#sirius black christmas fic
engie-ivy · 9 months
(Wolfstar Christmas Get-Together Coffeeshop AU Holiday Fluff!)
3304 words.
Sirius is the town’s most eligible bachelor, and while home for the Holidays, everyone seems eager to get him coupled up.
Euphemia wants to set him up with this sweet boy who frequents the library where she works.
Hope Lupin wants to set him up with her own son.
James wants to set him up with Lily's cute best friend.
Sirius, however, isn't interested in any of them, as he's already smitten with the adorable guy from the coffeeshop.
This Love We Got Is the Best Of All
Merry Christmas - Ed Sheeran & Elton John
“Oh my!” Hope Lupin claps her hands together. “What a handsome young man indeed!”
“I told you, didn't I?” Euphemia beams at her. “Hope, this is Sirius Black, James’ best friend, but more like my second son. Sirius, this is Hope Lupin, she has recently joined my book club and I invited her over for tea.”
“Nice to meet you, Mrs Lupin,” Sirius smiles.
“Oh, please.” Hope Lupin waves her hand. “Call me Hope.”
“How was it at the shelter?” Euphemia asks Sirius.
“Very good!” Sirius’ face lights up. “Mr Snuggles’ owner came to pick him up. You should've seen how happy he was that he had found his friend back, it was lovely, and Mr Snuggles wouldn't stop purring.”
“Sirius is studying in London to become a veterinarian,” Euphemia explains to Hope. “And while he's in town for the Holidays, he's volunteering at the animal shelter.”
Hope leans her elbows on the table and rests her head on her hands. “Handsome, smart and good for animals,” she sighs. “All the girls in town must be swooning over you!”
“They are,” Euphemia chuckles. “But he has already broken all of their hearts by having no interest in girls. Though he has never brought home a nice boyfriend for Christmas either,” she adds, with a stern look at Sirius.
“You know,” Hope says, directing a meaningful smile at Sirius. “My son is about your age and still single. And knowing my boy, he'd be quite charmed by you.”
“Now, wait a minute!” Euphemia protests. “If you want to set Sirius up, you'll have to get in line, my dear Hope. There's this really sweet boy who frequents the library, and I've been dying for Sirius to meet him! If only Sirius would let me introduce them…”
“You know I'm not-” Sirius begins, but he's interrupted by Hope.
“Well, surely my own son comes with a higher recommendation than some boy from your workplace,” Hope insists.
“But I know Sirius,” Euphemia counters. “And I know his type best.”
“Hello?” Sirius waves. “Does anyone care what I think?”
“My son is everyone's type,” Hope says firmly.
“And if my match turns out to not be such a match after all, then your son is more than welcome to shoot his shot…”
“Apparently not,” Sirius sighs, hoisting his bag higher up his shoulder and walking out of the kitchen.
“So now they're both trying to set you up?”
James chuckles.
“It's not funny!” Sirius covers his face with his hands as he drops down next to James on James’ bed. “Just mum was bad enough, but now her friends as well?”
James pops himself up on his elbows and waggles his eyebrows. “That's what you get for being the town’s most eligible bachelor.”
“Middle-aged women meddling in your love life?”
“You know,” James says. “If you want to be one step ahead of the nosy ladies, there's always Lily's friend.”
Sirius groans. “Not you too, Jamie!”
“Oh, come on!” James exclaims. “He's a really chill guy and hella cute! You'd totally like him.”
“Jaaaaames, you know that I'm not… open.”
“Right,” James says, rolling onto his back. “Coffeeshop guy,” he sighs exasperatedly.
“Coffeeshop guy,” Sirius sighs dreamily.
“He's so funny and kind, James. You won't believe.”
James snorts. “What I mostly don't believe, is that you still haven't asked him out yet!”
“I'm getting there, I'm getting there,” Sirius says. “But it's not like I haven't made any progress! Did I tell you that he knows my order now?”
James rolls his eyes. “You've been coming there twice a day ever since you got back in town. If he didn't know your order by now, I'd worry about his mental capacities.”
“You should've seen the way he smiled at me yesterday when he handed me my drink” Sirius says dreamily, as if he hasn't even heard James. “He's so pretty, oh my gosh.”
“I would've loved to see that,” James says dryly. “But someone-” He pokes Sirius in his side “-made me solemnly swear that I wouldn't go near that coffeeshop.”
Sirius huffs. “You admitted that you wanted to interrogate him about ‘his intentions’!”
James shrugs. “Only my brotherly duty.” Then he grins. “Lily's friend already passed my test, by the way.”
“Good for him,” Sirius says unimpressed. “I'm sure he'll make someone very happy someday.”
“Good morning, Remus!”
Remus looks up from where he had been rearranging the pastries in the display. “Oh! Sirius! Morning! A good one. To you as well, I mean.”
“Did you survive the morning coffee rush?” Sirius asks as he approaches the counter.
“Barely,” Remus chuckles. “Good thing it's still too early for most people to order one of our more complicated Holiday Specials.” He shudders. “I'm already dreading the afternoon rush. Luckily some customers are thoughtful enough to always come when the rush is over,” he adds, smiling at Sirius.
Sirius’ stomach flutters. Sure, it's super inconvenient to always start his volunteer work at the shelter a bit late and always stay a bit longer, but that smile makes it all worth it. “Well, gotta make sure I get enough one-on-one time with my favourite barista,” Sirius replies with a wink, and he's pretty proud of his smoothness.
Remus’ cheeks colour, and that could be a good sign, though there's always the chance he's just making Remus uncomfortable.
“You charmer,” Remus mumbles, awkwardly bumping Sirius’ shoulder. “Are you looking for a discount?”
Sirius places a hand over his heart and gasps in pretend-shock. “I would never use my charm for such purposes.”
Remus has given him a free cinnamon bun once, and while Sirius is not much of a sweet tooth, he savored every bite.
“No,” Remus chuckles. “Great power and great responsibility, I suppose.”
“Can imagine rush hour is the worst around Christmas,” Sirius says, looking over the menu. “Must be rather frustrating when you have ten people waiting in line, four coffees still running, and someone goes and orders…” He narrows his eyes at the sign above Remus. “A caramel cookie dough vanilla bean syrup latte moccachino with whipped cream and hazelnut topping.” He looks back at Remus. “What even is that?”
Remus leans over the counter and smirks. “Wanna try one?”
“Remus,” Sirius says emphatically. “The day I walk in here and order something like that, please take me to the ER, because I must've slipped and hit my head on the way here.”
“Booo, you're no fun,” Remus pouts rather adorably, as he pushes himself up from the counter. “Your regular it is.”
“Thank you,” Sirius says, pleased.
“You know,” Remus says, turning around to make Sirius’ double shot cappuccino. “You really gotta step out of your comfort zone every once in a while.”
“My coffee is my comfort,” Sirius replies. “So what would even be the use of my coffee moment if I'm using it to step out of my comfort zone?”
“A little adventure, maybe?”
“It's not that I'm not adventurous, it's just that I know what I like and what I don't like.” Sirius shrugs. “I'm actually plenty adventurous in other aspects of my life.”
“Are you now?” Remus asks, turning around to bring Sirius his cup.
“Oh yeah,” Sirius says. “I love going on spontaneous road trips on my motorcycle, for instance. Did I tell you that I drive a motorcycle?”
Remus’ eyes slightly widen. “That's hot.”
Sirius arches an eyebrow.
“Erm, the coffee,” Remus says, putting the cup down in front of Sirius. “Very hot, so, erm, be careful.”
“Thanks,” Sirius says, giving Remus an amused look. “After having ordered it about twenty times already, that hadn't occurred to me yet.”
Remus immediately hands Sirius his cappuccino as he walks in that afternoon. He's got cacao powder stains on his apron, whipped cream on his cheek, cookie crumble in his hair, and a bewildered look in his eyes, making him look like a very cute mess.
Sirius arches an eyebrow. “You're not gonna try to push one of your Holiday Specials on me?”
Remus shakes his head. “I feel like I've made enough moccaccinos, frappuccinos, chococcinos, hazelnuccinos, or whatever kind of ccinos for the rest of my life. If you ordered one, I might have actually refused.”
“Well, not to worry,” Sirius says, taking a sip from his drink. “And here I thought my impeccable argumentation had convinced you.”
“Well, the motorcycle was a strong argument,” Remus says, leaning over the counter, resting his head on his hand. “Guess there's a whole other side of you outside of this coffeeshop that I do not know yet,” he murmurs, looking at Sirius intently.
Sirius tries to school his expression into something more collected than how he feels on the inside, because yet? Does that mean Remus wants to get to know him while he's not just doing his job? And god, must he be looking at him like that?
“Well, yeah,” Sirius says, surprising himself with how normal his voice comes out. “I suppose there is more to me than double shot cappuccinos.”
Remus smirks. “Who would've thought?”
“Excuse me?”
Remus jumps, only now noticing the woman standing at the counter. He quickly rushes to her. “Hi, yes, I'm sorry, how can I help you?”
Sirius finishes his coffee and slips on his jacket, staring at Remus, who's still having a conversation with the woman about the difference between a latte and a flat white. He's trying to work up enough courage.
“You!” Remus suddenly says, pointing his finger at Sirius while the woman walks away with her gingerbread latte. “You're not thinking about leaving without showing me, are you?” He turns his hand around and wiggles his finger, beckoning Sirius over. “Come on, let me see, let me see!”
Sirius rolls his eyes fondly as he walks over to Remus. “I wouldn't dare,” he says, as he whips his phone out of his pocket and opens his photos.
Remus eagerly looks at the screen. “Oh my, did Purrkins get her fur brushed? What a lovely lady!”
“She did, and she was quite the drama queen about it.” Sirius rolls his eyes. “You'd think we were trying to torture her.”
“Look how proud Bowie looks!”
“Well, he was a really good boy and found two sticks in the yard!”
“And who’s that fuzzy ball of fluff?”
“That's Myta! She was brought in today, and already made many friends.”
“And there's our dynamic duo!”
“Yes, little Adrian and his big brother Bram are still as inseparable as ever.”
“Oh! Is… Is this what I think it is?”
“It is! Siepie got adopted today!”
Remus sighs deeply as Sirius has swipes to the last photo. “God, I envy your job. I mean,” he adds quickly. “I know it's not always fun and very hard work as well.”
“I guess it is,” Sirius says. “But everytime I walk in and see those faces, it more than makes up for it.”
“That's what my friend who works in kindergarten always says,” Remus says. “But I could never quite imagine. In this case, though, I immediately believe it.”
Sirius grins. “Wanna quit this job and come volunteer in the shelter with me?”
“Too bad,” Remus says. “Getting paid is a non-negotiable for my job.”
“You'll get paid in cuteness!” Sirius insists.
“Cuteness doesn't pay college tuition, I'm afraid.” Remus chuckles. “Otherwise you'd be studying for free.”
Sirius opens and closes his mouth.
Remus turns bright red and runs a hand through his hair. “I… Erm, I mean…” He claps his hands. “Well, I better get cleaning! Considering my brain-to-mouth-filter apparently stopped working, I must be very tired. I should start closing up.”
“You know,” Sirius quickly says. “If you really want to know more about me outside of this coffeeshop, my chosen family is hosting a Christmas Eve party. Maybe you'd like to come?”
“Christmas Eve?” Remus replies. “Oh, I'm sorry. I already promised my mum that I'd go to this event with her on Christmas Eve.”
Sirius face falls. “Right. Of course. It's short notice, after all. Well, better luck next time.” Sirius turns to walk away.
“Sirius!” Remus grabs his wrist. “I really am sorry.”
Sirius looks down at Remus’ hand and then up to his face. “It's okay. It's Christmas Eve. You can't cancel on your mum, of course.”
Remus bites his lip. “Would you think me a terrible person if I kind of wish I could?”
Sirius smiles. “Your secret’s safe with me.”
“That's amazing, mate!” James beams at him.
“We should not get ahead of ourselves,” Sirius warns. “I mean, he did say no.”
“But he obviously wanted to say yes!” James exclaims, grinning broadly.
“He did, didn't he?” Sirius’ face also breaks out into a grin. “I mean, he wouldn't have called me back to emphasize how sorry he was if he was just trying to blow me off.”
“Definitely not,” James assures him. “He's totally into you, just really couldn't make it. And now he knows you're interested, so nothing should be stopping him from asking you out next! Which is good, as the sooner we know if it's going to work out with coffeeshop guy, the better. Lily's friend is single now, but he won't be forever. Ow!” James rubs his arm where Sirius just punched him. “But of course I'm rooting for you!” He adds, upon seeing the glare Sirius is directing at him. “I'm just saying, it's a shame Lily's friend can't make it to the party either. It would've been good if you could've at least gotten to meet him before completely making up your mind on coffeeshop guy.”
Sirius lies back on the bed, folding his arms behind his head, staring up at the ceiling. “I hate to break it to you, Jamie, but my mind is already completely made up on coffeeshop guy.”
James looks at Sirius and shakes his head. “You're really gone for him, aren't you?”
Sirius sighs. “I can't bloody stop thinking about him.”
“Good heavens,” James says. “You're down bad!”
“I'm glad mum's library boy couldn't make it to the party either,” Sirius says. “Now the only person I have to politely reject is Hope Lupin’s son. Though maybe he's completely mortified about his mother's meddling and isn't even into me at all,” he adds hopefully.
“Wouldn't count on it mate,” James says, lying down next to him. “A single gay guy seeing you and deciding he's not interested? That happened exactly never.”
Sirius groans, and James pats his leg sympathetically.
“I'm not even trying to boost your ego here. You know the effect you have when you walk into a room.”
Okay, so maybe Sirius does kind of know the effect he has when he walks into a room. Giggling, admiring glances, lingering looks, that sort of thing, but he had not exactly expected to have that effect on the middle-aged and elderly women of town.
At the Potters’ grand Christmas Eve party, it seems like every single one of them is stopping him. “Oh my, Sirius Black? Is that you? Look at you! My dear, you get more handsome every year! Say, is there a special someone in your life already?”
This is mostly followed by them listing all their children or grandchildren who are still single, while Sirius tries to politely get away before they whip out the photos. He's grateful that at least he hasn't run into Hope Lupin yet, shoving her son in his face. Photos are easier to get away from than an actual person, after all.
When talking to seventy-five-year-old Mrs Markell, she hadn't even been mentioning any grandchildren, and Sirius is wholly unprepared when she suddenly takes a stack of photos out of her purse, with no chance for him to get away on time. But it turns out she heard Sirius is studying to become a vet, and she just wants to show him pictures of her beloved dog, Mr Barkell. And well, Sirius is definitely here for that.
“Oh my god, what a handsome fella indeed!” Sirius is just gushing over Mr Barkell in his brand new Christmas sweater, knitted by Mrs Markell herself when he hears a familiar voice.
He looks up and immediately feels his heart speed up, because Remus in an apron is adorable, but Remus in a button-up and suit jacket? Good god. “Remus?” He manages to say. “What are you doing here? I thought you had that thing with your mum?”
Remus looks just as surprised as he does while gesturing around himself. “This is the thing with my mum.”
Sirius blinks. “Your mum took you to our Christmas Eve party?”
“Apparently,” Remus says, smiling sheepishly.
Suddenly, Euphemia’s voice can be heard. “Remus!”
“Msr Euphemia?” Remus stammers.
“You're here! Oh, how lovely.” Euphemia gives Remus a warm hug, before playfully slapping his shoulder. “And you made me think you couldn't make it, you,” she tuts.
“You know Remus?” Sirius asked, stunned.
Euphemia rolls her eyes. “Why, of course I know Remus! I've been trying to introduce you to him for ages! Ever since this adorable boy walked into my library,” she says fondly, squeezing Remus’ arm.
Before Sirius can say anything else, another voice sounds. “Oh no, you two are already talking!” Hope Lupin rushes up to them. “And I wanted to be the one to introduce you two!”
Euphemia frowns. “Why did you want to introduce Remus to Sirius?”
Hope blinks. “...Remus is my son?”
“Remus from the library is your son?” Euphemia exclaims.
The two women stare at each other for a moment, and then they burst out laughing. “Can you believe it…?” “This whole time…” “We were just trying to get Sirius together with the same person!”
Remus’ cheeks turn bright red. “Mum!”
“Remus! Mate! You're here!” Sirius probably shouldn't even be surprised anymore to see James running up to Remus and slinging an arm around him. “Lily said you already had other plans, but I'm super glad you made it after all!”
James lets go of Remus and walks up to Sirius, grabbing his arm and pulling him forward. “Have you met Sirius yet?”
“Yes,” Remus replies, looking a bit dazed. “As a matter of fact, I have.”
Sirius stares at him and opens and closes his mouth a few times before managing to produce words. “You're library boy, and Hope Lupin’s son, and Lily's friend?”
“Wait, really?” James speaks before Remus can reply. “Are you serious, Sirius? That's all the same person? All Remus?” He starts laughing and clasps Sirius on the shoulder. “I know how head over heels in love you are with your coffeeshop guy, but mate, this sort of seems like fate, doesn't it?”
Now it's Sirius’ face that turns bright red, as Remus raises his eyebrows. “James!” Sirius hisses.
James looks from Sirius, to Remus, and back again and his eyes widen. “What? Do you mean… No way!” He gasps. “Are you for real? That's insane, mate! Insane, but also kind of amazing. Wow, this best man's speech is going to write itself!”
“So,” Sirius begins, staring up at the night sky after Remus and he have stepped outside for a moment to talk. "Apparently, everyone in my life has been trying to set me up with you.”
“Yeah,” Remus says, awkwardly scratching his head. “Sorry about that.”
“Don't be,” Sirius says, turning to him to look him in the eyes. “I must admit, I kind of like that everyone in our lives saw you, saw me, and all had the same thought: these two should be together.”
The smile Remus gives him makes Sirius feel warm even in the December cold. Remus reaches out his hand. “Including us?”
Sirius smiles back at him as he takes the offered hand. “Yeah, we beat them to it, didn't we?” He squeezes Remus’ hand softly. “Including us.”
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northlt03 · 10 months
Jegulus hallmark movie with James and his son who love christmas and Regulus as the son of the Black family company CEO who comes to visit his disowned brother in a small town for Christmas-
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you’re my secret santa?
you give remus a gift he thought he’ll never have.
warnings: none
tags: remus is a sweet boy basically wbk, 1.2 wc, part two of my christmas event!
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“socks.” james identified, a judging tone as he looks at the gift in remus’ hands.
you nodded, going to sit near remus, pulling your pyjamas and revealing the same ones on your feet.
“i got matching ones,” you beamed at the group, faces varying level of laughter and judgement.
sirius sputter out a laugh, “you’re a bad gift giver.”
you gasped, offended. “i am not!” the laughter bubbling up to your mouth getting dangerously close.
“you gave your own boyfriend socks.”
“matching socks, with me.”
“a jacket would’ve been better,”
marlene having pity on you, “i think it’s cute.”
peter looks at her inquisitively, before smirking “would you like it if i gave you socks?”
“hell no.” her response was immediate, eliciting laughter in the group. you pouted.
you were about to argue some more, when a hand lands on top of your thigh, looking beside you to see your boyfriend look at you with revered fondness. giving you a soft smile as the socks were clutched softly in his hands,
“i love it,” he said above the noise. “thank you, my love.” reaching over to give you a soft kiss.
you relax and give a dopey smile, leaning into his side and hugging him. “i’m glad you like it remy.”
“whipped,” you hear sirius mutter under his breath.
although you don’t view socks as a bad gift, it wasn’t your entire gift per se. you figured, giving his real gift would be better received privately rather than with everyone around. so you just thought of the most basic gift to give before your actual gift. but remus, bless his soul, is incredibly sweet. you could give him a bag of fish and he would still smile as if you’ve given him something he had always wanted.
the thought made you feel all warm and gooey inside.
the others exchanged gifts and soon enough the small gathering in the common room ended without a hitch.
everyone already went up to sleep, eager to go home for the holidays. with the exception for you and remus, still huddled in front of the fire. his arms wrapped around your shoulders and yours around his middle.
with the stillness in the room and his heart beating against your cheek, you decided this was the perfect time.
he hums, kissing your head, to let you know he’s listening.
you slowly let him go, sitting up as you did so. he looked at you expectantly, lips quirked into a tiny smile. “i actually have another gift for you.”
he raised his eyebrows in intrigue. “oh you didn’t have to do that.”
you shook your head, excitement rippling out of you, “i wanted to,” looking at him abashed, scratching your cheek. “this is actually my real gift. but i wanted to give it to you when it was just us two.”
this is the first christmas you two will celebrate as a couple. although you won’t really be together for the actual holiday. as you were adamant that it was too soon to be celebrating holidays with each other, that dampened his holiday spirit for a bit. but you hoped your gift will make up for it.
he prompted himself up on his elbows. his smile now getting wider, as you conjured up a bag. your arm reaching shoulder deep as you rummage to your deceivingly small bag.
feeling for the small wrapped box, lips in between your teeth in concentration.
remus pulled at your chin to release your lip from your bite and running his thumb over teared skin, as if soothing it. you looked at him all shy, and giving him a quick peck unable to resist his squishy cheeks while your arm was still looking for the box.
when you finally felt it, you immediately pulled it out and presented it to your awaiting boyfriend in a triumphant smile.
his eyes looking at the box, loosely wrapped in festive wrappers and the excessive tape— you can see his smile grow even wider.
“the wrapping looks bad, i know. but it was my first time!”
he shook his head, a smile still etched on his face. “it’s perfect, my love.” softy grabbing your gift and touching the edges of the wrapper. “should i..?”
“open it!” softly squealing in excitement.
he nodded as he tore the wrapper, soon revealing a black suede box. softly shaking it near is ear and hearing nothing but feeling the weight.
looking at you curiously for some type of clue as to what it is. but you just watched his face in anticipation. your hard-work, soon validated.
“what is..—?” pulling the lid off and revealed a thick big bottle filled with clear blue liquid.
quickly sending you a disbelieving look before checking the bottle again, “is this?” this time pulling it out of the box, turning it to read the label, “wolfsbane,”
his head quickly whipping to look at you, his mouth agape and eyes in disbelief.
“i started making it over the summer” you clarified, a big smile on your face. “and i just perfected the potion this month. it was supposed to be a birthday present for next year but i couldn’t just let you go through more months of suffering. so, i just decided to give this to you during christmas. and when i picked for the exchange gift, i thought it was the perfect time to give—“
you got cut off by his kiss. a hand, not holding the bottle, grasping your face. his lips firmly pressed against yours. closing your eyes and softly kissing him back before pulling away.
“i take it that you like it?”
he looked at you, his eyes reflecting the glow of the fire.
“this is too much, hun. i was perfectly fine with the socks— but wolfsbane. i—“
“you’re welcome,” you grinned.
he breathed, giving you another chaste kiss. “thank you, my love.”
twisting the bottle in his hand, looking in absolutely awe.
“i didn’t think i would ever have this.” he whispered.
you scooted over, a coy smile playing on your lips. “well this much is only enough for two months,”
he turned to you a tearful smile on his face, “you’re amazing.” kissing you again and pinching your cheek, “you know even seasoned wizards have a hard time making this, barely any shops have this.” looking down at the bottle again as if it was a saving grace.
“which is why,” you hummed, “i made you wolfsbanes potion for the entire year. i have the rest in my room.”
he quickly placed the bottle snug in the box and tackled you into a hug. “how—? when—? y/n!” he exclaimed. “did you really?”
you laugh, “yes! it’s in my trunk.” returning his fierce hug with your own.
“but making it must’ve been so expensive! and a year’s worth! that might have cost you a fortune.” he frowned, suddenly realizing the trouble you must have gone through to make it for him. but before his mood turn anymore sour, you pinched his sides and kissed his cheek.
“don’t worry, it barely scratched my funds,” you bragged, “just say you loved it and kiss me please.”
he breathed, looking at you with his warm brown eyes, “i love it,” he whispered kissing you deeply.
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aanoia · 10 months
for the christmas thing, i think a oneshot that's basically just james and reader with a mistletoe. could be at a party or maybe even while they decorate their house!! whatever you want to do with that prompt is fine though :)
thank you so much for the request, I hope you love it!
𝒅𝒂𝒚 𝒐𝒏𝒆 - 𝒂 𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒐𝒆 𝒌𝒊𝒔𝒔
James Potter x reader day one of the christmas advent calendar words; 849 warnings; none this one is so sweet :) also it's december finally, literally the best month of the year and my birthday (which is christmas on the dot)
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‘Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas’ played softly as I entered the Lupin homestead. I smiled as I shrugged off my scarf and coat, gently placing them on the coat rack before walking into the living room.
“Oh, Y/n! You made it!” Lily said happily, leaving the warm side of her boyfriend to give me a tight hug. 
“Lily! I’ve missed you.” I responded, hugging her back just as tight.
“Me too, it’s been ages since we’ve last seen each other, hasn’t it?” She asked and I opened my mouth to answer, but was cut off as a large black dog came running into the living room, a dripping spatula caught between its teeth.
Remus ran in after Sirius, “Sirius! Enough, give me back the spatula. Dogs can’t have chocolate, idiot!”
Sirius transformed into his human self, “Well then, it’s a good thing I’m not a dog then, isn’t it?” He looked over to me and licked the spatula. “‘Ello, love, how have you been doing?”
I snorted and pulled him into a hug, “Quite well, if I must say. And you?”
He winked, “I’ve been great. Having a place with your boyfriend, just your boyfriend, is great. If you know what I mean.” I shook my head as I gave Remus a hug, mumbling quiet hello’s to each other.
“Gross.” Peter said, walking out of the kitchen, wearing the most hideous, wretched Christmas sweater I’ve ever seen.
I raised my eyebrows, “Wow, Peter, you really took the ugly part seriously.”
“It’s not ugly, what do you mean?” Peter’s girlfriend, Amanda (sorry to the Amanda’s) piped up and I refrained from rolling my eyes.
“Amanda, you’re here.” I said with a fake smile.
She looked me up and down and grimaced. “I am. For some reason.” She mumbled at the end, walking back into the kitchen. I made eye contact with Lily and she rolled her eyes at her antics.
Everyone retreated to the kitchen as I set my purse down on the coffee table and smiled at the large Christmas tree.
“Everyone gets a hi but me, huh?” I jumped as a voice sounded from behind me.
I turned around, “James. Hi.” 
He smiled and pulled me into a hug. “Hello, how have been, love?” He asked softly.
“I’ve been good, how about you?”
“Much better now that you’re in front of me.” He said, taking a step to the side and bringing me with him.
I looked into his eyes as he kept nudging us gently, “What are you doing?”
“What do you mean?”
“Why are you moving us?”
“Am I moving us?”
I glanced to the side and laughed, taking a step back before we got underneath the mistletoe.
“Not a chance, Potter.” I said smugly, walking past him and into the kitchen with everyone else.
“I’ll get you tonight, L/n.” He called after me and I shook my head.
The oven dinged and Sirius gasped excitedly.
“The cookies!” He exclaimed, jumping up and running to the oven.
Remus shot up, “Sirius, no, you’ll-” Sirius yelped in shock as he burned his finger. Remus sighed, “Burn yourself. Come here.” 
I carefully took the cookies from the oven and Remus bandaged up Sirius’ burn. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply, savoring the sweet smell of the fresh cookies.
“They smell delicious.” I said as I set them on top of the pot holder on the counter. “You did great, Remus.”
He smiled at me, “Thank you.”
“Y/n, come here.” James said, beckoning me over to the doorway.
I shook my head as I took the mittens off, “Nope.” I said as I muttered a cooling spell on the cookies and carefully picked one up.
“Please?” He said. I smiled and walked over, shoving a cookie in his mouth before he could conjure a mistletoe.
I booped his nose as he ate the cookie, defeated. “Stop trying to get me to walk under a mistletoe.”
A few candy cane shots later and everyone was up dancing to ‘Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree’. A hand grabbed mine and spun me around as I laughed loudly. James put his other hand on my waist as we swirled and swayed. I failed to notice the way he was gently moving us over, step by step. Eventually, the song ended and a softer one came on as everyone calmed down.
James cleared his throat, “Well, what a coincidence.”
I looked at his face, humming in question before my eyes caught the shimmering of a crystal. I looked up and my heart beat rapidly in my chest as I stared at the mistletoe.
“We can’t break tradition.” He whispered and my eyes met his.
“You’re an ass.” I whispered back before smashing my lips against his. His arm snaked around my waist and bent me backwards slightly as my hand made its way on his cheek. It was nothing short of magical, literally.
“We should go on a date.” He said breathlessly once we pulled away.
I smiled and placed a small kiss on his lips. “If you’re lucky.”
my masterlist
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eyra · 10 months
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the oldest recipe for parsnip soup - eyra - Harry Potter [Archive of Our Own]
Chapters: 3/9 Fandom: Harry Potter Rating: Mature Relationships: Sirius Black/Remus Lupin Additional Tags: Marauders Era, Non-Magical, Christmas, Winter, Cooking, Food, Fluff, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Autistic Sirius Black (+ please check ao3 tags before reading) There's something blazingly incongruous about Remus in the wintertime. He's golden: sunshine and honeybees, caramel curls and freckles like dappled sunlight. Even his clothes seem borrowed, and temporary, as if he might've just thrown on an extra layer for a moment in the knowledge that his own innate aestival nature would be quite enough to stave off the worst of the chill. Something at home in long balmy nights, and mornings when the gardens teem with life and song. Wonderfully out of place in the winter: a happy visitor to the season, an ember in the frost. Christmastime in the Cotswolds: cold hands, crackling fires, and Remus's indefatigable quest for parsnips.
As is tradition, a festive treat for December. If you liked A Brief History of Dragons, this one's for you, and for anyone who has been following me on tumblr for a little while you'll understand why writing this was so important and cathartic and special for me, in lots of ways. A full circle moment.
I hope you love this as much as I do, and I hope you have a wonderful winter. x
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lulublack90 · 11 days
Prompt 11 - Apparition
@wolfstarmicrofic September 11, word count 362
Previous part First Wolfstar part
“Is it just me or is this far too easy? Like should there not be more obstacles in the way of the Horcruxes themselves? I still can't believe I had to stay here,” Marcus grumbled. He was still a bit sore that he hadn’t been allowed to go to Hogwarts with them. 
“Maybe he thinks no one will ever figure it out, and they are pretty hard to find unless you know where to look. I mean, if we hadn’t figured out his lineage we would never have found the ring,” Remus said, placating the ruffled wolf. 
“Don’t worry you can come with us to Crouch’s,” Sirius patted him on the back, slightly harder than he probably needed to. “Speaking of Crouch, how do you want to do it, Reggie?” Sirius turned his attention to his brother, who now that the diadem was destroyed appeared to be trying to convince James to follow him deeper into the forest. “Ahem, Regulus Arcturus Black, your input is required, you can input Prongs later.” Sirius snickered. 
“What?!” Regulus spun around red-faced.
“Crouch? I’m thinking you go in under the cloak and act all Jacob Marley and scare the shit out of him.”
“Who?” Regulus asked, his brow furrowed as he tried to make sense of Sirius’s words. 
“You know the apparition that visited Scrooge telling him he needed to mend his ways, or he’d be doomed to an eternity of restless walking, never finding peace! You know A Christmas Carol!” Regulus just shook his head. 
“Merlin, educate your boyfriend Prongs, I can’t believe you never read Dickens,” Sirius groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. He’d read the entire collection after Remus had introduced him to them, but then again, all Regulus’s friends were purebloods. What a sad little life they lived. “Alright basically you go and scare the shit out of Crouch, and we hunt for the Horcrux,” Sirius decided to get to the point. “And then you are going to go to Potter Manor and read all the Dickens books and educate yourself on muggle classic literature,” He shook his head again and stormed off towards the camp, Remus hot on his heels.  
Next part
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Jegulus oneshot christmas pt1
Jegulus oneshot
Regulus was asleep, his chest slowly rising up and down, his head on a pillow which was in the shape of a flower, his arm wrapped around a grey bunny jellycat. A teenager whos reclaiming his childhood.
James smiled at how peaceful he looked. His face was soft, his mouth slightly parted and god that one little curl on his forehead-
James took out the polaroid camera Regulus got him for him last christmas, dusting of the pictures of him and Regulus at Christmas kissing under the mistletoe. He checked if there was any film, and as quietly as possible he snapped a photo of Regulus to keep for himself.
Christmas was tomorrow and James was going to wrap Regulus' gift tonight for him to find under the tree. Hopefully he'll accept it. In order for Regulus to not find out about his gift, James grabbed the roll of wrapping paper and walked to the kitchen table after he kissed Regulus' forehead of course.
He sat at the table, carefully wrapping it, each corner folded precisely so it could be perfect for his boyfriend. He then wrapped it in a beautiful green ribbon, tying a little bow. To hide it, he grabbed one of their kitchen chairs and stood atop it to place the gift ontop of the kitchen cabinet, which even with a chair, Reg could not reach.
James smiled, happy with himself. He then checked the polaroid he took which had fully developed now, and he could see Regulus' soft smile while he slept and that curl-
He put the polariod in his flannel pocket, cleaning up the wrapping paper and ribbon and putting it back in his and Regulus' bedroom but when he came back he saw a recently woken Regulus. His eyes were puffy and drowsy and his curls on one side were a little flat but he looked nonetheless gorgeous to James.
"Hello beautiful." James smiled, putting down the wrapping paper and leaning forward to kiss Regulus. Regulus smiled at him,
"Whats with the wrapping paper?" He rasped, his voice still very sleepy.
"I was just wrapping Sirius' present, I didn't wake you, did I?"
Regulus shook his head no.
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solitaire-sol · 9 months
02. Soft
For: @prongsfoot-microfic Month: December 2023 AO3: Link Notes: Merry (possibly belated) Christmas, and equivalent holidays, to everyone who celebrates them! I just wanted to put out a little Christmas fluff to break my lack-of-posting streak. <3
They’d spent the day out-of-doors, tramping through snow-covered fields and wading through thigh-high drifts like colder, friendlier quicksand, competing to build the most ostentatious snow sculpture before trying to stuff snow down the back of each other’s coats. By the time James and Sirius had returned to the house, the coats in question thoroughly soaked when the snow-stuffing had become an impromptu wrestling match, twilight had already fallen and the village had been illuminated by festive lights and flickering tapers in red and white wax.
Christmas had come to Godric’s Hollow, or at least it was nearly there, and the air was layered with pine and cinnamon over the fresh, clean, cold scent of new-fallen snow. James and Sirius wandered back to James’ house, where the windows were glowing in warm welcome despite the fact that no one was home: James’ parents had gone visiting, as they did every holiday, and James would normally go with them except that Sirius was there, which took priority. James had been apologetic when he’d informed his mother and father, but Euphemia and Fleamont hadn’t seemed at all surprised-- The boys were old enough to look after themselves for a night or two, and the ‘old folks’ had departed with only a few cursory warnings against burning the cottage down.
After the two of them had stamped the snow from their boots, discarding their sodden coats in the mudroom, they'd only had to glance at each other before they were racing for the stairs, elbowing each other mostly-playfully as they clattered up the carpeted steps and separated at the landing: James darted into his room, then into the adjoining bathroom, while a hastily-slammed door from down the hall signalled Sirius' disappearance into the guest bath. Taps were turned, prompting hot water to rush out from pipes charmed to convey the perfect temperature, and the billowing steam fogged up the mirrors in each bathroom. Sirius, still his mother's son, couldn't help but take the time to wash and detangle and mostly dry his hair; so that by the time he made his way back downstairs, James was already in the kitchen, a towel around his shoulders and his hair still damp from the bath as he applied frothy whipped cream to two mugs of hot chocolate with far more care than he showed in Potions.
James looked up as Sirius entered the kitchen, passing him the mug with a cartoonish dog gazing mournfully up on the side; their fingers brushed together, just a little, and something in Sirius was warmed by more than just the hot bath, more than just the heat from the ceramic under his palm. James' mug had an out-of-proportion deer on it in the same cartoony style, both cups were bought as a joke the year before, but they were 'their' mugs and saw plenty of use whenever Sirius came to stay. The mugs were a set, after all, just as Sirius and James made a pair.
Hot chocolate successfully procured, the boys made for the plush sofa in the living room, where Sirius stoked the embers in the fireplace with a flick of his wand as James flung himself onto the couch with reckless disregard for the whipped cream and molten chocolate in his hand.
“Budge up,” Sirius ordered, causing James to grin at the faux-authority in his tone, and there was a good deal of jostling and wriggling before they found something that suited them-- Half-sprawled across the length of the sofa, Sirius' back wedged in the corner of the backrest and the couch's arm, James' back to his front. Long limbs and lean bodies slotted together with zero room to spare, and something that might still have attracted covert stares and curious speculation in the Gryffindor common room could be as easy and as natural as it felt. Sirius reached behind him with his free hand and seized a handful of the thick quilt draped over the sofa’s back, pulling it forward and draping it over James, who picked up the edge and tucked it around them like a two-occupant cocoon.
It might have surprised those curious Housemates to hear the surprisingly gentle cadence of the conversation that followed, which rose and fell according to the whims of the boys now cuddled together on the overstuffed sofa, the twinkling lights of the large evergreen in the corner creating a private constellation in the firelit dimness. Christmas at the Potters' was nothing like Christmas with the Blacks, who acknowledged the holiday in the way they did so many other things: With a deliberation that was at once both slightly ostentatious and severe, all overworked house elves and enormous silver punch-bowls that had once belonged to some storied precursor who’d flavored his glühwein with his enemies' blood. Sirius had years of receiving gifts from his parents, and occasionally they'd even been things he wanted, but there had been nothing like Christmas with James' family, all three in ridiculous jumpers that Euphemia knitted and Fleamont loved and James wore with pride. Their tree, always a superb specimen from the woods around the Hollow, was always all but smothered beneath the tinsel and enchanted tapers and sugared gingerbread, and hidden among the branches were multiple ornaments shaped like the letter 'J,' each in a different style, one for every year of James' life.
When Sirius spent his first Christmas with the Potters, Euphemia presented him with a jumper of his own, and James' gift had been an elaborately wrought letter 'S' to hang next to the other ornaments on the tree. "I'll get you another one next year," James had promised, and Sirius had laughed and called James a sop and pretended to study the weave of his jumper to hide the gratitude in his eyes.
James had been as good as his word-- James always was, when it mattered, and Sirius mattered to him, even if James showed it through deeds and not quite through words. It was evident on that night, in the way that James could be quiet with Sirius, in the way that the boy who always carried himself as if he were centre-stage could drink his hot chocolate and speak only when he felt like it, not when he felt he had to. That these feelings were returned, nebulous and as-yet-undefined as they were, was obvious in the way that Sirius allowed himself to enjoy the sweetness of the hot chocolate and the milky flavour of the cream, childish tastes that he'd never been allowed to develop but which, like so many other things, he was able to experience through James' presence in his life. Sirius had been honed by his family until he'd become as bright and as sharp as a blade; but with James, with James alone, there was no need to bring that blade to bear. James could disarm Sirius without really having to try, perhaps because James so readily showed Sirius the vulnerabilities that James would otherwise never admit he possessed.
When the mugs were emptied and set on the coffee table, when the logs in the fireplace were burning low and neither James nor Sirius felt inclined to stir them to life, the clock on the mantel began to chime. “Midnight,” James observed, relaxing against Sirius and smiling into the firelight, his fingers twisting idly into the fabric of Sirius’ sleeve. “That makes it Christmas Day. Happy Christmas, Padfoot.”
“Happy Christmas, Prongs,” Sirius replied, his voice soft, his eyes softer. Sirius didn’t quite smile, still somewhat unused to the way that James could make him feel-- Like the first day back at Hogwarts with his friends, like Monty and Effie smiling at him over the breakfast table, such times with James were too precious for Sirius to take lightly, and he would never quite master James’ knack for cradling everything in a grin. Even so, if only for a moment, it seemed like the world beyond the front door had faded into a pleasantly indistinct haze, and all that really mattered was that cosy living room and that glowing fire and the quilt that smelt faintly of lavender, the lingering sweetness on his tongue and the warm, solid weight of James against him, as if that was how they were always meant to be. James’ breathing flattened and slowed as he drowsed, ever able to fall asleep with an ease that Sirius sometimes envied, and Sirius let himself follow suit, his murmured words almost lost beneath the steady crackling from the fireplace.
“You mean the world to me.”
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emmawithtwoms · 10 months
I don’t think I can handle another December of “WAR IS OVER” tiktok edits about the Marauders
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addisonstars · 10 months
"kiss me underneath the mistletoe"
written for day 2 of december for @wolfstarmicrofic with the prompt "mistletoe" -468 words
“Hey Moons, here is your hot chocolate.” Sirius extends his arm with a mug filled to the brim with hot chocolate. It has marshmallows, peppermint flakes- 
“Did you add the-” 
“Chocolate syrup yes,” Sirius sighs. “I’ve known you for how long and you still think I am going to forget to add the chocolate syrup even though you remind me every single time to add it.” 
Remus smiles. 
Oddly, Sirius isn’t leaving the frame of the kitchen. He just stands there with his own hot chocolate in one hand, and Remus’ in another. “Can you bring me my hot coco love?” He asks, arm outstretched and a slight pout in his lips. 
Sirius shakes his head no, but there is a twinkle in his eye giving something away. “You've been sitting there for the whole morning Rem, it’s about time you get off that wonderful arse of yours, don’t you think?” 
Standing up, Remus rolls his eyes, and walks over to where Sirius stands with his warm drink. He tries to grab it, but Sirius pulls back. “Sirius,” He drawls. 
“Oh would you look at that, I think we’re under something.” He looks up at the mistletoe hanging clear as day above their heads. So that’s why Siri wasn’t giving me my drink, Remus thinks. “I think it might be... a mistletoe.” Sirius looks back down at Remus, directly in his eyes. He sees the bit of sparkle Sirius beholds in those midnight black eyes of his. This is what he was up to. “Gimme a kiss and I’ll give you your hot coco. Deal?” He smirks. "It's the rules anyways, so there's no getting out of it."
I would never want to get out of it. “Fine.” Remus leans in for a kiss, lips meeting lips, hands winding around waists. Remus feels electricity move down his spine as Sirius licks his lips, asking for permission. Remus obliges, mouth opening for Sirius. He tastes Sirius’ hot chocolate on his lips. 
Overcome with desire for more, Remus backs Sirius into the wall frame. He doesn't mean to push him so hard into the wall, but he does hard enough where Sirius lets out an “oof” as his back hits the doorframe and Remus’ hot coco splashes out onto the floor. 
“Oh, shite, I’m sorry Siri.” Remus backs away, apologizing. One look at Sirius and he figures that he probably didn't need to apologize though. His lips are swollen, bruising with red, and his cheeks share the same flushed color. “Here, let me help.” 
Sirius shakes his head, handing Remus his hot chocolate. “No, you earned your drink, Moons, I’ll take care of this.” He sets down his own drink and walks away to grab the paper towels. 
Remus smiles, taking a sip of his hot chocolate. Perfect, he thinks.
sirius takes advantage of the mistletoe every chance he gets. remus acts like he's annoyed by it, but we all know deep down he loves it tehe
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engie-ivy · 10 months
@wolfstarmicrofic 3rd: Mistletoe
582 words
If You Kissed Me Now, I Know You'd Fool Me Again
Last Christmas - Wham
It was bound to happen at some point.
And Remus thought he could handle it by now. Time had done its thing, and he had moved on.
“Oeh, Remus and Sirius are under the mistletoe!” Hestia exclaims, pointing to somewhere above the boys’ heads. She's been dating Peter for a little over six months now, so still new to their group. There are certain things from their past that she doesn't know.
Mary, who's hosting the party and is responsible for hanging the mistletoe, looks panicked. “There's no need, no need!” She yelps. “We can just ignore it! You don't need to do anything, we'll just pretend nothing happened.”
Hestia blinks. “But you guys said that everyone who ends up under the mistletoe together has to kiss!”
“Not when it's Remus and Sirius,” Gideon hisses.
“They… have a bit of a history,” Fabian adds.
“Oh,” Hestia says. “I'm sorry.”
“It's okay.” Peter wraps an arm around her. “You didn't know.”
“In any case,” Lily says. “If we all agree, we can make it so that it doesn't apply to Remus and Sirius.”
“Oh, come on,” Marlene scoffs. “Like it's a bloody crime to not kiss under a mistletoe! If you don't want to bloody kiss, then don't bloody kiss! It's not a bloody law.”
“It's not a law,” James agrees. “But it is a rule. A Christmas Rule. But-” He raises his finger before the others can protest. “Rules have exceptions. So we can all decide together that Sirius and Remus are an exception to this rule.”
The others nod in agreement.
Remus exchanges a look with Sirius, who gives him a small ‘can you believe this?’-smile, before he turns back to the others.
“Please you guys,” Remus says, rolling his eyes in exasperation. “We broke up five years ago. I'm sure that by now we can handle an innocent kiss under the mistletoe between friends without it completely messing with our heads.”
“Yes,” Sirius agrees. “It's been so long ago, and we've moved on. It's no big deal.”
Remus turns to Sirius, and gives him a ‘let's get this over with’-look. Sirius shrugs, so Remus steps forward and places a hand at the back of Sirius’ neck, softly pulling him in. Sirius responds by placing a hand on Remus’ waist as he steps closer.
That should've been their first warning, really. How natural it still goes, how automatically they come together.
Sirius’ lips are soft, warm, and still so familiar. A warm feeling coils in Remus’ stomach and spreads through his entire body. A feeling of belonging, of coming home, of ‘Oh, hey, there you are. Where have you been all this time?’
Sirius wraps his arms around him, and, hardly being aware of it, Remus melts against him, like his body somehow knows these are the arms he belongs in. It's like a knot in his chest that he didn't even know was there loosens, and he can finally completely relax as everything is finally right.
Remus’ fingers grip Sirius’ hair a bit tighter, and when had they even moved to his hair? He feels Sirius lightly suck on his bottom lip and a spike of arousal shoots through him as he involuntarily gasps against Sirius’ lips. It's a delicious, addictive, impossible combination between calmness and comfort, and excitement and exhilaration.
They suddenly break apart and pull away from each other in shock. Faces flushed and lips slightly parted, they stare at each other with wide eyes.
“Well, shite.”
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steelycunt · 2 years
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everyone get up and make some noise for sirius' vivienne westwood two cowboys with their cocks out shirt!! we're losing our minds over here for sirius' vivienne westwood two cowboys with their cocks out shirt!!
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celestialsister0918 · 9 months
Sneak Peek! 🎄
Had a little Christmas-inspired Sirius Black romp fill my head tonight, and thought I’d share a sneak peek. I hope to have the full piece posted in the next few days. I think I’ll keep it a Tumblr exclusive.
Excerpt contains innuendo and the full work will be hella smutty, because… well… it’s mine. And it’s Gary.
“Do you not take sugar in your tea?”
The voice was quite light and innocent, but it startled you so much you spilled said tea straight through the holes of your wool sweater.
“Fuck!” you hissed. “You scared me, Black.”
He smiled and strode behind you, reaching around your front to grasp a kitchen rag that hung from the lower cupboard handle. He spun you around with hands on your upper arms and promptly began absorbing the spill.
“I scared you?” Sirius mused. “And to think you’re the one breaking and entering and stealing my tea. Which, strangely, you’re sipping black at the moment. Is this because you don’t know where to find the proper accompaniments, or are you simply that odd?”
“Simply that odd, I’m afraid,” you admitted, leaning back against the wooden counter with legs outstretched. “I like it black. Enjoy the flavor.”
This was met with a slightly arched eyebrow, but he recovered quickly and reached around you again to grab his own mug.
“I prefer it quite sweet, and loaded with cream, personally,” Sirius commented, voice still maddeningly silky and light. It tickled over your eardrums like a melody. His tongue snaked out as he tilted the mug to his lips and slurped.
“Don’t you Blacks have to attend some finishing school before you’re sent to Hogwarts?” you teased him. “Don’t they teach you not to slurp there?”
Sirius didn't miss a beat. “You’ll find I’m a bit of a dog, darling. I’m rather noisy and messy with my mouth.”
That rush of heat filled your cheeks again, and you found yourself trembling a little with adrenaline at how quickly things had escalated. Or did they? The conversation was quite innocent, on a service level. Perhaps your building desire for him had you reading things that weren’t there…
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eyra · 9 months
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the oldest recipe for parsnip soup - eyra - Harry Potter [Archive of Our Own]
Chapters: 8/9 Fandom: Harry Potter Rating: Mature Relationships: Sirius Black/Remus Lupin Additional Tags: Marauders Era, Non-Magical, Christmas, Winter, Cooking, Food, Fluff, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Autistic Sirius Black (+ please check ao3 tags before reading)
Chapter 8 is now up!
I hope everyone had a delighftul Christmas! Enjoy another chapter of James being the absolute best friend anyone could ever wish for. One more chapter to go...
Please check the updated tags before reading. x
Playlist here.
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maymoons16 · 27 days
NEW FIC!!!!! 
supper fluffy christmas jegulus fic where sirius and regulus move to a small town and regulus falls in love with christmas tree farmer james!! 
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fictionalsimp09 · 1 month
Title: Last Minute
Creator(s): fictional_simp09
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/58218370
Square filled: Accidental Bonding
Rating: Unrated
Warnings: None
Summary: Sirius drags Remus around Diagon Alley for some last minute Christmas shopping, and somehow end up in Knockturn Alley
Words: 1,223
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