)
𐂯 CURRENTLY READING: ravensong by t.j. klune
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caterpillar dividers found here by @/animatedglittergraphics-n-more! princess daisy pride icon can be found here by @/pridebicons
𐂯 i've been on tumblr for around ~6 years, this is by no means my first blog. but i wanted to start over and reorganize everything!
𐂯 this is a personal blog for whatever i want, i'm not going to prioritize any kind of post type. this is for me!
𐂯 i have no dni but i block liberally! and frequently!! it usually isn't personal, and please don't feel bad!!!
𐂯 i would love to be friends, feel free to dm or send asks! i just ask that u pls be patient with me 🫶
𐂯 this blog supports a FREE PALESTINE! 🇵🇸 put an end to genocide. put an end to israeli occupation. put an end to white supremacy.
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simeffable · 4 months
Frequently asked questions to eeeaaasseee your mind :)
1. Can I recolour your CC?
Yes! Recolours and retextures are a-okay in my book, you don’t even have to ask first! Just please credit me and link to the original CC. My full TOU can be found here.
2. Is your CC free?
Yes! My stuff will ALWAY be free unless it is a commission. I sincerely doubt I will ever start a Patreon, although maybe one day I will have a Kofi donation page.
3. How do you start making a sim? What’s your process?
If it is a celebrity sim, or a sim of a fictional character like Arthur Morgan, I will always go CC shopping first! I usually start with the hair, then if the sim has particularly iconic outfits (e.g. Fran Fine) I will find as close as possible. Sometimes this is really easy, as with @plazasims RDR2 Outfits, but sometimes I have to be a little creative! Then, I always try to create the sim from Pinterest references first. I usually take a few hours away from it so I can see it again with fresh eyes, and it is usually at this point where I will introduce a photo overlay. Essentially, I will overlay an image onto The Sims 4 window and have my sim and the photo side by side. Laying the photo directly on top and ‘tracing’ is a BAD idea! You can’t see the real sim underneath! Usually looks WEIRD afterwards. If I’m feeling stuck, finding a reference on Pinterest at a 3/4 angle and editing my sim in that view helps a lot! It gives you a fresh perspective and often sorts out problems you didn’t even know you had.
4. What’s your main save?
My main save is (totally cliche, I know) actually my Simself in PlumbobKingdom’s save file! It’s INCREDIBLE, and makes the game so much more fun and interesting with the variety of locations, and everything just looks SO much nicer!
5. Who’s the favourite sim you’ve made so far?
I secretly LOVE my Maxwell Sheffield sim, I think he looks awesome. I love my Arthur Morgan Redux, too, and I’m really looking forward to making Bree Van De Kamp! Might develop it into a DH series if the response is positive enough :)
6. How do you edit your screenshots and/or do you render your sims in Blender?
I don’t render my sims in Blender, as I can’t use TS4 Sim Ripper! I am a Mac user. My photo editing process; taking screenshots in CAS using Trait poses, and photos in game using poses and @ravasheencc Full Control Camera. I then use Picsart on iOS to knock up the composition, Snapseed to clean up the photo (sharpen, colour balancing, glow, vignette etc) and Clipdrop Relight (online) for the lighting.
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thelanders23 · 5 months
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Hey y’all! I’ve been getting questions about my blog for a bit now. Some of them are extremely nice and genuinely curious to know my thought process behind my blog. Why I started it or my inspiration for it. As I hate to admit, there really wasn’t a ton of thought process behind it y’all. I just wanted to share my experience playing The Sims how I always had.
I’ve been playing The Sims now for about 12-13 years. I’m big on family let’s plays and legacies. I’ve always played as realistically as possible. As y’all probably know, that requires mods. I have a lot of gameplay mods to make The Sims as realistic as possible. That also means that I play with a ton of CC and the only thing I’m ever strictly Maxis Match on is hair.
I initially just wanted to take some pictures for my game. I wanted my Sims to have actual family photos on the wall. Ya know, make their homes more homey. When I started taking the photos it reminded me of a creator who used to do this same kind of content for her tumblr. I was hooked on every update she’d post about her little Sims family. For the life of me, I can’t remember that creator’s name. God knows it’s been forever and 3 Tumblr accounts later ;) But in remembering that, I found something I love to share. I’ve always been quiet in The Sims community. I’m not good at making CC, believe me I’ve tried. But for some reason, I’m good at capturing in-game images of sims ‘realistic’ lives. So that’s what I started doing.
Although I play at a slow (for The Sims) but sped up pace, you’ll often see me posting year-round content. Christmas posts could be posted in June or summer posts in winter, if you’re catching my drift. It just depends what my Sims are doing at the time. I post pretty frequently, most of the time I’ll post multiple updates in one day and then take a few days as a break. So you won’t ever have to wait too long for content. I will take breaks every now and then when playing but that’s so I don’t ever get bored with my save file. Those breaks will be announced.
The Lander’s were an obvious choice in who I’d pick for the family that the blog is set around. They’re my favorite. I played with Lyle and Haidyn for about 4 months before starting this account. So it’s officially been over a year of playing on this save file. Something about them made me find the reason I fell in love with The Sims in the first place. Yeah they’re your typical little family, but I think that’s why I love them. I grew up with families just like the Lander’s. I think in a weird way, they comfort my soul.
For those asking for more details of who I am behind the screen, I find sharing small information is really all you need. I’m 22F and I’m from TX, USA. But I bet y’all already read that in the bio :)
I’m married and yes, just like Haidyn, I’m in the nursing career. My husband isn’t quite the nerd I am but he’s pretty interested in how I do all of this. Yes, he knows about my Tumblr, and no, he doesn’t think it’s weird. Truth is, I’m pretty boring. There’s nothing really fancy here folks.
I do appreciate all the questions, likes, reblogs and genuine conversations I’ve had while being active in this community and space. My hope is to continue to do this until I really don’t have the time to. Which I don’t see happening in the foreseeable future since I’m PRN at work and have lots of free time on my hands :) As long as y’all keep loving my content, I’ll keep sharing it the same way. I know this type of content is not for everyone in this community but I’m thankful to those who do like it. I think that’s what makes this community so special and unique. Everyone who plays The Sims plays it differently and I love that 🩵
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vietnamesim · 2 years
eSIM compatible devices – Full up-to-date list
Want to use a Vietnam eSIM for your trip to the country? Make sure that you have an unlocked eSIM-compatible device.
But which models they are, and how to make sure your device is unlocked and eSIM-supported?
>>No need to look around. We will show you all in this post, which covers:
List of eSIM compatible devices
How many eSIMs can be used on one eSIM-compatible device
How to check if my phone supports esim and is carrier unlocked
Frequently asked questions
1. List of eSIM compatible devices
The list of compatible eSIM devices is getting longer and longer. It now includes 80 models of mobile phones, wearables, tablets, and laptops.
Let’s discover.
1.1 eSIM phones
We have the following phones with eSIM for Vietnam and many other countries in the world:
1.1.1 Apple eSIM phones
iPhone 13*
iPhone 13 Pro*
iPhone 13 Pro Max*
iPhone 13 Mini*
iPhone 12*
iPhone 12 Mini*
iPhone 12 Pro*
iPhone 12 Pro Max*
iPhone 11*
iPhone 11 Pro*
iPhone 11 Pro Max*
iPhone XS
iPhone XS Max*
iPhone XR*
iPhone SE (2020)
iPhone SE (2022)
iPad Air (3rd Generation)
iPad Air (4th generation)
iPad Pro 11-inch (1st generation)
iPad Pro 11-inch (2nd generation)
iPad Pro 11-inch (3rd generation)
iPad Pro 12.9-inch (3rd generation)
iPad Pro 12.9-inch (4th generation)
iPad Pro 12.9-inch (5th generation)
iPad (7th generation)
iPad (8th generation)
iPad (9th generation)
iPad Mini (5th generation)
iPad Mini (6th generation)
*iPhones from Mainland China DO NOT support eSIM.
*iPhones from Hong Kong and Macao (except for iPhone 13 mini, iPhone 12 mini, iPhone SE 2020, and iPhone XS) DO NOT support eSIM.
1.1.2 Samsung eSIM phones*
Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra 5G
Samsung Galaxy S22+ 5G
Samsung Galaxy S22 5G
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G
Samsung Galaxy S21 5G
Samsung Galaxy S21+ 5G
Samsung Galaxy S20
Samsung Galaxy S20+
Samsung Galaxy Note 20+
Samsung Galaxy Note 20
Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra
Samsung Galaxy Fold
Samsung Galaxy Z Flip
Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 3 5G
Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2
The following Samsung phones DO NOT support eSIM:
*Samsung S20/S21 FE Series;
Samsung Note 20 Ultra and Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2 originated from Hong Kong
Samsung devices originating from the USA and Canada.
For Samsung S21 series (with the exemption of FE models) for Canada and the USA, if you already have the One UI 4, this update may add the eSIM capability to your device.
1.1.3 Google Pixel eSIM phones
Google Pixel 3 & 3 XL*
Google Pixel 3a & 3a XL*
Google Pixel 4, 4a & 4 XL
Google Pixel 5*
Google Pixel 6
Google Pixel 6 Pro
>>Important: The following Pixel phones DO NOT support eSIM technology:
Pixel 3 phones manufactured in Australia, Taiwan, and Japan;
Pixel 3 phones purchased with the service from US or Canadian carriers other than Sprint and Google Fi;
Pixel 3a phones purchased in South East Asia and with Verizon service. Pixel 3 from Australia, Taiwan, and Japan.
1.1.4 Other phones with eSIM
HAMMER Blade 3
Motorola Razr 2019
Motorola Razr 5G
Huawei P40
Huawei P40 Pro*
Huawei Mate 40 Pro
*Huawei P40 Pro+ DO NOT support eSIM.
Nuu Mobile X5
Gemini PDA 4G+Wi-Fi
OPPO Find X3 Pro*
OPPO Find X5 Pro*
OPPO Find X5*
Sony Xperia 10 III Lite
*Regions that do not support dual SIM cards on Oppo phones: Australia (Telstra and Optus), and Japan (KDDI).
1.2 eSIM smartwatches
Apple Watches
Apple Watch S3, S4, S5
Apple Watch Nike, Apple Watch Nike+
Apple Watch Hermes
Apple Watch Edition
Samsung Smartwatches
Samsung Gear S2 Classic 3G,
Samsung Gear S3 Frontier LTE,
Samsung Galaxy Watch LTE
1.3 eSIM laptops
Currently, only Windows eSIM laptops are available, Apple is yet to release a MacBook with an eSIM.
Take a look at the list of laptops with eSIM capacity.
Acer eSIM Laptops
Acer Swift 3
Acer Swift 7
Acer TravelMate P2
Acer TravelMate Spin P4
Acer TravelMate P6
ASUS eSIM Laptops
ASUS Mini Transformer T103HAF
ASUS VivoBook Flip 14 TP401NA
Dell eSIM Laptops
Dell Latitude 7210 2-in-1
Dell Latitude 9410
Dell Latitude 7310
Dell Latitude 7410
Dell Latitude 9510
Dell Latitude 5410
Dell Latitude 5411
Dell Latitude 5511
HP eSIM Laptops
HP Elitebook G5
HP Probook G5
HP Zbook G5
HP Spectre Folio 13
Lenovo eSIM Laptops
ThinkPad X1 Titanium Yoga 2 in 1
ThinkPad X1 Carbon Gen 9
ThinkPad X1 Fold
ThinkPad X1 Nano
ThinkPad X12 Detachable
Lenovo Flex 5G
Lenovo Yoga C630
Lenovo Miix 630
Lenovo Yoga 520
Lenovo Yoga 720 (2-in-1 models)
1.4 eSIM tablets
We have the following tablets which support an eSIM for Vietnam, and many other countries:
Microsoft Surface Pro (5th and 7th Gen onwards)
Microsoft Surface Pro X (5th Gen onwards)
>>Is your device eSIM compatible and you are about to have a trip to Vietnam!
Still not sure if your device supports eSIM? Contact our support via email/live chat or contact your vendor/carrier directly.
2. How many eSIMs can be used on one eSIM-compatible device
The maximum number of eSIMs which can be installed on the device depends on your device model. This number ranges from 1 to 20. However, you are advised to have 3 at maximum in your device only, and only one eSIM can be active at one time.ManufacturerModelMaximum number of eSIMsAppleiPhone XR20AppleiPhone XS20AppleiPhone XS Max20AppleiPhone 1120AppleiPhone 11 Pro20AppleiPhone 11 Pro Max20AppleiPhone SE (2020)20AppleiPhone 12 Mini20AppleiPhone 1220AppleiPhone 12 Pro20AppleiPhone 12 Pro Max20AppleiPhone 13 mini20AppleiPhone 1320AppleiPhone 13 Pro20AppleiPhone 13 Pro Max20AppleiPhone SE (2022)20AppleiPad Pro (2018 and onwards)20AppleiPad Air20AppleiPad20AppleWatch series 31AppleWatch series 41AppleWatch series 51AppleWatch series 61AppleWatch SE1GooglePixel 31GooglePixel 3a1GooglePixel 41GooglePixel 4a1GooglePixel 51GooglePixel 61GooglePixel 6a1GooglePixel 6 Pro1HuaweiP401HuaweiP40 Pro (not including the P40 Pro +)1HuaweiMate 40 Pro1MotorolaRazr 20191MotorolaRazr 5G1SamsungGalaxy Fold1SamsungGalaxy Fold 31SamsungGalaxy Z Fold 2 5G1SamsungGalaxy Z Flip1SamsungGalaxy Z Flip 5G1SamsungGalaxy Z Fold2 5G1SamsungGalaxy S201SamsungGalaxy S211SamsungGalaxy S21+ 5G1SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G1SamsungGalaxy S221SamsungGalaxy S22+1SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra1SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G 1SamsungGalaxy Note 201SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G1Nuu MobileX51Planet ComputersGemini PDA1Rakuten MobileRakuten Mini1Rakuten MobileBig-S1Rakuten MobileBig1OppoFind X3 Pro1OppoReno 5 A1OppoReno6 Pro 5G1OppoFind X51OppoFind X5 Pro1OppoA55s1SonyXperia 10 III Lite 1SonyXperia 1 IV1HonorMagic 4 Pro1
3. How to check my phone supports esim and is carrier-unlocked
It’s not difficult to figure out whether your phone is carrier-unlocked and supports eSIM or not, as all are shown in your phone’s settings. While your phone’s unlock status is well indicated through the SIM restriction/Network section, your phone’s eSIM capacity is well displayed via your phone’s IME (International Mobile Equipment Identity).
In the section below, we will guide you to check the unlock status and eSIM-capacity of your iOS and Android phones.
3.1 How to check if my iOS device is eSIM compatible and carrier unlocked?
In order to determine whether your iOS device is carrier unlocked and eSIM compatible or not, you will need to:
Check its unlock by
going to Settings> General> About.
scrolling down to view the “Carrier lock” section.
It should say “NO SIM restrictions”, which means that the device is unlocked.
And then check its eSIM capacity by scrolling down to view the “AVAILABLE SIM” (iOS 15 and newer) or “DIGITAL SIM”(older iOS versions) section. It should contain an IMEI under AVAILABLE SIM or DIGITAL SIM, which means that the device is eSIM compatible.
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3.2 How to check if my Android phone supports eSIM and is carrier-unlocked?
In order to confirm that your Android device is carrier unlocked and supports eSIM, you will need to check its unlock status first and then find the “eSIM IMEI” number. Please follow the steps below:
For Samsung devices
Check its unlock status by:
Going to Settings > Connections (or Network & Internet, or other variations depending on brand and model)
Selecting Mobile network (or Cellular network, or other variation depending on brand and model)
Tapping Advanced (if needed) and selecting Choose Network (or Automatically select network, or another variant to open the list of carriers).
If several carriers appear, the chances are that your phone is unlocked and just needs the appropriate SIM card. For further confirmation, continue to the step below.
Removing the old SIM card from your phone and insert the newly activated one from the other carrier. Trying using mobile data to browse the internet but ensuring that Wi-Fi is disabled.
>> If you successfully browsed the internet, your phone is definitely unlocked.
Now, check your phone’s eSIM-compatibility by:
Going to Settings
If in Settings you see a search bar, typing in “IMEI”, and the option “IMEI information” (or similar) should show up (otherwise, you will need to go to About phone> Status).
Tap “IMEI information”
If the “IMEI (eSIM)” is available, it should mean that your device supports eSIM.
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Other Android devices
Check the unlock status in the same way as you do with the Samsung phones
Then, dial *#06# to check the eSIM capacity.
In case your device is eSIM-compatible, you should be able to view your device’s eSIM unique identification number (EID)
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4. FAQs
How to check if my phone is carrier unlocked?
To check your phone’s unlock status, you can do as guided above. Alternatively, you can power down your phone, place a new SIM card (for your new carrier) into the SIM tray on the side of the iPhone, then power the device back on, and make a call to see it’s carrier-unlocked or not. If you’re unsure about your device being locked or unlocked, you can contact your cellular provider about the status of your mobile phone. If, for example, you are still paying off your phone through a mobile contract, it is likely that your phone is locked.
How do I know if my Samsung S20/21 is FE or not?
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What should I do if my phone is not compatible with eSIM? How can I connect to the internet on my travel to Vietnam?
If your phone does not support eSIM technology, you can buy a physical Vietnam SIM Card at Vietnam airport upon arrival or within the country when you are there.
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iosgods · 2 months
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