#since this theory is obviously wrong i like to consider it an au
veveisveryuncool · 8 months
birth of a fallen angel or something like that
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yoo anyone remember that old theory that galacta knight was kirby???
kirbytober day 24: classic/au
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the-chains-cafe · 2 months
Hello ! I'm sorry if this has already been answered before but aren't Legend and Fable siblings.. Uh no let me repharse, Do you consider them as siblings ?
I know it's just a theory based on the last words of Legend's uncle in aLttP (a Link to the Past) wich are "Zelda is your..." (correct me if I'm wrong but I think those are the words).
I know it's a pretty popular headcanon among the zelda fandom in general.
I figured since you ship them you clearly don't consider them as related like that but for my peace of mind I need to know please..
Also that apart you're AU is really good ! And I love your art I wanna eat it and throw it on the wall ahhh
First of all, I just wanna say that it made me super happy how you worded this ask. :) people usually come to me and just tell me that I can’t ship them because they’re siblings. Which canonically theyre not. (In both loz and LU. I think it’s still a super fun headcanon, but people just. Ugh.)
idk what was going on with the translation team cuz the original line was „you are Zelda’s…“ and that opens up a lot more options, like „last hope“ or something.
Anyway, to answer your question, no I don’t consider them siblings, I do not ship incest.
But if you would like to see them as siblings in this AU, you can send me an ask! Then maybe I can draw them both working at the cafe, or fable telling the rest some embarrassing stories about him, or something. (Without any romantic stuff between them obviously) Wouldn’t be, like, AU canon, but would be fun, sure!
Oh yea now that I mentioned that, art requests for the AU are open btw!
Also thank you so so so much, I’m super glad you like it :D :)))
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dazais-guardian-angel · 2 months
🧡💚 for the meme
I'll just do Tales since that's our shared fandom lol
🧡: What is a popular (serious) theory you disagree with?
Any theory about anyone other than Luke being who comes back at the end of Tales of the Abyss. I'm sorry, I don't mind any and all headcanons or AUs about it being someone other than him, I don't judge or blame anyone at all who likes them (I like them too, for the angst lol), but I just cannot accept that the canon identity is anyone other than Luke himself. And it has nothing to do with any of the scientific evidence in-game, even (though obviously that stuff is important to consider), but simply that thematically the story falls apart if it isn't Luke who comes back at the end, and I firmly believe that. I know the writers said it's meant to be ambiguous, but I will always believe that despite that claim, the story and evidence they presented only points to and can only work with one definitive answer: Luke. Sista's post from over ten years ago now (what the fuck) STILL holds up to this day and is STILL the definitive explanation as to how and why it's him, to me.
💚: What does everyone else get wrong about your favorite character?
I really can't think of anything like this in Tales for me......... I guess the tale (lol) as old as time of people hating pre-haircut Luke and finding him too annoying and not seeing anything past that about him early on. Fortunately that doesn't really seem to be as prevalent anymore, at least to the degree that people quit the game because they can't stand him lol
Thank you 🩷
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twinvictim · 1 year
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hello!! i want to hear EVERYTHING about this!! aus with Nishiki usually go for a "happier" route, so making his situation worse is... an interesting take to say the least lmao. i need to know: is yuko still alive in all this or does she die and Nishiki just. doesn't hear about it until he gets out of jail??
Oh you have activated my Bullshit TM hehe. Don't get me wrong I love making things better for him, and even this au eventually would do that but not before it gets Way worse, sort or just expanding on all the implications of Nishiki serving those ten years. Truthfully it's like the worst option of the three outcomes of the situation. Forgive me if this is incoherent it's like 3 am right after work and also forgive me for shelling my various theories like "nishiki makes so much more sense if he has feelings for Kiryu" and "trans masc swag" readmore bc I can't shut up
To answer the first question, as much as I really want Yuko to be there as a character bc i feel like she could add some interesting dynamics and really a potential voice of reason based on me making shit up about her, I feel for this au it makes more sense that she still passes away. Possibly earlier this time as Nishiki obviously isn't around to try and save her as fervently. But I still feel like she would have an impact in a way, at least with how Nishiki sees the world and the people around him. Also for reasons I can't explain I feel like she was the only one of the 4 of them that just. Didn't really like Kazama, and Nishiki was the only one she would say this too, added doubt and such, added guilt for fighting with her about it bc he was so certain that Kazama did love him. (And also...does he though? Hmm)
Also a point I'll make, nobody even once tries to contact Nishiki while he's in jail except to expel him from the clan, and unlike Kiryu he doesn't even get the "Oh yumi is missing but we're looking for her!" Thing from Shinji. He just kinda, stops existing to everyone.
Also unlike Kiryu, he isn't some weirdo who just stares at the wall for ten years, I think despite it generally being very difficult and horrible he has a way of making some allies here and there, at least having friendly acquaintances kinda like Saejima in y5, he's personable and while it's not like he isn't really lonely it's definitely better than nothing. Also think he's generally smart enough to not let people know he killed Dojima bc it's rough enough already. Playing into the fact that everyone thinks he's a huge pussy (insert 10 years in the joint line here)
The first thing he does after getting out of jail natrually is trying to track down everyone important to him, it's not hard to find Reina and she is one of the few people that hasn't changed In some way, she's definitely sadder for sure, but she's still here and still cares about him. In the time away she hasn't seen Yumi at all, but the handful of times Kiryu has shown up he says she's okay. She doesn't really know much more than that but considering Nishiki is homeless and out of a job she does just kinda force him to sleep there so she can attempt to help him, Serena Hideout as usual.
Thing is Yumi isn't missing, not really, supposedly she runs a bar just outside Kamurocho, but Reina's been entirely unable to find it, Kiryu's been exactly no help, it seems like they don't talk much if at all anymore and that Yumi mostly just wants to be left alone. (Bc Kazama doesn't feel like he should hide her from Kiryu like he did with Nishiki, since she didn't accociate Kiryu with all the trauma, and thus isnt scared of him, she's just sort of left to her own devices. I like the haircut and tattoo tho so I always keep it with her) I think Yumi is just weary, she can't forgive the clan as a whole for what it did to both her, and two people she cared about, and there's alot of complicated feelings about being raised into it with no choice in the matter. Feelings I think she's always had but tried not to think about, and now she has to contend with them in some way, or she should but doesn't. Bc she's still deathly afraid, unable to fully come to terms with her parents as well as the second shooting and it was better for her health for a long time to simply pretend Nishiki didn't exist. Kind of a default now bc the last thing she remembers of him is so traumatic its sort of inadvertently triggering to think about even the good things. The only thing she is sure of is she wants none of that for her daughter and if that means she has to miss the people she cares about than that's what it means.
Everyone still speaks highly of Kiryu of course, and natrually he does have his own family. He doesn't decend into any kind of violent spiral because genuinely people look up to and respect him, Kazama wasn't stacking the deck against him either bc why would he do that to his favorite child. really the problem is everything is kind of too easy and he doesn't see a point in it. Surrounded by yes men and people who see him as something he doesn't really want to be, and it's like he doesn't have to try. Mostly I think he's depressed bc he saw what being to close to the yakuza does to innocent people so he's cut himself off from his friends outside the circle, and everyone inside the circle is the same as theyve always been, and he just doesn't see a point in it all but keeps doing it because thats what he promised he'd do. Maybe he resents Nishiki a little bit for encouraging their shared dream, maybe he just hates that everyone forgot about him, and it just feels like something is always missing. He still can't seem to handle seeing Nishiki again though, possibly ashamed or scared. Maybe he doesn't feel like he earned the right to invite him into something that wasn't built with any kind of effort. And in the end he still failed to cross that line with him and maybe he's never forgiven himself for that.
But it's not like Nishiki or really anybody knows all that. So doesn't it just seem like yet another person abounded him. And this time it's the most important one.
Kashiwagi is interesting and stuck in a tight spot himself bc of the two pseudo parental figures they have he's the one that does genuinely equally care about them. But being that he is Kazama's right hand man, if Kazama doesn't want him to have anything to do with Nishiki than there isn't much he can do. It's not like Nishiki doesn't know or understand that, and it's not like Kashiwagi doesn't try, but he can really only do so much and it still isn't a good roll of the dice for Nishikis health either.
Haruka in this is kind of fun to speculate on. Natrually being that the (kinda dumb ngl) plot point about her father being Jingu cannot really happen or rather I don't think it adds anything, that only leaves us with Dojima being her biological father, and the only real change I'd that she's a couple months older honestly, so go with that. So being that Yumi is a working, single parent who's also horribly depressed and lonely as she no longer has a support system of friends, Haruka does end up in that Weirdly Mature for her age situation where she can to some degree take care of herself and spends time wandering town bc she's bad at making friends her own age. She's met Kiryu once or twice by 2005 but doesn't remember him much, (same goes for Kashiwagi who has tried but was met with Yumi telling him to let them be for their safety, which he understood even if he wouldve liked to know Haruka better). And due to the aforementioned Trauma Shit she's just never heard of Nishiki and doesn't know who the hell he is when she happens across him. Nishiki obviously doesn't know who she is either, just that she reminds him of someone, and while he's not really thrilled about some random fucking kid following him around bc she's bored it's not like he has many options as far as friends and she's kinda funny anyway, though it doesn't look great for a convicted murderer to just kinda hang out with somr kid thats not his but Date doesn't like him at fucking all anyway and the feeling is mutual so he and Haruka just duck around the detective when he's trying to bug Nishiki. He probably just has some amount of fun with her and she won't leave him alone anyway, and he gets the sense she's kinda lonely too.
And bc I'm crazy, Majima :). I think their dynamic could be fun, mostly I think that when they don't have a mediator or they're both doing Very Bad mental health wise it's some kind of vauge self recognition through the other turned what if we did alot of coke, turned what if we just fuck and hit eachother with chairs. Majima everywhere 2! But not bc he wants to test his resolve or something but bc he finds that irritating Nishiki is really goddamn funny, and I think a part of him is really curious about why he did what he did, bc while people had speculations neither Nishiki nor Kiryu ever confirmed what exactly happened for Yumis sake. I think Majima also just finds him interesting in the 'nothing means anything" kinda way. At some point after being abandoned, snubbed, spit on, beat up, and even sort of erased out of both families he had, Nishiki reaches a similar 'I don't fucking care' scenario and Majima is an enabler, fully willing and able to help him indulge in life being pointless and nobody needing or wanting you around. But Nishiki also despretly wants to connect with someone in a genuine way and I think he's good enough at being just every so slightly manipulative and pushy in the right ways to sort of open Majima up too and that's a whole fucking thing bc Majima hates that. He's also unpredictable and does not want to be open or vulnerable in any way, so Majima also snubs him at times, blows him off or is outwardly mean. Not someone you wanna stake any bets on.
And finally as far as main characters that would play a role, there's Kazama. And boy howdy. Kazama for reasons I cannot get into now, I think feels mostly guilty when it comes to Nishiki (and to an extent Yuko) that he doesn't quite get from his other kids which definitely skews his favoritism. I think that Kiryu was so young, a baby of very young toddler, that Kazama was happy to easily mold him for a long time (until Kiryu watches him kill two people that is, bc I think that really sent some genuine doubts that he'd never had before into motion bur I digress) he Kay as well have found Kiryu on the road. And I think due to her directly witnessing the violence, Yumi cannot really remember much without panicking except that Kazama was there and she needed him. For various reasons I think there was something about Nishiki that told Kazama that he not only ruined this child's life (in my own hc about what happened very nearly killed him and yuko also) but that Nishiki still didn't need him to be successful or happy or whatever and that really rubs Kazama the wrong way, both bc he can't calm any of his guilt and bc it hurts his pride. So to him, Nishiki going away to jail and simply not existing other than a name uttered with scorn or mockery was fitting. He wouldn't say that for sure, he'd never admit that his pride and sense of usefulness was hurt, but it was. Still I think there is something in him that cares about Nishiki, despite their contrasting personalities and the more cold additude he always gave him compared to the other kids, he does to some extent love Nishiki and he doesn't really like that. Flies in the face of him being in control of everything. Nishiki comes back and he doesn't try to go out of his way to harass him at first, or make his life harder, but he doesn't really stop anyone from trying to attack him, nor does he ignore when Nishiki inadvertently gets somewhat involved in the clan drama or when he tries to find Kiryu or Yumi again. Only really speaking to him to tell him they'd be better off if he stayed away from them.
I realize this isn't much actual plot and just general Vibes of what I'm going for, as well as needless character analysis but I hope it's enjoyable anyway. I personally like it when things get really really bad for a character and then through sheer force of continuing to fight even if it seems pointless things get, just that little bit better bc they didn't give up and nobody refuses to give up completely quite like Nishiki. I can't say I didn't think of this as an excise to make Nishiki break down in tears again repeatedly but what can you I love when men cry. I'm sure I have more ideas for this but it is now. 4:30 am so! Another time! But I love fish boy I love to hurt him and then make him better.
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howlingday · 2 years
tragic backstory (tm) au) cin cin needs help learning the rapier, or the small sword doesn't really matter it's just her class is doing a story about a masked hero and she wants to get the lead really bad. jaune's sorry to say that he doesn't know much beyond longsword from his own time as a practice partner, but maybe letting her train with weiss would help? i mean obviously real combat isn't a good match for stage but anything is better than nothing right?
meanwhile ren's thinking he might have to rethink the assassin theory, he doesn't think jaune's sister has it in her to even say a bad thing about jaune let alone kill him... so why is he training her in such things? and what sort of training lets her be that athletic and graceful! (ballerinas are jacked man! never even try to mess with one)
and weiss is struggling to not have a mental breakdown, the girl is a once in a generation genius when it comes to the small sword and rapier but everytime she thinks she's connecting with her newest student she huffs and clams up, she's not even hiding anything it's just that she seems to remember that she's supposed to be mad at them for some reason and then goes back to pouting! she can't imagine anyone being so stubborn even when they're wrong! (basically cin-cin is volume 1 weiss when she's mad and these people were mean to her big brother for a long time from what she heard!)
You Do It For Cin
Cinnamon Arc loves many thing. First, she loves her family, who was always there for her through everything. Second, she loves her friends, whom she shared many wonderful memories with. Third and finally, and possibly more than anything else, she loves the theater.
She loved dressing up, performing, and becoming something more than herself! She begged her parents to take her to every play they could. She would reference the greats wherever she could, and often disrupted class for the sake of the arts.
Ozpin: (Clack! Clack! Clack!) And you left your sister under the care of Ms. Schnee?
Jaune: (Clack! Clack! Clack!) Yeah, I trust her. Besides, she's the better swordswoman than I am.
Ozpin: (Clack! Clack! Clack!) Well, to be fair, of the two of you, she's the only swordswoman of the two of you.
Jaune: (Clack! Clack! Clack!) I can't argue with that.
Ozpin: (Clack! Clack! Clack!) A moment, Mr. Arc.
Jaune: (Stops) What's wrong?
Ozpin: Nothing. I just have a question for you.
Jaune: Oh, okay. What do you want to know?
Ozpin: Actually, that's exactly what my question was going to be.
Jaune: Huh?
Ozpin: I'm sure you have questions for me, so consider this your chance to learn what you can. Ask me any question.
Jaune: Uh, okay. Uh, how old are you?
Ozpin: Much, much older than you, or anyone you know.
Jaune: Really?
Ozpin: Indeed.
Jaune: Older than Professor Port?
Ozpin: Much older.
Jaune: Older than the Councilman.
Ozpin: Much, much older.
Jaune: What, are you, like, a hundred years old? (Thwack!) OW!
Ozpin: (Smiles) Much older.
Jaune: I feel like you're messing with me.
Ozpin: A little bit, yes.
Weiss: Now, just as I showed you...
Cin-Cin: I know what I'm doing.
Weiss: Yes, but your arm is too tense. You should try-
Cin-Cin: I have been doing this for years! I don't need you smothering me, hag!
Weiss: H-Hag?
Yang: (Sigh) Not again. (Picks up Weiss) Come on, Weiss, suck it up, you're not a hag. Just useless teenager.
Weiss: Useless?! I'll have you know, Xiao Long, that I have done nothing but excel since...
Yang: (Walks back) Yup, this is going to be a long day.
Nora: So she's not an assassin in training?
Ren: I'm starting to think no. She's attached to her brother, so when the time comes, she won't have it in her.
Blake: Not to mention, I can't imagine Jaune training an assassin.
Ruby: He was in the mob, wasn't he?
Nora: No, he made that up to hide the fact he learned it using the bones of his best friend rat while he was enslaved.
Ruby: (Sniffs) Poor ratty!
Pyrrha: I remember Jaune telling me she's a fan of performing Huntsman. He said she's attending Sanctum so she can learn to fight and perform in an arena.
Ruby: So she's going to Sanctum to be an actor?
Pyrrha: Not everyone who attends and graduates from a primary school go on to a Huntsman Academy. Sometimes, they'll go back to have regular jobs, using their experience to benefit the community without committing to the Huntsman lifestyle.
Nora: So Sanctum is just another step towards being an actor?
Pyrrha: Real combat isn't that different from stage combat, though there are key differences, such as developing a killing intent.
Nora: Killing intent? With her
Weiss: Now, one, two, three, tap. One, two, three, tap. One, two-
Cin-Cin: I'll kill you! (Weiss expertly deflects every strike) Die! Die! Die! (Huffs, Pants)
Weiss: ...Are you done, dear? Good! Now, as we were doing. One, two, three, tap.
Nora: Yeah, I could see it.
Jaune: Wow... So that's what Uncle Jim was like. I never got to meet him before he died, but he sounds really strong.
Ozpin: Indeed. Though, I wish he controlled his emotions better.
Jaune: (Chuckles) Yeah, he sounds like he was an emotional kind of guy.
Ozpin: Yes, the apple doesn't fall far, does it?
Jaune: Hey, I am not that emotional.
Ozpin: Mr. Arc, te only difference between yourself and your uncle was his voracious appetite for flesh.
Jaune: Hey, I eat a lot of meat, too!
Ozpin: (Leans forward, Gives a knowing look) Not what I'm talking about.
Jaune: (Blushing) Oh...
Ozpin: In fact, he was especially fond of one woman in particular. A miss-
Vernal: Raven! (Rips open tent) You're going to need to see this!
Raven: (Steps out, Walks with Vetnal) This better be good.
Vernal: It isn't, ma'am. It really isn't. We were watching the Luna tribe, when suddenly one of them started screaming, then the others! Next thing we knew, they were beating each other to death, then gutting themselves!
Raven: Did any of them escape?
Vernal: Yes, but they were moving south to other side of the camp. I think they were hiding from them and trying to get you to protect them.
Raven: Cowards and weaklings, all of- (Looks over the death and gore) I'll be back. (Flies up in her raven form, Flies back down shortly after) Mobilize the camp. We're going to Beacon.
Vernal: Of course, but may I ask why?
Raven: Because like it, or not, I need Ozpin.
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thetaoofbetty · 2 years
I just think it’s funny because just when Vanessa posted that caption with "River-Verse" alluring that they are for sure going with multiverse stuff and a lot of things point to this Riverdale not being the real one either BAs are starting to panic and commenting "it’s not an AU!" On every post making this theory but they should’ve seen this outcome since 606 when superpowers, the devil and Tabitha legit being Doctor Strange 2.0 came into the plot on "Riverdale". The way every character is acting, the similarities with Vale, the random things that happened in 605 that got not explanation. It’s "River-Verse" because it’s not Dale or Vale, but another one in between. It’s a repeat on the special. It’s like when they were so sure everything on Vale was going to be real only for them to be proven wrong. All that confidence now but I know they’ll be crying by the finale for a story line we saw coming miles away.
let us all take a moment for the b/as who told us that rivervale was just the name of the town now.
might be the same people who have told me that riverdale has switched genres before so this makes total sense (i have questions about their definition of genre now tbh). or that it would parallel the vale but would obviously have the baby and wedding for real (and you guessed it, i don't think they know what parallel means either).
the thing is, i don't really know what the people who think the vale isn't or won't affect the dale people are thinking. they're having deja-vu, tabitha just heard the call to betty over the radio. it's clearly leaking through. that means that it's not fixed. something went wrong when they tried to fix it.
oh lord, i'm about to give this more thought than the writers ever will but listen, they were oddly specific about calling it a pocket universe, right?
here's what i know about pocket universes. they're not parallel universes. ha.
nah, okay i'm sorry. i vote we use what i learned from dr who about them and call it what he did: a distorted echo of our own (universe). and that they never lasted long? which makes sense for the event but they had jughead try to save them all. and i believe they looped too.
i think they have an entry and exit point? which makes sense since i feel like that would be the point where they're overlapping? maybe? going off memory here so good luck to me.
like, obvs, they're going for something here and adding in the comics, the clear time travel, the bomb (the mystery of it and how pocket universes are supposed to have their own big bang (am pretty sure on that but not 100%) along with vale archie talking about the bomb being the creation of rivervale, i feel like those pieces can all be picked up and looked at even if not everything fits perfectly.
especially when you consider how popular it is to have different laws of nature in other universes (superpowers/supernatural stuff).
no idea what my point is anymore tbh. just that you can be confident in your ship and still see how the vale is messing with it. i mean, i don't remember the last time i watched or read anything that messed with time and universes that didn't try and fix the point where it all went wrong but if you don't think anything went wrong, why care what others are talking about?
like, yeah, i'm leaning towards riverdale finding a way to handwave all of it away with no real long term consequences because i expect them to do what they've always done. they did it in the event. they did it in s5 for the mystery portion of the show. they did it in s1-4. and them bringing in sabrina again?👀
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
More "de-aged Taka and T7 end up in the Warring Clans Era as Founders' wards" AU
“That’s a thing?” you ask. The answer is yes.
Uh. Kind of. Deaging Team Seven for the sake of tossing them back in time for a Founder to adopt is pretty common, but I’m trash for Taka so this AU started with me brainstorming the asshole team.
I am falling more and more in love with the idea of Tobirama ending up with custody of Team Taka somehow. He’s a science dad, but like. Marginally more ethical than Orochimaru.
Everyone around them is like "This is a terrible idea and it's all going to end horribly" and he's just like "Ah, these are now my children."
I've read so many "Team Seven time-travels and is de-aged, get adopted by the Founders" or "a Founder time-travels forward and adopts Naruto, subsequently picking up the others" and they're good but I now want the same plot with an even more dysfunctional collection of... eldritch mishaps? The AO3 feel of "I want this fic I just read, again, but a step to the left so it feels fresh and new"
I'm considering the tent of tranquility idea (courtesy of @sloaners​) and I've come to the decision that Tobirama's... probably going to end up with Several Holes in it, and burns, and cuts, because Karin and Suigetsu never stop fighting, and if they're fighting, they're not paying attention to how soon Juugo's going to lose his grip on control.
"Hm. Tobirama?" "Anija." "Where did you get children?" "They showed up." "One of them looks like an Uchiha." "He does." "Two of them are trying to kill each other." "That's normal." "Are the Uchiha going to accuse us of stealing a clan child?" "Probably." "...Tobirama, did you steal these children?" "No."
(It's not kidnapping if they show up and break into your house first.)
(Also none of them are particularly pressed to ditch the Senju and find their clans. Maybe eventually. Not now.)
They’re assholes but Karin is, even at Supposedly Age Three, babbling at Tobirama about proper lab protocol and chemical reactions and isn’t that just the most adorable thing?
Very few people find Karin as adorable as Tobirama does, because Karin knows more ways to kill a person than most adult shinobi, because most adult shinobi don’t know about things like flesh-eating diseases and specialty poisons from the other side of the continent that can only be refined via chemical processes that won’t exist for another three decades.
Juugo is a sweetheart. Best child. Then he loses his mind but it’s okay, Sasuke is there. Do the Senju trust the clearly-Uchiha child to control the much larger five-year-old? No. But they don’t have any better ideas right now, so.
Tobirama: Hm, we should do something about that. Karin: Here’s a list of ideas and things that have already been tried. Tobirama: Thank you, small child. Where did you get this? Karin: ... Tobirama: Fair enough, let’s see what we can do.
Suigetsu is a little terror because not only is he a Massive Jerk but he also has better control over water than most adults. Mostly because he is water. It’s very hard to find him when he’s avoiding chores.
Karin clings to Mito sometimes because Family! and then Hashirama tries to tease Tobirama about being upset that one of his students/children has ditched him. Hashirama ends up moping in a corner because Tobirama snaps at him, unsurprisingly.
IDK if we have like any canon for Touka beyond skill with genjutsu, but going off of the fanon that she used a naginata, I’m going to say that Suigetsu keeps trying to challenge her to Blade Fights and she’s just like Neat, A Tiny Murder Machine.
Sasuke is very quiet for the most part and Dramatically Broods On Rooftops And In Trees and Hashirama is just like YES YOU REMIND ME OF MY BROTHER AND ALSO MY BEST FRIEND and Sasuke hides.
Sasuke does not need another Naruto, thank you.
Sasuke ends up hanging out with Mito, I think? Like yeah, sure, she’s an Uzumaki, but she’s chill and refined and calm and she has really good tea in stock. Sure he has to learn fuuinjutsu to have an excuse to hang out with her, but that’s fine. It’s interesting. Karin does it too, sometimes.
tbh that probably leaves Hashirama to hang out with Juugo? Juugo isn’t great at Excite but he is great at nature so I feel like Hashirama would be stars-in-eyes about Juugo talking to birds the way Hashirama talks to trees, and Hashirama just gets him a chicken coop like HERE. FRIENDS.
But back to the suspected child theft.
Hashirama is like “That is... clearly an Uchiha. They are going to find out, Tobirama! Someone is going to figure out we have--” “Sasuke, show him your other eye. Yeah, the one you cover.” “...” “Okay, go back to playing.” “...Tobirama.” “Yeah?” “That was a Rinnegan.” “You know those rumors that the only way to get a Rinnegan is to mix the Uchiha and Senju bloodlines?” “It’s true?” “No idea, Sasuke won’t tell me anything about his parents other than their names, and he’s three, but even the chance of it being true means we have an arguable claim.” “...that’s not going to be enough to convince the Uchiha.” “The theory is but one weapon of many in the upcoming battle of wits.” “Tobirama--” “Now if you’ll excuse me, Anija, I need to go make sure Suigetsu doesn’t flood the training grounds again.”
tbh I can’t remember who made the original comment in canon about the Rinnegan being achieved via Senju/Uchiha babies but it’s funny to use here so I’ll pretend it’s a common rumor that nobody actually believes
MEANWHILE WITH THE UCHIHA Madara found and took custody of Team Seven and company, mostly because they’re like... jounin-level despite being less than three feet tall.
It involves a lot of Madara going "I want My New Children to love me!" and being sorely disappointed by half of them. Poor fucker got stuck with Naruto, Sakura, Sai, Kakashi, Yamato, and Obito.
(KakaYamaObito are deaged by the time-travel to 10-13ish. The kids are deaged to 3-4. Everyone has memories to just after the fourth war or so.)
Karin sensed T7 and tagalong pretty much the second they popped out of Kamui, and told Sasuke, but he correctly guessed that Naruto would hunt him down eventually, and said they should enjoy the peace and quiet while they had it.
Sai pulls emotionless creepy smiles in an attempt to freak out Madara but since Madara's whole thing initially was "less children in war," he's... mostly just sad. Izuna wants to know who made his brother cry.
Madara makes a vaguely misogynistic comment that's typical for the period and Sakura just. Breaks his tibia.
Naruto is genuinely trying to treat Madara with the kind of respect a caretaker that Attempts To Care And Do Good By Them deserves, because Naruto is a good egg, but he's... three again. Which means he's a Hellion.
The literal toddlers (Naruto and Sakura are three-ish, Sai is four-ish) are, in fact, toddlers, so nobody really expects them to be able to do anything. Nobody bothers to test them beyond the basics of like. Can walk? Can talk? Can maybe hold knife? Like don’t get me wrong, they’re very competent toddlers, but their hands can barely wrap around a kunai. Their bodies are tiny. Their bones only just stopped being soft!
That said, the “tweens” (re: adults who got deaged but Less) have to get tested for their skills. Kakashi downplays himself to what he imagines a semi-competent eleven-year-old to be capable of. He thinks of, like, Neji maybe? Good, but not suspiciously good.
Obito enters an intangible state and refuses to participate. He has a Mangekyo. His body is half-Zetsu. Stop bothering him. He doesn’t want to do anything. They assign him babysitting duty for Team Seven since he can obviously defend pretty well, and Kakashi vouches for his abilities as a fighter.
Yamato decides to try to be just a little worse than Kakashi but at one point he panics and does Mokuton on instinct and now the entire Uchiha compound is screeching because did they just steal a Main Family Senju kid by accident?
Yamato: Should I tell them I was a science experiment? Kakashi: No.
Pranks galore! None of the other time-travelers even try to stop Naruto, except maybe Yamato.
Obito at the Uchiha compound is mostly "I don't want to participate" and then just uses Kamui to be intangible until people leave him alone. If it's not another time-traveler or Madara, he's not interested. He doesn't even care that much about Sai or Yamato, actually, so if it's not an original T7 member, he doesn't care, and if it's Madara, he's just here to make things Difficult.
The Kyuubi wanders up to the Uchiha compound one day and everyone's preparing for a battle, even Madara isn't confident that he can-- [BANG] "KURAMA!" [delighted squealing]
Naruto now has a pet. The entire clan is terrified. Kurama pokes his nose at Naruto's stomach and disappears into the memory of a seal.
Madara, frantically writing a letter to Hashirama "What do I do if my toddler is possessed?!?"
Hashirama: You have a toddler?!?!?! OMG you should organize playdates with Tobirama's kids! Madara: I'M GOING TO QUESTION THAT LATER, PLEASE HELP WITH THE POSSESSION THING
Kurama hunts down Naruto, and the Jinchuuriki situation is very much in the realm of "Dis Mine" Also a bit of "If I'm in the brat, there's at least one Mangekyo user in hearing distance who can and will risk his life to prevent brainwashing. (Kakashi. It’s Kakashi.)
Naruto: Kurama's one of my best friends! Every time traveler: Yeah, that tracks. Madara: [teakettle screeching]
Per @firebirdeternal​: I'm just loving the visual of Giant Nightmare Terror Kurama kneeling down and pressing his nose to Naruto's Smol Chubby Toddler self and closing his eyes while Naruto pets him and giggles and every single battle-ready Uchiha is just. "wat"
Everybody else: Cool so Madara adopted a witch Uchiha Elders: We need to be careful of this horrible creature The younger generation of Uchiha: Okay that was weirdly serene and adorable and frankly the brat is really likeable when he's not being adhd as hell I think this is actually pretty dope.
Madara really wants to be a Good Dad but he has no idea how he ended up being "a dad" in the first place. He just! He cares a lot about this random assortment of kids! Some of them are from prominent clans and there should be search parties for the Senju kid with the Mokuton, or the Hatake brat, or the Uzumaki that doesn't look Uzumaki but definitely feels Uzumaki.... and SURE the only Uchiha of the bunch is a stranger who hates him for no reason Madara can come up with, but! He wants to be a good authority figure!
At least the Uzumaki appreciates that he's trying.
Seriously, though, there are clan kids and nobody’s looking for them, what’s up with that?
Kakashi still has a prize copy of Icha Icha and nobody in the Uchiha compound does a thorough check of his reading material until like three months in.
He is blamed for Naruto developing the Oiroke, because where ELSE would a toddler get such ideas? (Yamato and Obito both tell him he brought this on himself.)
Naruto waits until a Big Important Meeting lets out, something about tithes or a merchant contract, and just pulls a Harem no Jutsu in front of the entire group of Elders And Main Family. First he does a Mass Shadow Clone, which makes everyone turn on Sharingan because Fancy New Techniques to steal! Sure, they were late on the shadow clones, but the kid is clearly gearing up for something! The something is Oiroke.
Anime Nosebleeds everywhere. Most of the elders were hit. Izuna was hit. Madara is not bleeding from the nose, but he is very upset about having semi-accidentally sharingan-memorized his weird adoptee’s Sexy Older Female Alter Ego. There is yelling.
Naruto’s like “Oh, I missed some!” and decides to try again with Reverse Harem no Jutsu because there are old ladies among the Elders, and maybe some straight women representing a guild, and maybe some gay guys he missed! Madara is still not bleeding. (He’s very demi and tbh Naruto only would have succeeded if he’d tried to use Hashirama’s face. Naruto does not know this. He just figures Madara is ace like Sasuke and that no variant is going to work.)
Izuna gets another nosebleed and is just like “Well, this is not how I planned on coming out as bi, but--” “Izuna, I literally do not care about you being bi as long as one of us has an heir at some point, I’m more upset about the fact that my child has been corrupted!”
Back in the Senju compound, there is... a lot of screaming, honestly, but every time Karin and Suigetsu start trying to kill each other again, Tobirama just shrugs and tells them not to break anything.
Very easy-going caretaker, really. He's got some very deadly toddlers in hand, but they're still just toddlers.
Sasuke: Yeah, I might want to go see my clan at some point. Suigetsu: Yeah, I might want to go see my clan at some point. Karin, clinging to Mito: Yeah, I want to go see my clan at some point. Juugo: Please never, ever take me to my clan. Ever. Please. I'll stay with Sasuke, thank you.
Naruto breaks out of the Uchiha compound the first time he enters Sage Mode, several months in (it took a while to get the privacy) because he feels Sasuke and lbr if Naruto knows where Sasuke is, nothing will stop him.
The Uchiha clansmen cannot catch the errant toddler. They fail to inform Madara until Naruto is already in Senju territory because nobody wanted to admit the toddler outmaneuvered them.
Naruto wasn’t sure how to get into the Senju Compound safely so he just goes full Kyuubi, bounds over the wall screaming SASUKEEEEE at the top of his lungs, and then shrinks back down to Tiny Brat size so he could hug his Bestest Friend Ever and cling like a limpet while Sasuke just sighs and stares at the wall.
Sakura ran after him.
Sai painted a bird and Yamato dragged Kakashi onto it to chase Naruto, because Kakashi is at a point of zen regarding Naruto's bullshit and fully trusts the kid to not die.
Obito refuses to look up from whatever he's doing and asks people why they think he cares.
“We told you to look after the toddlers!” “Why would you do that? Seems like poor planning on your part.”
Disappears when nobody's looking. Waits until the Ruckus at the Senju compound (where T7 has crashed in to tackle-hug Sasuke and Madara followed in and proceeded to get shouty, and nobody's dead or battling because they're too confused and also it's a comedy) has started to calm down, and then teleports in and demonstrates Mokuton just to make Madara's life harder when the Senju Elders start demanding answers.
His energy is very "I am here to make Madara's life harder" and Madara still doesn't know what he did wrong.
Madara: That brat has a Sharingan! Tobirama: Well THAT one has Mokuton! Obito: Yamato has it too. [angry teakettle noises]
Madara's first response to seeing Sasuke is to turn to Izuna and point aggressively at the toddler while making a tea-kettle noise "He looks just like you!" "He's four, he barely looks like anything!"
Naruto, tugging at Madara's hakama: You need to make a village with Hashirama so I can see Sasuke more often, cuz I don't wanna ditch you guys, but I gotta see Sasuke! He's my best friend! Madara, who is aware that he could fight this child but really doesn't want to, and also knows that a tantrum thrown by Naruto or Sasuke is capable of leveling mountains: Right, yes, we'll get right on that.
tbh Madara wants the village anyway but "The bijuu-whisperer said he wants it to happen" is a great way to push things forward.
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vanillann · 3 years
within the vision (bucky barnes x f.reader)
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bare with me, this is obviously an au before anyone attacks me, i know it doesn’t follow cannon but i wanna do it this way so :)
since a bunch of people liked the idea, here the prologue!! ALSO THANK YOU FOR 1.1K!!
warning: swearing, WANDAVISION SPOILERS
word count: 1.7k
within the vision masterlist
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Steve let the walkie-talkie sit back on the metal table, his empty hand running around his forehead as he thought over his next options. I sat beside him, my back leaning on the table as I watched Wanda’s body lay lifeless in the bed.
The only reason we knew she was alive was the small heartbeat Banner had found and the words she would mumble every so often.
“No response,” Steve spoke, turning around to look at Wanda. Bucky and Sam stood against the other wall, all eyes on Wanda.
“S-straw-“ her words fell out as they had before. So far we had the word heart, music, and now straw.
“She has a straw?” Sam asked, looking across the room at Cap and me.
“Why does it matter if she had a straw or not! She’s in a coma,” I snapped, the anger running through my veins, causing the light of the room to flicker quickly before Steve placed a hand on my arm, ignoring the little shock he had become used to when I was touched.
“We’ll figure it out,” he did his best to calm me, I could tell if it was because he cared or because he didn’t want to explain to Tony why the power went out.
“Before or after she fries her own brain?” I turned around, my eyes boring into Steve’s.
“She isn’t going to fry her brain,” Bucky spoke up, rolling his eyes at my words.
“Look who's talking,” I muttered under my breath, smiling when he picked his metal arm up and flicked me off.
Steve and Sam both rolled their eyes, starting up and conversing to avoid Bucky and I snapping each other in half.
“If she doesn’t give us something then we can’t help her,” Steve spoke softly, pushing off the table to stand closer to her bed, frowning down at her.
“How does this even happen?” Same spoke up, watching someone he considered a friend, even if they weren’t close, lay on the bed with nothing to her.
“After Vision, you know,” I made blow-up motions with my hands, “she fell to the ground, and when I tried to walk her up nothing happened.”
I remember watching it happen, trying my best to make Thanos' glove malfunction while Wanda worked on the Mind Stone but I was compared to Wanda’s power. I still couldn’t believe she had to deal with the Mind Stone and Thaos at the same time.
“The Mind Stone,” I muttered the words under my breath, still remembering the explosion that wiped Wanda and me out in the woods.
“It’s destroyed,” Bucky spoke up. I didn’t even know he could hear me but I remember the super-hearing.
“The Mind Stone was destroyed by Wanda.”
I pushed off the table, pointing my finger at Wanda while I looked at the other three in the room.
“Maybe the Mind Stone did this, maybe she’s stuck in her own mind!”
Maybe it was a stretch, maybe it didn’t make any sense, but it was the only theory we had and I’d take anything at this point. I wanted my best friend back.
“Wait? You think when she destroyed the stone she got stuck in her own mind?” Steve repeated my words, looking over at me beside me.
“It’s possible, I was there when the explosion happened. It was nasty and since she was responsible for it,” I trailed off, whipping my head around to look at everyone's face.
“She might be onto something,” Sam spoke up, shrugging his shoulders.
The door to the room swung open, Banner and Stark side by side as they came for Wanda’s daily check-up.
“I think I cracked it,” I spun around, practically bouncing on my toes as I smiled at the two scientists.
“Cracked what? An egg?” Stark smirked at me, ignoring me as he walked to her heart monitor.
“No, I think I know what’s wrong with Wanda. She’s stuck in her mind.” I caught Banner’s arms, his eye looking into mine as he listened to each word I spoke.
“Well we know that-“
“No, like actually stuck in her mind,” I cut him off, stopping him from interrupting me again.
“She was the one who destroyed the Mind Stone, what if the explosion caused her to get stuck on her own,” I continued, nothing stopping until I probably looked crazy trying to convince the two of my theories.
“Then why aren’t you in her mind? You were there too,” Tony butted in, I didn’t blame him for thinking of all possible lope holes but god it got annoying.
“Because I didn’t destroy it, but what if there is a way I could get in there.”
I definitely sounded crazy now, I could tell by the glances I got from the other men in the room.
“How would you do that?” Banner did his best to not make me feel bad, I could tell by the look in his eye.
“This,” I dug around it in my pocket, pulling out a small piece of yellowish- orangish stone. It didn’t glow as it used to, but everyone knew what it was. Everyone looked at it wonder as I held a few broken pieces of the Mind Stone in my hand.
“Wanda chipped a few pieces off, hoping she could use it to save Vision.”
“It’s just a stone now,” Tony reached out for the piece but I backed up, running into Steve back in the process.
“What if we could charge it enough to teleport us into her mind?”
The room was silent, everyone felt frozen in time. Maybe it was stupid, the Mind Stone was destroyed and there wasn’t any way to bring something like that back, weren’t that powerful.
“I can’t believe I didn’t think of this,” Banner muttered lightly, staring at me as if I cured cancer or something.
“No,” Same muttered, coming around me to look at me with wide eyes.
“It's dangerous,” Steve said from behind me, this time he was the one trying to get the stone from my hand.
“I’m not leaving her there,” I turned around, looking at the two who decided to act as older brothers suddenly.
“We don’t know where it is,” Same answered, his arms crossed over his chest as he looked at me.
“That’s the worst part,” I snapped back, my arm going back to my side as the anger started getting to me again.
“What if you get stuck?” Steve spoke again, giving eyes caring but I couldn’t care at this moment.
“Then at least she isn’t alone.”
She has been my best friend ever since childhood, she was there when I found out about my father and there when the building was attacked by the Stark bomb. She was there when I found out about my powers.
“You can’t get into someone's mind and save them,” Bucky said this time, which pissed me off even more.
“What if someone left you in your mind? You’d be scared shitless,” I pushed Steve and Sam to look at Bucky in the eye, my finger against his chest and as I stared up at him.
“You should know better than anyone in this room how dangerous your own mind is,” I said in venom, the anger was so hot I was surprised that the light had flickered.
“(Y/N),” Sam's voice came out softly, his words catching me as I turned around. All eyes were on me, more specifically on my hand. When I looked down I saw the small bit of light flooding between my fingers.
I opened my hand, my jaw slacks as I looked at the once sad broken stone back into the horror it once was.
“Holy Shit,” Tony walked around the bed, taking my wrist and looking at the lit-up stone in my hand.
“Will you let me go now?” I looked up at him, my eyebrows raised as I waited for him to respond.
“You just resurrected the Mind Stone, I’d be scared to say no,” his eye never left the stone.
“I’ll go too.”
I looked over my shoulder, frowning when Bucky pushed off the wall, his word catching the entire room off guard.
“I can handle it, I literally time-traveled not that long ago-“
“This isn’t for you,” his chin pointed over at Wanda, ” she fought for me back in Germany, and plus, I know better than anyone about someone’s mind.”
I looked up at him, my hatred for him gone for a little bit as I nodded my head. Maybe he wasn’t Wanda's childhood friend, and maybe he didn’t know her great, but he was right. Wanda took his side when he needed it most, I did too but that didn’t matter now, and need this for his soul. He needs to prove himself one last time, to someone who proves themselves to him.
“Then it’s set, Bucky and I are going into Wanda’s mind.”
Again, the room fell quiet at the idea. Everyone knows of the little problem Bucky and I had with one another. I was loud and opinionated and didn’t know when to close her mouth. Bucky was laid back and was a little cold at times, he didn’t like me personally and I did. Nothing specific happened, we just clashed horribly around each other. We could do serious missions together, hell I was even on his side during the civil war, but otherwise, he ignored my comment and I always went too far.
“Are you sure?” Steve spoke up, looking between his childhood friend and his newest friend with wide eyes. He knew better than anyone how much they clashed, he knew Bucky liked girls who were laid back, and he and (Y/N) would literally start sparking when she got mad.
It was fire and ice, inside Wanda’s mind, a mind they knew nothing about.
“It’s for Wanda,” Bucky spoke up, looking at the girl who laid in the bed.
“Okay,” Tony and Banner took the now alive stones from my hand, apparently making bracelets to help us with the travel.
“For Wanda,” I spoke softly to myself again.
“For Wanda.”
permanent taglist:
@kittykylax @itstaylorcale @head-over-heart @marvel-rhapsody @accioxtina @always-spaced-out
marvel taglist:
within the vision taglist:
@emmabarnes @euphoniumpets
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spellunknown · 2 years
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//OKAY I said I would make a post on my thoughts about Noelle and Berdly's friendship at some point so here it is! This got quite long, so I’m putting it under a read more.
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I think the quick TL;DR would be that I do think they're genuinely friends, and I’m not a fan of the idea that they’re not. 
Both of them have issues they need to work on that have bad effects on their relationship, but it doesn’t mean that they aren’t real friends or that their friendship is inherently bad.
The game makes it clear that they've been friends since elementary school, and given Noelle's family has been distanced from the Dreemurrs for awhile, Berdly was probably her closest friend for the last few years. She gets annoyed with him pretty frequently, but doesn't dislike him.
I also think it's notable that Noelle says that Berdly's always been nice when it's just the two of them. We all know that Berdly's putting up a facade most of the time when he's interacting with others, considering he admits that to Susie and Kris in chapter 2. I think he's probably more himself around Noelle when they're alone, and that probably makes him a little less overbearing and annoying than we see him around everybody else.
But also, she knows him better than pretty much anybody else does. She knows that he’s not actually trying to cause her any harm, he’s just kind of oblivious. And him being oblivious and Noelle not being able to speak her mind very easily is not a good combination. Those are flaws that both of them need to and probably will work on over time, as they get older and more mature.
I think the fandom forgets sometimes that these guys are kids. Like, they’re in high-school. Especially with Berdly, the fandom likes to project a lot of nasty stuff on him and forget that he’s just a dumb teenager.
(I also think he probably has some kind of issues with his family life. I mean, there’s gotta be some reason he sees himself as forgettable when he’s not putting up the smart kid persona. But I digress on that point since this isn’t a Berdly blog, Lol)
We see both him and Noelle start to work on their flaws in chapter 2. We see that they’re fully capable of learning and growing. And because of that I think the issues in their relationship will resolve themselves over time. (... Y’know, in pacifist and neutral timelines. And AUs where he survives Snowgrave.)
And no, I do not think that Berdly secretly doesn’t care about Noelle and is just using her. I think that theory is,, reaching to say the least. And the Snowgrave route pretty much disproves it anyway. We see him immediately notice that something is wrong with Noelle, and he drops the facade. He knows that she’s in real danger and gets 10x more serious in response, openly challenging Kris out of genuine concern for Noelle.
We literally see him die trying to protect Noelle. To be fair, I don’t think he expected that to happen. But the point still stands.
My Noelle, at least, wants to be friends with him. She’s not faking it either. She has a lot of grievances with him, but she does care about him too. And y’know. Obviously didn’t want to kill him. But that should go without saying.
ANYWAY. I think that’s everything for now? That got. Shockingly long, Lol.
Thank you if you read this far! You’re amazing haksjskjdd.
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tenderlyrenjun · 4 years
the 90s love series
edit: to be clear, this is not a masterlist. it is just a list of ideas that I want to write, that all happen to be related to one another. I'm not going to write all of them, if no one is interested. no interest = no writing
edit: "official" masterlist link
i've been thinking about this since the teasers dropped ...
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wanna go ice skating with me?
newbie hockey skater!yangyang x figure skating champ reader: you have a big recital in the next coming months, but a boy has capitalized your rink, doing the wrong skating moves. he doesn't even know a hockey stop, for God's sake!! he keeps trying to stop with a missing toe pick, so you take pity on him (and definitely not because when he takes off his helmet, he's attractive as hell)
strangers to friends to lovers, fluff
hockey co-caption!jeno x figure skating champion!reader: your coach (another skater who is about your age) has a stick up her ass, but more importantly, she has a rule: no fraternizing with enemy. And it's not like she has no basis for it. the gators have a losing streak, which obviously affects their co-captain, aka playmaker, so he keeps scheduling practices that go way later than his allotted time, straight into your individual practice time.
enemies to lovers, fluff/angst/suggestive, make out session in the locker rooms (maybe, lol)
health & fitness
freshman hockey player!sungchan x reader: honestly, you have no idea about hockey. you're actually surprised that your school even has a hockey team, much more when you hear that it's ice hockey. But a cute boy in your health & fitness class sneaks into the back of your class everyday and offhandedly mentions that he plays, after your professor pairs you on a project. soon, you find yourself researching a bit more about hockey and then you find yourself on the ice, belly flopping rather harshly after the zamboni clears the floor
strangers to lovers, fluff only, this is based on 13 year old me in high school when I "fell in love" with the cute 16 year old hockey player who said hello to me everyday during health class lmaoo
teacher's assistant
volunteer teacher's assistant!renjun x volunteer psychology research lab assistant!reader: you never really considered taking GS Professor Qian's music theory class, especially since you failed the AP Music Theory Exam in high school, but one of your friends told you that it was a breeze, plus the one of the GS's in your lab said he's a really nice guy. You show up on the first day and get absolutely entranced by how hot he is, so you go to his office hours for a little help (and whether you added a little spice to your outfit is between you and God). One problem: Professor Qian isn't there. It's some random undergrad named Renjun, who you vaguely remember passing out papers in class. And somehow Renjun already knows you, striking up a conversation about the hockey game last weekend.
angst/fluff, friends to lovers, etc. etc. (yes, ik that renjun's not in the 90s love line up but I love him)
hot girl bubble
premed major!Jaemin x chemist major!reader: Jaemin is nice. Too nice, and it comes across ... yeah, but as his biochem labs get busier and his courses get harder, he kinda retreats from the social scene. Just for a little while!! Only during midterms and projects season, but when he gets back to hanging out with his friends, they are all dating. He fifth wheels on one of the dates and accidentally ends up hitting on someone at the bar. It's not the first time it's happened, b it is the first time he responded to that 'lost connections' page on Instagram
fluff, college au (duh), strangers to lovers, doot doot doot, nerd Jaemin (ik that jaemin is also not in the 90s love unit but my brain rambled off renjun's part)
All About You
music major!Chenle x music major!reader: Ever since Renjun applied (and rejected the job), Chenle has wanted the learning assistant position with Taeil's group piano class. So, he does what every college student with too much passion does: stalks him. It half-works, considering that they are already pretty good friends, but the position is filled!! He finds out who you are quickly on and accidentally makes a teasing remark that sounds a little too bitter. You start to think that you are enemies or something, which is the last thing he wants! He just wants your job!
fluff, enemies (ish) to lovers, strangers to lovers, academic rivals to lovers!!
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anika-ann · 3 years
The 5 Times Steve Felt Betrayed - Pt.1
and the 1 Time He Felt Like He Was Betraying You
Type: mini-series to a series (part 1 & part 2 & Part 3),  Avenger!reader AU.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader, Matt Murdock & reader         
Word count (ch1): 2400
Summary: After the fiasco in Nigeria, the world is fed up with dealing with the Avengers’ mess. The Sokovia Accords are invented. It’s understandable that the team is divided.
But Steve would never expect that The Accords would wedge a split between the two of you as well. And he sure as hell wouldn’t expect your disagreement not to end there.
Warnings: mentions of cheating, talk about what happened in Lagos during CA:CW, langauge, angst? (I mean, check out the title)
A/N: So, this mini-series is a part of the Melting Hearts ‘verse and follows the events of CA: Civil War, sometimes only referencing and kinda expecting the readers to knwo what’s up ;) obviously some things will be slightly altered.
Will be posted in double chapters (1st &2nd time, 3th & 4th, 5th+1)
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1. (Cause & Consequence)
“Our people's blood is spilled on foreign soil. Not only because of the actions of criminals, but by the indifference of those pledged to stop them. Victory at the expense of the innocent… is no victory at all.”
Steve shut the TV down, placing the remote control on the table. His fingers went to massage the bridge of his nose.
It was everywhere – a month after the fiasco in Lagos, they were still talking about it in the news. This time it was the king of Wakanda speaking, questioning the activities of the Avengers team.
And during the past weeks, he had barely been the only one.
Steve was well-aware of their mistakes – of his mistake. The way he had lost it with Rumlow was unforgivable, especially with so many lives lost. Wanda might have been the one to send the exploding man into the building full of civilians, but Steve was watching the source of the tragedy every goddamn day in the mirror.
He had failed to deal with the HYDRA mercenary. Wanda had saved Steve’s life when she removed the burning man out of his reach, accidently blowing up a building. You had tried your best to put out the fire in the building with your powers, but the damage had already been done.
It had been a collective error. But Steve knew that if they hadn’t been in Nigeria in the first place, many more people would die. And it was what he was trying to hold onto, some days handling it better than others.
If the public thought they didn’t feel remorse at what had happened, they were very, oh so very wrong.
He winced when the voice of the reporter he had just shut down evaded his ears again, and frowned.
He knew it couldn’t be you – you weren’t home, which was just another thing to make him feel like crap. You were spending a lot of time away lately – Steve couldn’t help but wondering if it was his fault too, if he had driven you away with his dark thoughts.
And then there were moments when he wasn’t sure if it wasn’t simply you not being able to look at him, not seeing him in the same light as you had used to when you had said yes to his proposal.
Were you gone because you were judging him for freezing at Bucky’s name? For not handling the situation? He couldn’t help but feel a little betrayed. Loving someone… it shouldn’t be about expecting something back, but… after all the support he gave you whenever you were struggling? He thought you would be there for him.
But maybe it was just too much for you, dealing with yourself and comforting him at the same time – it would only confirm his theory about you feeling guilty for some of the victims.
However… why wouldn’t you try to deal with your own feelings with Steve? He was hundred percent sure you thought you could have done more, be there sooner, hell, stop the explosion yourself. He knew you felt like it was your failure as much as his and Wanda’s – or at least he believed so.
But why were you seeking shelter somewhere else? He was your fiancé – a person you had agreed to spend the rest of your life with – so why weren’t you with him in a time like this? Your relationship had been very intimate from the very beginning after all, only blossoming into more with time.
So why had you gone to see another man again? He couldn’t help the nagging pang of betrayal and jealousy. You always said you needed to see Matt Murdock. How could it not get into his very core and wound him there? Especially when after those meetings with Matt, you always seemed restless, jumping at the slightest of sounds, often escaping to the gym, claiming you needed few more moments alone.
“I’m sorry,” you would always say, a regretful smile on your lips, your gaze avoiding his. “I just… I guess I just need to hit something and I don’t want you to see me like that.”
And then you would hug him, kiss his cheek gently, sometimes pressing your lips to his for a split second and you’d be gone. Truth to your words, you would always come back exhausted, but somewhat calmer and offering affection with more urgency than usual to make up for the lost time.
Steve had no idea what to think about that or how to approach the matter.
What he knew he could do, however, was to walk into Wanda’s room and turn off her goddamn TV, because he was sure the voice was coming from there – no one had watched the news with more intensity than her, always coming after any new bits about the incident in Lagos so she could torture herself.
That girl was way too much like you.
“It’s my fault,” she stated when she acknowledged his presence. It was hard not to, since he had turned off the broadcast.
“That’s not true.”
“Turn the TV back on. They’re being very specific.”
“Well, what they say on TV is a load of— stupid things. We both know that I should have handled the situation way before you had to intervene. People died. And unlike what they say on the news – that’s on me,” he said, heavily seating himself next to her on her bed.
She gave him a sorrowful smile. “Well. I guess it’s on both of us.”
And not on the three of us, Steve’s mind supplied helpfully in an instant and he sighed at the intrusive voice in the back of his head.
“She’s out again. I’m sorry. She’s taking it pretty hard, especially considering it wasn’t her fault at all,” Wanda offered gently and Steve mentally cursed at the mind-reader slash empath slash million other things. “She’s afraid too. She worries for you, because of the way the mission affected you. But she’s not blaming you.”  
Steve eyed her, meeting her honest gaze full of compassion.
“Well, she could say that by herself, but she won’t. Instead…”
“You know… she was very fast at learning how to build a wall in her head to shield her thoughts from me. I can’t read her mind… but I can always tell there’s a lot on it when she comes back,” the Sokovian informed him and Steve stiffened.
Yeah, that was exactly the thing he did not want to hear.
“The thing is… she’s terrible at hiding her emotions. I… I’m not gonna pretend I don’t know what crosses your mind from time to time, I don’t need to read thoughts for that, or emotions. But I can tell you that she only has feelings for you, Steve. Her heart – it’s always with you. She’s carrying it on her sleeve, but it’s yours. You got yourself a good woman, Captain. A troubled one, sure,” she chuckled softly, apparently pleased she felt Steve’s relief. And relieved he was; you weren’t cheating on him. You weren’t thinking about cheating on him. You still loved him. You didn’t blame him. It was as if he could breathe again, indescribable weight falling off him. “But a loyal one and good one.”
Steve covered her hand with his, determined to sooth her as well. “Well. I knew from the beginning that you two were too much alike.”
“Thank you, Steve,” she smiled at him softly and Steve wished he wasn’t imagining the slightest relief in her eyes as well.
“No, Wanda. Thank you.”
────── ·❆· ──────  
2. (Empty Promises)
The Sokovia Accords. A miraculous solution to the problem of the uncontrollable bunch of (mostly) superhumans that hold no responsibility for their action.
Go. To. Hell.
Steve wanted to burn the hundreds-pages document to ashes. It was nonsense. The document just shifted the blame to someone else and wanted to put all of them in check; in a way Steve didn’t like at all.
As long as he remembered, all he wanted was to do good – to serve his country, sure, but mainly to serve the people in it, serve a good purpose. And this regulation went straight against it. Hell, it went against the promise he had once made to the man who gave him the power to fight for a good cause, because he had thought Steve could value it. And he did. He heard Doctor Erskine’s voice as clearly as if he was sitting on the opposite bed at the Camp Lehigh, the night before the procedure.
‘Promise me, that you will stay who you are. Not a perfect soldier – but a good man.’
Being a perfect soldier meant obeying orders and not thinking twice it they meant doing the right thing or not. Being a good man meant standing for what he believed was good with his whole heart.
Signing this peace of— paper would go against everything he believed in.
“We’re not perfect, but the safest hands are still our own,” Steve finished the argumentation and that said it all.
He looked up at Tony with intense glare, his blue eyes gleaming with severity. The air felt too heavy to breathe, the silence itself weighting a ton.
It was your timid voice that cut it in the end and what you said made Steve’s heart ache.
“That’s not something all of us can say about themselves, Steve.”
His attention shifted to you, his lips parting at the well-known expression on your face. His shoulders slumped with a sigh.
Apparently, he had been right about Nigeria – you did feel guilty. And the beginning of your new life with powers had branded you forever as well; this was just another prove of that. A scar for life – the way you saw yourself after killing the scientists on accident, it was affecting you every goddamn minute of your existence and some were just more difficult than others.
“No matter the mistakes we have made, the lives lost on our watch – it doesn’t outweigh the good we’re doing,” he opposed you gently before turning back to Tony to make a point. “The good we might not be able to do if we sign.”
The billionaire huffed. “If we don’t do this now, it will be done to us later. That’s a fact. And it won’t be pretty.”
“You say they’ll come for me,” Wanda stated with scary steadiness to her voice and all eyes snapped to her.
“We would protect you.”
For some reason, Steve’s gut twisted at Vision’s measured voice. A discussion started all over again and Steve was slowly losing the grasp on who was on which side. He glanced your direction as you were observing the fighting team quietly, a troubled expression on your face – the very same he had seen all too often, every time you had come back to the compound.
With sudden urge to comfort you, he rose to his feet and made his way to you. It was when his phone vibrated in his pocket, announcing the worst possible news.
Peggy Carter had just died.
“I gotta go.”
────── ·❆· ──────  
You had gone to London with him, together with Sam. It was… difficult. Soul-crashing. Steve knew that this day would come, possibly very soon, but it hit him like a train, the blow knocking him to the ground.
The blows just kept coming and Steve would love to make a cheeky comment about him being able to do that all day, but this beating was hitting him on places that really, really hurt and he couldn’t bear it. He cried when he carried the casket. He didn’t have the capacity to feel ashamed for it.
God knew you had been there for him as a silent support the whole time; even when he was shamelessly staring at the woman he knew as a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent and she introduced herself as Sharon Carter. Peggy’s niece.
To be fair, it wasn’t just the revelation of her relation to Peggy or her appearance – it was her, quoting an amazingly strong and inspirational woman, who had, just like Steve, always only wanted to do the right thing. It moved him in a way he wouldn’t be able to put into words if anyone asked him to do so.
You had given him a moment alone only when he had asked for it – you had left the church with everyone else.
It surprised him when he heard the door opening again after what could be a minute; but it wasn’t you. It was Natasha. Bringing up the issue of The Sokovia Accords that Steve had backburned without even realizing it.
His opinion hadn’t changed and he refused to leave to Vienna with Natasha. It was when you replaced her in the otherwise empty church, approaching him slowly and timidly, when he realized that you were about to that though.
“You’re coming with her,” he stated, unable to keep the bitterness off his tone.
Just another punch into his solar plexus. Sure. He could do this all day.
Your smaller hand caught his, for once warmer than his own despite the cold air of the church. Your eyes were on his too, searching in his face. He didn’t have the strength to hide anything from you now.
“Unless you want me to… no, not now. I don’t need to sign publicly – I’m a long way from Black Widow’s popularity and fame.”
“You know that’s not true,” he opposed wryly, too weak to snatch your hand away.
It felt too heavy against his, almost foreign; he hadn’t known if you had made up your mind and decided to sign, not until that moment, not for sure. Now he did. Yet, there was a comfort he was seeking in your touch, because it was something that always helped to calm him down, ground him. He was vainly chasing after the feeling now.
Sensing his struggle, you hesitantly brought your hand up to cup his cheek; on instinct more than anything else, he leaned into the touch, closing his eyes. Your thumb skimmed over his skin, affectionate, giving.
“And you know I don’t need an audience,” you whispered. “I… I can’t imagine what you’re going through, Steve. I want to be here for you, if you want as well. Work can wait.”
Your words, your touch, your affection – it should all bring him peace, but it just wasn’t coming. His first true love had left this world, left him, and now it felt like you were leaving him too – leaving him behind and betraying an oath you had premised when you let him slip an engagement ring on your finger.
────── ·❆· ──────  
Part 2 (the third and the fourth time)
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Thank you for reading!
I decided to post it here on tumblr in double-chapters, because they would be reatively short otherwise... but posting it as one monster chapter would be a bit much... I think.
Have a good start of your week!
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Number Five Fic Recs
I have spent days reading Five fics since season 2 aired, so I decided that I might as well start jotting them all down for anyone’s interested. It’s a long list, here we go xD
1.  Blood and Steel by @e-vasong, T, 6900 words
Diego gets shot. Five is evasive. There is a bit of an emotional reckoning, and neither of them are even vaguely equipped for it.
2.  Carry Him by ClaraCivry (Kat_Of_Dresden), not rated, 2422 words
`Five times Five's siblings carried him, took his weight.
Some hurt Five, some fluff, but mostly Hargreeves being worried and looking after him.
3.  Small Changes by calypso42, T, 3509 words
“I need to ask you something.” He set down the large stack of books he was carrying beside him. Klaus glanced at a few of the titles - Consciousness in the Brain - Memory & the Role of the Hippocampus - Soul vs. Matter: A Comprehensive Look at the Origins of Sentience - and grimaced.
“Are you… having an existential crisis, or something? Because I am possibly the worst person you could go to for that.”
When Five goes to Klaus to ask him something about his powers, Klaus doesn’t think much of it. At least, until he realizes that what he thought was simple curiosity was actually deeper than that, leading to a revelation about Five himself.
4.  Strike A Violent Pose by @ford-ye-fiji, T, 1268 words
And here he was, limping along with a twisted ankle, going to save his siblings from certain doom yet again.
5.  You are not alone by my_monster_are_real, T, 4259 words
Five doesn't like to be taken care of, but Allison doesn't care.
6.  They Could Care Less (as long as someone’ll bleed) by @ford-ye-fiji, M, 2835 words
Number Five is cornered once again by commission agents, but this time with his family.
Diego and Klaus learn something about their littlest-oldest brother.
7. Didn’t Give Me Time to Say Goodbye by rookflight, Gen, 1769 words
After dealing with the second apocalypse, Five takes time to think about everything that’s happened. Klaus seizes the opportunity for some quality sibling bonding.
8.  With Two Arms by karcheri, T, 3345 words
What it comes down to, really, is that Five had been too eager for results. Once it became clear to him that there was a connection between his powers and his energy level the obvious course of action, as he saw it, was to test this information. The hypothesis was this: higher energy levels = stronger powers and the easiest way to get more energy is to eat more. Pretty simple stuff. Too simple.
or Five times that Five starves himself and one time that he gets called out on it.
9.  Number Five The Monster Under The Bed by Kraeyola, T, 5460 words
It's easy to forget sometimes when you look at Five; small lanky body, little boy-scout shorts, and a perfectly pristine uniform. A smooth youthful face that's always wearing a too-serious expression for someone (supposedly) so young. Not that the siblings don't respect Five as an equal, it's just... well. It's hard to take him so seriously. Especially when he gets mad and makes such an adorable pouty face.
It's why they find it so difficult to deal with reconciling Five to the boy they (thought they) knew, to the boy they're seeing standing right in front of them. But you can't really blame them, can you?
After all, it's hard to believe things without witnessing them first hand.
There is a monster under the bed and it's in the shape of a thirteen-year-old boy.
10.  Nonlinear theory for dummies by Inkjade, Gen, 4786 words
After forty-five years of fighting, it's kind of hard to know how to stop.
11.  Vital Signs by aye_of_newt, M, 3524 words
Sometimes, it's difficult for Klaus to tell if someone is alive or dead.
When Five shows up, covered in blood after killing the Board, Klaus panics.
12.  Not with me by Claracivry (Kat_Of_Dresden) Gen, 5681 words
They never asked if any of that blood was his.
Five is bleeding, and he is also giving up.
AU to 2X07, with hurt Five because after all that boy has been through...
13.  Nothing’s Going on (and that’s the problem) by briegretful, T, 5231 words
(Directly after the season 2 ending, except everything's normal and everyone's still around) He did it. Five saved his family. They landed in 2019 and everything, somehow, worked out.
He's not sure how to deal with that.
Five struggles to deal with not having an apocalypse to stop, and his family tries to help him.
14.  A New Life by BirdInTheCave, T, 3884 words
Allison had convinced Ray to come back to 2019 with her and her family and after a month of being cooped up in the house with the other Hargreeves plus their own unconventional guests, Ray suggests they spend some time alone. He's still struggling to fully comprehend the new world he's stepped into but he's determined that with Allison at his side he can get used to anything. Allison can't find a reason to say no. She should have said no.
Luckily for her, Five will always be there for his family, now that he's back.
15. Side Effects May Vary by CivilBores, T, 6565 words
Allison crosses her arms. “Five,” she says firmly, “when was the last time you slept?”
“I don’t know,” Five says honestly. At Allison’s expression, he quickly adds, “But it doesn’t matter. I don’t know what it’ll take for all of you pea-brained idiots to realize that.”
“We may not be as intelligent as you, Five,” Allison says, “but at least all of us are smart enough to know how to take care of ourselves.”
A week after the world is saved, Five convinces himself that he is still experiencing lingering side effects of paradox psychosis. His family has something to say about that.
16. The Walls Kept Tumbling Down by @ingu, T, 64888 words, 8 chapters
It started small.
There was a nagging ache in his chest, phantom pain from where the bullets had pierced his flesh, in the overwritten timeline that never will be.
(the one where rewinding time doesn't miraculously resolve mortal gunshot wounds)
17. Stay by maddienole, T, 6027 words
Five had saved his life once, many months ago. Maybe it was time for Klaus to return the favor.
18. Growing Pains by kakashi_mole, Not rated, 10520 words, Fiveya (personal fave, angst too much)
Number Five remembers his first kiss
Takes place after Season Two. A Five-centric fic. Some teenagers get growing pains, some don’t, but the last “cycles” of pain usually occur around age 13.
19. Another Cog in Murder Machine by @ford-ye-fiji​, T, 2463 words
Five finally gets the breakdown he deserves 
20. Sorrows Like Thunder Clouds by Emotionally_Detached (Yeah_Toast), T, 6953 words
He makes it. He time travels and makes it through another apocalypse.
He makes it, but his siblings don't.His siblings don't make it, except he's in his own childhood and they're still here, alive and thirteen and he can fix things.
He will fix things
On Going
1. “I’m Too Tired” by beastboy12, T, Chapters 2/?
A slight re-telling of the barn scene. Five manages to save his siblings, but at what cost?
In which the author takes a throw-away line in season 2 and runs with it.
2.  And We All Turn To Ash by @golden-redhead, Gen, Chapters 1/?
Seconds, not decades. 
The blue glow pulsed between his fingers and he pulled at the familiarity of the feeling, pulling until time and space bent under his touch, parting as he struggled to squeeze himself through just enough to jump and change the course of history. 
The energy, familiar but somehow different, courses through his body and then he moves, for a few precious seconds existing within the time and yet outside of it. 
a.k.a. Five is so, so close to getting them back home and making things right. And then he isn't.
3. Tangled in The Hanging Tree by TiredPigeon (TwistedSkys), T, Chapters 2/?
The timeline is still messed up, obviously. There is still so much work to do, still so much to fix. His siblings have questions and concerns, and they want answers.
Five just wants his nose to stop bleeding.
(Post-season 2, but I have no plans to speculate on season 3, so consider this fluff.)
Five is tired, his family is starting to notice.
 Thats all for now!
@tomatojuicem apologies for making you wait ;)
Lmk if theres something wrong with the link Notes: All these fics posted after season 2 aired, but not neccessary related to season 2
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jonroxton · 3 years
can you talk about chlark beyond chloe? personally i think it's weird that the writers kept adding kisses and weird romantic moments without any pay off. i don't know much about the fandom back then but i think the writers were baiting fans since clark/chloe seems to be the second most popular ship after clex. second i personally think chloe would never be happy with clark or anyone tbh and she doesn't seem like the type of person who would have kids so the finale was weird to me.
this got looooong :)
0. it WAS weird, and the choice to never not once go for it with them was to the story's detriment. I'll get into it a little later on in this post.
Re: shipping in sv fandom. there was definitely drama (clana was HUGE when the show was airing and every ship was basically derailed by it lol) but I stayed in my clois lane with a small circle of fandom friends much like I do now. a good measure of clois fans were fans of lois and clark from other mediums, come to sv just for lois and clark, myself included. we were pretty insulated as a fandom even back then. I do remember seeing more Chlark after the S5 finale (when Chloe kisses him goodbye), but those dropped off after Jimmy was introduced right away in S6. The most drama I encountered was with Chloisers: Chloe fans who believed wholeheartedly that Chloe was Lois. They hated SV!Lois and were convinced she would die so Chloe could take her name and job and place by Clark's side, thus a Chlark endgame. this was a popular theory amongst that fandom even into s9, when the clois ball started to roll for true.
bait and switch
a lot of Chlark is rooted in this notion that chloe WOULD be the best thing for Clark, the ideal Lois, the true best friend, the human hand guiding him through Earth's troubles. she would be could be the BEST possible lois archetype for Clark. it's not a wrong interpretation. she was specifically written as a lois-and-lana-proxy (teenage lana is a reporter in some AUs and even some as an adult as a tv correspondent) and she's given many lois-ish traits (tenacious, secretly crushing on clark and in denial), but this interpretation is deeply flawed. first, because lois does eventually enter into the picture and she has her own defining traits that, when compared to chloe, make chloe seem much shallower than realized. secondly, within the complete context of the story, her position in the greater narrative is not as ~the one who got away, the way it did very early on in S1-S4, but one who clark tolerates.
they're friends because clark is forgiving and chloe has staying power. their friendship is riddled with insecurities and unknowns the characters create for themselves. their dynamic is defined by conflict, not resolutions. this is not made easy by the fact that chloe is such a strangely written character, but ultimately she is positioned as a counter to clark achieving his happiness. not a thematic narrative foil but an obstacle clark eventually relents to.
2. and it has been so from the get-go
S1 is the best season for them and the single season which actually considers Clark's side in this dynamic. everything about them later on can be explained with how they are in this season. and that's the problem. when they're 14 it's nice teen angst drama and works perfectly to establish the dynamic. when they're 24 it's at best a pattern, at worst regression. we expect certain behaviors, dismiss them too, when it's children, at least I do. clark and chloe never move beyond the dynamic they establish in s1 and early s2. in essence, clark and chloe remain children around each other. they have many discussions in the later seasons that make at least one appear petulant.
so S1 clark has just been told the greatest secret of his existence and he imprints on lana hard that same night (right AFTER jonathan tells him, he meets lana at the graveyard and talks to her for the first time EVER, a lot of childhood imprinting going on in SV). all of s1 follows clark's heartache over lana, watching her from afar and figuring out a way to be near her. this pain is exacerbated by the fact that he believes he caused her her greatest grief: the death of her parents via the meteor shower which he arrived in.
here the first beat of the chlark dynamic is established: chloe's job and passion – the wall of weird and her pursuing the meteor infected oddities of SV - directly affects clark in a negative way (he's suicidal for much of s1-s3). so her crush on him is countered with her unknowingly causing him great grief. om top of that: clark becomes part of this passion of hers and she eventually begins to pursue him as a story to be uncovered, very superman yes. here tho, it causes nothing but strife for them and paints chloe in an awful light (and clark too, highlighting his refusal to open up). I personally enjoy this aspect of them in s1. bc they're so young I give em a free pass and it's a good conflict playing around with old superman tropes, but it makes for a fraught friendship.
3. the second beat
is that neither chloe's crush on clark, nor his asking her to stop pursuing his truth, do anything to stay her. her tenaciousness becomes intrusiveness and inconsideration (many of her accomplishments irt the daily planet are directly bc she betrays clark). she simply will not listen to her friend and does not believe his livelihood and autonomy is worth losing a story over. this is literally the opposite of comics/live action lois lane, who in various versions drops the clark reveal story to protect him. this passion turns vindictive pretty early for chloe, who eventually pursues stories about clark out of jealousy and entitlement (against lana also).
4. the third beat
is that clark doesn't ever see chloe as romantic prospect except this time in s1. the tornado trapping lana pulls him away from any solidifying of the clark/chloe dynamic, and that's that. but we know clark was willing to go for it in early s2 when he apologizes to chloe about running off on her. it's chloe who decides not to go on with the relationship. clark is visibly confused, but also 15 so he can't see that chloe is putting on a brave front to protect herself from clark running off again. I liked this too as it's another play on superman tropes, but my sympathy for them stops here.
5. and stays here
these beats are the entirety of this dynamic. everything about chlark can be distilled down to their childhood. it's why I don't hate them completely, bc I have a lot of love for kids who hurt in such a way and that time is never easy. in s8 (I think its s8) when we get a flashback to when they meet as kids (more imprinting!). little tenacious cute chloe kisses insecure clark bc of the funny awkward tension, acknowledging it, and then immediately takes it back because they're better as friends. (also they’re like 11 lol)
every single romantic moment with them is undercut either by chloe herself, or by the presence of other storylines/romances the writers wanted to pursue. the lack of integrity in chloe and the lack of interest in clark, regardless of how sincere their connection or how messed up, is a central part of their dynamic that needs to be reconciled with their friendship. and its exhausting bc there is never a point they are ever truly comfortable around each other.
6. to a fault
knowing the secret doesn't change chloe's methods. it doesn't make chloe clark's great confidante. if anything, it complicates matters for both because their relationship then becomes about the greater good and clark's great destiny. everything chloe does becomes about that, which in theory sounds awesome, but is executed much the same way as s1!chlark: by reiterating behaviors that highlight the negative aspects of that loyalty and the negative aspects of their characters.
the single time they do actively examine what this loyalty means and how chloe's hero complex complicates things for chlark is with s8 and davis. she protects davis with the skills of subterfuge and secrecy she developed as clark's friend. and it costs her jimmy and a lot of her personal integrity as a character. tho ironically it makes chloe the strongest she's been as a character. this is the first time clark is forced to view chloe as an enemy and he never quite recovers from discovering the dark depths she’s willing to go to. 
it's an arc dealing with the established beats: how far chloe is willing to go for a kryptonian (very far), how much she's willing to do for him (A LOT and all of it illegal), and what it costs her (jimmy). it deals with her jealousy (always second choice) and her motivations (uncovering the truth). this great want that she struggled with for years is turned on its head and examined, revealing just how weird and dark her hero complex is because obviously davis is not clark. davis/chloe served to highlight more than any other arc how it's really too bad that clark never saw her that way, because she has so much love to give and when channeled, it's a great force. only it's a great force for evil. clark has to confront that it’s not just lex but his other closest friend who is willing to go so far. they backtrack hard in s9 and s10 but they keep this underlying wariness in clark towards Chloe throughout. it’s not anything new, but it’s no longer subtext that clark doesn’t fully trust chloe.
7. And that's the rub
in the end. chloe and clark have many storylines they're in together and chloe's important.... to develop clark and as a counter to clark. clark never instigates anything, not once, for 9 years! when the show did give us Moments TM, clark is reacting, not actively making choices to connect to her. if anything, clark is incredibly awkward about chloe when they become intimate. he doesn't seem to know what to do with her crushing on him (the elevator scene is a great one to show just how awkward chloe makes him feel). more than that. clark never tells her his secret. and later on, chloe doesn't tell him half the crazy wild shit she does to protect him bc she knows he would disapprove. I still hold that the only reason they work is bc clark is a forgiving character and would give her chance after chance after chance. that's the watsonian explanation, but the doylist explanation is that the writers just never cared to explore them beyond this point.
8. and what was beyond that point?
they would've been a great counter to lexana in S6 and early clana (clark finally having a gf who knows). it’s playing the clark/Chloe as a straight lois/clark proxy before actually pursuing lois and clark. it could’ve been the precursor to davis and caused an even more personal conflict! the kiss at the end of s5 was their chance. they could've written chlark devolving much the same way lexana did in s6 (or not). but again. the writers never went that far and clearly never wanted to. it kept chlark forever in this stage of childhood friendship always on the brink of collapsing, tittering either way. it's also tough to speculate bc clark's just not into her. in fact he becomes more and more wary of her, to the point where he believes she can do horrible things, and he's right. the stories continually make their methods complete opposite.
they go out of their way to show chloe realizing how happy clark is with lois. and even play a joke on the fandom by literally turning her into lois and seeing the sparks between her friends. it's almost... cruel but it does serve to show how clark is when he's smitten and he's never looked at chloe that way except during the dance when they were kids. other unrequited dynamics have at least some spark from the desired, but nil from clark. clark is into chloe in late s1, but she shuts him down, and when he seems to be into her again (damn that s5 kiss was a good one lol), she shuts him down again. it's just a weird writing choice all around, and that they kept nuggets of it throughout the show is the thing I cringe at most whenever I rewatch.
9. bait and switch 2
with hindsight it is definitely ship baiting and that sucks for that dynamic bc without it their friendship would’ve been the stronger, or at least not full of so much negativity. all it did was remind everyone that chloe’s been duped since she was a kid and that clark is both stupid and strange for never noticing and letting her get away with shit just bc she’s the most loyal. I don’t ship them and even I get frustrated lol
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mcytbdamofficial · 3 years
A strange question. If the official DSMP lore of (a) character/s ever heavily changes from what you wrote it as (in example, if c!Velvet turns out to be long dead or the velvetisegg theory is true, or any of the major characters- that their canon lore starts being majorily different), how do you come up with things that would make them "fit in" again? I am just genuiely curious about that
usually a good way to go around things like that is to fall back on what i've already established and try to spin it in the right way. a good thing to use is the nether lore as well as everything with the memories - things like that are unpredictable and pretty much anything can come to light at any point.
(this answer went on for a while longer than i expected so i’ll put it under the cut in case there’s someone scrollin who doesn’t want this whole thing clogging up their dash)
a good example would be the sbi family canon - when phil first shouted the words "you're my son!" a lot of people instantly thought that techno, wilbur and tommy being his sons had been basically canonized (obviously this got debunked later with only wilbur being his son, but at the time that was the canon i went with and had to somehow push in). until a part of the story i wasn't planning to make the sbi family canon, so i had to think of something fast. so i considered how phil, for whatever reason, supported techno's reign during the antarctic empire days. why did he just outright follow him when his acts were universally regarded as evil? initial ideas were he, himself, was rather bloodthirsty, but this new issue came around and i used this blank in the story as a way to explain it - of COURSE phil would support techno unconditionally, he's his son, after all. later on, i managed to strike a balance in the story between phil supporting techno because of them being family, as well as him, himself, having his own agenda in the empire itself (bringing along the bloodthirsty nature of techno, which in turn i later explained with the voices, once those were canonized. that solution to a new canon was practically handed to me, with how i wrote the bloodlust as a voice beforehand. i just had to change it to “voices”).
for your example, i have one idea that could work! if velvet turns out long dead, i could quickly explain it in a simple way. ant WAS getting letters from velvet, but at one point they stopped and he received news velvet had died. ant has been lying about getting letters after some point because he didn't want other people who knew him to get hurt, and maybe he's even in a certain level of denial.
if velvet IS the egg, that could be more complicated, but still doable. tie it all into the source/nether lore, make him some sort of god or symbol of chaos, just play around with the rules of my own world until things fall into place. usually, somehow, i will find a way out just by stepping back and analysing what i already have prepared and thinking of how it can help me insert a new idea into the story without disturbing what's already there. 
this is basically how wilbur being a source came into fruition! initial ideas were him and schlatt decided themselves to not enter the bunker and escape the flood on their own, but how would that make sense? oh yeah, what if one of them IS the flood? then i rewatch the video, and who other than wilbur is putting the commands in to make the water rise! it was too perfect not to somehow include it, yknow? and then boom, i have this cool lore about sources. why not use it? and yes, initially sources were JUST gonna be a passing mention in the captain’s journal. they weren’t ever planned to go this far. and before you know it we have wilbur, kristin, foolish, hannah...
so yeah. what i’m saying is. when in doubt, use nether lore. and that’s how i’ll go around whatever comes of the egg, in the end.
a lot of it also comes down to very careful storytelling and knowing what to change and what to leave alone. when the story started there was a set amount of people that i knew were involved in the roleplay and others i knew would NEVER get involved (keep in mind the story started being written before even the festival happened live, HELL, even villbur wasn't a thing back then), and separated them into small groups based on what i could and what i couldn't play around with. for example;
i could easily change callahan, alyssa, etc around... they're people who barely appear who aren't involved in the storyline. i gave them small appearances to show they're there and mostly kept them to the back.
people who i KNOW will never join the smp can be mentioned, referenced or even included! minx is probably the prime example of this. and if she ever DOES join the smp, by some magical chance? there can always be some magical book in the library that can reverse her from a dreamon to a human. so nothing to worry about there.
future major characters like dream, quackity, niki, etc didn't have much at the start but needed something to push them into their future arcs. in these characters i changed their start but made sure it left space to be moulded into anything they become later - i made niki kind but i also showed her early critisism of wilbur, already sensing she may have a villian arc coming in the future. when season 2 came around, i was proved right so i went in on those small hints more and more.
for characters who have an established arc, start to finish, who it's hard to change in any way, i change nothing - but i look at their past. the obvious people for this are schlatt and wilbur. on the smp they were characters start to finish, their arcs started and ended in the story and had nothing else. so i focused on the past, instead. and boom, suddenly we have 35 smplive chapters of completely original content.
with every character i live small hints of SOMETHING coming in the future. i leave small holes to be eventually filled by canon, and if canon gives me nothing, i fill them myself with something minor. another good thing is to trust fanon - with a fandom like this, where the creators listen to their fans and canonize a lot of popular fanon, it's good to go in on small fanon knowing it will eventually be canon, or even knowing it will make readers happy and will never impact the story, no matter how much it changes (think tubbo having horns, puffy being a pirate/sea captain of some sort, stuff like that)
there are, of course, times when i can’t avoid changing things from canon. phil not knowing who schlatt is, wilbur not knowing schlatt, etc... but i think in those places, those changes serve to improve the story in some way, and i think it’s a welcome change in the end. this story is definitely leaning more into AU than RETELLING, but i don’t think it’s such a bad thing. while faithfully retelling every major plot point, it adds its own elements and creates a somewhat new and exciting story people can enjoy anew. i think that’s what i strive to do the most in this fic - not retell the story word for word. you’ve already seen the videos. you don’t need that. what i DO want to do is create an engaging read for both avid fans who have seen every stream and casual fans who want the lore to make a little bit more sense to them. and that’s that.
god that went on a while didn’t it haha...
okay so to summarise - whenever something major changes in the canon lore, i have various ways of going about it. usually for some characters i would have left behind hints of SOMETHING and will just try to fit them into whatever change has showed up, or try to at the very least explain them with the new development so it doesn’t seem out of nowhere.
if that is not possible, i look back on all i established and think how i can use it to my advantage. could someone have been forgotten in an old world? is there some sort of nether anomaly that could have caused this? is this character a reliable narrator and have we gotten the full truth? there are a lot of ways to change things around with it being completely out of the blue but seeming fitting for the audience - you just have to really think it through, plan it, and make sure you know exactly what you want to do before going into it.
and finally, if there truly is no way to change a thing, shift canon completely and make sure it doesn’t change the base story. allow me to use the sbi as an example again, since i think they’re a good tool for this;
techno will take tommy in and help him recover from exile, same as canon, because he is his brother, as bdam canon states. at first he’ll just do it because phil wanted him to, but soon it will become a matter of family. when tommy betrays techno, it will hurt him more deeply BECAUSE they’re brothers. when he comes back to phil and tells him what happened, even phil himself will become enraged. the two themselves have been shown to have a history of resorting to violence and aggression in the story (look back at the antarctic empire), so doomsday wouldn’t seem out of  character, or, at the very least, out of the question, when two men like them are pushed to their very limits by a betrayal like this. still, it would be unfair on tommy, but on both sides there would be something justified and something they did wrong - and that’s how you balance a good conflict in any story.
so yeah. i hope this long ass essay made sense. a lot of work goes into making sure this story flows naturally, so i’m glad someone finally asked something like this where i could reveal just how much work goes into it!!!
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kingreywrites · 3 years
your opinion on moongene?
Your opinion on _____?
Sorry I got really rambly but I have like. A lot of contradicting thoughts about this ghdjkdjd
My favourite character getting to have fun magical powers with a side of angst is obviously a concept that really drew me in at first gshjddj Truly, i was really interested in Eugene's link to the moonstone as in, this is the thing that is more or less responsible for a lot of what he went through in life? His abandonment directly stems from his family's obsession with protecting the stone, his mom probably died because of it too, and the idea of him getting stuck with it was genuinely a concept i couldn't get out of my mind for a while. I was also fascinated by the relationship the Dark Kingdom had with the moonstone, and the paradox between how they wanted it gone and how they couldn't actually destroy it so they started protecting it, and the idea of Eugene being in the middle of all that + knowing Rapunzel thought it was her destiny + knowing the black rocks had been destroying corona (his new home) and could still do that if he kept it + A WHOLE LOT OF OTHER ISSUES ON HIS SHOULDERS was just..... very fun to think about lmao I literally could not start s3 right away despite it being available because I just kept thinking about Destinies Collide and how I wanted it to influence Eugene's arc and its possibilities etc and I didn't want to go too fast because I wanted to form actual theories before seeing if anything would be confirmed (and well uh I shouldn't have worried about that gdhjdjd but basically a lot of my moongene thinking was done pre knowing what mooncass was gonna do exactly)
And that leads me to my problem with moongene as it exists in the fandom because... I Do Not Like moongene as in "Eugene does what Cass did in s3 with some tweaks", and I quickly discovered that a lot of the content and discussions about this AU were... that. There's a lot of fics i just had to close because they were not really about Eugene, in a way 😭 Starting with the reason why he would take it because I have yet to find a fic that could convince me Eugene could / would ever 1. betray Rapunzel, 2. make it a long-term betrayal and 3. refuse when she asks for the moonstone back directly. And since most of the moongene content starts with these three points, I fundamentally disagree with Eugene's characterisation most of the time gshjdkd
(I also have trouble with the idea of a selfless betrayal very quickly because the rhetoric "I have to hurt those I love to save them" gets annoying for me if it goes on too long gdhkdkd for all that Cassandra's motivations can be nebulous in s3, at least it's not stupid as in "I'm protecting Rapunzel by taking the moonstone away and there's absolutely no easier way to do that than to run off in the woods with a demon while she's miserable")
Basically what I'm trying to say is that I think a lot of the moongene content doesn't feel like it's about Eugene as much as it is about putting him in a dramatized mooncass arc and it's a shame imo. There's a lot of eugene specific questions I feel we're missing out on by simply trying to recreate Cass' arc with him!! And like, a very stupid one I rarely see raised but I feel would be interesting is how much Eugene would hate having blue hair asgjdjdg the fact that his ego and love for his own appearance is practically never questionned in a scenario where that same appearance is drastically changed is a big missed opportunity! I also do love emotional vulnerability and all but, you know, Eugene is the guy who made a room tour of the place he died, humor and practical thinking are big part of his character, and a lot of the moongene melodrama misses this part of him
And this is... only concerning my issues with how he's himself treated in a moongene au, but then there's. how the other characters are written around that too. And again it gets tricky for me because like, new dream as soulmates linked by Destiny™ is something that instantly loses my interest if it's given too much weight which is not questionned at all, Rapunzel being an eplored maiden waiting for him to come back can quickly feel wrong in the sense that i don't enjoy any fic where Eugene needlessly hurts her and she ~doesn't mind it~ because she loves him and he's sad, and as you put it in this post (which was really interesting btw!) Cassandra gets the very shortest end of the stick most of the time and Zhan Tiri is just uhh floating around being mean. Also if we're lucky Lance gets mentioned (when like, I think Lance being his best friend since childhood should be a good reason to make him and his reaction important in any moongene story)
I'm not particularly picky and I have read stuff I did not necessarily agree with but in general there are no developed moongene fic out there which ever became a favourite of mine which is crazy considering how much i loved this concept. I really think that as long as this AU mostly stays stuck in the "I want what Cass had" stage, I'll have trouble finding something that speaks to me because I personally don't ghdhfgd And though I get that fan content is not obligated to touch on every issue in the show, I think that erasing Cass, her issues, the fact that she wanted the stone too and still has Zhan Tiri in her corner takes away a lot of possible conflict that would be interesting to explore in a long fic. Idk, it just feels like a lot of the content is "restricted" by the canon moonstone arc, even when people say they write about this AU to break away from what went down in the show :/
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sparklingchan · 4 years
Checkmate || Bang Chan (Stray Kids)
Pairing : Reader (fem.) X Bang Chan
Word count : 14k + ( oops-)
Warnings: A few cuss words , suggestive, mentions of death / murder / beheading and blood.NOT PROOF READ I’M SO SORRY.
Genre : Fluff, angst, romance ,strangers to lovers , Alice in Wonderland au, Royal au(a tiny bit) .
Description: Alice in Wonderland is just a story , or so you were made to believe.
A/N: This story is loosely based on the story of Alice in Wonderland. I always wanted to write Chan in a fictional universe and FINALLY I AM DONE WITH THIS STORY! I have twisted a few facts from the original story to fit my plot so not everything is the same.
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Weekends have had a special place in your heart ever since you were old enough to understand the importance of the last two days of the week in a normal human's life. For a long time , weekends meant going out with friends , partying, camping , eating , relaxing. Weekends meant your mom's scoldings in the morning , the sound of your dad's old radio, your brother's laughter. Weekends meant happiness.
But for sometime now, these definitions have changed. Drastically . Now weekends mean finishing presentations, cleaning your room , washing dirty dishes in the company of the empty corners of your solo apartment. Weekends now mean loneliness.
"Yes ,mom. I have been eating the herbal medicine you sent." You were never able to lie to your mom as a kid or even as a teenager. But the adult 'you' could easily do it. Lying to your mom was as easy as breathing now.
"Are you sure,y/n?" She asks in a stern voice.
You look at your small dining table , at the herbal medicine packet that lies there, as good new. And you let out a tired sigh , pressing your phone closer to your ear.
It had been an exceptionally tiring day at work today. And as you flop down on your couch with your mom still on call ,you wonder why you were feeling this sudden tiredness - all you did today at office was listen to your new boss boast about her achievements and your annoying colleagues kissing up to her as if she were some kind of Messiah.
"Aren't you coming home this weekend?" Your mom's tone now changes. She sounds worried, almost sad, "Dad and I miss you so much. Minho comes home often but we rarely get to see you."
Your eyes fall on the family picture hanging in the wall in front of the couch. It was the summer of your third birthday. Your mom and dad sat on the carpet while you and Minho stacked up legos to make a multi coloured house. The smile on your faces splash a wave of nostalgia towards you and you accept it wholeheartedly.
"I miss you guys too but I don't think I'll make it ,mom. I'm so sorry. " you say with a suppressed yawn, "But I will be going over to Minho's on Sunday so don't worry. We'll facetime you guys then." You feel your eyes get heavier but for the sake of your mom and your empty stomach ,you try your best to not fall asleep.
"Okay, okay. Sounds good. " your mom replies, "See you soon. Love you ,baby. "
You smile at her cheesy yet sweet words. Your mom has always been a fluff ball, just like your dad. But you and your elder brother didn't inherit that sweetness, sadly. "Love you too, mom." You reply.
And then the line goes silent.
You close your eyes, just to rest for a moment before having to cook dinner and working on your next week's presentation. But your eyelids feel like they suddenly weigh a lot more than they did a few minutes ago, like they were made of lead and you couldn't even lift them for a second more.
And before you know it, you've already drifted off into dreamland with your office clothes still on and your empty stomach growling.
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For some reason , you'd always been a morning person. You've never had trouble waking up for school or college or work on time, where as your friends and colleagues were all heavy sleepers - they could sleep even through earthquakes.
You remember as kids ,all of your mom's friends would complain about how their kids wouldn't get their asses up for school in the morning and needed to be practically dragged out of bed while your mom just smiled and nodded in response. You probably adopted this habit from Minho ; he might be an annoying idiot most of the time but you have to give him credit where it's due.
And when your eyes open a few hours later, naturally , you expect it to be a bright , sunny morning.
But you're disappointed to see that it's still dark outside.
The lights of your living room are still on and the television is playing some stupid movie in the background , just the way it had been when you came back home from work and switched it on. Rubbing the sleep away from your eyes, you look at the clock on the wall. 3:45 AM, it reads.
"Goddamn it," you push yourself off the couch ,still groggy from your nap, your whole body aching . You grab your phone and office bag and waddle to your bedroom ,in hopes of finishing your much needed nap.
The hallways of your house are dark but familiar so it takes no time for you to find your room's door. Groaning , you close it behind you and walk towards your bed, a homely , comforting feeling enveloping you like a soft blanket. The lights of the room are switched off as usual , and the cold air of the room makes your skin tingle. You smell your signature perfume in the air and the room freshener you use, and surprisingly, a very strange, foreign smell that you are sure you had never smelt in your house before - the smell of grass and mud on a rainy day.
"What the-" you mutter to yourself as your mind finally starts functioning properly again , coming out of your post nap trance and all your senses suddenly switching to high alert mode.
It wasn't raining right now ,nor had it been raining in the evening when you came home so there's no way that this smell was carried in by you. You remember seeing droplets of rain run down the office windows during your lunch break, which means it had rained only a little bit during afternoon. Did someone enter your house in the afternoon?
Your heart starts hammering against your chest. Something feels wrong ,very wrong.
And you quickly realize you were right - because the moment you take a step away from your bed , your feet gets stuck onto something and you crash on the floor. Face down.
Turns out ,your feet didn't get stuck on a 'something ' , it was rather a                  ' someone '.
In all honesty, you had never seen a man as handsome as the one that lies on your bedroom floor right now, his hands and feet sprawled out as if he were sleeping on his own bed, his lips parted and hair damp. And if it weren't for his slow , steady breathing and the flush across his cheeks , you'd have almost thought he was dead.
You want to scream. And you do.
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You should have called the police the moment you saw him, you think , but you didn't- more like you couldn't.
You are scared obviously, as you frantically check all your lockers and drawers to make sure he hadn't stolen anything. You check his pant pockets but find nothing. You even consider calling your brother but something was stopping you from doing so .
There is something about this man - maybe his extra silky looking clothes , maybe the weird pendant around his neck or maybe just the mere gut feeling that he might actually be the victim, not the criminal - that just wouldn't let you pick up the phone and call the authorities, even though you have their number on speed dial.
"Can I get another slice of bread ,please?" You snap out of your thoughts on hearing his husky, honey-like voice, call out to you, only to realize that you'd been staring at his face as if he were an alien.
Maybe he is an alien....
Embarrassed at being caught red handed, your cheeks flush as you nod your head and pass the man sitting on your dining table,right in front of you, his fifth slice of bread. Damn, he must have been starving.
"Thank you ,miss y/n." He replies with a polite smile, applying butter on the bread with the butter knife Minho had left at your place on your last birthday.
You want to return his smile ,you really do, but you can't find it in yourself to keep your curiosity suppressed anymore. You've never been so intrigued by a living,breathing human before, not to this extent at least.
A few hours ago, when he woke up after you dragged him off from the floor and laid him on your bed, you half expected him to attack you with a weapon or strangle you or threaten you for money but all he did was politely ask if you were the owner of this 'warm and cozy ' house and your name. He even called you ' a kind lady ' when you offered him breakfast and medicine for the slight fever he complained of , out of nothing but pure curiosity and intrigue.
"What was your name , again, sir?" You ask , putting down your chopsticks after deciding your breakfast wasn't that important anymore ,"and where do you come from?"
He sits up straight, the smile on his lips slowly dissolving into a frown. Did you say something wrong?
"I'm Bang Christopher Chan. But I usually go by Chan, " he answers the first part of your question and when he notices your anticipating eyes ,waiting for him to answer the next part , he looks down at his plate, as if embarrassed. "I wish I could tell you where I come from ,my lady ,but I can't and you wouldn't believe me either way. "
You furrow your eyebrows in confusion ; first of all ,this man - Chan - ends up in your room, passed out and sick , secondly he wears such expensive looking ,vintage clothes and lastly, the man speaks as if he were an actor in a Shakespearean play and now he refuses to tell you where he comes from.
He is feeding into your alien theory a little more than you expected.
"Well we won't know that unless you tell me." you reply with pleading eyes, curiosity getting the best of you. He shakes his head and presses his lips together in a firm smile, dragging his chair across the floor and standing up, "I'm afraid I can't do that."
You only watch in awe as he walks towards your main door in strange yet elegant steps. He turns around to look at you, "I express my heartfelt gratitude for everything you've done for me, my sweet lady. You gave me shelter and food and your magical herbs cured my sickness. I will never forget this favour of yours."
Magical herbs? Is he talking about your mom's herbal medicine?
You gulp, not knowing how to reply to his sudden expression of gratitude. With an INTP personality type, you've always found it hard to express yourself to people around you, even if your life depended on it and this time isn't any different either.
"W-well it was my pleasure." You stutter, "But where are you going now anyway?"
He runs his fingers through his silky , fluffy blonde hair and licks his dry lips. "I'm going to look for a friend. He might be able to help me."
"How will you find him? Do you have his phone number or address?" You ask. He shakes his head, "I'm afraid not. What's a phone number, by the way?"
Your eyes widen at his question, your mind running wild with possibilities of what might actually be going on with Chan. You've only ever seen things like this in movies and shows - a random person with no memory whatsoever meets the main character and they set out on an adventure together. And as curious as you were to find out whether Chan brings adventure with him too , you didn't want to get yourself involved in something so messy.
"It's a number via which you can contact people using this device." You say , showing him the led screen of your phone.
His mouth gapes at you , his eyes shaking with curiosity.
Oh this one is a gone case ,you think.
"I'll help you find your friend. What's his name?" You ask him again.
Still in fascination with your phone , he barely whispers his friend's name but thankfully you catch it,
"Lee Felix."
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You hate driving . Period. Especially on weekends when the roads are full of impatient cars going off to picnics ,goods trucks trying to finish business as soon as possible , two wheelers which are the location of all the PDA in the world. You aren't used to seeing such happy traffic.
But here you are ,driving this mysterious yet charming man to his friend's place.
Lee Felix ,as the internet tells you , is an owner of a medicinal shop and is pretty well known among people for his homemade medicines and ointments. It only took one tap on your search engine to find out his location.
"So who exactly is this friend of yours?" The car has been quite ever since you left your apartment and you couldn't take it anymore - not when Chan just sits beside you , his fingers tapping on his leg with anxiousness.
He looks up at you , "He's more like a little brother to me , honestly. I grew up with his family - playing with his friends and his siblings. But he moved out of our hometown to do business. He still comes home sometimes but lives here most of the time. "
Now, that's the kind of information you'd been seeking for since the morning. He's slowly but surely warming upto you.
"So you're here to take him home or what?" you ask.
He shakes his head with a grim expression. "No, of course not. I wish I could but he is happy here , tells me he has a lover now and lots of friends. I'm happy for him. And anyway ," he pauses for second , "I'm here to hide. "
You find your heart race at the last word. He's hiding, but from what? From who? Is he a criminal that is trying to save himself from punishment? Or something worse?
Shit. This is not a good idea at all.
If your brother were here , he'd have flicked your forehead so hard it would have hurt for days. Maybe you even deserve it this time.
"From what?" You ask ,your voice only a whisper.
He sighs ,leaning against the window and looking out with thoughtful eyes.
"I really can't tell you, my lady." He replies.
Before you could question him further ,you see a house emerging in the distance and immediately recognize it as Lee Felix 's home plus workshop. Reluctantly, you pull over in front of the huge wooden house.
"How do I open the door ?" Chan asks with an innocent smile when you're about to get out. You let out a small chuckle and put your hand on your own door handle, "Press the black button here and push the door gently. " You demonstrate and he picks it up quickly, joining you as you stand on the porch of this Felix dude's house.
Chan knocks on the door with urgency, and for the first time today, he seems a little relaxed now. Like a weight from his shoulders had been lifted, and you don't have the heart to tell him that there's a doorbell directly on his right.
You hear quick shuffling behind the door and within a second ,the door opens to reveal a man - probably Felix - with bright orange hair and a big smile.
Brothers , you remember Chan's words.
They really do look like brothers as Felix jumps on Chan,embracing him like he had just saved his life. You don't miss the quiet sniffing from Chan and the tears that accumulate in Felix's eyes as they pat each other on the back , mumbling ' I missed you's to each other.
"I was so worried, Chan." Felix pulls away , grabbing Chan's shoulders, " I thought you'd gone to Marmoreal . Why didn't you tell me you were here?"
The name Marmoreal rings a bell in your head ,for sure. You'd heard that place before many times but as you search through your memories and try to find the exact context of that name , you fail to find it. It feels like you'd heard it almost in a dream.
"I just arrived here last night. Wasn't a very pleasant ride ,if you ask me. " Chan says , giggling.
Felix giggles too and then his eyes land on your confused face , as he let's go of Chan.
"And who might this fair lady be?" He asks with a pleasant smile.
Brilliant. Another actor from a Shakespearean play.
"Oh,right," Chan chuckles. " This is y/n, the kind lady who let me stay at her house for the night. "
No,he ended up in your room out of nowhere, you want to say ,but you swallow the words. You didn't want Chan to think of you as rude.
"Hello, Miss Y/n. " he smiles, " You've done us both such favour by housing him. We will not forget this. " Felix says, bowing his head to you.
Awkwardness is what you feel as you force a smile and nod in response,your palms sweating from the unexpected words , "You're welcome,I guess. "
Felix leads the two of you inside the house and you are greeted by a lovely young lady, who looks about your age - Felix's lover ,you assume.She walks in with a freshly baked cake in her gloved hands, her eyes shining the moment she sees the both of you.
"Oh,my dear." She runs to you , " Prince Chan! I have heard so much about you. Felix talks about you all the time. And oh,my, who's this lovely lady?"
Prince Chan .
Prince Chan.
Chan is a prince?
You look at him ,your eyes wide with confusion and doubt and he looks back at you with a nervous expression, like he didn't want the girl to address him as a prince.
"Yeah, " Felix clears his throat, raising his eyebrows at the girl in front of you , as if asking her to keep quiet. "This is Chan and the woman who provided him shelter last night- y/n."
"Oh my apologies," she replies with a smile, probably getting Felix's message, "Hello, Chan, Y/n, I'm Felix's girlfriend, Tracy. " She says as she clings on to Felix's arm and he stares adoringly at her like she is a rare ,precious diamond that no man could ever have but him.
You've seen that look before - in your parents eyes when they tease each other , in your brother's eyes when he talks about his boyfriend , in your ex boyfriend's eyes. You almost feel jealous.
"Hello ,Tracy." Both you and Chan say at the same time and then awkwardly stare at each other.
Tracy giggles.
"Anyway, Chan and I have important things to talk about. " Felix wiggles out of her grip and takes Chan by the arm ," Tracy, my love, would you please see to it that Miss Y/n here is not bored."
And Tracy surely did make sure you weren't bored for a single second.
She takes you into their medicine workshop, showing you the different herbs and fruits and vegetables they use to make the herbal medicine. She shows you the various jars full of these medicines and ointments. Her eyes shine with passion when she talks to you and it makes you realize how happy this makes her.
It is not an hour later,when she offers you a slice of cake and a cup of coffee that you find in yourself to ask Tracy about Chan and Felix and whatever happened back in their hometown.
"Ah,right. Their home." A sad expression falls on her ,as she stirs her coffee, " I wish I could tell you , I really do but unless Felix or Chan ask of me , I cannot do it."
The same response, again and again. "But I'm curious..... and scared." You mutter.
Tracy clicks her tongue on the roof of her mouth ,"Sweetie, I know you are and I don't blame you. But it is not my place to decide if I can reveal a secret or not....yet I can tell you this- Chan is not dangerous or anything of that sort. He's in fact the one in danger, in need of protection. "
Shocked, you stare at Tracy ,not being able to form proper words. Your prediction was right, Chan was in fact the victim.
You feel chills down your spine.
"Do you come from that place too?" You ask again.
"Oh no, I wish , sweetheart, I wish but no. I'm from this city itself. Born and raised. " she replies with a slight chuckle.
You want to ask her if Chan and Felix had come from a different planet but you stop yourself just in time when the boys arrive into the workshop.
"I'm afraid we'll have to bid them farewell now, miss y/n." Chan says with a sad smile and you wonder if he said that to console his own self.
"You've been so ,so kind to Chan. I would just ask you to do one last thing for him -" Felix starts, " Can you please drop him at the Levanter hotel ?"
Your forehead creases with confusion, "Why ? Will he not be staying with you?"
"No, I'm afraid not. He'll be easier to find in my house out of all the places. He won't be very safe here." Felix admits, embarrassed.
"Then he can stay at my place. He doesn't have to live all alone." Your mouth speaks out those words without giving a second thought to the idea of Chan actually living with you - you said you didn't want trouble but here you were ,being a big ass hypocrite.
"Well I don't see a problem with that, "Tracy chimes in , grinning, "and besides ,I like to believe that Chan would rather enjoy your company than be alone."
Your cheeks burn red as Tracy yet again puts you and Chan in an awkward place. His eyes are fixed on your face while yours are everywhere but him.
"Its settled then. " Felix says as the couple escorts you and Chan to your car. And just before you drive off, you hear Felix say to Chan, "I think we can trust the lady. Tell her about Underland. Tell her about home."
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You love listening to stories. You remember your dad telling you and Minho stories ever night when you were kids and how you found it difficult to sleep without listening to his stories. Stories make you happy, they make your mind wonder about the infinite possibilities in this vast universe and how you happened to be where you were at the exact moment when the story was told.
Stories fascinate you .
With a voice as serious as your dad's, Chan starts, "I and Felix come from a far, far away place called Underland. You humans might know of it as Wonderland because of that one writer who stumbled upon our kingdom one day and decided to write a stupid book about it." He almost sounds angry when he speaks the last line.
"Anyway, I and Felix belong to Underland, which was ruled by the First Great White Queen's descendants for centuries. But everything changed when my grand father - The Last White King passed away. My father were to take the throne by blood right but then a blood descendant of the First Red Queen arrived and claimed Underland as hers. She killed all remaining members of the White Queen's family, my parents, my brothers and sisters," he pauses for a second ,blinking away tears. Your heart clenches with sadness , "But she couldn't kill me; I was just a baby. The youngest of them all. So she banished me to the Enchanted Forest forever ,to live with The Hatters which was Felix's family. In the forest , I grew up with his siblings - Sana, Momo , Me and Felix were inseparable. And we played with the Dormouse , the Cheshire Cat, the White Rabbit , March Hare all day. It was lovely, almost like a dream. Never once did I want to live a royal life or desire my rightful throne back - I was happy. But when I turned twenty , the Queen wanted me to marry her daughter so that she could tighten her claim over the throne. I couldn't do that , I couldn't marry a woman I did not know and did not love. So my friends used their magic and helped run away from the Queen and her Red Knights. And that's how I ended up in your house. "
You blink a few times as everything comes crashing to you at once - his sudden appearance in your room, his weird clothes ,his accent ,his strange walk ,his cluelessness about the modern world , and Tracy calling him a Prince - he is a Prince. A Prince of a place you didn't know actually existed, a descendant of A Queen you'd only heard about in books and movies.
Marmoreal is the name of the White Queen's home , now you remember.
Wonderland was real. As real as you and Chan and Felix and Minho and Tracy. It very much exists .
"Y/n, please do not fear me,I beg of you. You can ask me anything you want but I want you to know that I will not harm you. I am your friend. At least I want to be. " he says , putting a hand on yours as your mind snap backs to reality.
You straighten up.
"Questions , right." you say, still blinking more often than you needed to .
"So the Red queen and the White queen are real? Like they're not just that Writer's idea?" You ask.
"Oh ,they are, I assure you. They were sisters but enemies, which led to the evil Red Queen's banishment centuries ago. Their descendants never got along with each other."
You nod, gulping hard. So the scary Queen with the big head was real. Brilliant.
"And The Hatters , are they the family of the Once Mad Hatter?"
"Yes, they are."
"Aren't they all mad?"
He chuckles, leaning closer to your face, "Darling, they're only as mad as you and I."
Your heart beat gets stuck in your throat , stopping you from asking him anything anymore.
Taking it as the end of the conversation Chan bids you a quick goodnight and heads over to the guest room you had given him.
But he stops just before the door, leaning against the door with a grin ,"Oh, by the way, my lady ,you might not want to skip that herbal medicine on your table anymore."
You frown, "Why?"
"I wasn't lying when I said they were magical - Felix makes them after all."
Oh, what a small fucking world!
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The next morning, Bang Christopher Chan claims that he makes very ,very good morning tea that will give you a boost that normal ' human ' tea could never.
"Take one sip and you will crave for more, " he tells you as you provide him with the basic ingredients and watch him from the opposite side of the counter , making this supposedly mind blowing tea.
Now, to be very frank ,you weren't much of a tea person - you've only had boba a few times and the proper ,traditional tea only on the few times that your dad makes some. You were more into coffee. But you didn't tell him that.
You see Chan lean over the boiling pot of water on the gas , adding tea leaves and a little bit of cinnamon and then half a spoon of ground ginger. You observe him , your curiosity bubbling like the boiling water.
"Are you going to add ...magic too? " you couldn't help but ask the question as Chan stirs the mixture in front of him.
He chuckles , a warm , hearty laugh that lights up the lonely and cold corners of your small apartment. His eyes turn into crescent moons and his deep ocean dimples as he walks towards you and softly boops your nose , "Yes, of course! How would it be different from your normal tea otherwise?"
You see him walk back to the pot and then rub his forefinger and thumb together above the mouth of the pot , "Watch this ,my lady." You stare at him with shock as a sparkly , golden dust snows down due to the friction of his thumb and forefinger and gets mixed with the boiling tea.
And when the first sip of the freshly brewed,warm tea touches your lips and travels inside your mouth, you feel an explosion in your brain that you'd never felt before. You feel like there are literal fireworks in your head ,burning and cracking and fueling your energy levels. You want to run out on the roads and scream on top on your lungs for no goddamn reason.
"Chan, I didn't think I'd say this ,but this is the most delicious beverage I've ever tasted." You say , booping his nose like he did before, " Thank You."
In the evening , you take him out for shopping after calling Minho to cancel your plans with him. You told him that an old friend of yours was visiting from Australia and that he would be crashing at yours for the next few days. Minho didn't care much , as usual ,and all he said was, "Don't get pregnant." You remember rolling your eyes at his annoying remark.
So now here you are, scrolling through your phone while Chan tries on different clothes in the trial room.
"I do not like the shirt that shows my arms!" He yells from inside as the employees of the store giggle.
You sigh, " It's called a tank top,Chan. And I'm buying it whether you like it or not, it's summer for God's sake!"
You hear him mumble something under his breath and then the door of the dressing room creaks open to reveal a very different Chan. You can't help up but gawk at his perfectly toned arms and the very evident biceps that you did not expect to be there. You gulp hard. With his tousled hair and perfect smile and gorgeous eyes , he looks like a Disney Prince, the ones you used to obsess over as a child.
He is a prince, you dummy, you remind yourself again. Prince of Wonderland . (Underland, whatever)
He awkwardly hugs his arms around his body as the cool air from the AC grazes his bare arms ,his cheeks turning red from embarrassment.
" Hey, chin up !" You grin , and walk toward him.
He presses his lips in a line and mutters ,"I look ugly."
"No, you do not look ugly ,Christopher. You look anything but ugly ," you glare at him, "You look amazing. Just like... Park Chanyeol. "
His forehead creases and you see a ghost of jealousy in his eyes, " Who is that? Your lover?"
You laugh out loud, patting his cheek softly. " No, he is a...famous person. In our world. Just like you are of your kingdom."
You decide to take out Chinese food for dinner and even though you want to ask Chan if he was okay with that , you don't. Because he probably doesn't know what China even is .
"Do you want me to carry that bag for you?" Chan asks ,pointing at the take out bag on your lap as the both of you settle down in the backseat of the cab you had called. You wince as you realize how badly your feet hurt from all the shopping and snacking.
"No , thank you. Plus you have enough things to carry yourself." You reply, eyeing the tons of bags he carries, containing clothes and shoes and whatnot.
The drive to your house is long , owing to the fact that the city becomes more livelier at night - a scene you rarely get to see with your own eyes anymore, thanks to your stupid job. The cab driver plays a slow, romantic song and you automatically find your eyes scan Chan's face, looking for something that could help you relate to the song booming through the speakers.
But all you see is worry.
"Chan, are you alright?" You ask him, placing a hand on his arm.
He looks over at you , his eyes shining like the city lights that you hadn't seen in so long, " You're a very kind person ,my lady. I do not know how I will ever repay you for this; any of this! "
You feel a warm feeling spread from your chest, coursing through your veins and under your scalp and your ears.
"You can repay me by making that tea for me everyday. " you reply with a soft smile.
Chan scoots over closer to you ,then puts his head on your shoulders, " Well then I'm sure you wouldn't mind if I take a short nap - I owe you this one too."
You blush and look away from his captivating gaze ," Fine, whatever. Just make the tea for me. "
You know you want to add something but you swallow those words and repeat them only in the company of your own thoughts.
Thank you ,Chan , you think as you look out the car window ,cherishing the beautiful streetlights and the tall buildings and the neon signs of shops and the gentle pressure of Chan's head on your shoulder , Thank you for making my weekend less lonely.
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Chan is a man of his word, you can guarantee that - An honorable , honest man who almost seems too good to be real sometimes.
As promised , he'd make you tea every morning for the next two months before you go to office while he spends most of his time in your house, trying out different things to keep him occupied while you were at work - learning how to use your spare laptop , cooking tutorials on YouTube , videocalling with Felix , practicing magic on your plushies, online window shopping because he apparently loved the way people in your world dressed.
He'd wait for you every evening with another interesting thing he had learnt and wanted to share with you , and a plate of freshly cut fruits that he prepared beforehand. Then you'd both make dinner together and spend the rest of the evening talking and laughing and gossiping .He would tell you about Underland and it's castles and magic and you would tell him about your world and how a stupid picture on the internet could go viral in a split second.
On weekends, you'd make a hearty breakfast for the both of you and then clean the house together,which Chan never once complained about. By the time evening comes, you would have already chosen what movie to show him while the popcorn cooks in the microwave. Or sometimes you'd spend the day at Felix's or sometimes drive down for a small picnic at a park.
Slowly but definitely, Chan becomes a part of your everyday life , your source of comfort, your escape . And he ,in turn , finds a caring friend in you , a teacher , a person he could lean on . Knowingly or unknowingly , you become his escape too.
It is on one such Friday night that Minho calls you during your movie session and you excuse yourself from a weeping Chan ( the movie you chose was Titanic) ,walking towards your own room.
" What's up?" You say into the phone as you jump on your bed .
"Are you seriously asking me that? Y/n , it's been weeks since mom or dad or I saw you. You keep cancelling plans for your Australian friend. Do you think I'm stupid?" He yells at you and you move your ear away from the speaker. Gosh ,talk about being so loud and annoying.
"He's coming home after years, Min. I can't just leave him here."
He sighs, "What kind of a friend stays over for two fucking months. " then adds ,with all seriousness, " is this some Christian Grey shit going on?"
You laugh - you have to ,even though you know your brother is pissed off ," Dude, do you even hear yourself ? I earn ten times more than that Anastasia bitch did. I don't need a sugar daddy."
"Then what's going on with this guy ? Tell me the truth ,y/n . You know I'll believe you." His voice now softens.
You sigh, rubbing the crease between your eyebrows.
Not this time ,you wouldn't believe me, you want to tell Minho.
But then decide that if you can't tell him the truth ,you could at least tell him half the truth.
"Look, Minho...my friend is not here for a vacation. He's here to hide. He's in possible danger. " you whisper to him.
"What kind of danger? Y/n,what if he's running from the police? What if he's in trouble with the government?" He asks,his voice filled with concern.
You hated the fact that he was so similar to you . And he had the audacity to call you adopted for so many years. Asshole.
"No, silly. Not that kind of trouble. He ran away from his engagement. The bride's mother is a bitch apparently ,trying to force him for his money and fame. "
You hear Minho heave a sigh of relief from the other side and naturally, you relax too.
"Well then if you can't leave him alone ,bring him along to our house. I'd love to meet this Australian guy in person."
And that was the end of the conversation.
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When you live with someone , you find new things about them everyday - today is the day you find out that Chan looks exceptionally attractive in a tight black polo t-shirt and simple jeans. His blonde hair is pushed back a little, his forehead glowing under the bright Sunday sun and he wears a watch that Tracy and Felix had gifted him last week. Handsome as a Greek God.
"How do I look ?" He asks you as he scratches the back of his neck, smiling at his reflection in the mirror.
He's gained confidence .
"Like a Prince." You say, standing beside him.
Your eyes are focused on your reflections in the mirror,the close proximity of your bodies and the way you both look like any other couple in the world, makes you feel overwhelmed. You see the few millimetre gap between his hand and yours and if you reach out a little bit, you could easily lace your fingers with him.
"And how do I look?" You ask him with a small smirk.
He scans your image ; you wear a simple floral summer dress with short sleeves ,along with a pretty wrist bracelet and a simple pendant around your neck. You catch him blushing.
"Like a Princess. " he replies.
You badly want to hold his hand in yours. But you don't.
The drive to your Brother's place is filled with questions and replies and a few careless teasings thrown here and there.
"I hope your brother doesn't hate me for keeping you occupied all the time. " Chan comments when you turn to Minho's apartment street.
You shake your head, " No,no. Of course not. Minho is not like that."
Your brother has lived with his boyfriend, Jisung for about five years now . You want them to get married soon but they always make weird excuses about it. So you just assumed they enjoy this live in relationship without the pressure of marriage and children.
"Hey , y/n, oh my god! Long time ,huh?" Jisung hugs you tightly the moment you enter their living room ,his big toothy smile permanently plastered on his face. Minho stands behind Jisung ,his arms crossed over his chest and his critical eyes focused on Chan. You smile and jog up to your brother, wrapping your arms around him. His familiar scent makes you miss home and your parents and your old room. "Stop being so stuck up,Min." You whisper to him as Chan and Jisung introduce each other and Minho eyes them suspiciously.
He chuckles and hugs you tighter ,pressing a small kiss to your head. You grin as he pulls away.
"Chan,meet my brother Minho, " you bring Chan to stand in front of Minho , "And Minho ,this is Chan." Minho observes the way Chan walks - elegant and smooth and the way Chan talks , like he were a dude from the Victorian Era yet he wears modern clothes and uses a phone and air pods. Everything about this man is mysterious yet Minho couldn't find anything to hold against him. Perhaps he is being too hard on the poor man. He also notices how lovingly Chan gazes at you , looks out for you in the smallest possible ways and you look at him with the same adoration and concern. Were you two dating? You didn't say anything about that though.
So he asks you after dinner ," Do you like Chan?" The question comes out as natural as any other question Minho has ever asked you. You look down from his balcony at the streets and cars and people below then your eyes fall on your brother and the wine glass in his hands and on Jisung and Chan who chat inside the living room over dessert, having found a common interest in music making and lyrics writing.
Your blood turns cold - not because Minho had asked you that question but because this is the first time you're actually considering the possibility of that being true. It scares you.
You think about a similar incident that had happened almost ten years ago - when you were in middle school and Minho was in high school. You had a crush on your cute classmate but he chose your friend over you. Even at that tender age,you were heartbroken. No one at home noticed your sadness or disinterest in everything those days but Minho did - he always does.
"I don't know ." You lean against the railing of the balcony , "I don't want to think about it."
"Beacuse we do not belong together. We're from different worlds. " you whisper , "And I'm not sure if he feels anything like for me."
Minho frowns at you then flicks your forehead so hard that it stings.
"You keep suppressing your feelings all the time, y/n. You wouldn't know if he likes you or if you belong together if you don't tell him." He says.
You do know that you do not belong together. You do know that he may never like you back. But you don't mention it to Minho.
That night , as you are driving back home and Chan is sleepily looking out the window,you ask him , "Chan, there's something I have to ask you."
Chan sits up straight ,his attentive eyes focused on your nervous ones. He could sense your turmoil since you stepped out of Minho's house. He nods ," Go on."
"Um...actually, Jisung's cousin is getting married on Wednesday. Would you like to be my plus one for the ceremony?"
You'd never seen Chan smile so wide before, his eyes practically disappearing in the process. His cheeks tinted red and his hands tapping on his thigh .
"Do you want me to?" He asks. He hopes more than anything that you say yes.
" Hell yeah,dude! " You reply, chuckling.
He has never hugged you till now , you realize, as Chan jumps and wraps you in a warm embrace ,even as you are driving. Your heart hammers against your chest and your cheeks turn brighter than his own.
His smell fills you with a comforting ,homely feeling and you just hope he never lets go of the hug.
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Remember when you said that Chan looked really good in a polo t-shirt and you thought it couldn't get any better? Well you take your words back now.
Your hands go limp by your sides when you see Chan walk out of his room , as you stare at him from the small crack of the door of your room. He looks ethereal. He wears a black suit with a pink, silky shirt inside paired with his locket and his watch. Nothing too fancy and yet you feel your knees growing weak below you.
You suck in a deep breath,looking at yourself in the mirror and trying to gather enough confidence to walk and face him. You wear a pink net shirt with black palazzo pants, accessorized with silver earrings and a rose gold ring on your thumb.
"Okay, come on ,y/n." you encourage yourself, your heart beating fast.
You had not really expected him to drop his jaw on the floor the moment he sees you but he did and it makes your heart flutter and cheeks red.
He offers you his hand, "You look gorgeous ,my lady."
And you slip your hand in his ," So do you ,your majesty."
The wedding venue is not really far from your apartment so it takes only about 30 minutes for you to reach there.
And rest assured, you both had turned all the heads in the wedding that night. Wide eyes and gaping mouths and silent whispers of jealousy, you noticed them all. You felt a little bad for stealing the spotlight from the bride and groom but you secretly wanted to show Chan off too.
"Attention grabbers." Minho had teased you during the wedding ceremony as the bride and groom took their vows , earning a pinch from you in reply.
The rest of the evening goes by smoothly and before you even realize it, Jisung pulls you and Chan to the dance floor when a slow,romantic song comes up.
"Uh. I don't know how to dance." You admit shyly as Chan offers you his hand.
He chuckles and you notice how deep his dimples really are this up close.
"I can so don't worry about it. Just trust me. " he says, his eyes scanning your face
Smiling, you take his hand and put your other hand on his shoulder while he drapes an arm around your waist and pulls you closer. He indeed is a good dancer because soon you find yourself gliding around the dance floor effortlessly, flowing with the music and drowning in Chan's intoxicating eyes.
"This isn't so bad though." You comment when the lights are turned low and you see all the couples around you in their own bubble,doing their own thing, just grooving to the soft music ," I could get used to it."
Chan pulls both your arms and wraps them around his neck ,his hands finding a comfortable place around your waist.
"You should come to Underland some day. We could dance there all night. No one would disturb us." he whispers back,moving your bodies gently to the music.
Your smile fades , " I wish I could,Chan. I desperately do. "
He looks into your eyes and leans in closer, making your heart thump fast. Faster than it ever has.
"You can. You can come and go whenever you want, I promise you. " he says.
You nod at his efforts of making you feel better but you know that when he finally goes back to Underland, your heartache would be inevitable. You are so deeply ,madly and truly in love with the man in front of you that you will not be able stand a day without his warm presence in your otherwise dark and cold house. His absence would absolutely destroy you so you simply bury your face in the crook of his neck , breathing in his smell , enjoying his hands on you and sketching this moment in your mind forever.
"I'm going to miss you when you leave." you mutter in a silent voice as he runs his fingers through your hair , "Don't go,Chan."
You don't know why you're suddenly getting so emotional about him leaving when you always knew it would happen some day.
"Then come with me ,y/n." He whispers into your ears.
You pull away just enough to look into his eyes and then shift your gaze to his oh-so kissable , plump lips that you'd spent so many nights dreaming about.
Is this the right thing to do?
You no longer care.
He leans in first ,pulling your body towards him and softly yet hastily pressing his lips against yours.
Oh the bliss of having to kiss the man you've longed for since forever.
You're not even surprised when his lips fit perfectly in between yours as your whole body turns warm under his touch , like it had been waiting for him for a long time. And when you hold his cheek to control the pace of the kiss , you realise how much this means to him. How much you mean to him.
"I love you, Chan." You whisper after he pulls away, resting his forehead on yours.
He grins," I love you ,too."
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The wedding ends shortly after but you guys stay back to wait for Minho and Jisung while they bid farewell to all of Jisung 's family and relatives.
"Be quick. " you tell Chan when he rushes into the boys washroom while you wait outside, your mind still replaying the intimate moment you had on the dance floor ( and Minho and Jisung teasing you about it later on). You shake your head ,smiling like an idiot.
Your beautiful thoughts are interrupted when someone- a tall ,muscular man wearing a peculiar red tuxedo - walks past you, bumping his arm harshly onto yours.
"Ow,dude,what the fuck?" You wince ,rubbing your arm as the arrogant asshole walks into the bathroom, "Piece of shit." You say when he doesn't even bother looking back at you.
You are about to go back to reminiscing your kiss with Chan but you hear a Chan yelling from the bathroom, his voice is as crisp and clear as the air in the mountains.
Your whole body goes cold.
"Get away from me !" You hear him yell and before you could stop yourself ,you feel your feet running into bathroom , pushing past the main door that clearly reads 'Male'.
"Chan? What's wrong?" You ask, your voice laced with urgency and adrenaline pumping through your blood.
What you see inside is something you'd never expected to see before but you were in love with a man who came from a place you didn't even know existed so this doesn't come as a big surprise to you. If Chan weren't in immediate danger, you might as well have been fascinated by it.
You see - Chan crouching on the floor , blood running from his nose and his hands covering his eyes , as if he's hiding. You see - the red tall asshole leaning against the wall, staring at Chan. You see - three very peculiar creatures surrounding Chan , shaped like the rummy cards with spades, diamonds and whatnot drawn on them and holding spears in what you assume to be their arms.
You almost regret coming in when all of them look at you with wide ,surprised eyes.
"Y/n! What are you doing here?" Chan gets up and walks toward you ,his lips quivering with fear.
The card creatures walk toward you,their spears pointed toward you as they growl something under their breath. You back away slowly.
"Hey! Stop it! She has nothing to do with it. Don't attack her." Chan yells at those things and thankfully ,they listen. They turn around and stand beside the asshole in the red suit.
Chan runs over you , tears starting to form in his eyes, "You shouldn't be here , y/n. Go back,now!"
You look into his eyes , your heart breaking at the sight of seeing him so in pain ,so vulnerable. It's like you're hurt ,too.
"D-did they do t-this to you?" You ask,pointing at his nose.
He blinks for a second then nods with a sigh ," That's why I'm telling you to leave ,okay? Y/n, sweetheart, please leave.Now." His voice is basically begging you and all you can do is stare at him and the others with horror.
"They found you. The Red Queen found you." You mutter to him,as he holds you by your shoulders.
"I'm so sorry ,y/n. I really thought...we had time. I really did. " his voice cracks as more tears stream down his face.
"We don't have all day long , Chan. Your future wife and her mother have been waiting for a long time." The man in red says sarcastically, "You've kept them waiting long enough."
You glare at the man then turn to Chan, who's a sobbing mess by now.
"They're going to get you married?"
The man in red scoffs, " He should be lucky if that's all they do. And knowing the Queen , she is very angry with him. He will not have it easy."
"Will they...execute him?" You ask ,running your hands over his face ,rubbing the mixture of blood and tears. Your heart shatters.
"No, the young princess is very fond of him actually. They will get married after he serves his punishment."
You see Chan wince in your arms as you pull him up in a crushing embrace. Probably the last one ever.
"I can call Minho and Jisung. They could easily take care of these bastards." You whisper into his hair, blinking tears away.
He clutches into you as if you were the only thing keeping him completely losing his mind.
He shakes his head, " No, don't, please. I cannot let more people get involved with me."
You pull away from the hug, just like you had on the dance floor, but it's different this time - more painful .
"Is there anything I can do...to stop this." You ask again ,desperate to not part from the man you've grown to love so bad.
He kisses your forehead,then holds your face in his hands. "I do not want any harm befalling you ,or your brother and Jisung or Felix or anyone of my friends in Underland, which is why I have to go and face my faith. I'm so sorry ,my love."
You let the tears flow.
Why was the Universe so unfair to people who deserved to be happy together? Why did the universe always favour those who mean ill to others?
"I love you ,Chan , remember that. " you say , " I always will."
He smiles through his tears, "and so will I. Always. I don't care if I am married or you are married or whatever, you're my princess till the end of Earth and till the end of Underland."
The asshole in red clears his throat, glaring at the two of you. Chan pulls away from the embrace and walks back to where he was originally when you came in.
You see all of them taking turns to drink from a vial with a purple liquid in it.
"Farewell,my lady." Chan whispers as a tear drop rolls down his face and falls on the floor with a soft splat. And in the blink of an , he is gone ,leaving behind nothing but a puff of golden smoke and his tear drop on the floor.
That's when you realise how real all of this is. And realise why exactly you didn't like the story of Alice in Wonderland as a child - its because the story is not a typical fairytale where the prince ends up marrying the princess, and because some day or the other, Alice had to leave everyone behind and come back to her real world.
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You feel like it's been an eternity since you have been walking through the crowd of people in the wedding , people looking at you with disgust and fear, while you look for your brother or Jisung.
You enter the main hall and scan the room , sniffing away your tears and rubbing your bloody hands on your shirt.
You are a mess.
Finally ,you spot Minho in the far corner of the room ,speaking with a few guests with Jisung by his side. You sigh in relief but your body responds in the form of sobs.
You rush towards him and pull him by the end of his shirt, "M-Minho."
Jisung and Minho turn around ,their eyes widen at your crying, shivering , bloody sight .
Jisung immediately wraps his coat around you.
"Hey,what happened?" Minho demands as he pulls you in a hug ,and you sob into his neck, " Where's Chan?"
You feel Jisung rub your back soothingly.
"T-they got him ,Min. They took him and they punched his nose and it was all bloody and horrible and he was crying. Those things were so scary and ..." you say in between sobs, "..they'll punish him for running away and then marry him off, Min. I couldn't protect him."
"Who is them, y/n ?" Minho ask, rubbing your tears with his thumb.
"The Red Knights."
Jisung and Minho share a look of confusion with each other but they don't push you to explain your words.
"Okay,let's go home. We can talk there okay? Nothing will happen to Chan. We'll save him."Jisung says .
You shake your head , "No, we can't go home. We have to go to Felix. He's the only one who knows what to do. You guys can't save Chan without magic."
They want to believe you and whatever you say and they're worried about Chan too ,afterall both of them were so fond of him but they find your words rather hard to digest.
Nevertheless, your brother drives you to Felix's house.
His house once made you feel happy and complete but now it makes you feel horrible, like the freezing cold sensation you experience when you play out in the snow for too long.
And as you sit around his dining table , telling him about the incident and then him further explaining the whole story of you and Chan to Your brother and Jisung , you feel horribly empty.
"I'm so sorry ,Felix. I should have done something. I should have called out for help but I was so...scared. " you say , Tracy rubbing your back in comfort.
"Its not you fault, Y/n. Those knights are scary and the red man you talked about, he is the Queen's personal guard." Felix says ,"You're lucky he didn't do anything bad to you."
Jisung stares him blankly.
Minho paces up and down the room , his face twisted in confusion, " So you're telling me that the stupid story of 'Alice in Wonderland ' is true and Chan is from that place and you too?"
Felix hums in response.
"Bloody hell ", Jisung murmurs under his breath then adds , " so how do we go to that place and find him? I mean how do things work there?"
"Oh uh,no, we are not going anywhere. I will go . You are staying at home ,safe and secure!" Minho says to Jisung.
You frown in confusion.
"Wait, you believe it? You don't think we're all mad?" You ask.
They shake their heads.
"I trust you , y/n. You may be a pain in the ass and a crybaby but you aren't stupid or mad,as a matter of fact. We believe you ,of course." Minho shrugs.
You don't know if he's poking fun at you or if he actually believes you, but knowing Minho ,he rarely ever jokes around in situations like this.
"But how can we save Chan from there? Do we challenge the Queen and her claim on the throne or what? " you ask Felix.
Felix sighs , " It's not going to be easy . At all. That woman is dangerous...crazy even. She killed off Chan 's entire family , you think it'd be that easy to save him from her?"
There is genuine hatred and disgust in his voice when he speaks of the Queen. You'd only ever seen the portrayal of the First Red Queen in the movies and that woman was enough to piss you off . You couldn't imagine how someone from the same family tree could possibly get any worse.
"What are our options?" You ask ,tapping your fingers against your leg, a habit you'd picked up from Chan. You didn't realise it until just now.
"We cannot defeat her with physical power so dueling challenges and other such things are cut out. So that leaves us with either breaking him out from prison or being witty enough to fool the Stupid Red Head into letting him go " , He says . " and mind you, the Queen is very easy to fool because she's very ,very dumb but her daughter aren't. So we need a full plan to get him out."
You nod in agreement.
"Might I suggest something," Minho chimes in after giving much thought on whether he should speak up or not.
"Yes,please, of course." Felix replies.
"I think that the more important thing right now is to go to Wonderland - I mean, Underland- and as you mentioned earlier, talk to your friends and family. We can make a plan after we reach but first we need to know the severity of the situation there. "
Minho has always been smart but you don't want to admit it out loud - not in the presence of other people at least .
"Fine , yes. We must leave soon," Felix turns to Tracy , "Tracy, sweetheart, you will have to stay here and look over the shop . Jisung ,as Minho said,will stay back too. We don't know how long it will take but I promise I will be back."
And with that , you leave the two couples alone to bid their goodbyes and walk out to the porch, breathing in the cool night air.
"I promise I'll find you , Chan. I will find you and save you." you mutter into the air.
Funny things love makes one do.
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The vial with the purple liquid feels cold in your hands as you uncork it .
"Do I pour it all in?" You ask nervously.
Felix stands on your left while Minho on your right, both of them holding the same vial in their hands.
"It doesn't matter. Just a drop does the work too." Felix shrugs.
You see him pour all the contents of the vial into his throat and then squint his eyes at the taste.
Minho and you share a look before doing the same.
And then your vision is fogged with a golden puff of smoke as you feel your body falling down a long, neverending , bottomless hole.
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You've only ever heard about Underland from Chan and Felix ,and only ever seen this place through their eyes ,but now that you're actually here , it feels surreal, if you put it subtly.
The crisp and fresh air in the Enchanted forest runs chill down your spine and you hop over wood logs and thorny bushes with continuously moving leaves. Minho stays close to you, his hand never leaving your arm while his eyes try to absorb his surroundings.
Felix walks in front of you two , not wavered by the scene in front of him. And why would he be anyway,this was his home ,his domain.
"W-where are we,Felix?" You ask in a soft voice .
"We're in The Tulgey Wood . We're going to my house." He replies with a slight nostalgic tone.
The Enchanted Forest is so breathtakingly beautiful that it almost feels unreal to be walking right through it. The purple sky above you ,the rustling leaves around you , the trees that seem to follow your every movement and flowers that seem to have actual eyes, everything welcomes you rather warmly although you have a feeling you are yet to see the crazy side of this place.
"Well , I had expected you a little earlier, Felix." A sharp voice says from somewhere within the bushes, startling you and Minho and he jumps in front of you ,as if to protect you.
"What's that?" Minho asks,unable to mask his own fearful eyes.
Felix chuckles , " Don't be scared. This is my friend ,the White Rabbit. "
You hear shuffling sounds from the bushes and out comes the most cuddly looking rabbit you've seen in your whole life, hopping on his back limbs and wearing a waistcoat and carrying a stopwatch.
A waistcoat and a stopwatch....
Minho stares at the creature with awe while you bend over to take a closer look at it.
"Hey ,young lady ,back off!" The rabbit threatens you , squinting his eyes at you. And you immediately step back, blinking your eyes nervously.
"It's alright, she's our friend. Chan knows her too. " Felix says, crouching down to pat him , "This is y/n and her brother ,Minho. They're here to help."
At the mention of Chan's name , The Rabbit's eyes widen and he slumps down into Felix's arms and starts sobbing.
"Oh,my dear Felix , I'm afraid of what has become of The Prince. When we heard that the Knights brought him back , we were all so ...lost." he says as Felix cuddles him in his arms, "Dormouse and Cheshire have sneaked out from their duties of the Queen and gone to visit him . They say he looks scared to death. The Queen out him in a prison. With murderers and thieves and whatnot."
Your whole body goes limp at his words, your annoyingly vivid imagination creating those pictures in your head. You blink your tears away.
"How can we save him?" You ask in croaked voice.
The rabbit looks at you sadly , " Let's go to the girls first. They can help you."
"Who is he talking about?" Minho asks.
"My sisters," Felix replies , leading the way deeper into forest , "Come on, we're almost home."
The Hatters' live on a clear patch of land in Tulgey Wood , surrounded by trees for as long as the eyes could reach , in a huge house beautifully built like a Victorian top hat.
You were breath taken. And so was Minho because you could literally feel him hold his breath as you guys enter the house.
"Oh ,my gods , is that you Felix?" A high pitched female voice thunders from above you ,while you stand in what looks like the Study of the house. Your hands brush over a brown diary kept on the desk and the pot of ink sitting beside it. ' Medicinal Documentation ' the diary reads.
"Yes, it seems so. " Felix replies with a grin.
Your eyes fall on the steep spiral stairs in front of you that go up to the other floors of the house and you see two girls jogging down the stairs, big smiles plastered on their faces yet the sadness in their eyes cannot be hidden.
They are a tad bit shorter than you are , and they must not age more than Minho and as they jump on Felix ,squealing with excitement, one can almost immediately see the resemblance in the siblings' appearance ; bright orange hair , toothy smiles, and big ,sparkly eyes .
"And who might these lovely people be?" The shorter of the two girls asks ,as the white rabbit clings onto her long skirt.
"Oh,this is y/n and her brother Minho. They know Chan and want to help him." Felix introduces, " Y/n , Minho meet my sisters - Sana and Momo."
"Of course..miss y/n. We've heard about you." Sana ,the taller one ,walks up to you and bows her head lightly, "We're so grateful for what you're doing for the Prince, sweet one, we really are."
If Felix, Momo , Sana , Chan and the annoying ( but cute) rabbit were put in a Shakespearean play together , it would be a massive hit. Their accents are so good and elegant and graceful that you wish you could learn it too.
You smile at the compliment , "Please don't thank me. I haven't saved him yet. "
"Oh, enough of these formal courtesies, " the shorter girl, Momo , holds your arm and leads you up the stairs, "How about we talk over tea?"
The group reaches the top most floor of the house ,overlooking the beautiful forest through the window as you are made to sit around a long table .
Sana and Mina serve you a cup of tea while the White Rabbit passes you some freshly baked cookies.
"Wow,this...this tea is wonderful." Minho compliments when he takes a sip from his China cup , "Is this what Chan used to make for you ,y/n?"
You nod, as those memories dance around behind your eyes , " He was very good with it."
"Oh he always has been good at everything, I tell you ," Momo starts , " Sword fights ,archery, horse riding ,poetry , cooking, too bad a prince like him had to live with mere Hatters like ourselves."
"Hey,we weren't always this poor. " Sana adds, "This is all the Second Red Queen's doing, gods curse her!"
You scowl , " What do you mean? I thought she only harmed Chan's family . "
Sana let's out a woeful sigh while Momo and Felix look at each other with sorry eyes.
"I wish she'd only done that ,truth be told." Sana says.
"Yes, but instead she ruined everyone's lives who ever crossed paths with her." Momo says, "Our father was the Royal Hatter for Chan's family - the White Queen's descendants. And our mother was the Royal Physician . We lived a happy life , living in a big house near the palace in Marmoreal . "
"Marmoreal was the Summer Palace for the Royal family ,not very far from the capital town of Witzend. One such summer , when Prince Chan was only a year and a half old ,the banished heir of the Evil First Red Queen arrived in Marmoreal and her Knights butchered the royal family and killed every living creature in sight. Her dragons set fire to our house and the palace and the nearby villages. It was...horrible , to say the least. Only a few people survived , which included our family and the Young Prince. The Queen commanded us to take the infant away and never show up in front of her again and so we did - for a long time." Momo then looks over at Sana ,signalling her to continue telling the story.
"But that was until the Queen's only daughter - Princess Scarlet's 18th birthday celebration. We had gone to the parade fair in Witzend, just near the Queen's castle. No one knew us properly or Chan so we were safe. But the Princess saw Chan and fell in love with him...madly. She pursued him every chance she got and when she couldn't succeed , she used her mother's powers to force an alliance. Her mother was hesitant at first, given her history with Chan's family but then she too decided to force him into this alliance for her political good. And initially , Chan had to comply. But on the day of their wedding announcement, he escaped into your world."
"Through my rabbit hole,if I may add." The White Rabbit mumbles. You purse your lips, letting the story in slowly , word by word ,letter by letter. And when the realization sinks in,you purse your lips to stop yourself from crying.
"And I couldn't protect him. I am responsible for what happens to him." You whisper.
Everyone looks at you with disbelief.
"Hey, no! That is not true!" Felix says,almost angry ," You're the reason he was safe and happy for all those months. If not , if he were with me or worse,alone, he wouldn't last a week out there. You saved him, y/n."
"It's true, y/n. Our friends work in the Queen's royal kitchen and they've met Chan a few times in the prison - he only ever asks about a woman named y/n." Sana says.
Your heart drops into the deepest pits of your stomach. You didn't know what love really meant until you met him and although a stranger, in an unknown place , he still trusted you, believed you , cared for you , loved you.
You have to save him.
"Okay , anyone has any plans? Any ideas?" You ask ,after composing yourself.
"I don't have one but I really want to suggest we move this meeting to the medicinal garden in the backyard. That place helps me think. " The White Rabbit offers,scratching his fluffy ears.
As if something in your brain suddenly clicks , like a gear falling into place in a machine; Your eyes widen as you slam your hand on the table.
Everyone jumps up , startled.
"What's wrong ?"
You look over at the Rabbit and pat his head , "You are a genius."
"You said your friends work for the Queen ,right?"
You drag your chair away from the table, jumping to your feet ," I have a brilliant idea."
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When the next morning arrives , you find yourself walking to the town of Witzend with The White Rabbit , Minho , Felix and his sisters by your side.
"Here,y/n, take this," Momo gives you something just before you enter the castle of the Red Queen. "You'll need it."
You gaze carefully at the shining vial in your palm.
"You know when to use it." She says.
You nod.
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The Red Queen that you remember from the movies and the few excerpts from the original book of Alice in Wonderland that you'd only ever read once, you had expected her descendant to look a certain way too - big ,swollen head , scary eyes , loud voice.
But the woman sitting on the throne directly in front of you is definitely not what you had expected. At all. The Queen is a small woman ; and by small you don't mean skinny and short - she's literally small. She must not be more than three feet in height , you assume , but her features and face is that of a fully grown adult in her 40s. A human being who'd suddenly shrunk ( proportionally) like a raisin.
You wonder how someone so small could hold so much evil in themselves.
"Your majesty, " you bow down to her and so do the people standing beside you , scared yet worried for Chan. "It's nice to finally see you again."
You see a familiar gaze behind the throne, and you immediately recognize him - the Queen's personal guard - the asshole who had punched Chan bloody.
He smirks at you.
You curl your hands into fists.
"Yes? And what is it that you want from me?" The Queen asks, not really caring about the matter at hand. She picks at her cuticles while chewing her bottom lip.
Hesitant, you look at Felix asking for help.
Behind you , you could hear murmurs from the people waiting in line for their turn to put forward their complaint in front of the Queen.
"Your majesty, this is Miss y/n. She's come a long way from home to see you." Felix says ,his voice as gentle as the wind on a winter morning.
The Queen rolls her eyes, running her small hand through her red hair , " What can I do for you?"
That's the fakest thing you'd heard all day.
You clear your throat and pick up all your courage to speak, "I want your help to look for the man I love, your majesty. He's ...missing and possibly hurt I believe. "
" Why are you here instead of asking the Police to help you?" The Queen demands.
"Oh,because I'm afraid you're the one who has him."
The Queen stops picking at her cuticles, and raises her head to stare at you with her small , googly yet intimidating eyes. You realise now why the people were so afraid of her - the Evil curve of her lips and her deadly stare are enough to make you want to drop everything and run back home.
"What do you mean ,young lady?" The Queen asks, her interest now focused on your words.
A collective gasp runs through the throne room , starting from the citizens, then passing on to the Queen's staff and her card shaped Knights. They seem surprised at the Queen actually showing an interest in something for the first time.
"I'm talking about Prince Chan, your majesty." You say.
The Queen's eyes widen as you hear the room fill with murmurs and gasps and silent cries. How long had it been since a person dared to even mention Chan in front of the Queen?
"Mother,what is this woman talking about?!" You hear a loud shriek from somewhere beside the Queen .
And only when you squint your eyes hard enough can you actually see her ; the Princess of Underland who was hilariously so small (even smaller than her mother ) that you almost wanted to giggle. Now don't get me wrong, you weren't body shaming her or anything , but you'd never seen a person so terribly small in your entire life until now. You could only imagine what it would look like if Chan happens to marry her for real one day.
"Don't worry daughter , " the Queen gets up from her seat and walks up toward you, her guard close behind her , " Chan is only yours. No one else's."
Just when you're about to respond , you see two huge fishes - almost as tall as you - twirl up to the Queen and offer her a cup.
You'd never expected to see actual, living fishes out of water or wear clothes or hold trays and bowls or walk on their tails, but here you are .
"Wrong timing ,idiots!" The Queen screams her face red with anger yet she snatches the cup from the tray and gulps down all it's contents at one go.
What a peculiar woman.
"Go away now." The red asshole growls at the poor fish as they rush away from the scene.
You smile at the Queen as she stands in front of you , not even reaching your knees properly .
"You,girl, what do you want?" She demands.
You feel Minho wrap a reassuring arm around you , eyeing the woman in front of you with a hatred filled gaze. Felix stands close by your side.
"I want Chan to be released from prison , and be given his rightful throne back . That's all." You say.
The Queen scoffs , "His weak and worthless dynasty ruled over this excuse of a country and the useless people for years. I am only trying to make things better."
You can feel the disapproval of the citizens around you at being called useless.
"And? Do your people think you're doing a good job?" Felix asks.
You see numerous heads shake in a negative response,and you can slowly feel the tension in the room rising.
The Queen points her left forefinger at you while the other hand is on her waist , " You want the truth , peasant girl? So here it is - I do not care about anyone . I care nothing of this country and its citizens and its creatures. None of my ancestors ever had. We just like to sit on that extremely uncomfortable throne and enjoy the money and power we get from controlling these worthless citizens. Oh and I wish I could relive the screams of The White Royal family as I killed them. One by one."
The Queen gasps in realization of what she'd just said while the room falls completely silent for a second before the princess yelps , "Mother ,what is the matter with you?!"
The princess looks horrified as she runs up to her equally horrified mother.
You smirk - the plan of pouring in the truth potion in the Queen's tea had taken so less effort , thanks to the sweet Dormouse and benevolent Cheshire Cat and Felix's mother's medicine diary.
"Oh I hope you burn in hell . A whiny, good for nothing girl. You can't even fight your own fights without dragging me in. And as far as Chan is concerned , I don't care about you marrying him. I only wanted to secure my claim over the throne by forming an alliance with a person with actual rights to this kingdom." The Queen clamps a hand over her mouth, stumbling back from the shock.
The princess let's go off her mother,betrayal clear in his eyes.
"So you admit to your crimes?"
"Yes." The truth comes out as natural as those lies she'd fed the citizens and the princess and her servants and the Knights for years.
From the corner of your eyes , you see The Princess trying to sneak past everyone and run out of the throne room , guilty of her own wrong doings but Felix stops her with a firm grip on her tiny hand , "Where do you think you're going, little one? Didn't you threaten to kill my whole family if we didn't hand Chan over to you?"
The Red Knights close in to capture the Queen and her personal guard in their unbreakable grasp , giving up their oaths of protecting the Queen - their duty is only to serve Chan from now on.
Sana steps in now , turning to address the people who are witnessing this unusual incident, "My fellow lovely countrymen, as you can see right before your eyes and hear through your own ears , your Queen has intended nothing but to harm you and our kingdom for all these years. She means no good and never will - the true heir to the throne now lies injured and chained in her dungeons. What do you suggest we do?"
"Behead her!" "Free the Prince!" "Finish off the Reds!" "Be done with her guard too ." "Crown Prince Chan."
The room thunders with all sorts of suggestions and you make an eye contact with the White Rabbit ,who nods at you and you nod back ,smiling from ear to ear.
You've done it , he wants to say , you've freed The Prince.
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The rooms in the castle were beautifully designed, but were in a terrible condition since most of the rooms were never used really and the Queen didn't feel it was important to get them cleaned regularly.
You had asked the White Rabbit to find some servants to get one of the rooms quickly prepped as the Red Knights carried Chan from the prison and into the castle - his birth home. Sana and Momo cleaned his wounds the moment he was laid down on the soft bed, changing his clothes and then softly pulling the covers over his body to keep him warm while he rests.
The White Rabbit brings you an apple but you don't eat it - you just sit by Chan's side ,praying desperately that he wakes up soon. You wouldn't be able to swallow a single grain of food until then.
You run your fingers softly over his arm ,drawing random patterns and spelling out your names on it.
"Please wake up ,Chan." You say in a whisper , scanning his calm yet beautiful facial features. "I found you ,Chan. I am here."
Your fingers find their way to his and naturally as ever ,wrap themselves around them.
Suddenly, Chan stirs in his position , a low groan leaving his parted lips. You stare wide eyed at him as he slowly opens his eyes, your hands still tightly intertwined.
He turns his head toward you , a lazy smile dancing on his lips and his eyes focusing on your face , which he'd yearned to see every second he spent in that horribly dark dungeon.
"Are you really here, y/n? Or am I finally going mad?" He asks you.
You lean in closer ,brushing a few strands of hair from his face.
"You're only as mad as the rest of us." You reply, "Welcome home ,your majesty."
Groggy and weak ,Chan pushes himself up in a seating position. "How did you deal with the Queen? Where is she? " He takes your face in his hands , "Did she hurt you?"
"She couldn't lay a single finger on me. And now she's locked up in the same dungeon as you were. She'll be given to the slave trader soon ,along with her daughter." You say. "Who knew a simple medicine and a few good friends could be enough to defeat a tyrant ?"
He giggles , pressing his forehead on yours. "Did you meet everyone else ? Momo? Sana? My friends?"
You nod with a grin. You'd come to adore his friends and family so deeply in a single day. You would hate to part from them.
"Thank you, y/n. I owe you everything. " he sighs, his breath fanning your face , "I love you so much I think it's going to drive me crazy!"
You chuckle at his cheesy words , "You're welcome. But I need compensation for all of this. An ' I love you ' is not enough."
You were joking ; hearing him confess his sincere love for you is more than enough but you liked playing with him. He looks very cute when flustered.
"Then what would the pretty lady desire?"
He shakes his head , leaning down to capture your lips in his plump ones.
This kiss was even better than the first one that you guys shared on the dance floor , mostly because you know now that even if he's taken away from you or you are taken away from him , you'll always find each other , in every world , in every universe. He pulls you up on his lap despite him being injured , and you let him.
You put your hand around his neck, pulling him closer and closer and closer . At one point ,you could no longer tell who he is or who you were. The only thing that mattered was that you loved him so much , you could deal with a hundred Red Queens for him. And you know he'd do the same for you.
"I have one last favour to ask of you ,my love." He whispers against your lips ,pulling away from the kiss. His red cheeks and sparkly eyes are a sight to behold ," I want you to stay here with me. Please."
You grin , knowing he'd say this and you were well prepared for it. Convincing Minho to let you stay was so much easier than you had expected really. All he did was shrug with a smirk and say, " Just don't get pregnant." In reality, all Minho really wanted was for you to be happy and healthy and he knew living here with Chan would make you the happiest.
"On three conditions." You reply to Chan ,who is staring at you like he'd seen a human like you for the first time.
"Okay. What are those?" He brushes your cheeks with his thumb.
"I can visit home whenever I want."
"Agreed, obviously.  You're not a prisoner, y /n."
"Then I also want to put up a small shop of my own in the main market square. I will not be wasting my time on stupid politics- that's your job."
"Agreed. I will help you with it whenever I can. What's the last condition?"
You smirk and lean your face closer to his. "Kiss me one more time."
And he does.
You smile into the kiss , wondering now that ' Alice in Wonderland '  might not have been that bad after all. She had a choice to stay or go back and she chose the latter. You had the same choices too , but you chose to stay. It wasn't about a happy or a sad ending ,after all. It was about the choices.
And as Chan holds your waist firmly, deepening the kiss , you know you've made the right choice too.
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